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CHICAGO DAILY PRESS AND TRIBUNE. VOLUME XII. PiiESS AND TRIBUNE. . FEIDAY MOIISIKO, Ten Dollar Hill Altered from A For description of * ce* and ation of a flnt to u ten AoH&r bill aeajrfbney er-* m tide on fourth pge. The Apportionment Bill. B< The Democratic Rerrjmander passed the £ Houso of RfprePeTitatiTfcß at Springfield od 8! Wednesday by a atrsight party rote. Tbe towo o( "Soctb-West Chicago*' was sot crested prior £ to the taking of the vote. hi -« ■ & For Pike's Peak. Parties ere beginning to more westward to * e the new gold fields. We hear of two companies who went west within the last week from Clin* * ton, lowa, by tbe Chicago, lowa and Nebraska oi Railway; and of another that took the same di- rection by teams. Within tbe next few weeks q we presume all onr thoroughfares west will be crowded with emigrants. Division or Cook County* D< The County of Cook, under the new eppor* m tlonxnent bill, gets two Senators acd six Rep reaentatives. The county is thus divided: P* Second Dutrict —The towns of South Chicago, 01 Southwest Chicago, Rich, Ijemont, Worth, Ly fi] ODfl, Palog, Orlacd, Lake, Bremen, Thornton, and Bloom, in Cook county. Population, 47,- n , W. - Third D'uirici -Tbe towns of West Chicago, North Chicago, Leyden, Jtffe;son, Niles, Maine, Eik Grove. Sbaumberg, Hanover, Nottbtield, Wbet)3inp, Palatine, Barrington, Proviso, Cio eio, New Trier. Lake View and Evanatoo, in Cook county. Population, 56,161. tl We wish to ask tbe Timu & question. Why is there put into District Second 8,862 less pop ulation than in District Third? Why are tbe &f districts not made eqaalf What valid objection G is there to putting tbe towns of West Chicago, ** Cicero and Proviso into tbe Second District? g, WUh thum it would still contain 2,000 less pop- ci lation than the Third. The growth of popula tion in the Third is much faster than in tbe \j Second District. Tbe population of Cook Coun ty to-day it et least 140,000. of which the Third re JiUtrict cjutaiug fully 89,000, and the Second PJ only CO. 000, It was only a few days ego that the Tims claimed thut tVe West Division contained £5,000, three-fourths of which is thrown into No. 3. This very unequal division of Cook Q County has been made at tbe instance of tbe C 1 Time* clique. Will that ebeet explain why it jv was done 1 a ■ ♦ rt x The Swindle Confessed. The Republicans admit that the present nppor- V tionmmt is mom favorable to the election of a Republican Legislature than is possible under a P 1 new law, arid the ef.Jte they have revived that do bill shall pass at this sesaiuo.— ®j Why is It impossible to pas* a new law thut V would be more favorable tlun the present one ? c< The Lw as it nojr statute was based upon tbe ccn- tc sua of 1800, under which the Democrats gain an advantage equivalent to three Senators and eight lc Representatives. That is, they hjive that many j) more meuiliers than the population of tbe Demo- ui cratic coaniie* entitles them i% The Timet de- * clarea that the new bill is much worse for the Re- 11 publicans tbnn even tbe old law! which is a fact. It conlereupou 121,190 Democratic voters, forty seven inemliew of the and upon 125,27 j li Republicans, only thirty three Representative. * It the members representing a majority of tbe j|| people of tbe State take steps to prevent the en- tl uctinout of this iniquitous* swindle, it Is called al ••revoluiionan Who causa tbc revolution ? r ' Not the R»]ml»licanP, surely. C( — • m Vl The State Scnnte on Slare-Tradinc and h Cuba Mealing. © Iq tbe Slate Senate on Wednesday, Mr. Judd introduced a pair of reflations a? an amendment to a series offered by Jlr. Higbee Oefiniug the beliefs of tlie Democracy of llli- uoie. Sir. Judd'o resolutions declared .first j, agamst tbe rccc-nl attemptß to revive the African Slave Trade, and instructed our Senators aud fieprc.'ent-.tives in CoQgreEK to ~ use their cfTortji to und better en- a force our existing laws for tbe suppression of * that truffle. The K*cond asserted that the pretest national administration bad forfeited } the confidence of the people of Illinois, and a therefore our Senators were requested to op- c pose tbc preposition now pending to place $30,000,000 at the disposal of the President * to I>3 expended by him in tbe acquisition of foreign territory. , e The fir«t regulation was adopted unani- c motislv, aud tbe second was defeated by a c strict party vote. • ( C. W. Waiie, Eeq.- t one of the moat vig orous writers in tbe State, is about to leave the True Republican to take charge of a tri weekly * journal at Rock Island. The Republicans of ( Rtnk Island bave been fortunate in securing tbe 1 services of Mr. Waite. 1 -« - ] ILLINOIS LEGISLATURE. { Twenty-First General Assenblf* SranrcniLn. Feb. 1,1859, ' SENATE. 1 Mr. Vanderen introduced an act to incorporate 1 the City Railroad Company cf Springfield. Sec- ' o&d reading. I Mr. Cock.—An act to authorize the building of a bridge across tbe Big Vermillion Ri»er, in La Salle Co. Second reading. VLr. Judd. —An act regulating tbe tale of pro perty for freight and storage due Railroad Com- ' panies. To second reading. ] Mr. Knopp —An act to permanetly settle tbe ; State Fair Grounds—appropriating $15,000 to purchase 40 acres of land, etc., to be selected not more than one mile and a half from the 1 corporate limns oi Springbeld. Second read- i ing. • / Mr. Judd.—An act to incorporate the Chicago Law College. Second reading. Mr. Judd.—An ac. to amend anMtto provide for a general system of baoking, approved Feb. 15, '54, and acts axendatory thereto. Second reading. An act to authorize the Bale of the Chicago, St. Paul and Fond du Lac Railroad, and enable tbe purchasers to form a corporation. Passed— •yes, 24; noee, none. Bill to incorporate Dixon. Pasaedr-ayes, 8S; noes, none. Ao act establishing a State Reform School for jorcnile delinquents. Passed—ayes. IS; noes, 12. . An ffct to incorporate the Harbor and Cfvnal Improvement Company, and for drainage pur pones. Passed—a>es, 13; noes, 7. An act to authorise tbe formation of Gas Com panies. Oo motion of Mr.Jtackmaater, an addi tional section was added by tmanlmons consent. Amendment concurred in. Passed. BUU&E. The act for tbe sale of Swamp Linds was up, debated and patsed. The bill for on act to define tbe duties of owners of feme* was lakeu up and discussed. Mr. Huribul moved as a bubstitute for tbe bill, aa amendment to amend 14, of act of 1645, to provide for the a*-H>t>tncnt of die franchise, etc.; and uUo that Boards ot Sujicrviaors may bold the poncrs delegated to the County Courts. ' * Oo the q»e>tion to adopt tbe substitute, tbe roll m* called with tbe fallowing result: ayes 41; noes 19. This adopting the substitute. It was or dered io be cugrosxd for a third reading. Mr. Speaker aunounccd tbe special order being act to subtend the collection of the two mill tax. The special order was tbea t*kea up and on mo tion to oroer the tame to a seooud reading, Ue«tfm. Detricb, Higgios, Harmon, Davis of Mont gomcrv, aud Peck opposed the bill; Messrs. Church,Uurlbut, Haiues and Green arguing in its favor. SENATE-FEB. 2, 1869. The Senate laid on the table, until the 4th of July, the bill introduced by Mr. Bryan, to suspend tbe collection of the two mill tax. Mr. Underwood moved to suspend the rales In order to reconsider the vote upon tbe passage of tbe bill efrtabli&aing a Slate Reform School. Tbe motion elicited a lively di-codiion, but was lost by a vole of 13 to 10—two-thirds being required to .jtuspend the rules. . The hour ol eleven having arrived, the special warder upon the House joint resolutions relative to •cabling a Convention to amend the Constitution, •ww taken up. The question being upon their .adoption, the vote stood as follows : AYE®—Messrs. Adams of Lee. Addami of Stephenson, Applington. Bestor, Blodgett,Cook, Fuller, Goudy, Henderson, Judd, Knykendall, .Marshall, Martin, Parka, Richmond, Underwood, and Vanderen—l7. Niks—Brooks, Bryan, Buckmaater, Coflfey, Higbee, Knapp, O'Kcan, and Poet—S. HODSE. Tbe following bills were taken up and paaasd: To amend tbe act of .February 23, 1847, in re lation to a School Diftnct in Township 89, north range 14 Esat, in tbe Citjr of ChicagoTo au thorize tbe towo of Maine, Cook eonnty, to fcuild a Town HouseTo authorise tbe County Courts and Boards of Snpervisors to vacate and re-locate Bute and County Roods in their dis cretion 'To regulate mining: it provides pen alties fpr trespassing spon mineral lands. Authorizing persons who lay ont towns to employ others than county survey on to lay out ana plat such towns, and legalizing the reports of ouch special surveyors. Laid on the table. To authorize Justices of the Peace to trans act judicial business la certain cooes, (t pro- Tides that in cases where the county Judge is in tor sited, by consent of parties, one of the Boun ty Justioea of tbe Peaoe may proaide. - Bill making appropriations Tor Hospital;-for 4b* Insane was ordered to be lcid tn the table and printed. TUB STATS APPOanOXUKNT BIU. PASS KB, The special order was "io "T>e* J Jlje £ Apportionment Bill, Ifitrodocr.d bv M?. Andttf- tl sm«» wbicli was tak-n up. Tbe bill w«s£*a4 r ?> * foil, and 1 ben read fena/trn for the porpJto ef r amendment. • » >1 Mr. Peck .moved to "strike out the words .S VSouih-WeatUbioaigo," frrim tte paragraph de- B scribing tbe Secon 1 Senatorial Dietrirt, for the reason that there is no such town. Laid on the 0 table, on motion of Mr.. Detricb• -ayes SS, hoes' ti 82 ' " " n Mr. Plato moved to strike ont'"Kendal! " from Fourth District, for tbe reason that the ' remaining counties of Kane, De&tlto, and Lee d have a population sufficient to entitle them to a tl Senator. 