Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices, Special N*Uoe.—Sr. Ca4well, Ocnllat, » ."f° Ted Ul °®<* from the Matteon Boa. to B3 Randolph tteet, eorner of Deirtorn, OVER THA.TBR'S DRU3 STORE. Dr. 0. Us now ample aoconmo tatle: a, ttveral apartmmta famished ■™fttUdatjTtatexpe&ia, with Ladles'F*l?ate Sic-d- Alon Rowßta. Dr. OL atUi boards atrte Mstteson Boise, where be ' nuybefcßßd wbenaotathlsoffioe, Boon throumths day and »renln» ai oimS. mbMr Derrlo|«i Patent Cbawplon Fire and Bcanus-Paw Sates—With Hall's Patent Powder* P.-oaf Locks, tae came thit vera award* 1 rrarste a-, j 4&ls ai the World's fair London. 1851, and the World's j Fair, New Tort IW3. and are the on!y American Safes • that were awarded medals at tbe London World's Fair. These tares form the mist perfect seeorlty acalnit Jlre aad Bartlara. of any Safe erer oCffcel to the pnbUc 61000 Ilewari wlllbe paldtoaiypersonthat eaa I ■howthat a P«te*t Ckaxfios tin ever filled to preserve Its content in an aoddental fire. I Tae-nbscrloers al*o manufacture all kinds of Boiler I ■ and OhlLed Iron Bank Oheata and Vanlta, Vault Door* and Money Boxea. or Oheits for Broken. Jewelers, and priraie families. for Plate Ramosdi. and other rale- I ablea. BlLlfl a HEBdING 4 00„ I SSI Br-jadway. corner of Marray street, I Opposite City Hall. New York. 0. It HARMON A 00* Af enta. Chicago, Hi. I feSHa eg? I Tboeewho areeturloua to wltneea the j wonderful perfection to wnich A. Ohswaldt aate "»i --rer at H. Y.) baa brousht the mannlactore of Wlft and Toupeeg. are inriicd to visit ms Wi* and I toelr Dylnjfßoona. at No. 6 Tremoat Block, ana examine H®*e curious prodactlonf oi art. No scrutiny «*» detect j j the artificial from the natoral when adiustea to the I < *2s* _ , dedly I Sawvcr*a Fluid Extract of Bark, an S af&U&bi* remedy lor the *e?cr ad Aroe and the reA I u ens forms of Billions Diseases. •ntennlttent. I tMJPerer and DnmbA*ue.haTin» their otWa lnma>a tla of very fertile and marshy districts, nreparad oy Dr. I _> B. E. Sawyer. Dramst and Chemist, and sold by Sawyer I Palae A Go,, No. II Lake street, Ghloaxo. ' p] Ibis remedy Is prepared entirely ram recetahle sub. I ♦, lUnoes, and ooLtains no mercury, arsenic, or «nftM wg bat can prove Injurious to the system. Its effects are a those of veil auaptedtoreatore I tbe healthy action of the Liver and Btomach. vhose fanetionsare eo cenerally Impared In this "'»h of dls- I ooutlae and other tonics serve only in many cues to I tr break the chills, bnt do not remove tbe of the I "7 Bv« and other organs Implicated. on which the chill I <& and feverdepend; benoe tbe usefulness of the "Pluld I t ■aractof Bark." (partlaAariy In rations vhee Physl- rr elans cannot be readily oonsulted), which contains all W Ibe onalltles suited to the Indications of these maladies. I Hundreds of testimonials in regard to the efficacy of a . the medicine from persons of respectability, have been ' tiren to tbe proprletor-but be does not make use of them as hs prefer* to have the medicineln I a Merely by Us merits. Notlo«.—Tbe undersigned, Stocklxol- Mi .t"™ *".?_? Btnk of Micoo Gtonla. are far B» the provisions of its Charter, made penaaably liable for I Tb< yistoea.tte notes of this Bank vDI be taken by ns on de »oslt on the same terms ai Kentucky. Indiana and &£ H. A. TUOtLCB A 00. perl HJ00& & <£oal, Cheap Coal! Cheap Coal!! FOR, SALE; SS THE WELL KNOWN (fc LV SILLU COAL,, 8K —MIKED BY— ' bym Messrs. Law & Strother, of this City, gg] At $3.00 Per Toil. PrSS | »ayi —also— I bette 200 COEDS SOFT WOOD, cZ At $2.00 Per Cord. "Su By E. DICRIfSBO.\, I S~ East Ead Madlaon Street Bridge. J Sheffield coal - THE CHEAPEST AND BEcT BiTiranKors coal isr the market, | ftee fern Slate, carefully screened before ?r£m .«2L , *rg.b ell .** covered, our Coal Is protected a £ effects of Inclement wealher, and Is always de. I llvered dry and >n sood condition at «wajs ae- i $4,00 IN 7ARD j $4.50 DE LIVE RED, .V YtiA of the Shcffleii MtnT coal.—we are SELLING at V/ onrYard. I CORNER OF TAYLOR AWD OLAEE-STS. Ooal well screened, and everr way equAl to Erie or Briar A . _ Mi l. for I „ p « Ton, «r $1 50 Dcllrertd, Macaluestaandotierscm contract for I w Pan n^''rt»t^V ( «, e o [ L' ejUOQWCer ° POg * 10 "PP^the u U ' T b T tb « 100 °r hair ton. r ourselve», we expect only one others. Wec&a to**™ expect to sell Sheapw thS Jlnl -« rN °- 13 trtrt. RE! ~ LAW * BTBOTHEB. 4lta] •*^~~P oal! Coal!! g2S^ t 100f)P, M OEM3B y OOAL.—THIS V toll'LJ/r ">• ""k" 'or dtlur rilw 300 ton Prapared Anthracita CBroad Top.) I SOO tozu Lump Shamokin. j Knr# . D . ALFBBD SMITH A 00.. i - li 8. E. corner ©ark sU. I Plumbing. |»S Q.AS J'IP2 AND FIXTDBKB. S | - i i* er their entire stook as foQows o fa ° H OA. » H. U Ij npe lo i>er eent. discount from List Price. 12 &i b L e ( .^° a cenia per pound. S v' nft""* Bo*. BrtM Joint. «nd Q u mtor* « | WnieilU 1101 toe WeS.™ CJ R. D, g 1 GAS, SXJEAM FlTTift'G. H AND ™ PLUMBING ESTABLISHMENT, ai 54....LA SALLE STREET..4S aniCAGO. letter Wtiu i Ajfr ®ITENBIVE ASSORTMENT Drt K ©as Fixtures) XrxJcn, rioifi thi CtiebniUd XainlattofT if P*p«r \ „ esidFtt Cornelius 4* Baker, Letur c xlwaMoaaan«,ooaiprlPl«rUia Plainest aaa most iCAborat Dss!cc>« ] PRACriCAL PLUMBER ZZf Ana Kicctvna,., of Ec Vtttn, ALL KINDS OF STEAM WORK. J*""* I&TtdM 1 .PArtlcnlu utaatloi tireM lo Bttlo* op Hutillgi HOTELS, „ Wmtnh 7 Corns WITH STEAK, WATSS Aim QAS HO* BMW OHXISB Aim TiW FOB QABDSH LA.WKB AKI) TlEiKQim COIT.NTKY ORDERS, Maw * PMIPTtf IMD PiirfiFDUT ATTEMDKB TO TO THF. ra-tUK. Oigl S?S !S '®B IJffl MATERIALS. AKD BTERY ABTIOW 1* The utmost < A«orLu«»; fc-A «ALLE street, cqioaoo *O3SS&M« B^ T orft e d X' PUOB 01 Qu ** lnrt w.R—Thlse Ml Koama street. qhioago LEAD PIPS AND - Sheet Lead Works. H. W. BLATOBTOBD, ESEu^^ imvmm c toSSS'M Lead Pipfj Sheet and Bar Lead) —°°° to "° ASD DZALU Df A EOHTTE ** x **■ D • Offloa B Afut ror Qpp" WHUS LIAS ft on OOKFABY, Y7 ILLI et r . utmn Bt •UnUionUal lU3,fro» Drs< OKDIH «0M THI TRADI BOLIOITm. .. W. BUiehiort. wanar-lT Conx et alaton ma ydim, QOKBTHIt TTTHOLtSALK BOOTS AND SHOES. „ removal. Metallie-1 to our EC* in. iiilii. bT wtJcS^Gfß Lake Street Og «ffi.