Newspaper Page Text
BY TELEGRAPH; TO THE PRESS AND THIBVNE. XXXYth COSGRESS—SECOXD SESSION. WiunsGTOx, March 1-Sebate.—Tbe Post Office appropriation bill being under considera tion, Mr. Yulee offered an amendment, raising the rate of postage to tire cents and abolishing the franking privilege. Agreed to—yeas £y, nays 2S. Mr. Wilton mored that in fatare the depart* ment advertising be given to two papers in each State and Territory baring the largest circula tion. Agreed to. Mr. Wilson's farther amendment, that the contract with Butterfield 4 Co., for carrying the California orerland mail, be modified so that the contractors may carry the mail on any route they may select, was objected to by .Messrs. Yulee, Coombs and Irerson, who saw in the proposition an attempt to deprire the South of the privilege of a mail route, as well as ltflu •aee the Pacific Railroad. Others joined; in the debate, in the coarse of wbicn it came oat that each letter sent by the overland convey ance cost the Government thirty-tiro to sixty dollars. , Mr. Wilson's amendment was lost by ayes 19, asys 82. Mr. S<uart moved to amend that the Batter field overland contract be reduced to weekly service, and the pay to be (450,000, instead of $600,000. Agreed to. Mr. Broderick moved to amend that the weekly mail between St Joseph, Missouri, and Flaoerrille, be accelerated to 25 days, and the par SIIO,OOO. Agreed to. Mr Bice moved to amend that a weeklv mail be established from Si Paul, Mion., to Pogei'e Suuud, the pay to be $200,000. Agreed to. Carried, jeas 33; nays 4. Mr. Betgimin moved to strike out the (SO,OOO for the monthly oveiland mail from Kansas City to Stockton, at the expiration of the present quar ter. The bill was t'icn reported to the Senate, when moat of the amendments of the Committee of the Whole were ad"pted. The section raising the rates of postage, aiwluhinc tho franking privilege, and generally regulating tbe detail*, Ac., was adopted. Mr. Ciiugnun moved to give the isler- General discretionary power to coaiinoc any over land route. Adopted* Some minor amendments were then adopted and *«Med to the bill, when it was passed by 29 against 22. The Xjvul Appropriation bill was then taken op. Tbe amendments adopted in Committee ot the Whole, are to &llonr back pay to the officer* suspended by tbe recont Naval Board, and to pay $17U,000 to tbe Paraguay expedition. Mr. Hale moved a new bection that no new promotions shall be m ide in the Navy until lue number of captalus shall be reduced to finy. The bill was reported to tbe Senate and the amendments agreed to except those increasing t»«e appropria'iuui for the respective navy yards. |£r. HifleV amendment was lost by 28 to 8. At 2 oclock this muruiug, acjourLed. March 2. Senate.—Mr. Seward explained (bat if be had been present at the vote on tbe Natal bill, he should have voted against Mr. Hamtfond's amendment to increase tbe appro priation for the Navy Yards and elsewhere. Mr. Thomp'oo, of Kentucky, presented the credentials of Lazarus W. Powell, as his suc cessor. Mr. Banter called up the miscellaneous ap propriation bill. Mr. Slidell presented the credentials of Mr. Binjamin, who hasjast been re-elected to tbe Senate from Louisiana. Tbe bill to carry into effect the treaty between the United States and Canada was passed. A multitude of memorials were then tabled, U there was no time to act on them. Tbe miscaUaneous appropriation bill was then taken ap. It appropriates for tbe coast survey, $253,000; for light house*. $927,000; for tbe survey of tbe pablie lands, $265.000; for Washington City for ▼anooß things. $127,OO0; for the treasury build ing, $50,000; for the post office building, $150,- 000; for tbe capital extension, $400,000, but no decorations are to be executed antil approved of by the Art Committee. For tbe botanic gar den, $7,400; for tbe insane hospital, $63,000; for the mortgage on government property in Pine street, N. Y., $11,000; for the Patent 01- lice, agricultural department, $40,000, and far various other things about $30,000. The total amount appropriated is $2,345,000. Mr. Simmons moved an amendment provid ing for a home valuation on imports, bnt after a protracted debate as to whether it was in order or not, it was lost. Mr. Hunter, from the Finance Committee, moved as an amendment that tbe President be authorized to issue Treasury cotes for $20,000,- 000, at aix per cent interest This was debated at great length by Messrs. Seward, Cameron, Davis and others. Then tbe Senate agreed to take a recess. The Senate on re-assembling went into Commit* tee of the Wbole. Alter Mine discussion, tbe amendment moved by Mr. Hunter, from the Pi ranee Committee, fortlie issue of treasury notes for $20,000 000 was adopted bv yeas 24; nays 10. Ayes—Alien, Benjapiu, Bigler, Cling* man, Davis, Pitch, Gr ea, Gtviu, Hr»Q>too, Hunt er, lver-OD, J -nes, Mason. MalJory, Pt-arce, Polk, Puch, Iteid, Bice, Shields, Slidell, Ward, at.d To'ee-24. NATS—Broderick, Cameron, Clark, Dixon. Doo little, Foote, Hale, Harlan, Simmon*, aud Wilsjn —lO. House.—On motion of Llr. Phelps, the House suspended tbe rules and passed tbe Senate reso • tion authorising the President, by and with tbe advice *nd consent of the Senate, to confer on Gommodoi'e Stewart the commission of senior flag officer pf tbe Navy, on the active list, in recognition of his distinguished and merito rious services. The House acted on the Senate's amendments to tbe Army bill, which were previously consid ered in Committee of tbe Whole, snd concurred is: among others, SIOO,OOO for a military road, from FL Benton to Walla-Walla; $£53,0i)0 tor repair, and machinerv. and $55,000 for similar purposes at Harper's Ferry armory. Tbe ametid ment to pay Massachusetts $227,000 for balance due on account of 'be war oi 1612, was adopted, by yeas 176, nays 23. Tbe H'tu-e pa-sed Senate b'll extending the ' laws and judiciary system over Oregon. The H >use ordered to l>e mimed 21,000 copies of the agricultural and 20,000 of tbe mechanical part or the Patent Offi-e Report, Mr.D. vis, of lud.,uii'd to introduce a bill re pealing the prohibitory clause in tbe Engii>h Kmi aas bill, but tbe House refused to suspend the jralcß. A bill appropriating $55,000 for deepening the channel ot the SL. Ciair FlaU passed by 55 ma e House reeou3idered the vote by which the Mail Steamer bth was yesterday defeated, and agn'n rejected it by a vote of GG against 94. The House concurred in ibe repurt of the Com mittee of Conference on the disagreeing amend ments to the Executive, Judicial U"d Legislative Appropriat ion bill. This restores the mileage of the next Congress, originally stricken cut by the House. Beceas until 7 o'clock. From Washington* Wuiiikgtox, March 2.—Mr. Surtiges, tbo French Minister, is removed, and Viscount De Serre, at present at Baden, is appointed to suc ceed him. Tbe Nicaragnan treaty was considered in the Cabinet to day. Mr. Lamar says the failure of Nicaragua to ratify the treaty was attributed to the want of tima. lie thinks tbe treaty will be ratified as it might possibly be confirmed were it slightly modified. "Inspector," of the Courier and Enquirer aava the recognition of the Liberal Government # in Mexico is indefinitely postponed, and Senor Mata will not be received. The President approves the rejection of the Cass 1 rtssarri treaty by Nicaragua. lit rectption of General J»rei last Novem ber, »u regarded bj President Martinez u an abandonment of the treaty by thii Government, and is tbe cause of tbe con ratification. •1? that Sir Gore Ousley's treatv will stipulate for equal privileges for England and the United States, and will be acceptable to this Government. in the opinion of Gen. Jerez, the great ob stacle to tbe settlement of affairs with Nicaragua is noC* removed. " A resolution is suggested, requesting the re call of J. Ulancy Jones from Austria, because of the recent disclosures. Information has been received from reliable source* in Aseeucion and Buenos Ayr's, staling that Mr. Bamberger, our consul in Paraguay, has repeatedly written to onr government, giv ing tbem full'information in regard to matters and things in that counlrr, but has not received lor more than a year aaingie line in reply. Lo pes is represented as having stated that be is perfectly willing to apologize for the affair with the Water-Witch, as that waa caused by a mis take on tbe part of a public but that the claim of the so-called Ametican company be will not settle, as it is a swindle, which Com missioner Bcwlin will learn, if be will investi- Kite it, and that he is ready to submit it to ar bitration of friendly powers. from Washington* Washdcotox, March 2 —Advices from the Af rican squadron np to Jannary 4tb, say that tbe health of the officers and men was generally good. The Dale, after a cruiae on the South Coast, had arrived atPort Prayo short of provis ions. Tbe msilreceived fromSantaFebringsacopy ot'tbe stringent laws passed by the Legislature of Neir Mexico to protect property in slaves and totally prohibiting emancipation in that Terri tory. The vessel to bring L?rd Lyons, successor to Lord Napier, to this counlr/ will probably land him at Annapolis. William Smith O'Brien to*dsy vfjited both bouses of Congress, and wss cordially received by many members. New Yost, March Bd.—lt is agreed that a compromise tariff bill shall be introduced to morrow, retaining the preaent free liat and in creasing the duties on coal and iron. Shooting Affray—One Stan Killed and Several Hounded. Louisville, March 2.—An old political fend bss existed between Thomas 8. Low of Hawes rille, and Cicero Maxwell of Hartford, Ky., Prosecuting Attorney of that District. Low had threatened to cowhide Maxwell on meeting him. To-day Maxwell addressing the court at Hawesville, was interrupted by Low, denounc ing him in grossly insulting language. Max well and others fired several shots, wonnding Low in tbe thigh and arm, cutting off his thumb, •nd riddling bis shirt. A general tire of pis tols ensued frsm the friends of Maxwell- Jno. Aldridge, a friend of Law was killed. Mr. Mil shot through tbe thigh. Low was com. nutted to j<dl for protection trom the mob. Fire in Mpmphm. March 2 —A fire last night e %£ L, JZJS* e «"« of the EagU and Enquire *w f " '3 0, ;« Main atreit, in fr Xy*-*, Avalanche, JjfAgtr, Ukrulmii Adc&caU, md Prtsbvttrinik bound offices, Entton k Olark priJtenL The .tore, of G.lkey k Wtrren. n . A filrauoa.w. V. Hunt K. StiUman, Hamriob Brm. t the nloon of Joaeph Tentel «ra mooo; mSn n w- Mr* Bntterworth Makes a Btttt«eit« WAsmuroTOjr, March I.—Mr. Botterworth bu published » minute statement, showing bow far ne was connected with tbe recent terrible oc currence. He savs that when he left the bouse ol Mr. Bickles. be had no thought of meeting or seeing Mr. Key, his object being to see Mr. Stewart. He had no arms with him, and did not know that Ur. Sickles Intended U> take arms. Mr. Sickles left the house after he (Butterwortb) had done so, and without any suggestion oa the part of him. CBotterworth.) came towards the Clnb Hoose. When Mr. Key sainted him (Bat terwortb) he did not know that Mr. Sickles was approaching hios, nor did he see him nntil be turned to leave Mr. Key. It is not true that be soncbt or detained Mr. Key, who first addressed him (Butterworth). Their interview did not last one minute. A Diabolical Case of Lynching. St. Loins, March 2.—The St. Joaeph corres pondent of the Hepublican under date of 27th nit., gays a special metwage from Plstte City brings iuiormaiion that Day and son, confined on tbe charge of running off negroes, were forcibly taken from jail last night by a mob of three hundred men and hung. Tbe reason assigned is that the court would acquit tbe prisoners on the gromid that it was not the proper district to try them in. Latib.—SL Joseph papers of the 2Bth ult. and Ist inst. contain nothing in reference to the hanging of Doy and son at Platte City, by a mob. The story is doubtless an unmitigated hoax. Opening of Lake Navigation- Boitalo. March 2.