Newspaper Page Text
PRESS-AND TRIBCNE. ™ •' ' ■ ~ A FrotM .unfrwaS, 21,1888. Proceed Tfce lAit Gasp of Illinois Leeomp- fo n o , touiam. The absurd and ridiculous pretence tliat "°™*° the lack of a quorum in cither House of the ™° f - -TGfnerß Awemhly" preclude. die exercise of of C • the constitutional prerogative of the Exeeu- j oarnal> w i - tire In' vetoing nlnll, i» the last dying gasp j) emoc rotic of Lwomptoniem la IlUaota. Thl» pretcnoe, patched up to serve the ebam Democracy in The ondi a single instance, is so diametrically In appo • mtion to the usage and custom of onr Legis- lhe s lalure, of the Congress of the United Stales turn of the and or all other law making bodies, that did p a rot ' ( not know the Impudence and recklessness end of cer or those who support It, we might believe that they were diverting themselves, daring nprn tb<» j the lata hours of the session, with launching _ preposterous and untenable opinion?, instead 1 cn ' of as n«uaL paper balls, tobacco quids aud February empty w bbiy-fl-sk«, at the heads of the Be publican minority I But let them be content, dr. Glove Their bill is finally and effectually vetoed, and their factious coarse and petty spite will |, e 'fore ihf not raise it from the grave in which it is "to Seen liaried. They may howl aod.curse; T)ut the ™ nO * DC " Governor',) " I forbid!" exeroiacd in a reffu- 0 f B »id H Urand oonttitutional manner, is as potent us if their conduot were marked with the dig- >IK Srri nlty and decency which become the law makers or a State. oSi!?* IT they donbt the correctness or the Eepub- .nuns." licaa position on this point, the Supreme co^e r nc Court ia open to them, where we hare no confusion doubt, ir all good sense, legal acumen and | House, k Qommou honesty hare not loft the Bench, I .E. they will b« able to satisfy themselres of the I Heaaage Illegality and impertinence of their assump- I tlons. They got justice in that tribunal once I jivered t before In a suit growing out of the veto of a w former Apportionment bill; now let them | tho Mm( trr actio, if jastiae be not that which they Massac t art most afreid o rl The Court ia " Demo- £K°£ r cratic," to its last man. Let the Democratic I the Go* Court decide 1 I mentTft 7*r I bis band Government of Large Cities. I er ed tbe When it is asserted, as it is often in those ing then days, that Democratic institutions are not I aod lh£ . to the government or large cities, bertror let it be remembered, that, by reasons of 1 causes which ire need not stop to explain, Bt uioo, the affairs of most of the larger cities or the inform. Union have been in the hands ol the sham | Democracy. The abuses which have grown appear. up in New Yoik,and which have made her ™4 n 2 government not only a reproach to our civil u p oi polity but to the civilization of the age ; the btoj» disorders which have plunged Philadelphia 1 ftctß „ «o deep into debt that extrication is almost inth* impossible, the extravaiauoo aud profligacy 1 aisre jj that have nearly bankrupted Cincinnati and lency i St. Louis, and which taxes the property of Grtto Hilwanksas high as six per cent., thetnse- I he •urity of persons and poseaiioiu which maiKs j bm foj most or the places named, the of tative rowdyism and licentiousness which make New I Tork more dangerous than a highway in rol* 1 e O- cct ] bor-riddeii Italy, the wrecklessnessof exptn- j t.neG« ditnre which piles up taxes until ihey have I o i,j ec . beoome almost unendurabe, are the direct I and expected consequences of long years or I flagrant democratic misrul#. Whenever "the I a uttio Democracy," offering premiums to illegal and ajjtod fraudulent voting, and to the unrestricted ex- I 1 & ercise or those callings which oorrupt the mo- I cause rals and impoverish the resources of a peo- | a i ßo pie, have longlield power in any large cily, I Ihstr the most disastrous consequences have inva- I Tiably followed. We cannot now call to 1 , be , mina a single instance in which the 1 artic truth or what we itate is controverted by li(m the experiances of the past. Tbe rule that 1 irom the Democracy will govern and that they I must govern through tbe men who give them J (Jim power, has been to far accepted by thousands I ■ of thinking and patriotic citiaeus, that they j b)| reg&id tbe experiment of popular institutions I awr In the management of large cities as a failure, I Ihe evil reaulta of which will accumulate j lir, from year to year until hopeless anarchy is lishj established, or revolution comes to their aid. I , r- £, Our rpa<ior<>,in «nt«p»nc npnn on anima'ed I in fl canvass for the officers who are to b« cnu | lor tbe next year with the taxation of tlieir I property and the protection of their personp, j .t, e . will bear time facU, brkfly cta'ed, in their u- j xalnds. Let them, if tbey ean, point out tbe cities io which the Democracy have horny ftrc< ewsy for a mtlcb of years, and in which difc- I order akiu to anaicby baß not followtd their 1 „ c!f . prooe Bioo of power. Lottbem bilr.gup tc uuai tbelr wcolU'Ctiofl, with the vividness with I mf . vhic'u it was originally presented, the Dyer j isn possession of ISSS, a; d they will be a | aL so lon for the reuuts why Democratic muni- j „ut •lpal government is so disastrous-no loss 0 for rsaaouß why that government should not e iu be re-established in this city of Chisago. ££ That famous march was an epitome of the 1 uot Influence or modern sham Democraoy in mu- I j>o nicipal affairs, which no tax-payer can afford I , U( to forget. I Exiles from Italr. J' f ' Italian exiles, as well as organ-grindars, I are beimirehed with an unpleasant fame in I the United Elates. Two impostors to one U| patriot, two beggars to one brave man, two I u bewhiskered and sacdy Counts (making lave I to yonr daughter) to one gentleman of refined feeling and common sense—'have givon the I whole a sinister and psrhaps undeserved rep- H ntation. Bat thare will shortly be landed on bt the shores or this country sixty or eighty or I o( the remains of Neapolitan dungeon life and 1 b; •tarration, including the brave and noble I Saron Peorio—by order or Bomba, the brute l ef and bully par txtlUnu of European crowned h beads. I These men are guilty of no erime, nor even 1 d its suspicion. Ia the convulsion of 1848, I when Bomba swore to defend the ConsUtution I a of Naples, ihey were members of the uational I Parliament, firm iu their devotion to liberty, | n yettrustTul of their sovereign's solemn oath I » to preserve and respect It. The King and I j, ■the Parliament dispatched an army to aid I b Lombardy in her struggle for independence. I v Two months later the same army was retailed I a by Bomba to butcher bis own subjectsand 1 D Peorio, Settemkrina and the whole represent- I ative Coonnil of the nation were arrested and I thrust auddenly intp.ctaiui«j r»tii Jnn- I gaons far below the level or the sea, in walls crusted with nitre and the death damps of I 1 hundreds of former victims. From then un- I til now they have never once seen sunlight, j The late agitation in Italy has started the j guilty rears of the tyrant of Naples. He I ( opens lb* doors of bis submarine prisons and | ( proclaims calls an "amnesty" to I : Poorio and his rellow-sufferere. That iE, he | , provides them with a conveyance to America* 1 and lands them with one hundred dollars I «aoh In a strange acd distant land. I Though strange and distant, It will not prove 1 Inhospitable to theie brave and suffering man. I ■ Their virtues, their their long and J . nsspeakably Infernal martyrdom will com- I mend them to the hearts or thousands on thiß I aide the Atlantic. The noble, the raithlul, the seirdenying and the the true, belong not to a people but to humanity. What is It t Ia tha proceedings of the Illinois State Senate . . em theltth, we find the following: .Mr. O'Kean osUm. called op bill to repeal an act approved Feb. 17, 1867, and to amend an act to redoce the law incorporating the any of Ohioago a&d the aereral acta amendatory there . - . of into oae aet, and amend the same. Bill read twice. Mr. Goudy moved to refer the bill to tbe Committee on fitoka and Corporations. Lost. Ur. Jadd mored to taepead the rule for a third re*diog of the bilL Mr. Fuller objeciing, lb* ayes and noe« were called with tbe foJloiriog result: r*A«-Meect*. Adans of Lee, Appliogton, "Bettor, Blodgett, Brooks, Bryan, Baekmsster, Coffey, Cook, Heoderaon* Jadd, Marih&U, O'Eeas, Parka, Post,..Caderwood, Vanderea —l7. - lf*Ts-~Mestri. Faller, Goudy, fllgbee, Sespp, Martin—is. So tbe role wis taspeaded and the biU read a third time. Mr. Higbte moved tbe previous qaestion. Tbe i|aestiem being on tbe pusage of the bill, it ><nid-ajas 14, noes 8. *W«baT« been asked by a number of nersocs what has baea repealed the passage' of this bUL "We naderatand; it is tbe grand Booth ?ark ichama that waft ptmd two jeira ago has baan .v «aliatlslacU<mtothetaK-pajera. ' Fuama Oow.-.TU**diao« (Wii) Armts afcfe to Pike's Paak and wiU uka along with Jpn |bf MttnaU Ut • vwkiy paper, THE HBGLT TO GOV. BISSKU«_ THE AI a VMtMt acsioat tbe Border-Xolllaa Meeting tn tlie Leg^cre. The following ia the Protest raad in the Lower TUIPB Houae of the General Assembly on Wednesday morning, by Hon. Mr. Mack of Kankakee. Af- _ lCa ™[ ter much squirming and tribulation on the ptf t . jjeTi-B of the Democracy, it waa auffered to go on the met journal, where lt will aland aa a monument ol ricbest Democratic lolly and spite. airare of rKOTMT. bonerahle r The underaigned, mambera of the HoMe ol i„tereata. It RonrMentativee. and within the bar of tne T..«» sasasaag L h nfor^n'& tt o"rLt,&- ■ working m bo fottStXintle^ ,r h'. ,b .n,«^ nP^r>iri D constitutional ' & l on J the e mornbgof To'eaday, of Joa enter- February iutut, a. iilh °io* order the Society, tt SpLTer l th«"f. W "d C prayer offered by B ; v. astove.a dr Glover And thereupon no motion having exoept, pe been made"' no order'of bu.inew comtnenc, llle e" and there being no t»»•»"»«* V° d Geo ,„gisf, no except in the Barof the Houae, and beingjust audibly taste of il innounc d by the Hon. .me.ber lowing purport: a P e... r £«_t a*a directed by the G«verporto return towbent "a« %i«.i*!lTei.from vhlcb It orifianed. 