*SiSSba BOOTS AND SHOES mxkalm »»■ UoMUttothlsaartt. &eat>yfiMMdw mwtS IxlSGnTßlMtrnmr.,. ««SSSS sextons and UndertaKers, »o.»uwumm, TTAYEONHASD. AT ALL ninsTSr AJL style and Onto, Wood, Laad-*»4£iMC»fe««.Tvl EVeefbudred •hrpuas. And are prepared with l/ean«s aadSJilii? [ ea t7!l no hertt r —' ct,Ml "w.'n' l .,'; Flour! Flour!! W* HIVE CONSTANTLY IN STORE SiS*Sff* mtnJL own UllJa and onos Ooaslnßent. nowfross WlseaoM aad Utt- 0 I TJSyiiS}"- C£gf> I ___Scming itlacljinw. S^ yMOND 'S LATEST UfPEOVKD = ?e«tborn, OVER I . 0. has now ample J Double Threaded artzntnta famished I at« ate®. I Family Sowing Machino. o i Howe, where be I mbaaw I PSICE $25 00—CASKS ASD STASDS EXTU. j W * rran ' ed •^« ri «ood M Anr to «h. rdel separate a?. _ world. . and the World's and Fem, Tnck and ML Gather and rv r American Safes I *znbrolder, and are especlallj adacted m don World's Fair. Ot i security acalnit I __ FaioDjose. pi to tbe pnbUc. I en52L7?. iew n* of roodi from the finest to the iri li'r."" &™-^'. c o^'s:.sf I ;E5r.» c l Lss U kinds of Boiler are warranted. «u»d any person nnr dta. Vault Doors, lh !. m ** ">eir m?nn?lf i «. Jeweler., and £?* ttooUl 1 and other rate- 0. Box IMS. iiker^D^Btaln AOKNTB WAHTID. = H.» York. e ° d °*« "■ D°*w „ a Chlca»o. HI. _ _ |f| wun«. uie PraminTnß and DiDloman. *■ EfaSSSSt T™ 11881 PEEMimt AND l«tlmiWl»and x» loth. oUie ctrnmim Boudoir Sewing Mschine, n ■attajoucl«Kt adioitM loth. I £=fP<"3dred to Oac HondrM tad Petition. ThnsanotherllnkKMKLi*Xy2ir I, .?° eo ®* 811111 otWa ln mata* I «4 ItwiUaew oackwardasweUasforward " iKi - - f iTecetahlemb. The nominal price of S3O lnclndej stand and fix- 11 iICi or anything I Wben thkMif}iin»>«s ««ii<.« .i . Bj Its eCeets are J cordially recommended to the tmblic br it was H> ted to restore I vtuffi B ,' °°- n± £he2lee4-wilsdh. la all is olaa of I GHoVEn * BASSE. I atera QWAXBB CITY. DODBtB LOOF btMmaladlei. TXOHT ITHCH. "sL',"!" 8 KAOHIITB have' inShSm^BMIInBBDISiBunT. i Deoe it had ■ TWO THREAD have StocUiol' ■llebailh.BMtapauiTgose. ln'iaa. lu wnkwtll Btnff ', nbrtuoQ d» let ont or order Wor£ mavei * 00* I PCtfodiy. by simply ohangint the needle aad churcl - I THI/ WilL STITCH. AlfD GATIIEB. lv troi r | llttl. noUe^d^f^^S, o^^ * I ONB LAOT beioui ——-■ - WUbaßewlnaMachlne li eaaallneffldenevto tbeGe L/Oal! ! to Twelve lovaii 3= de?oaii Oily Hathlie Beiriiig with Two ThraUs. ation c ,ll > aS£fyS ! iS£,a»B s "« t "*■ & * I afewhondred dollarito purchasestock. I C TOOD, Chas. E. ffkwail's ghM Stare, lit Lake St. I ;t Bridge. I 1 Q" ® 'S I M Family Sewing ' Machines, I ipply the Combining the I Bt Tle Of 1 only one LATEST IMPHOVEMEKTS Tt ma^ lie street. BEDTJCED PRICES. I compositi THKH. .. ~ I there is I SH^ M £§ BOOTS AHD bad poetl K« l tSr o nhi l ii" UESEra e7er r description, cod- BO ng'with ~ K T; a oi rop ' ) Stattonern, &£. utneopp ).. j j cherries ar I B - Awarded isr the ?p a ciM, e i j 35 I I ijjjijmß f%2 I oir^ c fto'ti ;KB. S mlmsf &j§ i£ u J win the n —«» g 'b * «11 gp I I tlie hretzei « rngMfcrMmsr w tteK W V y&iWifjei M&W: e l «au'ilnl m< U » S For the dull - & t0 Bl'de dot VGJ, ri I pafsengern ~ f I rudder inst« — — young perse T, also oar HAND - 4 ™?° . • ration whicl Ag Wax, thet "roakj, fcnd Boxes, gtee! Peai, preterrcd ih 52SST R? 2 ? Pan I • Put again, Writing Pads, Money Boob, I with quiet n ™o»i Fan Baeha, ryripelthe; if Fapar Welghta, tviaa I rie »«Ifen. Sold Pans, ftaill Pans. be nice? Bi Letter OUp. rwv conjured up ( ■hum ««Pencils, cian. Hoifl •I -11 brighten hill rat Mica, Rotting Paper, I Wliat is this .prisg Piles, Irory Tahl.ti, I 0 "Iy suppose Twine Boua, Qvilli, I of ltH? pastim K Injelope Paper, si.-i.i-j- engaged in « India Knhher. managed wit] Vafm Calendar!, I D e iig|,| I*ory Folden, thing to be m L Paper Filea, I the poet sits Inroloe Filw, loakXaati, I Impossible. T Kadlage, enm Keked, I confusion as t Woatanhdta'sCutlajT. Bad ((pool) Ikea. I "PCj M d 1 n .— — ™ I ripen, unless I commoroial Printing, I ,lie Spanish Ijl oonanii oy I Dot be " CUDS, BILL HKiDS, CIICTLABS. U. I tbe?e obserrai n. JlST'ttiS msi hi •lilloner'. Hall, lirium pfoduci s===—=————lyric, and nn< M ©nsters. I tZ s TZZ 7 . I chances, as th 0 * S-OTOTEBa ris' rnynjes, an • oriSl Cinnot tbus •* a. te.°£.WMVd b t ready furnishe S ■gftff- —^ S | And £. BUUXJVOJ I Then A ECHITECT—NOS. 4i & 45 labat.t.* I ra Sar-?- 3SS end tkat orders latn*ed tohlm Vm I Then« ' o. L. WHEELOCK, 4BOHITECT AND SUPSKINTBJDEjx, Wholnresta Iffloe STo. T7 Dearborn Block. ' i e ' ea ?', Oppoete th' Pat Qffloe. Chtdao. noUtot est on the'pnbli r, WIILIAIC Wa BOTIVSTOK. j I United States ai UCHITECrUiD gCPIBIBTOmST. ialfewYork. ' natfkliudoinau Bpedieattona. an 4 I m inscribed deb ► M.1,, ™' T " rJ DKAII4D anun payable to parti |wio»-«SDSS n ' IJ< 4o« moiths^nS! I OQ ' a book at QOKETHINO NEW II! MITCHELL'S I to .S rTe J 8 PATSWT I .Thee books ai * Metallic-Tipped Boot and Shoe. SSTSJSS br u ¥"»«• an4W>o«. hers or West I ko °" I Barely a third of THE "METALUO TIP" S2t£s« l i2fK?? e l "• .A *! aa pleM ofoepp»ta I andsooh.menm SUtes; but they lnreterai.tSfSCta in a minority. 1 _?•E2F» "<« Inyentlon with th. toUM koowledn of or notl "d ia 1 with the royal fai * **** « on oronre. The ■can. WaDSWOITH A VBLU. af Okn. P lea $50,000 JESISSEgi - . Wo,oO»7Tta?; >■» I locout for a rain; I —tHEmeEt3X2!HJSStSl'MvrSmiim.-i-aonage. the late 1 «o«ighln United PEESS AND IKIBDNE. P UfPEovED PRESS AND TRIBUNE. = cd rssLuns D*fly, Trl-W».kljr u d Wiikly [achine. | #s«« U CUtk *UMt—£>r.r 0«o. IbHli'i P.ffc I ZDIT9BS ASH PUBLISHERS: AIIDS EXTIL JOHN L. 6C&IFPS, c. H. BAT, ■ an*l. «v« Wat * BE * B8 ' JOSEPH MEPTT.T.. 9 Al *y to the OOWMS. ML Oath* and u4 Trtbos. Mnd. ofuitt - iSSS::::::::: ;•» 1 •wlimtwermri: ig IMtomai bcaens utt si I 1 , Chicago, minolfc I ® uantnlin THE PBESBAHD TUIBUIVK'S I { Great Job Priming Establishment « LI II thS amflianii t»K^ |nf | nt > n tf, p I g lOmafiU WcgL Proses and Bfaeblneryt more IS£ ) DIPLOMA Materials and more Eklllftd Workman than any I " Other Job Printin* House West or New York. I B •ohlae, Bje proprietors are prepared to execute, on short I tlfAehlncfrmß Bw>mr » T " iet » •'®°OK JOB LETTER PEESS f. Sus"lttotS; • adFAlrorFEl *Tn'3 In ih.ißJ jCAJfJW df IWt?U«n ,t " " tt * L °WEST LIVrNO PRICE B. I si. in®. A ' lrtlCal "«tt«iUonelTmtolheprintiuof I m JS.StSf. ow,: Portan, dc Tintmg Cardi, Prognaaut ~ r mintitfc Md B>U TiekeH, Pamphlet!, I