Newspaper Page Text
CHICAGrO DAILY PHESS AND TRIBUNE. volume xil : PRESS AND TRIBUNE. thu&sday noaynro, The Stale Bank of Illinois. Reports were in circulation on Taosday » afternoon affecting the standing, of the " State Bank of lUinoi?," at Shawm clowa. The facts bearing upon tho ca&e will be fouu<3 in our monoy article, and in tho letter from our Springfield correspondent elsewhere. The bank is all right. Making a Virtue of Necessity. 1 The Time* say* it Intends to go before tbe people of tbe State at the nest clcctiou, on tbe Dyer Lecomptoa charter. This is a very e ingenious anu pleasant way of stating a most t disagreeable necessity; The public will under- t stand that the intention tbus proclaimed by c the Times is precisely similar to that enter- 1 tained by tbe convicted felon to close bis life * on tbe gallows. , a 1 A. Sodden Change. t As long as tbere was any hope of getting r the fifty-four Democrats in the Legislature to c force Dyer & Co/'e Charter down the throats J of the people of Chicago, the Times earnestly advocated itn pan?4ge. The moment tbe sub mlssion clause inserted in the bill, tbe -Itme* abiudoDod il, and its editor went to t Springfield to beg bi=- friends cot to pass it. j, The Timt* bas as wholesome a le&r or tbe Q people's vote on the measure concocted by p its own clique as John (Candlebox) Ciilhoun v bad oi the vote of tbe people of Kan>B6 ou tbe Lecomploti Goiisiituliou. The Democracy and tbe Tariff. j A L'cmocratic caucus on tbe tariff was held * at Washington yesterday—Mr. John Coeb- 11 ranc of New York, in tbe clia'r. A large n majority were opposed to any alteration of c the prewjnt du'icF, and in lieu of notion on ° the problem of nn empty Treasury, it was n resolved to raise the wini by a fresh loan aud p appoint a committee io swelter through the b dog dav?s—maturing a plan by whicb the gov- s may bold Ufcll up by the boot straps t for the year ot two. Tiic couimit\ee will be expected to propose a financial solH'me by e which forty milliouß ol receipts will cover .i fl hundred millions of exneopes, and create a 8 sinkiog lund for uu i-xient-ive of £ Treasury notes fallinj; due. We suggest that C»bb aud Floyd lie placed ou the committee, 0 and that they liuve power lo couralt Frank v Steele of Minnesota, with a view of applying the fiscal principles of the Fort Snclling trade B to their complication. ' ' ' ■ • m i: Health of Jndge McLean. e We are sorry ti heur from Woshicgton that * Judge IdcLesn's health is evidently nguiu 1 giving way. On his return to the Capital bo * was for a few days enabled to vigorously prose- J cute bis duties, but by Ja*t accounts be was no. ( able to attend the sittings of the Supreme Court, r and it wus SHid he would soon return to Cinciu 0 natu— CUvdand llera'd, * I THE CITY. f ■ b Andrews bus a large assortment of vul- * entices for sale at 39 Clark street. . v JOS- Frederick Pontius, of Rochester, will lec« | lure upon "The Kacw," at Metropolian llill, on p Friday eveniug next, the 4th in>L t £ST" The Third Annual Festival of tbe Cleve> $ land Lodge, No, 211, A. F. and A. M. takes place e at the Tremont House this evening. j UniCAoo Homcopatbio Msoic&l Socisty.— j The regular meeting of this Society will be held { this evening ct Dr. Bbipmun's oflice. I '. c ty Georgo Sumner, Esq ,of Boston, wilt 1 deliver tbe regular lecture of the coarse before j the Young Uen T s Association this evening at e Metropalitan iiall. Subject—" Spain." t Fuesu Salmon akx> Grvek Peas Our friends 1 Taber, Hawka & Co., of the Richmond House, will j ecrve up fresh salmon and grcua peas fur dinne 1 * j to-day—being the first of the Mjarou. j £ST Tbe Church litcord for February is promptly issued and contains the usual variety j ol matter. Ei.t2d;by James Grant , Wilson, Esq. 1 I Qvick Time—Two hundred and fifty barrels of ] higbwines were shipped by a firm In this city, 1 over the Michigan Southern ltiAil, i6rXew York. ] Tbcy were received in Ni w Ymk and sold in j Hcveu days alter their delivery at tliw depot. 1 ■ j Map or tub Gold Usoion.—Hufus Ulaochurd, * LaSalle street, bas for sale Jjhntton's new rail* 1 road and country copper-plate map of the Kan- \ sasand Nebraska gild region. This is the only 1 correct or reliable map of the routes to tbe sew gold fields that we have seen. ( tsr The Eaglish papers of January 15th, the Chess Monthly for February, and the American Almanac for the current year, have been re* ceived by McNally & Co., opposite the Post Of fioe. Also, Braithwaite's Retrospect, and , "Whit*. Will be Do with it." Tue Suicide at Blue Island—The man who committed suicide at Coopei'a Grove (Bremen), on Tuesday, was named Francis K'eut, a German, He cut bis throat in n cow-hi»u*c adjoining the prcmiß'9 of Nicholas Euglohart. lie hud shown signs of inKiuity for two or throe weeks berore he committed the rach set. The Coroner wcut to Blue Isbnd on Tuesday niplit to hold au ioqucst, and returned at a lale h ur last evening. . pEsrarcTivK Fire.—About two o'clock day moroiug, a fire broku out in the eraall row ot wooden tiuildiugs ou tUu bouih bide of Lake dtivct, between Wells and Franklm, which almost en tirely destroyed Nos. 203,207,209 and 211 Lake street, and corinidenibly damaged Nos. 213 aad 215. The fire origiuated in No. 209, whicb was unoccupied, and was, with .hardly a doubt, the work of an iucendlary. 205—'This store was unoceojiicd, and is owned by Mrs. Sarah Walker. Toe building was of Mnall value and uninsured. 207—Whs occupied by Garrison Bloom, below for the sale ol bats, caj«* and clothing, and the upper part as a dwelling. His furniture aud stock were mostly destroyed. He estimates his total lot's at $3,700 —insured, for $2,000. 209—Owned by Dr. Foster, aad uuoccapied. The building of not much vnloe. 211—Occupied by Wm. Shaeflcr, as a lager beer eiloou, whose whole loss will not exceed sso—no insurance. The building was owucd by F. Otto. 215—Occupied by Solomon Witkowt-ky, dealer iu closing. V'.ry tiitl- of his stock was sived. estimated at—'iu-uredfor SSOO. Build lug owned by Dr Foster. Tlie were all o'd and of anink-ror order, u«d coiM-quentlr the lovs on them is not bcavy. CELEBRATION OF WARIHSOTOS'S CIOTH DAT.— The Executive Committee, imuiedistely after the adjournment of tbe meeting of citizens on Tues day night, were called together and His Honor Mayor Haiocs chosen Chaltman, and W. \V. Dan enbowcr apppointcd Secretary. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That room No. 1, be the bead quar tern of this Committee. Retolved, J hat the fcUted meetings of ibis Com> I mittee, be held on Tuesday and Saturday evenings | at 7| o'clock. j&solced, That J.B. Drake, E-q., be requested i to corrc*(»ond with tlx Agent ot tbe Sxakosch Opera Troup*, lor the purpuric of giving a matinee at McVickers Tneatxe. on ibe 22J io«t., tor the b<mefit of tbe "Mount Ve ni>n Fund." Rttolved, That the la lien or this city, be invited to atu-ud a meeting, to h - held h! tbe residence of Mr«. John C. Hauics, comer of Bureu and S«ngamon btrcets, ou ThuisJay, afternoon Mt 2J o'clock, for the purjK>sc of making arrangements for a baz«ar or tair, for tbe benefit of the "Mount Vernon Fuud" Renited, That Geo. A. Gbbs, Esq., be request ed to Interest the abipiiets, fchiji builders, aailon>, etc .iutbis movement, aud Invite them to take part in the procession. Resolved, That the Butchers, Draymen and Ex pressmen of our city be requested to parade on borseb&ck. JUsoloed, That the CJinmaadauts of Regimcuts and Volunteer Companies b«; requested to meet at Boom No. 1, Tremont Hou e ou Friday evening next at 7$ o 1 lock. Hetohtd, That the Leadera.of the Biuds in the city be requested to meet this Commitue at Room No. 1, Tremont Hou>e on Saturday evcoiug nexu Resolved, That Alex. White, B A. StampoflsWi, Geo. W. Gaire, Philip Conley, John H. Kinzie, Christi«n Wake, Wm. Wayman, Bcubeu Taylor, and Jo W. Bell be a Finance Committee to solicit Hubscriptious from our citizeos for defraying the expenses of the proceedings, and that tncy pro ceed immediately to canvass the city. Adjoaned above, on Saturday eve mm: nexu Josv C. Haikss, Wk. W. Dakekhowcb, Chfllrman. Becretary. ■ TRTAT. OF HENBY JUMFXOITZ j For the Mnrier of Sophie Werntr, i Ilia M ! s- J tress, at CtiTcagfl, March Utb,. 1858. i CHANBE IR' LAW- OF • CAPITAL ; TRIALS. TSBTIKON7 TOS DUPHNOn. ' — ■ ■ TUB C«tBK CLOSED* } SEVENTH DiY-MORNISQ BESfiION. c ! In the Circuit Court .of Cook County, Judge Kanierre Presiding. , t Tbe important murder trial still continues to j engross a large share of public interest and at- t tention. The Court-room is densely thronged t throughout tbe day, and good seats command f on many tbe premium paid by waiting in tbe ves'ibule abali an bour or more i before tbe opening of the door. Much talk has bten caused, and tbe subject ® has been vigoronsly dt£cnssed what wonld be t the legal and necessary result, should tbe trial t remain incomplete on the approaching Saturday 0 nigbt, when tbe preseot term of tils Court ex- j. pires. Obviously ibe long and careful proceed- c iogs already noted must have remaiped to be > done over again at some following term. The present are that but little mir» t gin will be allowed for tbe jury to decide upon £ their verdict before the bour of necessary ad- journmfent on of little moment as. ere this a law bas been t passed by the Legislature' now in. session, pro- * vidiog for just this class of cases. v Intelligence reached this city yesterday, that c Mr. Feck of tbe delegation from this county, on s the Ist met., stated in the House that he bad | just received a letter from tbe State's Attorney jj and City Frosecuting Attorney of Chicago, stats ing that tbe trial ot Henry Jnmper:z for the murder ot hiopbie Werner, now in progress, will ° not probably be concluded by Saturdav eveniog f next, at which time tho Court is compelled by t law to adjourn. He, therefore, oiked tbe nnani* jj mous consent of the Uou66 to