MESS. AND inilii:?iE. j
• ■ '===
It will be «cn by re'erence lo our Sprioglielil jt ie
oorrcsi)o»deiicc t on the stolid liape, tint llie Bj ,
Democratic nujority In the LcgiJatore ore ob- B
ftroctingtlieprogrewor iegtslatinn. Intent npon
rowing OTiain imrtiaon mtrami througb ttfht G
boar wliicb violate ctciy priici))".e of right and or 1
or Bepnblican Government, they de- Btor
clarc tint until opwwllon U tbelr sclicmes is en. for
entirely withdrawn ihe business ot legislation
shall be atojiped. It matten nothing that the
public weliare requires qieedy and effective
lfgisbtion—that more than uix-scvenths or
the fccasipn is already gone by and
only a few bills of general interest have yet passed
both bouses—these gentlemen, representing a -g
minority of the people, openly assert that nothing 0^
more shall be done unless they arc first permitted 6tre(
to pass certain iniquitous laws designed to per- w
petuate their power. The Espublicaa membsrs ti
are anxious that the public business be pushed
forward to completion before the close ot the ses- g
nion—they have exbansted every means within jj es
their power to aocomplish that end—but the ma- Tool
Jority are inflexible in their opposition to it. It MBO
is not probable that anything more of interest will roor
be done ; and the public clearly understand where Pill
the responsibility belongs
■■ a ■ P(
Adjournment of the legislature- The
There is every prospect that tbe Legifila- aion
turo will adjourn on Saturday next tine die, was
either in the regular way or by a stampede of $771
members—"both parties beinglagreedon tbera- porl
quirements of their home affairs for their per- «°P
M»nal preeeDce. It this result Uke place A
UI? ineritaWe that the public interests must treg
euffer, aud it is not unlikely that a special hi*
session will I>- required before the next regu- dish
lar mcetiug in 18C1. Up to Tuesday morn- San
ing oi'.ly thirty-one bills bad been passed ati«l to 1
approved, of which twenty-four were of a pri- cba:
vato or local character, and as Mr. Swetl uf ®| 011
McLean remarked, at the present rate of pro
it would take until May 22d, 18G0, tu l
finish up tbe basiaess before tbe House. For bef<
this delay and for whatever Injury may befall ap:
tbe State lor want of much needed legisla oth
tion. the Democratic party must ehonlder the bOD
responsibility. They have ft majority of both k
branches of tbe legislating power, and they
liavc refused to carry business forward or to
allow others to do €O, because tbe opposite he;
party will nut agree to a swindling gerry
mauder, by which they hope to defraud the
majority of tbe people of their rightrul voice 5
In all future Legislatures. If they cboose to 1
carry this weight in the next race for popular
favor there is no law against it, and wc wish
them a good time. me
™ * " hai
The Penitentiary Appropriation* flt
The following is tbe vote by which the appro.
priatiou of $232,0W for expenditures on tbe new
Penitentiary at Joliet was defeated—a constitn-
lional majority being thirty-eight affirmative ,
voten, or a majority ol all the members elected:
Yxtm—Messrs. Auderson, Banc, Barret, Berry, i
Brewer. Cim;>b"U ol La Salle, Campbell of Logan, ..
tiix-eu, Hickei, Hampton, Uardin. Htck of Galla» lea
t»», Uollps, Job, Kerley, Kior, McE'.vainc, M-;t- ne:
cjli, Norton. Pulley, Hash, Shaw, Short, Sin ß *, fia
Steiibeusou. Updegraff, Wilson, Mr. Speaker—37. 3
Nats—Messrs. Baker, Btaisdell, Brace, Ury- ica
Ant, Bati, Church, Craddock, Davis of Mont- his
jromery, Davis of Stephenson, De Wolf, Forth,
• tiilmore, Uames, Hick of Livingston, HiU, ,
tiood, Hnribut, Jarrot, Mack, McCall, Miles, ' 0
Moore, Mosely, Pa\ten, Peck, PUto, R\ce, mc
Scbeel, Bucket, Swett, Townsend, Yermilyea, ba
White, Wood-Si. «
As«u(T"-Messra. Hsrmon, liiggins,UcoleaTe, c
Protbrow. ,
The only Republicans who voted for tbe bill tin
were Messrs. Campbell of La Salle, and Norton
- ot wa i , «i
The Learitt Claim in the Lcgislatnre*
[Oorrwpoodeace of the Press and Tribune.]
eJWSunc-Di Feb. ti. 1b59- S't
The examination of the Leavitt claim by tbe bo
Committee on Canal and Canal Lands baa bees Ts
concluded, and their report presented to tbe th
llouse. It condemns tbe claim as unfounded, hii
find the action of tbe State Trustee in payiog-it tc
us unwise and injudicious, Tbe uncertainty of &n
legislative action was never more clearly demon, wl
etrated than in this matter. A report presented ap
to the Senate in XBlt, by Michael Ryan, a Com. U(
missioner at that time, in which his extraordi- th
nary services to tbe State, in effecting tbe loan pi
oi tI.G'JO.GuO, were recited in megniQcent
phrase, was the bssis of tbe Committee's no
tion ; agd no amount oi persuasion could make K
tbem go behind it. Jt was urged by Mr. Bay Ti
that there was wide discrepancy between Ryan's b<
report and Capt. Swift's protest—(tbe former L
fltutiog the amount negotiated by himself at
*1,400,000, and tbe latter s64o,ooo)—that Byan, ct
«{ter making that report, refused to return 4o Ti
England, «o well satished was be that he could lr
not succeed; that be besought tbe services of
Mr. Leavitt, promising any compensation that ol
he might demand; that Mr. Leavitt went; that A
while a bondholder ot only $16,000 of bonds, e:
be subscribsd $92,060 to the loan; that be guar
anteed in addition to that the entire American C
subscription amounting to SIBO,OOO, upon tbe tl
demand of the foreign bondholders, without g
which they would not bave come to his terms;
that tbe payments made ou account ot the loan
to Baring Brothers & Co. and others were jnst c
About in proportion to tbe amount demanded by
Mr. Leavitt, for his share in the negotiation, fi
and subsequent guarantee and advances; *
that to Mr. Leavitt's zeal and ability '
tbe completion of the Canal was dae;
end that, barring a paltry sum for person
al expenses, be had never baea paid. Tbese 1
facts were allowed to weigh nothing. lodeed *
they were not presented to tbs Committee, until *
tbe report, of which the one presented is a mod- ;
ideation, bod been prepared for more than a 1
week! While the State Trustee was watting an 1
opportunity to present bis esse and justify him- *
sell; tbe report in which he was violently as. *
sailed, was so pnblicly banded about that the
readers of tbe Chicago Jinu* were informed by 1
its Springfield correspondent of tbe pointed cen- 1
cures that it contained. The minority of tbe '
committee opplied themselves to remove the '
unjust aspersions upon tbe State Trustee, and '
Alter having reduced tbe animadversions to ex
pressions.Of opinion that Mr. Ray bad been
" unwise and irjadicions," signed the paper
end sent it to the House. Tbe opinion of the
State Trustee is not altered by the committee's
action. When the eminent commercial and' le
gal gentlemen to whom tbe ease is referred by
ihe Supreme Court of Masischnsetts, decide
that the State of Illinois owes Mr. Leavitt noth.
Ing for his services; rendered at a period when
she had no friends,—then he will admit that he
has committed a serious error. He waits his
justification in their verdict
_ SisoAJto*.
f3T" Tbe Democracy of Wisconrin have is
sued a call for s Stats Convention in Madison,
on Thursday, tbe Sd day of March next, for the
purpoae of nominating a candidate Cor Aaaociate
Justice ol the Supreme Court. The State
Journal understands that tbe nominee will be
required to stand cp to the enforcement of the
Fagitive Slave act, and tbeeoneurrence with tbe
Dred Scott decision.
Jlr. Douglas and the Presidc&U&l More*
I,' Mr. Douglas has within a montb snnk rapidly
out o! sight. It is astonishing how little inter
est is felt In bis fortunes. He leads nobody in
Congress, is condemned by his party tbere, and
no one eeema W oars what will be bis tuture
coarse, tie Is'paying court to the fire-eaters, just
now, with great asaiduitj, aud endeavoring to
win tbem over to hit side in his quarrel with
Mr. Buchanan. Some of these gentleman very
naturally sympathies with Mr. Donglas, for
upon various questions thev too hsve been st
loggerheads with tbe Administration.' Deni
als to the contrary notwithstanding, it is
everywhere believed that within a week
a mealing of his friends bsa been bald
at tbe house of Judge Douglas. It is also be
lleved, and 1 think known, that Forney mads
fight against tbe resolution *0 which tbe partic
ular friends of Sir. Douglas came, viz t to sub
mit his name to the Charleston Convention and
abide by tbe result. Mr. Forney has been al
together too much in earoest in his war upon
the Administration, in defence of tbe liberty of
freemen in all tbe States, to consent to make
friends with tbe bitter politicians who intend
secretly to strike him down tbe moment be re
turns to the party. Mr. Douglas knows that
Forney cannpt rejoin the Democratic party, but
thinks Ac himself.can do it, aod it hae always
been characteristic of the man to throw over
board those ot his political friends who are no
longer of any use to bim. He has no gratitude
in his nature— this is the statement ol those who
in past times bave known bim well.— Wn thing,
ten Cor, Spring ftiUk #4pnbtk9*.
... , '3?HK .;CITY. ■
* ~Btprnuc**a Arraso.—The Republican"CluV pob!
ot the Tenth Ward ifiit meet at Nietxfeyer's Ho* vfso:
tel, on Canal street, at balf past seven P. M., on E*q.
Frldsy, tbe eleventh Inst., to elect .officers fcr O
the year,and organize for the Spring campaign, tee
By order Lewis Dodge, Pres't. chai
R. B. Stoks, Sec'y- for
——- , War
EST" McNally & Co.. have tbe best assortment t
of Valentines to be found in the city, at their £ Ve
store opposite the Post-Office; also PefcScn/ £ o:j]
for March. . i fl
Tis Ou> Folks.—The Reading
rns Club, or the " Old Folks,", will soon be3n 4t
the city to give a series of concerts. They are
too well known to'need any recommendation at y t
onrhsnds. &
, 9t
UETEonoLOCtcAi.RECottDkeptbyJ.H.JJced&. lfl
Co., Apothecaries iand Chemists, 144 and 140 Lake D
street - * mec
Wednesday. Feb. 9. Wrfnnaay. Peb. i Wm
fa.*. «Ma. | 6r. *.
33M I 29J0 I 2JMQ I 12 I lo 1 H
py At suction, this morning, at 10 o'clock, lowi
Messrs. Gilbert Jt Sampson sell at tbelr sales- F,
rooms. No. 82 Lake street, a large and superior " e °
assortment of Parlor, Bed-rocm and Dining- H '^ r
'room Furniture,. Housekeeping Goods, Oil Q*g
Paintings and Silver-Plated Ware.
PoLica Bdsisbss ih tbb North Divmo*.— pe^ (
The total number of arrests in tbe North Divi- j }
sion for the four weeks ending February' 6tb, M. J
was seventy-six. Tbe whole amount of fioes was
$77 L This is a great falling off on previous re*
ports. Is the morality of tbe North Division sou,
improving? - '
.Akoiuce Woon-Cuoppra Aaamin. The ,
trespassers upon the government lands at Rock .
