OCR Interpretation

Chicago daily press and tribune. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1858-1859, January 14, 1859, Image 1

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For Telegraphic Kewg xte Fourth Page.
Judge 'frumbull's Speech ia Reply to
beii&lor Iverson.
Judge Trumbull's prompt and vigorous reply c
to the Disunion harangue of Senator Iverson,
trill be found on tbe tbird page of our daily edi
tion this'morning. It will appear in the tri
weekly Press ato Trxbdkk of Monday.
- ■ — ■ • » f(
The Mihsinc Steamer* ii
The missing steamer Weser is at last ascertained c
tohetafe. fclie had jmt back to Qucenstown
with her pumjx< choked, and in a leaking condi-
tija. n
X Word with an Old Fireman. p
"Wc publish in auoiher place the communication p
of an "Old Fireuiao," tbe intent and purport of i:
which is to shitld the Chief Koginccrfrom the crit- f.
iciam of "Looter Ou" in <regard to the manage- a
jr.eatof tbe late X. Jcficr>ja street fire. Without a
wti*iu£ i-:u 'e;i!y from "Looker On," we have s
few tsccpuui.:- tj t:ke 1 o the etatcinruU of ::n j,
"Old Fireman. 1 ' He admits that there are fou r s
tire-i>lugs within a fcliart quite close' b
And i-even: 1 other- within a reasonable distance*
The stitcmeul about the "frozen j i !agK M shonld ,
be taken with gmiud cf allowance ; at all events#
it ib a part of the duty of tbe Chief to fee that the
plugs ure protected ugai&st frost. An efficient 8
<;ugineer wou'id always have them in servicablo c
otder. D
The-coiiiplairit tliut the engine companies h'id (.
not a half supjily of bch?, furni-hei another argu*
ment against t he ettcJCLcy of theCbief Eogincer,
who ia paid /aur dollwt per day for looking aftc r
just eucb matters. Some of his hose lay at tbe c
Outano street jfirc lroz?n up for days, uud wad J 1
thun icndered useless for the Jeffer-on street fire. t
O h'er bo_-e was oat cf order for want of aid
attenti n.
Rut a* a conclusive answer to the assertion that
•water was scarce, itonly necessary to stale tbe t!
fact, that the engines Iml-w more gallons of wa- I
terou tbat occasion than ever was pr iected at, a 1
nrei'ioa» Dre ia Cat.-jg-), The "Island Qjecu," for
poured a torrent for ten conecc- e
ulivchour*! What rrai done l.h it? Too
•'Long J-jhu" llktw a i:f.:rlevt mill »tieatn from *
•dark almost ty daylight. What wa*« doae with c
it? It is Hoa~en.se ajscti tbat the hoik and lad- r
<ler were unable to take the from out '
<i!oi«.eot the slight fratue dv.'tllingi on Jefferson
»t r fct. The !a;t is, if they had Wea prop.'ily di- fc
lecud, tbey could have leveled the whole roiV to c
tbe* ground in au hour. UuilJings that were
merely ".slicllv'i-ocld not have iuterpowd very
formidable obstadeS'to "iwo companies" of wil« t
ling, stalwart you'ig jnen. And tbey could have
had tlicasristanceo:' live bundre-d able bodied by-
lor the asking to pull on grappliug books,
/f tbeir uifrtstance had betrii wanted. Tlieic vvltc
liremcD enough to have fastened the hooks to the \
■"slicMs" uiore.-aU, mid crorfd iu u'jujilanc.' to t
Lave torn ou: toy iront of of thusi* biiiid F
iugs in the twinkhug ol a "bedpost." t
But au'-Old Fireiii in''atictiiptri ,jo eiiplamtion p
or excuse for tlu- aboard folly c.iuscd a V
t'rful i-tream of nuUr tobe tbrowa upon tbe com- J
position root'of the corner building for whole t
li'iur*, whete* il could do nopaiticlc of txiculinn; £
nor lor a second and more powerful stream w.>i
clupontlie L"'jni]<osit : un rouf ol the south build
ing Jefl'ervju street row wbile tlie lire was c
2)ermittsd to travel north without let orhindrauce.
Why was the building iuxt to L;ike street allowed
to set lire to tbe tbrec story block ? Why was its e
front not torn out, aad the great stream of water *
that was wasted in :v;ul fights and dc-ccnts up'in
lb'-* cjiupo-atifm rolling of the corner block, pour- «
cd into tbe breach luus made, which would have 1
ttn-e!>ted witb petfect case the farther progie.sjof 1
<he fin* towards Li'.ie hi: _et. It does s< eu'i to u-, t
«itd we have h-.-ard only expn:.-->ed on r
T'i2 that ft:.d-isti-ucljOgi o'.'nsidf.jj-'.e
s-.hj --n tli.it. v..u nL-edlS^T,.catr , "J
aid that there were exhibited a sad of *lcill j
and ellkit ney on the part of the Cbiel Kagineer. a
What "Old Fireman" says iigaiust the construe- |
tiou oJ buildings in Hueh a .way as to invite fircs» a
we commend to the Coiinc;!; and the hint to In- t
hurasce Companies is nut out of place. Uut all c
this affords no apology forthe bad management of |
the la ; e lire. 1
The Strike on tlie Chicuzo, Alton and
St. L.ouis Knilroud. c
We gather the I'olJowing facts in relation to L
tbe strike ou this toad, which is uow becoming a t
serious matter, from tbe fact tbat eointnuuieation 1
of every description is almost entirely cut off ,
between tbe difll-teut Idealities ou the liue and at t
each end of tbe road. Tee strike, be it under- 1
stood, is not lor higher wages but for back pay, s
runing through several months. j
The strike a. pareiitly eoiniii'-nced on Mouday *
la»t, but we believe it was developed iu some |
places on the route previous to that time. A train ,
wxs started from tbis city that day, and was run i
as far as Joiiet by the yard master of this sutiou.
When the tiain reae'ied that place, a crowd of '
operatives, numbering sixty or more, took posses
sion of it, <jected the yard ouster Irom the engine* \
separated it Irom tbe train, and backed it against
a freight train. Atter being delayed until Jour ,
o'clock, tbe train v>as allowed to return to Chi
cago. The excitement at this point ran high*
On the telegraph bulletin ia tbe depot, was writ
ten in large letters, "So trjin North ; engineers ,
Ktruck for their bread a:i<l butter." Miny o" tbe
operatives are iti a famishing conditiuu, having
received no pay for a num jlt of m >utbs.
In the towns on the line of rtJttd between Joiiet
and Bloomiugtoj, the eff cl> ;irc m'jre keenly
felt. There is no connecting line a; these points
and coUHetju'.nily tbey can receive no
There are no expresses l unuing and the fanners
e*n receive no remituuees, and they are out of
provisions and out of everything.
At Uloomingtun, the bands empl»\cd in the
shoja and about the depot refused to work. A
mcetiug of the employees who joiued iu tbe
htrikewas held at tbe Court House on Jlouday
evening. A number cf citizens were pres
ent. Speeches wore nude hy Mr. Caliban, Col.
Gridlev, A. Lf. Moore,L-q., J. IL Wickizer, U«q.,
J. 11. Sparrow, Major Rigland. We
take the following account of iLs proceedings from
the Pantograph i
Mr. Callaain stated the grievances of who
bad engaged iu the strike, and remarked that no
violation of pruptity would Ih? resorted to, or riot
ous proceedings in any way couuteoaueed. In
temperance bad been airictly torbidden in any one
of the signer*, aud any iu!raetion wouid be subject
to ]>cnalty.
Mr. Ondley, Irom his long connection with tbe
road as ith attorney, and liir> intimate knowledge
of its affairs, wan Jis'.euud to witti mucti ;itt«n
tion. He represented tb- utter inability of tbe
Company at pieaeut :o inect tlie demands t f tbe
strikers, and ueprvcatcd tlie suicidal coarse wnich
MTAsudoiited Ut com;»el pa^incut. I£*i pyinpaihi
£d deeply with ibe lneu, but thought their widest
course tbe accepiiuce of the proposition of
the Company. Uia remarks ajipeaitd to have
the ctlect of calming iu a great oegiee tbe txeite
tu<ut which existed among the bauds, aud jire
jiariug tbem for ineasuris of adjustmenL
He «u loilowed by J. U. Wlekizsr, Esq., who
complimented tbe hands upon their p&at for
bearance, and upon the paaccfal dtsooeition men
ifested Dy those engaged in the " strike," but
thought tbat the rigors of the winter season,
and tbe other existing circumstances, rendered
a reeumption of work tbe most prudent course
to be adopted.
Alsj. Upland thoaght tbe company was able
to raise tbe means required, and counseled a
firm and unflinching auberecce to tbe resolu
tions tbey had subscribed.
A. H. Moore, Esq., General Superintendent
of the road, waa loudly called fur and took the
stand. He expressed a willingness to ansvrer
any interrogatories, and a number of questions
were accordingly asked and answered. His re
marks were plain and straightforward, and al
layed much of the feeling which bad been excit
ed against rarifcus olbcers of tbe road.
A iresb proposition was agreed upon by tbe
meeting to be submitted to Gov. Matteson
tbrcugn Mr. Moore, and tbe meeting then ad
At Spriugficld, it is rumored that the opera
tire* are greatly incensed against Got. Matte,
•on and have manifested their indignation by
breaking windows in bis residence. This is
doubted by the ageuta of tbe Road here, as they
have had no intimation to tbat effect— br tele
graph or otherwise.
The report tbat Gov. Matteson oflered to let
tbe operatives take the Eoad as receivers and
run it themselves, is probably not true.
At Peoria the same excitement prevails. Some
of the employee's claims amount to several hun
dred dollars, and thef claim tbat they have been
fed with promises long.enougb. So injury bad
been done at tbat point, except breaking tbe
telegraph wire, thus cutting off all communica
Propositions bare Jgen offered which were
refuted, and negotiations are still pending for
a aettlemont o! the difficulties, but it is impossi
ble to tell when the matter will be finally ar
ranged to aa to remedy the inconrenienee nnder
which tbe on the line of tbe road
srt now nSertog. Wt hope toon.
, t
[Complied from tbe lH.nc!b £tate Journal.] 0
v t'paiscnaA Jtn. 10.1U9. p
Tbe Senate was occupied maioly with the dis- f
cession of General Incorporation Laws and tbe
subject of special legislation.
tbotsctiox op forhqn i*rvi«aAA*ti3.
Mr. Bane offered a resolution as follows:
Whtrezs, nnder the present regulation for tbe
reception nod protection of foreign immigrants T
into tbis State, many of tbem are fleeced of eve
cent of tbeir valuable means by those merciless
land sharks that hang übout ocr cities, c
and many of them under the false name of «<
railroad and ste.mboat agents and hotel run- t ,
)Yhtr(cu, many of this unfortunate cl£rs of
persons are, m consequence of tbis evil, left as ll
public charges on tbe commonity among whom
they may be rust.