introduce and t pass immediately, a bill to„a!low~tbe Court to h hold over, when capital trials are pending, until such cases are disposed of. Leave waa granted, and the bill rerd three times and passed with out a negotire vote. Within less than an hour * - alter it passed the Uoubo, n message was receiv- j ed that tbe Senate had concurred in its pas- t sage. t It bas doubtless become a law, and though it P may not be needed, is timely and well done. * The Prosecution having closed their testimony on the evening preceding, that for the detence was commenced as follows: £ A. W Ooetz, txoorn-Have known Jumpertt t nearly two years; tirstsawhim inChicagr; en gaged him to work for me in Milwaukee; be fc worked there eight or nine months; he worked in two establishments for me all that time; bis character ss a peaceable and inofiensive man was good ; it was a little over a year ago tbut 1 first saw Siphie Wereer; sometime in the ' winter; saw her at ber bouse in Market street, ° Milwaukee; think she was liviog with HenrL o (J. Did he make to you a full di»clo»ura of bis e relations with Sophie? (Objected to: objection overruled.) A. He told me that he bad a wash woman who bis washing and cooking for a biui, and he lived with her, and ebe kept house ), for bim; tbia was in Chicago; and be wanted to know if that would be uny objection with me; 8 he wished to get away from here and take her e with him; 1 told him no, 1 had no objection, all 1 wanted him to do was bis work; be said she >. was in a family way; while they were residing together had a conversation with S. aboat J.; P I was to m«et J. up to his bouse, for the pur- I pose of showing bim a lot; got there halt an r hour before be did; got talking to her abont their living together, saying we ;oked Henri a P great deal about ber being his sister: she said * she Mipposed we knew she was not; told heryec; t : she asked me if 1 was going upon the bill . with Henry if I wouldn't aak him to marry her really; aud to give Ler tbe answer whatever it h maybe; 1 spoke to Jompertz about it. and he 1: positively said 44 No;" she wasn't tbe right persoo for htm to marry; I asked bim why he ** did not marry-her; told bim I tbonght she 8 was a bard-working,'saving woman, and might 1 make bim happy; be Skid "A'o," be couldn't, i sras too Aid. e? to effect; there was nothing said which indicated anger at her; 1 came into ibe room and told E Sophie that 1 ha-1 ucked Henry and she need e not depend upon him ; tbut he bad absolutely refused; expressed no conviction myself; she said, " 1 caonot be mad ut Heury if bo does not ? marry me; I told her that now ibe child was t dead she was clear of hiai, and she bud belter keep clear and not get in that condition again. He wu* preparing to go to Chicago then; she ' said " Vee. 6bo supposed it would he the b*Bt S thing: sbe did like Henry v«:ry much." From c wbat 1 could hear he treated her very kindlv; 1 shouldn't think be had much money when be lett Milwaukee; he had iust booght u lot; when 1 came back from New York I wanted to raise some money; J. a*kcd me bow mnch I wanted, told him $l5O or $175 and would give him ten percent; be let me have it and 1 gave him a t no:e for $212 secured by mortgage; be gare me that note for a lot vatued at $370 or S3SO, sub ject to a mortgage of $125, and SC2 of which was due tbe first of last Murch; all of the lot, except 1 this $125 wus naid up; this was a year ago last December, 1 think; we all used to joke bim io the shop about his sifter acd bis sleepingVith j ber; be atways spoke of her kiodly. Alexander HUur % of Hoffmann & Gelpcke's bank, called by the prosecution, then read a copy of tbe bank account of Jumpsrts during i 1653. Cross-cximtnation of A.. IF. Oodz -Saw de- ' fendant in jail; had conversation; asked him 1 why he cut uo the woman so; replied that be 1 cju'tdo'i get her in the barrel without it; that's about all 1 remember; defendant said "they ' say 1 poisoaed ber;*' ( said you had better 1 prove it is not so bf shotting tbe entrails; said he didn't know where they were as he took | them out at right; this was iwo or three months ago; it was either in July, Aucust or Septem ber; Sophie *as mude aware of tbe purchase of the lot by me ut tbe time whtn *e were on tbe way to look at it; btlievrd that sl.e would make him an industrious and saving wile, when 1 told bim so; never had a coDve:?ation with defend, ant about a irutujciioc in the old country ; beard of it but n<<t frombm; it *a» a person acquainted «vi»h bim. Q WiH you t« H wbat it was! 1 . [O j cud to ami obj cito .-u->taiued on the groanu ihn unvtbirg said alter his arrest was inodmbMtile ] Never heara bis cnaracter questioned before or utter his urrest; never beard it talked of more p»nicul.»riy otter his ar rest ; be wa« ••pofcr'n ol us a c»«»vf»r feSlow. To Mr. McVotnat—While be wu in the other iirm my partner spoke ot industrioos ; should have bren likely to have heard of it. Jliiler Jluduhbtrgtr, twom. - Lire in Milwau kee; know Junmertz; huve known bim since a year ago lost May; became up from Chicago and came into our shop; 1 was partner with Goe=z; be worked there from May to the middle of December; be iirst worked for Mr. Goetz alone, and afterwards for me; bis general char acter w&s pretty good everywhere among those who knew bim best; met S. Werner several times on tbe street; she came after Jumpertzto Milwaukee; be said be hud got a woman in Chi cago and he wanted ber to come up and keep house lor bim. [Witness also testified as to the circumstances of and conv erections in tbe late visit of Mr. Mc Comas, counsel for tbe prisoner, and Sheriff* Gray, to Milwaukee. Sheriff Gray was also called upon tbe same point] William 11, Eddy, morn. - Live on Archer road; keeaAstore lor the storage of goods at 81 Randolph street; knew a woman whom I supposed to be Sopbie Werner; told me ahe was the wife of one Werner who kept a shop, the third store from 84 Raadolpb street under tbe Young America; talked with her abont the time an tndictment was obtained against Wer ner and a woman named Adolpbina; took steps to procure that indictment; had observ ed tbe woman Sophie in the shop; appeared to be a servant girl; saw her bring in towels - and ebirts for tbe men; one morning I was com* ing from the Court lloose when sbe spoke to me r by name and began to relate ber trouble; sbe said that she was treated worse than a nigger; that she wan wiUiug to Tork for respectable peo t pie, but to work for that we and steep in tho same bed with ber and Werner, she wouldn't do that; I asked ber to detail more particularly the history ot ber troubles; abe staved that NN. was her busbund and that abe was compelled to I sleep in the same bed with bim and tbe woman; that ahe performed all the menial services for [ the family and in the shop, and that this wo -1 man treated ber with more contempt than she 2 had beard slaves or niggers had been treated; 9 wheo sbe spoke of wishing to be dead her man ner was peculiar: there was a continual gloom 1 over her; don't know that lever saw ber smile; f sbe said sbe bad no desire to live under such 1 trouble, and tbere was no prospect of its being L ended; told ber this was rash, and 1 would act a as ber friend to relieve ber trom that trouble; t asked her where sbe lived, ber name and tbe name of ber husband and tbe woman; told ber .- 1 would attend to it immediately; tbe Grand *, Jury of the Recorder's Court was in session at ! e that time; met John Whitton; made complaint | to him, and both of them were indicted; the hus :• band left shortly afterwards; said she was once n happy; expressed distrust of the ability ot the law to reader her any service, that she was poor s and tbe law was no good; said to her she could t go and sbe passed on down tbe street crying; S did not talk to her afterwards; observed herot ten; alter W. left aud ihe property was transfer* J red to thU woman she would come into tbe shop, n look round and suddenly go out; think her ap* L pearancea of sorrow were increased; sbe told me i, that she was destitute and wa« sick; that she had -» some kind of complalui whicb preven ed ber from r, doing any hard work; this woman was left in pov it tension of his property and afterwards disposed of ie it; have seen Jnmpcrtz; siw bim ouce or twice io o- the shop where be worked. Crow think this conversation e- was about two years ago; Daniel Mcllroy was State's Attorney at tbe time; it was on tbe street; tbinltl spote to her afterwards; think sbe was above the medium else. Isaac Shelby #«eor»—Bemember Sopliio Wer ner; tire occupation of the woman seemed to be to tend the counter; found her. tbere one'day; the looted dejected; she remarked she" felt bad, she would kfll herself;" wild "he is jealous of me; he t has got another woman; 77 b*r dejected manner \ struck me; she had been crying; she «dd, "1 feel ■ very bed; I beliove Ivball kill myself." 