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COMIVIER^TOL. Commercial and Money Jlatien. - - TCBOATXrsnbf. leb. *■ - - - Moxst, ErcHAroa, Ac.— Fipftccial matters »re entirely quiet. Quotations btve ootchanged in any part'icular for the reattwo weeks or more, and the troth is there Is scarcely any Tariation intone of tbe market for many days together. Exchange is close, bat the wants of cttstomers are folly supplied at quotations, the raoge-bo ing percent, premium. DLsoounta as usual at 10 per cent. Gold steady fct with feirsaUa. The street brokers hold rates nominal at I@2 per cent, per month; but their transections are confirmed mainly to what would generally be classed as second quality paper. The X. Y. 77m0 oT Saturday, 6lb, saya: The Money Market is settling down to 5 per cent, to the lirokers, and-C@7 percent. for Di scounts bevond 60 days. Some very.abort and choice acceptances are current within 6 percent* So far es demand loans to tbe Brokers are con cerned, the BAPks either yield tcs per cent.—at which rates tbe private .lenders are or do a p*ruai busioors at 6 per ceot. CoMMEttCiAL.—'The moT-:mcaU* in tbe principal staple* of tli:i> marUel dunng the week, and since the firnt of January, comjidWa With the same time in 1858, are as Ic-llows: coiiPA&iT:v£ isvcau. WeeVe'diag Pinc« fame Time Fib 6. W« ek. Jar. L in l^ e - Flour. Ibis 74M <f*4 Sri7o6 4 4 ii7 wheat, bu CornTbu Ji'jy. SiWI 154.6W I^3lß •o»ti hu h.C4. . . V 73 •- 5i.753 ZL96t Kje bn »l JUI 5 42) H. 637 KaHe>. bu 4.W 8.162 24 -_6' Gr« sb- ed. Hi*cl bT......4'H34 SI4.V-6 r,»Wf?4 ' . 713 L-*d, ft U7.IU 4sL2-i> Tallow. bbU-••••.. : • . .... Lard, lib's i>*> 41 Pork, bbls *1 I'H 7i2 .... lireH<*m.No....- 837 I.M# R.SSO SS7IC Dressed Hogs. No 2.«X»2 i,fM Iv.b C 16 22J O-.tUe ho HSJI 1,444 6U17 t,bv>j 4'jO 2JO L«M3 JitgDwlnea. bbla.. tt»J S»7 2.714 .... WI.OI, tt» W0 7.t70 S3 670 ooarxiuTivs xxpjws«oh cbicaoo ths sast. WeeVeid'g Pr«»vious S'nce fame'lnie F«.b.5. Wee-. .. Jan.L 1655. FJcur.bblf 1937 1.317 4 7|6 17405 Wheat bu,...... .. 3 9 0 1.2U 115*>1 1,174 Con,, bn 15,031 fc.CJi 4112>J 7fc6 CfTw bu :...... I.i's 2.W4 4.139 -Sff?.^ t ds.ttJ-.. .5.7UV 4i.7M ]fiJ22i .... nta tfc .S1. J . 476 it 7,079 tSOfi'.ij LOJ7.ICO iri-AbUs 1.144 -'.3» 2.:i7» Vort bbls 2.1)42 1,435..... 15it>8 65.*4 B'-f. bus l?f Sw INil W4 Tiill rm. bbls *<> ; 5 9 3 31b l,r;Uo,ca.No 420 I>>'Scd nogs. No.. 547 C«ltl-. No 322 UU 2,617 1,682 , HUt'Wiiita. bulr 17 Wcoi ft 7.70) 1.64J 8,152 £3 200 i Toe receipts of Breadstolfd daring the pest I week, with the sources oi supply, will be found in tbe following table:— axoxnrs or rLO?a avo ORani at c&rcAoo, wgzr crsino rgs. 5. 1835 Floor. H'n'L Corn. Oata. Rye. B"iey. t>M« Mi. i>d ita. ba bu. G. AC.U«R- R- fc'f 16 97 10 9-7 8 447 Bick«fl» d R.U. lXil SfcSj 3"») SiC 111 Cern'r ti. K. . >»55» C.fM h;- GB4 0. h.IL.. 2.W» 1- i>o 12 IXI 27&J .... lot tLPar.LUh... -e-6 7-4 l. i«d. i,350 ... C.AASUL 4L.. 700 Bi,6J 21UJ .... 37) .... Mich. CLR.U.. 3-i 187 Ml«" PR H lrb LIS4 O.P A P.W.ti. ii, T til Co?.w'ilait year 5 126 a,OOJ i(.-13 437 .1,749 The lollowiog table bbowa the amount oi Fioar and Grain in store in this city on tbe stb Inst., compared with the amount in store the corresponding date in 1655: JXOCe ASD GBAIST IS STOBE IV CHICAGO. Feb. 5. I£M». Fe>. C. S"4 PI out. bWs. '6 757 3*.#'3 furinc. bu .2?*90l SUW>> do Rrd l»u 127 *33 e,^2 do Wurtc ou a 3ii Cam bu *.«'4 4.7Jrt o .ti, ba lw».a(i3 30,t-y Hye, ba....... 7W B*lcj. ba CI.U7 5171-J TDK VACKCTS TOR THE WEEK. The Flour market during tbe lirst part cl .the week was quiet and inactive ; Lut during tbe past few d&ys en increased demand took place, and prices advanced an ad vance since our laat vretk'y rerict? of about-De. The "Wheal matkfctj during the first two or three days of the week, declined l@2con Win ter, and Sg-loon Spring; but rallied again, till tbe news ol the Jsia to duy caused a decline of S: on Winter—.Spring Wh<*ut barely maintain ing yesterdiy's figures, and closing heuvy. 7'nere bes been an uctirc demand lor Coro, ted tbe market cla6es at im advance of 3s on tbe prices gives a week rgo. l)j;ing the week a cargo 011*2,0;) ) huabele wus sold, for delivery on the first week in May, at G9s f. o. b., and 5,000 bosbds, Bame delivery, on private terms. Oats, Kre itnd Barley hare all been buoyant thronghout tbe week, though at the close there is more Barley cflcring, and tbe maiket is not so atrong. - Provisions bare been very tirm—with little or so Mess Poik or Lard offering. A large busi ness bus been done in Cut Meats at an advance of on tbe quotations of last wet k. The receipts uf Grasa Sued daring the week were heavy, nod the offerings large. Timothy has maintained previous prices; but Clover has deelited 12}^(5,25c towards the.closo. The Hide market has been buoyant, with an advance iu Green Silted and Dry Flint. To-day, however, the marke; and dealers louk for a decline. The advancs in Corn has kept Qighwines firm. Tbe demand, however, Is very limited, and the adrance which holders ask hce rendered the mirket quite inactive.. .. Tbe following table chows the Highest, low est, and closing Prices of Flour, Grain, Pro visions, Stc , during the week: BICagST, LOXftfT, A*D CL"S3IXQ fStC2S EUSISO TUKWCLE. Bi.-hcsl Lowest Clos'ng Prce. Proe, • ••4*«4ce. Flour. Frri--g Extra.... $5 2i 54.75 14.75 CtS.2"i - >»Uiter 6.&>» «.CO li.W <®6 25 No. 1 Red »,he.t 1.2*1 1.2J 1.U3 w Noaut» do 1.10 l.trt l.')H (t Mnr.d«rd Spring C 0.... V«J (i.'6 O.K» kSO.U) Old No 2 tfi.Hn o>4 o>o (t New N0.2 rpiing I'M 077 I'bO «O.SI Curo. + txJ ftj 0.65J, W.t'J O.fii u Hitb*iri«-8 C'.vl 0.21 Tlmutliy beed 2.1k) I.fd (<«-2.00 Mesi l .ia<*l7.a) iJud C.lU' 0.11 O.U.'i&u.uV Tbe following tuble shows the Grain and Pork in atore at Milwaukee on the Ist inst, compared with that in store a year ago: Ttooa, GRAIV AKD POEK IX faTO&B AT VILWACESX* Feb. 1.18'.?. Feb. 1.1555. Pour, b'-ls 35.97r C 1503 font bb> >4 542 net rep*nei. Wl-PHt, l us 425 242 3*5917 Outs. *■ 114 Wa Bari T. " SIM 13.533 Com. 17. Uj Tbe lect-lpts of aud flour al Milwaukee for each of tte past five weeks cuiling on the dates prefixed, and.Abe. total amount received sicce January l->», are shown by the following table; CECEirrS AT MILWAUKEE SIKCE JAN. 1. Wert( J'loar, Wheat, O-tv Tarley, Corn, e. _wd;Pg. b-»'« Sua l»u« ).□<!. bes bus Jsn. « 35.547 25899 7 7«t 1 Tri] 4,ti90 7<i di 15 S.4H 4i.2i> 938S 32>6 6.2 5 62S do 2J J S 6-5(3 Jj.Vnl V 22U -«i di 2 &i 7 64 516 12(34 2 3>« M 5 ft Feb. 6 ss.9t* V 4.624 1i.a.7 1350 7 4'j7 lue Total 14 642 270C96 6iltii 22.C38 £5 lws I^3 Bxcnirrs. at.dctcoit »nu>G last wllk. Four bbls f><34 B«il y tu ' 1.171 WueatbJ ~...273 Wool ft< 3J-17 Oarn. l.u a.7»7 i-og. OJ font No I.2U' Oa* bu 71U - Po k. bL>l-* jj; Weekly ltcviciv ol «.liicugo Wholesale Murket. Tc«soAT Emwe, Feb. B. FREIGHTS—Tbe pr*SiCtrat*s air u 'ollows:—Pa: vis. IOHs-To Nlw Vcrk. 65- prr liC&i; tT Botton, by il'cbl tan 8 utbira and MlehlgiS C.-rtrul R Eo dj, 7.c; to Botton, byG'atd Trunk Rulw y, to Pj tland. and thenceb> wa'er 70c; to B)s'on, byrail tj PbilalelphU and ralUoare,and thenc* by wit-r, C7c: to PMladel phiaandßaU.morr.sCc DsxdSKO lidos—To New York. •t.40; to 1 .Übsay, Si 43; to Barton by rail to Philadelphia and l al'lmore. and thence by s'esmer. iI.J 8; to Alb.or Slid;t-) Biliivo-eani HhUilfel:.bli, S'. ii. Ptnca—T.» New Ynrk, #1.20: to Boston via Albany, #LS4; to Bofton by rail t> PiiUaie'phia and Baltimore, and Uie ce ly tteamer, 11.14; ti A baay, 1104; to Phil ad}tpbla*ndßihi«or«,aiJl»: to hloatreaL ILOS to To ronto and liamll on. C4a PL"Url—Ktc.ipu during tie res week 7495 bvreK vais bbls the «tek txevious, and 5,1% btls the Skmr *e k. Iq 1859. The shlpmmt\ by eastern dhrfnr tbe'iMttrweekWeWt-2.137 bbK stains* 1 3471 bli th- wtwlt Tbe amcurt of Wmor oa<hi:d 00 the Sth Irs'., was 16 727 bits against 23 918 bbls tbe a use daelnlS'l Tne mark it in the first-part oftb«week wastatbor doll, tut towards tbe close a fresh d-mand •pra'.gup. and the market advanced Ahttt. at which it has been quite active. Tbe dem:nd, however, tip to yir.erday was, cbl:fly for gpring Extra brends; tfnMthen, howercrtbere Jiss.l>een a gord Inquiry for "Wiuier grades. Ths salesof tbe week have been a* fol lowi:— abcut <OO bbls were acid at*s for choice v> br iTin Sprln* Kx>ra, acd M.2C for choice 11U nola Wbl c Wjiter. On the 3d. 29Jbblsatt6~fcf XUlnals White v> lour, and 45 for choice I UnoJj Fpring Fx ra. Oa the4lb in»t:-SCO bbls ai *4&5 for low grade to chcic: 8p: Ing Extra. On tbe srh. about 150) bbls, rt 14 for fair Bape:fiae epilog; 54.7525 Oj f or medium to diolte Brring Extra; and *6 f:r lUintls White Winter. On the 7th hut, abcutlfiOO bbls chutged bands at 15.25 for rood to choice Pprtag Extra, and *066.38 fcr gocd to choice White Winter Extra. To-Dat the market was not so setlre—^there being rery few rcund lots cfTering. Ho'den hewever. were firm. ' Sales were :-103L14s "Phcnlx" WlnUr at 6.00 : 60 bbls ••Prairie WUls" mixed Ep.lcg and Winter, at <3 50; C 6 bbls White Winter UIC li BOCK WllEAt FLOUR—The market daring tbe put week hss been very du'l wl h sales of gosd at 8252.25, and Dlxo i at U25. jU which quotations the mar ket dosed du'l. CORN MEAL—Market dtrirg the put week gteafly with a'air demand, and sales cf Bolkd at *2s&26per ton, a&d Unbolted at «33 per ton. atwil-h themsrket clotea. MIUDLINGB.—Common to choice •1&3 IB per toa. WUCAr— Reoalcu. doting lbs put week 5P.600 bushels agalist £2,466 bujbeUthe wiek previous aadtß 9«7 bush els tbe same week in IKS. The amount In store oa the Sth In it., was JU.«9 buahels ags'ns'. 821155 bushels the samedtteln lbsi Tie market for Winter Wheat during the past week haaheen quiet and s:eady-holdcricon tinulaf fir» In tbe fas* of deollnlng markets in the East- Towards tbe dote, however, tbe mirket gained more buoyancy, and oa the 7ih sales No. 1 Red were rery limit ed a*. 81 25-hotdersa.kiactl.26. Spring Wheat however his beeadu le: and bid declined 405: V boihel on the qnotat'«Ql flren ta«ur laslwaek's review—gaining an advan * however eaual totbededlce cn Saturday and Monday last. Ihe transsctions of the week have been aa follow* On tbe 31 Inst., 9.000 bushrls at tor No. 1 Red; «U0 for No. 2 Red;4sfc9oc for Rejected Bed; 83c for btaadird fipricc 63a for No. S Bprisg-all in •tTc; aud 76e ror **Btutnp-tair in bags. OntheSd last,, U M bi LtK M tSi»i.3X tor No. 1 Eei ,1.(3 for Ko. S Red; 95c for No. i Bpriag; bficfor Standard Spring; life ibrnew Ka2 Bprtng; and6BcforßtlectedSpring-afl in On the 4th: lO.OOJ boshcls at 1L21K«L25 f;r Ko. II Bed; $1.08®1.06H fcr No.l Red; 86a for &andard On the tit ifl,ooo «1 !Bl.a l'r to. 1 alffl for No. 8 Ktd: 800 forcld 80. ISnrtoi: anaTTa ttj'fcr new No.» Swliw. On tie Tlh lmt »boat Ilea) btubtllfct llUfa Ko IBed: 1110 for No 3 Red; 09 Mi for Sland.rd Ecii-r. SgtaSntSnlWMinafer "Eelert(d Beriaa—,ll la «l"te. .■■■ - - _ th* Dfcrk ft WiS dtt*lCT tO* L.tT, WhiSS it. diced 2c withvery limited■ J • S.rlag wheat, howev. gf TJJ fully !«uitiDel. Ba'ei were:—Wi*rss-SOO buNo. 1 Bed at «1 25 In (tore; GOO baNo. 3 Red aUUUta Snnro—lo:o ba Sundard at 83e In liore; 10 obudo at j 90cIn itore: 800buoldNo.2atS4cl , istO7e; 2003 ba sew N0.2 at 90c in store; 1300budoat81cln*gttt.*; IQftja Be" jected at Mj la I'.ore: 8W bu do at 70c In store. CORS-Receipuduricg tbe week 32,735bushe!s, against . 25»SWbutbe week previous, aad 9,000 bushels the sa-re weeklnl6sß. Thesh'pments during tiiepast mwere , 15,0il boshe's—chiefly to Detroit and*ClndahatlrTbe mirket durlagihe week bu been buoyant, lq advance of Jc bavin* been gaicei since oerlajt weekly VeWeVr. Thfcre hare been numeroas Inquiries for roan 1 lot) for delivery la Miy and June. and a cargo of 12.009 basbels was cold far deliver; In the first week in May at 69c to. bj,'an3 la ter. 5000 b j for the ssme deUrery on pirate terms. Tvcirthe m»rk«t was very firm with siics of TOO bn ahellidatflsc»6ofcsontra:k; 7Mbadoat*3>ie ontrcck 300budoatCJXcinbig«dellvcred. ■ OA W—Receipt! during the pas', week, 8,744 bushels, ajalnst 7,873 busbeii the werkprevioos, and 7,213 haUmls - the lorrejpoadine thefilhluL vu lW.WbmUe'4, agUas:3o.4s.)bttihelstbe a une lime last year. Tae mirket daring the week tas beta firm—especia'ly prime new and old crojjj t whlc.i have beat In to 3d demtnifor c'.'y trad". The ales of the week have ranged from 40345s for Rejected U Infe r.or la stare; and4B2sis fjr ga:d to prime in ban on track. : To-»ATtbemANetwasflrmbut lna:iive. Silas were CGObu cjmm:n at4lc delivered; SW bu chuice new c:ep atWcdellrered. BAjtLEt'—Receipts during the pistwsrt 4,943 bushels against 3,052 bushels th* wetk prtvLus. and 1,7® bethels the same week in 1*53 The amount of 8.-rley la store«n Saturday lrst was 64.127 busbeh, sgilns. 83.713 tus tela the came dtte In 13# Tiie market daring the create* r&it cf tf.ewe.k vs< bucyacUaud prices werpa.shide better for trine qnlltles-aud parcej of choice rtste brings as hUh as *1 00 f bu.lieL Doflni the past' tw° diy«h wever tbe offerings have been larger, and buyers Lave held eff In hopes of a decline. ; . To oiT the sa'es we.