Island, are being put through in a manner most Rdo
disheartening to all other poachers upon Uncle ha J
Sam's premises. Oae John McNeary, a brother "g atr
to the McNeary already in jail on tbe same A
charge, was examined before O. S. Commis
sioner Hoyne, and held to bail in SSOO tor cut- {
ting wood the Island. Who comes next? .. • •
Laacext.—John Johnson, colored, waa up mai
before Justice Stickney yesterday, for stealing deß
a pair of gloves, a key, a horse blanket, and Stri
other articles, from the kitchen of Col. Taylor's
bouse, on Michigan Avenue. Tbe # articles most- A
ly belonged to Col. Taylor's coachman. John- hel<
j §on owned up to takingmost of the artlclas, and
be was fined S2O and CO days in Bridewell. He q
seemed glad that a home had been provided, as ■
he bad been compelled to lodge in stables and
like places, for some weeks past.
53f-Tbe " Local" of the Democrat proposes ** ol
to take a pound oil of "that baby incpnsidera
tion ot our talcing' a figure from that young
lady's fortune. Wesball do no such thing-st
teaat without the ladj's consent. And now we,
mean to clip the wings of tbat.bady story. We
have H from the vtry bed authority,! (bis cams Aui
at your servie) that tbe weight of the noted Kai
baby is maliciously and designedly overstated Sec
the highest onnje that it could reach. He gla
of tbe Democrat is either a victim or a falsifier. <
What is to jjb tob kbxt Excitbksht ?-Now
that tbe murder trials are over, for a time, at gj a
least, tbe public are asking what is to be the foil
next excitement. In reply to,"this we would
say that it is Valentine's Day, which is the
feast of love and humor. The ljver will aend to hal
his flame the beautiful valentine which maybe
found at Norris & Hyde's, 100 Dearborn St., in
while tbe mails will be freighted with the:ho- the
morous and satirical valentines, of which they
have just received an immense new supply. QU
Beware of old stock which some houses are try- tio
ing to palm off just now, and bar yoor valen-
tines at 100 Dearborn St., corner Washington.
Bat-abb Tatwr's LscrtJaa.—Bayard Taylor W '
will deliver his Lecture on' 4 'Life in the North" tei
before tbe Young Men's Association, at Metro- PJJ
politan Hall this evening. We suppose this
simple snnouncement is sufficient to till the by
house. Tbe world-wide reputstlon' which Mr. ca '
Tsylor has achieved from a humble beginning gu ;
the certain degree of romance which attaches to yn
his history, aod the pleasing and, fascinating la
manner in which be "presents bis experiences
and observations, make cp an attraction as a cit
whole which never fails to gain admiration and
spplanse wherever and whenever be*ia called
upon to lsotore. We think we may safely say oi
that he will be greeted by ft very large and ap- m
preciative audience. m
'■ eu
Local Rbltoiocs Iktblltqsxcb.—Rev. J. J2.. lu
Keuney, has resigned the pastoral charge of the
Tabernacle BaptistCburch in this city, and~has '
been succeeded by Bav. 1L iC. Green, from the
Laigbt Street ChuTcb, Sew Vork. CT
Last Sabbath fifteen new members were re- .
ceived into tbe Union Park Baptist Cburch. c
There are manilestations of unususl rel'gious
interest in this Cbprch.
Tbe North Baptist 3burcb received the order
of recognition from tbe Council os the Ist inst.
A large number of clergymen took part in tbe H
exercises, which wers.ieeply interesting.
- in oar notice ot tbe Free Church of the Holy
i Communion, on Tuesday, we omitted *o s*ate in
) the list of contributions, that " two gentlemen A
t gsve two hundred «nd (jity dollars each." 61
■ » ,b
Bailbd akd Bs-Abbsstsd ly, S. Uine, the gi
I moving power ot tbe Living Prettnff* aod ei
T " Wifitern Mutual Hditf Union,'" whom ws d
noticed as arrested and committed to j ail last
\ week, was bailed out oa Tuesday. Tbe offence b
* for which be was eouimitted wu for keepicg an
ofiiee for tbe sale oi lottery tickets. Hardly p
' had be been released, whebhewas re-arrested J
e epon*a charge of vendine lottery tickets, on the t;
pomplaintof poe Howard, of Loda Station, Iro-
II quois county. On this eharge be was examined i ;
before Jpsticn. *MiUiksn # sad: again eoasmitted j
a in default of SSOO. As Uine is liable to arrest c
Q lor each sold by hins, and ssbe admits
|a pellingabout two hundred, it will be seen that q
bis proq»ftisrsoot the most flattering. j
e . -In connection ve voald say to nil parties in t
y the conntiT tvd >e6o that the
stents are equally responsible, and that tho l
t quickest' way to obtain a settlement would be to j
l 6 bring them before the Grand Jury of the t
county. i
c. " i
|QI UKrvtesiry op Chicago.—We learn from tho c
Vhriuian Timet that tbe south wing and
corridor of tbe University are finished and ,
, that the interior ia being pushed forward ;
as rapidlf. as'ibe season will permit. Tbe
architectural designs of tbese University butld- ,
ings are such that while, in their finished stato
they will compose a perfect harmonious whole,
tbe principal sections are so far complete in
themselves as to not only answer all tbe pnr-
poses of tbe InsUtulion, bat present an attrac
tive appearance to tbe observer. Even as it
nowstsnds, tbs University edifioe would be re
garded aa an uncommonly attractive one. The
is- internal arrangements are as nearly perfect aa
>D » it seems possible to imsgine.
ha On tbe first floor <ar e ample accommodations
lte for tbe Steward and bis fsmily, with s spacious
lt * dining hall:—not* basement, damp and un
b* healihy, but compoaing tbe first atory of tbs
* e building and every way inviting. Tbe remain
ing four stories are occupied with recitation
rooms, students' (rooms, chspel, library, Ac.,
furnishing all needful faoilitiea for a University
e " of one hundred students. Tbe stents' rooms
.. surpass, we will venture to ssy, anything of tbe
&J. kind that can be found elsewhere. Tbey are ar
in ranged In suiteseach suite being a study room
md ( W0 Bleeping rooms opening ont of it. Tbs
study room is large and airy, with arrangements
to for ventilstioa that will, it preperly used, keep
■Hh tbe atmosphere pferfectly pure. Gas pipes are
"7 earned through tbe whols building • and a re
asrvoir at the top holding a hundred baxrell
mi- will well distribute water to every part. For
is convenience, comfort and .adaptedness in all
respects to the purposes of a College building,
be. we think this must palm,
ads Three Departments of Instrnetion have been |
organised: an Academy, or Higher finglisb and
U( ] Classical School, "designed primarily
al- preparation of students for College, but adapted
P°° also to those wbo seek only s thorough English,
or bualneas education;" a University orColle
end giste course, in which a Freshman class has
re- been already organized; and a Scientific coarse,
'but 44 differing from the Collegiate, in tbe omisaion
rij! in whole or in part, of the Ancient Languages,
rer- .and the substitution of Modern-Languages, tbe
Higher and the Sciences and
w jj 0 their Applications."
ing. The work of instrnetion is now Is the hands
of Professors Mixer and Batteries.
A large and enthusiastic meelitig'of tlib Be- rept
publican ClabTvn held thls'cvening hithe-6u:*r yes!
visor's room fa the Cily Hall. Alonxo Hirrey, add
&q., President, and B. F. Downing, Secretary; frie
On motion of J. W. WnugUop, E-q f a Commit- ■
tee of.onc 'from caqji Ward was. named by the '
Chairman, to nominate ao Executive Committee '
fop the coming campaign of three from, cwL r
Ward. This motion was afterwards amended bo _ V
as to prnlff the Executive Committee-"consist of' ."
five from each Ward. The following XomlnaUog ,
CoiimiteeeVas appointed; , ! • = fy
. Ist Ward-J. W. Waojbopb ' ! -
2d Ward—Charles H.-Abbott., j -Itflb
3d Ward—Charlea £. FarwelL." • Jith
4th Ward—William Justice. - Tbe
&th Ward—P. W. Gates.
6th Ward —Reuben Cleveland. .
7th Ward—Elliott Anthony. .. < ■ null
Bth Ward—Geo. Schneider. . eye.
9th Ward—Benjamin Carpenter. .L
10th Ward— Dodge. . ' oon
Daring the absence of the committee the wa
meeting was ably addressed by A. C. Hessiog,
Wm. tfross, J. D. Ward, Peter Page, C. R. pU»s
Jones, Crocker, and others. lull
The committee reported the names of the fol- JJJJ
lowing gentlemen as the Executive Committee. fl tio
Flrtt Ward—J. H. Danham, Fred. Totlle,; of*
Henrr Winning, Peter Page, Or. Wagner. . liog
-.Second Ward—Henry Howland, Tbeobold gatz
Hartmann, Charles Baaby, A. Kobn, Geo. W. wcl
Gage. c
Third IFanf—Hiram Jot, John Riber, A. H. w:b<
Boyden, M. Hemrich. Geo. A> Flagg. of t
Fourth WUrd-F. J. Rofinot, .Leonard Lam* psri
pertz, G. May. O-H. Salisbury, J. &. Allen, ere
fifth Ward -S. N. Wilcox, A. & Bishop, S. . o'er
M. Avery. Gtorpe VV. Nob!e,-C. Litchenberger. bloc
■ Sixth Ward—Q. Leverenz, Wm. Wayman, R,._ . ion.'
Cleveland, A. TorkUaon, Wm. Winidoes. .. Jprg
Seventh Ward-A. C. Heaaing, Neils Tetei-- Sta'
aon,Al*czo Harvsy, Henry Wendt, Henry T.-
Cathie. . . w ° <
Eighth Ward—Vf. H. Stickney, Caspar Bnlz, wer
A. J. Wright, Andrew Nelson, John 8, Blaw- ingi
ick. ~
tfinth Ward—Berj. Carpenter, Julian 8. wb«
Rdmsey, C. If'ft" l !* l , Isaac N. .Arnold,* Dr. Geb* scei
hard Paoli. > S ro ,
Tenth Ifiirrf-Cbarlea Rstta, D. F. Wilson, and
"Samuel Rugg, F. Schilling, George Hoch. be <
A resolution TeqaestragtheConrmirtbe lotake
the names of every voter; at the primary meet*. 1]
ings, waa adopted. ® ttl
' A resolutioirthat a poll be opened at the'pri- ~ a
mary meetings oi each ward, tor the purpose, of wn
designating candidates in each Division for par
Street Oommiaaionera, waa laid on the table. of 1
The meeting adjourned. ,b e
A meeting of the Executive Committee will tha
held at the Supervisor's room on Friday eves* thu
ing, the 11th inat., at7K o'clock.
Otexino or Teb Spblvo Electha* .Cuu'AiaN
—Eicnru U'abd.—The Republicans of the tiih • the
Ward met on Tuesday evening, pursuant to previ- the
oas notice, at the boose of N. Kaatlir, 2jl
North Clark street, and were called to order by J.
