Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. ; J "riTcinUaaetfcat Americana can truly .XI call to the " born." Is the Few and Arue. and of aU the terrible diseases to rack the brain, .emaciate tie form and reader tbe e Dtlre b *dr helpless and utterly pow »o x* erlea- none can. In oar estimation. claim precedence over it Tbe cxcniciitlnr Phln erperlenced by the af n (Prat OUru-d it not f xrressMe-U only to be realised. To those go«>ie *bi h*ve been ttricken down with 1U a rmrdy of any Ttiey „ kind mart. a* * roller of course, i>ri»e of tbe neatest that ih iaUrert. One rf lbe most jower'al aiji ••►if etires are tbe thafrkaowofUDr. J. llo««»W ■»* ««<! f"« In recoiuraen It to lb; public, knnw and feel [bit jejjicoi wc «rc Uolue »ir'e.t lerrlcf. In l>ci>eßc»l effect. ttpon K y m the itim icli. anil It, mfd lule cwn t l.ut render It pop ul&r imm< alt c'asFW. The i For sile W DrawUl anj JeJera rtnertllr. crny. T-eadl , det2-2w coriea. where. Tho«ewhc arccurloUH to wUnow tbe wondered perfection to which A. disrupt (late mana. Louis. ,er at Hatch-lo.'B N. V.) ha* *rcurt ,L , e "J M ° t aclor * of »V 1« and Toupee?, are invito* tc V.s.t hU *'K and QcU; Ilair Djlncßooms, at So. 5 Tremont T\ rr&mir.e —— these curious productions of art. No crctlny can detect <£2 the artificial fr«m the natural when adjusted to tae bead. dcS3T ( P. si. Cleaver** I'rizc Modal Ifonoy 0^ BtiT. the only equine, will be foand t - best Toilet Soap Try n nee, afree and creamy lst'.er. a and yy delicate perforce. and warranted net to lnjnre the eV\n. beware of counterfeits. f\Mi: F. fi. Cleavc.-'s V.ub': a.-.J Brown v. Asy •or and Glyceric Also. Tooth Pew- houxt der, for the teeth nnd punt, to be had it ad rupee Jible c v je> Oru& Grocery a::i l'a-'.cy Ftorcs in t!.e United stn::.p. Manufactory In L< nd'in. Wholesale be i Retrlst J.H. 0 BK W -D A CO.. HI anftlK Li.We-sl.ChtejQ. ocS-tw* m irCflß ■ A Card.—The Subscriber* *>cs to * n " lUnrb aouncv ibv. they hnve appointed Vcents fc r the We■! laleof WALTIiAM WAT3IIKS..A34 tin'. they are now prepared to ear wy the Trade 8t Manufa Tr-ct-a. We, T.ey will :bc B A t.sraaor7 lerfonr.snce of ererr Watch fold 1.7 them cf tuls niaou'actare. belie*, tnp « Uicy .lot; tVe durr,hslity of thcs< Watches and comra lh»;lr uneqoftHed H«e-kec;>sn»r cualltlei warrant thenila u'f.y to dolnc. uOrJSUV'KRii VM n-.t fors-t tbat In boy.nK Mrs. J American Watchck thtry tviid t'ie r.unerjna proSU ac- Uri I auaulater! on 'hf foreign ankle befcre Itrcaches tl em. * lrß> >, it well as tbe duties w.d vxcfcrca of itsiortaticn. Kre. J J. T.k E- U. Y-UWARR2. —: acMWite Kl 'T!arlc gtr'f t Q l Sawrcr 1 !! Fluid !2xtract of Bark, an nf-l'sM«- forthe Fever od A/oe. acd the vari- 2 1 )u* l:L!lious DL=cs'Ci SfniUcnt, Otiili Perer and Dcafi Aaue. Laviup their curia lomii-- •la of .'irtll? niarehy dtrtrieu. rnpwed by Dr. . Vjlz 8 - S.«w»v f'r- -.- r. r * HiL-rr-st- rrd ( 'i by Sawyer. r&V' i Ci'.cri'D. . 71.:« rt 0. i; b : •.•r/lreJy roffi •.r..c- -•/.ici. ccH.v:s a» •a-.-rcorr. arscnl«,-r aoilblrß ;; ot lhSl , >r -v- iu.Ji f *••'= !w erects aie The ! wc'l *>. r.; talt'-- rtt'ore .«tou t'v,.-.';.. =f t Liter »:.i !■'«lo« SSm ... t, m ared it tfli dit. o. -.lj e^ica. .- jKI.OI!; eVn'e *'cttk t'.c . Vii Mc rot rcmurs 'J.-;«cs o. Tver a-;.! ..-.--r n-'ih- iLr.: licau-d. oa wLichll.r chill aS Fev.r« ••rvt,!: U*.lv oecfdne-s of tb* "Fluid Cittact c{ fp..rt:.-'ilwly In rctlons wire Phyrt •lK.l ch'..r.': lie csaUtti). V.-:.IA cnuuifd "Jg i. • vaMH nia.3 ta -Ufcioi' . sl? ir* re-'.ird to the tlic&cy of UE - ereH I "'.-- -r>-. cf i 6yec*-ahlUiy. Uve been Cicei ,l Ft = lir f - r*. rH •• ->..t U W« ""= <"of "t—*'>• ••'•'•►l •.1 • • -p vi'.'.-'r »trr lu <• '-i-ir mJlt .. .. .. - w{io •*C3r*.y * *•' *' ■ boars ClillciU London < ordial Gin.—The wirio orlslnalani'nyLvdon CJin Jmnorte*. TOs Pin. dl». b-lte: tilledio Lin ! >•' fr.)n«'<ail 3irl.-r. Un l-;r the surflU a; yly lance -f l»!»- ISrh's'i K*f»; I.jwa. is «k-l! flivort d Cu&> tritl atirctnreof Ui«: Jun:-«.-.- F'»oe 3Ciir of the mi trotori.Wes o tlitf v?#vlal<li l>'ac- 5eS-l doni. ii i*i t!.f «• ";ny<!. of themrst ••iiilot-it med- I cal men, the rurc/t u:.l saf'ft f-iculnct cr d.iretic drinl I • i It in a iWobJ? "f n s->f nu-1 d»;lic i'o fia\«. - - - erlns entirely :r<na :fi' •ti.r '-i:. aad Ceroid c that •<- hirsli icrid t'.s*e. *;!i'ch re£,J<ra tbe arilele tno?n as I Vj Ho!hnd Gin so cl>iccl : on»»ble. Tnomr'.i nc-t U ter.d.d as a mcd.<J«ie. V- ii recomrr*mV d f a ..| by pl:>aid".r.s ly ia o' Py<pe 'r»«it» h_cr-» Rbtu.'Qtt «ni Dr'i- y. ti'-vil sJ'.li':, Cli ''era. Feve* and •* Ajjus. I) s a.ts of !i*i «.ria-iry O'Ka'.s. tiitKiJ ntjs aud t'ie li.iwli. N.-r-o-n I)e;iiit>, Ac., wbiii tbe c*-e wi 1 ty Hi a «ure r.tie' rwm those d : utr»alia antio;a-ic-jj wh.c'frs:ue .tly i»'.er.d "I ,> h -'lr di.-l.catv Dr. Valentin • Mott of New York, the tr.^'-al auth'j.-ity, is.rlcT London CoidialG'n ".:Ot 0!J^; only ai.y o'.liur. \ tu-s' ;nt..c.eol tit V.ii tnrjv he l.a> ever seen *' apro It le re ul.Ail? adkj« 4 fd t'i s-r.leia't. tbf EluUumi and Western aj. well ,ia J-r t-avelcre c:.fja;d o man change*cf »ai'.rini'i »ir. to'c For oale in quarts at u;v-My-flve cents, and i<lfi thirty c-Ti*.:;. i.y all Dru.-risir. tjrocca. Fruite:ev T_> md Couutry Mt-tc'ia M IJewirc of ltrUat'ims. Lu? iJ only OHAftL'.S —;i »'ti nt'rr liiinjiorttd. . v M»1» In Chic-j-n. 111.. ofl'r.M'ON. N I -: AtMITH.Nd -.lutii »V..t ri.t.; M'.VJC.N. TYcikfll. A CO. N,». *»7 ".Vr str-'t. J_ WIIIIINii A CO. EDML'NL'<J CU.'.rH.*-'. I r, 'M jvroo.tway, K'* <" York. n.l.a>i'-Vlr 1i.,- - ~ otilj Notice,— Vbi' stocL'.uoi- n-j: iernln the McrehaV.'» ::aik of Macon Cecryia. are by i-jj.i.vivou if'.:- r. :alc- u .rdintbiy liable for I w ,u tiUiucs. wiill.i; tcken l-y won dp- .-otitic tb? t-r:.* -ir Kentncky. Ir.'liana and •Dtilo. H- A. TL'JtkKk 4 CO. 1 -- «•».•» VUiiiCi? & Ciquoro. T i 'jan — l — l " 3ari SV. i . v '!iliV <l[ U. > I.S rOF " F_ o . • - • SoutS U'*tcr Street* - - - - 6!.# 'f r- p* of YVabaai Ii! ■jirtll'.cr* of Ut; .•L'JIKU, PURt SPIRITS, 1' WKISKVS, 'i ' t A.*. iJvjuf>c*.irer» cf Uomei.ii* Ci«inor%, Kuralnjf Fluko. $ /"I JRALt:!Ji IN Hill lihVTirYihG COAL, 1 li-'dat 11.-'kct 2-.tcj aaJoa Liber- j!-' * tsrr-.i. Ccatljcc ant> i r in&ings._ ~itT% "DiT?T~i^T\v .v (;<>.. 1 liaiMtOlpll ."'Jicirij tJil i - - ,i : c,«*«aws!**«s BL i! 5\ T :• TOC K. ™ A (y tl i' *i t M ill I A ii c.iics. 5 \ir< ishr:i. K j KdMi<;>. '.». .>rv t-iilnrs. &c« ~ VrwVork = e. ','.!.i,iAy >.KAT. v; . ;■ <•!:•■ mo, in. W. H. TDJUiHR .t- B. BtDWAT TJHTniE & SIDWAY, Hanufactarerj A Wholesale Deal era \n Saddlos. BridloS) Collar*, Qig Saddlo«j BKIDLEFHONTS ffad llo'isin/s, Relna, Horse Covert and Blank eta. \Y .iii'S. Fly Seta. Ac. OFFICK AND SALF^.ROOMB-. «» BANDOLFH.ST 238 Over Harden. Kay A Co.'g Saddlery Hardware Store. alvciiitccts. O. L. WHEELOCK, 1 AN'D SCPEUINTEN r DENT, t oeilcc* No. T7 Doarhorn Jlloflc. fcit nf.:c\ Chicago. nf)UhtTs j lA' .* KOYIKtJTi'N j *stC!llTKn iMI SIT*KKIM"Ka j Oarefd lairjuit .\-.-dicatlor4. aud uiILIABLL t'CrAILKO E3TIMATI6 | ' - oiFI'J j t.rteC, Indoor north of I'o<tOl> j flee. rjl.-ly v.*_ Ccpavtiicrsllips, &c. /TllVuLliS E. WILLUID. ESQ. I« - I>- \J mlucd a partner ia my from a. «l after this G. ILlltta **liu. OUA3. U. CTIAS. *. WTI.t.»RO. (', KI. HECKWITHA CO.. If'HOI.KSAI.K (iROCVHSfy 131POKTJCII, NO. 101 tOCnl WATER ETELET. CUICAGO. ialb>t6 1w rpUC 00 I'AUTXERbUII'OK M.VITLAXD L P.»>.V.ceand Corero\»'onMerchiniv b ,ta 41» 3 1Te.l W mu-.a.1 D. C. 6JKANTJN. Chlcwo. lUooli & €oal. COAL. N • N EL* OIV IIA YDON, TAED AND OFFICE ISSBTATE BT&EET, CHICAGO, (Between Adaos and Monroe slreeta.) XTUT, STOVE, EGG. LARGE EGG, FUR- J3i Bier- Broken and Lamp noaL oy tbe toa or cargo, from tbe lotlowmz jjiaei: LrUlch scranton Lackawana. gcbeookin. Mount Carmel and ureen lUose. Erie. Brier Hl'U Calppewa and otuer Bitominnu* Ooaia * 1 Berch. Uaule and llicKory Wood. (pltlaad delivered Coal delivered by the cargo at all tbe principal point* pn the lakes. octen3o>tn> OOAXj and wood. I BAAO COALE, AT -THE OLD STAXD 1 Oomcr of Clark and Adams s'.reeU offers for sale Wood of »U kinds. Sawed and £ulit and deUrered. Aiao. Erie. Lsckawanv Ortnsby, and other PeaniTlvania Coals, llriar UUL, Halinevilie. and other Ohio Ooals. Shefteid. Morris, and otiier Illinois Ooalx. Orders prompUy tiled and Coal carefully screeiusi. IcAAO COALE, •Bl?a43Ma 214 Clark, corner Aiiama^t. itsrrcl niauulacturins: Co.« bourit OU.UK. NEAR NORTHS JA RE PREPARED TO CONTRACT WITH XjL UiUcn t«r a regular npcly cf lUrrds, of a scpt-rior ty. at ns*erra rates. Abo keep «a hand a supply <rf iarrelsto CUoidefS. be aaonedfciateiaod Headln*andßoopa for »i!e. P. Q.nnwrlßM " *at*UM^ai — SOO BAGS RIO COFFEE \J Jut reodved mfl oßertd to Ihr Tnde .t low fig. dm. uisouw. at * 00. ocuring ittacljiitcs. i PE . THIS WONDKIi OF THE AGE I ~~p (j*he latest patent out.