OCR Interpretation

Chicago daily press and tribune. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1858-1859, February 01, 1859, Image 1

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. Trill 0
TUESDAY yORKiyG. FgSBUARY 1. 1859- Blni
The fall nud duliDratc review of the Com- T
tnercc of Ciiicujjo aud of its Public and Pfi*
va(<j Improvemeuts Jur the year 1858, pub
lished in this journal on the Ist ins!., bas been
issued ia pamphlet form, and may be hod at
thePitESSAXD Tribune Couuling Room, Ko.
43 Clurk ttreet, up stairs. Parties who lulled 1 have
1 1 waa my
to get copies of tlie paper to rCtid to tucir w
friends abroad, cod now have their ordejs (franci
fiiicut ter), in
" Uea * , t - that tii
The Chicago Horse Railroads.
The Committee consLsting ol the Cook Counly Joerie
delegation In the Legislature, to whom was re- phie co
ferred tbe bill to charter the Chicago lloree but car
Itailroad Company, reported on Saturday, throngb
Mr. Peck, a fubititue entitled "An Act to pro- kmmn
mote the Construction of Horse Eaflroadu in be Was
Chicago"—which was passed under a suspension
or the ru'es. room ,
■ • 111 down;
Good Taste# h&d tb
Tbe Chicago Democrat of yesterday con* Side;
tains an excellent editorial, consisting of a
reprint of our Springfield letter of Saturday, on j n <j
'Heretolpte the Dxnoeral hai generally ul
lowed Hotnt' or mou'hs to el'tpse belore w
reproduciug our articles as original matter, when t
Iu this way it lias maintained tbat agreeable
freshuiias oficu noticed und commented on *as cc
by our citizen#. We are at a to accouut
for tltis ne^'dUpluy of editorwl zeal,unkss wear v
it belokeus a chuigo iu the brick and mortar cut ofl
deportment or that journal, which the Mil
waukee papers announce us about to take the Ct
S ;
The Young Men's Christian Aftsocia- BftW u
tion. las' w
Wo suggest to t; A Membur 7 of the above- Sopbi
named Astoeialio'i, who*; communication up.
poars in another column that the manage. ma ke
meat ol tUu uiachiuery of evcn'if" Christian here<
. - - 1 \ 1 <r • he cat
A^oci.ittouis purely aL »«ular aliatr. metb
Whenever t!»e membi:r> ••r'ihat A-g-eiation there
tiling to bear upon ihia brunch of thtir duties
a modicum of the common schhj jeetio
which they evince in tbeir Individual buaiQeis ne
v moTii
operations, they will then ces« c o lo read gra- that I
tuituns iicwrjiap'-rs, they will 00 longer fo- (Erid
licit gnituitous auvertisitig, iheir lecturers
will not be mortified by abt ggwly nrraj of thent
empty benches, nur will auy one of them
ever again fancy thut it is his duty to lectu'e a u
an editor, through his own columns and sit no}h*
his own cxi»euHe, fur not giving them a large j aR J
gpace in the public eye. £y
Tbe lop-eared invaders r.f the [M-oplt'c
rights who have Iweu clamoring to the L-'gis- fldmi
lature to overthrow tht* charter ol this city ,
and quarter tbetn upon t!»e treasury for an iti- t^e j,
definite period, have mainly scattered al/out Ren e:
their basinet. The grapple of the Tiinrfdi.y pe*ci
night session has d\iue tbeir job brown. The (Tl
Democracy cannot be brougliL to the s-cralcli
agais. It is admitted ou all hands at Fjirxug- o! hi
field, that whoa the Dyer bill was seal to tlie
printer it-was struck with death. The editor p.jnii
ol tbe Timet took a very sudden train from
S]»ringfield. Having Hit out to commit a
crime and succeeded only in perpetrating a and
blunder, te i% uo»v ectively giving out that
he was opposed to the uill! Next we sh-ill smcl
hear that iJyer and Granger yet up a giocery
and tpeut a month and Hprained their unkles £ (ee>
trying to defeat it. Well, it arguei fcumulhing
if ]ieop!e are a-bauu.'d of thy outrages theyj jetc t
could not commit.
It is rumored t-mt prior to tbe separation
ut Bpringfiel 1 thw: worthies indulged in high sbri
words and heavy criminations against each j U^
oth«T, aud that nu cx-ltepnblicau charged not
somebjdy with having sold cut lo the Aboli- bid
tiotiUts! Wc trust this is not true. lienor m !
atnjng—gentlemen, by ull maTHn-r of rici
m'-atis. told
• * pea
Lost Cnxtn. —The youngest child of Rev. T. Ed 1
M.Eddy, lefttbe residence ot his parents yes
terduy afternoon about four o'clock. He is be-
tween two and three years of age, bad on a red will
dress, an apron, etockinga and slippers. He h«s bin:
long, ligbt hair, itclined -to curl. Any tidings
of bim will be gratefully received and suitably i„ 1
rewarded. Leave word i>t ibe Methodist De- A.
pository, GC Washington street, or et 112 Edica
place. ne<
' tut
Lost*—Left home on Filday last, Martha lied,
ingtou, about 11 yc.irs old. She has daik blown on
hair, dark fjes, paiu omnpk*.\ifjn, aud is rather
small fur a child of her llad on when s-be
left, a dark plaid dress, red e.ipe, and worsted bei
hijod. Any Information concerning her will Iw tbi
thankfully received by her parent*, at 143 West
street, Hceynd di>»»r wcitot tt*
Mb. wkological lb:0OBn Kept V«v J H Heed .t J l^
Co., A,iothecurie- and Chemista, 141 aud 14C Italic
sUeet: m 1
Mocdur* J«n St. Moadaj. Jan. 31. ;>ti
7A. V , 12 M. j 6P. M. I 7 A X. I 12 y 16 P.M.
"2-HiW I S.tiJ I I H I 31 I ' (/
Chicago Fibs UsiQAns. Iu the House of lie
presentatives of this State, ou Saturday, Mr. ol
lliggins, of this City, reported a bill to incor- p °
porate the " Citizsn's Kire lirigrde. g .
JS3" The IVentem Churchman tor Febniaty S»
promptly issued. It m.dtitaius its previously well r«
earned reputation in every respect. It has n<»w 8 *
been pubhshea ute year,—started an cxperi- f
inent—and the editor aunounee-* It as a ''fixed w
fact." Its editor is Itcv. N. ll* Schenck, the w
able and popular rector of Trinity Church.
Iki-'Ohmatjok Wanted.—lnformation is wanted 5
uf James I* WiUoa, <vf BU>omiugtuu f lUiuoia who l<
left home on the 20tb nit., und h3s not beeu si'en J
seen or heard of tint*. Hii wife is much troubled
about bis disapf»caraucc. Auy ]«reon knowing ,
«r his whereabouts will confer a gr.-at favor by in- a
formlog Marshal A. T. Briscce of Bloomington. ®
Nkw KaoTK.—An express train- from Peoria T
to Oilman, to connect - with the Illinois Central t
Koad at tbat place, i.euccd running on Men- c
day last Tbe train leures Peoria at 2 o'clock *
P. M., aud so tUat pissengera can j
reach Chicago tbe same night by this new route. ,
This tnekes three routes from Peoria to this city. 1
Cntcioo UecuxMcs' iKtTiTUT*. —lbe regular \
monthly meeting ot tbe Chicago Mechanics' in- 1
stitate takes place this (Tuesday) evening. A ;
full attendance of tbe members is requested, as
important business will come before the Insti
tute. The President, Mr. P. W. Gates, will
make a 101 l report of tbe finances and condi
tion of ths lostitute.
Washington's Uibtu Dav ! —We see that while
tbe citisens are makiog preparations to cele
brate, the Rational Guard Cadets have made ex*
' tensive preprations and will parade on that day,
and in tbe evening will give a grand ball at their
ball This will be one of tbe grandest balls of
tbe season, and all who wish to do honor to
Washington oannot do better than attend. Their
ftdrertUement will be fouod iu another column, •
Tbe six Cougregatunal Churches > f this
City, according to tbe Cor-gngational ll<rald t
have made the following additions during the
past years
Oburchc*. Pa*u>it. Add'd. No.
Tim. w.w.p*ttcn IS *o°
. Plymouth. J E. Roy fit 163
Mew End and. B. C.Bunirtt 41
Mwards. Jervmiab Porter 12 .
gootb. w * T - Birtb 8 88
balem. W, A te ...
Total ••"Vl'
A Rchawat liouBSTAxiRQ aColo Bath.—Ye«-
ierday atternoon, while a gentleman wu driving '
aborae and sleigh on the river, between Wells
and Clark atreet bridges, tbe borte by aome
Beans became detached from the vehicle, and
ran with great speed down the river until be ap
proaehed Etash-aireet bridge, when the ice gave
w way, and be waa precipitated into the the water.
By gettiug a rope arouad bis neck, and the vig
, orous pulling oi twenty or more persons, the
- well chilled aoimal was safely hauled oi abore,
without apparentlr i<ny serious damage. We
could not ascertain to whom he belonged.
knew pi
' Werner
TrW of H«rv Jnmpfrtz, for the Alleged at Mr. 1
Murder of Sophie Werner, at Chlraso,
HarcU (illi, ISSS. tS?reTt
- " from; 1
, hire a r
In the Circuit Court of Cook Comity, Judge 8
Kanierre Presiding. aodS. 1
, ing me.
tkstimokt coKTiNDtD. men; J
George Werner worn-Knew Sophie Werner;
I have a barber's shop on Clark street; hopbie f' ,
was my brother Frederick's wife; her maiden an" Bl '
nftne was So jhie Elton ; Brst knew prisoner m
Young AmtriM about two yearn and a half ago
(Francis De I'htul was here sworn as mterpre- "
ter), in Jone or Ju'y. 1657; Sophie was here at l ? r ' 1
that time, but don't kot.w where she lired; my
brother first came here tbree jears ago la*t An- i
'enst; be was ft birbtr in*a shop under Yonng lv :.K J ,i
Americadon't k-.ow biw lotK after that So- ,[j o .
phie cunt; knew hbe ctme before New \ear b, ir r
bnt can't tell tbe titpe; dtdu't knowwhere Jam- '
pertz boarded when 1 koew bim j afterward (Trot
learned tbat he boarded ut have Mfl „ i
known of Sophie and f
be Was first boarding at Wegfehner t; she board- .
ed there too; then he hired a room- in South . »
Water street, and sbe one io Illinois street; his
room was in tbe large building tbat burned
down: don't know when be hired tbat room; be /jookil
had tbe room when she was living on the North
Side; Jumperlz mored to Illinois street and "V '
boarded with Sophie, and ao did 1; can t tell ... .
bow long I boarded tbeie; they Uved afterward J "'» /
on Indiana street; caonot teJ if he or Sophie ma ; tt
hired tbe bouse; we all boarded there as before; f
they did not atay there long; they went to Mil
wiukee, Jumpertz and Sophie; wtts not there j''
when sbe went; sbe went first; she was in a lam- b
ily way; never saw her ag*in alive; next saw her ... ..
at the"<iourt House, in the court room; her body . .
was cot up; knew it was her by the eyes and
teeth; the cheek bones were high; recogmzsd
her cbitflr by tbe teeth and eyes; fche used to ""'Jt
wear her bair smooth; the batr on this head was .
cut ofl ; I think it was in May last I aa* the
body; nawberlast ulive about ajear beforetbatj tfjp.
there were then a gafld many .peraons present; I -.i.
the Corooer held aoinqoest at thattimej atthat 1
time, also, I saw some trunks at Marshal Eshm T a I '" e YJ.
ollice; they were Sophie Werner's; I recognized J*.
some dresses as hers; also a parasol and muff; I . *
saw the trunks and-cloibiog in 'he Courtroom J we 7 V
las' week; they wtrb Sophie Werner's; after | , ," u
Sophie went to Milwaukee, Juoipertz came to
Chicago again; I asked him howabewasdoing; .
be b&id abe waa doing well; that she could net IJJ W .
make as much at Chicago; he was then j
here on a visit, antr went back to Milwaukee; J aQ( j
he came again in Ddeember. a year ago; he told I
me then she was dofcg well; that he bad paid j lirat]
the rent for ber, and. bought proFieions far her, I {o _ 0
und she was doing well. (£• What did defeod- I
ant saT about the child f (Objected to, and ob- I
jeetion sustained.-) As to tbe birth of tbe child, I ,- u
ne staled it waa born dead; he said they were 1 j um .,
moting, tbat abe hud c&rritd heavy baskets, and I
tbat he bad pressed ber limbs against ber body. at „j ,
(Eridenee on this point was objected to as ir- |
relevant. The Court ruled it was admissible to I | rom
ahow the relations of the parlies, am- his treat- I
ment of her. Defence excepted to tbe ruling of | j) r
tbe Court.) Q. How did defendant aay she came 1 ha*e
to carry the baskets? A. Doa'ikoow. Q. State 1 Ben j
all that he said about the baskets. A. Kecollect I x e nb
nothing further. <J. Did the defendant say any 1 begii .
