Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. The woudcrfnl snrccvi of Dr. Hostel- g txs'6 celebrated and ontlvallei STOMACH BITTERfI, rem the time of 1U Introduction to tbe pabllc, prorei conclusively its manifest •operlorlty over any other pre paration of the kind now manufactured. Its actio cjx tbe dlaestlre trxam li cf tbe noit plrat'nr character, re- . moving all diseases or morbidity, and iftrln* th- iji'em a soaodand healthy tone. .In cures of Dytpepda. loss of appetite, iceneral mental or physical weakness, lU opera tlonlsmost beneficmtNjndefd;aomeoMbe moetdlr* fbl cases that h«ve ever beeo ender medical treatment have be n entirely eared by this great egent. As a tonic, llostetter'j Bl'ten are mosi dctithtfd, especlaly before meals. For silc brOrnjrslste and dea'ent pcneralif everywhere. jaSI-SydAw Tboac vtiio arccuHoaa to witaM the •onderfol perfection to irbieb A. Ohsvald* Qtte Man** or at lUteijflOi's H. Y.) has brooch! the ithtwlmHib i of A ics andToapees. are invite.}.<e visit sis WW and —. their Dyl&K Rooms, at No. 6 Iretnoat Block; VKi'ezaaiitt 1 Heiecarlon* productions ct art. No aerstlny eaa detect tbe artificial tram tbe natural when adioaUd to the head: - • ~. Dei ly F. ..PriM Medfti Hottf _ S»ap. the uolr ysottaia, -vUIm «oead the>«at Toßat Boap 1 n ok. poopMfn« aTrae and "creamy letbw,» iMfcvana deUcatepertaßvacdvamitttod aet latere the *kin. beware of ooopUtfrila. . 81 F. 8. Oletret'i Mat tndjcgni tlejiUid Brown Wind* ior and Glyoerine Soaps. Abo. ipeoaceons Tooth Pow der, for the teeth aad>«na, to be had at all respectable Onu, Grocery and faocy' Stores In the Butea, * Uannfactwy In London. Wbolesaltf-and Retrial J. H. Savtrcr 1 * Fluid Extract of Bark,, an sfallible remedy forthe Fever ed A*ie, and the vari* * jqi form* of Billions Diseases. •ntennlttent. Remittent, 7hlil Fever and DambArnc, having their oririn incuua la of Terr fertile and maraby district*. prepared by Dr. ■ 4 9. S#»7cr, Drvgglst and Chemist, android by £awyer« *■ Pake A 00,. Ko. M Lakt street ChJovo< , ' • This remedy ts prepared entirely torn-refutable snb. ' j Ata>*efc. and cm.tains oo mercery, arsenic, or anything ■ hat can prove Injurious to the system. Its effects arc hose of a deoV?truest &sd tonic, well a apted to restore J .be healthy acJnn of the LWer and Btomach. whose 1 'mictions i'' an tmerdly Imptred t&thls class at { tues. ; Qulnint and otner totica serve onl/ In many caaei to ) /reak tbe chills. but 4" cot remove the diseases of tbe Iver and other oraaas Umpltcatsd. on which the etilll ' ] ind fererdepesd: hence lhewefhlne«cf the"~Kold ' '* extract of Bart" (particularly In regions where Pbyri* * !an» cannot be readily consulted), which contains all 'J leqiialltiej suited to the Indications of theae maladies. Hundreds of testimonials in regard totbe efficacy of inj it medicine from person* nf r-speciablilty, have been *tcz »c i-rwrir'or—'hut he does not make use of .htm as be prefcia to nsvr the medicine Introdoce Itself wii eonrelybf lumetlta. ter ■ ■ ca Notice.—The nnderslsnedf Stockbol- ou ien !c the Merchant'e Bank of Macon Georgia, are by ibei'TovlsittCfcf Us Charter, aade pinanaibiy liable for oii tsinnes. Tbenotesoftblsßankwillbetakenbyosonde- ()1 ' voalt on tb» «na« teras as Kentocky, Indiana s&d bp 3blo. EL A. TDOttJR A 00. Ccatfjcr and | Hayden, Kay & Co, 238 KiKCOLFU STKKET 238 C CHICAGO. . U.-na acturerj. Ixporters and Dealers In Saddlery Hardware, BJBISTT STOCK;, ooa c a tsimin ino a , At ' Or SPRINGS, AXfXS, VARNISHES, ot tei WEBBIPifiS, HORSE COLLAfiS, Ac. its P. HAYDEN, New Ycrk. P. WILSON. Cincinnati. J WILLIAM V. EAT, nticago. lILt ' to «r. a. Tcasaa 4- b. sidwat XTJKNEE ft SIDWAI, c** '" k Uanafactorers A Wholesale Deal* en In 4i Saddle*, BridloSf Oollare, Oif Saddlaa. BBIDLE FRONTS C< fad Boorino, Drlvlnc Reins, ITorrc Covers and Blank ets. Whip*, fly Nets, Ao, Ac. Q OFFICE AND BALfS-ROOMBt *33 RANDOLPH-ST 238 g Over Hayden. Kay A Co.'# Saddlery Hardware Store, aoauaSftJ-ly 3Lrcl)itccts. E. BURLING- H t ROiItTKGT-N'Ui «& 46 LASALLE J iV. Street (over Hoffnin A Helpcke's Bank.: is pre- §ar<3l*o (unlio t»ani *ni Woejiuw.'umlor aUkinds of fr sliding, lie ciotl4--nUy refers to many <'f the but Dl baUiiD«ln •Jtil-a*o-buQ polite anl prlvate-as evl denceiof hi« •mlliy. »q1 tKat oHeraiotraatedtohlm will _ be ezrooted In tbeoMt satlsractorr mannir. iaß Wsl ly X O. lu WHEELOCK, AKD SDPEKIXTENDEST, " Otiice Xo. 77 Dearborn 31oolc, |j Opposite thr I'ust Office. Chicago. nol2b4?S W. BOTIKOTOH, E UCHETECT AND SIHtHISTESDEST. b •Oarefcl sad minute Bi>edficat!ocs. and w EEUABLt DETAILED ETIHATB £ tfsd « from Drawinxt. s OrriO*-BaDearborastreetUtdoor north of Post Of- b tee.<9 A Copartnerships, &c. Dissolution of co-partnership. 5 The co-partners'ilu he r e'ofore cxlitlnx between itie ODdcrtlrrctl coder the Qrm name of Convrae A Tuomy»oa wa» this day dissolved by mQtnil consert = KLA.M OONVRRUB, Jr., Feb.t,lS3». J T. THOMPSON. Tbcatderel<red will contlroe the Boot ofsiat tbe old stand No. 100 Haldol* b etreet. and's J alone Muihufced to collect at 1 demands da* the late firm and Mttle all demands ag«lnst th» sam^. ftac'&6 3t, converse, ja. DISSOLUTIOM OF CO P.\RTffEß6aiP. Tbe partnership heretofore between tbe BodTsiKoed. tn the Hb jiesale Liquor niulneis, ts hereby dlwoived hy mnttui coDscnt. Tue oebts of tbe late firm will b- paid bs 11. J Bsitx and all demands owlnirtotbe said firm mast be •ettlsd and paid to tae aaid B J.B*tlth. « Cbicaso. 1859. JOHS fIMITU. J jafl-lm* B. J. SMITH* * Dissolution -the copartner *Vp of Kj <'ey. Horse A 00., Is day dissolved by entail cooieat. Tae baslneti of the firm is awamed by Geo. k. iScKiey, oOlcaNo. 7 Pomero»*« nul'dln*. ' GtO. R. tCKUEY, «jEO. A. MoRSK, O. 1L ALBERT MOESK. Cilcaeo. Janaary 2). tS''9. teStf-lmocg T\ISSOLUTIOK OF CO-PARTNEKSDIP. t 1J The oo partoersbip heretofore exlstlAC bHWeen ZJavldJ.All>larJand Vtlitatn 1L coder tbe firm of I'arldJ. Millard A Co., lim this day been F dUMived b» matual cuomdl of paities. and a'd badness <» the i ts Qra will be selUed and »a lotted D? Davtd J, MUlird. k>Q. PAVI «J. MIUuAB.I). i W. U E&CTBIaQER. \ Oblcaso, Janoarr 12 l c o', I 1M Ihe badness will be condnaed at the old stand by David J. Millard. jalSlin* foooft €ogl. , Coal! Coal!! . i I /-vrvrv tons orhsby coal.—this Coil '( Ihe be»t .In the market for either family nses or s'eant. Alao» SOD toot Prepared Anthracite (Broad Top.) 300 tons Lump SfcamokixL ALFRED SMITH A CO. North Pier, oppoal* lit Central K. F. VT. D. BERET'S. 8. E. comer Clark k Randolph At. fttORKJOD UROa., jiSj Sm-cTO Pome* of Lake and Clark etreets. Cheap CoaL WE ARE RETAILTNfI, COAL AT $4.50 p-r Ton eqail to Erie or Briar Hill. Yard at the Rock Island F'ei? - t Office, formerly Morris Coal Com naay Vam. Ord'r*ief:at iheOmto-niloote, 18 Lasalle sereH. will be attecded u by R. LAW- or I*l3 Yfl-9 1m B. P. BTR<VTBER. OOAIi AND WOOD. fSAAO COALE, AT THE OLD STAND 1 Corner of Clark and Adams etreH. offer* for sale Woodof all Kind*, dawed and Split and delivered. Also. Krte, Lacitawana Omsby. Bloasborc, asd other Penmrlvanla Coals. Urtar Hill. Baltnenlle. and other, Ohio Coals. BbeQield. Morria and other Illlnots Ooaia Order* promptly filled and Coal care folly ecreened.' . IfiAAO COALE. aalJaWMni ft* dark, eorner Adam»«k 1869".7..'...5P8TWQ TRADR. \U9 ~ METAt WAHEHOIiSE7 4tS JVobasJt Avenue 45 Buroh's Irorxßu-ildinc, Chicago, The 6abecrii>er has now In stock TIN PLATE. ROOnSG TIM. BLOCK TIN. ZIMO &BSXX& A SLABS. SHUT ISOH, G ALVANIZ fDIROt*. A EHEETQINO COPPER. TINKtRS* TOOL*?, and METALS GENERALLY, AH of which Is offered at the Lowest Market Prices for THOMAS S. DIOKERBOH. 15,000 Bundles Wire Feacisge We are prepared t? make contracts with Dealers for first cuiOity AHHEA.LED FEFCE WISE, HOS % tad 9, ' In qurnUt'es of not leas than one ton. deliverable at our Warehouse at any time prerlons to the Ist .day o: Jane ; Eezt. Five per cecLcuhto b* paid when the contract . i made, baluce on aeilve y. Purchasers are l&YUed to oorreapond wiu> tu at once. TH"W. 8. lUCKERSOK.iS Wabash avenne. ta>o ctl dlmtwam Bcrch's Iron Bulldlna. Ch'caco. HO! FOB PIKE'S PEAK! Rifles, guns, BEVOLVfiRS; Bowie KKirCS, and xeseral ootfits for the lainra at 210 Lake street. _ . GEO.T. AJRBEY tr AceoU lor Ha« trd's Towder. ia37 clpj ly For th.e Gold Mines. OHARP'S AND COLT'S EIFLfcS, COLT'S jj PiarOLS. BOWIE ~, I ■■ I ail isi hi is i" lk{fITB8; also, a UCTgßatgyyMKt *XX •ssvtment of Taneft §ad oUier RifllbS, Boot t 4ftna and other appv rat«s for a tenera! outfit • ■ U for the Mmea, at bO Lakii ftnet - T™ O. EiTOK * CO. COFFEE. 6OO BAj&S - KIO COITEK _ iSoT Seuring ilTacl)inc9. SIITO E H ' S Family Bewing Machines, Combining tbe TmAtest improvements eeduced""pbicbs . Also, Machine, l-r "fSCFACnmisr, BOOIS AND" SBOEs.-and <iARMENETSxjf every deacrlptlon, con- \ 'v. ' ' ' \TVcstmi Office44o Lfeke Street. A. W. HARRIS. Agent 'rnE STTB?CRIT?KRS HATTN'G* RECENT 1. LTreinrnedta the city and takes the Asency of the above Maehtce for tbe Western btates. are now open ing anew tbe eld otSce, 106 Lake Street, Up Stairs, *h're they aje prepared to snpply Asenu and Families with Ravmood's H-wlajt on tbe aintt liberal tenna Ua«i*.K for tbe lait three mrotba pretty canvassed the Sewkfj Machine market, we can say that 1 outoftbemnhtu'ldrrri new-patents thef are aaisfled ! th<t "the Saymond Machine Is decidedly beji low i priced one in use, and ij harj to be excelled by tae i nicber priced. Tbey wIU rt-palr and pot in first-rate racnlsr order anv () i Rarmond Uschlses aold by A. Ilol bronk or Q -Kels<-y If broeirbMo ibetr ogioe. - lyWanted. Acentafora'itb'! nriocipa' towns In the Wert. WIBWiLLA HOLBROt»R Offie* 105 L»ke street. Chicago, (up stairs). P^s f Office Bo»li«5. jalibve^am CQinPIOK SEMNIi MACHINE. SO, $S and sl4 DoUara ! ! ! Call at 167 Randolph Street, Before job purchase any other kind. jall-lm-b9T3 530.00 Premiums and Diplomas. <PHE FIKST PREMIUM. AND DIPLOMA Jl was awarded to the Boudoir Sewing A£aoh.ine t (BIRKI3* PATE ST,) At the Wisconsin Stat • Pair. Oct. eth. 155?; Machines from One Haadred to One Uaudredand Fifty Dollars in com petition. Thus another link ha* heen added to iLi chain of Premiums. Tbe subscriber begs leave to call the at tention of tbe Ladies of Ohlcaso and vicinity to the mer Its oftblsbeaotiful and twrivalled Machine. A few of its prominent advantages over all others are as follows: Ist. It sews with two threads and ties each stitch. Id. !t makes two different stitches. 3d. Itwlll sew nackward as well as forward. 