Newspaper Page Text
; iY-TEtIGRAPHi' ; ___ di TO THE PBESS AND TBIBVNB. XXXTTH COSCIESS—SKCOSD SESSION. Wisnrcoroi!. Feb. 23—ScsiTE-Tlie Seua'o " was engaged until midnight lu animated di-bat© " upon tlie political issues growing out of the unex- b tingniabable Kan Fas qnwtiou. The point under oonsidcratlon was an amendment to the gcnerul appropriation bill offered br Mr. Hale, to repeal tbe restriction clause of ine Kansas admission i ict. All tbe DemocraUo Senators whose political ten et? are regarded as lacking In ortbaloxy, availed t themselves or tbe opportunity to define their po- { aUon. . Tbe amendment was rejected by a vote of 19 ■ to 27, and tbe general appropriation bill finally . passed. Washington, Feb. 2t.—Mr. Hunter's motion , that the benate meet dailj at II o'clock, was ( agTcedto. 1 Tbe Chair laid before tbe Senate a communico- , tiou from the Secretary of the Interior, Inclosing j A report ot tbe wagon road constructed tinder tbe 1 authority of the U. S* , Mr* Bright announced that bad be not been T)resent last night, he Koald have voted against Or. Hale'd amendment. Mr. Fitch, from tbe Committee on Printing, in : troduced a jjiut resnluttonauthoriz'ng the Super iutendent of Public Printing to purchase paper in open market till new contracts can be nud<*, as, owin? to tbe failure of the contractor to lurnisli a supply, the printing threatens lo be stopped. On motion of Mr. Yulee the pewt route? bill was taken up—yeas 31, nut» 10. Mr. Hunter's motion to meet at 11 o'clock was agreed to. Mr. Bright announced that had he been pre nent last night be wonld have voted against Mr. fiale'a amendment. A joint resolution was psssed allowing the Superintendent of Pablio Printing to buy paper in open market, in consequence of tbe failure of the contractors to keep i*im supplied. The poßt route bill was being taken up when Mr. Tnlee of Florida announced tbe intention of the Committee to amend tbe bill by increasing tbe rates of postage, and other reforms, so as to augment the revenue ai the department six and a half millions dollars. , House,—Tbe P. O. Appropriation bill w.n taken up. Toe question was takeu ou concurring in tbe amendment reported troui the O'Qiii't-c cf tlie Wholeoutlie state of the Uniot, proviilug that tbe contract wilb Butterficld Co , Icr canjiug the Overland mail shall be so coosuiifd shall allow them to cany it any route the? may select, according to tbe act of under wli'C't Kiiil cofract purports to be maue, and it was rejected —99 against 102. The proviso that the advertisements of the mad route propyls shall be published in two netvppa cere only in each State aud Teiritory, having tne largest circulation,.was rejected—9l against 104. Mr. trom the Select Commiitee of in qniry iuto the abuses ot naval contracts, pteseuted u majority report. The resolutions appended say thai tbe testimony prove* tbo existence of glaring abuses in the Brooklyn -Navy Yard, whicli have been growing tor a long series of years; that tbe coal agency Is in tbe bauds of iuc imi>eient jier eous,aijd needs reforming; that the Secretary of the Navy is not censurable in the matter of tbe lire oak contracts for the machinery for tiie «even sloops of-war. On the other hand Sherman and Bitchie join In a statement and resolutions, setting lorth that tbe Secretary, with the sanction of tbe President, abused his discretionary power in se lecting coal agents, and in the purchase of iuel. That the live oak contract with Swift was made in violation ol law, and to the injury of the publie service. That the distribution by tho Secretary of Government patronage at the Brooklyn Navy Yard among members of Con gress is corrupting m its influence and injurious to tbe public service. That tbe President and Secretary by receiving and considering the par* ty relations of bidders for contracts aud the ef fect of awarding contracts upon pending elec tions, has set an example dangerous to public safety, and deserving the reproof of tbe Honse. That the appointment of Daniel 11. Martin, Chief Engineer, to be a member of tbe Board of Engineers to report upon proposals for con* strucung machinery, the isaid Martin being at the time pecuniarily interested in some of said proposals, is hereby censured by the House. Mr. Sberman aleo reported a bill to reguhte the navy yards and docks, and for otLtr pur poses. Tbe whole snbjeet was postponed till Mond.iv and tbe House went into Committee on tbe Navy Appropriation bill. Mr. Wilson argued against protection. Lie said there was no necessity tor any alteration of the tariff, and detended the appropriations for tbe navy. Mr. Howard, of Mich , contended tbat it wes impossible to raise hfty>S!X millions from tbe present tarifL He favored a discriminating tar iff and protection. Mr. Carrie of Ala., insisted that we must equalize our revenue and expenditure. There were retrenchment and economy on one side and enormous taxation on tbe other, acd no American statesman should hesitate to select tbe former. Mr. N'cbols of OMo, avowed himself in favor of free trade and direct taxation. Our present evils arise not from the tariff bills, but lrom legislation hero cumulating speculation. From Washington, Washington, Feb. 24 -Acancus of Demo cratic Senators was beld yeßt*rday, and it was agreed opon tbat no more private bills shall be passed. It was also decided to take up tbe Cu. ba bill on Friday and continue in session until u vnt* »■ hatL New Yons, Feb. 2i.—The Times correspond ent says, a gentleman recently returned lrom Eogland, now in Wasbingtoo, brings intelli gence, wbich he asserts can be relied on impli citly, to the *ffect tbat Great Britain, as long ago as last October, negotiated a secret treaty with Guatemala by wbich she obtained absolute kcv* ereignty over a portion of tbe territory former ly claimed by ber under cover of tho right to out dye-woods at Batize. The Four Great Railroads in Conven tion. Kbw Yobk, Feb. 24.—The mooting of tbe Presidents ot tbe four great Railroad*, to wit: the Erie, N. Y. Central. Pennsylvania Central and tbe Baltimore and Oaio, took place yester day, and was organized by the appointment ot Mr. Moran, of tbe Erie, as Cbairmao, ilr. Bar low, tbe umpire, as Secret&ry. Mr. Sloan, of the liudion iliver Railroad, an pcared before the meeting and stated that lor reasons satisfactory to tbe directors of bis road, they had resolved to be no longer bound by tbe rates of the convention. An attempt will probably be made to coerce the Hudson R R, but if it fails, tbe com bination will be broken up. R. R. Bridge Struck by a Steamboat. Vjkcskkes, Ind., Feb. 23.—'Tbe steamboat Crescent, heavily loaded lor New Orleans, iu attempting to pass down through tbe draw bndge over the Wabasb, this afternoon, swqdj around, striking one span of the O iio aud Miss issippi Railroad bridge, but doing no serious damage to it, except springing it out of line. About one hundred barrels of pork were thrown overboard to prevent tbe boat trom siuLiutr. She now lies against tbe bridge, bad ly crippled. Tbe balance ot ber cargo will be taKrn out in barges, when it is thought she can be removed safely. Trains pass over the road as nsu&L The Socccssor to Dc Sauty. Nsw Yobk, Feb. 24.—Mr. Henly, the English electrician iu charge of the Atlantic Cable, tele graphs as follows: Sr. Johks, N. F., Feb. 23.—1 have sent tbe instruments which 1 brought over from Eaglaud to Trinity Bay by sea, and shall start lor that point on Monday. [Signed,] Hexlt. The Burning of a Ship. New OBI.E4KS, Feb. 23.—The ship Mary and Adelaide of Tbomaston was still burning atnoon to-day. Her cargo will be mostly lost. Tbe eotton is mostly insured in France by Lecesne A Co., and the vessel is partially insured in Tbomaston. Two foremeo and a r.egro were drowned. It has been found impossible to >»ipV tho ship which is burning between decks. Arrival of a steamer. New York, Feb. 24.—The steamship City of Msnchester, with dates from Livesnool to tbe 2d ol February, arrived this noon. News antic ipated. Railroad Convection* New Yoke, Feb. 24.—Nothing was decided upon at tbe meeting to-day ol the Railroad Presidents, and matters look about an jeuter dsy. The Convention assembles again to nittbi. COMMERCIAL. Commercial and Money Muticr*. Tnctaaiv Evenlj*. F.b. si. Hoket.—Busiuess quiet. Eastern Ex steady at 1} per cent, premium. Gald in fair de« oacd. Discounts, 10 per ccut. Coiqceecial.—A more active feeling pervadt-d the Wneat market to day, and holder* bo'd freely at yesterdoy'6 prices. There was an extra demand for 6tandard Spring, the price of wbieh advanced lc. Sales of all grades amounted to about 25 000 bushel* at the following price*: No. 1 Red, $1.23 @L2G; No. 2 Red, $111@1.12; Standard Spring, .9G@9Sc; No. 2 Spring, 6C(gS7c; Rq'ectcd Spring, 76®76c—a1l in store. The Flour market was quiet bat fittn—with very Jew round lota offering, and these are beld at 25(3 SOc shove the views of buyers. Sales were limited to abonl 300 bbls in stnaU lots, at 16 for medium White Winter; $5.12 for fair Spring Extra; and 14.75 for Spring Supeillae. The Corn market was Ihmer to day, with some inquiry for future delivery. Another sale of 5,000 bushels was made to-day for delivery during the latter half of June at 72c f. o.b. The tales on track Unlay ranged from €7<3GBc per CO lbs. Tho Oats market i 6 firm with some demand for shipment to Qulncy and other points on the Mis sissippi. Barley steady. High wines quiet and nominal. The Provision market remains dull. Mesa Pork ! is almost entirely ueglected; while Cut Meats are dull and tending downward. Lard quiet. Dressed Sogs in limited demand at tf.2i@C.6o. karn from the New York papers that .16,000 bu Red Winter wheat were soid st Os °n 18th inst., at $1.40. e ob(UL) Afatrtiiar says "the amount X££SZ .m frm, thai the distemper it m tiring great Utoc in the neighborhood of Myresville ud North Fork, one ™*ti haviog lostspwards of one boo* Ci dred head. • At Detroit on the 22(1, lied Winter wheat 1 sold at SLB4@VBB; com, 75@76c. The Buffalo Adcertiw of the 22d states that within the past week 10,000 bbls of flour hare been shipped from that city for *' home use." It B& y 8 "there has been an inordinate demand from all quarters." The Cincinnati QazdU of yesterday thns re views the market of tbe preceding day: Whatever buoyancy the provision market has exhibited within the last week, it lost to-day under tbe advices from New Orleans, which are quite unfavorable. Tbe decline there yesterday we serious, and every article of tbe hog pro* doct, excepting Mess Pork, is lower now in New Orleans than in this market. There was some anxiety to sell bulk meats to* day, bat bnyers withdrew. There has been no demand of consequence for mess pork for some time, and quotations must be considered nomin al. There is not much bacon on the market but in the absence of any considerable orders, there is enough for tbe demand. Lard closed * dull at lljtfe lor prime barrel. The wank ot a t shipping margin, when we compare our quota- [ j tions with seaboard prices, is still a prominent i feature of the trade; but parties who own the , stocks, maintain their courage, and when the (\ demand tails of!, they settle themselves down M contentedly to await, to await the next move- ] ment on the part of consumer. So far this plan l i bt a worked to advantage, and prices have beeu sustained remarkably well against the combined influence of the new Eastern trade. The heavy end ol tbe stock is held in the West, and sold 1 only as consumers require it, A correspondent o! the London Timu writes as follows of tbe ups and downs o! tbe Wheat market. Tbe facts presented are worthy of beiog reflected upon: •' For no !e«s a period than thirty-two years ever sioce 1827—the price of wbeat has moved io quadrennial periods: four years up and four years down—with a regularity bo steady and invariable that it is difficult to cast one's eyes on the soale of " auonal averages," and escape tbe impression it conveys of a perfect natural ejete. No expansion into verbal statement will do justice to the expressive tale which the diagram of annnal prices affords to the eye. Britfly told, however, and omitting the frac tional figures, it is aa follows: 41 From 1527 to 1881, tbe first quadrennial period, tbe prices of wheat rose from 5Ss. in the tint named jeurtu 665. in the last. Thence to 1885, it teH by regular annnal steps, 53a., 525., and 4G*., t3 89 i. Ia the next four rears it rose with iqu»l regularity, through 485., 55a. and G*v, to 70s. in 1839. Then down, by the gra dations of 66a., G4j. and 575., to 60s. in 1648. Up ociin, through 505., 51s. and 545., to CDs. in 1847 Down again in turn, by the regular stages of 695., 44a. and 40s, to tbe figure fear* ful to agricultural eyes, of 88s. in 1651. Tbe next four years it mounted again by tbe en couraging degrees ot 415., 585., 725., to tbe Crimean altitude of 745. in 1855; whence it has declined, in obedience to the same singular law ot succession to 695. and 565. in 185G and 1857, , and to the still lower it holds in the year jost i expired, tbe third, and happily the penultimate ol our present descending series." t Tbe Carlinville (UL) Fru Democrat has infor -1 maiion from farmers in all parts of that county \ relative to the Wheat crop. The unitorm opin ion is, that at least one half tho wheat sowed ' last Fall is winter killed. The freezing at • night and thawing dnring the day heaves the } wheat entirely ont of the ground. There are 20,000 bushels of Corn in Boston. | WOOL. The Cincinnati QazdU of yesterday has the following: There is a strong speculative feeling in tbe B Wool market, and the indications are that tbe new crop will command very high prices. Agent# : are through the country, .contracting for tbe 1 clip in advance. Wool growers will lose noth • iog. we thiuk, by holding off. Prices are now | only 20c per lb higher than they were a year 1 ago, and we look for the establishment of a still higher currency. There is everything to en -3 courage farmers to take good care of their sheep '* and reject tbe offers of speculators. The sup ply of wool now In the country is not equal to 7 the demand, and in this regard there is no pro -7 bability of a change for six months' to come, at least. ,f COMMEECIAL CIBCCLAfiS BT TEE AFBICA. r Ltvdfool, Feb. 4,16i9. Bbead^toffs.