Newspaper Page Text
COMMERCIAL. * Connerclal and Rodct matters. Techdat, Jan. C, UP. Mojtxt, Excsaxgk, &c.—The money market hw exhibited the same dall feature* daring the day. No change in any particular has ooenrred» n and we hare simply to repeat quotations, rix: Exchange firm at 1# per cent premium. Bank c discount* 10 per cent. Gold 1@1K» Mllinß p only in small lotaj street rates nominal at | per cent per month. Very little if any t first paper in the street and transactions limited. j The following is a comparative statement of I the condition of the New Tork Banks for the weeks ending Dec. 25 and Jan. 1: I I)t. 25. Jan. I. „ Loans 1125.T16.%» 319 loc..t9C7.P>< , Hpeci** 'iU.S7g.t7i S7 Circulilion 7.7W51% 7.K>4OH) Inc.. Net The comparieon with the corresponding week of last year and with midsummer is as follow*: Loan* «tiri Net Dla. Epecle. CircuTn. DeposWa. Jan. S.*rß..toß 549.ffi3 *M561<146 t6.4M4(» #67.600.760 Aug 21. 'S« ..12'i3'-BJai 2nJta.w; BRKB.3U Jan. 1, 'id..Ul7 Sl9 27.ia»,725 M.t41.1M The specie line has been steady at a rery high figure—one before unknown in the financini his tory of the coontry. Sacb immense amounts of coin cannot remain locked op and comp&rtT tively useless much longer. The deductions of the abrewdest men of the oge mnst be entirely at fault if it does not form the basis of & more substantial progress within the next few years than has ever been witnessed before in the his tory of the world. The New York Times of Tueedsy has the fol lowing ; The New year cpens with an enhanced more meat in nil departments of the Bank retnrn. The specie line is up (5G1,453, and the average arising one-thelast receipts from Calforma having averaged but two days of the weelc The nndrawn deposits ore but too million* dollar», doubt, in preparation for the dividends to be paid out to-day for distaot States and Cor* poratiocs; the loans are npf9C7,954 in anticipa* tion of the mercantile and other payments of the lend 4 January. The peculiar feature in the Statement is that the accumulation of deposits in this city should stand on the Ist of Jan., in the midst of the active business at the South, to sear the Summer maximum. On the 10th Ju ly tbe figures were $y2,337,042. They are now $90,664, l Ab the Exchanges with the South already show signs of turning in our favcr, the probability is not only that tbe drain in that di rection (or Specie has almost ceased, bo; that the balance in New York from nearly every quarter of tbe Union will henceforth increase, running up the Deposit line to one hundred mil lion/ by tbe Ist of April, and to one hundred and twenty vdlliont by the middle or close of July. The market for money lo day is partially un settled by the terrre dividend paymeots, and sev eral d;iys mu-t transpire before we have a steady movement all round. Meantime the sums called in by a lew prominent Banks are readily supplied to the brokeifc by outside lendere, and the negolia tioiiH, on demand to-day, are at 3@3£ per cent, on htate and other tirvt-claKs Stocfcs, and 4 per cent, ou otlitr reliable collateral. The brokers repoit no change ol rate on mercantile bills. CoiiWEßCiAL.—'Tbe llog market to day was even duller than yesterday and prices o shade lower. Tbe receipts of Dressed Hogs were lar ger, and embraced the finest aod heaviest bronght to market this season. There were quite a number of lots which avereged from £3O up to 300 lbs.—small boned and fat. Tbe sales to-day show a a runge of $5(gG.25. Heavy Hogs sold at $G(gG.£5. There ore some heavy lots held above tbe market. One lot of 50, averaging 323 lbs. is held at |G.7s—with offers ofsG,ss. There was nothing done in Live Ilogs. Those which came in were held above the figures of buyers. The Provision market seemed to-d&y to have lost any little firmness it may have had. Early in the morning SOO bbls City Aless Pork were sold at SIG, and later in the day GOO bbls. more at tbe same price. A sale of 350 bbls. lless Or dinary was also made at sls, At the close there were several other lots seeking buyers at the same figure. The market for Lard is very quiet, and though holders are firm at 10;£@1 (j;X, the market is at most dead with inactivity. The Flour market remains dull. We noticed on 'Change to-day several samples or choice brands sent from Milwaukee to this market to be said. Spring Extras are nominal at $3 75(£ 4 50. Tbo Weeat market is quiet—there being no demtcd except for milling. Sales No. 2 Spring were made to day at G3 1 2c, in 6tore in a good warehouse; old Rejected at 55c, in store; new Rejected (47 lbs. to the measured bushel), &t G4 1-Ec, delivered; and Rejected Winter at GOc, on track. Di&UUersate short of Corn, and under this demand prices have adranoed lc per bushel. Shelled sold at 59c per GO lbs, on track, and Ear Corn at 52c per 70 lbs, on track. Tbe Oats market is rather easier to-day. Some old crop sold at 52c, free of storage. Good Oats, however, are scarce. There ia a good demand for choice Barley by Brewers, at 75@55:. Common, however, is ve ry dull. Ho? and Provision Trade. rOBK I'ACKIXO IK TU* WEST. [Prom the Cincinnati Price Correct J&nusryS.] The reports Irom our correspondents at the various towns, where pork is packed, through out the West, are coming iu this season much earlier than usual. We had heard, up to yes terday, from serenty-tive places, sixty-nine of them Irom our own correspondents. At sixteen of those places, packing was not yet finished, but nearly so. \Ve reserve tbe details for our lull and tiual statement, but will cow give tbe aggregates for this and last year, as for as heard from. "* No. Tlr.fß. TLlis*fl*on 1,7y;.4M Lalu.'UOQ I.Sj&'M lociecac at 75 places. 185.77 i) In these aggregates are included tbe cumber packed at thiH city, which we put down at 850,. OOU; Louisville, which wo put down at 259,C00; and >Si. Louis and Chicago, which we put down at the statements i>ublisbed at those places. As regard* the falling oQ' in weight, we tind there is great irregularity. In Illinois it is re. l>orted Irom to SO ner cent.; in Indiana from 4}£ to 17 per cent.; in Ohio Iran 2to 11 per cent.; in lowa from yto 19 per ceut.; in Ken tucky and Tennessee, the estimates are an in crease ol 4to S per cent. At Milwaukee, tbe decrease is but per cent. We have classi fied tbo returns, and calculated the increase and the decrease, though cot as closely as we shall do when making our final statement. We find the deficiency, in weight, equal to 121,200 hogs, , which being deducted Irom the increasd given above, is as follows : | Incrcise as above lES 770 Lcductfor Kfigt.l .....lil/JOJ Net Increase C7.C70 The falling off in the yield of lard is variously reported from 2 lbs to 9 lbs per hog, at the places north of the Ohio river. At the few points south of thut wc have beard from, an increase is reported. Our impression is that the falliog off in lard, taking tbe whole packing together, will be 5 lbs per bog. We wish it to be distinctly understood, however, that this is but an esti mate, as we have cot made any systematic cal culation regarding lard more than the idea we lormed by looking over the returns; still we think our estimate rather abore than below the actual debciency. An impression is quite prevalent that there is a general (ailing oil at the small places. We find the reverse to be the case. So far as we have tbe returns, we have beard from but four places where none were packed this season, and we have beard of three places where no packing was done last season, but considerable was done this season - two ol them packing 23,000 bead. We would also state that tbe returns from tbe tsoutberc counties of Indiana and Illinois, in the above oygrecates, show a deficiency this year of 85,00 V. We allude to this, in order that our readers may understand that the short crop localities are well represented in the Ogurea we give. Indeed all the places of importance where there is & marked falling off, are included in the returns above given, as well as moßt of the pla ces where there is a large increase, so that those one hundred and twenty five places yet to hear from, are those where we may looc for a fair increase, but how much the whole increase in cumber will be, we cannot say with any degree of accuracy, at present; that there will be a net increase, however, after allowing for the falling off in weight, we havo oo doubt, but bow much it will be we arc cot cow prepared to say. Chicago Daily Wholesale market. Tuchsdat Ernivo. Jut. 6. FLOUR—Market very dulL Ba'eiwerc: 100 bbls ' Ex ceUor " Spring Extra, oo p. C WHEAT—Mstkcl viry quiet. Sales to-day were: 1.200 t»u No. fi Spiinjat Cd>*c in store; St 1 !) bu new Itejectrd (wiight 4~% as. to the measured bushel) at UXe deliv ered; ftXlbuold £Uectedal£«cinsiore; SOO bu Rejected Winter at7oc on track. CORtf-Ingood demand and advanced lc. Sales to day were: 00Q bu shelled attire on track; SOObuEarOorti at&lc on track. OATS—Market euler. Bales were s-POO ba old crop a* file free of storws. New crop nominal at 45342: inbaas BARLEY—toObu prime Bute,»l 6£c on truck. RY£—ln gjod demand by distillers at Wfi67c per CO Jfc at depot BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Common, #1.75(35.25 per 100 2A Dixon Mills. StOO ? 100 fts. middlings-no. l fie v ton. BUOR 'E—P/lme, #l3 p ton. PROVISIONS—Mca* Pork easier. Decllnad2sc. Files to-day were:—3.o bbls city packed at SIC; UQ t»bi* jt, O. at#ie. Nothing doing In Cut Meats or Bacon. Mesi feef ncmlnal at #9&I10. LARD—Firm, hut inactive, at IQX&IOYe. TALLOW—Quiet, at ?X«10£. t PRESSED HOGS.—Receipts better, and of excellent Quality. The market, however. Is very dull, Tha Bales were: 22 Hogs, averaging P-s, at 16.15 vioo&l 19 " ** £6* " ** ** JM M " 240 " •' (..Oil •* 19 " " 235 " M 6.25 .5 all over HO " '• t;cu '• dividing oi? soo tti. at t>m »■ " suoni, LITE BOGS.—Receipts about SOO bead. The market was very quiet, and there were no transactions—buyers and tellers being apart. HIDES.-The market was belter to-dar. and prices a shade higher. Balecwere: CQrttc Country at "Xc; » doatTfcc; I<s Green Baited and Trimmed. atSXc; 63 Dry Flint, at UXc, PELT2.—City, JaauarT, «1,<33.U0; Country. 80o«#1.80. BUTTER.—Oommon, 10313 c: Choice, 14®lCc. SGGfi.—Preah scarce, and la tood request, at Sse» LlmcdKmaoc. POULTRY—Dresied Chickens, »I.Boe!pndoi.: Ttr- I k I = 75c: common I W GIKBS6EED— ICObuTlmothyat #1.70. I BXQBWlKtt—lnactive at2l©22c. J OOOPE RAGE—2OO Pork Barre's. at 97 c. SUGARS AND MOLASSES—Toe following are Bele I '- rr-s prices acoordicgteE. B. Hunter's dr.-ularof Jan. Is Loaf Sugar Double Refined - .11 e (SSedßusar,Double neflnwl..... JgVc Refined Yellow Sugar A go Befined Yellow Sugar B BXo In bbls. Kegi. Golden fiyruo 67 ExtratfutarllouseSyrup J- 4, Sjtup Molasssr 45 New York Market, BtTxlkxaph.l Flock— with a fair dema-d for the ea»tern and loudtrade. Sales 9.< u0 bbl-: »4 25&4 5j for saptr State; 55.U"&5 25 for extra Stats: *4.3«J4 65 for fuper weiW-rn; SMAso 40 for roicmon to medium extra western; 15 * 0 for shU'PU g brands extra rouad hoop chto; closl-gqulet andnrm. o*nadia' flaarfirm: #a ea3j/Jl)li,g; \ for co" nnr to «hoite «xtra»-Hj>ail Hie Vioor 1 *3.503424. Backwheat Fuur qu tt; |2.&)Q2.73 per V*i ' p.unds . Gkais—Wheatquitt. pnres unchancel: fair n-ecmd Clilcago erring **JJ briic7i.'37i>c fur d>; val»s 2.TOJ bared and Missouri uken tOKetherat 11.2 X Kye scarce J.od waot«d: 77c for Jtrser. and &c>c tor priuio North River. Barley dull: files 4(XWbu'- fair tihu-ara Co. at <&c. New Com firmer; old is doll and rath-r heavy; western mix-d ofl'-red at 7956"c whilst buyerv re u*" to psy over 7ftc—sales hu; r new yellow Jersey and eratebuaineasdoinc; b2«54c lor we-tern»nd (Canadian. Whiskt—Firm; Biles ICO bbla at 25c; holders generally refuse to accept rtsi 2SMc. PKOvtiUOSS-Poik ratlier e.sle*; sales bbls at *1712 for old Mejj; *17.50 lor new do; #1350 tor new prime, including 1 s<>Ll t>bta n>*w mea for June ctlivery. 830 western accom and 1.00) bbls prime at boyers' option. 3l>d»7a. at*t3.&o. Hre s'cady; sales 400 b>iis at 16.60& 7.00 tor c prime: *7 71K4f9 r>r c i Is 3o>»l0 50 f rre packed m«s; 110.7j411u0 ftr extra mess. Beef hams et:a'y; aalt-s'oj pickaees at 13C» Sc. I'nme m-es beef nomV'al B»con quiet. Cut nteady; (tales liO bbds at for shoulders and SK'f'Kc for ham*. DreCTedho.eqwtattVCqßforlLe vliolerange: WesteTi ureopedheavy torn 6oid at Lard buoyant; sales '■bU at at UK&UX. Potter stendy at for Ohio; toQSi for Mate. Chfe#efirma hiocxji-S cand Hoard active. Prl e« h ghcr Mo 6s. MX; PadQc MallKs NY C fetV; fcudson^S. K-udincbAli;M U '2H; Panama 11' iV: Galena k Cnicago 7IH: Ctii.ago k Jlock Itlaad L'j. insurance. I'coriiJlariae&Firelnsu'nce Co, OF PEORIA. CAPITAL $500,000 | Paid Up in Cash 300,000 JIA£L\E 4XD FIRE RISKS ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Loaaca Promptly Adjusted and Faid at tlili Ai*euey« J. AUG. WRIGHT. Apent, ja< bPIO ly No.lja Bomb Water street Chicago. ' Chicago Firemen's lusurauce Co. ' Office P?. W. Corner of Like and Clirfc-sts., UP STAIRS. OAPZTAI< - 9200,000. DIREOTOR6. Thomas Church, B. W. Raymond, Geo. W. Dole, I E. H. Haddock. J. K. Botsford, Orrington Lunt, > O.H.ParweU. W. M. Larrabee, J. T* Edwards. ; THOITIAS CHI/BCH, Preat, ! aN. HOLDEN, Sec'y, JOi. E. BROWN. Surveyor au27 'SO afi3S-ly i JgY BTATE AUTHaEITT | CHOICE Ist CX.AS 3 INSCHANCD —cr Tnr— -7 s CASH CAPITAL $1,000,000. [Absolute and Unlmpared Wltli a Surplus of SGGG,I4O 10. 