Newspaper Page Text
COMMERCIAL. I Commercial and Money mutter*. _ C TJ Moray EruttJto. March 7. I *** Mo*rr, Etceame, Em.—The day has been ex- J cea*irrly 6lonny and busloesa of comae la dnl. I E»IM are without chacp: in any particular. Ex- I change lie. Disoounta 10 per cent. Gold IK- I mil Street ratca I®2 per cent per month. Transac- I Mill tlona limited. - The St. lioola Democrat of Saturday aajs; l Moo-J Hattera remula about aaveaterday. Ex change u- may ecjrce, and. olthongh rtc baita I ui (1 * me. or The brokers furo'"h a rarortd few « *» " '.;mited «ay with -Übt d.«.n« on the Eut 1 < at I'i utetuium lor fowkable tuuJi. yet tje niies I ar*J- pien | iumi-irtl'eCi--,lc premium for IwiiK- | nbie 'ond?, and l}c lor Ci'nf tiey. We quoit 60 Wtaoa tne Ert.naXcw Oricaa. .t. 1J»« J™ »c 1| ,«wut diocntW ; SM d»jV at dls- I cum;; 4 uiuntlw 3(g.S* dJMT.uat. , | Kutujcy, I'ttaui.Obm and LwuriHe bank | no c* ltk r c-*i*e«J at i»nras i^okalilefuods; * I curreucv ii l ought at s(&£ V** cei-t discount. I ~on< G idbv.Ty»arcft,»»ud-«'Uatle|Mein:uiD. 1 WI » La.m> —The New Y-»k Evening d Pott oi Hih-b lli tells the lolluwiaff in regard to 1 \ Laud Warrant*: 1 t activity prevails in tbt Isanti t ©*iktft, *ud pt c <nte very fire*. lTiu aa'es *o 'uke place i» K-osa* aod fc*urafrKa. I in June, and the ex'-.twre im.CTJtl"u t> tfc«* sew temtmi«» which wt-Xi»' Cte«l» w»'l cua<e a I mf) mind t'T watntut* which tnu>t idviicc (be va ue | < to something car poverxim;Qt price. I J*JJ We quote as follows: I f *,.« t- Tr ISO W I .. * .... &. 9» . I Jo - ii wo * u2 I ■■ ■ ♦ ■ I ii IXOOR AKD GBAC* fcTORt MARCH STH, 1859. I Al Wheat *rl;*.bu...WW 1 U Wheat.Ba.bu 10S11 «*rn ha W Wheat VuXi. ho.. 33U67J olt*. U IW.«-5 I B*rle>,bu tAtil I TLQD& ASP G&AU* I* BTOHE AT BOrfiXO. I BcrrxLOi Mareh 1, IBS'. I 01 Edltort P/«i and Trlbuae: I The amount ol Grain in store at thie point, as I per actual account from the diffdreat warenon- I see, is: I 141 Ch ea*-> Spring, boihels |fBB 1 MlwaukeeCjib ».l«> I Bed*LW. - ♦*!!<£ 1 wt.lte - " I Stsnp Tal', M *- 100 I Tetil 874 fi "< I Cora. tn«b BMley.buib 23000 I (tua twth. £.OOO Flour, 14.W0 I Tonra. troiy, I | Walxib, CLABCK & CO, | Chicago Dailr Wholesale Market. I UoaniT Erenlcc. Uarcb?. 389. j FLOUR—Ti m bnt ioacU»e: bay en aod ielJeri apart. I Bale* of 100 bbU Tilbot Mll« niedtum Spriot Extra at I s>.{?>{> UObarreli Bprin*fioperfloe£ztraat I I «• n raT—Wnrrn adranced <dsc aad market actlTe. 1 SiTfcj o iWJbaN'o. lEcdlnliU ttal.S2;6ooobadoat | *** and 7,600 bu do In lots at «U33; SfiO bo Ko. 8 R«d I O U4I.ISX; L&Xba at|l.l9X. aod 70) bo do al #1.20. all I Inttore. firano advanced 4d5 mi Btaodtrd, andS&Sc I OQ .no 3. Balsaof 3J b*;»dundarda\ 11.00 on iract 1 I car do at 11.01,1 do aisl.o(*. aod S.SOO bain lo« at I ♦1.05 a'l in itore; 10 OOQ bo Ko. 9in loti at 91c. 6 000 ba I («reJ«ht 49 ioaeparato bin) ai 85c Ig] ell in it« e;'Obn do at MXc delivered, and 1.000 bu do I at97cireeof I . COE. -Frci aaa a shade hlaber. Sales of fi cart I ( Shelled ai 70c, and Sdo at ;oXc¥<>ofti;l car Ear at I and Ido at 6»ho f"0 an in balk on track, A bo»t I , load jf diver Jjm. toar.ive iaAptlUsold on tritale I < terou, *ol oneat7ascafljat, «»ae deilverj. I BARLET.—Suady aW ou Inferior at fiSe In bafsdcllv- I 14' er.d, aau 1 oar good No. 2at 65c oa track. 1 l j[ KVk.—Qoiet; Uflbagi choice aull at 92c delivered. li £ OATi.-ln*cUve; I mUeJ told 63c on track. 1 ' Hloti-Fu-ji and active; 150 *reej salt at ' Vc, acd I 90 300 uilxed at ex *ssfe er-en ihx. lltllXc for dry Ito rti .t «n 117Kc forfl vejy cbjlce dry flint 1 tOrAWwi— Sone*hlpi*lo« demand; 3,000 bu for Et. I Looii, tiOJ ba ;or Bureau ano &-0 bu for Feeria, I fin oU,auldUouuidefl.met- private. I prime w*Jte sold at 1M? for .shipment I u to Si Jo*ei<b, Mo, UL'r.Kd. Buyert still here from New York, Torcoto, Si. la>ul* and Cincinnati; 6 tons cood common were g, boQffat *t lirfc fur Can da. tb tjii-—Areiaia ge tapply, and bbli and Urxe lots vereMldUMiiya.lie; wcqjoteii®lsc. 1 FODLTdr—Supply i)fra>ei 2'uriuea Qdtck avli>@l2c VB? and do n cUfacti> «l \V and no chance ia quotation* w whica ttfeuoMloaJ/ tUtf t'.W toe Uesa 49diu f-r ol Lird. I>lttiti*lf 110Q —avUu* unly in a retail way at S3 su& 16 lor n a; lor S! -aLlOW—tirjjano»upply IgLt at 10\'c. B VlUi'ii rliil—adv*nc-n* With ills commencement of Lew, we<juoU»4jir4.iilorNo. ibkJ-buU. fcUUAHci aND ii»eXohofflugare theUtcit ii. a. Jloitcr furiielciei'e; i>oume ....113: fcm*L bujui O ....llSc LroutcueuKAi, liußWc ttctlrea... ......JlKc _ B liTi X LirilAltCU ftUfc.J V 11.1k roirtf &ellbe<l. ....liAL C u ivfcc ccmt.. A- t;i. { rl- .. . • ii is « . «tu-o i.-ow-u.ii X\\. tr»w T .V Ci'. LVi—(joliituiyjur ~7 c *" tbi <sc ktgr. u* • x llovoittiiiit ui hreaatiua»-M.Tiarch 5 *&x:ttb at inn.WAitk l tiou Wu't Ucra 0»U lUr. CaL Hue j biu- DO. i>4L ik. i»a. t\u. ctv. 7 Uw . u hK.CJ t7- \l\'i 4 u t ii 5&... *.-• .-...1... U.A. fctf . .. <UU IB i.. - 7i> 7u - liou 3 ii, 70 4* 4.U bui .... Ui U*J 0 >-.j M >a.- el .... i£u hj A aaui-. :w > • 7~Ui Jii ~6> U9 jliu xol*. #2..7 Via Live block xarket. L*Jtfc CAIA A*i» 'UlTMtli lA*o».{ J BX rttn t'.U *OJi. i 'I [UariMtTiforuJly I falter >u/ UxV>^** M>aM, IVI UU •*«* Ultdiiy IM imUC.J d tloctre.uvcu.u. t>c.k Vfl C«u.c. •• y»i tccp. WtiUiA ;* Cvw*. Total I auTTUt tr a. c. il t. ( EatVb A GUiaple » £. a rrcs uu W ** J UU DiuXUibOil "7 *' • iid *' ' j MOuijre U " | 170 - 1 Van Binnt A WUru'.s.... lUj Hogs. kjujiwa « Aaaiuj JUu " j •I'aU. 1845 j lU*la.t>ckie:£litnla.<'i ab-.cpidfor Wc«k,4.2)i. CtAii. o 4JJ o.aaij. - y caiUC. t.oia K 3^. CklekUl om bcUei qu«uiv. liotu u> 4K. b*le*oJe* cxt.a c«iUc, lr«.ml)>>u>4\'. bales uf aoeeti, Loua u» +4 per iwt. b«lc«o( l-« 7 b.g* lroia4iiiW>* to toaiu el k>owaand Culfij to 12)£SS,U0 per head. boon veclrea few of the aalet. welfhu, etc.: eclierA Buyers Mo. UcUtt. Free ocjiovur " xa " 42,1>» 4,^0 VviuU tlarter. ** ia.Wi l)aic .tre«(>& l>t ** <i^7 iiona .. .itecft la BUfk JiLHJ 2.(4 >Vwua 14 i>lW Aiiiucw... ires on a M s,'n) 4.00 juwaid.u uUi 1m Sheep ll.uw *^7 &4 " ii.^7 Ob M " C«>OJ 4(A) i»uor ut How ii.loO mii fcUciUCU ** i«> " i>.l.. M 116 " ii.U lAviuCaWu ** ma " 6,;u& It W Uo.d s.ockofall klnka in demand at the above luicw. Btflo«we»lFetacnajii»o[ ur.vot. Btoc*£c.: carriA Cd Dole <a J Dotmi 13 doatP*....•••• w L stwUfc 0 A Uuuic4*r 13 tviu Ii n b»jre....: i£> fb Wo-U 4i U > ward W £Cvmu Jl J o-raucr i>i £. UowcT ill £ utMieuback 8 A t iTt-a.ou. llrfi *l4 ati 17 1> I*u*j U J Vfcvena sj Ua Ai.dre«ra..< FaUe.ayccAftl 10 *IOmO I.U ©ejiiiuu j nuna»ori& 75 llutiWieljD. a A V 17 J Aurae " Um* ro«si. to alt .(Johns ii J ia J *" f/2 jucnmuiia Ao» &3 illiHaser *rS tfMbriiß.. iu«lfiautJi £ Total ***fe mtr. lid C Loiler. M O F rmmertOD CI Tvti». Foreign A arrets* P« [Urwoou Feb. 17. BaciOiT 'IT3—Met7C Hlchardao , Spence A Co- quote tht m*r»el verv auli and » let *m >ll. h*otui.,»B—Vjiiex but steady. Larl daU bu\ firm iv 60l .A»be»dpU: peans SJa poU 3J»*d. fl-B*r steady Coff.e qulei. alee quiet, LoSDOI. F<b. 17 Boca ■ but steady. Oißee qu'et easier prirca foraimeqa-l.tlea tboa<n not auot»t>)* lover Average buil .0. Ot> Jis in tea witoout au> quotable ctu&ce. Con gou isCi. Loapos. Friday Morning Feb. 18. Li.r*"T—The Tint* and Xtafiy Sen* both itpuit fundi timer y->terday, «d a .ee.ln< wevali&g at ao aavanoeo X Tue market, liopcrer, U luaLlmaie. X)»> {kunt market oucnaaged. Faa Jot A.l LrvnrooL, Peb. 18.1655. BatiD-TLTW.—Bichardtou tiseaee A Co. report flaur dai u tu+d* ■* beat dull pot steady; Wrsierb Ked Coroouu; mixed aad yeilov &« tOd: tor «tAu 7aldft7>«d. Bet? atj*4y. Fork do t jiacoD fl mar bat qu ew Lard dull, but held atCQa. eugar dull, wiui»»' gui Jeclineoalo* Cr»dcs. OoOeefalr. ioazwx MaaS«TA—Btrlog Btol. quot« BrearlstotTi del; *roo steady: Wn«b lulls 6460! Sogar stcaay. Oooajlacosca both for maney ao# ace out. Mn, e; uach.t<gei. Baid><n la luiu lacrcaaed £287,0ua American seaorUUs uncaar g»d. Mew l.'ork.ißarket« rßr Tiuaaxrß.] Nmr T«u. March 7. IBS. Ft oa -Buoyntit s.t & ftrthrr odrtftce of &c* iO.OOOb^I-at4s t*i6.BS for suprnine state: 16 6C&i-7fr for. xhikdo; Jorsarofinewatero; K-74<if ijo.r abipu Di br-ji 't exiraroua* bo<*p Oblo— buojan*. Oaniffian fl .UI ttnn. bale* 66 bbli at 17.60 loi* tatra. Atioo r>rfii\iruM^o94SS liAA'S—WbeUadV'Dcei 3 cetiU. STOOObu at •l.«}»rwluUjTed #cKern : bO forwuite ilichl «a : 11 W tor taix-d wnUru; 1160 lor r»d sou bro Bed-iil 'vles ir «Wkf ba Jctmht. at Ws. B*ri»r a»Ji«e. ha'e* UUo>bust.u? aod ' aiail-ji, at C<>m inner, baloa 'Ji.OOiboai 66*i:c Ijt ne» yen.w »ootb* crn: c Doculcal'y for n'ted v-strru. c*t- dail •1 16+bic for stale, anJ (UdtJc for wetfern and Cana dlio. Wai-tt—Dull. Sales 100 brli at F*ovutloat.—Pork UDiufiUged. bale* 4flobbliat 117.87 f rurv ni'«K «l7S7;orot(l do, a d US li to, pmr—ln clulitgl6 it i-bl» m-M-t-'ler» opUou live m tuhafior t ela'.wl April >.tl 6; «id(»bb-a mesa''ehen option foarttratbk a 117.67. Href firmer &al< 8.0 bi-w at Itk4o«7oof r |Or 1 efai*eJ Chicago; «lJAu£li 76 far rjctra d«; pnme icr«. firm bai qa et. fin bun<~Bua i 2& bbls ax «1< fti dl7.7fc BaO>oflulei. bm^ktdhas* lotfc. Lard dull, h'.i'-.f Ur'Swd l>ogt qoiH at fcSfc Better str :d> al iiwlfio for Ohio, an 17037 c for Mate Cb«eae flran-t s3l te. On: m>at* fealty 5» LACkact* for for ban*, la o* finnai <t)*c Kjw*— .tciivvuuiana. Bales 14.000atSScforBaenoa Ayre»; sc <O. Orinoco «anddnH Ufifit, 1874.105*: ICtmds IfCS «fc Jliriro prvfemd SWt e i-'» «- ;e*: Do (oar. «aw«it fmn-iiin; c« 1 wc mm FA&aS&'S BKION i'liiK LfcSDBANCt 00. OvllllHd BsrHot, A' 50,000 ooancncur kdtdal um 00- Aeadnd Oajlnl ISO. B. Affltim. Jtr . ' Ka4MaaQdaVwUa.Qhkva.BL Jnsutance. gTATEHENT. OF THE CONDIXION OF THE PEORIA. §* MARINE & FIRE ItfsE'ltJSCE c o m i* -A. it -sr „ j-n I \< Peoria, Illinois, tj FEEETIAItY YV2SI, 18S9. , iTirnnt of 1U Ow'Ul Ftoc v aSOO.OOO iSIS'Sr iS Oiiltsl Ftodtl<aldnp.. #».»» ( , The Assets «t tbe Conpanj art 7°.; Csah't. hiulJ and inland, of arnnts ,! ®RSS o. 1 v-tat**. U' iDcnmbemi ® r-jtbe Oo- drawinglOperct-.... SB.7W 00 Loan% secure** bv Mortgage of jteol Es ate. Loss w .,rJi n«*aMe the emocnt 1 aced thtrton, .. d Iwl « U per cent l trrest...... lU.M3 n All o ai « 1 e fee r.tles. conrsUtu of discounted b la o *«s. <:ra is and are ptanres matar* ln*di-ls having trom skit tonl ety dayt Th fr.<n date to tun. dtawiiu 13 vet cent. In- by tl terest ...itwjim j U cj Total LUbUUICS. Amonrt .'n' or not dor to Banks or other creditor, Oert ofth-Compy y.... none- Losses «d<u ted and doe B ,°?S Utates ad]un«d and not due AJ oicr claims against the now. Conj prov DIRECTORS: ggP' Isaac nndeihlO. terals. M ' I ™* " nXntf' Via. A. Her Ton, ** Jl*™, Wm. B. Phe'ps. *' Phli? " ! \ r ' l tte IEAAO UNDFKBILL. Prest. JJJ OHAS. HOLLAND. Ssc'j. e>li Art J.Aug. Wright, Agent, sa fort 148 Sooth Water St.. 148 ram DOLE'S BUILDING, CHICAGO. hel jfeU cSlt 4w] PHCENIX . 1 INSURANCE I c o 3xl F -A- IST "ST , .. cc Hartford. Conn. * 8; fc. liOOtdlS, President* i t H, KELIiOOG. secretary. | WP&TERN. BRINCH OFFICE, oxzroiA iv Ji'A'x. N] t M. MAGILL, General Ansnt. STATEMENT OF ASSETS, JANUARY 8,1859. gl Exaalned and approred by the Andltors of Wisconsin, jojriT ipdlsoa. Ohio. Illinois and Tennessee, in compU a anrf with the Laws ol those States, ; l' CAfetH CAPITAIi $200,000 00. j il . ♦: CASH AESaTS, 1419,084 69. 