ted bj the Kir Letter Headj, Cinnilan, I itand and tr 1511 Hwid *i Chetio, I {n • price, ltwu Blank lot a *OO B * Mlpt1 ' Label.. dh . IH OOLORB I *el B4Kg£ H ' Se^T* riea °*' llW " ** bMaUM «iI» «nd it moaer. tt«tsrln*oo. I I r mark«. Th. " eaamlnaUoa of BFtOltasa and PBICIS lira. I line enb local IseetMlrlnrtted. M "*l Of Tiinatlop IMA.. I H. Devlnc A from the Ooontcy promptly filled, and seit I borne by Ezprea. I J l 0" - the B LOOK A Gem of 8od£« j ban the Ohio State JoornalJ I il t et r«, t. v Be!n S of a eteptical temper we < ' aTe never bad tbat kilb in the poetic treou! I ' JWDI. iDenessof General George P. Mort? »h?ch T -«1. Unad ,t had beea well for ns to have. AUtarawa ,hi 3 have thought this metrical warrior wrote I ol °® n> wnkwtll ttat disrespectfal«. „ It be CiU S an J eve \ frcqnent pernßal of I 0 not likely to Spare tbat Tree," has not re- I P° w sj arm and m«ved thu fatal beresy of oar?. We know I weai J ftae wS T , ery f e,l « that 811 tlie canons or the literary I the; d thread. church are against uf, and we have been sore. I 11161 ranL ly troubled. We have mortified ourself by a I f°?" e "f "if worst poetical reading to Pr t« found in.the n.w.papers, and tried to make turet to the General a verse appear good by contrast. West In vain. The very worst newspaper poetry nißittv presented no contrast whatever. We are in It is. •t deppair ; and here, as if to add to the desper- the ai 01 ™ r ?**. the General has beenlmd for bi I F one * written a song, which we print be- I nr t^ lbe reader may on e our feelings, If he cannot ihare ra. Inter. I * I r n . ?S5Sr3; Come t0 Me inOherrT-Time. Mnj thsrs need I Br OWME p Mn „„ I her d: ike BL. I Oome to me In eherrj.tlme, I 5 I And as tirllght cleiei. I " I P" rr rl Son "• I Hereanmttbertwej' Ii„ „ » u I When thebrcfSts ctlsd the IWe. I nift ® And ue Uod -ns qSVefT* I COm'a I Inour buk. we'll r.ftlj ,Udo I | Down tbe rocky river! I I Wben a tb s ftarswHh anietrar I rm I the hlli-tops brlaoteo ' I Tbe OhetTT.rli»j we'll alnir «n1 pl»y I p 0 I Hhtre the chtr ies ripen! I t) e C u m t^^f.°^"" to '- Wesi I »im a rM? ,on f ! ,h 9r? i9 a naTvetta and a | ment ti I simplicity approaching ldiooy. One, in read-I When i Iw' i* tbat affecting ballad I IriuTuiffle'kcs per of ' nfan °y> opening Tht! . It if not, perhapj, as direct as this; bat it ' is quite as free from involute thouebt or in. J es * lf°r,- b ' ° r any U ? d ; and in And CXeCU,i ° D ' « - ~ ■» It may be thonght that we do not treat thi. subject with that gravity of manner which a ■hi" 3S . I composition from Gen. Morris demand*. As I S*?" 1 ,u „ AHD t7Z?° mdie , r thiDe iD th » tht poetiy, we desire not to speak of thin I Sir TI IfT'lr-bnt with that melancholy caSda "• M KL w Sf eoprofoundJy aflecis ns. which w i*cot I , e poet, it haa been noticed,requests some* I death io = body (not definitely indicatefi,' bnt donbtte, The enb ?LIJJ I ' poß '- C tei,) to - co J ne t0 him when "ie I lows:— _ I cherries are npe—say in Jul?, or even in An. I a „ ?^ b » f , thCm ? nU ' i - ot finely fhr. B L P i,h \ be bour .° r twil 'glit is set forth with admirable exactitude. Wnen the twi Eutb, light closes, or about dufk, on which festive tt wi " t?" a merry tIZ;aZ (i I , fr' Hoses. incherry-iime are ilissLc £. I J, a P° e "caluse, wecainot I lastcentn object to them. The merry time alluded to known as I ?, course . co ? £I£tinßitl i n ffdowiitogetb- I concludes M K . rose-bushes, with a bowl orohmies t g between the poet and the indefinite person I T ST aforesaid ; which jrould be at once fragrant Bancrof Pi and comfortable, particularly if the bard a covetou! g wore his summer pantaloons. taph was i ST .i,fV dJUion • t0 U *, if ' u » to ted that where H-re the breezes cn.-p the tido, and tbe Und-ns Who quiver, in their baik they'll safely elide I T *" reT down the rocky river. The idea intoided to Worsdale, ® kU c ?,? r ,' JC ' 1 iD tllis ,ioe ' a slow of I iwi t © hpratilul moranty on the conduct of the poet. * I J H " 0 I , ~j l u " est maalnQ derstand tbat in order I , old Jos < S? JO Bbde down a rocky river, the gentleman hail » L "°. '< S must be wholly occupied with the n P tbe flret ® rudder instead of sitting beside the indefinile fit of th<! " P*™?' a ° a wrapping oie end of her V" : b , ln '- 14 iB deli "'« CMside- BuUo'r 1 ! ration which alone reconciles us to the eoi- I 'Twin i I thet rwkj. On all otber accounts, wa had I Y«ta b t prelerrcd ibat theadjectiva shonld have bean I a fair« gentle"or «tranquil." At first, indeed 4e 'Tub?] I *® r ®. to look upon "rocky" as' an I it shall t I infelicity, tnt now we maintain that it is tbe I c,o3e I happiest thought in the poem. I tion placed L-r, at a f^ ln ' hc ° b9erpes that when the stari f lB do "W< I ' e .,. ra ?., 011 WH-tops brighten, cher- I horses, stru |tj ripe 1 they 11 sing and play where thicker- I hi* front I f I P® n * T' ie darling duck'l—wouldn't it I I be nice? But let not tbe rapturous picture I I conjured up distract the piercingeye of oriti- I hriShi.?°i?ii S . " !WBi . Ule fqr starlight tq A Oanadi I ini n i° P *'°/'? 603 an J"iing else? the other d I ?'*? , of cherry ripe? We can lavorite ho Inr »,o' 1 J P ?- Se " 10 te wniething in the nature I breaking his ' !* e 9? y remember to have I '■> the stabli I 2SM. m -,1. J ttTcn ' le . parties, which was I itt question i lfn» W ! ,r.,l W0 chalrs 11114 foar pain of the edge of I thini. tn ii m JJI < raD .'