5 And the prestlce of 39 years success and experience. The Capital alone beinr doable that ef any Fire Ings- ranee Compaay in the United Btatee. I ASSETS JULY Ist, I*sl Cash on hand and deposited in Hertford Banks #179.124 18 . Oasb In trarslt and Agents' hands 1K719 05 * U. S. Trea«nry Notvs, sper cent interest 2.500 0U 145 Plate Bonds 14o.6&0 00 0 Money due the Company, secured* by mort -3 gg et 4.< iB 04 ReaJ Estate unincumbered SS.3& 01 Bills receivable S4 MAatgrVALDfc 161 Bonds, 6,7, an<4lo cent Interest annu j ally 181,250 00 867 shares Railroad Stock..... 8177200 1 W shares Connecticut River Co. Stock.... 1.250 00 50 shares Stafford llanV Stork &V<o <0 3 £0 shares W&terbury Bank Stock 6,250 0U ?«» shares Providenr« U&nk Stock...., 1.W2 00 f 1339 shares Hartford Bank »tock 23",112 50 t KIEO shares New York Bank Stock W3.740 0a 15 shares Jersey uuy Hank Stock LS'jn 0Q ll»l shares U. 8. Trust Co. New York Stock. 11,200 00 ' 3150 shares New York, L. L and Trust Com. pany Stock 34,750 00 8 01,666,14010 TOTAL LIABILITIES: r Unsettled Claims not due #103,714 £8 Losses Adjusted and Promptly Pdd. e tTPWAKDS OF 5U,000,000 of losses have been ; paid by tue iUtna Insurance Company In the poet 8) yeara r Fire and Inland Navigation. Risks accepted at terms eonsigtent with solvency and fair nroQt &pecial attention given to Insurance of Dwellings and Contents for terms of of oae or five years. Onraalsed on a NATIONAL basis, with arendes to the prlnpipal cities aid towns. Oashtransactions, free from the objections of th • credit system. Application madftoanv duly authorised Aicent provnotly attended to. By strict iittentinn t»» a legitimate Insurance business this Compaay is enabled to offer both Indemnity for the B past and security for the future. * -• Policies Issued without uelay by any of Its duly author* 3 lied Agents. 1. Branch Office 171 Vine street, Cincinnati. >f attended to with dispatch and flaellty.^J n J. B. BENNETT, Geaaral Agent* i. HUBBARD k HUNT, Ageata, Chicago, r W. B. PATCH. State Agent Peoria, UUncla. e oclb4l-6m d NORTH AMERICAN Fire Insurance Company. w OF HAEIFOBD, CONN. 'J PAID UP CAPITAL %4 O O 000. r Insure against Loss by Fire only. - HUBBARD k HUNT. Agenta, Chicago, comer Lasall* j. snd South Water streets. c KORWICn FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY* of Norwich. Conn. d PAID tTP CAPITAL *175 000. ** Iniure against Loss by Fire. n nUBBARD A HUNi'. Agenta, corner of Sonlh Water r and Clark streets. First Floor, Loomls* Block, oc^ob^jfi I: THE FJIOENIX LYSURANCE CO., e or THE CITY OF CHICAGO. Ofllce ( 142 SoutU Water Street* j| AuUiorix< il Cnplial, Jal.ftV) | l'*lJ jo and secured, J75.1-00 ds i.i^c I>o Dtnrt'Tons: J. F. Alilrich, Jdbn A. Nichols X, B. O. Wilder, A. Kdwarda, D TTiram P. Smith. Aovijoar niEt«-TORs: Watson Carr, O. 11. Iln7lrtnn, C. N. llfuucrj>Oß, A"Um smitli. _ A. KIUVAUDS, President. K. C. WILDER, ferrrtary. ofco. K. II AKTINOS. Central Agesli t.*WTR R. rvUSl)P.M,.V'Uy?artejor. y SS* Klre, Marine ao<l Inlaud Navigation Insnrtrcr. •8 If lYorlbwestern lnMirauce Comn'y, OSVVKUO, NEW YOEK. ' " (XSTABIItfBHk IS 1522.) I Capital 150,000—With a Sorplos* l- mHE PUBLIC ARE RESPECTFULLY IN e A formed that Mr. JULIUS WIITTE has been reap e pointed acent of this Comainy, and is alone* uthorlaed to lnue aod renew policies In Chicago, e Mr, WlilTEls authorised to adjust and pa all loses arising under our Policies either or Marine, j. 0 „ . „ JAMES PLAIT President fi- R-_Lcplow. Pec'y. O IFTbe undersigned will be happy to see his friends e and nf tbe old Northwestern genially, at the _ Office. No. 14e S South Wau-ritreet, aasuring them that ourrateashallbe aslowaatbnseof anyotberresponsible d Company, and that Losses *e falrh adjusted and B prompUvpald. JULIUS »V'HtTF- AgenU * ocaetfeily 14«H South WaUrstreet, ; JNT^EMNITY is \ td -OF j Haetfoed. cohh; A O E IST T S a, b the Priidpal OUes asd Toms In tlie Tbloi, wia*m 00 FZOHTTLT ATTEND TO ATT. BUSINESS 00 OOairiCTKD 'WITH THEIK AOSHCT With PKOMPTNESB AND ABILITY. BE. MAG I LI.. Ascnt for lb. Weft, at es dodanitl oc3o4>S3Ma O. ——— LBS BAOSI BAQB!! BAQB! st jTAJiwaxiXi'« BTRAH BAG HLWACIOKY, -1 €i, 44 A ** Wabaah avence, Chicago. BAGS AND SACKS of every deseriptits famished on short notice, and printed with KKW A*D BKAVTIFI'L BHASM :et BIMION FAEWELL. apMAwly 4771. 31 1 a ———— — _ » TJIPEOYED FUU. IEOS FRAME PIANO *77 JL FORTES Manufactured and for sale at retail at Extern wholesale prices by M W. T. RTTD Practical pu&o Forte Maker. Alipianoa of his make will be lT x f |! folly warranted. Old Pianos will be takn ia exchange, and tuning and repairing .promptly attended t«. Asdx ' forte r r- . Jflcrctjanls. [Si* *"' _ " - - - WiiUr - - IBS 9 K. W. GRAHAM & 00., forwarding *Herchants, SMppligAguts UUuls CcDtrtl KallTMd, and Vharf Boat Proprittors. CAIRO ILLINOIS. WE HAVE JUST PUT DOWN IBON SraA> Hid nUdea leafing dir-cily trom tbe old Depot (o harf Boat, wnieh enable ui to'forward freight to and from the Rillroad with great despatch and wahoni the expowe or liability to damage, unavoi dab!e In any other aettud of handling. W# abo give prompt and careful attention U> re*ahlp> mezli by river to ftaahvllle, Kvansvil'e dnclnnat'. wheeling. Pittsburgh. New ur.eans and Memphis. Cairo, llUoolfc December 15th. lata. JOKES it. CO., PRODUCE MERCHANTS. Advances made oi produce in Store or for Shipment. Sterling Kxdmmre on London for sale. Exchange on New York bought and sold. Oxee In Bteet'a Blsck. comer of L*saile and (south Water streeL de 3 bts2 Sm g 8. K 1 « a COJtMiaBIOH JCEBCHANT. 7 CENTRAL WHARF. BUFFALO, N. Y. M/17-fciCfc-ly Lees a waller, commission i£bb. CHAJfrs. 80.71 BKAYIR ETSHT NEW YORK. WA-LLER~& CO., ' NO. 17 STATE STREET. CHICAGO. ILL. Cash Advances made en Produce in Btore, or aUoped : to our House in New York. apls iy-DU7 'AXE LXBk I Nfiir V Qr v JA*lt H. WAIJJS. gQWAXD WAUAK.> xorg * Chicago. FISH & LESTER* 'PRODUCE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS .AT 14 Dearborn street, Chicage. Illinois. Oash advances on Shipments to Silas H. Fish. Buffalo. J. H. President, Reynolds, EJy a Chicago, and A. A. liustaphleve. Boffaio. j>ao. J. LEDIJC, ,l*ti ACtst o» ngffAUi> x tzekk. xortxeal. ' /COMMISSION MERCHANT & BEOKfcK. OHiCe No. G Dearborn street, Chicago, 111. KgrxEXSCu.— L. Kenaud k Frere. Moutreal; Connolly, Lantler ACo., Montr«-«l; C. J.C«s*.ck, B<>., Montreal; Messrs. IXumiey, llroj. Jt Cbicaj;o; Bbl(y X Co., Quebec; H.J. Xoad & Co-, BK e' A: Co., Cbicago; Fliut A Wheeler, Cmcago. SJ- t'ost Oflice Box ffZG'.V-ly T THOMAS A CO. tLate Thomas A aacket.) COMMISSION MEKCHANTa Office and Warehouse No. 39 North Dearborn street, two doors North of the Galena Freight Depot. Chicago, iii.nois, Exclulve attention given to the sale and purchase of Flour, Grain, Live Stock. Pro visions, Ac., on Commission. seSiafl4S-8m r.O. x.u TixtRXM a awnas, F. G. SAIiTONSTALIi A CO., COMMISSION STOCK BROKERS, COR NER Clark and Lake gtreeta. Will attend to the purchase and ssle of Stocks and uonds of every descrip tion. either in this or In the New York Market. Quota tions of the New York Stock Market received dally by telegraph. Sales and purchases made at the Stock Ex change at lowest rates of commission. an24.a5&4m BUMSEY BEO. «e 00, COMMISSION MSB* oaASra. Give their exclusive attention to the PURCHASE AND SALS Ot Floor, Grain, and otber Produce, oa ocmcßsro*. 14* South Water cor. Clark street ...141 noC aSS 2 iy CHIOA6O. BKTTS, "IKLLKN A CO., /COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER \J «'HANTS, No. 13 South Main street, St. Louie, Ifo. fe l'S7 MTTHBT NELSOH I PRODUCE, COMMISSION & SHIPPING i MERCHANT. | No. 6 Hffilar<rs Block, comer Clark and Booth Water-Eta. Axents 'or tbe FULTON STABCH WORKS, Fulton, N. Y. (Late Oswego River Starch Company.) They manufacture all kinds of pure Corn Starch of a superior quality. Orders addressed to M. NEU3ON, P. O. 241X1, will receive prompt attention. oc9 bI2I jy J. J. RICHARDS, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. !5u Sou Wa«er street, Chicago. C 3" Liberal ad made on consignments. KtrtHtscti—J. 11. tunhumj'hlcago; J Young PrAm mnn, Chicago; litoW >o!e. Chicago: Knmsey, llro A<"o, Cliicupo: Koval Mo»«rs, NapW, 111; Woodrutr i Co, New York; 'ilenlng < Woodrull, St Louis; J Bnnu, Hanker. IC S Dote. Chiraso. auSJ'i^-ly CASH ADVANCED.—I Ail PREPARED to make OAWTT ADVABTOXia On Bhlpmenta ot Produce for tale In BuCalo or New York arket. R. MOCHESNEY, Iri7-6m-a290 Steel's Block. 184 SOOI Water street. SAWYER) WALLACE & CO., Commission Merchants, NEW YORK. Underwood & Co., Chicago, mhJJ'iMy Agents forth* Snrtb-wMt IQ a IOBEET, FEODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Dealer In all kinds of Flour and Feed, and Country fro duce. Wholesale and Retail. HI and 243 Eintie, comer of Wolcott street. Chicago, 111. FlourandFeeddeliveredtoanypartof the city free ot charge. mril-vIOQ-lT UNDERWOOD & CO. Comm is s ion *flercft an rs\ IS3 8. Water Street, WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE CASH ADVANCES oniiraio lornliipment Kn<t. civitifi he owner ot »ellii.s in I'uHaln or New Vork U-r he' s.tmefo-aiiusßion. L'KDKItVVOOH A t'< i':i';'-ly;:<77 1525. t\'^terstr<-»-t CO.TIJIISSION ITIERCHANTS. ITABBH, HABWOOD & CO., NO. 89 SOUTH WATER STREET. We are prepared at all times to make cash advances on Grain and Flour and Produce generally for saie here, or In New York. Boston. Buffalo or Oswego. Oonslgners are privileged to sell In eitherofthesemsr kcts at the same commission. jy3l-aT23-lr DKEIEGH & 00., COMMISSION MEE • chants, corner of South Water and Franklin sire eta. CHIOAGO ILLINOIS, anim. mylo-tlo-lr «.D.vATLoa. Business (Ear&s. BLAOEWELL A CUMMING, A TTORNIES AND COUNSELLORS AT r\ LAW. II South C;ark street, opposite the Court Hoce, Chicago. Illinois. Will prictlce H the Federal and flute Cjurti 0' Uiiaols, and in the Supreme Court cf the UuUed States. Ros»ktS Bucswmll, [de!7] Gilbert W CcMxnto. GOODWIN LABNED A GOODWIN ATTORNETS AND COUNSELLOUS OSce No. 97 Washington street, adjoining Lsr mon'&Biock, Chicago. UUnola, ergraxM a. ooopwia kdw. a tAaxn) DAS*LQooDwnr, ja. GOOKINS THOMAS A ROBERTS ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 7'J AND SI Dearborn Street. Chicago, Illinois. no! 9 bs3< 3m DRAKE A BRO. SM Clark Street 2M. Dealers in paper hangings,— PAPER HANGERS, Ac., Ac. Home. Siga and Shade Painters. oc3blll-6m BASS A MULVEY, A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT X\. LAW. No. 47 Clark street. Chicago. pgßKiss gist. 0c1b45-ly mclvev. STEELE A RILEY A TTORNEYS AT LAW, 5$ DEARBORN f\. erarsT. Chicago. Room Na 3. Walker's Building.... P. O. 80x4377. h. t. bTiau;......,....1deyj. h. a. rilet. JOHN A. BBOSS Attorney and solicitor and UNITED STATE* OOMMISSIONKR. fWVticc U. B. Marshal's Room, IS3 Lake street. CRAWFORD, SHARP & CO., rIPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CROCK* KRY, Olaaa and China, Table CutVrr, LooVlc| <>;aue«, tlaalori and Britauma Ware, No. 105 street. Chicago. Cl. mhr'f^-Iv a. H. A L.iLATLIN* TTTHOLESALE paper warehouse. > V 49 SOUTH WATER STREET, Are sow receiving their winter stock of Fine Papers and eastern Book Pap en, which they offer at low prices. Printing paper of every slae and best quality. oc?.blOI VULOAW FOCTWDRY. CLINTON STREET, fcETWEBN FULTON and Carroll. Chicago. OL QKKRT WAtSINGTOH. Manufacturer of SfiUonary as < Portable Steam Engines, Machinery and Kin Gearins. tr Oastlnra made to order red Repairing prtoptly at tended to. fei4 -lT EDWARD ?OWEH A BCBITECTURAL , AVD ORNAMENTAL xl Carver and Oompodtloa Ornament Manufacturer Northwest corner State and Adorns streets. P. O. Box Sb 37 Ohloagc. HI. de3l-t4&-ly GEORGE X . ABBEY, Lake Street 340 Manufacturer, impuu 0 TKRaud Dealer io C.uns, vera, Kulre*. Oun ilakrra' Male rial, ao.l SporUn? Apparatus of all kinda. Agents for Hazzard'a l'o«der. SU t>hot aud Safety Fure ; at wholesale ~ reuil. K. ll.