D. Cliilds, Esq., whereupon Thonus 1 Ha!e, I am
waa appointed Chairman, and H. E. Propiy,' Sco I
retary. They then resolved to organise themselves |
into the Stli Ward Republican Clab, and the oIQ- j o{
cere were then elected. ,-s J tio
Pres'dent,Tbonn3 Hale; l«t Viqe President, I I l ®
Audrcw Ncilson; 2nd Vice President; Nicholas I toC
Kaeit'cr; Secicfarv, Heury E. ProtJtf; Aspistaot | tor
becretflrtes, 8. B Veruon, Obi istian Wdbl; Treas- I tl °
urcr, J.R. Huguniu ; Execu ive Committee, B* f* 1 CTt
lliHard, George Sotioeiaer, C. H.'J. MiUcr, John j J
Slawrk, G.B. Huatou, Thoaiad Hale.. I aQ <
Ga motion (he-following perdona >vfcre appoint- 1 ™ B
ed a committee to prepare resolutions to be pre* I
seotedto this meeting: John Ativater, John I int
Slarrk and Charles Charleston; tvbo reported the I lia
following resolutions. whicU'were ably discussed cbi
by Measw. Crocker, Millard, uud I vir
Hooke, and unanimously adoptod: ; Ime
Wiiebeis, We love Troth and Freedom, and I evi
hate FaUehood aud Oppresion, in every aud all r J
forms; tbere'ore 1 tbi
Rejoiced, That we feel uodiminMial confidence me
in the st-rling pnnoiplesand steady 'pyrpo»es-of j gai
the Republicin party. j |jg
Ravleed, Tiiat we look npon the divi- I gn
ded coitditiou ot tbeso called Democnaiu party J ter
ou various important qnestlaua as TiiriOT, I co |
tion t>( Cuba, Lind Reform, Pacific Railroad, I B >b
Slave Trade and Popnlar Sovereignty a-i au indi- j
cation of a lack of tbatboneH purpoie aud high 1
beuriag vhirU is calculated to iabpird the people 1 m ,
with conQdenoe. 1
Racloed, That it is with pride we view die uui* I
ted, tirm and judicious manner with vvjiioh the I i>t
puUl can members of Congress meet tliciu impur.
taut quesltoua. - ; ! f al
Jlcsolcfd, That the recent voluntary ofr>rt m;iilo I
by DyerJc Co., to force upon ihe citizens of Cbi J
willjum a Dubliu tlicir I 1,,
wish, and afterwards wiftt and in violation or' }._ •
such wish expressed to the contrary, a new und 1 , h
tlfijust city charter, p'aces theiij :ihtl > their party j '
in ibwciv iflii V?d,bnt real pi*sltiop before nur j hi]
pubUcj a do>efV»iS the se- I
vere and unqoalilied censore of every honest I
citizen. I
Mesolvcd, That from the encouragement or the. 1 ,
pCSt we lure reason to look forward with high I ?
ho[>e« to a time not fardistant when the principles I
of the R"]»ubTicaa party shell triumph, not only I 01
hr our city, but in our State andnail tn; ;mu that I ? c
in view of this and the uobiiitv of our principles I ,n
we will strive zealously to make this, and each I oc
Buccee<liijgcanvass,earnest and thorough'in nil I CB
. iu parts. * I 01
H&olvcd, That we do now each and at! enter |
- caraway upotj the labors of the present impor- J
tantcauvaw. . j tb
The Club thea adjourned to meet ncxt:Tkure<lay I p[
evening, the 10th iustant, at the of Mr. ] a
{jcider, 207 North Cltrk street. All the Republl' I m
cans of the 6tU Ward are requested to be present. I
Thos. Hals, President. | pi
H. E. Proctv, Secretary.
RtcosDia's Coobt.—Tuesday forenoon was I q!
Pflccpied in tbe trial of a case of trover, Jndge I m
Drummond preeidLeg, Jo(
The suit was trover and conversion of some j H
fixtures ia the office of the Mutual Benefit Land I g|
Association; tbe Judge claiming to be the own* I b
er of the articles. They hid been levied on as I
belonflog tQ tbg aforesaid Association, and the I
1 suit was brongbt against tbe purchaser, at tbe ]
constable's sale. The case resulted ins ver- j F
diet for defendant. ] 1
In the afternoon some indictments were I
1 broagbt into Court by the Grand Jury. I j
i SouleFisk, John titarr and William Pennell ii
plead severally gnilty to; charges ol larceny. I
John Baor, indicted for burglary, pleaded gml*
> ty, alleging druokennpes as &n excuse. j
Wm. Smith, John Flannigan, and Dan McAl* 1
I lister, were charged with burglariously enter' |
!■ ing the hotel of Robert Paddock, and stealing a( f
1 coat. Pleaded cot guilty. j
i Wm. pioyd, was pat on trial fpr breaking into I t
t » cigar atore, and fitealing cigars. Hewasfoond "
guilty, and bis ponishmept fixed atone year in .
tbe Penitentiary. I i
> Yesterday tbe case of the People c*. Abel j E
o Wolfe, Gertrude Wolfe, Jeremiah Wolfe and j >
> John Bechtel was taken np. This is an indict* I '
* ment for manslangbter. Tbe ctfenea was com- 1
mitted on Nov. 27tb, 1853, in the extreme sorthr
em part of the city, known as tbe Black Hawk I ,
0 settlement. . 1 i
The following jury was empannelled: J. Liw- I '
son, Jas. Keatin, John Farnswortb, Edward I 1
Ballard, J. Propston, A; Bauer, 1). b. Jacobus, I '
6 A. Torkilson, 0. & Merrick, G. A. laockett, I
Charles F. Dean, L. J. Magnnason. ' • I
0 Tbe case was given to the Jury last evening, I
5 » god they returned a verdict of guilty against j
n tbe Wolf family. Gertrude ftolf was sentenced I
r " to the Penitentiary for fonr years; Abel Wolf* I
c- the father, 1 year; and Peter, 1 year. I
it » I
1B At a meeting of the B*ecative Committee, held j
u on Tuesday evening last, it was resolved that I
the Finance-Committee be reduced to three |
do members,' whereupon Alex. White,;E«q. t was |
as appointed for the' South Division, Philip Con. j
,n- ley, Esq., for tbe North, and Reuben Taylor, I
be Edq, for the West Division, who are duly uu
in- tbori*ed to solicit and receive donations from I
on tbe citisens to defray the expenses of the pro
c., cession. E. L Tinkbam, E : q., was daly elected
ity Treasurer. Johk C. Haurss, Chairman. J
hb W. W. DAKixnowia, Secretary, I
he "Apdpsa* Ctcp."—On account of the ex
treme cold we*ther, the abofltingmateh aapper, I
- which was to come off on Tbarsday, tbe ii)th j
nta ** P° ,t P notil Saturday, February I
12tb. Tbe members who wish to participate |
are reqoeated to meet at George T. Abbey'a, 1
rft _. No. 330 Lake street, on Saturday, at|9 o'clock, I
and parade to tbe aboating grounds. . J
, THioooaa F. Cook, Sec?y, pro itm. j
' 1 -• |
all Attsktioh, Bbiqads I—There be a meet-
D K» ing for business and Drill of tbe Citizen's Fire. I
Brigade *t;West Market Half on Una (Thursday)
sen at 7K P« Every member Is expected to be
present. By order of
.B. N. Mat» Bec'y. CAPr. Ratmoxd. "|
l ßb Tkmpssaxcs Harms.—Tbe ' Wasbingtonian
>lle- Union'meets to-night at tbe Good Templars*
Hall, Larmon Block, corner of Clark and Wash*
rse ington streets. Tbe meeting are open to all.
lioi J Per order, Ex. CoMutrtaa.
gas, Griat Wsstirn Bailwat.—The following is
the the traffic on this road for week ending Feb. 4th:
and Patenter*. -
Frrtmt atsl live Btock Rl»l.:;G
FuceL. Malts
IDi# T0ta1..... .tSJOiOIf
OoffSMdlas week last rev
Tbs Excslsiob FasnvAL.-We gave apratty fall • fra
report of thia deUghtful afiair in war
jesterdaj morning, bat we cannot forbear to t^(
add to-day the retpouae of onr genial bachelor ell;
friend, Bexar Vas Dca Lth, Esq, to the toaat
" .Woman," and also a portion of the very ex
cellent, • amuetog and practical speech of onr
:fciend, J. V. Fauvtbu., Esq, in reapoaee to hai
*j The New York MerchautaiiC Chicago." p r
T VTe pay. here remark that oar.friend Va* j
Dbb. Ltk diaclaims tbe Octogenarian latitude in Um
- wWcU' we placeß.bim, but aa he refuaea to name aU
'a difiereni definite location, we inaist on main-
; uiuioßour. first assertion. Age aever aat more fa
: lightly on fallen'man than it reals upon tha 1
litho frame and genial heart of oar fiiend.
The toaat was afl-followa:
~ ~1T«oMro —Oar ptlde In youth, oar coapmlon In man- - th<
'h'vo'f i' d'odr colice anl comforter la ace. Wher. her m
sstlevrcwaril. wefcelno dsnser; when aceer llgoU her ry
tye, *ili conscience oukes us cowards. thi
. Lapiae ASD GaaTLsxav: On thia festive ocoa- ho
sion, when tbe eona and daughters of New York
are assembled to celebrate tha Tenth Anniver- j
aary of the Chisago Excelsior Society, in honor
ot the State of #ew York, it may not be un
pleasant to stop for a moment to pay oar grate-
lul homage to, and look back upon, its hills and clc
vallejs, where we.atrayed io oar childhood,
where yoar eyes flrat beheld tbe wonders of ere* io
&tion, and your hearts lirat felt the sweet aenae Bi
of existence; to listen again to the sweet warb- Ct
ling of pl&j over again your sports and mt
gambols, to climb tne bills in search of honey thi
suckles ana wild flowers, to renew tbe memory nn
of earlier years und bsppier days, when it was ao
wisdom to pursue with esgerness the pbantoma as
of hope, and listen with credulity to the wbis- tio
psra of taacy. In those happy days of youth, thi
ere life, bad lost its romance, we have walked
o'er velvet lawnß with lair maidens in their thi
bloom,and recited to loving hearts the poetrr ot sal
innocence aod.truth. Who can forget, wbo has en
.fprgoVten,~tbe < hour and tbe place in his native bo
: State 'where the rapturous feeling first dawned
th bis mind that earth was an Elysium, to
where tbe flowers ever blosomed, the maidens ap (
were ever beanlifol, end the voice of the night- ab
ingale never was mute. Let us rtjoioe together
tbat New York is onr native pUce, and that
when far away in distant lands, its magnificent
scenery, its imperial greatnesf, its m'elodioae <
groves, and sweetly flowing rivers, will console
and gladden as. May onr tindred with it ever
be our boast ond onr pride where'er we roam, 1
whatever realms to see, till we take our final er]
leave in love's last adieu.
llat to return to the enamored toast ot Wo- *
man. " Her praises are sang by loftier harps
than mine." Her virtaes'aoa her goodness are ,
so incomprehensible, so illimitable, that no
tongue can tall, no pencil delineate her incom
parable excellence. In the warm and eenial heart '
of a noble and intelligent woman all the virtues Jo]
1 scd charities of life are concentrated. It is in dn
the heart of lovelv woman we obtain our belief q
that tbe world is built on blessings. It is there \
that tbe votary of love and wisdom will find an
earthly Paradise, where life is a continued en- hid
cbamuiest, wbere tbe hours move oo roseate "i,
wings and every otjeet is ticged with tbe hues
of heaven. Io her refined and elegant society '
tbe tru6 gentleman is lound; it is tbere be learns Be
tbe art of poliicneßS—to be noble, jast, and ma
generous, and to love and appreciate the beauty
' and grace of female loveliness. It is tbere the
character of men is spiritualized and exalted, en:
and redeemed from sordid meanness and low no
desires. Woman's love is tbe star that guides
man in his aspirations to be good, to be piona,
to be great aod glorious. It was the love of
Josephine tbat developed the splendid combina*
tiocs of genias displayed by Napoleon in his
Italian campaigns. It was tbe love'and forti
tude of Martha that sustained Gen. Washing- I
| ton through the gloomy period of the Bevolu- e ®
tionary war, uutil i s triampbant termination mi
| crowned him asthegreatestandtbebestofmen.
j A perennial virtue shines in tbe sweet face
j and eyes of a warm-hearted, pious and noble
I maiden—pure and beantifal as the orient blush- p
I es of the morn. Bhe has a sacred pride of
j character that guides and protects her in all her
I intercourse with men, untouched by tbat famt- .
| liaritr, that robs the rose of of its perfume and
I chastity of its sanctity; whose high aod lofty
I virtue is as pure in conduct, look and deport- . p
I ment, os the star which shines in beauty in the **
J evening sky.