4th. It makes two thousand stitches per Mintf. and glrty-nicestilchMto tbe Inch. 6th. Tt»*! Inconvenience of a belt la obviated by the ap* plication of a Robber Friction WheeL 6th. The nominal price of W Includes stand and fix* tores. WhenthlsMachlnewas sold at double tbe price. It was cordially recommended to the pnblio by L M. SINGER A CO. KLTAB IIO<V,Ja. WlIKt-XKR A WILB3N. GROVE* A BAKKR, Uasufacturine 00, 4s tbe bestsln*lethread MacMneln the market. The Erioe has been reduced one ha'f and Its value enhanced t tbe addition of the Doable Th-e&d. An examination of this Haebloe and Its workls solicited at H. Dewing A CoN Hnot and Bhoe Store, I'U Lake street- POST lrbWX L A. HA*»CK A CO.. Agents. QUAIBE CITY. DOUBLIi LOOK TIGHT STITCH, S2O SHWZNa MAOHIND NrVIR BEFORE EXHIBITED IK TOT WEOT. Ail other Cheap Machines take only the dnde thread chain itHch. This takes tbe same TWO TUREAD BUtehuthe mostezpenslveoses in'nse. Its werk will Not Kip Thoosb every Tblrd SUteh be Cut* The Machine Is Ample. ea»Uy adjusted and not likely to set out ol order. Works as rapidly, makes as firm and tm-prtinm* a stitch as the niort expensive Marines. Bewi from two commo i spools, iioes coarse and fine work perfectly, bj simply ch«a»on* tbe needle and thread, THET WILL BTJTCE. HKM AND GATHER. n>ev make little noite and nm more easily than most Ma* chines. ONE LADT WUhaCewin* Machine is ««U In efficiency* Eight to Twelve Seamftteueibyband. Every family and any one xaaklsi Sewinrabnslness should own one. Tills is »he Only Bachliie Sewing with Two Threads. Except one. sold lntheworldforless than 1100. Wei.* vlteall whowisha Machine to do any kind ofworkdone by machinery, to examine oars. Samples of work sent bf mall upon receipt oTa stamp. Machines sent to peraonl who never taw-them, and are used successfully after a lew boors' practloe. Pall printed instraetlo&s idven. Enter prislnc men. with a few hundred dollars to pnrchase stock, may now secure lucrative exclusive acencles in anyofthi better towns of Ihlsßtafce or Missouri None others need apply. Call at Chis. E. Shof Store, Hi lakt St., osar Clark. Address L. OORNZLL icMv<vHi Box LH OMcajro. Xll, ' Stationcrn, &c. STATIONERS. JONES, PEKDtE & SHALL, Wbo'.esale and Retail Dealers in Statiouery uud Biauk Books In all Its variety, ona PAciLintß ron Donte Ruling, Binding and Printing - - Are ensorpassed In the Vest.' ITCALL A.VU S'UY U»._« JONES, PEBDOF. A PMALL. delS-1y.b?19 No. 122 Lake street. [ Awarded ior the ALSO ON X3L&JDT2D = i Uksta&dJ, tealisf Wax, Band Boxes, Steel Feu, ! Letter- Stamps, Lead Fendls, Wafer Copt, Banker*' Cases, Desk Xsina, Letter Bcxse, Rolen, Fen Holden, Writing Ftii Honey Books, Erasorv, Fen Baeki, PaperWeifhts Twine, Sold Feni, Quill Fsn* • Letter Clipe, Desk Pencils, Shears, C&ifc Boxes, Fart Folios, Blotting Paper, Spring Files, Ivory Tablets, Twine Bores, lailli, envelope Paper, Elastic Bands, India Rubber, Calendars, Wafers, Ivory Tolden Letter Bealee, Paper flies, Invoiee Files Book Rosu, Korilage, Gum Tickets, Woetenholm'sCntlery. Bed (Spool) Tape, Commercial Printing, OOfIETUIO OP CAKDB, BOX HEADS, CUCCLiKS, U., PROMPTLY KXEOUTZD AT Stationer** Hall, 002 hSK a I*ke«Sf<t Ousters. TS TERS—OY STER S—OYSTERS» HATCH. MANN A 00*8 unrfvaUed ■ frethßjUUmors Oysters reed red daily, by only; direct from their pickingJWFl mS>» boose In Bantaore. Md., and for sale uv_-/ tbelr depot, No. 18» North Water street, Chicago. '• Tfee otrooct oare and attention beioc paid totbeprft wins of these Oysters. the? h*T£ attained a repttatios metaaUed by all others. AD orders wUI receive prompt UentioTL Addrtss J. N-HaTOH, A*tat. oclßbao64m Poet Office box 333 T. N. tt—Thisestabllibment will be Dcrmaaent. S QQ HF. CHESTS YOONG HYSON, GON-POWDTC. THFIBIAL AWD BLACK TIAB. Of late unportettoai for sale at low prices and on liberal era ETTOGLDa. SLT A 00. DQIUMtr _ , XJW RAISINS. m 8X3., 160 .HF 13 lm Till* jsHiwll mnflinl mil Ini ■■lutij RETMOLPa. KLYA 00. 1 CIV HHDS. NEW N. O. SUGARS, LfJvJ cow and for sale at uuccto rtnn DOll4yJ>eßT - BCfwOLDg. «LV A 00. ilj 1A POCKETS O. O. JAVA COfTEB, g uu ™^^'iZß3V a c ?S! r 'Tclf» Kfkfl BXB. SCALED AXD So. 1 HKlt Kf\ TOa. HXW BICE TOR SALE BY OV/ <aM« nrootw. clt t 00. OAfk HHDB. BUBAS NOW ABBIVIHQ 4UU PRESS AND TRIBUTE, j PRESS AND TRIBUNE. J rußuino.s ~ •'}»*«• E Dally, Tri-WMUy *u& Wmkly I •. -■ Office 48 dark Geo. taitb'a Bank, t c EDITORS AXD PUBLISHERS: E JOHN L. SCBIPPS, * C. H. BAT, L WM. BROSB, JO6EFS JtEPILL, 1 ALFRED COWLUB. • , y Tfma afvtss P?m sad Trilmsa. ? D«sty,'aehvaed la by carrier, per year. *B.OO c Dally, delivered In city by carrier, per wee* . 16 C Dalxy. to.Mall bebsomrs. per year. ...» 7-00 i; Dally, to Mall Subscribers,« months rri-rtetkiy.-p«rraar 4.U0 a Weekly.fllatfeasbsaCxrs »>tc e * ieotrtm.; ® H Soopiss.! 4.00 d " 1U copies to one addreas. I°-W T ** » copies to one address. 90-(B And one free copy to setter op of dob of twenty. lyTbere wlli be no deviation from these rates. R tar Money la reitlstered letters may be seat, as at on risk Address B pEfSS AND TRIBUTE. f. CMctto, Illlnoli. " - x i] . TIIEFUES>JLNOTC«I BBSE'S J GreatJubPriutiu? Establishment f Is the artest shd finest establishment of the kind In the g. West. It has more Steam Press ts and Machinery; more a Printing Materials and more Skillful Workmen than any fi other Job Printing House West of New York. - The proprietors are prepared to execute, on short nfr Uce. every variety, of BOOK JOB LETTER PRESS and FANCY FEINTING in the BESI UASHRB ° at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. tl Particular attention dven to the printlns of J Bpiinw C&rdi, Poftera, . Tisitifig C&rdi, Programmes, j? Ball Tickets, Pamphlets, |j Letter Heads, Circulars, fl Bill Heads, Checks, sH 1 c Bj-Laws, Blank tfotes, Seceipts, labels. PBZNTZVO IS OOLOBS Xi In ail lis varieties, done in beautiful sty le and al moder* o aterstes. f< An examination of SPECIMENS and PKICES b r©» qj spectfnllylnvlted. fjr*orden from the Country promptly filled, and senl home by Express. jtTANXTA—A TALE OP REVENGE. J [From the Atlantic Mon'.hly.] jq {Concluded.} I had druuk of tbe cup of vengeance ,it w was j-weet, bat did not I Jongcd for a fuller drauijht; but it not be deuied tl to my fevered lips Y Perbap", amid the no* S bl« and dlsintereßted toils of tlie expiditior, y> biJ? beart would oatjrrow all love for me, tind n xrben we met again I sboald see my power Ij gone. I pondered much on this ; I be* pi lieved ut last that tbe solitude, the isulatioo, a would be not unpropitlous to me. Frotu tbe b litile world of tbe icclocked vessel bis " thoughts would turn to tbe greuter world he y bad left, and I gboald be remembered. Wben c he returut-d we should Ikj much tojjetber. His mother was dead ; our house was the on. u It place he could call bis borne. Not oven It lor me, I felt a«ured, would be cast off ihe love of his onlr brother. I bud not done si witbbimyet. so quietly and composedly I n awaited bis return. a He came at hmt, and bis manner when we tl met smote me with a strange uneasiness. It e was not the enstrangemeut of a friend whom a 1 bad it jur- d. but the distant politeness cf a b etrang'T. Was influence gone ?' I determin- p ed to know, once for all. Wben we chanced v to b: Moiim a moment I went to bis side; h "William, 7? I atked, laying my bai.d on bis tl arm, and speaking in a tender, reproacbfu) tout*, "why do you treat me so? 7 ' d With a quick decided motion, -be removed n my band ; then looked down on me with a fi smile. Yon are strongly obtuse/ "he said a quoting my own words of two years Iwfore. a "What can iMrs, Haugbton desire from a fortune hun»er with whom she is unbap t pily connected with marriage, but a buinlli- 1; tjMlmt dies not presume on the relation- vl ship?" b I saw a bold stroke was needed, and that I b must stoop to conquer. "Ob, William," I said,sorrowfully, "you called me vindictive si once, but it is you who arc really so. I was h unhappy,piirasjsed, distracted between" ii " Between tvbat?" a M I do totkuow; I mean I cannot tell you," I fitammered, with well feigQed confab- f< ion. " Can you not lor»ive me, William ? s; Often and often, since you left me that day, I have wished to see you, and to tell you how I b repented my hasty and ungenerous word.-. Will you uot perdon me ? Shall we not be ti friend* again V ! U I am no: vindictive/' he said, more kind- h ly,—''least of all toward you. Bat I cannot c see how you should desire the friendship of o one wbom you regard as a mercenary hypo crite. When you can truthfully assure me s: that you disbelieve that charge, theo, and not till then, will I forgive you aud be your friend." a "Let it be now, then," I said joyfully hoi- n ding out my hand. He did not reject itb we were reconciled. William had come home ill; the hardships » o! tbe Artie Zoue bad beeu too much for bita. n Tbe very night ot bis return I noticed in bis o countenance a frcqueut flush succeeded by a n de.tdly pallor ;my quick ear bad caught, too 1< tbe sound of a cough,—not frequent or pro- h longed, but deep and hollow. And now, for a the first time in my long and dreary toil, I fi saw the path clear and the end iu view. ti Everyone knows with wbat enthusiasm tbe g returned travellers were hailed. Amid the g felicitations, tbe praise?, tbe banquets, tbe tl varied excitements of the time, William for- h got his ill-health. Wben these were over, be h reopened bis office, and prepared to enter n once more on tbe active duties of bis proles- h slon. But he was unfit for it; John and I h both saw this, uud urged him to abandon the b attempt for the present,—to slay witb us, to h erjoy rest, books, society, and not till hid t health was fully reestablished undertake tbo li prosecution of business. v '•You forgot my good sister," he laughing- 1 ly said to me one day,— (he could jest ou the s Rihject now,) — 4l that I bave not tbe fortune of our John,—l did not marry an heiress,and i I have my own way to make. I had got np a few rounds of the ladder when an adverso e fate dragged me down. Being a free man 1 OQce more. I most struggle up again &s quick- 1 lv as maybe." l t * "Üb, fbr that matter," I returned, in the same tone, "I had som part, perhaps in tbe adverse fate jcu Fpcak of ;as it Is but fair i that 1 should make you what recompense 1 can. lam an admirable nurse ; and you; s will gam time, ifyou will deliver yourself op < to my care, aud not go back to Coke and i Cbiuy till I give you leave. Seriously, Wil- i liam, I fear vou do not know how ill you are, nnd bow unsafe it is for you to go on with t business."' . IL» yielded