—Hppalrlrigdone la the hftat manner, aod war PAZSE A ELLIOTT house axd sign painters !B Laaalle Street. s rj.LAZINO, GILDING, MARBLIXQ, KAL VJT SOMINI and Wall Coloring. In a superior man ner. Particular attention paid to MON PAINTING AND GRAINING. _ Constantly on hand, Palnta, Oils, Glasa, Yamlsher. Brush ea, Smalts and Gold LeaL , . ALBERTO. PAINE. nos b417 ROBERT ELLIOTT. EDWARD e. AND OOUNSBLLOR AT LAW NO. H SOUTH CLARS STREET. Opposite Court Bonis. Chicago mr3-ly-tg74 SPIES h. BUST QODHSEUOBS AT LAW NO. TS CHESTNUT. NORTH SIDE, Between Third and Fourth streets, St. Louis, Ho. ■VMr. B. Is Notary Public and Oommlsilonsr •> Deeds for every State in tbe Union. References in Chicago—Script*. Bros a Spean racaaicaiyaa. Utl-iy-vl6£l caxth a km. WATER WHEELS. VANDEWATER'S Rt ceutly Improred Jonral Tnrbloe WATER WBSEXi. Office, No* 81 Soath Clark Street, CHICAGO. I OFFER THIS IMPROVED TURBINE Water Wheel to the public with the fullest oonfldeaoe and aassrsaee of tts SUPERIORITY OVER ALL OTHER WHEELS, Without any exception. They are veil adapted to (and have bees tested tn) Mills of all descriptions. They give a Yen STEADY AND UNIFORM SPEED, And are well adapted to very high as well as very low heads andfaiis. TneywlU work well in back water with. Oct any material lo« of power, and are not troubled with lee, as they are set inside of the forebay and dis charged underneath. It requires aam all amount of gear, lng to get up a high speed, costs bat lime to set up, and masaponatteptbat needs no ouisc.and will Ust for years. This Wheel Is capable ofyielding a power of from 70 to S per cent, of tne whole power of the water (accord ing to the decree of finish of wheel) under high beads and falls, and in all caaea it is warranted to work up to the power laid down la the table and to give satisfaction When properly pu bp and seared. gieie. CxmntJ and Town territories for aale. Por further particulars see circulars, which esa be ob lasted at the Rent's OSoe, No. 81 flsatli Clark st, FRANCIS HAEVRY. Proprietor. seH-ly-aFW G. J. McPOUQALL AssaL ; r^-UNNIES—N*W AND SECOND HAND. •* **• hi tnuw Banking anb <£*cf)cmge. OF WILLARD. ALEXANDER £ CO. Bank of DeporiU rerdca sad DometUo ExAangs, Collection and Ship Putwt £0 OLABE STHEBT CHICAGO. de2B-ly-bSU ' ' OOOZfBAUO -t A BROOKS. Bankers and dealers in ex- CHAXOI, BURLINGTON, IOWA WW Prompt attention Ten to the oolleetlon of Note* Drafts. etc. . Refer to Georxt Smith k Co.. Marine Bank. Mpr binu Savings Loan and Trust 00., and F. G. Adams. w, r- qoolbauob. [mh3S-lyj r. w. expo p. EDVPD, I. TINKHIHI 4 CO., BROKERS, AND DEALERS. IN EXCHANGE. Corner Clark and'Ltke 9treett« CHICAGO. ■ PWIRD !. CHART,F..S H. HAM £ 00. Bankers and dealers in ex chouse. 3) Clark street, Chicago. OoMsnssiOH Dcpaxtxext—UAM. CHAMBERS k CO.. Dealers n Negotiable Securities. Bar and Sell Paper Secured br Real Estate, and rive special attention to In* vestments for Eastern Parties aplt>47&4-ly caaaua g. bam s. a.caA*BEas. oeo. d. whittle. Jakes a. dutce jakcs sacx. arsar saylks. DCPEE, BECK & SAYLES, Bankers and brokers, nos. -s & 5 Devonshire street. Boston, rive particular atten tion totbe Mines of Lake Superior and are prepared to tarnish reliable information respecting then. A monthly review of the Stocr and Money Market with 1 quotations of all ttieOarrent Securities, will be sent to any address desired. ap23-'6&-ly j a. a. iasz a. A. aAxroan w. a mewiaiA*. | LANE, BANFORD 6c CO., SUCCESSORS TO DICKERHAN, WHEEL O EH ft CO. Bankers, Eockjoxd. Illinois. Collections made and remitted promptly at current rates of Exchange. Rim to—Ocean Bank, few York; Shoe and Leather 2>ealers' Bank. Boston: Exchange Bank. Ciiicaco. auZJ HOFF9IANN A* GELPCKE, BAM EEHB, Chioaso. Deposits received and interest allowed on Special Deporitj. Liberal accommoda buns granted to depositors, Independent of the state of the money market. EXOHANQH and Letters' f Credit, in snms to suit, on theprincipal cities of the United States and Europe. EXCHANGE ON EUROPE, to Importers, at New Tork Quotations. TlilE LOANS on private bonds and mortgages nego tiated. Western State, Oounty, City or Railroad Loans negotiated abroad. Jans raAjtoip a. Borrmja. Airr. 6nxxa. otto ob-pcxx. tTLRIOHS i OEUDTNEH CLABK STREET—OLD TBISUNB OFFICE. Specie, Bank Note, Exchange AND COLLECTING OFFICE, Bay constantly Poreign and Domestic Gold and Silver Coins. fcastera Bank Soles and Uncurrent Money. Bel) Exchange on New Fork, and make CohectiODSthrcu*hont the United States and Canadaa. jeH '£Bl* *l* OOOK It. SARGENT davenport....... ..iowa OOOK SARGENT A DOWBE7 IOWA CITY IOWA. OOOK SARQEHT & OOOK fORT DES MOINES IOWA OOOK SARGENT & FARKER VLORENCE. NEBRASKA. | JANKERS & DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. J3 Make collections and remit to any pert of the Union. Land Warrants bought, sold and located. lypartlcular attention riven to the payment of taxes. Attorneys at i*aw connected with oar house*. COOK A DILLON. Davenport. lowa. I£. U. DOWNEY. lowa City, fiar: a TO L W. Clark A Co.. Philadelphia. X. W. Clark. Dodxe k Co.. hew Tors. J. J.Dlxweil. PresL Maes. Bank, Bosul. N. Hoimea k boa. Plttaburgh. J. W. Clark A Co., Boston. K. W. Olark & Brother, St. LouJr. Hatch A Langdon, St. Louie, tico. Smith k Co., Chicago. JoTtnO.sargent. Wa&hiaxson. P.O. mrS-lr THE RANK OF AURORA. HALL A ÜBUTUkRS, AURORA, ILLINOIS. gANKERS & DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. AH collections entrusted to them will meet prompt at tention. Refer to Bank of the Stale, Hew York; ¥. Q. Adams and George Smith A Co., Chicago. M. V. BIXU B. f. BADU P. A. SALI* A. C. OEKTEL, £T»OREIGN AND DOMESTIO EXCHANGE J? and Collection Office. Also, Notary Public. 75 Dearborn street. Chicago. IU. ni3-lr-523 OFFICER A BROTHER, Bankers —dealers in uncur rent Money, Sight and lime Bills of Exchange, Gold aaii Silver Coin, etc. Receive deposit!, and pay partleu* lar attention to collecting. Office 1M Lake street. Ma rine Bank Bolldlne, open from » A. M. to lis P. &L aEfERENCEg. North Bank. Boston. Metropolitan Bank, New York, Sherman A Coiling, " " Marine Bank. Chlceto. J. 1L Dunham k Co- Chicago. R. W. OPHOER and SAM'L P, OF/ICES. General Partners. Illinois Savings Institution, IS THE CITY 0? CHICAGO, [lncorporated February, 1557.J :pIUS INSTITUTION RECEIVES DE- J. pcslts of onadoiiar, and upwards, from all cla*t*i c) persona, including MINORS AND MARRIED WOMEN, and allow Interest at the rate of six per cent, per ae. num. Dividends payable on the first Monday of Janu&rr *3t-' July. TRUSTEES. John H Seeds, WmßQaden J U Dunham Geo W Dole. G 8 Hubbard, il W Rajraond. Krastus 6 Williams, John a Heed, Henry Whitbeck. GeoEjjtanton, AlexOOorentry. ORwLuli. Ciathan B Kidder. Office No. To, Washington street, Portland Block. Office open daily during the usual hours of buslnes* and on Tuesday and Saturday evenings. « „ „ JuHN U. KINZIG. President. N. B. KIDDER. Cashier. jyl&alt4-ly THE MERCHANT'S SAVINGS, LOAN AAL) TRUST COJUPAST. Having a cai j ital of $500,1:00 (with the privilege to Increase the same to tl.ocp,. uuu;, fully paid in. ia, according to the provisions of Its Charter, prepared to bur and sell Exchange on all the principal *'ities of the United Slates and disco ant sati*> factory Business Paper of short date. The Executive Committee will meet dally atlOo'clock A. U.. andperioaa applying for Discounts will receive an answer at 1 o'clock P. M. They will receive Money for Accumulation, allowing Compound Interest at seven per cent, per annum when the amount Is deposited for a term or years: receive and execute Trusts by order of Courts, from Estates. Corpora* Uona and Individual: and also collect Notes. Drafts and Acceptances payable in this city, and remit for same at current rates of Exchanne at maturity, and will make Collection -i>on other points, upon favorable terms. urrKt*—uomer o. La&aiieand vVater streeta. ncsras: M.U. den, W. L. Newberry, Henry Pamham. JennbarßuiT D. R. Holt, J. ILDunham. ¥ »•. oouley. W. E. Doggett, A, IL Barley ohn y. Kcs:er, George Steele. L N. Arnold J. H. DUNHAM. President D. K. Holt, cashier and Sec y. irA^m-aiiff BALDWIN A DODGE- JgANKERS& LAND AGENTS. OOUNOIL BLUJfS. IOWA CITT. Collections made at the usual rates. Exchange on the principal cities of the Union bought and sold. Real Es tate bought a?d sold on commission. Land w nrrants io. cated at *lO per 160 acres, and per acre Laid Office fee. All sised warrants in same proportion. REFERENCES;—Marine Bank, Chicago: Henry Parnam, Esq.. President Chicago and &. L Railroad: American Exchange B>nk. Mew York; Durkee A Bullock, St. Louis. JOHN T. DODOE, deiaiy-a<3o Q. M. BALDWIN. GEO. a VIITH A 00. Bankers and jealers in foreign and I>ome*tlc Exefa ?e. CHICAG- ILUNOIA Collections made on ail tb* principal citle; tt. lea Onli ted Statea. on the roost favor Me terms. itfl J. H. OOWEH BROTHERS A 00. Bankers, dealers,in exchange —asiw' LAND All 9NTS ICWACaTX . ,iOWA um vo Mean. R. K. ftwift A Oo- Chicago. John Tbomptom No. 2 Wall street. New Tori. Mean D. A. Januarr A 00., 81 Louis, lit. G. O. WHITNEY A 00. Banking and exchange office.— SS CLARK STREET. Dealers In EASTERN AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, tiuio. dliver and Cueurrent Uonev bought and acid. Premium paid on Git* and Eastern Bank Notes. Depo»* aits received and iourest allowed on Special Depodv, Drafts for sale on En viand. Ireland and Scotland, and all parts of Germany. Particular attention given to tke negotiation oftla# note* and Bills of Kxehange. -Oolleetlons mad# and remitted forward cn day of cay* menu Monies invested to Seal Estate, and all other transac tions In a General p * w *rlnf and Commission business nrS-ly-pSfIS r,. q. WHITNEY * BON. SS Olark it. Atlantic telegraph all right to MEW JTOBK. Remittances Made by Telegraph, I have arranged to Pay Notes. Drafts and Acceptance* andDeposlt Money on Account In New York, and aen# Honey to cities In the vicinity of New York ON TELEGRAPHIC ORDERS. EMERY 0088 »■ TELEGRAPH QPnCK. X. O. BARBOR RANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE.— as ftLAsx BT&XR. ■rehangt. Cne«T«Bt Moaey, Gold and Cllrtr benaht tad cold. «jlmusck-J. 7<4og ftcamroon. preddenl Bank: t. G. Adan&a. ftU-ly E. FRUSSING A STEINHAEUSERJ DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, MONEY, —AK>— REAL ESTATE BROKERS, SO.. Milk Oirk-A, I'p Suln, 40 aoxjrrsvoa tu British Commercial Lift Insurznu Compart LONDON and«AMERIOA Caktaj. *5^00.006. auS3as73-ly KRNST PRUBSING. Notary Publie. B. W. FHIUU*PS. BANKER. No. 6 Clau Sraxrr—Loo**:' Bciuitxa CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Burs SIGHT AND TIME DRAFTS ON the Eastern Oltles. Dbcovts Business Paper. Deals tn European and Domestic Cs Specie, Land War* ranta. Uncurrent Bank Notoa. and Mikes Oollections en all aocesaiblc pointa. ecU4y-b!6l GALXSBCRG ILLINOIB. J. F. DUNN A 00. BANKERS. WOOLLECnONS MADS AT USUAL RAi'lß~«| cSSaST^a marine bank. CHICAGO MARINE AND FIRE INSU rance Oompany. X f. OAXYXX,Oatfiler and Secretary. J. IOUNG MAMMON. PreCdßH. OcHacttons mads and drafts ramlttodto all parts of Omlaa. hIMWy B. A* TUOKER A 00. BANK —BANKERS AND 17-i Dealers to Exchange, oorner of Clark and T.ikc sti Chicago, Illinois. tar OoUeeßosa made In the dlffermt eUiea In tht Unicft. Otf STBHIiINQ EXCHANGE! YTTE ARE DRAWING DIRECT ON > \ Cogland. Ireland Scotland, and all otaer parU of Oontineotal Knrope. We abo tsue paange ticket* from Liverpool. Hamburg, Antwcry Atremea and Havre to New York. MOR/ORD BROTHERS jygSaMCMim Oorner of Olark .•'nd •-«i»r» UORFORD BROTHERS and exchange BROKKBe, Dealer(aL< d Warranta, corner of CUrk aad lAka KWBtS. CCkart' A. Mcr.'ard, Keg, Mew Tork. BeteowefctMeasr*. Cazpenter A Vemilro " f AJ.O* l^XßQ.OacklOTlKatka'tsExß'k. ■nHf Sdttking onb EXCHANGE ON NIW OBLSANSI fOR BALE BT B. K. WHUSD «. YOUNQ, BANKCES, No, S GUik street. delD b?QI la Corner of South Water. aiESHfcfTOR UAKBBS-ICUSOATTWB, IOWA-—PBO MPT J# atlentlnn given to Collections, and to day ocrreniratef ofexahanga MsneeortetMlthAOo . Otleacr. Marine Bank. Chicago. L. A. Benoist k Ox. yt, Loula. . Man GQaore A Qbadnnatl Shoe and Leather I>ealos Bank, Boston ATTTW *. HOBTOW TJANKKRS & DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Ho. 4S, BODTF OLABS Sr., CHICAGO. ILL Jiegat. STATE OFILLIKOIS.COOK COUXTT:SS. Circuit Oourt; of Cook County, Pebiuary£p»ciilTenn A. 0 ,ISS*. Myron- Young and John O'Brran, Conservators, etc. r«. Vary UuelL Buaan A. Bolt. Isaac Bola. Either Tan Wggenerand John Van Wasen-r. Affidavit of the nm rcsidence of Mary Du'lL ?us*n A. Bolt Isaac Bo la, Fr.her Van Wageaer nnd John Van Wagener, defendants above named, having bren filed In tbe office of the Clerk of said Circuit Oourt of Cook County notice'is hereby given to tbe said cefe.-idan's that said complainants filed their bill of complaint In said Court on the Chancery side thereof, on tbe fourth day of Jarra ber 1S5&; aad that a summons thereupon Issued outof said Court against said defendants, returnable on the second Monday of ftbmary next, 0553) as Is by law required. Now, unless you. the *ald Mary Duel', ciusan A. Bo Is. Isaac Bsls. KstVr Van Wagecer and John Vaa Wegener shall rersocallybeand e said Clicol Courtof Cook 00. on the first day of the next special term thereof to beholder at <.hlcago. In said County, on tae *eeond Monday o-February. 