Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. . Xllfr woaderftal aaeoeM of fir. Hosfct- 3' Tii'i celebrated and liniivatled STOMACH BHTCB& 4r*orthS «oi of Iti tottotartloa lo Vie public, prove* eooetarfT-JflUmanlfestsnperiotlty ©rrraay otber pre* paratlenof the kind now manufactured. Iu acticn on tbedigtrtlre trgans U of tbe tn©>tplsaplot character, re moving an diseases or morbid'tf, and giving tM sys*em aaoaodandbealtbjtoue. In cures ofDyrpepsJa, loss of appetite. general mental op physical weakness, Its ope**- Hon Is mat btneflemt. Indet d: some o r tbe most dire fol oases that have ever been under medical treatment have be n entirely enrrd by th!« great rcent. At * tonic. HosLeUer't Hitters t:e moil 'ddUbtfoU especla ly before meals. Tor iilcbjDrcstli'j u>J il<j!ciifcotnllj tTCfjwhcrft ja3l-?wdkw Theeewfao arc carlotu to wilneu Uie wondertnl perfection to which a. Okswaldt flete m:tna gir at tUehetoi'a N. Y.) has brought the manufacture of Wigs aad Toopeea. are invited to visit tut Wig and p»in ff ftnomi at Ko. S Trcmont Block, and examine JT& Hose curious production* ot art. No fcmtiny can detect tbe artificial froa the natural when adiosted to the head. oeai? p, 8, Cleaver** Prize 9ledal Honey __ Boat. tbe only genuine. will oe«oundtue best Toilet Boap n use. possessing afreo and creamy lather. • lasting ano delicate perfnme. aad warranted not to Injure tiie gkic. At* beware of eonnterteJta. f^Ot F. B. CleaT«*i Mask and 'Extra Bcented Srown Wlnd eor and Glyoerine Soaps. Alia Sponaceous Tooth Pow der, for theteetb and muni, to be had at all respectable Drug. Grocery and Fancy Stores In the United States Manufactory in London. Wholesale and Reta'A at J. H. CZ ESCD ft 00. 144 ar*d 146 Lake-eU Chicago. 0c38b3348m ■ - £4 Stttrerti Fluid Extract of Hark, an - , nfallable remedy Tor tbe Fever ad Ague. and the Tari« en forma of EUUcuja Diseatea, intermittent. Eemlttent, OblU 7srer and Dumb Ague, having their origin In ma>a> rts of very fertile andtntrshy districts, urepared by Dr. »g B.B.Bawyer,l>nuaristßad Cbemlst, android by Sawyer, »® Paige A Co,, No. 16 tike street, Chicago. g This remedy is prepared entirely roin vegetable icb» j? rtrtt «nd oottatas r.n mercury, arsenic. or anything hat can proTelnjarloiu tc the osu-m. lie effeeta are tboK of a and tciie, well Adapted to restore the healthy action of the Liver and Stotnach. whose *0 fbscUoniare ao rraerstly 4rii>ared In thli clan of cU»- S *•***■ £ Uolnlnc ana other tccica serve only In many cam vo m. acoakthechltla. b&t do uot remute «he dlaease® of the dyer and cthrr Ucpllrated, on which the «*hlll jJ and heoce the tuefnlneaaof the "Fluid M Cxtntct of Bark." (rtr-colariy la radoni where PhycU dana eannct be readily ccnentted). whld> contalzu all 'I 'I Ihe uoalitiea salted totbe ladicailouof theee maladiee. Btmdredt of tetttman'ali tn remrdtothe efficacy of Ingtx ibemedlctae fron: po-sm« cf nroecubiilty, have teen ktTA to the nr-jtririor—bet he doei not make cse of tbem »f be prefer* I'* hp?p theraedlrlnflntrodoce !t»elf witii teearely by i«s jjcHu. termi . - , ** -| canvi Notice*—'The Stockhol- netoi 4ere In the Merckant't Bank of Macon Georgia. &nf%y trira theprorl/ocaonta Charter, nade liable for hlche ta Unea. Tbe oolee ofthit Dank will be takes by ns or de (Ktalt 00 the #%n>e t+rms u Kcstacky. Indiana and broot Ohio. U. k. TUGBiB. & 00. JCT Ceatljer aui) fin-Mngs f= — ■ ■■■ ■ 1 1 ■■ . ••• l/fl, Hayden, Kay & Co, 238 RIKI.'OLPH STBKET 238 Ca OHICAOO. W] JftporteM and Saddlery Hardw a re, BB3STT STOCK!, ooioa ' TainmiNat, Atu. ' One. SPJIIKGS, AX'LS. VARXIbH.'S. Sfp| tentl ttaol WEBBINGS, IIOitSK COtLiltS, Arc. 'Bw Si 3d. P. HATDEN, Hew ycrk. e uts P. WILSON. Cmdnowl. pl g° WILLIAM 7. KAY, nuc w . 111. *. B. TDftlilH .J.B.SIBTI* 00^ rrasna t 6IDWAI, Mannfftctcrcw t Wholesale Deal*^ era In AJ I •*ddlo», Bridlokf Collar*, Gig Saddles* BSIDLE FBONTS do; Vad Hcwfinfo. Dririuir Reins, none Covers aod Blank ~ZT~ eta, Whips. Fly Neta. Ac, Ac. Q OmC£ AND fiALES-EOOMFj tSB EAKDOLPH-ST 238 g a Oyer Hayden, Kay A Co.'b Saddlery Hardware Store. r aaJ'aiiH-ly At] S jhali 3.rc!)itcct9. JjOt S. BURLING- A UCaiTECT— NUi 44 &46 L.VSALLG *etc Street (o*ec Uuffum A i*eluck«'i Uank. U vre 6are I id famhu t'lan* An 1 riye:ia-uMjih tor all kloJs of ttlldioxi lie c"»afl l'Utlf refers to miny «if tbe beit yi,r ballimi* la JUnaia—b itii ijujlic aal pri/ate-ai evl denceiof hU ulllty. aud thut or.lera latriuted tobi-n will it;e be eiecatfd In them jst a*ti»f*clorr mam r. la-sLii*s- ly rtJn O. I*. WHEELOCK, AND SUPERINTENDENT, OflioH No. 77 DeurDorn i3Xook, lew! th» Poat Offlc*. Chicago. nolSbt'j 0 4K BOyiMOTOW tacaiTuci u.u sipi^wtenoesi. OarefnlAodmlnnte and ttELUBLK OKTAILZU ESTfMATtS Hade from Drawlnca. belt Dearbora r«reet. Ist door r.urlu of Post 01. floe. myn-ly-v75 Cojjarlncrsljipß, &c. Dissolution of co pautnerfiiip.— The no partDer.liii'her'-tef.ire exls'lor bet wees tbe under itroed In tbe Limi'ei imslatrM u-.der fie unroe of ~— K«»uDt'd» A U47 '■* th a > av illnxiive-t by mutual ccwt AUaccuu'sdue bva.d ovrlcu to tbe late firm will be settled by Ejeutt r nut. wno ia a*' hnrlzed to use thefirmuamelnljqu da'J. u. JN'O w. KKN>*UV. t/1 fctf KNEZKU kJAV. J V Chicago. January So. 165:*. ia2? 1 w* DISSOLUTION' OF CO P.IRTXKH3HIP. c The parin«rahlp he-eto f ore »xlfUne be'.weei the S and laUued. in tbe Liquor »<a»lne»a. It hereby dbsoired or motu*' r-tnfrat i' • • debts of tbe late firm will be paid b« U.J Snri't, aa*l <Udi*nandsovlnKtotbe $ aid firm mutt be »ettl-<l aad pil Jtot le «al 1 R J. H-M'.b Oblouro. Jan. U 1839. JOHN SMITH. itfMa' B. 2. 8MVTll» p, DH9'JLOTXJN -THE C) PARTNER. ebpof Ej.iey YlJrtc c Jo.. U l jli day dlatolved by matoai T<ie b ialn«» of the firm U aMamed Py Gii. it. fcciciey. oJlc j-So, 7 Poajerof'a tiui'dln*. G-X) R. KCKLEV, d GEO. A O. 1L U)JM4H. ALUtRr MORSS. lc«o. January 33. lis* tf. icgj-lm o c 35 X\I3S >LUTIOX »K CO PARTxSEUSIIIP. T YJ The «o partoerabip htrrrto'.re rxlitlnir h»n*«"eea liarld J. Ml'larJ and wtliUa IL Kn Ulacr, nnder t' e firmnameof ' avldj. Millard 4 Cw.. h*j this daf been S dissolved br tn iiaal consent ci iiaitlr*. »nd a<l bjslocaa of the < teQrm «Jl be SL'iticd anl a iiu tfd by David J, MUljrd. t»i. DAVI J MIIjLAH'K ? W, li KKErcI.>GF.IL W Chicago. JannarvU 1*54. badness will be continued it the old stindby David J. Mlilari Jaialm* lODooi) & « ■— > Coal! Coal!! S 1A(-», | TONS OKMSBY COAL.—THIS ® Lv/v/w Coil <a ihe beat in tbe marke: for either family osea or iteara. A'eu— -800 tons Prepared; Anthracite inroad Top.) - 3i)o tons Lump Shamok in. » alfeed ajnrri a co. I Sorth ciipusl e ilt Central it. P. pM tVOidcfsmaf be left al Z W. D. BERRY'S. p 8. E. comer Clnrk k Haadoiph sir, UORPUKD HROe., j«3l3m-c7O Come* of Lake aod Clark strretJ. Cheap Coal. WEARS RETAILING COAL AT SWO per Ton eqml to Krie or Hriar HUL Yard at the Hock Island Fteic t Offl-re. formerly Morria Coal paoy Ya*d. Ord-r«ieft at the Cuiton H?u»e. 12 Lasalle aareet. will be attended ts by R. 1/AtV. or Jala b9'S lm H. >•- tiTR'.THER. GOAL AND WOOD. ISAAO COALE, AT THE OLD 4TAND 1 Corner of Clark and Adams street offers' for sale Wood 0' aHkindi, Bawel aod SpUtand dsUvsred. Also, Erie. Lackawana. Ormsby, iUoasbarx. and uliter Peans»l»anla Coals. Urlar IXIII. fiallneviU*. auj otber CWo Ooalv ShefUctd. tfnrrlt. aod other Illinois Coala Orders prompUj ailed and Co&l carefullr screened. 10AAO COALK. SBl7a4BKo - 214 01ark.eorcer Adamant 1&59 fiPEHgO A TIN ME If. VVA'tKHOU s E, 45.... IPabaah Avenue 45 Buroh's Iron. J3uildin.2. Cliicaco. Tbe eubscriier has cow In stock ( TIN PLATE. ROOFING TIS. DLCCK TIM. ZIVOSUi-trri A SLADe. soeictibos, GALVANIZED IRC. BRAZIERS APUEETHIN'G COPrFR. TlMilßS* TOOL 4 , and METALS UENEBALLY, . Allot which Is cffcml at the Lowest Market Prioes for Own, THOMAS S. DICffEBSOM". 15,000 Kuntll»> \Vir<i Fenciug, i We are prepared t j make contracts «\th Pealeia far Orst { <iu.ltly I AHV&ALE3 FEHCE WIBE KOS 8 and 9, \ In qom'lt es of not less than one ton. deliverable at oar Warehouse at any time previous to the Ist <i*r o' Jane < next. Five cent, cash to b« paid when the cobtract la made. bUdnc: ondellve y. J'urchaeert *re invited to OOTrrajwnd W'b n> kt once. Tli.js.». [aU c'l dlmAy3a Unrcb's Bolldiac. Chicago. BO! FOB PIKE'S PEAK! "QIFLES SHOT-GUKS, RETOLTER9, Bli BOWIE KNIVES, and gaser*! outfits for the SToeeatSiO Lakeatrort. vjED.T. ABBEY «or Hax'rd's Powder. laT< cii): ly For the Gold Mines. SHARP'S AND COLT'S BIFLES, COLT'S PIRTOIA BOWIE ,^ r v .• . . assortment of Tanet aa4*bigp ElQlev Knot > GSnaasa-s*her appa raxas for a general ootfit 1 A for the Mines, at »6 ■ B*ll ». KATOX A CO. COFFEE. 