Newspaper Page Text
CHICAGO DAILY PRESS AND TRIBUNE. VOLUME XII. PRESS AND TRIBUNE. WEDHISDAY XOBWIHG, FEB. 23,1859. Extra Copies. Extra copies of this morning's Passs axd Tbiboxs, with or witbont wrappers, can ba had at the oonnter, No. 43 Clark street, np etairs. It is a valuable copy to send to friends abroa?. 1 lite Chicago Railroads. t We present, on the inside of this morning's 1 issue, the ueual annual statement of tbe 1 a freight and passenger traffic of Uie system of t Railroads centering in this city. Tlie year s 1858 was oae ot extraordinary depiction, and our Railroads liars been subjected j to peculiar hardships in consequence, t I" Tbe exhibit which we are enabled to a give of their earnings and of the t advancement which has been made in pubL- c ti mg oor system of roads towards completion, s Is certainly not less favorable than the public n arc prepared for; many, we doubt not, will a o be agreeably disappointed in view of the b aggregates presented. d In a few days these figures, together with a the Coramerolal Statistics and the private c and public improvements of Chicago for the ti year 1856, will be issued in a pamphlet, form- B it log a full and complete compend of the j r business history of the city for the last year, tl It will be valuable both for preservation aud distribution abroad. Orders may be left at p tbe office of this paper. a , a . - tl hatest from aprinfffield. * —— u APPORTIONMENT BILL VETOED! 1 - e Great JExcitcmeixt in th.e BCoixse! n ■ tl GENEBAL DISPERSION TO-DAY. »< , tl By a Fpecial dispatch to tbe evening Jour. B iiul, tve learn that the Governor returned the 0 Apportionment Bill to tbe House yesterday p uiorniug. with his objection?, when the Doug- ld.-iU'S forcibly ejected the Sucre- £ tary who brought it in. The bill was taken B from ilie bands of the Page by Green (Doug- \ lusite), who threw it upon the floor. Chuich (Republican) picked it up and placed it on 0 the Speaker's desk, and the Speaker kucck-jd C it oIT. Green theu put it in his pocket. E Daring these proceedings the greatest ex- J' citement existed iu the House. u Late last cveulng kc received the follow- r ing dispatch: gpanrcncu), Feb. 22,1E£9. EJltoriPretaand Tribune: c No quorum in House. Apportionment ve- tl toed. Senate in session. General dispercion c to-morroir. No appropriation bill passed. Dem ocrats enraged. Republicans jubilant. Snubbiug the Irish. f locofoco leaders made clean work of the 0 Irish on the Aldermanic ticket. Not ono was 0 left to tell the fate of tbe others. Dinnis Conghlin was garroted, and a German put on * in his place. PhiL Conley had his jugular cut for tbe benefit of a German brewer. McClevy D was bowstrung, to make a place for a German by tbe same of Habn. Duolap, of the Seventh 0 Ward, was choked off to give Elihu Granger a chance be elected, so that he may defeat the collection of that $3,150.57 which he * owes the city. Here we have four Irish Aldermen slaugh tered in the bouse of their friends, on account | of their place of nativity and the sweet brogue on tbeir tongues. They fare no better on the general ticket. The three Irish candidates for Street Commissioners V were all bluffed off to make room for two Ger- £ mans and one Kuow Nothing. A German was i put on for City Collector, and the Irish candi- " date placed on a back seat. The locofocos have recently fallen desperately c in love with tbe Germans, and have given the a Irish the sack. They Lrieh tbeir caresses * upon the Teutons, but turn to the Cells the backs of their hands and the soles of their ( feet. 11 Tee Irish supply fully 4,000 rotes to the loco foco leaders, and the Germans less than 400. The marked partiality shown the little handful t of tbe latter over the vast multitude of the for- mcr, would cause a revolt among any other ] class of people but tbe Irisb, who are mere c slaves of party, and rarely ever resent an insult < from their leaders. A Good Joke. t After the Tax-caters Couvcntion had tendered 1 their nomination of the Mayoralty to M. D. Gil- ] man, be ta reported lo buvc made them a speech, coucluding thus: "Lst oor rallying cry be Re- < trenchmcot and Reform." ' If this joke don't throw the towa into a laugh, | It will be because there is no perception of the i ridiculous among the people. It is hardly a fort- ■ night since thess same geutlemcn were lobbying , the Legislature to pass the Lecompton Charter, j the object of which was not only to deprive the people of Chicago or tbe right of self-government, j but to double the taxes for the benefit of the hun gry demagogues. I The devil reproving sio is an much in keeping 1 with his true character, as the rallying cry ot 1 " Retrenchment and Reform** Li in keeplug with the character of these demagogacs. Persecuting the Saints. Our literary friend. Alderman McClevy, of tbe Second Ward, who was elected last fall to fill a vacancy, has been snubbed by the wire pullers to make room fcr a proslavery German named Hahn. His Irisb birth was the only ob jection alleged against hicn. There are ten Irish Democrats in tbe ward to one German, but as tbe leaders felt cure of the Irisb anyhow, they thought it would strengthen tbe ticket to put on a German and kick off* the Irishman. Where is Dinnis Coughlin ? Diois Coogblin, of tbe 41 bloody tinth," has beeu ehoked off tbe track as a candidate for Al derman, and his place given to a man called John ComitLy. This is a direct iosult to the Celtic voters, who compose nineteen'twentieths of the " dimecrats" of that Ward. But the wire-pullers know that tbeir Irish voting ma chines have not the spirit to resent the insult. Farther Foreign News. We have further news from Europe by telegraph this morning. Rumors of war were still rife, though the alternative, it was thought, rested wholly with Lonis Napoleon. See telegraph column for details. The State Finances. We publish this morning eo much of the re port of the Senate Finance Ccmmittee as relates to the finances of tbe State. It will be found,on the third page. Declines. Dr. Davis publishes a card declining to be a candidate on the tax-eaters ticket for Alderman of the First Ward. Cause: could not get the effiee if he wanted it |y The Timu labors hard to prove that its for Mayor baa always been a Democrat asirrtfng among other things that he cast his first vote for Polk against Henry Clay—and by implication, his last vote for Mr. Buchanan, •gainst the gallant Fremont But how happened it that he gave SSO to the Fremont Club to I help beat tbe regular Democratic candidate for Presidentf It is true that was before the match greys and their driver made those Senatorial - visits to Michigan avenue. vr The Tax-Eaters have made no nomina tion lor Alderman In the Sixth Ward. The game is to foment mischief at the Republican primary meeting to-night; make a split if pos sible, and tben support the bolter. For this purpose it is understood that they will attend oar primary meeting and vote, if permitted. Keep an eye on the gentlemen. From Havana. New Obizivs, Feb. 2L—Steamship Cawtaw be, with dales loom Havana to tbe 16th, has ar ffcred here. No news of importmi OIK tPEIStFIELD CORRESPOXDKME. T<io lee T >lalure " Blown Out»«*Thc Democrat-? Blockade tl»o Hiiklmcju, Mttd the hcpublicßß* leavo iLrtu to fiutkli the Job«flo Quorum In the liouae. " ■*. {Correrpondenre of the Press and Tribune) EraiMarinn,Feb 2L1N9.- The Democracy of the House signalized ihcir intoutiou to permit no legislation until their Ap portionment infamy becomes a lair, Id a maimer so marked and emphatic to day that there was no mistaking it. The session opened at the usual hour; but instead of proceeding to business and pansuig the bills before the House—tlie Appropri ation bill umojg the moht important—the whole time until the hour of adjournment, was purpwely and wickedly frittered away in useless declama tion, by which all business was prevented. Hour after hour was epout by these patriots in afflict ing the care of the House and the lobby with their vain babble. In the afternoon, the same policy was continue!; and :hough entreated agaiu and again to go to work at the business of legisla tion lor which tbev wre tent here, the time was consumed as in the morning—purposely to delay the parage of bills in which the Republicans were ' supposed to be interested, until the Apportion* meut bill thould be returned. This was kept up amid great disorder until about 5 o'clock, when our friends, in leaving the hall, left no quorum behind* A call of the House was ordered, the doors were locked and absentees sent for; but the call amounted to nothing; and at length about C o'clock an adjournment was moved and carried. This is the last of the tea-don. The train that carries you this wiil carry also enough Bepublican members to make a quorum to-morrow impossible. Were the Democracy content to stay i in their scats notll Thursday evening next, and do 1 their duty, every proper bill before the Legisla ture might be passed, signed and reported. But with that disiegard of the lights and will of the ' people for which they have become distinguished, and which has been displayed all this session, they chose practical revolution, and the conse quences are upon them. TQe Appropriation bill ; has been thrust at them in the Senate, and has ( been repeatedly urged upon them in the H jufc. Their opportunities to pa*s it have occurred every day since the session began. Tiiey ' might, if they would, hare provided lor t tbe courts, for the contingent fund, for the cred- 1 itors of tbe State, and for all the machinery of ( the government not fixed in the