1939, aad plead, asiweror demur to the said complainants' bill of complaint, the same and the matters aod things therein charred and stated will be taken as confessed.and a decree entered you, accorolng to the prayer of said bill. WH. T*CBTDRCH.CIerk. Arnold. Layk Gregory. Compl'ts Sji'r. Jssbg362od EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—COUNTT COURT OP COOK CODNTT-In the matter of the Estate of George Coombs, deceased. All persons having claim* agaloit the estate of George Coombs, decetsed, late of Oook coanty, are notifiel and requested to attend at a term ofihe Conaty'oart of Oook County to be held at the Ceurt House In tbe city of Chi cago on the first Monday of February next, at ten o'clock >n the forenoon, for the purpose of baring the same ad justed—the executor and executrix of the last will aad testament of said George Coombs, deceased, harlog fixed on thxt term for settling ai>d adjus lng all 'p'"* said deceased. Ohleago, December Ist 1153 HE**RT B. DIKE. Executor. JANE COOIB.-*, Executrix, Oflajt will and of George Ooomba, deceased, i dela td-b737 j QTATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTT OF j COOK—S3.—Cook Coanty Govt ef Common Pleas, I January Term, 1869. I Orrln She-man rs. George M. Coffin. Pabllc Kotl«« Is hereby given to the said George M. Coffin thatawrit of Attachment Issued out of the office of tbe Clerk of the Oook Oounty Oourt of Common Pleas d>ted the first day of December, A. D. 1&8, at the suit of the said Orrln Sherman and against the ettate of tbe said George tL Coffin for tbe sum of Three Hun dred Dollars, directed to the Sheriff of Cook County, which said writ has been returned executed. Now. therefore, unless you, the said George 31. Coffin shall personally be and appear before the stid Cook County Court of Common Pleas on or before the first day of the next term thereof to be holden at the Court Bouse, In tbe city of Chicago, on the first Monday of January, A. D. 1859. give special baD, asd plead to the said plaintiff's action. Judgment will be entered against you. and In favor of the said Orr:n Sherman, and so much of the property attached as may be sufficient to to satisfy the said Judjcment and costs, will be sold to sat isfy the same. WALT KB KIMBALK Clesk. flpafford. Porter k Jones. Plfffs Att'ys. de 23 bm 6w STATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY, SS.—Circuit Court of Oook Count#, January Specla Term. A.D..15&9, William UcCully, John P. McCully, and Mark W. Watson, vs. Ge*irse E. HoyV PublicNotlcela hereby giren to theGecweEL Hojt thatawrit of at< c. nent Issued out of the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County dated tbe eigh teenth dayof December. A. D. 1850, at the suit of the said William McCnlly. John P. McCuUy and Mark W. Watson end against tbe estate of the said Geo. li Hoyt for the sum of two hundred and ninety-eight dollars tud twenty-three cents, directed to the Sheriff of Cook County, which said writ baa been returned executed. Now. therefore, unless you, the said George K.Hojt shall personally be and ap pearbefore tbe said Circuit CourtofCook County on or be [ore the first day of the next special term thereof to be holden at the .knot House'in the city of Chicago, on the first Monday of January M\. D. sire spedal baU, aad plead to tue said plaintiffs' action. Judgment will be entered a---- * -cu, and In favor of t>e said WlLlsia atcOully, John P. McCully andMazk W. Wais.n, and so much oiui> property attached as may be sufficient to sat ify tbe said judgment andcostswlU b* sold to aatlsfx the same. WILL'AM U CHUBOH, Cterk. Cornell. Waltek Jamesoo. Ptff's Att'ys. dcS3bßc36"d STATE OF ILLINOIS—COOK COUNTY. Courtof Cook CoantyJ anuary Bpeclal Term, A. D. 1859. jeitnan o. Keatorjand Porter Skinner vs. Andrew J, &»ort. Public notice Is hereby given to the said Andrew J. Short, that a writ of attachment bjned out of the office of the Clerk ofClrcult Court or Cook Oounty dated the fourth day of December. A. D. 1659, at»he suit of the said Jerman 8. Keator and Porter Skinner and the estate f the said AndxewJ. Short for the sum of Three Thou sand Dollars directed to the Sheriff of Oook Coanty, which said writ has (>een returned executed. Now, tnerefore unle s yofl, the said Andrew J. Short shall personally be and ppear be on* the said Circuit Cotutnf Cook Oounty oo or before the first d*y of tbenext Special Tenn thereof *o be boldea at the Cour House, in the C ty of Chlcag >, on th- first Monday cf January, -A. D. lS5f. give special bail, andpie&d to the saidplalntlfi's actioniudgmentwlllbeeptered azal-stynn and :n favor of the said Jerman & Keator and Porter Skinner, and so much of tbe property attached as may be sufficient to satisfy the said judgment and will trldtn s-ttsJy theaaae. WM. L. OHUBCH. 0 *rk Oomell, Walte k Jameson. Plt'ffs Att'ys- de29b*S2'od transportation. A TLAXTIC ROYAL MAIL STEAM V.VV (ijL igatlon Compwiy'sNewYrrkaid GalwayLine Tte next departure fi id Nev ?ork will be the Steamship PACIVIC, Captata N:cbolsnn, to n&U from Mew York Silartliy, January tth XiSP. aad the Steamship Cl&- CASaIAN. Capt. Jac» son, to sail frcm XewYwrk. Thurs day, January 2?t*>, touchltg at St. Johns, P. to re ceive the Royal MalU Prices of Passage First Claia, %W; Uecond, *3O: ihird. including fre*- ticket; to all tbe principal cities oa railroad routes in Great Britain Third Class most protlde piate. knife, fork, Ac,, and bed ding. Passase t> St Johns. Pirst-Clasa, $35: Second- Cla*?j Far freight or p&tsaxe e of the Ameri can Exp ess Cam -any, *1 Hudson ftreet, 64 Broadway, and at their other Advertised offices In the interior. Passage In the th'rd class can be secored at »ny of tbe above offices ta brlns persons out from any of the princi pal cities cn tbelloes of railway in Great Britain U>r*is, or from Ualway for $59, ALTX- HOUAND. Manager, JAS. 0. PABGO. ofSre of American Extrcs Co™ No. Dearborn Street, Chicago, New York. Nov. 13.1* M. noiM 3o PITTSBURGH, IT. WAYSE ACBICiGO B. IL 1858-9... .WINTER RATES... .1858-9 Tbrouglt Freisht Line* From cats and until further notice. Freight will be carrisd over this Line as below: _ |S -| sS gS I |g I? ef Ss 2? I? 1? ""a 64 » ■* a aQ Boston Il.w 11-38 *1.17 73 11 *4 IL^S New York 1.80 1.40 t.% 70 1.2J IM PhUsdelphla I.CO 1.55 1.10 60 1,(3 IS3 Baltimore 1.60 1.2S 1,10 60 U5 1.33 PlttsMirgh W 75 45 45 70 76 Cincinnati. 0 I.iti H) 65 45 .... 80 Columbus. 0 I.W 80 65 45 Dayton, 0 90 75 60 40 Contracts made to abore paints at Freight Office, cor eer West Van Buren and Canal streets. Contracts to Uostoo, New York, Philadelphia aad Bal timore ria Pennsylvania Central U.S., given by OL&RKE k CO., Office Steele's B'oek, corner South Water and Lasalle streets, and at Depot at Canal street. JAd. W MCAJON. Freight Ag*t. J. J. HOUSTON, Gen'l * relght Ag't Pittsbu'*, Pa J. 11. Gin'iSapt., Crestline, O, Chleago. November 15.1658. JyTORTH SHORE EXPRESS GO MP AST Fast Freight Line, To and From All Point* Bail. The amn&ements of this Ooaipany are unsurpassed fct the safe, rapid and cheap transportation of any descrlp* tionof freight to and from the East via EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS. All reclamations for over charges or damages, promptly adjusted on delivery of freight. We bee to rtfer Shippers to the Superintendents of the several roads on which *e ship. New Tork Office. 176 Broadway, Howard Hotel Build* Chicago Office, No. 80 Dearborn ftrett. opposite the Tremont House. • Deliver Freight In New Tort at 73 Waraer-gt. Hudson River Railroad Passenger Depot; In Boston at Western Ballroad Depot, and in Chicago at Michigan Central Railroad Depot. DREW iCO.. WALLINuFORO k OO. t 176 Broadway, New Yerk. Chicago. Oct. oc^b3o3-2n ?4r Cairo and Aew Orleans, STEAMEK NE"V PALLS CITY. The splendid fast - Balling Bteamer New Fxlls Oity WHI ran, during the comlnr Pall and Winter, between Su Louis and New Orleans as follows: LEAVING SL hOUIS Oct. 10, *6B, atli) o'clock A. M. do do Oct. 30, *»S, do do do do I»ov. 19, '56, do do do do Dec. 9, *£9, do do do do Deo. S3, 'aH, do do do do Jan. 18, '59, do do do do Feb. 7, '£3, do do do do Feb. Z7. 'S3. do do do do M'ch u-. 'o9, do do LIAVING CAIRO Oct. U. 'si at 7* o'clock p. M. do do Oct. 11. '£6, do do do do Nov. R), 'S3, do do do do Dec. 10, 'M, do do do do Dec. », '63, do do do do Jan. IS. do do do do #et>. B, S3, do do do QO Feb. 8, £3, do do ao do ifch 0, *69, do do Tor Freight or Pasta** ai>p r on board or to the Ages! at St Louis. W. a LORJL Clerk. ocii-td4)i as 1859 msy. CENTRAL SHORT LINE ROUTE vJT —ru— riTTSßriGH, FORT WITHS k CHICAGO us PEraSTZ.VASZA &AZZAOAJDB to au. usTcu cnaa. CLARKE A: CO.HPANY, AGESTS. are prepared to Contract Fre!ghU Through, by authority of the Companies named abort, at their office. No. 2 Steele's Olock, corner South Water and Lasalle streets, and at Depot of P., PL W. k 0. B, R.,ChJcarJ: or at Depot, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Tbe Offices of the Pennsylvania Ballroad Ooopasy la lie Kast are located at House, New York. No. 1 South Wllilam street. New York, ha 4& KUfcy street, Boston, No. 75 Perry i«reet. Hartford. No. 80 Nona street, B*. tine re. And at toe General Depot. Philadelphia, [oedl-ly OTES FROM HENRY WABD BEECH EE'3 DISCOURCC3 Now ready and for saleby D. B. COO&E k CJ M 111 Lake street. Notes from Plymouth Pulpit A Collection of Memorable Passages from the DISCOURSES OF HENRY WARD BEECHER, With a Sketch of Mr. Beeeher Is the Lecture Boom.' BY AUGUSTA MOORE. beauty of Mr, Beecher*s expressions, nor the startling and resplendent flashes of his thought that this book will show, so much as his presentation of simple and holy truth, in such guise as never falls to In terest and instruct al! whose notice is gained. Andthc* sands who cannot be Induced to peruse lone sermons, will ch?erfu'ly read, and undoubtedly remember, the vital truths niastrated and enforced in the following j pages. 1 Tberohzme b a f> * f? rnny to the power with which the from whence It sprung inflaences other god of the nature of that influence. Dr. Holland's Popular Books, AT D. B. COOK* * (JO'S, 111 Llg« pTBCTT 1. • THE BAY PATH. A ta!e of New Engl sad OoJ?nlal Ufe. One rolume „,V n. BITTESSWEKT. A Poem- n. TIMOTHY mOOUB-8 LKTTKBS UQ9 Cegal ORTGAGE SALE.—WHEREAS D»vW 8. OrAea beretoftm executed to Thomas aeerula deedof Hortiage, which bears date tbe jwepty-stxth day of Mar, A. u. isid, was filed tor record Intheofflceof she lejcr'er of Oook County, Dllnols, onthelddayof Jaiy. A. D XSK. and duty recorded in Book is of Mortgages, pan IM. And, whtreaa, said Mortcacv and the note* therein described hate been duly traufared and a«lgned to Bam oglß. Chase. and, whereas. itwasprovlded la uld mortgage (hat II isaoW should be made in the payment of the prom Mom oteacr eltucroftbea described laaaidDOitcue, eitnerof pirna paloroflnterest. on the days who eon the sune should be eoae doe and payable, tkenihe wholeof said principal and Interest secured by tbe said promissory notes la said mortgage should thereupon become imme diately doe and piyable. to*i. woereaa, two, of said cotes, to-wit: a note for *448 34. parable to the otd-r of Ttomas Wesb, a note lor C&J.94, payable to the crder of Paol Corned. fell due! aod were payable on the 3tth day of May, i- D. 1&6. And, whereaa, neither said notes cor any of the other notes described li said mortgage. nor say part tnereot were raid on said day ia*t named, or at any other time, bat default baa betn made In the payment thereof How. therefore, notice Is hereby siren that in para* anee of th- authority given lit and by tn© roortrigs aforesaid, I shall, on toe nineteenth day of January, A. D. 1(69, between the hoars or tea and eleven o'clock lathe forenoon of said day, at the Morta door of the Courthouse, lathe city ox Chicago. In the County of Ccog ana etaieof Illinois, sell to tae highest bidder for cash, the premises mentioned In snd conveyedty said mortgage to wit: Blocks fourteen il£', sixteen d» . sev enteen 07). and the Sooth half of block twelve (13' in Lyman. Lamed A Woodbridae's saboltiiionof the East : half of the Northwest quarter of section elertn (11 > in I township thlrty-eUht (Sej North, ranee fourteen (14j r«<t i of tneTnird Pri-dpal Meridian; beta* la Cook Counxj, ttste of Illinois. SAMCtLB. CU^fcK. Chicago. uary 5. 