5OO BAGS 810 COZFEB ' ocu)iit9 ittacl)incg. SIXTO B H ' S Family Sewing Machines, Combining the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS 3RE3DTJCB33 ATW D?E,X CE S - Also. Machines f«r MAXCTACTDRIVfI AND BHOEB. and GAEMENETS of every description, con* ctantly on band. Wcatcrn Office 140 Lake Street. i»cflam A. W. IfARRIH. Agent .THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING RECENT- I LYrefnmeOt*'ihec'ty and taken tbe Axency of tbe above Machine for tbe western elates, are now open ins anew the dd office, IOC Lake Strref, Up StairF, wh*re (h*y are prepared to snpply Asents and Families with Raymond's B'Wlnjt Machines on the mnet liberal terms. Hat teg for the three months pretty thoroughly canvassed the Sewkg Machine market, we can sayt>iai net of the multiplicity r.i new oaten's they sre ea Uned that the Raymond Machine Is decidedly tbe best low triced one in use, and ij hard to be excelled tj tLe higher priced. They will npiir and pot innTtl-rate 11011111 Order any ot tLe Ravmond Machines he*et".fore sold by A. Hoi brook or 1) Kelsey If brought to their office. Agents for a'l the pn&clpa 1 townsln'ue Wert. WISWELL * UOLRROnK OSic* 1 UK L«.ke street. Chlcaso, (up alalia). ?<*st Office Boxli»S. jsl2b9BfiSm CHAUPIOiY SEiVL\(ir tfACUISE. $69 and sl4 Dollar®!!! Call at 167 Randolph Street, Before joa purchase any other kind. ia11.1n.b93 530.00 Premiums and Diplomas. CPUE FIRST PREMIOM AKD DIPLOMA jL was awarded to tbe Boudoir Sewing Maohinet (Dißßft' PiTEHT.) At the Wisconsin Stat* Fair. Oct. fcth. 1S50: Machines from One Hundred to One Hundred and fifty Dollars in com petition. Thus another link has been added to Its of Preminms. Hie subscriber bees leave to call the at tention ofibe Lidles of Ouicago aad vicinity to tbe mer itsorthisbeautifnl and unrivalled -Michine. A few of its prominent advantiges over all others are as follows: Ist. It sews with twi threads and ties each stitch. 2<L Tt makes two different stitches 3d. It will sew backward as well as forward. 4th. It makes two thousand stitches per mlnote, and elxtr-ninestitches to the inch. atu. The Inconvenience of a belt is obviated by the ap* plication of a Rubber Priction I Oh. The nominal price includes stand and fix* I tores. When this Machine vu sold at double the price. It was I cordially recommended to the pnblio by I 1. M.fiISGER A CO. ELTAS HOrf.Ja. I WHErXERi WlLS")ii. 1 GU'JVEI A BAKER, Manufacturing Co, lAs the bestslngle thread Maehlneln tbe market. Tbe 1 price has been reduced one hft'f an 1 lis value enhanced by tae addition of the Double Tiread. An examination I of this Machine and its work Is solicited at IL Dewing A 1 Ci'* H'KJt and Shoe Btor<v 131 Lake street. poS7 lv:bao6 L A. A CO.. Agerta ! QUA KB B CITY. DOUBLE LOOK TIGHT snTCB. ISO BHWINQ nAOaZNB NJCT£& BEFORE EXHIBITED IN THE WEST. All otber Cheap Machines take only the single thread chain stitch This takes the same TWO TIIKEAJJ dtUcb as the most expensive ones In use. Its work will Sol Kip Tbuneh «rer> Third Stitch be Cat. The Machine Is simple, easily adjusted and uot likely to get out of order. Works as r«plilly, makes as firm and LandsomeasUlch as tbe most expensive Machine £ewa fr;rj tvrf> CQ.-nuo t spools, does coarse and fine work •jerfrctl;.. by slaply c'l-inMn/ the needle andthread THKY WILL H'lTCIf. UFU AND GATHKR. - n&VelitUr- n iUe ant 4 rari nore easily than mostMa dJnes OWE LAST with aftewing Machine Is cqi*j\ In efficiency w Ei ph t to Twelve 1 I, 11 - r • ua w« uoe manor Sewing a bnslnesa should owncne. Th'sl* the Only Machine Sewlos 7lth Two Threads, Except one, sold in the wurid for lees than tlOu, WeU vlte all rfco wish a Machine to do any kind of work done by machinery, *0 examine ours. Samples of work sent by mailnponreceiptofo Machines sent to persons who never saw them. &ndareos«?j sureevfully after a few hours'practice. Full printed instructions given. Enter orislng men. with afew bun Jred dollars to tmrehasestoek. may now secure lucrative excluflve agencies la any of tbe better towns ofth!«<Uste cr Missouri. None others seed apply. >lall at fhfts. E. a ro«, 131 Like BU, a ear CI art. Addrev L. CORNELL, aS-W CMciucq. IU. Stationery, &i. STITIOJTERS. JONES, PER DTE A SMALL, Who<esale and Retail Dealers In Stalion-.ry ;ttkd Butnk :!<niks In all Us variety OtJB FACILITIB9 fOB DOING Ruling, Binding and Printing Are unsurpassed lntr.e West. VU.tLti A\n « ltY JONE& i-E-lUUE A "MALL!) Ko. 123 Lake street. Awarded isr tlie •5 i ' ALSO ON KAJSTID = Lakitandi. seasing Wax, S&nd Boxe*, Steel Pens, Letter Stamp* Lead Pencil*, Wafer Cap*, Bankers' Case*, Deek Knivet. Letter Boxes, Ruler*, Pen Holder*, Writing P&da Stoaey Books, Krasors, Pen Racks. Paper Weight* twine, Sold Pen*, laill Pen*, Getter Clip*. Desk Pencil*. Siic&n, Cash Boxes, Port Folios, Blotting Paper, Spring FDm [very Tablet*, rwice Boxes, Qaills, invelope Papei £1 attic BantU, India RnbbeT C^len^ar*, Wafers, Ivory Folder* Utter Bcale» Paper Pile*. Invoice Pile* Book Rests, lucilege, otun Ticket* Wottcnholpt'*Cutlery. Bed (Spool) Tap*. Commercial Printing, ooßßwraa or CiRDH, BILL HEADS, UKCCLiftS, PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT Stationer'* llall, ooS btt *1 Lake strt*L ©nstcrs. T S T E R S-0 Y S T E R S—OYSTERS. HATCH. MANN A CO'g unrivalled rresb Baltimore OrAert received dully. bjr Exprea only. direct from their packlxic#V J hooKm Baltimore, M<L. and lor aale depot. No. 139 North Water street. Chicago. The otuoft care tad attention beinx paid to toe pr»- yarioc of these OTfters. tber hate attained a reputation aneaoalltd br all olhcra. All orders will receive prompt ttenUoo. Addreaa J. W. HATCH. Axtnt. _ ocl£bX*i-6m Post Office box 8887. N. R. TU» estaWiih c eat wtll be oerxoaoeat. 3 500 HF ' CHESTS young hyson, 6UN-POWDE&. IMPERIAL AND PLAOK TEAS. WW.lmportation!for aa* « polHy-*ti7 VTEW RAISINS, 2OO BXS., 150 HP 1> fcix New Baldoi I>ut received aod for tale by RETNOLDft. ELY A 00. IX* \ HHU3. NEW N. 0. SUGARS, leJV/ now laadlos. aodfor«aleat aaoooeo puon. p&Tu/.bVn ERYNOLPa. gt>Y A CO. Ol U \ POCKETS 0. G. JAVA COFFEE, ZUU tfiO haa crime Unun Ooflp* for W gCTNftLT> ■ KIT kOO u \ BXS. SCALED AND N". 1 HEK, yUU rim, just received ELY A 00* I ~n TCS. NEW BICE FOB BALK BY Q\ I otaum RTYNOLpa Kir A 00. t OHO HHD& SUGAR NOW ARRIVING <2UU ■'""'""Ww.Ol*#. PRESS AND TRIBUTE. JJ PRESS AND TRIBUNE, ™ praump Oally, Trt-Waakly and Waakl; ' '.tic » an Offic* 48 Clark street—Orar Goa Smith's Bank wi shi editors axd r cbljsuebs .- pa JOHN U SCRIPM, C. 11, BAT, lo' WM, BROSS, JOSEPH JtEDILL, ALFRED COWLKS. CU . - yo Tsnsa of tka Press and Trtbaaa. Daily, delivered ia city by carrier, per year.. *B.OO J Dally, delivered in dty by carrier, per week U> DC Dally, to, Mail tiabscrlben, per year. 7-00 (]n Dally, to Mail Snbscriner*. ti months 4.0(1 , frTweekly, per year 4.0T Weekly, single subscribers. 3.00 *• 2 copies 3.W M 8 copies.... C<X) WI M 10 copies to one addreaa. 10.00 j. a ** 90 copies to one address. .30.00 Aftdonetree copy to getter up of elub of twenty. . po CVTbere will be no deriation from these Mr-Money In registered letters may be sent ns at oa dak Address CO PRESS AND TKIBUNE. Chicago, Illinois. THE FKESSUD TUIBDNEV ' GreatJub Printing Establishment Is tbe arrest and finest establishment ofthe kind In &e. ba West. It hasnoreSteam PreasesandMachinery: more Pzlnlln* and more Skillful Workmen than any other Job Printing House West of New York. The proprietors are prepared toexecote, on short no- Hen, every variety of BOOS JOB LETTER PRESS and FAUCY FBINTING In Uie BSBI MJMitKB lif at the LOWEST LIVINa-PaiCES. . Particular attention given to the printing of Buineai Cardi, Poetezv, w ] Visiting C&rdg, Programme*, pa B&ll Ticket*, Pamphlets, re Letter Heads, Gircmlara, th Bill He&di, Checks, y, '• t0 By-Lswi, Blank Hotea, Receipts, Label*. - w PBISTIHO 1» OOLORB 'fie In ailltsrarieties. done In beautiful style and at coder. Tli ate rates. S® An examination of BPECIHENB and PRICES is Tt- CO ipcdfolly invited. IVOrders from the Country promptly fined, and sent ftl hocrt by Express. uc == ha JUANITA—A TAXiE OF REVENGE, in tProm the Atlantic Monthly.} Continued. . ul I punned my purpo o determinedly and * with aoflaggiog zeaL I did not kaow exactly sh how it woaid be realized, bat I felt sure I mi should achieve it. My first care was to Culti vate to the utmost every faculty I poei-e?eed. at Mjr education had been hitherto of rather I he a enbsiaatial order} I had few accom m pllphmeotp. To thes» 1 tamed my care m< •* What baa a woman," I thenght, u to do l ei with solid leuruing? It never tells ia eooie- ns ty." I had observed the rapt attention with w: wbich William listened to music. HilherU) al I I had been only a puseable performer, Each as B I any girl of sixteen might be. Cut under the laflaence of this new molive I studied dili- (it gently; the best matters were supplied me; ai uud soon my progress both delighted and as- hi toot6hed'mjself and all who heard me. m I hare before caid that a change for tbe ki better bad taken place In my person; this I hi B-rovc by every means in my power to in- hi crease. I rode, 1 walked, I plied the oars vigorously upou our little lake. My health w. grew fltm, my cheeks more hloomiug, my la form ful'ur and majestic. X took the greatest w pains wi'h my toilet. It was wooderlul to j fl see, day by day, as I looked into the mirror, f the alteration that care and taste could tc efllct In personal appearauce. Could this ft erect, stately figure, with Its air of grace <l< and distinction,' be one of the tbiu, stoop- lc lug lorm, clad in careless, loose-fitting garb, w which I so well remembered aa myaelf? Could tbat brilliant .face, with its bauds of b: shining hair, that smile of easy eelfcoufi- t( deacc, belocgtome? What bad become of li the paV, spiritless girl? My uncle some- a tim*.'K iiiked the qu'.