-e: 203 tu No. 2atWa in store; SO) bo rood d.ate at 70s on track. RYE— Kece'pts during the week, SOSba&els, agalcsi 101 basbels tie week previous. The market during the week bvs been firm, with a pood demand fcr dittiJers at 78S80cf60Bi at depot AL9OIIOL—The saaiktt durLnp the week, owiic to the firmness In Uigbwines has been firm at M 356: V fsl. al tbe msrket clc-ses. 810 Jil GO&N'—Scarce and in demand at V ton. BE vKS—Receipts ftHos tbe week, SiO The market In the fiMpa't of the week was very firm with sties of chol?e at *150(216): bat dari c t e pu' few diys the sopplyhes been lar*s,: ni the ccariet li sot so baajant talss to-dxt Tire:—?t tu choice li tl.Sd; 82 ba cosinoa at 11.25. BUrrEE-The sapply of Butter daring the week hss b>eoc»od—mosily hLwererof aaUferior qaai.y Ti.e ma-ket closes Qaiet at the fll wing qaotatioas: Good to j chjlce RulL at Mdl'c; Commoa. j UUState6»7c:Ohio7d9c; KewTorkIOSIOKc. ! COFFEE— v arket tend'n? upward. The stock is fair, anltbem rketfirm at the foliowin; quotaUora :-Eio, Maratiibo. Laguayra, 13XOH:; O. H. Jara 17©l7Hc: Mocaa, 15c. COOI'KR&G T .—Very dall Tork Barrels, dal and nnnrnalatt&SSKJs; Fioar barrels, 31 , 5»562. OOAL.—The receipts of Illinois Cjal by the railways during thepait week tre:e:—lnO tons, ajrainst 220 tons the previous wetk. Prices a-eunchanßed Ihe solluwing ar« tbeqacU ions < ion; Chlpptwa. tfiiO; Briar UIU, Eiie. and Mineral ttfdee #7; Blo»sburgb IS.*—Lackawatna, egg, 18.50; Üb!gli, e»»900 KGGS.—I he demand durln; tbe pas', week has been ac- &nd prices U .ve been l(i'-c better. Fresh, Ic&lCc V d.zeu. L'jneit g sdoll atl3(&l4c. FRCI r.—G*£tN- App ea in rood rupply and prices ea f!er Common. H<£s; Cbol*e, 53.5C57, Cranberrle', 18 (28.5' per bbl of three bu'hels. active and advanced Edits during .he we?k foot up about 7aUoolbs at 9,S&locfor Apples. PaieJ blackberries Ritpbcrrie', 39c; Figs, RniiU.B. M. box; do Layer *3®3.0». FlclL—'Tbe near roachof Lent hai caused abetter dem aid an J a grestsr firmnes! in tbe m irket Tbe clos ingqiota'-oasare:— No 1 lif. bbli, 13.75; No. 2. Troa« No. 1. $2 75; No. 2, $2:25; Mackerel. i!al« Ifcx, #9.75; No. 3. extrt, 47.50; No. 3. h . bbls, Meu'UickJ-sl.N}. Lqci. 15 5); No. 1, Kitti. 13; N0.2; qri.ll.s>; No. 2,k'.UJ <2.5); 2i; St. Gior.-ei. Uerring. E«'?ort, ♦S.tOVbbl* Sca'e llerrlcg, GOSGSc V bar. FURi A<il> SKlNS.—Mirkn active and prices firm. The shipments or i kins, Pelts. &c., during tbe pis; week were23.."-0J lbs TheM-owing a e tie rutin; qa- tatioreia this Mlnk#Lt«®iOD; Eat, winter, Uit He; Wolf, prairie. 61X2.75:; WJd Cat, 50c.; House Cat, 10c.: skunk. 5Jc.: Gray Fox, 23340 c.: Red Fox, ILSO. Hear, #5®S.: Opsisam, 15®16i; Morten, $1.75©2.25. Fisher, I2@< : Bad«r, 35c.; L;nx, ll.W:.; Deer Bkiss 15®l®c p*:r fc.;, |3a«. GLASS—TQefui;owln< are tbe wh:l:sa!e c£sb rate:: 9ilo glass cyL by bx. #3.<o !>x*B glass cyL by bx.-«3.30 VrU * " 2.55 10x16 " " «.tW i»xU ** ** 2 6) lU\IB " " S.W «*xl4 " ** a.6i 11x16 " •• S.lhJ S*ls ** ** 2.«J l.tW ** " 3.(W luxia " •• 2.6» i2x&) •• " a.SJ lUxM - •• 3.6J LJxJj •• " 8.50 GDNPOiVDER—RtCs Powder, in kegs. »V 35.5); Blast ing, do do, $3 cases o' IQ> tla&j. 19(29.59; do. balfdo. «6.50d>.0J. HIGH WINES—The receipts during ths week wereC9l bbls acalost29?hblstbeweekprevious. Themirketdcr ing tbe week has bees firm at and "towards tbe close, otriagta tbe advance in Corn, holders advanc ed to 25c, at tbe m*rk t Is Cra but inac.ive. liIi)LSAND PELTS—Receipts of ll.des during tbe week were 405,134 tti, a alnst 314 919 C>s the week pre vious. Tbe submenu by eastern railways were: 5i19,47t a*kla»t£C7.u"9 tbstl.e week previous. Tbe market during. tLe past weik advanced KGsXc, but at the close the mar ket Is rather duller and prices are, firm. -.The fol lowing are the closing quotations: Green City, Green Country. 7(27V; Green 6&lUd. 15X&16Kc. PtLTa—City, 1U3L50; Country for newly slaughtered HAY— Upland loose, 11.50315 ? toa; Tlcotiy tt>&»7. HOP?—Ers'.cra m:rkets all advaiccd. fales of new ■ Uopt here at 13(J!9r. HOGS—The receipts cf Live and Tressed Uo;s (Soring the put week were:-3 bead, against. 3.i-03tbe week previous The *lil:m*Dts were:—42o bead, live and dressed, against 1626 bead tbe week rrevious. Ihc tntr. ketduri gtheweex his adtanced3iSs3c. Todxt tbe sales cf Dressed were as fellows: 20 Hogs averaging 230 2>s at..... 1?.2S 18 24S 7.30 6 iM> 7.00 13 .. at Iff 7i aad *7. dlvidiig on 200 Ss. LEATHER—VarVet active, atd prices firmer, with tu upward ttcdercy. \he closing quotatiois are: Oak bole, V fr; Spanish caldile weights. 2®3 23c ? &: Bridle Leather Soj ?' &; Ca'isr Last her, C004G6 Vdoz; Ilarasss. 2ic ?B: Hcm'o-k Kip, 503KMe t* tt; Hemlock Cdlf V &: French Kip.B - O9oc Tib: F.-encb Calf, Ss£l.Cs¥ It; Fezalc £>&42ct>dog; , Upper Le»tber. V di-z. LIME AND PLABIE2—LiQe in bbli, 11® 1 25; Lime in bulk. 75y%t!.00; Stacci, oonjmoi, 1 Extra, do atl32j£3jo: Landl'lajter, Cement, lIJO ttiOO; Plastering Hulr, 40i LUV.BER, LATII AND EHINGLE3.—The *Lcmber bus*;nessdaritgtbcpastwe?kb»sbeea mere active,ard prices are a shale firmer for common boards and fendrg UpperqiViUtlts ire qalet,*itb but UtbJ demand except fcr city use. There U a Lir demahd for Sbiug'es, and pri ces are firm for fbaved. and first quality sawed. Lath quiet. The fullowingare the ruling qaotalions7 rtrst Clear Dry *BO.OOO Second Clear dry SU)O&26.<Jt Ttilrd Clear dry IS Uuto22 Of Common Boards. Green 71>0© 8 00 do da 12 feet 9.00* do do l>ry BOO* SOU do do M 12 fret — Clear Flooring, d.esud iO.uXa.22 00 Common FioonDic. Drcased 16 uOQIS.OO 4dlne. Clear )6 fencinc 85>tt—^ dborthtuds acd Joists. 7.6<J's.oG Shingles. V M 2.7»« 8.55 Lath, V M UJW L 76 PocU (common to good) V 100 7.tOttlU.W *MO LAPSES AND SYCCP3 - -The mtrket daring 'be we.k was quiet bet firm. Tbe follow ing are tbe closing quotations:—^New Oileans in b«rrels New >ork S. H. Mtlassea, Ssc: Cuba, In hbdi 30iiS5*; N. Y. fjTUps. ii K.T.Go.dva, Belchcr'spricesarc:—Geld en Syrup, 67c In bbls. and 72: Inkrgs; Ex:ra H. li. Syrup 47®12-; g.rup Mula.s 5.40(5455. NAVAL f*TOR v B—Ro in, tS 5033.73 f VbM; Pitch, «4 253«50. NAII£-As orted. t3.70®3 73 f 100 ftj. OlLS—Steady. The closing q.retailors are:—Ko 1 Lard 11.(0; No 2 yi.-; Llnsetd ≻ Etephaat 63e; WbaleCOc; Sprrtn tl 60: Neitifoit 85:; T*niicr»* 75: Bank 75c. J'ROVIbIO.iS AND LARD—Tbe receipts of Provisions and La d dt ring the past week were; 113 Ir a Be:f.£2i>rls Pork; 11,-JGd ft Lvd. The shltmetts were 19« Iris Beef; 2.i42 luls l'ork, onl 345 brls Lard. Ihe market during the p -it weex for all kinds of Pork Produce his been very firm but inactive. Ti cre Las Lern little or no Mess Pork ft Lard offering, anl the principal transactions bavebecn ii Cut Meat*, wh'cb tare advaicM }<c 9b. The transartions oft :e week bare been as follows; In Poag the following soles were made: On ths 2d Inst Job lsPrireandilua;prorkat#ll.W Mess Perk l.ilnn at 117.25217 M. In CorMcATathesaleflb.vebeenas'foUowß: On the AdlocU. 1300 S'dea aITVc .ouse: ICOQ tUies at IXc p&cVetl. Oa tie 3i. &.OO gti raiders at 60 packed. - On'tbe 4ib, 1000 Sides at Sc packed; 3W Shoulders a. Cc loose; 3W Hams at 6c loese Oa the 7ih, 50W Uams at Sc vaekei, tn be de livtred at Milwaukee. To-ost tbe sales were; 1000 EidcX atßJ<c packed: 2x»gliouldersat packed. luLiapthe sales have been as follows; On the 21, l?ootc*Lird at 11 Vc delivered at Beardsiown In April; 100 It's at He. Oa Ue 4lh, 23 brii at 11 1 Jc; 7 brls at 11 Ifc. Oa the 7Li, 1.) brls at llftc. .To-bat 125 brls sold at ' HKc. In Bcry there hss been rather more Irquiry, with about 200 brls told In lot* at ISiS W. Extra at 110. POULTRY—Very scarce and in demand att3S2.CS ¥ dox. for Dressed Chickens; Turkeys7X®#c f ft; Geese 40: each. POTATOES.—Sound Meahtnnocks in good demand at 75&S7!aC; crmTon mixed. 65<£7<)c. t UG ARs>Markit Advanced. The following are the clos* lagqaotat'o«s:— dogood common, 7Kc; filr to July fair. 7X®7*c; prime, B®6Xc; clailfiedand coffee, in hhdjt,B. l Cuba. Pcrto Mco,7J<®7ste: N. Y. Refined, white'coffee, 10K@llc; Yellow Coffee, 8V«?Mc: N. Y. Etsndvd. Orushtd. Pow. dered and Granulated. llX©l2c. Tte foilowicg are Btl. cher*slat(st pr.ces: Loaf Bugar Double Refined.. 11 v> Small Lo*f Sugar o licjf Crushed Pucar, Doable iteftced lifco Orushed Sogar Crushed Sugar (j HcK Powdered Sugar, *>ouble Refined u>to Powdcn-d fiugar 0 lick Refined Wblteßa*ar o lurk Refined Yellow Bugar pv-e Refined Yellow Bogar a..k! Refined Yel:ow fmar t\t. BALKRATU3—Babbits, 6K®7Hc; Potash in cm fjf «13c. ttOAP—Na 1 Family. 4i; Extra, £S6c; Enriv& Bc. SPlßlTS—Burnln;FlollCOc; Camphens,6s«63c: Tur pentine. 65c. - - . .. BPICE3 —Pepper, 1IM:: Pimento, 10c: Notmegs. 70© 80c; Indigo, <0:09112; Cloves, 12HOISc; Cinnamon, 30® 83c; Ginger Bc. BIEDS-The reoelpta daring the past week were 109.892 fin, against 48.7 M lbs the week previous. Ths lam re celplshave rendered the market rather hoarier, although holders hare generally preferred holditg thdr stocks off tie market. Xw:tht.— I Theaales during tbe week hare besn limited at a range of (L 90&2.00. To-day we note a caleofTObaprimeattS; 50 bu common at $1.82, Clovxx —The market opened briik. acd sales wer«madela the. fore put of the week at #(<36.50. Durisg ths part few days, however, the market has been duller, acd a daclina ofl2K®ttc has been experienced. 10-Pit wenoteassle ofßbuat#6,and 43 ba prime at 8.12 X. Flax.—'Ther® has been considerable Inquiry for Flax Seed during the 1 past few days, irith sales of 100 bu at li. and 70 bu prime ! *lO brd«nhcre cannot be fiJed."T^^kerfhare*one on hind, and th# purchases made during the wetk, h»ys. been flrtm UAch# § tad holders of cormtry log. The only' sale of ths week worthy cf note has brsso a sale of 80 bbls 4t 1Q& Thumaikst elosu firm at 9X310c. The shipments durinf thepsst week wer« fCTbbS. **" WOOL-Th-recelpUdarinttbe pa>twerk wrre9lC»s. and the shipments eu; 7.720 Ihe market is rery qoieta<-dttneVanced. .Pri:«s»i9®43c: Pu'led,B«a3le. WOODEN WARE.—Pin.?—' ts.oo »dos; Two-hcopeddo.BL73. Teas-Bla nest,|L7s per nest:'No.litf V dos, HoITS 47 50; Extra s'.xed, 89. Chcam—Pour tlxes, s?ai3 53 f> dca. Jccklt*—{ilng him,llW*dox. WA«EBOAans—Sac, per'' d 3*; Wooden,BLM. Beoohj—Extra Wire, e2«32.Mper dos; Twine, lISCOLB7MC. Clotxu rcO^EOdcd:iLSS;' 'Oommon.ll.V}; PaUut, 81^0,' WOOD—Beach'aud Mapla, $(.5035; Hickory, 10.030 «,Wl - Weekly Live Slock markets - * 7- 1 • AVD Paipriso YAass,i Febroary 7ib. IBs9. i [XarhcU rtportrd by Waller SJurvian rrprttUg fOrQ* Frms aitd Tribina, for th* *etk ending at ctoic.} Piock re -tlved for wesk (Mrheep,. - * "T0w:...:.".:.:.' 1370 Stock sbloped via _M. O. R. Z.rr.r* ffFCktffe. fiales 0f*304 ordinary OalUe'from 1267.2 7553. Salts of £O3 good sblppin; Cattle ar , *36&£63;'t< fof ' ext'a. Salrsof some InferiorCatt'e tslew a5t2.2552.50. Below we tbes>'es, weUhTs.lw' "" Davb to Bodkins,24'CaU'e. 28,470 »•>, at 12 8"H. Encrson to Batcher, S cattl*, 4,(60 &», at 82 23. Hawrsto Uorton.B csttle, 12,775 &«, at 15.10.. Chesborough to Nelson, 57 cattle, 72.8"Q ttt, $3 40, Huctingtcn to Simorson, 16' cattle, 2L675&', SI 75. Brad ey to Hughe?, 60theep £.9 XI &•, 8L OsborntoConley.Bl sbeep, tome sbtepsoldby theheidat •252.50. llawley to Tebor, W bogs, 10.060& S. 15. Olmsted to X«ls:n. 27 hog«. 3.SSO ft j, 84. Biles cf 20 cows acd ea'.vei from t?4 830336 V head. Goad cattle in demscd forshlrping purposes; severel shippers in the market waiting for the arrival of good, fat, heavy cattle. __ Below we give thenametof owners, stock, ic.: cattls. • • L N Barter 15 OP E«ers:n..£o WDavi' 32 A Gregory 14 jjnavis 16 OHowlaoJ 13 WMosj 42 T.DOimst«d..: ; w adai oid .*. .. .. u JHBand 14 JllEadgell...., )5 LD Toblai 7 Ol' t*"ard 3 N Alorrii 14 H "wire H 8 M Bradley 8 DDanctr 22 URftCkln. 25 IfCPayson 16 OUA'orton 22 JB theskreugh 57 Total jiQ- muy. f»PEmt*son 70 R Witni * . < C 8 Dole .v;... 76 lUBr d'ey .i'... 67 M A Osborn tl Total .SM, Chicago Horse market. Tcksdat Evenlnt, Psb. 8. " Thfrehasbeena very act'.va demand f:r Good Work Horsis and Roadsters daring^tbe P-st weik, with few on the market. Sa'es have be n limited at 81u()d 125 fjr good strocg borsei. and 8135@175 for There Is alto agood demand for Family CarTlage'horsee. One palrscld afew days since at BSSO- fir yew old' bays. F«irCarTia/ehcrs<Bwillbrng 83003350 per pair. During tke p&3tfewdaystbereb:s b«en Jiere frcm Pt. Louis to turchasej.2 0 bor«es for a company, whichistoitsrt for Pile's Peak intheep i He is boy l.g none bu', strong, he tvy harees; the sujipj euch. IsatpresCLt llmil-.d. ' Thes ockof Ucrses at tbe vax'oas sale itables In the city do not exceed 100 bead. Qovemeuts or Breadsttiffs—Feb. 7. asenrrs bt eailwats. Hour "Wh't Corn Oata Bar. Oat. Hcgs bbls be. ba. bu. bu. No. bu. Br Lake BrttaL H. R R & 753 1771 4- , 3 163 .... 