Newspaper Page Text
C'OMMEBCXAJL, | Commercial aad loser.JUtten* - Ftoat 2vnxßt>,'F£b. IL SBS9. • Jioiror, Escbaxgk, is cloeer at and rates 10-<lay are uniform'and fira at 1}(. Tbe demand, however. Is comparatively small, and it is probable that it has reached the high- gij eel figure for tbe aeason. Diaeouota M osoa}, 16 lb per cent. Strictlf bpaioess paper cottld be .taken in .mach larger amonnta than is offered at o1 Bank. Gold with few sales. The street brokers find very little first-class paper onthemarket. Rates nominalatl(g2 percent - per month. It has been enowiog nearly ol day, and out-door business vraa neglected. Tbe Floor market was quiet.bnt firm, with sales of about VOO tbls at SC.OO for White Winter, and ti for Spring Extras. Tbe Wheat market waa buoyant, and anadvanoe of l@2c waa gained on nearly all grades. Sales amount to about lOfiOO bo at for No. IRed; |I.OS@I.II for N0.2 Bed; 91@93fc for Standard Sp ring; Sl@B2c for No. 2 Spring ; and 70c for Rejected. - v JRie Corn market was doll, and holders had to submit to a decline of 2c, with sales of Shelled at 61(gC50 per CO lbs on track, aod Ear at 57@5Sc per 70 lbs on track. c Tbe Oata market was firm. Cboioe Birlcy £ buoyant, with or prime quality White at $1 jj @1.05 delivered. Rye in good demand at 87i@ 1 90c per 60 lbs at depot. Beans in good demand, t with sales of prime White at $1.60. Seeds more ] active, with -iarge amount on the market, and j sales or Timotbynt $1.9501.07. Clover dull, with 1 limited sales at SC.OO. Tbe market for Dressed Hogs is unchanged for j Heavy, but dull and lower for Light Regs. Pro- 1 visions firm, with sales of 450 bbls Mesa Fork to ) Canadiin account at $18; Esuu Rump Pork, ) sl2 50. Lird quiet. ] At Milwaukee yesterday the receipts were :-r * Floor, G4O bbls; Wheat, 6,550 bn; Corn, 938 ] bn; Oats, 1379 bu; Barley,2sobo. Wheat de clined l(£2c - selling at SLOO for No. 1; and $1.10(21.12K for Extra; No. 2,0i@97c. Fiour, 25c lower. The Bufiklo Advertiser, or tbe 9th, referring to tbe shipment of floor lor that city to BuiCtlo says; We are cognizant of tbe fact that one or two lotn of fljur have been purchased in this market ••for Detroit," withiu the past three or four days. One dealer, on Friday last, 6old 500 bbls, which was immediately shipped over tbe Great Western Railway. We uoderstand that parties from De iroit are in ihe habit of doing tbe same tbiog ev ery fccabwn at, or about this time of yeargener ally, however, in tbe month of March. The rea son for ibis is readily UDderstood by our experi enced deilcre, who tell as that this floor is not in tended lor the Detroit market, being from a low grade of gpriug wheat, ground here, but was pur chased witu a view to t-upply tbe want 6 of lumlier m^n,fishermen, etc, who will be required to d.sburse tbe moderate sum of say $7.25 per bbl for it, as the flour will, without doubt, mysterious ly change into double extra before it reaches tbcm Tbe Detroit Free Prtts slates that the amount received in that city Irom BqEilo was 600 bbls. Tbe New York Courier and Enquirer, or Wednesday, in its review of the Breadstuffa mar kets, says of flour: A dull, heavy feeling has pervaded tbe market for all descriptions ol flour and meal, for several day*, and tbe advices per Atia discouraging all hope of an expoit demand at current prices; the wiiiier wearing away; tbe daily receipts and tbe production of local millers being nearly or quite equal to tbe wanta of tbe trade—have prodaced a substantial decline in all tbe skipping grades, and a downward teodency in the better qualities. There was a very lifeless market to-day,aod noib iog whatever worth nothing was doue. Prime shipping Rouud Hoop Ohio sold at $6.15, but tbi3 is regarded us hardly a lair criterion of the mar ket. Common mined Baltimore supers were sold at $5.50. The receipts and shipments of Breadstufls dur ing tbe past week at New York was as follows: Flour, Wheat, Com, bbla bus. but. Rece'pta for th- week 3&.311 8,66-J Kf.2:s do flinee Jan, 1 169.V70 ll.m 179.575 Exports for the week.... do Slccejao 1 45,000 10/.59 7.G34 uo tame time 17*8 UU£7O 180,677 135.5v0 Tbe receipts and sbipmeuts of Provisions at New York during tbe past week were as follows: aacjurra. For past week. Since Jan. 1. Bee'.tcs and bbli. 703 la.Oy Bork bbl« 2.453 »,K« Uaeon, pkgs Lard, pkgs 6,130 ZXFOK79. For th« week. SlrneJan. Do. 1857. Beet tea and bbls— 1.73) 12.650 5,5^3 Pork bbls 1.2>3 9.430 lslJlil Bacon. Ac. lbs 83.5>J &3HOUU 3.378,14 i lATd, lbs 91835 ©9.000 2.3>7.4«0 Cheese, lbs i!6,l(» &18.000 The N. Y. Courier and Enquirer says of tbe market for Mess Beef: There is a steady but moderate enquiry foi Beef; and prices are firmly maintained. The receipt* have not been heavy, and with a fair quantity be iog taken for consumption, the stock io not iu« creasluc. Tuere have been talcs of 650 bbls at $5 50@725 lor cooutry prime, $8@10.75 for rc liacked Western and sll@l2 for Extra Mess. Prime Mess meets with a moderate request, and prices are very firm. Some holders have with drawn their stock Irom the market in anticipation of improved prices. Small sales were made to day at slC@lß. Beef Hams ore quite firm, aud a lair demand prevailed. Sales of 240 bbls havo been made at sl3 60@17.501 or State and Western, tbe latter figure for choice lots. With regaid to Tallow, the same paper re marks: Tallow is firm, with sales of 16,000 lbs at ll£c for Prime Western. Experts for past week, lbs 1.933 Since Ju uaij I EloOO Do. same tin* 16&3 tfUOoO We extract Irom A. Knight &, Sons 1 Circular; : Tbe sadden advance noticed in our issue of 2d insL, bas bceu firmly maintained, and tbe market baa been active for home consumption. Tbe stock is light for this season of the year. Butchers' As sociation have advanced their price to The aggregate sales of Prime city reodcrcd during the week amount to 300,000 !b>., including Butchers' Association and other brands. SEEDS. At New York, according to the Courier and In quirer of Wednesday, Clover was quiet at 11}@ 12c; Timothy lower, and sales or 100 bbls at $2.25; Flax dull at sl.C2J>£@l.G7J. At Philadelphia, sth, steady demand for Clover Seed, andtiome 800 to 400 bush have disposed of ingots at $7@7.124 from first and $7@7.25 per basb from second hands. At Baltimore, sth, sales 300 bush prime Clover seed at $7 but strictly choice do. was gener ally held at $7.25, and we had noted a sale of 100 bush at this figure. There were one or two small lots sold at $7.50. We note also a sale of US lm-h Timolby Seed, at $2.00. THE BRITISH CORJT TRADE. 1 [From tbe U irk Ltne Express. Jan. 17.] The fine open weather of the past week lias been unusually favorable to ploughing, and all prepare thm* for spring tillage; hot the deficiency ol rain •till keeps the wells low and the ponds inade quately supplied. The mildness aud dryness of of the seas-jn are, however, very favorable to grazier--, as tbe cattle need but bttle protection, and the consumption of lodder has been compara nvely small. The improvement in tbe value of Wheat bas Lroughl ont larger supplies in most of the country markets. The trade has consequently lost ils buoyaut character, aod some place* have evinced a ratber retrograde tendency. Outbe other batid, an export demand fur Lisbon, tor red Wheat at 42* to 45s per qr., in which a good quanl tity ol English growth has found placement, with some French, has prevented any decline in Lon aou prices, and wild gome inclination to lro-t a Bloady trade ia probable. ' ■ Tne lato adraace in lb. United Kingdom haa not had time to abow iu influence on foreign marketa, and tbe Continental report, immedi ately alter (/hriatmaa abow no tendency to im provement, bot rather the rererae. Nerertbe leaa American adricei remain Ann, and the im. prorement in Barley and Spring Cora general!? aeema likelr to continue tbe free oae ol the low er qualities of Wheat for cattle feed ; while tbe beai aorta are atill available for malting pnr- ESUSh i ,V i ° f! L C S-, the l ue,tioll of war, which wonld in all probability place 10a perorincreaae price "' we h °'d v> tne notion thai the lowest point ia paat, and that nothing but tbe deapondency of farmera, nwltina in forced mark.!*, can aend prioea farther down. , The aalea noted laal week were, 88.679 ora.' ' 'Kfimt 83,074 qra. last eea aon. The London average, were Mi lod on 8.- 222 qra. The import, into tbe principal porta of Great Britain for tbe week ending sih Janu ary, in Wheat and Flonr. were 28,015 qra. The imfortainto the United Kingdom for December I " c >nWWt were, 290,906 qra; in Flour. 237 -• £26 cwt, * * Chicago Daily Wholesale Market. Famar Evxrao, Feb. IL FREtOHTB—FIour Is taken to Montreal, via Grand Trunk B all * ay, at 90c FLOCR—Quiet but fia&l fU f, ia^a^iomi 9 ffld OU A 0; loobbla " do ats6X®. 100 bbls Chicago -O.ty Mills- BprlngExtra (mix edwith winter wbeaO at 45.50 ; 100 bbls coed Bp:iag Ix traatSS.U; liObblsdoat 55.13 X; 150 bbls firm at »t75. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Common to good, tsa* »100 ft. IDxon Mills. S3JS. CORN MEiL-lX tons Baited. att26l»ton; S tocsof Unboted at $Si V ton. WH EAT- Warea-Market tcjt firm, with «n advance ori®Jc. Bales to-day were: -UOJ bu Na 1 Red (sold Ute yesterday) at SIJ3 la store; 700 bu do atllfiln gtore(sold early); 80Jbu No.Sßed at ll.C&la,t« rc . SOO buahdoatfl.CSlnatore; 8500 buah do In lots atlUOln gtore; 800budoatll.ll Ins:ore. franto-AlvancedS- Sales were as follows3oo bu Btandard at 81c instorW LOCO bo do at SSs In (tore; ItOO bu do In lots at Wc £ ■tore; 850 bu do at 93 Ko In store:3oJbu No. 2 at file In store; TCObadoatSJclngtore: 700 bu Rejected at 70c!a stcre. CORN—Declined ia. Sales to4aj wert:~Looo bu. Shelled in balk at 65c on track; 600 bu do at G4K on trade; 1.200 on do ai64con track; one car Ear at 88c Ecr 70 lbs. cn track; on® car d«» at 67c rer 70 lbs. oa track. OATS—Firm. Sales wrre:-4» bu Rejected at 4lc In delivered!^ tucommon at4se WCTe; -l-tW bn crime Whit, baji; 45 bn aood fiial. at 6Jc on bUi prhaeal 11.00 on traek. lb. at depot; abu lo bUl ,ola a«Kc 106 bbla ALCOHOL—Dm atfijoK -54 do • do-*- V 5 do do ~55 9® 7J6 41 d* atK.»andr, dividSonWj* PROVISIONS— Mess Pork In good demand and price fina». .pales were 300 bbls Mess Pork Out night) at $18; _ BnmpTo* - atlliSO; 80 bbls Bump Perk atllLM. CutMeaisqulA. r LARD-Qolet tad nominal at 11 J TALLOW—Tery scarce and In good demand. Nominal Ottotttiong, BJf«ICXc. _ |] HIDIS-MaTkeUteady. Bales txiay w«:-46 Green I! Country Bides at ?Ke for fair. andJJfc for prime; M Green Baited at Btfe; 24 Green Salted and trimmed at B*c; 11 Dry Flint (notr«7 dry) at 15c; lßDryFllntat 16 pn-TS-C.ty. •l.lflaLSO; Ootmtry. WeSim 1 BElhß—More active. Ba'ss to-day were:-lfiObn Tim othy at 1L95; 150 In very choice do at #1.97; 4 baa Clover , at W.CO. * BEANS—IOO bn choice "White attLSQ. . POULTRY—Scarce and In demand at $3®SL£5 per doc. forChlckena, andS®loc per tt. for Turkeys. LEGOS—Fresh. lSai7e * dot. POTATOES—Meshannocks, 63£75 c; Common mixed. 65®60c. Bovementa of Breaditnff»-«*Feb. 10. KKXXrra BT SAILWATS. floor Wht Com OaU Bar. Oat. Hogs bbls. bo. bo. be bo. No. No. llqS'cVs.'h i"i iocT is» "»6 'iS "is "in BjEockLB.U. ='J MO SUO IS 1M By 111 Central.. *1 2US b . 1 S I*o. B. * Q... '8 SOOT SOU" 6°o 355 M 120 13 SBS .... 1U» <W irO.i-iBLL. su) sioo .... M Total .15". 895] £659 5101 817 103 C 76 ~ , ' New York Market. [Br Tklxobipsl] Nsw Year. February 11. ISM. Flo us—Firmer, with better d mand for Ea-tern audio ctf traje. SUes 11.200 bbli ata5.10®5.55 for superfine Htate: «66XSSS» forFxtra 6Ute; <5.;W£5-S0 for super fine Western; a 6.1056.25 for sblpolog brands extra round ho pOhio-martet cl'slne Quiet andfirm Cm*- dlao quiet: small,sales at #6 30®T.S5. Smail sales Bye WheaVrerr dull, a* d to sell freely bolder* must submit to a decline. : S n iffnisffiiis2ti lyedullat£o®Bs. Barley quiet: sales *.siobuWrtotate at6oa Cora continues dull andheavj formlxrd, western at MSB 6, nominally: s*'ei 7.OCR' burew\eUow BCK3Bie Oats dull at 55(tvWc for State, and 61&6jc for *WuSt—ln f«lr demand. r-->^ Paoratos*—Pork Qtner. Biles *,600 tlB.Gj& 18 75 for new mess. •16®18.13 for old dajl'3.7s ftrprlmc. «15.75®16 :or prime mesa. Indudlng USOQ bbls new mtas for May. Jane. Jut and A;gustatll9. Beef buoyant for the better quali'les E«l*sl.w bbls at 46.50®' lor piline, «7 75&9f0rd0 mesa. 48 755C11 far repacked mesa. H«aia tor extra do. Beef bams firm. for prim*, men bee' titfsiS. Cut me4ta activeanrtflnn er. daleit.wJpkeiatexaT for »boulders. for Bacon quiet S*ei 150 boxes »Hon ribbed mld dleaonp.t. ed boo firmer. Bal« Lard heavy and drroplng Sale# GUI pkiti at l-@liK. Butter firm at 11020 for Ohio, IGS27 tor a»ate. Cheese Infalr re- QU Fleece quiet and firm. Falei 50,000 Be at «3»«6c lor Quarter Blood to fcaxooy: Pulled sieadr usd üßCtianKed Of t ere baa been a a*te of toO bale* at 30c far Fine Mettiza; 30c lor Smyrna, Cordova, *od Buenoi Ayres, on private term*. Stocct—Variable but ueneraTy h«ivy. U. S.s*s of at liSV; Mo. W.H a 6J; Hailem, Sil.'3: M.B.l;tbcnl« feß; Delaware ana Hudson. f9X; Padfis MaU, Cm iN; hi B ISM: Hudson. 