—Tbe demand baa been limited s during the week, and tbe general tendency of e prices for Wheat, Flour and Indian Corn has :• been downward, but they are not quotably lower. Tbe almost entire cessation of shipments it from the United States seems to produce no ef e feet upon our market, the prevailing opinion e being that but a small quantity of Foreign 0 Grain or Flour will be required. Hereafter all :t Breadstuff* will be sold by the 100 pounds, or "Cental;" onrquotations are adjusted to the r sew mode. We quote: 1 Wbkat. ¥ ICO tt«. n cetera St riae 7s Gd to 8s Sd Red 8i lid toys 3d Southern White 10s Odto lltefcl Flour. *IOO lbs. Western Csnal... Lite 3d to lQilOd 3 New York Olilo UsSdtolls 8 Ht. .125 3d to 12a !-d ie llilumoreand ttd'adelphla IlsCdtolU &1 j. Bacon—There is an improved demand for pro u visions generally, and considerable pare-. 1-u'old American Bacon have changed Jiatids at ulxmt 4 pievious prices. The supply of new is on tbe in '•reuse, and aittMctH mnr» nttontimi. Lond nib m l>rd command* 4(5-}, aud Cumberland Cut 44s to . l * 45i>. The luirket id bare of other descriptions. l " Ponr—'The riock is still small, but is gradually ;o augmenting. With a fair doing, prices h iMiiiiiii firm at 72< to 75s for Eastern, aud C7s to 7 ' 71s ]ht bbl for Western. r- Lakd—Tiie market opened dull at 60s per ctrt., o but under the iiifluencc of more favorable advices hum America, a guo<l demand sprung up, result ing in bales of some 3,000 packages, at steadily ad .. vauciug rates. At the close &3a was paid, and Gua generally aalccd. Tiuly yours, James Hjtwitt & Co. Chicago Daily Wholesale Market. j>. TnrBSDAV Evening. Feb. 24,1639. r,t FLOUR—Firm with little off/iin*. Sales were:—llo r- lb'< ••Jljwi-qja" White Winter at t6 09; TObblsWhf.e Ml-.terat <6.00: 40bUs "Johnston Mills" Bering Extra >- at 15.25; 9J Lbit ' Peru City" Saptrflne a*. 14.75. »r *VisTi*B—'tfo'eactlve, and markets shad" i, easier. SO«ato-day we e:—6CO3 buNo. 1 Red atSl.2» ie Instore; lot# badoat li.Sitf In store: 8.400 bado a' SI2C In store; 3Joba iofcro- White at SI-30 delivered: -2 2300 ba Ko 2 Re- v 41.11 Is stare; Sl.OWbu do at 91.12 iartore. trmso-Active &nd firm. Bales to day were;— 1 600 ba Sl&Qi'rd at 96s In s'ore; 6.100 ba do la lots at ICe Ins'ore; 4 0W t»a do at f3clo store; 300 bu No. 3at re; "00bu bodo atfeo.Sc 1q store; 1.5 Oba do at \a et' re; 300 bu Eejectei at 75eln store: 300 bu do at , u 76c in 8lore; c. t.OßN—Firm. Fales were: ba Illiuoli Hirer for ij de'.very enrisctbe latter half of June, at 72c. f. 0.b,; s- COO ba B' tllf dat ti'c. p*r CO lbs os track; I.MO bado. a is cn track; £O bo do. at 6*c. tn track: l.tlAdo. at e. deivered at dlst llerr; EOObudo.ln ban at 63c. i*n on track. OATc—Qol;t bat firm. SUea toilar were; 600 bo Ko. J- 1 atCoc. divlvcred at depot; Eo)ba Iteiccted at 43c. on track. BAB'. .Y—P.lmeflTa acd nominal at £o@6oc. for corn men and f rui-cd to prime, fill tKl&— ■&« od demand at 1143114.60 p»r too. CORi HEAL—Baited. Stf per ton: Unbolttd, S2SCO th a»:4. e- BUCKWUKAT FLOCS-Cbolce (Dixon Mills) $3.25; Conm-nto Good. je SEEDS—Steady. Bal<.s so-diywcre:—lso boTmothy id at <1.90; 19badoat|l&7*; 18 bis* Clover at 16.00. at miUiVISES—Qui tanlnomlnalatiHc. A OOIIOL—USH>cpsr gaU DKES3KD 110QS-Qolet. Sales la-day were 124 Hots arera*ln» K9 %%. at #c 25 11 llo«saver.'Bins£oo»t at t>.£o , PKOYISION&—Ue-a Tork doll and nominal at U7JS. ° Oat Mtata heary and tendlcg downward. iLAßD—Ncm'nal at II He. Ie TALL3>»—6.oo)lljprtineat IC.Hc. n HIDKJ-Steary. Green Olty. 6HO*c; Green Country, e : Green Sated. BX<2BXe: Dry Fllat, K!*ai6\'c. k I'ELT!*—City. 60; Country. 75QLS5. BUTTER—Common. choice. 14®17c, EGQB—l2H9lt:for FreOx. POlil.TßV—Drewed Oblckeua. ai.500L75 pcrdoioa; _ Turter».7aß;p« lb. ' POTATOES—Good i o choice. G»&70c: Oommou, CfidSO |, e BEANS-40 bu f sod White at 9LU. novcaent ofßreadstnlEs—-Feb. 23. intra ST BAUWAT& Four Wi't (torn OaU Bar. Hon. Cat d __ . bbla. bu. ba. bu. bu. No. he. j pyLake «... a GaL U. B. RR. 132 17<:1 734 1679 76 14 ...I ByßockLß.lt.. . 1750 1 32 L Br IU Central.. 4M IKil 174 _ Rtaft. 4Q... 85 JICO 1400* IBit S6 - luO [575 110 6 BrQ.A. A BLL Sl5O .... e 7 • Total 743 10.CIS 4705 2254 *139 244 "~S9 New York Market. (Br Truc&ira.] Ntw Yiu. Feb. 54,1559. . F^:ck—Market flrct and modcradea '■f bare 0 aara-ce4 Se. 84leiH000 bbls at 453048.50 forauper s. State; «& UI for' exfa State; »s.4U<*s.<a for txxver West in (C4^*6.6ofor mund-hoop »bio. Marketcloi ir* firm a d quiet Canadian F onr firmer, fimallsales ■d J l * * fof extiu - F.oar lower and dull at Obais—Whetl more a'tlvc bnt witlmut aoj Important 'J ca re tiawa 87 000 bus at 93j for id for mixed •inter *es',err; 16(k forwbtte Michigan: 173 c . a ° r ". 140Morml*«dI:rnob: !GS®l7sc for white d Ssutber .K , Corn doll >nd unchanged. , Wba a: N.Sc for scuuu mixed Western inrtore; ' tliHj; for nfw ye:l wßoutheni and Jersey. Oats doll at 64*;<c f»rßtat ; 66S6<for rt'fs em aadCanadla*. wuistT—*teadr. titles 153 bbls at . Pa«r*.| ms—Pork qolet and unrhanfed. _ *!S."-®®lß.-'Sfi) r new. and *11.70y»17.75 for old meu; 5» S3O 25 tor clenr; SU SS for rrime. Beef firm and tn rood demand. Hal •&ObR s at Sc>.&o>37 for prime; S7.<«<*» for do mets; for re-picked Clilcaco; Sll 60 ■y <4liiif>rextra4 ; prio>emrasheefheld firmlyatSl^a • 31. t eefbami firmer, halw SOU bbls at Sl4.Weii.7i. 'Si Bon frra. eaits7sboxesatlKcfor Onmb'rlaod mid v dl«; 9c for short rlohed middles. Hot Idea:* steady J sboalders. and G\'ia9Hc G >orb ms. Dre>sei B ndoll aiS nominal at w d quL-t. bbls at ilX<ilS£e. Batter quiet at g HQs Sc for Ohio, and 17U26c for State. Cheeae arm at b 1*& Stocsi—Finn. Mo's 64, V: Tennessee 98X; Vs. 9IK: C ErleOonverlWesnf '7l3i; !)•'6ISSK; Do bondl'7s Si; Cumberi nd 94; NY C 7JV: HadronSSX; Harlem IS: I>o 0 preferred saX: UO6«X; M B 17X; l>o coaran'eeJ 4<: t*anamall&«: IC <raltna * Chlcsc<> 69X: B 30; e Cblcaco A B16IS; Mcnrleb AW 81 Q JW. 8 K INKLE & 00.. • GENERAL DEALKBB TR LDICMK LATH. BHIMBLXS. PICKETS, *O. r oaam oi sal asp tiaaai gum .1 Obloasc ullnti Qmr arrangements ara nah aa to lnr&rs at all Umes a Misapply oftba dUferent aaaUtlea ef CLXAJt LUICBU. e iotnl aa d Bcsntlto* of all slacs acd laadhx. eomaoQ Lom kn. Luh. Bblmlta. to. E OTHervaf fad White, Fine, we alwan iUnd rsa£y to Compare with any In Uils marxit. We lnviU tbe calls aM «t*«nUon of all oovotrr and other dealers to our stock m hand a&4 UeUtaet tOTfilUas crdsn and contraola. | J.W.HmKLISOO i- "Sextons and UndertaKers, t *O. BU 6 ALU STRUT, i- CTAVEONHAND, AT ALL TDCES, kvert . atyte and finish. Wood, Lead, and Zinc CoCQb* ; alao ■ Bfoeaa. ▲»< are prepared wtth 11 wmeeaad parrtatea, 1 and areryULiaf reqnisiteforFaaerals;aad may bis 19 uci . ee aa»4, and ready to ttreprosaptatteaUoß 10 their btut. B waaataUhosra. TkeralMkaTaa Qupelaxid Vault In the Cet&eUrr. I • aaJI WXIQHT * MoOLON. I Deneat Issselatlsal CAPITAL STOCK sßo,Ooo Talie «r Property ! DEM KN.T HOUSE, FOX.TOH OITY ILL. A Card from Charles Dement. Exception having been taken to the legality of the De ment I!on*e Gin Enterprise, br which 1 proposed to sell and dispose of tbe Hons*, together »lth other valuable property at Kreatly prices. I would say to tbe public that before ot-enlng an office bee. 1 advised with prominent gentlemen In d'y. who assured me that \no one w-old attempt to molest me. I s»ems that they were mistaken. 1 profess 10 be a law abiding man. and { therefore at once stopped tbe dlsrotalof tickets as soon I as I foondthe authorities were oppcaed tn it; and now v bivlng consulted eminent legal counsel. I have aold the v prot/erty to a Joint Stock Association, and now offer for aaiMo the pnbllg tbe stock of *ald Association. Tbe name and strle of the Association la the ' Dement Building Association." . , . „ It Is hoped the speculation now efferel will be equally if not more attraetive to the public. I weald eay that nch associations or corporations are regularly provided for by the ttatutea of the Ftite. and I rrrard it»a a for tunate move for me that 1 have made this change, as 1 can go into any Bute in the Union and sell my stock cer tificates without suspicion of violating tbe law, and with out molestation. And for the satisfaction ft persons rurebarinjt t{ic stock of this bsi elation It ;s thoazbt proper to st4te that wbeueveranyof aa'd stock Is in the market for nif, it win be safe to purchase it. as no stock will be de livered fnm the office of th? ossodatlon until Uls >UL'. PAID, and the eompacy have va'ae received. And where there are an> incambrances upon any of the prop erty purchased by the Company, will withhold dpnble the araoont of tbe lncumbrsuee the purchase money ontU saldlncumbr*nce *s removed. _ All person* holding tbe t'ckels of the Dement Houae Gift iittrprlse will please return them, and if they want tr eir money they can have it, ortheyeanhaveaeertifi. cateintbls Association, which we think la equally as advantcgeous to them. Call and see us at No. 45 Lass ie street. CHARLES DEMENT. The Dement Building Association Own the ve-y valuable Heal and Personal l s'ate des cribed b«l>w—for which payment in full baa been made by the Asaoc:ation. Title warranted perfect. THE DEMENT HOUSE, Oort £IOO.OOO to build It alone, aside 'rom the Grounds CUUUC wU «.!•€. kw 2%U wtl%UV*» ». *4.. lie sb one of tbe most magolflrent hotels in tbe State. It 1« built ef limestone 112 by 90 feet sqra-e, five stories high, and cont«lns absat 15■» elegantly fin 1 shed rooms, some cf them very large ones. It baa baa throogbou the entire building, from basement to cupoia. There are also some very desirable DWELLING HOUBES ANBILOTB, and several very valuable TRACTB OP LAND ANl> CITI LOTS I 1 All of which are valued at very low flgores In the sub. joined allotment—as all who are acquainted with the prop erty In their respective nelgbbornooda will testify. lbe*e are also some very desirable ' ARTICLES OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, which Is also well known as tbe most elegant se'ection thatbasererbetnbroughtto the West—ai. cfwhJc Is p valnrd In tbe fallowing allotment at New York wholesale pi ltaßoard of Director* of the Association propose to make an Annnal Division and Distribution of Real &. I tateand Personsl Property of tbe Association not needed for tbe purposes of tbe Azssdation by an allotment of a t nortion tbe same to each abate of the Capital Btock. 3 The Oazital 1« divided into hghtt thousand shares of ai.oa Tbe Directors have divided tbe surplus property now * owneibytbe co«sp«ny tnto 80 OCo lots or portlons-ai numbered, described and va'ued below, via; so. ortotspoßTioss. nrecaip a prop tt. valci'*. b 1 Grtnd Capital Portion. Dement Home, and lots S.V& 7 and 10. on which It stands *SO 00 9 A beautiful double cottage, and lots 9. 15 and . / I6ln Mendota- block 81 8,600 3 $ jx>t 10 in block 2 in Cairo, on Ohio Levee B tbe best 1ntnedty......... 2 300 ■ 4 Lot 11 in clock 2 In Cairo, ohlo Levee 3.800 & A stone dwelling and lets 3 and 3ln block 43, u 6 pleasanily situated In Fulton Olty 600 < 6 TheneM ot swX sfi. t2L. nr6 e, 40acrestimber r one mll« from Morrison..... L&-0 1 Lot 3, b 16. r 5 and a tw» story frame dwelling [1 8 w'fractioii'Wton.' near R. B. Depot. £O6 % Lot 8 In block 11 In w fraction, Fulton, near P theß.B.Denot &:0 i- 10 Lot 9 In block 14. In w fraction. Pulton, near tbe A b. B. depot. 000 0 11 ThewX of neX sec 8,133, nr4e, 80 acres in '* Carroll county. 111.— eoo A laTbeawK ofnwX see 36, tS3,nr4 e. 40acres goodprurle... €OO 13 Lot 7, block 18, r 6, In Pulton GOO 14 IjotL block 15. r7, ** 400 10 iheseX ofnwXaeoS3,tasni4e,4oaeresnear ML Carroll 400 j i6Lot4.blnckl4.rß, In Pulton 4W a . 17 The nwX of nwl< sec It 12l nrß,w3d pm, 40 'f acres bi Marshall county 400 A 18 Lot 6.b10c*14.r2, In Pulton WW _ ia TheeK neKofnwXaec 6,tan,r« e,JWa.rea 7 In Lee county. 111 BPO 8 so Lot 9 block 14. r 3. in Fulton 20J f. 31 Lotl2.biorkl4.ra, . ** auO 23 Lot St, block 45, in Oalro SfO n 23 Lot 24 block 45, " 200 n 84 Lot 23, block 4A, " JOO II 26 Lot 34. block 45, - 200 . 26 Lota, block 13. rl.lnPolton 150 ,r 97 Lot 8, block 13* efr. " 130 6 as One large gilt Uantel Mirror at N. Y. wholesale price ......................... ISO 28 One elegant bronae Office Clock, at N. T. whole -80 maVbfe'caseparlor'cioduatN.'V,* who'esale price 100 81 One mltpier Mlmr. with gilt brackets and mar ble slab, 100 S3 Lot 7. bloc* 9, r 1. In Pulton nu S3 Lotß. block 9, rl. K'O 84 Lot 9. block 9. r 1. . 100 86 Lot 15. Mock 8. rL ' 100 ifi Lot 18. block 9. r 3. 100 37 Lot 4. block 9. r 2, " 100 >■ Si Lot & block 10. e fr. 100 j 9 OEegUtPlerUlrrormarblealabsandgiltbrack. it 40 M'rro'r, asrble slab and brack* i* cti..