'Lost—ayes SS, noes 32. A largo nnmber ot otber amendments were of*' lered--eome of which were designed to correot n constitutions! defec-*, or gross violations of both. tbe letter and spirit of the Constitution, with - which the bill abonn-->. bat they were all tabled' or voted down by the majority. h An exciting dtbste eneu.'d, participated in by p Mesfers. Church, Uurlbut, Swett, Pctk, Mack, Craddock, aod oth-.TF. Mr. Detricb c fibred us *n aiaeudment, an ad- K ditional section eree<ing a new town in Cook S ©ountj, to be called S.mthwest-Cbicago. . Mr. Mack claimed that tbe amendment was not ia order, for the reason that it was not ger- lc main to the title and objects of the.bllL . fii Speaker Morrison sustained Mr. Mack's 8( point, and rated that tbe amendment was cot in . order. " Tbe bill was then rad a third lime by its title, si and passed. It is not nece&s3ry to. give g the ayes and noes, us tbo vote was elrietlv >. psrtizan—every Democrat' votiDg for tbe bil^ and every Republican against it. " ic . . IVlaconsio.' w .-[fromthe.Mad'.ccs Jeurna!,Feb.2.] The Governor transmitted to tbe Senate to daa a( the appointment of Horace A- Tenny, as State Comptroller, for confirmation. The subject was laid on tbe iable for fatore action. in The-Legislature, in joint convention this cl afternoon, eleaed Messrs. M. Davii, O. M. tc Conover, Kelson Dewey and Harrison C. Hobart, f c as members of tbe Board of Regents of the Wis comin University, for tbe full term, and Carl A Sclraix to fill a vacancy. They are divided politi- is cally,threeEepabllcang and two Democrats. Tm*y 0 j are all men of ability, and their election, wiiu great unanlmityj angtus well for the future of the University. . a ' Tbe Senate concurred in the passage of the -A resolution adopted by the Aa&unbly yt*>terday, n provldidg for the amendment ot the Statutes ty K . he Judiciary Committee. * ,• e ■ From WashlDgton* S WAUUKoroy, Feb. 2 —The Judiciary C6m- e; mittee of the Senate have decided tbe Indiana ti casein favor of Messrs. Bright and Fitch. e . It is now positively stated on tbe authority of tbe President that Secretary Cobb is preparing a communication to Congress Recommending a tl revision of tbe tariff. it Senator Slidell says he would be willing to c take the tariff of 1846 temporarily, and tbe in dications ore that a bill revising that bill can •• pass tbe Senate: a< Wr.Tolee, Chairman of tbe Senute Committee f on Post Offices, is preparing a bill for postal re- . [ form. The proposition of a uniform increase *' on letter.postage has not yet been agreed .to, a d desire being expressed to have two rates—3 n cents under 800 miles, and 5 ceots over that dis tance. Nsw Vonx, Feb. B.—The Dai'y j\eu>« Wash- ® iogton correspondent aajs, it is reported that a " secret movement is on foot to ascertain if the a Democratic members of both bouses can agree p upon an address to the Democrats of tbe Uaion, which shall settle pn some uniform basis of ac- 61 tion of tbe party. 0 Later from Hayti. a Bostom, Feb. 3 —Cape ITaytien udvices of Jan. n 15th report everything quiet there, hut measures 8' were iu active progress for tne orgnnizatiuu und tl permaneut «-stahlkUmont. ot the Republic. The * new political movemeot has enli«ted the pjmpa- v thiesaud support of the comm M rc'al class £r?irr- P ally, and important all bad been rendered GeCf- b rard. - \ fcjoulnnque ond hWarmy inn very destitute e condition. He had placed family »u boird a n vessel at Port Au Pnncc, aud there Uno doubt of j hU intentions of making his escape r,-ora tbe t 00 on try. * " THE CJLTY. I ■•- • ' 1 CniCAQO Collegc. —Mr. Judd, on Tihj.h- ( day laAt, introduced a bill into the State Senate to c incoriJpnUeibe "Chicago College/' . * Chicago, St. Paul and Fond pct .Lac it. R. J —The bill to authorize the Rule of this railroad, c I aud enable the purchasers to form a corporation; t I pasted our State Senate on Tuesday luat. * Sloan's Cohmebcial College.—The following j young gentlemen passed a credi able examination 4 at Sloan's Commercial College, on Wednesday evening last: R. Jam's Oshim, James C ' Gardner, James M. Wallace, R. 11. Eldridge, E. B. \ UoDlton, S.S. Smith. ] 1 Ru.vawats.—A span of horces, attached to a 1 carriage pole, ran through Randolph street iast j evening about o'clock, to tbe great danger t of pedestrians. Whom the horses belonged to, j or where the/ came from, we could not ascer- ' tain. ' Mobe Gbadcates.—Sloan's Commercial College ] has added seven more young men to its long li>t of graduates. Last evening the Board of Exami« < ncrs awarded diplomas to the following yoang 1 men, who acquitted themselves with credit: IL , Mason, J. C. Gardner, W. H. Jamw C. Wallaoe, S. S. Smith, R. S. Houlton, J.ime# Oiborn. ' Too rtasT Shad.—We are much indebted to 1 our generous friends, Gage, Brother h Drake, of the Tremont House, for a prodigal mesa of shad, the first of the season, which were brought from Charleston, S. 0., to tbe order of these gentlemen. "Life I* a «W-ov, how It (Ilea." Masonic Festival.—The Festival given by Cleveland Lodge, No. 211, at the TremontHouse last evening, was a perfect success, aa every body knew it would be. The company was very large, tbe ladies beautiful, the musio divine, the supper—it that is sufficient!' The reputation ol Cleveland Lodge lor Festivals is established for all time. Tss Boons Coi.v Makkos.—William Peck and Monroe C. Kidder, who were arrested a few days ago for manufacturing bogus United States' coin, were brought before Commissioner Hoyne yesterday' clternoon, and, after examination, were held in sl,oiX> each to anawer before the United States Cireait Court. Being nnable to give tbe necessary bonds they were committed. Aehostbo fob stkaung Gbass Sssn.—A man named John G. Brown was arrested on Wednes day, charged with stealiog thirteen begs of grass seed from a farmer named E SmiUi, who resides at Addison, DoPage County. The seed was worth about SSO, and was sold by Brown for $176 per bnsbeL He was traced to this city by - the team he used. Brown was brought before Justice the Armory yesterday after* noon, and after taking the evidence of offioer Davis, who arrested bim, he was beld in f£00: lor further examination. Ftnu—About half-past five o'clock yesterday morning, a fire was discovered in the building XO. 108 Milwaukee Avenue, occupied by Michael Kur soßky.a* a bakery. The front parf of tbe build ing was saved, but the back part end contents were entirely consumed. Loos on Mr. K.'s stock, about sooo—insured for S3OO. Tbe shop adjoining, occupied by A. Bock, was • seriously damaged, and contents almost entirely destroyed. Loss about s3oo—no Insurance. Tbe \ wagon diop of Oliver Sparder was somewhat r Foxnraicx Douglass' Lxctcbb.—The public I should not neglect the lecture of Frederick Douglass, the eloquent and determined cham * plon of his proscribed race, to be given | e this evening at Metropolitan HalL Aside from j tbe real interest—we might almost say romance ? —which attaches to bis position land character, ! I he has a power of eloquence rarely reached by 0 men of much more famed opportunities and an -1 tecedents. His persistent ond effectual battles r again* prejudice, oppression and wrong bave f* greatly endeared him not only to hi* own suffer :» ing race, bat to oil trae-herrted lovers of truth and justise throughout the land. Let him have ' a large ond appreciative audience, r, •** Ths Nsw Coukt roi Chicago.—lu the lower Boase of oar Legtslstare on Wednesday, the bill presented by Mr. Higgins, creating tbe "Su £ perior Court" of Chicago, passed by 0 vote of 1. 64 to 8. Tbe bill establishes o Superior Court o of three Judges, of which the present Jadgs of £ the Cemmon Pleas Court shall be Pjyidos B . for the election of two Jadges on the first Taesdsy a- of April* tbe ooe obtaining the grsstoft number of votes to be elected for six years, and the oec- Qt ond highest for-four, jeors—oee Judge to be U elected every two years thereafter, and to hold his office for six yaara.- Xtslso provides for the J" election of two additional clerks, in the same 0. manner and for the some term as the a- the fees te be equally dividedwiththe present clerk. 1 ' SPAIN. 1 Lecture by Sir. George Sumner. An smple and attentive audience greeted Hr. Sumner at Metropolitan Hall last evening, on' tbe occasion of his lecture before the Toung ► Men's Association on the subject of "Spain." J Tbe course of history and the condition of • .Spurn were discussed in such a manner as to show to every one tbe lesson that belongs to cor own time and our own laud, yet without ob- c trosively dwelling upon the parallel or tbe moral so clearly indicated. At the close the speaker received the warm applause of tbe au dience. We present the following synopsis of t the lecture: s Mr. Sumner, in announcing hia subject,' marked its limits by saying that he proposed, neither a history nor a sketch, nor a treatise on f< national character, nor a book of travels : but bis hope would be, in tbe honr in which he wss £ privileged to address them, to present some thing partaking of all these, which should body n forth to the general apprehension an idea of £ Spain— of that ancient, peculiar, interesting, de- tl bilitated country. Conducting his audience h into Spain by the Pyrenees, he described tbe * first impressions of the traveller, who fiods a £ sombre cloud oi melancholy brooding over tbe tl land; through which occasionally, as sia, break bright electric flashes of inordinsi* g ( gayety. A burning snn and tbe absence of jt lakes cause a parching beat, and deprive the heavens of those grand masses of roll- tl ing vapor, aod those ever varyiog tints 1 which make the glory of an Italian or ah 9 American sunset. He reaches a city like Burgos, aud ftuds in the month of July crowd? of stroog, g able-bodied men walking solemnly on the Ala• £ meda, wrapped to their cliius in thick brown a cloaks, and if be ventures to suggest that this win ter garment is needlessly warm, U told, iu apology \] for wearing it, that there in Spain it Is caqtomary. c Again