&tion, and. looking at mc h ui(b a toud, ndmiriog glance, would, say, & "You were made Tor an empress*, Juanita !" e I koew then tbat I was beautiful, and rejoiced 11 iu the knowledge; but no tinge of vanity h mingled witlr tbe joy. I cultivated my beauty, as I did my talents, fur a purpose of which I c never lost sight. ; • a It was now 1 learned for the first time that t! John llaughton loved mc. Wlieu it became 1 generally understood that William and I o were no longer engaged, John came for Aard, 8 Ido not know what he so gooi), fo high-mind £ cd, saw in me 5 but certainly he loved me with 11 a tiucuifocliou. When be vowed it, a strange joy tciztd me, I telt that now I held iu my C band the key to Williams destiny. Now 1 * should not loose my bold on biui; wo conld c not drift, apart in the tid- of ife. As Jolin ? s t bride, John's wife, th'-re must always l»c an h intimate connection betuica u«. So I yield ed with well-reigat'd teaderoe?s to my lover's 1 cntt, etiiiwlMttog, U.« 4, m a«nu> tiiun 1 must elapse bulorc our marriage, no one c should know of our attachment,- not even f William, or his mother,—nor, on my part, r any of my uncle's family. He made no ob r jeclion ;"l believe he even took a romantic a pleasure in the concealment He liked to see r me moving al>out iu society, aud to feel that £ there was a tie between us that none dream- I ed of but ourselves. Poor John! bedeserv. t cd better of Fate than to be the tool of my c reveuge! 3 " William came home, soon after our engage ment, for his annual visit. He was Fucceed- a ing rather better thaa his dismal fancies bad c once prognosticated. He wsts very often at onr house, —very much my friend. I snv 1 through all that clearly enough ; I knew he 1 loved me a hundred-fo»d more passionately <■ than in our earlier days ; and the knowledge t was tome as a cool draught to oue who is 1 perishing ot thrlst. I did all in my power to * i-ulunce his love ; I sang bewildering melo dies to him ; 1 talked to hi uof the things he 1 liked, and that roused his fine intellect to the i exercise of its powers. 1 rode wilb him, dan- i ced with trim ; nor did I omit to let him see t the admiration with wuich others of his sex ] regarded me. I was well aware that a mau > values no jewel io highly as tbat which in a > brilliant settings calls forth tbe plaudits of f the crowd. I talked to him often of hit pros- ' pccts and hopes ; his ambition, all selfish an 1 it was, facinated mc by its pride and daring. I •'Ah, William !" I sometimes thought, "you J made a deadly mistake when you cast me off. Von will never find another who c«m enter, heart aud 6oul, iuto all your brilliant pro jects He came to mc, oiu morning, rather ear lier ibau his wnt I was reading, but laid aside my book to greet him. '•What have you there, Juauita? Some young-ladyish romance, I suppose/' "Not at'all,—it is a very rational work ; thmt»h I preMiuie jou will laugh at it, be can«e it contains a little sentiment,—you are giown so fcard aud cold of lftte." "L>o you tbiuk so ?" he asked, with a loos that belied the charge. lie took np the volume, and, glancing through it, read now and iheu a sentence. ♦•What say you t# this, Junnita? 'lf we are still able to love one who ban made us suffer, we love him more than ever.' Id that true to your experience "No," I answered, for I liked at times to npproach the topic which was always upper most in my mind, and to see his perfect uu couciousness of it. "It any one hod made mc suffer, 1 should not stop to inquire whether I were able to lov.- him still or not; I should, have but one thought lefr,—revenge!" "How very fierce I" he said, laughing. "And your idea of revenge is—what tTo stab him w th your own white handf' "No!" I said scornfully. **To kill a per son you bate, ia to my mind, tbe most pitiful idea ot vengeance. What! put him out of tbe world at ouce ? Not so ! He should live," I said, fixing my eyes upon live to suffer, and to remember, in his anguish, why he suffered, and to whose haad be owed it I" It was a hateful speech, and would have replied most men ; for my life 1 dared not have mide it before John. But I know to whom I was talking, that he bad no objection to a slight spice of diablerie. "What curious glimpses of character you open to mc now and theu," he said, tbougbt lullr. "Not very womanly however." "Womanly I" I cried. "I wonder what a man's notion of woman is! jsome soft pulpy thing tbat thrives all the better for abtise ? a , spaniel that loves you more, the more you beat it ? A worm that grows and irron.s in ncn* rings as often as you cut it asunder? I wonder uistory has never thought you better. Look at Judith with Holofcrnes,—Jael with Sisera,—or if you want profane examples, m Catherine dc Medicts, Mademoiselle de Brin ~ villiere, Charlotte Corday. There are woman who have formed a purpose, and gone on = steadily toward its accomplishment, evcu 3, though, like that Roman girl,—Tullla was her name ?—they had to drive over a father's k corpse to do iti" W "You have known such, perhaps," said Richard. so " Yes," I ans*cre'J, with a gentle smile, ,4 I have. They wished no barin, it might be, tc> aoy one, but people stood iu tbeir way. ft is as if they were going to the arbor after grape?, and there were a swarm of ants in the path. You have no malice against the ants, but you want the grapes.—*o you walk on and they are crushed." I was thinking of John aad of his love, but ~ William did nut know that. ¥ " You area strange being!" he said, look ing at me with a mixture of admiration and distrust 8, ««Ah! Well, you see a»y race is somewhat * anomalous,—a blending of the Spaniard and f~~ tbeYatkee. Come, I will be all Spanish for ®» atftnc; bring me the guitar. Now let me i* sing you a romance."* TT I struck the tikling chords, and began a atfeet love ditty. Fixiog my eyes on his, I made every word speak to bis heart from rr mine. I saw his color change, his eyes melt; ** —when the song ended be was at my leet. I know not what be said ; I only know it was TO pMfeion, burning and intense. Ob, bat it was , balm both to my lore and hate to hear him I S % I let him goon ,as fast as he would,—then I bai eatd, gently catTCsetng bia bright hair, — . . pie You iorgot;'dcar William, all those les- .tfcfl eods of prudence you taught me not so very it 1 long ago."- 1 / He poured<ortMho mort ardent proteita* w!i be begged ./me toforget all tliat'cold Tb and. selihli reasoning. Long since be bad Ha wished to offer me bis baod, but feared lest I no, should repel him with scorn. Would I not :his pardon bid lormeringratitude and return hid love? ter * l But you forgot, my friend,l eaid, "that my circumstances have not altered, but only Ad your way of viewing them Jwe must still be toe poor and humble. Don't you remember all Jol jour- eloquent piciurings of the lilewe should hie be obliged to lead ? Don't you recollect the urn dull, dingy bouse, the tired, worn-oat wife in cat shabby clothing"—— ing " Oh, bush, Juanita! Do not recall those « wretched follies! Besides, circumstances bat t have somewhat changed ;I am not so very to poor. My income, though small, will be mj -sufficient, if-well managed, to maintain ua in ow comfort and,respectability.?