Cotßiitntion. Bnt preferring partisanship to their duty—the 1 chance of cheating the people and uprooting 1 popular sovereignty in Illinois by an infamous , gerrymander, by which tbe minority would be placed in possession of the power which belongs 1 t3 the majority—they have constantly put ot b ructions in the way of business, hare refused | tbeir assent to the passage of necessary atd ' wholesome laws; until now at tbe close of & scb- 1 sion without example for duration since tie i Constitution was adopted, the patience of tke ' Republicans is so exhausted, and their sense of 1 justice so outraged that no quorum is left; aid , upon the Democracy the whole responsibility rests. Let that party, which has not ouly be- 1 trayed its professions bnt wronged and betrayed { the people, account for tbe public loes end in- i convenience which will follow their action zb they may. The record of tbe Republicans is clean. ( When tbe House opens its session to-morrow, < three or four Republican members only, will te found inside of the bar—enough to move a call of the House and to guard aguinst the making of an incorrect journal; but no more. Who these trusty friends will be, the caucus to-night will decide. ' , In tbe Senate but little h&s bees done. Tbe morning was consumed in talk; and though & few bills were passed this afternoon, tho buni- ] ness ol tbe day may be thus summed up—unim portant To morrow will probably set that branch afloat, and then all legislation for nearly two years may be considered at an end. ILLINOIS LEGISLATURE. Bills I'nsscd on Fririny and Saturday, l-'ebruary 18 and 19* SENATE. ] Mr. Fuller, from committee cn Finance, re- ] ported a bill to secure toe State a lien in curtain { cases; providing that herenfter whenever any , suit is ccmmsncsd by the Slate, either at law or , in chancery, ogainst any public defaulter, or , ugainst any person or persons, or corporation, for the recovery of any debt or cluizu of the Stale, tbe commencement of said suit shall ! create a lien on the real and personal estate of , such defaulter nod defendant, situate within any county in this State. Passed—Ayes 25, . Noes 0 Mr. Goudy, iroin committee on Banks and Corporations.-B'U to provido for constructing, • maintaining, and keeping in repair, plank, ' gravel, macadamized aud pike roads by a gen- j erul law. lisped—Ayes 20, Nots U Air. Cook, from committee on Judiciary.—Bill to establish lUcordem' Courts in tba cities of La Salle aad Passed—Ayes '23, Xoea 0. Air. Applington, from committee on Judiciary, j Bill to repeal certain acts extending tbe juris diction ot tbe County Courts of Carroll, L«e and Whiteside counties. Passed —Ayes 125, Noes 0. Mr. Goudy, from committee on Banks ond Corporations, reported a substitute tor a bill to amend the several acta regulating tbe in surance companies not ineorpurated in the State of Illinois. Concurred in and passed Ayes IS, Noes 0. Title amended to read''Bill topro vide for tbe assessment und uficntion of insur ance companies not incorporated in tbe S.&le of Illinois." Mr. Goudy, from same committee, an original bill to amend an act to incorporute the Fire men's Benevolent Association of Chicago.— l'ntstd -Ayes 19, Noes 0. Mr. Bestor, from committee on Brnks and Corporations—A bill to incorporate El P&so. Passed—Ayes 11, Noes 0. Mr. Biodgett, from committee on Judiciary— House bill relative to the law of Limitations. Passed—Ayes 22, Noes 2. Mr. Martin, from committee on Township Or ganization and Counties, reported bock petition, remonstrance and bill in relation to the removal of tbe county seat of Lee county, recommend ing its rejection. Mr. Adam*, of Lee, on the part of the peti tioners, withdrew tbe bill. The Speaker then untounced tbe second spe cial order for the hour, viz: a bill to provide for the more secure keeping of the public mo neys, books, vouchers, etc., in tbe State Capi tol, and to defray tbe expense of investigating tbe financial affairs of this State. Mr. Higbee reported & substitute therefor, which was concurred in and passed—Ayes IS, Noes 7. Mr. Fuller, from Committee on Finance, re ported a bill to indemnify the State of Illinois against loss or liability by reason of unlawful funding of Canal indebtedness, providing that Joel A. Matteson shall, within sixty d&}3, fur nish to the Governor, Auditor and Treuisurtrr, satisfactory t«ecurity for tho bonds of the S'.nte ot Illinois, cumberrd feom 9UO to D 92 inclusive, and one batf of UiiS ot llliuoU aud Michigan canal bunds, now deposited nub the Auditor as security for the redemption of tbe bills or notes and payment of o'her liabilities of tbe State Bank ot Illinois at Sftawnetown, etc. Bill passed in both Senate and House. [lt will be primed ' in tbe Peas® axd Triboxb of to-morrow.] Bill to supply tbe deficiencies of the appro priations to tbe institutions for the Deaf and Dumb—yeas IS, nays 5. Bill to regulate sales of property for freight and charges due to railroad companies. Passed, ayes 21, noes 1. * Bill to incorporates tbe Swedish Lutheran Publication Society of Norlh America. A discussion arose ou this bill, in which Messrs. Fost, Fuller, Judd, Underwood, and Higbbe participated. Passed, ayes 21, noes 3. The Speaker announced tbe special order of the hour, viz: Houfe bill making appropriations for tbe completion of the Illinois Slate Hospital for the Insane, appropriations $76,000 for com pleting and ventilating the same* Bill discussed, amended and passed, i Bill to repeal tbe charter of the town of Mc* Henry. Passed, ayes 28, noes 0. Bill to authorize the inhabitants of tbe incor poration of St. Charles to subscribe stock in the St. Charles Railroad Company. Passed, ayes 16, noes 6. Bill to amend an act to incorporate tbo city of Galeeburg, approved Feb. 15, 1857. Passed, 1 ayes 18, noes 2. i Bill to amend section 52 of chapter 80, Revised Statutes. Passed, ayea 18, noes 2. Bill making provision for the support of the Institutions lor the Deaf and Dumb, and tbe 1 Blind; appropriating for loatitutions for Deaf ' and Dumb for 1559 and 1860, {3OO per annum i for insurance, SSOO per annum lor repairs, $27,* 000 per annnm for ordinary expense s from March Ist, 185S, to 2£ar<ih Ist, 1661, $12,000 per annum > for the institution for the Blind. Passed, ayes 1 22, noes 0. j Bill approving and legalising the construction of tbe Sycamore and Cortland Rulroad Com* r pany, and incorporate the some. Passed, ayes 1 10, noes 0. 1 Bill to proride for constructing, maintaining and keeping in repair, plank, gravel and mac adamized roads or pikes by a general law. Paaaed; ayes 19, noea 1. Mr. Fuller, from select committee, reported ® back a substitate for a House bill to restore the a records of Logan County. Concurred in. Passed; ayes 20, noes 1. BUI to provide for an election for the removal 8 of the county seat of Henderson County* 1 Pasted; ayesiO, noesL L Bill to incorporate tbe Raskakee Yalley Rail road 00. Paased; ayes 22, noes none. Mr. Cook, on leave, called np bill amended by tbe flonse, to authorise tbe building of s bridge across tbe Illinois Hirer at Marseilles. Concur r- red in; ayes 21, noes none. Mr. O'Kean, on leave, called ap bill to repeal •a act approved Feb. 17,1867, and to atpsnd as act to reduce the law incorporating the city of Chicago, and the several acts omendatory there of into one act, and amend tbe same. The question being on the passage of the bill, it was pasaed; ayea 14, noes 8. Bill to amend an act to provido for Township Organisation. Passed; ayea 19, noes 1. Bill to amend the revenue law*. Pasaed, ayes 20. noes 0. Bill to incorporate the towns of Sycamore and Sandwich. Piis»ed, ayes '23, noes 0. Mr. Bestor moved to reconsider the vote on lay ing oa the table a hill lor the better security of pas-cnger* and property ou railroads, aud lor other purpose*. Carried. The question then recurring on laying on tbe table, it was again laid on the table by a vote of 11 to 10. Mr. Goudy, from committee on Banks and Cor poration 4. VVithout recommendation, a l>ill to in corporate the Chicago L*»n -and Trust Compiny. Difccbarced. Bill passed ; ayes 18. noes 7. Mr. Uuderwood, from Committee on Judiciary. Bill to reiorm tbe probate system. Pasaed; ayes IS, noes 0. Mr. Henderson, from Committee on Backs and Corporations. A bill to amend act to incorporate tbe La Salle and Ltfayettc Railroad Companv, approved Febrmuy 15, 1855. Passed; ayes 17, noes 2. HOUSE. Act to incorporate Chicago South Bianch Dock Company. Mr. Brewer moved to commit to tbe committee on Banks aud Corporations. Carried; ayes 37, noes 25. Act to incorporate Chicago and Plait field Rail road company. Passed; ayes 48, nee* 12. Act 10 amend act to a lerr. across the Il.iuoii R ver at Peru, in La Salle county. Pass ed; atess4, noes 8. Act to amend au act establishing county courth and extending the jurisdiction of the county court of Vermillion. Mr. Harmon moved to amend to extend its pro visions to Iroqui-\ Wufren ana Bureau. Adopted. Bill oa amended passed by ayes 49, noe* 20. Act directing the conditions upon which corpo rations shall create liens and mortgages. Mr. Job moved to amend to include power to mortgage, ic., lor "fuel or work performud," with other vetbal amendments. The bill makes all liens subject to debts for fuel, work dime, &c. Mr. Peck moved to lay tbe amendments on the table. Carrieu. Bill pi&scJ; ayi-s 53, noes I. Act to incorporate the Essex Miuia; Company. Passt-'d. Act to amend tbe charter of the Kankakee and Iroquois Navigation Company. ayes 58, nays 0. Act to incorporate the Southern Illinois Salt Company, Passed, ayes 58, nuy^O. Senate