Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. If you are Kick, ttio probability 1m that g the root of yoariuflertna U Id the stomach. From ft nest stomach trocceds Dyspcpils. Asae, Lansour, N»o --ees. and a leirioo of other tormcnlinx diseases. Indices tloii produces thin Wood* and the efore deitrcys tbov stretirih and vigor o[ the entire sjitem. Jo reslOre the tore or the stomach, and enable (Mo thro* off sod dis miss forever all these tamMefomtatid dans-*rccs com rlsUt*. rolh'nj? it nece«sarr l>ut a r*n*ve*in* "*e of Dr. J. CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTEBB. A trial of tbelr rower csnnoWall ta prove that there is no fal'ore In their sedative etedv We ehecrffllly re commend the* to tte public, knowing, uwe do* their many excellent tiuattUes. Forsj*2e by'Drnrgists and «?ealet» scnt-rally, every where. „ fel6-Swdlw ThoMWbo are'eariou* to wltaew (he wondertnl perfection to which A. Obswildt (Vale nttk> cer *t Bilcheloi'i. K. Y.) baa breach* the manufacture ef Wtes and Toupees. are mrltod to *bU and thelrDjln*Rooms.alNo.Sltea»ontßtoek sua examine J 1 HeeeccrionsprodactioDsot art. Noaenrtlnyoaadelect the artificial from (tie natural when adiaiUd to the 'bead. desiy Sawrtf 1 * Fluid Extract of Bark« ut afaDabi® forth* rercr cd Ante, and the mi- £ ttzs foraa of Kffioos rtiwiu, *ntwMttenL Xcs^tteot ChiU >ttg cn<lpv&bA*ne- bavtfi~|belr origin tiaofTtrjUrf&b aaflw«iljy weparedtoyDr. 'tti B.o.BawvSraaixl«&dQbeml*l, and »o!d bySawyec, Ptire >,0p..H0. U Lata sir ast, OMcaaq. This remedy Is jireptred'«U?ely romTs*etablemb. iUnoec.and cortalns Bj> .mercuric, arsenic. <fc .anything n 1 hat can provelafcuions thoec of a deobfltroentand auaflted to restore < the healthy action of the Uver and Btomach. whose ' ructions are so generally lmpared In thla elaaa oi dla. * Mitt. ;• r ; • ; '«• Qalnlni and other tonles •erve' oai* lir many cases te - ( break the chilli, bat do not remove the disease, or the « liver and other crjtaiw iimpllcated. on which the chill m and Peterdepend: hence the uefalnessof the "Fluid J Extract ef (particularly fa ttdqns where Physi- ( elans* «sa&al be readily cojuultcd). «*npta<n« »n J the qualities salted to the Indications of these maladies. Hundreds of testimonials In retard to the efflcacy of t the medicine from persons of reapectablllty, have been m si ten to the proprietor—but he does cot make use of - tliem as he pretesto bare tbenttfidaatntrodiioe llaelf ; »Cttrely byltsmerits. J Notice.—Tlie Stockholm j fien In the Merchant'! Bank of Macon Oeorsla. are by i the provisloasof Us Charter, made persanabiy liable for J Uissues. Tbenotesofthlsßankwlllbetakenbynionde-" posit on the aazoe terms as Eentackr. Indiana and I Ohio. H. A. TDOEKR k 00. tb e i . -inj (Eoimrtncrsfjips, &c. wh wit "VTOTICE.—THE CO-PARTNERSHIP S! h'-retofore exlsisff onder the name of TJioau oat Geir«A Co. is'liU rfnr d ss-lved by tnutu.l tb« Thjmu ()e?r«kCi« uath rited tosct'le all t'ie of Pri tlit*Ute firm THOMAS QK hi* Chlctto.Feb.lolh 1559. CALUI f. aaTLi. The rubscHber will coutinae tbe business at carried on brr by tbe 'ate firm, and wi 1 be ha->py to sore both old and f new costomersio everytMns la t?ie w«y of wi BOUSE FUBKISHING GOODS. THOMAS UtOSGE. fel£-lw* At the Old Stand. 331 Ltke «lreeU "VTOTICB. THE CO-PAETXERBUIP Thompson Is ttiU d«» disf4red by matoal cowent. All T\ Ki«* barioeaa of Ute tlrm «iU n e seuled br J. 0. WUllam> I .!,oU^o le^tiori«dlo.Vno lM.Q c uM^io f . AM^ Febmary L 1859. HAttYEV M. THOMPSON. Tbe Wholesale Grocery busloes* w'H be ccntfnoed by q£ t b«su*-srrib>-r at tbe old sUnd.4s doato Water street, pe* which Item the old and new friend* of the firm wit) pleue of i tnake a note of. JOH2I O. WXLLIAuS. ten fell cfllo IOC its CO-PARTNERSHIP-'- THE UNDERSIGN ed hare tbl> day Into partnership under « Ibe firm otmeof Hnßbfrtctiie k Co. as manufacturers 8 of Bow and Candles, with t'ie view o'ca-rylo* on »nd < exlendlnf ihe baiitea lilihertocondacted b* taid six finch Ritchie. HOUH RITCHir. ,? jyHdrfh Bitcbie b<ss to retarn tbantrs to bh iriepds t> sni t>ie pablx lortbesaptiors be tas receired durlns 'tie tor lut nine >ears. and respecifailv solle'ts on bth*i f or the > nrwfirtQ a coatJoiiance of tkat patronise so liberal/ ooi csUiOiicdtobinueif heretofore. felOcaaStr DTSSOLTJriON' OF CO PARTXEBSHIP. The partnership heretofore »xistln« between the BndT*i<oed,ln tbe Wtn:esale Uqaor »aslness, is hereby «_ dissoiTed nfmala*! consent. Tuc debts of the late firm will be paid br B.J Sm'tu. and all demands owing to the c. said firm must be settled and paid tothe said BJ. Bn\tU. n > Obleaso. Jan. U, lbsß. JOHN BUITH. r' Ja2l-lto* B. J. SMITH. DIS3O£iUTIOK —THE C ) PARTNER* r sh ; pof Estley. MorssA Oo M totals day dissolred V by mottut conieuL Toe boslatii of tbe Arm Is assumed by Geo. it. Edciey, ollici No. 7 Pomeror's Huiidin". _ GKO R. ECKLEY. 8 OEO. A. MUIWE, O. H. fiOUUiti. ALBERT MORSt I Chicago. January 20.18*8. je2o-lmo c 35 ohj U)ool( €oal, ™ i ■■■ ■ xh Cheap Coal! Cheap Coal!! j* FOB. S ALE: THE WELL KNOWN LA SILTiE CO Air, f -MINED BY- W Messrs. Law & Strother, of this City, At $3.00 Per Toil. ALSO—' £j 200 COHDS SOFT WOOD, H m At §2.00 Per Cord. £ Br E. DICKIYSO.V, u fels Sa-c2ST Eait gad MadUon Stiest Br dec. _ be SHEFFIELD COAL. « THE CIIBAPKSr AND BEST curaiisois coal is the market, Free from flnipherand Slate, carefully screened before C •tellvrry. Our yard bel-n covered, our «-oal »■ urolected f roo> uie effects of Inclement weather, and is always Qi- Itvered dry an*! in good candltloo at $4,00 IN YABV; $1.50 DELIVERED, = *»o»ny i"rt of the city. Analjsi* proves the Flieffield Coal superior to all other Illinois Coal. Fjr -ale in sm*il orlarce ouantltiei. at tbe Ooal Yard nf the SJipmil« Min n* *od transportation Co. U. V.B. UROOHH. Ait't, _ teS clfj 3m near Taylor. 3 HEAP COAL.—WE ABE SELLING AT 1 rurYard. * OORUEH OF TAYLOR AWD CLABK STS- " Goal wellscreened. and every way equal to Erie or Briar C UIL for $1 00 PcrToa, or $4 50 Dellrcrfd, 0 BotCi-keepeia and others can contract for tanrequaaUti'sevennn belter terras thsn above. Oar obieei is to put it in tpe reach of every consumer to try i oar Ooal next season we pro;>ose to supply the £ market *113.4U wrr ton. fc jy^e^mdeUrernytli*ton cthalf ton. f A* wc mine the Ooal ourielv<M. we expect only one J, proO*. We can there.ore expect to sell cheaper than ~ C< Or!lera maybelcftattheyard,orNo-13 Lasallestreet, (J Coatom Uo«». L4W 4 gTROTBEIL Coal! Coal!! < 1 nr\{\ TONS ORiISBY COAL.—THIS ! Lv* V /VJ Coal is the best in the market Tor either j family uses or steam. Also— j 300 tons Prepared Anthracite (Broad Top.) ? 300 tons Lump Shamokin. E ALFRED fiJUTH A 00 . North Pier, opposite til. Central iL B. nro:ta«»t»i t »« w D tierrt's. 8* E. corner Olarlc k Rando:pb sis. MORFOKt) BKOB.. Jal2Sm-«n Qorne- of Lake and Olars streets. OOAIj AND WOOD. JSAAO OOALE, AT THE OLD STAND Ooraer of Clark and Adams street, offers for sale oad of all klnd4. Sawed and £pUt and delivered. Also, Erie, Laekawaoa. Ormtby. Biowbors. and other P«nn*«lvania Ooals. Briar HliL BallneviUe., and other Oulo OosU. SUetbeiiL StorrVs, and other UUnob Ooala Orders proxnpUy flllod and Ooal c are falir Kreeped.,, a»l7atß?-8o SI 01 ark. corn er Ailaxo^sW ~ plumbing. nAS PXP2 AND JSIXTDKBS. BROW fc - WILDER «T MiilU XJMt— fnr»r tKfiy entire stock as follows V O xt OAS SBC a Rpe 10 t>*f eent dlscoant from List Price. Iron Rttlna 33 cents per ponnd. Ermss Piulna Beads, Swins Joint* and Gaa HxUbu ■t Oost. Oar stock Is tbe largest In the etlr< closlni o«t we offer Indaoeoenu not equalled in tae wsft. t^-lr-a^7 R, D, JIcFAIiLANK, (JAB, STEAM FITTING, AND PLUAIBINS ESTABLISHMENT, 51....LA SAL.LK STREET..4S CEIOA6O. Ah extensive absoetmeot or - - Gas Fixtures} : ffom tki CdebnM lunfulorj of Cornelius Jt Mtuker, ' Always ©a hand, couprPla* tbanalawtaad aioct (Elaborat DasJfn*. PRACTICAL PLUMBER Aad Kasßtttwwof ! •-. ALL KINDS OF STEAM.WORK. FarUcolaraUenUoßpveatsSltiaKvy •• • HOTELS WITH BTEAM, WAT£R AMD QAB UOir IITItIH, OHAIM AWD WABSS - FOK GAAOXIT LAWKB AKD TSgAJTSABi. COrNTBr^OKDERS,. PtfiKPTLT ilB FIITIFDUr AT7£IDS9: TO TO riijrrif Ji**. thk tkadk supplih) with too^b; jbok tips, mrixas, oAs^jxtP*" B ? 1 ' TKO" A|tD *tKRY W tBK-ei*. «KA*-FXTTiKa pAJQ) IXUVBW4 BCEWSRS. -- * I | ) v . L ' 14 lA' SAtLX STRtOT, P.rer74e*crtpUoft Jt OasFlrtortMd Jc— Wnr* Br»os«l or Ke-ctIC _v:_ ,• ' • Mapuf»eWJ,qt>f»WS>ryftt.\ ,j> L - 0£ atf Mextonsaixl (JMteruunrs,' ::: "TTAVgQKHAKi),"ATrATJ.?rHntS. jjvinr' -- '• -P» ; an< tiAMi, Wood, LAad,andZii»4M«B;sL]aw Aad aw lieygs aaA erOTttia* f^bWU^Fi^iWtbamfmfoud - ba2> was at all boars.