6 Cask, on hand and In bank. • 11 " due and 'rom Agents w7* '• ** 14®7 shares New vork bank stocks »l «£W 1100 H Hartford - - » Am'tloanedotfMortgavesof SimSo •* *• " Pledge of Bonk tock« a=isW no a MWatCTßond,rftEeto.n of New Britain. a Connec«lctit..... Skthi (!n T lOOPimn, Konds. m.rsntecd J.g" [« Accumulated Interetf on investments.. ZS&i w Real Ectate cwned by the Company onlncum- co bered 6.466 71 tbl '* Total Assets SUSOM_6« it Liabilities, bring unadjusted lottet and those j potdne SJLv« uo °* The foregoing Butemfntaae«entsroch a view-of the ] re Oomoanv's posttloj as mustTmprm the; conviction on the mindi of all its so vtficy atd healthy condition. Theraou tcf itsllabUtUesis less than Companies do -8 Uuwlawe and extensive-a bwlne«s generally .riiow •no long and large lirt of unpaid louea,'* as a set cB agalns» acnunnlatlons a'e se»n b re if. iherefrre. jou want lesuran'* In a First-Class Insu 1° rmoce Oon»p-»ny.goto the "PIItEViX thronjhanyof Agent* and tour application will be re eelvM and busiaeas promptly attended to. m (y a gents In most of tbe pr jmlnent towns and cities " r ° b'kaSohWiCE, No., 31 and S3 "West Third-St., op j, ut«l*e Mas nlc Temple, locinna LO. ...... . Li B rdtii' sr trass* Branch extended w .la « d AtenL 0f hlm! MaGILL 1 Spedal Agents and Adjustira, U llnbbard A Hont, ChUago Ag>to. iNStraANCE. c <c 5 l Mason & Company, Asents, « ik n Xl DOLE'S BUILDING, CHICAGO. a: T- CTATEMENT OF HE CONDITION OF u / the MTTOAL LI*E CO . tbe Ist day of J«ctian. Ifo9 as :it Auditor of Public A"C'Unt* of tbe Btate of llUtcia pur* „ *usn:tothesiatuteofthat Mtte. »if.inm ti r - The rame of Uie Company Is The Mutnri uf.lnra lt r nc '.ompany." andlorat d lathe dty of New loric. ASSETS. n 1. The amountof cash cn i.and }*, u JC i.... In ba-dsofAgenU. estimated.. Si-Oww t S. Be I E*ate. uniucumbere'.e ............. W..W03 " 4. ue :he Co . serurel by l*t lelts 03 ital ct ate, valued at twics tbe amount . 10aned....... * 5 D bL o:herwi»e Tione. 7.'i ti D 1 h j due 'r«m premJcms (take do premi* . ui-a rot*al * None, f' T. Alt "•berte-uriU'-t-bands given by agents £J f _ m , to secure oa' w j U> LIABILITIES. Losteiadiutt-dandDotdue nSnuR .. nut justed. ouw«) Tnegieat s amnnni one ri»V. I\",000. amount to u-ei in any one risk in Towc, Village, urß—as much aa the people will pay •or. . I ttf (•. kiokii.) . Ce t flcate to Expire tue atst day of January. IS6O. m. Acpfoa'a rnox Btate or Iluw;iO • i>. apnnafleid. February Ist, 1859. S • Whereas, tte Mutual Ufeln«uraacp Oompar v, located . *■ at New \ ork, in the Htate of New iTcrk. has fljedlnttis * office a statement of the conJitloo ofi's aflalr«, as re autre • h« "An Actn re« lat" ihe AKenc esof InsU'apcs Companies n«*t Ineorwatrd by the fcUte of Lln«l». tie. ap.roveo February 14. ISSS. and an Act amendatory tberrt v approved January ,s3, lho/; and. *he.ea». said Company baa furnisbei satis'actory evidence that it is toss ssed ot tbe required amount of cwltat Invested In stocKs and mort<ageA aod n»s filed in tbh«>ffice a writttm insuuwei-t sliced by tbe ana B«xctarr there ot. anpMntig R. F. Mason, of Chicago. IU a«ent for the transaction of tbe bu«ine»s of said Comyany. snd fully „ unreservedly aotborlalng bim to »c»otwledge aer* . jice ot prcce»« for and on brbal'of jald Oomraw. con senting that service of pioce supon him. tbe said Agent, shall betaken mdbeldto be as*alid as If termed upon the Campanj, and waiving all claim of error by reas jn ° Now, toerelore. In pu*«uance of the orovWons of the Act a'ores»ld I. Jesse K. Dubois. Auditor of Public Ac conn's of ibe t-tate of llllnoU do bereb* certlft that ibe sa'd K. F. Masonlsau'horiaed a« an Aceot fur the faid Company to vranaact the tn«\Le*s, of Insurance la thl» 8 ate. u-.til tbe thirty first day of January in the je«r eighteen hundred and sixty, to far as he may be legally ocr empowereQwjtoCobya^dOoir.pVT. In testimony wbe'njf I have bereucto subscribed my name and atbxed theaealor my office at fenrlogneld. t ia 11 st d»y of Fedroary, A D. , ce 1859. JE:SIE «<• DUBOIS. Auoltor F. A w.i<o QTPlease notice the following Oompanies: S MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New Tort ;JJ SUN MUTUAL MA&INE INS. COMPANY, Of New York. 'iw CONTINENTAL INSUBANCE COMPANY, ° Of New York. Ell NOKTH AMERICAN INS. COMPANY, I"" Of New York. SECUEITY INSUBANCE COMPANY, Of New Yrrk. . U GOODHUE INSURANCE COMPANY, ■ jS Of NewTork, NEW WORLD INSUBANCE COMPANY ' la Of NewTork. ■fi MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY, ! V. Of NewTork. "J 4 STATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, .. JJ Of New Haren ;; te Capu I. Porclioater, Inspector, j® fegc3Wlm Office 61 Pouth Water*>t. Chlcaco. gY STATE AUTHORITY .-■Jes OBOXOB lat OZ.A.IS XKBUBAHOB ruads —— 'i,S (nK>rporated 1819—Charter FerpMUl. 55, CASH CAPITAL SI,MO,MC. and Unlmpared for With a SaFpliu of 9660,140 10» l And the prestige of 39 years saoeea and experience. ul, rheOanitai alone beine double that af any Fire Insu* _ raaoeCompany in the Onited Btaiea. istufis ,i ABSCTB. JULY, lat, IW. „ . "» Cash on band and deposited In Hartford s.Oya *139,1*4 if Cash tn tracslt and hands 144.719 QS aß.TreaauryNotes,fcoercent.interest- ..^*OOW 146 State Bonds. 146JM 00 lone? due tbe Oompany, aeoered by moiV JKL <«8 04 n ., M Real Catate unincumbered. ®WB3°l Bun Bills receivable 64.496 84 ?*:'* suanrrAUra. ■ if. 1(1 80nda.6,7, anil 6V> lnt«r«tannu- . 1 ally ISLStO 00 *7.60 jp tharvs Railroad Stock. &.T79 00 M shares Connecticut River 00. Stock.... L 960 00 shares Stafford Bank Stock A9*o 00 Wlchl- 10 shares Waterbury Bank Stock (,3(0 00 h-m. 96 thares Providenee Hank Mock... I.BH 00 « ii» e. £.839 thares Hartford Bank ato>«& BQ.IU H C«ru v ,m «hares New York Bank tfiock. ML74O 00 tooth. u shares Jersey Otty Bank stock LSOO 00 10U thares O.S. Ttust Co. New York Stock. 11J00 06 uana jUO thares New York. L. L and Trust Oom. ÜBi Aock»» HTM 00 •17.87 n.awMf) i; tr—ln- TOTAL LIABOITmt . L*s; QuMiviataliianotdM. (lauMß opnon —- t»»n Lmm ■fltaklr Mluttd u< Pnaytlf Paid. pno:e ■■ -■ «l<ki UFWABDS OF SU«000,000 of lom haye been i dull. piJd the Jfcna Inattranoe Oempaay In tb* pact M &t£ j»c for I Fire and Inland Navigation. taenos Ksk* aeoepted at tcnas nrntjalsrl with solvency act Wr oroflt, ilmdi ■■trisiaagßttoo giyen ta luwitawoM>wdßao aad d Oootentt fortenatofbf ooeorßreyeara. soar. Organised «n a VATIOtf AL baA. .wtth awadet In .set uu ig enabled to over botn iDSMxiay lot tot 0. !■« im n.ooe »nachoae»inTin.«w<. ainimii VMM MMBtedVmtlh ffl®atnhs^»deat,_«l . i. i. mug, (Haniift , ww gpaaAiP awmiaiifc riiinn" Jjysj w.*. tixas.tuu»»«»■ OBANOB. Y.aaon Sc Company, Agents, dolb's buildhtg, oeioaqo. cstatemekt of the condition of A of th" OONTWENTAL INS, CO., on the lit day of \ f January. 16H.r-adeto the Auditor ef Pabhc Acop«ts *lljl ef tbe state of Hiinoia. pursuant to the gtattxtet of that ca *° Btate: , w er »*' L thenameof the Ooopsoylg ** The lusu rates Company," tnd located in the dty of New n A L ThJaoount o: its capital stock !•■■■ ■••; fiR TB^ g. paldupls.... o/).0t0 00 ,t C 4. ASSETS. BAI 1. Ouhoa band rndln the et. Nicholas B'k. 73 46794 1 Real Eititc None. m I. Bonds »nd Stacks owoed hjr the Co &.912 50 tbro 4. Deb's due-be Co. secored by Mnrigage lMld on Seal Estate worth doab.e the am t 1 ...... iu.tww .j, Bsme secured on Besl Fjrta'e worth at Kg. least 50 per cent, more than amount lo lAtned 4M.JOa 00 T-.- $ loans oo Collateral.. Tt <5, Debts due forpremiuca »»?§« T. All other tecuntles 16.0 8 M t/)n Total Assets of the 00.. SGSJS7 £9 g£| LIABILITIES. Ix All other claims agalat< the company 7.367 0> Tota* liabilities r.e.745 71 The greatett amount Insured la anyone risk It limited upon nSeVato amount to be Insured In one City. Town. M. ] Village orßu>ck. Chi (ORJGISAI..) Certificate to Expire cn the B'rt day of January, IBCO. W ACDrroa't Oyno*. FtatxofUwaoia.l j, j bpringSeld, Feb. 12. { Whereat, the Coaltoental Insurance Company Ircated at New York, in tne State of New York ba« filed in thit cfDce a #tatetn*ni of the eondlt on ot its affile as re- a quired by '"An Act to iegulaie the Arendeaoflnnnnce oom« apies not Incorporated by tneState of llllnol*. at>- A mwed FrtnSry i*. 18 6. *nd ao Act amendatory thereto A asoroved 'anuary S3. t837; and, wnereas, said company jw, has furnishedsStwactory evidencetitrtltIs tbereauired amoutit of oplial inverted in stocks ana mortgages, and has died in th sofli.ea written lrtwume"it _ signed by Jie President and. Ec ytaereot appoin«it.g Ma- Cai son*Cj..ofrhlc«g<>.l t S"aentstortranFact»onoftbebu>l- 81 pe»a oi said 00~ and fullv and unreserved y aoUiorixing cej them to ac oo«lecge ser»ice of process for and on be hai or etlJeomp»ny cj'senUDßjhav Bfrrict of troocra upen them, tbe said agents, aha ibe ta*en and he'd to be Thl m valid as if servel upon the t; mpsny. and waiving all din c!«lmof erro' 1 by reason of such . )*}* Now therefore inpursuince of the provlJorsof the can Art 1 JeTse K Dubcls. Auditer of J»oblie Ao* an countsof tteSta'eof Illinois, dohereb» certify Uia' tbe Fw tatd A uo. of onic*g». are authoriaed as *penU abt for the tald Company to transact the builneti of Insa- pal ranee In this H'a'e un'U toeulrtyflrttda'<t Janna-y, ori In the sear eighteen bu .d- ed and sixty- sd far ss ba may be legally empowtred so to do by aald Corneal y. ... J lnt»tmony «he-eof I ba»e hereunto tutted my name, and affixed the seal of my efflcs, at t Sprn&fieid, bis «webth «sy of February. A. D. —■ 1849. JfceSE A. DCBUIS, Auditor P. A £ IF-Pleaie notice the following Companlej: V. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, TJ Of New York. SUN MUTUALMAEI>BINS.COMPANY, Of New York. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Oi New York. Ci WORTH AMERICAN INS. COMPANY, Tb Of New York. Jj SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, , Of New York. GOODHUE INSURANCE COMPANY, ' Of Ne* York. _ NEW WORLD INSURANCE COMPANY' 01 New Tort Fi MERCANTILE INSURsNCE COMPANY, n. Of New York. ' STATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, « Of New Haven. u Capt. J. DorcUeater, Inspector, " le3£ c3Gslnt Oa«ISO Sooth •Taler-.t- Chleato u , nsrSTTH-AJSTOB- ° s Mason & Company, Agents. " 0 DOLE'S EtIXLDIDG, CHICAGO, o ctTATEMENT OF IHE CONDITION OF pl 5 O the Stats Flr» Insurance Company, on the Si t day oiDeombtr. 1858. m de to the AuditoT of Ac -j cou' ts of the Sute of Illiaoit pursuant to the Statute of - of the Company Is Ibe TState r-6 anee Comuany." and located ' ''li'fl a The amiuntof ita ca V lul 0 ' ASSETS. :e L Ouh «n hand and In bands of Agents.... #J2 BJJ 3 L £ i R-a Estate unlDCumber d JfiW TO X 3. Bonds owned b? tbe Company -113»00 o- 4. Debts d.e the Company, secaredby mcrt- 11QfW . m j w gases on n-at eitaie vv* i i!, * uww iQ 5. n-nkptodts and other Stocka owned by any.... 4,4 J> iw a* fi. DehUdue for Premiums mi-300 ot 7. Ail otber lu I,J w e " I TotalAeetaofthe Company..... %1C3,2£095 J M I LIABILITIES. I p I Lores and not doe * r I Losses unadjusted a m I Total ,a:3s I The create*! amoont Insured In any one risk, <5.000. t Norelessli.m uott. be Uinrol In an. onecit.. a I town. vlUsae or block In the actof Incorporation of tald a o ° mP,m '- (OEtOKSL.) . J 1 Certificate,to thi t'st diy of Jsnnarr. 19G0 B AcniTOß's OmTa. a Tir* or Ilu«oi3 i e I i-'f isoniLD, Feb 15, lso9 S I Whereas. TneSttfeFlre lasar.fcce Compstl. tocat™ t ; |•» New llaven. In f'e 8 ate or Connecticut, has bleu in ( * I tbia office a s atemento'the con'i'lon of l's ;affair* ,as c required hy **An Actio re.uiate the' Aseoetea et lu*ur- t I ance« 'ompanies not orotf dhy tbe n*ate of ltu- \ 1 nnt." enoroved February It, 165 a. and an Act g IF I tory thereto, a'ptov d January -2, 1&57; *, . , e hnMt « h , J«po«t?t«ed of the required amount of rwt*al towied I tn ctoekfland mirtjra es. and hit filed in tblt ouice a u ' I wrtu-n lostr ment, aisne tby t'ie Preeideut and Ce*re- ( « t£?t"r o. aiP-lntingßusbFriabee n. of ChUago, I its • gent, far trie iraos«ctloa o'the t»usln«m cif s»IdOom l pany.a flfsilif andunearrvelltaut'ioiitlnghlmtoack. I now«dge service o f process for and on bebat- of sa'd j 14 1 C»mpa'iy.eonsentingthat«ervic? ot procefS upon Ha io the aaid Agent sbal.b taken and held obe as valid as ] (fl I if tervrd op o theC ropany. and walviug all claim of er- I of the DroT l ßl ° n J li ° f * h c e 1 24 I Act aforesaid, L 'ese K Dubois Auul'or of public -c . I so'tne fltsteof lUin,i4 dobereby certify 'hat t'ie • I said Bush Frisbee Mas >n is author zed as mx> Ag nt for I thfSJrti'ompan*. to tranwt tbebustnesi cf In?urance ' IntbsStaU untlthe tb*r y-drst dayof anuaiy, lo the iv) I •eu' larashe may be le- I galiyemoowerea aotado bysa'd Company. . I 1 Intesilmonv whereot I have he eanto sub«crbed <Y) I myoame. and affixed tne tea'of my olhce, at j un I So loifield, th's fifieenthda* of Fehitiary. A. D. I 1»9. JEiaiiK.DUBOIS. AuditorF.A. « ty. J ty Please notice the following Companies: i ** MDTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, , Of New Yoik. i SUN MUTUAL MARINE XSS. COMPANY, I Of New York. S CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANS, re I Of NewTork. 