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BY- TELEGRAPH. TO IHE PRESS AND TKIBBNE. XXXTUI CttKGBESS SECOND SESSIOK. VuHntorox, Feb. 2L—Siun-Ur. Blidell took objection to Mr. Pagh's wnendmnnt, which was on Saturday added to the Diplomatic appropriation, and ehoired that its eflect would be to prevent the President from sending anj •nvoj on special business which he mieht deem necessary in theoaae of Mexico and else where. Mr. Gwin mored to lay the motion to recon sider on the table, aa be considered the prac tice of moving to reconsider the appropriation bill wonld be productive of serious embarrass ments to the legitimate course of busioess. The Vice President explained that Mr. Gwin's motion was in order, bat its effect would bo really to lay the motion on the table, liable to oe called tip at any time daring the session, and wonld, therefore, virtually suspend the opera tion ot the bQL Mr. Gwin withdrew his motion. Mr. Simmons again went at length into the question of exchanges. The Vice President nod Mr. Green presented memorials from the citizens of St Louis, praying for on assay office there. Referred. Mr. Hunter wished the motion of Mr. Simmons, to reconsider the vote by which the Consular and diplomatic Appropriation bill passed, considered &t once, so that the bill might be Anally passed. The Diplomatic Appropriation bill was taken up, wben Mr. Simmon«liga'in went at length in to the question ofexchanges. Mr. Trumbull followed on the same side, and was succeeded by Mr. Toombs on the opposite tide. Mr. Simmons' amendment, limiting the rate of exchange, was stricken out aod the bill pMtod, 25 to S3. The House Army Appropriation bill was read and referred to the Finance Oommittee. The Cuba proposition was then taken np, wben Mr. Mason offered on amendment by way of substitute, to the effect that Congress con cedes the propriety and ultimate necessity of seqniring-Ouba; that without committing itself to lature measures, Congress at present con tines itself to a declaration that the United States is prepared to receive the Island, whenever Spain is ready to transfer it for a fair equivalent, and that this country can never remain neutral coder any policy which would sever Cuba from Bpain in favor of any foreign power. ' Mr. Collamer spoke against tbe Cuba proposi tion. He denied that an expansion or territory was a necessity,of national growth, and contend ed that in our own case tlie acquisition of addition al soil by conquest or otherwise was at variance with tbe whole framework oi oar government, and especially so, if such additional soit docs not border on our own, and would require on army to defend it. The House refused to strike oat SIIO,OOO from i the AiHewtf Appropriation, and then passed the Mr. IDllson made an ineffectual attempt to re port the bill repealing the Fishing Bounties. r A Speakers warrant wa9 granted for the arrest of Harry Conolly, a witness before the Priotiug Investigating Committee, who left the city. The House refused to suspend the rules to en able Mr. Phillips to introduce his bill providing for the payment of outstanding Treasury notes, &c., and then went into Committee on tbe Post Office Aprropriation bill. Mr. Blair offered an amendment authorizing BattertieldA Co. to carry the Orcrl&nd Mail by any route they may select. He wanted to compel the Postmaster-General to execute the law as it stands. He had been informed that the Postmaster-General owned a large tract of land in Arkansas, and this was the reason why the mail was sent over that ronte. Besides this there were considerations oonnected with tbe Pacific Bailroad which induced the movement in that direction. Mr. Reagan opposed that amendment and do fended the Postmaster-General from the charge of selfish motives in the selection of the route. The amendment was adopted. Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, otiered an amendment providing that the advertisement of the mail roates in each State and Territory shall be pub lished in two newspapers only, of the largest circulation, in each. Adopted with an additional proviso that they ■hall be aelected-in the same city or town. Mr. Colfax, of lnd«, off ered an amendment, which waa adopted, giviog the contract for printing the Post Office blanks to the lowest Didder. Mr. Olin, of New York, offered an amend* ment, which was adopted, that the contract for wrapping paper be given to the lowest bidder. without coming to a conclusion, the Commit* tee arose. [Recess till 7 o'clock, for geoeral debate.] Evxxixg Sebsiok.—Mr. Abbott condemned the extravagance of the Administration, and the Dred Scott decision. Mr. liovejoy opposed the acquisition of Cuba. He spoke of tbe despotism of Slavery in tbe South, and said that if free discussion and a tree press were permitted there, in twelve months there would be more Republican votes in tbe Slave States than Democratic votes in the Northern States. From Washington. Washikgtok, Feb. 21.—About twelve Demo* crate from tbe Northwestern States, together with those from Pennsylvania, voted with the majority on Mr. Phillips unsuccessfal motion to , 5 cm»Uls liUnto introdtmn hi* loan sad tariff bill. The negative vote wus composed of Demo crats in eompany with four Republicans and two Americans. Rumors have been circulated and believed that the President would transmit to Congress a message in case of nos-action on tbe tariff question, reminding them that an extra session would be necessary, but there is no truth in the reports. General Renau of Caben notoriety has return ed to Washington. N»w Yoke, Feb. 21.—The Washington corres pondent of the Ettnuig Pott says the Committee on Ways and Means have cbangid their posi tion and decline to report the Morrill bill, bnt agree to report Phillips's bill for re-issuing ' Treasury'notes without* the proposed modifier tion of tbe tarifll The rote stood—for Morrill's bill, 2; for Phillips's, 6. It will be seen in tbe Congressional proceed ing® that the House reiused to suspend the roles to enable Phillips to introduce bis bilL The vote stood 122 yeas to 91 nays—not two-thirds. Congressional Proceedings* WjisntKOTOir, Feb. 21.—Hoosa —The Hoose proceeded to take action on tbe amendments to the Army Appropriation bill as reported irom the Committee of the whole on the State oi the Union, by concurring in the amendments. The appropriation fer the erection of barracks, hire of janitors, etc., were reduced to the extent of |400,000; and as between four and five thou sand animals are to be dispensed with, the trans portation of the army, etc., $4y0,000; $183,000 for other objects, including $109,000 for the Springfield and Harper's Ferry armories, Rtrick cn out, making tbe total redaction $1,478,000, thus cutting down the appropriations for tbe ar my to $14,000,000. The House refused to strike out SIIB,OOO for the arsenals. The army bill passed by 116 against A Steamer Ashore with $208,000. The Black Warrior, from Havana, 15:h instan% went ashore on Rockway bar. while in charge of a pilot, Sunday morning. Her passengers and malls were brought to this city last evening by a pilot boat. The steamer remains tight, and has <m board $203,000 in specie and a valuable cargo. Three togs have gone to her assistance. There is no news of interest from the city of Havana. Later.—The Black Warrior, ashoro at Rocka* way, has five feet of water round her at low tirle and as yet remains tight. She has but little Jreight, Underwriters 7 agenta have goue to her. and will probably discharge her specie on the beaeh. The wind is strong from the X. E., which in favorable for her getting oft Bank Statement* St T*LtatirH.J New Yoar, Feb. 21. The following is the New York bank state ment for tbe week ending Feb. 21st: T)ecrea*e In Loans $1«»>.822 lactase In a 57 Decrease la Circulation iosV-4 Decrease In Nett Deposits 1... Rio 4fii Total Specie 26.3i4.n55 ib*. Boston items* Bostoh, Feb. 2L—Rev. Joy H. Fairchild, a well known clergyman, died at his residence in Kouth Boston, aged about 70 years. Captain Phillips, of the bark Goldfinch, has arrived at this Jport from the coast or Africa. She reports the sloop of war Dale to have sailed from Loango on the 25th November, to cruiae off tbe coast. The fire Inquest on tbe burning of Russell's mechanical bakery, alter a lengthy investiga tion, find that the fire was kindled by an inoen- i diary well acquainted with the premiaes, but the evidence tails to fasten the guilt on any party. ConrtHonse Burnt* Madison, Indiana, Feb. 21—Tbe Court Hou«e in this city was partially destroyed by fire about midnight of the 20th, damage estimated at S2O - 000. Records and papers all saved. This Court House was the first in Indiana. Tbe buildln" was recently erected at a cost of $40,000. Workmen have already commenced cleaiiug away the ruins jirepamtory to rebuilding it. From New Mexico. St. Louis, The New Mexico mail, with dates to the Slst n'i-. reached Independence this evening. Tbe Lower House of tbe Legis-latnre has paflaed a stringent hiu' for the protection of ulave property. The Santa Pe Qaxtllt severe?v censures the manner of conducting the treaty «itb the Nava* joes, and the stipulations thereof. Pine and Martin. . b J ® Prirat. ditp.lch from Wuh ington that D. B. HatUn, who went tbfcre to ywear the United Btotes Marah.l for this dia. tnet ont of office, in rercnge (Pine sbyb) for being discharged from the poat of book teeßer u probably under arreat for purloininir paSeri from tbe Marshal's office here. The diapatch ®V a • warrant for his arrest has been issued and if Martin has not made his escape, he will very probably be eacorted back to Chicago by a government officer.—Evening Journal. SAWTEE, PARKER £OO n G-WDTJOSK^LZj Commission Merchants. k ftGO South "Water Street. CHICAGO. ILLIBOXS. fJSyjftPygyjjtttPttaa tl ven to the sale of Four. Pfortalocs, Seels, and Oountry Prodooe Csaeioopy. fcU * m AKD PUMP&- V/ n. PMWOII ll r CMm fer Unvater, Tanta io r Oa, XetrM «mßaHmafli, pica-gi l lab.m S/sS pcqpix fSSSSSf^ISLS^&i" COMMERCIAL. It3T To-day (22d) there will be ho meeting of the Board, of Trade, and of oourse, there will be no market reports in Wednesday's paper.] Weekly Review of Commercial and JKoncy Matters. Mosdat Kvsrato. Feb. 21.1839. Mokkt, Ac.—The money market during the past week has been quiet. Eastern Exchange is steady at per cent. prem. Discounts 10 percent. Terr little first class paper ofl'ering. Comusecial.—The movements of the princi pal staples of the market during the past week and aince the Ist of January, compared with last year, were as follows: OOKTAaATIVB XUFOaTS AT CHJCIOO. Week eadlojc Previous Plnee Same time Feb I*. Week. Jan. 1. In IFSB Plour. bbls. 7 9*l TUWS 42.033 (3.838 Wheat, bu SUSt 61.265 SW.ICO m 6«t Ooro. bu 52.t98 83.210 3 a 624 64.529 Oats, bn 9.W3 £.340 48.(5» 67.781 ttje. bu 2.J> 5 6GI 6 246 5.100 Barter, ba 10.761 G.G52 GnusSmi. TM..H-G.758 7T.1«6 878.157 34L<6i llldea, tti (37.932 2,127 tu73 704 Lead. Bu 31,4j0 C01,(H4 Tallow, bbls 9 9 &7 Urd. bbla C 7 3M pork, bbls 1.545 82 1.W2 „ Livefiocs.No.... Hj3 lSi« BMi Dressed tion. No 1.223 2.^ Cauia No I.UHJ ffio Ooa.toos 4% ;S&) 2KB )<lßQwlnes, bbli.. b57 &S7 3.893 Wool,Ai. 2.670 SC.MO 46.7e0 oompabattvi cxpoaTs raox Chicago to tes ijjt. Weekeod'* Preriooi Since SacxeMme Feb. 19. Week. Jaa.L 1658. ■ Flour, bbls. 1.406 5.««7 8 808 SO 232 I Wheat, bu. 2256 4.937 18 *&* 4554 , com. ::::::: 10,531 U.TW 65a« 7« Oils. bu.. ........ .... 577 4,<» .... Uran Hides. Ibi. Pork. bbla... 5.7i9 673 19.9*0 81255 Meet bb!«........... 36 2.09* Lg7 Tallow, bbla >44 66 L 123 930 j I/.ve iloiou No WIS 1.194 6.137 25.100 Urecsed Uoca. No.. -lO 776 4.KW 17.200 Cattle. N0... 2ia 496 8.441 2.187 HlKbwinea. bb1i..... 231 257 1.081 83 Wool ttu 11.960 7.tW> 28,9« 87.490 Cat Meata.l lbs 519,100: 1 Tbe following table shows the receipts of i Breadatu&a during the past week, compared ' with the same week in 185S, and the sources of j supply: a conns or plops iad g&aix at cxncAOO. wnx nsnro FEB. 19.1859. Flour. Wb'L Com. Oata. Kye. Fler. bbla. ho. ho. ba. ba. ba. a.AO. U. R. 8.. 