*.**-**"""""**— 60 [_,. 41 one gilt Pier Mirror marble slab MididitbrArk. •° 43 One idit i'ier Mlmir*inarb]e slab iiria gilt" brack ets.. fiO v 43 Lot 7. 3, r 4, In Fulton W L 44 Lots, blockr4 " 50 4 45 >ots% blockU r4 GO ■O 46 Lot 1. block 3. r 4 GO 47 lot 14. block 2. r 5 ' 50 44 One pair oronte Statuettes of Hei cury 50 *' 49 One gilt Mirror. 45 'S dO One triple plated silver enltee dish, large size.. 4S u si •• •• r. r 43 1. 63 " ' * 45 , S3 " M ** M 45 id H - " " 45 55 " *' " " . 45 66 " small site 26 57 M " " •' 35 SS " " S5 59 " " " 35 60 " ** " 35 61 to7o Ten *mUons often elerrnt mcbrgany ao bedstead', $25 eaeh...... 350 71 to 73 Tree vortions In three m .ible top center lie tabl:s.S2seach.. 75 ra 74 to vl E gbtera portlors In eighteen curled t.air UaitriSMJV 40lna each. 360 91 to 101 Te-> portions In B. W. Jenny Lind Bei -3* strada SlOeacb.... wv ICQtolli TreveportionsutwelveaettSf okulclng chars. 113 each 144 a 1 114 One bronti giaiaette of the Indlai Chief Te d • camseb 35 1150nebrnns?ratuette of Dred fcou liberal nt 12 himself. 25 116Onebroniestatue of Lamartn- ... £5 .. 117t«120 ihlrtien portions'n thirteenp-irs tfat.n u Dam<sk Ourtiina. *» eaeh £6O at 130 to 144 Fifteen portions In fltteeu pair Damask at Ouftaln*. SIU i a h 150 142 to 100 Twenty portions In twenty ialr iace Cnrtaln«, S7 each 140 161 to 160 Bltieen portlo'B in sateen setts tilple pla* »d Table Spoons. S6 each (0 or lEltolS6 Fix oorslonsinslxlmitaticn B. W. Red. b.; steads. 16 each 3d - 137 to 190 Four portions In four silver p ated cake ltß ea<.b 48 & l 191 to 19i Three poruonslu threesiWer plated Cake >c. BaskeU.Sloeach SO 194t> SCB Ten portions In ten K ver Plated Ca*t:rs, very fine, $lB each 160 o. 234 to SIS Ten portions in ten Pa. lor fetoves. SlO nn each 100 214 Oce larte marble lop Centre Tabh s. In office.. $5 Ula .0330 tilx portions in six pair Cord and laajels, s . 221 to Six portions In six pair Cords and Tas seia flae.S4ea'h 24 2i7t0243 Sixteen in sixteen setts trfole nt 4S w 543 to 354 Twelve portions In twelve flue Door Mats, $t each 24 n. 255t026J Six p.rtlocs tn six pair Cord ssdTaaaela, * S3 *«ch 13 3<l to 2tt 5-lx tortious In six pair Cord &nd Tassels. iiy Sl.G'i each 9 5C71» 254 Twenty portions in twenty allver plated Better Knives, tl.&O 90 357 to 306 Twenty portions In twenty silver plated Bogar Lai lea. SI.M each 30 307 to 31V Twelve portions In twe ve Door Mats. II each 13 29 819 tostf Eight portions in elgtt pa'r Oorus aud Ui Ttsseia, SI each 8 ~ 127 to aW Twenty-four portions Is twenty-fourbasl- cess coats. H each 351 to 80.000 Seventy nine thousand aix hundred and fitty partlons or LHh >sraphs. eaeh 11x23 In. of Dement House, 25 ceotaeach 19.963 X y. Total value of Property for distribution....*9 On or before tbe 12tb day of May, 1859, the Directors will make a distribution of the above property—by allot ment—ln lota cr portions as above divided and numbered. The distribution by allotment will be made by drawing for tbe same too, for, and ou behalf of eaeh share aa numbered from one to eighty thousand, unless a majority 60 of tbe stockholders ahall desire some other rodeof di vision, or aome other use ta put aald property to: in which event the Directors feel bound to conform to their Interest* and wishes, whenever they shall be aatUfled of the fact that It i« th* *nter**i anjl «oiA «f • na|*rUj wf tt the stockholders to make a change. Othenrlxe, they will be governed by the foregoing plan or division. J2 " Opinions of the Prcas on the Dement Bnlldlnc Association* j __ We have not aaid irach about this innltnt'on, altbnagh $9 it has net teen because *e did not ttilnk tt an entirely fair, and Just what It cla ; ms. and we would say that If any one bastbe dlspoa'tlon to take the chinees, we have no doubt tbey will have a fair snow for their enney. rotae body will get some valuable prise forth? small sum of one dollar, oonsistltur of one or the finest Hotels lu e tbe Bute, several vtlnable and pleasant dwelling booses, •r tracts cf farm lands, city lota, and very fine :arnitore. v Some samrlrs of the silverware <iify fceseen at tne Ticket i- Office window. No. 48 Lara'le etre't :s We be ov the fcllovicg notices of this Institution it which ahn ws we ara not alone in the bflltf that the con cern isatoundonp. We know Mr. Dement, and do not it believe hs wo»ld ergire la anythlcg ol the sort, but In >c eoo.l lalth.—(JUgoqo Democrat. « Tax Dement Bdldlrg Association serai to be attract -1 Ingngoiddealof atention of late, and although we do B . \ noi approve of gift ent»n>rlse« as a general thing, yet lu ,» ihlscase we aeer o cause to object, as we believe It tt be a sua'ttt-fonrard and Calr proportion to sell the proper, ty In the schedale of prices at a very lew rate mr cash, 30 ana the fact of an arrangement having beeu made with f - one ol our wealthiest firms for t*>e purpo»« cf »lrln* a d guarantee to pertonj buyion tickets, that they either have t - acharcecf ara«lcg a prize cr getting tbelr money back, M and the uaquesuonable character oftbs gent'esen ae a lected to manage tbe drawlrg trove the good faith of j, the gentlemen interested in it And we rannot thick of anythlngtnat coits so Etna la sum as one dollar, tnat r would be likely to give as gcod satisfaction for a Chrtrt c ru or a New rear's pretext as one of these tickets. We say that we hope Mr Dement will sacefed in his under. Uklar, as we believe lb motives lu going into this ar« U rangement are meritorious. Mr. Dement was born and raised in I tinols acd baa too many Interests here, aalde , from wbatls In bis pr#>« r r»mme,to ao aa*thlngtbatlsnot strictly hanorable.—2Tm«. Wa spoke yesterday In relation to Mr. Dement'a treat ■: E'-ock Aasodation. at 4b Lasalle street, of the reliability 0; of Ihe concern—that It was both safe and reliable. Since then, we an tappy to beiog able to state, wtb oXfioinl m confirmation that Mr. Dtme&t, lu order to make every. Uilcg satisfactory to t'je ticket-boliera. has male arrange . menu von Messra. Joy A Frlsbie, the weU-k&ovnTce mexchan's of this cty, to beooaa the reoelve*a of ail , \ moTieysthat may come Into Mr. Dement's bands fortfce u sa'a of Uctets. So thau providing the dravisg does not take place as advertised each ticket hoMer can receive k his monn baca on presentation of his il:krtto Messrs. * Joy A FrisU*. They are too well kniwn thrangboot tbe Northwest as lee kings and monered autocrats, to need any commect from onr hands. A>l we cm say Is to ad a. YiMOurfrie'-dsto "coin,** and bay aU the tickets ihev car> «ffrnito. Tbe iastltation" is "sjunitotheoore," —OUcaoo Journal. lo Tss Dorsrr Btnitiso Association.—Tho particular 4 alienti-nof therwlerls called to a lengthy advertise ■ ment In this number, announcing one or to* grandest gift tmcprlses ever preiented for publlo patronajra. the list ofprtxea embraces one grand capital prize—the - Dement House at Fulton City, which cast originally SIUJ.6OO. niwpatln av Sso,t«. and three bundrfd and forty-oUie others, varying in value from 53.560 to SS e«ch. | TJje ejpwnce of our ctiiena la matters of this kind of 9 late years, tot caused then to look vltk dlrtrust upoa rift enterprises: bar the array of names at the foot of ihe r advertisement* and the plan to be pursued tn the draw m ing. most inspire raofldenoe in theacbeweand'ecore • « fsuld and extensive aale of stoca.—Chicago Smndav In Ledaet. Uk, g, QBfIT.CHAf. DKMKNT, HUGH MAHKEI Dfasdees. aUMMORMM. Insmrame. I STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION —or Tax— Fiartford Fire Insurance Company Me ti tkt iidltor »f tke Stat* af Illinois, JANUARY 1.1859. I The nave of the Company the Hartford Fire Insu rance Company, and is located at HartfonL, Ot, CAPITAL i He amount cf Capital Ptockli.. 1600.000 00 3 The amount ol Capital Stockpalaupis... 600,000 00 4 , , ASSETS, " Oeihonhar.d »43,45S 33 j Cash in hinds of Agentg or In course of j transmission.., 34.106 91 balances on bosk due the Company, 13.7*3 25 BUI receivable, secured by rerson'i security, 6b Besl Estate unencumbered 15.0J0 00 t Par Value. Market. i fill ihttes Hartford B'k Btock *5llOO 67,453 00 i 43 .. Phoeolx 400u0 40UMOO | 100 .. Conn. River Bank's Co. Bt'k 6,(00 6400 no %0 .. Farmers'ftMech'iß'kSt'k, »,Quo £3.800 00 200 .. Rxchsnge .. 134 .. Oily .. .. 12400 US&tfiO ' 150 B'k of Hartford 00. .. 7500 8.05 00 200 .. Charter Oak .. .. 20.000 a'.iCOU) 160 .. Mercantile .. .. 14.100 00 133 ~ Merch'u A MannPrs ~ .. I<*W 13 860 00 13 f .. jEtna .. .. 13.7 U 11316 00 2JO .. AmericanEsch'ge .. .. 3u,04 21.551 (JO SuO .. Bad* of America .. 2U.C00 33.1XJ0 VO SOJ .. Bank of Oou merce .. Sauoi 2.7(000 SuO .. Importer ft Traders B'k .. t<iooo S3.UW CO j »jU .. Manhattan to 10,000 13.8 000 'JOO .. Merchants' .. .. lU.OCO 11.0^)00 3>J .. Lnion .. .. 10,000 10KUUO aoo .. Ocean .. .. io.uo a.KW oo l-o .. Hank of North America .. IQ.OU) 11.0 000 8(0 .. Metropolitan B'k., 33.4U) ui 100 .. BUckstoue .. .. 10 04 H'.S'fl 00 lou .. Bank of Ooinmeree .. lU.UOO 10,375 00 10 .. Boffolt .. .. 1.000 1.270 00 ICO .. Hide and Leather .. •• 10.-00 m&O'O luo .. Granite .. .. 10.000 1U.&U00 100 .. Webster .. .. lU.CCO 10,760 00 100 .. National .. 10000 10.30010 iro .. Atlantic .. .. 10,000 1U,n25 00 10J .. B'k S: Ate (J Missouri .. 10.000 >O.OOO 0u W .. HartfonlAN. H.ER. .. 10.00J 12.250 00 »5 .. Corn. Hirer .. .. iuOO 1.000 1 0 120 .. Oonn. River fompaay .. 12000 2.W0 00 34 Hartford B*ds, 6 » ct, due I*H, 34.000 24 720 CO 2 Ohio State .. 6 .. .. 1860. 10,000 10*075 00 20 Michigan .. C .. .. Ibffi, 2aWW BJ.ICO 00 3) Tennessee .. 6 .. .. UJOOO lifaOOO (J. S. Treanir/ Notes. (4X VCD 14,000 14,033 to Tctal amount of Ansts, •JW.632 S3 (LIABILITIES. 5 No liabilities to Banks, or otnert. due or tot due. 6 Nolossessdjustedarddqe. 9 Lsues In suspense waitiog fur ther proof; bduded in an&ver above. 10 AliotherclalmscralnsttbeCo. 9,895.97 Total Am't of Liabilities, *6*,909 96 II lbs rule of the Company Is not to exceed •iO.OOO In any cneiisk, subject to less byasinglefire. 12 The amount insored in a dty or village, depends upon Its sise—generally all the deal**"* • »«* t« h»rt: inb] t.t to tl>* .boveaaxed. u tub Mduunfinsored In any one block of building* upon ltsslse and construction, subject to the ru'e above referred to. 14 The Act of Incorporation is the same as filed In Jan nary, 1658, TIJIO. C, ALITN, S«cretai7« [OEIGINAL,] [Certiflcate to expire ontheSlst day ol January, 1860.] Acsßoa's OmoE, Stats or lujvoq.l SranavmaCJanuary, 1859. J Whereas, the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, located at Hartfom. In the State of Connecticut, m filed ia this office a statement of the condi tion oi its affairs, as required by "An Act to regulate the Agencies cf Insurance Companies not Incorporated by the Btate of Illinois,'' approved February 17. Ituo. and an act amendatory thereto, approved January 22, 1857; and whereas, said Company has furnished satisfactory evi dence that It is possessed of the required amount of capi tal invested in stocks and mortgages, and has filed In this office a written instrument, s'gned by the President and Becretary thereof, appointing H. B WiUmarth of Chicago, Its Agent for the transaction of the business of said Compa ny.and fully andunreservedly authorizing him to acknowl edge service of process for ard on behalf of said Com pany. consenting that service of process upon him, the said Agent, shall be taken and held to be as valid as if served uponthe Company, and waiving all claim of error byreasonofsuch service, Now, therefore, in pursuance of the provisions of the r Act foresaid. L Jesse K. Dubois, Auditor of Public Ac* 1 counts of the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that the said Henry B. tti'lmarth is authorised as an Agent forthe said Company, to transact the business of Insurance in this btate, until the thirty-first day of January, In tbeyear eighteen hundred and slxir, so far as he maybe legally empowered so to do by said Company. 3 In testimony whereof. I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed the seal of my office, at Springfield, 0 this fifteenth day of January AD. 1859. 0 JtUSK K. DUBOIS, Auditor P. A 0 H. B. WILLHARTH) Agent, q ja37c99lm Comer Bcuth Water andClark-sts. : PHCENIX ! SINSURANCE o O O M .A. XT "ST a o o —oy— -0 o Hartford. Conn. k> 0 Si I. Looms, President. rJ H. KELLOGG. Seiretinr. K WESTERN BRiNCII OFFICE, 0 § OOTOrWWATIJ S M. MA.GtIXjIj, Greneral Agent. i 0 , 1 STATEMENT OF ASSETS, JANUARY 8,1859. Examioed and approved by the Auditors of Wisconsin, 16 lowa, Indiana. Ohio, Illinois and Tennessee, in compli ance with the Laws ot these Slates, 10 CASH CAPITAL $200,000 00. » OASH AfSSTS, JUP.OM 69. q Cash, on hand snd in bank t 51431 11 11 •• due and from Agent*... :i5.174 7» *i shares New York bank stocks 111.K1* 50 S 1100 ■* Hartford - " 114 505 00 in 10J " oiherN. t " ' 8.7*6 tw m Am't loaned on Mortsases of Real Estate 30 200 U) w pledge of Bank stocks 2\510 oo 01 20 Water Bonds of the town of New Britain, Connecticut 1 11 500 00 GO 10 OP.AI. R- B. Ronds. Accumulat«dlnte.'e?ton Investments... ft> crt Ueal HAMie owned by the Company, unincum bered fi.4fi6 71 W Total Assets $419.084 66 S Liabilities, being unadjusted losses and those 50 not due 53L343 00 50 W The foregoing Statement nretents such a view of the 45 Oompanv'spoalUou as must impress the conviction on 43 the minds of all of Its solvency asd healthy condition. 