Therefore, be it R?*islveJ, That it ia proper
for this Cody to inquire ut once into this evil, a
and if possible to provide a suitable remedy by c
an act ol the Legislature. Q
Mr. Hulz, ol Cook. I iuten<?ed to move asim- .
ilur resolution. Ttiis Is r v iL»j?ct Tf the higaest
ia'creet tu uur Htte-. 1 .-.ot- to rfefer it to a
select codmittee, with instructions to repoxla
bill Within five days. Carried. • t
Mr. Moseley. Aa act to authorize and enforce J
the registering of birtbn, deaths and marriages b
in this State. To tbe Committee on Judiciary, a
Mr. Hacker moved to suspend the order of but
sine&s and tako up Senate message appointing a I
committee on apportionment. o
Mr. liuribut moved to amend, that tbe com- t
mittee of tbe House ot one frem each i
Congressional district On a division, there ap- *
peared ayes G3, Sj the amendment c
was adopted. As amnided ths House cun* c
curred. t
Mr. lilaisdell. Act concerning judgments by
confession. To provij-; that no contesaion of I
judgment should be entered on record upon u
wirrant given before default in payment. To 1.
the Committee on Judiciary. s
Januar/11, 355?. t
The Skater presented tbe bienattl report of *
the War Jen of tbe I'sniteini.ary; referred to • t
renitentiary Committee, an'd 1 ,uOO cojiics lor i
tbe use of tbe Senate, and two'nundred lor tho 1
use of tbe Warden, ordered to be printed. |
Mr. Judd, Irom Judiciary Committee, report- |
ed a substitute for btil to cede jurisdiction over 1
lands ia Cnicago to >ue United S'a'.cs, which
was adopted, 'i'he bii: w»s then p» -«ed. !
'l'ue bill to amend '.ue crAiia?.! c-jie aod in- *■
crease tbe'punishment of itjr, [refer
red lo ia the Pußts and i4TO.'*£, ol »esterday,
was passed by IS to 1- jmEk'. - ' '
Tac Speaker pret .;e from the J
Governor, accompanv^^^t*'"»?:«srts of tbe
Sta.e Hoard of ".-iricipul of tho
Slate formal Uiiiv3rtii>|Hpi < 'Ct tue State Su- , J
pehnteudeut, which weraHfcrrcd to Committee
on Education. %r" " T
Tne bill to allow t'w Colleitors ia counties 1
that bave adopted lorvi-saipcrgaoizationa, until t
tho first of June next, to collect and pay over <
toe revenue of thote counties, wiic reported,
read a third time and passaiL j
Mr. Uacksr introduced a resolution instruct
ing the Committee- on .Kmacca to inncire into (
the matter of reducing our State tax, and re- '■
port by bill or otherwise, wnica wa3 adopted. 11
Tbe Speoker presented aci.mii.unica'ion from 1
the Govumer, giving a report of the purdons of 1
penitentiary convicts grunted by bim during tbe (
p-st two years. Tne number pardoned during £
tbat tsms is 141, lorty-sii of wham were par- 1
dooed only the day belore the eipirution of 1
tbeir sentences, tnd for the 5313 parpans of re
storing them to then*bt3 of citizenship. J
January 12. lijt l . !
(V»*etakd the following lrotn tbe correepon-
dence of the Juuru il.] *
A law making growing timber personal prop- j
erty, and tbe teiouious taking thereof larceny,
was received and referred.
Mr. i'eck, from the Judiciary Couvnittce, re
ported a resolution which wau unanimously
adopted, th? hour of daily meelin ;
irom niue in Uio morr'ng to half-past one in toe
a'ternoon. Tue reasons given lor tbe adoption '
of tbis resolution aie thai ibe commtitees need j
tbe forenoor.'H lor the cansi-eratua ol onsiness (
referred to tnetu.
A discussion took ,lr •• ,v iiv tt Truing upon
- :w w£ i*iT—r is-zta iJ . .u ' • w. ./i «•
tion ol tbe American Express C.Tnipaay, re- 1
ported from tne Judiciary Commuted Tho <
amendments provide tbat tbe stock-holdrrs be j
liable to the umount of tbeir stock ; and tbat
the Company shall pay tax only on tne capital
and value of property owned or u<ed in tbis
State, and that ouiti may be hrought in any
county in tbe State, whether the cause of ac
tion occurred in that county or not. Upon |
tbis latter leature the discussion hinged. Lbc
liill wus buallp re .to the Special
Committee on General Liw. }
A other dincusMon upon the subject of spe
cial legislation, and tho avoidance of tbe
by 1-ws, occupied a targe portion «,!' j
tue loienooti u,» to tbe hour of neon adjaurn
Tue special orders for tbis forenoon—tbe joint {
reeolutiou to provide lor a canveutiou to amead
tbe Constitution -»fas taten up and adopted— *
ayes b£, no«*6 15. t
A coniuiuuication from the citizem of Jack- j
aonvitle, lovaing tbe Governor, lieudaot L)e
partments, and tue i*o Houses of tue Gen-rat
Asseuiolv, to vteit the State Institutions in that
city, n-a* presented oy ibe Speaker, und on uio- '
tion of Mr. Cbarc'i, Uieiuvit.uou wua accepted, i
aud l'bursday, ti'.uti iu*-i., tixed as ibe time for j
making &uca visit.
A resold on instructing tbe Committee on 1
Education to luquire ltuo the cxpeaiency of
aoolishing the olhco of State Superintendent of
l'ub.ic Ijotruction. was introduced, and relerred
to Commntee on EJucar.ou.
A resolution lusiructiog the Committer ou
Education tfi inquire into tue cx{>edicncy of es- 1
tablishingaPolylecluic i>nd Agricultural School '
was adopted, on moiiua ol *.lr. ijun. ,
ibe loiloiring were u:no:ig tho bnlf rend twice
and rettrreU: \
By ilr.
estabiiabint: tue Cook County Court.
By ilr. U-kur—To i icorpivute the First Re
formed I*resoy terian Cburc-- -nd Congreg&tiou
of Chicago.
Hy Mr. Cradiock —l'o more etf'.ctuaily sup
press i'ue bill puuisbos gambling or 1
the keepiog ot a gaming Ucue witti imprison
ment in tue penitentiary, u\ hard labor, not
leas than six months nur more than three
Hy Mr. Siaw-To replevy pro;.eriy before
justices ot tue pe.ee.
iiy Mr. Higgles -To incorporate the ChiC3go
City KiiUay Cjuipaay.
Hy ilr. I'uliev —to u.corporate the Illinois
Natural History Society.
Hy Mr. .Newton - i'o require the Auditor to
pay on demaud uuy cj;ubuate ol Canal Indebt
Hy Mr. Canrch—To regulate change of venuo
in couuty courts. Wbere change is made on
account of prejudice in the mind of the judge,
it shall be changed to the Ctrcait Court of ttic
same county.
liy Mr. lfurlbut-To provide for the registry
of voters of the Stale ot Illinois. Laid upon the
table and ordered to be printed.
Uy Mr. Detrich—To extend the provisions of
the "Mien law" to sab-contractors.
Hy Mr. Uarmoa—To facilitate the ajttlement
of estates.
Hy Mr. Harmon—To amend tbe law of 1619
establishing county couru.
Hy Mr. I'eck -To amend the la«v of ISSI, pro
viding lor tbe appointment of comniibsioners to
take prjut and acknowledgement of deeds and
other instruments in other Slates, etc.
Uf Mr. H*ines—To provide for tbe election
of * County Attorney tor each caunty in this
Morphy and Aiidcrsscu.
Tho great game at chess, which is to deter
mine tbe champitn&hip bet ween the Old and the
New Worlds, was begun at Paris on Monday,
tbe 20th December. Morphy had been ill for »
week, and came to the contest pale and worn,
but in good spirits. It had been agreed that
the winner of the first fceven games should be
considered tbe victor. The brat game, Evans*
Gambit, was sharply contested, no less than
seventy-two moves on each side having been
made, when Morphy resigned; the second
game, tbe Ruy Lopez opening, after forty-four
moves, was drawn; Morphy seems then to bare
aroused himself, and beat his adversary two
games, in pretty rapid succession, the third in
twenty moves, tnd tbe fourth in fifty-three. A
letter from Paris thus describes tbe players :
"The first game lasted seven hoars, and was
won by Prof. Anderssen. Daring tbe course of
this game, which was conducted in tbe most
brilliant manner, and in which were displayed
an immense Dumber of the most ingenious com
binations on both aides, 1 bad a good opportu
nity of studying tbe contestants. Nothing coold
be more unlike than tbe physique of tbe two
players. Mr. Morphy is a frail, amaU boy, with
a line face and heall, and a modest, almoet tim
' id air. Prot Anderssen, on the contrary, is a
tall man, slim, about fifty years of age, with a
small, bead, a slight stoop in the shoulders,
lively black eyes, » clean shaved face, and ade
-1 cidedly German cast of features. He is a quiet,
1 gentlemanly man, with a sympathetic expres
sion of tbe face, which immediately predisposes
ia his favor.
9 "During tbe tint game M. Anderseen moved I
much more rapidly tban Mr. Morphy. Not a
2 word was spoken by either player daring the
j whole seven hours. No demonstrations
or false moves were made by either party to itt
e dicate to tbe other his plana. There seemed to
i- be more originality, more gentos, more of the
impnvu ia ilr. Jiorphy'a moves, and more of
study and experience in those of &L Anderssen.
® Tbe two men are evidently more nearly matched
ir than they ever were before."
i- The eagerness to witness these adroit and ao
r- compliabed players was so great tbat the game
ir was kept on three different boards at ths Cafe
d de Is Regence, on esch of which the mores wert
ripnUd u tb> gtoi tdrtsofd. It vm tb*
general impression that Morphy had encoun«
tered a more formidable antagonist than he had .*
Vet met. _ *
il. Leqaeane, the sculptor, has executed, in (
marble, & boat of Mr. Morphy, which baa been C
placed alongside of those of Laboordonnage and *
Philidor at the Chess Club over the Cafe de la (
Regence. I
The great chess match between Morphy and t
Anderseen has been cooclnded, Morpbj winning t
seven games and Anderssen only two. a
m • ■ a
An Apology lor the Chief Engineer. t
Editors Press and Tribune: .
In your issue of yesterday there appear* a
communicatiea ia regard to the late fire, aigaed
"A Looker On," which does great injustice to 8
the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department. 1
I agree with the author of said communication
that the management of said tire should be *
closely investigated, and if he had taken a little
of this advice to himself, he would not hare 8
been guilty of making (Jaite as many glariog 1
miailateioenU us he has, and that tbe primary f
ceree ci that extensive conflagration rests on
other shoulders than tbe Chiefs. 1 will now ?
proceed to show wherein he ("Looker On") has i
made pome wrong rssertiona. fc
It was true that ibe t-jg'mis, both steam and- '•
hand, .v,jre promotly oj band, but it is sot
true that tire-plusr» were ia c!ose proximity
to tbe fire. The oue on the corner of Like and a
Jefltoon streets is close by, the next nearest
being on tbe corner of Clinton and Randolph;* 4
another at the corner of Jefferson and }
ton, and another at the corner of Randolph and c
Deaplaines, tbe balance being two blocks, and B
over, from the tire. And whit w?s the condi*,
tion of a portion of them? They were frozen bo '
that it took ten or fifteen minutes to get them in-' t
working order; end when the one at the corner,
of Lake and Canal streets was tt awed out, it did
not afford mote than helf a aupply of water for
tbe steamer Atlantic.