1.161 17.464 11.029 4 9:4 700 3.195 Rock «alaud B. 1L tf4 7iM L3lO lU. Cent'l K. R... Wt 2.198 .... HO 3.250 I Q6 40. K.H... 2655 ltlui VSS 1.251 l."60 feUP.4PX.E.8... (J. A.&PL L. K... 774 17560 1.107 • Mich. (TLB. 8.. 220 139 ! Mich. 8.R.8 IP3 1.2H .... 419 . aP.AF.W.B.B. 155 £.123 1 Total 7 934 £4,344 22 698 9.993 29G5 ia'6l , Cor.Wklait year 8.301 The lollowing table shows the Grain and Flour in store on Saturday laßt, compared with the amount in store the corresponding date last year: FLOCB AMD OaAOr CI ETOBI 15 CHICAGO. Fib IP. Feb. 20.1653. Floor, bbla 25 956 38.537 WtjcaUßurhlK. bu. 274.4)2 1062 Bed. bu 195.5«r 8163 .. VVhit<, bo ................. 7.729 3IC Ooro. bu 25.810 4^57 oa-sbu 108,517 6J.fefcO Rye. bu •••• liarley. bn C 3.677 41.&0 Weekly Review of Chicago Wholesale Market. Mo wit Evxnsa. Feb. 21. FREIGHTS.—Tbe present ratea are as ollowaPaova toss—To NewTork, 65c per 100 lbs; to Boston, by Ulchl- Ran Scuthera and Michigan Osutral &. Boads. to Boston, by Grand Trunk BtUway. to Portland, and thencebj water, 70c; to Boston, byrall to Philadelphia and tialdmore. and theoca by watsr. 67c: to Philadel phia and Baltimore.s6c. Dausco Hoos—To New York. •L4O; to Boston, via Albany, SLti; to Boston, by rail to I'hlladelphla and l>altimore, and thence by steamer, 11.83; to Albany, to Baldmoreand Philadelphia. 1L25. Flocr—To New York, II JO; to Boston, via Albany, (L 34; to Boston by rail to Philadelphia and Baltimore, and thence by steamer, IL3*; to Albaoy, ; to Phil adelphia and Baltimore, #LQS; to Montreal. 90c: to To ronto and Hamilton. 64c. FLODB—Receipts durine tlie past week 7.934 bbla, acalnat 7.395 bbls tha preceding week. The ahipmentaby eaztera railway* were 1.705 bbls, against 1637 bbls the week prerlous. -The market daring tbe past week has been very firm but lhactlve-the principal sales being of fair to medium Sprinc Extras, at an advance of 10©15 c V bbl. Choice Winter and tprime brands have been held above themarket, aid tbe transactions In these have been very limited, £ales of the week have been as.fol lows:— On the 16dt, CSO bbls. at tsSs@s.G3}£.for good to choice Spring Extra, and #5.75 for Bed Winter. On the 8 th, 600 bbls at t4.50Q5.25 for low grade to fa'r Spring Ex tra; and for White Winter. On the 19th;—COO bbls at 15.23 for f*lr grade Spring Extras, and $6.75 for Super llueWinter. To-ciTtbemarketwasralhereasler. Sales were: 90bbla "Parilsli" WhiteWntcr at *6.25;&0bb1s "Kallroaa Mills'' do.attG.l3X; 100bbla "WesternMilll" Spricg Extra at to 00; 115 bbla Bprtng Superfine at t4.H; 60 bbla Winter do att<.7s. WHEAT—Secalpts last week. &4.C84 bu agalntt 51,265 bu the preceding week, acd bu the corresponding weak iolßsß. The shipment* by eaitcra railroads were bu aca'nat 4.9J7 the preceding week. Themarket duringthe fl«tp?rt of tbe week waa buoyant, but on Thursday last l-de:llnei. aincewhichlt baa been dull and drooping— owing principally to bearier receipts. Tee transact! :ns fitib*"Mb u foltov*:—Ont.*l6ih—2S UQOtu were ■ ild at S3 27(5.1.28 far No lllod; No 3 Bed at t1.14ai.16; epringSsc; No. 2 Spring tec(2.9oc: Rejected Sprirg 75»<578. On the I?th-IQ.COO bu at the following rates: No. 1 Red at Spricg 97@9Sc; No 2 Spring t7<493c; Rejected 7'<GT6, Oo the 16.h: 12.000 bu as foUows: No. 1 Bed *1 JISI.2C: No. 2Redtl.l2; Standard Spring No. 2 Spring t6@ 87c. On the 19th; 12,000 .bu changed bands ; No. 1 UeJ tl 220*1.24:; No. 2; Btasdard Spring No. 2 Spring. £sc&B6; Rejected 75c. To-Dat—The market opened weak at Saturday's quota tions, and In some instances a decline waa experienced; | batbelorethe c'.ote the mirket Improved and pricea were firmer. Sales we. e; 3,000 buNo 1 Red at t1.23 in alore. 5,000ba da at4L24instore; 4,600b0 N0.2 Bed attl.lo • In store. 300 bu lteiectedßedat('o;ln store; 300 bu do at 65c on track; 1400 bu Standird Spriog ut SCc in store; I.EOO bads at in store; 300 bu do at 94: on track; 1,000 lu No. 3 t'Drint at 81; Inatore; 2,50-3 bu do at &5c in store— closing firm. CORN—Receipts last week, 32.693 bu against 33 2'.0 bu the preceding week, and 15.326 bus the corresponding week In liol The shipments by Eastern railways during the week were 11,131 buahela against 13,792 bu tbe prece ding week. The market during the pait week has ad ( vanced 3d4c, under a good demand by distillers and ship pera. and some speculative icqu'ry—the wsrebousemea during the past week baring been taking No. 1 Corn In o store. To-dat—The sales were: 300 bu No. 1 at 60c per 56 &>i In store; 1203 bu shelled at 65c per CO &>s on track; I.QUO bu do at Co: on track; 700 bu do ato6)fc on track; £OO ba Ear Corn t\ Clc per *0 Ba on track. OaT^—Receipts last week. 9.C95 bn against 6340 bus tlie preceding week, and 10,5f>0 the comapcndlng week In livi Ths market during the week has been more active eiil prices bave been firm, with an advance of l£2c 0 n prime qualltlea. To-dat—'The sales wer;: 300 bu common new crop at 60c on track; 700 bu choice do at 5Gc delivered. RYE— Secel .ts duri g tbe past week, 2 9G9 bushels, against 661 bushels tbe preceding week. The market dur ing the past week hu been mere active; but owiugto larger receipts prices have beeu a shade lower. Bales to- t day were:—Boo bushels prime at 90e per 60 B>s delivered. BARLEY—Receipts last week, 10,761 bushels, against C C3J bushels the week preceding, and 6.780 bu tbe corre sponding week In 1856. The market for Prime Barley baa beenfi:mand act'.re; but inferior qualities, and neaily all that baa been in atore daring the winter Lave been du'X Salejto-dat were:—3oo bu good State atßss on ttack; 160 bu do at 90c delivered; 160 bags Inferior at 60: on track. CORN MEAL—Firm and in grod demand at tZLSO@24 for Unbolted, and t25.50<»2<l forßo.ted. RYK FLOUR-U&065.00 V bbl. BUOKWUEAT FLOUK-Oommon, *232.25. Dixon MU15.t3.25. ALCOHOL—Market steady at G&&56 y ml. BROOM OJRN-Yer7 scarce and nominal at sloo®l4o V ton. BEANS—Market not so buoyant. Sales during the \ week have been made at tl.&O for extra Navy Beans: but the bulk of tbe sales of choice white have been at tI.SOQ r 1,35. To sat 150 bu choice white sold at tI.SS J BUTrEß—Common 12d13c: choice 14®17c. EXCKirTg AT 'UU.WACKEK. Last week. Since Jan. Flour, bbls 8.315 a .ia , Wheat, tus 47.413 374.*JCS ' Oata. *' C6OG 47,791 Com, M 10.122 76.84? Barley, 41 1.5«7 16598 , Rye, M » 2.206 EBOirPTS AT nRIIOTT LAST wxic. nour. bbls.... ti.4Sl Bvley. bu. 1.279 Hheat, bu 7.719 WooL&s 14.6T2 , Corn, bu .... 11.439 Hogs on foot l.Bil 6 Oatt, bn 2 tit Fork, bbls 1,440 Bye, bu 1.7E2 { COFFEE—Active and very firm at the 'ollowlng quota tions:—Bio, ISMaiSc; Maraealbo, 13H®14c; Laguayra, 13Xai4c; O. G. Java. 17dl7Xc; Mocha, lfic. f COOPERAGE.—Very dull. Pork Barrels, dul and nominal at 80®' e sc: Flour barrels, COAL.—The receipts of Illinois Coal by the railways ] during the past week were;—lSO tons, against 380 tons the \ previous week, price* are unchanged. The following are tbe quotations delivered:—Brrcjiixora-111in015,t6®5.60 f) ton; Oblppewa. t6£o; Briar Hill, Erie, and Mineral Bldge t7; Bloaaburgh tS. Axtuxaot a—Lackawanna, egg. tm Lehigh, egg. W 00. j COED AGE—Manilla rope. ISKc; Hard Rope, 12>ic; c Jute, 8210 c. j CANDLES—TaIIow. H&UKc; Stearlne. 17c; Star. 19:.. I CHEESE—New York, 13c f) n. No Western Beserve cr ! State In market. EGGS—Receipts duringthe week heavier, and marke declined ISJo—closing at 12913 c fjr Freah. F&UlT—Gaxax—Apples, c0cm0n.54.605t5.50 Vbbl; Oraeges. t&6O b box; Lemons, #494 60 ¥ bo* ; Cr*n berries. tSa.B JO Vbb'. Daian—Market active asd buoy. 6 ant. Apples, UXellXc; Pared Peaches, 185920 c; f Unpared do. ll®iir. Blackberries 17K«»e; Baspbcr- \ ries.Bo; t2.S7K®:f bcx; Do. Uyer. t353,50 t 9 box c FlSH—^Market very firm, bat quotations the same as ' 1 la>twee». Whltefi»h.No.l.hftblat4; Do. No. 2. *176. 2 Trout, No. Lt3.7&: Do. N0.2,t337X: Mackerel, | ton, Ne. I, bbls. tl8; Do. N0.2,t15; Do. No. 3, tit: I J)o. Ko,Lhf bbli, t9JO; No. 2. hf bbla. tS; No. 3,hf ! Codfish. Grand Bank, t5.25; SU George, o t5.60. HftTlo*. Kastport, t6 » bbl; No. 1.40®50c W>ox. I S»le Henlcg. * bf a. j FURS AND SKIKS-Tbe shlpmants or Pelts and t tkins during the past week amount to 51,83 fts. against 12,984 Mihe week previous. Tbe closing are I as follows:—Mink tLM®2.OO; Coon 26590 c; Bat, winter, 14916 c; Wolt prairie, «0»75c; Wild Oat. 60c.; House Cat, £ lo&;bkaok,soe.; Graj Fox. BSQ4OC.: Bed Fox, tL6O. I Beat, U9&.1 Opoesum, 15d16i.; MarWn, t1.75a5.25. Jj Fisher.tsat-; Badger. t»c.; Ljnx. Deer g UeiSc per ; Otter. tSAi. GLASS—TUe following are the wholesale eashlrates: u Bxlo glass cyl. by bx. $3.00 9xlß glass cyL by bx.53.90 ft 9xll J. 63 10x16 ** i.oo k 9x13 " " J6O 10tl8 - - 800 7 9x14 9.6J llal6 - ** 3.y0 « 9x15 " •* E.«O l«xl6 *• " S.OJ c 19x13 M - 2.56 12x10 44 - 8.60 . l«Xi4 •• « a.tO 11x30 44 44 8.60 GUNPOWDER—BUe Powder, In kegs. $535.93; Blast- lng. do do, t3 5094.0): ca*e« o! Ift fiaaks.#9a9.W; do. halfdo.e6.6oafi.oQ. c HIGH WlNES—Receipts during tbe past week. (37 fcbU, against t27 bbls the preeedlag week Tbe shipment* were SU bbls. The market during tbe week has been Ann but n Inactive with sales of6o bbls at34Kf d BIDIS— Kecdpta laat week. S»,siO lbs against 237.94 J Ibalftefpreeeedlng week. The ahlpnenU vera lbtacaU#lTLS7l ftsthapreceedlng week. The market E 4olßf the Veen firm, With a gl/fbted. £ vance on extra Dry Fllnt-closlng aa tollowaGreen CU7.6K«7c; Green Country,7VJOßc; GreenlSaZted.BX «BVc; Dry Fllnf, 16«17c. Paura-Clty. OounUy. 7tc6t145. HOPS-/Inn at 15«13c. live and dreoed. 2.026. against 3.601 the week prevloui. The ahlpmenU were 8.123 against L 974 the week previous. The market for Dressed Hogs duri rg the past week has been dull, and a decline of 60c has been experienced. Salea To-Dat were: .6 Hogs, averaging 250 lbs; at. IS •• 310 lba. at. S6.&U 7 *' " 220 lba. at. 66.65 4 " " 250 lba at. ta» LEATHER— Tending upward. The closing quotations are: Oak Bole, -o®s»cVtt; Spanlah middleweight*. 28$ Dc Bridle Leather. 320 9 ft; Collar Leather, 86&40o * «os: Harness, 39e V ft; Hemlo&k Kip, 60065s B ft: Hemlock Cal- 759853 9 Cr, French Kip. V&; French Cal( 95&i.1-r ft; Female Oalt #399439 dos; Hemlock Upper at #36942 per doe. Oak Upper Leather ♦45343* dot LIME AND PLASTER-lime In bbla t1d1.25; Lime in bulk, TSoOtLOO: eommoa.t2st>a2.7i: Extra, do at Land Plaster, tLSO3L62X; Cement, tU>O as.oo: Plastering Hair, 40a. LUMBEB. LATH AND SHINGLES—The Lnmber mar ket during the past week hai Increased In activity, and prices of some kinds have advanced materially. Fencing, which we quoted last week at $9, can scarcely he bought now at that figure, units] it be In connection with Urge bills of other qualltl-L Indeed, but few of the merchuts will tell fencing alone to any but their regular country customers, at any reasonable price. We have therefore quoted It at t539.60. Some are holding at $lO. There are some kinds of common boards which are scarce, asd oommandfiOehlgher.sochas twelve feet lengths. There is a fair demand for Shingles; but the prices are not ma terially changed. Ihe following are the quotations cur rent at most of the yards: First Clear Dry 930.009 Second Clear Third Clear dry 1&0U522.00 Common Boards, Green &009 &60 do do 11 feet 9,00« do do Dry —9 9.00 do. do M 12 feet 10.009 near Flooring, dressed 90.00* 23 00 Oommon Flooring, Dressed Sldina. Clear Dressed 16.009 Fencing. 9.009 9.60 BhortStudsandJolsU. 8.U9 860 Shingles, * &L 9L759 8.55 Lath. * M IMM 1.76 Posts (common to good) * 100. 