Special Notices.^ The Dr. HoMct" ru'< celefcrated and uailralltft STOMACH BITTIKS, fromthe ooncloMvelj ltj rainlfeft mptrioritf otct any other Wfc» pacatlonof the kind n«jr manufactured. It) aetfrn tm the *reQc :nt, Indetd: Mmeofthe inondlr®. ful casta that bare ererbeeo under medical ircalatnt have be n entirely cored by tbk *reat As a tonic, Uostetter's Bitters are most dtHshtftf, before meals. For s»le by Drogjbts and dealers generally everywhere. iaSl-Swdiw - , ThoMwho are carious to wUaw-ifce •eadertnlperfeetiooio vhldiA. OkswaldtfleW saas eer at H. T.) has feroucbt the tmnufaotare of Ales aftdToapMa,«reuTilei to vfefc afc wis and their Djteeßooae, et Ho. 6 TremoEl BleeKtid exanune Hewcnrloasprodaetiooso; vt. HosenUarcao detect Che artificial Irvm the attanl Wfeen--Adituted to the *«»*• doaly sanver>« VlnU J:iru-*ct »n raM4,«rfih»jr„ I!r is jurat .ndjhc •M foTO'OfßimoM Vixim*. 'ntermHieLt. ItiMltrat. OhlU Pw»*and ha?** their orisin In ma.a. b B . TOTftrtHi aßd nifcthy districts, prepared by Dr. 8.8. Sawyer, Drwist and Chemist, andiold by Sawyer. Paiae k 00,, No. sttaet, Ohieaco. This remedy U prepared entirety rom Aancos.and colUjos no mercury, arsenic. or anythln* hit can prote Injurious to the system. Its effects-are (hose of a deobstreentand tonic, well a-apted to restore . the healthy action of the Llrer and Stotaarh. whose tactions are so «ecer«Uy larared lathto class or dk-' eases. ' - • Quinine and otnei' tcalcs serve only In w»ny cases to »re*k the chills, bat do not remove the disease of the J i»er and other organs Umnllcaicd. on which tbe chill tnd Fever dtper-d; he:;ce.iht uefalneasof th« "Fluid J **ra«of Bare" (partlcolarly in rations where Phyrf. I dans cannot be readily consulted), which contains all Ue qualities soiled to the Indications of these maladies. Hundreds of testimonials In re*ardtothe efflcacy of r»e aedtei&e from pernon* of respectability, hare been ' rfreo to the prarrteter-bnt te does not make ueof them uhsprcfciiU. h&v* tbo medicine Introduce lutlf 1 e? curtly by Itsnetits j" !tottce«-~The undersigned, Stockhol* Jars In the Merchant's bank of Macon Georgia, are by the provisions or Its Charter, raade prrsanablytiabie for 1 Its issues. Theaotesofthisßankwfllbatakeabyuson do 90«U oo the same tems a* Kentucky, Indiana and J H. A. TPOKER A j . Ccatljcv anil jEMngsT - 1 Hayden, Kay & Co^ fi 3B RANDOLPH STREET 238 CHICAGU Mano'actnrers. Importers and toilers in Saddlery Hardware, ; BENT stock, ' OOACH THUtai WOB> I SPBLNGS, AXIiLS. YARXISHES, WEBBINGS, HORSE COLL VRS, &c* J P. HAijjEN, New York. I I F. WILSON, Cincinnati. I ' WILLIAI.I Y. KAY, Chicago, ID, ItIBNEB * SIDWAY, §SSL. ° " UmntKUtrtn * Wholnal, I t enln I 11 ••ddlm, Sridlo*, Oollais, Oi; Baddl.», BBIDLE FBOHTS •! fU "OBUn, , OFFICE AND BALEB-ROOMB} U Over Harden. Kay k Oo*a Saddler? Hardware Store. aiUoafi6»4y llrdjUccts. E. BOHLIMO- o! A ROHITECr—Nod. 44 .t 4C LASALLE - ( PYf! r k lielpcke'i Baik. ii or e- / SDedicailuDi for all kinds of V U .?.^ refers to many of the best v,w ?.V O-b ] Ul 1 l>a-iLc an! privste~as evl- I aad o r, er» introned to him will ( be executed in the mjat sstlsfactory mani r. I*B b953 ly I O. L. WHEELOCK, AND SUPERINTENDENT, Office No. 77 Dearborn. Block, I R Opposite the Post Offlc*. Clilc wo. polßb4i6 I W w * fiOTINBTOn. g &ECHITECT AND SCPIdUHTKKDKfiTi m Qveful and minute ttoecl&eaUons, and UIUABLI DfTAILED rSTIMATU S Hadetrom Drawinm. PostOi. te I OLopgrtiicrsliips, &t. £ Dissolution ok co partnership, kx Tbepirtnershlp heretofore »xl«ln* betweea the 1 u« resale Liquor'•uatoeu. ta hereby Iby olwoived »>r u»uUi«' «3D»eut Vie UebU of tbe late firm I «' d-maods owlns to the J.fl-nlth. I ho OhiMum, j»n. 13, 1859. jqhs Rftlini. uri JMI-lm* H. J. SMITH. au DISSOLUTI JK-THE 0 > PAKTNEE 5S ■U pof Ejc'.ey. tffirsi* li t ,i* Jn'roF'«-ml-.tJo* J« o»:a it. fcCKLtv, '♦ «JEO. A. V>'UStl, mb U. 11. «.vid J. Mi'lmrj and Vil.i.m IL KreUiiu-r uiider iTI. oiMolveabrmatuauj.mßttiitot.pafUei.and ail bislae* » 1%" •° u Vvi i °'jMr;!!iS?, J - m DwU bt -t lb. ol.Uut,') br ti)ooi> & vJIoaL S I IHE.\P"COAL.-WE AHE SELLING aT h \J cur Yard, OORIfBR OF TAYLOR AND CLAEK STi. Ooalwe'lscrreoed. HI I. for $1 00 Per Tan, or $1 £0 Delivered, ® Hote.teeae-s, MacilnesUandot'ierscan contr*ci for seven <-n better terns thin above. Our C object is toput tl tn tne reach of every consumer to try I ?> f .'-T^V d n . e " *e wro t .os.- supyly tbe W a>ar*»t «t 13 2 otbriri. eci ° tjef * ore tx.ect to sell Uisaur tl.an * lirl °'' No ' l3 Lu " k ™ LAW k BTBOTHHL Coal! Coal!! 10fin tons ormsby coal.—this t Wl'LaSfr In "" " Mrket for I 300 tons Prepvtd Aathracite (Broad Top.) g 3JO tons lump Shamokin. I q v ALFRED SMITH k 00. g tWQrder, opoasi^iU. CniTal R. F. * w. D. BERRra. * 8. E. comer Clarit 4 Raodo nh str. 8 „ , MORFOKD dROP., a J Iron I3u\idina:, Chitta«o. J 0 Tilt ftabseria er has row 1q stock tIN PLATE. ROOFING TM. hLCCK TIN'. c ZIN 0 Sll iCTa 4 8l4B?, fill KLTIROIV, I S GILVANIZCDIRON, BRAZIEWB k gnEETEINO COPPFR, TiK&tRR* TOOL-®, and META.LS GKNEItALLV, n Ap_of which Is offered at the Lowest Market Pries for THOMAS 3. DIOffERSOW. 15,000 Bundl-s Wire Feaciug. u We are prepared t> make contracts with Dealers for first 1 qu ! lal3 e 1 dlmtwgir. H .rch'« Iron BaiMms. Ob-ca«. I btmi •no IJUILDEas, OWNE'.W & KOOFICItS 3 Tbe subscriber la prepared to furnish, in (arte or I •uanties. k OOV. maau ttoe Corrugated Roofing. Sr »° exterisljciy tn uae. eioels til other l ■MUlle rabstaooes for Roofiv. beln< more durable. I »» abatper. Ore aud water proot and lasttnc as ths OKt | gf A.Speciaen.aswe'laspianvof thevariouimethods of I Ofls aauincit ou. can be soeu by canine at the office of tb* fbmaix losuraooe Oorapaay. W ftooth Water «tr«et. Qhloaso ao» Mtaiy a. kdwaRDR. *»fnt KIIBBANKs' ~~ Jlj" BOAI. BS . /V' ' l| rUKIISKS fc 2* .. . ® Uti street Oblcawo • to* noll-ly bSffi i . . ' riEOES BATINBTI'B JDST RE 5< y vV/ celved and tnr sale by FIELD. BENEDICT A CO.. ~ W txir. ot State and Water st«. » /ZLOLD MIXED ASD pointed SATI- VJ NRTijuit received and forsale by •)/ YIELD. BENEDICT k CO~ Oor. Bute and WaMr ita. grtotttg iilatfyineg. s 1 rr a en, ' a Family Sewing Machines, tli e \ v Comblnin* the It -XAT6ST IMPROVEMENTS " V S., BEDTTCBD PRICES. at. —■ 0 *^ O M4cWnM MANUFACTURING BOOTS AND «UnUrot?b*ed! 18 oI CTCT7deßcrl P tJoa Call at 167 Bandolph Street, Before you porcbaae any other Upd- Jall-lm-b9r3 ■ $30.00 Premiums and Diplomas. THE FIRST PREMIUM AND DIPLOMA was awarded to the Boudoir Sewing Machine, TTT. , PATtKT.) r A*?s w^s^ Q 8 l «'-/*lr.Oct. *nj kind of work dene til !7 w»W"«T. l «oeaBlM our*. Hamples of work sent by mnll upon receipt of a stamp. Machines seat to persom who nererstw thenvaed art nsed saecessrully after a few of honii oractloc..Fay printed Instructions (dven. Enter- • urislngmeo. with a few handred dollars to parchase stock. aay now secure tncrsllvsexcicslTeairenaesln any of the V, this Bute or Mosenther* need Ch«s. E. WlstraU h. OOENILU Cf . 