— ■O ntratSOKHKVT, BCT ax IKTSOmfRT OK AU OTBKS SEWIIf(J SIAOBISEB. (Pr&u's Patent.) Tbe Lsdies Goapaalon And* and OAC4 Doable Thread bewinc Machines are warruted to do the work of any other family machine and equally veil. They will stitch, beta and rather—and can be so adjusted thflt the work can be taken oat, or to it cannot. There Is . m notbreftdincoftbeanderneedie,lt threadsitset They arethe elmplest and most elecant m«chlne In use. Tbey YT3 do not ™i«« stitches, and cannot be sot out of crder. It Is less complicated by one-balf than any other machine; there are no aprinss la It, and are so simple a child can sew with them. Tuey sew with creat rapidity andutue noise. Every machine warranted. Satisfactory rtfer- q^j^j eoraei within tbe reach of all. The eommon R*H!' TVeadle machine #25. The Hlver Plated, beautifoily de- gaity. corted. f-U—ail complete. iffw A (tenU wanted. , rJV. k Communications answered, and samples seat on the receipt of a postage stamp. A good agent wantod for tit. M Louis. Prices sanie as in Boston. _ Western Oifcce li*> Lake street, cor. of Clark. Chicago, „ Illinois. H. K. BTABR. Local A<enL ocU:.bis;-irr.3* Box 3s 15. P. O. An^ 525 SEWING BIACHINE. & Rarmoud's Latcsi Improved Double Threaded Seeing Maciiice W7ARHANTED EQUAL TO THE BEST. fc rp VV Will BncH and But, Tvci and Fell, Gather * and Embroider with pertectlon. aud will sew every kind of Goods, even Lkitesb. And y adapted for Is thi f\UILY USE. . tP«rf Any person of ordlnatr lntelliicet-:e can leam In one >*«u hour to nse it sowcssfolly. Print! OomaleteiTr'Bted-lrectioniwil'beseatwitbeveryraa- r m chine. A!l inquiries by leUer, with an extra postage other ctc.::.p, win receive prompt muwo-fc with a sample of sew- *"N. B.—A«*rta wanted In every tews In the Wen. Ad- < Areas KDWIS CLA2.K. Box StS, Chicago, rilnoia, bo * fan al«»a?3kcfound atthe DicnrTein Rooms, comer of audi lUnrbftm ccd No. 91 Lake st.. oa tbe third floor. We 1 a*"e a Krent numbe* of references but will rive th <>n!ythetane* ofafer, vho areanoni the first faol- I'es. vi«: Par We, thetiisrslnied ci:\ttns of Chicago, ha vinelaWly p uarcbiued ene of Kajmcnd's Latest Improved Patent Ke«ls/Slact;ine4.aad used It sac esrfolly on different v: kinds orrocds,ln our farallles' service, do cheerfnhy re jommtwi U tr ailrßraoas wlshlnnto purchase forfamlJy Ba •J. P. Wi*gi:i&, tire. Wttson V. Coe, L« M.I.J.F OvcL Mrs. Levi a T&ft. «; Mrs ». F Groves Mrs. K. E. Gnrney, B1 Mrs. A. A. Barrows. *4n. M.D. Downs. p« Mrs. N. aiurtevant. Hri M. Buek. 3 »tn. fteilerlck Elcsorct. se£7-lydAw.aH*3 B< f)DiV*E2 CITY. DOUBLE LOOK Icja TIGHT ETTICE. Mer ISO JiWIKQ KtAOEINB NEVIH UEKO&E SSEIBITED IK THE WEST. IV nil CI cap Machines take oiil7 tbe ilnsie threftd horrn • r .i!r T.'tr!i Ti.«» takes the a%me i'WC TfZItEAJi rr'.'.ici. fc*U.t niojt cnes in nrc. iu work will .Vot iiip 'fhoagh every Third Stitch bt Cub The Machine !h idrr.t,le. ensily .Tdjustcd and cot likely to •jetouto! order V.'orta aa rapidly, makia aj firm and Tl haadsooeafiUch aaibe mostexpenslve Machines. Eews from two comrr.o ■ e:>uuls. does coarse asd fine work OUS •itrfecUi. by simply ci:as»anK the needle \ _p TiILV WILL STITCH. HEM AND GATHER. UQC Tncv maKelJ'.'le noise and ran more easily than most Ms- ure 'b'nes -.«/' ONS LAST of . c j f: rw.r.R ifachhc Is In eiSciencyi: ship Eight lo Twelve ly cen.niUe6ies by hand. Every family tad lay one r.lkin* tunc fteKlnsabasinesa should own one. This Is the Cdj StchlDf Sffflnr with Two Threads. T|d( Cicejit cne. sold In tbe world for less than lIW. Wei" vite all wio tvish a Machine to do any kind ofwork dene lDgi by machinery. >0 eiaaine onn Eaoples ofwork sent by i o j stamp. Mrich'.pes sent to perr-onf leu c who ne*. er r&w tLtm. and are nse 1 saccetsfully after a few t ; on boars' practice. Foil printed infractions tivefl. Enter* men. with a few hundred dollar*to nurcbase slock, mofi nay now secure Incrai'.-.e exclusive af ences In any of the b-jlter vyly. Cat\6t oftl Cass H. Wljm.ill''- Sl»'*' 133 Lake St., j, jeorCarl'.. £ddr*"ii L.CORNELL. ;es.l«.vJlS tlar S.PoS Cliiewro. 111. grfcf ■"™ginc ■ilUtiiUlOiUU. « CI . bj 1 M' U. J.. US P13310 IIB3PECTKCLLY had lufor-ns t'i'* "U'il ; c ofC ! ilri-o. that bis niece. as (i j MissJ Us I'.SUiK'JM. apu til of ine Jt-"J Conserva tciry of ilrtissels. Cii' -J lesltoa* oa tb- PiHOO h'orte. now *a::,l!ie<ile'ir rufi 'icir t'leAnlu vfv «zi 'n ecsatln: op , bcrH«nte\ n tv sea 1 an ;::vt t'.ion to Mr de P k s- g^D si-, wti-j w>n t>e j'.si t • Vir.ii t-.e.n with btr. Best j r Aii Ires's A. Js W.*3l ■. oati of IH. Cent. R., or con care or Mr <",.1 .'l. Mjjic e. Lake sired. no 6 -n/'-j"' uloi ITITKNI.N'i; hXUDUL. -A.'. EVENING Ibe 2i wilMie lU'er.'-.l at G U'ien City Institute g IC'tums. n*rris«iTij<trfri, ne»r ,<t:itf. cniameuctu* Moudar Nov l». T.te n lit be r:.ra trom 7to 9 «e< oa Mnnda>«.lijfjljy<. Thursdays .rid Fridays. . Vour.e t> ai mm, and tubers. «..»■*• w-.»l n<it nvrrai'. tbeta IVttl t<» atiead a d;i,' scbt.ul. w:d find pieasint J» re ac<*oinm»ilhM n«. i»»«:.!.i-tr H-lv*na?e.« for a pr;ictic\l lm»iu«'fseiluc.tfi'iji. I'-irticalar Hit-nti'in civen to t'cu- mu m.insiilji. |io and OiP.iui-:;r al CulcuUtlnui. For 1-rius a>i>l o ';er [i irticulars :i;ip!v a! tl» Su-b jolrri"rafl SltJ to C. I'. fciinir. Hi>24 ly-l>j?7 j ts I»OVri' CLASSICAI. f.ciluoi.. TDK ITB 1 J year of this v.ill comn-en *e rn dct •".ntracci? Nc. -iH r dii:& Hlafe. _ ext iil.T.iJi, A. IL. Pnnc lal. the . .»5-H.«ai ms TJ>OVB UIGU SCHOOL. — THE NEXT Ue ' 1 ) Term w;l2 nn Mmd" •. November 22JL Sl< 1i.,-. a. J. fiAH'yESi. A. M.. wi'l c> tlnne to receirt pupl's iLito his echo) at his residence. Eia • 11. Monroe street, and h • w'.s'ies uo .• to apply for ad , mlirk-n ut.'e-s tbey are determined ;o -:o well tor ♦hem- uu selves. For tl;e advancement of ihose admitted no pain* r j r ' will be synircd by t!ie tea 'hers. sea —to 1 Garden City Institute. wii , HO. 29 IIASKISON-sT., -NE 1R STATS. em ' faIUE SKVEN'TiI YEAR OF THIS IXSTI- fui fi. tuUon will commence on Monday. September 6th. f u, Tuition varies iroin S'» "3 to <JJ. Ijic Fernn'.e De- lu ' partment i« an 1 tbe number of pupils In thi* de- ] saruaept litsitv 1 to • wenty-bve. For further .-■rtlculars at tbe school rooms from 8 of t.ii A. "... H. 0. ENOW, PnncipaL •■e3ai*i oe OS jvV'S oE MINAI.'Y. -11:, II U IX ON 1 » rci*. N'crt!i u '.Je, C 'ca.-o. 111. Ti.c fourth m.lioci ve r cfthla Institution niilheiin o • rte-it. cth. Ij- 1 . The Vemale iL'partoien: is <• :ltrciy d:-,tinct from tb- mf.'i*.hs'dri: d'.Tt-ren: f?!c?ol h<?arr. separate rcrlt*. atl tlcrns. r:c..*3. As. t'er ?urtk- % r partirslvs «ee circulars at , T> i'-D'e aa i *:-, l e<(-L-o';.-oi>m. t" O. V. d <HV, ITlncipal. tuiJ-iy-ai'l —— icj L t f|'H£ TOUKG LAPIKS* HIGil SCHOOL, Bh S3 EDIIIA PLACE G3 wl * Tee F.ii' T-.-m of tlils Imtltut'oa. und-r tLe ch*r>:» ot tit - ii i->. Mill-ly-ua ,u be v£loti)iu9 fee. K " FTITLU" BEN El> 1C 1' .1 co., g: 81 it 83 SOUTH WATER-ST., j,c araoLDGALi SSALSSB di GI O0 D S FOR MEN'S WEAR g< r Coas'-stlrii of A , BLAO-v AND OOLORED BEAVERS, SATINETTti ci £HEEPS GRETfI. SILK VEfTINGB. tc Alil» ULAUS C.AiiSIMEREi e ' FANCY YELVrW. Ac. An. 8 t ' ,', Tssilov'a Trimmings WeinvltitheftUecUonof the trade to our | F Alii bTO O K J' How reccirinc and In store. u UfAccrts tor Scott's Report of Tashlon. fsul£a4so-ly a j Stationers, fee. " STATIO JVER S. d - JOSES, PERDUE & SMALL, I Who'csale and Retail Dealers In £ Stationary and Blank Books « In all Its variety. 1 e t oca TAciLirtis ron dowo c Ruling, Binding an A Printing 1 Are ensurpassed in tre West. . 17* OA bl* AMI I »Y Jd >3B JOKE 3. rEP.ITE * 6MALU . del'-ly b"'.? No-1~ Lake street. j Awarded tlie j _ a a p ; w | >175 ] y j s " 5 ALSO OJST KCAJSTD r ijkjtandi. Soiling W&x, ti( . sand Boroi, Steol Pom, Letter Stamp., Lead Pencil*, Wafer Cups, Eanken' Caic, • CD Desk KniTM, Letter Boxei, Eulcn, Pwt Holdeii, Writing Pedi Honey Booki, Krosan, Pen '.Eaelo, ~~" Paper Weight: Twine, Oold Pom, Onill Pen,, Utter Clipc Deik Pencili, Shean, Cull Boxm, Port Blotting Paper, » Spring Pile,. iTOry.TaliletJ, AQOt Twine Bozei, Qailla, Xnvelope Paper, Klftrtic Band*, Bnbber, Calendars, Wafers, Ivory Folders, ran a. Letter Scales Paper Filet, Bn " In to ice Filet. Book Beta, n»ad Jtucilage, 6am Tiekea, Woetenholni', Canary. Eed (Spool) Tape, Commercial Printing, A VT) a*sisnw» o» r CiED?, BILL UtIDS, CIKCCUSS, U., other PROMPTLT EXECUTED IT oSS. suuan,r'> H»", n023 bZK ®t Lafce strw*»_ <L ■ iwt. ~ ©nstcrs. •• /"k YSTERS—OYSTEKS—OYSTEEa vmi V / HiTOU. HANK I OO'S onrinlled jprrior freshßaltimon Oysters rweived d*iiy. by MTTm pply ot Exprett only, direct froa their packiocwV I house tn Baltimore, Md.. and lor sale Je. P. their deooL No. 13TNorlhWmi<f »■•01 The utmost care and att<&ttoa beta* totherrrjs Fisi -sasa-as*" >uu ' . M.8.-ThliTlllbepanaagH PRESS AND TRIBUNE. —— -! 1 ly bj PRESS AND TRIBUNEi fUßUisss ? bear Dallv, Tri-WMkly And W»«kiy : oa tl ' 1 are! OAm 48 ClArk ftr«et—Ortr 0«o. Baitb's Bask ocs, ■ ' tage EDITORS ±SD PVELISHLRS: eihl JOBS L. BCRIPP.-J, C. H. RAT, diail WM. BROS 3, JOSEPH MEDILL, • meil ALFRED COWLEfi. fiidei » blac T«nai «rtka Press sal Tribn* weai Dally, deOrered In dty by cinler, per year *B.OO fta^ Daily, delivered In dtvby carrier, perwee* » . Daily, to Mai! Bnbseribera, »er year. ?-W Com Dally, to Mall flubacriberi.« menth*. 