Newspaper Page Text
BY TELEGRAPH. TO THE PRESS AND TBIBVNE. Sptrial ttessiuce from (he PmUeit of tte lolled States, CENTRAL AMERICA AND MEXICO WAOTiKOTOJf, Feb. IS.—The President tcwiay transmitted a message to CoDpreM, u follow*: To the JStnale and JJoute of JZeprtieidative* : Tbe brief period which remains of yonr pres ent seaaion, and the great urgenej and import ance of legislative actipn before its termina tion, for the protection of American citizen! and their property, whilit in transit across the lath inns between our Atlantic and Pacific posses sions, render it my datj to recall this subject to yonr notice. I bate heretofore presented it in my annual messages ol December 1857 and 1855, to which I beg leare to refer. In the lat ter I stated that the Executive Government of this country, in its intercourse with foreign na tions, is limited to the employment of diploma* cy atone^—where this fails it can proceed no far ther. It cannot legitimately resort to force without the direct authority ol Congress, ex cept in resisting and repelling hostile attacks. It would have no authority to enter the Ter ritories of Nicaragua, even to prevent the de struction of the transit, and protect the* lives and property of our own citizens on their passa ges. It is true that on a sudden emergency of this character, the President would direct any firmed force in the vicinity to march to their relief, but in doing this he would be acting upen bis individual responsibility. Under these circumstances 1 earnestly recommend to Congress tlic passage or uu act authorizing tho President, u&dcr such restrictions as they may Uwtu proper, to employ the land and naval forces of tbe L uited States in preventing the transit from being obstructed or closed by lawless vio lence, aud in protecting the lives and property of American citizens traveling thereupon; requiring, at the same time, thut lbe*e forces bliall be with* drawn the moment the danger shall have jia-scd away. Without racli a provision, our ciiizcni will be cousiact/y exposed to interference in tbeir progress by lawless violence. A timilar necessity exists for the passage of such an act lor the pro tection of the Panama and Tehuantepec route*. Another subject equally important demand the attention of the Senate, at this, and tbe last aession of Congress. The republics south of tbe United States, on this continent, have unfortu nately, been in a state of revolution and civi! war ever since tbey achieved tbeir indepen dence. An one or another party has prevailed and obtained possession of their ports open to foreign commerce, tbey have seized and confis cated American vessels and their cargoes in an arbitrary and lawless manner, end exacted from tbe American citizens by forced loans and other violent proceedings, to enable them to carry on hostilities. Tbe Ex ecutive Governments of Great Britain, France, and other countries possessing the war making i»ower; can promptly employ the necessary means to entorce immediate redress for similar outrages upon their subjects. Kot so the Ex ecutive Government of the United States. If tbe President orders a vessel of war to any of these ports to demand prompt redress ior outrages committed, the offending parties are welt aware that the commander cou/a do no more than remonstrate. He can resort to no hostile act; the question must then be referred to diplomacy, and in many cases adequate re dress can never be obtained. Thus American citizens are deprived of tbe same protection un der tbe Hag of their own country, which the subjects of gtber nations enjoy. The remedy for this state of things can only be supplied by Congress, since the Constitution has .confided to that body alona the power to make war. Without the authority of Congress, the Presi dent cannot lawfully direct any force, however near it may be to tbe scene of difficulty, to enter the Territory of Mexico, or Nicaragua, or ft'ew Granada, for the purpose of defending the i persons and property of American citi- 1 sens, even though they may be vio- : ieotly assailed whilst passing in peaceful , transit over tbe Tebauntepec, Nicaragua or : Panama rontes. He cannot without transcend ing bis constitutional power direct a gun to be tired into a port, or land a seaman or marine to protect the lives of our countrymen on shore, or to obtain redress for a recent outrage on their property. The banditti which infest our neigh boring Kepnblica of Mexico, always claiming to belong to one or the other hostile parties, might make a sudden descent upon Vera Cruz or tbe Tebauntepec route, and be would have no pow er to employ a lorce on shipboard in the vicin ity for tbeir relief, either to prevent the plun der of our merchants or the destruction of tbe transit. g|ln reference to countries where the local an where this is not tbe tEe 0 itiesdo not possess the physical power, even if they possess the will to protect onr citizons within their limits recent experience bas shown that the Executive should itself be au thorized to render this Drotection. Such a grant of authority thus limited in its extent could in no just sense be regarded as a trans fer of tbe war making power to the Executive but only as an appropiate exercise of that power by tbe body to whom it exclusively belongs. Tne riot in Panama in 1856, in which a great number ot our citizens lost tbeir lives, furnishes a pointed illustration of the necessity which may nrise lor the exer cise ot authority. 1 therefore earnestly recom mend to Congress, on whom the responsibility exclusively rests, to pass a law before their ad journment, conferring on the President the power to protect tbe lives and property of Amer ican citizens in thecases which I have indicated, under such restrictions and conditions as tbey may deem advisable. The knowledge that such a law exists would ol itself go far to prevent tbe outrages which it is intended to redress and ren der the employment of force unnecessary. Without this the President of the United Slates may be placed in a painful situation before the meeting of the next Congress. In the present condition of Mexico, and one or more of the other of us, no person can fore see what occurrences may take place before that period. In cafjo of emergency, our citizons, coring ib il they do n '1 oiijsy the same protection with the Kultjec'.s of European Governments, will have ju-t wse to complain. On the other Intnl. >hould tlie Executive interpose,andosjh-cinlly nbould there- Hult prove ilisa*tr<»UH, and valuable lives be lost, lie might hulyi'ii himself to severe censure lor having assumed a power not confided to him l»y the Constitution of the United States, it ib to guard against such a contingency that I now appeal to Congress. Having thus recom menced to Congress a measure which I deem necessary and expedient for the interests and honor of our country, 1 leave the subject to their wisdom and discretion. _ James Uuczzakav. Wtuhinyion, Feb. 16, 1659. XXX\lii CONGRESS—-SECOND SESSION. Washington-. Feb. 18.—[Senate ]—The only thing ot interest which transpired during the inoruing hour, was a bill reported by Mr. Polk from tbe Committee on Foreign Relations, to pay Mr. Squires, our late Charge at Guatemala, the sum ot $4,600 as compensation for extra services This bill provoked much discussion for aud ugtuußl it, liui no decision was come to. _ Mr. Hunter tried to have tlic Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation bill considered, but lir was out-rated—2B oguiust 21 In favor of tlic Private calender—wincli was proceeded with. After tbe passage of a few private bills, an important special message waa received from tbe 1 resident, asking Congress to confer on iim tbe power to nse tbe armr and navv to ' protect the transit route. 1 Tie message was debated by Messra. Mason and Douglas, more or less in its favor, and bv Messrs. beward and Fessenden thoroughly against granting the powers asked. t Without action tbe Senate adjourned. a Hocse-—-Tbe House went luto committee on ( the Army Appropriation bill. Mr. Stanton's amendment to strike out the an f be proposed to test the ol members as to whether Uiey ' iZw IT. i'! 01 ! ° r „ ,!jc r considered. £ Wnring the debate, Mr. Lovrioy, of Illinois said - lie wanted to hit the army between the bonis, to aa to have merely a skeleton bung up for the 4 He was credibly in. ' lormed and believed that tbe anny was u-ed to = get up war, and garrisons to advance the mice of town lots. Some months ago there was a mat S? ' lu "n™s_cric3 that theyouglit to lie exterminated, because they preferred white c concubines to black. [Laughter T fil "fL™ proceeding to reply to Mr. Letcher* re- F marks or yesterday about nationality, when lie »i ca . llcd «o ortjf l>y Mr. Pbelps for irrelevancy. , Mr. Lovejov said a point or order always coniw . from the vast deep when tho harpoon touches tbe c ' blubber. jj Mr. Phelps, joining in the laughter, raid lie n, insisted upon an observance of the Mr. Stanton** amendment was rejected—aves 5: lara not counted. _ did nut desire onr army to be like the militia of Mlssiiglppi, which, according to an 8 ' <edlu»r in that State, had an abundance of officers * c but no privates. (Laughter.) . Mr. Davis replied that the people of his Stat* are able todefend themselves withoutaimTaSSrt ® northern or foreign invaders with lb Mr. CominH did not intend to reflect on the neo- ac ple of Mississippi 1 lc Mr. Washbume, of Illinois, moved an amend- aent providing for the guarding of the military . reservations against the depredations of trespasi & ere. Rejected. r y\ Mr. i-aulbier offered an amendment abolishing W1 Ulcre cxist » tbrougbont the country a strong impression that Brevet rank is to Amoral*,ng, and leads to Mr. Bonbnm opposed the amendment for the reason chiefly that it would cut down pay o °r d , tbe commanding General, who had fairly won » eV S, '" d oVwm *< The amendment waa rejected, by 42 acainat 80 4c ® en " " Cre we Nichols, of Ohio, asked leave to offer the fol 12 Jowing: iUI In the correspondence of the t»i Toik Daily Timet of the 16th, signed F., and abS « in Ibe correspondence of other panera, it in charged that a member or the Committee on iZ eoimts lias nude a bargain to reo lve as a cnutidl wa eraUon for passing certain claimß therein, and that n, Bubseqnently the said member demandi d money lor his services; and is further af. Til teged that a member of said Committee compelled 1 claimant to agree to give him a portion of the vti bills pasßea before tbe Committee in consideration , or their Therefore, mL - V D ' • Tfcs Speaker decided the resolution in order. Mr. Leleher ot Vs., suggested a committee of ono, who could sooner get through the business than five. Mr. Sieklee ol N. Y., understood tbe evidence E. upon which the 7im« article wasbssed, amount ed to this: .. A man who wrote a letter a year ago exone rating every one from bisme, now made an affi davit that his lormer statemeot was false. Mr. Bonham wanted tbe nume ol the member } q charged to be stated. Mr. Nicbols said that no name was mentioned in the Timet * article, and that all tbe Committee lay are involved in tbe charge. . Adjourned. Important Foreign Mews by the Prince Albeit. ,rt " Ktw Yobk, Feb. 18.