—Tbe propeller Equinox, of tbe N. Y. Central Railroad line, wub a full load <if merchandise, left this morning for v»leve- I land and Sandusky. If she succeeds in getting , through, another of the same line will follow on Monday. There is no ice now iu sight, and nav igation is considered as fairly opened for the season. Arrest of Lottery Swindlers. Bostok, March 2,-Wm. Shute and wife, Alon so Shute and D. 6. Palmer were arrested on Monday morning in York Co., Me., charged i with lottery swindling. They were taken to 1 Newbnryport, Mms., and held to bail in (8,000 erch for examination. Later from the steamboat Disaster* New Oblsaks, March I.—Later advices from the sceoe of tbe burning of the Princess report that numbers of the sufferers are dyiog from tbeir injuries. The forward part of the boat was blown to pieces. The P. SL General Sick. Washingtok, March 2.—Post Master General Brown has been suffering from a severe attack of pnenmonia. He is in a somewhat improved condition to*-day. Lake £rie Open. CuvELixo, March 2. Navigation is open to Dunkirk, and the New York and Erie line of propellers commenced running to-day. COMMERCIAL. Commercial and Itloner natters. Evzsna, March 2. Moket, Excoaxqe, &c.—Quotations remain precisely at former; fignres, and no event has occurred to vary the dull routine of ordinary business. We therefore simply repeat former quotations, viz: Exchange 112, gold 112, with no demand. Discounts 10 per cent. Street rates nominal at I@2 per cent, with few trans actions. CovMSECiAL.—The Wheat market was buoy ant and active, with en advance of 2c on No. 1 Bed; 1%@20 on No. 2 Red; 2con Standard Spring; and 3@4c on No. 2 Spring—opening quiet, bnt closing with a good demand and an upward tendency. Sales amounted to about 80,000 bushels at $1 28@1.30 for No. 1 Red ; $1.15 for No. 2 Red; SLOO@IOI for Standard Spring; 91@93c for No. 2 Spring; 9S(g9lc for old inspection No. 2 Spring; and79o for Re jected Spring. Tbe Flour market was very firm, under a bare m irket. Sales amounted to abont 700 bbls at $5.05@5.17 £ o. b. for low grade to common Spring Extra; $5 50 for good do ; and $6.25 for Michigan Winter. There was a good demand for Corn, and tbe market advanced lc, with sales of Sbel'ed at 69@70c per 60 lbs on track. There is consider able speculative inquiry with regard to cargoes for delivery in spring; bnt buyers and sellers are apart. Oats very firm for Prime quality. Barley in good demand. Highwines firm—man ufacturers holding at 26c. Timothy Seed in fair demand, and prices a shade better for choice. Ciover doll. Tbe Provision market is inaclive. A sale of S3 packages prime Lard was made at ll%c. Tallow still scarce. The Milwaukee Sentinel of to day reports the wheat market active, with an advance of per bushel. Flour firm, with sales at $5 75@ C.OO for Spring Extras. Receipts yesterday : Flour, 531 bbls; Wheat, 7,691 bu; Oats, 1,55" bu; Corn, 217 bu; Barley, 518 bu. At St. Louis on the 2Stb, Corn sold at 60@ 70c; Wheat, $1.12@1 27 for Winter, and $1.05 @1.13 for Spring; Flour inactive. The Cincinnati Gasetti of yesterday says j There was a strong speculative feeling in the flour market to-day, and a further advance was established in prices, with sales of 8,500 bbls at $5 Co(<js 70 lor Superfine, and holders did not meet tbe demand freely at tbe improved rates. For the Ist of April delivery, $6 was of fered for good Superfine. The advices from New York continue favorable, but where prices ad vance 5c there they go op 10c here, thus keep ing the shipping margin below a paviotr point. Tbe quotations there to day were $6 55(36 65 for qualities corresponding with Cincinnati Su perhoe, while our currency is $5.60@5 70. This difference would fall short of tbe freight charges alone. At New Orleans the market is also im proving, but tbe quotation for Superfine Ohio » and Indiana on Saturday was only $5.25—86@ 40c below our quotations. The market tor grain is unchanged. The de mand for Wheat and Corn is good, and prices are firm. Provisions, with tbe exception of heavy bulk sides are dull and heavy. We heard of no transactions in Mess Pork, and tbe article is nominal at $lB. There are not many buyers or sellers at this figure. Bacon was cliered at and 9% for Shoulders and Sides. Lard firm at tor prime barrel. Heavy bnlk Sides sold at Sugar and Molasses dull at lor me lormer, and 36@57 for tbe latter. Woisky firm at 25*}/, with a good demand. Pig Metal is selling in the small way at $35. 6 mos, and $32 cash for best brands of Ohio River hot blast. With a view to restricting tbe credit •system, leading dealers have concluded to make a' difference of $8 per ton between cash and time sales. Clover tieed dull'and heavy. Spiritof the Commercial Circulars by the Canada. Messrs. Richardson, Spence & Co., In their circular, dated Feb. 11* with regard to Bread stuffs say: This week's arrivals consists of 1,262 sacks flour, from Fraoce; 5,836 quarters wheat, 8,610 quarters corn, from tbe Mediterranean and Black Sea; and 200 barrels flour trom South America. Farmers* deliveries of wheat for tbe week ending last Saturday were 105,468 quarters, at 405.10 d, against 108,879 quarters at 465.9 d, in tbe corresponding week ot last year. Tbe country markets continue to be liberally supplied, and tbe grain trade has ruled dull, without variation in prices. On Tuesday the market was slow for all articles, at previous rates. To»daywe had again a small attendance of buyers, and a very inanimate trade. In wheat sales were in tbe merest retail, and prices a shade easier. Flour nominal; choice qualities : scarce. Indian corn— samples of white selling in small qualities, at quotations. Notb ! ing doing in yellow or mixed. We quote, per | cental, wheat, red, Chicago, and Milwaukee, 5s 9s to 8s 8d; Indiana, 8 7dto9s.Bd; white Western, Southern 10s to 105.9 d; Flour 10s to 19s; Jroian Corn, mixed and yel low, 5s lOd to te 2d; white, 7a to 7a 4d. Messrs. Wright, Junior & Co.'s circular with regard to the prospect of a European war, con tains the following: Many are disposed to regard political move znents in a pacific light; but the angry attitude of aflatra between France, Austria and Sardinia, and the active war-like preparations still in pro gress, are sufficiently indicative that open hos tilities are delayed only in deferenee to other powers and the commercial public, and have more the character of a respite for the purpose of obtaining, by fresh loans, sufficient funds to conduct a campaign, than assurances of a de sire to preserve peace. Eventuate as this may, confidence in monetary and business circles is limited, and until tbe borixon be cleared of the present obscurity caution will be the prevailing 1 feature. I The grain trade remains in a very languid I state, and business in both wheat and flour is restricted to consumptive requirements. Prices are tolerably steady. For Indian Corn there has been a better inquiry, and rates have an upward tendency. Eoufrt Makin & Son, in tbeir circular dated, Liverpool, F«»>. 8, sajt: At this period of the year a practically cor rect estimate of our wh»*t crop of the previous harvest may be generally arrived at, and judg ing from tbe experience of the past fogx months we may safely pronouoce that the last crop rea lized in this kingdom has not only been abun dant, but has extended in quantity the liberal estimstes formed at the time of gathering; this, oombined with good old steaks left over, has all along kept us in a position comptrfttively inde pendent of foreign aid, and thus the almost to tal cesistion of import* from America has had little greater effect than U prevent a further re duction from previous low prices, while the bus iness done with the near Continental ports has in few eases been attended with profit, and gen erally resulted in moderate loss; the marketsof tbe country at the elose of tbe past week were somewhat more firm, but In very few instances could any improvement be obtained, the con tinued mildness of the season still prejudicing the condition; and Mark Lane yesterday ruled quite dull. Here we have had a moderate inquiry for wheat, since Friday, at fnll prices, but flour has moved slowly. Indian Cora and beans finnlv supported. tfe have so arrivals from Ameriea, and the we*k's imports are below the average extent, £ Notwithstanding a better attendance at onr market the actual business in wheat of anv description has proved upon a limited scale, holders generally .requiring previous rates, which we repeat as on this day week, though to sell in quantity some decline would be neoeasary. Tbe flour trads is without alteration, with iittU : jaasa McHenry k Co., nadar dsts «t Tab. 11, say of the Provision Market: Bacon without change—no inquiry for Ameri «aa—-tome-cure still in good supply. Cheese in better .demand and for really fine Is. to 2s. advance has been paid. Beef has been in good demand without change in price, and bolder* have sold freely. Pork in fair demand and ra ther dearer. Baooh-Loo* Middles. New-Rib la 4<sa<6* ¥ cwt. M»o»t Middles " 45X5«8l ** O.Cut M Onxssa-Floe do 066s Oralntrr to '••lr SS <*«&« n , Bur-Prune iXess-New 77 6«Ms V tierce ladli lose U more. Poxx—P lme Me»-New 65«®75i " Lard is Is dearer, bnt tbe transactions are very limited—nominal price 60s to 61s. Tallow in increased demand, and alftge busi ness has been done at better prices. North American firm at 545. BUO WBKAT. A few dsys ago we penned an article concern ing Seed Wheat, and the importance of farmers paying more attention than nsual to the quality of tbe seed they put into the ground the coming spring. Since then we have received several communications from parties in Wisconsin, some of which we have published, stating that ; they had good' Canada Club' and' Scotch.Fife' ; wheat Below will be found another communi cation, which is accompanied with a very fair sample of "Scotch File," and which we pub lish for the benefit of farmers who desire that kind of seed: Btocqbtok. March 1 1659. Editors Press and Tribune: I saw an article in the Passs akd Tamuss of the 2itb February, in the commercial column, that their was much inquiry tor Spring Wheat. 1 have a hundred and twenty-five bushels of " Scotch Fife " seed for sale at tl. 50 per bushel, if it is wanted at that price. If 1 cannot get that 1 sbMl keep it uotil spring opens. 1 waa offered $lB7 to-day for it. As there is a great inquiry for seed in this section, if there are any who want it, they had better send on immediately. Tbey can send their bags and money to H. H. Giles, the depot agent at Stoughton, on the Mil waukee and Mississippi Bsilroad, or Mr. Terry, the express master. X will deliver the seed at Stoughton depot on receipt of money and bags. The wheat grew on Sandy Prairie, and tbe yield was over twenty busbelsiper acre. 1 send this for the benefit of those who want seed, and also a sample of the same. Yoar humble servsnt, NICHOLAS ALTXJIUS. Address Stoughton Post Office, Dane County, Wisconsin. We would add that since the publication o! the article referred to, several parties have ex hibited on 'Change some very choice samples of " Scotch Fife " and " Canada Club." We trnst farmers will spare no pains in providing them selves with good, sound seed wheat; for with out they do so, our crop of Soriog Wheat can not but be as inferior as it was last year. Much, of course, depends on weather and drainage, but without good seed these can avail nothing, and all efforts to elevate the standing of Spring Wheat in this market will go for nonght. TBS WHCAT oaop JS SCHUYLER CODNTT. Brsim lb. Bchujler Connty, lit, Peb. £6, 1837. Editors Press and Tribune: Weather warm and spring-like; ground thaw ed out: roads almost impassable; but little pro dace and no money in the hands of farmers—is the order of things down here. Two weeks ago the best judges pronounced tbe wheat crop dam aged on« Ao//, bnt the late warm weather has brongbt to light many a green blade that before lay bidden, and it is cow thought that with no further damage, the crop may be a good one. Such at least is our hope, for having lost two crops m succession, we can ill afford to lose an other. Tbe very disconraging state of things is hastening thousands to Pike's Peak from this part of country. J. £. S. Chicago Daily Wholesale Market* WtcKtsDAT Ercnsa. March 2. FREIGHTS —TheEastern Hal ways have reduced rates on fourth Class freight to New York t. 60c V 100 &s.and and to Boston via Albany to 6ic; Flour to New Toik tl 10; to Boston 11.25: to Phlladelph'a ani Baltimore 11.03. Fourth Class goods to Button, part water, 60c V 100Bi; anJFlourtoßoston,nsrtwater,SLls. FLOOR —Terrfirm. Saleawere:—lsobbls "Excelsior" Sprint Extra (last night) at $3.10; SOO bbls do do, and 100 bb'i "Atlantic" do at 15.17 f o. b. at the opeclnc of navi gation; 59 bbls "Kewanee" do at 15.50: IV bbls low grade Sprint Extra at 15.03. fee of storage till the Ist of April: GO bbls Ul^sanWniteWinteratSi.2s. CORN MEiL— FlnnatS2s for Unbolted, and *37 for Bo't ed. Sale; S tons Bolted at 937. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR.-Very dull and nominal at 51.50d1.7ic. Dixon Mills S3. SHOHTS—4I< ns good Quality at Sl6f) ton. WHEAT—W«T*H—viarktt active. Advanced 2c. Sales were: 600 bq No. 1 Bed at #1.29 in store; 700 kudo atll.:tf lostore; lM3budo at#l2&JC iattore; 13.0-obu do in two lots at SI 30 in store: 5.600 bu No. a Red at 51.15 in store, gpaiso—Advanc« d 2@tc. Sales were: 700 bushels Stand »rd at #1 la f tore; 700 bu do ht tl 01 In stores 600 baKo.2Springat9leln store; 6,200 do at92clnstore; 1400 bu do at 93 Jin store; 1500 bu do (old Inspection) at 93c in store; 1000 ba do do at9ls In store; WO bu Rejected at 79c In store. Market closing firm. CORN—Advanced lc. Sa'e were: 24.0 buShelled in bulkat69c *6oft» on'ract; 700 bu do at 70c on track; 150 bacs do at 70c on track; SOO bu No. lat 66Xc deliv ered ; 700 ba Ear Corn at 65c V 70 as on track. OAT 8-Prime In good demand and firm. Sales to-day were: 361 bags'common at stc delivered; 167 bsgs fair at 54s on track; 123 bass good at 60c on track, RYE—7S ba fiir qail.ty at 90c per 60 lbs at depot. BARLEf—In good demand, asd prlm»flrm. SJes to ri tv *e:e: - 300 bn No. 3at 43c In store; SO bsgs fair State at 83 c on track. HIGH OTNES -Held more firmly. Manufacturers a*k lok 26: ALCOHOL—SS®S6c per g&l. 6E£DS-Timo'hjr in fair demand, and prime Quality firmer. Pa'ea *o-daj were:—SO bu prime Timotbr at 12 CO; 75 bushels'al* do at 11.67#; BO bu do at SI.ES Glover less Inquired for, and in trkel rather dulL Sa'.es were:—l3bags prime at t6.25; 10 bsgtlalrat #6.00; 30 bass ''unga-hn Grass at SI 00. DRESSED HOGS—Very few In market. Sales to-day wer*;—l4 Hogs averaging lbs at >6.60; 4 averaging 2>o lbs at 17 01. PBOViStOVS—lnactive Uess Beef, *9slo; Hess Pork. Sl7 2?®17 50 Nothing doing !n Cut Meats. LARD—3? packages prime at HKo. TALLOW—S:arce and la derated at IQXc. HlDES—Market firm, with agcod Inquiry for Greer. Sales to day were at the fol'owlng range of quotations:— Green Coontry. £@BX: Greea Salted. B}{<3BXe: Dry Flint. 16K&17C. Calf fkina. 12c. PELTS— In good rupply, with a fair demand. (Sty slaughtered 51.23d1.75; Ccuntry. SI.OO®L6O, WOiK—l3oo tti. good Pi'ece a*< 47Xe. P' ULTRF—Dres«ed Chickens la good demand at 1150 63 00 per dot ; Turkeys. 8310 c per B. EGGS-Freah 15c perdrz. BUTTER—In mod shipping demand. Sales to-day were:—4opkgs coxrmon at 13c; choice table Batter la good demand at 15317 c. POTATOE3—Meshannocks, CS©7sc; common, mixed. fis<26oe. BE ANS—HarVet dull and nominal at 7501.25. DRIED FEUIT-Balei to-day were;—4o bbla n Dried App'es at 12:. Bovsment of BreadatolTto—Olarcli 1* aaonm ar aaawAis. Floor Wh't Com Oats Bar. Cat. Hog. bbla bu. ba. bm. bu. Na No. ByLske GaLD. R.BR. 153 14t5 1977 9063 334 45 83 By RoekL R.R. M £SO 86 160 By 111 Oentral.. 249 S3t 610 10 .... 16 it Byaß. *Q... 176 CS6 2540 ISO 814 By&P.&F.daL. 43 600 33J 1000 160 S ... ByG.A.*BU<. 133 1125 S Total 755 "To 55» 1078 48? 279 New York ttarket* [Br TaLSGBirH.] Niw Teas. March 2.1559. is an aetlve trad? demand for S'ate anA ff«t-rn. and have *dvanc»dfi<3loc. Salet 17.r«0 brlsa *-V4ft35.65 for super State 56.!(V36 s*> forext a Btate, SO for auper Wes'eru. S6 4 i for extra Western. SS.tiod6.7o for sb'pplt g brands extra round h' od Ohio—market closing buoyant, wit" an advasclOK teoden'-y. Oinailui Flour firmer; salesßoJ brls extra at J6.►04*.80 Rye Fliur. 53.8094 S5. Gaxix— Whpat eomioue* aetir* at an advance rfl@ Sc; »•!•»!» SO 0W bo at 51.40(^1.45 for red Western winter. 51.E031&5 for white Michigan, St 8531.42 for mixed UIU no «. SI 50 for amt»«r 8U Lnul« SI.6D for white SC Louis. SI.SO tor white irouOiern. St 50 for white Illinois and Mil* wau«e; elubon p-irate terms K?e quiet atß6£f9c. Ba>- Ity dull; I.<XXI bu oM ft te at6sc. Core quiet but steady: sal'* 8 500 bu «t 83<2S4e for Jeney and Sout' ern yelt w, »5c for Western in stcre OaUmoreastlve a-dfirme-ats4®D7c for biale, and 61363 c for Western and Canadian. M m kt—Steady: sale* 200 brls at 2&e. Paorijjoss—fork uncDang-d. Sales 2 000 bb's at Si? 89 @ll 'orotw; S'7 &0 for old me*s: S 812dt3 23 f >rcrlme. Inciuledwere 1000bblsrew mess f«r April at 119 Si 5(0 btlf bbli shear clrar at $ 2, a* d 500 bbls mrssatS'B. de livered tn s x nont s from the fi at of Arril at sel e*'s oition Bee' contloues►teady. Sales4Bl bbla «t#6 50(S 700 fir country trim*: 17 75(29 for do mess: for repackfticblcum: SI J® 12 50 fnrex'rmda Frin* , neeffl m at Sll®iQ. Beel bami dull at S'4.6o®l\7a. : pa. mrsta ateady. B*tea SUOokgs at6H® ! SVofcrrhoulder*. and S)<o9>{-for bams Sresscdbofts 1 doll *tSS 'or corn fed. Larl dull aud b«*avy. Sales 400bbl Bat'erqul't atlldlPcforOblo,snd I"S2Tc for State. Cheese firm AB9IIHC, Tallow lower. Sales S 50J Pound •at Htock. kt id Uoar! eK»ler. ou*. steady. Mo 6*s N. T. a 6-* 91V. 1 bonds Pae. null 7£V. lumberl-n 24.N-Y.O S'K.G.t. * i'hl. 70K. Ha-'rm £ referred Hud*o 3JX. Heading 49}£. C. *T. I. C, Si V SL 8. do gua anieed iS, Panama 116 V, a*R.i.6iK. Weekly Lire Stock market. BrTsLEQaira.] New Toaa. March 2. Bkxt Cattl*—There h bit a moderate demand 'or B?ef Cattte and prices for common a-d Inferior grades hi dHcl wcr Qm'aUons range f om6H®9X common and oidinary. to llXdtl tor pi lme, ana for premium, AT<ra*e9i. Ssair aid Lairas—Active. Swiss—Didl at 5.H@6Xc. BAGS I BAGS!! BAGS 111 l-AH. WBI iT>>« 6TEI9 BAG BiSCVICVOBT, 4X 44 4 46 Wabash avenue, GMoago. BAGS AND BACKS of every deeerlptUn famished on short notlos, and printed with REW AMD BEAUTIFUL BRJUTDS' * fIXKKOH TARWZLL. ac(-dArIy4T7L EYE AND £ AK.; EU, V.IDEUWOOD, T ATE PHYSICIAN ACT SUBQEON TO I A theOcthalmlc and Aural Institate iJ Syj wbow repntatioo Is so well known throaahoat unltf-t g ta'e« forsk< I and scenes, as an operatcren tbe E7B AJfD EAB, hit now been is this city tea mourns, duriuc *hicbti-ne be has treated with a snccf truly ELEVEM UONDRtD and KIQHTT. B'VCN paTiCNtS many of whom bad been trtally Blind for years, and o'beri whote vision was dim aodob. •oore from long oooUnued infiamoaUon of the lid#, have feeeßmadMQ »ee; and oihnaasa'n.whobad beencs* t re'y detf for many years, have »eea t estored to bear* Inc. and several others wto ba 1 brea Deaf and Duab from infancy have been aud* to bear and s>eak—an operation believe Ito have never befre been snccess hi y performed by any Bargeon onto* American Gomt. neni. T e be* proof, however, of >he Doctor ssiill and Srofldescy is thai bis roams are continually i hronsad by ie arrival of new pat'eels not only from this and tbe adjoining Sta< then *""» frosi dlstaat Tns Doctor never bu nor wCI he tn fatare nske say charn for eervloes which are not tucceas'al. fei£-ly . tiFFiCB Af neODTH OLtBK. T7TNSOASI—GKNUINE MEW JKESKT V CU« Tlmmv. tix bw_. i§ TSQ?f, HALE, & CO. General Fiteit Office Depot, NO. 100 L IKft BTRER, CHICAGO, TT.T. rE BUBSORIBKRS BEG LEAVE TO Informthentbllc geeurally, that they have opened tbstr offlee at the a »ove plaee tor the transaction of « . GENERAL IfATCNY AGKNCY BUBINISS It Is their aim to keep on hsnd, at all times, for exhibi tion and sale, ai lar*e a variety as posdble of patented artldes of the latest andmostosefolinventlons; andthey will take creaft pleasure In receiving visitors who may wish to examine their articles. whether with a view of porchasingor not. TJieoffice 1a thrown open as the hesdQoarters of lnvsa* tors who may wish to dispose oftheir Improvements: and the proprietor! respectrally Invite Inventors and artlxasa to call open them at their pleanre. Patent* obtained on new inventions on reasonable, terms, aad with theleaat •oeslble delay. The undersigned will keep thoroughly posted op In all the new patenta lamed at WaahinftcnTaaa will receive and sell on commission all elaases of useful and patented articles, together with lndlvldaal. County or Suterfghtstoose and sell the same. Care will be taken to receive do patented article or right for sale that is not possessed of (engine merit; it being the purpose of the firm to a rharartrr worthy the entire confidence ofall whomay wlshtopurchssenewani weful Improve ment*. TBIPP, HALE A 00- Mo. 100 Lake Street. uvubtoh: Wm. Jones, No. 61 Bommer Bi., Boston: P. H. field A 00~ KilbyßU, Boston; JamesM.Hale. Milk Bc. Boston; BowenAßro.,7;lLakeßL,Ohleago:M. D. Oilman A 00. 163 Booth Water Bt, Chicago; Sort A Pierce 390 Bute man. Byracnse. N. Y. no 9 biSHy HAHHTBAT, AND 61. JOSEPH RAILEOAD IS NOW OPEN FOR THE TRAN&POR t»tIon of freight and Passengers Its entire length Irom the Mississippi to the M-Hoari Elver. The only ro«te that t cket* parseriers to tsL Joseph, and bywolcn Baggtge la cheeked thrown. Pass ens er. to Ne braska. Pike's Peak or caLfornla, save from a to 5 days by taking this line. ThlsrooealTrdsthemo t direct, reliable ard exredl tloas communication with Eaotas. Nebraska, Pal; Lake and Plke'sFeak: carrylngpaasengersauO miles nearer to Pike's Peak than any oJier Railroad. Prom fit -'r>»-ph the Fort Kearney route Is the bt st only 6'jO miles to Pike's Peak, and v.a the Marysvllle OcvOff wtd reduce th's dis tance to 475 mLea. Steamers Lave Bt. Joseph duly to lowa Point. Nebras ka City, Omshd and Csundlß-üßk and itootifjr Atchi son Doniphan. Leaveuworti-, Weiton aad Kamas City. Dally * ages leave St. Joieph fur all lmpor ant Interior towns of KiinSM aad Neorsska, to Lecampton, Geary City. HI kory Point and Oscaiooia, connecting with Uncs to Tooeka, OiAWkee. Grasshopper falls, Lawrence and Port R ley Passtnrers from Chicago and Northern IMno's, De tr it. Michigan, and the t»st, will find this la all respects the most desirable, Quickest and shortest route to Pike's Peak. fssiengeri from Ch'eago. viatheO.B AQ.R. ILmake el'se ccnnections stQuircy with boat for Hannibal. Trak>a leave Ha&tibat av "X 4.M.10r St, Joseph, or open arrival of packet irom Qolney. F»reaalowascyanyother ro-te JOBIAH HUNT. Supt, P. B. GROAT. Gen'l T.cket <gt. fe2S CHICAGO, ST. PAUL AND FOND Oil LACK* K. CHANGE OP TIME. AN AND AFTER MONDAY, DEO. 13, \9 1868, Trains on this road will leave Chicago at follows; 9:00 A. M. For Belott, Janesviße. Madison and Prairie da Ohien. 3:00 F: M. For JanesvUleand Madl ot. Trains arrive at lilO F. M. and &50 P. IK. Carrying the thrsugh U. 8. Mall for all point* In (be Northwest. BT Ihroogh from Chicago to Prairie da Ohien without change of Cars. -AI Connecting a Prairie da Ohien with a dally line of United States Mali Coaches, in»J» C»n T. T>n»T SW m." CHICAGO,IOWA AAD NEBRASKA RAILROAD CHANGE OF TIME. OPEN TO MCOHANiOSVILLII. ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, PEG. 1, 1868. until farther notice. Trains will ran as fol lows: Leave Clinton at. 8.15 A. H. and 4.E0 P. M. Arrive at Mechanlcsville, IXI6 M,and&oo M Leave Mechaalcsville. 9.00 A. M. and 100 M Arrive at Clinton 11Z0 M, and 6.00 " Connecting with Through Trains for Chicago, overths Dixon Alr-Llno of ths Galena and Ohleago union Rail raod. At DeWlttwith stages for Davenport and Haqnoketa. At Yankee Ron witn Stages for Toronto. At Onion Grove with Stages for Tiptop. At with slues for Anamosa, Lisbon, ML. Yemen. Marion and 3edar Rapids. fRIIGHT T&AINB LEAVE DAILY. The Shortest, Cheapest aad most Expeditions Sonto between Ohleago and Central lowa. It being only 181 miles from Chic&go to the HlssUsipplßiver, and thenc* direotly Into the Interior of lowa. An Agent will be at the Depot In Pulton, to receive all Baggage for Clinton or the road, which will be oor. veyed acro« the river free of charge. OUnUn. lowa. Nov. 2T lJBfl 14 " 8 MASKS TO REPRESENT Everybody and Everything, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL, Pengeot's Chicago Variety Store, No. 40 Clarlc Street, mil Hardware stock.