4.00 jjj.jj. face, •• 10 coplet to one addreaa. tIOQ " ar copies to one addma. tD.OO 4^oll Andonefree copy to getter up of dnb of twenty. _ t#~There will be no deviation from these rates. ICDS tyilonejln letters may baacnt cuat 00 rUk. A dress fsssa AND TKIBUNE. agai Chicago, misols. cres — • nlac TUB PRESS AND TftIBCNE'S re ] a Great Job Printiu* Establishment lathe argest and finest establishment of the Idnd la the for; West. It has more gleam Pressss and Machinery: more ° ci e Printin* Materials and more EkHlfttl Workmen than any other Job Printing Hoose West of New York. , er7 The proprietors are prepared toexecnte, on short no Uce. every variety of BOOK JOB LETTER PBESS race and FANCY PRINTING In tbe BES7 MANNER earn »i toe LOWEST LIVINO FBICES. tho Particular attention civen to tbe println* of Business Cards, Posters, * Visiting Cards, Programmes, Ball Tickets, Pamphlets, Letter Heads, Circulars, T Bill Head!, Check*, Moi By-Laws, Blaak Kotes, Pur Beceiptß, Labels. PRINTING I* OOLOBS "j 1 In all Its varieties, done In beantlftil style and at rnoder. Ta » ' An examination of SPECIMENS and PRICES la re- van fpectfttllyinvHed. " eil laTOrders from the Conntry promptly filled, and sent cast horne by Express. of Ji ' "~" T ests State leachers Association. t«ei [c ; cc i 4 i Corrcspcndence cf tbe Tress and T.ibnne.] THUaSPAT's 615310X8. tliit Galksccsg. Djc. Si. Bu l Tbe exercises of the day were varied. Numer- tiot ous papers were read and addresses delivered, disc One by Mr. Gaw of Dixon on School Architect- ov ure was thorough end "pract cal. Mr. Spencer of Chicago explained the principles of Penman* ship, as ilr. Brooks of Springfield had previous. Aul ly aone of Phonography. Eacbjnrged thejenpor* bo i tunce of a higb cultivation of these arts. Ijm Miss Culver of Chicago commanded the vindi- ft* 1 *' vided attention of the auembly daring the read ing of on essay which displayed an intimate know* Q ledge and appreciation of tbe elements and ac tion of mind- It was regarded as containing the eg i. mo6t delicately expressed and refined in senti* ed ment, as well as tbo most beautifully read essay c'S of tbe Convention. Prof. Wilbtr presented a report of tbe pro- j y j gress of the State Natural History Society, c * ffj since its organization in Jone last, whfeb we pj a condense. Much assistance had been aliorded be by local surveyors. Dr. Vesey of ilcEenry co. *ce had contributed en extensive collection of plants sl as also Dr. Mead of Uaocock. Robert Kennicott, now at the Smithsonian Institute, is making a or general collection, elljctingexchunges, furniab- j u i ing directions, ic. lie bas also contributed a Fill complete set ot bis valuable collections mode <<} along both lines of the 111. Central Biilroad to tbe museum. < Screral others are also at work. Tbe Stite r Geologists promise liberal contributions. The j., s Railroads have assisted in various ways, tnd tbe tici Press has its full encouragement. Tbe no museum is placed at tbo State Normal Univer sity, where tbe students can avail themselves of its benetits. v vl Tbe Stote iB rich beyond description in all the jj T departments of Natural History. From recent c«»i explorations, we know that tbe marble floor of IV 1 : the Prairie State is as thickly inlaid with t e marvellous works of Creation, as is tbe floor of Heaven with its gems of bright gold. Tbe great Story Donle, vol. 11 ol our Father's Library, bas t 0 many glorious chapters devoted to Illinois yet pi< unread, if not unknown. Pl ; Tbe action of tlie Society has tended directly J to the aid of education. Tbe future operations will increase its usefulness and develop in an eminent decree the knowledge necessary for tbe *j ( furtherance of the great industrial resources of tbe State. Provision waa made for tbe prompt payment of Prof. Wright's salary, whese report Tas ac* ocpted and accounts audited. He bas earned a uc bijjb position in the estimation of hia fellow la bararn tn Education. , 0 Large numbers of the members of the Associ ation visited tbe Knox College and Lumbard \v University buildings. As these institutions a£ were not in session, we could not speak concern- tb icg the modes of instruction practiced. It is a > ehaine that sectarian differences those who should woik shoulder to shoulder in promo* r ticg the interests of the former Institution, have * ill any way crippled its usefulness. The latter i has 250 students, though not completed. Both p are supplied with cabinets and apparatus. These J* buildings are worthy of good schools and class fo instruction, and will yet be ornaments in the ui great cause of learning in the State. ri ' A liberal feeling was shown by some of the <], hotels in their entertainment < f visitors. At a w dinner given by Mr. Patricks, of tbe Railroad Hotel, a new and wall kept establishment, much good feeling was elicited. ® In the evening tbe noblb six hckobbo of tbe In Association accepted an invitation by thePrin* CI cipal of tbe Female Department of Knox College l to mingle together in a social way, which tbey q enjoyed highly till a late hour. _ Tbe proceedings of the Convention after the sniritoi discussions of Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning assumed a calm, deliberate ( * turn. There were factions before the Associa- b tion convened, and they bad determined opon tl the lilincii Ttaclitr as the dividing point. Each t( manifested perfect assurance of the right of his o * side, and went into tbe contest with a manly c - zest, in which spirit it was battled through to tbe end. .i They tried their strength—they ventilated z their brains —tbey found quiet in tbe reaction of | their neTves. Alter the excitement had snbsi* " ded tbey'showed tbat tbey could be as generous *' and forgiving as they been severe and bold. So '> tbey met in pleasant groaps about the Hall as a familiarly as though nothing bad disturbed their composure. On tbe occasion of tbe sociable, a merry din end happy stir pervaded tbe rooms, 6 and music and merriment enlivened the hours. * It was the crowning feature of the Convention, C and will be remembered with no less satisfaction t than tbe meetings at tbe HalL Indeed, the so- t cial influence of these assemblies appears to be * or tbe main feature. there were many good thiogs said in Conven tion—many excellent essays and addresses read i —but there were no measures taken to embody i the sentiment tbey contained, and to make them ] generally useful. This might easily be done | without intrenching in the least npon its happi* ( fyiog social influences. , llr. Haskel of Fulton was unanimously chosen President, and Ottawa fixed upon as tbe place for assembling in December, 165' J. J* Tncasrox. 1 ~ IliK** Tidrs nnd Singular Indians in the Colorado Kegioo* ■» of the Colorado river in California and the * unknown region where it has its sources, ■0 Lieut Ives gives the following account ot the 5 extraordinary tides near the inouth of tbe ri m* ver, aud of a*singular tribe 0! ludians in the interior. '•The region at the mouth of fhe Colorado Sis a flat expanse of mud. The lines of the shore uud tbe channels that afford «mr«nee* e to vessels from the Gulf are shifting and £ cbungeable, and bars. t?boals aud Clauds, 1«i common.**! ot a tcrami-lluid mass, are in con* 5 stant progress of formation and rsmoval. ? The navigation for thirty miles above is ren dered periodically dangerous by the strength and magnitude of the spring tides. They have a rise and fall of from twenty-five to thirty feet, and a flow of extraordinary veloc* ity. The flood is proceeded by a'bore' or hnge tide wave, from lour to seven feet high. In certain narrow bends it is very powerful and voi.ent, but gradually loses its force as it ascend?, and at a distance ol thirty miles is scarcely perceptible. Along wider por tion? ot the river are curves of the shore in which its force is not felt, nnd here boats may be safely moored till this dangerous wavejhas roled by. Upon the shoals are formed what are called 'tiderips' where the sadden check given to the rushing volume of water causes it to bound along in high successive waves. Steamboats tbat come to the mouth of the ri ver during the spring tides must descend above tide-water during the ebb, and start to, return two or three hours after the commcnc* ment of the flood. "Moquis Indians, whose residence Iwrder up on the country of the Navajoes, were the first large tribe seen alter leaving the Colo rado. There are seven towns, dignified by the early Spanish explorers the title of • cities, and ruins of others tl&tare now dc* sorted. The tribe is much eimllcr than has •S» been sometimes stated. The \umberof tho population haa been supposed to be about sev* en thousand, but 1 should consider one half of this an extravagant estimate. The towns are situated within a few miles of each other, and on th« tops of isolated and precipitous —— hills. They are enclosed by walls of stone | and tolerably well constructed. The hoises arc built around an open court, and the on* == ly mode of entrance ia by ladders that con* IRS. duct to a small platform on the top of the ex* terior wall, upon which the doors and win* dows ol the habitations open. Springs near the summits of the hills, famish a supply of ,«pr». water, and to provide against seasons of ***j£s drought there are large stone reservoirs, ex ceedlngly well made, placed in the hollowi B* 7 * along the faces of the bluffs. Some ot the towns are approached "by ; flights of stone step®, aad th« steep ascent la laid out In neat- ly arranged terraced gardens, tb« masonry of == whose revetments is kept in excellent order and preservation. - Orchards of peach trees bearing an indifferent quality of fruit, grew on the bill sides. In the broad valleys below are field 9of cotton, corn, pumpkins, and mel- 150 ons, whose cultivation, under great disadvan* tages of soil, climate, end agricultural outfit . exhibits a degree of industry that iu an Id* dian is truly remurtable.