'et-lv-vKH 6or 8.W3 f7lilp«o. I], W1 Stationcri), &i. Awarded tlie 2" •2 >3 t*S .]i bv if® | » | ALSO 03ST HAUD ; SS! LainaiiiU. :e»Ung Wax, J'" <&ad Bozei, Steel f tM| Letter Stamp. Uii Peacllj, WCI ffafar Cup., Eaaktrt' Cue., trj Oert EnWa. Utter Bono, ( talen, Pea Holden, ale Writing Pun Honey Book*, °- u teaor», Pen Rscta. av ' Paper Weigh u ftrme, ,uj Sold Pern, luill PeM, tb» Utter Clip. Omk Pencil., ihe IhBUT, Ca«h Bozea, «■'' Port Folios Slotting Paper, Spring Filei, tray f' 1 " Twine Baxet, Quilli, [f j] envelope Pipei. OaeUe Budi, India Ssbber. Calenomn, " Waftn, Ivory Folden. voi Letter Scale. Piper Filea opt (nnioe File. Book Beitx, ■noIW Bum EekeU, Cl Voctenhola'i Cutlery. Red (ipoollTepe, ™ Commercial Printing, OOSBUTOII OP CARDS, BILL HElltS, USCIMM, U, an * uoupru IXICDTn) AT i 1 Btatton«.e Rail) uulJ nosa bat - . n bkeftnaL ber ■■ Ftn STATIONERS. pat JONES, PEEDCE k SHALL, Wbo'nale aad SetaU Dealers In cr " you Statloutry and Blank tivoks In all IU nrltO 008 FiCILITIIH FOB DOUG Ruling, Binding and Printing p<4 Are nnseiMsaed tatn« VmL Ji WCAIL ASD ( UY aud Km,*™ ©ostcrs. ke - ver, OYSTERS-OYSTERS— OYSTER& " HATCH. MANN * 001 enrivaUed OUt fresh Baltimore Oysters ieoet»*d daily, by +k q borcw only. «i*Mt froa | be bone In Baitfaaore. Md,, aad for sale tiV JVV uOQ (bMr depot. No. 19 North Water street. OhlrKO. 4. The ot noat care and atuotloa belnc paid to tbe pre' . , oarlnc of these Oysters thev have attslnod a reputation lU'J onequalled by all others. •AU ordm will receive prwnnl m« BeMlon. Ad.M» J. K. m J ; PoKOßciboiSSn. C'JC K. R—TnUests'ilishosnt will bt permanent. 500 HF. CHESTS YOONG HYSON, GtJN-POWDER. IMPKEtAL ASO BUCK TSA2. her Of late ixaporiaUons for sale at low priest and on liberal " Rirafipa. klt a 00. wi „ "VTEW HAISINS. 2OO BXS., 150 HF '''i i3i bz&. Mrw Raisins jet raccdred and for sale by nm EKTWOLDft.P.Ta 00. V I r:( \ HHDS. NEW N. O. SUGARS, Ivv now lasdl&c. aadfbrnle «t anvoso rum. vi HgyrtdLpa. klit k 00. nis •>t W l POCKETS 0 G. JAVA COFFEE, £ ' ISO b«a prist Isnm Ooßee far sals br ; . - RETWnLD . «;▼ »OO OUT Kf \(\ BXS. SCALED AKD'NO.jI HX&- •J % /Vttei.iMtr«MlTsdbrv- ' REYNOLDS, ELY A 00. bro rf\ TCS NEW RICE FOR SALE BV •It t ocab*S7 RKYNQLDK »-XY k 00. , 'J{)l \ HHDS. SUGAB NOW ABEITING and for salt 'ow by /•„ UTHOLDB. ILI k 00. ln & a PRESS AND TRIBUNE* raxunis ....-i Dmlljr, Trl-WMkl7 *>>< l VhU; OBm U CUrk itmt-Om C«o. iaith't £DIIX)BS JUTD PUBLISHERS; John x» scßrpra, c. 11. bat, "; WK. BROSB, JO6EPH COVTLKi. TneftksPTMiuiTribas. nJnl* J® h' carrier, per year 98.00 j go : - :::::::: B.S m , Wpldm... 400 m sS copies to one address. io*oo . . copies to one address. .30.00 %o Anaonefreeeotij to(fetto-op ofciub of twenty. • 'Oj . will be no deviation from these rates. Monwin recuiered letters may be sent at at oo ms. Adoress PRESS AND TRIBUNE. ' Chicago, Illinois. . THE FBESSIHD r»IBDNS>9 Great Jub Priming establishment JD Xg the arrest and finest establishment of the kind in the West. It has more Steam Press a and Machinery; more Frintlnc Materials and more Skillful Workmen than any - other Job Printin* House West of New York. The proprietors are prepared to execsta, on short no* 'A Uce, every variety of BOOR JOB LETTER PRESS 5 and FANOT PRINTING In the BES7 MAJiNEB I at tie LOWEST LrVING PBICES. _ Particular attention dven to tbe prtntini of 3 BmiiiMi Cards, Fostar*, I 5 Viiiting Cards, Programmat, Ball Ticketi, Paaphlett, I J letter Heads, Circular!, I Bill Heads, Checks, I ' By-Law., Eluik Hon., ~ . EweipH, Labeli. I ' m PBIBTIBO IB OOLORB , In done In bcMtiM «,l e uid u voter. ate rates. I 5 An examination of SPECIMENS and PRICES la spcctfully invited. I BTOrden from the Country promptly filled, and sent I f. ho&ie by bprea • I of I n * Bnow. * j ST LCCV Utcov. I Lisht, and stll', and sofr, I 3 T »i y,alt l ea ''s rfl , lko comes iown, I w DimmlnjtheairaloiL I [T -.'jMkl'rtbeoikbcles brown; I 4 LUht as the foil of years I * T.'JP'hMid crown white in peace; * "jhtM the breaih of tbe an«l Death. Ie When he whlspereth of relta»e. I >7 v hite, and calm, and cold. I il- Under ajunirteky I Ghwrr* with red, arial mid. I i® _ The nnttsined snow-drifts iie. I Calm as the pulseless dead I * nlc- e. cold and white. I With akuillnc glow on each m.rble brow— I Aslotroflcvd and light. I 5 Pure, and soft, and still. I Driftl: k down to ihe sea, I Me t the ..f .he peailwhltehlll I Inio fi.ently. -1 Blue are fie depths above, 1 '» D/ep sthebusbel w. tthhefromthebaygld'iasallaway— I And a soul passed, white aj snow. I THE H ANGING GUEST. A RUSSIAN EXOEV. I. It is a grand discovery of our day, and one I that furnished tbe material for many a I a distingni&hed autbot'd renown, that nothing I i- in the world is more interesting, admirable, I ' , dignified, and edifying, than ihe life or a - respectable robber. The jail is your only I' : real palace of romance ; blood is the lemon- I ' ade of modern literature. We Russians most I ' not stay behind the age, we also have onr I 1 I tales 01 robbers, it we would not appear in 1 - ibe eyes of all civilized Europe as a people ! utterly dtvoid of all cultu *e and and taste. I For the honor or our country, therefore, I i will for once constrain myself to conform to I 1 the fashion of tbe day $ but on condition I , that it fiball be for the first and last time in M my life, and tbut no one shall a Feeood time I ■ } demand snch a Ricrafice of ine. I will relate I < j a simple anecdote, which I bad from persona I | of undoubted veracity, and who, moreover,] had an excellaat nack of telling a story. It I 3 . is one that made a deep impression upon me, I as an instance of the marvelous ways of Di- I viae justice. I 2 Two versls from—— I 1 Oae condition more. You must allow mo I to promise that my robber is none of your I virtuous sort. I tell my tale only for the 1 amusement of my readers, perhaps, also for their instruction, but by no meaos for the I purpose of acquiring for myself tbe repuLa- j tion of a philosopher of the youogHihool of { literature ; moreover I rather pride myself I a on not being able to comprehend their phil- I osopby. I 0 Two versts from W a. upon an emi- I r ncnce between a wood, a morass and a river. 