- fi u t how is the I above the St I !!, to be managed on a rocky river, where I"S he was lei ImDo^bb'Th^ hands on the helm? backed out c I ™En u! I , «s in »ue essary consei I S'S! nfw 'i 0 cherries really do into the riye I ripen, and brlgnten hardly rhymes with I **"> the u . I the 6 'snanirff Genera l iutends to introduce I He wi !. i ,cman ". . r hy®e- However, we Ufe, and hea, ' hypoontical, and we conclude I dripping con S c l n^rv'°K ,( S- UleAutocrat '' as »«t DoubtiMs he acl sf6h' s braildast table talk) with a eon, for ever I y 8 frie,]| } in a de- I slightest atte . General Morria' philosophy ol = I the pecallarlj painful cir-1 haps with n< I b : intend to print I wit h their on slips of this poem, and enclose to alj our ox- i*hed b/ then = I changes, as the Horns Journal doea with Mor- I WQkof baci 1 if #a a Ppreci»tive press mile sif he r lbu ?J e _ t ® n, Pj e dint° copying a thing I twelve k I ready furnished to the editorial baud: I food or water " I Come to me in Apple Time. I y° a wben yot « j BT D HOBXFBIT. I ~ " WrtutD,iom h ,, iiM 1 When iheaooroies pala oar —dj, I : I And we eb«ke and shlrer Bde, I I Then we'll quit, and let 'cnTalld*— j IT...OLHiitl I Preserrln'tbustiiellTer! I I WhentheWeateLlnblswar I f Alltb-OoweUs I Jj3*TBTAL i I srkwW; j n z?d o u m (^ii3sat i D ; i '' ta «- ' " I I r® 4 *-**ea. SSS&iffig t I Who Investo in Uaited Btales Fonda. I Not the least aurious in the Sab-Trea- S^JS£ l &Sr sury Is that ot the Clerk who pays the inter- I d '{£«SJ2Ji ■ I public debt. The coupons and in- I " .ih Tl^lt 0 ci a I K)nt KTen :CiKhts of tbe debt or the "sigutolS'S Un ted Spates are paid at the Sab-Treasury, I hi reacnca. with oi in Ifew > ork. The balance is in the thane of aiSSffiSiS f . n, « I 1111 I ®p n h debt on which the interest 'is I *o** aw and to parti£ whose name, are entered I mnntk rO " 3 Waahington. Every six I £""■ S>ar«d*< S, nn t ai, ; e^ of t t . ,le£e Parties are written I ? t ln a hook at Washington, and sent here I** ■ft"! " B"i<l e t° the Sab-Treasurer. Mi-im«b I »i. books are a curious stndv. Many of I tlley C° nt am are household I words. Some are of Biropcans : ot. I _ ani «en AZ a 't,?r TOILET 1 I Barely a third of the public debt is held In I " this country. The bulk of It, wp Imagine, b I TOIL] ^ Nt i n .t ntal Ear °P e - One is not sur-1 giscdto fingthe:namesol John J. Astor TOILET PQ' ?■ ~ * laoob Litae ' George Peabody I a 1111 of cr, dllors oftbe,Dnited I TOII I States j bnt they ani their conntrymtn are I t heaviest foreign credit TOILET SF I or we noticed is Lord Overstone (the famooa I fbTiswm' . 000 Mtndanohfef^l r^' tune01 j «JSii^u,S. CM \m^ TOy a? UUUod ™ WB^th^ C M"t! j * StAl ' TJ nl* connected I TTAWLEY'S j with the royal families of Earope are credit- I Jtlehieflyfroao onofoun. The brother oi the »ni>» «rw. I Pie. took $50,000 to Ld owns oyer $75,00#. nleoe uL'aJLJUIZ I fj o - 411 0 $50,000. Then wise people hare been loot """aUlw ~S T?ii nobl. I • Mxsiu. , r«?ii»ge, the late Duchess of Oilm. K.- I suongh ln United Statea gljpi to^ia™-ikl' l 500 ZSP I Count of Paru from to* I " lIBUNE IT ? grandfather'a enmple and keep U.A» Uil i/. school; (several of the Saxe Cobnro Onii,.!. rpTTxTU ta "»jw>>n»«ledtoUie«aißeiecoritr. LBUNE. _J, he Cotmt Rosbi sawenongh or this conn trr i„ iJ. e^ ewashere ' 40 inTeet » ft » r thousand t WhUt p,',/®?™ name of Sontag ; and little ®h» Jnlien has a trifle—enoagh io keep him i Imith'sßank. !^L„ n ( hia T lolm fall «- One can readily ac count for the appearance of the name of the hers : ttothschildß. both of London and of Paris * s. H. EAT, {XL 1 ! the famous pub! roggpti vrnrrr #Tio tt* «?»°? '°l ari9 » iaa creditor of the United States, and that the dramatic au tnor, Scribe, has aleo invested enoneh to rive rfbnft. 111111 nearly 10,000 francs a year. A careful «?■ «.« study of Democracy in America appears to i T .oo I {*•/• persuaded Monsieur de Tocquenlle to };S ; aad Lord Macauly, Who beffan « - 0 ::;:;:;;;;;;;iS;g v h, A veDture t® nearly sso,ooo. But we ti;^.;-" 80 - 00 never end, if we attempted to ennmer- SFSui ate all tb , e fffeat people who think their beaent mat oo I money well placed iu United States eecuri- BtJNI. I .?* re are Lord Dundonald, the srreat liago. nnnoli. I sailor, who has a large sum for a ion of Nep- 1 I i? n ®i Prince deßeanvean, the Count de J BDN£>B Narbonne, General Zermoloff, and a host of Hishment I """Mlea people, who perhaps, depend on [ rttaktediathe Istofiip and .™ lT ™°y of the United "" i States Government for a ltvinjr. Lord Elein •ehtoerrt mor. saw enough of us to leave $17,500 of his sav rkman tlun ui I logs in our sii per cents ; and the famous rork. I K , u '"_ lan > Alexandre Hitrzen has a bagatelle «. on diort ecv J°* $60,000 fa the same security. There is i CTEB FBESS I J? 0 " 1 " creditor whose name is a curiosity. 11 c n MANNER V rU T nS ' b ? 3 : Baron Lonia N nmi Epaminon- °" "ZZff daa Justinian Arlstides Decius Salis Halden aiOEß. I stein Litcrenstein Grotenstein. Fancy a C( aof | nian with such a name drawing twenty-six Bd I dollars and flrty cents from the United State* I —Unpen Weekly. ~ I tho I . " * w ■ rer I Wit on rombstoaes* j*e I A vast amount or wit is to be gathered «°i< I from tombstones, and mortuary puns have r «. I long been famous. The epitaph of the witty 111 I divine, Dr. Thomas Fuller, is worthy of him- **** OBS I self, simply, Q ■nd *> noder. I FnUert earti. PBtcis h™. „,Ti! ere '?* pro J essional point in the epitaph riuußj u«. I 0 f the eminent barrister. Sir John Strange, Hied, and m I Here Ue« »n honeit Uwrer-tlut if Strange. And by what an outrageous quibble has t - - ""'.name of William Button, Esq., been '°t I handed down to immortality. The epitaph & 3 j is to be seen in a churchyard near Salisbury temper we I 0 raa. moon, st&rs andve celestial p9le«! Jetic .genu. I A™ K«Tej. th-n, dwindled liio Button-holes ? rris», which I er . e ®omething quaint and touching iu mi ■t times we I 4 t e P lta P h of Grimaldi, the distinguiihed J. rior wrote I clown— pectful ex. I Here I am. q _ >erusal of I One of tho best of this briefer kind was pro ias not re- I P° sed bj Jerrold, whose wit did not always Offioe We know I J vea^ l eo courteous a dress. Charles Kuiffht e literary I }^ e Shakfperiaa critic, was the subject, and ia. a been lore. u» e *rordfr- ' rself by a I Good Ka'tM. \KJ eadinff to Professional rivalry produ:ed this ill-na- " ato make tared inscription for the tombstone of a feis.) contrast. I western editor 2T poetry I Her* lie* *& editor. T\E i^wLV 1 I S lB ad ? ed tbat the man recommended JJ 1 L'f'T;; the author to use the inscription as a motto - been and I for his own journal. j mav'un" epl " lp , b3 the **<* '» this oie f^E may un- I on one of Shakspeare's actors— U ° 8 416 1 T t-i Bnrbut ae vi Q Au?M r .r ia » wit e» T e » couplet to ""SlSo Mrs. Oidfleid, the most celebrated actress of I her day : I *e mnrt own. In Jutlce to her shade. T -A-1 I lbeflntb4de*U Oldtl.ld erermtde. 