thing aboot giving dinectionß to her as to carry- |
ing tbe baskew? O&jsciedto. j met
Bytlu Court.-field that evidence es to the I body
design of the prisoner ns to ibis child had noth- j
ing to do with showing the' intent upon-the life j be pi
of the woman. In any criminal case tt ia not I who:
admissible on a trial foronecrime toshow other I telll
acts ot tbe same tort. It is not competent for j been
tbe people to jshow specific things to rebut a I aboo
eenerul*reputation shown lo' govd character and j part,
j. . 4 . I noih
peaceable disposition. • I bQ j
; (The evidence in relation to the child was cx- I t^e ,
eluded ) <s>. H:»w often hive you seen defe'uljut I
1 from the t'uu A oi '.lds couverdatlun iijj to tii- tim \ I bo
• of his nrre-t? A. lie at Prazzi&'R : bollti T 6 j j am
. wlicuhi* [>»e worked tugetbrrtlieie It a tfa
* until last Apiil; 1 nave i**en in routa 30, I ftnd
f I'.imeroy's block; cant tell when I first went j
i Uilmc; Jumpertz took me up tb»-re; I uon't ro | IQ
coiled tl»eiiiiie;4t was bclore I Ifft Frozza & Iti- (
x bolla'-; it wa- bef'ire April; a* 1 opened the door |
i and went in oucjilufct, the lici?t or secoud time, I ; ,
Jic a-ked nie if 1 &»uJd smell anything; 1 paid no; | J did
1 4< there was a I ,
1 tiincll I«lidu'i ljuotrof what; it wu< not I * t(
u lieu-ked tne thrcetimes; the | ,
' 'room looked; tlie carptC wjis not buicre the bed- I
s *(ead only# I'ietv Id lainthorr- | i".,
„ it was go ne; auoiher time I came up ana | " '
3 fmmd the carpet thfjos again; can't reeol- j
Y lect ' how long after it was; tlie 1 Jr?*.
clock, breast-pin, cuiis, s-iucetv; I ou?«'si«ked him I ,
il sbe was rfill there; he sbe had journeyed I "
n awav; lie s-iid sbe ha l gone to Rochester—that Ij. *
h shfhad gonetoherhussband.tuy brother; he asked | j
. me it he ivas still ia U'ci»e>tei; I Kiid he wa-i uot; I T '
Q Jumpertz then saw! I aid not tell lu-.r thut he was I
d not there any ui»r«*; ii.-ki'd him .iUrr»v.irds if he I .
: had heard froui her; he siid no, he did not heir I ;
from herauv mor«— she did not come to him any j .
>r m-re—she did uot trouble lum any more; don't I|~ 'j
f recollect if hesnid mivtlimg ni 'te; can't tell ivlut Ir"
else he said at tuitiim-j; d jirt n collect lie erer I ® u *
told uie wiiv he n-nt»d tin; r om. Q. Didjou j « I
ever sty to liitn tbat it sh«» lud g»sie to itoclicster I ,
she Mouldcomehick? A. 1 saii.Vus would come; | *
he ?aid >he wutd not etun.\ Q. How did he ..p. I J
pcarat'liatttib?m b ? -■!. Xothlnu unusual. I v:slt- |
r. v,{ Hie room Xj. 3U with Jiradh-y and Cardial I
«. K-hm; caniiK tell u.iwlougit w.i-> afiertho time | ca ®
I ohseiwd the MiieU; it wa< af «*r tlut time. I
e * Q llow long bclore this la«t visit had you slept I JJ»
fd wail Juuiirnz in tha*. ioom? A. I slept with I lQe
, 8 tiim Ironi 27th or 28ih of April till time ofhi-« ar- I
rest, catly in th«» month ot May; it was nine I *• e
RB or ten days. Q. How did 3011 c«m» to go j * nt
If to the room with iUrthM Rshm and Br .dley ? I s»°l
ie- A. Marshal Rebm oame aod asked mo if 1 knew ] 1
something about a woaitto; 1 Siid no; be asked I
it I could uot j adge from the descripttou iu tbe I ce .f
newdpapers, or about the birre'.; I said no; he I
tuen left, bat came back and told me about the | J 1
•d. account; we then went to tbe room; tbe key was I (*
.vn orerthe doer; was there when Jumpertz was j boi
ier arretted; ihe clock irorn the room is ut my shop; I 801
. Jumpertz ordered ft'iaken there; I have also I 0,2
the sto*"*\ bedstead, mirror, tabii', chuirs, and I *hc
ed bed. (J. Did you ace Jumpertz in jail about |
lh« tbe time you came? A. I did (J. Where did l
voa get the articles? -•! At t'ae Marshal's 1 atl<
odice, lrom (J
ht * thing about a ring? A. Yea. he sniri it was So* j »hi
phie's; J umpertz s>)ld it to I'eter Dow, iuy part- I
Ut n^ r i dou'i i"eui»mber when it *as; kuew Weg- |
. itbner; rbw iiim when he war on the stand I no
testifying; 8»w him th* d,y before in a beer j
saloon; tiad a c-nivcra.utou -rith bim about S>>- I
plite. <4 W »a*. was thu - I
jcCted to.) Q, Did be wk vou jf Siuhie took I
p'>ifl»n? (OcjiC;e<l to *ud question overruled.) | £ s
</. Did you Soohie take anytJiig in the I
OArbersUop? 4. don't ka-w if it was ft j
or cup; r-he cao»« in and went to tbe back I
Mr. ol tbe shop, wbtre they Ufe-l to meep; she pat j*T
:o p. eometbing in uin j-bier or cup and poured some IJ*
dr*ok*;»uj* aud it out; took 1
e'jme more uad swallowed it an ' •.'irew tbe re6t J 111
away and then weut back isui the room; 1 went 1
•* to the house; Weglet n-r I ve4 up Htuirs; I felt j m
at il restless, and told my mother und Adolpbina that j
n>w she hod tak«n pometbinc- ai
(Jrou examined hy Mr. McCumai— l told the ol
folks she bad ukeu eumetbing, but whether it £
was poison or not I bad not seen; Weglehner
the went to the shop and shook the door. (Object
ed to and ruled out) At the shop there was a A
double door into the street, and one into the tl
sleeping apartment, 1 thins; theYe may have
ided s eeo another bv the sink ;am not siire as to the'
who location ot these doors, if there were two. Wit-
nees further described from a diagram the loca- p
tion and arrancement of the rooms under Young a
. 0 America. When sbe wok the poison her face
nu ff was turned towards me; sbe stood bytbewseh
f in- stand ; sbe took it out of a paper behind tbe e
o. brst door; sbe used cold water, there was no b
worm; she took a paper out of her pocket; sbe t
.oria poured out of a paper; cannot recollect bow it
looked; saw abe poured something out; could
>lra * not tell what; saw only the paper and tumbler, a
Men* or cup; there was ligbt in tbe ahop but none in t
■lock the room wh(re she was; I was sitting on tbe y
chair; saw her come in, put something in water,
caa and take it. Q. What caused you to be alarmed '
oute. &nd tell oi it? A. Because 1 knew betore tbat
city, she aiways wanted to kill herself; she waoted 1
to jump in the water, but when she saw the wa- 1
. ter she went back; can say sure tbat this was 1
?u twice; tbe poison, if it waa poison, was tbe t
in- third time; I told tbe folks 1 had seen her take 1
A something, epit cut, takesome more, and swal* <
d &* low it: never said anything to Sophie about it; (
,' . I noticed tbe next day sbe was vomiting.
100di ~ Gtorqt Werner—Direct Examination fietvmed
—[To Mr. Uaven.] I have seen a letter in tbe
possession of Jumpertz in the end of February
while or beginning of March; cannot tix it nearer;
cele* [Excepted to by Van Arman as immaterial;] be
1 came from the Post Office to tbe shop, took out
the letter from his pocket,- and threw the enve
t day, | D the stove; be read tbe letter to the boy
their " Sieglitz " and myself; he said he should keep
u_ _ f the letter in esse of trouble, as the letter con
tained something about ber committing suicide;
or *° he read tbe letter to ns—tbat she wanted to
Their come back, kiss him once more, and go to
lnmn . Rochester; thst she was going to kilLmy brother
aod herself too; be said nothing further; recol*
f this lect nothing further aboot it; be said be would
keep the letter, so if she committed suioide and
Itrald, pgopig came to him, be should have, something
iK the to show; don't recollect it be said what good it
would do bim; don't recollect what day of tbe
K a week it was; 1 did not read tbe letter; did not
406 see bim at the i'oit-OHice; when be left the
10 E bop be told tbe " bosa" be wished to go to
the Post Oflice and get tbe letter.
'BB Grots-Examination resumed —Cannot read or
••• write German very well; Sieglitz did not read
tbe letter, nor tae boy-John; don't know it
Prazza or Ribolla were there; one of them was
v there; the bov's name is Lutz, I think; Joseph
— VM present; Jumpertz BpoketoxnefiUittteglitz;
iriving the boy John was ba* in the'room. Q Did
Wells yoo g° to room No. 80 before it was e*er fur
r niahed. and he commenced oecupying it? A.
r aome j don » t remem ber. Q. Did Jumpertz propose
sle, and to uke the room with you ? A. Yes, bnt I had
lbe ap- one. Q. Did you suggest some journeyman of
je save Peter Dowae aaAroom-mate? A Yes, 1 said
. tbe iourneymaninnned a room. y.Wasitbe
»water. foTe this letter+ I eaneot iell ' Q. Was it
ihevig- before yon vent Wrßnein*? A. but can t
ins. the - Bi* e the time. . Q.- What was tbe name of 4biß
Peter Dowse? A. HU jname
B-nrare, J 3 bn; be ie a barber at tbe Tremont House,
;e. We witb Sieglitz Q. Did you see sbont that time
IL a letter advertized for Jumpertz? A. No.
Joseph Mohr sworn—Been in Chicago 2 J years; ' Pad
knew prisoner from Dec.» ? s7; did not know Sophie crock ci
Werner; boarded with prisoner on Madison street, l Rayn
at ilr. Holm's, winter before last; left tbere oa o m
tbe lCtb or 17tli of February; commenced some wme a
time in the fall to board there; defendant came plete di
there in December; don't know where be aime w m
from ;be was at Kobn'a when I left; be lodged
there and eat tbere; be told me be was gomsr to 1U » WUI
hire a room; be told me be bad some iftrniturc employ
yet !n Milwaukee; afterwards he told me he had bris£ti
hired 8 room somewhere on the comer of Clark -. ene
and S. Water streets; he was In tbe habit of fihav
ing me. Q. Had yon any conversation with de- in our
fendunt wiih reference to any woman? (Objected Larmot
to by defence.) A. We had some talk about wo- . ..
men; Jumpertz told me be was in a scrape once,
and bid to be careiuJ; be lived with a woman iu so iron]
Milwaukee, aud folks thought they were brother etora, t
and sister; he said sbe got with child; asked him Cont
what became of tbe womin; be said he had 6et- .
tied with Jjer; this was in answer to my question these n
of what had become of her; we said notliing lur- voyage
ther; I was in tbe chair at the time. Q. Ho w did exce n e
this conversation come np? (Objected to—objec
tion ovet ruled ) 'A. It came np about another wc- are in 1
I man; 1 asked bim if he wasn't pretty -intimate are fim
I with that girl up at the bouse; be answered that b 0O »bl
lie thousht I was; then he rpoke as above;
Mr. Van Arman -Moved to strike out all the itLL>
above as immaterial. Overruled. . nf
Crouexamined.—l It?ft boarding there,.be. "got
cause it waa not-convenient, U did not suit me' Paator
very well: Mrs. Kohn was confined about that 25t1l ol
tirr**; tbe landlord, Mr. Kohn,*lso was prepar- p„ •_
ing to move to Cincinnati; as the **oman was *«»"»
aide we had to eat in the kitchen. the 8
William is. Tenbroeck ticom —Was jailer of amonn
CookiCounty last year; delendant waa put in ... ,
my custody in Acril or May last; recollect of
admitting Dr. Habn; I think it was into the qoarte
jail; he said prisoner, Jumpcrlz seat for him; where
ibey began talkiogin German; 1 told them they ,
musttalk in Eoghab; Jumptsrtz said, "X have
eent for you—this body will be here in a few to tue
days, and I wish to know if they can if it ought
died ot poison, it was so long ago?" Don t re- tW# g,
member what tbe Dr. »»eid; I said 4 they can
tell if they the stomach Juroperiz said UQWif J
he had taken everything out but the lungs; I ceived
made a remark that if the had been bnpgthe efficiei
I mark tyould be found on her neck; he said be t
cut that eff when he cut her bead off. Q How _
I long was this before ibe body came V A. Idoat
1 remember whether'it was before or after. Q. added
Did defendant alter this taake you a present of
I anything? A. A silver tobacco box was hand d ,« w
Imeby a person who said it came from Jumperit _a t t
I Q. Did vou converse with prisoner about it? -f
IA. I told him a box had presented; I had & lit* public
I tie rather it hadn't been presented. JaoUB
I 7b Mr. McJlroy-l told him I was much oblig- iatioa
I ed, but I bad a little rather it hadn't come.