and azain wilt he hear this answer, which p is the concluding word to all arguments in favor ( | ol impiovetneut. Some of tbe Spaniards, con- & scions of the unchanging sta'e of thing*,tell a story, at their own expense, of a visit which o'd Fither Adam paid to tbe earth, n* wandered through miny countries of Europe, but was pained and sadd?oed hy ull the improvements which he saw. 3 Nothing, he said, louked right until he eame to Spain, when i.c thrtw up his bauds in delight, aud exclaimed, "Ah, this now look* mtaral ; there's p the very same oil plough I us. d when I last work- P el here." [I Where once was a population of forty millions f, the trnveUr fiads only twelve millions—sees aa d immense extent of country without roads or cinals, except those for irrigation, a legacy of e tSe eoliffhtened Moors-goeß to tbe seaports, n and few small coasters, with cargoes of r , trifling v&lue, and a few old bulks, memorials of the naval grandeur ot Spain, rotting in their desolate waters—comes to the capital and finds neither art nor industry, bulu host of huogry 1 olfice-hunlora sad holders, whose language and appearance at their daily turn out in the Puerto c 1 del Sol, remind bim, it an American, of Penn sylvania avenue during certain months cf March. Pennsylvania avenue, however, ia two things surpasses the Puerto del Sol -viz, its fames " of bad whieky nnd its floods cf tobacco juice. Seeing a land to which nature has given the r most prolific soil, tbe richest mines, and ma>(- r nificeat sea coast depopulated aud degraded; • seeing pride, laziness and poverty around him, the traveler asks if this can really be tbe land which, in the days of Phillip 11.. extended its 9- posseesions more extensively than did ever the Roman Empire, rod who«e sovereign could bos«t that the sun never set on bis domains? Whence coo;e3 this saddening change? Wbut causes have'prodacod this fall V Is Spain to re* main thus low. or is there hope thnt she miy yet arise? There ere tbe points which tbe lec turer proposen to examine. Tbe prima 1 , cause ot tbe downfall of Soain is 1 tbe loss of liberty, through \h»BVM<>tful*fi>rtfof f I tht txreutive to encroach vpeni the Ugi-iiatice branch \of the government. The means employed were— B ' Ist. Tbe creation ;>y tbeeifcatireol aSupreme I Court (the Inquisition) to act as its ally, and tbe J j use of this as an engine to frighten tbe timid; : 2d. Tbe brioery of representatives by otlering plact > in4h-* gift cf the executive l to them or to their iriends, as tbe price of their votes. Thns _ Spain beoame morally degraded, and material [j degradation soon followed; but this was has- * tened and completed by tbe constant policy of t tbe court to mnke productive labor disrracefol. Libtrty and labor honored and ck erbhed, Spain wcu protperGus, popvlous, povfrful. Libtrty and ® labor neglected and tUfpini, tipatn became tchat \ the u. Ii The orifiin of the inquisition was attributed by Mr. Sumner not to religious, but politi cal motives, inasmuch as tbe constitution, a which forbade tbe Kiog to confiscate tbo J property of the condemned, and which secured * to all certain rixhfs, was overridden by this f new tribunal. After showing how it be- \ came at a later day an instrument of tbe church, be continued: What it was in tbe days of its c struggles with tbe freedom of Spain, is best told in ooe of the dispatches of Ji-lazioni, sent by 1 tbe Venetian Ambassador io 1533, to tbe Coun cil of Ten, a manuscript copy of which is in ths t Royal Library at Paris. After describing tbe [ tribunals and'tb* councils of tbe King, tbe Am- t b&esndor continues: ~- "The inquisition is, however, the greatest means of government iu Spain.' it is, io fact, a f great Supreme Court, with which the Kiug can. 1 accomplish much, for its judges are under his | control, and it does not hesitate to propound decrees and jadrre matters not brouoht before it 1 by any of the recognized forml of judicial pro* 1 ctdure. t The course pursued to destroy the Cortea was 1 sketched by Mr. Sumner from original docu ments copied by him from the Spanish archives. Jt teat full of warning to ettry constitutional government. No sooner had tbe executive, by ] menaces and bv ofTering places to members and their friends, induced tbe Cortes to vote the army bill belore grievances were redressed, thun j it launched into a ptlicy ol fereign war, which ; loaded Spain with debt; debt led to oppressive 1 taxation; these oppressive taxes led to crime j and misery; titles ot nobility were sold to raise 1 money; hosts of nobles sprung up—lazy, but 1 proud and poor. These nobles and tbe 100,- 000 monks and nuns were described—their dis- 1 astrous example, and their opposition to all progress depicted. In treating of the crashing | taxation of Spate, Mr. Sumner corrected, a popu lar error in regard to tbe. amwut of gold and : silver received from the couquest of Mexico. Humboldt had alreadF shown tbe statements or' Robertson. lUysol and others to be fabulous and ab.-nrd; lor the first fifty years after the couquest Humboldt bis statement* as he save, "partly ou facts aud partly on conjectured." Mr. S. was able from authentic documents to. complete the series "of facts, and to reduce the amoun's much lower even than Humboldt, giving tbem at tbe same lime with precision. While admitting the large sums received by Spain alter the working of Poto>i, and after tbe process of extractiua by quicksilver was discovered, Mr. • S. said he bad uow only to deal with tbc special period when Spain was losing her constitutional liberty, and therefore her glory and power. The whole amount received during tint period by tbe King, as his rojat fifth from Mexico, would coin at our "mint into 0u!y'5263,000; and after the conquest of Peru, all that reached the Spanish treasury from the " ransom of the luca Atabualpa would coin into $45,000. The spoils of victory were eaten up by the despoiler. We can only hastily follow the lecturer in bis exposition ot the development ol parties in. Spain, of tbe destruction ot tbe convents, tbe reform of the courts, the founding normal . tcbools, the charaelar of tbe Qoeen, tbe bloody career of Kervsex, the revolution which placed bim in power, those of two years since, and the last move, attributed to tbe iofiuence of Louis Napoleon, jealous of seeing more liberty in Spain than ne permits at home, and his predic tions of further movements which will touch the throne itself In this part Mr. Sumner was able to draw upon bis own personal recollections, and , to enliven bis leeture by characteristic anec dotea. The hope of Spatn for the fature be ' placed—l. In her municipal organization; 2. Inber bright-witted peasantry, just enjotiog i schools lor their children; 8. In her industrial 1 classes, who no longer admit labor to be degrad ing; 4. In ber women, to whose patriotism and ! noole qualities be paid a glowing tribute. The lecturer concluded by saying—Could tbe spirit of Spain, own career, speak to other nations, it would cry out with a voice 3 of warning, beware ot everything which limits . the freedom ot thoagbt or of tbe freedom of speech; maintain a free press—fear leaa its cc * casionalliceDtiouaness than the eternal lioense 1 for wrong which follows its silence; watch eve a ry invasion of your legislative assemblies and their rights, whether by the steady march of 9 corruption or by open violence; keep ever in ; your bands your purse strings, which ambitious Y rulers for their owe wicked ends, will contrive a thousand devices to draw from you; beware of everything which tends to degrade or depre • ciate labor and knowledge, tbe companions of e liberty,—and as yon would leave to yoar child ren tbe bleesinge of peace and security for tbe . future, beware of all those glittering plans *of foreign conquest, which, while bringing to you e a nerveless empire, motionless and wiae, create for you a host of chartered libertines, laiy iwsg gerers, too proud to work, if sot also too igno r rant, and therefore the fit tools for schemes I which may secure their advancement, even at ; 0 tbe price ot those great prinoiplesof Justice and I- Right by which alone individuals can be happy, ,f nations glorious, liberty durable. _ Police Court. a Tbe transactions at tbc Police Office were cx y tremely limited yesterday, as follows: !r -Wash Ready, drunk and abusing his family, S3O. :• William Sayres, simple drunk, («. Judgement >e suspended on condition thit he should leave the d city in twenty-four hours, te James McKinsej* .arrested, /or selling liquor le ; wltbout o license, was fined $25.. —' John Barrett; drank and disorderly, $5; Tem at Morse, drank and a vagabond, $5; Thomas Crane, vagabond, S2O. CHICAGO, FEIMT MORNING, FEBEDAKY 4, 1859.