Newspaper Page Text
CHICAGO DAILY PKESS AM) TRIBUNE. VOLUME m PRESS AND TRIBUNE. WHWESDAY MOBjnyg, KAECH 9, 1858- Cook County Republican Convention. Theßevubilcsc voters o? Cook Conntyarebereby no tified that s=CoontyO'nvefltion will beheld at the Ba ptrvlsors Boca, la the Court roaae. la (be city of Obi* cago, 00 iheJtUi day of Kirch, 1859. at 2 o'clock P. IL, fbr tie purpose or nominating c*cdldaie» to bi sop. ported by the Bepubllcan party. et the Jnilcial Election, t > be held on ibe fmt Tuesday In April. Tie 6evcral bj^u;on l vote cast In said wards and toena, Stth%l£stOounty election, at follows: Sr It*. Delegates No. Deletes. First Ward 10 Blrfa 3 8 coftd tV«rd, 1< Lyons = Ttlrd Ward 7 Mies 2 Pou-tb Ward 8 Nontfle'd - Fifto Wrra IS Jiffcfioi . , . fi.rtnWad.. js re* 'tier......... ' g-r«ftib Wad I'i Ortaod i Klchlli Ward ThrrO'OD «£KB Nioth Ward...... 5 P«lattne.. Aal 1 TeaibWard . "> Bvilanton 80nth0ai:«#0............ 1 Elk Grove I ' West CM ag> 1 febaoob rj.. .....1 , Lake View 1 Wheeling ..3 1 Evaoston ........S j 0ie«0..; ♦* , -Prnfli Sepal's » J .I* Wililr 2 moral * Worth... * Uan«*er 3 1 Lake 1 Lcmunt ♦jfr* 4 ; beptJtaryniwUoKsfjr the election held at each nth OUcaco, nu J ptace» o' boldi®* elections, at ] do AP. M.. 00 Taufidiy the 10th in»t Tip t raeetlpgln'WestCilc^o«#( be bell at the Stfom j (•mteoßoteV'lo aad of Soath Chicago, cnieCTS. L. street, at 7)£ o'clses P, M l or.saldlQ;hlasL Anl the primirj mestfnr# *of the i efiral ward. of the C»tr of C L:tzo wIU be-lield at < o'clock, ofsa'd 10th 4 o*t., fli thejg?* wing plaoi t: -F r*t W»n3-dA:t Boi}|io23oate Urtrt. corner ef ,«an Barra./jO9 ' Second House No. 1, Dearborn ttreet. * Third Ward-6Herirsofli:e. . j JYncib Waid—Armory. 1 ' ' • r FJth tt'ard—Horner's "Hall, Weit Bandotoh street. Sixth Ward— «est UsrketßalL Seventh W *rd—At German Hall, 00 Wells street. ' Etchch Ward—Kinalc ttreet Hall. Nloth Ward—Bnrioe iloose No. ti. c Tenth Wa*d—Nleaieycr*s Ho'.al. oorner of Caral and < Kchell slreeto. CHAB L. WIL«»OV, 1 * OHJ SCBNtlDtn | . b. *l3 rtSltY, ja. fl»niral . 1 1u d w E ..T Irt :SbSJS! ' J!F'WOO'-BCTBV. i I ■ H. wiLMAgra. j t Appropriation for lmprovioc c Harbor. * Tie readers of <bc FxiE£-s A3.D Tbibcke will 0 uot be le?s gratified tban fcurpiieed to learn " that an appropriation of $87,000 was made near the close of the last session of Congress •' for repairing and improving the piers and D other woik.« for the purpose of securing and 8 pvcscrving tUu Light at CU!cago. ,? For this unexpected liberality on the part of Congress, the people of tbe Northwest arc in- a debted to the indctaligable elfurts and pru- i ; dent mauagement of Mr. Farnsvrorih. 1 Watching lil? opportunity, be seized upon the luvorable movemeat when the Miscellaneous r A]>propraition Bill was ucder coosideration inCfmimitteeof the TTbole and when Mr. Bo- „ cock, Chairman, was temporarily out or hig t! M?at. to oiler an amendment to tbe Light f House fcctlon, appropriating the ram named * uliove. Oijections were made that tbe amend* M nienl wa« not in order; but Mr. Hopkins, who (' was then in tbe chair, decided otherwise, and ' Mr. Furnf-worlh ? ri motion prevailed. Subse- ® quently, the bill as thus amended,was passed, aud in view of ibe other appropriations which it contained, it received President. Had the appropriation been a£lfed for iu a sr-para# 101 —had it h«?t'n ' a ed into aoy loss • d'»r to Mr. Ba cbaoan than The one in queEtion, p it undoubtedly would have shared b iLie fate of ibe bill appropriating $. r >5,000 f»»r the improvement of the St. Clair * Flats. Had ibe amendment been offered wben 1 IJecock uae in the chair, it would have been nib d out of order—that sturdy representative of pro-slavery peinocracy haviog shortly af tenvarda' ho decided iu tbe case