r It is tbe divine passion of love which gives to
j the hours of courtship the cuarm of encbsot- Isi
ment. He makes the earth more beautiful, the aa
I sun more brilliant, tbe fair maiden an angel of W
1 light. His sky is ever clear, bis bower is ever of
I green. There is no sorrow io his heart, no win- co
j ter in his year. He paints tbe lily, and adds wl
I color to tbe rainbow. Trnelove-incomprehen- te
I Bible love—in tbe heart of a pious' woman, is wi
I tbe chain that connects heaven with earth. It
I is ot Divine origin, and is the tie which binds
I men to iiia Heavenly Father, aod holds him to IS
j Hisltbrooe. In tbe garden of ber fair mind, <t<
| the bowers of iove are kissed by tbe dewy tubrni
Tbere tbey have perpetual bloom, on which oo
I shadow rests; aud according to the beautiful
j fable, *' the angels dwell in the summer of her
beau." h
I Uchappy is tbe woman and the man who
I blmdly sutlow mere sensual pleasure an the enc)
]- ana object of their beio£. Tbeso'pleasure's afe
j tbe phantom ol a day, -which .please for a mo-
I ment and are gone, never to return, leaving be-
I hind tbem tbe unsatisfying desire which drew
j from King Solomon tbe melancholy lamenta-
I tion, 41 Vanity of vanities, all is'iranity.l l
I In lbs hr&t stages of wedded life, when the
I homy mom 19 in tbe ascendant, shedding her 81
I delicious ecctuotment o'er the hearts acd eyes
I of the happy pair, all that is harsh and discord-
I ant is mellowed down; and all they behold is
[in haruibnjr with lueujgelvja. Thea visa Ii
I ond desire is' anticip'ated, every snffering deli
cately consoled. Their hearts are blended as
I oue heart. d
| And.may not ihe rapturons enchanttqeat ot
| poiirtQhip ani the lonty tnoan bo continued g
{ through all tbe stages ot married life? Yes,
I all this is in the power of husband and wife,
I provided tbey act lovingly and wisely, aod with
] a knowledge ot tbe true nature of lore. Tbey
I must make marriage ooe continued courUhip~
I one continued honey-mom,—where the husband
I and wife never grow old ; where their early, -i
j passionate love grows brighter aod porer as J
the'dajs multiply and tbe years go by. Aod tb|a
I paradise in married life can be created only on
I one condition. Tbe busb&nd and wife after
I iniirruge, must cctively continue to covrt each
| otf'.er, aod uractice towards eacb other tfie
} unselUsbbess, tbe samp aa|ly>pts of praise aud
I Jciodoegs; the Sdtuc daily manifestatioos of re-
I spect and esteem. Thetr love must continue to
be woood by kind words and loving eyes. Then
'j tbeir hearts will continue ty sympathise and }
I blend together. And
I "IftoVcrslwe some ftmtle cctots fall,
' Ue will loi»k onber face and forge*, tbemill."
j For tbe nature of love is to advance or to dip.
It wiil not stand stilL If you treat it with ne
| gleet it vanishes away. But if you continue to
I love acd to cberish it, as tbe fond partner of
I jour boson, it will grow into a hOQOdles bless
ing, far reacbiog into eternity. j
> j ThereWaspotofearth«upremelvblest. \
I A dearer, sweetrr. lu|>iiier, tlian the rest;
' I There wotu ui reliua, the inotner. ilauxhter. wife,
| btrcw< n-iUi fresh llowere the narrow way of lie.
I < 'h. n ou slinlt hml wiiere'r tuy footsteiis roam.
* j lan«l tay oonntry, and spot thy home.
* j The toaat which called out Johk V. Pabwill, '
4 j E?q., wa?:
I Th* h'rtc Yuri' JfrrcJuXntt oj Cltifaga.—With £wd-
I finr at csui'. lica'L may they succes folly double Cape
> I -Hu «up'' »t:4 the home port witha lullcaigo of
II " }'e<'l<>to R>w!"
j ilr, Faiwell, after premising that they bad
[ given him ao excellent text to pteach from,
I I spoke for some time in apleasantvein of humor,
1 interspersed with telling anecdotes and illustra-
I tions. In regard to our past experience with
t . tbe merchant* of tbe city of New York, heaaid:
Nevertheless, I have somewhat against onr
T I brother merchants of New York, thooghwecan
1 well atlord to forgive them ; it is always best to
. 1 be jd«t before you are generoos, and give even
. j ilie devil t bia doe. Tbe cape referred to in my
j, I text was an awful one a year ago, and 1 thick I
I oau convict tbem of being the main land from
*• oar stand point, and at tbe aame time plant a
t, I laurel upon our own brows from the brow of
I another. For four years previous to tbe panic,
I the progress of the West bad been
" I so unparalleled that all a man bad to say in
st I Gotham, to establish his credit on a rock, was
d j that he jTAa Irom the West. He was feted
t 1 and treated, and treated and feted, till he didn't
* Mnww whether be waa in the body or out of tbe
I body ; and in tbat condition bis stock of goods,
I wbcu placed opun his shelves at home, amounted
_ | to from one to ten times a« much as bis memoran
tj» 1 dura eailed tor when he started for market ac
cording to the quality of his UtUast, chart and
14 compass; ami not only mi, bat every railroad
»e I from NeikYork to tbe West was crowded will}
drummers Tor New York bouses, to establish men
1 Jn btt'infssnt the comer o! every section on the
n * 1 sectional map, and a large msjority of whom bad
ir t iMsitber ballot, cbart, nor compass of any kind.
I Bnt in tbe wwdof command,
' * I ircm these drummers, they Bet sail upon the great
m I tea of credit—expecting of coaree that a kind
•o- I Piovidcuco would bring tbfiD »afe ioto harbor,
Ba with a heavenly breeze of prosperity, against nil
I facts of past or present; aod yet ia look
-1 ing over the ataiuiic* of failures In the West and
I ia Xewi York,; we And that tbe West comes out
of the burning, fiery \ts& scorched
sx- than ihe great and wealthy Empire State. Sach
, r I a course on the part of o'or quondam friends at
* 1 the centre of commerce has had a Undmcy to
'th dishearten every honest, capable capitalist
rj I through the whole sources of itrelling tide }n
it* I western credit, and when the blaclp storm
. I and tbe cloud of cotqmereia) fanaticism
•' I and iguoranea broke with its own ponderous
I might, the stoutest heart might well quail be*
| fore it; and what wonder tbat protests, and
I sales, and assignments were the order of tbe
* I dftt? White they planted a thorn io tbe well
_ t I earned laurel wreath of every one wbo has
come out crowned a victor from this fiery trial,
i™ ! Chey-have found that false systems return to
ty) plague tbe inventus. Sot even the West with
Uf. I its untold natural wealth, eould be gorged with
| imagination's fitful dream that all la gold that
• man has, ni matter how much he owes for it
" Aud here is tbe stand point from which
we look with pride upon their owa
to verdict with rpfpr?DCf tp os. They soM
ira*-1 men eomipg from the Weat» who t if tney had
.. j hailed from Big Flats, or nstive place, would
>sa * 1 btve remained in blissfol ignoraaee of promif
| sory notes to this day j and if oge, wore Wtr
t. prising than tbe rest m not looktaf fbr ballsst
in all commercial ships to trust his interest
gis and priecipal, bad sold a man from Big Flats,
•h- in the Empire State, with equal elalms aside
oav from locality, be would have bees marled down
J* I aa of tbe first water in tbe retool pf ipsr
cbants; and yet these drummars—such at kave
'mv I had enough of tact to keep their positions with
M I their principals-came oot WMt to look cp tb«
Cnit of tbeir labors, and finding it a withered
branch and a dry leaf, tbey wrote home as a
jastlfication of their prodigious efiorts to extend
the evidences ot civil'xition; tbat the whole
city, root and branch, is a humbug that the
West is an undefinable nonentity - with the bot
tom fallen out, and tbe staves and boops mort-
gaged for 1999,000,000, more than New York
itself is worth, and tbeti go home to lay tbeir
haoda before their betters and awear, by their °ej
former acts and present statements, that Baby- mc
lon tbe great has fsllen.
Poor fools and knaves we can afford to pity an
tbem. We don't need to try to Tefute their tre
alatemeuta, their first works nsil'be lie to tbe ad
mast of our stalwart ship which still knows ber J
reckonings and ean sail without let or hindrance. tb<
from tbem. ? e ,
Whv the sensible men among merchants in
New York do not as a matter of eivil courtesy pv
take notice of it themselves, and refute it. ts a lni
matter ot wooder to me, inasmuch aa tbey know an
th*i Jfew York as the destined key to the com- to
merce of tbe world, draws larger supplies from
the West than from any other quarter of the let
home trade. tlc
T pa
ErucoriL Sibvicss,—The following, from the
Manitowac (Wis.) Utrald pays a handsome com-
plise&t to one of oar moat devoted and useful ne
A series of servioa have been recently held
io tbe Episcopsl churches of Uemtowoe aad Two
Bi»ers, by the Ber. H. 5. Bishop, of Bt. John's
Cburch, Chieago. Mr. Bishop is one of the &t
moat sealcus, devoted and untiring members of
tbe clerical profeasion; and these qualities,
united with extraordinary ability as a writer,
and almost unsurpassed fervency and eloqoenee
aa a speaker, have given bim an enviable poei
tion in his cslling. It Is not surprising, then, •
, that the setvices both in ilsnitowoe and the
Two Kvers, very numerously attended, and tbat w
there was a general end impulsive expression of
satislheUon, irrespective of sectarian prefer
ennk Tha field of bis brief bat profitable la
bora. Is regarded by Mr. Bishop as one of the .
moat important in tbe diocese, and there is a de-,
vont wish smong tbe people thst it msy bei *-
speedily Bupphed by one possessing his zeal and*)
ibihty. . ?o
The following were the cases at the Police Court
the past 24 hours: na
M, W.Qalnlau,kicking a door at Walker's Lw- wl
cry Stable. <3. j° t
John Johnson, colored, larceny, S2O and thirty att
days in Bridewell.
James Handrahan, abusing hii family, dis
charged. tai
Cbarles Mulford, drunk and disorderly, $lO ; P«j
John McCauley, drank, $3; John Patterson,
drank, 13; Elizabeth Douglas, drunk, $3 ; Wm. jj,
Quirk, with ons leg, drunk and disorderly—sat un wi
the steps of a house and hit the passers-by with
his crutch—when arrested, called the officer a
"bloat"—fined $lO. f U ;
James Qogan was charged with assaulting Jas. lat
Bedmond. Redmond averted that an English-
man was as good as aoy other man, if he behaved ]j 0
himself as weQ—|hfact which Hogati denied, and tu
enforced his denial with a blow. Itedmond did
not respond in the seme minncr. but got out a
warrant. The whole matter cost Hogan $3.25. -w
local, matte us. ltJ
• afi
tg* Buy Peru Coal at |l5O per ton, deliver- „
ed. Yard, Polk Si. between Clark »ad Saer
man. _ feSlw* a "
Bbigos Hoit-e Ilori—Tlic .subscribers to the
Briggs Uju-m! Hops ate hereby notified tint tho
Hop that waa to b3 given on Wednesday evening, f e
: Feb. 9th, is for one week.