1" NORTHAMERICAN INd. COMPANY, 23 Of NewTork. • I SECURIIY INSURANCE COMPANY, ten j Of New Tork. 'Si GOODHUE INSURANCE COMPANY, Jlly j Of New York. I NEW WORLD INSURANCE COMPANY, ™ I Of New Tork. s*jn I MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY, the j Cf New York, fbe STATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY", SS I OfNew'Haven. £{ Capt. J. Dorchester, Inepoctor, I Office IMSouth Water St. Chicago. bed I : S l XNSUEANOE. L i , T Mason & Company, Agent s, I DOLE'S BUILDING, CHICAGO. I OTATEMEMT OF THE CONDITION OF I O the New World ?lrc Insurance Cjmoany. onthe lit »Y» I day of January. 1819. m .de io th»» Audit >r of Pubic Act I counta of tbe of Illinois, pursuant to tbe tiUtutes I of that State; • h- "■sstsf sggrsfiStfZ'aL"® | : . CspIUl Stock Jg I 4 ASSETS. '» i L Cash nn band and In the Continental I Bank... #6.129 44 I a Rml *«iate..... none. KY I * B-'nds owned by the OotDpany- ... t3,W CO 4. Debts due the Oomptny. secured by mort gpige no resi e»ta e. Ist lelnt 181 CoO 00 ffT I I Debts<therwUese.ured LOjOOo 'I 6. Deb's due for Premlumt I 7. All other !»T, I Total Assets of the Company 1225.K174 I Liabilities * Note. 1 The greatest amount Insured In one t' sk, 118,000. ro. I No rule as to amount to be Insured In any one city. 1 Y I W| Tbeac»oni«»rporatlonof tild Company, October 1L I 18». ... I . (objobal.) O® I Certificate, to Expire on the Slsl day of I Aratxos'fl Omo*. Stats or lu rsop. \ I »p«iiun ld. January24.l&tS. ) ! Whereas. The New World F>re I iscated a* New York. In the of New York hu'filed I iathii offleea ttalementoftbecondltionof titaffajrt,at required oy *An 'thes agtidtti of fcsur. I aice Companies not iccjipTated by the ptate oi l-a» I ortls,*' approved February »7.1835. and Act amecda- I t rytheretJ.appr ived Januan 1957, and. wherett I tai l O muT bat fonjlshedsatlsfartory evldenc* that It I is pcss"»«ed orthertqaired amount »f capita; Invested I in Ktoe* • and ana bu filed in thiaefficea j written Ibstrumect. • «nel by tbe President «nd»-we fcr» thereof, appointing R. F. Mason and H. F. Prartan. I ofCb.earo. i'a Ag<n «. for 'be 'ryi'actlm of.the bnri 1 rrn of said Oomoany. and ftfty and orr-servedly auuior* I lxlog tbem t»sckoo« ledce service of proeus for and on I behalf of sild CoTpany. consertliet* at sctvire of ito- I eessup'm -he s»id A*ems. ahallbe taken and he'd <obe I aa v* id ai If »erved upan the COTp»ny, and waiving all I claim or e rorb»re*»onofsu:bserrice I Now. in pur .uwce of tne provis'ons of the I Actafcresa'd.l. J-s-rK. DaboUAudlior if Public Ac c-'un'so'thetfta'eo'llilno'A do hereby certify tbat the I said H. F Masoo an*) U. F- Bruton. a e authorixed as DM. 1 tmslneasof I insu ao-eln thUßtate.uitl.thethirt>-fi-ttday cf I *ry. I the yewfiahte.n hundrt dand tlxty. so far at they I' I In tes Imnny whereof. I have hereunto aobtrlbed I mr name, ai d affixed tbes?al of my ofSce, at ence. I fcorlnifi-id. tbl»'Wf*tr fourth daj of January, Into* I A.iTltiy. JEiSEK DUbOI r l . Auditor P. A. j Please notice the following Compa&iet; I MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 194 If I 19 06 I Of New Tork. | So S I SUN MUTUAL MARINE INS. COMPANY, H8 04 I Of New York, jgg CONTINENTAL INSURANCECOMT ANY, aim. Of New Tort Moo NORTH AMERICAN INS. COMPANY, Sum Of New Tork. MOO SECURITY INSURANCE COMPiNY, so 00 I B7S 00 I Of New Yotfc. lion GOODHUE INSUAANCE COMPANY, HOW Of NewTork. NEW WORLD INSURANCE COMPANY, —I Of New York. MmCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY, ' M,, or Hew Tork. Prid. STATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, been I cw HaTen. Ast m I capt. J. Dorchester, | fe3S<3M,lmo O&ca 160 South Water «L, Chisago. Northwestern insurance Comp'y, b and OSWEGO, NEW YORK- I (KgyaausxxD at 1S&.) 4esta Ci*lUl IM,M« —With a Larjr* Sirplu. *,.*& J fnffi PUBLIC ABE RESPECTFULLY IN ended I I hemrtthat Mr. JUUUI WHITI has been iyai>. Hlnm I potntedaceotof lUaOomsAy. and is alonv stboriaed lor the I tolssueaad renew policies In Chicago. . *tm. \-ASSESS k"" ■" """■ mddKt. - i s«nal I«»«tJßslwMrtj a#i«jd and > ,1 rmBKF ©ransportation. Buffalo, Cleveland and Chicago lilne of SCHEW kteameks. O ON THE OPENISO O? L4KS Nl.Vl nttrn tbe Pr-pneton of this Tine _ ' *lll not on Jbl'ronte from Boffilo to CM- „■ cago, Seven First Class a 1 screw Bttam- ■■MmM Dw en, of great t rangth and need. Fonniflf la Tri«We«kl7 > Line, _ 2£ rosnlot in coonect'cn at Bufftlo with tbe NSW \OB* CESTR4I. B. and the AIEECHANT4* OEN TRaL LINK or OANaL bp 00 tb- Erie CanaL aad »t CleveUod Vltb tbe CLEVELAND A PiriSßUßGil BAILH )aD touchingatDetrelt, U^ckina&Bbehojgan. Fort Washington. MHwaukee. Racine, Eenotha and tbroogn receipts tor property destloed to petwlt Clcve taad. Buffalo andallwaystatioctOD IheM. Y. Central. A Boston and Wirc«st*r Kailroadi. ana prtn a ci 3.! plae ion tbe Line 01 tbe Erie Oin«L Albany. Troy, Hoi Boston, rfewYcrkaod PitUbuih,and frommoseplacet and to Pert Wasb<ngton. Milwau&ee. Badne, oft K*no»hv waukegan Ind Ctic^*o. . 801 Toe liberal patronage extended to the lane tbe past ~— season by the 1 raveling public, hat tndocei tbe Prrpr e- _ ( torstog-e Uy in:rea'etheir accommodaa-nfor pas-en- . <e'«. and tbo-f detlrlng a cheap, safe and comloriaUe \ rout*, willflndltby t*»ln»»hlt lloe. . . XJ Insurance on property »hlotei by <bls line can bj op- mo talnedstalesiratetbanbyanrotofcr, t having within srx tbttvo p>at aeanoottraniported cropertt to an amount - 1 txcecdliig sixteen million doiart Li value without any ld *Jlth these unequalled facilities, the proprietors hope A to receive a liberal patronage. Q CONTBiCTING AGXST3: J* 1 nlt More, Agt. N. Y. O. R R-, No. Broadway. N.Y. 3L B Spaal'llcc, ■> g*. f pau'clac*. Express, 210 Chamberlin. Thomas * 00.. Fronletor* of Mfrcnanli Central Canal Line. No 191 Broadway. Wew_Jork. J . W- W, c handler, Genl Ft. 4 gt do do Cleveland. Mix A worri», Foraardlng Merchant, do J. J. do do Mllaaakee. ijlcbmond a Co., Cor. dark andEo. Water.ita Chlcico. r. SHfcL n ON PKASK. Mansxin* l\ Ofßcefootof MlchUanstreet, Buffalo, N. T. r mhl.lm-c335 A TLANTIO ROYAL MAIL STEAM NAV i\_ jgation Company's New York and Galway Line.— Tte next departure ttoa New ?ork wlllbe the Bteamahlp Frinoe Albert, __ Captain T J. Waters, to aali frcm New York, on the 81 day of March, touching at St. Johns. N. F. to re ceWetbe Boyal Malla Prices of Passage:—Unt Class. gM; Beeond. 150: ibtrd. ISO: Including ticket* to all the orindoai cities on railroad roatesln Great Britain. r.,i Third Cists must provide plat*, knife, fork, A"%, and bed- et dtot plSu» t. 81, Johns. Blrtiiua. »36; Second. Ulaw.Vtt. ForfreWitor paaage inquire of the Ameri can Exp essCam.'anjr, 01 Hudson street. 64 Broadway, -r and av tbeU other Advertised offices In the Interior. V Fassaxe In tbe th'rd class can be secured at w of the 1 orlromGalwajforWO. HOLLAND, UaoaEer. -- JAfi. O. FABGO. office ol American Express o<u No. 30 Dearborn Street, Chicago. /• New York, Nov. 13.1t68. noil bsm 6m I CHERRY CREEK AND PIKE'S PEAK Kl EXPBESS. Mi Tbroogh to the Gold Mines in Ten Day?. J JOHN M. HOCKIDA.Y A CO., Proprietors and Contractors of the Great Bait Lake and Cherry Creek United S.ates Mall, will ran a daJy Express Line of Ol Concord Coaches drawn by Six Mules, = Tbroogh from AtrMson. Kanras Territorr, .on theHreat Wtsttroßendof Uie Misaoorlßlverto UENYEft OlTIf. at thri ticotn of Cherry Creek. ThltL'ne Connects w;th 'he HANNIBAL AND ST. JOE BATLBOAD, I By a Daily Line of Steamets. I This Is the onlv dailv line of Etazes to the Gold Mines, with stopping places and relays 0! Fresh. JVlvtles JEjivery SO Miles* Passengers by thU line wiU be taken through from AtchU s-mto the Gold M.nes In Ten Dji. being TWENtt DAVfi lew time than by apy otherconvejance. H I pare through to Denver City, Cherry Creek, fIOO from AUb'son. will be board-d through to tbe mines, blving esUb.lilnd Eating Souses every I twenty miles. Fcrty Its. Baxgag e will alsa be allowea gj e, | h ,£SS'will »««■■ In mind that «ICO pv i thelr fare » j and Board from Atchison to the mines anl freight oa J I 1 rceketi for sale from CWcagi a' office of I theChleaeo. Burjlniton AQulnc> Ballroad Depot, j Oniy Six flckeU to be told per d«y, commendog j Tta will be rcadyfor gale In advance on the ] 10th of March. I John M. Hockiday & Co^ I Proprietors of tbe Doited States Mall LJne to Salt Lake j jels-2mco6 and Cherry Oreex. 1859. THE American Transportation OOMPA N T. 4 1 1 incorporated nnder the Laws of tbe State of New, York 1 CASH CAPITAL, $900,000. 1 JOHN L. KIMBERLY. PresJdeDU 1 I FRANKLIN LEE, Vice President, t ' jAMtSC. EVANi Sec'yandTre&s'r. t /-\N THE OPENING OF NAVIiiATI 'N 1 I II Ihli companj *UI he prco«r-1 to toanioort Pro ■ I DerlT. Merchandise. An., from he» York. Boston. Alhjny ' I a*id Troy to an> of tbe Western dtiei A ao. Flou*. Pro* viaioni, produce, 4 c., from orthe lAke Ports to tide I wiier with as creat care and dispatch, and at as ww ! I rates as by a.v other responsible lloe. at the same time . i I flying through of lading for all property when ae- 1 ' I Compasy of elshtstanach Prop«l'ers, to p>y between Buffalo and Chlcagv. toaching e>* route .I at Sheboygan. Milwaukee, Racine. Kenoshaju-d Wauke i gan. Havi'g at ,; blsag» ample facilities and wa*ehouje I aocottmodatlons for the receptioQ. assorting iblo pin< of all articles entru»te-i tj their c*rfc which w[U be J 1 I ond>T the dlrectloo of tLeir Agent, who will give hit ] I sontd attention to the fulfillment of oontracts, acjustm.nt I ° Atour'oompaoy haw a large Uaeof Canal Bo att os I I tte trie GanaL and are about to establisa a line of Steam 1 I Canal U-'awaiso. we 'eel warranted in representee to s curnumer'n« customers, that Weycanrel» upon greater ] - I dlsnacbaad»tleasr*t*sthanhuh retoforebeengiven. i- I We.therefore, »"kt:epnbllcto con-loue the patronage ' so libera lv bestowed upon as during 'he o«t four years. 1. Offiiesand Docks on Market be;«een Washington and I 'otIA9. F. OHAS g . Agent. - I Steui Ferry from Co an til Bluffs to Omaha City ! NEBRASKA, NO. 1. i 5 nnms boat has the capacitt 10 - I J' carr* 12 Wagons and Teams at each trip, and I has taken o»er at one load 300 head of Cattle, and she can make 40 crossings or more *ach way In a day. am • I will be abls to ferry over from fonr to Ave hundred « I wagons and teaois from sunrise t!> sunteteach day. ' e I We atsoxe travellers, who we going to the ir I Nebraska - Gold Mines, e Utah. California, Ore«on auo Wasiilagton Territories, s J that the road«trO"» Fairfield. low* OitT, l)nbUQne. and I oolcts Intermediate by council Bluffs and Omaha City, d I and up the north side o' the FlaUe tUver. are betttr, i I nearer, and more abandanily stocked with wagons, K horses, mules an 1 cattle, provisions aod goods, than any ] other. And wuh tue settlements and towns, and tbe I regular and well*e»tabl]saed line of Mali Coaches al* reidy extending to Fort Kearney and soon to be ex tended all the way to the mlnet, itls no longer a wilder* » ness route througo an Indian country, but can be tra vmedassaMywidcotntortabW aad much more easily than aoy of the r-»ada through BUsaoori or lowa. I There it not the tame length of road In the United * I Riates. so level an leatirelv without marshes, slowhs or I bad places and so nearly strafgb v The streams on the I northsideof tbe Flatteareali bridged, except the Loup ' I »crk. and here the Western utaii! OomoM| noil I 'Vor the Council Blnl, and Nebraska Heir) Oompinj. I jalft-3m-c8 - 1859...C0LLINGW00D L1NE...1859 £s£Es£ /"lOMME.VGIN'G ON THE OPENING OF ly NitU, 100. the following A Ko. 1 ne» and jsreest fOUNTAIN 0.11. 