act to authorze tbe safe ot the Chicago, St. P.ul and Fjnd du Lac Railroad, &c. Passed, ayes 43, noes 12. Act to enable tbe Supervisors of Boone County to levy a fecial tax for certain pnrposcs therein named. Passed, ayes 57. noes uoue. Senate act to extend the jurisdiction of Lake County Court. Passed, ayes 49, noes 8. Mr. Wilson called np Senate act to change the time of holding courts in the 21st judicial circuit R»wi twice by title and passed; ayes 50, nsysO. mc. Church called np Senate act to fix the time of holding court in the sixth judicial circuit. Parsed; eyes 50, nays 0. Mr. Epler called op Hoase bill amended in the Senate act making appropriations for the Asy lum for the Insane. Amendment concurred in by ayes 53, nays 0. Mr. Davis, of Stephenson, called np House bill, amended in the Senate amending the com mon school law. Amendment concurred in; ayes 50. nays 2. Mr. Eiper, oo leave, called op Senate bill, for an act to supply deficiencies in the appropria tions to tbe deaf and dumb institotion. Passed; ayes 43, nays 10. Mr. Church, on leave, called up Senate act to amendment to incorporate tbe Waokegan Mu tual Insurance Company. Passed, ayes 45, nays 5. Mr. Roosevelt, on leave from Committee on Banks and Corporations, to pass an act to in corporate the Chicago South Branch Dock Company of Chicago. Passed, ayes 40, nays 15. Also, Senate act to amend act to incorporate the Kaskaskia Navigation Company. Passed, ayes 43 nsys 0. Act to amend charter cf city of Macomb. Passed, ayea 54, nays 1. Mr. Braddock, on leave, called up act to in corporate tbe Mattoon Academy. Passed, ayes 50, nays 0. Senate act to indemnity tbe State cf Illinois ogainst loss by reason of unlawful funding of canal indeotedness. Passed, ayes 53, nays 1. Act regulating tbe term* of the Circuit Court for the county of Winneoago. Passed, ayes 61, nays 1. THE CITY. Republican Ward .Heelings and City Convention. Tfce ReonUicanTot-rs of the cii j of Chlc-co are re que«te«lto ratet'nthflr respertlr-; Wards, at the i»la:ts h rvlnafler dn'ena e«l. cn tbe 2*J dsy of Februirr. at 7*4 o'clock P. M.. for ihe select!, n of Dele- E*tts to ai'ooventlon to be h-.ld for the nom'oatloi of candidates to be v.ited for b; tbe cliy at large, at Uic en. suinp Ma cli Municipal K1 ctloa. for the nomination of cacdl.'ute* for Street Comtais i*ner, (to be cboa:R by Delegates f cm their respective Divisions.) sndfor candid ates for Aldermen and Tbe meeil iffs will be catted to o;der by the Ward Com* mkters at 7M o'clock rxtrieely. The Delegates to the Convention are apportioned as follows: , _ Debates. Delegates. First Ward 9 Flx'h TVard H Tund " 9 t.sbtb " 8 K'urih ** 7 Mnth *• 5 fifth *' v lentn " 7 The places of holdlns the meetings in the different Wards will teas follows: PinttWaid—Orient House, £B3 State street, comer of tan tinreo. litecmd Ward-Fnrl'e Iloase Ko.7.Etate street, be twee • Van ltorm HanUoo, Third #'» d—Sheriff's Office. F<>a-th Ward—4rra-jrr Fif h *Waid-Horeer * HaU. Weit Randolph street. Klxth Ward—We*t Market Unll Njventh Ward—No I£3 .Nv,rta Wei's street, north of On tario. Hthth Ward—Vorth M-rket Halt. Ninth Ward—Eogiue Uouie No. 8. TrDtb Ward—Memtjer'n Hot:!, comer of Canal and Mitchell itreeta. The Delegates slec'ed at the Ward Mectinn, *sll meet In Convention at the MecUtKKS* INSiITtJTE HALL, on THURSDAY, tbe S4th day ef February, at 2 o'clock, P. M.. for tbe purpose o' making nosln&ticns. Bj order of the Executive Committee. likKQ N. ARNOLD. President. Hksbt llonum. Secretary, Italian OrERA last moht.—The opsra last night na» on the whole a complete success. The audience wis large aud fashionable, and towards the last of the performance wanned up to a glori ous enthusiasm. The orche-tra was exccileot, the chores, though much too small, *vas effective, and the different solo artists of the evening acquitted t!iem*elves tbe satisfaction of the audience' Parodi has never been a favorite of ours, either in the concert room or on the stage (though better on the latter than in the former) but io tbe best parts of Lscrezia last night she elicited the warmest applauee. Her fault is that she overacts—rolls her eyes needlessly, and in too many instances gives as grimaces for passion. As in her Crst scene with Grennaro, her conception lacks depth, her face betrays too mnsb vanity at tbe flatterv she receives, and too little of the anguish and guilt ot her situa tion. Com* 4 hello, and some other ports of her rolo, were, however, admirably rendered. BrignoJi, as Gennaro, was the really great artist | of the evening. Possessing an exceedingly pre pos-ivsing poison, a m. % st excellent robust tenor voice, always at ease in his put and never over doing it, the " liaud«ome tcuor* 1 will doubtless, before the season is over, have half the Chicago ladies as much in love with him as arc those of ' Xew York. Jnnca,the basso profando, seemed hoarse, and as we have never heard him before, can say of him that he periormed the part of the Duke well, nothing more. One of the most effective concei ted pieces of tbe evening was thctcuetto at the cloie of the l>t Act, which won for ihe per* formers, Parodi, Brignoli and Juoca, a vociferous encore. Madame Strakosch sang 11 JStgrtto, or the Drinking song, superbly, and won an encore, as might be expected. The enthusiasm at the close was such as sugars favorably for the suc cess of Italian Opera in Chicago, at least for the present season. To-night La Traviata is to be performed. However questionable tbe moral tendency of its plot, it will doubtless draw. Fias.—Tbe fire last evening between 10 and 11 wasin the frame buildings 207 and £69 Clark street, the latter occupied below by Neumann Levy, shoe store, and op stairs by a family. 267 by Mohr's clothing store. The buildings adjoin ing were considerably damaged by watered. {3T We call attention to tbe card of Professor Whitney, tbe Elocutionist and celebrated Read er, who intends to give one of bis popular enter tainments in the Mechanics' Institute Hall, on Fridsy evening next. We promise those who attend a rich intellectual treat. Mr. W. is not only known and admired all over this country, but be brings with hip} many approbatory no tices from the British press. From among a number we select the following: •"The Liverpool Times says that Prof. Whit ney's impersonatioas of Brougham have ' the whole matter and copy of Brougham—eye, lip. gestare, voice, etc , and are entirely delusive. The Glasgow Mail states that * his imitation of Brougham was remarkably faithful, and was received with tbe most rapturous cheers by the crowded audience.'" Mss. W&eeleb's LtcnrKEa—Tbe ladies will recollect Mrs. Markbam Wheeler's second lecture 1 of tbe coarse at tbe First Presbyterian Cbnrcb will bo given this afternoon, at baif-past two I o'clock. Satyect, tbe Hascalar Stznctnre, Brain i and Nerroos System. Tickets twenty-five oeots CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23, 1859. mE S2d OF FEBiCART M CHICAGO. GRAND PUBLIC BEMONhTRATION Tbe Monster Procession 10,000 Strong, The Military, Masonic, and Civic Parade. DECORATIONS AND EMBLEMS ALONG THE ROUTE. THE DAY AND ITS ADJUNCTS. GENEBAL OBSERVANCE BY CITIZeKS THE FESTIVAL AT METROPOLI TAN HALL. The National Banquets at the Rich mond and 'JL>eraoat Houses—The Cadets' Ball, &c. The Garden City aid herself eminent honor yes terday in observing with all the honors, the recur rence of the Anniversary of a day hallowed to every American heait, the Birthday of Washing ton. It wds a tboroosli holiday from its inception to its close, and made memorable by events long to stand with no parallel in the annals of sach ob servances here. It was an anniversary of onr whole people. There was no hanging back, no 6liirk'ng each ones own shore, tuid in the whole was that hcartiues3 that told of 0 common pur* pose which appealed to and held all alike, and rightly, for not only for Americans did the Father of his Conntry preserve America.but for ah nation alities to be thereafter represented among onr citizen*. The whole day, to review its gcenes, paas«d without a jar or misadventure. The streets presented a holiday appearance. Few of the stores and shops and banks were open. Merchant and mechanic, artUt and artizon, professional man a r <d laborer, all were very generally "off fcr the day." By nine o'clock, as tbe first appearance of the procession were manifest, the streets became thronged with citizens, on foot or in carriages. The throng was kept up daring the day; the sidewalks were lull to overflowing. Along the route of the procession the bnildings were thronged at every available point of view, with spectators, ladies and gentlemen, and glad-eyed little folks— children released Jor the day from the public and private schools, to a holiday, whose (to them) splendors wilt, of this anniver sary of Washington, create a new anniversary, to be memorable with them from yesterday through life. The monster procession was, in numbers and character, unlike any ever known in onr city. It was made np, u it should have been, of citi zens. Politics, and sect, and nationality seemed lost, as allsbould be, where a common hnmani ty, enjoying common blessings, bends low at tho tomb of Washington, to honor the memory oi a common benefactor of his countrymen. Every one seemed good-natured. The citizsns mounted were not overharsh with the weaker state of citizens on foot, and even in buckram and gilt braid there was observable a forbear ance, a lack of bruequeness, which too often on such occasions, mistaken for soldierly besring, is eminently distressing to small boys and