1 J a I Something of compliment is here sacrificed I to make the point. It is th« reverse to 3lal- I corn's iulogy on Cawdor ® T#r I « Nothln* In hla ll'e V\oo I Beeaas Mo luce the le*yln« of U. I The comedian Foote takes his turn thus J / r BT I J®o f ®fronib!ie«rlhlyittfe.»l»i! Uhml'd- M I Death took Urn oft who took off aii the worfd. pPftaln Westminister Abbey has some notable eDi- I to "TkE li I 0 ' Samuel Wesley, is on the monu- Si :• and a j ment to BuUer, the author of Hudibrasstreet. in read* J When Batle-. nee lj wretch! wu «li'l alive. " . ; ballad I HAh e ,H, ero V patr>n^.0Q1,, » doner »iT«. r-rn\ manlni* I gee him. when atarred to dea-h aud turned to dn*L f f Ojl 'pening £:?S;r I .* I ."','P CI ": mEn " 1 "Sit tL F1( I nl «E2IV/*£ befetn«mblem«bo»n; ttreet, t» I He uked for bread, and he reeeiTcd a atone. I This couplet, on a monument to John Gar, T| Eln the poet, Thackeray's " little French Abbe?' but it I 7 sUlted t0 a Cbrißti » ll church : orin. I ahU-lr , orm-i I thonsht bo once, and now I know it. ana in I And what a defiance there is in this, on the OONS ire re. monument of "that gallant soldier,.-Sir Vj Dn j Thomas Vere A*j| > to C<l bich b a Whf, '.hT?d. ,curt ' , As too' 1 than I D ®*thUk»aco#ard.*tinck him, and he died. dlse*je« pj f this I Sir Thomas parkins, the great wrestler *«nninaUo! icholy caused a monument to be built forhimself, on , I ? !X! l . a In relief, depicting toaUwho some- I death iu the act of throwing Sir Thomas 121! L' n J? btless I The epitaph, which is in Latiu, reads as fol- iramanjthi in the I lows;— hAt any ea _ * I flcaftf bf a i r" I H sl® ,let lhe ch'et who once tLrew alt . W^aoon ncily hrown bj tr.e contjucrio* ann of Death. Instcn.-Kni forth I er W «f Te » t e knUht a fal'. ° Bll . • I w ha . l he f^ ant J him out of breath. : twi I BnthiJMtnoi t . D f klh j *l«bemptj pride. ~7i T itivo I wli cocnewh«n he, 41 thorp | bLall TanqaUh time and coujuer thee. - : are Miss Long was a beautitul actress of the xF ■"■ not last century; so short iu stature that she was ±l ' fet'h 0 P ° Ck<!t VeDUS - H " «8.. .. rr ' eß I 3J" ni^lor *- J** rg°n I Though short, jet Pretty Lonj. rant Bancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury, was Kane bard I J covetous man, and this pasquinading epi- c< \ taph was put on him: b * Sadd here Grice « 'a cUy clad, fcns I for waat of waethe Lad. lids, w Th » reverse or this is one on Mr. James. d to Worsdale, a very liberal man : OO A O TOfl later to set but nat to kee-> tie pelf ,oet. I A frlend tj *l' mankind, bat not hlmielf. SPBIi •der -.?« Jo f p . b _^ a P e . D » miuister of Topsfield, wimnr« naa ™ ti given John Foster > who Pet BBIH the I «?? ret p ri Q t' n g press in Boston, the bene aite I the idea, tn memoriam; her I Uck. P. WILBOI ide- I ® Errata, We I TU btr.a word tram God. be rr»»t * an It .Ml be done "* lbe we close our list with the patoeiic inscrip- . I.i P J f? 7an honest I'Uuois farmer over ,add1 ®* I a „ the double grave of a span of favorite „ ier . I horees, struck down by lightning, and buried I inhis ftontyard. ° hdHootno. t it I Peacq to their manes I c ire I " * m - J . oi iti- I A Horse Anecdote* I 2 oe I*i ana^] an Wend of ours was telling us I ;e T | the other day how he mnnaeed to hrpnlf « I Over Harden, an | lavont" horse or his of one trick, that of I lre I flTfh 8 Sl ! L ter whenever he was fastened Z ve m the stable. Our friend placed the animal I It 'SB 'O question in a etable that ttood exactly on of I the edge of a high bluff some thirty feet I ■ be Lawrence. As usual, so soon N£ Te . le, tflone, our pony broko halter, 2 - I '"c'ied out of the stable door, and, as a nec- I "R le conSf qneuce, tumbled heels over head =s^!Si- l D m, .t r ' T "' <3 ; fa PP el * r <=<l below tho surface S £ll n lmpetu ® and gravitotion of his AT THI HON Be i" f „ „ ne ?' m swimming for dear re life, and heading u shore. H • landed in a I m . Ie n„' P f!? S c ° l " iitio , n . and was easily secured. 3t~ —h" it Doubtless he pondered gravely over the l»s- • !??'J 0r 7 :V . e . r a^ erwtt rds he never made the Q lon e- slightest attempt to break his baiter. The ifn*. »„f, a' philosophy of dealing \rith horses, and per- I 5?" or sieinwi r ' - "ohler animals, is to fight tKm JSfftf.SSiS lt ' ,rko^n r k o^ n wea P nns i to let thembepun- | toMtttdQoiur, (- ,^„ b / their own vices, If your pony lis a f. mqk of backing, back him a quarter of a I *^s™the east B Simli ? 0 B J opstieljitn the place g from twelve to twenty-fonr hours with ont I "S?wff 0 5tf ,# aD " e ,, willb = gladto otey .n N you when you next call on him.— Vcth t«her an<f I , Klchtrdioo'i —-t I with *n . loßr (r...OLAXM.IirBBBT boom *,to* rpHs RUSSIA ROCS I fe WW? « E^s";lS? u «t^!S2 loSS'»S{; 1 oSS'»S{; I aaewen to tbe JolloiiXsa tn>na*o>o* «?" Me. *ateof and S?iL*i? UUct ® d JfWsjW*.llfland»A iSo^SmI ?^too* willaal fcSlii"^«t*elbow*.*4. m,«Tadai I of thewc elthv of Um above iritb I taua. In a rmiMend TManl p -war of p foilet Perfumes, TOILET BRUSHES & COMBS, toilet mireos, toilet powdehs ahi> washes. XOILET BBUSHES, BO 1 FOB TOILET SPON6ES AND POMADES. I [ OOLOQmg, I • faimtyvteir. at J.atlroico_ I ■°»e»a Apotheorlei lad OheiiLl«> mr-w. - I 8^ Malt for SaK "DIFLKS, BH< TTAWLET'S detboit malt.—(Hade l As , Tio!r lTOl "° ,li " uiajfisSToSeiS?" 00ra »' 0 ' 8«»n wt' p or th£ XT^ST 1 fro * tha I ■f«OA;LO ILI OPAL OILH-Wab I . s&*SHSaa&&*S - 500 SSSyiS^* 8 TOB ™- a^sStSR i Gothais New |?Ublicatioito, otag : and little pTTrwiaa ijw A mgh to keep him ■ S::E 3 e can readUy ac- ODISBIO oa e aoa m cr pLL b - The CoM ' W »« *f Sana*. Kst; "^HSSSr the dramatic au- 'hSi aSf aSS M&' c Uf h i W l ' 0 t ! d d enough to give re™o. MIM,: aa otser prialcil i K4SSJ fZEffSZ 2»S^|pas !0,000. pted to ennmer- E =»l"'en"ids<nTejora KmuTerritcrr. I ho think their tornle br '0 cents. I nJl ta 'fL feCUri ; '<*** W " B " KKKS, Boot^ller. laid, the great ■ lia Ltke rrtet I ir a sonofNep- T) EA D THE LAWS u, the Count de J V - j r, and a host of D. B. COOKE A CO'S I of'the United mi bs ta | nr. Lord Elgin .500 or his sav- ' OKE * °°- id the famous I tasa bagatelle Oold.Gold: I. ity. There i 3 d. a 'o intr lurd ' l,a co,i " ' )is a curiosity. n*hedjy>oDolir work onof. "^iS> blTe rec f aU 7 onb- I ma Epaminon- oflhs ° dUa " ere<l ! Salis Haiden- A HARD BOOK TO THI I 1 in. Fancy a COLD FIELDS Of KiaSiS iurn mzapicir. UnMsSte" ) be gathered *oWfl F O /" e