1 'Jo Mr.Haven—She hadu't been in lbs shop loner be'ore that time. b 7b Mr, McComas—Saw her a Her that; the was more or Iww dull af'cr that. - To Mr. McKroy—Think her hair .was of a * light color. fa To Mr. McComas—Think she would weigh 130 . or 135 pounds. John £uts ttcorn-Lxv* si comer of Oik and Wolcott streets; work st Frazza & Ribolia's; $ been with tbem two years; knew Jompertz „ when I .came there; he was working tbere; £ think he came back from Milwaukee before 1 Christmas; was working there on the Ist of n March; be was working there then; at that time Jampertz got ap from & chair and wanted c to go to the Post Office; went and got a letter; came back and gave it toSieglitx; tiieglitzxead it, aad it kaid, *' 1 want to come to yon, kiss yon. b and then die." Sieglitx said, " Ob, what fool* ish thing*." He took the envelop off and 1 saw Milwaukee on it; be threw it in the store; be n said- "11 don't hnrt me any—l can keep it;" tl sent me for an enrelop; 1 got it, and then pat y the letter in a cop and carried it home; I went Q to the Post Office between three and fonr o'clock; don't recollect the exact time or day of the week;beenatjompertz'sroomio Pitkin's d building; saw a bedstead, clock and rocking j chair, and other furnitcre tbere; bonght s bed stead, sofa, lounge and other articles of Frazza, before he wsnl.ty .Milwaukee. c Crots-Exam\Tu£~Cxa , L tell the time he got o the letter; 1 bought a Test in the middle of March fromja 'man on Lake street, and it was before this; Sieglitz read the letter and George Werner was present; didn't read the letter; ti only it made me Uugb when Sirglitz said "come £ to you, kiss and then dje;" Jompertc didn't say . anything about it; be never snowed me any otner letter; iwas sitting near the stove; saw c " Milwaukee," and the mirk through the envel- p ope; it is a store stove; we burn bard coal; he a said be had no use for the envelope; put it in the stove; be showed it to Siegliiz; it was be- I 1 tween three and foaro'lock; did not take Sieg* litz or George Werner to the beck part ot the r shop; told George to come up to his room and- » he wonld read it to him; it waa after be burned up the envelope; 1 can read German; saw the c mark u Milwaukee;" had no particular reason for looking at it; after be put th&envelope in the'slove be sat down andread it; Georgeasked it him what the news was, when a customer came in; Sieglitz was doing nothing; be read it; I have been in the jail to see Jompertz, to carry him papers; have been in every Friday or Tuee- t< day; sever spoke to him abont thejletter; he never cut mv hair in the jail; 1 can get that done in the Bhop. , To JTcComas—Hiw a letter in the SlaaUZa- c tirng to Heinrich Jomrertz. o trederick Etcher ttoorii -Publish the Rational Democrat; advertise letters for German par ties; io our paper of the 2d of March, ISSS, [, tbere was a letter advertised for Henry Jam periz, (referring to a tile of the paper); it waa * spelled "Hein. Jompertz"; publish no paper I Monday and publish it Tuesday. ii To the Court —lt is a two weekly list. _ Croutxamined—The letters lay io the Post Oflice two weeks; can't tell how long these let ters have been in Post Ollise; don't know when the list was made up, t To JfcOomat'-A letter published here may d have been in one day or fourteen.- j; AFTERNOON SESSIOJI. a Mr. Mc'Jomas for the defence stated the de- tl sire of the counsel for prisoner to put in evi dence the detailed statements made by (be pris oner and published in the daily papers of this 0 city. i The Court did not consider the newspapers as admissible evidence, it could only be reached by putting the reporter's themselves opongtbe stand. The matter was postponed for the pres- j ent. Cyrus IP. Pom(roy, in the employ ot?S. li. , Pomeroy & Co., who leased the room to the prisoner, exhibited a diagram of the -Ith floor of Pomeroy's building and the location and ar rangement of the rooms. The excellence and public advantage of the black-laws of our State, , was demonstrated wbea in the course of tbe tea- * timony of this witness, statements of rastters 1 believed to have a bearing on the case, l)ut told , him by the colored porter of tho building, Wilt ham Jackson, were excluded on the usual j ground, m hearsay evidence, nor could they be , sworn to by the porter, he being a colored man. ] Tbe point, whatever its value, was thus lost to ' the people. j ' Atexahfcr IMol&fivom—Am of the "£rm of" , Frczza & Ribolla; Jumpertz has been in our i employ for most oi tbe time since became to 1 tbe city in 1556; character of prisoner was good ; did not not recollect allowing him to go to the Post Office for a certain letter. Dr. Paddock and other medical witnesses were put upon the stand; their examination and cross-examination going very thoroughly over tbe gronnd of death by poisou and by va rious modes of killing, with the appearances thereafter, modes of detection, Ac. EVCMNG SESSION. At tbe evening sesdion nothing was added to tbe evidence already in possession of the Court. At 9 o'clock the case was closed. The arguments will be opened this morning by 1). Mcllrof, E*q., for the people. Mbc&amcs' Inbtitct*.—-An interesting meet < ing of the Mechanics' Institute, was held at | their library room on Tuesday evening last, P- W. Gates, Esq, the President, in the chair. Af ter tbe transaction of some business ot no im portance to tbe public, Mr. Gates read a long and entertaining address or inaugural, in which' he set forth in a plain and comprehensive man ner the present condition and future prospects of trie Institute, We give a synopsis of bis ad dress. Mr. Gates, after enumerating wbat be believes to be tbe duties of the presiding and other officers of tbe Institute, »nd speaking m terms of commendation of the present Board of Directors, says that heretofore, from ignorance of their duties, or some other cause, the affairs of tbe Institute have been conducted in a very loose and unsatisfactory manner. There has never until now been a set of books kept, show ing how the rffairs of tbe Institute stood—what were their receipts and disbursements, the assets and liabilities—and consequently when tbe present officers came into power, no statement of its condition coatd be found. The Recording Secretary was called on several times for a re port, bnt wasooly able to guess that the liabil ities of tbe Institute were about {2,500, and that about SI,BOO of tbe amount was due tho Ist of January, ISSS, Toe President strongly depre. cates and condemns this state of things, and sajs pointedly that any business to be success ful, must be well done. The Secretary should be a thorough and neut accountant, and should be required to show a balance sheet whenever called upon by the Directors, and a full state* meat at least twicea year. The offices of Secre tary and Actuary should be merged into one, and be filled by a man of thorough capacity. Tne books aad accounts of tbe Institute were placed at tho disposal of the President by & res olution of the Board of Directors, and a compe tent man was employed by that officer to go through tbem and see if order could be brought out of confusion. The result, as near aa could be reached, was as follows: ESCOTT3. Baling In barf?oV Levis Dods! * 231,33 JBs9—Jsntarrl. . ... . .. lotal receipt! for Initiation fees and dhea for ti<s - _ year eodloc January 1.1359..... * K7.75 i mount of receipt* lor rents and use of ball dur inf ttn> year.. 1631 60 Receipts of t*>e Mechanics' Fair LM.46 Keceivedof P. Carpenter for Bcatssoldhlo 70.10 __ *5.2.005 DIpBORSMEST?. Debti o' 1837 tUHH T. Bent paid P. f. W. Peck SS3 $ I Uhrarf JwW Eveuln* 8«bool 6ICO Mas k Coke Jo. s bills, Siiai Fa el 19 00 PrtaUnaand advertlaioK.... MM jCxpensei of Annual Fair tan 64 Expense* b<L2i For e*pec»c« Incurred mis jear. not likely tuoc ccr next I.MaSI $3,099 06 Cash In hands o* BecreUry and Treasurer....... 1»0 Total 05 Amount of indebtedness January 1, 1859, as per statement by Lewis Dodge, Secretary, to wit: P. P. W. Peek J1,6e7J0 Via. H. Wells 160.00 lutotftxcr &954 Bappo9Mamonntdneroradvertldas>... l&ooO Boa*£Saiitb. 60.00 Barry k CnihUiK &0.00 1 tA. Ke11y.... 3SW Kdirard Hamilton -3LOO [ O.L.UtUe - L,. Dod*e 1 Mapl's i Clulda " TotaJ ....U«KB , From tbe manner in which the aeconnta were • kept, it is imposaible to tell wbat was tbe in- L debtedness of tbe Institute at tbe Commence [ ment of 185S, but It is supposed to have been • $1,482.55, and the result shows that tbe mdebt. » edness ot the Institute has been increased about SI,OOO It is evident from this statement that j some change should be made immediately: tbe a expenses must be reduced and tbe receipts in. creased. D Tbe President estimates tbe receipts for tbe coming year as follows: a Pees and dues (same as last year).. ILfIOO " Best of Sail s Reedtsoi Fair 4900 .{ Expense* (save as last year.... 17.699 j LtasAsbtolUb? L419JM16 lapeasesovsr rcotiptt. CHICAGO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3, 1859. The expenss of fitting up tbe Hall, which was £l*ooo, will notoccurthis year. Deducting this, there would still be a balance of expendi tures, against receipts of S2OO, without any pro- vision for paying tbe old debt and replenishing the library. J Last year,therp'was & resolution passed allow ing tbe Secretary ZZ% per cent commission for collecting fees and dues, which proved to be a wise plan—tbere being about six hundred mem* c berfl thereby added. Tbe continuance of tbe & same plan'is recommended. Tbe Board have, offered three premiums, $25, sls and $lO to tbe person who shall secure tbe c greatest number of new members daring.the year* 8 Tbe President, thinks this plan will accomplish * much. n The renfs or the Hall, by proper effort, may be * considerably Increased. A'resolotion ba? been passed allowing ladies to }, become membere of the Institute, by paying one- ii half the amouot which male members pay. This D movement, it is believed, will decidedly strengthen jj the Institute In eveiy'particular; and preminms b will be offered to the ladies for tbe largest list of nimes for membership secured by tbem. * Other means for paying iff tbe j debt of tbe Institute were recommended, .such as holding fairs, festivals, etc. The President urged upon every member the necessity of each one se- & curing at least one new member, and that every & other effort possible be made to save the Insti- e tute from bankruptcy and dissolution. The President recommends that tbe Cocstitu- a tjon of the Sooiety be so altered as to allow tbe Biard ot Directors to appoint the Secretary and £ Librarian of the Institute, instead of being elected as now, and these two officers thereby £ placed more immediately under'their control; t and the abuses whicb have crept into these de* pirtmenta be thus avoided. jj Lcslures by able and popular lecturers are E recommended. It also recommends that the ? Associated Congress be egain permitted to oc* copy tbe Library Room of the Institute. u v A Committee was appointed by the meeting s to raise subscriptions for tbe purpose of clear ing off the debt of the Institute. The by-laws were so altered as to allow ladies tl to became members upon paying .half does, t And also allowing persons not connected with mechanical or manufacturing business to be* j come Honorary Members upon the payment of is. t: « v TeiipsaxNCx Mbctixo.