Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. If yon are «lcU, the proiablllt): Is that <c tbe root of your'utTertn* Va Id the atomach. From a vut stomach proceeds Dyspepsia. Ague, Langour, Nsu im, and a lesion of other tormentln* diseases. Indites ttoa produces thin Wood, aod Jhtefore deitroyi the streait'.h and vtaff oliheentlrevatea. To restore the (or e of the stomach. and enable U to threw off and dli tola forever all these troublesome and dangerous com plaint*. Tioth'nt 1s neoestary bat a perwvertnjj use of Dr. J. dOCTETTER'S CKLED&ATED STOMACH BITTERS. A trial of their rower cannot fall t* prove that there U no til'ore in their sedative eCada. We cheerfollr re commesd thea to tbe public, knowing, as we do. their mam excellent qualities. For sale by DnugisU and £ eel en generally. every* where. felMwdAw Thosowto arc carious to wltuesa the wonderful perfection to which A. Otawsldt Oat* mana ger at riatcbelot's. H. 7.) brought the manufacture of Aln and Toupeea. are invited to visit nil Wit and their Dying Rooms, at Ko. BTreoont Block, and examine J Beat carious production* ot arc No rerullny cao detect the artificial fr«m the natcral Men adjusted to the head. dea ly Sawyer)* Fluid Extract of Barfc« an Billable remedy for the revcr ed Arue and the verl- j aos form# cf BUllous Diseases, •nterdttent, fiemlttent, flblUFerer and Dumb A*ae. bavin-their oridn innaia riaof very fertile and matshy districts, urepared oy Dr. S! B. B. Sawyer. Druggist and Chemist, and told by Sawyer, **" Paige A 00,. No. U Lake street, Chicago. This. remedy Is prepared entirety rem vegetable sab. _ Stanocs. and cottains no memory, nnenle. or anything bat can prove Icjnrioss to the system. Its effects are those of adeobstmentanfitonle. well auaptcdto restore the healthy action of the liver and Biooach, whose fonctioas are to generally haparcd in this class o! dl*. NNL Qoinlni and other tonlos aerre only In many cases to fcreak the chUU, bat do sot remove the disease, of the Over and other organs Umpllcated. oa which the chill and fever depend: heoee the usefulness of the "Plaid Krtraotof Bark." (particularly In regions where Physi cians cannot be readily consulted), which contains «<1 the Qualities sclted to the indications of these maladies. Hundreds of testimonials in retard to the efficacy of the medicine from persons of respectability, have been given to the proprietor—but he does not make cse of I hem k> hi prefers to have the medicine Intro duct Itself s »oarely by Its taerlu. Notice.—-Tlie nudendffnod« Stoclthol tei in the Merchant's Bank of Macon. Georgia. are by theprovislonsof Its Ohirter. made persanably liable for talaaes. The netesofthlsßank will be taken byoson de poclt os the tame terms as Kentucky, Indiana and n Ohio. H. A. TUOK£S A 00. | ———— th <£opartnersf)ips, &c. * ■ ■ 1 wl "VTOTICE.— THE CO-PARTNERSIIIP g heretofore txlstlo* bv and between the uader- ou dcaedonder the name style and firm o' •jobb.Tacser A th' »Uew4rt. 1d t e city cf O&lcaeo. lIL. and la P-ner cocMy. Pr! ■ lodtaia. 1» this «ay dissolved by matnal Tee Eli as*lr» of the late Arm wld be settled by the ■; of tbes id Annas appears in aco partnenblp miice of of this date. iORB, bn B.*. TUCKER. < WM. W. W FebmurlTth ISS9. JOnH B. BTiIWaRT. < J?hesntociibers. *nc»%to.sto cobtw Tacker A Stewart, ®S haveth^sday formed a co pvtnershlo coder the Dime and st* le of Stewart, Bros. ACa.. lor the parpose of man ufacturing Buh. Du<r-. Bixe*. An. and Pliurnp, Mawmg Ke-ba*loi Lam opt Chlc**o lIL, »nd forme maLnfactnra of Wood Ties, Hard Wood Lumber, Ac. at Calumet, Porter county. Indians. - - fl Alt <te affairs o! the late firm of Oobb. Tncker A fitew- I an will be setueu by tie uii#rsl(tned, «b9al*nearean- •* tbnrised to a»4le the same, and tonsetbe firm n&me the-r.or WM. W. fItKWA&T, teßlcß7Bßt J. S BTEWAM 1 . DISSOLCTIOX OF CO PAETNERSUIP. The flroa heretofore exlulng nader the nams and of style or Bsw,er. Mellen &cO is Uijs day dl«ic.lved by te] •nntoal coa«ent. Theodore Uetts, D. Uell=o and its Me'len retiring. Mr A. A. K. Bawyer is lully its a unarmed to settle all business of sild flrro,, 1 A. A. K. StWTEU, S JOUtt O. M"LLLN. I TtlKO. BEITB, 4 felJSm JOHN P. WKIATW. Sb Ct:). PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-TUt: UN- ph / derslsnej have this da» formed a co-partnereh'p etider tbe name an'* style of Sawyer. P«r«er kOa . lor w i i>u ncce of tr&aaactlneatiercral Commission at iue old Stand of «aw>er. Idellen A 00. 00 A A. K. SAWYER. Lite of the firm of £«wyer. Melitn A 00. E.B.P«»Kf&. L. O. BOVINUTOV. fd63ai T ate Parker a Boyipgton. "VTOTICE—WE TAKE PLEASURE IN Pj recammwdln* the new firm of sawyer. Psrker A 0 f 00. at sentltm-n mlly entitled to Uie respect and con- Qq Cdeace of the ouTtness rammotii'-i. and we the j ma>y friend* of the late firm of i4a*yer Mellen A Co., and oihers wisblK their hudness transacted In a prompt f andefQd«n. manner will bestowJthelr patrontge upon V the new house* TIIO4 UETTS. JOUV D. fe»am JOHV O. M LLKN. g Dissolution. —ihe co-pahtner shl» beretoforeexisUne between G. 0. Huthrrland J Mmt Henry Goull u ider the firm o* tin beiand A Oould Oa Intbe LUery .Saleßubloand HJdlnsQfcllery balnegs. was tiiisnsr olsaolrel by mutual consent. Al persons In debledtosalt fir*n ofSitli-rlaLd A Qonld are requested ft] to setUetbe same with William Newton, who i#alone an- t, thorlajd tomakesnchSiUlemeat. <«. G.FnTBERLAND, Tb IL GOULD. «' Ohlcago, February 16th, 1839. ba OT*lbe Livery aod Bile8»ble an<* RMin* Gallery bn»- loisi wilt be catitiaaed as heretofore at tue old stand uc corner of State and Adsms strett by the tubs -ribrr. __ fe!7cßSllw aOTIie.RLANP. Ti C3-PARTNEU^HIP —TRE UNDERSKiN el have tbla dsy *nte*ed into p&ttnersblo under tbe firm of HasU Ritchie A 0-», as manufacturers of So->o and Candies, with t'ie view o'carrying on and erteadlar **<e b«4Le>s liitnerto condaetfd bv t» e said bach attchie. IlO'iH BlTCIll»'. 5! Onicr>. feb.S.lßSa. TUO3.Te-MHLf-rrON. M PF"HO'b liitciite t>*m to return thanks ti> bis irleods «m public tor ttie Le tas received dunns (tie _ last nine >ears. aQ't reapec'/uUr sslic ts on behalf of the H Sew firm a cootlnuaoce of tbat palrotnue »o Uhenuly n extended tshlmteit heretofore. teluciUUiw Ulooft & <£oaL s b« Cheap Coal! Cheap Coal!! j, FOK. SALE: d| TU£ WELL-KNOWN s LlSlfiLE COAL, VINEI) BY— = Messrs. Law &■ Btrothsr, of this City, At $3.00 Per.Ton. ALS— O-200 CORDS SOFT WOOD, ' At $2.00 Per <Pnrd. 8,. E. llU:Kl\ho\, ! MS-an-caT Eait gad M*dl«on Stxeel Undue. jj SHEFFIELD COAL.— TUB CllEiriar AND BEST , BITCaINOIS COIL IS TBE IH&KKT, \ Free from folnhcr ltd Slate, cirerallj be'ore j deilv<rr. '»»r jard bel .jtcovered. ourooal l» Drotectea ' from toe effects oflnclementwealljer, and is always de- w ilvered dry aniitniroodeoDdltlonat *' $4,00 IN YARD; $4.50 DELIVERED, Ji I'o «nv part ofthecr.y. AnaHsh proves the Bheflield <3jal superior to all other llltnoU Coal. Pjr «*le tn small i<lt4 joi Clark*it., near Taylor. (IHEAP coal.—we ake selliko AT J our Yard. * OOEHEE OF TAYLOR AND OLABI STS. [ Coil well KreeDed. gJY'fS-" f ' U * llo Lr ' C ™ Bt!tr £1 00 Per Toil, «r $1 50 Dellrered, Hotfcl kteoeia. Macnlneits *nd otiers ean contract for larseuuanUH-sevenon better terms Ui«n above. Our obleei U vopotit \n\ut reach ot every consumer to try our Goal n •« aid next season we propose to supply the AarV«>t «ttS.4on«rtoiL orhalf ton. , Aj we mine tbt Ooal ourselvei. we expect only one profit. We can thereiore expect to sell cheaper than ° Orders may be left at the yard, or No. 13 Latalle street, LAW t BTROTHEB. Coal! Coal!! 1 rvrvfl TON'S OBJISBV COAL.—THIS L\ ) I / Lf Coll is the best .la the market for either family uses or steam. Also— -300 tons Prdpired Aathr&citfl (2 read Top.) SOO tons Lqiup Sh&stobia. ' ALFRED SMITH A 00. w North Pier, opposite lit Central E. S. f OA" »» "• Ietl « w. D. BERurs. B. E. corner Olark A Randoipb sts. UOUFOKD HttOa., Isanm-cTO C*nC">t Lake and Clara streeU. plumbing. fJAS TIP3S AND FIITUKKB, BBOW- kTwil-DEB I 47...... State sow* O'er their entire stock as follows O XI O A. 8 SC. E i |jer cenL discount from list Price, ile Iron riUlnu SJ cents per pound. _ fltUnjou Bends, Swlna Joints and Gas flxltm at Cost Our stock is the larxest lo the dty. and In eloslni owl weoffcrlndacementsnoteaualledlathe West, sel&-ly-*S<7 U. 1). McFAllLUVifi, GAS, STEAM FITTIIVfi, AKD PLUMBING ESTABLISHMENT, 54 ...LA SALLE STREET..4S OEICAOO. XITENBIYB ASSOETMEHt Gas Fixtures, From tlii CeltiiraW toinfitlorj s! Cornelius it Baiter, Always oa hand, comprtMas the Plainest aaa most IClaborat Designs. PRACTICAL PLUMBER Aad Maßslattnm Of ALL KINDS OF STEAM WORK. Particular atiaatlos flvea to finiax u* HOTELS, WITH STEAK, WAT IS AKD QAB | OORIITTKCB, GHAt&S AKD TASB PO& QA&DEK LA WITS AJTD TS&AITDAa country"okders 5 PUKFTLT AID FAIYKFDLLTITTERDEB TO TO TMMMT~TR+IDE. Tflfi TRADE SUPPLIED WITH TOIK-8. XftOff PIKB riTTIKOS, OAS FIXTURES, PLUXB ua MATRSIALS. AVO EYE&T ARTIOLS IS th* QAfi, srxAif-FirTixa akd plukbiko BUBIVKSS. •ft bA KALLE BTREBT, OIIICAOO. Krerr devnpUoa •< OasPlstorcaad Brass-wort - Snnm] or keiih. • «r|i Wrr*w To Lumbermen and Others. f AKE STREET KILLS WILL FURNISH JU OomllMl«nd