71 ByßockLß.il.... m .,. Br IU Central.. £Ol 2 6.". sfi '...r' iCj " a; 44 Bj O. B. a Q... 2'-3 IW 2(o0 .... . iG 43 Bff.P.iF.duL. .35 174* " *IW ly O. A. h SUL Total a2~1343 "TO "177 New Ycri£ .Uarkot. . rßr TiLramra.] Nxw Y-rx. February 8.1559. Ftora—Dnll !nwtr. E:ks saprr Sta'e.s 65&5J0fjxeatCASK"r, 5 1555.3J r r tu >t W'stern—uu*rk'trla lnr (In lan ) h'.avy C- n irttandull: sal s smaL, Extra6.3o4b7 25; small saly at3.5(l 01.2 i. W HEAT—DuII and hiavr, to sell fie:'y hclders wo' H nibnuttoa raateral de.line. SJe»3SO bu 'Mnter Hed Indiana at 81 Br 3.10-J Kentueicy at *1.70. RyeurcMrgeJ. Sal<-a KO ou Jerbt-y at 53c - Ear.ey actire at fs@s»>c. Btlcr* 12000 b" wi'bintuerdcce. Corn dull ani nvminalat for'ttflxett'WfcifVrni ntwwhlte hcutbern la rpeca -Jtive reqatst 1 Oat: firm and qultt a". fcr Btat : Cl(sGscfcr Western. Watssr—Dull nnd 'nwtr. tiales 150 hhls at 27HOSS& ' P<~r*dul ; . H Jes 1 COO btls at flti 50 for n«-w •Id do; 813 60a 13.t0 f>r pr'me, inc utinz Ujfi bbls new roev for Mny at • S. Bee firoi. K*.eaf3s bb'a »t S6 .'4l <47.00 co-ntry iriue. 7.7'-<<6h.oo country meta. 53.75GA 10.7 a rep*c»c;m««. and tlIA'3 Cx.ra mess. B-e: hams firm, bales of IU) bbls at 814 sl | Ql7.Sovr;me. firmly held at * SQiy. Cut meat' Btcacy. pkgs. atßV(&Ss<i forhULS an-l for ihoulders. Lard s ea-Jy at 13KI2'«c.Including&wbblsf'irM:.rch at llr.andfilO b>-Ktor Apill. May and june IJc. hegas*e«d/f!t7o»>i«Kc. Ba ter Ingiodr-qaesi. lltt£o for Ohio, and 16£2-»c lor Bute Chte*e firm a 8/SI2S tT-Kt-s—Firmer but icartive W '7a.UL'k,.SdO ' re "4H. N Y C P-riflc M«h 73 HHri'tn Pr- ferred S*sf. Head ae M C Pansma 11C, A Ch.c a go w,s. ciT at-s, Cincinnati Market, Br TiLBGAAra.] , ... Cisctssah, Feb, 8. Flocr—Dull snd unchanged. . WflnxfcT—fisleat2 0 bits at PaoTi.uiiiiosa.—Coiitracts tor bulk metis were set* tledai6H(«tiX ; in cess porf, baccn tr lard, rot atp lcis mut be regarded as nominal. TLo ho:d?rs co not s.e • wiling S3 aay concejs'.ors. Vdtises active vt 3Sc. and h. Mere In moe c»Be«a»k h'aher orlcis. Sc*tr active: 290 hbds joU.a* Coffee firm; s*les 700 bags at l^i2>£c.' Kooer mirket more stringent wlitt rather a pressing demand. lUtet of kxcbatge unsettled. HAWfiß' DIRECIORY. B3T*Tne following llstof Business Houses and Maas'a-v nrinit among the best acd oo&t rrorv aent in their respective lines of business. (Fla»s tvl vtfii.-* Wholessle. w. a. wzno Wholesale Agent for Wines, Liquors and Segars, 17 L&- salle street, between Lake and Water, (one door fron the Merchants' Hotel). Chicago, HI All kinds of t<rop arty taken In exchange for goods. Agent for Ales and Porters. aol»lr White Lead Works, Zi. LYOM b. 00. MABTJrAOfuaBRB or WHITE LBAB AND ZINO PAINT. OSice ard Factory corner of Haisted and Pulton streets. West Side. , SUple tad Fancy Dry Goods. Wholesale* .PEAKE ZOARSa & DE LONG t jo&oeks or BTAFLS ASS FANCY DEY GOODI • AT LOW PRICES. nhlQ-ly No. 80 Lake street, Clothing.. Wholes*!*. HUNTINGTON, WADSWOHTH ic PAHK?, Uanufacturen and Dealers In MEN AND BOYS) CLOTHING, ' S3 and 69 Lake street, Ohlcare 182 Hanover street. Boston, Mass. Affritnltaril implements, fce. F. XO. OHAPQIAN &00. . Asrioalturol "Warehouse. No. WKinale street...'. North Eds * Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL ANB" HORTICULTURAL IMP LI • MENTfI. MACHINiS. Ac. trAgents for Manny's Keaperand Mower. mh6-ly Paper Warehaase Whelesale. BRADHER SMITH It GO. Uanufacturers and Wholesale P A P E It DEALERS! All <ses of print and book ecnrtanU? on hand. Oast paid for all kinds of Paper Ptock. Warehouse No 11 Laulie-st., between Lake and 8. Water-sis. mhWy Boots and Shoes Wholesaled nXZLLEB A BBOWH Manufacturer* and Wholesale Sealen in t BOOTS, SHOES AND BUBBEBS, No. ao?flouthWater-sfU,cor. Chicago. a a.millcc."" cjhlSly cvas.bkowb. WADS WORTH a. WELLS TJealersin BOOTS SHOES, 1 58 fc6o LASB-ST. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, t.w.waixwortb. 0h154y ceo. >. wklis. i RAWSOIf BABTIXTT A 00. i • Manufacture!* and Jobb**s In : BOOTS J±JXTT> SHOES, 211 ft 213 SOUTH WATEK-ST., CHICAGO. Manufactory at West Boyieston, Nassacbusetta. Imhfflj Crockery Glass fc China Ware Wholesale CRAWFORD SHARP A 00. Importers and Deal -rs la O.EOOKBEt,. GLASS AND OHIII A Table Cutlery, LooVca Glaasta. Castor*. Britannia War*. mh44j No. I(j6 L*ke Street. Cloth House .Wbolesale. ! 1858 SPRING TRADE IMS FIELD, BENEDICT & CO., 81 & S3 South Water Street* Are now recelrh* their csual larre vtockof Bro&doloths, Cassimers " DOESKINS TWEEDS VESTIHGS SATnrcrs, iumucet XKAHS, COTTOHABU CutlßfS, Uieis ud Llecb Drill!,. TAtLOB'S TEIMHINOS, .ETO, Fta To which they Invite the atttentlon of tiie Trade. HT Agents for Scott's Reoort of Fashions, zah€U6B Hats, Caps and Straw 6o»dg Wholesale BENEDICT UALLORT A FARNA&7 WHOLESALE JOBBERS nr Btets, Caps and Straw Goods Na 45. AMD 47 LAKB STREET Bhf? Planing Hills, Sash. Doors, fct* wax, OOLDXE'S SASH factory. All kinds of ush. doori, and blinds, wtndbw and*doo: frames, mouldinjcs, flooring and sidlna.const taUy on hand or made to order on tbeshhrtest notice. Also,-plaain*. orc&larand scroll aawlcc, acd turning, exeentedlnsD their branches. House trimmings of every rar. ety and length to suit cugtomera. Oountry order* solid', or. and promptly attended to. Bale R>>oa« and Factory at 234 MoprpfstretL awr Gas Wcrfca lafl Carriage Repository. No.74!forth?aise3 Kassflchl rtr»ofCarria«e*Bjyai«tnd- ng Wagons, Rep aim Ing neatly executed, Hoee < -iagea. Book a&aLad) derTtucfcsmade to order. . „ Repository, U American Transportation^Oo.'s Balidlnc Market sC, Chicago, 11L Koekaways. Slide seats. Tec and no top Buglea. Conevrds. Aa All work wsrriaxf M w n rnr | inn BBLS - OAMPHEKE IN PRIME J.V/\/ Shipping Order in store and for sale by PENT">N a CO.. dePbSOlw >4 Lake street. inn BBL3. .BUBKIKG FLUID FOE A.yk'i," l6 - PEOTON k CO. dg»bßt3lw - >4 LUs street. Icn barrels .of alcohol, 95 Jnsuramc. gTATEMKNT OF TOE CONDITIOli" j _ ~-£T TBI— Hartford Firolnsnranoe Company Bltde td tbe Auditor fif of lillngli, JANUARY 1.1650. 1 The naue of the Company Is the Hartford Fire Insa. rtnes Company, and is located at Hartford, Ct, CAPITAL 9 The amount or Capital ttock !• SSOXOOO 00 The amount * „ , ASSETS. . j Gash on has d... ......43,455 23 I Cash In bands or Agents or la ocurje of ! trsnsmissioo 84.104 n 1 balances ont>o*k Cocptny........ 18.7»3 S5 ! Real Estate unencumbered 15.0JU 00 , • - - Par Valoe. Market, fill shares Hartford B'k Stock $5llOO C7.45J 00 - M .. PbceiLx 401 M) 4OOWOO 100 ..* Conn. Riverßank'gfo Bt's 6.100 «4oOM) '55" " Pvmers'AMech'sß'kSt'k, Sleuo (U . SOO .. Kxchsnge .. .. l n .o-0 8:00 00 I<4 .. Cty .. .. 12400 14 26JU) 150 .. B'g of Hartford Oo 7 600" TfrS 00" 2t>J .. Charter Oak .. .. Sa.OuO 2-,4j)(0 l&i .. Mercantile .. .. 13.U0 14.I0U0) 133 .. Merch'tsAMannfrs .. .. I'.SOO 13 660 00 m .. AJma-- - - .. .. 13,7 0 1431<500 24) .. AmerieanErch'ge .. .. 2j,0 0 2l<sltw ao .. of America UO.COO 23,1 Cu U) • - -Sua .. taooj 00 &0 .. Impojter * Traders B'k .. 3 ) 009 83.W to 2<l .. Maahattau CO. .. .. IC.OW 13.8 OCO MO .. Mer.hinu' .. .. lo.oco ll oio W --roj-Laion .. .. 10.0w!ok*)00 300 .. Ocean .» .. 10/00 9.C000J 10 .. l'aako'North Ataerira .. 10.00 11,0 000 .. MetropoliiAß B'k .. £uucn 3J.450 U) ■ I'o .. lii«ckstooe .. .. 100.0 lt'.S^OO 100 .. Uat.kof Commerce .. I0.i<0) 10,375 00 10 .. fc-C,;k .. .. 1,000 i.27U 00 HO .. l r lde*ndLe&ther .. .. lo.*iO 10,5010 li-o .. ftraa!f> .. .. 10.COI laSOl 00 100 .. Webster ..- .. 1(>,(M) VX'bO (ri lW .. Natouid . .. 10000 10.300(0 " ' l'O -.T -Attnttc- .. .. lO.OUO 10) .. BTc3 atwofMlssiml - 10 0(0 'O.OO-JlO luO .. liart:ord *N.IL RB, .. lo.IOJ 12.2a0 iv • 20 .. Cji-P. JUvrr .. ..- 2ubo luuliO 120 .. Coon. River .. 12000 3,100 00 2t Hartfjrd B*ds, 6 V ci, due 1*7(5. 2LUU 24 7SOIO 2 Ohio Utile .. € .. .. ■ 10,000 lU*o7o 00 29 3Udilgaa .. 6 .. .. 20Tcnnetsee .. C .. .. I*2, 2UUW ta^iOU U.& i4X«cO M.OOO 14,035 to Total amount of Assets, #154.€32 23 LIABILITIES. 6 No liabilities to Banks, or otners. due or tot due. A Koloues adjusted ard due. 7 Lo*ms either tna«'3usied or) »coAt«oa - - - 8 Adjusted ard nctoae, f tw.eiS 89 9 Ltsses in sa*prnse waiting fur> Uitr proof, lr eluded in la:t answe- above 10 Allotberelalmst-gainsttheCo. Total am'tcfUablUtlfs. ' 903 96 *ll' frberalf of the Company ii not to exceed »■ 0,000 In acy cneilvk, surjicttoUssbyasingl^flre. 12 The amount Ins ued.n a city or village, depends upon .. . itssl^T-rteaprallyabthedesirablenaktobebai; to the role .a* .bovekan-ed. 13 The amocnt insured In anyo'.e block of buildings. _ .oepe-di upon Itssise aLd construc>lon. subject t« Ui>* rn e above referred to. 14 The Act of Incorporation is the same ai filed In Jan nary, leoi, - - • - - TlidO. Ct ALLI'N, Secretary* [ORIGINAL,] [Certificateto expire ontheSlst day of January, ISM,] AuDrroa'3 Orncx. Etats or Ilukois.) bpaixcnxLn. January, 1559. J Whereas, tne Faitford fire Insurance Company, located at Ha'tfor >, in the State of C-Tmec xuL lias filed in this office a statement of tbe condi tio 01 its affi'rs. as repaired by "Aa \ct to regaiate the : Agencies cf Insurance Companies I tbe Bute of Illinois," approved February 17, ibss. and an I act amendatory thereto, approved January 22, 1651: and 'whereas, s&id Oompraay h*s furnished sa.isfactory evi dence that it Is ittsieased of thi requlr.-d amount oT capi tal iLvested in stocks rad mcrtgatres. aud hns Qiea lathis office a wiltteo Instrument, s gnealy the President and Becretary thereof, appointing H. B tt' llnarthof Chicaao, Its Agent fir thetraasactlon of the bushes* i».' said Compa nv.and fuily aLd unres -rvedly authorlziaK him to acknowl. edge service of i.ruc<«B for a- d on bcliair of laid Com- ■ pa y. consenting that service of process upon him. the siid Ag-nt. shall be taken and held to'be as valid as if served uponttie and waiving alt claim of uror byreasouof such service. Now, therefore, la pursaance of the nrovWons of the Act afjresaid. L Jesse K Dubois. Auditor of Public Ao-, count' of th»* State of I linou do hereby certify triatthe said He-i-y B. Ml Imanb is authorized asan Agent for Uie fgUdOjmpany. tt tr ansae the batiness of Inxura-'.c* in (Ms state, uatll the thirty-first day of January, in theyear ekbtcen hundred and tlx>». to far &i Le may be legally empowered so to dn by said Company. la tnt tauny whereof. 1 bave hereunto subwr'bed my name, acd affixed the seal of my otttce» at tiprlngfie-d, this tifleenth day of January A. D 16c9. Jfcd* K. DUBOU, Auditor P. A. U. B. WILLMARTti,- Agent, ja27c93ln Corner a:utb Water aadClark-sts. PHCENIX IN SFRANCE COMP AKT-S - , —ct— _ Hartford. €oan. fi. I, LOOMIS President. 11, KEL LOGO, Secretary. WESTERN BIUNIU OFFiCE, CIWCIPBTTATI M.MAGILL, General Asent, STATEMENT OF ASSETS, JAMJARV 8, 1559. Eximlaed and apnrovel by the Auditors of W!scom«n, lewa. Indiina. Ohio, illlaols and Tennesse:, In compil auce with tbe Lawsol th-se S;ates, CASII CAPITAL $200)000 00. CASH ASStTi, 1U9.054 C?. Cash, cn hind sni In bank t 31451 11 " due and 'rom Agenti :til74 'G 14-7 shares New York Dank stocks 11l t3< 50 1100 "• Hartf'-rd " ** 114 505 00 10i ** oifcerN E. " '* 87-titW Ata'i loaned on aicrtga*esof Real Estate 3d 200 00 ** " " Pledge of Bank -trek*. 20 Water Bonds of tbe town of New Britain, ConnectJcat 10 500 00 10 0 P AI. RR. Konds, gu~rauteed 7,500 CO Accumulated interest on Investments 3,35/ U) Rsal fcutate owned by the Company unincum bered 6,406 71 Total AesUs $419 084 <56 liabilities. Velng tcadjtxsted losses and those not due $31243 00 The foregoing Pta'emrot cresents such a view of the Companv's positloj as must Ingress the conviction on the minds of alio' Its so'vtncy aid healthy condition. Ice amou .ttf 1U liabilities is lees than Co-npanles do in<a"lar«e snd extens've a bailae>s generally show "no long and Urge list ol unpaid losses," as a set oil against accumulations a*e se*n h*re. If. iherefrre. you want lo a First-Class Insu rance Cotrp\ny. go ta the " PliiE SIX" throu.-haoy of itiauthoilted Agents and vcur application will be re ceive 1 and buslßets proa lly attended to. inmost of the prominent towns and cities of tbeUnkn. BttANCII.'FFIOE. Mos. 31 and33WcT.ThL-dst., op ptslte Mas-nlc Tempi?, \lccinn*L O. Agents appointed, comspoidence attended to. loss?s adjust* d and paid, and a.l luslneaa of the Western Branch attended to «itadisoatch aai fidelity by ItßMAfillll M. MAQiLL, ileneral Agent. U. II! MAGILUI B " c1 * 1 Area " ,! ' J Adimttra. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OP the Niagara Tire Insarancs Company of toe clly of York on the flit day of January, 1&*, in conformity with tbe Law o( Illinois: First—The name of the Cotnnany is the Niigara Fire la surance Company, and tslocated In the City and Stale of York. Seoon- 4 —Tbe amoant of its Capital Etock Is Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. amount of Its Capital Ctoek, paid np Is Fourth—L Cash on band acd In the hands of »geLts •22.915.73 2- No Keal Estate. 