Newspaper Page Text
COMMERCIAL. Commercial aud Wonev Iffatters, 6atcbdat. Jan. 8, 1*59- Tbe d&vbasbeen intensely cold-by far the coldest of the Beasoa-nnd course traaeac lions hare been linnted. Businesa i* moving alonff qnieUy witJi very little to distinguish one day from another. Western banks seem gene rally to be in a sound, healthy condition, and though forthe next few weeks of comparative inactivity, more ccrreocy will be likely to re main idle in the hands of city banks than will be exacUy profitable, wc donbt whether it will be run home to any considerable extent. The cer tainty that it win oil be needed and much more, as toon as navigation opens and withal ths mu tual confidence that seems to exist between our cit; nod country backers, will be likely .to pre rent any currency cx citement for many months to cotne. Rates of money are without change in any particular. It may be dry and tedious to many of our readers to see the same old liipires in our money article for many days and perhaps weeks together, and we certainly pet tired of making them; but we should not be held responsible for tbe dull routine in which qustutions have fallen. Forthe welfare oi the business public and in fact of all classes it is better that financial mat ters should be steady ond uniform, or nearly so, than otherwise. While therefore it is dull busi ness to repeat nearly the same figures from duy today, it is well thut it is so ; and as scores of each daily paper fall into the hands of those who did not see the previous day's issue, it will not do to E&y aimply •* no change in rates," but it is important to repent them daily, even if no change occurs. We, therefore, copy former quotations as follows. Exchange steady at Uank Dis counts 10 per cent. Gold inactive Street rai«s nominal tt lV(fr2 per cent, per month. The y. Y. Timu oi the Gib Bays: Lender?, outside of iiaok, ore more numerous since the i)ividt-Dd collections. Tbe Sub Trea sury falls oil to H.453.y43, or f«9,t«T2 lees than yedtcrday. The Asia toot out (407,000 in Bul lion. The foi/owiug is the summary of the Hank movement at the principal lour cities of ttie country as olliciJly returned this week : 'o'>n«. D« , p«vit« Pt>»clp. Ci'cuhit'n N.Jan. ML*; •'•M •TJ |:'in»M.l:»s t27 12H.2i5 Boj. a J-in.:j. mm.'.Om b sj'(A) oSijO.t) }• .11J..J,K..;. t' ,: j n.741.745 N >J.. te 0.-; 10,2i:,v71 f.Ut4.lrs; Su'i Trea.,N. V.Jua.l 8.105C71 To-ik 1 <-.->. ry cs IMla?> r/il Litl Wteii. It will bs seen that tbe specie reeerve in the burikd oi the f'uur leading cities of tbe Union amounts to the enormous sum nf $5S,00(»,000. It is safe to hay that one-half this amount would be an tmple supply, and we may therefore ex pect that from twenty-iive to thirty millions mubt ere long seek investment in the channels of legitimate active business. It may take sev eral months for holders to determine where how lu invest; but utter iauctivity long redt upon so Urge an amount of Capital. The following ilemd are taken from the bet number of Willurd & Young's JiUhk J\'c,U 2U ■j>orhr: Wf. understand that large amounts of Wis consin currency are being returned for redemp liru, and mat the Hank Uomptroller hu6 recent ly gnne to New York with (252,000 Mi&ioori tiO»>lp to he sold. Tli'- I'.-ikMiijiliou of the Sl.ilc B.i'jJ; of Jodbn.-i, hi oi! ti.:u-ir tnil", i- itjily proviilcj for. The ii'»l-.i "• t.nii liiAtich will he tiikfu up iu the jil.ic".- til it- lui j'inii, ut the ol Sjuie Lank nr hjt.Wr. 'i ;ie <ll ii-i-'l iMlcs wj'l ht* it*ueivi?il and «iU itt«: f y, ut t(»e «»f the CW-il; of tlie t' •;uuii.^-jiut'i-yi i»: 1 lie linking Fiiml, .it hull ;»'«:i>. t-r t:iu iM-ri'/J «i iuin; v CJ r.% irouj .i.i'in.iry I. Ib >'J, jviK.ini'. in-iin-y Uy thf Slate of M—'•!! i. tn Ih-J J'.lil/ i- u-iji,:li " fi-- I'-iVi- l-t.\-!i i-i-ti-.j t.; tlie :t Hi mi ti r ci| cl!».- f.'jvj'AHJ. leaving nmmiMt s'.itl iluii i t H . j.miN tlu:iii« nc-, ju«lu'iiiir I i)'iu thu htulfiiifiit ( ,r ;If ti j'/ciin r. in In.- Jutt- lUf.i.-agtj, arc v»*ry muc i t-iiiii itr.i--nl, Jti-1 tlii ir sale at aiu-tioii «oulil »*em int-viUiMo, uiJe>-, in view of their ultimitr hene ri', .'hi- ftfsotiM pr.itvcL them tint;! tiny are .ih'.v \ ) thvm-elvr.% v. Hoi.u-At.i: ci»r.Mi:i:n;tTiN(;. I:k- iii-i-t ?ucci'-~ u[ pure of v umterfrit ifi.i! li -.- < wr ).e u itiiilcrtakcii has jii-t h* i-u Li'<'light 1 1> JiiTlit. Tin- Uatik in Tioy dis nivi-:«-il i:i » j».iuk;ii'».' lit'tjj one <»l the Troy City l.a-ik- <.v.-r JKi'i in rfiiiti:«-rh-il 20'--. Sn (inN-cJlv uvtr 'li'-y i x--i in.- i dint liny hail p;i-H(l t'f I'.unl* nt fXjn-r;cii--«-il jiiti-es i'!' iijMijt-3' with • .r >!• irriidii. tiM':.T, ulicli U wa» ili'C ivi-il Unit the <.'i;min»T ->• i if f; 11.> ii 'l'l'n.v fui'i Jpicfv. 'I from the .Mi tro i"'ii: i) I» )t>lv ol S*'W 1 •'li $ 1 :iil in cuuutei - i !«-I 2i)V ol tlie S:atc I Tue Aitiunv AdMirtmg Jlou9e bad also return, i «;d ot tlie tsame to the bank for redemption. It wa- fe;,rt>d at fir*: that the genuioe plates had beeu htolt-u Irum the Hank Deparlment at AJt/a nv, hut they were iound, upon examination, to he H ii'e. hi all respects the resemblance of the coun terfeits ttie g«nuiue is nearly exact. The only «:vrc.;)vuule u»t(«reacu in in the shading of the water, \»hich is darker un the counterfeit, aad the general appearance of the bill is a shade lighter. ft is supposed that large uuiounts have been paid out in the West. The back has called in all its tweolies, lor redemption, intending to liavi* a i<ew plate made. Jt will he beat to retu«e all li'i'a of the Stute liank of 7Voy. Those hold iac genuine uotes can seed them to the bank tor redeaiption. » ULUCHANTa' HANKS Of VAUIICS LOCALtTIgS. Uxamiii" carefully the notes of all Merchantfl' U i!;kn. The fallowing described billghave b«en altered. Hear m mind thai thev entirely unlike the renutue issues of any .MerchauiH' Hank in the United States. «■<, vie. figure oi Vulcan &«>kted by an anvil &t i.Hittom centre of tln> note, head of'llurriFou on t!i" right end, medallinn head ou lelt. \ig. on lower left corner female seated, truing tii-r arm on a shield, steamboat in the uiHtut.c;, ;jortrait of Taj lor ou lower right car- picture nf t* o females at the lelt ol it, '> on huh upper corners. .'is, vig. {ud.*a erect, cars to the rich', eagle u:i a tree to left, fijuaw above and FIVE below on l"f; t:i'l, female seated, anchor, etc, and vi-'S-H in ti>e distance on nghtend. vig. in centre of note, temple wealed, spin ihf at her Mile and mill m distance, 10 at right ol vig., mechanic'* arm and bcroll work eur nicrunteil by an e«gie on left end, medallion head ai;dfrui:«fn the right end. Various colored paper. SKCcuungg or uiskcsota. ua.n«. The gt-cut itiew of Miaaesota Banks are as fol lows : Ihi'k of the Stute of Minnesota, 25,000 Minne koi.i s per ceat. bonds at par. Circulation Kxchaege JJank, CJlencoe, 2.\o'i) Minnesota IL. li. oonds at j>ar. Circulation-,">,00o. Cviuuu;iotA.t„—The receipts of Hogs coutinae large, u:id buyers are thus encouraged to hold •ill winch has rendered the market to day very dull and languid. Sales of Dressed Hogs show a alight decline on yesterday's market-the range being (»>y£ti.«ri. Only one lot, however, brought the latter quotation, und it averaged SOfl los -none weighing less than 25t» lbs. (iuite a large number are left over. The salesof Live lings show a better market than Dressed—the raiijp being $-1 C-> 45 gross—the latter quota tion averaging 2JO los. The market remains dull ond life less. Mess Fork is pressing on the market at sl6 —but there fere no buyers here at that fig. tire. Indeed, all parties are at a stand etill buyer* lacking courage to buy at 10, and hold ers afraid to hell at lower figures. Th#reisaome inquiry tor Cut Meats, and 7c is freely offered ;or Uuiih, but holders are firm at There is, ho*erer, abetter feeling in Lard, with considerable inquiry at remain ing firm ut 10'^'c. Thy Wheat market wag firmer to-dov, with a fair inquiry for .No. 1 Bad at (I.o7;'holders. however, arp tirm a\ IVoS. SaU» u <Uy w< , r * ot b.*ic for No. 1 Spring in bags on track; for, No. 2 m store; and 70c for Standard—the lirst sale made under the new inspection. Corn maintains its firmness—sales of Shelled being made at COs, and Ear at 52@5£c. The market for Highwines bag advanced to The Milwaukee papers state that there ia yet a considerable number or Hogs to come in from tbe La Crosse Valley. The receipts at Milwau kee for the season foot up *25,137. Ae&le of 7,000 bushels Oata was made at Mil waukee yesterday, at 4?c, cash down, storage and insurance free till the Ist of May. The Davenport Jews of the 7th states that an unusually large quantity of liogs came in there on the day previous, Tlie BRITISH COCK TRIDK. iFrcm the Mark Las- Exprets. Dee. 12.J The open weather ol the put week hu per muted lull ndranuge to oe taken of the benefit dented bj- the previous Iroat. The l.te rain,. I though Mill insullicient, hare partially reolen' lahea tbe pond aud re-opeoed the enrincerand it seeme fair to expect a Bpeedj completion of the eupp.j. All lht ea.-lj- aototon irheot and other cereals look irell, and prospect, io ' far are fair. I'rices, howerer, still continne •jowl, to flechne, larger ealea beiD/j made in i the «oantry, and moae liberal rtceipu coming ' torn The Talue of WheatTas quently k-lc down another shilling in theoooriia r ol the week, rrithont any symptoms of reaction lmmed! r . < ' Pp i. r °' lch °i Cllr '»' ni "« forbidding any "'P*- fr=nc ° •» "long has had a paramoent tofloecco «iaco the of last rear, aad it must be late in "on 1 ter rts u »r c ea are fully ascerwinei Here the Kranams are getting full : and thoueh the lmiKirtera hare lost money for some time, slill they pour in without intermission Onlr oently, opiniot seemed settling that the low»«t . point was reached; but now if wouldYe£T£ : in the mat er 0 i tue Atlantic cable a must t, e fouad as a sate basis for speculation i fro™ ™ DUnc «» l «OT". Sbow l,ttle r "rfaifon 1 • pr " ,DUi quotation,, but all hare ceipt, beg?n'lo Ml off' liWe' m^ r o "Lold%«7a d ther e «5? a 1 "•-serrES? : •ell tritliout remtmeratioa in AmeriattttalfaS " in Englanff. The sound of a war-trumpet from Italy, where smouldering- fires are evident, would, however, soon tbe tuppßes. The arrivals offthe coast rfaceine 3d Inst, have been* bel«, and the business transacted is as follows, viz: S cargoes of Wheat—l Msrianapoli at 43s Cd per qr.. 4of Ghirka at 39s 3d to 40.*, X Italian at 41s, 1 Egyptian Behara at 27s Gd and one damaged Galatz at 80s, with about 1C cargoes of Haiie, tome out of condition, at from24s to 27s Gdper qr. The pales noted la*t week were unusually free, viz, 123,987 qre Wheat at 41fl sd, against 84,92G qw in 1857; excess this last week, 89,061 qre. The London averages were 43s 6d oa 2,R21 qru. The imports into tbe principal ports oi Great Britain 1 In Wheat and Flour for the week ending Dec. 1, were 02,346 qrs. ClUc&sn Daily Wholesale market. gATTJtDir Emna. Jan. 7. FLOUB-—Qa'.et andnonlnal at 1C.7534.E0 for Eprlng Extra; Winterts£6. WUEAT.—Kirm. £ato to-day were:-CJJ ba Sal Spring (new Inspection—welghtC-toa) at 85c In ban oa track: 7i)obußtaadajdEprinK (new Inspection) at Toe in etare; 1,000 ba No. 2at tec in store. 'Winter Wheat firm, cr—liaytra and eellers apart. CORN—Two cars Swelled sold at Cle oa track; three can Ear Cera at 52c on track; one car do at f Scon track OAU.-Xew Oale 45545 c la bags: old OaU. very scarce. £06;2; la bags. UAIILEY.—Retter inquiry. Choice parcels 75&53 C. JLYE.—NomIaaIatG.K&CSeVGOE-s at depot. UIG d WlNKS.—Advanced. Sale* of 100 bbls la lots at 23c. Bound Jets nominal at 22c. ALCOUOL.—4v3.<Sc V gaL PROVISIONS.— Mess Pork duU and nominal at lie Mesi Ilcef I9SIO - Inquiry at lOKc; but holders are fira at lO.Vc. TALLOW.—I 3 bbls No. 2 city at SXC. PRESSED HOGS.—Market very dull, aad prices a shade lower, gales were: *mo a* GO llozs, averaging 226 as., at 6i - - iw •; g-W 17 •• •• IH3 " SC(» IB " " -OJ '* t'l " d;vidingon l>-u 2*. , 4uu " at 15, |s.oOaail |C, dividing onlso and .W —J. LIVE HOGS.-£aleß to daj were: VJOO 5x pro?t. f.l Hon. averaslsg as.. at •j-S*) 61 " - Hi " 4.*5 a " '• M'J *• 4.'0 17 " " Itl " 4-00 4« •' i;lo " ... . 5.W CATTLE.—The market U gicd forfat beeves. The £a)«i o! the pait two days wtre: ¥•1(0 2.3. gross. CCattle. averaging Kls at «3W la" • ufto •• 5.50 7 *- l#7;t •* 2.WJ . 4 " •* 1 4 M J4W " , 3.M> 2 " " i'TB " ii.2t C * '* \\ Il»o * |f||J " U) " ** &I 5 " —'« is ElDES.—i'lnn. Ba'.ee to-day were; 20 Green Country i y ed and trimraid,at k )«'c; Oj Green Salted (salt and trim j tn'tirs weighed) tt Sc: -J Dry fUst, at laMc: 10 do extra, ' at lui. PtLTS.—BLtcLere' Telta. 11.5D41.7i); Country, C3c<i T 11.23. I GRAES SEED.—Scarce and In deaand. at >1.7031,t5 far Timctlij': Clever, #5(g.5 2j. ' BLTTEU—Choice 14'ilCc; CommunlOdlSc. 