—The Chicago Wash- a isgtonian Union meets to nigbt at the rooms of tho Young Men's Christian Association in a Lnyd't) Block, 205 Randolph street Tbe meet- c ings are open to all, and a good tima is ex pected. ' *" £ Heayt Hogs.—Twenty-nine were brought to g this city by i'. Grant age, of Bureau Co., yester- t day morning, tbe average weight of which waß 577 £ lbs. each. They were bought by Cragin «L Co. t at 17.50—the biggest hogs and biggest price of the season. They were of tbe Leicester breed, t , £ There will be a meeting of tbe members of the Chicago Baard of Trade at tbeir Rooms this day at three F. M. r Fer order of the President, W. W. Mitchill, Sec'y. a 257" Tbe regular meeting of the Citizens * Fire Brigade will be held at their rooms on Ibis t (Thursday) evening. A full atteudencl is de- c sired. S. B. Raymond," Capt H. N. Mat, Sec'y. \ LEGAL INTfLLTGENCE. < ■— - i Usxtkd States Cibccit Court, Fep. 2d, 165S 1 Jcdo'b Dbohmokd, Pucmdiko. —Camp it* Son vi. j Q. ti. Hubbard <£• Co.- .This was an wction on an implied warranty of tbe merchantable character i ot 100 barrels of t. How, furnished by defendants i to plaintiffs in November, 185-1. It appeared 1 that tbe sale was by order. Tbe plaintiff's were ] manufacturers of candles at Sheboygan, Wis. Tho defendants were packers end makers of i tallow at Chicago. They accepted the order, but tinding themselves unable to supply 1 the one bundred barrels of tbeir own < rendering, purchased it of Crogin & Co., 1 • - u ptftlanCh The tOC tblt tirovod of greatly inferior quality—claimed to be mere soap grease. Tbe Oonrt charged that there w>s an implied warranty of the merchantable quali ty of the tallow, inasmuch as the defendants knew what uge it was wanted for, and especially as it was a eule by order, with no opportunity to examine it. Also, that in sucb case tbe ven dee is not obliged to return tbe interior article, but may rely on his warranty and law for the damages, and that in such case tbe measure of damages is the difference between the value ol the article as it should have been, and tbe value as it was in fact The jury found for the plain* titi $1,175. E. C. Lamed and S. A. Goodwin for plaintiff, M. Cdusin for defendants. POLICE MATTERS. Tbe following cases were disposed of yesterday morning: George Spring and George Davis, for disorderly condact in pulling down sign*, <fcc., were lined 13 cacb. Barney Thornton, drunk and beating his wife, fined S2O Michael Riley, drunk and disorderly, $3 ; Au* drew lleulpy,do,s3; Abigail Doolan, do, $25 and 30d<ys; Frank Vogt, do, $5 ; Daniel Hanlon, drank and drayage, $3. Albert Trumbull (a boy), larceny, sent to R> form School. Joint Trucey, stealing wood, $1 and five days iu Bridewell. Patiick Hennessey, vagrancy, S3O. I,O.:AJL. MATIEK-S. Gilbert & Sampson will sell this day, at their new salesroom, 82 Like street, a very large quantity ot good second-hand furniture, carpels, crockery, £c.; also an extensive assort ment of new furniture ot every description. S*le to commence at o'clock, P. M. Lost. Left home oc Friday last, Martha Bed* ington, about 11 years old. Sbe has dark brown hair, dark eves, pale complexion, and is rather small for h child of her age. Had on when she left, a dark plaid dresa, red cape, and worsted hood. Any information concerning be thankfully received by ber parents, at 143 West Harrison street, second door west of Jt-iferson. _ feS-2t A Glorious Achieve*k>*t bi GATtrrr!— Nothing can exceed tbe success achieved by J. C. Medicated Paper tor tbe Water Closet Piles will soon be a disease no longer known except in name. Tnis pure medicated paper is unequalled us a preventive, and unap proachable as a euro. The proprietors wish it to be spoken ot according to its merits only. It is very cheap—looo sheets for $1; 500 sheets for 50 cents. Sold by all druggists, and at the discoverer's depot, 41 Ann street, New York. "J. C. is watermarked iu each sheet, and bis autograph is ou each package. Sent by express from 41 Ann street, New York, upon receipt of price. The trade are invited to cor respond as to terms. For sale by J. H. Raed & Co., wholesale and retail druggists, 144 & 146 Lake street, Chicago. ja2*i-2w-c63 See advertisement ot Dr. Sanfords' Liver Invtgoraior in another column. 49* Bee advertisement ot lloadoir. Sewing Ma chines. 122 Lake street. jal-ly-biXHj jgf" See advertisement ot Quaker Citf S2O Sewing Machine? L. Cokxbll & Co., <rc2<vly 133 Lake street DISD. On Wednet3ay. February id, BENJAMIN, fon of Bsc- Jaoiu and ELaabetn nolttook, actd tea week* azd five dart. The funeral will tike place at the parents mldeoee West Hanls-.n street, to-day at 3 P. If. > llope Fire Company, ! OF VCW YORK CITY. I Cash Assets sm,eoo. ' EsrsoioKm (ar actboutt) la Ceicaoo. i Beynoldf, Ety k 00.. Oidea. Fleetwood k Oct* ! Benedict. Uiuiory A f araam. ciarkADater. I T. G. VAN BUJiKN, Aeenl, South Cast cor. of South Water arc! Clark-aL » otlOlTlttP CP ETMH&. |lB e 9 . ' Illinois Hirer Packet Company. ) Incciported 1858—Capital Stock, $200,000. ! D.J. HANCOCK. Pra'U Wal. P. HANCOCK. Sec'y. ) rpHROUGH BILLS OF LADING GIVEN ' A. lor freight (o 6L Louli aad all points on the Illinois £ River at tbe lo'ett ritei, Freishttatenby Cuieaxo aad ' Bock Island Railroad to Peoria, aad Steamboat from ? t&eaee. lorpartlculirsaprty to I T. w. ALKXItiDEB tOO n Aaect*. j fetlw<l46 183 M B>cth watgrgt.. Oaleato. ID. ; PELISSER & PROCTOR, JL [tuceenorsto Stanfordkfcwsrds] 1 No. AOS Broadway, New York, Have Recently Published * POPE, OR PRESIDENT; 1 BTAUTUKG Dlß3£-O£CRE3 OP EOiIASISiI. As Beve«led b- Its Own Writers, t Facts lor tho -American. 3?eople. t (0 " This toportaot b-iok ihoald be la tbe v andj of every e InteliUeot la oar cfuatry- »t uoo tirade c>f aboae >stlns' the tystem it treats ct bat a clear revels t ia of liMMla-frßn wovactanda'd* ana aathoiitles. and embodies facts that noshtto iltrlle Into watchfulness ever* proteraot taatresds it."—{frcteitact Churchman. 0 IVOi-ples sect to asy addteas pre-p' IJ, on the reeel&t of tbe price. For sale bj booluellsra peairaliy. Canvas ! "OBMOVAL. -WE HAVE REMOVED lii ta pp. 9 Uii BtrMt, 1 "TuMir-cUI BABBEAKDiatOO ISM .17.09 ' L4SS •^1" BYTEfcEGRjAPH. TO THE PRESS AND TBKBVNE. |> XXXVIh COSGRE3S—SECOND SESSIO3. B o WAaHurcTO*, Feb. 2.—S«jtat»—A memorial e wu presented from tbe Indian Aid Association of New York, sa kiog Cob pre s* to organiza so sew territories without consulting tbe Indiana _ Mto what portion of their territory they wish i, to be located on; alio, asking Congress to grant none; for Indian aid. The Secretary of tbe Kayy transmitted in ac- n cordance with Mr. Wilson's recent resolation, a statement of aii the contracts made for lire oak, * which was ordered to be printed. Messrs. Seward and Sing presented various memorials from New Tork and Long Island for works of defence. d Mr. Bayard, from the Committee on tbe Jn- p diciary, introdoced a resolution spproring Min ister Reed's decree of Febroary, 1955, regolat- ti ing tbe consulates in China, and declariog that t< no legislation is required to legalize it. Adopted. Mr. Broderick introduced a bill to establish a line of steamships from San Francisco to Shang. hai tia the Sandwich Islands. Iteferred. Mr. Pagb moved for any correspondence with £ Prussia relative to the compulsory enlistment' v of persons claiming American protection, in the Prussian army. Adopted. "The'Houae oill for the poaiabment of coun terfeiters of Military Land Warrants was read aod passed. Mr. Bajard, from the Judttiary Committee, . said be would to morrow report on tbe Indiana *' election case, in response to/ the memorial of L McCarthy and Lane, claiming!? be Senators. 0 Tbe Agricnltoral College bill was taken up, 0 and on motion of Mr. Pugh wis recommitted: Atm—Bayard, Berjamin. Bright, Chesnnt, Clay, Clingman, Davis, Fitch, Filzpatrick,, Gmn, Hammand, Houston, Ivereon. Johnson of e Tenn., Jones, Mallory, Masdn, Polk, Pugh, * Beed, Bice, Sebastian, Sbields, Sltdell, Toomba, ii Ward, Ynlee—23. Nats—Allen, Bell, Bigler, Broderick, Chan dler, Clark, Collamer, Crittenden, Dixon, Doo- Utile, Douglas, Fessenden, Foote, Hate,Bamlin. s Kennedy, Kin?, Seward, Simmons, Stnsrt, s Thompson of Ky., Thompeon of N. J., Tram- • bull, Wade, Wright—26. The Indian Appropriation bill was then taken up and farther debated, but without taking a vote npon it the Senate went iA* executive ses- = Bioo, and on the opening of thArofrt adjourned. Bodsb.—Mr. Greenwood, oSKrkaaaus, from ft the Committee on Indian Affairs, reported a £ bill providing for the issue of Xand Patents to = tbe Shawnee Indians, and the naturalizing of , them as citizens of tbe United State*. Mr. Houston, of Alabama, suggested whether J this could be done in this way, as tbe Constitu tion requires a uniformity of naturalization. f Mr. Greenwood replied that tbev were not on the same footing as foreigners. Some of tbem h were able to take care of their own afTtirs, and as intelligent as many foreigners. . ( Mr. Bliss, ol Ohio, said it was inaugurating a t. new policy to make Indians citizens by-special tj act of Congress, and sogges)|d whether *£* e matter'was not left to.the Statts alotje. i< Mr Greenwood remarked ikjt tlie bill was id accordance uitb the 9tU article If the treaty with * tbe Shawnees. r Mr. Colfjx, of Ind.. said that many- of the "| Shawnees were as hit*.lligeDt as some ol the gen- J tiemcn in tbe Hoa±e aud folly competcufc'to take LJ care of their own aDaira. Tbe bill authorizes tbe Indians to alienate tbeir lauds under tutU reguU tious as the Commissioner of Indian Attain may prescribe. We should open their country to set- a tlemcnt uua encourage tbeir advances iu tbe pur- a j?uitß of civilived life. fl Mr. Montgomery of Pa., lemtirked that tbe citi zens of Texas were naturalized i»y treaty and so were others. At present ilie.