* rut " Comfort and respectability I" I exclaimed m« with a sbndder. *• Ob, William, can you im- loi dgine that such words apply to me ? The In- mi dulgenceof wealth are necessary to me as wa the air I breath. I suppose yoa would be ha able to Ehield me from absolute suffering; ex but that is not enough. Do not speak of this ga again, for both our sakes. ' And now, good ed friend," I added, in a lighter tone. " 1 advise int you to get up as soon may be; we are lia- pu ble to Interruption at any time; and your pa position though admirable tor a tableau, on would be a trifle embarrassing for ordinaty to life." . I E 'He started to his feet, and would have left pi: me rn anger, but I recalled him with a word, bis It was good to feel my.power over this man te who had slighted and rejected me. Before we gr parted that day he had quite forgiven me for po refusing him and making bim ridiculous; I thought a little of the spaniel was transferred bl; to bim. I saw, too, he bad a hope, which I fr( careiully forbore to contradict, that I prefer- W red bim to any other, and would accept him, of eoQld he but win a fortune for me. And so I tb 'tent him out into again, full of gr ruin, feverish desires after the impossible. I ly gave him all the pains of love witbont its consolations. It was good, as far as it went. = John and I, meanwhile, got on very peace fully together. He was not demonstrative, nor did be exact demonstration from me. I- = had promised to marry bim, and he tru?led t implicitly to my faith, while bis love was so •*- reverent, bis ideal of maiden delicacy so exj ulted, that I shou-d have suffered in his cs- *j ( * shown other than by a quiet tenderness of \ manner. -mi About this time my uncle's family went abroad. Tbey wished me to accompany them, but I steadily declined. When tbey pressed me for a reason, I told them ot my enuage- , ment to John, aud that I was unwilling to an leave bim lor so long a time. The excaec was natural enough, and. tbey believed roe; and it was arranged that during the period of their ari absence I shi-uld remain with /sister of Mrs. co l Heywood. as The time passed on. I saw William fre quently. Often he spoke to me ot bis love, -a aud I scarcoly checked bim ; 1 liked to feed ac him with fulse hopes, as once he had done to me. lie did not speak again of marriage ; I knew bis pride forbade it. I also lm ;w that lie believed I loved him, and would wait for him. I heard often from our travelers, and al ways iu terms of kindness aud affection. At last their speedy reiurn was announced ; they were to sail in tlie " Arctic," and we looked is joyfully forward to the hour of their arrival. Too so-ja the newd of the terrible disas ter ; a little while ol suspense, and tbe aw ful certainty became apparent. My kind, in- duigeut uncle and all bis family, whom 1 loved as I would my own parents and sisters, were buried in the depths of the Atlantic, " I will not attempt to describe my grief; it has nothing to do with tbe story that is writ ten here. When, after a time, I came back to w life and its interests, a startling intelligence awaited mc. My uncle had died intestate ; his wife and children had perished with him ; fl aa next of kiu, I was sole heir to his immeuse -I estate. When my inlnd fully took in tbe meauiog of all this I felt that a crisis was at band. Day by day I looked for William. I had not long to wait. I was sitting by - my window on a bright October day, reading ' a book I loved well—"Shirley" one of the three immortal works of a genius fled too T soon. As I read, I traced a Hkeues.s to my 1 own experience; Caroline was a curious study to me. I marvelled at her meek, for giving spirit; If I would not imitate, 1 d!d u >t condemn her. Tbeu l heard the gate-latch click ,* I looked rj out through the vine-leaves, all scarlet with the glory of the season, and taw William coming up the walk. I knew why be was n there, and, sllll retaining the volume in my J hand, wdut down to meet him. We walked out in the grounds 5 It was a perlcct afternoon; all tbe splendor ot au* tuuir., -ituvu: o irucc of its swifucomtug de c ty. Gold, crimson, aud purple sbouo the ® f'oiests through their soltenlng haze; and the \ royal hues were repeated ou tbe mountain, 1 rellected in the river. The *ky wa* cloudless and in'enscly blue; ibe f-uulight fell, with red glow, ou tbe fading grass. A lew late flowers ot gorgeous hues yet lingered in the " Ixds and boidirs; aud a sweet wind, that < might have corae direct from paradise, sighed over all. William and I walked on, convertr ing. At lii st we spoke of the terrible disaster and my loss; he could be senile when he J chose, and uow his tenderness and sympathy were like a woman's. I almost forgot, in lU'.caing, what he was aud hud been to me. .Iwas reminded when he began to speak of ourrelves; I recalled it fully, when again, , with all toe power that passion could impart, * he declared his love, aud begged me to be . his. I looked at him; to my eye be seemed hap- 1 py, hopelul, triumphant; handsomer be could not be, aud to me there was a strange fasti- D.tiion in bis lofry, masculine beauty. 1 felt > then, what I bad always known, that I loved him even while I hated him, and for an ] 1 instant, I wavered. Life with biml It looked 1 above all things desirable! But what! Show r such a weak, such a womauish spirit ? Give , up my revenge at the very moment that it i v,m within my grasp.—tbe revenge I bad lived lor through to many years t Never I—l 1 recalled the night under the lindens, and was . myself again. , *'i ear William," I said, gently, u you - amaze and distress me. £uch love as a sister may give to au only brother you have long - bad from me. Why a>k for any other ?" I "'A sister's love!' "he cried, impatiently. 41 1 thought, Juanita, you were above such » paltry subterfuges 1 Is it as a brother I have loved you all these long and weary years 7" • "Perhaps no% I cannot pay. At auy rate," I continued, gravely, "a sisterly affection is l» all I cau give you now." " You are trifling with me, Juanitn! Cease! s It is unworthy of you! He seized my band, and clasped it to his pr breast. How wildly his heart beat under my I. touch! I trembled from head to foot, —but 1 e paid, in a cold voice, "You are a good actor, s Willirm!" ,t "You cannot look in my eye and say you b**lieve that charge," he answered. 0 I essayed to do it,—but my glance fell be fore his, so ardent, so tender. Spite of my* 1- self, my chet-ks burued with blushes. Qaietly c I withdrew my band and said, "I am to be 1 married to John in December." d Ah, but there was a change then! The flush and triumph died out of Cis face, as g. when a lamp is suddenly extinguished. Yet 'o taerc was as much indignation a. grief in his voice when he said, — r- " Heaven forgive you, Juanita! You have il wilfully, cruelly deceived me 1" je "Deceived you!" I replitd, rising with dignity. "Make no accusation. If deceived 'e you were, you have simply your own vaniiy, b, your own folly, to blame for whatever you fd may suffer." " You have listened to my love, and en re couraged me to hope" ot u Silence! I did love you once, —your cold to heart can never guess how well, bow warmly, m I would have loved on through trial and suff ering forever j no one could have made ma ju believe anything you ; nothing could it- hive shaken my fidelity, or my faith iu yours. It was reserved for yourself to work my cure, a —tor your own lips to pronounce tbe words py that changed my love to cool contempt." a "Oh, Juanita," he cried, pafsiona'ely. ou "will you always be so vindictive? Will in you forever remind me of that piece of in* i I sane folfy ? Let it go,—it was a boy's whim, | er. too silly to remember." th "You *ere no boy then," I answered. ' es, " You had a mature prudence,—a careful in- tboughtlulness tor self. Or if otherwise, in aa your case the child was indeed lather to the ou man." en " Your love U dead, then, I suppose ?" he ,*as questioned, with a bitter smile, r's I handed him the book I had been read ing. It hos ifliirked at these words: *' Love iid can excuse anything except meanness: but meanness kills love, cripples even natural "I affection; without esteem, true love caunot to exist." tis William raised his bead with an air of ter proud defiance. " And in what sense," be the asked, "do such words apply to me !" its, " You are strangely obtuse," I fcaid. " You on sec no trace of yourself in that passage,— no trace of meanness in the man who cast off iut the penniless orphan, with her whole heart full of love for him, yet pleads so warmly ok- with tho rich heiress, wnen be knows s'je is ind pledged to another?" "You have said enough, Juanita," be re hat plied, with concentrated pat*ien. " This is ind too much to bear, even from you, from whom for I have already endured so much. You know me you do not believe it." "I do believe it," was my firm reply. It na was false, but what did I cue ? It served my ?, I purpose. om "X might bid you remember," he said, dt; "how I urged you to be mine when my pros pects had grown brighter, and you were poor ras as before. I might appeal to the manner in was which my suit has been urged for yearp, as a Ixnl proof of my innooence of this charge that you have broQght agalost me. Bat I disdain to Jl> plead with bo unwomanly a heart— .Uiat measures tbe basenegs ol.otheTß by what. r= it knows C He weot, aibd 'for a tiaie I was left in doubt -C whether my victory had been really achieved. Thehl tEbughTlt aH over, and waa reassured. \ He codHl norAlaraide'thoee looks and tcnes; me no, nor that tumult of feeling which had made -his heart, throb eo wildly bcuealh inyhund. a® He loved me, that.was certaiu ; and no mat- . j,h I terbow great bis anger or. his iodlgoatioa, I my refusal'-' must have cut him to the soul, coo ; And the charge I bad make would rankle, J.G I too. These thoughts were my-'ctftnlort when John told me, with grtet aod surprise, thut I his brother had joined the Arctic expedition f ] under. Dr. Kane. I knew it was for no light j cause be would for-ake the career just open- I ing so brightly before him. I John and I were married in December, eg } L had been our intention. We. leda but § to him a happy, life. He effcen wondered at my content with home and its seclusion, and ( owned what fears be had lelt before our mar- J riage, lest I, accustomed to gayety and excite- j ment,should weary of him,the thoughtful book I loving man. It seemed he had made up bis I e mind to all manner of self-sacrifice in the J """ way of accompanying me to parties, aod j having guests at our own house.. I did not j. f-* exact much from him ; I cired little for the. I gay world iawbich \Villiam no longer nior* jo ed. I read with John his iarorite book 1?; I interested myself in the sciences which he cat pursued with £uch'enthusiasm. It was no I part of my plan to inflict unnecessary misery |.