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iD TRIBUNE. iHDCG, 3TEBRITAEY 19,1859. Infantile Disorders* We admit without argument 'that we are Ss -3 liable to an injunction from any of the courts of Cook County, for having stirred up tbe *** juvenile FpitrstJf tlie Chicago Times, in the profound measure indicated bv thai Ebect of • *. . an< yesterday. There certain oflcnces against gQ public policy and good morals which may be committed by proxy. In some States legtela- tion has been directed to the end of reachiog th< the ultimate cause of Euch injuries. The pr Maine Liquor Law, for instance, seeks to pun- so ish the vender of ardentsplrits,through whose pa indirect agency society incurs wide-spread disaster. Here the majesty of the law steps l>etwccn the cool, calculating, remorselees. dram-seller, and the uncontrollable passion of Ilia victim. So also are provisions made in oc certain cases, dividing the penalty between fo the immediate actor and the provoker or pro- carer. Especially is this done in the cases of xi infants, imbeciles and who are legally or mor- tt ally incapable of trangrosslon, but whom the vi law nevertheless recognizes as " persons." A These statutes are wise,humane and in keeping w with the civilization of tho age. They ehel- tc ter the innocent, the same time they lay " liold on the deliberate though crafty male- &ctor, who might otherwise escape the just consequences of his misdoinga. We admit the application of the foregoing tl principles to ourselves, in their fullest force. * It was a crime against the social fabric to so „ perturbate and discompose and stir up the ii emotions of our neighbors. We should have r remembered that their leelings arc not only t) callow but precociously liable to irritation. * l\'e Ehouldhave borne in mind that tbey have j sot passed all the ailments of infancy, and £ that whether teething or laboring with early J measles they would be preternaturally senM- i live to external things,.and likely to be ruf- j lied on little or no occasion. A prudent re- t gard for the public weal would have taught t us not to sport with the fantasies and fits of t childhood, lor though irresponsible they i yet have rights wliich white men are Lound to respect. The sagacity which , should belong to the conductors of an influential journal might have re- ( titrained ub from agitating the unlorined i aud tender senses of the Times' person?, to { that undue state of exasperation noticed in its columns of Friday, the 18th iiist. But in j an unthinking moment—our minds abstract- ( cd. our hearts guileless—we erred as afore said, and the consequences are upon us. We are liable to be enjoined at any moment, and ioT tbe welfare of those young people, for whom we have always felt the liveliest inter est, we hereby waive all pur rights of repli cation and . fljtld. WU of complaint. 71 - u •*".*.'•*** /- Yet while we arc thCyCobf(sslonal, we cannot avoid giving a few< of counsel to our neighbors, which fro. srill be , kiodiy taken. It will . • When the muscles are hardened and the bones well knit by coming mind will acquire its proper balance und ties in like manner with the physical frame, , l>ecome tough aud elastic. Then the. ; e sudden spasms, which only distort the capacities of the intellect and waste the tissues of the body, at the eame time they but excite the sympathy of the beholders, will pass off and leave the beginnings of a useful citizen. Why not then make an effort to take time by the forelock, and anticipate by a few years or jmoiitbf* tbe period of pound development and liubstautial usefulness ? Bo not give way to those Hidden of ill-will towards those who only desire lo be your friends. It is a mistake to suppose that rancor, however lustily proclaimed, will answer the purposes of common sense in the downright practical affairs of life. A New Bankiog Bnxis in Minnesota. An issue of currency has been made to tbe Kicollet County Bank, under the Minnesota Disking law, upon a deposit of University Monde. These Bonds are issued by the Regents of the University, on a pledge of certain lands donated by the general government. Tbe back, ing law of Minnesota requires the deposit of State Stocks as a basis for currency, and there cm be no question tbat tbe issue to the Nicollet County Bank of the University Bonds is indi rect violation at least of the spirit of that law* The State Auditor, however, places a different construction on it,and his opinion is sustained by the Attorney General of the State. It is not probable, howerer, tbat with so loose and mani festly unjust a construction of the law that the issues of Minnesota Banks will obtain much of a circulation outside of the State. There are already doubts as to the security of Icuk issues based upon Miunesota bonds for rail road purposes. The State has made no provision to pay the interest upon those bnnds, nor U it likely that t'n> will be done, for the people would not submit to the taxation requisite for that pur pose. Nor is there any reason to suppose tbe rail road companies will meet the interest as it falls due. The only way in which it can pos-lbly ;bc paid will be by an annual iasue of bonds by the State for that purpose—a step which no legisla ture will dare take. Bat one Tcsult can follow— the constant depreciation of tbe bonds of the State. These are fozuc of the difficulties which Miuuesota Bauks have to contend with when seek ing to give cotreucy to their issues abroad. The new ruling of the Auditor, by which a still more questionable basis Is accepted for bank issues will probably give tbe coup de grace to any further efforts of this character. Tote in the Senate on the Indiana Sen atorial Case. The following'waa the vote in the Senate of the United States on Monday last, sustaining the report of tbe Committee on the Judiciary, that Messrs. Bright and Fitch were entitled to seats in the Senate, and Messrs. Lane and McCarty' were not: Avis—Mcnra. Bayard, Berjamto. BUler. Brown. <Jhes not. Clar. C lcKts&n. Durta. Green. Gwld, Houston. Hon -ler. iTprvon. Andrew Johnson, Robert W. Jobnnrn, J one*. Keno'dy Lane, (of Orernnl Matiorr. Mason. P*)k, Push, K'ld. R'c-. hhlHls,Bilde)l,Em tb, (ofOre*on).Biu art Toomba, Waid. Voice—Sl. ■lNoh—Messr*. Brodfrlck, Cameron. Chandler, Clark, Coll < mer. Drollt'le. Dotulaa. 7ctsennen. Foot, Hamlin, liarlan. Sirs, fceward. Trao-bolt. and WUaon—l6. Paired Off—Mr. paired with Mr. Writhi. Mr. 3>urk«e with Mr. Bebas<i«a Mr. Haleiritti Mr Thompson <N. J.), Mr. Siidtsodb wl'h Mr. Alien, Mr. Wade wi'lt «r. Yclee. Mr. potter with Mr.tearce. and Mr. Bell will) Mr. Hammond—lt Nor Vonaa—Mr. Bright and Mr. FUcb—2, The Vote on tbe 'Admission of Oregon. The list of Republicans voting for, and of Democrats voting against the admission or' Oregon, in our issue of yesterday, contained several errors. We present the corrected list ai follows: JifpuUunn./nr A'lwiif'Um.—H oars. BilUnchnnrtof Wit. Giae of lod.. CMf&x of lad.. Comlnaoi Maat.. Or«tin «f N H . Con'a of I ~wa. Foat«~ of Maine, Hortno of Ohio EVpore of Kvnkel of of Ohio, PeUU of lod n Thajer ot Maaa. Wood of Maine. /Viiwmbtwrn* 'lfettn. Bonham of B C„ B"jce of 8.0.. Bryan of TVxaa. Clark of N. Y. Oolili. of Ala. Crawford of Qa.Canrof Ala.. Dowdeli of Alt, iiaakloof N. Y., HcnWonof AIAm Kel'tof 8O n KleQueet of & C., Mllea of H. C. MlUson of Ala.. Kealea of N. O. Sbaw of N, C M Sbortar of Abu BalU of Va.- Btallwor»b of Ala.—SO Amm naun nonius aiLntitrifn—Mrn*. Davu of Marrlana. <3il<rerof N. C. EarrlAof Mil. QUI of Ga-. ftfartnall rf Ky, lUeaod of McL, Tiippe of Ga.. Underwood of My. Vance ofN. C„ Woc3md cf ZoUlcofferotTenn.->lt. Illinois River Open to Feoria. .The Peoria Union eavs, the steamer :F. Aubrey arrived at that place on the morning of tbe ICtb inst., direct from St. Ixiuis—the first boat oi the season. With the exception of abouttwelve miles between Earvard and Spring Lake, she had bat little difficulty in getting through. Between the latter places she had to break through thick ice most of tbe time. She reported tha Illinois river otherwise clear, but a great deal of ice is floating down tbe Missis sippi. Salts Ag&inst the Rock Jsland Bridga* We understand that suits were commenced yesterday in the Circuit Court against the Chi cago ana Bock Island Eailroad Compamy,' by *W7F. Chadwiek, Esq., attorney, in favor of tbe following named pluipti&s. for injuries done to steamboats at the Railroad Bridge: Oeorae L. MeOlotook and othexa—steamer Henry Graff. $19,000 Itaae H. Maaon—ateamer > txen....... 10;0Q0 jtobertHerdmanaodoUiera-aUamer Araxina... U.ooe V.LE Jcoka and other*—at«aaer Lode May... 6,«j0 Joaesb W. Brown-bar. e Thetla SeoO jnbualnrlaeaodoiben-aleamcrßfcacne a,ooo ■WllllanDorr-raft...- Swo ' a. Joneaaodotbera-ateamer Gen. Pike... fiopo F.S. dorrail—r*fla 4.0t) J. j. fiord aod o lb en-steamer l'ffie Afloa. .200.000 Total. 52M.000 [/•Under cC* Argue. We bave no objection to all this. The effeet or it will be to ctrcalate money, furnished by BL in this vicinity, among lawyer*, wi£-" nessss, etc., and tbe army of nfcssi i slTiui and occupation will, no doubt, spend anr^quantity of loose ehange around. Mr. Bissell was in •Voek Island oa Tuesday afternoon, disbursing considerable sums for the' pavmeats-'-of coats," etc., in these suits.'Go' tt SL-ljoais! Bpex* • all year spsre cash—and when you run tat,£air on the Few Orleans Chamber of Commerce for Jtelp.—Xfcwnporf A'ews, OUR WASHIHGTONtLETTER. TheCmtral American Treaty—The Tariff" War —A Bptdal iSution Forethadoirtd. * ' Ufasn our own Correspondent.] Wasbsoto*, Feb. H. 18®. news from Central Aaerioa it* that the Cass-Yrisassi treaty baa been ratified by Nica ragua. Thia famous bugbear of diplomacy was tt - negotiated and signed bar* in October,lss7. 