As lor hid a-sertion that " all tbe forca and ap-
pViances to extinguish a fire were lumished m t
übundunce and perfec-iun to tbe Chief," it is utter- j
ly false as regards " appliances," as any one coold
sec tbat koew anjiliiiiK about Gre duties. It was "
for tbe want of tbem tbat the fire raged so uncon- J
trolably. There not ao Eusiue Comnauy on <
the groaoil that bud l/nrethm halt a supply of
bo.se, and some lu l none at jil. This in tne rea- *
K»n why there wore not inyre streams led into tbe
v'ic f.'i ■*- Tileru wevc two, if not
more, btn-aras on tbe lire In the rear of tbe build- '
ings on Ji'ircfTi aMrcet, winch "Looker On'' cotild
b;ive t-eeu bad titf taken a quarter of the trouble to t
bare fuuml tliero lie bin to find fault with i
things tbat he either knowa nothing abou', or
i hat be wants to make capital out of, either for '
himself ot a friend. (
About G o'clock the Chief, in my presence,
ordered ttic only two Hook and Lidder Com
panies there are tu the city, to tear out the north 1
cud of tbe row that was burning, and they pro- f
ceeded to do so t»s f;ir as lay iu tbeir power. Hut j
not naviug the necessary " appliances," and un
able to get much assistance from the crowd of 1
"lookers-on," (wbo are always very willing to t
suggest atiJ Jiod fault, but tint to work), the Cura
icuies • torc'-d tu abaudou it. .
i do not think if necessary to point out any
more of "A Lioker-Oi'a" errors. That the *
Chief may have erred in some things Ido not (
deny. It is human nature to err at times, but .
I di'l.Lc u> see any person bo shamefully
ftttised for what he is not guilty oh 1
It your correspondent would unite with other <
c.uzens and urge on the Council the necessity (
of furnishing a sullicient quantity of Hoee, so
\hav each coujpany couid always have one full 1
set ready jor service, and have the Fire Flu;s '
always iu order; also furnish the ilook and Lad- j
dcr Companies with more apparatus, 1 can as
sure him tbat he will not witness another suoli
o disaster very noon, at least until unother such
a row of shells get a burning.
Tbe Connctl euould pass aa ordinance imme
diately tbe construction ofsuch Fire
Traps, lor it is almost aa ut!er impossibility to
prevent such constructed buildings from turn
ing up alter they once get on tire, as labt year's
experience abundantly proved. And tbe laser
surance Companies could do something towards
stopping tbetr erection by refusing to issue any
policies on them. Ax Old Fireman.
" Tut: Manchester Marriage."—The contiiiii
atirju of Dickens' sior"The Manch ster Mr
r.age," is unavoidably crowded out of our coliuuls?
tills tuorninj. 1: will bo resumed to-morrow.
A. Fici:-—hie
spcuse, got drunk and indulged in a tight, the
odds being in furor of Ellon. They were lined
$3 each by Justice Akiu.
So. 100 Dsarborx Strsbt.—Messrs. Norris &
Hyde, at 100 Dearborn street, have tbe London
lU'j-straUdScwt forCbristmas. Asuperb num
Trcub Sawed Ofi*.—A few days since a man
named Barton aad his thumb sawed off by a
buzz saw in Gates' machine shop. His case was
properly attended to by Or. Wardner.
BunGLART.-Ob Wednesday evening a fellow
sajaahed in the window of *.he cigar store, No.
400 State street, grabbed some two or three
thousand cigars, and made his escape. He bas
not yet been arrested.
Accident.»Oa Tuesday last, a little daughter
of Josept) Adams, living at the corner ot Wash
ington and Union streets, while splitting some
kindling wooJ, chopped the foretioger of her
right hand ofi* abovo the middle joint. Dr.
Wardner dreesed tbe wound.
! lui Firs oh ths West Sid* —Mr. Evan
Hughes informs us tbat the destructive fire on
tbe Weft Side, on Monday evening, did not origi
nate in 53.17 Xortb Jefferson street, but in the
| partition between 19 and 21. It was first
1 discovered by two girls in tbe house of Mr.
| Tnomp3on, who g-ive tbe alarm.
Valentines.—'The largest stock of Valentines
ever in Chicago is being received from New
York by McNally &, Co., 81 Dearborn street.
Country dealers should by all means order from
tbem, as by so doing tbey can b» suited much
better than by writing to New York. See Ad
Stealing Cigars.—Three news boys, named
Andrew i'age, John Harris and James True,
were arrested on Wednesday night and brought
before Justice Stickney yesterday for stealing a
box of cigars, valued at (3, from D. W. Corbin
L Co.*B cigar store, under the Tremont House.
They w-re sent to the Raforii School.
Hacc Agaw.— Mary O'Uarran and Ann Don
elly were discharged from the Bridewell ytst«r
day morning. In commemoration ot tbe event,
they both went and got drunk. While in that
condition, they fell into tbe hands of tbe Philis
tines, alias the Charlies, and were brought be
fore Justice Akin, wbo sent them back to their
old quarters lor the goodly term of sixty days.
Serious Accident. -Oa the afternoon of Toes
day last, as a laborer named John Lawson was
removing some ruins from the late tire on On
tario street, a c'aimney which had bsen left
standing by the tire fell upon and crushed him
so badly that bis lite is despaired ot He was
promptly by Drs. Connett and Blood.
He is a single man, and liyes with his father at j
267 Chicago avenue. |
A Look-out wao Cas't Look Oct.—lt hu
been discovered that tbe watchmtn in the Court
House steeple can't look out o'nigbts, or is tbe
daytime, all on account of tbe frost on his win
daMß. He claims to be an individual that never
sleeps at all, at all. That is bad, and yet might
be paralleled br turning the bell upside down
and tilling it with w*ter. Then the frost might
take the tvhoU charge of fires. Cannot the Re
lief Society go into operation for the benefit of
that bellman, and secure some means ot thaw
ing those windows. Something most be done,
or the city itself will be warmed with a ven
geance. _
Verv Improper.—Mrs. Russell and James Hil
ton were arrested and brought to the Armory oo
Wednesday afternoon, for the uocommon offence
of manifesting too much affection for each other,
and in a rather too public minncr. They In
dulged in a single round of hugging and kissing
ifl tbe street. This the police considered not only
immodest, but a positive violation of the city ordi
nances, and had them in the sawdust in the twin
kling of a clam shell. Mrs. R. ( though not as fair
as tbe rosy dawn, was considered tbe temptress,
and was fined $lO, while the less criminal Hilton
was let off for the moderate sum of $3.
Arrtval ok Cabs for ths State Street
Railroad.—Four caw, intended for the State.
Street Horse Rtilroad, arrived in tbis city on
t Tuesday, via theMichigin Central Riilroad. Tbey
1 were built by Eiton&Gilbert, of Troy, New York,
! and are equal in every respect to any that have
> heretofore been built. Three of them will accom
> modate abuat twenty-four passengers each, while
f one, a perfect gem of its kind, intended for a sort
i of pxpreis car, U built for only twelve passengers.
Tbey were put on the track yesterday, and run
i- from Randolph to Madison street, to tbe fralifi*
e catiou ol a number who were present. We hope
e to see these cirs nuking their regular trips be
• tweaa Like street &ad Cottage Grove, iQ a very
* 1 ibort lime-
Baxqdst and Tkstxxoxial co Jas. C. Class, 1
at Tns Adams Hoos«.—On Wednesday evening
took place at the Adams House, in this city, the •>
Complimentary Banquet tendered to James G.
Clark, Esq, by bis late railroad associates, on
the occasion of his retiring . froin tho sost of
General Superintendent of the Illinois Central
Railroad. C
Tbe affair was most brilliant and successful
throughout. The arrangements, in every de
tail, reflected the highest credit upon tbe taste
and liberality of mine host Walters, of the Ad- g.
ams Home, and fully evinced tbe capacities of p
his model establishment as fully equal to every
imaginable demand for such an occasion. j
About two hundred persons were present, b
and the doors of the banqueting hall were J
thrown open "on time" at 7P. M. Tbe decor- "
ations of the otherwise elegantly spcaad tables, c
were of the most elegant and tastefal descrip
tion. The art of tbe confectioner was repre- ®
sented in ornamental confectionery, in the fol
lowing pieces and symbols: " Tbe Illinois Cen* h
tral Depot," a most excellent.and arttftic
some eight feet in length, and other dimensions |j
in proportion. From this depot, which was v,
brilliantly illuminated, a train of cars moulded l J
'lasngar, was just on ,-uint of leaving " far 0
Cairo." Amodeloftae •* Temple cf Fame," r<
and tbe "Masonic Temple," occupied tbe Pre- n
sldent's table. Tbe other details of the repast,
"caper bill of lading," were of the choicest a
character, and gave a world of dainties and sub- *
st&ntials. The hall was tastefully decorated
with flags and streamers, with the motto across
the head of the hall—
"He was found worthy." B
The gathering well represented In character jj
and numbers the railroad men ot this section, ii
Among those present we noticed Wm. H. Os- n
born, President; Robert Forsyth, General
Freight Agent; Wm. F. Johnson, General 2
Ticket Agent; S. J. myes, Supt. of Machinery; d
John C.Jacobs, Snpt. North Division; Wm. R.
Austin, South, "all of" the.lllinois Central |j
Railroad Company.* n
There were olso present Messrs. H. E. Sar
gent, and Geo. Williams, Jr., of the Michigan B
Central R. R , Gen. Raney and Capt. Gould, of t
the St. Louis, Cairo, and New Orleans Steam- 0
boat Line; Supt. Hall, of the G. &C.U. R. R.; '
D. W, Doss, of the C,P. & Fort Wayne R. 11., fc
and of.era. E
Though all departments of railroad business P
were represented in tbe hall, there was not a sin- j
gle onewfcent who seemed nnhandy and not at t
home fnvjtit business, then and there °
well attested to, to the lightening, not by any c
means the unlading, of the tables. t
After the substantials and their adjuncts had '
j been disposed of, Col. John W. Foster, Land J
Commissioner of tbe Illinois Central Railro&d x
| Company, tbe pretiiing officer of the evening, 1
1 rose and introduced the intellectual repast. In 1
a most and happy speeeh he traced tbe t
career of Mr. Clark, from tbe humble position t
of a track-layer and fireman, on the Baltimore 1
and Oaio Railroad, to the elevated station of
Superintendent of the most extensive Railroad 1
in tbe country. He also paid a fitting tribute <
to Mr. Clark as a man, and to his sagacity and j
ability as a railroad He then read the <
resolutions of the Board of Directors, which i
were highly complimentary to Mr. Clark, and (
expressed regret at his leaving the road after a (
service of three years. 1
He gave in conclusion the following senti- •
ment: |
James 6'. Clark—Tbe guest ot tbe occasion.
A men whose fortune and high position has been 1
won from tbe humblest beginning, aud by tbe 1
noblest means. By his resignation the Illinois ,
Central Rnlroad loses oneot tbe chief pillars of (
her strength, and its officers a most valued as- {
sociate. i'be employees of tbe road take this ,
express to Superintendent Clark (
their halted estimation of bim as a man, their
prolodßl confidence in him as an ofiicer, their
deep regrets for bis resignation, and tbeir most
earrect and-hearty ,<»ood wishes for his future
hsippincjr pr?*>-;rity.
Ex Gov. McComas w&s then introduced, and
on behalf of tbe donors, presented to Mr. Clark
a superb testimonial, a magnificent service of
plate, consisting of a coffee pot, a tea and water
pot, sugar bowl and creamer, a pitcher, slop
bowl, two goblets, and a largo salver. The sal
ver contained a representation of tbe Illinois
Central Railroad, and the following inscrip
• TO JAME3 0. CLARK. j
: J&nuiry 12th, 1153. :
The othir pieces contained the same inscrip
tion on one side, and on tbe reverse, a repre
sentation of some well known scene or object on
tbe Illinois Central Railroad.
Mr. Clark responded briefly and happily, p*y
ingavery high compliment to the employees of
the Illinois Central R&ilro&d, and stating the
fact, honorable to himself and to the corpora*
tion, that it had been his practice, and tbat it
was tbe policy ot the road, to promote men from
the ranks.
