Newspaper Page Text
—mss MD TIUBU^K •WEPHZSDAT ItJMmro. rp.9.l»s». f; Tifikj Bonlla-d&i U^r~b9 L"--Ki 1 ted tgj m- dete^Kie^^at k.•... KMB er or l^ B fnmfof tbe pahlvfecorMesiai the vault of the Auditor, pledged for the re demption of circulating notes in the bands from the Fund Commissioner of this State, it ii Ifatiames a question of immediate moment - r -what action shall he taken in the premises, cither to protect the State against tbe results .x&tbt Rrfjnc, or to tecure the biil-boidet-t< their it nqcent and lawful act. •* the.ipotei pUti&rijiiiy'State JJI-V ih6rityr xr AII Jjtrfs in the eycrrit thht the 'par- ~ . tin vho received the jonds, and NAy. deposited item wi .h the Auditor, do not by tyspoeUtng other s<curities, ABd second to' ommissioperj by- returning-the j bodids irandplcntly ol t&ined.- \fc hear not a littlV a3>ont ihe ineviti .ble repudiation of tbe.' bonis, bs.havtei been given "for no vnlue-re»- ceivedJ lifcems to b; assumed ihsrt»the in- regrcsente i by. tbe ewindle must; be ,'eaiiit 'once, and Ttidioat recourse,' *.. j I The bonds in hoVrerer or -bj -whomsoever obtained! hare passed "Into ihe u«i I'CFeoas arcthe' holders of tbe notes authorized .to, be iesned • - oa-tbe-pledge-ef the flcciirlfte^—fepreseiifed by the Auditor of_tbe It"is not allied that the boi.di were forged or tbat any infor - nralityattacbes to tbelr.cxocuUon and' deUv ery by the proper offiierJ.-Oa ibe contrary? it is in evidence that they were issued accord t ing t? law, # bv the accredited fanctionaryj—n person who bos discharged' tbe duties "Of Ms' office faithfully and intefKgently for nineteen jears, State gov ernment. Certainly tne people, who -ordibe actual owners "Of'those securities, and wbo gave a dollar of good mopW -for every ;d3Uar # oo their laces, pra in'tbe li^btoPln-, noceot purchasers to nlioni ibe law givesam ple an dj ul Ij>rotec tio□. I Their representative, . tbe Auditor, baa no oQ&ial kaCwkdge'of-any- thing wrong-in fcts departments He can liaVe'. none until called by a failure of the bank to - • - proceed to New Yotk and olTer tbe securities fer sale jit paWic-tiuctipn. HOre, b'diers are found ifor a certain: class of his parch*cats, | be"inay hare a. semi-official notice thai, there has 'been mal-practicc .or *soms! behind his re cord.,' Bat he ntt discretion in tlie prfmi •es.» Hie duty is clearly marked / out by the . .. law, acd Ibe bonds In' bis pdskssion must there until replaced . by cash, or other undoubted toJuj&.J He: is ; an iimbctmt and iojiajSis'bohlcron.bebalf of the people, and if the known principles' of law in fuch cases, could be applied to the tisue. between him and tbe State, as between private tbe latter iwxjuld be' compelled and puy the debt. ' l , ' . . sVcdo not;see upon|what grounds there fore, the l talked-6f "repudiation is -placed. The StKte hae jte;'valid action against ..the . person or persons who may bave been guilty ot tbe fraud,'lmt it-tnust reil'.ite hope.'of- ro covcry upon the chance 3 of snccc© Jn • quarter, aud gotnpouaback stroke at the guiltless, Fortunately,! in • the present in--- fctance tbie other ascuritips of tbe bank, with 'ihe' accrued interest 'thereon, tvlll.nearly:'or quite make up ttie"defiait,-even, if repudia tion were to be applied to the fraudulent ec-"! curitics ; bnt tbaX(act. in no" way nflTects tbe -principle under discussion. •• "For the information of the bill holders of the State Bunk of Illinois at' we may say in this connection that its notes are taken and paid out as usiialTjy.the Banks of this city. "* . Give Both Sides a CfaMoe, 'lf we are £o have Cuba for llialibeneht of ,the Soq<.h, let its havfe Canada for tbe benefit r . of tbe.2lorlh. tbe antidote go witli flfd' bane. -If Oaba is worth two hundred millions to tbe slaveholders, .CankdaTs cheap at four - hundred mllliuus to tuc ! free' labor • - • • Wh4tdv<J? Sim expends for the acquisition of neighboring territory, two-itbirdsof the money - comes out of tbe pockets ol* ibe people of tbe Free Stales. If the fatee'is (o"be 'played through J?t in bcball' of Northern inteics'F, move as an -amendment to Senator Slidell'o thirty million Cuba bill, tha f fcix'y mtllious be added thereto, to en-" able tbe President to opbu negotiations .with Great Britain for tbe purchase of the CaWaffas. If Cuba will make two Save iStates,-'Caircd.i will make two splendid Free Slate?, cacli worth more to the Union than the Island ot Cuba; and if tbe South n«fc Ibr Porto Jiicp, let the North d:*maud Newfoundland ns'an * ofibet Let us not have jboth boots on one leg. - Tbe lloriicaltnrist fo'r jPcbrQary. , This monthly visitor, coatinnes to' come ' freighted with its bndget of horticultural know ledge and usefol hints. The. gripping ekies of April will soon be here, , waking tbe flowers irom their bibonation, and. calling forth the • ready hand that make their hues xqore beauti ful. " The most interesting papers in this number fs ' portions of aa fi4dfeaa by the venerable David Thomas, ol 'Nifw TArk. cannot pass by» without an extract or two:! • "Do?s any animal except man think of the beauty of floweret Ipresome not, having sever seen toy iodication of the kind, though hand redsof iosee\s regale.on their nectar.. Oar lore of flowers nittt Vnen "be considered - es evidence of a higher org«mxitioo; and those who cannot ii, trom tbe of some pbrenolo-' gtcal development: Wive claims oil nnr-evniDa. :' v . thy. 1 ;.: • On tbe 6ubject : of protection his views accord ' with those set forth in tbe address Belore the •' State Horticultural Society Bloomington. *' li»ve we a better guide; than natoref • Her • seedlings generiJl/ other planfg : " w ° e ° prolfcted Irom the-scDrcblDg ~ , . sun, from Untimely frost, and from beiog thrown . , out in winter, ilany a plani which we foster in tha greenhouse would do will in the thick shad owaofour foreau, when the branches around ' them would lessen the radiation ot heat, aud shield them trom freezing winds. ' But hot son vbine may be as deatructivie as a cold Tfce dsilerence between the elimate of the ww>ds . "j the climate qf tbejopen border is very great and Jl may. fixplain wby many of our native .. . P» n £ inhabit our "gardens. Spme , <brnQajuQ(;rinuch.iram«xposure tocoldwiods. In the open ground the Wnlte Antwerp iUsp. berry has been much irjnred; wbHe j two rods °tt. ooder the lea ot Bed-Cedars, it has done w«IL -The common Lobarnnm may illnstrate the stme doctrine. Oae which stood in a door yard, exposed to the west winds, was damaged «rery winter, until a building wa« erected-Arr near to it, so as to completely, ahelter i« cm aide, .and from .that time 'during seven jeara it baa sot been injnred." ' ' i •" Kaucb U tbe tffeclamong the hills and of New York, how" inucb greater tbe value ot • protection on our wide sweep of prairie, and the open roadie of ©ur rambling towns. .. **Grrpes osder a root have been fair In the worst of sea»Bs,-and it has been proposed, to gi*e them a'Bouth* asr»4ct under a sked onlv »• "K wo^ or " three feet widp . w ith a close 'back ' ouch -a-etructure would tfhrd reHeoted heat.* , Wiat tbeeold winds from th ß north, nnd keep ' ' «££» V rain was nourishing thi, - • - Rrati.. . Import tint from JUcjlco. . IFrocu the New Vo:k Times.)... Lelterafrom• wjil'lnfprived;nnd rupomiMe parties in Vera Crux, describe jthe recent extra ordinary claims o! tbe . French and English aaval'commtuders ofa lleiico, as in a fair wav of adjustment. ' r • Tbe only'olaims oawhiiohthe allies nowln." .. been conceded br >• I'joM.t/Besonable and due. —-®T mi etaa promptly as circumstances - - W a -.«*teiit»r relations of Mexi • •• W.guarjTj government, on the ouf.r iL' Md England on the' . amicable and on-. : ' commanders ' rtl '" ,l^l,4 l ,ro Portionß tif the dslin on all goods enieruiK Uie -of V«r» Crur_' ha*. 1 • ■ : Mid ?; 1 .An.'SWj donv.r.ion^r'tw • obligation! will nnd th. fu.di - % I'qoid.lion ef Pn!i, k p"" ' conceded to the Eogluh Commander, that.tbe British fl w ,h?ii Jf' ttl" ,' 0 i v3r>»r of Tampico. JL df.TeVaratmn wrenga altered tl* • • 55J ttiiU. ■ , offco(tland.nd.Frt We .so<ia mo n«ead«SSJ ' toJnaici, .xhihited -. coming degree,o;,ffc«nee 8 aodfugaoitTj, W ' ; - aside trom tbis, tba treubles of ibe%onntrv ai i ), P** r t° have beintal ..j It is considefe'd fmpossible ior«*'iramon*a troope to maintain a siege of Vera Ornx. 'after t l *? ,e " on df J eUo » rrntrfl troepe of- Jnarex arrstready aecn - -BUUOfloeaUiaedxa the foregoing.:, . 7*. ZTL-.Ail •. > ' »C* j .».:!«* J . ' Uulu dnL !ir*» m OIK Kl'mmKU) Tbe Great Fraud on the State. I |Q)erre(?A3<2cc axEftlbuni.] TbramounVabstnMttd from ttttTreasurr by l Jtbe fgSp office, does not foot np quite as largely as was rumor ed. I send you an account current of the State with tbe rascal whoever he may be. " TUB STATS IS ACC3CST WITH ——. Cb- By rtolen checks fooded tIQ7£M liicert-ficates'orlntsiest oatboe checks, from paid lacaab on bonds procured for-- - -- i Jtheche ka i -24,37«- £7 interest Ooapons en", from t >and Oinded... ,28977; •Tetalii .L...v/........,;.i...>.-.sfcaiss - - d«.- - . .To— lia'jkßO« la fsTor-«f-et*le.T ...........1223,U&- ' —'tals at latest dateL E.\t O.fXceptfcL.... . The examination of tbje matter frill be rtsamed by tbe committee, to-Uorrow evening, when - additional testimony wi|l be Tb&lripods of Goverp.or Matteson are confident liat be will. t>Q able.tdtxtricate.himeelf from the dilemma ib whicbhe is placed;'and awye rs fore ah ado w tbe testimony by which! bis connection with the., ' ' ator wili'besatisTaVtorily explained; butl-do i not understand that thepr propoeetff shew-who ! :Is guilty';'their labors;will be confined to the.! ' ex mnocence. There was.a rumor morning-that the old; debt' of Wandsworth' A Sheldon, 'State Agents In -New York, had • been paid in these stolen checks; bat an exam- : - - inaiion of the bonds, 1 ' Jsc., -received from' thecr i ' puts that'story at-rest. ■ " .' , 4M Hr ' "" ■' j Duration of tiae Seflalon—Proipfct or a iMad Lock«*rir Wm." Foudey ana tltc State Aeeiief, ( [Correspondeace of the P/ess and Tribune 3• ■ <. / . :6ra *craiD. Feb. 7.1 £59. , .Tfie'probfcble doration of the session is now much talked of.' It is pretended on tbe part of the Democrats that it will be prolonged until tbe passage of the Apportionment bill- that -they -have concocted, and it is also pretended .thai by presenting tbe passage of the Appro- PlfflkQQ bjll"nniil.tbeir gtrrymander is consum. mated, they can bold tbe Republicans up to tbe work,:or compel them tb shoot tbe pit and as sume tbe responsibility of blocking the wheels ,of the.State Government for want of the tunds : whereby tbey revolve! 