1U ol ratification has been delayed by the treachery and imbecility of the American Administration, o and the intrigues of the French and English in ct Nicaragua for the space of fifteen months. It has yet to be ratiGed by onr Senate, of which ? there is but little proßpect this session. The I' provisions and terms of the treaty are of 0 soch a nature as to require the agency of a com- \ pany to be carried out That company was des- 1 ignated in conformity with the treaty by Yrisas- 0 si, the minister, here, to be that of Joe White, j Stebbins k Co. Joe is the well known eloquent Whig orator and member of Congress from In diana, fifteen years ago—a man of brains with- { out cash or discretion. Bis company has died j for wfent of cash, which to financial bodies is the breath of life, and the want of it—death, j The Senate may confirm the treaty, though es \ the time is snort, and as the treaty is rather fa- ■ yorable to the legitimate colonization ot Central America by industrious and peaceable Northern | men, it is more probable that it will not be touched at this session. There larei however, 1 several other treaties in the same dilemma, and it is likely that a special executive session will be held to dispose of them. Sir Gore Ooseley is now in Central America attempting the negotiation of a treaty almost ; the duplicate of this one. If he succeeds, it will establish a good understanding between the British and American governments, which * will end in giving Mr. Felix Belly his groel, and i in expelling French influence lrom the Isthmus , routes. The President has been very active in drilling r bis forces in the Senate, in order to pave the way for an increase of the tariff Tbey consist for the present of Mr. Bigler, and Mr. Bates of ' Maryland. Bat he has strong hopes of Kennedy, 1 a Maryland Know Nothing. Kennedy has prom ised the Presidant that be will make a tariff speculation his platform. As soon as these man * ipulations shall have filed down the free trade I majority in the Senate to a minority, the tariQ Democrats will move in the House with a com promise between the specific of Buchanan and t the decimals of Cobb. r At present the revennes show aslight decline, most of the receipts beiog in Treasury notes, f which of course don't pay for Democratic jobs. Cobb has a mortal hatred for his own paper; in fact if he had is own way he would never see it again after first issuing it, f An extra session is privately threatened, and the President has notified Southern Democrats '• of the probability, so that their State govero (l ments may prepare to issue orders for special _ ejections. The Committee on Military Affairs of the a House hatfe refused to report in favor of releas n ing Russell, Majors & Co, but have directed Col. Curtis to prepare a bill for the prevention ofsucb jobs in future. Jtrsios. "e BUYING PIODITCE IS TUE COUNTRY. Experiences of a Chicago Operator in ir Wisconsin* [Correspondence of the Preti and Tribune.] 1* Buna Dak. WU., Feb. 13,1859. )f At this present writing half a dozen or more farmers' sleds are trooping through the princi •e street of Beaver Dam, loaded with a variety L .] of truck. The forward team consists ol a span q ortiOrses that look as though they bad been with, or had lately been through S * chancery.-? The ha&QB their lank bodies sticks 3S , gix'jaid a quarterways for Sunday, like the fur II at -an e«ited cat's tail. The poor creatures, li- perhaps, sever kieW the lixdry of shoes, and p » their gait is as awkward as -a "pair of bars. A 2ii big sled surmounted by a ve- y of hide they are dragging, the contents of which [ic may be briefly enumerated thus: One tremen lie dous fat European (female); one ditto, ditto, d (male) f one ditto, dressed hog; one green hide; 1 one mink skin j two musk-rat skins; one tub of butter; three skiny dr*6Ses chickens. £U of iC which, as will appear, are " good things to have or in the country." A crowd of famished speculators gather in a 10 twinkling around the Faderiander's sled; and sc " what ye got to sell?" breaks upon his iym a pannm with the precision and simultaueousness er of one of Jollien'sgrand openings, es "0, ebry ting," is the comprehensive re al spouse.* ( " You want to sell tblt hide ?" chorus half a dozen at once. "Yas. -Vat yon gif?" " What d'y ask for them furs ?" " liOOk here," says one of the crowd in a low voice, button-holing the German, " drive your 118 team right over to my place. I'll give vou ds more for your stuff than any other man in this fc. town can give." f 41 Veil, vat you gifs for de mink skin ?" 0 " Don't be bamboozled by that Yankee, uncle r ® Hans," stags out another of the crowd; "here, et what do you ask me for that skin ?" i: " Noting! Noting! I tell you, rat you gift ?" "Well, I'll give you two dollars and a half!" •' No, no, dash ish too leetle; gif me tree tol ot lar und dake am 'long." )V "Naffced; what d'y want fur yer rat?" " Dwendy-dwo cent." ot "Sold again! What d'ye ask fur yer hide*" ii- *' Six und a— ——" h e " Hold on, hold on, Deutscher," scream * three or four voices at once, 44 I'll give you seven." " Ya, and I gif sieben and balb," chimoc in a of perspiring German butcber. jj. 44 Bring yer hide round to me store, an' I'll give ye eight cicts, thin, be jabera," put in a red m faced, pock-marked Hibernian, it As no bids were higher, Pat got the hide. The U remaining portion of the load was disposed of as fellows: The butter at 12cents; the pork af -7 cents; and the ohickens at 10 cents each, il* 1 have* gone into the details of the disposal of Us this little sleigh load of produce thus fally in or -1,. der to ahow how utterly impossible it is to purchase in these small towns any raw material " c that happens to be in active demand, at any la- thing like a remunerative rate. Green hides at . at 22 cents apiece, and probably a commission upon ton of that, will make somtboiy ache I ck fancy. It struck me as 1 looked at the noisy, in ;k- discreet crowd, around the old man's aleigh, I, e wrangling over a solitary hide aud a few strag gling furs, and payiegfrom twenty to thirty per cent, more for them tban tbey can ever realize, rill that they were just the chaps that create panics, icr end I wondered at the foolishness of the men who provide them with money and pay them cemmißsion for so doing. Hide. n " The Chicago Property or the Old State liank. >be Ed : lon Prea and Tribune: ,be I take the following extract from a letter pub lat lulled in the Missouri Republican, and dated at its Springfield, Feb. 14,1M9: rty " It is said that the title to the valuable pieces of land In Chicago and Galena, has not traveled many thousands of miles from Springfield; indeed, ea- it Is thooght that under the law governing trusts, on- a strict examination would find these still among the assets of the Bank." ta- Justice to the living and the dead Impels me to irift say that the insinuation of the letter writer is lio « wholly and entirely incorrect. All the lots in this Ir. «ity, and the land in this county, were sold under my immediate direction, at public anction, to the klr! highest Udder,and were purchased by divers indi viduals residing here and elsewhere. None of it was purchased by an officer of the Bank, cither Q directly or indirectly, except the Batik building and lot, purchased by an agent of Col. Mather, o f. (who In this particular case, was the hlgQertbid e(j -der,) and afterwards deeded it to a large creditor of the Bank at an advanced price. The property now owned by N. H. Uidgely, Esq., in this city, was never owned by the Bank. This purchase wai an Individual transaction by J" g that gentleman, and Wm. L. May,now deceased, ae- aid made, I think, some years before the C„ Bank went Into liquidation. W. fl. Brown*, if' late Cashier of the Chicago Bank. Chicago, Feb. 18,1559. lof ■■ • * nd Letter from the Gold Mines. } r'r We are permitted by Mr. Folsom Dorsett, of Tt! this|cily, to publish the followla)| letter, just re* oeived from his son in the gold mines. Mr. Dorsett is well known to many of our citizens, P. and the letter of his son is deserving of ere of dence: Dnmoi City. Jan. 7,18:8. 0 r pKABpABXVtfI:—As Charles is going home, . 1 take this oportunity of writing to y'ou, hopiog '°K this will find you all welL Cbarlefc is goiog ing home'after provisions, &c. I suppose he will to cell and see you. She * will tell yon something about the prospects of the country. We have a fine place here, sit " a nated on the Cherry Creek and Platte Rivera, sis- There are two hundred houses and about two thousand men here, six white women and plenty of red ones. Every body has a little gold dust, and the miners are making, when they work, » 3t from three to ten dollars per day. Our place is , on the South Platte, at the outlet of Cherry Creek. !? * Ibave got a little gold dust myself, of which I send ytfu a sample. It is hard work to dig it, 'r® bnt that lam nsed to. 1 if any "Of you conclude to come out here y>~a must come early and bring plenty of provisions, . camp tools, Ac. Oxen are best in the spring to > : coo come with. Our cattle are doing very well here i!ooe on grass, as we are .having very fine weather |.ou) this winter; we can work in shirt eleevea. [,os As for game and wild meat, we have plenty; iooo' such as bear, bufialo, black and white-tailed deer, antelope, turkeys, Ac. * * * jSm Your affectionate ton, - Fouom Dobsitt. Jr. 5,000 , | T '• , Extra Session ol Congress, pet The Washington correspondent of the N. Y. Herald writing on the 14th says: and ' Should an extra aesaion take place, it will be titv -called tor June, and special electiona would hare is to be beld in all the Southern States but those Blnxr *hich have already held electiona—Florida, Ar rta.' . kansaa, Missouri and Soeth Carolina and Yir ginia, which elect in May. Thk Pmrtdeat*a proetamation would have to go ont to California for and Oregon by the 6th of March, or thoae Statea will bo nnrepreeented. ILLINOIS LEGISLATURE. M TWEVTV-FIBST GEHEkIL ASSEMBLY. T £rsniaimi>, Feb. 16.1&&. SENATE. U Tbe Speaker announced the special order of j : the hour, viz: A bill in relation to tbe payment of the principal and interest, of the State debt. Passed—ayes 28, noes none. - " . " «, Mr. Marshall, from committee on Township J, Organization aud Counties, a bill to create tbe r county of Ford, and for other purposes. Passed —ayes 19, noes 8. ... a Tbe Speaker announced tbe special order, viz: Tbe bill in relation to assessments of the : Illinois Central Railroad. The question beiug f on its passage the vote stood: . Axes-Messrs. Appliugton, Bestor, Blodgett, J Bryan, Bockmaster, Cook, Goudy. Bigbee, Knapp. KuykendaU, O'Kean, Parks, Post, Rich- j mond, Underwood, Vanderen—l7. . Nats—Messrs. Addams*of Stepeoson, Judd, Marshall. Martin—4. Passed. i TBS EDPSBIOB COTT&T OF CHICAOO. 1 '.lir. Speaker announced the special erder oi ■ tbe hour, viz: The Cook County Court bill pending yesterday. 