—Tbe City of Manchester na- left Liverpool for New York on tbe 2d ineL md Great anxieties were felt for the Emperor's .. speeeb at tbe opening of the Legislature on the 7th. It was rumored that be is preparing a aur -s€- prise for the world, and that war is certain. • t 0 The Minister of the Colonies had decided that .t„ tbe immigration ot Africans shall be superseded by Chinese. ***4 The Eoglish Parliament was opened by the lat- Queen in person on the 3d. Tbe speech com ,of menced with congratulations on the state of the country and on the progress made in India. On foreign affairs it says: " I receive from all aa* foreign powers assurances of friendly feelings. (a> To cultivate and confirm these feelings, to main iree tain inviolable tbe faith of our public treaties, and contribute to, as far as my influence can ez " ertend, tbe preservation ol general peace, are kr. the objects of my increasing solicitude." The ' er . conclusion of the treaties in regard to the prin- A cipalities, and one of commerce with Russia, are noticed, and tbe latter is referred to as an indi- , ves cation of the complete re-establishment of friend- I tsa- ship betwaen the two countriea. The treaties . 0 { with China and Japan are mentioned as promis- j ing great commercial advantages. Satisfaction tmy is expressed at the abolition by France ot negro leir immigration on the coast of Africa, and that tbe 02 pending negotiations give promise of a total . abandonment of tbe system. ef In respect to Mexico tbe speech says: "Tho to state of tbe Republic of distracted by tho civil wars, bss ioduced me to carry forbearance isy to the utmost limit in regard to the wrongs and cis indignities to which British residents have been xiit subjected at the hands of tbe two contending 1 io l parties. Tbey have at length been carried to '°> such an extent that I have been impelled to give ?£• instruction to the commander of the naval forces ltli * in those seas to demand, and, il necessary to en- force reparation." tl ? i Tbe rest of the apeech is devoted to local mat '.c ir ters, and among tbe meascres provided are par :lty liamentary reform and a new bankrupt law. iro ° Earl Melville, in the House of Lords,and Lord Palmerston, in the House of Commons, com- ÜB . plain of the silence in regard to tbe threatening state of the Italian question and other matters r* of interest. I , Lord Derby and Mr. D'lsraeli expressed their J Tl< confidence in the maintainance of peace. I Warlike rumors were still in circulation, bnt I i nothing decisive was known. I ? France continued her warlike preparations. It I was rumored that tbe Duke de Malakoff would soon return to Paris and be succeeded in Lon> * don by the Duke de Montebello. 10 Prince Napoleon and his bride had arrived at Paris. The Bourse fluctuated considerably end de ? * clined nearly 1 per cent, after the Queen's speech. Tbe 3 per cents, closed on the 3d inst., at C7t40c@67f.55c. iu- The Sardinian Government hod decided upon if a loan. H It was reported that tbe King of Sardinia r* was about to marry the sister ot the Empress . of Russia, the widow of the Duke Leucnten* 108 * ven. J Tno Brazilian mails bad arrived at Lisbon, ■pd bringing the news that the Brazil Government _ e ° bad offered its meditation with Paraguay, and that tbe American Commissioner had accepted tbe ofler, and that tbe Brazilian Admiral had Iln* 1 l n * gone to Paraguay on tbe mission. Coffee at Rio was unchanged. Tho Melbourne mails of the 18th of December bad reached England, and gold valued at £5G3,- 000 wu on its way there. SI- WTIS*. *er Loxnoff, Saturday, Feb. sth.—There was a de- I tor bate in the Commons last night on the encoar- I ew agement of the cultivation of cotton in India. I he The Bombay mail of January 11th has been | ti- telegraphed. Vartons British successes are re- I io- ported, including the defeat ol Tantia Topee's I fnl forces. I or r ■ I I >4" liater from China—The French Nicara- I be gaan Canal ficheme. I J? New Yobk, Feb. 18.—The Commercial Advcr- I ai ' titer has private advices lrom UoDg Kong of tbe | V 14th December. I t0 Newfl had been received at Shanghai that Lord I ht Elgin's fleet was fired into by tbe rebels from a I he fort beyond Kankin, while on their way up tho I _ Yang-tse Kiang, and that the fire was returned. I As nothing bad been received direct from Lord I * Elgin tbe extent of the affair was not known. I h * Reports vary considerably in regard to particu- I lars. I Mr. Reed, the American Minister, had left j ' " en route for Bombay. I The amount of the claims upon tbe Chinese I 01 wnicn one-ujwro?'Wttiets.f— Q _, I ]8 can exports, imports and appro* I M priated. | u The Paris correspondent of tbe Commercial | a " Advertiser says M. Felix Belly announced on tbe I nt 23tb January the complete organisation of tbe I Nicoraguan Canal Company; that the necessary I ie funds were secured, and that in tnree weeks he I te would embark from Havre for Greytown with I it engineers for the commencement ot the enter- 1 in P"? 6 - The Prince Jerome headed the subscription I )Q with 50,600 francs, and the Prince Chambor* | p dand and tbe Due de Montpeosier bad each sub I q. scribed a large sum. Tbe Company had made I iy application to the Grand Duke Constantine, and | £ the Archduke Maximilian to assume by liberal j )e subicription a protectorship in tbe scheme. I r- mm* I i. From Washington* I y AsniNGTOK, Fob. 17-—'The Committee on I a Wuys aud iltarw are still unable to come to a cou* [ ie clu-iiou ou the tariff, but it is probable that a bill I a- revisiug the present act will be affixed to one ol' I r. tlie gcuenil apiirojmation bilis. A report this I >8 ctleci i* prevailing. ' I ie The Government reccivetl to day despatches I it giving *troDg hopes that oar mfaundeistamling f ie with Paraguay wil 1 l>e amicably settled. I e- Mr. Ueudricks, present Commissioner of the I »t Land Office, is to be District Judge in Oregon. I The Board of Army officers, convened by order I it of tlie Secretary or war, to inquire wherein re- I io treuchment can be made,, met to day. They in- I a tend to cut down the service in every possible ,e manner. I e The British Colonial Bank Forgeries. I ; d —*^ ie forgeries of the Col. I ■ onial Hauk ot Barbadnes, were committed by a I * (.erman named Henry Law. duing busineiwatthc time at Ao. 34 Heaver street He went to Europe a few weeks ago, taking wilh him aboat $70,000, | J tlie product ot his operations. Law wuh formerly . u a mcrcliaat in Calcutta. I ' 0 I ( Chief J nstice of Michigan* j DsTEOir,Feb. 17.—The Republican State Con vention met in this city yesterday and nomina- I i , ted George Martin, of Kent County, Chief Jus- I ' tico of tbe Supreme Court. j The Democratic Convention, also held here to- I y day, nominated Alpheus Felcb, of Washtenaw. ' c for the same olGce. I 1 Idorc Financial Scoundrelixm* 1 i. Bostok, Feb. 17.—Rumors are current that I * ] Mr. S. MeGowan, Treasurer of tbe Mutual Loan ! fund Association, has decamped with tbe funds I i 1 belonging to the Association. The amount is I t i- not known. I ( ■ « I t Ke-Nominatcd for Congress. J ' WnBKLiNo, Va., Feb. 17.—Hon. SherradCle- I 9 mens was uoanimously nominated for Congress « on the first ballot, in the Convention held to- I a day. • g ■t m J U Another Slaver, Probably. I S Mobile, Feb. 17.—The bark Ottawa sailed yes- I E terday, ostensibly lor St. Thomas, but it is said aud believed tnat her destination w the Soatheru I Coast ol Africa, for Slaves. I c The Utah MaiL u Leavenworth, K.T., Feb. 17.—The Utah mail a readied Atcliisoa in oixtoen days and a half frjm I n Salt Lake. There is no news. J - COMMERCIAL.I' * I Q Commercial and Money fatten. J Pamir Eramo, r*b. 18, 1559. I Moxkt, Exceaxqs, «fcc.—We have had a very £ fine day, and business has been more active. I Parties begin to invest more freely in produce, I and rather more inquiry for accommodations I ww botieed. Qaotations, however, remain pre- j cieely at former figures, viz: Exchange I - Discounts 10 per cent. Gold I>£. Street rates nominal at I@2 per cent, per month. I ComiißniT..