11 ibf HoiJW or Af-^f!r-iv- Ken*lcrUl end Eepreteota- Here JOOI ~i commJnce C d, ottenw. to remove some mil! ! tbe Presi ' ordered the ssid bill and message to be r<hde- wcU as 1 : livered to said Secretary, which several £ ! lo be done by the Hon. Ur, Green ot Mau«u The i wort .I. f I Massac threw the btlt a ,°*^? or ® printing - Mge^° te f D omTH^ fl 'gathe™ r d up°he'bin, s S mewagi fonttining hie otjee- copies, o I . Private Secretary'a announce- The hab I meet, folded them together, and took th'™ «n societies ( hiahandin full view of the Houaa, and deliv- xoerest 1 ered tbem to the Speaker of said Hcnae by lay- t j OIJB 0 t e I ing them upon the tahle of aaid Speaker. The g(H up i I Soeaker brushed eaid documenU from hia table, per. bin< ' 1 and they tell npon tbe floor. The Hon. ineic- Tbe t F, ] ber from Massac, alter readme said documents, ofth e p . I , on v thfim or some of them, but which these to call < I proteatanti do not know, into his P"j a little 0, aeasion, and there they remain, «o far as we are joduce JC ' n *Sr'these transactions had taken place, » entrust m I call of the House waa ordered and had. aud it honr B| rn I knneared that there waa at the time of aaid call p re j en i 1" no qoorum, upon which the Hons, adjourned ■il Oo Dp«'the above plain atatement of rmdenia- & nil I leney to be correct, aa lollowa. "™ o 'bi ot\ Gt *kmcn<lflhtllmMi^K'pracnllUw»: ae- I I herewith return to yonr honora ile body m tick , . I W w c \! the same originated, the bill knowl I bill for an act to cieate Senatorial - er of tativeDiatr.cts.and lar(!el 'D' -totantlally the «ry B et avc I urced agansttheLccomptouCcustiiu no t gl ■cct the ftothtls of this bill in common with Ye ara r X™ it is but fair to presome tbat it found its thingi I 0 I into this bill by oversight} ana that its done, 'the I will be glad of the opportunity, now wonlc and XS.To"xpelß and to givethe bUi auchahape ,!« P eo ' I also wholly within the Eighteenth Senatorial p r em *I oticctta Bwd hill becoming a law, he- icKS o .i.a bv l . in Sie matter of giving ««»»?». call ( II "> the provision of tbe tenth, aecuonotilie third ho „, the I article of tho Constitution is disregarded, tin at lei , !istttat by thia bUI the spirit oftheConatitn- c xpe 1 b >" tion is violated in the that 1 [rem the principle of single d'etricJj A gUr , gel , no. instance is the thtrty-second Bepre.-enta- muc : J I t j ve DUtrict, composed of tbe coa ,°^.* ri ° tribi ■hem I chamoaign, Piatt, DaWitt, >«m, Uoul . c ,etj tbc-j I Utiles shnw that these seven counties div d: atle! I* 1 " it U t lisbed by tbe bill* , prei I For these reasons I object to said bill becom- • ' aid. | ißg a j aWf aad herewith return it to the House ftppi wed in which it originated. lAoU .' I I oyiivjjuxa, reb. -2, prei tbeir We, therefore. Representatives of the People of out ■sonp, s ,' at c oflllinois, and members o. this House, their i.'ieicby enter onr Protest against the above cal f ,u,. giaieJ acts or this House and or its Speaker, and ' ibe agmr.-t tie Indignity attempted! tnete to I be of- mi, K>rny i '-red to a co ordinate br.inch of tbe Government • dis. in 'he eietci-* of its lunctious ; and we a-terl tno that ti)p proceedings had are tevolutionary in char- con their 1 >lC!f . r aDa contrary to established rule and prece ,p lo dcaL tbat at p „ t jmes when the Hou=e is nut wltli I intci-ii.u wbeilier wilh or without a quorum, it ing Dvcr 1 !s tl.e ri-ht of the Senate or the Executive to com- cos I ii.naica'e me?fliß,cs relalive to puhic bu-tnesa; 1 J® at J . mjj ligbtof the Senate or Execouvecan wit muni- I uui Ijfffu'.ly be impeded or delayed ty any action > lots I a clear principle, that, although d not I either Hm*.e of the General Assembly mayJjy ab ■«<?■ - of the 1 uot urefent tbe exercise ol tbe constitutional I ;h mn- I power of the other Departments to oommuuicate ne! _ , I business to be altcrwurda acted uoon; and that Bfi{ I tbe doctrine announced by Mr. Speaker on tbat I sat'icct leads to this man\lc3t absuraity, that if ma I eiiherHcufle irmains, without a quorum,ten days Th I alter tho passage of a bill, toe Governor's power I of veto, nudcf the Cousmution, w abrogated by indars, I mere of such ttonse. ime io I We ttf&rm forthtr, tbat it is the uniform prece- Sti I dent and practice, when baidneas is proceeding io , 0 , to oue llje n OU3C| m j, businesa is eusjHinded upon tbe .0. two I announcement of a menage from tbe Governor or P» Jw I the Senate; and tbat such precedent and practice Ba Uve lis based upon tbst proper respect due to those fQI refined | hrancbes oi tbe Government. . rnn the We further affirm, th lt in the present instance 00 Ino business of auy kind was in fact before the cr ed rep- I y 0:1?e . uD d coawquently there was nothing to ga ided on I be interrupted ry the Governor's f l We iurther efiirm, that there had been no call gbty oi l o f tb e uouse, nor aoy vote or proceeding taken mi ife acd Iby which it could lawfully be ascertained whether cr i I there was then present a qaorurn or any other i noujc nnmber of members; andtlut the bpeakefa as e brute 1 pertion that tbero was no quorum is merely his rowncd I individual opinion wiihout any record to sustain th I his statements. gt Inasmuch, therefore, as we believe tbe no's and or even I declsratious of the Hon. Speaker of ibis Hon>o h p lQio I and of individual members to bo contrary to law B; [ loio, 1 auj io {he Constltstion, in violation of all respect* c , tilution I able rule and precedent, revolutionary and dan • i. I gerous in their tendency, directly Insulting to the iauouw | Executive and pernicious to the people whom we ©< liberty, | represent; and inasmuch as we conhider the acts w nn oath I of individual members of tbis House ia dariiing j I public documenU upon the floor, and io possess " ng and I jtjjttJeroselveaof the same without authority, to nc 'to aid Ibe audacious usurpations of the control ol the r , 3 I House tbe evidences of legislative action, _ icdenco. I we d o iier«by Protest against every and all of said ~ retailed i acts, and require that this, onr Protest, be entered tl • I upon tbe journals or this House of Representatives. t ;ta ' and tprm-Jidd, r*. -Od. im Tr r present- I Stephen A. Hc&lbvt, A. W. Mxcc* 0 !tca ana L . s. Cnoacn, t .ti Jntw j l.anvicn j in walls I ■ • ■ t amps of I Jleetiog of the Investigating Com»it« t I,«n „n tee—Uelay of the Jttepoxt—The Caba , , e ° ' n " Bill. o nlight. I fSpeeltl Dlcpttcb to the New Tork Tisei.] t rtcdtbe 1 "WA*aisQTos;Peb. U. t ip. tt. 1 BenorliaUbaa not yet arrived, ao that tbe J a I question of bis reception aa the repreaenUUve i sons and l o f the Joarei Government is not formally made i »sty" to I yet. 1 *ie The President ia still in aa much of a quandary i at is, ne i M er£r at to what be aball do with resnect to i America/j Mexico. The more information he gets, the leaa I dollars I be knows what to do. The odds are tbat be will i uuiiiu i the course of non action, and it land. I leave Mexico to tbe mercy ol England and tot prove i Franca. . I 1 have just learned, npon excellent authority, ing men. I two Commissioners are on their way to St, long and 1 Thomas, aent by ldiramon. to invite Santa ... I Anna bach to Mexicc to take charge of tha rill com* i (jflTanKaeat. Tbia ia conaidered a Earopean is on this I move. faithluL The Nichols Investigating Committee met to -4 <Jt T to examine witnesses. There was an cvl ilong not £ e& { disposition on the part ol some of ita mem> bers to make light of the charge, and to suppose _ members of Congress necessarily immaculate. Wiaslow gave tbe first witness examined dis- o * tinct notice ol bis intention to attack his verael ate Senate ty. TLU is the usual mettod when it is prede termined to screen guilty parties- try the wit* Ito repeal ness instead of tbe acensed. During the pTo amend an grese ot the investigation to-day the Hon. J. A. he city ol Bearing was called into tbe Committee room, ory there- where, it is understood, be will herealter remain 'Bill read during the Committee sittinga. Although tbe evidence in tbe Sherman Inves >lll to tbe tigation closed aereral days sgo, and the Be ms. Lost, publiean members have prepared their report rule for a and had it all printed, tbe majority, to-day. postponed their report to the Houae nnttt bdm v*re Wednesday. The evident purpose is to delay action, il possible, until too lata to force the ncliorton. House to vote on the extraordinary develop-- ments to be made. MarllSj AUson'a amendment to the Thirty Million bill, of which ha gave notice to day, ta considered Yanderen indicatiTe 0 f certain defeat of Blidell's «e,£oapp, t, oi Mexioo, has empowered Wirt t**A n Dr. Smith to get arms, ammunition aud officer*, I Diu reao a BQ mOQ> bu sent to Gen. Wheat, ten- : lestion. dtrlog him his lonner commission u Brigadier of the bill, that H. S. Fitch participated . in tbe search of Martin and Chandler's rooms or nersocs tere on a s i o rdsy, was erroneous Be was pre isge of this gent, bnt refuaed to participate. 8. and Booth 1 yeara ago Haan U*.—The Mankato IvUpttdvd loams U - iTe -en. that tbe Winnebagoes have squandered all tbe money paid them ia the early part of winter, and that tbey have sold the bills or order* to tha fia.) Arav* . traders for nearly the fall amoantdue them ot from that next semiannual payment. Coaaequently atoug with tbf te»dar». THE AQHIODLTUBAL SOCIETY. | 'i » I by. I met n Meeting at the ExecotiTe Board ;at I ißowland, Springfield. . . ' lands-a dc TIM PRINTING OF TH* TKINBICTIONB. * article—foi , tbe corner [Corrsipondeace of the Pre« and Tribaoa J , lbe . — R*i*o»mß,r?b 52.18». its and, I ~ Tbe"Er-Board o'f oar State Agricultural Society met to-doy. As tbe farmers of this great State, first and richest In native agricultural wealth, may not be aware of tbe dignity of tbe place In which tbe RaUa fo j bonerahlemen meet to look after their industrial Pri< Interests, let OS'say a word about the Society 1 ® wotiov rtwu Room. Ueartha TabUo Sqcare In stands tbe State Capital, devoted to law making and disorder, yoa may see a dozen or two grave, earnest, hard- Tbewaj •working men filing along. Tbey stop at and as- j D g queatii cend a narrow stairway between two stores. Yon np> follow tbem—passing a room with door ajar yon | see a Jostice of the Peace presiding at bU bencb, |be co j dec with the usual attractions arouuci him. Tbe next 1 no j y t you enter—lt is the office of tbe Secretary of tbe I n Society, the worthy Jlr. Francis. AUble,a desk, | opene ,j fo & alove, a bed and chairs constitute tbe furniture, I f except, perhaps, some old dry goods boxes and I p rove y OO tbe valuable library of Br. Norwood, late State | no 0J Geologist, wholly exposed to the dust. We take | gold j no exceptions to the floor—presume it suits tbe | it lbi taste of its incumbent. The 6ociety pays tbe I row# j» < rent of this room. It is a room to be pioud oT. OQe to fir Prairie Farmers, you ought to be proud of having J such a place to direct your friends and strangers teanit JOI to when they visit the Capital of thePraine State* j OQ j. jj 0 Here your board meet acd discuss tho varied in- I groui tcrcits wbich devolve on them. The Board yon j reafl y t0 know—good men, and true to what tbey believe | toberigbt—workers themselves they want to see J i others work. Farmers mostly, a merchant or two, | t some military officers (not dangerous men at all I wealt j • in our peace establishment); a nurseryman and gefc forU [ banker witb quiet step and piercing black eye is 1 cholce Q| i tbe President. All good men, and practical as BtartiQg| - we U as true—mostly turned the middle of life, | several of them with heads slightly silvered. I I Tbe morning was consumed in getting ready for | saH a work .The Legislature said an emphatic "Nol" to j 0B fto '♦ printing the third volume of Transactions. Tbe j ? last volume is said t" h«»e coat SIB,OOO for 8,000 I ( copies, of wbich the parent society w«trod 3,000. I ceQt >• xhe balance were disposed of among the county I crota j D g * societies and to the favored ones near the i throw. ferry bo Tne rest cost us $2 each volume. The Transac- I '* tioos of New York State Agricultural Society are | road frc e coi no in a style fur superior to ours In type, pa- J side of 1 per, binding,i.luitrations— $1 eacb. 1 tbeSmc Tbe Board were loath to give op the printing s » of tbe present volume, and depoted a committee and iue ,e to call on tbe remains ot tbe Legislature—now I source,) a little troubled for want of their other half—to I foo re induce them to be good, and appropriate only I _ oann five or ten thousand dollars for the purpose, and 1 » entrust the printing to them. At two P.M., the and &oi lt hour appointed for the House to assemble, thev 1 can, am all presented themselves at about tbe fortunate I 1 6d moment when the GovernoPa secretary ap- I h oearedalso. There was a hooting and shouting 1 ia * and aucb a bedlam broke loose that we were not I Toe on< 118 able to learn the reception which those honora- piatte, !