1 p at some distance from the high road, stands ft I 11 wooden country bouse,with a green and an tiquated roof. Here usually throughout the I K Rinuner, and, sometimes, too, in autumo, re- | l ' sides Gaurilu 31ichailowiteh P., a retired I a captaio, and at present district-justice, a I ? very worthy man as are all district-justices iu 1? the \Y a department. I Early one Sunday morniug, iu tbe month of August, his worship Gaurila Mich- I ailowuch, with his honored ladv, Praskovya I 11 Yegorovua, Eet ofT for the city, in a britschki to transact sundry urgeat matters of business ~ —viz., to go to church, to drink witn his rev- r* erence aod protopope, 10 eat and be convival I with the district attorney, to hear the town I news lrom the commandant's lady, to read I the St. Petersburg papers at the district P" treasurer's aod to play bostou at tbe gover- I es nor's. Scarcely bad the master atid mistress I P driven front tbe dcor, when all ihe servantn I , followed theiresample,aud quitted the hou>e. I Ia Tbe Imttler w» nt to see bis cousin in thevil. I lage ; tie cook betook himself to the publio- I . m bouie to drink brandy ; the cookmnid to tbe I nt river to catch crawfish ; Procber and D&ria I weut nutting iu the wood ; Vaska aud Nas- I uslia sirayed to the heath to gather cranber I 111 rief, Ac.; Duoa alouc remained in the bourc. I Dana, the pearl of the whole W a de- I parrment, lair as a lily, fresh as a roe?, grace- I er lul as a cedar, a sprightly vinous damsel: I by her calling a housemaid ;by her natural I , ?ood qualiiie.-, tbe tavorite ot her mistress, J tbe gruud object of the frequent visits of the I master of tbe bouse to the womeu's apart- | ments, tbe victim of au inordinate propeusitj I w ' ol the district clerks for kisuug, tbe goddess I for wbosc sake the governor's valet—who. j c> '. like herself had Ijeetv up iu the great j w ' wotld in the Ne\>ka Perspective—neglected j tbe.oplisbiDgofhia master's to the I gjeai scindal and indignation of tbe whole j ' provincial aJmioistration ; none but he could or appreciate her feeling* ; none but she could 0T duly estimate tbe grace of his deportment, I They mutually adored each other, us ouly bears can adose that have taken tire by tbe I Kasan Bridge in St. Petersburg, aod they I were as happy as nonecan bebut in thecoun- I try. co Girls shut up in a house by themselves are I K> alwajsatraid oftheives* Duna, therefore I 611 caretulljr fastened tho outer door?, and to avoid thinking of tbeive?, she went (o look I UD at herself in the glass while she waited for j a 0 the valet whom sbe had given to understand I her master and mistress were to spend I &Q ihe whole day in tbe town. In the pleasant- I fol est possible mood, Duna arranged her curls, I setberneckercbiet in order, tightened her do girdle, and hummed a tune, when sudden- ** ♦y there was a gentle tap at the door. ''That c " is he I" and like an arrow she flew and open- I ed it to let him in. "Ah !it i* not be!" I "I am your man, ? ' replied a deep husky voice, as there cautiously eutered through tbe open door a big built fellow, in a tattered al * frieze cloak aud faded cap, with a swarthy face much in want of the barber's office, I 4 terrible foxy moustaches, and a du?ky red I me nose, and a scarlet forehead, blue lips, and I bloodihristv eyes ; the very type ol tbe chair- I man ufa city pot house, or oueof tboee dia- . * abolical figures that are only to be seen in I Salvator Rosa's paintings. -« I The astonished Dnna recoiled some steps, I ~r' and repeats Hith a sigh from the bottom of I ber stranger bad stepped in, and with the utmost I? 0 ' cooloess clost d the door again, locked it. and j * D! put the key in bis pocket. I bej •'What do you want? Who are youP I 83 cried Duna. ,4 Whydoyou put the key in I your pocket?" I "Don't be alarmed, my little dear," he said —• smil ng. *'l am come to pay you a visit. I Tbe time must have hung beavy on your -1 hands, all alone here." I W *' Not at all. But what do yon meau by I O pocketing tbe key?" I jJj Instead of answering, he went up to her, j «£S aud patted her on tbe cheek. She sprang j *rom him. | ••Why do you lock that door ? Give me tbe A key,or I wilt cry out." j "That will do yon no good. Ikuowlthai very well there is no one in the house." I " A pretty thing indeed! Gome in, with- 1 De* out your leave, or by your leave, aad lock I the door as if \ou were in your owu. j Ji house 1" I 44 1 alwajs lock the door when I have the j lui to be alone with eo pretty a girl as you, j h,V my aogel!" And once more be palled her | cheek with bis coarse, dirty hand. 'lhe angry I £4 Duna retreated iu o a corner. j >*& "But who are you?" It is very unhand- I some, so it is, to make fun of a girl, and tease ) her so without any acquaintance." I " I never visit acquaintances," he replied, I with an altered look, and a tone that froze I tbe poor girl's blood. j " In every antichamher and chancery office, j Duua bore the reputation oi a girl of spirit. I She was no easy conquest. Maoy a presump tuuus clerk had lelt tbe priut ot her nails fa I »-p his face, to that decree that h»; was not likelv L to forget it, though be should live to be a I master in chancery. Dona, in fact, did bon- JSti our to tbe virtue ot St. Petersburg. But a "2 bashlul provincial chancery clerk, with his 83 inky fingers, is a trifle to a girl who has been brought up in the best milliner's thdp in the ; (-j Nevska Perspective ;an uathavid, broad gtra shouldered ugly vagabond, in a frieze cloak, pZ with red moustaches and a violet nose, is I~t quite a different sort of thing, and enough to w«S lrighten anybody. Duna began to cry. m Xifcitoii. „ . statloo," said, with a emile, and looking ; ,^erl 7 iaioh er blue eyes; but the smile on nw lace reeemblt d tbe ghastly glimmering of the moon upon the foal waters of the morass. . This is the approved style in robber-talea, to . . - there .vr&sno joke in the matter j af« tcr Jtich a phrase all eorts Of horrors may be expected. Dona was terrified (not at tbe ill, phrase, but at tbe smile), acd aculd tremour • ran through her frame; but sseing tJjat her visitor was matijg sport of tcr uneasiness, she rallied herself a little, and cried out bur riedly, but with a tremulousvoice, f flu l 4 u A rob j.ro Fyh ? what a horrid J-g " oan to his calling. I had another i.'oo tioce; but now, I say, my pretty lass, give MS 016 eomethi °g to eat. I have not put a bit in o!oo py mouth theft three days. We will break o.oo fast together, and then—" "Don't cry. my little duck! I won't do kOb you any harm," be said, in a softer tone, aa be drew near her. .Now, this softer tone alarmed her even more, and she involuntarily • j stretched out her arms to keep him ofE ""Whoare you, I say!" she cried, in de nt spuiij hflt with'an assumption of courage, J™-* was gradually extinguished by her gushing tears. " You shall tell me on ore J the spot who you are." soy I "Who lam?'' - " Tc?, who are you !" Tonr calliog ! your no. I name!" ;SJ I "I am a thief. 