jMiot UnSiJ*^ low tj4« . rarßes will saw Money by caliii*»t l«landi<B Vnl I*fce*est. BUVBB, VOKBIB k 00. tWill. KOT.IS,MW. Ml4MOlf Sctuing iTTncljinc?. _ I SXXTQ E E ' s Family Sewing Machines, *1 Combining the rii LATEST IMPROVEMENTS reditced at ~p BICES. Also. Machines for MANUPACTDRPJO BDOTB AND SHOES, and UARMENBTS of every description, con- Ii stanUy on hand. _ Western Office 140 lake Street. ijocato m«Ma Atta. rpnß SUBSCRIBERS HAVING RECENT- J l_ LT returned ti the cty and taken the Aaency of ~ the above Mach .ne for the Western ttales, are now open ins anew the eld office. IOC Lake Street, Up Stairs, wh*re they are prepared to supply Acent< and Families M with Raymond's 8«w1ok Machines oo the most liberal a terms. Bavi u |c for the latt three moDtbs pretty canvassed the Bewtr* Machine m<uicet.we can uy t> at out of thetnnltipllclJyr.i new oatenis they xre sa'lsfied thit the Raymond Machine Is decidedly tbe bea l low prired one In use. and ii hard to be excelled py Ise nlrher priced. They will repair and put in first-rate nxnnln* order any of tbe Earmood Machines he-etofure sold by A. 110 - B c brooV or 0 Kelsey If brooi?ht to their office. tft Ascnls all the cadpa l town* in the u Wert, WXSWKLb* UOLHRO"K ti( Office 103 Z<alte street, Chicago, (up stairs). P r s* Office BoilMS. lalSb9B6»m fic $30.00 Premiums and Diplomas. " fTIHH FIRST PREMIUM AKD DIPLOMA th X was awarded to the Boudoir Sewing MaoMne, vt tiuaalb* *ATtHT.) p r At the Wisconsin Stat- Fair. Oct. Bth. 1858; Machines frem n* One Hundred to One Hundred and Fifty Dollars in com petition. Thus another liakhaa been added to its chain so of Premiums. The subscriber begs leave to call the at* , tentloo of the Ladles of Oiileago aad vicinity to the mer d< iU oftliisbeamiful and uarivallci Machine. A few of its prominent advantages over all others are as follows: Ist It sews with two (breads and ties each stitch. la 3d. It makes two different stltcb<ts. Sd. It will sew oackward as well as forward. g* 40l it makes two thousand stitches per minute, and c slxtv>nlnestitchesto tbe loch. DC 6ul Tin inconvenience ofa belt Is obviated by the ap* 4 u pllcatlouof a Rubber Friction 10 6th. The nominal price of #3O Includes stand and fir- »j tares. When this Machine was sold at double tbe price. It was cc oordlally reoo mm ended to the public by , L M.SINGEB A CO. bl ELTAd HO»V, Jc. Jn WHEtILERA WILSON, ia GEIjVEt A BASKR, n . Manufacturing 00, As the beitalngle thread Macblneln the market. Tbe ti price hu been rednced one ha'f an*l lis value enhanced pytbeadaltlonoftbc Doable Th'ead. An examination or this Machine and Its work Is solicited at IL Dewing A OoN Boot aod Shoe Btore. 1U Lake street. fcL n027 I. A. HA V CK A CO.. Agents. cc QUAIEB OITY, DOUBLE LOOK pi nam snxes. « sao snwms btaobzhb " NEVXS BEFORE KHIBITED IK THI WEST. P' AH other Cheap Machine, take onlj the ikitlethrotfl ?' chain stitch. This takes the same b] TWO THREAD " gtltchutfc, mortexDeiaiTeonM la ose. Ita verkuffl Sot Kip Thoneh CTerr Third Stitch be Cut. The Machine Is simple, easily rdinstsd and ust likely to w jet out of order Works as rapidly, makes as firm and . handsome a stitch as the most cxpesaire Machines. Bews ID trom two commoi spools, does coarse and fine work perfectly, by simply chantfnr theseedieandthread. -jc THEY WILL BTITOE. nEM AND GATHKR. Tbev make little noise and ran more easily thau most Ma- , -hlnet. ONS LAST c! With a Bewlo* Machine la eaval b efficiency ta te Eig:bt to Twelve b< Beacitresseshy band. Svery family and any one xaaVv Pj Bewlng abuslncss should own one. This Is the cs Only Htchtae Sewtc- with Two Threads. Except one. told In tbe world for less than 9100. Weir nI rite all who wish a Muchlnc to do any kind of work dens 4 by machinery, t© examine ours. Samples of work sent by V< mail upon receipt of a stamp. Machines sent to person* ii who never saw them, and arensed successfully after a few hours* practice. Pull printed InstrucUons riven. Enter- ' prising men. with a few hundred dollarstopurcliasestock, to may now seenre lucrnti ro exclusive agencies In any of the oi better towns of this State or MJsiocrl. None others need t u apply. Call at r D Ch«s. K. Ktarall's fih»« Store, lli Like St., searOlark. Addrm L. CORNELL, fIL leWv.vail Bost»« CR-lrtasoTni. ■> Stationcrn, &t. ■ ■ 0( Awarded ksr tlic >v te » /rW lf | jjyf l s: I | ;; 1 I ® i Wimsr p.t ALSO ON - HAND ; u Ukitandi. Sealing Wax, 0 ■and Boxes, Steel Fern, Letter Btaapc, Lead Pencil*, |< Wafer Cnpe, Beers' C&ftf, [| Beak Knives, Letter Boxes, Balers, Fen Holder*, a Writing Fads, Honey Boots, j Xrseors, Fen Backs, Faper Weights, Twine, c Gold Fens, Q.uiU Eens, « Letter Clips, Desk Pencils, Shears, Cash Boxes, Fort Tolica, Blotting Faper, Spring Files, Irory Tablets, Twine Botes, Quills, Snwelope Faper, Elastic Bands, India Bubber, Calendars, Wafers, Itojj Foldera, Letter Scales, Faper Files, Invoice Files, Book Bests, Mucilage, Qnm Tickets, WMtoniolm'tCutlwy. S»4 (Spool) T»p», Commercial printing, csasurmo or CABD3, BILL HEiDS, CIBCCL&&S, fce*, PfiOMPTLY EXECUTED AT Stationer's If all, COSS btSS L-%ke street STATIOx\£BS. JOKES, PERDUE i SHI LI, "Wholeaale and Eetall Dealers In Statlouery and Blank Books * In all Its variety. oub v&ciLiTtss roa Dorca Ruling, Binding and Printing Are tinturpaued In toe West. O*CALL AiliD l UY JOKE 3, BEKDUC A SMALL. delWy-bTU bo. lg Lake street. (P Listers. YSTEKS—OYBTEB 3—OYSTERS. HATCII. MANN k OO'g fresi Baltimore Oysters received dally, by Expreve only, direct from their pitckinKirV I ■>» bouse In Baltimore. Md. and for tale alv / thrtr depot. No. IS# North Water street, Oblcairo. ctfost care and attention beinc p*id to toe wo* pirini c( these Oysters, thev have attained a reputation unequalled by all cthera. All orders will receive prompt Uention. Addmt HATCH, Aiceni. odgbaOMm Fcst Office Do* 8987. N. B.—This establishment will be permapsst. Architects. E. ABOHITECT— NO3. 44 &46 LASALLE Street (over Hoffaw A Qelpcke'sßank.: Is ore parelto furnlth Plans and Spesldsatlons for all kluds of Buildings, lie confidently refers to many r>f the best bullllncalo Ohlcaeo—bath pnMlc and prlvate-as evi dences of his anility, and that orders Intrusted to him will be executed la the m jst satisfactory mann r. tas bas< ly , O. L. WHEBLOUK, A BCBJTEPT AND buperintendent, Uffloo N"o. V 7 DoarbQn l Blook, (j Opposite the Poet Office. Cblcajro. nfelSbftt W. SOTUfITO M. 3 utcmTEcr m supekhtesdisTs si BpedfteaUons. aad ■g pgr.TAETa PET AILED ESXH£AT9 a Kade (roa Z>rawlncL . _ omos—as Dearborn street Ist ioer coith of Post 0% " TJABTRY FLOI7R—3OO BBjta^oiTcON^ 1 i sirnmenl for sale by J. SNOW, H 18 Dearborn. S dw frtur Pa-'Vi B. /"VAT MEAL. ANOTHER LO i' i'KOM 1H V/ Voctreal, on eonsixnment. J B^OW, M aIW Wo. ID Bou<h Dearborn street. T>UTTER. —3,000 POUNDS BOLL BUT- PKESS AND TRIBUNE, j PRESS AND TRIBUNE. ] I PCBLISHkn £ Daily, Tri-W»«kly and Weekly i i Galea 43 Clark slreot—Over (iea Snith'i Bank, t i. ■ ■■ * i [ EVITOBS ASI* PVMUSUXRS : JOHN U SCRIPTS, C. 11. HAY, c I tfU. BBOiW, MtDIU^ I ALPItBD gOVTLKS. t | ■■ ■ ' C TsnsicfUit Pnw en' Trifenu, J Dally, delivered In dty by carrier, per year 18.00 c ■ Dwiy.deUveredlndtybycarrtei.pfcrwetlt „1- T Daily, to Mall per year 7.W f Dahy, to Mail bubtcrlnen. 6 manuif......*.. i Iri-ffMldj. ver sea J-,™ t Weekly, single *•% a wit. 2'S . M 3 copies.. 4.0 D C " lu to one address •A2*5S P •' copies to one address- ..30.® _ Andonefree copy to Ketterup of dub of twenty. tarThercwiUbenodevlaiionlroxatlieseratcx v a tJT"Money in registered letters may be sent us a) oa q risk. Address . FJL£fiS AKD TRIBUNE. , c Ohicago. Illinois. f TJIE PKESSAND TIUBONK'S ° Great Jub Establishment t Is the art est and finest establishment of the kind In the £ West. It has more Bteam Presses and Machinery; more y Prlntlna and more Bkillftil Workmen than any p other Job Printing House West of New York, ® The proprietors are prepared to execute, on short no. t; tice. every variety of BOOK JOB L£TTEB PBESS ] and FANCY PKTNTINO In the BESI MANNER ' >t the LOWEST LIVING- PRICES. J Particular attention idven to the printing of 1 ( Emuatn Cardj, Ptnten, J Visiting Cards, Programmes, c Ball Tickets, Pamphlets, t Letter Heads, Circulars, 1 Bill Heads, Checks, By-Laws, Blank Notes, Beceipts, Labels. FEINTING IN COLORS In alllta varieties, done In beautiful style and at moder ate rates. An examination of SPECIMENS and PRICES l< re spectfully Invited. 2 BnOrders from the Oonntry promptly filled, and sent home by Express. ILLINOI3 FINANCES. ' , ( Beport of the Senate Committee on t Finance for tbe Year 185!