1 EGGS—Fresh 25:; Limed 20c. I'OfLTRY-Crc&std CUkkeus V dot; Turkeys j lOU-Uc "t* %. BUCKWHEAT FLOL'U-1000 Inferior sold at 11.25 r 1 IWS-j : good to cdolceli'itS.M; Lizon Mil's $4. 3 Common dull at4o 3 (iTus. I'OfATOES—Meshannock f>>ciCSc; Common Z/'xai'rJ:. j APPLEi-Green •otjC V trl; V i. COOI'EBAGE-S'ol'ork Barrels ai «L ffloremciit or Ureadituffs»>Jani ?• t beci-ifts sr aaiLWiTs. nonr Wb't Cora Oata Bar. Cat. ffca bbli bo. bo. bu. ba. No. .No. BjLftke.... UrGaL D. R. K 107 Gil j-_3 60 .... f.*» By 111 Central.. .. 3-# liy Ko4M. B.*B. 10 32 0 400 tj brC. UTAg... <;;s iii.o 1^1.... : ByKP.AK.duL. V 1 Jul .... 104 1 UrC. A. A bUL. lu) .... 400 21 .... Total "6 3 L0:i» «S3 1741 C> 26i 215 New York Market, r BTTa.itoai.rH.] Nj:w York. Jin. c . i Fi.)i*R— better with a Wr local »nd eastern f (r'rt- it auifi"- a r fi * fs " n-'rne sf.erulktivf demanrf, t'afes liOd.i bb:s at •! JHK-t4.7j for sjji titA't-; 15 u3:n5.»• fortx* fnr tii'Jtr Wr-Mrm; <75 for 1 common to mi-<).uiu extra ttVii-ra; $i ci»«c5.76 (or ebip* l<U:Kbr*nd« extra rouud Jiiojiuliln. clos.ini: l uujaot Ca n-viiiin Flour-saltr* at l.'i f«>r comm»« tocht ice ' «-xira eje F.uur #:VJ'< u l'J. Bm-kwijeit l-'Juur iJi fair I dnmn«l. bait's nt tJ.o.cs.2 75 i-t liai frs. <»KAlS—^Wlit*"f hitler, with iirelty c-M'd licil do maori. Hales 4'j.« uo hu a' 75-: fur uii> -.noil Cl.lea«o r>,.t ini;: N'i. J il) ii'i irivat ? t crui<. |I.K'?.I .£5 fur wlnlfrreci 1 Wcstt-rn: '•"» ff»r w.i eMit and il.i'i for wl,iti- Kentucky, ltjf «teady at Barley—f)W l»u of soil h'TtK'. Bur.ey MhH Ih moilcratc dt-m»t»»d. 1 tiales Ouu l>u a'?jc. C"ra t»Tfectly quie'. haliv uiiim- I'ortatit. V»'« s'.ern in xt-d hirld at *nc, niiil?t Inirer«rtfu»t? > i«n)«.v over 7-c. Oatsli-n. -A ,-tatc at hlii'A;, ttlid fri'.t,.'-.- for AV»;<r!«frn, an-l j- -t*'» ir for Ca3Hrli»n. Wjii-KV-Firrnt-r. a«U« o O bbls at 25,'j'.i2t."c, cloilCif fi'inlit t it* Utterriice. 'r« easier. Piles2.s'(»l»b!s at UG.f'Tjr olaimtd < 7 ;;7(> fornt-n-m;s». Ilrffnnew plc-e. l- '-iodl ir 1 dii i<t> s prime March an ' April dellvrv n tljii. UcefutKlH'r w a falus ".u libit »t s<«'i7 for coont'y iiria-. '"t cnu-try dci. 1 wlO-^'fir r'tia-tel tre-s. flu •>ll In fj.- t-xtra mess hum -tml) at I■> 115 Prlni* mexs btef It'itl". lUcoi nui-t: r'fjir am'ikv! s'<lr« »**ll!n* s'oriy forCili* '"rjiliia: Cut Mfat>-ilu !; oult-j amail, '■ r mUliT*. <> iur llatn-. l>re.-?,••.) H jkb ♦<«»•■<?. 7 '"»r f iM\-y c iT'< f« I. t.srd > ijny%-t; shlc« T"0 S. Uj-rlartt: E 2.WU l>li s vriuK? fur Mnrcli dc l;Vcr>. J' 4. l.utt-.T fe < 12't2-t for Olio, for Mite. in nndf.iil; rqjc;t ut . s ntilitr dull uri'l pric-s tariaMe. Mn. »V» ; I'.-nvi von 1 ; I'itc MmII p cf'Trcd :i?- do p «-f.m-d 49; (i«l i tin 7J; CM .t K 1 Uthcjfi rent-raJy uncha-.^cl. Cinciiiunti Market. Dt Ta.i c&intj Cisasstn, Jaa. t. j Fi.ot'P.—Firm nt 44 7553 for Hio»-rßne to extra. \\ Hi l.v—rt lil'kv lifLD. li'M l»lils at 2Jc. i.<Ki--Num , .!.al. l'iLUVi.-.i.i3s~» <irk firmer—cfnt-ra'iy held at 117, and in sotr.e cvf* lurchoice tiriinls #l7 % S> U as»cd. AUout 2 <!,- tiulk nijj.ts bul I K|j,n":». Buti.t the close it | w«s Uvlil Lir.l U'iilm c-il. Hw krej ho d at i'"«c. niids liacon ai'ld at (• j,us «»«* :yf s!iou a' il fcid.-a. iunar ai-tivi? at fullpr.CM. >ilej liO lit;da at C>s (.i,7c. vriierallf Led at iUJliblj sold at ° • Ucailicr cold and clourtv. Mh*kt-h i,h.uii:«- on New York rather lilthtr. In 6t>Uic c.ues.» premium Sa clurte<t. Xfir York Cattle .Market. "VVtDSESPir, Jan. *. Tl,« current prices for the work at all the markets are as /oJJuws UK!P C4TTLK. First Quality, t- c«t. •10.00-SIO.FO Ordinary V.UH.^SO ComtDoa h.(n>a?iu lulcnor bu SWIXE, First anaiity Other yu»l\tSes iw>\46 2i Th« market oi-rned buoy <ntly ard tirst claas catt'e wt-re biiuclii ri-tdily durl :g tlitr r «rly h iurs at from liA_illc. bui tliL* rlemand abitc I somewfjat l n.»m. and St was hard l'i oiitmu lusc 'ortiie >iflrct:ODs The quality wai Kond r:id 'he miii.lrdid riot vary in«ier.Hily f cun la<t wc-kH-l'ii! few inft-rior cattle were off»*ri*d. Tbe ranre win funiH'ito lu -.c.lacluJini;all descriptions—will] very few: el'i rn at Hi- lowfat lijure- Tlic e>Tirral ftlllu* pr ci' was al».u« mmtly at froia tuf-.c. At fie ether c/fy \ar.:s tlt -re prcvnlfed k fair dtiiiauJ anl prices *er; wi.h-a our raf,B»* of QU'<lJUlorts. Cows and c»lres jtl- In n:< *dyfj,!r demand at prices fr-nii iii! tii ffij a -cor.ilnK ti nuiUty. Veal Cslvea are inirooj at full rrlces Tbe re cefjrti fu*e Ji'e m f r some tfm- which fact caus es mucii tirmn'sj In fir marke:. S!:tei« ami Lambs onuti'iue In fair demiml at prices raasirgf.-om . A «'to «7. .<ji. s m duly ut H.od to <i>. b'wlue att f-»lr dtnsanvl at our quutaUoo. i kkl] -\hi.k Railway map. snow- INO every station upon every Railway in tbe « estta'n country, in a compel fjrnj. clear and distinct. It is sare!y a trrrat Triuicpa. I>. B. COOK i 0 o*B RAILWAY MAP OF TU2 QREAT WEST Is Unsirpassed. No Merchant, no Shipper, no ToorUt, can afford to be wuh.ut a copy a alndc hoar. It only Coists J3O cctitr f And will save auy man many dollars. o traveler can co wrons with one orD, B. Cook & Co'a Pocket Maps in his pocket, for sale everywhere. jal For Physicians. "The Physician's Hand-Book of Practice, for leiY* by WliUam Elmer. M. D. Thla Tery uiefol manual adds *"to •lithe coDTealences ofa Diary and Memorandom. about one hundred pases of printed matter, dtahmed to em brace In a condstiatd view oar kDOwledjre upon lome cf the most Important point* to be crnddered la the treat ment of disease Hence this little Manual Is intended to serve a twofold offi-e—first, as a prompter to the memory of the Physician; and secondly, as a plan of bis dally business and a record of valuable observations which be ta&y desire to j\res enre." A neat volume. Tutks. Price. #1.25. Per sale by D. B. COOSIi CO^ 111 Lake street. AN E'»FTFUX FRIEND of ours will visit this city In a few days, for t ie pun> se of rnakinit Investments IN CHICAGO HEAL ESTATE. IfKreatbar*&inio!Tertbemjelves. he is prepared to In vert v«ry heavily. Ue represents any amount of capital, and eventhlng depends on the pilcra. XT rropoaltlonsln writln* may be addressed to ua. D. B. COOKE k CO.. itJ HI Lake straet. ILLINOIS BEPORTS.--VOL, 19, VP $5.00. D. B. COOKE &. CO., FCBIISHEES, 111 Zioko Street 111 M Christmas Gifts ! PARLOR OIHAMKSH —or— 30KiBasaxA.ia- GLASS. FABIAM MARBLE TASKS, ui oher omitarnti. TTOEK BOXES, CIGAB HOLDEKB, GLOVE BOXES. PERFCiIEIY CASES. TOILET AETICEI In Great Variety POET MONKATES, BIGS AKD POBSES, BAZOES nr OASES, BHtTSHES or ALL EIMDS, PERFUMERy, AND RICH COLOGNE STANOS. pricMby cbtertalljexhibited aad s:ld at very low SARGENT A: ILSC.BV, Apothecariei and Dealers In Fancy Gooda, I<o Ltlce Street . WeaObTeS] chess clxtbs ' Will Had at PBuanoT'*, «o 80. OLABI bt., A New Lot of MORrHEV CHESS. f CLUB CHESS, ' CARVED CHESS SMp lvstokk * KTHOLD6, XLT * Oa Satikittg an& (g^ctjaitgc. MOWBE OF WILLAED ALEXANDER J CO. Bank of Depoalt. and iTdiinct. WoUectlon and Snip Paasaxe. £0 OLARK STEEET. OHIOAGO. OOOLBAUO & BBOOKB. Bankers akd dealers is ex- BCRLINGTON. IOWA. tW Prompt attention veatothe coilection otNotev Drafts, etc. Refer to George Smith & Co- Marine Bank. Mer* banta Savina lx}an and Treat Co., and f. G. Adams. w. r. onouanGH. tmb2S-Vy] y. w. gaoo ts. _ EDWD, X. XINKIUM & CO,, e BROKERS, AKD DEALERS IN EXCHANBE, Corner Clark and Lake Streets* ' CHICAGO. 1 IPWIKP t.ti.TXWiit rjg'y'Myl joaa OHABLES B. HAM 4. 00. Bankers and dealers in ex ehanre. 2( Clark street. Chlearo. Cotfvtsstos DcvasmtstT— HAM, CHAMBERS & 00., Dealers .n Negotiable Securities. Bay and Sell Paper t Secured b? Real Eatate. and eive apecial attention to in* vestments for Eastern Parties. apl6-t"&4-ly oaaai** a. ham b. b. oaaMßtas. oto. p. whittle. ,'AXV.i A. DCPtr. JAS£3 ECCE BtSHT SATLZJ. t DtPEE, BECK & SAYLEB, Bankers and brokers, nos. s & s Devonshire street, Boston, stive particular atten tion to tbe Mines of Lake Superior and are prepared to famish reliable Information respect in* them. A monthly review of the titock and Money Market with . Quotations of all iht Current Secnritiea, wili be aent to any address - ap2S-'53-ly l i. lisk eif1r0an........w. a. nionaxai. i LANE, SANFOBD d: CO., SUCCESSORS TO DICKERMAN, WHE EL l IO EB A CO. Bankers, Bockiord, llllnoia. j Collections made and remitted promptly at current u rates of Exchange. » Bxrca to—Ocean Bank. iewYork; Shoe and Leather 5 Dealers' Bank. Boston; Exchange Bank, an23 BOFF.UANN &: CELPCKE, , BANKERS, Chioago. '} RECEIVED AND INTEREST u XJ iUowedooPpecial Deposits. Liberal accommoda cranted to depositors. Independent of the state of (l the money market. y tXCHANGE and Letters • t Credit, in nuns to fnit, on s theprinclpal cities of tbe United Ktatea and Europe. EXCHANGE ON EQBOP& to Importers, at New York TLME LOANS on private bonds and mortcaces neso> u liated. Western Etate, Ooonty, CTity or Ballroad Loam o Decollated abroad. jass rRAKC'g x. HOrrKU*. OTTO OXLPCXI. 0 ULRICHS h. QEUDTNER 1 gj OLAUK srBEET-OLD THIBUNB OFFICE, Specie, Hunk Note, Exchange 7 AND COLLECTING OFFICE. Buy constantly Forelm *nd Domestic Gold and Sliver Coins. Kaatern uankNotea aad Uncurreat Money. Peli txc:.anr-- on New York, and make OoUectloas thrcoshont , tbe Ualtcd bute: and Can&daa. it 14 V. Is tl'« , OO OK k. SAHOENT DAVENPOKT IOWA. . OOOK SAH6E27T 4. DOWNEY 5 ICWA CITY IOWA. OOOK SAHGEHT h. OOOK fOET Dia MOINES IOWA OOOS SARGENT 4 ?ARKEB ' JLOEZNCE. KEBRASKA. ; 1 JANKERS & DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Aj Make collections and remit to any prrt of the Uplon. Land Warrants bouicbt, sold and located. 3 attention even to the paymeat of taxes. Attorneys at Law connected with our bouses. GSfl COUK A DILLON. Davenport. lowa, I. D. DOVVNfcY, lowa Uity. aXTIBTO t w. Clark A Co.. PUlUelphla. K. W. Olark. Dod/e A Co., New York. J.J. DlxweU. Prest. Mass. Bank, Boslcfi. N. Holmes A Sun, Pittsburgh. 3. W. Clark A Co., Boslon. E. W. Clark a Brother, St. Lcoi/. . Hatch A Lansdoo. auLoaU. * Geo. Smith A Co., ChlcaKO. John O. Waahlmrgon. D. O. my3s-ly > THE BANK OF ATJBOBA. ] HALL A JSBOTHEB&. ADBOBA, 1UIK0I& . ANKERS £ DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Ail collections entrusted to them will meet prompt at : testtan. Kefcrto Bank of the State, :«ew Fork; r. Q. J Adams and (ieorxe fcmith A Co., Chicago. M. V. WAI.U tt. f. liAQU r. a. BALL. A. C. OEUTELt I/OREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE X and Collection OUice. Aijo. Notary Public. *a Dearbon street. Hi. n J-ly-3^ OFFICER &, BBOTHEB Bankers —dealers in uncuk rent Money, tiiKht and Time Bills of Exchange, Gold &iid Silver Coin. etc. Beccive deposita. and pa> partlcn lar attention to collectins. Office 154 Lake street. Ma rine B<mk BoUding. open from if A. bL to 12p. M. atFESLNCKS. Bank. Boston. Metropolitan Hank. New York, Sherman A Collins, " " Mari&e Hank, Ohicejo. J. IL Dun Lam A Co., Chicago. R. W. OFFICES and SAM'L P. OFFICER. General Partners. mrii-ly Illinois Savings Institution, IN THE CITY OJ CHICAGO, [lncorporated i\brwiry t 1557.] -rillo INSTITUTION RECEIVES OL -1 ro«ita of oce dollar, and opwards. frc.m all c'assos o' perjprj, lncJodin* MINORS AND MARRIED WOMEN, <uiu allow Interert at the rate of six per cent, per «j. Qjtn. Divider is payable on the £:al MonJ-y or January act Juiv. , . « » . TKOBTEI6. John H Kdatie. WmßOxdes JliDonbam Geo W Dole. Ois Hul'bard. it H* Raymond. Erabtus S Williams. John e Reed. Henry Whilbeck Geo E Manton. Alex O Coventry, O K W Lull. Nathan h Ki-lde*. OSce No. jj. Waehiorton street, Portland Block. Orace open daily durinc tbe usual hours of buslne* and oa Tuei J«y and Saturday evenlnra. r -i . JUUN IL HINZIE. i>. KIDDLB. Casaler. jyitialM-ly AIKEN i NORTON j JANKERS £ DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Mo. *\ Ot.ARK pnrCAOO. 17,1 TUB .11 KItCHANT'S SAVLVCS, LOAN A.VO TKI'ST CoaPAVY. Having a capital op fsuivoo (with the privilege to increase the same to «c;, fully taid in. la, according to the previsions of Its i Charter, prepare)] t4 buy and sell Exchrnce cn all tlie princiiia. fines oftlie Lnlted Mates aad discount satis- i factory Husineas Paper or short date, fee Executive I Committee will meet daily at lUo*clock A. M,, andpersoa* I acpmuK for Discounts will receive an answer at l o'clock They will receive Money for Accumulation, allowin* Coop<»und Interest at seven per cent, per annum when the amount is deposited for a term of years: receive and execute Triiilst-y order of Courts, from Ketatea, Corpoia- 1 »0D« and Individual: and also collect Notes. Drafts and Acceptances payable in this city, and remit for sane at ; current rates oi Exciua*e at maturity, and will make Collectiolj .nun other points, upon favorable terma. owrt-vcr o Laaalle and Water sw-eeta. ! TKCriTtlfcj: 1 Vl - '<ca W. L. Newberry. Senry Farnhain. ti'-r. U. R. llolt, j, ]). UutiiiaoL W. E.Do«ett. A. H. Burley •-r.o . . fo>-ei. frevrxe frieeie, I. N. Arnold • J. li. DUNHAM. President. JONATHAN BuJiH. V. I'rts'fc it. tL tj cut, .vhlgr and Hec'y. :yj.'