1 The question being on Mr. Judd's motion to indefinitely postpone Mr. Higbee's substitute, Mr. Judd and Mr. Goudy discussed the measure when the ayes and noes being called, the vote stood: Teas 15, nays 7. . Mr. Higbee offered an amendment, which Mr. Judd moved to indefinitely postpone. Carried. . Mr. Judd moved to suspend the rule to read a third time bv title. Carried—ayes 16, noes. 5. Mr. Bryan o'ffered an amendment, which Mr. Judd moved to lay on the table indefinitely. Carried—ayes 17, noes 6. ' The question then being on the passage of tbe bill, the vote stood: Ysas—Messrs. Adams of Lee, Addams of Ste phenson, Appliugton, Bestor. Blodgett, Buck master. Coffev, Henderson, KuykendaU, Mar shall, Parks, Vanderen—ls. Nats-Messrs. Brvan, Goudy, Knapp, Mar tin, O'Kean, .Post, Richmond, Underwood —B. Passed. . * , . . Mr. Judd, from Committee on Judiciary, a House bill to regulate the manner of inflicting the death penalty in capital cases. Passed ayes 21. noes 2. Mr. Vanderen, from -Committee on State Roads, a bill authorizing the Board of Super visors in counties where the township organiza tion system has been adopted to vacate change and relocate State Roads. Passed, ayes 18, noes none. „ . , . Bill to incorporate Mendota. Pasted, ayes 19, noes none. . , Bill to incorporate the i Mattoon Academy. Passed, ayes 15, noes 5. . Bill to incorporate the North American im press Company. Passed, ayes 13, nays 9. Mr. Goudy moved to take up bill to provide for the incorporation of railway companies. Carried. Mr. Post called the reading oi the bill, (a very lengthy one.) Bill finally read and passed; yeas, 17, nays 2. Mr. Ariama of Lee. from Committee on Banks and Corporations: Bill for tbe more perfect or ganization of the Sterling and Rock laland Rail* road Company. Passed, ayes 18, nays 0. Mr. Goudy, from Committee on Banks and Corporations: Bill to incorporate the town of Carlinville. Passed, ayes 20, nays 0. Mr. Judd, from Committee on Judiciary: House bill to provide compensation for county judge of Cook County. Passed, ayes 19, nays 0. Mr. Knapp, from Committee on Banks and Corporations: Bill lor the relief of the bank of Naperville. Passed, ayes 20, nays 1. Mr. Henderson, trom Committee on Banks and Corporations: A bill for the establishment of a system of graded schools in Galesburgh. Passed, ayes 15, nays 3. i Mr. Parks, from Select Committee: Bill to change the times of holding courts in Kendall County. Passed, eyes 18, nays 1. r Mr. Applington, from Committee on Judi i ciary: Bill to fix the times of holding county x courts in the County of Boone. Passed, ayes 18, I n °Sr. Marshall.from Committee on Corporations | 8 bill to incorporate the Chicago Board ot Trade. r Paased, ayes 14, noes 3. Mr. Blodgett, from Committee on Internal ' Navigation, bill to incorporate the Waukegan Warehouse and Pier Company. Passed, ayes i 13, nays 4. ■, • HOUSE. Mr. Hacker, on leave, called np act to amend i- Chapter C 5, R. 8. entitled " heirs." Read a second time. _ . „ . ~ , Mr. Higgins: To amend to exclude bridges, ' &c., adopted. Passed, aves 54, noes 3. Mr. Detricb, from tbe Committee on Finance, if to pass Senate act to authorize the Governor to adjust the claim of Thompson and Foreman. Passed, ayes 02, noes 4. Al Co, to pass Senate act to authorize the in a vestigatioo, aod if just, tbe payment of the jj claim of Magniac, Jardin £ Co. Passed, ayes G5. noes 5. , . . >• A large number of bills were ordered to a is third reading. . Mr. Shirle/. en leave, called up act to amena Chapter 63, R. S., eatitlsd "Justices of the Peace and Constables." Passea, ayes fi, a on leave, from the Cook County delegation, reported Senate ant to incorporate the Chicago South Branch Dock Company. Bill ordered to a third reading. A*t V? amend an act to incorporate a compa nf f or the implement, by canals and harbors, of the east "art ot>'b to the city " of Chicago/ Passed, a jes 55, noes 2. ir Mr. Davis, of Montgomery, moved to recon u aider vote hsd on act to amend act to moorpo is rate a company for the improvement, by canals and harbors, of the east part of Kiosie's addi tion to the city of Chicago. Motion lost, e Act to amend act to incorporate the town oi >, Polo. Passed, iyes J>l, njes f». Senate aotto amend the criminal code, andin '' crease tbe punishment for manslaughter. '' Mr. Swctt, to amend to provide a limitation to 1- ovoid larceny after seven years from the finding of indictment. Parsed, ayes 43, noes 12. Act in regard to jury fees to be collected in tbe county ot Cook. Passed, ayes 50, noes 1. " Mr. Short asked and obtained leave to call up unfinished business, being joint resolution to a print Agricultural Reports, u After a protracted discussion the resolution was passed by yeas 30, nays 10. a— » w II From Washington* 6 EFpedal Dty»atch to the N. Y. Tribune.] WAeaaoros, Feb. 15,1339. e Tbe Civil Appropriations bill will be made s the rider for a measure anthorizisg the issue of ifr Treasury Notes and a loan for the relief of the Government. Such an amendment will endan if ger the bill, and upon its fate will depend an extra session. 0 The Army Appropriation bill amounts to near il ly sixteen millions. It haa been submitted to r- the Committee on Military Affairs, and tbey it bvve cut down various items, ithe total reduc ib tion being one million three hundred and forty n one thousand dollars. 1 Cuba has consumed most of the time of the i- Senate to-day, Mr. Crittenden occupying two i, hours in a powerful speech ogainst the acquiai tion of that island. Mr. Slidell proposes to bold •r evening sessions in future to be devoted to the e, debate on Cuba. s, Mr. Wendell, publisher of the Union, was he rn fore the Printing Investigating Committee yes in terday, and maac some interesting develop ments regarding distribution of large sums of money made by bim for political purposes in e past elections, especially since he had control of the Public Printing. It appeara that he waa too shrewd to iivest SI,OOO against Covodein Penn sylvania, when a letter was banded him by Mr. 1)9 Buchanan requesting him to do so. Wendell it said he knew better than to throw away fighting Covode. „ Mr. Smith, not Lane, drew the short term as Senator from Oregon. It will expire in 17 days. I Lane's term will expire March 4,1961. , Tbe House beld an evening session, snd Mr. X Morris of Illinois, denounced the Buchanan Ad ministration as false to the platform upon which it was elevated to power. He said the Demo '® cratic party could no more go into the fi ht of is ISCO with the fetid and rotten carcass of tbat is Administration and succeed than a man could >r blow down the walla of the* Capital with his breath. , , ie Mr. Ward of New York made an elaborate i- speech on the subject of the iuterooeaaic canal it via the Atrato and Truando Rivera. He atates tbat the canal la to]be constructed without locks, and estimates that itwill cost $73,000,000. Fred* S erick S. Kelley of New York is the promoter of r, tbe enterprise, and holder ol the grants from t. New Granada. • I have reason to belive that evidence extsts >r which will c6nvict a Democratic Member of Congress of having demanded S4OO of a claim ? ant before he would report a certain bill from his Committee. The case will be investigated. j Why Covet Cnba ? ' Let it nowhere be forgotten nor sbullled ont of sight that Mr. Benjamio, of Louisiana, the able and plausible advocate of the acquisition L of Cuba, ns ot all other schemes tending to dif fuse and eternize human slavery, deliberately bases bis argument on the following proposi tion: , * "Thefirst leading fact, which ought to be - kept constantly in view by all who would form jnst conceptions on this subject, is. that the r. wealth and productiveness ot this island have , been created; and their continuance ean only be KCurtd lya tytUm of compuUory labor. It the experience of mankind has solved a single in dustrial problem, we may fairly assume as grsnted that tropical productions can be main* e, tained, on a scale to meet tbe requirements of g civilized man, by compulsory labor alone." K This is his fundamental, vital reason for wish- II ing Cnba transferred to the Uaited States, which he proceeds to simplify and fortiiy most artfully. His whole argument runs in'these grooves substantially: *• 1. " Compulsery Labor"—that is, human sla [° very—must be maintained in tropical America, J especially in Cuba. * i. It cannot and will not be, unless Cuba be. .» comes a portion of our Union, owing to thegreat 18 preponderance of males among the Cuban 7 staves, the average shortness of their lives, and . the impediments now offered to the prosecution of the African slave trade. l! » .3. Therefore, Cuba must speedily become a ' possession of the United States, or slavery in a that island will perish, and slavery in all tropical ®» America receive thence a deadly wound. 10 Farmers and Mechanics of tbe free States 1 r ® One Ilundnd aud lifty Millions of Dollar» is er the estimated cost of wresting Cuba from Spain, aod your experience will assure you that r J the cost of such jobs rarely falls below the original estimate, aod generally transcends it beavily. Bat suppose the cost not to exeeed the estimate-Ooe Hundred Millions of tbe ag gregate must be wrenched from your sweat and toil—a sum of at least (30 for each family in the free States. Are you willing to be thus jf. taxed to prolong the life of tropical slavery for another generation ? If yon are not, say so at once say it so that it may be heard—say it in your ensuing elections I -JV. Y. Trtbvnt. j? iS3~ Tbe Republican State Convention assemb t- led at Detroit on the ICth insL, nominated Hon. Qeorge Martin, tbe present Incumbent, forre-elec- M tion to the Office of Justice of the Supreme Court KiVIQATION OF BED RIV*E OF THE NOETH C TrlC spKtilion of * Steiaer from Gill t* Bed Urer. 1 A comapoCd" l "• tIMI faroi«he" , thft of Ch* JSLh i«t, with th. follomng , interestiog facts. . . . , thß citixens of a -P.u 1 > '^ ort , DC< . - H r. Nor to secure a reeolt ' PJ d t0 Gull thrnp proceeded with men pK k e d the River, »Dd- took the vessel ° p "hirh wefe to cabin, und loaded ten ilei?h <. " Th start on Monday, Febru»rj7ih. * r Uoiler ry was al«o ready, for trmeportatii » » | eft loaded upon a aleigh—when Mr. R. * f gaDr for below, to hurry forward the teams plies for which hehad previously made atronge ments. . . Information haa recently been received here by letter from John R. Irrine and other.▼'»«, that the cabio, packed in bundles, and drawn by eifiht teama ot horata had started from G."i» River. At Otter Tail Lake Mr. Irvine will meet them, with three sleds loaded with hay from the Shayenne, and drawn by oxen. It is proposed that horses shall be used in transporting the cabin, machinery and timber for building the bull from the mouth of Gull River (on the Crow Wing River) to Oiter Tail Like; while, west ward to Red River, ox teams will be used. The first portion of the route is over a beaten road, while across the prairies aojacent to Red River, oxen will make better progreas than horses. The boat has been taken apart, and the cabin, decks and machinery packed, under the intendence of Augustus and Jesse Young. Botn are capable engineera. Angustus helped build the bost, and was lately Captain of I E. B. Nash's steamer Enterprise. Jesse \oung en gineered Northrup's boat last summer, during the memorable trip 350 miles north of Crow Wiog, to Sandy Lake and Fokegema talis. These gentlemen will accompany the expedition to Red River. _ . . . w .. The energy and efficiency of Anson Northrop has been soch, as to inspire confidence in the consummation of the seheme. He has obtained all the plank end timber needed to build the new hull at Chapman's saw mill on Gull River. He has engaged a Mr. Morse, a practical boat-builder from Little r alls, to superintend the construction of the hull and pet on the cabin. A'l the additional teams, necessary to deliver the bo.