—The Liverpool |market of Feb. I sth was by tbe Prince Albert. ' The quotations are given according to the new I syatem, called the 41 Cental" or 100 lbs. Amer ican Flour is quoted 10a@l2i, and Red Wheat _a Gs 9d@flj per 100 lbs. Corn is quoted at 5s lOd @6i 2d for yellow; and 7sld@7s2d per 100 I lbs. In order to make the matter plain to those I accustomed to to the old system, we give the j figures by both systems: I u w NewSntemlOOtta. o'd6r»t«m I R?dwfcSlT OQr I# «?da22j6a ttd S:l tt 6 « 3a wJ u Meoa(»Mi4d A We have escalated the old system as 196 lbs I to the barrel of liour; 70 lbs to tbe bushel of n wheat; and 480 lbs to the quarter of corn. Tho Wheat market was unusually dull to- di day, and a decline of 4c on No. 1 Red, 2c on e 2fo. Si Red, 2s on Standard Spring, and abont a_t I 4c on No. 2 Spring was experienced. Sales | were Tery limited-No. 2 Red selling at $L24@ 126; No. 2 Red, Standard Spring, 9dc @93c; No. 2 Spring, 66<gS7c-market closing very weak at these quotations. The Flour market was more active to-day, but then was not much disposition to operate. Corn wss firmer. Oats and Barley quiet but firm. Dressed Bogs more active, bnt declined. Pro- Tlsions very dulL We saw a letter from a port on Lake Ontario yesterday, in which it was stated Ihst American millers were buying white Canadian wheat on the north short of that Lake at SL7S per bush- HC eL The same wheat is quoted in New York at $L50@1.56. With reference to the paragraph which ap peared in our paper yesterday morning, copied from a New York circular, stating that flour was feisf purchased in New York for the Montreal XV market, we giy# it as the general eptaion 0 f ter. Canadian operators here, that the Floor will eof probably prove " StumptaiL" Good extra Flour ieM is fully as high in New York as in Montreal, and >nce the freight cannot be less than 75c. unt The Cincinnati Gazette of yesterday says:— In tbe general market business was qaiet to* v* day and prices of most of tbe leading articles of produce continue to tend downward. There . wasnoinquity lor Mess Pork, and prices must lDcr be considered nominal at $18.50. Bulk Meals . sold to u limited extent at B(gS%e for Sides, '° ed and C(i£tv-4 C for Shoulders. Bacoo Sides were tteo a j ao a easier, closing at 9s£@9)£c. Lard was oflered at for prime b&rreL Whiaky declined with sales at 25}£@25%c, cloaiog un settled. -Tbers was a moderate demand for ncc Flour at for superfine Wheat and Corn unchanged. Barley and Rye dulL ster At Buflalo on the 10th inst., Red Ohio Wheat or . g sold at $1.30. the At Toronto on the 14th, Spring Wheat was sur- quoted atGs Gd@Ga9d. At Detroit on the ICth, Corn told at 75&75 c. ded The Cleveland Herald publishes the arrange ments of the Northern Transportation Company for the coming season. It states that the New the Vork and Erie Railroad Company having with dia. drawn their propeller line and made an arrange all ment with the Northern Transportation Com pany to do their bustness, the following will be ies, the lines run during the season: —Daily New can York and Erie Line between Dnnkirk, Cleve* land and Sandusky. Tri-Weeklj New York and r ia- Erie Line between Dunkirk, Cleveland and Cbi are cago. Tri-Weekly betweenOgdensburgb, Cleve 'ifd* Sandusky, Toledo and Detroit. Semi ties Weekly between Ogdensburgh and Chicago, nis- touching at all intermediate ports. Tbepropel ■ion j ers forming these lines will number thirteen, as;follows: Buckeye Stale, Bay State, Akron 3tal (new), Granite State, Jefferson, Lady of the Lake, Michigan, Ontario, Ogdensburgb, Prairie State, Vermont, Wisconsin and Young America. nC e With this formidable fleet of fins screw steam and era, the Company will be prepared do all tbe sen business entrusted to them with safety and dls [to P alch * im cea Chicago Daily Wholesale Market* en- FainiT Etzsho. Feb. 18. FLOUH—Marketqulet. S»leiwere:-100 bblilowßrade lat- Sprios Extra at >ar- K75:10) bbla *' BaUvla" do at M-90: lOObbli" Morria' doatSS.SS; MbbU White Winter at 56.25. ord WHEAT—Market_ very doll. Wisrca-Dec'lned 4c. >m- Ba'ea were:—7oo liuNo. I Bed at #L2B la store ; 3.100 bu i°£ do tn lots at St.SSlnatore: 8.000 bu do atll.MXloatnre; * rß 1 COObndo at#lJ4ln»tore: 300 buAo.3 Sed at 11.13 In store: 700 ba do at IU3X in atore. fipaxso—Declined >eir 3®4c. Sales wereLOOO ba Standard at 93c In store ( . . 1.3 X bu do at 9Gc In store; 300 bu do to arrive at Wc In store; 1,000 ba No 2 on p. t; 4 500 ba do at 87c In stare: 763 bu do at 66c In atore; ba Rejected at 7Co In store; . . 700 ba do at 75c In store. Market closing veak. ®jr CORN-Flrm. Sales were3oo bu Shelled at 6le per CO Sis on track; l.fcCO ba do at &tc on track. No£arOam In marktt. O ATd—Qal et bat firm. Bales were 210 bu prise new (jO. crop at 35c on track. q'jj BaELEr—Prime in rood demand. Bales were:—ss St., bass hferlor 6tate at«3c on track; 200 bu sood State at S9c delivered. )on KYE—Nomlsal at 83<393cper COtts on track. DEANS—Mirket not so active. Sales were4o bu f*lr nia atIIJJQ: 48 bu Common at 11.15. -ess BBEDS—TmttHT—Dnsettled. Bales to-day were;—loo .en- bu prime In sood sblpplnt order at #100; 120 bu common at $1.1)7. Clotm-40 bn sold at Id. on, lllGHWlNES—Unclilnged. Market nominal at 24K© ent "j. ind ALOOnOIr-SSffi'Cc ptr nal. DRESSED HCG3 -Mtrktt more active, but prices still tending downward. Sales to-day were s 17 Hoes averasins i"-to fts. at *6.75 4 y .. - igo « * ' ,\ou her " 6.GJ » a H WJ M 0 J V 45 "at 5.62 X. and 6 G2K dlrldinz cn 200 Ba. I'ROVisIONS-Meaa pork dah aad nominal at 117.25® 17,50. A sale of LOO) pes. Shoulders and green de- from tbe block, at &X<3?Xc. af. LARD—SbblspriraeatllXc: SObbls TALLOW.-Bcarce andlnsooddeinand atlOXe. »en IIIDES-Green« ity. 6j<ft7c; Greea country, re- Greenaalted,B®BVe; Dry Flint, 16<ai6X-. :e'a rODLTßY—Chickens, «1.50®1.:5 « doi; Turkeyg. 7® 8s? lb. EGGS—Iq good supply, and lower. Fresh, per dcs. POTATOES—Common, &5®66e: Cho'.ca, 03<S>Oa> ■ (T . DRIED FRUIT—4O bags prime Dried Apples at 110. the HoveuenU or )rd ascaiFTs St sulwatb. a a Floor Wh't Com Oats Bar. Oat. Hoes tho „ T bi>la bu. bu. ba. bu. No. No. -j Br Lake Ba - GaL U. R. BR. 170 3U) 498 WS 51 9 .... 76 >rd UyßockL R.R. 1W S4io .... So rn. By 111 Central.. M 3123 303 .... K& 71 13» rn ByO. B. 4Q... 57'. 1017 2i»5l S5 .... 180 IW ™ BiaP.4P.dnL. 510 333 .... ijS «29 .... .... ByO.A.ABLL. t7 S7SJ 10 eft Total 13704 £837 1059 "947 231 *355 n. WTTBMi&y Vo/k JBvket. ro- dull^ r sclge. liu™ 13.M0 . Bute; H50«0.60 forsuDerWeste>n; rom tal mon to mediamextraWestern; #6.<o@6aoforsh! w >:nK be brands nf extra round horp Oliio. Market for Canatllaii . tloor uncuanced; $o 50E.7 f r common to choice tx be tra Saudi sWes uf dye Hour $3 7504 ry Wdkat—Dull wLllst;i>r:ceß have andereose he no material ebcoge m SaW 14 WW ba it 51.30<31 31 for «jaimon to choice Winter Red Western: t1.47ttl 60 f.r th Wblte M cbl*an.and 51.57 for fair White Canadian. IJ>e jr- stead ntß'®fc7c; S.O'-O husaidnt the K. R. deoitjitM- Barleyflrm; sale*of 5 00J ba cood State a*. O.rn doll iand raised Wtstero uominil at S4®sCc: >il c i on r.f n*wyellow and white Housbers at jr. Oats quiet at 54'4t57cforjJUUi; 61ttfi7cf«r Weaiern and ,u Ca* «rii-n. , Wui-kt.—Rather eosterat 27c. ? FkovjaiOns.—l'nrk wiiboutrntterlaJ rhanffa SJer2 OOi 3d bbU « fornewmets #17.50 fjr rid do; 113.55 •al ©l3-Wfjrprime. Incl.iHedin *al» are 600 bbla Drim for At nl de.ivercatHS.SO. Beef anchansed. Hales 400 liblsattC.C'>(s<.oo for country prion; |7 70®9 00 for do m'ss: •;--fwll for re-picked mess; SllCilS fur extr. meaa. Beef li*ras qolct at H4'tfl7.W. Fnce mess b-ef nominal a' Dressed lioks lower and diill »> bk® in t-utMeat, droop ne. B*lea3oopacka*eiatsH&.7c ■• a lor sbcnlder', and for huns. Bacon qalet and U* r.otuinal.7 the tame. Lord firmer. Sale* ISOu blili at ill Da:ter«elllnnct H®l«Bfor OJo, and ie® Q |- 27cKrau'e. CUcesifcailS'*" »is Stocks.—-At tbe Second Uiard Irreitd'r. but rlotrd vK-nf-' ?/\ b74 lf ?* : d 2. of ls<:s 101^: Uo Ci r! " 5 Hail.on in roortca«e 101; Cumberland es ftnn Coal &0H: Pacific Mall Erie 3C em l-refrnf-l S-.y.; I 0 Keadtng 4»'tf; M O = sy; OalenaM,\. MS i,\; rmiimi »ISK; RI CiJ<. lle Foreign Markets. cr PniPßisct Al rm.] „ UanADSTiTF.*—Allquotatloas are percental, or for 103 n. ilwM u-i ,Dr .« L Cnil , ; the range for American U ? fI P a S bu rel6j9u; whiteßj7l» le li>»i>il. Corn firm; hclaen demanding an advance: white mixrdandyel.owiiilKstCniJ; w.lte 7«ld<*7*3J. betf stearty: ex'ra oetii b7j Pork firm, but large arrivals c!ie>led tlie detand. Ilaconfirm. Lixd buoyant; aa'es »• *<«<s;ssa, and bo.oers wanted at GOs at tlie close. T*llow lirm. ror ash-s steiily and nclve at assCd. feailj >l. a e*dyat Jijs«.disCd. tujar generally firm; lei has ad „ vancei alix tly. IO MenriUe* vaslirm. London Uo it ccy market ws sllphUy hetier. )e LiVßfcPooL t?aiurday..s-12 SL—Breaditufls quiet, bnt ) Arm. Lir4 firm at u w y '' —C for money quoted at 9iX& The political dbqu.etude isincreaslrg. TRIPP, HALE, & CO. t General Patent Office Depot, NO. 200 LAKE STREET. CHICAGO. II fc. !; HpHE SUBSCRIBERS BEG LEAVE TO I I, Inform tbe pobile penerally. that tbey have oncnes their office at tbe above place for the transaction or a i GENERAL PATENT AGEKO7 BOBINEBB t x # lt Is their aim to keep on band, at an times, forexhlbl- , i won «nd "le. as large a variety as possible or patented 1 n and the j . Measure in.receiTio* vtsitors who SS 8 »W*>oM»nlne their articles, whether witn a rlewoi . S porchasingor not. " Ul J Tbe efiice is thrown open u the beadqaarters of bvn- i Jk 1 * who may wish to dlroose oftheir improvements; and / the proprietors respeafofly Invite tarentors and art\xans to nsJ! apoa them at their pleajnre. Patenta oUaloed on newlnTentlonsonreasonable terms, and with the least B B will reoeire and sell on commission all claves of wm I - andpateniedarUcles.tOKetherwtthlndiTidSToountyor Etate riabta to use and sell tbe same. Care will be taken to receive no patented artlde or right for sale that la not * posseased of genuine merit; It belne the purpose or the ® fira to maintain a charaaerworthythe entire confidence I of at! who nuy wiah toparchaae new and asefnl : meats. TRIPP. HALK A I 1 No. 100 Lake Btreet. I0HDO8: Co.. Kilbj su, Boston: James M. ftfiJk SL. Boston • Itowen A liry., 72 LiKe tft.. Cideajto; M. D. uSoaa A Co' 15uBouih Water Bt« Chicago; Iloyt A Pierce 3SJ Bi»i< St., Chicago: A-J. Marphj/ Bwitast£ VU- J Trinrf man. Brracose, N. Y. nog b453-iy 1 GAD PIPJS AND Sheet Lead. Works. a COLLINS A BLATCHFOSD, HASCTACTUEXaa Of y] Lead Pipe, Sheet and Bar Lead, ° AND DXALKSB IN ~ *■!» XiSI AX>, Acents Cor 1 OOLLIKB WHITE LH&S « OIL OOXPAIY, w —uo— D ° St. Shot Tower. g VA fall assortment of the abors Kanateetßrts m. J stantlronband. OKDIUU /ROM TBE TRADE BOLIOOTtt, Collins & Blstehlort, _ apCpCT-ly Ooraer of qioton and TnlUm ■tnrti. ® W, T. Slinfeldt & Co., I MANDIAOTDBrBB JOS ® ■ A -'- S*. CBOSKET, » " Sontb Tiur Str—t, .... a. J (Corner of Wabash AvenaeJ Distillers ofj ALCOHOL, PURE SPIRITS, AND WHISKYS, AlsoMaaa&otnrers of Dome*tit Lienors, Barnlog flslii fc -iro- ptALPB in moHwnna and mctityirb opal, (j WTbe Trade sspplled at Market Bate* and on Libera * Urmt ' adtMHy BAasi BAOS1! BAOSIH 3TAB.TI/ air.TJM S™® BAG fI&NTFiCrOEV, w Wabath arenoe, Chicago. |\ BAGB AND SACKS of every dcscrtptiso • famished on short ~- and printed with 1 f KKW AND BEAUTIFUL BRAJVDC' t&ikmwm. «MoM»"wnx. £ HO! PO& PIKE'S PEAK ! 5' TJIFLES,: SHOT ODNS, EEVOLTKBS, n " Business dEa.^9. and —='. ■ ■—■ SPIES lb BURTI QOONSBLL OB SAT LA W NO. ft CHJCSTNUL'. NORTH BIDB. cles Between Third and Voartb streets. 8L Loals. Uo. lere Notary Publle and Oocmlei toner ef ..... Deedsfor every Bute tn tbe Union. . References In Chicago—Scripps. Bross A Spears. eala sßinssioxarisa. Uel-ly-vI&SJ oxltim a anaf# dei, rer e .