* e ble farmers met with. -a l Bouille It is no use to hide the fact that the idea of | of orintiug a volume of Transactions of a lot of mu lch IllincU farmers met with decidedly upturned I Valley ;el * noses in cur present or passing-away Legisla- I Cora lure. This was not confined to either party. I •'Nobody reads them," said one. "Tber are drf atufi," said another, and so with enfl and I t>ra« in kick was tbe farmers' small contribution to I foarvr knowledge turned out of doora. # It is prop* I '. en " er to state, however, that the Legislature was I ~ , lon largely composed of farmers who could have .. J carried tbp printing measure if they had so J mixroj chosen. " ' q^ck, iTTifiKOOK sassioir. j lookec 'try Returning again to'the Board, they could I lOih 1 itu no t gi Y e up their dear reeord of the past two rith *eara. It was ao choice—told so many nice I . . its things, and tho farmers mnst know what wrs j its done. Besides, the bonor'of tbe Society abroad I the m now would not be maintained. There was some I j t ispe 400 in tbe treasury (though the books at the I B npro last meeting showed only tBOO unappropnated.) I Korth be* Thta miflbt be used, and the money received at I dry I iced t v e - aleß tne next fair alao, Tbe SB,OOO an- I Qdnc and naa j appropriation from the State must go for I Hayn arial premiums. After much discossvon tbey con- I Keob eluded to publish the third volume of proceed- park he- ingß themselres; would send to »ew York ond I yaile uea, e ,u on the Appletona' and Harpera' publishing T ,ne. hird honeea and gel their lowest bide; would hare Th 1 in- «. least 8 000 copies printed, and submit to an winti Uita- expense not exceeding the job. I coldi tires 'hn, wtl a stroke of flnanciering and man- will i gUr- BBemtntitas not prepared to see adopted, l eoft i «»»- mucTu llherieh t!.= iaea of the Reneral du- Wint » of tribation of agricaltnral intelligence. l#e ao- tiee ( I'"'. cie« was declared in nerer snch deep water, I well, It; wl th a premium lißt reduced last Fall, and heavy I rale ntai demands for the future; there were dark days I exha IV d: ahead—the darkest by tar it had ever eipen- Iby t mill- .ncei. Everybci; Snowa thatthe Ute of a tar | Pari jopu. _ t)le inconure which dr«ws the thonsanas wuu "-j smut- articles for exhibition."and a oowefpoading urin, !»tab- nnm b e r of Tisitors—is the amount oi trana.bde pat premiums offered. ... ■com- • What have they done! First, resolved to coul louae anurooriate the funis reetitvid at tht gait nat P'vi to p»7 th. printing the prooeedinaa « ana ■X. Si 'putiiro years. flAuno-cu! down the or 5 premium list-not badly, howerer-and put it thai „i„„r out of their power to oiler any premium on stcjm plows that vul i!» creditable to the so- atf, C *The volume is, no donbt, but I sub k™. Mit, whether, under these particular circum- imcnt stances, tbe measure was judicious? It is well . known that these volumes, valuabk a* thty are, l(j char- contain much that is not of high importance. prece- Besides, if pr actual be-aimed at, and not wi[ , gloritisatioo of tbe society, there are many ave- tQ ( in?e Is noes cpen to tbe intelligent Board for # P r ® teri am, it ing tbe proceedings before tbe people at small j 0 com- cost. , . difl incsi; The balance ot tbe afternoon was occupied g n re can with re-arranging the premium list 0 f action Yours, Thobstost. g ri ■ « ■ Mr honsh Whittlings at the Pines. W< Kn KM Qcisot. IU. Feb. S3.IE». 1» ctcan- Idltoil Press and Tribune: ] itional In my present article, in regard to the bust- tuicute neu advantages, the city of Qoincy offers to all yn in that seeking new locationß no statement will be' mi tbat if made that facta and figures will not sustain, jy :n days Tbe city ia on the east aide of tho Mississippi thi I>™.« River, one hundred and fifty miles above Bt. thi iteu by Lonili and on the extreme weatern point ofthia g prece- stata. It ia twohnndred and eighty-six milea aouth and west of your city. The levea is am- mi rnoro? pie and ahove "high water mark" and "the ™ iractice Bay;" an arm or bayou of the river reaches soma an .o those four miles north, affording tbe most ample bar- ca □stance I > or forsteamera, rafts, logs, or any floating re ire tho craft. This bay would ba worth many thou liing to ian j, 0 f dollars annually to the steamboat in- j u ' no call tere,t of Bt Lo ' li, ' * B|ll * ond " not DMd de ; tsken more by ateamboat ownera for moving their Whether cra ft during winter; where they are entirely ei w" 001 ot 411 dM R ,t {rom raanlnKiM rely his Shippers have the choice of three routes to sustain the seaboard. By the river to Hew Orleans, , . and thence to New York and Boston. By the a] Uon>a Qnincy and Toledo Railroad via Naples and yto law Springfield to Toledo. By the Qoincy and Chi- L cago road to your city. i, Kto the In regard to the route to your city 1 shall take , £ bom we occasion to have my aay when I write my last the acts article of this series about " Matten and thinga possess® in general" Also will give you aome state- Drity, to ments aa to time and coata of the different £ >1 ol the routes, which I think will all be in favor of the tj il of said Chicago ronte. Merely remarking here that f entered the " Hisstssippi" it a great river but it is not ( nfatlves. tht grut Uku by a long ehot. The "mighty" t _ river probably will every year rise and fall, ran t LB 1 over, and spread ont, and have some times c twenty feet of water in the channel; at others f just abcut tbat number of inches. So you see c tbe river ia like tbo ladi*u*s while man very f >mßkit* uncertain. This fact and the entire absence of : Cuba levators requiring all shipments to be u toted" 1 on tbe backs of tbat very intelligent portion of < t».l tbe great nnwaabed democracy oommonly on « Feb. U. the lakes called deck bands or "sogers," it that tbe seems to ma tbat aa far as ever becoming abovo tentative SL Louia tbe great highway for carrying to < jlv m tde market tbe products of ita own valley even it < might as well *' dry up." Tbat tbe shipments | mandary of anin from Qoincy and all points on the river \ aspect to above, will not inereaae In quantity, m propor- : , 1 the less tion to the increase of the ant, that will hereaf. *'t be will ter seek an outlet at Chicago is my opinion, ion and Thus yon see Qaincy has all the advantages of , land and tbe rifer and a northern and southern market thereby and the Toledo and Chicago routes to » of the Hionibal k St Joseph te Santa Railroad, and the Qaincy & Palmyra Boad to re of the connect therewith, give onr manufacturers and Earopean merchants as fine an opening as they can ask for. Tbe pork trade is Isrgely on tho increase e met to- here. Fifty-five thousand head have been pack san evi- ed here..this season, being; etabteen thousand rita mem- more than any year before. To one of my tm -0 suppose mediate neighbors, Mr. Burlbut, who is rurahv msculate ing near the Pities, is due much ot the credit otoed dis- of this inereaae; he having alone packed at this aisveraci- plaoe thirty-threa thousand and ten thou .is prede* aand more at other points. Ha is SMd to hsve r tbe wit* made a handsome earn out of the trade. 1 hope c the pto- so; for he la an upright, go ahead business man, lon. J. A. and Chnstisn gentleman. Beef paokmg hsa also .tee room aasamed greater importaaoe than ever. Over ter remain two thousand bead having been slaughtered here daring the ceason. CoL SamL Jameson oan Inves- and his sod John, both Immediate neighbor* of 1 the Be- mine, are largely engaged in this business, are eir report good farmers, go ahead men* and about as near y, to-dsy. right (aa tbey make 'em. The immense »nver jaae nntil bottoms in ibia vicinity afford axeeuant paatnra ia to delay for stock during-a greater part of the year.ffll , force tha The opportonities for investment in raalesh r develop-- tate, bond and mortgage, manafaclunkg-aad. baukioß are ample, tad sure to be remnnera lillion bill, tire. The stove manufactory. of Comslock 4 considered Co. is an extenaive establishment, and makea jf Blidell's the best of articles, with which tbey auppiy a vast extent of country. There are also exien »mpowered slve machine ahops for all other kinds of iron .od officers, and boiler work, owned by men of capital and Vheat, ten- experience. _ i Bricadier- Tbe alcohol and other distilleries of Thayer . A Bro. are undoubtedly tbe bast and moat ex«. lartieipated tensive in she West _ . ' „ • er*s rooms There are five or six large louring mule on. Is was pre- the levee. How much flour they make 1 have S. no means of knowing, hot I do know what A. i T. Spsncer, Esq,of your city, told me when. irfwflHmi here atewdaya ago: that "the QoiooyMlUs . .. . aaede the but of floor all lA* te««/ fie alio jreo au the aaveral thousand barrels of floor winter, and of oar City Hills vara shipped by him from rden to tha Chicago and Collingweod *a *ha aewoard « •« naaaon, and he axpeoted toteble. the lue them at Sliming seaionT^ oaaequently j that 1 have already got this latter as r*. long a» it irtll bHt ud ba mdaWe, cadwiU take a aaparate artiol, to gi«T<>» °.P eep R , , r t ft J FiTHI obeat « »^ iP rnVw*hfe?L i round the corner. I told bim I wonld mention I itj and, 1 have gone end done About Going to the Gold Mines* I traordinai _ . > j witheingi flouto (o Met'' Peak-OuifiUms tm At Miltouri "rn'tini _Pri«. of Oxm,Hon», Cora. Th. fir wottonii Breton md Oitmd BuAamm- Providence and Ult Admtnuiraiion. | i I &*d taker [Oorreepondenee of the Prwi and Tribnne.l j here, tbe pAarntiXf (llo.) Feb lfi,lfl». I OQM f o: Tbe way to get gold Is an absorbing and control!