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PRESS m TRIBUNE! TUESDAY MORNING, EEBBPAKT 22,1859.; The Twenty.Second of February. We ore not among those who deem this a fit day.for national jubilation. The_Fourlh or July is well and firmly established. Toit let the energies of pnbllo patriotism and clamor be still directed. It is the duy of our Independence, and when it ceassg to be re spected we shall have ceaeed to be worthy of what it gave us. Let it continue to be the nation's holiday, which each man, woman and child may celebrate according to their several likings. Bat the birthday of Warmxgton is fitter for the fireside than for the street. Occasionally, when some be neficent public end, like the present, is to be nerved, we may properly pat on purple and fine linen, and make the day of onr great ex emplar illustrious with processions and festi vities; but the>nniversary of Washington, around wbose name clusters all of ourhistoiy which con be called sublime, is surely the proper time lor mute reflection on the prin ciples and achievements which crown the American name. We have said it is aroand this name—this martial yet serene and peaceful form—that our whole hiEtory of exalted greatness clus ters. We have not been wanting In great men and heroic deeds, yet the passage in our an nals which tells of Valley Forge, Yorktown and Mount Vernon—greatness of mind, fixed ness of purpose, patience, devotion, triumph, lowliness and Christianity—takes station be side the brightest and grandest of the world 7 * honorable pages. England points us to her Cromwell—the foremcst man of all the world in an invincible will—whose massive charac ter seemed equal to hewing away the nioau tains. France gives us Napoleon, a splendid comet in the firmament of splendid name?. Other ages and races stand upon the triumphs of Hannibal, Cssar, Gustavos, Columbus, and a hundred others whose fame grows fresher with every age. But we rest on the calm ma jesty of Washington, and challenge the pui-t and present alike, for another who hosjachic-v --cd mightier results with little means, wrought greater blessings for his kindred and posterity, preserved himself pirer from spot or blem ish, and passed away from the scene of his with equal glory, eimplicity and meekness. We shall do well to remember these things to-chiy. They are the prints which Washing ton bae left npon the shores of time—not one, but aIL Singly they may mark a despot, or distinguish a clown. In combination they make Washington the hero among heroes, and shall endear him to millions after we have ceased to do honor to bis name. A Talk with Chicago Tax-payers* In Ohio and Eastern States, property is as sessed at its cash value fur taxation. hen we hear of the people of Cincinnati, New York and Boston paying five-eighths or twelve mtlla for municipal purpose**, it means that each man is assessed that per cent on the actual cash value of all his property—real and personal, moneys and credits. In this city property is only valued at a small fraction of what the owners would sell it for. The catli value of real and personal properly is more than three times the assessment. Hence, when we talk about a taxation of twelve mills on the dollar we really mean butfour mills on the cash value of each man's property. The aggregate value of the properly of Chicago is put down on the tax books at only thirty tiz millions of dollars. If it were as sessed by the Ohio, New York, or Massachu setts rule the aggregate would exceed ow hundred and twenty millions, or more thau throe times the assessment put npon it The reason for this under-valuation is to Bave the city fr«m having to pay more than ber due share of Slate taxation. Properly in the various counties is assessed far its actual worth. Farms worth forty dollars per acre are put .down by the Aasoshorn ut sen, aod housta wortn $2,000 are at SSOO. If property in Chicago were assessed at its full value, our people would be obliged to pay quadruple their due proportion of State taxce. Many of our citizens who have come from Eastern Slates, may not have been aware of theso facts. The municipal taxes levied for 1858 wero eleven mills (and inside of the lamp district IS milb:), which on a cath valuation would J>e equivalent to three and two-third mill?, and including the lamp dietricU, will average four mills. This is a lower rate of taxation than is levied in any considerable cily in the United States. We assert, without lear of contradiction, that no other municipal gov ernment in the United State*, containing 100,000 inhabitants and upward-, is main tained on a four mills tax. We want those who are grumbling about their taxc3 being bigb, to bear in mind the fact just stated. If the floating debt of Chicago was paid off, and the government could get an unin cumbered sLort, ten mills on the present basis, or three on a cash valuation, wo aid suffice to carry on the city government, and replace the worn-out bridges, maintain a paid steam fire department, bnild a capacious fgbool house each year, keep up the reform (school, pay the iaterest on the sewerage bonds and funded debt, and create a linking fund to liquidate the funded indebtedness, and keep all city property ia good condition. If there are any persons who expect that all this can be done on lers than the rate of taxa tion we have named, they belong to the class of chronic grnmblera who never know when they arc well served. We have gone care fully over the expenditures of this adminis tration and find that, after deducting what it has had to pay to complete old contracts and liquidate old debts, including interest there on—its own proper expenses for all purpose?, have not, with its rents, fines, and license?, exceeded the proceeds of a ten mills tax— which is only three mills on the fair cai-h value of the property of our citizens, or one third of one per cent thereon. What reason able, fair-minded man can find fault with this rate of taxation in a young and growing ci<y like Chicago ! Surely he will not better him self by voting to restore a party which de voured the proceeds of fourteen mills of tax ation, and ran the city behind more than a quarter of a million of dollars in a single year. Put back the tax-eatere into the Court nonse and farewell to all ideas of retrench ment, economy, and low taxatior. It is a tsafe mle to let well enough alone. Home News front Abroad* The old adage—"go away from home to bear the sews,—is verified by a recent number of the New York Tines. That paper, in speaking of tbe repudiation meeting held at Pittsburgh on tbe 16tb inst., adds: "Such movements are indeed qaite common in Illinois, lowa and Wis consin." . This is news to the people of Illinois and of lows certainly. We live in one of those States and are in daily communication with the other, and, with the exception of a proposition from the authorities of Keokuk to tbe creditors of that city to tarn over each assets as tbey bold in part liquidation of the city debt, we cer tainly know of so movement in either State which squints even remotely at repudiation. Bat it is the common practice of the New York city the pspera to deal out wholesale BlenderclQgainet West in this way. We know not whether to at tribute it to ignorance or knavery. California. In the recent message of Gov. Weller, of Cali fornia, he estimates the total yield of gold in that State, from 1848 to the close of 1858, at hlx bun. dred millions of dollars*. The State debt or Cali fornia is only W,150,000, the expenditures for last year were $932,533, and the receipts $1,215,128. The populstloa of California is estlmstc 1 at two hundred and thirty-eight thousand. The a&scesod value of property has fallen off two millions bince last year, and ynttHnTia daring the last four yeara. There are now in cultivation in the State 756,734 a«es—an increase over 184 Cof 244,771 acres. The number of sheep in the State is esti mated at 630,000. The number of horsss lias ia. oceased 43,000 in two years; and the increase of cattle in the tame time is 120,000. Vine-growiog bas increased over one hundred and fifty per CCBt. I laths last two years. l<ut year three hundred and «*tty-fiys Uxoßsind san oQg of vlQe> an 3 tCQ thn—nrt gallons of brandy were manufactured in that Stato-ihe number or ?ineß aaocsting to foor millions, whereof two-thirds are grown In the coanty of Lot %\ omm . "Vine of the Boras Foems sent to tbe En<r. lish Prixs Committee wars from the Uniud _ . WR WASHINGTON LETTER. Marshal jVrtr Territories Sqvdchtd— Corruption Committees, etc. t etc. [From our own Oomspondeot.] . WAsiißtGToa.Feb.l7,lß©. There ia nothing new in the caae of Marahal Pine. Itla not charged that the balance against him, callod the defalcation, is large, or that it may not be made ap within a reasonable time ont of his salary. My informant did not mean - to state that Davidson was an applicant for the place, bat that Martin, the book-keeper, aspired to the appointment. Bat whatever the facts or th* proofs, Fine will not be dismissed.^ Yesterday the proposed new Territories were M laid oat" stiff in the House by atiffer majori ties. The members are afraid of the expense, not passionately lond of clothing Mr. Buchan an with more patronage, and finally the South ern men begin to feel and see the shadow of the Free State army "advancing overall the SVest. New free Stateß are growing and their embryos are germinating fast enough, as things are, for the slower add feebler genius of slavery. Potter has been finally rejected for Collector of Toledo. His place will be given to the worst opponent of Pagh who can be scarced up in Ohio. Tho Corruption Committees arc yet actively at work. The worrt exhibit probably will be made by Mr. Taylor's Committee on the Printing Frauds. Wendell as the broker and most active agent in all the jobs, has been examined bat really docs not remember; he cannot recall anything that occurred. So hot is Sherman's Conimit. teee on the scent of the delinquents, that some of them have been driveu to peijuty to conceal their nsculity. Thus, a partner of a firm connected with swindling at one of the Navy Yards, swore t'aat bis booH were burnt up. The book keeper it unlimited and lie produced the boofep. a Demo cratic mt-mber of is s.ngalorly m'xed up with these frauds. There are also other charges a.'uinrt him of a much more serious nature. deficit for the second quarter of the fiscal year, is now ascertained to be just $7,546,000, acd the aggregate revenae from "ordinary nonrces" was $9,762,000. The revenues for February are again running very low. Tney do not exceed an average ot (500,000 per week, representing about three-quarters of a million per week at all the ports. The expenditures are a million and a-half, and the result is a weekly deficit, now actually accruing, of $750,. 