*. }J , 0. Scuta. Sp.lnafield. Feb. 17, g Tbe committee on linance, pursuant to the s general dir.ies devolving opon them, beg leave p to report as followe: First, as to tbe organiza- iion and affaira of the fand commisaioner'a of- d fiee. , Bj the law of 1842-3, tbe Governor was made e ex olEcio land comini6BioDer t aod aincethattinse has, in connection with a aecretory, exercised * the power ot pasaiog opon tbe genuineness and a validity of any evidence of State indebtedness presented for funding, or exchanging it for other evidences ot State indebtedness, under «l any laws of the State authoiizing that to be done. l! No provision has heretofore been made by law or otherwise for the safe keeping and pre- . serration of tbe books and Touchers of tbat of- e fice, and they have been kept, and still are in the boxeß and upon the wooden shelves of tbe executive oQice in tbe Capitol* These books contain most, if not all, of the acconnts which have been kept of the different kind of Stale indebtedness, and are indispensable to a correct understanding of tbe history and present condi tion of tbe public debt. Tour committee deem it important to preserve these books in tbe most seenre manner, and re- G commend that such provision be made for that purpose cs will best secure tbat object, and as tbe public debt is yet lurge,feunded upon trans actions and evidenced by seenrities dated, in A part at least, many years ago, tbe genuineness or correctness of which cannot be determined by any one man. Your committee would fur- | ther rpcommend tbat tbe auditor and treasurer, 9 together with tbe Governor* be required to ex amine and determine, each fur himself, tbe val idity of any evidence of public indebtedness | r which may be presented eitner tor payment or y in exchange for n«w public securities p Hy the preamble to the act of February 2Stb, J; ISI7, " L\ws," page 101, it is recited that tbe State had at various times ißsued a large num ber of internal improvement bonds ot different s classes, bearing the seme number, having in- teres! coupons attached, having similar num bers and description, rendering it diflicult to j pay the interest thereon; and with u viewcf as certaining the actual amount and character of tbe public debt, preparatory to a more united g and vigorous exertion lor its payment by ade- K , quate constitutional provisions for that pur- w yose to be made by the constitutional conven- " lion then about to assemble, the Governor was, by tbe subsequent provisions ol that Uw au> tbonzed to receive from tbe holders of evidence n of public debt who were willing to surrender a tbe same, and issue new evidences of public in- tl indebtedness, to bedenomioated "Newinterest 01 Stuck of tbe State of lUiuou," tbe principal of such indebtedness to be payable at tbe same n time with tbe evidences ot indebtedness so sur- jj; rendered iu sums ot one thousand dollars each, u and bearing tbe same interest as tbe originals, ei and for tbe arrears of interes- then due certi- g , iicates of interest stock should be issued of live y hundreds dollars each, bearing interest alter || the tirat day of Junuary, 1657, redeemable at tbe n ol tbe Siate at any time after the year 1557, all certificates issued under the provisions a of that law to be transferable at tbe transfer ot g tices in the cities of .New York and Spring- * field. 0 From page 15, treasurer's report to the 2lst m General Assembly, it npreara that, under tbe previsions of this law, there have been funded as follows: tl On account of principal |2,553,3GS 15, due in e tte Tear 1870, bearing six per cent, semi-annual * interest. Oa account of arrears of interest, $1,558,433, 03, redeemable after the year 1877, bearing a like interest. All tbe evidences of public indebtedness now outstanding, pursuant to the provisions of this law amount to M,422,501 18, part ot the in- 5 terest bearing debt ot tne State at tbe present time. , From the same report, it appears there arc p thirty old State boodu, of SI,OOO esch, outstand ing, due in 1860, and of bank and internal im provement stock, and internal improvement 1 scrip, one hundred and three thousand dollars is yet outstanding; and of liquidation bonds ispued under tbe provisions of tne act ol Feb. 22,1547 " laws, pa e 165," there are yet due the amount of $271,849 due in tbe year ISGS. c Pursuant to tbe law of Feornary IS, 1557, j law*, page 'lO4, providing finding arrears of interest ontheSUte indebtedness, there have been issqed certificates of internal stock draw ing interest after January Ist, 1860, and redeem able alter that date at the pleasure of tbe State. $2,653,814 43, and an estimated amount of f arrears ot interest not yet funded of $253,000. This class of public indebtedness is based up- . on the fact that tbe state did not pay the inter est ou her public debt from July 1,1841, until j some time in ISSG-'57; that tbe arrears ot in- ( tercpt were accumulating during that period, a part of tbo time 9 D P*id, but daring tbe later years, partially paic from the proceeds of tbe interest tax, until those proceeds became suffi cient to pay in lull tbe accruing interest, but } while partial payments were made tbey were ap* 1 plied not to the oldest arrears, but to tbe insial- i ment of interest then falling due, and so there 4 were attached to the bonds great numbers of partially paid coupons, which have been funded under the provisions of tbe law last referred to, and will be interest bearingpublic indebtednebS on and alter Jul; 1,1660. From the treasurer's report, lost above re ferred to, itaopeara that the entire public debt is now SU,I3S 463 93 lesa any- payments made tbereon since the date of the last report. Thisindeotedness is evidenced ciiher by the qrigiual evidences thereof, issued at various timts, by virtue of different laws, or bj tbe new evidences eubsiituioJ by the Fund Commission er at d.ll'erent times. No provision has been made by law, so far as this Committee is aware, tor either tbe safe preservation or authorized diStruatipn of the evidences ot public indebted ness which have been from time to time sur rendered on payment, or when funded, but your Committee have not had time to examine bow far aoch surrendered evidences ot public in iudtl)-.edneae can bo found among the archives ol tbe Stale,' but your Committee deem it proper that such examinations should ba made, and proper measures taken to preserve them; or if destroyed, that it be done in an aathentio man- Committee, forreasons which seem very obvious to them, recommend that the law of 1847, antborix-ng tbe funding of the State in deotedness should be repealed, and tbat 0f1557, only continued m force until January Ist, 1860, proper notice being given by the Governor of th" discontinuance ot the latter acL Tour Committee also recommend that somnch of the law of *,1547 aa authorizes a transfer office to be kept in the city of New \ork should be i repealed, and that hereafter all transfers or ex changes ot one public security for another, should be made by our own State officers at i Springfield, and they held to a strict and fre ' quent account for all such translers, and that hereafter no evidences ot public indebtedness executed in blank should be by any public ! ctEcer delivered to any person tor any purpose, but should be executed by the several officers only as required for immediate use, and that : any such evidence of public indebtedness now outstanding anywhere, should be at once called 5 in and cancelled or destroyed; and tbat here ». after the Governor, Auditor and be f esch required, personally, to examine ail evi decces of public indebtedness offered for fund- U iog or payment, and that at each aeasion of the £ Legislature, a lull account ot all such business performed by either of them, be laid before the , Legislature. i By tbtse recommendations, your Committee do not intend aoy direct or implied censure on tbe part and present manner of transacting thia 'ft department of poblio business, but to suggest a I ~ aafe, 7*U guarded mode of doing it. | * 'ln View of the ?ery large amount of publio securities deposited in tbe Treasurer's office aa aacurity for our bank circulation, andtho large iomsnow likely to accumulate there from time to time ToQr Committee recommend an enlarge — meat of the c * ssfe in his office, with all poasible protection against or other casu — alty. The present aooroes of rfvenne to the State from direst taxation, are as fallows: For defrarfnt ordinary erpens«s 114 mills If oonstitrtun*naxiorpaytDf pdodpaUr BtUe * debt.... ...............................S mils For paying interest on &aU debt .IW mills For eommAn aeboot porposes... 