( f i tt )3EH S ,ard ATTORNEY AT LAW, IOO RANDOLPH STBEET 100 tor ja2llm-c53 Noa 6 and 8. second floor, Oblcato, ID. and * BLAOKWELL &■ COMMINO best A TTORNIES AND COUNSELLORS AT A. LAW. 83 Booth Ctark street, opposite tbe Ooart Home. Chicago. Illinois. Will practice ia the federal vim aad Bute Courts of Illinois, and la the Supreme Ooart cf the United BUtes. w „ BoßotrS Unoswiax. [de!7] GnjeaTW Cokkcto. rsc. U GOODWIN LABNED &. GOODWIN }ge. ATTORNiiyS AND COUNSELLORS— J\ Office No. 97 Washington street, adjoining Lsr »ny oon'aßlock. Chicago, Illinois, CTKfHEI A-QOOOWm SDW. Q. LABSrO DIS*LOOODWIS. Jfc ith- GOOKINS THOMAS &. EOBEHTS -4 TTORNEYS AT LAW, 79 AND SI Dearborn Street. Chicago. Illinois. nol9 bWi !n > be DRAKE & 880. 324 Clark Street 331 * ew T\EALERS IN PAPER HANGINGS,— XJ PAPER HANGEB& Ac, tn j Hocse. Bga and Shade Painters. ocß blll-gm ;hi- BASS h. MUIjVEY , ve . A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT J\. LAW, No. 47 Clark street. Chicago. ' • inn- r*HK».ss BAsi. odbia-ly jpmcs kcltet. I 'go, Steele &. Hmry pel- » TTORNEYS AT LAW, 58 DEAEBORN i 60 ' Koom'N(X P. a Bo* 4237. Ron b. t. br**LK -....ldeSi h. h. bilst. th<! CKAHFOIID, StXAUP & CO., irio TMI'OKTEaS AND DiILIiESIN CROCK iCS. I KBY, lllaaa and Gbiua, ThUSc Col!«»ry, Looking uTi.i*e>i l <>ialonunti brliiuioi* tTare,No.lOß L-ik«? street am - uuato. rn. th " O. H. Il r.. LAFLIH" dta ' TTTHOLE3ALE PArER WAREHOUSE, W 49 SOOTH WATEB STBEET, Arenoir receirlng their winter stock of Hne Acer* and eastern Book Papers, which they offer at low prices. :• printing paper of every stse and best Qoallty. oc7.bld 18 \ VOLOAH FOUNDRY. . nLINTON STBEET, tBTWEBM fOLTO» 0 at and Qarroll. Chicago. Dl. Tla* HINR7 WAZSINGTONv Hanafacturer of Bt&donary v>< Portable Steam Engines. Nid Repairing promptly at ' ba tended to. fea4-ly ~7n EDWARD O.ASAYi AND OOUNSBLLOH AT LAW 3re | NO T7 SOUTH CLARJC BTKEtT. cln Opposite Oocrt Hocsa Chicago. are: ft ore; . Kailroabe. 3om ' mPOKTANT NOTICE. ntw St, Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroad. -S5 CHANCE OF TIMF Two Express Train 0 Daily FOB ST. LOUIS. Mr AND AFTER STODaY, THE 30TH \J lott.tralnswilllea«e Depot, cornercf Canal aid -100 aa Qren u follows: mon g. <9 g p.M.N;gbt Express, (daturdajs eXwep;ed.) ™ 4-auy»j. iv» Night ExorMS 9-.05 A. U. Mail and Express I^3A.M. JOLIKT ACCOMMODATION. still Leaves Joliet.. *. S;ls A. M. Arrlrts at Cblcago .V-.15 A. BL Leaves Chicago S-.00 P. 5L Ifi.'a Arrives at Joliet (3 30 P.M. Jag ly A. H. MQOItE. General Sapt. HAHSIBAI AND SI. JOSEPH BAHBOAX) £53 WINTER AEEtiNGEMENT. «n H. & fcT. J. R.R. IS NOW OPEN 1. 115 miles west from Hannibal aad 73 east from Bt. Joseph, leaving only IS miles, staging between tbe Mis nK' sisdppl and Mlwri Rivers. On the first day ot March tbe entire road will he completed, ve This roo.e affordi tae mo t direct, reliable aid exredl -* tioaj communication wilh Kaotas. Nebraska, ValtLake and Ptke> Peak: canying paaseogers miles nearer ti 7® Pike's Peak tban any o±er Kailroad. Prom St. Joset-h tbe Port Kearney roate Is tne bt st ralySX) miles to Pike's Peak, and v^the aiarraviile Cat-Off wid reduce tb's dls per tance to 475 mLes. From 8u Joit-ph Staees leave daily for Leavenworth. Weston and Kansaa C.t;. and also to Atchison and Lecomoton, pfcastog through tieary City, Donlpban. Winchester. Hickory Polct anduscaloosa, con necting wi|h lines from Topesa. o<aaka. Gra&sbopper Palls. Lawience. Indlanola, and Fort &iley. ft eat overland mall leaves at. Joset>h every Monday for Salt • Lakr*. via Fort Kearney. Fort Brtdger and Nobk's Pass, ToOmabaand uonncil DlaCs a daliy line o' stages ran from tr. Josephspasslrg tbrongb and brUnJea. lowa ogs Point. Nebraaka Cltv, Piattmuatb. Passengers frcm No Chicago. Di trolt, Cincinnati. Davtoo. Pittsburgh and Lou isvllle will flod this in every respect tbe o.oit desirable 76 route. Passengers from Caica-o via the C. B.AQ. K. 8., So connect at Qaincy witb boats for Hannibal. ]3a Upon tlie opening of the rondsndoavlcation on tbe 400 Missaslpplthe ilme between Oalosgoand SLjoseph will iedjceJ to 36boors, in Trains leave nannlbal daily at 8 A M. Leave St. Jo _l gepb at 7A M. JOBIAII HUiNT. Bui>U 355 P. R OKOAT, QeaT. tketAgt. ja2a c!O9 , 3nsutan£C. im- ibicogw l 1:. iuuu« nuCC I/O: :og ft* W. Corner ef Lake and GlArk-st&, UP STAIRS, for OAPXTAXi ... 200,000. ££ DIREOTOSB. Is. Diomas Church, E. W. ltaymond. Goo W. Dole, .rn E. IL Haddock, J. E. Botsford. OrrlriK'on Last, .les O.B.Fanrell. W. tL Larrabee, J. 1\ Kd wards. id THOMAS CXXUBCH, Prcat. a N. HOLDEN, Sec'y, JOS. F. BROWN. Surveycr X4an 37 'BSaiS^Jy 53 THE PJIOENIX INSURANCE CO., do OF TIIB CITY OP CHICAGO. ;*f Oflloe, 143 South Water Street. 7c Authorised Capital. 200.1W01 PaM la andsecursd, 175,500 Od MAXiuihQ &*(tir.s: at J. F. Aldricii, Jobu A. Kichula ® K. C. Wilder, a. Kd«*arda, Hiram B. Fmiib. rd ABnsokT Dictrrnns: Ci Watson Carr. 11. il i/!rton, ml O. M. beuacrsoß, A>ltm buiith. Rle A. KDW'AttDS, PreslJcnL O B, C. WILDER. Rfcretarv. OKO. K. lIASTIKOR, (Jencral Acfcti LRWIS B. RUNDKLL, Surveyor, ftfi- Kire, Martue aud Inland Nnrigaiinn Tusnr&nce. 03 "NORTH AMEHICAH , a Fire Insurance Company. »f OF HARTFORD, CONN. ' lis | es PAID UP CAPITAL S3OO 000. < Insure axalnst Loss by Fire only, ' d- HUBBARD A HUNT. Agent*, Chicago, corner Lasalle and Sooth Water strtpM. ®* NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE COHPA- ' ot NY. of Norwich. Conn. , d PAID UP tJAPZTAZ. $176 000. HUBBARD A HUNT, Ajrcnt& corner of Boalh Water ■ and Clark streets. Rrst Floor, Loomls' Block. oc23b3ofi 1 Northwestern Insurance Conip ' j OSWEGO, NEW YORK. ! (EBTABUBSIO Dl ISSI.) 1 Ctpltll ISO,OO0 —With a Large Sirplis. 1 > rriHE PUBLIC ARE RESPECTFULLY IN- J • .a. formed that Ur. JULIUB WHITE baa been reap pointed acent of this Oomp iny. and is alone.* nthorUed b to isaae and reniw policies In Chicaco. £ Mr, WMTEIt authorised to adjust and pa all iocses arijinfunderoarPoUdes either Fire or Marine. A : „ JAil£B PLATT President ; 8. B. Lodlow. See'y. LV Ihe nnderstcned win be happy to see his triendi <, 11 and tbe patfona of the old Northwestern genially, at the - Office. Na 143 % Booth Water street, assuring them that i i, oar rates shall be aslowastboseof any other responsible : Ooopany, and that Losses shall oe falrtj adjnAed and J promptlypald. JULIDB vruiTE, Agent, \ ocaobaaiv t4BX Booth Waurstreet, 1 Peoria Marine & Fire lusu'nce Co. ( [ or PEORIA. a ! CAPITAL 5500.000 F< ; Paid Up in C&sh 300,000 E ' 21A&IKE AXU FIRE RPKS (JSpER^EITTES ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. £! l<o«cc Promptly Adjusted and Fald at " tma Ageucf* J. ACQ. WRIGHT. Ayent, 1 la4bsloly Booth Water street, Chlcago.2 ot i Y< FARMER'S UNION FIBE INSURANCE " CO. Capital and Sarnies,. $150,000 C CONSSCnCUT KUTUAL LIFS IKS. CO. < Aeaalrod Capital $3,000,000 J!»0, B, ACKLE7, la No. 4 MajonicTemble, Chicago, Dl rat. MASISE «ad LIFE ISSDEiNCE for mm amoontdeaireo at reasonable rates in reUable Eastern pai Oomeanie*. ia37«.951y mn ——^———mrnmmm J Flour ! Flour j! J TITS HIVE CONSTANTLY IN STORE . V t fr-m oar own MDls and upon Oondgnment, fl. Spar ofjiUcradea particalarly choice craves of White Winter wheat Floor from Wlaaoastn and Boathem 1111- m nots. rl C;ty dealer*and consame*i canbe salted at to qoallty andpric* and orders from tbe coontry proqar tly fiUrt by as. Office and Store, 276 Booth Water street. JaS9 cIU HAWKINS ft OBAPUAK, Sextons and Vndertasers, balls srsxrr, ™ TXAVEONHAND, AT ALL TIMES, eveet J? 4-L style aad linlah. Wood, Lead, and Zinc Collins; also ahroods. And are prepared with Hearsei and Carriages, (30 and every tklsx reqnisita for Fonerals; and may be fouoa on aand, and readyto fire prompt attention to their boal* uu at all boon. Tbey alas bars a Chapel aad Vaclt In the Cemetery. «iW <ygrnrry fr q fc IBS. SHEET IBINQLASS, mUv S5 Bbla TJos vrv 15 Cases Refined Borax. * 6 <*ases Btthlnc Bpo:ge. JS 40 Bags JBcTy Bomae, mH 90 CasktOaiaaCUr. , For sale i>r BOCXKK PHILLTPB A OO^ IslS-ly No, 85 Sooth Water str^t. iCILASSI GLASS!! GLASS I!! VX Plate and Doable Thick 6las, of large ilsei Aa 5^ aborted slock tor sale low by "" PISTON'ROBINSON A SMITH. s®" taWS H IMMk fort i , rata 3.500 OHKSIS TOnNG HTBON, Gra-POWDII UTERIIL ABO BUOK IW sr* XTBW BAIHINS. —2OO BXS., 150 HJ J.l bza. New Saislns joat received aad tor n!e by J 1 BUYNOLDB. ELY A 00. X IKfi HHDa. NEW N. O. SUGARS, „ ACJV/now Undlns, andfornle«t Bipcoan raiom m. t. ooU4y-b46? KEYNOLDa. KLT A 00. 9HH POCKETS O. G, JAVA COFFEE g VJU m taa.prim, Lj^Oofeforgrt, KAA BXS - SCALED AND Nu. 1 £&£ ouu tLTlcn KA Tea. NSW KICK FOB SALE "BY I,J tJKJ neMMP MTMOLDg. IT I m 2QO HHDa - SUGABMOW AKBITUia ifT*nn I 9nn BALK S PRIM NEW YORK Ctgol ft T^ E OF ILLINOIS, COOK COO.N'TY X 7 D. i»r Co"""! fflrcoit Court, Febt-jiri Telm! *° d WW- «■ 'Jelmlrt K,a. against the ettaie of th* old ii»ii Wirth aad the sua of Two HnaSti «nd r> •2^ c^_ N *5 B J* DO « fc J w m.Wuf r S£»Sf J e b«,O Oook CoactTarMi? * appear before the said >»• uYmIX "VSF'Jf'ZSZ' ■ boiStSS &'oX am you. aad la f**np7r beeatered against AT lrSisriid M nSdJl?r' ,^ d A"™ 1" a«* "J tlml.l leral will be sold to lodcnenl ud eon. > ° art Kfimui n , J «'»!• U OUUROI, Clerk. tna. . ■ Perking. PICHi AU't. feie-ly dm r~ OK G-RAUAM MARK BE g_ "■ a3efl -, Public no Uce Is hereby sivra lo all per 7~r d y m » demaads asa est the estate cf J-Vm«"IH^ e topressat the same for adjedi caiioaMd leUJeaeatat a resalar term ofthe Couaty '• J *- ~, Co< i < «9? llnl, • 10 be haldea House r~ or. the first Moaday of Mardi. A, I- D. Ifcs9, being the ecTi atl i day thereot SI r. , «, f , , U'/OUC MARR. Executrix , ofthe last Win aadTeatamsat of Graham Marrdec'd. M<pprT ( ,^|^ i,- Cranspo rtatxon. A TLANTIO ROYAIu MAIL STEAM NAV CX. W*Uoa Oompaay's New York and Galway Line.— AT departure from N em Fork will be the Stcaaiahlp 3?rincei Albex*t, Captain T. J. Waters, to sail from New York, oa the i Vi March._ toacbla* at St. Johns. N. F. to re eelve the Royal Mails of Passage*—Fint pi««« RN SPA,? 6 ?? ladadiag free ticket* to *M2ftßs? dp alciUespatrailroadrootesia Greatßritala. 