-' . . •, L -• > faa t/i'v* I ... ; QbASailiLiiGULflail! ] .-5n \*** Sewing iHacl)inc». f s x isr a- e e, ' s Family Sewing Machines, *i Ootsblnlnx tbe tia IATEST IMPROVEMENTS _ —AT— ~ BEDUCED PRICES. V (J Also. Machines BOOTS.AND - SUOKS, "and (JABM£NRTB of .every description, ooa- I* stantly on hand. w v VcfcterivOfllce Lake Street., aJOcC Sm IW, HABRI a . AtenL ri'EE SUBSCEIBEP.S HAVING RECENT- J I - LYreturned t*» the c tv and taken the Asency of Machine for the Western elates, are now open- -~ - infenew tbe old of&ce, 10G Lake Street, Up Stairs, wh*re thfy are prepared to supply Acents,and families with Oarmond's S'wio* Marines on th£ mn&t liberal terms. Hftvl:;Kfortlrt la<t threetitoaths prettythorouthly canvassed the Bewie« Machine market, we can sayt>>at oat of tbfr mnltlpHeitr ct new patents they *re satisfied that tbejj£aymond Machine is decidedly tbe. bes* k>w f 0 prired ln.nse, and li bard to be excelled by tie hisberpiWd. Tf Tbey will repair aad pat In first-rat« mania* order any of the R&Ttnond Machines heretofore pold by A. Hoi* brooVort) Kelseylf broußhttnlheirofßcs.- Wanted. Agents for all tbe prteclpa r towns In the I Wert. WISWELL* IT01iBR0«»K I Office 103 Like street, Chicago, (op stairs). P«-s<- Office ! BoxltfSft. JalS bß# 3m S 3 O . O O in r Premiums and Diplomas. ar rriHE FIRST PREMIUM AKD DIPLOMA to ! A was awarded to the h) Boudoir Sewina: Macb.ine, vt\ ! (HAREIi' FlTKirr.) WI Attbe Wisconsin fitat? Fair, Oct. ttih. 1855:Machlnesfrnin mi . One Haadred to On-s Ua?idred and Tifty Dollars In com- J- 1 I petition. Thus another link has been added to Its at of Premiums. Tbe subscriber bess leave to call the at* tention ofthe Ladies of GUicuo and vicinity to tbe mer Its of this beautiful and unrivalled Muhlne. A few of w; Its prominent alvantwes over all others are as follows: i_, Ist. It sews with two threads and ties each stitch. , 2d. It makes two dUfcrent stitches. Bd. It will sew oackward as well as forward. 4th." It makes two thousand stitches per mlnnte, and m slxtv'ninestitchesto tbe Inch. 6tn. The Incoavenlenceafabeltlsobviatedbythe air plication of a Rubber Friction heeL i>Ul Tne nominal price of 430 Includes stand and fix* When this Machine was sold at double the price. It was cordially recommended to tbe pablic by } e L M. SINGER k 00. 4 l ELtAS UOkV.Ja. til WIIEcILK&A WILB3N, tt GKuVEtt k BAKER. ' , M&UUfaCtariQKOo, P< As the the market. 91ie in price has been reduced one ha l f ani Its value enhanced . bytheadulUoaof the Uoable Thread. An examination of this Machine and its work Is solicited at H. Dewins A fr Go's Root aad Shoe Store. 132 Lake street. . n027 lr.bAX L A. IU*CE k 00.. Aae-U. Ol Q HUES OITT. DOUBLE LOOK TIGHT STITCH. ju *2O BBWINO MAOHINB 4 ' HITIa BETOISE IXHIBITID 1H THI WUT. I' 1 All other Obeap UAcblnu Ulcs onlj tha Kinxlc tliread ohaln stitch. This takes the same oi TWO THREAD at gtltcbasthe raost expensive ones insse. Its workwlll <]i Sot Rip Thouch every Third Stitch ¥e Cnt* iu The Machine Is simple, easily adjusted and not likely to r>< cet out of order Works as rapidly, makes as firm and e n&ndsomea stitch as the most expensive Machines. Scwi from two commoi spools, does coarse and fine work 1h perfectly, by simply the needle and thread. THEY WILL fITITOH. HSM AND GATHER. CC Thev oaks llUie solas and rwft aor* easily than most &U> ; own ZsADr With ABswlasMachlse Is ecuslin e9dcncyte „ Eicht to Twclwe h] Seamstresses by hand. Every familyjind any one xnakiar rr- Sewlnt abraiaessshould ownone. This is the Oblj IlHhlnt B»wlcr with Two Thrtrnds, w Except one, sold In tbe world for less than tIOU. Weir - vile all wbo wish a Uacldne to do any kind ofwork dene by machinery, to examine enrs. Samples ofwork sent by w mall upon receipt or a stamp. Machines sent to person* wbo never saw them, and *reesed successfully after a few boors' practice. Fall printed instructions fdrea. Ester* priiinsmen. with a.'ew hundred dollars to porobasestock, t may now secure lucrative exclusive asendes In any ofthe better towns of thlsSiate or MiseoorL None others need m apply. Oallat i, Chis. E. WlswtU't Shoe Start, ISS Like St., nsarClark. Address L.OORNELU Ql . tsUv-vSl* Box*.'** Wllmjto. lIU Statioitcrn, &c. - ' ■ Fl Awarded ior the J 1 £ .fesi 2 H ™ s s>E >| s * Srllf H ■n ittrS'Slgß S « 9, f '• - ™ i H ft ALSO ON- HAJSrr) : Ji 11 litataid* Swlisg Wax, a Band Boxei, Steel P,m, t Letter Stamp,, Lead Pine 111, c Wafer Cop,, Saakan* Cases, CHk Knivot, L«tUr Ecxaa, Kslen, Pen Holdtn, . J 'Writing Pads, Xoaey Book*, i Eruon, F«n Baclo, \ Paper "V7eight*. Twine, t Gold Pecs, Quill Pan, 1 Letter Clip,, Deilt Pesdli, J Ehean, CMh Bezee, - , Port Polio, Slotting Paper, , (pring Fllei, Irory Tableta, i Twine Borei, anilla, < XsTeloprPsper, Baitie Bandf, ' India Sutber, Calenoan, ! Wafer,, Ivor? TbSien, 1 Letter Sole,, PajerJilee, , Inrotee filw, Book Ketfi, ; KacHage, Gun Tickctz, Woitenliolß'iCntleiT. (Spool) 1 Commercial Printing, . * oossTsrrxn o? CIRD3, BILL DEADS, CIRCTLIRS, tfc, FKuUPILY KXECCTED AT SiatlontHi Hall, noaa USB Q lAka strack STATIOi\J3BS. JOKES, PEKBCK fc SHiLt, ' Vbolmle aad ftetaQ Dsalsrs 1a... . Stalionerj Blank Books Ja an Its variety. oca rionan*j fob z>oivo Ruling, Binding and Printing Are misupassed tn tha Wert. irCAiik AJID i'HT '■ JONIB, PERDCTB A 81IALU dclS-ly-bTl9' 80. laa Lake street (Dnstcrg. O'TSTJERS-OTSTBRS-OYSTERa HATCH, HANK A GO'S unrivalled ftesb>alUmoreOysters received Kxpress only, fflrect from their gifMafll house In Xlammore. and for sale ' their depot, N0.29 North Water«!r«et«Cblcaco.. __ - " Thetr.Toit es>e and attention odn# paid W thfl pre •sxlnc of these Oysters, the* have attained a i T«poUtlon BsequsUed by all others. AH orders will receive prompt ttenaon. Address J.N. UATCH. Ageoi : . oelSb£*4m Post Offlce box SSBT. : . | . N.8.~-TlU«esUbP»hQgntwro be permanent. . . v;;: 7 , - £. BtmLIRO- ' A ECHITECT—XOa ii & 46 L.VSILLE in /V Street (over Hoffmtn A .4) Mfpdto Carei*i Plans and B»«idaaiant (0* allkhidi of SuHuA -tie eoalldfttly refers to many ofthe best baU4tncsUOfckea*o»-£gUi imblie and prlvate-as:ev!' tkeeeeof bis eotllty, aad twerden lotrosied toblm will ■ _ fisefwttdtotfcequstesdsCsetarrsaann r. lagbSHly g; .... .... D wBBBLQCg, n i EOmTSCT iKB SUPKKINTEIfDBKT, Offloe 3^0.77 I>eart>oni Bloolt, t O." '• ■ o^posliattie Pe*Oflee.Chleanc. BQiaxJt rt W. JbIUOTO*. L ItraiTOTATO scFssnrrxnaß. B»wlilaiitiajy>egwel«oall<m»« ■. . c anußUi Jwasi.aiiiun( - S: BBia xnf con tlfr- fut mleby - • J8?y» L.- * •lO'P*—bam, adarif ;if\kT sSAU *- AHOTHKB Lor> «ui* PRESS MP TRIBUTE. ! PRESS AND TRIBUNE. « FITBLIBRBD Daily, T*l-W»»kly and Wnkly n Olfiee iS Clark itrael—Orar Ota Bank. EDITORS AND fL MLISUERS : a' JOHN L. ttCROTd, 0. U. ItAY, t( wu. Joseph uedill, i*> ALFBEB COWLHi. 0 , Q Tarui of ifea Piw and Trtbtss. C Pally,deDveredlncltirbycarrier.perycar SB.OO a Dally, delivered In ettr by earner, perweek. _l» „ Dally, to.Mall Subscribers, per year 7.0U * Dally, to Mall Subscribers, * meoUis tl ** lu copies to one addreie. .10.00 a ** X copies to one address. ..30.01 p And one free copy to getter op of clan of twenty. ir VTbare will be no deviation from these rates. ~ iy Money In reenteredletters may be sect as at oa li Addrssi - 1, PEBB AND TRIBUNE. " Chleaco, Dlisols. a: = b, THE PBESS AND THI B(J NB'S P Great Establishment I £» lhe finest establishment of the kind to the WcsC' lthMmdreSteamPresscsandUachinerr; more h Printinx Materials and more Skillfal Workmen than any St other Job Printlnc House West of New York. j l . Tbe proprietors are prepared to ezecnte. on short no* " lice. crerTTuletT of BOOK JOB LETTER PRESS £ ind FANCY PBIMTIMCJ In the ££32 MASSZS e , •t tie LOWEST LIVINCi PRICES. 'Pattlcular attention given to the printina of b Bnnneas Carck, Poeten, Visitiiig Cardi, Programme®, d Ball Tickets, Pamphlet*, a •Lettor.Headf) Circulan, b Bill Heads, Cheelo, " By-Laws, Blank HotM, Receipts, Labels. PRIXTTIVO IH COLORS \ V Inallltsvarieties,done in beantifolstyle and at moder. tJ ate ratea An examlnatloß of SPECIMENS, and PHI CSS Is re* if spe«fiUlylnvUed. . . BT"Orders from tbe Ootmtry promptly filled, and eent n borne oy Express. MACS* AN'S DWARF. j Bv Diccsss. a Condnslon. c< The Bonnet lifted Mr. Cbopps upon, a chair* tl to Kliuke hands with him, and replied »a poet* p ry, with his eyes seemingly full of tears? b "Myboatlson'be shore. h And tay bark Is on the sea. And I do not ask. for more, lint I'll so—alone with thee.