7.00910.00 MOLASSES AND SYBUPS-Market steady. Tbefol lowing are the closing quotations: New Orleans in barrels 40944 c; New York 8. H. Molatses, 359 40c: Ouba. In hhds, 309355: N. Y. fyrups, 35940 c; N. Y. Golden, 60951 c. Belcher's prices are:—Golden Syrup, 67c In bbls, and 72c Inkegs; Extra 8. H. Syrup 47952 c; Syrup Molasses, 40945 c. NAVAL STORES—BoiIn, #3.6093.75 Vbbl; Tar $495 Vbbl; Pitch. $16095 00. NAlLS—Assorted. t3.7093.75 ft 100 fta. OlLS—llnseedflrm. The elodngquotations are:—No. lLardtl.tO; No 3 95c; Linseed 87Jfc;EIephant85c; Whale 80c: Sperm t1.60; Neatafoot 85c; Tanners' 75; Bank 75c. PROVISIONS AND LARD.—Tbe shipments during tbe paitwetk were—2oo bbls Beef; 3.729 bbls Pork; 519.100 lbs Cut Meats; 354 625 lbi Lard. The market during the past week has been very duU. In Mess Bnr there has been nothing done—holJere shipping their stock to New York. We quote it nominal at tS 60910. In Mus Porx there have been very few sales. A few dan since a lot of 800 bbls city told at $17.85, since which the markethas been quiet la Cct Meats there has been nothing done, although Shoulders have beea freely offered at a decline of X9tf c on last week's figures. Some Green Meats bave been sold at 6X@s)£c for shoulders and 7Wo for Hams. Liao his been more active than Provisions; but sales have been principally In small lots at 11X9UKc for bbl and tierce, and 12c for keg—at which the market closes nominal, POTLTBY.—Tbe mild weather has rendered the Poul. try market doll—clotln* al SLCO9L7S per doxen for Dressed Chickens, and 798 c per bbl for Turkeys. POrATOES —Choice 60970 c; Common, 60255 c. SUGARS—Market easier. The following are the clos ing quotations: NcwOfiLXA3s-Oommon,6Y®7c; good common. 7tfe; fair to fully fair. prime 7X9Bc: clarified and coffee in hhds. BX®loXc. Cuba, 797Kc. Porto 7V9ts; N. Y. refined white coffee. 10X®Uc. N. Y. standard crushed, powdered and granulated, 12c. The following are Belcher's latest prises: Loaf Sugar Double Refined i»!{e RmaTl Loaf Sugar ...0 115£ C Crashed Sugar, Double Kefined .....12c Crushed Sagar B ligo Cruahed Sugar. O llic Powdered Sugar, i)ouble Beflned. lie Powdered Sugar. O. llVe Beflned White Sugar O luxo Beflned Yellow Sugar. A. 9Vo Refined Yellow Sugar B 9«c Beflned Yellow bu*ar XXX. 9c 8 ALERATUS—Babbits, 6K©7Xc; Potaih in cans. 7X 913 c. SOAP—No. 1 Family, 4c; Extra, 696 c; Eraslve, Bc. SPlßlTS—Burning Fluid6oc; Oamphene,7oc: Turpen tine, 65c. BPICES —Pepper, llKc; Pimento, 10c; Nutmegs, 709 80c; Indigo, 60c95l 12; Cloves, 12X915C Cinnamon, 809 83c; Ginger. Bc. SALT-Course, t!I2K Vbbl; Fine, $1.60 by tbe car load; Dairy, $2.60 9 bbl of 320 fta. with 25 emptv bags. . SEEDS—Receipts last week 1C3.75S fts, against 77.105 the preceding week. The shipments were 48,680 fts-7.000 orwhich went to Sw Louis. Timothy—The market f.r the week has been duller, and pricea have declined 6c towards tbe close. Sales to-dat: £OO bu prime at tL&0; 22 bags good at tI.«7K- CLOVEa-Market steady, with sales to-dat ot 45 bu prime at 6.12& 60 bu rood at t6. TALLOW—Received during the week, L 990 fts, and shipped 28,980. Tbe market has been very bare, and but tew lots have beenpliked np at lOKc, at which It can be readily sold. WOOL—Receipt* during the week, 2HO fta, and ship ments 11,960 fts. The market Is quiet but firm. Tbe fol* lowingarethe closing quotations:—FLSßOa Merino and Saxony, 40945 c. Pollxd—Extra,4sc; Super, 33c; No. 1, 83 cents. WOODEN WARE.—Pails—'Three-hooped Palls, $2.00 ?dot; Two-hooped do,tL7s. Tuas-31a nest,tL7s per ■est; No. 156 V doz; No. 2 t7.50; Extra daed, t9.— CEcass-Four sixes. $9913.50 V dot. BocrtTs—Hlng ham, tL6O 9 doa. Washb3arw—Sue, $137X92.60 per dot; Wooden, $1.50. Baoox^—lxtra.Wlre. $392.50 per doa; Twine, SI6O9LS7Xc. Clothh Pco-Headed, SL2S; Common, tLOO; Patent, t1.60. WOOD—Beach and Maple, $3.5094.60; Hickory, $69 6.50. _ Chicago Live Stock Market. Laxa Saoas Bale uro E&rrrcto Yasds, > February 31ft., 1859. S [l/ixriefi reported bf ITttfttr Siurmmn exprmrttf for On frtu mint Tribin*, for tfie ne*k mi,] Stock rerelved for week 640 Cattle. II ll " *• Hoga, Total.. 1146 EHIPPED BT 11. c. a. a. Rankin & GsUsple 42 Cattle *8 Wright 67 " Drumniond k Co •• WmSlmnnson ** a " Hume L VanDjck 27 M FFcnton ......3* " 212 »** Van Brunt *W. 485 Hon. Cragln & Co 745 •• TotaL Hls " Sa'es of t 0 ordinary Cattle Irom 2J»93e. Sales of 240 better quality fromSX93Xc. Sales cf lew extra goou shipping Cattle at 4c. Sales of 1432 Hogs from 4X94X& Salej of 174 Sheep from 3X94a V cwt. Sales of 18 Oows and Calves from $22934 V head. Below we give a few of the weights, price, Ac. * Upton to Henry—l 6 cattle; 19.310, at $3 25. Bemor to Hrncock—2B cattle; 31.570, at $316. Bly to Curtis—tcit'Je; 6.0:0, at $4. Burr to Bly—ls cattle; 17.10 J. at 13. Gregory to Creke—l4s sheep; 11.835, at $4. Stratton to Hancock—37l bogt; 79.690, at $4 03& Ilawley to Tabor—ls bogs; 2.115, at4Kc. Thomas to Shaffer—l9B hog?: 18.365, at $S 40. Below we give the names of Broveis on the market for the week; cattle : SFllnn 7 Hnntinrton Bros It TWWo->d 7 PHoblcr 13 88 Ilawley 15 DBurr 15 Marshall &Co 31 L B Parkhunt 14 H K owles 17 J Mondle it C O Upton ....16 John'Odlly 15 D Swire .16 LHtwes 14 L Fanl ibre&W 27 PBrongon 13 Fliutre 38 GWBarton ]| B Bu'ts 13 J B WUliama. ii O Rankin 22 C 0 Dole & (J0.... 21 II Hcnson 29 _ Limbe-t ACo 60 . Total 540 HBeld 46 D Bankla 1 93 WMelott ' 83 Total "m Chicago Weekly Live Stock JXarket. UUch'a Sale and Sblpplnc Yards, Beportid express ly for the Press asd Tribune by Thos. Njoolu, fur the week ending Feb. 21sh. Total No of Oattle received for week £4? " " Hogs *' 44 1,161 * _ Sheep 4 * 44 9o 44 Cows k calves 4 15 Total of all kinds L 833 Shipped east via M. B.AN.LE, R. 2«eatUe. ** " " " 675 hogs. Salei of 160 head good cattle at to $<X for extra. Salts of 375 medium do* at S3X9SX. Sales of 114 inferior do. at $15692.75. 1 Sales or 349 gcod Hogs, ICO fts and upward at $5.25G 6.75. Sales of 603 light and stock Hogs at $3.60 to $4.5065 for fat. Sales of 95 Shee» at per 100 fta. Sales of 16 Oows and Calves at S2O to s3o9stQ per head 1 for good. Tfce Market for all kinds of good stock Is actlT*. There Is a good demand for Shipping and Packing Oattle. Good Hogs are ready gale at 6Kc and upward. Sheep are very scarce. _ Tnoa. Ntoons. Horement of BreadsniiTl Feb, 19. asonns ar aaiLWAn, Flour Wh't Oom Oats Bar. Oat Hoes bbla bu. bo. bu. bo. No. No. By Lake GaLD.R.BR. 257 W76 634 797 673 ByßockL 8.&.... 1400 161 iffi Ry*lU Central.. 296 B&S2 UOt 33 87 ByO. B. AQ... 401 630 29C0 -.6 ByB.P.AF.duL. 100 971 .... 617 ■ 128 .... 45 B/O.A. ABLL. 60 47M $7 47 Total. 1163 IMP M 1412 1901 194*371 Mew York Market. [Br TgLßGaira.l Naw Yeas. Feb. 21.188, F oca '•tttjout importaat change. Inferior grades are doll. Medians and gr>od brands sre very firm** held. Sales 10.400bbls, at 56,309 $5.63 for Super SUte; SS.M 9 for Extra Stite; $5.'«0955.60r0r Super Wes'era: for oommon to medium Extra Weatav; $6 40 9 $6.5$ for shipping brands Axtra &.U O. market doalog quiet. Canadian scarce and firm, at $6.75 9 $7.30 for common to choice. Ilye Flo ar #5-76 9 #4.25. OrvAiK. Wheat booyast with *alr demand. Sala 35,00.) bushels at 90c. fcr unsound Chicago Spring. #1 4u for Whterred Western, #l-60 for white Mich ins, and tl.Wfor white Canadian. Bye duU, at £3 9 85 Barley Malt. ?5. Oorn a little more steady. Sale* 16.UU0 bushes at 65 9 86 for mixed Western in store and delivered. o*t» firm at &4 9 57 for State, and CO 9 63 for Western : andOtnadlan. RWbuet—DulL at SCX. P*oYtsio*-.—pork urm*r; sales 1.800 bbls at 517,609 17.65 for old t19c1ear,t133791160 prime. Beef unchanged;44o bbls told at $6.5097x0 for couaU7 prime, #77599 00 country mes?, $t.709tl repacked mesa. $11.60911 extra meaa. Beef Hams stead;; sales 200 bbls at $1491760 Cut Mea*s doll and heavi; sales 30 bhds at for shoul -01 and tX993ic for htms. Dreaed Hoa quiet at 6K99& Bacon quet Lard firm; bbU ai 12Mc. Prime Dm Beef nominal at $16919. BaMerln fatrreaueu at 1191Sj for Ohio and 169*7 for State. Oheeie steady at BMeil>»c. Tallow duL; 10,000 fts prime gold at He. HlPrssteadrsdes32COatS7S27)«efor BuenosAyres. lOclor Cry Wester. r SroccsHalU CBS's*74. loss:Mich IV cents 96: CalTt 84 Mo6'*BiX: Va Teon s's krie of *JO 104: Ouot>erl«nd preferred' 2 Pac'fic Mall 79>». NY O 7S*; taC60«:B60: M H l'Xl P4C»C*IISS: ! ns * *®n 60; dht A Hl6l Jfc IO Harlem prefefred B 60; OA T3QJf;B«O. f T BUILDERS, OWNERS, & BOOFE&S Tbe tuhecriber is prepared to ftirnUh In larce or stasH quantles. MOfiiUJnr A OCS Corrugated Hoofing. This new artlde,» extenrfvety in an, exoels all other mKaHc NbHasoei for Boo9n& Mng oar* durable, cheaper, fire and water proof, and lamtaslonaas the II radioes ihe nfcseof&treSe !$»» ■ 1)101100, fee. ROOT & GADY, 05 Clark Street, DE&L1B8 ST SHEET MUSIC, INSTRUMENTS, .. And all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Beg leave to inform their customers who are In want o STEIN WAY & SON'S SPLENDID GOLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES That a new assortment are on the wsy from New York, and are experted to arrive about the SOtb Inst. Owtu* to the unprecedented demaud for tleie sucerb Instruments we bave r.ov Wt on hind only me ?H Oc tave Carved Piano: Price#43o. behave, also. Two JVevb Buffalo Pianos, Which we can sell very low, as folio its': One 6H octave. $225 00 One 7 oc'ave 275 00 IVC'all and examine before buying elsewhere. x. T. BOOT.? ROOT A CADY. aucinr,) fe!7 95 Ciark street, Chicago. M. HIGGIN 3, MUSIC PUB • LIfIHEQ. 45 Lake street, still has on band the largest stock of Musical merchandise keet by any other bouse In the Northwest. lam ssleasent for the cel ebrated ** Model Melodeon," made by Mason A Hamlin, Boston: also ag»nt for Llghte. Newton A Bradbn-y's PIANOB, with the** P. tent arch " rest flank," which is wed by no other Manufacturers in tbe world, and Is tbe DOitlmM.tant mechanical improvement. Insteai o using iron as most mak *rs do—which gives th; lns>i> ment am. tallcand disagreeable sound—or using wocd In theorLinary wav—which renders it necessary to weaken the part of tbe instrument wherein the greatest possible strength is reqnlr d—by cuttisg across the grain of the wood. Llehte. Nerton A Bradbury's have a methy l whereby they spring this patent Wrest Into proper form by the aid of steam and powerful machinery- A st ain of tea tons will mak* no impress-on o„ the arch. w>*'n the fibres of the wood Instead nf belnz weakened by tbe continuity being Interrupted at short distances, have tbelr natural p*wer of resistance greatly augmented by tbe pec-liar form they are made to a«sume in the Patent Arch Wre«t. Every instrument ij warranted. All kinds of Church Music Doatsfor sale. Tbe cbear.?st and latea;<ilee Bock out is the MIVNE HA-HA. PriceaiLgle copy <¢s, sent by mail post* paid; per dosen c.50 All orders must be audreued to H. M. HiGQiNS. 45 Lake-s'-. Chicago ja's bV9oly IMPROVED FULL IRON FRAME PIANO X FORTES Manufactured and for sale ..rf*ft?, atreUilat Etstern wholesale prices by W. T. REID Practical Piano Forte ft a Ttl Maker. All Pianos of bis make will be 11 * I i< folly wananted. Old Pianos will be taken in exchange, and tuning and repairing promptly attended to. Apply at his Piano Forte Manufactory, No. West Madison ftTM*. Susiiiess tEarDs. SPIES & SORTS QOUNSELL S AT LAW NO. 75 OHESTNUi', NORTH BIDE, Between Third and Fonrth streets, 81 Louis, Mo. B. Is Notary Public and Commissioner 9l Deeds for every State in the Union. References in Chicago—Bcripps. Brosi A Spears. fßxsgßicx srixa. Uel-ly-vissj ciLvia & btot. BLAOKWELL A OOiyiMZNO A TTORNIES AND COUNSELLORS AT /\ LAW. SJ South Oiark street, opposite the Court House. Chicago. Illinois. Will practice to the Federal and State Courts of Illinois, and in thefiapreme Ooar of tbe United States. Roberts. Blsoxwklu [de!7] GilbebtW CcKMna. - GOODWIN LARNED & GOODWIN* Attorneys and counsellors— Office No. 97 Washington street, adjoining Lar mon'sßlock. Chicago. Illinois, BTXPHOI A. OOODWIX XQW. Q. UUP PiB'LQOODWia. JX. GOOKINS THOMAS &. ROBERTS- Attorneys at law, 7-j and si Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illlnola. no! 9 b534 3m DRAKE & BRO. 954 Obrk Street 924. "HEALERS IN PAPER HiVNGINGS.