1 ' ' With a sudden gesture he threw his arm round Tier peck to kiss her. The sight or his ■ I bristly chin and formidable moustaches I charging eo fiercely upon her, the sight or "I b » PBly red nose tbat nearly touched her I theek, pat her ia a downright passion; aod I with the str-ngih that makes heroes of us in I moments of extreme peril, she pushed the au dacious lellow back. T " Hauls off, ir you please, Mr. Bobber! I 1 d thank you not to frighten me lor nothing. I I know what you are come for." , " Y °, a know, do you? Well, what is it, | then : * , " uh '.I blow very well; Lut allow me to tell you it Is a very great shame. I will have re. you up for it Give me back the key this mo- I ment, and be off." "Some breakfast," growled the stranger _■ I have no breakfast for yon; there is nothing to eat in the whole house. Go break fast in the public house, if you have a mind, uy Jthe same token you smell of brandy enough to knock one backwards: I dire say yon have made a veiy good breakfist al- I ready." I 4.*' , Dothing to eat ?" he muttered, knit- I ting his brow, and bending a piercing glance on the girl as he put bis right hand down to- I wards bis boot. "Do you Bee this?" said be showing her a broad-bladed knife with small I black speckle?, traces of recently shed blood he bad somewhere hastily wiped ofT on the gr&ss. " I have no time to joke wiih you." 1 Poor Duna started with open eyes, and I eeemed petrified by his basilisk glances. I « Breakfast!" be shouted. I "Immediately!" " Be quick j I have no time to lo'*c." J " Take whatever you please; there is I roast meat of yesterday in tbe cupb:ard, and I some brandy." I " Show me into the parlor put cverythiug I.you havo got on the table, and stir yourself." I Pile and bewildered, the tottered to the e cupboard in the ante chamb jr. He stuck tbe a knife m bis boot, and followed her step by _ I Bread, brandy, salt, butter, cheese, and . I coW rO; J St veal, were placed on the same table a where the proprietors of the house bad re _ I cently breakfasted, before setting off lor the . town. He seated himself, seized Duna'd arm. t I and forced her down beside him. "Well 1 r say," said he, bolting tbe fat veul with rave a uous voracity, and squinting sideways at bis e JompauKm, " I gave you a jelly start, didn't [ " J bdjeve you did! I wonder who would j I not.be frightened so?" i I " You did wrong to 6taod out against me. j you had done what I wanted at once I Your health. DiiLk a little drop to keep m* ' , I company." 3 I 'I never touch brandy." "That's a pity; it's capital braudv. What's [ I your name ?" I " Catharine Nicola." [ I "that's a lie," he said, with bis mouth full, J and scowliog on her j" I know your name is 1 I Avcdotya Yeremeyevna." , I " Then why do you ask, if you know!"' . "To try your candor. Capital brandy, to ! , j be sure; is there auy more of it!" I " There's another bottle in the cupboard." . I ''Have the goodness to bring it here." : I " There it is." | " Ttankyou. By your leave I'll give you , i- I a kiss for it." w % ; I Duaa no longer dared to resist; she sub ] muted with tbe best grace she could to the r I rude kiss, contenting herself with wiping the I place wbere his sbarp beard bad scratched v 1 her scft skin till it almost bled. u To let you see that lamup to a thing or u two," he went on, after be had gulped his a I third glass of brandy, " I will wll you, that " I a cleik brought your master 1,50U roubles o I yesterday from Ivanovitcb F., whose caw way brought last week before the district court ti I Is not that true!" u I t4 May be so " £ I " Well, where docs your master keen his 2 i money T' i I " Really Ido not know." £ I *' Gut I do; We will goon find iL Avdotya > jsieremeyevna, my pet, my darlinir!" Si I " What is your pleasure!" a I "I wish my love you would be sociable." Poor Duna was lorced to make a thow of being fociable, The guest was in the Uappi- g est humor; be laughed and joked with her. I Dana gradually forgot her terror*, grew ? I bolder, defended herself becomingly, nay o I laughed aioud, and endeavored to disguise = | her intense anxiety under a show of cheerful- I nes? - , while in secret she prayed fervently to | heaven tbat the red-nosed guest might soon I eat nnddrink.his fill, and take bis leave, and 1 I the incomparable Ivan might soon arrive to I indemnify her sensitive heart for this fearful I torment. X I Alas 1 Ivan, who had got leave of tbe Gov- oi I ernor lelttbe town, and, sped with basty step? | and with a heart brimful of tenderness and I hope, to meet her. He walkid not, be flew. j Cupid bad fastened his own winj;s to his i I bouts. He fl-sw like an arrow. But on his *ay lay a brandy-shop; there is no rood i I mthout tbem. He would have flown bv it • j •'Ut m tbe lirandy-shop were his aciniaiutan- ( I civ, his beloved friends- lie made a halt m I with tbem for a moment.only a moment, and 5 I got tipsy with tbem. It happened quite Hi I bis will; be was even iu despair at n to-morrow.] J_ Silver-Plated Goods. SILVER PLATED CASTORS IS GREAT yj Swioag, Forks Tea-Kta, OobteU, 4c.* I A UXS Preacli China Ensorlnm. 103 Like street, bstweea Oark and Peartoorn. j«^o-ty»c3< Country Merchants t!: ABE INTITEu TO EXAMINE OUR I STW mck of Crockery and G'ass-ware before mi&lncihelr parebasers elsewhere, with tbe asnranra that oar beet endeavors will be mide to makeit for their advaataceW) porcbaae stock att'e China Emporkxi of A. JAKoEd A I> *^ born ' ja3o-lvc34 P New and Attractive Goods. A 'vl \\7E RESPECTFULLY I.VViTS THE > . » V attestion of the ladles of Chlcaco. and thepnbUc corifc-fa andooaxpete stock of fine freoch " ®SS 001 ®°bemlan ©l*ss W»re. Orockery Were. r»r Br.tanU Ware. Ac .as we are satisfied tae eoality Ff *°d low t rices of our nods are sash as u» idve the bett 1 « oL » ke rt«et bf. twecn dark aod Pearb >m r'| Fine China. f FIJTK DECORATED XD RICHLY GILD. I™'" ed Dinner 8-t*. - Foe deccraied and richly elided Tea Seta. tbi" BMol'fjldcpomrf V.wi Motw°Oa3? < Oo'lo r )ei, Tete Ho • B«k«u ic.. or.Ycrrd^ctlitloS.Vjd "wtV-S.*"" 0 * "*• JA " 3Ea *2j.-il|B Uk"u T HE U.-tDERSIGITED HAVE THB PLEA- "" SORB of inforoiss their easternthey have - *' removed »heirstock of crockery, stass and china from No Wtake«:reettotheaewande!rcantstore,No.l(ti Lxk® «ren, where they wilt be thaokfolto receive acontino aooe of tbe liberal patronsse heretofore bestowed noon MB W .A. JlK'JKfc 4 00.. 103 Like sta£? 'b?ww2 * Clark Dearborn. it-25-iy-d* 9Q aO AXD VISIT THE FBEXCH COINA faporiomof A. JvEGER A CD- No. 103 Lake '■ ■treei. between Otark and Dearborn. A. O.lass i glass i : glass hi— ot " g; C. H. BAT, ; JOSKPH 2CKDILL, Ms Nero {Jublicatious. , b j ' '"onD B " COOKE 4 CO.'S r of * popular Hand-Book to tke Gold Itegioßß al- Shouldb«placed the cf every yoorg who t>c contemplates Isdcntloc. It will save you mosey and a tbe a great dealof trouble. Tie authors are men of prind rjUr pis and do not advise any one to co to the cines. bat d«- [j er sire to lay before tbe poblle a mass of testimony and la fcrmallon whereby a lalkljos decUkn may be atrlved LU "Wewno'diaTtodlrto to to tha mlnn. cmedanT Ob- thejooct, field not to Tempution! Carry your prind tlf» witi you; le»ve no« yoor character at hime. nor joor Bible: yon will nted them uoth. snd eveaGraee 3er from above »o ptote:i ;oi in a oomnsuty whese tod ; VQ wdi with eexitemen:, and free frcm w For Sale by All Booksellers. d 0 ORNER T S KAK3AB AND NEBRASKA GOLD MINES. iiy 0 0 R T.E N.TJ : CHirc. 