*' Tbey went into Society, in a cbay and four n gruye with silk jackets. Tbey took lodg- a: iajrs ia PttU JJall, London, and they blazed tl away. In consequence of a note that was brought n to Bartlemy Fair in the antuom of next year L by a servant, most wonderful got np in milk* white cords and tops, I cleaned myself and t< went to Pall Mall, one evening appinted. li The gentlemen was at their wine after dinner & aad Mr. Chops':? eyes was more fixed in that f( lid of his than 1 thought good for him. There « was three of 'em (in company I mean), and I knowcd the third welt When last met, he li had on a white £ oinan shirt, and a Buihop's- tl mitre covered with leopard-ekin, and played the clarionet all wrong, in & band at a Wild ft Beifit Sbow. ll I made the round of tbe bottles, first sepa- c< rate (to eay I bad done it,) and then mixed ft 'email together (lo say 1 had done U.) and t] then tried two of 'em as half-and-half, and o then t'other two. Altogether, I passed a a pleasant evening, but with a tendency to feel V muddled, until I considered it guod manners ■ to go up and say, "Mr. Chopp?, the best of friends must part, I thank you fur thewariety of lorcign drains you have stood so 'ondsome, I looks toward you in red wine, and 1 taken fl my leave." Mr. Chops replied, "if you'll 0 just hitch me out of this over your right arm Magvman, and carry me down stairs, I'll see . you out." I said I couldn't think of such it thing, but ho would have, it, eo 1 lifted him f t off his throne. lie felt strong of Madeary, j and 1 couldn't help thinking as I carried him down that it was like carrying a large bottle io full of wine, with a rather ugly stopper, a Jj good deal out of proportion. g When I sat him on the door-mat in the hall 01 be kept me close to him by holding on to my E coai-collar, and he whtypers ; {j " I au't ? appy, Magsinan." tf " What's on your miud, Mr. Chops?" " Thay don't use me well. They an't el grateful to me. Tney puts me on the mantle piece when I won't bave in more Cuampagne winc, and tbey locks me in the sideboard whon I wont give up my property." $; " Get rid of 'em, Mr. Cuopps." li I can't. We're in Society together, and tc what would Socieiy pay ?" " Come out of Socieiy,"says I. *• I cau't. You don't kaow what you're talkiog altout. When you have once j| gone into Society, you mustn't come out of iL" ♦'Then if you'll excuse tha freed)m, Mr. § Chops," were my remark, shaking my head grave, " I think it's a pity yo* ever went in." Mr. Chop? sh»ok that deep El of his, to a surprMu extent, acd slapped it half a doz m time? with his haod, uud with.more Wice than I thought were in him. Then, he says: 4, Yonr * a good feller, but you don't uuderstaud. Goml night, go along. Magtman, the little man will now walk three times round the ~ Cairwan, and retire behind the curtain," The fl last I *ee of him on that occasion was his trying, on the excremest werge of insensibili ty, to climb up the stairs, one by one, with his hands and koees. They'd have beeu much too A sleep lor him it he had been sober; but he o wouldu't bo helped. It wttrn't long attcr that that I read in the | new-paper ol Mr. Chop's being presented at 1 cunru It was printed, "It will be recollect- ' ed"—and I've noticed in iny life, that it is sure to be printed that it tcill be recollected, h tthen'iver it won't—"that Mr. Chops is the v individual of small statnre, whose brilliatt g Riecess in the la*t State Lottery attracted so o much attention." Well, I says td myself, sachisllle! He has been and dono it in earnest at last { He has astonished George the Fourth I (On account of which, I had that canvass new painted, him with a bag of money iu bis I lirod, a presentin it to George the Fourth, and u lady in ostrich feathers fallin in love with him in a bag-wig, sword -and buckles correct.) . I took tLc Hou»e as is tbe subject of pre pent inquiries—tnougU not the honor of bein acquainted—and I run Magsman's Amuse- j -incuts ia it thirteen mouths—sometimes one ihinir, sometimes another 1 sometimes notbia i paiticuhtr, but always all .the canvases out- l side. One night, when be had played the 1 last company out, which was a shy company t out, which was a shy company through its j raining Heavens hard. I was takin a pipe in the one pair back along with tbe young man j wi'h the toes, which I had token on for a , month (though he nerer drawed—ex- | cent on paper), and I heard a kick- j in at the street door. "HalloaI" I ' pays to the young man, u what's up I" He ruhs bis eyebrows with his toes, and he says, "T can't imagine, Mr. Hagsinaa"—which he never could imagine nothing &nd yras monot tonous company. The noise not leayin off, J laid down my pipo, and I took up a candle, and I went down and opened the door. I looked out into the street, but nothin could I see, and nothin was I aware of, until I turned round quick, because some creetnr run between my legs into ihe There was Mr. Chops I *' .Magsman,-' he says, "take me on the holt} term*, and jov've got me; if it's done, say done." I was all of a moss: bat I said, " Done, sir," " Done to yoar done, and doable donei" says he. " Hare you got a bit of topper in, the bouse!" Bearin in mind them sparklin warieties ol foreign drains as we'd guzzled away *t in Pall Mall, I was ashamed to offer [him cold tussages and gio-ond-water j bat he .took 'em both and took 'em free; barm a chair for bistable, a*d rfttin down at it on a stool, like hold times. J all of a mase all the while. li was arter he had ®adfi & clean sweep of the sassages (beef, and to the best of my cal culations two pouod and a quarter), tbat the witdom as was iu that little maa began to come out of him like prespiratiob, " Magsman," he says," lookupoame t Yoa I sec atore you, Ono as has both gone into So* ciety and come oat." . "Obi Yeu are out of it, Mr. Chops? Haw j did you get out Sir!" "Sor,D orx!" says he. You pever f«w the like of tbe as his Ed expressed when , he made use of them to words.., " My friend Magsman, 'III impart to you a discovery I've made. Jt's it's cost : twelve thousand live hundred'pouad; it may do you good in life. The secret of this mat ;" ter is, that it ain't so much that a person goes - into Society, as that Society gbes Into a per { son." Not exactly keeping up with his meaain, J I shook my head, put on a deep look, and ~ said," Tou're right there, Mr. Chops," . " Jlagsman," he says," twitching me by, the , leg, " Society has gone into ,me f to the tune ' ■ of-every penny of my property 1 felt Uiat I went pale, and,^though nat'rai s ly a bold speaker, I couldn't Imrdly bay, *♦ Where's Normandy 5" "Bolted. With the plates," said Mr. Chops. And t'other one?"—meaning him as ior merly wore tbe tusbop's mitre. -♦' Bolted. With the jewels," said Mr. Chops. , T and looked at bim, and he stood up an& lookcd at me. , 9. n; b» »y>, aad he seemed to - myself to get wiser as be got hoarser, * So«» ety, tike# in the lamp, is all dwarfa, At tEe Z court of Saint James's they was all a dom' ■ my bbld'hnslne«s-ralV * B&n' tbf& JteaeM, - ~ 'found the-OolfawAfc in the fIH Cowt suits f fr and'propertleSr. iposl- goio' ronnd—Magpman, the saner la the noi wersal Icntitotioti I" 1 perceived, yon understand, that he was - soared 07 his misfortunes, and I felt dot Mr. Cbops. # j "As to Fat Ladies," says lie, giving bis Ed a tremcndloas one agin the wall, M there's J lots ol them in Moiety, and worse tbau ihe • original. Berg was a outrage upon Taale— aimply a outrage upou Taste—awakenin con tempt— carry in its own punishment in the * form of a Indian F Here he giv himself mn- other tremcndlous one. •' Bat thrirt, Maga man, theirs ia mercenary outrages. Lay in A Caslimeer ebawls, buy bracelets, strew 'em w and a lot of 'andsome fans and things about your room?, let it be known that you give away like water to alias cometoadmire, and the Fat Ladies that don't exhibit lor so much down upon the . drum, will come from all the pints oftbe com pass to flock about you, whatever you are. 1 They'll drill boles in your 'ait, Mogsmaß, like a Cullender. And when you're no more left lo give, they'll laugh at you to your face, B and leave you to have your bones picked dry by Wulturs, like the dead Wild Ass ot the Prairies that you deserve to be I" Here be g giv himself the moat tremendious one of all, and dropped. I thought he was gone. His Ed was so heavy, and he knocked it so hard, and he fell t , so stony, and the Baßsagerial disturbance in & him must have beun so immense, that I oi thought he was gone. Bat be eoon come si round with care, and he sat up on the floor, _ and he said to