1 if EVERGREEN CITY,Oapt, uss, 1 Hall. » r I Leave Chictuto from the foot of Lat*die street. South 1 ' I Bid* a. T-Speocer a Co.'s wharf, on Tuesday, Thursday I and & lurd»yeveaingi. at 8 o'doJc.Umltag points- I f*r north at Two I Rivers, and «t Mack'nac . _. . . Through Bills of Lading given from Chicago and ports I on the west shore of Lake Michigan, to~Boston.JNew York. Montreal and all the principal points In the Eastern I and New England SUtesaad Canada. 1 way for MoatreaL Quebec. Portland and.Boston and lakeOnuriosteamws or Niagara Palls Oswego, Cape ,tj Vincent.and at Oj?densbttrg with the \ermont CentraJ p I R«Uroai for Boston and intermediate points on Vermont l«t 1 Central between OgJensborgb MdßoUon. icr | Tbe above Line is unequaUed for regularity and dis hes patch, for Passengers and freight b«tweeo tie Western I and and New Eauland States and Canada. ,« For irctot or « R CoA „ nU . I la2MmcM * FootofLasalettreet.Ohlcago.llL ft BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP Ag i.XNJS. jjjnß I ■■■£ The Bteamsh!ps ** FEISEAS BPRAGDE. Oapt. Matthews. KENBINGTON. Capt. Baker. CO CITY Of N«-W tuRK. CapL Howes. Form a BrguUr IJnr, 00 Miih, with great regularity from eaeh port The«e 00 I Ptcamers are >taund> and strong, and in all re*oectt 3° I weU fitted and provided 'Abey have good, acecmodaUons» 00 j for passenters, and freight or all kinds is taken at fall 1 rales. These Steamers Tun in close connection im tbe PennsTWanla JWlrosA, Md so;J> "J Mrnxti with e* 1 Dromi>tn'«9 and dlipatob. UtSRx WLNBOIt te * j jaisb99Btm No. BJ3 8 nth Whirv*s. Philadelphia. ?<»r Cairo and Aew Urleaus. "* I STEAMEB KB~V FALLS PITY. I mHE SPLENDID FAST Ko X SalliMSteamer I New City ' I Will run, during the eoming Fall and Winter, betweec ny» gt. Louis and New Orleans»sfollows: _ lea I ItaVINQ BT. iiOUIi Oct. 10, 'M, at 10 o clock A. M •*a I do do Oct. 8a 'AS. do do nr- d 0 do Nov. 18. 'ffl, do do I do do Dec. ».*W, do L do da- dQ do Deo. 23, *6B, do do ■ss d 0 do Jan. 18. 69, do do t » do do Feb. 7. do §0 led 3 0 do Feb. 87, '6B, do do ea J jo do M'ch t»>. *B9, .do , dc xe " I LEAVING CAIRO Oct. U. 'S3, at IX o clock P. is. on. 4 " A | O * BU Oct. IL *«. do do asl I do do Nov. MX *63, do do - »or* I do do Dec. la 'W, do do °n I do do Dec. », 'SB, do do ro* 1 do do Jan. 19. 'SS, do do »b« do do Peb. B,do do : all I do do Feb. 8, S9, do do .. I do do ITch 0, '6a. do do tfis For Freight or Paasax* aiv r on board or to tba Arest Ac- /el LSai a LORt 01%. lis wllArt-hltf nu- "f w\ SEINKLE & CO., 'I tl • GENERAL DEALERS IN bed I r,UM»U LATH. BMXBGXiB, tmBUL PICKETS, 40. lA 1 I ximoiutusiLcaoiimm. V I flhiotgo..... I Oar arrangements are gneh at to Insure at all timet a I f|i scTplyoiths different qualities of ry I aLKABLUMBU 1 ' I Joint and Beantltagef all ssset and lenrtiii. oommoßLczn {..l-h.Bhlna^l^^^ T, I of Norway end WhHe Flna. ws always gtand ready to I oomnare with any in this mtrkeC We Invito tbeeallsa»4 I attention of all country and other dealers to our stock cm PT, handandtadlltieifarfllllngardn udepnfeaciL 1 QaMT*oM J* W. KIINILt A ;y, FOREST CITY WATER CURE- I CLEVELAMh OHIO. , mHia INSTITUTION IS DELIGHT- I _l_ FlTLLYaltoatedoo ibeoutsktrtsofa beautifalforeft, | I wnhlntke Umitt of the city of Cleveland and 2}{ otlei | from (be Post Office. The building is new, of brick, and ' | forulalied in tbe best style, Tbe hath rooms are supplied I with pure, soft airing water. Tbe large patronage which , . I ihia eaubllsiitreot tm at present receiving from Chicago IX* I f« » flattering recommendation ol I Its popularity and flourishing eoodition. Dr. Umu and 1 lady, fenr rriy of the Lake View Water Cure near Chi j_ I eaco. ateeosneeted with ibis inaUtaUoo. tl, I Leu :rs of inquiry to either of ibe Phjsidant, will ro- I eel re prompt attenuoa. PR. ti. W. sTHONO. i I V JAMES E. GROKB, X. D j MRS, ntt. J. K. OBOSB. j A* H* TAYLOR * CO., | Puli to Dimension & Bubble Stone, ill. FSOII JOUBT ELLMOIS. JU I |g«M|l Harrison tuula wart tide of Soßth Brantp. OUNDRIES-50 BASKETS CHKRSIES, j so bags nnpared Peachet. jy. so brla Pared Peaches, I fi belt Dried Raspberries, £*£ 90 brU Dried Blackberries. 60 kegi French Prunes. ~ | 10 hatkrtt Hungarian Prunes, I^m % kegi Turkey Prunes. _• I Jottfcwoelved and for nle by WILLIAM LITTLE k j QQ, 161 Soatb Water stroet. del4-iy SS rtHBBWAS-251) BOXES FAKOT TOSS that ] \J MO boxes Fancy Candlea, ■ffi Boginegg (fitttftg. IPZES * BUBTI f> noUNSIL L*o BS AT LAV HO. 71 CHBmrov. ROKTH BID*. Between TUrd ssd Vovrth ftreeti. 8k Lonla. Mfi. yM r , B.U Notary PnbUo and Oommlnloncr «•! Deeds tot every tuta lath* Dalca. «TP References In Chicago teipyfcßrow*Byoan. *• pwttim gna. Uel-ly-TlSa) oaltus o. 93»t. ITIASON 4c CO., I Insurance Agents, !?; Eoles'a B"Vlildins, ff! fafsciiotr f r ""'fntintrrrri g°l BLAOEWELL a. OOMMIMO gej a TTORNIISB AND COUNSELLORS AT •« r\_ LAW. 82 Snuth Clark rtreet, &ppotsto llie Oonrt ** Hove. Chicago. lilinola. Will poetic* in the Federal sodSt«te Ooarti or minds, and la thsßuprtmeOourt of the United Statue. i _ _ _ r t Boikata. BL*c*wsLt, [dtl<] GumW Comxixu _ GOODWIN LABHED 4 GOODWIN- "" Attorneys and counsellors-- > Office No. 97 Waablacioa fctrcct adjoining Lar moo'6 Block. Chicago. Illinois, . , , _ _ HTPMPi A♦ QOOpWIW Pf, C. UUP nAWLOQOBwnt. JB. Jj] GOOKINS THO&XAS A HOBEBT3 1 * TTORNETS AT LAW, 79 AND SI «» r%_ Dearborn Street. Chicago, Illinois. aolS tss* fan w j DBASE i BHO. ™, Dealers in paper hangings,- t ; PAPEB HANGEBB. Ac.. An _,,, , E: House. Slga and Shade Paintera. oeSbllLea ca - BASS A MUX-VET re - TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT « t\ LAW. No. 47 Clark street, Chicago. IXBKISS BASS. OClbtt-ly JP*tPS WCLTtT. fce STEELE a BUXT W A TTORNEYS AT LAW, 58 DEARBORN dt f\ enxrt. Chicago. _ _ _ S I Boom No. 3. Walker's Building. P. 0. Box 4377. a. T. BTCTLE .«....[dc9J......«—•*■ H» MLITt CRAWFORD, SHARP 4 CO., " TIIPORTEKS AND DtiLERS IN CROCK- to JL KBY, Oius and China, fable Cotjerr, Lookicg I G»avr«,lUiioraftQ(i Britannia Lake itr«;er, __ I Cblcago. 111. mhyrafriy 6. H. *. I*. LAFItZZT i TTrHOLESALE PAPER WAREHOUSE, 1 IVV 49 SOUTH WATEH STREET, , Jr I Are cow recelvlai their winter «wek of Fine Paren and re I eastern Book Papers, which they offer at low price* B. I griping paper of erery rt»c and be«t quality. oc7.t>m bi I VULOAN FOUNDRY. I 1-tUSTOX STREET. kBXWBBK FULTOJ' tl I U acd OarrolL Ohlcato. xIL S I HINR V WAiSINGtOB. 5 I fc."acsfacturerof»idoiiaryarnPortib!eßteaia lagjneai p I MaehloeryandKUlGearin*. ti I nrCasUnramadetoorderrGdSepalrlnispreßptiyat- I teodedto. k I EDWARD Q. A3 AT " 1 ATTOBIfBT AND OOUHSBLLOB iT U I SO. 77 SOUTH CIAKK BTSHT. J I OltciiteOoort Chicago I tl NORTH AMERICAN t Fire Insurance Company. c I OF HARTFORD, CONN. * { PAID UP CAPITAL *3OO 000 | Iciore against Lou bj Fire only. I HUBBARD k HUNT, Acenta. Chicago, comer Lasille j I aadfiooth Water ftreeta. NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE COMPA- I K?, of Norwich. Oonn. 1 PAID UP CAPITAL *176 000. , 1 In«nrea«jdnit Lose by Fire. „ THE PHOENIX INt-UKAJWE CO.. I OP THE CITY 07 CHICAGO. I office, 143 Sontb Water Street. I Aalberired Capita!, BOO.ftM I Pal.l In and secured, 173 I ■ASACI>n dibuctobs: I J. F. Aldrir.ii, John A. Misholt I g. O. WtMer, A. Ldward*. I Hiram B. Smltb. I ASTISOHT OIBECTORS: I \?aJsonOarr, o.'II. nulled I 'J lleoccrson. >>niliu. i a, KDWARIIS, President I E. C. WILDBR. Secretary. I GKO. p HASTIKOS, (Jeneral Ac^a'l I LEWIS B. RUNI)KLL,CUr?or?eyor. I Fire, MaftneaoJ In!»od Narig»tlon Insrraoce. j i*u'sg-iy Chicago Firemeu's lnsurauee €<»» offlee V.W. Corner of Lake and CUrk-stß., UP STAXKB, I OATXTAZ* - -- -- -- - «300,000. I DIBEOTORB. I Ttionss Ohorch. aW. Raymond. Geo. W. Dole, r I r. H. Haddock, J. B. BoUford. Orriiurton bop. . I 0. B. F&rweli. W. M. Larrabee, J. TTlidwarda. ; I THOMAS CHURCH, Prcst. s la N. HOLDKN, Ssc'y. JOS. £ BROWN. Snrreyor ' I »q27 'SB y3S-Iv ; Peorii Marine & Fire lusu'uce to. ! 1 0 7 PG 0 B IA. i I CAPITAL $500,000 J I Paid Up in Caih 300,000 , MiRIXE AND FIRE RISKS tSDESWRITIKS ! I OH MOST FAVORABLE TERMS, r I hone* Promptly Adjnsted and Paid at . { UiUAtfencfi s 1 J. ACQ. WRIGHT. A*eat. j j iatbSKUy No.Ha Hoath Water street. Chicago, f WATER WHEELS. VANDEWATER'S ( Uf-ceully smpr«FedJouval Tarbiun 1 I WATEB WHEEL. 1 I OUice, No. 81 Sooth Clark Sttccl, OHIOAQO. I r OFFER THIS IMPROVED TURBINE I J_ WaterWheeltolhfepnbUcwtlbtbefollesteoafldeoee \ I aad aanrance of it*» SUPERIORITY OVER ALL OTHER WHEELS, ; I Wltboat any exception. They are well adapted to (aad > I hAYc been Vested la) Ullls of all descriptions. They glre ' I * TBT STEADY AND UNTFOEM SPEED, :* I And are well adapted U> very high ai well aa verylow * I heads andfalls. They will work well in back water wltb : I ont any material losi of power, and trenot trodbled ' I wltb Ice. asthey are set inside ol the forebay and di»- 4 I chanted nnderceath. It require* a small amount of rear i I In* 10 get np a blgh speed, costs but little to set op. and I I runs upon a step tttat needs no odlniu and will last for 5 I years. This Wheel Is capacleorylelding a power of fron ? I 7o to 83 per cent, of the whole power oftne water (accord- I In* to ine degree of llalsa of wheel) under high heads . 1 and and in all caaes It Is warranted, to work up to r * I the power laid down la the table and to rive satlafscuot I when properly pnt op and geared, a I Sute, wonty andTuwnterrltoHes forsile. * I For farther particnlars see circulars, which can be cb- I talned at thw Agent's Office. No. eißouth Clark st. I FRANCIS HARVEY. Preprietor. .... I ie34-1y»a973 G. J. MoDOURALL. AceaV F THE PE\SSYLVASIA CE.MEAL RHLEOAD. t I The Cavacitu of this goad is no\» Equal to any in I th* Oountrv, [; I Three Through Passenger Trains I BETWEEN PirraaUGh AND PHtLIDEI.PHTA. h ONNECTIKG DIRECT IN THE UNION 5 I V-/ Depot at Pittsburg w!th thwuh trains .rom ah u-1 v^ e »temClu«*lor Vork o o sUi», BaJ -5 I Unore and rtasbicgton Clti; thus furnishing I for the traos»ona>4«a of pa<sengeis unsurpassed for ts I speed and comfort by,any other route. w I Exprtss and fast linc» run throoih to Philadelphia m I wl>boat change of carsorcouductcr*. I Smoking cars are atta--bed to eacn train; Woodtuff s I Seeotng Cars vo eryess and fait traiaa The fexoreas 1 I rans dailr. Mall *nd Fast liarf Sundays excepted. lhre« 3 I dally trains connect olrect for N'w Ifork. -txpress and " I yn e connect tor Balumore and WasMngtou. it I Tralus connect at PlUsbargh with the 9A. &L Cxjikm. if. | Arrive In Philadelphia or .Baltimore at 5 P. 3L And la je I HMsburgh with the 5 P. M- *« »1 I Line. Arrive In Philadelphia or Baltimore at 8 A M, Dt } STdlnNtw \oikaii.3oP.M. t Trams leave PUtr I Dorgh 6 A.M., arrtTlsg at Philadelphia II P. M., New m I between Philadelphia and New York; I Two eaily trains between NewYort and Boetom Tt^opgb I llcketa. (all it all) are good on either ol the above Itm I Boat Tiekeis to Boston are good via Norwich, rail I RiTeror atontnjton Lire*. _ , . . #.v-« s I Tickets Eastward may be obtained at any of the lm- P | portant railroad offices In t e West: also, on boardlany r* I of the regniarline of steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio h* I rivers; and tickets Westward at the offices otthe Oam. C I r*ny in Boston. Mew York. Baltimore or Philadelphia. I Fare always as Low as by any other Root*. IS * I 9~Ask for Tickets by Pittsburgh,-*! t . .. The completion ot the oonneouons of the •U I Pennsytvaola Railroad to OMcmo osaaes this the Direct Line Uiiceen Me £a*t and ths Great he j Sorthtcat. I The connecting of tracts by the Railroad Bridge at 1 Plttsborsh. avoiding all dxayage or fenlage of Prright. I together wi>h the saving of time are adraatagesreadlij I apgreadated by slupperi ol freight and th£jtt*TeUag I P Parlies shipping Eastward wQI flad it to their advaa* I tage to ihlp by route. . . 