—we offer for Bale on favorable terms to a responsible party a well selected itock of HARDWARE, STOVES, IRON, fee., torether with the good will of the boslne?s. It Is the best sta d In a floarl«hlng eoanty ssat, and hag direct railroad communication wl'h Chicago Also wtth the above will be so d tbe Store—a comer three story fire proof building S3s!oo feet. Apply to WILLIAM BLAIR A CO., te4cl63lai 178 Like Commercial Mutual Insurance Company OF Oi<EV£Z»ANO } OHIO. THE TRUSTEES OF THE ABOVE OOM paovhave declared a C««h D.vid-nd of six (fi> per cent on all the oatstandiog bcrip, pa; able on or after the cret of March neit. They have also declared a Scrip Dividend offorty.&ve (45) percent on nil the earned piemiaßs far the year eodlng Januiry 38ih. 1(59. rayable on &r after the first day of Parties entledto participate In the above by tiieir ar angement wnh thj company wl'J please call at their tffice. No. 8 Pome>or's bmldit-K. top stars.) GEO. H. GIBS jN, Agent. Chicago, Pthraary SSd, 1609 The ab&ve Compsny still continue to take Marine and Fire Kisks at current rates. Office No. 8, Pcmer-y's Boildisg, SoLth Water street, mp stairs.) GEO. 11* GFBM>N, fe24-2w ctM Asent for Chicago. lUino's. NORTH AMERICAN Fire Insurance Company. OF HARTFORD, CONN. PAID UP OAFZTAI* $3 00-000. Insure against Loss by Fire only. HUBBARD A HUNT, Agents, Chicago, comer Lasalle and Sooth Water streetg. NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY, of Norwich, Conn. PAID UP CAPITAL $176 000. HUBBARD A UUNr, Agents, comer of South Water and Clark street! First Floor. Loomls' Block. 0c25b30fl THE PHOENIX INSURANCE CO.. OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO. Offlee, 143 Soutb Water Btrect« Authorized Capital, 600.000 I Paid ia and aeeured, 175,600 ■ASAQISO OIBCCTOBS: J. F. Aldricli, John A. Nichols X. 0. Wilder, A. Kdwarda, Hiram B. Smltb. ADVISORY OIBECTOBS: Watson Cart, G. 11. U&zletos, O. N. Ueoaersoa, Adam Smilb. A. EDWARDS, President S. C. WILDEB, Secretary. oko. F- "HaSTIKOS, General Agentj LEWIS B. RUN DELI., City Sarreyor. B3r Fire, Marine and Inland Navigation Insrrance, iell'&S-ly Chicago Firemen's lusuranoe Co, Office fif.W. Corner «f Like aniClArk-st&, UP STAIRS. OAFZTAZ. - -- -- -- - $900,000. DIBECTOSB, Ciomas Chnrch. B. W. Baymond, Geo. W. Dole. X. H. Haddock, J. K. BotsfonL Orrington Lent, CLB. Parwell. W. U. Larrabee, J. TTEdwarda. THOISAB CHURCH, PresU a N. HOLDEN, Beo'y, JOS. C. BROWN. Barveyor au2T 'SB aS3S-ly • Peoria Marine & Fire Itisu'nce Co, OF PlO SI A. CAPITAL $500,000 Paid Up in Cash 300,000 KAIUSE AND FIRE RISKS ODERWRIITES ON MOBT FAVORABLE TEEMB. Losses Promptly Adjusted and Paid at tlile Agencft J. AUG. WRIGHT. Agent, ja4b9loiy No.l*s Booth Water street. Chlcaro.g FARMER'S UNION FIRE INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus $150,000 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE IKB. CO. Acquired Capital *3,000 000 JNO, B, ACKLET, Ageut, No. 4 MssonioTemble, Chicago, Ht FIRE, MARINE and LIFK"INBURAN9E affected for any amount desires at reasonable rates In rdidbU E«st«m Oompanlec. iaZ7c96ly 1858 1X39. CENTRAL SHORT LINE ROUTE rmSBCRfiH, FORT WAYSE k CHICAGO AID PSVVBTZ.VAVZA RAZUIOAOS 10 ALL KISTEU CBTia. CLARKE A COMPANY, MECIAL AGENTB, are prepared to Contract Fre'ghtg throogh, by authority of the Companies named abovt, •s their offlee, No. 1 Stede'* Block, comer Soath Water aad Lasalle strwta, and at Depot of P., FL W. A 0. JL LjjOiicacQ: or at Depot, Libartv street. Pittsburgh. C>e Offloes of the Pennsylvania Oompanj ia East are located at No. S Aistor Hoese, New York. No. 1 Booth William street New York. No. 4B KBby street, Boston, No. 75 Ferry vtrtet, Hartford, No. GO Norto stroet, Baltimore. And at toe General Depot. Philadelphia. [ocfl-iy Dealers and consumers ah avrrau. .'*3 ■. W. BBWMORh * CO* Art low prspaxed to sell and deliver to any part eJths city VKKB OF OHAEGI Anjofthsvarionsprodaetoftheir ams. WeshaHaiasl the stars In the flusOlty of our goods, acdwith a good mill, good —«f l » u and experience, hope to reach aad mala, tain theughest polnt^of szcelknes. Oar brands of flow ta p^rip« >^m«. > &Spe btra. No. 1 White Wheat, PhUQpS* Kills. Extra No. 1 Bed Wtates, FWUhjs'Mifls, Choioe FamUy, Choloe Extra Bprtue, Also at wholesale oristall: ...... , White Rye Floor. Cora MsaL dftad andenslftal enhamHoar, Oora and OaU, gromd, ' *> Mo. irltoqlh Watarslraas. ZBISK MOSS. Sbred and Sheet Isinglass, TAPIOCA, FEESH HOPS, Coxe's Sparkling: Gelatine, SAIvO; OAT HEAL, CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF LXJfON, SJJUiaT k ILSLEY, A^Uearlec, ftletfg 1« Lake street. QUNDRIE&—SO BASKETS CHERRIES. • Ms Dried Raspberries, fibrtsDrMKackberries, B kass Freneh Pnmes. u baskets Hungarian Pnmes, by WILLZAK LOTLI A floath Water Arest. delj4v i^HRISTMAS—2SO BOXES FANCY TOYS go boxes Fancy Candle^ MlboXsaFanoPranea, BO boxes Roll Loaengen. strssCby WHL Ll^mi^ /"I LASS 1 GLASS 11 6LASB! II eiwoilunia Inaurcmce. gTATEMENT OF THE' CONDIIION Of THE PEOEIA MARISE & FIRE INSURANCE C O M I> A. IT "5T , —OF Peoria, Illinois* FEBRUARY FIRST, 1859.; Amotmtof Us Capital PtocV tW.OOQ Amountoflts Capital Ftockpaldup.. 80U.UO The Assets o( the Compaij are &s{£££?£*?* of agenU • 89.606 90 SSn»«FjJ5i^J l u ln ? ;Blbered " ; £Jils CO »oiv^s^. br t Mort * a *« of fie I Erate, d°nble the amount 1 aned thtrton. All De r ceol Interest. 118,643 T1 ®«C6ritlea. consisting of i- dl !*"»s and ptanees malar ?°n sigi ttonl etydsys from date to nm.drawlna 11 per cent, in lere« C 3 Total Assets 84 LlabUliies. Aooont due or not due to Banks or other creditors _ of the Company mm Losses adjaitea a/ddae::::::.:: :v.:::::*"5on? * dja^ed not doe L sses cnadjastel ;;;;;;'*Vone. and waiting farther ijr00f.,....'.. a.>oo Ail other claims against the uompaay none. DIRECTORS: :: " :: Samuel Howe, Chicago, ISAAC UNDEBHILL, Prest. CHAS. HOLLAND, gec'y. J. Aug. "Wright, A gent, 148 ...South Water St.. DOLE'S BUILDING, CHICAGO. ,[fciacS!B4w] PHCENIX INSURANCE C O Ivr PANT, —or— Hartford. Conn. 8s L* LOOniS, President* H, KELLOGG, Secretary. WESTERN BfiiNCH OFFICE, OOrOZNITATZI M,HAGILL, Greneral Asent, STATEMENT OF ASSETS, JANUARY 8,1859. Examined and sparoyed by tbe Auditors of Wisconsin, lowa, Indiana Ohio, Illinois and Tennessee, in compli ance with the Lawsol those States. CASH CAPITAIi $200,000 00. CASH AiSLTfi, «419,0 M 69. Cash, on hand and In bank. #5145111 " due and from Agents X 5.174 :• 14*7 shares New York bank stocks 11l K3» £0 HSS H n 114 506 00 10J otherN E. " " 87-fiUO Am't loaned on Mortgages of Heal Estate 80 200 00 *' M *' Pledge of Bank -locks.. 2-310 00 90 Water Bonds of the town of New Britain, Connecticut 10 500 00 10 0. P ALE B. Kondji. guaranteed 7,500 CO Accumulated interest on Investments 8,35 J 00 Beal Ertate owned by the Company, unincum bered 6.466 71 Total Assets. $419 084^56 Liabilities, being unadjosted losses and those not due $31,343 00 Tbe foregoing Ptatemrat nresents such a yiew of the Company's posttioj as must Impress tbe conviction on the minds of allot Its cogency and healthy condition. Tbeamourtof ItsllablUUesis less than Coupanlea do inx lane and extensive a budoets generally show **no long and large list of unpaid losses," as s set oS against accumulations se*n h* re. U, you want insurance In a Pirst-Claas Insu rance Compiny. so to tbe " PH<ESIX** throuzh aoy of itiantboiized Agentc. and vour application will be re celrei aad buslaets promntly attended to. the prominent towns and cities ol tbeDnlon. BRANCH OFFICE, Noi. 81 and 83 West Thlri-st., oi>- pcilieMasrnic Temple, iicclnna-L O. Ageats appointed, correspotdence attended to. losses adjusted and paid, and ail business of tbe Western Branch attended to slthdisoatch an 4 fidelity by R.H MAnn.T ) 41 MAGiLL, Reneral AcenL Hi £ MABILU j g»clll AnenU .nj AdlMt.n. XKTSTJJRA.KrCH. Mason & Company, Agents, DOLE'S BUILDING, CHICAGO. STATEMENT OF HE CONDITION OF the MCTUAL LlfE INaUBA*»CK CO . of New York, on the Ist d*y of January, 1859 as made to ths Auditor of Public A'cunU of toe Btate oflHL.oli.par suanttothestatuteof that frtaie. The name of tbe Company Is "TheVutnal Llfilnsa ranci Company." and lout -<1 la the city of New York. ASSETS. L The amotmtof cash co uand 1178.000 14 2. ... _•• InUardsof Agents, estimated.. 3».0w u) а. Be%l Estate, unlncumtiere -, 61,737 US 4, Debrscuethe Co . secure \ by l«t leics on real esiate, valued at twlca the asount loaned 4,815 459 £4 5. Dtbts oiberwice SJcnr-1 . Note. б, Dtbtsdueirjm premlsms. (taKe no premi um notes) None, 7. AU other securities—bauds giyen by agents to secure our luods &4.C00 00 LIABILITIES. Losses adju'ted and cot due 6?.r00 00 . .. una.justed. COUOW .The greatest amount insuredica-y onerist. tl<>,ooo. Tber*e»te»t amounttn»uretin any oce risk Id Uty. Town, Village, or Bl:ck—as much as the people will pay for. _ _ _ . (oaiGCUL.) Oertlfleate to Exdlts cn tbe sist day of January, lE6O. Acditor'u 'rncK State or Sprlasfleld, *<bruary Ist, 1859. 5 Where li tbe Mutual life Tmurace Oomps' y, located at tvew York, IntbeHtate of New Tcrk. bas filed In tula office a statement of tbe condition of Its aOair*. as re autre > b. "An Act to re* lat* ihe A«enc'es or Insa-ance Companies nnt Incorporated by tbe fctate of 111 nch." ap: roved Febrnsry 14. 13:5. and an Act amendatory tberett. approved Jannary ;3, lU7; md. whe eas. said Company has famlshei sitis'artory evidence that it is ross ssed of the rtqoired amount of capital Invested In stocks and mortgages, aad ots filed In thin office a written sliced by tbe Presi- 4 e- > tan<t 8-tvretary there or. a.'P" B. F. Mason, of Chicago. Its a.ent for tbe ofs»ld Company, and lnlly and nrrtservedlyauthorlalnr Dm to acknowledge ser vice o r prcceas for and on b:hai r of raid Comcany. con sentirg that service of p< oce a upon him. tae said Agent, shaU be taken »od held to be as valid a* if served upon tn« Company, and waiving all claim of error by reason of such service. Now. therefore, Inpu'nuanre of the provisions cf the Act a'orea.ld I. Jetse K. Dubois. Auditor of Public Ac* counts of ihe Hite of lllitoi, do hereb* certlfj that <be sa'd B. P. Mason li authorised ai «n Ateot for tbe raid Company traosact tbe lutlsess of Insurance in this S ate, otll the thirty first day of January, in the se»r elabteen husdred and sixty, so far as be may be legally empowered to to do by said Ootpvt. InterlmoDy whe-tt I have nerencto subscribed my came sod affixed tbe seal of my office at hnrlngfleld, Ms fi-st d»y of Pedroary, A D. 1859. JC:SB K- DUBOIS, Aaaltor t, A. notice the following Companies: MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. SUN MUTUAL MAKING INS. COMPANY, Of New York. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. NORTH AMERICAN INS. COMPANY, Of New York. SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, OfNewYcrk. GOODHUE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. NEW WORLD INSURANCE COMPANY Of New York. MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. STATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New Haven. Cmpt. J*. Dorchester, Inspector, fe2sc3oßl*n Office 51 fouth W»ter-«t. Chicago. gY STATE AUTHORITY OHOXOB Ist OX* AS 8 INSURANCE —BT TUB— CASH CAPITAL $1 ) M0 ) 0M* [[Ahsolato and Unlmpared With a Barplui of *606,140 10. And the prestige of 39 years saceess and erpexienec Tbe Capital alone being donble that of any firs Ins* rases Company in the United States. ABBRB. JULY Ist, ISB. Oarit en hand and deposited In Hartford H OashlntrarsUandAgentS'hands 144,719 Ct U. a. Treasury Noteiaper oenk Interest. &500 00 ltfetate Bonds. ... 1 .. OS Money doe the Company, secured by mort KteaT fatate unlncombered. I&8S3 01 BUls receivable. 61459 H lunrviioa W Bonds,«, T. and II f e«l. Interest annn- I* 1 !* 1 ) 00 ltf7 afaans laßroad Stock. 83,773 00 U shares OonnecUcst River 00. 810ck.... LSSO 00 M shares BUfford Bank Stock 5,390 00 W ahans Waf«?urr Bank ftock. 