Noara BAprtsr Caoacn.—The jews in the ™
chapel of tbe North Baptist Church, corner of T1
Dearborn and Ohio streets, will be rented for m
one rear on Saturday, Feb. 13ih. at 2 1-9 o'clock
■P.IL feßtd
— l S<
Hojff op tub Fhiekdless.—The benevolent nf
ladies interested in the Uorne of the Frieiulless, 0 {
annoance that a meeting will be held at ttie Home
Wednesday afternoon, at 3 o'o'ock, for the puriiose re
of making arrangements ior having a tea party to ao
contribute to the ftmds of tbat Institution. All g
wbo are interested in this ohj ct are invited to at- 8 j
tend. A full meating of the Board at tbat time
will also be desirable. febß-2t CQ
■ oi
Boots avd Uhors.—UcDongall, Fenton & Co., 8U
190 Lake street, corner of Wells, cannot be an- q,
dersold. Yf« will sell for tbe ne«t 80'daya"—'
Ladies' Foxed Qaitera 7o
Do Kid Congfeia Gaiters 1.25 th
Do Kid and&lorocco slipsand Ties.... 50 $:
Do Morocco and Calf Boots 100 ui
Mens' hufiilo Overshoes i 2» ec
Do Calf Bpotq of
V)o Kip Boou i./.oar own moke- 3.00 jz
Bo Calf Congress (letters 2.00 fi
Remember the old store, noted for great bar- o*
gains—l9o Lake, cor. Wells. feb7-lw* m
fyTGroyer A Bakerts new and unequalled
f6irFsmily Sawing Machines, with hemmers,
gilkj cotton and linen threads.
H. AIIIISBSB, 106 Loie-st.
See advertisement of l)r. Saoforda' {iirer
another coiutna. m
yj- See advertisement ol Bondoir, Sewing Ma-
chines. 132 Lake fctrvoL ja4-ly-bW)G g ,
See advertisement of Quaker City |2O
Sewing Machine. L. ConxatL A Co., |-
oc3fi ly Lake street b
—cr— t
Hartford. Conn. ;
S, I. liOOms, PrMWcnl, '
M.MAGILL, General Agent,
_ i
Examined ind approved by the Auditors of Wiseonita,
lowa, lodUna. Ohio, nilaots and Fennesae;, In compit
anee with the Liwaoi th'«e states
CASH CAPITAL $200,000 00.
CASH Afjf&TA ey.
n»«>i, onhtnd m 4 In bank I hi 43111 1
1 " dae and from Asenti . «i.i7l *6
H-7 tharesNew torkbuk stocks HI 50 1
IKO " Hartford ** " 1H 5*6 W
• lOJ - otberH ft M HT «OJ ,
' Am'tbaood ooMsrUa-eiof Real
t " - " ofßanS-tockj SsSio UO !
fit) Water Bonds or tne town of New Britain, <
I Connecticut
10 Q. P. A L B. R. Bonds. gu«raotred 7.S<WUI
ACconxßtateu Interest on Invatmenta 3J5f 00
Real Estate owned by tbe Ooouiany onlncnm
i boed 6.W '1
Total Aisfts $419 034 66
1 Liabilities.beloKncadjastedlosses and those
j not doe
« The foretolc* nreeenU neh a view of the
OocaoanVa traeitloa as must Impress tbe eooTictton on
3 tbe minds or all* lo'veocy atd healthy condition.
1 Ibeamou t<f lUlUb'litlei i* less th%a Co icantcs do
r and exienrxe a bvlnas era-ra-ty show
l<rse list oi ospalJ loases,' as a tet cQ
t ay<dns'ae;uaoU:iuc4 a-e sen b-re
1 1% ihfrerae. joa want lc«oran*e is a First-Claw Inn
. ranee Cotro«ny. ao to the "PlltKtlX" throQ»hnay of
< 11« aotborlaed Aae&u. acd vcur apollcatloa will be re>
i ceiTei acd bosiaeu promotly attended to. ,
, (7*Apeots is most of the prominent towns and elUes
1 c> hba nghoffick. Nos. SI and33WestTllrd-<t., cp
a petite Maacnlc Templs, ktaciana'L O.
s AseaU appointed, eomapu.denee attended to, to*s«*
, adlastcd aad paid, and a<l tatlnets of the Western
0 ft S) SaQILU } ® pee^i httn\» and Adjostirs.
i- the Nlassra Tire Insoranee Oomptnv of tae city of
•r New York on the first day of Jaaaaiy,
A with the Law of Illinois:
d Jlrst—Tbe name of the Company lithe Muara Tire In-
ntanee (tatgpany, and ts located In the City and State
a Capital Stock Is Two ITandred
a Thousand Dollars.
■; Tblrd-Tbe of ha Capital Stock, paid up. Is
u tamouD.
I- fourth—L Cash on hand and In the bands of
1. asetts tfi.9U.73
V S. Mo Real K»t*te.
[ \ i L Three New York CUy revenue
td - b. nda 6 per cent 125 OUO
r . Beven Brooklyn City Water Loan
,i tf per cent bonds. ST.tOJ
" « six Uodaon Hirer bah road, Ist
C- sortisie. "pcrcnt .Tfij(Xl^l.soQ,CO
id 4. Sebtt dae the company secured by
btf'nds and aaonaaxes, belsc aa
first li'ns and of which more
id than 1100000 la upon property
:h worth doob:e tbe amosnt mon
. t rared tbereoa at 7 V cent latere*. 512,750.00
V I. Luans oa et:eks paiable oa de
to mand o! the matks* Talae of
It 27.635.75
* Debts for 71- W
( Q 4liother secorlUes.... 151163
en Total Assets Qf the Company «n«,O6.Tt
2S fifth—Ttia Company owes aa bask or other
„. creditors
6lztb—Lasms adiaated and nane.
>d serenlh-Loasesadiasted and not due.
le KUfaUi-Lo^sunaJ ju5ted....................... S9OU.CO
.it Nlnth-Loe»ei - n srspesse waitloe fortherproof A,0w0.00
* TenUk—No other claims stalest the eoatpaay.. none.
ti. Total of Liabilities of the Company « 1400.W
to usaltit amoaijtlcs^redln aay
,T QTif dafc.....
tfo aeaeral'ruies on the<e polnta,
th Twelfth I bat stWom Mfcedtst j slMfla
,at Thlneeoth 1 and siosle risk In the and
.. 1 fIAQOO ont.
It- * a B. Arect.
:h jaS7 lm-cICO Ocraer Clark and Sooth Water street,
lw VWEUWW" * CO.
« Comuiissitn Merchant», \
t ld 1» StTMt,
M , WW KanU rlTlos
lieawmeroriTileteofseilliiXtn BaSalo orNewYork far
AS, k CO.. ;
[de jeS2-ly;:s77 tS2 8. Water street
Y\ k 00-OOMMlillO* _MBB
u* eatnsr <4 IMk Waut and Vtaaktt
ith pgynaoo
: by-telegraph. • .
r '
Wi-oiaQTO*. Feb. O.—S«K««.— b "'" o
ueaa st iiaponacce waa Iransacied during toe j]
morning hour. .. . si
A resolulloif offered by Mr. E\ag, directtUß
an inqairv into tbe working of the reciprocity
treat? acd tbe expediescjr of Its abrogation Has
adopted. ... ~ . ri
On motion of Mr. Bavard, a vote !>J v»bien n
the Penn.ivlvania Avenue R. R. t waa defeated
jesterdax/aud reconsidered. fcj
The Senate resnaicd tbe consideration of llr.
Bigler'a resolution, that a large public debt ia
inconsistent with tbe true pohcj of the country, hi
and that Congress should proceed withoutdelaj th
to adjost the revenue and expenditures. fQ
Mr.'Toombs proceeded to reply to Mr. Big
ler's speech of yesterday, and went over it see- 01
tion by section. After showing that tbe first w
paragraph of the resolution expressed a truism t
that it is inexpedient in time of peace to incur a
large public debt—the trniam, however, depend- 111
ing on whether tbe debt be of casual or perrna- Ti
nent deficiency—and that the section assumed
this deficiency to be inevitable and fixed aa tbe
laws of the Medes and Persians, Mr. Toombs
proceeded to demonstrate that it is not only _
avoidable, bnt ought to be avoided; tbat there L(
is not only no necessity to keep the expenditures g.
at tbeir preaent standaid, but that the present
tariff ia ample to meet the just and proper
expenses of this Government
The Secretary of the Treasury, estimates for
tbefiva years prior to 1857, abow a revenue A>
exceeding the expenditures, tiading tbat tbere re
was a revenue of with an expendi- fo
ture of H5,000,000. Tbe tariff waa reduced
without party discusaion— South Carolina and
Massachusetts, tbe extremes of sectionalism,
uniting to do iL Jle did not prooose by his
vote on the tariff of 1657 to cripple any branch
ot the publio service and he did qot propose it
now. Tbe country is able to bear any amount
of legitimate business, but he did propose to re
quire that the government aball canfine itself
to its legitimate service, not Jor tbe mere rea- "
son of cprtailins the expense, but for tbe better U<
object of avoiding corruption and of making S
tb« country great and able for future action,
either in peace or war. We have no extraordi
nary occasion, no ware except with Indians, __
which we always hare; bence, tbere is no
occasion for increased expenditures to exist. . 1
The tariff wa« jut on with ihe deliberate cooler- "
atfoaoi'ihe Government and people, and it tiaa _
done what it was expected to do, iioUUbst toding r:
the temporary fatting off of the rtccipts duriug |
the timu ti mercantile depression. It is not the -*■
tariff, but tlw e*tiuut«, that are InUaciuu*. Tho
Piwt OQice baa üb-»"rb« d nearly $9,000,000 of the
dtficieucy over the estimate* Further, tbe esti
m ites asaume that every dullar of the approptia
ti- n,Jiot only for the but lor jears pf
wi I required lor tbe tucal year of 185D-GO.. He C a
showed that the • estinute* are to exhibit
a delicieiicy, fur it is impossible that all these up
propiiatiwU-s can-be laid cut witbin a year. «t,
l'uitlier,to force a deficiency, the sun-fjed public
lantL) weie not offered, as it wus the duty of
the Ooveiumeot to effer thtm, for public fale. _
Hid the proceeds ot tbe seventy or eighty mil. T
lion acres of surveyed lands been brought into the
tirasury tbere would not have been one dollar of
dillciency. VTqre tba expeuditures reduced witb
lu proper Umiid there would be no deficiency, but
instead of ibtse rctreuchments the expend nre
.-welied into extravaz;iuce to iucrease a deficiency
in tbe estimate* of IStJO, which ia said to be inev- m
Mr. Toombs spoke further in the Rims strain,
afier which the »ul ject was postponed.
Mr. Uunter attempted to bring op tbe Coa<mlar
and Diplomatic bill, and Mr. tjhdell waa equally
ai-iiou* to have ap the Cubin question.
A lengthened discussion ensued in which the
leacing Republican Senators expressed tbem.
selves against taking op the latter, though
ready at any time when required to discuss all
itabearings. Tbe Cuban bill was finally tsken
op, 27 against IS. when Mr. Slideli, by consent,
made a'correction of the clause of the bill pro- _
viding for five per cent, bonds payable semi-an
nually. f
Mr. Dooliitle made some remarks aod offered
a substitute appropriating 150,000,000 to enable
the President to purchase Yucatan, Central or Cc
South America for a territory on which a free
negro nation can be located under tbe guarantee
of the United States. Adjourned.
Hoosb.— I The Speaker laid before the House a
reply from tbe Secretary of the Tressny to a re
solution asking why the construction of tbe
Baltimore Custom House bad been delayed!. He
I Bsjß be has postponed the construction of all
| authorised public buildings which had not been -*
commenced previous to the late revulsion, I
owing to tbe insutlicißncj of money in the Trea- {f
Bury, and that he will continue on thia rule until so
Congress shall provide means to meet the liabil
ities, or shall otherwise direct.
Mr. Harris of Md., called attention to the tact a
that Congress, several years ago, appropriated
$200,000 tor the Baltimore Oastpm House with _
nnmista«e»bi« instructions. The reason ussign- /
ed by tbe Secretary is untenable, especially as {
it is recollected tbat when tbs last Congress ad- u
jsarued ther* was $23,000,000 surplus revenue, 0
$5,000,000 of which was, in bis opiotoa, unne* §
cessartly applied to tbe redemption of Uovern
ment securities, at {>er cent, pre nium.