-vt by the Or*t of March upon Red Uivar, will join Mr. Northrop, on hU rtiiurn. Balywln Olmstead hs* five yoke of oxen at Fort Ripley, beside one four horse team and oue swgla span 01 horses. Olm^teshas also hired foor yoke or oxen at Sauk BaplcUto go on immediately. Mr. Lewis Stone, or Flatte River, started last Thuw dav for the scene of operations, with three yoke or oxen and a sled, to assist iu loading the nuu expects to be nine days in getting over to Red informed that the snow is aboat fourteen inches deep In the timber, although leas on this prairies west of Otter Tail Lake. Arrived on tbe first of March, with cabin, ma chinery and lumber for the hull, tbe engineers are confident that the boat will be ready to be launch ed by the first of May. Toe public will be satisfied If trips commence by thefiret June. . . The whole upper country is interested in tue success of tbe project. The writer of tnis communication, has seen a letter from a prominent citizen of Minnesota, now in New York containing information of a most . favorable reception by the English government • 0 f the Northwestern Transportation and Railway scheme, as projected by leading C^oadians. Our Minnesota steamer it is highly probable 1 1 will be met on the boundary line during the sum- . • mer, by the steamers ot this company; and if so the interests of St. Paul imperatively demand that we shall not fail of launching the first steamboat keel on the Red River ol tbe North. International Courtesy—An American Frigate Works Four Days to Float a 7 British M a n ol War. ' [From tbe Boston Journal ] B We have been furnished with the following extract from a private letter, giving an account of the successful efforts of Captain Levy, of the t United States ship Macedonian, to relieve the , British frigate Curacoa, which had grounded in « the Bay ol Smyrna. It will be seen that Capt. Levy accomplished a difficult job in a manner which ejicited very hearty thanks from the Brit ish officers; 1 U. 8. EHIP MACidokuk. t a Harbvr Alexandria, EgTpt, Jan. ?. s?) We sailed from Spezzia, bound to the island j of Candia in the Archipelago, where we arrived ' in good time. We sailed from thence to the i city of Smyrna, in Asia Minor. On onr arrival o we fpnnd orders for us to proceed to the coast u of Syrja a? soon as possible: we only stopped to take in wood andVflter &u4 were off for Beyrout, i. Joppa, and Alexandria "in Egypt fon gciog out e of the Bay of Smyrna we passed an fooglish 8 steam frigate, " Curacoa," hard and fast aground. Capt. Levy sent a boat alongside, a tendering the use of our ship and boats in get ting h«r off. ffhiph was accepted. The steamer d had the English Ambasaador for Constantinople e on board. Lord Richard Stratford de Itadolitt'e r and family- They had Russian steamers ?.nd ' Turkish boats a-tuggiog at iter, b*t ?ope pocld y start her, and they gave it tip as a bad job and % left: but the Yankee wouldn't give if up so. ii We were the first to come alongside to assist them and tbe last to leave; and did not leave i. nntil we bad got her atloat dga»n f . You should have been present to bear the cheer t ing wheu she floated—lt would have doue jour your heart good. We came to her on Suuday aud , remained till Thursday. Great credit is doe Capt. ! Lew for lux accomplishing £ the work. He received veiy pojitp letters from ; different sources, Tetiirning ibauks for the kiua r* nesj rendered. The Curacoa was going nine i< knots when she struck, and when she stopped she " 7 , T w «rd and so# draw had UUt S l * Itrct OT md'.ti ing seventced. Thus you see she was embedded eleven feet at first, and must necessarily settle 0 some: bat Captain Levy said the should come off. ~ Wo parted all onr large hawsers aud steam chain, and, as a last resort, wp too}? down the cabin hulk heads and passed their stteam cab'o into our stem ports and brought it to our main deck capstan, and thus, alter much heavy work, we brought her J ofl*. Tbe Captain came ou board, and in person returned thanks to Captain Levy, aud said lo him: '•you have this day, sir, accompli-hed a work tbat will neyer be Jorgotten by Eoslisbtneu or Eoaland." Subscribers to the Suez CnnaU The Sues Canal project ot M. De Lesseps is about to assume a practical shape. The four e hundred thousand shores into which tbe capital >f stock of two hundred million francs (or forty e millions dollars) is divided, have been disposed of, and unless unforeseen obstacles shall inter- Q pose, the work of connecting the Mediterranean with tbe Red Sea, and thus realising in tbe East what Columbus sought in the West—anewroute 0 to tbe Indies—will soon be cammenced. A re w cent number of the Journal de V Ittknu dt Sues f. contains a statement showing tbe number ot shares subscribed for in various countries, from which we learn that over one*half, or 207,111, e are beld in the French empire, and 192.559 in 0 ether oonntriss, as follows: i. 90.121 d a Tuxke< (Icculadlss tbe subscription of tbe Vice. . Atttrli 612« M »• Ortat y. UnliedStaies >< fc::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: n Tnnli .................................. 1.«14 ,r Baidinla ' Switzerland .• «« 0 82« l« Tuicauy *«2 1 be Two SlcUies 97 ii States of the Oaurcfi M " Pnxstla. .15 y DuDiik I I'ortoftl J Bwedcn., 6 j. 400.C00 It will be teen tbat five thousand shares, re •. presenting five hundred thousand dollars, are [. held in tbe United States, an amount nearly h eqnal to tbat held in England. In tbe latter >. country, however, the project has never met >f much encouragement. It is essentially a French it undertaking, and has had its greatest pecuniary d success in France; nearly three thousand shares ; § were subscribed for in tbe cities of Lyons and Marseilles, and in Yiucennes an entire regiment « ot the line subscribed,'every man, from tbe col il onel to tbe drummer, contributing his quota, , a thus adding over forty thousand francs to tbe i, subscription list. 1. ■ a ■ >f Distressing Suicide on the Moses 31c n |j£llaa. , Early on Monday morning, a gentleman nam • ed Scott, bis lady, and child, took passage on " the Moses McLellan for St. Louis. The man ap- J * peared to be in trouble, and a short time belore a the boat left the wharf, at his city, retired to rest. He eonld not steep, however, bnt arose and aent for Captain Erwin, telling him he was •iek, and hsd been taking quinine. The Csptain » gave him some blue mass, and returned to his r duties on deck. Just as the boat was ronnding ® kO at Brandenburg, the report of a pistol was ? heard. Mra. Scott, who had just stepped out for * something desired by her husband, rushed to * their state room, and there fonndber husband in the agonies of death, his child clasped in one arm, and a Colt's revolver in the other hand.' >9 Mr. Scott was a resident of Owentown, Owen n County, Ky., as are also his father and mother, 10 and his wife's Gather, Mr. Brisooe. Mr. Briscoe a bad been on board with them all day before the boat left LooisviUe. (An inquest was beld en the 16 body at Brandenburg. The grief-stricken wife i* was left at that place also, in the kind care of » the Masons, of which order her lather is a mem ** ber.—ZouittiUi Govritr, 16tt,. New Water Power In Kalamazoo* I" Wc I earn that surveys have been made, (result ~l ing satisfactory to tbe projectors) of a new water power in this village,made by conveying the " waters of the Kalamazoo frem a point near Sim* eon Knight's, through a race of a little evera mile in length to a point near the old trading-post, iust below tbe new bridge. It has been ascertained that a fall of nearly nine feet can thus be obtained, which, with the full tide of. the Kalamazoo, will " be amply sufficient to carry a great amount of ma a chlnery. A surrey has also been made upon tbe 4 sooth aide of the nver, and a fall of nearly eight a feet can be obtained, and requiring a race of only three -fourths of a mile in length. The latter itce * would start from about the same point as the n former, and would terminate near the present race tl bridge, and run through a part of the Sheldon farm. Both arc practicable and easily made. [ 1 These will supply a want that has 'long been felt is by our business men, and we hope to aee the pro* n ject carried Into successful operation; Itisestl & mated that the amount of power inrnisbedby this conversion of the current of the nver, through it these channels, is equal to 200 horse-power, .bis d will give us facilities for manufacturing purposes .superior to most places In tbe WesU—Kalamazoo d (Mick.)' Tel n —. IB Gflnrenmeot Receipts and Expendinres* Tbe receipts of tbe United Spates Treasury tfor _ the quarter ending with December, cxclnkhre of tnxst funds and treasury notes, amounted to $lO,- including 19,054,228 from customs, and $1322,000 in treasury notes reftaed. The expen -- dltnzes forthe mme time amounted j. of which $6,681,963 was fox civil, foreign loter*, coosse.and miaceilaneoos; $5.7G8,6i8 for the War, > and 13 378,907 for the Navy Department, an 3sl te 6<8,999 for interest on public debt, payment of ' treasury notes and other liabilities. Chicago Historic »t. societx. j Monlbly Meetiog. Thi. Society m.-.ton tbTutfT. Walter h N«w- | tary.ftq.. ii the Cbtir. The litaV col ec tun. for Ih. month—sl°, <«"» >«■>* two contrlhatora—included forty rolumM of Muome work*, chiefly in French ind German, and » , covy of the i'-idW, • neifif»J>" pnbluhed in ; [t&W, V.. AprilSMMfcJwSS-E?" ; proclam-Oion of padsCM" U>« 'l°«* or the«ar of the R&TOlnlidH. H>» "l a ? [t R'-Mom," in three yolnme., taaotifiiHT >»nnil in gnula, by Heura. Mnnaon A Bradley, ai a gntnity ta the Boeiety, were exhibited to the meeting, and thanki were yoted to theae geatUmen. At tbia meating were read soma old and in manoßoripU connected with Illinois, whiie an •' territory of Indiana. First, the procediC ° f 8 mee ' lD « 4 '' Kbl! - kaakia, Oct 27, 1806, Cf wbich C° L Geor * 4 Atcbeson waa Chairman, and S. Se cretary, at which delegates from SL and Randolph counties were present, for the par pose of petitioning Congress lor • division of the Indiana Territorj, and the establishment of a Territory in the lUinios, " similar to that pro" posed to be enacted in the Territory of Hiehi* g&n." 2. The memorial to Congress adopted by the meeting above named, which was signed by nineteen persons, (probably the whole delega tion,) and authenticated- by J. Edgar as Chair man, (probably of the committee.) Another memorial of a simitar nature was read, more extended and detailed than the former, whieh appears not to have been adopted,, and bears no sigmtare. 