Speeches were subsequently made, in response
to toasts, by Dr. Egan, Mayor Haines, Mr. Cran
dall of Urbana, Maj. Bamside, cashier of the
Illinois Central Land Department, D. W. Boss,
Gen. Raney, and Capt. Gould, of St. Louis,
and sundry others.
A number of letters were read and toasts
given, for which we have no space, other than
the two following:
Mayor Maine*—An instance of deserved hon
ors aad of unobtrusive worth in the midst of os
Th* Illinois Central EaUroad • Tbe first grand
link in tbe chain of iron that is to bind the
Lakes of the North to tbe great Golf of tbe
South; the artery through which flows the life
blood of Illinois. Our country owes it much,
oar State owes it more, Chicago owes it every
The festivities were continued to a late, or
rather an early hour, when the company dis
persed, highly and justly pleased with the en
tire success of the occasion.
The "Tduitpixo Lsqact."—The name of the
young lady who proves to be heir to an immense
fortune, an account of which we published yes*
terday, is Ltdia U. Scboolst, and not Mary.
Her uncle died inEogland, leaving an immense
estate, and not in India, as we stated. His
death occurred in 1790. His heirs were adver
tised for in the London Times, but never ap.
peared, and the property went to the Crown,
and has been accumulating ever since bis death.
The grandfather of Miss Scbooley came to this
coontry wealthy, leaving wealthy parents in the
West of Eagland. Tbe amount of the estate is
not, of course, known, but it will probably
prove a " Thumping Legacy." We understand
Miss Schooley receives the intelligence of her
good fortune in a modest and becoming manner,
1 and continues to falfil her duties as a seamstress
> as if the event was of the least importance to
1 her.
Stsausq Cows.—Henry Korner was brought
before Justice Stickney yesterday on a charge
of being accessory to the stealing of a cow from
Amos H. Powers, at 441 West Jackson street.
Korner was detected by Powers in tbe act of
driving off the cow in connection with Andrew
Betzer, a butcher, who is the real thief, and
who had employed Korner to help him drive
this and another cow to Better's shop /or tbe
purpose of butchering them. Betxtr made his
escape, but tbe police are after him. Korner
! was held in S3OO to answer.
Pjotsu* Fxstital.—The printers of our city
' intend having a festival at Light Guard H*U on
the evening of the 17th inst, Franklin's birth*
; day. Those who recollect the pleasant and de
lightful entertainment given by the Typographi
cal Union at tbe Richmond Bouse in May last,
will but need to be informed of this festival to
insure their attendance. We know onr friends
[ of tbe "mystic art" have tha ability and the
will to make this one of the most rtcherch*
affairs of the season.
RavovsTtAxcs.—A remonstrance against the
1 new City Charter for Chicago now being forced
7 upon our Legislature by Tom Dyer and his band
, ot hongry office-seekers, is being circulated and
3 numerously signed by our citixena. We trust
I* every man, of whatever party, who has the in
e tereat and honor of our city at heart, will sign
t this remonstrance.
3. ' ~
a Lumbermen, members of the Board of
1* Trade, will meet at their rooms on Saturday
e next, Jan. 16th, 1859, at 2>f P. X. AU are
requested to attend, as business of importanco
7 will l?e brought op.
*oa rns •
AX O'nicaso, July XBGB, J
1 a
Cook Cocktt Ciucutt Cccht, Uo.v. Gsobgi fi
Andrew J. JVrighl «wrn—Am of the firm of ti
Wright & Canier; keep a livery stable on Michi- n
gan street; knew defendant; he was in my em- o
ploy; be occupied tbe east tenement in my build- f ;
ing, five rooms, from May previoasj recollect when b
his wife wa3 lound deid in her room, on t" e2d ot* v
Jaly; saw him the day previous, at bis work; saw b
him hitching up a pair of horsw at 2 P. il. aud at
7 and 9in the evening; tbe lost time, he was go- tl
ing up to bis room; saw him about 5 o'clock tbe o
nest morning, at tbe rooms; tbe rooms were la fi
conlusioo; noticed the floor, but not very particu- w
larlj; in the kitchen a.id diuiogroom were traces s;
of blood, apparently wiped up; he was sitting y
with one of his chilureu m his lip, dressing it, I ]i
thiuk; in the front roam saw the wife dead iu the j
l>ed; noticed blood oc the bed; taw none on tbe
floor in this room; recollect no conversation with a
prisoner; saw blood io the dark closet; did not see t
the budy at the post mortem esinamauon ; tbe c
west tenement iu the v .a:lldiag bai five room?— b
lhrie immedia'elv thoie of the east; u
was a door between the room shut nailed t
□p; access between tbe rooms was around on the n
roof; in tbe west rooca I'ajm.T, toe night watch-
man, lodged; our foremia had a room there, but a
he nas thea not in to&*n; the little Iront room of „
the AlcXimees was occupied l»y lodgers—Farley
and auotlier; they were diiveis; of my own knowl- B
edge don't kdow if tbe room was occupied tbat c
night; billiard room below; doors hauing into
tbe stairways. a
Cross examined—Pirst knew McNamee in Sep- j,
tember, 1857 ; he worked for us at iutervaU ; y
never saw aujthteg about him but what was t ;
orderly; think he not of a quarrelsome did* V
position; saw him on tbe previous, early io
tbe morning; saw him late in the forenoon; did »
not notice bim particularly until after dinner
time ; then saw tnat hs was the worse lor.liquor; .
some one of us, can't say who. told him, about
2 o'clock, be had better go to bed; be was too,
drunk to attend ti hia business; he went
to bed, or at least left the stable to do *o;
saw him about 7 in the evening; wis in the bil
liard room, near the west door; he was going
up stairs; as he looked into tbe room bis eyes p
looked like those of a drunken man; did not see
him after tbat, nor until tho morning; never 8
saw him eo drunk, or to that he could not attend s
to his business before that day -on the afternoon £
of July Ist; recollect that I saw him through
„ the doorof the billiard room, on the second floor,
looking out on tbe passage way ; could not say
; how long 1 remained at the stable ia the eve
niag; at nine o'clock saw tlac pass by; could t
not say how long 1 was in tbe billiard room i
in tbe afternoon; several persons were tbere;
Mr. Currier, Mr. George; sannot say who else;
tbe partitions between the tenements are lath t
and plaster of common thickneis doors of c
tbe usual thickcesss; should think ordinary (
conversation could bs heard in the ordinary
tone of voico between tbe east and the west 1
rooms; have tested it and hnd it so; there were |
two doors connecting the front and the rear !
rooms; witness described the location of the 1
two suites of rooms; the east stairway leads to 1
Mac's room; at tbe time I was there in the (
morning saw a jug of whisky, think a two ]
quart jug; saw no Uttle fl»k; the jus; was eith- *
erintha kitchen or middle room; didn't take
up the jug; there was some whitky in it; have
never (spoken to Mrs. McXamee; don't know
where he got his liquor that day; tbe bed in the !
drivers' room was tumbled: they had no regu- 3
lar time for going up; west up at all hours; one ]
ot these men is still in my employ; the oth.er 1
has gone; can't say where he is; it is rumored '
be is dead; he lelt mr ezplov in August or
September; know of tbe relations ex* '
isting between McXamee and bis wife.
John Jltenan, sworn.-* Work for Wright k
Currier; kuow McXamee; saw him on the Ist
of Julv; saw biin at five o'clock when Mr. Sal
ter called him; testified before the Coroner's
Jury; he asked meif I had my horses bedded
down; said lhad; went into his own stable;
did not see him again until next day.
Crois-Examintd-U.&y& known defendant be«
tween three and lour years; knew his wife; we
used to see them; wo visited them together twice
and they came to my h«use visiting perhaps four
or fire times; we lived iu an ally oil Lajalle
street; helped Mac to move; tbev lived peaceable
and quiet together, for all I could see; he was
quiet and peaceable wbea sober; don't koow if
Mrs. MacXamee was in tbe habit of drinking;
never saw her in liquor; saw Mac first on the
day before about 9 A. M.; we had not drank
together thut tnorninf * don't know that he was
druok;' uad uo him tneu, nor ever
before; saw him again at 5 o'clock; don't recol
iC 1 saw him after.
To a juror—Xevcr saw McXamee intoxicated.
The District Attorney here stated that the
only remaining witness lor the prosecution was
the little son of McXamee now in Court, whom
he would like to put upon the stand, il, on ex
amination by tbe Court, the child should prove
a competent witness.
Mr. Ayer» of the defence, objected that the
child, a boy between four and five years of age,
was not a competent witness.
My the Ceurt—The law regards every child sa
an incompetent witness \tjo iB of so tender an
age, and sf such immaturity of understanding,
as to be incapable of camprehendiag the nature
and obligation of an oath. And tho Court will
take notice, tbat schild of the Bge of four, as in
this instance, is incapable of understanding the
nature and force of an oath. The repetition of
the words of an oath to each a child would be
an unmeaning formality. 1 GreenUaf Ev. Sec.
805, 307•
The prosecution here rested the case.
That. Jfacbin, gt»orn.—Keeide 153 Michigan
street; keep a boarding house and saloon in the
next building west to Wright & Currier's sta
ble; knew prisoner; have known since became
to work tbere; Housed to get liquor of me;
saw McXamee on the day before bis wife's
death, iu my own house; could not say bow
many times; he was iu six or seven times that
day; first saw bim in the forenoon; conld not
say wbat hour; tbink it was between nine and
ten; his general errand was to get something
to drink; be was not sober in tbe morning;
1 should say when be first came in he was not so
i ber; saw him ia the afternoon pretty far ad
vanced; in tbe evening, think it was about S
o'clock, he was under the i&huence of liquor;
had a bar-tender; was not in all day ; I
ot my knowledge saw him drink three times I
that day, once in tbe morning and twice in the i
I afternoon; thought he looked unusually strange |
i all through that day ; thought tbere was socue
} thing peculiar about the man that day; he had
j a raiiid look; have seen him in l;quor before
, but he did not look quite so wratby; know his
general reputation for quietness and peaceable
ntis; it was good.
r Crou t*zmirud~Witness repeated his facili
ties for obtaining a knowledge of the disposi
tion, bib&tory, and otherwise of the prisoner,
which in some respects were certainly full and
To a Juror— He did not stagger on tbe day
previous, but there was something strange in
bis expression.
John tfuHifoa—Testified as to his acquaint
ance and intimacy with prisoner during a period
of two years, and to the relations of the prisoner
and deceased. She would get drunk, and not
e have his meals ready when be came home. On
s such occssions she would aggravate him. She
would get drunk and neglect tbe house and chil
dren; never saw them quarrel except when
they had been drinking; the cource of difficulty
» between them was ber getting drunk and not
i. having the meals ready.
C'rott eiamiWwrt-Boarded with tbe parties
for some time, because he owed me tnoaey, and
6 I stayed there awhile to board it out; she neg
s lected things; O'Brian and 1 were there; sent
him the money for his family—sls or S2O; was
ont of business myself, and stayed there until
4 the latter end of April.
r To Mr. Mattock*— Found a little flask of liquor
in the dinner pail; it was befora they moved;
' asked for tbe pail and found tha whisky in it;
18 she said " Old Auntj"—an old woman near by
0 —had drank some of it.