'lt iS'fortunate thai . they tiavo declared I .their intention thus earl/. ' To-day their metal will be tested. If aii Appro priation _bill should be. moved as a substitute foraqy pther bill that Imay be called up—an event (bat is highly probable —they must. take upon themselVes ihe task ol referring it, laying it on tbe table, or voting it down. They, have •tbe majority in each House. .Upon.them the , responsibility «f 4tlj -legislation or neglect of legislation must'resL;; If they have an oppor tunity-to sapply ihe means ot keeping the pub lic offices,' the court, the State institutions at Jacksonville, Ac., Ac., in motion, and neglect or refuse, upon partisan considerations, to do •o, let 'them'account to their constituents as they may for the consequences of their error. , The neglect ot .the Committee on Public Ac counts end Expenditures to meet and frame an Appropriation bill adequate,to lh«t wants of tbe Government, gives color to suspicion'that com pulsory policy is to 'be adopted. It is a game tbatJwo can play at. The Republicans are con* tent with' any action to which as t'eWo'rffßlß irt&i" and faithful officers tbey can submit. But when ' asked to lend themselrea to the virtual disfran chisement of their constituents, to the endow ment of tbe minority with the power that be 'longs to the majority, and to the surren . der ol the control of the efTtirft of the State, to - .that minority, for at least three years, they will 'certainly-avail tbemselves-of all the means in their power, to protect and advance, the inter-. ' ests of those who sent them here. 1 am not aware that tbey have agreed upon any line of policy purauef; hut fr6m their temper, I eljallnotbe-surprised .to see, within tbe next - twelve days, their seßts all vaoated r no matter what legislation remains 'incomplete. The pre ' servatbn of the great principle of popular sov ereignty in the affrirs of the people "is"of lar more Importance than the incorporation pf Cem-'. etery. and other companies, the vacation of Streets .and alleys, !or the 1 re-location of certain State That principle, threatened here through its professed friends and loudest advo cates/bf.means mora ltgal but' not less unfair ' -than those used in Kansas at Oxford and Kick-, apoo, must be preserved. Majorities of the peo ple must continue to govern. A minority has 1 gfren IherState a Senator in Congress for the next six years ; let that Bullies without usurp ,tSg the control, of the next Legislature and a seeond l Senator! 1 The hare t*ro or three pet meo* sures in which two pr, three of their .leading. - men. are coacerned. They demand from-the treasury'an enormous sum of money which, as contractors, As., they will disburse.. For the new Penitentiary at Joliet $267,000 is asked; and for the Si&tb Institutions at Jacksonville) s232,ooo—halt, a million in the aggregate. The responsibility of. voting 1 thesj unusual appropri ations will be-left tt> themj If tbey continue to exercise the tyrannical control which'the major ity gives tb^m;,'if Republicans in the House - and Senate are to be - of voting machines; if they.are compelled to subjnit to every partisan scheme, which, pmbi - tious Dsmocratfl'm&y coneoct, tbey wili exer cise tbe privilege left them of voting Xo! The proposition to make W. B. Fondey, Esq., State Agent in New York with a salary ol $2,600 per annum, by act of the Legislature, . has probably been abandoned. Mr. Fondcy is an estimable gentleman- and a capable business man; but having been so lately defeated by the people when a,candidate for hardly proper for the Legislature to nullify the people's yerdlct, by . investing him now with the delicate and. important ; duties whtth fcpper • -tain to the office that be soogbt, ■ bat the fraud . . lately perpetraUd-npon the Fond CommissUin-! er's office, has awakened the attention oT the ' 'L?gislatufs*to the of the State Agen cy in New Vork, and the'manner of funding State Debt here, may lead to important changesinour.fißancial:Byßtem, now found to be loose and unsafe.' What those changes jrjll be, depends probably upon tHe'report of the* Committee- . That,they will recommend each important modifications ©f-the existing plans, that robbing will hereafter be impossiDle, is con ' fidentl|; expected. Tbd old'wisdom which put up the bars when the' borse was stolen, isuoti oil extinct. But better late than nerer! Tb» National Democracy rs.4lic Done«- las two Mill Tax, A.IC., A.IC. ..i. IConciPPPlence Presiand.Tribon?.],, . . The Senate this afternoon was the of a political Uissle which badyhn unexpected tcrmitia tion. • Martin or White, has for a lons time been .anxious to get on his resolutions affirming' the preed of.the Baclianiui He' is the ' ouly "National 11 la cither Iloti-e, bat having voted •' for Donglos was persevering iu liLJieGdrt.s.tQpnrge ' himself of.the hertyy enoced by that act. But heretofore when his resolutions have been up tbev have tbe. Douglas meo,lnst yet quite cer»* tain where they will fisht sliy and girt •themayMeberth; Bftto^day,takingad%tace' or tlie facUhat tbey were the special order and' tlie other fact that two of tbe Douglas men were sick, a direct tnal was haa, t and aQer. much matiffijveilng.tbe effortnto cany water on v both , shoulders abandoned, by tho Douglasitea who came<ip,thoughtmwilKngly,and underthe opeiir t.on .ol the previous quotion, and voted flitly against, aa endorsement of .the policy of tbe , creed of the Auministra tioiu .A? you will doub lees publish the proceed ings of the boar when they appear in the official : paper, I .will, not bore -your readers *ith a detail of the method by which this handsome job was • done. Suffice It, the Dpuglas meu were visibly annoyed, while ilariiu -was jubilant with the idea that be had at; last succeeded In patting himself right upon the record. • The proposition to remiubc two milU tax was again under discussioa in the House this afternoon, lis fiiendj fought' for it wiffigreat real and ability but fell short of the accomplishment of their wishes. Tbe fiual vote wjs Ayes "35 t'o'lsaya 3G withe bin was lost. Probably an effort will be. made Co reconsider, as the opponents .of tbe tax .are'not Inclined to submit to defeat. They are earnest in the advocacy of lhli thing as a great relief measure , for-tbe people now over-loaded wkh debt end cramped and distressed by tbe fail ure or their'crop*. Theybelievein itsconstitu .tionaUtyjmi.iiiiccssity aiid have '.worked 'lotM". with an that better reward. • After toat was disused ef, the bill mating" an ] teotiary at Joliet came up as the special ordrr or trtfich k'bdut was for uusettied afEilra'at Alton. This' _lsa masure Io which the D mocracy are pecnli interested; thQjjgh #hair leaders, kouwint. that, and-doubting- th* Necessity lor- an ap.- propdaGoh of. such- amooni,- _the tbe of nukia? it : a 'law.- few of them, afraid of their constituents, refus-- ' ■ ""y the load,saa- ihe till 'lacked one »oi. oolj . WlorlA.'£*Ue and NortoeorWiH— : V " * •• - - —OUR WASHINUTOH LKTTKK. T Tht Bock Jtland Rirerxation —The Thirty MiU lion J^—T7ieA r dtionfiLFiniirictt, Jslc. ■ Preu antTrihnne.] ) ft^fvT|UsarcToy,jM.S,ie£?. idjThe (Mtfmitted jfiPubßo voted \BcfierjjM foltodfa resolution Her-hrifthat <be Secrets& of re queued t? tnrumHto Coorres? the Rep rt of the o'»rn rot'rioter of the General Lrnd Offi*e of J*n. 14, ItLS), w'b th» docnm-n*.-accratunyin* the *un*. sod >uch otherdocomeota tobr »b<tr<>c't la the Be ortof in;'. uf Hie M iiiifi agicrnuion in Ruck, mna la mg~ State of li'iooii. This is done in the interest of tho forth and Lindsley party of Squatters. There is nonobjection, of cuuiae," to a full lureatiga-' tion,-end the papers called for all necessary to that end. writing a % toWa oitn'papeJVOTjer ibe signature of Occa- ] elaboratejyjnto this affair, jajrißg-fcnlonjr"Ot!ier things That the fkf Tizniyfi is in the ©onfidence-of one ' set'.otiha spsculatorsj and qaoticg from my csrrespondence. Urib is powVrTully iifustratire. o! Forney's i?amay,.however,.lets - eeverai kittens oat of. the bag, which show that he4rawshis inspiration from a distinguished Senator,-tiot; enthusiastically* derated to JTitch. and Jbnis/ Tl§ siy.s jhp Island is worth $2,000,- • , 0001.that.George .Wallace" Jones denied the swindling scheme to ge{ it' : under a pretence of preemption for tUvin hundred dollars, and that District Attorney Fitch is-in -the speculation, 1 instead of laboring t& protect the government's property. ''Where these charges.came from is . plain enough.-.,. «• ' j •- - Infornlition haa just reached' here'that 100 .men are occupled in fcuttiog down and carrying ■&wsytbe timber on the .island, and-that Mr. Fitch has issued warrants -against *all of these trespassers, against-whoai affidavits Bavebeeif procured. £hijvery Reservation question gives, nutriment to-areservedjper?onal' and political quarrel, and it is-perfect!? it m'aj likewise furnish occasion, fpr' certain . broken heads.' One of the agents* states to me-that in undertaking to explain' the 'geographical And" topograpbicarbeariog* of this case, he warsuiV! prised to learn that half'the Senators had been over the- island;' Which, if true, shows how sharp tbey are. ' ; - ' The Democracy have jnot in cot uxn on the $30,000,000 bilL--Qa»oalling the roll several contingents, heretofore relied do not come up. Senator Belt thinks they have abandoned the scheme for tbis session, being "eonie'oVwith (be mere'proposiog it for efiect on the Southern elections. j They'are not so" fierce' fordiscQseioQ a? they were; SsnatoY Seward's* speech has damaged the prospect 'Yigry greatly" even at the South. Toombs'l&rae bud 'reckless' reply has provoked only ridicule. There has ' been no answer to Seward's pregnant inquiry •wbstwillTOU dn'with those2so,ooofree blocks? How will you dispose 'of that well drilled and well armed black army which Spain has' organ ized for the'protection of her" interests,' and before which 660,000" Creole'' inhabi inbabitants already stand appalled. These qucs* lions have set Southern men to thinking and many of them begin to wish that Cuba was 7,000 miles away instead of 70.' I have never known any' scheme of our negro Democracy fall so dead and stillborn, upon the public as this. $209,000,000 debt and Cuban annexation pro ject. ' Potter's nomination for Collector of Toledo has not been confirmed, and is litely be ,re jected.. He is accused of AbMitionism, and„is. opposed by Push and D tuglas on that This 8 silly.