* | Roche, n irnr nueslion with the American? from their youth him and i up. Banram may lecture on the way to wealth I hatToung America will more across the plans to y rom tb I the colden streama that flow from Pike's Peak. It I pariahea, has oot jet been decided whether the agricultural- Ihem at i iat who raises more produota for the new markets "WJVJ. I opened, or the gold washer, will outstrip in the q aen tij I Tacc for wealth. A fair field ia open. Go to it now, obliged I prove yoaiselvea, ye men »: enirgyana of tofl. mumtud I Let no one be deceived, proridence has scattered I the gold In tha earth over a large surface; to ob- viait,—" 1 tain it there is no escape from the "sweat or the coiito: 1 brow." Calculate to make by unceasing toil from ot^thej • one to fifteen dollars per day. If npon moderate 1„ u >hjll '-1 calculation, yoa concluded to start, and have a them;" 1 inn von might, if within prudent distance, fit ot 'heir ' out at home such things as yon will need, andafter „ jlb °£, ■ I the ground settles mow on the frontier and be q UTi ih e 1 I ready to launch out on the Plains os Boon as the j ( grass rises, I erend g 5 j Tbe next Inquiry i*,—Which isthebestroate? 0 f bt« fr ' Since the world began, there has been divers ways airived ' to wealth. Rival routes, and rival cities will all which,^ I set forth theirs as tbe best; but after all the j of their 8 I choice of routes depends much npon tbe point of their pr 8 I Btartioe. and the portion of the mines yon wish to when s( ! ' reach. The Big Platte route Is quite level aod newhfi good, bot the western portim >s a M"e sandy. , necla j 1 The Santa Fe rout, is about SOO miles Booth, and feem^. 0 is on ao old. well-beaten route. Much will be pub- g«™ . e lished In favor of both thw rui*tca, »o*i «"> ttr , de 0 I itiie is quite modest, permit me to Just mention I feitovr i "• the central route from our city. This route after related J crowiogthe Missouri Biver in the splendid steam nesaot ferry boat "Otis Webb," takes the great leading tboug i fe road from "Wyandott aod the north laat Bb i- side of the Ifansa* Valley to Manhattan, thence up with tt the Smoky Bill, (all the large streams are bndsea la I and there are settlements most of the way to its mftde j w source,) thence a short distance to the streams at of ain, }o the foot of Pike's Peak. Or, from Manhattan fortahl ? I von may take the divide between the Bepublicin ! ttUed , Ie I and Soloman'a Fork to the head of the nepuUi- lha p i, !T can, and theoce direct to Cheny Ureek. phitto '« I The Big Platte road was opened to Utah, ana I> ' I the Saota Fo road was opened to Kew Mexico. ,ot Toe one turns south about 100 miles on the South cro wd ra- putte, and the other north up the Fontaine qoi who v c I Bouille about the same disUnce, miking at least b(d u of 100 miles in favor of the ParkviUe ana Kansas hsd p ed I Valley central route, 1 "em» la- corn on the Kiosas has been selling at from 25 nztei Ito 50 cents a bushel for a long distance op it. j , nd Grais usually rises in the Kansas bottoms some of cb to I four weeks earlier than is usual in the same latl- that i "P- tude. This is owing to the upper branches of the Smoky HiU running over beds of gypsum, which , and ao I mixing with the light, sandy loam of tbe bottoms, coa n quick ens vegetation in the spring. Cnusmayla npon | looked for here between thelOth March and the liate nld I xoih April, snfflcient for stock to thrive on, de- thß f two 4i Dg u , )(m the forwardness of the spring. pari! "" 1 It is expected that the new territorial road to dieni oad I the mines will be opened in the spring, and stages ab ] e ame | w n|]iyive the Missouri weekly lor the Mines The that the approaches to tbe Missouri at Parlville from the Biab ed.) I aild East are down natural divides, and hitb, hia r d« I dry roads. Those crossing tbe Mississippi at Tera •n- I Qincy. Hannibal, or below, pass Chilicothe, and btlri for I UaTnesville, and those crossing at Burlington and (e!li con- I Keokuck.pasa through Memphis and to ofbj eed- | parkville, tbence acroFS to tbe central Ni and I yalley roadtt> the mines, SSO miles from -Park- iipa v lave I "ihe Missouri Biver has been open most of the for(! oan I winter: but it was blocked with ice daring the last f or g I coldsuelL Todi? it is breaking op.aod boatd cotJl nan- I will soon be ranning. Tho weather 'a jnild and lett( )ted, I soft and the frost »s coming ont of the ground. tbQJ dis. Winter bas to allappearaaces brAe. co in- fron 8 «o- ties of Piute, Clay, Clinton, DdFiesw, and Cald- Biii ater I well.'bick of Parfcville, are tbe nctest agricuttu T j tl eavv I ral cbnnues in the State, and ibe farmers have ia days StaSubteipplte- of stock.. Emigrant* com-ng oeri- Ibv vraier.xtiigbl find It to their Interest to bnd at j ec j ffair I Parkville. aud go back among the farmers and . j 1 .}! 1 bands. On Saturdays tbey liiia briDg^tbeir etock into town,for totueemi- be . erants, when tbey can suit theirfaucy. Era _ con coming bjr the Hannibal and*>t. JosepU daj »(< to could bny their stock, perhaps cheaper, by stop- J3 piog at Cameron, or some point in those countjes, nf and come rio"< nnrnnc tbe stockrai^ ?\hi S? 50m?!es to Parkville, where ibey cap complete outit tbeir on'.fita. Com in thesp-eoanues a nting at m in to 50 cents ner bushel Good woik oxen sII 11 ° Q „ 80 . at from Hjto «SQ y Wagons, toO m « r in u SIOO. - Plour, $3 to «5Q per sack W Ita. Lard, Th Soutily large m first hands. be< f c °2; The Hannibal aud St. Joseph Railroad Is now ela ' in runuin" crder clear tbrouch. In a year or two, m« v the Parkville acd Grand River Kailroail, its south- thi i° St ■west branch to the mouth of the Kinas VallcT, hu ld will be completed. The importauce of these roads toi ' i' to Chicaco. and the great railroad interests cen- be pre ,i terine there, has never been fully appreciated. th. email p cacc reigns' on tbe harder. There was some tel , j aiflciwice, tor a time,between Mr. "Qs-awotornic ui Broirn and Mr. '*CMcnd M Buchanan,in tlieirvicws „„ or urocress. llr. Buchanan offered $l5O for Mr. rt «'• Brown; Mr. Brnn-ti says " lie wonld oiler $250 lor j n Mr. Buchanan,if it was not beneath his dignity. xa We hope the chieftains will meet and setile the op peace ol tbe world. Si Doy and bis son will not be bong. # ai . . Kansas and Missouri will furnish their full gr 1 quuU ot" emigtaaU for thie mines, lien ure no w pc bto all urcpariog to move early from every iou. The rill be' mines are so accessable "that it is considered a „, . n pleasant, healthful aud invigorating trip across l 0 nstain. pl&i0& A great mountain State will grow up q liuippi there. The baud of God is distinctly seen in these ve St things. WhUe a vacllliting Goverament is vainly T| «f thim striving to torn tbe mail routes and the P*c»ac hl 01 * Railroad away ronnd tbroogh Sonthern deseru, w z miles God and nature are working agauut them. Tbe n] it am* mighty band of Providence points the way and i.. , h . miks the p .th ot American empire, and thou- , sands rash along its highways. Look at ihe new n : ' ,onl, and expanding resources ot our country I Who ie har- can estimate our future wealth and power r Sober loatine reality has outstripped the most visionary ex .l peelations. We have the fine rich soil of tbe val- . j thoa- f eJi these pastoral plains, and the precious metals ioat in- i u the barren mouotaina. "VfeleokloTstillgraater it nsed developments the coming year. o.a.p. , g their . * ntirely Land Swindling m Mistonn. [Correipondenee of PrMi and Tribune.] t Ocwai*T**imyrti. 3. l ®®- * utes to j wisll t0 the citizens of Illinois and tbe * 'rleanß, pnljlic generally against the enormous frauds that x Bt the are being practised in selling Missouri graduated lei and great number of land sharks about St. \ nd Chi- and other points have been entering, and | having others to enter for them, large tracts of lall take al cents per acre, and then selling them i my lait in a f eTr days or weeks at whatever tbey can | i thinga g etj from one to five dollars per acrv. ( 9 state- The mode by wt j cll they practise tbis fraud if 1 lifierent effected in various ways. Some enter a half sec rof the ia their own names, swearing at the time that j iere that want tbe same for actual settlement and cnl it is not lWation# f or the law binds them to do this before nighty " can at the graduated price; and yet at fall» na the cnTTlf> time never intending to go near it, tbey ( te times comm i t downright perjury. After entering the , it others first 320 flcrcJ> that is all the law allows any you see one tbey giv# some worthless aan very ECoQn drei a f en - dollars to enter another half sec '"Uted 0 " tion and so on, supplying new names until tb„ >rtion of enter up tboownds of acres. These lands aretueii conlv on eoovejod to the principal plotter In a blank deed, it agent is appointed to sell them; :he buy- Tying to name is inserted in the blank deed and tbe r even it conveyor perhaps has sold St before, andean never lipmenU t>e found, or ir he can be he is no better than a tbe river blant, not beinc responsible for more than a pint I propor- :0 f whisby at a time. II bereaf. xo aay nothing about inch contingencies, these opinion, titles are all unlawtul and will be vacated by gov ntages of eminent when it is fonnd in the course of two or i market, three years that the original buyer has not settled routes to and improved according to law, as was the case 10 Illinois a few years since. Some of these knobs t Joseph tndhill aldesare plattedcjflntopapertowns,ana Boad to are 1 being sold out at frcm ten to fllty dollars rers and per aire throughout whole country. • #33 ' can ask I would not trouble you with tbis commnn'ca* 1 increase tion but from tbe faet of my having seen with my ten pack* own eyes these thing* practised extensively thousand through Indiana, Illinois and lowa. One green fmy im- horn in my presence baa jo3i traded horse* and ia ruraliv wagons to the amount of S4OO for ei.hty acres of he credit these knobs (I speak from observation, h .ving ;ed at this been there) for which he Is unable to tr»ce any ten thon- valid title. Some people think a warrantee deed dto have to land is all that ia necessary, when of course it u 1 hope is no better than a quit claim if tbe previous titles ueaa man, are not good. I tbitk, however, by tbe time these 2 haa 'also second and third b&nded speculators pay the taxca er. Over for a few years that must accrue in order tt> sop anjthtered port the nineteen or twenty million of indebted. Jameaon nesa of the State of Missouri, they will not be wu ighbor* of ling to spend mudi more in eecunng good titles ujesa, are to these Inclined planes and paper cities, atai near • C. V« at"pWtor« Great Dlacoverr of Lead. Ore. ycar.lflß If iadieations ean be relied on, the lode in real et- which was struck last week by the Sparl broth- > oriag • aid era, ob their own land, near Binainawa Mound, remnnera- eleven miles north of this city, .will torn out imatock 4 one of the richest which has been discovered nd makes in tbe lesd mines. It was discovered on tni^ r supply a prairie, in a ravine, and after a few. homV«"B* lUo exten- ring. Weleara that three abafti bew , ds of iron sunk, the last 469 fset from Ue Brit; and we :apital sad mineral was struck at a diataaca of five, and twelve feet from the varfcee. The tem » of Thayer four and a half .feet wide, and at each . most ex.. shaft it has been worked dowa thxosgn six tee* of solid mineral, with no signs of its giving I mills on oat. Estimating the Tela to be iHTeet long, tke 1 bate of an averaae width of 4H and dspth of w what A. aix feet, and to eonteia •olid mineral, and this me when. new diacovery will turn ont three million nine ainoy Mills .hnadred end aix thoosasd pounds ef mineraL " Be also worth in gold,: at present prices, one handred of Boor ud five : thoaunft three hnndred and utrtT • him from nine dollars.' Th, indications, howj'er, m»y ■board im htenkn,iad mineral may b. louno onlj btatiwtiir wheretneahaftahaTfbMQsnnk. Oritna^taw ' -■ v - • the lanfth and dapth of the vaih are un it latUr aa known, ut tha probahUitiai are it ia longer S MthiwWlilwwi—W— FATHEi CHISIQCY IN CANADA. ASi i ' The K . """ history of GREAT BV8S: TO BSE AH9 HBAB HIM IK u d crlm QUEBEC. KVAUMfr occurs, w «' Witch# IS DRIVEN FROM ST. ROCHS. "Soak chance a —; ———- _ _ Vandoux i rprom tbe Quebec Mercury 17th.] "", T°\V ® . IXftUOD, Patqbk CaunQor.