of a tlmilar f ymeDonicnt to tfic Kime bill lor the benefit of s the harbor, and declaring at the same j time that h«t would huvo so ruled had he r been in the chair is hen Mr. Farnpworth's amendment \vim> Mr. FaroewortU's aduiirable g«*ucral-hip was all that saved the amendment; and to liim, and >0 those who t voted with him I'or it, Is the credit due for j! >ccnring to "tVesteru commerce the adranta- 1 which will result from the appropriation. ® The administration and its backers, both in ] tbe Nonb and the Souti>. would have defeat- I «jl It if they could. f ■-» ■ t Death of A. V. Crown, Postmaster s Geuvral* * Aaron Vail Brow*, Postmaster General ot the Uuited States, died at hifi residence in 1 Washington, yesterday morning, about half- ' ]iant uiue o'clock. Hit> diseat-a was pneu luouia. ( Mr. Browx was boru in Brunswick county ] Virginia, Aug. lf»th, 1795 ; graduated at j Chapel Hill, in North Carolina, in 1814; re- | moved with his parents to Giles conaty, Ten* i law with Judge Trimble in the same year, at \ Nashville ; soon afterward formed a partner- ' >hipwith James K. Polk, which wa« contio- j utd until tbe election or the latter to Cob- i I£2l to 1832; and from the latter year to j 1839, wlien he also was elected to Congress, \ devoted himself wholly and with considera- ' ble fcuccesf? to the practice of his profession; j served in until 1545, when be was chosen Governor of the State of bis adoption. Alter tbe expiration of bis gubernatorial term, Mr. Brown measurably retired from public life r-in 18T>0, however, he was a dele > gate to a Southern Commercial Convention at Nashville, where he submitted an Diaborate report wbicli was known as the Tenncfsee platform. He was also in the Baltimore Convention of 1852, which nomin atid Franklin Pierce, and reported the plat* form which was adopted on that occasion, lie filled no public 6latlon tbereaner until tbe election of Buchanan, whom he warmly supported, when he was called to a place in the Cabinet, Mr. Brown had no special talent except that which may be called a talent for parti- All his life, he was a consistent up holder of the supposed interests of the South :<nd her institutions j hence uniformly acted with the Democratic party. His success in achieving station was mora remarkable than his ability to discharge the duties thereof with crcdiL He was evidently unequal to the management ol the Post Offict Depart ment ; and his proposed remedies for tbe diffi -9 cullies encountered in the administration of its affairs, arc conclude that be lacked the breadth of intellect and firmness ol purpose which ure necessary to a statesman. Person ally he was, so far as we are informed, a gen tlcman of agreeable and kindly qualities and of acknowledged integrity. His death makes the first vacancy in the Cabinet to whleh he ltelonged. Opposition Triaatpli ia Galena. Frederick Stahl,Eeq., Republican, was elec • tod Mayor of Galena on Monday, «ver the Democratic nominee. Two thirds of the Al dermen elected are Republican also. The battle was fought by the Democrats with great def-peiaUon ; but tbe Republican forces were too heavy, aud the tax eaters were over* | thrown. Tiiia election will inaugurate anew and much needed policy for our sister city, il the victors u*e their power wisely. We append tbe names of the Aldermen chosen: Ist "Ward, Henry Marficld, Dtnnis • Galvin, Dem.; 2d,Wm. Dickson, Tlios, Fes ter, Rep.; 33,- Miliar, J.A. Menaal r ßep.; 4th, W. W.Chaee, Lonls Zoeller, Rep.; Stlb Wm. Shea, Jas. Weldon, Dem. Republicans G, Democrats 4. Well done Galena! he llltnoU Republican Congressmen. Mr. Fdrnswomi arrived in this city yester day morning from Washington. Mr. Wash burne has gone* to Maine for a Yew days. Mr. U attending to some trusloess mat ters in