Simon C. Gtorge sttorn—ln July, 1853, lived on
Illinois street; kept a billiard roou over Wright
. & Currier 6 stable; tbe rooms of McXamee were
II over the east end of tbe billiard roam; there were
e two entrances to his rooms; he used tbe east; I
a nsed the west to my room; there was a door out
L of my room at the east end; was not in the hallt
of using this door; it was open on the day before
>f the death because it was a very hot day. [Wit
if ness described in detail tbe position of tbe prem
, ises.] Mr. Wright and myself used the table neir
the east door on the afternoon of the Ist; went to
e tea about 6 o'clock; was gone that nigbt about
e half an boar; was in daring tbe evening; tbe chil
dren were playing about tbe passage way in tbe
afternoon; no nearer communication with their
r room than by that passageway; heard no noise lu
tbe room tuat day; saw prisoner going into tbe
stable about five o'clock; never saw him in my
' To a /tiror—Did not sec Mrs. McXamee tbat af
n ternoon or evening.
!• Crou Examination - > Arrangement of the prem
ises explained. Saw no bloody curb on the
l * Johnston KaUton ftrwft—Betida nine miles in
L the country; work at haying and deal in it;
used to team bay to Wright & Currier's stable;
1 knew prisoner since soma time last spring; got
14 acquainted at the stable; on tbe day before his
ie wife's death we drank together at a saloon ; I
treated; he drank brandy; we west again, and
again, only a few minntas between; aaked me
to take him again; I refused and said he had
had plenty, and was druok; be drank brandy
ie each of tbe three times; drank with him again
d after that, four times altogether; it was all
. within half an hoar; he w»b drunk; he could
>a jast scarcely travel; never saw him the aame
d way before: be was calm enough, a little wildly
it perhaps; I left bim in the barn and went home;
he was druok when 1 first went there.
Crou Examiiud—Brought in no hay that day;
P* went in to aee if they wanted any: saw "tbe
boys " tbere; think it was after 5 o doek in tbe
afternoon; drove home after this; • got home,
, nine miles distance, a little after dark; first
heard of Mra. McNamee's death when I came ia
'J next time, a few daya after: g«t the drinks all
re at tbe aame aalaen; we drank Tear times; I was
not drank; McXamee was pratty sear drank
when I first saw bim; one conld teU by looking
at him; my team was standing on tha alley;
Wokm* ft9oßt«nbovttdab«lx togtf boa*}
lefl'bome before dinner; stnpped and got the
horses shod on Blue Island avsnue, and at dif
ferent places: know I got to the stable alters =
o'clock, and left before 6; Mac. was nearly j
drank when 1 first saw him. o
J"\ F. Pulnan, ttoorn.—Am employed at u
Wright & Currier's; have been with them about =:
lour years as a carriage driver; knew McXamee
and bis wife; lodged iotbe little front chamber,
fronting on Michigan street; bad to go through
their kitchen, dining room, and the dirk closet to
pet into my room; used to go up the east flight;
Wiliiam Fa'ley roomed with me; we hid occupied &
the room a month; hired it of McX-imee; we had
no regular hoars for retiring, were sometimes
obliged to be out all right; the doors were not
fastened at night; could go up or down at any a<
hour; went up to bed that night a little after 12; *
"William wai there; he weot up he said about 11; 81
beard or saw nothing unusual that night; William
was asleep when I went in; heard nothing during J.
the night; waked uo about 4 o'clock, one of
o=tlers came and called me; have known prisoner £
from the time he first came ther?; iiis character m
was of a peaceable and quiet disposition; never ai
saw him so drunk that be could not attend to bis 80
work; was not at the stable irorn half past 1 to a
little after 5 o'clock; was gone to take out a car
Cross-Examintd.—Recollect seeing prisoner
about the stable in the morning; he hitched up £
the carriage lor me about half past one; we
came back about 5; don't recollect of seeing
him again until about psst 6, when he hitched <
up tbe same team again; don't know who pat
them out tbe first time 1 came home; noticed i>
nothing unusual in his appearance when be 1
hitched up the last time; got back tbe last time
about 0; left my team and went about town;
was alone ; went to tbe stable about 12; think
it was a lew minuiej went up to ted ;
saw noose, be ird nothing, had no light; was A
called in the morning fceiore light; McNamee
was in bis sleeoiog room; tbe man wbo called
me told me of the deith; saw lira. McXamee
lying on tbe bed; several persons were tbere; /-
William got up Vben I did ; don't know what £
time tVilliam wentto bed; he said be went at
11; hear that he is in New Orleans; the story .L
of his death has beeo contradicted; saw ilrs. v
McXamee in her diaing room as I came through t
on tbe morning of Julf Ist about So'iock; spoke L.
to her; noticed nothing unusual. a
To Mr. Ayer.—Kept my things at my room;
went up when I choose to get my things.
Adjourned to 2 P. M.
After the introduction of the testimony of Dr.
R. X. Isham, the defence rested their case, and *
shortly after the opening of the afternoon ses« £
sion the argament for the people commenced by
District Attorney Haven.
mechanics' Lien Law.
The present lien law, however well suited to
tbe wants of a new country, where from the u
limited nature of the building interests, owners j!
and operatives were brought in immediate con- *
tact, when those interests have increased, and
contractors become necessary, it has been found 5
entirely inoperative in its effeets on tboie for jj
whose benefit it was originally designed. To »■
remedy this defect, meetings have been held at c
the Mechanics' Institute rooms, where the sub*
ject has been discussed, and a bill and memorial ;
to the Legislature prepared, which has been cir
culated to some extent, and obtained a large
namber of signatures. As is usual in cases of
this kind where, from the clashing of interest,
different views are entertained, there is some op.
position to the bill in its proposed amended
form, and a remonstrance against it is also in f
circulation. With aview to a proper understand
ing of this subject, the importance of which is
universally acknowledged, and to harmonize as
far as possible tbe various interests concerned, .
a meeting will be held at Mechanics' Institute 1
Hall on Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock. Able
speakers will be present, and the legal aspect ot
the subject discussed. All interested are in- 3
viied to attend. 1
XijiKil-X. S. Douton, G. C. Morton, X. Star- J
tevant. 1\ l\ Hotfoot, i*. W. Gates, E. Burling,
W. Bilker, and others.
iComsattuicitid.] 1
Tub Uoass Stballno Case.— In your issue of ■
yesterday, 1 notice an item entitled " Arrested '
for Sieaiing a Horse," and charging D. L. J
lleatb as tbe culprit. I
la justice to Mr. Heath, I am compelled to
say that there was a misunderstanding relative j
to the matter. Mr. Heath had taken possession
of tbe horse, which bad been a co-partnership
horse, and through misinformation and wrong
advice 1 made toe affidavit and procured the
warrant fcgaiast Heath. Mr. Heath promptly
produced tbe horse, and upon a fair under
standing of tbe cose, I immediately dismissed
tbe proai-nstioa ; &ud ci#v c&y t that iu my
opinion, Mr. Heath never contemplated, and
would never perpetrate, an act of any nature
tending to wron* myself or aoy other person.
Tn.iT Bsll max— Editors Frets and Tribune:
—Yoar correspondent of Thursday says, in re
gard to tbe tire o f Friday ni/bt last, " that it Is
reported that a citizen was obliged to go up to
the cupola and Wike up the bell man before the
alarm was given." 1 would say that it was my
watchman that id stationed on that partof Clark
street tbat went up in the tower, and in justice
to the bell-man would siy, tbat 1 doubt bis be
ing asleep, as be promptly answered tbe call of
Mr. Wright when he wa« abaut balf way up.
Tbe reasoQ tbat he did cot give tbe alarm soon
er was that the windows were so frosted over
that he could nut tee out. Yours. «ic.,
G. T. Mooas.
Obdixatiok.—Right Rer. Bisbop Whitehouae
will bold an Ordination this morning, at
o'ctock, at the Church of itcn«mout, corner
of Washington and Peoria streets.
Violating a Cut OaniXASCK.—Henry Rei
nee was lined $5 yesterday by Justice Stickney
fur hitching bis horse to a lamp post, which is a
Ylolation ol the City Ordinances.
Andrew Kelson and Caroline Kelson, bis
i wife, for bein»;druoieu and disorderly vagrants,
were lined, tbe former |4O and the latter $35.
i Uapt. Ponaonbj and his wile, Mary Ponsonby,
were brought up for being drnaken and disor
; derly vacrants. Ths Captain was Coed S2O and
I bio wife f 20.
I Andrew Page, John Harris and James True,
» were sent to tbe Rsfcrm School for stealing
; cigars.
James Barnett- drunk, disorderly, assaulting
a woman and whipping children—hoed f 10.
» Michael Hickey, simple drunk, fl.
; John Carney, vagabond, (5.
; Louisa Fisher, lor kicking up a disturbance
s among tbe goddesses of Anna Stafford's estab
) lishment, was lined sls.
5 Henry Lcince, violating city ordinance, $5.
Robert Garey, larceny, |5.
i James Hilton and Mrs. Russell, " kissing iu
9 the street," tbe lormer f 3 and the other |lO,
s Eliza Kennedy and Joanna R;an, drunken
brawlers and vagabond*, S2O each.
Patrick Loug (boy), beating a girl, $3. |
; local matters.
d Illinois St. Asdriw's Sociitt.—A Special
r Meeting of tbe Illinois St. Andrew's Society
a will be held this day at the ofßee of Alex. White,
122 Washington street, at three o'clock P. M.,
to consider what action the Society will lake at
4 the Burns Anniversary. A lull attendance is
r requested.
it By order, Jon.v McGussa-v,
q 2nd Vice President.
e Jobs Stiwabt, Secretary.
q Read what D. B. Coote, says under
j new advertisements. 12-*Jt-1932
Fwjcikq Acadimt—2l6 Sooth Clark street, up
stairs. Riboai h Co , would respectfully ia
f? form the citizens of Chicago that they will open
a school, January 15, ISo'J, for the purpose of
teaching the art of fencing with sword and
V: stick; also the manual with musket and bayo-
net. Sword exercise taught in eight lessons.
Military gentlemen and others will And this an
active and instructive exercise. Terms 25 cents
per lesson.
I School boars from 9 to 11 A. M., from 2 to -i
* P. M. ond from 7to9P. M. Kiboxx & Co.,
' jals-3t* 215 South Clark street, up stairs.
'® A GLoaiors Achievement by Gatettt !
Kothing can exceed the success achieved by J. C.
* Gayettj's Medicated paper for tbe water closet,
Piles will soon be a disease no longer known ex.
I cept in name. This pure medicated paper is un
it equaled as a preventive, and unapproachable as*
II a care. The proprietors wish it to be spoken of
according to its merits only. It 13 very cheap—
-1,000 sheets for $1; 500 sheets for 50 cents. Sold
a * by all druggists, and at the discoverer's depot, 41
,r Ann street, New York. "J. C. Gayetty" is wuter
-0 marked in each sheet, knd his autograph is on
each package. Sent by express from 41 Ann
1* street, Xew Tork, upon receipt of price. The
l e trade are invited to correspond as to terms.
in 4
ie KT Attorneys, Clergymen, Students, and all
,y who have need of» soft, mild, yet brilliaot
light, are invitdd to call and witness the barniug
f. of tbe remarkable Lunar 0i1—47 Lasalle street.
tuT Wheeler k Wilson's Sewing Machines.
Xonn-Western Office 167 and 169 Lake street.
a Geo. R. CnrrTEXDS-v, Agent.
> tST See advertisemeat of Boudoir, Sewing Ma
chines, 122 Lake street. ja4-ly-bPO6
is |g* Sea advertisement ol Quaker City S2O
1 Sewing Machine, L. Coaxiu, & Co.,
d 0c26-ly 13$ Lake street.