with much persuasion, and i came norae to os. Those were happy d»ys. William and!were coustamly together/ \ 1 re£d to him, saug to him, and played cbe?s 1 witb him ;oo mild days I drove cut in my < own little pony-carriage. Did be love mc all this time ? I could »ot telL Never by look or I tone did he intimate that the old affection yet i lived in bis beart. I fancied he felt as I with bira, —perfect content in my companionship j without a thought or wish beyond. We were made for e»ch other ; onr tastes our liabtbs of mind and feeling lull barmonistd ; had we been born brother and 6ister, we should have prefercd each other to all the world, and,re» maining Eingle for each other's takes, have parsed our lives together. So tbe time wore on, sweetly, and placidly, and only 1 seemed to notice the failure in our invalid ; but I watcbcd for It too keenly, too clo>cly, to be blinded. Tbe occasional rallies of strength that gave John such hope, aud cheered William himself so greatly, did not decieve me; X knew they were but ihe flactni* (ions of bis malady, Cuanges in the weather or a damp cast wind, did not account to me for hi- relapses; I knew hi was in the grasp of a fell, a fatal desase j it might let him go awhile, give him a little respite, as a cat do*** the mnusshe has caught,—but he never could escape,—his doom was fixed. Bat you may be sure I guve him no hint of it, aud be never seemed to euspect it for him self. One could not believe such blindaeas possible, did we jiot see it verified in so many instances, year«tier year. Often, no, I thought of a passage in an eld book I used to read with many » heart-quake t in my girlish day& It ran thus:—" Perhaps wc may se* you'fLittcriogyourself, through a long lingering illness, that you shall still re cover, and putting off any serious reflection aud conversation for fear it should overcast your spirits. And tbe cruel kindness of B triends and physicians, as if they were in league with Satan to make the destruction of your soul as sure as possible, may. perhaps, : abet this fatal deceit." Wc had all the need * ed accessors. the kind physician, anxious to amuse and fearful to alum bis patient,—tell . iuff me always to keep up bia spirits, to make I him as cherful aud happy I could; and thecrnel friends—l had not lar to seek for p them. « For a time William came down stairs every morning, and 6at up during the greater part of tbe day. Then he took to lying on the so- j * fa for hours together. At last, be did not rise ; > till afternoon, and even then was too much fatigued to sit up long. I prepared for his j use a large room on the south side of the house, with a smaller apartment within it; to * this we carried his favorite books and pio ? turea, bis easy-chair and lounge. My piano stood in a recess; a guitar bung near It. - When all was finished, it looked homelike, J? pleasabt; and we removed William to it, one ** mild February day. - « This is a deligntfnl room," be said, gating about bim. u Hotr pleasant the view Irom 10 these windows will be as spring comes on 1" - u You will uot need it," I said," by that t time." "I should be glad, if it were so,"he re = plied; "but I tam anguine as * youare, Juaiitlu" * He did not gncs my meaning; how should Q be, amused, flattered, kept along as he had been ? To him, life, with all its activities, ita = ©. f! prize*, its seemed but a little way' I removed j a few_weeks. or' months and Be _ should be among ajjaln. But X ip.ew, entei^*ttimtj > oom, i | would go forth agiflft'tHl he was borne where' ' j narrower walla tb&a Towlier reof should ehut him in, , • o - - -,7 "* I hail an alfirfii" one day." " JualiTta^*said the invalid,' wfica lTjad arranged his pillows comfortably, And wae begin the reading, not take tbqbook we had yesterday. I witli jou would read * in the Bible.*' What did this mean? Was this proud, ] worldly-minded man goiog to faumblehimsclf and repent, and be forgiven? And was Ito be defrauded thus or my just revenge:? Should he pass away to an eternal life of ho liness and joywhile I, stained through him and for his &uke with sins innumerable, Bank I ever lower and lower in unending mieery and despair? Oh, I must stop this, ir It were not : yet too late. "What!" I said, pretending to repress a ' smile, " are you getting alarmed about your pelf, William ? Or is Saul really goiog to -be found among the prophets, alter all ? n *. He colored, but made no reply. I opened 1 the Bible aod read two or three of (he shorter * Pealm?,—then, from the New Testament, a t portion of the Sermon on the Mount " It must have been very sweet," I observ ed, " for those who were able to receive Jesus ds the true his teachings as in- - fallible, to hcur these' word! from his lips." ( " And do yon hot eo receive them ?" Wil» iiam ariced.-- - ; • - _ "We will not speak of that; my opinion is of no weight" yoffmu*t have thought much of these j things," he' pemsted j'tell me whal result ' you have arrived at." - " Candidly, then," I said, u I have read and poodered much on what contains. It seems to me, iHat, if it teaches anything, It clearly teaclies, that,.!no. matter how we J Salter ourselves that "we are doing as we choose, and Cairying out our own designs and - wishe?, we are ail the time only fulfilling purposes that have been fixed from all eter nity. Since, then, we are the subjects of an Inexorable Will, which, no entreaties or acts ol ours can alter or propitiate, what is there for us to do but eimply to bear as best we _ can what comes upon us to? It is a short cieed." ; 4< And a gloomy one," he said. "You are right j a very gloomy one If " you can rationally adopt a cbeerfuUer, pnty, • doit. Ido not wish for any companion in mine." ~ There was silence for a time, and then I said, with affectionate earnestness, " Dear Wil iam, why trouble yonrself with the. e ( thing3in your .weak'and exhausted state? Surely, »he care of your health is enough for younoff. By-and-by, when youhaveinsome measure regained your strength, look serious, a iy into this subject, it you wish.. It is an im portant one for all. .lam afraid I gave you an overdoiie of aoodjne last night, 'and am to u blame for yoar low spirits of this, morning, a " Own, William,". l said, smilingly,, " that you were terribly hypped, and faacied you p never coald recover." ' t( He booked relieved as I spoke thu3 lightly, u u I should find it sad to die," he said* " Lile S koks bright to me even yet.-" » This man was a coward. He dreaded that « struggle, that humiliation o! spirit, through * whicb all must pass ere peace with Heaven is u achieved. Yet more, perhaps l , he dreaded g that deeper struggle which ensaes when we 0 essay to tear Sell from its tbroue in the heart, & and place God thereon. As he said, lile looked bright to him; and all his plans and c in life were for himself, his own ad- t vaucement, his own. well-being. It would have been hard to make the change; aud he a thought it was not nece-Far;. now, at least. c No more was said upon the subject. Our - days went on as before. There was a little music, some light reading, an occasional call from a friend, and long pauses of rest between - all these. And slowly, but surely, life fulled, T and the sonl drew near its dooin. I knew now that he' loved me still; he taiked of it sometimes when he woke sudden- 3 ly, and did not at ouce remember. where he 0 was; I saw it, too, in his look, his manner j but we never breathed it to each oilier, aud j. he did not think I knew. One night there was a great change; phy sicians were summoned in haste; tbere were hours of anxious wa'ching. Toward morn iog he seemed a little better, and 1 was left t alone with him. He slumbered quietly, but ' when he awoke there was a strange and " solemn look in his face, such as I bad never f s?en before. I knew what it must mean. | "When Dr. Hammond comes, let me see c him alone," he whispered." £ I made no objection; nothing could frus- & trate my purpose now. \ The physician came,—a kind old man, who \ had known us ail from Infancy. He was \ closeted awhile with William; theubecame ;] out, looking deeply moved. fl "Go to him,—comfort him, if you cau," he . said. . b "You have told him ?" I asked. " Yes,—he iosisted npon hearing the truth, , aad I knew he had got where it could make j no diirercnce. Poor fellow lit was a terrible t. blow." I wanted a few moments for reflection ; I sent John in my stead. I locked myself iu my own room, and tried to get the full weight ■ j of what I was going to do. I was about to q meet him who had rejected my heart's best e love, no longer in the and insolence of health aud strength, but doomed, dying; with a dark, hopeless eternity stretching out be fore his shuddering gaze. And when he j turned to me in last awful momenta for solace aod alfection, I was to (ell him that the girl he loved, the woman he adored, had since that one night, kept the purpose of vengeance " hot in her heart—that for years her sole study had been to baffle and to wound him, and that now, through all those months that she had , been beside him, that he had looked to her as friend, helper, comforter, she had kept her deadly aim in view. Sht had deceived him with* false hopes of recovery: she had * turned again to the world the thoughts which \ he would fain have fixed on heaven; while he was loving her, she had hated him. £he had darkened his life—she had ruined his soul. ; Ob, was not this a revenge worthy of the name? I went to hiui. He wa? sitting in the great ea«y chair, propped with pillows ; John had left tbe room, overcome by his feelings. Never shall I forget that face—the despair o( tho?e eyes. ' I sat down by him and took his hand. ! "The Doctor has told you!' ? I mur mured. "Yrs,—and what Is that world which Iso 1 soon mn?t en ter ? I believe too much to have J one moment's peace in view of what is com* iog. Oh, why did I not believe more befure it was too late ?" 1 kept .silence a few minutes; then I said—. . . , . • • - < "Listen, William; I have something to tell you." ' lie looked eagerly toward me; perhaps he thought even then, poor dupe,' that it wna some word of hope, tbat ibere nas some' chance tor his recovery. Then I told bim "till.