— I The advent; rf this ex- States al I traordicary man amongst us has been attended god la a < 1 with aiogalar cireamaUooM. and probably will cage, oni 1 result in an importeot movement. persmaj I Tbe first da? of bis was waited' -mast pas I opon by between 8,000 and,4 0W persons of all priestesi | classes and botb sexes, principally gQtnbosed of —usuall l I bis aoeient parishioners, in tbe midsWf whom be devotees | bad taken op bis residence, daring bis sojourn hendkeri bere, they baring prepared and furnished a aboutth I boose for bis reception in Crown street, St* fantastic I Bochs, manj being constant!/ in alteodanoe on 0 f their bim and introducing tbe Rererend 1 gentlemen's his bat 1 | friends and admirers. Bat bis visitors were not to tbe s< confined to the inhabitants of that locality, the mad I From tbe adjacent and in some cases distant iotoxica I parishes, they poured In, inriting bim to visit r or. I them at their homes, and assuring bim of their The " sympathy, and that of tbeir fellow parishioners, lower cl i It was impossible for all to be admitted, conse- religion qnently on two occasions Mr. Cbiniquy was green s< I obliged to open bis wisdow, and speak to the fodiffere , I multitude wbe surrounded bis boose; and in tbe Soulonc I eveniag of tbe first day, when be addressed tbem Priestei I thus, asd informed tbem of tbe object of his tial effic ' I visit.—"a mission from tbeir brethren in lilt- aathorit ! j nois to assure tbem of their affection, tell them [ of tlieir afflictions, but that tbe cloud thst en- h| veloped them is now fast dispersing-tbe sun i \ wushining forth, impartingjoyandgladoessto t them;" and then asking their prayers and that Taxd tot tbeir families, concluding with the bon *oir w fa o is > . ma amu of the; Canadian, and being responded 1B KO ins with bon toir iL Chiniquy, don toir M. Uhint- the gol B qur, the scene was truly affecting. day ne b j Yesterday, from 6ln tbe morning till 12, tbe qoickei I erowd atill poured in. At that hour the Rsr- - { erend gentlemen being invited to dine with one erents, 7 of bis friends, left the house, end at two o'clock norwil s I arrived at the Lectnre Hall, SL Anne street, belaboi II which, two hours before that time, began to be bopeb 1 occupied by crowds desirous of hearing the roice port G> , of their old friend once more, and to testify by g HOC " 1 their presence, their sympathy with one, who o when some ot tbem weTe degraded in drunken- mentio d nets lifted tbem up, and bv bis sympathy, by bis 17th, * _ 1 warning, adrice and guidance, were made re- nn T ' ! •nectakle members of society; otherj amongst id | them -u«* tb»t when tbey were ut 100011 k. distress or affl cUu« hu s j Qan j in him a Mr. I friend indeed, one who like mrLora niraif nrt&j, ter deroted his talent* andbis time in doingbis for sot ,Q I fellow creatures good. Many are tbe anecdotes it dow er I related of tbe Father, illustrative of his good- pairiDj m ness of heart, how that he has taken the stock- wentt I Inss off bis ftett 10 R ire 10 lboße whom b ® Uuwfc I thought had more need of th«=, bad given the contet lb I last shirt be had left; bad indeed sympathised Uabee IP I with them in every circumstance of life. iog, 1 K I The building was packed, seats which were gun 1 I calculated to bold six were In some instances quart< tB I made to bold twelve, being double rows instead standi at I of single The Hall, which generally seats com- backl an fortably aboat 500 to 700, was crammed with it. T I about 1,000 to 1,200, erery available space being the Bf I tilled no. A goodly numbe* of fpm&tes were on lower the platform reseired for them bfeloir, the other diaph platform occupied by the speaker. But the tbrou n a crowds forgetting the gallantry of their race tweqn rushed up to tfoat space, &n«l it was, with the :0, platform occupied by the Rsrerend gentleman, ith crowded to excess. Bat not one-third of those _ aui who went to the building could gain admittance. |_l i » fit Great was the disappointment of the many wno IJL I had to turn awar without th£ srat-ucauon they fjratf 8:13 1 had srooisea tueiuselvea.' The Reverend gen- ter m I tleman, without ths use of any or or- fc J*» 25 1 nate eloquence, simply related the origin of his u I colony, bis saccess, his struggle and that of his people against thp enoroachineat of the Bishop ,me lof Chicago} bis submission, the acceptance of -I itt- that submission by his ecclesiastical superiors, *-•*• tbe their withdrawal of it at the instigation of an v, I enemy from Canada, and tbe determination he ' and his people had come to, to persist in tbe ms, course they bad pursued, in humble dependence 7be npon Him, whose aid they hid invoked, J~ ,t, A Without entering more into p&rtioulars, aa we q , bare been informed this gentleman will address de " the public in the £ajjlisb : !suguage ere be de- AJJJ parls, we shall merely say, that he held hts au- ccipt dto dience entranced, they scarcely dariak w> ap , „ rta plaud him for te&r of breaking the spell, but not uo K able to contaiu tbemselres, when he came to The th a t par t where he related the demand of the • lhe Bishop for an "unconditional submissisu,' oud -iE± his r«ply being, " there ia but one intbeuni [ rerse to whom I owe such asubmiasion,"—they . and burst out with such applause as is rarely man:- A aod fested, evidencing that he bad the full sympathy n of bisimmeme audience. tt»«lr ns ?' i No word of bitterness escaped the orator's ca, lipi, and his audience was advised to forgive theit persecutors, even as he and bis people bad "T tlie forgiven them, and badcommeoded them to the XJ 5 forgveneis of the Father of Mercies. In the JL )oat f courteofthe discourse he read extracts from letteis addressed to various ecclesiastical au- M. QQ tborfciea in Canada, and among the replies, one from tbe Administrator cf this diocese, il«r. ~~ Biiflaigeon, expressing m kindly terms his in • ritatitn to risit the Illinois colon? and see for m e . w * himsef the actual state of affairs His discourse I was replete with expressions of respect aod af- -*• ? nnH fectiw for the Canadian clergy, hia only com- *1 tw* plaintbeing in relation to those who bad harsh- 0 f« 7 !r and wlfairly treated him in the west, and itai emi " then lis statements wero unaocompanied by A cot&uict. A-tier informing tbem that on Sua lr?ad ' dar ifernoon at 2 o'clock, be would give a dis- s n s £ p ; courseon "Th« Umw of Christ," wtbe same in buildiig, to aay who would oondescend to come dnd biui, thoy TH iOR at tm CITDOLIO BIDK OB TUX STO»T. -*• Jj 150 CProm tbe Journal de Qaebee.] 00 to "Hihasgone away, bv;t cot in triumph." Lard, The psrt is vlared, bat its termination has not a.' been irorable to the author. Ktght days hare fi a now elapsd since the nnfortuoate_ Mr. Chiniquy r two, madebis appearance in this city, and already south- the icrmense popularity with which he nattered ►— alley, himaif, bas ranished like a dream. Confiding road* too nach in tbo good faith of his adherents, he :s cen* beliefed himself able, with impunity, to raise ed. tbe wil that still coocealtd him a little from in- fc2 1 some tellijßDt observation. But the eTil of tbis at- - tomie*' temp overtook bim; for scarcely bad he pro- S r views ooutced a few words agiinst the faith of bis fa or Mt. tbert, when a voluntary movement took place, U0 tor i D midst of tbe audieoce, and all bis parti* snity." xaa abandoned him. This chaoge of opinion ie the opo-tted during the delivery ot hia lecture, last Sunday, at the reading-room in St. Ann street; E anc yesterday morning, between half-past nine ir full gn< ; teQ o'clock, two respectable persons, op re no w ported by the citisens of at Bocb 4 s on account . Tbe e f jheir cooloess and prudence, entered tbe iercd a home where the apostate Chiniquy from time ' across l 0 ttae withdrew himself since bis arrival in J row up Qmbec, situated in Crown street, St. Roch s. -| n these two gentlemen warned him, m terms J ■> vainly Terr po m« but yet energetic, to leave the Pacific bo^4 immediately, and quit the parish forth »pvf' wia They mforined him that the entire pop- M 1. The niaton were indignant at bis scandalous con- n <*ac\ and that tbey looked on his presence 181 emoig tbem as a disgrace. Mr. Chiniquy then, 1, whl raisag his head, wished to impose silence on w snw the person who had conveyed the intelligence. £ 41 iently, my friend," said the former. u tbe val" n !Jo, sir, quickly—there ia not a moment to lo "3ut, at least, give me time to cat a little!" ir Vp ''Jo, air; it U a long time, perhaps, since yen « * *-- waned breakfast; yon wiU be compelled to do wtoiut it this morning." [• Ir. Chiniqjy then rose, trembltng, and hav- _ j ingtooked in tbe street, observed a crowd of _ abo\t 400 persona anrrounding the bouse. He and the tbenremarked > . . ,X ! "Idare not go out; tbose people will attempt ads that ■aduatcd ««f 0( sir, I give yon my word of honor that no bout St. perion will raise bis hand against yoa. A car nff and ria» awaits you at tbe door; if you have any _ ng, ana bring> do so without delay." iract ® or £ then found it neeesstry to comply. Mr, ng them Chiuquy descended into the street, escorted by 1 .hey can the |wo messengers who bad given bim their . worrof honor. He passed, trembling, with his traiillinK-bagunderbiaarm, throughacrowd, fraud is reweable, but irritated- Tbe crowd, fortunate balf sec- K did not behave -violently, but they maai imethat their indignation in epithets not very , ime that firtteri M -«K3et away, you apo.tate-- and cnl- t[Bny 0 f your countrymen,' Ac. There were 3 before ioni, not even the women, who bad not some id yet at reproach to lannch at him. This is the man t* *». _ who. a few data ago, thought he could draw af r it, tbey i er £ „ cbir i o v the mu» ol th« French l-«oadi •nug Ihe Where it now thiß popnlarity of which ha dws any ii&d been bouting in bis pride? It baa "ran worthless «hed like (moke. It did not appear; it waa half em- intended to aorpriaa the good ntil ihry of the oitiiena; but he w»a greatly de -1 are then ttived. He looked upon SL Roch aa tbo tbea ,v atea *• 0' w« t'°i: " w " lh "" h " "*• aK oeea, ( ul ] i t wt a thare preciaely be en :he buy- BumeM d hia most ahanefoU.r.»t- ... koZW.IZT in a pint J, ,*? ropri , to to "Iniqaital mentita eat ft*™ to""yh-P^J dby ger- ■ ro „te to Montreal, where he ia fo .'Jw «e no d'oobt, to gi'O an account of hia aocceal he case in of whioh efe taoS irmed, a well-paid agent, owns,and yw ysiLCiQ, zv tmn cahada. \j doUsn crron the Toronto GUbe.] tnmon'ca. , We copy elsewhere an article from .the Qse -1 with my bee Jovmtl wbieh baa aurpnsed and grieved ttensiveiy tta. Oar eonteisporary record! with nnaissem ne green- bled.triufflph that the Bev. Mr. Chiniquy, the ...» on/4 Mil b«A«a preach Canadian 'apoetle of tem* I acres of permoa, and alao famoaa aa thafounder oftha m, h .Ting claadiui M ttl«»a»t in.lUinoa, has bjen driTen timethesa troTezvr It appaars, howerer, that the lm r the taxca tta partial °* >he» p«a»on« a- to sop- § u iboldened others to » indebted- chiniWi w ® | jot be wil- bu left the eemmanion <if the Church of Borne, rood titles S£! L'Vm ,ulated »» Uw. baa dona ocUagto ' ?. 