4 pT See advertisement of Dr. Sanfords' Liver
j Invigorator in another column.
d is at ibemHenceotthebrids'#father,
ie oq Jul 111839 Df. WiNToN. or Chlcaco*
j and FR 4NO .t5 J.. only daucbter of J. D. Qilieii £aq.
r. jj 60 bacaUnpved Peaches,
' 5J br's Pared Peicbc*,
0 5 brii DrieJ Kupbemei.
Ie 90 brU Drtei Blackberries
» CO kecs French Prtinefc
10 baefceu Uoncanaa Prunes,
K 96 kefs Tnrttey rrsM*.
a Jart received an % tar aato by WILLIAM ZJTTLI k
11 OOm 161 Soatft Water street. del4-ty
6 SdO boxes 7iac7 Candle* -
m 950 boxes Faaer Preset,
600 boxes Koll Loxeoxtr*.
| j yPor isle st 151 South Wster sveet, by WU.
Xetp 3.boettistmcnts.
UC. il iCi?/►*£ '«* .1 h;rtUL*j 63
i« auLharLe-J i* receio* f*r l',U and aU l\J C
Zeadinj Paper*(A* Sorth- Wat. fcajn ]j
FQStStLS.—Afio lr ibiat rikutattw ft rtnl
taeirhouie, which Is very dstlr*b:e. la tho t'oaiiDttfv
lon. witnla Ave nlauts* wain of tb* pj»t OSce. aad will
iclithe furniture v»rj ctcao. and trardtuispririif de
ilrab!-. Applj by letter U "d. U. P," pr*. tffice
g"X t>33. hM1»»
Xi PSkd'MfN.—l bate for gale one ood Track
Wmoa aad diracu; five i on Axel Hit.
neuej. ihe above fcr s*io «eu>. Inquire oft. T»F
at RicLmcnd iOo'i, idee corser Notji Water
and Ucarbarq mccta. jait 6/>l to
fllUa* izd pavl: g Souiii Clark street, frcra Madl
sou to Ta>lot s.re:t. wi I time nsel at liitf BarDet
Hi uiecaeoutti Clark itreet,oa Biiurd«y ereaicit.
u.sU *t i>i o'cloa u> Cuajuli asd upon the test §
fclcdj of i.avjjAaj« ia use will oe present aai
80bait pians *34 eninuic*.
n* by MA.iy interested.
middle aseJ wooea of experience xs a "
oruoii«l£fe^e r . A prlva.e faaUy preftrrrd. lias TX
a.rveu ia a t»n*. ci.it tur i&e litt tiTe years. V 1
Hal reference* ilvcQ. Can oe seea at au sute meet. IV I '
jail at* 13 .®
_LI caatluned - V)
ccijt (a copy uf wuwu u gifca oeiuw) for turec UwUtLta
1 yreisejHo.'j. aaj il, li*J. ihe suoscri- A<
Lei *.: i uvt tolULiujUl ifepouilDie.LereXr,
, ". TtluMAd NA3H. YI
. Cliicise, January lith, ItO. \J\
[*■«] j n ;
, , CLicxro, Jan. 11.1SCJ. prov
Eecilved ia store of i-. H. fcerrei t&ree tu-ured
dreasea to.s tj bep ckei for tita. Tne trodact wuca i^l
cunsa sal ea io be ti Id iudj. ct to the return of ik.s
recei.t aca»er mlc only to tne botuer inercoL
Average oi llo<j aoout -"SJ ponndi. Vl
jal< bsJ* ly uuaedj moiiAi SABU.
, O CUUN SQOAak, wOstCtdTER. UAid.
I a. Urst-uiAaj UoaiUiotf a Ua/ fcr Ycacg
I.Ladiia J. V. tJKA »K. Pnsc^ai.
W CiitCAUo:—ll. vgdea h.oq; a«v. ===
| Wd. w. rattyn; J. l> Weo»:er. Usq.: Lati-cr ilavea, TT*i
I tii ; wci. u. xrlit, dan. i'uo. iojjoia; r*. d I
; Louajbary.tsa.;Jona tr. Cb«Din.tsq.:j.
mon, htq. ia*
i nnn BuxDLK;i wikk
IsvUU We are prepared tj makecoatra;u with Uq*
IjT tlfot QUility
la ea of cot leas than one ten. deliverable at car 3 50r
WareiiQuaeaiaiij Uuis previous to tae Ist oay o June Blt ] fe
LexL five y-r c*aa w t>« wbea tLe coairacl >t ' ta
la «dus, o«l*ncs uaucive y. «re Jivltea tj Cf . r ,
cj a; oQce. J l
•111 jo. a. UlCaEE3o>'.4*>Wabi;lj avenue,
jali b/J> Korea's lrua Builds*, ca caxo.
-L PiucriCEFottwa. J**'
Prtce,«l.lo. [J,™
Coatalcb* record pwes of diliy practlcs: a clia»lfl<d Thij
lijiol diseases. Mia tne a>mpuras. «c; Call
au albU*vciical lisi ol rcsejiai a-eats wiia iU:ir (Top
crUcs. brev'U'aUcat aad iiuia; a uassiaed list 01 pji
a as. w.taiaiir (vup.oud aad antidote*; ana many u»e- w
liilmcinoiaadaUtsu'.uie torcoavcaieatretcrecce.
'iuia wo:* tuc taouaiiers Oeiieveto pyfccsj ad?aata<es
pecuaariy its uwu, tmo.acuut tue Cuavcalei.ee* ol a
w.ta Uiuse oi a s»rves tUe pur^ote
ol prooiwUr or rcmeUiDr*u<.tr to uie puysiciaa. ibe =
pLaulur UicKt<i>uy ui is aew, a.U iur con
i.teicnejs ai.d tue mail tburwUfa ol aajliiu^
oi Uie aiuu. JL
sale by D. C. COOKE k CO.,
iall ill Laae street.
-■ ■ 1 - ■ - - - Schi
The Illinois Central Ballroail Corapaaj, !!
Aie fcrwirJl£« Freight to and £roa
St. Louii, Alton, Springfiald and Bloomington, "TT
TLae ss iilck aaj rates as low as by aay otter rcu'.e.
Deliver Freight at the £toae freight £>e;ot, foot of fccuih
Wi er street
yorla.'oraatlonastoratejaai ciadltlaas apply to IL
FOSSYIH. Gea'l Freight 4»*ent, office la Paisenifer {, u \|
Depct, up stairs, or t) C. M. dMITtI. *g't vrehht I*7
Depot. lm
S. bis wife, rn tbe Cfieensh dayofAiril. A D.
execui.-a tnelr ce.tala de?d kftrust to the u.de - -
KjcJ u> jecuretlw of a cert» n boad beincc I
ftea «Jat • wjta said aeed fur thesam of tveaiyflve liua- i.Tr'
dretl auilars>e.T catfd b/the «a:d ' boom Sua acdp»ia
ble to John stapls«la t.'.reei ears fromt lie dale tiierf
wi'.tiiatertitU:t«oa at tea wer ceat-.tiajabie seal- - J
aanuiltF. aad tor wh:ca lat rest >i.terest Notes weie ese- np
cuted iy sad simaud trvm oaet-i s'i. anl |-<
druult haviaz b;en raaue .n tbe paymiat or lLte>est X
due oasal l bond, aa. l tae w ole pracipal samard ilie M--
secoad lute ett .e.-toa uaviax btcmi dae by aad at vali
Uecptioa or s.ld ctap'ei a.d demand tLereior tattle Cbt
accurd.sx to tie coLdul'as of ia d toad and deed of a
iryjt oa apvll:atlia of S. tftasiev tbs b-tJ;r of t^t
sai> bead.
Jazaary, A. D. lforf ai ti.e r*rrta door oi the C-a.t _d
i.cuieiatbe cl y Cbies/i, o'clock la the fc.re
noon, l Soal*. cy virtus of tae ?owerla me ves ed fy *aid T.
deeJ of jruit ae 1 at p.bile auct oat > tbe b ithtst b J.Jer r
lor cash, alltte ri*bf, tMe, i eqnt» of red-ma
il'>n u( ji'u ii m*; i aa t .vl.iTi a.. Lj ot, to. vai
aad la ibe premisrs Ui sud d~ed <> tnu( de riCed. g. 0
which sal J deed was recorded la tbe Hecorder'* cfD eof o b,
tbecooaty oi cooi acl Stale 11 li'tno s. Iu b r o< 10-"* of
Deeds, pt<e f*3. and bled for rec -rd oa >be l:th cay of
ApnU aod wbiili Siia prcm s.s la s*li d;ttl o' tni t ae«- j" ol
rnbed are kno»a rs lotj auabfr th'rtrea (U)*n«l frar w n
le;n l>i)a (.otamlssioaer'a<iabcivi']oaof frar lon* ?er
aisec.ioa slcieea <ld' la lowasnip forty Nurtb o' O0
liilrd pilaclpal taerid'am fcr
OK.ST GOODRICH. Tre=t^ tS . do r t
J cusryl'th. jal>t'93td
[Cbl'ißO B:ascb of the o'd Buffalo Mil) Furnlshlcs Es« \.
I»ltc B. Ilncva. Partner aad Millwrlslit, 33 I
Market street, Cb'csgo. Il lco's. d
Ml'lttoaea. oaaofacturri at this establlsbnest. are
Cnlsbrd oa new and improved prla:lplea- and ar« u
tear perfect ss obtalneJ by the be« raacafactarers la n
I tbe world. Tbe credit of this esubllanneci 'op th« I
oast twenty-five years lo fura % .sblnc MU inndiPCs s -,
for nearly every State aad Territory la tbe Union i« »rii u
• known and sb«U b« calntalned. E»tra Pe ectod Ml'l CQ
t B o.esm*ri«OßSDetfal Contract IrotaCholee Sew »Mjla i.
Quarry Block Noye's Imcr «ved Cackhead and H-ll'r
j»oladles.fiueJla stoafS wiib Iroa eyes, warranted best
ia uie for Urse aad saall stcaes. Also. lntor*.e.-s aad pr
dealers is
Extra Umtj Dutch Anker Bolting Cloths.
MILLE&3 la want of OOLTI.VJ liLnTMsformana
5 facturlas tlxtra of Flnir. caa depend upoa set
tlnn the Kenulce OLD DUTCII ANrftit. Sajde and .
Douole Extras, Bokln* Cloths made up .la_ a inpenor .
styie. by it.vla* »nt dlaxa-ter of Reel in feet
aadlaehet. JobnT. Noye'slmprvvedCeatilfujalFee-l
In* sad F.our and Grist Mils. PlantatKn Corn rilL „
n MiilCaatln/i aad Mactinery of e*err descriptloa fur :
01-bed to order on short notl from aew paUemi ,
N re's Inwrore! P.-ma-e Mt'l. As-qi» 'ortbeßaWo
Q Bea'e Wora. _>oable Ex ra C»st Steel Mi l Ptess Un.
proved Turblae. fe»ru»»loa Ko-actloa and Central Dt#
cbarice «»a'.er Wheels warraated «aual to tie DeaU fitted T
trltb Cast Steel or Boiler lrou Hacsetj. warrante 1 'o u
da eabUb cerc*tt.ge of power, i'aat Machine aad
Sepvat r. for mil's a- d wtr bjtuei. Ch ne ej»«*r Cane
Mills. Sj«t'.r sji i Hajse Power. ga*a" Mi'ls for G;o;er .
lei. Noye's ImprOTed iron Bo'tla* ReeL JoboT. p
Flour fitatlooery and Portable Koidnes belt
II In*, tloseaad flJeao P.cklat, Landphereßpjae Plialnj 2
_ Machines a"d Mi' Fornlahla* *eaeial!y. «
J" Uavic* tbe larjcesi M u rumisbias a ock la tbe west. .