000. Yet the united jDemocracv, though fiercely fighting among themselves, refuse to allow any action for a revision of the tariff! They will yet. however, be forced up to the work. There is no certainty, atter all, that the Cass- Yrissari treaty lor re opening the Nicaragua transit, has been ratified. The statement comes in a very round-about and informal way,—Com. McCbeney writes from Realejo on the west coast that the messenger was there with the ratified treaty. But the messenger is not here, though he might have come by the conveyance which brought the letter. Gen. Jerez, Nicaraguan Minister, says he knows nothing about the mat ter. Sir Go're Onseley and wife are down there negotiating and corresponding about gener ally. Their action, if it result in anything, will be for the joint benefit of the United States and Great Britain, but it will be fatal to fillibusterism and, therefore, the vagabonds who live upon the interest will raise a great outcry against it The treaty made two years ago with the Si oux, of Dacotah, has been confirmed by the Senate. The provisions are a concession of lands by the Indiana, and annuities, presents, and a reservation for their support. This re sult removes the great impediment to the settle ment acd final organization. The House Military Committee have taught Gov. Floyd a sharp lesson in retrenchment He sent in the Army estimates, amounting to $15,- 000.000. The Committee of Ways and Means 1 cut them down half a million. The Military Committee took possession of the bill, and passed a resolution cutting down the aggregate a million and a half more. On the 16th of Feb ruary, the Secretary, having beard of this pro ceeding, sent a letter to the committee, revising his estimates, and cuttiog them down to the precise point at which the committee had stopped. Junius. ■ w Another Tie w of the fflormon Jnrisprn* dcncc* [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Press.] WisniNGTOK, Teb. 17,1859. It is said that the Mormon war bas already cost the Government mere than (10,000,000; and if an army of two or three thousand men is to be kept there for an indefinite period of time, a similar drain npon the national resources will be continued. The American people are emi nently practical in their views, and some of these days will begin to inquire whether it is desira ble to incur so much trouble and expense to at tain results of comparatively small importance. The great difficulty in Utah appears to tie be tween the judges and the people. So far as re cent adrices inform us, peace reigns there. Gov ernor Camming possesses the confidence of the people, and to a great er-tcnt commands their obedience and respect. In the courts, District Attorney Wilson seems to move along as success fully as the generality of district attorneys. From the very nature of the legd system of Utah, bb of all other American communities, the juries are made up of men chosen from the body ot tbe people, and represent, inevitably, to some extent, the pußsions, feelings, Qcd prejudices of those among whom i heir lot in life is c&st. When Judge Sinolair, in the discharge of his oilicial duties, chose to plsse upon tbe pardon of Mr. Bu» chanan an interpretation difiering from the sense in which it was ordinarily accepted, snd from I.he meaning which the peace comTiisßiooers and Govei'sor (Jumming placed upon it, ana !*bcn be evinced 3 disposition to press prosecutions acainst a large number of tbe prominent citizens of the Territory, even against the better judg ment of the district attorney, it is not very sin gular that a people, banded together as tbe Mor mons are, should not only feel disposed to resist his dicta, but, in their resistance, to go beyond tbe bounds of legal propriety. That they are not wholly disposed to ignore the action of the courts iB shewn by the fact, that when Fergcson was indicted for atleged indignities upon Judge Stiles, the grand fury, composed of a majority of Mormonß, found a true bill, but alter a trial of three weeks' duration, during*rhich be display ed considerable ingenuity in his defence, wh'ch he (being a lawyer) conducted in person, he man aged to secure an acquittal. In the subsequent case of a man indicted for tbe murder of a deal mnte, tbe Mormons allege that there were ex tenuating circumstances; and their version is that the killed while in custody for a criminal offence, at a time when the officer in charge of him was compelled, in self-defence, to destroy him. It ia, no donbt, vain to pretend that, according to the strict rales of law, under the circumstances, as we understand them, that a Mormon grand jury was justifiable in ignoring a bill of indictment in this case; but the point which 1 wish to present to your readers is this: that juries, everywhere throughout the country, are notoriously influenced in their deliberations by the sentiments and peculiar ideas of tbe com munities in which they live; and seriouß as that evil is—subrersive as it is of the true ends of justice—does it impose apotf tbe National Gov ernment tbe duty ofcorrecting it by havingmsr tial law declared in Utah—by having men tried by dram-head courts—by givingjudgesabsolute power of life or death, and unlimited control of property, or by squandering away $10,000,000 in vain attempts to establish Mormon jurispru dence on a basis which exactly squares with tbe ideas of clear-headed lawyers. It the National Government is to undertake to compel juries and grand juries to act in all important cases as tbe judges think they shonld act, it mil have its hands full, and it can cquander .away hundreds of millions annually, and after it bas done so, discover that inhoituly more harm than good has been accomplished. The Democracy in a Snarl. [Fpsrial Dispatch to the New York Tribune.) Wassinotom. Feb. if, 11*9. The President's senility was practiced npon with great success by a new operator to-day. The latter, envious of his colleague's (Mr. Slidell) success in procuring the President's endorsement of his wild Caba thirty-million bribery and corruption scheme, brought out from tbe .Executive macsion to-day an appeal to Congress to hurry through tbe passage of his (Benjamin's) bill giving the President power to make war npon Mexico, the Central American and South American States at his discretion. Mr. Seward aod Mr. Fessenden, on the Re publican side, exposed and denounced the mea* sure aa unconstitutional. Mr. Slide)} and Mr. Brnjamin finding thai the two Presidential mea sures embarrasaed each other, and were like to prove mutually destructive, like the Kilkenny cats, contended each for precedence of his scheme over that of the other. Mr. Benjamin, in his anxiety to rescue the President, came upon the keen lance of Mr. Fessenden, and was flayed. Mr. Douglas went the whole animal for compliance with the President's recommenda tion, which, however, he insisted must be ex tended, so as to enable tbe President to make wsr upon all Stats?, both grsat and sm&ll, at all times and upder all circumstances. Jefferson Davis went over to the side of Seward and Fes senden against Buchanan and Douglas to the rescue of the Constitution. Mr. Seidell appealed tor unanimona consent to keep a resolution alive which be had offered yesterday for proposing night seasions next week to secure the pcis&ga of the Cuba bill. Mr. Mason objected and refused th» concent. Mr. Slidell appealed to Mr. Mason to listen ts reason. Mr. M&aon refused to listen to any thing, snd called Mr. Siidell to order. Mr. Coilamer got tbe fiaor on the last exhibition of imbecility, and Senate ad journed. All ia in confusion in the ranks of the Democracy. Chicago, St. Paul and Fond da Lad ltmiroad..lmp.rliiut Meeting. [Prom (is nr. Tribune nth.] At s meeting of tho bondholders, creditors and stockholders of the Chicago, Su Paul and Fond on Lao Railroad Company, held st tbe office of the company, No. 12 Wall street, thia morning. S. U. Ransom was appointed chair man and H. IL Boody Secretary. Statements regarding tbe financial position and prosoecta of tbe road, were made by Mr. Ogden, the Pres ident, and Mr. Butler, tbe Treasurer. A fall discassion ensued, in which representatives of tha various interests took part, and several plans for a reorganization and completion of the road were presen>ed. After exchanging views, a committee, consisting of three from each inte rest, was appointed, with instructions to devise i and report a plan; under which the different ' classes represented may harmonise, and unite in building the link of road between Janearille ' and Fond da Lac. The tone of tbe meeting was cheerfnl, and the I disposition to work together lor tbe completion ( of the enterprise sppeared to be earnest and sat isfactory. The amount needed to pat the whole road of 197 miles in operation is 1600,000. The < committee is to report st an adjourned meeting to be held at the aame place next Tuesday, 22d inst. It consists of tha following gentlemen: i First Mortgage, Wm. A. Booth, George W. i Bartholomew and E. W. Hatchioe: Sesond Mori- ' gage, W. B. Scott, iL IL Boody and O. D. Ash- 1 »ey; creditors, Dr. Darling, S. H. ftfPTom snd i Timothy Dwight: stockholders, John Bradley, i X. L. fritchvd ud B. ]. " . THE EUROPEAN WAB QUESTION. • Hostile Preparations in Franco and Austria. in Outbreak Horemeat la Itily—Csatrailc j. tsry Ststemeits. The news by the steamer Prince Albert adds | farther coniasion to the previous reports from the continent of Europe, in relation to tbe diffi culties between France snd Austria, Piedmont, (Sardinia) Lombardy and the Italian States generally. The English, French, Belgian, Ital ian and Austrian journals are devoted almost ( exclusively to this topic, and correspondents at every court are quarrying for items which may bear on the absorbing question. We make tbe following resunw from a summary of the intelli gence in the N. Y. Timts ; | The Paris journals continue to discuss proba bilities with a decided tendency to peace. Tbe | Constilutionnel denounces the wicked men who spread false rumors, the Belgian journals which reproduce the latter, tbe pamphleteers who en large npon them, and finally, the insipid public in which they find believerm. The JPatris accepts in a favorable manner the two notes published i in the MoniUur In reference to Prince Napo leon's marriage, and says: *' It may now be as serted that nothing will be changed in the tra ditional policy of Prance, and that in the impe rial dynasty there will only be an illustrious al liance the more." The Prrne congratulates the Debats on its article on the war prospects, al r ludes to the improved tone of the Hied*, and praisea tbe declaration that war woald not be shrank from, were war necessary for the vindi cation of the booor of France. The English journals keep up the discussion with a spirit snd at a length commensnrate with the importsnce of the interests at issue. The i Herald says it is believed in monetary circles that hostilities in Earope may still be everted. The Morning Pent boldly accuses the Govern ment of betraying the interests and endanger -1 ing the peace of the eountry. by pledging sup port to Austria, breaking off the French alli ance, and even menacing France with tbe hos tility of England. The daily Iftws discusses tbe strategic aspecti of the possible struggle— pointing oat tbe strength of tbe Austrian lines of defence, and argairg that, it even tbe French army advancsd from Home, the Austrian army might at the same time cross the Ticino and crush the Piedmontese army, and be ready to receive the French from the soo r > on the banks of the Po, a river which even the great Napo leon never once succeeded in crossing in face of tbe enemy. The city ariicle of the Times re fers to a rumor which, though it may have no 1 immediate bearing on tbe Italian question, caa not be otherwise