-e Indians have no redress for trespass, as none lint citizens of the United States can tnc in tbe Federal Courts. Tbe naturalization clause was tbeu striken out, and tbe bill was then rejected by a majority of nine. Mr. Taylor, of L&., made &n ineffectual at- ( tempt to introduce a bill providing for tbe ac quisition of Cuba by negotiation. Tbe Hoase then went into Committee on the Judicial, Legislative and Executive Appropria- ( tion bill. A desultory debate followed—G&rnett, Gid diogs, Smith of Illinois, Bingham and Stanton adrocatiog retrenchment, and Davis of Miss., Phelps, Phillips and Keitt defending the ap. | pr->priation. 1 Oo a motion to reduce tbe appropriation for mileage, Mr. Bingham said the abuse of mile age ought not to be tolerated. Tbe rates were fixed unequally, some members receiving near ly $12,000 and others only (64. Tbe item of (200,000 for mileage was stricken out by nine majority. Without coming to any conclusion in regard to tbe bill the House took a recess till seven o'clock. Oa reassembling a general debate took place. From Washington. ] N*w York, Feb. I.—The Daily Nevi Wash ington correspondent says tbe $30,000,000 Cnba proposition is likely to pass tbe House. Tbe Timet correspondent telegraphs that 1 letters from Central America announce a matri monial engagement between Miss Oasley and a young English nobleman, now Lieutenant on board tbe English war steamer Valorous. Sir William is proceeding rapidly in his negotia tions with Nicaragua, and hoped soon to return to London. Washington, Feb. I.—At a meeting of the Committee on Ways and Means to day, no ac tion was held npon the Tariff. They are await ing the return from tbe principal Custom Houses for tbe month of January, trom which tbe Secretary of the Treasury expects to draw definite conclusions as to 'be revenue that may be anticipated from the present tariff. He ex pects these returns will foot up 16,000,000. A Democratic caucus was held to night. John Cochrane acted as Chairman, and Messrs. Baffin and Cavanaugh as Secretaries. About fifty men were present, principally from tbe South, but including two from New York, two from Min nesota, one from Ohio, and lire from Illinois. A great diversity of opinion existed as to tbe prop er method of meeting tbe present pressing emer gencies of tbe Government. But a very general impression prevailed that tbe estimates wi*re al together too high, and that measures must be taken to rednce tbem very materially. Resolutions were finally adopted; first, that it is inexpedient to disturb the tariff of 1857 ; sec ond, that a committee of five be appointed to report to the next caucus, means by which the expenses of tbe Government can be reduced, and the caucus adjourned until Saturday sight, when a g neralcall is to be issned to the Demo cratic members, and tbe question of retrench ment is to be debated * Washington, Jan. 2 —ln pursuance of tbe res* olution adopted at tbe Democratic Caucus on the TanCf last, Messrs. Girnett, Vallandincbam, Crawford, Burnett and Marshall of Illinois, were appointed a Committee to report at tbe adjourned meeting on Saturday some plan of retrenchment in the expenditures of Uie Government. The Select Committee appointed to examine the act# of Mr. Seanwn, the late Superintendent of Public Printing, expect to complete their labors next week. The select committee to examine the alleged abuses in tbe navy djpartment and nary yards, have already aQ d continue summon* ing more witnesses*i&a* they can conveniently examine during tbe present session. The Senate in executive session to-day re sumed the'eonsideratioo of the nomination of Emory D. Potter, as Collector of Toledo, but as n»qoorum was present tbe question was not taken. i The Committee on Military Affairs is still en gaged on the consideration of the Washington and Oregon Indian war debt. Messrs. Lane and Stevens, the delegates from these Territo- ' ries, last nfght had a hearing on tbe subject be , fore the committee. i Nova Scotia Telegraph Company* New York, Feb. 2. —The annual report of the Nova Scotia Telegraph Company has been published and distributed in this city, from which it appears that there were SO,OOO mes sages passed tbrongh tbe Halifax office to and from other offices in the Province last year. It also appears that tbe annual receiplaoi the com pany less tbe amount paid tbe connecting lines I was $20,900, and that the repairing and working of tbe lines cost a trifle over f17,000. Other ex penses have absorbed the whole of tbe receipts. , and the Directors say that it appears that when the country offices are taken collectively the total expense of maintaining and working them exceeds tbe income by about f4OO, so that the > profits of the company ore derived exclusively from tbe Halifax office. ' Tbe directors also state that with all their en i dcavorsand constant and wearisome at.entiou, tbe ' expenses of the line cootinue to absorb • all of their receipts, and yet these are the lines which certain >pecnUtors in Boston and New York have been trying to induce the mercantile community to purchase at the round sum of $120,000, or to » lease at a corresponding figure. New York State Medical Society* Albiht, Feb. 3.—The New York State Medi cal Society has been in sesxiou here yesterdiy • and to day. Dr.Mooday of Staten Island, moved that a committee of three be appointed to inves tigate tbe facts in relation to tbe quarantine, but tbe resolution met opposition and was tabled. 1 Tbe prize -'or tbe best dissertation on scarlet fever was awarded to Henry A. Carrington, of Hyde Park. Tbe committee on vaccination re ported thai small pox was more prevalent in the I State at the present time than wver before since ■ tbe introduction of vaccination, and recom l mended that the Legislature pass a law em powering tbe trna»ees of each school to exclnde from the benefit of public instruction all who have not been vaccinated. A resolution was adopted approving the action 5 of Mayor Tiemann in endeavoring to place the control of theaanitary affairs of the city of New York in the hanps of medical men, and exhort ing tbe Legislature to pass laws to effect such a ; result. More Difficulties in Utah. St. Louis, Feb. 2—A private letter from Bait Lake City, Jan. ?tb, says Judge Sinelsir y adjourned tbe Grand Jury die upon petition •f oi nine members in which they declare tbeir ins £ Vtiity to proceed in tbe examination of witneases u in consequence of tbe excitement and violence i manifested. Jury composed o! 9 Gentiles, 12 >t Mormons, and a factious spirit ran so high that *■ revolvers were drawn and a general fight, with difficulty, was prevented. The letters adds that the idea of an impartial [) jury, or justice being obtained in that city, ia preposterous, and a martial law probably will M MtabliahsdL New Jersey Lcgislatnre and Uie Quar antine War. Thixtox, N. J., Feb. 2.—Both Hocaea of tbe LeKtalatnre have bj a strong vote adopted em phatic resolutions against tbe Qairaotino at Sandy Hook, aad instructing the Ssaators and Representatives of New Jersey in Coagrees to oppose action to that end by the General Gov* ercment. From Mexico* Wasbxsgtox, Feb. I.—The steamship General Rask, with dates from Brazoa to the SSth alt., has arrived. A conduit has arrived at Hatamoras with one million dollars ia specie and bnllioo. Gen. Garz i was preparing to march from Tam aalipas to tbe assistance of-the Liberals. From Utah. LxavaxwOßTß, Feb. I.—The Utah mail, with dates to January 7tb, has arrived. News nnim. portant. M Tbere had been a grand review of all the ■ troops by Gen. Johnioo. They are represented to be in a high state of discipline. From fit* Johns* ~ St. Jonsg, K. F., Feb. 2 The steamer Cir- ] cajeian Bailed from here at 9 o'clock this morn- d in?, tor New York, where she will be dne about n Monday, the 7th. Wind N. E., with heavy snow-storm pre- 7 vailing. - . tl ltlval Steamship Lines. >*svr Yoek. Feb. 2.—The Vanderbilt opposi- A tion line to California advertise tbe Northern 11 Light to sail for Aspinwall on the 10th of March next, to conaect with the steamer Uncle Sam on tbe l'acitic. " - i » m ■■ !—'■ - "J* Mnnicipal Election* - Lakcastsb, Pa., Feb- I.—At the municipal 1 election in this city to diy, Sanderson (Dem.) was elected Mayor over Barrows, by 7 majority, Si in a heavy vote. ■ Sailing of the Enropa* New Yobk, Feb. 2.—The steamer £aropa Bailed at noon to-day for Liverpool, with 41 pas sengers and |072,000 in specie. JCeto IVbDcrtxscmenl . ================ UT"C. //. SCHtrzy, A Ayenl, 63 a i* nutliorteei to rccelte Adc<rti*emenit for Otis anJaO tin £ Lituluvj Ptij-ert of the Xorih- ifut. }al bBM ly \ ========== 8 i'V ANTED—A SMART ACTIVE BOY.—' T T Apply at BUCK k RAYNER'3 New Pr. rcrlptloa Pros Store, Sil Clark street, opposite the Coart Hoase, Chclato fed if o ri'O KENT.—TWO NEW HOUSES, ON 1 I. oa Eriesueet. near Mir»e'. Ebcht rooss la each .• hoase at S3l permcoth. ls<ialieat42ClazjtstreeL ~ (c3c>o)lm E. WAED. c A FROU THE 2 CD LU enclosureof the sabseriber Uie 24 h alt., two dark brown ml'ch cows, Oaev«rylar fc e and the ether nachsaali- er. oce carries her teal TCry ,*f If „ low. loe above rewar4 will be paid fortheir ceuvery to i thesubsalbcrit bis p'acc near Ultarenrllie, or at the I si-bic of rlaitk Hopkias. on a*nColLb street. 