1 A 3 ot the Hlnlnc 'Companies: tem ]e- Fif® ot Geo'i a. lAvrtnee. M:ss.nri and „ S?3 0 o ee .f )o 5 p ¥ ll **J^ t *^ loeal-ofMlr «*: Amctmtof jC, O&idße llxed: Locality o' the Richest Depots, and sen. e( i ers! drsenptun of thecocntry iTtdtnce: Lrt'm ud Ex a » Ur*e arsons wbo visited tie ff»2.S2K2Sf.JSS!J fierce , ldoltUie the Diasopuintel Hluio-artrL .Chap.4.-Realtof tieOrTyetf* iSJSrs• EHd*enee nr Por aod Asalnst the Woes Sifted; L>uie Gold' ArtJanv goiectel; Miuo atom. r«or»0d Krijf'& t wi?il 8e«son; The Wnols trxutnaent cot np by Land floxol*. tors: ftatej ents of OoL Graham Mear— ofOor r Cbaf. ft—WUlGold befonna tn u,e U in fttmunt fom Acalosy; Qnlicotl DertHodcnVf t7» .j- Natoial Pos*lo •of Gofd; Gold Existsß inim» 113 mens* Quantities: Geoloveal ssia" tne Earth* Gold ; es Sedimentary to Aliotier Metal. on& m ie\cied or by ImmenM npheavlnin of the Eutb Crurt: IhtGcrm made br the river more liceiy th*n any other er known pUceto reveal immense mawes of UoldT^ Id la uWo , aia*T^i. to or r u c iS2 (! , J ojlflli Art,clu witfol "»«=■■»« North-Wcrt: UiUktu j « ore o«n*e3»*ittant£ieM«r»rn r! ' 9*" f MUlooSfliara Mile lof Rica «Ooimw*: f3t£ So.toi Suh^crtul V * Ut "- SSSid "* New and Only Correct Map to T ,J''Sowtaa Jl th. Billriid ud Wuoi re Kr^luek 1 - u """ It «u o- PBICE FIFTY CE!\T«. bl S'- IL H,OE--i£E. iid:« b« bul wholeule :r - 5'Boo*"!!"* Od rtUll of UI Boi ticllci. is «°a"'"°"a. rticKOdtw*w<. a N K w B 0 0 K -~ >7 THE LADY'S I Manual of Fancy Work, A Complete IniWnetor in everfTariety of Fancy Needle t- Jo* iocluJia* Appleque. Beal Work. Berlin Worx. ;c ? ra!dI o*» 801)1)10 Crocket. Eabroidery. Knlttlnx. 5- Wort Transit rxioc. t hadin*. and Coloring Printer's Marks, io. Atx; with a i Ist of Materi Js and hlnU for their selection; advise on A f »ciUlofoe of ar.ic.es sultabta for Weddln*, BirthdayandNew Year's Gift, and a dos siry of French and German tnmi used in needle wo;k nctt: be found In any Dictionary-the whole betox a tt comp.ets Leilscn of Fancy Keedle Work. BT MRS. PULLAN. DUutrate J with 300 Eacravina by the best artUts. •Pi Ice 11.55. For sale by g KEEN, Booa«l]er, d - fe7cl " 1M Ukortr.^ BIOGRAPHIES.— tj The Blcsrapblta of e Distinguished Scientific Men, I BY FBAn0IS AKAOO. » Price II ML Por iile bj e W. B. KEEN, 148 LAKE STHEET. e OPPOSITE THE JAIL, / And a Sew tditloa of th. - Higher Clirlstiun JLife, ® ELEGANTLY BOUND, Just received and for sale by WM. TOULtNBON, i - lb3Bßly WRsidolph street. GIFT books w ELEOAKT BXVDZHOS. * j JUVENILE BOOKS AND GAMES IN GREAT VARIETY. wsnnra desks, do. cases, portfolios, S —AJTD— FAN'CY STATIONERY ARTICLES f Every D«aciiptloD t s For Bale at the Bo okxtore of GEORGE A. CARNEB, LAKE 87RIIT ' General TltlPP, male, & CO. (reneral Patent Office Depot, NO. 100 LAKK BTBrer. OHIOAOO. ILL. ; 'THE'SUBSCRIBERS BEG LEAVE TO : «^ofeWA'«^»n e o?r e< GENERAL PATENT AGENO7 BCStNESS uin on h *id. at all times, forexhll*. ... No.luo Lake Street. axrxxxscM: Wm. Jooea No. 81 Summer St. Boston* P h a Co- Kit by ov, Boston; M. Itilt MiUrtl EJ.' < t)i ofessionai. XEW DENTAL ESTABLISHMENT, j DBS. AIKEH k WALLACE UK NT AL'HUKGj.uasI Ofllce. No. 8 "e.hijdW Church Block, comer or Oilrk ° a-J rtreeU. o , „.. . " OHIOAOO. ILL. - * 11 "' tlel-m-clul ac»n»»ti..r. iSr 11. KENNICOTT, »» . DEHTIST. tSSHk lomir. 131 aftTTT^ c°d^™S o s !, ;' l m L h d eoxic diseaßes j r&lpz.'&'ss! JWjL, - for all disease* of LONGS. HEARrand LIVER, DL&ANGKtikNriS. and cHHQMio /Ty-|jCMaasl , diseases process rapidly. anuV Ir'iwWiW # oftet imperceptibly, to • taiai terminatlun unless promptly ar- WPUcatio* K9rC!l m V the %Umoet wporUince WmSSol^m > Rooms st No. lit) State street. eam*r nf it.a I 1 r „ E. A. BOOVE PJENTIST.—OFFICE NO. HI ~ < DBS. FULLBR 4c AItBAUGH* * | DENTISTS. OFFICE, NO. XS a < ? dl • *** ajwoSali U and expetleaes. Lope to reach and «»*<"■ i Wn the hixhest point of excellence. Our brands of Flow ~~ in oaiTeis ana baa are r Phlilips* Mills, Choice Extra. No. 1 White WhMi. PbllllWM!Ila Extra Smwrtae. No. lSdwS? *■ Oh alee rulfe 01»u, Kitriiiii*. A'jou.hSlaaleornUll: SSSSS e -l^agga.fgruto^.. . t'H'UPf.U 1«7 tirtM FORES! CITY WATEK COKE- 1 OLBTBLAAD, OHIO* V 'PHIS INSTITUTION IS DELIGHT. . A rv with IB tiff iimtuor ri'.e eity of Cleveland — fss, ? e . Po *i°? c "- Boliaijse i. nsw,orbria,.od fortishftl to the t»««i style, Tte bath roo«a are aucrlled with pure.aort *-ir;nj: water. Tbe laree patrenace wkkk 2 th'j eatablishn ta at present recetTin;from Chieaeo aalotberw« .ero cities, ia a O4nena*recommeodatiooo» Us popalariir and floumblnt condttion. Dr. Cros* and lady, for - rrly of the Lake View WaierCure rcwCW • raxn, afconoerted with tbislnsUtation. . Let- rsor laqolrrto^'tt^rofthe Phys-ciant. wiii r«- /" eeiT- «ten*'o». DR. O. w. I JA3IE:B K. tißO<.-i M i» •*« "» .1 CM CHICAGO TYPR POCNDEBY i JPriniera* Warehouse. p 90. ■ • CHICAGO. I mHE SUBSCRIBER IB PRK»ARED TO T J.. furnish Troe in lane or *lll -> now ready fcr deUvery. and will be seat to parties wish* | to* to order oaappUoattoa. ■UAM aL.DODGI.TnMW. n Org (Soosg. ' S SI»HX3srC3- OF 1859. ns rho Choice and ExteaslFe Assort nest da t FOREIGN GOODS! red ADiPTED TO THE ENTIRE UMOK, illy jcl- Consisting of* FAKCY AHD STAPLE BtLEJ, cm RICH AHD XEQIUK OKES3 7ABBICB, RIBBOV3 AHD TRDHIHQS, _ SHAWL! AHD MiHTTLLAa, :a WHITE GOODS and EZBBOIDBBIEB, GLOVES, &c., Ac., Ac., Mow on Exhibition at onr VBOLBItLI WABBBOOBB, £ 55 Chambers &33 Beade-Sts. Ex j [he E-DWARD LAMBEBT X* CO. ice ~ TERMS: 81x Months for Bsnk Paper, payable In ear* i Z rent fiuds on toe of majority In the c'ty Hew . JiadO^aw " L° W ? RICES W-IJT. cd PEASE, MARSH A EeLONQ, '*x 30.Lako Street* be . Onr policy of small expenses, and standard Goods at to p-ices to men wbo par, havine carr.ed txs saecess od fallrthrcaxhtlmesof panic, we ihail kui adaere to IL * ean» determioeo to offer irmiauble tadacemenu to tn r>od men. *nd sbaU offer at WH'JLIUALC throoxbont rn season, a very foil Jiptln* btocx of the very best ch ma»es of S STAPLE DRY GOODS, HOSIERY AND NOnONfl, P At the verv Lowest Prices tbat close boyinx and i exoenscs will admit tt : m . T ? oar easterners who know oar way of dolnx badness . in the p'st, this noUce Is nnnecssiary. bet we solicit i m.nuon of all cood men wbo ** loos aroaad" lor the ad> vantages of the market, and have something score than promises to pay tor goods. c33IN CHOCK- X. w. tlian and --hliia, fable Cat'ery, Loofejaa S orjaac B * Uaau - O. B. A. I*. t srr.Tw V HOLES ALE PAPER WAREHOGB& TT 49 SOUTH WATEH STREET. 