3. I. Three New Tork City revenue b nds.dper cent #23.000 . Pevcn Brooklyn City Water Lorn 6 per c<>nt bonds ;....S7.COj 1 Bix Hudson Ktver fcaLroad. Ist mort«a<e. 7p-rcnt •P.&0J—<1,500.00 4. Eebts due tbe company secured by bonds and mortgages, being ail first U *ns and of which mere than SIOOOOO is upon property worth doub:e the amount mort gaged thereon at 7¥ c n* interest.2ls,7so.oo 5. Loans oa St cks parable on de mand of the market valoe of W9.SSS. 27.633.75 6. Debts for i rem 73* W ' 7. AL other securities 8513W Total Assets of the Company $314,065.72 Fifth—Tbe Company owes no bank cr other creil'ors none. Plxfi—Losseiadjusted aad due none. Seventh-Loss*' adm«»d and not aue cone KUh'b—Losses utja-Jasted 2 iOO fO Ninth -Loses n snsaeose walth* furtherproof fi,0.0 CO Tenth—No other clahns agJait the company., none Total of liabilities of tbe Company 7J1j0.00 Eleventh—The greate-t amount losured In any ote risk..... ... 15,(00 00 1 No teaeral ru'ea cn thee nnintg. Twelfth 1 but sdttom exceed'eg *IO.OXI. Thirteenth I a-dslrtfe risk in tlie dty, and J *5,000 oat. v<- , . H. B. WIt.LMARTn. Asttit^ jt27 lm cIOO Ocrier Clark and South Water strast^ gY STATE AUTHOEITT' oaoicn Ist OX.ABS iNsnnawcm —cr rna— Incorporated 1819—Charter Perpetual. CASH CAPITAL $1,000,000. {Absotete aid Ualmparsd With a Surplus of $666,140 10. And the prestige of 39 yean saeeess and experteaoe. The Capital alone being double that af any Fire laio* rascewmpany In the united States. *\ ASSETS. JULY Ist. 18Si Cash on hand and deported In Hartford Banks- M .*175>,124 16 Oasb la trarslt aad Areata hands 144,719 C 5 U. & Treasury Notes. I per cent 1(5 rtate Bonds I7Z Money dee the Oompany, secured by mort gage.. 4.4,5 04 Real Estate tmlacumbered.... G5.3Q 01 Bills receivable. 64,499 M MimrTHW 111 Bonds, 6.7, andlß f eenL interect anna V 7 shares Railroad Stock..... fa,773 00 H share* Ooanecticut River 00. 8t0ck.... L2SO 00 B0 shares Stafford Bank Stock ' Ltfo 00 GO shares Waterbary Bank Stock 6,250 00 96 shares Provideaee Bank Ptodu L 973 03 s,Si9 shares Sartford Bank stock 59Q.112 CO 8,(00 shares New Toik Bank Btock. 543.740 00 15 shares Jersey City Bank Stock L 530 00 100 shares U. 8. Trostpo. New York Stock. 09 1150 shares New York, L. L and Trust Com pany Stock. 34,750 00 •L6OIIIO U Unsettled Olalai sot dne *103,714 B Losses EqltaWy A4Jut«d ud Proaptly Paid, UPWARDS OP tiltooo,ooo of lcae* have been paid by the Ataa ln*&r«nc6~Oscipaay in tbe past S3 years. Fire and inland Navigation. jJßsks anepted at terms consistent with sotoicr and fettdal attention given to Insaranceof Dwellings and Contents for terms of or five year*. -Organised on a NATIONAL basis, with, agenda. In the prinpipal cities and towns. Cash transactions. fr«e' from the objections of th- credit mtese. Application made to any daly authorised Agent *pro«atly attended to. Byatzlctattentlontoal«itlmat4ln*»ancebttstoesa this Oompany is enabled to offer both n lty for the past and security for the future. FoUdes Issued without Oelay by any of Us duly aathor teed Agents. Branch Office 171 Viae street, Cincinnati. prßaihea attended to with dispatch aad »*-w«r Jt 7. B. BSnZR, Ga&ar&l Ag«at< HUBBARD k HUNT, Agents, W. B. PASCH. Stats Agent Peoria, Ufinois. OCIbiMD gTATirHETTT "OT THE" COHDIHOIT • - *--O*TH« HOME IffSURINCE COIIPANt', Ol theFlrat day or Jtncarj, A. D.1859, Uad4 to tk* Auditor of th* StaU of Illinois, pur ruant to thi &tatuU of that StaU 1 i NAME AXl> LOCATION. The name of thla Company Is "Tie Heme Ingararce ta 1G63 and located in the dty CAPITAL. The capital ofa&ld ocmpany a-tnally ra'd up la cash U (GOoiOuoO Taesnr- lasoatbelst Jaa..IMM. 442,441 7a Tttalaa't capital and surplus 11.W1,43i ;2 ASSETS. Atasaat of cash in back ...$ S9 .. .. bslaocrlnbaadsofageitjand tn Ualneaaberelreal estate owned by tae 67 621 00 first wa of record on arlat-nsbered realta a}». worib at Isags il 17&iuu. aad cn *hl:h'tLere 1« less t>,vi one year's latenstdneanj owlrg S 1.532 03 .. ixaas in, b;cd« aad morteHyes oa wh.cb there la doe more than oce year's laurest nOQe .. Loan* o«. ttocas and boat's payable m 'dtsund.the 2D«rket Vklae of §ecctl« tiei (.lodged. 1152 Ul 1C9550 00 «1 ether I a3»ai-dj» vtbe coiapaLy aotincluded :npreced:cgtUmi .. .. noze. ow.ed by the company, •market daa th* company oa WLlch Jadjmi nta nobulced. -ore. U. S. Trei*ury Nvtea, .. Asses?men*a stocx of c.m pany cailtd In ana d e aid oaptlu. crprtmiam noien due and aopald... ncc& MissiurlSiaUbo ds, 6 perct. imar ket value) 17 ISO 10 Inrcre:t actua'lydne aadonpali.,.. 11.158 20 Premiuasdaeand a*.co lectedcspol* id s issued at the office LC£5 84 BUt recdva'le for pretaiumn oa ia land tavlgitloa risks. 8,021 74 Total Assets. 11.077.990 40 LIABILITIES. Amouatof Loe;ei acjuted and due and an* paid cone. Losses iicumdaidloitor.siofad •jartment. 110,113 29 .. Losse> reported. 03 WLleh ao a:uon basbeentikeo 9.59! 21 Claims for 1< s es reibted oy the Co.. 13t>9»4 .. . -Divideidadeclaicd dai andinoaid.. SIJ 00 .. elihd- caab or salpt de* cnred.l-utrotyet cue non:. Money borrcwed. none. AUotber exlaUnk claims sga'nst th: compaoy none. Tsfel itn't Lisjea, Claimsanl He srealest amooat inured at acy one risk is|2o.oCO, bat will not, as a Re~trai rule, exee- d I :U,COJ. I The company lo ceneral; uie as to amount aU iowtK. to oelas jred ?n ai.y c.t>, town. v-Uagscr blcc/. lib la* tbeinteatloaof tne ocmpiaj tooistnbateiU risks la each a maaceragnst tu lose mote t an 110 CW by%a'r-oeflre. No part of its cap til cr eamioes are deposited in any -• otberfi a e-eesicaiiiy for lo therein. An attested copy cf th« Chart-r or Act cf accompanies this gtatemect Etatk or Naw Tear. > City and County ot New Yo:k. S s ' Charles J. Martin. Pres'deat, nod J. Maton Smith, £es> retiry, of tne llome insurance Compsnr, being severally duly sworn depose and nj. and each 'ur htmsel< says, thai the foregoing law true, the ancrj cfrad 0 rtoratioi. and th«t tie? are tLe aVove d-*rribed thereof. . ttitnrd) t-HARI E3 J. MARTfv, President [:l.ajed,j J. MILTO.t iMitll. ?ecritary. aad sworn before me th!s 34 b day Kit Jan uary, A. D. J nM. BU •Tiie.D Qotnmlsaloner in *ew Vo:k for the SLate of .llino a CerliQcate to expire oa the 31st day of Janaarr. 12&. Auditors Orrioa, Stat* or t>.uvot& I epringfield. J»nu»rj i\ laj». f wlierras. the Tlo-ae Vlre Itsornace t*otapany, loca ted at N w York. U tbe Sta'e of rtew Yor.«. has filed la tliis *.fliae a statement of th j coaditioa of its affal s as required b/ ' An Act to regalatc tbe of ia saraace Coapinles not iacoip >ratel >y the ct\te of Ulia lO* approved Fenruvy 17'b. 1153 and nn r.<t amenda'o y tbe et\ approved Jaauari ild. I'SJ. and. waerras, add compan- hai 'cnifbel satLslact.irv evl. dencetbat it's possessed of the required of capi tal investe 1 ia t* aid M and ua« filcl ia tblsoS e a writt n nstrameitsigaedby the Preaidmt aad- cretarythrreo'appolntiae li u ofChi catro 1b agent for the tr*asa t j-s «f the busnits of ta d company, fu ly »ud an-cse ved'y anions a. Mm to «~k seivice of prooe ; s for aad on oebalfof saidcompaar c asenttns that service of i>rucr»i a .oa turn, tne said jwenu sbali be taken acd t% be as va<l i u if served noon tbe cmaaoy ail claim of error by reisoa of such service. Now, ta>ref re. la parsiinse of the act aforesaid. I. Jesse K hnbols. Auditor of Public Accauats of tbe StaU oftlliaol- dob»re«y certify that tbe -aid H. B. Wi laartb Is ustbotised as aa Acat tor thesall Company to transact the busiae«s 01 lasuran us la this riiale, unti t~e 'hirty-flrstday or J&au*ry, cof*ra»he may be lega'ly emoowerelso to • ouy said Oompvy ia tesdmoay I b»ve bcreoato subscribed my namo. aad iiiuted tbe seil of my office, this isib day of January, <iUr.ed> { JB33E K. DOBOII j seal i Aaiitor PubUe Annan's. 1 f 2clal4w CITY FltiE LVSmA.\CEIO., OF IMMFOkD. Caali Capltelf S*2SO|4JOO« all pai«l ia. A£lXTi JIK7ABV IST. 1539, Oaih Items, laciuiina |2i.t>&?sin2ia.k #?5.955.74 llaikdtock aad Boud*. lai-ketvaiu* LiiiJa.l'U Lo&as on Mortgure?, Uaak Stocks or bp* proved secu'ities I^o7llo Balance oa Books, interes*. due, tod Office Par ai.ure Total assets. 43A0U3 Tot il Liabilities fur Lotses aut du? #16,4^.11 U B. BOWEtti, Prts'L 0.0. Wait*, Scc'y. General Agsncr for the Western States tt OUcago. Illi nois W. B LOUNSdUdY. Gen. Agent, H. U. Paicx, Axs't. Gen. Agent. |al» ci d3w wira C. N. HOLnVN. Act for Ch'cago. FARMER'S UNION FIHE INSURANCE CD. Capital aad Sartlas $60,000 CONSECnaUT MUTUAL UFA IKB. CO- Acquired CapUaL 53,000000 JNO. B, ACKLEY, Ageit. ' N3.4Uds:tdcTemble, Chicago, 111, FIRE, MARINE and LIFE IN'iciUNrE »ff-ct e d 'or any amocn' at reasonable r*t;s la reliabU Eotera Comjailea. Ja27 wSS ly Fcorii Jlariflc&Firiil'isu'ncs Co. OF PKOBIA. CAPITAL $500,0C0 Paid Up in Cash 300,000 MARINE AND FIRE RISKS ODE&WRITTES ON HOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Loaaca Promptly Adjusted and Fald at lulsAccucy* , J. AUG. WRIGIIT, Ajent, ial bSIO ly N0.143 Booth Water street, Chicago, t THE PliUiliNlX IKSUKAA'CE CO., OF TUBCIIY OF CHICAGO. Ottcej 142 Soutli Water Street* Aatioris-d Capita), JOO,(X*J 1 Paid in aad secured, 17*'.5C0 KASAUISU otu«CTon«: J. P. .• Jobn K. Nicbols S. C. Wilder. A. h«lfi-ards. .Hiram It. Sio ih. Ant lao p. r oiatoroßs: Watton Oarr, u. li. Ilazlrto^, C. Ueauersos; A. F.llffAKlls, President. E. C. WILDER. Secretnrv. <«M>. K ».vSIIX(;s, General Agmti LKWIS B. ItUKUKL!..City Survejor. ££T* Fire, Marice aud Ic!aui haviuatico losrrasce. jeH'oi-lv NORTH AMERICAN Fire Insurance Company. OF HARTFORD, CONN. PAID UP CAPITAL $3 00 000. Insure against Lois by Fire only. - SUBBARD k HONT, Agents, Chicago, corner LasaEe aad South Water streets. NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY, of Norwich, Conn. PAID UP CAPITAL 5176 000. HUBBARD k UVNi*. Agents coraer of South Water and Clark streets. First Floor, Loomis' Block. orisb3QC Chicago lusurauee to. 9fflM N.W. Corner of UP BTAJTBS. OAPZTAX 8300,000. DIREOTORB. Thdmu Church, B. W. Bajmoad. Geo W. Dole, K.H. Haddock. J. K. Botsford, Orrington Lent. O. ti. Farwell, W. M. Larrabee, J. T. td wards. XIIO.TIAS CHL UCH, PreaU a H. 30LDEN, Bec*y. JOA E. BROWN. Surveyor \ortbf?es(era Insurance Cpmo'y, :. OSNVEQO. NEW YORK. - lESTASUSHXO IB ISOL) '->HwiUl 150,000 —With a Lar*« Surplus. magMTBUC ARE RESPECTFULLY IN- LimillO»l lb. JDLIDB WHITE hu beta rew poteleAi'TfltpfthisOo-a? my. and is aloue* athorised . to lsijfcjt£ftfa£ft Ddlldes In t htca»«. Mvln*l*j^aixu>or>s«4toadjust and pa all tcsres - KlstiMMinttrPoUctes either Fire or Marine. .. iFirtV ' '•'> JAiIKSPLirr Presidec*. 8.-B. Ixdlow, Bec*y. ttdersitned win be happy to lee his Mends aad the patroas of theoid Northwestern gea»raily, at tbe Office; Mo.IW S South Water street, as*arng then that our rate* shall be as low as those of any other responsible Company, and that Losses shall -e falri> trusted and promptly paid. JULIUS tVHITE, Agrnt. ocaSbSaily ti»H tfoatb Waurstmt, |)ianos, &c. CO-P.\RTXER?HIP HERSTO^ORE I exlsilngtelweea II aad A. J. Hltgins. ta tstrleof a\sA~t H.others lathis aay dissolved t y duluil cons-bt. II SL Higgin* a.«sarses all thedatiUlileaotthe Utefinnaad to wbJin Ud-kt«icast be paid. H.M 11 GGIMi. Chicago, Feb. 1. ISP. A. J. HIGGLN3. R. is HIGQISB returns hti tbaiVj to bis customers for rait favors and tnnes by strict aUcntlan to business to merit tnelr future patronage. , "My strck is by tar the Urgest aad most complete InJV Northwest. • received weekly from all the Eastern pDMisbets. - Ur~My citilocue of my own pabllcitloas Is the finest cfaaypuolished lotheUalt d states, t> which I am eoanaatlv addinc frMa the comr>o«ers li the Eastrrn and WesUra States. IL St 11 IGGINi feS-lw-cts4 45 Ltke street. HII. niIJGINS, MUiIC POB - LIi*IIES. «sLak<* street, still has oa band the Urgrst stock or Musical menLaadl-e kept by any other house In the Nortnwest. lam sileagent for tbe cel ebrated M Model MslodeDn." made bv Mason k Ham 11 a, also ax*at far Ughte. Newton k Bradiu y's PIaNOS, with the **P. teat «tch >vrat rUak," wh chia osed by no other Manufacturers la tne world, aad Is the most Lax) taat mocaanical lmpnveaeat. lar-cat o tulrg Iroaasaost mak-rs do—whlca gives th* meatam tallc aad disagreeable aouad—oraslfgwoodia the ordinary war—which recrters U to weaken thj part of the lastrameat wherein the greatest possible *trenglaisre4olr d—by cottlag across tae grain of the wood. Ushte. Newtoa k Bradoary's have a meth't whereby they spring this eatsat Wre>t into proper tors by the aid of steam and pswerfulmachiuerT. A St ala : of tea toos will oatk* no Impress oa o. tne area, w*-'0 the fibres of the wood Instead of being weakened by the continuity belsg Interrupted at short distances, nave their natural of rta;staaee gieatly augm ?nted by the pec-llar form they are made to assume in the Patent Arch Wrett. Every instrument is warranted. Atl kinds of Church Music'sal*. Tie chearest and latesv uleo Bookout Is the MIWN*- Ha-HA. Price single copy 53 cents, sent by mail post* Paul; per dozen All orders must be addressed ton M. BlUOlKS.4sLaktssU, Chicago ja'6l^96ty IMPROVED FULL IRON FRAME PIANO X FORTES Manufactured and fbr sale u retail at Sutern srbolesale prices by W. T. RllO Practical Piano Forte Mate. All Pianos of hk make wtll be 11 Q V i» fouy warranted. Old Pianos will be takea In aad and repairing promptly attended to. Apoii at bis Flaao Forts Masafaetart. Na. ISi West istMll* " J*~U ST ""Bl'C E I V E D.