3. A letter of instructions to E. Backus, E«q. t appointed agent at Washington by the petitioner*, to whom directions were given for his procedure, signed by John Mes senger and Robert Morrison, and dated at Kis kaskia, Jan. 12, ISO 7. The papers above noticed allude to a memorial on the same subject, submitted to Congress at the session of ISOS-C. They represent the pop ulation of Illnois at 6,000 souls, whose settle ments were wholly on the Ohio and Mississippi They complain of their connection with Indiana as " an unnatural and destructive alliance, and whpse interests, real or fancied, are not only asparete bpt opposite." Grave charges of mis management are alleged against the Federal authorities in Indiana, and u division of the ter ritory is earnestly prayed for. In connection with the abore papers was read a letter from the Hon. John Reynolds, giving some particulars of iodividualswho participated in the events reierred to. Mr. E. backus, the agpst pf the petitioners, and a man of some prominence, aabsenaently removed from Illi nois, and lost his life by drowning, at Carlisle, Peon. The Soeiety then proceeded to tafre notice of the lamented and sudden death of the late Mr. ffescott, the Historian, an event which has k called forth a simultaneous and profound griet throughout the eonntry. Mahloo 1). Ogden, Etq.,' with a few remarks, submitted the follow ing resolutions: JUtolztd, That the members of this Society, having learned with pain and sorrow of the death of William HickUng Prescott, the Histo rian, desire to leave on their records a testimo , nial of their profound respect for his memory, and of the grief tbey share with the American i publip, and with the friends of learning through out the world, ip his recent and sadden death. [ In the marked and harmoniouy traits pf fcis personal character, his varied learning and ac complishments as a scholar, his brilliant, attrac- L live and classic powers as a writer, as well as in t the extent and value of bia labera as an Histo rian, he has enriched and elevated onr Ameri can literature, and shed new and enduring las tre on American history, in the estimation of mankind; and has entitled his name and mem ory to the lasting honor and gratitude of his countrymen." Jbtolvtd, That a copy of the above resolution be transmitted by the Secretary to the family of the "deceased, with the expression pt the heartfelt sympathy and condolence of the mem bers of ibis society, in their moat sudden and afflictive bereavements. ' The reeding of the above'was followed by remarks from Mr. W. tiroßs, the Secretary, end 1 Col. Graham, presenting with feeling their re- I flections upon tbe great loss sustained by the 3 American people in the death of Frescott, tbe I distingushed services he has rendered to our t literature, as well as his eminent virtues and 5 excellencies as a man. CoL Graham offered , some personal reminiscences of the deceased, in A whose society he bod been, some ten years 1 sibce, and which tho simplicity of 1 character, and the admirable aptness'for'receir » ing as well as imparting information for which Mr. Prescott was so well known aad esteemed. p The resolutions were then unanimously adopt -0 ed, and the meeting was adjourned. \ Abdication of Sonlonqne. j By the sqhooter Minerya Kingston (Jamaica) papers to January 29. The 1 Standard of tfc* iGih says: In our last wo brieliy announced that a revo lution bnd broken out in llavti, headed by Geo r era! GeiiVard, bag t;e?n taught g between the troops of Soulouqoe and tbe revo lutioniols. From recent accounts we are ena ,r bled to (fry* fuller particulars. It appears that on arriving at Port aa Prince, General Gi>firard sept a flag of truce to the Emperor, cflering e him his lite ,aod protection to bin family if be c woutd abdicate his power and save the people .. of Havt' ***** 4V - v of a civil war. Sou j louque demanded time to oonslder, whieh was e allowed him, but before tbe allotted time had t; expired, tbe imperial troops laid down their i, arms sod made common cause with the follow ers of Gc&rard. The Emperor, no longer left u to his choice, proceeded to make out his papers i, of abdication, and on the 15th he caused the fol r lowing proclamation to be made: d Haytiasb:—Called by the will of the people i: to govern tl*a destinies of liayti, all my care k ana anxieties have constantly been for tbe wel r fare of ay citizens and the prosperity of my country. I held hopes that 1 could have relied on the fcfTections of those who elevated me to that supreme power, but the last events that 8 bave taken place do not permit me to doubt the r true sentiments of the people. 1 have too much friendship lor my country to Y hesitate in sacrificing myself for the good ot all. d 1 abdicate, and have only one wish, that Hayti mar be as happy as my heart has always desired. B Done at Port au Prince, 15th dar of January, ;t 1859, in the 56thyearof independence. e [Signed], Faustix. L National Economy. it " Occasional," of the Philadelphia Prest, lec- Q tores the Democracy npon their extravagant ap q propmtioas, in the following style: The House of Representatives has had within a month several spasms of economy. They aie like Burns's description of tbe toothache, where the t sufferer, to ea e his pain, kicks over everything, -7 especially what is nearest, however valuable. Five :t> aud ten dollar appropriations arc assaalted with • vigor and overturned with triumph. Fire light. 0 ers, pamjihlet-folders, box-makers and such like, ri have their salaries reduced below a living figure, with a relentlets fpirit oi economy that would re* j mind one of Aristidc3» or be suggestive of Uie a chameleon philosophy of physical tubsLsience by |i for.e of the imagiuation ; while, on tbe contrary, £ millions for army and navy contracts, thousands 4 for the myriads of Post-Office agents, who locust 1 the laud and plague its harmony with tbe harsb- I . ness of their cry for the Presidency of tbe Tnnn 5 with the large door-plate; millions and thousands and hundreds for'the mall routes, within bailing 10 distance of each other, across tbe Plains—indeed, so near, that, like the German and French senti nels In the Continental ware,-tbey could puß smoke at each other, shake hands and t T p glasses; all heavy appropriations get the go by; S3O 000,000 can go for secret service tor Cuba—everything can pa? 4 with elight oVjection, except only the bob tail of the kite in the way of small appropriations ,for the officers here. t M. &M. K. R. to be Completed to Oskaloosa* Tbe Oskaloosa Herald brings as intelligence of tbe completion ol arrangements between theM. & M. Railroad and Mahaaka County for the building of that road to Oskaloosa. The road ii • •to be completed by September. ISCO. Messrs. DiX & JCarnham were at Oikaloosa, and conduct i- ed the negotiation ou the part of tbe road. Tbe a County Judge, under the instruction of a very >- large mcetitk;, in which all portions oT the conn e ty were TepteaenUd—baa-isnietf- its bouda, in o the aam o! $300,000 to tbe Company. Tbe lat e ter gives boids, in tbe sum of 1250,000 for the M completion if the road by September, 1860. n The i&tentiot Is to commence tome of the hejv -6 ieat work ismediately, and to bave thecira g running wc»t of Skunk River by next Septem a ber.—lk* J(tints Citizen. o Gold that Will not Sink in Water* n Btoathe Una Coantr dowa) Bcciiter.} 0 Quite a flarry was raised among ttu excitable ones of Uari&Q last week by a report that gold in n large quantities bad becadiscovered on Drycreek, - some lour miles northwest of tbe town. It wan e told as a that several persons had been work e mg away qn>et!y all summer, and that some $9,- e 000 altogether nad been taken away these 9 lucky individuals. Otuer stories equally fabulous. f rained currency;<md for a while all wa? confusion, i- The smoke laving cleared away and the facts dis closed, reveil another story. Some. yellow sub stance had been found in considerable quantities, bat when an attempt was made to separate it, with water, from the sand in which it was found, f !t uniformly floated on the surface. ® riayUff With a Tiger. e - Teeterday soon an 'aocident of the moat dia t, treaaing character oocorred at tha National Cir -1 cua. A young mlaa, who' waa 'acquainted 'with I several of ths ladiea of the .esUbliahment, snr [| reptitionaly worked her way into the apartments - -wherein Ah* animals - were - confined in cages. » After (aeeordiss to her own atatement,) ahe had I eareaaed several of the beaata ahe attempted to Y pet the whieh sprang upon her, aiid en q deavored to draw into the cage. Htr e aa reams draw tbe attention of the keepers, who ■ eonquered the animal, and rescued her from hia i faoga. She waa immediately taken to the boa- piut, where tbe pbyaiciana did everything which t numanitv or acieace ceuld suggest. Tbe auf - ferer, who is a heroine, acquits the management • of all blame or neglect in the premisea. We s have leaned sjeee writing the -above, that the Ei young lady's arm had to m amputated, in order s to tare her Is&h.—Philadelphia Prm, ISM ind. S - .-7 . 0 Vic. Ward in a Shooting Affair* A difficulty oocorred on board tbe Memphis and Yieteburg packet Victoria, on her. last upward •- bound trip, between a Dr* Cameron, of Prentiss, r and Vic. Ward, who will be recollected in t coonecUoQ with the Butler tragedy In Louisville, as the yoatli whose chastisement led to the col -1 lision which resulted in tha'untimely death of a . most estiixtthle aqd useful dUzen., ABtlsunder- I standing arose between Cameron and Ward, / whereupon Ward diiw a'pistdT arid,flredat Cam. • ' eron, the shot taldng effect Is and eanying away a considerate portion of the" upper lip, | f and ooaptaelj oeootishings handsome ud h%h- I ly prized Appal, lUk, 1 Personal and Polltitah A.propoaition \o prohibit titisens from em* 0 . cipaiidff slaves waa warmly debated but rejected rejected In tte North Carolina of u spre . i lately. *"* ' Joaepk' Milter, Member from Ohio, will , probably be appointed Judge in Nebraska, vice Black, recently appointed Governor of that Ter ritory. « , Prof. Lee, of the Georgia University, has ' come out with an elaborate letter in favor ot (bo revival of the African slave trade. This is one of tbe striking indications of the way in which tbe tide ia setting at the Bontb. Tbe Secretary of War reports the number of animals now in use in the Army, as follows: 6,060 cavalry and artillery horses; 2,s7shorses < in the Quartermaster's Department; 13,530 pmles; 45 camels, and 132 oxen. The Administration hM received informa tion of an independent government formed by the citixens pf Carson's, Jack's and Eagle Yal* l e y ß «nd of Gold Canon apd Truckee Meadows. TheirCourta ,iaT ® been organised, and have been found to work w t \"- A lar K° P°P alalitm ■» pouring into these valleys. The free advertiaement of Dr. Channing'a errand to Indiana will probably defeat bia pro posed divorce. The papera of that State say that he will be likely to be non-suited as a non resident. Mr. Simonton, who has become aomewbat notorious aa the Washington correspondent of tbe New York Timu, is soon to become editor of tbe San Francisco Bulletin. —lt is ascertained that the rumor which would send Mr. Pryor of Tht Statu and Mr. Forsyth of Mobile to New York to commence a new Democratic journal, has no other founda tion than a casual incidental conversation be tween those gentlemen. Gen. Albert S. Johnston, commander of the army in Utah, baa had leave ot absence granted him to risit bis family. Col. Charles F. Smith ia temporarily assigned to tbe com mand in bis place. A letter from Hayti praises tbe moderation