New Torkciry; aud Mr. Kellogg if • making a brief atay in Ohio* Judge Trumbull, we regret to leani, is de tained in Washington by tU illness of Mrv. Truffiboll. Illinois Lefialatore—Aa £xtra Sessiotr. We are intorme-J, upon the authority, that there will do extra of tbe Illi nois Legislature. Teveial Democrats who are with the thought that some member of.tb*-* legislative bed/ will be called to fill foiotber and more exalted sta Uon, and thereby make a vacancy in tbe Re- • publican delegation Jiom Cook County, may. be assured sat their doleful anticipations will not l e realized*. There will be no extra sessiob! . i Going to Pike's Peak from Chicago by Water. There is a cootinous water channel from Chi* 1 tago to the month of Cherry Creek. Tbe water toate may tw tbos traced: commencing at .the Chicago River; thence down tbe UlinolsTan&l* • and to tbe Mississippi, idow# that river the Missouri; and up the Mis souri to tbe moath of tbe Platte; up the Platte to the South Branch of x the - same; ' up passing St. Vrain's Fort, to the junction of-Cherry Creek. ' There ia good navigation to tbe month o£ the Platte, bnt steamboats have never found a reli able channel on that stream. Occasional trips ' have been made dnring the period of spring . floods high up the Platte. Bat at all other sear sons it is a wide, shallow, rapid stream, full of quicksands, with shifting channel. ; Since the Pike's Peak farer Las broken ouf£ * tbe navigability of the Platte is ftfcsly to l>e;fu]!jr. . tested. Gates, Warner « Co. have josl «om>' * ; plated a.lS4uHfc portable engine to pro- 1 pel a-seow' from Chicago to Anraria,-at tbe I month of Cherry Creek,—distance by water 1 fifteen to eighteen hundred miles! >' -• Captsln Yatu, late Chief of Police ot this city, and Mr. Vaughn, late of the piow factory , firm of Vaughn & Jones, of Naperrille, are go ( ing to the gold mines, where tbey intend to run a saw mill, to manufacture lumber. They are * building a scojr at Genera, which will be trans ported to this citT, in sections, br railroad, to ' bs put together here, and lannehed in the Chi- 1 cago River. The scow is 35 feet long br 12. < wide, and is expeeted to carry the machinery. ' of a saw mill, a crew of five men, provisions for six months, some tool chests, and the aforesaid t 12 horse power engine, whleh will furnisV'tbe motive power to lura a atern wheel with which it is expected to propel tbe adtentnrons craft upon ber long voyage. It is calculated that tbe c scow will not reqoire'oTer a foot of water, as her drettwill Dot eXeeedten"inches. . t CepU Yateii:iaWaisto •leave this port and. j ateam np the Qiieago Btrercs soon as the Canal r is open for navlgatipW.'jEp'witl then push ahead v to the mouth ortbcFlatte with nil possible e dispatch. There V will,wait until that river { rises sufficientlyJto justify an attempt to steam up it. He expects to find the Platte on the rise for two or three weeks after he enters its T mouth. He thinks he can find plenty of water to 0 the South Fork, which is some distance abore t Fort Kearney; ac»d be hopes to fiqd navigable t water to 8L Vrain's Fort, which is In tbe vicin- i ityoftbe mines. In the event that be sticks < fast, and can proceed no farther, his plan is to c take his machinery and provisions on shore; chartersome ox teams, load'ap and push ahead to tbe diggings. As tbe great wagon road to d Californifej&ns along the bank of ibe Platte £ from Fort Kearney to the mines, and hundreds £ of teams imi be traveling that highway, there t ,will much difficulty is finding convey* I ance ffctse the water gives out. , t wish tbe C*ptain and bis ehip-faat<s c plenty ol water all the way to Cherry Creek; bat We fear our wishes may not be. reilise<£ However there is nothing like trying; never { venture never win, is a favorite American j maxim. . ( Another Elopement. j Wc are informed that one WlUlam Jones, intbe 1 employ of Mat*bew Hartell, keeper of the rail- s road eatieg saloon at Rockford, eloped a few dsys alace with the wife andtwo children of tbe latter. Marteil was in this city.yeaterdsy in search of the runaways. J A Letter from the Rev. Dr. Howard. ' Messus. Editoes: I wan too buay yesterdty to •« grsti y public curiosity by a response to the kind aud ClirisUan notice ot jnyaelf iu the laat Congre♦ gationai Heraldlf your exposition of tbatuo- s tic* is a correct one, (tbe article itself 1 have not r Keen.) then 1 do uot hc<atc to brand it as an infa* mous and malicious fa sebood. The sermon, which e Is said to be a "verbatim report" of oae from the pen of Dr. Gathrie, wan preached by me to my own people in April, ISSB, nearly a year ago, 0 while the volume from which it is Mid to be c taken was published j!n jDecembrr 1958, only » about four mouth* Hiuce. Beside*, the volume it fiHl I never t&w catil after this charge pre* t ferred ngaiust me. So much in rcferctice to the I •occusation iUs**jr. Now, I bare a word or two to say in rejrard to the ammn* ol the part ed who are seeking, in this heartier aud mendacious manner, 1 to 4, fi<ch trcrn me my good natne. }> q Ooe of these parties has been actively en* r gaged running about from bouse to bouse, an nouncing the *wooderlul discovery be bad made, ' as be would exhibit some rare and preoioul ob- f ject, and then exultiogly boasting that my doom t was sealed, as if that were the thing which of all others, he desired. To a man, whom 1 be had in vain endeavored xodutuade from ( connecting himself with the fcUpUst Church aed e ptriuodf to become a member ot bis own. bis taunts, and boasts, and ecetaciesioo the subject were excessive aud disgusting, "I told you 1 yon had better not join tbe Baptists. sow you t must see it. We have got your minister in a tight box; there is no hope for him; we will put bim through; but if be should get out of 1 this, we havo still another way to destroy him, 1 for he and an £plscop«l summer preached the eame sermon on the aame Sab batb.*' Jurt lock at tbta. u Your minister" £ we are resolved to destroy 1 Bight or wrong, . good or bad, be shall be sacrificed! " ' M Fee. ft. to fmn. T imell tlie blooJ of an Er»»«>.iw«n Dead oralire. I vlllhaTe If there is aoy Christianity, or even humanity j in a'l this, judge ye. Such men will howl piu . eonsly and abed crocodile tears over the suffer ings of tbe poor blaek man, bat witl deUberatc- 1 ly build a funeral pyre Tor the reputation of a ] white brother, and with merciless atrocity will 1 yell and dance around it like grinning fiends. One thing more 1 wish to add. AUbongh I had seen tbe principal editor of tbe Merahitmo ' or three times after the plan was concocted to * assail me, be made no allusion to tbe mstter. 1 And when, by chance, on Tuesday evening, 1 learned tbe fact, 1 hurried to bis and then requested him to defer the publication of his ar» tide one week, that my reply might accompany < it to the public eye. He encouraged me to ex- < peel the adoption of this course, and I bad no intimation to the contrary until I saw on Satur day morning, a comment on the article in the Paass Ajtn Taianxa. Tbe design was to prepare tbe attack, tbrost it before tbe public, and let it bare its toll effect before 1 had time to answer it. To this day they hare not seat me a copy of their paper. It most be obvious to any candid aed intelli gent man, whether religious or irreligious, that, let tbe charge be true or false, the men who made it are governed, in their spirit and ae tmns, by anything bnt the mind that was In Christ Jesus. His desire and labor was to raise men to the skies; theirs to drag angels down. And in their mad ambition for preeminence, which they posseas neither the piety nor tbe tatents to acquire, tbey are assaying to build themselves op on tbe rains of others. But God knows that in this intelligent aed appreciative community, there is no hope for their attaining eminence either in tbis way or any other. 