« Both men and wo meu labor in the field. They possess a coq fliderable Dumber of th^ep—nearly all of a j--t their black color—and some poultry. The women *stn wear a long black gown of theiHown weaving cait t and the men variegated blankets, also of §xte! home manafacturc. They 'are a" shambling ill-made race, with plca.sant though homely face?, and are perfectly peaceable and inoffeu- Tn w give. They seem to sufler but little molesta- Sctu» tion from warlike tribe?, which is due less to ,» their own prowess, than to the natural de- lam! fenses of their towns, whose commanding po sition and difficult approach afford security against both surprise and assault. The pro- C o Ct gress they have made iu agriculture aud man- c;tr, ulactures'helpa to maintain their peaceful % n u, relations. Indians from all parts of New kind Mexico and from Utah having recourse to ecj them for blankets, and, in times of scarcity, for provisions. Their unruly and powcrlul Byl neighbors, the sometimes commit N*ti depradations upon them, but. even with these A jj au appearance of friendly .iuiercourse is pre- rapt served. A curious f ict was noticed, and llius- ggj trative of certain peculiariiic-s of the Indian race, that tlfc whole tube do not speak the same language—the individuals in some of oers the towns absolutely piofcssing to be unable to understand what is said by the residents ot pa* others." , t m 800 Alorphy in Paris. w°;i [Correfpondeoce of the N. Y. Express.] witi The young American chess champion, Puul Morphv, continues liis victorious career in Paris." lie has ceased playing even handed games witb the French players, having beat- j aJ en them all, over and over again ; and Hill vanquishes all comers at the odds of pawns and move. Of course he only gives this ad vantage to the first professors of the game, p being ahle to offer a knight and frequently a castle to his minor adversuries. At the odds of a pawn, and move Mr. ilorphy has lu\ly established big superiority over Loroche es- Tm teemed the ablest of the French players ; Devitick, another old master of tie »ame who thirtyyeare ago played with Ladourdonnais; Budsinzky, a Polish player ot some distiuc- Tae tion, and other?, all ot whom have again been discomlitted, Since his match with Harrwiiz however, " Little Paul" has not had an op portunity of uguin check-mating the Pru.-iiau , that worthy, prudently finding numberless t?r , excuses and'subterJuges to avoid meeting an fop * autogonist, who had already despoiled huxt of g lal so many laurels. Harwiiz has beeu repeated- The ly urged by his own friends, to play a few an fri-ndly games with .he youud Americau, if c only to prove himself capable of withstand- the ing the assult; but, upon one pretext or an other, he has managed to shun the issue, tie u has, it seem*, hit upon auothr plan to re* establish himself in public favor, by a project- u ed attempt to imitate Morphy 7 s celebrated eight blindfolded gamep, which created so great cxci'cmaat herea few weeks ago. I saw, this morning, pasted up coospicous- Iv in the Cafe de la ltegcnce, a notice to tbe jas effcet that on Saturady next, llurnvitz will d play against any eight adversaries who may be selected, that Dumber of games without seeing the board, aud all to be conducted simultaneously. This is the feat which Mor phy »o splendfdly accomplished, and which at one; mnde him the lion of the day. Whe her or not .Mr. Ilarrwitz will be cqaally success ful remains to be seen. I j-hall report tlio re sult to you. In an event whether be succeid- Ju: <-d or not, Harnviiz will have a FtiU more difficult feat to iinmitate young Morphv hav ing promised in that event, to play tea or p 4 twelve blindfolded ginie- 8 . In the meantime. Mr. Morphv tu day iulormed me that be bad just received a telegraphic message l'com An derssenthe celebrated German player, an- t nouneing his arrival in Paris, on or about the 1 j:h of the present month. The match be- Bp , ttt-wti the two champions will b • played irn- mediately after, asid its result will decide ta( wbethcr Morphy is oris not the gretustel tci living chess players. Although Audersseu is pa cntnidered thy most brilliant European pro- pa lls-or of the noble game, but one opinion co steni to l>e eutertained relative to the ap- b° proachlng coulliet —that be will be beaten. ** aud poor Alorphy obliged to return to Ameri ca, like another Alexander, (who went back to Macedonia, and not to America, if you please,") because there will no more chess tf players to conquer. However, Anner?*en en- * j >ys a deservedly hi::h repuiition, and we must not lie too conlidcnt. All our colony V here hope for Young triumph, and auxlously awaits the day of final trial. Paul Morpbv will remain all winter in Paris. Miscellaneous .Stems. W Railway Convention. —As heretofore an uouneed, a convention of presidents, direct- T or?, and stockholders in all railway compa nies interested in the construction of a road to the Pacific will be held at Memphis on the T 24ih of Jnuuary. Road* north aud south will be represented, and it is de.-ignud to i agree upon some plan for building a road over T the plains satisfactory to all parties interest k cd, iu order that the contl'.cthig interests bt> } fore Congress may be reconciled. j Dangkr cv Relying on* Fxtokttd On sessions.—Extorted confessions are uncertain p ! evidence. A case in illustration recently oc curred in Indiana. Joel Gresb, suspected ot' B , being engaged iu the late robberies at Craw- I fordsville, was seized by lynchers and hunj T s up to the limb of a tree by the neck, with a view of forcing him to confess. \Vb<-n let j ! down he Biill asserted his innocence. Up he 1 was run again, and nearly strangled. He then confessed—his only chauce to live. The 1 confession afterwards proved to be an entire G j fabrication, and Gresh was innocent of the crimes char; ed upon him. ' DEiTnrcnoN or Orsn:n Beds.—The Xew - r Orleans JJtUi says: Not the least of the many disasters produced last fummer by the \ crevasse on the west bank of the river is the ] e destruction of the oyster-beds in tbe bay aud i. bayou of Uarrataria, which have long been i the chief resonrce and dependence of our oys- J i ter dealers. Every day Piuce the oyster seas * on has opeeed, the extent of this damage l>e -7 comes morft maoifest. The enormous body of ° Mississippi water which has boeu forced . through these outlet 1 ? to tne Gulf has left a thick and heavy deposit of sediment, that J j. has proved like tbe water for pour Ophelia, 1 ia "too much of mud" for tbe poor Crustacea. j 0 Etkect or Energy.—Alexander T. St-'W- , : 8 art r 8 marble palace was not erected by a »azy ir man. Tlie owuer of it did not stand on the j 8 {Street corners, uor louuge about bar-room*, J with a cheap cigar in his mouth all day. He a, came from Ireland, with zeal, good judgment, in and industry, to work his way from the lot of a- a poor boy up to the eminence of a million ,e aire. D . A Gersun w Lton-Tvilleh."—Gordon Cum id ming aud Jules Gerard are having imitator? if in their •' wild sports "in Africa. Count m Louis Thorheim, a major in the Austrian 3 * regiment named Wiodiscligraiz. and imperial chamberlain, recently returned to Au>tria from a three years' tour in Atrica, during ' ee which period be traversed the greater part of Egypt aud Abyssinia, and penetrated the desert to withiu teu degrees of the Equator, unaccompanied by any European, or even an . interpreter, whosescrvjeeshe did not require, having himself some knowledge of the native languages. He-baa brought with him, as £ a tropuies of his sporting adventures, r;»u S n e chests full of the skins of animals killed by ? s ' himself, such as leopards, hyenas, rhinocerus . e?. J:c. He intends soon "to return with a more complete outfit, and reuew his war ie upon elephants and hippopotami. ( j 1) Operations at the Mint.—Colonel Snow jj t , den. Director of the Miut at Philadelphia, in his annual report states the total gold coin, nd a S° ol tt3e United States, including bars, for the fiscal year ending June SO. 1553, to have amounted to $52,559,500.29. The silver coin a| age for the same period amounted to $5,233.257.77. The number of ceuU coined r t lj was 23,-100,000. The Dir. ctor recommends ' that the silver coin of the Uuited States be X 0 made legal tender to the amount ot tiftv or one hundred dollars in one lot. As it i> at present, the bank? object to receiving them in c lj amounts over five dollars at a time. The i u j brokers in New York have put up notices at aj their windows offering to sell •• Uuited States j es silver coins "at 1-4 to 3 S per ceut. discount. or. ia IHPOBTATir TO FimiES. "y * SUBSTITUTE FOR POTASH, has hat OONOENTBATES LYE, for osldni Soap without Iloe, with IltUe or no troaklc _ andtritUc* expense. Tbe cheapest &ad cost coareaieat tses stifle ever discoTered for the parpoM. Oce poand bos "CS wiltm*ke nine ponn'ly of ELEdA&T HA!U) JfOAP tzd •erenl cillons of beat Soft, oront fcirra of the Uu »r ri " Crery fawn* cin make tU the loap, both hard and aoA, nd tbey ose. troia their ordlaanr titoheo grease and this Lye, °PRINTfcRS cin* a STRONG LYtvUJ nc- find the ** OONCKNTBATED "by far the cheapest aad isost effectlT® article they can possibly taa. A rinde trial will coanaceaay oaeotUa sreal cfflltj Jcr tJ DRDGQIST9 ul QEOOiaa la lif flOQßtlf. jlq. BewartoflffllUUona. only by the Peaa- | , „ tyiraiila6altMa9afectßrlnßCocipany.orinuAbarKh.Pfc. uv manofactare the extra snow white Table of Dlamad Port Packers' Salt warranted niyiCTtT rnu 1 and i t only &KALLT PORE Salt In the United Sutea. UC- Also—Cwsttc Bo 6* for Soap-Uakers. Soda Ash. r»> has Bnod bod* Aitt B*lKMsalnz ts.dc.-. Elticbri ~ iiaoor. Haasanese. KUric Add, Marl atlf Acid, Aana tho (friamfora. Soda Saleratas. *eS»-dAwita^W wr FOREST CITY WATES CURE. S 3 CLEVELAND, 'OHIO. Lotu rfIHIB INSTITUTION IS DELIGHT -1 fuILY titosued on tbe outskirts*)? a beaolifalforest, one WuhiOlhe limit* of tl>e city of Cleveland asd ■ses inn the Pos* OCcr. The uosldmt ti new.of bnck, usj 7nrtil*hed in tbe l>e«t style, The b*Ui room* are supplied on " wlUi pi:r*,*on jprinf waier. Tbe p*UMUS?e which 20n- Uitt e»ubUsUu eat is st nre«rui rrceinnir from I'hiesjo and otl.crw«*-iern cities, Is a fiAtterlnj recotcnsetniauoa ol J CX» iu p9})oia,nie and Sonrisjiitis rnud/'ioa. Ur. !»r*** acd Win- l»dy, tor.ierly of the Lake View W*:er Care =f*rt'bl cato, coooected wtui ihuinsuiuißia near £et''rscf ioqolry toeiUieeofthe Physicians, will lyof «T.promp„u»'Jo.. „ , 9 Of MM. HR. J.K. t»RO« K - S)AA BHDS. SUGAK SOW AKRITIKQ Neto publications. - 3C5 . 