* TRIAL OF HENRY JUMPERTZ. EIGHTH 2D AY—MO ENIN G HE3SOH. , ( The Court met promptlj at tbe onal boar, | paraosnt to •djoarament. The crowd of ' Jpec- j tators wu eqaal to any previous day—ererj ' seat being immediately filled on the opening of the Court room doors. The pruooer, when broagbt 'into Court, appeared in good spirits, cbatUcg with his counsel, apparently perfectly At ease. . Before counsel commenced, tbe Court read the following instructions to tbe jury, in rela tion to the Admission aa evidence of tbe conver sation of the Milwaukee witnesses with Sophie Werner To guard against misapprehension as to the force and effect to be given to certain conversa tions in evidence on the part of tbe jnry, the Conrt deems it proper at this stage of the c&te to say again to tbe jnry: That tbe conversations related by t tese wit neeses an having taken place with tbe deceased, Sophie Werner, previous to her departure from Milwaukee to. Chicago, and her statements therein as to what tbe prisoner had written to her ; etc, ore evidence only for tbe purpose of aiding the jarjr in forming an opinion as to tbe state and condition of the miod of the deceased at the time and previous to her departure, and. tbe jary-are explicitly, instructed that those are not to be considered as evidence. Tor key other purpose than that of showing the state of the mind; they are to be treated by the jury as if tbey bad not been proven in the cause-. Daniel Mcllroy, Esq., then made the first of the closing arguments for the prosecution. Mr. M. spoke with great power and eloquence from 91-2 A. M., until2l-2 P. M. t when he closed. Mr. UcComas, for the defence, followed Mr. Mcllroy, and continned his remarks until 10 P. M., wten be concluded. His effort was logical and to the point, and at times truly eloquent This morning Mr. Van Annan will follow for the defence, and the pleadings will be closed try Carlos Haven, Esq., District Attorney, for the prosecution. The arguments of these two gen tlemen, and Jndge Manierre's charge will prob ably consume the whole of to-day. I.OIAL, MATTERS. A Glorious Acquvcmkkt by Gatittt ! Nothing oan exceed tbe success achieved by J. C. Gdyetty's Medicated Paper for tbe Wuter Closet. Piles will soou be a disease uo longer i koowu except in name. Tuis pore medicated paper is unequalled as a preventive, and unap proachable as a care. The proprietors wish it to be spoken oi according to its merits only. It is vary cheap—looo sheets for $1; 500 sheets for 50 cents. Sold by all drugt;istj, and at the discoverer's depot, 41 Ann street, New York. "J. C. Gayetty" is watermarked in e&ch sheet, and his autograph is on each package. Sent by express from 41 Ann street, New York, upon receipt of price. The trade are invited to cor respond as to terms. For sale by J. H. Reed & Co., wholesale and retail druggists. 144 & 146 Lake street, Chicago. ja22-2w-c63 IS?" See advertisement ol Dr. Sau/ords* Liver Invigorator in another column. See advertisement ot Boudoir, Sewing Ma chines. 122 Like street. ja4-ly-L9OG jgy See advertisement ol Quaker City S2O Sewing Machine. L. Coo-mll A Co., 0c26 ly. 133 Lake street. DIUD. " * n Tbnuday afternoon, January S7th, l'S3. JULIA CHRISTINA &. T„ daughter of Cn rlei and Maraoaa Root, sjedtwo yea'fl. six mcntaj and tes **a!s. ROOT & CADY, ! 95 CLARK STREET 95 At the fljn of the Star fpasgled Bannfr. ' ° * 0-}— — » i C; * » -=L-—r^sjzzi—1 —j 0 long- may it ware WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEPOT ?9r the of FlOKineßsokii of every dncrlptlm. Thss is the only tlsce woere ail ofM*B9N bROTHEifI MO tiIJALI'UBLIOA.rIOaIS are coaitantlyonhdbd. ! Chui*«ti M.txsio Books, Jubilee Sibbatb Pell, Phawm. HaHehlxa'e. Cantlra L«uus.New andO'd Utrmlca Stcra. novtoa Acadrmy Co lec In. Psvtery. Psa:miu. Tbaah»giilse, Lute of Z on, A:. All and uopnltr Grle© Boolis. laciuilog Festlral nice Boolt. N Y. Glee aal Chons llaok. H;Tf foj<al Glee Book, Fnm'.ly Clr r> c Glee BjoL-. N. E. <* ee Book. Glee uooic. Union uleebuof, u.d lan Glee Boot. Ao. Ju.venile Hoolcs, Nonnil Plnic r 8on?BooVofthe Pchoo* Room. Little Eonia tor Little Sincero, Wl'der's School Wii'lc. Wllder's &lu:i.ul E'ementaiy. Normal conx Yoan<£hawm> Voune UinitreL zilnysg Book for Boys and Girls meet logs, Ac.. Ac. Boolcs for Female Seminaries. The Mus'cal Casket, a new book recectly pabliahed. and already intrcduredln othe trlndi>ai femlcarles of New Y-.rk, Brooklyn »nd Chfca<u: Academy vocatLt, Moslcal Claes book, MnJcal Mns'catEcbo, Irstltate Melodies. Weob's vo:«t uasa Rork. Ac.. Ax Also, a great varety of Cos(rrer«tlooal Tuaeacd Hytzn B)ok«, Operaand sacred Chores Books Oratorios ac.. ic. General a*>ottmeat of Technical and Scientific Mual ca* Works Mn»Wliite*a.nre, Ae. gJ*A Liberal Di'coont to the Trade. qnHE CO-PARTXERSHIP HERETOFORE X exlsUnkbetweedlT M. Htcidos and A J. Hlftfnj, nederihenameanlßtfleoflll<n(lnsßrothen Is this day constat, 11. SL Il:cidas assumes all tiictianilliiesofthe latefi.inaud to whora -11 d-bt*mast bep«ld. H.M. H GGINS, Chicago, Peb. L 185?. A. J.EIGOINs. 11. M UIGGIN3 returns hi) thanks to bis customers for pat favors, and hopes by strict attention to bostnejs to merit their future patr jnaee. ~ My is by tar the largest ana mDst complete lathe Kotthwett. KVNcwAiiaicreceived weekly fiom all the Eastern publbhers. (BfMyciU'orue of my own publications Is now tue flnestcfaaypubU-hed luiheUait.-dMates, to which 1 am coastaotir adding from the beit compnters ia tbe Eastern and Weit-.m States. £L M. HIGGIN3, teS-lw-clo4 <5 LAe ttraat, HM. HIGGINS, MU-IC PUB • LInHEB. <5 Lake street, mill has on hand the largest stock of Muslca* mersLaudhe kept by any otbt-r bouse in the Nenhwest. lam s'rte agent forvhe cel ebratid "ModelMelodeon,"made bv Mason Aliamll% '•oston: alsoax-at for Llghte. hetrton A Bradsu-y's PIANOS, with the M P tent <itch 'rtn flank." wh.chis used bynootherMannfictrersintheworld, aadli the lant mechanical improvement, lasteai o ostoß lroaas most mak rs do—whica tdves thj lnsvo meat a m tatie and disagreeable sound—or nslcg wood la tbe ordinary wa*—' readers It oeca«ary to weaken the part of thelutrome-it wherein the greatest possible d»by cuttl ig across tae grain of the wood, f.irbte. Nevtoa A Bradbury's hare a meth t wbweby they spriag th's patent Wrett into proper form by the aidofeteam and powerfulmachiaerv. A st.ala of tea tons will sak nouaureas'on o- tne arch. wl<n tbe fibres of tbe wood instead if being weakened by the continuity helig Interrupted at short distance navctbeir natural p.wer ofrtrstance gieatJy augmsoted by the pew liar fans tber are made toatsume In the Patent Arch Wrert. Rv.-ry ins rumen', is warranted. /illklndsof ChnrihMusicUoaksfor sale. The and latest ulee Bock oat is tbe MIVNK HA HA. copy 15 cents, sent by trail poet paid; ter doses c.&> all orders must be addressed to ti. M. HIGGiNS. ii Lake-r.. Ohlcago ia t b»9rt ly HID AGO LEAD PIPE AN D ■Sheet Lead WorUs. COLLINS it BIATCUrOKU, ■AKuracnraaaa or Lead Fipt, Sheet and Har Lead; AKQ J>£AL£&d If PXO £| £) A. X>, Acenti for COLLIXB WEITS- LEAD ft OIL COttPASI, SU Louis bhot Tower. |9*A roll assortment of the above Maaurastores oon itantiy on hand. OBDSBa VBOM THK TRADE 80U0ITKIX Oo111d» & Blaiehlord* apsSo£39-ly Oomer of Clinton and Poltw> Dealers and consumers ail iwrras, S. W. DSVHMOUc. * CO„ Are cow prepared to isllanddellvertoacjpsrtoftikclly VREB Of OHARGI Any of the virions product ot tbeir nUls. We stall aba at Uie stars in tbe aoaiity of our goods, and with a good milt good materials, and experience, hope to reaeh and main tsln the blghett point of ezoeilenee. Our brands of Pios' It ar»* *rtiti arr Phillips* MlU*,"Cholee Extra. No. 1 White Wheal, Phillips* Mills. Rxtra Bcper»ne, No. 1 Red Winter. Phillips* mils. Choice Family. Obolea Extra Bprtrg; Alfoatwholesaleorretali: . . . . White Rye Plosr CoraSleaLsiftedandunjifkd. Orahao Vloor, Oaru and Oata, ground, q»toawi«L t Nft 147 Wocth Wat*ratre*» rpo BUILDERS, OWNERS, & ROOFERS The mbeeriber is prepared to f&rnlsh. in large or aaall aoantlea, HOSELET A 00*£ Corrugate d Roofing. This new article, ao extensively tn oae. exeels all oU>er gnbataneea for Rooflnc. betas more durable, cheaper, fire aad water proof, and lasting as long as th* building. It atso reduce* the ratea of Insurance 10 per aa we'l as plans of the various methods of puttlnclt on,canbe«eenby carting at the office of the r%cenix Insurance Company. 143 Sooth Water street, Chicago no 9 M43lr A. 10WARD& Arak ■ FOREST CITY WATER CDKE CLEVELAND, OHIO. r rilHlti INSTITUTION IS DELIGHT. JL FL'LLVsituated on ont«kirt»of abeanljfalforert. i wiLbiatbe Umli*oltbr aij ot Cleveland anduilo I from tbe Post Office. Thebaildiag Is uew.ofbnck, and Turniilied is tbe best style. The bath rooms are supplied wiib pare,«oltfiring water. The patronage which ' this etubusbii rat it at present receiving from Chteago I aad otberws en> cities, is a tUueriu;recommeadaUoacui t lu popular:) v audflourl*bii:s cnudiuoo. l>r. Grosa aod , lady, tnr.rrrly of the l.ake WatcrCure oeart'b' I easo, aif-cosneeted with ills insutaoon. Lev r«of inquiryloe-therofthe fhysiciass. will r*- ' eelvi promp- atient'oa. DR. (i. W. bTKO.Su. JAMKS E. OROHS, x. n •»jf r«i MRS. r>R. J. k. cpn»» A H. TAYLOR & CO., ' Dealers In Dimension & Bubble Stone. FROM JOLIBT ILLINOIS ' JoUet office at their Quarries _ t CUcaco office and yard, Charles street, between Ta; ftgw aad Harrison atfcetc wed side of Soatb Branch 0 Docking property to let Cheaper than any In toe cltr.—l win let lor a long - ortorttarm of yeata Do;ks suitable for Umber Yards or other bojtne«,oa the Bxzth Bran oh (with Aide Tracks n of the OiUaco aad Jo'let RailroadJ aad a contract for bringing to aad from them tne cars or atl connecting s. Railroads la the <&y. _Pameatf.rr«Btfl may be mad* in lumber., Ajjply at 65 Clark street. j>37.lm<lfl7 JOHN KYANH. BY TELEGRAPH. XXI{TO COSGUEiS —SkCO\D SESSIO.V. Waihixgtov, Feb. 3—Skxatb —Mr. Wright, of New Jers«y > presented the petition Brothers and Navaro & Co, who are about to establish aline of ateamera between New York and Havana, offering to c«rry the mails at $l5O per mile monthly, or oltener at tbe. same-rate. Referred to the Post Otfice Committee. Mr. Seward, of New York; printed tbe me morial from tue Legislature df New York for tbe improvement of Likes and ti arbors. Mr. Bayard, from the Juoiciary Committee, reported adversely to the claims ot MessraLane and McCarthy as Senators from Indiana, say ing that he would call np the case on Monday next. Mr. Saward here moved that Messrs. Laae and McCarthy be admitted on the floor during the discussion. Laid over. Mr. Houston introduced a bill for uniting tbe United States Judicial Departments in Texas, with the intention of removing Judge Wotroua. He supported tbe bill in a speech of great length, ia which he revealed aod alleged con spiracy of Watrous with certain citizens of New Vork, to obtaia large portions of the domain of Texas. Hocsa—Oa motion of Mr. Reagan, of Texis, it waa resolved that the Committee on the Ju diciary be instructed to inqture into tbe