1659. ja£ b<»:7 ui NOTiUfi lb HEKtBY GIVE.N THAI' whexeas WMiam Bam did, on the sixteenth <uy ofM*r h.A.D. l=s\n»aae, execute and deil-er to tue undersigned a Chattle Mortgage upon the schooner or retset c*Led the Deomark.togeth«rwtihthemasta.bow sprita, tails. bcaia,aaci.orajcaoics»taekleApparelandfur nitare. ap- other necesiaries thereto appertalnla*, to se cure the paymentof three certain promissory notes there lo mentioned, or evea witn salj mortgage, one fcr the sum of one hundred dollars; oae for toe turn of ioar hundred dollars, payable on the first day of August, Ui!; and oneforthesumof four hundred dollars, payable on theflrsl day Ocabsr, A. 1> which saldmortfage >u filed for record in the Collector's Office for the biltrict and Post of Chicago, en the vourteen day of October. A- D. 1652, asd recorded la book B of Moruajes. pases SU to i 43. And default having been made lb the payment of the iait two notes here! > beiore mentioned, 1 «h>n or rirtuei/f the power Tested in me byihe said mortgage, oo Saturday, the day of Jaauary next, at feo o' in tae forenoon of tost day, expose laid ves sel, her boats, tackU, apparel and fomltcn aad a;perte« nances where the now lies la the North Brarca of the cnlcago lilver. to pobllc a.eta ue highest and but bid der lor cash, to wake the «nn of money nor dae and napald upon the uld notes. OfiBORN B. KUTH. Jaasen k Brcss. Att'ys. Cnicago. QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK pa —Circuit .Oonrt of Cook County, March Term. A, S.IS9. Marcaitt Peats aumisMratrix of the estate of ALVed Peats deceased, to. Eibert Maleoa. Alfred H. Peats. Jr M WQUamH. Peats. AnnaE. Peats and Charles V. Dyer—ln Chascery. Affldavii of thenon residence of Alfred H. Peats Jr. one of tte defendants abore named, harirg been filed ta the i office of the Clerk of said Circuit Ooart of Oook ! County. Notice Is hereby giren to the »sid AL'red H, i Peats, Jr., that the complainant filed her bill of complaint In the said court, oo the Chancery tide thoro& on the day of Decsmber. and that a sonLaons there upon Issued oat <f said Court against said defendants, returnable on the first Monday of Mirch A. D 1559. as b by law required. Now. unlrts sou. the said Alfred B. Piats. Jr.. shall personally be and appear before said Circuit Court of Cook county, on the fintt day of the next term thereof, to be holden at Chicago to said ceanty on the first Monday of March. IS& and plead, answer or demur to tte said eemplalnant's bill of complaint, the same and the matten and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed, and a decree entered against you according to the prayer of said bQL Wii.L.CUU&CH. Clerk. Cornell, W«lte k Jamesoo. Comol'ts eoi'rs. jal b?9l 4w "PUBLICATION NOTICE. STATU OJf JT Qllnols, County of Cook, ss, Cook Coviuy Court ot Common Please. January Term. A. D. 1859. BobertS. Gray, William G. Barbour and MarceHm Polk vs. Samuel J. Walker. L. W. Winstoo, Elmaad d. Tay lor. Isaac Shelby and J. Warren Qrigiby -Attachment. Public Notice U hereby tfn-n to tbe said Samuel J. Walter. L. W. Wlaston, Edmund U. Taylor. Isaac Shelby andJ. Warren (iriesby, that a writ of attachment Issued out of the office of the Clerk of tbe Cook County Court of Common Plesa. dated the thirteenth day of December. A. D. 19&3. at the suit of the tidd Robert &- Gray. WliUsm G. Barbour and Mareellos Polk and ac<dast the estate ofthesild Samuel J. Walktr. L. W. Winston. Esmond H. Taylor. Isaac th'lbyani! J. Warrea Grifi >y forthe sum of Serea hundred and Fifty Dollars, directed to the Sheriff it Cook County, which said writ has been returned executed. unless you. the saldSamnM J. Wa'ker, L. w. Wlnrton, Edmund 11. Taylor. Isaac Shelby and J. Warren GricsbysiiaU personally be and apvear before the said Ocox County Court of Common Pleas, on or be fore the first day of the next term thereof to be ho!dtn at the Court House, in the city of Chicago, on the first Monday of Jannary. A. D. lbS9. give special bail, and plead to the said platatifiV action, iudgmem will be en tered asalcst ynu. Gray. William G. Barbour and Marcellui Pole, and so much of the property attached as ma* be sufficient to satisfy the said judgment &ni cor a. «l!i be sold to satisfy the same. WALT£S iOMBALL, Clerk. Wall k Bogees. Pltl'i AU'y, deiMw bSJO STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK, ss,—Cook County Court of Common PI tas, January Term, A. o. 6M. idwln R. T. Armstrong ts. Samuel IL Cora :dr> Inmc'.i C. Cross and IL Carey t'Urke Public notice Is hereby sltea to the said Samuel H. Cormlck, trancls C, Cross, aad K. Carey Clarke, man that a writ of Attachment issued out of the office of the Clerk nf Oook County Court of Common Pleas, dated the 15th day ol Decemer, A. D. at the -ait of tbe said Edwia R. T> Arms'rong, and azalcst the e*tate of tbe sild Samuel 11. Cormick. PraneU 0. «>ros3 and K. Carej Clarke, for the »utn of aloe hundred and forty three dollars aod Th3rt;-two cents directed to the Sheriff of Cook county, which said writ has been returned executed. Now. therefore, unless you, the s\!d Samuel U. Cor* m\et, Frincia C. Cross, and K. * arey Clarke, shall personally be and appear before the *a!d Cookcouity Court of Common Pleas, cn or Before the first day of the next term tbereo', to be holden at the Coor; Hoaae In the city of Chicago, on tbe fir»t Mocdav of Febru ary. A. n. 1«69. give special ball and plead to the sal J plaintiff's action lodgment will be en«ered sgalostyoa sad In favor of the said Edwin B. T. Armstroce, and »j much of the property attached a* may be sufficient to satisfy the said judgment and eosts, will be sold to satisfy the same. WALTEBEIMBAIL Clerk. Garr'son&Hqtlsan. Pit's Att'ys. j u 4w Mortgage sale.—whereas James Tajlor and Joserhl-e Tarlor executed acddel Tered to th" uader?lgn*d. Ezeklel Tripp a cer t\la mort«aj?e of the fier-lmfter bearing date the nineteenth dsy cf January, A, D lvS and rec' rdedln the Recorder's Office of Whltfmde coun ty, Illinois, In Boole No. hlxofDee .s, J>7, to secure the p&jmeot of two notes cf four hundred d. i la s e<xh and Interist, of same date, oue due la six months sad cneln ore year from date and. whereas, the said morUase prorldes that If default should be made lo thepajment of either of sill cotes, irltber or principal orlnterrst. the wh?le shou'd become due and payable. Now. therefore, not'ee Is hereby givea that, default h v. lag oeen made In the parme&t o the first of said notes on the of ttje holder thereof, oa MonJa?. th* iMrty fiis: day January A. D. lv*, at teno'rlocx A. >L the Court House door, lathe Ciyof Chi cago. by vinne of the power of sale In sal.l mortei*e coniatoed. tbe uadtrs'gaed will sell to the bidder fnrcuh, all rlaht and equity of redemption of >he saldjamet Taj lor and Joseohlne Tsylor in and to the southwest qua:ter of secti -n Dumber nlnrteen. In towa »h p twenty, north of range terca east of foar;b K *l, conta'nlrr 16J arres. more or leas, la said Whlteil le o> unty, Illinois, to make the amount of sali notes, prla pal aad Interest, and the co& of said sale. E, TRIPP Chicago. Deccmber3l. de3l btS5 3>d Mortgage sale.—whereas Abser Reeres and John gJFormaa executed and de.tvered unto tbe underslgbed. Van U. Hlgilns, a cer tain mortgage ot the premises hereinafter described, bearing date the eighth day of August. A. D. aad recordtdln the Recorder's office inud for Cook C -uatr. State of Illinois, in Book 25 of Moruajes. page in secure the pajmeat of a certain bond therein descrioed. conditioned for tae payment of lhirtj-foai Thousand and Ten Dollars In installments. a:d whereas default baa been madeia the payment of a part of the mm«s doe by the terms and conditions of sdd about sum of Tventy-four Hundred Dollars and u* ward#. Now. thertfere, notice Is hereby given that en Saturday, the fifteenth d*y of January, a. D. lt&>, ai three o'clock P. M. ot said day. at tbe North door of the Court House, la the city of Chicago, by virtue of & powe - of s*!e la said mortgage contained, the underslcned will *e& at Eubllc auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the follow ig described pieces or parcels or land, lying and being In the city of CUcago, Oounty and State aforesaid, aod known as lota numbered one U). two (1/, three i3four (4J, fiye (5), tix <6\ seven \7j, twenty-two (Si), twenty, three ,iU/. twenty-four (34). twenty-five CS), twenty six fiC), twenty-seven 137> and twenty elah' (2*).aU In block ten (10) of Higglns, Law * Co's addiJoa to the city of Chlcugo. or so many of said lots as may be necessary to satb>y tbe nnney's now doe and unpaid la the said bond spesitied. Tbe same belag a pvt of th* premises det crlbed in said mortgage, VAS H. HIGGINS, <si(Jb7Mtd Morlrafee. / lIIANCEKV NOTICE—STATE OF iLLI- V,' loa. County of Oook. SS.—Cook County Court of Common Pleaa. January Term, 1859. WLl'»mD. Dlilard v«. John S. Wright. C. B. WrishU (his wife) BenjxmlnP.Carver, George bcoxllle. James Clapp and H. ttansom—in Chancery. Affidavit of tbe coo-residence oiK. Bacsom, one of the defendants above named, having oeen flled.lntheofflce of the Clerk of said Oook Ocunty Court of Oomman Pleas. Natlce is h«e%j given to the said &. Baasom thy the complain act filed his bill of complaint In sa.d Court, on tbe Chancery side thereof, on the 15th day of Dec*. Tiber. 18S4. aod that a gnomons thereupon Issued out of - Court against said defendant, returnable on the first Monday of January next. is& as Is by law required. Now, unUtt too. the said B» Rinwcn, shall personally be and appear before said Cook County Court of Common Pleas of Cook County, on the first dsy of the next terra thereoC to be holden at Chicago, In the said County, on the ant Mooday of January, 13&. and plead, answer or demur, to the said eomplalnants' bill of complaint, the same and the matters and things there la charged and stated will be taken as confessed, aad a decree entered against yon according to the prayer of said bkl. WALTKK KIMBALL. Clerk, Will. 1 Boqiia. Compl'ts* Bol'r. de!6b747 4w Mortgage sale—notice is hereby given that defau'thtvlngbeen cade la the paymeotof a certaio Promlwry Note secures la and by a certain mortgage, made and executed by Alfred P. Warts, bearicg date ITih day of April. P&M, an» recorded In the office of the Eecorder of Deeds for the County of Oook. and State ef Illinois. In Bo k 3$ cf Mongage. at Page 74?, to Geo. M. Gray, to secure the pavmeotof a certainpromisory note in said mortgace which tar re will be dui on the d\y of sale, prindaal and Interest. K.gfct Thousaod Thirty-Sevea Dodarsaad Forty- Six Cents. Now, therefore I stalL by virtue ofihe po*er la said mortgage contained, on MONDAY, the 3t h of January, A D ■ 15M, at the Oovut House, to the city of Calcigo and County of Cook, and State of Illinois, at 10 e*c:ock A M., seliatpubUo auction to the Llgbcst blJdir f>r c<sh the following described lots or pieces of lands, together alt rlgut and equ : ty of re demption. sl:uated In the city of Cole wo, aad Coaaty cf Co k. ard d'aie of illiools, to wit; Tae undivided one balf of Lots oa» (Dand two 2), in Block four (.i). Tort Dtarbjru Addition to ChlcMro. GEO. M. GBAT. Mortgage. Ch'csgo. Dec. 83d. 1858. lm-b£a ; STATE OK ILLINOIS, COOK COOINTT, I 80. Oounty o:urt of Oook County. February Tersu, 1359. lllchaei brants, administrator or the estate of Margaret Duffy, Gate deceased), vs. James Hogaa. V»,eatlne West, and other uaknowo pirtles.—Petttloo for th« sale of fcstate. Affidavit of the aon-res!denee ofgald de'endaaL Jaaes Hogsn, and taat thfre are unknown panics, heirs a&d devisees of said Margaret Duffy, whrse names and places of residence a~e uoksowa to said complainant who dalm some Interest in the real ertate hereinafter desalted, be lnnglng to said estate, having been ILed la the cffice of the Clerk of said Ooa&ty Court ef Cock Oounty. notice Is hereby riven to the said James ilogaa. Valentine Wesc and said unknown ptnlea, that the complainant above filed his petition In said Court on the 20th dvy of December, A. D. lt»d, praying for a decree and order of tbe said Court for the sile of the following described real estate, to-wn: Lot cumber twenty-six in block one hundred and tfclrty slx. in the School Section «ddltlon to the Town of Chicago, In Cock Ceun y, Illinois, andthst a sunn: ous thereupon Issued out of the said Coa-1 against said defendants. retoruasU on the first Mooday ot Fcl> ruary text. a. D. lii». uis by law required. Now uolessyon. thesaidJames Hogan. Va'entineWest and said unknown parties shall personally be acd appear before sa d Oounty Court of Cook Oounty on the first day of the next tenn thereof: to be boldenatthedty of Chicago, lo said county and State, on tbe first Mooday of February next, A. D. 1&& aad plead, auswer or demur to the said complainants' said pMUon, the aame the matters therein charged and stated will be taken as eonfeMed. and a decree entered m* 1 "* job aooording lo the prayer of said petition. O. Hi FASWkLI% Clerk. Conklln k Mensger, Porn for Oam^rta. Chicago. December SO. 185t. dea bTSI ?w MASTER'S SALE.—STATE OF ILU coU. Cook Oounty B.S.