1 freight contracts or shipping directions, avp*y to or 6 I address either or the following agertts or tie company: fc I D a Stewart. P.t> sburgh; DojleAOo. Btubenn&e. 0; I H 6 Pierce AO*. ZanetnUe. O; J J Johnson. Mlpley. 0; _ I B McNeely. Ma)s*Ule. Ky; Onnsby iCnne. u I „ I Brown A Co. Cincinnati 0: Athera A Hlbbert, tUneton». U I ti. 0; RO Meldrum, Uadlioo. Ind; wiuiam Blagham. ' I Loo.srUle. Ky; P G t/Riley A Co. KvansvWe, lni; J I N WGraham A 00. Cairo, id: K FBaw. St. Louis. Mo; 1 I joha H Hams KashrUle. Tena; HarriskttjfflV ep ' I phla, Tena; Clarke A Cj. Chicago. Ill; WH H HooaU. I 1 Alton, 1U; Murpoy « Walle, Dubaqoe, Io**: ° r to * j F.tight Agents of Railroads at different point* la ue ! I "Se greatest facilities offered for the protection and *• I speedy tracswirtatlcn of Live Block, and Good Aocotd- D I modatlons with tuual privilege* for persons traveling la D I charge thereof. I I FREIGHTS WEBTWARB. o I By this gt:ts of all dlsoipUons can be tor o I waned hum Philadelphia. New Vor*. Bosioni or Ba-ti o I more.toanypoUtoa tne raUroads of Ohio. Keateaty. 0 | Indiana, Wisconsin. lowa or Missouri, by tall I Pfncgylvassa Railroad alto connects sA Plttsbtagh I with steamcra. bywrlch goods can_be forwarded to anj I pert on the Ohio. Muskingum. Kentucky. Tennessee. I cumbertand. Illinois. MlssisJppl. Wlacoaaa. Mltepuri, » , I Sacsas. Arkansas and Red iUrtn; and at ©evelaad. I and Chicago :0 - j jand fiWpperg eatniftlng the I of their ire'gbt ko thl. company, canrely wtthcoaaieac® j. 1 0 to any pctot in the West ty the * I Ptnnxalvaala art at aU timea as faToranle at | «re charged b» other Baluoad Combanlea. w I ciTße particular to mark packages TlaPeafli.». 8. jm- I Merchants la the West ordcrtng goods from the East will do weU to direct theiMP be shipped by thlsrouifc I Paries auendlng to their owe shipments from the East I wtll fiadlt to their Irtere* to call oa the Agta* ef Utis ' *2 I Company at the-oLoalag place® beiore lew I ten addre-sed to of them upon the goVbct af I trellis will meet with prompt atteatioa. > I K.J. 6a«ed«r, Philadelphia. ... E - I L. I HOOPT. On'l ilda Aft Phluaenhii •j. | THOa. A. mXl'iT. Itei'l erol. Altoanv P.- ToM I CHICAGO* BT.FIII.ASDFOND DC UCS. B. 1 OHAN6X 01 tIMI. b ,t riN AND AFTER MONDAY, DEC. 13, Ln I U W Tnlzi at lilt raad win lura OUcko « >1 IbUDtl: , , , tod KOOA.lLlorßddl.jHun!a& Hidlm and rntau 7hl I da Chlea. | SOO P: M. For JaaegvQle gad MaA.or. I Trains arrive at 12J.0 P. H- and &50 P. IC. I Canylag the Ug. MaS lor all points la ths I from Chicago to PraWe dnChlen wlthcll da ouowtti .'taHraM or Ddwj "PASTRY FLOUR—3OO BBI3_'ON CON r» £ A™"- MEiL —ANOTHER LOT JBO* s, y I'■ »^jttf.r—a unt) POPND3 RQIX "BUT ~ni\ TONS ANTHRACITE COAL, (MOT s _* Oil Hm) or«U«cius«> 2_ I p«w«t m 00. Js I |~«LASSI GLASS 1! 6LASS! I! IT ruu aad D~w.n>l<* SMiollmtek. A» ami. Railroabs. TO PISE'g PEAK PACIFIC KAILROAD, ! OF jf IBBODSI, ' THBOTTaH BOTJTE j VIA ST. LOUIS. POUR TRAINS LEAVE CHICAGO DA T I«Y via St. Louis. AXtua * Chicago ana Central Ralt r-ak'og dire -t e- at 8t Louis wit i trains of the / Paclflj Kall*oad. and <t JeCersoa City *nh a dally line cfpaaaenger Packets for tiacsas City. Leavenwonh. and points on the Hver: at Tipton, the pres;nt terminus of . of the road with gnat ovenand trail stages of Loiter- flela A Co.. to California. Also. whb<lailyilne(f stun lorj-llo'totilntheln enorof ajUscurl «ad eoath ttctt ermtarau. THROUGH TICKETS B» thlj rout*, saving TWO DOLLARS can be lad at the A. cfficei of the abov«r rali o«di In Chleiro, and at a:l 3H tbepriedpal ticket offces la the Northw«#t. Cp E. W. Wuua. Gea I Ticket At't. ImporUit to to the Gold RegkßS. The I eaveoworth and Pike's Pe*kExnren.ra<secrer and Freight Company. *omp*se i or the well knowa tlim of Mag'is A coveraoitnt contr etors. with a cash capital of two aundred toousand do lus, has estahllthed a lice inr the conveyance of ta?s:ogers* evpress goods and frelskt t-> the mines via the Centra*. Fo.t Rtlry and Smoky Hill Fo*k Route. This company have for carry'ngihe mails- The aTerrtcrlal Raad By this route the above Company are etUb! sti 'g caaapla< aa • feedingpo»ts every tweniy-tve miles alcag the r. ad with ample accommodations for pasiengers aLd relays of teams. This ronte bop the valley t f tte San. sisnv r. and Is well settled to withla three hundred mllesof the mints. Aa apprsptiatlon cf 130,0f 0 bad been made by the towns fcetweea fort RUe£ and Leavenwirth fcr complete re pairs of roads and bridges. The advantages of this rente ove- all others are evi dcat, as 1 1s over oa» and fifty mi:es nearer the mines than by any aeaxly oo a direct line West of Leavenworth to of Cherry Creek. The es ablUhmentof road by the Terr.torlal government and the exorecs company, is a sire guaran tee cf the aopeiiorlty of th'-sreute. For foil particulars for freight or passage by this Use. Inquire of u. N. PRaW. Agent of Par flc Hailroad. pt3c3S4 Ofllces3 Dearborn St. HAHSTBAL AND ST. JOSEPH RAILROAD IS NOW GPEK FOR THE TRANaPOR tuIon of Freight aad Passengers its entire lentfh from the Mississippi to the Missouri River. The only rortethattdeti parsergerstotit.Jcsepb.anil bywntch Baggage Is checked througn. Passenseri to Kansas. "»e --braska. Pike's Peak or CaLfomla. save from 8 to 6 cLija by taking this 'lne Thlsrou'eaffjrditbemo-t direct, reliableardexnedl- tloos communication with Kansas. Nebraska. galtLake v and Pike's Peak: carrying passengers SuO miles nearer to Pike's Peak than any o.her Railroad. From St. the Fort Kearney route Is the btst only s>o miles to Pike's Peak, and vji the MarjsvUleOat-Off wiJ reduce th's dis tance to fTlmLea. gteamm Lave St. J-sepb d>ily to lowa Point. Nebras. , kaCity Omshaand Councilß.nffs.and jJootafarAtchl- E son Doniphan. Learenworir, Wettoa aad Kanias City. Pally h ages leave £t. Joseph fcr all iapor ant interior towns of K«nsas aad Nebraska, to Lecjznpton. Grsry City. Hl-kory Point and Oscalooia, connecting with lints to Tot>eka, Osawkee, Grasshopper Falls, Lawrence aad Fort R tey ]_, Passengers from Chicago aad Northern lUlao'a.De> tr It, Michigan, and tbe fcsst, will find this In all respects the most dejlrable, quickest and shortest route to Pike's Peak. rssiengers from Ch'cato. viatheC,B AO.R.R.male cl-se connections at Qulccy with boat for BaouftaL Trains eave Haailoai at A.M.ior fit, Joseph, or T upca arrival of packetirom Qulncy. 1 /are as low aaoy any other rorte c JOdIAH HUNT, fiapt. J P. B. GROAT. Gen'lTicket igt. FeS ' 1868. Winter Arrangement, 1868 ' VIA mCHlfiiif CESTEAL AND CHEAT | wjanis (oasada) railway. RAINS LEAVE THE GREAT CENTRAL Depot, foot «f Lake rtreet, Chicago: 1 e-.U) A- M.—Scw York - ess—(except Buadayj)arrWe t 1 at Detroit, . M.: Sun>ens<oß Bridge, or , BuSaioti) M.; Albany <;SO P. M.. Kt* . York 10:40 P s sf.: Philadelphia via Elinira. 1 11 P.M. 6roo a. tt —Ciaclsaatl Express- Cusdaye excepted} Arrive at Cincinnati atd.SXP. M. H.—Detroit Aecomodatloa (except Sunday) ar rive at Detroit P. M. i i P.M.—New York and Boston Express—(Saturdays i excepted), ArriveDetrolt9:2B P. M.:Burpen- , lion Bridge or Buffalo 9:00 P. SL: Albany l(L0C 1 A. M,t NeWiTork4:3o P.M.; Boston 11.46P.M tOO P. H.—Cincinnati and Loolirille Saturday.) Arrive at II 3UA, U. Louisville P. M. 1 Only one train oa Monday at BrW) P. LL , All trains connect at Paris wlththe Buffalo and Laas , Huron Railway for Buffalo aad all points East; atTt 1 rontowith the .Grand Trunk Railway to Kingston.Ot i decshurgh. Montreal. Quebec, aad all points la Cacuta , list. Northern Vermont, He* Hampshire and Maine. ' t3r Baggage checked through. 1 Throughticketsforsale at the principal Railroad offlx* la the West, aad at the general office, comer Lake sue , ' Dearborn streets, opposite the Tremont douse, CLicart, and a l , the depot, foot of Like street K. H. RICE. Screrlntsaeeav H. J. fl»»a. Gen. Pasa. Agent. M. C. R.R. noJO PITTSBURGH, IT* WAVIE K CHICAGO R. ft 1868-9....SPRING RATES....IBBB-9 Throasb Freight Line, i 7» ROM DATE AND UNTIL FURTHER 1 notice. Freight will be carried over this Line ae beiow: 7 5 s 5? » S gf Is £= e8 c§ sl ia • freaOlilcKOK B s "a "a *-a b Boston |1.c5H.2U1.0a -fO i1.151t.23 1 New York 1.t6 Us i.f6 60 Lis Z PhllsdelDhia I.** I<lU V 5 bo 1,10 ilt^ 3 8a1tim0re............... 1.45 1.10 So W LtO 1.10 PlttsUundi.. VO 7d 46 46 Ti) ?>• S Clock.nail, 0 hS '0 60 40 M TO Colusbua. 0 LOO Si) 85 45 .... HO Dayton, 0 75 60 50 35 *4 60 « Cleveland, 0 60 £0 & 10 40 fc© * Duaklr*. N. Y 87 64 lo Si M bUflao. " .......... bi 6i M 31 M 6f Balk Meat v* Pittsburgh. 50c. G 'sln and tilghwlnes to ; Cinelnntl. 0 ,3Jc. to,oo .to Da>too, ai.\ ** closer- nl Grassßeed.3dd«ssrates. I'ontracts made to above points at Freight Office, cor* aer West Van Burea and.Can al streeU. ~ ~ , , Contracts to Boston. New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore via Pennsylvania Central R.R., given by CLARKE A CO.. office Steele's Bock, corner tiocb i-. Water and Lasalle streets, and at i>epoi at Canal street. 3 JAi W. MUStiOW. Frelgtit A£<rn». v hlcago. J. J. HOUSTON. Gea'l v relght AgX Pittaburg. fa. CIiiCMQ. March 11&69- Winter AiTang-emcnt. CHICAGO ASD HILWACK£K KAILBOAD £ LASI BBOSI LINT. " Great Sail aad Expreu Bout, to St. Faol. ON AND AFTER - MONDAY, NOVEM ber 29th, 1963. Psssecstr Trains will run dally e (Eundays excepted.) as follows: THROCQH TIAINS. Liivi cmoaoo, raoM tnanoa ooa. wist vath a ccox ia * »:00 A. H—Su^lngatallStations. reachingMllwaakst d Lao p. ML-Stepping at Evauston, Highland Park. Lake i* Forrest. Waukegao. and eutloas north, and r. arriving in Milwaukee at &15 P. aL« aad coo d aectiag with LaCrosse A Milwauk es Railroad » for tit. Paul aad all polata la the Ncrth-west ? WAOKSOiJI TEAM LgAVCS CHICAGO AT i- fcQf) p. M.—Stopping at all StaUons, and arriviag at Watt is kettaat fc3&P- M. W OONNEOTIONH. in Al MUwaakea with La Crosse A Milwaukee Railroad foi Hartford. Horricoo, Beaver i)am. Portage City. Lisbon. Soarta, and LaOrosse. oonnectlag at Sparta aad La* b " Crosse with three dally line of btages tor fit. Paul. Winona. Fooatala City, Reed's leading. Red Wing. Pre* cott. Hudsoa. Stillwater, Hastings, bt. Anthony. Muiaeap — oils and Miaaeeota. • - Aii Ooistor at Junction with the Fond du Lac aad )• with tbe Horicon Railroads, lor Foaddu Lac, Oshkosb. Waupua,Sipon and Berlin. Also, with the Milwaukee in and Mississippi and Milwaukee ana Watertown Railroad for Whitewater. Janesville. Madison. Prairie du Chlea. St. Paul Hartland and Watertown. , At Radne Junction, with the Racine and MUsisi'.rr! Railroad, for Barlingtoh. Eikhora, Dclavaa, Pari en. Be 1 alt and Rf>ckton. N Freight Trains leave UQwaokee at 2:00 A M., and Chi ih ca*oat&4BAM.dailj. ~ „ . j. noB9 H. L. dYSgS. JBm Sup t. " PITTSECfie. FORT WAVr.E t CHICAKO 8.1 U IVTOW COMPLETED AND CARS RON J3l from Chicago to Pittaborth wiJicut change, oon< ** necting with the «r»*at •s PENNSYLVANIA OE-VTCAL ROUTE. e« To New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore and WasMng>o >d ©ty, an d all the Interior towns of Pennsylvania. NewJ er m. ,e 6»San2k will have the bene* is fit of all the eastern taariceta at no additional cost. Baggage checked through, u Trams leave the depot comer of Ciaal and Van Burec d. street* west aide, as fcJlowa: <et»>A.M.