>.n-A!y7 4. STONE —MITSCATIKE, IOW/.. - t AOrtiFT attention eiven to Collections, auu remitted ' in Jar of l ament. Ik current ra'.i" • osrh&afft unu' w. Atfears. Oeor*e piitli A 0-' Hannc Uiiv Cuiciifi. li. A. Uccoui it Co.. *i. Loaia. ile&srs. Glimore S .»rotnertoa. Clncinn*. Leatt Dealers Bask, Bostoa j BALDWIN A DODGE jjAKSKKS i LAND AGENTS. COUNCIL BLUFfS IOWA CFH. Ovllections made at the usual rates. Exchange on the principal cities ul t:*e Union bougot and snld. Heal Es tate bouxlit aud sold oa commission. Load w rrants lo catejat #U *er InJ acres, and per acre La id Olce fee. At( sited warrants in s ime proportion. REFERENCES:—Marine Bank. Chicaao; Uenry Faraam. f-sr. I'resi.lcnt and H. L Railroad *. American Lxcnatjte B»ck, flew York; Darkte A Buiiock. tt. Louis. K JOHM T- DODQEi dtlMy-atfp G. M. BALDWIN. GEO. •» niTH lb 00. OANKERS AND 'KALERS IN foreigj. A.J and Dowesiic tlx eh :e. OHIOAG 1LUN01& wcueojona made on all t r : rrladpal ciUt, •« ue Unli ted Ptates. oa the most favoi "le terma. j.j J. H. QOWER BROTHEBS i. CO. Bankers, dealers in exchange —lW> '<• - U AOIS T I law A -lii ( lAeaij. k. E. dirl.n A Go.. CWcaw. ipan Thonycqa. No. 2 Wail street. New lor; Jannarr A Co., BU Lonla. Mr Q. O. WHITNEY & 00. L> ANKING and exchange office * U3 CLARK STREBTT. Dealer* In EASTERN AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, c" .i. diiver and Docurrent Money bociht and sola. fTemlnta paid on Guand Eastern Notes. Dcnol tiu receiTfd and allowed oa fcrecial De,->od?^ Drafta for sale on Rnalaci Ireland and Scotland, asditi parts of Germany. attecUon given to tie acactlsUen olU*§ a <tes and Bills of Lachan^e. £1 vOUectlons mada and remitted forward on dayoftty " l feoniciiu»»»*eo;«i J -.ti ■>. t' o-* la a General Banking and CommlasJoa scalneeu % a. BARB OR AN KING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE.— KTBUT. Uncarraat Mosey, Gold and cuv»t ac tabi S&a sola. - '»nEC2. rruldesl Ml-e, Bant: KG. Adiw. feLHy E. PEUSSIMO A STEIUHAEOSEB DEALERS IN EXCHANBE, MONEV, —A3t>- KKALa ESTATE BRUKEKtS. fiO booth Lp bta'.r* .of. Aocsrwroa TBI liritish GjrrwicKtdl Life Ititur'itw c^mpsnv, LONDON and AMERICA. Capital >5,600.001 ERNST PRUNING . Notary Pnbllc. B. W, PaiLli'PS BANKEB. No. • Ouax SraaxT—Loo" * HctLnmo. CHICAGO, tLUNOIB. Hmrs SIGHT AND TIME DRAFTS ON the Evtera ClUet Oiaco-*at< Basioeas Paper, Deals tn *.uro;»eau ani Ka Vian*e.tiyetie. Land War ranta. La.-arreat Nou* tad MtkedCollrctiossan all MABINK BANK. / CHICAGO MARINE AND FIRS INSD \y ranre Company. CAPITAL. WX.QX. !>. f, QAiYTJL and, rODNG tOAilMOik. lAwonl'ii -. c jra'W -.tied to ai) pan* ;• i*V - .y i H. A. TUOKCB A 00. BANK BANKERS AND JCi Dealers in Ex chance, comer nf Clark and i Cmcago. lilinoia. , . tff~ CoUccuoca raade iQlae diflereai Jk'«» u- i • at rnrr*b» rr^W.rt«f STERLING exchange! ' W'E ARE DRAWING DISECi ON m uontinenJsl turope. We also issue paasaxe tlck»u E?k--■£ rp s° l, H «barg, Antwern, Bremen and havr« , * MORjjdSD BaoTUKRS. I Ooroer of Clark >ad om »» M-" RFOBD BBOTHERS ] AND EXCHANGE BROKMtfi, 5 JurtiM** f * h S V * rt * eorntr C*rt aad ] „] Tff ' l'i. j < jUigcellattcong. SCHIVEN'S Advertising Agency, G3 DEARBORN STREET. TO THE BUSINESS MEN OF CHICAGO s Hoping to merit a continuance of the patronage I have received forthe put three year*, I beg to call your att en*. Hon to a few of the many favorable notices lately receive? from the Press, and to my fadllt'es for lnsertlnf adver tisements in the beat and most widely circulated newspa pers of the Northwest, which, with every Information, •an be obtained at the Aceacy. Respectfully, C. H. SCRIYEN. Chicago. January 3d. 1553. • Office of the Dally Press and Tribune.) Chicago, Dec. tl. IKS. } we nave transacted a large amount of bonnes* witi Mr. Scriven, the Adrertiski* Axent extending throoah a period of three year;, the greater part of which busineas haa been done within the laat twelve months. We con elder him perfectly reliao>. prompt and competent, and wi'h a thorougn knowledge of nis business. We take • pleasure in recommending his Acency to oar citizens and t j the Fre&i of Northwest—Ctreas A Trioune Co. 1 CThebenefitsof an advertising aseacy art now readily l acknowleoged by advertlseia and publishers. U. It. i Scriven. Esq., of this city, is the only agent we have an i thorixed In the Northwest, and It is nut justice to him to remark that we comailer him most reliable. His arrange ments are never disputed by advertisers, and no billa are more promptly adjusted tnan those coming through his Agency.—lChicafo Commercial Express. Democrat Office, CUlcsko, Dec. 17.1153. 1 C. H. Sc&ivks's AcK.>CY,-.We have done Bttch business with Mr. Scrtvea daring the pasttwoyears, i and tuve always found him prompt and reliable. We cordially recomsend him to the Press at large, believing that all business relations w:ll be satisfactory and agreea j able to all parties concerned.—[C. L. Reed. „ , Chicago, Dec. 17.16J2. We have done business wiih Mr. Scrtven. and It haa been to our entire satlsfactioa —ICL L, Wilson A Co. i Daily Times Office, Chicago, D«c. Is, ISS2. Charles D. bcriven. Advertising Agent in the city of Chicago, haa had dnringtne last year considerable busi* f ney tronaactlozia witn this i dice, and we have found him 3o be proant and honorable to ail his t Jiteaban A Pflce. r CaicAcoAnvannsrso Aoiscv.—Mr. C. H- Scriven, the ' ealctvruißg Chicago Advertising a Kent, is extending his business la:gety. and will as heretofore, on the . must literal scale. To the Press of lowa anu the North, wrs; we most cordially recommend thla agency as being verfcct.y re '.able and prompt In ail business transactor a. • No man in the West haa paid more attention to the mat> ter, or labored with more earnestness forthe benefit ot the merchants in Ccicacu than naa this gentleman, and we ' trust hia services will continue to be ditlf and foUy appre ciated. There ia no way »o a*fe for the conn try Presi to punue as to have reliable agents Id every city from w beace they receive patronage. In there Unone more safe or wonby tnan O. tf. Scrirea afaaehhavosr ; a«eijt, and if there ia anything to be done in theaaver* ' tijlna line yon will be ttire to hesr from him and get your 1 pay for the same promptly.~-LDaily lowa State Democrat, Davenport. Dec. 6, la&i SsaivEs'd Anvaar szso Aomcr.—Amorg the adrertis- Ingaeents witb wham «• bA»e d?ne uusncsj since the es tablisnmeot of the Courier, we have fcuad Mr. Scriven. 63 Deirborn street, Ofclcato. the most prompt and reliable. Ula accounts htive always been promptly aijusted WLeu ever due or presented. He ia an energetic business man. and We recommend bun to ail persons who require any business in this line in CtlcagQ.—LUalena Daily Courier, Den. 15, lii?. Scajrgs's AnvgETtsiso Aoctct.—We take great pleas ure m recommending to editors and publishers the Ad* vertising A&ency of C. H. Scriven, in Chicago. We have • transacted business with him for the last two or three years, and can certify to his energy and fidelity in pro curing advertising, and to his promptitude In paying all biils ccntraded. Those editors and publishers who de si e t-j extend their patronage in Chicago, should secure the services of Mr. Scriven as their agent.-LMoline Uli.) Citizen, Jan. 4, lhJ?. Adveetisisq AatSCtK.—notice many complaints amoLgnew.vapcr proprietor*,ef lo&ses sustained by va* riuUJso-called Advertising agencies, and while we unite In the general demand for the most strictiules and retal iations oy which to govern transactions with th'Se Agen ciea.Bo as to prevent frauas and swindl ng, we deem it but an act of j.siice in this connection to remaik that <luroK the past two and a half years. *e have received a lirge number of advertising orders from the hand cf 0- J1 c>crlven, of Chicago, that be has alw.ys sent themat remunerative rates, and that he has In every in stance paid his bills when presented, promptly and to our entire satisfaction. <>ur deal with him has been prooably. aathat of any paper in the West, outside our ' largtr cities, and wegive thlsnoticeas a matter oi simple jusfce, believing .Mr. Scriven to be fairly entitled to a g-<od share of the aood wiiland patrfnagenf the Western preas.—iFreeport <U.) Journal Dec. IC, 1=53. Chicago AnvaßTiiisa Agkst.—On the princisleof g;v> InR honor to whom honor la due. we are constrained to say of our agent In Chicago, Mr. O. IL Scriven. that we have always found bin correct and promp In all his bus iness transactions. To sucti of our contemporaries as have not already secured an acentta the Garden City, we Te enmmeed Mr. Scriven as reliable aud trustworthy. We are satisfied. af:er considerable experience in tlie sews paper business, that itbber.for publithersto deal with theiradverti?iralaa distant city tbronfh a resjionsible agent—LMus:atinc ilowa) Daily Journal. Dec. 17. l&S. We presume th*t no publishers have been so badly fleeced by bogus advertising agents as those of lowa. U. IL Sckiv*.n, of Chicago, is. we are happy to say, an ex* ceHlun io the alj jve. We have done business with hltn evers rei his e,uhli«hraent In Chicago, and have alw.ys found him prompt honorable and uprizbt. Publishers wiih-.ns a reliable asent la C'nicaso, win find him ju?t the man thev want—l" Time' l ." 1 Cedar Rapids, lowa, Decem ber W.lsiJ, At present there are but two Advertising Agencies that w.TecTgnite:—S M PettencUlACo.. New York, and C H Scriven. of Chicago. We have found these genti»men both prompt and responsible, and a< anth we recommend thein to our brethren of the press-—[Mineral Point, Wis,, Tribune. May 11.12.1» We have bad dealing' with Mr, Scriven for two years, and have always found him prompt and reliable, asdtake pleasure in rceommriiJlng nls Agtncy to the fraternity of the entire W orthwest.--[,ttock Island Daily ** Ccm merciaV *■ Mr. gciiven isa prompt Agent We wish him norcesa. li)s//y Islander and Argus Rock Island Die. IU, lut. £ctuvis\-< ADTiivmiso Asxnct. Ca'-caoo.—Tl»e intimate biiint-js rtlations existing between many portions of this £tate and Cblcarj, Induces ua to call the attentlh!) of the i'resacf theS'.ate. and husiaesi men. to tbe advertising h'USeofC 11 bcrivto. N0.63 Dcaroorn aveti. Cblcaao. w'juse dealmrs with us nod his prompt and faithful nan ier of dolcg business, warrant us in recommending him to those who require anything tn his Use. We would also, to the pre«s of the State, the propriety of I'lacinz their Issues #o file with blm for toe in-pectioa of tlie busines? nten of Chicago and the Wett who my have burine«a in this State.—(.Detroit Daily Advtrtiaer. May 11.1^5. Cs?tcaoo ADVgRTi?:sQ Ag*srv —We take great pleasure m recju-mending tbe Advertising Agency of Mr. C If. Scriven. Ciilcaga. to ourbre.hren of the Press throughout the est Longjixperieuce in the business has convinced us that it is p«Ucy for newspaper publishers to do ttieir bus nets In distant places through the medium of a rciafcli aaeary; it \s also the cheaut*st, and by (ar the best metaod. for merchants wh"> a'lvertlse to anyexttnt lupapers not located in their Immediate vicinity. Mr. has done considerable busineas fcr us since the cMablislimect of his Agency in Cbicato, and we have al way? fund him prompt reiiable and liberal In all Lis clealinca. We resret that there are but few ether Adver tising Agents of whom we can say as much.—{Milwaukee Daily Sentinel. Dec £J. 1i53. OHice of the Republican and Gazette. > SterilQcllL. JanJ. ISA}.) We have donebusinesiwith C.IL Scriven for the past two and a half vara, and can safely say, that to alt our busi' urss relations with him we bar r found him a promrtand reliable advL'rtlslng&gent. and In no case has behesita t-d to pa* aty bill ever presented tJ him by us. We take pleasure In recommending hlmto those of >h« crafk who are iiot a:quitnt-i.l wt ti Llm. To thos- who «re.*com menJatlon is unnecessary. WM. CAFFILE f. SCRIVEN'3 ADVERTISING AGENCY. t>3 J}iarlorn Slrat, Chicago. san3 lues, Thnra A Satb S-M VTEW JUVENILES FOR THE CHRIST- Xl MAS HOLIDAYS, TV. B. KEEN. 148 Lake Street. TIIP. EOYX HOOK OP fSDCXTMAL IXFOR. JIAIIOA ;by Etisha Nojce. Illustrated with not wood tnsravuui. drawn frota the objsctj. One ,_ver» neat mmmt fxiraicilL *i so OCR OLD IA VOKI7 ES; liotgs for the Nurse'y rvery page prettily illustrated. 12mo. rn''c.. . .«• lAI.ES ABOCI IXIiIALS; By John Tjibf«n; 11 us'jatea wiih np wards ot luo neat steel engravinrs. ! „ J *-« i !2mo. Kfra eiit edces ... tl&o l GREEK'S SOISEfIY AXXCALr "original 1 cjatfibut ocs or Mrs S. a ilail, Mr*. Abdy, Mary , t wltu .,f od otsfr Popular writers Dr tu« youn*. I laao. » ell printed with co'ored engravinna Extra rl th. rilt edges hJGnicAIA collection of pretty tales for the young, br the author oi "Aunt t"ann»'a Christmas nr/.'SVI-w J.JPEIV 1 Tolnm e- C10th......