—all, —ray lifelong hatred, my cherished purpose. Blank amaze ment wus in the gaze ttiut he turned upon me. I feared that impend-pfe deaih bad blunted his peuf'es, and that hodiU not fully comprehend. " Yon will remember now what I once told you," I cried, with savage joy ; "for so surely anbere is another world, in that world shall you live, and live to suffer, and to remember in your anguish why you suffer, and to whose hand you owe it.' He understood well enough now. "Fiend he exclaimed, with a look of horror, and started to his feet. The cffjrt, the emotion, were too much. Blood guibe<l from his lips; a frightful spasm convulsed - bis features; he .. Yes,—he was gone 1 Atd my Ule's work was aompletc 1 I cannot tell what happened after that. I suppose they must have found "him, andlaid him out; and buried him : but 1 remember nothing of it. Since then I have lived in this great, gloomy hou«, with its barred doors and windows. Never since I came here have 1 seen a ftce that 1 knew. Maniacs arc all about me ; I meet them in tae halls, the gar dens ; sometimes I hear the fierce sort raving and dashing about their cells. But I not feel afraid of them. It is strange how they all fancy that the rest are mad. and they the only saac ones. Some of them even got so far as to think that • I had lost my reason. I heard one woman . say, not long ago,—" Why, she has been mad | • these twenty years! She never was married ; in her life ; bat the believes all these things ! as if they were really so, and tells them over f to anybody who will listen to her." 1 Mad these twenty years! So young as I f am, too 1 Aad I never married, and all my , wrongs a maniac's raving! I was angry at first, and would have struck her; then I 3 thought, " Poor thing 1 Why should I care ? .- She docs not know what she is saying." e And Igo about always seeing, before me 1 that pallid, horror-stricken face ; and wish r ing something—oh, how vainly! that I bad listened to him that bright October day. tbat Y I bad been a happy wite, perchance a happy t mother. Bat no, uo I I must not think thus, i- Once I look at it in tbat way, my whole life e becomes a terror, a remorse. I will not, must h not, have it so. s Then let me rejoice again, for I have had e my revenge, a great, a glorious revenge! 0 ———— J- QUNDRIES-50 BASKETS CHERRIES, 0 Cj 60 bags Unpared Peaches » SJ bria Pared Paaehea, *• 5 brls Dried Raspberries, 2. SO bris Dried tUackberriea, ~ GO kegs French Prune*. 10 baskets Hungarian prtrnes. ® kegs Turkey Prases. t, Joat received and for sale by WILLIAM LITTLE A S pp. 161 Booth Water streeC deU-ly " ( IHRISCMAS—JBOUOSJSSIfAAOY TOXS VJ SSO boxes Fancy Candles, it Ko boxes Fancy Prnnea, M) boxes Roll Loaeogera. For sale ai 161 Boath Water street, by WM. LITTLE S- CO. del*4» B jn«mm t c ac ac'-: x,.0 xr », NaaateotßM aad Jog atlas* r . TBt SOVILTT Ml' LI « - anu no aad SB KafegltMt.' Ncm I|)ul)licatiouor, l' f L v . S» Ameiiai Almtnwi lor IMS. . rrHE AMERICAN ALMANAC AND RE- ' A poiitoj7of UeafalKflowiadga,.fcr the fear IBM. Price. *IOO. For sale by WM. E EESN) Bookseller, ( laSl-Vj ' Wo UHrte stTeet. JUST RECEIVED.— . ..v i ; of- BACKGAMMON BOAEDS . • • • STAUNTON CHESS MEN, ] Ofallslses,boUiWood acdßone. For suie by W.~ Bookseller, . U» : 118 Lake street. RAITHWAIiFS RETROSPECT, FOR JANUARY. THE BETBOBPECT _op_ I PRiCTICAL MEDICINE AHD SURGERY, Being a half jeady JoarnaL contalnlns c. retrospective ▼lew of eyery dlscovezy and p*aetleal lmprovemeot In ' the Medical Sciences. By W. B&AITHWAITE. I*rice, One .Dollar. For Bale by W. B. KEEN, . J>BB 14% wtreet. OPPOSITE THE JAIL, v •And a New Edition of the i Highei' Clirlstian Life, . ELEGANTLY BOUND, Jest received and for »1« by WM. TOMLISBON, de3lb3Bßly >1 Bstdolph street. GIFT sook; s , IK ZLE&AHT BIIIDINQS. JUVENILE BOOES AND GAMES IK GREAT TARIEtr. | WBITIHQ DZ9KS, DO, CASES, POETFOLIOB, '— • • FANCY STATIONERY ARTICLES Ot Every' Description, for Sale at the Bookstore of GEOBGS A. CABNES* ; ... m LAKE STREET General Qlgputics. I;iIIPP 3 HAXiE, & CO. 1 General Pateut Oflice Depot, . . NO. 100 LASE STREET." CIfICAGO. ILL. SUBSCRIBERS BEG LEAVE TO JL Inform the public generally, that they have opened their aUire ulacefor the Wansactionof a GENERAL PATENT AGENCY BUSINESS 4 It Is their aim to keep on hand, at all times, for exhibt* tlonandsalvaa large a variety as possible of patented articles of the latestandtnostaaefaJ inventions; and the* will take ,steal pleasure In receiving visitors who may wish to examine their articles, whether witu a view of parchaslQKor not. The office Is torown open aa the headquarters of inven* tors who may wish to dispose of their Improvements: and the proyrietors respectfully Invite-Inveoiors and aruaana tocallnpontneaattaelrpUasnre. Patents obtained on newinvenUons on reasonable terms, and with the teait possible delay. The nndersJcned will toorooghly 1 posiedopinaUthenewp*tenulssuedat WashlogtoD.acd will receive ud sell on commission all classes of osefo) aodpa'eoted articles, toaetner with Individual. Coanty or £ute rtahls to nse and sell the same. Care will be taken to receive no patented article or right for sale that Is not possessed of genuine merit; St being the purpose or the firm to maintain a enar&cter worthy tne entire confidence of ail who maj wish to purchase cew an J ascful Improve menle. TKIPP. llalba CO.. No. too Lake Street. ' axreanotfl: Win. Jones. No. til Bummer fct. Boston; P. £L Jle!d A KliOytU Boston; James M. Hale. Milk riL, Boston: '* Bowen A 7i Lake uhlcaso; M. 1». ullm&nA Oo fl I£J gaoth Water BU Chicago; Uoyt A Pierce Mate v fit.. Chicago; A- J. Morpny. Uurunrtoo, Vt.; J. Tricix Albanr. N. Y.: Sflran Peck. Albany. N. Y.; Cbsrles Vro- u man. ojractiae. N. Y. noS* o piofesijional. i IJTHE NEW DENTAL E:TABLIiIIMENT. ' DHS. AIKIN i" WALLACE, ' » DKNTA-i, sTTKGiiOMs! I Oflice, No, 8 Me:hcd)-t Church Block, corner ofCisrk r aid WashiDgtun et.-eets. i CHICAGO. ILL. c. ma. Uel.-jn-cl'ftl acirnt wat lcc xST IL KENNICOTT, V 7 • DENTIST. • js.!] 131 LaKo Street, Qp 1 y y'f^ pONSUMPTION & CHRONIC DISEASES \J Drs. RRADINGA MKAD maybe consulted daily from 9 JnSlt A M to 1 p. Al- and Irom Sto 6 P.M.forallduea>exof LUNU3. /<>mK3»r<V i i HRARr and LIVER. yKUALE/ l DKBANGEUKNTfi, and - i CURONIOOISKAaE«. Asthes«| 1 diseases progrcas rapidly. ana> vSFXu f ofte-i imperceptibly, to tt. fatal termlnstion unless promptly ar. rested, an early application U of the utmost importance . to ail who wisu a and Totir rystem of treatment by AfeJleated Ichalat'ons, to getherwitb constitutional remedies. Ueaiirely different ;rom anything before the tiubfc. aad th?y are confident i Osgreatefr fiot-y by a careful eza.-nlnatloa of its m.-rltv 1 f Honms dt No. 10J Htate street, co r ner of Wash- Inxion.—Entrance oadute sa , e:U Consultation free. deli E. A. BOGUE • DENTIST.— OFFICE NO. 141 ; Lake street, (opp. J. ILReed Uoa) oeaiy I f fw DRS. FULLER & ALBIUGH,' ' ( - DENTISTS. OFFICE. NO. _■ 44 West Kandolbh si.. Chlcaro. 111. . Superior work promptljr done aA our offler. Responsible gaaraiitte'for snc- ' i l l CMsip_all case* tyOall andseeroecloens. ■ DR« J. BEAITINEf DcatUC Late associate of dr. x. wood'. BUP/BROWN. of N0.3 Great Jones street. New Xort> Offioe 100 Lake Atreet, ( Over Tripp & Hale's Patent Office Depot . n011b478 ly • DRS. WARNER & KETCHUM, DENTAL 6URGKONB. Office northeast comer of Lalce oxid IDearborn. streetA, Up stairs In room No. 1- 0d5b150-l> W. W, ALLPORT, DE NTI S T.—OFFICE AND Residence. No. RJ street. oci i t t_> DOCTOR N. F. COOKS, ' aOMOiIOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OF. FICK tiD<l Resilience removed u» 2C2 Mirhlrai , strert, two doors from Rush str*e». myt'te-fy DENTISTS.— DRS. QUINLAN & CUSH : ISO. arrxiozioiv nwintßTfi. OPHOB-NO. SB GLARE BTRIET. mht4-ly.p3SS Opposlt the Ooort Hoose. SOMETHI.S'G NEW !!! MITCUELL'3 I'ATRNT Dlctallic-Tipped Boot and Shoe, An Improvement h*s been anplied to Boo'.s *r,d by which a G.e«t iviviug Lj Expense is mads. Kvery boot and shoe dealer know* tlua chlld*en wilt wearrut attheioetn-best-consirncteifchie In from fonrti six Weeks, and that it *<-s r- l»herU> defied ttie skin of m«oufa> tuie.-s to obvUtethlsdiffictLty. THE METALLIC TIP ,J meets and overcomes It. • A gmall -p!ese of copper Is neat y fastened to the toe of the boot or shoe, affording acomtiletetin.tecti'iPtoit. and renderi-c the effort* of the most stamper .Ineffectual to kick or wear It ''w'e present this Invention with the "nllest know'edpe of and fxperleeee li lisP<aettcal Utility Uavingncwfor nearly two year* been suSjecteti to the severest tests. It has, oy its own Intrinsic merits, actually surmounted every objection thit could trsslbly be brought agilnst IV as the ac 2.>rai)*nvioß Cervificates. whl: h are bat a f»lr av erage of taDoreds of others. wjliabanrtanUy &mob< rate. Wenav- no hc*U%uon in ur ng that the Met tills- 1 ipped Shoe la destined to entirely supercede, for Children and Youth. UiPoi'T »t;le: and we consider l*. a moderate th«tone pslr cf the Uetaillc Tips will outwetf two to three na!r<or the old style, making a saving of ceartytwo4hlrdalntheexpenseof ahoed. filr&sre. W *Ds\VORTII i WEvLS, of Chicago. Have been appointed Agents foi th;sile cfthe Boots and Shoes, anl atj authotlz«.d tj dispose t>f lown and •Ooantar Ri.Kt*. «.ommu-lcat!ons addressed t) them or the will rccd»e proper attention. CHArK McSINNEV A CO^ 46 ASO st.. Boston. Mass. N. B.—'This Invention Is a complete protection lrom the cutting of t. e PrAlrl* brasses. ».dis especially adai t edto Miners' oje.axid all occupations whico pa bcnlariy exp"*e the toe of the boit or shoe to beit.gcatorwum.>-cgi THIRST GREAT CO;T SALE OF CLOCKS WATCHES, JEWELRV. Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, FANCY GOOD?, Ac, JAMES H. HOES, LAKE STREET 117 Wfll commence ftoa this da'e to Sell at COST far Thirty Days, his large and extensive stock of the above named gjods comprising everyth ns eon*aioed in a nR?T OLABS JiWELRY STORE. FOR CASH ONLY. The reason for so d"lag h to redace as as rcsj tie his iarpe stock before removing teracor.rly for a short time trattbes'-ere he now occupies may be re built In a sty'e aod manner beconnngi he great Mrporium Cty cf the West. <he pablie can now avail themselves of »n opportantty never be'ore offered of selecting )r<<m ttii« splendid stock of goods, such articles at they may desire at less urices than generally raid at auction sales, and nave atnnrb better opiortnnlty to inspect the goods and make •election*. tO~ The Ladles will to*, let this rare ©rportnalty pas without aecortng scnie of the beaatucl anic.ei compris ing mis stock. ~ ttemeabe-the place, No. 117 Lake street. Chlcaso. HI. &r3u3mb62o . JAMES H. llOtS. Silver-Plated Goods. SILVER-PLATED CASTORS IN GREAT variety, ftoooca. Fork*. Tea-acts. Gnblets. Ac. 1 far sale lower thin at any other h.\n« in the eity. A' JAEGER A CO.'d Prmcn China Baporinm. 