3HC; B. W: Erie, 135%, Beadlnc.47S: Galena and Chlcaso, tsS>i; Mo. t/a Virginia 6 e,W>t New York Cattle Market* WcpnaoAT, Feb. 9. paicts or BEEF AT FOBTT-FOCKTHITBOT. L'ltWeek. Premium Qua1ity................. 11 G£ - 11 Gbli% Beat amiltt. ........ ...... i 0 AIOH 10, Medium quality BX® gs lnfetior. 6 © 8 6 © 8 General»elllui pricea 7M<*lo B tall Avernse of all tales about Bh<i£ 9 9 ( ® — BKMABXa OS BEX? CiTHA At AllerUm'i prices were half a cent lower this morn in .andthetradewaafalr.cona'.deriujctheweather. The beat adeciluns t rourLt 10M&lie, very few be ; ne over 100 10HC, and other rradts from 6 to The euallty »aa u tood aa la*t week, though a conaiderable quantity of poor stock waa on sale. Swcra. Are scarcer. No western dressed are arriving of any mootfit,and there are letaclty dressel ooaale. come very heavy selected western com fed, dty dre<aed. brouabt BH&9e. We quote heavy western at 7@7Kc. other itradea at 5&6 Xc gross. The reeebts are about 6.000 bead. , Toe wast of budneaa tact on the put of the propr etora of the Western aod lludaon Drove Yards la the only rea son for their delay andcirelessness In making their week* ly reporia. . Uuamess Olaris. JOHN O. HOGS BS [ ATTORNEY AT law, 100 BANDOLFH STEEET 100 ! JjSl lm<a Noa 6 and 8. second floor. Chlca?o. lIL ' BLACEWELL & oamioiHa i * TTORNIE9 AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, U Sooth Ciark street, opposite the Court House, Chicago. Illinois. Will practice in the Federal and State Courts of Uiluols, and in the Supreme Oonrt of the United States. Bqbkbtß. Bucawcx. IdelT] GilbcktW. Ocmmoiq. □ GOODWIH LiRITED &. GOODWiH- Attornbts and oounsellobs— Office No. 97 Washington street, adjoining Lar • mon'B Block. Chicago, Illlnoia. j srsrsca a. aooDWia bdw, a uuo di**looopwui. a ' OOOKIMS THOMAS & ROBERTS-' ATTORNEYS" AT LAW, 7U AND 81 . Dearborn Street. Chicago. Illinois. nol9 b034 2a DRAKE &. BRO. 3M Olark Street Si TkEALERS IN PAPER HANGINGS,-- JJ PAPER HANGERS, Ac- Ac. House. Slga and Shade Painters. ocß blll^m BASS At MULVEY a TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT l\. LAW. No, 47 Clark street, Chicago. * rgniti»B bass. ( oclb4»ly jcsicsmultkt. o STEFJ.K &. BZLE7 A TTORNEYS AT LAW, 58 DEARBORN ■cjL srascr. Chicago. » £oom Ka i. Walker's Bulldlux. P. O. Box 1277. * g. T.ttraau Ld»t*L H. E. aiLCT. CRAWFORD, BMARP & CO., t piPORTERS AND D£4I,ERS IN CROCK -1 KRY. Glass and China, rxble Cut'prjr, , utasscs,(jksture and UriUinnl» ffare,No.loS Lik« Chicago. 111. i. G. H. L L. LAJXIH4 n \TTHOLE3ALE PAPER WAREHOUSE, >♦ > V 49 SOOTH WATEH STKBET, a Are now receiving their winter stock of Floe Papers and . eastern Book Papers, which they offer at tow pnees. u Printing paper of every site and Pest quality. ocT.blCI '' VDLOAH FOUHDHT. CLINTON STREET, tfiTWEBW FOhVOT I and Carroll. Chleago. 111. I HIXRV WACniNGTON, Hanufacterer of Btuionary act Portable Steam £skuimi ' C Machinery and Kill Q«arlng. OaiUnra made to order «od Repalrin* yremjjUy m, 0 tended to. TrM»ly »0 • EDWAHD S.ASATi AND COUNSELLOB CX ,JW d NO 77 SOUTH OLARK STRUT. Oppoalte Oourt Hoose. ..Okl^nc, " k tay«.ly4P74 gTATEMENT OF THE CONDITION —onm— HOME mSDRINCE COIIPINC, On the First day of January, i. D. 1559. 5. Made to the Auditor of the State of lUvioU t pur suant to the Statute of that State, cr NAME AND LOCATION, "d The name of this Company la "The Home lusurarce CP GpßP* o^' in 1653 and located In the dty CAPITAL, cr Tae capital of said company actually paid _ uplnea?hls |6C>O((iO0O r- Ihesur lujoatbelttJaa-.I&W, 442.43172 OA Tctal am't capllal and surplus H.MZ.431 73 ill ASSETS. .41 Amount of cash In bank #£s 401 £9 ... .. balaueelnbandsofageotiand Jo eour»e of transmission 17.T954 • .. Unincumbered real estate owned by - toe company 67.631 00 .. Loans on bond and mortragea, belo* first iclu of record on unincumbered real es al*. worth at least. |i 179,60 a ■ and on •hlch there Is less than one ?* year*a Interest due and owing 6HBS2 CO ill .. Loans tn binds aad mortgages ou [a. which there Is due more than one nf year's interest. fiDDe •• Loamoustocksandbondsparableon to demand, the market value of securl* a. ties pledged, *152 #97 109.550 00 •• el other!-ans nude by the company . not lududed In preceding lt*cn noae. or .. back stocks owuedbytbe compauy. of unarket value) K.OOO 00 i„ •• due th«» company on which judgment* l J have be n obtained rone. fe •• U. H. Trea«ury Notea. (mark'ttaiue.) 77147 26 je •• Assessments on tbe stock of the com. rany called loauddre and unpaid. "1 orpiemloin notes due and unpaid... none: n> Miasouri State bo. di 6 perct. (mar. tfc ketvaluej 17160(0 n. •• Jpterest actually doe and unpaH.... 1112530 .. Premium due and unco4ected on pol a lclfs issued av the office iffis 84 .. Bill* receivable for premiums on in. land navigation risks &QH 74 rn Total Asieta 11.077.990 40 j" IjXABXZJXTIES. Amount of Loees awaited and due and un paid cone. 3- .. Losses lncurredandiaproctssofad* r justmenu sllllß 29 .. Losseireported, on walch no action has been taken 9 69125 ® •• lo«J.esrealrtedoy theOo.. 15>9»4 Dmaecds declared dus and unpaids SU 00 h •• , ♦•. . .either caah or script de> u chred, but not yet cue none. e .. Money borrowed none. n All oiner existing claims aininst tns g company none< n Tctal am't Claims and nihilities •. .15$, 658® . ' Th, ."TifiT l "■ It! one rt«k la ,30.000, *• _ but will not. as a general rule, excetd 810.000. g. The company have no general rule as to the amount al lowea to belnaared In aay cjij, town, village or blocr. » Üb;ln* the Intention ol tbe company to datnbute tta flre m * noerMao110 lo#e ItEO •10.0UO Srirt or Kiw Year, ) City and Oounty of NewYork.J n ; retary, of the Home Insurance Company, being severallr duly sworn, depose and siy. and each the foregoing is a true, foil and oo.rcct id the atfilrs of sad Osrsoration. and that they arTt* i al»ove described officers thereot 7 Ue (Flgned.l CHARLES J. MARTIV. president >ls isUned,] J. MILTON BMI rU. fecreuuy. do Sobstzlbed and sworn before me this 91 hdavor Jan uary, A. D i«9. J WM. BD^TKtD. Commissioner in Pew York for the gtate of lllino.a. Oertl&cate to expire on the 81st day of January 1560. AcntToas Omoa, Sran or ttrnroio flprfngfield. January S3, l®9. f of the Some fire Insurance Company, I oca. liuV Sr* York • la 0,8 ® tal ® of New Yonr, has tiled 2 this offly a statement or the condition of lis affai s c® " required by •An Act to regulate the Agencies of la M Oompinles not incorporated by the State of in *®proved February 17th. 1855 and an ar-t S •fPfOTed Januan 22d. IWB, and, 100 «>PP*n» ha» furnished satlilaclorr evl. , eago- lw agent for the tranaau*on rf the business of said la company, and fully and unreservedly auihorixln* him to in aecxowiedfe aernce of process for and on behalf of In SSi? conienting that, service of process upon u tds. the shall be taken and to be aavailias If aerved upon the company, and wavering all of „ error by ream of such service. . .Now.tb'rtfva,in punnanee of the act aforesaid. L fcf® °fPublic Aocounts of the er fift* of nUnol% do hereby certify that the «aid H. B. Wl4ttarta Is aatfaoriaed as an Agfnt for tbeaald Oomnanv lotoaancttbebodnessof insuranae In this 6tate,untu ia tne thnty.ftnt day of January. lt«a so far a» he may be legaUy empowered so to co oy said Oompa r y. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name, aad affixed the seal of my office, this 28th day of t« January, 1869. «pime<y ._ JE3BE KTDUBOIS. 111 jsealh Auditor Publio Aeaouuts. ■ c —' f«a ciH4w sextoiiH aud lliutertaK«i'», ; • LTAVEONHAND, AT ALL TIKES, evert 7 LL etyle aad finish, Wood. Lea-., and ZlueOoOaa; also snrpoaa. And are prepared with liearvea and »» everytatag r®quiait« for Funerals-.and maybefonad 50 no aaad,andr«a<tyi4clVapromptaUeatloatotMtr bust« tf oeaaatail boun. ft Therale» have a cups< aud Vault la tts Oemeterr. »W. VBIOHT * MoCLTBA. . . T , , OTATESCENT OF THE CONDITION ( —OF TUB— 3 Hartford Ficgfosaranee Company 8 Made t# thi Auditor «f the State of Illinois, JANUARY 1.1850. \ I The name of the Company 1* the Ilartford Fire Insu* £ r*nce Company, aod Is located at tlbrtford, IX - t CAPITAL 5 9 The amount of Capital Ftockl* ~8500,000 00 f 8 The amount oJ Capital Stock pal* up 15... 6t0.000 00 c 4 ASSETS. . 1 Cash on hand 843.4S 32 " Caah in hands of Agents or in coune of transmission si 1 Balances on book due the Company. 2o j Bdl seeured by , l security, 65 t Btal Estate unencumbered IS.Ojj 00 ( Par Value. Market. , Ell shares Hartford B'k Etock 861100 C 7.45) 00 i 4UO .. Phtßllx 40 010 40UW00 - 100 .. Oonn.Riverßank'gCo.Si'k 6.*00 6 400U0 « ao .. Fanners* A Mech's B'kbt'k, S»,0oo 22.5J0 OJ . J qoo .. Kxehange •• .. l ft .oo u,foo O) \ li 4 :: Sty .. W4O» 1I.»»00 1 150 .. B'k of Hartford Oo 7 500 . (W • £OO .. Charter Oak .. .. 2a,wn a 150 .. Mercantile .. .. 15.000 14.KX) O) , 132 .. Merch'taAManaTrs .. •• 1<,200 13M0O0 J3I .. £tna .. .; 13.7 0 14316 00 SuO .. AmericanExch'ge .. .. J>j,o 0 SliiltX) > »C .. Ban* of America . .. W.MO IB.UW W : 900 .. Bank of Oco merce .. : o.u>t 3',7'0 00 Bco .. Importer t Traders B*k .. 3 > 000 00 '2 Hi .. Manhattan co. .. .. 10.000 13.8 OCO " IOT Merchants' .. .. I'J.KO HiHOOO 9w .. Lnlon •• •• I^OO 1 ) lowoo 200 .. Ocean .. •• 10.CW W l'O .. BankofNorthAmerica .. !o.oio 11,0 0U) 800 .. MetropoUtan B'k.. UIOOO 3J.450 IM 1«0 .. Blickstooe .. .. 10 0.0 100 Bank of Commerce .. 30.000 10.375 w 10 .. Scffolk .. •• 1,000 1.270 00 1W .. Hide*ndLeather .. .. lu.*oo 10.500t0 HW " Granite .. .. 10.003 lU.BOJ 00 100 .. Webster .. •« HMM)" 10.75*1 00 lS lro .. AUantlO .. .. 10.000 1U.&25 00 10j .. FkS ate of Missouri .. 10.000 iftOOJ W) 100 .. Hartford aN.ILIt K, .. 10.00) U) 3J .. Colp. River .. •• 2000 I.UX)<O 130 .. Oonn. R.ver r ompany .. li W0 8,100 00 2 Ohio State .. 6 .. .. 1W& 10.000 10*075 CO »HIS ~ 6 .. .. ltd, 3U.UQO 2ttoQ 00 80Tennessee .. « .. •• IsVS. 2UOOU li»5o uo C. 8. Treaiur/ Notes. (4X VcU IVWX) ljtgs 10 Tctal amount of Assita, 8'.98 63i S3 LIABILITIES. 5 No liabilities to Banks, or oto era. due or tot due. A No losses adjusted acd due. 7 Lo*ses either unadjusted or I #5901359 8 Adjuftedacdnotaue, { 9 Lsssei In eu'pmse waiting fur* ther proof, lrduded In la*t answer above. , „ , Ar 10 All clher claims jjgairitthe Co. ?.655,9i Total am't cf Liabilities, H68.909 96 II The rule of the Comoany is not to exceed S.O.WJ in any eneiUk.Buej£cttoli>ubyasinKt»fire. 12 Tbeamountlns2iedinadlyorvlllage.depen(?aupon lu size—generally all the desirable nak to be ha?; sobj :tt to the role lait kbove saaed. tii , 13 The amount insorcrf In any oce block of bulldinrs. depe r dj upon its size and construction, subject ta the ru'e above referred to. . 14 The Act of Incorporation is the same ai filed In Jan. uary. 1553, TlitlO. C. AiLIN, S«crctary, [ORIGINAL.] [Certificateto expire ontheSist day of January. 1360.] AcotTOa'fl Orncs. Stxti or Ilurozs.