&0c«. BEhl RA2I A OSLi a atory for youth. ByF,J. May. autnor of " Louis s School Boy Day'a" "Sumhlneof lireyki^ne,' Ac, 1 neat volume 16mo. llluatrated. c,otll 11-W JiEIA <jREY: a ntwstory. By Maria J. Mcintosh. 1 volume, lomo. Cloth ...Tsc:s, The above, an! many othera. together with a large as sortment of Illustrated gift books. For sale by IF. B. KEiLif Bookseller, USL'kestreat. ■\TOTES FROM IIENRY WARD BEECH- X* Ei'S DISCOCRCF.3 Now ready and for saleby D. B.COOHEACO,, 111 Lake street Notes from Plymouth Pulpit. A Collection of Memorable Passages from the DISCOURSES OF HENRy WARO BEECHER, With a Sketch of Mr. Beecber In the Lecture Room. BY AUtfUSTA MO OR E. Brit Is not the beauty of Mr, Betcher's expressions, northestartllncand resplendent flashes of Lis thought that this book will show, ao much as his presentation of simple and holy truth. In inch guise as sever f»n? to In terest and instruct aUwhosenotlee Isgalned. And thou sands who caaoot be indaced to peruse long sermons, will ch -erfuly read, and undoubtedly remember, the vital trutLj lilastrated aid enforced in the following paxes. The volume Is a testimony to the power with which the mind from whence it sprung Influences other minds, and of the nature of that influence Dr. Holland's Popular Books, AT D. B. COOKS A 00*8, ua bAixa enxsait L THE BAY PATH. Ataleor New England Colonial Life. One volume v. BITTER SWEPT. A Poem T5 cts, m. TIMOTIIT TITCOMD'B LEITtR3.. ,1.00 SPLENDID CUTLEKV, BEGERS* AND OIHEKS Pocket and Nail Knives, EXTRA IKE SCISSORS, —A>r>— CHOICE ~RA.Z OHS. -it- IJ. 11. REED CO'S) Apothecaries, I 1U AND US LAKE STRICT. D+iUr in fin* Fancy and ToiUi Good*, de3l b£« Governors or Steam Entlnea, Manufacturers and owners of S>am Indues- who are desirous of maintaining a steady motion la their machinery, and wish to save their engines from breafclnc down bv runninc awar. can he accommodated by using Wilson's Goveroo.* and valve. Ther are aimnle. compact, handsome, and not liable to get out of ord'r Priots range as follows, to wit: F>. r tuunn-a ao to Uorte Power. A 56 Fo> fcngiue*?rota 8 to 100 Horse Power 70 For LnguiestrocalWto *3O Bone Power 90 They can be attached without dUßcalty to any engine, andatatrifiinKeost. They require oi adjusting, and with the stop valve wide open will run the engine at one spetsL with or without the load an WorkmaaaMo of the very best quality. Satisfaction Qireu or X<may <ddres J. &• WILSON, Kensington. Philadelphia, endosing above spedfled sua. aad via ting diameter of iteampipe, diameter and stroke of plAjd. and number of rerolutlo.ns required per mlarta. RKrgaisct:->tloa. Johs Wilson, lata Oomolaaic*er Department L O. tt. B.Oou Chicago, nt>4-t04>400 Garden City Institute, HO. 2D HABBISCnr-ST, -ltEiE STaTX. rpHE SEVENTH TEAR OP THIS DfSTI JL tutJon will eomzneDoe <m Monday; September eth, fnTtion variea from 96 00 to *ll CKt, Iba Female partamt is veparata, and the nsaber of panQg la this d*> partment limited to twtoMn. For farther '■giUaolan tsrly al tbe aebool roooa from I to* A. kL, -o £L 0.6N0W. PilMbaL on TONS TERRA JAPONICA, TOR 6\J >!• in tAwnt lAiai * 00. nnui Ccgal. QTATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF Cook—Bß. Oook Ocurt of Qoraman fotaa, fe hoary Term, A.D, 1859., Patrick HlrfiEa va. Wlli'aa Welch. Winiaa Welah 3d. Danlelaiurphytacf Jeremiah A. itlnaellA. Is Chancery. Affldavltof the of Jeremiah k. Kina;lla Daniel Murphy, def.ndanti al>ove named, havlDK beeafljed la the office of the clerk of *aid Ocok Coanty Orurt ol common Pleat, notice la hereby riven to the said 4. Kiase-Ja and Daniel Murphy that the complainant filed hl« bill of complaint la aald Court, on ihe Chancery aide thereof on the twenty-thlrd day of April- 15)7. and that a summons has .asued oat of aald Opart a*atnxt aald defendants returrable on the firrt Monday of Febuary next, 1859, aa Is by law rtcolred. Now, unless yoo, the said Jerem'ah A. Umaella ana Daniel Hornby ahali penonal y be and appear before said Cook Coanty Court 0." Common Pleaa of Cook county, 0 n the ftm day. of the next tern thereof to be holden tt Cuirajo, in said c~nn'y, cn the first Mondav cf liSi, and plead, an&wer or de mur to the slid complainant's bill of complaint, the sane and the matters and things therein charred and stated win be taken as confefsed, and a decree entered uainxt yoa accordlnc to the prayer ot said bllL W. KISIBALL, Clerk. GaDo? k Hitfbcoc*. PoVty QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY: SS. Courts of Cook County, PebraaryEp;d&lTera Mjyoa Vcnat and John O'Brran. Ooceervators. etc. va Mary L'nelL Susan a. Isaac Bo is. Kjther van Warenerand Jonn Van Waxen-r. , Afioavit of the aon-retld*nce of M«ry Poa'n A. Bela, Isaac Bo Is. Ifather Yaa Waeener and John Vau gamier, defend&nU above named, havlnr been filed in the office ot the Clerk of said Circuit Court of Cook Coanty notice la hereby riven to the said <fefeadan'a tbats&la complainanta filed their bill of complaint in said Court on the Chancery aide thereof, on the fenrth day of Jam. ber and that a a amnions therenpen lamed oat of said Court against said defendants, returnable on the second Monday of Pebruary next, CISoy) aa la by law required. how. unlets you. ihe aald Mary Duel', eeaan A. lioVs. liaac Bola, Esther Van Waieper and John Van Wa<ener stall ceraoaaliy baand ao: earbefo e said Ci;cult Courtof Cook Co.. on the Qnt day of the nr xt special term thereof, tebeholdenat thicaxo. in said Couaty, on U.e second Monday o* February. ISS9, and ilead. amweror demur to the said complainanta'bill of complaint, the same and the matters and thlnra therein chaired and stated will be taken aa coaf'--ased.and a decree entered acainst you, accoraini to the prayer of aald bilL . WM. L.CHURCH. Clerk. Arnold. Lay k Gregory. Comol'ta XECOTOK'S NOTICE.—COUNTT OODET OP OOOK COUNTT—In tbe matter of ihe i tatate of Georne Coombs, deceased. Allperapna havicx claim* a*ain«ttb# estate of Georjra Coomos, deceued. late of Cooit county, are notifiej and nfquestedto attead at a term of the County • ourt of Coot County to be held at the Court House in the city of Chi cago on the first Monday of February next, at ten o'clock in the foreaooa. forthepurt-ose of havin* the same ad justed—the executor and executrix of the last wilt and testament of said George Coomba, deceased, havinx fixed on th U term for settling a»d all against said deceased. Chicago, December lit, 1153. UtSKf B. DIKE. Execotcr, . JANE COOUB\ Executrix. Oflart will and testament of Georse Coomb«, deceased. de!std-b737 QTATE OF ILLINOIS COUNT! OF O COOK—S3.—Cook County Court of Common Pleaa, January Term. 1559. Orrin She'man vs. Georfe SL Coffin. Public Notice ia hereby xiven to the asid Georza M- Coffin that awrii of Attachnent iwued ont of the oflce of the Clerk of the Cook County Court of Common Pieaa d*ted the first day ot December. A, D. Iw, at the auit of the aaid Orrin Sherman and axainat the estate of the a»ld Geone M. Coffin ffr the eum of Taree iiun dred Dollars, directed ie the Sheriff or Cook Coun;y, which aaid writ baa been remrned executed. Now. therefore, unless yon, the aald Georse M. Oomn shall persozially be and appear before the said Cook County Courtof Commcn Pleas on or before the first day of the next term thereoC to be holden at the Court llouse, in the city of Chicago, on the first Monday of J wtia f 7. A, D. 1553, (rive apecial ball, and plead to the aaid plaintiff's action, judgment will be entered against yoo. and in favor of the said Orr.n Shermaa. and so much of the property attached as may be sufficient to toaausfytbesaldiudjaaentandcogta. will be sold to sat- Wythe same. WALTER KlilßALl. Clerk. Stafford. Porttr k Jones. Plfffi Att'is de!» bV>n>w STATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY, 83.--Circuit Court cf Cook County, January Spscia Term. A- 0., 1£49, William MeCullr, JobnF.McCully. and Mark W. Watson, va. Ge*r*e E. lloyv Public Notice ia hereby idven GeoneE. Hejt that a writ of at* c. issued out ofthe oSceofthe OlerkoftheQlreult Court of Cook County dated the eigh teenth dayof December. A. D. I»s. at the auit ofthe said «llliam John P, McCuily and Mark W. Watson tnd ajrainut the estate of theaald Geo. £ Jioytfortliejcm Of two hundred and nlnett-eltht dodarsaad twenty tUiee cents, directed to ths Sheriff of Cook County, which aaid writ has been returned executed. Now. therefore. yocutheaald Georxe C Hojt ahali personally be aad ftp. pear before ihe aald Circuit Oouri of Cock Coootroa crle fore the flm da> of the next attci&l term thereof, to be bolden at the -ourt House'ia the city of Chiraxo, on the firrt Monday of January k\. D. 1 »&?, *lve special bail, and plead to tue said pljtfntiCa' action, will be enteredj -• " on. and in favor ofthe said WilUu John P. McCuily ani Mark W. Wats n, and ao touch 01 tut t >ropertvattacbedas may be auflicler.t to ait> afy the aald judgment aidcoata will b#> aold to satisfy the same. WILL'AM L. CHURCH. Ciert Cornell, walte A Jameson. Plff'a Atfja. de-> bU3ti*d STATE OF ILLINOIS—COOK COUNTY. A JMSSF* Coart ot Coo,c County.-January Special l'tnn. Jerman a Keator and Porter Skinner Vi. AnJrew J. Sarrt. Public notice la hereby given to the aald Andrew J. Short, that a writ cf attachment issued out ofthe oa:ft of the Clerk ofClrcuit Coon 01 rook County dated the founh dayof December. A. D. ISSB. at 'ht auit of the sal*! Jerman S keatoraod Porter Sklaner anJ against the estate A the said Andrew J. Short for the earn of Three Tnou sand Dollars directed to the Sheriff of Cook County, which aald writ haa '-een returned executed. Now, therefore onle a you. the asld Andrew J, Short shall personally be aad ppearbeor- the aaid Circuit court of Cook County oa or before the first d %y of tlie cev t Special Te-m thereof r o be holden at the Conr House, in the O.ty of Chlcaas on th first Monday cf January. 'A. D. Is©?, nveapeciaf ball, and plead to tr.e saldpla'ntlL'a action jadKcient will be entered axai at yoa ani n favor of tbeaaid Jerman S. Keator and Porter Skicner, an i so much of the property attached aa may be suificient to s»tlxfytbe said judeneniand*■ sr>ntna tltfy . wtr L OHGECH. Cerk Cornell, Walte k Jameson. Pifffi Att'ya- deiybriJcOd •transportation. A tlanticuoyal MAIL SI'KAM NaV- A. Iration Compaay'a New Ycrk a*>d Gaiway L1hl» Tr.e next departure fr i-n New Vork w;ll be the Steam hip PACirIC. Caitnia A choJson, to sail from >ew J'ork onl Siturday, January «h Ito-'. aidthf SW*m.iblp Clft- CAhsIAN. c'apt. Jaoyjn. to sa l ?r:m New York. Thurs day, January a;t«, tauchlc* at Si. Johns, "■. F. to ie ceivethe Royal Malu Pirswe:—First C!a.?, s»i becond. >SO: ib'rd fre* ticket; to all the nriacipalcitieaoa railroad rout-a in Great Britain. Third Class must prm tde mate, atife. fork, kr„ and bed dins Passa/e t< St, Johns. Firgt-Clasa. »35: Second- Uiaas For freixJit or i)a«aa«e Inqul' e of the Ameri. canLxp easCam an*. «1 Hudscn »trect. 61 Broadway, and at their other advertised officea in the inferior. Passage in the th rd class can be aec-red at nay of the above offices to brim persons oat from any of n ;c p:ia<:s. pal citiea rathe Hue* ot railway in Great llrltain or from Uaiway for #"0. T.O « » «, HOUiAN-D.Maa ycr. JAS. 0. FARGO % o!B;e of American Express Co.. *. , .. Na. jtl Dearboin Street, CWcaxi, New York, Nov. 13.13&5. noSJ t5-5 3a PITTSBrRGH, FT. WAYXE StCaiCICO R.R. 1858-9... .WINTER HATES... .1358-9 ThrousU Freight Line, From dats and until further notice. Freight will be carried over thia Line as below; sS -s S s |S Jfa rronChlcMoto E§ cS |S Boston iI.M 11.3811.17 73 11.21 #!.^ New York 1.80 1.40 i.30 :o I.S?J Hi Philadelphia I.W 1.15 1.10 t'O 1 Baltimore I.UO 1.23 1.10 1.1.5 1.i5 PiKswrxh W 73 45 43 7d 75 CwcicnaU,o.. l-tt) K) 65 « .... W O»iombua 0 I.U) So *-'o 45 Dayton, 0 aj ?5 60 <■) contracts made to above points at Freight Office, cor ner West Van Huren and Caaal rtreeta. Contracts to Boston. New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore via Pennsylvania Ce-.tmi 8.R., (riven b? CL4RKF! A CO.. office Sleele'a llocx, corner South Water and Lasalle streets, and at Detot at Caaal htreet. „ JA3. W MUMO.S. FreUhtAE'U J. J. UOUaTON. Gen'l' teixht Ax'L Pittatu-x. Pa J. 11. 'OORC. Creitllne. 