el derly ladies. The very horses (we hardly realized before that our city possessed so many) seemed on their good behavior, and trod gingerly and circumspectly through the throngiog thou sands. There was no fighting, few accidents. Lager was gentle in its influences, and even thirty rod vitriol whiiky (it would not be easy to believe either was wanting among the influ ences of the occasion) drew it mild, and gave to tbeir devotees a larger liberty, well em ployed, than is usual on such indiscriminate gatherings of the great public. Evidently, the prevailing spirit of the day was not old rye, or its muity congener. We heard of no accident occurring from the rising of the sun with the matins of clanging and deep diapason of artillery, even to its going down, to where tbe festivities died away among the "ama hours" of this morning, and let this be said to the credit of our whole public, who have shown that tbey can enjoy themselves and even be very jolly together without any neces sity of infelicities of any description. Even tbe day itself under such genial terrestial in fluences thought better of its morning scowl, and from its mid day skies gave to the great procession itself full splendors, and exchanged apparently, it may prove so, a day with April, cheating the latter of the fairest of its thirty aans. The hour for the grand procession to move was fixed at 10 30 A. 11. It was later, large bodies move slow, before it was under way, but the interval was not lost to those citizens who availed themselves in tbeir carriages with their wives and little ones, or on foot, in groups or a'one, manhood, matron, maid, Mary, Bobby, aad Charles all were there, and tbere-about, chiefly the latter, reviewing the promise ot the day. As the head quarters of the military both fronts of the Tremont House were elegantly de corated in a prosusion of the "red, white and bine." On the L&ke streetfront a large full length portraits of Washington was richly draped with colors. Tbe Richmond Hoase, Briggs House, Foster House and other hotels were decked in flags, streamers, and wreaths. Along cur business streets several of our prominent mercantile bonses were appropriately decorated. The ahippicg in the harbor were in iheir gayest rig, with-cotors and streamers flying. Numerous private residences were also under American colors, or bore devices and emblems. A nota ble feature waa a magnificent triumphal arch decked with wreaths and flags, spanning North Clark street at the Foster House, universally admired and justly so. We give below a running detail of the several parts composing the whole of tbe great pro cession. To attempt anything like jastice to each in their turn, would far exceed our space. It was »characterise of each association or organization that it was full; fewwere missing— nons voluntarily, j As a military parade it was the mast magnifi- I cent ever witnessed in Chicago. It displayed the citizen soldiery of Chicago as m whole, with full racks—American, Scotch, Irish and German companies—horae, foot and artillery—each with the rest, and all together, in a manner infinitely jnst and creditable to themselves and to the eity. Chicago may well be proud of the martial scenes of yesterday. Again, the Masons end Odd Fellows —the various lodges of multifarious names, glittering in their regalia, never were out is greater force in Chicago. Their ranks seemed inter minable, and remained with the procession throughout the march. The City Fire Department bare never ap peared more to their advantage than yesterday; men and machines, the perfection of discipline and completeness. The hand machines and hose carls gave token in that display that the steam fire engines bad not dismissed them, nor in the minds of the citizens cancelled the merits and services past, present and perspec tive ot the gallant rolnnteer firemen. The op» portnnity, too, was given to the thousands of | spectators to see the four splendid steam fire engines of tbe city. A good feature borrowed from these latter was the employment of horses to draw several of the hand engines. The Mayor and Aldermen, the U. S. officers, the various public boards of the City Govern ment were represented; there were several carriages of those who havs borne tbe arms of their country on her battle-fields in tbe wars of tbe present century; but what a poem was that, a requiem for tbe departed, the closed carriage with silken curtains drawn, whose hammer cloth bore the legend, " The Soldiers of the Bsvolution—Alas! none." Time has made them history, and has ere this well nigh mar* shelled in full ranks in that other world those who living wrought so well for their age and country, and for all coming time. Few yet linger, absent from that roll-call. The last survivor of the Boston Tea Party aleepa in an as yet unmarked grare in onr own cemetery* Poor Elnnison. In one of the divisions of tbe procession, as it passed through Lake street, were three or loar carriages, whose ooenpants doubtless based their parade ob the old expired TomJ)y«cCfair- ter, and teemed a part of his famous rabble root that followed bis victory. Tho procession -was variously estimated at frcm two to three miles in length, and was one boor and fifteen minutes in passing a given pointrt THE FBOCESSION. The several divisions composing the procession met and organized on Michigan and Wabash Ave nues, State, Dearborn, Clark, La Salle, Weils and Franklin streets at an early boor, and at about 10 o'clock, at the firing of the minnte gun, the first division moved from Michigan Avenue and passed 1 westward along Lake street, the other divisions falling into line from the intersecting streets, un til at Franklin street the entire procession was completed and proceeded to.make its triumphal tour of the city amid cheers and applause. ! The first division was preceded at some dis- | tance by a posse of City Poliwmen, who cleared the way. . Ahead of the division were six of Pin keiton's Preventive Police, with their Captain Paul H. Dennis. A portion of the Great Western Band preceded the Division Marshal, General R. K. Swift, accompaoied • y his Staff, Col. W. S. Johnston, Myj.rsC. B. Brown, R fl. Morris, E. F. Griffin, who in tbeir superb uniforms and on their spirited chargers presented a fine appearance. The Washington Independent Regiment No. 1 was out in full force, headed by Col. W. H. Davis. This Regiment looked end marched admirably; it is composed of the Washington Cavalry, Capt. F. Scbamback; the Grenadiers, Capt. Weiler, 32 men ; the Light Guard, Capt. Steinmillcr,36 men; the Lifajetle /fcards, CapL Krausman, 32 men; the Chicago Highland Guard, Capt.HcArriior, 32 men; the Washington Rifles, Capt. F. Mattern, 25 men. The Adjntafit General, T. S. Mather, accompa nied by Aids, wi re in front of the Koight Tem plars, who appeared in their full strength. beinng the legend: . i : SOLDIERS CP THE REVOLUTION. : : * ALAB! NONE! : • : The Knight Templars surrounded this vehicle as a Guard of Honor. The Soldiers of the War of ISI2-13, and the Black Hawk and Mexican War, a< also Major Gen eral Beaubien and suite in five carriages. The Light Guard Band, playing spirited martial and appropriate airy, led theGOib Regiment. Col. E. Taylor and StafTlooked finely. This Regiment is composed of the Light Artillery wiih three mounted pieces and three Cassons, Tapt. James Smith commanding, 58 men ; the Chicago Dra goons, Capt.C.W. Barker, 32 meu; the Mint gomery Ganrd, Capt. Michael Gleason, SO men; theEoimett Gaard, Capt. Stuart,42 men; the National Guard Cadets, Capt. G. L. Sanborn, 30 men; the Light Guard, Lieut. Loomis, -12 men ; the Shields Guards, Capt. C. L. Moore, 4G meu. The excclieat-deportment and soldier like bear ing of cur Volunteer Militia never displayed Itself to better advantage than on this most agreeable occasion. The Second Division consisted of the following: Tiie Orator of the day and Committee oil Oration in open Barouche, the U. S. Government Officers, the Sheriff of Cook county and the Coanty Clerk and deputies, the Officers of the Township of Chicago. The Chicago Fire Brigade numbered 80 men, their appearance and deportment reflected credit on Captain Raymond and upoa the mem bers of this excellent corp3 themselves. Eight members of the Merchants Police. The Mayor and city officers, the Board of Aldermen, and the Board of Water and Sewerage Com missioners in carriages, also the Judges and of ficers of the several courts in carriages, with members of the Bar, the Clergy, tho Students of Rash Medical College, the Boards of Trade, and Underwriters also in carriages. Two large wagons, richly decorated, came next, bearing the first the "old Thirteen," the original States of the confederacy, a group of thirteen little sisters gathering around Wash ington. The second wagon bore a full load of blooming maidens, the emblems of the glorious galaxy of the now American Union. This part of young men on horseback. The Great Western Band headed the Third Division. First came about 100 stndents of Bell, Bryant and Stratum's Commercial Col lege. The Masonic Fraternity turned out in large numbers. Every lodge was handsomely repre sented, as follows: THB SOXJC FRITIHStTT. Lrtirette Lodge, No. 18. Oriental Lodge No. 33. Garden City Lodge, No. 141. Waab&nsU Lodge, Nodge, No. ICQ. Loii<e. No. tel. W. a Warren Lodie. No. 209. Cleveland LoJze, N<-. 21L IHaoey i oJge. 27L Arcadia Lodge. U. D. D.