of GefTrard, and the respect with which he caused the deposed Emperor to be treated. Soulouque left two millions of paper dollars iu bis palace, which was distributed among the people. Alexander MacWhorter of New Haven, celebrated aa a scholar and writer and for fart ing with Miss Bacon to the great disgust of • Catharine Beecher, haa been appointed Profes sor of Metaphysics and English Literature in the Troy University. John W. Farmer, the liberal New York merchant, who kept a free dining saloon open for the poor last winter, has begun tbe same tbinenow. He means to set all at work who come, that are espablo of it, mending and mak ing clothes for each other, or cleaning the streets. Powera's statue of Webster must be a ( failure. Tbe Boston Transcript says that be fqre it was received there was a desire to have it placed in the most public and prominent posi tion that could be secured* for the purpose. Since the lank figure has been seen by the Bos toniauß, there ia no objection to its being buried from the public eye in tbe United States Court | House, or any place rarely visited by citizens or strangers. J The Queen of Spain has granted the Cross s of Knight Commander of the Royal American | Order of Isabel, the Catholic, to Mr. Morse, the inventor or the electric telegraph. Her Msjes ty, wishing to render the grace more complete, L has ordered tho inslgpia to be transmitted to • the grantee. Mr. Morse is at present at Arroya, | in Puerto Rico, where one of bis daughters, » who married a rich planter, is liring. He is I associated with tbe project of a transatlantic | telegraph line to connect Cadiz with Cuba. i —Tbo New York Journal of Commerce finds f consolation for emptiness ot the treasury in ' the reflection that the plunderers, haying stolen all, will now be obliged stop stealing. It • says:— "We are begioning to witness the benefits, and tbe substantial advantages, arising from an exhausted treasury. There is no mocey to ) steel, conserucutly'those who live by their wits : at the'seat fat poW'»r,' are driven to the most ex traordinary straits, and seem likely to seek, through compulsion, a mode of life more in ac cordance with the principles of public morality, and vastly more beneficial to themselves and t tbe country," Strange Story About a Spiritualist, j A year and a half ago a gentleman named Hume of respectable standing from Nunda, > Livingston County, in this Slate, wua boarding • in Rooiuson street, in this city, and a Mr. Mor rill and his wife from Newburyport, Mass., were 5 -maies oilue samC The Massachusetts • lady avera that the boarder* ju thia bouse were much given to boldiog spiritual circlet, and r that ahe waa induced to sit at tbe mystic boord, Z and, through the agency of Mr. Home and others, became entranced. While in this state, she understood that she was a writ l" ing medium, and alleges that when she awoke she waa in ber bedroom, which was 9 on the same floor aa the parlor where , e the circle was previously held, and that l " the New Yorkers had taken advantage of ber I helplessoesa to outrage her person. Sabae quently a child was born, which her husband ® refuses to acknowledge. The allidavit implica ting tbe accused was taken in June last, but the e arrest, for various reasons, was delayed until last week, when Detective Bennett was sent to Nunda for the accused. Justice Quackenbusb, • before whom he was taken on Friaay last, held him to answer, and set down bis examination for to-day. Mr. Hume asserts that he is not nor ' never was a spiritualist, and that he can prove by most ample testimony that tbe charge is un founded, and originated in the fancy of tbe ac cuser and bia wife, who he says, were verv en thusiastic on the subject of spiritualism.—«Y. J'. Tribune. K A Newspaper Editor* i A newspaper editor must, like the poet, be s born to his calliog, as in the majority of instan e ces no amount of training will fit a person lor ', such a post, unless he baa » natural taste and 0 aptitude for that description of literary labor; Ii for although many persons are able to write ;• '• leaders" or " literary articlea'Mor a news :, paper, few can be entrusted with ita editorial % control, few can scent out the libel which Inrks > in almost every communication, few can distin e gaish tbe report intended to please tbe speaker f instead of informing tbe nation and the lettera written to serve private interesta instead of pub -3 lie enda; still fewer who can tell at a glance the t kind of literary or political material which will promote the ctrcolation of the journal—in lact, a a good editor's great difficulty is not as to what s be should put in but what be should keep out ot 1 hia columns. Successful editors have not been great authors, but men ot good common sense, >- and their good common aense has taught them 9 to write but little themselves, but to read, judge, » select, dictate, alter, and combine the writings 0 of others.—Chambers' Journal. a a rjM) COMMENCE, TUESDAY, MARCH 1, The Spring And Summer Term j —o* TBI— Northwestfrn Female College f EVANSTON, ILLINOIS, e [l3 Miles North from Chicago.] 1 TOTAL SIOCLiI CHABO IS. i. Academic D*p., (per half rear) to 3 00 - • College ** " " " 50 e Th»«ech*rre»lccladeßoanJ. Taltloa la -allitadtesre - arn ed of sod all uf which tre 'reaocntly ' cbaratd at" lunraa. * except ilasie. M'dem L^ngatues. 'OromxDectal Bra-icbes and «»a»hla*—the l&at itembeiox 1 cWgsd fifty cenUperdciea. It will be perceived at a gtaoceihai manr who are now ceideetlsKtli* edseaUoa of tbeir daachter* oisht beedecaumtbera at tbe stme 9 cc*t%vhich ther are nov boardlns thea la tie city, wh-leuej tro v op la Uaoracca. ; Fhjsiol, Mental aid Jlor*l Discipline, •- Are all provided for aith!s Initiation. Each Teacher has a 1 ml ed nambtr of the joanx ladles oader her ei peclal c*re. to insare tMlnea fa their habtu. and proprie ty of deportment, forp«rtie-jUr< address the President, W. P. JOMEa, A. M.. >*aa»tcn. felTfgftSr Or. Box 430 ?h!caio. B T H. EBE B D & CO ' S ' * TOOXH-FOWDBB, • A favortteidth every one whe has used lfc Pr:pircdbj > J. 11. REED & CO., Apothecailes, I 1« ASD 146 LAKE BTREET. AtSO— Royca t Easterly's Dentifrice. Qomciri Cherry Paste. ' PettaUer's. Rowland - ! and Baxla'a Odontlne. Odontice » Ulzer. t trawberry aad Borsett's Tooth vass, Caarcoal ' and Rose Paite. A FINE LOT 07 TOOTH BBUSHES. fe!B : ; - JITFORTANT TO FARMERS ' Smt Bctol*U» la Xa»e«ent of the DUay. 1 HUTIKK HADE Iff LESS THAN 4 MINUTES ( Prom SWEET II ILK by ' JOHNSON'S PATENT CHURN!! » . It tares tine and ltbor. It mak9 better Batter. _ 1 It makesper cent sore Butler. I n leave tee Milk perfectly sweet at the ehtxmlne. It Is believed to he pcssible to make Cheeie from the mi* i It saves tbe neeestity of tin pans aad lane cellar ac- COXDaodatloas. v Adlresa aBaPH£*D JOHNSON. _ > Aurora, Kane 00..HL l ' GTA'u for ld«>. Coaoly ll*htl fbr ** BARNEY'S . pXtcnt WIiirPLStKKU." by means Of which the . bone an be tfl*a£uyreJ?a«ed ahoold he become no. paeaitaable. fe2Bwlt* SAWYER, PABKER & CO, ; ComtniHSion Merchants. 258 Oc 2GO Soatta "Water Street. h CHICAGO. ItLIKOB. Prompt neraonal attcntlen siren to the tale of roar. • Grain. HI da Provlsloss. Bee 2«. aad Oooniry . tenerahy. |^arm ' Tinea copy.- 4BNOI»D'3 wbiting fltjid by doz. , orDot isUS2SflsJ chJiS:" * D I« ffligccllmieoug. HIDE STORE. 81./CKBC/,.,. Alios., 801 and atf Somh Wat.r Street, CEIOAOO. ILL. T? REC2TVED IJf BOND T CUSTOM HODSZ, FRENCH KIP a n d C.ILP 9KINS AND ROOT PROMTS CIIIUPED, For the Spring- Trade, "J™ ,T nE t PAR ' 3 M *NCFAOrtJREB3. aad comlcerjtir.rd • lar*e to.nment of SOLELKATUIE OFT2I BEJT TANNAOI3 OAK and UEULOCK DPPEa KIP aail OALF. LININGS, LASTd and FINDINGS. WhichwQlbelaid at tbe loisui m*rkiti>ric4* bj BLACKBURN BROS., At their L?ATHKR AND 111 JEST.IaE. 3)1 Aaa Sonih 1 W S"? rt S- - •'"« brt I C e.VLtSSi? "■ ' a-Th. hUbeu Qsjket pdes uali ta Qub for ' jcM j I, E A T II Ii E!! ] HBBT OLAJg CALTAND RIP fiKISS jost received DIRECT PHO vr FRAHCE * IT JAMBS KELLY & CO., Ml. LAKK-ST. %4t Chleaxo, I1L« Who keep CQCztanUy on hand the lartest stock of Xieather and 2rindinfea To be focndlntbe West. Also, alarxeitociofsaperior LKATOFK and INDIA EC3BER BELTING. All of the above will be sold vrav unr tor cash or aa* proved paper. JAMES KKLL7 A CO^ oc!6 ly-bly7 343 Lake itreeC near the Bridge. •f .Vtir JLot SrAAGLEI) TANS! Jiut Keeehred PETJGEOT'S, CHICAGO VARIETT STOBK. 40 Clark Street 40 [fel7c&tfly] (oil or Carbon Oil Lamps, &t., fee* Tbe city manufacturing cost paay of WaterbaT. Conru hare taken the sto«k ot Jrc. owne«l t>y t>»e lat» Una of t*ARSKS « 93s Jit ke ♦ lU_ and offer GI&AT INDCCEMtNTi TO TUE TBADE. Prices Reduced to Suit the Time*. The Etock eoosista of CoU or Carboa OU and Fluid Laap« *nd Laateraw r-ry exx* vwletf—Ch»n- Oejie s. Hargna L'chta. SiJe. BicH L Rht«. Cacnejs. Wic«», Pc!»ora Pap«r «Itsosfor LaUea felta. Clrcuar Mirrors. Siena in'a Packet Levels. Ac- atmann- Tactarer's prices. Al'O, Cheap fjr C&sh Three Oil Cons holding 80 Gal's—New, And a lot of Smaller Tin Cans, boldlnz frtm K gallon to 10 tailoas. felMm egg J. E JOHNSON. Manager. GREAT COcT SALE OF CLOCKS WATCHES JEWELHIf. Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, FANCY GOODS, &C. JAMES H. HOES, 117 LAKE STREET 117 Will commence from this da'e to ScU at COST fur ThlrtrDays. bis lars# aad extenslre stock cf the named KMds comprisins everytb-na coa'alaed la a nilsT CLASS JiWELar STORE. TOR CASH ONLY. T>e reasoa for so dslnelsto redace u m;eh aa t oajl blehU larce stock before removlnx temporarily for a short time tnattbes'ore be now occuwles may b« n> built in a str'e aad manner becoming cbsicreat Soporlum C.ty cf the West. >be paolic can now avail themselves of an opport initr nerer be'ore offtred of seiectiae trom tblssplendid stock of goods, aach as they may desire ailesj tricej tb-m h icener.viy raid at auction saiea and naveamacb better to inspect Uie goods and make selection*. The Ladies will let this rare opportunity pass wiaiont aecurinK some of tbe beaottral comiixia* lrictriia stock. Kemenbe- the place. No. 117 Lake street. Cblcaao. DL ncSuam-bttJO JAM Ed H. HUS3. BOOTS AND SHOES. ItESdCOVAL. j We have removed to oar new vresilsej, 28 Lake Street 28 Where, wit 1 ) increased room an 3 facni'lea we srepreparedto show oar old friecjj &ni all wiaiii k to puxcbi*e, the lar^eitana stock of BOOTS AND SIIuES £v«r bi-nacht to tkls mark't. !rt> cIVTSm DOfiflETT. BA3 q ETT A HTT.LfI. Articles of diet for invalids AND CHILDREN. We would ln>lte attention to oar complete assorlmct of theae articles. consxdLKOf BISCOTINE, ■ BEOMA, CHOCOLATE. ABROW ROOT, BARLEY, GROATS. ALKATHEPTA, tcC, &iC. All of which we can recommeod as perfeclv pare and fres'i. "AiSSY Jt MS«i. ft 9 Ilorceipathle Pbaraacn. t6a Clark-et. Notice.