I Crots-Examined by Mr. Vufi Arman— WsM . An ,
jailor lor two years; nave a di-tinct recollection reacn
lof the conversation; witness detailed the circutn- la rd
I stances of the interview iu jail between Dr. Halm
and prisoner. Q> Did not the Doctor say in sub- whico
I stiiuce at bis office when you went to subpffiia
I him th it the prisoner said I have sent for you Dr. Chart
|to go nod see the rewaius, that you can see it hlie advoc
I diedoi pouon, that you forme? Al' M
Ido not remember itiuut way. Q Did not the Dr.. oevci
liu the same conversation tell you that iu reply to alter*
I JumjHjnz's request, he (Halin) said that he un that ■
1 dcrstPodtbe stomach and bow«ls were taken out have
I and that it would be impossible lo tell? A. He Jfc
J said be told the prisoner that he coald uot tell the :
I from the body us the stomach and bowels were boug
I g#ne. diate
I Dr. James A. Halm morn -Am a physician; tbe fi
I have resided in Chicago tour years; prisoner Engl
I sent for me to call and see bim; I did so; Mr. 1
I Tenbroeck went with me to the cell; Jumpertz
1 began to talk in German; Mr. Tenbroeck object
led to his speaking in German; defendant asked j.
I me to do him a favor; be had understood the
I body was to be back here in a day or two, and Kept
•j he they were trying to mike out.
Ibe had poi&oned her; he said he wanted me to. .
' I be present; he wanted some one to bepresentin'
, I whom he hsd contideace, to do him justice ond Vv
. | tell toe truth about bim; I s*i Ito him I under- crati
S a ood all tbeiu«ii»« (iheierm L used to him)bad islati
I been taktfn out, and if so nothing could be teld citizi
i I aboot it; he said be bad taken out all below the right
I I partition, meaning the diaphragm; I said, then und<
I noihiog can be told, but 1 will go and aae the. iu
I body when it comer; that was all there was to ly p
* I the conversation. Chaj
1 I Crowxamined by J/r. Van Arman—A little «
{ boy from the shop brought o note to me from 3, re
5 I Jumperizs; I knew tim only from seeing him tos!
; lin the shop; thought him the beat barbar there, 'tog.
* I aod always got'his chair when 1 could; Mr. wbei
I Tenbroeck nibpajiod me; there were several aa s
1 in mv cilice; said to him 1 didn't see why they
* ( wanted me as be could tell the same as Icouid ; d;ati
r I he said that was uo, tiat he remebered jndij
' I just about what 1 did; be said he liev«
' I did not wish to be sworn, ond bad so of h
1 | told Mr. ilarvie as he did not hke to will
'I oa tothextaud; we talked tbe nutter over as I «iod
e I have told it here; he said he did not remember croa
* I pri.'onei'd savimr he tent tor me to do him a fa
i I vor; that part of tlie conversation whj? iu G-.t- hrat
| matt; prisoner did not a«k me whether i»"i*un
* I could be deteccd In the body other than theVtom
e acb; he s-aid as I have told, as near as I recollect; £
? I ditrinn tint conversation I have a faint im- „ oni
? I pies«ion that sfimethiiitj about cutting ofl
i I themaikut a rope on the n'eck. 1
. To Mr. Haven —I Uu not-recollect tbat Mrs. on 5
| I Tenbroeck took any "Share in the conversation; do g
I not remember clearly about the mark on the
® I neck; recollect the conversation with you at my vou
i I offiJe; 1 think I asked prisoner at tbe interview if J n ,
»! Ihe could tell where tbe stomach was buried; lie ed 1
,j I could get near enough to lind it; he sptvke about t0 r
going on the North aide; dou'tu-collecthesaidhe ioc j
I crossed bridge; thiuk lw said he c ;uM
| ond it ir would accompany him. en!
I Ira (Jolrnan twern -Have lived in this city
"I 1 21 years; knew Sjphie Werner a day or two
J* I alter she Ciiae here; her husband with the girl
J I was then liviog iu D*a. lMlsbury'n house; she
I came unk kicked uo a mu-s, and th*?y cauie to
L I my house; this was two years and a half ago; .
,t I think 1 knew her for & year, or until she left
i. I the city; 1 knew Jumpertz; the house is in the
r . I rear of the house 1 now live in, omhe alley, (
re I Weglehoer lived in a of tbe house; only
, 0 I knew from beaTSay tbat Jumpertx livea with £
!*• I Sophie Werner; sbe told me ehe was murried .
iw 1 10 prisoner; it was oefore they went to Milwau- .
»d I kee 5 (objected to, objection overruled and ex- Jj
cepuon taken); she said she was going to live
1, 9 1 with him at Milwsakee; this was the last time
he I 1 saw ber alive; I met her on Lake street;
ag I (V T au Arman for defence moved to strike out j
aa I both statements; overruled; exception taken);
,p. saw her body in the Recorder's Court; recog
go I nized it by the countenance, eyes, teeth, &s.; 1 ,
n A thought her of cheerful and courageous disposi- •
iu» | tion; never saw her when she waa otherwibe;
!id I the used to get water from tbe hydrant in my
V'a I shed; saw her almost every day; knew her over
JY fcye*r; there was a diUicult/ull the time as to 00
s O . I this other wom«; she was & good sized wo- t"
r t. I man, would weigh over 140 IDs. 1 should say;
- c . I I heird she took poison ; saw her uext saw
nd I no change in her appearance and conduct *"
ser I Crou'tcatnimd —Am in the employ of the city jP
I as tire policeman; remember se.ung her tbe day
)jl | atterl beard it, or tne second day after sbe
»ok I look it; Mrs. Weg'ehner told it at m? house; D
j i | have seen the woman very gay, and have heard
the her not V6f y 01160 t ueTer ba,r her cr - » rj
. ft she has told me of her troubles with her bus- Vl
ick I band about her going to Germany, and wh. t
Dut I trouble she had to get back; aha showed soma
£j 0 feeling at his conduct, out never thought *he u
jok I bore °P remarkably well; few women cauld
e6t 1 iiave done so. c
ent I The identification and recognition of.her re
( mains by Chicago acquaintances of the deceived,
j and others who bad been customers and patrons
the lof Werner's saloon, was full and complete, ti
r Ernst Keidcl, George Anderson, and George I*. *
Upton being successively put upon the stand. °
lS a As tbis point was not contested nor denied by
the the defence, it occapied but little time or atten
*T e tion.
y- t ® J}r. J. IV. Freer was calted to testify to the ap
oca- pearance of the remains of deceased substantially •
DD fi as given; the original mutilations of the, body v
f«h wcrc * l^e of the post mortem <
examination in New York City, which latter left
ino but oim lung in the remains, from which also all j
she uiher viscera, abdominal, thoracic aul cranial j
were wanting This gave to the physicians ex- <
,l er amining, nothing therefrom to farm an opinion I
ein of the of death, ut»d none was given by the
witness on the stand; A portion of the testimony '
med wc api»eud. !
tbat In cases of death by hanging, tbe mart of the
nted rope would show until decomposition set in;
> wa> there would be congestion of brain, its onter
was surface, and of the lungs; in this lung tbe de
tbe composition had too far advanced to retain
take any indication; on tbe neck tbere was a
Bwal* dark appearance extending under the
it it; chin not uou»ual after death; the same
mirks were seen in other parts of-the body;-
the tissues were very well preserved by tbo
chloride of lime that was in tbe barrel; tbe
tistu»B held together well; discovered nothing
xtmrd to indicate death by banging; in a case of poi
b tbe aoning tbe stomach is the principal means of
mary detection of the preserve of poison before it has
*rer; been absorbed into the system. ,
The cross examination by Mr. Van Arman
enve* was a very searching review of the after death
i bov appearance of death by the various forms of
keep taking life, within tbe range indicated in the
1 con- ...
ed to Charta Motdul—Saloon ltccpcr on North Wells
go to rtreet; testified tnat deceased aud prisoner occu
'other pled bis hou-e on the North Side previous to go*
recol- ing to Milwaukee, alsoto conversations with pris
would ouer, tbe evidence po?ses.du£- no additional lea- -
leand tuie to thosealready given,
jibing Dr. Ralph N. iafcan—Was the second medical
ood it witness called by tbe prosecution, his testimony.
>f tbe being substantially the same ns that ot Dr. Freer,
id not Adjourned to UA. M. to-day.
jft the '
igo to Dakxxc BuaoLAEr.'-On Sunday night,
A daring burglar entered tbe sleeping room of
I teU Tuomaa lUlboey. who keep, the eating wloon
now if at Sot. 69 and 71 South Welle street, and who
m was lodges in one of the back room*, and took from
tefilitx; under bis pillow, while ht» waa aaleep, a gold
Did watch and chain, valued at $l5O, and escaped
er fur- without disturbing Mr. Maloney. Ko trace of
l? the robber has yet been discovered.
iropose t
man of Hoa "
, I said ilouse of.oar St»te Legulatore on Sutnrdiy, u
is it be- |)i|[ un reported from a~ committee consisting
Tcan't cf th " this county p Vfor an act
'oflbis to promote the construction pf _Har»e.fc*Uroads
I name u Hhk
House, | bU , oreTiooa ij presented, entitled 44 an act in
, corporaUng the Horse Railway Company."
"Padduxg rniltt ow.v Castok."—A decidedly Kill
crock craft of their Own it ia that Mesira. Jiack borer i
A Kijner, at No. 33 Clark street, hare launched, "Wayne
in the ahape of one of the moatelegant and.com- ine rui
plete drn(s stores of the city.. Tbo proprietors tion, m
will be extensively remembered personally, and Slonda
in a business way, aa late and for a longtime qneatj
employed at J. H. Reed A Co.'s, so that they ofhi«<
brine to their new stand not only abundant ex- posed,
perience, bnt a wide and valuable acquaintance- night o
in our city ond vicinity. Their new Btore in. reachei
Larmon Block, as above, is well worthy s Yisit, that he
fcom the perfection of.its fittings, and still more fell nnt
bo from tho skill and experience of its propri- ered, a
etors, both in selecting and componndiog. wife ar
Continuing the fignre in oor caption, we wish aT
these newly embarked voyagers a prosperous re f ereE
voyage andhoary return cargo. Their stock « 6een t|
excellent and complete. Their "Punch Cigare" ho | d j t ,
are in tho months of all lovers of the weed who ne
are finding their war to them, since they can bts j^ thr
bought nowhere eba.
Illlvois Pastobal Aio SocttTY.—At fl meet- ments
ing of jhe'Exeoutivo Commutes of the Illinois Meaarj
Pastoral Aid Society, held in this city on the tain th
25th of January, Alexander Gv Tyng, Esq., of . style t
Peoria„ President of the Society, in the Chair, comes
the Secreta-y reported subscriptions to tbe grand
amount of SI,BOO for the uses of the Society, and lnembi
that advancepaYments bad been mide of the first the "«
qoartert atipend to four misalonary points,
where application for aid bad been prevxous.y
acted upon. The system of advance prjmenUt
to tbe clergy located ot missionary stations
ought "to commend itself to all. The funda of
this Society, as jet, are made up entirely of vol
untnry contributions, and the sum thus far re* w u lc v
ceired augur a well for thtf future, when more
efficient meana to extend its osefulnesa shall
have been carried into effect. davai
Rev.P. A. Johnson, of West Urbana, basbeen "
added to the Board of Clerical Managers. the
—At a full meeting of tbe Seventh Ward Re-
publican Club, held oa Saturday eveiing, QUto
January 20, the following preamble and restf* J
iutionß were offered and unanimouslj adopted: üßwe
In conaideration of the newa which baa
reached us from our Legislature at Spnogbeld,
in reference to the latest alteration in the pro- most»
powl Lecompton Chicago City Charter, in
which to ua as Gsrmana a base bribe is offered " U
for the only purpose of securing rotes for said g aQde
Charter, aod which the Chicago Douglas Tune*
advocates _ _ . . .