1 p£i^^i!T lak 2' atook of P*ne Pacers and eastern Bock Papers, whicb they offer at low prices, ntntins pip** ot every sis* and aest quality. ocT.bW VUijOAA FOOBDRT " " \ STREET, t gTWT.fiy P-JLTO> aod Carroil Uhlcaeo. 18. 3ENRV WA^tmaTON. d g eMWM — I££H_ c EDWARD e. ASAYi a AMD OOCTMSELLOB 4T LiW *0 T7 80DTH QLARX BtMXMt JJ Opposite Oeart Soose. - ■ ' SPIES fcBOHT JOajISELtOHS AT LAW HO. 7S CHEBTNUi'. NORTH BIDE. * Between Third and Fourth eteeetfc SL Lod* *•. OT Mr. b. Is Notary Public aad OooaWooer st L every State in the Dnion. ' J References in Chlcaeo-*tippe.Broe A Boeara. sapsaioxswß. HO! FOR PISE'S PEAK! b s EIFLES, SHOT GUNS, REVOLVERS, » Xcnersl ootflts for the t aoesatSU Lake street. bEO.T. ABSKT a VAsents tor Hax.rd's Powder. iaAeiOiiy For the Gold Mines. f SHARP'S AND COLT'S EULtS, COLT'S i nsToia BO*IEi i &(«IVK8: also, a litm BWw - V . e assortment of Tanet T , > and o%ber Rilllea. Bbot S Otn-a, aad other apov * ratos for a senenl outfit \SI si for U» Muea. at 66 B1 t< Lsfcl* MttfM. 11l S i>. mto * cm. I WCNDRIgS-50 BASKETS CH&RSIE3. ! u SO baa Unpared Peaches. r »br'sPwed?euSSr C 5 brts Dries Raspberries. a « bill Dried BukbcnS. fiO ken Preneb Pranea, J"*k2» Honxanan Pnmes. t *kmTnrkey Prases. « r gss d " J BOXES FANCT TOTS V SMbozcFinciCudla. 3 ooxes Pancy Pranea. W) boxes Roll Lose oven. sale at ISI flooth Water Mreei, by WX. LTTn.I He NAIR c X X X PLO OH. Vas&tactarea andloraalsi u TBI TnvsiT? MiltS . - " wt gp Tl CISTERNS, WELLS AND PUMPS r The enders'gned is prepared to manufsctore Cutarsa lor Runwiter, Taoij far Qu Xctre , M And RaQrcads. Distil ers* Tata acd Rectifiers. S A'ao. die Weils, and fara sh aad ether Sb«im it O dttrl eotie-at bis olt stand Ne. jai mtla-n of p o bjx am. imhxi Mm bi « f i 10 3°^ c l L J n . a ™ An ' piOWEX. 5OO BAGS RIO OOFFEX JTnrmtare, &t. Z FOBPuamrußE ouioa ■t J»E« & 11. IV. Parsons, in....RANDOLPH ST ET....1T» I * They are selSnc their Goods .A.T COST WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE. Je9Bmb«B Furniture! Furniture!! WHOLESALE AND BETAI^ —AT— c., SEW YORK If BOSTON PRICES. TACa WORTS DtOWIHS! SO par Oent Savod la tfca Pnrduw. 3, , " Shearer, Paine & Strong, UATta* IT—oiil lo JOKES' NEW IRON FRONT STORE, xr. >O. 803 RAHDOLPH ST.. rw Art do* prepared to exhibit to their oU custom**, and r_ to the public cenerally. _ The Largait and Best Asaorte^ STOCK OF FURNITURE WEST OF NEW YORK* WUcbßhcy have receotiyreceived. and are cow open, jj Ins. oonsistinji In part of » ■rttguj, BmwMd aaj Wall it 2 p^?JLOR fu "»ito»E, « In BrocateHe. DeLaln* Pfaah and Hair Cloth. fn«m>n>d, Oak, Ouftant, Xofcogany * Baew'd CHAHBER SETTS, Of Hew and Betant DeiUnee, from the beat Hanafaeta rise In BoMon. Ne-r York and -ALHO in S'reroi ind Sldeboarda. Patent Sprin* Bed* CnrM Hair, Cotton and Hag. Palm and Excelsior Mottrcwa - nae t tah Seat Chairs. Canred Oak Extension Tab& _ Oak Dtninx ©ahi, Cane Beat Chair* of every desaiijCoU 1 ® —ALSO— DININB ROOM ANO COMMON FURNITURE, IS 6EIAT VAXTETT. Sooda Maau&rtursd Her. To Ordai Oat of th, BEST MATERIALS. LATEST FATTESHS AID Mo«t Approved Styles of Gtooda, Whleb will make it a treat indueemsQ to those milSHUffi HOTELS AID HOUSES 9> To examine our Stock before seodln* EssU No Parti« VIS 1 TING To* cmr F0« T Q K PTfmwas* or FURNITURE should QUJ to ixfmir* OUB MAMMOTH STOCK Before Mak n* ' To the Public at X*r*e W« irt nmtrrt to nrnre Uiu Fanilbi-t u Mnj J Grade, from the Kitchen to tbe Pitt, o» Tnrniihad from Our litabll lun.nt at rmm Lower than an; Home is the Wart. ■HBIBEB, FAINS & STR.iN!), 20J BANDOLFB STHEET an I»dao7g] " C. MOK&AN, *99 Ziaks Stro«t, - - - - j fw and BeaotUol Uedcsi LATEST STYLES of B«mwm4, Behesur ui Walait Parfrr, r -ajo>— Bisaoom PtJHN ITUHB, , IN BUITB. Tbe mbeeriber Is now receiving LARGE ADDITIONAL BUP PLUS to his Ibiov Iftmmoth Stock of Cabinet Voraitar* 4 Chain Astbe Btock la now Complete and foil, and the Largeet to be famd Waat at Hew Tort. He would cordially Invite the ittfntifrn of his forma Mends and patrons, and the public ten ' erally to call and examine i His Elegant JTuraitrure •efere porehasinc elsewhere. StWnc at Greatly Bedoeed PrlMth>B Cast Season. CHICAGO. ACGUBT 11m IS&L BABCOCK 4c PEKK, Successors to WUlard. Peek A OoJ in. bamdolfh-st. m. Bihoguj, KaeewMd fc Wall it, CHAMBER, OININ8 _I ROOM AND COMMON rUBNIIDII In Great Variety. WOOD SEAT ANO CANE SEAT CHAIRS, imtTllTW, BDKEACS. itttnuon Mid to Ooontrr Ordm. and to forolsaint Hotels. Ac seISaSSWy CHICAGO MIL L-F UIINIS n IIV fi DEPOT. T. W. Baxter & Co., tusnriarrotx or millstones OF ALL QUARRIES, —AJD— I C. W, Brown's Patent Portable Flouriny and Grist *ll illt, j And Dealers b , _ DnrCH AHKKR 10LTIHB CLOTHS, Snmt Mills and Separators, j Separators for Warehosiea, i Beltings of all ainds, < _ _ Hoisting Screws and ' Bran Dniters, Pocks, Proof Suffk, *c., Ac. FAIRBANKS' SCALES, ' Mill Furnishing Generally. Specification* and StHmaUt fnmithdd \ tekcn drnirtd, and tfu construction of Sttam « f and Water MilU eontracUd for entire. STEAM EN'GIKES, bOILEBS, ad The subscribers havlog obtained the acency for the sale of Bleaa r tines and Boilers, (ram tbe ■udkcUrf ef Gealdlsf, Bigiey k. Sewen, . OP WATIRTOWN. N. Y.. wocld IflTUe the attention of pnrehasers to their soperlor nmte of style, wortmaoahip end powers, also their Terr i wees Tbe toUowtoi ts a llrt of prices of En«lne and J BoDw.t-c-ther■ w»tb Ueate'. W*icr and Steam Plpo. Oocka, Vdro. Arch Casune and Grates. ooa.plete aid ready for «se. delivered In Coteuo: ( i horse power «3ao 3D hone power uaso 1 _ ~ 67# iS " •• LAO jo . r* ao •• - lws }» '• ** 800 35 ** M J.XO 18 _ UIM <0 - " y.qrm and m like p"oportion for lan«r sixes as reaolred- Srtrj Knnne Is fnnlahed with JUDSON'S PATENT 60VERN0R VALVE ' For floor Mills. Weeoofldentlyreeomaend them as sn« perl or to any other style of Xaclae, and they will Sara from 25 to 50 per ia Fuel Orer the osaal class of Boilers In oie at the West. We ball keep u asssrtment oc differes> ses at our estab> liyniect wnere they may b* exam L.< Aa td tbe aecessaxy tofarmadoo obtained recardias tbem. Ooopetent men wii. li desl-ed. be fbnuabed ti Mi op aod surt Snalnea la ary p»rt of lbs country. We will also soppty WATEB WZSfiLS, SSAFTHTO> QBAHXNQ, *O. .. At toy low Fiffurm. f T. W. BAXffiß & CO., g b "*" Q " W P. O. Address. Box so. St- laS-tm-bSS a SOMETHING NEW !!! MITCHELLS B PATKNT H Metalile-Tipped 800 l and Shoe. . An Improvement has been applied to Boots «ad by wblch a G e»t Savitg tj EStaente Is made. Every boot and shoe dealer kiuw* that children will weercnt sttbetoeta'best-coosnctedab'>e tn from foort>stx weeks, and that U *■ -»• itherwa defied tbe of turers to obriaie this difflcaitj. 