103 Like street, between Qlark and Dearborn. JaS)-ly c3t Country Merchants I RE INVITEU TO EXAMINE OUR : l<«e sack of Crockery aad Glass-ware before t tnsSng their elsewhere, with the asniranee that our best endeavorawill be msde unmake it for their I advantage to parcbase stock att~e China Emporiam of i ; a. JAEoKK A CO~io3 Lake street.%etseen O'ark and j Dearborn. • iaSO-l»-cM 1 New and Attractive Goods. 1 TI7E RESPECTFULLY INVITB THE ~VV sttestionof theladiescf Chleva andthepubßc . lßgeneralto6oria'geandoo , no*W«»tockof fLaerrerjch » China, fine Cut Bohemlaji Glass Wire. Crockery Ware. c Britanla Ware, As.* Ae .as we are satlafied tae Quality t aod low trices of cur goods are euah as to give the bat satisfaction wall A.JAJCUEit A VO„ 130 Like street be j tweenOlarkaadPearb'Kn Ja^-ly-cM Pine China. ! "ITINE DECORATED ND RICHLY GILD P Una dectwated and richly rflded *e*BetL m.. Tciiet gets, deeorated Vases. MotM Otos, Colognes, Tete aTe>edeta.Cant Baskets. A&.<» every dMeription. and will be sold rery low as A. J AtSER A Lake at. jaao-li-c« ; ■w » fpHK UNDERSIGNED HAVE THE PLEA.- A. BURE of informlsg their e«tsmer« that they have 3 mnovedihelrstockofcrockrty.gtassaadchlnafromNo. 3 339 Lake street to thenewandeijKSnt stora No. 103 Lake sweft. where they will be tkankroltareceive acootlnu aactof the uoeral patroosgs heretofore bestowed npon them. A. A CO* 103 Lske gtreet between Ct»rk and Dearborn. js-*My-c34 - r< O AND VISIT THE FRENCH CHINA VX fcmorinmof A. JaEGER No, lO Lake . ateeefcbetweeo&arkapd Daartoor^ TTSIfOVAL. - REMOVED XVto if*. 9Lake street. r ,„ Urg <B>ooftg. SPBIHO OF 1869. Choice and Extensive Assortment 1 " Qf J FOREIGN GOODS ! ADAPTKD TO THE ENTIRE UNION, . Consisting of • PASCI AMD STAPLE SOKS, - BICE AHDMEDHJK DUSI7ABBICS, ' EIBBOK AMD TBIKKIHOB, ' SHAWM AND KABIILLU, WHITE GOODS ud ' EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, ftc., ±c., 4a, Now on XxhlbUlsn at cur waOXJOB&UI VABIBOOaB, J 55 Chambers & 33 Reade-Sts, EDWARD LAMBERT & CO. j TERMS: Six Hoirba for BinkPaper, payable In cor- a rant tends on the dsy of maturity in (he e ; ty of New *ott la2»tl«Sw gIRG A I X 8 IN SILKS —AM>— WINTER DRESS GOODS! i i T. B. CARTER & CO., 0 Will offer the balance of their rtoek of ... « fi ELEGANT SILKS £ B r At a Great Redaction from former Prices and ® WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. They win also tire treat bargains la all kinds of ® WINTER DRESS GOODS, H u >liawls ana Cloaks, i EMBROIDERIES, AndotherGoodi which they aro desirous of dosing ccl before taking an Inventory. g TERMS O-A-SUI C T. !$. Carter & Co., * 130 Lake Street 136 f Oaff bJG3 lml W PRICES W I N.— 2 PEAKB, MARSH & EeLONG, SO.Lako Street. | Our policy of small expenses, and stsndcrd Goods at low prices to men who par, having carred us rareess failythrcushtimesof panic, we shaV still adaere to It. e are determlaed to offer Irresistible ladacemcn's to pood men. and shall offer at *VHOLE4AL£ throughout the season, a very foil Pp:lng stack of the very best aaiesof . .. STAPLE DRY GOODS, HOSIERY ASP NOTION 3. At the Terv Lowest Prices that close baying and exr>eo9«s will admit ct -Tooarcoatimerjwlio tarwoor wayof dningbusiness « In the p svthlj aoucels :siary»hat wa solicit ts« ° attmuonof alljcoodmen who "loot around." tor the ad* « of the m&rjcet. aad have something tc ore than ' pfomlaes to peyfor goods j*l9 effl4m 78 - - Lake Street, - - 78 TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES. LAOES, NEW STYLE SKIRTS \ C O R S"E T B, UNDER GARMENTS^ GLOVES. AND HOSIERY, KID GLOVES, , WOOLEN GOODS, 1 BEBLIN WOOLS, And a General Stock of [ SHALL WABBS Ke:t OanstanUy on hind and for safe Wholesale and Retail, 1 78 Lake Street. t itfo A. OBAYM. dote at. AUdmonJ " GREAT BARGAINS ; -LI- ( BEY GOODS ! , FUEEUJIAX, & CO,, ' 135 Lake Street 135 j Offer from this date fir the 6a*.aace of the Seuon. their 1 Entire Stock, consisting of J RICH DRESS SILKS, J MEUI N O 8 , —A«TV— I ILL KISDS OF WINTER DRESS GOODS. 1 CLOAKS, SHAWLS, { EABKOIDERIC.S * WOOLEN HOSIEBIES, | TBinniMGS, RIBBOifS, \ andOULLIKERY i At Less than Nm York Cost, . With a view tocloeethemoatand make room for our i Heavy Spring Purchases! nSEDULf, eOODKUIi) fc co n | 13ft LAKE KTHEKT.... 135. jal3 bS6I . | • ISSS - • - - Fail ud Winter. - - - - 1858. OOOLEV, FiKWELL A CO., (Soocesson to Oooley. Wadsworth A OoJ URF GOODS JOBBERS, «J.4S * 46 Wsbaah Amaa ' Are now receiving a fall assortment of DRY GOODS, TA2TKEE SOTIOITS, ETC., STC. t foa THX FALL AND WINTKB TRADE. SMALL PROFITS AMD PROBOPT PAT WUI be onrmotto. and all dealers, partlcnlariy cash and short time trade, will Arm it to their tnurett to oar erteadve and attractire stock before nnrchain* elso- WhCre. mhs43o*-wlr. tJitiJUicss Cards. JOHN G. SOGERS AT LAW, 100 RANDOLPH STREET IQO j*2i Im-c53 Nos. 6 and 8. second floor. Ch'cam. 111. BLAOSWELL & COMfISZ9O A TTORNIES AKD COUNSELLORS AT tL LAW. 8J Sooth Clark street. °moOAM (ha Ooort Boose, Ohteago. Illinois. Will pracUcela th« federal asdStaieCM-tsof lUnola. ana in theSa^remOoart • of the United £tate*. JtoaatTtt. BLtogwtti, [delTl 6ow»W Owniisß. W OOODWXH LARHCD A. GOODWIN- ArruHNEYS AND COUNSELLORS— Offlce Nol 97 street. Lar- • ison'a Block. Chisago. Illinois, bTapgpi a. ooopwm py. auuiD paj*l»o<?pwct. ja. GOOKINS THOZOAS k.' HOBEHT3- ATTORNETS AT LAW, 79 AND 81 Dearbora Street. Chicago. Dlinols. ool> b63l to 9 OSAZS A 880. - Clara Street ZX. Dealers in paper hangings,— PAPSS HANSEK& Ac. Honse, SUaaad anada Painter* oca bIU-<n BASS i MULVEY A TTORNETS AND COUNSELLORS AT CiL LAW. No. 47 CUxk street. Chicago. routissaAsi. • odbiHy jpyirsactrtr. STEELE k ULET Attorneys at law, ss dearborn stkmt. Chicago. Boom No. 3. WaDtar*aßo!Mln*.... P. O. Boz4ST7. H. J. S. aiLKT. . JOBS A. BAOSS Attorney and solicitor and united states Toiociaaiosza. P. & ManhaTs Eooo. OS Lake CRAIFFOBD, 83ABP * CO^ F PORTERS AND DiCILERSIN CROCK KRV. GiiS» add China, T*ti!e Cat!«T, Looking (.k»iai*s,C«u!ori*nd Britanai* Vare 1 5'o.lSlAkestreev | c*go, HI. ' 'OihS'SMf r fI.EiL LAXXZVt WHOLESALE PAPER WAREHOUSE, 49 SOUTH WATER STHHBT, ' Areßov Teeetrlnglhetr winter itoek of Rnenoss aad eastern Book Papers, which iheroffvak towpneaa. 2 slsa and ftest gaafltr. otfAICl . VUIcOAJI fODHBAT. > OLUiTOIf STREET. tBTWBBM rDLTOX • U and OarroU. Ohlcayi iH [ EEixr witsniaioii. Manafactgrer of Btadonanr apt Portable BUaa Eaglnea Machinery an 4 8511 Oeailoju made toorder fed lecatrtngpreaailyat' tended to. feM4y EDWARD S. AflATj A TTOEMBI AITD OOUHSBLLOR AT LAW BO n BOOTH GLARE ffTEEET. ' OcportteOosrt - Chicago. J ar3-lj-&74 1 SPIES fc BUHTJ . QODNSSLL o_B S AT LAW ' 80. T> GHEBTNUC, BORXH BIPE. e Between Third aadJwih street BLLoda. Ma. i. mtMr. 6. Is s otanr. Public and Ooarnlsrioasr «l a Deeds for erery Stale In the Dnion. a References In ChJcafo-tetoPfcltow A fceara. wntaica trae. OeMf'TlSß] catTa c. atnw... I . STEEU MIXED SATINKni]. - v, -q ,i v.^ i av&;^. 5 1A TONS BICILY J SnMAO, JOB BALK IU to lAWm TAIGI A.OOI iUM jfurnilurt, &c. | FOB FOENITURE j (UUOI j J. E. & H. A". Parsons, 3 ITI....ttANDCftPH STREET....Itt " 1 hey are selling their Goods A.T COST WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE. dcSßmteaa • Furniture! Furniture!! WaOIESALE AMI kktail NEW YORK # BUXTON PRICES. Tim WOMXB CHOVZIB ' SO p«r Oent EUred in tho | Shearer, Paine & Strong, ! tlavina Removed to 1 JONES' NEW IRON FRONT STORE, j UO. 203 RANDOLPH ST.. Are now prepared to exhibit to their eld easterner*, and ' . tothe public generally. j The &Hrn&at and Best Ajusurtetl 1 STOCK OF FURMTUKE i WEST OF NEW YORK, | WUeh they have reeently received, and are now on ea* ing, ccnsisting tn part of Hohoguy, KiMWMd And Walnut PARLOR FURNITURE. In Brocateila.- DeLaiae. Plash and Hair Cloth. Knamelled, Oak, Chestnut, Xohogany k BeaeVd CHAMBER SETTS, Of New and Decant Deslgnes, from the best Manufacts 1 rise In Boston. Mew-York and Philadelt hia I . . . - —ALfeO— { an Extensive variety of Mohogany. Walnnt and Rose' < woodTeta a.Tetea, Easy CnalrsTParlor Chairs, Laaj 1 Rocking Chain, dewing Chair* Divans, Oonches and Louncea.J£tageraa. Marble-top Centre and Pier Tables, 1 Bureaus and Bdebeards.' Patent 9pris« Serfs. Cor'.aS 1 Hak-; OoOoawsd H«k. Palm and txceiswr UaSressea. I Fine Rnsh deat Chairs, Carved Oak Extension Tabirt. 1 OakDinlngCbair«.CaneßeaSCbalnoreverydc«erTptic>9. i —ALSO— j DINING ROOM AND COMMON FURNITURE, i ZH GREAT VARIETY. ' Qoodi Kanutictired Here To Ordai Out of tb» BEST MATERTAT.H. j M Wa are constantly reealvlnx from SHEARER A JONH. New York, and BHEiRER A PAIMC BcsUin. Qfass. , factnren.) the . . J LATEST PATTEBWB j Ajrn 1 Most Approveti Styles of Goods, \ Which will make It a mat Indnermen to thoee 1 FTKVKSBLN6 HOTELS iND HOUSE? 1 To exaolne our Stock before sending Ea*t. ' Wo parties VISITING THE CITY Fo° ' '£ PURCHASE OF FDRHITCRiI anocld fall to 'vmlr-e 1 OUR MAMMOTH .iTOCK j Before Mak ng their Parch-.- - s j To the Public at X*ire We are prepared to r«»ve that Farnltu.- -very Grade, from the Kitchen to tbe Pa--<i, Will oe Furnished from Our litabhdim*>ni at ] Prices Lower than any Hoose is tbe West. 9HEAKER, PAINE de STBi.X. 1 , , 203 RANDOLPH STREET 2D3 ! IselabTSl ' j O- morgan, 1 190 - - - - Z*aka Street, - - • - 1 Msw and BeaatUol ueslgni j LATESTaIYL&S of i Sasewaed, flahagaay astf WaJul Fari«r. 1 -AK>- j BSDROOn rUHNITUHB, , IN SUITS. ; fherabserloerls now receiving LARGf ADDITIOKAL ' SUPPLIES tn his former • Kammoth Btock of Cabinet Farmtura * Chairs 1 As the Stock Is now Complete and Fall, and the Largest to be found West of Hew Tory. : Ha would cordially invite the attention of his forms Vends and patrons, and the public sen erally to call and examine Klejcant F*umitxire Befere purehaslng elsewhere. Selling at Greatly Reduced Prices fro aa Last Season. CHICAGO. AUGUST Hvb. W3. sCQ.|y BABCOCK A PEEK, (Successors to Wlllard. Teek A Co.) 17L ....HANDOLPH-ST 171. Hahoginy, Rosewood 1 Wain at, CHAMBER, OINING~ A MOM AND COMMON rußNZTuaa In Great Variety. WOOD SEAT ANOCANR SEAT CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS. BUOEAU& attentloo paid to GoanW Orders, and to Furnishing Hotels. Ac sel6i9HMy Improve Your Eyesight. 97...0LABESTBSBT ROOM 2,UP STAIBS...r CHICAGO. ILL mHE OELEBRATED RUSSIA ROCB l_ CRYSTAL AND BRAZILIAN PEBBLE BPECTA CLES. for long or short-slxhted persons, from 10 to K years of age. and for weak, sore or inflamed eyes, e*ta> rrcti. cross ares, are tor sale at 37 Sooth Clark atreet. Reomßfo. a bp stain. - Also all ktnds of Optical Instru ments andAitlfldal Eyes kept on hand Persons residing al a distance Ttqnlrtax Bpectaclea. Eye Glaws,- etc.. can be exactly suited according t« their condltlcn of right, and toppll*d with them by mall or express, safely and qoiekty. by sending correct and d'stlnct answers to the lollowusg caestlons Ist. Stateyour age, state of h;altii and occnpation. 