- 1 know -bid, well," and wtll\giye him my certificate for being sound on the.goose. as any Mississippi planter. "He Congress, during the contest on Texas'a'n'nexAtipn, and "Wnt for the"Soulh*esn a mere. ' This is"th.e case* your readers will remember,'over which .Doug las and Fitcb fell by the ears.'' ' " I presume the French spoliation bill'is dead, It is referred to tho Commute'of the'. Whole, where it will sleep the sleep'of'deatb, though, the bill has thirty majority ona fair vote. This , result is in part a -coulequence of the Lpcofoco • free trade caeeuses, which have destroyed all bopeof a revision of the tariff by this Congress. These conspiracies qgainst the law making ppjy-. Ec of the.constitution; are encouraged by t^e'i • -revivalof- tberevenues]under liio 'influence of" heavy imports for January ahd February. It is now estimated that the receipts from customs during the current- motfth will be six millions of dollars. April, May'and'June will be drill months, but the octiVltf of tbo hour serves the Democracy in their band-to month policy. This little reaction in business, too, has saved Cobb. Buebanan has thus far tolerated bim iq the'face of approaching bankruptcy, because ,C6bb. Is a' powerful Jeader of the Union and Compromise Democracy of the South. It is -through that inflaebce .that Buchanan expects' SoutbercLVoles'forfciaown re noinihation. This" makes it probable that Cobb'wiU'livethrbagb the four years. with 'all the icofn'shelUdf off, be would hare h»d'a hard roW to hoe. '" J ; It is paid, that iioraca. F. Clark is' at the' b'ot 'tom of Sherman's inves igation into the corrup tions of the navy yards. It was his brother-in law wbom the offibials to cheat 'out ofasontract for ma'cHinery." Tiie'two ge'hUe men are sons-in-law to the Tattous Cdtrt'modo're Vanderbilt; but is very likely that Allen's rela tionship to Clark, who--has repeatedly snubbed Buchsnhn, was the c&ibse of the rejection of bis bid; •'Allen * is'Jin.'engioeer cf abilitiep, and a well-known and eucceesfal builder ot marine engines. ' ' • Dutfict Attorney Filch ia here. Ik'e has sent documents in denial of Senator Douglas' charges against him. To-n!ght'Mi's." Douglas* gives a grand party and ball: • " • ' - "'Jckius., Tie Xavy and Public Prrniintj Frnltdi-Th*. Iftxicm Protectorate aUindorud-The Tarif . Qacttion, itc. . [Correspondence of the GaactteO , | Vr,iiEiSGjcs. Feb. 6... The Sherman Committee, appointed to invest, tr/nsactions Qorinected.,.witb .the, Satj \ ard, will report n'extTburaduy. Thus lar, tes umr»ny has been collected, showing the mofct abuseeaadcorruption in-the adminU« tratiou of that department of the and a favoritism towatds the .SspreUry's. rela tions Bcd pir'tlsins wholly unpfecedentad. .liis in proof that Buchanan and Jones were direct parties to these disgraceful collusions, •end that tbe money was extorted for personal -and political objects. The committee to investigate the accouLt of Steedman, late Democratic Superintendent of l'ublic Printing, will conclpde tteir labors this weak. The evidence substantiates the charge, that collusion existed between bim and Wendell, by which contraciorS'for.eograving, lithograph-' ingand .furnishing- paper, {were Systematically taxed a psrcentaee'varytng from ten to thirty per cent.; that thousand* . of- volumes of docu-' ments were receipted for as boend and printed,'' were qevec delivered. In this way Gov ernment was plundered of hundreds of thou sands of dollars. - ' Th« PfeßidfenCs prrjVcTfor and Chihuahua, is dettd.nottrithsfundtngFloyd's' attempt to bolster it up !Tbe Dttnocracy are afxaid to.face-ihe music. Tbe De mocrats bad an excited and long caucus la»t niabt. Their pro-' ct-edings will not reheve the'Treaiurv ib ant way. : ■•■■■■>■» ' • - rj ■ Unless the Senate will ftgreeto tfoDcVßstyoeon «the paej-rdsession orCoWees nlneritaDie. Tue KepublifcAfs are resolute in their dß»erminatiou to insist' uptin" cauphng a nioditicti'on of tbe Tarifl with the Loan bill, and thej will be sustained by a scfHcient nurhber of Democrats to render their opposition tfltciife The bill purporting to abolish'the franking rrivilege, reported from •Postal Cotnttiltte"6 a few days' ago," propases'to deprive" Congressmen of the j>fit-ireg«, giving each member n hundred dollars 'jjer annum ia an effitet; but it Retains the ptirjlege' -Ipr. "Presidents' ..widow's, Post Master Geatral and Denujies Au ditor.and Chief Clerk, and for those Post Mas ters whose annual par is)esß than ttVo hundred . dollars.- The ' Bbo'.deprives newip'apers of erj »y of hiving exchan ges and their county.eirculaiifin free. Tbe L'nun of to-day, hts on article on the T«rifi, fltaiicg that tbe expenses of the Govern-, ment.cannot be reduced below sixty-flremillioas .annually, and, that the present tariff will not yield over au average of Corty-Jour 'millions; consequently, Congress mutt either raise the , tariff or public debt. Another Letter from Henry A. Wise— lie Deaouiices thcl'ucific itailroad • aad President- UacUauan. • ;; s Jotbc'.FwtSeii&'(Ark.) Jfrrald, of' Jan. 22,' »5f Goveruor Wi-*o to*>Vm. M. Ftshback, of Foit Smith, written io reply to one from .ojHnlou a* to the propriety or tue 35th tmroifcl'ior tbe route of the PacificßtUrat4> - The Governor tak«iocc4>ioa to jtWe"tlie'Pfefidpnt h bird t>nach. : frpealcingot the argument that the authority of the Fcderal-Govcrumeut to build a Ptcilic Rail road, is involved in the "war tiowcr*' granted "bf the Co;.Mi;utton,Go\cruor Wise wtp : • 3 : - But this claim of power byi that Federal dyn asty to construct grand schemes of Internal Im provements is lar exceeded; by Mr. Bncb&ain. who founds it on the power tof dtcUert twr.'"' lie bounds over the old Federal faith ot "gene-- ral welfare," gives us a new and appeals . difVUy thatpowerwhicb jtigrant htllo, knows no limits, io the setis'e which he must mean the war pawer to be. The error ia- what is meant in tbe pomr to dtclar* war, and to miinuinthe Cfm "mon defence. It it at all tvrnit a -ypiiotrtekich cannot be apptaltd to for authirity,-nn the court* 6f~crdm*rjf udmini-tratton in ike4imt Of ptaet And this u sutlicient to answer:aoOj contradicti tbe claim ot tbis grant founded •onttij#:.wari power by.ilr. Buchanan. War -withita sword aod,pick*Xß.t»iT Cut.n road for the .macchiof»S' ioaba tioio of war; 6tii tfi« bmc» rtign*, HaUroad* -mutt be Upi .to. Ui6 P*ac* PoWIt, , 11 ' In 184S, in ia 1564 the-Democracy of this State declared most adherently for Mr. Bachunan; but if it hatf been known that hi" would advocate a Pacific Railroad, founded on ' the war power, he could not have gotUn \trffSle rote of this State far hit nomination to the I'ftt plank'frem its - plutiar®. yirgini»votr4 against it,*ntf si did his ' io*aSi*t« r .F«3Bnayirania,'b»ci.u : Aß ol ! Virgini»'a .support ot ilr. Bucbactab.' A\i4 when his nomina tion was announerd'fo Mr. Hachanan hs em phatioallr vUJqtd io- -abide iy the' platform— • * .«»{ t% taht a jjianitfrdka i: >r -tidd or.e to it" butlbtaktitaiitivai. v Ji-n» u shocked usTi'ot a : lnUo th&t be bad. written a letter tn f Calilornia i oottmitting biaiseltrto this ad Jed ; fork' and *6' tlm|d that u could have its tUec-* in hit favor werjf,. ane leli ayaiuW f;l-n here. "For o adjure a P»citic Jtailroad by tbe ■*' especially on tbe grounds t>s tbe.Pftudent'a recommendation." " r '" , ' \Tbe ftai Reason that these and other .negro breeders road ia, wonld -tend (o strengthen 4h»: gre'al"bor.latereji. c£-tlje countiyJ : mteti>. l: • the wealth and power of .the free half of -the [Union. t c orner on Democratic Cancnses and the Revenue Policy of the Party* [Editorial Correspondenceofthe Philadelphia Prcu] Wilms jto*. Feb. 5 1839. Tte tiro iAdifainistiation tzaucusaufp the r»T cntA qaesttoa ofay be caSea tbo tw«£®|eat of prdpfmmo TO; vaUpHfnJotb. /Wrereildent's polfifavss scow* cdiandto dajfcite ire jt> fcave HrrOflib sifife to the resolfilun of lire ftoite as to AM liuf aMy to meet the demands upon tbe Trca c ury, which, wbi'e in lorm and aim will bo another rebuke by the subordinate of his superior, as matter of sheer - -peeessityrHiust a oopoeaokm of-the-reyepae " policy, wuicti we insist upon—noi nank, lull and eQccjuai; tat jenougb to convict shim of the 4aau*Js&i b<|tn%*ed and ,©$ tegu- 4 larly confessed by all bis afier-c!ap messages upon • thf. rntffprq htV^pfV'iffT care. Last year, ia his annual report, he asked a .temporary loah j*a few weeks after, an additional tpa-Qjanent Uraiiy millions. This year he was *just as sure fnatboo per [cent, xncreane upon the several Ecbedalea of the (tariff of 1857., "portly for "tbSconveoieoce-of in the raus cf doty, "and partly for the advance or $1,800,000 upon the tsrenae',. .would, coatentj him. Aud njw again, within a Utile mcntb, or Lefore the ink was 3ry .with. which he .sciawJedj bis bureau dnvel,-be is . . made to know that.seren millions will ferve his . ~de?p3tat& eooeihiog better than the trifls. asked.before. And the caucuses ', which have made a'sbowpf snpportiDghlm' may .TfiXjiiWell .be tuspected o|" inertly jrtiUiDg a bold . Jrojit uporj the. couptennarch of their oracle, that . .it.tpay.iiot fßeem alretreat. Bat let tlieso ;cgbWei3 : of finances atjd corrupters of this Ai l nrakebi lieTcs,-,-I.r.egard the.sngspstion that the expeoees ot fb.e can he redaced 88 a piece. of , the pai't of Mr. Stephens, uf ' Georgia,and. Hunter, of Virginia. . aa readily ;recommend the bailing out o'f .the Potomac* .ta order that .the mer • .should Be dried up... £t was ft good sort of tab : to the whale—that la, to the'aupposed credulity. of the people— will not deceive anybody y and 1 yill do theiauthors of the expedient the,.tbiattbey kave no more idea that the expense? pf t|iiapovefrnment can be redaced, than Potomac, tan be sponged out or bailed out- Hojr ifijl yob reduce it, gentlemen? Can .your Postmaster General, with bis depart ment rusbibfcmore and'more into debt every day, aqtist joc, taxiog the people of the.Nortbjo .a ®ueb more odious ratio than tbijt'/.Pf. gny imports? Will Mr. . Touc»y, oj the.ttavy,. his demaoda for .. more strips, (aofl Xdp qot sty they are urj jst)— will he be able to awistyou? How can Mr. C«bb.. assist in. reducing the expenditures of,tbe Treasury.'Department,'with his horde of reta|otrt. oad. bui «ew demand! on the . .public service?.. Can Mr. Floyd assist, with the . expenditures of his department con stantly jaccumnjatipg ? OP Mr. Jacob Thompsoo, , with his vast operations bt the interior Depart* „ ment,. the', Indian, Latd, Agricultural, Patent . | .Otlic6.J)Qreaaji, &c,, Ac,? or la economy to be kciljtaiQd .by.taking, thirty millions lrom the .Treasury for. the. purpose of forcing this country . ..into war .with Spain, without any hope of accom plishing the ofcjsct,.or |>y an appropriation of .two or three huadred millions to construct tbe , .great and indispensable railroad overland to the Pacific? Why, then, .with these (acts before tbeir £o Jd?. Hunfer and Mr. Stephens talk about tbfc expenditures of the Government, and deny each aid to the languish ing interests of. the Middle States, which they could concede, without interfering, in the slight est degree,, with, the interests of the South or .. the inure^ts.of.the consumer? .Pennsylvania' .and the F/ee States which affiliate with her are jost now omnipotent alike io the ) ighteousoess of their demands and in the power to enforce .them. When the recommendation for an ad* vance of duties come into the House, our friends must strike for the reduction of the ad valorems of 1546 to specifics; they jnust stand to it; and . thev cannot fail but by their own default. Have you observed bow popular the caucus has become with-the men who now aspire to control and leadthe.Dembcratieparty? Only a lew years ago Mr. Davis,'Mr. Hunter, Mr. Ma son, %ad.otbers, .treated the caucus as a guillo tine upon which the iaterest ot the Sooth were mutilated; wbile Mr. Toombs, and , Mr. .Stephens, and Mr. Becjamin, (all then members of en opposing party,) rejoiced in making this uma institution of a caucus as ridicoLoas.os possible. Jfow, however, when .the Northern wing of; the Democracy is ..weaker . than it was ever known to be, .these excellent gentlemen elevate King - .Caucus .into .the. especial god of their . idolatry, becauseJi4 rttporlds toaU their dtmarult. They call upon him only to help them. Wo. be *a the Northern Democrat who dares to ask his majesty todo anything td assist the party in ..; be ie instantly diiven out of a rebel I Let him tlare to denounce . thd attempt touae the public money for the pur pose of provoking.hosUlitaes with Spain; or let mm open his lips ia favor oftbe'pledges of the . party oi the Slavery question, and his name is entered ior instant execaiion. On this question oi the tarifi*, for instance, the de cision of the two. caucuses was a wanton insult to the ppopl?. What would the South say if the- Democrats of Pennsylvania, • Xew Jersey, New Toik, and other Northern States met in caucus to tnake hostility to the , . 