®( on any one, aud I strove with all my power I > to nuke happy the man whom I had chosen.' r J( r I succeeded fully; and when we sat on the I piazza in the moonlight, my head resting oa I his£hoalder,myhandclaspedinhis.hewould I I. tell me how infinitely dearer the . wire bad ] *- grown to be than eren the fancy bad I ( portrayed her. I Dr. And my thoughts were far away from the bland airs and brightcting moon amid the J frozen solitudes or the North. Where was I William ? what was be doing ? did be think j -- of me? and how! What.ifvhe should perifh j there, and we should never meet again! Life grew blank at the thought; I put it resolute- I ly away. J so CCoscioded to-momw.] ! New publicatioub. j| UY YOUR-BOOKS —AT— ; S P. S. COOSB & GO'S, No. 11l LAKE STB BET, CHICAGO I j D.B.COOKEAnj.aitheir newßtore.llt Lakestreet. I uo (dlresUycpposite store dectroytdby fire.) will I to be pleased to sea their friends and costomen andaliln | bk want of I qq BOOKS AN!) STATIONERY, f Upon nor coonters aod shelres wilt be found a crnfral I assortment of Bocks'ln erery department of Utemure. j ALL IHE SEW 133DE3 OF THE DAY i I n arereceltedrecs.']diopplled at retail, or to the I i country trade ai the lowest price*. I n. r>. B. C. A (Jo. Lave on hud as osoal, a very extensive I _ assortment of I Hi A. w book: S, and lawyers <*eslrtag to parcbase wiß do well to call apon I | tubefi re lending Eut for their bsoks. Coantry cealtrs I J wUifindoat I u. STOCK OF M'IIOOL BOOKS, Large and Adapted to their Market. I BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY , I In every varfetya'.dat prlcesthat cannot fail to pltaae, I n< We are prepared to supply ordets for I ~ Lctle-. Note and Dill P<tpen<. Envolooes. Sates. Slate I pencil'. Lead Pefidis. Dr.wics Pa er. Bristol 1 P Board, J rawiLC Books. Wiidn< I % Books. Pasl Bo- ks. Memorandum I Bocks, Account Bvoks. Ac, 1 And evcrythlD* appertaining to that Department at the I Lowest Market IPrices. j " SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS." " If yoa need anytMng In the line of Bonks and Station I err caU firs, on D. B. COOKS A CO.. I js3a Ko. ill Lake stmt. I The aTn PTn/*on Almanac for 1859* I mflE AMERICAN ALMANAC.AND RE- X posltoryof CsefnlKnowledge. fo*th®year 1833. I Price, HOP. For ta!e by 1 WM. B. KEEN, Bookseller, j ; »31-ly Mo m Lake street I jUST RECEIVED.— 1 A LargeAssortmeot of I BACKGAMMON BOARDS —AXD— I STAUNTON CHESS MEN, i&Ot all sizes, both Wood and Bone. I For sale by W. B. KEEiY, Bookseller, I 1a29 148 Lake street. I RAIIHWAIIK'3 RETROSPECT, FOR - jakuaST. I t THE RETROSPECT 1 —o?— 1 PEICTICAI, KEDICDrE AK2> SURGERY, Belaya halfjearly JoornaL conkalnln? t retrospective I view of every discovery and p actleal Improvement In I i Vit Medical Sciences. By W. BEAITHWAIIE. I ' I*rice, One Dollar. I For Bale by 1 i W. B. KEEN; ■ laM 14H Lifce street. I j ; OPPOSITE THE JAIL, ' 1 And a New Edition of the j Higher CUristlau Life, XLEGANTL7 BOUND. I i Just received and for sile by WM. TOULTNBON, ] ' de3l bSBBIy 91 Rudolph street. I | GIFT BOOSL S , f IN ELEGANT BINDINGS. I ' JUVENILE BOOKS AND GAMES - IN GREAT VARIETY. I i . WRITINO DESKS, CO. CASES, PORTFOLIOS, 1 —AXD— I * FANCY STATIONERY ARTICLES I I Of£vei7 Descriptlooi I 1 for Sale at the Bookstore of I ! GEORGE A. CARNES, 0 deS3 134 LAKE STREET \ (General | 3 TRIPP, HALB, &CO r General Patent Office Depot, S NO. 100 LAKB STREET, CHICAGO. ILL. I mHtf* SUBSCRIBERS BEG LEAVE TO • 1 inform the ptibllc generally, that they have opened I h thelrofficeattheaooreplaceforthetrdnsactlonofa J e GENERAL PATENT AGENOV BUSINESS I It Is their aim to keep on baad. at all times, for exhibi- I '• Uon and sale, as lane a variety aa possible of patented I \a artlclesofthelatestandmostosefulinvenUons; andthey I 19 MU take Kreil pleasure in receiving Tisitors who oay I wish to examine their articles, whether witii a Tiew oi | 1 pdrchaslnKor not. I The office Is thrown open as the headquarters of iuven- | t?rs who may wish to dispose of their improvements: and I fa tne proprietors respectftiliy Invite Inventors and anlsant I 19 tocaltopoatnematthdrpUasare. PaLentaoUained on I y new InvenUons on reasonable terms, aod with the least I I possible delay. The onderslcned will keep thoroughly I 1 posted op In all the new nalenU issued at I r, wll* reccdve and sell on commission an rlmrs of nsefhl t andpa»ented articles, tocetherwltbindlvldaaL County or I State rl«hu to use and sell the same. Oare wUI be taken I iq to receive no psteated article or rlchtfor sale that is not I poeeased of genuine merit; H betnc the purpose of the I firm to maintain a character worthy tne ea&re confidence I U- of all who may wiih to purchase newaui usefol improve- I . menu. TRIPP. HALE A CO.. I f No. luo Lake Street. I Ly I ' Wm. Jooca.No. gj Bommer Bt, Boston; P. H. Field A I K 00~ KilbjHL. Boston; James H. Hale, MUk Boston; I BowenA Bku TiLxnSL, Chicago; M. D. GUman AOo I ie ghiajto: Hon A Pierce s» nate I man. Syraeode. N. x. 009 b469-iy I {Jiofessiouol. | tb \Kt IL KENMCOTT, >d '' • DEIfTIST. BCSS-JA y ieis-u* «.*ke Street. >u 88. BtJHKHAM, HOMEOPATHIO PHYSICIAN. u * fiFFIOE 78 DEABBOKN STREET. RE3 Vf. |»olWeß«todlKD «nd P«rf» m<*V Id de3L b770 la j;• ( & CHROjfIC DISEASES ll * V-' Dra, READING A HEAD U« tSmsnted dally from 9 BBIi MA M to 1 P. M.aAdlromSto 6 - 1111 P.Jlfor all diseaaM of LONGS. rs. heart and lives. DBRANOEMtSTS, and illf: JUjUTI rc > oimoNiODUtiaEi 03 dIMUe. proffrcn rvidlf. * ? often Unperctfptlbly. to a fetal t«nnlnatlon txniesa promptly ar y, reaWd. an early application Yi, it of the \Umo*t important* HI to ad who wish a fUOIAMCyr and &PAKuY UtfRE -10 Tour rysitm of treatment by Medicated Inhalat'ona to _ teUier wab consUtotlonal remeilea. Is enilrely dUferent ui, iromanythla* before the pnbtfa. aad are confident hat any candid person will be convinced or its srea< ef , ficagy bra careful exaainaUan of it* fill Ingion.— Entrance on State sttret. Consultation free. in —— llip E. A. BOOUf Dentist. —office no. 141JES^ Lake street, (opp. J. H. Reed " v «os) ceJly 1-1- DBS. FUI4I.EB ac AIiBAVGH, >ve | \ENTISTS. OFFICE, NO. but U 44 West Randolph st., Chicago, ml BL Buperiorworkpconptiy done at cor - lttl ofie*. Responsible guarantee tor woe- 1 1 II l » QOt cesslo all cases Call and aeespeclmens. seH-ly-agn of PR« J. BEAUDINE,DeaUsL lie T - ATE ASSOCIATE OF DR. A. WOOD JU KDII BROWN. ofNo. S Qreil Jonciitreet. He. "ou ott Offloe 100 Lake Street, 'of Over Tripp * Halrt Pttoat Oac. Depot. art ■ air "HRS. WARNER & KETOHtJM, DENTAL s| s XJ SURGEONS. Office northeast corner of Lake and Dearborn atreeta. fg. Up stairs In room No. 1 o^^UCm> 9 is W. w. AI.I.POBT. 10m NTI 8 T.-OFFICE AND now A-' Resldenc*. Ho. 0 street. od bCUy DOCTOR H. F. COOKS, t i omceoi'athic psrsiciai?;-- of ,rL PICK and Rf*i<!t&ee ret&oveJ 2r>; Miraiza* tillj >tr'-et, two tioom t>oa Rash»treet. myl'&s-ly w J) ENTIfi Ta—DR3. QUINLAN ft CUSH •tmaaox snrrma. " s omc»-aa m auumor. roa mtMtMim OnoMUxOoBtHMn. < i3ankirti| ans (gycl)ange. AXD DEPOSIT BANK ~ ' WEIRE, CABPENTEB ft G©„ . . . CEDAR RAPED 3. IOWA jobm wxiar- n. ». szoss. fh -juru to— AmericanExshange 8ank..... New Tork. - ' Mciiridttirothcrs.—, ' ** • J.H.-«o«sQa, jr.. Bansers* Maxaaine. " Jt. LlbubatnA t^lficato.d. Stores. Stlb?s ACo, Bonier* Wooster.O. Cook, S»nrent Backers......low*City. lowa. J.G. Graves. JL D Naahna,N.H. j T-. --[hsocany] M ORANOtR, WEtDON A CO., OAJfKESS AND DEALERS IN EX » ) CHANGE, rmf of Raadalph and Market streets *AJ tUad'» IU. axrxsfo Wm.B.Og4en»Eeo»Chlca<o S. Llnrl, Esq, Chicago* L. B. Otis A Co.. " K. L "nnkham *" E. R. llx>a«ar " Farmers' Bank. Uans jal7 2m aeid. Ohio. jßj.ria»rG no use fXF WILLARD, ALEXANDER A CO. - Bank of Deposit PercUntad Domestic Ex chants Couectiooaadtiiilp Paasage. - ' 50 OLABE STHEBT. CHICASa 1 it&V-lMj . .. BALDWIN fc DODOS. TjANKERS & LAND AGENTB. COUNCIL BLUm. ™..IOWACrrT. " Collections bade at the utal rates. Exchange oa the . princhui cities of the Union botMht and sold. > Beat K*- TI UtobooxhtaidsoldoacoooissloQ. Landw<«Tant*to« rest cated at 110 per Ist) acrea, and £Ko per acre L*ad Office y<jrJ .lee. Allsised wamntain same proportion. REPEBENCs9:—sfirteeß«nk. Chicago: Henry Farnaa. ID President Chicago and A L Bjdinad; Aaerlean fj - Kxchae«e -Bsnk, £<ew fork; Dorkee A Bnfiock. 