1277 plate.kaife,fork. Ai%,aad bed- S tta ß,SL&. a ° bns ' —— ?, orfrti ® rt^ r R»«MelaqubeoftlieAtaeri. ®»of x P,s*?Camj«nr. m nelson street, 64 liroadwar ud at their other advertised offices la the laterior 3K- d *" C4n be secared at aay of the above offices to brias peruoai out from aay of thepriad king pal cities on the Knea ot railway la ttreatßriiala lor •£&. reel, ortromGalwayfors3o. wwwuMiorw, ii tab n vkztnr\ m HOLLAND, Maasger, JAfi. G. FARGO, office of American Express Co No. a) Dearborn Street, Chicago? PBj NewYotk.Nov. 13.1H5>L nnJ4 Kfias ud nHERRY CREKK AND PIKE'S PE.VK W EXPRESS. Throngh to the Gold Mines lo Ten Dijs. 0B JOHN M. HOCKIDAY & CO., Proprietors aad Coatractors of th» Greatßslt Lake aad Cherry Creek United S-ates Mail, will ma a da ly Express Line of yal Concord Coaches drawn by Six Males, Throogb f'om AtrMion, Kan*as Territory, on theOreat 10 uo,TER ThisL'aeCcaaects with 'he HANNIBAL and st» joe bailboad, By a Daily Line of Steamera. m Mines. =5 with stopping places relays of Fresli Mule» Every- HO Miles, Passengers Vyth's line will be takea throtßh from Atchl —— son to the Gold Mines Ten Diys beiag TWENrS lesi time thsa by ary ether coavejance. >ad AtcWsonu™ 0 *' 1 l ° DinTer ® ltr * Creek, $10» from l_ elrt pu iSer 1 " Ijo b » *"»*" Ay p ueagers willbe^rinmlad that iiro pajsthelrfare J 2 ? Board from Atchlaoa to the tulles ani freight oa __ tort/lDf. b'ggrtfc. TH TnronrtTttket.forule from Chlcui »' or aid tbeCUeuo.j l jrdn i t:n >Qi] n c- Hallioil De'os. -r"V Aiutets vo be sold per comjeadcg .„WTc etiwlilte ready for sale la adraace oatie lOihofMarph. j John M. Hockiday & Co., iL Prorrietan ot tbe Dallel Btates Mail Lloe to Salt Lake fe!s9mea& aad Cherry Creek. | 1859. .uJEgtj? 18S9. J; THE U American Transportation COMPANY. g~* Incorporated under the Laws of the state of New.York JJLr CASH CAPITAL, 9900,000. 11 JOHN L. RIMBERLT. Prea^dett, edi- FRAN&UN LEE. Vlee Prerf^eat, ike JAMr-S C. EVANS, Sec'y and Treas'r. n N THB OrENISG OF NAVIGATION Ice's " company will be preptretl to transport Pro dis- Perty. Verch«ndlse. Ac., from New York. Boston. Alb*nv 'for »"dlroy tr.»nyof ihevVeateradtics. A'so, Floo*. P«v to vlsloni. Produce. Ac., from aay ol th« Lake Ports to tide !ity, w»ter. with as great care aad dispatch, saJ at as low »a- **tes as by a\y other responsible liae, at the same time iper giving throogh bills ofladlag for all property wfaea ue ■eat prcd. . T ialt . Itili Opmparyhrttalbe of elahtsUaoch Propcl'ers. ass, to pjy between Ba«» and Chlcag«, tsochlng rouU run At Sheboygan, Mllwaakee, Radae. Senosha u.d Wanke >wa »o. Havli gat 'lilcae, ample facilities »nd warehoow •cm accotcmodauprsfor »h* receptloa assorting aad shlo ,ou* Ping of all articles entrusted to their cue. which will be ible uadrrthe direction of their AgeoU who will iiie his per- R-. soaal atteadoa to the fulfTllme&t of ccatracts, acjmtmeat of dalms and damages, the As our Company have a large l]ne of Cantl Boats on will £ c Oaaal. aad are aboa; to establish aline of S*am Caaal aiso. we 'eel warranted la represeailn* to Jo- coraumerru* customers, that they caa rel* cpoo greater disP*.chaiidatlMsratfst iaahasb retoforebeeagivea. ® i? fo £?l.a # k tae public to con'kme the patronsge io ljbea'ly bwtcwed apon as during iheoajt foaryeais. w. R oc i?? n Market b«;«een Waihlagtoa tad MAsiijtt)n.*te*u. Chicago. *ll _ 1 8 s*B *■ og<! "'- 0' Illinois River Packet Company. ; Incorportei Capital Stock, $200,000. i D. J. JU.VCOCK. Prtj't. WjL P. HANCOCK. Bec>. | 0. rs^HROUGH BILLS OF LADING GIVEN ! *. for Fre.tht to iL Louii aal all points c the ! I FrtUUtu-enby OMc^aad • » c to aad Steamboat from I I ' tteace. Forparticuliwapnlj-to I t . T. W. ALKX4ADER t krCZU, J , fel lm-cl4tt ISajj S uth ■%atcrSt.. C'Mra;o|lt» 1 ( rcr PITTSBIKGH, FT. WAY.Vp fcCdIQUO R. R ! _ 1868-9....WINTER RATE 5....1858-9 d I Tlirough Line. I c *• T?B0M DATS AND UNTIL FURTHER I * Freight will be carried over this Lice as I I 500 if if J® -I If N from Chlun to c ~ WT t- J* 1 I 3§ 3® c fa £t I ii' ii? 1 1.25 1.10 ti l,"l!'i 125 I B l.a I.IU 55 £ls 1?5 b Pittsccrxh 90 70 45 45 70 ?(l I 0 i S5 M 60 45 w 70 I l Oolttmbus.o 1.00 80 65 45 ... fco I Y Daytoa, 0. - . t & to 60 45 ,4 SJj I « Cleveland, 0 60 45 ts 45 fin Ic> fan kirk, tf.Y. 95 74 (3 40 61 74 Itl m»A*o. " <6 79 Cj 4i fi\ 74 I & S r ?l!®^ jr P" Lr J' oa,ito .C'BdnnaU«3ce2tßpwlSotti. I d Balk Meat to Pittsburgh 50 cento per ICO tts. I m^. e 10 lt)o , v = DOlnta »* Freight Office, cor P, aer West Vaa Burea aad Canal streets I New York, Philadelphia aad Bil- K }J»wm_vla Peaasylvaafa Central K.R., givea by l u 1? y® cc Stede's Block, comer Soati I V water aadLasalleiktreets. and *t l>epot at C&asJstreet. I * i« t r Frdgat Agta% ihlciro. I n'Jf' HODHI ON. Gen 1' relfjil Putcbarg, Pa. 1 14 Chicago, Felfraary ;q IS6B. - - ' ■ 1 ai 1859. NOUTHEBIf ISS9. I Traii-partition Co.'s Express, 7 H WINTER ARRANGEMENT, C » Via Mich. South.ttnd H. Y.I ft Erio Bailroadi, 1< ' rpHIS COMPANY ARE NOW PREPARED I i J .A lo Hive throogh BIIU of L»dln s to New Tork ind I Bqatoa, for the transportation of Property nnoa favor* I «• aad the pioopt set- I ?S2 u 4i®' e . re H ansaig oat of the same. IB* vJfifiin'*) o?* ??* ! f ess wUitransport goods from Kew I fs' A durxg the winter, all tne wjy by ralL I 1. ffn^ ontheope. ligbf njviga'ioa bytbe N. Y.* tß.it |ac 10 Ptnkirk. %ad thence by rropelier to Chicago. I Uo a h/fv > k L- p ß'D*? ""'.L OO ' I "PW'" "4 'W# A , uL , * R. R., foot of Daane street, or Pier a, East I xuvcr. 1 oa * . J - L. WARNER aid CZIAS. ALLIfON I ir - Agents, No. 8, OoeatiesSllp, New ' I Co BATUEB t CO., "• e W-lnnJM Cor.l4s&lleandNorUiW.lerirt I I 1859...COLLINGWOOD LINE... 1859 Eg rtQMMENCING ON THE OPENING OF I I ? n * toeMtowing A No. 1 new aad largest I y* 3 " r. a j:w ft-amers. Paving l»rg>3y Increased tneir I r capacity fur Passengers, will fill tbls llae is follows ♦ I . C j FOUNTAIN CiTY, Capt. I HUSTKR. Caatala Dictsov. [CI ) EVKUUSKES CITT.CICL I °J™_* ACK ® f BiJU- j I Ter S ll ! 04 * 0 thefootof Lawlle street. South I WU h^»li Sl>tface C 4 ®"harf,oo ruesday. Tfinrsday I P : landing alallpoltts thai Sve h "S.t C M^ f kl?S? MlCbU * a - MC * r ° crtl '" T* o g" lhryugh BillsofLadioggivea from Chicago aad ports I WU vnr^ar^? 1 or s to Boston. New I aad wayf<ir Maatrcal. Qtsbec. Portland aad B-»stoa ajd I a -" ,t vfn^t Q^ oe » team r'^ rNlairmr * Oswegj. Cape Ylncent,and at ugdsnrture with the Vermont Central I B«itroa4 for Bosto&aad latonaediate points oa Yermoat I Central between Osimsburib and Bostoa. I muc The above Liae is far regularity and dls patoh. for Pasaangers and freight betweea the Western aad fcaitera aad New Easiaad State# aad Oaaada. I Oc Forfrelghtorpassareapply to I —— « ««« AT.BPESCERkCo.,Ageats, I C! f ja23-6mct4 TootofLasalestreet.Chicago.nt. I 1515.,,,, I Febi Q.REAT CENTRAL SHORT LINE ROUTE rmsßtaeH, jort* wixxk a Chicago SS AID I PE*»STLVAMIA BAXUtOAI}! luV to all sinus oroi I I £S? CI.ABKE & CO HP ANY, m 0 No. 8 Aiior Hocaa,liew York. I Tokl go. llßo«hWlliiamstreet,New Y«ck, B h cx S street. Boston. | Will °*» Z*** 7 s +r** t > Hartford. I o> SO Rorta t**, BaMfiW. I Aad at tae General Depot. [ocSl-ly I BOSTOS ABB pHILU)SLPH r A ST£AKsS Sc <t& Ua The Bteamahlpi I Si PHDIKAS SPRAGtnt Capt. Matthews. fi KKN&INGTON OapTßaker. I CITY OF NdW kuRE, Oapt, Howe* JJJ® Fona a Brgular Unci, I 8. K& nQlng with great regularity Crem each port, The*# 1 the •< Keamen are stacach and stroag. aad tn aU respects I weu fitted acd provided they have good accomodations I forpasKaters.and freight of all kiads Is takea at fair ] .Hoi ntea. .These Steamers run la dose coaaectioa wfththe I l P* n .' Peaagylvaala Railroad, and goods are forwarded with I promptaHß *ad dl*»ateh. HKNRY WINSOR. Spedj Jaldb9M«ai No.saS nthWhsirea,PhlUddphla. theC I D. IS Fw Cajro and New Orleans, steajcbh kbv PALLS OITT. SJS The splk ndi d fast - _Sss BtfUa® Steamer [ riw N«w NU Oity WlUrm.dmtogtbeooainf FaD and Winter, between I 69L NewOrte«as»«follows: I James LTAVING R. ijOUXs Oct. 10, 'H, at 10 o'clock AM. I bta jo do Ott. ft«, do do KAffid W b fior- l b& 4° do defepti | h i 32 Uy& do do Jan. l£ do do | eald o *0 do Feb. T, *B®. do do I do - do Feb. tl* *«. do do lof Jw __ _ ft® do do do limed | 8 KSf S S SKS 4° do Sec. V,do do I Ui«wi 5® do Jaa. IA, do da I fimMi do do feh. 8. m do do miff to | Est .is ss Ccgal ! i TV ' IVT" OR TG AG E SALE.—WHEREAS £ 1111110 lh ° or a b .ii I Ktu. ■.!£!?,.?£ V 9,""™ wM c h -»IJ mon. f« e ?*.record lo the Recrrder** t fflr* of dcnv A 0 1?? ?£:-? theftateor IlliooU, on the *sth da* of Art l| tinnch A. i). 16M, ud daiy recorded In g»id office *n Hook M JJST". 468 - r,l - e »blcu «iid nortSS? ws? mad? u> °»' i Stfj fed. psyment or sti 1 ante* or elth- r of them if»V-r «r & 'rtcci*"%l or Interest oa the d»y cr dais wherean lb.. >hAxl(l the CoQTt JlOOS? i?rf'«£ I * er f ? r *' , be a< ' raeoUocrd la* f«M notice. , °°** BE- «« o,■SySffi.S'Sji U per- on Monday, the 7tadi» of Msrch. -. b lte fi f idjedi- f onhdo »r of the Court H> a-e. In U.edty of Ct lcajm»io lounty h£n*r r,°J ? uo £' a »P stA '«. of Illinois, »eU to tae hi h- House £M* d , d £ f ' r . ca SfL ,hB prtrais * io ia <TmorUuue de -fr. a 4si° w.t.—lhat pait and parcel of l t on# nt in is d - °"j •iw* northerly al.nKtfce welt line of Well, Sssvts s;s sssvs !i .l i .** beln* abcat elcbtr (sOi f.-ci ',?,°ffc r !»' U ° CI!U " 11" of (aid lot one ai = feT" '■•to.hi'SSiVig AV- C' lego. Tebrqary 12th. >■ D.l^ LLliS feu'u.c& lie.- 11 iKUSlilfc'a SALE.—ilJif ACTiiT HAVING I«£ SfSSS itahi. - Public actice Is therefore hereby givea that to nnrsn H £^?SiS'.V3^ e SS f ,'Ss ,t ' o fHS 1 rsi rfnd. .v. e . nozth dooro' the Conn llouse noa of Lht couaty of Cook. ia the dty of Chicago.adtaeresJ e«Uie and property described in aid bvaald r*r deed of trust, to»It; lot aomber eleven til) in block 7 \X) H Renter« Adaiuon to Chlc«? a i^ ltiie , . 1, 7 of Chlcaxo. c°a ty or CoDk and Ttate kf_ « 5 d , e oftrn»t recorded In the office of ? ,r of Biiti > ook county. April 6lh, 1858 in book AK ulaiSd PMelill, TUaMaßy^EM^„ UTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY" 1 Smfi"i?Tia oo,nlt ' Co ° rt •' Coma °* «"<. ipti J - Ee = k '* ad J Oeci. Ti. Jota aad • Hereby «d-rea to the *»H John DUltUfl'i aklou, inarment ,^ e S3 JobVifeck £ e d SfHrKTBjS St ".rw l^e'Sd d g ,^i? l^.^S='Sf^3 from Cornell. Walte A Jameson^FK'EhAU'i I f.^ A Vrij?^ c ; w V*?*™** Saljs —WHEKJSAa Tei ' „#> v ., 0- Clarke and Mary 8., his wife. 0 f the d«* iweu of CbkMQi Ooutty of Cook, and fct\te of II InoU. exe! a df » d of tnat of the fare nereinaftj* describe *. to secure* he pumect of & rrruin toa promiaory note of Five b undred and Mity Seren l>oJ » • mentioned, which deed of trait b«S dUt* :e of l!