1859.: p. OO OKE & pp., "" WHOLESALE BOOKSEttERS, STITIOSERS, -ASH- X. DEALERS IN STAPH BTAHOHXBY. No, i-.alce street, Cliicajjo, 111* n R- a k Co. Invite the attention of WetLtrn Bock- 1 «*iipnL Caanut Merchants. Lswyers and Teachers to Sei?Sto4kwf Boot" and Stationery, whlcl. Is eoxnplete ftt *ll esa-oos. ine'ery dcpartmeaC •, Strtem vis tins the «fty are especially rejUTted to. call epoa as and examine oar assortmei.l. We pre- ml parad at all times to answer orders promptly and to any. extent. ___ Hetail Department, 11 Til which*ll be foand • full iwrm} otljw To School Book, U-dli»l Book,. Btok Bookl. w th the be«t Miscellaneous Stock ti be found elihe.- East or *es». The oubUeauont of all Eastern Houses are taralshed at Eastern Rates, with adcltlan only ol freight. Wholesale Department The Contains tbe Lantest Stock ofßUp!e Stitlonery in the Citv camorislLC Lette-, Cap aad Oommerdat Papers, of tLebestQuaUi2e«: Slates., aa e Pencils; Annld's *nd . p PaUer's Inks: Inkstinds: Eoveops. of SJi sizes and Ail kinds: Copylns Pressea, all sixes; Utter Books. Steel Pens, Penholaers, Ac. SCHOOL BOOKS, AI By the thousand. We are Western PnbUihers of the National of Sch-wl Books. pubUshed by A. 8. BA«t>K4 A New York., emb-'ekg Daries* 8-rlea of Maiheraatlce Parkers Pi.Ho oohles a c ravhles Mon-elth's -leocriDtles Claite'sGr omsr, eta, A ° etc., wh'ch are funlshed by us at Eastern list Prices. Also the followlcs STANDABD SCHOOL BOOKS, laooantlie* forthe Tr«de Banders' New Bearers. San- £ ; oers* New gpeUtrs Uii'htU'j series of iieotraph'ea, !Ec ecUc Readers, Adams' Arithmetics, C'lbnrns Arlth- a ] meUcs Kay's AjlthmeUc. CoreeUs Georraphies. War ren*' Ph »'cal Celt m k P.tch's Gsfojraphles, Green's WcU's and tixniti's Graminw# etc., etc.. LI Tesdiot and Dealers are supp irl with aU School Boom at low rates Booksellers are (iTlred to exam'ne TT , oarMockand Pricjibe.'ore bayin*. Oorsslesroom ar> lis we'JUchted. an- so arranged that stock caa be selected with treat facil t7. TRIBUNE ALMANAC FOR 1859 Jast received by D. B. COOKE & CO., ji4 ho. 11l Lake street Chlcaco. NEW EDITION —Of TET— Revised Statutes of Wisconsin, 13 THE EE VISED STATUTES CP THS STATS OP WIS. CONSJN. passed at the AnsuaJ Session of the Leids- Utuie, Usl Pnnted and published, pursuant to law, N under the superintendence of one of the revisers, Tne book contains 1300 caret and !s told at the low price of FOffE DOLLA.ES PEE COPY. rf We also pot it op In two volumes, bound with close ruled writinc paper between each printed leaf. The in terleaved edition will be found very convenient to use for purpose of noting dawn any chsnses In the Ol glatuter, or new Deeltlo s of the Court* on the laws. . The price of the Interleaved Edition, two Tolumes, !• BEVES DjLMRS. Copies of the book will be forwarded to any address co the receipt ot the price. VI W, B. KEEV, Pabllsber, ]al li 3 Lakeß rect, Cnlca^o. OPPOSITE THE JAIL, And a New Fdltlon of the Higher CUrUtian Life, j ELEGANTLY BOUND. T Jast receWed and for s&le by WM. X de3l ly 91 Randolph street ] To Lovers of •Irt! v i\ MILES STANDISH , ILLUSTRATED. Ju«t Published, (w:th expre s permission and aprribs- Uonol the aotnor), A VOLUME OF FHOTOGBAPHS, From Oririai Dcawlags ty Joha W. Ehalcfer. I'.lustra- S( live of Lonsfeliow's New P'em "The r Courtdhlp of Miles glandisb." This wark csustains eight large highly finished Pho:o --tosrdjha executed by Brady, (thecmlnent photographer) wbuse naae alone will attest their superiority. The special peculiarity of tbcje Ulu trsticus is, that they are I'hotoKraphed on a reduced sc*le Ircm the original draw 2 Ingi, wbiih are thus reproduced, even in the minutest touches, have all tbe delicacy of tbe celebrated palntitcs cp9D Dres'ien China. These Impressions are pasted upon heavy plate paper, with interesting cteam- L colored leaves, cantainoig th e descriptive text; tbe whole bound in large quarto massive Tur»ey morocco ccvors, with beval ed and gilt edges. Price SIX DOLLARS. Tor sale by IV. B. KEE.V, Bookacllcr, de£s bSiT 1 >9 Lake street. AN'D HOLIDAY BOOKS. v Splendidly ILlastratcd. XV. 15. KEEN, 1-18 LAKE STREET. WILD FLOWERS, BERLIN GALLERY, 1 DRESDEN GALLSKT, MC.SICH " TaE STRATPORI> GALLERY: Or. The Ehaksreare J SUtertnod, comp bin*; toity-five ldeil Portraits, de* scrioed by Mrs. J. W. Palmer. 1 vol. Imperial evo. Morocco, sl2. WOtfENnp BEACTY AND UEROISSI-Vrom Seolr. J amis to Eucejie. Nineteen Su»>eih Lairavincs By Frank B Uoodr.cli, elegant Auarut, Morocco. TdBOALLESV OF FAM-JCS POETi By Prof.Henry Co;<pee. Oorrtouil' iUostrate-i with upwards of one [ huad-edstcelengravlnzs. Richly bound la Morocco, 1 91- bO. ' THE JO3EP3INE GALLERY—Edited by Alice and 1 I Piiebe Uvy; wl'h ele-.aot Por.ralla. colored by , hand. Royal octavo, cloth gilt. 15. iurkey antlaße, THE ATLiV'TIC S3UVENIR FOR 13».-Wlth cootri bmioos by, an 1 portraits on steel of irvlnc, BryanU f IjoaaftUow. S&xe, Preawica, Holsot*. Ac.. Ac. Royal octtvo, doth giU W; Morocco antique, •?.sj. THE HOUSEHOLD BOOR OF POkTaY.-Edlted by Cbarles A. Dana. Beautifully printed, 1 vol tvo, h<ilf * morocco, gitt up, full morocco antique, td. i 1 PEN* AND PENCIL.—Br Mrs. Ralmanno, Illustrated with lit) eoKravlnxs. Sniill 4to clota gllu #5. i f BRYANTS I'O'i-'ld-ILLCSr + ATE!) EDITION—CoI 2 and arrange Iby tae Author. Bro cloth gdt, ti3. 1 Antique morocco, 49. j r tub uresdes, mdniCil and Berlin galler. ] . I£S —Ploely illustrate L each containing 201 steel ea * graving Morocco aitique, price of eica 1 MAC«ULAY'a LAYS OF ASOtEN T ROUE.- With over L> lOOilliutriilonv and an elezant portrait of the auttor. „ Mu l-n gil , #4.50. moro"co, 907j. Also splendidly U> - ia>trated edition of the Poets Burns. Goldsmith. Kelts, C l'aomson. tLeads female Povts, Kwgers, Lamb, , Graj. mp >er, Moore, Ac.. Ac ? deil'ly w. B. KEEN. 1(8 Lake street. i» •VTOTES FROIT HENRY WABD BEECH v jLi E&'fl DISCOORCE3 Now ready and for saleby D. B. CO J&E a Co., 11l Lake street, e e Notes from Plymouth Pulpit. A Collection of Memorable Punces from the ;• DISCOURSES OF HENRY WARO BEECHER, " WUhaSketchof Mr. Beeeher In the Lecture Eoota. BY AUGUSTA MOORE. a tyltisnotthe beauty of Mr. Beecher's expressions, tt northe«tar:ilngand of his thought i that this book will show, so much as his preseotatnn of ' simple and holy truth. In such trulie as never (aLs to ln> tercst and Instruct all *hose notice is gained. And tb«.u i*' sands who cannot be induced to peruse long sermon*, y will ch.erfuly read, and undoubtedly remember, the 10 vital truths illustrated and enforced in the following *, pages. [e The volume Is a testimony to the power with which the t mind from wceoce it spmng Indueaces other and of the nature of that Influence. J- Dr. Holland's Popular Books, r? AT D. B. COOKE 4 CO'S, at 111 LAKE STREET, Ui • 1 L . THE BAY PATG. A taJ» of New England Colonial Lifr. ia One volume ,$i,S5 «. 01 BITTERSWEET. A Poem Tscts. tie in. » r » TIMOTHY TITCOMB'B LETTERS 11.00 IU 0, C 3-1 T BOOKS, IN ELEGANT BINDINGS. 1° JUVCNTLE BOOKS AND GAMES is- IN GREAT VAEiinT. a a r WRITIKG D£3K3, DO, oact=3. POBTFOLIOS, -iSD n-- FANCY STATIOXERT ARTICLES £ or Every Dc«crlptloii, Por Sale at the Bookstore of vc GEORGE A. CABLES, dei) IS) LAKE S fE£Er. tu id CHICAGO I.l= Domuopatbie Ftiariniur and Bookstore, \x* ItiS ClurM Street. or r PHE SUBSCRIU - liS OFFER, at wuoi^- at X S&LE aud t t Japleie ««»ortn;rat o! Xr !l. ciLei. Bocks, Cases n i all oii-r artkli* *eißireJ tn ID ite UomTopjthtc .jciw by physicians and "knnljr-. 'be >'k*'.ve HrA&.l. rod Wioe—warrsotM uD*dult«rsted tor aed i-iual a . c->mmoni*n pnrpose*. at rre.- ripu »Jlsperse>l witlj care, to* OrJ A .r* -:n c.ty or country a?iec«JeJtow'th prenpt ~ r*u, &a ' i re*«on*ble prices, 'i*ti»e«t oo »cpii- Ot. tuian. mm r#!I: * <-1T ffCCfA'MrS t* rOVTKI.I. t P*t^>KV. k RELIABLE RAILWAY MAP. SHOW 'tt IjL INO e\e:y station upon erery Railway in the We»tern ccuntry, in a compact farm, dear and distinct. It Is surely a great Triumph, i D. B. 1 00 OK * 0 o*9 !£*• RAILWAY MAP OF THS GEXAT WESt bos IsUnsirpused. ssd No Merchant, no Shipper, no TourUt, can afford to be t-ir wilhmt a cop/ a sin tic hour. 35 It only Costs GO centv, __ And will saTe any man many doEars. ■ o &*Teler caa go wrong with one of D, B.Cook *Co a and poeket Maps la his podtek For sale ercrywhere. ial tit For Physicians; na- "ThePhysJdan'sHind-Book of Practice, for ISE. M by Pa- WllUam Bxaer. IL D. This rct7 useful manual adds "to all the cosTenlences of a Diary and Memorandum, about At*. one hundred pages of printed matter, designed to em l££ braes in a condet#ed rlew ccr knowledge uooo tome of laua most important points to be crnsldertd la the treat »W me&t of disease Htae« this little Manual Is Intended to Berre a twofold offloe first, m a prompter to the memory tiV of the Phjildan; and secondly, as a plan of his dally business, and artcord of Yalnahla observation* which he xnaydedrstopreserre." IT* a neat volume. Tucks. Prioe, 4L95. SS roxttleby D. B. 000XS k CO* • p Si UlUlertTM!. AN lAETFRN P&IEND of ours win visit this city in a odoi few dajx for fie purp -se of miking Investments ,*£. d IN CHICAGO BBAL ESTATE. Ifgrsstba-galns offer themselves, he Is prepared to In* 3 r** vtst v*tt heavUy. n • Be represects any imcuni of capital, and everything v* depends cn tho prices. J I^Propcaillonslawtilingmaybeaddressedtons. . p. a cooxi k co. 30. jii ill M>: itnet. JDrg @oois. CHBISTH&H tiREETUiG! . .. J. T. B; CARTER & CO. , Ia wishing their Msay Customers a MERRY CHRISTMAS! Wouldsay that thej are offering aoma of th* MOBT BBAUTirUL GOODS —roa— HOLIDAY GIFTS To be found la the market and which are effered at QBSAT BARGAINS. XE Tliey would desisriate a 5 appro priate for a