Jiaolced, That we, as German citizens of tbe he wa
Serciitti Ward, protect against nil and erery lreal
' alteration in the present license system, and .
that we iniend to usa all honorable means to HUS "
have euch u law defeated. Ibe b«
Eaolttd, Tbat we declare tbat the citizens of
the SeTentb Ward, will not and cannot be Eg
bought by cheap lager beer license, and repu- ere( j
diate therefore such iosinuation with disgust, as tt -
tbe free men of Kansas did when the infamous
Engltsb-Lecomptoo bill was presented to them, oltim
Bf order of tbe Committee.
Augustus Bbukixg, Sec'y.
'• Eights Wahd.—At a meeting of the German Came
! Republican Club of the Eighth Ward, on Satur- lT ba°
day eyeninff, January 29, the followiog resolu
tious were unanimously adopted:
l Wiiebxas, A few corruot leaders of the Demo- Mn
• cratic party are übaut to force through vie Leg-
I islature, a new Charter wgaisst tbe will ol tne nlturt
I citizens of- Chicago, and as we consider tbe bajhi
> right of- self-goveruinent as Belf erident aod
i undeniable. Six:
j Ke&oltid, That w e uuanimoosly and solemn areo<
>' ly protest ogainst tho passage of aforesaid
Charter. tirara
j WnaaßAS, We consider the claose of section ptied
i 3, rednctng the licence for felling beer and wine
i to $25 as h bribe, exactly coinciding with the grant
, «Eogliah Kansas Land Bribery Intamy, and Orr
whereas we now cousider tbi6 license question p,
l aa satialactorilr settled by all parties, »6.0.
f UdolvU. That we utterly aud, totally repu- Oq
diate euch clause of corruption with the deepest
i indignation. Tbe members of this Club be- on
i lievd they express tho conviction of every man Pnnc
o of honor th»t euch base means of corruption Elun
0 will be rejected with contempt, and no German sctiot
1 lundlord will b<s so degraded himself as to en- +** i*
i■ croaoh uaon his own rights, aud rights of tas
fcllo« citizens," and no German name will be 4300.
1 branded by such infsmy.
a By order of the Committee.
t i>teti
; It wil! be seen by the following ccrres- '[{Si
j poudence, that Rsr. Dr. Howard will repeat bis
lecture on the " Harmony of the I'rofeeKioua,"
i. on Thursday evening next: «* a
0 Rev. W. G Howard, D. D.—Dear Sir: -The 12 p°,
e u-udience who had tbe pleasure of listeniog to
y « our eloquent introduction and classic lecture
1 on tbe "Harmony of the Professions," appoint-
ed tbe undersigned a committee to request you
to repeat it at vour earliest convenience. The
"t inclemency of the nigbt prevented many from J*
listening to you who were anxious to be pres« *bfl
ent and we trust you will consent to gratify at J
• tbem. L. D. Boosts, terr
'•* Tno3. Hot.vb,
rl J. 11. Woonwoata, ' ,n3
,e SA«'L fij?ti
10 A. J. JoeiYK. e ra
VI Chicago. Jan. 315t,'1559. wai
tt J * aot
3 ® Cniciuo, Jan SI, I^9.
H Gkktlsuen : Your letter inviting me to re- j
!w peut the lecture I delivered on last Thursday furi
5 evening, at my earliest eonvenienc, is before me. pai
„ In reply, allow me to say that it will give me Sat
Z" pleasure to yield to your request, aod I would ®tn
fl designate next Thursday evening, February 3d,
" as tbe time. Respectfully yours, t
> W. G. Howaud. bai
Hoa. L. D. Boone, Hon. Thomas Hoyne, Hon. J. a i
'v. H. Woodworth, Hon. Samuel Hoard, Rav. A. bei
'' J.Joslyn. pri
K- ter
• Socibtt of Sr. Vlscsxt ds Paol -Editors off
e .* Drttt and Tribune : At a regular meeting of wfc
Lr the Hociety of St. Vincent de Paul, held Janu- ge
rer Hr J ®2i, it was resolved that we publish this, he
' to oor tirst Annual Report, in three of tbe Chicago thi
vo . papers. In presenting it to the public, tbe ah
kT . Society takes this opportunity ol returning th
their sincere and heartfelt thanks to the citizens to
of'Chicsgo generally, lor tbe lavor with which no
■Uf they have regarded our bumble efforts to re- re
toy lieve the poor and destitute." re
she MoneT* collected by the Society and expended for _ M
ae . the Poor ; 118a.33 so
W 1 D .nations cf ProvlrioM, Fu/L etc.. collected, «
ard ta all amou* Uo* ta ......... JWOM .
rv ; rr->re»»lonal Ssrrlces nratult(.utlj. performed by «
' Dr.TaoroaiA.CUrk 500 00 tt
jm9 4rfi)7 31
.i,, in addition to ths abovr, tbe Lidlrt*Benevolent b
Kiaiety.daiicctbe pair year, pave out 3j6 pslr
mid g>:oes SfW,OO '
Clo.Uijk-1617 piects
to- Anountlns In all to |t£iu Ci 0
Bed, Tbe Society of St. Vincent de Paol have also f
fitted up a hall v»nd store-ronms, ot an expense
of seven hundred dollars. Tbej are also get
ete, ting up a Library which will be free to all poor
eP. who cannot purchase books. Donations of I
,„j moral and instructive-literature will be thank- I
. , fully received V
1 by Jag. McUullex, Sr., President. .y
.ten- Michael JJcAPlkt, Secretary. •]
■ 1
• ap- - Police Coart. j
ially Thi; business'at tbe Police Court yesterday (
jody was "brisk, and tbo protits Urge. The following
rtem cases were disposed of: 1
r left Jenny Smith and Olive Crane, as inmates,
0 a jj and Ann Hnkey, as keeper, of a boose of ill- ,
, fame, were fined, tho former #lO each, and tbe ,
latter f25. Robert Swedenbook, a boy 11 years
1 ex- of ag<\ acting door keeper ot the above estab
uion lishm.ent, was sent to the Reform School.
v* the Obtey Hart and William H Gardner, for ere
ating a.distorbaoce at the house of Mary Beebe
QOD f And H. Revnolds, 90 Qoincy street, were
brought to the Police Court. The first named
tf tbe waa. discharged by order of tbe Mayor, and the
tin * ot'aer fined sls.
>uter John Daily, drunk and disorderly, $o; John
e de- Golden, do., $5; Francis Higgins, do., $10;
•etain "William Sullivan, do.. $3; Patrick Tierney,
as a do., $5; Clement Temple, do., discharged;
the William Hunter, do., $3; Thomas Look, do.,
same $5; John Welden, simple drunk. |sj Thomas
>ody * - Cockran, drunk and disorderly, $3.
y tbo William Meagher, vagrancy, $5; Augustus
- tbe Butler, do.. sls; Mary Dunn, drunk aad ra
•thing g r ancy, S3O; Mrs. Lynch, tbe same offence,
if pot- S3O.
ins of John Moran, beating his wife, giving ber a
it has sorry-looking black eye, waa fined S2O. The
wife, in true H'bprnian atyle, tried to get bim
, clear, but the justice waa inexorable,
irman King, selling liquor without a license,
death |25. 8 s * '
•ma of John. S. Brook, peddling withoat a license,
iQ the $lO.
Sylvester Reynolds, violating side-wait ordi
nance, SB.
i Wells Richard Hannon, for "being an inmate of a dis
occu- orderly honse, $lO.
A man, holding a responsible position under
- ° &e °f car railroad compamea» and who bas a
family, was bronght np for bei'jg s habitual vis
acdical itor a l , the hou»e of Maggie Burns, a place well
'preen known to the police, and a source of constant
[trouble to them. The culprit was fined $25.
He begged hard not to hare his name published,
, and we omit il for this time, promising him,
om of however, it he is again caught in a like act
-saloon he shall suddenly be com? famous,
id who »
ikfrom Dist&esixxg asd Fatal Accidxxt to a Cbild.
a gold —Coroner James was called on Sunday after*
neaped ooon to bold ai inquest on the body of a little'
xace of boy named John Stiffens, four years old, eon of
Jacob StefTen', living 1 on Alexander street. On
~, „ Saturday morning the little fellow together with
i lower brother aod little sister were playing around
rday, a astove upon which was a large ctffee pot fullcf
ssisting acalding hot coffee. In tbeir play the boy was
an act -pnghed against th< stove and upset tbe coffee,
ulroads , pot, filling, bia and bis neck with.!
the scald iog lfquitL:: be died
i act in- Sunday morning about 11 o'clock. Verdict is
7*" accordance with the facta.
Kxu.tD bt ths Caks.—John UcCarty, a la- I
borer in the employ of the Pittsburgh, Fort I
"Wayne and Chicago Itailroad, was killed by be- I
ing run over by a train of cars at Ainsworth ata- TO
tion, near the State line, on Sunday night or I
Monday morning. Coroner James held an in- j TTTI
quest yesterday, bnt the positive circumstances
of his death could not be ascertained. It is sup
posed, however, that be left this city on Sunday j
night on board of. a gravel train, and when be I Sir.
reached Ainsworth, where be wished to stop, j 01 "
that he jumped ofiUhe cars and by some means I
fell under them, its body was completely lev- tlut t
ered, and his headfcadly crushed. He leaves a ] of P e
wife and two children iu this city. P
t J | are in
fHmiL OF !H» N«w Yohk Socistt.—lij
reference to our advertising columns, it will be I not ot
eeea that the Excelfior Society of this city will ses >
hold its tenth anniversary on tbe Bth of Febru- |
ary next, at the Richmond Boose, which is to 1 tpesti
be thrown open throughout to the guests of tbe I ee<len
occasion. We understand that the-arrange J
ments are on an extended scale, and w'ih j self a
H&isra. & as hosts, we are -tr - j Both,
tain that the will bs cared lor in a I
. style that -cannot fet''surpassed. The dinner j Hwf*
comes off a*. 4 o'cloqk in the alternoon, and a I Mr.
grand soxee and chdtce supper will beguile the
members of the soct Ay and their guests into grave
tbe "wee sma' hours ayont the twal." I Punic
?— ; j It kit
Uogos Colder wis brought I 11
before Justice Akin yesterday morning, fjr in- j (
terfering with and assaulting an officer, while in ] Tlj
I the diicharge of his duty. Upon John's person I
was found some jewelry of a decidedly bogus *
character, and upon searching bis traveling bag, j iog i:
which was sent for, it was fouod to contain u I Hag t
considerable quantity of bogus jewelry of vari
oua descriptions, lie was tiaed f25 and thirty I vrorU
days in UridewelL I suboi
. , - I iuilti
The Lsciuaa this EvsjratQ.-Onrresders, and wou l
especially the ladies, mast not forge: tbft lecture
this evening, a notice of which appeared in our I -itrcu
issue ot yesterday, which takes place at Metro
politan ilail at 7% o'clock! Those who have jjj 1 ™
not already secured tickets should do eo at once, I 0 f y
as we hear they are ropidlv being taken. We [ opio
hops to see Metropolitan Ilail filled to its ut- 1
most capacity. j vras
1 j to a
"Bring Fwwbbs."—We owe our friend E. g a u,
ganders many thanks for a beautiful bouqoet, I M
made up of the choicest of Flora's gems, which j
be was so kind as to send us frem his floral re- I jjerc
treat at Like View. Tbe catalogue which be j pres
bas issued this spring will interest all lovers of J £
the beautiful in Nature. * I dir e J
Lti* Kisa, Esq., of this city, deliv- j
ered a very able and entertaining lecture on | Tl
"Fashion," at Galesburg, Illinois, on the 20ih
ultimo. I va tj
Board ol Edaducution. I £
Cbicauo Jan. £3,185\ j , jj
Present—Messrs. Haven, Hoard, Adams. Watd. Pester I v e v
Caroi uter. TifttnJ Hlctiumu. Abieat-Mess-s. toose- *.
ly. Dore. Baomana.Broot9. Pcrte*. ii«yefl andßw« I IlIr J
Oa moitoQuf rtr.Taft, tne leadlnsoftbe minutes or I aud
On motl-n of Mr. Taft. It wu votei thit the Bo*rd ex
rrwitMr preferecce for the NlcoUoa pavement la front I Ji
of the •-baoUroucds on Ciarketreet. Hot
Mr Wvd. Chairman of ttie Committee on Pu'ldlces
an-lGroaods. reoonedthewh le coftorihenew B'Jiool (
buildinzln ihe North Diriilon. Ko.ll. exclusive of iur- I 1
nlture.t3beiat.l37. CoitofnewbuUdlnKcgroerefwa- to—
b*«h avenue and Twe fth rtreet. txcloilvc of furilfure, I <an
SISJI tie alto »re*ntei a report respecting Improve- I r,i
meouattbe High School.