me, with wisdom comin out his q eyes, if ever it come: "M&gsman! The most material difference between the two states of existence through which your anhappy friend has .pa&cd;7 he reached out his poor litte hand, and his tears dropped down on the mustache which it was * a credit to bim to have dooe his best to grow, m but it is not in mortals to command success— "" "the difference is this. "When I was oat of »Society, I was paid light for being seen. When I weit into Society, I paid heavy for = being seen. I preler the former, even it X U wasn't forced upon it. Give me out through J the trumpet, in the hold way, to morrow." Arter that he slid into the line again as 1 if he bad been iled all over. But the organ was kep from him, and no allusions was ever made, when a company was in, to bis proper ty, He got wiper every dayj his views of - Society and the Public was luminous, bewil- 1 derin, awful; and Ed got 'bigger and bigger, as his Wisdom expanded. He took well, and pulled 'em in most ex- cellent for nine weeks. At the expiration of 1 that period, when his Ed was a sight, he ex- n pressed one evenin, the last Company bavin £ been turned out and the door shut, a wish to s have n little masic. § " Mr. Chops," I said (I never dropped Iho a "31r." with him: the world might do it, buP not me); " Mr. Chops, are you sure as you r< are in a state of mind and body to sit upon £ ttie organ 7 His answer was this: " Toby, when next ® met with on the tramp, 1 forgive her and the l Indian. And I am." It was with tear and trembling that I began li to turn the handle; but he sat like a lamb. - It will be my belief to my dying day that I see his Ed expand as he 6at; you may, there fore, judge how great his thoughts was. He sat out all the changes, and then be come off. "Toby," he saye, with a quiet smile," the little man will now walk three times round the Cairawan, and retire behind the curtain." When wo called him in the morning we found bira gone into a much better Society % than mine or Pall Mall's. I giv Mr. Cbops as comfortable a fuoeral as lay in my power, followed myself as chief, and had the George the Fourth canvas carried first, in the form of a banner. But the Honse was so dismal arterward that I giv it up, and took to the Wan again. Improve lour Eyesight) J7...OLABKSTHBET ROOK *UF STAIHS...JJ OHIOAGO, ILL OTHE CELEBRATED RUSSIA ROCK 1 ORYBTAL AND BRAZILIAN PKBRLI EPBOTV * DOS. acknowledged by competent judge* to be the BE3T or ALL GLAB-E3 NOW IN USE, for long or shortsighted peraons. from 10 to % yean of axe. tod for weak. sore or Inflamed eyes, cat*- nets, cross avas, are fot «ale at 37 Bonih Clark street Sooa No. 3. up stairs. Also all kinds of Optical Instru mentsandArufldal Eyes kepi on band. Persons residing at a distance requiring Spectacle*, Eye Gla>s*s, etc* can be exactly tolled accord in* u their condition of sight, and supplied with them by mall or express, safely and quieklr, by sending correct and d'stlnct answers to the lollowing Questions Ist. State your age, state of hialtli and occnnaUon. 3d. Sttte If classes are wanted for reading writing, ■ etc-, or for lookin* at distant objects. „ . „ 3d. State the exact namber of Inches roa hold a book In readier with or without glasses, plainly aad clearly, The price of mylmpr ved Spectacles aad Eye Glasses are as follows: BestPebbif. or Crystal Qlanca, micold bows, #l2. *lO and *B. Best classes in rt.verbows 15. N. $3 and Best slanes In steel bows. 11. t3, g-j and eL Enclose either of the above ssms with foor postage stamps. In a registered let'-er. and yoa will receive by re tarn null, or by expres. if yoa prefer It the quality and kind of classes paid .or, ana ths best adapted to your DR. L. E. RQBENBEKO. f feiMm* is practical Optician «nd Occßst. 1859 SPBIHG TEiDK IM9 ' | METAL WIULHOUSE, ; 45 IVabath Acenxtt 45 \ Bxiroli'slron.BttUd.irifi, CHicaso. 1 The Bobscriber has now in stock j TIN PLATE, ROOFING TIN. BLOCS TIN, i ZINC SHEETS A BLAB9.BHECT IRON. J GALVANIZED WOK, 1 BBAZXEI'B k BHEETIIINO COPPER. TINKERS' TOOLS, aad METALS GENERALLY, ( AS of which Is offered at the Lowest Market Prices for 0 " 0 ' THOMAS 3. DICKERSON. 15,000 Bundles Wire Fencing. ! Weareprepared tamakecnntrscU wllii Dealers lor first oniuty ANHEILEO FENCE WISE, NO3 8 tad 9, tn qacntlt : es of not lets than one ton. deliverable at oar Warehoooe at any timsprertoas lo the Ist day or Jane next, five per cent, cash to be paid when the contract Is made, balanee on delire y. Purchasers ue invited to > oomspond whh ns at once. , , 1 THOft. 8. DU3&ERSON. 4ft Wabash avenue. la» c<l Bareh's Iroo Rnlldtnc. Oh'eaaQ. WATER WHEELS. VANDKWATKE'S Reeeutlf Improred Jouval Tnrblue WATER WHBBL. Office, Wo. 81 Sooth Clark Street, 1 OHIUAOO. IOITKK THIS IHPBOVKD TURBINE Water Wheel to tbepnMc with the fnllest oonfidenoi aad assnrance of Ha SUPERIORITY OVERALL OTHER WHEELS, Without any exception. They are wen adapted to (aad have be«n tested in) Mills of all descrloUons. Tbevdrt * BTEADT AND UKITOSM EFEED, Aad are wen adapted to very hl«h as well as very low heads and falls. They will work well la back water with oat any material kws of power, and are aot troabled with loe, as they are set Inside or the forebayand dls tttarced underneath. It small amount of Ins to ce* up a hich speed, costs bat UUle to aetap.and runs upon a step thai needs no olUu.aad will last for tears. This Wh«l Is oapjMiJs flmplqn* a powpr of from W to 86 per oenL of the whole power of the watet (aoeord* Inc to t£« decree of flnlah of wheeD under hUb bead* And (Alls, and in all eases It Is warranted to work ap to the power laid down la Uie table and to «Lt< satisfaction when properly pat no and reared. State, County and Townterritoriea fbrsale. for farther parUculart see drcnlaw. which esa b« ok talned at the Aaenf* Qttce. No. 9 floatb 01 ark it 7RANQIS HARTET, Preprtetor. se34-ly-»SC? Q. J. MaDQPGILL. Aunt Fine Toilet Soaps, Excel eat for winter die. Cleaver's London Honey Soap, RIMHEL'S GLTCEBINE SOAPS, LOW'S BROWN WINDSOR AND GLYCERINE, <?Qerlaia*o and Riipinel'a Almond f Cobln'A PlTar'i, TloMs, Prev^sfs,'Ant} other Prtnch Manatactare, OLD CENUINE OASTILE. tea lmwutmnt. mO BUILDEE3, OWNERS, 4 BOOFEBS Corrugated Roofing. IMsnewaitide,eo arteaMvety la we, excels all ■wiflr tor belnx aiore durable, fl" •o'water proot and lawat as toot at the It alio rtdacas the ratal of U per ii »«n M pUaa of tba T«rtoM methods .of pcttuU onTcaabeMcnby etfUC of tba BO I FOR Pl|tß'B PBAS 1 i X»BLSS, QUS3, BKVOLTBBB, . Xti bowh unrn u< HisottMl Lakastcwet. _ <tf<XI^ABBET. iyA<eataforHaa«rf» Powder. JtfcMly . fMen „. i *1!?• P. iatow *. a+:< , r AIBBA H K 8 ' T-} ■ S d . COLD BT „ —UKSfci rinsuss a amuv, SKHK; . To Lumbermen and Otbeorm. 1 .T. IXX STBIET MILLS WXLtnjSNtSS JU'OaraKMtMd . HMMUimawf Molkiii ma<i«VM ? T... ■ - "1-1 ' i' —- l' t>lsaohbd> klsphaii* on, tot * — mo bass- wo wr^Ki ! . JjJnblicatious. - ANNOUNCEMENT.-® Blackwell's Book of Forms. hew ninroH tobk book. D. B. OOOKB A 00. hare la ictire lod ' will pabllsh at aa early day the followlne Talnable book: ' A BOOK OP FOHMS, J Adipltd enxddir to the summer the sute or nil nola, and to every office under tie Stata and Coucty De partraeaU of the Government. By Hobert 8. Blackwell, Esq. j 1 vol., (to. SCO PMes. C feU-lj J. R 030 KB * 00. 11l Lite I'rtrt. J NEW BIUWAI MAP. J p. B. COOKE A CO., ' 1a T.AITB STBZET. 11l Hare nearly ready a very etetsnt Had way Map of the United States, Showlac every znSe of Ballroad, with E tit lons and Dls* tiaeea. tW D. B. 000EE A CO. hare the tleasnre of av tonndof that their great Ba'lwaj Mip of the Drlted . States Is aeariy ready. It will be the most perfect map of the kind erer published, upon same plan, and same size tt D. B. Coote A Oo.'s Great Western Ballway Msp. p. B. COOHE* 0).: m lakeatreet OPPOSITE THE JAIL, Aad a New Edition of the Higher Ciiriatlaii JLlfc, , ,KLSOANTLT BOON©, Just retired aad for tale by WM. TOMLINBON. M R%-.dolpb street. {Jiofesstonal. rjIHK NEW DENTAL EiTABLIiUMEXT. DBS. AIKZSX WALLACE DENTAL 8 TFRGrEON S, " Office, No. 8 Me'.bodlrt Church Block, comer of Clark' aad Washlnctsn streets, OHIOAGO. ILL. j. a igo. Uel-am claa] icarnr wuurt. WH. KENNICOTT, , • DENTIST. St Y fel9-lly Slreet. 