15 The amount of Its liabilities is less than Companies <lo -45 ln< so larse and extensive a business generally show 45 **no long and large list of unpaid losses," as a set oQ 45 against accumulations are se»n b' re. 45 if, therefore, yon want Insurance in a Flrst-Class Insu -36 ranee Company, go to the '*PIICBNIX" 33 iuantborixed Aeenta. and four application will be re -35 celved and boslaees promptly attended to. 35 35 of the Union. BRANCH OFFICE. Nos. 31 and S3 "West Thlrd-st., op -20 poalle Mascnlo Temple, Cincinnati, O. Agents appointed, corrtspocdence attended to. losses 75 adjusted and paid, and a>l business of the western Branch attended to ulUi dlsoatch and fidelity by 60 M- MAGiLL, Genial Agent, 00 aIL MAGILU j Bpfdll A » roU »°' l AJiMlin. M TJ T HATE AUTHORITY ss D [. OHOIOH Ist OX.ABS INSTTHANOn [6 —BT TOl— : 36 M Ineorporated 1819—Cliarter Perpetual* CASH CAPITAL $1,000,000.' '[Absolute and Unlmpared with a Sorplns of (666,140 10. And the prestige of 39 years success and enerlenee. M The Capital alone being double that if any Fire Inso* ranee Company In the united Btatea. M ABSrra. JULY IA 1688. is rjith on hand and deposited In Hartford Binti •179,134 18 8 Cash in tracsit and Agents' hands 141719 06 D. 8. Treasury Notes, S per cent. Interest 2,600 00 145 State Bonds 14&560 00 Money due the Company, secured by mort- „ . gin 4,418 N !< Real Estate unincumbered 65.353 01 2 Bills recdvable 64.499 54 u KiIXRTiIJA 161 Bonds, 6,7, and 19 V cent. Interest anna- n ally. 161,250 00 , ;»7 shares Railroad Stock 82,772 00 u £6 shares Connecticut Elver 00. Stock..•• L2SO 00 1 W shares BUfford Bank Stock 6,230 00 10 shares Waterbury Bank Stock 8,280 00 86 shares Providence Bank Rock 1.873 00 u 199 shares Hartford Bank stock 230,112 £0 ,J 8,030 shares New York Bank £tock H1740 00 „ 15 shares Jersey Otty Bank Btoek. L6OO 00 il* wi thares U.S. Trust Co. New York Stock. IL2OO 00 in 8150 shares New York. L.L and Trust Com pany&ock. 11,750 00 3f •L66U4012 jt TOTAL T.TABTT.mXfI; jj DnMtUed Clitas not due •103,714 M LMMf Agisted tad Promptly FaU* t UPWARDS OP 111)000,000 or loski have been * paid by the Ana Insurance Oempany la the past 89 yean. r Fire and Inland Navigation. e Risks aoeepted at terms f**"* with solvency and r. air profit ° attention given to Insurance of Dwellings «nd ° Contents for terms cn of one or five yean. Organised on a IfATIOIf AL basis, with agencies In >t the ptinplnal dtiee and towna. Cash transactions, free from the objections ofths credit system. Application i made to any duly authorised Agent promptly attended to, By strict attention to a businea l this Oompany Is enabled to oner both Indemnity for the i past and security for the future. Policies Issued without delay by any of Ui duly author lead Agents. £ Branch Offlee 171 Tine itreet, Cincinnati. q VBudnea attended to with dispatch and flili 111 f Mi ® J. B. BUim, Genanl A^tat* l. HUBBARD ft HUNT,; Agents, Chlcam. 5 W. B. PATCH. Bute Axcnt Psiriv lUboli. * oelb4l-Cm STATEMENT OP THE CONDITION OF the NUgsra Fire Insurance Company of the city of it New York on the first day of Jannary, 199, In conformity X wUh the Law of Illinois: First—The name of the Oompany Is the Niagara Fire In- suranoe Oompany, asd is located In the City and State '* of new York. '• Sevond—The amount of its Capital Stock Is Two Hundred d Thousand Dollars. * amount of Its Capital Btock, paid up, is fourth—ll Cash on hand and in the hands of , agects ♦23,918.73 f S. NoßMlßutt 1 \3. L Tfarte New York City revenue e , bunds, 6 per cent t£.ooo , . Seven Brooklyn City Water Loan 6 per cent bonds. t7,C00 ' t, six Hodson River hallroad. Ist s mortgage. 7 p«r cent I*soo-41^00.00 I* 4. Debts due the company securer by ® bonds and mortcsces, being all * first IJens and of which more e than HOO.OOO Is upon property ■' worth doable the amount nort -5 gaged thereon at 7 > cent interest. 818,750.00 ? 6, Loans on Stocks parable on de -1: mand of the market rains of * #49.655. 57.fi25.75 6. Debts for 73? 66 7. Ail other securities 1643 68 I Total Assets or the Coinpany..., $114,065.72 , Ilflh—The company owes no bank or other creditors /r.'. none. 1 Sxth—Loses adjusted and due none. 5 Seventh— Losses adjusted and not dnc.. none. Eighth—Losses unadjusted - ISDQ.OO Ninth—Losses in suspense waiting further proof fi.ouo.oo f Tenti—No other cialms against the company., none. J ToUl ot LUiinU* ot ti« Oonwlaj • 7JOO.O) Heventh—The greatest amount insured In any i one risk. 15.000.00 / "I No genail rules on these points. Twelfth 1 bat seldom exceeding fiaooa th r and single risk In the dty, ana " 45 small dee 26 gTATEMENT OF THE CONDII'ION OF THE PEORIA MARINE & FIBE INSURANCE COMPANT, —OF Peoria, Illinois, TEBBUABT FIRST, 1859.1 Amount of Ita Oapltal stoc> 1500 W» Amount of Its Oacltil ftockpaldup.. 3i*Xuo The Assets of the Cempany are Cash onbani and in hands of agents « S>.6o> 90 Be*' E<ate, uilncumbereJ a.315 oo Bonds owned by the Co M drawing 10 per ct 53.700 uo Loans secured by Mortgage of Reil Estate, worth dosble the amount 1 >anei thereon, drawing 11 per eent lsterest. U3.6C 71 All other Besontles. consisting of discounted bills, notes, drata and arciptawea. matur ing dally, having from slgi.ttonl?etydajs from date to run, drawing IS rer cenL in terest 173.291 <S Total Aaets 34 LUVlhtles. Amount due cr not due to Banks or other creditors of the Company SI6OO Losses adlusted and due Losses adjunct and not due Lcsses unadiaaed... none. Losses In ios.» ue andwalting further proof. 2.* 00 Ail other clalsß against the Company. .'..none. DIRECTORS: Isaae UnderHH Peoria. B- L. T. BourUnd. Peoria. Alexander G.ryng, •' Wdney Pnlslfer, H-N. Wheer, " Charles noll»nd, ** Uwls Ho lanq " Wm. A. Herron, Wm.R.Phe!p; " RlJhard Gregg, WilliamFenn. *' P.ilio Holland, M Baauel Howe, Chleaso, IfIAAO UNDFSQILL, Prett OH AS. HOLLiND, gM*y. J. Aug. Wright, A gent, 148 &>nth Water St.. „ 148 DOLCfIBUILDING, CHICAGO. ifeta an <wi Commercial Hutual Insurance Oompany OF OHZO. THE TRUBIEES OF THE ABOVE COM pauybavetfeelaredaCaih Divldmd of six (6) per cent on all the oaUtanding Scrip, payable on or after the fint day of March neat. Tbevh""; fcijo declared a Scrip Dividend of forty-five t«er rent, oo alt the earned piemlums fir the year rgyible on cr after the first f ent.t'ed to participate in the above by tos'r angeoiv»« —thu eomnanv will please call at their (Ace, No. 8 Poneior .„•> sta n.) OEO. H. GIBS >N, AgeoU Chicago, FebroarylSd, IS9. Theab«ve Compajy still continue to take Marine aad Fire Risks at curmt rates. Office No. 8, pemeroy's Building, tiouth Wate street, (up stain.) GEO. H« GIBtON, feS4-air c2M Agent for Chicago, mine's. gTATEMENT OF THE CONDITION —OFIHI HOME INSIRINCE COMPANY, Ob the First dfy of Made to th€ Audior of the State of lUinoit, pur* tuant to fit Statxde of that State, HA&XE AHD LOOATIOBT. The name of this Comnany is "The Home Insurance Ctompanj," InccrpaatedlnlK63 and located in the dty CAPITAL. Ibe capital of said compaay ariually paid up in cash Is .....I6OKUOO oo Theiuri<luiontbelstJau.,lSft>, 443,43173 Total am't and surplus. .11042,481 73 ASSETS. Amount of cash in bank $ E5.401 S9 .. .. baJancelnbandsofsgentsand In courae of tricsmlssion 17,729 84 .. Unincumbereireal estate owned by the company.. 67,631 00 •• Loans on bond and mortgages, beta* first ltin of reord on nninrombered reales-.ate. wonh at least •Ll'y.SuO. aud on which tiere Is less than one year's Interest <ue and owing. 691,553 08 1 .. Loans cn bonds and mortgages on which there is dse more than one year's Interest. none. .. Loansoostocksandbondspayableon demand, the market value of securi ties pledged, «133»97 109,550 00 .. al other bans mads by the company notlnduded tn preceding itemi none. b&ik stocks owt.ed by the company, (market value). 85,000 00 due ths company in which judgments havebe?nobt*lnel rone. D. <*. Treasury Ndes. (mark'Malue.) 77147 36 ~ Assessments on thi stock of the com panycalltd Inanodre and unpMd. cr premium notes Ine and unpaid... none, ) .. MtssourlState bo;ls, 6 perct. (mar ket value) 17.150 00 .. Interest actually ve and unpaid.... 14.123 20 Premiums due andinco lected on pol icies Issued at the dfice L6BO &4 Bill* receivable fo premiums on in land navigation isks 8.024 74 • Total As?e» 11,077,40 LIABILITIES. Amount of Lossei aljosUdand due and un paid none, .. Losses Incurred aid in proctsj of ad iu&tment. slO,llß 29 .. Losse> reported, o. which no action has been t*keo....„ 9.591 25 Claimsforicstesrtsutedoy the Co.. 15.bi9£4 0 .. Dividends declared lu- and un:itlil M 24J 00 0 .. .. eltlur cah or script de -0 cl«red.butnotyet none. 0 .. M<»neyborrowed... t none. 0 .. AH other existing ctfms against the none. 0 T«talam , tLosses,ClalmsndLiab!li!les...»33,&sß 68 The greatest amount Insured t any ooe risk Is $30,000, 1 but will not, as a geoeral tie, exceed SIO,OOO. The company hnve no eeneral nie as to the amount al -6 lowed to be Insured in any c.y, town, v.llage or bloc*, • It b Ine the intention of the totnpany to distribute its risks lu such a manner as not-,o lose mot etc an SIO,OOO 0 by a single fire. No part of its capital cr earninr. are deposited In any other 8 a'e as security for Io«es therein. ~ An attested copy of the Charterer Act of Incorporation H accompanies this Statement. JT _ StitiofNiw Yoar. ? „ q City and Cntntj ol New York.) Charles J. Martin. President, md J. Milton Pm!th. Be<v I- retary, of the IJome Insurance Company, being severally >f duly sworn, deuoreand ssy. act each 'or himself says, s thai the foregoing Is a true, foil td correct statement of theaffilrs of sad Corporation, aud that they are the :s above described officers thereof. >• UUned.) J. MILTONiMira PecreUry. and sworn beforeme this 34rh day of Jan ' uary, A. D. leW. J. WM.BOftTE£D a CocmiaalcQer in Yot k for the Bute of ilUnoli. •> Certificate to expire on tie 31st day of Jannary. IS6O. Auditors Citioi. Ptitv or Hugota.) Upriicfield. Januai? SK 163s#. $ Whereas, the Home Flie Insurance Company, loca -1 ted at New York, in the State of New Yors. has filed in this office a statement olth* condition of its allai s as required by "An Act to legulate the of In surance Companies not Incorporated t>y the State of Illinois." approved Februvy 17th. 1555. an aet amenJato>y 'beret*, approved Januar> 33d. and, whereas, skid oompan* las furairhed satisfactory evl dencethat It U possessed tf the required amoant of capi tal invested In S'-ocks aoa Mortgages, and ha« filed in this oOea written Instrument signed by the President and Secretary thereof appdntlng H. B. milmarth. of Chi cago. its agent for the transition cf the business of said company, and fully and untservedly authortx'n< him to acktowiedge service of pocess for aud on behalf of said company, consenting tut service of process uiion him, toe said agent, shall betaken and to be as valid as if served upon the company- and wavering all claim of error by reason of such servite. Now, therefore, in pursuant of the act aforesaid. L Jesse K. Dubois, Auditor 4 Public Accounts or the htate of IlUnoU do hereby ertlf' that the iald H. B. Wl lmarth is authorised as ankgrnt tor the said Company to transact the business of Inaranee in this State, until toe thirty-first day of Janoars ltoa so far as be may be legally empowered so to < 0 bysald Company. In testimony whereof I ha«e hereunto subscribed my • name, and affixed the seal ofmy office, this afth day of ♦ January, 186*. <fiigne(D v , JESSE E. DUBOIS. isealj Auditor Publio Accounts. 1 ' McHUw r\FFICE OF THE MUTUAL INSURANCE 1. v/ Oompany. cf Buffalc, February 10th, I£9. c The Trustees In coiiorm:t? to submltthe following statement <f the aoLa of the Company on the 2d of Ftbraary, ls&9. Unearned Premlumt. Feb. 3 '58,.....5T9.49* 83 Premiums received kr thenar 312,038 b4 8 6 Tola' Premium!. $351,465 06 0 Amount received fcrHarine risks..sl74.73> 49 Amtuntrecelvedfor tn RI k5.... 87,316 35 1 813.U9 S4 4 Earned premiums hrthsiear $313,443 33 L PAID i 3 FOLLOWS: £ Marie e losses, re.Uturioee aad com % minions SIM.» 4 3t 2 Fire Losses. B.STI 47 J Expenses, 13,71435 liasa}l3 2 13L?ti519 Deduct tmpald loses, estimated 4.00U 00 Total crofitj for tejear $127,865 19 q ASSETS. ■ Cash oa hand and la Bank $197. Wl 87 9 Loans on contls and Msrtgagea Cnlted States, State of New York stocks aad other aecuri- I ties 367.'4S 14 Bt^amTu, pomps, and personal property... M 9X630 71 Bills recelvabielTr. 54.534 73 ' ilalance due from Agents and others 4 2i5t7 } Balvages and veea* property. 3Q.(M 37 ' Total AsseU $494 US® TbeTrastee'skavidtclaredaScrit Dividend of Forty per cent (40). out «f the proSw for the year. Parties in terested can obtaU their certificates on and after the Ist ' day of Match nejt. ■ The Tras'ees lave als) declared a Cash Dividend of ' Seven (7) per c/nt. on the outstanding scrip of the Com . pany.ootcfUe accumulated interert payable, on the Ist i dav rf Marcbattbeofflce of the Company. HieTrnitfesbavefurtherdeclared thatafterrererrng 1 seme thre« bucdres thousand dollars of profits (S3OJ.- 1 000. that 1 and 1864 be redeemed la Cash on and after the Ist of [ March rext. on presentation atthe cfficeof the Oompa -1 &j, and that all lurther interest on the same aha 1 cease. 5 A A. EDSTAPHISVE, Secretary. TaosTiii. Dean Richmond, o Hitchcock, 8 Sheoard, H MKlnne. FHTow* I D N Tattle. Cyrus Clark, GeoSHuard, kGSoaaldlng, RO Palmer. Schuyler Cote, Jas O Evans. * £ SST t * r ' WeT *' BepUmusLathrop. £ TW ?l>s*. Jason Parker, Sajsurl F Pratt, . 