9 mills ~ Or 67 cenu on 1100 valuation. The* constitutional two mill tax your com* mit Were of opinion thf k legtalatore has &o power to suspend or aUer. Ia the language of tbe preamble to the set of February 22, 1847, it was adopted oa a means of making a united and rigorous exertion for the payment of the public debt bj tbe convention which framed tbe pres ent constitution. It has produced about three and one quarter millions of dollars, which have been applied in 1 pnyment of the principal of our public debt, thus saring the Bute at this time nearly two huodred thousand dollars annually of interest, which would have to be paid but for the payment , of tbe principal It baa nearly all been promptly called for until the present year, when, on the first of January, ont of $745,000 on hand, ;oniy a little over j $82,000 wus then called forj but sisce that date about $275,000 have been paid out in the Jmrchase of publio indebtedness, under the aws authorizing the governor and treasurer so to do. In view of ihe large cmount of public indebt edness falling doe in 1800, and payable at tbe pleasare of tbe State, your committee hope that so large a surplus from this source will not again accumulate, or if any accumulation should occur, it could bs at once applied to the pur chase of public indebtedness at par, at the pleasure of the State. Tbe school fund, your committee ,is of opinion, should not be disturbed; and, as a large amount of public indebtedness only began . , ta bear interest in 1559, and a still larger por tion will .become so January Ist,' IS6O, your committee are of opinion tbat a strict obser vance of constitutional provisions, the sacred preservation of the school fund, tbe protection of our publie credit as an interest paying State, the pressing demands on the publio treasury lor tbe erection of a new penitentiary and the en* largement of tbe public institutions at Jackson ville, and no probable increase of the aggregate value of tbe assessed property in the State, by reason ot financial depression—all forbid any < less rate of taxation tban tbat now existing, however desirable such a reduction might be, nor do your committee believe tbat tbe people of the State will unreasonably complain of any tax fairly levied for a worthy public object and honestly and prudently applied. Savkl W. i'cLLßtt, Chairman. B. C. Cook, A. J. Kutkixdall, | APPLWGTOX, S. JU IjCCfcIMSTBB, Taos. A. Habsball. Improve four Eyesight. j S7...QLAHKSTBBBT BOOM 2.T7P 3T4TRfi-.JP CHICAGO. ILL. , -TIHE CELEBRATED RUSSIA 8008 1 OB7BTAL AND BRAZILIAN PEBBLE BPEOTA CutS. Vy o-'-inpftent judges to be tbe BEU'.O? ALL GLARES NOW IN USE. fcr loan or short-sighted persons, fron 10 to at years of sxe. and for weak, sore or inflamed eyes, cata r-cU. cross ares, are for tale at 37 Booth Clark utreet. Boom No d ur> stain. Alsc all kinds of Optical Instru ments andArtUJdal Byes kepi on band Persons residing at a distance requiring Spectacles. Fye Gla>s*s, etc.. c*n be exactly suited according ta their oonditloa of *U:ht, and supplied with then by mail or -'xpress, safely and quickly, by sending correct and d'stlnct answers to tbe iollowin* questions Ist. Statcjaur fuse, state of b:afcband occupation. 2d. Htite ir slaj'e? are wasted for reading writing, etc. or forlooklnc at distant objects A 2a. State the e*ac; number of inches rou bold a book In reading, with or without Klines, plainly aid clearly. Tbe price of my impr red Bi>ectaoies and Eye Glasses , are as follows: HestPebb.f. or Crystal Gia»sca. m cold bows, 913. |lO and IS. Best slaues in «hver bows. 15. M, S3 ana Si. Best glaues in cteel b »ws. M. 43. *2 and «L Enclose either of the above sumi witn four postage stamps. inarerfsteredleter.andyouwillrecelveby re turn mal. orby expres 1' youp-efer It. tbe quality asd kind of tlaa&es paid .or, and th; best adapted to jour sight. DE. Ik E. ROSENBERG. feil-lra* Is Practical Optician And Oculist. 1859 SPBtNG TE4DE 1859 j A TIN ME il«. WAiiEUOU^, 45 JVabaxh Atrnnt...., *5 Bm?oh's Ironßuildinff. Chicago* Tbe Subscriber baa now In stock TIN PLATE. ROOFING TIN, BLOCK TIN, ZINO BESETS k BLABS, SHEET IKOH, 1 GALVANIZEDIROV, B&AZIEfe'S k SEEETniNG COPPER. TINWCRB* TOOLS, and METALS GENERALLY, All of which is offered at tbe Lowest Market Prices for Cash. • THOMAS S. DXOKEBSON. , 15,000 BundNs Wire Feucing* We are prepared to make contracts with Dealers for first qutbty ANNEALED FENCE WIRE. NOS 8 and 9, In Qupnllt'csof tot :essthan one ton. dclirerable at our i Warehouse at any time prerioos to the Ist day or June * oext Firepsr cent, cub to be paid when tbe cool tact It made, balance on deiive y. Purchasers are invited to '■ oorretpoud us at once. Tll-ja. 8. OIUtiERSON.iJ Wabash av«oe. laSfl ell dlmAgSia n-irch'n Iran BoHding. SOMETHING NEW !!! MItCHELL'S . PATENT ' Metallic-Tipped JJooi and Shoe, An Improvement Ins been applied to Boots and S u oes, by which a G eat Satlus 11 Expense Is made. Every / boot and shoe dealer It-ow* that cblld'en will attbetoeth-ben-consinjctedsMe In from fourt* six weeks. «ud that It ••-sMtherto defied tbe skiu of manufac torerstoobi'iatethisdifficnity. J THE "METALLIC TIP" meets and overcomes It. A r-aall piece of copper Is neatyfaciened to the toeof tlie boot or shoe, affording a complete nrctectlon to iu and rendering the efforts of the most inveterate stamper Ifleffectualtoklckorwearlt , out. j H'e present this invention with the *uUest know'edse of aud experience ia Its P< actlcal Utility Having now for nearly two years been subjected to the srverest tests, it j has. by its own Intrinsic merit*, actQally surmounted every objection tbnt could p->«*ibly be brought •gilnst U, ( as the certificates, whlebare but a f&ir av- J erage of hundreds of otherg, will abundantly corrobcrate. ; We tiavr no htr<luuon in sav nx that the Mrt\llle> > ipped ; Bhoe is destined 10 entirely supercede, for Children and , Youth, tie o-'l stile; and we constler it a moderate : Eta'cmeut tb%tonep*lr < f the Metallic Tips will outwear \ two to three ot tbe old style, making a savini of , nearly two-thirds in the expense of shoes. Jltssn. WADSWOUTU & WELLS, of Chltagt, j Have been a:» Pointed Agents for the sale of the Boots « and tihoes. and are authorised to dispose ef lown and County tttshta. i communications aldresied to them or the undersigned will rccci re proper attention. CUArE McKINNET k CO.. id £SO A'ater st. Boston, Mass. N. B.—This invention ia a complete protection from the cutting <~-f tne Prairie Urasses. Ac d is especially adapt ed to Miners' use. and all occupations widen particularly i expo«e tbe toe of the bout or shoe to being cut or worn. lafcUy-ctil BOOTS AND SHOES. BEMOVAL. ] We have removed to our new premises, 1 28 Lake Street 28 Where, win Increased room and 1-nproved facilities, we are prepared to show our old friends and all wishing to poiCha*:, the largest sad most complete stock of BOOTS AND SHOES Everbroughttothls market. te9c!97 3m DOUG FIT. BABSETT k HILLS. \ KTICLES OF DIET FOB INVALIDS A. AND CHILDREN. We would Invite attention to our complete assortment of these articles. cocsisdLg of BISOOTINE, BfiOMA, CHOCOLATE. ARROW BOOT, BABLET, ' GROATS, ALKATHEPTA, FARINA, 4:0, &O, All ofwhleh ws can recommend as perfectv pcre and {ptt'i, HA'-SHY c UlNilt f t 3 Homeopathle Pharmacy. 161 Clark-at. Notice.— thefndersignej, on the lit or Januin- 1859. withdrew from Oook,Jsrq'hfr * jo . where 1 wa Chemical Dyer asa Partner, and have openeda Fixer STEJII DTE ESTABLISHIIEXT, 105 SonOi (3ark Street 195 [Between Monroe and Adsmi.] Where T am prepared to Dye and Clean Silk, Batin and Wurlen Dresses and Shawls: geotleoen's Coats, vests and Pacts, ia every style desire u Carpeti cleaned. Lace Curtains cleaned >nd bleached at reauced prices. AH goods wari anted to look well orno pay. tc?c!99 ly StDNfiY KALISCH. Kerosene, or Coal Oil. A NEW SUPPLY. Tbe Terr Best Article In the Market. For sale by Ziß WIS & PASS, 103 - - - South IVater-St. - - - 103 IRISH MOSS. Shred and Sheet Isinglass, TAPIOOA, FBESH HOPS, Coxe's SparkUn; Gelatine, SAGO. OAT ITIKAL, CONCENTRATED extract of lemon, 81BGEST k ILSLET, ipoth(cirles, fegclffl 140 Lake itreet. .I'tW hot —or— SPMGLED FANS J Just Keesived AJT PEUG-EOT'S, CHICAGO YAKUT? BTOKE, Clark Street 40 [fel? c£tsly) CHICAGO TYPE FOCHDKBY —ASO— Printers') Ii arehouse, .WASHIMGTOir-ST. CHICAGO. The subscriber is prepared to famish Type in large or mall quantlUet, made from j a sonerior cnalftj of metal, for either cash or approved j caper. llelsalsosappUedwttbalarcestock of rfi£SS* ! ESINK WOOD TYYE and ererythln* neoeaaary ror a ootaplete Prtatin* Office. A new Specimen Book Is now ready for delivery, and will be test to parties wish i In* to order on application. , Qhinftw 1). T. IWim Tumi n s mO BUiLDERS, OWNERS, & HOOFERS i Tbe nbacrlber is prepared to fcralah. Ia lane or saaQ l quanUea. MO&KLSr k 00*8 > Corrugated Hoofing. This new article, so extensively Is age. excels an other ) mniiift rabstaneea for Koo&nc, betn* more durable. ■ cheaper, lire and water proot, and lawnx as lona as tbe ® bnlldrnt. It also reduces tbe rates of Insurance 10 per 3 as veil as plans of the various methods of poUlnxU otveanbe imq by eaiUn* at tbe office of tbe \ Phtc&tx luaranoe Company, 1U Bcqtti Water 1 Qhlcata ppa bUSIy A. MDWARDa. Atent IIARDWARF. stockl—WE OFFER FUR fl I*l Sale on favoraMe terms to a responsible party a ' well selected stock of X EIEDTCIBE, STOVES, IKO!r, It., Is torether with the eood will of the bmlnesa. Tt b the ti besttta-din a flourishing, county seat, and hu dlreet railroad communication with Chlcsco. Also with tbe aboTe will be so d the Store-a corner 1- n McMla IT! lakcKTMt. Iffcto pitblicattdtts. "VyEiTERN LAW ItOOKSVOIiE. J>. B. C3CSB & OOq Ho. 11l LAKE BTBSET, OUIOAQO Invite the attention of theLnl Profe-e>oatotte!r stock of Valuable Law Books. They hire on band an assortment as la ve and various as that or Ayr DEALER AV THE UfiITED STA TBS. Their faci'it'es for procuririe the publication? of other hon«r» are such tb&t they can sel. all Law B-jcks at the lowest urle*s-oft n lrwerthan e.»Ura prices- ThePrOftnkn will find It to their in. crest to write to or mV» appllea'Jon at this ei;abiishmen: ra her tban nresa«e trcta tra«eUn* dealera. or »be a*ent« of eastern ccnies. All b«>oks purchased !:e.