6.250 00 M shares Providence Bank Stock. L 971 00 ÜBS ahsrss Harttord Bank tfock OQ.IUU S.QBO stores New York Bank Stock. HA74O 00 iiss IUO Sbaiee New YoctL-L and Trust Oom. May K750 00 AL6BLI4OM TOTAL LIABILITOT: DasstUsd Cgalas not das. 010,714 B Im Bfttaklj MIbM «»« rnapfr PaU. ITPWAEDa OF tu«00a000 of lossss hart been psraby tSSrJltaa fnr s*"** 5 *"** Osnpaay ta ths MM m rmn. Fire and Inland Navigation. (ji isKiiiil wTIIi sulsn mi'snfl attention gives to.lnsßrsnesgf DwstUnq a&d OedsntsfbeWmsofof oosorfivsyosis. Otssnlsed on a VATICVAL basU wtth sreadeete ths principal dU« aadtowna._ Cetii transactions, free Swathe obJoedoM ofth: erodit sysism. A»piieaUae Bade to any duly asthocteed Agent nosstly attended to, By Arict attention tA a legitimate lnswaace bssinea this Ooapuy to ofe both tnArmtly for ths j ef he deli aslher "BranchOfltoe 171 Tinesksst, Oinidnssil. VMiss attsoded to'wtth dlsiatshsAdfMßp^i 7. a BSISJUI, Soiol Igot J HDBUID <*'"«»■■ w. »■ tummm »—*■ : Z£TS CTHAITOE. Mason & Company, Agents, DOLE'S BUILDING-, CHICAGO. Q TATE KENT OF THE CONDITION OF 00..ooi.lttduor y the Aoditor of Pab'lc Acoooots Rate oflhlcols. ponuant to the statoUa ol that ' L Ooapwy Is M The Oontlneotal loss- indioeated in the eity or New a. The amount oi its capital stock 1« #?W.019 00 paid op i 5.... SgO.OtO 00 \ ASSETS, a! la the tt. Nlcholaa gk. H.467M • 5- *nda;cksowDed ©912*50 1 Debts due the 00. secured by Hortgwe on Real Estate worth double theaaft _ l anej. litem m ««ured on Real FsUe worth "at least 60 per ctnt. more amount 5 1 ?SiV d0I: tor frpmlaca. I I 6™S 7. All other Mcultles "I";;:;; liKaS j ToUl AnflU oftheOo arc .OT 1 LTABrLTTTES. Lonca maiiaind , », L fUttierprocKiw!! 1 AH other cUlms agains. the 00npany.......... w Total liabilities 71 r[2L ,e^.¥ n £ QD ® lniore<l 10 any one risk Is limited 5 iu SpluiP of Wew Yoik 101J 9* cvx ' l ' wa i to lasttrKi oa ® atji ® nra * (OBIOQIiL.) Certificate to Expire on the 3'st day of January. IKQ. office a itatemcni of the coodit on ol its sffdrj as re quired b» in Act to •anlue tt. Amde. S bnnu, ft?Jr n f *s?rM esUe, !f 4n(i 1 sppolnilcg Jla «I «»S f » , »*°'« r an | aetioo of the ba^U fifSmi?i' *9 r tDd tnresenred7 auvtorixing e * # !<r,lee ,°' process for and oa be consenting that service of process be taken and hfd to te ai valid as if serve! apon the c mpany. and waiving all CJilm of error by reaioa of rnch service. aslTAi£ e^, f ' , i re T lQpo s ra,Bce of ptotUoosof the Act afomald, L Je»ie K- L oboli, Audltar of Pnblio Ac- Sm 1 mSI tfc l ßu,e °. f Illinois, do hereto* certify tt»a> the o Q l c are aathoriaedas Areata r to transwt tfce buiioess of Insu -11 e U,ttiett.irty fir«tda*- ef Janoa-y. j®\^?J,?* re W ,te ® n hajd , edandei*ty. so far as ha may bs legally empowered to to do by said Compacy lntdit mony «he:eof I ha»e hereunto sa v soibed myname. and affixed the sealor myeffica, »t fcpnngfleid, . his »weLth . ay of February, a. D, M 59. JtSSEA. r.ndltorfr- * W Please notice the following Companies: t MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 Of New York. SUN MUTUAL MABIS> £ INS. COMPANY, Of New York. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Oi New York. WORTH AMERICAN INS. COMPANY, Of New York. SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. GOODHUE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. NEW WORLD INSURANCB COMPANY Of New York. MERCANTILB INSURANCE COMPANY, , Of New York. STATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, • Of New Haven. CapUJ, Dorchester, Inspector^ fc2S c3Cslm Office 150 Sooth Water-st.. CM-ago XNSXJEANCE. Mason & Compnny, Agents. DOLE'S EtOLDIDG, OHICA'a CJTATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF IO the Btats Fire Ipsurtncs Company, on the ait day or December. ISSBL m -de to the Auditor of Public Ac- Sat fltate*^ 6 Sute of Illlaols purtuant to the Siatnte of 1. Toe nunc of the Company is ihe **Btate Fire Insur. anee Lompany.'* and located t Haven. Conn. 3. Tfce amjuntof its capital stock is S3CO OuO *• paldup is 1200.100. ASSETS. L Cash hand and In bands of Agents.... 512510 S 2. 2. Honns owned b? the Company Silas 00 4. Debts d.e the Company, secured by m?rt „ gages on real eit«ie non rn t- BMk ftocka and other Stocks owned by the Cimnany jss m 6. Debts due for Premiums........ 7. All other Securities 10173 00 Total Assets of the Company ......123,250 95 LIABILITIES. Lores adju'ted and not due taisnn Losses unadjusted 138 Total liabilities 91738 The greatestamount Insured In any one risk. 15.000. ♦ No ralesstoenruotti be Icsured In an* one cltr. town, village or block In the act of Incorporation of tald ■ Uompanj. (OKIOIXiL.) Certificate, to Exp re on the Slat day of January. ISGO Auditor's Oitit. Ptit» or lujios,) . _ f l * i*oniu>. Feb IA { • Toe Stale Fire Insurance Company, located fJi Ne S u * ven «. ln lte 8 ate of coonecUcut, has filea In this office a s atement of ihe com itlon of Its afTalra. as required by An Acttore.ulite the Axescles of Inmr. i» ance' ompanles not Imwrrorated by the Mate of IUU noK" approved February 14.1655. aad aa Act axenda • tory thereto, atprov d January .2, 1837; ad. wheteas. ' 1 aid Company has furnlsoed evidtnee 'hat it 1« po-sfs*ed of the required amount of capital Invented in stocks and mnrtga es, and tns filed in this office a • wnturnlnstr.ment.ijfDetby t>e Pretident and Be-re tary tt r 0. atpuinting Bush Friibee U&a n. of Chtraeo. Its . gent, for the transaction of the business of tald Cot£ 1 cany, art fully and autlorizlng him to ack j nowfdge service of process for and on behalr of said > Campariy. conseotmg that tervlc? of proceis upon Ma. the said Agent ibal. b- taken and held to be aa valid as If served up ntheC mpany. and waiving ail claim of er- I rar by r*aso*» of suehsem- e. of . tba . Provisions of the ActaforesaW, L Jes-eK DuboU, Au.ilior of Public *c co ,. D * °! Statel or Uiin Ai. do hereby certify «Lat the said Bush Frisbee Mas?n is author zed as ad Ag*nt for ) J »£• 0, , * transact thebusinesi cf Insurance Inth'sßtate unt Jthe th»ry.first dsyof 'anuaiy. to the yearebhtren hundred andsixty, so tar as he may be le ) sally empower ej so todo bysa'd Company j In tesxlmony whereof, I have he- eunto sub«cr'bed my name. anl ifflied tae aeai of my office, at Sp tagfleld, tb'a fifieenthda* of February. A. D. • 1&o9. JKJdtK. DOBOLS, AuditjrP.A. notice the following Companies: MDTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. SUN MUTUAL MaRIN'E INS. COMPANY, Of New York. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. XOETHAMERICAN INi COMPANY, Of New York. SECURITY INiURiNCE COMPANY, Of New York. GOODHUE INSURANCB COMPANY, Of New York. NEW WORLD INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. STATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New Faven. Capt. J, Dorchester, Inspector, fe2&-c30&lmo Ofice 150 South Water st, Chicsgo. INStTRANOE. Mason & Company, Agents, DOLE'S BUILDING, CHICAGO. OF THE CONDITION OF the New World Fire losuraace Cvnoany. oq the Ist day of January. 1&9. m ale to the Aodlto r of Public Ac* counts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to the Statutes of that Btate: 1. Thename of the Company is The NewWorH F!re Insurance Comoany, and located at No. So Pino street NewYoik. * 9. The amount of itsCspltal Stock !s. W000«) 3 paid op. 15... SOU.UOO 4. ASSETS. 1. Cash on hand and In the Continental Bank.. #8.139 44 2. Real estate none. i owned bv the Company 83,000 00 4. DeotaduetheCompiny. secured by mart* t«ge 00 real esta'e. Ist leins 181630 00 5. DebtK.therwisese.ured LO"<0 00 a. Deb's due for Premiums 1,493 30 7. All other secnr.tles t,MO 00 Total Assets of the Company 1328,8n?4 liabilities None. The greatest amoontlnsured In one r'sk. 118,000. No nUe as to amount to be Insured in any one cltr. tow \ village, or block. The act of incorporation of said Company, October 1L 1136. (OtlOOflL.) Certificate, to Expire on the 31sl day of Jannary, 1860 ADDiTos'sOmo*, Stats or Tu raota, I _ tr»nron ld. Ja-aaryS4.lU9. f Whereas Th* New World Pre Insormnce Compiny. Iscated *• York, in the B*ate of New York h*s fllgyj iitbii offlee a statement of the oonditionof its affilrs,as requiredt>y 'Art *cttoregulate the agccdes of lasur> at.eeCo-Danlesnot lco>p'>ra>ed by the Mate 01 I.i nois." approved February 17, JS»S. and in Aet amtda t-ry »heret>, approved Janoarv S3. IS7, aid. whereas said O many bis famished silisfaftory evidence that It is possessed of thereqoired amount r f caplt* invested In rtoot s and moitgage*, and has filed lo this office a written Instrument, sanel by ths President *nd fecre tin thereat appointing &. F. Mason and U. F. Rrayton, ofChicasa its Agtms. for tbe tr«n«actbn of the boil cess ef said Company, and fully aad unreservedly author izing them t* acknowledge service of proceufor and on behalf of said Company, consectlacthat service of rr»- cess upon, the s v>d Acents. shall be taken and he'd to be as va id as If 1 erred upon the Cotrp'ny, and waiving ail claim of e rorbyreoonofsudiservice Now.lheref:re. inpur-uanee of toe provis'ons of the Act afcresa'd. L K. Dubois. Auditor cf Public Ac eountso(theßtateorlUinots, do hereby certify that ths st*d B. F Mason and li. F. Brajton. aie authorised as Acents for t-e said Comi*any. to transart'he buiiaess of Insu*an*e In this State, oatii the thirtrfi st day of ary. 1 • the yearrightesn hundred and sixty, so <Sr as they may be If gaily empowered so to d 0 by said (Xmiany. kt tes imony whereof. I have hereunto ssbsimbed mt nam*, ard affixed ths s<al of my offlee, at epilngfi>td.thU'wertT focrth da> of Jaaaary, A. U. 169. JE3SS K. DUBOI 4 , AsditorP, i! nolle* the following Companies; MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. SUN MUTUAL MARINE INS. COMPANY, Of lew York. 1 CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ! Of New York. NORTH AMERICAN INS. COMPANY, 1 Of New York. SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. , GOODHUE INSUAANCE COMPANY, Of New York. j NEW WORLD INSU RANCH COMPANY, Or New York. j MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY, J Of New York. STATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, j Of New Haven. Capt. J. Dorchester* Inapeeltrj - f fe9&-c9M,lmo OSes 150 Soath Water st» Chisago. - ■ ■ ■ ■ i Northwestern Insurance Compel ; OBWEGO.NEWYOBK. t! (XRABUSRD IS 13X) ' (t CMtal IM.Mo—Wltk ■ Ut«( Sir?!a. '• rrißE PUBLIC ARE RESPECTFULLY IN- e i formed that Kr. JULIUS WHlTl"hu been reap. » poutod agent of this Oompiijy. and is aloosr totsnsand renewpoudeslnCblesgo. Mr. WHITIIs authorised to «li«st aad pa all loasi aiWasßadsroarPoQdsa stthvjtoo orMsrtns. .. T JAMBPLAXX prssida*. E.B. LcMjQW. My. ! ■r~Ths«BdatstaMdwlDboksppy to sss his triSDds J ■niltTisi ulisim iiMisiil si His jOOesbMUßKßaattWsSvsbM sulm thess tbsS Srangportation. Buffalo, Olsvdaod and Chicago Line of Si:UBW STEAMERS. ON THE OPENING OF LAKE NAVI - the Pr. pnetora of this Uoe _JP^ i suiputonthl<rcutefromßaffilotoGhi- r 1 i i*> . cago. Seven First Class A 1 screw bulm- MSsUiUa era, of grrat s rength and speed. Formlne a Irl-Weekly Line, r fcuff.lo with the NEW j 10R1 tE'JTRtL a»d the adESCHANTI* CtN. j w i iJ*' 0Q ErleCa">*L and , wlta k ,. tbe OLEVELAND A PinSbUEQa toochlngas Deuolt, M.ckicar, BbeNjigan, I Washington, illlwauaef, fiacine, aud W»ungai. j Tbis Ure s now prep ved to is»ue contracts and. rivs Detmit Cli-ve lanii, buffitlo and ail way rta*.iocs on ihm. Y. Csntcal, ® * ad W .rceit-r Railroadi. and prln c 13.1 plac aon the Line oi th« rrle CaniL Albarir 1 ror. ] Bbebc, F.-rt Wab-ngtoo. Mllwamaeo, Eacme, j Kfnojhv n aukegan tnd Cole. go. 5 Tne libertl patronage extended to the Line the past i) seasoa by the traTdku has iaduce 1 tbe Pr' pr e torstore*tly lasrea etheiraccommndaii nforpaseo ® a £4,y 13 :7. a ch-ip. aafa and comforiacle rout-. Wtllfind It by l*. ia* ibis lice uuurtnee on khioceJ by »tls line eanb* cb -0 tained st a tes* r*tc by anr oturr. t hating with'n a tDet» n»aton3trin>porte.icrop«r.» to an amoust 9 «*csedicg sixteen mllion do lars Li value without any 1 ftlih these nncquslled fi*il)tl(s, tbe proprielois hope 2 to receive a liberal i atrona^e. a CONTRACTING AG E\*Ti: Jo v nn.More,Agt.N.Y.O.Rß.N>.27Proa'lway, NY. S'aalilEg, -gt-rpiu tins' fc'xims.2;o " thaaberiin. Thonos « Oq . ern:»Ut r* of MTchtn's* Central Canal Line. No 191 New '•ort » Ji*" a. Pitts. 1 110 Clevelasd. iC* A Vonrii, koraarUing M-rehanJ, do J.J.Taimidge. do _ do Mll*a.kee. Kichmond « Co- Cur, (Saik and ?o. Water-«ts Chicsgo. I n J- SHSL"6n PEASH. UintsiOK Axtot, * mhl 0 411 Buffalo, N. Y. % A TIIANTIC ROYAL MAIL STEAM NAV * JJL lgation Compaoy's New York and Galway Line.— if TLe next departure hom New York will bs the Steamship * I*rinoe Albert, J* T. J. Waters, to sail from New York, on the I- 31 day of March, touchlog at St. Johns, N. r. to re* * ceive the Royal UaLU Prices ol Passage:—First Claas. ■' Oju: Becond, SaO: iblrd. »3): lnduilin* free ticket* to " S^, t a ties on railroad routes in Great Britain, e Third Class must provide piate. snlfe, fork, A\. and bed- U fiS*; *• Johns, S3S: Second- Class. 