— lJ PAPKR HANGERS, AC., AC. House. Sign and Shade Painters. ocß blll«6m BASS & MULVEY A ttorneys and counsellors at ZjL LAW. No. 47 Clark street, Chicago. pettkihSßAsa, oclb4>ly jpsics mclvet. STEELE A BZXiEY A TTORNEYS AT LAW, 58 DEARBORN /V erarsT. Chicago. Room Na 8. Walker's Bulldlns. P. O. Box 4277. H. T. hTIUOX H. RILXT. CRAWFORD, SHARP A CO., piPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CHOCK- X. tRY. Ql&as and China, l'uble Cutlerv, Locking i.nssea, (ktatursand Britaunis ffare,No.U6 Ltke htri-ei. Cjicago, fll. uih'/T'is-I* 6. H. A Xi. 14AFZ.IN4 WHOLESALE PAPER WAREHOUSE, 49 SOUTH WATEH STREET, Are now receiving tbelr winter stock of Fine Paoers and eastern Book Papers, which they offer at low prices. Printing paper of every slse and best quality. oc7.blCl VULOAK FOUNDRY. O LINTON STREET, kfiTWEBX rULTOF and Carroll. Chicago. lIL HENRY WASHINGTON, Masttfactorer of Stidonary ar*t Portable Btean Machinery and Mill Gearing. W Oastinca msde to order Repairing premptly al tended to. feSi-17 EDWARD G, ASAYa AND OOUNSBLLOB AT LAW NO. 77 SOUTH CLARK STREET. Opposite Court House CUlsaye, O COMMENCE, TUESDAY, MARCH 1, Tito Spring and Summer Term —or THE— i Northwest'rn Female College EVANSTOX, ILLINOIS. [l9 Miles North from Chicago.] ] TOTAL BIOCLiK CIIIBOta, Academic Dtp., (per half year) tC3 CO College " " ** *• 74 51 Thfsechargeilncludeßoard. Tcltlon in all studies re cur ed of gra'uates and all of wblch are :requenily i charged as" Extras. • except Music. M«dem Lnncuages. j Ornamental Branches and vashing—the list item being ' chargea fifty cents per dozen. It will be p»rcelve<) at a glance that many who are now teglemkg tb» education of their daughters might beeducabngtsem at the sime ccstat which they are now boarding them wh-le they grow up lu Physical, Mental asd 3Ior»l Discipline, | Are all provided for at this Inittutlon. Each Teacher ' has a I mi ed number of the voune ladies under her es pecial ore, to insure ii'Uness in their b«blta an'iproprie- 1 ty of deportment, /or particular* the Pretliunt, 1 W. P. JO.NES, A. M.. kvan-t n. fe!7 c 250 3w or. Box 430 thlCAio. ] HO! FOB PIKE'S PEAK! | "PIFLES, SHOT GUNS, REVOLVERS, . JLV BOWIE KNIVES, and general outfits for the Minesat22o Lake street. GEO.T. ABBEY . for Has trd's Powder. ia37 cIOJ ly For the Gold Mines. SHARP'S AND COLT'S RIFLES, COLT'S 1 PIBTOM, BOWIE ,> , ~ ... t ILt«IVES: also, a large■ -..-cv-'-1., assortment of Target r] and other RlQles, Shot 2 Guns, and other app*- t ratus for a general outfit K-.-a for the Mines, at 86 && Lake titrfet. f Ja33-3m<7a D. F.ATON A CO. t F AIRBANKS' ) FATnrt Jj pIA j SCALE S . /| SOLD BT k FAIRBANKS k GREEYLEAF, 1 85 Lake street. Chicago. noll-ly-b483 QHIOAGO BAD PIPE AND ( Sheet Lead Works. \ i COLLINS & BLATCHFORD, I KAXTTUjicataa oy Lead Pipe, Sheet aud Bar Lead, I AND DEALERS IN I z>za XjS az>, c AffenU for * COLLIER WHITE LEAD A OIL COKFAB*, I —AK>- o St. JQouis Shot Tower, j tf*A full assortment of the above Manufactures ooa* i stantlyon hand. r ORDERS *ROM THE TRADE SOLICITED. c Col Una & BUtehfordt p tpSi>6B7-ly Corner of Clinton and Fulton strata, W, T, Shufeidt & (Jo., ■ANUFAOTURERS TOR 4 A: £*. CEOSEEY, t II • • . . South Water Street, - - - - U« (Corner of Wabash AveaseJ Distillers of; ALCOHOL, PURE SPIRITS, AND WHISKYB, Also Manaf&cturera of C DoMstlt Bamlns FliM* £ -us- * DEALXBS IN HIGHWINEB AKD REOTI7YING OOAL. t WThe Trade garmlled at Market Rates a Unas. aa**4fl».ly COAL OIL! COAL O ILl!—WAß ranted Pure, asd a Eunerior Article, bright and - ftee from odor, for boning and lubricating, at wholesale 2 and mail by uItFORD, CAMPbrll *oa M On. MascricruasKg, 4 W clfll lm 19 Dearborn street. Chicago. si oLBS. SHEET ISISQLASS, * mUv S3 Bbls Flos Sulnliur. 15 Cases Refined Borax. S Oases B«thln« Bf>o:ge, 40 Bsgs 63cl'y Sumac, ** SO Caalcs Cnlna Clay. f? Tor gale vj BOCKKE PHILLTP3 A CO., f 1 fcl*4y No. S Sjuth Water street. 3 500 ■"' OHEST3 YOUKG HYSON, g GUN-POWDER. IMPERIAL AND BLACK TEAS, = Of late Importations lor salo at low prices and on liberal 7 eras. REYNOLDS ELY A CO. * nol!4y-4g "VTEW RAISINS. 2OO BXS., 160 HF n J_W bx& Hew Raisins jat'recelved and for tale by J REYNOLOa. ELY A QQ. J IKA HHDS. NEW N. O. SUGARS, w XtIV/ now and for sale at axnooxo riioas. & noll4y-b4g7 REYNOLDS. ELY A OCK LI £)AA POCKETS O. G. JAVA COFFEE. jflvV/ UO bags prime Lajruayn Coffee for sale 67 REYNOLD . KLV ACfll DXS. SCALED AND Nu. i HKit duu t m L] KA TCS. NEW RICE FOR SALE BY t)U oeSbter REYNOLDS. *XY k 00. fIHDS. SUGAR NOW ARRIVING hlvv and far sals low by • wwTwpr.n*. wry a no OHA BALES PRIME NSW YORK , • INSTATE. OF t.GBAHAM HAUI: DE*-. J, ceased. Public notice is hereby dvrn to ait |ier- Boas having claims and demands aganst the estate of hrabam Marr deceased, to present the same for ad>udl* cation and settlement at a resulw tens of the Oounty Ocurt of Coo* Count). to be boldea at the Court House • ■ n Chicago. on the first Monday of March. A. ' D. 1659, being the sevrntß day thereof. LOOUS MA&R, Executrix ot the lait Will a&d TrsUmfr* of Graham Mazt dec*d. Hirar. Aeeot. Bine Island. January 11th. IBM. {al3t>W transportation. A TLANTIO. ROYAL MAIL STEAM NAV- XjL lgatlon Company's New York and Galway Line.— Tte next departure ftam New York will be the Steamship Prince .Albert, Captain T. J. Waters, to sal) from New York, oa the Si day or March, touching at St. Johns, J»*. P. to re ceive the Royal Mail* Prices or Passage:—First Clais, ' *9o; Second. 150: third. *3O; Including free ticket* to , all the principal dtieeoarallroad route# in Great Britain. Hiird Class mart provide plate, knife, fork, Ac., and bed. dine Passage t» SL Johns. First-Class, f36: Second. Glas& *3». Far freialii or paaaee InquUe of the Ameri can Exp en and at tbdr other advertised offices In the Interior. 1 Passage in the th'rd class can be secured at any of the above offices to bring person* ont fro n anyof the nrlnd pal dtles on the lines ol railway In Urea'. Britain for *36, orlromGalwfortao. HOllAm JAB. 0. FARGO. office of Amrriran Express Co~ Na. JO Dearborn Street, Chicago. New York. Not. 13. l>wi- - nnil fiia CHEERY CREJSK AND PIKE'S PEAK : EXPRESS. Through to the Mi Blnei U Tcs Days. JOHN M. HOCKIDAY A CO., Proprietors and Con tractors of the Great Bait Lake and Cherry Greek United Sates Mail, will ran a da ly • Express Line of Concord Coaches drawn by Six Mules, < Throneh f'om Atchison. Kansas Territory, on the Great Western Bend of the Missouri Alter to liENYER OX 7, 1 at th* Mtuth of Cherry Creek. j This L'ne Connects with 'he < HANNIBAL AND ST. JOE HA TLB PAD, ! By a Dally Line of Steamers. This Isthe onlv dally line of itua to the Gotd Mines, j with itopptn* places and relays of 1 JBTresli .M.ules livery ZO Miles, j Passengers by th's line will be taken throcgh from Atchi son to the Gold M-ces In Ten Diys. being TWENrY i DAYS lt-as time than by any ether conveyance. , Fare through to Denver City, Cheny Creek, <IOO from i Atchison. i N. B Passenger* will be boarded through to the mints, i the Ccmpany having established Eating Hotues every twenty miles. Forty lbs. Baggage will also be allowed eaeb pas.enaer. P isenger* will betr In mind that HCO pusthelrfsre and Board from AtchUon to the mU>es anl freight on lorty lbs, baggage. ■ Tnrough Tickets forsale from Chicago a* toe office of < the Chle&xo, Bcr.lngton A Qalnc« Railroad Depot. ; Oaiy Six 'fickets to be sold per d.»y, commencing March lath. | VTx ttswlUbe ready for sale in advance on the i l<Xh of March. < John M. Hocklday & Co., Proprietors nf the Onlted States Mall Line to Salt Lake fe!s 2m cSB and Cherry Creek. \ 1839. 1859. j THE American Transportation COMPANY. Incorporated under tbe Laws of the Plate cT Mew York CASH CAPITAL, $900,000. JOHN L. KIMBE3LY- President. FRANKLIN LEE. Vice President. , jAMaS C. EVANS, See'y and Treas'r. ON THE OPENING OF NAVIGATION this company will be prepared to transport Pro* perty. Merch»ndise. Ac., from t«ew York. Boston, Albany i and Troy, to anj of the Western cities. A'so. Floa*. Pro. 1 vision*. Produce, Ac., from any of tbe Lake Ports to tide w*ter, with as great care and dispatch, and at as low 1 rates as by aoy other responsible line, at the same time < ►lvlng through bids of lading for all property when de sired. i Ibis Company have a line of elaht staunch Propter*, to nty between Boflalo and Chlcag ■. touching route j at Sheboygan, Milwaukee, Racine. Kenosha &&d Wauke- i cm, Having at <lilragj ample faculties and warehon«e i aoeosmodatiocs for the reception, assorting and shin* i ping of all articles entrusted to their ctre. wnich will be 1 under the direction of tbelr Agent, who will five his ter* ] soail attention to the fulfillment of contracts, adjuitment I of claims and dasug?s. | As our Compaoy have a large line of Canal Boats on i the trie Canal, and are about to establish aline ofSieam i Oan&l Boats also, we ieel warranted in represendLg to 1 car numercm customers, that ttiey can relr upon greater dlspa ch and at less rat*s t>-an his b retoforebeenglven. We. therefore. a*k tir public to continue tbe patroniso so liberally bestowed opon ns dorlnt theoast four years. Offices and Docks on Market between Washington and Madison Chicago, XIL I ja3l-9m cU-i OHAB. B. OHABR. Arwit. 18 e s . Illiiiois River Packet Company, : Incorported 1858—Capital Stock, $200,000. ) D. J. HANCOCK. PresX <** l. P. HANCOCK. Sec'y. i rraROUGH BILLS OF LADING GIVEN \ a. for Freuht'oSL Louis and all points on the Illinois 1 filveratthelo'estrate*. Frelsht taken by Chicago and Bock Island Railroad to Peoria, and Steamboat from thence. Forparticulirsapnlrto j T. W. ALCXA.*oDEK A 00., Arents, 4 fcl lm-cltf IB3X 3 »uth atcr at., Otilcasorill. t PirrSBCKGU, FT. WAYNE & CHICAGO R. R i 1888-9. ...WINTER HATES... .1868-9 ! Ybroash Freight Llue, . From date and until further i notice, Freight will be carried over this Line as below: s® si a 8 IS If eS e§ |1 pg , w! u «o*» 22 z u "S ' wo «S '•S a£o Boston #1.9011.33 41.17 €7 lI.M V.SB New York 1.80 MO 1.30 63 l.*> L4O Phllsdelphla. 1.60 1.25 1.10 M 1,05 IX Baltimore l.tiO 1.25 1.10 K Los 1, 5 Pitisourgb 90 70 45 45 7<l 70 Ciccfcnatl. O fo TO 60 ii « 70 Ooiumbus. 0 1.00 80 €5 45 .... bO J Danoo. Q *5 <0 60 45 ( 4 70 i Cleveland, 0 70 60 45 85 45 60 1 Dunkirk H. V .9i U U 4J 61 74 ■ lUflao, " 95 » W 4J tit 74 < Gra'n by Car Load to Cincinnati 32 cents per I'M}as. c Bulk Meat to PittsburshSO cents per tw as. 1 Contracts made to auove points at Freight Office, cor* ? ner West Vau Hureaand Canal streets. 