expe diency of reporting a bill to define and provide for the punishment of polygamy in the terri-. tones of tbe United States, and restrain the peo ple and authorities tbereiu from interference with tbe Federal Judiciary. The House passed, with, amendments, t' e Senate bill relative to tbe New York Indian re servation. in sets apart three hun dred and. twenty acre 3 tor individual In dian who removed from NeV York to tbe reser vation assigned them under the treaty ol IS3S. The Indians are to hav4 a year within which to make their telections, end pre emptions are to be secured from the sale of Isnds other than those selected by the Indians, to be paid into tbe Treasury for their benefit. Oa motion of George Taylor, of N. Y., the select committee to examine the accounts ot Mr. Seaman, the late Superintendent of Public Printing, was authorized to ait during the ses sion of the House. ' Mr. Faulkner,oi Va,from tbe Military Com mittee, reported back the bill for the establish ment of a branch of the Military Academy at the Hermitage, with the recommendation iliat it do 1 not pass. Mr. Faulkner afro reported a bill to promote ■ the efficiency of the Army ond Marine Corp-, by retiring disabled or infirm officer?. Mr. Faulkner alio reported the SenatebilJ,wiih ; ao amendment, grantiag the right or way through the Fort Gratiot Reservation, to Michigan, for railroad purposes, with ths privi'ege of erecting depot .buildings and workshop* thereon. Passed. A resolution was adopted, instructing the Com mittee on Printing to hasten the printing of the President's Mtssige and accompanying docu ments. Mr. Faulkner, who introduced the resolution, said the business of the Military Committee was delated for the lack of a por.ion or these docu ments. Mr. Houston said the message and documents make four volumes, three-fouribs of which are worthless. The House then went into Committee on the Executive and Appropriation bill. After de bate the item ol $5,000 tor boxes for members to send public documents borne in was stricken out. An amendment to strike out members was rejected. Tbe Committee rose without coming to ony conclusion to the bill, and the House adjourned. Natiooal Finances— \ Budget from Air* cobb. WAsnisoToN, Feb. 3.—Tbe Secretary of the Treasuiy sent to the House to d«y a reply to the resolution calling tor tbe actual ond. probable receipts from tbe customs, public lauds, and otber sources for this and the next fiscal year, and for bis opinion whether tbe said receipts will be adequate to meet tbe public expendi tures. He says that tbe receipts during tbe first quar ter of the present fiscal year, ending Sept. last, were nearly $20,231,000, as stated in bis annual report. The receipts for the remaining three quarters were estimated at $33,500,000, of which Fum $37,000,000 were estimated from the cus toms. it vras believed thit tbe quarter ending De cember lust.vcould yield $10,000,0000; tbe pres ent quarter, ending oa tbe 31st of M&rcb, $15,- Coo,oooj and the'next quarter, ending on the 30th of June, $12,000,000. In reference not only to tbe customs, but tne public lands and otber sources of revenue, all ths information which has besn received at tbe department since his anrual repoti-confirm tbe?correctness of tiaiates ot tbe probable receipts for the present aud tbe next fiscal year. He is therefore of tbe opinion that the result will show that tbe actual receipts for tho remaining quarters of the pres ent year, and for the next ziscal year, will not vary materially from the estimates already sub mitted to Coogress. la support of this opiaioa be submits a com parison of the facts for the same qaarters of tbe two preceding years. During tne fiscal year ending the 30th of June, 1857, tbe importations were very heavy, amounting ia dutiable goods, exclusive ot those exported, to over $291,000,- 000, and tbe receipts from customs tbat year were $C5,645,000. In tbe fiical year ending June, 185S, tbe importations were mnch re duced, amounting in dutiable goodx, exclusive of those exported, to $202,000,000, and tbe receipts from tbe customs to $42,460,000. To realize bis estimates tbe importation of duti able goods tor tbe present fiscal year must reach $250,000,000, besides those exported; sod for the next fiscal year the sum of $290,000,000. Comparing tbe foregoing statement of receipts, and lookiog to a favorable and healthy reaction in business, ho should regard it as unsafe and unwise to calculate upon a larger importation than the present estimates contemplate. Enter taining these opinioos, he is compelled to say that tbe receipts will not be adequate to the ne cessity of the public exigencies, unless the ex* penaitures should be reduced below tbe amount estimated. He has seen no indications that would induce the opinion that such a result can be reasonably anticipated. On the contrary, should the bills which hare been passed by eith er branch ot Congress be finally passed by both, aod become laws, the expenditures will be very largely and permanently increased. From New \ork City. j New To ck, Feb. 3 Counterfeit 5 T s on the J Mechanic's Bank of Concord, N. H., were circu lated extensively in this city yesterday. Patrick Kena », residing iu CI IT street, last evening, in a fit of jealousy, murdered his mis tress, Julia Green. We understand upon what we consider reliable authority, tbat Mr. F. G. S. Smith has consumma ted arrangements lor tbe sale of all his Telegraph Interests to tbe American and Magaetlc Telegraph Companies, far the "urn of about $300,000, which includes i'r. Smith's two-thirds ownership of the New York and Boston Uuion line, the Boston and Portland line, and varioa* claims against Western nod Soothern Telegraph Companies, alleged to be one or two hundred thousand dollars. The rumor is also .current that negotiations between the American and Magnetic Telegraph companies, lookiug to speedy consolidation of interests between N"ova Scotia and New Orleans have beeu brought to a mutually satisfactory ter mination. Turk's Island dates to the 20th of January are received. There bad been heavy rains since thb commencement of the rear, and a large per centage of the salt had been wasted, aud no likelihood of any more being gathered lor three months. Stock on band 300,v00 bushels at the three shipping points. A vessel at Turk's Island, from Port Aux Platte, Sw'Djmingo, reports that place in a de plorable condition. A great many people were leaving for Cape Hsytien, which h&s declared lor Ge&rard. Trade very dull at Port aa Platte, and confi dence in President Ssntana had not been re stored. A Dutch schooner had arrived at Turk's Is land, ostensibly to load salt for Mataczas, but supposed to be a slaver. She had guns oa board, and is supposed to have come merely to evade British cruisers. The PißTajoe Indiana, Sr. Loco, Feb. 3 —Fort Defiaace dates by tbe Santa Fe mail, to Dec. 2lst, say that the Neva joe Indians acknowledge losing two hnndred lives, 2.000 sheep, 500 ponies, and the destruc tion of an immense quantity of grain, altogether valued at upwatds ot SIOO,OOO, during tbe late war. Mr. Cost, in a letter to the Santa Fe tlazetie, intimates tbat ther* is a disposition tj deal too harshly with these Indians, and says that if cer tain terms are exacted it will turn them from tbe pursuits of industry and agriculture, by which they now support the whole nation of 2,000 souls and sustain 25,000 sheep and 6,000 horses, and make them robbers and pluunderers. Railroad Accident. Milwaukob, Feb. 3.—Aa the 6:15 P„ M. train last evening, for La Crosse, was running at its usual speed between Hertford and Rnbicon, about 87 miles from Milwaukee, a rail broke, throwiog two of tbe three passenger coaches off tbe track, atter the engine, mail and baggage ears had passed safely over, causing a few boors' delay. Three or four of the passengers were slightly bruised. Escape of "Old Brown." LxAvtxwoara, Feb. 3.—Ossawatomie Brown, who had been pursued and surrounded at Eure ka, by a Deputy Marshal aud posse, succeeded in making bis escape, on Mo&diy, into Nebras ka. A small detachment of troops which bad been sent by CoL Summer to aid in his cspture, returned on learning of hie escape. English and French J&ails*. Nsw York, Feb. 3.—The steamship Etna, of the Cunard line, will sail f>r Southampton and Havre on Saturday, and take the English and French mails intended for the Arago. Hope Fire (usuranee Company, OF VCW YOB* CITY. : Casta Assets sm,Qofc RinaasaM Utautboutt) IS nrw| OT . . : tssst£tis*H«seasss 00 "o*- 0 *- : T. G. VAN BURBIf, Agent* ' South Kait cor. of Sooth Water and CBarkek BOXOI7 lstp UFBXAIU. Nero H&Dertisenunlt. tarc. a. SCRIBE*, A teertZi*? 63 itaartonu*., ii tmdiOri&d ta reoetr* Aikrrtimnentf for tXU <ud aff tk# I Ltailiuj Paper* the XorA-Wa/, jal bg&i I 7 Hoarding.— for rent with board fir a mttirKaa and lady, a front parlor or bed room at 79 Ml ALran avenue, ft4cl*Um J. M.QHEE.V. Propellers for sale.—the pro teller GSVtSEE CHIEF, nnw lytne at puffalo. N. Y.,aodtbeprotd ! er UAtIfOKMA, now Ijtox >t Cle'e land Oblo. »ro rffeted for tale eh<ae- Terms Mtf cub. and balance In aiz aod twelve months, with undoubted security, yorprlce and further ln'ormatlon addms &. L>.OALuW»LL, fe<cl6sln AgfctN. Y. *I. R. K. Co. Dnnairfc. 5. Y. Board of trade notice-the an*- cuil Statement of Chicago Board of Trade Is sow In cresa, and nlil be Issued in about two weeks. Mem berj andothers wlsVnceoples forcls'jituVoa can bave number from ftflj npvards cn »pplleulra at the cf flee In tne Rooms, corner of Lasalle asd Scuth Water, su. With tbe report «Ilt b; pnbits* ed a list of members whose does are paid, the case 01 Arm to which taej belons* itjle 0' bosiaes4iran»acte<l, and locution. le4cafi9»t OKPHOaTkIa. Bop't. Hardware stock.