6lave trade a party test? ' Wbat would those of .. the Northwest say- it opposition to appropria tions lorxivers and harbors were made a party . .test in..a Congressional cancus? Both would , laugh, as .to scorn.: And yet we are called upon, to, submit to. the decision of a majority«inst. our' moat material interests, on the poor plea that it is anti-Democratic to assess 4uUes, save only to.produce revenue, and not to protect these.material interests by such in . pidental discrimination-aa would not be felt by the consumer! .Mr. Stephens and Mr. Craw ford, both of. Georgia, and, no doubt, the espe cial representatives of Mri Secretary Cobb, took ultra ground in the .House csucns-Mr. Craw forfl being particularly hostile to any attempt to amend,the tariff qf 1357. Ot cnurse, the utter ances o.t such a, body of men. will be no more rc the Democrats of the middle States . . loan if they, were the .utterances of so many children. . Xhcy'w;ili spurn the new attempt to burdens upou their backs with ineffa ble contempt. -They will see that the very men, who were so forcing Lscompton into our., party-freed, and so prescriptive in {n?king.Presidential treachery a test upon fa ..dependent men,.are.the exclusive managers of ' t,hia uuit scheme to stolUfyj and degrade theoL. • The Difhonest Way iu which the Ad .mimslrutiou linys€6al forlhe ivuvy. ' • ' ' fCorresjorideree N. Y. Tribune.] " ' • ' WA--mx0!0K.Feb.3,1533. ■ Though Mr;-Sherman's Committee ooacrre the strictest seotvey respecting the results of •their trill-unfinished iavestigdtion into the < frauds of tho Navy Department, a few iaterest ing iaots have leaked out through the witoesses themselves, who do Lot hesitate, in some in • stancea, to talk of the nature of tbeir evidence. Oae ot the abuses that have come to cir know ledge - is the following: . - ..'lhe Appropriution Act of 1850 oontains - '&.pMvi&ioa which reads thus: via the article of fuel for the Navy or Xavol Stations and Yards, the Secretary of the Navy shall have to discriminate, and purchase, in such manner as bs shall deem proper, that of fael which Ta best adapted to the pur pose for which it is to be used." A coal agent bus accordingly been appointed by the Department to purchase coal Tor the use , oftheXavy, anil send it to the various yards' , flndsiattons. .Under Adminis lrbtion, Dr. Hunter, of Readiug.X'cnn., has been . . the nominal agent. . He has not, however, at-' 'tended to theduties of his office, but practices . his prqfcssion as,a "pbysician. His commission c£s percent, en the cost of the coal purchased, ' §cd on the Coßt of freighting it, amounted, for ie past-year, tOjlh-esnugsam of (15,000. , .Tlk: business ,or thQ ujjCicy has been wholly . , PcrloitncU.b> >he firm of Tjler, Stone A Co.,'of .Mr. member of ilut lirm," Ka'neplida; of Secretary Toucoy. 1 More than 50,- ! .000 Jnu-i of.qoil pcruiuuum liave beca supplied to ,ilie X<tvy bc : thL) firm, fur which the Government . luid.^lCj'pcr. ivu« whl;e,tbecurreotprioe at pj'QjdeljJiia wjs only ,$3.35.! >• ■ riom the cvijencs before the Committee, it appeared that Dr. Hunter, the nominulcoat agent, diU not himself jeUm the $15,000 to whichhe entitled by way.of The money was used !a?t;icdrjor'e]ecttonpurposesundertbe iin , midiate tlitectlnu. of several !di<tit)guisbed politi- ! ' ciaas, among v.'liom may bu mentioned, J. G'aticy jiiues, liow.MiDl&ter to Austria, and—President ' Biichanjn!, '.,:••••• i I belicyi that there. Is.not the least reison to doubt that facts have, been-fully fubitautia*. ted' by the Committee, and I .also think it wilL d^iitartba' furmotefligriutperversieosof pnblio ti'u.At will be brought Dome to men high in office, and especially to Glancy whom Mr. Ba chdnan «i' in hot ba?ta to reward aud pro vide for, alter he lud been n-jecicd by the people. The Freight Tax on the Pennsylvania Railroad* [From the PiiUburjJi Joarnal.l the opinion from our former knowledge on the finhjecr, that the legal question rai-cd by the PeunsyUaoiii Riilroad|>any de-" uying the right to tax the.topnage on that road, was uoufined ta the and shipped to poind outaide of thai Slat o. - X friecd bas e«at,us a., copy of the Chicago Railr-a Memorial, addressed to the last Lejji?ia tute, which distinctly this same" question." In an accompanying -note.'this gentfemin, who . :hopughly of our yenctal viuwa in regard to similar charges' on other railroads, bat thinks It .would "riot extend to the tools on tli) from poiol&.abQve .vhe'.yiTgiuia Suite line! * "At'present",* . ',ihal It perhaps ia speculative rather thao a prac ,.'ical question. gentleman > nrrv be right, but the caVe is not so clear as be thinks We have now before hs the opinions of Messrs.* . .Heyeujih. and - Cuyler, approved by John J. CHt- that this tax on extra State freight was unconi-utuMonol. This appeats to be a somewhat carefully pre- - ' pared 'document of'some fourteen page* on this >Weoft ! .e^ueitidnl ; We have aKo set n,thoogh 'we cduld ' not' an excceoingiyw -ehbofa e opifilon'of'Mr." Stokes, on this same- Kr.-b.'s opiiiioh 'covers S-4 closely prifl ed puges; dud ekbtu&ts the<nn*re question. We bid tool time to read the Fame-ltitire, aud of course #ay h6Wutrie thb opinion may be. '> Pittti' Mri S 'a Ability and iitgentd<y, we suppose all-tbot can be gleaired from co temporary hwwjry, the-de* ba-es !uiheCM>ventson,»Dd the reports of juaiciah decisions,' Ore collWted-in-this pamphlet. ' If thes« do not rstablbh 1 the exem;>;ion of the *CDrflpjny"from the tonnage tax. then lawyers*. "Cpiiffois sre ageless.* Wnut makes us doubt most Isntife' Idct tMt a Company has continued to pay'fof 'sdme'flVd'years this same tax. Corpor alio&s'do do these kind of things. ' A CriUsh' Regiment Expected Here.' ' XSe'v Xurk' of the Boston 2Yav ti'er mnkes tbe foilowiog statement: r ,. ' A novel sight' will Tae witnessed ierei it is*pro-* bible, : during the conn*eoftbe ptfc«nt week—a- Scht w'bich only thoite wbasfe memory reyett-s to';. the days of Waslilng«on can l re uemaer, vij ; the dlsembarkition of aTfiejpment of British solders. Ifot, cntmle?. i; Tbe42J "Highbindecs , tnay bewelcoxed mtti military bolls, but not of the d»>criptron withthat gallant corps tru tamiliarl2tfllQ"the Crimea. Tbe Reginmt .Isex "pfctpd" here lu two transports, on its way to Ore-. •gob via Panama.- The kits of the Regiment have • already arrived,'and are In bond at:iha' Cuslom Hoat-e.l Aslha steamer-briugtng this corps will acquire: sCTeal alaya fpr takiog i lnooal,Ac.,th» pantue-,»li£t«ir-CiUsen eoldieis-will oe abie to tbeir. disoipUno-.and Jfilh.!aefUl»».! , . j . 'w-"" d FROM KANSAS. Old John Brown Under Siege—A Meet* f- .v. -f "g- , If fel [Cwkpco|M&« cf the 8k Louis DemoMt.J a. 'm 03 law«SC^K.T.,rtjtn,l&:9. £ bare that old is fr nF e Scdby aafrty of ML-souriap3.|p|h a g men lrom tbe Territory, In one r-r iwtrTog ,y on a creek in Jt£Terson ccuuty, between this and „ r Nebraska. Tbe asailants or? sf'uid tj attack hijp, w .but being stronser.tbey.iire watching lilm, . -gun eb&ttond have sent to Plattg-wußtjr and Ly - Q . compton for assistance. Some dozen "or two of ihaold aid"if»ut Leeompi. )n tOTrwentup/"Apirty of Aomel.iiity leftTopekd to aid Capt. Brown tbe moment thev beard it. a . The locality is ave miles lrom I'ope&aand ' 3 1 -fifty from t*?!s - Tbe intelligence-has jur. jg reached u»;and a- few. have started from here. Ie -Theto U considerable.feellng-about it,'atid:a tight' ar Is expected. - • y A meeting held In Lawrence last night, to 'e take into cousfdemticn tbe case of Dr. Doy and n sou, who were violently carried oat of the Tern ' tory by Missoarians, and Pla'.te county Jiil. A strong teellhg ,j3 tion pervaded the very a«cmUly< -,. It iwaa? lj e determined that, no more of such raids should be es tolerated, and that Dr. Doy mnst ba. relieved.. It lr " wag resolved that-Gov. Medary sboold be called lj upon tq demand their release' l'rom' the.Governor of Missouri, aud that if either of the prisoners gy were harmed tbat summary punishment would be g. iDflxied-upou those men in tbe Territory who had. ,acted as guides to tbe Miiaouri party, and that the II Missouri luvader. 4 , or any similar- party, should be 0 f banged.the first moment tbey were caught in jo 'Kansas; • j . . - v' Tbe Legislature progresses but Flowly. l ' ';Tbe. cqw Constitutional Convention bill is un<TeF ad-', -p visement. The Bank bill, re-chartering and In- • tb creasing the capital of tbe Kinsa* Valley Bonk, is t ° alfo tinder consideration, but it is thought no ex i\*. .tension will be given. Tlie Legi-iature icfuses to L' give an extension unless the stockholders are made - individually liable. or The Homestead Bill, n? The following to the bill to stcure homesteads rl " to actual settlers on tbe public domain, which pass# eilthe House of Representatives on the 2d inst: an Beit enaeled'by the and House cf Repre• [r. tentative* of the United Stiiles in Congress assrmb or Tbut auy person wbo is tbe beau of a lamilr, or wboha* arrived at tbe dge of tweuty oneyear-, i r and is a citizen.ot' tbe United States, or who shall . e g have filedhis.intention to becoma such,as rcquir hf shall, from all atter tbe paisage of tuis acr,' be eu titled to eater, free of cost} ocs quarter section < f ° "vacant sad unappropriated pubUo lands whi-h " - may, at the time the application is made, be sub j?ct to private entry, at $125 per acre, or a qua&- » tityequil thereto, to beloiiat-d iu a bodr,ia con. * tonnity with tbe legal subldivisiocs of tbe public ?® hnds, and after the sams ; shall have been sur- yeyed. ! 