Mr. Phelps of Missouri, justified the reasons
given by tbeSeoretary, saying that as no valid g
compact had been entered into, tbe execution of e
the might properly be extendi to a lur- Z
tber time, oonsiderinj* tho eoadition of the £■
Mr. Harris moved to refer tha communica
tion to the Committee of Waya and Meeans,
with instructions for a bill re-appropriating (
$200,000. J
Mr. Curry of Ala., moved a substitute, in
structing the Committee to report a bill repeal- 1
ing all laws authorising tho oonstrnctioo of
Custom House, Court House and Post Ol&ce
buildings, where no contracts had been made.
Tbe House resumed the consideration of tho "
amendments from the Committee of the Whole, *
on tbe State of the Union to the Exeoative Ju- 1
dicial and Legislative Appreciation bill
Tbe E*eeutive Aapprapriatioa bill was
considered, and tbe striking out of tbe \
following items concurred io; S'JOQ,OOO for mile- *
age next Congress, SIO,OOO for repairs of fnrni- l
ture aq4 boxes ot members, upwards of $70,000 «:
tor tbe Congressional Globe, SIOO,OOO for the i
San Francisco mint, $23,000 (or the' New York <
assay office, (235,000 for purctmsing property [
now leased by 3ew York Ristrict Courts, a&d a
f«w smaller items, and adding $175,000 to sup
ply deficiencies in printing appropriations.
Tbe bill then passed by sixteen majority.
Mr. Branch, from tbe Foreign Committee,
reported back tbe Cuba $30,000,000 bill, which !
was referred to tbe Committee of the Whole.
Mr. Davis, of Miss., gaTQ notl.'e tbat when
the bill comes tip he should move to strike out
the itotu purchase aud substitute tabi.
Mr. Phelps reported the Post Qflice Appropri
ation bill,
Tbe House then proceeded to consider the
Nebraska contested seat, but without concluding
From Washington*
Washivgtos, Feb. B.—Tbe Navy Department
is in receipt of official news from Commodore
Totten of tbe sloop of war Yicennes, giving de
tails of an alleged British outrage u,oa an
American vessel on tbe coast of Africa. Tbe
! substance is tbat tbe American brig Uufus Soule,
i from Mat&nzas, wbi'e on tbe coast, waa boarded
on the lltb October bv tbe British steamer Yi
! per, searched and burned,
i Tbe correspondence between Com. Totten and
tbe Captain of tbe Yiptr showed that at the
time of tbe alleged outrage the RufusSoulehad
i the American fi*g fljioi?, but that the Captain
threw his papers overboard when cil.ed on to
, show them.
The Capta ; n of the Rufus Soule has been be
fore reported.
; Tbe Senate Post OQice Committee has agreed
to authorize the contract for carrying the Cili
; fornia mail over tbe Panama and Tehauntepec
I route; ftlso to let tbe oceao service on all tbe
ccean routes to tbe lowest responsible bidder*,
f Toe Committe has also decided adversely oa
the mammoth Trans-Atlantic steamer pre ject.
Tbe Military Committee •( the House to-day
1 received a communication from tbe Secretary of
War, io response to an inquiry, whether it is
sot practicable to reduce the .expenses of tran
' sportation to distant points. Mr. Floyd says a
reduction would be practicable were it not for
the demands and threats of members of Con*
gren. _ . .
• Tbe rumored difficulty between Mr. Sickles
f and Mr. Butterworth is entirely without founda
r tion. There has been no interruptoon whatever
T of their friondly relations.
The Secretary of the Treasury asks tbat
t power may be given to discontinue from time to
, time such light houses as may become useless
by reason of tbe mutations of eemmerce or
s otherwise, and to restrict the creation of new
light to such as shall be reported on favorably
3 by the light house board. The drafts paid and
drafts issued last week amounted to nearly
A report is credited that Gen. Denver will
shortly resign the office of Commissioner of In
-0 dian Affairs, with a view of returning to Cali
Tbe Central National Botts Club have resolved
to withhold tbe publication of tbeir address to
tbe people, until Mr. Botts shall have delivered
0 big speech on the 23d insU, in New York city.
TheAriona Mexican and Central American
'5 Company ia now chartering vessels to take out
!* emigrants, under the direction of Gen. Hen-
n■ • ■
From Boston*
Boston, Feb. 9.—The bark Gen. Taylor, Capt.
Bortou.from Marseilles, on the 4th fawt., lititude
S 37 deg., longitude C 7 tleg. 17 deg., fell in with ]
the schooner llaria Jarrow from Rockland, Me.,
- for New Orleans, on fire and leaking badly. Took
w off Captain and crew and brocght tnem here.
„ He Mas-acbusstU House of Representatives
has adopted an amendment to the Constitution,
requiring a residence of two yeari in the State
•übseqaentto natuialisation, before voting, Tbe
vole stood 173 ayes against 32 nays.
it. ■ » ■
TVilllam Mary's College Bcraed*
Peteesbtro, Va., Feb. William and
I. ifcinN Coiieiie, lounded by Jeflenou at Willsanis
burg, Va., including the ltteary and laboratory,
iras destrojed by fire at 3 o'clock this morning.
r It was the oldest institution in the country. The
oj students all escaped. Insurance $22,000.
Cor " ' - ■ -
of Steameit.
Boston Feb. 9.—Tbe royal mail steamship
B- Arabia eailed at nooir to-day, with 93 pastes-
Js* sen for Liverpool and 27 for Halifax. Hon. J*
!> L Ward, United States Minister to China, and
1 \ family are paMengen,
More New Gold l>iscoyeries«
St. Louis, Jan. 9.—The Sioux City SmuUt
announces th» arrival of Major Culberlson di
rect from the headwaters of tbe Missouri. He
reports the discovery of gold diggings between
the Missouri and Columbia Rivera, io tbe neigh,
borhood of Stevens* Pass. The gold is of an
inferior quality, being worth only sl4 or sls an
ounce, but is said to exist in-great abundance.
He brought down $13,000 ia gold tn lumps the
size of grains of corn, and says the mines can ba
! approached within a comparatively short dis
i tance by ateamboats.
He says tbe head watera of the above nsoed
rivers are ao near together that be drank from
the Missouri on the eastern side of tha moan
tains, and In half an hour drank from the Colum
bia on the Pacific alope.
[A gentleman who travelled with Major Cul
bertaon from Fort Pierre to Sioux City, says
that if the latter had any such interesting in
formation in his possession, be waa very chary y|
of giving the benefit of it to othera. It will be
well enough to await confirmation of the story, k
at least, before starting for the headwaters of •£
the Missouri in search ot gold. Ens. Paias asd
Taiarai.] jr
Fire at Alton Prison.
&t. Louis. Feb. 9.—The penitentiary at Alton
waa partially destroyed by fire last evening.
Loss unknown. Oae. prisoner escaped. The
fire was probably the work of an incendiary.
0 m tr
The Adams Express Kobbery.
Moxtgokbbt, Ala., Feb. 9. Marony, agent of «t
Adams' £xpress here, wbo is charged with tbe
recent robbery ot $40,000, baa been bound over
for trial at the next term of tbe Criminal Court, in,
The New York Central R R.
ALturr, Feb. 9—The Central Railroad havAle
clared a dividend of four per cent., payable on <
the 21st inst. t
New Counterfeit.
Niw Yobx, Feb. 9.—New counterfeit s's on
the Concord Bank of N, H. t were put ia circula-
tfod yesterday.
Nnn SV&ocrtiscnunts.
tWCiIL Sdtl\'Jß.V, A letrtitin-j Ajmi, S3 iWriurM,, IT
u aniSoritel to recxite AJfrtiienmu /«ir tUt and g
Lnli*9P,»ptnofthalf*Tt\-Wat. jsJ bSWIy IL
.Retail Grocery Store, S
OSers. In ccrueQa-nto of LI health. tT «*'e h's t
The same rs located at one of the be»: oolata in ibe socth [
Dirinoo. dolus a first daaa trade, with prompt parlna \
customers., Any p»rsoa to e. <i|e in ih«- bust- f 3r
net* *IU leldom meet witt as favo-abl« an rtporlu'.ltT. D «i
f.ease adifeu P^-atOffice bcx SQal. with real a»m*. time. nr»
and plseeo' raeetirje. fetOrt/Mlw Ja,
And nowfs the time ts
_ bf
Replenish Your Stocks! ,
CsQ at Q
40 Dearborn-st., 40
TiiisDay, at lO A. IVJ, 7a
• B1
Boa&BOK wnuKrr. J
BRANDY. In quarter and elehth casks, *1
GIN, la pipes and barrels,
Contalnlna the BeaientarT principles of the Game. Ulna- a
trated cuflieross Diagrams. Besent Gomes, and
Original Problems. Prlo- 50 cents. pa
Also, OAT DAWN IN AFRICA; or. Promts of the =
Prctestait Episcopal >n«s'oa at Cape Palsa', West
A'rlea. ByMri.AIiJIAM. BCOI7. Price II.CO.
Sot sale by W. B. SEEN. Eo-tie'ler.
felO No. H3 L'tke street. =
' The co-partnership heretofore exUtlo* bet»eeen
acdenlfned. under tae flfia name or
son was this day dissolved bj motoat coosrot. _
PfTbe undsrsbme-1 wIU continue the Produce Coat
ffii*.janba»lae» it 79 Booth "W*'er«tree\
Febrasry tth. 1559 mu
eI hs*e th** lata puiberiVio under
t&e Arm nimi ct tta*hEUcble A 00, as aianoractortrs
of Ho-d and Candle*, »Uh tie view o r ca on and
exteodlns >*>e bu«i.e.s hi-herto coirloit-d br the said
HubOliehJe. HU«*H RlTC«ip,
Ol)lcic%Feb 3, tSSD. THOS-TtMPLFTTON.
BTHath Ritchie be** to return thanks 11 hii triends
ini tne public Jor thssupoprs ce ras received iiann* 'fce
ieitmno)ea"«- an»* respeo'failr soUc ta on behal or tbe l
etv;;ded tahltcie J here'ofore. «elueWj thr \
sou Yloez«r at s<
63 Washloston it.. PortUn 1 BlocV. »'
VjT both Enxllsh. French and *oerlcao.
68 Ptrtlacd It.ock.
Pruhly ImpoKed at
felO f33S It S3 Washlaston-st. Portland Block. q
BiTraixocs coil is the jii«krt,
Free from Solpher and Slate, carefolty screened before
ddlvtry. o«r jardbelj*coYered, onri'-o»l Is protected
'ram tne effects of Inclement wtalher, and Is slw&js de- 1
livcred drv an-t in kocml condition at i
$4.00 IN YARD 5 $4.50 DELIVERED, ,
To»oy part of the cltv. Anat)Sl« prores tee Sheffield
Ooal superior to all otber Illinois Coal. «ale in sria!l
orlanc»qaanfctiet.attho Coal Yard of theEh'fßel < Mia
in--and >iaaipcmU-n Jo. ILV.B.BAOuaa. a*'*. i
fe9 cIH lm Citric-et.. near Tailor. ,
Ws woold Invite attention to our complete assortment
ef tbouartlcles,eon&sd£sot
pabjna, tea. ;
All of which we can recommend as perfect* pare and
h.9 Homeopathic Phsrmac». Olsrfc-sL i
ranted Pore, and a fanertor Article, bright sod
It ce from odor, for borate* aod labrieattna. at waoles&le
and retail by bIFFO&D, CAMPUELU • Co..
On. MASirrACTcacts.
feSclSltm ISDsarttorp street. C'hlcaao.