-arborn Lodge, U. P. Lafayette Chapter, No. 2. K. A. 31. Waahlojrton Cbap'er, E.A.M, Council of Bojal and Select Hasten. No. 4. While the Ind-pendent Order of Odd Fel lows numbered 400 members in full regalia, as follows: ißDirirorar OFDEZ OP ODD TKLLOWS, Uoloa Lodge, No. 9. Doane Lodie. No. 11. ExceWor Lodge. No. 22, Chicago L-.dge. No. 55. Rober Blam Lodge, Ni.H. IL W. Grani Lodge of ]\Ut o\s. Fo t Dearbo.n Lodge, No. 214. iiarao: la Lodge. No 223 Illlco's Degree Locke. No. L Chicago Kncamptn:ptof Pa'rlirchj. G«ncanU Enetmiment of Patrkrcha. R. W. Grand Entam;-raen; of minds, K. W. G. R'i and R. W, P. G. IT# to Grand Lodge of the Ualted States. The American Protestant Association consist ing of 160 members, looked finely. Their ban ner and regalia were the admiration of all. The sons of Herman numbered 300 members; the Good Templars, Temple of Honor, Son* of Temperance, Temperance Orders, and the Young Men's Fraternity followed. Tiie Division closed with eighteen stage* cf dif ferent lines, containing School Teachers aud Scholars. The Michigan City Band led the Fourth Divi" sion. The Chief Eoijincerand Assistant Ecg'necrs of the Fire Department, with Division Marshal and Aid*, followed. The Pioneer Hook and Lid der Co. No. 1 was ornamented with three flags; Fire King, Junior, Eigine Co. No, l va« decor ated with fix fljgs ; Fire Klug,Senior, by fcur horses and gaily dicktd in flacs &*.; Mctamora Engine No. 2 was ornumcn'cd wi'h flowers; Niagara Eogine, Senior, was drawn by four horses—the Junior by the members of the Company; Philadelphia Hose Co. No. 1 was cov ered with an American flag; Excelsior Eogine Co. No. 5 was handsomely decorated, and bore the following inscription: : ALL soxoa TO TBI riTHHI or HD OOCXTST. * Garden City Eogine Co. No. 6, with C 3 men at i the ropes; Eagle Engine Co. No. 7; Engine Co. No. 9; Neptune Engine Co. No. 11; Wide Awake Engine Co. No. 12; Empire Hook and Ladder No. 8; Northern Hose Co. 7; North era Liberty Eogine finished the volunteer part oi the Fire Department. The steam fire engines Long John, Eater prise, Atlantic asd bland Queen, with tbeir tenders, drawn by ncble horses, succeeded. Both the volunteer and • paid Fire Department never appeared in better condition, or to better advantage. The Lager Bier wagon which ac companied this division produced considerable merriment along the crowded avenues through which the procession passed. The sth Division, was headed by L. J. North's Band. It comprised some 400 sailora, who had a miniature model ofa ship fall rigged, named the."Constilution," commanded by Captßallan tyse, in which were Bailors dressed in white and bluejackets, who lowered the masts of this excel lent model to admit of its passing under the tele graph poles, As. There was also a metallic model of a frigate of war. The ahipbailderi and riggers were out in large numbers. In this division were also the St. Andrews' Society, numbering 100 members. One hun dred members oi the Hibernian Benevolent So* eiety, with banners. The New Eoglsnd Excel sior Societies, and the Society of SU Vincent de Paul completed this division. The latter numbered some 400 representations. The Sixth Division off "with the Garden City Band. The Chicago Typographical Union turned oat very strong, and presented an excellent ap pearance. The Typos in the procession numbered some 150 members of the Union. They bad a printing press at work, oa a carriage drawn by slx hor?es, from which tbey issued the following ode as they passed along: ODE TO WASHINGTON. .February- SSd, 1850. Written by requett, jor Vt* occasion, and printed by the "Chic iffo TypographUal Union," during fAs movement of ihe Procession. Ix>' the woild'strealheirtlikncellcc By the Car Potomac's she re, Si the DtJphian thrine of Freedom, By Us llecca, evermore! For no land alone msy claim And no tongnebatvbatwillaameTHKs, C.own wits wreaths of love acd Came—thex. Freedom's God for all the world! Hrrk! ftcm every hCI and Tillry— Prom their brazen lips tbe gun, Volleyloic answer send to volley, Mlmlcr at battle crrra, Thcnderlng through dimes of glory— From the Ice reslms, *rlm aad hoary. Tales of wtr, ard battle gory Of the Continental time! See! the dost of sges vanish. See, the g!Uttr!nc scroll uarol'ed. Freedom's record, britbt with glory. Guttering with stars of raid! 8;e the Iron men advancing, SeeihewArst cdproudl# prancing; Piuxne and bsnoer gdly dancing. O'er the Victory won I listtheholypsans swelling— Prayer and p alse snd lofty lay, BUlng from tnehearis of millions, On I his worsblp'd, natal dsy; On the day when earthward bending. Godhlsholf angrlssendlag. Oppression secrnlng—rfg&t defending, Created WASHINGTON! And as on this day, rijoldcg, On each tea and -bore *nd ciliae. 80 sh%U It be kept forever, PasaroM s Sibbith. through all time! Kept with heaits of holy fecltag, K-pt with anthems heavctwsrd pealing. Sept by Freeman that low kneeling. Thank God for WASHINGTON! We may mention that type was also cast on this same vehicle while the procession was in motion. Au enterprising bad a car in the procession, determining to unite patriotism and &dvertiiiu£. In this connection we maynote Gar land's chariot oi' Trunk Makers at work. The Chicago Working Men's Union of 50 mem bers followed. | One hundred students of Sloan's Commercial College was in t lis D.vliioo. They bore a banner 1 aad bad a desk mounted on a wagon. i The Seventh Division waa led off by a Band. The Chicago Tumvereio, numbering 120 meu, the Turnvercin Vorvart numbering CO men were followed by seveial German Benevolent Societies, among which were tbe Yoang Men's Hebrew Be nevolent Society, the Boai Bereit,the Hebrew Relief Society—all large delegations, the Chicago Hungarian Society, the Scandinavian Union and the SwLa Societies numbering together 210 per son-. The Tailors Society wilh a splendid banner and 100 members were also in the procession. There were also IGO gentleman of tbe Tenth Ward Republican Club. The Eiybth Division was, as nsusl, preceded by a band. Tbe Italian Relief Society followed wilh 70 members. Fourteen Express wagons of tbe several Companies, filled with cheering inen, then succccd?d. Then came sixty Batchers on horse back, with scarves and sleeves; two hundred Draymen and Teamsters on horeebaek. Lill &, Diversey mounted on a dray a lager beer cask and a big vat duly labelled, together with several beer wagous; while B. Aciley supp'ied several coil and wood carts. These, of course, excited much laughter, a-j did also a couple of miniature hose carriages manned by small bojs. Toe procession was closed with citizen* in great numbers, mount ed on horses, in carriages and on foot. THE FESTIVAL AT UgTBOPOUTAX HALL. The exercises at Metropolitan Hall were only unfortunate in coming at the close of a three hours procession, which gave a general and wide result of a multitude hungry and weary. We could bave wished that under other more favoring circumstances, might have been de livered the able, eloquent aad patriotic oration, by Rev. Noah Hunt Schenek, of this city, whose effort on this occision is rarely surpassed. Tne audience, which well nigh filled the ball, manifested their satisfaction by frequent ap plause. The programme of tbe afternoon was 03 follows: National t ib. (Hall 0- lombla) tUbt Guar* *a-d S so. (Mursei I*s Hymn) Mrs. Neho-t Kneus WVmscros'd Grand Uabch iult tana 1 *AT> X Bt iUV Noam 11. &CQ»SCX. fus*. iT -e larppinged ba.uer) F Lnmbsrd National Air. (Yaakee Doo.!ej ....ftrl Ilsnd. BASQCKT AT TUB RtCQMOND BOOSE. At the Richmond House the grand banquet commenced at 5 o'clock P. M. The dining room was splendidly decorated with tbe national col ors and a sumptuous feast of good things spread out npon the groaning lablws. Among the speakers were Hon. George Sumner, I. N. Ar nold, Esq., J. Van Arman, Esq., and others. The following is a list of the toasts, which called out tbe speakers named: 1. Th* memory of Washlnttno.—ln silence. 2. Tje Pre»Meu»ofthe United states.—Roberts. Black well. K <3. 3. Themtmoryof Mary and Martha Washington—lion. GeorKe MJmrer. 4. TJjeGorernorof theSttte.—Va»!c 5 TneKe/ent Vice It-sen-s. officers and member.* of t v e udiesofltis Mount Vernon AaioclatLn —Lather ll»ven, Mq 6. The *Od Thirteen" and oarn?w sister State.—Don. I. N. A-noid. 7. The Enl-stst or Wsahlagt:n.—Letter from Hon. Ed warj Ere.-'IL 5. The Clt r«y.~R. H. Oarkson, D D. y. Ti- Arm »nn Nary.—LUut fnl J. T> Graham. 10. Tat- Judlmrr aa«l ths Bit.—John Van Annan, Eiq. H. Our «uiborAand EJitira.—ilaaic. 12 Binh-St «te and Blrih-p:scd of Washington.—Doctor 8 Oavl^. 13, The CUyofUUlMßo.—Made. TUB TBEMOKT HOCS* BANQDBT. Messrs. Gage, Bro. & Drake of tbe Tremont met the exigencies and demands of the day np on tbeir establishment: in their usual spirited and excellent style. The bonr appointed for their grand National Banquet was 7}£ o'clock. A little later than that some three hundred guests sat down to one of tbe most elegant an bonntifnl repasts that ever, through the skillful m>»n*of the Tremont tempted tbe appetite, and encouraged the enlivening play of the ar mament of tbe banqaet board. Shall we create watery months in onr read-* crs by reprodocing, out of our usual coarse, the programme of exercises which cime first in or der. It will go well with your bre&kfast, read er, to pnrsue this BILL OF FABE. iocts. MockTur.le, Vegetable. Chicken. Fisn. Pa'mon. br.l!ed. Lobster since. Baked i'ike, larked and stalid. hot an.* ivts. Rosst Beef, a la Aoslalse. whb ercqnettecf Potatoes. H >lic4 Tarhey itaff* \ Oyster unie. U»ro GUve. MtK majUoi turnips. }n*li»h Slattoa. tailed. Soatxlie >*Dce. I-j:> n,«tn(f.