3d. Btue if alaases are wanted for reading writing, etc, or for looking at dlstsnt object*. 3d. State tbe exact nombesr of Inches roa hold a book In readln*. with or wlthoot gliuaes. plainly a id clearly. Tbe price of my Impr veJ Soeetaotes aad Eye GUuses are as followg: Best Pebb e. or Crystal GUucs. m gold bows, *l3, *lO and Best glasses In rf.ver bows. H $3 and Si. Best glasses In steel b jws. SI. al 12 and 9L either of the above sums with four postage lumps, lnareelsteredlet'er. and you will receive by re turn ma: I. or by expres iryoan~eferlt,thequalityaad kind of glasses paid .or. and thj best adapted to jour ** > X' DILL. K. ROSKTBERG. lat-la* Is Practical Optician \nd Oeull**. CHICAGO MILL-FURNISHING DEPOT. T. W. Baxter & Co., xAstmoremxa oy M S OF ALL QUARRIES, -A«>- C. W. Brown's Patent Portable ITouriny ami Grist »llillß, And Dealers in dutch anssb boltiho cloths, Bmnt Hills and Separators, Beparators for Waxekonies, Beltings of all sinda, Screws and Bails, Bran Dnstsrc, Packs, Prool SUifb, 4c, FAJPBANKS' SCALES, —AX^- MIII Fnrnishin? Generally* Flam, Specifications aad Ztiitnalu fnrnixhtd trie* desired, and theconitrvetion of Steam and Water MUU contracted for entire, STB AM ENGINES, BOILEBS, -ecO. The gabveriben having oHatetd the arsney for the sale of BUaa aagioea aad hoflera. from the BaaaDuUry of €tilding, Sagley k SeweD, OF WATERTOWN. N. T.. wocld Invite the attention ef parehaaen to their sop erior merits of style, wnrtmasshfp and powers, also t*elr very lowprieet. ThefoDowlDgJf allstof priceaor Engine and Boiler, together w»tb Heate*. Water and gteaa Pipes. Ooeks, Varres. Arch Oatpny aa4 Grates, oomplete aad ready fbr delivered tn Cmeago: S hone power *3O) 30 hone power <l2O 8 *• " 675 IS " l.» 0 ia - •• »5 ao •• •* i-o.a i - - aoo s - - iw 16 " ** 11U0 40 " " 2JIW as 4 la Ske proportion for laner sixes as repaired- Every U famished with JUDSON'S PATENT GOVERNOR VALVE ForFtoarMUb. We confidently recommend them as «n- 1 perior to any other style of Xxgise, and they will Save Cram 25 to 50 jter east, in Tnel Over the csnal elaaof Boilers in use ai the West. We stall keep an aanrtmsnt of slses at oar estab iwhrnmt waere ihey m«r 50 exaoUced aad the necessary nt^ r^tn t toam. Competent men wJL if desired, be furnished ti set op and start Engines In any pirtofthoooontry. We will also supply WATER WHEELS, S HAT TING, GEARING, AO* Al eery to* JVtwag. T. W. BAXTER & CO., Um Famishing Depot. West Water streeC between Rao» dolpb and Madison. Chicago. yp. q Addresa. Box laS4a-bgg , BAGS I BAGS ! I BAGS! 1- rAjawjoiiiys STKifl BAG HL\tTAPFO*T, A 44 A 44 Wabaah avenue. Chisago. BAGS AND RACKS of every descrlptlaa (knlsbedoa short sotlce. and printed with IIW AJIO BSACTIPrL BUAJIDK DMIOH FASWELL. - OIL OF COGNAC. OIL OF COGNAC. OIL OF COGNAC. , ounces oy Green, White and Yellow • OIL COGNAC, »; - Fog sataby FWfwpw »pp. . "T7INKQARI—GENUINE NEW JERSET B V MRr IbMt Dnorfji* U iake stmt. £cgoi OTrfE OF ILLINOIS,COUNTY OF COOK, i' tH —Cook Ootmty Coart ef Coaaoa fleas, Asrtt I Term. A. D . 18tt J Haines H. Mace, aad Mwin BTackmaa lx a eotar of the < last Wlu and Testament ef John HJch. Jr. deceased, vs. Payette U Kobtnsoo—la Chancery. Aflklavli ef the own residence of Payetu* L. Robtasoo, defend lot above baru been died m the office of the tiers ef said Cook Coooty Coart of Oommon Hesa Notice is hereby *o the said Psyette L. BoWrson i thai the complainant> filed their bill of compUlnt la laid i coortoa the chascery sde thereof, on thsSlst day of De> { ermber. and tuat a ssTrmons thereupon tseeed < out o> said cour* atvost said defendaa'a returnable oa i Monday of JAumry next. GaM), aa of lav cnle*s joa.the ssJdPiyftte L» shaD te*. ) soaaHy beani appear before salt Ce«*a Co. OeurtefOem- ! man FeasofOo* coant*. on the first day or the term thereof, to be keldei ■* Chlcace cm the first xondiy of ar nl. 1459. aid pieed. answer or demtar to th- said enmp'xteas'** bill ef eomplaiavit, the same ■ and the Baceta and thloßs •bere'a eharited and stated 5 *ul be takea as er,aftsse>j.and a decree entered aiainat ■ yoa according to thj grayer or ssltW L , «.v » WALTkR fUMBALU Clerk. J Mather. Taft A Bias. Cjtapt'isH&rrs. QTATE OF ILLINOIS —COUNTY OF S O Cook—®. Cook n*nnty Couii of Commoa pleas, i Febaary Term. A. D. 1569. i Pstrtek Hbsfcs v*. ; am Welch. William Welsh 2d. DsolelMun)htaa<*JeremiahA.ifcla»elLL In Chancerr. Affidavit of the non-resklr-ee of Jeremiah A Klnsrlla t and Daniel Marphv. defsnd-inte above named, havtna been filed In the otflce of the clerk of said crok Coanty C art of Common picas, notice is hereby idmto the ® saldierem ah A.BJn»ciU ana Daniel complalna&t filed hi' bilof compUlnt lo saidCoart. oo * the Chancery side thrreot on the twenty-third day of f April lso7, and that a summons has ssaed oat of —n l Coart said defendants, retornable on the first s Mood *y of Fsbaary next, ia5S». as is by law required. 1 Now. tmless yoa. the said Jeremiah A. tUneella 1 ana Daniel Mvsby shall oersonaby be and appear before said Cook County Court of Common Pleas of a Cook county. on~Qe flrsf'day of the nest term 1 thcreottobe bolden at Chlrato. ia said the 1 first Mordar of Febuary. 1559. and plead, answer or de- c martotbes\ldeomplalnaarsDlUofcojnx>talnt. the came 1 and the matters aad thlnxs therein charaed and stated < win be taken as confessed, aad a decree entered a«talnst \ you acjordln* to the prayer of said WJI. * W. KIMBALL, Gerk. * G-illoT * Hitchcock. Comal'ti Sol'i*. t OTATE OF ILLINOIS. COOK COUNTY. \ kD 88—Cook County Circuit Court - February Special a Term. A. i>. U6*, J Hour MUwardvs. C. D. Calbertsoo A Co. t Public ncUce is hereby idven to the said 0. D. Colbert son A Go that a writ or attachment bsced oat of the on ce of the C*erk of the Cook Oot&tty Circuit Couir. dated the tenth day ef Jaca<n. a. D. ls£9, at the | snliof tne said iiea-y MUward. ana acalast the estate i Puloeit«oa A 00, for the sum of one » hoc dred aad elshtef« d>i<ars. directed to the tibertff i of Oock Coanty. which said wrAU*s beenret&raedexe coted. Now, therefore, a-lestyoa. the said 0. D Colbert son A f Co. shall personally be and appear before the said Cook . Coanty Clkoj t Coo. t. oo or before the day of the next , etxclil term thereof to be bolden at the Coart Uoase. b 1 the dt» on the secoad Monday of Feb- , *uary. n. l£i. tive spedal bail, aad plead to the . saldplaictUTs ludxmeat will be entered sraisst <; ynn and In favor of the ?aM Henry MUward- and so £ mach ef tne prei>erty attached as may be to ■. sy'sfytne said wd<meat aad eoeu, will be sold to satisfy : iaun. _ WiL L. CUL'SCU cifrk. ! H. O.TIS P!ff*lAtr?. - .i.l»4wc4 I STATi. OF ILUNuIS COU.NT* OF « COOS—Si.—Cook County Court ef Common Pleas. . January Term. 1553. • , Orrln 3h» man v*. Geonce UL Ccflla. . PabUe Notice is hereby given to the said Georfe ' U. Co2in thatavrlt of Attachment leaned out of the oßce of the Clerk of the Cook Coanty Coart of Commaa Pleae d*ted the first dav ot December. A D. 18M. at the salt of tbe sa«d Orria huennaa and ■H"' 1 the estate ef the s»ld Georxe 51 Collin Tcr the sum of Three Hun dred Dollars, directed te the Sheriff of Cook Oooniy. S which said wnt tua been returned execnted c Now. t erefore. unless yoa. the said Georte M. . shall personally be and appear before the s\U Cook County Court of commna "lesson or before the first , day bf the thereof to b- bolden at the Cvurt , llou«e. In :Le citv of Chicago, on the first Monday of . Janaaiy. A. D. clve special bail, and plead to the J Mid plaintiff's action, judgment will be entered axalnst 1 you. and la favor of tue raid Orrio Sherman, and so , tsnch of th e prvperty attached as may be sufficient to to satisfy thesaldjudianeot und co«a. srili be sold to sat. ; lafy tbe sane. ER KIMBALI, Clerk. f acaJotd. Porter k Jooes. Flt'g* Att'ys degbSMiiw KECEiVER'd SALE.-STATE OK ILLI i n >•, Cook County. ?S.- Cook C u-ty Court of J » OfLmon P eas—C!.!c«;\ Jsnua-s ' 166?. • Ktmb* Ivi mke conistock. «*ai:tnT.Hecox. \ Kdwu-J L. «ouistcc*.—la Chine-rt. : Punlic is hereby k lveu. that I. L. Ci Talne Freer. 1 as Receiver. atnoiLteil hy the Court In the above entitled , cause. wilL oa ue s »t«?-ath «-f FetruarT. A. D. laU'. at the north door of tbe Court House of the Count* of ; Coot, la trie city of Chlce*a. at ten o'clock In the Core noooofnald day. sell at Publ.c Auction totheblxhest j blider, fjr casi. aieraln » oad m the renalty cf ten , th ii«.nil Uodars rxecu'ed by Wa-retx T lleeex, as ! Oilc *to iu»e Ccm« o>.k as ub Ices. r»c:tlo< that th? , ob,l'< r 1* Indebted to the oblUee in tue sum of five thou- ' sand dollars, i art ot the - u;cba«- money of tue Real k'e. We te e-atftcr drscrljid. ard conaltloned for the ra/. 1 meat of said sm ol fl/e thiusind d- l:ar«. to Reward L } Corns ocli. sou of <eld Luke Coautock, upon bis becom- ! tig cf a-v. *nd t.e lnt-re«t oa Bond payable to snid i lu'e C-'DsWck. at the rate of ebhtper ctt per annum 1 »n-.u*uy oaUiei h day if F-brnvy la each y««r, uubl J th^sa : d Uo-dmam et w.. eh wl'l be oa the dStb day of 1 Feoiuarv. A.D. H'l. sail Bond secured by a Deed of Tr.s*. which, rfi'h i he sal i Bood. b**r date February a: b. iw ei -ute-l by said Warren T. llecox. and ra mas to sai l urzeaith.A. «ysk 00. d ronreyins to said Wjn kcop all itatp«rtof irtthreeCd', tu B'ock ne aid forty-une <141). In th* School Section Addition to CM*-uo, c«'amri.c ne on th-» northwest eo.oer ef sat I * let three «3). runmr-ij t'jence ica h on tbe *est fine > I ] said lot Q« bun 'ted elf ty alee ferttn an alley, e:ist iljrp i «1J alley thirty three feet, theaeeicrthparal lel w;th ihe Wt*r"tLe to iloaroe r..eet. thence wt*t aloni th -• south Rn« of Monroe street thtrty.three fedt. ti the p ace of brclnnta*. d Deed recltlax the cond. i»ni of the liocd subs'antialiv. end containlas a P'w-r of cale. L. C. fAI.NB tfftKK-t. hesrlver. * STATE OF ILLUNoiS, COOK COUNTY, j 83.—Circuit Coart of Cook Coanty. January Spec la i Term. A. D- lfty < William McColl?. John T. McCtxlly. and Mark W. Watson. < Vi Uerxe It Hoyt. i PuollcNotlcelshsrebyidventotbe** - - Geertel, Hoyt i that a writ of at' c neat Issued out efthe office of the 1 Clerk of tne Circuit four* of Ooek Coasty dated the elirtt tec nth oar of December. A. D. I*so. at the suit of tbe said ] William M'Callj. John t, McCulty and Mark W. Watson i and ajKiiist the estate of tbe said tieo. B Hoyt for the sum of two hanitretf -nJ dodan aud twenty three ( certA, 01.