^a « *nd Is recorded in the Recorder's -fiice or Wa'woi'a tQanty. nt\ auu of in iciCR "iv. 0 Pa;es4iu and 411; and where ax u annl » W"2 tCl<6 OV'Uent Of Slid Hfct- i the ■Pplicat.onh*abeenmad«t»me by the ie<*l hclder of »h "i'J Dr f iaseA nndersaldd<rto/ trost lor the P mm therein exercised. Now th*Trte\r~ pablic notice is hereby gircn 1 shiU sell at oublle ir |icll)n twentj-nlne an. Tom number on. (l'/Nrh m' a fF?. BQmb< , r&ix,Mn <l 6 );ea9l Qt the icarth Prsndp\l M.ridlan, acd contiinloE fifty three and one-third (WK) Tl jcrrt. be the sams more or less, the same being land net « . Benjamin F. ciarke and Charles 0. Clarke from the estate of the late Dr. Clarke. V4miM ,roiQ PRAXCia F. EGGLESTON. ' or jj Chicago. Febrnary tod, laatf. f P a C |53 ortgage sale.—notice is hereby riven that defw.t hiving been made in inepayiaectof a certain Prjtaiaory Sous secured la and W a certain made and execatM by Alfred P. nr. WBrts. bearinc date 17th Jay of an3 recorded JN offiw nf the Becorder of Deeds for the County of yN Oook. and State of Illinois. In 80.k36 tf Jlor.K«es. at Pro- Pace 74*. to Geo. M. Gray, to secure the payment of a i*ny certain promisor* note in said mort«ace mentlooed •& P«v which lurre wW beduion the<f<7 of sale, prlndpal and tide JcterMt Li«ht Thoosaad Kljchty-EUht Dodars and Ninety, law tiix Cents. Now. therefore. X ss»U. by vtnn* of the ime power in SMd morunuce coLtalnei. on THURSDAY, the ue * »S a .* the Court Home, in the dty of Chlc*«o and County «t Oook. aad State of *?• ots < 'J, 1 ? 0 clock A. H , sell at public auction to the rtiU highest blJd-.r for cji the followlncdescrlbed lots or alte- pieces of laads, together w.thai: ri*ht and rquity of re )D« demytloa, siuutedln theettrof Calci-o. and County of 'i?- Co k. and State of Illinois, to wit: Toe oadirided one -Ibe half of Lots onj ii) and two i), in Block four W, Fort per* Dearborn Addition to Chicago. " Nt »-h inn Q!£o - M - ORiY - MotUut. Uh carq.reb. 3th, I*5S» [^9 c iyj 1 on . earn NOTICE—STATE OF ILLI- Iter Vy *oif Of Coot 6S.—Circuit Ooart ot Cock tin °®unt* April Term A. D. 1c59. AM FranVUa E. Gregory Joan niton. Ormacd Ectton. iui M -ses W. Richaidscn. John H. Bradbory. Gcor*e £ 1 Sid Blcbwdaon. Hyrite barnei W. LiSiSTui "jSTOCtr.EdJiidaleiaMer.Johau. «'e!t;r»e.t <■ » !''=-•■ '''■ A U. New- i —. ell Rudolph Echloeger, Kbrldteu. Nepali, andC h »s. 1 iy. j Notice ts hereby dven tothe said Dbrtd<eQ NewelrSiM * S ' c'j. ISf Novembt? Rm. inrt lis' - on Ule "MU-olntH daj i , N - .nedS« »u J k-i h A tol «»""' i in J I unless yon. the said ElbrinceG Newrfl »haii I ISr ff /v* , aod eppear her. re said Circuit Coon I or Look Ooanty, on tlie Urstiay of the ne« Amii 1 I nl* ■ J , thereot to be hoiden at Uhic.lso. in Uie iiild L. I £?5?i y a S « on orrt Monday 3f Apr!., l&c® D I n?£sJ."i!uT^?#7 wop JoU»««iid consol*lnant«" bill , a J complftait. the same and the maturs ana things there- I 0 I stated will be taken as confessed aad a ! I »ou according to the prayer of said d I comptalnants. WIL iTcHURuh oi»{ I . Praiklin Wetnter. OoTpi'ta got'r. )a37c1014w j 'u QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COONTY OF COOB, i : TeTSrfe" c,,a:U Conrt °' C0,1m, °. 0 Km * ' :f B 'iy t SrL L is?;v Sa:I "' !l8 - ts-talor. ud "re.tet, ' :£ ? r ,'?. a i e ,Tj'*£rsi;. d ' : \i 4>,!ll -. T *- Jcieoli W,lde. >inlor" *b Ai*u his wl e. Mary Aiiq Biroer, Bitber. ; £ «" * r ~ BeU - " d J I ni* Ti .E art i: f the defeuamt* a.bcve •'A J lae <'®ce ortfae Clerk of said Oook Coant* r SSS?2 f ®f , K , " apl ,* ,s - I V M HanJet Barber. Charles ?{ I i l *^J« l al iuE n B«I'. his wife, that the eompUln«nta iO j fllt-a tfielr nil: or complaint la the said Court, on tee Ltaa £? I «kI? thcreot oa ii t !r i thoreapca issued oat ot gud Jourt I 54 !? "'Uniable ou the first Slon- I day or Aptil ne*k A. D. 1&», as is by law required. T I d ? w ' »oa. the said Mary Ann Baroer. Lacy r jp PiV -<V *"i! C ii * B*ll aai EUxaßed, L I ij w^: e *, Personally be and appear bsfore I County Coa't of Common Pleas, oa bj I d*r Ot the next term thereot to be hoiden 5.: ,'i ®licasj m said Oouatj on the first Monday «f ft. I aE , s 7« demUf to ue said I P a °> p s Ull uf eomslsl&t, the same and the mat- I ter* and tacgslherein charged and stated wUI be taken If I as confessed, and a decree entered atainal tod accord. I In* to Uie prayer of said bllL n I it >U •*»,.„, WALTER KIUBALL. Clert fr I -rfathy. '• OTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY.SS. 11 I Court Coaaly, VebmaryifptclilTena* I I*.,_ J. I Jcha B Kir* ts. Joha P. Collin*. Gardon CoDkllnir, F n I '•oukllns, Saran A. Conklin*. Godfry Brj- K: I Peter Pecoy and Charies J. g r- noa-res!dence of John p. Conkl'ar, . t- d ,- r&r £ lnc A. Oiak.loK his I I BArih A. Conklln , Codircy Brraat 'and Ch .nes J. Tr*. ■ » I at>OTe named, ha vice bt-ea filed ia «« U I tte office 01 the Clerk of said Circuit Court of Cook Couaty ® L | ° oU " is hertby rlTea to the said Jha P.Cnnkllnr, G«r- UoaCon«lioK.a.-dCsrolae A. Cotkhit his wife. &.^L 0 I Godfrey aad ohar<e«J. T.em*la that >t I said complainant filed his bin of complaint in saldJCourt n loa he Chancery side thereof oa ibe fi.stdsy of P.-&n- I* I, I *«7 laoy. and that a summons thereoacn iamM nntnf »m I Court said de.'endaatsv returasble oa the second 't I Mondayof February list., as is by law required. X | Now. oale»syou. 'be s\id Jono P. Coaillni. Gardoa C!< , I Oookiln* aad i-aroil* eA. Conkllnj his wife, Sarah A. Ro J» I OoakUnjr.Godfref Br/ant »nd Charles J.Treaaln shall tot 3 I D .*v Md apirear,befo« e «!•} Clroulv Oourtof *a J p'^.Co-oatheflntdajrcftacnext»peclillcna theiect «« I V? fae J»°« a co " 1 hlcaKo. la said Couaty, on tue second Ito the said «omplainants* bill of complaint, the same aad * I the tar Iters aad Wees therein charged aad stated will o.« 1 I be taken as a decree entered against yon. 0 t j aceorola* to the prayer of said bilL ' r I . George fed vine. Ooop'H >oPr~ LCima °?cW7"w ; I QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY, so, I S3.—Orcalt Court of Oook County. January Speda I Term. A. D„ lti-1 o q. I WllUam McCaQy, Joha F. McCoDy, and Mark W. Watson. 1 I Georce K Hoyt. ' 1 ..P?bllcNoUce is hereby jrfveiUo thes»l- GecnteE.Hort 1 I ;c. •aeatissaMoot of the office of the W< 1 | GlerkoftheOircalt Court ofCookCocaty dated the e!xh. 1 d^T°X.V, ece , m !? €r v. A \ D i l6sß ' ll the *ult of the said 13 1 I Allium 4iettill7. John P. McCully and Mark w. vTstson *et • I *adaealarttheesuteofthesaidGeo.E.lioytforthescm II 1 I oftwobundred*ndDlaetr-eUhtdoilarsaudtwentythiee att] Jo 6 directed to the Sheriff of Cook Couaty. whiffr paid Ran f writ has beenl retaraed executed. Now. therefore, unlea «t I yoo.thesaldGeoire t Hoyt shall p«rsoaally beaad aa. ?ear before the said ClreultOourtoJCook Couaty oa orbe 185. I L or .'^ l£c Ql l *\ e ccxt terra tbereot to be I boldea at _the Jcurt Uocue la the clt? of CUcao oa the Fo I j aad plead to said plalatifis action, jadgment will be I S? VI « ,ca « 4011 10 of the said Wli-lim I UrCfeily, Joha F x McCully and Mark W. Wats.a, aad so r I maybegufflcleatto saw I «f> the said judemeat aadoocu wUI be mid to I the aame. _ . WILLt AM L. CHURCH. Ciert «.« I Cora ell Waited JCmesoa.PUf's Att'js. bS63 6Cd I QTATE OP ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF I O Coo J- 83.-pock Couaty Oocrt of Oemmoa Pleas, m' I Februsry Ternu, ISM. I ' j Charles H. Booth aad Charies Tattle tt.OtTUle Finch.— -fi. I AttachmenL .Ub I °otice Is hereby idiea to the said OrrUie Finch 122 I of Attachmeat issaed out or the office "JSf lof the Clerk cf Cook Coaaty Court of Common Pleas. fJ™ I S 4ted . th £ t flrrt d *y of Febeary. A. D. 1868. u the iult of I the said Charles fcUßcotaaad Charles Turtle and against fw& 1 the estate of the said Omlle Finch -or tae rum or six. I t*ea hoadiei aaa forty-two do'lars aad forty cents. I directed to the Shjriff of Oook couaty. w2ileh t r «m I wits has been returned executed. "•* I Now. therefore, unless jou. ibe ssld Orville Finch shall I pewonally be aad appear before the tald Cook county rmi ICo art of Commoa Pleas, ca or oefore the first day ofthe °* UJ ' I next terra thareot to be hoiden at the Owm House I la the dty of Chicago, oa the first Monda» of Febro- I ary. A.D. 1>69. gite special ball aad plead to the mM I pUlatUTs action. Judgmsat will be entered againstyoa I a&dla faror of the said Oiarlee H Booth «ad Charlei . ™ I Tokle, aad m much orthe property attadied a« mar *rv° I benffideat to satisfy the ssld >ad —rt E 1 will be sold to HtisQthft same. *«k j nf WALTEE KIMBALL. Clerk. j Ttampsoa 4 Bishop, PU Sa Atfjs. FeS cl£9 30*1 JeU QTATE OF ILLINOIS—COOK COUNTY. All I OcircaltOourtofOookOooaty.— Jaaaary Special Term, I Jennaa si Keaior aad Porter Bkiaaer ts. Andrew J, &V® 1 I saort. _At | Pablic notice is hereby (area to the said Andrew J. K&ox I ghort. that a writ of attachmeat lined out of the ofiice of lo . va s I the Olsrk ofOrcnlt Oean 01 Cook Oooaty dated the fourth . All I day of December, A. D. 1868, at tat salt of the said Jerrnan for To I 8. Keator aad Porter ftloner aad agsiast the —f l°osa. I the said Andrew J. Short for the sum of Three Tbou- M*rsi 1 gud Dollars directed lo the Sheriff of Oook Ooanty, T*" 3 * which said writ has r>eea retnrned execated. brut Now, therefore oale s yoa, the said Andrew J. Short shaßpervsaallr be aad appear be ore the ClrcaU office Courtof OookCourtyoaorbeforethefimday oftheaext borai Special Term thereof to beholden at the Oourt Hot»e,la Uln the CUy of Chlcar>, oa th • first Monday cf January,'A. _ , D. 1859. clTetpeaal ball, aad plead to the said plainUTs »• J fttOT of the sal a Jermaa 8. Keator aad Porter Skinner, and as CHIC of the property attached ai may be to v safisiythß said jadgmeataad eAst*. wfllbe sold to thesame. _ , . WH. CHUiCE. 0 ertt r\x Ooroell. Walle*Jaaesoa.Plt'fiSs Att'ys. deSbS3a*M QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF OOOK O" SSL—Obcslt Oocrt of Oook Couaty* March Term, io«i:' JamegWOsnn and BeaJaariaEafrtfonviKobeTt Gars*. atnlS. haa-In Chaacery. f Affidant of the aoa-residence of Robert Camahaa. arptV* defeadaat aboTe auaed, aartag been filed la office ot the dak of said dreamt Oourt of Oook Coon 17. Ocas Ifotle* Is siren to the said Robert Oas£ahaa that a 9 eald coaiplamaats filed their bill of oomplaiat in r*?®. Court oa the Chancery ride thereot on the eleventh day S< of January, UEO, and that an a smnmons thereupon _At Yi laaed out of said Oourt f <*«» said defeadaats. ro- Grove t&raableoa thefint Monday ofUarcaaext. lt&i, aslsby W**, law repaired. How, unlos you. the said Robert Qamahaa 3eoarJ IfeaUpenotiaJly be aad appear before said Circuit Court QlOookOoaatr, oathefirst oayof thoaert Mareh term The I t&erect to be holdea at Chlcatfv. ia said Ooanty. oa lhs betwee first Moaday of March. 