81. - Locis. JOHN T. DODGE, d«iai*a43o G. M. BALDWIN. OOOLBAUO A. BBOOSS. ttt Bankers and dealers in ex- " csaaai, -BQWJCIGTON. IOWA. IV Prompt attenUon vcatoths oollectlen of Hole* Drafts, etc. Refer to Georse Smith k Marine Bank. Her* basts Savtaxa Loan and Trust Co., and I. G. Adams. w.9. oootßAoqg. - tmh39-lyj y. w. aaoon. KDW'D. I. TINKHAKI A CO., BROKERS, AND DEALERS IN ; EXCHANGE. Corasr dark an< Lake Strests, CHICAGO. E JOSS C. AMBUS OHAHL.ES B. HA TV! A. 00. Bankers and dealers in Ex change.- 24 Clark street. Chlcaca Cosoraeios Dkmxt*ext—HAM. CHAMBERS A i Dealers :n N«<otiable Securities Buy and SeU Paper 1 ; peenred br Esate, and give attention to In* vestments for Eastern Parties. ' apli-tTHJy r-qti.TT-1 h. BAM 8, B. CBAMBtSB. • Dtp. XX. WBITTLX. .A*FS A. ocrtrs ..JAMES BSC*.. HMIT SITIK. DCPEE, f BECK A SATX.ES, tv I T> ANKERS AND BROKERS, NOSJ 345 w I O Devunshiro street. Bono a. give particular atten* I Uon to the Mines of Like Superior and are prepared Ito furnish reliable Information respecting them. A I monthly review of the Stock and Honey Jlarket with | quotaUocs of all the Current Securities, will bs sent to I *nf address dtalred. apfcs'S3-ly [l *• JUiijc a. easpoxo ..w. a, oicpmuju | LANE, SANFOBD A CO., CJOCOESSORS TO DICKERMAN, WHE EL ( lO ER A CO. Bankers. Rock:ord. Illinois. 1 collections made and remitted promptly at cuircat I rates of Exchange. P I Rxrxa TO-ocean Bank.-few York; Shoo and Leather | Dealers' Bank. Boston; Exchange Bank. Calcago. asS I HOPF.TIANN & GELPCIU, 1 BANKKUB, Chioago. I TAEPOSITS RECEIVED AND INTEREST 15 I I " tllowed oo gneclal i>eDoalt3: Liberal accommodA I granted to depo-Uors, Independent of thestate of [ the money market. -w- I EXCHANGE and Letters • f Credit, In suns to suit, on I I vh« principal cities ot the united States and Europe. 1 I EXCHANGE ON EUROPE, to Importers, at flew York I qootationL I TIME LOANS on private bonds and mortgages nsgo- I tlated. Western Btate. County, City or Railroad Loans I negotiated aoroad. iaui I sajtsoia a. aor?itax». iin. aim, otto oxuexa. < ULHIOH3 & OEC7DTNEB |S] gj OLARKSTHBET-OLDTBIBUUB OFFXOA I Specie, Dank Note, Exchante *£• AND COLLECTING OFFICE. I Buy constantly Foreign >nd Domestic Gold and Silver I Coins, Eastern Bank Notes asd Cncnrrent Money. Sell | Exchangeon;tewYork,andm&k6Coll£Ctionsiizrouxhout I the United states and Canadas. Jel4'sdlyal9 j At COOK A SARGENT ex | JAVENPoiiT IOWa. to OOOS SAHGENT 4. DOWNET ab I IOWA CITY IOWA. ra I COOK SABGENT & OOOS- - rOHTDEjiIOI:»I3 IOWa. <7 I OOOS SAHGENT &. FABKSB- I FLOKENCHU ....NEBRASKA. J j ANKERS & DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. I jl) Make collections and remit to any pert of the I colon. Land Warrants bought* sold aod located. I PT"Particular attention given to the payment of taxes, 1 Attorneys at Law connected with oar houses. ■» 1 COOS A DILLON. Davenport, lowa. f r.D. DO\ranY. lowa City. I axyia to I v*. Uark A Oa. Philadelphia. E. W. Clark. Dodge A Co M New Tork. | J.J. Dixweil. PresL Maes. Bank. Bottom rt I N, llolmes A don, Pittsburgh. u I J. W. Clark A Co.. Boston. I t W. Olark A Brother, St. Loola I 6U Louis. I 3co. cmiUi A Co., Chicago I JoiicO. aargtfot. Wnahinooo. D. Q. I THE BANS OF AUBOBA. A I UALL A oßvrHl-RS. AURORA. lUINOIS. JJ ANKERS i DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. ' I All ooUevtiuus eLtxvsivd to them will meettrvmpial | tcatiun. Keierto Bask oi the tfute, rtew York; F. G. 1 I AdaraflasJGeor.<eScJUjA*'o..Chicago. I M» ».'>U. af. HADL. f. S. BALL. I X. C. UEUTEL, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - ! I and Collection Office. Alio. Notary Public, i I 7b Dcarboru auret. ChicAga. 111. n>i>ly<3B9 j OITIOEB X BROTHER 0 AiS KE RS —DEALERS IN OH OUR- _ I _L> rent Mou c y. and Time Bills of Exchange. Gold I and fciirerCola. e\c. deceive deposits, and pa» partlcn • I lar attention to collecting Offiee l»4 Lake street. Ma | noe Bank Building, open from »A. M. to 12S P. M 1 1 REfZSENCES. | {lorth Bank. Boston. | I MetropoUt&a Bank. New Tork, * I aUcnaan A CoUiot, I Marine Bank. Ohlcego. I J. H. Ehinham A 'Jo.. Chicago. 1 R. W. Officta and SAU'L P orriClß. General . I **.tners- nr> C - Illinois savings Institution, . ■ a IKJ£ CITS OF UEICASO, I [lncorpvmM, jftbrtmry, 1867.] i jiHii iNanrarioN RECEIVES ut- I X. poslti of one dollar, and upwards, from all classas of I persons, Including- I MINORS ANu MARRIED WOMEN, 1 andailo* '.Merest at the rate of six per cent, psr ac« I oum. I , Dividends payable on the first Monday ot January 1 July. I TRUSTEE* | Jonn li dejAiu <va B Uxdea JuOanaaoi 1 Geo W Dole, G 6 HuuOard, d W Raymond. J I Krastusa WUllama, John a Reed. Henrywnitbeck, I GeoKßtanton. AlexO Ooreatry, 0R w LuiL I Nathan B Kidder, i I Office No. 70, Wasnlngtoa street, Portland Block. m I Office open daily daring the usual boors of basins*. - I and on Tuesday and Saturday evenings. I JJ3n h, K<N7Tt president N. B. KIDDEB. Cashier; i I AZK£S &. NORTON ' ANKERS it DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. I <-< O. «. SO OTB OLARH bT„ OHIOAGO. ILL. 1 I 4. STOUE. I 4 ;UWiL-. aUftAfl , I A# AttenUbu kivca u» *n«! jroceedsremltts' ■; I cu day of paymani. «t curr«2t rate* »!X-J'»*uS'. 4 I .sriir j, i Jslcar . I cannc Uiiicaga 1 1. A. iiCLi jj. * Co., ~^ I ilcurs.oUCKirti- tv d I -uws aci*. Lcati t>ei.?n iia^fc. j I ' -v. >-■ V .T« • ♦ - I GEO. j /lITH X 00. 1J ANKERS AND DEALERS LS FUK£IG> I l) and Domestic Exch re. it I OIUCAtt ILLiHOta. I p I ted jo uitf a'i»t inot >ie term. s>II g I J. a. BBOTHEBS k 00. « |>JKKER3, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE 3 X) ie I .Kt i»ts> | • '• '-» - _tJ*A I Agyaa «o I Z. A. ioiTV A Co., UMssrfv. 1 .eiaThuiapson. No. * WaS atrc«rt,JS«» ici-. a I 4sssrs. V. A. ;&!.urf A 09., 31 Lodj, M». li- I a-!liy u'«'. . 1 O. O. tWHITNBT L 00. " ?:| i»ANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE— - I Lj 36 CLARK STREET. Dealers In - I EASTERN AND FOREIGN fijCOHAJIGB. | Jdvor and Decureot Money bought ui km*. 1 frsiauat.i:co& CU'and >'astern Bant Notes. | sltirvseiveu and lat-rctt allowed on Special Depoota. - I Dralti/or sale on Knitianu, Ireland aod Scotland, andau I puts oT Gercu£.y I particular at:«stias <ave_> to i»e iwctistioa ot Una Ik I astes and BUls of £xcb«igr> W I OoliecUoflSsia>t« wST«a:tietl lor»ari jo nayc:pu> U I asnt. I Monies Invented <o iLei Astase. aua ill other tr*nsit.* I * 'j**"—V «nrt thmmlylnn I -1. C, WHUNET A 80N, 38 Clark Sw ia I ■■ ■ - I. I LO. BARB OR _ AN KING AND EXCHANGE OFnCfc.— I is rriUri. I MXr-aa Mtf. . Mousy,G:l3 tea I AJdSOld. k I 4uiuu»l>, ioau Sctaaat, <T«ciitu Marin* j J. it. tslS-ly J I E. PRUS3XNG A. STEINHAECJSER- I DEALERS IN EXCHANSE, MONEI, I —uo— ] BE 1 SKAL ESTATE QHOK£E&, ] mt I AO (Jirtwi, Upßtair* ! . ef- j aoxxrayoa ru tsi I Bruixx toinmerc'd Life Inwitux OompM% t I LONDON and AMERICA. CamaL «S^OQ,OOa I AuSaiO-ly ERNST PRCSBING. Ci otary PnbCc 1 B. OT. PHILLJP3 BANXEB. Jj 1 . do. t Ouu draaxr— I/JO-- '.BtauMie. - I CHICAGO, ILUNOIa OGYtt SIGHT AND TIUE DKAITB ON k j I> the Oitie& Disconnts Susioess Paper. DeaM I tnEoropeanand Doaestio tlx dpecle, Land War» W 1 rant*, uncunrnt Bank Note« and Mikes CoUectioossa ■*" J | Ml aocsscUe points. oci^4y.bl64 n_ I r ! BffABIWE BANS. 1 /"IHICAUO MARINE AND Slߣ fNSU )D 4 raoceOompany. !;1 I CAPITAL, SSVXtL j *7. <jxA Y SuUcr and Sea etar-, I ... i Tfl7nftn flHAMMftfi rrswnsii » ] " j3Uscßo£Tbi~-*v and Irafts Ttsttledto an panto'* « I Onloe ' ■ *s* f >'7Hy AT. I B. A. TtJOKEH A 00. UXCHANGfi BANK BANKERS AND JCi Dealers In .Exchange, eoracr of Clark and Lak»-sts Chicago, Illinois. -** ivOoiiecuone cad? wtho diterent aitlos In ths pHtow, Rgphanxs at tL* lawws earsat rasas ahß-A/ L STERLING EXCHANGE. M fTTE ARE DRAWING DIRECT ON W England. Ireland. Scotland, and aD otner parte of Continental Europe. We also issue passage tickets from Liverpool Hamburg. Antwera. urezacn and Bavra )h. to New Tork. BROTHERS, iryaitO-Cgi Oornerof aarkmd m H_ SSCRFOBD BBOTHEBS JB. AND EX'JHANGE BSUAMifi, P> Dealer *a L * Tar.'naU, corser-* CIA* > t *nd T,«ks , (tia&n A. Manorfi, t»q. RawTovk, llfmssitc Meatft. Carp«ater A Vemu*» " „ |9,AOa l«v,Bsc.Caskterir:rtaa f ttKxS'C. a 1 «rtt« jPrg (goods. SFBINQ OP 1888. Choice and Extensive Assortment —OJ- I 11 FOltlilGiV GOODS ! ADAPTED TO THE ENTIRE UNION, ySf Coaßiatlns or I FAHCY AXD STAPLE SILKS, BICH AJTO MEDIUK DSESS ?AB2ICS, SIBBOnAXD TBIXKOIGS, 1 S BAWLS AKD KAHTILLiS, WHUS GOODS ind ntBBOIDKBIES, GLOVES, ftt, fto., to., * How on Exhibition at oar I WHOUISAUI WAUSBOOBIB, 30 55 Chambers & 33 Reade-Sts. , I v EDWARD LAMBERT & CO. I T/1 , - L JUj TERMS: Six Mon'hs for Bank Paper. eayaMe la car- I rentfundt oq toe dry of maturity In the c ty nf New ( York. jajtcwar j Bargain a in silks 11 ST -AXD- I I "Wide WINTER DRESS GOODS ! } hti T. B. CARTER & CO., 0(S Will offer the balance of (Mr stock of I I WTXfc ! ELB C - -A.KT T SILZS j£j r. I Hair J Flae At a Great Reduction from fljrmerPrleeiand I Oak WITHOUT RECARD TO COST. °" They win also rive steal bargains la all kindsof I WINTER DRESS GOODS, I tacS >bawls and Cloaks, I EMBROIDERIES, And ether Good* which they are dairooi of dosing out ] i before liking is Inventory. I jj 0J TERMS CI -A. SH I 1 01 T. li. Carter & Co., w. 136 Lake Street 136 Wi DaS hSB lm] I I cTw PRICES WIN. 8 FEAKE, MARSH & EeLONG, 30.Lake Street. Oar policy of small expenses, aodstxndvd Goods k\ 1 low prices to men who pay. haviag rarrie J us success- [ folly throuzhttmesof panic, we thai 1 still aduere to It. I we are to offer lrr»st«t*ble Inducements to I good men. «sd tbsll offer at WUOLEdALK throug&out I the season. a very foil spring Stock of the Terj best I t jattuot ] ISTARLE DRV GOODS, hosier? 