1_ J Sec. 2. And be it further mac'.td, Tbat person f applying for tbe benelic ot jthu act upou ap fy plication to the register of |he laud office in wbii h ? e be or sbe is about to make such entry, make affi* e davit before tbe said register that be or sue is <be ire head of a family, or is twduty one years or more of age,aul that such application wmaileforbis or her exclusive cse and bebeiit, and tho?e tpeci ib* a>ly mentioned in this act, and not either din: ctJy or indiiectly tor the n3e or benefit-of any other perboa of persons whomsoever; and upon nukirg ? r . the affidavit as above required, and filing the afli vavit with the register, bejersbe shall tUe.tujycn ire ixj permitted to coter the quantity of land already :ss s|)ccified: Provided, hoirtcer, Tliat uo certitloue ce shall be given or patent issued therefor until tbe d- expiration of five years fjom the date of such ds entry ; and if, at tbe expiration of such time, or ms at any time thereafter, the I person making shcli nd entry, or, if be ba dead, widow, or, in ca s e of ber death, bis heirs or dtvUee, or in of a wid :as owmakiog&uch entry, hci - beirs or devisee, in to case of ber death, thall piore by two credible wit r a ne?ses tbut be, she, or theyj have continued to re la- Mdc upon and cultivate tuoli land, aud'tlill reside lo- upon tbe same, aud have tiot alienated the same, ith or any part thereof, then, ia sucb ca<», be, she, or nd they, if at tbe time aei izen of the U-.iited State*, en shall,on payment of ten dollar?, be entitled to a ia paten*, us in other cases provided for by law: And as provided, further. In ca e! of the. death of both en father and mother, leaving an infant child or is children under tweuty one ffear of age, the to and tho fee thall inure to tlie benefit of said lnfa:.t ojt child or children, and the executor, administrator, eir or guarduu may, at :<ny tihic within two yeaw after the death of the hurvliring pireut, and in ac be cordince with tbe law 3 of tbe State in which such tjj ß children for tbn time being pare their domicil, sell j n said laid for the beoefit of iaid iufants, but for no 0 f other purpo-e ; and tbe stiall acquire ICO the absolute title by the purchase, and be entitled a - to a pateut from the Unite ! States. j et Sic. 3. And be it furtfur enacted. That the register of.the land cliice dhall note all such ap n j plications on the tract-books and plats of his 0 office, and keep a register of all such entries, and make return thereof io the General Land " Office, together with the upon which they h have been founded.' I j 0 Sio 4. And it it further .enaet4d,.lhit all lands acqutred'ohder the provisions of this act ehall in no event becoms liable for tbe satisfac- j 0 j- tion of any debt or debts contracted prior to tbe I i_ i&saiog tbe patent therefoc. j . t " See. 5. And be i* furthtr enacted, That if, at , ild a °y time after filing the affidavit, as. i in tbe second section ot this set, aud before the ; tT expiration of the five years uforementioued, it ; ' shall be proven, after due uotlce to the settler, , g3 to the satisfaction of tbe jregister of tbe land office, that the person having filed such affidavit |Qa shall have actually changed bisor her residence, i. or abandoned the said eatf-y for more than six months at any time, then, and in tbatevent, the 1 ' land so.entered shall revert back to the Govern ment, and be disposed of 4s other public Ja'uds < _ are now by law, subject tolaneppeal to the Gen t * eral Land Office. 1 • J CT . Sao. 6. 4*dbt if f*rlf»crl<r*JKtni, That HO IH . dividual shall be permitted to make more than' [e * one entry under the provisions of this act; and D _ that the Commissioner of the General Lind Ot . lice is hereby rrquired to prepare and issue such rules and regulauons consistent with this fict,' as shall be necessary and] proper- to' carry its ' ' provisions into effect; and thattbe ragisteridrid l n receivers of tbe several lauid offices tfball be en 1 - titl«d to receive tbe samec|irnpedsation for any of lands entered under the provisions-of ; this'act' , that tbey are now entitled jo-receive'when the' same quantity of land is'eatered- With-tribady,'• - one half to be-paid by th 9 Ipersoa-making tbe 1 r" .application, at the time of SO' doiog, ana' tbe" 1 . other half on the issue of certificate ! br" the'l person to whom it may ba issued: Provided, >- That nothing in this act shall bo so cdrisrruedtrs' ve- • io impair or interlere in'aur manner'whateTer' I of with existing pre emption rights. "" •;■••••; 1 be , , -! • • •. - • . ® e l * iUissouri and Slavery. ;'' i n . EPrctu the St. Louis Cea*. Christian Advocate, Fib'. 23, :e< ' Oae ot the most striking andaiguiticaot factf .< vt'. connected with Missouri iathc change that is constantly going on as it regards.the|r«ilatire 1 QS position of the white and calored population, in reference to numbers and soaatposiiioh. Scarce -ally ia week passes, 'away "without witnessing tbe r j emigration of hdndreds of slaves to,the Ssutb. • Various and numerous 'ard the . causes fur this lat unprecedented movement !We caa only, enu merate a few of tbe principal elemjeatsinVolvod., ■One of. tbe principal causes,.fn our judgment,, ed- -is-tbatitis demonstrated 4s .cioarjj as auy_ot\ se • the problems of h'uclid, ihati so far as Missouri« ds it concerned, wbito'labor ii far nore prpfiuble )8 . than slave labor. A stranber coming to .St. • eD Louis would be surprised tO|find, that in tbe'ho at-' tela;barber shops, and on) the le'vee, that the ta parstes employed are generally whites -seldom on do'yoa fled r a colbrdd'pinoa performing, ibis kiad of labor.': ' -'• • • | or " We remember, when we first came to-this city,., being taken by surprise to „f\od iti.ihe botei []y where l we put up, tbat there !was.i\ot sojpuch as : 'of one colored person.- Wnen we wei?t to.the bar m," ber sbop, we expected; fcs a course, to 0,. meet with one of tae sable jprof?sa B ,oa,-but we to were disappointed. A correct conq-;ptiop : inay. ot be- formed of tbeir relativi poaitioiL, troni the ' at- fact that.the slave popalatibn ol • amounts to 1,000, and as itregardathis upjnber, it many-of them are a burden Jto' their owners.- it, Another cauie opsraaiug powerfully is tbe ic-. j* security of<Uiis'cbittel>z>d properly. In Ma as- Boon, "surTOuodtd as she lis by free States, tn- stampedes of of frequent occurrence, ti- Vou cannot take up one oftbe city papers with-, cy out seeing an advertisement!with its.acompany-. ut ing-rewsrd for tbe recovery bf. runaway slayes. ' We 1 do'not belong to that extreme school desig to nated: abolltion sm. We-have no sympitby with It, and'jostiname-it as a cause. But we iIL are not to be understood as 'approving, of that lio way of dealing with tbe institution.. like violent interference it only serves, ix» ia- our jodgment, to incrsate tbe d.fiicalties in tbe' [>- wayof emaucipatioD. ' Bat at tbe same time tbe le. difficulty of under such circum sianeei, is certainly oae -of-the moat powerful la '-principles in operation to thin th&. State of slaves; •■•••- | But perhaps-of all these causes in operation, cr one of tbe most potent is tbe deep,-the'firm, 30 the settle 1 obsolute convictidn tbev-Missoari w e«- -epeedtly-destiaed to be a free State Tbere are d, ' principle* In operation that must ultimately si - work out -thia result.!' the strong un dercurrent of feeling tbat pervjidea' deptU ;o of the American miad ia fayoc of freedaoLob a- and j must soon gather d." wich lorce as towecp, every vestige of slavery 40 : es »s this surface S3 rapidly as" "as ox^UfeSouri.t'Our Intends'at a distaoce may 1 iX'- assured,lhatihe day',of freedom m' ,is not far distant', aqd t,* 'Cbuich, we shall" have tbe connotation to ktow c- that'we hive mingled in battle, hat we ,t, -have'carrieifthe that.. -proclaims* liberty* to the captwe, into evcrv pait •s." of the State. Amidst pereccutioS"a'n3* death we' t- have stood 10 ourpost,stood wbile assailed by all is 'tbe malignity and fanaticism t'jat a political and -iocelesiastital. zoal could inspira«<-But rwlutcii e- • than all the outfratd : prepeare-an4 is - o|)positkmtbat has been broaghttoheor np^uf', t h- _bas,U«n*lK.cald jw ..some of small friends—small In every sense ie. .of the term—destitute of minds 'd ing theiuiKbty gpnoiplesat is^ue*'*But-wetbauk d GodwestHi ave, and hfe'very departmeat.of our., w vast field tbe work is extending, and already tbe tt' notes of victofyaie beards-; j !• Wondcrfnl Teleprapkic teat.; Pro jrew it -of Western Lines* .1. - - <Ob Saturday night the lines of the Union Tel-' IP , egraph Company,re working direct ftomStw. s ,'' Yofk to 5 i distance of about eigbteenThundred miles, and the wires were'"switched" together in Such a r * wax; that tha correspondence between-the cities . ,uttmeawas,r?cevred - -etia: Pitttbntgb»€intionalt, LouisvilLe. Sl Lou. '• -a,-Übieago, titßTelaad s tieflalo," s!!!wiuk'ee aad p* Prarie du Chien. camrot baeontem- 1 plated without emotioo»-*C awe.. It x ia one of' "iiroaeitartliog webiereeents before. wbichtba "-.woadara of the world" in other cen * turita ae«m .triviaL'- The jWestert'Dnloh Tele graph Compare, htw jßStcompleted-auew direct luo rrenC.«j»'«.W-'.wpbwaho. of ono wire, nd ~ &Mooid wiraia uarlj up- Another lino to bt. fe' iidati.' Ti»'lndtari«pdii*«d Ttrro U«atf, i«m . Dtraitn'ulnU •P«ed'lr.'» The . -oalT Itak to-b. wppUcd. is ..loog the lnat&nap. whicli whprt»an>Ktillno< be lonirmmrwlmg n tbemßelvei of th»t isralaable ind mlmott iadu - S pediable to * r»ilr9»d. » magnetic . ». wire. hrinßing tho rtole leOKth of the line and n alt ita force «der tt» immediate direction of 0 1 the SaDerinfehdßnt, glrin? auek - f««Ui» aad « power in amergtaciet a» is otheiwus unaiiama ~ ble.—Cin.-<Xmi Personal and Political. —There is a movement on foot among some Republicans in Pennsylvania to give ms exprea sion f Gen. Sjaon CanuMDn cocgl ancQfl us innn lrlly phMhitP in iMfield,BHl k alsiQ git ted dJyatioq in Convention from tbat|otate. This movement is premature. There is nothing about Cameron . ..that makes him the best candidate to put.on the " ttack. j *--The f invitation to the Legislature of Ohio to ▼istl Indianapolis during the present session . WM clrratat*d fn fKw Tni4i»n« nw 3»lnf. . day lest, and received the signatures of most.of the members of that body. The membertoC the Hotjse wilf 'prohablf take the same course, and thetii we may look out for a grand! Legislative ' drank. - . - —Already a powerful lobby is organixed by the President to earry throngh the App'ropria - tiazetU says: "The same lobby was in fcxfstence at the last session to force through the Deficiency and Army bill*. 1 The person employed last year to act as chief of -this lobby is employed this, and is already ne gotiating for a splendid banquet, •ai which the members of both Houses will be invited. The ♦•person'; is one of Mr.- Buchanan's Federal of fice holders in New York State, and is receiving a large salary." - ( '" Exfcx SeEsion will not save Buchanan's - Administration from the dishonorof pecuniary bankruptcy. The President gives out his par , - pose to summon one in a certain contingeocs, ' with much emphasis. Should be do so, says The United States Gazcite'i Washington correa " pandect, the session could hardly be called be ; forethelstof July, because at least sixty days notice would be required Cor the special elections that would have t j be held under his proclamsi-- ' tion. Thirteen States bare yet to elect, includ ing California, and exclusive of Oregon, if ad > mitted; so that, under no.probable eirenmstane j es, could Congress well meet under three and ft half months.after the adjournment on the 4*.h of > iMarch. And even in that event the Govern ment would be dishonored, inasmuch as about $13,300,000 of outstanding Treasury notes be come due before the Ist of July. —The St. Louis Democrat ot the 7th inst, says:—Goisg! Goiso!— I The steamer Dan. G. Taylor'depirted this port yesterday afternoon for the South, having on board another gang of negroes numbering aboct thirty, who were pur chased by traders from this State. The negroes were all young and of an aveaage value of S9OO each. The tide keeps moving out. Western ih'eics Items. ' D-bcb BaacsoiOi-rA number of farmers in Northern Ohio and on the [borders of Indiana, have commenced 'he breeding and raisins of | deer, the earn* as they do sheep, and they bring them to market in the same manner; hence the abundance of venison. | A Baxd of Robbirs.