8 h Jewetu M 8 Hawley, 8K WoithlngtOQ. J G De-hler, B W HowelL MLe* Juuea. auwsu, JAMESC. EVANS President, BlLftfl ti. FISH. Vice President. Jon Bxaanux. Inspector and Engineer. SAMUEL T. ATWATEE, Agent, 2 Dole's Bnildine 2 Cor. Clark tni South Water tU, Chicago. [Tel6 CSn Sw] NORTH AMERICAN Fire Insurance Company. OF habtfobd, conn. PAID UP CAP XT AX. S3OO-000. laore again* Loss by Fire only. HUBBARD h HUNT. Agesta. Chicago, corner T—Tls and Booth Water streeta. NORWICH FIBE INSURANCE COMpA MT, of Norwich, Oooni PAID UP OAPZTAX. IUA 000. Insore aealnsl Loe by lire. HUBBARD 4 HUNT, Agents corner of Booth Water ladPirk streets, first Floor. Loomls' Block. 0c36h308 Peorij Marine A Fire Itisu'nce Co, Of PIOKIA. CAPITAL $500,000 Paid Up in 300,000 UUHEUD raSKIOSiniDEIVKinSI on most favorablb brmb. Loaea ProaapUr AdJutoA aad Paid sU r tt3»Aceacr« J. AUG. WRIGHT, Agent, itiMOip Mw Water *r«C<)Uoa«o4 ftgal CTATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK, i- B^-^ 0 ?^Oo o,,l '°ourt of Common Pleas, April lenn. A D.. Itn9. William n. Dlllard vt. John a WrUM. O, B. Wright, tits *le. BenijuniQ F. Oarver. George Scovllle. James Ciapp and W. W. Ransom—in Ghancor Affidavitof the non residence of w. W. Has son, one or the defendant* above named, having been filed in the office of the Qerk of said Oook CountyOouit of Oommon Pleas. Notice is hereby given to the said W. W. Ransom, thai the complainant filed his bill of complaint In ta d court on the chancery rde thereof; on the 13ih day of De a run mors thereup-jn Usned out of said oour*. aga.nst tald defendant!, returnable on the. first Monday of April next. (1359;, as li by law required. Now, cnlen you, the said W. W. Ransom, shall per sonally be and appear before sail Cook 00. Oourt of Com mon P easof Coo* county, on the first day of the next tervthrirot to be at Chicago in sild coantyoa tbe first Monday of Aoril. 1559, and plead, answer or demsr to th* sjld complalnantii* bill of ifaesame and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be iak<n as and a decree entered you according to th: prayer of sila bl L _ , n WALTCR K IMB ALU Clerk. John G. Ronera. Compl'u Bol'ra. fc3.'c^934» Estate ot' graham mask de ceased. Public notice Is hereby given to all per sols having claims and demands the estate of t.rabamMarr deceased, to present thestmefor adjodl tttlon and aeulement at a renxiar tenn of the Ocunty Ooutt of Cooi Conntj. to be holden at the Oourt II ouse I? on the firm Monday of March, A. D.l£s9,beingtbesevrnth day thereof. . , . LDCIE MARR. Exeeutrix of the last WUI and Testament of Graham Marr dee'd. BineTilaoJ. Jar.nary lllh. tt4S3 * T j*^iaSw* transport txliou. A TLANTIO ROYAL MAIL STEAM NAV ii Igation Company's New York and Gal way Line.— The next departure from New York will be the BuamahU) 3Prin.ce Albert, fiaptaln T. J. Waters, to sail frcm New Ycrk. on the SI day of Mareh. touching at St. Johns, K F. to re ceive the Royal Mails Prices ot Passage:—First Clas, ftt: Second. 4501 iblrd. KX); incluiling fre<* ticket* to all the p rind pal cities on railroad routes In Great Britain. Third Class must provide ptat«. knife, fork, fte,, and bed ding. Passage t*» St, Johns, First-Class, »3o: Second- Olac\ii3s. For freight or paweinqube of the Ameri can Express Cam.any. *1 Hudson street. 64 Broadway, and at their other advertised oSces In the interior. Passage In the th'rd class can be secured at any of the above offices to bring person*out fcumaxs of the princi pal cities on the linn ol railway in Grea i Britain for *5, or lrom Galway for S3O. ALVX. HOLLAND, Manager. JAS. O. FARGO, offlce of American Z£xpre*s Oo„ No. Dearborn Street, Chieage. New York. Nov. 13.1*68. 00-J4 ha»<s «?a HEItEY CHEEK AND PIKE'S PEAK EXPRESS. Through to tlit Golil alines Ia Ten Days. JOHN M. HOCKIDAY A. CO., Proprietors snd Contractors of the Great Salt Lake and Cherry Creek United S atea Mall, will ran a da ly Kxpress Line of Concord Coaches drawn by Six Moles, Through Atchison. Kansas Territory, an the Great Western Beod of the Missouri itiver to I>C4YLK CITY, at th* Mrntli ol Orstk, ThisL'ne Ocnnertaw'.ft 'he HANNIBAL AND ST. JOB BAILBOAD, By a Dally Line of Steameta. Thlilstheonlv dally line of itazes to the Gold Mines, with stopping places and relays of JTresh. -Mules* liivery SO !Miles, Passengers hy th's line will be taken throtgh from Atchi son to the Gold M net in Ten Diys. being TWENTY DAYS leas time than by asy other conveyance. Fare throu&h to Dtnver City, Cherry Creek, {ICO from Atchison. N. B Pass eager* will be board'd through to the miner, the Company having established Eating lloutes every twenty miles. Fcrty lbs. Baggage will also be allowed each pss:enrer. P ssengcr* will beu in mind that IICO pijstbelrfare and Bosrd from Atchison to the mines oni freight on forty lbs. basgagr. Through Tickets for sal* from Chlcagt a* t v eoSce of the Chicago, ftQulnc* JUliioad Qetot. Oniy Six Tickets to be sold per (Liy, comxendag lolh. etswillbe ready for sale In advance on the 10th ot March. John M. Hocklday & Co., Proprietors of the Cnlted States Mail Line to Salt Lake fe!s-2m c 36 and Chetry Creek. 18*9. INSO. THE American Transportation COMPANY. Incorporated under the Taws of the Htata cf New York CASH CAPITAL) sooo,ooo* JOHN L. KIMBERLY. President, FRANKLIN LKE. Vice Prerf^ent, JAMaB C. EVANd, Sec'yand Treas'r. ON THE OPENING OF NAVIGATION this company will be prepared to transport Pro perty. Merchandise. Ac., from New York. Boston. Albany and Troy- to any of the Western dtles. Also, Klou%"Pn»- vlsions. Produce, Ac., from any of the Lake Ports to tide w«ter. with as great care and dispatch, and at as low rates as by any other responsible line, at the same time plvlng through bills of lading for all property when de sired. This Comp&ryhavealloeofeishtstaunch Propellers, to ply between Buffalo and Ohlcag >. touching «» routs at Sheboygan, Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha and Wauke gan. Having at i'hlcagi ample facilities and warehuute accommodations for the reception, assorting and shin ping of all articles entruited to their eve. wblch will be under the direction of their Agent, who will give his per sonal attention to thefulfillmeut of contracts, adjustment of claims and dam«ges. As our Company have a large line of Canal Boats on the trie Canal, and are abnu*. to establish a line of Steam Canal Boats also, we feel warranted In representing to cur numerous customers, that they can relr cpop greater dlspa'ch and at less rat's than has h retoforebeen given. We. therefore. a«k tue publio to continue the patronage so liheraliy bestowed upon us durlnr the rut four yevs. Ofßcesand Dockson Market bslween Washington and Madison streets. Chicago, 11L ia3l9mcl3-5 OtfAS. K OUAaf, Aee^t. 18 5 9. Illinois River Packet Company. Incorported 1858—Capital Stock, $200,000. D. J. IIANCOOK. Pres't. P. HANCOCK. Sec'y. rmaouGH bills of lading given JL for Freiiiht to Si. Louis and all points on the Illinois Biver at the lowest rates, Frelxhttatenby Oiilcagj and Rock island Railroad to feorii. aud Steamboat from thence. Forparticulirsapnly to . T. W. ALtXAnDER ft Agents. fel lm-c!45 182K 8 uth rtatcrst., Cblcaao. IU. PITTSBCKGHj IT. WAYNE 4 CHICAGO R. U 1858-9... .WINTER RATES... .1858-9 yXUrougli Freight Line. From dats and until further notice. Freight will be oarried over this Line as below: « g «S ■£ sS sS t cS gs la ll gj =s PromChlaKOlo gB Ks -.j. ea a Boston ftl.Boil.3BM.lT 67 ll.Mftl.^ New York 1.80 L4O I.SO 65 1.30 L4O Philadelphia. l.®o 1-25 1-10 M I,W l.^o Baltimore I.A 1.56 1.10 K H5 L's PlUseurgh 90 70 45 45 7U ?« Cicdrnati, O JS '0 M to W '0 Oolombus. 0 1.00 So 65 ti .... H) Dayton. O fj JO W 43 tl "0 Cleveland. 0 70 CO 45 « 45 fit) Dunkirk, N. Y 95 74 4) bt 74 bullao. ** .......... 56 W #3 40 61 74 Grain by Car Load to Cincinnati 3J cents per 100 tti. Bulk Meat to F-ttsborghSO cents per 100 Ds. made to above points at Freight Office, cor* nar Wert Van Huren and Canal streets. . _ . Contracts to Boston, New York. Philadelphia and Bal timore. via Pennsylvania Central R.R., given by CLARKE A CO.. Office Steele's B'oek. corner Boulb Water and Lasalle streets, and at Decot at Uan*l street. JAS. W. MDAdON. Freixnt Aetn\ i hlcago. J. J. HOUSTON, Gen'l 1 1 eight Ag't, Pittsburg, Pa. Chicago, February lU. 1659. Steui Ferr j fron Connctl Blaffs to Omaha City KEBUASKA, IVO. 1. TfflS BOAT HAS THE CAPACITT TO carry 12 Wacom and Teams at eacb trip, and Las taken over at oue load 300 head of C-ittle. and ahe can make -10 erodings or more each way in a day. an J wIU be abl; to ferry over from four to five hundred wagons and teams from sunrise to sotuet each uay. We assure travellers, who are going to the Nebraska Gold Mines, Utah. California, Oreaon anu Washington Territories, that the roads from Fairfield, low* OUr, Dubuane. and points Intermedialby Council Bluffs and Omaha City, and up the n»rtn Sid* o f the Platte Hlver, are better, nearer, and more abundantly stocked with wagons, horses, mules an 4 eattle, provisions asd goods, than any other. And wtih the settlements and towna and the regular snd well-e«Ublisoed line of Mall Coaches al ready estendlng to Fort Kearney and soon to be ex tended all the way to the mines. Itisnolongera wilder ness route through an Indian country, but can be tra versed as safdy and comfort\b)v and much more easily than any of the r*>ads through Missouri or lowa. There Is not the same lengtu of road in the united States, to level ani entirely without marshes, siotuhs cr bid places and so nearly straight. The streams on the north side of the Platte are all bridged, except the Loup Fork, and here the Western Otage Oompany have a good Ferry. KNOS LOWK, Forthe Council Dials and Nebraska Ferry Company. jalS-3m-c8 1859. NOHTUEHN 1859. Transportation Co.N Express. WINTER'iARRANGESLENT, Via Mich.'South, "and N. Y. r & Erie Railroads, riIHIS COMPANY AKE NOW rAEPARfcD X to give through Bills of Lading to New York and Boston, for the transoortatlon of Property npon favor able terms, tt us ensuring dlipatcX and the piocpt set tlement of differences arising out of the same. The N. T. Co.'a Express will transport goods from New York to the West during the winter, all tne wjy by rail, and on the ope log of navigation by the N. Y. A fc. R.JL to Dunkirk, and tnence by Propeller to Chicago- IF Mark packages **N T. Oo.'s Kxpress,'* and ship by N Y. ft t R. R.. foot of Dnane street, or Pier 8, &ut Rjver. J, MYF.RP. J. L. WARNER aid CHAR. ALLISON, Agents, No. S, OoentlesSUp, New York. JtUTUEK Jt CO^ j t37 lm-cW Cor. Lasalle and North Wat er St.. Chlearo, 1860...COZJJNQWOOD L1NE...1859 COMMENCING ON THE OPENING OF Navigation, the following A No. 1 new and largest class Screw Kramers, havisg largely Increased their eai>a'Uv for Passengers, will fill this line as follows: FOGNTAIN OaTY, Cat.w I UCKTTCR. Dirges. Ptcc. I OftTONAGON, (Jajit. Wa- K\EBGRE£N CITY. Capt. I aisa. Ball. I Leave Chicago from the foot of Lawlle street. South Bde.A. T. Spencer « Co.'s whart on Tuesday, Thursday and S 4urd »y evenings, at 8 o'clock, landing at all points onthewestsnore of Lake Michigan,astir north ss Two Rivers, and at Mackinac. _ , Through Bills of Lading given from Chicago and ports en the west shore of Lake Michigan, to Boston, New York. Montreal and all the prindpal points In the Rasters 1 and New England Statesand Canada. OooneeUat Oollingwood with the Northern Railway of and at \>ronto with the Grand Trunk, Rail way for Montreal Quebec. Portland and Boston aad Lake Ontario Kteamers ior Niagara Falls. Oswego, Cape Vincent, and at Ogdensburg with the Vermont Central Rdiroad for Boston and Intermediate points on Vermont Oentral between Ordensburgb and Boston. The above line Is unequalled lor regularity and dls p«TA for PscMugers and freight between the Western and Eastern and New England Slates and Canada For freight or passage apply to V rormigat v A, T. SPENOBR ft Co., Agents, Foot ofLasale street. Chicago. TIL BQSTOJ AHD PHILIDBLPH.'A BTKAMBHTP A& LINK - The Steamships 1 ■ PHUfXAfI BPRAGUT, Oapt. Matthews. KINSINGTON. Oapt Baker. CITY OF N£W FORK. Oapt, Howea, Form a Becnlar Ijne, xmng with ceat regularity from each port. Th&?e Steamer* are staunch and strong and la all respects well fitted and provided. They have good accomodations lor naswnren. and freight of all kinds Is taken at fair rates. These Steamers ran in dose conaectiea wfth the Pennsylvania aad goods are forwarded with promptnm and dl*patch. HKNRY WINSOR. jaiibSWlm No. &£1 S nlh Wharves, Philadelphia, Star Cairo and i\ew Orleaus, STEAMBB JTBV FALLS OITY. The splendid fast BaOlAi Steamer _ Nsv FaQb City Wm nm. the coming FaQ and Winter, between BL Louis and New Orleans as follows: LEAVING »£. iiODK Oct. 10, *SB, at 10 o'dock A H. do do Oct. SO, 'SB. do do do do Nov. I*. *SB, do do do do Dee. *M. do do do do Dec. SB, 'S3, do do do do Jan. U. '•% do do do do Feb. It 'Hi do do do do Feb. li, 'SB. do do do do M'ch H, '6B, do do LIAVING OAIRO Oct. IL 'SS. at TX o'clock P. M. do do Oct. fl,do do do do Nov. ML do do do do Dec. 10. 'U. do do do do Dec. n. 'S3, do do do do Jan. 13. do do do do Feb. 8. 'S9, do do do do Frit. 8. 69, do do do do M'ch a'A do w do Cegctl |\T ORTGAfiE SALE.—WHERE A3. .It I Jtun Cannioßtuun did la the month or April A. D. I*s» execute to ine a mortgage which said roort r«e <4 fltfdf rreeort to the Recorder's cfficeof Oook , Couulv In thettaleof Illinois, on April. ' A. i). 