Tbe proyqty known as
located Central R*Tro*d Depot In tbe
etr of or Lwalle.I»l"ols, will be offered for sale oa the
i Idtn day ot March. lqoUo veudae, ano will bt asld
i to the hlches; bidder. aaldprcpertTconfUtsor lotaone.
two,three,tbor. flve.theeasione-»h!rdof lot*!*, sndall
i of lots cine. tea. eleven aod iwel?e. of WoUk roar, of
i Jarrs* sd Itlonto the ci'.y of La*tLe. with three larie
ana fixtures ant michnerr f>r Glass.
Th-reJsanatund*nce ofCoaland an excellentqo*ity
of Sand In the Immediate v cmlty or laid wcrkt. Tbe
mlewtil take clacs on the premlssa. Texms wilt be mads
diownonthedar of tale. . • , ,
For particulars address the nadmvaea^
geretary Lamlle Glass «• eon*37-
' J«nn«ryg 1559- fe" cl&l|W
' ll»pe Fire Insurance Company,
\ CHkAswts.... snj,oofc
Hmanois Csr Aczaoam) Ia CBioaoe.
I KtrnoUv Bt * On, Olrira. r«t*o<>4 * 00.
Mallorv A Faraam, Cart A Date*. .
T. G; VAN BCHKN, A^ent,
Sooth last cor. of South Water «d Clartst,
i uolO ly lna
t Printing Offiee for Sale !
I "
We have on band fbr sale tbe materials tor a Complete
r Country Pi Id tins ufllce. eondstlos of a Doable M»ainra
_ Wa*hnxt-n Hani Press: afont or37s»»S<aca Primers
; Brevier; eertral fjnu of dw?ui inter
* for advert sine. Ac.; twentv fasts of Job Type °r rirlonj
r stjlssandslsis:anlmpoilo«Bt' , ne: •oeialr'H<ik»»es;
a dosen pair of iJa*Si-ti*ln* <sa;iejs.
eTcrrifin* eomplfte tor the stirtlo* ot a Cos-try News
-1 Attof w&ieh areneadraew and
p»c*edread/ forshlpm.nt, and wdl be s:ld at a xreat
For further ptrtJenlars Inqalr? at the PRRSI AND
TBLBCNS OOajmNQ-fitOOtf. 41 Clark I tree t. «ter
1 Geo. Cmlta A Co's Bank, Chlcaio. HL
[Opposite the Court Home,!
Sdeipats U th* !T«rtli*est ,f SMawaj SSIBJ
b These Instruments were fint broutht Into public no.
~ Hoe if belnc awarJed tha
18 at the New York Crystal Falaee In 15». by » Jury asm-
D t .. posed ot such men as
Kidh»Tß trer inc. tjktn Iheprrahim lrtcwcrolmid
In competition with tbe sejt pianos made In IJOston,
k fort, and BalUnore. They are
id all to* KAGE IN NEW YORK C
d * and thouah now. fir the first time,« ffered for silo. In Chi
Jt aress
lliattliey SellXliemselves
Mia*taswecanaetthecioa from. New York. Iheb«t
lip ludjes nnhn t " ,H "f l T concede tlut they are unequalled,
in- TERMS GAST-Taicra-6Koctav»a. MS3; W octaves
J. fr25«5»o«»; Toctavrs, £>»
! f ... nijfA STU3: Full Grand from STOO to Sl«oi.U.
*lssT't M 9} QUrk Mreeti CUsasa,
Hest Briillaat Light
Tot discovered. B
*Ta a Band Las?. ''HI hi
GALLON barnlasthrM
boars each dar. lasts
TIUSK MONrfia Stv.
• H.
H*Sa*k««rSMU. i
Mbwaan J
Oi a Large Stock oi
-A.T WISWAIiL'S, 8 ,
133 take Street 133 A j
The Stock coroptTe favorablj tn extent aod qntlU
tr*!ih aay ever offered In tils dty. and extra eJTerti will ble
bemadetoel'ielieatlntfae rest THISTT DATA and 601
to aecomp'hhttUererr article will be Uxpesed of at a w .
GRF. VT 3ACBIII .B. laal «• vtihb< to aaka a
!n thetr Shoe Bills for tb*s rear wffl do veil to lanrove
this ooportanhy, aa B
Sich Ai indiemeit Is Very Scldm Oftrsd.
Call and 70a win be eonvUced t&ai tAese arefacs. 1
M etCT lm (
v V nets or Tla Shop by a yoon* man of praetieal «■
or ai driver or a u«icli for a nrt»«te
OuoU reooamcfidatlons. Address Abeam BUhon at tba _
oflcc. fg9l»* O
tbe it-vice* of an enerxeele bQaloeii man to aol as o«r. Balcsmio,or othervlMk. wiilpleaaeadd/«»4 kj
1L bUKfON. boa 16*U Chicago P. O fc9 tw* w
- j BXE^.—A partner wanted wlih aeaab eaclu) t>
invest In the nanarscnmoc of a New aod viable
PaiesL iat w Ich the'* U alrcaly create') a fertUn aaU so
domes-ic deaisd. For partt'Mzl >n laqairecf <—
TfilPft HALK A CO..
M cl'Jjlw to> Late tret
" ' TheaWertlier will par a l.beral price IN CASH a
for any qua -nti? of ladled aud «enil'mea'i wearins ap- A
p&rd.Ac. Pirt'eswl hlcsU»ie>l wUcleafedrop a note,
pre pain, addressed ** Mr. O.'* box 4US. poat Oflier, anu
watte I ca and treated with In a
ttraUhiorwardaadbosiatvstiktbu* confidential manner, m
Paruet hi eoonlry may »ead tbelr ioooi byeapreas
a.da Uaeto the ar»o»e andr.s. and ibey willrveclroot ml
retura mall the hlahe»t crlje ortbetrafttd»i. 5
M andLadylnaprlTatefamUv.wheretheretreoo
otherboardrra. AJdraM "K6.," baz MM f»ioia>Bt s
; bf ajauns aaaof Practinal Xxpertenee. T
fftcl^3t Xadlsoo. Wis.
The Sobiolber offers for sale a larre assortment of *
JmporUd from ffensany, vis Nlthtinsalte. Canary
Btras. Green finches aad Linnets.
f*Blo* l'l OcathC.atk street.
KING, who left Stckee County. N. C. some SO years -
i;j Ueorbltbeira are entitled to a ofat>oat €
♦WO, _ Addta.a D. H. bTARDCv'K.
jaidlm'Cti Salem. N. C.
Land w^vnted.—tiik uni ehsiankd c
w iheito tell lome Martin ft
Land. JoSEPd PFIIF- a
tcL {'tore Cauer. euu-st.. c«tr R. R. oro«lnc. f«7 tw*
Wanted.-udngarun grass
Seed. farwhlchtbebliChettmarkelprleawlUb* 1
paid Addr-as or apul7 to SAMUtL L. dIRTZ. N<» M
itWitoJpU meet. Cbtcaxo. Jal^lm*
fox Sale.
For sale, Br van inwaoen &. Co.,
Office So. 3. JJolVi BilMbt. CiicMO. 111. -cw
ueibllowlns vessels:
Bahr. ROCKZT. Class A 1. with a Star. iolx
•• .: a* ..
.. eRKTKtGLZ. .. A3... U* ..
NTGlTl>tiM E. .. Al, .40U ..
.. INTSR'SATIONAL .. B 1 ao ..
.. UEEtALDISfi, .. b 1 30) ..
.. PTTk«U .. Bt «» ..
. O'TRICfT. .. A S 3* ..
.. CORttiNTHIAS. .. 81..........
.. Ska ilß'i. .. a a. ..
.. BT..RMRINQ. .. A 1 S1» ..
.. LlVfcioAK, .. B 1 **» ..
.. RB-i'ltt, .. A 1 m ..
Chicago, Febraary 4.1569. . Jail twan
teller GKSCBKR CIIIKF. nowlyfne at FuffaK N.
Y .andibeprot-etler < A I/O' MA. now Ijta* mi Cle*_»-
land Ohio. rffered fur aale ebts% femtbilr eaab,
and balauretoslxand twelee moLths. witn andoabted .
aec-ntr. For price and farther in onnatloa address J
3. U.CaLPWbLL. _ I
feAclSlm AsfQtN. Y. AE.R. 8. Co. Donsir*. N.T. j
Rare chance.—the best meat,
Poultry aod Produce :tan<t la tbe rlty. Pouth Bide,
for d«te. Addreai * J." Draw '£07,
fel 2a«
Docking pkopjsbty to let
Cbeaser than any la lae dty.—l wiUlet tor aloaß
terra of yiiHtiTDo -lcaauiLAbte for Lacsber Yards
oroUier basnees. on tnaSmta ttranon (with Side Tracks
ottbeCli wai l Jo let Rulrotdj and a contract for
brl&dcjtto &id from thetn tie ears of all coonectlns
Riiiro »Ja ia the c ty. Parment f r rents mar b* n*ae
Intamoer. Apply at 55 Wtarfc str.eL
lU7 tm-cltff JOH.I RVANS I
B£R." was built in Cleveand In 18M; leasth.
meaanretneni 29 8t i 6 tons.
For price and trrmjaiipty to LIND A SLATER. Canal.
near Madison atreev jaUia*
Notice. —to draymen and ex- ,
PKKd?MSX.—I bave for sale one Rood Truck
Wmcou and jjarnei«;flTe aood I on Axel Drays and Har
nesses. fhe abnre for tale cheap. Inquire of L. TiF- j
F*NY. at Richmond AOo's. office corner Norm Water i
and Dearborn atreeta. lal4 ba9l fa
Now behut Erected,
On Bnib) near Superior 81^
Andtobe flalahe-t Hay Ist. These booses we 2Sx<6 feet,
three stones, with basement. Mllwaokew brick front
built and 10 be finished in ihe beit manner. Tae lots are
I*7 feet deep to an alley, and will have a sdbdbrick bara
on each. Persons purcnssaig soon can make sneh al
terations aa may be destred. '
Term favorable. Apply to DR. BRAIN ART), tf (Saxfc
street, from 9 to 10 o'clock A. M. lal
on the corner of Wood and Warrea streets In the
» e«t Dlrbton. near Ualon Park, occupied by a. P. Uav*
ward. 7he house Is new, ball! of brick two atorlea, and
atone basemeott«enty-fooroy fifty-three feet, wliha fine
r obaervatcrt; finished In the mort (aahlonable manner
with alt the modern Improvements—marble mantel*
trues. Ac.. Ac.—wna.d be a desirable residence. Tbe
lot la aixiy-«tc by one hundred and twealr-sevea feet,
with a twenty foot alter In tbe retrofit; will pe sold
very che^p—on canal time, or the whole of th • porehaae
money may remain on morUise on it and other property
forrour or fire years, or U wdl be exehansed for on
doubted real sstate Mcuritles. harlns aeveral years to
J run Apply to K. T. B viiKEtt. P. O. Box No 31#. or to
J 0. H. ULttaA IS Dearborn St.—ioo»a H. leteAUm*
\ Malt! Malt!iflalt!
L IO.UUU LK7 MALT, In (tore
e la*k'->io 3m UTEmaieatreeV
SIo Rmt. "
Water atreet. soltable fcr Wholesale Grooers or
Dry Go-xli JopMof tl oees. Ment owdersSek Appiv ta
MAXTHa W LAFJ-Ix 47 A ti Sooth Waters. Ja3S *W
I~i_ a desirable Home with ten rooaa. No. 133 Adams
. BireeiUtjlnandf.imUiire tarsal* The Whoie or any
iartofuiefar.luj*ewUi be aoldat priV4t* sal# as aac
tioa prUej.theo*ner tntendins tJSQeait. 'eS cIS 4-»
on Erie atreeC near Mtr»et. Klsht rooms la each
_ house at SSL per month. Inquire at« Oar* street,
f jeifciaJlm *♦ WARD.