ait JHoinsoD of Committee en Text Books, presented I av(
a report rfcomroenMo* tbe adoption of we'ls' uratomar I *.Qrj
la place of the KniM.* Gramm.renow touwln theuiab- '
lie tchools. cn coaditkn tSat tae pabtutiers of Wells* I ° t ue
tirammtr mate an exchause with ihecu-IU already sup- I the
phed with Green's Grammar, book for booic. without cx* I «] le
tra charge. Concurrrd in. I _ nu
Oa motion or Mr. Ta't, a Teacher's certlficite waa I «* Uil
granteil to J. O-i*udnuu. . I sus
Onmotl nofMr. Ward. Alb* rt G. Lviewas C3DUnn- I j;
ed eriadptl of ttie Franktln School, and EußeneL.Aiken I
as tcaoot No. 13. fiaiar/ of eacb teacner I
•6 0. I tUJ)
On motion of Mr. Iloard. France: E. Bliss was confirm- I the
ed as Aas'atant in tbe JJtowu Bcao-l.wltl a aalnrj of,|
* 3 On motion of llr. Ta-'U O. C. Messrre was confirmed aa I 1
Pnnclualol SihoclNo. tl. wttha salary of al. 000: J O. T aBl
Hudoutt. Ass Ant lu HlstJ ect.ool mlih salary vt #1.000: |
' ElunJ fitiphtn". Prlocual ofi'rlmary Depaitmeut of i K u "
tclioolfto. 11. with a salary of t3SJ: tiu**n w. Howe* 1 Bta
*.iui*Lint In Gramawrdepartment of Mo«elißcoooiw.ti.l th»
t sitaryof aSOoHiad ll*rrlet U. r-lchoa AstlstAnt
1 ' ; n»Tuo«r Department of Fos er School, with a salary of j ° u '
i S3OO. . 1 ye^
nr. F "9Vjr presented the following: .... I (
Resolved. That the candidate* who paassd a saUsCacta- I
rr etatnlia'ioo in December lost fcr admits'on to tl.e I
ukti getiool, but were excluded by reason of non-attend. I tnt
r nee at«be Grammar «chool durin* two Verms, be now 1 ]
admhted to the UUh School., „ I
I The yeas and naja wtre called for. and the resolution |au
ws adopted. , ~ . . , , I
' Yeas-Messrs. Foster. Carpenter, liovd, Adams and I \
UUrioson, Ward aad Have-:—3. 1 ti°
6nmoio'» of Dr. Fosttr. adjouroed to Salardiy, Feb. I thi
; "• " 3>< f • "• W. It W£LL3. SecreUry.
: matte us. is
1 I I
a Intehbsting to tdi Miixios.—J. B. Lsmkin, jha
. who keeps a first class stock of Boots and Shoes po
r at No di Lake street, corner of State, has de- ai
termined to clear out his stock; tbat is, it | tbi
low prices will do iu lie bas consequently re;
•'markeddown" everything in his store, to a | pu
figure that will excite the admiration of all seek- Tt
ers alter bargains. We advise all who are in j
want of any urtiele in his line—and who dis 1
not?—to give bim a call.' j st*
». Large sale at auction of rich household 1 j?['
y furniture, silver-plated ware Parian marble, oil f 5
e. paintings, crockery, &e., Ac., by Gilbert & 1
ie Sampson, at their new sales rooms, No. 82 Lake l in
id atreet, near Dearborn. } .
i, . p;
' r?f Hostetter's celebrated Stomach Bitters I ® l
have by merit of their tonic and other medicin- j
J. al virtues acquired a celebrity and popularity | *
V. heretofore unknown. This fact has induced un- "
principled parties here and elsewhere to conn- I ™
terteit and imitate this preparation, and palm it I »
r» off to the unsuspecting or unprincipled dealers, 1 "
of who will retail it upon tbe reputation of the «
u- cenuine article, tnus not only endangering I «
is, Health and life by tbe use of this vile mixture "
so thus sold, but are robbing the pocket I "
he also. Tbe most prominent operator in | J
ng this nefarioas business thus far brought j V
us to our notice, is a fellow by the ?
ch name of Clark who prepares the mixture and "
re- refills Hostetter's empty bottles which are "
re labelled with a counterfeit and spurious label | *
and tbe cork covered with tin foil, thus they are "
1.33 sold. O. H. Bcckwith, No. 101 WateMt., webnd "
a large dealer in this counterfeit article, whtch |
' could not be sold at any price were it not lor [
)00 tbe genuine Hostetter's Bitters. We caution I
>ou public to dodge these imposters and see our I ,
r 5 advertising columns far tho names of reßp-cta-. •
ble merchants and druggist* for the genuine !
. M tide. Tbe genuine Hostetter Stomach Outers ;
69j have been impressed in tbe glass of t>^ a bottle,
—» also in the cap coveriog the cork* xb9 i a t>els
u£i near the autograph ot nosi* ct^er £ South,
»lso Pittsburgh, Px fp.23 lw*
nae •
c;et- A Guobioos bt Gatbtttl -
»oor Nothing can ttie B occess achieved by J.
of O. Medicated Paper lor the Water
ink- Closet Piles will soon be a disease no longer
JtP>n except in name. This pore medicated
*• paper is unequalled as a preventive, and untp*
•proacbableaa a cure. Tbe proprietors wish it .
to be spoken ot according to its merits bnly. It
ia very cheap—looo sheets for $1; 500 .sheets
Cor SO cents*. Sold by all druggist!, aod at tbe
'day discoverer's depot, 41 Ann street. New York,
ring "J. U. Gayctty" is watermarked in each sheet,
and his autograph ia on each package. Sent by
express from 41 Ann street, New York, apou
receipt of price. The trade are invited to cor
: respond aa to terms. For aale by J. H. Reed &
1 tbe (Jo , wholesale and retail druggists, 144 & 1-4&
ears Lake street, Chicago. ja22 2w-cG3
See advertisement of Dr. Sanfords' Liver
crc * lnvi»rorator in another column,
eebe . -
" er ® jcp Pee advertisement ot Boudoir, Sewing Ma»
Uhe 122 Lake ja4-ly-bDO6
. , pr See advertisement ot Quaker City S2O
'oh& Sewiog Machine. L. Corxxu. & Co.,
$10; 0c26 ly IS3 Lake streeL
B dl: K&BSIID.
Qmas Jan. 2?tb. 1559. at the hojse of the bride s father, by
tbe Ber. B. d. Clark:ol Mr, E. P. WOOD and UUs
AKNA L. WILSON, all of this dry
Oa Moaiay. Jan. 31st, f. B'KNt axed two years snj
three months, oaysoa of B. T, and Carrie Crotb
I Ths TLe fjneral will ttks place at tte ralieoee cf Orson
, v- flailth.E a* 181 Wabsih aveaoe. on Wednesday, Feb. 3d.
thlm atao'cißdtP. M.
Hope Fire lu>nriace Oompuuj,
ense, *
ordi * Ciih Assets SI?MW*
BaraazscMttv acraoarrv) la Caioaoo.
Seysolds, By A Oa- Ftertwovd A
Benedict, fiatlory A ftnm Ciark A Dater,
DDder X. C. VAN HUH.EN, Acent,
bas a , , «
, . South last cor of t»oalh Water aod &ark-«t,
II vis- ttflio It Uu. DP BTAIBfI.
s well iha American Almmnn for 1859.
1925* -L posltorror
ighed, Price. •! 00* Por sale by
. tim, WM. B. HBHK, Bookseller,
e ÜBl-ly • No m Lak» street.
Blanchard has reduced his
• • pr*ees of
after* aod Teactensegplled at low prioes.
111 *l a - Address KCPtTS BLASGHAKP.
lu «e jftiUt' ohies«o.m.
t. On Cj SObacsCnpiredPeacbeh
SO br*t Pared Peaebe*.
r wim 5 bris Drlea Raspberries
ground Xbris Dried Blackberries
. „ . co tep Freoea Prunes
lull of 10 batkeu Umunnaa Prsnee,
at-w... - *Turkey Praam. ,r
oy was Jast received an A for sale by VTILLIAiC UTriJi A
:k with! FANOY TOrS
Mdied 350boxesFaocyOandles, lv.'
teuiea *& boxes Panct Pruaea.
diet in Coo boze* 801 l Uvecters.
Por sale at Ul South Water street, by WU LITTLI
00. AtXtAf
tl< shoulc
t , $ ment I
Washington*, Jan. 31—Sesate.—Many unim- J'
portant memorials, reports and Lulls were intro
duced. fftvnr
Mr. Bifilcr, or Pa., introduced the following .
important resolution, asking its consideration to- hraakj
morrow or as early as possible.
Resolved, As it is the oninioa of the Senate
that the creation of a large public debt in time
of peace is inconsistent with the true policy of g T
the United States, and as tbe present leveiiues Hou*<
are insufficient to meet the unavoidable expens- Blro y,
ta of the government, Congress should proceed *
without delay to so re-adjust tbe reveane laws as «j> w(
not only to meet the deficit in the current ejepen-
ses.but to pay off the present debt so far as it Wig
nuy be liable to immediate cincella lon. withii
Mr. Slidell attempted to bring up tbe Cuba
question an j after a disenssion aa to whether pre*
cedence should be awarded to it or Mr. Hunt-
Mr. Seward expressed the readine-s of him- Paraii
self ana party to meet tbe gentlemeu on either, drillu
■ Both, however, were over-ridden by the previous maga
armngemcQt that Mr. Foote should have the |m,
floor on the Walker, Paulding and Neutrality i
Mr. Foote commenced by oQering a substitute
to tbe Committee's report and the Pres-idem's
statement that Commodore Pavlding committed a .\ s
grave eirur. A msolution to the effect that as Worl
Pjalding rescued U'alker and his followers on the rille,
Nicaruguan soil for the benefit of Nicaragua, and e d
with her us-^eut—since thankfully expressed, forsi
that be (Pauldiug) is entitled to the commenda* meat
tion of hi* country.
Tbe grouud that Mr. Fuote took was that Wa k
er'd expedition beio? illegal, and so considered by
the Government, Paulding acted commendably, Sr.
and wiili the spirit of his
iog it, inasmuch as our jurisdiction fo lows the nred
ILig wherever it fljats, and all under it are of co
sibls thereto. He (Foote) thought it humiliating
to see this Govemmeat disavowing betore the n
world, on mere vcrhjl quibbles, tbe acts of its ***
subordinates iu carrying out orders «o vague and Bo
iudufiaitc that no oue could understand them. He emin
would not enq're whether »bey were bridj
tuade vague, but the Impression that the Cabinet year
at Washington winked at Walker's expedition is
AtreugUieued by his subsequent gracious recent ;
ti«>n by the £xecutive when the fillibuster should *
have Wen hauded over tne tribunals of justice.
Mr. Foote said he personally knew but little __
of Com. Panlding, but had formed a favorable
opinion of him as an officer and man. He
would not go to the length of his friend from S—t
Wisconsin and vote him aaword or medal, but ,
waa ready to do what would be more acceptable pi
to a man of bis stamp, but recognize bim aa a
gallant and faithful sefo&at of the Republic. rente
Mr. Critte&deu followed on the same side, lel
warmly defending Com. Paulding f s conduct as
an American, thankiog him for the bold and
heroic manner in which he fulfilled his duty and a
preserved tbe peace of the world. fet
Mr. Seward made a few remarks, closing by
offering a joint resolution that tbe President be
directed to interfere for the defence ol Puuld- tru
ing in tbe auita brought against him, arising *" dl
from the performance of his duty.
The Indian Appropriation bill waa then taken Wat
up. An amendment from tbe finance Commit* 80011
tee looking to the future abolition of the rcser- ,-pj
vation system, was adopted. J_
Otber amendments of nuimportance were s«.n
adep'ed. Adjourned. h* lll *
• llot'sE—-Mr. Larr presented a memorial from
New York, a-Uiug thy passage of a law to stop the Th
further traffic in und monopoly of public bads,
aud tbe parcelling of them out for tne exclusive jV
u;?e of actual settlers.
)lr. Edie,of Pa., moved to discharge the whole wie
House trom the consideration of the bill extend- tv*t
iog the Cb:«ffee India Rubber patent for 7 years. cC
The motion to suspend the rules was disagreed f e ]
to—Sti against So—a two third vote being neces
sary. «/|
The House Special Committee, this morning, by
a vote of 7 'against 5, authorized llr. Curti% \o re
port his bill for a Central pjcific Riilroad, with
oDe branch to the frontier of lowa and another to
the frontier ot Missouri. The bill was modified ut r
tlie i;.suuiceot Mr. Corning, by increasing the
amount ot land and money so as. to mike the
measure practicable.