COo ' t * ,ent B ortby of b? •" OPPOSITE THE .Tatt.; In the epitaph * cw Edition of the j S hn Strange, Higher Clirlstian Life. & i*quibWe has j *l*BAKtl* BODHD. Ira . been wm. tohmkson. I The epitaph I t§ frohssional^k iistinpihhed L; Bra. iUita gi. jt Vallate, I :ind was pro- D K>T A L SCKCEOJIJ, g" US lubject, and i.e. urn. O ?i9ASO n.L. tat uel-am-eHjij aqbtu j WI H. KENNTfiOTT _ I this ill-na- TT • , 31 I S2 r iS'- . utone of a I.M-llr. 3 *■""> street. Mr E. A BO QUE- I -5 . , NO. 141 \1 commended (M uke.treet, (oop. j. a.Beed I ivJ as a motto ddi T "" tout 088. FULLBB A ALBADGB I is this oie rjENTIBTB. OFFICE, NO lai y,SMdolph it., ouewo. SSo** I M » l couplet to "S^nS 0 "? , "' r 1 actress of T *• BKAUDINE, Dontlit. " •hade, T,^JJL. a ®®OCIATE OF DB. a wnon I A 'sacrificed . o™., £ setoS Over tS^a l^.l^ 08^1 - jS It. WAENER it KETCHUM DVNTii' I □* rn thus : '"Mi DoartKJm W "orld. Pd stair. In room No. 1 I V. table epi- W". w. ULFOBT ' N TlB T.-OFFICE '"" n c 10 monu- Beddene* Hi a WuMnstcnlKflß bras:— crt- oca bss.i, I " - H°rS™ S PH aM,odo°, d r.SM,^I' J " oiin Gay, T)ENTISTB.-DBa QUINLAN i CESH h Abbe," .^ MCOT 5 nhU-lMM 10 *" 110 '" CtABI STanT ' I StODMD t. the Ooorl Horn. gS^7 n ' c°&r osioM « nrord „d , L E ™SJfJ££ ind «llf I S°* OUJtOSIO thJ«r; : DopWe S progrcn rwldli, »na<" I ?*i t i »7 wrestler, I ' »seir,on Wmwm ste 3ufol - \m I Honr Pac " ~ I Inc. Hoie 1 icfltljcr and jTmPinas. | epitaph 838 IUHDOLPH BTRKKI: 238 I li OHICAQO. I Wa.... y, was Hano'actaren. Importer, and Uetler, In I GUP II « " Safldlery Hardware, E BENT STOCK, I 011 e, p>i Jamea _ _ lon WHIaaiHBI, For W« SPRINGS, AXELS, VARNISHES, I d e3o WEBBINCS « HORSE COLLARS, Ac. P. W. Gl ■ bene* I »yTANT _ p# New Tcrk. I lilL CAB P. WILSOIr. OtadnnaU. . Steam TUBNXB 4 HDWAT, Ci r Mlnnfactorer, t Whole«I, SdJ^a ecrip- I etI " 1 I powi 'over j ••UIM, Bridloa, Oollmra, Qlg Baddl.a, ■V* Castln; uried bkidlb Fsokiji lAGL wj *»hsKS?.-« I OYnOl AND BAUB.ROOMBI Aprtlttl 208 .HAKDOLFH-ST... ,n» ~Z ' a Z ns I . _ 208 I HABDffi eafc a j Td °°- *^.'i4^ (llg T Hardwar, Btora. I JJ tened I I "■•• ,imal I Wianos, I tntitei n I | J- following: £n r > —it— I uoo&STat hc e S koot_&_cady'S, SsL,; •face I 95 Clark Street " I HFLatk. , his AT THI HON OT THE BTAS SPANQLSD BANNEB. Qear l . q i utes a 0 d I j 0 —— j A 0011 die J Q long may ' MT | j TDOKE A 1 p«- hem fei'bru.d Wn H.uauoS tvnhatu*,ii« ran . I imported Qalura. *™ a "™ J » new lot of I as a I BHXET HCSIO I 1 f* l of a *^^gs"saLh?«. KcdredeTCTweet I « now lace k™. both r.ej aS £5rSS , tnUi r, Smff lectl,n i of I D "* od «* <*>* ont I fr o ™ tt, popnlar I 'Ontfrvefeed on ; tefA'7-l ft""" 101 "'Suln^T^riit SSffiJSfSJ 1 " 1 "' "'«'^K«i n SL , I2 rt , S c "° M°-oa •J» o ~ MWI3T PosaaLi p n ot IT E A SSu'Jn'SISiSiSSS-' Mtl »= "OnePriea buß *& mM jgoSg^g W»r« u U. usk*^iS£££. 8 ' UDEIO FOB- I Poaonwa s -«-• £ I I * " i K | the fibres of vhe woo 4 lnMead or • reiu I : 5 »«»fc~«hw maSa^ffSnSPPif ll S. 4 * I DIBH. w»H» Nssssis?% - tgAfcrtJuagsag asagj HO! FOR PIKB»i" PBAzl I 1!ILI,IK I I nnonD & BHOT OUNS, REYOLTEBS,'!'**»»s«wacaia: 1 — —- , FOWOe. I ! For the Gold tw,t, m fai b b I • [ ?tn ; j j G°£J£l WMfrca * lAXO* * cm. I ltlolto< I jlggpoit & iHarliinen), LIABLE WOKK I ~ ~0 HIO AO O lAJZ. MILL-FPRyiSHISfi DEPOT. f Sanaa*. I T. W. Baxter & Co., !• m&O of th® BHMI I t • *a*waotcm* 09 toihe I W eooiuudßuSi I y 113 Lttarttrt. I * aws.- M illstones O'S I 0P AUj QPAEEIES, I 018 should be In I „nr - I =*"• I Brown '* Portable SiEiSW Wny »"«* JIM*. I _ And Dealers la I CL °™. I ltb recently unb- I Separator! (or WareimjM. I. OTerod auforado I Belting of all .inj.' I SEBBiSKi. FAIPBANKS* SCALES, I c donaof Kuau I ■>»... _ —a*d— 9 f a. ™ £ nrn,sllin - Generally. ihould be la the „Z?w?; ' xm ' t ruciwn of Stem. I ' » ruli to t;e I contracted for I _ - STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, s.Q. ] 'ewibon on the I °f <i» aal, I Tatt " M " ,fletor T •' 6'tMtag, Basiey fc S.W.IL S «I t I « Life, i UKSON. I '"S" "J" »t=« power ,LS» ~ is •" - Er" §1 : = :::::= Hg t |is - - _•;••• nS 5' - .. I £ - "°° ■ ISHMENT . JUDSON ' S PATENT GOVERNOR VALVE jjj A £%' Ssi ®H»fr' l " ~ tGEONS, w. BR » or our, I WV Lmo * I MlWn I T. w. BAXrEK ft CO. R °SSB '^S^fc^n.'SiiS? I'-"* 1 '-"* "etween Baa- I I . WP-Q. Addremßoirrtfri Sb nyf ammoth_MlLL WOKKSTjss I " JMa *° Br * acilof HI) famltilotJb. I IGH, I JOES T. NOYE * 00. I n ■* Wlwttfclt I '—OF I PBBNOH BURH MILLSTONE a. I §£ «S o!lSH aonMm^e£S«&oS^^„^s 8 §&!«& uses -™ ll S3 aSS-S Hairy Ilatth Anker Bolting Clalij. StteK CURB- I BcUe WoS jJS'e 'Of | .rnji "nu to- I prored Turbine PBrfSSSSJS' 1 " L p "»l IS. I , ntT Afferent I ch«*e w»t«r ^ Qn , o»niraJ Dl* I te-i»l« r . == jg = I dettbTTOly T - NoyE * CO.. ChJc*io.Li I Sue •238 I JR. T. Cruue & Jlto.. '—^ I 103.... Wat Lait Strttt jno Ttirr I mnrienring UDfitiugg jj j 7)^j STEAM, GAS 4.\D WATER PIPE, I*s) I BOILIB fLPEi 7ALVB. COOKS. STEAM WHIBIXB. OU Cips, Guge Cocks, Stum fc Wtu r fiujM, = — I BIIAM APPARATUS I I?ORE] ■ > For Warming Hotel*, Chnnliei. Ru. J-L ««d( Jao tortM, ac, V **~ * c ' w " utf > maimers h Frastf. B , k M«SSLt EiILMA ° Steam Engines and Boilers, „ o[thl is Bl I E n(t ln. »na Hinil (.athea, [ * ?S2!i_ I POWSS AND UAJJD PUNMJ, not I J~* iwri I WCutlanind Sfiu Os»rlcK3*de t« ordar, KAGLE WORKS, CHIQAGo, ILI . — Wo -*■ I, ** rk oood*~'«aATEs aoo •» Ulinoi I IM * HAMffiSB m SPBUS TKADK. I B } 9< I Jewett * BCTIEB. I M "'in Lacii ~ !!rz « 4 JJw I I™,™ COITNTEY TRADE T0 THI raaj , ©§r 4^-*- 2 So" » gSin'SSS "j I IS Qtaks gboet Sac. Office No. 7t ** I H FLATS. vrfi fnt Ojßßoe opes a oPmßonoitt WSsbjoovdui • ndo "^ I . BtlM ' TINNER'S TOOLS, ie_ .«• B. Pan ; j A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. - 1 [aatisetij] PAWTM - I " Oittcauoa - PURE AIE i PERFECT VENTILATION, PUI Mjjn. e«oi * nJn^y? er ? >en ' Uke,U^ imathod Of Bouatog Uf 1* A-BroSi i-» wtUllbeyhATtMured «-«»■«■» Wtmn.QQa of „ fttetaadLai - t ®°w trtwei to ftxrnlih then la onl» w -«-v . of Dwtigne, M the ami priadpi,. for BKi on, fed. cajandbillMad. BAXTJBOAD OAIB. eSl22e?m™ U thek I I L * A * nanus, £zs£ r 01L11BAII0 e~^ Worcestershire Sauce, BIS '®°™ J jea Kxtraa BASTES! r if AfS&Z ooiiouiuua II Msdloal GatUaua 1 , ptrti «f B«rmaa tobiOi allCadni PartlcnUr *ut SUM, g.