1- i?Son to w«h an outrage upon him. Uaj n j y u this ia Canada, that • convert - ~n»ol be permitted Ore. jf°~^P^Tooi«t«>eaatagire his reaaona lor so the lode addrMa tboae who tome to hear irMo^d" thi toporaue hia labors la lonr.*-"*" V&. >.t» be«» ; ' ' - t ;. . lTfc 4 elAt grrn Means* o» CiRHAar.-Tha ShoUabnrgh II ym is Zocai contains the tMtioony taken at tta exam dat each ination of Robert B. Oreen, Hmjt ! rurAda, hart by Elijah Brown, who ia atill at large. Th» &lj'u jail tojw«t their uiU lib are on- »dmlttedtobaillnU»«m «acb; but 1 A Singular Paean Snperatttion. | The ft. Y. TirruM has a(ketch of the political ; biitorj of Hayti—that island of wrong*, blood = utd crime—in which the followiog ftatemeni occurs, which remind! one oi tho orgies of the LGiTI «'Witelutf.B»bb«th:" Bl " Soaloaque owed hit elevation partly to chance and partly to hia connection with the 20* an Vandonx, s sect believed, before the recent re volt, to oe all powerful. This-idolatrous organ* ixation, which extends itself to onr own slave \\ States along the Golf, is of African origin. Its * *. M god is a green serpent, which is confined in a cage, one aide of which is open, that worship* FHBN< pers may see the deity. All sets of devotion . A? -most piss through the High Priest and High -p Priestess, The meetings of the sect are secret * >J —usually held in secluded places, where the dirict devotees strip themselves, substituting red BortVj handkerchiefs for clothing, and forming a ring to be very about the box containing their god, perform a aadcomn fantastic and crazy dance, under the leadership ROLE L£ of their High Priest, who, after passing about OAI his bat for offerings, and putting up a petition to the serpent for any needed benefits, resumes "Which wl the mad orgies, until, in a delirium of faaatieal iotoxicatios. they enact scenes of nameless hor ror. At their 1 The Youdonx idolatry pervades the entire lower class of the Haytien population. Their Bides. religion is divided between the Virgin and the » green serpent; and in all exigencies they resort I . indifferently to both. Of tbis strange order, •*-* j Boulouque was High Priest and bis Queen, High Priestess. Hence his selection for the Presiden tial office, and bis ability so long to retain hia authority. -a * JAH Western JYeica Items. w Tazxxq a. Dick Passaos.—Oae of our citizens * e who is distinguished for the length of bis legs, is going to take what he calls a dtek paua-jt to To be fc the gold regions. He is goiog to start on Hon* LE day next afoot, and calculates on making a AH of qoicker passtge than those who take teams and ' wa.ona. He will have one advantage at all —=— events, in not having to stop for spring grass— T>lT^ nor will he be bothered robbing down borses, X belaboring mules, or whipping np oxen. We 1 hope he will drop us ft line on the way.—Dattn -1 port Gaztite. .. .. IMI Shocxwq Casualty.—A Shocking accident >• mentioned in the Cedar Bapids Timet of the i 17th, which took place in Patoam township, PfC ,. ht ' Linn county (Iowa) on Monday, the 14th. Th» q e*et* [ The oircumstinces are related as follows: Ft. W»i » Mr. Eli Mabee having loaded his gun on Sat* Urered • tiroay, mi «u* .i •- -» an s for some reason he could not discharge it, took Wert El l it down from its hangings for the purpose of re. i* pairing it Having seated himself in » ebair, he chlea > went to raise the hammer to the loek, wbeo his ■ e tUuwbjtipped off the gun discharging and the e contenta taking effect in his wife's back 1 Mrs. d Mabee lived in great agoov until Tuesday morn- BUE iog, vfhen 4eatta relieved ner of all pain. The e gun waa loaded with a alug ball about three : :s quarters of an inch long. Mrs Mabee was d standing at the table washing dishes, with her l- back toward the gan, and some eight feet from jj.. . h it. The ball entered the body on tho leftside of g the ep'me below tne last rib, passing through the Wei m lower portion of the left long, through the crease* it diaphragm, through the upper end of the spleen, oartt. Ie through the left lobe of the liver, lodging be- Jeij, W tweqa the sixth and seventh ribs of the sternum. J» Malt for Sale* ie . TTAWLEY'S DiITBOIT MALT.—(MADE in M cnlefly from Caaada Barley.) ani suitable for the Z martofacture of L»*fr Uetr and Stick Ale. Is now kt pt KStfc fjrstf-ft» A- T. rPiNO-K A CO.. comer oi South Wa n- terand Lasalle slreeti. Chlcaso. , ... , « Pike's Peak ! T 1 °0 P f TTO! FOK THE GOLD FIELDS— .. n Ten's of all rises and all prices always on band. Mann M " a,nIMWOr " r, ? A VIOE 4OO IK M)U.V m p be No. Sfi Marie - . sirett, Lind's Bit cfc Saw ibe tr Poa*. Office Bos an. UU In* gdoi »« "DIKE'S PEAK,—EVERY ONE GOING TO the sold mines thould sucply himself with a pair of jj e we GOLD-DOST POOKET SCALES. com® We hare a tarre nuTber—a variety ofa'ses, an i they ars from ias'.iaited'.o md re*dj for the miners use. On ihe r«s chan iu- celpt of two do Ur* we »ill forward by mall or ex resa. Tcnr LD- free ef charge a *oo<l pa r T those porcha*lns by tae De, .%.» dossn * 1 beral dUecnnt will be made. 001 vvebwe Crucibles a.d PwCHet Compasses wWcb also to ahould be In ever/ miner's ontfit Call acd «x mine. BAW-Li&l DIVUf., «« feil-lwd irtif waoc-h naexA. IKK mi- Ho ' for Pike's Peak. "7 ALL PERSONS INTENDING TO T*KE '?•* Xi_ fioci of Hi Ut4 » Pt;'" P(rt- wi" le"™ or rr\ ttielr names and Post office addrets to A. r's ca, Vlnooka. Grotdy O noty.U. , * p.s-Nolnciosorecfstamts rwu'red. 2,U L IT « fc34 C29ti 3td w3w uie BIKE'S PEAK STOVE. i^^'jc > sira i s>z>, TI p om |.«n su» Manufactured only at 203 Eandolph Street. oeii one raim a. r. HTCKKB. Aunt. 'fn* Transportation to Pike's Peak '' a mnE UN'DEIiSIGNED IS i'REPAEED TO j JL make contracts fcr ocnl PRBIQUriNQ PHOYI3IOVS AND MSRCHANDISE rsh- of erery description to tae Pike's Peak Sold Mines, to ft and itart ai early iuthcßprins as practicable. hr As our Company 'as been ensured for seven! yearsJa inn freWhtlus for the of the Doited Btatts, lam j," couad«nvof rivlnKiaUtfacttoo. o nl fel9lm-c-i<s* J°KPh- Ho. „> JJI O R GOLD IN THE HEAD USE JJJ Coaflinffion's Lozenges. g l )h." AS EXOSLLE:>T EEJIED7. 1 no * Per sale by J- H. HEED te CO, * aTO feS*.*ydC3 Sn-theca-les. 1M A I*6 La^cstreet. »dj <YRUP HYPOPUOSPHITES. *red O ding The New Remedy for Consumption. pflUe Prepared and sold by J. H. REID A CO. t? AtoU ecaries and Chemists. 1M and Like street. ££ f=2JJTCA2 pro- SPBINO- GOODS. is fd- EIXGAKT SILKS, DEtSS GOODS, , ° s ° PRESOK PBIHTS, Et t, reet; Received this Day, February 23, - nine —AT— %Z T. B. CARTER'S, f be J36 lake Street 13C iUn fe3H» d!S3 r ich's. "pvIREOTORY OF CHICAGO. — terms j / q i the C ABD forth* n ffwiTTP * (jo beg to anoonnee to the oobl'c. i pop- Md*2LajS3yU»ebK ; n«s me o» Cblc«o. that bair u , con- o. th. Directory ot thlcaao wUlee sence chaoses that will oc<ur on or before the , then, ut o ease toitcei os to delay the ea» vaas, of the p ce on work tbea-d cay of n.e t, e dtO j=ot camo«ia!l'«- u ly wonnless. J eat to CAUTION. j ttt. that'er alnca'tle* now nov obtain* p Itle'" irss anbsczi .ions and ad*e-ti3t meats fo a DlreTtoJTof « l Ciii>VDT»sttUn« Ae aim-to b-our resular iwe. a ;e yen *he our «xnto*s until after ihe fc to do cto e ..anjremo»u.or £ »u»^. o() t bnv. f t 2l Publishers Directory ot Chicago, f " d H °J HO! FOR PIKE'S PEAK I ■ " " nT "DIFLE?, SHOT GUNS, REVOT.VERS S TTT^T7¥TT—- : tnnate- rinn Ju« it some FAISBANKS k KKEKSLKAF, 10 ma ? »Lake street. Chlcaso. raw af- aolUy-b463 «hha EYE AND EAit: it was Dlt. DTDBUWOOD, e good T ATE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON TO :"»s Ejsird ~ . b-vb-* D.r rV'i miar of whom naa dmq * jabie 01 Ritnrt tor TWI an l ! O'hers wpow »iMra wm am *ao oo tit a ftrota infancy have been «sd* t d hear and s : *** 11^5 8 SwtCoibeUeTettohsve never bern ed iW. •access adjo'nln* fiune*. bnt many of them cane from distant ,Wto K rrl<> e g^ 0 i. tßg . OTICS.—THE HNDEBSIO>E I, ON THE I*Of Jannsrr 1859, withdrawftwaOook.Brother . itmlV-ChSS»I Dier WPBtotr, mi h»r. iHiuem- rAKCT STKAH DTK E3TABUSHMEST, JflJj 1 of tem- J95 flouttt Clark Btreet {Between ttonwe and Adana] . n driven _ T to Dye and Clean. eDk. Sato and d hoped Woolen Dre«aea and Buws: itatjeaeo s Coats, Wests >ft .iothe and Panta. In every atyle derireL Camtidewo. Lace »r of in* Cortalnacleaned *nd hleacaed atreanced prices. in. coo- gpNti itAUBCH. the' im- " 1 ~ ■ K Keinovai:: lformed, i MILLER & BBOWWj tim. Has convert __ _ ermitted Boot atid Shoe Beaters, ns for so , xo hear hav* amovm to ctawiih- «a 54 ......Lake Street ;..lf#*s4 «Te W Ti'dmf- mo BtTILDEBS, OWJfEES, & ROOFEE3 bWcr Corrugated Eooflng. lUane* artide. so eltenijely to*, excels another ha exam- far Booftac. beifl* more dnrahle. rairchild, gS&.fflffidrOerproctf, implies- boildlns. It also redoces the rates of Insarance 10pe» Kerosene, or Coal Oil. A NEW SUPPLY. t the erl- jj,, TaJ Bat >rtlcl» In tli. Market. For Ml« 1» o, at Mia* migWb# ... LSVSI St rASSi ther an 103 « - • »o»tfc WUeMI. ... 101 •Hit*. WdrataJ ■filigtcUaneotts. ; Gliievr - WESTERN ! LGiTJIER AND BIDE STORE, RL*tvn.nvnjr jßiios., 0C& 201 and 203 Sontb Water Street, j CHICAGO, ILL- j K | "\TTE HAVK JCST RECEIVED IK BOND RQI 1* tl roa.h the CHICAGO CUSTOM SOUSE, _ oar fint laroice for tfce fta-, A Oyj FBBNCII KIP and OILF SKINS X&7 . AND BOUT FRONTS CHI7IPEJ), For the tiprin; Trade, DIRECT FROU THE PaE'B MAHOKAGPI7RXBS. WHO Boat w»ieTS»?dL«it k .cr Dealers w!'l flo l tbe Btock to tw Terr tiapertor «a.| Low. w* bsve in Buck SOLELtATdKB OPT 'B TAhNAOM. OAKandHKMLOCS UfptRKIP tad CALF. *rMl LININGS, LAdTi *n<! FfNDXNOfI. "Which will tie sold at lie Zotr«4s mnrk* prlc4 * by BLACKBURN BROS., ISTr'." AtUieIrLTATHER ANn HIOE *T 3)1 4 303 Booth W»terrtre«-<. (cat of itrtet brlig-,j <*Uicwo. _f. B.