—Oook County Oourt of Common Please, Charles Welsiwaage rs John Seller. PuWlc notice is hereby given that In pursuance of a Decretal Order entered La the abov entitled cause, I, L C. Paine freer. Master In Chancery of Cook County. *lll, on the tenth day of J«iuLry, A. D, Iran, ten o'clock In the forenooa of said day. a* the No«th Door of the Court Rouse, of the Oounty of Oook, la the City ef Chicago, seQ at public aaetloo to the highest bidder for cash, a certain three stery brie* tenement, with bue ment, itaadmgon the East hal' of lot sera (7). In block four (<J. 1a the criflnaltows of Chleago, Oouna of Cook aforeesid; also, all tbe right and interest of the abort named defendant* la and to the abore described panel of land, with all the Improvements end appurtenances thereto belonging. , L, C. PAINZ FBEEK. Master In Chancery for Cook Count*. Chicago. Dec. SO. ma. d«3lb7?otd QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COtJNTY OF COOK O as. Circuit Oosrt of Oook County, JannaryfipecUl Tea. 1359. jobnßLKinxlevm.Ge'irreC.BatciTheUllaols Oestrsl Btilroad Compaay, aad The Michigan Central BaU noca«sy—Tn Chaaeery. Affidavit of the non-residence of George Q. Bale*, ooe of the defendants above auaed, having been filed la office of the Clerk of said Great Court of County, Notice Is hereby siren to the saSAQeoreoQ. Bates that comcU'nac.t filed his bill of oomplamt in said Court on the Chancery side thereof on the fifteenth day of Deeeabeu isa. and that an • samoons thereupon l«aed out of said Oourt against atld defendants, re turnable on the first Monday of January, 1959, as is by law required. Now. unless yoo, the said t.eonreU Rates shall personally be and appear before said (Ircult Court of Oook County, on the first oay of the next special term thereof to be holden at Chicago. In said Oounty. on the fim Monday of January. ISSB, asd plead, answer or de~ murto the said complainant's bill of complaint, the same and tbe matters ana things therein charged and stated will be taken as eepffed andadeeree entered agalnsl von according to the prayer of said bin."., _ ... _ gM^UnadAßMM^famrtitorii SCKIVEN'S Advertising Agency, 63 DEAKBOHN STBEET. TO THE BTTSKESS HEX OF CHICAGO : Hoping to merit a continuance of the patronage I have recelvid for the past three year*. I beg to call your men tion to a few of the many farcrable notices lately received from the Press, and to my facilities for '"t* adver tisements la the best and most widely circulated newspa pers of the Norihwest. which, with every Information, ean be obtained at the Age acy. Respectfully, a H. SCRIYEN. Chicago, January 3d, IS3. Office of the Dilly Priss and Tribune, I _ , . Chicago. Dec. 2j. lai*. > We hare transacted a large amount of business with Mr. Scnven.ihe Advertising Ageit extending throagh a period of th ee yean, the sreater pait of which busuiess has been done within the last twelve months W« coa* aider him perfect]/ rellAOle, prompt and competent, and wrb a thorough knowledge of nls business. We take pleasureicrectmuendlnghii Arency to «ur citizens and t j the Preu of t_e Northwest.—Cr ress k Tr.ouo c Co, BThe benefits of an advertising ageic/ are now readily acknowledged by adver.hert aad pabdihers. C. H. Striven. of Ui\* dlf. Is the only scent we nave au thenzed In lie Northwest, and It Is out lustlce to remark that we co-.slier blm cos: relUble. Qli arrange ments are never aispated by advertisers, and no bills are more promptly adjusted than those cotaisg xhrcugh his Ageney.-H.Ch!c*go Oosaerdal Repress Democrat Office, Chlcsffo. Dec. 17.1553. t. H. bcrttd S Anvuvciiso Aokxct.—We have dose moeh business with Mr Scnvea during the past two jesrs, have always found him prompt and reliable. We ccrdla.!r recouLsend hira to the Press at large, believing that all business able to all parties concerned.—[C- L. iteed. _ , , v , ~ .Chicagn. D«c.l7,l!ii. We have done buslress wlih Mr. tcriven. »=d it nas traiUiAcd U our entire sitisfaciioc.—tC. L. Wilacn DaPy Times Office. Chicago. Dec. 13, ISi Charlts H. bcriven. Adrerusin<c la the c.tjr of Chicago, has had during the lajt year considerable holi ness transitions wu&tnis < flice, and we have fouad him to be prompt and u all his engagements— Jiheahan k Price. Chicago Abvsstcuq Aooct.—Mr. C. H. Scrlven, tie entsrpruing Chicago Advertlsiog agent, !s extending tus business largely, and will coadu-t 1; u iseretotore. oathe most literal scale- To the Press of lowa and the North w<s*. we cordially recommend this agency as being perfects te lable and prompt la ad buuness transactlo:a. No man In the West has paid more attention to the mat ter, or labored with mare earnestness forthe benefit of the merchants In Cnlcago than has this geaileman. and we trust his services wlli continue to be duly and fully acpre dated. There Is no way »o Sife for the countryPres« to pursue as to have reliable a*ects 1* every dtj from whence they receive pauxnaxe. In Chlago there Is none more stfe or wonhy man u. H. Scrivea Make him your agent, and If there Is anything to be done In the adver tlire line jou will be sure to hejr from h'rn aaj p r t y pay for the same rrompUy.—tDsily lowa State Democrat, Dec. c, la&i. g:aivtx*s Advert sjso Agdicy.—Amorg the sdvertls- Ing asentd with whsm we hive dine business since the es tablishment of the Courier, we have fcand Mr tfcrivea. SJ sireet, Cnlcsso. the uost prompt and reliable. His accounts h»ve always been promptly ac justed ever due cr presented, lie Is an energedc business msn. i and we recommend him to ad persons who rrqoire any business in thu line la Chicago.—LOalena Daily Courier. Dec. 15, Isii gcaivo's Anv*sra;so Actxcr.—We take erea*. pleas ure m reccmmendlngto editors and publishers the Ad vertisingAgencycfC. M. Scrlven, InChicaso. We have transacted business with him forohe lass two or three years, and can certify to his enersS" aod fidelity In pro curing advertising, and to kls promctimde In pajlng all bids contracted. Those edltcrs and publishers who de si e to exwod their Datronsee in Chicago, suould secure the services of Mr. Scriveo as their ageuL-LMoline (Hi.) C.tizen. Jan. 4, lbi?. Anvsaraiso Ao«3aft<.—We notice many complilnta anong proprietors, ef losses sustalnel by va r.;aa»o-c*lJed Advertising Agencies, and while we unite la the general demand for the m;st strict rules and refa ctions by which to govern transactions with th- s- Agen c es, « J at to prevent frauds sod swiodl ng. we deem It butanactof j-stlce In ihi3 eonnectioa to remaik that dunEg the past two a half years. *e have rectiv.d a advcrtUins orders from the hand ef C H.6criveo. of Chicago, that he has sett tUcmat remunerative rates, and thit he has In every In stance paid his bll's when presented, promptly and U> our entire saU'faction. our deal with hlmhas bsea aslar>e, Lrobabiy. any paper In the West, ontside our larger cities, asd we give this noticeas anuiteroi simple jmvee. believing Mr. Scrlvcn to be fairly entitled to n K tod share of the good wlli aad patronur of the Western press.—ifreepcrt ILU Journal. Dec. id. liil Cmcico Anvssriaiso Agsst—Oaths prlndjleof riv ing Loaor to whoa honor is due, we are conatrainea to say of our aceat la Chlcaio. Sir. C. IL Scrlven. th it we have alwsy* found nisi correct and promp .In all his bus lne» trac4*ctioaa To sucu of our con tfmoorariesas Lave not already sveured an ageut In the Garden City, we f cnstn»c>t Mr. Scrivea as reliable and trustworthy. Wc are satisfied, after considerable experience in the news paper budnets, that itlsbes;for pubiUheito deal with theiradverl:smioadis:ant city a responsible a^ent.—LMuscatine tlowa) iJaily Journal, Dec. 17. 1&»£. We presume thu no publishers have been so badly fleeced by bogus advertising agents as those of lowa. C. IL ScmvaX of Chicago. Is. we are happy to say. an ex* io theabjve. We bare done business with him eversj:cehlse>tabllihment ia Chicago.and have aiw,ys foand him prompt, bonorabte and upright, l'ublishers wlsh;ng a reliable agent la Chicago, wid &nd him just the man thev want.—t**Time*" Cedar Rapids, lowa, Decem ber lu. liii At present tJiere are but two \Jvertlslng .\gen:!es that w.*recatfnlze:—i M PeU«o*lllA Co., New York and C H Scnvcn, of Chicago. We uive found these «eatl»r.ien both prompt and responsible, and as such we recommend them t j our brethren of the press—(Mineral Point, Wb,, Tri'-une, May 11,13^ We have had deallnzi with Mr. Scriven for two years, and have always fjund him prompt and reliable, and take plessareln recorrimenJing nls Agtncy to the frateru:"y of the eitire >urthweaL— Uland Ddily "Ooai metciaU" TgUr. Scilren Isa prompt Agent. We wNhhlm snccess. liiiJJj Islander and Arsus, Hock Island D.c. 10,1?>>. fcaivss'j ArviiaiL'D<a AGK.SCT, Cmcico.—The Intimate holiness relations between maijy portions of State ai.d Cnieagj, induces us to call the attentlhn of the Pretsof tbeS.aie,*nd bus'mesi mm. to the advertising h'useofO li benven. No. dl Dearhorn sf ett. Chicago, whose deslinn with ai and his prompt and faithful man ler of dol&g business, warrant us to recommending him to those who require anything in his li-e. We would tucgrst, also, to the Pre«s of tbe State the propriety of pUciKg their Issurs •» Qle with blm for toe Inspection of tie businmi men of Chicago snd the West, who may have bu>lne«s In tnis Siate.—iDetruit Daily Advtrtiser, May 11, lota. Cincioo Aocsrr —We take great plenrure la recsmm-adlag tii-s Advettulng Agency of Mr. C U. ticrlvea. Cnlcsga. to rurbre>hrea of tie Press throughout tte est. Long experience in uie business has e- nvlaced us that It Is geod y*llcy fur newspaper io do thelrbas ness In distant places through tae medium of a re'iable ageacy; it la also the cheapest, and by tar the best metnod. for merchants wh-> a'lvenlse to anvexUnt lapapets not located m their Immediste vicinity. Mr. Jjorlvrn has done considerable business fcr us since the of his Agency In cU'Caeo, and we have al ways f unit him prompt, reliable and liberal In ail his dealings Weregretthat there are but few «.ther Adver tising Agents of whom we can say as much —{.Milwaukee Daily Sentinel. Dec £>. I%>£. Olllccofthe Republican und Gazette. J aterlingliL. Jan I lsD.i We have donebuslnesiwith C H. tfcrlvecfcr the past two and a half y*ars. and can s ifely say. that in all our bus) - ness relations with him we fouad him a protncl and reliable adverilsing agent, aad In no cue has he hesita ted to pa* any bill ever presented t>Llin by us. We lake pleasure in recomtuendia* him to those of the craf* who areoota.-Quunt-d wi h tin. ToUiii - wh"» »re. corn* mendatlonlsaaaecesaary. WM- CAFIKSI. SCRIVEK'3 ADVEETISESG AGENCY. 63 PfirtfOrn Strut, Ckic&j9. jan3 laes,ThursASatb W CHICAGO TYPE FOI'NDEKY —ax a l*rlntcrß> Warehouse. M WASHWaTON-ST. 90 CHICAGO. rpHE SUBSCRIBER IS PREPARED TO X furnish Type In large or small quantities, made from a superior Quality of meU', for either cash or approved paper. Jlels also suyplied with a targe stock of PfLESS ES, IfTK, WOOD XYYE, aad everything necessary for a complete Printing Office. Anew uoeclmea Book U now ready for delivery, and will be seat to parties wish* Ing to order on application. mhlstaoa D. L. DODQT- Treapertr. F. A. XHO.TIAS <k CO., KAJCTicruaxaa or Dins' PATENT iLSPHALTIC ROOFEVG. (PATENTED AUQCBT Zt. 131) PREMIUMS AWARDED AT THE LATE Mechanical Pair held In this city. Tbe foundation of this roofing consists of CaaTaas sat urated with Aspaaltum. underlaid with Pelt paper, or ol Pelt alone. The covering compound Is composed of A> phaltatn. India Bnbber aod Gum Shellac. A new meth od having been discovered tor dlxsolvlag Bobber aad Bhelisc. allowing any quantity desired to be used, and combining tnem wita Asp hal turn, without the use of ex* pensive and Injurious solvents used In all the Coal Tar Cements, waleh always evaporate and leave the Compo sition porous and brittle. in this Compouad all the vola tile matter Is removed, er.tirely freeing it from such de. feets. and la known to be the xnest dorabl# material for roofing lathe world. Old Composition Koofsof every description repaired Is a permanent and ittlsfactoiY manner. All orders promptly attended to. Orders from the coun try supplied with the prepared Canvass Paper and Com position, with Instructions. State and Coanty Klghu for nle on termso ctal ad vantage to those wno wish a permanent bass v« is Office with 6. P. Bsndalt, Architect. Room S c. 2C. Peru land Block, corner of Dearborn aad Wathin * Chlcaga, 111. P. O. bca Wi. o-t :aUMa \TEW JUVEKILES FOR THE CHRIST JJi MAa HOLIDAYS, W, B. KEEN, 143 Lake Street, TUB. BOYS' BOOK OF IXDCS7KIAL IXFOR MAI lO}/; by Kllsha Noyce. Illustrated with s«o fine wood engravings, drawn from the otjects. One ver» neat vomme. extra gilt, lI.M OCR OLD IJLVQtIIES; tfoegs for the Norse-y. Avery page prettily Illustrated. 12mo. r> eat cloth. Prt'-e eta. TALES AEOU7 ASIIfAIS; By Jcha TLlctsoo, wl'h upwardssf 100 neat steel engravings: 1 vol !2mo. Ev»ra djth. «<it edges ILW GREES 'S SCP.SERY AXXCAL; Wlih original coaulbutocs of Mrs 8, C. Hail, Mrs. Abdy, Mary Hawitt, aod other popular writers fjr tae young, Well printed with co'ored engravings. Xxtra dlt il-W 2>lGmtAP£; a collection of pretty tales for the young, by the author oi "Aunt Fannv's Chrlstmu L .wtorlef.- 1 neatvolome. 33m0- Uoth 50 eta. BERTRAM 2tOEL; a story for youth. UyE.J. May. author of " Louis's School Boy Day's," anihloe of Greyafne,** Ac. l neat volume 15mo. lllostrated. .. Ooth. doth, glltedgeg.. •1.00 ME7A GREY: a new story. By Mana J. Mcintosh. 1 volume. 16mo. Cioth. 