10 THE "METALLIC TIP" t meeU and overcomes It. A mail pleee of cooper Is 1 neafy fa* ened to the toe of tbe boot or shoe, tffbrdin* - »ron»lrte orvtecti»o to It. and renderfi* ibe effortTof the most Inveteme summer Ineffectaai to kick or wear tt oat. n w*e p»e»ent this invention wtth the ullest know*edue of and_exsenenee la 1» P.actical UUlity Uavu»gn»wfbr nearly t«p yean been tnbjected to tbe scveresttests.lt baa. t»y Us own latoinsio merits, adaslly sarmoanted every objection tbsteonid be broaudit a*»ln»t It. b tns scapmosßvinx certiflcates. which are bet a f*lr ar> A oin of bmdreds or others, wiLabundantly exrroOtrate. We navr no noe is destined u> entirely uipereede. for C&tidrea and Yoatb. tbe o; ' itjle: aod we cooiUer 1; a moderate x statement tau one pair tf the Metallic Tlp« wiu outwear two to three oalr« or the old style, caiklnx a s«vlqc of nearly two4Mrds tn the exjenw of shoes. Mnro. W4DSWOBTH 4WE LS, ef ChieaM _ Have been appointed Asents ftu tht sale of the Boots and Shoes, and ar.• aatiwtsid tj dispose ef lown and Ooonty ttshu vomma-lcatlons addressed Vithenorthemderskaed • WlrecdveproperattenUon. • cainC MoDWET A _ _ _, . 46AW #atet at,. Boston. Haa& ,9. B.—TUslnvention Is a complete protertion from " tbe cptUos of tee Prairie brasses. a;d is adapt. S ed to Miners* nse. aad all occupations whica pa expo** tbe toe of the bou or ghoe to bein* cat or worn. Itgly-cfl piRST great co.-t sale or OIsOOKS WATCHES Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, FANCY GOOD?, Ac. JAMES H. HOES, 3 117 ....LASS STREET 117 |' Win eommenee from this da'e to Sell at COST for Wrty Days, bis Isrxe and extensive stock of tbe above named roods comprising everything contained la a JTR-T OLAfS JiWEUY BTOEE FOB CASH OMiT. The resson for so dilnc Uto redoce ss such ss scad* i blehls larse stock before removlac Cor ft short time tnsttbesiore be now occupies may be re bofltin asty*eaodmmnerbecominx : bs mat Kmporfom Otyof the we»U -he pa&Ooeannow«vaU theo.selve* 1 of «nopport mitr neeer be'ors offned of se-ei*tltuc«r«-m this spire did stock of roods, snch articles at ihey may desire at leu uices ih«n i« csneraiy raid at aacU<*n £ saies and nave amah better op jortonity ton ipedtfce it eoedssrd make selertlon*. _ H •tiT* Ike Ladies wii to. let file rare oppcrtua.ty *s» withoot secorfeur some of the beastirti anlo.e< o3tnpn»> brtoisrtock.* __ ZH 1 nc&iam-baap JAMS H. HO>» | T7TNEQAR I-QKKUINK NEW JEB3KT " v Cider Tlneotr. tor sale by tbe bM. as ■* UN) Tlni' —' Banking ans (g*cl)anfle. AM) DEPOSIT BANK WKABE, MBPKITIS * CO., ICIDII EAPIDJ, IOWA 9} MDviat. jiftCiimm. a.*, tram. -urn to— American Exchange Bank... Tt*k. Meßride Brother*:. ~ C J. 8. Momtna, jr.. Editor BaakenT Macaslse. M R. LTlatbam AOoL.B*a«en. Chlca«o.lß 6*urxea. SilOoi A 00., B«a*ers Wooiter O Ooofc Broot * Biwnej. rtJ h jibS™" " "*"■ BJ.rKJ.rC BOUSE (V WILLARD, ALEXANDER ft CO. Doae « l0 . 50 CLASS STHEET. -CHXOAQOL " dc4-ly-bfr*4 AW " BALOWUI A DODGE AN K EES & LAND AGENTS. 5, COUNCIL BLU7TB- ZOWA OITT. OefleetimismsdeutheuMiratw. Exchtaxe oa the principal dtlee of the Union boucat ud told. b> 4 tatebautbtaadsoldoncoauaiaßon. Land w*rraots lo e»t«d Of I®'acres, aad iXc per aoe Land Offlce fee. Allotted WTutita tuu proportion. REFERENCES:—Marine Bank. Chicago; Henry Varum. ? President Chicago aad A. L Railroad; 1 Exchange Bsok. Mew Tori; Dorkee A 0l Loiu JOHN T. DODGE. deKHy-aflO Q. IC. BALDWIN. OOOLBATTO i, BROOKS. OANKERS AND DEALERS IN EX- Urnitt • BCBLINGTON. IOWA. tttaatlon tea to the oollecOoa of Note* • k i? G * or ** Smith A Co.. Marine Mor> hanta Ravines Lota tad Trust Oa, tod f. Q. *■<«». , w. r. ooouAPQH. (mh2fr-lyl r. w. uSq KD WD. I. TINKUAS * CO., BROKERS, AND DEALERS IN EXCHANBE. 5 Corner Clark and Lakt Stmto, J CHICAGO. I. »P*AKa T. TtStgAK f jf^'S"Mt' JQBJ f. imm. t CHART,a. HA«n 4, 00. Rankers and dealers in ex- XJ ehian. Si Gar* street, Chleaco. ttuuttauG* DtpAjrrnssr-HAM. CUAMBRES A 00- Dealers n N«totlable Securities Boj aad Bell Papa Secured 6/ Real Estate. mad «lvo special attention to la* reitmenta for Ranera Parties apl(J-CTS44y • CHittfd a. BAM B. B. CHiMUB. QXO. p. waiTWA iiiui.DcrKi ja*o Bscs. ai.tiriints. DCJPEK, BECK 4c SAYLBS, h "D ANKERS AND BROKERS, NO3. 3& 5 .U Devonshire meet, Boston. clts particular atten tion to the Mines of Lake Superior and are prepared to roralah reliable Information respecting thea. A moathly rerlev of the tfeoex and Money Market vllb «oouuion« of aO the Oorrent Secorttie* vilJi be test to any *ddre» derired. apiS-'^Cly k Ul* >Ai. HIWID V. A LANE, BAM FORD it CO., SUCCESSORS TO DICKERMAN, WHB EL i VZ/KHACO. Bankerx Bo€fc«ord, minoUu Colleciloaa made to a remitted cromcUj al carreot [ rttet of kzeban«e. .tou *o—Oeeaaßtak. •fewTork: Shoe and Leather I>eaien Bank. Boston; Kxthauce Rank, Ctdcaco. «"•» HOFF.TIAPfN * OELPCKEf ' BANKSI K& , Chicago. \ "TVBPOSIT3 RECEIVED AND INTEREST JL/ aUoved on Special DeoodU. Libera] aoeommoda tjwot granted to depotilon. Independent of iheatate of the mooey market. and Letter* f Credit, la tome to Hlk an 3 the pnndpaldtie* of the Called tiutoe and Corope. KXCUA3GE ON ECSOPK. to tmportera.at New York TIMS U)AMB oaprlrate boad* asd mortcacee neeo "ticd. Western State. CoaatT. dti or Bailroad Loans aetotiaied abroad. t a. aorruAiix ixrr.mxit. orro ULHIOH3 & OEUDTHXH g| 01*ABK STaEBT—OLD TSIBam OITIOB. Specie, Bonk Note, Excbance AND OOLLXCTINQ OfTICt. itoy coojUntly Foreinn «ad Oomeetlo GoidtadSUver Oolna. Eaitern Bank Notes aad Dncorreot Moaey. Bell ' Cxcbante on New York, »"■< >nnkit thfan»hant the United btatei and Canada*. iel4 'U ly aIS ' OOOK A. SAROSST iJAVMNPoBT IOWA. OOOK 9AAOEVT A DOWVET ' IOWA CITT IOWA. GOOZ SABOZUfT A. OOOK rOKTDItoMOISSS. ....IOWA. OOOK 3ABQEHT A. PABIEfI AOIK2IQI NKB&ASKA. L* ANKERS ± DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. J-> Make eollectloni and remit to any part of thr union. Land Warrant! boucht. sold and located. MT"PirUcaiar auentlon dvento the payment of taxe& Attoraejrs at caw aonnected with oar boiuea. COOS A DILLON. DaTenport. lowa, E. D. DOWNKY.IowaCUy. iui a TO «. W. UlarKAOa. Philadelphia, t W. Ctark. Dodxe A New Tork. J. J. Dlrweii. Prert. Mm. Baok. Boston. N, Holmes A tfoo. FltUborcfi. J. W dark A Co.. Boston. K. W. Ulark A Brother. 8t Loolf. Hatch A Laaidon. 8U Loolt. Geo. Smith A Chlcaca John Q. etrreat. p. p. ayg.ly THE BAVS OF AURORA. HALL A BHOTHIBS, AURORA. IU 11*014 JANKERS & DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. All ooUectlou entrusted to them will meet prompt at. potion. Referto Bank of the Bute, New York: r. Q. AdanuaadGeorxeUmlthACa.Qhleaco. M. T.»ALL, tMAM. » A. C. OEUTKL, t-OREXGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE and Collection Offlce. Also, Notary Public. 