1 Contracts to Boston. New York. Philadelphia and Bal* llmore. via Pennsylvania Central B.ft., given by *■ OLAHKB k CO*, OCice Steele's B'ock, corner Soa'n Water and Lasalle streets, and at Depot at Canal street. J JAi*. W. MDeUOri. Freigtt Aeen', vhlcsgo. ( J.J. nODHTON. Geu'l' relghtAg't. Pittsburg, i«a. J Chicago. February 10.1559. ® Steaa Ferrj froa Co until BlalTa to Omali> Citj" NEBRASKA, NO. 1. This boat has the capacity to ' carry 12 Wagons and Teams at each trip, and 1 baa taken over at one load 3DO bead of Cattle, and she g can make -10 cro:s'.ngs or more each way in a day, and will be ablj to ferry over from four to five hundred wagons and teams from sunrise to saatet each day. We assure travellers, who are going to the Nebraska Gold Mines, T Utah. California. Orezoo and Washington Territories, I that the roads iron Fairfield, lowaCitr, Dubuaue, ana b points Intermediate by council Blofi and Omaha Oity, C and up the nerth side or the Platte ulver, are better, J nearer, and more abudantly stocked with wagons, « horses, mates anl cattle, provisions and goods, than any A other. And wl.h the settlements and towns, and tbe c regular and well-established line of Mall Coaches al. tl ready extending-to Fart Kearney and soon to be ex- a tended all we way to the mines, it is do longer a wilder* d ness route through an Indian country, bnt can be tra versed as safely and comfortably and mqch more easily « than any of the nad* through Missouri or lowl L Tbere is not tbe same lengU or road in the United * States, so level anl entirely without marshes, sloughs or tl bad places and so nearly straight. Tbe streams on tbe & north s:decf the Platte are all bridged, except the Loup A Firk. and here the Western etage Company nave a good c Ferry. KNOS LOWE, U For tbe Council BlaSi and Nebraska Ferry Company. & jalß-3mcß ll 1859. NOBTHEBN 1859. Transportation Co.'s Express, J WINTER ABRANGEMENT, J Via Mich. South, "and N. Y.l'ft Erie Railroads, t COMPANY ARE NOW PREPARED !l to give through Bills nf Lading to New York and Boston, for tbe transportation of Property upon favor- G ableterms. Um ensuring dispatch, and the piompt set- S: t ement of dlfferen-es arisio* out of m The N'.T. Co/sExjress will transport goods from New ti York to the West during the winter, all tae w*y by roll, m and on tbe ope lag of navigauon by the N. Y. gK. R. R. di to Dunkirk, aad tbence by fropeller to Chicago. A KIT Mark packages "N. T. Co.'s Express." and slilo si N Y. A E. B, R., foot of Duane street, or PlerS, East ot J. L. WARNER aid CHA&. ALLUON. C Agents, No. 3, Coentles Slip, New York. M JUTIIEK & CO., o Jt27.1p.c101 1869...COLLUJOWOOD LINE... 1859 g /COMMENCING ON THE OPENING OP £ VJ Navigation, the M'owlng A No. 1 new and largest class Screw Kramers, baviac largely increased tbelr capacity fur Pa<sengers, will fill this line ss fellows: - FOUNTAIN CiTY, CapU | HUNTER. Captain Dicxaox. V P'ct. OrtTONAGON. Capt. >VtL. k EVERGREEN CITY, CapWl nxs. BiiJU I W Leave Chicago from the foot of Lasalle street. Sccth Bide. A. T. Spencer * Co.'s wharf, on Tuesday, Thursday Hj and S .turday evenings, at 8 o'clock, landing at all points nj on the wesishore of Lake Michigan, as Ln north u Two ♦» Rivers, and al Msck nac. ye Through Bills of Lading given from Chisago and ports u on the west shore of Lake Michigan, to Boston, I\ew York. Monueai and all the principal points in Ue Eastern u and New En/land Statesand % Oonnectiat Colllcgwood with the Northern Railway h: of Canada, and at 'orontowlth the Grand Trunk, Rail? fl; way lor MoatreaL. Quebec. Portland and Boston aud as l.akeOnUrlofteam:rs : «r Niagara falli Oswego. Cape es Vincent, and at ogileasburg with the Vermont Central R Jlroa.l for Boston and tntennediate points on Vermont si Central between OgJensbnrgn and Boston. af Tbe above line is unequalled for regularity and di> th patch, fcr PautDrers and freight between the Western < andLastemandNewKoslandStatesand Canada. For freight or puuee apply to _ C Footof LasalestreeUCnlcajq Ut 18*8 |M39. Cl Q.REAT CENTRAL SHORT LINE ROUTE riTTSBrRSH, FORT WAYSK fc CHICAGO fe lis it FEniITLVUU BAXLBOADI to au. MBTwa ciraa. CLARKE te. COIIFAHT, K 'TOTAL AGENTS, are prepared to Oootract Freight! Co rhrough, by authority of the Companies named above. P e as their office. No. 1 Steele's Block, corner south Water aad Lasalle streeta, and at Depot of P., rv W. A O. R. L. Chicago: oratDepot,Liberty«tm», Pittsbunch. Tbe Offices of the Pennsylvania RaUroad Company ta *B' tie tast are located at i? No. 3 Aster House, New York. be No. 1 Berth WUHam street, New Tort, No. 46 K»y street, Boston. Not 78 Perry street, Hartford " No. 80 Nona street, Baltimore. And al tae General Depot. [prfl-ly SQ6TOH AHL~PHIL U)KLFH 'A SHAMHIP t" I.INK. The Steamships • j PHUIAB FPSAGUC, Oapt. Matthewi. Sh( KENSINGTON-CapC Baker. th| CITY OFa£W iußK.Oapt. Howes, dc Pon* a Recnlar ft' sailing with great regularity from each pert. Thete bteamers are and strong, and ta all resects S? well fitted and provided ihey have good accomodations and freight of all kinds is takes at fair .v° ratea. These dteamer* run In dose connection wfth tbe Pennsylvania Railroad, and goods are forwarded with SrP* promptness and HENRY WINBOR. No>.Xc2S-uth Wharves. Philadelphia, C«r Cairo and Sen Orleans. Sj STBAHBB WW FALLS OITT. ' The splendid ** R,p -iiffSr -2 hlllni Konig _ „ CI Nnr IVIU Oity S wm iwn. (Mm ti» oimlM Fyfl md Wb»«. Mna UB Bt. Losia and New Orleansetfollows; Jan LEAVING ML IqDIS Ort. » «»0 o'clock A- 11 do do Oet. M, 'U, do do A do do Nov. do do DeC. *.'54 do do oft do do Dec. V> do do Not do So 11 *B. do do sak do ft do do Coc do do Feb. fi, J*, do do of . do do M*ch U >4 do de Isr LIA ViSfi QiSo W-MfSttW o'clock P.M. S do -do Oat. n.*S * 4° <r "CO ' i 1 pis 1 & a $ 11st s * | ' t■ y t ■" •*• _. i ■ * i _ Cegol '' !Vr ORTO AG E SALE.—WHERE At 5 i-Vf-.i™ l CtmnlufiiMi did to the month or ip.l , A. D. IK6. execute to me a mortgage which aald oort t r.00Ml ? tte Eeccrdor-. üßee or 000 l J S o sf'rJ? u ". f . tile •>' moota. oathessthdvof Anill "'d dpi j recorded In nld oOca Inßoofc S9 01 l, mortga<es. «m»e la, which said mortgaxe was made ic secure ta>e nayment of three certain promissory netes in 1 i u , a »»rtr»*o ?»«lcul»rty described, Uie one or sale h*Tlng fallen due cn tte 30th day 0: nPJH' . 18 ?J fce , a haxjng been made in the paymeatoi tald aote last maturing, in which said mort 5 gaceij eont-lne-*1 uroviaion thatl! default be made m tne payment of said notes or eiUnr of them, eitner 01 trlndr-tl <rr Interest on tbe dsy or days whereon the sane aha 1 become due a-d payabe. that then and in = 1 om epcowered lo and by said mortgage, afU: publishing a notke la a newspaper printed in the diy 01 • Chicago twentJ day* before tEe day of sale, to sll lh«; - PjeojUes in said mortgage describej and all of the equit; not redemptioncf the aaLl James Ca»nln<h»m tl eiel.i ut the Court House fleer in the at» of Chicam, to the H*fa. est bidder for osb, at the time mentioned in said cotice. e and to make, execute an<i deliver to the perchaser m s purchisers a deed or deeds of tne premises so so d an<J 1, out or tre pr ceeds of sncb sale to pay tbe costs o' 0 sale and the p:lndpzl an J Interest cue cn sad notes. «„Is hereby rven that ;n pursa ance or the authority given m«-la aau by the mort««« aforesal '.lsbailon Monday.the 7ta diyof MsrcQ. -. U WH. at 10 oclck ia th« lotecoonoJ sdd day at tbe r t corthdoorof the Court Hu.e. in tteeityofC-icago.:n • ""vW ad staieof Ullaois. 'eU to tte hi 'h e est b.dJer "cr cash the premists in sa-d mortxate de u W'tJ-Thar r&it and parcel of L.t one (U. In 1, Bloca fifty-«our (H). in tae To»n of Chicago, Coucty of Oook. «nd Ftate of Ulnols. bcunded as lot cn ibe east lite 01 sala lot thirty CO) feel Dorta of ibe a3uthea*t ocrntr. and running tbrnce ns lhe llue of Wells stnet tccnty feet, j thence westerly oa a dne oaralell with waihington street Mthewestiineoi aald lot, being about eiehty (stl) f«je», >• alotgthe west line ofeald lot one Q) twentv (jo) leet, tnence easterly on a line paraltll wiu Washington sureet, about eighty feet, to the pUce of be ginning. WILLIaM 08WAN. • Chicago, February l»h. K. D. 185*. fel4td-eiSO OF ILLINOIS, COOK CuUNTY.' 1 Sm. B i~i? < SL ooii:itT 00101 of 0001111011 Ke *- A Pril Jamaldeck. WlUiam J. Beck and John Beck. vs. John BroU'ham. Public notice la hereby given to the said John irouih , am that a writ of attachment lrsued out of the ' o%ee of the Clerk of the Cook Oonnty Court 0' Common > Pleas, dated the nlnetenth day of February, A. D. Itt9. at • the suit ofthe.saidJas. Beck. Wm ana .agalrit the estate of tbe said John Brougham lor the sum of three hundred and twenty-five dwuara. and ■ixty-eight cents directed to the Sheriff ot Oook Oounty. which said writ has been returned executed. Now, therefore, unlea you, the said John Brougham , shah pmocally be and appear before the said Cook Oounl7 Com t of Oommon Pleas, on or before the first day of thenext term thereof to be boldea at the Court House in the citv of Chicago, on the fl-it Monday of April : A. D. 1859, give, epedal ball, and plead to the said 1 plainliirs raagment will be entered you and In favor of the said James Besk, to 1111 am J. Beck 1 and John Beck and so much of tne property utached as may be sufficient to satisfy the said judgment 1. cosu. will be sold to saUsTthi same. I , WALTER KIMBALL, Clerk. 1 Cornell. Walte A Jameson. Pt.'ffs Au'yr. fel-j eaa » ril RUST EE'S BALE.-WIIEUJSAa 1 J- CtsrlM (XCUfkeindUirrfi., his wife, or the city t of Chicago, CouLty of Cook, aud £t\te of Illinois, exe' feu' ed to me as Trustee a de*d of trust of the premises hereinaltsr describe**, to secure r he payment of a eert&ln I promloory note of Kve oundred and sixty Seven Uol lar.', therein mentioned, which deed of trust bears d.ta 9 May fifth, A. D la®', and is recorded tn the Recorder's office of Wa'woita (.onsty, acd titate of Wlscsrsln. In Bock 31 of Mortgages, 410 and 411 j and whereat defsuit bis been made In ue payment of said ncte and B apphcat on has been made t>me by the le-al holderol ssid note, tq sell said prem ses. under said dtedoj trust " .the purposes therein expressed. Now. therefore! SS2 l J"ktUieU at public l auction, at the North door of the Court house In the cl'y of Chicago, in said County and State, to the highest Wdd<y for cash, at ten o'clocx laths io'enoao. onihe Nlj-TU DA* or MAROH. A. D. lb». d" "Crib'dja deed ef trust, to wit:-ing undivided two-thirds (X) of the north half the *onu«ast euar**» Section twenty-nine Of). Town number oneQ, Bat*;1 number sixietn Ufl. eas; ot ibe iourt»> : Mcrialin, and eont*inlag fifty three and. one-th£d (Ski ' acres, be the sam s more or less, tb- &ici e beinFiTn.i it;! aoart to Benjamin F. ulark- nzd charl« c the estate of the late Ur. Henry °* * fron m., n „ FRANOIB F. EGGLESTON.. Chicago, February 2nd, ltoa. fta3otclW r \/i ortgaijE sale.—notice• is 1 it!-*- hereby given that default having been made in Promi*ory Note secured In and • « acenaln mortgage, made and executed by Alfred p. I faring date 17th aay of April. I3M, and r«orded o office 01 the Recorder of Deeds for the Count? of S? ok *-??? of lillncls. In 80-.k & of MoßctMk at 9* 0, : Of*** lo secure the payment of a cmunpromisory note in said mortca«e mentioned en . which there wlitbe due on the d« of sale, principal and w^ , ;£ 4hl J* oa ?t ad "gh":^' D °darsandNinety. Six Cents. Now. therefore. I slsll. by virtue of the 9 P 0 ®^ d . m ortga*e conUlned. on THURSDAY, the I Jenih day of ilarch. A- D. 1869, at the Court House. In s the city of Chicago aad County of Oook. and State of • S ll ? O^' &AP 0 self as public auction to the t highest bl.idtr for c »sa the following described lots or , " U , ail *- 5SS ett u er "-'i l «ll r® ot re ; «="1 Connti or J Stateof i llllnolito wit; Tne undivided one > half of Lots one (t> ana two -21, in Block four (4) Fort r Dearborn Addition to Chicago. • w . .. Ic . n GEO. M. GRAY, Mortgage. 9 Ph cago,Feb. Bth, 1859. feg i CTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY, |— Cook County Circuit Court, Februarj Te:m, ■ Augustus Beck and Charles Wlrlh vs. Helmich Nan- Public Notice Is hereby given to the said Heinrich 1 Nauaann that a writ of Attachment issued out of the office of the clerk of the Cook Oounty Circuit Court. day of February. A. D. isia. at tbe . suit of the aud Augustus Beck ana cWies Wirth and r sxaliist the estate ot tbe said Heinrich Neumann, for the sum of Two Hundred and Eighty One Dollars and s Seventy-Mne. CenUidirected te the Sheriff of cook 1 County, which said writ hagbeen returned executed. 1 Now. therefore, you, the said nelnrich wau mann shall personally be and appear before the said Cook County Clrcu.t Court, on or before the first day of the next term thereot to be bolden at the Court House, in tbe cUy of Chicago, on the first Monday of L M trch. A. D. IS&9. give special ball, and plead to the said plaintiff's action, judgment will be entered ' you. and In favor of the said Augustus Beck and Cturles wirtn. and so much ofthe property attached as may be sumdent to to satisfy the said judgment and costs, » will be sold to satisfy the same. 1 VT „ „ ~ „ WM. L, CHUROT, Clerk. horman 0. Perking. Plfffs Att'y. feu>4wtiti CIIIANCERY NOTiUJa—iiTATii UF ILH- J lois. County or Cook. 88.