-<i Br.iz'r, ccler> saocc. U rumi ■ r U ri a l-t mode. llr,d l'arlfliu nj 'e. Pii'rts cf Hecf. I mltd. c«ral?Md with olivet, ha Mle«fUuttoa. ortfmw taace. Sliced Beef Tongue. Milanese style. cold in.tins. Bmed Tnrker withttraits. on pedestal. tha-.reui-of V &L aUmodern. MoscalocKe, with green bn'ter. Bufla'oTongue,ornamented, al<croquette. fcoaedCjpon a)aGeno>se £nr?ocle. Ba»tlonsof G*me. sormoua'ed with national colors, teso Veal.staffed, Heraentrritjle. Stuffed Wf-stpba lan Him. decorated. nr<-ad of Pbeastnts, tn Bellco. on peietts). Fortress of Libertr.decorfctcd. American colors. JUnei Boar's lie id. "rnameotei, on pedestal. SUAIX FLATK3* of Potatoes, Stall Oyster Patties, Aim jnd Cakes, O sters. bake i oa shells, Apples, with lice. O-lf a hrdns. frledla batter. Tamo vers of ailnced Chickens. EOT BIDS StS&KS. | Smal Chickens, staffed and ltnled. alt ehevaller, < haireue of Pisecns. a la Financier, demy glade saaee, Tendroas cfTnrkey. staffed.* la Vtll oi. S jiail Mmb Cbopa. en eras id e. wilh staffed olives, I ! fweet l.rded. wlihgneapcas, i )1 carorLenTlmbole, ala r-ardin. j, i hoUof Veat la de- 4 ,a I* Florentine, 1 Fl leta of >-alann. bre*rted, a la Oriy. Ribs of beef, larded, garnished with poUtoes, VcalCho,a.breided, xia MariA^&lie,tnodtrs tasce. Fillets OiM«ttoa.kUffc < and UrdeJ. Crtuaie, gamLhedw tj bro'h Ue ofch'ckens, Oatxro e«of*lce,saralshed, Polib ty.a, Bordercf same, ranilshsi, a la fhaHtur. tplx acimeoi uu&b. a la Acgia se tit Unand. a It it ebelleo. Fricande«aorLamb,l,rded wliotnlnns. staffed, C t I'sTosgnes. «n Bscaloped. In amallpatties, ! torder of ifctatoes,satniihed, wi Ja frlcajeed lamb. cold sob nuns. Aspic cfWl<tu of Chicken, with Jelly. j Lob*terS«l%d«, In Borjer of Jelly. I Bread of Cb cken, a la ttelse. »n 80da. Aspic of Ossten. a la ilat'elotte. Fu.ets of B;er, Lm ded. with Jedy. Satmoo Saiais. all UayoaaiM. I Call's Btalqs. en Afp:c. Decorated. I Bread of Piseon*. a la PoyUrae en Sode. Chicken SiUds Moa*ru style. , Splcrd eh»d. a larrrolean i Asple, a la Plnaneler, wtta OQves. I Stuffed S of Lamb, wilh Jelly. I Veal Gboos, a la St. Uara. FUlets or Lamb, with Jelly. Oisi«rt<al«4alnßorderof JeOy, 1 Kolx of Veal larded, wi h u>nster BoUa*. Spiced S Jmnn. a U Tartar, bonei C'dcten. en BeL'ooa. Mottoa CutleU, a la JsUy. BSXAEtf. 1 OUvea, Eorsi Radlih. Cranberry Bancs. Sardines. . _ Celery Assorted (ickln. Apple Saoce. Lettoce» Cozrant Jelly. WoreesUrshlreSaace. roast stsnn. Roa*tTarke;. raoon. Staffed. Gar&l-hed. with Olives. Ham, champ gne 1m ot M ax^iflaßce. Loin of V. al. Cl**emiot Sance. chickens. S off d.^ad:lraßiace. Roast Keet With Croquette of Petataea WLd Tarkty. ttnffed. VKQITASU3. Stewed Tomatoes, Boiled Oolona, cream saaea. Massed Potatoes, Rolled Rice, ; , WWaniVi . FASTBT. He*logses, Cabinet ftxddlcg BaTarlao CheeM, French Cream Cak<s, cakes. orvAvcrrs. Monument of Wsshlastjn. at Richmond, Va. of Liberty, Mount Vmio-j, Co'lntblaa Temple. ParcyP-rsmll .. M dcrn Fountain, luro Pyramid. Pnitßaktts. Macaioon Pyramid. Veal Pyramid. COSFBCnOSABT. BnlladAlmonds. Jellr Cake. L\dy Cakes, Msccarcons. Peppfßntat Drops, Susrs. LadyFlngerr, Lemon Cakes. Bote Drops. DISS SET. Apples, Nuta, BSS 1 aleobJl ice obeau. Then came tbe feast of reason and flow of soul, responsive to key notes struck as follows, snd we can fiod space for no fuller jastice. EEGULAR TOASTS. Watibytvu—iTte annlverstry of his birth will b« foreVrr hilled as a day consecrated to freedom the cightsof m,r> Drank standing and In tllesce, 9. T\m Prttid «nt of th* CniW Statt. R*s,onae by B. P. Strother. « v* It* Xtmnry of La America will slwara cher un. wt n kindest gr.t 'aae. tbe amory of those noble wbo left their owa eoontry to a#ht tbe trn. rat tle of liberty In oars. Dr. Bgin. Y Cui-i—"The most interesting addltlen that cooldbs made to onr system of £nt»« R. T. Utrnck. A rernon—The Mecca of the oppresaed-ihe Altar of Freedom. «. Martha —She wfll ho fonv«r honored among women, as ue perfect exampler of the virtues of aa AmerL. aa Matron. K. C Larced. •?. Washinqton'tFartltftt An pifal fag fußimln of ;o'JUcal wisdom. j. a. Vaoshan. 9, Thsfraaurt of tht Fnleral (WifiiiiM—Tbctr work is tha Charter of iMbsxty through ah time to come. LamsertTrse. 9. Tkt MinUtn of ih« G'wprl—Jh* rePelon they teach Is the foundation of the f e«do<n we e- jor Bev Dr. Howard. 10. The Corporate AtuKorilirt of Chimtpi— *fsy tbe.' so admin their blsb .unctions that their City nj»y coa ttoae, to advance until she shall itand onrlva'led imcng the cities of the tt est. Ucn.J.o. Haines. 1L Tkr Ftieml ami Slult JadlHeiry.—h Is dlstlnguLilied for its purity and ability. Juage ihoa Dr>.mmand. li Th* Army and .Vary of tht r•i.'ci M Tb;r never surrender." Cat Uic McCiellan. 1L Sueifty <f Chi<wj»—lt stands preemi nent among Its sister Societies of our ccaniry. Dr. N. S. Davli. The dining hall was decorated in excellent taste. At tbe head of the ball was a fine full length portrait of Washington, at the sonth end a large painting of the Goddess of Liberty. The sides of the room were festooned with Hags and banners. Among thi decorations was an original portrait of Washington bv Ben jamin West. The decorations of the table were in excellent taste. Httzorological Record kept by J. H. Reed 1 Co., Apothecaries andChemuta, 144 and 14d Lake street: Monday. Feb. 51. Monday. Peb SL _ BAMJKTta. I TBCKMoXCTSX. lA. *. | 13 X. I 6F. M. I 7A. H. I 13 H. I 6 F M. I 2150 I 29.« I S6 I 43 I 43 jlocaii MATTE its. Associated Congress.—There will I>e a special meeting of ihia association at the ilcclunics' In stitute Hall, at 7| o'clock this evening. Address es will be delivered by Judge Arringtou and others on themes appropriate to the occasion. Tne public are generally invited to attend. Rkuotal.—C. L. Harmon & Co., wholesale Grocer and Commission Merohant, bave re moved to 135 South Water street, near Clark Street Bridge. fe22 | k *. Pick's Fsak —Trunks, valtses and traveling bags, manufactured expressly for a trip to the Gold Mines at W, A G. 8. Wright's 01 and 219 South Clark street. fel9 2m. JS" See advertisement ot Bondoir, Sewing Ma chines. M Lake street. jat-ly-ht)o6 CT* See advertisement of Quaker City S2O Sewing Machine. L. Cor.xbll A Co., oc2d-ly ISS Lake street. 1 Dialr. „ In this et'y, on the morclnr of the 52d of P'brusry, SARiH 11. wife of Geo. *.Meecb, ibq, sired 2? years. The f/lendj cf the family are rsjpect:ally Invited to at 1 tend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, at the corner of Clark and Qalccy streets, on to-mono w, the 3dJ hit, at 9 o'doas P. M. tar* Connecticut pspersolea«e c^py. Jfcu) jVsucrtigemcnt^. Lt C, 11. SCHIfS.V, Adeartiriiuj A}—*t, 6i ZX'irburn-M., u authorised tm rttrire AJrvtummU lor thti and uU t\* j LeO'ling Paper* of I'm Smrth- IFal, Jal b£B| ly S^IE.—A GOOD T^O-STuRT . Frjae Ilou'e, with 21 yeara lease of lot. 0 water In both Uonei, gnta bsm. »n1 pi .nked TArd. la Um 1 We.t r>lr:s'oo. near Ugh S-hicl, on Munroe street. As .Futltaref>r «*l. a* * Adilre* "A. B. * hox 2l UX Chicago Post fflce. ftSmw* IteinoTal!! MILLER & BROWN, WHOLESALE Boot and Shoe jDealers, HAVB BBMOVID TO No. 51 Lake Street No. 54 ft 232* Malt for Sale. HAWLEY ? S DETROIT MALT.—(MADE chiefly from Canada Barley.) an ! sultsb'e for tbe mannfaciaieof Lsser Beer and St ck Ale, is now k'pt firsalff b» A. T. ePiCNC-'R A CO., corner 01 South W»- I ter aod lasalle streets. Chicago „ 1 ordets fromthe countr/ promptly fiileil. fe3Mw t S9l R. HAffLET FIXXAN HADDDSS—JI7?T RECEIVED »J P. MAC F\RLANE. Bo. 41 tasaie street- TONS ANTHRACITE COAL, (NUT site) rorsalecheaptocloseacocs'eflment lea-ltn clO DtWET k CO. Dissolution of partnership.— Th* cvpsrtnfrah'p heretofore existing beweea (ieo. G. Merrick aad J. W. Bliss, at tfomoDw. De cab roanty. IIL, was d*s oired bjmutml on th j 1-th day ot January. Tbe debts of tee Ute Arm will be psl>i ty-hesaldj. «v Bliss and all demands owi-s to ILm iQa.i;be paid to him. Gtf ». O. U<*RICS, fc23-u> J. W. Bt IS9. To Ship-builders and Others. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OS HAND A large qu *nt ty of excedent Timber and Spars, suit a* Wefor Hss-4 *nd ct!ier s~ipuiog purposes,'jtng on the W-'tth Bra-ch Canal, near to Braole/s Dbtnieiy. which be wUI sell cheap for cash. AVGCT.'WALLBACV. Z3T" For Partlnlars and price iaqu:re at office, corner of M'ch'-fnand Franklia st eet«. fe£ll >* "VTFW BOOK Bf LOLA MONTEZ, COny. Xl TES3 o?LANiPELDT—Anecdote* of Love, being a troe aceountof Ihemos. remarkable events cunnrctea with th* hlttory of Vvein all ages aod amon* all nations. Fri.*e SL Fjrsale by W. K. K EKN" ftaiy w L'ke street. $40,000. A STOCK OF MERCHANU3E WANTED or f-om 531.C031) |<o 000 In exchange for cath and goodfarmlrg iaads. Ao k ly to HILL £ H»VA3BT. Auctlcnerrs. feiaSw cS 8 Dearbor* street. J^XCHANGt.— WE ABE DRAWING OS Xew Tork, Philadelphia, Boston, St. Lou!*, AND EUROPE. Iu E. ALEXANDER&&O n «»tW BANKERS. No. £0 Ciirkit. STERLING EXCHAXGE-DRAFTS ON the Onlonßank of London of n ne Poaad and up wards. available lo any Dart of the Hnlted Kingdom, for sale by IfJletfitaJ HOFFMANN k GKLPOKK. / iHEOKS or THr ILUNOia MUiUaL V J rise INBUBANUE COUPAKT wanted br feil 3a liO/FMANJ A ..IXPJKE, _ "\TINE PER CENT. LO \NS.—THE TTN- X 1 danlrned Is reaiy to negstlate S year Loar sat 9 per ceLt. per annum on Oentrsi basinets ?rtp?rty In this city for the pnrpose of halloing (Lst cl«sf stores. J. U. PA"KtR. fell c2<Hw No. 95 Waahlnston street. Money to loan At Ten per Cent, per Annan. POB rzva TEARS* CUy'Real Estate and COMMEROIAL NOTES WANTED, rtmniss from One to Twelre Months. laJO c3O a F. DOWNING^OO,S7 "DARE CHANCE FOR PROFITABLE 111 ißve»tment—North Fl*s Property for sale ve y 1 cheap. F-nr Lots en Michigan itreet very ehtap. for 1 rash or half c**h. balance one Ad<lre:s Ttoz -SSil." Post Office ft 13 Sw eat "VTOTICE.