than significant. Itis that the Government have completed a contract with t three large iron companies for a sapply of 66- i pounders as fast as they can be cast. An impor tant contract for gunpowder has also been t taken. I Telegraphic accounts from the Continent do not 1 add much to previors advices, or serve in any ma i teiial degree to clear up tbe uncertaioties of the i portion. The Times 1 Paris coirespondent says that in that capital u atters are corns to tbat pass i that it is difficult to say anything certain one way or the other. We still, however, near of tbe move- I ment of troop*, and aaother war indication may I be read in tae statement of the Op'mione, of Turin, i that tbe Grand Duke of Tadcany has refused to ac i cede to Austria's request regarJing an exchange of Tuscan for Austrian troops; and tbe corres pondent of the Daily Aetc* states that the war i like preparations are going on so actively that the f breaking ont of hostilities would seem not a ques* , tion of weeks, but of days. The Independence Beige alludes to the proposed arbitration of England un the basis of the inde pendence of Lombardy and Venice from Austrian ; vice-royalty, and says: t " The statesmen of England have been induced to adopt this coarse by the knowledge that the i intentions of the Emperor are very decided, and tbat tbey will be followed by deeds. They I know that Fiance hes been concentrating troops , in Algeria, which only await orders to embark, before proceeding to reinforce the garrison in . Borne; tbat force could very easily be concentra . ted in the south beyond the Alps and Toulon; that \ the Government is not gianting any moie leave I of absence; that continuous leaves not being re newed ; and tbat the Minister of War has been buyiog horses, and bps jrst issued a significant , order lor the purchase of 1,200 mules, to be col lected in three months." The Paris correspondent of the London Herald, writing on the lvgut of the 27tb, says the op'uion is now almost uoivenil in Paris that a ens's has r arrived in tbe afiairs of "Europe more momentous thau any which Ip? arisen sirce the wars o: the first Empire. A small party, however, Ljlooging chiefly to the monied nterest, still fondly clin? to the hope that war may be averted, and tbat the warning voice of Lord Derby's Cabinet will suc ceed in three Poweu now prepar ing for the fight, to abandon tleir dangerou-t coarse. Among the lower classes the war feeling, stimulated by La Prtsse ai d the Steele, is grow ing daily more' inter r e. This feeling is further promoted by tho pre mt uncertain;/ wfrich de presses trade, and coLsequently the labor market. ; The Paris correspordent of tbe London Times, in a dispatch dated the night of the 27th, says: i Contradictory facts and contradictory rumors are still the order of the day. There are reports that it is on the political attitude of England that war is in reality dependent. There is also a report that M. de PeDigcy is lively to go to England ouce more as His "reappointment would be regarded as a sign of peace* So gieat Is : tbe uncertainty as to the future, that ministers themselves probably do not know what will come out of tbe present crisis. According to the Paris correspondents of the Times and Herald, the prefect of waiding off hos tilities by convoking a Congress 5s considered ne gatory. The Vienna coirespondent of (he Timts is positive that Austria would never consent'to ♦lie Italian ques tig n settled by an E jropean Conirress. Iu the Tienna rorresponde&ce of the Times it is reported that Aastria and Russia appear to on better te. jis, and it is related that a letter from the Emperor Alexander to tho Emperor Francis Joseph hrs been rccei/ed, which the latter con sidered extremely satisfactory. The pretension of the Enrperor Kapoleoa to play tlio part of European arbitutor L ?gici, it is supposed, to tie regarded at St. Petersburg as somewhat dangerous. In opposition to tbe notion that the French gov crument ?s anx'oos to £ettle the point at i.-jaic by diplomacy, we have tUe fact that Austria hps not, up to this time, shown the slightest disposition to submit to arbitiation.. Every mail from Vienna brings intelligence that tbe Austrian government lully expect that war w?'l, eooner or later, ari: e on the Italian question, and that it isprcpailng for the worst; and the Paris correspondtut of the Herald says tuat among the lower orders in that capital,the notion of a Congress is heartily laughed at. ITALY. ' Tbe marriage of the Pnnce Napoleon with the Princess ClotilJa was to take place on Sunday, January 30. It bas lately been repeatedly assort?d, says the Turin correspondent of the T? Ms, that the Papal Government (that ia to say, Cardinal Antoteili) w'sbes to get lid of a'l foreign from the llomau States. At regrrdsd tl'e French troops, this iny bave been **ue enough; but the Cardinal would sorely noi th'uk it rrfe to dispense * ith b'* Ar<t*lan protec* >rs while the present system .ii lorc3. But, if this were ehanged in the manier rid to the extent I have bketcued in this let* ir, it is my 12"er, and that of many persons who hive e*ioyed fc ut*r opportu nities than I have of judging of tlie u jl'ngs and desires of tbeßmin people, that tbe Anstrians might very soon withduw to Perrara, and the French to Uaisell'es, without the risk or t'je al most certainty there at present woald be of an iur surrection in the Roman States ei soon as their backs were turned. As to the nrobable direction of the campaign, should hostilities occur, the London correspondent of tbe Manchester Guardian writes; "I find, from conversation with intelligent Eng lish travelers just retorted from Italy, as «ell as with Piedmontese and Lombards resident here, that tbey all agree in considering war as still im minent on tbe Ticino, notwithstanding all dip'c matic appearances and assurances to tbecoutraiy. They tell yo« tbat an al' : ance, of&nsive aid de fensive, with Biedmoit Is the price at which Loais Napoleon bas purchased'the adnmionof the most disreputable tcion of this disreputable stock into the proudest and most ancient of European Royal Houses; and teat the poor Ipbige-ia of tlm twe edy has not been sacrificed for rothing. They ex press themselves as assured that there will bo co revolutionary lising in Jjombardy— not for lack of will, but because the very fiut condition of it is ft anting,—the people have no arms, Tnere are Lombard eities of 30,000 population—Mantua for example—in which lam inlonned tbat yon will not find 10 gans iu civilian hands; even ali the immlssions to carry arms—equivalent to our licences—bave Hen withdrawn. The real poiLt of danger is sa d to be in tbe Dachies, Parma for instance, where" tbe slightest disturbances wonld lead to an intervention of tbe Austrian gar rison of Placccaa, willed would be sore to drav on a counter intervention of Piedmont. Tbe Pied montes Consul General at Parma hes lately been 1 summoned to Tarin,and has tad interview s with the King and with C-your, a*, which ha is thought to have received bis inductions. Austria's Q>st' 1 step In the event or a collision would be to cross < the Ticiuo. She might n.arch stuight to Turin, unless met by an equal force in the open field, i France, I am confidently arsnred, could throw 100,000 men into Piedmont in three dajs. What- 1 ever grosud there may te for rieaa anticipations, certain it is that' the ex pcctatltj of war is rooteJ in i the minds of even inofleiite and Sensible Julian* i resident here. Tbe g.-oonds of Lombard 'hatred i of Austria are quit 3as much personal as political 1 It is,above all, the tremendous pressure of Aus- 1 trian taxatioa, amounting to something like con- 1 fiscation in die case of steal! pronerties, and to a I reduction to one-half in the cisfe of lgrgo ones, | tbat keeps up the settled dhnffection among the : picprjetors and nobles. On tbe pait of tbe peas ant!/ tbeie was. If not loyalty ta Austria, at least an entire absence of hostility, till the increased 1 stringcDcy of the conscription, and tbe late alter- ( £ Lions in the currency and salt duti6s, have sup- 1 plied tlieloTer'classes also with Sources k of d£> \ content, which came home to their b'osuiessea and • bosoms. . •♦Them Apparatuses." ! Tbey have get a " Rhinoceros "in the Ohio 1 Legislature alio. The other day be mad* a ] speech in fsvor of a bill to repeal the school li- ] brary lsw. He said: t He was in favor of this bill, the more because I it would repeal not only the library law, bat tbe law in regard to famishiog apparatus. Be had seen some of thets apparatuses, and what were they F Why, tbey were little round balls, not ] bigger than your fist, some of them figured all over, and called globes. What idea could they give anybody of this world f As to school libra- \ ries, they were not ncsesstry, because we had ( in every county in this State Sunday Schools, « and there tbey had libraries where children 1 could go and get books if they wanted them. t We think the Ohio specimen is a little ahead 1 of the Illinois genus. < Ho! foktsb Boutb!—Another squad of no- 1 gross, some sixteen or seven teenui aaabor, ' took their last look upon the shores ul Mi—snri. yesterday, destined for a Southern - market. Tbey were of different shades of color,- from j pare ebony to yellowish white. They are pas sengers qo the ftesmer Philadelphia.-Me. 1 PvMKrat, } lowa Railroads-—Who is to fcaro the Connection by a llridge across the Mississippi ? • L IGorrejpcndence of the ErenlccPott.) Cbjcaoo, Ftbru*T7 9. 125'. As event of considerable interest in railroad matters bas recently taken place ia the com* mencement of the bridge from Clinton, lowa, to the Illinois side of the Mississippi, la order to understand its importance*.it will be necessary , to go back a few yean in the history of railroads in lowa. 1 The Chicago, lowa and Nebraska Railroad la * to rnn from Clioton, lowa, to Cedar Rapids, and thence to some point on the Missouri River. The ' company is composed principally of Eastern capitalists, who are men of wealth ahd determi * nation, as will readily appear from what fol t lows: t Without any aid from the State or Federal Government, they hare bnilt their road and pat * it in ranning order from Clinton to within _six & teen miles of Cedar Rapids, and graded it to . that place, to which the cars will ran sometime in next May. The severe pressure, which has been felt more, perhaps, in lowa than in any other State, seems to have had no effect npon i their operations, for the work has gone steadily j on from the beginning to the present time. Now the stockholders in the railroad are deeply io -1 terested in lands along the line, and especially about Cliaton, the terminas; and while it was * indispensable to them to make a connection with some eastern road, it was equally necessary ! for their private anccess that the connection should be mode at Clinton, and nowhere else. To the consummation of this desirable object, two obstacles, either of which were apparently * insuperable, have been opposed. The Galena Railroad, a wealthy and conservative corpora ' tion, which for many years has been a dictator wherever its interests were concerned, [ and the lowa Central Railroad, whose charter * is owned or controlled by the Galena Railroad Company, and which is sap ported by a magnificent land