Mr. Stephens, oi Ga., moved the tuspen-ion of
the ruUs, in order lo intioduco a resolution set
ting apart the 80i, 9:h und loth of Febiuary for 1 ;
the cCusideratioa ot territorial business. Jlotion 1*
• disagreed to by 103 ajainit 62 —uot two-thirds.
i ilr. Kilgore ot lod , attempted to introduce &
a aeries oi resolutions denouncing in strong lan-
guage the recent attempt* to revvve tbe Atricau fl 1
Hiare trade, calling upon go?ernment to enforce J.
the laws again&t tbat trade tbat already exiaied,
f bnt the House i-efused to suapend therulea— X)
yeas 115, nays Si oni
On motion ot Mr. Phelps the House agreed to
\ meet on aud after Wednesday at 11 o'clock in
the morning. J S
' Mr. Houston asked leave to introduce a bill xru
1 authorizing tbe President to contract a loan of
I Mr. Uorode objected, stating that the deletra- • <
tion from .bis resolred not to suffer
tbe govercment to run the country in debt any
further until tbe revenue laws were revised, so
as ta increase tbe receipts of tbe Treasury. 19
The House refused to suspend the rules 73 to f<
Oa motion of Mr. Bliss, the House agreed to
, have night sts*ioos for two weeks, for the pnr- r \
s pose of general debate. The Ho 'se refused, by 1
!- a vote ot 127 to C 3, (not two-thirds,) to suspend
1 the Roles to allow of the introduction of tbe or
y resolution mak'tDg reports on the Willetts' Point
a purchase cuse, the special order for the 3d
Thursday in February,
n Recess till 7 o'clock. \
s Hooss—Erening Session.—Mr. Davis, ot Mis- t.
aissippi, argued in favor of tbe acquisition of
Cuba, as necessary to tbe preservation of tbe
d United States as a nation. In bis opinion
il France and England were not in a position to J
& interfere, they being engaged in a struggle for
- e tbe balance of power in Europe. II
Mr. Pottle, of N. Y., thought that tbe present
platform of the Republican party was well con
rß sidered before it w&a adopted. There was not a D
sentiment \n its creed wbiehwas not clearly
* witßin tbe limits of the Constitution and calcu- ' j
q. lated to benefit all sections of tbe country. He '
a ' m waa opposed to slavery extension and adrocated
a proposition heretofore introduced autsarizing t:
the people in, all the Territories to select all their
ofii:ers, consisteot with the Bepubli
can platform. He then reviewed that portion of
r *~ tbe President's mesiage relating to Ouba, Mex*
et ico and Ceutral America, and be charged that j
the sole object was to cover up the iniquity of
the past by starting ne# issues, which appealed
be directly to every sectional »nd leeling £
in the country. lie thought it would have been
re more in keening with the condition of tbe Trea-
sury k if tho President b*d recammended a sale
re of territory to pay our debts instead of asking 1
ad f° r trillions to buy more,
eh ■ . •—■ ■ ■
or Rcvolntion in Hayti.
nr BobWs, Jan. Sl.—Lslters received hero from
to. Jeremte, dated 11th insi, say the Emperor So- .j
louque has been compelled to return to £ort an ..
Prince with the rest of his troops, ana it is '
fi thought that lie will soon abdicate.
The soldiers of Jeremiehad marched np to
'♦k Port an Prin.-e. .The people of Jeremie and of 1
« » the adjoining country are aroused, but will re
main there.
.. The Empress has advised the Gmperor to
.j* abdicate. In reply, be threatened to shoot ber,
' but was prevented from doing ao by several of
bis Generals. He is in a bad fix, but the lack
ited tniiitary knowledge ana discipline of the
]|D . Hajtien people, may, possibly, save him.
k A letter trom Gonaires says tbat the fiepubli
1, cans, i( they, sncceed, will reopen to commerce
eels tbe ports wbich have been cloaed for a number
the of years, aod will probably revoke tbe odious
or monopoly laws.
ieet, • -
'toy idcCormickN Reaper,—Extension of
ipon Patent Kefased
Washlvotok. Jas. 31.-McCormick's patent
ia • f° r 'mproremeut in Reaper Machines expired
to day, and tbe invention therelore becomes
public property. The Commissioner of Patents
_ overruled the application for extension on tbe
Ter ground that il is clear that the invention wm
new and patentable when patented, and that it
xt possessed a motive of ntilitv, but he is well sat
,Ma * isfied from the exhibits and testimony in the
' case that the patentee has received cot only a
-on reasonable but a most liberal compensation for
the time, ingenuity aod expense bestowed on
the invention and upon its introduction.
New York City Items*
jr by New Yobx, 31sL—A broker, named
. MUs living on TtiirU Avenue, shot bis servant r.ri this
forenoon, having mistaken her gj, e
la now at the Hospital, in a dying c^Q^ t j on .
Cyrus W* Field A Co., the extensive paper
1 and roanulac.utersi, who dnriog the crisis,
have taken up nearly all ctteir extended paper,
Orson much 01 it having nea*,« n [ ne months to run, and
b. Jd. have addressed a j 0 holders of the re
msuiuttg uotes, ' v jf er i D g to pay them at once.
DJ« Slave Excitement oa the Ittlwotirl Bor*
LtAvaxwoßTa, Jan. 29.—A party from West* '
■UUV* os, Mo., have returned to that place from Kan
sas, having captured several runaway negroes,
also Dr. Day. 4 Son, charged with aiding their
* < *** escape. The latter are now in jail at Platte
City. Summary puoishment having been threat,
ened, there is some talk ot a demonstration in
lark*, their favor. General Lane is expected to-nigbt.
feL m 9 m
Mail Robber held to Answer.
Milwauxxs, Jan. 29,—Frank Buchanan, the
IB£>. mail-robbing Post Master at Beverly, Wucon
ain, who waa detected through tbe agency of Dr.
Leib, of Chicago, special Post Office Agent, was
. examined before Justice Miller ot this city, yes
*eet> terday, and held to answer, in default of $3,000
OJS bail. Tho evidence of bis guilt is conclusive.
. • * j
NG. The Steamship Asia*
prioes. Sr. Joeks, N. F., Jan. 31.—A large paddle
UJi. wheel steamer ship-rigged aod with a red fan-
Lf set, passed Cspe Race at five o'clock on Sundsy
iIES, afternoon, 30th inst, bound Weal. Xt was un
* donbtedly tbe Asia, from Liverpool the 22d inst.
Sbe will be due at New York on Thursday fore
noon. Her ne*s may have beem picked up by
tbe boatmen off Cjpo Rice. One baa not yet
come to hand.
TLB A , • *
Hyarr. Express Robbery*
rOTS - AtmcsTA, Gea, Jan. The Adams Express
uc.'. • waa robbed between Montgomery and' Atlanta
oa Friday .of 940,000 mostly, in f 5 and $lO bills
IXI of Georgia and Sontb Carolina banks. A reward
elt-to of $5,000 is offered for its recovery.
From Washington. I
WASHnforo*, Jax. 31.—Mr. Buchanan has
determined to remove Judge Sinclair, of Utah,
should it be proved tbat he charged the Grand I
Jury that tbe Mormons were liable to indict
ment for offences covered by the' President's ""'v]
proclamation. lh
The Senate Democratic caucaa on Saturday . £
agreed to support aa increase in the rates of i *
letter postage to 5 cents.
Tbe Com. on Elections are unanimously in I
favor ot Hon. Bird Chapman, contesting the I
seat of air. Ferguson, as Delegate from Ne- I
braska. * I
Fire in St." Catharines, §3
Sr. Catsasuss, Jan 31.—The St. Catharine
House and an entire block adjoining were de
stroyed by fire about 12 o'cloc* Saturday night. I *
Two men were icjured. j
The tifice of the Montreal Telegraph Co., |
was destroyed—this being the second time
within a few weekas tbat it has been burned.
From .Paraguay* % j
Nxw York, Jxs. 31.—Later advices from ~ '
Paraguay aay Lopez waa busily arming and I \\TJ
drilling troops, launching uieamers, storing I v »
I magazines with munition* cf war, and prepar- I
j ing to bar tha waters of the Paraguay Rivers I
with heavy chains. I ——
Manufactory Destroyed. j thiirity
New Havt.v, Ct. Ja.s. 3L—Theextensive Bolt
Works of Plant's MaQufactunng Ca., at Plants-
ville, in tbe town ofrfoutbiagtoa, were destrof- I
ed by tire last evening. Loss $lu0,000; insured
for $03,000. men thrown out ot employ- I W *"-
ment. j \'V
. - I take to
' 1 A.O. B
Galway Steamer Arrived.
.. .. I &outi C
Sr. John's, >. F., January 31.—'Tbe steamer
Circassian, lrom
nved here at midnight on Saturday last, short t elnhc
of coaL She experienced very heavy weather.
—■ - 1m m< | jsJ6.li
DeatU of an Eminent Astronomer. I \\ r .
Boston, January 30.—Wm. Cranch Bond, the 1 lo \p Cl
eminent Aatrooomer, and Director of the Cam- I
bridge Observatory, died last night, aged 69 1 •L.TTTT
jeara. |
, L K]
OTf. //. .SC.'.'/t'/i V, .1 -t 33 DtirK.,-n-tt., I a#o. t
uci itUiriitd rueie« U>ierrti>evuiil* tor thi» niri uC J
Lt'iduiij "/ th* .VvrtA- ll*< J, ialbtetlf j
D.viiijr.a;»lowrout. Ta« turujmre w.n be b asat ar I
reotea If desired. Addreajßox fOit UflUc. I J—
J-V Poultry aad Pro<]uce<taati la the citj. fo.t : fi!ds, I -
10.-dile. Adoress * J.'Draw
isc lio-ie aad mi gn tU.-for. er of Wolcotk *nl I
trii itrcct*. cow otc. pied oy v. F. triiul us. 'i'iie tiouse I |H
«udi(r«u a ar. to perlsct order, aad SUtOa otitic par- I A .
cu«se money c*n rcu-iU» oa li -ad u»d (,r» I u»-l
ot years a. ply *: tbecffl.-c of ftJILLicS i »a.\ |
WaGtNiH, No. i^voaii»'tJOiidi-ti Clark I * or '
goutn Water streets lei lw-vlJi n<*rl
J» A Co. ii hereby divo!»eU CUarles •• Uobiaioa I
:s«.oljfuuihjrize.tjactucc.aunsforor**aiosC Ue a:e J w «'^o,
CtlAd D. nObl.NooN. oe»e4
Ittoa. IL I'ASII*JS,
.IliU U. butic v. I aud Ui
Tltorntoa &tvJ\,u. Co:te Co.. I.L ni-U ctSi |
Cjasiiltlieinierestof John J. tools in it-c Loose I tbefol
01 Uocucc «t lunu «£ Co.. aal *t.l c iQ.iou« Uie I
uie Oru- b.»lncs<meeforeaitatf cliJsu.J.No..j ;oa.h I
*V»tcr iUte:, u.dcr tue »tjls of ttoc »re. PUiitip, a C>. } ** 1
cOicatSO, Keu. 1, **♦. J »B UOOtvLK. I •• 1
fel-3t QfcJ. \V. aiUNIfcXUCaGH. I •• j
3 Oa«« Mani!U lndlffj, j ——
2j t*s.U*eeo A.al> I l : I
3J Cuis t'psjm salts. I tl
, Fars.tsoy UO'Jliti PHILLIPi A CO.. | ~
fei-3ti1.5 .Nj o».eraUte'. J a
! mitJ 20 bblsCteam f*iti.-, I
«W eiuks sicby somaa 1
r , For sale t>y PHILLIPS A CO.. Acdt
fel-1 cli> No. sv'jttr s:reet- I tbtre
l fiO Cises t ii Hevterwlat. |
, Por sale by i-OCKKv PaiLL[P3 A CO . I - v;,
.>o. 3>doata Water street. I
1 rpue xew dkst\l e tai'.li-umkst. JJ
] DH3. AllilH sT -CTALLACE, I
Oliice, >No. SMe b r .dht Cba r ch block, cornsr cf Cisrk I wltO
1 . CUIOMiC. ILL. |»-l"
j. c.
0 (Sear the Port ctß:e) liilsols. j .
farCuh advances on all kicJi cf llerchacdlse. I| I
0 fet.ty.cl3t I
0 Dearborn Seminary. =
v 1 tion for Yk. Ladles will cn Monday, the 1 l.h I
A lus l I
a Circulars can be sh'atned bp a<Mres:lns the Princlpil I
ie or by calling at tae riituloary II ilJing. I
jt fefawettt Z tiRQVga, Princlpil. |
1 $14,000.
s- /3_ of Good* arid {loose so* Lot la this city for s*le. | fj
r>f Two-'hl»d« of the *nioun wilt be taken lo ItaproTrd I
, 0 P«nnlD*iaua AWresstamedl«telly**J. B." 1
10 «lth descriptien c( (jroper=y. f.-llw* I
I 1859. 1859. I"i
>r I gfltD
Qt Illinois Rir«r Packet Company*
n- Incorportad 1858—Capital Stock, $200,000. I
" D. J. HANCOCK. I'rti'i. TJ. P. HANCOCK, fet r.