} gpaiscn£Ln.Uanuary ( ISJ9. ) Whereas, the Hartford Fire Iniurance Company, located at Hartforii. In the Slate of Connecticut, us filed In this office a st&Wment of the condi tion ol lu affairs, as required by "An Act to reKUlate tbe Agendescf Ineurance Companies not Incorporated by the State of Illinois," approved February 17, >855. ana an act amotdatory thereto, approved Jaouary 22. laji; and whereaa, said Company has furnished factory evi dence that it Is possess id of th» required amount oi capi tal invested In stocks «nd mortgages, and has filed In this office a written Instrument, s gned by the President and Secretary thereot, appointing H. li wtllmarth of Chicago, itl Agent for the transaction of the buslnewof said Compa* ny.and Aillyandunresirvedly auUiorltirwhlmto acknowl edge service of tirocess for un behalf of said Com* pany. oonsentlng that service of process upon him. the said Agent, shall be taken and held to be as valid as if served upontbe Oomi>a~y. and waiving all claim of trror by reason of such service, how, therefore, in pursuance of tee nrovisions of tbe Act aforesaid. L Jesse K. Dubois. Auditor of Public Ac* count* of the gtate of lUlnoi*. do hereby certify tnat the said Heoi7 B. W I'lmarth is authorized as an Agent for the said Company, tn transac«the business of Insurance in this btate. until the thirty-first day of January, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty, so far as he maybe legally empowered so to do by said Company. .... In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed the seal of my office, at Sprinsfie.d. this fifteenth day of January A. D. 1b52. jKaaiS K.DUBOIS, Auditor P. A. 11. E. WILLtUETU, Ajtat, jaS7c93lm Corner S:uth Water and Clark-sis. PHCENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, —CF— Hartford. Coun. S; L« LOOMI?, President. H, KELLOGG, Secretary, WESTERN BIliNCn OFFICE, omczsrirATz M. MA-G-ILIli, G-eneral Assnt, STATEMENT OF ASSETS, JANUARY 8, 1859. Examined and approved by the Auditors of Wisconsin, lowa, lodlana. Ohio. Illinois and Tennessee In compli ance with tbe Lawsol those Slates, i CASH CAPITAL $200,000 00. CASH ASSETS, 8419.0&4 C 9. Cash, en hand and In bank 8 5T,4">111 ** due and !rom Agents *5,174 70 shares New York Dank stocks zii 1100 " Hartford ** ** 114 5^61«0 10J " otberN. E. " " &7*« W t Am't loaned ou Mortgages of Real Eslate 'BOSOOtO ** - " Pledge of Bank *t9cks 2>*,510 CO 30 Water Bonds of the town of New Britain, Connecticut 10 500 00 10 O P. AL R. R. Konds. cu«ranteed ",W«1 Accumulated Interest on Investments 3 W ) Real Estate owned by the Company, unincum j bered 6.4CG 71 | Total Asseta 5119.08415 Liabilities, btlng unadjusted losses and those hot doe 53L343 00 The foregoing Statement rreients sueh a view of the Company's posltio j as must impress the conviction on > the minds of allot Its solvency aod healthy condition. Tbe amou*t of its liabilities is lets than Co npanles do. In* to large and extensive a bunlnets generally show "no long and lirge list of unpaid losses," as a tet cfl against accumulations are sen h*re. If, therefrre, you want Insurance In a First-Clan Insu rance Coinpany. goto the "PIHESIX" through any of iUautboilzed Agenta. and vour application will be re ceived and buslaess promptly attended to. the prominent tams ondcilles of the Union. BRANCH OFnCE.Nos. SI and 33 West Thlrdst., cp ptslte Masonic Temple.tlDcinna'l O. Ateota appointed, correspOLdence attended to. losses adjusted and paid, and a l tuslness of tbe Wes;em Branch attended to wltn dispatch and fidelity by M. MAQtLL. General Agent. H Ml MAQILU J Axents aad Adjastirs, ' gT STATE AUTHORITY CBOIOB Ist CLASS INSURANCE —BT THI— -5 X) Kneorporatcd 1819—Cliarter Perpetual. :0 CASH CAPITAL $1,000,008. lAbeolnte and Dblmpared With a Sorplos of 9666,140 10. X) Aad the prestige of 33 years succps and enericnce. Tbe Capital alone being double that *r any Fire Insu rance ComDany in the united States. )0 ASSETS. JULY Ist, IVS. Oaah on hand and deposited In Hartford Banks •179.154 16 X Cash in tracsit and Aaenta' hands 114,719 05 U.S. Treasury Notes, 6per cent. Interest...... 2.500 OJ 146 State Bonds ltiijo 00 Money due the Company, secured by mort -0 ReafcrtAVe unincumbered O Bills receivable 64.4*) S4 xiunTun. 4 in Bonda, 6,7, andlO V cent, interest annu ally 161.250 00 '4 167 share* Railroad Stock 82,772 00 66 share* Connecticut River 00. Stock.... 1,350 CO ;0 60 shares Stafford Bank Stock 5.-J2O 00 60 shares Waterbury Bank Stock 6,250 00 86 shares Providence Bsnk Stock 1.973 00 18S9 shares Hartfordßank stock 230.112 50 8U)30 shares New York Bank Stock. 643.740 0u U shares Jersey City Bank Stock I.DCO 00 a ito shares U. S. Trust 00. New York Stock. ILIW3 OJ 9 2UO shares New York. L. L and Trust Com. s pany Stock. H750 00 4 a; i|n in 0 „ TOTAL LL'.BILinEB: Unsettled 01 aims not due WC.714 U LtSMS Adjusted and Pronptly Fald« ~ UPWARDS OF 511,000,000 of losses have been 6 paid by the Ana Insurance Company in the oast 89 \ mri> u Fire and Inland Navigation. Risks accepted at terms consistent with solvency and ' fair profit. bpeclal attention given to Inmranceof Dweillaga and j Contents for terms oT of or five years. Organised on a NATIONAL basla. with aaendes In n the prinplpal cities and towns. Cash transactions, free from the objections of thi credit system. Application made to any duly authorised Agent promptly attended to. Bystrlctattentionf) a legitimate liavraDee business this Oompany Is enabled to offer both indemnity for tbe j. pastand security for the future. T PoUdeslssued without delay by any of Its duly author -1 laed Agenta if Branch Office 171 Vine street, OindnnstL. e attended to with dispatch asd J. B. BEHNZrr, Geoar«l Agent- HUBBARD A HUNT, Asents, Chicago. 3 w. B. PATCH, State Agent Peoria, Illinois. oclb4l-6m L STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OP IO the Macara Fire losurance Company of toe city of New Tork on tbe first day of January. 1559. in conformity with the Law ol Illinois: t. Hr*t—The name of the Company Is tbe Muara Fire In. d suranoe Oompany, and is located in the Oily and£ta4e a of r»ew fork. Be»n<t—The amount of iti Capital Stock Is Two Hundred if Thousand Dollar*. X Third— Tfro amount of its Oapital Stock* paid up. Is \i Fourth—ll Cash on band and In the hands of l- . JK«cta... $22,916.73 a J* No Keal Estate. ,t sB. I. Three New York City revenue 1. b. nds, 6 per cent 425 000 d • Seven Brooklyn City Water Lo«n 0 6 per cent bonds. 57.00J if 8. Six Hudson Kiver tfaLroad. Ist D , morUa*e. 7 per cnt A&oJ-41.50a00 a 4, Debts due the company secured by if bonds and mortgages, being ail first and of which mere . than *IOO 000 is upon property e worth doub.e the amo :nt mort - gagedthereonat7><c ntlnterest,2l3,7so,oo 16. Luana on Sfcks tnvable on de mand of the u. k.l value of , a49.(M. 27.625 75 6. Debts for t rem urns 7i? 66 r 7. All other tecuritles 8.513 64 '' Tctal Assets of the Company 1314,065.72 Fifth—The Company owes no bank or other creditors.... none. Slxt) I —Losses adjusted aad due none " Be rmtb— Losses adjusted and not que none. KUuib—Losses nsaoiusted 2 200.00 ~Lo:ses tn suspense waitlne further proof Loofl.OO | Tenth—Ko other claims the company., none. Total of Liabilities of the Oompanj • 7A)0.0O : Deventh—The greate»t amount insured In any • oterisk... 15.000.00 7 _ . . INo general rules cn the<e points, ? Twelfth I but seldom exceeding SIO,OOO. M ulrteesth f and single risk In tne dty, and J $6,000 oct, MMmUO dm. OaftaiAfnSWa»a%Nl. • ' ••" STATE OF ILLTNOIB, COUNTY OF COOK, F n.—Oook Cocnty Court of Common Pleas, February '. icnn. 1859.. . . } Silvester L'nd."Bamttelß. Slater, Ex'cu'or* and ""rus'ees , of Jaber Barber. r». Joseph Wilde, Mentor, * Ana Wilde, his wi e. Mary Asa Rirber, Lacy Buber. J Harriet Barber, Charles Y. Bell, and Ells* Bell, bis 0 wl-tt—ln Chancery* ' '1 . . , , Affidavit of the nor residence of Marr Ann Barber. ■ I T ncy Ear be-, Barber, Char lea Y. Be'l and Eliza * Beil. b a «lfe.p&rt ofthe defend«nts above named, having. ; been filed In (ha office of the Clerk of said Oook Ooantv * Court of Ocmmon Pleas. given totNesald J Mart Aaj Barrier, Lncy Barber. Uardet Barber. Charles ■ Y. Bell, and E"J*% B>i'. bis wife, that the oomelainonts * flinithelrbillolcompialntlnthesaldCourt.onineChan. < cerr aide thereof on tbe S9th day of Janu -r/. 1659. and J that a saranons thereupon issued oat o> g&id Court J against said defendants, returnable on tbe fiTt Mon> * day of April next. A. D. ICS), as Is by law required. J Now. onl-u »on.- thfe said Vwy Ann Barber. Lacy 5 Barb?r. llarrlttßarber. Ch-rlesY. Bli ani EilzaUe.l, j Lb wife, shall personally be and appear bvfore said Cook Cou*ty Coa-t of Common Fleas, on tbe first flay of the next tern thereof, to be holotsi at Chicago in said County on the flnt Monday of April. 186?, and plead, answer or demur to tie said complainant's bill of complaint, the same and tbe nat ters tad thlnjo therein chanced and stated will be taken < as confessed, and a decree entered against yon accord* lnttoths prayer of slid bill. - _ . WALTER KIMBALL. Clerk. ' . Ma*h?r.Ta*tA King. o^*3pi'U jofrs.- frg-tw.rlS j rpRUSTEE'3 SAL E .—"WHEREAS vj L Cheiles C. Clarke and Mary 8., his wife. cf the el'y ( of Chicago, Courty of Co->k, andFtvte of IMno's exe- | rn'ed to toe as Tsostcs a de«d of trust cf the premises herelnaft-T de'clbt\ to aecore'le pijcnert of a erialn i promissory note of Five eusdred and rlxtr Seven I'ol* hi-, therein mentioned which de*d of tr*ist bears d.te May flfih, A. 1), lfvjs, and Is recorded In the Recorder's *• ffioe ot Wa'-worthiounty, aid Htatf of Wl»c>rsiii, in Bx.k£lof Moitgaier, Pa»es4lo and4ll; and whereat def<*u<th'S been made lnt.epaamentofsildnite and • applicat on hasbeen madeti me b» tbe le*»l bolder of ■nd note, to sell said prem'ses. under said dtedot trust, lor site p*rpos?s tnereln expressed. Now. th-refcre. public nstlc* Is hereby given that I ell til sell at public auction, at the North door of the Oonrt house In the ciy of Chicago, In said County and Bute, to tbe hlshest h'dd-r for Cnah. at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon, on the NL\TH DAY OF MARCH. A. D. th«i premises do sctib'd la said deed of trust, to wit:—Tbe undivided two-thirds 0»i of tbe north half the 'orthwest quarter Section twenty-nine <£»). Town number one (l», N. r h lla*RiaQaberßiueetiU6) east of the tonrth P<lxiclt»u M ridlsn. and eontilnlac fir y three and one third (liMJ arres. be tbe sam s more or less, the same being land i-et to BirJanin F. i lark* and t'h&rles 0. Clarke from the cttjte of tbe late lt. Qarke. . . FRANCIS F. EGQI.E3TON. Chicago. February 2ad. lsoi>. . ft 2 50: cl£3 STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK £3.—drccit Oosrt of Cook County. March Terra, 1=63. James Wilson and Beajamla Eolesloa ti. Robert Csrna han-In Chancery. /vtUdarlt or the non-residence of Robert Camaban. defendant above n«aed. baring been filed In office of tbe Clerk of said Clrm't Court o( Cook County. Notice Is hereby clven to the said Robert Camahan that said eofUpla'oants filed their bill of complaint tn said Oonrt on the Cbanoery side thereof, on the eleventh day of Janaary, 1535. and an & summons thereupon Issued out of said Court ax&last s*ld defendants, re turnable on the first Uonday of Marcn next. l&*. as Is by law reqiUred. tbe said Robert Oamaban shall personally be and appear before said Circuit Court 'of Cook County, on tbe first day of tbe next March tens thereof to be noldenat Chicago, in said County, on tbe first Monday of March. 1S&. and plead, answer or de murto the said complainant's bill of complaint, the same and the matters ana things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed, and a decree entered tgnlnrt jou according to the prayer of said bilL , WM. L. CHUECH. Clerk Arthur W.Wlndet. Oftm»vu Mr. feUw c! 36 ITORTGAGE SALE.—NOTICE IS LtJL hereby (dren that«Tlne beeo nade In the paymeat of a certain Prjtcl»ory Note secured in and i.y a certain mortcise. made and executed by Alfred P. Wane, bearing date 17th oay of AoriL anl rucordcl In the office of the Reorder of Deeds for the County of Oook. and State cf Illinois. In 80. k36 if Mortgages, at Page 741, to Geo. At. Gray, to secure tbepaTmentof a certain promisor* note in raid martcace mentioned ati wnicb tnTe will be du? on the dir of aale. principal and interest. &gbt^Thousand Klghty>Etsht Dollars and Ninety* Six Cents. • how, therefore I sjail. by virtus of the povCr in aaid ciortcaec Sowtalned. on TLiCRSI)&Y• the teoib day or March, A. D. 1&*. at the Court House, in the city «'f Chlc«go and County of Oook, and State of llllnou, at 10 o'clock A M., sell ai pnb'J 2 auction to the highest biddtr f»r c si the (ollowiug described lots or pieces of lands, together with all rtgtit and »>quity of re* demotion, situated lathe cttrof Oilcjuo, and County of Co k.acadMit«of Illinois, to wit; lue undivided one* half of Lots ons it) and two 2>, In Block four W, Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago. _ GEO. M. GRAY. Mortzage. Ch'Cago.Tfb. 81b. f t 9 c!9i td. QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY, IO Bi—Cook County Circuit Court—February Special Term. A. D. 1553. Henry Milirardrs. O.D. Olbertaii k Co. Public notice Is hereby given to the said 0. D. Colbert, son A Co that a writ of attachment Iriued out of the on ce of the Clerk of the Oook County Clrcnlt Conn, dated the tenth day of January, A. D. 1851*. at the salt of the said Henry Milward, ana against the estnte of tbe said 0. D Calbertson k Co., for the sum of one bnndred and eighteen dollars, directed to ths Sheriff of Oook County, which said writ has been retorced exe cuted. _ Now. therefore, unless yon, the said C. D. Colbertsons Co. sbsli personally be and appear before tbe said Cook County CiraLtComt, on or before the flrstday of the next SuecldJ term thereof to be holdeu at the Court uouse. la the city of Chicago, on the second Monday of Fetv ruary, A. D. l»y. give special bail, and plead to the said plaiLtilTs sictlou mdsment will be entered axainst I ynu and In favor of the bald Henry Milward. and so much of the property as may be sufficient to satlsfythe eald fragment hud costs, will be sold to satlsiy ths -loe. WM. L. OHCRCH. Clerk. H. Davs. Plff'i Att r. ialß4wc* RECEIVER'S SALE.