-e w warranted of)t>cUtesaeditlona.a dperfectcoiiej. acdlfanyenor ' shoold occur ttwW be prosptu teclicd. A complete deierlptire L\w Uaulogje wil be sent Grails on appll«at:on. onisr* fcr «ny Law li«n«dlnthtsc--U'"ryorin tur ce wtll be at ten edt% New Books and new Bit parts are regularly recdredasd mpplled. D. E. OOOKE k C O., lit i**c?ire*V BOOKS JUaT EECiUVED.— Life and Kemains of „DOUGLASS JEREOLD, By his sou. BLANC9AHO JE3SOLD. Price <1 tft The Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men, By FRANCIS ARAGO, Member of the Icithote, Prlee at 00. SY3IBOLS OF THE CAPITAL, —CB— CIVILIZATION IN NEW XORK. —BT— A. D. MAYO. Price W fO. F« R REM, BookstUer, feifl 148 L>estreet The popular hand-book —TO TBS— Gold or Kansas and \ebrasta, I* having an unprecedented sale. Orders are daily re* ceived from ever/ direction, orders now on file ir.m New Hampshire, hew Yoik, Ohio Induna. lowa an-1 Illinoli. ihe ptnle Is several andt:>-emi/rst oa «111 dou tiessberreau ToatiU-re ls -0: Din „«f d Netraika there Is sot a doubt, bat Is there E>OCQB fcr tiie already lar»e o'PQlktion. ao \ the UosdreJ Tnomar.d more wco will beoa tbearound In taeearl* KrLig. btr'oreycuio! D, u. COOKE k Publishers. 11l LakestreeL CVFor sale by all Booluellers, and Newsboysoo the traiea. fel9 _ DB. COOKE & CO., PUBLISH THE • fellowlngvaluableLawßtt^; L STATUTES OP ILLIN 013-Revised Edition, 2 vols. ♦?. 1L ?SEBi!AH'fl ILLINOIS DICiEST; Svola. 110. HL BLACEWSLL ON TAX TITLE! I vol. #550. •IV. ILUSOIS REPOBTi Vol 19. #3, V. LVWS OF CHICAGO. lvoL »5. on hand, fall Sets of all the State Ee prnx at Eis era prices. fy"lerma cash only. . «« D. B. COCKR k CO., fe!B 111 Lake etreet. FOR THE MILLION.— Freedley's Legal Adviser. The Legal Adviier. or How to Diminishes Losses, Ave id Lhw Bolu. save titre. trooble i:dm acyoy ononaicK brsin*s«accrrdiniU»law, as expounded by tbe best and ute*t authorities. By Edwin T. Kreedley, Author ot ft Practical Treatis* cu Basin est Price #135. —ALSO— Tie Boslnrss Man's Assistant and Legal Gnldr, Containing tbe Laws of WleMaan. Tndlana, ill nol». lowa and Wisconsin on Cr»l- Ifction of Debta. .tecban'ic'sLeln Cjntra-'s. Mortgages. Ri»hucf Married Womeo, Dnwer. P'm mmory Notei, toscttier with I'llK Mlisf APl'fiUVhi/ >ORU of Dieds A tides oi e-mrnt. Lea es. »M-*er of A torncy Ar lde»«-f llnt-d'. and va rious otn*r forms with fall ulrei-tions f. rtirAwicc aud execadiiß ibe*a7e,andueLa s s <>r itc tnii-edPia es reiatlnc to NaturalLaai'.on. Pre-emtti.n < l->lms on r-b lc !a:ds and Millt*<y bounty Lands teLft a Cum;leie Asiistaatto M<ca*3i:t aai By A MEMBER OF THE CHICAGO BAR. pjee •••<» CetU. K'E.l.b, W.B.KEEX, < t 1- 1<« LiVf OPPOSITE THE JAIL, And a New Edition of the Higher Chrhtiau Lift;, ELEOANTL? BOUND. Just received and for sale by WM. TOMLINSON, J)i ofessionat. milK NEW DENTAL E;TABLI=IiMEXT. DRS. AIKEN & WALLACE DENTAL SUKGiiiONS, Office, No. 8 Me!h rt di»t Church Block, corner of Clark and Washisfft n streets, CUIOAOO. ILL. j. a urea. ltel»:m aparra wallxck. \\t n. kenxicott; W • dentist. 1 131 street. . letMly. j / & CHRONIC DISEASES KJ Drs. RKADING * MBAD may be consulted daily from 9 A<mU A 61 to 1 p. M.andtrom&to 6 P. M. for all disea*e« of LUNU9 HKART and LtVKE. rE»AL£/.V\ and ail§^ diseases progress rapidly, anu ArAN * often imperceptibly, to a faial termination unless promptly ar* k rested, aa etiriy application is of Va turnout importance wCin SJ Vr *'T~»fw to all who wlsti a PbUMaNENT and oPaKuY cu'RE- Tattr system of treatment by «ether with constitutional remedies. U en. Srely different lrcmanythiog before the pnblta, aoH are confident bat any candid person will be convinced ot its (real ef- by a cartful ezamlnatloa of its otlli Ofltoomsat No. IDJ state street, corner of Wash legion.—Enlraace on State street. Uonscltitlon free. dell E. A. BOGUE Dentist.— office no. hi Lake street, (opp. J. ILReed DBS. FGLLEB & ALIt.IUGH, Dentists. ofhce, no. 4t West Randolph et., Chlcaxo, UL Bnperiorwork promptly done at our mjT'HT TTj offlce. Responsible guarantee for sac cessls ill cases HTCall andseespeclmens. seM»tf-aCT DB< J. BBIIJDINE, Dentist. Late associate of dk. a. wood HUPP BROWN, ofNo.SGreat Jcnes street, Nei yor*. Office 100 Xjalze Street, Over Tripp ft Hale's Patent Office Depot noUMTB ly DRS. WARNER & KKTCHUM, DENTAL BUR9KONS. Offlce northeastoorner of Utake and iDeartoorn aitreetm. Dp stairs in room No. 1 ocl2bltC-ly W. W. ALLPORT, DE NTI S T.—OFFICE AND Residence, No. 83 Wa£hlnstco(jW|Hi& Hreet> oca bSMy H *'UJLLLr DOCTOB N. F. COOKB, Homceopathic physician. OF not: aod Re«i'Jeaee removed to 202 Klchlfa: •Xrrct, two rioon from Hushatrret. myt'SS'ly DENTISTS.— DRS. QUINLAN & CUSH ISO. ■URazioir cxirmsTs* OPPICK—NO. S8 GLARE STREET, mhM4y-0539 Oppoalt < h* Oocrt House. £eotl)er qiis i r m&ings. Hayden, Kay & Co, 838 EASIOLPU STREET 238 CHICAOO. Haiu'acturers. ImportenTand Dealers In Saddlery Hardware, BENT STOCK, OOAOH TniHrniNGS, SPRINGS, AXtLS, VAKyiSHES, WEBBINGS. HORSE COLLARS, Ac* P. HAYDEN, New Ycrk. P. WILBOST, Cincinnati, WILLIAM V. SAT, Chicago. PL w. z. ~...u».finr»iv k Wholesale J)eal* era In ■addles, Bridle** Oollarm, Qlff Saddles* bridle fronts fad Hoodoo. Drlvlnc Reins. Hone Ooven and Banfc •u, Whips, Ply > eta, Aa,4a OFFICE AND SALES-ROOXEt U8 Orer Kay k Go.'sSaddler7 Hardware Store. in2oajo64y Silver-Plated Gooda. SILVER PL4TED CASTORS IX GREAT variety. Bpoona, Forks Goblets. Ac- Ac. ror sale lower ihaoataayothe- h>n « In ihe citr. A J&EGER k CO.'i Prescn China Emporium. 103 Lake street, between Clark and Dearborn. ja3o-ly-c34 Country Merchants Abe invited to examine our lance ttoek of Crockery and Glass-ware be fere maalns their purchasers elsewhere, with the assurance thai our best endeavors will be mide to make tt for ibelr adrastaceto purchase stjck at t* e Ohina Emporiam of A. JABaEfl * Lake street, beteeen Ctark and | New and Attractive Goods. W! RESPECTFULLT IXVITB THE attention of the ladies ff Chica«o. and 'he public lneeo*ral to cur >a'*e and eomp ete stock of fine Prench China, fine Out Bohemian Gtasa W*re. Croekenf Ware. Bntanla Ware, A:., kc aa we are satisfied fie quality and low rrices of our nods,are as to jdve the best satlslutiontiaM. A iAWtdl 4 00-133 Lake street be- and Dearborn Ja3o-ly-c34 Fine China. : DKGOEA.TED ND HICHLT GILD . Tea Sett. r .«* >• " Toilet Sets. 1 Beantlfol decorated Vas» Motu Tete aTc.eßeta.Card ofeTetv ascription, and WlbeStfTerylowM 4. JAJ63ER AOO/S. lu3 Lake st. ' - UIQ-1»^34 T' " HE ITaDERSIQNED HAVE TUB PLEA SURE of Inform!?* their ra£otn«r* that they have removed ihdrstoek of crockery, dasessd china from No 839 LakerreeitotbeneW4uideteeintstor& V 0.103 Uke lAreri, where they wUi be thankful to receive aeonUno. . aace of the Kberal-patrMsae berHofore bestowed upon [ them. A. A 001, 103 lake street between ' parte and Dearbom. • ja-ap-ty-oM ' Y2.0 AND VISIT THE FRENCH CHINA Slrg oo6t>gr'. rUICES WIN.— FSAHC, MARSH & DeXiONG, 30 Lake Street* . 2 31 po'Jcy of small expenses, andstsndard Goods at lrs P'jcestpmea who pay, havlar carried us sareesa fulty thrcwhtlcesof panic, we sh«' still adhere to Ik t*eare determined to offer KOod-ncn, «sd thall offer at WHOLKdALK throa«hoat tne season, a very full Spslng Stock of the very best stages of STAPLE DRY eOOUSj EO3IKHT AND SOnONS. At the verv Lowest Prices that close buying eznenvs will admit < f. To our customers who warord.iU«buriae« la the tills notice Is unnecesary. but we solicit t k e attention of all eood meuwbo **loox aroaid" toe the ad v«ntaces of the marcel, and have scuuihlnx vore than proxiatrs to payfor goods. jal9 cSJ«ia 78 - - Lake Street, - - 78 TKIMHIN'GS, EMBROIDERIES. LACES, NEW STYLE SKIRTS CORSETS. UNDER GARMENTS, GLOVES. AND HOSIERY, KID GLOVES, WOOLEN GOOD 3, BERLIN WOOLS, And a General stock or BKAZ.Z. WABII Kert Oauuatlj 03 biad and for safe Wholesale and Retail, 78 Lake Street* i*3o JL QRAVBa. CLate q T. AtkinsonJ GREAT BARGAINS -in- DRY GOODS! FREEMAN, GOODRIXD & C 0„ ISS Uke Stmt i:i Offer from this date for the ba'.anee of the Seaion, their Entire Stock, consisting of RICH DRESS SILKS, MERINOS, —IST— ALL KL\DS OF WITTER D&GSS GOODS. CLOAKS, SHAWLS, EiUBIIOIDBBIiuS WOOLEN HOSIERIES, TUIUiIIINGS, RIBBONS, aud HIILLINERY GOODS, At] Less than i\*w fork Cost, With a view to close them out and MAKE ROOM FOR OUR Heavy Spring Purchases! FREED MAS, 600DKI5D k C0 4 M'ig LAKE "»■ IBSS - - - ■ Fill ud Winter. - - - - ISSB, COOIBI, HARWELL tc CO., Oacceuon to Cooler. WadarortbA OoJ OEY GOODS JOBBERS, «2,4S<fc4o Wabash AveutM. Are no* receiving & fall assortment of ORT GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, ETC., ETO, FOR THE FALL AND WIHTEB TP.ADS. BTVtAT.L PHOFIT3 A£fD PBOMPT PAI •{lll be oornotto. aoJ all dealers particularly cash and snort time trade, will fled it to their Interest to exatniat oar extensive andattracUvestoclrbefcrer>arcba«incelse mhvt.VH.wiy. .furniture, s^t. FOR FUfiWITUEE (UIUOS H. N. PARSONS, m....RANDOLPH ST :ET....m He 1s selUns Qcods A.T COST WITItOUr KEGAKD TO VALUE. deSStnbfisj Furniture! Furniture!! WHOLESALE AND KETAII —lt NEJV YORK §• tiuxTOX'PIUCES. PACTS WORTiI SHOWIHO! 