—Circuit Court ol Cook > nonntv April Term A. D. 1*59. Franfclln E. Gregory. John Tilton. Ormand Button, k Moses w. Richardson. John U. Bradbury. Georxe K. 5 Rlchvdson. George Barnes, Jabes W. Lvman, Har ) vey Soencer. Edward Aleaasder. John**'weaterve t \ and Orrir 8 Ti us, vs. A N'oron Kicg. Bjron H. New ■t eIL Rudoiphßchloesser.Elbridgdß.Newell. andChai I Sonne. I Affidavit ofthe non-residenceol Elbrldge G. Newell, one I of tbe defendants above named, bavin* oeen filed In t beof. I flee of the Clerk of said circuit Court otCook County, I Notice Is hereby given to the said Elbrid<eO. Newell thai slid complainants filed their bill of complaint in sa.dOcurt k on the Chancery side thereof on the twenty-ninth day of November. Isoß, and that a summons thereupon is sued out of said Court against said defendant, return able on the first Monday or January, ISSd, as U. by law_fe aired. Now. unless you, the said HbricteG. Newell shall personally be and appear befure said Circuit Ooort , of Oook County, on tae firstday of the next Aptil term thereof to be hoiden at uhlcago. in the said County of Cook, ou the cnt Monday of Aprt.. 1&& and plead, answer or demur, to the said complainants* bill of complaint, the same and the matters and thinathere in charged and stated will be taken as caafoaedTand a 1 decree entered against you according to the prayer of said 1 complainants. WM. L. CHURCH. Clerk. Franklin Webster. OoTpl'ts 80 'r. ja27 clOl 4w STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK, is.—Cook County •ourt of Common Pleas, Februarr Term. 1&50. SjlvesterLnd. Samnelß. Sl«ter. Ex'cn<or« and "nulees of Barber, deceiaed, vs. Joseph Wilde, >tnlor, Ann Wilde, his wl e. Mary Ann Barber. Lucy Barber. Harriet Barber, ibarles Y. Bell, and Kliaa Bell, his wi:t— In Chancer. Affidavit of the non-rssidenee of Mary Ann Barber. Tucy Barber, Harriet Baroer, Charles Y. Bell and Eilza Bed, his •lfe.partcfthe defendants above namea. uaving been filed in tne office ofthe Clerk of said Cook Coant* Court of Common Pleas. Notice Is herebv given to the said Marr Aau Barcer. Lucy Barber. Han let Barber. Charles Y. Bell, and E':si Bill, his wife, that the complainants fllra their bill of complaint In tbe said Court, on the Chan cery side thereof, on tbe Sftb day of January. 1559, and that a som.nons thereupon issued oat 01 said court against said defendants, returnable cn the first Mon day of Aptll next. A. D. 1559, ej is by law reaaired. Now, 'unless >otL the said Mary Ann Barber, i<ney Barber. Harriet Barber. Charles Y. B*U and Ellxaßed, Lis wife, shall personally be and appear before said Oook Con:ty Court of Common Pleas, on the first day of the next term thereof, to be bolden at Chicago in said Oounty on the first Monday of April. 18&. and plead, answer or demur to tte said complainant's bill of complaint, tbe same and the ters and things therein charged and stated will be takes as confessed, and a decree entered af*ir»«t jrou accord ing to the prayer of said bUI , ... Walter kimbau. citrt Mather. Tat A Hlnc. ftriAw c! 5 STATE OF ILLINOIS,COOK COUN'i'y:Sb. circuit Court of Cook County, February Special Term A. 0..1859. Johnß Kirg vs. John P. Gardon Cockling, Caroline A. Conklinr, Saral A. Oonkllng. Godfry Bry. ant, Pettr Pecoy and Oharlss J. Tremam.-In Chan cery. Affidavit of the non-residence of John P. ConkTur, Ga-don Conkllnx and ('ar- lne A. CankJng his wife, Sarah A. Con kiln-, Godfrey Bnant and Chines J. T re main. defendants oamod. having been filed In the office 01 the Clerk of said Circuit Court of Cook County notice is hereby given to the said J hn P. Conkllng, G»r donConillcg* ard Caroline A. Conking hlswlfr, 8-rah A. Oon<U*r.Godfrey hryantaadobanesJ. Tremalnthat said complainant filed his bill of complaint In saldlCourt on he Chancery side thereof, on the fii it day of Febu ary 18S9; and that a summons thereupon Issued out of said Court against said delendanta, returnable on the seoond Monday of February 1n5t.,(1969) as Is by law required. Now, ualefsyou. the said John p. Oonnllng. Gardon Oonkllng and Caroline A. Coukllng his wife, Sarah A. Cockllae. Uodfre? Errant and ChtrlesJ.Treraaia shall personally be and appear before said Cbcuiw Courtof Cook Co.. on the first day of the next special term thereof tobeholdenat Chicago. In said Oounty, on tne second Monday o> February, ISoS, and plead, aiuweror demur to the said complainants' bUI of complaint, the same and , tbe matters and taicss therein chanted and stated will be taken as confessed,and a decree entered you. according to the prayer of said bilL WM. L.OHURCH. Clerk. George BcovDle. Ooap 'U > ol'r. ted c! 97 <w QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY, k7 89.—Circuit Oeurt of Oook Oounty, January Speda Term, A. D.. 1&63. William McCully. John F.McOolly.andMarkW. Watson, vs. George E. Hoyt. • pubUcNoUeelshereby^veqAothesU- : GecnreZ.Hoyt thatawrit of ati-c. oaent Issutdout ofthe office ofthe Olerk ofthe Circuit Court cf Oook Oounty dated the eigh teenth das of December, A. D. 1868. at the suit of tbe said William McCully. John F. McCully anid Mark W. Watson and against the estate of tbe said Geo. E. Hoyt for the of two hundred and ninety-ekht dollars aad twenty-three cents, directed to the Sheriff of Cook County, which said writ has been returned executed. Now. therefore, unle« you. the said Geoige tHoyt shall personally be and ap* >earbefore the said CircuitOourtofOook County on or be ore Ue first da> of the next term thereof to be hs! Jen at the Jcurt House In themty of on the fint Monday of January A. D. jdre special ball, and slead to tut said plalnuS? action, judgment will be entered a t*» ••• ▼oa. and In favor of tre said WiLlam H eOblly, John F. McCully and Mark W. Wats. a. and so moehoiiai. iropertvattaehedas may be sufficient to sat ■fy the gala judgment aidcocu will be told to satisfy the same. _ . WILLIAM L. CHURCH. CierL Cornell Walte A Jameson. Plff'sAtfya de»b363<>od STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF Cook. SS.—Cock Oounty Oourt ef Oommon Pleas, February Term* ISU. _ ;Larie« H. Booth and Charies Tattle vs. OrviHe Finch.— Attachment Public notice is hereby gives to the said OrvUie Finch that a writ of Attachment Issued out of the office of the Clerk of Oook County Court of Common Pleas, dated tbe fir* day of Febuary.'A. D. 18S9. at th* suit of the said Charles H. Booth and Charles Tattle and aga'jist be estate of the said Orvtlle Finch 'or tae sum of six teen hsndie j ana forty-two dollar* and forty-eight cents, directed 10 the Sheriff of Oook county, which wntbasbeen returned executed. Now.thgefiare.unlaiyou.the said OrvUie Finch shall personally be aad appear before the said Cook county Court of Ooomoa Pleas, on or oefore the first day of the next term thereof to be hoiden at the Ooort House In the city of Chicago, on the first Mondai of Febru ary. A. D. UO, give special ball and plead to t£s said plaintiffs action, judgment will bs entered *unstyou and In faror of the said Charles H Booth and Charies futile, ana ■> much of the property attached a» may tegmßdent to satisfy the said judgmeoi and oottg, will be sold to sattsU the same. WALTER CMBALL. Clerk. Tbompeon A Bishop. Plfffs Att'ys. fc3 clB 30d STATE OF ILLINOIS—COOK COUNTY. Cbcuit Court of Oook Oounty.January Spedal Term. A.aiW. erman S. Seator and Porter Skinner vs. Andrew J, Sfiort.. * Pubiic notice Is hereby dven to the said Andrew J. Short, that awrtt of attachment Issued out of theot&ceof • thtOlsrkcfClrcsitOqunaiOookOouatydatedlhefearth . dooTDeceßtber, A.D.l&M,atUusaUof the saidJen&an STKeator aad Porter Skinner and against the estate t the'saM'Andrew 4. Short fcr sum of IfcreeTaou- Now. therefore unle a you. tbe said Andrew J. Short shallpefspQAllv be and'pp«r be« the said Orcult Court or Oook Oounty oa or before the first day or the next Special Term thereof to be hidden at the Oeer House, in tbe (Sty ot Chicago, oath* first Monday of January, 'A. D. 1569, give weSal ball, andalead to the saldplainOrs aeOenluScTOtwillbeenteredaAnstyoQ and .n txm of thesaidJennan a Keatcr t and Porter uiu OTATE OP ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF OOOK C> EEL—Obenlt Com of Oook Oootj. 4vtu. WD«m led Baajamln Strieiton Tr Kotat Cuu oka—ln Cca&cmT. Affidavit of the nan-residence cf Robert Camahsn. defendant above named. Having been filed in office of the Clerk of said 1 Cimtt Court of Oook Oounty, Notice is hereby sdven to tbe said Robert t>)»t atid eomSainaats filed their bill of eoaxplahit In said ' Court on the Chancery side thereof, on the eleventh day of January. 135*. and that an a summons thercspea lsnied out of said Ooort ac&last said defendant! te. ' aUUperKPaHy be and appear befbre said Circuit Court of DookOSunty, on tbe first aay or the next March term thereof to beholden at Chicago, in said Oounty, on the 1 flistMendayof March. IStt, snd plead, answer or de- 1 imbeutrnM sural i Mtar W. VMM. MONEY SAVED IN MANUFACTURE IS MONEY MADE! All Persons Eugaged in tlie Manufacture of Lumber In any way WM. M. FERRY,' JR,'S, PATENT AUTOMATIC CIRCULAR SAWING MILLS 1 Patented July 21,1R57. have been very large. THE LOG MILLS THE SIDING- M-tt.T.S Wia u* heaati/allj >ll Und, of Sdlo* lenctai Flooring Scanllkt to. to. from OmU Uto » lMt Um. WIS saw beautifully allkJ fiolh these Mills are AUTOUATia or SETaF OPERA TIVE, or can easily be worked by hand without any change or ilteratlonln tbelr construction: are tbe most simple and seldom get out of repair. They are Made to Wear—warranted durable and substantial—for Year in and Year out. Tbe Saw Frames are of Iron entire: the Carriage aad all are sit eto endure heavy work, to In sare accuracy asd duztftiltt/. ' The Patentee has been a - PRACTICAL MANWACTURRII OF LUMBER fcr the past Thirteen Years, aad-now offrrs the reiult of his labors and experience to those who wish to avail themselves of thebene&ts. claiming Lumbermen are here ofiered the ONLY RELIABLE SAWING MILLS now before the public. Also claiming and ready to prove thai the LOG MILL will pe. form more than ITirtt Timtt the work of a Uuley Mill with the expanse of One. The SIDING MILL will perform from X ta S" more work than a~y SUdlrg Mill ever knowr. Tht per cent, clean profit these Mll'a will make over the above esti mates of wcrk wIU be. as will be seen at once by a prao tlcal man, much greater from the fact thit the expense of running, less hands employed, and next to nothtne for repairs, are items in the manufacture of Lumber that est up the prcfits to an alaimtag extent It not watched. These MUls attend to these items In person: thus the profit of the manufacture. Tbe above Engraving represents the Sldlrg Mill cor rectly. It Iswell to stats that these ml Is are not depend ent upon tbe merestatement of Mr. Ferry, the Inventor. a*hey have been used by many, anc thoroag" ly test- d in all respects, and are recommended by all far above any Mills In the Unittd States, We have room but for a few of the many flattering ecmlng from high and responsible parties. From Manufacturers. The undersigned. Manut?ctorers of lumber, having hadlauseWLliamM ferryJr*s Patent 81 din* Mll.s, do berelnt testify to tbe r excellence tbove all other kinds we bave teen in operation. Tbe difficulties heretofore experienced in the use of ether kind* of Mills bave been their liability to get out or repair, making the manufacture of lumber more expensive andUelnaccuracyofthlckaetsin lum ber manufacture subjecting os to tbe loss of good mate rial— as Culls. By tee use or Kerry's Mills. »heir simplici ty and the itrenxth and workmanlike mancer of their construction d>>es away with "" and they are i reliable for work. Thete Mills, with h<a late Improve menu, are the only accurate s ttlrg MiLs to uniform th ckness that we have ever us*d or *een In aad we recommend them from cur own knowledge ana experience to bethebe.