0. Chicaxo. November 15. laW- SHORE EXPRESS COMPANY Fast Freight Line, To and From All Point* East. The arrangements of this Company are unsurpassed fcr the aafe. rapid and cheap transportation of aay detent, tionof freiabt to andirora the Eaat via EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS. ' Allreclamationa forovercharxea or damates, prrmplij adjusted on dt Uvery of Ireiaht, Vie bex to r» f«r Shippers to the Superintendents of the several roads cn which *e ship. New York Office, 17tJ Uroadway, Howard Hotel Baili- Inx. Chicago OSce. No. 30 Dearborn etrett. opposite the Tremont tioaie. , Deliver Freight In New York at 72 Wamer-at.. HuJson Biver Railroad Paasenxer Depot; in B< stoa at Western Raliroad Depot, and in Chicago at Central Railroad Depot. DREW A CO.. t SO Dearborn a'j-eeL Chicago. WALLINuFORD k CO, I*6 Broadway. New Y«ra. Chiouro. Oct A 1-W. oc£ibsUU'm *or Cairo aud Sew Orleans, STEAMZH NB'V FALLS CITY, rpHE SPLENDID FAST - JL Bailing Steamer JvUiHE New City Will run. duriait the comlny Fall and Winter, ociweta Bt. Louis and New Orleans* a follows: « LEAVING St nOUIS Oct. 10. *53, at 10 o'clock A. iL do do Oct. 3U. do do do do ;«ov. W, 'M. do do •lo do Dec. 9. '»*• do 20 do do Dec. do do do do Jan. I". *63. do do do do reb. 7, 'W. do jo do do Feb. T., "W. do do do do M'ch i- '54 do dc . LEAVING CAIRO Oct. U. 'b\ at 7.H o'clock P. is. do do Oct. <l. "i do do . do do Nov. tU. *ai, do do 1 do do Dec. 111, *6B, do do do do Dec. tu. 'S3, do do do do Jan. 19, "59, do do do do Feb. 8, 'sa, do do do do Feb. 8. *W. do do do do o. *63, do do Por rrelxM m ■'! a, gfe D. LOSS. Cifcrfc 1858 t«39. CENTRAL SHORT LINE ROUTE riTTSBrSGH, FORT WATXE k CHICAGO a ro FEHSS7LVAKZA RATLHOAD3 TO ALL KASTXU CmXS. CLARKE & COWPANYt PfECIAL AGENTS are prepared to Contract Pretchti vTirou«b. by authority of the Companies named above, at their oflce. No. 1 Steele's Block, comer South Watrr and Lasalie streeu, and at Depot of P.. Ft W. 4 C. R. JL. Ohica«o; or at Depot, Liberty atreet. Pitubarxh. I TheOSces ofthe Pennsylrania RailroadOompanyit ; tne East are located at 1 No. 2 Astor tiooae. New York. No. 1 South WUilam street. New Yora. No. U Kilby street. Boston, No. 75 Ferry 'U-eet, Hartford. No. SONo-ta street. Baltimore. And at :ae General Depot. Philadelphia. [oeSI-ly American Express Company. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. CHANGe. OF TI.TIE. SN .VND AFTER WEDNESDAY NEXT, December Ist. 15S1 our Ex->rea«es to and from la name j below wia leave aad arrive as follows: LEAVE: 7:40 A. IL Way Rxpress, tir Detroit, Buffaic Albany, New York and Boatoa, 4 . fcOO P. M. Tarflnxh impress fjr case point*. ' 7:40 A. M FurlaihaaapsUa, vlndncatiacd Lotisr.i.r. fcSJ A. M. For CresUlae. Cleveland. Pi'Ubann.* . .. ddohla. Baltimore aod *^a#hln«4on. IL*COA H oentraiia. st, LooU Cairo aod New Or. leana. A M. Bortiofton, Qa'jicy, Keokuk, aad all points . . West In lowa. £o} A. JC Fulton. Lyons, Clintnfi and Fairfield. 8:45 A. M. Ga ena. DnnlelihanJ West 9tfo a. tt. Janeavi le, Marfljon and Prairie da Chein. tu) p. M. and Way. &U) A. M. Mdwaake*. ca Crosse. SL Paul. Green Bay aad beriio. ARRIVE: 1035 P. M. From ©SroaTway. ll:W A. M. "* liiroujth. e .' w- Z ?s^*o«ollsaßdfiootiL *OO A. H. Crtstiiae and Katf. IL-00 P. M. M OemraSa ud Booth. &45 P. JL " lruton and West, Sris P. M. " Fulton and West. <£» P K. Dtmielth and West. iL ** JaaetviUe, Way. ***??■ %. Jheanand West, fttf P. It. MBvaokee and worth. AflTijiuf leavini before IftrtA. M. clom the era. fiincprerloaaat6o dock: thoaeleaving the day mehiOT i b«te«l6aviaxtlme. All matterreodred after time of aosinc will remain over one £xpreai. exewpt jn cut of necessity, ia aco<tfxßo»iy. Odette Hot.Mi, 1318. 'wSttbSoa &gal Mortgage sale.—whereas IS-Ctdtn1 S-Ctdtn heretofore executed to Thorn*# acertxia dead of Martttn. which bears tftVt Lhs ofMay, A- u.US 6. *u fll«j lor reccrd th* *e»w«r ef cook Conntr. Blinola. d*y of JnJy. D. 1354, and duly recorded la 1M * Aoi »hereaa. aaid rfn°£t?£.#* Bd .P e 5 0t S *««# described have been day traeaf-jred and &<dgaed to &amuelß,Chas*. and. V 1 it wuproTidtd iu said noruare that If ie.'&all s?i°rSr"? ».* In;e ! a "I th s cram uotj cote, or eiiper oftben deacr.bed in sata mortaxe. eltnerof onnd- 1 or S f tatereat. on the daya whei ecn the auae ahould bo- : cooeaaeudwifiJe. then the wholeofsaid principal i audlntereataecuredbythesaid promissory notes Ij aald I s!2r?*j e nen J lotjecl . should thereupon become Imme diately due and payable. »u£ii ™K^A w ?u° ria ; d Eo . t » * note for «4t3 *4, payable to the ord-r of Tfccmaj wvtb. acd a 32. e .55 Dayawe to the rrder of Paul CorreJ. fell fcayabie on the 26th day of May, A. D. 1&& lber . note> nor of the other cotes described la aid mcrtxaxe. nor any part thereof, were raid cn aaia day tail named. or at any other tine, bnt default baa be*n mads In the payment »herwL Now. therefore, notice fa hereby aivea that In porta *7 ce . eiven In and by toe noiteua xforef'jld.lshaAGnthe nineteenth day orjanua»y, a. « *.» ; bctween l he boara of ten and eleven o'clock in the forenoon of aald day. at ihe f>orm door of the Court Hosse. In the d:y of Chlcaxo, In the County of Cook andtta'.eof Illinois, aeliio We hiihejt bidder for cash. the premises ra=ntloned in an J conveyed cy u!d nmrtffMf to rt: Blocks fturteen il4>. alxteen (is . sev enteen 07). ans the South half of block twelve (12» In Ljoan. Lamed <k Woodoridxe'a auboiviiion of the £ast hall cl the Northwest quarter or aection eleven (II i Jn levnitip ihlrtr-eUht (£?; North, ranee fourteen (Hi £ajt of theicird Principal Meridian; belax Jn Cook Couoiy. t»te of Illinois. SAMUALB.Ca*SE. Chicago Ja'-narra. IsjS. js6 W>7 td vroTjci; is ii Kit tin - uivji.s thai Xl wte:ea3 Wiliam Ham did. on the alxueath aay of Mar h.A. D. 1:5-. caxe. execute and dei.erto the ondiruK-ed a Chattle Motuaxe Q&oti the *ehocn*r or veisei cai ed the Demnaxk. tocrtber wi;b aaata. bow. faUs. b-ata. anclora kcaolea. tackle.apparel and for citnr& ap- otLcr necea?a:ie» thereto aocertalrlrat toae eure the payment cf thre« fertainprocilj»ory notea there luEJemioDcd. of eTen d»ie wiui aala ta.nwse. one fcr tte sum ol one hundred dollars; one for Vfce »uo nf icur hosdred dollira, payable on tn« first day of Aunat. lW a • aadpoefortbeauniof lourhuiilrei dollars, payable on the firai day Octcbrr, A. U lit 1 ?, which saicl corKa*** was fl:edrcr record In the Collector's Offic-i the UUtrict aad Port of Chlrazo, on the 'oorteen day of October A D.jaji, andrecirdsd In book B of SJortfarea. page*2+) toi<3. And default bavin* been cade in tte payment of tue last two notes herel» betare mentloi ed, I sball, by virtue t f ihe power vested la me by the taid ncrtetge. onbiturday, thetweaty-se-;ond day of Janoary next, at to tse for«mooa of Caat d*y. e*po»e tafd ves ael nerboata. t*ckl.*. apparel and fornltur«; and asperte nitccea wntre she now lies in the Foa'h Bricci of the i Wc«o pablic w < to the Li<hest and bett bid der lor cash, to irake the sea of ncney cow doe and unpaid upon the taid notes. . _ „ osnoax z. Kara Jusen t Brcsa. Attys. Dated CtJcaco, Jisujr7 sth. lw, iaS b»34 lot QTATE OF ILLINOIS, CUU.NTY Oi' CUUK k» 83.—CIrcnit ICoart of Cook Cocnty, March Tenn. A D. lajy. Marcvtt Peata administratrix of the ettate of Alfred Ve4!a.leceM-d. vs. R:bert Malsoc.'Alfrei H. Peata. Jr.. vv Llllata H. Peatt Fr*ck F. Pe*ta. *n-f ii feata and Charles \. Dyer—ln Chazcery. Aasdavitof thenon residence of Alfred H. PeataJr. one or tt e deieadAn's abeve naaed. harlr* been flJed In the office of the Clerk of aald Circuit Coon of Cook Coantr. JfoUe* la her«b* (rIT<»Q to theaald Al'red H. Peat.«. Jr.. that the cocplalnaattUd her bluof ccmplnlnt in the aald court, on the Chancery aide thereof on the !4hh day of Dec«nber. l^S a .and that aaornnonathere anon lained ost cf said Court aealnst aald defendants, rr-ornable on the first Monday of M»rch next, A. P. 1i53. as la by law reunirtd. Now. unless yen. the aald Alfred B. P«ata. Jr., shall ptrionaliy bo and appear bafore said Circuit Cocrt of Coot county, on the Cart day of the next terra thereof, to be holdeo at Chicago inaaldcoanty on the first Monday of March. IsiP. and plead, answer or demur to ue aald ceeplalnant'a bill of complaint, the aame and the natter* and things therein charted and r.ated *iU be taken as confessed, and a decree entered aa&inst yoo accordlnx to the rrayer of aald bUL „ , pi. L. CHURCH. Clerk. Cora*'!. W*lte 4 Cotsol'ta Soi'rs. jal brfl! •!» PUBLICATION NOTICE. STATU uK JL Illinois. Coorityof Cook, as. Cook Coanty Cocrt of Cocrain Please. Jasnary Tern. A. D. IW. Eobert b. Gray, tV;:il a m G. Birbonr and Marc;llua Poii J. Whiter. L. H". Wlnstra. Eisund d. Tay lor. Isaac Shelby sn 1 J. tVarren Grimsby -Attachn-rt. Public Notice la hereby mren to tr;e aaid iramuel J. WaUer. L. t7. Winston. t'dsnaJ IL Taylor. Isaac frhelby and J. Warren Urifsc*. that a writ of attachment Iwuea out of the o2ife o: the Clerk of the Cook Occnty Court of Cocinea Pleas, datei the thirteenth day of December. A. D. 1««. at the so!t of the said Robert S. Gray. William G. ISazbour and Marcellus Pcli and Winston. Etraund lJ.Tarior. liiacHi»Uiyand J. Warren Gri« .y ftrthe mm of Uevea hundred and Fifty Dollars, direvted to the ■>{ Ccok County, which aald writ La'.beeo returned executed. unlets yon. theaaldSa-w'l J. Walker, lu *. »in«ton. II. T.tylor. I«aaij and J. Warren Gr.iK*jy anaii peraanviy b* and appear before the aAid Cooa County Court of Common Pleaa. oq or be fore tb«- first day of the next tens thereof, to be holden at the Court House, In the city of Chicago, on the first Monday of January. A. I>. IsSS.tfve speciai ball, and plead to the ?aid pla:ntiffi' action. ju<l*ment will be en tered jou. Giay. Ui liam G. Harbour and JJarcelluj l»ol«. and ao ouch of the property attached as mar be aaJSc'.ent to aa'.iaff thisaid judgment ani cos a. will h< ao'.d to svlafir Uje stme. WALIEK KIMBALL. Clerk. _\Wtl A RocCR3. Pltg 'a AU'y. brOJ QTATE O'F ILLINOIS, COUNTT OF COOK. Oit—Cook County '"ourt of Coanon P.»as. January Term. A- D. KV. K T. Arnsfross vs. Sa-cutl It Cam ck. fronds C. Crosj a:.d iL carry » Urke Public coiice 11 hereby ri%en to the t\!d gamual 11. Crtrm'ck, *rsn:la C. Cross, and K. Carey Cxarl:e. mAT that a wr:: of Attac:.isc-nl Uaued out of the office of the Clerk Coumy Court of Ccmsoa Pl-aa dated the lath d*y of DiCen-r, A- D. 1.-5«, at the «nlt of th»*a.'d KJffi" ft, T- A.-ejstow. mJ ti.e C^Wc of the said Samuel 11. Cormick. Francii 0. t rouand «. Carey t'lirke. for the »uta of cbe hundred and fjrty. three dollars aad Thirty-two ceflts dirtcied to the sheriff uf Cook.-ocnty, which said writ baa been returned etecu r ed. Sow. therefor?, nnlers you. ihe m;rk, C. Cro«*. asd K. ' are* Clark?, f »ja!l personally be and *:.{> before the ta!d Court of Common Plea.l. cn or first day of the Rest term thereo*. to be holden at the Codr. Hoose in the city of Chicago, on the tlr»t of Febru ary. A r». give rpcc'-al bail and plead to the silJ plaxtiff'a action iuilrmeßt will be >*n'ered aaainstyoa and in fnvcr of the said td«rjiß.T acd *» much c?th.* prcperty attacheJ aj may be suScient to the sail judew«*nt and co*U, wjll b» »olj to waiter kimiiai.l. cierk. rarr son± Pita AU'ya. jsl b'jtM* A[ 0 KTGAGE SALE. WIIEKEAS 1.? * iJ.nes Tayhr and Ta?!or executed anJddvere«l to th*uaic«ica-d. Ks- > »i:l Tr:i>ii a cer til.i of t.ii» prerui-es teMu»ftfr d»!:r ! hed, bt?r\n/ ttc nm* , e';t. 4 .h <la» < f Jitmv*. A. D and ree rdeJinthe Kejor Jer'sOJhcecf cooi tr. lilbois. In UoDi No. fcl* cf Dee rase<i*>sacd 2*7, tnserure the payment of two nmei rf four hun<ire i d. I- Us f.tli »nd lTitet»s'.ot »&ae d'kte. yae due la »ix ro<l c r e year frnm dafe and. wttreas the sa'.d morr»a*e provlJes that Ifdefailt should be made iuthe{ e'.therut sUlnctes. >*it»ier ofprinciyil or ir;tt'rest, the whole s';oa <1 becoTje Jae and r ajable. Now. therefore, cot'co is heri-by«iven that, def«ulth v ta»r iieen miJe h the pajraier.t o the Q-sto'aud nct-is t-n *>c?i :*t'«n of tt-e a\d.{"r oa SfsniJaj. th tl Hy firs:day Jat-uarr A I) TH at tea nVloJ< A. >1 of thv. day, at \n«Coirt Hobs* door, luthe Ci y of ChU crjjo hyvl'tue ofthr power rf sile h j t H taort-'ife con a::.eJ. th* unltrrened will »ell «<"» the fcfzhcst o'.diler frrc-nk. nil fie tuhl anl e«jtiity of reiftmytioa of-he saldJarrei Tavlr.-«nd T.ylor la *nl to the font i-tri'*t -r o* fecti '.n cumber nli-teea. In tow:i --»h p twenty, t.'.rth of ra:ce s*vtn east uf lour 'i f». m , confaini'ir i'jj z Tr*. no-e t»r iess. li f.iiJ U7.i;edje «v uaty, Llino;?, .o mnke the amount cf saii not;s, pria pal and inures l , and the costs of sii'i sale. F. TRIPP Chlcayj, December yl, 1-5-*. Jeil d M"*OUTGAGJB SALE—WHEKEAS Abner Reeves and John JJ. Formal execute:! and delivered ucio the nndetaiKt.ed, V'sn it. Hiatus, a cer tain taorti;«e ot ih- premises herein ifter drscribe-l bearln* date me'i!»rtith diy of AujcusU a. D. l?s«j.and recorded in the necorder'soflise in anil farCoik C unt*, tftafe of IJ.iflais. In Uook of Sforttraaes. pakc W. to secure the pajment of a certain bin i therein descrioed, ccndl'ionedt'Ttr-.e p irment of foa* Thousand and Ten Dull.irs ta a.d chtreas defauit haJ ber-n made tn the payment of a partcfihe monejadue by thettrms and ccnj.tlons of add af>out inm of I'wentffon.