—we offer for gale on favorable terse to a rea?oaiible party a wtU selected itotk of HARDWARE, STOVES, IKOX, fce., toie'her with tbe gjod will cf the bounce. Tt Is the bcrttt* din a fljorMdJC count j a±s* and his direct ratlro*dc:>mmanleatton wl'h CLlsaco. Abo with tbeabore will bo ao d tbe Store—a cornrr three story fire croof balidlns 23 «lto feet. Appijto WiLLIAM BiiAlit Jt CO-, feitlCTla 1W LatestreeU J.VIE RESTING LECTtJSE ON AFHICA. MR. CALDECOTT Will Selircr U Jlttf optUUo Ball, Taiidiy Eie'g, 71-2 t'dock, A te:tnre descriptive of the Afrlean Baces, or St year kxpeiience amomctheKalLrt. Wltn. an accoont cfueUsilooary labors amocg the dooth African flara. fei. «ir. O. dortns his 1 ltsresiwenee in country ac cumalated mnch vainable and IntemUni information rcUtive to tbe coantry atdlu tnhablianta. Cards of adoutu>njijce&ia to be had at Well's Shot Store ULderthe Had, a-dat all the principal betels. fe44t» . 'HEAP COAL.—WE ARE SELUSG AT cur Yard. CORNER OP TAYLOR AOT> CLASZ STS.. Oosl veil screened, and every way equil to Erie or Brfar Hid. for $i 00 Per Tod, or $4 SO Delivered, . Hotei keepeis. MacMnests and ot'aers can contract ftr larseQnaauutsevencn better tertci tban above. Oar otjeCilaiomtlt lntte reach ot every conMinier to try our doal now aad next season we propose to supply tbe market at 13.4U i er ton. * e »Ji deliver tiy the ton or half ton. Aa'we m'ne the coal cumlTc, we expect cai!y one profit. He can there.ore expect to tell cheaper tLan ufaeri. OrUeri ma> be left at tbe yard, or No. 13 Lasalle street, at tie Custom House. M LAW * BTBOTHXR. Keady Saturday moemkg, feb bUABV 6. lja. GOLD! GOLD!! GOLD!!! KebnsJu and Kusis G«ld HUh, AND HO7 TO GET TFERE. 3D. B. COOKE <Sc CO. Puhlhh a reliable work noon the newly disccveredlldo rado cf the West, endued A HAND 800 K. —TO THl— gold rnxrs of sansas aud Nebraska. Beln* a Comrlefe Golde to the Gjld Hegloes of the Nuitband Souta FUttsand Cbeny CVek. a reliable Uucrii>tlon ot coontry, climate, s>b, streams »e-, Ac. Mvcc different routes frtm tbe Oilsstialppi river to tbe mints, and t.e best camtlnc pUces on each route, tteilab eln oxmauon aa regards coaplete ou nts for the journey, tne coat of same, and wb-tetop-trcuretbeo ibe»ork alsicontains luter es ing narra-iT<ai of trips 100 and from the olnej du nn* tbe year le£s-9. By W. N. BYE 33, Late Govern meet Sorreyer, and JOHN H. KhLLUA atq., bup't Fuo. lnstrnolon Mebraak* Tcirltury. I'IFTF CENTS PER COPY, and wlllbe milled to any address, post-paid, on the re. ceipi of tbe price. hookteuers orders stou'dbe forwarded at once In order tosecarecopkso. tbe eaiUon. Older* will be filled lu rotation *s received. aV*Terms JA a aid nobcokssenton sale. Address ad orders to X>. ». COOKE 4c CO^ PUBLISHERS. 11l Lako Street 11l Kr'Publbbers of coantry carers publishing above, cf tbe payer conul'.ln*taes4me. wUt tectiye aCfpr or the wotk b» mail, postaae palj. f c 4 BEAN'S -1,000BUSHELS CHOICEXAVr frrssleby 8 i* VlfH. * CO„ ic4dOtilw 253 aadiSCQet.ath Water st. (Si A REWARD.—STOLEN FROM THE LV/ enclossrerf tbe subscriber tJi: M h nit., (wo dark brown mltfh cow*. «H|TT«| Unev-ry lar».e and tbe mnch small WAtpJ e-. Saailer ore carries her leal yery " n Sow. Ifieaboverewariwlii be paid fortheir ue.iveri to thesnbsclberat Ms p'ace near Cljavervliie. oral the st>b'eof rlatt A Hopnas. on Kindolth street. feJclo7-<t ÜbNEV KNIGHT. Valentines for 1859> AS TIIE VALESTIXE SEASON*IS KOW fast approarhinr. we wuli urse upon our eustom era the nec««sits ordetbx their itock early. male iu.portattons Horn the Paris aod London marsttsfcr oar trade this season, we feel eocfl. dent w-D-eseot the ttaests'oca ever offered to tbe trade w*st of New York, and at rates moeh less tbanwe ever offef<*aUieQ before, ransinic in p - ice from & cents to 115. A fiae stock of Valentines wOl tdve year store tbe thrifty character of lbs times: tbry are comicalard to attract atsen 1 ion to your windows, and m>ke your place of business k&o«n to a peculiar clau of cos tou.ers wht are attracted entirely bramndy display. Oom : c are doai* no seperale at sljo per srossforfciugie aneet and 4J.50 forDouoleSbett net u> will continue to pot op our popular *3. ito.tl3.l2iX snd 425 lots oi assorted Vtlentlaes. Taryin* tromS cents to Si Terms are 50 per cnt discount for Those wUhlntflctsof #5, #lO. by maltioc ns a leOet enctoilog thj requiaits amount wld receive Immediate at. i tentton. can be sent either by mail or ezpresi Sollcltlnayjur orders, we are, items, Ac~ TV. B, KEEN, Bookseller and Stationer. ti2 cl*o Ko. I*3 Lake sL, ChJcaaa Brydon Valentine Company. EDV, F. PEUGEOT, 10 Clark Street 40 Is onr on'y Atect f:r the West and South. (F*Conntry Meichasti and Pedlars nutUtd at New York Jobber's prices, with Yankee Notions and Fancy Goods. lag dg ly Valentines. NOEBIS <Se H-Z-DBi HO. 100...D&A&BOBN 318EET...M0. 100 Bare the largest and best selected assortment ot VALE N T I N E S TO B5 IOUHO WEST Of NEW TORS, Which the/ offer to Dealers at the LOWEST PAICES. HOKEIS * HYDE, fel-2w-cl« 10? Dearborn street. Chicago. Hi. TO SHIPPERS. The lUioels Central Railread CpmpMnj, Are forwardina Freight to and from St. Louis, Alton, SpringfLsld and Blooaington, WITHOUT CHANGE OF OABA Tlmeasqalckandrateiaslowas by any other route. Deliver Frelaht at tbe Stone frdcht Depot, foot of South Waier street ForlnfOrmatlonastoratesand eondltlans apply to R. 70BST1B. Gen'l Treisht icent. office in Paswncer Depot, up Main, or to O. M. SMITH. frelaht Depot, jallbMSla Flour ! Flour!! WE HiVE CONSTANTLY IS STORE te m our own Milts and opou Oonslnment, Flnnr o r a'l grades p irtlcalar'y choice rra:es «f White Winter Wheat Flsurfrom WiarorrJi and Southern llil n-U. C tT dei'eri and eonsnme** can be rul'ed ai to qralltr and price anlord:rs country pro riUy filled pyu*. Ufflca and3.ore. 276 tfon'.h Water street. Jt29 c 154 SAWIQfS & CHAPMAN". VV. T. Sbafeldt & Co.. HAZ7U7ACTURZBB TOS A.. CROSKEY, <!-••• Soatli Water Street, (Oornsr of Wabash AvcsaeJ IDUtUlen ALCOHOL, PURE SPIRITS, AND WHISKYS, AlsoManaffccturers o! Ooaestie Uquors, Hunlni fltU,. —un>— OKALXXSd H3GUWIWDJ AHDUUTITYIHO OOAL. W The Trade suppfled at Market Xatas audoa liber* a termf. aotaW-ly Betdbsed.-db. hubbkll is happi • to inform th numezooi aod paSrona that is !or re'urned from a t or in Europe, and harlot. wbUetVere visited some o( therrtoosil Lot-ltaho' tlui country. Is '•ow prepsrvd to attend with creatlv lnereaaed taoiltlea all catea reqotrto* tbe bes'.akill in and ft"r.lealpractice. otfice 69 Kandoipb-st. l«3j el 13 la /-WSTBEHS. WELLS AND OTI* w dersUned Is prepared to manufacture for Sjunvatar, Tanks Cor 6m lUtra AndEaUroads, DtssQleraTnbs and Beetifleri. aim, dia Weils, and tarnish Chain and other Puzape at Ibortnotice,atwaoldfiand Ho. m West «mt port OAce Bos Ho.ttfiS. i)X TONS SODA ASH, 90 BblsGreaa Tartar. 90 Back* 81dly aumac. For sale by BOCKKE. TOIILIP3 A Oa. fel-ttt d» • Ho. 8S eontu Water street. t K OASES CALABRIA UCOXICE, LO 2ao Cases Cll Peppermint, sa ttales C^ves.... For sale by bOCEES. PHIIXTP3 k CO. feI4K»3S fto. 3i Boatb Water street 1 200 BOXES CASTILE SOiLP » 3 Si ManTla Indleo, _ Sj Ka<i Green Arab c Sorts, 30 Oaau Epsmu flails. For sd<« by DOCKES, PHILLIP? A fel-St clg Ni Wa er street. T) leached elephant oil job £)nn BALES PEDIS NSW TOKK 'LWAB. T L" t.-""' ' OBfIAPSST Mwt Brilliant light VjLyflflT Yd discovered. /il T" 3 *! <\ Ti a Hsnd T.ajrp, f52 ,**l% I ' GALLON bcrniagCrre V\a\J t*w hour* each d*v. ia*rs Vv .. r* Cj THHIB MONTHS. «lv- \> r u\ to*alLbtt«uMio el«ht V w" Candlei, -Wten th« > pZi Lamp is arc per ly uinm- edtheruU S® Saoke or Smell. fetefcl OIL 01 PERQILL'N. WtSOSa IDautei). OQ OnO wanted for. six to a?eh * l»git!ra«e be»ecured on unincumbered Co fetal li -00- Any one laying the above sum to baxSlfe® 1 " ttallng.termi. EXTs CLERK WANTED— OXI I*AT -L/ Is honest and faithful; capable of attending to btaiaets and not afraid« f work of any kind. Mast ipeak German. Address boa s&.Dttbcgn». ftS3t* Si/" ANTED TO PORCH A-E UR*REA"T sm. ? Hf* s .*?*" Residence oa the N->rth Side. In rity. loeated between the streets or P:aeand Nnrth Jv eArl 32 r ?' la-'Uo* ao4 Sap:rtor. Lot to be net les w»a »o feel front, with a large asd caaiMloat H"»=se Apalyaitfcenffijaof Waller* Co. tfj. 17 state strce ir , t ,L t SJ re ? deace, ho. l>i M.cJ«aa avenue. Jaa lot CIX 9 jAMfca B WALLE3. ~TNfORMATIOST WANTE9 OP HENRY A Hurst Ghc'thaia cthervise James Henry Hurst. l^thlS'efflce* 0 *****' Cl * la3 '' jeari. WANTED.-HUNGARIAN GRAt-S ?.* .Seed, forwhlchthebUheetmarketprioewUlbe paid. Addr<*s or aptl? to gAMUAL L. HAJiIZ. N<- M Randolph street. Chicago. Jtl3-Un* Sor Sale. ARE CHANCE.—THE BEST MEAT, Poultry sad Prodnc- 'land \i the rhy, °o-Side, torsade Address ' J." Draw 2507, Chicigo, HI. EOR SALE.—THAT SPiESDID DWELL ifo Hosfeaad Lot on th*«r er of Wo'eott ani arte itreets, now occrpled by T. P. Phil pa The botue aad gr<m a ar-la perfect or>ier,aaJ ua.ui o'thepur enaae money can rercal-' oa Bod and Mortgue fir a A :P ; y a' thecfi.eof ftilLLlt-8 t - AN N(X 3 t-oomi/ Buudi. K. - f Clark azd Booth Water streets f*t lw-ctt 1 COKE FOti SALE BIT THE CHICAGO Gas Light and Coke Company, at the re-'oci J p-!ce or ten oeats per boahel a yqomtlty. jaas-3y-c93 - J. BAR- Am J2. CB » W T M built .' B CltTejai fa lennth. l-aB6-lW leei: breaain. rf Hiw foa: usJ-lOv feet; oeiaarement for price and termj ajply to USD k fiLATEI. Can a' near MadUoa street. ia»alm» "VToTICE. —TO DRAYMEN ASQ EX » PBW?M^N.—I hare for aala coe ir>od Truct w acoa and U arneja: Are good I oa Axel Dray# and Har. netses. iheabiye for ja'.o che*o. Isauire of L. t.k. ' at Rlctmnnd A Oo's, effiee comer N«r-n Water aod Uearbom mecU ]aUbS9l2ia Fob sale, by van ixwaqen & co„ , Offices* 3. Dol,'i EulUij. CiICMO. It. —, uieioaowlnKTeaeb: Bcto ' P O .C? r, 'i„, „ a L »!ti a St J <;• .O V .. .. ttflti E&(tL£- .. AS m .. WJGhTIxQWE. .. A 1 "! HI Mam " OF ' HE WIND, cfaii A i " K 1 •*" j"Uto7>lto U " ■■ J'IKST CLAS3 DWELLI.N'GB FOR S.»LE, THE TWO HEST-CLASS DWELLISGS Now belnc Erected, On Baalim near Superior SU, Andtobe flnlshel Mar Ift, Tae*» hoasea ar*-25x!6 feet, three B'-ortea, with buemeaC UUwaa«ee brick froet, built and to be &al*h?