73 eta. The above, and many others, together with a large as* •ortment of iliusVated gift books. For sals by W. B. KXE.V, BaokstUer, deap ltfL'ke street. ! SPLEADIO CUTLERY, ECGra? ASD OTHE23 Pocket and Nail „ Knives, EXTRA IINE SCISSORS, —AJD— CHOICE RAZORS. —IT— J* H. REED & GO'S, Apothecaries, 144 AND 145 LASK BT&EET. Dt&Ur in fin* fancy and Toilet Goodt. de3l bm Goweraors of Steam Endues, "\f AKOFACTCTRER3 AND OWNERS 0T i.vj_ Bteam Engines who are degfrocs of maintaining a steady motion in their machinery, and wish to save their engines ftam breaking down or running away, can be accommodated by using WUjou's Gov era o.* aad Valve. Ther are mole, compsct. handsome, and not liable to get oat of order. Prices range as follows, to wit: Por Engines up to HI Horse Power SAC Por Ciglnesfrom Sto 100 Horse Pewer io far laanes fnxa lOQ to 300 Horse Power 90 They can be attached without difficulty to asa engine, andatatrlilngcost. They require ao a-ijaftim, uj with the stop ralre wide opea will ran the engine at one speed, with or without the load ea Workmanship of laererybest Quality. Satiifactioa Giren or Voziay Bafunded. Address J. 8. WILSON, Kensinetoa. Philadelphia. Pa eedoelagabore spedded sua. aod stating diameter of steam pipe, and Aroae of and number of revolutions re<ulred per minute. Jlxrxxgscx:—don. John Wilson, late Ooaunlafwer Land Department LO, ft, S. 00~ Chicago. aotto-MOO / 1 U3I DROPS.—2OO ROXES FRESH AS vJ mm flarorvfta sale bv PSNTON, ijBCtSOBI k SMITH. W>»wl—j»l» rw<lavl«ta RS HnwiH W«tar *| Cifi bbls. oamphesk in prime IU\J Shipping Order In store and for sale by PENT -N A CO., deCbOTlw MLake street. BBLS. BURNING FLUID FOR lUU sals by PESTON k (XX. dstf Mallw W Lake street. "I -A BARRELS OF ALCOHOL, 95 I(JU per cesf for sale by PENTON k 00., de3>b&jSlw MlAke street. OH tons terra japonic* " n „ £\J KUb, siTTCWi Hailroabs. Wimtr Arrsingeuvcnt. a CHIC4GO ISO BILWiFKES UILKOiD ULKS £3021 UNI. u Great Miil and Sxpreas Rcate to EC. Paoi- ON AND AFTER - !!ONDAY, NOTEM J ber 2?th. 1353, Passeccer Trains will ran dally. a; (BBsdayatzeepteiL) as follows: THUOUGH TXAIKS. St uuTvanoAOo.raoMarA7iosoaA.wntwi7uloooKfTß. &< Bcoo A. M.—Bt<ren!n« at all Stations, reaching Mllwaokee - at l±£i P M. & L3O P. ML-fitappto* at Eraaston. Ttlxhland Park. Like . Vorrest. Wankecan. and locations north, and & arriving la Milwaukee at &15 p. M., and con- . nectinxwith LaCrotM A for St. Piai and all points in the N <nh-ws«t. wirxxoix rnn uuvaa ctrcioo it SrOO P. M.-Stopping at all Stations, and arriving at Was- «. kegaa at ?. M. * coNNicxiONa. a. At Milwaukee with La Crosse A Milwaukee Railroad foe Hartford, Horricen. Beaver Jam. Portage C.:y. Uibon, eparta. and eonnec:'.cg at Scarta a-.4 La- «. erase with three daily IJn? of Migts ..rduPiul, * Winona. Poaaubj Cl:r. Sced'a L*cj;nx. iUd \t inc. Pre* eott, Hudson. 3'illwster. Histincj. ?t Anthonj ILcneap oili and Minnesota gi Aur Cowecr at JcscMoa with the Pocd da I ac aai wlthtfe Uoriccn tcr Pond da Lac. Oihioih. . Waurun. B:pon and IJerlin. Also, with the * I and Mississippi ar.d Milwaatee&nJ Witertown S.vir->ad I for Whitewater. Jiiiesri'l?. Prairie da Ct.'en ; 8t- Pial Han2a:a and W*terta»-3. j At BadneJunctkn. with tt.e Kadneind sr_«s!sslrpl Eaiiroa.l, for Bvrdrxtoc. E.k jora. Dfia7aa.Dxr.en. lie loit and R-cxtoa. Preiiht Trains leave Milwaukee at »:i,O A M.. and Chi cars at T'44 4. M. l.ailj. | ncuO 1. LflYSgd. J3.. ?upt. J CHICAGO,IOWA RAILROAD CHANGE OP TIME. t OPEN TO MECHANICSVILLE. ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, EEC. 1, uu'Jl 'urther notice. Trains will ran u fol- I tows: Leave Clinton at JI'IM. and too P. M. Arrlveal MecKaolrsrule 1i.15 M. and 3.4) ** • LeaveUechaairsTilie, Arrive at CUnton liju M.and<-.iu " Connectln*with Tbroaxi Tralaa forCbiisee, ovcrth# J Dixon Air -Line o? *ha Galers aid Chicane C-scc BoQ. raod. At DeWlttwith stizes 'or D.avespo t and Masarfceta. At Yankee Kun .j.- .at Oa'on « fftaxes fcr Tlrt—. At MechanlnviKl with stases for Anamosa. LiiN?a, Mt. Terucn. Marion and • l/edar&apluj. PiEGHT TRAINS LTLATY DAILY. I The tShortesu Che&sest and =:c»*. ExpetiitK a. , J .sute between CWca*J and Central i-*i. it fceku Ut | nilea from Chicago to the Miai«:ppi liver. ti:ene« directly into the mtcrto: of loca. I 1W An Axent wU be at the Piitcn. tor»c*lv# all B**x*« for Clinton or ih- road, which be eot« ■ veyed icioss the river free of c:..vie ■ i:. FJJ. Ji 85tl I Otn*so. lowa. I ov. 27 133*. dcIJ PRSSSYLVA.XU tE_\raAL aiILEOAD. I rrUIESE DAILY" I'KAiXS ?Kl-3I i'iTIS ' 1 iii'Bu to Trains leave r.itst tr-tj a :-Ii : Uall 7A. M.; Tail ! line, i P. M.: Express Ma I Ht4J P. M. The E>vrer» Mail ransd-iJly: ether two Surdiyt excepted. Making DIRKCT CONN2CUO«S? w.,n ail trainslromtiU Lccis, M-"".; Dufcocuc. Kf kuk »'H I?w> City, Io«: Cairo, Rock liland ar.d Chlcv. lUlnais* Lvxa*ton-and LouisvlHe. Kr.: Terra Ilaa!e lr. 11vj*to lis and Lafayetts. Indiana: Coiuab my. ton. Toledo, Cleveland. Zineavlilo, Cmtilr:?. Misjilioc i and Ohio Ai«o, Va~Ku. Nebraska «rd Mia* assota. AND ALL POINTS IN THB WIiJT. FARE A3 LOW A3 BY ASY OTHER ROUTI Passengers from the West can rely upon this as bclnj the and aor. exi>eJi:lous route to Patlade:rhi» Baltinore, New York, and ail -ut< rr. rcictx. THOj>. MOOrtK. Aeent. 1858 WINTER ARRANGEMENT 1959 For Central and Weatorn lowa, Nebras ka and Kaniai. CfIICAGO AYD ROCX LSL.INDSU 3.L152. Composed of the CWcAso k Rock Island, Peoria IB arena Vallf? and Missouri Railroads. Through froii Tbicago to iowa CITY and Waahlcitoa without of Cars. OnlydlrectroctefromCnlc.'uotoJoliet. Larfalle. i'en, Pecrta, Bock Island. DiVsnyart. Jlaiiatlnr. lc*a Cif, Washington and Port d«?s Mome;. Three Pasaenxer Trains leave dilly from DcpcL comer Van Huren and rfhenn-vn itresuaj follows: 11.Oil AIL Day Errrccs, Sundays ex^epteo LaSaQe. Peoria, Reck Island. Dave: port. Hasca. tine. lowa City and *uhlnztoa. ILCO P. VL. Nl*ht express. Saurdays excei <ed-7nr Peo> rla. Bock Island, Daveunsrt. Musfatiie. lowsCliy. And WAahlnctoo. 5.C0 P. M. JoUet stepping ail jIVJt ns. arrtvingat Jollet at "155 P M. The Ch'cwo and Rack Island and Miiiltslppl a"d souri JUilroads form the only thrruib route frmn Clu cars to tne interior of lowa. Pauenxer trains ;ua through to lowa City and Wa«h- Ir.eton without detention. <r cnar.k-e of c ri at the Mi*, slsi'cpl River, crocjin* the Railroad BriJio between Rock Island and Daveaport. rhroa^hTrain? arrive at Gh!cnxo at 4 40 A. M. ar.d 6. "3 P. M Joliet Accoccodailoa at 3.r0 a M, vONNECTIONA At La Salle, with Illinois Central Riilrofc? for Dunleith, Calto and Intermediate point*. At Peoria with the Peoria ini OQU.iwka tlailroad !«i Galesburs %.nd Burllnricu. At \Va*hlnxtca «tin Line of HtAaci ti Oacnloosa. Knorvlile. and all u Central ar.d bouthern lowa. At lowa Cli 7 withWestera gUxe Co'sLin-; MsllCoacbrt for Port des Moines, Council K!a?v ioosa. Newton. Wlnterteit. V''rt Do'iif. ?;n-u Cl f. MarihiUtowa, Marlet:.!. I-ti P.*iis.c> 1 -ir tH:'! !*. Ced*i Palls, and all polnU lnCrr L-ii a:.: W'cst.-rulcwa. No braakaand Kxzsaa. Local and thrc tub ticket* on at th? ai otficeot fort Waynean-l CUk*- 1-i^.-i-i. c.'rn-iH'v*- bom and RandolfcL btreet*. n teffvj kiicj.viU Railroad under Revere iic tci. JOHN ?. T3AOY. Scp'L W. L. feT. JO'tlN. Geo'l Ticket A>-g::>. mylO 1858. Winter ArntngemeaL iBOB VU jnCHIGA.% CKhTRAL AM» WESTERN (CANADA) SAILWaY. riIRAINS LEAVE TIIK HUE \T CENTRAL 1 Depo'. foot "f Lake stre-\ Clucso: ®:SO A. M.—New York S.'rur.'ss—PcndayOarrive at Detroit \?0 P. M.: dcSi-enO.-n or Boffalo4;"0 A M.: Albany tW P. M.. New Tor* 10:40 P. .M.: Pulladel: hia via Klrnira, U P.M. &00 A U —Cincinnati Express— (Mondays excepted)- Arrive at Onclnnail at y.MIP. sf. M.—Detroit Acciirotlation (exce:t Sunday) ar rtve at Detroit ii- iP. M. : P. 3L—New York and Boaton excepted). Arrive Det'olt P. M-: au.«i eo. ■lon Rrid*e or Buffalo s*:(n P. M : Aibacv lo uU A M.:New ; Yorki;Jo P.M.; Rortou 11 r»P.M 3.00 P. M.—^Cincinnati and Lru'.ivills Hxpr«s»— (except faturdsy.) Arrive it ClnclLnatl 11 iX I A. n. LitavJiie 4.jJ P. >l. Cnlyoa'tralr oa -cnajyat ;.(■> P. >L All traina ccnflect at Patl» wlthihe ous»lc and Huron Riilway fcr aotf .all ro1".t» Ko.«t: a'. To ronto with the' Grand Trunk Rili*47 to K:rcst«-n,(.»t detisburxh. sC'i a: in Cr»aa-l* East. Northern Vennr-nt. >e» H isi: ahire and lialne. Bifzaxecteckeu .hrju<iL. Throuxh tickets for sale -;t tl;? la the We«t, and at the rsne-a) ••■.tlee, cr>-nfr La*.- »<id Dearborn streets, t:;e Trrmtnt I'onse. CUca«», and at the depot, foot:' L<ikst: e-'t. X X. nicr. iiteadenv H. J. friLjixo. Gen. i*a.w .a<tent. s|. C. U.K. 1851-9-- WINTER - -lhiß*9 ZUZNOZB OBNTBAI. HATT.HOAJ. Change ofXimo. ON -VND AFTER SUNDAY. NOV, 2d. train.! will leave the Great Central Depoi, foct of South Water and Lake streets: Bt. Louis, Cilro ind New Orltans Express....lUA) AM. (Dally. Sundays excepted.) 8C Louis andCalrT Express lihUip.M. (Dally. Sunday* excepted.) For Peoria, Decatur, Pprtnriel-L Terre Haste, Alton, BT. LOCI 3. Jeffersoa Cty, Eassas. ar.d ail points ca Missouri rlrcr CAIRO. Memphis, Napoleon. Vlc*«ourx. Natchex, Galveston. NEW ORLKANA And ail intenuediate pints. A stock train, with a pauesser car attached as far as Kankakee will leave at P.M. (daily, Scniiays ex cepted). On Saturdays a passenger cir will be run oa thia train as far as Urbanna. Trains arrive from tit. Louis and Cairo At 9:1 J A.5!. aid 11:90 P.M. CONNECTION! The H;fX) PM. trains make direct connections at Mittoca with Terra Hiu'eand Alton Railroad for Alton and St. Lools, and at Cairo with the railroad tine of neamersfor New Orleans. Jewing Cairo on alternate davl The 11:30 P.M. train makes direct connections v To* lono with Great Western Railroad fo-SprinifMJ. Jack sonville and Nsples: at Ma'.tooa with Terre H <ut« an I Alton Rallroa-1 for and Sc Louis, a. O J.n Ohio and M'tslxlppl Railroad for rtt Louis, PORTHROUGH TICKETS AND Applv at toe Company's Oiflce In the Great Central Depot: at the Michigan Central Railroad Office, corner of Lakeand Dearb rn street: at the Pittsburgh, Port Wayne and Cnleago Railroad Offce. corner or Dearborn and Randolph streets, and at all Steamboat and iUilroad Office la the East and North. JAB. C. CLARKE, Gea'l Host. W. P. JOHNSON, General Ticket Agent. nc£9 W. R. ARTHUR, gqpt. Chicago Dlvls'on. PITTSBnC, FORT WAYNK k CHICAGO R.B TO PHTSBTTBOBLHEW YORK, PHILADBt phia, Bahlmnre and Washington City, with but cm chanxeor cantoPitUburxh, connecting directly with al' trains ob the great PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, To New Yort, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Waikinxtct City, and all the Interior towns ofpeamjiv-nia. New Jer lev. New York Marrland. Ac. Merchantg. by taking this route, will! have the advan tage of all the eastern markets at do additional cost. Baxxage ebecked throuxh to Pittsburgh. PMseaiers for New York and Philadelphia, will havi their banragv checked on the cars, which Is etjulvaleot to checking throogh to th • above points. Trains leave ktlcnlaan Southern Depot as follows: 7:J) A IL—Moralnx Express, daily. Bondaj excepted, 6:45 P. M.—Nlgnt sxpress. didy. Saturdays excepted. OonnecCnxatCresHne wlthClev«i*iC*cd Laic dhoie te Duakir*. BuSaio. Nla*att Pails. New York Asd Bcston. and all interior tuwas tai^nd.v'a New York Central and New Tr'rk «c» Xt.e Aeiirrada. Also, so«u> to Columbus. Z<iars?l:ie. Newark. Monet '"-% on, aUebeavtlle, Wheeiinx, ai'*. towns tl Ohio and Vbalaia. The above trains connect at Porren with trains oa Mad River Road to BcrloAflaid. Crbanra, Dayton and Clncb !■»>! PARI AS LOW AS ANY OTHE3 ROUTE, rifnn is boond east will find this route both pleasa andajtreeahlAPastfn«throexh cany of the largestan finest cities in tne United Bute*. Passengers >rivlnx at Chi euro, on any of theroadj will find attentive check takers at the depots, to recriv cheeks and oenveybMsace fees of charge to the PUU and Chicago cars. Tickets for sals at all the principal ticket offices In th West, and at the Company s ofiice. comer of RAndstp aad Dearborn streets, or at the depot on Van Bert* street, Chicago. Be partlcalar to ask f«r tickets by Port Wane. DAN'LW. Boc£. uen'l Ax est, Chicago. JliE. Mooxa. Gea'l Bai'V TO MERCHANTS AND SHIPPERS. The Plttsbargh. Port Wayne A Chicago R. R. Co., havin« effected an arrangement with the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Company, for the transportation of Through Prelchta. property can now be shipped on this lias oetweea Chicago. Philadelphia. Baltimore. New York and Boston, with promptness and despatch. Cen trums can be aade at tne f<>llowlnt places: No. % Astor Placew I No. 1 8. WtUlam street.