0 /CONSUMPTION & CHfiOXIC DISEASES 1 VJ Drs.BKADU!GA MEAD „ - maybe eonaslted dally from 9 JSDI A M to I if. M. and iroo 2to 6 &JL for all diseases of LUNGS. gULA&r and LIVKB, % ESfAWGKMICNT». and OUEONIO DlflKAafiß. As thesJKv diseases proTcsi ratddly, anu v XM r t efle i-impeiueptibiy, to a fkial" flfs termination unlets prornptiy ar> rested, an tariy application is Qf the iUmmi importance Vtiß4iiKsSs to aU who wish a Pfc&tfANKNT and oCRE- Tnur rystem of treatment by Medicated Inhalations, to tether with constitutional remedies. Is entirely different ironx anythlus before the public, and they are confident , hat any candid person will be conrlseed or its creat ef- i flcaey byacardui examination of its merits. „ trSLoooa as No. 100 Btate street, comer of Wash lngion.—Entrance on State street. Oonsnlt&Uoa free. E. A. BOOUE JKENTIST. —OFFICE NO. 141 H.ECM DRB. tc AIBII'GH, PENTISTS. OFFICE, NO. ' 44 West Randolph St., CLlcato. superior work promptly done at our 1 office. Responsible cuarantec for «uo> l > L fc" cessln all cases tWC»\\ and see spedmeas. seSi-ly-aSTT PB« J. BBACJDINE, OentlsL Late associate of dr. a. wood- • BOPf B&OWN, of No. 3 Great Jones street, New Kors» Office 100 Lake Street. Otbi Tripp ft Hale's Pataat Office Depot ) noli b<7B ly DBS. WARNER & KETCHUM, DENTAL . SU&GIONfI. Office northeast corner of \ T<ake and Searboyn streets, ! Up stairs In rood No. L oeUbUo>ly 1 W. W. ALLPoaT. DE NTI S T.—OFFICE AND Residence. No, 83 Washlsjton/NiflßK street, oc3 bW-ly DOGTOH N. F. COOKE, tTOMCEOi'ATHIC I'HYSICIaN. OS- J.. FICH aod Bcaiilenee remored to *2 Kirhleit siiret, two (loort from Rush street. mf I'&s-ly ENTISTa—DBS. QOINLAN & OUSH no. ■UROriiox z>snrmiTa« ovnoi-Na at olare strut, mhM-ly-oSSS Opporit the Ooart noose. ©atcral 3-gtucics. TRIPP, HALE, & CO. General Patent Office Depot; NO. 100 LA£JC BTEEET. CHICAGO, ILL. 3nHE SUBSCRIBERS BEG LEAVE TO I inform the publle senerally, that they have opvnei elr office at the a&ore place for the transaction of a GENERAL PATENT AGENQY BUSINESS It !sthelraimtokeeponbaad.ataD times, for exhibi tion and sale, as large a variety as possible of patented articles oftbe latest aadmostuse/ul Inventions; and they will take iveat pleasure in receiving visitors who may ' wish to examine their articles, whether wita * view of pochaalnjtor not. Tbeotbce Is tnrownopen as the headquarters of inven* tors who may wUh to dispose of their Improvements: and tae proprietors respectfully Invite Inventors ana artisans to call upon them at their pleasure, Patent* obtained on new Inventions on reasonable terms, and with the least < possible delay. The underslsned will keep thoroughly posted up In all the new patents issued at WaahloKtoo, and will receive and sell on commission all classes of useful and patented articles, tocetberwtth iudlTlda&l. County or BtaterightstouseandseJlthesaae. Care will betaken to receive no patented article or rithtfor sale that is not POtoeaed of genuine merit; it belns the purpose oftbe firm to maintain a character yortfay the entire confl Jence of ail who may wish to purchase new anl useful Improve* 1 meats. TRIPP. HALE*Co.. No. 100 Lake Btreet. aarsanan: Wsl Jones.No. 81 Bmnmer at.. Boston: P. H. Field A Co.. Kilby BL, Boston; James Si. Hale. Milk BL. Boston; Jowen A ttro.. 7i Lake Bt. uhicaco: M. I>. uilman A Co. ÜBouth Water St. UUlcaco; Uoyt A Pierce sfiU btate Chicaro: A* J. Murphy. Uurliniton, Vt.: J. Tripp, Albany, nT V.: Mlran Peck, Albany. N. Charles Vro maa. fiyracuie. N. Y. noybiii-ly £cott)cr and jTmbtngg. Hayden, Kay & Co, 238 KUTCOLPH STBEfTT 238 CHICAGO, fttasa'aetcrtra laportenTaod Dealers In Saddlery Hardware, BENT STOCK, ooaoq TBimnmaa, SPRINGS, AXELS, VARNISHES, WEBBINGS. HORSE COLLARS, «Vc. r. HAYDEN, New Tcrt P. WILSON, Cincinnati. WILLIAM 7. RAT, Ofclcafo, IU. w. a. mm. j. b. siowit TUBFZB * SIDWAY, t Wholesil# Dcal-^^^^ •rala Saddloa, BrldlM, Oollmr% Qig fladdlMi BRIDLE 7BOBTS pad Housings. N and Blank OJ7ICIS AND SALfiS-ROOMS: IN RANDOLPH-ST 238 Orer Hayden, Kay A Oo.'s Saddlery Hardware Storeu CHICAGO TYPB FOCNOBUY —X«D 90 WASHINGTON-ST. 90 CHICAGO. rraE SUBSCRIBER IS PREPARED TO X furnish Tvp« Inlvv* or small made from asßMrior oual&y of metal, for either cash or arprovei pap». _Heis aMosoppaadwUhalawstock of PRBSS< SnK WOOD TTTB aod eremUas neoeasan Isr acoart«t»PrtnflnaC*o*-Anew Madmen, Booau oov rm&j for Aallmy. and wtt be sent to parties wlsb initoerdar oa«ppßesooa. lihtt*** T» TWTWa. Goods. OILTEB PLATED CASTOES IN GREAT i O wiriaty. far nJf than at any otbe- h?nie in Um dty. A' JAEGER A 00.'3 rrench China KaprrW 103 taka Oree*. btannOUrk aad Dearborn. jtte4y-c3* Country Merchants ABB INVITEI> TO ESiMi-SE OUR r -/A.' la»f» Kt>dt of Cfocktfy aad Qlssa-vsrt-before • fiaaJoc their purchsam elsewhere with the usnranre * t£it oar beat endearors win be made to make l< for ibelr adrantace to purchase stock at China Emporium of . r.JAEuEA ACO-lOßLake street, between Oart and J P'aitorn. ia3P-IT<S4 New and Attractive Ooods. WS TSKSPECTFaLLT INVITS THE ettetfam of the ladie of CUcteo. and th«potllc •to weral to c«r ia*ee snd Aoekof floe freoch ObEu. flnoOaTßobaalaa 6UM wan, chnekery Ware.. NrtUnbiWam -aswaarw Mtkfted tba auattty and low ertoeeof ow*oods. er»snob astoaiT* the best >» WtlActioaUalL A-JAJWUt*OO-UOLakestreet e tweeaOarttaadDeerbxw iaany-ctt r. Fine China. ■ QEOOKATKO HD BJCHLY QILD . *oU«t Bcia. BeaotfW deeorMd Yma Ifotta Oaas. Tete • Teoasaa.Owd MkM*^«ererv dawaip«ion« and ■ ■ waaesnM isryiawat A. JAJSER A OQI'A 1* Lake Ik mHE P.<DIR3iSNED HAVE THC PLEi- ' 1 ICai o« U« lit? h»T» 1 1 >enoved\belr<»oet<rferoriketT..«»aaißdcbfe>fro» Wo. laa. artietaiUy Wflt be fbtnrti f.reoefa > eontlno aaeealtß We^**roewh*w<epebeetwedupon - tbea. A.' A OOu 103 Lsk* between - QMfcawtPftwuk- ■ - - |^»4y<3* eo AND VIBIT THB FRKNOH CHINA L9S±iSk^ J SSSi A : Fl««r * Floor!! ■-r AV HAVE OOK3TASTLY IN BTORH • W«iTs*e.Md*o™, S*eii»wee<mL : r mi I TTWiaAK !^«B*OT8«-NSW,"JSB3EI - Lr-^saE^?^ Slrg ©oobg. i TRICES W I N.— PBAKB, MARSH i DoLONG, 30 Lake ttrccU , Our policy o' small expeoies. anditandtrd Goods at low pilces'flmeo woo pay, bavlag earned us success- j fully UircuitiOmesof panic, we thai" aWI to It, ) *> e are determines to offer ladueeoen's to j goodocn. and shall offer at •VH'ILtUALK tbrouxnout a the season, a very full Spring Stock of the very best 8 of c STAPLE DRY COOD», ' BOaiEBY AND NOTIONS, ■ At the *er* lowest Prices th*t close buying and small 1 exnenses will admit < L To oar custnmers who kn-fw our way of dilng business 0 hjthep'sU this notice Lj unnec?a«ary. but we solicit t h e attention of all good men wbo ** loog around" Jor the ad vantages of tbemarWet, *ad havescmeihlncnore thin promises to pay for goods. jaU cS3«m 78 - - Lake Street, - - 78 - TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES. ( LAOBS, C NEW STYLE SKIRTS ' COBSETS. ] UNDER GARMENTS. GLOVES. AND HOSIERY, ' KID GLOVES, J WOOLEJJ GOODS. <' BERLIN WOOLS, 1 And a General Stock of 81BALL vr ABBS j Rest Constantly on hutd and for safe Wholesale and Retail, ] 78 Lake Street. M3O A. GRAVES. (Late aT. AtkinnonJ E GREAT BABGAIXS -ra- 0 DEY GOODS ! ■—* s FREEDUiS, GOODKLVD & C 0„ j US Like Street 13$ o Oflferfram thli the ba!ane. of lbs Souon, tbdr t Satire Stock, eocilitis, of a BICH DEESS SILKS, '• RIEBINOS, ] ALL KIXUS OF \TIXTES DKESS GOODS. £ CLOAKS, SHAWLS, . J KKIBROIDEBIES, WOOLEN HOSIERIES, 1 TBimniNGS,HIBBOHS, , uldlllLUaEUX GOODS, [ At Less lhan N« w York Cost, * With a view to c'ose then out and I MAKE ROOM FOR OTJK Heavy Spring Purchases! - FREED HAS, COODKISD k j >iTnKErr ISSB - • • • Fall and Winter. .... lsss. COOLEV, PAKWEH ft CO., (Saecessors to Oooley, Wadrworth A CoJ DET GOODS JOBBEBS, 4?,4S A 4C Wabash Atioos, Are now receiving • fail agsortment ef DM QOOD9, YiSKSK HOTIOSB, ETC., ETC., < 108 THE PALL AND WINTER TBADE. t SMALL PEOFIT3 AND PROMPT PAT Will be our motto, and all dealers partieolarl/eash and snorttime trade, will tnd It to their Interest to eiamins oar extensive andattractlve stock before purchasing elsa "■"f. oiis.ian.wiT. ■furniture, &c. FOR FURNITURE CALL oa ' H. N. PARSONS, J IT9....RANDOLPH STiiEET....IT9 lie Is selling Goods WITIIOUr UEGAUD TO VALUE. de93m»6a3 Furniture! Furniture! I , WHOLESALE ANU nETAIL NEW YORK % HUSTON PRICES. PACTf WOETH KNOWING! 