—Moralag Kxprtas. dally.Bunda»»excepted, rw 8-0j p. n—Night g«iie» dally, Satordays excepted. Oonaeouag u ucesuae with deveiaac aad Lags Short c; ff«»t>ad Buffalo, Nlarart Falls, New York lb Boston, aad all Interior towns of Ke? i£sglaad,vla is. New YorkOentraland New York aad Sr<e Rellroads. ill at«n. totfh to Oolomhua, ZancsrUie. Newark, Mount V—SOEL SUubeavlila. Wheeling- and interior towns cf a- Ohio and Virginia. Alio trains at Lima for Daitoa and oy Cincinnati direct 10 w IAJUAB LOW AS ANY OTHER ROUHL n- east will find this route both pleasaat aadagreeable,paJslagthroogh maay of the largest aid finest cities la tne United a* p*Mengers prslvlag at Chicago, oa any of theroads, will and attentive check takers at the depots, to recehe checks aad ooarey baggage fra* of chane to the Vttta be bargh aad Chicago cars. Sleeping Cars accompaay e^Tlckeular sale ataQtheprindpal ticket olßcm in tie &* West, and at office, corner of Randolih and Dearborn street*, or at the depot oa Yaa Burta Liy JOHN B. ANDEBSON, Gea'l Sttpt. ai J.N.I)CBA»B.Y.BttPt i W.D. TO MERCHANTS AND SHIPPERS. A' lhe Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne A Chicago R. R- Oo n having effected aa arrangement with the Peaasylvaais or Central Railroad Company, for the traasportatioa ot Through Freights, property can aow be shipped on_thli 0; una cetweea Chlngo, Philadelphia. Baluoon, New 0; York aad Boston, with promptness and despatch. Ooa ts- tracts eaa be made at the following places: W No. 3 Astor Place. 1 i*- No. 1 6. William streetj New York. m. No. % Battery Place, 1 4: No. H Kilby street. Boston, o; No. 8 Dock street, Phlisddphia. A- Depot, North street, Philadelphia. __ ts. Depot, Twelfth street, corner Caaal, Chicago, to MArk packages via P« Ft. Wayne AG. R. A. for ftirtner lntomatlon. Ac., an ply to _ a JAB. W. MUBBON, Freight Agent, Chicago, ad j. j. HOUSTON. Gea'l Fnight Ag't. Pittsburgh. Pa. ao3 CHICAGO, BCKLISGTOS fc QFUCT B. B. m 18i 9 CHANGE OF TIME ISiS -tl- /-vjf AND AFTER MARCH 4,1539, TWO Sl U IhroMb Pui-OICT Trjte, *UI lt«»o lie Cjn. trai- Depot, foot 01 Sooth Witff itrreU. dillj, u fol 7jTi. U. DaylxDre* (Fnnaayf ocept«a) £• Madotft UrOOH.; OalMbor.4:2oP.lLißcr S" UMlor. &S5 P.M.: QntoCT Ma. F M. rr L3OP.M. Exareai (Saadays excepted) arrives at Men* r- " SSTtt P. M.. G«»bor,».« AM-Bcp. "" Uocton lU4 P. M-. (Wra «.0O A. M. u . MOP.M.neodcta •eccmftbdatloa—arriviag at Mea wa dcU P.M. IC< Tralasleave Eastward, as follows: L "- T * SSam. * IgpiK: IM - eSeSon ft WWP.M. - MadotaT. &00 A.M. aad Sls A li r * AM. ... Express trains Aniveats.hlcago 6;45P.M. A4.J5 A.M Mendota Passeager arTivesstChlcagJ IWO A.M. nCFOBTAHT LOCAL OOHVEOTIOHS. At Mendota with Hllaols Centra! Railroad north fcr k^'t 6 BMTlagton r< cla» eoaneeUoaawtoadt by twe 'Y. daily trains with Bsrilactra aad jUsaocn River Rait pvtH tot Mt. Pleasaat, Falrfeld. Ottamwa, ila. fort Dea Moisea, Fort Dodg*. Council Blata, aioox Otty, aad all porthmsof Kanws aad Nebraska, abo iS with Dally Pacitta for Mtntroae; theast bs rail lo ■ K AtS^ncrdirect conaeetloas daTlypack tt with HaaaibaL aad thence w)h Haaalbal A St. Joaesa Railroad for ft. Joasph, Leavenworth, Kuw 13 Ctty and all portions of Kansas, Nebrasks. Pike a Peak. .1 Cherrr Creek. Ac. Daßy packeti oa the Kiaouii Rlter •• from &. Joietii to sll points on tbe river. Also ai Qstacy alta 4aly packets for Keoknk. bi* T 1 *"' may bs had at tha Depot at taa MlrMgta Centra l ofise. comer of iAke and aadaktbePittbuna. IV Wirae K < hicago RiUluadof c^eor.erofßE»t" ths foirsu.Geal Hchet ah3 011 IJIPOBTAST NOTICE. M SU Louis, Alton and Chicago BaOroad. CHANCE OF TIMF Two Express Train, Daily ~ roa sx. wins. ns AND AFTER SCNDAT, THE 30TH t VV hut. trains will lea»e Depot, comer of Canal aid Ya* lv«t streak aatollowi: lftl# A M. Mail aad Expresa, Cuadaja exoepteA) L 9JO f.M-Night Expresa. USatvdays axvepudj • ARRIVES. DT i: S: ■ L— jfvT.TWT AOOOMHODAIION. . LeareiJoßes...... !{• SFSSQr v v. :;..-, «,» p. £ TO LTJMBEEMjEN! MONEY SAVED IN MANUFACTURE IS MONEY MADE! All Persons Engaged in the Manufacture or Lumber in any way Will Find it to their Interest to Examine ore of WM. M. • FBERY, JB,'S, PATENT AUTOMATIC CIRCULAR SAWING TVTTT.T.S J ■A. T ONCE. Patented July 21,1557. Patent Re-Issued April 6,1805. Additional iMPovEifENT Patented ATajr 4, I&SS, since which timo sala & have been very large. THE LOG MILLS of Lumber from aaykiad of L* op to 28 or SO feet lone: or, with Doable Carriage, 80 to 60 feet; a saw 3X to a feel la dlametre according toriw of THE SirJltTQ- MILLS Will law beautifully allkladsof Sdla*. readns, Flooring, BcaatUng, Ac., *a« from Cants 15 to 33 ieet lasg. Boththese HQU are AUTOMATIC, or SELF OPERA- TU,Am T>*»«/*«««! IIVE. crcxn ctsllj tie worked by bud without in XTOHI rTaCtICaJ. SEwyerS. j" and the belt adapted U> the winU of IS* tambw cbante or-Iteration In their coaltmcUoo: ire themort J|j« J 1 !? 1 .? 1 .°- Mm" * 00. imilar.l k Morton, flalen *»«unan. 1™" » t " 1 '«»*• Ttw are Made to feJi ?$% hS&TS <TZ^'Tht Wear-warranted durable and substantlal-for Year In °thera. , <v . b. *j. Ri«aeT?l2«alj* Lnd'nSofcj M?Daftn/Bro., and Yetroai. The Saw Frames are of Iron entire: tie thTn* 5fV le ' k Hro, Henry Ho-lan.l k 00.. B. Brewst«*. J Carriage and all are na=et3 endure heary work, to In- these re vena: The care of bu-. otta belt ii Ferns Co?°Jok» sure accuracy and darabQUj. the Patentee has been & Machines takes the rlace of ktvp't;* la rralr cmpll- Cl*ocr 4C0.. Ottawa. IU. eated machloeryandagr»aieri>umberof beita, sa In ail CaiCMO Dec.auth. l&iS PRACTICAL MANUFACTURER OF LUMBER other we toveseenUklngßttmoreorle slime .! for the past Thirteen Tears, and now offira the remit cf s"£^? r e^?t k we°2? Imf wi&SwSSS p?o°- Ui labor. experience to tho.e who wish to araU 6«,OUc f m, MUU : themselves of the benetUa, claiming that lumbermen are AUthe workts stroa#, simple, and conven'ent We can *; Powen, Grand Saplds. Sfch. here ofleredthe alter the range of the S w tnrtantiya dwithntftoppleg H?°* P.- foatcr, do. do. the *UL for different qualities of Timber, or ae different i»2 _ Raws may need without eatingorbaving any tendency ! . McCrt £- ®». 4°* QHLT RELIABLE SAWIHG HZLtS f» b'atthe Arb. ror the Saw. The coa*eaiecc« of the Lucius Pattmon, fis*. do. do. AU u U u»oa«iu> VAU . w •« bortln*-cacU"oa theseMllla-ateaareac , 4°* *?• now before the nubile. Jlk> cUlaliu and readi to urore - ? htl "J Hon Juv.c'S.'m. IWi-atC M'-ch. ' thai the LOG MILL will &fe.form more thaa Thrt* Timet » B iii b«» Th- experience of all mil. owners »ad & k 7* ... d0 * •I' 0 * the work of a Mnley Mill wlththe expense of One. Sawyer*'a that t e 'mill bar"lsthe -ausaoi irore so. *J°Q-£ J- L-ttkjoha, AUeimn. Mich. rh» siniva mi 1 r vtii i..a.r...i.i r Mm ut+ v ddentathan anything else. Th-J 'arTUy o 1 Cuing the Jl"™* IKP Hollwiil. M'eh. The SIDING &IILL will perform iroci Xt 3.1 nore carriage for receiving and cutting different length <.anta H 2® er, brand Hat en. Sll-*b< work than aay Gliding Mill ever known. Thi per cent, la oneqnalled, If ■«**• Jo - ~ , do. dean pro S t ttw- WC. wfl. male o T =r tt. e, U - matee or work will be. as will be aeen at once by a prao in recominending 1 ese Mill* as the aad N.tL Ferry. Esq.. White Rlrer. Mich, ticil man, mnch greater from the fact that the expense HESTwchaveeterie-a. JonaVa;lft r w^ > * faq " Cfil[c J*°' % . .... .. . . . ... lhom-ta MtrrilL Jo*. D. Stebblna. v»».xer > on. E q., ao. ao. of rmmliw. leu bardj «mi)lojeil. and not la iwtima Nicola. Uwleaa.»o.ut«i John Tamnt. AMD SUNDHEDS MOH3 IT NEO2SSABY for repairt, are items In the manufacture of Lcmber o.l>. Bramble. GilbertXhompeoa. Slaball. ■■ I that eat op the prcflts to an alaimlng extent U not ** ercU C. Messenger. In ordertne a machine. It!« n»ee*«*r» 10 know whether i • TI, M . Mill, w yoa waat a Z</t Aand or a RlQht luind mactent, as the wa e These Mllbattend to these items In persoa. TVatY! LlffllbflP th» aegmett the prcflt of tie nanofaetore. ' A m uuiuuui bUA o« rnnnioc Daek. to prevent beat!n* t<r i*w or ierateblßg Tne above Engraving reareseotj the Sldirg MI3I cor „ We < the nnderslgo<*d. tnmber Impectort at tbe dty of « nJ f '«* tbe reison tbat In some m-iis It la h I cago, belog fre«uen»l* eora'ffyed »nthe inipectlon of d«lribletoha**lbe ditttlar mllUn « gl»«n position rt rectly. It well to state that these mi Is are not depenc. lumber mnna «ctured 'rosa-Wlillta >l. Fe ry, jr.'« p»- laUdely to the lot way or to tbe uorlgh* u« u 1 other* entnponU , emere«tatement of Mr. Ferry, the Inventor. t<nt fildlna Mils, wnold herety to tae accuracy tiiere»er«»» aj eoo»*ai«}c* require We must know ihej have beennsed b, mu>. an, tborow Irtotcd b ml,intoare of ta » lomD ' r ' l " J " i " 2$ oK^SSTiK all respects, and are recommended by all fir above any waatof onlfo-mltyof thfekoeas !a a prevailing rem* A "ketch or me stwta* w.ta the i.o»ltnn oflog Mills In tbe United States Wehaverocm butfora few p.aintam-«gpurcn«efs of lumber, and[a»e sutUiactloa !l«n e jL .f! luibemlll. , , * t . .1 ■ . . .i , , which In this oa'tlctUr. inevitably folio** lha u.« ot *U'. give me da ato ien<! trie kind wanted, or the one or* of the many flattering testimonial cc wing from high and latnoer est from sal't cills is tbe surest Indication thai a derfog the mill can do »o him*r}( by My obi-t»»U.>Q and restonsible parties. degree 01 perfection has been attained In tbetr cons rac- the circular Ucn and operation that Place thea by not jaw. Ueicglt. If the cam**ei>M#e3 at ,our rtaht haod. othermill .nowatous. from tnem la tbe best »» * r«b» b*cd ax your lefthaad. UUa left - From Manuiactorers. ces tui machines. wnowrt*hti»w , .»pUcedbe *eeDt»o mvhmaa. of tbe A VJ - L * take p easnre In commendlac Ferry's Improve J »meA«»<t tnrnt;«»eof them the caou wtu na»e t» j TT r T.. iitiii v, a _t-_ Mil sto general ute. »wi£go*erth«earrtagefrfintlieback partof it, ud the The uoumUoei Manu:fCiuress 01 iowner.„ navicg oth««r wiiirpeolwnrtntt Mii«iioni4 t...m ih» r=/-» >i.« M had'nuseWiaUmM Ferry Jr's fatect 81dln* Mlhi do Chlcag?. December3o.lSß. Grand Haven. Michigan. or fricce«mo? hereby tesUfy to the r eiceTence ibove all other kit da Johnson. Geo.g • 0/ftvvey. K wd"thT? JS'buUhS wVSw* Jd'VSSffSt e have seen in operation. ... 1) w. mgble. Jomj W, llopa.ns. dqUloy oi lon Qr ctrti ud t 1 Hit. f ik« lumber u Tbe dlfflcnltleaheietofore experienced Ifl the aw of Franklin kmer*. tteor.e «. /riinw rther kiadiof SeK-SetJlngMnia hare i»een theirUaMilty R. U. ooodwilUe. Henry Brower. 7, IT T. 7^. to get oat o' reoa'r. making the mannfactor* of lumber q. h. tiorton. The we.ghlof ndlnrMUX comrletft. laabont....iCoofta. more expensive and u*einaccuracy of thickness la mm- - ■ _. Log Hl'ls • u from <ft.O tolWua. brr manufacture subiedlng uato toe loss of aood mate- p« nn . Tlaqlato I k«p on hand, at ail times, the «Uts. reaay to riai-aaCuJa. By toe use of Ferry's lUlla. their slmpllci- XTUHi XlccUerß. ship from mydork to 4ny port on the UVi-s, or to any tyand the ttrenirth and W"rkmaollhe of their w. the nndenlxned Lumber T)ealers in the dtr of DP , 'f® tJtilte*! Stales or Canada, an.j if reoutieu. con..t.union data c f UP sIVB ! about reliable for «ork. These Mills, palate Improve- marufactnred ie m Wli Um M Fen 7. Jr.'s Patent aiding «>«r ope.atloo. meats, are tne only accurate s-ttlc* 31' i sto uulfrna 51m- taVe pleasure lu h-reby certifying tbat iomber Any further particulars can be had by addressing o« ihckneuthaiwe biveever us«d cr-een in operation. mtnQ f K Wred from said Ferry's Imvro*«d MiUa is of u todows: and we recoomeod them f r °m curowaknowlt ooifjrm thickoets. smooth and accurately sawed, and in TXT M M pronv ttj experUnce to be tbe be ; t and nut profitable Mills we h T a n y W J*i . I*l. *£4rl££ x , <Jxv>» know ot Tha pat«:tee s exrerience as a Lumberman other self-seitlcg mill with which we arvacquunted. rrnfiVHnt'nn nf,«i n a v» n 1.1. h)s doujtl«»ii called his attention to what we have here- Th-importanceor having evenly sawed lumber tor *auc- Fr.itaYaßL.SG. Grand Haven Post Office. Michigan, toforeso much neefled. and we are confident. a.ltuiog ccw ru t .