1533, and da y recorded in said offite in book 3) of . Monatd r^Ma 12s. whlca said mortgage vu made to secure Uic naTtnent of three certain promissory nstes In sua mort*a-e particularly described, lbs o»e of uld l n; te- Uit featuring having fallen floe on the Sah day of Ap*ll A. D. 14K ard afiinlt bavin* been mad? in the i P-xjaeit ui >kld *.ote list a»wnn*, la wh'ch ssld mort- j it jure i? ront-ljev e ••tovison that II defaalt cj made In i Ine r-ijment of sail notei or elth»r of them, eitser of rrincr zl or Interest on tho day or days whfreon the same shalbrcome due a~d payable, that then and In tUat c ise 1 em:.owersd ia and by said mortnge. after ■ (.uMlsMnganotlceln a newtraper printed In ".he d«y of Chi•»«> tweet• iiay« beforeiLe day of ule. to a-ll the premutsts saldmoitragodeserihei and all or the equity of the said the Court Mouse dwor In the est; of Chlcarn, u> the LLih est bidder fur aMheiloe mentioned In laid notice, and to make. execute an.l deliver to the pirctiascr cr purchasers* de?«l or deediof tie premlsessoso d ant out of t?>e pr cecJs of soicn sale to pay the costs o r such s*leai.d thep.lnclpilanj Interest da* in ai d notes. Nov, thcreore. nctlcs U hereby gveu that ;n porsu aoce or lqk anti:orl:y s>Ten tar l.i *a<i by tie mortgage aforesaid. lahaUoa Monday, the 7tn da* or Man:a. *. I>. lsaft. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of s*ld day at the north do<»r of the Court Hu e.ln tcedty of C:lc» theCr untycf Cook, .*ll wine hi-h --esth'dder'cr cash ibe la said mortgage do* sctlbed. to w.;:—l hai part and rarcel ft L one (I:, tn Blocs fiftr-'our (M>. ir» the « rien*l Tu«n of Chicago. County of C'qk .nJ Hv.e of 11 b'uHeJ u fol lows: bndrniueon -hceastli..eot ssl>l lot thirty oi<) leet norta of ibe s>t;thra>t rm r. ami :uar»:n* t'unce northerly the we;t Ihieof t ;. nty feet, thence westerly on a U.e('*T*l-11 w.ia «*";»•. *ire*t v>thewest;ieeo! said lot, beX- eighty f rv, thence southerly aloes the wtaillc* i f .aid lot one (1) twentv (JU) feet, taence eaite ly on a hac paral :il *ith Wss'iln*wn street, about eUhty fee*, to th? (Uce of be* Cindox. WILLIaM OSMAN. Colcaxo. February !2th. A. D. lSjy. feU td-cJa? STATK OF ILLINOIS, COOK CuUNTT. 88.—Cook Ooonty Court of Comnon Pleas. April Term. A. 1). la6i>. JamesSdecic. Willi am J. Besk and John Beck. ts. John Broniham. Public notice is hereby dven to the tald John Pro tub am that ft writ of attachment out of the : o't-ee of ttje CJerkof the Cook Ooonty Court o' Cotaraon Pleas, dated Uje cinttenth day of PcbroAry, A. D. at the sdtotthesaldjai. Beck, ffo J. II ck and John Beck ana against the eatAie of the said John Brnoxham tor the sum of three hundred and twtnty flTe du«tan. and sizty-eifht cent* directed to the tiherUX of Cook County, which sold writ has teen returned executed. Now. therefore, unless you, the said Jorm liTotutam shali personally be and at'pear before the said Cook County Com t of Common Fleas, onorbeforethefirstday of thenext term thereof to b« hold en at the Court House In the citr of CUcmo. on the fi >t Monday of April A. D. Lsd), ci*e iptdal bail, and plead to the said plalLtlTsa-Ttlou. iuiUment will be entered axalnst yc-u and In favor of the tald Seek. «\ mum j. Beck and Joim Beck and so much of u>e property attached as may be sufficient to satisfy the said iiuUment and COM, will be sold to BatlsfyUii» sane. ~WALTKS K IMB ALT, Clerk. Cornell. WalteA Jamtscn. au't*. 1 riV5 4w ?|IRUSTEE ; S SALii.-WiIEKtAS J. <Tjailes C. Clarkennd Mary 8.. his wife, of the d<y of ChlcaJCJ, County of Cook, and ttate of D:lno's. exe ca e<t to ee u Trustee a de«d of trust of the premises hereinafter dnerib? •. to secure'?.e paymect of a promissory note of Five hunlred and etsty 5MS*«n l»oi lar', therein mentionei. whlctt deed of bears d*t» May fifth. A. D ISH and Is recorde-l In the Kecorder s office of Wa'worta County, acd state of Wlscorsln. in Of Si n"c L tl'iS n£* Been made t> me by the le.aJ bolder of aaidnote.tos?dsald prem ses. under said deed o! trust, for the panoses tnereln exi<resse± Now. therefore, public notice is hereby riven that I shall sell atcubllo auction, at the North door of the Court Mouse In the dty of Chicago, in said County and Sute. to the hlshest bidder for at ten o'clock in the fcennon. on the NLMII DAY OP MAIICIL A. D. la&t. Ihopfemijes de scribed in said deed o* trust, to wit:—ina undivided two-thirds (X) of the north half the ~ortuwest Quarter Section twenty-nine &*). Town number one (I;. Nir h Bare* number sixteen tlo). east of the lourth Prindpal Meridian, and contilniaic flfij-three and one.third (UK) acres, be the same more or less, the same being Und net apart to Benjamin P. Clarke and Charles 0 Clarke from the esUte of the late ur. ilenry Clarke. r&AXCIS P. EGGLESTON. Ohlcaso. Febtuar? Snd. lajjt. fei3Ut cISJ Mortgage sale.—nutioe is hereby RiYen that defiu.thivisjtbeen made la the payment of a certain Promlaory Note secured In and by a certain mortxaffe. made and executed by Alfred P. Worts, bearinxdate 17th uay of AortL and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for the County of Cook, and State of UllnoU In Bo:k 3* of Mortxaxes. at Pace 74-1, to Geo. M. Gray, to secure the payment of a certain promlsorr note in said uurtxaze mentioned «n wnich taere will be dus on the of sale, rrindpal and interest Kight Thousand Efchty-Eiiht Dollars and Ninety- Six Cent*. Now. therefore. I sj&U, by vlnna of the power in said mortwe tenth day of March. A. D. at the Coon House, in the dty of ChicKco and Countv cf Oook, and Sute of Illinois, at 10 o'dock A M.. sell at public auction to the bightst bidder for c 43 the followins described lots or pieces of lands, toxetber with all rbcut and equity of re demption. situated in the city of CulcorfO, and County of asd thateof Illinois, to wit; Toe undivided one* half of Lots one U) and two -2), in Block four (4), Port Dearborn Addition to Chicago. GKO. M. GRAY. Uortxaxe. Ch eaxo.Feb. 6th. 1859. fc9 C I9J td. TATE OF ILLINOIS, COUK COU-NTV, 8. S —CookCounty Circuit Court, February Tern, A. D. Augustus Beck and Charles Wlrth vs. Hdmieh Nao. Pubuc Notice is hereby given to the said Helarich Nsnsann that awrit of Attachment Issued out of the office of the clerk of the Cook County Circuit Court, dated the fourteenth day of Pebruarr, A. D. lH*y. at the suit of the said Atuustus Beck an.: Charles Wlrth and aAinst the estate at the s»id Uelr.rlch Naumano. for the sum of Two Hundred and Eighty One Dollars and Beventy->ine Cents, directed to the Sheriff of Cook County, which said writ has been returned executed. Now, therefore, unless you. the said t-elmich tiau zsann shall personally be and appear before the said Oook County Circu.t Court, on or before the first day of the next term thereof, to tx holden at the Court House, in the city of Chicago* on the first Moodayof March, A. D. xWe special btU. and plead to the ■aid plaintiff's action, judgment will be entered aualnst you. and in favor of the uld Augustus Beck and Charles Wlrth. and so much of the ptopeny attached as may be suffident to to satisfy the said Judgment and costs, will be sold to satisfy th« same. WIL L. CUUKC?. Clerk. Norman CL Perkins. Plt'fib Att'y. feio-4wcM3 J "MiANOEiiY W ll Ll- V- ; sou. County of Cook. 82.—Circuit Court ol Oook flocntr April Term A. D. 1?59- Franklin K. Gregory. John Tlltrn. Ormand Dutton, biases W. Richardson. John U. Bntdburr. George K Richardson. (Je -tve Barnes. Jabes W. Lyman. Har vey Spencer. Edward nletacder. Joan u. Wejterv-1 aadOrrlr S. Tims. vs. A Norton Kmc. Byron U. New ell. Rudolph Schloeaer, lObridgtfG, Newell, and Chaa. Bonne. Affidavit ofthenon-resldenceofEltridxeG. Newell, oca of the defendants above named, havlnx oeen flle>l In the of fice of the Clerk of said niicult Court of Coc.k County, Notice Is hereby (riven to the said Newell that said coDplAisanta filed their bill of complaint in said Court on the chancery side thereof, on the twenty-ninth day of November, le&i, and that a summons thereupon Is* sued out of said Court against said defendant, return able Lfl the first Monday of January, L&3. as I*.by taw required. JTow. unles you. the said ElbricxeG. Newell shall personally be and appear before said Circuit Court of Oook County, on the flrstday of the nsxt April ttrm thereof to be holden at Oh!c««o» In the County of Cook, on the nrst Monday of April. ISH and plead, answer or demur, to the complainants' bill of complaint, the same and the mattars and thlnxs there in chanced and slated will bo taken as conievetl. asd a decree 'ntered uxainst you according to the prayer of said complainants. WU. L.CHURUH, Olerk. Franklin Webster. CoTpl'ti Bo>'r. ja37 clOl 4w STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OP COOK, Cook County Court of Common Pleas, February 1 Term. 1860. 1 Srlvester L'ud. PamuelH. Sl\t«r. Ex»cutom and "Ycsteti of Jabey BarSer. deceased, ti. Jcsepa Wi!se, Senior. Ann Wilde, hi* wi e. Mary Ann Barber, Locy Barber. 1 Harriet lUrber, utuuies Y. Bell, and Klixa Bell, his 1 wi e.—ln chancery. Affidavit of the son residence of Mary Aon Barber. Tucy ?art>e% Harriet Barber. Charles Y. Bell and klixa Bell. h*s wife, part of the defendants above named, oavlrg been filed in trie office of the Clerk of said Cook Countv OnurtofCommonl'leas. Notice is hereb* riven to the said Mar? An.) Baroer. Locy Barber. Haniet Barber. Charles Y. Bell, and E"x* Bel'. Ms wife, that the complainants filfd their till of complaint In the said Court, on the Chan cery side thereof, on Uit SJth day ol Janu«rv. lt£9, and that a sum-noes thereupon issued out oi said Court against said defendants, returnable on the first Mon day of Apiil next. A. D. la2J», as is by law required. Now. unl'sa >ox the said Mary.Ann Bareer. tucy Barber. Harriet Barber. Ch tries T. u«U and EUxa Bed, Lis wife, snail personally be and appear bsfore said Cook Cou'ty Court of Common Pieas, on the first day of the next term thereof! to be holden at Chiesgo In said Count? on the first Monday of April. IS£. and plead, answer or demur to tie said cempialnant's bill of complaint, the same and the mat ters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as eonfessed. and a decree entered against yoa accord ing to the prsjer of said bill- WALTER KIMBALL. Clerk. Malhfr.Tali Kins. Ovnoi'ts dorrs. fe3-tw cls STATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY:da. vtreuit Court ofCook County. February gpecUlTerm A. 0:1660. Jchnß Klrg vs. John P, Con v linc. Gardon Coskllng. Caroline A. Ccnkllnz. Sarau A. Coukllnx. Godtrr Bry ant. f ettr Pecoy and Oharlts J. Tremarx -In Chan- Affidavit of the non-resldence of John P. ConkQnr, Ga'don Conkllex and ''ar-lne A. Conk>lng tit wl'e. Strah A. Conklin-, Godfrey Bryant and Cturies J. Tr>- main, defendants above named, having been filed In the office ot the Gerk of said Circuit Court of Oook County notice is hereby given to the said J - hi P. Conklin.% G«r> donConnllrg ard Csroihe A. CoLkl*»t blawiff. A. Oon.ll-g. Godfrey Mryant and J. Tiemaln that said complainant filed his bill of complaint In sald.'Court on >he Chancery side thereof, on tie ft: it day ofFebu ary and thata summons thereupen issued out of said Oourt against said defendants, returnable on the tecond Monday of February as Is by law required. Now. nnlessyou. ine said Joon P. Conillng. Garaon Cockling and *"aro:Lre A. Conkling his wife, Sarah A. Oozklinr. Godfrey Bryant snd Ch.rles J. Trenaln shall personally i>« and aotear before said Oircul. Court of Cook Co.. on the first day of the next special term thereol to be holden at Chicago, in said County, on tne second Mondayo-Febmary, l<i& and ilead. answer or demur to the said complainants'bill of complaint, the same and the mstten ana things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed.and a decree entered agftinst you, according to the prayer of said hill. _ . WM. IfcOHUUCCI. Clerk. Getrte Oopp'.'ts Porr. ieß cl? 7 4w STATE OP ILLINOIS, OOOK COUNTY, SS.—Circuit Ooart of Oook County, January Epeda Terra. A. D., * McCuUt. John T. McCuUy. and Mark W. Watson, vs. Geonte K. Hoyc __ PublicNotlcelshertby GecnteE.Hoit that a writ of c. .nent issuldcut of the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Oook Oouaty dated the eigh teenth davof December, A. D. lata, at the salt of the said William McCully. John F. McCully and Mark W. wat«on and against the estate of the said it eo. C. Hoyt for the sua of two hundred and nlnety-elaht dollars aud twenty-thrM cents, directed to the fheriff of Cook County, which said writ has been returned executed. Now. therefore, unlets yen, the said Geoi re tL shall personally be and aiK pear before the said Circuit Courtof Cook County on orbe forethefirst day of thengxt special term thereof, to be holden at the -ourt House in the dty of Chicago cn the first Monday of January A. D. Itiß. itlve special bail, andpleadto »«id plalntifis' action, indgment will be entered . «> .»• -cu, aad to favor of the said WUilam AlnOaitr. John 7. XnCuUrmm* ii.rk i®. «sd maehoiinc-uropertyattachedas may be suffldat to sat tfv the said judgment aadcocta will aold to the same. WILLIAM L. CSUBOH. Qerk. Cornell Wait« A JaseaotL Puff's Att'ya. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF Coos. 88.