90 par Cent Sawed la tho Porcbas6« Shearer, Paiae & Slroug, j Slaving Unmoved to i JONES' NEW IKON FRONT STORE, HO. 2Q3 RANDOLPH ST.. Arenow prepared to exhibit to their old aod to the public generally, The Largest and JBest -/Vsaorted. STOCK OF FUENITUBE ! | WJBST OP NEW YOItK, WLleh Rhey have recently received, and aro now open ing, consisting In part of Bolioguif, Rosewood ud Wtlnit PARLOR FURNITURE. In Brocntcile, DeLalne, Plash and Hair Cloth, Kxi&melled, Oak, Chestnut, Hohogany ft Rouw'd Cll A 111 BE R SETTS, i Of New and Secant from the best Manafada rlea in Boston. New York and Philadelphia i -ALbO- An Extenrive variety of Uohogaz», Walsnt and Sose> woodTete a Tetej, Easr ChalixParior Chairs. Eas* Bocklna Chairs, Bewlns Chairs, Divans. Couehes and Lonnges, Ets*eraj. M&rble-top Centre and Pier Table*. Bureaus and Sideboards. Patent Serine Feds. Curled Hair, Cotton and Hatic. Palm and Excelsior MaUresses, nne Rush Seat Chairs, Cured Oak Extension Tables. < OakDioiagCt'aln.CaaeeeatCbalrsoteverTdescrtpUoa. ' . -AWO DININS ROOM AND COMMON FURNITURE, IN OBZAT YA&ET7. Goodi Kannfactnred Hera To Ordti Out of the BKBT MATERIALS. are arcs*antlv receiving from SmtAkKH A JONI3, New York, and BHCA&KR A PAISB, Bostoa. CMana factnrersJ the LATEST PATTESNB aap Moart Approved styles of Qo<xli, Which will make !t a great indncemen to those Ftßi\lSßli\6 HOTELS AXD &OFSES To examine oar Stock before Eari# No parties VISITING TITE OITT W "Ti E PUSOHABZ or fU&NITOfiE shocld fall to OUR MAMMOTH 6TOOX Before Mak ng their Porchurrs, To the Public at Xatso W» are prepared to prove that rnraitice of Evert Grade, from the Kitchen to the Pa-tor, Will o« Farniihed froa Oar XetablrJimciit at Priea* Lover than any Hoom in the West BHEAKEK, PAINE 4c STRONG, 203 SANDOLPH STREET. 233 [selst>7B] o. Morgan, 199 - - - - Zalu Stroot, - . - . 199 Www and B«*ntlful Peslgna LATEST eTYLC cf fttuvaod, O«bogaa; ud Waiaat Parlor, —a*D— BI9BOOS rVBNXTUBSp IN BTTITS. MwmwWffiiiyii apTnwn»ai> SOPPIinSto Ua fbmar *a*aoth Stock of Cabinet Tnrßltut k Chaixt As the Aock It now Ootaplel# aad VoD. aadJbe Largact ts ba fimad W«t of Vow Torlr, Ha woald oonEsUr lartte the attention/ of Ui fame frUada ad patraoa aad tfce r&Oe csa •rally to caQ aad Sla Klesant ZTtzrnitara Icfrn narehasing alaswhere. _ Balllxtc at Greatly Be«nee« FUwHw Lut Seasoa. . cazaAoa-Auauar iin, im. aOMy BABCOCK -A PEEK, gacceMori to Wlllard. Peek A ,000 in............-ttAirDOLPH.ST..:... an. ■akigUT, .B««v«4 fc WaUit, CHAMBER; DININa ADD COMMON rOBHITVSS in Orei^Va^etr. WOO 9 SKAT AHD CANEgKATffAIga. BXD2TXAI« VPartlcolar attention paid to Oaurihj Oedan; ao< to Pmnishing Hotelx, Ao. •eUaSO-tv AHD CON3UMSRB XJ aaaimzn. , - ■. W.J—IHBL A fu Are M»acepac>dto>eaand dePrat to aaf partettba dty 9111 0» i)HA&6I | i AayofQi«T<sioaipradnetoltheirtaSk. VcahaSaßel the alan ta the aaallty of onr goods, and wtlh a good nl&' i eeodmaieriala sad eipeneace. hope to reach and eate» i t^ithe^tdghesSpobitofexcogeaoe.'.Oßrbrmdsofyiow Ha "t WHte Wheal, | - i IhimptflCma.Qtolcarasdly.QbSeaXxtrßflprtac,- AteaawhMesateornUU: . . i . • WUteSreVlov, Cora aadua*R»L ... - Anhtafloar. * OornaadOsia.groand,' t .< . S3sdwn«i. - \ - Ste. Igf WU*rstrfcM. .;] ; CjUKDHnSS-SO BASKETS CHBRRIES. p O 'tt6a*»TJnp*redP<*eEei. " ■■ ' : t B Wa Wfed ftaspbertlei, ■ fiOkeaFrench Prsnesu, . - IB baskets Hungarian Frcnfeg, ' r j«iisSSd k- PIHRHTMAS—23O BOXSA i'ANOZ TOIi * s^^S' J . GIA<3 i ! "' * KM ■' * w » "" ' ' a* l " Banlling mi> rti]nn3r. : AND DEPOSIT BANK WEIBE, CABFEIfTKR ie. CO., J . C£DA2 EAPID3, IOWA joa vaiax. a, o. ciarama...,..««.s.a.ansaß. —aarxa to— Anrfaa Ixchitri Oimt New Tort MeSride Brothers *• J.& tiomana jr.. Editor Bankers' Mataiine, '* *. L Tlnsham A Ca, Ban ten. '?h!ca*o. EL ftancea Btlbaa Bankers Wooster, 0. Cook, Barsent A Downey, flankers. lowaCtty. lowa. J.Q. Graves, M. D Naahaa.X.lL QaaOcSlly] 6RANGEB, WJBLOON &. CO., TJAXKEaS AND DfiiLJfißS IN EX °;,KMdolph aaras to s ? ®»^prten.&^ : Chicafo £LUnd. Xaq^Chicago. - 5 , |K? 40P ® fxmrrt Bank, Mans- Uxffai fitid. Oliio. MOfJSE a t F WILLARD, ALEXANDER < CO. 1 50 OLAHK STHEBT. OHJOAOOI BALDWIir A. DODGE gANKEKS & LAND AGENTS, J COUNCIL BLUWS. IOWA OITT. made at the esnal rates. txehan«e on the - Brtndpaldttesof the Dnlon bocuthtand sold. Aeal S*. fl 03 canmLaeiax Landw»rrantaio. 40(1 per acre UidOSee fee. AH bsAI warrants in aaae proportion. ®aok. Chieaco s Henry Faraam. go-President OMcaco aad &. I. Esliro&il; amerlcaa I Kxchants Bsnk, New Tork; Durkeo A Bullock. St. M>gfa JOHMT»DODQBt delMy-aCO O. M. BAI-PWTN. OOOUIAnOa A BBOOKS. 1 I) ANKERS AND DEALERS IN EX- J JJouju BUBLINGTON. IOWA D jßir ftMnctrtttolloa Tra to Uw coUKtlm olßotca, L <»«"• 'tell' * Oo_ Hiring Buk. Her- , hama Satlh*, Loan And IVnrt Co.. tndt.G. Adams. w. r. oyimcqg. fmHTMy] y. w. aaoor*. KDWD. I. TINKHAH A: 1 BROKERS, AND.DEALERS IN EXCHANBE. , Cerasr Clark and Laks streets, F OHIOAGO. I aowiEp t.rtycgjtw rjc 2 s joay c. ambuk. J OHABX.ES H. HATVf & 00. Bankers and dealers in ex- t ehaoce. S4 Clark street, Chleaco. I CmnniMmM Dimaaixr—HAM, CHAMBERS A CO., I Dealers m Nejtotlible Securities. Buy and Sell Paper * Secured br Seal Estate, and tire spedal attention to in* vestmcals tor Eattern Parties. apU47S4-ly caiaua a. ham, a. b. chaotsm. flio.D.ssmii. jsjrxs a. norxa. jaucs tics. ] DUPCE, BECK ft BAYLES, » T>ANKERS AND BROKERS, NO3. 3 A 5 M-J Devonshire street Boston, sive particular atten* ttonto the Mines of Like Bupenor and are prepared X to furnish reliable Information respecting them. A F monthly review of the Stock and Money Market with " Quotations of all the Current Securities, will be sect to 7 any addrese desired. t a. a. Lin a a. BUtroao w. a. nionaxaa. LA27E, BANFORD 4c CO., SUCCESSORS TO DICKERHAN, WHB EL , kZ? ER A 00. Banken, Kockford, Illinois. Uolleetioni made and remitted promptly at carreat rates of Exchange. Karxa to—Ocean Bank, Shoe and Leather Dealers' Bank. Boston: Eauhange Bank. Qiilcwa acS3 HOFFaiNS & CELPCKE, ' BAJIKEKB, Chiougo. DBPOSITB RECEIVED AND INTEREST I allowed on Special Deooslts. Liberal aceommoda uont granted to depositor* Independent of the state of the money market. EXOUAN6£ and Letters of Credit, tn suras to suit, on toe principal cities of the Onited States and Europe. KxQBAfiSE OH SOBOPE, to Importers, at New Tork Quotatloni TIMS LOANS on private bonds aad morteaces &eco> Uated Westers Btate, Oounty, CUy or Ballroad neiroUated abroad. ]*nfi FIASCIfI A. gomcixa. ' un. STtLO. OTTO gMJCtI. TJLBIOBS &. OEtTDTMEB 51 OULHK STHBBT—OLD TRIBUTfB OTTICB. Specie, Bank Note, Exchancs AND COLLECTING Of HOE. Bay constantly Fordan and Domestic Gold and Silver Ool&a. Eastern Bank Notes and Uncurreut Money. Sell Exchange on New York, and make Collections throughout the United btates and Canadas. jel4 'vi ly sl» COOK 4. SABQEUT DAVENPORT IOWA. OOOK fIABOEHT A. DOWTTET IOWA CITY IOWA OOOK 9ABOEST A OOOK fOBTDta MOINES .T. IOWA OOOK SAHOEST A PAB2EB- , VLOBENCE. NEBBAfKA > TiANKERS &. DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. ! JLJ Make collections and remit to any pen of the i Dnlon. Land Warrants botaht, sold and located. attention idvento the payment of taxes. ; Attonieyi at Law connected with our bouses. oooa A DILLON. Davenport, lowa. I.O.DOWNKt.IowaQUi. 1 una to 1 Philadelphia. X. W. Clark, Dodxe A o<x, New York. J. J. Dlxwetl. Prest. Mass. Bsik, Boston. N, Holmes A Son. Plttsbursh. I J.W.Clark A Co., Boston. I E. W. UUrk A Brother. Bt. Louis. Hatch A Lancdon. St. Louis. i Geo. Smith A Co., Chicago. i 1 Johno.flancent. Wsshimaon.P.O. mrtS-Iy j | THE BAinC OF AURORA. i HALL A BBOTH ESS, AOBOEA. ILtINOIA , J> ANKERS Jc DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. ! Ailoolleetlons entrusted to them will meet prompt at tention. Kefer to Bank of the SUte, (tew Q. 1 Adams and George timith A Co.. Chicago. M. V. WATT- n ■ n*n«. »- A. lUI. , A. C. OERTEL, Foreign and domestic exchanqk and Collection Office. Also, Notary Pnblie. 75 Dearborn HI. n>i-4y-239 OFFIOEB A BROTHER Bankers —dealers in ONctiß. rent Money. Bight and lime Bills of Exchange. Oo!d and Silver Coin, etc. Receive deposits, and pay partlcu> I lar attention to collectlnc Office 154 Lake street* Ms rlne Bank Building, open from 9 A. M. to P. M.' « BKFERENOEB. i North Bank, Boston. Metropolitan Bank, New York. Bberman AOoUlne, " ** Marine Bank. Chleeso. J. H. Dunhm A 00., Chleaco, .2. W. omoCS and BAM , L P. OVYICIE. General Partners. nro-ty ATyciff A HOBTON U ANKERS 4 DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. So. a BOPTB CLARK 8r- CmOABO. ILL Illinois Savings Institution, IS THE CUT 07 CHICAGO, [ltuorporaUd Ftbrvary, 1557.] INSTITUTION REGBIVE3 DE . poslLs of one dollar, aad upwards, from all dasseeol persona, including MINORS AND MARRIED WOMEN, sod aQow Interest at the rate of six per eent. per aa DiTldeadi payable on the flnt Monday of January aad July. TRUSTEE* JohnH Kensia, WmßOgden JHDunham Gsow Dole. G S Hutoard, B W Raymond, Erastns 8 Williams. John 8 Seed. Henry Whltbeek, SeoKtiUnton. AlexCOoventry. OKWLiiil. Nathan B Kidder. Office No. 7% Washington street Portland Block. ODee open dally during the usual boon of basinea and oa Tuesday and BaionUy eventnn. - « „ , JOHN H. kSzTE. PreddeaW N. B. PDDEB. Oashler. iyl£aW£ly OB£Xa A STOXTX ' HAVKSES-MUSCATIME. IOWA—PHOMPT 0 attenuoa oven to Collections, end proceeds remitted pa day of payment, at enrrentrateg of exebec««. Mean. GeocseßolthASljSkMt, Marine Bank, Cblcaga. U A. Benolss A Co. tit. Louie. Mem. GUmore A iirothertan. Shoe and Leather Deal&s Bank. Boston. Amerteaa Ere&a&se Bank. New York. aeli4y^m GEO. S UZTH A 00. Bankers and dealers in foreign and Domestic Exeh-^ge. HUHOII. OoDectioa* nade on ell tkr principal dtfei (a the Cafi ed autea, on the aoet lavor- bit Uraa. seM J. H. OO WSR BBOTHEBJ A 00. JgJNKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE LARS Afilßl IOWA IQWA ma fo Meera. B. X. BwUI A Oa, catige. John Thompson, No. S wall streeCSew York. Messrs. D. A Jaaaary A Oo* St. IMi, Mo. ay»W»U - G. O. WBZTHST A 00.