76 Dearborn street. Chicago, 111. njJ-ly-388 OFFICER A BROTHER Bankers —dealers in uncur rent Money, ffixht and Time Bills of Kzchance. 6old and HllTcr Ooln. etc. Receive and pay partica lar atteation to coUectln*. Offlce 154 Lake ctreet, M*. rise Bank Boildlog. open from 9A.M. to 1 P. R _ kB UB RRVIRINCD. Cionh Bank. Boston. MetropoUtao Hank. New York. Sherman A Colllnx. " Marine Baok. Chleeio. J. H. Dunham A Oo M •Jhlcajtf. r. w. omcia and SAiTL p. orriOßß. eeo«m Partners. m*«.ly AIXXW 4. HORTOH jjANKERS i; DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. *O. parable oa the first Monday of January tad " „ _ TSUBTII& Johna Ke&ile. fm B 0 ted en J u Dunham !£?-. ® Habbard, J W Raymond. Cristas S WUliamfc John a Reed. HeoryWhltbeck §3ia B B»faV AlexoooTW ®T* O*WIAIL Offl« Na W. street. Portland Block. Office open daily dortne the osoai boon of bo4n» and on Tuceaay asd Batarday erenlnn v h rtnnt. „ w/*® 1 '"ZIA Preddeat, j N. B. gIDDRR. n. T iyL»iWy OREEH «. STONE aJ AJfXBSS—MCSCATnfB, IOWa. - /HOMPI * A# attentionxiveatoCollectlana,tadurnnmiilsiiiiitinr ♦a day ofpaymetii. at carrent rater orezchaajn uiuom ««r«. 4#eorie Scdth AOc Ghlca^*. Martne Bank. Chlctca UA. Benolst A Oo» Loait, Mean, bUnore t Shoe aad Leather Dealers Bank. H^tnn AmartMo Hul Tnrfe tpiMMfo GEO. yiITH A 00. JANKERS AND JEALERS IN FOREIGN AJ and Domestic Kxdi re; CiilOAb- ILLLMOU Oouecuoas made oa all tb orladpal dttse u am Late od Mate* oa toe oost faro, id§ J. H. OOWER BROTHERS 00. BJtfKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE —ajh>— S 'AND 1911" . (Ow. sliti ' lO WA j um to Ueset.AE.BwlftACOyChfiaeo. 0 No. IWtll street, flew f«r r o. a. vhzthet a co.- a L>ANKING AND EXCHANGE OJHOE.— U 38 CLARK BTRCRL Dealcnla ' BASTZRB AJTO FOSBiaW BXCXANOB. o UY3 SIGHT AND TIME DKAfTS ON It the Eastera Cities. Dlseo-ute Bosiaess Paper, Deals n la Earopeaa aad DoraeeUo K» doecia. Land War» rants. Lacorreot Bank Notes tad uikes Collectloaii ea | ill accessible potatc, ocU-ly-b164 ■ MARINE BA3TZ. /CHICAGO HARIN'E AND FIR* INSTJ- V>' raace Ooapany. OAFIZAL. NUXOA. ° I. ( -.IARTU. Oashlsr tad Secretary. ;. YOC3G BCAMMOK. Plrtlm Uouoc8o<» vaos am List Prtoa. t. MalabJelroa 71 Ulna JO cent* p«r pound. Beads. Swtat Joiate aad Sa* Hzt«t« l- °- - R. 1). JIcFAKLA VK. i GAS, ST LAM FITTIiVG, ASD PLUMBINB SS'L'ABLISIDIENT, *■_ 54. ...LA SA'LLK STREET..4S ( CHICAGO, k J^ p lIiEKSIVE ASiOKTMEN* Gas Fixtures, . from ISi Celebrated iaiabcton of , Cornelius rf* Maker, k I Alwarsoa &aa4. eomonnic «jj» ptaiaest hj «..r. Dwisti. ; rKAcncAL PLUMBKK [; Aad Htßfl'Ktarer of - ALL RINDS OP STEAM WOIIK. PartleularatteauoasivcßMattlsK up UOTHLS, WITH STiISJt, WATSZ AJ!D QA3 . I*o* BBTTXES, CHAIR» A*t V.MB »0R UARDRN LAWNB AJ*D VMSAXDASS COUNTRY ORDERS. PSOIPTLT A/ID RAiTHFCliii' 4TTBHDBB TO TO T « t~r n ,/|)£. : THE TRADE SUPPLIED WITH TOOLS, IRON PIPR FITTINGS, OAR FIXTUREB. PLOMI - VATKRIALS, AND R7CUY AHTICI.R IS siraisrak BTBA *" PrrTIJ plcmbin3 , S« LA 9ALLK STRKKT, CHICAGO Prer* J»w«Ttptk)» of GesPlztnr« a"J Br««».wor* I Re-plu j AA-Mtnnf.icjory. ill Monroe ; & iilathmctD. , ]y|"AMMOTH MILL WORKS. . [Cblct*o Branch of the «M~Baffalo Mil) Pumlahlrs Kj labllttment.) JOHN T. NOT* A CO. FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES, " _ BCHjoaee, manofactarH at tbU ettabilthmert. are Baiabed oa aew and principlpi u>i &re te ?»?* r obtained by the best manufacturers la the world. The credit of this e«Ubltw (acturtng Ixtrt q'lailirof Klmir. can ut>oo tev tteH |he*eoaiae OLD DUTCH ASti Sti. sloile and Doable Cxtrts. Boltlos Cloths made op Id a «ui>rrlor sty>(L by c>vin« i«rutn -.nJ it)am-<«« «f Keel m tadlnehe*. John T. Noye'almproved Oentiiiufal ?ee»t 1m sad roar and Grttt Raira. VlantaU. n Corp MluCastlnss and Slachloery o' «*ety desrrtpuoa far» ol*bed to order oa thnri «. from new pHUarn« N-jye's Imwro»ed Prrsm-e MIM. Aik-qu or the Buffalo fea'eWort. Jteel Mil P.cks Id. proved Tmblue, t*er-u*»Joo aod C'otra) Dls> £har*e Whee!s warranted-qual to t e De»U fitted with Cast Hleel «r Boiler Irou ituckcls ■airantel 'o du eahlth rere-tt te of power fmoi Machine sod for mlUs a d w\r houae*. Ch ne « .-um' r Cane Rills, dueo> mi I Uoite Power. Bat»- 31' l» for T. Note's Flour Pa:ker. auUonery tad Porttli.e Hrlt it noseacl ,l e*£n Kactlnn. La'vdphererujtt' Pla&lnir Macblnra * A d M.li Vuroubkot te »e»*l;y. Uavlaa the lamest M u •urautxu* s oct th» West, we can sell at slower ratettai «nr otrer ii.tthmi«ment a tt.—We wiUoootraU to fu- niau and buil MiH. v r>a. pl*e. or t>lan< tad «' %I'liwruhta. JOU.*«§NoYK A 00.. LLicaao. I.L deX b77U 1» It. T. t'niue >.V UtOi, 103 Lxk* Ulrtii 102 HA>crAcmxM ajio psalsk* is STEAM, HIS IXD WATER PIPE, BOILER PLUE3. VALVES. COCK& STEAM WUWTUB, Oil Caps, Guga Cocks. Steaa k Kaltr GaigN, BTE A M APPARATDS For Wraluf Chm..«, F>e- Jtt Q P. W. Salts, W jrutr. i.iiaiLucfs & iriitr. Vf ANUKACTUUhIIS UB RAILROAD 4.U. CARS Portable aod Sui)»n«ry Steam Engines und Boilers, Portable CtreuUr Saw Mills, Q*irn' >r:rw CtiKer, aad Areaut'ortbesaleof Poruuie Fljur corn Mills aad Bolts: JCngln* ani Patost Hwtflsg k VestllAtiag ForasMj Aad are aov prepared to furnish thea to order (Or DweHlno, Qnrches. Schools. Ac. Alao. their Stoves i3oM>rne
    rhlcH they we ated aad warmlac to any required temperature. We refer to Messrs. W. W. Boylnctoa, 0. L Wheelook aad Oarier A Baarr. Architects of this diy: partteular* InduJre of thesabsolbenat thek oOoe No. u aud Wdvota f«asalls street. r. LESTER a ro Chleaao. Oet «h- iW. ocHbH7.ly TEA i. PER aI N a", OCLI.BATID Wbreeatershlre Sauce, P ocoooed Extract —*r— C 7 of a Letter 'rem a ooaaoiasira.B» fl Medical flentlemaa lob.Ui. At JHKjk To His Brother etiyMSai*,*™ ttWorcerter. waA Mir. 19ffL AopOoabl*to that^tSelr^SMwe 1 ? _ h'thly esteemed tn la- SYESY YA&I£TY dla and It. lamy opla* ■* too. the most ualat* -op— oie as well as the mosl Muce that DISH. BITEW3IVB FRAUDS. The only Medal awarded by the Jury of the New York Exhibition tor Porelcn Saace was obtalaed by LS t A PERRI!YB tor their Wore esters tire Saace. The world wide fame of which havlns led to numerous forrerte*. pcrehasm are requested to see that the na-oes of Lea A Fe*Tla«areasoaui* Wrapper. UM. Sujwper and UoUlfc Lea A Pemna will • wtlut *ay one tafrtulna either oy or TeodlaßSparoos Saace. tod harelaaracted their inn i itininln it iln rartous parts of the wortd to adTlae thea of anr soeo tofrlcucaeata. bow Wbolanle Ageata tor t>*e Doited tftatet. JOHN DCNCAN A 30SR. IQD Broadway. New York. A stock always la store. Also, orders received for dL rectshlpmsota ftota Eaataad. ociJWJ"ly WILDfiK S PATENT SU&IiW SAFE H^L^H Wareh.oxiae. The led Safe ta tha WockL PSATT A WORCESIKR. ioms 19T Poeth Walse a. ddttebam L' ILL lE' S p., ixpbovkd sites, Sold by E. WOO LIT.. Depot Na » Uke street. Chi- OMQ. IfMWly T> LEACH KD ELEPHANT OIL TOB