— TifE tnuersigne >, on the Ist of Janovr 1&50. withdrew from Otok. Cro'hcr A Co. where Iwo Cliemiral Dyer ana Paring, and have openrda 1 FAJiCY STEI3I DTE E3TiBLISU9E.VT, 193 South Clark Street 105 [Betaeen Mocroe and Adimj 1 Where I am prepared to Dye and Clean 811k. Satin and Woolen Dre»ses and Shawls: neatte.sea*s Coats. V*tsti * and r«ati.ta every style desire i. Carpet* cleaner. Lace Curtalas clewed and bleached atreuaced pricei. AM goods wanaat<d to look well cr on pay. ft»cl8» ty SiDSwV SAHSCU. Hardware stock.—we o*ffr for Baleo3fa*ora>leterms to aropoatlble party a wdi selected itotk of lIISDWA&E, STOVE?, ISO*, &e M toretherw'ththe rood will or tbe buslceia. It Is the bettci* din a llturl-blsg oiunty sea* aad baa direct railroad comcuslcation wl !i cLlcvo AUo with ttie will be ao d the Stare—a comer threesturv Qreoroof bulMlna iJ*l'ofett Apply to feicltftim I'd Lake street Kerosene, or Coal Oil. A NEW SUPPLY. The Very Best Article in the Market. Far sale by LEWIS St PAGE, 103 - - - Souili Wator-SX. ... 103 [fcs c 172 Ira) IRISH MOSS. Shred aud Mieet Isinulass, TAPIOCA, FRESH HOPS, Coxe's Gelatine, SAGO, OAT MEAL, CONCENTRATED EXTILVCT OF LEMOX, S.IBGENT & ILSLET, Apothetaries, fe3cl£B t4O L*k» street. ME YE R'S Miraculous Vcrmiu D^^troyer, For the Deatntctlon of Rats,' Kllce, ITloles, Buss, ITlosqnitocs, Uoacbew, Fleas, Cloths, Garden loseets, Ants, Ac. Tn E cnEincAX. I^EPAR^VTIOXS ksownoaderthe above title for tie laat a yeara throuabout tarupe. where they bav» met with a txium. pha-.t success, have «rqairei for tbelr Inventor and Manofacsurerawßrid-wUecelebrity. attested by tn« Uc f nerors if Russia. France. Austria. Uie (Jaeen of tnx landthe Kin** of Uelfdtun. Hrlland. Saples. BaT&ria. Saauny. 4c.: ana In Amenca their efficiency has been endorsed by the Directors o' PaMie Instltoflons acd the approval of camer«us private cilizens. that tbey are . tbe onlv remed!es In the world tore to exterminate all 7 kinds of vermin. Meyer's Precaraticna destroy the unwel* coiae intruders without mercy, aad never faiL His art tias death to milliaas of them in the world, and from this day the watcb-wotd of an housekeepers, mer chanta, ship-owners, and husbandmea will be itomore vermin." CVKetslluacks«es from 35 cents to 11.00 Te*3lS—Six months, or fire per cent, off for c*ih tao acenta. Depot ot the inventor and proprietor. JOSKPiIUKTE*, Practical Chemist Eli Broadway, (cor. Hcuston-suJNew York. General Ajrent fbr tue United e tales aad Can ad* FESDtiUCK V. KL'SHrON Unugist. No. 1«> Astor House, ajd 417 Broadway. N.T. de3o bBCo 6a OMETHING NEW !!! _ MITCHELL'S PATENT r Metallic-Tipped Boot and Shoet 1 An Improvement has been arpTled to Boots aod by whicb a Oteat Savics ta Expense Is made. Every boot and shoe dealer kaowt that children wilt wear cut at the toe the best-constructed shoe tn from four to tlx weeks, and that it *i «a t. Itberto defled tne aklu of maonfao» 5 toreu to obriaJe ihlsditScolty. THE - 4 HETALLIC TIP " meets and overcomes it. A ruall piece of copper is neat'yfawened to the toe of the boot or shoe, affordimr a oomplete ore lection to it. aad renderioa the efforts of the most inveterate stamper Ineffectual to kick or wear it ' We present tils Invention witla the tullest knowledge of and experience ia Iu Practical Utility. Having now for nearly two yean been subjected to the severest testa. It has. oy ita own Intrinsic merits, acraally sormonnted every objection that could possibly b« brought acainst it, > as the accompanying certiflcatea. which are but a fair av , erase of hundreds of othera. will abundantly corroborate. ; We oav no he«itation in sirnx that the UetUlic-Tipped I Shoe la destined to entirely supercede, for Children and Youth, the oi ' et»le: aad we conitJer It a moderate sUtemec.t. that one pair c f the Metallic Tips will ontwear two to three ra!r« of the old style, making a savins of neady two-thirds in the cxamm of shoes. ! Mtssrs. WADSWORTII k WELLS, or Chltl^o, HaVebeen appelated Agents for th> sale of the Boota and Shoes, and are autoodaed to dapase af lowa and County Blshts. communications addressed to them or the undersigned will receive proper attention. wuireceif v XILA&& McSIHNKY A CO^ 46 A 50 Water st* Boston, ilui If. B.—This Invention ia a complete protection from the cuttinc of t&e Prairie tjraasea. asd la especially adapt* edto Miners' use.and all occupations whlcn pa:tlcularly expose the toe of the boot or shoe to belex cot or worn. i^aiv-c£l FOREST lIiTY . WATER CUKE. CLEVELAND, OHIO* mHIS INSTiTDTION IS DELIGHT* 1 oatsklrtsofa wuhia tbe limit* ot Ci* city ot Cleveland and -}j tmlea from tbe Poc: OAce. The boil-ling is otrw, of bnck. and furnisbed in the best style, Tbe bath rooms are aoppliefl with pure.soft »:>rios water. The patronage wQicb this esiabllsliicent la at retreinitj fn in Chicago eitics, ia * tUiterlnj r*cnuiac:nJ4t:on ot lupopulantyand floonihlag roodiumi. I»r. (ir«u aad lady, iota crly of tbe View WsirrCure uearCbi ea;o. arfcossected with thistusUln'.r^n. LeUTSOf inquiry U)«sU3<-rot;be FcjfxUus, will r» eelvepromptaUenuoa. I)R. CI. W. JAMK.4 K. t;SU»S, M. D ti|4frlU Dk. J. H. A. H. TAYLOR St CO., Dealers la Dimension & Babble Stone, FHOM 40LEBT T T T TT ' nTg - •' JoOetoOeeatthetrQuarries., ; .■■ • •. Chlcaro office and yard. Charles StreaL betveca Tn m— «yif< e* iatk : WfilUT " ■ 'in TONB 3IOILY SHKAO, SALS ivj kr IAWTXX. rum LOO. LIIIM Ittcbictneg fet. B Colds, Coogh^, rAfltbma, ' Catarrh, iDflaeDza, Km. Bronchitis, , Uoarwness, ] Bore Throat, t JVhooping Conch, { incipient Conflnmptioa, Brown's ilroiichial Troches. oornraar stjcßin, t S&'PtiZ&V* *^ of of Ch ?® la the Qlerk-s i _ Owlet Courtbf the DIA. of Maeachasetrs. great sad sad-*so changes of ear • OQr «s of Pulmoaarvaad Bioncblal I l.»; «. *• Brperieoee bavins proved thai rinale reaw 1 d . u * wrUl aly whea taken la the i f,S owoon® should at once be i ih.«. n n.v.^^. , .P roo< i lll ? i Troctea *" Los«o«at,lei I bll~.£Ts* _ r lnlUtlon of ihethmat be ever so sUsht, as I al> wsrtedtff * mor * Krioa *a'** 6 *°uybetffecta- i Brown's Bronchial Troches, 2£n5 rfl Ooagh. Col L Hosrsfaea sndlnfloensa. lrnutiiporS.reaeisef ibe ihroat, ! rw"sf}}" i H *fklo«Coo«a la Consamntloa. yHtUtra BfO' c lUi asthma »nd Catarrh jSTi y io the voice of Srngerx iw inoiapensable to Public Speakers, Brown's Bronohial Troches. [Prom Rev. Heiry Ward Be>eher. who has used the Troches for five yeare.] Thaveaeverchaaxtd my mind ren>ecUrg them from thv first, except to thdik yet beiter of tha. ehxh 1 benn thinking well of. ia ail of my leetaria* tours I have pot "troches'tato my carpet bsaaa rtsulanyasldo lectures o lint n. Ido azt bent* te Co say that la so far as I have - aa epportanlty cf compsrisfla. yoor irocha are nre-eml ntnuy the best and ihe first of t&e great Lt-sengeSchooL" Brown's Bronchial Troches. [Proa Rev. E. H. OhA«ln.D. D, New York.] I consider jour Lrstoges sn excelleot Article for Vii-lr panoses. And recommend their use to Pabllc BpeAkers Brown's Bronchial Prom Mr. C. It Gardner. P indpal of the Ratger's Pe mal'lattltate. New Yo>k,l "I have beea alU'eted wlj> tbe Bronchitis daring the put winter, ana foasd no relief until 1 fbusi year Trtches," Brown's Bronchial Troches. Children laboring Coojrh. XXtcoplag C?a*h, cr Hovsaesi, are particularly adapted, on ac count of their soothiog and dema'ceot properties. As* sU'inc espect rstloa, and Accamulitloa of phietm. Sola by • PENTON A CO, 04 Lake Street 94 OPPOSITE TREMONT HOUSE. Win §^wVvc\m < s 124 Lake Street: THE GREAT WESTERN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PATENT .lIEUICI.TTE DEPOT. Vlf yoa want a remedy! fur your Cough so m Boujcy, gairra x caii 12* LAke street- EWIf yon wa&t a remedy to purify the Blood so to Lake st. BOLLBS. SMITH Aoa BP" If yoa want a Pever and A cue remtdy go to BOLLEH. SMITH A Ca, LH UkHl Vlf yoa WAnt a Hal Res tot stive or Hair Dmsins. go to B OLLES, SMITH A 00m U4LAke4U IVIf yru want a Rheumat ic Pt'l or Llatameat, go to KOLLKS. SMITH A 00. 134 LAke-«t. I nrif yoa want aVemedi for i Ml<*s go to BOLLBS, SMITH A CO. U4Laab-«. yoa wsnt a HslrDye —warranted, g) to BOLLQ. a*ITU k Qo~ ia« ui»«. you WAnt a Purgative or cathartia Plil to to 8., a 8, A Ca's. 124 LAke street, nrif yoa WAnt a Fain KB. lerorPala Extractor go to BOLLKS. SMITH A CO., l«4LAke-st, CF~If yoa wsnt some Tonlo biuersorSchel <AmScbnspps so to BOLLKfI, DMITH A CO.. U4 lake street. CThFor Doponco'A Clark's And Chee«a>an*s female Pil'« go to BOLL EH. SMITH A 00 M ti* lake street, Coagh Candles or rulmontc Wafers so tt 13t Lake sL, BOLUE&BMITH A 00. Powder. Pute or w«h ft«r the Teeth go to ROLLR& SitirH A CO, Ul LakMV. tyPor a Liver And Dyspt> tie Remedy, go to BOLLES. SMITH A UU. 134 Laama, Ur~Y: r Vermifttge And Dys feptic Pemedy. go to lit Lu eat, BOLLES. hmtth 4 CO M IULAkfr«. DTFor strengthening Plas. ters of All klaos so BuLLIOS, SMITH A CO.. 134 Laahl a Remedy fcr All filvate Diseases to 134 UkMwBOLLXS. SMIfH A a Remedy for Dis esses of the Sun go to BOLLEB. SMITH A Oa. 194 Lako^i. Fancy Soapa Bntsfa eisndToll't Artirles go to BOLL IS. SMITH A CO., Ut Lake-it. Hadkerehlef Ex. tracu aad Perfumery go to ttOLLES. SMITH A 00- 134 Lake-n. Trasses, Shoulder braces and Abdumlcat sup porters. They are ageata fbc the manufacturers aad will st 11 at low urices. BOLLBL SMITH AO.W take-sL Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Fold by BOLLBS, SMITH A CO-134 Lake street. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Sold by E. T. W ATKINS A COm SO Slate sUeeC Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Sold by J. H. REBD A CO.. I<4 aad 14S LAke street, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Poldby HAYEN. PARREL A CO.. 77 Wsler street. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, , Fsld by SARQENT A IL3LBY. 141 LAke street. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, So!d by J. B. 8. PULLER A 00., 37 Wster street. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, ?o!d by BOCKFE. INNQ A CO- SI Wster street, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, ' Sold bj L. RKAD k CO.. 93 Lftka atreet, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, ' SoldbjO. F.»CLLia*CO. ; Hostetter's Stomach Betters, HAve. for their. Tosle aad other Medicinal Ylrtnes, be* eome so celebrated aad popaUr, thAt unprincipled par. | ties here aad elsewhere hsre coantofelked them exteo ilve'y. and to prevent deception we refer purcnasers to i the above parties for the genuine or to the pnv orietors. ; Hostetter A Smith, \ jaS eSHm PItTSBURQH. PA. ' "\.f OTHERS, AS TOU LO7E YOUR iv 1 ChQdrea. be on the alert for every am atom of 1 Worms, for worms cause the death e'«ye than any other diseases. In all esses DEAD SHOT ° f pa!c countenance, livid UXjAM »nvt elrde arooßd eyes, and foul breath give HoLLO FOB WA Y'H VBOIT ABLB WORM CONPBOTIONSL WO "D W| Q f They are a detldous sresa. 1/ AJUO. ratloaofßacarth«tanyctoM ; wQI crave. If worma arepreaent, they will safely and et feeta illy remove them aad rtatore health In all casta. Worms! Worms!