— STATE uF ILLI 1 n K Cook County. feS.-Cook O'a-ty Court of ! Common P<eas—Chicago, January SHth, lte9. I Granville Eimbatl vs. Luke Comstock. WatttnT.llesox, ! Kdwud U Comstoc.—ln Chancery. I Public Notice ts hereby clTen. that LLC. Paine Freer, as Receiver, appointed by the Oonrt. in theabsve entitled cau»e, will on the Sixteenth day February, A. D. 155f. at the north door of tbe Court House of tbe County of Cook, In tbe city of Chicago, at ten o'clock in thr fore . noon of said day, sell at Public Auction to the highest ' binder, for casu. a certain t-ond in the penalty often th -usund dollars execu'ed by Warren T. llecox, as Ocl'g .rto lutce Comsiock asOblgee. reo:tlnc that ths oblUor Is Indebted to tbe oblliee In the sntn of Qve thoa* sand dollars, of the i urcbdse money of tne Real Ks> fue beTctnnfter descrloed. and conditioned for tbe pay. raeot of said sam of five thousand dcllart. to Kdvard L. Corns ock. son of Luke Comstock, upon his becom ing of ase, and tbe interest on said Bond payable to said » at therateof eUhtper c*ct per annum annually on the 6 b day cf February in each year, until • the said Boud matures, watch will be on the £6tb day of Febiuary. A. D. IS7L said Bond secured by a Deed of Trust, which, with the sa'.i Bond, baar date February sth, 1851 executed by said Warren T. Hecox, and ru nlntto sal.l aeietiah A., d conveying to said Wyn. koop all that oart of tot three (il>, in Block - ce aad forty-one (141). In the fchool flection Addition to Ctdcitfn, coiomeacmg cn the northwest comer of sail lot three 0!>, runniQK thecce tcu>h on the west line > f D said lot one hundred ei<Dty nine fert to an alley, thence ) east alocg s%ld alley thirty three feet, thence north paral -0 lei with the west line to Monroe s'.eet. thsnce weit D along ths south tin* of Monroe street tblrty-three feet. titbep'aceof beginning. Said Deed ot T;tut reciting 9 the condi'ions of the Bond substantiallv. and containing D a of sale. L. C. PAINE FKEE4, D jaatdcSl Receiver. 1 QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY: SS. ■ O Circuit CoortofOook County, FebrnaryfipedalTern I A. D..1559. Johnß Kirg ts. John 1\ Gardon Corkllng, 3 Caroline A. Ccnkllnc, Sara't A. Conkllng. Gad!ry Bry. act. PetsrPecoy and Chariss J. Tremam, -In Chan b or tli» of John P. Conkl'nr, 1 Ga don Cankling and tar lneA. his wl e, Su-ahA.Conklln-.Godfteyßrjant and Ch res J. lr« main, defendant) above named, having been filed In r tbe office ot the Clerk ot said Clrcnlt Court of Cook County 2 notice ts hereby triven to the said J hnP. Coakltn/. G«r tioaCcn*Uog a:d Csro'lae A. hi* wlf?, d-rah t- A Con li ir.Goltreyiryantaidohar.eaJ. T.cealntbat if slid complainant filed his bill of complaint in MldiCourt :■ on be Caincbry side thereof, on thefi stday ofFtrop. rry 1!459; and that a summons thereupon issued out ol said s Court acalnst said Ueiendants. returnable on the second Monday of February insr., (1:»5) as Is by law required. b Now, utlefsyon. tbe said Joon P. Con'llnjt. Uaroon CoLklicshni I'&ro.i e A Conkling his wife, s&rj>h A. s <>oifre/ Br.*ant»nd Charles JjTrereaini shall a I'trsorally t>e and befo e said Olicui. court of Oook Co.. on the first day of the next special term thereof: tobeholdeo at •.hicaso. In sMd cocnty, on tiie second Mondayo febresry. and t lead, antwer or demur tc the said complainants'bill of complaint, the same and the matters ana thlncs therein charged and stated will be taken as conf.ssed.and a decree entered against you. according Ui Uie prarer of UOHCECnx ,„ t ] George £co?i!le, Comp'ti lol'r. ies cl; 7 4w QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COUK COUNTY, 0 SS.—Circuit Ceurt of Oook County, January Specla Ton. A. D.. lbo9. WllUam McCully, John F. McOolly, and Mark W. Wataon, vs. George tl Hoyt. PubllcNoUcelsherebyidventotbes. ,, i GeonreE.Hoyt that a writ of at' e. issued out of the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Ooun cf Cook County dated the elgb; tetnth day of December. A. D. ISSS, at the suit of tbe said WllUam M«*Cnlly. John F. McCully and Mark W. v»atson find against the estate of the saidGeo.E. Uoytforthe suii' 01 two hundred and ninety-eight dollars aad twenty-three cents, directed to the Sheriff of Oook County, which said writ has been returned executed. Now. therefore, unless you, the said Geoige tL Hoyt shall personally be and ap pearbefore the said Circuit CourtolOook County on or be fore the tlrst daj of the next special term thereof, to be boldenat the . oart llonse in the city of Chicago on the first Mondty of January A. D. 1p59, rive special bail, and plead to t .e said plaintiffs' action, judgment will be entered . -00, and in favor of tr.e said Wb.iun *: cOally, John F. McOully and Mark W. WaU.n. azul so much oi tuv Liroperty attached as may be sufficient to ut sfr the tala mdsment madcostswlll sold to satisfy • the t&al WILLtAM L. OHDROH. O.era. . Cornell ffalteAJJuncson.Piff'sAtt'ys de'^baJ<>:'d STATK OF ILI.INOIj, COUWTi OF Cooc. BS.—Cook County Ccnrt of Ocmmon Pleas, Februsry YersL. lb£3. Charles 11. liooth and Cha:les Tuttle \s. OiviHe Flsch.— i Attachment. Z Public notice is hereby given to the said Orvilie Finch a writ of Attachment Issued oat or the omce or the Clerk cf Cook County Court of Common Pleas, dated the fl'St day ol Febuary. A. D. ifW, at the in'.t of the said Charles H. Booth and Charles Tuttle and against « tbe estate of the said OrrUle Finch *or tne rum o r six g t»en bnndie» anu forty-two do'larsandforty-eiibt centi r i directed to the Sheriff of Cook county, which said n writ has been retimed executed. . Now. therefore, unless you. .he said Orvilie Finch shall 4 personally be and appear before the said Cook county I Oourtof Common Pleas, on or oefore the first day of the 4 next term thereo', to be holden at tbe Codrt House ■ In the city of Chicago, on tbe first Mondar of Febru ary. A. D. I;£S. give special ball and plead to the said n plaintiff's action fudgmentwlll be entered against you q andln favor of the said Charles 11 B)otb and Charles n Tut le. and n much of the property attached at may. a be sufficient to satisfy the said judgment and costs, n will b« K>ld to satlilythe üb'. a WALTER KIMBALL, Clerk. 0 Thompson k tifeop, Plfffs Att'ts. fe3 cl£»301 " OK GRAHAM MARR CE n I'i ceasei. Public notice is hereby given to ail per so.# having claims and demands asanst tbe estate of n »-raramMarrdeceased, topresmt adjcdl cation and tettle-neniata regular term of tie County 0 Oou.t of Coot Coantj. to be nolden at tbe Bouse In the City of on the first Monday of March, A. 1 D. lii 9. being the sev< nth day thereof. LUJLK MARK. Executrix of the last Will aad Testament of tiranam Marr deed, • HvH.iL MxaxT. Agent. Bine IVanL Januiry ll h. 1559. lal2 6«* 5 QTATE OF ILLINOIS—COOK COUSir. O Circuit Court ofCook Cocnty.—January Special Term, A. D. l!»<. Jerman S. Ke&tor and Porter Skinner vs. Andrew J. J Snort. 3 Public notice Is hereby given to the said Andrew J. Short, that a writ of attachment issued out of the o±ce of d the Clerk ofClrcult Ooun o> wook County dated the fourth day of Decanter, A. D. ISSS. at >ht suit ot tbe said Jennan Q S. Keator and Porter Ssluner and against the estate A m tbe said Andrew J. Short for the sum of Three Thou a sand Dollars directed to the Sheriff of Oook County, 4 which saldwritbas reenretoniedcxecoted. m Now, Ui ere fore unle s you, the said Andrew J. Short . shall personally be and ppe&r be or- the said Circuit Oowk County on or before tbe first day of the cext epecialTe m thereof obe bolden at tbe Oour House, in tne C.ty of Chicag., on th« first Monday«f January, /A. D. 11S5L live special ball, and plead to in? said platntUTs &cUon Judgment will be entered axal <st you and n favor 5 cf the said Jennan 8. Keator and Porter Skinner, and so much of tbe croH-rty attached as may be sufficient to aatisfythe eald judjaaantand «««ts. will be soldtos tisfy the same. WM. I>. OHDROH, Oerk. OomelL WalteA Jameson. Plt'ffs Att'ys. de^9h«.'d^"<Vl . \/TASTER'S oALE.—STATIii OF ILLI ™ It I no!s. Coek Oounty. Circuit Court o! Cook Co. —lnChanoery. if benactt B. Chambers vs. James Mlchie. y Public notice is hereby given that tn pursuance of a Decretal Order entered In the above entitled cause, i. oa tbe fourteenth day of January. A. D. ISS9. L e L. C. ?alne Freer. Master In Chancery of Cook County, Mate or Illinois, will on tbe twelfth of February, A. d D_ tSI9. at ten o'clock In ths forenoon of said cay. sell tt>ubllc auction, to toe highest-bidder, for cuh. at the I. North door of the Court House, of tje Oountv of Cook, la the city of Chicago, alHhe following described parcel «f real eitate w wit: Tbe west fraction of the rorth n west and s> ulb-wett quarters of section No. 67). m township thirty eight (3ft), rangetweUe tli> east of the third principal meridian, in Oook county, containing one hundred and twenty three acres mot e or leia. L. 0. PAINc. FKtCR. Master in Chancery. Oook county. Chicago. Jan. 80th. taatctetd 0 QTATE OF ILLINOIS—OOOK COUNTY, O S S.—Oook Oounty Oourt of Common Pleas—Feb ioary Term. A. WUliam E. DacceU. Henry D Bassett and D. Hobart iiilU, ts. Ranaoiph Densmsre, Barney H. Dyckcaa 0 and ftawln oensoore—Attachment Public Notice is hereby given to the said Randolph Denim ore, Barney H- Dyekmaa and Xdwln Densmn e. s that a writ of issued out of the office of the • Clerk of the Oook Oounty Court ofOommon.Pleas, dated k the twenty-fourth day of December. A. i>. 1863. atthe salt _ o. ibe said W'n. B DogxeU. Henry D. BavcU and D. 9 Hobart Htlla. and a«alnst the estate ot thesald JUcdolph n»nnnir», Uaroeyli. uyekman and Kdwin Dcsssore, for tne sum of Three Hundred and Wxty£e ven DoUars aad Seventy-PourOents. directed to tne Sheriff of Oook OeontT. which said writ has beenretmped exeorted. Wow, therefore, unless jou. thesald Randolph D*n>- 0 more Batney 1L D*c*mai and £dwin Dewior*. shall 0 personally be and appear before the said Oook Comity Courtof Ootmnoa fle»s. on or before thefim day ofthe - next term thereof, to be holdea at the Oonrt House, in 0 the eity of Chicago on the first Monday of February. A. D. iss?. gtre special baiL,and plead to tbe said 0 slalntlfTs action, lodgment wul be entered against you aTlTuwofttimwnilaa/ DoggetL Henry D. latom, \f' OIUVrA/JZICSONXi Plf'i A»*F. JalMw-O CcgaL , . rnKUBTEE'S SALE—DEFAUuT HAVING « J. bent made by Stephen Derr and Horatio G. Lnm- Ac bard in the payment cf a promissory note executed by them and datod on thr fifth day of April, aad payable to tbe order of Timothy Eirktea month ■ ater date the. eo', and bticsfor the inm cf nineteen hundred and fllty firs a dollars (1L933), ani drawing interest at 'en per cert. A Public nLt'.ce Is therefore btreby given that in porn, anceof tte powers contained In adeed of Trait esecnted by ssld T>errand > cmbard of date with slid note, run* ningto the as Trustee, L Ihimas Freeman. laoc tbe Trustee named la eald deed of trust, wll on the nlie. teenthdayof February, A. D. 159. at ten o'clock in tbe ftra 0 ? c day. at pnbib aoctlor forcajhto t nT T the highest bidder, at the north dooro' the Court House of tbe county of Coot to the city of a tl the real estate aad property described In a. d conrejed by said deed of trust. towKt lot noraber e'erea OlHn block cutober twenty CO) in CaTjentf l - A l.iUon to Chicago. I I V ed t lall »*' l 'yof Cn'rr.iO.cou ty or Cook aad •Mate bm?i ftUllnobs said . ;ru»t recorded In be«.ffie-©f ® the Record-r ;f conn»r. April 6lh. 1859. la book if,?- Oof IWd- THOMiSFiIE£MAN. Tru^ee._ QTATE OF ILLINOIS-COUNTY OF kJ Cook—SS. C«ok rt*»«3ty Court cf Oomman P.iai lh Febuary Term. A. D. 1£59. to oi patriek Hi*g»ns vs. wni!am Welch. WEIUm Si ii®' Dtnlel Alurpbyan«* Jeremiah A. i».l£sella. In Chancery. 