^ e ts sots entiaiaid so geueraUv known tha*. Or to my General igentsfor the United SUtta. his Mil's wilia*ree with Mm the exprtysloa above given, comment tn tela regard ts unnecessary "rae best and __ . __ _ „ , AmosNorton llunte. wivldg*, most reliable recommendation we can offer for said mills II *| 1 Monroe, GsJen laatmaa. *rn of satiJAcUon which Umber manure- * Jl'9 alttlv 9 l <an IF. Fargo. J. Sellog Wtlte « to. turetl therefrom ri >es loocr numeroos customers. Wc „ _ 9. Laurence. Richard Koberti George L. Jiorton. therefore uaheaiLatinaly commeni Ferry's MiUa to x:ne- PATENT OFFICE DEPOT. Hopk.ns k Johnclaney. rat useasthe mostperfe'tself-setUnir machine known to tin. 100 Lake street. Chicago tcgai STATE OF ILLINOIS. COOK COCNTT. Cook CouLty Circuit Court. March Term. A D. l:o Willi*- P. Koss vs. Tbsddiagfiherman. Pob'lc Notice b hereby eiten t-» the said Ihaddla* Sherman that awrlt of attaebmeat Usned oot of the of- See cf the Clers of the Cook Ceuaty CL» nit Court da'ed tbe day ot Oecemoer, A D. auttor the said P Ross aad avalnrt tbe estate cf said Tb*ddiasß»ienaan.f rthe sum of elsbteea luo> d ed and elgateen4l luu dollars, oirec.ed to the ehertff of Utck Ocunty, which tald wnt has been returned exe cu'ed. there;ore. aniens you. tbe said Thaddius Bher r-i»n shall penonal'y be aad appear before the s »1J Cook Coustv Circuit vXurt. oa or be'ore the fit%tdayo( tb*- cex:TcRD thereof to be holJea at the Ouo't House; la tt-eclty of Chicago, oa tbe first Moaaay cf Slarc-i A l>. ISJ3, give special bil>, aad (.leal to the raid ilalnt ff's action, judgment will be entered against jou. and la avor ot tne Said William P. and so much of tbe property attached as may be to satls'y tbe said judgment and cojtr, will be soldtosat'afrthe same WfcL Goodsics. FAawxu. k Exnu, tiff's Att'y. feS>4wc33d OTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY. O Ba—Cook Coaoty Court of Coamoa Pleas. April Term. A. I>. U&. , . _ . Jameildeck. WLUlam J. Beck aad Joha Beck, vs. Joha Brouibsa. Public aoGce is hereby givea to the said Joha Orou*h> am a writ of attachment lrsued out of the omce of the Clerkof the Cook County Court •-Common Pleas, dated tae ainetenthday of February. A. D.lhta, at the suit of tbe aid Jas. Beck. Wo. J,B;c<and Johnßeck ana .against the estate of the said Joha Brougham tor tbe sum of three hundred and twenty-five dwiiars, aad sixty-eight cents directed to tht Sheriff ot Oook County, which said writ has beea returned execsted. Now, therefore, unless you, the said Jaaa Brougham shah personally be aad appear before tha said Cook County Com t of Common Pleas, on or before the first day ofthenext term thereon, to be holden at the Oourt House lathe dtv of Chicago, oa tbe fi st Moaday of April A. D, 1S& give special bait aad plead w the said plaintiff's actlou, jadgmeat will be entered against yos aad la favor ef the said James Beck. »1111 am J. Beck and Jonn Beck and so maeh of tne prtOHpy attached as may be sufficient to satisfy the said =wdgm ent aad cow, will be sold to satisfy the same. w WALTER KIMBALL. Clerk. Cornell. Walle A Jamesoa. PU'ffs Att'y;. reli ca»4w OTATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK, IO Cook County Cent c{ Comaoa Pitas, April lero, ths'. AlVka L. Rose vs. Hiram Pearsons and William W. Sal* tenstaiL his asslc-eela batkrupuy _ Affidavit of the aoa-realdence or Hiram rearsoas one r f the defeadaats above aamed. having been filed la office of the Clerk of said Cook Oouaty Court ol Commoa piear ; notice is hereby given to tbe said Hiram Pearsons toat the complainant filed his bill of complaint la said Cosrt oo the Chaactry side thertoL oa the .first day of March, l£df. and that a summons thereupon taied out of said Court against said re tainable on the first Monday of April aext, 1969. as is by law required. Now, unless you. the said lliras Pearsons «H»n persoaally b« aad appear before said Oook Oouaty Court of Cumsoa Pleas of C*ok ccunty, oa the first Ba> of the aext term, tote beU Chicago la said fount/oa the first Mooday of May, lbs?. aad plead, answer or de mar to the said conpiawafa bill of complaint, the same and the matters ana things therein charged sad stated will be taken as confessed, aad a decree entered you according to the prayer of said biiL W. KIMBALL. Cleric. Burgess A Hawley. Cooprts* Bol'ra. mi.3cW4w STATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY, 8.8 —Cook Oouaty Circuit Court, Febraaty Term, A. D. 1853. Acgtutus Beck aad Chariea Wlrlh ts. Bdmlch Nau -1 Public Notice Is hereby dvea to the said Helsrich Nsuaaaa that awrit of Attachmeat issued out of tae office of the clerk of tbe Oook Coaaty Circuit Oourt. dated the founeeath day of February A. D. I£9. at the salt of tbe said au*usias Beck aaa Chariea Wlrth aztd against the estate ot the said Helnrich Naatnann, fcr i the of Two Huadred aad Eighty One Dollars aad Sevcaty-Mce Oeata, directed ta the Sheriff of took County, which saidwrtt has beea re corned executed. Now. taerefore. unless you. the said xitlnrtch naa nq ah all persoaally be aad appear before the said Oook Oouaty <3rcui« Coon, on or before the fim day of the next term thereof to be holden as the Oourt House, la the eity of Chicago, on the fim Moaday of Match. A. D. IsSss. give special ball, aad plead to the said piaia tiff's action, jadeneat will be eatotd agalaat you. and la (avor of the tald Augustus Beck aad Chariea wlrth. aad so much of the property attached aa may be sufficient to to satisfy the s&ld lodgment aad cost* will be sold to satisfy the same. _ WM. L. CHURCH, Clerk. Nonaaa C. Peririna, Plfg» AU'y. fe»*^wcflO MORTGAGE SALE.—WHEKEAS Na-baaiel S. Bouioa and Entity L. BonAa his wife, of Chic ago, JiLacii. executed and delivered unto I metaeuaderogaed Learning b. Bra&ev a t certain ia denture of mortgage of the premises herexsaf er des crlMd, bearing date the tweoty-nlafh day of October, A. D,l& secure tsepaymeotoffouf ceitajaproml»ory aotes therein mentioned, with a condition la ta.a mort gage that If derault be made la tbe payment of said promissory noUa. or either of them, el her ol prtocpalor lst»est, on tte days * hereon >ne same aaal became dae aad said priadpa- and taicrettse crre<t oy the raid t-romlssery aotes fa said m rtgaae me^iloced,itiaa thereopoa become due aad payable; said mortgage was filed fcr reorfi oa the fim day ofNovetaner I*H. lathe Keco>der's Office .la aad for Oook Count* aad State cf Hllaola. aad reccrded la Book Tventy clxof MorUagts. page Now. tbervfon no. tlce Is h'reby given that defsuit having beenmadela the pajmentcf the third cote, or throne due November flnv A D. and by th* terms of said mottgsge the Wfole became doe aad payabe. •Now. thtre'ore. aot ce is h? reby gtvea tha* mi Patarday, theaiaethd yof April, A-U. imatJo'dock P.M. ofaaid cay, a: tne north door of the Court Hotue In the city at Chicago by virtue of a power of sale W said mortgage contained, and la panataee thereof, the undersigned wtll seil Mi publie auction to the highest bldda.for caah the following described piece or parcel cf i*od. si uate. bins aai being m u.e ctty of Chicago, coaaty of Coak aad State of £l:aots. bdeg part aad parce; of outlet forty (4>) of the Caaal Trustees bubdivisica of the w-«t half of section twaty-sevea towrshlp nuaber thirty-aine(3B) north of range fourteen ill) east, and bouoded as follows, to wit: eommenrUg at a poles oa the ea#t ttae of said f<auot forty (40jaaa naadrrd nso)feet Dorth of the east end of apa tUloa fecceca out lot (S3 of *ai3 subdivision; sa.d fence is ksown as the parthioa fesce betweea laads owaed by tb, hdp, of JOKSb€T*z.lra Roesetter; thence east fLV (50), feet along said east iin<% taetieeaeittotbeceatreofootloafony 4fl> thene>»sooth along the middle ef said out tot forty (40) fifty (50) feet, thence »■" parallel with said part lon fence t-> the place efbeglaaicc.tfiesaae &e'Bxt&e'premlSfs described la ..m together wtu all tn rglt, title, latarest aad equity of redemptl a of tht said NaUianlel A & aton atirt sUiryi, ttmatna. h's wift, to and to the aforesaid Pr cSScKMarch U atwSl H. BHADLET. VoHg»g*e. RUSTEE*S SALE.—PUBLIC NOTICE IS is hereby given, that ILA Pala* Freer. Trustee In a cnta n Deed of Tru*t. executed by Itaaeis w. White, ea the 9th dAy ef July, A. D. lU3, wilt., by reason of de> fcaltoa tbe part of said White la the payment of hla*t£ tala promiaory aote aceonilag to tne teaer aatr effiet b.ereofspedfird la said Deed efTrusw oatheappUaMloa of tbe legal bolder of aaWnole. aad la powee* ta said Deed ot Trust oontalaed. sell at PuWio Aortlon. i» the his best oothw teeata day of March, A. D, rcreoooa of said day, at theaorth iathts ety of la tA» uw ». estate eoareeed to tne by tald deed of trurt. to wit; thw east thirty (90; feet of lot No. sUm. (tubstbeaehoel Seetlja the city of CUlcasn, county Stat® 9X Vttya STATE OF ILLINOIS-COOK CUUTXT, S. .Oflort.County of Common pleas—* April Term A. D, 1»>. JoKph -.WUHams PreaiJ-at firths us* ef-bi* South ern rtaakof laalaoa.v<. Eber A *»Jf»rd—Attac-.imnt, Punllc Notice Is hereby gives to ibe sa'.d K. er U. \>'»ru that a writ or Attachment Issued oat of the otilc« of tbo Clerk of tbe Couk County Court o'Common Fie is, dated the tweaty-tl.lrd day of February. A. II 13$. at the suit oi thesald Jaeeph IL Wl.l ams, and against the estaieof the said Eberll. sum or Twetty-Twj Hun dred and Twenty* Two and 15-ltd Dollars, directed to tuc Sheriff of Cook County, whica said writ has beea re turned executed. Nuw. therefore. uole*s y. u. t*se said Iber B. W*rd shall personally te sad arpear before tie >ald Cook Ocunty i ourt of Comm >a Pleas, oa or b«fo.*e 'be Int day of the nestTrrm thrrect to be ho deu at tbe Court House, la the clt* of tbic go, on tbs first Monday , f Apri. A. D. lSj9. give special osU. a'.d piead to tie sal j pul.-.ilfTa action, judgment will b* »nt<r«l ag.lask too. andiu favcrof tae aa d H. Wil iuai, aad so much of the property attached as may be suVoieat 'o sati> y tne said judgment aud coiti. wil beaoid t>> lati.fy the sine. WALTK* KIMBALL, Uezk. Gockiss Tbtvaa k Roaprw. P.ff'i AU'y mb*4tvc2sS QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK O S. &—Circuit Coar: o/ Ccok Couaty, March Tena Charies Daeslicg ts. Philip Larmoa. John B. Knight and R. B. Baoaet- Petl'.loa tor Mechanics L «a Affi la*li of the aia res deoce tf Jcha B. Sa!g\t and R. B. itaonel. defen(Unta above aataed. having bees filed In tbe effic* of tbs Cle-k of stld Ci r cuU Court of CookOnaaty. Notice ts ber:by given to the sa'd John B. Knisht and GL B. Raanc thai si'.d cooslaiuant 01<d hlipetittoa fcr a Hechmia i lea lasaid Oourion th flneenth diy tf February. hfr>. and intt a r.mmocs th*reapoa Issaed oat or »td Coa-1 a<aiast s*ld dctesd aat*, returoab a oa the frst Monday of March scat, 1559 aa la by law required. Mow. oalev you. inesald Joha B. Knltht and R. B. Rannel riall person ally be aad appear before tbe said Circuit Court or Oook Oouaty, oa the first day of the -aext term thereof to beholden at Chicago, in stid Cvun t , on the first Monday of M A. D. and plead, answer or demnr to the said eomoltlianta* petition, the aame and the matters aad things theiein dunred and itoe-t wjl bo 'akei as coa'esaed, and a a*, cree enteied agaiastyoa according fc>»he oraver o' said bill. WiL L CUUROH. der<. hxavar A Axthost, Oomolts fe*J4 td TRUSTEE'S SALE.—WHEREAS. JOHN Qecrgi B*aermann and Catharine h!s w fe. of thec!tyofCnleago,<.ba4tyorCowa. auaaiate cf lilineis. dli oo the Cm day of ;ept m«r. A D. 1&8 <xfcjte a certain Deed of T ust. coave. :ng to me la iru>t the fal to »<:-ure taa payment of a ccrtaij Promissory j*ot» male by Joha George daaer irann aad payabia l> Albert Q Oertel or order, tlx mcnttuatier nedate thereof, tor the ptlQcloal sata of TaoTuou«asdaadTwo Hundred Dotlars <ri»)wlth interest ttereonat Un per cer.tprr annuo alter due for Tr.ooey borrowed, waica aaid dexd Is recorded in the Of. flee of ttie it«ocrd<r o' Cook County llilcos la Book 143 of Deeds, onP*se 215; aad sheteas de aulthas beea made la »he pajtneat oi saldn-.te. acd spp'lcatloa has Dceamidetomsby theUgil baldertheresfaA»«eli Ue uld premlteaenlcr trea»jddeedof tn<r, IW the pur poaestherein expressed. N >w, tnercfore. pobl.c cot'cj s heteby g'vea. that I sh'll aed at paolic auction. >t tae North Dvor of the LOtut House, la the city ofCaicago, Count* of Cook. «ni tStite, f 1.1U.0U. to tne h'gheat nidder for cash, at t-n(lu)o'clock la ue:a:ei:ooocn Saturday, ibe aiue teenih day of March. A. D the described la w.d utei of trcstas fo Icvb. to wit;—Lut cUcteea (t9> lo Block slxty-slx Of'}, Li the Hilars «ad Michliaa U«a«l Trustee's Suodlviaioo of we t par; of the so.tbweat quarter or gectinu a n-t (f). in filny-nm® (39). aorta of Raa<efouneea (14:. east of theTt lrd Priadpai Mfttdian.tcg;therw:taa lihetmprjvements aad belki. Ingsstoatea the; eon, and wlfi mil aad tlLgutar the srtvi leges aad apportcaaaces thetruato ceioogiug. and all the right, title. t»< neflt ana ma'ty of redemption of aai» Johaoeorzsßaaerjaaaaa.d Catharjie, his al-a, their heirs or asilgai Ihlj sale to ae male lbr ths purposes la said deed of trust aioraald. __ HORACE G. CHASE. Trutee. Chlc3C% March ath. U53. mh?