18JB. aad plead, answer ordr mlleaff BSr to the tald <vm»»i«lw«it'«Mlt nt thitump dlKOtt] and themattenaad thlapthereia chanted aad r**H I wolbetakeaaa coafeaed. and a'decree entered agahut aIIBM K»« OT^«lh,lOT ,r^b ; iJ HDioa TerM. Aittn M. Oman, Kit. M-feeiN CBM MONEY SAVED li\ MANUFACTURE IS MONEY MADE! All Persons Eusraged In the Manufacture of Lumber In any way WM. M. PERRY, JR,'S, PATENT AUTOMATIC CIRCULAR SAWING MILLS ! -A- rn oktc E . hav, P SVii V g ;!' IS57 ' PiTEXT EE ' Iin:ED A r ril C > lB5S " ADDmoxAL Ikfotkmlnt PiiEyrso May 4, IjJS, hluo,' which time mle s tec E X.OG MILL S ÜBiJ&SJI—-,toa.,»f«„o„: 1 —-, toa .,»f«„o„: or. wtlh Double Cwriue, BO to ® het: tuinj a a*w « „ of THE SIDIWQ. MILLS Wm ... be.oUfuDy .Ilkha. of Sldlnc. Fmeln,. BotllthpM UtTTa .M Will saw beautlfuQy all Both these Mills are AUTOMATIC, or SELF OPERA* nvi. or caa easily be worked by hand without aav change or alteration la their coaatrucUoa: are the most tfmple aad seldom get oat of repair. They are Made to y£~ Wm * nU ' l darib,e substaatlal—for Year in andYesroni. The Saw Frames are of Iroa entire: the amage aad all are mace to eadare heavy work, to la» tare accuracy aad durability. The Patentee haabeea a PRACTICAL MANUFACTURER OF LUMBER 'orthe past Thirteen Years, aad aow offrrs the rerolt of hUlibors and experieace to those who wish to avail theaiselves of the beaetiU. «i«iwi<w t Lambenaen are here ofleredthe ONLY RELIABLE SAWING MILLS now before the public. Also dalmlag aad ready to prove that the LOG MILL will pe.formmore than TKret Tiinti the work of a Maley MIU with the expease of Oae. The SIDING MILL will perform from X ta a mere work than aay llldleg MIU ever know.-. Thi per ceat. deaa profit these Mil's will make over the above esti mates of work will be. as will be seea at oace by a prao tlcal man. much greater from the fact that the expense of ruaalag. less haads employed, aad naet to nothing for repairt, are Items la the maaufaeture of Lumber that eat up the prefits to an alatmlng extent If aot These Mills attead to these Items in person; thos angmeat the profit of the maau'actare. The above Engravlcg represeati the Sidlrg Mill cor recUy, it Jewell tostate that these mils are aot dtpead eat upon the merestatemeat of Mr. Ferry, the Inventor, a-hey haTe been used by maay. aa'. thoroog' lytcsted la aU respects, aad are recommended by all far above aay Mills In the Halted States, We have rocm but for a few of the maay flitteriagtestlmoalalj coming from high aai responsible parties. Prom Manufacturers. TTse andejTignei Maaa':cturers of lumber, having had In nse Wtdlsm M Perry Jr's Patent Sldlag Mihs. do hereby testify to the r exceLeace ibore all othtr kicds *e nave seen in operation. The difficulties bemnfore experienced In the use of ether kinds of fcelMetting Milts ha»e been their liability to ge. oat o'repair, making the manufacture of lumber more extensive and tteinaccnracy of thickness la Joza ber maautactore subjecting oa to the loss of sood mate rial-«CuiU. By t&e use of Fern'* Milts, ihe'r slmpllcl ty and the »trench aad workmaalUe manner of their "wtrucUoa d »es away with "tiaSenng." aad they are reliable for work. These with bis lato Improve ments. are toe only accurate s-ttlcg Milts to uniform ta ckn«a that we have ever used or «eea ia oaeration, aad we recommend ihem from cur own knowledge ana S?iP,-" t ? ce J° bethe be;t and mxt prcfitAble Mills we i. 4 Co - Kellog Wtlte & CO GeorKtt L. aorton; CREiT WKSTKRA fli.IL ROLTK. | 16». _ WIHTEH ARRAHQEMEKT. £2 O? :^ ND AiTEK SUNDAY, NOV. 2aTH. & WtU> It. j GALENA * OHIO AGO UNION R.JL—MAIN LINV lor PrecDort. Galen*. Danlelth. Belolt, Janetvlile and \ c | _ rraine da Cfciea. * I gso a w iarr PasieaAvjaallj) 7m p u Efcla. aeHeorr. CrjstalLake and Richmond.* fcao P & l"® CHICAGO. riJXiTON AND IOWA LINK, ber. I FOB DtXOZ. FOLIOS ASOGnr&ILIOVI. "■ '& | I^etoS"VSii , :* al "" o<at ™ 1D!TOUl f" o ' <* 25 MSnuJS^SS^^.SSZS^Sivar.H. r iu T*AINS IA-TWAID. ,aa. [ OiTWi ajqchicaooraiogiirrtnip, VQU I L*ave Doaidtb T.GOA. M.—arrive In Chicago 8.30 P. H art Leave do 7.0U ?. M.-4rrire la cKo iisl fi. on * CSIOIOO. VULTOS AJTD IOWA UM. 3C* Leave foltoa IQ.ooA.M—arrive la Chicago at SLoa P M ;J I LeaveD3S*lbtlsA-M.-4rrlvela ore I , iHORiSDBACiBosaiu»OH. ™ s.ife T h aJh " " u » ao In OUcuo al 3 "II* 1 "'"* o '' ** 130 p - la OUcwo al at. I _ 9oz urntallmt •?. a L«*ve E*la at 7,'JD A. M.—arrive la Chicago 3.55 p H nl- t*»esi*rs for all polnu oa tie Qaleaa »nd nm*#— f >'• rW^^^Bsssraaffi rj- [ m- ?Hs"}f aa Southern Offlet nadertht I severs uo%m. and at the Central and Wells street Deoota }!• P. A. Hall. Bto'S. H ®" TL:t! ' la ' prejldenl - I H- H. Poirn. general Ticket Aamt. cog !?|saiOHIQAN BOOTH BB H ■r- I a»D £ LIKE SHORE RIILROAD. I 1858 "Winter Amngemant 1853 id rpfIEOTOH ROUTE TO NEW YORK Baltimore. Waihlnrtoo. * jltteboratDaakirk.BaCalo. Niagara Falia. *°S*SS' wtouVSj"!) ct $ I 400 •&. M. Mall and Acoomodation. via old mi-m P w id 6:45 A. 14. NewYorktxprea leaves Chicago via old iii i AucuxaA iip^ 8:00 P. M. New York aad Boston Erpres* vlaoldMld* i i«aa line. A. M. iraja <d*Hy. exsept Bandars.) coanects at I Adrtaxwitti trala for Monroe and Detroit. - [ in alias close ooaaeetlona at Detroit with ..An a i» WS* °5 Great Weswrrtj Railroad. t I *OO A. M. WaUy. Bu»uay« excepted.) eonaectln* t I _ _ Bkhiui with train for tioaben Air Line. 8,00 r. M. (dally, exeeot batnrday.) eooaect at U I with trains for Monroe **vl Detroit. t I ORE Of • WOODRUFFS PATENT 6LKEPES3 rap« ' !• Will aseompaov the Nlaht Train. < 1 OF"Pa«en«er» leavia* Chlcacooa the &4SA.M. train < 3 I let a NixCt Car at Cleveland. i ticteu caa be baa at all ilckei Offices to the WetLaad 1 e at the Conpanr*! Office naaerlae Severe Home, comer i j f Randolph and DearbonJitreetaaad at toe depot t j HO B. M.GBaY. Geoerat Wettera A|wi [ 1858 WHITES ABBAHQXKEHT 1859 1 t For Central and I¥catcrn lowa, < ; ka and Kansas. [ > CHICAGO 15D ROCK 13UL5DK* K«Usli r I Oonposed of the t I Clilejgo&KoeklMud, PMrla kStreaa T«H»j ; [ ud Mississippi k Blsmiil 1 mHEOTJGH FEOK "CHICAGO TO IOWA 1 JL CITY and Waihinjrtonwithont chanzeof Car*. " onl* direct ronle Iron Chicago to T Peoria. Sock Island. Davenport, MaacaUne. lowa CUy. I Waablajiton aad fort dee Moiaea. c | Three Paaeaxer Trains leave Chlaaco <<«»t mm> Depct. comer Tan Barenand streeteas I ttae. lowa atv aad waahlaxtoa. k ( ILOOf. Nlaiit txsrea, gatordars exeet %sd-Tor Peo- . I l^ DlTC=yon - Maac * tt *«> lov *oli7. '* I P^^^JoUrtAccoanod^lcn^rtopDlaaU aD I He and Bock liland'aad Mlsdsdppl aad | sonn Railroads faro the oaly throosh roate from cm. . J cmo to tae interior of lowa. I rassenrer tralas tcnUuaoaa to lows City and Waih- I lnftoo without detention, or coaruro of c*n at the *»«■ daa*apl River, crootut the Railroad Bridae bctweea 1 Rock Island and Daveaporv M I Trains arrive atCh!c«oat4lOA.lLaad 6.3 I atß.as a. M. de OONHVmONB. Ka | At La Balls, with THlaota Central Raflroed for Galea*. I xtaaleith. Cairo aad lateraedlateoolata. > I At Peoria with the Peoria and Oco&wfca Railroad I Galeibnn aad Borilaston. De I At Waahlnstea with line of Btam t3 aa [ Knoxvuta, and all pdntt la Central aad Boatheza i lowa. * ] I At *- for fort dee Moisec. Ooancil Blofla Waahl-uton. Oek* f loosa. Newtoo. WtotemU. frnTDodia. ao« <SZ .» I Marthalltowa. Marietta. lowafa!ls.Oedarßasldi.Oediz ( falls, and aa points ta Oentral aad Westemlowa. n» ( bnsfcaandSanassu V Loealaadthrooahtlckeu oaaale at the DepoL alao al tra office of fort Wajae and Chleaco Railroad. loi w.ik IK. JOHH. 6CB'I m CHICACO.IOW* i!TO T OHASGE or TIME. Lei OPEN TO MBOHANIOSVUXB. ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, PEC. L 4 Leave OUntoa at. 8.13 A.M. aad ISO P. M. Al Arrive at Mechaalorlllc. JAU M.aad&oo - Am LeaveMechaalcevilie, 9-OOA.U.aadS.oo - tor] Arrive at Clinton nan u.aqdlQo '* tor wtoi stacea for Davenport aad Maonoketa. S? 1 * At Yankeei*na wua 6iam xor *oroaw. At Oaloa Grove wuh fluces for Tipton. At MechaalwvilU with fcr Anaaoaa. lisboa. Mk Teraca. Marlon aad directly into 0 IMM " vtyea acxoa the nyer free ofcharj*-. _ TO LUMBERMEN! Will Find it to their Interest to Examine oce of f; Prom Practical Sawyers. S JSS?" °" " W °- "• Ptent"S.,l is :e . Wecaacutmorelumberwlth them lo the same Umo ° te, hemorore to o.e. S? .T 11 ® , CArB ot but on* belt In Ferry's * -Iffs lakes tbe ilace ofkceit'ng In r«paire*mnU. belta. as 1-* all w t^S Te lf e s^ utlD * Bp mor e orle a time 55?^ti./ tlakeriog. The Arror f> o' Cast SteeL of »cd all the work coanected therewith is finished in such ill we »« not troub ed with journals that * i h A d . Ita « e ct s f w wd dcteat'on of Uw Mill, re AUthe work s stroav, tlniple, aad coavea'ent Wm un for different qualities of Timber, or as dJifeieiit withoot eating or hsvia* anyteaieacy h 3 b at the Arb. ror the Saw. The of tha dogs" (or ho dins ca these MUls% v« neat r e °L a s*? l finaly, .vra la trcsty timber, and the cecullaj head dog does away with the uie of a fi mill bar. Th" experieace of all mill owners and e -mill baTlsthe -anseol •e el dent*t®a aaythlng elie. The -adUty o' flying the t ffemeqasUetf 6 * 43,1 astliD * different length wanta i «=" b e =?^m no^f'^ I BEB^™™ d, J Y V.e" : S. MUU " " ;e H » !<DIEJr Thom*. Merrill, Jo.. D. Stebblnj. HI M Tirr.nL ' Tamnt. I ewnel ambrt " From Lumber Inspectors. * U*e uadenlgaed, limber Inwectora of the city of , Chicago, be lag frw»uea«l« employed m the SltpecUon of .- lumber msna-*ctured rom WlUl*m M. Fe rl jr'.P. r * Biding Ml la. woaJd hereby testify to the* accuracy n mills manufacture of tne lumber sawed by said y 111117 ct fs a prevailing com. w Pldat am'ing purcnasera of lumber, acd ibe a*tlifaction A it, A Darticular. Inevitably follows the sa-e ot *?rest indication tbat a degree 01 perfection has been attained in their coaa'rue. tjon and operation that place theo u-iequalled by anv SS^miir > ?,t! rn , IOQa - , MlStoiiSneJJTt ta co,lla ™ dfa » ImvOTrt . C rSSS,?h !