525. Per frtlgut or pa«a«e Inqut e of the Ameti e can Exp ess Cam any. «l Hudson etreeU «M Broadway, :• sad at thrlr other advertised offleea In the Interior, e Passage in the th'rd class can be secared at any of tbe ta above offices to bring persons out fro a any of the prlnd i. pal cities on tbe liaes o( railway in tireatßrltaln torSJfi. r. or trom Galway forWO. J ALTX HOLLAND, Uanags. JAS. C. fASGO. office of American Sxtrern Co_. a „ _ L No. dO Dearborn Street, Chicaso. a New York, Nov. 13.1&68. no-it bS£5 So pHERRY CREEK AND PIKE'S PEAK \J SXPRSBB. Through lo tbe Gold Hints I, Tes Diys. JOHN M. HOCKIDAY JL CO., ' Proprietors and Contractors of the Great Salt Lake and , Cherry Creek United Sates Mail, will run a daiy > Bxpreu Line of Concord Coaches drawn by Six Moles, Through f*ora Eanras Territory, on West'ro Bend af the Missouri itlver to UCNYKJI CITY, at th« *fcuth cf Cherry &eek. TNsL'oe Connects *rt *he HANNIBAL AND ST. JOE HAILHOAD, . By a Daily Line of Sleameis. TUslstheonlv daily Hue of states to tbs Gold Mines, with places and relays of [ JFresli JYluleß Kvery SO Miles, Passengers Yy th's line wfQ be throcgh 'no Atchi son to the Gold Unea In Ten D.ys beins TWENxY t DATS lesstimetban by aoy cthe'conveiance. Fare through to Denver City. Cherry Creek, SICO from Atch'son. ' n. B— Passenger* wi3lbebo\rd»dthr«ugbtotbemlnes. the Company having £aiing Houses erery twenty miles, fcrty lbs. will also be allowed each pas enser. P rsengeri will be*r In mind that IICO pustbeirfars ard Bonrd from A'xhLon to tbe mines an! freight on - forty lbs, b*rghge> Tnrooxh Tickets for sal* from Chicago a* t v e offlcj of tbeChlraeo, Bcrdnston AQ'iiuo Railroad Depot. Oi-y Six rickets to be sold per d*y, c&msenclog Mar*ti 15ih. . c ttswillbe ready for sale in advance on ths 10th of March. John M. Hockiday & Co n a Prorrleton of tts United Bta>es Hall Line to Salt Lake " fe!62mc2k) and Cherry Cre»k. 5 1839. LJlhjf 1859. r * THE American Transportation COMPANY. ' Incorporated under tbe Laws of the State of New York 0 CASH CAPITAL, $900,000. A JOHN L. KIMBKRLY. Pres'dect. 0 Pit ANKLIN LEE. Vlee Presi c^ect. 0 JAMtfl O. EVANd, Sec'yand Treas'r. ON THE OPKNIN'G OF NAVI(iATI >K this company will be prepared to transport Pro z perty. MerchindUe. Ac., from New York. Boston. Albany J and Troy t» any of tbe Western cities. A'so. Ploa-. Pro. visions. Produce. Ac, from any or tb* Lake Porta to tide w«ter. with as great care aad dispatch, and at as Ijw " rates as by aiy other responsible line, at the same time 3 living through of lading for ail property when ce - sired. a ihis Company have a lire of eUht staunch Proptl'en. to pty between BaQaio anil Chicag •. touching routt r, at Sheboygan. Uilwautee, lUcine, Kenosha aLd Wauke* j gan. Qsvi' gat "'hicag * ample facilities and wa-ehome aceommodaiiorsfor tha reception, assorting and ship ping of all articles eotruite-J t > their care, wnlch will be . undrrthedlrectioc of tbelr Ageot who will live his per v contracts, adjustment of claims and dam<g-s. As our Company have a large line of Canal Boats on 1 t> e trie CaaaL and are atou' to estabiiah altne uf Steam a Canal we 'eel warranted in represemlcs to 3 our numerru. customers, that they can rel» upoo greater dlspa cn and at less rat** than huh retoforebeenglvcn. [. We. therefore, »«k t epnbiic to <*on*loue ths rairon*jce so libera ly b*st jwed upon ui durinc > he oast four years, i. Dockson Market be.neen Washington and t Madison streets, Chicago, iIL d ia3Mm c! 3-» O>TAB. F. Agent. 'Xa 5 e - : Illinois River Packet Compauy. I Incorported 1858—Capital Stock, $200,000. » D.J, HANCOCK, Prea't. P. HANCOCK. Sec'y. * riXBRUCGIi BILLS OF LADING GIVEN s I. for Fre aht >o St. Loulj and all points on the Illinois Biverattbe'o-rettnies. Fr>izhtta"enby On lea* j and s Bock lslacd Railroad to -*eoria, and dieamboat from r thence. Porparticul to e T. W. AIKXI>DER A 03., Agents, s fel lm-cU6 IMS 3 uth a~-r st.. Chicago, lfl. . Stun Ferr j frpm Conncll Blaßi to Omtlia City ' NEBRASKA, NO. 1. This boat has the capacity to carry IS Wagons and Teams at escb trip, and baa taken over &t one load 300 brfel of Cattle, and she . can make 40 cro.s'ngs or more -a-:h way In a day. asd will be ablj to ferry over frJin four to five hundred Wacons and teams from sunrise t" lunte*. each day. We assure travellers, who are golnx to the ' Nebraska Gold Mines, Utah. California. Ore eon and Washington Territories. * low* Oil*. Uubaqoe, and points Intermediate, by council Bluffs an l Omaha City, snd up tbe north side o' tbe flatte Mve% are better, nearer, and more abasdantly stocked with wagons, horses, mnlesanl cattle, provisions aad goods, than any other. And wvh tbe settlements and towns, aod the regular and well-efUhiiaaed line of Mail Coacbes al ready extending to Port Kearney and soon to be ex tended all the way to the mines, itU no lonier a wilder ness route through an Indian country, but cm be tr*> versed as safely and comfort ibly and much more easily than aoy of the through Missouri or lowa. Tbere Is not ttiesame length of road in the United r Btates. so level ant entirely without marshes, stonghs or bad places and so nearly stra'Kir. The streams on the north side of the Platte are ail brlJeei, except the Loup Pork, and here the Western otau Company have a good ' ferry. KNOa LOWfc. Tor tbe Council BIoZi and Nebraska Perry Company. Jal»3m-c8 1859...COLLINGWCOD LINE... 1859 Commencing on the opening of Navlga ion. the A No. 1 new and larxsst class ticrew J-tramers, Urg-ly increased tueir cai arlty for Pa-seugers. will fill t&ls lln« ssf'llcws: FOUNTAIN O.TY. Capt, | UCSTER. Captain Dicxsos. Pres. _ OMO.NAGON. -Capt, Ha. CVSBGB££NCITY,Cst>t.I izsa. Ball. I Leave Chicago from the foot of LariHe street, Bsuth Side, A. T. tipeoeer « Co.'s wharf, on Tuesday. Thursday and 3 turday evenings, at 3 o'clock, landing at all points on the wen shore of Lake Michigan, as t*r north ks Two Blvers, and at Mack nac. Through Bills of Lading dven from Chicago and ports on th« west shore of Lak- Ulchican. to Boston, York. Moo>real and all the principal points In the Kastera and New England State sand Canada. Connect at CollHgwood with the Northern Railway of Canada, and at Pronto with the Grand Trunk, R\li way for Montreal, Quebec. Portland and Boston anl Lake Ontario ?team-rs or Niagara fall* Oswego. Cape Yiocen'.and at Ogdenjburg with tbe Vermont Central B«Uroa'i for Boston and l&termedlate points on Vermont Central between Utlensburgb and Boston. Tbe»bove Line is unequalled for retra'-arity ard dis patch. for Passengers aud freight between the Western and Eastern and New Eatland dtales and Por freight or passazo apply to A. T. dPKMOSS A Co., AgenU, Ja&Smcrt foot of Laaale street. Chicago. PL BOSTON AHD PHTLiDELPH A STEAMSHIP IjlNK ' The Steamships s«i*i PHZN£AB FPBAGUK. Capt. Matthews. KKN&INGtON CapC Baker. CITY Of N*W kuEK. Capt. Howes, Form • BeguJsr IJne, sailing with great regularity from each port. Steamers are stacnch and strong, and In all respects well dtted and proviied they have good aoccmodations (t-rpasseo'era. and freisht o( all kinds Is taken at fair rales- These nin in doie connection with tbe Pennsylvania Railroad, and goods are forwarsed with promotn ss and dhystch. HCNRV WIS'SOtt Na&ald uth Wnirr»s. Philadelphia. F«r Cairo and Sew Orleans, STEAMUH NB-W FALLS CITY. The splendid vast r mjJT** luninf Bteamer S New F*Hs City win nm, during tbe eomhtr fan and Winter, between Bt. Lonis and New Orleans s s fallows: LEAVING BC. irODls Oct. 10, 'BS. at 10 o'clock A. M do do Oct. 30, 'S3, do do do do Nov. 19, *59, do do do do Dee. 9. 'M, do do do do Dee. 80, 'SB, do do do do Jan. 19. 'S9, do do do do teh. 7, '59, do do do do feb. *7. 'ee, do do do do M*ch li, 'S9, do do LIAYING CAIKO Oct. U. *63, at TK o'clock P. V. do .do Oct. n. '&S, do do do do Not. to, 'sa. do do do do Dee. 10, 'M, do do do do Dee. Kl, 'S3, do do do do Jan. 19, do do do do feb. a, 'E9. do do do do feb. 8, '6B. do do do do ifch Q, 'tt, do do Tor freight or PasMts ato w on board or to the Agent ■t St. Louis. W. Dl LO&X. d*t oeIIAMtUS " W. S E INKLE & CO.. • 6XNXSAL DSALSBB IN LUMBD LATH. BEZV6LB. TDfBIS. PICKETB, ACU rrrnsffirir irnrirrmis iiubi. _OMosgo- ......iniaote j OLIAX LUM3IX mS? g." l totlUcoomon Lc=- ' OGI FLOOKHa. waUr-xM JT V. BKIKELI * CO FOREST CITY WATER CURE. aSTEUNO, OHIO. mHIS INSTITUTION IS DELIGHT. _L PULLYsituated on tbe wuhintbe llmiuof ibe eity of Cleveland aadT'* miles from the Poai OiDce. The building is new, of brtck, and furnished in the best style, The bjtih rooms are supplied with pure, soft snnn; water. Tbe larse pmronace which thU establishment U at present recetrip* from Chicane asd other western eitlea, u a lULteri&s recommendation ol ItspopulartiT and Oouriahiug condition. L>r. Uroas and ■ lady, fora-erly of the Lake View Water Cure near Chi earo, arceonnected with ibis InstUuL'on. Letters of inquiry to eUbpr of the Physicians, win eeive prompt auenuoa. 1»B. <s. W. »TROSO. ] JAMES K. O&OStL U. D J w*-tfrM xrb. na. J. g. okosfl. A. H. TillOß * CO„ ; Dealsrs la Dimension & Hubble Stone, >' TBSOt mr.-rwr nJ.HlnTfc £ Cfflol f QTATEOF ILLINOIS, COUNTY Of COOK, £•3 89^—Cook County Couit of Common Pleas, April Term. 186*. - 4 "SLV;.S°?1 t1 Hiram Pmuooi «nlWtlll«mW. IUI - tenstall. h!aasale:eelnbac>kn>Dtcy thenon-realdence of Hiram Pearsons one ef the defeadanta above named, bavlngbeen filed in office 2r 0 CookOoonty Coart of Common Pleas. NoUce ta hereby glvea to the s*ld lliraa Pearsons that t.e complaiEipt filed his bill of complaint In aald Court on ths Chaacerv aide thereof on tbe fint day 7 W, and that a summons thereupon 1 »*id Ooart against a\ld defendants re -2 "JooJV of April next. ISW. aalaby i P W- acle " ion, toe aald Hiram Pearsons 3 »od appear before said Oook County Ju?^r n Plc « ®f o*ok e-unty. m the first * tfi fI,J?mSS? ICT ?v tO 6® beli Chicago in aald -oontron ® Hay. 1»*. aad .plead, answer or do f of oompltlnt, the same * things therein charged ud stated and a decree entered acalnst r. yoa according to the prayer of aald hUL T « W. KIMBALL. Cletlc. * _BQftew*Hawley. Conpl'ta'&orrs. mtacamw t WTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY, i- JjgJ Ba-Oook County Orcalt Cotxrt. April lenn, A. D. 8 i y* l "* o * A- GnwTs. P-ter Reel »- J).«ft,, rrtT . ,r ? Ten !° ">« Beed that a Q J?,h. I,^wl 01,4 of lhe office of tho Clerk 11 Sii #■££, Consty C.rc it Ocurt dat«J tho eleveLti y "J, 1 / 'ebraary, A. D l?to. a- tbe mit of tbo aald * 11- . «rowasd aniost toee»iaie oftne said P»t-r ie nesa forthe aam cf tH*MbuuUi«ii *nd flfty-one doll«xa asd six e-nts. oireced t> th* fcherilf of Cook County, wclcb a;id writ a« b•en t eturncd e *ecuted. Now. u.lea• you. the ttld Pet r Reed, aha l r * / r^ D?ar b r fw « m »*u Cooic County . , P n .? r beoretbettntday• f th?text • erji s i;, , re ° r ' 1 behold»a <tthe Ocu.t House, la the city of thlcagj. cn taes.cund 110 .d-yof AprJ A. D. l-6». *ive ;peclsi haij. aa.l p.ea i to the s<id pUlnt IT a action, i- 'SSV^hS. l i 9 S amA aod I I.iror of the **{t.lum A. Grow ».> i-ooh of t: .• property »t - V 2?7w* •°® cle 3t to aa ta-y tbe aali iud*meat ). andcoata. wldbe sold toaatlafy <heaaioe. L - OHORCtr. Oerk. __GooaaiCH./mwniljumi. PlfTaAtt'y mhl4w->3td - rpRUsiEE S SALE.—PLBIIU NOiUK Id " J* b«"by gives, that LL. a Pa'a- Freer. Truit-e In »®l l by FrAncis w. White. ID ?® iv of J . A- 0. ISii wUu by reason of de fsnltonuep«rtofa4td Wnlteli thepaymeatof htaeer tjyawcmlttory notea:coroLg to tae tencr and effect ie !ff »v^iJ D . e i c l . c ? 10 "J 1 - 1 . D . eed r f Trua. oa tbe appilcatlcn te of the lecal bolder of aidd note >nd la purtnance of tiia J" Rf®? °- That eontilsei. sell at Public •• Anctlue. tj the huhest bdder f r caih. on the tr » teentn day or hareh. A. D. l-W. at i n o'clock in t:.e 5* fcrenooa ofaald day. at the oorthdjorof tbeCoart Houae 3 in the cty of .nl B gi. In th" ematy of Cook, all the real . es'ate convere«lto me oy silddreiof tru»tto wit; the V t thirty (30* feet of'ot No. six 16). 'n block twenty;-one r Sectl.n %d litiin to CUca-o, sluuoeta thed'y of Chicago, coaoty of Cook. State mIL.LoU. with j.® the appurtenances theretobelon Ice. * ch l^.r « bra>rTM MOKTGAHE SAL K. IWAULI' having been made in the performance of tbe eon ta ?i u M or executed to _ tbo unders'ried byJieorje A.Glbbs ana Anna SI. bb wife and ldwa:d W. Gri¥n and Prances *. nlawife, K beajlnc dtt the lOtb day of June. A I). 