— Th-j hUh'st Birket price nij in C«ib for Bldtt. ]iS4 TEATEEII! I. EATII 11 Rl! xrv , IIIiST CLAEa OAITaND KIPKIK3 mH.LI£ jut recetvvd Utiia DIRECT FRO . FBASOE! IT JAMBS IBLIT A CO., r „ M LAKt>BT. „...»4S WPlj 01 OUeaao. m, Who keep eotuUnUi oa hand tbe Unot itoek of Xj«ather and SHndinas To be foendloUie Weit. Aljo. alvzeatocko/foperlor ■ ■ .i LEATiUeB and INDU B03B&S BCLTINO. -Vwtv AH nf tbe kbore mil b« told ti»t ujw tor c*sh or ap* proved pxo«r. JAMKA KELLY k CO M o=l6 ly bIV7 £ll La*e KfceU actr tbe Bridge. PITTSBURGH. FP. WA7NE £ CHICAGO BAILBOA3 CO. Wlf 1 1 NOTICE TO SHIPPERS ! IMPORTANT CHANGE t On and after * ITlondaft February 18>9« tTToi ' Prdjhldei.lnetlforaad recetvcd fi»a» r.« *»,k. o« aodCbi l Un, rb< adein'i'a. HlWWO'fSi. (lnclnr,*U. Rrt^ic 0 «*et*od, BaffaWj. and kc*l 0 -lata on the Pltuborth 00- 1* Ft. WajneM cblca*">Ba'UoAdwU b* reca*red and d#- Uvered at tae 0-itp*aj • smw ujejrOT OH CHARLES 81BEET, C West Bide, near Tan Borea atreet Bridre. ' REMOVAL. — tWFc BXTELj BILL, GRANGER & CO n e Wboietile la 00 M U , BOOTS AND BHOEB. r Have taken tbeir Stock to Q IS Lake Street 33 trfc ' Ccrutr of Wifcwa Ayeaae, ELkw ® We are bow reseiTin* oar fiprio# Stock, tad with In- CO. e creaied facll.t et for dcLfbos cent, we stall alwars have i oar et»ck cvmslffta- abtli lceev first-clau work, and ttU , * Itw ioc«h a,d prompt rajtrf t>ad«. ~ BLkL. HILL. ORANnuft A CO. ■ MEYER'S ea «sd Miraculous Vermin Destroyer f I For tbe Destraetlon of be pt Rati,' ITIIce, Tlolea, Bass* CToeqnltoest Pleaa, Tlotlis, Garden trr Inaeets, Anti, &c, btmc mH E CriEiriC AL PBEPiRATION'a S?fS 1 known asdertbe above title for tie last 22 je%n aellai throaaboQt karope. where User ha*- met wttb a trlan- ~ pha-t tnccesa. aave *caulred for tbeir Investor acd. id. Uanofectorerawoda-wtde celebrity, attested bj Uih tni-' nerors ft Bass! a. France. Austria tbe Queen of En* land- the Kldjm of Beldam. Udlisd. Naples, Bavaria, Saxony, 4c.: auj in America tbeir effljencr bas been m* endorsed tbe l;lreeiun o' Public los'ltatinia and the asproval of QDmer«as privnte cltixens. that they are ?0 the oalT remedlea In the world sore to exterminate all , kinia of vermin. 01 Meier's Pre aratlons destroy tbe tn«el come ictraJers without mer«y. and neve f«u. HU art has >Tacght death to mlllloos of them la the world, and arj Cromthlsdaytbewatcb-wot'i of all hoos«K"epers, mer r<s chants, shipowners, hosbiadmen will bo Wo more ess, Tcnnin." tae Depot of the Inventor and proprietor, , JG3KPHMCYE.L Practical Chemtit " S| 3 b*U Broadway, He* York. General Axent for tbe United etates and Canada*. A. fBKDEJtIOK V. KCBUTON Draaist. 417 Broadway, N iara«u bj koosib. peilups a Co.. ana or. FOLLKB A UO. dejD bWo to Coal or Cation Oil Lamps, if., it. Bl ■j!" rpHE CITY MASUKACTUB'SB COM I paay of Waterbuf, Cosn.. have taken the stock of Lasps Ac. owned by t w e lat* flx-a of lABKJg • , h CO. No. W L«ke *<re>i. Oblcsic \ Uu, and efftr (JRKAT I.SDDCEJIt.Srd 10 THE TBADC. • Price! Reduced to Suit the Timet- cjm The Stock cf Coil or Carbon OU And Flnld edl« Lamps *nd Lantern*—a v ry eit ojitb variety—Cbui* earl oelies. Utrit n« L ghla SiJe. B-cn Lshf. Cnsn<*ya had „a Wic s. S.Hssors Pao«-r ehaaes. for La lies » elis, th« i—- Ac-atmaan- byt factarer*a prices. a L» Al'o, Cheao far Cash g, TO Thrfifl Oil Cans holding 80 Gal'*—New, r«i> And a lot of BoaUerTlfiCans.holdln«frcmK«alloa ** to 1« tailors U %to felMtncS39 J. E JQHNS3N, Maaaxer. 2 "•S Flour ! Flour J! ™ WE HAVE CONSTANTLY IX STORB _ fr m oar own Mills and npon Conalrament, " Flour o f a ; l grades particularly choice *ra a• t White - JSE Winter Wheal Floor from Wi«:oaain and Soathem 1111- D C*ty de Vers and consume** can be »nV®d ait» qcailt» and price fra-nth- ooantrr vro n tly ailed *1 '• oyu«. Office andßJJre, 276 6oo*h water itreev j.oq ciii HAWKINS & CHAPMAN". ne: B eet. ,| BAGS I BAGS'. I BAGS'. '. l t> o. «h< rAßWfflTiXi'g 8c "• STEAH BAfi HASmcrORT, ' E 43,44 Wabash s?ence> Chlcaco. treet - BAGS AMD SACKS of every desalptfen ■ fcralabedon ibort notice, ' S • asd printed with Xr ISW AMD BUAXD4* _ SIKIOH JAS WILL. X aoWAwly-tTTL _ , • Cc tc., CO *->2 ■ all TRIPP, HALE, & CO. 1 General Patent Office Depol, „ ■ l3O SO. 100 LAKE STREET. CHICAGO. HL. mHB SUBSCRIBERS BEG LEAVE TO " 0 1 InfonnlhlaobUc nenOTlll. h»»e owaeO I office at be a >ove place l;i ' U.nsact.oTi ol a QESSRAL PATtST AQt-NUV 8031N123 pobl'c. It Istbelralmtokeesoaba-id. atall times, for exMW- _ r,°e n • u?-e towtaer with ladlvldaaU Ooonw or 1 fi,K! meot*. No. lui) Lake Street. Wm TnnM.No CT HamrrgTg^ Boston: P. H. Field A irER ?' GBEAT CO-T SALE OF for the leWJll CLOCKS WATOHE3 JEWELS IT. Diamonds, Silver and PliVod Wsi, r* FANCY GOODS, AO. JAMES H. HOES, - , 7 LAKEET2ECT U' Wt jswEta? BTORii roa°OAsa only. TV- ,-Monfbr to doln*la to redace aj m-cb a* po«sl —— m7m« iin?ttoek before rsmovlc* tecuor«xl.y for a zi wmsmm VSTO JES°& SuirwSnilo » <"• II a"V m >""j a RTICLES of diet foe invalids A- AJ,D CHltDasx been en We jnvite attention to oar complete assortment d°Diimk articles, coaaais* ot xak-an BISOOTIWB, BEOMA, CHOCOLATE. siUl and angQW BOOT, BARLEY, timed oy GBDATS, ALKATHEPTA, TAHIHA, SO, 40. alla w Mjf.Uci «ca it gameoeathlc Pharmacy, mClark-st. A, B* TAYLOR * CO., )N THE Dealer* la Dimension & 'Kubble Stone, FBOM JOUBT rtWKOIS. 195 Hantaoo wart ild* rteoQih Brandt, satbud silver-Plated Goods. oilver plated castors l\ great variety. Spoons, Fork*. Goblets, for aale lower tluaatafly other h'u>e In tbeeity. A XIBCH. jaMER A ca'd Freceh China fiaporioaultt Uke Otark and Dearborn. )iso-li-c34 Country Merchants A RI INVnEU TO EXAMINE OtJR rrr -wr f\ lam cock of Crockery and Q'a*s-ware before "iX 9 SBnetbelr porchasers elsswhere. with I that oof best eodeavon sUi be m ide fci male v for tbe^ advantaca to ooreaase stock atfe Cblna " JAKhs A CO- IB tu. mta. M""*" gH 1 Uf 4 llerS, Dttrborz, c3< - New and Attractive Goods. ,lf*» 54 TV7E RESPECTFULLY I-YVITS THE VV ittaiCoa of tht Udlea Chlcuo. ■ In iten-ral to« or la'ee and cotjp ete »toct ol ftae lOPTTRS ' ' China, fine Cot Bohemian G\sM W»m uockery Wa »UU W«e. Ac as we are iatlifl««^ _ --j inatf trices of oar coods ar^Mto eve the best fecr utafl A. IACQW A 00., tween Clark, and Fine China. T7IISE DECOKATED KD RICHLY GILD on* as the |. edWnner £-ta. . ace lflpe» Ftee decgated and richly tfded oethodiof BeantllM decorated Vase^oUiC^^loca^Trte Bee cf tb* a Te-eSeta,Cant B«kett f Aa. of imiMa, an 4 ter atr««i. will besold very low a» A. jAJCtf Alt A Co. o» ICS Laxe «*• 3, Ace&U nil rnHSU.iDEESIGSED'HAVETHB PLEA \J+*• I otto* rtfinftwmLt* thdrcostotner* that they have 'iSi^ or aale i» aaeeof •hem. A. jaa4K> * 00, m Lata . QtoaaJßtaUxm. 1»J0-ITQ« r<o AND VISIT THE FBEN'CH' CHINA. - 103 (jj- of. A. J"Oj"« < f • amti m««h Out ul lilcbitincs &£- i A Pfi 0 iXVtOCvtvwts FOi: m n m -w eoa «Ulono 124 Lake Street. ta the sidi and,lndee< THE GREAT WESTERN u°n oiih. aod perfect tain to curt WHOLESALE AND BETAII* 1 time, »nd i UMMthlm E" A- T E IT T MSBSR3 AcueßaUi JIEOICI.VK DEPOT. j cbeerfaily baa where' . Terr t you wast a remedy: I Totheai |dg%aa'i&« fB&-s is* Lake street- nan. threA EV*lf yon want a remedy to ■> „ , * CO. 1 XT If you want a fever I mad Arue remedy 10 to UOLLKfi, BHITU 4 Co.. Ui MT?BR BTIf you want *Hil Tee- KJi toratlve or Ualr Drr>aioc to «?h ( > D oi toBOLLM.BMITa*OO. ?^ul 124 Lake at, fever aad a-lt yen want a Shesmat- Truly j fcPl'l or Llaiaaxent, ro to BOLXIB.&MITU4 CO. DR. M Laks-cC ycur »fo IW If yoa w»at aV«aedy for and may Ei-««ou> BOLLS 3. lULiTH A 00.. 134L*ke-ee. tV^fyouwanta HalrDve &ICSS: —warranted. ft> to BOLLKO. Ihiveu * QQ„ 1M Lake*. pie<ely t h ve a L yoo want a Pumtlve for their or Uaibartli Plil go to H. diealna 8. £Ca t. 144 Lake ttreeC ti cure i tnt yoa vut a KB. ftSif;' lerorPaln Extractor to to aoandfc BOLL 18. BMIIU k 00.. thScth IXI akrr rt. tWlt you want aome Tonic feuicaordchel :am9ebaappa ■o to BOLLk?. i>MITU * 0. J. CO- U4 Lake atreet AtetU BVTor Duponeo'a. Clark'a aadCbeesman'oremalePtra TBI IV W HHITH A • OOu 111 Lake «&vJf^ vror CoMb Cacdlee or raioonle W«fer« «o t> Lit CUil Lake A. BOLLI2.MUTH A T , , w tWFar a Powder. Pute or waah fcr tbe Teeth *o to BOLLKB, aaUSUACO. 1M *" °*f Tjy».a 90S U HTZZAHIZgiSUS SMITH k OU. U4 Ui»N. Termlftue aad &rv I peotlc Remedy. *o to IU I 1 1 UkeU. eOLUO.UQIH* I 00- 111f am i I beauh For Stresirthenlnf Plav I shiner ten o f all klnoa *o BoLLCid. I fciliTH A CO- l« iJue-tt I 'w llo * \ tWfor a Sfxnedr fcr all I filrale PUeaeea rn to IM I Breve* SOLLU. BSUrn A I e °°' ITfor • r.;mtd» terVt- I Tl ?™ U emi of the B>ia co to | 2®S KOLLKB. BMITH A CO- I 1* U,.. «5S Taney Boape.Brajh- I Inc. eaandToll-t Artlclee to to I Onl] BOLLXa, &MITH k CO- IX I %re 1-ike-A. pr*7or HaJkerehlef **• | aJ^. 1 tract* and Perfumer? ko to I BOLLXB. SMITH a CO- 12M I * Lake-n. I tVfor Treaeea, Shoulder I ttraeeaasd Abdumlral po> - _ I : ch _ porter*. T&eyweutotafa- l W v a the manufacturers aad •ill . . I n ,„ n aell at low pricea. -iOLLEX SMITH A- 1M LakMi. | e»| ' I Sre Kt , _ . . I id Colds, I or. n - | Tori n Aftthma, I Catarrh, I m loflpeuza, 1 Bronchitis, 1 u. tioarsoness, I Vt Pore Throat, | F. "WhoopiDK Coosh, I . . L_ Incipient Consnmptton, I y Brown's JirouililiU Troclies. I Ml 3on ccrraiaHT Bsovazo. I JC IJ Yntersd accordlo* to act of Coogr*»a IMT. *>y I k-p John I BiowiA Son Chemist i. Bo»t0".!n the Clerks I c-fflce of tbe D'strlct Court xf the DLL of Mas achuaet a. 1 ne*titid«ud»eaehans<sof our J A] climate are aources of Pulmonarvaod B«onetlal I . >Cecu aa. lepedence feartce prrveO thu alopie rep- t laid edleioftei aeteoetdtly aad certainly wheo taken la the 1 r early ataee of 'ae d'eeaee. re'oune ahoold at oace be I .a eyA had to "Brown'a Broocltlal Trocbea." or Loaea*es.let 1 •ita, th*crujh crlrrlutloa of the throat be ever ao sliahw aa I I mu- bythia precaoionamore serious a Uek may be tffectu- I a l» warded <.S. I „ Brown's Bronchial Troches, IW j I I^CuretOouth.Col!. Hoarstnen andlsflieoaa. I an tyiteilavea *he llirklagC-nuto la I r Dro c 1:1 a. Aithoa-ad Ca arrh I tod alve* a re-tth to the voice I to PubUe Speaka*. I Brown's Bronchial Troches. Po .?.? tProm KeT. w%rd Be'chtr. who liu uicd I . TrJchMforar.j..'..] . , I im **T»iaveaeverehane«l rnvmlodreaoeeurgih«mfrem I im * Iheflrrt. eacep* to tiuVjet be,t«r tf tha-eheh 1 beitaa | . .. u _ thm*ln* well of. Ia all o'm? fectoHo* toure 1 have put I_» iit.3 'Troches' latomy e«n»etba*a» r»*olirlya« ldj :eet-rea jv* UJ<a o- Ua a. Ido not he>lt teto aay that lr»»o f»r aal have I 3 an fpportonlty cf comparlann. your are i W. nentiytbeb«9taad>he&r*loftnesrcatUaeasaßchooL I i Brown's Bronchial Troches. ~ [From Rev. B. H. Cta la.D. P. NewTork l I ••Icooalder soar L a-naee as exceUeot for 1 thflr parpotes. and recommend their use to Public I Speaker* ** I '1 Brown's Bronchial '.Troches. From Mr. C. H. "ardoer. P of the Sntcer'a Fe> I mat* Icitltote. New Yo-k.i .lit: "I have been afflicted wlJt the Bronchitladunng the I paat wtjter, ana found no relief until I foanj your I Trt cbeV I Brown's Bronchial Troches. tW~ior Children laborloc Coofh. WTjoopla* I Coiuh, ft Hoa'aaeet. are p'rtlcularly adapted, cn ac« I | couat of their aocthlce and d'tna'ceni properties. As* I , ■ alatiai expect ration, and sccomuLittoa of phlegm. 