8 fe3 Cla74t HENRV KVIQHT. - DISSOLUTION" OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. - The co-partnersblo hce ofore ealstioc between 1 iiic ttnderwKccd under the firm name of Converse k e Ihampscn * as this aay dissolved by mataal consect. ~ EitAil UtJMVKKMK, Ja„ Peb. 1,1553. J T. THJMPj'ON. TLean]ers'r:ed Boot a!fl»at ilia old stand No. 10U Kanaoi;h street, anil l alone aathiiized to collect al' demands da* tbe late firm aod settle all demands th- same. , feacty> at KUAMCuN VERSE. Ja. XRISJEi MOSS. Shred aud {sheet Isinglass, TAPIOCA, FRESH HOPS, J Cost's fpnrkllu? Gelatine, ; SAGO. OAT KEAL, { CONCENTRATED EXTKACT OF LIMO.V, ■ SARUKYV i. ILSLF.Y, ipothetules, fe3 cHB no Lake atreet. , ROOT & CAB?, | 95 CLARK STREET 9S | At the bl:n of tlic SUr Fpaigled Bianer. ' 0 louj may it wave "WHOLifiALE AHD RXTAIL DEPOT *orthe aalf of Fioginc B-xiki of every deicrlptinn. This is the only ilacewheie all of MASON BROTUEoS MO gIUAL tOufJC.MIO.IS are coottantlyoahaad. Churob. IVlusic IBoolce*, Jabllee Sabbath Pel!, Sbawm. Hallehlaa'e, Oaatlca jjudf.New aodOd Usrmina Ssera, noitoa Academy Coilec l«7. Ps>tcry. >atlocal fsaiailst. TtaakfiiTina. Lute cf Z on, As. All the late and popular G-lee Books* ladadloff Ffsthal <"' lee Book. N Y. Glee aad Cherai book, (iee K ve. Jal Glee Book. Family Ctr *>* Glee Bvk, N. E. ee Book. Mlnoebata Qlee ilooi, Ualon Olte ucor, t'.cl laa Glee Boos, Ac Juvenile lioolv*. Normal Plde r Soae BooV of the fchoot Boom. Little Books »or Little Slaters, Aider's School Music, Wilder'* MuiiLfll t'etneoury. No'mal roac Book. Yooaz Shawm. icuo<iin»trel.6.n*lEg Book for Boys and Girls meet* loss, As.. AC. Boolis for Fornalo Eeminariea. The Mas'.cat Gasket, a new book receatly pablished. an J already istri.dacedln*othe crindpal teaiaarles of Hew Y ri. Brooklyn and Chic Mo; «vlbua, «vlbua, Acadrmy vocaiUt. Maslcal Class tiook, Matlcal Bgqaet, Music*. Kcho, Irstiiate Webb's vocal Uiass Bock. Ac,, kz. Also, a creat variety of Taaeaod Hymn Book*. Operaand iSacred Chores Books, Cav.atas Oratorios. Ac.. Ac. General astortmeni of Technical and Sdentlflc iluai cat Works Mu.'i'aitltera.urs. y A Liberal Discoont to tbe TVade. . QTATi£ OK ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF H Coor. Ba.—Cook County Court of Ocmmon Pleas, lebrorry i'erm.. IS&9. Charles H. Booth aad Charles Tattle Ta.O:Tille Finch.— Atuchment Public notice Is hereby xlien to the said Orvllie finch that a writ of Attachment issoed out of the office of tbe Otsrk cf Cook Couoty Court of Comison Pleaa. dated the-fist day of Pebaary.JA. D. 1869, at th* idtof tbe said Charles U, Booth and Charles Tattle and against tbe esUte of the said Omlle of six. teen bundle. 1 viu forty-two do ia.-saadforty-eltht cents, directed to the SbertlT of Cook county, which said writ has been returoed execoted. Now, tbcrefbre. unless joa, the s'ldOrrille Finch shall personally be and appear before the uld Cook county Oourtof Common Pleas, co or oeforethe first day oftho aext term ibereo'. to be holdea at tbe Cocrt House intbedtyof Chicaco, oa the Orit Monda- of Febru ary. A. U. h59. Rive special bail aad plead to the said plaintiff's action tuinaent will be entered acalnatyou and In favor of tbe said Charles H Bjoth *nd Charles Tot le, and «o much of the property attaehed a* may be sufCdeat to eitisfy the said jud«meat and costs, will be sold to satlitythe sane waltib szhball. cirrk Thompson k Bishop, Pit g> Att'ya ft 3 cU93Od qiHE CO-PARTNERSHIP IIERETOI-ORE 1 (zlstlnvbetweeoH M. Hirjrfos and A J. Hlrjdns, aaderitenameanlstvleof tUnrins Brothers isthls aay ditsolred by mata*l constat. H. M. at somes all theilatjillilej of the late finsaod to whota -.U d<*bt« must be paid. H.SL HiGGINS, > CMcaffo. Feb. L 1853. A. J. HIGGLNB. U. M HIGGINS returns bis tbaiks to his customers ' for pa«t favors, anl hopes by strict attention to basin ess to merit their future patronace. . ** My stock is by far the largest aod moct complete ' in the Noithwtst. weekly &cm all the Eastern publishers. IW My c italotue of my own publications Is new the r finest cfaaypublbhed In the Uaittd ttates. f» which I 1 am coattaotlT addlnc from the best composers lo the J Kastern aod Weston SUtea. U. M- HIGGINS, I fe2-lw-c154 45 Like street. Hit. higgixs, pub • LIkHER. iS Lake street, still has on haod the 1 lanttit stock of Mosicalmerrthandisekeethy any other s bouae In the Northwest. Lao soleactnU for tbe cel ebrated "MtxlelMclodtfjo,"«ad# b? uas'in A llamllj. "ostoo* aboaa-cts for Lichte. Newtoa A Bradno-y's PIANtfS, with the ** P teat -*rch - rest fiaok." ia ued by no otber Manafaetorers la tbe w?rtd, aad is the most to »o taat taecDtoical impriveoezit, laslea ! o u*ler iroa as wort mak ts do—which aires ih* ln3.*o meotam tails aad disagreeable sound—crudTsawoed in tbecrt lnary wa>—which reedcrs It necssary to weaken f the part of tbe iistromeat whuela tbe greatest porlbie strength is wulr <l—by cuttii< across tbe craln of the Q wood. tJshta. Ns Win k Bradhory's hare a meth*< : a whereby thej sprios this patent Wje»t into proper form i. by the aldofsteaai and puwerful marfalnery. A stain' , of ten tons will eak nolmprej-on Oj the arch. wi'»n A the fibres of the wood lnile»d beln< weakened by tbe t , tutor*! p ira of resistance gieatly an*ra»nted by the pec liar formtker are made to ansae in the Patent 8 Arch Wre«t. Erjy insTutora'- is warranted. 2 aUkindsof Cbur:hftl3Xicßo«ksfor salt. The cheapest and Utes'blee Bookout is the MINNB HA-HA. Priceit-gle copy <¢s, sen* by mall .post >• paid; per dossn «.W all orders must be addressed Q to 1L AL lllGGiNa. 45 Lake*'.. Chicago Ja S bt« ly ® r\ROU CLERK WANTED-ONE THAT y* is honea and faltofol; capable of attecdbc to 6 tre«cripUoa builaess aad cotafraidif wtrk of any kind, y MiutipcakGcraaa. Aodreaa box 53i. unbuqqe. fe33t* CHQ /Vin WASTED FOR SIX '* kJ'/iV/V-'v-/ racmhs. to use la a I'jrftlinate c outlaeu. to be secured on uitncumbered Ccty Eeal Ka if tatcwoitb eiWO. Any one rartna tbe ao»ve sum to l->anwl.l pUeie adiress. ttatlaa tapns. £NTKHP&IPK, J P.O. box3lS7. fe3lw» y "T7" ALU ABLE WUARFIXG PROPERTY 0 V t«J Een'. Wli&rf lots 27 and 28, in Block 89, gcbob l <«ectbn, on the east s'd» of Soaih Branch, be tween HanUoa Van *-u en s'reeta. They can b« re'Ud foraajifleietroraVtna ofy«ar« Irqoiroof i. fe3lm E. O. LAftNlto. »7 Waabinatou ». J Pure Sperm Oil, MACHINERY & WHALE OIL ti BCSIN, SODA. SODA. ASH* ». SAL-SODA, CAMPHESE. POTASH, ACIDS, ALOOHOL. J PRINTER'S 6LUES, TWINES, [I MANUFACTUBERS' & GROCERY J GOODS, * Lar A e Stock In Store which we offer Low. J H. BEED 4c CO., lo WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS w l# k US ....Like fitreet, IH k 1« U - US * $14,000. A $ ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, STOCK /V of Goods asd Hoase and Lot ia this city tor sale. _ of the aooun. will be taken in Improved ** F»nnlat AddrmlaaedlateUy **J. itoxiaoo, IT with description of property. fel-lw* ° 'I 'O EXCHANGE.—WE HATE SEVERAL L valuable Horses and Oarrtate*, which we will ex. - s chanae for Groceries. Laa hardware. Boon and bhoea » or Dry Goods. Also a new Seven Octave Piano as above. 2 ABBiTr k KINGMAN. fafib*J4la S3O and 53a South CUrk street* h "D KTDRN'ED.- DB. HCBBKLLI3 HAPfT 1 Jty to Inform his nomerosi frienis and patroaa that U be has !oit froai a t >ur la brope, aad havlas. ts wtdlethweviiUedeocwof the^r^tci^al nooltaliot tht^ R all caseereesbine the beat and •ar»l«alpractice. OfSciwKaadolySjfc iaSSoIUIB OTL 11 t 1 '•'■ JK' cheapest -"Jr Host Brilliant Llgbt 0N Yet discovered. q /X n la a Il&ad tienp, <" NB t , VJ\ « -JmM {A3 GALLON hamlugtbre« EO i «T hoarv each d»y. \arts U i U r> TEjLEE MONTHS, jtiv- 3 •£ -..iV* ln*»h-httqn*Uo elrbt „ Oaadlea Wbea the £ .V Rfl LaroolsnrotKrlTUtoa- X <y ta ef ed there U c S««te or Smell. 3 OIL 81 PZEGALL'a. J- 1 Sa3t3B3m tDautci. OCSE AND FUR.VITtJfiE WANTED— "W A Eooss conu'claT iLz or eUht room* la th* Boath DiiUJjin. m In* rent. Tbe Pnreitnre wilt b« boaaht cr rented If driireil. Address Bos " Fc«t Office. fet-3t<133 "TTTANTED TO PURCHASE OR RENT m y V a Ftot Clun Retidenc® oa the Kirth BWe. la tnU city, loetted be;«eea tbe atreet* of Pise and North ' earborn. Ii lut and Sapericr. Lot to be sot lei* th*n 75 feet front, with » line acd enamMlooa 1 Apiiif at tae of W«lirr 4 00, Nj. 1? £ta'e street, irittryrea deoce, No. IT2 3licil<ao aveno^ _iaatutdi9 JaMta U. WALLER. An INfOBMiTION' WANTSO OF IIESRY Cr Bom Ghe'thva ctherviae Jamn Hearr Harjt, aailve of Manchester, Eoetanc, aced yean. Apblj tothncfflce. ja2-i-2ir VXT ANTED .-HUNGAKLAK GRASS t IT Bcred. for which ihebkbestiaariet price will be At paid Addr.'aj or applr to SAMOxL L. HkHrZ. No. M Kaadoiph atreet, Ctxlcaaa jalilm* Sale ARE CHAKCS.—THE BEST MEAT, 10 Poultry aad Produce itaad la the dty. tor Addreaa ' J.'' Uriw ¥907, uulcigo. LU. c r FOR SALE.—THAT SPLENDID DWELL -I*o Houaeand Lot on thseor*er of Wb'cot; aod ktreets, now ocespled by T. 9. PhUCpa. The house and jcreoid an lo perfect order, aad tUiu) ofthepor cbaaeaoQ«ycanrriral3 os R>od and Mortcue fer a yean Atp'.y »tthe effifeot PHILLttrA a VAN WAGKNkn, No. i Loomi>' HtuulL-g, eoraerrtClark a-d Sooth Water itretti. fel lw-clii COKE ¥OK SALE BY THE CHICAGO Gas Light and Coke Company, at the redsced price of lenccatspcrtnuhelicra'yqoaottty. ja>>-3y-<g FOR SALE -THE PROPELLER -J. BARr BEB,** «u built In CUreaod In ISSH: lenuth. ioo leei: brea4tb. 26 »100 fe:t: depthSt3-10t feet; ta«aearement £3 61-v*s tons. For price and tnmjapply toLIND A SLATED. Canal. near MadUon itreec ja!slm* "VTUTICE. —TU DR.VTMEN AXD EX- I Xl PHFdiMrN.—I have for tale one cood Track S W«*oq and U*rae*i;flTe*ood I on AxetOraya and Uar u»e«. the ab'>re for ule cheat'. laqolre of L. Ti/- W r*NV. at Kiel-mood ACu'*, cCQce corner Nor.ti Water k_ and Dearborn toccta. jalt bWt 2m FOR SALE, BT VAN INWAGEN & CO., OfficeNo.3.DoWsßaUdltitf.qhlc«o,lll. Or Uie following vessels: Schr. ROnKET. fimo.a .. .. OBt* EMILK. .. SKJ .. .. ft'GbTING ME. .. A .4(U .. .. WING." OP r HK WltfD. Claai A i U7I) .. .. INTBKVaTIONAL. .. B I*. a* .. .. GR&ALDiSE. .. H] .•» .. 1 .. PXTaKi* .. Ui. JJo .. :»j J 1> Jt'IKST CLiSd DWELLINGS KOR Sj LE, ui THE TWO FIBST4LASS DWELLINGS g Nov belojt £red«i, 21 On Bosh) near Superior H I AndtobeftiUabed May Ist. Ttesehonsesare**46feet, three s<onc& with basement. Sfliwaakee brick frost, ballt and to be finished ia the beu manner. Tae lots are 14? feet deep to ao alley, aad will bare a good brtcfc bara oa eaeb. Person# parcbasmg soon caa make such al terations as may be desired. * Term favorable. Apply to DB.B&AINAED. 