grant, have worked ufeetber. shoulder to shoulder, for the past two | .rears, with an unwavering determination t j make [ L>ons, which is two miles abcve Clinton, the con | uecting point of the railroads of Central lowa. 1 The Galena company have procurod a charter for a bridge at Lyons, and have determined, over and ' over again, that it shall be built there and nowhere * eke. On the strength of this promise, the well ' kuowi power and obstinacy of the Galena corn * pany, a portion ot the road from Ljons west bas ' been graded, (6ut no rails laid) and many fine 1 bnildings and blocks have gone no in Lyons. The * plan of this part was to wait and* force the Cliu * ton road to run up the river to Lyons, and they 1 succeeded so far as once to get them to agree that ' the Galena road might go over the river at Lyons, 1 and ran down to Clinton, which woald have made > Lyons the terminus, the bridge being at that » place. Bat having achieved thu, the Galena road * wanted more, and let go tbelr hold to get another ' farther up, and lost what they had pot—for. the - Clinton road returned to their original intention, > and renewed their pledge that the road soould now - run ap to Lyons; but that if the bridge was > there, they would run live miles down the river to t Camanche, cross there, and connect with the Al ' bany and Mendota road. It was the determination of the Clinton compa i ny, and the design of their connecting with the Albany and Mendota road, which runs due east, t and is being bailt by the New York Central and . the Pennsylvania Central railroads, that caused i the Galeta company 10 halt in their determine j tion; while on the other hand, it was the great > advantage of a connection with the Galena road - oyer any other, that indeed the lowa and Ne . braska road to listen to overtures from tue Ga ' lena company, notwithstanding the opposition , they hive experienced at tb-ir han-Js In this way, * ana partly from the faet that the rails were laid, ! and the cars runnina for about tizty-four tniUt on * the Chicago, lowa & Nebraska Railroad, whereas * not a rail had been laid on the lowa Central—a ! sort of trace has been effected. The bridge at > Clinton is being bailt, and the Galena company have only to lay three and a half miles of road i to meet the lowa and Nebraska cars on the is land in the middle of the river. It they do this, i and agree upon a fair divisioa of rates, the busi ness of the lowa road will be given to them; if I they refuse, the Chicago, lowa and Nebraska Railroad will connect with the Albany and Men dota Railroad which is in progress, and thus cat off the Galena road and Chicago altogether. 1 It is to be hoped that all parties will be ens > bled to see their obvious interest, though as the personal credit of some of the most powerful members of the Galena company is pledged to ■ecora the bridge at Lyons, a greatstrugglemay be expected at the meeting of the stockholders in Jane. Thus the Chicago, lowa and Nebraska Railroad : is changed from suppliant t" dictator. It has ' sixty-four miles of road running, a bridge in progress, and is importuned by the Albany and Mendota road for the connection. It is claimed for this road through central lowa, that it will drain the State and draw traffic from the north* era and soathern lines, as it is much nearer to Cbioago; and it is further claimed that it will be the shortest route to the best ports of the State ol Minnesota, where a road is already in progress to the State line, to meet it. Thus larther interesting circumstances in this contest for the northwestern trallic are at any time likely to occur. W. Arrest and Escape of a California Defaulter. f From the Mendota Press.] On the 12th inst., U. S. Deputy Marshal Ander son, of California, arrived here in pursuit of a man namen 0. F. Linn, whe is accused of em bezzling tho sum of $17,000, under circum stances not yet revealed, and whose where abouts was ascertained to be in Lee Center, in Lee Coanty. As Anderson was personally known to the party asca-ed, Joha Wanless and Joseph lawyer, of Mendota, were engaged to make the arrest. They went to Lse Center, un der a requisition of the Governor of California to the Governor of Illinois, found Linn and made bis arrest, which created quite an excite ment in the little ton a of Lee Center. A large number of returned Catifornidns assembled and threatened vengeance npon Wanless and Saw yer, and expressed their determination, backed by signs of shooters, that Linn should not be Uksnfiway. Lien's gefting the direction things were taking,'.and probably iron; the looks of Linn's captors that they were not to be easily frightened, resorted to finesse and got nut ft warrant against Wanless and Sawyer, cbargin" tbem Wlltl kidnapping. They were arrestee] and their, turned oyer to llr. prost, an unc]e of Linn, who ciaiZC?® to be, and is, a depoty Lf. S. Margoal for this State, upon Frost's promise that be should be at the proper time. No eocjner,' however, was Linn plaoed in his bands—3o oar information goes—than he wes allowed to bundle dp his clothes and leare for parts unknown. Wanless and Sawyer, thus cheated out of their prize, had nothing more to do, and as no further action was taken, they returned to Uendota not a little chagrined at the result of their mission. An derson ;9 Rtill in pursuit, and fally confident that he will be able to OTertake the object of his search. Linn is about thirty years of age, and in poor health. As we have stated, the exact nature of the crime imputed to him bas not transpired, bat he was probably a copnty treciurer in Cali fornix j A Member of the Legislature goes to a Party Pnuctually. The Colnmbus correspondent of the Cincin nati Gazette is responsible for the following well told story: Punctuality iB not one of the weaknesses of the Ohio Legislature, bat there is one gentle man here—a leading member —tyho makes a good many speeches, aod is a oandidate for ongrets in nis District, who exhibited this quality the other evening in a remarkable de gree. He was invited to an evening party—a grand affair—for which a thousand tickets bad been sent out. Mr. D is a man of a good deal of world wisdom, and knew that in a great crowd, it was "first come first served,' 1 so be deter mined sot to lose his share of "good things'' by tardineas ( and presented himself at the door ot the mansion punctually at six o'clock. In his haste to get in, be overlooked the bell and gave a farious knock. This, pf coarse, was not beard in the kitchen, bat the gentleman of the house, who happened to be id the parlor, went to the door to learn what it meant, when the smiling legislator, with a low bow, handed in his card of invitation. An explanation ensued, of course, and he was invited to retarn three or four hours later. It is fortunate for the old Solon that he did not pall the bell, for if the servants had got wind of it, the story would have soon been all over town, but now it's a profound secret, known only to a few friends of the family; and it is to be hoped, for the sake of the Legisla ture, that nobody will be inponaiderate enough to make it public. Victoria's Grandchild—The Princess Clotilda. The safe confinement of the Princess Fred erick William, of Prussia, has csased sincere pleasare in England. The auspicious event wss communicated to her Majesty through the elec tric telegraph, a message by which reached Windsor Castle from Berlin in six miontes after the occurrence. At 1 o'clock tfaa Qaeen was apprised Qf the Princras being taken in labor Her Royal tyighoeaa the Duchess of Kent was immediately apprised of the eyent at Frogmore 1 Lodge. Several communiea ona have since ' been received at the CntU, announcing that the 1 Royal mother and infant Prince were favorably 1 progressing. Immediately the welcome fntelli- ! genee became knoaa to the boroagh authorities and the inhabitants at Urge, they gave expres sion to the sympathy and joy by suspending in front of their booses various banners, bearing the arms of England and Pruwia, and other I loyal devices. The bells of the Chapel Royal of ! Qt. George and St John's Church sent forth i merry peals, and in the evening many of the Royal tradespeople illdmioated their boases. The marriage of the Prince Napoleon with the Princeas Clotilda was to take place on Son. day, Jin. SO. It is said that the Empress Fa- I genie has written a very tffectionate letter to the joan? Princess Clotilda, in which she saya • i " Ton will gad in me more than a triend—yon i will find a mother. 1 ' These words ara said to i £*vo deeply affected the Princess. She was | also much moved when, on the anniveraary of < the death of her mother, Qaeen Uarie Adelaide, ] the Court having retired to Montcaliers, Prince i Napoleon had a mass performed in the Chapel 1 Royal, of Tgrie, for the repose of the soal of i the Qaeen, at ithi«h he was present with the t persons of his salte. Atfcertha Service, the i Prince gave a sum of 80QL to the Chaplain to be diatnbuted to the poor. i Repeal of tfce Ten per Cent* Interest • } Oar Colambas letter, which appears this iporn- \ ing, will very much interest the business men * of Cincinnati. It will be seen tbst the Legisla- ) tare has consummated the folly of repealing the j ten per cent, interest law, and thereby restoring t the old six per cent. law with the apary clause. \ Thq tendency of this proceeding will be to drire * capital, which soaght investment here under e the approximation to liberality of the ten per t eent. law, oat of the State.—Cincinnati Com- c mtrttoL i Yioe President Baeekenndgo bas sold his t hooae for about twenty thousand dollars, hay- J ing abandoned the idea of housekeeping ia I f Washington* I \ I'tTuonal aUrtl 4'olaictil. JohnQniocy Adaois Ward, tl o rculptor, noTf resident in Waslticgton, bos just luished I bis model of the bast of the gallant "Old Gid . dings." The likeness Is pronounced excellent 3 bj tho friends of the stoat Republican and by r artists: Mr. Ward is soon to eommenoe work i apon a head of Senator Wade,-and on basts o ' John. F. Hale and Representative Mott. 1 —The expenditures of the Goreroment dur e ing the fonr years of Tyler's administration, were only 181,216,623. Thns in leas than ten . years onr expenses bave nearly quadrupled. The average underTyler was a little over $20,« | 000; under Folk, $36,730,000; under Fillmore, [ $48,600,000; under Fierce, $53,775,000; and an o der liuchanan, $68,500,000—a1l exclusive of e payments upon account of the public debt. Y —Mrs. Catherine Jndah, who died in New n Tork a few days ago, in her 84th year, was the f last member of a one* wealthy and influential * Jewish family, which was connected with the r great men of the Revolution. The lady was also a the last of those elegant girls who, on the af ° ternooa of the memorable day when Washing- D toon took leave of the army, received from that illustrious man a partiog farewell. y A letter from Vera Cruz, which is now in a the hands of Secretary Cass at Washington, - states that Col. J. B. Twym&n, from Paduc&b, | F Kj., and now Consul at Yera Crux, has shown £ himself, and is known to every person in that a city, to be a habitual drunkard, and scaacely a j" day passes without his being intoxicated. His 0 recent attack of delirium tremens has brought e no change in his mode of life; on the contrary, - it appears to haTe fortified him for stronger £ drinks. 