-t asd profitable Mills we know ot Th; patentee's exierience as a Lnmberaaa b's doujUcsi calied bis attention to what we bave here tofore to much nee.ied. and we are confident, ail his Mills will axree with us :n the expre«sion aba* j eiven. Perry A Son. Amos Norton Hunter Ssvltixe. Stephen Monroe, Galsn »•. O. Ma ro. uan'lF. Kargo, JWUdeACo.. KellogWLlieACo. S. Lawrence. Richard ttjberu, George L. Norton. Hopkins A Bros., JohaC;ancy, GBEAT trtSTEM MAIL KOITK. WINTER AHRANOEMEKT. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NuV. 2STH, 18&e. rassenger Trains will leave the Wells strea depot daily. (Sundays excepted) na follow:: GALENA A CHICAGO UNION R. R.-UAINLINA ForFreeport, Galena. Dunieith. Belolt, JaaewiUe and Prairie du Chi en. PaigengerandMaU. 8.50 A. K. Passeaser (dally) 7.10 P. M. Elgin. McHenry. Crystal Lake and Richmond. 3uSU P. M OHICLaGO. JULTON AND IOWA LIKE, roa nixos, ruuox avd umu iowa. Through LOO P. M Passenx;? 3.30 P. M. . Two Through A'ralna will leave Central Depot at foot of Lake street, ajfollowt: roaojzxsi. pcxurra awd bt. mox. Dally (Sundays excepted).- 8.46 A. M. and7.ooP. M. TRAINS EASTWARD. UUDi AID OHIOAOO CKOX Leave Dunleith 7.00 A. M,—arrive In Chicago fi JO P. M Leave do 7.-JQ p. M.-arrive in Chicago 4.v5 A. M. mOAOO, fSLTOS AXO IOWA UXX. Leave Fulton laoOAM—arrive in Chicago at &00 P.M. LeaveDeKalbb.lsA.lL—arrive In Chicago at».» A. M. sstorr ass vaoisoh sxaicz. Leave Janesville At 10.30 A. Mm—arrive In Chicago at taop. M Uave Janejville at U0 P, M.—arrive In Chicago at 4K5 A. M. 90X XI7U VALLIT RULZOI3. Leave Cjda at 7,' JO A. IS.—arrive in Chicago 9Jo P. M Passengers for all points on the Galena and Chloaxe 1 Uidon Railroad, and Fultoa Llnae, thosld take the trains from Wells Street Depot. One of Woodruff's Patent Sleeping Ovswill leave Cea tral Depot nightly with 7.00 P.M.'Train for Dunleith. All the above trains connect with tbe Great Eastern Lines diverting from Chicago. Through tiekets can be bought at the following offices: H.J.Spaoldlnx's.corner Lake aad Dearborn streets, P. F. W. AC. RIR. Ticket Office, corner of Randolph and Dearborn streets; Michigan Southern Office under the Revere Home, and at the Central and WellsstrsetDepoti JOHN B. TURNER, President. P. A HALL, SUP'L H. H. PozTxa. General Ticket ArenL no 9 HIOHIOAN BOUTBBBM Airo LIKE SHORE RAILROAD. 1158.. Win tor Arraagamest 1851 HpHROUGH ROUTE TO NEW YORK JL Boston. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Washtactou. Cleveland. I'Htsburjfh. Dunkirk. Bsflalo. Niagara Falls. Rochester. Syracuse. Troy. Albany, lflmlra. Blnsham> ton. Springfield, Worcester, and au polntsln the New Easlaad States. scoo A. M. Mall and Accomodation, via old Michigan line. 6:45 A U. New York Express leaves Chicago via old Michlgsa Uae. 8:00 P. M. New York and Boston Express, via old Mldw Iganllne. &45 A M. Iralu (dally, except Sundays.) ooanects at Adriaiwita train (or Monroe and Detroit, miking close connections at Detroit with trains oa Great Western Railroad. 5:00 A. M. (dally, Suauay* excepted.! connecting Elkhart with train for Goshen Air Line. 8,00 P. M. (daily, except Saturdayj connect at with trains for Monroe and Detroit. ONE OF WOODRUFFS PATENT SLEEPING CAttl WniaxompanytheNlghtTraln. QTpas*ngen leaving Chicago on the 6:45 AM, train get a Night Car at Cleveland. Tickets can be haa at all ticket Offices in the West, and attheOotrpany'sOffice unaertne RevyreHouse,comer Raadolph and Dearborn streets, and at tae depot. tnylO ft. M.GRAY. Geneva' Vetera Agext. ISSB WINTER ARRANGEMENT 1359 For Central and Western lowa, Nebrai. Isa and Kansas. CHICACO AND SOCXISIAXDR. ft. UNI. Composed of the k Rotk Islam), Feaiia k Butai VtHej ni Hlssisslppl k HlsMiiri Kallnads. Thbough fromThicaqo TO IOWA CITY and Washington without chaaxe of Cars. oalydlrectrcutcfromChlcagotoJollet, LsSaile.Per* Peoria. Rock Island, Davenport, Muscatine. lova OBfc Washington aad Fort des Moines. Three Passenger Twins leave Chicago *»ny from Depot, corner Van Buren and Shena-\n streets u follow: ILOO A. M-Day Express, Sunday*exeeptea-Por Jollet, La Salle, reona. Rock Island. ttne,lowaand Mashlnxton. IL9OP. Night xxprea. Saturdays excei ted-For Peo ria. Rock Island. Davenport. Muscattae, laws Ck% aad Washington. LOO P. M* Jollet Acoommodatloa. stopping st all stations arriving at JoUet at (Lte RSL The Chicago aad Rock Island aad Mississippi and Hi tourl Railroads form the only through route from Chi. caco to tne Interior or lowa, i Paaenger trains ion through to lowa City aad Wash lagton without detention, cr chaaxe of e«r« at the slssippl River; crossing the Bail mad Bridge between Rock Island aad Davenport. Trains arrive at Chlcsjo A.M.and IS VtitH a at J.SS A. X, OONNSOIIONS. AtLsßaOe,wtthDlinole Central RaQroadfarGalsM, iMnleith. Cairo and intermediate points. At Peoria with the Peoria and Oquawxa Railroad t«i Galegbunt and Barilnxton. . At wuh, of &tscss la Oscatoiu. KnoxvtHa, and all pemts m Central vd Southcra . lows: At lowaCUyvilhWettern Stage Oo'sLlaetf all Coaehes ' for Fort des Maine*. Council Blußi, Waahligtan. On* ioosa. Newton, Wlntertett, fort Dodge. 3oux Cj/, MaiibaDtewn. Marietta. lowa Falls, Cedar Rapids, Cedar Localud tickets on sale at the Depot, also al office of Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, corner Dear, born aad Raadolph streeta, and office Mlchlgsnßua«iaia ander Revert Hotel. —' - 1 w. L. ST. JOB*. Gi»>i uaStiiL 1107 ' S'li tHitIM.IOWA ASD SSCRASKA bihbouj | CHANQE OT TIME. OPEN TO HfiaSANIO^TILI.B. ON AND ASTBR WEDNESDAY, P£a 1, LeA7S CUnton at. a 15 A.M. aad 120 P. M. Arrive at Mechaslcsvllle, LLIS M, and 8.00 " l Leave Merfxanlcsviiie. &,00 A. M. sndl-X) ** Arrive atCUaton ixso M, and 8,00 M Ooanertbarwith Throaxh Trains ever the DtoaAlr-IJneof ud fltioftgo Union At stages fbr Davenport and Maanoketa. 6 At Yankee Run waa utagea tor -rorouw. At Onion Grove with Stages fcr Tipton. At Mechanlcgvllll with Aaaaoaa. lisbon. ML Yemen. Marion *p4 _ „ »fnGHT isuiira UA'CH J . *hs Shortest. Ch*anea» and most Expeditious Rods Mtwsvt GMUgo'tnfr PMiral lowa, it being only 13« " d TO LTJMBEEMEN! TVill Find it to their Interest to Examine one of -A. T OITC E . Patent Re-Issued AprU 6,1355. Additio.val lim)TKjiE.vr PiraxruD May 4, ISSS, sine which time ml.' From Practical Sawyers. The tndenlriea ire practical Sawyers. an-! havtn* used an i seen to u e other kinds ofClreu'ar Saw si :!* weprefer those cf ffm. it Fcr.y. Jr'a Palest all Wecancnt merehmberwith them !a the same Urae than wtthanyoT the ether kind* heretofore luu«e. for the»e reuonj: The care of bu< om belt li fern's Macldnestakes the Usee of kr«i-<es In r-rairc null cated machinery and a g-ratsr rurobjro* belts _j in <U ethemaehfne eT ? ry .?V ,a Jknrerirg." The Ar:or 1* o- Cm Ste-L and amhe work connectedtherewithls flnlihedln tacb ft manner that we are not troub ed with journals that he,*t to the damage of the oaw and d-.-t-r.ton of t±e *ill AU thei work is sb-on*. *lreple. and ccnv<ai eat r*n * a *f-? flhe 8 w ,*n«Ur-Ul * d *lth ct sioulr r the Mil!, for different qualities of TU ber. or u dilcxent Bawamayneed without • eatingortuvln* anyten-eccy the Arb-ror the Paw. The <:• nvtnleacs ofihe dons ror bo din* "cants" on these Mills a very great. The* don holdacantflrmly,»vtnln r.-st7ilu.ber.and thepeeuliaj 'head do« * dees away wth the use of a mill bar." Th- experience of all mtli owners and Sawyers is thatt e 'mill bar" ii the •ause oi trore ao. cldentathan anything else. Th« aeTlty of flying the cam<i#e for receiving and cutting dJTcrent lcnrh „ Is unequalled. »»e tear no eomnlalnts oflrreeul&t th!ckn»s to the lumber from FerTj'sMl la We Uke pleasure therefore to recommend!:, g t ese Mills aa the UaNIU£3T lud BEBT ve have ever seen. Jhonm Merrill, Jo-. D. fltebblns. Mas Timet. Nlcolat Lawless. Jtmryßrasted. John Tarrent. 0. i». Bramhle, GilbertThompsoo. tiamaei KlmbalL Merett C. Messenger. From Lumber Inspectors. TTe, the underaJgneJ. Lumber In«ceeteri of the city of Ch csgo. being frcQuentl' eoo ! nyed <n the toipcctlno of lumfcermanui%ctured rom WlllNm M. Ferr. Jr'sPa tent Siding ill la. vocld hensby teatll> to the accuracy manufacture of tae lumber sawed by said Want of unKo'tnltyof th'ckness !s a prevailing plalataunng pureuasers of lumber, and ih«? axtljfnctlon %hlch. la this particular. Ineritably follows the aa>e oi lumoer cut from saH clllsls tbe surest Irdicailon that a degree o. perfection has been attained la the;r c >n«: ruc tion and operation that place then by kuv other mill »nawn to us. Thework frrmttieajlathebest recommeadautn taey need for perfect, rtraoUcal and suo cestui machine*. We take p earere la commending ferry's Improved Mil s to general u;e. Chicago, December 50.1363. Grand Haven. Mlchlgw. Chrirtooher Johcaon. Georg-I>. Harvey. P. W. tUgble. Jonn W. Hopkins, Prankl n Itmerr, •*. i'tlant. R. G. uoodwliue. Henry Briwer. O.IL llortoo. From Dealers. nnderslzned. Lumber Dealers In the dty of Chicago. ba*ing ranUled and »old more or leas lomber r 4- oWU lam M lferry. Jr's Patent biding Mills, take pleasure la hereby certifying that lumber manufactured from aa!d Ferry's Inu-roved Mills la of usujrm thickness, smooth and acotratrly saweiL aad 'n thti i e»p c*. yre'er ible to luab-r manufactured by in* other self ie:tiLK mill wi;h whlcb we are acquuntett III* iinportanceof bavin/ #Vfnl» M'vnt lumber iur n «ua ceufu i ade la so«s enilal ail so general!* known that comment la this reritd is unnecessary Th« bc*t and most reliable recommendation we c*n offer for laid m;:ls of satisfaction which Umber manuf*c tured tucrefrom jd-es >oour nuuwrous customers. We thercf-ireuihesttalinalv comment ferry* Mills to erne raiuiewihe mo-t Derfc.-t«eir-«ett!Djr mto.ltoe known to H inter CHICA6O AND JULWIUREE RillßOlD. LAKjC BIIORC UNK. Great XiU and Sxpn* Boat, to SL Paul. 4 f\N AND AITEBTMONDAY, KOVEM V-/ ber 29th. 186 d. Passenger Trains will run (Sundays excepted.) as follows: THROUGH TRAINS. lxavx am at 00, yacm statio* ook. wist watu a oock its, 8:00 A., M.—gtocplns at all Stallone, reachlnx Milwaokx at Lh&a P M. I LDO P. K.-Stepplnc at Svauston. p U k. Lake . Foirest. Wauxegan. and autlons north, and 5 arriving In Milwaukee at &ld P. M.. and con* necting with LaCrosse A Milwaukee RAllroad for St. Paul aud ail points la the N jrth.west. r WAOxxQix nun uurm caiaioo at feOO P. M.-Stopping at ail Stations, and arriving at Waa ktgaa at (:3S P. M. CONNECTIONS. . At Milwaukee with La Croae A Milwaukee Railroad foi ' Hartford. Horrlcon. Beaver Dam, Portage (Sty. Lisbon. Sparta, and LaCrosse-eonnectlng at Sparta and La- Crosse with three daily line of biases tor St. Paul, Wlnuna. Fountain City, Seed's wing. Pre* cott. Hudson.Stillwater. Hasting.St.Anthony 14 ftll« axH Mlnmwl» Also at Jnnctloa with the Foad du I ae and l with tbe Horicon Railroads, lor Fond du Lac. Osakosh. Wsupun.Ripon and Berlin. Also, with the Milwaukee t and MisdssiDpl and HUwauxee aad Watertown Railroad £S r M«disoa. Pralrte du Chita. St. Paul Hartland and Watertown. I At Radne Junction, with the Racine and Mississippi 9 Railroad, for Burlington. Eikhora. Delavaa. Dan en. h& I lolt and R*>ckton. eJK h i«itt'as 10wsak " u ***-■^ cu no 3» M. L. BTgm. JR.. Ann V 1 PITTSBCK6. FOET WAT3K k CHICAGO 8.1 ; "VTOIV COMPLETED AND CARS RON 1 Xl from ChlcaSo to Pittsburgh without chaaxe. ocn i necting with tbe great PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL ROCTE. To New York. Pniiadeipma. fiailimora and iv ashlngto City, and all the Interior towns of Peangylviaia. NewJer scy, New York Maryland, Ac. . , Merchants, by taking this route, will have the bene. 1 fit of VI the eastern markets at no additional oost. Buouge cheeked through. Trains leave the depot corner of Canal and Yaa Buren streets, west tide, as follows: 7:3) A M.—Morohut Express, daily. Sunday excepted. I K-taP.M.—Nlghtsspresc.daliy,Saxurdais excepted. Connectin<aturesunewiuiClevei«ad*t:d Laxe Share Railroad toDunklrk. Buffalo, Niagara Falls, New York and Boston, and ail Interior towns of .