-jg JtotkitaT*. "" Hir. ISBL "SS^S"" VAXlIT 7 dla B lslaHa dish, '^'ttasrf— .jutbmsitb >BAima. T Fjnuum to, aS? iiinM B. W. Tl&tMM* orvhkb harint led to nSSrw Ba • Oux to tee that tht daqm r SgSS S^9i .■^vattSS AMdm b More. B r»*ihliMiiiftfoaCßJUod. taSty l " ] LjILIiIE'S rtto# °®®** HROTIIl L &10UlKi cm—. BoMtj*. J. WOOLKT. -Rol ■ lake 0U- OMO- tsSUtnir niffll ll'lTrS',; F AIRBANKS' " Mow „_ #JT TJiMEUSi 'A™* JlTl DlM*kh SOA. L S S.Ti T^* - (o>K i, -- IOLI II ' * wuAy'**. l * ll * '~i saw. * *i Ss I ffi DEPOT, house f I Geeaan* Bc«Uand and u k 03 ~ EHSST paussnri; I H I -u>- ' I KEAL estate bbokeb. H .„,o, lijjf I a • ■"*""" W « , s ® WKARE ' CAIWKNT.B A CO M ' I _ °*DA» KAPID3, lOW , I *»«"■ * .. Portable I Amejfcaa fcehiam *°~ t JIUU, "a^^r 5 -^--^'V.v/:.v.v.v.v.v.r n ™- T^ mwrn SsSS® I G*X es'l i>i Maahoa, M. H. rs and I * Co., I *&. 4C, I OoBl\or«« »PE ALKRg jw « .ES t J (Hod*! Block* CMc*^. O Ci^ AadQl:iil 1011 itreeta aeraUy. i Teniin. DlSII???,' DOOOE ts, «0. HHB AGMI& 1 ICJ for the Ml, „ , OOraOHBLDm. , "8 the | Oolleetlcni m»«i» «♦ n.. , **OWA CITT, ■tWrroerlor | I E »=• X ,LSO » uco I °OOI«BAUQ . 4. nsnn*. :::::::S B™ AND «. l« laired. I BDKIHGTON. IOWA. 'valve d them u» I •*• oonntAw. fmh-js&f tod *• Q « Adama. 'sw ?e*™ cL D i ALE f IN E «H^BE. heneeeaaary I Clarfc and Lak> m* ipetent men I riMTrj, VZrnmm^ ttartEndnei I . AGO. oto , co., ' 42 «een !Ua- I C n, ua bTT^ - Sf. aoa ' r «S«SS^Sj<S^"WMIJI menuS t?is OS KS . I .iL*Sa„.. I > u , . I Uo^th^MiS.'Sfftk® 0 ???; »1« putlcnUr attei. K 0 ® igi^is§g|f I rue. or CtchSJt rualu «<l Dronpuy u aa^ H j t M .h,r gjJS Br | BANKERS ni,, Wm D!^ 3MCi^ANDOTM?ST rt " I ur * 10 *®wrt«n, at New York vantage WB, tli^i^i™aK?"»bond. U dn<,rt, m . 5°2>5 eat. an I iSSi**" 1 ®' 00 01 *2toMLo.m 78 1 are aa I nAMa B± Bomun. nwj mrrw loren in I **. ctfco. s§, 51 ' as TO °* *° i tad su "' NE SSS DAVBfPOH? 01 3AaoEB T " S raDH TS s Bntwo FIOKDiO*..f AaOEI,T *■ PAaiEB *" AndaSe j 'Ssk^^wSSKiiiLwiduJ l ?* lta,,olm ne and I Particular iocaled. TtT t. Its?. T""**"- Wht N °a'el' i. Bwrafeg o ''' Io »»- ""■»< I S-5-SWA.Oq-WjJbhu. J« l XJANKKBS 4 DEALESS IN EXOHANGE. H . PE, aa G " r "' St"" oSSii!" Tort =»- a ln - • i#m I ' *r.»aau >- *- I A * C » o£l(X£L. - JEaaSagSffßT j. T) INlTnf t BHOTBEH WIT itf. 13 rentM^CT?il l T:?£ AL S? S K DNCUB- ■»■«»■»b« AD I ■ aa 'l 81lTerOoln. atgxeharae. floM *, I to eoii^S^^nwrMfr. 1 "! 1 pty wtleu. FUT T3 > Jorth iiai. Bo«SF 12C,00L WHO! titer. I «»»opoUUn Bank. New Tart. NEW I '•H.DenhamA Chlotrj, OK, I >MaCT.° fW0 * a " d s iiTL r, OI7IOBL Sraeral r ork I mra-lr _ AIZE« 1 IOBTOB : "® P«r Jc DEALXKS IN KICHAKGE. cj, I "■ ftTO QtAM g,.. CHIOASq ill. 3 Tllinola Savings Institution, Jonis a. I I* THJ CIIT 0? OHICAOO, H< [lncorporated Febrvan 1857.1 A"ao»WM » ISamSSSSJKHSJS 51 j Dieted, omil, on tie lr« Mondi, of J*m„ m L P A R"L §sSsn"SSaer. OB? I In Broa oaSJ 1^ rett - PortUnd Block. I InaiaaXl^. andoaTm«aj»ndaS^^^L' OTr ' C H . "-B.Kg.DIB. . I SB£E> 4. STOVE; * I ma bmj oxpamest. at carrent num B f WW i M ,y | toekia* Chat tfc> f A ftx. Ac Loaii, I gf, •) I o£O. S ttZTB h. OO I * I AND J£ALS&S Cf JOSEIOH I 5 WJfUiUUBI IMmMmio. 0HI0A&V. lUCfon. I I m ' »°WEa BHOTHER3 jS'SKIS . DEALERS IN EXCHANGE aam ~ ) k| tilD 49111 I lOWAOHT« Mo«t Aj I Hm * w a^R. w * ww Which will I I fl» O. WHIT VET A OO - I V<>Dartt«VTHl "DANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFIO*. ""y, I -P«»CLagggrain, taenia OOR W I rc ®BIOW BXOHAWO*. I >* I £«^?lso^otoSii«&°lLS*°{w^ 4 rKi To ■bßcdred and tel«Sl £££ ' Ir^"1 and W * »S?SdHliifrtigSw' *° tt * "wttaam iUBm Till M T*n I faro* on di, ofeo . I PiieMlmn I I SHEABK I wwwi "•q. , wHng»T*Boa.B°a!T'« | »i- ■* I . X. a. BABBOB I AN KING AND EXCHANGE OiTIOI- 3 I «mjnx ram 199-«-- *g ar n*a."-'l.i„; au m I **"' * ° * I "* * I ,„ B ; F- gHUJJgI BAVZEB. Ilium, ] I • ft'" Snot— Loctt* Boaoaa. I I GHZOAGOI j I sßage«aisl,MtnU. I TTisnl— T>, |, ""«uw»m KMU ""'oWi pHIOAGO MAWNB AND JTHI INHII- «<* V-'rsno.Oo.MMu Bu ulbM! GAPISAL, MU& | „*lKaiidSMnlu& "fIWH I _ j. TOCBB aaUOIOB, fc-u— l a# *** id ooedui | _niii<iiii»iiimdi«% nun lima ( Hi*.) == m H. A. TUOXEB A. CO. I TT,- H 15i^£ l^. BANK ~ BANKKKa AND »*in»nln<iis I MUm« at 6r MQHFOaP BBOTBiaa I BgSyiSISKSSfSSS , ~ """ ' " ' ' " - ' CNAMIER, Did MoITArH'S ■ rv: *z ac pz.oxr a, ■ _ ■saaMMsßiksMhar - —mm frrijangg. JDrg ©OO6O. °^° I,KT ' ,im *m * «*, S°HS*j Ul 'i • M ®w*n to OoehT. Wadmßh * Coj SaSsS BY QO< >Da JOBBEfis, - ®M IMSAMWiMAhm. fO. Art mv riwiiim a fell Msvtasi of ■I MONEY, woo*. tatoiaonoia, rra,tk ®Ve«l» from the Mint. ES - Sf* 1 * PBoPrri 331 D nowr »» ~ ,ft i *Ol CbwtMXf, * h **" JMloirw'hr* HAL (MOQ,OOIL .... I '• gottrr PtthCn. 1858 Spring Trade. 1859 •SIT BANK I I* CO " niEEDMIII, GOODIISD & CO., ■ i£ .. - y t *yn.TTl *»nrtlftil | Sl2£.i£a I SPBINQ GOODS, J t CO., " I OOSBIBTINO 01 j '«<«*«.££ Dr *" Sllfa, Mepdfieent Stylee, Valencia!, Poll da Chavra, J j gU PriaUd Baregej, dull!®. deLaln*, I« Embroidari#*, lacm, I AGENTS. **rench, Englishand American Print*. I A citt. and Brilliant®. I bonnets and bonnet ribbons, ivaat ! I I "•aoofa? HEBMUI, GOODim ft 00,, 1 2 Paidwiw. "* """j.?™.***. j 2 "mix. 1859 Spring Trade 1859 ~ jDl * jr Go °ils, »hoea 4* JKm, lon • Artaaajj 7 I "" w AT gHOLEIH J W • CO., I XCHANBE. DAVIS, SAWYER & CO., aafc Datli. Uoodj* Oo.J I 811 ic.ima. Save H«mov«d to Store JOU IN ex- 42 - - lake street, - - 42 I V ™«aU*aSs Win «">«•" Sreßaredl Ma iUon to in. I In . #l iWKk BW-8000S. boots, shoes and hats, 5S SIT & Ho£." | iisy Ia ow pBI « a w1n._ I£= ickxhux. peakb, marsh & clono, nregT. 30.lalte street. I "&i *«» |Ss I Leather & ; to . staple dry 6ood», kfe BREST HOaHHT AJID NOTIONS. I U as g \y 78 - - Lake Street, - . 78 IBJCn. I '* rrwa. TKDOCNG3, EMBROIDERIES. , LAOBS, T«t j-ffl new style skirts CORSETS. I ot F| UNDBR GARMENTS, '*• GLOVES AND HO3IERT I mBS , w . KID GLOVES, WOOLEN GOODS, DRU )WA A , „ BERLIN WOOLS, K*? And ■ General Mock of I Bi^» Sgb. ■* AX ' Z ' w «>" S°=iv' of Iks "" OontoUj on tuai udlbr u (e I w Wholesale and Betail, 37" ««• . 78 Lake street. m .i I I >urss ihrnitnre, &i. |d- fob PuamTuaE t •«« Lsa?" rat H. N. PARSONSjUj I! a 1»- • • .RANDOLPH ST :EET... .Jt» >J!