45 Clark A ttreeU from? to 10 o'clock A. M. iaS House and situated oa tbe cornerof Wo->d and Warrea streets In the we»t Divlsioa. aear Uaioa Park, occupied by v P. Uay* ward, Tbe boose is oew, built of brlca two stories, aod a atone basement twenty-foamy fifty-three feet, vlihaflne obserratorr; finished la the qoa fasbi-mable manner with alt toe modem Improvements—marble masters, pates.4a, Ac— wcu.d be a desirable residence. The lot Is slx<y-six by one baadml an 4 tweatr-sevea fert, with a twenty foot alley in tbe re »r of U : wUI be sotd *eryche«p—on caaal doe. or the whole of the purchase . money may reaalu oa morusge oa It and other property for roar or five years, or 1* will be exchanged for aa> doabwd real securities, having several yeara to run apply to K. T. P.O. ItoxNo il«. orUi C. 11. BURN Ald Dearb ra St.— loom ?. ie<eJU2m* Malt! Malt! Jialt! 6 Hi it I BP- NO 1 CANADA BAB - ,* • LEY MALV. J|. Mf>re aod fcrsaleby * WiiITNEYA KIMBALL. is 6 bWO 3m 157 Keosie street „ —^ 6oarsiiig . FEW GENTLEMEN' BOABDER.S CAN ' b« acccmsodatei. with or withoat rooms, at ->0 Madlsoastreet; also a rooms, soitabl« f<r a smitl 1C family. Kefereoces glfea and repaired. lw* j. BOARDISa— TWO OR THREE GEN- "-< tiemen caa procure Hoard aad Pleasant Roc ma at No. 71 Monroe s reeC Abo. a few day boarders caa be ascommodated. jalilm cls |>OARDING.— FIRST CLASS BOARD I) and pleasant rooms, either guiles or slagle, at S4 Booth Clark street, Traosient Board at reasoaable ratee. JalMo* C Boarding. —single rooms and salts of rooms oewly fitted ap, with board, do rva* * •oasble terms, may be ob'ainedoa application at No Ula Stater rest. 0. D. OLIVkB. ; deaa-to* J Uenl. ri'O BENT—THE STORE >O. 41, SL'CTH ! 1. Water street, suitable f:r a Wholesale Grocer or Dry Go-'ds Jobbing H>oie. Kent moderate. Apply t) MaTIHiW LAPLtN.49 rfootb Watern. ]a3« ci:i 2w f/OR REST.-INTENDING TO HEMOVE ! to oorotw premlte*. Nj. id La>e st eet, oa t Uv of February aext, we will seat to a good t< oaat the J Store we now occapy, i»c. IST 8 «a«b Wat*r street. Ap- 1 ply to DOGOKTP. BASSKTT k UILLS, jiiZs-ltO PARDEfc'S BUILDING. &OR RENT, the eomvodfons offices on the fl*st aad semnd floor la rarde«'j Bol.dlac corner Boota W ster aad Weill • strtt'j. t«o lofts aad a fine coroer basement. \ suitable fca'l Por terms apply to tbeiabscri 1 berlatheballdla^,No.9l2 tJoath i J«»b»ss«m " 8. B. WILLIAM?. \ TO MILLERP, MECHANICS, AC.—TO REST, for a term of years, that large baildlcg next East of tbe Elevator ofGibbs. <<HOsi Cj.. with the fine Lot oa which it stands—being M feet, more or lets, oo the , river aad raaaiax back tn tbe G. AO.U.B* K. Attached ] to the balidiag tj a steam engine room, with an engine. \ This U a fine loc*»tkMi for a Flooring U11I» or lor Ueehanl* 1 (particular Notices. OTICE.—AVE HAVE THIS DAT PUR chased the Interest of John J. Isola In the hoose i or Boekee. laals A Co.. an j whl coatlaae thej*»h'lo sale Dm- betiaeas as before at the old sta«r«L No,CS Sooth Water sfctet, mdtr the style of Eocsee. Phillips A Co. : CMcaio, JcD. U 'O3- fel-lot cm OKO.V STUN fENBPBOB. Dearborn Seminary. ! fpHE NEXT ThiHM OF THIS LNSTITU • 1 tion for T-ung Ladles will begin oo Monday, thellib • last. Clrcalsrs can be ablalned br addreatlng the Prlndptl. i orby eaUln<attaeSja^iaryß"Udloc. , fcl-Sw-cM< Z GBQVEB. Principal. PiRTiCOLAft ATTENTION 13 CALLED to a rare chance for la vestment la aba«loets where * tbrre Is oo comp*t tloa. aod which nays tntbese-bard 1 ttmea felly ooe bondred per cent Tbe bdsio-si Is well 5 estaUlahed nd oa tholncraase. »ad will la aye/r stioo 5 b«wortht2R-0(P. Ucaa aaw b« parcaasea for UJXO, ' Cart cA Tbe proprietor Is about to leare for P jres \ Peak. Add;ess-P. O. BoxlSQ." jaS*-6t<139 I $5,000 to $20,000. I T>AhTIE3 WISHING T.) DI-POSE OF * B Ptccks of Dry Goodj, Groceries or other persoaal property to exchaage for pa.-t casb and part real e*ate, caa b« treated with advaotageoosly. , , ~ , ' A city realdeace «ls > wa' t«d for cash, and caUiue real J estite. ftcrth preferred. App'y to . i HlU> k Aactloaeers, Ja3T St 1W Wo. a Dearoora street. r ch i inn worth of merchan P OOU*' '* 'U DISE wanted In exchange *; for Bonos ud Uoiua«ea oo Eavtem CUy ana prtnCpiUt eatedatth. \d lres«,.wuh real name and dla. cdptonof Goods, Z. C.;" box 3138, Chicago, Pj»t « Officq. iaJi c«M lai % ivr OXEY TO LOAN ItL At Tea per Cent, per Annas. ; for rxVB xbabs. Flrst-cla* Aeal Xatate aod COMMERCIAL NOTES WANTED. p. ninnlßg from One to Twelve Months., tm _ w « [mSBcIO B.r.lMlWNL*<OACo^ _ dll (\(\i \ AT TEN PER CENT.-A CM»VV* ' »arty wahea me t»aeJl a snal'lot' at alow price en fair terms, and loan the purchaser sLOCO or apwarda, at ten per c<ot. oo other security, ooe or r two years. Application to be made to me personally or i b* letter. J. L. LKK. jyis At Wadsworth k Oo'a Clark St. boa SS73. P. 0 mo EXCHANGE FOR FARMING LANDS, I Merchaadse-orCltyProp rtv. about SIO,OOO U otjewelry. Gold Pens, Pendk kz. Addres **J. W. BoxaiW> Chicago P. O. lylab9»7 Im _ mKLEGRAPH EXCHANGE 3> OK lIIW TOBS. Draru. Acceptaocea and Notes paid la New York on the day of mautrlty, or last day of grace, and money d©- 1K shro for accoont in the city of New Tork and sent to cities In the vicinity of New Yor< onTdegraphie vraera, 1 e " E WL£&m,r a *. ItyIONEY LOANED ON CITY RijAt BS ~~ IVJL TiT* BecmUki. Mottma, Tnal Ml Bon& Btocka, Bnsiness Notes, acd all good necotla&lr secarr U«boa*ht and sold. Certlflcaiesof Deposits aod CbecJa K. of &.K. d«lA> Brother k Johnston, parcassed for ease . at the bluest market price. Dealers 1«. Illinois. Wlscoßj gta andfowa lands. Improved (arms, sabaroan lots aac ? oun State, Ot&ee No, S, Uecond door) MecmaU- g«ninbh and Lwalle sts~Cblca«o __ ddb6C4m W. DAVtWON. || CUeag* ud miwitke* Biilrtad C«apuy. " rnHK ANNUAL MEETING OP THE I Stockholders of tbe Chicago and KUlwaakea EaQ road Oompaay. which waa advertised to be hold en at _ their oßoe la Chicago an the ltth day of Di*eavb*r. m laa. at 10 o'clock A. It. has b«en POSTTOITED "ON -1 TUESDAY Pehmary 9u», 136#. at 10 o'clock 4. ki lt at wbich time said meetiog will be bolAea at th« off eeol K. aid (hap"7 is (or tbe election of Dfci ctora a for the awning year, ana the tranaactlea of eeatt ether « borfosss ggatav oepra—its A d *°* r d' k & DOW*, iisil uy. _ The Excßisinr Society Festival. "" aIHB "KO«.I.SIOR SOCIETY OF THE , „ . Otjof Cbicace" willoelebratslts AC Teath Axxnivemiy, OH TEE HQHTU DAT Of ?SBUCAtT tiTXT. By a Grand Closer and Soiree at iho fe xixosaioxrz) SOT7SS. Th» CotsaiMe* or Arraoirem«st» will tM to It that I me e<iiul to any farmer oae,wt!caia all toat amire. VfX'OTC AKTHONY. PrcsidenU OI7EBDOV _ C W.B i TlcePmldsnta. • ClLl&Lfr> 11. BAT. ) p. L. 81IE2MAS. te:TeUry. /, P. BAECOCK. Tieaiurtr. I Q B-IKD Of MXXtaZV. i J. R.U ruiln, TF Wt E.D. W. Kofclnjcn. X. JL I'Turr • H K. Voc P. . tft »ney Baltb. v. h tftiii.jrr* if, t* Vonroe. C. B. firweU. K. Vm Bur-n. O. W. Roan tt, ffa. A. Growr. 54 ANNIVERSART w " OF Birth Day! THE f£Sbi Nitioaal Gairi U&tU Win celebnue the Naiioaa HIII- ASA ■■ day by a •/ DIIESS PiBADF, - an And la the will idra a f k« Cnnd Fa!l Dress Military CIVIC BALL, At their llall, tcrnerct Marke'. j [j. V -ip ffl/ and Rtniolph !t*efts. ' -*i ijVSK(j TUESDAY EVESUrt} /■t f' 'ft? 2< Fob'y 23d, 1539. ;" j,| Jf? If.f ; 1 To Milieu 111 MUltaxr *ro ti. - M J Clii Tiled lo be -rusnt :n i'gj FULL UN ' lF OßM.Hg£ggj|||^i HONOSAKT XANASIB3: H in. f t«; hea A. Colonel T *jlor; F Uou.Wmß.Kna Col jot) D&rta Be Oen B. K sent. CapU Wyman. n (ten. Bcaablee, Citt> Piriir. »<u U«pl. McArUrar. Capt. Ju SaHh. fi Lieutenant Gate. M OPFICStt OF THE EVENING. C Capt. Gev. JL. Ssauiboru, r KICEPKON COMMITTKI!. Tfc Jas. D; Witt. A. S. Cobb. il £. B. Knox. a. W. itoaih. rci yLOOB M4KAOkRS. UeoVßobt. Wetberail. Roht. Bom Lieat J. IL lliyaco. Wm. lonia. r Lleutcoa-it J. !L Ctyboarse. m, tr Mode by the GBKAT WESTERN BAND. fcudcir SIX PvH'ULAR LECTURES FOU LADIES and GenUemea upon llamai Anatomy atd Phjslalopj, Or the Struct are and Caes of the Various Parta of the HUMAN BOOT -BY- I ProL R. H. PADDOCK, A. M. M. D. | —IT TSC— | Institute £lall, To c-onntn.*# oc Qix'. Moatla ErpQioie. F«b. ?th> at T'a o'dwC. and to b« e«cU Batorday aod aiocd*y following ml completed. tickets fir the Coorje. •LWeA-h. ror»3nx'eL*e Ure, ii tenia e«h. Tj be b'daiUioUniaßtorea ofj. H. keedACo. Laie »t:eet. L. T. Huueston. No. 60 Nirth CUrfcurert a-1). iirjan. No. so West MadUOo itr^et. Gale Br tLer*. No. JIU Hkndtlpb «treef. and «t the office •of l)r. Paddock. P- nmd Block. Room 13 fel-M cUI iJiniRD ANNUAL FK3IIVAL Cleveland Lodge, No. 211, A . F. AND A. JI. AT THE TKEJIOSX HOUSE, OnTborjdJj, Feb. I, A. L.5559,i. I>. 15.19. Qt Touxaslf a .d Ladlea ire reapectfolly Inv'ted. Members of the Fraternity are reqaeited to acprar in de Tlualc by the Great Western oand. ] 3. T. DEAN. OalSes. t* ut Tlck«u may be at the Treuoot Kodae. aod at the ai fira cf ccerson. Miller A Co., ?i C«oal stteet. «o iioso.iar xASAGins. Ira K. ur. Buet. O. M.. ni M. W. H. G. U. &. E. W. Mitchell.«. Pc U.K. ReubrnTaylor, U. P„ pr M. E. J V. Z- Blan y. O. C., c^ M. K. N. D. Uvood. G. U. P.. w, ILK. 11. A.Juhn«Ob.U.R. d< T. L O. W. Deartoc. G. M. 9< oonMirru or aajt4iacMa*T3. Rtiben Clereivsd. P. iL, W. T. M'Her. P. 9. W., 9 \ W SL E*aa» \V. M.. N. W. HuaUey J. W., tP P. F. Wltooa. T- }al!>emtd 51 Tuiins Hen's 4s>ociation. « LECTURES FOB FEBBUART. pi 3d~GI>ORGEdCMNER. Babject: lOUi—BAYAXD TAYLOR. Subject: -LifelotheNorth." - 17tb-E. P. WHIPPLE: faVJiCt: Uttk-UEKMAN MELViLLE. "3culhSeaa." _ ".fUST W1L305. A HKNRY W. B'SlloP. Jr.. JNC. LVLE nING. jiSj i-crare C'nanlUee. V 'J-iIE TEIKD AN'NUAL FESTIVAL OF R Cleveland Lodso No.]ll«A. F.AXJI.j 0 Will c me i ff at the Trem-nt lloose, on TUDHfIDAT febmarr 3d. isa. j^td-cSI UNION ACADEHY.