- BANKING AND EXCHANGE OrilCE.— 38 CLA&S BTSJCXT. Dealenhi BASTSBX AMD rOBBIOM BZOSAKSB. Bold. Silver aadCaearrent Money booght aad sold. Prwodsm paid oocfe» end Easteru Bank Notes. I>epo. sits received aad tuUreea allowed on jfeedal Depotita. Drafts for sale onxtuland, Ireland and aad all parte of Germany. Pacttoalar attention gjv« lo Ike aatotlatiao of Una Bdtee asd &Ule ef Bxshsnce. .OnllertMße—d« snri forward ea day of pay• Bent. Monies laveeted in Seal Irtate, and all other transae, •ens la a tiaaeral Banting and Oomnlsslon busl&esa X.O. BABBOB gisms AND EXCHANGE OF?ICi— 40OXA1X RBXfZ. _ ltchaa«t.Oaaerr«t Money. Sold aad EHver. tiuM tadaold. tanma-X Taos Isaismefc President Marina Bank: f. 6. ArTame filVly ' E. TRVSSOtQ A aTEXVHASOSZB* DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, MONEY, —AED— TtffAT. ESTATE BBOKEBSi — Boatti OaiU, Cp Stairs ; uanyoa vxa Brkiih Cb/nasrdai Lift Insunnu Company LONDON and AMKBICA. (Umax. IWOQ, 000. aoSefn-ty BBNBT PBO&3INQ. Notary PsbCo. B. W. PHXIXJPS BA2VKEB. Jlo. I Braair— Booj>aa. CHICAGO. CLUNOIi BUTS SIGHT AND TIME DRAITS ON" the EasMrnCltks. OCwata Badness Paper, Dealt ; to emeeaaa and Doowtio Tban*& dpecle. Lend > Mfltae. aad Makea Oallaedoarw | IB iiifs»lMepolalfc oeLHy-bIM r ' TMTAtiTWE BAJg. j CHICAGO KARINS AND JIBS INSU ranee Oempeay. - 3, f. oAßY3lioeeblegandSe«etary. .• * J.'YOnWQBOAMMOS*frsMdeaL t; WMloaißaAeaadA«Ai reaitMdteallparteoftce ~Br A. TUOYS&A 00l •» -EXCHANGE BANK BANKERS AND ili D«aJerslnErohange,eoraer of CUrkaadLake-sti t oude tatfce dlSsreat dUes Is Cii . jjSm. tggjMneeatthotowsfcswuetvates. attn^hf MOaPOEDBBOTBEBS Bankers and exchange brokers, Deals la Xa*4'Wbaaiata»eor*g et Qask -and Laka CCharie A. Morisrd.Esq% - - Jl<ir ■ArtnaM*.\Meso«.Ckip«sier A VeoiaUyf.. • 44 . 'iirflSiißNS, WKLLS .'Afffl. .POMPS:-. - . y>- The uadwslgaed h »repared to sssaafseture Cxftarss Taoks fat Gia t 'AsdBMMMte DMHTtti* Trte aad Baettflers. fTa>«x»«» LatfstaHUl rauair^ fjardraare&iHactyitttrß. < OBICAOO " MILL-FURNISBHNB DEPOT. j ———— I T. W. Baxter & Co., i ICUU/AOTUUS OV 1j M S : OF ALL QUARRIES, —m— C. W. Browne Patent Portable Hovriny and Grist *llill», 1 And Dealers tn : DUTCH A2TKEH BOLTEIG CLOTHS, Smut MHU and Separators, Separator! for Warehouses, I Belting of all Binds, « Hoisting Screw and t Braa Busters, ?eekv Proof Buffs, *c. J FAIPBANKS' SCALES, ! —ATO— Mill FnTDlsbin; Generally. JTani, Specifications and EttimaU* xehen dwrtd, and thi construction of BU&m # and Wilier MiU* contracted for tniirt. STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, &C. 1 The subscribers havln* obtained the aaracyfarthe sale or Stoict kscines and Boilers, [mo the Minofactory *f Geildii?, Barley fc SeweD, OP WATIRTOWIf. N, Y.. c wooM lovfte Ibe attention of porebasers to tbetr superior merits of style. workmanshlpi and powers* also their very lowprices. Thefollowi/ialaaUst ofpricesof Enilne and < Bofler. tj-jrether with Ueate*. Wster and Steam Pipes. Oocks, Valves, Arch Casttn? and Grate** complete aad read; for ode. delivered la Chicago: 6 boras power tfno ao horse power tI.SO 1 8 " " ....... a 75 a - - LSW) | I » ** " 73 30 * L®74 i B •• - 800 S ** M %XO 1 m, - „ - mw <o M - ijoo and Is Eke proportion for Jarrerslsesai required. ' Ererj Engine Is fttralihed vHh l JUOSON'S PATENT GOVERNOR VALVE Tot floor MHb. We confidently recommend them as h* perior to any other style of Eagtae, and they will Save from 25 to 50 per eant in Fuel Overtheusoal class of Boilers !n ose at the Vest. We i shall keep an assortment of different «ixM at oar e*Ub» 1 llsftmcot where ihey may b« examinedafd ths oeeeanry J Information obtained reeardlnc theia. Competent men 1 Villa If desired, be furnished tn set op aad start Knginee In aey part of the country. We will also supply WATEH WHEStS, SHATTINO, OSABXHQ *O, At eery lota Flaurm. T. W. BAXTER & CO., ICQ Parnlahtng Depot, West Water street, between Ran dolph and Madlsoa. Chleaco. CT" P. Q. Addrem Box No. 974. hMn-biW j ■jyjASfMOTH MILL WORKS. [Gkicato Branch of the old Buffhlo MHJ Pnrnishln*!* ! tabllahocnt.) . JOHN T. HOT* A CO. ] lane B. Bran, B*ldent Partner and Millwright, 28 ' Market sttaet. Chicaxo. Illinois: FRENCH BtJRR MUXSTONES, "MWdonea manaftetured at this estabasfcmsct an flnlahed en new and Improved principle*, aad are aa near perfect as obtained by the best manufacturers tn i the world. The credit or thli establishment tor the , past tweaty-flve years to ftunlsbloc Milt Itadtnn for nearly every Stste aad Territory In the Colon to wwl known and ah«ll be maintained. Ertra Selected nn Siodm oarteoa (Contract rmta Chelee Nrw jr OM i Qnarry Block- Soya's Imor3»ed Oookhead and pclW Spindles, fitted in stones with iron eyes. warraalM bat In nse for large and small stones. Also, Importers and dealers In Extr* H»&tt Dutih Anker Soldag €l»Us« UILLEHS In want of ROLTIMJ CLOTHH lor tiano Cactorlag Kxtra qualUf of Ftnar. can depend opoa set- Una the seanlne OLD DUTCH ANSEH. Saale Mid Doable Kxtraa. Boltin* Cloths made as in a •rorrinr style, by eivln* leoxth *n<l <liamrtcr of Beel lb net andlnche*. JohnT. Xoye'slmprovedCentitreMal Veed lnic aad floor and Grut Mills. Plantation Corn .4L Mill Castings aad Machinery of every deacrlpfloa (U> Dished to order od short 000 *. from new patterns FealeWork. i>ouble Ei:ra C*j* Steel UIU Ptflk*. Im proved Turbine. Percossion Re-wtfoa and O'ntral Ma chart® water Wheela warranted -qoal to tie beat. QtSH wtth Cast Steel or Boiler lrou Racket*, warraotad to jrtv cerc-ct.c* of power. Pmct Machine and Separator, for mills a r d wtr boosts. ChnetaseaarCaos i#ib« _ ftainrMll KaimPovw Ka««'Ui!U for wx» Ic*. Floor Paiker. fltatlooery ar.d Portsbte Engines UetV lute, Hot* and Pteam Paekinc LandphereiHwkePlaiilni Machines aid Mil Pamtabins reaerally. Uavuui the lantest il u Vumytima a ock In the West, we can sell at a lower rate than any other establishment. N B.—We will contract to tarnisn and bull 1 Muls coav plete. or famish f>hn« and for MillwrU&ta $T Address JOU.S X. NOYE A CO.. Chicago. Ll de3ob77olr U. X. Craue <V Uio., 103 We*t Lake str«t 109 MurcviCToaxxs aso a STEAM, WS AND WATER PIPE, BOILK3 VLCTUI VALYKS. COCKS. BTXAM WHISTLBk OU Caps, 6uge tack*, SUaafc W*Ur6aa^ STEAM APPARATUS For Warming IXotels, Chare ties, Fac tories, AC, dc3o 2 r. W. Gales, Wamcr, vnalaeri i Proxer. Mamjfactukeks of railroad CAKB Portable nadStaUoaary Steam Engines nnd Boiler*, Portable «lrcuUr Saw Mills, GaUta' Pateoi Screw Cutter, aad AR*ouforUiesale»f PortableFlaurasd CornlCl't aad Uolts: JCnglns *nrt Hand Lathei, Uprlsht Drills, Marbineryxeaerally t SklagleMlUa Slide rests. Smq aod WHieriiaasea, ttniabed Braes Wert POWER AND n.VND PLAKSB9, RO. and )(U1 Ueariaf made te order. EAGLE WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL. Kark Ooooj-"fIATK3 A CO." t, «. tilt} ,». a. viutx. ..rt..T,{suKiu, a. o. WAiuiaa .d. a. raaaaa. Aprim.ltt6. HAKDVARB FOK SPUS6 TKAD& 185sT JEWEIT 4c BUTLSB, 18 Utofluwt. IS. ISVITK THK COCOTBT TRADE TO THJ JoHQiiaa: fSO Tons Annealed fence Wire—assorted aasbm, S ** Br'.xbt .... « » 1,000 Sees Nalla—awrted sties and brands WOO Bdla aheetlnia—stoned. JU) - M Jiatetu ■ aascrtad. 800 - M M R. 0. U Oaaks Bhaat Ztoo.- N KLATX. . PIG TXK* OFPEBBOTTOX& B&XAfln aadOOTZUL irvna and KABa HAND'S TOO Li Aflu ▲ COMPLETE ASSORTMENT . : Un4-aM<-lyl jpTTRF. ATR & PREFECT VENTILATIOH, The sabseribert takes lhU«lbo4 of aotUriot tbep* Uo that Ujej have seearod Sawyers PiUntHeAUas *T»tD*U*f TusMti And-ew *v-»re»wsd «e fnUk tfeea ** Dwemnca. Clwrchea..Bch©o!a» Ac. Also. IhMr Stovea oaatmOed <n the same griadpla. for Mrfor* Mari# • o os and Ltila and. eapedaOj OAH«. Tsntllatine oeriecUy aB rooms In which Uo are seed fwH warmtae to any repaired temperatare^ We ™fcr w VtMn. W W. O. L. WiMlo* and Carter ABaarr.Archlteetaof this cut. particulars inquire of the sabeotbers at that Mo. a and 58 a-xtth Lesaae A Chicago. Oct. nh.)