Valuable wharflnq property
to Ren*.
Wharf Lots 27 and 28, in Block 89,
Bchool eectlon. on the eaits-d* of Sondi Branch, be
twem ilinison \ad Van f-u'ea s'jeets. Itoev can be
In r«udfor»s:n*leyeirorat<nn ofyrara laqolreof
® (dim R. Q. '■*fcMßD. Ift Washxagton *.
»; C to
t. Ist or Febrauy nest, we • i h *
5 SfJS * e °° * 113-ui^
U jatS-ln
7 ■ ih* rem-xodio'u otfices on the ft*st and second
f&brln Water and Wells
- itre-ti. Airt, t#o lofU and a fine ooraer baaemnt,
eattabie (br a dining hail For terms apply to the subaat
ber.n«beboi dinx,No.2l3 South *aieratx*«l.
iil3b9a*stn ' R.B. WILLIAMa. .
1 RZNT fbratenn of year*, tha* lanrebulldln* next
of tbe Bevator of Glbbs. t«ri9ko A wt»a tbe flae
Lot on which U alands—belnaSSfeei* more or less, on the
U riverandrunnlnabackto the G. AU. AUached
to tbe tnzltctw »s a ateam enstne room, with an easing
This is a fine loe*tioa for a Floorinc Mill, or tor Msflhani
bSls 3m SU South Water street.
Boatbing 1 _
'T RttOffice.c-"
sw I) «odtady, a front paclor orbed
room at 79 Ml:hlian avenue. «®cww
ft-tcHl lm J. M.QRSRg.
-13 tSemen e«x procure Board and Pteasant Raoma at
No. fl Monroe sixest. AUo. a lew day hardenjean be
IS aaconunodated. jaiaimeU
Boarding.— FrRST class board
anH oleasant roomi either suites or dacia. at Sf
. Sooth CUrastreet. Traaaent Board atresennsWe raisfc
g laram'
vee If sultj of rooms hewfy fitted aa Tlthbpard. on rejh
K deJßte-
SVnction Sales.
We «U1 tell at cor Salesroom
At 9H o'clock, a leaeral aawrtment cf New and Second
Oaorietin* of Parlor Sulla, Mulsli too T«V«i, 8o'&%
Card Tabtea, Maboaaoy ami DUca Wtitm
Rockaa *3. ChamberOetfc B»4s aod*, Wubi amis. Ac.
Jiew Oiroeun* Crockery and Second Han J barrcu.
At 11 o'docx, tn root of officer UO W. bbla. WWt« fiib.
Ba!e withoot reserve.
feltitd Hn>L A aWASKT. Aac'ra.
Oi TbuWaj, Frt. 10 1 ud Friday, Feb. Uth,
Al9)£ o'clock, we vU: sell at oar Balea.-000,
83 .Lake Street 83
A Law Lars© Aaaortmeat of Porcitweand Hoatckeepln*
bood* oo&sl Um o'
. PAJIUiB PURtfITCRB T/te-ft-tetes. m*rfcl->-wn> t*.
blev May and tocklo* • ta«v*o'a cad tabiea.
boo rotate. Ottomans mA-' . .1 Knsdi ma£o<an/ uil
w. uwipai lor iq tela - S j»i>etoth.
bXD SO JM 7Ud!*ITU*l9-jiaha«acy. enameled, ect.
ta*e and w«t» ut chamber »uila; ireoia aal
bediteads: rrsewooa and walnut w«M. obr*
hair and utficr matfresws. comforter*, maraie toj bu«
rea&aaalwasi staa <s plaia d», library clulra
Drama-ROOK ytJRNITGjii —Solid oatc tad watart.
cztaukA rtlotPt tables, coa ra. marfeo top aide- boar ia.
Alao.abeaaUfalaaeotts>eatof SUrer-Plaltd Ware, and
Oil Paimiois.
ttala vlUtofit rescraa.
ftg Auctioneers.
derJcoed have this da* f> raed a co partnership
onderthe avne of KCL& St SWASE Y, t r tlir pur
p aeof cqadß.UuKthotfentrai ao tioa and Commiatiua
Bertnem UOKVIIO Hli L.
Chicago, Jan.55,13W. eAMOifU dWAiJiiY.
omrsßAX. auotxonssbs
Coxnmiflflion. Merchant*.
64; TreAgnrflt* SIREE? 54
WUladTioceoa every deecrlpUoa of aoods coasted
for Auction Balea.
*ojutto bll OaSff] SAM do. swainr
mi. a. lortias. it o. botdw.
(Near tie Fort OfiM.) Cblcwc. TllsoU.
adraae«f oa all kladi of Uerchaa<l!ie. jU
Washington's Bixth. Day!
Xitl«sAl Gtud Cadeti
Will oalabnte the Nattooa Hall*
dub,. ,'wv^/^S
And la the erenin* win tfiro a *
Grand Fill Dress Military i
_iro " iiKll/
At tbelr Hall, ooroer of Uarkel . Mj
aod Baodolph itreeta. /Hf .I, '' |
TUESDAY EVENIira - ; IT, 'T -i
Feb'y 22d f fj : f | | i
To whlah'all MUltanr"*re la- vl ■
▼lied to be Tetent fn V *rl
Boil Pte:bea A. Doaslaa, fo'onrl T *j!or,
HocbWm B. Eirao. Col -oel Davta.
Oea K. S B*l/1, Caot. Wyman.
Geo. Beaoblen, Cast. Faracr.
Oapt. UoArtbar. Cap;. Jaa. dtoiu*
lientenant Oace.
Jaa. D"» Witt, A. 9. Cobb.
X. B. Kaox, B. W. Koaih.
UfuVßobt. Wr taw#!!, Rnbt. Bom,
lieoi J. R. Utydao. Wio. Inula,
Ueatenait J. U. Clr'Hiarae.
relidct37 |
T«ong Mea's Association.
10U>—BaTARD TATtOR. Pnblect:'LlfelntbeNortk''
17th—B. If. «vmPPLK. *»o»>iect:
HU>-H**MAXf MKuVllXs. Pot)]ect: -SouthSeaa."
UKNRY vf B'Ml'jp. Jr.,
jNa tru: aiNa.
lag tectnre O-'inmlttetf,
O. M. OADY, Inatrnctor.
Uemantar? Olaaa. Toeadav. 7 o'clock P. H.
Adraaced Oliai. Prldar. »>i o'clock P. M.
At the Lectare Room In portJaod Block.
o. I2*eeka. ialMm-<J4
PkJnGray Pox Robe, lloed wtthredand b'ark oa
nred woolto cloth, and tomere • with red *q<l slack. Tf.<#
Rjb* h id only one Ull faateoel to it—tnree havina htea
torn off. Itvtl «t-)icaorl *i frommy »lrUh oi Ind'ana
street, oa Bon?ar. F b. 6th. Tua flader »lilbeiait«bty
rewarded b* rrtamloa tt to me. person# are hrreoy
caotioo'd Dorohaalni a robe of thia <1 •Ttutl a.
particular Notices.
bavisc nude airanicraenfe In New Tor*. Pbila
dalohla and lor the Neir tiatlon of Loam oa
R»al bute. Sale or a ockf. Booda. ke »11l recelre ap
plication* at nla otßc-. *o. SMaUt>ew'a corner
of > i taieaDdW«aMngtoQ itxeet, Short well aecured bua
paper neaotla>«d. .
QtflceaOttia from 11 to 1 o'clock. fet> cll*3 Sw_
Valuable eastern proper y 10
Ktowo aattie AJOito-7 Cairwt Hill Pro ert*. tr* Ciatr,
' moot. t»ew bami abtre The above oonilua of a *aloaile
' wsier-powar. 4)4 or land, w.tb an lam-n»e •audio*
-S3o feet loo* o» 150*«de—aoa a tho-oa*lVy laUidam.
co*tla« the 01 Inoal pfOpHetorane rlyiauwO Tbesuo.
i icrlher cow offrra ihiaTalaab eyrope.ty in exch*o*e for
Pr. dcictire Wratern Property or .Merchantflae at n»ir
i itiortaloalcflfk, Toaoy peraon derrooa of eichanatc*
» veatcra f- r Karera ftbperty tbla pre-enta aa «p,orta«
nit aridom met with. _
t faS 3w* BrioU Hocv Co.
' chaard the Intereat of John J- Ion!* in the boase
of Uoekee. Inula A Co.. and wUI c->n Inae tbe, »b»"-
aale Dm. bntlnea* aa before ai the old»ta_d.No. -5 Maui
- Water eueet, aidrrtheatyleof 800-ee. PhtlUp# A to.
CLlcaao. Peb, 1, 'M J atl IB UOTtKR.
r wacaao,jei».i, BP. -fouj, R peiLUPS*
feMOt cm QKJ. w StoMfKSaCROH._
• Dearborn Seminary
L UM for YoUM L«lle. will tx*lo on MoniUj. Uio HUI
= cireaUn tub« .bulu«l b» MJimilm th« Prlndpil.
r VgRQVkR. Prtndpal.
i nno exchange fob faiiuing lands,
I Merchaad or City Prop rtnaboo* •lO.iXP worth
or7«wab7. Gold Pens, PancliJ, Ao. AddreuiTJ. W.
* BoatlK Chlcaio P. O. iyl»b9W lm _
' (i 1 \fifl WORTH OF MERCHAN
i 2bOvf»* "" r\J DIBR wanted In exchaoit®
* forßoaoi aadUottcaiM on Kajtern City Property, and
I Frat Mortcace 1 per eent. Bond*. Nona bat
J prtnOp.le treated with. Addreai. with omo anddii
k rfcvoaot Qo(xU. J.Z.0.; box 31M. Cn.c^n.
IVI Al Ten per CesL per Annum.
roa riTB TUBS.
s CUyfSeal Eitata and
nmnlßß from One to T«tlve Montha.
B B. T. DOWNINGACO..S7 Gark-it.
5 d? 1 nni 1 * AT TES PER CEST.-A
► CfrlavFvJ*" party w »hea tae t»a«U a <«ial) tot
at alow price on fk!rteroia> aod loan the tmrcbaa;r *t,WO
or oiwarda. at ten per c«nt on other tecorliy, one or
7 two years. Application to be made to mo p;ra«oally or
■ h< iMitf J* L* LK*.
d jfia At Wadrrorth A Oo'a.« Clark at. boa 3K73, P. 0
1 A oi sow roßi.
M Drafla, Aeeeotancea and Notea paid tn Mew York on
f> UMdar of mataiity, orlaaaday of pace, and noney oe-
tor aceooat \n the city of tlew York and te&v to
rt titles In the TidiUy of Mew Yor* oaTeiejpaptiio Oruera,
JO |>a |,ap Imi
LYL Ta» 3bxtmm Tnat Dewta. Booda.
Boaioeaa Note% and aU r>od necotlablr •ecoil
tla* bowht and seU. Oertiflaatceof Dtooatiand Ohectai
m of ilk. SwUt, Brother A Johnaton, purch«ed tor caah
- Dwera
dw andTowalaoda, Improved fains, aaborban lota ana
OUT Rua Uulfie No. I. Utcond »«>« "SffiSS -
WnMocfcoomorot lUndolthm »Jg"^gg'Kwf >
:o t> to Inform bla oaomjoa Wen »a and patrooa th^
he haa !oa< re-nrtted from a t or In
™ it* I_q v4ait«(i of the orlnopal i»oa"ital* n r *
" asaasgss
- *• tsm raoreJ to oar now irnn!**
>D 28 Lake Street S8
Wm tacn aaed room and lnoroved fkdll iea w*
m to ahow oar old frletub an > ail ia
~ yyhZTthe taraeat aaa mo<t oonjlete rtock of