— A tut* Assortment of BACKGAMMON BOARDS —AID— . STAUNTON CHESg:aCBSr, " Of aQ botfi Wood and Bone. For sale fcj W. S. .UEV, B»«kMlkr . USS J lfllaln street. Ccgai QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTt OF COOK, 8* —Cook Coanty Court of o:mmoa Flsas, April Tens, k. D . ll&a. Halaes fL Magic and Fdwin Blaekmaa £x*est?r of the last MfUi snd Testament of Jnha High. deceased, v*. Fayeue U hoblnson—la Ocatcery. Affidavit of the ncn-raidence of Fay«t« L. Roblnsrvo. defendaat above asmed. laving bees (Lted in tbe o&e« of tbe tiers of said Onofc Coanty Court of Ccmmoa fleas. Notice is hereby alvea to Uie said Fsyette L. Rcbl'son thai the complainant* filed their bill of coirplalit in »a'd court on the chancery side thereof, on tha 2lsi day of De cember. I*4B, and that a suomons therespen laced oat of said coar* aii nst sail defeadaats. returnable on tbe first Monday o! January next, Q&59). as by law required. Now, cnless yon, the raid Fayette L. sbaU per* •onallv be and apiwar before saldOckCo OoartofOos>> men P'eas of Cook count*- on ihe first day of the tern thereof, to be hsldea »t Chicago In s'ld coanty on the first Monday of ArrU, 1839. and p'ead. answer or demor to tb* aald oomplainant %' bill of complain»ct, the same aad the matters and tUogs therein charged aad stated will be takai as ennfessed, and a decree entered against you according to ths prayer of salt bl L » WALTbR KIMBALL. Clerk. Mathar, Tat A Blng. Csopi'tsHoTra. ial3t*aH* STATE Or ILLINOIS—COUNTY OF Cook—£B. Oook Ootrrt of Common Pleas, Jr ebuary Term. A. I». IS3. Patrick HUgfns vs. William Welch. William Welsh Sd. Dinlei Murpbr an* Jeremiah A. ii las ella. Ia Chancer f. Affidavit of the noa-resldr-ee of Jeremiah Jl KinsrOa and Daniel MuThr. defiaduts above oanmL having been filed In the offiee of the clerk of said or ok County 0 urtof Common Pitas, notice Is hereby given to the said Jerem'ah a. Elaseila aad Daatel Man>*y that the complainant filed hi- b.llof eomplalntln sold Court, on the Ohancery side thereof oo tbe twenty-third day of April lso7. and that a summons baa ssrcd oat of said 1 Court sga'no said defendants, re tore able on the first Mondiyof Febaary next, 1659. as Is bv law required. Now, oalfu yoa. the said Jeremiah A. Kinsella ana Daniel Murphy shall personally be and appear before said Cook County Court of Common Pleas of Oook coanty. on the first day of the fieit term thereof; to be- holdea at Chicago. Ia said c'uniy. on the first Mosdav of Febuary. 1959. and plead, answer or de mar to the sild complainant's bill of complaint, the same snd the matters and therein charged aad stated will be taken as confessed, aad a decree entered •r nW, * t you according to the prayer of said bill W. KIMBALL. Clerk. Gailoi A Hitchcock; CoooVti Eo>'n. j .7 STATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK CoUNTY. 83—Cook County Circuit Court - February Special Term. A- i>. 1559. Henry V.flxardvs. C. D. Culberts-jn A Co. Public nctice Is hereby given to the aald O. D. Coftert sonACo that a writ of attachment issued out of the on ce of tbe Cerk of the Cook Coanty Clrcnlt Coart. dated the tenth day of Janutry. A. D. IS9. at the sultof the said Mllward. ana agalcst tne estate of tne said O.P Culoert*on k Co.. for the sua or cne hundred and eighteen dollars, directed to th* EhertS' of Oook County, which said writ has been returned exe cuted. Now. therefore, unless /on. the said 0. D Culbertson k Co. sbsl< personally be and appear before the said Cook County Circa-tOomt, oner before the "rst dayoftbenext Special term thereof io be boldeu at the House. In the titv of Chicago, on the second Monday of Feb ruary. A. D. 165*. irlve special bwL and plead to the said pl&lLtlira actiou indgment will be entered sxainit you aad In favor of the sali Henry Vliward and so much of the property attached as may be sufficient to satisfy the said mdgmeat and eotfa. will be sold to satisfy ths satne. CHL'RCU Clerk. H. Pavn». ■ i*? fe 4cct STATE UF lLLlMjlfiJ UOUM'k OF COOK—SS.—Oook County Coart of Common Pleas, jaanaryTerm. 1559 Orrin Shrf manTS. Georje M. Coffin. Public Notice Is hereby given to the said George H. Coffin thatawrit of Attachment lr«ued ou*. of the office of tbe t'lerk of the Cook Oounty Court o' Cocrmrvn Pleas d-<ted the first dav of Deoemoer. A. D. Is6i. at the suit of the sa'd Orrin Saerman aad against the ettate of the fteorje U. Coffin for the sum cf Tnre«* Hun dred Dollars, directed to the Sheriff of i ook County, which said writ hu been returned executed. Now. therefore, unless you, the said George BL Oo*n shall personally be and appear before the aild Oook County Court of Common KleasonorbeSoretbe first dsy cf the next term thereof, to b? holdea at the Court House, In tbe dty of Chicago, oa the firat Monday of Januaiy, A. D. l£d. give special bail, and plead to the said plaintiff's action, judgment will be entered against you. and in favor of the *a!d Omn Sherman, and so mach of the property attached as may be sufficient to to satisfy tbe said judianent ad costs, will be soli to sat isfy the same. WAL' Ell KIMBALfs Clerk, epafford. Mfr A Jones, flt'Si Att'ys de29hMtew ECEiVEIv.S SALE.-STATE UF ILLI n i*. Cook Ccnnty. cS.-Cosk C u-ty Court of Common P eas—Cclcsgo. Januam X;h, lflc9. Gra-:v.l!e Kimb'«i| ts. Luk« Coiaitock, »>arunT. Hecox, Kdwird L. iomstoc-,—ln Chsnc-rv. Puotic Notice is bereby •.-iven. that I. L. C. Psine Freer, as Receiver, appointed hyths court, in the above entitled caase. wilL on >he s'steentbdsy ' f Fetrnary. A. L>. Isjii. as the north doer of tbe court House of the County of Cook. Ia the c.ty of Chicago, at ten o'clock In tbf fore nocnofsaid sell ai Publ.c Auction to the biggest bidder, for cas'i. ater aln 'OLd In tbe renalt? rften do.Lars »xecaedby Wrten T Uecri. as O-1 g rto i u*e Comsiock as vJb Uec. rcc.tlng that the ob i or 1< Indebted to th? oblige-; In tbe sain of five ilio j saud dollars. • art of the - urci as>- money of t'ae Real *s • t'.ie t e ein i flcr descried, and conditioned f..r tie pay ment of saids 'mo.' firettuusmd d-.Lar*. to Ki»a:J L Corns.ock. so j of <ald Lake t'oastock, upon his l>ccom- Ivu i f fue. »nd t >e Interest on <at<t bond payable t~> s tlj Lu<e Comstick, at the rate of eight per c*ct per annum sn-utliy on tCe 5 h day tf F-b'ury la each ye:r, ouul Ui.-sa'd 80-d matu*es, wi ch wi lbi on the 2t>:b day of Fema«rv. A.D. IS'Lsali Bosd'aecured by a Deed sf Trisr. which, a Ith the sail Bond, bear date February 5 b. «Boi ex 'ute ": by said Warren T. llecox. an-J ra niuto sal I iiezekiih A. «t>. ard conveyirig to said Wjn kcop all it at part of three (3>, in Bock ne ton fred ana fo:ty-ui.e (Ul;, In Cih«i, on *.he nsithaest co.ter cf sail let three i 3), runnirg thecce tcu h on tbe *est line ' f said lot ' ne hundred eUI ty nine fert to an alley, tbenc-) eastsliirgstid alley thirty three feet, tbeuce n.tth paral lel with the west L*.e to Monroe at eet. th;nce «e*t alth j sooth lin) of Monree street thirty-three feet, begtenln*. bard ot T u;t reciting tie coudi'lnns of the substutiallv. and ci-.taining a P-'w»r of sale. L C. PAINE FtttlE**. jaiisidc3l ReT« , tT*r. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY: Sri. irruit Court ofCook County, Februaryfipfciallerm A. 0..15&-*. Jchn II" Kl*b vi John P. Ccn v ling. Hardon Co kl'tif, Ctrolin»A. Ctnkin*. Kvai A.Cnnkilrg,G dryßiy- a a U fettr Pecoy and Cuarles J. Treman, • In Chat cetr- Affidavit of tbe oon-res'deoce or John P. Coakl'n , Ga dja Ccinklicg mid tar tne A. C:ak.l:g bt* wl'e, A. Conklin . Gorif.ey Bnan' and Ch J. Tr - mi In. defendants above named, having been filed in tneotficeoi the Clerk of slid Circuit Court of Cosk County notice Is hereby given to tae said J In P. G.r cjoaCcn'liig nrd Csro'iie A. Cm k.lrg t!* w fc. s.ra!i A. t):n 11 v. (So Irrey es J. T tmiln I bat sild complainant tiled his bill of complaint la siidiCourt on be Chancery side thereof on tbe fi cf Fetu sry aad that a summons thereupen issued cat of said Court against siid returnable on the second Monday of February Iqsu. Cl=i>) aa Is by law required. Now, u'Jersjcu. ihe - Hng. Harccn CorkMngand «;aro.l e A Cunkl'ng his wife, Sarah A. C-ickiin*.oodfre* Br>ant?nd Ch.r'.esJ.Tre.aaia stall personally be and an;ear befo e said ClicuU Courtof Cook Co.. onthefirstdayof the next special term thereof, tobsboldenat vblcan. in said Coaaty. on tLe second Monday o February. 1a39. and rlead, antweror demur to the said complainants* bill ofcomplalnt, the same and tbe matters and thlrora therein charged and stated will be taken as conT•ssed.aad a decree entered yoo, according to the prayer of said bllL WM, LOHURCH. Cl-rk. George Scoviile, Comp .'ti f cl'r. i e8 cl:7 <w STATE UF ILLIiNUIS, COOK COUNTY, S3.—Circuit Coart ofCook Oounty, Janaary Specla Term. A. D., IfeW. William McCuiiy. John F.McOaDy, aad Mark W. Watson, vs. Georae E. iloyL Pablic Notice Is hereby given to the six* Gecree & Hoyt that a writ of att «e. .asm issued out of the office of the OlerkoftheOlrcait Court of Oook County dated the elgb te-nth dayof December. A. D. at the salt of the said William il--Cully. John F. McCully and Mark W. VTstson and against the estate of the saldUeo. E Hoyt for the sum of two hundred and nlnety-elaht dollars atid twenty three cents, directed to tbe Sheriff of Cook Coanty, which said writ hu been returned executed. Now. therefore, unlets you. the said Geoige K. Hoyt shall personally be and ap pear before ihe said Circuit CoartofCook County on or be fore tne fcrst day of tbe next special term thereof, to be hoidenat the. ourt House In thedtvof Chicago on the first Monday of January A. D. l:w, rive special ball, aad plead to ue aald puuntlffic* action, judgment will be entered * > * - on, and in favor of tre aald WU.iam McCuiiy, John F. McCully anl Mark W. Wats n. and so much ot tj'. property attached as maybesnffidentto sat gfy the taid judgment atdcostswlU b« sold to satisfy the same. WILL'AM L. OHDRUti. Clerk. Cornell Waltc A Jameson. PiiT's Att'ys de 23 bSo3 6-M STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF Cooc. 83.—000k Oounty Coart of Common Pleas, Febrnsry I'ercL. 1559. Charles H. Booth and Charles Tattle vs. Onille Finch.— Attachment. Public notice Is hereby giten to the raid Orv'lie licch that a writ of Attachment Issued out of the ojflce of tbe Clerk cf Cook Oounty Coart of Common Pleas, dated the fi*st day of Feboary/A. D. at tbe :aitof the said Charles H, Bcot'i and Charles Tattle and agalcst tbe estate of tbe sa:d Orvtlle Fiach orttiesna o'six- i t*en hondt eJ aaa fcrtv-two forty-eLzht cents, : dlrtcted to the Sheriff of Cook coanty, whacn said I writ has been returned executed. Now. therefore, anlessyoa. <he sildOrrflle Finch shall 1 personally be and appear boiore the said Cooxeon'.ty | Court of Common Pleas, cn or oefore the first day of the next term thereof to be bolden at tbe Coon House in the dty of Chicago, on the first Mondat <>f Febru ary. A. D. 1*59. give special ball and plead to the said plaintiff's action iadgmentwill be entered uainstyon aad la favor of the said Charles H Baoth and Cbaries Tut le, and so much of the property aUaohed aa may be gnifident to satisfy the said judgment and costs, wDi be sold to satisiytbe sam^ WALTER EDSBALTi. Clerk. Thompson k Bishop, Plt'tTs Att'ys. ft 3 ciM3ol T7*3TaTE Ob' G RAIIA.It MARR DE _Ei ceased. Public notlee is hereby given to ail per so.# having daims and demands asanst the es:ate of HralamMarr deceased, toprts nt the same for adjudi cation and tetilement at a resutar .erm of the Coantv Oou't of Coo< Ooanij, to be oalden at the Oauft Rouse in tbe City A Chicago, on the fLst Monday of March, A. D. H3X btlnc tne kt> nth day thereof. LUJIK M-\KR, Execa'rls of the last Will and Testament of oraham Marr dee'd, Bv 11. H. MAs«sr. AteoL Blue Island. Jazavy 11th. U53. iaU ew* STATE OF ILLINOIS-COOK COUNTY. Circuit CoartofCook Coanty.