-Ifanired l)3liar< and q ward!». therefore. noti:e li hereby alventhat on SaturJay. Use nrteenta January. A. D. Ir0». at three o"click p. M. ol laid day. at the North Court Home. »o thecjtyof Crdcsso. by ?lrtu- cfapoee- of a«le In aald conu!ne<l. tue und-rs!cned will aeli at public auction to the bUiiest bidder. r«? cash, the follow in* described pieces or parcel of land. lyln< aad beln* In tiie c.ty of Ci-icaco, county and &ate afuresat h ar.d known a« lotajiuraoerel one n;. two (i>, th ee .?•. 'our (M, &Te rtJ, six tfj. lerea *7j. tweat*-two (22;. twenty three 25. twenty-four («4>. twenty-tire (i'j;. twenty a x uf>, tweoty-«vea '.27) twenty-eliV (J-j.aM la block ten (10) of Hijrsfca. Law ACo'aaddUioa ti the city of Cb C-ico.orso miny ofraiJ l>n as mir be necessary to aatls y the mney'snow due and unpaid In the s'ud bead »v**:flrd. Thesame be'-at a or th*'.ars de> cril:eJjas.\sdmjrtiaxi. VAN 11. UICUiI.N?, o-*lO b"(H ul Mortrvee. , 'llASChiiV -NOTIOiS-STATt'IF iLLI Common Picaa January Term, 1359. fH-ird vs. 'chn f. Wtiiht. C. P. WrUhU (his wife/ C< njiraluF. Carver. Oecr»:atcovilli. James (*lipa and Ainaoui—ln Cnan«.<vj. Affidavit of the ron-residenc* ot it. Ransom, one of the dr.'eadanta above named, fcavic? icenflled In the office «f the Clerk of ta:d Cook Cv untr Court of Commcn Pleaa. Notice is hc-ebv riven to the said S. Ransom that the complaisant filed his bill of complaint la sa.d Court, on the chancery side thereof, on the litnday cf December. Iw. andt'iat a aucamons thcreuoon Issued out of aald Court acalcst said defendant, returnable on the Sir. Monday of January jiext. li 3.>. &■ Is by lawreqnired. Now. unless yen. the sa s d R. Rjnacm. ahali personally be anJ before aald Cook County Court of Com:: on P.eis of Cook Oooaty. oa the first day of the next term thereof to be holden at Chicago, in the said County, on the rrst Mouda? 3f January, isJf. and demur, to the said complainanta'blli ol complaint, the same and the mattera and thlnn there. In chanted and stated will betaken aa confessed, and a d*cree entered a«ainat you accordlnx tn the prayer of aald bUL WALTER KIMBALL. Clerk. >Vau. k Com-Vta'sjoVr. deWWtT <w \l ORTGAiiE S.VI.E SoTICB IS .VL hereby plven that the payment cf a ccitiia Note «*cu:eJ In and i y acertaln m:rttf*2». made aad executed Cy Alfred P. W oils. »-eanredate 17th J«y of A'iriL l'v*. an* recordel la the office if the Recorder of Deeds fir the County of CV t-k. aad s?'ate cf lilincU la bo k 3'> i f 31or.*a*i. at I'aseTlMo (»eo, M. Gray, to secure the pavoeav of a certain note la «*:d in ceuuoaed • i whKlj t I're nrlit b- ilu* on the day of ra>. pr.ndoal and internal L *Lt Thousand Dj.larsand forty- Six Cetts. Now, tuer fure I ar-aih by vi«ob of iba wawer la aaiii nioitraee ca tainel. on MONDAY, the 54 h 'lar of Jana<iry. a D liW. at ths Court Hou#e. In the city cf Ctii&»cu and County Cook, aad State tf Illinois, at lOo'cio.-k A 31, sell aJ ptjb'.lj auctlun to the l Uh< st bitid rfjrc an the followine des:;ibed lota or pieces cf laid*, together all n*ht and rqu ty of re dem;t(oa. ujted ii the cit» of Ciicuo, and Coanty if Co k. ard ti ac of Illinois, to wit: Tne undivided one. h*lf of I<ota on* U) and two 2', in Block four Fcrt Dearbsra Add.tlon to Chic*iro. Cn caco. Pes. Sid. det* lm-teCl OTATIS OK ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTI, O Cecctj Conrt cf Cook County. February Term.. Us?. Michael brasta, administrator cf the estate of Uarraret , Puffy. Hate ileceaaedj, va. James lincan. Va entine west, and other n'-known OiT.les—Petition for the i sale uf B-al Ijtate. Afi iarit of the non-res!den?e of said da'endant James lIPMn, and tr,at th*re are ucknown parties, heirs aid devisees of ta!d Mancaret Doffy. wh se camea and placea cf rtUdence a-e unxnown to aald complainant woo dala aome in - erest lathe real e«Ute herelnaft-r de»«li.ed. be- I-'S«cins to said estate, bavin* been fl.ed In the cmce of the Clerk of said County Cctrt of Cock Ccunsy. notice la herH ytrirentothe said James Ifogan. Valentine Wes*. and aald unknown pirtlei, that the comolalnant abnve na *#d filed his petition in aald Court on the 2>Xh day of December. A. D. ItH, prayint /or a decree and order of the said Court for the sale of the following descrioed real estate. to-w;t: Lot number twenty-six in block one hundred and thirty six. la the School fcsctloa addition to the Town of Chiraxo. la Cotk Coan y. IL'inoia. and that a ramtroaa thereupon Issued oat o,'the sa'd Cou-t«fatn«l aald defendant*, returnable cn the firrt Monday or Feb ruary cext. a. li. I<jy. aa Is by lawre^nlre.L Now uaietsyou the raid James llocan. Va'entine West' andtald unknown parties ahali personally be aad apr*ar before aa d U unty C;ort of Cook County on the first day of the next term thereof, to be holden at the city cf Chleajre. in aald cons'? andSute. on the firstMondayof Ptbruary next. A. D. list*, and plead, answer or demur to the aald ccirplalnanta' said p? the aacse and the matter* therein charred and stated will be taken aa confessed, and a decree entered agalaat yoa according to the prayer of said petition. „ . C-J* FAEITELU Clerk. CcnkUn k Meaner, PoPr* forComsl ta. Chlcaco. Decemotr 3X deS bTH Sw \ TASTER'S SALE—STATE OF ILLI ! i.*X noia. Cook Coanty 3.3.—C00k County Ccnrt of Ocmmcn fleaac I Charlts Wel«wa-eeTi John Keller. Pub lc notice is hertbr dveathat la purvuance of a D-creul Order entered la the abor entitled caoae. J. U C. Pit'ne rreer. Mastsrin Chancery of Cook County, »iiUon the tenth day of J**uary. A. D. l-? 9. o does la thefcresooaof add day. a* the No-ta D<v-r of the Court Hca*e. cf the County of Cook. In the City cf CnicajT9.Mll at publ.e auction to the h'jnest bidder for caih.aceita'a three *t«ry brlcc tenement, with bi»e menUvU^dincoathe ofloHeren (7),1n block ffor (4). inthe ' rltlnaltown of Chleaco, Ootaty cf Cook aforesaid: aiso.alitbe rlaht and Intereai of ihe above camM cefer.datta in andti tee above described pareel ot land, all the Imp.OTemeata and thereto beltndne. L, C PAINE FRESH, If aster In Chancery for Cook Count*. Chicago. Dec. Sa 1553. de3l b.eO td QTATE OF ILLINOIS, CODNTY OF COOK O ta. Clmit Covrt of Oook County, January Special form, 1559. __ John H. Klnx!e vs. Gesnte C. Bates. The Illiaoia Central R*liro*d Company, and Tne Michigan Central Rail- Coapany—ln Chancery. Affidavit of the non-reaidenee of Georce OL Balea, ocecf the defeodanta abovy named, havism beeo filed in office of the Clerk of saidCtrcal Court of Oo -kOoanty, Notice Is hereby *iven to ihe uld Geonro C. Bates thif aald comDla<natt Sled bis bhl of ecmplaint in aald Court on the Cbane'TT tide thereof, on the fifteenth day of December, liii and that an a aummona thereupon iasaed out of said Coart arainst a«ld defendasu, re turnable on the first Monday of January, 1859, aaij by law required. Now.naleaaiou. the aald t-eonreCL Kates ahallperaonally be and aowar before aald Circuit Court of Oook Coanty. oa the first cay of tne next special tena thereof to be holden at Chicago, la aald Coanty. on the fimManday of January. lUft.aad plead, answer or da mnrto the said complain'mt'a bill o'complaint, the aam« and the matters and thlncathereln ehvxed and elated villbetakenaa confessed, aad a decree entered acalnrt you accordin* to the prayer of aald b Jl. WJL U OHT7IOF, d«k. «14 Goodwin. OoowT^Sorra. Peoria Marine & Fire Issu'aee Co« 0 P tiosu. CiHTAI.... 5500.0C0 Paid Vp m Cash 300,000 3UKISEIXD FIKK BISKS rSDEIWKITTEJ OM MOST FAVORABLI TMM9. Lo««es Promptly Adjusted atad Fald st tlila Agencj* la< b9loly Na-lti 80 Waucr^ ca*o. Chicago Firemen's insaranaa Co,; OHc« 5. W. Corntr of Lake ud Cl«rt-=ts., tJi» BTAIKB. OAPITAX, ........ « 300,000. DIRB OTOEB. Thoraaa Church, B. W. Raymond. Geo W. Dole. F. E. Haddock. J. K. Bottford, Orriarton Lost O. B. farwelh W. SL Larrahee, J. T/tdwarda. THO7IAB CHtHCH, Preat. a H. HOLD EN. See'y, JO«L E. BEOWN. Sarteyct au37 *S» affift-Ty JgT STATE AUTHORITY CHOICD Ist OX.&S3 INSUBANCU —BT TBI locorporatcd ISl9* Charter Perpetual. CISn CAPITAL $1,000,000, Cibsoihte and Cnfcpsred With a Strrplnii of ?GGC,I-10 10. And the of 39 years raccess and experience. The Capital alone beinc double that «f any Pfre rtsceCompany in ASSCTS icLT Ist, I*l Cash oa hand ani Banks »lra.U« U CaahlatrareitaadAaenta'hanxla l|t.;\!» CT c. 8. Trcarcry Notes. Sper cent. Interest 4500 CO lto State Bonds CO Sloney dpe the Company, secured by ncrt , itISM Seaj Zstate rMpcnnbered SSJSSI U Bllla receivable „ ... tfissrrvaira. Wl Beads. (. 7. an4l3 * eent. Interest annu aily..... 1ei.250 00 »7 shares Baiiroad Stock ..... strrj iX) 60'ahares Connecticut &iv«>r Co. Stock.... 1.250 11) »J shares FtaJord Baak jjtoek S,iVJ (« 50 shares Waterbory Stock ft) 3o shares Provldenc* Bank Stock 1.-72 iu shares Hartford Bank stock 2*UU 5C S.CW shares New York B*nk Stock >0.740 ixj 15 shares Jersey Chty Rank Stock t.y*l J) Ul shares t. S- Trurt Co. New York Stic2. IL3OO i.X3 2 150 shares New York. L. L and Trwt Com paay Stock M.750 00 ♦hSoiltf 10 TOTAL UABIUTIO: Dnaetded Claims not due •103.711 te Losses EqlUbly AdjisEel ud Pto«ptlj Paid. CTFWAEDS OF $11,000,000 of losses have beea paid by the JStaa losanace Comr&ny Ia the pnat years. Fire and Inland Navigation. Risks accepted at terms consistent with and fair irolt. Eapedal attention aiven to tnsuranceof Dweilinxa aad Contenrs for :erma of of oae or five years. Cnran-'xed on a NATIONAL basis, with aaenciea la th; priapipal citiea and towna. C«n traasactiona, free from the objeclons ofth- credit system- Application majetoanv dL'ly prowotly atunded to. Hy strict attention to a legitimate Instance tcsine® this Company Is enabled to offer both indaonity fcr the past and security for the future- Policies Issued without delay oy an 7 of Ita duly acihcr laed Ajenu. Draach Office 171 Vine street. Cincinnati. flT"Bualne3a attended with dispatch uj fMellty.^3 2. B. BKNHETT, Ageat- HUBBARD k HUNT. AxenU. Chicajn. W. B- PATCH, State Axent Pecrla. I'llnola oclb4l£m NORTH AMERICAN Fire Insurance Company. OF HARTFORD, CONN. PAID T7P CAPITAL *OO OQO. Inure Mains; Loss by Fire only. HUBBARD AIICNT, Acenta. Chlcaxo, corner LaaaPi and South Water streeU. NORWICH FIRE IXSrRAN'CE COMPA NY, of Norwich. Conn. PAID UP CAPITA!* $175 000. _ _ in»rre*/»iinstl^«sbyF.r<. HUBBARD A ULTN'r, anenu. corner of South Water and Clark streets. First Pl.»or. Lootrns' Ulr:C. pc^K''j3 THE PIIIIKMX LNSUKA-Vt: I'U., •c i :ik » iiv oy cui-'Ai; -. OfHce, (42 SAutU Water Street. Aut!ii>rir-': <" 1r: .?>■' » : 'q*a i i;.'.: < J.y. * " j u:\ \"s -t-!a C «* Wi'i-.f. -X.KjAKfJ' •'■ran. It. >ni ;S. icn'oiy c 11! K t • •>: s : WitscnCarr. i(. 11 ('.. S. A -va NU' I. A.'*Kl»*. > res„ l »L•. R. r. WIUiKR. S.vri'l-irj. »»Vt> v. U i*,#a» r v A--,*-ct 1 L2WI« H. sfirte»or. ej* I'l re, an i Inlau > N*ri;.i!|-[ iusi-risc*. SnrtliiTrstfrii lusuratice tom^'v, OSWEIiC), KKW TORIC. U^tiDUSHSD Capita) 150,000——With a Lars:e Sarplos* TUErCBLIC ARE RESrECTFt'LLY IN s formed that Mr. JULIUS WHJTE has been reai>- oointed arent of this C>m-» my. aad 1a aloae* uthoriaed to issue and rea:w poliriea in Chica*". M». WHITEis to adjust and pa all ian.«3 aria:njr undcroor Policies eit>er rlre pr Marin*. JAMtS PLATT S. R. Lcdlow. Pec'y. fFThetjndersiraed will be happy to aee hla friecdj and the patroca of theotd Northwestern at the OtEce. No. H* S Bouth"Watpr atreet, aaiurn* iheci that our rates shall be aa iowai those of aay other responsible Company, and that Losses *b«Jl ie falrlt adjusted and promDilypald. JULIUS h'HITC. A^i-at, cc2ab-hilly 14*j< South W»t»rstre«t. 'KM XT.TY or EABTPOSp, CO2T3T AGENTS la th« Principal CUtes and Towns In the Tnlon, Wha win PROMPTLY ATTIND TO ALL BUBINEPB 00HNECTED WITH THEIR AQEKCT With PROMPTNESS AND ABILITY. IS MAHI LL, General ltd for the West, at Oneiaaatl. ocJO-b!32-oo P. A. TUD.HAS & CO., tusrracTuatoa or DAVIS' PATENT ALSPHHTIC KOOn.Vt. tPATCNTED AUQUBT 31. 1959.) I)REMICMS AW.UIDED AT THE LATE Mechan'eal Fair held In thia city. The foundation of this rooflnx cocaiataof Canvaas aat orfcled with Asohsltaau anJeriaid with Pe>t taper, or of Felt alone. The coverin* compound La composed of A * philtam. India Rubber and Gam ttbeilaa. A new meth od bavinx been discovered 'or dlraolvtnx Rubber and Shellae. allowlne any quantity desred to be used, and combining b>em wltn Aaphaltum, without the oae of ex* penai«eand fnjurioua aotvenu used in all the Coal Tar Cement* waichalwaya evaporate and leave the Compo sition porous and brittle, in thia Ooapound all the veU> tile matter la removed, e'.tirely freein* U from auch de (ecta. and la known to be the meat durable material for Tooflnx In the warid. Old Roofs of every description repaired In a permanent aad manner. AUordenyromptJ/atte&dedto. Orders from the coen* try supplied with the prepared Canraaa Paa«randCea position, wtthlnatrnctiona State and County ulxhta for a*lt on termao areat ad- to those wh* wiih a permaasov buai & 1» Office with G. P. Randall. ArcWteet Room » f. Sft Port land Uloci. corner of Dearborn and Warua- > tatrecta. Chicaa. lIL P. O, bjt r2ls^3m 3AOS BAGS:' BAGft' j.vma Bit smvirrom. ii, 44 a 40 Wabash avenae. Chicago, 1 (i.AG® AND SACKS of every descriptias | 1 *sm:ahed on ahort notice, ! and printed with jttKW DUAtTIfrCL ttUAXbft SIVEON FARWKLL. I iiA-dAwly -t7?) CHICAGO TYPE POCSDEBf -15S - Printer** If arehoui*. 