Chistmos Present: A RICH SUE KOBE, OR DRESS, A HAHBBUKS FSEHCH DX LAISE, 11C a BEAxmrm shawl or.cioak, AH ELEGANT HONITON OR LACE SET, j A SUPERB PRESCH EMBROIDERED COLAE, A SPLEMDID EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEF. A Heitly Fitting Glove of Alexander's Make. ent Little Stockings far little feet and Larger ones, also. pes USEFUL HOUSEKEEPING SOODS, WARM BLASKET3 0? FINEST WOOL. Tn Good Calicoes, Ginghams, tferinses, De Lalses, Val- encij. and amy other kc< Seasonable and Attractive Goods: ALL ARE BAEGALVS: ALL FOS CASH! 01 C T. B. Carter & Co., t 130 Lake Street 13G New Trimmings, Etc., _£ jesr UECEIVED. Novelties, Various and Beautiful, in FANCY HAIR PINS. LADIES AND G£NT3 GLOVES, HO3IEHY AND USDES GABMESTB, o Boun«t Rlbboua and Embroideries, FIXE IVORSTED GOODS. VELVET RIB BON'S WOOLEN GOODS, 9BBT FEINGES, PORT MONNIES. EETI- CULES, OAED CASES, FOB C-A-SK AT 78 T.ATE STREET CHICAGO. noM b£S3 A GRAVES. (Late a T. Atk',n»on.) JMPORTAXT NEWS „ DAIL7 AfiEIVALS OF NEW GOODS —a? tvb— p NEW YORK DRYJiOUDS HOUSE. s FREEDIIAX, GOODKIA'D &. CO,, o 135 Like Street 135 Just Received Erect the recent Depressed Auction Ealei « la New York:— H LOOO STELLA SHAWLS, at half price of Impel* h tatlon. f, 500 REAL BROCHA LONG SHAWLS. BtanUrul K Styiea C ELEGANT TALL AND WINTER DRE SS GOODS of recent Importation at eztreuely lew prices. Silks! .»illcs ! Silks! I Entirely New.CLolce and Attractive Ciyles. C 2,000 Pieces Hon net Ribbon | At Half ttrtrVilne, , The most Extensive stock of • Lic«3, Embroideries, Fashionable ; Dress aod Cloak Triamlup • Ever Introdnced In this city. - ca-RAND OPEtTINQ —or a:C3— ■ Silk Velvet Cloaks & Talmas, , OF THt LATEST PARIS PAITERKB, —IT— < FRKEDJIAN, €OUDKLTD A CO., |3»..«.. LAKfi bTUEiTT i*§. ocl?og'-ly ]\l ORE NEW GOODS ; JUST RX3O2XVX33 X«D— - S5 EIiLINC3- y ! —IT— y WHOLESALE AJiD KETAIL • —BT— A. QZGEIiOW 0. GO i 166 LAKJC BTSEEI l«fl f ocl9 , Important to Ladies. 3 rpHE D-SDERSIG.VED REBPECTFDLLT X lnfonathe Lsdies of Ohlcuo thai Uh-j have 7 JUST OPENED A NEW STORE If Wher-willbefoundaSyleDdidAsscrtntnt of Direct In* porta tions of— h Berlin Zephyr Worsted. Split aod S^ttlaaJ Wool Brilliant and Charted Wome<i. Bend*, Patt? na Can i vasa. Floss Silk : Chenille uoi'l and ciiver Friezes a=J Tassels, Braids, Fancy Buttons. 4c. '• Also—Velvet Ribbons. French -nd k 'wiss Eabrold-r --les. AU kinds of Worsted Knitted Goods and F&ri* t- Faicy Articles. l. Btampir* and Embroidery done to order. JA3PKB k VARPAUL, W- Lake-st , r oc3o-b340-3a* Between Clark and lirarr-orn. i. ISSS Fall tsd winter. 1559. 3, COOLEY, F.UIWELL & CO., (Successor* to Oooley. WadsworthAOoJ I DKY GOODS JOBBERS, >y 42,43 A 4B Wabash Avsooa. Are* now receiving a full scsortment of DBT GOODS, YAKKEE KOTIOHB, ETC., ETC., fOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE. SMALL PROFITS AND PROMPT PAT , Will be ourmotto. and all dealer*, particularly cash azd li short time trade, will find it to their interest to examine our extensive and attractive stock before purchasing else where. ph^-iji>-w\y. A LARGE QUANTITY OF WOOL EXIT TING TARN iust received and sel.ins cheap. ia wholesale sad retail, by k. BIGF.LOW a 00.. Na Ihn Utr-rt " T)ED SPREADS, QUILTS AND Coll n. I ) FoatK23 for sale cheap by a A. BIGELOW k CO.. u nc9 Lake atreet. 4 LL WHO WANT GOOD AND CUEAP /\ Dress 'llks. EnsUsh ar.d Preach Mennoa Delalnea n * Vaienshles, Ac., will do well to call at A. BIQKLOW k CO'S CHKAPBTORX he bo 9 l.ase «tret< ©mcvul S, TRIPP, HALE, & CO. General Patent Oflke Depot, NO. 100 LAKE BTREET, CHICAGO, ILL. rpHE SUBSCRIBERS BEG LEAVE TO u I Inform thepnblic *enerally. that they have rpsnetf their office at tae place for the tr-nsactlon of a GENERAL PATENT AGtNJT BUSINESS It is their aim to keeu oo ba :d, at all timrs, (jr ezhib)- tlon and sale, as Isrgi a variety as posjib'e of patented articles ofthe latest and most oseftil inventions: ar.dtney will take crest pleasure In receivine visitors who aay „ ®i»ij to examine tiieir articles, whether wlta a view ol •w purchasinaor not. Theofflce is tarowDopeo as the hesdquarters of inven* t rs who may wt b to iJi?i»ose oftbeir aad tne proi rictorsressectfuiiy invite tnveutorcaad arixans tu call cpan tnem at plrasure. Patents obtained on new Inventions on reasonable teres, aod with the least possible delay. The undersigned will k-ep tl^oroushly 7C posted up in allthenewpiteaulssumlat WasltiirV n. and »il) receive and seli on commission all ciusrs of useful andpa'm ed articles, tontner *itn iniliviiitau County or State rights to use and ie.l tbe same. Ca-e «i:l be takes to receive na patented article or r.ght T r IS. possessed of crnuiae mcilt; it belnc tl>e purpose of the firm to maintain a cnv*e<er «nnar tue enure cocflc>Dce gs; raw*iiWA'esf?"- No. Lake Street. unuscta: Wm. Jonea,No. 51 Summer ct, Boston: P. H. F.eld A Co„ Kilby Ct— Boston: James M. liale. Milk fc. Boston; Bowen A Kro.. 7i Lute ?t-, cblcuo; M. t>. u'daaa k Co. 15iB iuth Water St. Chicago: Hoyt k Pierce Ptau Bt*. Chlcaeo; A J. Murpay. Vt.; J.Tripp. Albany. N. Y.: Mlran l'eck. Albany, M. Cnarfes \ ro- Syracuse, N. I*. nc.' biU'ly patent ao-bnc"z7 rCI BOND U COATS-WORTH, '•*- ATTORNEYS AMD COUNCELLORS AT LAW. [ ]' n SI Clark Street, Cblcsco, lIJ. TK7ILL GIVE PROMPT ATTENTION v v to all leva) business, and. In connection with O. W. GOAT. Practical Draosisoan and Architect, will at j- t . tend to procuring Patents. &Ln* Caveats, drawtns Seed rjlj. Ccation. Brads. Assignments, prosecutint Appeals and y InMncments. trooirina Re-lssna. and all other bustnea f connected with patents; and hare made arranxemewtf wbersby Models and Knimivines car be fomiahcl If ie> : _ sired. They feel confident, from their experiences that ; W- they will be able to aUpart!eswho may wish piv ; the ents procured or aay boanea transacted witb the Pate ni net. o®ce. QtO. COAiaWOKTa L. L. BOND. TO BHASB BANDS.: TT7X ARE AQE>*TS FOR THE ALLEN , 1 it ManuTadurlnsCOM of Joston. Mass.. Mak en of Rotary-valve Moalcal Instroaents ot every descrl£>ticn. < all ixsT&rncrrs wab&amed i to rive satisfaction, and sold at manufacturers prices !» ; ■ Boctcn without adding ooa of tran/portaUcn. gemia Brasa Stiver. Ab.Kb.OABb Oorncts.SSotar7YaJves, S4O C 3 MO 00 - 4 - " WOO tMW 4 by lb and Trcsu>eta.«...S " M 4S uo 6u oo .-♦a Ab Tenors. ** ** tfu »co " - - « - M WW "000 boot lb ** J M •• Wto 63 SO en - " i " M WOO 75 00 _ f BblUrtton*. J ** ~ »00 «7 oo 1« Of - 4 M - 67 00 80 00 reat- Bband Ab 8a50....... J * ' ®oo 95 oo jt- •• 4 " 60 U) ltt) uo • w rbandFOontraßa*so..4 - - UO 00 140 00 oory - - - ..i - taooouooi Trench Hon* ....I * ' 60 00 v, v. AbEbOsndßbOorneta. ah® J - U5 00 do. do. '* ** * G01d.... from 11,000 00to LfOOQD Ornifflfmul from $3 to $35 Xztra. , t We also keep on kasd Instruments of other kinds of Vrvisch and German manufacture, with plstoa valves. , wlAh we ire prepared to furnish to Bands as low is they ® ■ can be had elsewhere. A liberal discount will be mads to bands. Terms cash on deliver. , HIUUIMU 8808.. Msslo D«aia 0 In* ca»«SB <S Lake it COTTON BAGM. Saitin Afeitii #< CHASE & CO., 14 loath Water StrMt..— rtt CHICAGO Jurniturc, >%c. FOB FtTftNITUSE Q cm. ca 47. J. £,& H. X. Parsons, fl i:9... .EANDOLPH STREET.... 179 a atC They art selling their Goods w£o A.T COST ~ ■\VITIIOUr REGARD TO VALUE. f dePSmbfiia §20,000. I SEW FURNITURE AT COST. Marsh. Brothers, 110 RAXDOLPII STREET 110 Having determined to ;E E M O V E Trom their present location, will offer their estire stcck of Furniture daring the next dXXTY DATS at Prime Cost for Casli, There is no humbug about this matter. Our business has so Increased tnu our present aooomTodaUons are entirely inadequate. We do not wish to Incur the ex- j pense and rise 0. moving our stoca: for ttese reasons / w* wish to «eIL and a« tioes ve hard, we know we musl SELu LOW, and WE WILL DO IT. Wo have NO OLD stock: Tn palm off upon the public Our tfock Is entirely tew. —three Quarters of it pu ch\sed within sixty days, aod all bought and 'he ha d times lave knocked down the pxices. * e offer yoa co In/erijr gasds. THHttR IS NO SrOCK IH THE CITY 'R Of Medium and Low Priced Garniture wLlch CAN COMPARE WITH IT! Ether as to Price or QuiEty. P] Le'tho'ewho wish Pnraliure at pric-- never be'ore dre-med of la Chicago, call for the ext sixty days a: MARSH BROTHERS, T de3b^it? ;^^, HP RANDOLPg-ST. Furniture! Furnitvire ! 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • —lt NEW YORK $ BOSTON PRICES. j FACT* WOBTH KSOWTKO SO par Cent Sarad In tbs Fnrchaw. Shearer, Paine & Strong, 5 Having ilesoiei to JONES' NEW IRON FRONT STORE. NO, 203 RANDOLPH ST.. T Are cow prepared to exhibit to ihtir old customer* and to the public geceraUy. The Largest and Beat Assorted = STOCK OF FURNITURE - WEST OP NEW YORK, Which »they have recently received, and are now open ing, consisting tn tarx of C Hohofraaj, Ro««wood and Walnat parlor furniture, s la Brocateile. DeLalne. Plush and Qair Cloth, Enamellad, Oak, Cbestnnt, Hohogany fe Eoseir'd CII A ."TI BE K SETTS, S i Of New and Begant DeVoes. fron the b«t Maaufacta rles In Boston. New York and Philadfltiiix. AL>*o - Eitenslve variety of Mohocany. Wainnt and Bose- C I wooJ Tete a Tetes. Laay Ooair* farlor K*aj K'CSimr Cbalrs. Chairs. Divaas. Coacafi anil Lountffs. ttsgeris. Centre uJ Pier I'ablra. ' B'jre.sus and tfi'lebonrda. Patent simn* aeda Curled >4sir. Cotton anJ lluk, palm and £xc<saJor Kme Rush s'fat Ct.a:rs, Cajved Oaa Hat«as;<iQ Tarlea 0 ik Crain, Cana tea; Chairs ot every descrii-f.oa. t } —AI.M) mm ROOM AND COMMON FURNITURE, IN GREAT VARIETY. Good* Saaafactured Here To Order Out of the 1 ! BEST MATERIALS. ( We an; constantly receiving ftromSTTRARSS k JONES, New York, and tfHtattKK k PAINt, Boston. (Mane* facturers.) the . LATEST PATTERNS 1 I uu> >lost Approved Styles of Groods, Which will make it a great tnducenen to those FI&MSULVG HOTELS SOiD HOrSES To exanlneour Btock before sending ' ' No rarties VISITING TUB CITY PO3 "li E FCilCliAiE <ji i'L'IMTCSK should fail to r-e OUR MAMMOTH STOCK Befcre Mak u* their Pnrch. i-?. '• To tbo Public at Z«ar;-o 1 We are vrcaared to prove that Turnitr t very t Grade, from the Kitchen to the Pa - Will oa Furnished from Our Establt'. .