30 per Cent Bared in tho ParchmM. Sheartr, faiae & Strong, *!lmvla« iUBOTd to JONES J NEW IRON FRONT STORE. NO. 803 RANDOLPH ST.. Are now prepared to exhibit to tbtlr old cuitonen, asd to the public generally. The and. Best Assorted STOCK OF FURNITURE WEST OF NEW YORK. Which Uhey have recently received, and are now c;ei> Inn, co nib tin* in part of Hoho'anj, Rosewood ud Walant PARLOR FURNITURE. Is Brocatelle, DeLalne, Plush and Hair Cloth, "Enamelled, Oak, Chestnut, Hohogasy ft BoaewM CHAtfIBER SETTS, Of New and Decant Deslsnes. from tbe best Manafacttt ties in Boivon. New Tors and Philadelphia —ALBO AnCxtenslTe rarietj of Bfohonny. Walnut and Sose> wood Tete a Tetes. Easy Chairs. Parlor Obairs, Easy Koektna Chain, bewlmt Chairs, Divans. Ooocbes and Lounzes. Etaseraa. Marble-too Centre and Pier Tables. Bcreatu and Sdeboards. Patent Sarins Beds, Curled Hair, Cotton and Husk, Palm and Kxcels'or Waitresses. Fine Bush 9eat Ofcuirs, Carved Oak Extension Tablea. Oak Blnine Otalre, Cane Seat Ohalrt of every description, —ALSO— DirJiKS ROOM AND COMMON FURNITURE, IN QR£AT VAJtIETY. Soodi Xann£actnred Here To Ordet Out of the BEST MATERIALS. We ere constantly recelrln* from SItCAHEB k JONZB. New York, and SHEARER k PAIN'S, Boston. (Mann factor era.) the LATEST PATTEHSB IKS most Approved stylos of Goods, Wtlch will naie It a ceat inducemen to those FUEXISHCT6 HOTELS AND BOrSES To exaolne our Stock before sendlst East* Ho parties VISITING THB CITY FOR TETE PDRCHAHI OF fDENITDBE should faU to -:s<tßlpe OUR MAMMOTH STOCK Before ilak ng their Parcia^rs. To the Public at Zcar^o ! We are prepared to prove that Purnlttue of Ereu ; Gride, from the Kitchen to the Pa* or, ! Will be Fornished from Our Establishment at Prices Lower than any House in the West. BHEABER* PAINE 4c STRONG, 203 BANDdLPH STREET 203 [selaiTti] C- MOK.O--A.N, 199 - - - - Ztako Stroot, - - - - 199 Ifew and BeaatUol Dertgns LATESTSTTLES of Sesewovd, And Walant Paibr, -As>- BZ3D&OOSZ FUSNXTV BS, IN SUITS. Tbesubecribarls novreoelTlnc LA&QX ADDITIONAL SUPPLUB to his former Kammoth Stock of Cabinit Tumi tare ft Chain As the Stock Is now Complete and full, and.tit Largest to be found West of Hew York Ha would cordially Invite the attention of his forme Mends and patrons and the subCo sea* eraJly to call and examine T=n» Elegant Fonxitturs Befere purchasluc elsewhere. Selllus st Greatly Reduced Prltsafroa Last Season* CHICAGO. AUSUBT Urs. 1863. iCtMj BABCOCK ic PEEK* (Successors to Wlllard. Peek k Co.) 171. BAKDOLPH-ST. Ml. Biboguy, Rtse*M4 k Wdut, <—aifo— CHAMBER) DINING ROOM AND COMMON tVBNZT VSII In Great Variety. i WOOD SKAT ASD CAN® SEATCHAISa, BUKKAD9. particular attention paid to OounUrT Orders, asd to furnishing Hotels, kc, seHaWHy T\BALSRB and consumers 1 9 Aaa isvrran. * 5 a. w. dctsmobk * co M Are ao w umsred to sen and d direr to anynart onis dtj fSKK OP OHASQI lay ofthe various productof their aills. We shall alms! tbe stars la the quality of oorsoods. and with a eood mill, eood materials, and experience, hope to reach and main* tola the blithest point of exoeOeuca. Oar brands of/lev te pffiuips'^ns, l S)oloet*tra, No. 1 White Wheal, Phillip** Mills. Extra B<n>«s9ne, Ifo. 1 Sad Winter. Phillips' Mills. Choice Family, Choice Xxtra AluatwholenJeorretaQ: .... White Rye Hour. Cora MeaL sifted and on sift ad. Graham flour. Corn and Oats, croond, Qracied Wheat, Bmughgi. aamps,ao ■bIMBI-ly Wo IST Ho^Wrturitr—A SUNDRIES— 50 BASKETS CHLRHIE3, GO ban Gupared Peacbes, t) br*! Pared Pcscbas. S brls Drievi Btspberriea, . SO brls Pried Btaekbentaa, GO kw f reach Pranea, 10 baskets Uuncarlan Prunes* Skeo Turkey Pruaea. _ J«a IrecdTed and for ule by WILLIAM LITTLS A 00. 161 Boutn «CaUr street. del*4y i^HRISriCAS—2SO BOXES FANOY TOYS \J ao boxes Faccy Candlea. Sift boxes FasoPra&ea. KM boxes i pflotatfelMlPes* Water Ranking ans (grange. BOUSE Qr L. E. ALEXANDER 4 00. Bank of Deposit Fr reign Domestic Exchange, and jction and Ship Passage. 50 OLA BE STHEET. OHIO AGO ERNST PRUSSXNG. DEALER IN EXCHANGE, MONEY, —*j>- HKAXi ESTATE BKOKER. »0 .....Ba«k OukA, Caßlaln. ...18. AfiZKT JOS TVS ErxtUh Conmere'al Life Imvrinct Conpanv, LONDON andAiTKRICi.. Cim.lL e6,KXi.wa seWy ERN*T PRUBSINQ, Notary Put tic. J£XCHANGE AND DEPOSIT BANK VEXBE, CARPENTER & CO., CEDAR KAPID3, IOWA. job* *mt & s. aimno a, a. grass. —um to— ißericaabshaaiw Baak New York. Mr Bride Brothers . •* J. & domioa. jr.. Editor Bankers' Mioilae. ** E. L llakbam A Co., Banters, Chicago. EL Kisses. Stibss A Go, Woo iter O. Oo«fc.B*rseut A Downey. naaksrs. lowa City. lowa. J.G. Graves, M. D. Nashua, N. H. [jiao c3l ly] CRANGBH, WELDON «Sc CO., Bankers and dealers in ex- CHANGE,.corner of Randolph aad Market streets (Und • Blockj, Chicago. in. XXTXg to WaßOrtep.Bw_Qhiea«o 8. LlaA Ess- Chleam, L. B. (Kls A Oa. ;; E.LTlalSa • f ™ u ' tlHaopo •• Tinaer? lalTSm field. Ohl* BAU)W2S tk DODGE* JJANKERS & LAND AGENTS. 00 UNOIL BLUFFS. IOWA CITY. Collections made it the usual rates. Exchasge an. the prioc.pil cities of the Ualoa bought and sold. Real E»- tstebougfctand sold oacommlaioa. load w?rrants !o -*s' 1»J acres, and 3*c per acre I«nd OOce lee. Aii 6ixeu warrant* la same proportion. REFERENCES-,—Mariaeßank. Chicago: Henry Fartaa. Esq* President Chicago asd B. I. Railroad; Americas Exchange Bsnk, New York; Dorkee A Bollock, ft. LOSiL JOHN T.DODGE, delO-Iy-aOO G. M. B.*T,T>wnr. OOOLBAUS.. A BROOKS. "L> ANKERS AND DEALERS IN EX- Uouiu, burlxngton. IOWA. an Prompt attention Tea to the eollectios of Note* t/rana. etc. Refer to George Smith & Oo M Marine tu**, Mer hants Savings Loan asd Treat 00., aadF. 6. Adams. •w.y.ooomccH. [mh2Hy) r.w. ssoom. BDWB, I. TINKHAiH & CO., BROKERS, AND DEALERS IN EXCHANBE. Corn.r Clmrk and Like Ktrecta. aaiCAGo. UWASS !. *ls*3l* UeSA'a-lji JOBS C. AXSLSS. OHARLE3 H. HAM A. 00. Bankers and dealers in Ex change. 31 Clark street. CMcazo. OoJonssioa DxraxTxisr— HAM. CHAMBERS A CO.. Dealers us N»<oliable Securities. But and t<ell Piper Secured bj Real Estate. and give special atteatloa to ls« vestments for Eaitera Parties aalis47s4-ly caumia.HAM ». B.caxM3Kaa. oco. o. wairrta. ami a. ocres jamcs bscs bsxut satus. DCPEE, BECK & SATLES, T>ANKERS AND BROKERS, NOS. 3 & 5 l_> Deroaahire ctreet, Bostoo. jrivc partlcolar attea tloa to tha Miaea of Lake Sapenor aad are prepared to taralah reliable lolormaiioa respecting then. A aoathlj review of the dtock aad Mooey Market with gaotattons of &U the Correal BecorUlea. will be lent to aaraddreadeaired. ac-JS-'M-ly B. S. Ull a A. &UT7OID W. ±. UCSMIMIM. LANE, BANFOBO & CO., QUCOESSORS TO DICKERMAN, WHE EL O E3 A CO. Banker*. Bodtord. HHnM<. OoUeedonj made asd remitted prom&tly at carreat rates of £xchange. Rirxi to—Oeean Bank. "lew York: Shoe aad Leather Dealers' Bank. Boston: Kxchasge kantr, «w!a HOFFMANN ft GELPCKE, BANKERS, Chicago. DBPOSIT3 received asd intehest allowed on Special Deposits. liberal accotamoda a>jcs craated to depoiftora. Independent of thestau of the money market. XXOHANaK and Letters f Credit, la «ams to salt, on the principal cities oftbe United States and larove. tiCH ANGK ON ECBOP2. to Importers, at New York qcotatloajL TlllE LOANS ca rrlrate bonds aad mort«ace« ccxo tlaiid. Wenera Euie, Oooaty. City or Ballroad Loans aeftatlated abroad. jaa6 nuxcu a. BorrMAaa, alxt. sillcz. otto oklpcxb, ULRIOHS &. OEUDTHER gj OIiAEX STREET—OLD TBIBONB OjriOß. Specie, Bank Note, Exchange AND COLLECTING 077101. 2ay constantly Fcreiaa «ad Domestic Gold and Silver Coins, Kastera Bank Notes and Uncarrcat Money. Sell Ex chance ou New York, and cuke CoUectlocs throosbaat the United pates an,l OanaJau. icM 'y is »ia OOOK It SARGENT DAVENPORT IOWA. OOOK BAS GENT & DOWNEY ICWA CITY IOWA. OOOK SARGENT 4. OOOK fOBTDES MOISES IOWA. COOK SARGENT A PARKER VLOBENCE. N£BBASKA. 1> ANKERS & DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. XJ Make collections and remit to any pert of the Union, (And Warrants booxbt, sold aad located attention riven to the payment of taxes. Attorneys at Law connected with oar boosts. COOK A DILLON. Davenport. low*. 1. D. DOWNEY. lowa City, jur a to % W. Clark k Co.. Philadelphia. X. W. Clark. Do das A Ox, New York. J.J.Dtxwell. Prest. Mats. Bank. Bcftos. N. Holmes A Son. Pittsbargh. J. W. Clark A Co., Bostoa. E. W, Clark A Brother. St. Louis. Hatch A Langdoa. St. Looi^ 6eo. fimlih A Co.. Cbleaxo. John 0. Sargent, Washington. D. 0. cytf-ly THE BANS OP AURORA. HALL A UKUTHIBS, AUBOBA. JU IN0I& ANKERS & DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. All collections entrusted to them will meet prompt at teatloo. Befer to Bank of the Btat<bMew York; r. G. Adams aad George Smith A Chicago. M.T.SALL. B.F.BADI. P. A.g*«T., A. C. VEUTEL, T7OREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE X? aad Collection Office. Also. Notary Pabllc. 75 Dearborn street. Chicago, 111. a £-ly-339 OFFICER & BROTHER Bankers —dealers in uncus reat Money. Sight aad Time Bills of Szehaage. Gold and Silver Cola. etc. Receive deposits, and pa» particu lar attention to collecting. OtSce 154 Lake street, Ma rine Bank 801 l ding, open from 9 A* M. to 18>i P. kL RUKBXNOXB. North Bask. Boston. Metropolitan Bank. New York, Sherman A Coiling. ** M Marine Bank. Chlceco. J. IL Donham A 00., Chicago. L W. OX7IOEB and BAIfL P. 0771C15. General Partners. nrlt-ly AIXT.It &. NORTON gANKERS <Sc DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. No. 48. 