—Rock County Ocrurt of Common Pleas, Februsry Tenxu, laSS. Charles H. booth and CharlesTulile vs.OivUleFlach. , Attachment Public cotic* b hereby then to the said OrvQie Fnch that a writ of Attachment Issued out or the office of the Clerk cf Oook County Court of Common Pleas, dated the. first day of Febuary.'A. D. IP6SW at th* suit of the Charles H, Bcotn ana Charles Tattle and against the estate of the said Omlle Fmoh 'or tne sum of six* teen hundielanJ forty-two do larsand fcrty-dght cents, directed to the Sheriff of Oook county, which said writ haibeen returned executed. Now.thaefortt.tml«you.ihe gsld Orrille Finch shall personally be and appear before the said Cook county Court of Common Pleas, cn or eefore the first day of thA n.rt term thereof, to be holden at the Court Houm in the dty of Chicago, on the first Mondai of Febru ary. A. D. give special ball and plead to the said plaintiff's action, judgment will be entered against yoa and in favor of the said Charles U Booth and Ohariea TutJe, and so much of the property attached as nay be suffident to satisfy the said judgment and oasts, will be sold to satisfy the same. saw WALTMDM3AIL. Clerk, Thompson h Bishop, Pit'lZs Att'ys. fe3eli^3od STATE OF ILLINOIS—COOK COUNTY. Ckcult CosrtofOook County.—January SpedilTera, A. D.IS6V. Jermana. Seator and Porter Skinner ts. Andrew J, PubLlc'notlce is hereby given to the said Andrew J. Short. that a writ ofattachmeat iuced out of the cace of the Clerk ofCrcult Ooun o> cook County daied the fourth day of December. A. D. 196 ft. at ihr suit of the said Jerman aTKeslor and Porter Skinner and tae estate - f the said Andrew J. Short for the turn of Three Tnou sand Dollars directed to tho Sheriff of Ocok County, which said writ has i>eea returned execeted. Now, taaefore snle*s yon. the said Andrew J. Short ffr«n personally be and •• ppear be ar« the said Circuit Court of CookOcanty on or before the first day of the next Special Term thereof to be holden at the Oour. House, in tha City of Chicago onih« first Monday of Janoiry, 'k. D. IS9. ciTe special bail, and plead to the s*i»t astJoniudjoaentwill be entered against you and n favor of the said Jerman fLKestor and Porter Skinner, and so moth of the property attached as may be sufficient to satisfy the said judgTrnrat«3daosu.wtn»e soidtos«t<^r thssame. . , WM. L. CHURCH. 0 erk. OomelLWalte* Jameson. Pit'ffs Att'ys. deatfeaiaod QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK O S3.—Cfreuit Oourt of Oook County. March Term, James Wilson and Benjamin Sodeston vs. Robert Cama han—ln Chancery. Affidavit of the non.resldcsce of Robert Cas&han, defentlant Above named, having been filed In of the' Olerk of said Clrcnt Court of Oook Comty. Notice is hereby given to the said Robert Camahan that said complainants filed their bill of complaint In said Covrt on the Chancery side thereoC on the eleventh day of January, 1569. and an a summons thereu>on Issued out of said Oourt against said defendants, re turnable on the first Mondfty of March next, lSGjt, as It by law required. Now, unless jou, the said Robert Camaiao shall personally be and appear before said Circuit Ccurt of Oook County, on the first day of the next March term thereoC to be nolden at Chicago. In said Oounly. on tie first Menday of Mareh, 19K, and plead, answer or («- sxnrto the said and the matters and things therein charged and au<d will be taken as oonfeaed. and a decree entered agaiaA Ratlroct&o. CSKIT WKSTKK.T HAIL KOCTE. WIBTKB ABHAWGEMEDT. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, liiS, Trains will leave the Wells street depot daily. (Ssadars excepted) as follows: 6ALZHA A CHICAGO UNION R. R.-MAINLINE. TorTreeowt Galena. Doaleith, Belolt. JanenrlUs asd Prairio da Uhlra. PassenferaztdMaß. * PaoKUier (daily).*...**********" 7.10 P. M. Bda. McHenry. OrrstalLake aLd Rlehmond, SdOP* M OHIOAGO, irULTON AND IOWA LINK, yoa Turn*, yr!LTO» i*d cxxtxil iowi. it - ' D*Kalbpassenger, Two Thnoah iTalas will leave Central Depot at foot of ZAka street* as follows: roaonjou. strsLxiTi i*o sr. ram. Dally (Buadaya excepted) 445 A.lLand7,uoP. Is. TRAINS EASTWARD. oauia An enoaoo innoa aai Lao in. Leave Donleilh 7.00 A. M.—arrive In Chicago SJO P. M Leave do 7.<MP. M.—arrive in Chicago V» A. M. j a2oAOO.yuuoaaxntowAuva. 1 Leave Pnlton ldOu A. M—arrlvo In Chlcajro at &00 P. M. LeaveDe&alb<UiA.M.—arrive In Chlcaco at A. M* 1 ■aioiT an tusraoß aaaxos. _ Leave JanesvlUe at 10.30 A. M.,—arrive In Chloaxo al SJO P. 11 uaveJanejrllle at 190 P. M.—arrive ta Chleaao at 4.-C6A.U. vox tma vauar aatukoan. LefiVeiSidn at 7.3) A* M.—arrive In Chl£S£o fJS P. M Pssseturcrs for all polntj on tbe Galena and Chicago Cr.lon iullru»d.and fuitoc L!xfi.Br.:aldUk3the trains from Walls street Demi- „ One or WoodrntTs Patczt traJ Depot nlahtly with 7.i» I'* M. Train for Dunlettn. All tbe above trains eoaaect wltn the Great Eaiters Lines dlyerdna tromOhlcato. .... Throochucketseanbe boeshtat thefollowtnaoSeet: H.J.Bpanlding*a.corner Lake and Dearborn streets.?. P. W. 'A a R. B. Ticket Office, comer of Randolph and Dearborn streets; Boothern Office ander tbe RarereHouse,asd aitheCentral ard WeUsstreetDepota JOHN B. TURNER. President P. A. Hail. SUP'L __ _ H* M. Poaro. General Ticket Aaent. noP HIOBISAN IOTTSIBI kjro LAKE SHORE RAILROAD* 1138 Winter Arrangement 1858 rnHROUGH ROUTE TO NEW YORK -L Boston. Philadelphia. Ba&imnre. Washlncton. Ceveland. Httebunch. Dunkirk. Buffalo. Niagara Palla, Rochester. Syracuse. Troy. Albany, Emirw Blnxhamp* ton. Sprtnafiebt Worceater, and all points In the New Ezudand States. &00 Jl M. Mail and Accomodation, via old Michigan line* 645 A. M. New York Express leaves Chieaco via old Michigan line. 8:00 P. M. New\ork and Boston Expreae. TlaoUlMlcl> laanllne. ftis Al. M. Irain (daily, except Sondays.) connects at Adrlai wtth train for Monroe and Detroit, close connections at Detroit with trains on Great Western Railroad. . 400 A. M. (daily. Sunoay* excepted.) connectini •>wv r. a« flfchirt wtth train for uoshenAir_Une J . *"* vithlrains fbr Monroe and Detroit. ONE 0> WOODRUFFS FATEBT 3LKEFUO CASS WIU accompany the NUht Train. iw»PtMtM«i icavlug Chicago on tne fcia A.M. train set a Nl«nt Car at Cleveland. _ , . , £cketscaabehadatall llcket Offices in tbe West, and atuMCoapaay'sOffice nnaerthe RevereUouse.corner andDtarborn streets, and at tne depot. mjtO tr. M.GRAY. General Westero Aaenl 1838 WlfllKK ARRAHOSXE3T 1859 For Central and Western lowa, Nebra*> ha and g *""* CHICAGO ASD ROCK ISLASDR- R.L151. Composed of the Chluso JbßockleUad, PMria Jtßaruv Yillej aid SDsslsslppl k SUsmeil Riilr«»rt«i THROUGH FROM "CHICAGO TO IOWA CITY and W&shlnjrton without ehanxe of Cars, only direct roate from Ohicaxoto Joliet. L«Salle.Pen. Peoria, lock Island. Davenport. Mueatlne. lowa City. Washington and Port des Molne* Three Passenaer Trains leave Chlaaxo daily from Depot, corner Yan Baren aad Sltfrnm streets at follows; ILOO A. M..Day Expreei. Boadaysexceptea-Por Joliet, LaSaue. Peoria. Rock Island. Daver«ort,Masca* tine. lowa City aad » ashlnrton. 11.00 P.M.. NUht Express.Ba'^mlaysexestied-PorPeo* ria.»ock Island. Davenport. Moscatiae.lowaCUy. ani Washington. 5.00 P. M, Joliet Accommodation, stopplnc it all stations, arriving at Joliet at 6.5S P.M. The Chicago and Rock Island and Mississippi and Mis souri Railroads form tne only through route from Chi* cago to tne interior of lowa. „ , „ . Passenger trains iun through to lowa (Sty and Wash* Ington without detention, crcbtnge of at the Mis* siis'ppt River, croiaing the Railroad BrlJae between g/wfc ijiand aad Davenport. Through Traias arrive at Chicago at 4 40 A. M. and &3 P M. JolietAcoonunodation «J.S A. M. #Bun OONNEOTIONB. At La with Illinois Central RaUro»£ for Galea* ijonlelth. Cairo and Intermediate points. At Peoria with the Peoria and Oouawka Railroads of B taxes tJ Oscaloosa. Kaoxrllle, all polnu la Oentral and Southern lO At*iowa City wtthW est era Btaxe Oo'slineMailUoaeb>w for Port des Moines. Council Bluffs, Washington. Osa» loosa. Newtoo, Wlntetsett. Port Dodge; eloux Cliy. Marshalltown. Marietta. lowa Palls. Cedar Rapids. Cedai Palls, and all points In Oentral and Westsrnlowa. N* braakaand K visas. Local and throngh tickets en sale at the Depot, also al office of Port Wayne and Chicago Railroad, corner Dear* bora and Randolph streets, andoffioe Michigan Bonthere Railroad under Revere Hotel. JOHN V* TRACY, Bep't W. L* ST. JOHH. Gen'l Ticket AjenL mvlO CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD change of time. OPEN TO MECHANIOSVTLLE* ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, PEC. 1, 1358. onUl farther notice. Trains will ran as fbl* Leave Clinton st 8 A, M. and 130 P. M. Arrive at Medianlcsville. M, and&OU ** Leave Mechaaicsvilie, &U0 A. M. andiod M Arrive at Clintoa IX3O M. and 103 " Coanectlngwlth Throngh Trains for Chicago, over the Dixon Air' Line of the Galena and Chicago Colon Sail- At DeWlltwlth stages for Davenport and Maanoketa. At Yankee Knn wtth Biagce tor foroaiu. At Onion Grove with tataxes for Tiptuo. At Meehanlesvilll with staces for Anamosa. Lisbon* Mt. Yemen. Marion and Cedar Bju>lds. PRE3GHT TRAINS LEAVE DAILY. Tbe Shortest. Cheapen and most Expeditious Koate between Chicago and Oentral lowa, it being only 1.4 miles from Chicago to the Mississippi River, and thence directly into the interior of lowa. An Agent will h* at the Deontia Pnlton. to r*oelva ill Baggage for Clinton or the road, which will be eoc« veyed across the riyer free of charge. M. SMITH Eng. k Set GUntan. lowa. Saw. 37 IftSS Hoi * THE PENNSYLVANIA CE.VTRAL RAILROAD. Th 4 Capacity 0/ tM* Rotul is n&ißjZjucd to any in lAd Country, Three Throngh Passenger Trains BETWEEN PITTSBCGh AND PHILADELPHIA. (CONNECTING DIRECT IN TUE UNION J Depot at PUtsbure with through trains >rom ah Western Clues lor r'mtaJe'DOia. .iew York, uoston. Bal timore and Washington CUy; thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of pasecxers unsnrpaased (or speed and comfort by any other route. Express aad yatt Linea run through to Philadelphia without change of cars or conductors* bmoklnji cars are attached to eacn train; Woodruff's Sleeping Cart to expren and fast trains. Tbe kxcress rvi dailv. Mall and Past ilae Sundays excepted. Three dady trains connect olrect for New If or*, hspress and Psat Line connect for Baltimore and Washington. Trains connect at Pittsburgh with the 2 A. M. Express. Arrive In Philadelphia or Baltimore at &P. M. And in New York at IU 30 P. M. Trains connect at Pittsburgh with the S P. M. Pas Line. Arrive In Philadelphia or Baltimore at S A 31. ard In New York at 3.30 P. M. Mall Trains leave Pitts burgh 6 A M . arriving at Philadelphia U P. M* New York 4 30A* M. alx dally trains between Philadelphia and New York; Two eaily trains between New Y»rs aod boston* Through Tlcketa. (all Rail) are good on either of the above Trains. Boat Tiekets to Boston are good via Norwich. Pall River or Btoniniton LlneL Tickets Eastward may be obtained at any of the lm* portant railroad offices lnt'eWest: also, on b.iard any o( the teauiar line of steamers on the MUslulppl or Ohio rivers; and tickets Westward at the offices of the Com* ; panj in Boston. New York. Bahlmore or rhiladdphla. Fare always as Low as by aay ether Roate* VAsk for Tlokets by The completion of the Western eonnecttuns of the Pennaxivania Railroad to Chicago aaaes this the IHrtct Jam bitweax tJU £<ut and th* Gnat 2iorthictit. Tie connecting of tracts by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburgh, avoldisg all drayage ur ferriage of Preixbt. together with the saving of time are adrautagesreadLy appreadaied by shippers of freight and tbe traveling puhllo. Parties shipping Eastward wQI find It to their advan tage to ship by this route* for freight contracts or shipping directions, appJy to or address eiuier of tbe followhig agents of ue company: D A Stewart. P.ttsbnrgh; DoyleAOo, Bto ben vi He, O; H 8 Pierce AO >. Zanesvtile. t): J J Johnson, mpley. O; R ilcNealy. Ma>srille. Ky; OrmsbyA Cropper, fo.ta» month. O; Paddock A 00. Jeff-nonvlUe. ind; H W Brown A Co, Clnclnnaii O; Athern A Hlbbert. Clnclooa tl. O; RO Meldrum. Madison. Ind; WiUlam Bingham. Louisville. Ky; P G o'Riley A Co. Evansville. ina; N WGraham A Co. Cairo. Ill; K V Sasa. St, Lous. Mo; JohnHllarris Nashville. Tean; Harris A llunt, • em phis. Tenn; Clarke A C.\ Chicago, 111; W H U Koontx. Alton. Ill; Morpby A Walle. Dubuqne, Iowa; or to P.elghi Agents of Railroads at dlff«real points in the West. The greatest facilities offered for the protection aad speedy transportation of Live Stock, aad Good Accom* codations with usual privileges for persons traveling in charxe thereof. PRSIGHT9 WESTWARD. BytMsßcntnPreghts of ail discretions can be lor* warded from Philadelphia, N«w York. Boston or Balti more, to aay poict on tne railroads of Ohio, Kentucky. Indiana. IHinols, Wisconsin. lowa or Missouri, by tall Railroad also connects at Pittsburgh with eieamenLbTwpieheoodaean bofprwarded to any port on the Ohio. Muskingum, Kentucky. Te: neisee, t'umberiaad. Illinois. Mississippi. Wiscoaaa. Missouri, Arkansas and Red Hivcrs; and at Cleveland. Baadsskv aad Chicago wl:n Steamers to all ports, oa the North-western Lakes. Merohan'A aad Suppenentznstlngthe trui3portstlon of their freight .0 iM* compaay, can rely wUh conflc ence on Its speedy transit. The Rates of Treight to aay point in tbe West hy the Pennsylvania Railroad are at ail time# as favoraoleas are ebanted by sifter Railroad Comoanies. will do wen to direct thnn to be anlpped by this route. Par les attending to treir own shipments from the Vast will flndltto tbelytnterest to call on tne Agents of this Company at the places beiore sbpplng;or let* ten addressed to either of them upon the subject of trelgh s will meet with prompt attention. E. J. Sneedcr. PhltadebhiA. MsgrawA Kcona, ao North street. Baltimore. LeechACo.Na2AstorUoose.orNo.lS. rvta,-st.N*Y. Leeoi A Co.