2«q Affidavltof the non-resldtrce'of Jeremiah A. Klns-!la pin* and Daniel Slurp by. above named, having unJi been nled in the office of the clerk of ssld ok County soa« AJrurtof Common Pica*, notice is hereby given to the of cl said Jcem ah a. Sins«ila and Daalel Marpry the As complainant filed hi* bill of complaint in said Court, on t^eJ •be Chancery ride thereof on tbe day of Can: April 1657. and that a summons bas ssued out cf said cur t Court aga'nst ssld defeDila' ta. returnable on the first dlsp; Monday of Feboary next. its 9. as is by law required. We. Now. nnlees you. the said Jeremiah A. Rinsella solU ana Daniel Morpby shall personally be and appear Cf before said Cook County Court of Common Pleas of Mad Cook county, on tbe first day of tbe next term thereof to be holden at Chicago, in said ciuniy, on the first Mondav of Febuary, lsoS..snd plead, answer or de mur to the tiid complainant's bill of complaint, the same *„, ana the matters and things therein charged and stated 211 will be taken as confessed, and a decree entered you according to the prayer of eald bill. ▼. W. KT\raay.T., clerk. u G>uloo A Hitchcock. Oomnl'U Pol'rs. j»7 b&l64v j) j TV/HERIiAS, JOSIAH E. COLBURN, OF m cure the p >yment of a ctrtain note ma le aed slgaed by Rin him together sr.ti one RibertL. Du- lap, forth- sum of Hw three thousand dollars, dated 4th. ISS, pay- aMe to Erastui bailey or order. In one >e-r from date, with interest at ten per cent, per ancum. did by a cer. fe ts?n deed of treat executed b-* him bea log even date sua note, grant, bargatn and convey to the under, pri stsned Hiram P. Mather, of Ohicaro, afore:al4.' ceitaln premjes desaibed in sal i deed of txust as oUows. via: 181 l pur(4j in block sixteen (15). of Carpenter's Ad dition to Chicago, with thedaeVing house and improve, mtnta th:reoo." situated in the city of whicago. County T7 of Cook: which de£d of trust contained a power of sale H obemad»bysald Trustee on application ofthe let-1 A hf-l'Jer of said tote incaseo! drfan tof psyment Add, belt whereas, default has been made it piymeit of tbe amount of principal mentlo ed in isid note, as well as in payment of interest the 4th day of December, 1-67, and tbe »ald Trastus Bailey, toe legal bolder and owcer *' of (aid ncte, his applied to the iub»oiber to selltald pre mlse«; i\otice ls."thereforp, hereby given that In punnssce of g Ol the v «er above referred to, and in order to raise the ££? account due and to bectmt due for i riacipal snd Interest on tbe note aoove mentioned, together with the c.tts and exrenses of advertising anl seiiinc in ounuance of Sr raW power. 1 shall, on SAXOivDAY, tbe twelfth day uf x*? February next, at 11 o'clock In tte forenoon of thkt day at tbe north front door of the Court x? 3 House, la the said city of Cbicaso, ofler for ale V°s and tell at public auction ta tbe highest bidder for caih the tremltes de>cribed above acd in said deed eUJ if trust, and ailtheeqityofrcietaptlrn cf Jcsi«h Gn E. toibnrntherein. Ad-edinfee wilt be made to tha Bui porchuer by virtue of raid power of tale, fraid deed of c Uuu duly acknowledged will b» found recorded In the nei aecorder's"illce af Coak County, node? date of Decim- C btr ilHh lMa. In iiook lt2ol Desds. tin liloAM F. MATHe-H, Trustee furErastnsßailey. CL MiTdEju Tirr & Kiso. Attorneys. Wi Dated January 3is'. IbH>. clSO J IHAXCEiIY NOTICE-STATE OF iLLI- J VJ xcts. County of Cook. SS.—Circuit Oourt ol Cook Oountv April Term A.D. 1:59. _ FranWin £. Gregory Jcnn mt-jn, Ortrand Eutton, X M'ses W. Richardson. John H. Bradbury. George K. * Ricbvdsoa. Ge rse Barues. Jabez W. Lyman, Har vey Spencer. Edvard Alexander. Johnjj. Westerve t andOmr S ll'O-svs. A NononKing. ByronH. New* jt: ell, Rudolph Cchloesser, ElDtidgeG, Newell, andChas. Sonne. fw Affldavltoflheoon-resldenceoiKlbrldgeG.NeweU.ose | of the defendants above named, having oeen filed intheof. fice of tbe Olerk of said ». lx cult Court ofCook County, Bo Notice is hereby given to the said Elbrid<» <*. Newell that ah s»l4 comolainanufiledtbeir bill of complaint Insaid Court te on the Chancery side thereof, on the twenty-ninth day of November. l&S, and that a summons thereupon Is- i° sued out of said Court against said defendant, return* 40 able on the first Monday of January, 1569, as Is. by to law required. . I Kott, unless you. tbe eald Hbrlcge G. Newell shall personally be and appear before said Circuit Co art of Oook Oounty, on the firstd&y of the nextApiil . • term thereof, to be holden at Chicago, in the said Aj County of Oook, on tbe urst Monday of April, 1559, and plead, answer or demur, to the said complainants' bill ot complaint, the same and tbe matters and things there* j&! in charged and stated will betaken as confessed, and a - decree entered against you according to the prayer of said 1J Fraakim Webster. Cos'pl'ta So.'r. ja27clOl4w ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-COUN f\. tt Court of Cook Ccnnty, { In the matter of the estate of Jacob Frtdrick. deceased. V Ait persocs having cialms against the estate of Jv Fredrick, dece»B.-d, late of Cjolc CoonLy.are notiSed and requested to at.erd at the County Com tof Cook ** Cocnty. to be held at t':e Court House, in the city cf Chi cago, on the first Mondiy of March next, at ten o'clock fan ti-eioreooon. IT the administratrix of said estate having bxed on that term for settling and adjusting all clilms agalost said es tate. MARGaRITTA FlltlDßlCli, Adjilnistratrix. ci Tdompsos A Bishop. Att'.s. Chlcaim. Jannarv Hn. tW la!P3m-rttt jj; Uailvaaos. », IMP«.tTANT NOTICE# r St, Louis, Alton and Chicago RaiJ.road. 1 CHANCE OF TIMF ot Two Express Train., Daily J FOR ST. LOUIS. R ON AND AFTER SU.SDA7, THE 30TH ° ia»t,trUrswilllea*eDjpot, comerwf Canal aid pj | Yaaruren streets as follows; ~ at I 10:10 A. JL Mall ani Express, (sund&ys excepted.) ' £3O P. 1L N ghi (datu:da)s excepted.) r ARRIVES. ; Night Fxorers 0:05 A. M. Mail and ltxi»reej 1:25 A.M. i JOLIET ACCOMMODATION. I ! leaves Jollet. MSA.M. J Aniffs&t Cnlcar> A. M. t ; Leaves Chicago b-W P SL ; Arrivesat J«li« tiiWP. M. i ly A. H. MOORE. Oeneral Soot. HANNIBAL AND ST. JOSEPH BAILEOAD 1 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. I*HE 11. & fcT. J. R.R. IS NOW OPEN r . 115 miles west from Hannibal and 73 eut fum St. T ' stapns between the Mis " i slsjlpdl and Ml«so-ri Rivers. On uie first day oi JUrch » the enure road will be completed. * This roue al!:rdi tie mo t direct, reliable ard exredl. tiousoommanlcaticnwith Kansas, Nebraska, and PUe's Peak: carrying passenger* 2*) miles nearer to Pike s Peak than any o.lier Kailroa-i. Frcm St. Jrs'-t h the Fort Kearney route Is the btst only s<o miles to Pike's Peak,andr.atheftiarrsvilleoat-off wi.l reduce th's dis ; tanre to 475 From St. Joseph SUces leave daily for . Leavenworth. Weston and Kansas City, and also to Atchison aad Lecompton, passing through Geary City, -r Doniphan. Winchester. Hickory Pbist anduscaloosa,con- * . nectiog with lines fr-tm Topeka, Ouuka, Grasshopper - Falls, Lawieace indlsnob, and Fort Hlley. Tte'great J i overland mail leaves bt Jos**i h every Monday for Salt Laka. via Fort Kearney. F.-rt Bndger and Noble's Pass. E To Omaha and uouncil Blaffs a diiiy line o' stages run from b*. Josephs pas l'K through and by Linden. Ir.wa Point, Nebraska Cltr, PUtu aouth. Passengers from . Cntcago. D- troi% Cincinnati Davtoo. Plttsburxn and Lou lsvule will find this la ever* respect the moit desirable a I runts. Passengers from Cdca-o via the C. b. kO. R.R., *• j connect at Quincy.with boats for Hannibal. i Upon the opening of the road snd navigation on tbe !« MUsusippl tbe time between Caicsgo and SL Joseph will r P ied iced to 2o hours. I i Trains leave cannlbaldally at 8A M. Leave SL Jo. I t geph at 7A M. JOSLAU HUNT. Supt. CHICAGO 1 i JIILL-FURNISniIVS DEPOT. ' " T. W. Baxter & Co., t » P. I IfiXTVICTCRSK 07 I : AI 8 OF ALL QUARRIES, ! -«»- ' ' f C. W, Brown's Patent Portable £ i Flottriny and Grist .Jlills, I } And Dealers b . DUTCH ANKER BOLTING CLOTHS, p Smut Mills and Separators, c Separators for Warehouses, ti i Beltings of all ainda, p j Hoisting Screws and Bails, n i Bran Dostarj, Peels, Proof Sufj, ftc*, 4c, b ! FAIRBANKS' SCALES, ° -AID- J Mill tmrnTsliins rally. ; * Han* t Specifications and Ettimatu fnmithtd tl uhen d<iirtd, and tlu construction of Sttam g f and Water MiUt contracted for entire. b r STEAM ESGINES, bOILERS, &G. * The subscribers having obtained the agency for the sale of SUam kngmes and Rollers, from the BUnofactory of Bagley X Sewell, OF WATERTOWN. N. Y.. wocld Invite the attentloa of purchasers to their superior meriU of style, work m%ash!p and powers, also their very lowprices. Thefollowingisalistofpricesof Engineana Boiler, together with Heate*. tVater aad Steam Pipes. Cocks, Valves. Arch Casting and Grates, complete aed ready for us& delivered in Chicago: 6 bom power 8 " M 57S :5 - " LM f 10 " ** IS SO " ** L 675 i It " - £OO » ** - a»o i 16 ** •• 1100 «0 - •• 2.2UU f aad In Dke proportion for larger sizes as required Every Eaone is furnished with ; JUDSON'S PATENT GOVERNOR VALVE For Flour Mills. We confidently recommend them as sn» ° t perior to any other style of Kagiae, and they will ! Save from 25 to 60 per cent in Fuel 1 Overtheosnal class of Boilers In ose at tbe West. We r shall keep an assortment of different «i*es at our estab- - } lishmect where they may examineaaad the neeessary } information obtaued regarding them. Competent men t wJI, ti desired, be furnished tn set up and start Engines . In aay pm of the country. We will also supply ■ WATEHWHEELS,SaATTIN&,GEAEINa, kO. r At rent Low JTeuru. ' T. W. BAXTER A CO., j i Min Furnishing Depot. West Water strtet, between Ran. doiphand3ladlson, Chicago. -. I , ty P. p. AdJieg. Pox No. ST*. ias-4m-bsap : HO! FOR FIKE'9 PEAK! ' | \ Rifles, shot guns, revolvers, BOWIE KNIFES, and general ontfltsforthe £ Ulnrs at ±lO Lake street. <sEO.Z. ARBET ■ lor Haaird'a Powder. JaTJ cICU ly For the Gold Mines. ; \ QHARP'S AND COLT'S RIFLKS, COLT'S h O PISTOLS. BOWIE jssajcw-ii-Srf-r -. a ! aNIVKS: also, a j- 2 . aasTtment or Tanet s and other RlOles. Shot 1 Guns, aad other app«- t ratus for a general outfit U for the. Mine*, at 86 ; P. K.VTOH A CO. ! AND STEEI. MIXED 3ATINETIS, 5 in TOSa SICILY SUM AH. FOR SALE a K\w hw aawvea. patok a ft" 1 — 500 BAGS 810 COFFEE , 5 QAA BALES PRIME NEW YORK 1 iSsS Bm mibi * 80. ' ■ ■ .gtarngporttttion. 1859. 1859. TSK American. Transportation o o m p A N Y. Incorporated under the Laws of tbe StaU of New York CASH CAPITAL, $900,000. JOHN L. KIMBERLT. Presidest, FKtNKLI-1 LER. Vice President. JAMaS C. EVANi, Sec'y and Treai'r. AN THE OPENING OF NAVIGATI tS this company will be prepared to transport Pro perty. Merchtndlse. Ae..ftom hewTork-Bcston. Albany and Troy to any of the Western dtles. A'ao. Flon% Pro visioni. Produce, Ac., from any ot the Lake Ports to (id-* w.»ier. with as great care and dhpatch, and at as low rates ss by a >y other responsible tlae, at the same time vicg throach of lading for all property whtn ae sired. Ibis Compacyhaveallre cf etihtstaaceh Prop*l-ers, to o>y between BaQalo and Ctilcag , tauchins «» route at Shebojgui. Mllwsukee. Racine. Kenosha aid Wauke gaa. Havl:gat<lilcag>axuo:efacl!ltlestnd wa'ehou*e aceoxaodailora for the reception assorting and ship ping of all articles entrusted t > their cue which will be utUerthe direction of tbelr Agent, who will tlve his ter> soa*l attention to thefalfiileeat of ccntracts, ac-'justmest of'claims and dam-gea. As ourComnany have a large line of Cantl Boats on t l e trie Canal, and are abca- ui establish aline cf Steam Cans! B?a:sa:so. w<< 'eel warranted in* to cur numerru* customers, that they can relr upot greater dlspa ch and at less rat's t~an bub retoiorebeen giren. We. therefore, a*k tie public to con'inue the raironsge so lihenlr bestowed upon us durlntthe out four yeais- Offices and Docks on Market be.aeen Wathington and Madison strtets, Chicago. .11 IjSI 9md2> CHA3. F. CHAfif. Agent. XSS 9 . Illinois Rirer Packet Company. Incorportei 1858—Capital Stock, $200,000. D.J.HAKCOOK.Pres't. WJ. p. HANCOCK, Sec'y. rpHROUGH BILLS OF LADING GIVES 1. for FrenhttoSL Louii and all points on the COsola River atthe lowest ra'e», Preisht taken by Oolcagj and Rock Island Railroad to feorla, and Steamboat from ttcnce. Forp*rttcul«rs apply to .T. W. ALKS<NDER k CX. Agents. fel lm-c!46 IBX H -cth » ater st.. Cbleaso, 11L ; PmSBCKGH, fT. WATXE t CSICIGO K. K 1858-9... .WINTER HATES... .1868-9 Through FrelslaC Line. ' CmOM DATS AND UNTIL FURTHER [ JP notice, Frelsht will be c&rrled orer this Line a| ' ■ :i ,i aS li j |S e 8 !§ I s I§ $ 53 r |- B fc Kfe a a QA f Boston tl.Sotl.3Btl.lT 67t1.Mt1.3S I New York. 1.80 L4O 1.9) S3 1.30 L4O t Philadelphia I.W I.BS 1.10 U L 25 ■ 8a1tim0re........v...... 1.60 1-25 1.10 ti LtS L'' ? Ptupurgh W TO 45 45 n 70 r Cincinnati. 0 B *B W <5 W '0 f o*lumbtts.o L 0» ® 45 .... H> t Dayton. 0 n W 81 fi il -0 1 Cleveland, 0 :o 60 45 IS 45 60 2 Dunkirk, «, Y 95 74 t3 « et 74 I oufla-o, " » 79 «1 43 61 7* ti Grain by Car Load to Cincinnati 33 eenta per ICO fts. * Bulk Meat to Pittsburgh SO cents per ltt) As. if Contracts made to above points at Freight Office, cor e ner West Vaa Buren and Canal streets. ,„ , i- Contracts to Boston, New Fork, Philadelphia and Bal» timor*. via Pennsylvania Ceotrai R.R., given by CLARKE A CO., offlca Steele's B'ock, corner iiooth Water and Lasalle streeU. and *t Depot at Canal street, JAtJ, W. MU&iON. Freignt Agtn% ihlctgo. J. J. HOUHTCN, Gen'l • r eight Ag'L Pmsburg. Pa. Chicago. February 10.1SW. k 1559. ROUTHEHN 1859. I Transportation Co.'s Express. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, £ Via Micli. Sonth.'«n4 N. Y.'ft Erie Railroads rpHIS COMPANY ARE XOW PREPARED r. Ito give through Bills of Lading to New York and r Boston, for the transportation of Property upon favor* a able terms, trmensurinidUpatcti. and the piospt set ri t'ement of differen-ej arising out of the same. .« Tbe N. T. Oo.'a Express will transport goods from New i York to the <Vest dor'ng the winter, all tne way by rail, 3 . &Qd on the ope. ligof navigation by the N. \. A R. & ,« toDuiklrk. aad tbenee b» iropeller to Chlcafo- OT Mark packages "N. T. Co.'s ship j) b» NY. kE. B, R.. foot of Dnane street, or Pier 3, East ft "MIKES. J. L. WARNER aid CHAB. ALLISOS. li] Agents, No. S.CotntieaSli?. New York, gj JUTUER & CO^ e. js3T-lm-cI(H Cor. Lasalle and North Water St.. Chicago. 1* 1859...COLLINGWOOD LINE... 1859 f £s^2 COMMENCING ON THE OPENING OF Nsviga lon, the fcUoninc A No. 1 new and largest ■"J class Sere* Mramers, havisg l&rg-ly Increased tneir 1 S capacity fur Passengers, will nil this line as follows: t l °^r Tily °- IY - OM *-1 6, ITV'ERGRKEN CiTT.Capt. I usi at BiUJ. 1 -S- Leave Chicago from the foot of Lasalle street. Sccth Eldr*, A. T. dpencer « Co.'s wharf, on Tuesday, Tl.ursday and 3 turday evealns% at 3 o'clock, landing stall points ' on the wea\shore of Lake Michigan, as Ui north ts Two Rivers, and at Matk'Raa . , , ibroush Bills of Lading siven from Chicago and ports on th<9 west shore of Lake Michigan, to Boston, New York. Montreal and all the principal points In the Eastern and New England Statesand Canada. d . Connect at CoUlogwocd with tbe Northern Railway of Canada, and at 'oroato with the Grand Trun* Rail* way for Montreal, Quebec, Portland and Boston, and XT' lake Ontario steamers or Niagara Pallt Oswego, Cape * Vincent, and at Ugdensburg with the Vermont Central R .liroa l for Boston and intermediate points on > ermoct H Central between Ogdensbnrgn and Boston. ; . The above Line is unequalled for rexu'arity acu dls id patch, fcr Patsecgers and freight bitween the nestern and Eastern and New Eadandtitates and Canada. For freight or passage apply to A. T. SPE.-iOER k Co., Agents, 1 jaiWmcH FootofLasalestreet,Chicago. HL ' 185H . i REAT CENTRAL SHORT LINE ROUTE VX -YIi riTTSBURGB, FO&T WATSE k CHICAIO A*D PEUSSYIiVAHIA RAILROADS to ALL ÜBTUX cnisa. J) CLARKE A COJIPAN*, !\ P'ECIAL AQESra, are prepared to Contract Freights 3. Through, by anthority of the Companies named above, r* at their office. No. 1 Steele's Block, corner south Water }?. and Lasalle streets, and at Depot of P., ft W. 4 0.1 CQ SL. Ohlca*o:.or at Depot, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, a, The Offices ofthe Pennsylvania £allr£ad Company la v* East are located at No. si Astor Mouse, New York. }? No. 1 South William street, New York. No. 45 KUby street, Boston. s No. 75 Ferry -.u-eet. Hartford. No. 80 Nortii stret-t, Baltimore. . . , , And at tue General Depot. Philadelphia lodl-U if BOSTON AND PHILiDEOFH'A STEAMSHIP « A& u IW± " <&£■ "J afidS The Sletmih'pa JMC m, PHINEAS FPRAOfE. Capt. Matthews, un KLNsINOTON Capt Baker. t wa CITY 0? NtW ktiRE. Capt. Howes. om Form a (IcgnUr IJoe, ! hli tailing with ceil rmol»rUj troin e»ck t.rt- Theje R Heamers are staunch and strooc. and In all respects well lilted and provided she* have good accomodations the I. r MBemera. «nil freUht <j! »11 kind. 1. taieD a [«lr rill rates- These ate*mers run la close cousectioa wnatne Pennsylvania Ralftoad. and mith Jo. prompto'ss and dbpatch. t. ja10b3996m No.iaS nth Wharves. Philadelphia. t'airo and i\ew Orlei«us. STEAMER NE'<7 FALLS CITY, r rJlflE SPLENDID FAST A aaillna Steamer M New City Will run, during the coming Fall and Winter, oetween St. Louis and New Orleans »«fcliow«: LEAVING Bf. uODIS Oct. liX u. at 10 o'clock A..M. do do Oct. 3a 'aH. do do j do do r»ov. 19, 'M. do do Jo do Dec. 9. •«, do do J do ao Dec. 29. do do do do Jan. 18. '» 1 do do do do Feb. 7. '&>. do do J do do Feb. /7. do do J do do M'ch t- *». do dc H LEAVING CAIRO Oct. *L M. at TH o'clock P. Si. do do Oct. 11. 'ti. do do do do Nov. W. *Si do do J i db do Dec. 10. 'Wt do do do do Deo. 10, '53 do do * do do Jan. t9, '59. do do do do Feb. 8. '69. do do do dc Feb, 8, '6B. do do * . do do kl'ch a *B9. do do ; Frr Freight or Passage at»»»on bo*rd or uii ths Agest at St. Louis. W. D. LORC. Clerk. o«>ll.t<l.bias 0 Sicah Ferry from Council Blnlb to Omilii Cltj« ® >EBKASKA, NO. 1. . f-pnis BOAT HAS THE CAPACITY TO 1 carry 12 Wagons and at each trip, and him taken over at one load 300 head of Cattle, and she can make 40 crossings or more each way in a day, and n will b e abli to lerry over from four to five hundred "% wagons and teams from sunrise to suniet each day. We assure travellers, wbo.are going to the Nebraska Gold Iflines, rv»v California. O-egon aiu Washington Territories, that the roads rro-> Fslrteli. lows Cltv, Oabtnae, and points Intsnnedlat-'. by council Blaffs an l Omaha City, and u,» ta« n«rth side o' the Platte nivej, are better. Is, nearer, and more abandantly stocked with wagons, horses, males anl eattle. provisions asd goods, than any other. Ani with tne settlements and townf and the mulir sad well-establrsned line of Mail Ooacnes al re*uy extending to Fort Kearney and soon w be ex tended all the way to the mines. It is no longer a wilder, tr cess route through an Indian country, but can be tra. '• versed as safely and comfgrtablv and much more easily ixf than any of the through Missoan or low&. There Is not the same lengta of road in the United k States, so level an 1 entireif withaa; marsnes. sloughs or bad places and so nearly stra'ghv The streams on tbe north side of the Platte are all Mi igei, except, tbe Loup Frrk. and here the We*t«rnctagj Oompaar have a good Perr*. tSUe lUjfc ale For the Council Bluffs and Nebraska Ferry Company. jalS 3a.eS lfl > A TLANTIC ROYAL-MAIL STEvVM NAV igation Compaay's New Ycrk and Galway lor Tr e next deosnore tr am New Fork wiU be the err IROAjaIAN CaptjGeo.t> m. Jacksom to sail fron New md York February- The feteamshp FRINCB ALbEKT, es. x, J. watera. to sail frtm New oa the ted 3t day of March, touching at St. Johns, F. to S5 | fe; fe Sdtt thsr otheradvertlsed offices In the I Passage la the th'rd class can be secured at any of ths above oißces to brim from the prica pal cities on the Unes o: railway in Great Bnu»n roraoo, m- ALKC HuLLA.iD. Mincer. jab a FARGO, office of American torwi tkx. No. JO Dearborn Street, Chicago K New York. Nov. 13.1565. ooMb&»am_ s Cumber, &i. ;0 - Tr> r.nmhflrmen and Others. Lake street mills will furnish Corn Meal and Feed or all kinds at low rates, m- Portia will save money by calling at 141 and 143 We* a Uke ffKVIN3. NORRI3 k CO. Chicago. Nov. is. 1336. nolt M9S ly :! I W. SK. INKLE & 11".. (J . JENS&AL DEALERS IN ;nw»u u i ra. shingles, timbkr, pickets, ao. n««Ai. asn riiuw runt jb1MC8............... DDuia Our arracuemeats are such as m laxar? at all Urae t fgn (apply ofthe differentauailties c! ;g LUMBJt*. ivi Jainl aad of al) dses aad iearths, common La * h*.iAih,Blilndefc te. u **• nm, ODR 7L00M16. Ol Norway Md White Pina, we ijjrinAsaii rvaojr to BOBtoare with any In this markek We Invite the calls ap4 ■aention of all country and other dealers to our stock tm "S Olllag oiden Wa Te Sbufeldt & €o, t 9 MANUFACTURERS FOR ■ A.. F. OROSKBY, u.... soatb WaUr Street, ••-•O. Oorser of Wabash Avence.' 1 .Distiller* of jE ALCOHOL, PURE SPIRITS, AND WHISKVS, 1— Mso Manafaetcrer* nl Qonestl* Liquors* BurxilnA -*Sl> —■ otALOSIN HIGHWINIB AND JtICTIFTIHGOOAL 1 Trade mvOed at Market Kates and ea Mliar I Mrmfc sglal® If TO LUMBERMEN! MONEY SAVED IN MANUFACTURE IS MONEY MADE! *"■' i AW Persons Engaged in tlie Manufacture of Lumber In any way WM. M. PERRY, JR,'S, PATENT AUTOMATIC CIRCULAR SAWING TVTTT.T.S » Patented July 21,1857. Fatext Re-Issued April C, 13jS. Additional lotovesiekt Patented 3fay t, ISoS, sine; which time ealc t have Lcea very large. Wli Biw all kiada of Lumber from any kind of Leg op to 23 or % feet Ion*: or, with DocbleOtfrlice. 50 to 60 feet; win* % Saw SJ< to 8 'eet la JUoetw »c««raiu* ««•>««of Legs to be cat. Win itv beantifally aUUndiof Sdlof. Veaelnz. llootlng. Scantling, it, 4«h t-om Cants 13 to 311 set Ung. Both these MIDs are AUTOMATIC. orSKLP OPERA* TIVE, crcaa easily be worked by hnd without any change cr'lteration la their construe Joa: are the most s'mple and (eldom ret oat of repair. They are Made to w< Wear-warranted durable and substantial—for Year In ot and Year out The Bsw Prames are of iron entire: t~e Carrisgs and all are xrs:eto endure heavy work. io In- th •areaccuracy a'.d durability. The Patea'eehisbiena M C 2 PRACTICAL MANUFACTURER OP LUMBER J; for the past Thirteen Years, and now offers the result of *' bis labors and experience to those wii wish ta a»all * themselves of thebenenU, clalralngthat Ltunbinnen are A here oflertd the & ONLY RELIABLE BAWIN& HILLS K now before the public. Also claiclag aid ready to prove thaitlie LOG MILL will re form more than Thre. Tiimt " the wcrk of a Mnley Mill with tbe expense of One; The SIDING MILL wIU perform from H tJ X more work than asy Sliding Mill ever know*. Thi per elean prcflt ttitssMil'swL'l makeover tbe above esti- j c mates of work will be. as will be teen at ecee by a prae ti tlcal man, much greater from the fact th«t the expense of running lets hands employed, and next to nothing for repair». are Items In tbe manufacture of L-mber 0 that est up the prcfits to an alaimlng exteoi l! not * watched. TheseMllisatiendto th*s* Items In person; thus segment the profit of the tcana r actare. Tee above Engraving represents the Sidtig Mill cor rectly. It Is to state that these ml Is are not depend* ), eatcbonthemerittaJOeatK Mr. Verry, the Inventor, t I'hey have been used by many. aa>. thoroac ly tes»*.d in ® all respects, and are recommended by all far above any Mills In tbe United States. We Itaverocm but fcr a few P of tbe many flattering testimonial ccmim; from high and j! responsible parties. d t From Manufacturers. = The andersUnei Manarctorers of l umber, having ' badlnoseWi.UsmM Perry Jr's Patsrt gldinv Mliis. do ( hereby testi r y to the rexcel'eace tbove all oth(r kinds n e have seen in operation. The hexeto'ore experienced la the aie of ether kiads of Mill; hite t>e*n thel? Ua»>;i!ty t"> get out o f repa!r, making the manufacture of more extensive and U»e Inaccuracy of thlcknets In turn* subjecting us to the loss of sood mate* l rial—asCuils. By tte oseof Perry'* Mills.'be!r slmpllcl- I tyand tbe ttreutb and of uieir coostra-t'oa ics away with "tlnkero*," aad they are r leliab.e for wort These ?11"'«. with h's late improve- E taenia, are tae only accurate s tttr n to nolfortn \ th cknessthat we btveever us*.d cr «een In o-*ratio<i. and we recommend them from rurown knowledge and exp:rircce to be the be:t and mo.<t pr. Stable Mills we know ot Th; rat<*r.tee's ex. erience as a Lumberman htsdoaHlcss cilied his attention to what we have here, toforeto much neeaed. and we are confident ail using his Mills will arree with us in the expn*«sion ab-ive given* Perry A Poo. AmosNortoa Uunter tvldge. Stephen Monroe, fiahn kaj'tnan. ><. t». Ma on. lian'l P. Pargo. J WlldeAco.. P.elJos Wihe k CO. B. Lawrence. Richard George L. Norton. Hopkins Aires.. johuO^nk-y, tiRRAT WESTKK2UIL ROCTK. 1 WINTEH AHSAN6EMEHT. ON AND AITER SUNDAY, NOV. 2STH, 1955. rMsennerTralcs will leivs the Weill street depot daily. (Bandayi excepteJ) a« rcUswj: GALENA A CHICA- O DN>ON O. R.-MAIN UNI. PorPreepcrt. Galena. Dunleith. Beloit* Jane<vllle and Prairie du Chicn. Paisenxer aad Mall .. 8 60 a.m. PasaenMr (daily) M. McHenry. Crystal Lake Richmond. P. M -3HICAGO. a»"*D IOWA LINE roa sixes, mrcs u: onmLit iowa. Through S De Kalb Passenger ..... . •.•i****: Two Through .*rainj wii l«ve Central Depct at .oot of Lake street asfollows: roflUSl, DC*LHtHi*DBT. 'ACL. Uaii7 odanday: exeei-l ed) 8.4j A. iL and 7.00 P. M. TRAIN.- EASTWARD. ■»mi »incmcacocaion Leave Dunlelth 7.U) A. M.—arrive In Chicago 6.30 P. M Leave *.-> 7. J*» p. M.—arrive in Chiearfu 4.- 5 A. M .gjoaoo. rcirog asoiowALin. Leave Pui*->~ 10.00 A. M—arrive In Chicago at P.M. Leave DeKalbfe.lsA.M.—arrive la Chicago at'.£6 A. M. astoiT an luotsoa autcs. Leave Janesville at 10 3) A. it*—arrive In Chicago at SJOP M uave Lie at aa»> P. M.-arrive in Chicago at 4.-06 A. M. tox una valls' aaiLaoAD Leave Elah. at A. M.—arrive in Chicago 9.50 P. 2a Passengers for ail points on the Galena and CcJcart Union Railroad. an<) Pciton Lises. thoeld Uks tbe trains from Wells Street OcihjL . - , « One of Woodruff's Patent gl?epiD* C-cs will leave Cen tral Depot nightly with 7.