-tfcted to the tfteriff of Cook County, wluch said i writ has been returned executed. Now. therefore, unices i yott.thcsildGeo**e K. Ho»t shall personally be and ap- 1 pearbeforeihesaldClrcuilCourto'CookCouotyonorbe < toreue Drstda> of the next s.ecLal term tbareoL to be i boldea at the .ourt llouse in tbe city of Chicago, on tbe first Moudir ot January A. D. l-if, ylve aiwcial ball. < and plead to t .c >ald plaintiffs' action, iudement will be entered * oa. and In >avor of tre said WlUam kicUudy. John F. McCuily an 1 Mark W. Wate n. aod so sfy th<- tala ladianeat andcosta will b# sold to satisfy the same. WILL'AM L. CHUttUH, Clera. Cornell Walte A Jimesou. P: J'* Att'js deiJ be6J nCd S~ TATE OF ILLINOIS,COOK COUNTY:SS. Oirrnit Court of Cook County. February Special Term A. o.ta6->. Myron Ycaas and John O'Bryan. Conservators, eta. vs Mary Cued. Basal A litis. Isaac Bo is. Esther Van Warner and Jafin Van Waaen-r. ol the n"n rrsi l-nce of M *ry Du*lL Bus D A Bols. Isaac Boli Van and Jobs V« Wegener, defendants abov named, bavin* filed In the office tii the Clerk ot sild Circuit Court of Cook County notice is herehy riven to tbe said refendan's that said compl*in*nufil»»d their bill of compia ot in said Court on the Chancery «Ule thereot on the f. urth <Uy of Jana ber K'.". *"u that a summnnsi hereupon Issued nut of said Court agilnht s-ud de'endantm returnable on the second Monday of February "ieX". aa Is by law required. ( Now. unlessyou. 'he *ald Mary ' uel>. -csm A. Bohu . Isaac B'-ls. Vv* Wazeter *.ad Jo-.n V»a Waaentr shall leraosady be aad at> esaldClicul Coartof Oook Co.. on the first day of tbe mxt special term thereot, i tobeholdeoat hicaeo. In said Cou-.ty. on tiie wcoad Moadayo February. l'SSl'. aad j lead, amweror demur j to the said complainant* bill of complaint, the same and I the cutters and therein charzed and stated will be taken as conf a decree entered acalnst yoo. aecoruiaii to tte prayer of said bilL • W\L L.CHURCQ. Clerk. Lay A Grexorr. Comol'ta Bol'r. i«4 t»fi6 30d E" STaTE OL'' GKAHA* MARR l^E-. cease-'. Public notice is hereby eW'n to all per- I so. s baviQK claims and demands asa oat the estate cf i i- rabam M*rr deceased. toprts<ot the same for ad<adl settlement at a resular >rrm o' tbe Countr Coa-t of (*oo% Coan'.j. to be itolden at the o*urt House In the City .f Chl;sm. oo the Monday of March. A, D. b&Ljt iLe lev nth day thereof. LC JIK M\RR, Executrix of the last WUI aad Testament of Marrdec'd. Hvli.lL Macdxr. a seat. Bltels'aoJ. Jariatryll'h. 1.H59. jaUaw* A | oKTG AU E SALE.—Notice IS It 1 hereby Kiven that deika th <vtn« been made is the pavmeut of a certain Prom Lory Note secured In aaa by a certain m >ruure. made and execote<l by Alfred r. Wuna. beario*datel7ih -'ay of AJrtL W, ani recorded In the office of the Recorder of Deeds for the Coanty of Ctok. of LllnoU In Bo k 34 if Mjnxa«e» kt Geo. M. Gray, to serare the pavmentof a certainpronrsory note In «ald mrtcaee mentioned *'« which tu re will he dai oa the day of sale, (bladeel aad interest Vorty- Blx Cent* Now. therrfbre. I ■'.•all. by virtue of the power la said moitMice eo tamed, oa MONDAY, tee 14 h day of January. A D- U&. ai the Court House. In thedtyofCulCsto an>l County uf Cok, and Slate of Illlaoia at It) o'jto-;k A If. sell at pnbtis auction to the cixhrst bidd-r f-rc c>sa the followlan dsciibed lou or pieces of Uada. tose'her al. ruutaad of re demption, si u it.'d in tne c:t> of C lie wo. and Coanty of Co- k. and J* a*e of Illinois to wit: Tne one b«lf of two it, la Bloca foar fart Ueaxboru Ada.t;uu w Cuic<iio. G'O. M. GRAY. MorUat*. Cblcwao. Dec. »1.1«63- dcMlm-baa Tbe ab-ve s«le In until February 4th. 1&59, atihesam.*t.meandi>l>cs- GEO. %f. GRAY. Uertcscee. Clilcwo. Jaaaa.y ;34. la.». • c» Tbt abov*sileb postponed Uitll Fibruary Blh. 1W). atthe satne time and p.ace _ GEO. M. GBAT. fhicaxo. February Ist la&J. felcli. td SI AtE OF ILLINOIS—OOOK COUNTY. Circuit Court of Oook Oounty.—Jssaarr Special Term, A. D. Itis'. 1 Jerman 3. Keator and Porter flklnner vs. Andrew J. U hereby ctrea to the said Andrew J. Fhcrt, that a writ of attachment iasaedou: of the office of the Clerk ofClrcoit Court o> oek Coast? dated the foarth day ct December. A D. at -h' suit of tbe saltf Jermaa, & Keatoraad Pjrter Skldoer aad aaatnst the estate f the said audiew J. Short lor the som, of Three Then ea n d Dollars ulrectol to the Sheril of Cook County, which satd writ has «a returned executed. Now, a i erefore cale a yoa. the said Andrew j. abort personally be and ppea> be or-- the said Circuit I'ouitof Cooke-">uatj uq or before the first J >y of thaoott Bperial Te'm thereor obe bolden at the Cour Hoa* tneU.tyofChicu .ontb first M'-ndiycf January. A- D. cive special baLU aad plead ta the said plaintll s aetlonMdjrmestwillb!>entereaaxal styotrand nkwr of the said Jerman & Keator and Porter Skliraer. and eo modi at the prove it* euached ae mar be aaffident to saUxtrtte said lodcsestandwnteotdtos -usfy the same. WW. L CHURCH. C erk. Cornell. WalteA Jameson. PITHs Att'ya. deabß&iOd Master's sale.—state of illi no's. C->ok Ooafity. Circuit Court er Cook Go. —in Chancery Bena»ttP> Chambers va. Jim<s Mlchle. Public no-'lce Is hereby aiven that la pursaance of a Decretal OrdfT eatered la the above entl'led cause, oa the foiutee*th day of January. A D. IC®. L L. C. ?alue Pre«r. Master In Chaoc«rF of Cook Countr, btate of lir.noLs. will on the twelfth of February. A. D„ iS'9 st t-n o'dock la the forenoon of said day. at*pablie aaeilon. to tae hlsbeet bidder, 'or at the North door ol the Coart tiousew ot tte Co ant* of Cook, la the wily «f CWca«, all .hs fftifowlnxdeicrHcd parcel rf real e/e'e k>wH: Tbe west fractloi of the rorih wvst and s uth-we»t'aaart«apfsection N U?>> n tuwnshlp thirty-eUhtCft). ras«etwelveili> east-or the third principal meridl in. in Cook county, containtni oce hundred and twenty-three acres more or lea. L. «. PAIN* FRISER. 4 Master In Chancery. Cook count*. Chieago. Jin, gfth. law. laai ctstd STATE OF ILLINOIS—COOK COUNTY, 8. &—Cook Ooo*»ty Ooart of Common Kea»—Feb tuary Term. A IX. I$&. _ . _ . .. WIIIIMI e. D»«t Uenrr O Bwstt and D. HobKt Randolph j/easm«re, Mraey u. JPycxmaa andEuwia weoaaorfr-Attac&meat. , , . Pah lie Notice is hereby tvea to the said Ranlalpb Densmore. b*rn?y tt Dycaaan aod ««wtc nensß^e. o* Attachment issued eat ef the offloe ef the gerk of the Co»k Coanty Courto Cocunon Pte-s, dated e day of December, A- a atthesalt o tbe said Wm K Dorsett, Henry D. Bass-tt Hobart H»ila. aad aeauiMtae eetate ol a*ndolpti UenamTir. Btir-ey M. and adwts i>et>smcre. for tne asm oi Three Hunlred and elxty-Seven Dollars anddeven'y Fourceote. directea to the Sheriff of Cook County, which said writ has been returned executed. now, therefore, unices yoa, the said Rtndaph D*a»- more tUiOey H. D-c-ma and Kdw.n Deosmoir, shaJ. personalty be aod aopear before the said Oook Coanty Coart of Coalman ele j. en or before the first day of toe next term thereof, to be boldsa at tbe Ooart House, in the city of Uhieacn on the firat Monday of February. A. D. 1559- cive special balL and olead to the said plaintiff* action- iudrment will be entered acalnst yoa a'd In favor of the said William K. poxzett. Henry D. Baisett aod D. Hobari Hilla and so much of the prop erty aUache<l aa may be aaffioent to satis? the Mid jadxment and coats, will be told t-» ths same. WALTSB iLdBALU Clerk. Q.TttryA lIfTCTCOCC PUf's Atry. ' »at*-4w-o TTIXECUTOR'S NOTICE—OOUNTY ri COURT OP COOK COUNTY—In ibe matter of the Estate of George Coomt>\ deceased. All persons ha via s claim* an£a*tthe estate of ueo tne Ooombe, deceaeed. late of Cook coanty; are nooaei and requested to atteod at a term of the Coanty Court of Cook County to be held at tbe Court Bouse In the dty of Chi cago oq yie flrst Monday of Febraarr next, at ten o'clock tn the forenoon, tor the parrose of havta* the saaa ad lusted—tbe executor and executrix of the last wUh and tt.ww.l of tald Geerte Coombe. deceaeed. havlsa fixed on th%t term for settling aud adjusting all claims acalnst ' tald daeelsed. JANX OOOMBAKxecutrix. Oflaet wQI and testamyit of Georxe Oootab*. deoeaeed. d»i»trf.i>;ff \ NuTiCE.-OoU^ f\. tt Court of Cook Ccunty. ' laihematttrof the Jacob Fredrick, ' At> persons haviaj claims aoakat tbe estue of Jacob Trednek. deceaaK>. late of C >ok County, are notified and . requested to at a term of the County Comt of ycok' County, to be held at the Court House la the city of Col eaco. oq ibe first Mood »y oif it arch ues*. at ten owAjp _ thoftvenoon. , the admln'stratztx of said estate- tavlnt hxed oa «at; aasft isaata;* Ctgal CJTATE OrnilNOlS, COUNTY or COOK, C%t—flaok (Tout? Ooart of Common Plea* February T*n* 180. SjlvMtrt tod. Sa®uel9. Sliter, Ix*o«i»Qr» «a4" , watees of SarSee. t deeeieed, vs. Jcseptk WlVe, »«idor Ana Wilde, hlawie. Ma<y Ana Barber, Ltov Buber. uerrtft Barter. iharies T. Sell, anu Biiaa.BaiL his wi ft—la Vhanco*J. Affidavit of the boi* reddene« of Vary Ana Berber. *acy Barbe', Harriet Barber. CharlM Y. Beu. aod an«% Bell, ha wife, partoftbe defendants above named, havine beta AIM 1a tap offoe of the Ctarfcof said Oook Geaatv OoortofCtmioonPleaa. Notice Is berebv xiveo to Uie said mitt Axt Barber, Lacy Barber. Hanlet Barber. Castles Y.Bell, end j£js% B*K tale wlii, Umthe owapiainucn filed their bill of complaint In the Mid Coart, on ute Chae cwtv side tbweotoo tbe 2«i day of Jann <r?. ltt&and that a iob aooa thereupon lsaned oat o< Mid Coart aca!art Mid defendants, returnable en the flnl Hon daj ot A9IU am. A. D. 1263, as la by lav required. flow. unlese job. the said r**y Ann Barker. Lecy pvb">, Uanlet Barber. CftarttsT. B-li ant filsaKe.i, tit Wife, shall personally be and aooear before •aM Cook CoQttf Coßit of Cotaaua ftua, on thejlr* day ol the next term thereof to be bolden ®M d «•»»*»• on the b* Mood* of April. U69t and plead. answer or detour to tte Mid eeoptalnant's bill of oomplalat. the uot and the «*>■*- ten acd thlno therein charted and stated will betaken aa confeseed. and a decree entered acainst ton accord ing to the prayer of Aid bill. __ . WALTER KIMBALL, Clerk. Htfhy, Tat A King. Qrant'ts dol'w. (ti-iw cis rp BUST EE'S SALE.