—A number, of young men in Grand Kapids, whd formed themselvea , into a baud of burglar:!, hare been arrested and are undergoing an examination. One of their number turned State's evidence, which renders their commitment sure.—Bttroit Adztriutr. Soictns— Mr. Griswold,. n highly respected resident ot Grand Ledge, Elton County, Mich., ! drowned himself on the 18th inst. He had con , ceived the idea that all theipeople and cattle of the town were to starve to death during the , winter, and told his familyitbe devil bad tempt ed him to kill them.—CUnio.t (la ) Htrald, Littlc Gibi. Bu&xsd to Dsatq.—We learn from the Nauvoo (UL) iVeatbat a little daugh ter of Mrs. Unff, of that place, aged eight years, was burned to death one day last week. It seems ber mother had gone out aid her clothes caught \ fire from putting seme chips in the stove. She died in a tew hours after btmg burnt i Colliqk kt Adbian, Mica.—We leern that it [ is intended to establish a College at the city of i Adrian. A meeting was recently held at Adrian, to consider a proposition td remove the Leoni 1 College to the former city, which resulted in the determination to establish a new College. A ! good deal ot spirit was manifested, and an at temp; will bn made to raise' $30,000 by sub i scription, to accomplish the object.—Detroit Ad , virtiser. I Fatal Acciokxt. —l'ha Peoria Trantcript learns that on Wednesday morning lost a man by the name of Samuel Phillips was instantly L killed in a coal bank beloogiog to Hiram Jack l son, by a slip ofslats about'seven inches thick, falling from the roof of the upon bim and > crashing his head! The: accident happened near the mill of Mr. Jacksdn on the .Kickapoo, and is said to- have beeo*iinavoidable, as the I. .slate came down abreast tbei coal, which is rath j er unusual la ihie descriptidn of mining. Mr. t Phillips leaves a wite to motrn his ios& Casualty.—On Thursday, the 27th ult., a ' Swede woman, in attempting to cross Mud Creek, in Lino, alout one mile from Jenks' Mill, > was drowned. The stream jras much swollen. [ She aitempted first to crpss on tho bridge, over V . which the : water was rushing with great -force. ■ ' Sbe thea perceived, jtljats of ice, upon { which she attempted-to.cross; they gave way ; under her feet, and she aooa disappeared in the angry .waters. Her body, has'not jeS been foaad.' *. Gtlltibuf* n. j I Dasoir or Cats Smprxd"wiTU Cqildbkk.— A small girl, seven or eightj years old on the ( night of th* U7th ult., came pretty near losing ■ her life by a cat.' Her mother heard a strange t noise which awakened her, she hastened to the I bed where the child wos lyinp, aud foond the eat with ber mouth close to the child's month. At p tint they- took •• took tbel child to be dead, L < but they soon -perceived catch tor . • breath occasionally. Alter two or three hours ' i she was restored to consciousness, bat has beea | very stupid and unwell sinci Paranta. should k - beware how they trust theiri cats to sleep with 'i .their ohildren.—ltid. ■■ , Darvcio Tcskst3.—A lljckof turkeys f "psssed ' through the city a day. or.twosinoe, ' 'which were beirig driven in the same manner as : a'flockof eheep'or a drove of cattle. The drover ' said he' bad driven' 'them j nearly a< handred ~r : tailesiu ; this'wAy; Tbei birds looked extremely dilapidated' ahd crest fallen,! from Jong travel and fartgne;' Even the old turkey gobuter.-tbat | led the Way,-traveled with bead and tail doom, | and plumage hsdW foiled; He.looked bard.ap * and in waot of rest. 'His companions, followed 1 -him with slow and wetrj'step, hardly pauiing | for ai melancholy^p^ak'-at a oat or kernel 5 of-corn as'-thf-y passed trlleyßjor barnyards. We afi kinds of dmvtjrs, bu» none eqaal t * to the turkey d/ove in'q-ies-.ipu., Toey had some • forty or fi ty miles fet ti» travel before.reaching " their^^defltihaltCa.—^'Diircit J*s<4 i*rtu,- [•' . A Sld and Fatal jltsiAxa— Oa Wednesday I. .afternoon,, the 22i ult •'a son of Jonathan Scntes, ' j. who.livfcfl.dve'orau mileaeoet of Greenvllle'in ' .. this pState, catiie uaiimsty death by means, . ,cf a'dose of hid by } ' his mother, euppo.sed U>j be- quinine. Tho 1 k poison bad been procured of;a ! drugglet in that' .tpwn, buthaving , failed to accomplish that.obj-3C -, it bad been laid' ( uqr<?y. The, boy bad a chip oh the dav above [' m^nt:oQed, ( und .his rpother got the powder, and tia*(trd it, and beiog satisfied it was qaiuine, / niade soine and gave them to him to. ; &ibp [the cbilfs. The,boy west out and brought , 1n wpod aud.iuldit down, when he iinme r 'diafely tvil d'o'ifn himself. [A pbyflc'un iru im [mediiitelj eeiit for, but did not arrive there an 'tll.kfttr the boy was dead. He lived but a very 'short time'atter. taktnxtbe poison. His name ' was A- E Scutes, end he wa« about ten and a . halt yeaisot >ge.—J/cr.arti {I t.) Index. The Thirty-Jlillion Corraptidh FantL' • , WAinucroi. Xeh. 5J359. .The pppoe^.ion. to tr\e tniny-milltoo corrnp. 'tion. prcject,.is widening. It Is by no means conQped. to, the' Republicans. S;x or eight Scu'tb'ern Senators ore opposed to it. The ot gan of tbe States Rights wing cf the Sonthenj Democracy ol this <niy, is* but against )C and Crittended' will both speiikln opposition; ' , The idea-of gificgihePresident tbeunlfmit ' m ed control ot thirty millions qf mooey just be i fore tbe opening ot a Presidential campaign, is one of those amuziog propositions'th&t staggers' i- even the lai hfaL Tnere is that In' it which ofi . fends every sentiment of propriety, and alarms the jealousy of the most conddfng. ' Wbat will the rresfdent do*with* the tf be' getsrft? Who will heboy? Will it b* the people' <rfPenn . svlyania, whohavaUt«ly Whatever be.may d?,'thai there IS' no restraint npon'bis action, by'thVteraisofthe'' to gtve bim the control of the thirty ' nfrllidns... His' power brer it to be absolute,' .iiod be ia not to b« er en. compelled to say 'what be does with iL Oatecsibty, it is a btioe with which to corrupt Spanish ofS;ia!s. "This is an .offense «gainst-tbat Goverom#nt,'and a stigma upon tbe American name. .Tbe proposition' Is : disgraceful, looking ia its most favora b!fe.f:£fcC~ Nakedly it is seen to be " /un uf.dWnger." The of h ought hot to expect ftoothiag leas tbaa to be met oy hearty pabiic-opprobrivtn'from one end of the country' .. iii&.jDlh&r.— Tnbutu , *.CorrtspOrufrn& • 1 ' * A Story with'a AloraK 'Mr. Bone's,'of the firm of Co.,. Was otte of those- remarkable 'money 1 ' making* metfwfipse nnlnterrupted "success' iii has ' '/beef^.the'wouder,.ana afforded material' for.the ' » u gossip.ofa<ba-tawß>tor years."' of . vissiiliiir.tura of mind, he'was frequently inter xogalediia tb* -subject, and invariably'gave as the secret ot hta succeps, business. * : '' :j * ■ •--A'gectleinan met-Mr. Bonis on the Asaanpjnk Bridge. He was gaaing iaUntly on the dast-lng foaming watery as over the ; dam,[ Ha .waaavideotly jq.a brpva study.' Oar ftieod .▼eatsMdtodbturh hiscogitations;' -' • "**Mr. Bosvs;telttn« trow'tt> make a thousand ' 'd6llart* , "•'• • • * .-Mr.-Bones eontinued looking intently'at the ..water. At last he. ventured a repli. 41 Do you see that dam my friend ?" •;' • '* '-» 4 Certainly I do/' • *• ,I J ' ' -** Weil, bereyon msylearn tbftsecrttdfmak : , iagmeney. The water would waste away and' bp of.noprac.t\cal.uße._to..anybody' J but'for the dam." That dam turns it to good account; makes it perform*soifce dierut porp<Jae, 'and then 'suf ' fers it to p*ss along*. - That- targe p3per mill is' . .keptia-constant motioaby thiaatmple ecopomy> M&ny mouths are fed in the manufacture Of pa "per, find intelligence is Bcait;red br.oadcaflt over, , ' -ths-london tbesheet* that are daHynorned out; . and ia tba different prooeasas throhgb which it ' passes, money.jsjpade. So it is in jihfe living ot hundreds ofpeople. Tbey enough of money.. It passes though their, hands every dayVjuTdjit theyeafaVod'tttej'areno'better o£ \ the reason? They want'a dam. "Their expen ditures are racte&siujg t ~and no prae:ical good is - attained. -Tbey went them dammed up, so tbat .jiottjing will pass through-their wiihpntj , bringingsomething back—witboiii accpmpUah-'. . ' log some uSefot prirpo'se.'' Dam uproar -aea end yon willaoott have enough , .to soare.a little, just like that dam. "Look at' it myiriendl" ... - itltgcclianeong. GREAT WESTERN LEiTnj* Aifi HIDE KLtt;Knqit.r, nn&s., -vi 201 plontl^V'at^/ Street; CH'.OiOO. ILL. ~ T\~E UAVt JCfT RECEIVED IS BOND ' * 1-rjn.h Ih! CHICAGO CUSTOM HOUSE, our Br,L !nto;eg fm» >,... . r PKESCtI KIP and CILF SKINS, AND BOOT VRUXrS CIIIUI'KD, _ For tlie Spring Trade, .PIRtLT. PifOM. THU PiE-3 MASCFAOTUBraa. D;.!etl will Ond the Stock to berery tfuperlirani fr/sces Low. -We have ta St*ek andcjcung Inward la%e assortment of SOLBLEiTttER OF TTE HE-T TANNAGES* . OAC aniBE«LOCS UrPSR KIP and CALF, • * • LININGS, LASTi and FJNDBJQB, Which will be sold at loic<&t market price » by BLACKBURN BROS./ At their LEATHER AND Ut )g?r <RE.3QI A 301 South Water ?tW, (eat of »Vel > bri) Chtcaeo, N. B.—lho hUhtst market pnea yali In Cash for Hlder. ' . . • .. j ,31 ATHER! LEATHER!!— - FIRST CLAS3 CATJ"A:*:. e.»P SSLSS iua: re t:>ni DIRECT FRO . FRANCE: -it- JAM E S KELL7. & CO., 2-IS LAKfc-fcT chingo. nu Who keep oonstantiy on hand the largest of Xrfiather Finding * To be foondlnthe West Also, stock of superior LEATEKR and INDIA KCBBER BELTING. AH of the above wiH be sold mr lot for cash or a> proved paper. . JAMES KELLY A CO.. ocl l * ly-b!97 343 Lake etr-e*. near the Bridge. Dissolution, toe partner^ ah'p exUtunb twem fgued eiplr'd by 1 s owa Irmltatloi on the putters are auihorx.d to sUn !n I'qildatijn of d lnu. T. BCABTEH. TilrtOl* RKTHOMPiON, Jdbtuyy 3. ISjO. J. N. lillilL T. 13. CARTER WILL COSTtSCI TBI CASH RETAIL DRY fiOODS BUSINESS, —AT— -136 ....XABE STREET 136 i?e7cl?slwj The best safe iver seht to CMca*^—•'Ws h-vs ]u«t rrcelvered a WILDER'S PATE.NT 3 *LAHahDKR SAFE, made to ordee lor a Ooupty T euur.-r'd llQce. lined tardeard it el. tn inildest.'el Bur* rP^oirCh , '«t wlTn Ave 1"«*k , t«o of 'i etn with TWENTY SK MILLIONS cbasgeseacv Wewi'laiep tbub-teun exn.oit-oaoi.e seek. Patties wh< are aboct dujbc? l a*ej are Invited tocal!acdseeiuali»thebtat&toj ofl'-reaad buiglar Ptoof Safes west of new Y n rk, ' PRATT A rtf»RC*STER Agent. fes-lw clTl 197 douta W\ er a:reet Hardware stock.-hve offer fur Sale oi favorable terms to artsaonilble party a WtUsiUcted .to.k of HARDWABE, STOVE?, IBO.V, Ac., tose-'ber v'thtbe will cf tbe buslne-c. It Is the beitkt* din a d'j:l hl?g s:*.acul ha direct ra'lroid e"»a»rurlcat*OT *1 h ctl /!«owith theab-nre will be sod ti« Store—a corner threeswry fire yroof boU- ln< iJtUOfeei Appjto WiLIIAMBi.4IRACO, felclOla 17tf Lakestrcet QDPID'S MESSENGERS. T'rt len tines, o.' Every Conceivable Pil'em asd Price, -A. T FBTTOEO T 3 S, CHICAGO VARIETY STOLE. 40,.,. Clark Street 40 [' e :si;:iy] Kerosene, or Coal Oil. a neav suppi.y. The Y&y B<s. Art'iL) in tie Market. Fcr sale tj LHWIS & FA O 33, 103 - - - SoniU IVator-St. ... 