90 WASHIHGTOW.ST. 90 * . CHICAGO. THE SOBSGRIBER IS PREPARED TO fumiah Tn>e inlaree or soil! cade from a superior quality of metah far either caab or approved psoer. HelsalaosQPP'kilwithalarfeatock of PdESS- Ea, LNK, WOOD TYYE, ud everything necessary for a com»le:e Printin< Office. A new npectmea Book ij now ready for delivery, aad wQ! be sent to parties wiih. lex to order on application. P- L DODGt TreafrarT. I f \ TOSS SICILY BPMIC, FOR SALE t\ f •■awyna. PatQg *OO .t»ts:? GROSS LYON'S KATHARION, F«*R 4tO aala by _ <trs U aatfTßß. a • O Stars hulls grain bags con gUntlv* ' ci QHafikaoO^ i • UM DROPS.—2UO BOXES FRESH A?- \ X tpwfzo flavor*, for sale b* pic-ir';>. * r .stifa. t'-n,.ial. 'S <««. •> inn BBLi fcAMPHESE in PRiME 4.V/V/ ?hi?idn* Order la store aid for sale bj PaaNl S * 9tLake street. II W\ BURNING FLUID FOR lUIJ sale ty PENTON k CO^ ds>bifeaiw ?<Laka ttrewc. 1 ?:n BARRELS OF ALCOHOL. 95 luU jm omV tat nil by PZNTON k CO.. MLAke itrMi, RctUroafrg. Winier Arrangement. CHKI6O 15D SILWirKEB BiILSOID. LAXI SBOU LBI Great Mail and Xxpreu Bouta to St. Paul. ANT) AITER"XOSDAT. KOTEM ber 29th. Paasenter T*alna will run dally, lui ezcestedj u fellow: THSOCGH TXACra. tXiriCHicioo. rvm statics oo*. vxarwaTtxA oooi its. 9:00 A. Stafford Vi»»nit-« L3O P, Sf.-Btcppin* at frauton. Highland Park. Lake torrest Waaketan. aad stationi north, and arrivta* fa Milwaukee at 5:15 P. si. aad con nectiax with LaCrosse £ Milwaukee Rillroad for Bt Paal and ail pclnta la the North-west, vitrucxx nuis uura cstcaoo at fcOl P. M.—Stoppine u *jl Statlona, and arrivic* at Waa* kecaa at fcii P. M. CONNECTIONS. At Milwaukee with La craaae A Milwaukee Railroad tor Hartford. Horricon. &<aver Jam. PorUee City. Liabon , Sparta, and L» Croise concectla* at Sparti and La. Crosse with three daily line or stages -or St Paal, Winona, roue tain City, deed's Laadln*. Red Win*. Pr*» cctt, Hudson. junwater, AaLhoaj Minaeap eiJaaaJ Minnesota. . Alsc Coxxkct at junction with the Poad do lac aad with tt e llcmcon Railroads. lor Foe.J du Lac. Oahkoah. Weapon, R:pca and Berths Ala©. with the Slilwaufcee And Mlasiytcpland Milwaukee aa-t Watertowa Railroad for Whitewater Janesri'.ie. Madisoc. Praine da Chien. St. Paul HarCar-d aad W iWrtown, At Rariae Juncti;c, with tee RAdaeaad MLuUi!pel Railroad, for BuriaxWa. fc.khora, Delavas, Dariea. iie lcl'. aad R'cktea. Frc!£it T-aJaa leave ifilwaukee at si.o A- M., asd Cfcl ca<coatsai. SL daily. cc£> M. UgYKZS. JR.. Su?t. CtfICAGO,IOtt A AAD <i£B!USKI SAILBOAT CHANGE OF TIME. OPEN TO MBCHANICSVIIXE. ON* AND AFTEtI WEDNESDAY. PEC. 1, IKS tia'll lurUer notice. Trahrs -U1 run aa foU ! lows: ( Leave CTfnton at ? I* A. M. aad 4 30 P. 5t I Arriveat | Leave Mectailcsvil-e. s* WJ A. M. aadi.iO " l ArTV?eatCliE.toa..... MsO M.aade>.u) '* 1 Conceit.;: jwitb Threats Tralaa tor Chicago. over the ■ Dixon Alr-Liae of j TfcOd. ( At DeWitt with staxes for Darearo t and ; a*. Yaatce Sua w:vu ru*. - i :Cr l'.'ruuw. At UalOQ uruvewith Places frp "tvv ;. At with sta-'M fjr LUboa. Mi. Veroca. il*itua aad -rtiar Ray!>!j. k TREGGT TaAXSS LRAVE DAILY. The dtcrtsat. Oheacest and n:jt Expedition* »oot4 betw«*s. CiUaao aai Ceairai lowa, vt only Ui aUJrtCroaCblcafoUi iL« River, aad theac# djectiy lato tlie isteno * of lowa. PT An Aaeat will be attia Depot la Poltoa. all L'accute for Cllrloa or thi» road. wt:ch wV.i be cot. Ttyed the rl>er free of;e. 11. aUITH. Cu. A DLa'aa. lowa, 27 IsSn delO fill EAT VTESTE&.V ailL UOLTE. I WJNTSR ARUAUGEMEBT. ON AND ArTSH SCXDAY. XOV. 2aTH, Pi*»ea«-rTraits w'.ll \*--Te V."a'.lj* ! djjjot dally excited} aj ;cl!3*.: GALXNA A CUXOAI 0 r>fiON R. R.-MAISLTJU. j G*l?na. Doaleilh. Delo:t. Jaacrllle aad Pra!ne da Chica. ] Patenter jadSiall ~.SS'>A.M l Pa*Jfaier<d4i"y> T.H' P. M >!.:Heary. Crj:ulLake aid SlcVnoad. "iiO P. M-. | vjmCaGO, JLTON AND IOWA I ft-a Dixo*, ro-Tox ax: caxraaL iowa. ; Thrfoih P.MJeOifr 11>' P. M. ! D-Ka"'Pitieaaer Ja'P. V. Two Throa«h . ralsa w!l!' Ceatral i)epct »t foot c| ! Lat>- iaf.Uowj-. I r«a ■ •L/5.L, Dr*La.?3 AID ST. ?aei. ( Dalij f iSAI-N- KAjTWAAD. aama asd ca:os aaiutoia. Leave Dualelth 7.iOA. M.—arrire lo Chicago S.SJ P. M ; Leate d-j ?.*ai P. H.—am*« La Chicago 4.- SA. il ' .*STCaQO. fTT-TCX ilj 10W4 LlX*. i LearePaltoa 1003A.M—trrirela Chlca*oat P.M | LeaveDellalbe.l9 A.M.—arrire laCUca<o at ».'o A. it [ *xlo!? aio *aa: r -i* taaacs. ' Le*7e Jaae*ville al it) ij A. Jt.—arrive ia Chicago at P M , Uare at 45' P. arrire la Chicago at A. 11. j rrx irns *au*r aaiu»oa& Leave dsla at 7.10 A. M.—arrive in Chieaao p. it i PiflfUen for ai! pelaU eotheG&leaa aad Chicate Caloa Railroad, aad Paltoa Llaea. ihoali taks tae traiai from Welt* Street DetoL , Oce or Woodruff'* Pa!«t Sl??cta* Cvswlll leave Cea tral Depot aixhtly wlia P. i!. Traia for Dualeith. I AU the above tral&i ooaa<;ct with the Great fcuterr Llae«dlrfnrtc* froaChica*c. : Throcah tlcketaoaa be I H. J. Spaa!Jiaf"»,cnra-r Lake aad Dearborn itreeia. p. ! t. W. AC. R. R. Ticket 02ce. corner of Randolph ar.d ; Dearbcro ilrjpU; M!chl<taa Southern Ofice unJer thf . RevereHouae. afid W-l!a*ue«i Deyct* JOUS B. TCESIi Presldeaw P. A. lIaLU Sbp'L ) U. H. Poaraa. Oeacral Ttcket A<eat. nctf> HIOHIOAN SOUTHDH> UKB £UO!t£ ii.ULRWAD, 1928 Winter Arr&ngsae&t Itsl pURuUGU ROUTE TO NF.W YORK 1 I Boston. PhlladelrhJa. Baltimore. Wash'.nilon. [ Cfevelaßil. l ittfbarsh. Dunkirk. U-dalo. Niagara PalX Bocht'iier. srraco<e. Troy. Atbary, Kn:;r*. Uia.-bamp toa. Woreeit-r. and ail po»at» la the New Easland futcs. £OO A M. Mail aad AccaraodaUon. via old Mlchf«.%a „ l-oe. &.4S A. M New York Etprej? leaves Ch'cao v's eld MschW« \\z\ 8;00 P. RL New \ ork and 15?*icn Eajrea. via old M!ct> i ijßnlinp. ' 6.45 A. hI. Train (J*!!y, ex-;?;t ?-ni!iTs.> *l i Adri*>wim tr*ia for Motroe and Oetjo'.t, I naina.* clo«e C"?nri*tioa» .t! Detroit wiu on Gr«at Ua.lro^l. 5:00 A. ?%. (''ally, e*.-ei>ted.> ctmnt-rtlau rvS tr»!:; »io»:i<a Air L»'.e. 8.00 P. LL (l*Ur. u-' connect at AJriaa wiUi trains :->r «n»* LVrp.t, VSK OF WOODBOFFS PATENT SLZ£PHiG CAM Will a'Ccmjaajthp N!cht Train. tr l'a.««?n<"n leavisg: ChsoiiJ ua ti.c tf.i3 A.M. trala set »N''sr.t Car *t Cssv«lird. ncvetaviu ce csa at :.ll itekrt o®ce«ln the West, aad at the Cm U-fice un ier tne He vers House, ccrno 3aedolp;i ta'l fC2ri».»ra rT/e:ta. and at tae utf;<>L uylt) v. M.s.iHA'f. Oecerat *ejiao Aitav 1858. Winter Arr&ngemeat IBiB VIA mcui€i> CKVtRAL AM> GBEAT ftSSTKaM (CANADA) RAILWAY. 'TRAINS LEAVE 'i'tlE HRKaT CENTRAL I Deyou foot«*f Lake street, ChlcaiJ: C:UJ A. Si.—New York Kacreaa—(eacet* Band 37» atDetroit 5,'U P. M.: Sospcas'on Uri-Ue. or Baffalo 4; <! A. M.: Albany *:JQ P. M.. Nl-w Y.-ra ltf;4vi P. !U.: PiiilaJeljhla via Llialra, 11 P.M. kCC A. M —Clsi'Laiat! (?an-iay» ricerted) trriv'.- *: »t?.<f>.P. M. 7: A \'.\. -■•-rr P«irf«:r 5 P. M. c* Vi-:s.*p>l Uo.-toa caluri'ays eacv.-V'Sj. Arrive .'i»t'oH y.ii p. M : Mist pi •: r: "ri 'w v Kaftiu '-iO P. .1 ; A. .T!.: P M.; )Wi«oail 50J f ii.-CI iTtctat: aai U.j'avHt-; K*i,r«v— (eacevt ra«cf-Hy. % \ r rv I Cia: •.tai; 11 j»-.\ »». l-fl-jtiie 4.iio P. M. Oal>oae«ri»c c*.i »»t.» •? n? P. M. All trains co_ivir » *r- withtl.e and La»» llaroa Hallway for lioila'" aa ; i ail Kajt; atT« roato wiii. the (iraad Trs:A Railway Klnrf«toa.o% de.:jh<i.'*a. Montreal tJueWce. ail a', points la Caa*-b iLtiL Northrra Vermont, 'lew i;ac: *!Jreaad plaice. tr checked through. Throu/nltck;'! for sale at the principal In the West, aad at the uneral oSce. coraer Lake anJ Dearborn streets, opposite the Treaioat Uocae, Chlca** aad at the Jepot. foct of Lake street. R. N. RICE. Psoertnteaieai H. J. 'rau:.*a. Qea. Paaa Axeat. M. Q. R.B. ao3o PiTTSBCBy. FORT k CHICAGO R«i rpo prrrsßxmoß, new york. phii.adbi a. chlvßaiUooreand City, with bat enl cuaaaeorcarato PilUborah. ceaaecis* ulreeUy w:lh af PENNSYLVANIA CCCTSAL RAILROAD, To New Ycik. Pllladelphla. Bait'.aorc aad Waaalavtot City, and all the interior towns of peaaiylv ala. New jer •<7-New York Maryland. Ac. LiklaxthlsroQie. willl havo the adraa Iwc of all the eastern aarketaat ao ad JiUoaal cost. Butane checked throtuh to PUUticrvb. Paaaeaxcrt f-r New York aad VLliadelutla. will tiav« chetklai thrcoxh to the abore polata. iTalatleave Micbiiaalkiathen) L>ei>ot aafoll^wi. A. M.—Moralo* Exoreaa. dally. Baa'la7 excepted fciSP. M.—NUhtixoreas, daily, Uat'iTJaji excepted. CooaecUad at CretUae wilh Qeve:*j; 42d Laae p'-.oia Railroad Wj Doaklrk. Buffalo, New York aad and all tat«rlor lows# f.nsianJ. Tia New \or*Central aud M*w VorkaC'* ,i» Kenri.*.la. Alio. posUj to V*-«oa. '.Vhiiellc*. 3C<.' i«/r!<>" N>»ri cf Ohloaad Vuninia. The above tr\ifl» eoaneei at Forrest W.ti; train c.r. M id Rlv»- vo L'rbaaaa. D.r.oa asd C!ocla 3 Ait fARX AS LO?# *€ ANY OTUKR RQOTI. fajaerum board east wLllffsd tUUroate both pleii* aa l caa»*.ae • hrouaii tnaa? uf ti:* lanceatas Aaestcltiisiatae Caited States. Paettxttr* Tmv\nx at CWca«o. on aayof the road* wtilftnd attective check taken at the depots, lo reMv lad convey bum: free of charse to the MvU bnnh aad Chicago cars. Tickets for jale atailtSeprisclpal ticket oScea !'■ th West, aad at the Ccajaay » oflce, coraer of aad Dearborn itrseta. or at the Jesot oa Van Bcrw itreecQhica^o. Be .'artlcalir to ui (*r tickets by Fort Wayae. DAN'L W. BOd& <rea'l A<eat. CMcaw. Mooaa.Gen'l flur*'!. TO 3IKRCUANT9 AND SHIPPERS, ihe Plttaourxh. Fort Wayae A ' hica<<o R. R. 00. haviax effeetcl aa arraaneaeat with the Pennsylvania Ceatral Railroad Ccapaay. for the lran.-p<.rtidoa ot TTonih fresh's, property can be •hi, ped oa this Use ..etweea Chlraxo. Pnlladt-'lphla. Baltimore, New York acd Uosf n. w;*Ji cromptceM a.-vl despatch. Oca tracts c\a Q4>le at the following ilscm No. 4 Ast«r Place. I No. I 8. Wl!U.«ia«<reet.> Ne» Tirt Nd. B dtery Place. J No. H Kiiry »tr*et. Boston. No. 9 Dock »trte». PM;a»leip*ua Depot North street. Phl:adelih'a. I>et •■'U T*eir.'> ftvt'm Chlcif . Ma-k nackites via P., F«. Wayne & C. K. it. forftirtaer ia.'ormitioa. Ac, apply to W. PrrUht A/e:;t. Chlcwo. J. J. QOUeTON. G-r'l fn Uh« Art. PiiUCorah. Pa. a<>3 ISSI-9 - - WINTEB AERA>"OEMS2IT- • !3iß-9 r>i ILLINOIS O£NinAL HAIT.HOAP, Chntixv* ofTirae, ON .Vi.'D trains will leave t: e 3r»it C»?.t*al De>o', foo; ol Booth Water aod Lake s'^teta-. fit. Lou's. Cairo ard New Orliaas Exrr?*?....ll:oo AM. , (U*i!y. roadari eicevteij £t Lods *ni C 41.- tx k reu ...Ifcyop.M. i (Dtjy. ams-iin excepted.; Tor Psorla, Decatur. Terre Uaote. Alton. ST. LVJCIS. JeffenaaCi'.j, Kaasaa. aad *ll poiata oa M'r.scniri river CAIRO. Men obis. Napoleon. ~\t »»;ari. NaVeLe*. Galmton. NEW ORLKANA. Aad lotermeOlate pints. A st-ckUkla w".Ci a Pi>»e3*er ear attached u far aa Kackakee will lea/e at • P.M. (dally. 2>oadojß ex ce'.tedl. CnSatarf»r» a paaseaxer c»r will be roa co this ti 4a a* f*t as Urbanaa. T-al-a amve Iroa BV Louis »- d Cairo AM. aad IL#JP.M. coNNtcnosa The 13.-0) PU o*ke iii-ert coanectloai at HaUooo wv-n lcrra H ui'e aM Alk'Q Rai road for Altoo aaddi. Ljoii a*?<] as C'a'ro wi>n the rjJiroid tine of Me-ajxsfor Ne* Orleaci te kTln« Cairj o-. alternate daw The P.M. traia aak'» dlrW. coanecticaa at To» Joao *;ij Great U'ettera Ralircad fo- flrJd. Jack •oovuie and .Issies: \l with Terre U \at« aad Altoa Ral road fur A'tco aad 8t- Loaia. a Odin with OIK anl M ; m1»opo1i <or At L~ci». fORTHROL'GU TICSKT3 AND IVfoRMATIOM, Applv at t ie 00-ncaay'a ot&ee lo the Great Central Depot: at the Mlchlxaa Central Railroad oSce. comer cf Lakeana De*rb ra *tre»t; at the P.i's.aieh. Fon Wayne and Rai>o*d OWce. coraer o." Dearborn aad Riadciph sa-teU. and at all Steamboat aad Railroad Office la the £a*t aad Not to. JA3 C. CL-IRSt. ftea'lSast* W. P. JQHXiOX. aeaerai T!ck« Ajent. pets W. R. ART-ICR. SaoC Clticaco Dlvlaioa. CHICAGO, BCRILSGTOS k QLI.VCY K. R. ia53...... CHANGE OF TIMS 1859 ON AN'D AFTEK D£C., 13, ts\SB,TWQ Thr aih Pass c«-*r T.-aina will leave the Cea [ tral Dcpc4, k'Ot oi W *Ur »vr«ta. aa ioU | low: I IXIU. Day Ksciesa excepted) arrlvla* at I Mecdota lioo M.: Galeab. r? tjo p. iL: Bur* ! llartor. k33 P.M.; QalocT 9:33. P M. 6-10 P. H. Kxprcaa Mondays excepted) anire* atVeo* dota U.S6 P, M.. Uale»bont&.CO A. 1L Bar lia«too7.3oA M. ga.acyll.3o A. M. Tralasleave fastaaru aa follows: Leave Bor.'axtoa. 7:*6 A 145 P M. ** Qaiacy 4:-t» A.J4 A tIOP.M. M G*ieabar*.. 1100 A.M. A »:U0 P. 31 AaroraP*JseC*e Je*re# Aoro Expre» traiaa Arrire at .hlcaxo u-43 P.M. A 5:3) A.v, AOrcra Pa«er>cer arrives at On)<*a< •10rt«> A.M. IMPOBTAWT LOCAi, CONIfECTIOJfi. At MeadotA wiUt Dliaoia Central Railroad aorth tor Amboy. Dlxoa. PreeporUGaleaaand Xhxalelth; andKoUi for Laaalle. Tonica, Wlaona. Paaola, BloomlastOD.Dec»- tar, Bt. Loaia. Cairo. Ac. At lior.icxtoa close coanecticaa a>*e made by two daily trajas with £orllajrtoa asd Mlaaonri Hirer Rail roaai for ML pieaeaaL Fairfield, Ot&uawa, Chantoo, Fort Dea Molaea. Fort Dodxe. Council BiaSfc 81oux City, aad all porUonaofSaasaa aad Nebnuka. with W%st«roßU(e Cctacaay for Meatroae: thence by railtr Keokuk. At Qaiacy direct are taaJe by eta*e f2O clleaJ with lia&aibal aad ths.