^ t j ! ? rao,m Grand Havw. Mlcblcu. li » Oeor«-D. aar»er. f n rn. ■ J°-a W. llopklns. I oTi Ueorie FrUat, ' O.U. - UemT Bro,er - Prom Dealers. • e . ? n ' ! Lomber Dealer, In th, dty of Chicago, having handled aad aoldmoreor less lumber i Sutured frmWll lam M Ferry, Jr's Paieat Siding l ?, {j ' reb ' cert'tyfag toat icK i tald Ferry's Imoroyed Mills is of i ?m. .S. s®°otb end accurately sawed, aad in toll top ct pre ertble to lumb-r aian&factured bv anv • mill *i'h whlch^iS"cqusth?J C 1 0 ba* lo ' e*fniy sawed lumber lor asuo ♦ I*' c ? aaJ * aa «o generally kauwn that L? regard is un necessary Tbo best and Me'ecommendailon we can offer for said muts Iforml.yof sathfActloa which Umber maauf»c tared therefrom gi .es io our aamerous customers. We tLeref reuihesttatlaglvcommeai Ferry's Mills to g*no- THE PE»SsYLVAMA CE.VTKIL EilLHOil). TH( CapaM """wat&sr ""»»<» iren Three Through Passenger Trains n. BCtWSEN PITTSdL'Ga AND PHILADELPHIA, and fIOXNECTING DIRECT IN THE UNION PlUsbor* with through trains .ton all LM. "ctero Clues tor fouade'oQia. i.ew Yort rndln nil ro?Th\*f^i,tlf tl= f" ln 9'' l Itailtlila^fSdUuS • M iS • HSRSi!JfiSSfn" B *" to0 " 1 »■»M- Trains connect at Pittsburgh «i|h the s p w v,. 5mT Philadelphia ay Haftioora »»* b j u - ■ & SSSTWSSi i«5 I *** KOO< * oo either of the above Train*. „ E'«" jjVS '°° 4 * U "enrich. m EtitWtfd (QM 5# obtained At a # »L. t_ .« a Ko'te t_ completion ot the WeUera connections of the <a PenojjiTanla Railroad to Chicago maaea thu tha • Ihrtct Lvu between tie Katt and tJu Great Horihtsat. :e,: w« I co^ mec H a .? of V*«* bl tbo Ballroad Bridge at • f} Mtl orß s:.uT?i® 0 drayage or fenlage of Preijrht. in J totether wuh the saving of tltoe in ad raatages readily ® tEcUtM •kiMars of freight and the trarcUn* >u • i| rolnjt Kutward will Hud It to tbdr «dr«n. tareto chip by thisroute. •»*»•»» 9 _ .* or contract# orrhlppJn* dUectlons, to&r to or ~~ addresi eiUierof the following agents of tr e company If wm * t}Qr * b . ; D ojfeACo, StabeariUa. £>; b HilwISS. if '* J J Johosoo. HlpJey. O; R McNodTi Uitiflile, Ky; Orrrwhy A Ctosmt fo i EX£-A : ?£ dock * 0°- JeffSnflftnKd; U w W I 1! ft, 0 eJd, ? ia », Sfadl'on. lad; WtUain Wnrt.B., "" LoQ.iTllle. Ky; p4} n-Mii.y a Col c N Wtoraha 2 4Co.Cal-o.m ; iiyßa«K St. LoSUmoJ m J? Nashville. Tenn: Harris A Hank em s' *^ Te ?? : ®i mrke * c> »Cblc*g(>,ni: WH a Koonta. b Morpaj a WaUe, DaboQae, lowa* or to S We»f AwnUof Junfp » d « « difftrtsal eolnu ln tha The jßeatfst JadßUft offered for the {rotastioa and 1 in tpeedTtratttortatlon of Live Slock, aod Good iooo. Id prlTiJerc « ror pSona^S^ u WT, .v, T, , 'MIGHTS WK3TWARD. ♦> 'Bj^blsßoutsmibts of all dlscrlpUons ema be for- 1 vaidedfrom Philadelphia. New Yort« Boston or BaiU> ' at on tae raUroada of Ohio. Kentocir. lh feSST WUconsia. lowa or Jdjjaoajt br raJ j TbePenEfTtraasaEa-'lroadaL'oconaectaatPltUbaixh 1 ea ?i! cr^>uywt 'j? a '? od * c>a be forwarded to «ny " p. cn ,°°, Ohio. SJotalniraaj. Keotockr. T ~ nrwri a Laiaberiand. Illinois, iHMUalppl. Wljcoojia, Silrtoorl. 1 ud tied itlrtrv; and a* CJrvelaad. * " n "> °a th. < «# s ?ss b ?°i*J? d Sblppers entiaitlnj the trusDortaUon a S^^dfi^ COCI, ' ,tt '- Marel,,rtU,,:ooi '=' M The Eaiea of FreUht to any point In the Wert ty the 4 Pcnntjl*anla are at «U tlmea aa f^Tcraolaaa sr arc chirred briber aaiiroad r^- ITT<fl ™° ia M I IT 1 *? c f « comu" to mark packages ~ rla Peon. JL X." £ * e * l ordering goods from the tad 7. *Utdo[well tod-rectthemto beshlpped-by ihiaroote. 0 9 Iwattendlngtotndr owa thlpmeou Onm 1 jrtU find it to their interest to call on the Aganu of *><»« " Coppanyatthe'Ol!o«U | gcUee3 bgiore th pptna; or lev J?? H 1 e,tber of then npoa the 1 abject «f ircUh s will meet prompt aUcntlon. h. J. &aced*r. Phlladel ihfa. BONortb street. Balt'more. l*eoi A Co-iNo. ffilbrstratt tkiUon. I y* 6eo,> >reiaht A»*t. PhH«rf^i P )>t«_ _ ' TO n a . HQDPr. Gen'l tiefcet Aa*u PbLUiii»>ph)«. J THO6. A. eOu'iT. ben 1 Sop;t. Altoona. Pa. jay IMS. Win tar ATT*r,tmr*~Zr laAB J " vii mam cksthl asd cwut " WBTIiJf (CANADi) RAILWAY 11 RAINS LEAVE THE UREAT CENTRAL T . CMcjio: ** M.—wgy i orfc IT 1111 f (eacent tendan) srrire i MDctrolt &.80 P. M.; or / A. 1L; Albaov 4:30 P. MTTMew \ P. JL: Philadelphia via Hair*, Be &00 A. K —Ondanatl_TmrMi ggndayt 84 Arrtre iA flinri»»t| at 9.SCLP. M M.—Detroit Accomodation Cezceol fcmday) ar> « £l""Detroit lftiSP.if- i P.M.—lfew Torkaad Boston Kxpresa— (gatardara wepted), AnJreDetroltfc» p. M.:ans®en. Je •oojM«ke or BaOlo fcOfl P. 1L; Albany law «./m a u ~ MLiNew.YorkOO P.iC; BostcolLioP.*. ] 8:00 P. M.— and Loalgrille KxprtM-^eseana cl " rtT '"" > USO4 -< . Orjyonetraln ontandayat ftOOP. H, rpalawlih Ue.Or»ml Hhjl.rnf , Brßa«wcbaekedtteon^^ , ~" #Mlto ™' , s H- J. emu™. a«L CHICAGO, BCUISGTOS t QUIXCI E. «. K 1848 OF TIMS ~n (\N AKP AfTEK DEC., 13, ISis.TWO 1 i°s zs .... „ aaor. P.M.; QttSTiSlT£Offl. 4-ia P. M. **pra« M=ept«d; arrtr«* at ifea. _ dota 11.6 ft P, M., Oaleabon LOO a. *< Bar. W t Tr^l M^i^ M &aSf I u - 30 "• : T * a^= : -= «" Qaleabarg. UfItQOA.M. A j-oopS. Apera?a»eote' teavee Aarora7d» A.M, /-v Itopmstralna Arrlreat Chicago tfctf p.m. afeaa a.m. 1 At Mcndota wtth CUnobTOantiai tallnad aortk te 9cOQ ,?^£&f r * e 32£?»' O* I ™*:«nd DtmMtfa s and n2 tor. Bt. Looli. Cairo. Ac. ' "-• __ At Bortlncton ckme eonaeeUons are made hv tw " dally trains with telbfieo and Ca for ML OavxQss, and all pentoaa ofCum— and chae SS#^£tat a * fl ° cm9 * ia "* *®»n>«TuiSa bj gogj — . T&k is the onlydlrtc* ro»M dartaeuawlnw wwiwii«t Mi betroaa thaJCartaadXaaMkaathMla oaly BileattactnclaUievboladlataaoete BU ug aMMtorKaoiak. ,^*a * Sr'iK. 4 "" '**' to th» <ut> of the lumber [ j£ v le SJk*. < j^J I ', ra K 1 l ,* . s >°«on- nalcnfctfmm. 1 WUooi i ii,l" S%! U w l u S * son. Thnoß * le.. D e<l, f?" 0 * woaoer A U*id, H&anah. Lu A Co Jofcn Cl"ncr k 00.. Otuwa.lit w « ux, joaa Caleuo. Deo. Sub. 13M. «r7wiir^ l i^rJ2Ji e^K 0, » l ?' , J roUo * ,tuJ «ntl«njfn. .who BSBTZVSK& £ a? J? fc £ T 3S. & ' p. Mr »£■ i D. p , s: , als^s?h. M " !h - U%P£'™ TO O'""' U»»«n. Mich. j jj* .',■ w - IferTy, ihj. Uo, I fr O; Muon. hj. UtukMon. Mich. , S°y- .to. Jo I lAIS v" l 7-*■- ™l« l "™r. Mich. wjlt^nT?* o * e "- ouc«o. nu w»ltor ..nil. E.g.. j (! . dom AND HUNDREDS MOBE IP NSCESSABY carmces*n»»a co/jtirortert «u to tthet tram ih* in : fr;K a;inr&. o j& ffu-jfSSf aSISSSyj , TQ ? nilllwrijiufc will »di?y <i4» th*t If ' # t ° UceJ ** "«« l ™ anWiiS, or tbl JL' ODe the C4CU will at»« tj iTK m' raiiian fmra the h*ck Dart *f II &nd thu r tl ;«»oui4. ftSff lh . u T& d ,Bs bs S "t*. d 1: w ff * n, « a" oa - The ttUUcan i ** ton the caveaience and facility of potJa* on lons or emu and gel Il* rhi . r t hl» V; The we.|bt of Stdin; Mill. comrlrtp. }**3w)a!....2o»a«. Ik«. on , !m „ ; e ™tn[^.? m3 rr d ?. ck . ,, £ Bny "° rt on ths Ltkcs. op io *ny point la use Uclt«d i«utes or Can».i*. au.i If r*cul<eU_ So^iiSi 11 "" sl,e """"■»"« «t»ui M A i3ow£ h ' r C»3 b« h»a |„ tiar^oiu, WM. M. FERRY, JR., FERSYSBCRG. Ur»n:l Havca Port Office. Ml£l£*H7. Or to our Generjd wUeata toe the Caitct! dtaiea. Tripp, Hale Jfc Co., PATENT OVPIOE D SPOT. vvinter •Arrsuigjeiucut. CHICAGO AVD MUHTAIIKEK EAILBOiSW LAKI BHOU LINE. ION Mi KiproM EouU to St. P»il. ~n ON.0 N . AlrD MONDAY, NOVEM 29th. WM. PasKnger ThUna will ran dills, il lies (Bandaia excepted.) aa follows: lQr THROUGH TiAINS. ,M -7? t gP s ln J 1 5ItUßuu» 1 tUBuu » •rn. '■ "--gJEjI«• « eramton. HUhlaaJ Put Lain nK?* I?s?,f e,{ *?* 41111 futtons north, and »« si2lT^i?.i ll V w 1 S akee *■ A, anJ con® aecung with LaCrosse A M'lwaokee Uairoa4 -em. Jorat. Paoi ana all polnis la the Njrth.west. '• & &«*s? pgh Winona./oantaiaCity,Heed'sLandin «lK*<iw\„. wy Waapun, Ripoa and lleTun. is£ wl(h j£ Si Watertown Kallroad t<« _At fta«JneJanctlon. witb ttie ttadneand UUsUsldbl eJSK J^ h i I SIi° I . SCI, " oi " " SCO A. «.. Chl. °°** M. L. BTKKS. Bqpl. »> HTTSBCK. FORT WAISE k CHICAGO R.K Si IST COMPLETED A.S'D OARS RON "J'Crt cu«=. ooa. ul ' *. W_ s*-1 n S v ,!' 7 . a -'' ia ckstral Hours, j! HI haT* lt» b»ne s "'^^"osssssss;" 30 " ocrt - I of 0,0,1 - ,J Vm e °'™ i: 1 \*,?SZ.To!Z iZrEtl, 1 Newark. Monet >» 'UI u LOW US AST OTHia BODTI. „MhT?*?? bemndaut will and ihli nnla both sleuuc r- and agreeable, pastna t hroogh of, the limit »»,» 5. fcwstdUtslatae weiargestatJ *1 -m !*??*£* f?* 1 * 1 ?* Chicago, on any of therouf*. J will Utd attentive abeek burrs at the depot* to reeeita ehecks and eoayey baggage tree of ehanw to A ewi » bleeping uan aecompao* 2 ticket offleea ia tl• *• tae Comjany ■ oOce. corner of HatwloU 1. rtreeta. or at the depot oa Van Bart a • B4 Mittaa&tf to uk far ticket. bT Fort Wayne. S JOHNaAND^Q L NTb^»ru'' 4 '* n, - OUU *'- J. M.l>UßA«&Y.3opt. W. D. • n. ™.T° M*H«UANTB AND BHXPPSUL • fort W *TOO A Chicago R. R. Co.. „ *fTaa*ement with the i»enaiyl»»oli SSHTh for the trantpurtaUoa 01 • ThroughJfrelahtj. property can now be ahlupedoa this PnlUddphla, New 1 £ore and Bostoa. with promptness and deioalch. Con. j tiuta can be made at the following places: i. No. 3 Astor Place. ) if sj°- |8- WlllUn street,> New York. No. 3 Battery Place. J No. 5* £ll by ttreet, Bostos. No. a Dock street, PhiliJeJcM*. ■ ( Depot. North straet, Philadelphia. Depot, Twelfth street, corner CanaL Chicago. . _Mart packages *ia jk Wayne AO. It. jg? Jor farther inJomatJon, Aa. apoiy to IMW--WIUK A&SASOXMX9T- -lfttß-9 TTiTiTTfOIM omrraAT. n att.wo a t> 0„ Change of Time. * N AND AFTiH SUNDAY, NOV. *>9 at. Looli. Cairo and New Orleans Xzpress....ll:oo aM, Tnr BmH fl s*"' 5 *"'- «««»•« J PM " Tor Peoria, Terre Haota, a>^ n Jefiswn C2ty. Tini, and all points oa Mbsoarl rlyer Mao^BS-»e-«. . .And alllntenaedlate pclnts. SfSS, «« »U1 »« to oa from 8L Loal - aad Cairo at ftIO AJI and t1 _ . w OONNECTIONa * The P,)L trains suke direct Maaooa with Terra Haota and Alton Railroad for Stsn gamiator New Orieaai »oa through nosra asd xntobjutioh nSSI V. .V" Ooraotu', oao. In the Great Centra S ? s2i.uS e i£iS'?f l^25 r * i a,ll "" , """• ™ni" Si AA"ana_uaarD m street: at the Pittibanh. tnrt dfloe, corner of Dearborn cS£sSt2f*£^2SSSs. ,lls, « ,nlw "" da »^»"' WJ. JQHMOJI. S '°' l3at "- «m W. «. ABlaoa. Umt. Uhlcata DWiiloo. CHICAGO, R.PiDL AITDFOSD DC LACK. I. OHAliai OF TIKI. SN AND AJTBR MONDAY, DEC. 13, Trains on this road will lea7S Chlryg" sa ftoo A. M. for Belolt, JaaenOla, ttadlaoa and Prairie F: M. for Janesrllleaad Vadlaoa. Trains arTire at 12:10 P. if. and &M P. M. Carrylnc the thrwagh D, B. n«» for all point* hi the Northwest. tr l hjoagh from Chicago to Prairie da Chi en wtlhoat change af can.^o Oonnocttoj *Ugj« da Ohtan with a dally One ot United ■'a«a l. onn.A». n\ FIKUE3 BATINJOT3 JUST BK tJ\J\J astred and fcr mle by PUCLD. BtmtDXor * oo^ __■> cor, of State and Water /lOLU OIXJID JLttD tttiNTED aAri-