103 (r«Sci73lni) • IRISH Iw^osa- Shred and bhect Isinglass, TAPIOCj, FRESE HOPS, Cost's sparkling- Gelatine, SAGO, OAT SEAL, coxoentbated extract of lemon, SAKGEST & ILSLET» Jpofheearles, fe3cm ■' 110 Lake gtreet. Valentines NOBBIS <2s ! H^DBi NO. 100...DEARBORN STREET...NO.IOO Rave the lar<>rs£ asd beit stl'.cted assortment of VALE NT ?N E S TO IT'J tOCNi> WEST CF NEW YORK. Whichtliejbfcrto PRICES. xouris & utde, fel-£w<N4 100 Dearborn street. Chicizo. Cl. TO SHIPPERS. Tbe Illinois Central Rail pad Campiilyj Aie fcrwanlintf Fiei*'.t|to and from SlLouij, Altsn, Springfcldja&d Blooaiagton, uITUOCT 'GE ANGk!oF OARi - Time as qiick and rates as low ai by any other route. Deliver Freight at tbe Stone Freight Depot, foot of South Wa er street- • | Foriotonnatlonastcralesan4 qondition* apply to & FOR3T«IJ Gen'l freight Agent; oSce in Passenger Detnt, rrp stslra or to 0. If. Depot. ' ' ' ; i iaith^lm Vilß U7EH IN VIGOR ATO 8 ?iTPA3KD BY DR. |AN#OaJ>. EXTIKELV rito3 (it3^ rS'*);«E OF TIIE EaSlr-rUtJGATIT* and HVER UtDTCINIS before tie tsfc'lc: ♦i«tn» remove: : t «Jbe.Jo«eoftiz;epca.tfU illc:rtld cr btd matter, ,* ,s aauredure for t hols.' from the system, roaprr- jV" ra; >in.-9ua, and a fm> UU In tnrir puce' a of aeaithyßo«*!v ■ i 3rstins tLtt a:ooiv:h. Cj •to:*uacbottf«taueeu cauilo* *ood to ilitv >*d itjow outoftLesya i well. itnri. » toj tue -v, l»eistje tflects cedl .lout, «rflns waesT 7 heaitn to Lis who}ttci>,. _, . : • M r 'chinery, rentorina ihe 4 cause olttiedt«ettie—*r.l ■ rtmoves all mHi.-.i <ar' , .SAllotsnedS or unnataral o » 1 9 'oiprfroMi tLeakin. BiiUoua. J med.and,what!abcCcn /». i *Jfa ; dose taken a s&on prtTented by th-i occi' ,'.1.-uc b«.ore eaiibx gives ■ slonalnssoflheLtv-vTr.-* 'V.»tr'.j • rUoraUtfv - • r.Q ts;*kf« *>: '-o' ir-ejt rOne dose after sacuui- : ae f ' lssuCdenttorelieveLie. f-H i ' Rotaachand prereatthe,. * ax - ' 1 ■ 'wife numarr an*. Oniyooedo«atakanoe- : r9'<D o«a /1 I'oraplalou lore . rettrin*. »y;tU aleaost to the 3rd nUbtmare. ( i .doie r' | a. ••*w bwtties Wtu curt a.»«. IpQi .Jo*.iMea mats P _ «aca»i!iiwHlcsMUi. l ta C33=«nto« tMj m?d)■ o+n.:»*. i ulaf as a preventativ* ' for ■ Frver anl A»ua, . voe dojt, c» tw%» i'i.- ; 4 tt in F>tcr, and all Kwnfuis will a'wvare-'r -i-f vers of utiiioua tefilcA >.'«!> i\> . • ivv4r. It oy.ratrt with :j-!» un»t cer| asu tuousawls dlatily '* le, fcal'Jare: to t«stl!y to While • ' ' *. >;Vi vlrtuej. KLL WffO OSB IT ASS Cr.'IIiCJ THEIK ' tWANIKOOJ rESTIMO;! T i X ITS FAVOH &T~illx r.aWri iMie iMati. W.i i,'..'-/Uors'T. scd iwailew iwn««if. riicf. cxanoiika rxa^-T?^*- "Dr. SANFORD. iti croaawai. New T<ttkv DruetAna lo'd. oy f t. iJOLLSA, BHiTH ACU. li4Lxke-ft ; .aiid TAHNETOOK A l>AVlf«, ' .•ylMy-** w j' • • " C* R3T>dctt'h itrett : *AOS:' BAQ3! BAGS otKAZ BiU , : Wai>ath ar^uu«Chiewrc. A*TD SACS? A'etery on ! tHcrt" notice ' *' ' 'ini printed wit» : uuAiro« j "* •" i»- - XsTly.i" , t • j Silver-Platod Goods. SILYER'PEiTED' CASTORS IN GREAT ▼sriety T;ndi GihJets. As* Ac.' Ttr nle tower th«casaay othe--hm eln tbeeity. A' JABtiKR A UVd French Chlft* E nporium. lU3 Laka • tUect betweea Clark ani iharbom: l*3oly-c34 Country Merchants 4 RE' l.VVirEu 'T.I EXAMINE OUR tarse' snsk of Crockery aud G-au-ware before maaingiheir pureias'Vi e's»-wti«f. with the astnranee that our endeavors will bam tde t» makel* for Haeir adrantageu at?ck>ti a Cfilna Emporiattof A JAE jKi A CO . lOi Llae rxeet between Ua/E and DearboriL ' • - . jaX-l»-ci4 • New and Attractive Goods. i\TE RESPECTFtfLLT IXVIT-' THE' Vv attention of the ladlei fChicaso asd c»-np'et«»tock.of fine French Ohlnfc- line Cat Bobemlaa tilass .Wikre. Crockery Ware. . BrOaala Ware, Ac . as we are satisfied tie quality aod low'> rices or our {(oods. odve the best taratfietlotrtea'.U' A' l AfiQßtt'A €O, street be tween-ClartandDaart nn: JaAHy-cX r Find; China. FISE'DECORATEO ND RICHLY OIU). Ed Dinner S -tai' gtoe deceratcd and jjchii gilded Tea Seta *• , " ~ „** . '* Toilet Seta- Beautiful dscorateo Yi«es. tfotr* Oao<. Oolofnes, Tete will be Slid very k»rtu a. Ja«; JER a Cj.'i. W Lake st ja*U.-c34 . . • ■ - • • *f»HB HAVE TUfi PLEA -X' 1 80RS ef Informing thetrcoatim that they have - removed tbeirrtecko(eroek?r& glass aad china from No . 333 Lakesxeetto thsnewandeliunt store. Nj. ICU Lake strerfwherethvw!lf be toaakfmtj a eoutlnu aaoeof the hoeeal-patrons*?ber«wfore arstowedupon Shea.. A. A Oa. US Like street^between .Clark.and Dearborn. . jTtO AND'VISIT THE FRENCa CdINA VT "Emporium or A. J\SGSS No. 1(S Lake, ■aeeu besisue i Otarfc aad 4>e-*rwn fASTRY I*I,OUK- 330 BBLS ON CON ' »1 naent'for aale by . "• ,N>. Ift Deybom. ad -or'from w»fr sr. /~~|AT liEAU —Aii'UTIIEK LOl'- EaOM V-/ • MoatreaL (» conaUcoment. . J 3 V O* itA -IM3 . >o. 10 iou r b Uearborn street I>UTTERi—'S'OOO POCNDd HQLL BUJ- J3 : TCR en eonatttxment. ' j. SNuW. j : ted«l£».- ~. No. 19,flqcthDear'>otttstreet" * 'tlaW'ktfd DotlblewtfcM Elias, aflargwsia^-»A»~ ' illebicincg iiSESg- THE GREAT WESTERN ' WnOLESALE AND* BBTAIL I» A. T-E NT 1 '" • •"HTEDICJ.YE MfCFOTT' tWlt sou want a remedy lorynarCooshsoto POLLS?. guITH A Co.'Bi 124 Lake street tW*U yvuwint to p«nfy the alond co to 1M Lake tt» BOLLZfi, BMITU ACO. fW If you want a'fever and Agne remedy ga to BOUJ&,BHirUACu. Lit ! Laie-ak. I WTfyoa want« Hal toiatlveorhalr DVr»«in«. ro to UOLLEa. SMITiTaoOu • • IStLakMi ant yeuwantaßheumat -1c PI I or Uniamraw ro to i . .• « HOLLXB,hMITU A GO. D* Lakfret. IS 'if you want aV*medy for i u o7 l , :^ l s^f 18j,rtu tWIf you srant a HtirDye —warranted, go ta BOLLn. SttlTH A CO. Ul tWlt you want a PutoUto or taihartis Plii go to ft. ' 3. A o)'s. U4 Lake street yon want a Fain Kil ler cr Pain Extractor go to BOLLKB, &MIIU A' CO.. LM Lake^t tWlt you want some Tonle ' biue'sosdchel ami*ehnspps 1 so 10-eOLla*. fMITH A .COm US Lake street. Dupa&oo'a Clark's andCheetman'atemale PQ's BO to BOLLa& SMITH A 00m Ut Lake street. GF"Por Couth Candles or , Kdimonte bo D m | LakesL, BOLLItS. SMIZU A HPPcr a Powder. Piste or vvtah rbr the Teeth goto SOLLKa, BMIIU A CO. LA Lake-it. _ Lf a Liver and Dyipen tc Remedy, goto ROLL£S, * 00,. W Lu«^ tyPer Yenn'ftxge and Dys peptic ' emcdy. go to lit Lue- t BOLLEB.6MITH A CO-l-*Laxc^- ftrenglhening Plat ters ef all kloos co BuLUtd, &MIIH A CO. Ui Laklhwb a Remedy for all rt irate Diseasrs g-» to 12* Lake-** bOLLUI. dMIfH A 00. a Tlcmedv for Dfs sides of th# *»ld so to ! WtjLLK?. SMITH A CO., 131 Lake-s. tWf or Fancy Pospa. Bnuh ea and Toll-1 Articles go to 80LLA& dMITU A 00.. 13t Lake-st. tWfor Hadkerehlef Ex tr»eu and Per'uuerr go to KOLLES, SMITH A CO- U* Lake-it EVPor Tru«ses, Shoulder braces and AbiL>mli a! eu> porters. Tney ire sgtnts fo* tbe macofactures *nd *lll sell at low prices. 40LLE3. BHTIH Aa. 12* Lak»eL Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters, rolJ bl BOLIE3. SMITH 1 00„ IM Uk. Hoatetter's Stomach Bitters, Sold by E. T. WATKINS A CO- 19 State street Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Sold by J. H. REED A CO.. U* a: dU3 Uke fmt Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, EoldbyHiVEN. PARREL A CO., 77 Water street, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Fold by BAROEKT A IL3LEY. ltO Lake street. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Cold by J. EL 8. FOLLER A CO.. 37 Water street. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Sold by BOCKFE, INK 13 A C }. Zi Water street. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Sold by L. READ A CO.. « Uke street. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Sold by 0. P. E ULLBR A CO. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Have, for thdr Tonic and other MedLlnal Virtues, be* come so celebrate! and popular, thatunpxin:ip!ed par. ties here and elsewhere have c:uittet felted them eaten alve'y.snd to prevent deception we refer purchasers to tbe above parties for the genuine article or to the pro* sri,tOT ' Uostetter A Smith, Jay cS7-£ni PITTPBCRng. PA. Mothers, yoc love your Children, be on the alert bt every amatom of Worms. For worms cause the d««th of mare than any other (Bieases. la all eues TIF! 4l> Sy<L k • ° r P* l ® countenance, livid • eirele the eyes, and foui hrsatb rive HoLLO 70S WAY'** YtiOKT « BLE _ _ WORM OONFIiJTIONS. f*T QtfM Q t They sr» a dtUclooa prepa. wXaJAOt rtMl^nafßusa'th*t«iyc'illd win crave. If worms ar? p?Sr*nt, they will safely and ef fecta Jly remove them and restore kssi'h in alicatea Worn>a! Worms !-The»e trcuMesome tafests ot tbe stomAchandboweisofchildreobaTeailast found their crutch io a match'ess i called " Hol'owaj'a Worm Confectln%** whtch n !n *h* foraa of a vl- asant andacreeaMeeandy. the U'tle-children affected with worms, which heretofore turned up their and sputtered aad cried about*tbe admlnlvratl .n of the nauceousituA under the name of Yermlfose. will open thrir U<Ue mouths with ecstaey to thank the Inventor formiklnx a phasant cure for one of the most trouble* some diseases. Kvery box warranted, grid b? BjLLES, SMITH A 00^ deil 134 Lake St. Atenta States. _Brewn's Bronchial Troches, OS COUGH LOZENGES. Frt'm'-litv. Jltnrf JVari BeetAtr, ic.W Aoi lued 7VoeAas jfes years.— I bare never alianged mr mind respecting theni from the tirst. except to think yet better of that wliieh I bejan in thinking well eC Brown's Bronchial Troches FrmmJUw. £. H. C3nxjix, D../}.,.Vew York.—! aon . sidar jour Luiengeaanexcelieat article for their pur poses, and reeouimend llieir ut* n> i*u hI *« Bronn's Bronchial Troches Frrm Mr. C. //. o*r4n*r, PrintipfiJ of tA* Ruiper's FnmeU Institute, .V>wT#r&k—»l bdva U*eti atOicted with Broochitia during the past winter, and found ne rslia< until i found your Troches. Brown's Bronchial Troches Dr. Lmas prmcribee tlieto in his practice. Brown's Bronchial Troches . Dr. Bifdew says are simple and certain. Brown's Bronchial Troches Indlffpensahle to Publls Speakers. Z'on't Herald. Brown's Bronchial Troches An ezcelleat article. Actumai £ra, Wuhington. Brown's Bronchial Troches A most admirable remedy. Boston Journal. Brown's Bronchial Troches A sure remedy for Threat Affections. TmteripL Brown's Bronchial Troches Efficacious and pleaaant TravtiUr. Brown's Bronchial Troches Curse any Irritation or Soreness of tbe Tbruau Brown's Bronchial Troches Cures Cough, Cold or Hoarseness. Brown's Bronchial Troches Curee Bronchlia, Asthma and Catarrh. Brown's Bronchial Troches Clears and five* strength to the voice of singer* i Brown's Bronchial Troches Cures Whooping Cough and InHoeraa. Brown's Bronchial Troches Are (He greatest Remedy trienci ever produced. Brown's Bronchial Troches Are only £3 eta. per Box. SOLD BY AZtl* DRUGGISTS. SOLI} WHOLESALE AND RETAIL —*T— E»Bxarro3sr sc co., 94 '.V Lake Street 94 OPPOSITE THE T2EMONT HOUSB. DB. G J, LBED>9 QUININE SUBSTITUTE, Or,~ JTEIirE TO.YIC, WILL CCBI F'evkb AND AGUE. Also, yellow, chagre3 and Panama Fevers can often be prevented by tbe use ofthlalnvatoibe remedy. Tbe recipe b from a very e-lebraie«tPh>sldan after thl-ty-ftre years experience to Hoaoltaisand i rleaiepractleetn New York ulty. aod has been tested In a'l «ectloas of the country durins the p ait cx years with the moat wonderful succeta In tbe ' W*steraaad B>oihwestera c>uitry. where Fever and Agae pre rail U baa accompLahed much by eurlntt the disease as wcQ as renovating and lecuperatinx the sya tea already abattered by-the use Quinine, Morphine aad Mercury, or rom too free use of the traahy nostrums such as are tr lly beta* forced unon the unsospectinc m valid. To all snffetlng from erosuation after dlaease 1 uj goarantee lata' Medldne as a perfect .T nk. .Ta tranUers in uahftsHtu.cjlmate«. 