-ce with M at. Jf-aepa &»iiroad fbr Si. Joaejh. Leavenworth. Saoau City aad all parta of aaasaa aad SoatheTj Neoraak*. Tela la the only direct rotua doria* me mootha between the Kasi and as ihrre ia cn'y abcut so diet it*f:a# la the whale jH. Juae-. b. At Ptiisoata wivi aux««tor Econk. Tleitetamay b»ha4aitbaD«pov a&~aith* Mlchljaa Oectrsl Railroad office, comer of Lake aad Owkm n^. s o!,R B » ,i# sa Rfliiroobs. 1358 WUTKB ABBASGjMQIT 1859 For Centrml and We«tera 3ovra« Nebrm** lit and CHICAGO JITD SOCK ISUSDS. S.LDT& Composed of tbe CUeas* a Koek tilud, PeorU Jt Butn T«ll«y u4 Hlssiislpjl k ffisMirl lallroails. Theough fkomThicago TO IOWA CITY *ni Wtahia*toawiiioQl chin*, of Car,. JoUeL L« i*rr* Peoria, Rock lalaad. Davenport, Moacatbr, lowa City* Wiabinjctcm and Fort dee Molaex. Three Pa»en«er Tnlas leave Chi-a<o dally from Depct, corse? Via Bureaxad ShercAa j'.recUaJ fo!lo»«: _ ILtW A. M., Day txpraaa, Baadayieiceple&-?3r Joliet, La Saile. Peoria. Rock Island. Dave: t>ort. Mcsca tiae. Itrw* City and •» aatla/toa, U.COP-H. Niaht bpre«.£UUirdayeexe<> > <cd.ForPeo rla. Rock lalaad, Daveaport. aad Wa«blaxton. 500 P. SL, Jollet Accorsmodatica. stopping all sta-U<: as. arrlvtox at Jollet at 'L6& P. SL The Ch'eaco and Rock lalaad and )lls»Uslppl aed M'a touri Railroads forta the only through route from Chi caro to u>e interior of lowa. Paaaeorer trains iao throcsh to lowa City andl Wwh- Inxtoa without Jetentioa, t r chtn»e of c«rn at the Mia »Ua'vpi River, crosam* the Railroad tri ie bctweea Rock (slaad aad Daveaport. , l arooxh Trains arrive at Chicago at 4 4} A V. :uj- Jollet at A. M. CONNECTIONS. At La Salle, with Iliiaoia Central Ralirofc. - for Ualfb*. Dunieitb. Cairo aad iateraediate poiata. A: Pe. rta isvl daUroad GaJesriun; and Burlia^toa. At with Lias of ti Oscalnosa* Saoxvilie, aad all la Central sccthera lowa. At low*C!tvwithWejtsrn^u<eC.i , »L.s- >f l.coachat far Fort ae3 Stalaee. Council Hluffs. ui>» looaa. Nswtoa. Wlntersett. Kv'. L % c>ue. siyox U * Marahalltewu. MarietXa, l.i«a Xalls. Ce-Ur Ci l*i Falls, aad all aolati la CeaLral xj J No* R«raaa Localaadthrouahtlikeu ostale at tie DepcVa;*oaA FortWayneaad Chicago tCiliroad. coraer Dear bora aad Randolphstresia aadyice Michltaa Hcctherp Sallrcad uadsr 3e»ere ilote). JOHN 7. TRA:Y. iap-v W. L. 3T. JOHN. Qen'l Ti c >e< Aieut. pylO ST. Loris, AtTOS AND CHICAGO RAILitO.ID Wintar Arrangement, tec IZ'Jh, 1858. chasos Of tws. "I*\EPOT. CORNER OF Wb.iT VAN BU- J 7 REN aad Canal streeti, Clica*' 1 . fciolnadouth. aafoUowi; IXPRISfI MATlr—u'na-' • k .; v -rt . Leave Obicaco at 1.15.1. It. " Jollet ..lili P. M. '• Peoria Jaactica. •\ 'J p. H. •• Bloooicatoa 4- jo p.M, " jjprtctfleid A>»•P. M. Arrive »vSt. Loaia iiAIJtM. Train arrives rrora St. Louis at 11 ?• P. w . JOLIST ACCOMMODATION iwppla? at latenaedlaie staUozs. Leavet Jollet at SivA. M. •• Ch ca<o at 4.f'K. M. Arrive at i'hica«o U'.to.v. M. Jollet 6 ,M CCNNXCTIOSS-. Al Chlcaao, with ia ;hs ct«at ttatem NorUsrn Usea. At Jollet. wi tli the RocxltiaaJ ia!!roaJ weii. aa.i tb.» "Cut Off"esaC At Peoria JoncUcn. with the Pec.-fa scdO^ua#:; 3aL. road to Peoria and jtaCous At D!oomla<toa. witn tr.^lllinois C>-::tra;; Ul.vaJ. • orto aads-iaih. At with the Great \ eaatto Decatur, aad west :o<jcarii!ea..J N - , Atdt. Louis with souri. Sasmj and Net»» ft. f.o-!v Cairo and New Orieaaa new o tU'amvrs '.s» Cilso.Mcnv phia. Vickabur* an-l New O'U-ir* Tickets can Vie hail a\ tV. •» Of» fire. No. 4* L>earbora street. Trenoat iioi:**.) Chicaxo. at the Depot corner Writ V.m U ire-, and laral streets, and at the prinrlpal ra;lr.->»d tlc».-t !r. the East era. Middle and Weateta Raiea of Fare aaJ FisUjti is by -.or roule. U DARLING. A. H- '!>•( XT. Gea'lAxeal. CUIUGO, ST,FArt A.NDFOM) 1U UCB. S. CHANGE oy TXMV:. ON AND A>ThR JIONDAT, PEC. 13, I-C-. T.iiiai ca th'i tvat will le+vo Chicago aa follows: StCOA M- >*-r Ili'!->'t, J.aaeav.lV. MaJiso'i aad Traitle Jj Chic". iCO F: M. Kr Ja:nr»v:l!eand Madison. Traiaa arrive at 12.10 P. M. and 6.i0 P. M. t Carjyi?« theihrwoxii C« ?. M.ul U>r ail lathe lir- lhrouah from Chicago to PrV.rle duCV.ea wV.I ott, c!t.u>ie ol Can. _4J Conaectic* a Pr.»;nc >iu CWeawiih a i»'.ly line o. LaAed States Mail L<i<u-i.ri. n*>w.w >iifO i. iM'rtt k9 arv'% PIOiASVLVI.MA UAILU'.i.Uf, liflE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE. CON"- JL aectlax Atlantic Cities with Western. Norihwe».«ern inJ >oct.'iwestera J'titea, a R.»ilw.tydirect, roe road ivr.necta at I'liM'urrf with daily line of fjteaners to ai! pcirta i - a th»- *rtt«ro rivera. a::dat CieV»- Uadwrtl r'andujiy wui' t.» *ll j-,.ria oa the Northertera Laic*. n:»x't>< the mn«t dlr-rt. cheapest acd eellaMe irate by wh ca can i'tf forwirjc i *.o aad Croo the Great \Vest. HATS 3 BET T .VE2*f AND yiTlSHUvl^. V*r?. Boots, dhoes. and Caw lio. *v Dry G'Hixs (in boxra. acd Dnm tlu bcxis and Feathera,Par*. Aa.Ac..... 7V p«r in; Second Ciaii. Domestic SheMlnr. )«Tvi Tlciln*. (in ori/taal bales'. l>ru«s (in caika). !l«ra«Ar<.\ Lc.iihT ua rolls or boxes. 1 . Wcci aad ftivr: tsica—tla«tw»rJ vtr 1.-*/ n<j<xrxit Third Claatt, Aaviir. r./'iln ?a.»k»> Bacunand 'or'*. ,-«aiteii '.a aitcks?. r.»>'ac\.ir-.*r.rif»i:turJd ceptCisars or cuO. >t" . Ac sto &«■» voaadfc Ifcu: - .:'. C'.fv Coffee. Fish. Pacoo. Uecf «ad (in cjwVs or Ixjxe'e.i/twxrd). Lai 'i. aad Lard Oil. Nallv A«h. Itennaa C.ay. Tar. P\t<a. R>-v.::. Ac.. Ac 4lv yer I* woadiX FTiiur—cw bM. -nl'lirC,-.*- per )«t» Ri isr.ti fum.'r n-tlce. Cottoa-#i per V-.: • * tr-M-iint. weic.t aatu fulhT notice. _ , , OTlaahlPpicß <ood< from jr.? tolat eu' "f P ..adel phia be particular to re ark " vuP- ''syivard riallroad." All <ooda -) *.<•* aienn of tbVt road kt Phli* w'.pUa or i'iiubur<. will b*'l'sl wtUout del-* .tion. p.-»u.aT A»s.vt.-.—Clarke A C.. Lhica*o: r A Li» IL F. A C\. -t. L»\vv Mo.: P O O'RUeyA ftv;trsv;:!f. In-L; Wm. |>i *!ian. ville, Ky.; ILO. MeMrum. M-wt:>on. lad-: 11. iitowo ( A Co.. mil Irwin A Co.. Cincinnati; i-ii-rc A Co. Z-iarsvUV, Ohtu: Leerh A Co., N-». Ki'i-y lio^ tea; !.«tch A Co . No. J A*tnr H> it** :tn■ I .No. 1 WiilluA street. Nc» >ork : K J. dt-r. I':.: «d- 'i>:.'fc; .M*«a« A £« or.a tta^ls" P. A S'-w.irU IM-!,li::rvh.l M -!,li::rvh. ir. ii. (iereral A.eaW fl. J. LoM9*aaT. AlUma. Pa. April 1. l'S-" 31NKEAL PHIM HAa«I>AD. CSANCIfi OF TIME, CO.VNECTIJJO AT Warren *Uh Ir.e lUli.-ls Central and lutlm* and Chl c»«} Union Kailroiuit On and after Mond.ty. >|.ty 17tA A Freight an-l Paajen<?rTrala wi;iie run .i» follaw* SuaJayj excepted: 'Gfltxo .Horm. Leave * flat at J -'i ?. V. Calamine *i.. ; '• I'arliaxton at " RiversiJe at t ' " " arrive at V»'-irrfnat .Vi»- ** Goisa Nostb. «. ■< P. W R.-.>r»l leat l >" I)VMl':jju»a a 4 • " ** CAl.«rln» tt Arrive jt Minrrai Point a! !iufl " ** close concrot; W.irren wHh th® llilaols *nd al#n4.aad Cl.l'r:?a Itai-ri-ndi for Ch'.cai". *ad -ill i">mn Kuu A.»n ;<'r ~:i Nuith, Bk>wnlai(toa. Hprinurteld. LoulavlUe Qnclaaatl. indlar npoiia Ktc. uJno. West. f>r Galena, lhibuau", da CMeU, CI?JJ.St Paul. a--d all points in I»'*a an.l Minnesota. Oonoectin<al*i at stlaeral Point wi'h >w-! and llacii fbr Plattvtlle. Laartiter. UUMntt'l. D> dtcevi;ie. and I'olnts nc the M'dwjiik*— nr.;l Mii*l;alp:d Riilroad for Madison, ar.d a.l of em aad Northera i*cea»la-a:»« Piia.e ljC' cj. 1 (1 a* r- Pioi. rxc pr~T;roo*h Ticket- f '-r al! ! .ia-:': '.l r-nis East. and the for salf <»'. t '»'•"l- - -. Of* W iin> r,l i.'t. IAM Wl| STATEMENT <>F THE Ct»NPITI 'N OF IO th- I' : . l 'til-li>':!.» rl.-e f'l 1/V l-!t:ran ; C.-<m. p*oy on tt •? • , eve~"h <ll jr. rr. \. D. I** *. "nado In C"n'«nn ty w;f» t;.r '»wi of, ; « o 0* 'ii-ula, pass-d Fctiravy 1 H!u aad in-s la# rs:i "\tory therenf; Ist.—Tie name of tV ir.yli t'le PV»- : 'r^ aadL:f"ln u-tn-vCmn-an? i>f t'S-l ..;hJ ls!-»--.i:>* PhiUl.U'.ia m t;.- . r.a ijlva !x aa4.-Tl.«* *m.ui t'lfKs .-t ..••<!» 'i-l tnd Ten Tti »u«»nd and r'.v« l~ ; 3Td.—Tii-vni-v.Tit Ca;>'al i-d • « On« Hai lr-i m. t ili ju*\nd i.U '! f'rvKQ ;;7. vM iKulir*. 4tli.—Tlie a-*et:s of tlie Ca:afanT •' n'.l»t of t.':e '"olio*. ir.Rit»ws vis: Fife*. A;iiiiuLt ca.h o:i i.anil acd 'n fcacds of ax- au 4 Second. H*tl un'rcnminT'.'d ILrlu.# Third anil K-inrth. Tlif t. \L.i m- on real estate an-l of waich amount tu >re than tioi.iwii* upoa Jcuhle the »u*n f»r which the unfa- is mrW'Ufl, W.d tn.T <c;ue.4 he'rj trie flr«t Uen« Fifl.'i. P*-t-notlier*'je secured t-y ?tcck »i p.*r V'ja.'l.eri J\7'£oO Sixth. Lets for Prvtitiurnns cone. Seventh. All <» her s»*cur.ties as t«r dule Total aueta of the LIAU'MTI^: sth—The anioont of liabilities dti- *n I nrt dne to Uaaks «tii»t creuit- rs i>y t'.'.-i Company n#t>e. <sth—L ;s**s and due ::->re. 7th— Ijoxsea a<tmste«l »nd n»t due • ..-VUOO •ih—la)«scs una Loues ia waiuu ''.-r farthrr moof.. •. l(lth—All oth»r claim* against the C mprtv. consi.'ti:;/of bills taat wiil b-.* pa:j c*: preseQUt.oQ »'.lO T-tal HahillL>e3. . Xo.iW llth—Tbe irrekU-st amc-ua: !aju;ed U> aryca." risk J Lib—The *reat»st amount allowed 1)» the rulci f >A*>.y.oU o'the Compaay to he iasured ia aay j lu one city, town or village, and < evyrr Util—The *reai«t amoont J.j bj ia- / JtO sore<J ia *ny one block I, feet. Ulh—'The act of of»al l Ccro» pany !• anaexed: STAT* OP PE*-«VLVANIA. C'jL'NTY 07 rUIHI D&LPHIA—d-A Ilohert T. Knc And Fr*rr's FlarUoarn, Secrvtary, of »be I'hi.a elplJa Klre itnd Life lasuranco Companr. Co m-* personally known), be;:i< severally awom. depoj; an I sar. that tne or';nrf i.i trre. mil, and stuu-aent of the a?a ra of - u i Co- ,pnny; that tlie said Insurance C-rnpanv ij th» bota fide owner of atleastOne llua iral I 'houu ■ C»sh Cap • tal !nv -sted in stock) ami of at levt pa.- value, or In tnortavs oa uamcutnber<> real estate worh at least ijoab.e the amouat for which t.':e tl*ed; that Uie above >le>cribel ror any part thereof, are ia*de f.-r heaeStof auv iMivldual exerciaicz'uli nrity la the of »«ld Company either as President. Treasurer. Dfiert--r cr that the morlffaxee have net been, ft-aixoed. nor ia a-y nunaer relmjed or Impaired by (tfd Comnaoy. that taey are the above described offlcers of *ald Compary. H. T. KING. President. P. DLaCKUL'K.N. ."rcretanr. Sobacribe'l and rwora to before me »his fonrtcenth Jay of oato subscribed my a*me and iay"!'j,-j,i JOHN BLNNS. Coauaiifloner of the aute of lh:n ia fcr the City of i'hiiade phia. CCertlflcAteto expira oatiieJlst day of January. 1359J Arprroa'd Orrrc*. sran re Ilxi*oij,{ .•psiscreLO.-A»'h September, Ivi. { Whereaa. the Pmlidelpr.ia Hre anl Life Imunaca Cotnoaay. located at ivlvaala. ha« hied ia this olllee a stat-mrn of the condi tion of Ita ailain. aa required by "An Act tu ate the Axesciescf Insiraaee CocapaHe* nit I: by Ibegtateof liiiaola.*' *pproved i'ebnjary 17. <aadaa act azaeodatorytaereUs approved J-inuary ±2. aad whereas, said compuy has furnuued i* isfacWry evi dence taav i: la pos«esa?d of th* reuuir d amount of eapu tal invested in stocka hnd and tiled in this office a written instrument, s zaed by t:ie Preslileat aad Becretary theregt appotatio* u C. 1. »U. of CMea*o, ita Axent for the traaaacuooof thebuainp9«»f said Ciitnpaay. andftiUy aad unreservedly auihortxitw hlta to acknowl. service or prcccu for ar d cd behalf of said Coa« paay. eensentine that service of process apoa him. th» iiidAeeoL shall be Uien and held to be u valid aaif •erred apon the Compa .y, aad waivlai all cl ua of trmr by reason of inch service. Now. therefore, la pu. via Ace of the DrovM>us of the Act aforesaid. L Jesse K Dubois. \ad;t->rof Pub.icAo. of l.llaoit, aohereoy certify u.,tt the said L. C. Uall la authorised aa an Axeat for the said Com pany, to transact tbe boslQeaa of loiuraice in tMs £tate, ontil the thlrty-Smday ot January, ia tae yetr eiahbren hundred and fifty-nine, so fiur as ae may be ic*ully em powered so to do oy said Company. la teatimany whereoi. 1 &a*e hereunto subscribed my name, aad aQixed the seal of my otttce. at Sprinxde d. thla twentieth day of September. A. D l>^. Jtode, R. DL'BQia. Auditor P. X LAMBERT. O TTAT.x, Agent t NO. 16Q SOUTH WATER ST. PoLt-hod-lm tHJ*IKttOVa nfluDlNQ. S KoW ? 3 SKMINARX, 'll3 ucaos .reet» Nortli Bide, Chlca«o/'tTL The fourth act/ ol ro'rofthialaatitatloa wiiibexia o oth. Kit The Female Departmexu ia entirely uiiuaot frosa the male, hartax .iiff?rent school hoars, separate red la* Uona, receea. Ac. For further partleui -js see circulars al Keea'a and Cook' *bookjlrrci. »r sr iy a/tertfevt. !«. at the schoolroom, io T. S JW, Prtaacal. ae !N l I K * XXX PL O O», MiniiV""* rt isillfitttUM THX VOVKLTI 1kX1i.1.4 aI»M m aad KO SUie aKt««t