<i tn the be«t maaner. Tim lota are 147 feet defp to an alley, and will hare a good br>ck bam oa each. Perwna porchaa.ait i»a caa make stteh al ter lUO as a> may be de«Ue± Tcnn (iiTorMltL AoalT » Dl BK.UNA3D, 45 Cl»rk ■treeUfrom9to_locTclucJt_A. M. . HOBSE AND LOT FORiALE SITUATED cora«rof Wo-xl and WarreaatreettLn the «e»t Diruioa. near UoiooE'irk. occupied by \ p tl*j. ward. The home la new. bnl'.t nf brick two st&rte*. and •toaebaaemeattweaty fooroy Cfty-three feet. wt t ha nr-e obeerratorr; Qauhedia tQe < aost fashl mable manner with all the modern improvement*—aarb!e maat«<t. patee. me.. As —wcod be a deslf-ible residence. The lot U alxiy-etx by o* haidred an t feet, witbaiwenty f(wtal;e» In the te»rof »t ; wul ne iold Tcrychetp—on caail time, or the whole of the purchase moneyAay remain oa mortage on U aail o'her property -tor »oar or Dve years, or ti will be trrenaoired ttr o-t --donbkd real tccurUiea. hariac »everaJ year* to run APplytoK. T. Bi&KK*. P.O. Unx>'«» •«!>♦. ort« 0. H. BCHNa, Id Dearbi.rn-»t.—ioom f. jeleJl2a* Malt! Malt! jfialtr 1A DtJ - I CAX.VDABAR XU«vU LEY MALT. !□ store and for sale by . . . WiOTNEY A KIM BALU )a8 3m 137 Stnr.e itreeC ®o Ueut. rilO RENT.—TWO NEW HOCSES. ON j| oa Erie sear M»r-et. E<ht rcots iaeack boose afiai per month, liqoiie at *2 Clar* s'reet. tt4 C.CJ lta g. W^SD. VALUABLE WHARFINQ PROPERTY to Bea^. Vlliarf Lots 27 sad 28, is Block 89, fchool Bectho, oa the e&st t'dt cfflooih Branch. be> tween Hanlson *ad Vaa **a ea s'reeis. They eaa be reittdforaauvleyeir or*terra ofyiars Icqaireof feaim E. O. LAHNKP. YJ oa «'. fVO BENT—THE STORE 41, SOUTH JL Water street, saitahle fsr a Wholesale Grocer or uryOo-da Jobbias Huose. Kent moderate. Apply t) MAITUkW LAfLIN.i) joath Water-it. ia24 citl 2v For rent.-intending to remove to ourntw pret&Ue*. N:, 18 L&te st'eet, on H lit of Pebraary next, we will reot to • rood Wnaat the Store we aowoccopy. iu. 157 d>ath Wat*r street. A> Ply to DOQQEIf, BASStfTf A HILLS. ia2»lp PABDEt'S BUILDING. KOR REST, the comvodioot ofilces oa tbe fl-n aad Mcocd noorla Pardee'!Bolidlo*.corner flaath aad Wellt streets. Alrw two iofU aad a fine corner basemen, coltablefor a diain«c ha'l Portermsappl# to thesohicrl ; berla the boildlac. No. Ili Sooth water i»Mt. J«iat>93S3m aB. WILLIAMS. TO MXLLEBP, MECHAXICS, 40—TO RESIT, for a term of years, that Large boildlnxneTt East of th* Elevator of Glbbs. tritfla A C>.. with the floe Lot oa which It mnds bdng *Q feet, more or lees, on the river andronnin* back to the G. AO.D. B. & Attached to the boliaiac ta a (team eaxiae room, with aa ensine. This is a fine lon»Uoa for a Flooricjc 4thi. or for Mechaal* cal porpoaes. Por terms, Ae« apply tn & B. WILLUM3, be!s to 21J Sooth Water street. {Jatticular Notices. $14,000. A N ESTABLISHED BUSINE33, STOCK A of Good* aad Boose and Lot la U.U city for s>le. Two-thhd* of the amoan< wLI be tu«n la Improvrd P*rmiai tAooa. Address Immediately ** J. B." not I*«J, with descriptica cf property. fel lw* OX) EXCHANGE.—Wfi HAVE SEVERAL X valuable Horses aadOsiria es, which ws will ex chsa*eforGroceriea.Laa er.aardware.Bootsaadbhors or Dry Goods. AJ#o a new fiejesi Octave Piano as above, ABB'Tf A KI*GtfAN. U6M34lm 620 Ctark street. "VTOTICE.—WE HAVE THIS DAT POR- chased the interest of John J. laals is the boose oc bockee. lanis A Co.. aad will cimiaae the«<«avle sale Dnt* boilnes* a* befiore at tt»* eld eta •<<, No. 15 *oaih Water sUter, oid*r thesijle of PhiUlpj A Cj. Chlcaco, Pea. I. *s», j*o >a itOJtBB. johm p. faitLiPa. fel-iot cm Ot J. W. SIuN riNltCBGg. , Dearborn Seminary. The next term of this j.nstitc tloa for Ytaaf Ladies will begtaoa Monday, the Hih 1 Inst. Areolars caa beehtaiaed bv addrestlac the Prindpil. orb/ callln<attaeSsialjar/B ildlic. fel-3*-cm 2. GBOVfB. Principal. PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS CALLED to arirechaace for Investment la a bo Ine<s «here tb»re Is oo eompettioa. aad which P*7« bard times faL'y oae hundred per cent The basin ss is well establlaotd od oo thetacreaae, aad wUILi »ye*i's be wcrth 920.0 CD. It caa aiw be parcaa«ed l>r •4,000. part eaah The proprietor Is to leave for ptae's Petk. Add.ess **P.O.Boxliß.'.' i^6t-c!9 G&XA WORTH OF MERCHaN OvV/ev'" 'V/ OIBE wasted In ezehaace tor Boaos and Mottles ob Eatfera C>ty Property, and PlrstUortca<e 7 per eeat. RiiLosd Boadx. Koae bat t rated with. \d Jre»«, with real name aad dLs> criot oa of Goods, "i. Z. 0.;" box 3196, CMca*o,Pj*i Office. jCXi ctnt la Money to loan At Tea per Cent per Ananm. roa nvn tsars, Vlrst-elaa Beal Estste aad COMJIEEOrAL KOTE9 WANTED, nmnlrc Crom Oae to Twelve Months. I*2o cS3 B. P. DOWNING A CO M 57 dH 1 AAn AT TEN PER CENT.-A I) I iUU' * *«rty wsbes ne t> seQ a fual 1 vt P»low price oatalrtenas. aad loan the pnrchaa* il.fl'o or awards, at ten per ccat oa other lecmLy, ooe or two yean. Apptlgatlaa to be made to me pcrssaa&y or by letter. _ J. L. Lt«. jali At Wadsworth A Oo'g. 66 dark st« boa IS7X P. 0 mO EXCHANGE FOR FARMING LANDS. 1 Merchaid se or Cltr Prop rtv. aboa*. IU1.CO) worth ofjewelry. Gold Peat. Peaciia, iz. Addrew ** J. W. Box at M. Chlcaco P. O. frab9V7 1b TELEGRAPH EXCHANGE ON NOW YOBS* Drafta, Accectaaces tad Notes paid la New York ea thedar of oauhty, or last day of sraoe. aad money de p tfud lor accsoat la tae csty of New Tack aad le&t io dtlesia tbevidakyof NewTorv oaTeietraphlc Orders, EMCfiT 0080 TH.B<iHAya OPPTQI OSETLOANEfcONCITYStAL IS tan Secaritiea. XorUaces, Trust Deeds. Boada itoek* BBsineas Nete% aad all. cood aetottablr seeart to boosht aad sold. CerUllcates ot Deposits aad Checks of &K. Swift, Brother A Johnston, porchased for cash »t tbe hkhest market prio®. Dealers l r QUaoi& Wljeon rfa «adTow» laadfc lrasroved farms, aoborbaa lota aad (fity Beal Estate. 09ccNo, S. (secoaddoor) UetropoU uaßlock.cornerofttaadolshaad LasaUesuuCblca«o dAMIIa W. DAVIDeOII. CUag* n>< UhriikM Eallrui Cmfimj. Tib annual meeting op the Stockholders of the Chleaco and MSwaokee BaQ road Ooapaay. which was advertised to be holden at thetr o9ce la Chlcaeo ea the 14th darof Oneeßber, 18W>a» 10a'doek A. >L.ha» bweaPOarPOilKD Uff. fS TUXSDAT Pebraary Bth, 12BA UID o'clock AIL. a> wWeh Urns said meetia* wlllbe boldea ai the oflteaot ridOanwaia Ohkmn. fcr the election ef Dbweton Ibr the oaiofnf year, aaA tte tnamcticrnU mek «4her «■—y be pr stutrt. >3SfeT"- ■"* i. ! MWH-MW "jlmusementg. The Excelsior Society Festival. fjpHß 4 -£XC-LSIOR SOCIETY OF THE I Cty of Clcmo" will Tenth AnniTersary, ON THE EIGHTH DAY OF F&BRUARY VgTT. By a Grand Dinner and Soiree at the HZOBMOSD SoUaV. _ Th* romci:te? of Arrangements will see to tt that Mthlacshallbew-mli«to mak<t the Festival eanal to toytannerone. which U alt Hat Sew Yorxrjn oealre. GOTBDOV PEEKS 0 " ASIH ° !tT - PiaiJ^ KAY. 1 r » p - aBERMAN. Secretary. J. P. BABCOCK, Treaiortr. . „ „ B-I»O or maxiosjp. J. R. H nnla, T F *. IC. D. W. Rofataxm |* Jt trury H C. Toe 11, Sydney Bmltb. E.?. Williams, I!. 8 Monroe. C. B. FarveU. t»\*nbar:n. Q. W. Eocaji. Wn. A.Gro?er. ANNIVERSARY -or- Washington's Birth Day! XatJonal Gairi CidtLi W"9 Will celfbra.e the Nailoas w^i day by a • DRESS PAHADF, ; Aad In the eveatae will gives Grind Foil Dress Jliltlary OIVIC BALL, |4t At their Hail, center cf Jlarkei )l| v 'fiSj anj Rindalph itreelA. p TUESDAY EVENIXO & IT-j ftlfig-}. Feb'y 22d, 1559. f?' H[; To willed all SCllurr we la- i. T. vlted to be *resent !n J ''* FULL UNIFORM. HONORARY MANAGERS: Hin. Fte.hea A. IVjozUj, Co'oael ▼ajlor. » ta ir ß o ***** Col oel Davis, £ea R.S Seut, Cant. Wymsa. n e £ Cast. Pw*»r, . . Oapl McArtior, Capt. Jas. Smith. Lieutenant Que. omasa o? hie etehing. OAFT. GEO. 1.. SANBORN. RrCtPHON COMMITTED I" D' Wl* 1 * A. 9. Cabb, »• Saox. s. w. aoath. yiooß IUSAGIRS. H"£*'? c sS, Wtthtt *' , » R<*t. loss, Lieut J. IL II »yae.. Wm Tnnia. Ll*otca*">t J. H. Clybcorne. W-M7|Jcb7tbe GREAT WESTERN BAND. _feltdcl37 SIX POPULAR LECTURES FObL LADIES and Gentlemsn a pea Ujmaj Anttoraj ted Phjsl#l«fJi Or the £ tract are and Cscs of the Virions Parts of the HDMAN BODY -BY- Prof. B. H. PADDOOK, A. M. M. D. —AT vac— . Toe miaio:e oc next Mood* Kvnlnc. Feb. Tik at •,a u'cl.cvandto »*e continued on e-cb dalorJay and 4ionu*j tT-biOKi fjllowloi \ 11 . I f'Ttbe Courie. HWea ti. ror tire,23icnue«cb. J. H hec A Co. Laieiteet. L.T IJaieitoo. No. (>J N tU) u» rk*ue;l v B- Brian. >o. cu >Ves; Sladiaoo iwei. (j%l* Br Uters, No. •dl <<ob st:«e . uxi 'b"- office of Dr Pa dvca. P r.l >od Biock. Eoput 13 cUI YvUii; Ueu's l^ociation. LECIUEES F tf-TL FEBttUABT. 10th—BAYAID TAYLOB. fubj-ct: 'Life la the North." 17ih-t P. WHIPPLE. flßbjed: i4lh-lISuUAN MELYiLLG. tnttjeet: "B<-iilh?eM. M j *a. vriis«««. UKNHY D oti .P. JMO. LVLK QIN(J. tenure Q:tan^ttee. union academy.— O • ZVI. CAP?, Instructor. Fl«n»nt.*T Clan. Ta-sd »▼. 7 o'clock p. H. AJ#i4ced Clan 7S o'clock P. M, A; the Bonn in Portland Block. t^Tolilon?-s3(JOreptertt* 0. 13«eek>. i*l9 Im-cl* h. t. Craiic & If to., 102 Wftt Labe Street 103 vasmcrtana urn dkalknh nt STEJJI, GAS WD WATER PIPE, DCflLEfl FLCEi YALVE3. COCKS. STEAM WHIfITUa, ULI Caps, Gaage Cocki, Steam k Water Gaines, STEAM APPARATUS For Waxmlac Hotels, Chnrotia, Fmo torleis ac, deJO P. W. Ruizs, Warntr, inalmtTs & Frastr. a/Tasufactcueis of railroad a.YJ_ CAItS Portableaod Stationr.ry Steam and Boilers, Portablf C'T-alur 3»w MIIIj, o*:en' P<tt««n Screw Cotter, Ae«oUfortbea«leo( Porulttn Kioar and Cora Mill' asdUoJu; fCnffine tana lluaa Lathci, Pprtja. Ihnilt, W»od MiWtiiaerjxeiMrally, Sktngte Hlua Silde re^.Steam *od wa>rr*'aTtxr», suiske<l Braae Work row&& and uaso pla>ss». rro. sand Kill G*ano< made t* order. .VAGLE STORKS CHICAGO, ILL Mara 'tooda—" GATES k CO." t. w. c. a.^uaaa *. a. war*** p. a. raaiaa. A,jrti«.lßs«. HUDWiRE FOR SFRUfi TRADE. 