—January SpedalTerm, A. D. Ifi&f. Jerman 8k Keator and Porter Skinner vs. Andrew J. anort. Public notice is hereby given to the said Andrew J. Short, that a writ of attachment Issced oat of the office of tbe Clerk ofClrcalt Ooan oi i ook County dated the fourth day of December. A. D. ISoS, at ■ ht salt of the said Jerman B. Keator aacl Porter Skinner aad axalnst the estate cf the said Andrew J. Short tor the sum of Three Thou sand Dollars directed to the Sheriff of Oook Coanty, which said writ has teen returned executed. Now, t-erefore tnle s yoo, tbe said Andrew J. Short shall personally be and ppear be or* the said Circuit iJoort of Covk Coaaty oo or before the first 4 iy of the next Special Tern thereof obo bolden at the Oour House. In tae C.ty of Ohleag -. on th*. first M or Janaary, 'A. . D. give special b«!L and i;leAa to tn<* said ptaintUTs actionjudgzaestwiubeenteredagal styou aad .n favor of the said Jerman S. Keator and Porter Skinner, and ao much of the rrcct-rty attached as may be saSdent to satisfy the said judgment aad r >«ts wtll be sold to satisfy thesame. WM. L. CHURCH. Cerk. Cornell, Waft; k Jameson. Plt'ffs Atfys. de 3 b?ii aa A/fASTEU'S SALE—STATE OF ILLI- XvJ- no's. Ooek Coanty. Clicuit Coart ei Ooek Co. —ln Chancery. B. Chambers vs. James Mlchle. Public notice Is hereby given that ia pursuance or a Decretal Order entered In the above entitled cause, oa the fourteenth day of January, A. D. l&Si. 1, L. C. Talae Freer. Master in Chaaeerr of Ctok County, btato of Il.molg. will ca the tw«;fttr of February, A. D. 1&9. at tin o'dock Id the fc:essoa of said ifay. s;ll at "public aacU:n. to tae Uaaest bidder, 'or cuh. at the Nottbdcor of tbe Court llouse, of tie Couatvof Cook, ia the tity of Ohlcaso. all ihe foUowinc detcrit>ed parcel cf real estate to-wit: Tbe west fractioi of tbe ror-h - ouvters of section Nxtwenty-teven C 27). m township thirty eight (Se), raagetwelve lli> east or thethlrc pnn:lpal meridian, in Oook coaaty. containing one hundred and twtnly three srret taors or leas. L. O. PAINfi FRSBiC Ussier In Chancerr. Cook county. Chicago. Jan. 2£Kh. lai9. . ia3ic42td STATE OF ILUX0I&-0DOK OuUSTY, B. Si.—Cook Coaaty Court of Coamoa Pisas—Feb luaryTerta. A. IX. ISK. WUltam E. IHcgett, Henry D BatseU and D. Hobart Hills, vs. Randolph Denstn-ire, Barney H. Djekmas asdXawln oensaore—Attjichmeat, Public Notice Is hereby'givea to the said Randolph Deasmore. barney H. Dyekmaa and Edwin IVngmye. that a writ o' Attachweat Issued out of the office of the Clerk of the Cook Qoonty G»urt u' Oosmon Pieia. tbe twenty-'oarthday of December, A. U 1543. at the suit o 'ihe said Wm K Docge;t, Henry D. Baas'tt ani D. Hobart HUla, and against tbe estate ot the said jtandolpb Densm:re. Barney il. Dyckman aad kdwtn Deosmore, fortatsomor Three Hundred ana Mxty-Seven Dollars aad Seventy-FcurOeaU. directea to tae Sheriff of Oook Oounty, wmchsald writ has been returned executed. Wow. therefore, onieas yoo, tbe said J>rn*» more. BaineyH.Dtc*maiand Edwin Dens&o.-e, shall personally be and appear before the said Cook Coaaty Courtof Oomraon Ple*s. on or before the first day of tne next term thereof, to be holdea at the Court House, in the dty of Chicago on tbe first Monday of February. A. D. 1550, »give spedal baiL and plead to tbe said plaintiff's action, judgment will be eatered you atd In favor of the aaid William £. Ooggett. Henry D. Bassets and D. Hobart Hills, and so anch of the prop : erty attached as may be saToent to satis.7 the »»ri iadjcment and casta, wSI be sold to same. WALTER KIMBALL, Clerk. . GaLLPf A Hmacpgg. PU's Att j. latMw-cS "IT* X ECU TOR'S NOTICE.—COUNTY T'i OODKT OF COOK OOUNTY—In thenaUerof tiw Estate of George Coombs, deceased. All persons having claim* acalnt the estate of George Ooombc deceased, late of Oook ooaaty. are notified and requested to attend at a term of the Coanty Court of Oook County to be held at the Court House In the city of am. eago on tbe first Monday of February next, at ten o'dock In the forenoon, for tbe purpose of having tbe aazae ad josted-tiie executor and exscatrix of the last will and testament of said Goorge Coombs, deceased, having fixed on thu term for sealing aad adjaxlng all dalma against said deceased. Chiogo, December 15L1853. ' HXN&Y B. DIES. Executor. JANE COOMB 4, Executrix. Of last wm and twUirint of George Qyisb*. deceased, delt-tA»7:W ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-CuUN r\ rv Coart of Oook County. In the matter of the estate of J*cob Frtdrick. deceased. Ait persocs haviag claims against the estste of Jacob Fredrick, deceased, late of Cxik Coanty. are notified and requested to at*end at a term *f the County Courtof Cook . County, to behe.d at tie Cfeurt House, in the city of Chi-' cago. on the first Moauay of March next, at tea o cljckJn tie forenoon, for the purp-seofhtvinftbesaare adjusted, the administratrix or said estate haviag fixed aa tisst term for settling and adjosting all dalma sgalast said ea> tsle. MAHQaRITTA FRKHBTOR. Administratrix. •too*? 90» 4 BaHur." AW»a Cblcaco. JanaaijW 111? In <1 £ei}al TATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK. m —Took County 9gcrt c f Common P:«aa. February Tens, lit*. I'fvetVrLnd. Pa-aa;ifl. P'tr. Ix-cu'cr* and ""«s*e?s of J»- ey B»rV.«r defected, v*. J< iepa W.l'e. »«n!or, Ano hlj vi c. U*7 inn 6 jter, Ircj Bvb«r. Ha-rtft B-rtc. .harles Y. Belt. and E.ixs BelL Ills wi e—la i b&Qk'e j A&davit ol sue do" residence of Vary Ado Baiber. Tucyßarbe-, H»rretßirt>«r, CbarlesY. BeiL asd Kllxa Betl, h'a -tfe. part rf the defesJaais above tnoM, bavtos been filed to tr.e .ifflce o' tbe Clerk of said Cook Cownt* Court of C*mmonPl-»s. Notice Is here*» riven to t*esald Mart A-u» Barber. Leer Barber Han let Barber. Charles Y. Bell and C ti B I. t'i wife tbatthe complain'&ta film toelr bill 01 complaint In the said Coart, oq ibe Chan eery side thereof, 03 tbr S3ib day of Jasa >rj. ItU. aad that a lamaoa? teerecpoa issued cot ot said Coart aealnst sad c--feid mt*. returnable ©a tie first Mon day or Ap U next. a. 0. ma, u \? by lav repaired. Now, unl .oa. tie said Vary Aon Baroer. Lney BarW. H rrM Barber. Ch.rlesY. 3-11 ant Clssß*i. Lis wiV. ; aa'l pt;«onal!y be Aid appear before said t ock Cou ty i*on to* Comar.n Clear, oa the first uay of tf>>» next thercot. vo be bolden at Chicago in said wouzt; ca the first Monday of April. 19a&, and oltAil. atsve: or demur to tie aald complainant's bl'.lof c.myiaint. t v .- *n.«: aad the mat ters and tMnq tfcgrsia rbar**.i m.! W.ed will be taken as confessed. tad a a?creeentcrr>lt.alnstjou aeeerd ingtoth: crayerof said bill. w f[vtß4LL. Cerk. Ma'hT. Ta*tl K:ig. C? 1 .'t* *n"r« fri-t* .-IS fil BUST E E T S S\.], E . - WHEREAS JL Ch.tles CLClakeand M-ary 8.. bis wif-, cf «Le d j of Coo- ty of Co *. aai ?t P lno'i exe fne-t to me a* TrUite? *de-d of irmt cf the premiers hereina.'tjrce!c lr»- .t«Sicari l ep»>me:tof* er.*tn proxlacrynote o' Five-u tired and IstySrVrn •o' lar/» tberda meLtiuoe watco dsra if tr ft A)ay(Lth.A.D I*6*. aa.t Urecvd:: * la i!i- Be o der'j « ffie® of Wa'woiti voittj. a d dut - f Wise ••sil. la BjokSt of Moit«*.es fa.e»4 1) aad 41.; «Dd wt e.-eia. deua t hit be« 3 nade la t.e ua>raea. of aild te aad asplestoa b»been mad" t" me b* the le<*l b-.ldfr of aud note, to a»d aaid prem'tea. aider said d» ed o' troat for «he t;er»ln e*srei«eX Nj* xh reforr. PObUe n:tlc- u bercbj*i?eatbat 1 thiUae'i attabile aocuco. at the Ncrta door of the C:u:t hcaso In the ci.j of Chienio. ta n'c Coaaty «cd to tbe hlkbnt b'adiY for c-tiv atun o'elooc I renoja. oa the NInTR DAY OP MAECU A. 0. icrib'd li said d'ei or trait, to wit;-The aadlvioed t*o-thlfdj (X' oftpeo rth b\lfthe - ortb«e»t tweaty alae CO. Tcwa mabtr one (1. N r h Rajt->aambe-»l*:etaiW e»»: o. ihe tctth P ti clcU M-ridi'iC. aadeoat%lalac fi' T three JD'l coe third acrrs. te the nor acre or less. lh* s*m-> being land wrt &tartio Bcrjaaka V. ihirlu 0 CUrke bum the eitite ol the :r. ll*tt CI Chicago. Feoiuarr Sad, i t a3o; c 143 QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK £S.—ulrcait Coart of Cock Cocsu. Too, aad BesjuaU tl Eobert C&aia hin-Ia Chaactry. Affidavit of the aoa-resMesee of Bob<rrt Camhta. defendant above amri beta filed la office of the Clerk of aald Cireat Coart ol Oak Coaaty. Notice la hereby «trea to the f&m Kcbert Camabaa that aild compla-naati filed their bill of coaplaiat la taid Ccort oa the tide thereof, oa the eleveath day of Janaary, ISZ9. aad that an a aoomoaa thereapoa Usced oat of aatd Coart acalast aiid defeadaaLs, re* tigaable oa the finl Monday of Marca next. lad*, as la by llwreqaired. Now.anlcss joo. tfce sdd Kiben «'in«han •hallperMatlty beaad aojear before said Llrcait Court of'.k>ok Coaaty, cathefint aay of the text March term thtreot to be holdeaat Chicago, la said Coaaty. oa the AntMcndar of March. t;&<, and aoiwer or de mar to the <aid compiaia ct'ifclU the same aad the matters and thuusthereia chanced acd stated wii>betxk'*aAs aad •» decree eatered aeilnst yoa itccordini to the prayer of s Ud bilL WM. I*. OHOKCH. Cler* Art or \7. TTla iet. M 4w rls^ t4 / IIKIit'.AS, JO.-iAll t:. COLHUh t N, OK Vr ( Coo* Co~aiy. TUoos. la ord'rt>se« enrfr'h , *p >mentof a <"enam note m» '» a*d signed by ».t ■ ooe &>O-*rt L Da lap. fo-th* sum of three tnoas%ad doltat. d»tfd r 4'h. liSi, paj aiie to Krastatbkileyprcrder. iaoae jcr >r..n date. *i h interest at .en vc cnt. per ancanx, dl i by a err* U:a oeed of tiut eiccoied b. htm bea Ins evea date *aM acte. rrant. and convrj u th« ooder s'soed UlramF. 31»th.-r. of jtfjjeiaJi. ce:t»la prua:se 1 describtd la sal ■ dee 1 of trait as o:l wj. vis: • L'.ticarU) a bl-ck s.s'.tftn (l-i rf Csrpeate-'s AJ dlti'io t<> »itb Uie rt»e! bs hou<i a-d improve la.atith.'reuo." ihaa:eJ la thee.t.- of tiLago. Cooi.ty of Cook: wh eh f t.u*t c ct Jse-! a ;o«cr of sale tobetaadibysald rnstee oa ai.p:lcii!3n of the iet«l hM-erofsvd nteiactseol d p*yient A r d. whereas, deaalt has beea mule it iMjaj.-! t ol the are:<uet of oriaetpal meatlo eo -a vid a«wll a« 10 M*yc.eit of icterrtisi- c< tlie 4ihi'ay of December. 1*57. an- tie »«id VrutOi Biil«.y. the hgil ht-IJrrard ow-er of-aid ccte, has ap;uel to ih; tab»cr.b:r to se.'l udders* sis? ; t otre Is tli:r;f>vi%h-:ribrtivm4batia panatace tt •h-i p wer abok'e rrfeirc<l to. »i dia order to r<»l»e ib« aicoont dai« sal to bee. m ■ one fur > riic :al *>ad Interest 00 thtf co'e a' cTf me.iiocei. Uie-her wi.htli-i c its an<: ex-ecs.sof sal miUzla of« iai*p .««r. 1 s~.alL < n dAfCt- DAV, 'he Iwcilta day o* Kcbroary atX', at li o clock ta t:e ronnoo" of th t day at ilie ncrh f:oat d>or of the Couit aoa.'e, la the siid«it? or UL-a*o, o3tr for a Is aaa »eil at pablie aactioa t; tLe hl«L»st b'dder for ca-b tus trtmues described sbore ard li said dejd • f t-os;. atd &i theeq it; cf ts feaptu aif s*kd J«.si*h £ Ooihcro'hereix Ad e<i:D;ee«>l< bi trade toth« purchue. ty virtae ot raid power of -ale. laid deed of Uuii duly aukcowledxed »Ul n~ foend reeoruei to the «ec.trder'B 'ffice >' Co.-k Connt?. tnde' d*te t.f Dectm- DcrSMh Isls. :adooki(2o! De-ds. hssri 1 ? iiluA.M V. irustee fvr£.*s*.uißailey. M* Tarr & Kiig. Attorneys. Hated Jaaa*ry 3U% lgv3. ja't-'dcKO ( MIANCEHV NOTiOfc—vVi\\ vt. ol' lI.LU kois. Coaaty of ■"Vjact* April Term A. l>. I*3o. E. Gregory Jolia Tilt-t». M'.ses W. Ricliards.T. John H Ur-ulaur». Omis? k. Richtrdioi. (; Liarata. J art W. Lim«a. d«r> Kd-r<trd Aie»aad.*r. Jjjn v. Weiterv-.t andOrr.r 8 11 a«,vs. A NorcaKir t Byrootl. Sew ell. RadclphSchisesier, Elo:lJieU.Newell, andChas. boaae. Aniiliylt of the coo-rea'desc o Eitrl:»t G. Xews'J. one of the dt leadaats above aau-. d. haviat >een £le<i la tae of. flee of tbo Clerk of said »Ircait of t"o~k Coaat/, Notice ta hereby idvea to the sui Eil>r.J.--Neveli silt comalalsaaU filedtueii dCcart os the cbaacerysidL* thereof, oa tb« tveMy-oiota day of Novemuer. ISSfi. and that a jummmu tbereauua la in ?d cat of said Coart against sali dtfendaat, retura abie oa the first kloaday o:[ January, l-i.'. as law required. Now. oldest yoo. the said Bbrlrsr G. Newel', shall persoaall7 be aad appear before said Circuit Coart ot Cook Coaaty, oa tae finiiuy or the term thereof to be holdea at in tbe mu3 Coaoty of Cook, on tbe urst of lSCt>. aad plead, answer or demor. tothisal d ivsnspUiaaats* bill 01 compiaiat. the &ame and the m&turj acd thiaxs tbere> la charred and stated will be taken as confessed, aad a decree "atovdagalastyoa thepr*yerof«a!d comii'alna-ita. WIJ. L. CUURdI, Clerk. Fra?ilJi lYebiter, Co rprta do.'r, iaJ7 clO; 4« Commission iiitiUjaiUs. MUBBT NELSON PRODUCE, COMMISSION .V* SHIPPING MKKOHANT. No. 6 iitlllard's Clock, corner Clark pad fouih VTMer-rts. AfesLs for the FDLTON STARCH VTORK3. Fulton. ti. If. (Late Os?ezo River Starch Company.) They maaaf&ctare ail kinds of pure Corn £t.ircbot a superior qoality. Orders addressed to M. NjN, p. o. -J4OU, will receive propptaneatioß. otf blil 17 . GEORGE R.. EOKLEY (TOBVOLT KOUXT. MOMS* k C 0..) Produce Commission Merchants. PURCHASED TUB INTEREST of my pariaer* la tee firm of K:Uey, Mors« k w L toatlaas tbe t'r>lu:e uiam i>ua baslnes oa the above stile Office Sj.7 Poaety's Udidint, coraer or Claraaal Wateritreeu. QtJ. ii. KCKutY. Catcaxj, Jaaaary JJ, lei J. a-c a-c '6 CULVER & CO., Commission .Merchants, 216 South Water Street, B. F. CULTXB. C. E. CCLVKS. Bxxo A. Wiluau< W. D. llocoaiauaa WILLIAMS X HOUGHTELING COMMISSION MKKOUANT9, No. 210H Soath Water street, secoad door 'Vest of neils Btr«t Bridge, give vheir exclajlvj atttotloato Produce.titocx. V., oa u.immissioa. O-nh td/aaies made oa rlils o'Lading aad progeny m *tore. Kefer to <teu. tmlihACo., M&- riaelUak.aad Geo, gtee.e k Co. jalQ bioi ly HIBATVI WHEELER PRODUCE COMMISSION MRRCUANT, Ooraerof Clark andSoath >Vatcr slreA ~ ' ffHEELER'i BUILDING—CP bTAIRS. Chlcw Qvi b9>J 6aJ lUlaofa IBSS - - Winter Arraagaineni. - - 1859, N. W. GRAHAM & CO n forwarding tllerchnnss, Shlppln: J genu IlUnols Central Killroad, tad Uharf Boat Proprietors. CAIRO ILLLNOI3. V\, r E HAVE JUST POT DOWN IRON W Track* aad fiiidea leading dlr-ctly from the old Depot to oor H&krf Boat.WLtcb ruble cs to forward fretthtto and from tbe lUiiroadwlth great aespatch and w;taoat the exposure or liability to damage, unavoidable In any other metaodof handUac, >Vealao give prompt aad careful attention to re-ship ments ey nver to .tasbvuie. e <nw.ii, Wheeling, PiUsbarKh.f»fiWcr.cans»adMen3pula. Cairo, llilncis. December lath, laae. b7g7Cm JOAEB & CO., PRODCCG COHSIISSIOX MKRCHANrS, ADVANCES MADE 0.