-"WHEREAS I Hxvlee G. Clarke and Mary 8.. his wife. cMhed'y of Cbleaco.Coat.ty of Co.»k. aodStue oMllno's. exe ra *■ to me as Tra»tee a de«d of tnut r,f the preoUes herelna'tir dase-ibe*. to secure' * e paymert of a ertala promissory note of hu-.dred and plsty Seven t»o'. lar-, therein rueotlvne t wljleb de"d oftr«stbeer* u.ts May fl.'lh,JL I) and is recorded In the Heco'dcr's ' &<*» ? r Wa'wortn county. a'd state of Wise»»sin. Id Bock.l of Moit{a«e% 4iu aal Hi: and vbueas. defrut b-a beer» cede la t..e u«>mcai of s«ld o-1<» aad appiicit oa htf beeo mad* t • mo b» the bolder of ■Aid note, to t'duid pretn ies. under sal-l d< ed <> ttuit. lor the D-rsors tnerrta vxpreesed. No» ih-refbr*. pawlc notlc* Is hereby given tuat I thuteeU *tiiuL:io aacucn. «t the North door of the C. art .-ouse In (he el'yef Chicago. In ta>d County «.d rti»te. toU»<) hlahnt h'da»r for c .ah. at ten o'clock iu fur«no -a. on »he NIMH DAY Ot «AKCtL A. D. i-ricJ. ih- «,rembes d<s Krib-d la Mid dred o; trasb to wtt:— rhe aadlvioed teotblrds (*() of t!ien>rth half the oribeett qa»rtcr Arctl.n twenty-nine i 2*) Town uunlnr ooeU.N rh Ha k* aambe-six em iln) e»s 1 or ibe oartb P !i Hp*l M., aad coattioiue if y ihreeaod one third i&jH> aerrs, be the nm - more or lets, ih<» tune belo* l»nd »«t a?art to Be Dt*nia ?. dm) < harlee O Gierke from theettueof the late nr. H*nrr Cl-ake. . VBAXUIB ». KGaiE3T„N. CnlcMo. Febiaary Sad. t<i3ot e!B3 STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK ea-Orcolt Govt of Cook Coonty. Karch Term. JameaWUjoa and Becjamla Kolditoa t*, Scbert Cama bin-In chaactrr. Afldana of the of Robert Cantaban. defeodaat abo?e nuatsl. aarlo* been tiled Id office of the Clerk of aald Clrfa't Court of Co k Coasty. Notice u hereby itren to the «ld Robert Cetnebaa tliu said compla'nanU filed their bill of complaint Id said Coart oa the Chancery aide thereof, on the ekventh d&y of Jasaary, I£S9, and that an a samioons thereupon nraed oat ef «*ld Ooart acainet s«ld deftmdanU. rv tureabteon the first Moaday of Manio aexu 149. mm by law required. Now.ttideMjoo. tcesuld K >eert ram*han shall penonatly be aod aouer before cald Clrcaft Coart of cook 00-Dtr, «o the tbereot to ce aoldeo at Ohica<o. lo said Coanifcoa tlie dm of March. 1559, an>l ple*d. ansver or do* mar to the Mid eomii-ala o' complilnt. the tame aad the ma ten and thimcaiherein char«ed and Mated aillbe Uk» >aa conTmed. and a decree entered acal&st yoa aceordlac to the prayer of said bill. _ „ »M. L CHUaCtt CI«rV Art' or W. Wladet. now"»'te g»rp ~ fel <r e134 %1/HERKAS. JUcIAU K. COLBUh*, OF I? Coe.< Co-ntT, lUlao s. la crd r t9 se> core'be p a ««r>ala aotam* 0 *■ d <lg-ed by him t?itetber w.t. one R->o-rt t Uu lap. fo< tb sura of thrre taoaaanddollars, D«-ce*b r t'h. pay •Me to Krastai bailey or urder. lo one je r !r n date, with Interest at ;ea pe~ c*ot. p«- dl t by a err. t*ln deed of tisst exeoxted b' Mm bea ln« »T«ndate wits urant. t>a-*a.o aad.oa.tyta 'h« under, sieaed UirAmK. >Uih.T. ol kfuie-ali. ce<t<la prcm'9e«desc!lbed la sal» deeJ of t.u*t a« o> ws vis: L't 'our (4> n blcck slttrvo of Carpente "a Ad dition to Jblciffo. *'th kheHeel inc boose a.d improve, m-nuth.'reoa." alluded la the cn* of CoU'ty of Cook: wh ch cee.l - f trast c otUoel a lower of »a.e >0 be toad • by sa'd Ta«t<»e on apoi'estlon of the le«-l b<"l ier of mid oteine*eeot d'autoi peymeot A d. where**, da aalt bren mtde i > p<)m->t ot the amount of principal neotio ea 'n >»ld onte a« w-ll as m pajtect of Inierrs* 4- c- the 4ib day of Decern her, I-ST, and tne raid *r«stus tae Icff U Bolderard oif er of <ald note, baa allied .0 Lhj to se.Uelatre> mlse : b hentry siren that li ponaaacn nf the p wor above referred to. »Ld la onler to r*Ue the axouotdae »ni to - due !ur iri .c . aI *cd Icterest na the cote auoTn me.tloDerl, u«ether wlihth-? e iu aod of advertisioe >n l 'eiUreln t'oruance of rai' p -wer. 1 ssall. < u Q.II'UnDAV. tue iw# fta day of Vebraary next, at 11 o c'<*ck In tte la mon of th t dor at the nonh fioct of the Coait aouie. la the Mid citr ot Cbljuo. oOer for a le ana »eU at puKlie aactmn t> the LUh'si hdder for cash tie ircmues de.ciioed above aid la «»ld deed • f trust, aad a>l the e4 It* of re*emi't!< n tf s-ld J. ji-h £ c'oibuni therein. Ad e>l m few *il- ba ttade to th-* porch teer by virtue 01 >aid uower of -ale. haiu deed of bus* duly acknowledged •til (>•• 'oucd in the • ecarder'a ••fflce :f Co >k Coantr, aodec d ite of Pec«n>> Btr ftkb 1945. to n00k..(301 De ds. l*»ite JW lilnAll V MAr ir.H. Iru*t«e Ur Bailey. Mtr.ica. Tirr M Kisa. MtorntTi. bated Janasry ais'. « HIANCLiiY >OliOiS-feTATLut iLLN O aots. Coanly of Cook 83.—Circuit Coart 01 Cook noanie April Term D. !•&>. FriDtlla K. Hrerorr Juno nit-n, Oroand Cotton. 51 sea hT. RkharrtUD, John H Hrvlßur*. Oro'fp K. klcbard»oa. nre ttarues. Jibes W. Ljutp. U*r veyd.'e&cer. Ed««rd <«aniter. Joua >Ve»tcr*.-1 andOrrtr d 11 A Noron Kmc Byroa U. New. eIL Rudolph gchloeaer. Klo:lJ»eG. Newell, and Chaa. foone. ASdtvlt oftbenoa-resldeaceot ElbrMceG. Neweil one of the drfendanta above named, havtus teen til t*u in t be of* tOx of the Clerk of said • ircult <Yurt of i'o«k Count/. Notice l* hereby niveo to the said Eit>rsd,c ». NeeeUtcat Sil'l eompLalnante filed thelt bill ol complaint lo sa d Court 00 the chancery side thereof, on the twet ty nuith day of November Is6h, and that a laromona thereupon Is sued oat of said Jo art aiuiiist said defendaat, return* able 00 the first Monday of] January. laSM, as lav required. Now. onJeai yoa. the said Ell>rlc*eO. Newell al«al) personalty be and appear before said Circuit Coart of Cook Coanty, en the first day <>t the next Apiil term thereof, to be botden at Chicago. In tne salct Coanty of Cook, on the arst Monday if At-rL. and plead, answer or demar. to the said wompUlnacta' bill 01 eomplamt. the same and the matters ana thiols there* Id chanred aod staled will be taken hs eoafeaeed. and a deeree "Qteredasainstyoa ec«*vdlnK t»the prayer o{ said romp'aloanta. WSI. U CIIURoH, «i«rk. FmsUn Webster, Cor-prte do 'e. ]a37 clOi 4w Commission iilcrtljaitls. ' MUBHT XfELSOU i PRODUCE, COMMISSION & SHIPPING M£RC*iANT. No. 6 BUllard'e Block, corner Clark and Sooth Water-aU. Acente for the PULTON STARCH WORKS, ralton. N. Y. (Uite Oswexa Hiver Starch Company.) They manufketare all kinds of pure Com fiwrti of a sn perlor qaallty. Orders addressed 10 M. NXLSON. P. J. .Mud, wili receive prompt attention. l>lil 1» OEOBOE R. COKZ.S7 (rOKMSALT KCXtET. SOIU»a 1 CT>.,) Produce Commission Merchants. a AVI so PUtiOU.vsEU TllE INTEREST of my partner* in tue tlrm °f Sakiey. Morse k Co. I wl 4 coatluuc the Prj>la"e Ci>mra »«lou husu.e* oa the above ittlo. U(Bc*e No. 7 Poar-i /'j Bil dln*. eeroer o>Cui.-san t *"atef street* tjaU. 3,. KcKLKY ■ | Chicaao. Jaoua/y'/i. lea. jraude>-C'' ( 6 CULVER & CO., CommiSHion *fhr chimin, 216 South Water Street. B. ?. Cclvui C. £ CtLTXa. Ja4 btfUly Baan A.Wnxux< W. 0 Hotnmtuia WZLUAQIi X HOUOHTEOZIO COMMISSION No. 2lu,S 3'jatb iV'ttsr second door West of Wells street Bridie, irtve-betr exclu>lvj attratlonto ihesilfsud. of a.lkladtoi Produce. Ac., oa Commission. and propeny in A«ler to «*«o. fiml'.h * Co., Ma rtneßaulca'id Geo, ritce.e4Co. jaUl bJol ly TTTT> AM WHEEI*EH PRODUCE COMMISSION MRRCHANT, Corner of Clark and Soaih vtster strict. HUCKLKa'i BCILDINQ-UP STAIRS. Chlisra, Qaj blfed dm] Illinois 1838 - • Winter Arrang«ment - - 1859. N. W. GRAHAM & CO n Foricardins +Jlerehants, Shipping igtnti Itllaob Ccntril SallrMd, and WhArf Boat Proprietors* CAIRO ILLINOIS. €\'E HAVE JUST PUT DOWN IRON TV Track* and Slides leadlna dlr etiy from the old Dipcttoour Mh«rf Boau wi let ro«ble ua to ferwari rreSitto aud ftota the UU'ruad with areat despatch and wituoat the exooeare or uabuity u< damaae, anavgkl*ble In any other metnodul haadUibt. va Weaieo five prompt andoareftd attention to r*shl&» me_U uy river to > avausvil e ClfulTinati. Whrellat PiUsbUTrt, New t r.eaus*nd Memphis. n»trp. hiinpu. Oaoetntur W**, «>eJa h<v?o> * CO., PBOOCCB COHfIIiSIOX ADVANCES MADE O* PRODUCE IX J\ btore or for Bhlpmeak Sterllnji Kxchaeae on Loodoo for sale, fexcuaoice nn New York bouxbt and sold. OJice In Steei's BlwCk. ooraer ot L**»Ua and oouth WatersUeeW dtaaboiiSm R . 1 K 1 * ■ ® coM*iasioa xxbcsavt, 7 CKNT&AL WHAJI». BDfVALO. N. Y. eoI7t88&-ly' Lw vt% 4 WALLAS. OOMMISBIOV MSB* oaaam SO. 713XA7EJI NKW TOB*. WAItEB 4 CO., Na ITBTATB BTBJHfT...f. ....OHICAGC'.ILLj CMh Advances made aa Pradaoe la store, or ibl»bed leoor llouee la New York. aplAijr>iMf limi i ) _ h illdr a ViLUli cwiw'"\(^ c Chicago. FISH LESTER, PRODUCE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS XT 14 Dearborn streek Chleaae. lliinota. _ wash advances oa Bhlpmests to &U*s U. yish. BaCalo. H iifm to J. U. Uuuuua. Presjdeav, Reynold*. Cy A 00.. Colcaao. aad A. u sUtstaphieve. Satfalo. i> %V. r. a. daLToastaLt. & u tiskham JOBS O. ajislxz. F. G. SALTONSTiLL St COm COJIMISaIO.S . riTUUIi iiKUKKKS, UOR- NfcK Clark aod Lake streets, attend to the purchase and sale of Stocks and tfoods of every desen> tlon. eithes la udear la the Ne« York Market, quota uoosofthe New York auwk Market received telexrash. Sales and purchase* made at the dtooa Ex at lowest rato-of gom."atJdoa. l • aadlaMß-flm D OMSE X 880. * CO, OOMMIS3IOM MBS XWouirm Qirethetr exotaalTe sttanttaatothe PClCflAil ASD BALB Ot Floott 6raln, and other Prcxlmco, nm ooaxiMlOa. 141 Booth Watereoc. Park iffßSl> OtiICAQQ. J. J. UICHAHDiS " - ORODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1 No. 16<i Sou' \r»*er«tr»?et, Clilpsso. »> LtOaraladvaaoreoMdtt oo coajuenmeala. g "J. fl - liiutuis. .1 \oQnf Scam* mou. Ck*a«o; <Jeo W >ole. »;bicaso; Rurasry, Bi*o A Co, Cbiesieo: Koral Mww. Navies, 111; WooarnJ k Cn, New York; ll*alnf * woodru-, St IjOuIs: J Dunn, Banker- Hrrnsf-'d. f*: C * IVvit. iTiieagiv a»ir<'A<ly SAVYSBf WALLACE St CO., Co mm is h ion •Merchants* Nit V YORK. Cndamood Sc Co., CUtagOf ai»t»j'&;.ty Ar»nts for >l»e KOBBBT, PaoDUOH A*D ccuocsaios. KZBCHurr, Dealer la ill Uada of Floar aad Feed, and Coantrj I*o tece. Wholesale aad Retail. MaadSOKlnale. oomcr of Wolcott street, ChicafQ, HL roar acd Veed delivered ta any Ban of the rfw free ot mril-viou-iy UNPEKWOOI) A CO. 1 Commission Merchants, is* s. W.«.r - tlllCAi»Ui W ; E ARE PaEPARED TO MAKE CASH ADVANOKaoaUrainior shipment Kaat. sUrin* , U JV »r.n«ilaw 1 ci° °* 1 » oo- ooMmsaioM M3a- Aoraer of 3oall& Water aad Tranklla streets 0WTfl*<50.~..»«•»••• ♦.•••••• ........... «• ...ItTiTWH ThiW TrtllUm.lT «. D. TATMB. Sextons and UndcrtaKem, > «aa»LX3ALLI!tKnr. [ . rTAYEON H AHD.'AT ALL TUBES, svkut I. 11 staie and Haish. Wood, f.ein. ied rttweCodas;al*o . Aad are pf*oare& wUh U«anca and ttidi|Mi t- aad svefytktn« fbr raaerais;aad bwt be fouad aa eaad,aadr«ailyMftvaFreajitatiaßUoaA«aelr baaU sm ftti&kosrs. *'£S£S3;