—ALL PERSONS HOLDING ■ Xl claims a*tlnst Cook County, will file the same w4h the acdenlgaed on or be.ore the First Monday of Marrb next fclitd cdl 0. B. FARWKLL, Clark. | SIOO.OQO iorEas>eracapitallsts.npr-parrdtomai.elosnsonlong I time at ten perceav. ©a Chicago pr-perty. Fmt Morv I gases having from on<* to Ave; ears to i an. wantea at fair rates. J. L. LEE, at Wadsworth k Co's Hank. fell wo 66 Clara treet. Chicago. VALUABLE EASTERN PROPER iY TO BE EXCHANGED tor PEODCCTITE WESTERN. Known as tne Ascotney Carpet .Mill ProDextr. la Clair* moni. NewHauLshlre Tbe above con«lstsor WAier-power. 4^*sc*e < ofland, w.ih an immense r aiidlng —So feet long o« 150 wide—and a tboronthfy ba'U dam, eoftiag the original proprietors ne-rly CiO OiO. The no serlber row offer* -bis valaab e aroee.ty in exchange for Pr daetive w<stern Property orMercbindlse at "ns half lt« original cost. To any person des*rons of exchaagtsg »'eaUraf k rKaa ern piopertr this an cPiOrto nhr aeJdora m:t with. Address DATID 8. WBTCB. _ fsß3w* Beloit KockCQ.tTls. rpBLEGRAPH ESOHANQX A ON KBvr TOBS. Drafts, Aoeeotssees and Notes paid in New Tork oa the day of ci sanity, or last day of grace, acd money de> p. sited for aeeoant In the etyof New York and tent to dtte ta the vicinity of New Tore oq Telegraphic Ordcrv, ESSE BJ 0088 {a3b9SVSni OFFTOm MONJSY LOANED ON CITY Rc-AL ES tat* Securities, kortnures. Trust Deetis. Bonds Stocks, Business Notes, aad all good neootlablr secori ties bought and sold Certificates of Denoats and Cheeks of EL K. Swift. Brother k Johnston, purchased tor cash st tbe highest market price. Dealers I* DDoeU, Wlscoo its snd lowa lands. Improved farms, suburban lots snd City Real Estate. Office No. d, (second Cooti MetropeQ Ud Block, eomerot ftandotoh and Lanile Caleaae dc3bfrti4o » navnw>N TJETORNED.-DR. HOBBKLL IS HAPPJ X*' to inform his nomenmi Mentis and patrons thai ! eoontry. ia now prepared to attend with sttwllj tngeasad toeUUica aO eues mstrlatthe best skflTtsMedteal aod \#wim iiinf Ait OI " Ll OBSA7SBT Mast Brilliant tight Yet discovered. (si (\.Tri a Hand Laic p. fNi r\ A Vjol Cy* GALLON boralcethree hcura each day. la»U >,5 - N .Cjf TIiUXS MOUTHS. Slv- Irwali.httqualto eubl Candles. Wben the Laso lapropeilytrlxaio > JiSk edlbcrcU S««ke ar Smell. pss»- on. 81 TEE GALL'S. I■ I r-l[M jis SALE Ot a Large Stock ol FIRST QUALITY BOOTS & SHOES -A.T WIS-WALL'S, 133 Lake Street 133 The Stock wl't eonnare favorably ta extent sod quail, tv wlih aaj ever offered In this dty. and extra efferts wQI beßadetodeseUontlnthe rest THIRTY DAYS, and to aceom&'lth tbis vtvtj article will be dliposed of si a 6UIT 3ACBJPIIX. Italia wlshtos to make a SAVINB OF TWENTY-FIVt PERCENT. in their Shoe Klii tor this year will do weS to Imsrove this opportonlty. as Sith ladiecßnt Is Very Scldsa Oft Nd. Call and yott wU be convltcad that these are fees. 55autci>. ANTED TO LEASE FOR X TERM or years, a vacant Lot. haviac rvh for , i**«e wUt aortal Lrawer <471." Chlcaio PottOtfic*. i slTirj dl*criptloa and loea'lt* of same A prrf-rtnee willbs«lv<afo a lot la the Nortn Ulvir.on. between Cblcaco avenoe ana lUloola «U. and Koah and DearMra rtrtttj. dW \\ rA K T E D FOR CASH-A URST- I cl«is Hoateand Lot. TTqqjs to b® faralahed I with Gas *od Water and ft twelve or mors rcoma. A toedSuDle oa prem »:» -oold be de»lr*Me. Noith er | 7«il>ld«'pre(e;red. Addreis Box **4i53," atai'n* »«ca tloo a-d nrl.-e. ft 01-1 m t39j VT7"ASTED.- .OXE OR TWO POVpE *V tent M-q u OAHTASSINQ AGENTS Tor ' N e* a=d Popular Selt'o* Wotka. Ap iy si Lake sir . J. (ap.italrsj or sddress Pint Offioo box •'Zilt." IK-21 | OUSISEdS.—ANY FIRM IK WANT OF JL> the »e*v'ces of aa enerseelc boalnen man to act aa B;ok-ke on*. Balcga*n. or will pSeaae ad<lt«ss hL bUttTON. box 168 L Obleaxo P.O 'pSSSw* ! TO BEAL ESTATE 3§EX.—WAAThD t. to Exchange fT CWmao Property, a bailaew In et. L:a * aiieaoy well eitablhhfd a d paying a sett pro* ct of #IS per day. Ad:re:s> (natin* t'os and wtrre an Interview may be had), rott OSee Box "ti Qtw* WANTBD-ATOUNG MAN 23 lEaR-S of axe 4etl*es a dttia'ion u saleunanor cletk lra:mew&olj»ale booie, wbera an opvortofiliv would be a >Tance<sent aai pe manecey. Hai bad l'J ye*rsrxpe>lscee 1° vailocs trtrch'i of bi>ineM. aad em rl*e onexcepuonab e refere&ecs. Addr»f« "IL" gc»4leuP.O. Mlc-771m 1 rr; ANTED TO rent from tue first ft of May n^xt—Two Cottige Howes eontalnlnx from seven to ten rooms each. S'de. between Adams aad Twelfh Mre«ts. Parties bavin* •act} ho' «s t>» rent may hear of kaoJ cash tenant* by ad dressing a ncte to ** 0. 8.," Box 747. Please state Iwa don and tenaa. fcl»lw* U'aNTED-110,000 lbs. pohk crack- LISO4. Appl7 to a ILSCaVEKRB. So 1 street, or addreu box 3tas Chicago P. o. fel? oStf 3w WANTfcD 55,0.0 TO SIO,OOO OS Mortcare of Freehold Estate In the city or Pe» 1 ria,iUlnois. T&e crore t< is now let on a terra of fire Jean at a rental of 13 000 per annum. Aptlr to P. i M-. boxi® Peoria. Illicois. itldla* SIA*GI\G BIRDS FOR SALE.— The Bab*criber offers for sale a larva assortment of | riKSr BATK SINGING 81800. I imporfd from Germany, visNlahunsalea. Canary I Blras, Green Finches aad Linnets. ! , VnALKS ALnBKOHT, j __fe3 1?1 doolh c axkatreet. | fNFOKMATIAN* WANTED -OF DAVID 1 KINO who left Stokes County. N. 0. some SO years axo. tieorblibetrs are entitled to a lrta--r ofaoout I iltfO Atidifcs D. O. faTAKBL'I K. ! ialß3m-co Salrm. N. 0. For Pike's Peak. APASSAbE TO iUB GOLD o; Kacii, Incladinx fifty lbs. Bsnajte. Board tbroosh. and sixty dan ProvMoas t« ere. c.ia be seroied for tliAi at D.-. Office. 136 Soo.ti cltrk tu, uh!_agjaUt leltJw* Ucut. TO RENT.—TUE XEW MARBLE FSONT EuilJlcg No. ITO fouib Clark strvet Foorstetles anabaaexent, uxeiher or seper*Uly. 'poly to UMX ¥i N-.WCOMB. fe!B2s* >0 Dearborn ttrect. RUNT.—THE KE3IDESCK OF J. the asdenrsned. No. 112 Woleott. corner of Oo tano trte' laijiiireoi j. BtuW.N. feld-lOt-gCo No. Baooo.pb ktreef. HoU E TO RENT AND FURNITURE For 9de —Furniture all new nit samoer. Hnn<e s >u*te<ionUi« S<.uUi aide la a pleaoaat Address Dox-taaU. leu can tw VQ RENT—THE STORE NO. 4\. SoCTH i Water street, riltahle f:r Whnle»ale Grocers or Dry Go ds Joutiinic II ones. Meat moderate. Apply w MATiIIhWT LAFHN.47agonth Watcr-n. ja3« ci3l iw i-o it est.—two xtw houses, on 1 on Erie street, near 51 t et. El<ht rooms in each hotue at lit per month. Isqalre at Clara streak feictfidltn K. WaBP. VALUABLE WIIARFINQ PRUPERTY to Ben'. Wharf Lota 27 aad 28, in Block 89, School section, on the eaitsdi of Boa.ii Branch, be tween Hirilsoo*ad re~Ud for*s:nxleyeurormt < *na of y«ari Inquire "f lei tm K. 0. LAbtNKD. V 7 Wastuns»on i?. RENT.— INTENDINQ TO REMOVE to ourn<>w preailsev N). X ta.e it eet. on he Is*, or Februiry next, we wal rent to a good tenant the Store we no'vccavy,»"»«.. lo? dtaUi Wat-r street. Ap ply to DOGUETf. k UILLB. jaa»lm PARDEE'S BUILDING. FOR RENT, ibe com-nHlots offices oi the A-st and second Qoorlnrardetfsßoljdln*. corner 3 jata W iter and Wells streets. Al»v t«o lofts and a And corner basement, suitable for a dtmn<c hall For terms apply to the sobscrt ber;n«hebulidin*. N0.313 &ooth rrater str-et. jiUWiin w.B wu.UAM*. 'pO MILLERy, MECHANICS, JfeO.—TO .1. BENT, for a term of years, that lanre batldlDsnezt Cast or the Herator of tiihbs. Hriffln A Oj.. with the Sae Lot on vhlcb it ataads—bdax W feet, more orleis. on tbe river and rannlnxbacx to tbe G.AC. (J. B. K. Attached to tbe bailouts is a steam eoxlne room. wlUi an etulce. i This is a fine loc-Uoa for a Floarinx allli, or for Mechanl- I For terms, B.IL WILLIAM 9, deM b£ls 3m 3U Soatn Water street. Jor Sale. SALE—A DRUG STORE WITH t? all toe Fixtures complete and la tkk! order, will b* fid cheap foi caab. Apply to O. W. CORB'N A''o„ 69 Olark streeL c2& IT OR SALE AT A BaKGAIV—A HAND- X sons Bosewcod Ktao Forte, made by Gale A New York, an olu P.ano. or some Groceries or Drr Gcods wilibeukeo 1a part payment. at No. ISA We.t Madison strent. fell 1 w* For sale-the schr. b\t wate, and tfce Bark WATEBL7. on 'ons time. For par tlcoJvs Inquire of B. F. t AVluSOtf, fe!7t34»taal lllt»oath Wafr st. E OR SALE OR EXCHANGE—EIGH IT Jcres Gxid Prable Farming Land, sltasted In usie ccaoty. 111, tj miles from cbicsxo. acd a miles from Bahrt-ad Deoot. 2i«id Land h*s oeea pioaihsd. acd one copof wheat bubeen op >a It. it will »e told cheap, rxehans d tor city property, oi for anvdescription of me cnanolse tnat can be maaw avJLbie. Address box Ul9 uhlcagj P O. feldlm* FOR SALE VERT CHEAP FOR CaSß. lloaseacd Lctoa Jeffer» a at-eet, near Jackano. ilooss new. cjataloa tea rooms, with uiith room, brlcx cell«r A&. Aa Ttls property wQlbe srtdata DSOIDEO BARGAIN for casa, or part cash. taUnce oaL>or or five years time at tei prr e*nt In-err it Addreaj Box Sail. Chicago Port OJce. f<3w<S3. T7*OR SALE.—GOOD WILL AND FIX JC tores of one of best Batcher Suto la the West b.rfjloa. «r.tb real free tU May Ist. Al-o-1 Tobolir boUer. six horse power, new. Ad dress "rf. A J." Pattoaee rfoxlltt. M>2»-cSIU rjIHE COUMODIOUS RESIDENCE 404 Brie Street* On the North Side, near tbe Lake. Fer Sale or Exchange «a Favorable Terras. Alarxecropoitlonofthepa chase moneywlllbe taken la Lomber, or o&eacomlHred Chcico aeal K»t«te. J. J. WI-jT, fel3 c3151m 197 Lak» itreet. sale, bt van inwagen & CO., JC Office No. 3. Dole's BxQdiax. Chicago. IIL. tee toJewiax vessels: -4f^A Schr.BOOSEn Claas A 1. with a Star. 101.8. .. Kx-IZ \ IJ&OAH, .. A 1 3r9 .. .. GB*y EAGUL .. A a aa .. .. WGuTIXiUX .. AL 400 .. .. WINOi»OFjTHSWUID. Class Aa. .370 .. .. I.NTKSNATIONAL, .. B 1 JB» .. .. GEItALDtNE, .. ti 1 JUS .. .. PKMCL. .. B 2......11*3 .. .. OSTBICff. .. A .. .. COttdiNTOUN. .. B1 S* .. .. SKA alß'f. .. A 1. fBl .. .. BTi>BH KING, .. A 575 !! .. LIVE OAK. .. B .. .. IUEUPII, ..Al 171 .. - van ihwage;i tc ca Chicago, Fehnary4.lS9L jallb97u&a T>BOPELLE9S FOR SALE.