-J PRODUCE IN XX Store or for SlupnenU £terfinx txchaage on London for sole. Ixena&xe on New York bought and sold. OJSce in Steei's corner cf Lasaiie and boathWaterstreet. d»dbnUßm R. »■ * 1 " 3 COSIIIISIIOH KKBOHAHt, 7 OINTEiI WHA»f. BU77ALO. N. Y. aalT-t3tt-iy LEBS Jt WiLT.RH, «iOMMISSIOS~ VRH. caAxra. BiAYiasTUjrr acv TOU. WALLfiT* CO., «0.17 BTATZ &TBJ£a.T OHIUA&O, iLL, Cash Advaaeea made on Prodacs In Store, or snipped to oor iloose In Mew York. UIMW LAW, J Ke _ ?flr w 4A**- 9. TILLaX ipwAkD Vims.} t lora. Chlcaro. FISI2 ae LKSTSit, PRODUCE 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS 14 Dearborn «re«t. Create, lll.soit Oaah advances oa bhipmeau 10 mUs Buffalo J. B. Uoahara. President, Reynolds. Ci • ChiCAgo. aad A. A. kmuphleve. Buffalo. i>3t V. &■ aALTOXSMLL. & t. TUIKBUS JCSM & _ P. G. 8A L L Ac CO., pOUinsSIUN STOCK UKOSEKS, OOE \J NtK Clark and Lake street*. W.u attend to the purchase aaa saleof&jciu abd Joadsot every descrip tion. either ta ibis or in Uie New Vurk UuoLa. ttoasoftae k'ew lfork Stock Market received daily by telegraah. daios aad porcaasea oaue at taa dtoca Lx eaangßat lowest ratal ot conaigslsa. aaiAaa3»-<m BSO,* CO., OOMUXUSIcer MSB- GiSthS sxdaslv* attention to It* FPaOPASt AUD SAI.S Ot floar, Graxa» and other i'rodace. . Og OCSITrfJM, Its. w Clark iWen nee !y OttICAGO. J. J. KICHAIID*, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCUANX, J Xo.lSuSoa Ch;eaco. Xf Lit>«raiadraoe»« made on cnna)gam*al». XxriktscsJ—J. H- .1 .<,**«• moa.CrlcsgoMieoW Jole.i'bteajo: itumse*. Brj AC«, Clueago: Roval Momts, X«»les, 111; W-yyiroil « Co, Hew York; Heolsg ■* WoodruJ, Ist I»f>n. : s; J Bonn, BankT, Sgrioz:>i-l. f C < l>.i:e. <'b cax». - 8AW1BB) WALLACE & CO., Commission Merchants, .N K W TOB K . * L'ndenrood £c Co., Chleaso, aatC'Avly Agfnt< forthe j»art£-»est JJ t IOBEST, FROD9OB comsaioa kbbchaht, , Dealer In »11 kinds ofFloar and 7e«d. and CosnU7?ro dace. Whoissale and KeUil. tO andS43B3naie. cornerof Wolcott street. Cilca?o, ID. , Floor and Feed delivered to any part of the dty free ol charge pyOl-vlnu-ly CNDEUWOOD <k CO. Commission MercHantx, 152 9. Water Street, CIIICAQO. WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE CASH AUV'ANCILSoa tirain Eajt, gsriag be owner onviJere of sellitg in Cu-falu-or NewYors for be«oraeeo>umissloa. A CO., DXRISGH 9t OCX, COMMISSION MEH * ehanta. oomer of Sootb Water and Fraaklla streeU, rLi.moia a KRIEGIL myl(WWy *. D. TATLOR. » Sextons ana UnclertaKersj & Li EALLlfiTairr, MAVEOUHAND, AT ALL TIMES, ITOT style and fiaish. Wood, Lead, acATtac CaSna; alao oa. Aad are prepared with Ileanes and Ckn-tages, aad everytkias requisite for Panerals;aad may befouad oa aaad, and read; to {lra prompt aoeaUaa to n«ic boat*' " I aeaa at all boars. Tie? aVse kave a Ckapel aad Taolt la the Cemetery, aoft TUQHT 4 X9OLO&S. i 1 (Stangpotlolion. 18S9. 1850. „ • - THE j American Transportation COMPANY. laccrporated under the Laws of lie State of New York CASH CAPITAL, (900 000. JOHS L. KIMBSRLY. Pres'rfect F*aNtfLlN LKK. Vl«j £r»«M<rrt, JAVItS 0. EVAIia, Sea'iud Trea»'r. OX THE OPENING OF NAVIiIATI >N thh company «U1 b« prepirtd to transport Pro* per 7. *'rehjadlae. Ac.* from New York- Boston. Albany a-d lroy tT ui cf the »r«ten» dtlea. A so. Flou*. Prv visions, Produce, Ac., f.-om tar ot to* Lake Ports to i!d-» w»:er. with asmat care and dbpatch, anl at u law rates üby aiy other rcspooal&ie tine, at the time time »lvu>g throogh btla of lading lor all piooerty when ao Bred. this Comparybaveallre cf eLhtstauzeb Prnpil'er*. to o'y between Biflaio and Cnlcag . t->ochLac «m routs at atiebr it in, Milwau<ee, Racicts, geuotba ud Wauke m. Havi'gaK bieag»amplefacllltie«"ii<l warehouse aceomiKMiaiiorafar ibi reception assorting and sblo» ptngoi all arvcl?scnuu>tei t ■ thsr cue. wnteh w:U t>« undrrthe ot ii elr Agent. who will five bis ter* sonMatteadon to rtufuillLaezt of contracts, acjuitxnent or claims and daog** As our L'omuaiy have » Urge Ua* of Cmml- &->«•• r t>cferieCanal. in! a-e atva t» e*tablv»aline« fd.eara Canil b airato. w? "eel warranted tn ttpresen It# to rurnuaer. tt- cnstome-** that tier can rel» cpri greater d'spa-ci *o i at les>ratst anbuh ret>.oreb«nglv«n. We. tbe elore. « : k t.t i>ubuc ;o con 1-jUc the to Ht'en tr b-*v;wed at**" as <Linnz' be n ist tour jcvi. < flits and l»oci»on MirkeSteAen Waihlngton *nd Ssans- o »f.eta,ihlcago. >ll 1-319mU2i CHA3. T. CHA**. A*» 1. 18 5 8. Illiuois Rirer Packet Company. laeorportei 1838—Capital Stock, $200,000. D J. HANCOCK, Pres'L XA. P. HANCOCK, Bec*y. BILLS OF LADING GIVEN for Freiht'oit. Loul* anJ all points oa the Illinois Rlvera*tbe'o»e«tra?e«. Fr*kbtt*'enby C..:cag>and Rack lalatd Railroad to -eorii, aid 3:eamboat frota Hence. Forpirticul w npnlr U> T. W. ALtXv.sDEH A C\. taenia, fellm-clto> 3 cth » aurat.. Obl.-aiorill. PITTSBURGH, IT. WAYXE A CHICAGO It. E 1358-9 WINTER RATES... .1868-9 Through Freight Line. 1?ROH DATS AND UNTIL FURTHER notice. Freight sill be carried over Line as below: _ 5 a :f ? a Si Ala —9 *9 gi S« frea o!*lca*o to 5"" t - St S s Sv ft "S St •* " •• A a q A Boston •l.KUl.aui.i: 67 11.24 s!.*« New York l.sO 1.4u tfi l.iJ Lt4 Pblltdelpbla.. 1.6 a l.lfl W Lio iii Baltimore l.tO 1.25 l.! 0 H |,is 1.33 Piuaoonth » TU 46 46 W 70 CmcK.oati.o H Oalomboa 0 I.uJ fc! 1* 45 .... 80 Oayton. O W "5 S» ♦' .... :s Clereland.o :o u> H 45 eO Uooklri. tf. Y 9* 74 i 3 4.' '4 taOao. " 9i i« 4J 61 74 Grain by Car Io»d to Clnclacatl 32 -«»?• cer ICS. balk SluatUjP.fsbarKhW ctxts per UO as. I'onrracjs ciade to aoowe poian at »re:*h» Ofice. ccr aer Weit V a.t hurts a&d <tr?cU. CootracU to UoOoa. Se» Ycrk. acil Eil« ™ao» J".* Pearuj.Tacta a.a.. siven by CLARKE A CO.. iKCce iteeic's Bock, corner tfoa*a Water and Lasalle tUeeti aoii »t l>ei.ot at CaD'O ttrert. _ JAr W. SICticON. Ar n*. > h'c 'S3. J. J. QDCM'ON. Gi»a'l »e!*ht A«S. IMUha-jt fx | Uhlea<ro. Janeary 24 bo 9. I&3D. NOrtTUi:,;.\ JSSU. Tran-pjrt«itoii t'o.'- Express. WINXEK AKRA^.GCiIEXT, Via Hich South.-Ind IT. Y. 4: Eria Eiiltoada IUIISOOMI'ASY AK". N'OW P.iKPARED toitiTe throash Bills r t -> Njw Yo:k aa«l Boitoo. for thelr*os'.o'titlo.M'f upoa aelewnnv t u«enauria. doiacc u and the p ie f t ero-'nt of il-Scren e» *r an* out -'f Hie s.iuie r Tben.T. Co/aKx rnn wIU nanstort K-'Oisfro-n New i Yoiktottw »v«tuurn*tl'» -lnttf •. >U lae w»y hy sail and oa the op» 1 «of a»vi(.'ilou l>/ tie N- V.4LR.IL i to Ihnkirk ajd li;ecce by i r-u« .«r t J '• . OT'Alaiki.Hckig.s ".t r. Co.*# Kipreu, ' «i'l *h ; 3 > V. A tw It, It., wo; of Ditk. e or Pier a, lii« 4 ' ttlver. J. J L. WARXKX a .1 CHAS. ALL!iON\ Acects No 5 Co»nUetSlij. New York. 3UTUEX & CO., .MC't Cor. Ln.lemJNo-t&WMertt.. CliU-a^q. 1C59. ..COT.T.TNGWOOD LINE . .'1859 COIiSIEXUIXU OX TIIS Ot'liXl.N''i OF Xivfcvlo-. t*ie f I'o*lr;ic A Jfo. X new »nd lar,tfit class Screw ft aueri. r btlw i<r K ly lncr<a.ied tuetr CA.aitj n r Pa »ec*trs. will fill uls I Lit? »s fiilcwi: FOUNTAIN C.TY, Capt. 1 HUNTER. Ctntnla Uictso*. f'cc. I Ur>TONAUUN. Cjpl. Wit- EVEi;GOEENCITY.Capt.I eisa Baa. 1 Leave Chicvo froia the foot of 1> strer!. 3 uth A. T. Saeacer i Co.'s wfi Tu-sJiiy. T" or miny and i tun! >y < Teniae, a' 3 o'clovk, Ltn<lb« >tt all polnu on thewe4tsocreoft.iJ{e Mic;U*a.44 f-r Birth »» Two Rivera. *nd it Mack ntc tbnug*i Hll'sofL4dtn<BWen froTj ChLiin an.l porta nn tb- west sbore of Lak? Michisao. to Boston. :-ew ■ York Mor'iealandaHthepriac'ufclpol.ULjti.tfKutera and Hew £aaaad BUteeaadCaLaU^. Concert at Cal'.i .nw.iod with the Sorfiwn Etal'wny of Caaada, and at Ttroato witu the €raod Track Rsii* • W4y for Montreal. yu:l)fvj. Pjrtl mJ aad B ail l I akeOnUrJoMeara-r* or Nl/uara Otwrgs. C«pe I Viacen*. and at cxileushttr; with the Vermont Omral K.Uroal for Butonaod intermediate p iIIU oa Vermust i Central between U* tensburx i and bo»Um. l'betbove Line is aueiiua'letl fir te.u arlty »rj dli i patch, f. r and Ireiaht b*tw-ca the Wejtera aad Eastern and Ne* Ea.Und su'-e* aad CaaadiL Por ireiaht or pasiatte apply ti . A. T.afsKJKR A "0., Atenti, jt&omc«4 Foot of Laane »Uect, Chicago. Hi. IHa."* 1*149. CENTRAL aiIOKT I.ISE ROUTE riTisßcu>ia, »oar KIISE h CHIUI O ABO PEBSSTZ.VA2TIA RAIXtBOADS . ro aix aa»Ti>c« crrrrj. f lARKE Jk («?XP.tNY, (J*ECiAL are prep ve lto Joalract Fre «bfa Throaxb. by aathcritv of lue wO'-panles Darned above. MthelroSce, No. 1 Steele'; .il'Xlt, cornerßoatb Water aad Lasalle stfeeta. and at Depot of p.. ft W. 4 0. H. R.. Chicago: or at Depot, Liberty street, PttUhanrh. Toe Offices of tha Penmylvaaia ■*.»»«*■« Oompaoy ta tie Kaat are located at No. t Astor noose. New York. No. I Soath WUilam street, Sew York. No. 45 KUby street, bostoa. No. 7o Ferry ,reeL UailfonL No. 3UN0%0 »we;t, Bktlmorf. Aad at toe trtaeral Dcuot. t*nliade!rhla. io;21-ly BOSTON AND STEAMSHIP j££> L> L 2* lu . The Steaouh'pa PHLISAB Capt. Matthews. KLNcINGION Capt. haker. CHY OF Na.W > w RK. Capt. farm »llrgul:r 14m*, ■alllns ceit rnolarlty fno eaeh rort. Tbce fte&men are staaach tad stroos. and in all respects weildtted and provl Jed ihey hsve <ood accneodatlana 1. r paaea>*era aad frelaht ut all klrjda la takui at Mr rates. These eie*mer»ron to do« eouoectioa wfih the PeansylvattU KAllroad. aad goods we forwarded with prompta-M <nd <fl»o«toa. * lUSRY WiNboa. jaijb.JS3.-ia No, aild ath Whirves. Philadelphia, ?9r Cairo aud ftew Orleans. STCAMBB NE <V 7ALLS city. riTHE SPLSNI)I'D FAST - A. Railing Btcaoer ' dfltaHi^K N«w Oity Will ran, during the comla* FaH Wlntv. between Bt. Loals aad New Orleans a a follows: LKAVLNO ML mOULs Oct. lu, "ie, at 10 o'clock A SI do .do Oct. 30. 'on. do do do do Nov. iv. 'Vi, do do do do Dec. 9. 'S?, Hi do do do Dec. 2S, 'ti do do do do Jan. ti *53. do do do do Keb. 7. 'fiu. do do do do Feb. 77, 'Ow, do do do do ftl'cb U 'fia. do do LKAVINO QAISO Oct. IL le. at 1* o'clock P V do do Oct. do do do Not. KX 'to, ow do do do Dec. I<X 'ii do do do do Dm. K'£ do do do da Jan. la, ■*, do do do do Feo. 9. *» do do do do Feb. 8, 'i». do do u. <fdi t,liL do £ ° r f-u " *"» ' wm. wets. | SteMiFerrjfroß Council BlaUito Omha City* | NEBRASKA, NO. 1. rpHIS BO IT HAS THE CiPAGITT TO -L carry Wagons and Taams at each trfo. and n«t taken over at one load 300 bead of CatU& and she oa make 40 ero.sings or more easb way In a day. and will be abls to ferry over fr>m foar t3 Ave hundred vsgona aad teams from sonrlao t> suo»eteach cay. We aasnre travellen. who are gjlnc to the Nebraska Gold Mines, Utah. California. Omon ana Wsshlnitoa TerrltorlesL that the road* iro-n Falr&etd. lowj clt». Uaboqve. ari p^latalntermedial-, by Council an] Omaha City, aad a j the Lorta s!d< o< the Pla'.te alve-. are better, nearer, and more abindanuy Kocied with wagon*, bnnea, moits an I cattle, provtaloas aad gMda. than any other. Andwi:h the and towua. aad tbe recular and well-esUbLaaed Uae of Coacaea tl re*uy estesdlnr to fort Keim-y and soon to beex tended all the way to the rn-nea, UU no loaaer a wllder neas route tnroajn an Indian coaotry. bat can oe tra> ve»stda» la'dy and wmrurtAblf aad much more eaulf thaaaayof the r->adsthroosb Alu»oarl or iowa. There la not the saae length of road In the United eUtea. so level and emlrelr wtihaut marshes, giouaha or bad pUcea and so nearly stra'ch - . The straams on the north tde of the Platte are ail ort'ol, except the Loup Perk, aad hero the Weatent eUo Company have a good Perry. KSO3 LOWk, for the Conadl BlaZs and Nebraska ferry Company. jalUm-cS A TLANTIC ROTAL MAIL STEAM NAY xjL Igatlon Comoaoy's New York aod Galway Line.