> New York. No. 3 Battery Place, > No. (4 &Übj street, Boston. No. 8 Dock street. Philadelphia. Depot, North street, Philadelphia. Depot. Twelfth street, comer CanaL Chlcagr. Hark packace* via Pw Wayne AC.R. R. for farther information. Ac., apply to JAA W. MCaKON. Preijht Agent, Chicago. J. J. HOUSTON, Gea'l Pui*ht Aft, Pitubarsh. Pa, aol HISEXAL POKT RAILROAD. ptHAHQB OF TIME, CONNECTiaQ AT VTana with the IQinolj Central and Galena aci Chi. ean Uoloa Raltroada. On and after Monday, May l?tb Im, a freight and PusenterTrala will be ran u fallow* SsodAjf excepted: reoaoSonx. Lmts Mlstrtl point at. JMP.k ** Galantine at j:35 '* - M Darilnxtoa at. 4.00 " ** 1 *, Riverside at. tIS" ** Arrive at Warren at 5.0 C ** Gotxo Noxtz. Leave Warren at. a.06 P. M •* • Dertlngtoa aL ».os M " •* Calamine at- 9.30** " > Arrive al Mineral Point at. laoo M M P—t. if its make cioae connections at Warren with the EUsolsCcntralandbalenaandChlcaxoUnion Railroads , t* Chicago, and all pcinu East Also for all points South, 1 BMBlnfton. Springfield, Bt. Lools, Cairo, Loolsvllle CfcMfcmstl, IndlazapoilA Etc. Aao, West, for Galena, Dubuque, Prairie da Chi en, CQK Bt> PaaL and iOpoints In lowa and Minnesota, , also at Mineral Point with ?tics* and tt*ck» , fcr Plaonile. Lancaster, Linden. H'ffVT**, Musco4a, i DodcevUle, and Points oa the Milwaukee and MMatppl ( Railroad for Madison, and all points of Kana-asad Northern Wjjoonila—alio for Prairie do Cklea.Lt p. PaaL Etc. Through Tickets for all priacfpal points East, Boatb and the Can ad is. for tale at this office^ »« CUiafiO, ST* PAUL ASD FOND DC LAC X. 1. CHANGE OP TIME. ; AN AND AFTER MONDAY, DEC. 13, Trains on tliU road will ieAV« CMcaco u 1 j 9:CO A,* IC. Per Belolt, JanesvUie, Madijon and Prairie I de Chies. 200 P: SC. for JaoeevUle and Moißm. Trains arrive aft 1210 P. U. aad p •a'wlnK in , tMa—ftta I SuKtiMaPnSedaGUaavlthatenyll&varTTßlM I Qia, u Qmur. b»X Railroads. VZOIZOAK SOVTBISN ASP U&E SHORE RAlLftOtD* 1358.... _.. Winter Axr&ngesa&t 1851 rjIHBOCGH ROUTE TO NEW YORK Boston. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Washington. GeveUnd. tlttßburvh. Danklrk. Batfala, Nlscara Palls, Rochester, Syracuse. Troy, Albany, Elmlra* Bin*bami>. ton. Bprtngflela, Worcester, ud all points la tne New England dutcs. 5:00 A. M. Mall and Accomodation. vis old iflchloa line. &-i5 A M, New Tork Express leaves Chlcaeo vis old Michigan Use. 8:00 P. 22. New York ud Boston bpresa via <>ld Mich* IxaollDe. 6:-t5 A. M. Train (duly, exeept SortdayO connects at Adria'witn train for Monroe aad Detroit* mails* cJra connections at Detroit with tsaias on Great Western Railroad. iCO A. M. (''ally, excepted; oonnecting Elkhart with train for Goshen Line. 3,00 P. M. (dally, raiorday.) compct at Adrian with trains for Monroe aod Detroit. ONE Of WOODRESTS PATENT SLXXPCTQ pa»i Will accompany the Xlxht Train. leavia* Chicago on the «i 5 AM, trala set a N Car at ClevelaadL tvaeiacaaoeaa.! at ail ticket Offices In the West, and at the Con pany's o!Ece un.iertne Kevere House, corner 1 landciph and Dearborn «trrcU,and at the depot. | »yiQ {'.M.tiRAY. General Western Aieat ST. LOCiS, ALTO 3 ASD CHICAGO KiIUOAD Winter Amnffsmimt, Dec 13th, 183*. OIUSOE OT TIM*. DErOT. CORNER OF WEST VAX BE REN and l anil itreeU, Chicago. Qole < iouth. ir .ina raa a* fcUows: rxcefj<l.l Leava it lujS a. M. " Jouet lili P. M. •* Peorta Junction . s ;ti p. M. ** BlorniMton... P M« ** Borta«fl4ld ..." m. A-rivr at St. Loaii AO# A. U Train arrlTfj rrcra Sk Loaii a: n.ii p. M. JOUCT ACCOMMODATION, Stopping at Intermediate stations. Leaves JoUet at |XO A. M " Ch.cago at 4 Arrive at Chicago lUCOA. M •* JoUet 6 .m CONNECTIONS: At Chicago, with &il the mt Eaitern aod Norther:, toe*. At JoUet. with the 2eck Island Railroad wnt, and *t>« "Cut Off'east. At Peer!* Junction. with the Peoria and OaaawkA Rail road to Peoria iad stations west. At Bloomlngton. with theliiincis Centralrallroad. r ortl AaUaoath. Atdrrte*flrid.with the QreatWe«tera mil Railroad eaA to Dtcaiax. aat) -wart to JaekxiavlUe and Nacle*. At St. Louii with Pacific &aliroa<t to Northern Mir ■oorL Han tat and aod with St. Lools. Cairo N«w Otiea&s now Use o «teamer»Vo Cairo. Mem phKVickiburs and New Orleasa OT"' Throtuh Tlcketj can be had at the Comnui's Of fice. no. txartwrn itreet, Coppodttf Tremont Hook.) ChlcaKO. attheDrßoteoraer Wm Van Bnreo andCan»s street* and at the principal railroad uclet oificea In th« tAsicrn. Middle and Westera J»tatea XT Batej of Pare and Fr«Uht* lane u by any oihsr routs. l. a*-3LrNo. "X n. vooax. - GenM Ar-ut [ahjt'l Gea'l >.ift smi WKSTK£.\ 31 AIL ROCTE. WUTTEH ARRAJfGEBIIEITT. ON AND AiTEU SUNDAY, XuV. 2*Tti, de&ot Jalst. iflandan excepted) as fellowr: OALXNA * CHICAGO UNION R. S.—MAINLINE. TorFrtupcrf, Galena. Dnnle'.th, Belo'.L, Janerrllie and Prairie da ChJco. Pvteacer and Mall S.SOA. M. Pisseaaer (dallf) 7.10 P. M. Eldn. McHtfory. Crystal Lake aid &Ic; roond. 3-JO P. M CUIQAQO. /ULTON AXD IOWA LINX ni srxos. rcLTOji xan ckmt&ai. :owa. Through Pasenxer 400 A.M. TLroiui Paaenxcr 10u P. M DoKaJb Paasecxer IJOP.U Two Throuxh i raliii will leate Central Depot at toot o! Lake street, jjfo'.loin: roa.sAuai. rc*Li.-ni asost. ?trt- Dailj (Bandars axcet'.od) 5.4& A. M. andT.uO?. M. TRAr.i* r.Ai?nvAaD. 153 CTCICO C3XS t>aye Pcnleith 7.u) A. M.—arrlte in Chlraxo 5.50 P. M Leave do 7.0q i». M.—arrive In Uhlcago 1- JA. M. rsicioc, rcLTciuaicwiuai. • Leave Tuitcn 7.J0 \. M—arrive In at 3.45 P. M. L-fiveTulion 1. : OP. M.—arrive In CMc«oii V>iOP.M. LeaveDeKAlh%'.sA.M.—arrlte la Chlowo at 9. . ,0 .i. M. 1 »TI aancn. Jinejviile at 10 i.> A. M.,—arrive In Chicago at I 3^l'M t.«a\v at 430 P. M.—arrive In Chicago at tan kix irrva airtacio. Xteave XUia at. ?.u) A. M.—arrive in Culcato V.56 p. M Pwecgers for ail p«lnU on the Gales* and Uhlcaxo Colon Railroad, anil Pnlton Llrif«. shoeld take the trai&e fro» VfeU* btr«-V Devot. One of WihidruiJ'i Parent C\r*wtll leave Cen tnl Depot nijrtillr with 7-UU p. M. Train for Dunleita. All tne above trains connect wiib the Great Kutern Llnesdlvendox froraChieato. Throuxh ticket! can be botuhtat the .'oUowlax oSeea: H. J. tfp\uljlcx'«. comer Lake and Dearborn ttreeu. P. t. W. AC.R.S. Ticket Offlce, corner of Randolph and i Dearborn strecU; Mlchlxan boothern 031e« onder the Severellcue, and at ti.e Central ami Wrlljjtzcei Uepota • JOHN B. TUaNtti. President. P. A. Scc't. 11. U. Posto. General Ticket AxeoL ppy FARE FROM CHICAGO TO LOUISVILLE ONLV i"» SEW ALBANY A SI) SALRI RMI.BOAD . TT" O R NEW ALBANY, LOUISVILLE, 1 JL Lexlnron and fnti'ifort, Rer.'uck7. SiUndlna . frora LaUt? MluaUsn to tie OLlo River, it New Albaaj Oiipotile Loulivlile. T'.e only d'rectrOQ'.-» fromCMevto to Prank ! fort and Lexlntrto;-.. Kootucir: Laf.iTfite. C= '!:in»*.l. Dajton. Cvlutnbas. Zaoe«llIe. A*., Ac. It U :tl»olhe aoicWfsi tail most jl.-trc*. rmiif I IS*. l'itt.«bcr*. lUillintre. \Vashl*:«rcn. P!.:1'«I A-. TWO DAILY TRAINS LEAVE CJ*.CAaO • Via V:c!.!<fin Central Ra!lr->vl.w follows: 7.1*0 A. M. CUiclnnitl ar.d LcuisviU# kxprtaa. arrlrfm In Clndncaliat 1j P. 4L. rur.nlnx dl r rctly throosa t« ClndnnaU withoat change of car* or I 3.0U P. M. NUV. KutrfM, raanlc* dlreetfy tbroaxh to all other nail at 1 i M asd at Louisville at i M P. M. j Both trait:! conai-cH! nret?Di*a«sle w!ih 1 ralni of Terra Hauls and Richmond iUlmiAi) in »«a»<n For pauenren to a take mad ettlie- Jtasi or West, uid io Uk<* paa«en. «er»fromßT. LOUiy. CaIKO. Ac., to New Albany and Lo&uvllle. Also with trains oa the OLlo and MlulsalpDl Billnad ai MlichelL Otufotu Ch-irujt of Cart tiUa*n CHICAGO AND NEW ALBANY, Binur <9t>cckL*d UiroQ^S. T v *lckeU can b« Da<! at all of thi» prnotpal Rail P" i.l '•fT •?« In the Wml Amat t. e i>a»j<!nit?r »t*Uuc oT V:.e Mlchixu Central R-tiiroaJ. loot oj itrsct, oi Uieuff.oecomerof Lake and Dearborn lUecU, opt>o«lt« Trrn>';it House, Chicago. kVii<> care.' , .i! to *ct Throiuh Ticket* by way of New A.oiav pad da2ea kallroa>L JOHN R. Sao'V O. N. Sia:x. Gen. Paueaser Awenl. Ji.% P*rrcx. Gen. Traveling A^est. PF.NN.SYLVIMA RAILRO.ID* T'HE GRKAT CENTRAL ROUTE. CON- X nertln* Atlantic Cities with Western. ir.d Siutuwcstcm ilutrt. by a contlououi Rallvayoirect. The road also connecld at P'.tUburc with Jallt lla« of gteasento all portj on the western riven, and at Clever Isndand with Hteamers in all porta on the Nortbestern Lakes, caking the mo«l direct, cheap«*t and retlable route by wh ch {!r«Uht fan be forwarded to and from the Great Wett. BATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITISBffBQ. rim Class. B<»iU, rijoes. Hut! viJ Cip*. iiooxs, Dry Gr>oks (In boxes, baJei and trunks), Drue* i!n boxe* anitbalea) Pealliert. Pars, Ac.. Ac. 75c per ICQ pooodl ttrcond CUM. Doaestlo Pheetlnx. Bhlrlliu and Ticking (In original bales). Ornn (In cask!). ll*nlware. Leather *ln rolli or boxes). Wool and BCccd felt»— >!a«twiird eOc tier !».• poan«!» Third Claa, Anvils. Pteel. Chn'.na (In casks) Hemn Itacoaant Pork, halted Uoose In lack.*). Tobacco manufactured (ex cept Clears or cat). Ac.. Ao 500 per 10U poand* Vonrth Class, i Soffee, 7Uh. Bacon. Beef and Pork. (in ea.ikj or boxes eastward). Lard, i and Lard OIL Nalli. tfcdi Ash. German Clay, Tar. Pitch. Rosin. I Ac.. Ac 40s per 100 poanda Floar—4l per bbl. ontlJ fttrther notice. Oram—t6c per tw) lbs. onili further notice. Cotton-W per bale not exeeedlni Soo lbs. weUht nntti i further notlc*. r t®"ln shipping xoodj from asy point ea«: ofP itadel phia be particular to mark packages "via P-.-.rsylvanl Railroad." Ail foods con»j*ned to the a«enU ofU ti road at Phllfliivlphia or Pittsbont. will be frrwarde-d W'thoot dete .lion. I P.'iir.BT Aoura—Clarke A 0.. Chlcsuro: Packer A Co Memphis, Tean.: JL /. dua A Co.. tl. Louis. Mo.: P. G O'ElleyA Co., K>ac9vilie. ImL; Win, Biorham, LotU» vllle, iy.; K. 0. Meliirnm, U<td!»on. LuJ.; H. W. Urows A Co.. and Irwia A Co.. Cincinnati; A Pierce A Co. Zanesvllle, Ohio : A Co., No. W Kllby Itrr*', Boa. ton: Le>»ch A Co . No. J Astor cLreet, Now York; K. J. pneeder. Philadelphia: AKocnx. Dattlmore: D. A. Stewart. Pltubunth. _ _ H. U. lioCHTON. General Prelßht Axeai, a. J. Lownaar, SupU. Altonv Pa. April 1. l^M. CHICAGO, BIRLIN6TOS It OZViCS JL S. 1858 OBANOE OP TIME 1859 ON AND AiTER DEC., U, I^.sTWO ThrmiU Pus nter Trains will leave the Cen tral Depot, foot ot South Water itreeU, dally, u fol« lows: 7:ii A. M. Pay Express (Pnndan excepted) arriving al M«n«lota tiou M.; Galesburx tJ3 p. M.; «inj. Maxtor. «li P.M.; Qulncv »;JJ. P M. 5-10 P.M. Express 'Sundays exited) »-rjvea at Men dota 11.55 P. M., Gaiesburg 5.00 A >L, Bur- M.. QoiQcy ma A. M. TralasJeaTe fastwara as follows: ' LeaTa Burt'E*tcn 7:i5 A.SL M 3.45 P M. " (Joiner 4: U A.M. A 1:30 P.M. " G>Ue»Darx IftOO A.M. A 7.ya P.a. AaroraPa«Mn«e leave# Aurora A 5L Express trains Arrive at whica«o ti:4s t*.M. AS:iO.LM, Aor«r» PsMeogrr arrive* atC(»l'-«« • IO;WA.M. IMPORTAWT LOCAL CONNECTIONS. At Mendota with Illinois Centra! Railroad north for Aaboy, Dixon, Preerort.Galenaand Dnaleith: andsooth for Lasalle. Tonic*. W lnona, Panola, BJoomington, Deca tur, rit.Louis, Cairo, Ac. At Darilnxton close connections are made by two dailr train* with Burlington and Missouri ttivcr Rail. roadJ for ML Pleaaact, Palrtleld. Ottuawa, Oskaloosa, Charlton, Port Dei Moinei, fort Dodxe, Council UloCa, sioux City, and all portionsof Saniuand Nebraska, also wtth W*no«rotHMe Company for Mentrose: thence by rail is Keokuk. At Qniney direct cr,nn?ctlonj are made by sttv* (7Q miles) with UannibaL and thence with Hannibal A Bt. Jcscptj Kallroad for 3l Josesh. Leavenworth, SansM Citv and all parts of ttansas and Ssothe-a Nebraska. Ttis la the only direct rows daring in© witter monlka between the East and Kansas, as there is only aboat so miles (taxing In the whole distance to Bt. Joseph. At Plyatoatn m>t stages tor ieoxax. Tickets may b«ha3atthdD«poc anuatthe Central Sailroad oEce. eoraefof Lake and Dearborn sta. a 6. HAMMOND, e«B')BnpX Pow*LU Gsn'l T1a»r«« iwnt del 3 American Express Company. WINTER ARRANOEMEMT. CUINGK OF TI3IS* AND AiTER WEDNESDAY NEXT, v,f Dcretnhtr Ist. IsM. our Kx"re«.*ei to and from Mints namei below wla leave aod arrive u follows: LEAVE: *:U A U, Express, for Detroit, Butfala Albany, New Yorx aod Boston. 3:00 P. M. Torouxh Express for carse point*. ?:« A. M. Tor IndUnaooUs. Clnciar atl and Louls*^ l >. S;U A, M. Kor CreitJine clereland. Pl'tsburgn, PLjia. deldhlv Baltimore and tVuhinxuiD. ILCO A. JL cenuaila. du LooLi» Cairo and New Oev leans. 730 A. M. liaxUnjton. Qniney, Keokuk, and all solnta West in lowa. JL >L Pulvrn, Lyons, Clinton and PaLtleli i;<s A. M. Ga:ena. Donleithand West. 9:uu a. JL JanesTl le, Madlsoa and Praise da Chchv 4,-a) P. M. Jaietrliie and Way. d:tU A. M. M lwaaksi-. la Ctosm, 3L Paul. Greej Ba» and tierlin. AH2I7E; IQ£S P. 51. Prom D«tnut, Way. 11:40 A.M. - •* Throuxh. IQulj p. M. ** Indianapolis and Sooth. 4.-WJ AM. ** CresUine and iUst, 11M) P. M. '* Oemraila and Sooth, a4aP, M. * Bar.lm ton and WmV 3:<5 p. M. Pulton and west. WP SL ** Dunleltii aod Weak M. w JanesTlUe, Way. SISp. M. " Prairie da Cbeln and WoM. ft «) P. M. " MliwaukM and North. All Expresses leaving before I'hCO A. M. rlrMi the sv«. nlngprevioaaatio'ciock: tho*eleavingdi*tnx th« day one hoar before leaving tlma tnaucr reowved atlet time o/ dosioc wiu remvn over one JCurtm exo«pt la case of necessity, and «hl&pers nntifv as .tccordlnzlr UVINaarON, iAMt>ACu7 Chkaco. Not. S9th ljiS. b«d?ln CHESS CIiUBS ' Win find at Fauauorj, 40 ao. OUBZ BT, A New Lot of MORPHFY CHE3S, CLUB CHESS, CARTED CHESS In Bono. Wood and Ivory, froa 50 oeoti to «ia<U. j»S b«t •| BAGSUio uufm o simu! oSStmu 104 ! * "''iiiaoMi. m* ca