£uZ itt 4 I aenUo u H«U»mn,Soo* I jTUmT7 a COST ■** I WITHOUr REGARD TO VALUB. touE [JB» itOabeo I Poimx ijej Furniture! Furniture I! I WHOLESALE AND HBTAII. I WK _ —«— I ofc««ad: NEW YORK tf BotTOff PRICES. I ■eral TACTI WOM3 MOWIIOI I ~ao P«r o.»t tk. FnrcW I |TA^ Sbf3r6Tj Pftiu & Strong I ahtmy " H«»fn Rwiiri it I CUthi,# n, JONES' NEW IRON FRONT STORE, HO. 803 SAVSOLPH IT„ | "" «««» lE ", HiargMt and Bwt Awortad "ig«»°Ta STOCK'OF FURNITURE i _ *«T OT KKW TOHK. I « ' Wilcitlliej htn noulimlnd.imli.-i no* Km. I lai j l&b la I • Bail ■•tigur, I«mwm4 ui Wall «t I assoult t PARLOR PURMITURK. trimu la BroeateQt, DtUiaa. Ptaab ud Hair Oolh. I ' = Xuatlltd. Oak, Qmtxit, Kohdfuyft BonvM u m I CHAMBER SETTS, I W k lOf 9«v aod Benol Daricsea, frota the I 9 A ■» L, tlw la Boaon. Mew Tark >nd An^.^f -ALMO- Mid for &U 1 sssagssßßgpf I fldftbowdi. Pueot *»*»«- ■■£»? I I fefr'Oottoa *°d HoK, Pttm j m... I -iiSO- I Bo.lot* _ DININB ROOM AND COMMON FURNITURE. I g I nr saui Tmwr. I Wj I Oooda Kusiketand Hm TsflMar Oitaf tke J BOO! I BEST MATEKIALS. I M *5Ol • I | f. W. WAMVOa ® I LATX*T PATTEHKI I BOOT . Moert ApproroclßtylM of Oooda. ! I Which «1U raak« tt» mat huliaeaaaa la tboM I WMI-rLKifTJ J mSISHEIS HOTELS 110 Horn- I C I IxuAmb l«t Wmami lu, I _ I | OBAI I loMTtt«TOBTTJOTniQITT»03~H«TOIOHia I I A „ UlNlTCa*ijoaldauio;ximJ:'» I oHonmi • OOR MAMMOTH 81001 2,°S j S*Jor» M«k a* Uutr Jtarahaan, I ahi4y * : I Ta th» Pnhllc at Z+Tf, twi, HtMt il*• «* cnwired to t pror« tbal PvnhiQe of |m I * 1 j 6tß3*fttntb*KttelaßtoUMf&-icr f I 1 WQI M Taniahad fr* Oer tttabliihasnt it wrm r n I PriMlovw thuaajSoMintUW«t ■HEARBB, PAINK * WHONC, . 1 * BrT^dSl I ' I DOEUU O. MOSOAN, umrnr | 199 - - - - Btr—t. 199 CmU^i ■«««»-«- liimil, lilioiaiTilulMf, r. I BIBBttOV y __ UISSIOT " WHO I IN BHITS. | g*wt—T>>n Hftta. CA I ICPPUeiehk*™* ™™ A I w wql 45 I Xsnoth Stock OkMaat Taixltu* A Oktirt I *" l 'tfnriri>liinwnnt«l«iiii|yil.uJ > u_' laptUktnllMKlnht, KWM. aoi *• vnl4 oordUDy larfU (te Mattoi m I MaliuliMiMMihiMHa. ?55US!ort»? nfekelalaki fcSESIJ^ **"■« " «w«y »■«■■■« Pri—n— . Ci iaM iiaam, encaaa aosct ih«, mb. fctuwii^j * iKOat * Fin, S^iSjiSS ■i.niiii to Ihl n* a (k.) erBSSeS m~~ JA*EOLP*.»T.r..._.._^m l —— **■>■ll llilri ft VaMt CHAMIER, AftO COMMON rviiirvia ToLombi _ T irt am Awgssa 2?: | tomiasion iilerchm •M" Traat _ I BROWN 4 BABSBB. * "pRfIDUCJE, COMMISSION "ivn P BBEHR I awNa - 161 SAWYER, PABKER A C O n ' _ Q-Bjr BRAII Jtlerchi Mint. 858 * aao South Ku,, 8| lOSCVT »A* I r , CinOAGO. ILLINOIS. rtmiartye«A«D4 I of tte '*|o «*e»Be | mcraUv, ott * *oU Coontrr Prr —— Wi 7 e - » SsSa®asJ^aa^ - Jisgf Dos, -OEORQE H. eoklet ~ I D <ro * M ™ J «»*T. KOJUI A OO.J ■>«. IpvSS P^ISSS^XH? d * Cb "». I * Ucm, I OULVBB AGO™ PriaU, ComtKis»ion Merchants 8.,.0^™ 8 80aUl W *" r BBONS, i rtwih C-^-Cr I ***« A. WlUlUd! —^ 3«ir*VUtoth® I WXHOAM3 i{jDli «* - nohJTT^o'v 0 ? o ';^.^ o ,- * w«. » Wtj I tbet^lßtodpafclUiaorEikii. TV. " :IVtf *"fntloo 1859 I ngnilniS ll "' l WBEELta I J? CtaSS. MRHCHAN! Bat*, I I 18U . . Wintar Arranyimeat. - . 1 N - W * QRAHAM A CO, Rh f° rvrartiln ? 'VrrtaMtM, 3UrHMflgtmu IllUola Cutral I Oiuto I VV S FijT"DOWN I fp" I treifiltolad Cromlbe *tofon. I *" » hats, ' B . *■ i i i T ■ »gch wIJ I OOIXIUIo] in,...,, !lt3T'?° I aplT^S"** l WHAHf. BDITALO. .1. I. ' IN.— j -Li'SUn? oOMMmxoa Mai * I WALLEB ACO I Soodj at I liMrn LBM, J „ xort »Cl4-IT-tSI7 u rarce» I ovuo wnia i H** York. 'am* s. walla acre to it I " OhlcMo. emeau to I WSM Sc. l.ttu rxTZT ■— * P^YSi^O^SION^KOHANTa n« ar£<l?S?2 °,? I „ ™ek»iwd * CIK man Commission MercUania. aTS -' ha ' v '"' : —*• w,t « s - .°3,t M Wi™,fS ED T0 cajh I f1H104Wf1....„.,___ | - »aiTOH. 'mTld-*LIHJ» ta'TiySS l * l ?TQ I WMMIMIUM Ma ß : fcXO | WTatb«trcsabafT»aMaaUoaiotb» I FUBOHiBIAZroaALI I Of /low, Gr&ia, aid otAer Prodin. I aogtfß3ly QHIQaQOT ******—•~~~M IZI Jt J » kiciuhdm, I COMMISSION UERPhamt "Tnu.^KSiE™™'- a££fo.ks ail. I BAWIIIK, WAU.u K A tu — I Commission .Merchant*, I ®»*«rw°od A Co.j Chicago. ==! I r . A<eati for the Xorlh-weiL D. ,OMSI ' PBODOOB A*D == mm.«SSSS¥SS SZSSk* *.». I Ml and *a I 21T n S, HAWfcS' DIR£CIORV I °rau° UelrreroecUro lliSTto? «°d now oron. I * laM »•»■> WaaiwajaT _ I __, wTSTwiB9 ' I f 2L^ ta J* u 9°°'* •ods«wi7L fc I 1 Mlft.iT ~1 | White U«d I X* I*7 02f dk 00. " | MiinrAOTama or LIIi I __WHm LEAD AND ZDfO PAX2TT. I ccm " lui,wd *"J folloa linn. ?• | —m~m—i - tahJUy | ***** "< y "'T Dn 6»e<« WbolMaJan iPEAZZ MAB3B A DE LOSS. I jomjui or IlifLl AID FAICT 2)BT 900D1 AT LOW MUCKH. I I No. M | J I *X73rrnraToir, waoswobth * parks, I Jl»ntt/actar«r« aad Dealers la •ai HQ AlfO BOYS' CLOTHING, *x I Bo2.£ J M il U *° 113 I ilritiltml lanlenenui. ke. ' I r. 80. OBAfnIAS i.OO. I Axrioultural Wanhonaa, » I ■fcMEoilattM. Horthßda | WbolaaalaDoalen la ASBoni^A^^Hoay^Lrmu l B • I tor Maonyifleap«raad Mowgr« »k^ I WirelnMaa WholMtl®, I UAOHSA aaoiTH fc 00. 1 I Maaoftctoran aad Wboleaala • *,„* P 8 " D K A t K It BJ, I n.M sSf*,? f w p^?t *?'3L? ook conelaatlTon hand. }«M f or »ll Bmu of Pwer BJook. W«rehoo«o StTIS _ I l«wogi Lata aad 3. WUK.*± rt-.tij & —** "« »«« Waglml^ & I mma a. bhowS ■ *•- | Mamlfcetaren aad WbolMal* Oealtn ta £ I BOOTS, IHOS3 AVS 3988885, I Bo.M»a9atbWatar«luoQr. WellMt., Chiiaco j ahlfly C>A«. »»ow>. ' | WASSWOBTB A WEIXS I Wboka»'« Daalaw la kt BOOTS AKI> SHOES I M* 50 LAXB-ST. OHIOAOO, ILLUfOXa, I.w.wmwoara. ailim, pro, a. »...., B. I MAWSOS BABTLTTT 3t CO.. *** | Xna&ct>rcaaadJobbOTila BOOTS AND SHOES, . I SODTK WATHWT m ohioaoo. " I MfrhnilUtt [mMly J ««■ tom w«» wa«iw»i» I OmAWFOBO aw Anp QQ. ■ I laoortanandDesi^raln I OBOOKBBT, 9LAS3 ASS OHIIH j t^gu "- Uw sg'is'gsas , - B, ' UM^ir ''* r °*> B*M« WHebMHa I !*•. SPHOIO TRACT jgj,, t I miiD, BXIfEOICT 4 CO., I SI A S3 Son* water Street, I izaaavraoetrtaetlulrtoßallana itoaltof I j Broadolotha, Caaalme,,, poMms T»MI vestwos. ' rarmcxT JXAHS, COROVASB CMtHn UuM mi ZJiea Drill), *AILO»'S TBIlfltlHOS, BTO, BTO. Taigkh then lwHa tha ataanUoa of th o Trada. mhflW ■•"i Cv* a*4 Stnw ceejt WhataaeU. HULOIT X FASSA2S? WHOT.BHALB JOBBERS D> Hata, Caps and Straw Gooda, BO. 45 ABS fT IiAEB STBBBXI DMIV, k* M WM. SOLDZVi fAJB FAOTOBTT" ID kteteofaaA. tow*aad WTtmlb, window aad doot ft—umocUtam, Wmjmto.ordaroatlwatortyl aaMaaTASoTotaaS gsasaayyg^r^say^^ BMiinaratfcaaayGwWorfca. To Lumbermezr and Ottaera. T An STRKT MIiS WILL TURNI3H Jj milf <itttfaa>towria«. l«laMM>a«