— Tue nest deoartare Cr im New fork will be the Btcam»h)n ISOAVIAN Capt dto. Win. Jackaon. to sail troo New York February The £teamsh.p PSUNC* ALttKnT. Cat tain T. J. Walersi to sa>l New Y-rt on tho a i day of Uarch, touching at dt. Johns, >. F. to re ceive the Royal Malu Prices ot PMgaae:—Flrat Claak CM; Second, tSO: third. Vsi: lnclotLog fre4 ucketr to all the principal otUea an railroad routes Li Great Britain. Third Gtsamust provide piau. anile, fork, *<\.and bed* ding. Paaave t. Sty Juhaa. First-Cliiiai «3A: Second* Ulya For frelgiator pawa«e inqube of the Ameri* can £xp ess and at their otner advertised office* In tne IniexW. Pisage In the th'rd daaa can be secured at any of the above oflcca to brtns person* oat from any of the princi pal titles en the lines oi railway la tiroat Britain for taft. or irom Ualway lor •eo. ALTX HOLLAND, Managor. J A3. C. FARGO, offlce of Amenean Kzpreea C<x. No. tt) Dearborn dtreet. Chicago. New York. Nov. IX taM. noM^lm fuinbcr, &c. To Lumbermen and OthersT Lake street mills will furnish Cora Meal and Feed of all kinds at low rate*. Lu tuwu aT9 by at X4i aad i«i West - -. t . _ STKYEQ, NORRIB A CO. Chicago. Not. 18,1SS8. |j W. S K INKLE & GO,. • QIHSSAL DKALXRB CI LATH. WHfNftTiM, TIMHI. PICSST9, ACL. ■3aßoaoajLai.aasjaaiMiyuM& dfeloKS.* IStaota i>*razraozemeiigaremti aa to *• alltfmeaa EBll casttly of tb* dtf sent mtntiaa of fTT.aaft LUMBU. Uautts. common Laa. OQA FLOOADia. Of Borvty tad White Ptac va alwajs stand reads to •oap4rewUhanyiathlaaurkeL We toTlteUe calls a»i CUntloq of all oooatry and other dealera to our stook m feaad and fartntias for finis* orders aad oeatracfe _ T W Or W. T. Shafcldt & €d., MAHUFAOTURXRS FOR A. F, CROSKEY, 11 - • • - SosU WaUr Stnet, U» fOarnar of Wahaah AnsaU iDlstinara of. HCOHOI, PURE SPIHITS, AND WHtSKVS, lla> Kazdtem, oi OomiMtU Uimb, OtiT.TMnT HIQawmrAHDRRCtmCieoOAU applied atHkitsHniia aadonlJbqw t Urbl ' Railroads. GREAT WEbTHtf flilL ROETE. wzsrsa ▲a»Anossasirr. ON AND AiTER SUNDAY, NOV. 28TM, l%S.raaseagartrmlma will leave the Wells ttr»m : depot dally. (Soadayiaxoepted) as/ollows: GALEIA A OHZQA'J O tTUOS R. R.—MAIN LIXI. ' For Freeport. Galena. Duc!elth. Belolt, JaneTille aad Prairie da chica. Pvaenger aodULall 9501.1 L Pisero/erjdallyj 7.10 P.M. BitnTMcHeniy. Crystal Lake aid Richmond, 8:20 P. M* OOICAGO, JULTQX AND tOWA LtNS roa ntxox, fultoji am- cittul iowa. Throtatb Puwatn LuO P. 41 DeEalhPaeenger i.i»P M, Two Through . rains w!U *«aT* Ctntrai Jepst at fbot of Lake strvet, as fo tlows: foarauoia. uwi.'ffraa»o®T. ""icu I'tllT czccptedj. S 46 A. ii. .\a«l7.<JOP. M. TRAI:;. TAST W A CD. xm*a azDoccAuo csioa ay Leave Dual el tb 7.00 A. M.-» arrive In Chicago ». So P. M • Leave 7.J0 p. :d,-ar:i*-fl m V 4 a. M. . TQLToa aaciow* uja. Leave/ii*. 10.30AU— '." (>. 0 Y M. Leave j>e^a?>>a.!—arrtvt. is-yinjr* * apiiou. Leave J^nerrileat lOt'A M..—«rtv r Ob!i-uo at 5.4) P M • •♦av. Jane Tils a! P. M.—arrlw ir . • at 4M. s-j~ «f'a r.ujr -.t. Ik4< ;>sw. >•. A. "a.—ar.l'v *.55 P. ia j'TUyt.'rcfA .'j; «i: - ou:MO U !<>? tt.alro.v'. rnlt-?!- • •.?.'+ \< ' • . from -Vsii*. -?rzit S"»r.'.:. OUe u' Wo 'druii'a • -!r » Z • ti.l .rtvtj Cea tral Ue;.ct r-r>-.j ;.a p. ii. Ir ic '•; l;o;.>:*.h. All tb-iruve <' K+Aert LLIM'Uvu~S!U4 I'J-O. ThreatUek-s v .~v . .. \:;v:..„l:.a. € F. W. il', iS. T'^V- 1 . >.' t lt-a ar.d □rarfc<.r. dreau, iSlcL* l »•-_ . • .'arrnOS?« aader tha RcvsrtHcuae,isdMij;... ~; (i v/rlU'irjitDrp. u. _ . _ „ JOirN •» prrildeav P. A. Hau. Stty't H. 11. General Hckut AxtaL toZ> MIOSISij; 303TS SB K tiSB saosk 1W3..—...."WuItar ■ liUKODGH RODTE TO NEW YORK Boston. Ph'talelubia. :<altln>'re. Clevc-dOd. i Ittoburgh. uunkiri. Ballftin. Kails, ton, Worcester. .<inil all potau ia u.e New Eagland duws. &00 A. M. Mall aad AccoQodstloa. vti old Michigan ® une. » &45 A. M. New York letvsa Ch'ctcj via old «... Michigan lite. 8:00 P. M. N sw > ork aad Cosion Express, via old Mlctw Igan lis?. &A 5 A. M. (daily, ez:e;t connects at idria: wiUi trola for Mozroe and l>ot:o.t, maktc? clo«e cocnec.lons at Deirult w.lh > a#, . trasos on Ureal Western Railroail. &C 0 A. LL ti'ady, dinu*y» ex:epted.> conn^cH'ii .* with train tor tiottitia air Line. 8,00 P. U. (dally, excrp. fsturdiy.) connect a; A lrlac wan trains for Monroe and Detroit. ONr; OI W0022U ST3 PATENT BLESPOQ CARS ____ Will ascotaoaay the KichtTrala tr Passengers leavlo* Chic-go on the «4o AM. train get a N igbt Car at Qev'.iaad. rtcsetseaa be nao ai .01 ileke; OSces la the Wot. and attheCoapaaj'sOiflse ua.ierttij Severe House. «ro-* « Randolph and Devtn<ni »treeta, aud at tns ur, cw sua' C». M.iiSAT Ueie*a:'Vesver-j i^at, CIUC.ISO, IOWA ASI) S SBRASKA RAILRO 111 CHANGE or TIME. OPEtI TO MECHANIC3VII.LE. ON' AND AFTER WEDNESD AY. r.HC. 1, IW. un'il fuitLer noiice, T**Lns w'il ran as foW lows: Leave Ghton at 2 I *A. M. ar..l L.a P M Arrtveat Mecha-lcivlilc, 1-.15 \l, isd «.*.<• •• Leave Xecnaalcavilie yiOA.«l. tn>l«v-i *" Arrive atCiiatwa lU.i<J M, ind v.iy " Conn<^tl.'<w! , ,!iT^roa»::': , ra:i3 fo, Chlc.\*ro. ore. >lo Dis:a Alr-Lmeo: r43d. At PeWltt w!tb jt".i;e« tc.z t .•uid Majju^Vsuw Hlia 8.t.l r;Ufc.< i.. Ut<l> Qruvewith etag«f« for T.:>tc;. At Mechan'-jv:!'! »iiii ita-re* Tor Anamosa. LUb.lO. lit. Vsmca. .u;J Jeilar Rap'Js. FdtLluLi.* is.o I.2JtV'' D.\»'.V. The 'honest. Cbeipetft nail ucri he*we—. (.i.ica«3 Central lew. '.t »«■•.->/ ci.Jy I' 4 bo tho M:»i.iiaivT. iive? -.i.c.u-# ilree*!> ;ato lie lat jtla. oJ lor-. ,1*"" An aacat« ai the _-.v. r '. L.» /\ '.;.:rceiv« cl' Vcjvd ±iuozti ihe river tree t.f - «. HitlT.':. \ -,i. % • Clla'on, lowa, Mot. 37 t3\ Ueli) 1358 WINTER ARRrtNOiai&iT 1369 ForicniraUud Uiwru N«hrw« k» t»d Ktiittiaa, i'UiOtij V"-0 »■:. 1 * Cccji>ej«»aof the ls!acu, |*«3rU ivCarpiu Valley and 321wlsalppi £, nivjoarl JUilrtisu^. 'IIHROUGU i-'tiuii CIiICAGC TO iU\V\ JL CITY and Wa'M:.jct .a wU!.oa: c\vi.*i» or UJO Jlrsctraaii.'rsw 4^»«. Jfjrla, llfjck I*l v:i-1. Miu.-nlrc, .• «•!» c. i 9. Waa:.iugton aci >i-rt sia\nj». I'aree !„•>.: r!l* f.-oci L*i?;u cv:a;'r Via .Vifmu <.as follow-; ** ILOu A. M. ij». .'Ui;dAy* *:i*eiteti - r •* '•■* ef Peom. iuCi U- ii j. Davtt. ;n. . »t -c*. .las.lcwaCil; 4.1: aohtugtoa. 11.63?. U , Nljht Srp?M*. .•via Wa'hinjftoa. 5.00 P. 'ot'ietAcoomiacdtUoo, si«**,-b)'aga* tl',si.. arriving at JoMel P. y. Thooii;cjwo*ndft.-ck litmdvid Mla«MppUrdM.». sourHUilro.vlaf.jrata.l oil/ route from ch'.. catcotot'ietuteriaro. lo*rw faaaeimrr tr-uns :uu through to low* n'.yajdVtv?- mgton withoutdeteitioa,»r o. c r« at the Mi slsiipi Kiv-r. croM-n/t taj Brt ae bvtweeti Roc a lsla:id a.;d Uaveayort. P. A. JoUo*. AciJorambiiiUi''. cj'ii H. %>J,SNtOTlOii'h. L* Sii.e, with Limou Ceatrai fL-fr*.-* to. (> '«-vk DanlciUi, Cairo and Intermediate point,. At Peoria with the Peoria and Knilrov' l»i Qales-jnn, -ad iiuriiucton. At With Line o/ »» OK-aloo«. Knox7Ule, aad ji! • o»au la Cv'tual and »autlien> lowa. » At lowa Cltv witli Wi-itera 3tJ«* Co s L'.::- *JI oacb»> for Fort desuolnM. CooacU B.ulu, Wa-Mutoa. loosa. Nemon. Wleww.t, Fort IVjiUe. mo.ix li * Marxhalltowa. Ma*lettv lowaPitiU.CM.«t cedi- Falls, and aU polats laCa*.>u-ai >3! Wea-ralnwa. Njv braakaand K.-.csaa. on tale atth: Drroi.^ ! «oal office of Fort Wa/ne*nd Ohlca<<> Ktli. born ami iaadolp.'i streets, and odea ills'.'**d r«-jolfi«n Railroad under Revere lotd. _ » „ „ JJOHS 9. TSAOY, 3ci« V W. L. fT. JOHN. I r-T'O Winter Arransemeat. CHICAGO A.\D 3ULWACKEK BilLilO.'.D, LASI BHOS3 UK; Great Matt »ad Ejrere«Koato to tt Paul. ON AND AFTER~MONDAY. NOVEM. , tcr wh, ISM. pHs»ea«r Trulna will rua Jails, IBuadaya excepted.) as Solluws: TURuUGU IaAINS, tiavicancioo,riOJ4 con. wur with* a ooox ?ra, 9:00 A.IM.— at all Stations, reachiac Mllwaat^o at li'Vf P M. LSOP, R-Btopplng at iSrawtcn, highland Pwk. Like Forrest. Waaaeiuu, aad eutionsnorCi, and arrtving la )uiw«ukee at i:la P. id., ana con necting si ih LaCtOiise A Mtl-«aake- lU'.lroad for tit. Paul and aiipwtu.a in ihn N rtD-*rjt. wiaxuui ?xa:a luvu cuicaciu at tOO P. 14.—atopBiag at aU dutiuns, and ainvUij at Wm. tt. OuNNIcttQNP. At Milwaukee with Lacrosse A Mlitvauke- ht Hartford. Uorrtoon. Beaver Jam, Portage City. Llabco . Sparta, and LaCroaM. ccnaecatg at airarta ar.d Crosae with three dally dne ci c!»#es icr »u Pauir Winona. Fountain City, Hecifs Lan.ling, Ked Wing, Pre» wnt;*, tlmlann Wtlll»at>.F | olla and Minneaota. ALao CoiHf.or at Jcncllonwlth the Fond du Lac and with the tlorlcon ttAllrcadfl, tor Fond du Ijjc, Oahiioji, and Uorun. Alw, wltn the Milwaukew and UiaaiMiapl and Milwaukee and Watertown for Whitewater. Janesvllie, Madison, tnurie du Chien. Bt. Paul Haniud and W dertown. At &adne JuncUun, witn tue SaclseAnd MlsslsilpLl Railroad, lor Bcrdngtoa, Kikoorn, ueiavaa, Darieu. ue lolt and if'cklod. Freight Train.l laayo Mllwankbo at ?:L0 A M.. and ChW cago at &W 4. U daiiy. aaP M. UaYlSg. J3.. Sapj. rrrrs3CßG. tear waksk a cuitito it.a NOW COMPLETED .USD CAKS RUN from Chicago to Piu.uutili without cLange, ooo» nccUng with the great v PSNN3YLVANIA CENTRAL HOCTX, To New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore and Waaiiotfta Oily* and uil toe interior towns of Fenajyiv-ala, N tw J rt ser. New York Maryland. Ac. Merohantc, by taking this route, will have the bene* fit of all the eastern markets at no addltlonU cost, checked through. Train* leave the oepot comer of Canal and Taa Bareri, west *lde, u 101 l ws: 7:30 a. M.—Mornlag Kxpreaa. dally. Sun'la7- except*?. K45 P. M.—NkhtAXsreaa. daJy. Baturdax exceptco, OonaecungaturegUnowilnuievuiAa'iaua Laae tfLc;o Railroad to Dunkirk, Buffalo, rtiwi** Fails. New \ork aad Boston, and all InWrlor towns <>f Xi'" Kngiaud,v'a New York Central and rlev Vork acn ieluo^Js. _Alao, >o«Ui to Kit 1:1:. riewark, Moo&i - ••yjou, Aeubn7lil« a;erJor towns f-f Ohloaad Vindaix Alialrainaat Lima fur Dajton aad Clnduaatl direct » iaia Ad LOW A3 ANY OTH££ ROCTX Faeengersbound east wUlflad this roato both pleuant aad agreeable, paaslng larouglt maay of the targe*t aid Aneatoltlealnkne Lai ted Hutti. P*aaeagera *mvlng at Unioago. on any of the roaCx will nod auentlve chock takers as tho depots, to rccenw checks aad convey baggag* of charge to th* burgn and Chicago can. Sleeping Cars accompany eaca train. Tickets for salo at all the principal ticket offices in West, and at tho Company • odftce. corner of Haldol: h and Dearborn atreotg, or at tb* depot oa Van Bdmq street, Chicago. £• partial*# to ask for ticket* by fort Wajc-j. JOHN B ANDPKS3N, Ocn'l Pup;. J. £*, i< ÜBAttHY. tfapt. W. D. ' l-O MKttt;HA.t'ra A.ND SHIPPERS. The Plttaourgn. Fort W«>ne A * oicago R. R. Co., baTtng effected an with the Central Raliro&J Company, for the tran»purUtion ot* TToogtt frdgh'a. progeny canoowbe ablypedon tii<a U'oe between Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York and Boston, with promptneaa and despatch. Coih. tract# can o« made at the folio wing places: No. s Aator Raca, i . Ho. 18. WUiiam street,> SaifTork. No. i Battery Place. ) • V«« H ttiioy-iiraet, Boston. No. If Doog street, Phli«Jeiphla Depot. North street, Phiiadstrati Depot, Twelfth street, coavdanal. Chloagn. Mark paokama Tla K Wayne A a tt. U. For further lnlonnaWa, Ac. apply to W. MUSfcuN. muht Agent, Chicago. J. J* HOUsi'UN,Gea'lfrtlgbt Ag i, Pituounui. p& ao3 1168*8 • -WIHT33 ARRANOE3ISNT - • 18; 8-9 YLa TT.TiITJOIfI OXII7T2ZAX SAIZ«IZOA2f.> Ch:uis\) oflHme, ON AND AfTEtt SUNDAY, NOV. 2S, trains will leave the Great Central Depot, foot ui Muih Water and Lake streets: St. LouJa. Cairo and New Orlsana txprea.... 11:00 JLi3» (Dally, fiundaja excepted) 8t»Loo!a aad Cairo Jtxpreaa>.....A IfcuOP.M. (Dally, aundaya. excepted.) For Pocrla, Dacutur. >"pring<etd. Terra Haala, Alton, oT. UJUIBv Jefferson City, Kaasas. aad 41 Qoats oa MUaourl nver UAIRU. Memphis. Napolewu vicaoarg. Natchea, Qalvcxton. n2w orlkaNh, Aad aUlateraedlate pr-lnta. A atook train, with a aawannar ear attached as far as Xankake* will leave at &.<>« PJt (dally. Sundays ex* oa jted). On Saturdays a naatntrr car will bo run on talsUalnartfkraaUrbanna. * Irotabt, Louiaand.Cairo at?. 10 AM. aad Tho lUCO P M. connections at Mattoon with Terra Uau'e and Alton Baiiroad for Alton and Bt. Louis, acd* at Ca'ro with the railroad tine og e-teamerafor New Orteann, Isirtng Cairo oa alternate days. . The lUOP.M. train makM direct connections at To* lono wiin Great Western Rallnad fordprinsfleld. Jacc. aonvill* and Naplea: at Mattoon with Terre U>uu atul Alton Railroad fur A'tcn and &. Louis, Aid Odrn witL Ohio and Mlatiadrol Railroad for dv ljouls, FOR THROCOH TICKTS AND INFORMATION, Aopfar at tho Company's 0000 In the Great Central Depot; at the Michigan Cactrat Railroad uSice, cornee of Lake ana Dearb ro street: at the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Oo*ee, corner of Dearborn and Randolph streets, and at all and Railroad Office In tha anil North. _ _• _ •. JL „„„ JLLJ JAB. G. CItARKK, Qcn'lSupt • W. P. JOHNSON. General Ticket Agent. no 2» W. R. ARTHUR, tiupt. Chicago Dlvla'on. CHICAfiO, ST.Pin, IXDFOND DO LACS. H. CHANGS OF TIME. rvs and apter Monday, dec. ia, \J 1368, Trains oa this road "will leave Chicago aa follow*; 9(00 A. M. Fcr Belott, Jaaesvillew Madlaoa aad PrabU da Oblan. P: M. For jaseiviUo MadSaoa. Trains arrive at LUO P. M, - Carrying the thrwogh C. A Mall for all points to it* Northwest. from Qfriio to Prairie do Chi en wtihssl ahaogs of Can. JH . « ! gonnoctlay da Qhlen vXa a daUy line of Uollad 680. L. DCWT.AP.BwI>