— I These troublesome tnfesta 01 the stomach ssdbowels of children have At last ftrond thei? i match la a matchless preparation called " Holloway's Worm OonfecUou." which Is lu the form of a ptessant and agreeable candy. Tbe little children affected with worma. which heretofore turned op their naeee and sputtered aad cried about the administration of the nauceous stuffi under the name of Yermlfoce, will open their little months with ecstacy to thank the Inventor formtking a pleasant care for oae of the moat trouble some diseases Every bo* warranted. __ Sold by B JLLES. SMITH A CO deSi 134 Lake sL. Agents for Northwertem States. 1>B« G. J* Lk£D*9 : QUININE SUBSTITUTE, Or, JTERVE TO.YIC, WILL CUSI FEVER AND AGUE. Also, yellow, chagres and Panema Psveri cas often be prevented by the ase of tais Invaluable reotedy. Tbe recipe Is froai a very e»lebrated Ptusidsn after thirty-five years exaerlenee la BoscitalsAadcrlvatepracticeia New York ultr. and has been tested la at sectloas of the^ country dailac the past six years with the most wonderrhl sacce—. In the western aad Bjuthweatern country, where Pever and Agae pre rail It has Accomplished much by curinx the disease as well as renoratinr and reeuperathif tbe sys tem already abauered by the ase ef Quinine. Morphine and Mercury, or -rora too free ase of the trashy nostrums such as sre <ully being forced opa the unsaspectmx at* valid. To all cufferlnx from prostration after disease I recommend and gaaraatee this Medietas as a perfect T nic. To travellers in anhealtky cdmstes, I would ase the words of the well known Oaptain Joha W. Mansen, aow of a Liverpool Packet Line, a d many yean in the Soathcm and South American Coasting trade. "I would as soon thlak of going to seawtthoitf » radder ae without the Quinine Babstiute." J. H. HAZARD. Proprietor 131 Maiden lAae, Newvork. • PentoD* itoblneon * Wholesale Agents, 15 South Water street. Cbicaeo, EL de«*-bTa-tA»34 » WEIGH AND CONSIDER.—A3f HONEST QUAKERTB ADVICE TO OONBUMPnYXB— one moment In this great aad best Ooush of t netdevah tor as oeAijy ssthjaart gone thy eeedltioale net mere hopefess than artae waa-and ae thea kaewrnVf have beea restored to robast heaMh, aa well m UMgaaAi of others, whoee testimony thoawut findwtthae bob Tteastt —yy aeAba laodve* ii r 4 oo._. Ma UtUktarafc Jttf&icincs, &c, \ PSR*BOTLy TEICHPHATI.T bbmedt FOE ALL DISEABBS ARISING gFEOM MALARIA; FaHicnlmrly TOVBU and AOIHJ. aad M <Hie*»es art Bin* from that SJf T 7.?° PJ ,Te "»«r produced by the J2JJirfhVj?t«h£L? # <rt u diseased or HTS e g l t *f?s rne p t . of tiie mioea. or Ague Oaks "* j 5* » 9W- ioterruiuin*. Kem'tteot Fevers. Ss2"i??hS'^^S!l^* e *ff* i ri,ln * » buttons eonitl tloa efl&e system lt» iasredieata are ill vecetable. sad harmless in thHr e!Te :■*. jw.l perfectly ee'- care.. ReaJef, if too desire to tare no • n uJ Kis£.'S d ert ?. ){ ?' bedth. take |t \t nrjce, Instead of those things which only palliate while they do aot cere, MIUR4 a W UIIIU "]• F ' b - »■1»». .■So. * * CO.-Gmis: Wetiadjour Ague Balsam superior to aay remedy la oar market for .. COr< i ? * il m » l 'f'ooj disease*. We * orU ' u Tery truly jours, RICHARDS A TH JMAfI. &.£ ! *™ wel .' »l*b !»• remedial vir- IS 1 " oon,m " ul " ». S. HACK EDO M. D. M. *#i«m *"77o*. Tnrt.. ISM. nifflas. 8. k. Mans * uo.—tfe/»u.* huvip* told Tour Ague Baiatm for toe past ihrea years to soores of £2l?** d ? u '» «nde.owJy observto* Its effects l '' ,Iy,M "" * lb- beit remedy fwrSdMt.i'rtffoatfSL Truly nan, PUILLHAN A REARNS. Drmlits. n» issw ih In''-. Sept. 13,1K4. J—Plea«e»«i 1 me one-half grots word of year Agae Ba>sam Imnetlately ItUtn Beat dnois± MwMTO.Mii.ll,'s, or 4 J. LYTLE, Phjiicliit ud Dnitlii. M (MM • ip w L .^i ro i^!ws n<^, «* n ' MEsSks. b. Jt MANN k OO . Gallon. Ohl«.—GenU • I havsu>say that l have for several m nths beeo com. pletcly prostrated b» chili. fever tod sgue, aed aa 1 »l«e family who were dependent opoo my lat>G* for their exlitecu*. I hare tned >u all the «ne re« 2! dies In mi rwcfL [aai they are bat I foanVaon® to cor« until I ued your 4gae UaUam I Akook. or had ap-nicje of tlaee the Sm the third bottle. I weoot b.rß d th o^ e U^ m eT n .?flr^ dlAß, Tow* im\t % G. P. WOOD. I <k CO., Proprietor*, Gallon, o. I . St - Tottlf. Mo, Sol# Wkc>leaUe "*«*tera statu* and TcrrUort**, and aoiibyalicood dnuxlait. iaiii'm THE LIVES. INVIGORATOK PUPAIKD BY DB. SANTORD. COMPOFSDKD ETTTttELT JkOS CF3?, IS ONE OF TUE BEST TUROATIVH aad LIVTtS HtDIGINU now before the pubUo. «a»t reaoyei . Osedo«eoneD reseated aU eaybld or bad miiteri • l U a «tr© eur« for t'be(»- tenUttmUß. rapDli-; ft* ra .>|orb«a, aod a »re> healthy flow of bile, la *ia-t i oratlns the itomach.' fi 1 Only one bottle 1» need eaoriuf Itod to (Hjr««V ed U} thxov oat ofvhem v«U. •■rirytqg tfifcj Cj .temthe eflectt of medl bttMM, tone and! IdaeafleraloccaiakDeM health to the whole ma-, . ; .... . ohlaetr. remoTln* the* « I taken foe «au* of the dIMMe-«f-i Jaoodlr* removes all fedlnga radicaleuro, m+ '»"ovnna or an natural Bnnoa aturki laj PP UfUm. cured.ind.MtW j 0a« doie taken athort presented by the ocra': y 'time before eattot dves llonsi BMOftheLlTwln-j .vtior io th« appetite ud Vlcomor. rH !oakes the (ood di«Ml One dots After eatina' I" 1^ot.rT™^ Only on edoee taken be- vjuowtl Comptalan im rstlrlns, Mrtaau M .yteld almost to ths firsl rtrtfm, u dose. Only on® dose taken At * -«n— nlghMooseas the bowais K£« ad oam i bsorbanta. * Oee dove taken after -• each meal will esreDy* UU iß>nui£ndl£c this 9*prt»> icine h a DrcreotatiT* !r"". o* "' Suioi" orveMea l-H u operates with _Galy oae doee lmme-l >e«rulßty, a&dthoassods amely rellsres «• wlliioic to tettiry to While | 'Us wonderful Tlrtues. lUi WHO U9JI IT *** aiTDTO THS2S UVANIMODI TESTIMONY I2f ITS TA7OB. m~ UU water faa the month with the Inyiiorator, md swallow both toctkhar. met on ootXAA rta Borrta. Dr. BANFOSD. P'oprietor, No. 34& Broadway. New York. RetalliNi by all Dntnrista Bold, alfo, by BOLLK. SMITH A CO.. 1« Uke-at.. and PAHNXSTOCa k DAVIh. trll l»-un81 11* lUwrfftlnh rt'Mi Real Estate. ANTED TO EXOHANGS TOR A COT les!deac«.A HOMESTEAD, OoMlsttn* of A Two.«torr Milwaukee Srica Uoase, Cat bol)dlaa> Yard and Garuen. all ia complete order, local ed taoos of those beautiful andhealtliy Lake Towasla Wlaeonais, only 60 milee from this city oa the lino or the - LAks Bhare ftauroad. Alio wanted to sell or exahaa* for city property, WiMO&iixt T&mi&g and Pini Loads. Tor addrws PostOfllce Box IMB. TT S. GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING * AGENCY. TheSqbcalb«rharicx badmuch practical erreriwcela SBLECTINd AND LOOATINO LANDS, In the various L»od Districts In the Westera Plates fcas . unusual facilities for mskla*. raloable serlectiou FOR LAND WARRANTS OR OA^H. Choice Selections msy now be made la i IOWA, WISCONSIN AND MISSOURI, Persons having Wsrrants csn have them Located la their Own Name, /tad 40 per Cent, Profit Cnara&tMdt Payable In One Year. Wlscoastn and Illinois LauUs ior sale low for Cirt. Money hiTested la Kansas and Nebraska. 8. SALISBORY, Land Locatln* Acent, aolstfßly «• Clark street, Ohlca^o, ; (fibmatianal. _ : ' 1 cr _ . at CUcaco, New York. Philadelphia, Albany Buffalo, Cleveland aad Uetrolt. Pcholorthio good thro' the entire Chala. Cootolldationof " Brjaot A Htrattoa's Mercantile College** aad -Heirs Commercial Oolltge.' now ooadoeted asone IcstitaM n onuer th«* mbj ana ■tile of PBYANT, BELL A Dishy V. He I Joint Proprietor aad Associate Principal of Cblcsco Col leee. Circular »a Catalogue of «) rws famished gra* taibmsly oa spplleatioo i- the |iScm)illv 17 HItTA!Tf. BKLL A STUA Pf^N. next Tern will a eminence on Mond- y. V«brnsry "th, A. J. BAWYIR, A. M.. will c< mtaue to receive only twenty-five pupils Into his schwlst his residence, • 111 Moan>e street, aod he wlihes no* sto apply for ad mimloa ualew they aredetermlntsl'o -« well Tor •beta tdves. for the auvaacemect of thoie admitted no rale s will be roslred by the tea hera I^l ' CJALI3BCRY MANSION' SCHOOL, LIN O COLN SQUARI. WOaCKBTHI. MASH. A tint-Class Boarding aod Hay Fchool for Yoang iju.fuu.. y uKA Principal. t Rarsancta !■ Cbicaoo:—Wm. B. Ogden Esq: H«v. ' Wm. w. Psttoa: J I>. Webber. Rsq.: Lather Hsveo, Bw.: Wot. H. >*«»•, Em., aspt. I'ub. Bcbjois: w. B. Lounsbury, ksq.; John r. Chap In, Esq.; J. Youns ?cmra. » t * q - iaM3m__ ©ptictaus. t , EY JE AND EA K . > DB. C.IDKIIWOOD, T ATE PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON TO I j the Oothalmlc aad Aural loatltule of LoulsvU'i*. ' iff whote reputation Is so well known throughoat tbe Uoltf i «uie< for »kl<l aid suc:ess, as sn operatrrou th* BTE AND V*™, h»s now b««n In this city ten montflj. durtatf ahicn unt he has trealeil Flth a toccesi l truly sstnaUh'n*. KLKVEN UUSUEKO aajl KIUUrY -B*vEN PaTiENtS many of whom hiul beea t> tally Blind fbryears. saJ others wbow vlsloa wssdlm «a<l ob. •oare fro* »nng cootlaaed iodammailoa of ibe lie's, have beramsdato see; and oihrts. who h»«l beea cn. trely deaf for aiaay yeara have heen iestored to htar ► iajr.aztdsewaloth«rswho hal brei Deaf and Dumb frOMtafkncy have been nude to hear and sjeak—aa operation beltevel to have never bef re been tcc;rss< ftil y performed byanrdorgeoo oatae American Oonti atni. T' ebest p«y>t however. i»f ibe s skill aa»l profldeney lis that his nnms are ooatiau*Uy 'hruosedby . tbe arrival of aew pat'eota aot oaly from this aad the adjo r nlo( State*, hut maay of them came from d.staat » Booth em and Btste/n Bt*tef. f Tae Doctor never h»e n>>rwUibeia fntcre mue any t cbarse for strvlces which are not *u craVnl. I f e lj tj oyy.C< Ar 71 KOUTH QHRK« ! jg IGfl T AND HKA U I NG.- 1 DH. P. A. OADWELL, 07 TOHOHTO O. W. Tbe BmlasatandSklllfnl Operator on tha , EYE AITD At the MATT WON HOC3C- Chicago. 11L. Is working miracles la the way of t estcrtog KOST SIGHT AND IIBASING* Upwards of Oae Hnadred and Tweatv-Plve Patients have beea r eelvedby Dr.C within the last fourweeks, maay of whom have beea bUai for mnoibs and yeanu while others, who hAte long beea lufferers, have had their flieases removed. _ , The b««t proof as to bow Dr. C. s services are appreci ated Is. thai he Is daily recelric* new puleais frotn all aad fllimls»lrg. as cored, hla eaily No eelan&lred fcr aaixaalnsiion or oplnloo. and NoChar*efor«rr'c B thata e"ot SaceessfuL sswlll ho staled whea the patleat Is tecdved. Ur, Cadweli'a Treatise oa the Kye aad Bar oa application as above. ft7cl73dA»fla QH 10 AGO OHAKITABLK BYE AND EAR INFIRT9ABT* Diipen»ii'jr of the Inflrmary Opei Et Ml SoralßS froa 111-21» 121-3 o'dk VOR GRATUITOUS TR2ATMXHT 01". > e roer affected with diseases of the Tje and Sat, Vo. 90 Varth CUrk Street, Cor.Xichigan. bavM>-Wt Newberry, Prpldeat: 0 V Dr«r And L Havssu Y. Presidents; 3 atone, Secretary A Treasarrr: JQBtesle. RrrN hlice.l>d7S"rv w Bsttt. PCarpeo* ter, W ÜBrawn.BßMeCaga. FMoeeiy, MBkinaer. Qpii.ctnsqiauaaTitf Prof D BrsJnsrd. MD, Prof J W iraeL MD. aSmbmq Bcaa*oai-B L Holmea. UD.WH Baltaeß, touis MAUSS, Practical Optician, (Lata with BcaJ. Pike A Coaa, N. T.,) T9..—......J0UTH CLARX STRBXt, 7® Opposite Ujs Court House, **tss». apd Q—lus BBAgTfaTAN FEB* KR WBCTAOLiB WslMilly oa hand. Also, an nM •« ilw km* Mn Tort n(Mi.