Ie I forPre:ahtto 3t. Loul. all point, on the IltlDol*
„h Rlnratthelo<r««t r«<e<. Fr?!*hit4»en by Cr.ieaa.' aod
cu Bock lslaa<l lUllroad to •'corii. aad Steamboat from
iff tlence. For ps'ticuhn *p'lj to
,i T T. W. ALtX\.>DEK A CX. Axests.
'j| fel ln<H6 133 M 8 eth «* a'yr St.. Üblraio. 11l
°! Valentines. ~1
'»< NOEHIS <Ss M "
Of? Have the larx'.st and best Iclrcted astortirent of U'-
ing Which the? effer to Dejlers at the LOWEST FBICES. |
AO&ftlS Jt HYDE, c i
M-tw cMt 10' Dearborn street. Chicaso, 111.
S m the affairs of tbe Weste n Valley Fire aod M-rlae
.losu.aace < omoany of '.hiciuo t UqjK oa tbe lit o? , 5
,aa . Jißavy. lSo J , uader par umce of requirement of tte I
; i s Ctxarter: .
Amount of .he Cipltal Ftoelc paid op and se- \ A
cored ris
\ - aeoeja- , . to
dot Caihonbaad.earnedpresloinj,asd Tt
re- cash la ban s of snecU... • 1ft'30.54 ea
Bills recri7»bV
pt9ctSotesaadoth«rßec3iltles... SCWtCOO i
r to ■■
3er, Bills payaMa
.1 of usseaawaltl.itfu therp 00. 3.50
, adiuit'd aodool| aid.. ........ si.it*) S-350W
ack W. President,
the J. a. R:OT. Secretary. tet»tw* _
erce M £SL—Ctreai* Court of Cotk County. March Terra, J
iber James and Baojunla Eotleslonvs. Robert Cama- tl
ions ban-la Chancery. . f
Afldavit of the ooa-resHenea of Robert Camsban. Li
defeodaat above r«bml, oartaa been filed to oißce p<
of the Qerk of pld Circa t Coort ot Oook Ooaoty. **
Notice Is hereby ilrra to the said Bobert Cam&haa that
Of eompla'oacu ni«U ibeir bill of wmplalnt la swa
i'osrt oo tbe sl>te thereof on the ele*entn d*T
of J ax.auy. I*9. and that an a tataeaot
tent Issued oat of said Court aaalnst silJ re
ired tamable oa the first Mca'sy of March next. l fc s3. as is by J
la* required. No*, unless *ou. tte said Hi ben n
mfa shaQperson»lly beand appear before Circuit Coort c
enta ofCook County, cathefixst uay of the next Match term
i tha thereof, wbe holdeaat Ohfet**. la said County, oa the e
' first Monday of March. 13aft. and plead, aosrer or de
was mar to Uvtt bill o- complaint, tbe sazae
at it aad the* —Wis6 therela. chanted aad stated -
«nt_ wtU beta OBAXTessed. aod a decree entered MalnA (
. you accon**. prayer of said bUL
i the • *sl. l. CIIUBCH- Ci*r* fl
ily a Artr ur W. Wladet. Oo*n:.rta Bofr. fel t'cUti j
a for t
ion Brydon Valentine Company. ;
to ciukfctittt *•
1 this Ijopr on'y Ajent fjr the West and Seoth.
She asd Pedlars soarllcd at New \
York Jobber's p rices, with i
Tisis, Yankee Notions and faucy Good-,
10re " Valentines! Valentines!!
An as ortmekt greatly excel
LING aay ta« t his hitherto teen seen In Chicago,
are now ready at the store of
West- McN aILV & O 0..
Kan- gx Dearborn Street.
Byaiopdn*theCA«H t lao In dUpostoa ofthelrgoods,
tbeir jhef to offer extraordinary mdaceiDents to
'latta Western dealers. Tceir Valentine* are all fresh and aale
able, are put uo ia lota of fit e dailara worthandop
e . wards. Dealers wIU fl dit to their adraatueito order
on in from ibeml-stead o'Knlin* to \or*. aabyboylfi*
ia fcSriit will ersstoem but a meta nomlaat sarn.
g as^eSare^edlarctat oa. d-alerswoowtstt nearly
saoply will do well to order cace. Orders by mill will
receive as isaen »u*«tioa as If tbe parties were them
>. th. ,
iicon- 1.331 Chlcw. lllteoii.
J Ilave removed from £5 to
jaddls 63 . • • l>ake Street. ... 62
i fan- j*39-3;
undsy — 1 ■ - 1 '
diost. X»» to Inform his numerous frien J s and patrons that I
f fora- he bas his* wumed from atur Co Euiope. aurj hATUfc
' w_ while tier® »UUed some of tbecrinc.oal ooa-itali o v
°P °/ cQuatiy.ls'oWpreparedtoattendaUbareatlylnereisea i
ot yet faculties a" cases reaafrtn* the besisaiU la *ad |
toxical practice, office 69 ttanUoiph ]«SS aHi 1° I
Docking profjsktt to xbt |
Cbeaner any In tae dty.—l wt!! let for Mo - .*
iqmmil DoekasuUablafiwUE^fr.- fards
Ai-fT orolbeebusmesfcantheSPutti Branch (wlUiTldaT raea*
.tiantsr Of tie Chlraro aad Ja let BailroaJL) aod a contra ct tor
0 bills brtogln*W aid f rcm tb» m ta* ea*s of ail eonoi icviiK
.—..j Bai»o«is in tbe c ty. Pat meet f r rents may be m>tia
ewara b lomoer. Apply at 55 • ysrk str et.
j«2710HC107 JOELS VfJ
fer'. ' " 'jfffl CHEAPEST wasl
Most BrUU*nt Ught National
l|P Yet discovered. WHlealeb
A rv lu a Hani Lamp. CNB
_ */\ \ &wi| QALLOH burninathree
T3 5
V V Mlcr gjiiV.'rSM And hut
fc. ptl
Cf jLa &ed there u Grind I

iDcmJcb. Tursi
1 * acet wlthla mllft of the Coort llouse. To whlct
osede)i !o< t > *«U for Cash w>U pleiw d>*»crbe loca
n. mestlsn prise, aad addcess Bo* * W9.** P"»t ▼lto
xc*. J»gtf«cl>»
f f «Fi »t rta«* R«nidencs on the NTtb fiUe. la
srlty locitrd hetw;ea the s'reets of P.aeaad Srrth „
artv-m. li iaoa ;iad djo t\cr. Lot to bo oMless }}
m 75 feet [i!\v. witii a Ur*e at d ffnataMloui 11oqs<. is"
»s tie--tli? sof -VaK-rA Co. Xj. 1" fU'e strcer.
at ay res de.ee. Mo. 174 Jl.c.haa a*e n ue n,,
x.i IU". cllD JOt-.n WALLtR. tj|
frOSS, Oten. Cow* >ful« , s. sn'l Provlshas.to
teto rVakinthr-'priO):. Forpartirulara aldrefs {
0. BLM'L'M. NL D. Ctrca-o. I llaols, anclot"lo« two
s'*te at-iiaosfor return aal'.> or call at bis uißce. I 3*»
uth k streeu comer Madbon jaJ6.jw.tJt
• * Bvach and Map'e wood for a of heavy
mhones A Mfcsj J. JJKLKIBK. U«
Itcx ;s; Cai. T. 0., luting u ace of meetlna. L:«
whrlrsaie Cni* Home, for wh'ch real rs'att and *
mreuh wil. be paid. Chicupj, P. 0. QIX
L Hunt Che'thim rthcr*us James Heary Ilurst,
aire of M iache*ter, lu.i;!aa-, seed Ut> years. -Apcly Or the i
ith's > ffice. ia2t4w UiC '
L KINR, wholeftatokesCfuvy.N. C..someJJyears -
co. lie or his heirs are entiilea to a legacy of about XTOI*
iiH*JL Address U. IL sTaHBCCK.
lata-lo rt Siuem, N. C.
? ' for uhlfh' he tlchest market price will be 711 o 'cl
»!d Address or aprl/ to L. HtHtZ.,Np, 5t aioadaj
anu'olpU alretU ChicaKO. ilsfce
—ttre, Si
»■ w keod A
iror sflic ul'Jb!
_ oftfrf
6as Ll«:ht aad Coke Company, at the price JL 8
f ten fuahei i«ra yquintiiy.
I? BtB." was built'n Cl-ve enl la tSSS; leaath,
-eei: brra tin. :t> 11JU fe tt depth feet; v
ae.uurement '-S1 9V \otis. lfclw
for price a&d tntni apply to LINDA 'i
i<ar Madljoa street. jal 9 lm*
Ll PH k d-3UX.—I ta?« for oae irood Truck has ret
Vacon ahd tisraeis: five aood 100 Axel Drays and liar- some 0
itfjsej. incab ive for sale cheat;. Inquire of L. T*P- taTorll
at Rlcl mon-i ACo's. office corner Norti water turn u
ad Uearbotn streets ialt b>9l to o thei
J oificeNo. 3. DoiVs UaUdin*. Chicaao, lIL, -jtv
iie fo'.lowio* Teueis: -4XX- Ja/au
«chr. KO r KEr. tlaa* Al. with a Stir 47.i *O. a
.. K .. At «9 ..
.. uHfcA'EtULt- •• M *M ..
.. E. .. Al 4W ..
.. >VtNO»O? *h2WISD. thus A i 3TO ..
.. IvfKttVVriUjiAU .. Bt «^..3St .. _
.. UEiALD-Ne. .. * ..
.. PKTKKU .. Hi. -411... ri -.Q
J tl bsUZtn 'j I** 1 **
|1 uf Chi
Now beta* Erecte%
On Ruab| near Superior St n M .
AndtobcflaishetMay Ist, Taete houses are iSxtrt feet, Tbaui
thteeaonsa, w'.ux bueaeit UilwauWee brick froafc *' a * 1 !
baltt an Ito b«f finish-'l la ihebe«i manner. Tae lots are \^elai
H7 feet dei-p to ao alley, aad will have a aood bnea barn Jte'ro
on each. Persoas porcsuina sjoa can mise suoh al* v |*s°
trrations ai may be desired. _ , *»}• »'
Term faTorat»«e. Ayutyto P'. BfttINAUD, 45 Clark
meeutrom»to tQo*cU.clt A. M. la» i\\*\
House anpl».tforsale situated "-^1
o» the corner of Wo »\ .\ad Warren streets In the "| h«
>. C 4 a-or Ooioa P*r*. occupied by vP. Hay- jCl^
ward, 'i tie hoo«e is new. built of !»rlc* two stories, aad naa
stonebuemeattweoty (onrty Ofty-ihree feet, wiiba fine w
obserratory; UaUhnlia tae 'attl mAble manner sieso
with all tae modera iaproffmeotv-iaarbte maalels. wn
er*te% Aa. Ac—w n.d be a desirable reiideace. The _ l J' i
lo: la Ly uae hundred mi twentv-seven feet. ro «
with a twenty foot altey la tbe wid oe sold
*<ryche»p—on caaU time, orthe whole of tbe purchase WW
money may reoaij oo taorUure on It aad otber proi»en7 I*>l
.'cr-ouror d*e years. «r i» wiJ be eachaaited for ua
dnabtvd real securlUft. havlo* seTcral rears to Th
rua Aopl* to K. T. B P. O. lu>x So :U!« or to ■* ll
U tl. UL.KN& 13 liearb- ra st-—woni e. jela3o2m*
Mall?! Malt! malt! 1
-| A i\i li . lin. SO 1 CANADA CAR
IU.UV."/ LEf MALT. In store and for sale by oti
7 W i Kttf BALL,
la« two 3m 15" Kensle street.
——■ an
*•* anyf
with or without rooms at 3<o 1
MadlKnst*«-et: also a «n.t of rooms, suitable f ra »tn>ai
fajni'y. Kcfo. eaces given and required. jaU iw -
t r eia 'a csa procure Hoard aad PieAsant Rroms at
No. 71 M'-croes.reet. Alto, a lew day boarders can be •
avmaiodaied. jai»lm tilt A 1
an I pVasant eitlier suite* orslaxle. at 2tss
e«rath Clark street. Traaalent Board at reasonable rates,
Boarding. single rooms and
sultso'roomsaewiy fitted up. with buard. oa rev J]
jnoabl* --rms, may beob'ained on apjlcwon at No aid
State a'reat. 0. D. OLiVSB.
dcid ioi*
i Vt at er street, snltabl© f-r a Whflesale Grocer of
Ury Co «Js ioohinjr li use. SeU moderate. ti
MaTl'Ufc>y LAPLt.N.-ta aoutb Waters. jaiflcl-WW
1 to oorn-rw prtinlje% La«e it, <et. on M-e
Is*, o' February seat, we will rent to a irood Wnaot the Ren
we ao if cCC£t y. v t. 15" 'H'h at *t street. _Ap* yf j
pSw 'I)OOUEtf. A tIILLB. _
1 the offices oa the and second J
floor In r«r-le«'s Bai S u »uta W Uer aotl Weil# jj
streets. Al*-. t«o lolU and a £ac corner bssemwt. ..
snitaW»ffradiniaz ha'l Por'-rmsappl* to the »ob*rt 10U
per In «he bo«dia<. No. Ati South - 1711
1-I3b?«im 4 * tnt.LTA3Hf.