80PTH QLABK Sr.. CHICA6Q. ILL. Illinois Savings Institution, IS IEI CUT 07 CHICAGO, [lneorporaUd February, 13670 This institution receives de podts or ons dollar, and cpwvds. from all classaa ©I persons. Including MINORS AND MARRIED WOMEN, and allow Interest at the rate of slz per cent, per &a> Dividends payable on the flntlfcndgj of to 4 July. TROBTXX& John H Kenila, Wn B Ofdsn J 9 Penh on Geo W Dole. G8 tf a-jbard, it W Raymond. Krastas S WuUazns. John a iced. Uenrfwbltbeok. Geo E gtaaton. Alex 0 Coventry. 0 K W Loll. Nathan B Kldaet. Offlce No. "o, Washington street. Portland Block. Office open daily the usual hours of basins* end on Tuesday and Saturday evenings. JOtLX IL KIN2H. President. B. B. PDDSB. Qashler. lyl»altf»ly GREEN A. STONE * 'DANZEBS—MUSOATINR. IOWA.-FSOXFT X# auentton gives to Collections, and proceeds r rattled oe day of payment at earren t ratef a £ gzchxng a, unusca Ms*rs.Geotieamilh AOo.. Chines* Marine Bank. Chicago. L.A.£enoistA M esBS. GUmore A jrothertos, Shoe and Leatcet Deahos bank. Boston. Imrrlnn K*r»«. GEO. S VUTH A. 00. "DANKERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN X> and Domestic Ezch -?e. CHICAG« ■ ILLINOIS. ODUeetlocisadeonaUth" prlndaal dUet la Unk ed on the mcst tavor Sla verms. i J.H. SOWER BROTHERS k, 00. gJNKESS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE LAID AGIST zowa azir~.~..~. lowa U7» 10 Messrs. K. X. Swift A 00.. Chicago. John Thompson. No. I Wall streeOfew Tffk. less*. D. A. Jaacarv A Co« Bt. LOQUMo. oyß-Iy4Hl G. 0. WHITNEY & CO.- Banking and exchange office,— 38 CLARK STREET. Dealers In EASTERN AND FOREIGN BXOHANOB. Scio. silver asd Ucctrre-4 Ucnrv bcaght and soid. Prtminza paid on CU* and Eastern Bank Notts. Depo sits reccivid and laurest allowed on Special Depoots. Drafts ftrsaleon England. Ireland asd Scotland, and all parts of Germany. Particular attention glvea lo Ik* nstotLaUon of tins Botes and Bills of exchange. Collections mad« aad remitted forwari ca dayofpo- BenL Monies Invested In Real ZJtata, and all ether tnasa* Itnni Is a General p * r-y-t ~T aad Oommlelca bulneu. gyM»o9M O.O.WHrrN2Y A SON. S3 dark st Z. Q. HARBOR "DANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE.— a ar,iyg STRUT. Passrrcat Uc&sy. Geld and Bllrsr. And psid. Bjjvxxmcm.—!. Yo«qs predde&t Marine Bank: F. G. Ada'**. felHy .. . B. W. PHIUL7P3 BANKER. No. * Ola ax 6r*x*?— Loo-:- 1 &cxu:g«. CHICAGO. ELLINOIS. Burs SIGHT AND TIME DRAFTS ON the Eastern Cities. Discounts Business Paper. Deals In European aad Domestic Kx dpede, LanJ War* rants. Unearrent Bank Motes, aad Mixes Collections ea All aeMffible points. ocU-ly-bt64 BffARINE BANK. Chicago mabiuk and use cfsu tanse Oom&sny. OAPITAL. ICS.OCI. B. I. OAETD-Oeshlerandßeetetazy. J. YOUNG BCAMUON. Pretfdot OeCeflgoa mads tad drtfls remitudto all parts a' tee Oatoa H. Ju TUOKER A. 00. T7*XCHANGE BANK BANKERS AND Fj Dealers In Exchange, corner of Clark an! Lake-sti Illinois. made tat he difereat dllss la th« OalAa. KBshaasemhalowwtegrrcstratoa. rahjs^tf MOaFORD BROTHERS Bankers and exchange brokers, Dealer i* L% d Warraaia, comer ol Clark and Laka ******* CChartc A. Mortsrd. *•». New York, Isfsn urnr T*i r "irpiritrr ■ TT "~ , "Tir m flJ.Ot ley,ln.OaU.'ttllergks'Uhß'k. mm-* WELLS AND POMPS.— The onders'gned Is prepared to ssanufsetaro fas Rftiawater, Taok* Sor Gaa ICetrea DistH ers* Tubs end Reetlflen. A3sa. ific WeUs, end focoiah Chiin asd other Pumps at jrsssiar"Wjaar fjar&ranw & illarbittfrD. CHICAGO yiLL-FIRMSUIVy DEPOT. T. W. Baxter & Co., loxvracmxs or M E S OF ALL QUARRIES, -u>- C, W. Browns Patent Portable Flouriny and Grist And Dealers la DUTCH A2TK2& BOLTING CLOTHS, Smut Mills and Separators, Separators for Warehouses, Beltings of all kinds, Hoisting Screw* and Bails. Bran Dnstars, Pedes, Proof Sufi, Ac*. Ac. FAIPBANKS' SCALES, —AID— Mill Fnrnlsliin? Generally. Hjtu, Specifications and EttimaU* fnmuhtd token dUnrtd, and th* construction of iiUam and WiiUr Jfiiit contracted for «ntire. STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, xC. The subscribers having obtained the agency for the ffif of Stsam Engraes and Boilers, from the BjnthtUrj of Bagl.y tt SeweD, OF WATERTOWN. N. Y.. would Invite the attention of purchasers to their superior merits of style. wpr»mansh:oandpowers.aljothetr very low prices The following Is a list of prices of Engine and Boiler, together with Heate*. Water and Steam Pipes. Ooeks. halves, Arch Casting and Grates, complete aad ready for ise. delivered la Cnlcago: f horse power $5fW » bone power ILXO 8 •• ** 57S 55 - - LM 10 - " 735 an - 44 X 1,1573 H *• 2 800 35 " - 2,300 lo ** •* 1100 40 " 3,300 asd In Dke proportion for larger sixes as required. Every Engine Is furnished with JUDSON'S PATENT GOVERNOR VALVE For Flour Mills. We confidently recommend them as su« perlor to any other style of Eagtae, and they will Save from 25 to 50 per cent, in Fuel Over the usual class of Boilers In use at the West. We shall keep an assortment of different *fses at our jlshment where they may b* examinedand the necessary Information obtained rexardiag them. Competent men will, if desired, be furnished t* sei up and start Engines taa*y Dirtofthe country. We will also supply WATER WHEELS, SHAFTING, GEARING AO, At «ery Lota figuru. T. W. BAXTER 4c CO., MCI Furnishing Depot. West Water street, between Ran dolph and Madison. Chicago. tW P. O. Address. Box No. TTi. laS-to-bSCg AM MOTH MILL WORKS . (Chicago Branch of the old Buffklo HID Fsnilahl&cl» tablishmeot.) JOHN T. NOYE A Ca I&lao B. Hrvn. Rodent Partner and MQwrieht. 91 Market street, Chicago. Illinois. FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES, rHTlttoaes, manufactured at this establishment, are finished on new anil improved prlaotpie* and are at near perfect as obtained by the best maauflasturers In tbe world. The credit of this establliLmeci tor the past twenty-five years In ftmsisblng Mill ITadings tor nearly every Ptste and Territory to tbe Cnlon w wil known and shall be maintained. Eitra detected Utll Stores m»de on i'pecta) Contract from CholM New c* old Qnarrr block >oye's Imsrived Cockbead sod H. lW t!9indles.llUed In stonrs with Iron eyes, warranted beat In use for Urge and small stones, also, importer* and dealers In Extra D«rj Dutch Alter Boltlߣ Cloths. MILLERS In waat of UOI.TI,\U fcrmanu facturing klxtr* Qu«iltv of Ftnur. can d<nend uwon get Ung the genuine OLD DUTCH ANrfEtL Blnaie and Double Extras, Boiling Cloths made up In a sa»erior style, by givtns length *n.l disaster of lo 'eet and mcbe<. Joan T. Noye'slmproved Qenblfuaal V«ed Ins «nJ Klonr and Grist Mills. PlantatUn Com Wit MiiiCutiats and M«cklnery of every description fttr nl*bedto order on short nntl e. from new pftttsrea N<-ye*s Improved Pruro-e Ml'l. Aip-nia 'or tbe BoiTslo Fcate Work, uoable proved Turbine, Reaction and Omtral Qis charge waier Wheels warranted -sail totie best, fitted with Cast Steel or Boiler Irou BucKeU warrantel to »ro- t»erc-at. ge of power. Pmnt sl#o*une aod SeparaUr. for tnlUs a- 4 w v houses. Cb nee Cane Milli dogir m I UjisePower. Mi ls for G'ocer les. Noye's Improved iron Bo'llng BeeU John T. Note's Flour Packer. Stationery and Portable Endues Belt lug. Hose and &team Packing. Landphera Stoke Planing Machines aid \l>l- Farolshlatceaeially. Having the largest 51 n furnishing 3 ock la the West we can sell at a tower rate tuan any other establishment N B.—We willcoatract to fiunlsn and bull' Mills cou plet-. or tarnish rlana and •Deification.} .or UUlwruhta m~ Address JOHN C. NoYE A CO.. Chicago, LL deSDbTTU ly K. T. Crauc X Bio., 103 Wat Lake Strut 109 KAxcracTvaxxi aan nsauaa at STEAM, GAS ASD WATER PIPE, BOILEB FLUES, VALVES. COCKS, STEAM WHISTLES, OU Cops, Gaage C««ks, Steam k Water Gaajee, STEAM APPARATUS For Vermliic llotels, Cborebes, Fio> torles. de3o P. W. Gales, Wam:r. inalmers k Fmscr. MAN'UFACTUEEKS OF RAILKOAB CARS Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Portable Circular Saw Mills, Oates' Paten; Screw Cutter, asd Agents tor the ssle »f Portable Flour asd Cora 14111' and Bolls; Engine and Hand Lathes, Drills, W#od Fhlcgle Mills Slide rests. Steam and wa;er Gauges, tluished Brass Work POWER AMD HAND PLANERS, ETC. Castings sod Mill Gearing made ts order. EAGLE WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL. Mark Goods—"OATSS A CO." r. v. OATxs i. a. wisssa. r. cuunie. a. e. wisiss.... ..n. a. runs. April 33. ISM. HARDWAKE FOB SPRLNG TRADE. 