—THE PKO JT feller 6BNE9EE CHIEF, now lylns at Boffalo. N. T. and the propeller UAiI/o<<NiA.aow lying at Cleve. land O&lo. xre cffeied tor aale ebeap. terms htlf cash, and bala&ee In six and twelve moLths. with nndoabted secirity. For price and fortiier in ormatloo address 3.D.GALUWKLL. fe4dSXm As»ntN. Y. AE.B. <♦ Co. Ponxlrk. 5. Y. Docking propjsrtt to let Cheaper than any In tae dtr.—l will let for a bng orshotttermot ye^sTOo'-kssaltanle for Lumber Yards orotLerboj'n-ss, on thedmtn drtnsb (witn Side Tracks of the Chi.ago aai Ja'lrt Bailroad.) and a contract for brinjdngto fTata tbea tne cars of all conaectlog Raltroada m tbe e ty. Pannent f r rents may b« made la Iqmos;. Apply at B Ulark strteV i 37 JOITH gVAKW. jpIBST CLAS3 DWELUXtiaiOK SALE, TTTg TWO FIRST-CLASS DWSLLISQ3 Now Pein« K«ct«o, 1 On Btwh, near boperlor I Andtobeflal3he-1 May Ist. The«e hoosea are 21x46 feet, thiee stone* with bisemeuL UllwatUse brick front, belli and to be tlahhe<l In ibe ben manner. Tae lota are Ht fee* den to an alley, and wUI have a good bnck bam on each. Persons poreossinc sooa can make soeh at* terauons as oiay be desired Term ravoraoie. Apply to BRAINARDk tf Clark teest, from»to U o'clock A. M. w Halt! Malt 1 ill alt! 1A Hi 111 BU. NO 1 CANADA BAR -ID.UUU MMBEK 201. 2\.miisemeuts. jyjc TICKEK'3 THEATRE, STBiXOSCH'S ngT.TH^ATgn ITALIAN OPERA. The lUIUn Opera Ticket Office. Tremoot Hoose. for K»U wt-ibe nienda'lrroioao'clockA.M.lo 4 P M., wb n leata can t>e secured for any u».era threw awi la advance the price of will bf~Dmi Circle «cd Par. qneUe, one Cellar; Reserved Srataiu cert* extra. Ad mission oa tha ev»nla« St. with the i.rl*le eo rceupy. In* such ie«s aa may net bare been »c;ur«i. GaLcryoO centa; Private Boxes flu tXu The One Dollar Tickets will beao'd only oa the day of the per onnwte. The Free list of tM» establishment dulrs the Cpera Season. «,li oe - MAOR.CIS STBAKOdCH; Leader, HESS KalUiZiiii A few referred seat* will bo retained for sale oa the eveaint at the door. THIS WJDNEBDAY EYINING, Pehnuiy 21 will b« troduced Yerai t (u.ou Opera entitled liA. traviata, Debut of the eelebrated Cantatrlce. MADAMK PAL'UN'IS COLSON. Iq her celebrated cb'racter «.... Yioitrra tn wi'lch tola she produced the greatest eaihuuao let g pronounced without <t ilr«L HKDor BBIONOLI a* A'frex Hrst appearance of the E l h , . ,ro 2 I .»A'£ iton ' JT IGSijr AVOl'lO M UermoM. .Mdt'e SIMON aa Ffcra. alencr MJOI. v a* Doctor GrennL . To-morrow. Thursday M\ I \ I.T '.AM* MURE Debut of MaD. W: .-i,-;" " _______ ."irn.v^T. GRAND GALA AND UATI.vES Y DAY tEayORMA.Ncr *' Saturday, February 2Gy Por the Bef fitof the Mount V<?r* principal Artlata of Mr STRiKO! ITALIAN OP*KA COMPANY. / and Orcneitra. »ill J* Admha'oa One D r I l «r: Hall*,, iTtr TeaU. "Hekeli can be tbuned at Ui<! Trnn at U the. AicViUefa H mtHbe DritKlp-l u*lc Mor •. Programme, »ee FrUaj's idratUeire-: r2W: OHAKESPEARE I AND THE ORATOEU Wotli tUn th * BetAt€gandPa ® Ulof » l1 ? Old aad N«w MR, WHITNEY, TEecenUy of a Professional European Tour.) AT MEOSAHIO'S INSTITUTE HAT-T. (The Metropolitan bein* enea*?(U Friday F.ienlnv, February 23th, at H o'clock. Snare CsAiuaa. WaaUattoo. Dee. IS. ToCvxwin Wurra»r. A. M.: D*ar *w«re of jour presence la the ?ed»*r\l Canta.andof jou-eminentskrlat a. d ahr a.l Ji tn« deotctaeof thepaadoeeof ebake pea.-e, cf re cent devi and lblc* orator*, we ualto la rrqji«aliu aa exempiflcatio" nryaar extraordlntrr genius la cne wf t e ailla of WaahlkXtJß. di*ee t: lion wtllUra D Seward, Hon. Ftephen A Dnu«!aa. M s*", ,y :• Hoctr B William L. Mar sr. *' N. P. Banka. And 60 other*. tr Ticket# a cenfa. 'e.'lMtc-a? Grand Republican Banquet. A GRAND UMVBBSAL BANQUET will be held 1* GER MA N HALL, On the 2-11h of February, In Commemoration of iht Frmch JittolniioH of' 1848. It la hoped t>at ail thoie whn fetl a common srmpaih? wibtbo o wbobove itriiraied libera will a*i« oa tpig o*c*tl a, C -lebrated O *r*» procured »<• de ii*fr craUrnjin p each. Germ**. lutlaa «d Wn<ll U The d-or« will be opraed mBP. m Tl*ie»s rmhi* proca eda* Bjuer's mo !c Slo.e, Unno *a Miotic, and Uo>Dn*«r k Baudoiph i rrct. po.l t U.»ca-. icVetaforihe Bacqoet 50 cents, m p^r'nciuilM: 10 csau. TilK OOM -lTTab. ltiuvis Meu's Associatiou. LECTUBES 70S FEBBUABT. Mth-HSRHAN MKLVILLS. *\ J outh e'eu." GRANT Wlf^ON. HICMRr w. BIBH -P. Jr , _ J NO. LYLK KIND. las Lecture <*«mmlUte. bunion Sales. ■ ~ ■ BY HILL & 8 W ASSY. M DBABBORN STHEE i\ Klesaut Puvuiture, CAKPET3. io. WewUl rell at oartalearono, 54 Dearborn ftr*et, oa VS3NESDAY, YB3BQABT i 3), at 10 o.dock. AnaMortmcSt of Elrgant Farlar and lhamber Farnltnrr, flonrlsUcc ofbrccatelle and bair.c r oth, r<»bo»onT ar>l bUck.waioutTet»aTctea. eaa* Cba r«acd Rockfrn. mv n iuay Chain, black wainot an-1 maHo C »a> 'e»Meaua. Boreaaa. Waabrt*nd«. Boreaa W«ahitanrf'. 4c.. Ac. Dialog Room and Office Funitary fta-haah'ack w\lnnt extraaloa Tablet, break actT'bVj. d ale* Table*. oflSeoTahl-s biuk-wa<ntit \ad oik Dmv*. A Mfci're*e-. Ai. Aa Invoice of CAB/ITINO. S«>\e poi^'Wo. feOU-cfaa nai> a 3WA9K7. Anc'm. JJY GILBERT & SAMPSON IUOH SSW ASB aiCOUO-BASD FUBNITTTBE , Kith VtlTft and Brassells Carjwtloir, 0.1 l'alnl- Ibrs, Mlvrr-I'latcd Wart. AT AUCTION - . Op THUa«D.tT »"d FRIDAY MO»SIN(JJ. Feft. ?1 *Bd S3, at 10 o clock, w il be at ou' dale rooms flo. t» La»e street ogno»iU> ihoTreount Houtf, a area and eleeant aa-ortment «f Purrliure, nod Carpeu. for fan.) l-« declla:nehouK>e tin* b'ln* rem vedto »•<■»«» for fr.nTtoience ofaaJe: aLo. alarce vsritty i f sew Pui• r Jt-r»» ana r»ch *el?et Tapestry, and CarpeUu*. Ac-. Ac. ELEGANT PATLOH FUBWITUBE. Tartar sulti in Brocat lle a-d Plush. 'eie a-T<* ev Re ception Lh*l« OUom\Pi. Sjfaa, raHrr Cbalrf. flnit J*".Mhte Top ard other centre Tab'e*. Kair an<t RocklDßCnalra MirjonueltfiniOliPalnilngi, and eil- Ter and P.ated Ware. OS AM BBS rTJRMITUBE, Rich Chamber 5u ta jfaliocny. French, »nd other BH* Ma be Top aad P»ia UreNli-n B retui -ml Looaoes. Wardrobes. Maitrata a, Se*ln< Chairs. btd^Jnc. FURNITUaE, Solid Ok Kzteosion DlDincTabl-s and Cane *na-Chairi. Ure»kfSß. Tabus. Cane rhalri Te*Tr^*». Alao. a lot i f Bedstead*. Chairs Tablet, irocktry. (ilua Ware, and Kitchen Pur lture. CARPETS. E eraat ve.Tet aad hruaavlia Tapestry, aad Eoeraln Catpetlas. feaat Auctioneer*. QALE AT AUCTION—A FARU NK.Ii HoQeo (lUlnoU Cectral R. X. ab-.rit hj mliea from Chicaao, coot«lnloc 80 acresot U« d. lialf n/>. der ctl tivatloa with a small reaJdeccr. • ftm pre k ard. an*Ter 'alllrg sprlnc. and .wo »c >s "f wood land, will be Saturday. Ma-ch X-th next at 12 u*cl->c& In the hcciwor DtNL 8-lA»Ett,at SJoror. 1 UK—#"JXj i»aah: tbe njTDia—on the *»t oißa>tember of ih» je*'« l-rv>, and Ittft. with Int.-rest at ten per tent day rf tiii'. Befer'o If. H-»C i.iS.s South Weds itriei Chk-« -». or A. HKBBJtRT. Mone*. f. i; til* AMERICAN EXPRESS CO.'S Ti S-AJCE * -OP XTnclaimed andßefaaed packages of Herchandiso Will hesoM (onlass preT>ou.*ly eilled for) ro M >Nf>AV. the 7th o» March. at9H o'clock, at 14 aad 16 l'eirtirrtx strett, compTlajJg ta ol: Cue• of Xercaedlae, Chests, Valix3> Boxes, Pacing**, Barrels, Wagons, Crist' ingt, &e., 4c.» Which will be aotd 'or caah to the hUbest bidder. C. H. KaITH A ''ON, Auejoneer*. felJ Ucaa . Nj*. ia and » nearrrre «t. EY gilbeut A SAMPSUS- Lane Stock of CLOTHING, GEHTS ZUBSISHISO GOODS, XTndershirts and Drawers, -A-T auotion ob WEDNESDAY Peb. 33d. tt9 l j we aUseJ at oar c&'earoom. WO. 82 LAKE STREET, (Opposite the Treaont Honae) Aa Invoice o( Men's and Boy's Packs, Raalaat, and Tweed Ootts Men's and Boy's Oarsl-nere Ptnta:oi»u«. Jaeketa, Meo'a Veteet. P.a h aud dila Vmu ecir'a. Comforter*, socka. Paocy aad WM.e Lioea iUilrtc, Coll mk Spool Thrtad. Union Downs. £o. Ai«o—f>it/dca«n Underanlna and Draws. , Hale wltnoat reserve. A SaSIPSO**, feUtdeda 'Accttc&eerf. partnership jtoticb.—the as- J derJsaed have this dav f> a etvpar'nersMo aude? the name nf glif - k SWASBY, the par p'se of coada;ttsc the tfeaerai Aatioa «cd Commlauoa ButtaeasL • UORATIO >tl< L. Chicago, Jaa.3f.US9L aAMOKL SWAdKY. HILL & SWASEY, OIKIBAI. AVOTIONSSBI • in- Coznzxxission Merohaats. 54 .DEAEBOEJT STREET 54 Will advance on every dasoriptloa of gooda conalcaed tor Auction Hales* WffmCTLY A COMHISBIaS H0C32.-A1 BOAAXtO UU» Qa3o] BAlfOtt IWIStT wx. a. stnrzts. & a bovokk* n A BUTTERS & CO n AUCTIOffEXRS A3TD APPRAISERS. 70 OBAHBOSN SI BEET, (Jfear the Post Otßcej Chleaco, DHaola. advances on all kinds of Merchandise. fioarittng. TIOARDING.—FOR RE.NT WITH BOARD O for a rmtletoan aad lady, a front parlor andbe*J. room at 79 avenue, fei elrtt lm J. K.QRSBN. "UOARDING.—FIRST CLASS BOARD t y an«l pleasant rootas, either soltea or slnste. at Bomb Clark street. Tranleoi Board at reasonable rated*, _Safr3m* ——— OOARDISG. SINGLE ROOMS £SJ> n BQiteofroome newiy fitted up, with board, on rea sonable 'grma. may be obtained oa apc-llcatloo _at No_uij itate street. [deaito'l PIKE'S PEAK! Allwhoeostrmplrte coles to dike's Peak are InvUcd to call axuaine oor asaostneos of kubbeb goods, Awns which are ■ Cimf Blaakets, B*da aid PUloin, Cnts, Clolhs Leolna, Paatalo oa. QoaVa Boeta, Shoes, Caps Ac M Part or ad of which are ladspt-taby neo»<«a y fir bo eoafo>t aud eonreaience o ihoee -roeuoc ih-< p)«lnjk fhrulac streasta aaa nter*. a"»d worklaa to thv Mla« x JSQ. B. luUOt4 Ay Afot v n near Lakrv pi.KE'3 PUK 3TOTB. PATI M—fluiwiilonly Sasdslpb Street. mm a r.ncz«,Amv