1 and notions. At the *erv Lowest Prices that close baying and small I _ will admit <t | X To oar customers who ka*w oar way of doing bailness I lathe p*st, this ootlcels cnnecss»ary. but wesolldt I DU atttmionof all Rood meawbo **loox aroaad"' ior tbe ad- | v vantages of themarket, and have something n-ore than |*■ promltes to pay for goods- )«!■> cil *ta I 78 - - Lake Street, - - 78 i Ha TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES. LACES, NEW STYLE SKIRTS £ O OB S E T 8. UNDER GARMENTS. - GLOVES. AND HOSIERY, KID GLOVES, WOOLEN GOODS. BEBLIN WOOLS, Anil a Genentf Stock of I CH SHALL WARS 8 Kett OanstanUj oalmil and for aafa I Wholesale and Retail, *' 78 Lake Street. I to' j*3o A. QRAVE3. {Late aT. AtkinsonJ I GREAT UAUGAIMS -in- J a ; DEY GOODS I r " tfREEDMAS, GOODKLVO A CO,, jj IJS Like Street 13J I £ * Offerframthlidatehr th 9 0a T anoeof the Season, thdr I m Entire Block. conslsUs* of I Ej * RICH DRESS SILKS, gf HEBINOfi, I ; —AID— I rt , ALL KUDS OF WISTER DRESS GOODS. CLOAKS, SHAWLS, g ( EMBHOIDEBIES, I U VOOLEN HOSIERIES, I A TBI2IJIINGS) BIBBON9) I to •oaniLLINERY GOODS, I " At Less than Jf*w York Cost, - With a view to c<ck them out and I MAKE ROOM FOR OUR il Heavy Spring Purchases! L nxKDWUf, 600DKLTO k «■., •*» LAKE JfritliET _.I3S. I jaia tJBt I 1818 . - • • F>o aid Winter. - - . - I 5 COOIiBX, PABWELL 4c CO., 1 Saccesscrs to Oool«y, Wadaworth A Co.) I DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 4-;. tS Jfc 10 WAUab AvaoH*. jire 33W reeeivuM a Ml assortment oi I obt eo«B8, tixtss notion, etc., etc., foa vas tiu. asp mimsi t^adk. SMALL PBOFITS ABO PROMPT PAI WUlba oarmoUo,*nd«ll4ealfrv »»rtlc«larly cAshaad 1 J ~ ibort lime trade, will ana Uto their Interest to eiacalai i L_ oarezteastveaodaUractiveftodtbetoreikvehasiaceUe I where. mU-t&)**wlr. I E bJudiiicss vilacds. ,A loam a. booehs attorney at law,l 100 RANDOLPH STREET 100 I ]afl io-cP Hps. 4 and 8. second floor. Chtca«o» ill. I BLAOIWELL h. CUMSOXHO I ~ A TTORSISS AND OOUNSBLLORS AT r\ LAW. 81 Booth Olarc street. ppoosJt* the Oourt I Hoa>c Ohieaco. Will aracße* ta the federal | . and Bute £? of th* United Stales. _ I • [£* Bttciwpj. IdeWl - GfLStar W c.gtnna, I gdODWXS LABHES A GOODWIN I «xa A TTORNKY3 ASD COUNSELLORS— J\. Offiee So. 97 Washington street, adiolnlns Lar- I *>• eaon's Block. Chlca«o. Ultnots. I ttrsraaa a. oooow a ipw.amnD jx I 1 GOOEUtS THOCOAS 4. ROBERTS- I % TTOKNEY3 AT LAW. 79 AND Si i*- Dearborn itwt. Chicago. tUlaots. qql9 b43* 5a 1 DRAS£ - BfiO. I Q4 QLkra Street JX | Dealers in paper haxglvgs,- PaPEB HANSE&i, Ac.. Ac. .1 tioase. BLotaod dhade Paiatsrs. OCB bUMn I V* dAsa *. MULVZI I , rrORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS At £jL LAW. No. 47 Clare street. Chlcaio. I r>a«ys»ASs. ocXb%>ly <cstss 1 STEELE II RTT.tTT I \ TTORNETS AT LAW, 5H DEARBORN I A.wiw.Chleuft. _ _ „ M \ K _ Sooa Ma 3. Walker's P. (X Box 4277. I w ' g. t» *■ aitw. 1 JOSH Ju BROSS I \ TTORNEY AND SOLICITOR - AND „ 1 A CNITKD STAWS "JOMMiaBIOfia. 1 <1 frvOct D. a Marshal's Boon, m Lake stred. I CRAWFORD, SUARP * CO*, I XMPORTERS AND Dfc ALERi, IN CROCK fcRY, t}]M* aod China, fahle Cat!«*rv, l/wtiaf I ii:iuei,Uitoninil tlriUOi'i lii. I DN t.B.kL LAPLIX s; \\/"HOLE3ALE PAPER WAREHOUSE, S VV 49 SOOTH WATEa«MBT, <4 Arvnow reeelftnc their wtst«r ataek of fine Pasers and | eastern BookPaoea. which they offer at tow prices. I Priatfng papsr of erery sVae and *aest quality. ocT.bMa 1 3rr VULOAB FOOVDHT. I 3U " ptUKTOM STSEBT. irSTWEBW TXTLTO9 I w and Carroll. Qhlfiagi 10. I HXHBT WA*SD*GTOX I ManififfSnrer of B»adon«ry agj Fortabla Btsam tnaines t . Machinery and Mill Gearii*. I |y CastinfaoadetQMder radXepairtn* vr»nßU.' I » • tended to. frit- 1 ? I — I EDWARD O. ASATi AJTD OOT7WSBLLOB AT LAW HO V BOOTH JLAKX atIXK. ' OpportttOosrt f1005*...-, .....Cklca«o. ,ths gy3-ty-t974 SPtrs 4, BtTBTi QOOMBB ILOBS AT tAW 22 OHBnroF. !COKTH BOX. ketg d Mvem T*Alrdaadfoa r th*eet»n.teia.]le. kTr * H l ', T >. Is Hotary PobDo and OaaraeUaianer Deeds for 'yrtrj Bute In the Union. 2 |jnOhkjga aetla—. Brat 48a aari. wgy ro. Qsl-ly-Tiae] <m.Tn a xv**- % f <ADETAND STEXt. MIXED BATINST 1:3, %J Par sale bf IULIX B«IDtO* * OOm . 'srt, ..i* _ ' cW. BtsXe and ttw Ita _ H 1A TONS SICILY SUKAO, TOR Si Xl 1 lUwuviTyLrAiait.oa Jfnrmtare, &t. FOB FUillfirUEE^ flitt 0* J.E.&H. If. Parsons, nw 119....RANDOLPH STREET....I 7* ££ MQn They are selHo* their 6ood» we'off A_T COST-ki ~ WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE. aaanbw i- Furniture! Furniture!! P] WUOLESALE AND RKTAIL 54. —it yjsiv YORK $ BOXTOX PRICES. "tacts wobxh XHOWDiet j^i SO par (tout Bared la th« Pnrcliaae. Shearer, Paine & Stroug, r Ustls« Utaovel U JO.N.ES' NEW IRON* FEONT STORK, HO. 803 RANDOLPH ST.. Areaov prepared to exhibit to thttr old cwtancn, aad ± tOthOPUbUc Cttimlly. The Lamest and Best .A^dorteHl STOFURNITURE ™ WEST OF NEW YOBK, ~WUeh the? have recently rscclred, and us bow ooen ins. co&aistlnc la cut of . • Btitpacf, imtwaoi ud Wiliit PARLOR FURNITURE. In BrocaUslle, DeLaln* Plnah aad Hair Cloth. Kn*aullAd,oak,Ch63t3at, Mahogany* Rcmw*d CIiXBEB SETTkf, Of New and Klecant Dedaes, frtwa the best Man afacta _~ rtes la Boston. Mew York acdPfcUadeltklA. W. -ALKO- • AnKxtenave variety of Mohocany. WaJnct and Rose* HO- I wood Tecs • Tetea. Ui; Otiairs. nrlor Chain. Eat* [ Rfcklnji Chairs. Siewlo* tfuirs, Dtnaa, Coaches Ldfcnxcs. EU*rr*x Centre and Pier TsJßol Bsreaua aad tfldeboarda. Patent gpria* Beds. Cur lea I Hair. Cotton aad Uaik. Palm and Lxceialor SlaUreases. | ITae I Oak Cane Seat Chairs oiererxdescrtotlOß. r!it I —a;^o— OININB ROOM AND COMMON FURNITURE, A 13 eMATVABISTT. XH I 6oodi Ifannfartared Here To Ordaz Oat of the 1 BKST MATKKIAT.S. J I ffe are ooaataaUy receiving from ggßAkgß > JOlfg. * ■ I New York, and rtftalßKti A PALNJC. Bostcn. (Mans* 1 factor en.) the Aj I LATEST PATTERNS ; *"• I 00 £ I Most A.pprovetl Styles or GKxxlt. I Which will make U a mat lodocenea to thoaa . : FCRNttffILVG HOTELS AAD HOCSES 1 ro examine oor Stock beforesendla* East. No parties TOTTING THK OZT7 V 0» UK PORCHASI ST I OF rUßNlTClLEshonldfallto urmiae ™ u OOR MAMMOTH bTOOK 1 Before Mak o# thelx Pnrch»w a '"Jjj I To tlxo Public at Larxe « IWe are prepared to prove that Paratope « '.very „?! I Gr*ae. from the Kitchen to the Pa-U r, I Will m Faniiihed from Our bUhli'bmeat at I Price* lower than any Hoom in the West. I BHKAKEK, PAINE & STBONfi, I 203 RANDOLPH STREET. Offi I fselai»TriJ _JJ| C. MORGAN, Sj I 199 - - - - Lako Stroot ( --- - I i«w and Ucaottlul Oealfsa IT I LAIfcJT STYLES of a I S«iMewo#(i, aoborany tad Wa!oat Parlor, -«D- Ibbdhoodi rvßitiTiißa, ' I I N S U 1 TB. I Tbeiabecri&erla nowceeetTIncLAAOKiiODITIOIVAS' I BUS?LIEBw> Ma fomee \ -- I Handnoth Stock of Cabinat Tonutnra A Cliairt I &j tne dtock Is now Complete and Poll, and tha I Largtat to b« found W«ct of Vev Tozk. Ha I Ha would cordially tartte Use attention of his TOrm I iVleada and patrona* and the pobUo tea I erallj to call and examine J I tiia Elegant tMrniturw pj I Befereporchaklna eUewbere. ~~ I Selling at (<reallj Reduced Prim froa I LMt Season. p OHIOASC. ACr,m lltb. l c ap. y j BAOCOCK A PECK, t» I J3acce»ora to Wlllard, Peek h Co.) I 171 KAHDOtPH-ST. 171. B< I Saliagiiir, Bosewuad H VTilnat, CHAMBER, O!NINQ~*ROaM ANO COMMON , rUHNITUHH I In Great Variety. a. I WOOD&£ATA2IDCA.SEdI!:ATCQAIB».BO9ISACe. ~ ( BUiJCACa. I {VPartlcnlir attention paid to Coontry Orvter*. and | to Pomlshlnx Hotels. Ae selcfcrtiiMj J Improve Your *_ I J7...OIuIBISTHBET HOOMIDJ' STJUE3...T) CHICAOO. ILL » «_ mHB celebrated kessia rocs tt , I 1 OET9TAL AND Ba.UIUAS PKBBLS BPWJTA ' I CU9. for long or »horv«lj(bted persons, from 10 to t( ] year* of ace. and for weak, sore or Lafiamcd eyas. »>» i-cU. cross avea. are for tale at 37 South Oar* itreet, M I Eaosi No- i- up stairs. Also ail kinds of Optical Inrtra> O I menu and Artificial Eyes kepi I Ti r I Persons retldlox at a distance reqamnx BPf<*taele& I Kye Gla a*% etc* can be salted ftceofdlsa w> = I thdr condition of cbiht. and supplied wub them, by mall |or '•zpreaa. safely and qalckly, by seadloc eonves and U » I d'stlnct aciwen to the rollowra*questions:— ~ I lit. Staieyoor ace. sUt« of h lalth aad oeenpalo&. 