1829. JETTETT * BUTLIB, IS Xakt mil. M ,.IS INVITE THE COUNTRY TRADE TO THE following: ISO Tool Annealed Fence Wire aaioned smnbera 5 *• Brubt •• •♦ » » &.OCK} Seas awnrted alaee and bran da. UOO Bdla aheeSlron—aieorted. auo " " J jnietta aorrted. 900 ** *• - K.G. 15 Osaka BbeeiZlnc. N PLATA. Pie TIN. OPPES BOTTOMS. BSZASTS and COYXBS, aiYtra and KASa. TINNES'B TOOI& Mo. A. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT* [aaMStUrt MCGREGOR'S CELEBRATED HEATING STOVES.« alaea, {or Partorv Cffieea. Btorea. HaS* aaiichsrdiea. Alao ■ STEWART'S OOOKZSa STOVX3. ■ To<ether wiUt a fine ajMrtment of PABLOE STOVXS, Lateet etyiee and patlc nj for sale br 0 MITZ, 18S ttatesteeet. between Monroe aedAdaea. odUMHts) jpURE AIR & PERFECT VENTILATION. The nbecriben take* this method of notltvtot the p«*> Sfi that ther hare eecsred Siwyert Fatait Heating t firuMj And are now prepared to farnlaa (hem to order ftn DweXno. Chcrchea, Schoola. A& Uso. their Btovea oonatmcted oo the aase principle, tar partots. Made rooms and halb. and. eaoedalty naiT.Bnan CARS. Ventilatin* DerftoeUy all roo-ailn which thay are uel and varmint to any required temperatore. We refter to MeKra- W. Boylaetoo, 0. L Wheeloek and Carter A Baarr. A rehlteete ot this coy. partJcolara Inquire of the «bealbers at thek OfflceNo. 31 and &3S*>«UiLaiAUe street. F. LZSTES A CO Clileaeo. Oet. fth. i*P. oc*? bOT-iy T £A &. f £ E l I H S , OILtBKAIIP tVbrevstershire tsauee, P Romeed Extract -it— of a Letter from a 4oaioiaill Medical- GenUeiaaa <il at Madras to be t^ie /KJh To Hla Brother (My SAICt, saWorc-ter. and Mat. issl . „ v. . -TellLea A Perrtna Apull cable to that ibetr Saoee la hiably ratectned la In EYEHY YARIZTY dia and I&hJmjoptn -m ' ~ ■ ton. the most palata -ah- We ae well ae the wiit IKSP wholesome Mace thai DISH. braada." ZXTBISI72 FRAUDS* The only Medal awarded by the Jory of the New York Exhibition for Forelsa Baoee wae obtained by LBA M PK&&IX8 for tbdr Worceeterp-'lre flaoce. Thewortd wide hae of which ha Tins tod to nomerona forrerie*. purchasers are requested to tee that the names of Lea At renin* are opon t/i- Wraao*r. t«abat. Stopper and BoWe. Lea k Perrfn* will »roce-d analnat any ooe to (Hasina either by ciann*actariaa or rmdlrui Soonooa Sanee. ana have Infracted UftreoTrespendenlamvarleeeparte of the world to adrise ihem of aar neh tnfHoxauots. dole WholeaaleAseatsfortneCoitedStatet. __ JOHN DCCAS k SONS. 403 Broadway. New York. A etoek always la atom. Also, orders read rod ror di ffi-t«hipTw>qta from Eaaland fcSd mK \y 1 W PATENT SIL&MISDER SIFE "Warehouse. The Best Baft IntheWothL PBATT k "wbaCE3TKß.m^^^H^^^H 197 9ooth ffa'er*. d^SMo-ba» LIL LI E' S mmmSLLrn^M ISPKOFSD Sold by E. WOO [XT. at Depot No. S Lake atreet, Chi- CMQ. laSbMßly ' r GLASS i slassu SLASH!— Faltul Dodil.lHdiaimtften.4Hi At -r i r"'iMiafiwaw NUMBER 185. Unction Sales. (10 PARTJJEBSHIP SoTiCB.—THE DN- J der Irsed have_tS't da* f> me<l \ Du imahl* aode-the n«ma of HILL ft SWASBY. « r th* rxu. p ae of ccoda.U.2 thd uentral du U »i. «Qd C^mialaftlon ca«tno» HOK4TIO '♦l' • I Chicaao,Jan.2s.lßS3t fcAMCEL STViixY. HILL & SWASEY, OnMBBAZ. AXTOTIONBSBS I A*D Commission. >Terctianta. M DKABBOBT SXBSEt 34 WUladraaee oa ere*y dxacrlsilon of foods coaalxned tor Aoctioo Sales. STRICTLY A COdMUcIJM i OCSE. gpgATto am. Ciag} aaacn. swasrr gY GILBERT & SAMPSON.— Sllrer-Flated Ware, Oil PalaU«?s t Tea Trays, anj Parlu Barbie Statuary at Uls more las at 10 o'clock, we will atll at on new UkjS * beaoi'tu aaa rfoant rf ,U. ▼e p'ated tea acts, turner, ialu tao'e. demrt aod tea *ai*es and fo»k»: apHos. c*ke baak-u ess beattra. carter*, pariaa aurbte ratoa-y. oil palotirca. tea »?f« tn *«e and a'scie, ent a tu> a wiib l/oi arilclei. Also, a large variety of alt tlndaof Parnitaie. Tv aalep aUlvaandwuboatr^tervv* it OILBEftr k SAMPSON. fe* <163 It Aootlooerra.-' JgT GILBERT £ SAMPSON. and Second Hml Furni ture, EagrmTtne., Carpet., Crock exy mod Stores, AT AUCTION. ON THCB3OAY and FBIDAY MOSNIXM. Febm ?K 9 * °* ct3C * AMm tacbdTy we will wU tne «ntlra .ffjeta of two 'aoxUea acmae keepinft and solos to PUte'a Peak. a*, cur q-» aaiear^oo. SiiS "" I " CM " BCT1 » «">- SOLID ROSEWOOD IX BROC4THLE. P»lor flo't.. h»'r do; Tfte vTMev M*r 'abiea, B o< Caaea, art Btras. Hall tands Card and centra Tablea. Paricr and )Us* Uhalia, BID-BOOK rDBNTTURS. LP. 4 ** WaiQut aod Chamber !S,i * a, _ 11 at> 0 *aar B s cat-a. a Man le-Up Md slala Drtsaia* Cureaiu and «tath»unda. Waid -7 ? la_BM*»ooJ aaj MahotMy, u*ir jaatmen. FeatoerPU.owii judJßotUera. C-oucnerf. Cane Caaira >;d Qlu Frame Ml/rori. itecepUoa DXSIN3-SOO3I PTJEIiITirSK. n?!^ !^5 T - a oik J »' , A Waiazt D al '" «*ten»loß TaWea. Vh i. u'* ® 0.-aer7, tl asawAte. Crucaerr aod otherStovea Hl'chrn.ware of a.i tinea. CABPIT3 'AND ENGRAVINGS. Rich Tapestry, Bros 11a. t-ir*« p.y and other C»n»i tin* Ele.act an.ravuwa in tii:t Pr.aje*. Co;,', k\ v<s* ,4 i" r .! t,ai sr^atruletyoiotherg oda Salcpositive a—a res:rv«. tta-tJo'&j GILBERT k SAMPSON, Aoctfoaeers. jg Y HILL & SWASEY.— RICH PARLOR AND IR FTiaSIIURE, OFFICE FURNITURE, MXHBOBS, OABP£TiXTO3 AO. Ob Moadar, Febriarr 7Ui y at 9 1-2 A. 31., We will sell at oar new, la*se and convenient Salesroom. No. 54 Dearbom«et,» Elesantaod Rich parlor rnreiiare Solid ro»e*ood bra. catelle parior ajU. a« osan> ba!ra i t p* lor fall*, •o'aa >f vsrt>oa p.U*roa, te«>»i-tet«a MJs .ml n, tD «r whatn ta. roa-w. ol and mah'soiy tnaruie top eeaite tables, ta 4a" I ®»ny caaira. tocJu&s aewtss rockera. eaay cnahs ac. CUUIFEI FORS TORS AND MIRRORS-Malicsa ny chamber an, loiewwud. Imitaiiuu. taa hogaoy »nd blm.-k.waoat t>«ua; msrole>i p «uh aua«, bartaa* and I'onuaodes. m«rbie-toubaeeaus«Uh ml rors b»ir and moat auttr«-a>ea. mlmra. et^, DINNOROuM AS J KIICUK.V FUR.fITCRE Chair, tables exieaalun tacle>d 10 and 13 letl vai&a; and cterrs brrakfut u.lea Aalnvoice of loraia *&d stair oarp tins, ollpafatlccs. al»a..»ara, c.ockery. Ac. vtn.e dcaaa tf va>l«.iu uat ittioa. ALSO, AT U O'CLOCK. One David-"n*a N> 8 Fire Sins 4a. r ej, In perfectorder. One thahi. oiUinal pric<* #UU—war.anteJ floe t sold. neflneO-'d Watch T«oaaailrr Fob Cnalna. One lad.'a Dltm nd ttln* Iwj Johnson'a cewij* uachlnea. - reierm. MclfftA li Li. fIVrASEY. Auo'rs. VH. A. STTTtai. j, jj, SOTBU. WM. A. BUTTERS A CO, ACCTIO.N'EBSS l.\D IPPKIIijERj. 75 DEABBOBN SIHEET, (Near the to* otfl.e ) 0.1ca«% UUaola. sdvancet on all kind* of Mertiaidlae. fet-tyc!3l lioarOuig. a FEW GENTLKMEN BOARDERS CAN fjL be accomaoiateJ. with or wltnout roomi at 3M i Madlaoaalr<»«t; alau a »a i of room*, tulublo f r* »mali XAtaUy. aod required. J*29 ]w* Boarding.—two on tures'gen tiecnea can procure ctoanl and Rocau at Mo. n Alto, a lew day boaraera can be accommodated. j*t»lm ct> BOAfiDISG.— FIRST CLASS BOARD aa 1 pleasant rooma. auites or alnaie. at V 6 atreet. Transient Board at reAaonable r«t«a, UOARDING. SINGLE BOOMS AND JJaolu of rooms newly fitted up, with board, on rea* aoaable *«na» may be ob'atned on at No 215 HAWe,S» DIREC tOKV. followuu llatof Btuineaa tloaaci aaa Slannfac* torlna fcetabilahmeata are amooa Uj« beat and moat oron>- aent in Weir rescectlve llnea of boatneaa. 1 Woe* «til WbolesAld, w. o. wiuo Wholesale Asent for Wines, Llauora and SetXrs. 17 la. I aaUeatxeew between Lake and Water, (one door (rem I the Merehanta* Hotel). Chlcaco. Ul All klnda or »ro> j arty taken la exchanxe for good* Asent for Alea and j Porters. aclrt-ly I White Lead Warks. I Zm LYON Aa 00. | BAICfiQIQIIIS OP I WHITE LEAD AND ZINO PAnrr. Office Aid Factory corner of Halsted and Fulton street* West Side rnhJUy Staple and Faaty Dry fiwb Wholesale* PEAXE MARSH 4, DE LOWS- Joaaaaa or SSA7LX AND 7AXCT DRY GOOD! AT LOW mhPVly No. 30 Lake atreet, ! Clfltumg Wbeleaal* I HUNTIN3TON, WADSWOUTU ft PABJL3, . I Masnfactnrers and Dealers la fIIKZV AND BOYS' CLOTHING, . „ S3 and 60 Lake atreet Ohleasst jfl| Hanover atreet. Boston. Maaa. AcrleaJtaral Implements* lie. P. 80. OHAPSOAM AGO. Warelioti*^. Bk,» Klnals aseet north BMe Wholesale Dealers In A6RZCULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL QCPLfc MEKI& MAOUifitU. Aa. tor Manny's Reaper aad Mower. ah64i Paper WfccleMte laRADHEB BMZTB A 00. Manafactuiers aad Wholesale P A P E U DEALERS* All sties of print and book oonstantlyon hand. Cash Mid for all loads of Psper Stock, warehoose No, is LaaallesL, betweea Lake and dL Water-sta. tab^ly »—taaadSh—* Wheleaale. IWTT.T.BB A BBOWB Manstactwers aad Wholeaate Dealers la SOOTA SHOES AND BOBBERS, Mo.MSoalhWateNL.cor. WeQa-at.. Chlasco. a. x. ■""" mhlfly csas. asow, WADSWORTH A WSLLB ~ Wholear'- Oealersht SOOTS -A»lsrx> SHOES, 5k ft » LAiB-ST. OHIOAOO, ILLINOIS, , T.w.WASawoaTB. cihLWy a to. x. Vim. RAWSOS BARTLXTT A OO.* aad Jobb«*s In BOOTS -AJSTX> SHOES, 211 ft 213 SOOTS WATEH-ST., C7HIOAOO.** at West Bo jleetoa. Maasacbaaett* CmMb Crtckery, Glass k Cblaa Ware.... .Wbeleaal*. ORAWPORD SHARP A 00. Importers and Deal-rs a OROOKBRY, GLASS AID OHINA Table Catlery. Look'os Gliasns, Castors. Britannia Wars. mh*jy No lo* Lake Street. Ctetk Bun Whelenl* 1858. SPRING} TRADE OSM FIELD, BENEDICT M CO.* 81 4c 83 Soutk Water Strat* Are aowreeeivtna their asaal larxe stock of Broadcloths, Cassimers DOESrCfS TWEEDS VE3TOTOS lAXDKTS, JUUITUCRI JZAN3, COTTOHADXB LUeas sad Llaes Drills, TAILOR'S TRIMMINGS, ETO, ETO, To wtdch they lnvtte the atttentlon of the Trade. ftr Report of Faahleaa. mh<UW Hate, C«|N. «■< Btraw WlirttMjfc BEWEDIOT MALLORY A FARHA2S WHOLESALE JOBBERS □r Hata, Capa and Straw Gooda WO. 45 AND 47 LAXB STREET ■M! _ Plattla* Jills Sash Peers, ae fIOLDITI tASR FACTOBT. an jjnds of aash. door* aad bUadi. «!adcv aad doer aad rfdins. oonstant ly on hand aotfea. Also, olantne. Aesteand sooll aawtns. and tare to*, execute din all Sir Hoose trlmmlaxa of every var. «Tv and tHtfthtoaott castaoera. OOTOtry orders »ollct» and M*eUy attaodsd ta ?aJ- R>oms aad Factecy at Qi Monit»eatreet aesr Qts Wcrts. Jail Carriage Reparitery. Mansjacsil rscsol Oarrtatea, tasaeetiyexecwled. Hose Oartlacea,RookaodLadi JeiTiiksiuais teardar.