-n*t at Price 3 Lower tbaix any Hoase in tie , SH£AItER, P.VI.NE & STltu.,<;, 203 RANDOLPH STEEET 2'Xi [sela&Tfi] c, mokqan, 199 « - - - Ziako Strooti - - - - a Sew aud Beautiful Dealjtna LATEbT STYLES of y &bM*ood, Hohoenuy and WaJnat Farlor, —AJT>— Bssnoosx runNiTuas, iN auiTs. 3. The subscriber Is now receiving LABGE ADDITIONAL ;d SUPPLIES to his forcer £ Mammoth Stock of Cabinet Furniture 4 Chain As the Sicck Is now Cosplete and Tall, asd tbs Largest to be found West cf sew York. 9 Us would cordially Invite the attention of his forns friends and patrons, and the cubllc gen erally to call and ezaalne PTiw Elegant F'tirrLitujro Es.'ere purchasing elsewhere. Sellliis Greatly Reduced Prleea from bast Season* oaiCAOO. ACGC3T ltra 194?. aiiWy RABCOCK <k PEEK, 1 (Successors to WUlard. Peek 4 Co.) :d 171 BANDOLFH.ST 171. fl HAhogany, lUsewtod k Walnut, CHAMBER, DINING-ROOM AND COMMON PtTHNITUan In Great Variety. WOOD SEAT AND CANE SEAT CHAIRS. BIDSTSAO?. BUKffACS. attention oald to Country Ordera aod to Furnishing Ac. sel<*afwMf J th±; a. GK.E A.T WONDEB OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, = PROFESSOR WOOD'S _ li.iin isi:ston.i ti » -k. Q A.YSTIIE ST.LOUIS (110.) DEMOCRAT: Below we publish a letter t-*> Dr. Wood, "f this dty. . ilaiae, which spfaksglowiaikyof \*+ I superior n?rits of bis 3 sir Tonic. Boch evidences aosi ' h^velt*effect, when coning fr>a a reiixbiesource. J f certificates are guarant«-es of truth, the Dr needs no eo rr, conluas.noruseleiapo^erytrocatiieprtss: 10 Bam Mais*. Jan, 30. bM. :etf Protestor O. J. Wood Co.: Having ay attention called afewnonth* since to blihly beneficial effects of your bair rest«r»- im Uve. 1 was lndac«d to make atpUcatlcx ot tt cpoo rov l o *.' own halr.whichhad wa white •my wtiiakers w-« of same character, 3ej Donths since I p-ocured a bottle of your hair resioraUv*. and osed It- 1 soon found tt was provin* waat I had. rOl wla-.ed. I used tt aboat twice a week. 1 Have since prf cured another bottle, of which I have used sone. lean i now to the world that the erayorwhlt« aa!r b*s totally disappeared, both on my and tare, and my hair has assuoedits natural color, and I beiiere mire , soft and slossy than it has been before for twenty five :m! years. lam now sixty yea-sold; my good wife, at the ITS ageoffiflT-lwo. has used it with the sane effect. The above notice I deem due to you for yocr valuable tftscovery. lam ura»d thai whoever wttlrbhtly ose. aa Dtrdi;ectioci will not have occasion to contradict oy ctaieneota I am a cltisea of tins city and a resident ,£1 t»re rur tae ta»i fln<ra jearaand am known to nearly every one here ahd ad}oinlng towns. Any u*e you may make of the above, wua caj aims L» a' yoor » cthenTaawellasciyacll iam truly roan. '• A. 0. R.IVMOSTX , . BiLTiKotc ii liA, 3 * WOOD'S HAIK RKJTO^TIVB. ProfesscT Wood—Dear Sir Having had tie nlsfortone I to lose tie best portion of ay bur. from tbe effect! of the iTZj yvilow fever. In New Orleans lo IsJ*. I was indacea to make a trial of yonr preparalion. aod it to answer !, as the verv thing needed. My h*ir Is now thick and I J glossy, and no words can express cay obligations to you j I — In giving to the adicted rjch a treasure. FINLKY JOHN?ON. Tbe undersigned. Rev. J. K. Bra c. Is a minister tn recular staadroc, and pastor o< the Orthodox Ch rcb at Broukfleld. Maa. lie ua genUeman of creat USuence «», andunlTersai^beloved. WSL DY»tt, Mi Bzoooiruk January ti. lS&e. Professor Wood— Dear £ir: Having made a trtal of your Eair ResMraUve. tt gives me pleasure to say. that Its HN effect hasb(.enezcellcnt In reszovng dan- A druff and a conga l tendencr to ft hing w.xu which I ' » have been troubled from ray childnood; and ha» also re. zS gtcredcxyhalr. which was becocmg gray, to lis orleiaal color. 1 have used no other article w-.thanythlngiike the _ aameoleasure or pro fit, ae? üßep»ciw. e «. Yoa:itnlii J. K. BRAGG. ! J" The RestoraJlve Is put up la Bottles of three sixes, vis: J£;, Une. medium and smll; the cnaU holds half a pint, and ® a ~ reuUsfor one dollar per bottJe: the medhia InUts U P i# * iea»t twenty pe-cent, mare in proportion taan the small, q a retails for two dolanaboUle: the lance Ualdaa quart, forjyper cent, more in proportion, and retails fur tnree dollars a S5 0. J. WOOD k 00- Proprietor*. 513 Broadway, New Tork. ttn the gr*at New x jrk Wlr« Railing LttabLah taent) Ut Market gt_. Mo. E\ And sdd by all rrad Drsatlsa and Fancy Goods s of XO. 43 S'l-J.JE SIREE2. BCTLER&UUNT HAVE 11079 Ob handtheWfow-Bsriies'jt prlat: >|**7 I^x2l »*44 25i« rim taatl ver. t£*U 0 00 STXII JisJT 1 SO ilti- .'<l34 UOO - .»tSS 2j535 6 CO • f-' CrtS 0 00 aaJarercceiriaral*r?p\saoriia-n: ot KOOSPAPIJ 350 3.fU)rea«;sor WKAKptNG PAi*EJScrair»rcnt4irea 5 UO l.;««ire*nis 7 00 Cap ani Le«er,aad av-cruneat oi 000 yriater'aS'-a-Jonen- . s oo \ (»30 kegs of SaA'-r's celearaur-l ITCTTS AND BOOS wy° • 15 £. OCO AUofwaichwlL. rar Cath. a:ue!o«*ei« posi* tie rates. _ . ... „ X3*Caahi;aldfjrSag .**& . ssylJS* KBBLES'S EZCBLSIOH SXT. CAP AUD PUB rrcaa. tra. ST7EEXS 103 SAVDOIPE BTEXET. is of Wherehe win keep constantly onhandbothforwholeials ves. an! retail trade, tee lartm and bess selected stock of Hata, Cap* and Btrav Qooda, Sver offered la thl market. UUtlary Hati aide to order. ■T'OouaarlCsataßlßgßßplled with stock oa liberal —• Urss. _ A. fl. HYATT, Pronrletcr. -W. q Kwiwa. avert - wihl^ ta. Q I GABS! 0 I GAB 31 a thirty-fiyk clgis or cigikb >*l4 On hanl and fcr gala at toi W. BABU7S. ■ LacaHfl Jplnmbing. Q.A6 PIPS AND FIXTURE 3. BROWN IT"WTI DEB 4T atm* cf| QZer their entire Hock as -oHowi * *• O I* BO I P^pe«percent, dlaconat tenLUiPrtca. ... Milahle Iron FlUlnu® etfnu per poand. VU Braa Bends* Bwlss Joists and das lactam at OocL Oar atock Is the larxest In the dtr. and to eloalai oal w 0 Weet. da R. U. lIcFAKLANE, orAa>, STEAM FITTING, i-MD PLUMBING ESTABLISHMENT, 1 54....LA SALLE STREET..4S JC cHic aa 0 A fl ax ENSIYE ASSORT3IEST t ov s;: Gas 3 'rea. iht Wtbroi'i Saauiatiorj ?! Dlsi Cornelius •» Baker, las i ilwiM ea h*ni. crn;D.->'«z the Plainest ao* t.^»< Ribonl os»ifaa. . M on; rKACI'ICAL PLUMBKK, S 1 paj la * Maev'setTirer of ftir ALL KINDS OF STEAM WORK. k °' Pw.. siTta 10 a:Uar a; Ms iIOTELS, r J tia ■ftTf i VRAM- -VA-ntr A SI- OAS m an [ROI* HSTTICy. t'HAIUs A.N'i* ?ASfc» vi ?OF. QAJt'OSS LAVf.NS AND TIRAJIDA3I I —— OU OOU.NTUY ORDERS, PKO2PTLY i?ID PIITEFCLIjI ATTBJIDKB If TO THE TISJD£. THE TRADE SUPPLIED WITH TOOLS iron ritr rrrriNis, a.\s pixtcrkb, plcjib. ING MATERIALS, AND XVXRT ARTICLE 1» THS a AS, BTIAM-PITTI2«J AKD PLUMBI*« F BUSING. 1* LA SAL.Lit. STKICKT, CUICAOO, I FvArr d««mpUoß ftf QuPlxttire an«J Braas*«ort I ?r<»aT»"dOr ke-clt. HAWKS' DIREC' ORY. I )>*Thi- roUowins isttor Busiacss hoos«a and Manuta>. torln* Establlshneatsare aaowthe beat and mort pror- I aeatlathetrretp«:cU*eUa«sQ(l»ailaeaa. | \Flaes aid uiiif. Wholesale " W. O. WINO I Wholesale A*ent for Wbea, Liaaon and Becan, 1? La I aalle ttreet. between Lake and W\ter. (one door froir the Merchants' Motel). UL All kinds of »rop erty taken in exch&sce for cooda Arent for Alea aa«? I Porters. apltvly I White Lftd Works. L. LYON i. 00. I I liicriCTctitt oy WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINT. OSce a d PW.orr corner of Halated and falton streeta West Side. mhSMy 1 Staple mil Fancy Dry Goods .Wholesale "PT*atttt MARSH DE LONG- ' I juaa>.K3 or STAPLE AND FANCY DBT GOODS AT LOW VKICKS. J nhto-lj No. 30 Lake ilreet. I Clotbln; .T. Wholesale. HONTINSTONrWADSWORTH & PARXsT" I Manaracturera and Dealers In TIEN AND HOW CLOTHING, I ad .tnd <() Lake atreet, Ohlcaao. I lOHaaoTerstreet. Bo»«on. Mass. J Acrlcnltnral toplfmeoL<, kc» F. M. CHAPMAN i CO. I Warehouse. J So.» iini.e atreet North 81J« ' I Wholesale Dealen In IGRICULTTHAL AND IIOr.TICCLTOILAL IMPL* MtNTA MACUINEaL Ac. , j tWAgezts fcr Hanny'a Reaper and Mower. sihS-ly I Paper Waretioose Wholesale BRADNER SMITH A 00. » I Maaaiactiirera aa-l Wholesale P A P E it DEALERS! I All «!iea of rrint and beck constantly on hand. Caal pild for nil kinds of Paper Warehouse No. 1: I Lasalle-st., between Laite and du Water ats mho-ly * I 600b and &boe> Wholesale. : I MILLER A BROWN I UanafiCJrera and Wholesale Dea3«*ra la I BOOTS, SHOE 3 AND RUBBERS, I No. 5.9 South Water-it. cor. Weila-it.. Chicago. f j a. *. muxu. tshlsl? cuas. aaows t WADS WORTH V WELLS I Wholes-'- dealers In BOOTS SHOES, 53 3c 60 CHIO 4GO, ILLINOIS. " RAWSON BARTLXTT A 00.- I ilanofActarcra and .'abba's la 1 boots -AJrsriD SHOES, 211 & 213 SOUTH WATEK-ST., CHICAGO. I Minufactorr at West Boyleaton. Maasachosetta [ahs) | Crotkerj, Glass A China Ware.... .Wholesale ' OHAWFOHD SHARP 6l GO. f I Importers and Dealers la OROOSERT, GLASS AND OHINA T I Table Cutlery. Look ; c< (Masses, Castors, Britannia War* L I mht-ly No lko Lakefitreet. Cloth Hoogc Wholesale. 1858 SPRING TRADE 1858 FIELD, BENEDICT A CO., , I SI A S2 Sooth Water Street, I Arf now recelrisr their ojoal lanre itock of I Broadcloths, Cassimen, I DOESBTINS TWEEDS VESTING - aATDTETS, KENTUCKY J2AN3, COTTOSADD 0 Coatings, linens and Linen Drills, TAILOR'S TRIMMINGS, ETC, ETC. io which they larite the attention of the Trade. I fW*>gnt« for Pott's Reoon of Fashlona mh^t46< j Hats, Caps and Straw Goods Wholesale. 