I EKiT. Cor a term q' v ara that laree bo'ldlr" w*t
feutof th<» Bevator ofai')t»a ••r.tinA C»-. jt
Utjo»blonit!Uods-beh« -mtM
rif-r andrunaln<l'*c< to u.- (>. * L»it H. Attached
to ibe baiicia* ts a «teaia fn<in« room w<la an eftame. I
ThU Is a fine lo" - tion for a ki-jarl.".* illiU ur for Mechanl* A
nl pairoMS. K.ru™u. 4 c.»=lx v t. ;LUAM5 _ CI
d«th>ns3m 2U routb A'aterstre*. \
'■ KV
pafliailav Nolues.
Particular attention is called i
to a rare chance for Investment In » hu lneia »here
!»!-«. l» no eumnsttioa. acd whica Pay* mtbeee hard
• times fully one hwtdrM o«r eent 0
''f -
! 85,000 to 520.000. . t
I X St cllofDrrOooJi. or oerwoJ J1
1 property in tich««e fcr pa t cun and part real estate.
t caabetreate*l«lU» adTaot4*eouilj.
1 A dty resideare *Js> wa-t d r>.r cash, and cuLlde real
» ntite. Mirta J4.de prelcrred. Arp yto
. mw. w - uo * Auctioneers.
ja376t 1M No. 3t Dearborn street. .
I g50.O()0 w D 8
• Office.
At Ten per Cent, per Annum. k
» pott rivn'THAH®. 6
Heal Estate and
• fSI an. . AT TEM PEE CEST.-A e
SI.UU 4 ' pirtr wsbes me t» sell a tot
" hilow cHcecnfair aadloan tht «U»0 <
»nn*inlaat lea per cent- on other iecu:i'y. ooe or
j ffadsworth A Co's. CC Clark .b ja ±TX P- 0_ (
1 Mercha-id se. or City Prop rt*. a3ou* Ili'-W »orO»
o*news&76iid Peat, Veneris. ,
K- " Boxitwl Chicago P- O. iylab»V7 <
£ A. valuable Uorses and Carta ea,
£ chicue rur tiro eerie*. Lua er.Aatdware
UfihiMlm 53>«wid janouth Clarlt stret*.
--"• ill un acsnitiM.
atocaa. Bosineaa Notes ard all Chackt
ties boa«ht and sold Certificate* of Pepoy_siwvi
of B. K, Hwirt, brother A Johnau» WaooS
at tbe bluest market price.
sja andlowalands, Imnrovedfarms, suburban \oul «ao
Cty Heal Eitata. i»ee No. A rwirSt?
rivt LEGBaPH exchang*
OK NIW 1081.
i~auiicuuj NCXa »»11 In Toik oo
Lie d*J to ffi oi? 0! ?e»TiS to
5 xutig# ud JUlmraiw Rallr.nl
II tc^^jss-SbS
-6 \
"(or I «Jd OotODUT ll Chlcw. ot «!<* itl"
<9 . 1 *■ l DO * BS - BcOTUrI '
or— 1
"Washington's Birth Day!
TIIE ffiSi
National (laird Cadets
WUI celebrate the Nations Holi- aA
day by a jPk
And In tbe evenln* will «iva a £ /f
Grand Fall Dttsi Military
At their Hall, oomerof Market gl, 1 «rr^
and Rindolph itieHs. -
Feb'y 32d, ISJ9.
To willcl all MlilUrj are la- T - -i
tiled to bo rreient ?n arWjllfffljraji*"
fte;bea A. Doodae* Co'oael T \jtor,
Hon. Win B. E«w. Cjl.bcl D»vU.
Gen R. If ti»M, Capt. Wyman.
Geo. Beaubler, Cavt. Hvkcr.
Cjpk McArthar, Cast. Jos. dnlUu
Llenteaant Oace.
* orncsa oFiue wenixg.
Capt. Gen. Li. Sanborn,
Ja» D*. WUU A. f». CjWv
K. Jl. Kaox. a. W. do* h.
>LOC>a susAGkni
Lieu*. Robt. Wttherel, Roht. Po«<*
Lieut J. 1L lliyaec. Win. I aula.
Lieutenant J. 11. Cly&ouxne.
□r Ifai<o by the GRKAT WESTERN BAND.
fet-idalJT ____
and Geatlemsn open
ltamai Aa»t»mj ud l'!n;Mosv,
Or tbe Structure and r«s or :!i» Vtrlou Paxta of tbe
Pro! R. B. PADDOCK, A. M. M. D.,
Mechanics' lurftituto Hall.
To commence on next Moarfa- Evening Feb. 7th. at
7'i o'cl'c*. udto be cmlnuedoo etch Saturday abd
awaday kvroios* r>Uowin« ml completed.
ilskets fortbe Coone. 11.iUe.4-U. /or a Lrc.
tbnr. ii cent* «4cb. To be b-dnc ibo tiro* dtore* o' J. H.
ktMACo, L»ie »ti«U L. T. Hu r.t»too. No. t>i N>»th
Clark rtreet- a, it. Unas. No. js> >wu MadUon it'tel.
Oaleßr then. No. U>i kWidjHih *ttce:. aud »t the office
of tfr. Paddock. P rl tod block. Room U fel-AtcUl
JL Peaion. ——
Tlios. D. Worrail, Esq..
Urns 1). Wortall 9 oa hi) war float the But to our,
city »ad will deliver ala calibrated lecture oa
At Slitropol.Ui U* I. on Tueslay fcveal-iy, Feb. U*. at
7* ow:t. ,
Mr. W. hasrlilted m >«t of ue Kiato n Qll # Moce bo
has tern in ib • country, and bi« be« i prefaced upoa by
someot ou'mojt poterviUuK neu w ?l»it UUk&*o aiut
iaTorlt«oltl»-n« w'.t»"»b iceiebnie-Heci r*. T..e les
turei la a t alua'e of tae oid Su<.:*b and l« one
o tbtf mo t laclaa'tan and piwerfa> of the mo
aodweu dMerfetbe ricu he aaj »o nobly woa
from Aoerio»D aadieace*. t ......
IlckeU 25 ceoU. F r tale at tbe Drloclaal bot«!<.
K. d Weli»' U ot *od J'ho? a:ore. aad at (be door on tae
dajarnKvcoiiu oft-eledure. ia3>««>f
Grand Musical fextival,
Oa Wednesday Evening. Feb. 2d, ISJ9.
3. Wm.B Kc»ii.CaaLmm.)cfibeHonu
Annlver*arv. b»ve vie. gore la anaouoeloc to Uiedtueoa
of Cblcaco that tliey a«i eed to < to a
, T&e aorivalled delineator o' fleottlih BotK. j for hU pa*
. w»a*ieae*e»ilon«aid krUaion wiv.ee'. in bebairor
e tr.elate Boroa Aaniv tsary. outbe a!>n*<j««*nl&fl avthe
a Me»ro»'Olitan U*i». bU 'fo«n t«» cl.y,
when tbe toliovtng rara combination of muileAl talcot
*W f y®yj* rTB goj|; th* Con ral*o; Mr.
WOuO. Tetter: »lr. MuOß*. tUn one; Mr. f. LLM
— hA(M>. Mr 0. in i>o Otbamcr;
) U-.RRiiotTIIJKH. Solo I'laai*.
« HieUUWißd«ioa*d,ro«DtaandedVyCatt. «eAirtw.
». - and »!nx Scot* wba
.d tiae" end " Aotd l*ni "•lue.' 1 «Vh tuti elwrna.
Ny de lre»'be Olee ot * Wdll- H. e*'d ssecKO MauW
a Uagrx Cra«f. rd. Uoore »nd LuuiOArO.
x Hb H.\JUilaHt Vla&bt and C. nuuctor
in liueti eenu: J4VM.UO wltn P4rert« Z> cen'j.
l. To be bad of E. B. Weill, I'J nacdolpti mreH; llUjlds
id iß'"i., LUe ttreet: and Hoot * cacj«J3 Clat* »xt<".U
K rf uoofi open at Conce.t to cocinicxteat ? ,S.
w Hal St'
E The Excels!ar society Festival.
A Oty of Chicago** will eelebrata its
Tenth Anniversary,
By a Grand Dinner and Soiree at tbe
Th» CommiMe? of Arran«ementa will lee to it »h*t
ootuiO(tib*Ul>e wntluitoiaa*» itie Ve*«kV4l equal to
any t mwr one, wtilcbn all Uat New Vor*c»n ur»tre.
j ulcia i'. L. dUKRM<m. ae.reury.
25 1
r Cleveland Lodge, No. 211,
'j, A.. ?. ASD A. ».
5 OnThnrsdaj, Feb. Z,A-1.5859, J. IK 1839-
Member* of the Fraternity ar* rtqeested to wpfar in
-0 Jtrt.Ua.
?a- Tlasle bj the Great TVe*tern Band.
J ls 8. T. DEAM. CaJ'er.
S Dck«U may be had at the Trtaont Ha"', and at the _
flrs of ajersoa. Miller A Co.. 71 meet,
nososjtar M^jriacM.
M. W. Ira A. Boo*. O. M..
»t.W. U. O- Ki'yno'di.U. 8..
?a E. •». W. Mltebel'.C.
. M. 8. Reubcr* Tay.or. U. P..
M.E. i V. X. Blan y *3. C..
11 U. C. N, D. Kt'Ofcd. O. 11. F.,
i 5 M. K. 11, A. Jobn»oo, U. K..
.g t. L Q, W.DearlctfcU. M.
>i. e ookxittw or Aa߻xuxwm>
llio n«»iiy Clwelud. P. M.. W.T.M:U«r.P.
*P* WM. Eiu. W. il. N. Uuatlry J. w.»
L w «.x*o. p.y. WlUotuT- l*l»ell>td
St ¥«unst Ueu's Association.
It 3J-BEOSOE 3CMNES. fcul'iect: "atJa."
El ICah—BAYAUD TAYIOH. BaUort: *Ufolnti«Soctti.
. 171h-E.P. WHIPPLE. Subject: t
Mth-IISHMAN SIKLVILtE. fttfcject: "SootbSeM.
T)l J,B. fIRANT vmaot).
HKNRY rtT. BlhH-JF. Jr«,
w*t tlfLE aINCI. Ul
bu® Leciufe Committee,
tbe " " '
ClcTFland liOdso N0.311, A. F.* A.81..
*. WUI lIU ~S •» the Ttem-nt Uenae. oa TBOMIJAT
=5 KVININQ. MWM M. «3- liaS-M-cSj.
__ C. M. OAST, Instructor.
hirt Al the tectum Boom la Portanl Btodf
h.M il?- «00 M, Urn .. 13 .«>■• W»ln. c»
Auction Sales.
i2j UoaMhoU Furnltarc.
use. Ware. P<rl>a Marble, oil Faint
iuo. *d<l «ia*«vrar»%
,reU ATJC'i ION-
: c t. OS TDKBDAT. ttlnuf 1- "»X °'d«* A " M " "
—' * will tell at oar new laleifoom,
, pjst PASLOB jftliiSixUjiß.
lm _ , hro-atelle and balr-eloth;E«»»
- F«r!or ftd • aaa Mano«4pj Centra
i X wrjfc 1
BSS.'iS'oteSSi;iSiwiMi .ad iw»
QUt Frtmed Mliroii. - ,
BICH CEAHBER fubshubb.
O.k. p"*?^A oI S S
—A **■ Buma-BoosirtrßHiTDßS.
a lot flll »»a Cherry Uteiulon Drnlu T^ilef.
SIS orncsFUßsnrax.
U, BUtW. uu «*> T "
.".h T ci!bcKlKTt «a-«g*^r. 4 toS !
. -!» feo.W-3.1®. bAidUEb 3WA3KY.
Boaas ■
iss; hill at swasev.
KSS mwuhax. ATJOTiowaaae
j(l tad A3U>
MgJjJ: Commission Merchanta.
«us- dsasbobh snast M
TTi roadK ' a
• _ gnJ» ■ - 1
j. 11. TAYLOR * CO;,
„.o» ucnos ao comdssios aiamsts,

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