1 and re* rardrd In the Eecorder a office of Cock coaut*. U Book 5?5 , . a .9J crt wes. at page fit and la book W ..f t Chattel siortgages. at pa*e and pajmeat of tbe sev eral turns of money secured by *ad morgage havb g been demanded, and uefaut having been made in the payment thereof, and the same a'Ul rem*lalng due and id unpaid; Notce la We.tfore hereo/ given, that under P. 0 " 0 *? 0 ® ® f tbe power l-> sal • mortgage crn . A l *". ?? aln 'he Utli diy of nay aex', at 11 o clock A. M of that .lay. at tbe nor. b door of tue Court Hoate In the city of Ch|cagj. Mh at i übllc vendue. S| the 'oiowlne described pre •.lars and rop rty *t (being the premises md property m and by add mo t ?! coav.yed). All tne right, ut e HI i Ji a! ? refctc . r . th ® a,i^ Ge r « e A Glbbs «nd Edwa-d W Gruaa in atd ti ;ot< three (3> and f> ur (4) Lo block U, w the original town tnow d.y) of CLlc»g , and also all the lmtrovcmenta thereon, the W4xehou»e. e'evatorx engLes machinery and aU other*tua b.lonjng to or In anywise ADpertatiirg to sJd wareboiue an 1 trop it, erty-tbe lLt-re»t of »aid Glbba and Ui Iffla In sild lou cosalaungoftheaforesadlmurovesrr.utncre n and an unexi bed term granted by JoLnS.Wriiht to George A . (>ib&s and Michjel ilerr ut, by lease of taid lots uaud 'i; November 22d A. 0. 13il. aad record,| i a the lie * corder"* offlce of Ccok ccustv. la bock 4" of Leeds page 337. ttnd tbe tgreemecta and coveaint* made a supplementary ther to »• ChV M o. Jl'lS. 1 * A " TCCS£It [J Hotxk. Millxx k LKWt3. Attirieys. f's cltj td re QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COuK in ,\j! 8. H-ffircait Cour; of C«ok Ccunty, March Term .•53. of Cnarles Daesli:g vs. Philip Larrnon. John B. Knight and R. B. Kannei— Peti'loa tor Mecbanxs L en. Afflla»l«of the am res dence «.f jgha B. Kalght and B. Haanel. ilefecdanu above namel. fcaring been 19 filed lathe fflesof the Oe kof s.ld Ci-cx» Court o. cookLouaty. NoticeU given to tbe sad John BL Kmtht and K. B. Raane s tid fil. d Utpetiaon fcr a Mech»nia »lia Insa.d Court on tb rg fifteenth dty «f Fetruiry. l*iJ. and >nit a s.mmooi ih*reupon lasaed o-t of »aid Co a t aialnst said defend ant«, returnab eon the Monday of March neat ana b > law required. _ Now. unlesa you. tue said John B. Knight and B. B. ■ Bannel aiaU peraonally b- and appear before the aald Circuit Csurt ot Cook County, cn tbe first day of the next term thereof, to i e hoiden at Chicago, la aaid Ccun t , oa the first Monday of M r:b. A. D. 1450. a;.d plead, answer or demur to toe said c P'titloo. the same and toe natters and things the.ein ch >rged and st itc t w.ll be *ake« a< con'ei«ed. and auc . cree entered agalnstyoa aoc n rdlag t> the nrayer of aald k bill. IV I L CllcKOkl. o>em. tjaavir St Airrnoxr. Cimoi'ti f e 24 ut STATE OF ILLIXuIS -OOUNTTT OF Clrcait Court of Cook County, . r leim, 18j). fi ilary A.rftowell TS James 3. Hiveo. Faxuel R. Haven, o- George W.J hmon. Johns <n. viara SUwe'L U Kdsard StowelL Adulne Stoweli, and krederLk B. 0 StowelL—ln Cbaacery. Ie Affidavit of the noa-rtalience of George W. John'on. w Ellen M. Johnson. 'Jara StowelL edWAri 8 owell. Adv ie UneStjwcll. andFredeiick B. Stoweil. defeodants above e. named, bavtng been filed la the office if u« elera of aald Circuit Court of Cook County, ftollte it hereby iriren to th« t. sddGeorze W. Johnson. Kllen SL Johnson. Clara Stow to ell, EJw*rd Stoweli. Adeline 8(o»jll and Frederick H. e- titoweU tiat aald cnmplalaant filed ber bnl uf complaint ie In said ourt on t -, e Obancery ade thereof. o_i tbe twe-- p. ty-iourth d*y of Pobnur7. 13&9 and tb t a summons ie toercupon Issued out or t&id Court .gainst aald defend, r. an r S- return*' le oa t*e first Uundiy of March neat it <1&9.) aa Is by law required. rvow. unte»s y..u. th?a*ld Georice W. Jthntoa Elen M. m Jcbrton.CUractow.ll. blwardfftoweil. Adallne et .well ca andired'tlck < Wowell *haliperson*»ly be aud s;'peir lo be.ore said circuit CwU tofco jk county no the fir»tc«y tr of the nest term tUer tob« hoioeo at Cblug?. in said n. county, on th • first tto day of March. l&iV, andpirad. an te awer or demurto the said complainant* bi lof comi Ulnt. s. thesaf e a^dih- matters ana tht gsthe>elnchargedsnd id *tated«llibe U«rn u confessed, and a oectee entered against yoa according to Le pr ye ofaald bill „ „ „ WM L. CUO(U II Clerk. H. B. StzaaiSGd. Comp'ts Sol'r. feas^3ud4». r. i' B- -Cook County Court of Common Pleas, April s Term. A D.. Uo9. * l.llao r>. Oillard vs. Joha a Wrltht, 0. a Wright hie wl e. Beniamln P '.eonu ticovllle, Jamea Clapu . and W. W. Kaniom—ln Chancery J affidavit of tbe n«.n residence of W. W. Ratcson. oae > of the defendants above named, having beealLed in tLo lj offlce of toe Clera of aald Cooa County Court or 0 j mmou j Pleas. Notice ts hereby alvea to the said Wf. W. Kaaaom. n that the complainant filed hU bill cfcomplalot In >ad court oa toe chancery tnereuf. on tho ld;h day of De cember. ltS9, and a cuamona thereupon issued out of aaid cour- agv&st said defendanta, returnable on - toe first Monday of April next. Ut£9j, aa is oy law r required. Now. unless jou. the said W. W. Baatom. shall per sonallv be an<i appear before aaii Con Co. Court of Coto mon Peas of Cooa countr. on toe first day of toe next ) tern thereof, to be heidei at Cnlcago In s»ld county on tae first Monday of at ril, 1859. and piead answeror demor d to th-i aald complainants' bill of complainant, the same ® andtoemauera and things 'herein charged aad staud d will do tak-in as ccnftiaed. and a decree entered *f*' n V d yoa aecoralnc to too prayer of saltbl L _ _ „ WALTaK KIMBALL, Clerk. John G. Rogers. Cjppl'ta aul'rs. fe3 4w ESTATE Of GRAUAM UAKK 1)K cease ). Public notice ta hereby given to all per- J having claims and demands aaanat the estate of ; Marr deceased. topres:nt toe same for adjudl -. cation and aetUementata regular term of too Cuunt> i. Coart of Cooi Count), to be noldea at the Oonrt House r in the City ,t Chicago, on the fiist Monday of March. A. e D. 1i49, bdax the set nth day thereof k LUOUt MARK. Kxecatrix of the last Will and Testament of uraham aarrdee'd By H. H. a sent Blae Island. Jaoturyll'h. ltttt. ialidw* r —i^—mm J tJusuuss «ilards. e 1 SPIES 4. BURTI QOUNSBLL OBS AT LAW NO. 7S CHXSTHUi'. NORTH BIDE, ) Between Third and Pourth itreeta, Bt. tools. Mo. kv Mr. B. ta Notary Publlo and Commissioner a* Deeda for every State in the Onion. Beferencea In Cblc«o—ticrippe. Broas A Spears. , yaxsgmici ayisa. Uel-Iy-vldflj oatvza a. scat. t MA>ON Oc CO., r Insurance Agents, Dole**!* Building. No I^o'rath Water a're** Chlrny. pi. ( JOHN AMUfaUmi A Co., r Bottlers and Wcalesale Dealeta la j BARBIES* DAYTON ALE ASD PORTER* A superior artice for Paatly Use. No. 17 Lasalls st. ' Poat Ofle o Box 3421. t joHXivrimv fcij lm* t. w. scroxaso*. db OUXniOZHO- A TTORNIE3 AND COUNSELLORS AT ! j\ LAW, tJ Sooth Clark street opposite the Court Borne. Chicago. Illinois. Will practice In tho federal and SuteCoortsor Illinois, and la the Sopra me Court of tbe United States. BosaaTS. BiaoawgLL, [del7] Giutrr W. Ccwino. i - GOODWIB Z«ABH£O fc GOODWIH. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS— Office No. 97 Washington street, *rfininir>f Lay. mon'sßlock. Chicago, Illinois. BTinfaaa.ooonwta iDt.aiiinp nax*LoooDwtx. a GOOKUTS THOSSAS fc ROBERTS. Attorneys at law, 7a and si Dearborn Street, Chicago. Illinois. no! 9 bW te» DHAITE ft. 880. 334 Clark Street. Hi. Dealers in paper hangings,— PAPER lIANGES3, Ac.. Aa. House. BLga aad Shade Palatera. oca blll-fea BASS h. MULVE7 Attorneys and counsellors at LAW, No. 47 dark street Chicago. oclbte-ly acLvsr. STEELE Ml. TtTT.TTy A TTORNEYS AT LAW, S8 DEARBORN iA. sraxrr. Chicago. BoomNaX Walker's Bofldlng. P. 0. Box 4377. g. a. uin. CBAWFOBD, 851AKP * CO., T3IPOUTER3 AND DEALERS IN CROCK- J_ KRY. Olaas aad Chlsa, Table CalVrT, Looklag Uiaases, tustors and Britannis Witq,Xo.lC6 Laze street, Chicago, 111. ma37'st>-Iy O. H. ft. Xm LArLU' TTTHOLESALE PAPER WAREHOUSE, VV O SOUTH WATEH STREET. Are now reeelrtng their winter stock of Pine Pasen eastern Book Papers, which they offer at low prices. Printing paper of every stae sed oest Quality."* VTJLOAN FOtnrOBT. raiSTOM STREET. t£TWBBJT TUIiTOS Vttd OanoiJ. Chicago. TH HKNBy WAZ3ISGTOS. Maoafketorer of Stationary a&< Portable Kaaa Xnginaa Machinery and Kill Gearint b— tr Castings made to order Mid Xepairl&c promptly at tended to. feM-ly EDWARD O* ASAT] A TTOfiVBT AMD OOUVSBLLOB AT LAW HO- T7 SOOTH CLASS SIIXR, Ocporite Oowt House. rbtetyt. T3rt.>T.tfl?4 IMPORTANT NOTICE. SL Loois, Alton and Chicago BaU,road. CHANCE OF TIMF Two Express Daily FOR ST. LOXJIS. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE 30TH lut, tralcs wiD lea*e Depot comer of Canal aid Tan Borea stretto as fellows: 10:10 A. M. Mall and Express (Sundays exo-ntedj kSQ P. M. N-xht JCxpresa, Casta:days ex<.eptodj AR&IYS. Night Exprtw. 9:05 A. M. Mall and Xxpreat. Ui A. M. JOinr ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Jollet. USiV Arrives tt Cnleago *<£ 4. m Leaves Chicago faoo p. u Arrives at Joilet. &ao p. y, ja39ly A. H. MOO BR Goaeral ftmt. I CHICAGO TYTgFOrHDBHY I PriHtera' H arehoMtc. CHICAGO. I mHS SUBSCRIBER IS PRXPARSD TO j JL furnish Typo ta large or small euantitlea. made frw , '— Inn AllTliiim dTTL ■ itgtxl * gJ'INOIS, COOK COUNTY. S. Court, March Term. A. D. mm<-P. Ko« TB. Thiddios Sbemaa. of* » f Ll f7« f CookCounty CL«all Court. dated j the twerty-elihth day ot December. A. u i<u ui-ib - roll of ( the said William P Ross aad s*aln«t lhe<etat*t,f » fieeaidTbaddiaaoneimin. f rthesom of tlMhteSTi^in. [ d *SIi <l4l iL c * a k .Vw LAJ d , oa *r«, direc-ed to tho nher.iT 1 of (*©kCcanty,whlch'aidwnthisb«ea returned exe ' ea'ed. ' Mow, therefore. anient you, the raid Tbaddlus Sher * ntanshallpersoruTybeaadappetrbefire ibes.ldCook [ Couotf ClrcultCeurt. on«r fte'ore «he Ant day of th-» , nexiTtrm thereof. to £w boLen at the Ccu-t *ouse. la * the city of Chicago. on tbe first Moat 17 cf Marc*> A D g I£9. sire special b J>. .iod plead to the said rlalntiff's J action. Judgme-t will bo entered a»ainst joa. and la i iavorof tuesaid t*lll!a-n P. Kaes. tod to much of the property attached u may be sufcteit loultr the tnli judgment and co»U, will be sold to sa' ! sfr the tune „ t e *M, L. CUL'Ruil. Clerk. Ooooucff. Fa*will k Sjwh, MlT's All y. fe&Mwc326 '• iVI ORTWAGJS qaL£.—WHfc.Ki.Afci, LTL James Canalngnaxa did In the month of April A. IX U6O. execute to me a morWa** which «aid mort. ? J.**® ?a fll«"df-r reoord to tae Ueccrder 11 • dee of Cook k 9°WJ? u,e of on the 4th da? of AtrlL » A.D. l*S.and:iuyrec-.nledinialdofflue o Book 50of f."r Ka * e *' , ' a * o whica said mon**** w*9 made to r 5®5 ttf ® naymeut of three cert tin promissory notes in 1 'port-a e pmieohrly described. Jlc ore of laid I h-wlng been m*d•; In the oj iaid _:ole matorn*. to which uU mort- T *a»e.j -tiiflut"- * siovmoQ tha»n def«"lt oo mads in u , lae oaymeiii of said ajtei or etih- rof them. elUier of >' isz?l.u} i » 0: * Hi® d '' nf lln ** thereon the e K »V° » !cen9d « a-jl w De. that t;(D and la J * 1 'a by said mortgage after a , a -»«P*-«T prtaied \ a tie diy of » Vi " 71 . f ' ,e '" e ' lay i,le * tr> ,hd ,t ?h/r ,^?l! oao 9,i41J JiuieiCuanla a.mUereiuat .. 'i v ° r .L a Uie r:l ' of Cuicavo. to the hUh - **| b ;^ 1 ?r/®' c * s!> * a ' , bsUßi»?menUoni*«i In s*ld notice, aod »o n*«e. ana driiver to Uje p«.rcbas*r or d t or , d,:^ ° r , 100 orcmi»rtto JO d an 1 n ?i» ,V,l'?K p ? e ! U ? f fcUC * 10 lt ® cojia 0' meh e. taieacd th' i>; Lnclp«i -tni intern: due i-n »* d notes. 8 ' .rrSn'f U hcrebj f,Ten thit a purro. r- *rre of itie *aifturtiy iiren mi* la »au by ibe DortAuM :t *foreiaii. I»bailon Monday, the "in di« of iiarcn. i> n l^B loreaof.Qor tdd day at the ,a ?h-.^^l°(^ e^oart . u Q e.ui tcecltyof O iea«o.'a c 5* d " t * (c , of -.ell to ti.e bl b r , cr . ca^u lbe Pr-al*-? >o " d raort*a*e de ® Si, T.' l: ~:}. il * I ,P* ,t and parcel r-t L traetl .ta w , II ,? f ALla ols, b an.led aa 10U ie n ,T* ~J * CI1 L he saio lot ie nurt j* V 1 ® «uth!.a.t ccrn r. and tunaina ttj-nco ? ' "t" U *" l <^''„', ' cll, feci. SS?JIS?fS« n » !ft"pajTj.nw-ia n-rnrtontiretl Uiewest loe o ta>d lot, betna at>oai eUhu t-Uj feew SSSSJ wS^."'