1 " BENEDICT OSALLORY V PARNAM WHOLESALE JOBBERS N or Hata, Caps and Straw Goods, NO. 45 AND 47 LAKE TREET atjn _ Planing; Mills, Sa»h Doors, ku ' I BOGGSi GOLDIE'S SASH FACTORY. ? I All Kinds of sash, doors, and blind*. wlnd> w and doo moaldlna. fioorfnf andaldlmtoocstaniiy jnhan or made to order on the aaortest notice AI«o. nlanln* 3 I sreuurand acroll tawln*. and lamina, exeei.tolas tbelr branches liooK Vimaluo of erery ra- d'- at: I jtul curtotacra. Couatrj orders toilet '• . at. 'irooiiily auecded to. Sales room JP* Clark atreet ne* Van Hnraa Kactcry »eat en ■ Ukh at hridafc tohjy g | Carriage Kep«itory, G. W. A. J. BOHAHOV , r: No. 74 Norta Hutea street w<« Ctueano. Mana-'acti ft renotCarTiatea, Bo<rlea and Ajrin* Wwona. Bepair hi 1 Ist neatly executed. Hose Carriages. Hook and der Tracks taa.le to order ,f I SHELTON &. TUTTLE tf4 a-£actareraaadUealeniaCama«ea.PiraoßVh.<*ts 1 RenfatorT at American TtanJportatloo Co. a Bulidvcw Market at. Chicato, HL Rociawaja, «lde seats, Toi t aid no too BaeiDta. Ac ill Tork warrant lt " pA T» M'H ur' niJi"- r» j Sj -r E~A i p"e 8 iFI N~, 5H celebhated j Z Worcestershire >auce. P oiooiced *5» Rxt-act i'ie I —BT- I I 1 Hedlcal QenUeaaa ooaioidaoia II aa v 11 at Madras I to bet To His Brother Onlj GooJ Slacr, u ?S -J Ui» ifiai . „ V. . 1 1 PCTTtti j i. 1 J "rz j h'ehly la la I ETIRT TAZiniT ' Idla andls^iaoy opla me I hi, 1 j mo, the moat palaia the | ' "V* - » well as the no-t to { 'JELvSSP aascathat DISH. j, |oa EXTENSIVE FRAUDS. , } The only Me-'al iwvi' lby the Jarr of the r<ew York I C*hlbitloi for Koreian ?»ae« wa« obtained by Lit I rta PERRiNd fcr tretr W rceate a Ire yiaee. The world 1 " wiltffame of which hivi-u led U nameroas J 0 * l to teethAt the aa->ef of Lea A *• pe»rln« ar« apon t"i ■ v>'rv>j*r. Stojuer and Bott a LeaAPerra* wi:i roce .1 a;*in«t any °K either oy niaa'artorlna or Teadl'.aUporlooaSaorft and hare lasnacte l th n Ta'loua parts of s°; I woridto infrloxaeau. Sole ht j Wholesale A*eois fort' e Cn ; te-l Statet. «: JOHN DC--CAN A w aal Broadway. New Tork. the I A atock alwaya la atore. Also, order* rscelred fcr dl- I rtctahfpraeata *rr - a bdyi ly FAT NT j iaim ISIoS * F AIRBANKS' tl s; c a. x. b s . /■ FiIKBIXKS i GBEESLEA¥. S TjJh itrert, Chlc«Q. goll-lj-bta OIL OP CO3NAC. _ OIL OF COGNAC. ™ OIL OF COGNAC. 1,000 OUNCES OF Green, White and Yellow OIL COGNAC, Ell Fig Ml. by rj.14.111 TOiTOM * CO- Q.EORGE H. LAKitIUIK 1 1 Siort Hui atfute ui Ctnltf, KB t ""'aoiiTg' sat&cnatt & Jflatfyincro. R.T. Crane & Bio., mszTuattam ATO afiiw 9 STEIM, GAS ASD WATER PIPE, BOILIS fLCIi VALV2S, COCZ9* REAM TOI9TLI& OU Cap*, Gaafe Cocks, Stvua X WaterGaages, BTBAM APPARATUS For Wumlag Cbtucbes* Fac» toilest, aOf dett MILL WORKS. CHICAGO BRANCH 07 TBI OLD BUFFALO vttt. FUBSI3HUG E3TABLI3H3CEST. JOHN T. NOTE A 00., ISIAC EU HY^tER, RfMdtnt Partner and IfUlwriete, IS Market Cblcago, UilaoL'. laila-a. B Hers sod Fixtures furnished. of toy capac ity required. iai) the tteii node * oti e and Ml lC«ittnra and Machinery of otcrs description for* nLhedlo order on short notl.e. FRENCH BOHB MILLSTONES, Improved Tnrbln«, Percussion, Re- ctt«n and Central Discharge Water Wheeia. wtrnotd equal to the bt»s, Joau T. Hoytfs Improved Feeding Flour tad Qrisi Mills. Agenta for Week's Flatfonn Jkaler Doable Lxira Ca*t?teel M il Pecks. MTl.tones, manufactured at ihU ratabUshae t tn fln.shtd oq new irnl Improved prin I,lft an» m near perfect as obtained by the btai f.anufacinren la the vcrld. The credit of this establishment lwr the pastt»enlj-fiTey-*arala fara'.shir k 3IILL H>DlN<iS, for nearly every St*te a->d Territory Id tho Cnloa Ls we 9 known and sh*ll be maintained. EXTdI S4UCTED PILL STORES Madeoa Special Contract fr."tn Choice New or Old Qoir> rj blocs. 3£ILLEB3In want of ( L' TH* f r anna facturic* Lxtra q» of Pl<v>r. can d p?nd apou ■et nas >he neaatne OLD DCTCU *S k.t riaiic *nd IKa-le Lxu»s» Bo I inaCoi&s nsadr up in a superior st»ie. by evict and lnche«. Uanuf the lance* 51 U Turnl»hin* 3 ock la the w«t» we can aed at a I <wer rale tiisa aaj otter r«i»ib l -»'-ceau No.—We will emmet to «u rv.tij anil bui Jli.l- .o j plet*, nr tarclih plans and ipeclicauoaa .or U l.wrUhu. jdeJQbiTO ly Thomas George & Co., 201 - - - Lake stieet -- - 201 Offer a' Great Discount for Cash COOKINa STOVES, Oi HI Ries. PARLOR STOVE 3, far Wood and Coal, and OFFICE STOVES, itAV HOWARD'S VENTIUTIM3 CAR STOVES, MOfIHING STAB COOKING RAN OS. ANDBOIfNTOVa ilOl' Ai& FUiNAiJxd. 100 do*. Onal S'.Ters luU " W'.re Noa '*4aod3i, i' - Cn.lH.Hli. SO ** Wire ' y»t«r B?U-rv " Wire Grittlr o >«. 50 ** *t half rHc« for uletttreii t>*rn*lnj rcr c«u at Tbos. X Ca., JOl Laketrett. THt OLD DOMINION COFFEE AMI) TEA FOIS ! Are (Old at Miaafactarrr's Pr by Taomu Georz* 1 Ca., 301 Lake^lreM. ' HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, Of ilmost ever? kind caa be frcai al ilOl Lake Mre«tt FIRE lllif.V*, A SneAaortmeat of Utau asd ?teci iust received b/ Thos X Co., JUI La*e atrrec Kedzie'sWater Filter, rhe best artlcla In thj worli for J'.rty wator HjLuulmctur«r , « Depot, JOl Latitat. Tboous George k Co. 5,000 of Plamraerx* aud (*as Filler*' BRASS -WORK: WUI be told at from ll»t Prloesi Tiios. George & Co. , P. W.Gaks, Wjrutr, iiwmici i frdver. VfAJiUk'ACTL'IttiW OF UAI LUO Al) .T1 oaKh J*ort*!j!r- ..nit NU'.Mir.^ry i steam Engines uml Boilers rtreuUr Sa>v Mills, ilt'r*' P i!»t .«cr«*w *3<i AKfDt> lor sale of Kurujlc Kiour *aJ t'rira MliH aodliolia; blngliu •nil Hum! Lmtnn, .'prlSb: Dnil«,W».vi Mi<-hin^rr«' , "« , rkHf, Mtl!» 1 ■'lMe rest*. ju.l w«crU*u*p», uuiiOe-i Ur*»« POWKR AXi> llA>'o I'I.A.NKHS. XTC. and Mill O'armf t» orlrr. ItAGLE WORKS, CIIICAGO, ILL. Mark <;oal»-"t>ATK* 1 CO." L* r. W. 4ATin C a. •iliM* T.CBiISSH. a. c. wiKJiKit o ru«sas. April 3X pURE AIR i PERFECT VENTILATION. The mbicrlberaUkeathlj method of Uiepab« '} lc that ther have lecured b Piteot Beating X Veatllatla- Fnrnif^ \nd are now prep*red to funilin them to order Tor Dwellinga. Churcbea. HchooLs. lc. Alao. their (Hove* xoArncted an the tame principle, for pulora, ntuK roomj aad halls, and. e>iisdally * RAILROAD OARS. r Ventllatln*'lerfectii all rooia in «fi'ch ttey u« o*ed P. and warmlnc toaar temperalure. We refer to Mescra WT. -V. oorlnrtun 0. L <8 tad Carter k Baurr, Ar*bltecu of this cltj partlra!ar» lnqa re of the <at«ao>iben it the* ofllce No. 41 iJi'UUi Lasalle atreot. t. LEST til 1 CO Chleaco. Oct. »?ih. j*6l oc>h*y.iy JEWETT & BL'TLEK, WHOLESALE DIALII3 IN 0 Hardware and Cutlery, c XAIL3, QLAS3, 3HS2T IHON COrPBP, 1 ZLNC, TW PLATE, TIMERS' TOOLS, ETC. ~ So. 18 LAKE STREET, .Between Wahuh and Uiehlx&n «ro OHIOAQO,- ILLINOIS ieI»-TJua lj. = HI&DWAKK FOS fALL TILIDE. IS£S. JEWETT & BUTLKH, Zo IH Lak* Hi/mt. IW. a I STITE THE COCNTS7 TRADE TO THS • 1. followin*: |u Teas Annealed Peooe Wire—aaiortoj aaoberti V.uOU Kco Naii— aawrted die* and brands. .500 BJls dhe> t Ir a—ass rte u to •• " J alette—as* .. •• •• Q. 13 Ctats dhert See. u H PL tTE. PIO TIN. lr OPPtH BOTTJMa. B<l£A3T3 and CO7XZS. iIYCT3 and £A2H. TIN NIK 9 TOOIA Ac.. "" A OOiIPLETK AaSORTMENT, £ UH-aW-ITI " A IcGRKfiOR'S CELEBRATED UEATINO If A STOVSSS. i» »liea, for Parlor*. •. fflces. Store*. Uallj S? tnd Cborchea A'so » , STEWART'S COOKING STOVES. Together with a 4n- rtment of PARLOR STOVES. Lateat «rte« sad piuteraa for •*>« by 0 MKTZ 1-0 jtatertraet. hetw-<o and A' ! *ma oaUi nA'* 'nj Cumber, &c. *° To Lumbermen and Others. Lake street mills will fcrnish Com tfesl Fee 1 of <Ui k.n i» *« low rale«. forties wtU safe ooner br at I*l *ad iU W «t Lile «lrwt- I rcBWSiIA XORRH 4 CO. laa Chicago. Not. IS, ISM. qoU oi.«j iy '3 T W~. 3 K INKLE i 00.. tu O • GENERAL DEALERS IN CUMAU LATIL XIMBCA. PICKETS, iC^ »imaa*ai.a*2Jacs9o«s?ia*ra luiaou. Dor arraajreraeats an neb uto lajore \\ all >x or * fg.licsDlyoithadlfferentaaallUMof OIIU LCM3XZ le* /3tntaadSeantUs<of Lura i * Mr. Lath, flhlngioa. Aa. I'ft OUI VLOOaEIG. Ins Of Norway and White pise. w« always aland ready to tnd coapare wlUi any ta this market. We Inrlt# ue calls ap<l of attention of all coontrr and other deailen to oar stock a« ole aaadaadfadllUetfor flllinjcrdera and contract ■jj. 'pO BUILDERS, OWNERd, £ EOOFERS —— The fabecriber 1* r*r«par«d to famUh. la lane or foali qoaoUcs. MOdtLKY 4 Co' 4 I Corrugated Roofing. This new article, so extensively Is o#e. exctis all other metallc for B wSax. b«iQ< more durable, eneaoo*. Are hptiHiny It also reduces the rates oflosoraace 10 per cent. A !*pechcen. as we l aaplaaaof therirloos method* of utttlna It 00. can be aeea by cat Ins at the office or the Pb«mx losoraac-t Companj. SoaUi Wu«r street. Chlcaco ooabUSl* A. It!) VASDa Areot. rkSALsaa AND GONSGMSR^ I J kiM urriTaa. I. w. OEXMMOHc * CO., Art a©» prtwradlo aril tad d*Qr«? to tnj part of lha d«M VXII Of OHASOI Aayoftb«T«rioa*prodnetof thatr odHa. WeihAll&la al the Mrs ls tba tnaJlty of ov coodj, aod wtth a cood mill, jood suterlala. and expertoce. hope to reach and mala- L tab the hlcheal point of excellence. Ow brands of/lota m la Mmte antf Oacs ai« ■ PhilUpa* MlUa, Choice Kxtr*. Ha 1 White Wheat. K PUlllpr Mllla, bfftt Ho. I &ed Wlnt«r. Alao al wboleMle orretall: . . Whtte *>• fkm. Corn MeaLaUUd andumtfted. AnkMfov. Oora and Qats. sroaod, aMt<Wf n|q l«r ><oa*>» WsU-» 1 f\f\ barrels rosijt— L\ /I I SOOO callous Winter Efpban'.'.OU, M barrels Ca««rOH. l-*"* tt m 200 Dockets Canary Seed, •*' W berTels iJao. wn» wut# LnA ISMI , k _ 3* -fipt.-v W ti«t »tn< i_ IMPROVKD FULL IRON FRAME, PIA.NO S 1- VOATCi ttanoftetared **** as retail at? wholesale orleee Mr W. T. BaQ> Practical Ptano foru iCakjr. AURaDoa of hlamake will be " f ♦ I |f i» Mtf wtrnated. OMPUaoawiS be takaDte'ucban** iMNa