1 In the speech -of John Minor Bolts, before the Opposition Convention at Richmond, Virginia, the other day, be said that be had traced with s an "unsparing hand," as with a pencil of light, 2 so that every man could understand it who could read the Lord's prayer, that the origin of 11 every calamity, every evil and every ill that had 1 befallen the country during the last thirty years, » originated with the Democracy. He adds: t "I ought, perhaps, to make an exception of 1 the amailpax, of the cholera and of the yellow r fever. [Laoghter.] I ought, perhaps, to make i an exception ot these—for, whilst I think it ex» , tremely probale they were all introduced by r some Democrat into the country, I bave no his t torical data upoo which to base the fact—l would > not hbzard the conjecture." M. Prudson, the well known Socialist writ er, was some months ago condemnad by the Tri * banal of Correctional Police, to three yeara' | imprisonment and 4,000 frans fine, for having 1 outraged public and religious morality, and de fended, in his .work De la Jusiict data la Set o j lution it dans VEnglltt, acts which the law de scribes as crimes. Against that condemnation he appealed to the Imperial Court; but when 1 the appeal came on for hearing he did not pre ' sent himself, and the judgment was confirmed i by default. He pat in an opposition to that de* | cislon, and the matter came on anew; but when t be was called he did not appear, nor did any ad r vocate appear for him. The court accordingly rejected his opposition and again confirmed the judgment. 1 —A correspondent of the New York Tribune f gives the following sketch of a distinguished U. 1 S. Senator: ; "Mr. Judah P. Benjamin, in mere manner manner and style, is one of the most polished speakers in thtt body. He be* a musical voice, i a graceful delivery, a bland elocution, always [ repays the attention he elicits by the informa ( tion be imparts, and tbojgh truth and common sense will not inveriablr give credence to his , facts nor follow implicitly his diction, cultivated taste is gratified by his classic deduction and I the melodious rise and fall of his sentences. If , the object be merely to bear one who can 'dis* ( coarse most eloquent music,' then listen to the ; Louisiana Senator." I 1 > * i Miscellaneous Items. ' Information Wasted.—A distressed mother %iites ua Irom Green county, near Worthing ' ton, Indiana, that her son, V. 11. Fonlk, pged twenty-nine yer-s, of steadv habits sad correct deportment, lelt home on tue 26th of Sep'jin -1 ber, 1858, in ooor health and depressed in spir its, since which time he has not been heard from. He is a native of Virginia, bat be has resided intheWrstfor several years. Infor mation bearing upon this eubj'st will be thank fully received by Mrs, Mery Foulk, whose Post Office is, Wortbiogton, Green county, Indiane. Oar will confer a favor upon an anx ious parent oy copying this notice.—Cincinnati GazetU. Tub Rotiicoilds.—The marrisge of M. Gas tave de Rothschilds with MUe. Anspatch, con tinues to be a good deal talked abont, not only oecaase the de Rothschild can do aotbingwitb* out raiiiag conversation, bnt became it is the first timede Rothschild has married anybody but ade Rothschild. Baroo James de Roths child, the head of the Paris firm, married Mile. Solomon de Ksthschild; M. Antony de Roths child married ade Rothschild, his coaßin; M. Nathaniel de Rothschild married a Mile, de Rothschild, hisconsin; M. Lionel de Rothschild, the head of the London firm, married a daugh ter of M. Anselme de Rothschild, of Naples; M. Alphonse de Rothschild married the daughter of M. Lionel de Rothschild, of London. In this way aft the family, in'all iLa ramifications, bears the name of de Rothschild—a role which will not be broken in' this instance, ri Mile. An spaoa's famify name wiii be uerg6d in her hus band's name.—ifcru Cor. Boston IraaelUr. T&s Goose Tsads.—We noticed, yesterday, the arrival of a division of the -'grand army" of geese, said to be on tbemarch hither from Ohio. *.7 C iZZTl that this is the secood division that has arrived; they are brought over the Erie road, a car load at s time, at intervals, so as not to overstock Jne*markfet. *£ho lot that ar rived Tuesday catpe from some 25 miles west of Columbus, numbering 460 at " the start, and connting out 457 at the end, that nnmber, with 60 to 100 turkeys and 450 fowls, the latter in coops, made a double deck-car load, the freight upon which i* the same as upon a car load of sheep.—l/. Y. Tribune, 17fA. A Famocß Ranch.—We see, from the Trib une. ihat fcnothiirof £be Lelcndofthe Major) has settled in Texas, near Galveston. He has pur chased the Comal Ranch of 'CoL Sparks, front iog the Guadalupe river nioe miles, and lying twenty-two miles west ot New Branntds, in Gotuat county, and )»bout thirty miles nearly north from ban Antonio—lo,ooo acres in a body, with the improvements thereon, and some 640 acres under fence, near G. W. Kendall's cele brated sheep farm. In his purchase of stock are 2,000 sheep JSO head ot cattle, 250 head of horses and wales, besides working osen, a Mal tese jack, two Burmah bulla, and tbe'celebrated race-horse, Hockway, and also 1,000 boss, goats, &c. He made a clean purchase of tbe whole premises, amounting to slo6,7oo—the largest taja eyer made in Texas of any stock farm.—Porta** Spirit. Pessidsnt Bucqanak.—Those who have seen the President lately dispensing tbe hospitalities of the Executive mansion speak of him as ex bibiting every sign of life and energy. His step is firm; be reads without glasses. At his even ing receptions he maintains bis position on tbe floor from eight o'clock until ten, manifestiog no symptom of weakness and intirmitv, and re ceiving thousands of visitors with tbe utmost cordiality. He is, in many respecter a remarka ble man, and his character is worthy of study.— Philadelphia Penntylvanian. Tapops Faogur to Dkat?.— A Paris correspondent writes as follows : "We have had bad news from Algeria. It ! has snowed therewith great violence, and sev eral regiments were surprised by snow storms; one regiment lost thirty men, trczen to death, and it has si;ty zpen ip the The ty phus fever is also making some ravages among them." ScisNTinc Cadihit.— I The Ohio Wesleyan , University, of Delaware, has purchased tbe Uab iaet ofNataral History collected by Dr. William Prescott, of Concord, N, 11. It is said to con tujn 10,000 specimens, 4.300 being specimens in Concbology, 6,000 in Mineralogy and Geology, abont 300 in Ornithology, tbe residue belonging to various departments of Zoology. Judging t from this, it is quite an acquisition to tbe Uni- l versity, and great benefit to science will be de- • rived from it A Bogus Bank Bill mannfactorr In j Indiana—Heavy Operations and Ex tensive Seizare r [From the Cleveland Herald, Thursday.! j One day last week, a mat presented himself at the office in Sr. Louis of the Terra Haute, Alton . & St. Louis Railroad, represent!! g that he had a i quantity of Indiana money which be wished to s exchsrge for other funds on payment of a moder- < ate discount. Tbe agent bavin? some $L .800 to re« mit to tbe Bellefontaine Lii<e Office, Indianapoli®, thought it would be a good opportunity to pay ~ tbe amount, give his Indiarapolia friends a plea- J sant surprise—and pocket ibe premium hitrsel'. 1 Accordingly the bargain was made and tbe seller of the Indiana money disappeared. Next dsy the SIBOO package was duly forwarded to Indijnipo- t lis, express charges paid, where tLenioney' wss b found to be not worth the express charges f The r bills were excellently d*ne,and puiported to be t9 j issued by the ' Maouucturerb' Bank of Hartford/' the word "Indiana" being printed in another part of the bill, in exceedingly fine typel " -here is no such bank in Indiana. Farther in* J vestigatior? were made, and tbe bills, a number oi which had made their appearance in different carts of Indiana and the adjoining States, wsrc ncally traoed to a village named Hartford,in Jay County, on the esstcu bsrder of Indiana. The T bead quarter* ol the formidable gang of counter feiters, and scoundrels generally, bywhomtbls gporioos money was manufactured and put into circulation, is in a small grocery near ■. the village, and here it h sapposed that an im 1 mense amount ot this money has been made* ' The esxt stiffs ia the history of this gigianiic ~ swindle look plaos nar* Conductor Morse, on the Cleveland aad Erie train coming west, took a $lO bill on this bank from two styl ishly dressed young men, supposing it to be a Connecticut bank bill. 0& his mis take, be returned and got a firs dollar gold piees ia (feytjaent of tfeeir (are. 4 conversation sprang up, in the oourse of whisJj thsy stated C that ths bills were oi a sew Indiana bank, that they had a quantity of ths aatne kind to circur late, and hinting at his *tt ; T t? "g to circulate it, r in consideration of their allowing him the dis- count on Indiana money. Getting an inkling of their business, the Conductor was careful not to excite their snspicions, but st ths seyt station j he telegraphed to depot officer Clark Warrev. II who was at once on ths alert for the capture ot a the men. Informatics was givsa to Mr. Ste- -w pbsas, of tha Dining whs wss J requested to take whatever money they offered i for their dinner. b Qa tha arrival of Uw oars thsy pissed into < the dining room*, took dinner, and on le&vin?, tendered » one dollar bill on the tporions bank, ,r, which was taken. The men were immediately *d "'rwiea, and in their carpet bag was found ». namberof theepariom bills, and about*Moin a- sold. The M operatora" earned a bank note re at porter with tbem, which quotes the bills as yj ?- 00 t» V T th ®7 porchased the bills tn New r v .» know Uiere is no 6och bank, bat claim 1 a perfect right to circulate the bills/ of The amount of bills foand apon these parties was between eix and seven thonaaod dollars. The mornins: papers bed got it too large. The !r n , committed to jail in do n» la«H of $2,600 bail. They did not give their real , n names, bnt gave John Doe and Kichard Bae. d. iilisccllancous. e. - a- GREAT WESTERN of LEiTIIER AND HIDE STORE, if BROS., ie 201 *ud 203 South Water Street, *1 CHICAGO, ILL. 16 JZAVU JUST RECEIVED IN BOND W ttrouihtheCHlOAGO CUSTOMHOUSE, our first Invoice for the yea-, of awwoi ' FBENCU KIP aod CALF SRlffP* 8* AND BOOT FBONTS CBI2IPED, For the Spring Trad«, |jj DIRECT FROM THI PARIS MANOPAOTDRERS. n 53 d Lei i i V? l ', Dealers will find the Stock ' T °7 B ,°Pertoraad Prices Low. We have In Btcck k and coming farward » lar«e assortment of ' SOLE LEATHER OF T-J1 BEST TAMNAOES. t OAK and HEMLOOK UPPER KIP and CALF, LININGS, LASTd and FINDINGS, a Which will be seld at the lowti mark* pried sby BLACKBURN BROS., it At tbelr LEATHER AND HIDE STORE. 301 k303 South r. W «H r n t "si! (c fTK of Welu "treet briige.) Chicago. " „,?• B.—The highest market price paid tn Cash for »r H'oes. j*34 LEATHKE!!