°° ~llr of -dlu ono aj tweat* iJU) .ect. tuesce easte 1? on a line oaral-11 »tvb 7 tU ** U 411004 fe ® i o' t£ i fe-. "«"n, OT .ah. .. p. lIS. 1 S UJ' ILLINOIS, CUO.K. U .D.\TY '• CoQrt 0f Co:nma!l April * J *°tSiu t s < io WUlllm 3 " Boci *° d Jolm ""t m John r PabUo a )Uca Ij herobj drea to Uio ul<l John "rou.h --,g am that a wilt of attachment L*tned out of the ie Connty Court 0 Common id ,V CA * , I . lU * e ? tne nlneUnthday of VrtmAry. AD. lit*, at ;f the tuitoflhe aldJaaikcK Wus J. B ciand J>n Beck a * acMiJt the ettue of the aaid John bn;a*ham or three hondrcd anrt tweoty-llTe dotiara aud ie • J *JJ-<Ubtceat«directedto tbe dbenil 01 OookConmy. e. wMcb s«id wntlu* been returned execoted. U tho Jonn U-ooxham t- jhtli Der*)n*lly b« ud avpear before the said cook * of Common Pleat on «r beforethe«mda» v ?n 10 b « boW «» at thj Court Homo fe to tbe or* of Chic**®. « the 4<t Monday of Avril 10 9S * , .. <iTe . buu and pican to the said ACtlow indent Wtu be against yoa t0 VTj J> T " Jimes Beck, tsllllamj. Brck p. iad Jofin Beck and ao much of u<e proyerty attached u m may bo mmclenl to taUify the itid radim^Md m cotta, wiU bo Mid to taUaly tb>» *ame. a - . » WALTKR KIMBALTh Crrk. d Cornell. WaiteA Janeson. pt 'a* av'i*. >l-' Ht 'rfiUbrht S & AL&. Uati£,AS Ie -*j_ ,Oiarle« CL Clafkeand Uary D.. bis wife, of thari'w of Chicago. CoaLty of CooicTaSri St ue of n*lSo»a eiJ! hiSfm » n< - aj Tr® 41 *- of tniit of the premiae# hereinafter describete secure eruda 001 ® of , riYo aad Maty *-ren uo\. ~ l ?*'> 'bereh mentlonea. wbicb de<M of tr «t b«-ara d.t# bk. D anJ U recordj 1 1q the Recordei'a a u w e o?' y i^ w ? tUi *-oapty. a,d ouie of Wlao >. aio. in B. ck .1 of Pa.ea 4>o an l <11; and wherea*. . def'Uit h.a been made in t.e Ba>m«ni of a«ld u. u» anJ l « acuUctt on hw been matlo tme b> the leal h-.ider ®f 1.1 • ajJ doW. to aediald preta set. undoe said d.ed 0 imft w lor ihtf pT^oata Uierrln estreated. Now thrrtfoie! „ nubile nolica la hereby (dtfn thai 1 shui aeii at oubiJa ?n "" !" :na J ' Mr "» .0w ¥n Ib 2 d *-1 ynf Chlcfl*o, in »a;o county atd*Ji*te. k. u.e bl«h«t »• s^T f r. f0 n r * C^ 1 i, l ?sn° on .hi qi a. D. lfnH. de« rf dr -® d 01 to wit:-tLo aaotv.cea , 01 Uie njrth hnlf the aaarvr u Section twenty-nine u&>. Town auaber oae (1 ,Nrh r nttmbe-aU een iltO. eaat 0: the earth P !dc!pal [j u ndi-tn. atd contunia< fifty three &nd one-third t&jjo J" acres, ce the sam - more or less, the s»ins being l»nd J® a.,artto BtDjauitn *. wlark- and cbarlee 0. Uiarko from D * the e*ute of the late or. llTtry Clurke. • v . *RAHOia EQGLESToN. Chicago. Febrnary 2nd, igaa. >eJA)tcm r: \ I UHTG.U.E .NuUOS la .t! 1 - '""brr:»en th«l Jeto l h l y<n« 6t»n nudo la the payment of a certain PromUor? Noteteeute.l In and „ bearinkdate 17th J*y of A. riL I'M, *n l recorded f in the office of tbe Eecorder yf Deeds for the Countf of ■b *ad dtattf of llllnoU In Bo k 36 «. ( Moriaaaesu »t P«e 7U lo Geo. 51. Gray, to secure the w ffie " of» "• 1,1 »'«***« ffeaUouetl a;v L wfiicb toft® will be dnc on the of 9nocli>«i &b<i B. t.fthtThouaAnd Klxaty-EUht D->.laraaad Ninety, dii Centa. J 1 "** ther'tore I by viriQ ß of «ho a, i«»er,ln said mort««e coutalned. on TUUKdDAY th» ■** D ." lßie,, l! Court Uoum, la re the city uf Cldo»«o and Cooiity u! Oo;>k, aad State of i >elJ ** publla auction to tho >« < wheat bldd»r fur 0 the foUowta* deaedbed loU or r pieces of laaida, together wth all right and 'qmty of re. demotion, ritaated In tne cit» of and County of 01 llflnoUlowit: T:io ttiidlvlded one s S u " ilocx ' our w - yort t - GaAr -,^!?.: M OF ILLINOIS, CUUK COUA'Ty, » 008.3j-CookCountyO o B.3j-Cook County Circuit Court, February Te:a, U auauatus Beck and Charles Wlrth Ta. Eelnilch Nao. id nionn. q. Public Notice Ja hereby riven to the sidd Delrrich ,t, N»naaan that awrlt of Attachment t«ined out of tho m Jdite of the clerk of the Cook Count? C.rcult Court, ta duted tbo fourteenth day ol February A. U. attbo . 141(1 i»0*0*103 beck au • Cbaries Wirtb and ualnat the eitate ol the s»ld liehrlch NauroanD.fpr ». the sum of Two Uundred and luuhty une UoU*r* and *er«ntjr..-vlae Cenu. Ulrecteu m the Wierlff of took *• County, which taul wr.t has been returued executed. rli Now. therefore, onleaa you. tbe aaid elnrtch nao , s?**!® «>« and appear before the aald la 9°° k County Clrco-t Ocurt, on or hefure the flm )p iay of the next term theroot, lob- holden at the Court o f Chicago, on the flrsl Monday of ,e tilti£* "* e *pecul b.i!l, and plead to tho lV said puintlTa action, judgment w;ll be eotered acainat lu ffifil? 0 ?or °f »a»d Amuitm Beck a&d cbarlea 3. wlrth. and ao much of tho pmper'y attached aa mar a to to aatlafy the said judgment and ™i\§i e. will bcMldtosaUxfy the same. tl „ Wil. L, OUURC. Gerk iq Norman 0. Perklna. Plt'tTs Att'y. fei<M« eiu * { lUA.NOt.KI- .NOTilJa-M'ATliuF a.LI" r- V_' lOLJ. Ooonlj of Ooot 3A-Clicull Coart ol Cook 3 -TooatT April Term A.l>. li« 9. * tt franklin B. Hresorr John Ornand Button. ' u ®icbardaon. John H Kradhury. (Isorie B. ir Klcb wdaon. He rge Barnca, Ja&ea W\ Ljman, Uar ,e Tey Boencer. Edvard /»le« tad-r. Joan >Ve»terv-<l d andOrnr H A Nonon «;lc BjronU. New it Affldavlt Dbridge O. Newell ono ortne defendaau abo*e named, bavloa >eea fllci in tbe of. flee or the Clerk of aald « ircult Court of C ook Count/. Notice is hereby riven to the aajd >, Newel. Uiaft r . atld complalnanußledthelr bill of oomplaint in ia.d Court I in the chancery side thereof; on the t«ei>ty-nlnthday I of November. UAel and that a sammona thereunvn 1»- > "u defendant, retnri e able oa the first ilonday of January, aa law required. ' * Now. unless you. Ibe said Kbrtc*eO. Newell shall oenonallj be and appear befure said Circuit Court of Cook County, oa the first Joy of tho next AptU ii™. to bo nolden at cihleaco. In tbe said County of Cook, on tbe oral Moaday jf lsaa. a and plead, anawer or demur, to tho said complainant* bIU of complaint, the same and the matwr* and thio«s there, u charred and staled will be taken aa contested, and A decree «Qtered acalnat yoo according to the prayer of said . comptalnaata. WM. L. CHURCH. Htrrk. Praiklm Webater. Coirpl'ts do.'r. jaar clOi 4w STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY 0i COOK, asi—Cook County Court of Common Pleaa, Yebruarw Tefm. uw. B>lTMter L od. Bamaeiß. Sl*t?r. Ex-cuton and "Vus»eet» * f Ja S?iT. B *t? e !li -et ,®. ued * T> - J o#epn Wil J e, Senior, Ann Wilde, hie wl «. Ma--y Ann Barber, Lacy Baiber. Bamet Barber. Charles ?. Bell, ana «''»«. BelL hla wl:e.—ln Chancery. Affidavit of tbe non residence of Mary Ann Barber. r Cha:loa Y. &eil and Ulaa Bed. b a wife, part nf tbe defend<uktaaDovenainea.iiavta« been filed In the offlce of the Clerk of said Cook Cosnt* Coart of Common Pl;a& NoUce la bere ; »* tlvea to i lie said v£..^ J B y Mr '.V O ,* T v B * It *r Hariiei Barber. Charles At' wife, that the ccapUin nto filia their bill of complaint In the said Court, on the Chan, eery tide thereof, on the Sith day of Jana >r». Ui3, an J that a awanoaj thexetuKin laue<i out o> »aia Jour* atainrt said defendants, returnable on tao firvt Mon. iM of Apt 11 next. A. D. l&a. u Is by law reaulred. Now. unless von. the aald Mwy Ann Bsroer. uacy Barber. Uarrtet Barter. Ch*rlesT. 8-lt ao.) Ciaaßed. Lla wire, _ snail peraonally bo aud appear before said Cook Con-ty Couit of Common Pleaa, os the first day of the next term thereof, to bo holdeo V SPW la i* 5 ""? on tbo first Monday of April, lofe*. and plead, anawer or demur to tie aald complainant s bill of eoasUlnt, tbe same and tho mat ters and thlncs therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed, and a decree entered unlnatnn accord. in«to the prayer of said bill. accura „ , vVALTBT* KIMBALL, Clerk. Tat A Slaa. C ■tol'ra. (o-i \w cIS OF ILLINOIS,COOK. OOli.Ni'H :aa. \ o'i^ i(^artofCookCoaot7, ' ebruaS9eclAlTem johnß klrg vs. John P. Gardon Corkllnc. Carolina A. Conklinx, Sarat A. Conkllng. Hry. ALt, Peter Pecoy and Charles J. Tremain, la Cbao* iSdavit the non-rtiJdence of John P. Conkl'nr, Qa-don Conkllnx and Car I ne A. 0-nk ing his wt'e. Sarah A. Conklln . Godfrey Brtani and ch res J. ?**. main, defendants anovo named. hav>ne been filed ia the offlce ol the Clerk of aald Circuit Coart of Cook County notice is hereby riven to tno said J h'< P. Ocuiln/, H»r« donConsllcg a:d Caro:be A. C-iLk hie bis wf-. s-rah A Con 11 -Godfrey *ryant aart ohar ea J. T. emain that said complainant filed his bill of complaint in MidlCourt on be Chancery aide thereof on theft »tday of Veoa ary 1a69; and that a aumntons thereuprn lamed out or aald Oourt against said defendants, returnable on the second Monday of Vebruary as ta by law required. Now. O2le>ayoa. ihe aald P. Con-ltog. liaraoa Cockling and «-'aro!l e A. Conkling his wife, darah A, Cotklln*. (jodfrev Br/ant *nd Ch.rJee J. Treaato stall nenoaaUy oe and am ear befo.o aald Clicnl Courtof Cook C 0.,00 thefirstdayof tbe nrxt special term tbereof, tobeboldenat vhleaeo. la said County, Ln b.e second Mondayo Pebmary, I'SciC and i lead, amwer or decor to the said compltlnanU' bill of complaint, tbe name and the matter* and things therein ebanred and stated will be taken as conf?ased,and a decree entered *r tlnrt too. according to thoprayer of aald bill. a _n, « WM. L,OHUSCn. Clerk. George Scovflle. Comp *t< * r|'r STATJS UIT INI ii. UJ>* Coox. 88.—Cook County Oonrt of Common Pleajk Pebrum Charles H. Booth and Charies Tattle vs. Otvlllo finch.— attachment Pablio notice Is hereby given to the aald Orrilie Pinch that a writ of Attachaeat lasued out of the oOco of the Clerk of Cook County Court of Common Pleas, dated the first day of Peouary. A D. IW. at tb» .ult of the aald Charles H. Bootn and Charles Tattle aad aolnat the estate of the said Orvtllo Pinch or rum o r six* teen bandi ed ana forty-two do lars and forty-eight cents, directed to the Sheriff of Cook county, which writ has been returned ex ecu ad. Now. therefore, unless yoa.»be svfd Onrllle Pinch personally b« and appear before the «aid Cook county Court of Common Pleaa, oa or eefbre the first day of th» next term thereof, to bo hol&ea at tho Coart Housa lathedtyof ChJeaco. oa tbo fint Mondav ary. A. D. I>&9. give special ball and plead to the plaintiff's action lodgment will be entered against yoa tnd In fsror of the aald Charte* H Hsoth and Charles Totile. and ao macb of tho property attached a* may be sufficient to aatlafy tho aid judgment and wfll be sold to aatlantEo same. WALTta DUBALL. Clerk. Utoapson k Blahop. PU'ffs Att'y a. pita aud Of LLLLSOia, COOK COUKTTi GATPffI Gm% ofCookootn iVy. January BpecU riren to the s>i Gecne C. Hoyt ;Q _-nent larabdout of tho office of the Clerk of tft> Occult Court of Cook Coaaty dated tho elgh- A * D - *B6* w ®««>® amid Wlmam McCully. John P. McCuUy and Mark W. Wataoa eatato oftheaaldGeo. t Uoyt for them oitwohundred and olnetj-eliM dodanaud twenty-Hire* oenfe directed to the Bherttfor Cook County, which said 22? executed.,. Now; therefore, unlsaa Jon,thesald Geotee S. Hoyt shall personally be and an* gewbefbro the aald Circuit Court o/Oook County ea or bo rare the fizst day of tho next ae«elal term tbereoL to b« holden at tho joort Uonaotn tbo dty of Chicago oa tho Srtt Moortsj of Janaary A. D. liSO, give special ball. And pleadtn.tue aald plalntllTk* action,iadgment will bo «twed . -©a. and In favor, of tho said WlLlant UcCally, John 7. McCuUy and 3lark W. Wau n. and ao mnehomu:propertyattaohedaa may h»»itT?ftt«r.tia «>s. i aty the sala iodemeat aodeoeta will be «ld to aatlafy 1 the aaoe. WILLIAM L. OHUKOfI. Clerk. J Corn ell watte m Jam won. PUT's Aifys dga* Mod tibd j STATE Og ILLINOIS—COOK COUNTT. J««jXettlor and Porter Skinner TI Andrew J, abort. _ Pabikaotiw !■ hsnby dvento the aald Andre* j, wort, that a writ of attachmeat Usaed out of the oaice of the (Serk oftSroatt Ooun e> Oook Couety dated the foarCs day of December. A, 0. at. b* suit of the aalo Jenaaa ol Xeator and Porter Skinner and ajalnat theestatoir the aald Andrew J. Short for tho sam of Three Tboo> aand ItoLiars' dtreoted to the hberlff of Cook Owntr. which said writ has r*ea retoraod executed. . Now. tnerefbro enle-s yoa. the said Andrew J. Short afeall personally be and ppear be or* tho aald dream s Ooartof OooEooaatyon or beforethe finad »y of the naxt Bpedal Term thereof <o be bolda at the Ooor Boose, laJ