— 1 C. M. CAD?, Instructor. Flementa-y Class. Tuesday. 7 o'clock P. M. Adraaced CUas, Priiay. o'clock P. M. i At the Lecture Room la Portland Block. tyTnUloa:-10Jpertenno. Uweeks. jal^-la-cli Silver-Plated Goods. £ SILVER PLATED CASTORS IN GRFAT » O variety. StQooa. Fork'.T«a-ieta. Gobleta. Jk±c. fir »Je lower th%a at anr othe* h a-e in the city. A j JAEGER A CO.'i French China Knporlum. 101 a itxect. between Clark and Dearborn. jASO-lr-ti* Country Merchants .RE J.NVITEU Tu. £XaIU.\E OUR lanre inck of Crockery aod O'aas-war* before maaiiwibelr ponhaser« e!a-wbere. with the uioraore thiuou bes. eadeavurd will be o> tde to make It for their adraauireto purcriane clock ill e China Emporium of A. JAEuEH A CO.. .UJ Like atfeet, between Clark and Dearborn. l<3M*-c34_ New and Attractive Goods. »\'E RESPECTFULLY INYITii THE VV aitent'oa of the ladies «f Chlcaso- andikepnMe In sen*r*l Vo 'ur la'te and co«»p ete ttock of fine Irjnca \ Chloa. fine Cut Bohemian Glass W*re, Oiockery Ware, BrtanlaWue. A:.. Ac .uwere satufiedl tie euallty and low trleeauf t>ur coods. aau>RlTe the beat aatlsfictionUa'L A .'AkGEd A UO. WOLakejrtreetbe. tween Clark and Deart><.n J>a»ly.c^4 Fine China. FINE DECORATED XD RICHLY GILD ed DlnserS is. Fine decorated and richly gilded Tea deia •• ♦» •• •• roUeiflets. Beautiful decor*t«l Mo*' * Cuos Ootofoes. Tete aTe e&ta,CaM tt*steu !c~ of «?enr df»cri«uptu and will twsold verylow a*> V jAi.iE.l a CJ. 3. liß Lake aW i »g>nKU.>DERi!IO.S'BD HAVE TUB PLEA- X. BCB4C of Infanalo* their cttjtjm*r« that they ha»e r-raOTed ihelr stock ofcrock*ry. <uua and china flrmn NO gw takevreetto the new !io. 1W Lake »uot-.hti.titjwa>t>« Uinkfui;j l anceof the Boeral them. A. A CO, ltf* Like itrwtbeiween i Cark and Dearborn. ja-30»»y.w . ■ O AND VISIT THE FRENCH CHINA VT Emporiufflof A. JiEGEX A C 0„ No IQB Lrte Hr*«C betwee,. and Powbnni. 1 1 " SO. 44 61 AT* ar/tAAI. bUTLEEJtIICNT HAVE NOW 0» h*nd U»eJ..::ow!3» *ise».il priali, » >»<7 , Sl*«t «*«» • ' ■ rutf ibtis K*U I a:xii inii l&xii 3.W Jii3i AJi2T P tnfl t/i> irrpitint»i»rtevworva»*ol nl BOOR Pa?ll J " ituureamaoi ; !.!*!« reams M*nilJ»>>o. _ , An ream* Caii-ta-i L««<r.aLil a««iera.aaaortmeatoi i Prinier'»-«taUoa« , i7- amt\ nnni Ij«i» ksjia of father 1 * .•learateo AJfD BOO* lM A;i<>fw»iea will B-v»;u ♦"r «• i»a. »tth«low«e« ble raits- , . _ , j ®#»<'aak ,*aid • »r Xa< . ■«* e »>!• 'M ' } rpO BUILDERS, OWNERS, A ROOFERS » Theml»crib<r!sprepartjlo ninilii In 1»«8 or «a*U quaatiea. MOdELET A OO'd i Corrugated Booflng. WISS'." rwaca we nta orln«r»iice 10 w Mw«Hasolanaof the yarioos metboda of >• witaSf£»■ i»M SjiX a" : FoKEhT CITY WATER CUKE .f J CLEVEUKOi omo. ° ,jl*aia INSTITUTION IS DELIGHT IX I KL-I.LV■iiiwrtu.tlieomklruot.hwJftitoM* Umiwof «>" city of rleTelaod and^* a bhloi £ S.I otli«rw»*erO eiJiet. is »rUtt«rins e«i^promptastentoa. *• 3 S 1. & TAVLOK 4 £ Dealers Is - Dime ?|^S n I oS B ?^< 1 OI S StOlle, i JSSeS&atsiaajr a imPm* t LEACHED ELEPHANT OIL FOB li O file. too., s *** "' * w *"" ' - a r»rv BALES PRIKB NEW YORK T- HODV »io« * on. I .SSXASi! GLA3B :! GLASS!!! - 41 fx plate aa<J Double Tbiek Gl»«. aflv«aMa« *» ST: m »MlTir_ L ***•+*» » ■—»* * - OT >IAMFHOB ICE. -a CONViNIKNT AND - L h |«U4H>S79 *• ***• NUMBER 184. ■Ruction Sales. m A. BUTTERS & oO n ACCTIOiIEEtS A3D APPRAISERS. 70 DBAHBOBN SIBSBT, (Near the Pojt Ofllce) CUca*o» Illinoia. adv*ncej on all kind* of Mereiacdls*. -MM fel-lycUt 0 PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—'THE UN d<-r J*ned hw tMj d»r eo par'nerahip aids'" the a%me of ULLt* £c SWASB 7. f r par* p *e of oonJu:U:eiUj antl »n «or) Commission Wieu HO**TtO Ml*.L. Chicago. Jaa.3.!BS% tAMUSL SWASKY. HILL A SWASEY, OBNSBAZi ATJCTXONSS&S ASO * Commission. >lcrchants. 54. ...DKARBORS STREET 54 Willadvance on davrfoiloo ofzoodj consigned for Aact.on Sale?. DTSTRICTLY A COtfMI3SION BoauTto htu» flaSfl bjoidp, iwiair. jgT GILBERT & SAMPSON. and Second lland Furni ture, Engraving, t arpei*, Crock ery mad StoTeSf -A.T AUCTION. on thuiubat *na today mornings. vebm. in 3d tad <th. »* t>» o'cl«ea A M.. »*ch d«y. we «U1 pell tbs iDtlrs *£T<JCta ft twit 'ami lies dec.lnl< * noaae keeplnc, and coin* to Plke'aPealc.aieurnew uievaoro.' No. 93 Lake I'r.rt, listing la part «f srn.m ROSEWOOD IN BBOCAIBLIB. Par'or Salts, hair cloth »rd plush do; Tete a-Trte*. Martl»top rabies, B*ok Caaes. eta-era, 8oaa» Uau > tanda, Card and Centre Tables. Parlcr and fc*aj Chairs. OUcmet*. BID-ROOJt FtmslTUitE. Oak. Rosewood. Walnut and Maaoaaay Chamber Sa'tj; Rosewood and Mahoeany Bcdsuvs .Varfl*-tcp and plain Drenta* Care*tu and Waahuanda, Ward, robe* In Rosewood and Mah*i*oy. B»i* aiUmn, Feather Piiiowa aud Bolsters. Comiirterr. Cane Chairs and hoeaeis, OUt Frame Mirror/. tteceplhn Chairs. DIJINO-ROOX FUaSITTJBS. Mahritanr. Oak and Walnut D'nl*»» Cxtenifon Tablea. Chairs. &lde.Boa?dr. Crockery. Oanware* Cracker? and olher£t3Tes. Kl»cheo.ware of all kmc a. CARPITS ASD ENGRAVINGS- Rich Tapestry. Bras 11*. th«*« p'y and other Bezant tfnsravinss in (il.t Prime?, Coc»».. A.\ To. Wter witb a »reat v iriety of other ft odj &ile positive and wliboit rtser»«. feJ-td c's2 GILBERT k Anctloneera. jy J AMMOTH MILL WORKS^ [Ctdc*ffoßncchorthe o'd Bufaln MIU farnUblnx b Übllatmrnt ] JOUN T. NOTE * CO. JfAiO B. Hruv*. Bnl«*ent Partner «nd Ulllwrlxht. S8 Uiukei stneu Chlcuo. llono'a. FRENCH BURR MHiSTONES, MlHitoOM, mAnaftctared At this e*tabUihiaect» in flnLsbeil on new arrt Improvd principles and are M pear perfect a* obtained b* the b«t manofactarera .In the world. The credit or IM* •tt*hlL»pm«—,i r or the Mat tweoty-Sv* yean Id fornlihln* Mill Fiodla** for newly every J 1 Late and Territory in the tln'on •<••1 knova sod ab«M be maintained. X»f» Pe'ected MHI Bioae*m%te<iO» , pec>al Contract term Choice New --r i»l*l Qntrrf Block. No/e'i Improved Cockbead and Hi Iter botaittes. flueila »iau»» *mth \r^aejta. wan anted *xe»t 10 uw tor line and small tfcnea. Alio, Importer* aad dealers la Extra Hmyj patch laker Bolting Cloths. MlLLKßSlnwaotof KOI.TI.VJ « LOTH* for man#, ftctartnc Extra qoatttTof Floir. can d-Mieud opou «et ooc ihe noalae OLD DUTCH aNKSU. glunie and DcuOle Extra*. UollitntCloih* made ap la a luoerlor Orle. bT ClTlnt lerurtn >»dil diameter of in feel aod laches. Jotia T. Ni>ye'a Improved Oentti!u«al Feed ing and Floor aod Grht VU:«. l'li*r>tsit.o Coio will. MulCaatloe* and Macolnert o' ev«rv <le»rlt>Uo'a far* ni-hedto order oo *h<>rt noti. e. from Qew pattern* pli>Te*a frapro»ed Pr»**a"e MIM. Aifoi* 'ortbeßaflUo Bca'eWerl. rouble Ex.raCuA *i.l Wcfc* Im proved Ta'bteej Kc-ac'lon and C* QtrAJ Di*- chanre wawr Wheel* warranted >qual to oe»U fitted wita Out t*teel «r duller Irou Huckct*. warraote I to w ro* da*eshUh reP**i:tii"» of power. Proai Marnine and 9eparat r. Tor mll'ia'd »'r h«u»ei. Cb oe e ."u<»r Case Mill* SoairJtVl UtfJsePower. So**-Mvl* fbr U*ocer let. Noja'i Improred »roo Hulling KieL Jubn T. Nore'a Woor Parser, Siatlmieryaod Portable fcorine* Belt-, trc Hovt and M'enin l'»c4iu*. Laudphero tipjko Plaalos Mscbtais M.I! y-irubliliu icaeinlly. __ Uavtiic the largest tt :i >urauiiiu« 8 ocfc lo the we can tell at a liwer tNan an* other establUbmest. B.—N?e w'UcoQiraot to fn<nl«l» and bail * MNUcoa* pl-*w. erforaljb* *nd «u-~*tdn%Uoai fnr Millvrlahti, IT Address JOHN T. NoYE 4 CO.. CMCMO. 111. deaib77Ul» I{. I'. (JPtUft & Bro., 102. .. IV'it Lakt Strut 103 luycricteuaa ASDCXALBRS I* STEAM, HAS AXD WATER PIPE, BOILXBTLUI3. V.U.VJS.COCKJ, STEAM WHISHIS. 011 Co pi, Ga*£t Cotks, Strain Hater Guget, STEAM APPARATUS For Warming Ilotcla, Charcliei, Vac torlcs, ai'i doJQ P. W. Gaits. Wamtr. i;ti!ili«trs 4 Frustr. Vf ASOKACTUUEIW i>F KAI LUOiD iVI_ CARr'»Pd:»u»i: •nnry Stemn Knsrines mid Boilers, «ad Aiteou i«»r :0e s»le oi h'oruble %ai Bitglnc ami Hwint l,*tnea, Jorieht i>rtll^ t W*xl 4aJufi« *»«» aifJe f«*m,Sut»Hi ana w*iert;»UK««, iiuuhcii Ur*a wort rows* A.NI) UA>l> i"LA2«KfIB, *TC. ai>Caatlos»«>d Mill Oe»rto« made (• order. 3AGLE WORKS. OttICAGO, ii-ij tfark Good—"OATKH \ 00.'» » «. v «fu K. a. ciaualU' A. M. IJUJiI. ApnlS. l«t HIRDWIttK fOK SP2LVG TKADB. 1859. JEWETT 4c BDTiEB« IS ..Uka rimai. TNTOE the country trade to ths L foOovisx: . l§o Tom Annealed Wire—w»orted oonbarfc 5 - Brtubt ** " coot) KaeaNiUs—•eortedriseesadbeißdlß uod 53a abeel Iron—•aaortdd. " - aaatad. HOO ** " "19. 15 Oasfea Sheet Zlse. M PLAT*. ?X0 TI2L OFPK2 BOTTOM 3. BOZASIS aad OOTU& KXTCIS and ****- TOOLS, few A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. lmt.iW.ljl McGregor's celebrated hsaots jjJL BTOVI3. <i Jo*" Parlor*- OUlcea. Btorea. HalM Ud Churches. Alao JTEWABTS 00OK19O STOVES. Tocether with a flue ajaortoent of PARLOR STOVES, *-»-t* *j\» ml pattella for Mia b? C **STZ. 1W StAtaftreek batwoea Sioorod and Adama. ooiW W69 So JpOEB AIB Jb PERFECT VENTILATION T!m Mbacriherf takaa thla method of auUDuk tha pob* 110 that itej hate Kcared P»t»t k V'MtllalMt FiruM, and tro n ow prepared to tt» order tog Dwtlftm Cbarehea. Bchoolfc *& Alao, tbalr Stovaa <jq (ha aao< prlttdplo. Pw petoci riosla (ooms tail baOa, tad. aap«d«lli D ATT.Hn AD OABS. TaeflUtios parAwtl* aO rooua in whteh tkay are airt Utiii warmia* to ao7 repaired temperatsre. WerefcrUlan. L wi "* took aiki Oarter Jl Baarr. Architeote of thla dty. particular* iaqoira of the sabacilber* At o£a Wo. si Kid 438*111 LMllls 4 co chieMo. Oct. ah. m ' ° a "^!:'jL IDincs & Ciquors. W, T. shufelilt & to., MAaOTAoroaMa »o* A . £•- OROSKBT, SMIk W«MT IDMIi - - - - H. (Ooraar of WabMh Avaaa«.> iDtstlllan o/. ALCOHOL, PURE SPIRITS, AM WHISKY 3, ' fi«« Kaoafactoreri of goMW Uiwn> Burnln* B*M> I —AJB ! IS HIQHWDIISAMDRIOTI»TJBQ OOAfc arret TT»!O M»OUB1 U «»«■ . Urmi. Dialers and consumsrb ill IXT.tU. a. w. dbmsmob * ran oi osAnai 1 S'SsSSSSS - S£\S?^StS2.tSSSSSr , o«'>~-"'"'"»" Sffi CSoU.^BDrtM. i ss£ft£2ssr n * 1 - _ •<" l« **•*- - OOIISC property to let or >hort term of au e track* of ttwChicacoaad JoUei QOMectia* D brtSn«to aod iftroa do aaiiioadstathe oty. _f^ n ' , L~ to taaoer. Applt M ® W** ll <tr ,v IVA^L |g|7.lQ^olOT