* No. M Kllby strsvL Boston. U. U. HOD6TON. Oen'l Prdght Ag't* Philadelphia. L. L BOCPT. Gen'l ticket Ag*t. Philadelphia. THOB. A. sOtrtT. Gen'l SunU Altoona. Pa. jal3 1858-6--WIITZR ARRAHGXKXR--1848-9 VIA ZXsZsZZf 018 OSNTHAt, BAZZiHOAJ>. Clxanoe ofi Timo* ON AND AITSR SUNDAY, NOV. 28, trains w(U '.♦ave the Great Central DepoW tool ol Booth Waier aad Lake streets: fig* LonlA Cairo and New Orleans Express. *..11:00 A.M. (Dally, Sail days exeepted) BCLonls aod Cairo express**. IfrOOP ii, (Daily. Sondays excepted J Tor Peoria, Terrs Haste, aitn^ Jefferson City. Kansas, and aUAstt oaMlMoarl river Memphis. ffatchea. Galreston. And all intennedlate palnla. A slock train, with a psweoger ear attached as fkr aa Kankakee will leave at S-SOPJt. (dally. Sundays ex* Sited). On Satardayx a Tiinnin ear will be run on strain as far as urbann^ Trains antra frost BV Loais and Cairo U9tIOAJL aad li*9)PJL CONOTCnONB. Tne' 11:00 P.M. trains stake direct eonneetlons at Mattoon with Terra Hante and Alton Railroad (br Alton and St. Loala. and at Cairo with the railroad line of r*teame» for rf ew Orleans, leaving Cairo on alternate dayi TnelUO P.M. train makes direct connections atTo lono with Great Western Railroad for SpringDeld. Jack* sonvlileandNanles; at Mattoon with Terre Hvtte and Alton RaQroaJ for Alton and 9t. Louis, and afc Odin with Ohio and Mlsaimlp&i Railroad for SL Louis, TOR THROUGH TICKSTS AND INPORMATION. Apply at the Oompaaj*s Office in the Great Central Depot; at the Michigan Central Railroad Office, corner of Lake and Dearb rn street: at the Pittsbonm. Port Wayne and Chicago Railroad Office, corner of Dearborn and Randolph streets, aad at ail Steamboat and Raltroed Office In the Kast and North. JA&a.CLARKE, Genltel W. P. JOBKBON. General Ticket Agent. no 2» W. 1. ARTfICB. Boot. Chicago DlvV^n. CHICAGO, ST.PAH*AHDFOSD DU LACK. 1. CQASGB Of TTna. ON AND AIT£R MONDAY, DEC. 13, ISfS, Trains en this road will leave Chfa«o m fouawi; Btoo A. M. lorßelolt. Janeerflla, Uadlsoa and Prairie iOO P: M. Jot JanegrUleaadUadl oe. Trains arrive at 13:10 P. M,and &50 P. IC. Carrying the thiaaah C. A Maß fbr all point* ta Qte Roithwesi. fgr lhroegh fross Chicago te Prairie da Chkavttbeet ehange of Can. gocnecttof aPtwjedi qMai ellli a iliTTj TTae nf *»St m k IKISLAP. BX Rtrilronfrg. Winter Arrangement. CHICAGO AND "IILWiCRfcX RJILRIUD. U5« HIIORE MNt Grut Mail and Sxprm Boat* to Bt P»ul. OH AND AITKIfIcONDAY, NOVEM ber 29th. itu. Pumbcqt Trains will ma dally. (Sundays exce&tedj n louows: THROUGH TRAINS. ULira OTCloo. vaoa BraTtox ooa. mwr vim A ooox tt% fcCO A*iM.-^ogln«at%iistaaoai,reaehln«Mllwaukse fc»P. E-Hmtag at tfvanston. nUhl«s«J Park. Lake lorrwt. Wnakccitia, *n i cuulotu north. and arriving la suiwaaktfe at 5-13 p. « ana con necting with LaCroue a MUwaekeo HUiru&d for Bt Paul ud *ll emw.4 la uia Wltnuua 7BAIS UUTKI CHICAWO 11 fc<fl P. M.-atopbln* at.all Station* ua arriving it Wu*> kWQUU«P' U. CuittiWriON*. At Milwaukee with LaCrosse A Itllwacii'^JUllrGtdfor Hertford. Horrieon. Bearer Jaa, Portage 01:7. Lut>oa, Sparta. and LaCruue com<ect)a<( m t*u*it_ k And U- Croese with three dally line of bl«*cj ior bt. Paul, Winona. four Uia City. rfeed's Landing, K»*l Wine, Pt?>. ooU. Hudson. Sttliwatcr.ilasUnja.t*t.Anmoa/ Minneap olis and Minnesota. also Coaster at Junction with lb* rood do 1 ac aad wttau>elioriconßallr.w»ls, lor VolJ da 1-tkC, Oshltoih. Waupun. Ripon and Berlin. A!&o. with the )IU-<;,aksJ and MLasmlnpl and Milwaukee anit Waiertown Kailrcsd for Wbitewater. Jancsvilie. M»dl*oa» Prairie da cf.ien, bt. l'aol ilarUaLd aad W .t«rtown. At liadr-oJunctinu. with tne KaHneand Mbslasipti Railroad. tor (icrlliutort, JOkhorn. Deiavan. D.trien. be* loltaud B«cktou. Milwaukee it ftfOA-M.. and Chi* easo at fcta a. M. d il'y. _2OS» M. L.BygfM» J3.. ttipt. P'TTSKIKS. Vt-.Vil IvAirNK fc U.R XTOW COMPLETED AND CARS HUN .1.1 to wi:boot change, oon« necting with th* «rr*t CR'TRAL ROUTK. To New York. PhiUdetpLia. Baltimore and Waihln.lo City, and ell theiaisncr towns of Pennsylvania. New Jer ley, New York Maryland, Ao. Merchants. by taking this route, will have the bene fit of all the eastern markets at ao additional ocrt. Bjutuu chee led thro ash. Trains leave the depot corner of Cin«l aoi 7tus Baren wn( tide. U folic ws: 7:Ju A. it—ilorouu tii,rea, diily. Ban<li7 escecLatf. &-.15 P. SL—NUbv unrrn. itjl;, oAlurJ*; . czoepteU. OonaecUfl*a.On«lßowilliOi«»ciir.GAfi-1 auoiO 2allroad to ihiuklrt, BaHaio. Nlwu: y«i<%.'iew Yoifc aad Bottoa. anu all Interior towoa kuklaiiJ, v.a tie* Vork Oeatralaod New York acn lir.e ji-Ilroada. Alao, aoata to Colambns. Zaucv i:;.-. \fou r .t w»»nca. SWabecvUlc-. W>e»)b£. v.' i f DiJovad Vtnrtr'.a. Alio trains al Lima for Oaytoa and *±it* aj low m ah? cTnzs ao on Paaaeuers t>oaztd east «!Uiiod ibis root* oct- ute.aant tndaoeeabiAPaHiOKtijoojUi many of t*»o luMcitotd finest cities iotae Ualted dl&Wt. p*senceri fmvUu ti Citiajn, cq scyol will bnd atUsUve cbeok takers at the depou. to rcccho obecksaadooaveybaczuo (re« of 4ham> io «;•(? tvtta> and Ghleago can. Sleepl&x Oar* acccmuftn? fach train, Tlcke«t>T»ale ataUlbepriscUial tl:k«i afflret '.u t! s .££? Al on Street Übleaso. B«panlcalartoaskf«rUck:Ub7TortWa7iie. DaN'L W. UU« fon'l Astal, JOUNR ANUfHSON. Oeo'l SodV. J. N. OUIJAHMY.Bapt. W. D. TO UZ&fIIANTO A.N I) SIUPPKRa the PttUbontb. /ort Wijiu A cLlca«o K. R. Co., havtu effected aa arranferaent with the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Uonpacy. fbr tlie tmn«portttlob of Tt<ro«u& freights, wopcrty can now be aait.p«hloo thu Line uetweea Ohleiwo* Philadelphia. Baltimore, New York and Boston, with promptness anJ dc»w*tcb. Ouu* ttaeu can Do made at ths following plaoea: No. i Aalor Place, } No. 1 8. William street. > N«w York. No. 3 Battery Ptace. ) No. M tUlby street, Boetoo. No. 8 Dock street. PhUMleiphl^ Depot. North ureet, Phll&delph*<k Depot. Twelfth street, oorri-jr Chicago* Mark uackaaes via P„ Fv Wayne A 0. H. a. for farther IntoraaUoo, Ac., ajipty to . y **lfreunt Chlcwo. J, J. HOCdCON. Gea'l frtitii. A* t, PlOabui-xU. l'o. no 3 CHICAGO, IitaU.XGTOX k QUISCV iL R. 1858 OB ANGE OF TIMd 18i\> ON AND AiTislK DJiC., 13, In»S,TWO Throcuh Paja naer Traloa «UL leave tbe Cen* tral Depot. Joct ol Booth Water streeU. (Ui!y. as 10U lows: 7:3) A. U. Day Express (flandi?i eiceptod) anlvlo< al Uocdota lAUU M.; tiateshuni p. M.; Uor> llnxtor. P.M.; Qolnev HA p 5L P.M. Kipresa (Sundays excepted) arrives it Men doia P. M.. UaleaburcMM A. iL. Bar lliuton 7JO A. M.. Qa;ncy 11.30 A. M. TraSuleave eastward aa fbUovs: Leif« UurkWxton. 7:46 A.M. A S.«P M. " Qulncy <:• 0 A.M. A l:Ju P. M. - balesbont lUcOO A.M. A 7:l» P.M. leaves Auro a 7:t.U A.51. Kzpress trains Arrive at chlcaco (5:46 t'.Sl. A A.&L Paaaeocer arrives at• I".tW A.M. IMPOHTANT LOCAL CONNECTIONS. At Mendota with Ullsota Ceotrat RMlroad north IV Amboy. Dixon. yreeporVCalenaand DunJellh; aodrouth for LaaaUe. Tcn*ca. wlnona. Panou. Bloonlagton. Oeca* tor. SLLotUa, Cairo. Ac. At Bonlnxtoa cl<ue connections tro made by two dally trains with borllngtoa and Missouri Hiver Balu roa<c for Ut. Pleasant. ValrQeld, Ottumwa. Chanton«fort Dcj Moires. Port Dodo*. Oooocll B.utft. Uouz City, and all portlonaof Kansas and Nebraska, alra with W>*Ylcnißtaffo C«Mpaay for Montrose; t'ovoco by ralltr K-okck. , , At Qolccy direct connections are by it-ice (SO tnilei) with UaonlbaL and thence iiinolbal A Ut. Joseph Railroad for St. Jo*ei>l!« Leavenworth. Bmsaa Clt* and all parti of tiaadas ana Soathern Nehra*ka. Thlslstheooly direct route dnHnatae wlr.ttr months between tbe East and Kansas, as there Is only about &U miles At Piymooth wttb Aases for Heoknk. Tickets may be had at the Depot anuattbe MlchUaa Central Ballxoad office, corner of Lake and Dearborn ita, O. O. UAMMONU. tlon'lßoo'L . titf'f WffWfft 1859. Winter Arrangement. 1538 VIA MICHIGAN CENTRAL AND «S£AT 1 WEPT If RN (CANADA) RAILWAY LEA.VU TUii HIIEaT CENTRAL i Depot, foot of Ijtke street. Chicago: kw A. M.—New York lCxvres»— (asvey; Uuoday>)anivft atDetro'.t VO P. M.; UospeoVunDridKe. or i Jtaffalo W0 A. M.; Alb.tav P. M.. New York 10:40 P. .11.: Philadelphia via klmlra, 11 P.M. fltOfl A. M—Cincinnati Sxpress—©andan exoepted)! Axrive at Gndnaatl at S*.-"UP. M. 7:40! A. M.—Detroit AcoomodaUoa (except Sunday) ar» rive at Detroit lik.4 P.M. P.M.—New York and Boston iCtpreas—(Satorc'aya exeepted). Arrive Dtt'oltftUa P. M ; !*nii>en> tfon Urld<« or BulUo P. iL; Alban> lU.UO A. M.; New.York 4:JO L v !d.; Hoxtan 11.45 P.M. ; &00 P. M.—Cincinnati and Lonitvlllu Kxpr«3V-(cxccpt Saturday.) Arrlvo at Cincinnati 11 MA. «- 1 Louis Tills 4tOJ P. M. Oniyonetrain on ■'ondjy atfcOOP. M. All trains connect At Paru wlththe Buffalo andLai* Haron Sallway for Buffalo act) all points tfast; atTo » rontowlth the Grand Tr&nk KallWdy to Klnatoa, 0» ( deusbanih, Montreal. Quebec, a: ;oinu In * Xast. Northern Vermont. New harccshiroaod Maine. tW Baaxwre checked throuah. , _ ' Th*oo«hUokot«for•*!«»*( ti>« pHudpal r*al!rofcuoO*«« ■ In the West, and at the general office, corner Lak« and Dearborn itreeta. opposite tue Tremont Uousc, Chleam* and at the depot, footof Like rtteeu R. N. RIOT. Onper'r'en'lenv U. J. f-PiLrTwrj. P*r* A.—nt. MP» ** [ mPO.kTAM' Nurit'E. St. Zioais, Alton and Chicago Rai) rend. CHANCE OF TIMP r Two Express Trainj Daily ' FOB ST. LOUIS. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, TOR 30TII lnit, trilrs will lea*e Depot, comer of Canal a •>! i Yaa feunjQitretUas follows; 10:10 A. W. Mall md Kxprets, (Prtmliya excepted.) 1 P. M. N'Kbt Express. UJstu.daia excepted.) ! ARRIYX3. 1 Nl«ht IMS A. SI. Mail and £xurest A.M. , JOUET ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Jnllet MSA. M. Arrives at CMcaco fc±s A, .M. Leaves Chicago p. M. Arrives at Joliet. 3u P.M. ja39 ly A. U- MOORB. Geaeral Sapt. IN3B 1*39. CENTRAL SHORT LINE ROUTE PITTSBURGH, FORT WATO it CHICAGO ARD PEBVSYL7AS2A HAIZJIOASS yo all uafcu cima. fLARKB ft ronPAJfY, PWKOIAL AG2SNTS, are prepare<lto Contract 7re'thta Throiuh. by aathonty of the Uotupanles named ahov«, at their office. No. I Steele'-! Block, corner booth Water aad Laaalle streefaa. and at Depot of P.. PC W. A C. 1C R., Chicago: oratDepot, Liberty 3tre«t. Plttsbnntb. The Offices of the Pennsylvania jtailroid Company la he Past are located at No. 4 Aitor House, New York. No. 1 Soolh William street. New York. No. 4i hSt street, Boston. No. 75 Perry street, Hartford. No. aONorta street. Baltimore. AndattoeCJeneral Depot. Philadelphia. focSI !y HASKBAL AND ST. JOSEPH •gATT.miAn WINTER ARRANQEMSHT. The n. 4 st. j. k.r. 13 now open' 115 miles west from Tlannibal and 73 east from Bt. josi-ph. leavlax only IS miles, ftasin* between tbe 11U tiajppl and Rivers. On me flrst day 01 M-uch tne entire road will h« completed. Tills rou.e aff: rdj tbe mo t direct, reliable ard exredU tlooscommnnlcatlon with Kantas. Nebr«»lta. l<altLako and Plke'sPeak: canylnnpasseoitersaw miles nearert,. Pike's Peak than any 0 berEailroad. Prom St. Jo*ei h 1 be fort Kearney route Is the hist only 6 4 miles to Pike's Peak.and rotthe Marrrrllle Cdt-OIT wU reduce tb's dis tance to 473 mLea. Prom St. Joseph Stages leave dally for Leavenworth. Weston and Kansas Cit*. and also to Atchison and Lecompton. pianos through (jesry City, Doniphan. Winchester, hickory Polataaduscali-osa.con> nectinc with »"«*■ from Tomtit Gnsshopt>er Palls. Lawrence Indlanola. and Port Klluy. Ti>e overland leaves ol Joseph every Monday for S:ilt Lake, via Port Kearney. Drldrer and Nuble'a Pass. To Omaha and ixmncll Blals a daily line o'staxca ma from Bt. Josephs par.lD* thrcuah and b? UnJea. lowa Point. Nebraska fttv, Pvsenxers rrons Cb'caKO. D-trolt,Cl-dinatl. Davtoo. Plttsburirn l.ou. Isvllle wl'l find this In every respect the most acsirahle rom%. Passencen from Calca-o vlathe C. B. AQ. K.K.. eonoectatQnincy with boats for Uannlbal. Upon the opening of the rcadandpavlialkn on tin? MlssifslEPi the time between Cjlcsao and St. Joseph will 1 ed iced to 3t> boors. gephat7A M. JOiIAU 1IL":<T. Surt. P. B. GitOAf. Qen'l'. dtetAxt. iaSsclM EAD PIPE AND Sheet Leaa ivorka. COLLINS S, BIATCHFOKi>, ■Axuyaamaia oy Lead Pipe, Sheet and Bar L*ad, 4lto BKALXSB El 3PXo> XiHad, Acenta for flnT.T.rat WHITS LEAD * OIL COKPAfI^S -I*D Bt. XiOnlß Sliot Towey. VA foil assortment of the abora Manufactures eon* tUnUyon hand. ORDKRS /ROM THE TRADE SOUCITZD. Collins & Olatcbford« ScatoflT-ly Comer of Clin ton and Pulton ttr*eU, W. T. Sliufeidt & Co., ' MAKUTACTUSISS VOS' AS IF- OBOSKEY, U - - - • Sontk Watsr Street, - (Ooßiar oT Wahaah ArcnnsJ DiiUPoi oft ALCOHOL, PURE SPIRITS, AND WHISKY 3, a?«w Maaeftettrers of •oMadt iaqoors, Bnratni' Vluldt —axd— 01ALXB9CT HIBHWINXSAiroaZOnTYINO GOAL, Trade snspUod at Market Rates on Libo S UfSk aoflatW.'v FOKEST CITY WATER CUKE. (XEVEUNS, OHIO. mHIB INSTITUTION Id DELIGHT. I KITLLY the o-i>itlrt< o: a be»tiPd»u !.»i a-», wiuilb the cityut r.e»*«*la:i'l *'"t • t luilr* from the Post tJfflce. Thu bmltfiatf ° r '"'f*. furoisbedm the btit sty In, I'6k I"*' l ' rn«rt»a*e aupiilifd wtih pure, soft soring waiar. »hwl* this e*Ublisbn.eot In at preset rei-e:rtn ; irv>u» » lin- ir«» aad otb«rw*u«ni is * tUiterlns ..f Uapopolantv aad flooriabiu? winilitioe. l>r. ki<4 lady, fgrnrerly of the Lak« View WaierCor* u«»*rcbt; caao. weeonuaeted «rita ihiaiuMtutn^a. MIT 4 nn-innl DU, O. \\. hTKDMi. OMve promptJAMKH K. CROSS. M. T> J. H. \i mug, LASS I GLASS 1! GLASS!!! PU»e and DoohlaTUek ±_ t^gSjSESSASgS*