- lB HRBT GLASS GALf~AND KIP g^Twa i t just received h DIRECT PBO T,z FRAKOEI t, -»T --0 JAMBS KELLY A CO., )f 34S Chicago, DL. Who keep constantly on hand the largest stock of Leather and. Findings To be found In the West. Also, a large stock of superior " LEATHER and INDIA RUBBER BELTING. * All of the above will be sold vxav low for «»««>» or as* 8 proved paper. ni „. JAMES KELLY A c. eclb ly-bl&7 543 Lake street, near the Brid/e. y MEYER'S '<i Miraculous Vermin Destroyer^ For the Destruction of Bats,' nice, Moles, Bags, Mosquitoes, i- Uoacbes, Fleas, Roths, Garden 1' Insects, Ants, &c, B rp H E CIIEMICATj fBEPARATIONS 1 known under the above title for tie laat 23 yean throughout Europe, where they hav* met with a trlum -- pba:t sueceu. have *equlred for their Inventor and _ Manufactureraworid-wide celebrity, attested by the Em perors of Russia. France. Austria, the Queen of Eng land, the Kings of Belgium. Uoilazd. Naples. BavarU, Saxony, 4c.: aad in America their efficiency has been q endorsed by the Directors of Public Insiltutlncs and the approval of numer»us private citizens, they ar* »♦ the only remedies In the world sure to exterminate all kinds of vermin, a Meyer's ttlraculous Preparations destroy the trawd . come Intruders without mercy, and never falL His art ' has fro tight death to millions of them In the world, and q from this day the watch-word of all housekeepers, mer chants, ship owners, and husbandmen will be No more [. vermin." Depot of the inventor and proprietor, ' JOSEPH METES. Practical Chemist e 61i Broadway. New Tork. General Agent for tne United fctales and n»n./<«, VRkdejuCK T. RCSUTON Druggist. 4i7 Broadway. ' 'rMOKKS. PHILLIPS A CO- and O. P. . FULLER k UO. de3o b865 6m •I .I'tic hot T 1 SPANGLED FANS! j Jost Received ■ A.T PEUGEOT'S, i CHIOAGO VARIETY STORE, f . 40 Clark Street 40 , [fel7cS4siy] Coal or Carbon Oil Lamps, Ac., At* The city manufacturing com pany of Waterbury, Conn., have taken the stock or Lamps Ac. owned by t*ie lat* firm of wARKKN * CO, No. tn Lake itren. Cblcsgx 111., and offer GREAT iNDDCEUtNTd TO THE TRADE. Prices Beduced to Suit the Timet. The Stock consists cf C-oal or Carbon Oil and Fluid Lamps and Lanterns—a very extrusive variety—Cban delie s, Hangng L'ghts. tilde, B«ck Lghti. Cn i&neya. Wlc*s, SMsson. Paprr Shades. <" lisps for Ladies felta, Circa ar M'rrors. Shermtn's PecketLeveis, ACm at manu facturer's prices. Al«o, Cheap for Cash Three Oil Cans holding 80 Gal's—New, And a lot of Smaller Tin Cans, holding frcm X gallon to 10 gallons. fel6-lm c 5» J. E. JOHNSON. Manager. GREAT COoT SALE OF CLOCKS WATCHES JEWELRY. Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, FANCY GOODS, Ac. JAMES H. HOES, 117 LAKE STREET 117 Will commence from this da'e to Sell at COST for Thirty Days, his large'and extensive stock of the above named gx>ds comprising everything contained lu a FIRsT CLASS JgWELRY STORE. FOB CASH OXfLT. The reason for so doing is to redace as mjch as possi ble his large slock hefore removing temporarily for a chott time, that the he now occupies may be re built in a sty'e aad manner becoming the great Emporium C.tyof the west, ibe paoiio can now avail themselves of an opport jmtr never be'ore off-red of saecting from this splendid stock of goods, such articles as they may desire at less pricM thin is generally paid at auction sales acd nave amu:h belter opportunity to Inspect thj goods ard make selections."' tW The Ladies will net let this rare opportunity pass without securing some of the beautiful artl&es compris lcg tats stock, tfemeobe* the place. No. 117 Lake street Chicago. DL nc3u3m-bdS) JAUK3 H. HOtS. SOMETHING NEW !!! MITCHELL'S PATENT Metallie-Tipped Boot and Shoe* An Improvement has been applied to Boots and Shoes, by which a G.ent Saving in Expense is made. Every boot and shoe dealer knows that children will weartut at the toe the shoe In from fourti six weeks, and that U h*s r. it herto defied the skin of manufao torers to obviate this difficulty. THE i( METALLIC TIP" meets and overcomes It. A small piece of copper neat'y rawenea to the toe of the boot or shoe, affording a complete protection to it, and rendericg the efforts of the most inveterate stamper Ineffectual to kick orwear It We present this invention with the tallest knowledge of and experleoce la its Practical Utility. Having new for nearly two years been subjected to the severest tests, it hu, by tts oVn lntrinslo merits, actually surmounted every objection that could possibly be brought against it, as the accompanying certificates, which are but a fair av erage of hundreds of others, willabundantly corroborate. We have no hesitation In sav'ng that the Sietalils-Tlpped Shoe is destined to entirely supercede, for Children and Youth, the ol'! style; aod we consider it a moderate statement that one pair cf the Metallic Tips will outwear two to three pair* of the old style, tnakloc a utlqs of nearly two-thirds In the expense of shoes.' Mtssrf. WADSWOKTU t WELLS, or Chlu;*, Have been appointed Agents for ths sale of the Boat* and Shoes, and are authorized to dtoos* «f Town and Oounty Rights. communications addressed to thea 0? the undersigned will recti»s proper atteotion. ' CHAaE. McKISNEY k CQ., 46 A 50 Water st,. Boston, Mas*. N. B.—This Invention Is a complete protection from the cutting of toe Prairie (iraises, aod Is especially adapt ed to Miner*' use. aad all occupation* whlcn particularly expose the toe of the boot or shoe to being cut or worn. jt23ly-«a TFTHOLESALE boots shoes, REMOYAL. We bare removed to our new premise*. 38 Lake Street ,g8 Where, with increased room antf moroved facilities, we arepfepanhl lo show oar old friends and all wishitg to puiehate, the largest aad moit complete stock of BOOTS AND SHOES Ever brought to this market teS c! 97 3m DQfIGgTT* BA3SCTT k PILLS. Articles of diet for invalids AND CHILDREN. We would invite attention to oar complete agsortment 01 these articles, connstl&g of BISCOTINE, BROMA, CHOCOLATE. ARROW BOOT, BARLEY, I GROATS, ALKAtHBPTA, EARIVA, kC, kcO. AR ofwhlch w* can recommend as perfeclv pure and fresh. HALSfiY k BlVti, fc9 Homeopathic Pharmacy. I<B Olark^t. VTOTICE.—THE UNDERSIGNS 1), ON THE J3I Ist of January 1533, withdrew from Cook. Brother 1 ACo. where I w«j Chemical Dyer and Partner, and hav* ] openeda FIXCT STEAM DTE ESTABLISHMENT, 195 South Clark Street 105 1 [Between Monro* aad Adapi] Where lam prepared to Dye and Clean Bilk, Satin and Woolen Dresses aad Saawts: gestleaen's .Coat*, vests and Pants. In every style desire t Carpet* cleaned. Lace J Curtains cleaned and bleached at reauced prices. 1 All goods warranted to look well orno pay. ~ J Mciasiy BtDNay KALIBCH. J abdware stock.—WE OFFER FOR I ob favorable term* to a responsible party a j selected stock of HARDWARE, STOVES, IIO.T, kt., ' totether with the good wm of the basinets. It 1* the be*; sta~d In a fiourlthlns county seat* and has direct railroad communication with Chicago. Also wtth the above will be *o d the Stores oorntr three story fire proof baJWlng 3*loo feet ' Apply to WILLIAMBLAISAOO., I felclQlia 170 Lake street. j Kerosene, or Coal Oil. ] A NEW BUPPLT- I The Very Best Article In th« Market, For sale by j ZiSVZI k PAOI, 103 - • - South Water>St. ... 103 [WclTilm) IBIS'K MOSS. Shred and Sheet Isinglass, TAPIOCA, FRESH HOPS, Coxe's Sparkling Gelatine, SAGO, OAT HEAL, j CONCENTRATED KXTBAOT OF LEMON, B » SARGEST il ILSLET, iptlheculM, $ Mela HO Ul. wtn*l. T To Lumbermen and Others, e T AKK STREET MILLS.WUX FURNISH Aj Corn Meal aod Feeder all kinds at low bycalilosal 141 aad 1« Wssl T CM oss*. Hot. W. lad, eTIVDI& N0 "IJ (m\j insurance. It n vJTATEUEKT OF TIIK CONDITION ft. IS # -OFTHI - Hartford Fire Insurance Company !I»de to th« Auditor of the State or Illinois, s. JANUARY 1.1839. i« 1 The nane of th* Company I» the Hartford Are Insu la- rjnee Company, and U located at Hartford, Ct. ■' OAFITAI* 3 The aaount of Capital Ptock ts. qq 5 3 The amount ol Capital Stock paLi up b... 6CQ.000 00 4 „ V t. ASSETS. Cash onband 143.455 ss _ Oaah Id Inodi of Axtsti or la course *of trinirntailoo 81106 31 Valances on boek doe Company!. 1..... i&n>s 25 § f e £®i T .* ble ' rerson'l security. fiS 1 Heal Estate an en cumbered lAOju 00 ' 611 shire* Hsit'ord B-k Moek...'"«Moo "SjM 4/A .. PhQB-.Jx 400U) 40 UD 00 100 .. Coaa. River Bank's do St'k 5,100 6 400 00 tm !*9 .. Farmers' k Mech's ffk Bt'k, S> ,000 22.t0) 00 S2 " •• •• l n .<MJ fiKO 0U 1:4 .. City .. .. 13.400 Ka&iOO 150 .. K* of Hartford Co. .... 7500 iftSOO D SW .. Charter Oak .. .. So.uuQ 3S 150 .. Wereaatlle .. .. 15.140 14.100 03 •• ercfc,l »*Maaafri.. .. I<,*jo 1388000 ** T, V. •• 14»1«U0 2tf) .. AmericwEich'ge .. .. 0 31SSIU) » £5 ♦♦ Ameriea .. 3u.f00 33.um0 » # SCO .. Ban< of Ocd mrtee .. Ittou* s-,7>000 3CO .. Importer A Trader* BTc .. i-ax> sifOJ CO 10 .. Manhattan Vo. .. .. IQ.OUO nsooo «» .. .. .. U,imj u (ft) 00 3. 25 Ji 1 " 0 * •• .. 10.000 10 00 200 .. Ocean .. 10,100 y.rO] 00 6 •• JankofNorthAmeica .. nouj lUOOoO £ SCO .. Metropolitan JFk .. saooo w }'o .. BUckstpne .. .. 10 ao \Q£v 00 100 .. Baakof Oummerce .. 14000 iar3 0o 10 .. Bcffjlk .. .. LOCO 127 a 00 a •• Hide *od Leather .. .. lu.uo NUuoto I •• Stt?I®* 1 ®* •• •• 14000 laaojoo 100 .. Webster .. .. lU.OHJ latgOOO IS2 •• ?S t:o ?. u -• •• 10000 lojcoio WO .. Atlantic .. .. 10.000 iatasoo 10) .. B'k 8' at* of Missouri .. 10.000 >O.OOO OQ & *2? •• HarUonlA H. ILR.S. .. I&oOj 1&230 u) .. Coca. Hirer .. .. 2000 1(00(0. jr Conn. Biver ftompasy .. 13.000 3.100 00 34 Bartford tt'ds, 6 » ct, doe IW6, 3LUOU 34 720 CO 2 OMoStOe - 6 .. .. 18t0. taOOO 10*073 00 _ aoMichicaa .. s .. .. lxa. sauo suoooo aOTttmeuee .. 0 .. .. I*2, SUUU) UKOOO 0. S. Trevor/ Notes. VcU 14,000 14,83 W T«-ui atbuuut or Assets •7M.633 33 LIABILITIES. 5 No liabilities to Banka, or otters, do* or rot due. I I 8 No ioues adjosttd aod doa. 7 Lo«KseltbtrcsaaJcred orl «-a m . M 8 Adjusted and not aae. { •a.Ou » 9 Laaiesin sa>prßs^vaiUncftir« Of tber orcot Irclodedln I*U aokwer aboTe. 10 All other claUnstgaicst the Co. 9,P9fi,37 * Total am't of liabilities. H6R.90896 11 toB rale of the Comoany is cot to exceed liOiOOO ta b. aay cnerlak, sntiectto Jcwby a nnjrteflre. 13 The amount Insaied in a city or viiU*e. depot's wxm Its slat-generally all thedeslrabteriak to b« had ■ robj«ct to the rale last»bore aaced. 13 The axnooai injured in anyose block of buDdlnga. depcdi apon Itatfae and eosstroeUoa. to the m'e above referred to. 14 The Act of Incorporation is the same as filed !n Jaa oary. 166 i Xiao. C, ALLYN, Secretary, >i [ORIGINAL,] [Certificate to exrlre on the 31st day of January, 1330.] □ AcorTOa'3 Ornca, Stxtx or Illrob.) 0 &raxsQnELO,Uanaary» |H ?9. > rt Whereaa, the HaxUord fire Insurance Company i; located at llartfam. In the Subs of Connecticut, id has filed In this office a statement of the coodl -- tlonor Its affairs, as required by "An Act to re*ula?e the K Asendescr Insurance Companies not Iseorporated by U the State of Illinois," approved February 17. <853. and an n act amendatorr thereto, approved January 23, ISj;; and d whereas, said Compuy bu famished satisfactory evl> dence that it Is poueasd of the required amount or capl. U tal invested Instocks end mortgages, and UufileJ lnthh office a written Instrument, a ned by the President and 1* Secretary thereof, appointing H. B wlllmarth of Chicago, rt lu Agent for the transaction of the buslne»i of said Coopa d ny.aod fully and unreservedly authorising him to acknowi. t' edje service of iroccsi for atd on behalf of said Con. e pany. consenting that aervlc* nf process upon him, the said Af-nt, shall be taken and held to be as valid as If served upon the Company, aad waiving all 0 f cnor by reason of such service, Mow, therefore; In pursuance of the provisions of tho Act aforesaid. L Jesse K Dubois, Auditor of Public Ao t count* of the State of Illinois do hereby certify taat the r. said Henry B. WI imarth b authorised as an Agent for the , said Company, to trAoaact the business of Uuvaaea in * tMsfetate. until the thirty-One day of January, in theiear eighteen hundred and sixty, so ur as be "i be empowered so to do by said Company. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed mj name, and adxed the seal of my office, at tipringfleli this flAeentb day of January A. D. ISSO. Jiiiaß K. DDBOId, Auditor P. A. { H. B. WILL9AKTH, j a? 7 I m Corner fijuth Water and Clark-Ma, PHCENIX >INSURANCE COMP AN--2", —Of— t 1 Hartford. €Ollll. Ss !>• Prealdenf* j H, KELLOGG, Secretary. . WESTERN BRllVtn OFFICE, M. MA.GILL, Greneral STATEMENT OF ASSETS, JANUARY 8,15J9. Kxamlaed and approved by the Auditors of Wisconsin, lowa. Indiana. Ohio. Illinois and Tennessee, In compii , aoce with the Lawsol these States, CASH CAPITAL $200,000 00. CASS AfSITS, HIX.OtH 99. Cash, on hand and in bank $ 5145t 11 i '* dae and from Agents :i£i74 76 14'7 shares New York Dank stocks Hi KN 50 1100 ** Hartford ** ** 114 5J6 00 10J 44 other N. C. 44 - a 7-« 00 Am't loaned on Mortgages of Real Estate 30 aoo uo •*•*** Pledge of Bonk *tock« 20 Water Bonds of the town of New Britain, Connecticut.,,.. in 500 00 10 0 P. AL H R. Hoods, guaranteed 7.500 oO Accumulated interest on Investments 3.35; 00 Real Estate owned by the Company, unincum bered. 8.466 71 Total Assets $419,084 66 liabilities, being unadjusted losses and those not due $31,343 00 Tha foregokft nreteots suoh a view of the poiitioj as must Impress the conviction on the minds of allof its solvency acd healthy condition. The amount of Its liabilities Is less than Companies do lngso large and extensive a btulnets gent rally show ~no long and large list of unpaid loues." as a set off against accumulations are seen h' re If, therefore, jou want Insurance In a TlrsVQass ranee Company, so to the "PiKSSIX" through any of lti authorised Asents. and vour application will be re ceived and busiaeis pro tar tly attended to. in most of the prominent to ens and cities of theUnloa. BRANCH OFFIOS, Nos. il and 33 WestThlrd-st.. o> p<s}te Uasnnlo Tfeapje. cinclnnsiL O. Agents appointed, correspondence attended to. losses and paid, and a;l btulnets of the Western Branch attended to with dispatch and fidelity by ILHMAOHr) M. MAGILL. GtnnM i,tzL H. 4L kIAGILL. Aitnti and Adjostira, jgT STATE AiIBQEIIT oaoiqa tst olabb insubanob —»i m- Ineorporated 1819**Cluiter Perpetual. cish ciprriL ...... $i } o«o,ooow [Absolute and Cnimpared With a Sarplns of $606 t 14Q IQ. And the presto of 3Q years success and experience. The Q&pltal atone bd&c oouble that si any fire rt&ce Oompany in the united Stale*. ASSETS. JULY Ist, ISR. i Cash en band and deposited In Harford 1 Banks. IS I CashintraEslt andAaenW bands 144,719 & 1 D. «L Treasury Motes, S per cent. Interest. 3LSOO 00 146 State Bonds. lfii&Q CD Money doe the Company, secured by aort Bills receivable H<?9 M TiTira, 10 Condi, (, 1, aaiig f cent, interest a&na ally 10,360 00 .ST shares Railroad Stock 83,773 00 M shares Connecticut River Co. Stock...* 1.350 00 BO shares Stafford Bank Stock 6,350 00 to shares Waterbur? Bank Stock. 6.250 00 , 86 shares Providenee Bank Stock. 1339 shares Hartford Bank stock 330,113 60 1 2,030 shares Hew York Bank Stock 6H740 0u 15 shares Jersey City bank Stock.... I*o CD 10U shares D. 8. Trust Co. Krf Torfc 8to&. l££o 00 3 U0 shares New Tort. £-X aso Trust Oos- 1 PtnyStoO..., KTSO 00 ] tL66A140 U ! _ TOTAL LlAßnima: i UcseOled Claims not doe $103,711 B { Lnks S4IUUT A4Jist«4 ud VnupUj FaU* | TJFWAHDS OF $11,000,000 or losks have been | paid by the Jtas insurance Ooz&paay 1b tha past P : yean. * Fire and Inland Navigation. 1 Ksks accepted at terms consistent with solvency and t sir ore fit. | Special attention given to Insuranceof Dwefflngs aad 1 Oootenta for tsras of of one or five yean. Organised oa a NATIONAL basis, with agendes In j the prlnplpal cities and towns. Cash transactions* free from the objections of ths credit urtti. /\pp n gi«''7n made to any duly aotborlaed Aaent prewUy attended 10, By strict attention to a legitimate Inserance brain ess this Company is enabled to oder both ln4snaity tor the past and secuzity for the future. i roUdes ianed without delay by any of tie Hthor* " teed Agents Branch Office 171 Tine street, VWnsa aUsoded to with dispatch mi fllrHlT 1 J. B. BUVTIT, Otnanl Aftut* . gUBBARD A HPHT.. Agecta. Chicle. 1 W. B. PATCH. BUU Agent Pecrta. lUlnola. wlMlAn QTATEUKNT OF TUB CoNDITIOX OP 3 the Niagara fire Insurance of Ue dty of H sw Tork od the Qrat day of Janoary, lafis, la eoobmltr Vltb the Law of Illinois: fl first—'The name of the Company Is the Nltgara fire la buranee Oompany, and is loemted la the City aad Slate of Mew Tork. n Becoa-J—The tooustofftiCapftAlgVxktaTwo Hundred I Tfatesand DoUare. Tblnl-The amount of Its Oapltal Rock, paid on. is WHIM. fourth—L Cash on band and la the hands of agetts.. cajis.ra a !• No Real Estate. I*. L ttiree !tew Tork CTty remae bmtUkSper.eent. ._...«»ooo . Pevtn Brcoklyo CHy Water Lo*a 6 per efat bonds. t'.OQJ 1 Blx Hudson Rim Haliroai Ist «ortra*t V Debts due Use eompsny secundby boeds and mortgara. being ail first U*ns and of which more than 610a0M is udoq property worth double the amount norv gageH thenoo at 7 f cmi interest. 313,750.00 I. Loans oa Stocks payable oq de> • nJ*o<l °f the market value of ~ •ta.«4A sieifs i & Debts for trantns 737 66 A ' T. All other securities 8543(8 Total Assets or the Company 6314,065.71 fifth—The company owes no bank or other creditor*. nose. Hs*b->Lceses adjusted and due none. fl Seventh— Losses adjusted and not due none. I Klsbih—Losses unaoiusted 1300.00 - 1 Ninth Letess in aospeoee waiting fttrtherproof \ou).00 f? other claims ag«lnat tha company., none. j Total of IlabiQUes of the % 7Jo£oo Eleventh—The greatest amount Insured la any 1 en* risk..... ■ tfflsa, attnfs OFFICE OF THE MUTUAL IN9UBASCE Company of Buffalo. February loth.ia«. Tne rnxsue-. in eoniona t* to th* Chtrter. sohalt the " fal'owjpt statement of the sffal sof the Company oa the 21 M or Ftbrnvy. IW: Unearned Premiums, Feb. 3 '53. #l9 33 Premiums recdved for the year aianoi 94 Y Praafams s3tt.4ff 01 Amount received fcr Marine Am.ontrecelvedfor firs 01 ki.... 37.313 35 E*raedpretatamilbrQieye*r..^^f.!jua 1 «J 31 1 X PAID ABIOLLOW3: Marir e losses. reJ - aariace aad com ,mittkej 81M.P34 31 00 5™ iSf** «* 1 00 «"yn»n, .. 13,11433 130,33) 13 33 Deduct an paid losses. estimated. CO jl Total profits fbr the jear. $127.96519 1 absTTS. 00 Cash on hand tad In Bank 1137.161 81 et. Loani on Bonds ud Mcrigigea Cnlted «*>»— do &!?• or Sew Fork stoc£a!d othg gift W UU 3t7l4ft 14 s gs 3 W dae from Agents and others «list 7 jjO Salvages and vessel property 38.1*4 37 g Total Assets $194,535 69 00 Tha Traitee's have dt &'ared a Serin Dlrldend of Forty U0 P**®? 1 ? - WXoat of the prolts fcr the year. Parties la UU teratjd can obtain their ceitiflcaks oa and after the 14 (O cay &r Ui'u ncit. The Tnu eei hate ala> declared a Caah Divides* of ro Seven <7>p»reeat. on the octsttadkg salp of the Com (iq way, <wt cf the accumulated interett payable, on ihs lit on »■»« f Mirch aiUieoOce of the Uomwanr. 00 Bie Trailers have farther declared tha". after 00 seme three baadred ihoasand do'lars of profit* tO UU, thatt&ecettlfieiteslssaed #7 thu Oomp»ay m U53 Otj *-"td lbo4 be redeemed in Cash on and after the Ist of on March e est on presentation at the 1 fficsof theCompa qi By* and that all >arther Interest on the tune 1 renin 00 A A. ECSPAPmsVE, Secretary. "> TKSTIIS. ,5 Dean Richmond. 8 H Fish. 10 SSheotrd. L 2 HMKltae. FHTows. J2 D N Cyras Clark, 7ZI Geo 8 Hazard. kOyoanlohuL 10- C -^s ier - BchujlerOoie. ft JasCKvana. A a Bostaphievc. m Beptlmai Lathrop. (1T Wlliiama. £ Jaacn Parker. BatU:lF Pratt, CO § - Jewrtt. M 8 nawley. S3K Woahintton. JQDe»hler. h Yf HoweJ, Mies Jones. __ JtM£Bc. KVANB. President, S3 r n , HILAB d. luu, Vice President. Jon BniTmi, Inspectjk aod kngtneer. SAMUEL T. ATWATEB, Agent, 2 Dole's Baildins 2 Cor. Clark and South Wattr tU, CKicaao KeWe237 2wJ * gTATEUEXX OF THE CONDITION ta OP THE 1 PEOEIA " MARINE & FIRE lIfjURINCE C O M P ANTT , —OP Peoria, Illinois. T. FEBBUABT FIRST, 1859.; j» Amcant of Itc Capital stoe v $500,000 m Amoimtof lti Stock paid ap.. 3jj.iao ru The Assets of tha Conpuj an ib Cash onhanisnd tnVaadsof aceats #39 605 90 id Be»' State, at Incumbered CJIS OU o. bondao*nedt>ytheCo~dra«tafilOperrt S3.7UU lu a- Loans letoret br Mortxace of Se>i Es<ate. rj. worth double the amocnt l>ane4 thereon. a. dravlieia per ceat Interest. 113,$ti 71 is All oJ>er Beccr.Uea. eonatsilna of dlscoaaietl If bills, notes, dra is and arc ptances matar* jr Ina dally, havlnc from etydaii from dale to ran. diawln* 11 per cent, in* ie terest 178.391 (3 ie total AsteU. 34 2 Uabllitles. kr Amount dae or not dae to Banks or other creditors V of the Oomo any. J Losses adiatted and doe none Losses adjaned and not dae coo Lfssrs ansdiasui Losses In ißs>«*nse and vaitincftmher pr00f........ l»oo Ail other claims acalnat the uompaoy.. n»ni. DIRKOTORB: luao UoderiUl. Peoria. B. L. T. Boorlud. Peoria. Alexander Q. Tjsc. " ttldney Pulslfer. - U. N. Wheeter. ** Charles Holland. M Holandi. ** Wm. A. Herron, ** yj?-, Bljfiard Oretx. ** I * wllllam fenn. " Pnlio Holland, *• l j Bamael Hove, Chleaco. ISAAC TTVnrpnrr r OH AS. HOLLAND. Sec*/. M J. Aug. Wright, Agent, 148 South Water St 148 DOLE'S BUILDING, [felJ e3U 4w) 9 gTATEK-ENT OF THE CONDITION —oytM— HOME mSURINOE COMPANf, Oa the First day of Jinury, 1. D. 1559. ** Made to the Auditor of ths StaU of lUinoU t put' tuani to thi StatuU of that Statu t VA2HE AJTD Z.OOATZOV. s The name of this j | CAPITAL ) The capital of said company a:taaQy paid up la cash is t6au(oUoo J Tbewr lßionthelstJaa..lSSß. 442.431 ti ) Total ami capital and sarpltu. [|l,M2,ttl 7S L ASSETS. Amotmt of caah In bank......... $ 83,401 S9 ( .. .. balance lnbands of axecti and . m eoar«e of traosmlsalon 17.T29 81 .. Unincumbered real estate owned by I the company. 87.0100 .. Loans on bond and mortnees. Seinv first leln of record on afiinnxabered reales*au. worth at least «Ll7S.9ua 1 and oa •hlch there Is less than one 1 ear's interest dae and owlnc. SBUS3 01 oans on bonds aad mortnses oa which there Is dae more th«w one Tear's Interest. ncn .. I«ans ou stocks aad bonds payable on demand, the market ralae of seeari ties pledged. 0133997 109.550 00 .. al other i:ans nude by the company nottndaded In preceding itemi nonsL .. batk stocks ow.ed by the compaay, (market ralae) 81000 00 .. daw tho mmnuit nn wtiirh have be-n obtained rone. O. a. Treasury NoteitmarktfalneJ 77147 38 Assesß3ei)ti on the stock of the com* panycalled inanddre and nnpsla. crpremlam notes dae and unpaid... none. Muso art State bo: ds, ( per ct. (mar ket TalaeJ 1715000 .. Inierett actually dae and anpaU. 141191 20 Premlansdaeandanco'lectedtnDoir * IclrsissuedatUieofflce....... 1 m u .. BUI* receltafcle for Bresiimns on" In*- laud cavitation risks. gym total Assets. $1,077,990 40 LIABILITIES. Amount oM/>sses adjasted aad doe and an • ( fioeMs prooeuoYad* &oa^ iastment. 