?, we caa sell at a lower rate taao aay other estabttahneat ,
N B.—We will coatract to fa: nlab aad bull ■ Mills, co a. ,
j! plete, or farnlib pUas and specidcaUoas for Uibwnabta. .
r deJObTTOIr \
Valentin.es! Valentines 1J 5
J\. INQ aay Uiat b«s been seen la Cblcaao 3
w.liicoa be read/ at tn w stor-- of J
:r IEcNALIsY & CD.* 8X Dearborn at., \
Byaiopliastb? C»sh Fan la dLws'.a* of tbflr acods ]
ve taaolrf to off-r KXfiHOBUISAKY INDUCE
ip MKNiS lo Western Deaeri. TbeU- ValeatlEes »re all »
n. frea - 'ani «a'eab:e aad are mt op lalntsof tv« dollars .
worth aad aowa*da Oealers will find it .
tare io order from thea lasteaa of sead:n< to New Yort, r
Of aa ty baying la freight will cost taeiab.t a mexo ]
l( j no^ n o "rde^?*are filled li rotatbo. dealers who wbh ;
°* aa tarty inpolywil da well to order at once. Wen by •
3. mtli will recewe accb aUeatl jq as If tbe parties w«re
,□ SiLLT4 ;
ts |»l3 3t Caicaao. llllaols. ;
5 T. B. CARTER &■ CO.,
Win offer the balance of their rtockot
%e ELB t silks
m At a Great B eduction from former Prices aod
vs. Tbey vin also t tve mal bsvialns in aU kinds of
M iuid Cloaks,
And otber Ooodi w£ tlMlraoi of dMUnoat
H before liking ita Inventory.
£ TBB M; S ,jas h 1
t I** if. Cjttter & Co.,
136 Li tke Stret>. 1 136
C t \han im\
•Me If A i b A CV.
t X. 2C. X. frO o »»
Maoafactar »d afidfosiA 1 ** 1
a TBS WOV |ITT l^* 1 ' LS ,
8 »W-1 wA
,* ,Bdta if^Jfaoua^iSW
Lrs vR _
orL s
v-"~' " .hW 9 H33APBST 0?i
Sost Brilliant Light
Vet dljcovered. J!es «
/A e\ In a H»nJ tNE wil 1
.* *i\ \JI rjJ'UALLON barnb«t>Te«
<\. It ' -ix hour* earh d*r. Iwtj £ '
l3 C? THaEE MONTHS, jtlv- IT
T/.aX In* * 11 ht«4U<l to fl'tit
O* CaaJles. Wbeo the
V I Laido ijnrcperljrulniQ-
Jwk & ediiierelj
fyV Saaoke or Sntl!. aeit
OIL 8 1 PEa GAii'tr. X
'ttlautcb. <
= wm<
v w telli.-ent DOT; ens wiiovs earea'* r-*lle In ur
Ihtcuy. ii. W
j>l3 ir.',j ?t U RmdoLh it.
V» A".CFPTASCES hsv'nr fr-m «hlrl» dsj to
fon*m*nihinra2. it. 0. * ILLAUO *
jt!l f'.'yi Jic Biiiier<. No 2 t'Ur>-rt.
I sates of ♦:» to IIOOJ rua~lc(r Jtx t-> t»clve y
ronnth* a'dtecutd by Keil KjU'e In Chicago or im
proved coanty la Ccck County. In Tw
A. rf. aVAX3» Conn
jilOtt-b."«j OSce. Co Clar* sired. oar
ii No. I Kutem Cha'se—price lloit— t«7 lc * w
cheio. A liox
So Ucnt. 1
tea ro3rr:s; l>ii3 roo-a. n. ek%Q r l:tM«rs
and evrry C3u» .* .1 *ace. Tae hom - Uoa "tie of the bf s*.
itretta la thr cl'.y.aaitefr >c» he Poiti'iS-e Ths 00. n „ ,
Lib^s r ai>«sn<farei#cr> tcaciinatea BentSCj. a mull •
■mount of ii'umitare .'or nie caeap. aJ imi P. O. He
\.\U bSWit foUo 1
he coQnn.Vou office* oa the fl-st ud secor»J Tu
Q)or!n llal dl 1 a corner rfnoui W«ter ad>l W«Ui H*
stree'fl. AU" 1 . lo'tj a:<l & das corner buemeit. J
fir a ha t fop». raj»;iyl» to thettibJcrt R"ut
err n the bui dmA No. 21i sou'.h itater s*r»el Ta
j 12 bt'i> -ra A 0 WtI.UAM". Cai>l
RENT foratem of yt-ara. that !ar«ebu : ldlD*Be*t T|
Evt of Ele?ator of Glbbs, -'ntfln A C'.« »lth the flae 1 /
Lot oa «tlcti it »UnJi—beb< *0 feet, more or Icm. 00 the
river and runain* bict to tr.e O. AC. U. ft FL Attached
to the batidia* *s mjine room, with aa tn*loe.
Thij U a fine lo" ti.'a for .1 KlJariss Mill, or for Msciaai-
Cai pcr,oses. >*or Ursii, Ac., apuly to A _
a. It WILLIAM 3. Oa
i r or Sale.
OrSceNo. i. Dole's UaUJiss.Chlca/o,IIL.
tue fo!lowaix veucU: c»'l
Schr. RO r KEr. Class AI. with a Star io. a Co'
.. 'OOAV, .. A I >9 .. vo",
.. (if KV E AGLJC .. Aii •""■'J .. v a t c
.. NTOiTINOUE. .. AJ ..MO .. a
.. WISO-OP 'He; WIND. Clisi AU TO .. thre
.. ixTfc.avATiu.NAL. .. bi .. T.I
.. .. H 1 stci .. ftool
.. PrrnEu .. 82. 3CB -.
J llWtfJa itret
' aotl
New belna Erecte', JO
Ou Ru.«li, near Superior St^
Attiltobe I M.iy lit. T-e4i hiuse« are Toxlo feet,
tbrec iorie». w'.m
built aart io be fia;»h-l tu .he ben oiaaner. Ta« lou are T
I*7 'fet de'p to an allev. aa l will h»Te a *ocd brck barn
cd e*ca. Pe.*oo) nurch u.n* caa rnaae such al- Ti
tcra'.:oQj as may bu desirri. _ '
Tera fATorat)'a Ai>y'yto 4j Clirk llur
street, frura * to 10 o'clock A. M. i* 3
Drug for, ssali:.—\ retail m c "
Dnia S' -r» Ui Tory J.»irabte **•!.!
loeatlOQ. acil w!H be soM oa ifooii tt-rros if itpptle>l :or
so n For D-inkularsaddri.l3 tux "UJ.' Ch!ca<jo P. O.
jaU»lw* oae
Railroad station' di.vi.w saloon "
Conbiaed w*th a Fruit. C.*ar ami Coa'sctSonaTy
n...e. La one -ii lie raoit h -ait iai towas la the flute.
valuM at to be sold for cash cr cxihiEne.i for
Chteaio Cit» aefU Estate.
also, the kt, nQil the t»o »tory hoase en It. fir lo POO ;
to be »oij cart;* < □ UiCe. or for U'i'jaico City
Procerty. Apply io A LL KtIiKOOC A 1.U.,
oi the corner or >1 fta>J Warrea streets l?> the Fe
PiTt.i .-, n"ar'><*cuw:«nl by > l» iLa»- T
wird, •If.eli.its'e batit of hricntwo »toriea ao<t
itoac biiemeatt'eaty t»-ur-r flfty-three teet. wLhafloe
ob<erv vor7 ; hiish'-l i.i t.i- aoil faaUt'table manner
with all the OiO'lcra ImproTemeot.*— marble mantel
krraiei, Ac .A; —w ud be a degrade residence v
loi 1j six y-si * ' n-r ha-iireJ an l twent -»evea lett.
with a twcaiy fowt alley la the ie»rof It : wiij sold =
verycLe p—on can U time, or the whole of the purebwe
cjooey may rea*i.i on toort< ifs ot ll and other property
fcr'<'or or tl*e years, or 1: w.il he «achaniie<l for on
doubt. >1
rua aDpWtoE. r. U.KKKrt. P. U. U>*No orW
O. U. ULRNA 14 Dearb ro st— -tooia f. 4«.>01m"
Now York State Apples, i
For Sale by A P. DICKENSON.
del* b7s* 4w Ccraer of Ca» J and Jl.chJjta!:.s*j.
Malt! Malt! alt! h
1C A| in BH- X" 1 CANADA BAR
iJJT MAf< r . 1»» store and forsaleby
U$ t'3<o SU 15? Kens:e itreet.
jiioar&tng =
1 9 ant ro m«. eith-"-»a't« ordnsle. at —
SculhCHrkbtrseU TraOaitnt Board alre*ioaable ratftt
Boarding. single roums axd ji
«u3tso'rooms newly flttetl on, with board, on rea. v
sonabts -rras. ma* oe ob'alaed oa aa.lScalijn 1
States're«t. L. li. OLlvas. J.
Larzo Aasortmeut ot Prlntins .Tlaterl- i.l
aU lor Sale.
The covaoLiDATio.s of the press
anil the Tatncsnhai ilffrau a lare- dnpl'cate ft- *
i-irtcent ofrr , ?f , r»n.ti , rt«l» for saJe. We have about "f
cajtooserj. Al- tii.'- rr.frHaJUiac ol oro«r; macb of r|
It is almost new. ltlsoCeredfoT sal I
50p«i ernt unuer c"«t or.tc «» »h«
oar catAicgje eiiibraocs tne oLow'a* art.cw« 4* tns aL
pri.es nameu;
20 Pair N'e*s Cases, cost. ,
*8 JSSKS thfe'.SJaK at M per cent, discount. , j
6C:iasesr-«ibee?prxU at X' „ I
25 Job Chases, luc an t ima Lat u per ct. a
ijOlbs Lo x Prloer.'at 43 p»r c"nt i Iscobol ch
&*>ib«of NetrßioNeoU rtpe, merer used tut once), at or
Ljp'rc-nt d.scoont.
40 lbs boorveola leaders, new. at -5 per cent, dlscaa.it.
2iilbi C.jpp-rFace'l UoorseoUitood, per cent ,
1.5 lbs Minion. I ttle worn. . 1
, UOV s iltntoo. nearly oew, •>' . L
I ICO lbs Brevi r. LtUe worn. St
. We C bave C aiw*a imton i?^ e w hu
Tmt f«r tAltf. a cortfen o' *hlch Is described with what
j Uco»»3J(orw^rt J oir e r^»t^U..m: >tat g
? Description ofType. of font. cotU lor- u
a Sline MlninaTitle Nois.
' Pica Bold !-J J-*! •a w 7
' 2ilce Ptca Arabesque f]
s 2 line Pica J
aUneamuT Ptca OarenJon » 3-JJ» .J.-^
- Onil-r Ci.irendon 20 *>
' 1 002 Primer Condensed »"< --rj
- rs/ESSp-s;-!* t% | 5
£iutish i* ;•» i'S
SilneKa«ll»h f.'S am
»- Panwoa Tit «-••••,••; r>s gou 1
0 3 line Cnirit»b Shadtd | 3-S
Sltos ? <"J f £ J
P«ODp*rell sbade-1... \ A'tj _
3 IseMlnloo SbaJed * J I
' s* 0 .
I, Lodz Prmer A- Uace » 3^
Sliae Mca Shaded 2*^
II 3 line Easilsb Ornaments J J .5-^
fi Doable Pieafcxlsfc— .V ** a ;
J * line *»aall Pica Church. T exu § ?-£ (
J 3liaeSmall renbeText
® Brevier kxte0d0d........ .2'g
h aline Paru,aSaSde<l Text...