1 solan PENTON 4 CO., 2 l 0'» 94 Lake Street 94 Jj OPfOaiTI TKPI3NT aoesi I Ho3tetter'a Stomach Bitters, * IA Eeld by BOLLB9. SMITH k CO- IM Lake street. I b jjSj Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, 11 Uw?l field by C. T. WATKraa * CO- 20 BUta itrttt. JrtL Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, iluSi 6oIdHJ.H.BBU)A CO.. 1« td 148 Uio itrMl. SE Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, slsi) told br HATES, f ABKIL a CO.. n W«ter Hrert. S Hostetter's Stomach. Bitters, late «««. r Te " Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Soidbj J. H »CLLia*OO..r WtUrilrfrt. t fe Hostetter's Stomachi Bitters, j i state • Tripp. gold by BOCKTf. INNI3 A CO.. ■ Wat* atreet, i Sil Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, f oi' fcla w read A 00.. »I>k» ftreet. ' *' Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, 7 » e > sou br o. 7. tctLra * co. Hostetter's Stomach. Bitters, H.Tft (br ti'ir T.clc ind olhsrHedldMlTWoe* it •—U7 came k celebrate! ud »jpal«r. liitannrtaelpled p»- I3T tor tie,liereind eljewher. b»T. coonteifelled Uiemexten. Jr*** dre'T. ud to jrereot detection »« refer tmrennen to 3NX.T. the »bo». p«tl« IW the iraotoe utlel. or to the wo . witton. Hostetter * Smith. ]rfid7-tn. PITTHSPSQg. ?A j'Sm a 10THERS, AS YOff LOfE YOUR S3 sus DMDtaoi'lMSaa »o* woiui lIJ|QL wtt A TJ TUT Q1 They arw a delldoaa srep»- . T T nQ WO-H.JH.O. ration of fluf«rtb*l*aycbild So'S of Ky!i£: JadSrwSlecMdj. The ll'.Ue children afceted with hSrwfore toracd op Utlr noK. .ad .■ ji jut uit eriMl f the ad mini* ration of the > * O, , formllol > or. ud loDedbKMe*. ITBTtoI jj L i.ts.gsirraAOO. Kia 'IM lah» tf- A»mU tor «orthwe»cm sUtm. DB. c. jr. IKED'S tone, QUISISE SBBSTITUTE, or, jrnnrt:, eea Ysa Jraach. WILL CUM FEVER A N.l> AGUE. ALSO. YELLOW, CHAGRE3 AND JREAT A Tin«m»»OTeneMO^bemT<mledbrtheue Ae- Ao. 3 ttislnv»luab»e remedy. The rad&e la M mmsmggm i'S'KiaaVufbSScl lv™fe^ l ' u rS*.ri£s t .* i 3 J odS * u ; THE wUbutdu a^.S^'S&AßD.Prwrietor, he lil italden Lane. New Tsrk. >e fnneh Penton, ItobltttoD * Smith, iCSS ; liebesi : SnSS" XtmOH AND CONSIDER.—AN HONEST T - \y QpAK^ 8 aea. Tete of >hy run oat I Lake it. . U will to toshes tna Lhey have Sou need not d«p!3r • m , t ,fmmSo, fasaa aatheoart r»*thJ oocflUon .103 Lake hopeleai than mine was. an* «s to«weih« I between ue«. TIM net. because to* Wted ba# CHINA KM* wiw. gj»» iitiMcims, £c. • PERFECTLY TIUPMPHAST BEMBD? FOR ALL DISEASES APJSING 1 FROM MALABIi; Particularly rfIVBH and AQUii. I ChlDs and Peveij aad all dlsevet arising from that I coa<«Ulin of the Il*t m uV.vcraally produced by the | malaria *ad fo« of tb* West iu?h u dlaeaaed or tartflj Uyer enlargement of tne ip'eea. or Agar Oak® ta the side, fit ilotts latemiulni. ftem'tleat Fever*, and. ladeed. all dUeasei rtila< trom a billions condU Uonof the ars'em- it* la/redienta are all veee'able, »od perfect]/ fi*rjale*aln th»ir eJei a an J perfectly cer« tain to care. Sailer, tf roa dcdri to UT4 ®o' ey and time. «ad aetvaur beilm. lake It *l once, luitead or tboae thlnn waxch only palliate while they Jo not care. MOUX*. 111 . Feb. 19. IfSJ. K7B&RI S. K. HVSN A CO.-Genie; We4adT*u* Acue Balaam aaoertor to e r y remedy in oar market for the oennaaeot care of all malarious diaeasea. We ebeerfaily recommend it ae worth; ibat cr-ai name II baa wberevo* a*>id a d itiod fSStoSiloii mcHAaoa * TS^MAB. lOauow. Ohio. April 1. IMS. To the eafferer* of ohira. fe*eraod acue. 1 eheerfblly ■BBbltlba toliowlnc Having oluerre-1 o'oaely tbo «• fTcti of Dr. Ante EJal'am »q tb a »lctalty f-r tbo paw three year*. I am well pleased witii iu remedial vir tue* aa aa antidote io malaria 1 have frequently aaed Urn myvractlcs. aod rih eailw wUUfacUoa. from my In Imate knowl-dg-of tbia eotoooand, 1 recommend 11 u ute. BtCBBV aod effislsau Jt. X HACKFDOM. D. V. BLCVTR9. Tail. May 17. I*3. S. K. MAJT? * uO.-GenU: lUvb-i told your Arfue for t h e nu' thrcs ycare u> Korea ol perain* la itil» vlelnitr. and clo»ely obaervioc Itr effect*, ' we do ooi hesitate la sayta* beat remedy ever *->ld .a icd'ana. mil wi>l tff;ctoally cure cbllla, fever and a*ae without ful. Truly yowx, PhLLUtf AN 4c RKARNB. DrustUt*. DR. riea*e«eai me one-bauf eraee "ore of year *iueß*.aacitmß»e-:lately 11 la in neat demand, r aod may be truly siyieti the Kin* of r«r«r aod Afwe. [ J. LYTLK. Paiaklan and Drue*ljt. LacjnDii. Mlch'rtfl, Jane 18,1 W t iresaaa. 8. k MANN a CO . oai^.-tfenu: 1 have to aay that 1 bare for aeveral m n<ba been cv-m; nieiely-.roatmeil br ?M'« fever and acae. aid aa i h Te a larce family wb'> wei s . m.on my labor + v forthetr eaUUnc, 1 bAT« tned lo T*ln aJllbe a«o«rcme- " dies tn my reach [«nd(hej aielealoo.Jbiiilfoandatoe t> it cure aatii I caetl yoor ««ae Balaam. 1 t»a*e nerrr •book, or bad » p n>e-.« of {■ tct UQce the Ant dove, out 1 bav« u*cd the third boUie. I hare now Peed maud fori ree moLloa lam ecmftdenilt la the ooiy UiL&Ktbal will cer*r(aU. Toon O. P. WOODi p t H. IL M.V.XS A I 0., Proprieton. Oao. * 0. J. WOOD * CO* 81. Loult. We AgefiUfr>rail tbe i*e»terb State* and Ttrrturle'. aad >otj tot atl food drutatea. ik»V-a TUB U«» "iTIGOaATOB ruriMiD- ar ox uxjczix 2! COXFOCSOKD SSTIiSLt tMO3 CCSS, 4 T8 ONB OF THE BEST FCSGATITB X. aad Thete «>aaa remove; t * til aarbld or bad maUerl • tj a tare oare for iho»*- &om the tntem. sosply-j ,r» AJorbne, and a >re> ro. Ina In their place a Tentative of CboJera. i n SsSSt\Q\ OnlyonebotUeUneed suottne food to dfceafa w ledtottro»ootoftbe«j« I eeli, parlf*l«B Wq Cj °. f O"" 11 I ilood, flTln* tons and" CP jdaeancraloafaiekaeei Jf I i-, I SS2. taliowneM or onnatsnl | facLßi a radical cure. , ijg ;CO krJrom theikls. | BUltow attsekj ud " ! , w I nred. ana. what libettcl a ) One doee taken a ehort I cremted by the ccea- time before eaUc* five* I sloaalaaeoftbeMYerln- 1 . ;"tm>t\otiie a>-Detite and I vtscrator. ; fn ' °"*e» Ue food dl<egk to I Ooe dose after et.Uni.l i W#u * 10« I t«mlfieleas to rci.ewe ttoe ; Hi j Ozo Joia. oi'ea repeal 1 tfomaehandpreverittof' . ;,sd.cureattt»ooiobU»-* I foodftuarifcieiaaiaa:- » iu * o rs*fonß, I Inx. t while Homruar n»2 I Only on aoulakcnbe>; 9? Bowel CnoapUlaw I tire retiring, prsventai yield alaoet to us flnl - j doae. i to* I 0?'"* A ewboOleawill oor« m I ilsbi 1 o»exutheboweu by exdtloc iM I Knur aci core* eoe* auao'rbanta. m - I a« a preTedU«T« I w rcr Fe»ar »ud A«a», ■t I Oye doee ftf two tei> thill >'«v«r, and alt I apseaiol" erill always re> % , yavers of a BUlloaa I |*i Jtyp*. It operatet with Oilj one doee Imtae- , T | certainty, andtboaaacda I dlat;l? reiletes t«Ho,i W ye to 1 «mu \ Wta wcsdeiful Tlriuea. I iwaniatoot testimonyi»rrsrA7on. I . wsier U i&o month with the lavlxorator. ind I iwallov b£th tocv^vr. | Fitt; ootLin rn aorru. I Or. BAJIFOR! f»oprletor. No. US Broadway, New I Tork. »etalle« oy all Drouxiit*. Bold. I 30LIES. MIITH JkCO.. 154 Lake*!., and I FAHHtoTOCa k DA\ii I tyfl.ty.** Hi Ileal U;siate. I —; ' —^ la 7" AS TED TO iXOHANQS IOS A CITY I W XM'iease, % es. I homestead. I I snlldlbcs. Yard and Q ardro. alt in complete jrder. local 57 M I sd in one of Uioke basatlftd aad healthy I Wiicon*ln.onlyWatllea from thli city oa the Uoeof Um left. I jUefiaorSßailroad. four I Alio wanted to «ell or exchina fur oily crcperty. ictiai I Wlseonaifi Tartniug md Piss Ltndfc i* the 1 for Partlciara addrea Poet OSce Bo* ll«. ee be | MP-WW ht u Tt s. GOYKiCJUENT LAND LOCATING rectu- (J. AGKNCY. 100 The Subscriber bATin* hadmacb cractlcal experienoeU ' I SELECTING AMD LOOATINCJ LANDS, In the vartooa L«d DliTirt. In the Weetem Ptatee Ut 1 anueaal facUltiee'or maklnx valuable seclectlooa 1 fOR LAUD WARRANTS OR CA9U. * 1 Cho\ceßelecUotsama»nowbeaiaJeln IOWA, WISCONSIN AND MISSOURI, 16S. I Penons baric* Wananii can knye tbea Located la . rnvwi im«u« meirown Name. ** llß I And 40 per Cent. Proli* Ga*ranlee<!» Dfrem j Payable la Oue Ye&r. *epul I lowa. Wleeoodn and lUlnoU Laodi for lale low for I hare I taTeeted In Kanaas and Nebraaka. 1 tL 3ALI3BDRY. Land Locatln* ArenU hooL** I auls *ly Clark atreeU Chicago. IQS» i , aiDucoltoiial. in«» for I -% mO COMMENCE, TUESDAY. MARCH I, b.6S. I Hioßprtns»ndSiiminerTcnßi t'b Fe* I ~- 0 * *>!>— 0,, Northweat'rn Female College 4 * ollr I EVANSTOS. ILLINOIS. Ugg ! [l3 MUe* North from Chlci*o.l LAO I TOTAL lIQQLiS CDIMH. loopla* I Academic O-p.. (per half year) no cnac- College ** " 74 ** *• ij * I TU'aechaneUnclodeßoaH. Tultl«pJn allatodieere- I qai'ed of fra J ualca aad all of which are re<»oeotly 1 chwft'd aa" Kxuaa. * except I Ornamental Branches ud "Whin*- he ch»r*ed fifty ceota P«r dcien. It wUi be**• a« I «lanc«* that m*ay who are now K th» "jcjyoy ...04 I tbe a»me I ccit ju wbich they .are ao» boardln* them lnuec'.ty. I wtLleth?* «rowoplol«corarce Til - PhjUeil, Beatal ud Hortl DUelpUae, ' ' I Ar« all nrorlded for atthla Imitation. lachTeeehrt Cera * W - P ' JU «•-. toaaiw. . treet, T ret** Located at Chleaxo. New Tork. Philadelphia. Albany x__— Buffalo. OeveUad and De'rolt. thro %-i.rv' s5 ters, -tfiT!L T")OY'9 HIGH SCHOOL. THE SExr Ters, U«I » oa Koni-J. r.hnun TO. S-J4ISS SiA^f J SS. or Ihc »d=uwi »»«f« inea, be- rpalred by the tea ben. Wl - HX" cjalisbcby mansion- school, ldj ru H. PA. . , mo a. K>q. YOUR —: 4 -oplinaH9. aU eaeee 1 i&'iSi QIGHI ASD heaking.- tii°* DK. P. A. CADWEIi, >ai arepj^ * * trouble* OF TOBOHTO O. *W. CO.. "Pie Imlncatand Skillfal Operator oa the EYE A3STI> n3-A-H- At the matt MOM HOUSE- Chirac 11L. Ia working m un ~ nlricleelathewiyof'eeiorifl* LITE. LOST SIGHT AID lIKABISB. TTowarie of One Hundred aad t Tweatv.piT<» P»tl«W r Jl*^ f eelved by Dr. C within the la* four-week*. hare been b.»nl for m«nba nd yearn sSlff other*, who ha*e loos been eafferer*. kave bad t^owDr. C,'»serticea are arrred- UK. aledia. le dally recelvtnr new puieota from all I*3 AND of tae«tttry. and dlsmlailns. secured. Ms eaity by tbe oie "So'ee larequ'red for an»xamlnatlon or opinion, and km a very NoC!tar»«ror«tff c-e thuae'oj3aceeaaW,aewul^ txsezlence alated when the patk-nt la teeeired. Dr. OadweuV ulty. aad TreaUe?oa the RyeandSaren aopUcallonaaanoTe. dSJtoc the tey etTa cLk e4 a Here? and ICA (J O GHABITABL3S cui'.na the ItorphSa ETE ASD EAB WFIIWIAHT, p«*mt tn- Dispensary or th« Imllnxiary i a*p«?ect OMKT(fyli>;ali| frii 111-2 to 12 l-Jft'tlk WOUld M r. Hmuoo. fOS aBAIOITOUI TXSATMIXT f". 1 " '.M 01'. ..ooorßeeled*llh lluaiaa of thf fK. u - 50, go north Clirk Streat, Cor. Tfir^igAn. Pioldeot; OVVjfuit . T PrvldKta: 3 Utoat, Secrttvj A Tr«MU«r: KtS?* DTK"' ih. "&Z d jKSIi - » honest mwm*- 1 i, gotew. Ma w h . LOUIS MA USS, JPradical Optician, .SOUTH CLASX BiaiTl. '• V . OPBoait*the Court U» Is not mare -g| «id obele**Baenrtment of Optical and Kath • PBa» ith the W sPBOTAOLSa ooortaaUy «» I "SSSnS i SI2S3SSo?S M £3i too** 61 L j^^jy' ,i * e|e ** ailttetoll * l * ew