010,118 39 «• Losse* reported, oa wnlch eo ntiton has been iiku IS9I S t lalms for los-es rediied oy the 00.. Umm .. DlviJeads declared dae and unpaid.. 3Vj 00 •• «. either caah or script de> clired. bat not yet cae...... none, .. Money borrowed nooa All other existing claims against the company none. Tstahm't Losses, Claims and Liabilities ...$33,568 68 The rreatest amount Insared at asy one risk is fflim bat will not, u a ceneral raJe. exceed $!0,00u. The company have no ceneral rule as to the ""'" wt al lowea to be Insared is any at;, town. Tillage or Moci. It b toe the Intention of the company to dwnhote tta risks in each a manner as ae t to lose more than SIO,OOO by a steoe fire. No part of Its capital cr fwrntnn are deposited la any other 8 a:e as security lor ktisee therein. Ah (Ueited copy cr th« Charter or Act ef Incorporation accompanies this Statement Stats or Niw I _ Qty aad Coanty of New York.) m Charles J. Martin, president, and J. Milton Smith. Be> retary. of the Home Insaranee Oompanr. being severally doly sworn, depose and say. and each for himself sara thattheforecolngUa trae. ftu and eorrect statement of the aSilrs of sa d Corpora lion, and that they are the above described offleen thereof. (gfcae<Li CHAELIMJ.MABTr», President, 1 Ulaned.) J. MILTON SMItH. Secretary. * SabiCTlbed and rvorn before me this Mih day of Jaa 1 uary. A. D. 1e59. J. WM. BDbTXUX Commissioner la »ew Torkfbr e the SUM of t s Certificate to expfr«oa the 31st day of Jaaaarr, 1808. t Arorroaa Omca, hm cy Uiaoa,) 1 Springfield. Jaooaiy A IS*. > Whereas, the Some fire Insaranee Company, loc*. ted at New York. In the State of New Tort, has filed In this ofice a statement of the condition of Its affaL s ' asrequiredhy "An Act torecalate the Agencies of ln sara&ee Companies not Incorporated br the State of Illinois,** approved Pebraaiy 17th, I9S«. and an act 1 aeendaso»y iheretA. approred Janaar> Sd, IfWL end. whereas, a&id eoDpan* hai famtthed satii factory evW 1 dcacethatlt >s possessed of the repaired amoent of eapt- J tal invested in d'-ocks aad Mortgaee& and hae filed in this offl e & written instrument signed by the President and Secretary thereof appointing ul B- wuhnarth, of Chi cago. Us agent for the transaction of the hasiaess of said company, and folly and aniesqrredly aathorislna him to aekrowledge service of pr&cesa for aod on behalf of . ■aid company. cacsenUsg that lervloe of process apon i hha, the aalq agent, ahau be taken and to be as valid m If served cpon the eompany. aad wavering an claim of error by reason of inch service. J Now. th'ref-ret la pareaanee of the act aforesaid. I, S Jeeee K. Dabolsh Aadltor of Pablle Aoeoante of the Z Btate of DllnoU do h*reby certify that the said H. B. £ WlimarthlsaathoriaedaaaaAgmt for thesala Company !! to transact the basin ess of lnsaranse in this Bute, anta * the thirty-fir* day ol Jamtary, IsM. so far as ho may be 3 kxa'ly empowered so to «.o by said Oompary. r la testimony whereof I ha?e hereoato eobnibed my « name. tha of my office, this 2sih day of J^' sx jraiX&u. 4 seal f Aadltor PahUc Accounts. ~ M cUl«w CWeago Firenea's lasoraaee Ce, ( Mm I.V. Ctmrtf UialOahk, UP STAIBH. oaktax. ........ saoo^oo. DIEIOTOBO. nomas Charcb. B. W. Bajißoad, Oeo. W. Dole, f I. HTHaddocfc. J. K. Botaford, Onincton Lest, z> o>&Parw«U. W. M. J. T/ldwardi THO3IAS CHUBCHi Prest. g G, S. HOLDKH, Bee'y, JC& E B2OWS. Btrreyor C aaSTVatt'ly THE PHOENIX INSURANCE CO.. £ OP tHK CITT OP CHICAGO. M OBii, IIS Soatk Water Street. ra Anlhorixed Capital, 500,000 ] Paid la and secured, th< SiliOllf PIBICTOBS: bo J. P. Aldricb, John A. NtcfcoM fl* S. C. Wilder, w A. Kd wards, Hiram B. Smith. A9VISOBT DtBECTOeS: Wataon Carr, ti. 11. lluletaa, O. K. Ueaaersea, Adam bmith. A. KD«fAJU)a, PreeideaL «i X. C. VILDSS. Secretary. w j oko. P. llASTnras, Oeaeral Areata -- LEWIS B. RDUDKLL, City Surveyor. -W Fire. Marine and Inland Xavtgatkm Inavraaea. 1 M j Kerthwestera hbnraaee Cwij'j, S OBWEOO, NEW YORK. HJ (ißTiaiiHio a 18tt> da Capital lsatoo—Wltk i Lug* Bn*lab K miLE PUBLIC ABS RESPECTFULLY CT- ™ X fbnudUut Mr. JUIICB WHIM ,hi. rtm; » tht.nnm.ia., I. mfcnilMi lac M V* *0 1«M % &B.tnur,lMfy. .. .. hv k«v Is m UsM«* of< m*d the old Njelhewitwwwwer ally. siftS tlei a £r. 31 Colds, Cooshn 9 ' Asthma, Catarih, 13 Influcuza, Bronchitis, oo IJoarsenesii, Sore Throat, w Wboopios Cough, Incipient Consumption, 87 Brown's iiron<-lil.>l Troches. u ocmuoHr BKOOBU, ?3 * CCOr dl Q * to act of !n the year 1?57. bv 5 imLhfti,ChemUts, Botton. In thS C^k". g Ufflceof the District Coartuf the DLkcfMaa^acbiuets. ««ataad smllea changes of our © aoorces of Kelmonarva-jd Bionettai rtv niloßftM.- 1 "® ? 10 ® bavin* ptoved thtt simple rem- In when token la the ul ,fS;H.u«e at once be UiserLh?M^r*.? ronc . Trocce?.- or Losrnres. Jet [of br aof tht» threat ce ever so sUuht. as no. al, * mr,rt li<lluu * tack may be t ffecta 'n* Brown's Bronchial Troches, 6 -nd I: llina. ° r OT"Rel|?»m iklTjj. L? or ,» a r co?**of 'he ih-wat. S D:o-" uhhg'2 > L ;i'^Sh ,lon - Brown's Bronchial Troches. ffrom BeT. Koirr Wvd fts-cher. who hu ia,a U:o _ Trochee for five yeare.J ntnuy the best and the first of the great u xeagc SchooL" - Brown's Bronchial Troches. -I KZSSJ}"- I -. H - OM.In. O. U. N«» Tork i ° r i 411 article for 11 U«lt u. to FubUo <2 Brown's Bronchial Prom Mr. C. IL OarUatr. P Incfpal of the Balaei'i P«s MT . v njsl-lastlrute. New Yo k I .\t nave been ailltctel wlUi tte Bronchitis Jurlni th# N Brown's Bronchial Troches. r J°T'" Ohllilren l.tHirirw CoMh. Wleonlm Coach, or Hoassness, are p>rttcalarlr n» cooatofthdr soothlag aad demu<eeDt prort-rtlea. as g ""on. aad accuxaluioa of phlegm. PENTON & CO^ Lake Street 94 oppoarrg tremqnt hocse. = BO^ E fMj f gcO ? 124 Lake Street: 71 the ges.vt western S3 VHOLESALB AND RETAIL " I» A. T E N - T 00 DEPOT ie. * 00 m Ulf yoa want a remedy' tL Couth eo to ffi 1 , S 9, . BillTH * ®- ,8 » U4 Lake sirect* tWIf yon want a remMyto Partly the mood eo to 121 "• ioO, 91, BOLLKS. BMITU HTIf yoa want a Fever and Anne reroedy eo tA ■mr.Ka,smiiHACK LH yoa want» Hal- I»ee toraLve or Hair Drr»slng. vo toßouja. uutu'KC • Rhmnut lo Pill or Liaiament. eo to BOLLKS, UMITH kCQ. Lit Lake^i. 8 fiT l ' yoa a'remedy for r» BOLL*B. BWtTU g CO. 124 'ifittft si. Hair Dye - —warranted, goto BOLLtt. U'lt yoa want a PorxaUvo or Cathartic Plil go to B. A Oa's, 134 Laku street, yoa want a Fain K». • ££?? Katractor go io MLuS**" 11 * °°- twit yoo want some Tnnlo blMe^Sn»'M»Schnapps ■o to UOi.L£ji. HMITH A v CO., 134 Lake street. Doponco's. Clark's and Cheeioaa's female Pil?a SO to VOLLOL SMITH A 00w lit Lake street. « Coach Candle* or . raiuionlc ' LiUe sC. BOLLJSS, SMITH M frrctx Powder. Paste or J?*? 1 } *>T the Teeth go to nOLLES, SMIfH A CO, Lrt Lake-st. ® Liver and Dt»p»iv. to Remedy. *otn BOuLKB* . Wfor VermllliM u,l Drv * «U.. 134 !-»««. * peptic 6eoedy. no to lit 0 Wrenethenlog Plas ters or gil hlnus to BOLLKB. SMITH A W"For a Remedy fbr all Private Diseases go to 144 1 BOUJCB, Uiuru h CO. IVFor a Remedy fcr Die ewi of the M*ln go to BOLLH, BMITU A CO., I 134 Lake-r. Fancy Boang, Brash. esMJToUa ArtktST?" | BOUJB, BMITH A CO M 134 t urror Hadkerchlef Fx tracu and Pertjajary eo tu BOLUS. SMITH A 00 .lU4 Lake-JV tWfor Trasses, Shoalder Braces ao<l Abdomlcal auy. \ porters They ire agents for t the manafacurexs and will sell at low prices. BOLLfis. BMITIT A i Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters, I E.U br BOLLZ3, SMITE k CO.. 121 L»l. itrM. Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters, loU bj E. T. WAIKIN3 k CO.. MSUI» itttrt. | Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, | Bold by J. H. BXBD A CO.. 1« asd 144 Lake street. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, loldbjHATEf. JARRIir. A CO.. 77 Waltr itrtct. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Ml br BAsacrr a il3lxt. mlhi im Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Bold by J. I. a. FOLLIB A CO.. 37 Water street. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Bold by BOCKFK, INNI3 A oa. 3$ Water street, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, •old by L. RSAD k CO.. 91 Lake street. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters f Bold by O. F. FULLER A CO. Hostetter's Stomach Sitters, Havet fcr their Teste and other Medicinal Tlrtaee, be came eo celebrated and yopalar. thai unprincipled pa*- Ues here and elsewhere have coantetfelted themezten. slvety, sad to prevent deception we refer parcovers to the above parties for the genuine ankle or to the pro prietors. ilostetter A Smith, iaaSeSl'ta PnTSBURGH. PA. •THEBS, AS TOD" LOVE YOUR . Children, be on the alert fbr every floatom of WorasL for woms caa*e the death ef more Isan any _ other diseases. In all e»»e» DEAD SIIOT ° r coonteoance, llfid UXAAXW "»aivi elrde apjQad lhe f , ex _ _ _ ftml breath dve II t> L LO -101 WAT'H VSOKTtBLI WORM CONFfcrriONS.. OHHT S V They are a delldoas prepa* U AiUO. ration of Sugar thst any child wm erava. If worms are present, they will safely and ef fectqtlly remove them and restore health In all cases. Worms! WorasThee* troublesome Infest* oi the stomach andboweis of children have at last found their match la a matchless preparation called "Uolloway'e Von Confection,** which Is lu the form of a pleasaot aad agreeable candy. The litOe children afeeted with worn* which heretofore tamed np Ueir noses and ©uttered aad cried aboat the adr*lnration of the aaaeeoas stoA ander tha name of Teßalfaee. will open their httle moaths with eestaey to thank the Inventor tormaklng a pleasant care for one of the most troable ssmn llerssns JCvery box warranted. Bold bf BOLLBS, SMITH A CO M deS 194 LakosL. Agent* for Hortkwestern States- SB. G. J. LE£D)3 QVIHIHE SUBSTITUTE, Or, JTKMirm TO.riL', WILL CUBJ »EVEK AND AGUE. ALSO, YELLOW, CHAGRES AND J\ Panama Fevers eaa often be prevented by the ase or this lnvaluab<e remedy. Tha redpe is from a very celebrated Phi sidaa after thirty-five years experience la Hospitals aad private practice la New York city, and has been tested \m a>l sectloas of the cooctry daring the Bet six years with the most wonderful success, la th« estcra aad BjothweAern coaotry. where Fever and Ague prevail It has accomplished rnnch by caring the disease as well as renovating and reeaperatlng the an tern already shattered by the ase of Quinine, Morphine aad Mercary, or (rem too free ase ef the trashy nostrums i sseh as are d«Uy betas forced upon the ansaseeeung m- I vaUd, To *U suffering Oram nrosiratlon after disease I recommend and guarantee tale Metitdae as a perfect T.nlc, Totrarveueretaaahealthycdmatesl would use the weeds of the welt known Captain John W. Monsoa, now of a Liverpool Packet Lin*, a: d many year* ta th* : Bssthsnt and Boath American Coaatlng trade, "I woold a* soon think of going to seawlthoats rudder a* Sunstltut*." JThT HAZARD, Proprietor. 131 Maiden Lane, New York. Psatoa, KoMbsom A Smltli, gIH juMj^A^mU 1 . 18 Bo«th Water street, Chicago, 111. XrrBBB AND CONSIDEK.—AN HONEST T^lffS teas nearly asthevart ttosthy conditio*laaolmors bw if— thaa mine was,-aad as-thew kneweth, X havsbes* tehees ft >»rohM> hesnbiasweUasthnssawls of others, whose tsetlnony thoowflt find with th* bow Um. Think <SB>|aoW snbthkgthoa hast tried has that tBM art beyond the reach of asdkiaes. «u«wUi snty aoafes Jihlthi by this ses* imt ry, Bsssra that soother TSh» BOLLM. BMIIH A Oft. .