-X»-cUI STATE OF ILLINOIS-COUNTT OF Cofik ss-—Crcuit Court cf Cook County, March Tern, l£^. Mary a. Stowel! v* James 3. Hrren, Eaaael S. Haven. Ueorge W. J-bnaoo. Kdea M. Johason. Uara StoweJL Edward StoweU. Adulne Btowelf, and JfiederiJi B. Siowell.—la Chancel/.. . v Affidavit of the aon-rrdieace of George W. Johaion. Elleo M. Johnson. tXara StoweU. adwari S-owell, Ada* UneSt3well, and Frederick V. Stoweil, defendants above named, havmg been aied inthe office if Metiers or said Circuit Court of Cook County. Ctotlce I* hereby nven to the sddGaorse W. Johaaoo. blea M. John ana. Ctara Staw* ell. Edward Swweli. Adaliae Stowsll and Frederick B. (Jtoweil tin said comptaiaant filed ber bUluf complaint la said . ourt oo t- e Chancer? s-de thereof, on tbe tweu> ty-iourth day of Fcbnury. 1349. and th-t a summons tLenupoa lined out ot said Court against said defeaa* an r SL retaraarle oa first Moadajr of March aext, 09591) as Is by law required. _ M row. ualets you. the said George W. Johnson. Ellen V. Jobcsoa, Clara etowdL Kdward twoweu. Adaliae etowell andFredsrick h Stoweil shal< personally be aad appear b«-ore said circuit Court of took county oa the first d«y of the asst term ther-t I to bf boUea at Chicagcv )n i*ld cooaty.oa the fim *ocdsy of March. 15M. and plead, aa* s«er or demur to the aaid compialaaat*' bt l or eomotatat. the sase aad th'! matters aad tht ga therein charged aad swted will be taken aa confessed, aad * decree entered ■r,inri mm Mcordlng to tae P""* je< of said bill sgainsj you aecoroma Wjc L. CHURCH. Cert H. R. dnastKa. Ooma'ta Wr. f«S-eBOMw. TATE OF ILLINOIS. COUNTT OF Cock gs —Cook Couaty Coort of Ccmmoa Pleas, April Term, la&« Or*ond*tes Mauran aad Ftandg & Glhbs vs. Auxustas Ma-tJi.—Mechanics* Lien. AUdaT't of the of Ansostus Martin, de feadint absve named, havjig been filed la uia office of the Ciert or Aid Coec uouaty Court of Common Piaaa. No ice is bereby given to the sa'd Augustus Martla that tae petition era filed their pettUoa la aaid Ocurk on tha ' thirtieth day of December. ISAI aad that a summons thereupon Issued out of raid oourt agrnst said def-n --daav. retaraable oa the first Mcaday of February. laS#, I as is by law r. quired. Mow, uaiess you, the said Augustas Martla. ihaß per* s-natlr be aad appear btfmw said Cook County Cosrt of : Common cleta of cock Coury, oa the first of the next 100 »hsreo4 to beholden at Chicago. In said County, outhe first Mooday <>f AorlL 13i9 aad piead. aaswer or desur to the said petitioners' petition, the same and tne matters and things therein ehvaed and s>a>ed ahl ba taken as aad a decree entered agalast you ae to the prayer of snid petition. WaLtER KIMBALL. Clerk. Maraxz. Tajt M Kxsa.Pifl'sAiA*ys. mb74wcte6. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK,, —Cook County Oourt of Comiaoa April l Term. A. D- T M fl i ' William olTblllard vs. Joha A Wright, 0,8. Wrigbk Ua wle. B»"|»win F. Carver, George doovilla, Jaaea Clapp aad W. W. Ransom—la Chancery- affidavit of the noa-residence of w. w. Baaaos* one of the drfdodsßta above n bavtag heaa filed la the office of the Qerx of said Cook County Court of Common NoUc.l,hertMilran, thai the oosaialaant filed his UU ot oooptatet Ib said court oa tha chancery side thereof od tha IW» day of De cember. if 8 , and taat a saamoas theranpon laswed out of said coor* against said defendants, retarnahle on tbe fim of April asxt oMti> aa la by law I Tin tha said W. W. 2 ass cm. shall oer [ sonaliy fee aad aisrarlsfhrssiH 0»H Oa Oourt of Oom- I noaPtMOIOMK aoKjtv. oath* fink day ot tha next I terw thereof to bebelde* at Chicago Insaldcoontyoo the flnt Mooday of AtttL »,a»dpiead. aasww or damar vo thaaalA MUpt nycjutnany tbesaa* —star; tm/T thia<» tharotn. ■»»■*—* *■>■>« ,will fcatSmSaftai I asaias* "" —^art > , j»«to cScaaw, u WTATE OF ILLINOIS COOK COUJNTV, S3. Cook ?ouafy Circuit Cacrt, April Term, A. D- PrsncbP. Corby and Benlvn'n P. Goula va. tfce Dn buque West-m K&lroad Company. Public notice Is b*reb» ilvea to toe said Tbe Oabaqao w«stern Hsllrjad Corrp»ny t at a writ of ati.icLraenv I#. sued out of ibe offce of < Ito Clerk i f Cook County Circuit C urt. dated theilsi <»Tuf l'e«\rnb t r. a. D. l& the Wit f f the s»'d Francis P. Cor'.-y a-iJ B*- j.mln K. Go art •a ♦ assHst 'he estate 01 ibe **i<l rbe Datu<jue Mail oad Com a» y. for tne sn*n of five tfn usa-d U»e uundred «Ijl - ». dire«*ted to the d" etlff of C»o« County, which said wr<t bai bern retained executed. Njw therefore. mile* you <*l* **ll The Dubuquo *estein KKiroad Comp* j «tal penozah* he and ap pear tefore the iald Cook Conuiy Circuit « our* od or be fore the arst day of the next te m thereof, lo be boldca At too Court Hrusein toe <-<t/ cf CMca*". r»n thceroi J Alondsy of April, A. D. IWM, give special h.iil scdi-lead toihes.ld p'*lct'ff't *c |oj, judgment will be eutered against foaaad la favcr oftiie »aiJ fracas P. Corby and ee-.smln '• tie'dn and* > much of ttie prop.»ty sl-ach enu m»y bo suffld-t.11« sa'is/y ih<? said judgment and c:»U w.ll De s.U to thv same. „ W* U CUC2CII Clerk. Cornell. Walt 1 Jameson. Pig'sAt l '/. mbi<37^-iw MORTGAGE S ALU. itfi-AULT bavins been m vie in the performance or tbe oon diU ns of a certain uHentore of mnrtue executed to> the unders'ffned by Geor«e A.G!bbs and Anca M. big) wife &nd tUward W. firiSn and yi&ocoi niawife, beaiin* d-t-the 10th day or Jane, A U. 110. and re* conlnl In the Recorder s office of Cook county. ii Hook No. ot Mortgage*. U pars 554. and la ttwk IS of Chattel Mori gates. fcto<ure4&; and payment of thmev eral «ums of money secured U7 •& d mortgage having been demanded, and riefaut having been m»dt» in th* payment and the «m« silil reraslulntf due and unpaid; Notce Is Ueirfoie bereb/ xiven. uiat under and la pursuance of the power ii Mi • morTgwe eon. taine<l. I shall m t'ata-day. tbe UUi day of «*ay pexu at it o'clock A. M. of that day. at the nor.h door of the Coon Home lo tbe city ot Cb'catr>. a«li at t üblle Teadue, fur cash, the fo'iowln* described pre i tin and < rop rty (b<lor the prtmUea and piooerty to aod by uld tso u r&*ir dpscribed asd conTcyed). to • It; Ah tne rlah". tit'e and Infemt < f tbe a*idtie >rice A. Ulbba «nd Edwa>d W. UrtlUn tnaadta<ot« thread and fi-ar(4) In block fire (3/, to tbe original town mow diy) of ChlCiic , and alai> ail tbe Improvctaenta Uiereon. the warehouse, e>evatora» eo*lc.ea machinery and all other appar*iujbrloiulosto or in »nywbeappertalrlrs to warehouae an J l rop erty—thelbttreit of said fllbba and tiilflla In saialota cOQsiauojc of the aforesaid lmuroverofrta there n and aa aaestiied term granted by John d. Wrltbt to George A. . HlbOs an<i Michael lieman. by JeaM of >aid lota dated NoTemOcr 2M. A. 0. Hjl. and recorJrd in. tbe He. cord«r'« office of Cook coustr, In Book 4? of ueeda. at pa*e '&?, and tbe a«te£taeaU and covenant* mad* sacDlementary ther- to- HI&AH A. TUCKiH. Mortsuec. Ch'earo. Feb. 2*. U&. _ bom*. Miixaa k Ltwta. Attnn»ey<L fgcßlstd Mortgage sale.—notiob is hereby given that defriut hatlnt been niade ta the paymeat of a certain Promlsorr Mole tecured lo and by a certain morbmre, made and executed by Alfred P. Worta, beartnc date 17th acy of AurlL lh&B, and recorded la the office of the Recorder of Deeda for the County of Oook. and State of LUlnoU,ln Bo- kl» of Uongaces. a* Pace 741. to Geo. M. Gray, to aecore tbe payment of a certain promlaory note la nid mortcMe ipentioned en wtuahthenwlUbedaeoa the day of aale. ortadpal and Interest. Eight Thonsand Klghty-Kigbt Dollars and Ninety. 81z CeotL How. therefore. 1 tLall, by vtnae of the i*iwer in uld mort<ase eotitalned. on TUUB3U AY. tho len'h day of March, A. D. ltfiS. at the Coon House, la tbe dty of Chicago and County of Oook, and Stale of u luo'clock A. U., aeli al pobUa aocUoa to the blgbest bidder for the following described lota or ptMea of lands, toxether with all right and tqolty of re demption, dmated In Uie csty of Ordctwo, and County of OcMk, asd State of llllnoia. to wit; Tee ondlvlded ooe» half of Lota one (l) and two '2>. In Block four (4), fork Dearborn Addition to Chicago. 6)60. Bf. 63AT. Morton. Ch'eajco.Tch. Bth. 18S9. <**e»chtftd. UP ILLINOIS, OOOiC COUNTY, Cf 88.—Cook Coscty Circuit Court* April Term. A. D. WViliam A. Qtaw v*. Ptte* ttee-1. Notice U hereby cirea to the said Peter Beed that a writ of attaeument la oed out" of the office or the Clerk ot the Cook County Cireill Ccurv dsted the cl»"»eLVi day k f yebmary. A. D. IsAv. at the rait of the asld *lk 11*41 A. brow and srdcat toe e»iat4 of the said Peter ileed for the lum of three hundred and flfiy-otte dolUn and six cents, directed to th* hherllf of Uooc County, wntchisldwrttvUb^enreturned executed. Now. tbrrefkre. u&le» yoo. the Mid tfet« r Reed, ihall personally be aod»pp«ar befcre Uie iUd Cojk County Circuit Court, onot be ore the ftrtlday <>t th« next tnereof, v»bebo!d?n ittheCou.t tiouae, lj the dty of Chicago, cn the a<cond Uocd'y of Apnl A. D. I*S9, five pecUil hait. and plead to the *\ul plaintiff's tewm. judsmeot el lbe entered against you, and 1 favor of tbe taiti W Lulaia A. Grow. »nd to much of property at* Uehed u may be safflcle&tto satls y >be said iooament and costs. wLI be Kid to satisfy the same. •*k l. uacscn. ctcik. Gooduch. faivm A BurrH. Plfa Au'y mhl 4w<»io UTATE UJ? ILLINOIS, COOK COOJiTY, k7 ?B.—Cook County Orcslt Oecrt, Apt 11 Term, A. Jacob Hauls va UaUhlts flnydfr. Public Notice Is hereby even w the ail.- MatihlssFnyder that a writ of stx*< hacnt Ismedoot of the office of tha Clerk of the Circuit court of Cook County dated the tveo* ty-sevmtii day of Jsnoary, A- D. Itt!*. at the salt of the ■aid Jacob Hants sad against tha estate of tbe aald Mai* ttlai Bnyder for the snm of eleven hundred and four dodan t'»t flfiy centa. directed to the bherta of Cook County, which said writ has been returned execuKd. Now. therefore, onlen yoo. the aid Matthias gnvder ■hjkll personally be and appear before Uie said Oook County drcatt Court on or before Aral, the dai of the next term thereof, to be hoi den at toe voart House la tbe dty of Chicago oa the second Monday of April, A. D. UwL dve special bai!. and plead to u<e said plai&uff't action, lodgment will be entered *7*lrrt rou, and la Aiver or the said Jacob llmis. and io maeh oi toe pro* perty attached ae may be KuSdent to satisfy the said jodxment and coeta mil be sold to satisfy tbe tame. WILLIAM Ik CHU&GB. Otetk. S. 6. A Sir. Plff's Att'y. mt.7 4w-c3tfi ism i*a». I BEAT CENTRAL SHORT LINE ROUTS VjT —vu— nrrsirtcß, fort watss * chiuw AID VSVVBTZ.VAJRA BAZZJIOAOa TO ALL lA3TUJ arm OUBXB * COatPAIfT* PnCIAL. AQKSTTB, in prepared to Contnet Trefghtg throughTby of the Compaale* named above, at th^ofleet Ho. 1 Mock, eoraer Bojih Water «ad Laaaile etreete, aad at Deootof P M It. W. * 0.8. Chicago: or at Depot. Liberty street, Pittsburgh. TheOOoea of the PeonaytranU KaOroadOocasasy bi r»la«ar«locitoda No. tAtfor Bowse. NevTorfc. No. 18oth wilt lata street. New Tork. No. 45 wry street. Bortoo. Nek n Ferry iiroet, Hartford. No. 60 Norta MreM. Boltlsore. , , Ard »»toe general Depot. Pblladetahta. CHIGAQO TYPKVOmDERT ■OIM Printers' Hrmrehou»e. 90, WA3HIW M CHICAGO. Tit gUBSCKiiIAtt IB PRBPARXD TO furnish Type la lane or smsflaaaatltlea. made from 'ft aaaiaior auailty of setai, for either cash or a&orevej AaeviJsedaeo Book 1« pa, to k, HI la nulta MSSmT a.i.wrooi.ftw'w. •"