<A> P. M. Trnin for Danleith. au the above trains connect with the Great Rasters line* diverging froaChlcaxo. _ Throagh uekets can be boujhta* tae following office*: H. J. Spaalding's. oorner Lake and Dearborn streets, r. P. W. AO.R.R. Ticket Office, corner cf Randolph and Dearborn streets: Michigan Southern Office under ths Revere Hotue, and atthe Central and Wells rtreet Depot* JOEff P. ?ÜBJOTR. P. A. Hau, Bay'k. 3. H. Poarag. General ticket Aaent. eos* IKSB WHITES AESANQEMEHT 1859 Por Central and Western lowa, Nebras ka. and Kansas. CHICAGO A3D BOCK. ISLAND R. &. LISB. Composed of the Chicago fc Rock Islaad, Peoria fc Bueaa Vallej and BlssUslppl k Ussoarl Railroads. rIIHBOtJGH FBOM "CHICAGO TO IOWA I CITY and Washington without change of Cars, only direct route from Chicago to Jollet L«Balle,Ps>% Peoria. Rock Island. Davenport Mescaline. lowa (Bo* Wasnlngton and Port des Molnec. „ Three Passenger Trains leave Chlragw dally from Depct corner Tan BarenacS gbera-a *treeuas fbOowi: ... lUM A. M., Dai Rrpreti. Sundaysexoepteo-/or JoUet LaSaile. Peorfs. Rock liland, Davr. port. Muca> Une. lowa City and "ashlnzton. U. 90 ?. M., Night Express. Saturdays exon «ed-Por Peo> ria. Rock Island. Davcrf. rs. HartatU«.lAwaCiiy. and Washington. S.OO P. Joliet Accommodatioa. stopping a* all «atl» ns, arrivlngat JoUet atd.s4 P.SL Tbe Ohlca*o aad Roc* Island and Mississippi and Mis souri Railroads form tae only throagh roate from Chi* cago to tne interior of lowa . _ , . Passenger trains ion through to lowa City aad Wim lngtoa withoat detention, irehuue of e*rt at the Mis sissippi River. crosa.o* the Railroad BriJse between Rock Island and Davenport . ThroaghTrainsamve %tChicago at 4*3 A » +nd *.3 P. M. Jolio' .MToommodatio.i »I9.^5A_M. OONNECTIUNa. At La Dalle, with Illinois Central Rajiro*' fo: jwmieith. Cairo and Intermediate points. At Peoria with the PeorLa and <!kn»»ka Aallroad r«a QalestMirc and Buriin^ton. At with Line cf sta«e. t> Osealoosa, Snoxviile, and all *>otni in Central and doutoeni l 4 City with Western Bta*e Go's Line tlall coach* for Port des Moines, Council Bialj, Wasniigtoa, Oaa* loosa. Newton. Wlatersett Port Dodge, eioax jd'y. Marshalltswn. Marietta. lowa Palls, Cedar Raptds. Cedai Palls, and all prists In Central ind Westsmlows. Bt braskaand Rassas. Local and throagh tickets on sale at the Depot aiso si office of Port Wayne and Chicago corner Dear born and Randolph streets. anJ office fclietuiraa *ooihert W. W. L. BT. JOilK. Gen'l Tleket Agent m*t' BIOHISiK 80HTB SB N AXD I.IKE SHORE KAILMIMU. lis* Winter Arrangraunt. lIM XiaROCGH EOUTE TO NEW TURK Boston.' Philadelphia, BaWmire, Waahlngton. Qereland. rittsbantb. Dunkirk. Bafila Niagara Palla Rochester. Byracuse, Troy. Albasv, Cmlra. Blnebamp too, Sprincfleld. Worcester, and all points In the New England States. &00 A. M. and Acoomodatlon. via old Mlfthlgin line. 645 A. M New York Express leaves Ch'cago via old Michigan line. 8:00 P. M. New York and Boston Express, via old Mldw Use. ftis A. M. iraln (dally, except Btmdays.) connects at Adrian with train for Monroe and Detroit dose connections at Detroit with tnuns on Great Western Railroad. 400 A. M. (daily. Sunoay* excepted.) connecting Elkhart with train for Goshen Air Line. 8.00 P M. (dally, exoept Satsrdayj connect at Adrian with trains for Monroe and Detroit ONE OP WOODBOFFa PAT2KT SLEEP ISO CASI Will axomoany the Night Train. leaving Ohleogo oa the 6:45 AM. train cet a Night Car at Cleveland. _ nckets can oe naa at all ticket Offices la the West and at tbe Company's Office under tne Revere House, corner p.nrtAinh sndDesrborn streets, snd at tne derct twit '■*. M.QRAT. Genera' Western Agent CHICAGO, IOWA AND SKBKISRA RULROAb CHANQE OP YJLMfc*. OPEN TO MECHANIOSVXLLE. ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY. PEC. 1, 1858. an til further bains will ran as fol* LeaVe at. 315 a. M. and 4.X1 P. II Arrive at MechaniesvUle. IXU M, and 8.00 h Leave Mechaaicsvllle. 9 CO A. M. andlWJ Arrive at Cttnton 12.30 M. and 6.00 OonnectSncwith Throagh Trains for Chi euro, over the Dlxoa Air-Line of the Galena and Chicago Cnlon RaU r *At'DeWltt with stages ror Davenpo t and MaqookeU. At Yankee Run wi»& ewa«»a .or torjow. At Onloa Grove with Stages fcr Tlyto.. At MechanJcsvlUl with stages for Anaaosa. LUbon. Mt Yemen. Marion and 3eaar PREGHT TRAINS L£AV£ DAILY. The Shortest Cheapest and most Expeditious between Chlcsco and Central lows. It being only 191 miles from Chicago to the Mississippi River, and thenoe directly into the interior of lowa. tr An Agent will be at tbe Depotls Pol tea. toreceivs all Baggage ror Clinton or tbe road, which will be ooc* veyed serosa ths river free of charse. m. Btfrra, bs. a GUDteit low* Hot. ST UM. 723 1 Will Find it to their Interest to Examine ore of -A. T OITC E . TEE E LOG MILLS THE SIDX-&TC3- a£XX*X*S au amuj oi aiaing., yioonng. gcinuisg. A&, from Can J; From Praotical Sawyers. « The nnderslgned are practical Sawyers, and having ( used aa t seen ta u-e other kinds of Circa'&r Maw M ils, Jv ■o wepreler these of M. Per y. Jr's Patent above all NVi in others r. m We can cut mere lumber with them ta t*e same time IW • 9 than wtth any of the ether kinds heretofore In at-, for w a- these roi'fni: The care of ta*. otta belt H Fem's Pi 4 .Machinestakes the • !aee pfk»ei>Tg la nrairc trpll- CI cated m.«chir;ery and a g-rater rcaber of belts js Lt all { other machines we haveseea taking otftnort or le stime every day la •*llnkerUg. , * The Arcor is of Cast Steel, l 0 f atd all the work connectediberewiihls flnlthedln such nn „ a manner tnst we are cot UouS e«l with journa'-s that .fit u ' be*t to the damage of the 9aw and detent on of re Al!tb«w«vk-s stronr, tl-aple. and **ean alterthertnscoftheß<w instaitUy a dwtih utstopvlrg the *lll, for qodlttes of Hi ber. or as different Saws may need without ■ eating or havhig aoy ten jeccy ! tob'atthe Arb ror the Saw. The c>nven!ca«e of the "dogs" lor bo ding '*cants" cn these Mills >s very great ; .. The "Jogs'* hold acant firmly. >vrn in trusty timber, and ' ° the peculiar "head dog'does away Wth the use of a es "mill bar." Th-* experience of all mlli owners and Btwyets is that t e 'mill bar" Is the i*auseo* trore ao ddenist%2r anything else. Thi o' living the carriage for receiving snd cutting d.ffsrent length «snts it bno equalled. .1 we near no eomplalnts oflnegalar thlcgness In the lomber from Perry's Ml is We take pleasure thrrefofe. so ta recommending t ese Mills as the HANOIEdC a-id 18 BEd twe have ever se:n. Thomi* Merrill, Jo*. D. Stebblna. Ellas 'v Nicolii Henrv Brasted. JohaTarreot A er O. L. Br am tie. u.lheitXW jiuson Samuel Rloba'l, Merett C. Messengtr. From Lumber Inspectors. S or We, tne unuen!«rn*J. 7.amber !n«ce.*trri of the city of £ Cb eiga, being frrqaen>t* emr">j*d »n the lntp«cU<>a of lumber msnu-ectared rom WlilWru M. f* ry, Jr.'s Pa- " jr. Wnt biding Ul 'l *ocld berety testify to the accuracy »• | a and perfect micufaclure of tie lumoersaeed by said ~ ny Wanto'unl'o'flty of thickness Is % prevailing crm- plaint of Inmbef. a*:d >he hAtUtactloa *' «hlch tnthli pa-tlcalar. Inevltab.y loPows the sa-e oi * na lamoer cut from aal.i Bills is the surest ludlczt!on that a a degree or perfectlm has been attained In their c-ios rac- * U-joaad operation that rite? "hen a>eqoalitfl by so/ ■' other mill «o%wa to us. The work from them is tbe best L 1 c*i-ral machines. ? We ta!:e p eatcre 'n eommending Perry's Improve! ■; oc Mil sto general a-.e. * do Chlcag l . December 30,1633.1 Grand Haven. Michljin. o ds Chii*tot)her Jchnsoc, I Geo-g O. Harvey, b I» *V. Uigt>le, I Jo* nW. Hopkins. p of Prankl n tmer-, I tteor.e •». Ptiut a !?y RG. oOTdwltlis, I Heury Brower. * i"»r n. 11. H.rwa. 1 1 m- • From Dealers. » We. the unJerslrie-i, Lumber Dealers la the city of \ Chicago, ha-ing and *oMmjre*r less lamber < re " manufactured fr mWU lam M Perry. Jr's Pa-entSiding Mills, ta*ie pleasuie In hereby certifying that lumber '"j tear\»f».-*.ami from said Perry's Imoroved Mll!s Is of 1 nJ uaifjrm smooth and accurately sawed and in ■® thl. >erp c*. i»e eri&le to !umb;r manufacture !by sny 311 other self-se'tlag mill wl-b w.ilch we are aciuunled. Th» Importance of hanin* evenly sawed Idinbcr lor a sue. 108 cejsfa t ade is so • s cnti-il ail so generally known that 1 en* comment tn this regard «» unnerewary The best gs<t '• mo<tre>lableiec>mmetid;i'ii)u we offer for said mills I. tbeu-.lformhy cf satUf ictloa wiil.'h lumber manuf«c tared therefrom .oour numerous customers. We on. tLer«f.-rea->he9itatinalyco(nrarnt Perry s Mltis to rat usea« the mo*t perf.' t self-setUng m-cnine known to THE PENNSYLVANIA CEVT&tL tttILKOJD. T!Vj Capacity otthl* Ro*id i* not* ZpMil loan? hi Vi 4 Country, Three Through Passenger Trains BETWEEN PUTSiLGn AND PHILADELPHIA. Connecting direct in the union Depot at pHlsbarrwHh throagh trains -rom all v*e>temCtUeaiar t'auaJe'uu.a. York ooston. Bal timore anil washicirtcra Clt>; that furnlahlng facilities for the transporta l»a of pvsensets unsurpassed hr speed ard comfort by aaj other route Express ud tatf Lines run through to Philadelphia wt'boui change of carsorcoadacWrs. Fmoklog car* are attached to eva train: Woodruff ■ Seeping cats to express and l*»t train* The txnreia niDidail*. Mall and Past ti.efnudaysexcepted. three dally trains connect cireet for N»w Vcrk. kxpress and Fa*t Llae connect for Baltimore and WasblnKion. Train* connect at PlUsburvh with the 2 A- M. Express. Afru* la Philadelphia or Baltimore at SP. M. And In New York ai 10 W P. M. _ _ _ Trains connect at Pittsburgh with the 6 P. M fu Use. in Philadelphia cr Baltimore at 9 A SI. ar din New lork at £3O P. M. Mill Trains leave Pitts burgh t> A M , arriving at Philadelphia II P. U, New ?ixdallytr«l3s between Philadelphia and New York; Two ea;ly tialna between New Y x ai<d Bo (ton. through "Hck'ta (all Hail) *re Hood on either of the above Tr-dua. Boat Tickets to K-titoa are good Tla Norwich. Fall Kveror etoalnston Ll' es. Tickets Eastward may be outlined at any of the lm« tortant railroad offices lot eWe.t; also.oubjard any ot the i esoiar line of steamers oo the Ml»*L slppl ar Ohio rivers i and tickets Westward at the offices of the Com pany Is Boston. New York Baltimore or Philadelphia. lue alwajs u Loir as kj an; otter Itoote. 9~Ask for Ticket* by The completion oi ths WeUera eonnectiuns of the Pennsylvania Railroad to (?aicago maaes this the Ifirtct latu Mteten tit J£a*t and th* Grtat Jforthwezt, Tbe connecting of tracts by the Railroad BrlJse at Pittsburgh. avaldicg all drayage ur ferriage of P<el«ht together wi'.h the saving of time are adrautagesreadly appresclated by »htt>ters of freight and tbe travs In* paMt?. P Artie* shipping Eastward will find It to their advan tage to »hi» by this route. For frtlsht contracts orfblppmg dliect'ons. acivy toor add.*&»s o' the 'oilnvin* o' f e company: l> a ctewait Pti sbOTitb; Dojle A Jo, Biubeavdie, O; H & Pierce AC, Ztncsn le, ; J J Johi.*o<\ tipley, O: K McNeelj. MavsiUle. Ry; nnusbyA Cropper, »*o t»- mwuta. O; Paddock A 00. Jetf r»>nvU;e, in t; d W Drown A Co. Clnctna&ti O: Altera k Uibbrrt, L ladnoa ti. O; RO Me'droa, Uaditoo. tUnctuun. LoaiTl'e. Ky; PO >-*Rilpy k Co, Kv«nsvUe, ina; N W Graham k Co. Cal'O. HI: it K tiaM. Su Louts. Mo; John 11 liarns f*a»firiUe. Teon: Harris k dunt* em ph3.T«oo; Clarke A C-.( blcajp. Ill; WU H Hooots. Alton. Ia; m Walle. P.eUht A cents of KaUrcads at dil. rent polnu In the The creates! faclUUes offered for the prote*Uoa and speedy of Live and Good Aceom. oodaticcs wl'h u*aai prlTLexes t'or persona traveUßC la cbarte thereof* /SEIQHT3 WESTWARD By Rent" Pre chts of all tflKriptloos can be fbr> wardedfh'O Phlladriphia. New York. Boson or Ba-tl* tnore.toaay pot .t no tie railroads of Ohio, Sentacky, The Pescsytvaasa Ra lroad alro ecosecti at Pittsbarxh with steamers, brwricimnodscaa be forwarded to any port on the Outo Monloiram. Keotacky Tr newer, t'om&erland, lLlnols. Uisaia»lppl. Wlsconso. Misaoarl, Kansas, Arkaosas and Red and *t Cevelaod, »ndChlca«» wi a eteuner* to all poitw oathe NortL-W esters Lakes. Merchant and tfnlpoenentiasUnxthe trxnsportilloa of their ire'xbt .o ihl« company, can rely with conA. eace on its spe«dy transit . . . _ Ihe Rates of Freight to any point In tbe Wert ty the Pennsylvania Ra.l.oad are at »U times as far raoleas are rharved by other Ral.roCom >ante<. OH tie panicoiar to maik packwea ** via Peon. tt. S." Merebanutn the »e<t orderinx xoods from the East will do well to d'rect them to be stumped by this route. Par let aUmdingto tnelr own shipments from the East will And It to their interest to call on tie Axents of this Company at the oto»in« places before shppinx;or lew ters addre-sed to either of tbera upon the aaoject ef treixh t will m:et with prompt attention. K. J. fcneedrr. Phlladet->hta. MacrawA Scoos. ?0 North street BaJt'more. LeechAOo«>a t Astortioose.orNo. Id. nm.