1 would aae tbe words of the well Captain John W. new of a Uverpool Packet tin* a d many years in tbe Southern and South American Goaatln«.tradj*.<.'*l . would aasooatblnkof coin* to sea wtihout a rudder as •U>oW*,.Q» to l«s&£<gsV KI) 131 Maiden Lane. New York. ... Psatoit KoblaMß A 8«lth, ff boleaale Agents, 13 South Water street Chicago, ID. del»k»tlctt \T7"EISH ANDTSOWStDKR.—AN HON'EST V f <JUAKXBT3 ADVICE -TO CONSUMPTIVES "Filerds t delay not. - _ one moment tn usins thla peat aad -best ' 6:dthe sands ef fe are nearly run out ktwil be W >hee the Paring of Ufe. and / thou wtlt be restored' UJ 1 l again t • thy family. . Tnou need cot despair for aa i ear*y aa then ait gone U-y condlUon la not sure hopeless than mine, »aa,.,anu as thou knove.b. 1 have been restored to robust health, aa well ta thoosanda of athem whose teatlnagy tboa wilt flndwtth the bot tles. Think not, becaase g thoa bast tried baa hUed. thaa thoir an-beyond tbe reach of iredldnea. Thoawllt snrety not be deceived, by thi» good remedy. Be snre that tttou niiUl no other modleine. .. eolkbF<; -- BOLLIBL SMITH A OOU M' ia« Lake street. . OIL . OF . CO3NAC. OIL .OF COGNAC. . OF .. COGNAC.- " r.ooa utrNCEi ot- Green, \ iVhiie ana lfeHout . ' OIL CUGTiAC, . Mia bj [dd«4j] ...... j ttmOM A OC. iHtftirintg, &r. A PERFECTLY TRIUMPHANT BEiyrnp-g • FOa*ALL DISEASES ARI-.DTG FROM Particularly PHVIIB and AOTTB. Chills toil Fever, a*!d til dbease* arising from thai of the tirf v> produced by the mauirta ana rogs of the West 2u:h u diseased or turpu uver entareement of the spleen. or ague Cako In the rid*.' Billow./Interralttln*. Rem ttem Fever* •nd.naeed.aiiidheases risin* irotn a bullous condi tioner the system It* Intredieola are all vese'ab'e, and perfectly hmalw lo tb?lr effeia. an J perfectly ce** l«la lu cure. Realerftryoa desire to tare mor»ey asd Use, and get your hetUb, take it \i one#. Instead of thpothlnaa which only while they do not cure. - MlgaH3.g.K.ll\gß * OO^^.'wiaVcwSr -JuntaMMß-HvmortottT reme<ly la our market for the W.IUIOTCIII cure of all mvirioas dneasee. Wa _ cheerfully recommend It as worth / ihAt great nana % haawhere?e»soid a»d ared." Vefcy truJyjours, RICHARDS A TmMAfl. - -..v . Vft . JPAUO*. Ohio. AprlL Wsß.' Tolhetaffereraof ehlTs. fe»erand aaue, I cheerfnllp I nuabUibe folrawbu: Uavtcn observe! c owl? «he ef- Acta of ut. Macn's Aanoßaliam -at> 9 tlciniiy f*r th# pa» three year*. I am veil pleated with It* remedial vir tue* as an 10 malaria I hav- frtqusntly uied •Kmmy 1 raetlM, and-w;ih eaiire ia'Uf*ctloa. yrom my In lm«ie, 1 recommend ft sssafe prcmptand e2cicnt. if. E. HACK EDO SI. D. M. .. PLffrrcs. Tn»l.. May 17. l&A. M>f3R*. S». K MANN a uO.—Gents: llirln* aold sour Asue Bals<u> for UrepasVthree scats t<> ico'ei of pervrnt tatui* *vci-.)»r. and c,O' r| > obser»tne Its elT'tft, wa do not hesitate 1* kayio* * e btl>*e Itl h • be»t rsn-edr * Avera-Ud ;a led ana. >mf wl-1 tff.-ctually euro chlLs. fever and a*ua without f«L Truly joan. PMILLIsAfN A &EARN 9, Drug,bls.- __ lfimi Lo<ussfout. Ind.. Pent. 13.11%. D *L asA^NPlea»e• at ms one-half cross wore of jcur Ague Inxne ilalfly It lain neat deoind. and tray be truly stv|rd tv® K n* of Fever aod Ague. J. LYTLK, Phjaiclan asd UruiJst. * , _ L»onn»&. Mleh'wn. June 1?. t*s<. SL K Mann * CO. Gil'oo. uhi^.-GenU: IhaTWtoaay that I bare f>r werai m n'Us been c m> ploielyaroatratad b» cbUa* fever «nd axue. ard a* I h'to *lvce family wha •for th»lr «l*u nc*. I havo tr ed »u »«li all thea<c er» me dhratn my reach {and ihey are leclno.] Oji 1 found ocoe tn cure until I your ««;« I t>avo never »boofc orbadsp nta'««f f'Ter slneeth? fint £ov, out 1 hav« ain-e used the third bott'e. I have now t>e«n aoondfort reeaotta\ aidlamconfiJeniUl* theory thkxthat »Bf Mtt fall. Yooiitrul/, G. P. WOOD. 8. K. 3LV%.\ dk CO., Proprietors, Gallon. 0. 0. J.WCO3 4 00. St. M"», AMe Wholeaile Azenlifora.l tbe "••.terSState* and aaJL •old I>7 all cood drucxia a ja2t?m Real v£slait. tATANTED TO EXCHANGE FOR X OITT TT !«rtdeoe*,a SOMES TE A. 13. Oooilstiag of a Two-rtcrr Milwaukee ihlex Housa, Oal boildlnn, Yard and Garden, all in complete order, local ed In oneefthote beautiful and healthy Lake Towns la Wlaooaala, only SO miles from tbli city on the Una of Jh# Lake Share fUllroad. ilaowastadtoaellor exehaufbr ei?proc«ity. Wiaoonaitt Tinning asd Pine Lani*. for Partlfiart addreas Po«t o.*Bcf I'oz IXI. laSmsMy TT S. GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING * AGENCY. TheSubacriberhavte* htdmach practical «perieoce la SELECTUfa AND LCOATINS LANDS, In the variooa L>nd Dltfrldain tbeWeatern Mates baa unuual facU'tieaformakltuTalaableaeclecC^ua TOR LAUD WARRANTS OH CASH. Choice Selections mty now be made In IOWA. WISCONSIN ASD MISSOCJtI, Fervosa haTf&s Warranla can have them Located la their Own Same. And 40 per Cent. Pro tic Guaranteed* Payable la One Year. lowa. Wlsconata and IIUdoU Lands for sa2a low fcr Money Invested In Kansas and Xebraik*. e. SAZJSBURT. Land Loeatlnt ArenU anl9aoty «Clark street, chiraad. ■£diuattoiiai. 'yj Chicago, New Vork. PhlUdMnhla, Albany Buffalo, Cleveland \ad Pchelorahlu r<vil thro UteeaUre Coaln CorarlUUtlonot " Rr>aut A >tratton'a Merrant'le Colle*e" and " He'l'j Commercial Collrge," noweondncted asour I stlta't.nunoer li e c»m» ud stile of e&YANT. BhLL A BTRaTTO -. D'ahy Joint Proprietor and Auoclate Prirclral of Cb'cuo CoW (eve. Circular an Caialcaue of A) r»r a forclahed pv tultnusly on application »-■ the un< rr«li ncd ia9c*od*wiy URYA.NT. IJfcLL A STBACTON. OY'3 HIGH SCHOOL. THE NEXT Term will on *.'oad y Ftbruary 7th. 1&9. A. J. PAWYR3, A. if., will c< niloue to receive only twenty-five pupils Into hla acbo lat hla realdeoce, 114 Monroe street, and be wialies so- .• to auply for ad mission uule«e they are det«reilni*<l to o well for ♦heuw selves. For the advancement of those -idmltted no rales will hetpalred by the tea- hers. laM Salisbury mansion school, lin COLS BQOA**. WOHCIMTEa. MASf. A Vlrst-Claaf Boarding and lUv rcbool for Yoens Ladles. J. V. Principal. BBraanCK* IW CHtOAQo:—»ro. U. U«i!ei k»q; J«r. Vm.W. Patton; J. I> Welter, tsq.; Luther E.q.; Win. U. h«1i«, Esq.. 3-iuC Pub. Bch>ois; W. a. Lounsbury. liq.; John P. Chapui* Laq.; J. Youna?c»ta. mow. y»q. I<l4 ©ptii^ans. gIGHT AND HEAUING.n DB. F. A. CAD WELL, CP TORONTO c. w. Tbe Kalne'tacdgkillfulOperat ronthe E S" E AISTXJ At the MAITW* nou?B chfeaso Ul Ii woikln* miracle U tbe way of - esior'u.* lost sioirr and hfaking. Upwarls cfOa' Hundrel antl 7w-c'»-Fiv- Pa'lente have been r reived by Dr.C wtth'n the lu Tou-wetU. many of wcom have bee-v b >n 1 f.r ha ai d yra-» while others, who h*<e len* bttit luffrtera. 1j*»o Lad their dl-ea\ea Tbeb st p*f o'a«t • how r>r. C.* are a:~eel a-'eils. th«' he Is dally rewivit % be* P'>lea-> (run all paf« o< t. e coui.try. ar.d UUmnJcu. aa cure J. his t a.l t rccelvjd c»*ei. , . , N • te laieqaUei f>r an > Tim nuion or nplnlon. and Nj • har*e'ors».rvc a thit ae 't aaf 1. >a will be statcl whe*' palien' la iecti*«l. ur O-i weii's Treatia - on the t'y* and E >r on spulicailon «1 abeve. _ fe? cl7?dA>6o QII ICAGO CHAKITAiJLB EYBAND EAR »NPi»n\,fY. Dispensary of th« Intltrmary Open Etery Huriio* from 11 I-- to ft KSo'clk *fOR fiR\TCIFOC3 TRSiTMR.T 0. e posr aferted nlth dli*as*-> of thr* rye and^ar. * 0. Cor Michigan. 1: .feTtm:—W L Ncwbrrry. t'.e-tideai: C V D»er and L H*ven. V. t»; 0 p'aii*. ftcre'arj A Ttiai*r»r* J U Klnsle, Kev > I. Ftlce. D D. R v W Bart*, P C«rprn ter, W U Uro<a. K B Mo * .Hoiclr. m Ooj CLTiaoj*oati» sd— Prof D B.*ma - d. J1 D. VtotJ Ana"uo BoaoEosß B L Holmes, H D. W !f Balttell iadiib* LO» ir *• - J r * Practical "ptieiiWi [Late with Bsuu Pike A ota, N. •... 19 30CTII CLAR2 BTRSET Opposite tbe I'ourt il>. i<"\ Lartcrt and choicest assorlment of Optical and Mathe matical tfoods In the Northwest. w . M ___ Beat Cmt*>* < laa« a»l tienutoe BRAZILIAN PEB* nr.R SPECTACLES oonstantiy 0a hanJ. Also, Opera Utataea, i».oacopes, Mlcro*o*'«. _arometer», Toermometerv K/lrometeii, jjTaRB JdCOPhik Lanterna. 40.* Ac. , . XT \orkprloe*. del3-ly-brO E V K A i> l> E \it . on. uinKiiwouu, Formerly ot the ete and Inflraary of Louisville, Ky.. and more rereotiy Phy* actan and Huneon to tbe k!ye and Car lnflnsary. U>lun< Daa. Ohio, and aulhoi* of » " New tfiatem of Treat Las DW aeaaea of tbe Syeand Kar without »n» u-eof lb« Kciia.' would announce thai be ha* permanently esiablun -d to Inflrmery tn the city of Chlcaao. Illinois, at BJtVKNIY> TU&KBdouthClark street, in order to *tford to thot» filcted with u aeaaea of the Eye and Ear. Ac opporiunltj of being treated by a «ystem which la eat -rely new. per fectly safe, and has never been known to 'All tn eOectlcs penaanent cure? in all cases within ibt reacb 01 bomas means. »cii om-jwu flirdcnlois Vermlu D^-st-nytrr, for the Destroction of • Hits,! nice, Sole«i Boss .TioaM|ii!toee* Hoachea, FI east Aotbs, Garden fnsetts, Aota, Ac. CUEMICAL i"KEF \ftATION9 . I known under the above title f--r ft laat £1 yeva throux&out fcur"P«v where ibey hav ■ met with a triuo pha-1 incoeafc nave acquired for their In«eotor acd_ slanufacturer a wo."<i-wlae celeMty. attested by tbe Kax" nerors "f Snsala, Pnoce. iostrta. the vjaeen ol Kng land, tbe Rlnas of tte-dum. Uilluid, Sayie\ BavarlJ, flazony, ie.: In .imerica ttj-lr eSUency L»s been >,j m« i;irect(«rt o' Publle Inaiiiu'lota and tbe approval of nomereus priyite eltlacna, that they are ine ooUreoetflestQ'UietMMlo-rare to e>tormln*te all kini* of vermin. Meyers nlraculoua Pre.antloos destroy tbe uneel* oome Intraders without msrey, and neve* fait. Ills art tos h routht death to mllliozia of ttu-m in the woru|kind from Uda day the of all chaau. ship owners, and bosb-indmen will be '>o more EV&eUI) »a£ka«es from 25 cents to II.CU Trmn fli months, or five per cent off for caah (no ixenia. Oepot of tb« Inventor and proprietor, JOdSPS MKTS t. Practical Chemist €U Broadway, o or, Uouston-st,JNew York. Qeneral Aaent fsr tue lulled rtates and Canadaa fRXD&RiCIv V. *trd tr<'N Oruaist. No. l'> .tator yid *1? Broadway. H. Y. deAi b<ea tim Flour : Flour!! WJ B H \VE CONSTANTLY IN STORE Vf Cr m our own VUis a-d upon Ccnalnrrent, Tlour 0' a'l grades p«rtleulvty choice Kra e* 1 f Whit > Wlcter Wheat flcurfrom and n- Is. _ City det'ersand oonsa'aersaanbe *ul edai to qJtlHf and price antord:rs eountry pro-itly filled kyu*. cfflee and s»o/e, 276 M b Water streeu . frgpcW TrAgrtrTWSfc CHAPimAV 0Ue«(O llatrei .Uanuiaeturliig Co,, iODTU CLARBL NRAR NOftTS-ST. Si OS PREPARED TO CONTRACT WITH x\, MlUers fee a regular mpply of Barrela, of asa»*r{o» laUty. at toifonn rates Also keep on band a supply • «mis to 411 oiders. seasoned Btavea and Uradlns aad Hoope for sale. P Ol lAn BARRELS BOSIK II/U 4»«aUona Winter Betb.ot Oil » barra's OmUtOIL "I. I.. M |o»pee6elßOaear?aw* - 76 nariets Ahua. .> W tana White L*a6i - »