«. * ocSMmSt xi.p£a a I sb , CEtIBSiTZD Ilhrcestershire Sauce, T oaooaeed Extra* _l7_ m of a Letter from a ll If at Madras to be the m To His Broth sr Oil; C«od Slice, MWonvUr. at . Ml A Psrrtos Appßeable to th a t their Sftisse ia hlthlTertiwrilila- I7IBT VAMT7 -:r.dla andlalniwe^ tea. the bo* pafla bte as well as the mart kQN wholes—a Mace tkiat - DISH. Is made" EXTSXBI7X rSAUDI. Ibe only Medal awarded \9 the Jwer of thoKew Tork tohlbltlca fbr Forelsa Bane* wasobtained by LJA A PKBJtIKE- foe tbetr Wort est witiw Baaae^. fhe wyid wide time of which havloa led to nttseroua fonrvsss. PerTtotare opou Wrapper. Label. Stopper apdßsMa Lea A Pertfar win nroceed arainst any oo«nsu« - eUhertiy have Instructed their oorrespondents In vanoaa wig the wPridtg advise thaa of aaj sneh tafrtntmenii. Me Wholesale Aaent* lor Vie United Statet, , 40S,Broadwar. SewTork. Ailockilw«nta store. Also, ordeia ree«lj«forA . rsctkiijcenisfrooltctflaPd, uyr£,DEs's ' ' SILIJUTDK* SIT« ' I^HbSS^H "Warehcmse. , The Beet Eafe ln the World. . PBATT A ."WOBCBT*?. aerwn. . . isa ?ooUi Waier A. , deSMm-ttftt ' /* ' L'ILLIB'S. : I WSMEB: MKS, fgS/BBm.' ; ; j. wooLir. ' * ■o.gtafstreet.CW-iy^^^^^^ k tmii ""idiMil toimiggjon filmtyants. ESWUD BACKET COMMISSION MEHU&ANT, 252 LAKE WMuatnK. Attruca uul. on Cocagsaenle. WiU tlve his excloslve atteaUos to the sale aadi-oreaaseof all kinds of Produce, aiock. 10. Ksfer to Parker Uaadr, Caihler Ocean Bank, few York; H P. Carver. Caahisr Marine Bank, otiicaao: 0. a. Haaard, BafCUo; t. f. ToUer A Co., New Or* lean#. _ fen clt< ly MUa&T VSZ.BOV T3EODUCX, COMMISSION & SHIPPING X MEBOHANT. Ko. 6 BHHanTs Block, eomcr Clark and Sooth Water-ate. Anrte for the FtJITOS STABCHWOBS3, Pulton. H7t. aJus Osweaa Blver Starch Cotapany.) They maQofactareaUkliide of pure Corn Stareh of a so perlor esailty..Orders addrtmSTto M. P. a *OO. will receive prompt attenUon. ocJbiaiy :asoßos s. son,Tnr Cmaaotr texur, aoaaa A oo.J Produce Commission MorchanU. "C/AVlNfl PURCHASED THK LNTfiRKST 1. J. of my partners In tae Una of Rekler, Morse A Co.I wik contlnne thePradon UtaoMoQ baslnes on the above stile. Office Ho. 7 poaerci's Bolldlni corner of Claic and Water streeta. QKO. B. EC&LICY• Chlaagq January au. iaa». jejK*ta-cJ<> C'ULvm CO^ Commission tJlerrhuHlx, 216 South Water Street, B. 7. CULVia. a B. Ccivxs. ialMHly BjAItA. WOLUMd.. W. D. HooORriUSQ WILT.TAMI fc HOUOHTELIMO COMMISSION XKBOiiAKTS, Mo. SOX Bo«ftb Water street, seeond doer West of Wells street Brldce. alve their exelvive attention la the sale andpurchase of ad klods of Produce, &o*-k. on Oomalaaon. Cash adranoes made oa Hills o' Ladtoa aod proper t# in Uo re. Kefer u» tteo. fialth A Co., M»> nneßank,and Qeo» Bteeie AOo. jalQ ly WHEELER PHODUCE COMMISSION MKRCHAST, Oomaat CUife nnd Sootli Water atrc et. •BXXLZS'fI BCILDIXQ—CP 8TX133. CMcno. tl»3 bfl6o «n) niljoU UU • • Wintar Amsgnaut - • IBi9, IN. W. ORAHAM A OOL, Tortearding BUrrli(l«eiti Ulis»U(«tn lUUnad, ind ' Vbuf But Pi«r.iaUrs. CiTUO. TTTE HAVE JUST PCT DOWN IRON VY Trackaaad BUtaleadtaa tromthe old Depot to oar Wharf Bostwctch enable us to forward freiahttcand from tae Railroad wtth irtat despatcb sod wtthoat the exposure or liability to daman unavoidable la any other metnod of bacdllnc. Weaao gtve prompt and carefhl attention to re-ihlp» atents by rtver to HaehvUJa, KvansviHe. ClnclnnatL Whaellnk. Ptusburch. New urteansaad Mempnia. Cairo. lUloois. December lath, laod Jsa b7J7Sm JONBS & CO., nooccE coMissios aracams. A STANCES MADS Off PRoDCCE IN xjL Store or lor Shipment. Bterilna Kzohaose on Load on for sale. Kzcuanae on New York booxbt and sold. Odoe in Steel's mack, comer of Lseaiie and Boqlh Wiiecitreet. dotfb6&l3m B • *■ K i * » IHCHiXT, joint*ll W!UXT. BETJALO. M. T. tfX~ low >y IlOMlf WAMSa * OOAUCSSIOH MXB -1 N0lJ» SIAVXB mXR ZfXWYOU. VAiiia"* co., VaiTHAXX STB£JET. CHICAGO, Csah Advanwe made on Produce la Store, or shipped to oar Uoase tn Aew Tork. aplAly-M? ua t ttirm VnrV & WALLea, aawaaa wmai CTCW yox *- Chlcaao. fish a usrr&it, "pEODCCE k COMMISSION MEBCBANT3 A 14 Dearborn street. Chicane, lUlnola. cash adranoes on Shipments to dUas U. Tlah. Buffalo. .w"Mfervo i. u. Danham. President, Reynolds, Br AOo.. Chleeao. and A. A. Kustapblsve. Bufltfo. i»3u. (.atwoßtiu. iLTOtzta joaa o. »», r. G. SAtTONSTALL * CO., pOMMI&3ION STOCK BROKERS, OOR vJ NSB Clark and Lake streets. Will attend to the purchase and sale of Stocks and Bonds of every deecrip. i tkm. either In thisor Va the Mew York Market. Qnoi*. , Uoasof the Mew Tork Stock Market received daily by telegraph. Sales and purchases made at the Stock Hi -1 ehaßeeattawestrateeofooinmlialoo. aoaHafcw-*«a UNDERWOOD & CO. CommiHHi»n Ul B. Water streeu | ■bg'M-lv citTCAno. WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE CASE hU«t. 1 he owaer onvilet® of selUoc In Buffalo or Sew v>>rk for ke umrtomimtuoa. CXDKKWOOO M <•<».. >eU-ly,:*<7 IKil W*ier<nr>«'< DKBIBaH it 0O« OOMMISSIOBr MBB' ri 9anet ** lenth Wales aad VraokUa CHIOAOO HJ.TlfOia, P.KMXOH. mvlO-UO-'v X. P. TAYLOR. JJOMSBX 880. m 00, OOAAAUSSIOM M£B- OtTetbstrczotnav* itteptlontolhs rUKOHABI AND BALI Ot Floar, Graia, and other Pro4«ee» oa oojocasiaa. I#, SocthWateroor. (Bark street aogsftSly cmOAOQ. J. J* RICHAHDB, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, No.lV>Suu W»wr *ir«et, Cluc.kßf* ay Liberal tJnaoM tnaiCe on cumtinQru'iil*. Karsaaitcsa— J. 11. >uni*ra, i Yo«inv S. om ®ou. t'klcMCO; Geo W >olr. i'tiK'w: Kmuapv, Bro Ch,e«i*p; Bor*l Moow, .V»iilca, 111; Wootirun * C*, New York; Henlnf * Wn-xlruir, St L.iaiu; J ll:iuo, T *: C H »t>;: »-ly SAWYSK, WAILACB <fc CO., Commission Merctuiula. NIV Yolt K . tiderwood A Co., Chicago? Agwitt forthe Wur>b»w< , i«t. SOBEHT, FaODDOB AND coramox loacHAHT, Dealer la all kinds of flour aad Peed, and Chantry Pro _ dooe, WboleeaJe and Setalt, Ml and 343 Xlaale, oornerof WolooUstreet, Chleaco. HL Hour aad feed delivered to any part of the city free of Tivrii ,\nwW HAWKS' DIRECTORy. 9^The foliawiaallstofßaslnees Booses and Maaofao* tartns atabllshmente are amons the beat and most prom aent in their respective lines or buslnesa. Wlaet and btqa.ir4 Wtiolesalt* W. 9. OTXHO Wholesale Atent fbr Wlnea, Lienors acd Secare, 17 La> Mile street, between Lake ana Water, (one doer front the Merchants' Hotel). Chleaco, 111. aU kinds of prop, erty taken la eachance for ccoda, Acent for Ales and Portera aplit-ly tfhlU Lead Worka. X*. LTOJf Sl 00. ■A»o»A0T0«»aa or WHTTS LSAD AND ZINO PAHTT. Oflce aod Pactory oorner of Halsted aad Pol ton streeta West Side. mhJtf-lv BUpte tad Faaty Pry 6»oda WHolesalgb IPEAXE BZA&sa &DE X.O2VO* jusasas op ITAPLX A*D 7AHCY DBY 000D1 AT LOW PiUCKS mhUktp No, 30 Lake street. QitiUg.. WbolesAle. HUMTIIfOTON, WADSWOSTH k PASZS, Manofactorers and Dealers tn nn AND BOY 9 CIiOTHITIC, S3 and <0 Lake street. Ohlcato, 1W Hanover tfreei. Boetoa. Maaa. _ ifrlcaitmral lapleaeats, Ac. F. BS. OHAPOAAS A.OO. a gritmltnenl Warehoos^. fo. a street. north Side Wboleeale Dealers la A9UCULTUBAL AND BOBTICT7LTU2AL DtPIA auina. MAOiuafia. ao. fnr Manny'sßeapgand Mower, nihg-ly rayr Wareheaae ffhalesalc. JSSLAMEB BMZTBA 00. Mazmftetaren and Wholesale r A PE a O B A L E B SSi AlldMe of print aad book constantly on hand. Casb Bttd fbr all of Paper Stoek. Warehoase No, U ESias su krlwem lakn and H Tstrrr rte mhily ■—a aad Sfcf Whdle«alfc Tr r.T-a a ttttnraa. and Wboleeale Dealers b> BOOTS, SSOB3 AND BUBBEBJ, Ho.SSSoaQiWaUreL. cor. W«U»«U ChUaco. A,i.nun, flhlSly caAj.saowjr. WABBWOETS A. OTEIXS Whotew'e Dealers In BOOTS AITX> SHOES, MA 80 tiAXB-SX. OHIOASO, ILMSOI3. r.w.wasewoan. mhls4y ato. *. wsllu UWtOV WAMTLXTT & OO.* ud Jebb«n la BOOTS A2TC3 SHOES, 2U It >l3 SOUTH CSIOAOO. " ,it MsswrhTTsetta Imhfly OtMkirr, a CkUa Vira Wbileul*. OBAwroßo sbabp a aa. Importers and Dealers la OIOOIIIT, QbAII AMD OHIMA' Qttt twain IMM. BTHiaO TBATIB., W*l fIILD, BENEDICT & CO., tl * 83 Sank Water Stmt, - i"-- w -• Bioadolotha, o»nia«i; sosfxm twxssi VEaTmesj ■itiuti, mrocKT mm eotiosAJM S ftrtlip- 111 mu< Hum Mill, TAILOR'S THIXHinaS, 810, BTO, «. tavftfibsMumloa of Ui.ltad,. me 9ooM'i BMon ar mbmas Bill, flM* I*4 Straw toil ■■ ■. -■ ■ Wlnltaill. MORBZOT aUIXOBT A FAJMTAai. WHOUSAU JOBBJUta ■> Hats, Caps and Straw Goodsj . »a« AJTD«T LAXB STRBBT. BM . ' .. Smk - P—**• aoxj>re» iaah vaotobt. 7in iS^teiajflii*jaiss. l s?a3 ■ - ttrtw w*"*!' ' " • JBim'i'O'i. I -w -jp xi OXT B ■ I ' S**—*'***••*•* ■' T«I rirow mii.** . *M