-«t.N.7. Leecn A Co.. No. M Kllby str*t f^>»ton. H. ±L Oeo'l Frelah» A«'U PhllaJ«l»bU. L. L BOUPT. Wea l ticket AcX PbUadelphU. _ THOa A. gQJIT, een l gopit. Altoooa. Pa. Jal3 185 a. Winter Arrangement. i*6* Yll MICHIGAN CESTEIL GBSAT WESTERN (CANADA) RAILWAY rnRAINS LEAVE THii GREAT CENTRAL I Depot, foot«f Lake street. Cbicaxo: tuo A. m,—New York Express (except ducdayt) arrive atDetmlt 5,30 P. tLi Son>ensioQ Brldce. or BoiZalo tHi.hLi Albany P. M.. Ne* Tort 10:40 P. JU Philadelphia via IQmlra, 11 P.M. ftflO A. M «andy« «XOD»Ud)- _ 7:iCCA. M.—Detroit Aenmodatlon (except Sunday) ar rive at Detroit tQu6P. M- P.M.—New York and Boston Express—Cßatarday* excepted). ArriveDet»olt9:36 P.M.;ttn®eo. sion Bridxe or Boflilo&tiOP. U.; Albany 10.00 A. M,;Newtfork«W P.M.; Boston IL46P.M. 400 P. M.—damanatl and LoolivUlo Express—(except gatnrdarj Arrive at Chiob.natl 11 30 A. m. Louisville 400 P. H. Onlyoaetrain on 4and*rai&ooP. M. ait trains connect at Pari* with the Baffalo and La*« Heron Railway for BoAlo and all points East: at T« rontowUh the .Grand Tnmk Railway to Klnatoo.o* denabargh. Montreal. Qaebee. and ai)points to T*ani-fc last. NtKibera Vennont. New Hamrshlre and Malna IP |ISSISIllllllll>llll)lllllHll ThroMhticeetsforsaleatibeprtndpal dallroadoflUce la the wot, and at the general office, oot ner Lake ao4 Dearborn streets, opoorite theTremont House. Chlca**. and at the depot, footof lAke street R. N. EICX. Aoperiatenden. H. J. crautOM, Gen. Pan. Axent, M. a RJL no3o CHlCifiO, BnUXSfiTON k QITVCT K. L IRSB CHANGE OF TIKB 18j9 ON AND AfTfia DEC., 13, i«oS,TWO Tbrooxh Pasa.-n«er Trains will leave the Ces* trai Depot, foot of Socth Water itreeta dAlly, as >oL lows: A. M. Day Express (fondavs excepted) an+rinj at Meodota M.; Hngtor, &36 PJC.; Qolncv P H. 6-10 P. M. Rmuss (Saadars excepted) aMve* atMea dota 11.S& P. M.. Galesburit &00 A R, Bar* llcxton7.3o A M. Qa ncy UJO A. M. Tralnsleave Eastward as follow*: Lwve Bvtlngton. ':*o A.M. A H4f P M, - Qulney 4j OA.II. A P.M. " Galesbarx. 10:00 A.M. A 7:00 P.JdU AuroraPavence leaves Auro a"n)0 A.M. trains Arrive at \,hlcaco *46 P.M. A 5:30 A.M. Aurora Passencer arrives atCntfag ■ 10rt» A.M. IMPORTANT LOGAIo CX)NH£CTXONS. At Mendota with Illinois Centra l Railroad north Km .imboy, Dixon.FreejmrtiGaleaaandDanldtb; andsoath for Laaalle. Tonlca. Winona. Panola. Blooxninxton. Deca tur, giLooia. Cairo. Ac. At Btmlngtoa dose connections are made by two dally trains with BarHncton and Mlssoori River Rati roai for MU Pleeeaat, rairfield. Ottomwa, Chanfton. Port Dee Molnca, Port Dodge, Oooncll Blulli hlouxCity, and all portions of Kansas and Nebraska, with Westers Slate Company for Montrose: thence by raiiw atQalncydirect connections are made by stage OO miles) with Hannibal, and thence wtta Hannibal A Bt. Joeepa Railroad for St. Joseph. Leavenworth. Kansas City and all parts of iuiu and Sachem Nebraska. This Is the only direct roue dnringtae winter months between the East and Kansas, as there U ou y about M) miles staging la the whole olstiuee te M. Joseph. At Ptyooßth wna stages lor TSekeumay be had at the Depot an«- at the Mica a OintraJ Railroad office, waerojf Lake and Hnaifan j ii ai and the best adapted to the wants of the lumber o.Clears A C«. HllUaH k Stortoa. Galen Eastman. J*a. V. Dickey, Joseph Wilde A sob., Throoo A Learned. NVilwx A Lycn Howards h rton, N. La'lngtco A Co.. T. AJ. lUcnev.Lo«mUA Lad'ng<oa.J M- DaltcaAßro.. IWilry A Mro, Henry Ho»laortA Ca. B. Bre«rster. J W. Dunn. 8. A. H. Woodworth A Ca. J* arsons A Pvlin. Stouffer A M*a*L Hannah, Lay A Co, John Cl«ncvACo., Ottawa, IU, Colcko. Dec. aoth, We beg. also, to refer to th i acqualated with all tbe practical workings, pro* .fit i and ben {fits of my Mills: Hon Wa T. Powers. Grand Rapids. M'ch. Hon. Wilde' D. Poster, do. do. lfoa. Georce *tvtin, dov <p. ilon. G M. McCray. d*. *lo« Lucius Patterson. Esq.. <*°* 4°* ttenry Mart's. Esq, do. do. l*vell Wood. Esq.. do. do. Hon. Jas. V. CamvQell, De'rsit, Mtch. C.J. WaJk-r. Esq., do. 00, Hoa. P.J. Lttltjonii. Allecaa. Mlcb. Hon. !L D. P st llolltnd. Mich. Hon. Henry Peaoyer. Grand Haven, Muh. Hon. T. W. Perry. do. do. L. G. Masoa, ktq., Muskegon. MlctL Rob». *«onls. Esq, do. do r*. H. Perry. Esq.. White River. Mfrtu Jnha Van Arm an, Chicago, lit .. WAlter cull, E q.. do. do. AND HUNDHEP3 MORS IT WE PESSARY. In ordertne a machine. It S n»«*e«sarv to know whether yoa wajt a L<ft fuiiuL or a Uight -Vimi xuicAine, as the Atrrlsgrsares* con'nictfd as tnctlietfrtimthe saw la rucnlas back. u> prevent heatlne e»w or scratching thr* Lumber. .v»d f>rtte reuoo that In S3me rn'ils It Is desirable to have the circular mill In a given petition r»- latneiy t» tbe log way o- to the uprUtn saw aai others ttiere»er*<» «s coov*nl*nc* r-qulr« We must know whan A<m<i ml'Us wanted asw/f offset bote-cannot Used rn a right htituL or ntjht oa a Ujl A<imi f ill A sketch sf tne s.wlng iloor, w.tfi the ti*Utt<n of log si de, lumber nldes >Uid s*w nr anws alreaoy In tbe miH. wiU give me da ato »ea>* the kind w&nted. or trie one cr derinc the miU can do so lilOH«lf by i Is <>hs -rvatloo and attention to the f. How eg: SUnrtiot beUn.l the eircular saw. fadrs '.C If Uie carnage passes at yeur right hand. It Is hard machine; if at y<>u- tell hand, u Is a left hand machine Tae mlllwrteuv will r*a«lily s?« thKt If ai upwrtaht saw is plaeed be ween two mvbines, of the same fititul, thtn t > oro of them the c*nts wilt ntve t? swiof over tbe rarriage (rem the back part of it and the other will receive rants, as it should, fiom th* face ito* or side that the saw and a.w trime are ox The sills can be used bat the convenience and facility of pattinc en loss or and set leg rid . f the lumber, la qui'e an item Iq mills doing a large bailness. The we'sht of MllL comriett*. Is abou'....4Poofc*. * i> Ir«.m 4.(k0t04.00u», I keep f*n htnd. at ail times *iua. reasy to ship from my dork'o «ny iK*rt ou th-J Lekes. or to any pout In the United {*UtfS or Canata. anu If required, tend a man to out then up and Rive itutructons aftouft their ope atloa. Any further particulars can be lad by addressing mo ss loJows: WM, M. FSRR7, JR., FER&Y3BCRO. Gran I Havea Post Office. Michigan. Or to my General igentsfor the Calted States. Tripp, II »lc & Co., \ PATENT Of PICE DEPOT. * jai93m No. fOO Lake street. Chleaga Winitr Annu;euieiit. IHICAfiO iA'D UILWIIKHS aULSUU. LAil BBOSK UNI. Great Mail aad Szprao Bonto to St Paul. ON AN'D APTER MUNDA7, KOTEM ber Mb, laoA Passenger Trains will ran dall» (Sundays excepted.) as follows: THROUGH TRAIN 3. ULtraoHiOAiK), rtus mnos coa. wist warsa A oeox tnt> 9:00 A. M.—Stooping at alldtatlona. reaching MUwaakso at l£ij P M. L3OP. M.-3topclog at Kvaoston. bUhlana Park. Lakw jforrest Wouaexan, and aut\ona north, and arriving In Milwaukee at 5:16 P. tL. and con* scrUog "ith A Milwaukee RUlroad for at. P«ol and .vl la the N jrtb-wes*. viccsaag t&xis lsavw ouioa«w av 0&i P. M.—Mopping at ail dtatlona, and arriving at Waa* keganat*uttP M. At Mllwaokee with La Crosse A Milwaukee nauroati tor Hartford. Horrtcon. Beaver Portage City. Lisbon. Sparta, and L«Croese- oonnecung at diiarta and La- Crosse with three daily line of Biases >or St. Paul, Winuoa. Vountaln City. Reed's Lan'llng. Red Wing. Pi e» coU. Undson. Stillwater. Hastings, ok Anthony Mmnsap oils and Minnesota. , , . _ . . . . amt CosaccT at Jonetloa with tbe Pond da Lao ana with the lioricon Railroads, lor Vood du Lac. Oshkoah. Waupon, Ripon and Berdn. Also, with the Milwaukee and Mississippi and Milwaukee sad Watertowa Railroad for Whitewater. Janesville. Madison. Prairie da (Alert. Bt. Paul Hartlar-d and Witertown. At Racine Junction, with the Racine nod Mlsslssipnl Railroad, for Burilngton, RUchorn. Delavau. Darien, £* loltandß->ckton. . . PrelghtTralnsleaveMllwankse at andChV caso at &4S A. M. dally. AL L. 3YREd. JS.. Sop L PinSSCB6. t'OBT i. CHIIAW) R.I NOW COMPLETED AND CARS RON fromihlcaJo to Piu.bargb wi.boat change, ooa> DicUng with the «rrat PSNNdYLVANIA CENTRAL ROUTE, fo New igrs. fnuadaptu*. naltliuure and WiuMogtCO City, and all tnc ln'«e.ior towns of Pennsylvania. Now Jei» sey. New York Maryland. Ac. Merchants, by t&ung ;ms route. «ii> Mte the bene* fit of all the Baggage checksd Uaroush. u _ Tram* leave tbe kiepot c<>rn«r of Cuul and Van sarot Str4e;«,we»t.ld-.asloll w»: 7:J«X M.—Morula* ftxtress. dally. Hun'lay exceptee. 6c44 P. M.—Nunt axprees. daily. flaturda>s exoeptee. Oonneoung at vreeuae wttn vletei*£i<i aad Laae Shore Railroad to Dunkirk. Buffalo, Nlmv& galls. New Yoik sad Boston, and all Interior towns of r'e*' eogland.v'a New York Central and New York «nd Also, soath to Colwabus. Newark. Moobl V-r«on. gt«»benvili« W>*»el!og. towns et Ohio and Virginia. Also trains at Lima for Dayton and Cincinnati direct /aju tko tu'it AN f JTIIXR RODT& Passengers bound east will And this roate both pleasant aad agreeable, passing urough rnauy a! thn larseitatd flaeet cities to tae United States. I sernurr* rmvtng at Oiilcago. on any of will and attentive cheex takers at the depots, to recalv e checks and oonvey baggage o' eharm» to tb* »"-tta. burgh and Chicago cars. Sleeping Uars accompany tale at all the principal Ucket offices In tie West, and at the Company • office, oorner of Randon a aad Dearborn streets, or at tne depot on van Bona street, Chicago. _ m Be particular to ask Ur tickets by fort Wayne. DAN'L W. BOBS. *WI Agent, CMosm JOHN B ANDKR9ON, Gta'l Sapt J. N. LtL'BAtttY.dapt. W. D. 1U MRRUHANTB AND BUIPPER& »he Rtueargh, Port Wayne A cotcago R- R- Co.. having effected an arrangement with the Pennsylvania Centra) Railroad company, for the transpvrtstlon of PreUn's, properiy can now be jhlvpedon this One uetween Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York and Boston, with promptness and despatch- Con tracts can be made at the following places: No. 3 Astor Place. i No. 1 8. WUllam street.) New York No. S Battery Place. ) No. &4 Riiby itreet, BoaWu, No. 8 Dock street, Philadelphia. Depot, North street, Philadelphia. Depot. Twetfln street, oorcer CanaL Chicago, ktara pauaages »ta rv. wameA a * R* Per fanner information, Ac. apply to J Ad. W. ML'bBON. Prclght Agent, Chleago. J. J. HOCaiON. Gen'l Prtight Ag*t. Putsburgh. pa. no 3 1838-e - ■ WtHTKS ABBANOZKS2IT- - 'St 8-9 VIA TT.t.tvotw OXUTTSAX* BATLBOAB. Ciumse oT Time* ON AND AFTEd SUNDAY, NOV, 28, trains will leave the Great Central Depot, foot ol Booth Water and Lake streets: St. Loals. Cairo and New Orleans Express....ll:W A.U. (Dally, Sundays exevpted.) Bt Loals and Cairn Express. Xfcuu P.M. (Daily, Bunlayi excepted.) Por Peoria, Decatur. *prlng9eld. Terre Haate. Alton, dT. Lulllß, Jefferson City, g "t" and all points on Missouri river CAIRO. Memphis. Napoleon. Vlckaaarg. Natches, Galveston. NKW ORLEANS. And all Intermediate p- Ints. A stock train, with a passeoger ear attached as far as Kankakee will leave at P.3L (dally. Sondave ex cepted). On Saturdays a passenger ear will be ran oa this train as Car as Urbanna, Trains arrive from St Loals and Cairo ak 9:10 and ll;fO P.M CONNECnONR. The lUOO P.M. tralus make direct connections st Maooon with Terra Uan* e and Alton Railroad for Alton aad St. Louis, ai.d at Cairo wlm tbe railroad line of <teamertJor .tew Orleans, leaving Cairo on altsmat* dan The 11J0 P.M. train makes direct connections at To» lono with Great Western Railnad fo- Springfield. Jack* soavllle and Naples; ai Maitoon with Terre lit at* and Alton Railroad for A ton and ft. tools, aid a. odm with Ohio and Mississippi ll r v " 4 for St Loals. FOR THROUGH TICRXT3 AND INfORMATIOIf, Apply ak the Company's Office In the Great Central Depot; at the Michigan Central Railroad uffiee, corner of Lake and Dearb rn street; at the Putabargh. Part Wayne and Chicago Railroad Office, corner o; Dearborn and Randolph streets, aad at all Steamboat and Railroad Office in the East and North. JAAC.CT.ARRI. Qen'iaopt W. F. JOHmON, General Ticket Agent nog W. R. ARTrfCR. Bnpt Chicago Dlvtstott. CHlCAfiO* ST.mLASDrOND DC LACK. I. CHANGS OP TIME. I \N AND MONDAY, DEC. 13/ w lata, Trains on this road will leave Chlcsco m fellows; 9:00 A M. Por Belolt JanesrUle. Madison and Pralits daCblen. 200 P: M. Per janssvUleand Madison. Trains arrive at 12110 P. M. and 6M P. M. Carrying tbe throach U. 8. Mail for all points In Us Northwest* from Chicago to Prairie daChlen wttheat change of Cars, Connecting a Prairie da Cbten with s JaUy Uns of C&UaA Btatea m*iT iiMebea nwp. T. npWT.Ay •wot \, H. TAYLOR «* COm ' Dealers In JDimenaion & Rubble Stone, fbom joLcrr XLUxoia. JoUet offioe atlheir Quarriev (Silsago oSloe and yard, Charles soe*:. baviat Yaa ■■rr'r —i "—T —n dls nf rrsii frr^