1859." JKWKIT * BCTLEB, Lake Strvst. TNYTTE THE COUNTRY TRADE TO THE JL following: 10 Tons Annealed Fence Wire—assorted number*. S ** 1,(00 Ken Nails—aborted sixes asd brands. LSGO Bdls 3heet Iron—assorted, suo - " ** J inietu-eesarted, 800 - .. ** B. G. 15 Casks BbeetZlae. N PLATE. PIG US. OPFER BOTTOMS. BREASTS and 00VERS, Kirm asd '*M TINNER'S TOOLS, Asu. ▲ COMPLETE ASSORTMENT* [aaj-a3M-ly] | J)URE AIR & PERFECT VENTILATION. i Tha mbscribers takes this method of aoti/Jta* the pafc lie that they have secured Sairjer's FitcitHeitligfc Y«tlUtli(FmM«j Asd are sow prepared to furnish them to order tee Dwelliags, Churches. Schools, Ac. Also, their Stoves obstructed oo the aaiaa principle, for parlors, slsxii '0 •cs aad halls, asd. e*redally bazlroad oars. Ventilating perfectly all rooms la which they ere used and wamlag to aay required temperature. We refer to Messrs. W. W. Boytaxtoa. O. I* Wheelook fnr< CaHcr A Baurr, Architects of this dty. War particulars of the subscribers at tfcek owe No. u aad SSBsoth Lasalle street- ____ t _ A F. LESTER A CO Chicago. Oct. fth. IW. X E~A S ¥~a RKI N8 , OILSBSATID Worcestershire /Sauet, P onousced Extract —bt— of a Letter from a oo.eotssoa.s I] **** GeaUem« Ml at Madras to be the mm;.m jk ToEsßjothsx Oily Cood Sllttj atWoreester. asd Mar. ISBL "Tell Lea A Perrtas Applicable to that their Seuee Is highly esteemed to la- EVERY VARIETY dla and Is. Lnjem «*a - - 3 ion. the most ptlssa ar hm aid as well as the most |JK33P «bol:s»me sauce that DISH. EXTENSIVE FRAUDS. Tbe ealy Medal awarded by the JOT of the New York Exhibition for foreign Sauce was obtained by LEa A FERRINS for their Woreetters .Irs Sauce. The world wide fame of which having led to numerous fomstes, purchasers are requested to see that the na-nes or A Penins are upon tb* LaoeL Stopper and Bo«a Lea A Pemas will r roceed acalast any one InfricMxx either by maautlcturtng or vending SpuHous Seuoe. asJ have Iniructed their coirwpondeots In rartoos parts yf the world to advise them of tny inch taftiaameate. sots Wholesale Agents for tie Cnlted Statet. W aaes»«*a»w»«r» DC>JCASJkSON , Broadway. Sew York. A stock always Is store. Also, orders receivedifor JL rectshlpateats from England. »c3a ba»ly PATENT "Waretiouse. The Beit Safe \n the Worid. PRATT A "WOSCEJTER. Aorvrs 197 Pocth WalersC dr»3m.b>3 LILLU'S ,» ,i„ ... -■ iipiovkd sAra?,g^^Ssaj|H^ BoHbrl. J- WOOUT., dfaMnWaolaDnol so.» UB *«<» *m. MM (fiommisgion SAWYER, PAHKBB & a-«'arxixx.&z» Commi&tion *llerchnntß. \ 258 Jf 200 South Water Street. CHI UOO. IILISOI3. ! Prompt iwrsnnal attentlm slven to t&etala of F'our ! Grain, tttda, Provtslo-s, bee.t. uj Country ; gtmrraJiy f , a : Times copy. I EDWARD SACXET I POHMI3SION HE«CdANT, 2i;: LAKE ! \-/,an«l3t7Booth Weteritreet Advui..r* , >,!.» on : CosslgLments. WII 'give h}sexcluslveaite',>|r.-: tj tna [ sale and oxnasso allkinds of Produce, e;o k «o I liefer to Parker Randy. Cooler tKeua u-»; '< NVt B. F. Carvfr. Gather B*d<. iticago* ! f*. 8. Hasajd, Buffalo: If. Toiger A Co., .Ntw or leans. . , i>* i v HDBOT HEI.3OS PRODUCE, COHMISSIO.V S SHIPi'IXO MEJUWWANT. Ma 6 HUUartfi Block, ooraer CUrk ud ?oath W^er-st*. ij^rOTlb.pai.TONST-AUCH WOHK3. roltn. "• Oswego JUvsr tHarcb The» 2^i^ rt ?S* UldD /i!®LS3 ,e C £. ra * sutKrto* walltr. Orders addressed 10 M. NELSON, p O. wtllreoelvo prompt attention. ocibUilr .GEORGE R. EOKX.ET (POXMUU.T KCXUT, Mosax A Cu..) Frodoco Commission Merchants |_| AVISG PUttCUAbED THE INfE KKST A-l of my partoeri In tne flrn of fckley. Morse A IK-'.L7. L i 0 ? U:i ?Si ho^r:K^Q^', OommijUoji batlue* on « oV'SJ 8 "*/'!> No - 7 PJar-tj's it lU-itnu. corner •frS*" 8 * 0 ; 1 GiO. H. ACKLKY. Chicago. January 'M iPto. Vjli 60-c.>» CULVER A CO, Commission Merchants, Sl6 Soutta Water Street. 7 B.F. Ccxvxx C E. Cijlvzji, iatbnt ly )Uao a. wiLUAMi D- liocatngLiaa WH.LIAM3 A HOXJGHTELING COMMISSION MhRCJUAN'TS, ♦ n. 0 :, ,? 0 . a ,^ 1 Water Street, second doer West Bridge, give/helrexciujlvs atuntlnmo thesaleandturchaseofajUin.l*of atot*. on commission. Cas!i adraacei o'Lad;n* and property la »tore. -n.t,. k Co. nneßank.and Geo. i*teeie t " lj HIRAM WHtZLia PSODUCB UUMliij-i ~ j;a!'.CHA},'T Coraerof ..;,!cr.iroet. AHSKLEa-d BCILUISiI-H- btiisi. chle ** o . UftS tojo lUiaoti liM - - Winter Ammg.aitat - - 1859. N. W. QHAHZM i CO, Fortcanhng Merchants, SUpflo(Agents Illinois Ctatnl Ballroad, lad Htarf Boat Praprleton. WE HATE JUST PUT DOWN [ltO.V .. Tllci i¥ l i, al ! ,lt * ,r » Jto * dlr-cUy tronlhe old to oar 14 hxrl Bau. .Men rD.hl c tn totorwarl «ltH urcu Jeiiialcli 1 SlSfJUii.*™?™? WIW u au«.J<l! a to any other metnod of handling. We also give prompt and careful attention to re-shin. wtr U »i* SlfL *° kvansvUifr Cim:nn»U, ft e ? Un fl,. pl^b s i * h « N,s » uncans aad ilempi^j. Cairo. Illinois. December lath. laM. o e a b7g? Sn JUAES <k CO., """ PRODCCE coamssiox SIKRCHiNTS* ADVANCES MADE 0* PRODUCE IN jCA, Scow or for Shipment, Sterling Exchange on SiSivS* *^ 8 ' a. J£xcu *?f Qa New *ork bought aod Ri *• * i » 5T COXXIBBIOH KBRCHAST, ~ J CCiTIAL WEA&T. DCMALO, H. 7. MS A WALLB3. OOMMiS3iO« MHZ. oaurrs. laniUTU BTBUT- HXW YQRi. w.uiiF4 co., SO. 17SIATI aTiil-t. 01110410. : ; .i. flan dc LKSffEK, ' PRODUCE *t COMMISSION MEHCHANT3 14 Dearborn itre«t. ClJaue, liUnols. cash advances on oilas H. BaHt'o HTHeferto J. U. Uuan;un. PrcsidenL Kcraohu. ftly A Ux. Chicago, aad A. x gasUuniev*. BuJaio. ,>JJ\ r.o. sALToxsTau. a u ruucaaa JoeiTcTTimsZ _ P. €. SALXONSTALL & CO., /COMMISSION STOCK UliUKhxiS, COR \J NtR Clark and L.ike street*. Will attend 10 C:o ptircluuesud sale of tUocka and uoadsof evvr? Jm,;. uon, either In this or la the New York Martev uuoi*. Uoasolthe New York Stock Market daily i>y tdegraph. Bales and pureh*scs made at Uiu cUiri Kx. changeatlowestratesoffom^lssion. tNUEHWOOD A KM, Comm iss ion .lAerclmntx, 152 9* Water Street, siairr>-iv t >hi\\<;Q. WE ARI. PRUPAULD TO ilAlvK OA. U AD\'A.NcK.iouWr<4in.&r ae S«>4am«*s<i'nntii.iwn. A ';:=>»> :3->. sV UumMijjiurt TTTuT • chants, ooraer o t floath Water asd Franjuia •trtete. JHICAfiO iU.TN.'i^ P. KRIKOH. wylQ-tlM* B. ornauo. uc.-Aftii AVceaam Give their sxoiuslv» atteattoatotho FC2CHABE AND SALE Ot Flotur 9 Gram, and other Proves* os ooaMiasica. 14C. South Water cor. Clark rtr*ei...._ 1M UOSSsSCIy C-HICAQQ. iririn«unssj ■ PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. IW Son W»«er atiwet, Culeajo. Lil>i*ral aJt*ho« m»«le on '-ouuguaf •".i*. HarssKAcas— J, 11. luuliam, Cbtraco; .1 Voun» f. <u>. Obxago: Hoyal Nayir*, lit; v »*», S-w YorW: HcaiDg « >Voodr<ia. Hi ,J jjinin, HAUIEtt, WALLAt E to., Commission .lierctianla, ,UW I'URH. * Underwood Jc Co., CJxlcago, mbg'uS-ly Agents for ihq h.iria-»«».«;. HOBERT, PRODUOB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Dealer la all kinds or 41our and feed, and Country Pro due®* Wliolc*ale and detail. Ml and243BSnale. cornerof Woleottstreet, Cblcjwo, IU. Flour and Feed delivered to any cart ol the cHy rre« of iW trr.'i i» fla.ffc.ti' DIKECtOKjr. MTlhe followingUstofßastnesslionset taring Establlahmentsareaoontc the best asd oiuu; sria> Bent la their respective Unes of buunes*. VFlafri aid Wholesale* w. a. WING Wholesale Agent for Wines. Liquors and Segars. 1? Lv salle street, between Lake ana Water, (one door from the Merchants* UoteJ), Chicago, 111. All klndj or prop erty takes la exchange for goods. Agent for A! ta an d Porters. ayH-ir WHlte Lead Works. L. LTON fc 00. Maaoraotoaaas o» WHITS LEAD AND ZINO FAINT. o<Bee ard Factory corner ol Halxtsd and Fulton street* West Side. mqiM-iy staple and Fancy Dry Gooda Wholesales tPEAZE TVTAR3H ADE LONG* Jussatcs or BTAPLZ AMD FANCY DR7 GOODS AT LOW PRICKS. ahlO-ly No. Lakff «*re»t. ClattUag W lioteai* HUNTINGTON, WADSWOSTH ft PARKS, Manufacturers and Dealers In hen ani> bovs> clothing, 53 u d «0 Lake street, Chicago. l« Hanover street, Bostoa. Mass. Asrlctltaral Impleaents, 9lu P. M. OHAPSIXAN AGO. I Agricultural Waroh.ouae. Ho. M Xloaie street. North Side Wholesale Dealers la 1 AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL QfPLS» MEN TS. MACHINE*, Ae. Agents for Manny's Reaper and Mower, tah^ly Paper vyafeaaaso Waolesale* .BRADNER SMITH & 00. " Manufacturers and Wholesale PAP E a DEALER »S All slses of prtot and book constantly on hind. Cash paid for all unds of Paper Stock. Warehouse No. U between Lake and S. Water-su mhti-ly B—ts aad Shoes Wtiolemite* twvv.i.prß * Manufacturers asd Wholesale Dealers la BOOTS. SHOE 3 AND RUBBERS, No. 309 South Wflterst. oor. Well*sU CWtaco. a. a. wills*. mhiaty csas ssoww. WADSWORTH A VTEXLS Dealers la BOOTS SHOES, SB k6O LAIB-ST, OHIOAGO, ILLINOIS. s.w.waoawoxra. mhli-ly qso. as. w ills. RAWSON BARTLETT A CO.. Manufactur?rs and Jobb**v is BOOTS AND SHOES, 211 fc 213 SOUTH WATBH-ST., CHICAGO. Ma«ufaetoryatWestßoylei«on. MamachmrUs. (tttkery, Class A China Ware. .. .WboleaalAi CRAWFORD SHARP A 00. Znporters and Deai.-uein OSOOIEHT, GLASS OHINA* Table CsUsy. Looklag Glasses, Castora Brlunnia Ware, obity No. 11* Lake Street. Goth Hease Übolwaie, 18M SfNIUG IRAD£. 18A8 FIELD, BENEDICT a. CO., u * sa souti> witw atr-M*. llflnowrecdTlntUielrßiMllM, rtockor Broadolotba. Ca»sl:me*«; DOE3KI*S TWEEDS VESTIf OS satotw, xxsiticzt jsaxs, c&rrosAiisa Cwitlip, Liana ud Lines Drills, TAILOB'S THIMMIMO3, ETO, ETft to which they lavitethe iittealloa of the Trade. %B flu nle for Scott's Rsooit of Fashions. mhtfMM Hata, Cayfc tad Straw GoeUs tfheieaale* BENEDZOT XOALLOR7 A- FARNAJMI WHOIJKSAI.K JOBEERa □T Hats, Caps and Straw Qoodaj NO. M AJtD« LAX 3 jTKBBT ahn pi.Bi.f; mu,S*3ti Dwn, *«• WM. 80M)IE'8 SASH FACTOBT. ol pen nr. elj ud customers. (Jonntry orders solid.?i. and MnaTo-rert. m»r Q*» i*3t . ~ CarrW »gp*riury. ' mm M.mafac^a) Carriages, Buxzies aad Spring Wwons. Saeatiy execaWL Hose usrrltgea Ilrok aad Lacl order. - lUoosaory. at American'FsnspertationCa s BolldJng,