<e-y sagland, via New York Central and New York and ir> <ieilroads. _Also. so«ui to Columbus, Newark. Moust r «»»oa. SWutenvilla WheeUatt. '.sterinr tcwus ef Ohioi and Vwiaia. Also trails at Lima for Dsytoa and Clnclanatt "if'rt 1 FAR! A 0 S/yH AS ANY OTHER 20UT1. I Pagsengenboond cast will find this route both pleasant •adagrenble.paadneihrongh many ofthe largest aid . finest cities ia tne United SutesT^ P'oengtrs prrtvlng at Ohicago, ca any of the roads, i will and attentive cheek taken at the depots, te recetifi checks and oonvey baggage fre« of eharga to the Pit* i burgh and Chicago cars, bleeping Can accompany each train. Tickets tor sale ataH the principal ticket ofllees in U e West, and at the s office, corner of Randolxh aad Dearborn streets, or at the depot oa Yin fiurtu street, Chicago. Be particular to ask fer tickets by Furt Wayne. DAN*L w. EOAA. Hen'l Agent. Chlcua. JOHNR ANDKEgON. Gsa 1 fiapt. J. N. LUBAttaY.Supt. W. D. TO MERCHANTS AND SHIPPERS. The Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne A Chicago R. S. Co., having effected as amngement with the Pennsylvanls Central Railroad Company, for the transportation ot Through Freights, property can now be shipped oa this Un. oeweea OhleMo. PnlUdelohU. B«ltimorn Utw York aad Boston, with promptness and despatch. P?p bacts can be made at the following places: No. 3 Aster Place. 1 g°- 11- Wlrnm«tree(.f Nor lok. No. 4 Battery Place, J No. 541 Kilby isreti.^Rastoa. No. 8 Pocx street. Philadelphia D=?o« N«r\b street. Pbhadelphia. Twelfth street, corner Chleago. Mark packages via P.. Ft Wayne AC. R. it. For farther Information. Ac., apply to JAS. W. MU3BON. FKlght AzscC Chlcsco. J.^ HOUSTON.GemFrtiuxrl PuSburiS.K CHICAGO, Bt&LLWTOS & QCUCV ft. ft. 1848 C&AJfQB OF TIMB 1859 ON AND AFTER DEC., 13, ISSS, TWO Through Passenger Trains will leave the Cen- Depot, foot ot South Water streets, daily, gf Joi. 7JO A. M. Day Eiiiuwi Oundars excepted) errlvlng at Mendota I±oo M.; Galesbcr* P. 4L: Bur . Ungtoe. txle PA!.; ScisTFM. 6-10 P. M. Express 'Sqndais excepted) arrives at Men- P. Galesburu 5,00 A. M« Bur- t . ®tonTJOA.M.. QumcyilJoA.M. Trains leave Eastward as follows: Leave Burlington. 7:45 A.M. A 145 P.M. •* Qulncy 4:«0 A.M. A P.M. - Galeaburg. 10:00 A,M. A 7:00 P.M. AuroraPaaaenge- leaves Aurora 7:01 A.M. Express trains Arrive at 6& P.M. AUOUL Aurora Passenger arrives atCblcag • lOttU A.M. IMPOBTAMT LOOAI. 00NNECTI0N3. At Mendota with Ullaois Central Railroad north Ite At oroectloo, ». Hdl bl two PiilPffisfewS Btfuxc». a&d an pomoßsof Ksjums and (Vmpany for Meotn»st thano* by *AasasandSoaghen> NeMSAfau Thj Is we only direct roue duriugue winter months 1 last and Kansag, t} laere la only about SO i _ . M a HAMMOwi. Guo'lßot. Itu. Winter ArraagaaeaL 18j| ! ¥ll CKSTRAL AND 6BCAT ! WESTERN RAILWAY rpHAINS LKAYE THil fcsREAT CENTRAL < X .DepoUjPjot of Lake street, Chicago: . *3® A. It—Sew York Express—{cxreyv Sandayilarriva at Detroit A3O P. Sua«n3o atoidSor 1 T.KL, 3mJu) , P.M.—Sew Jorkand goetoa gxprsss , (Safagday Arrive DetrdtKas p. iLfsSS. * ? v*: Albany liTSj ftoo p. M.—aad Looirrille 1 AooP*°lt l . Qnrlr ' n,;l u SOXM. Omiya&s train oa Sunday at BtOO p. M, 5 AJE Ditoaeoonettti Parts aad Lax» ■ Hnrtm Rauway far BuffklQ aad all polatg East; atTe rootowfaft H niingsiiß.Ot SSJiNq^MrttTmSusS new HiusUrsandl checked throMtL/ «««. \ BiH? a * *** to tba wtaU ofUid lumber t £ •* Cn., nUUunl A Morton, flaleo laslraaa, imOL 2**"*»» Wi!Je A joo. iW r» * l.e<t&«d. jy' l «**i > Tca. ., rtnn. N t.u Insi o * r«, iipTh - w ».««« i } e r rT . , , lo «. lan ''* co " B Hrowwrr. J iJ[\,V ann » 8* V» IxUi, H. Worvlwortli * Co.. Vwsor* .% """"• L » * <■'«• Calcaco. Dec 2CItJ. Idßi. t0 ,fl; Mlowin* »entl««*n. who 2r? W acQU*JnWith *ll .he practical wcrklun. pro ftt»*cab«n.*<Jlßofiny WUU: hS? win T ' I?"J"* arM,l 1 S -'P |J '- M'th. Hon. wllde- D. F. Hi p, do. do. Hon. George Mirtlo, do. do I °'t* l '« 1L s 'cCrai, dw. do.' Luritu PaJt-rsoo. Go., <*t». d* Wtory Mju-.'a. >»q , do. »lck Wireu J,.. jo. p . «w\w- c £ m »» h *U. Ccralt* Mich. *■• J« W,u«t, K*q., do. do if oa *M i* Mich* {•« lILO Pit, Holltad. M eh. Hon. Henry P. qoyer. (irand lhvee. Mich. * °y,' ?; v - **"!-. to. do. L. (h Uwon. >«q.. Mc*k«*oo. Mich. Uob;. Etq do. do W. H Ferry. Esq.. Whl;* RJv«". Mtrh. John Via Arnw. fcq.. CMci«3, Hi. w vtervoK. E d o. AND HUNDREDS MORS IP NECES3ARV. In O'derlnc a machine. Ii l« n»ce«»%r» to knn* «h»»h.>f * i-fjt fuuut or a Hkjht httnd macAina, *• the canisters are s»cons'ructru as to«flirt from the taw tn rannln* rue*, v pirv-nt b«atln* t" A*, or waUM hV'i* r ?"° u^ :U In }l, , . to J ,s T* th ® mrtl in » aivcn po»itlon re «. v 43 We mu&t bnnw A . A< "' lA °, r r * ,u °» * k/t fuimt ii.UL !£SiftS'r » r; !?.. ./ tK Uow n ® ; hchlcd the clrcuUt ?K U lt l»* C *««S hwid. ttti a r*tcl-t hiir jiuaiajin*; If at yoo" :uft h.«n<L l> la a lef. hiodmachlLe Tae irll;wn*iii w:llr. aildv s-e th*t if aa upwTlihtsaw !a placed Jie w«ent«o m*«!iinM. of the tatnt.oneof U»em tae c-iu^muawj t> lba t earrl,4te 1*■»»» «>e b*ck part of lu and the {!! «« lui «w»nd frime jpe 00. The irlllican MtiiJl i Wl ' buut '? cocteuienca and facility of puttlnzoa lonor C'ir.ta aad xebiocrid vftlie lu.obtr. U Qut'eaa item la nllla doloc a large builoen. The we'gtt of eldint Mill, comrletc. Is abnof....iCooß(». ti i. .* *" , a . '* l < from-i,0i0tO'l500». I keep no h«il,at a:l times Mliu. ready to •b.pframcr/ do'k'o «ny tort on ih? L*ke», or to any f-n 1 ! « tne f ? i ?Uu§ or an - Al *' au.» If rfqulieif «end4tnaa (<ica»tlieui uv and give iniiractoai about, ope atioa. as A ro 1 Io»M- her D4rtlcalars «*abe haJby adJmaloc ma WM. M. PERRY, JR., JEaaVoDClta. Uraad llavca Port Office. Or to my Genet al ißcnUforthe CblU-d3Ute«. Tripp, Hale & Co., PATENT OFPIC* DSJ»OT. iat9-3m Ho. km> L«ke itreet. Chlcarv TUE >. Th* (XtpacUi/ o/ ViU RoiicC it now JSqual to any in> ins Country, Three Through Passenger Trains CBErWEE.f PfrrsarGa ASD PHiT.ADErpnT* ONNECTING DIRECT IN THE IJNION Decot at Plttsburt with throi«a trains vom aU •• o-teru Uties lor .,ew Vork. coaioa. Rai. . *? d Cit#; Uius furnl^lnaraSiwls h or the transporta>Ln cf p&'seavers uaaurpassed i&r , *peetl and comfort b» any other rout*. LxprcM and »a»t Llnea run throonh to Philadelahla e wt.noat change of earsorcouaucWrs. J Wnodrnl". i. aJeeplogCara to express and la«t traina The i ™°.« Mail -ad Pi« , | .•S?undaJs"*rtatSd ihS5 .tahy trains connwtolrect lor N-w kiuress ..Trainsconnect at Pttsbureh with th« a p u Arr»veiDPhlU'_e»phl4 or llaltloort at 8 A M. ® InNcw York at i3UF. M. Mali Triiut leave PiUs ■ " R WL. N« • ri^.®. l f? lna v b ? t " eeß .. phUjldc, PW« and Mew York; ? ew Y £« 4nJ Hoitoc . I *^° d oQe »her or the above Tr«la«. ; *" » 00d ,l » I obtained at any of the lm. railroad offices in t e Wert; also, ou board any SintfwweL e the MQ-sippi or Otgo nankin m* w « l *urd the offices ol the Com yany In Boston, New York. Baltimoreor shiladelphla. f«e Alwijs 19 Low as bj any other Bonte. _. for Tickets by Plttsbursh,^J ibe eomnlstlon ot tb« H'eaern connecuons of ti« Pennsylvania Ra.'road to Cnlcago maaes tht# the Dirtct Lin* Ixtwetn the JCast aiui th* Gnat Iforthwut. The connecting of tracu by the Railroad Bridge at Ptttsbursh. avoiding all drayaxe ur ferriage of Freiebt. together wi.b the saving of time are adraatagesreadUr J»P|«claUd by ship ters of treisht and tbe Uaveilmc Partlea shipping Eastward will fir.d It to their advan tare to ship by this route. ««*au For frtlsht contncta orrhlpplng directions, app* to or addres*eltueror the 'ollotlo*agentso' t» ecomoaay* r * SQr * h i : l>o»l«AOo. Stubenvilie, O: r ?. u ,Li J Joho«M. ulpler. O: 8 JicNealj, MatSfUle. Kr, OrmsbyA Cropper, fo t» mcuth. O; Paadock A Co. Jeff rsrarllle, lad; H W" °>\ AUlem *Hlbbert, Cladooav *3.° Meldram. Maduon, led; wilOsm tilaghaaiw jn A Co, Evansvi.le, Ind; P Oraham ACo.Cal'o. Ill; it Y t)as*» St. LoaW Mo • J 2£ n £ Uan ?s f "hvlUe, Teon: Harris A Hunt, em! pitixTena: Clarke A Alton. iU; Hurp&y a Walle. Danuqoe, Iowa: or to Agents of Railroads at different points In the *.. greatest facilities offered for the protection and' speedy transportation of Live Stock, aad Good Accoa- SiMW thereof a * n * i tUocm r ° r D«was traveling la. _ , „ VREIOHTS WKBTWARD. By ttis Ruuti Pre sbta of all oUalptions can be Jor wsrdedfrum Philadelphia. N«w York, Bos:oa or Ka>u more,toaay polut oa tne railroads ofObio. Kentucky direct** lillnula. WUcooaia. lowa orMlssoart by taiii The Pencsyivansa Railroad al>o connects at Pittsburg wtth steamers, by wMca «oods can be forwarded to anw port on the Onlo.. Musalnsom, Ktfutucky. Tei.aeMn. ' umberland, llilno s. Wlseon«n. UUsewl Kaoaask Arkaasas and Red Ulvtn; and »t aewtead.' ad , "odChleaeo wt.a Steamer, to aU potU,oatae riortL-wcstem Lakeg. » B ?w r S?f n »*^ o<l trippers entiuitlag the traiaportstlon of their (re ght .o thU company, can rely wl;h couflc euee on Its spendy transit The Rates uf Freight to any potnt la the West >y the» Pennsylvania Railroad are at all times as faviraolea* arerhansed bv ot%er Bali road Com^anlei. Cfite particular to mark packages - vlaPenn. H. a." MwchanUla the West ordering goods Jrom tbe Fm.i wilt do well to d>rect «L<ia to be snltned by mis route. Par les auenciuxaiAtnotr own shipments fruin the Kas* wilt cndtit-i their interest to call oa tac at tuls Company at the ol'o>ln<( places beJore ks »<r» auure sed to eitner of them upon tae subject ef trct*h s "ul meet with prompt "Mention. E.J. sn«ea«r. PhlladeUihls. M«raw*Kcoufc bONorlb street, Baltimore. A 2Ast"r Uouse, or No. 1 a. i*m.-st.NY Leecs A Co., No-H Kllby str tet boston. * * ?*» Gcn « ,, Freight a«X Philadelphia, ftwa i .M • *?] Ag-t. PhlUdelphla. THOB. A. aOuiT. uen 1 ifuwv Altoona. Pa. ISSB«a--WISIB AR2ANQSX2BT*-18(8-a vu ZLLZXO2IOSICT2UL aAZZsBOABu Change oi'Time, ON A2H) AFTER SUNDAY, NOV, 28 nins will leave the Great Central Depot, foot of south Water and Lake streets: St. Louis. Cairo and New Orleans Express....ll:oo a m b. t . , JOwttuadays excepted.) BC Louis tn<l Cairo Express. lftOO y Aw _ (Dally. Sundays excepted.) Far Peoria. Deoutur. Springfield. Terre _ _ _ _ sT. LotUS, Jefferson Oty, Kansas, and oa rtvo Meaphlfc Stl.aton. Aad all latermedls*! Q-iats A stock train, with a car attached as fhr m « »iu o. ™ .□ a®SiL STil,e f *' 0B Sk 4=4 C,JrO tl 9:10 > W *ld - -CONNECIIONA I P.M. trains make direct connections a) I Mattocn wlih Terra Hante and Alton Rallrcad for Alton aad St. Louis, aad at Cairo wlih the rallrowl line ot .'teamen for new Orleans, leaving Cain oa alternate I days. \ , Thell:3o P.M. train makes direct coaaectioos at To lono with Great Western Railroad for Springfield. Jack ; *°uvllle and Naples; at Mattoon with Terre Utute and Alton Railroad for A'ton and St. Louis, and at Odin with Ohio aad Mlsslsdopl §iMr*si for St.- Loul& FOR THROUGH TICKETS AND INFORMATION. Apply at tae Company's o£ce In the Great Central Depot; at the Michigan Central Railroad uffiee. corner or Lake ana Dearb ra street: at the PUiaourgh. Pert Wayne and Chicago Railroad Office, corner or Dearborn and Randolph streets and at all Steamboat aad Railroaif Office in the East and North. JAS. O.GLARXE. Gen'lSupt. W. P. JOHNSON. General tlck«Ag«nv neap W. R. ARTHUR. Bnni Qhlrjfp DlyiMoq. CHICAGO) ST. PAUL AND FOND DC LAC 2.1. CHANGE OF TIME. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, EEC. 13, 1363, Trains oa this road will leave Chicago aa fbiiows: ftOO A. U. Forßeloik Jaaesvillek Madison andPrable da Chien. iOO P; M. Fcr Janesville and Madison. Trains arrive at P. M. aad £SO P. AS. u Carrybg the through U. SL Mall fbr all »oiaU te tte Northwest. , Vlhrouidt from Chleago to Prairie dtrChUa wlthset change of Can. M * Connecting a Prairie duChlenwltha daily Bn« of Uatted States Mail uoscbsa own i, nms?.a» OLD Ulitl) AND PiOXTED SArt- IX 4co _ <W trv»- <i* JtNOLD'3 WRITING FLUID HI m>7„" . orlotU. Ibrmtebj 1. H, RlgD * CO.. Ml Drualm »nd am iw * tw laic-n.