~ SUae Prndl Pica Ornamented * VJJ [
4 Lcc* Pr.me* ArabeSQtte •» S-yg j
aili.e Parajoa omAmeoted * ?•-« «
2line Fiia litis. ** ?*«» 3\o 1
iUoe Pica < horch Text oS 4.4 i 3«w
- G-eat Primer Arabesqae f
a Great Primer ScnDe Text. ?■* t
D 3 ilae Lon* Pnmer Outiine » f'™
Brevier Bold ItaUe { ■>
Nocpireil An'lque. cew5tv1a......... & *•«' ;?- oC ,
la ad.iitloa to the foregoing we tare a laJire
Wo-td Type nearly a* wod as new. Abo a of
of Leads. Rules, Fartuture, aad thirty or uny
» nle« taahlooabl* Border. —•
Skates of All Kinds
40 • • • So. Clark Street. • - • 40.
3 Ja12b9641j
Dope Fire In-urnnce Company,
Oak Assets $175»000»
Bmmcß Cst acTHOarrv) Ia Chicago.
riy b Co.. Oxdeo. Fleetwood * 00.
Benedict, ilallory A 7am am. Ciar* A Daier.
f, (3. VAN BtIB£N« SsenU
a Soath last cct ot Sooth
O, oq loltl.w ur ar-axoa,
To Railroad Comp's, Maehintsts,
Best quality of cop waste con
lU!lUljL°a!jiSu 'f 1
USKWJ. M faaanwPUfeTHr. Yortl.
I » u—~ a#tortment fbr sale bT
X Wooden Y< Aco4h , cwiea .
I / or Fasdf« 'or sale by
Vy tare t or vo p A-otbecarlea.
» It »«=
)RS r» nl.tiT It. 1 COM .
DQ. " ' )£niu*««w»«
Twen'y TTorsfs will l»e furol hed f;r Oeotleroen a*2iS t*-
dles who choose to ride "rcta Ht •$ i cl<at»• ieft hour
dudni ecmuences. IL'ke s Una D' i a.", u3o*J, , u ' lo
wtl be in attendance- laU H
FRTDA7 January Hi 1 :. T1 *eis 25 cent* for
saieatD. B. -'oko'i boolttore: ?«e»a»c.aa;
at'he «iyxnmliE4 sad at tho ila'l oa u.t> evs:.lee o.
theSahiPiUoo. )*V>A*
T E CTt* It £ BY THE
O. A. BROWNSON, L. L. D. t
wuii'eiiver* Leetar® at *'ech^^l<•» , Institute Bali 03
Monday exeoln*. Janaary lT:h WiJ.
Su^Jrct—" l'o^)u»^ro^iectloa4U>Ca^htl.tiJy.' ,
_ MF-Ad-nlsslon :tt eau UI3M
Friday Evening, January- l'ltH.
Two WUtarr Pfeeea w.U be oer'orme'. The ctl'm
wlU apiear 030 a t e si* e. At ten o'clock
on Fr day moral « there wi! be 4 *la< pr sented 0 'he
Eacad/jo trjm the Lght Dra oons of LojsvMe. Kt.
T^e.e»W a»obea Street V-rode ;te cQ - .lr» W ih
iCKtoaßecmaak jail <»*
Franklin Festival.
ofGNcarowl'l hoi I 'he'r Sixth Annual
Festival 'a coma mora*.on of tiie anu 0 vat 1 11-
'r.nu«H«i*-a»ia. Philosupher and PrLiter, BLNJAMI.S
Tlcketa and Ladles' Invitations m 17 be obUlned of the
fa'low:aa gtm.«m«a:
Pa^WASDTaiBCN*OrfXT—J. K. «.*-nklln and E Irwlit
DnoctxT Orrtcs—ch*« pmit!i*nJU A. lua in^ham.
Turn* Orrc*— S! C Milder. 0 3 • .irt *ad •. 4 PaVla.
Huulo Ornci-H. D Ailstu* aid W.
J a. lhocrp« a. Las-l t* j.reet; !I £. Rionds, at
R n uad»*J -b Otflce: U. >.cU«iry. »t Hand's Jou Oil!;*.
Tnose with 02 carrU«-*» «iU leave LLi-lr address wllh
Carl S?u»rt. limes QUice.
IICKIIi ftl.u). ; ]alJ_
Oa Sondlj udSUt Jan*j
Under tha aiuplces of tbo Misoalc fraternity.
Mojdat BTMiao. JiximrT IT, liiX at 7.S o'clo.-k.
Coil Mlolbk ao Z"emeat »f N«t'on*l Wealth— 1 l*tort
"calM««'ciiof the DeveL o r Coal yiela*—*«<oc.-«oii
ca 1 DlstribaU aof Coal— of null Fuel—orlfta
o( Fo«t Fuel Qeola«lcai!y Coiud«retl-*io Chemically
Cont'dered— Fc»jU Uotaay Prsctlc.il A» pllcaUnn or
Fo>ftii jael—Coal la llilnou. 1U fmciii ami
* $1 00. eacb altsUtln* to tha coarsa of
three lecturei. ain*le Uc»eU 5a c uta eftca.
To be bad of A. (i Uaney *i UikJ street; tf»th*a!el
Goold »> U*'<e St.; A. A H. K 'Qi. lil L*«« iTcet; J. IL
O'.ti. llUSou li Wat»< #t; W. M. E'ti. 1J SouWi Ciai*
ttreeV; Dr. Hunt lis La*« »treet : W >V. Miicti.ll. 2-16 S
W*U5-«t.: Mutr. Lau«'aod«A iS u : and aX
Sfaaor.la Tetanlea. Uearborn street, and co'oer Fulloa
aod Cllßloo streets. West tilde.
Will Laka place
The Commiii** *Dxio'.nt«d u> C oad to \h?
of ibe<'e tentM Aanl»ertarr of the B-nlitiayof Uobert
Uuraa have mule tbo follow 04 arran*«ue'-u:
Thai a 1> acd Oo n ceit of Uurca' son<« *ud RcciUooti»
b«r*ea at *trtropoUt»a dail; aljo, «.a Oration bfUoV.
McComaa. The best talent o( tlie cotuiry Uoabeea en
caned 'or Concert. _ , _
TheOoo»«rt wiUoefcll.iwed ty 1 Grand Bill and Sub*
perat«f»«fremont tlou-c. , „ , t
lte C '<ntn ttce eisci to the whole Ce.eoriUoa
One of ihe best eve'«i*en In l.'ie count-y.
Full nariiculart Uj* iUi"ro urwraatre.
XV. ti. >:i»AV. Ch<irmaa.
AN .M# HAiWtY.
alkx. *iut»;
j Ad aii'NrWIUON.
JaHN Mc(i AH»i*N,
ja7b'.mtd * &WAUT
Randolph streeU between < lwi and Dearborn,
FesaieUlastrcls tnd Open ioap*y.
The Manaaefstf or:*eniln« this ii«w ud ,7" r ®' eplsc
talflmentto itie I dies and <rut.ciu - n of ' uicaao Q*J*
soared nritber pains or to It qus ol UM
most t»lea.«a'it ul >ces of *mu«euient In the cny.
Cardsof AdmtiSloa'iSccuts. Orcheitra
Auction saleg.
j. %, TaTLoa. altumd M. whjiiit.
iccnos aid coaaissioN jieechasts,
No. 50 Wella SC opp. Ilrtszs UodM,
deacriDtloa of property, to be sold at Auction, fbr
cash, on time or o»iara:sM'>n. Also. Vessels. Carto*#.
Stocks of Geo era! MerehoD-lise. Jewelry. yTirnUure.Oottr
In*. Ac. Heal KsUte. Lands. UiU. llouies, 4c. Will pa*
partlcu ar attention tothesdeof l.uiv It lusei. Lands.
Ac., at Auctloa. Iruide or outside Chicago. A.l**nc*«
made on cooalfnments. The best nf Loica«o
wtil&«ii*ea. Our friends may rely on c.uiil.L'OCe aad
prompt returns—the life of cuinascrce and . ~r t
ni»Jn.Mtijim J. li. lAYLOtI M LO.
Particular Notices.
fromlltO to II (XWma'e oaanod
ialJ2»* QtO. w. MtfbUJia & CO. -0 Ue<rb rii-at.
ii »ui attend to my bu laeisdur n< my i iieoceToai
tee clfy ferjons r.a'fu* utulnrsi w.th rne will « u;oa
t. ? VQAKLrr .
Money to lo a n.—
A few thonsaads to lorest In
Rionia* from One to Twelve Month*
Also, can uso a/ew tea per cent Coomb Honda, run*
I eonveaience of property owrrm. t ba*e prwurtd
alErt of the tAiesoa l^tsai u»ke Forest I wiiiatteod
to in. payment of t*i'* Ut parues paylJ* "»e® to mo a«
my ofo e before Uie Colh kuV Tliro .
jaliWw P- J« secretary,
1 raloable Hones aad Carrla es. wulch we will ex
change for Groceries. Lua er. aardwore Hoo«sand ehofi
« Dn A« '
l>6b:M la S*Mod33J •»-«!»* H«ri» .
»VL TIT* Securities, VorUwes. Trust Dee«K Boodfc
Stocfcj, Business Notes, and aU good o«otiablr wrnrt
ties bought and sold. CeruOcates of DeuoslU
1 of H. K. awtlU Brother A Johniton. purchased lor caaO
1 Defers 1. lllin-U. Wlscoij
sin and lowa lands. Improred farms. juburt>an lota wd
CIW R"«' Sstaie. ufflce No, d, isecoad iloor) Meirop#o»
5 Lljjllo
s "Pi
t EMEK .
u T7* iSTE 811 p O PiiBTY
5 Pj —TO—
-3 Apply by mall or otherwise to
J i. a. HDBBA3D, Drbana, HI.
U ocgj-faCT-3o* .
5 £hleig» tad JBlwiaiM *allr«»4 C.mpuj.
S i h 4^?»"o!~» C OH.
- 5 TTr. TUESDA? February itn. 1359. Wo
u i watch um««ld meetU* wUJ be ooldea at thei offlce of
.?> iidComoSS la Chicago, for tne electloa of Directors
,o (£ ih?«sSfajr yW. H lO tfafl * cUoa ° r uU,er
2S u ma/ be presented.
H ncSuSn AS-DQW-NB. SacrotarT.
't Sot tlje
JP'or the Holiday»•
8 ,.w Besatlfnl and aow reeeirlnt a» »b«
**SrS wd faanionaole Jewelry Store. •
cMb. aUrer-w«a<aU»
W» noaobSßSa &acte»orto doard k ATery%
jo. Presents for the Holidays.
rpHE undersigned m-pectfully
)N- f^^t^^'i\SS?lS^ a " aat
der. JA- ** lia take street.
k . deli-lrbTfl. betwewn Learboro and Park.
S- D (fiduiotionol.
»«R. i. D51M.3310 REaPSGTIfOLLY
-SD ]VI a, .aijia of.OblMW. ih«f w»
UIAT S; ISlosom. »POJII Of S^«S2!
2S? «f Braesetfc flt« lr—lnns oo the FUao
*i_ SSlS„dSrMto Unr in. VXtSI
_ frTiTstescher. Buy wad an InritsUon to *r. ae rw
dZ woo loTUmaem with her.
"SSSrStFttsai -. =« or m. ooujl «
■*u an oi Mr. Soild. MuMo Storew on Uroet.

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