1« I 3d. State If tlauei are wanted for nsadloi .wr.unc, I etc.orfortookiocatd'st'ctobiects I 2d.otat«theeaacannznberr>f I Inreadifljt with or wlibont slasses. plainly aid clearly, | The price of nylmpr red Soectaetes aid Eye; Glasses [ areas follower BestPehbf. OU**ca, infold Aj I bowa. 112, *IQ aad at Beit slassea in H x I $J and II Beat aloaies In steel bjws. i*. W. and 11. I Knckne either of tfte snmi «rlta foarpnstace I stamttf. la »re*istered let'.er.-and yoo will reeeire by ro | torn ma:L or by ezpres. I' you n~sfer theqalUiy and g, | kind of daases paid .or. aaa tb best adapted to yoor ' DH.Lt ROSESBrRT.. ] ]aVln* Is Practical Optician tnd OmHat j ' CHICAGO » I MILL-FURNISniN»i DEPOT. I T. W. Baxter & Co., I ainricmu or SI M E*S = » OF ALL QEARRIES, • | —AMD— I C. W. Brown's Patent Portable = Flouritiy and Grist Willis, _ I 'And Dealers li , DTTICH AKK2H BOLTETO CLOTHS, I Smut win* asd Separators, I Separatori Cor "Worehouacs, I Beltings cf all ainda, I Hoisting Screen and Bails, I Braa Butters. Fecks, Proof fltaifk, Ae* t * c « FAIRBANKS' SCALES. a -*a « Mill rnrnisliiiis Generally. I /tan#. Spcdfcttions and Kttimxiu fnrnuhtd I ishtn <U**nd, and th« construction of Meant I I and H'uier M.ILU eordractid for sntire. v- STEA3I EN'GIN'ES, BOILEBS, &Q. f*- I Tt« sabscriberj ha7ln* obtalnei! the aaency for tha nt« I of Steam Engines and Boilers, from the {IX I baifMUrr «r G«oHI«», S*gl«T 4 StveU, So, I CJWiM&TOWN.3.T.. I wocld Imite the attectiOD of porchnen to thefr Kperlor I merits of style, wnrtmaoship *nd powers, also ttjetr verr I low prices Tl»«Wlowlti*lsall»iorprtce« o£ En«o®J^d w*b Water and Bte»m Plw I Cocks. Valrea. Arch CasPn# and Grates, completo aad . | ready for tue. deJrard In Cliloaao: 2_ I 1 L«5 »300 aoliono JO _ 11® - •• S» - - iT lis *• " 900 35 „ ?*fi I It! •• " llou <0 I'lV** r I aailaßkeo-ooortlon f orUr»«ralS4S»Mreqttir»i- J £rer7 Enjßne Is fdrnlahed wttb iw JUDSON'S PATENT 80VERN0R VAIVE ' [ flax, from 25 WSO p«r cint. in fuel I Orertheosaal daasof Boilers la u»e at the We*. Wa , n , | l { a |]keep an assortment or different •!*«• aloor estab. SD I bsament wflere »hey may D« examlaod and the D 1 information obtaLiedre«ardinic toem. Competent men I wJt if desired, be fombbedt»aoi op and start Ha»la«a —— I laary p*rs of the country. We will also sopply I WATER WHEELS, SLATTING* OBAHISG, AO. 'K- I jlI tcrjf la%§ HffittM. T. W. UAXCKK & CO., »r I acn fnmlriiln* Depot. West Water atmt. between Ban- I dolohaad Idadiion. I fy p. p. Addrea. Boa ->o- 37-i- I I IbAOS! BAQ3!! BAGS! !'l I rAHW«M« 09 I STKA3 WB aiStMCWai. I e, 414 *! Wabasb arenne. Chicago. I BAGS AND BACK* of ««ry deacrlptUn , I faralsbed on short ootloe. I'f I and printed vllh . »W AJID BSAUTiytb Bt&AHIMr BDCOS JABWILL *■ w I ac»Akwty-tm. J HO. 1 OIL OF COGNAC. _ OIL OF COGNAC. OIL OF COGNAC. X.OOO OUNCES OF """ &reen, White anA YeUou 2jS OIL COGNAC, H3, titeWl) WSTOM.OO <t» XTIHSQAiI I—SENUXSK SET JE KSBY ;-r V oSri—<»_ mm ,»^Eswn!n«M.w*. {Jluntbing. Q.AB PlPjfi ANO b'IXTURSS. MOW a WTX.DE* ATmomm M....ftais atrwat . Offsr their csilre «occ aa follows 3T O «. C A c» a. dUeosnt jro«u«t price. - MaUblelrOo flttteoA cento par wo«o1. Braaa IltUncs.Bands.Hwlna Joint* aad Vlxtorw s*oo«a. . Oor stock la the Lamtt la the, dtv, aad 'n closlnc otf veoftrtndnoeiaentaaotoqajdledlnttie West. aei&ly-aMr R. D. JIcFAIiLUiE, GA S., BXK.VA! Fli'Tl«6i, PLUMBING ESTABLISIIJIEJNT, 54—LA SALLJi STKKKT..-W CHICAGO. AN HtKNdl,rK AibOaTJIKNT of Gat* Fixtures, from till CcltbnW iitaafatwrj at Cornelius *' JBtaker, Always oe band, cotsortrtag the Plainest *n • b» >»i tflaborat Oesigas. rKACTIOAIL PLUMIiNK aaJ Jtanvaesaraf of. ALL KINDS OF 6?mi WOIIK. eartiraiar atwauoa <i»en wStttac ap iiOTHLS, #ITli iTKSH, WJjJiH dNJD WJJ3 ikojv ssrrvc*. oßAiaa asd v.»hits rott axtuta LAWXS A.lO rvtAHOABI COUNTRY OKOEUS, i-Hosm? wit pai rapcLLv a r to CO I'U Mi ~T it *ili Ml. THH THADE SUPPLIED WITH TOOLS, IKOM PIPB FITTINGS, «A3 PIXTCRSS, fLt'MIW t*(J MArKKUM. AND BVKRY ARTIOLK I* THK UAd. STKAa-PITTtNO aMP PLUMUINQ UU3INK&S. • * LA SALLt. Krerv deteripuoa of Gaafixtu/s anH 3ra«*a*warfe 6i MUett Wf W<aui.»rt irT. 1 a.'? 7 HAW£s' DIREC lOR^. foUowina listq» iltuineaahouse* aaa Uanaiao. tnrtn* tstabiahmeataare amocc Uie best aadmoM crota* neat In tbelr respective lines of bnsloeas. fftaes aid Wholesale, w. a. wiua Wholesale A<ent for Wlnea. Llaoora and Beaars. 17 La sade street, between Lake and Water, (oue door from Uie Mercbanta' UoteU. ÜbtcaKo. UL ALtktnia o( »rotv etty taken In exchange for cowls. Aaent lor Aie» and Portera. ap'.»ly Wtilto Ua4 Woriu. Xm X.TON a CO. aaaosaotoaaan oi WHITE LEAD AMD ZINO FAIHT. Office a r dPaetory comer or Qaistedaod /nltou »treeia. Weat Blda. ca£>-iy BUylt tnd Fincy Dry fiooda Wholesale. PSAXE MAS3H X P£ LOHG juinw or ■ TAPLX AHD FANCY DRY GOODS AT LOW VUIOAuSi. mainly No. M Lake street. t;*Ulmx tf hitleale* ~ UOMTIM9TON, WAD&V7OKTU « PARIU, Manniaotorera and Dealers la BfETI A.NP BOYS' C'LOTMI.tC, S3 and so Lake street. Ohlcaao, lfiHanorerstreet.Boston. Man. F. aa. OHAPMAN iCO. iiCrioalturiU Warehouse, H0«99 Klnaie street...... North tfids Wholesale Oealeis la AGaiOCLTU&AL ANO HORTICULTURAL IMPLfr Hum. 3IAOUINKB. Ac. fV*Axaata tor Manny's Seaoerand Mower, mhily Paper vrarelja-te Wholeait* .BRASHES SSOITB a 00. Manufacturers anJ Wholesale PAPEtf X) E A L K It >- All daes of print and book cootßantlr on hand. Caab o.dd for all klada et bvoca. WarehMK No. U between Lake aad £L W&ier-jts mDi-iy Booto aad aboes Wholesale* IVTTT.r.FB a BROWN jianafrciqrera and Wholesale Dealers iu 1 UOOT3, SHOES AND BOBBLRs, No. South Watar-st., cor. Wells-a., Chi »«u. a.a.iuLLaa. stbUly cu.i.v smiwi. WADSWOHTB a W£XX3 I Wholeaf 1 - Oealenln BOOTS AJSTI3 BHOEa, - Mttouwr. OHIO4UO, UJJNOIS. t w. waPswoara. ahl»ly uao. a. wmj. RAWSOS BARTLETT & CO.. Maaofaetorera and in * boots -ajstjd shoes, 211 a 213 SOOTH WATEIt Mannftctoryat Westßoyleston. Mnsachnseti<. Imh6l> Cmierj, Glasa 4 China Wan Wholesale, OBAWFOBD 3HAQP a. 00. Importers and Deal -rsln : CHOOKBBY, 3LA33 AMD OHINA Table Cntlery.Looklog Olssses. Oaston. Brltaaala War*, t _obi-ly No. Ita l*ke Btreet. d U»th Hiise Wholesale* ISSB SFRINQ TBADB 116* * FIELD, BENEDICT & CO.. k 81 A 83 9onilk Water Street, J Are now recei?la« their oiuAl large stockof Broadolotha. Custtlmers * DOE3XZSS TWEED 3 VE3TIMQ3- d SATDTEIS, KXHTUC2Y JSANS t COTTOIf ADKS Cottligs, Linens and Llnea Drills, . TAILOR'S TBIMUIMOS, To which they tavite the atttentloa of the Trade. for ftina's aeoort offaablens. mb4t4t< * Hata, Cap& and Straw Coods Wholesale* ppMEPTfIT Twiaf.T.nny *. PARMAM. WHOLESALE JOBBERS a Hats, Caps and Straw Goods. Ka t5 AND 17 LAiB .IHEBT. _air Sash Uoara, Ac. wax. QOLOIE'S SA3B PALTOHT. All <mill of sash, doora. and blinds, window and doot frames, monltflncs. doorlncandaldlnK.oooatant!y ou uaod or madew order on the ihurtest notice. Al*>. ulaulnsj I arcular and scroll sawlnc. aad tornlna. etecai eu lo»U I ih-ir branchea. House trimrainas of e?ery w di aad Isairth to suit customers. Conntry orders wuci :• sp«* nrompUy attended to. Ha'* Rwms and Faetory a. al I Mo2roj»tre«t, aeirGu 1 Carriage Repoaiiory* 3o.74North?iiS4 fe^ Maaafical i rersolCarrlaaea, Bonles anddprlna Re'j»lr* 5 In* neatly executed. Hose Carriaxea. Book and Lad* Act Tracks made to order. BModaan. at American Transportation Coi a Bolldlc* T E~A & PER sTI S8 , Worcestershire Sauce* U, P oaonnoed Kxtraet .if. C 3 of a Letter .Ton a ...... II Medical Qentlemaa dosioiisv'a II r II at Madras to be tha , td JB_a lb His Brother OalT Cm 4 Sun, u twms. and efjsJSH Kit. 18BL "Tell Lea A Perrtna Applicable to th at their Baace Is aw IVIBY VABirrYl.-i-- s »--ldla aad la. In my opln ,ii tha most palata^ IM > -o»L. EZ3ble as well aa the most ißESßP'holeaome saocethat tor DISH. U mule." SJ PBAUDS. «t The only Medal awarded by the Jw of York ad CxhlbfcUoo fb* Forela» 8«noa wws ofijalned by LBa, a PlßXma foe their Woroesurarira Banea. The world SO wide fame of which hajlna led to nameroaii for*« He* i~i oarcbsaenart roanested toaeetbatthe names of Lea a 2« LeaAPerrtM will <mce«d against any onelnfrlnslM jjO either by mannfttctnrtnt or reniU:i* ha?e huarocted their thewotldtoadTlaettiemof ao»fochaunn*maota. ooia wiotoMl. lm. tor k soot. Broadway. New York, n- Aaod^w«rtlnKorj. Aijo. orten fetsbtamentafromttnaland oc»6ty>iy Warehooae. m paATT a "worckstss. ~ iami 197 pooth Wa'erst. d»toM» LILLIS'S anottD ■ suss, Sold by B. WOOLVY., at ralrbtaka* Scale Depot Bot V lake street Cbt ago. laJbfßlr ■ FAIBBANKS' J»- go -A. 3C« BS . /1| riiaiinß i uxrauur. jCSBB ou> 1 ATI HARSKLS BOSIN— £2— ■ imi. w. ""*!*l -3BT -•assHraSF