1 regret to be compelled to writs as 1 have done even in self delence. These envyings and railleries among Christian ministers give occa sion to tbe enemy to blaspheme. As one irre ligious man, and he a CongregationaUst, re marked on Saturday, "thai just sui'*s us out siders." Tes, such conduct bolsters up men in sin, aud leads them to turn with loathing from tbe society of clergymen who profess so much, and practice to little. w. G. Howaxn. . Another Veto. The New Tork Btrxild, of the 6th instant nays: A great effort has been made at the doas of the session to have an Unexpected baianee of $71,600, remaining of the appropriation' to deepen tbe bar at the month of tna liiaaiarippi, applied by the direct action of the Secretary of War, to the purpoee. The piss of the contract ors has failed, and there are fifty shins.detained at tbe Belize, sosn of which have Dean there r since December. A delegation hat' bees sent by tbe merchants and, authorities of Hew Or leans to arge tor relief and they have been 1 joined here by one from the .NewTork Under- 1 s writers. The President ha* vttoed tXt r&cixtio* oassed (or this purpose by Congress, and wiU k probably direettbe secretary to apply the ooex • piredfund to tbe desired purpose, rinder.exist ing suthority,. ' Havicatioa M'Lake Erie.' Fot Dsraoit—The Clerilttd «ad Detroitline otatoeaMrebtre giveft tbeiiete of wanting, and . on Xoasay tveuipcntxtef 9 the Hsy Queen',/ Capt. Tittf,'w*M leave Clerclaed for Detroit.-the Ocea&tMer CatrL Dick. will immediately thereafter take her piece ia the r. liee. -As soen aMhese twueteeaiere heve taken u tbeir poeitlonSj lhe *Qttier steamers aad-propcl* letacaa prep»» leKhe VjipireiegetceiSTiya _ Equiaox anireA&bm oanduaky last ** route tor Buffalo, sad left again on the tame evening.—76. Galena Election* We ere indebted to Mr. Sweet, Superintendent of the Western Telegraph lines, for the following returns. The total vote for Msyor was 1,043. Bepubllean .531 Democratic candidate Sl3 Republican majority U The following are the Aldermen elected: -t... asruqucAxa. saiocaan. - - jm. Dickson, fiexw Hsrfield. Bios. Foster, Penakenvts. fo. IdULer. Wil'lamSbea, J. A. aieuaU James Weldon. i W. w.Chase, U Zotiter. J —Republicans, C; Democrats, 4. The Postoffice Appropriation Bill. \ The Postoffice Appropriation bill, defeated on the last day of the session by Usson, Toombs j and Bayard, who talked away tbe time tiD 13 1 o'clock, amounted to $20,474,000, as follows: ; for trensportat'on of the mall (lnlaad) 113 6'S.OtO ;Loopea*aUOQofp4<tUnast«ra 2.9600(0 J A?orUlrrri 1.tt0.00 l.r a«fldeod k s duiias tbe present year. S fcOO.OOO Ulscei«neocs 774.0U0 Total. 130,474.000 J THE CITY. 1 MxesAKics iMSTirurs —At a full meeting of J the Institute laat evening, Geo. W. Noble was i elected Director In place of J. F. Mendaen, re- < signed. ' < Tsx Missikg Bsavss Fousp.—We learn that ( the several bead of cakle stolen from Mr. j Say era. at Jefferson were found at Holatein on ( Monday, • -CiMWT-CotxxT.—Yesterday morning, notice 1 was given by Judge Uanierre that he wonld ( proceed this, Wednesday, morning, with the 1 trial call of the docket. ! 1 ~ - v; ' , " ' . 1 "" Personal.—llan. J. F. Farosworth aed Hon. j ■I. X. Morris, member* of Congress from this Stale; t □on. Robert C.fichenck,ol Ohio, and Rev. Henty t Giles, of Maine, were all at the Tremont House t yesterday. % Tub Busca Muedib Case —ln the Court of *■ Common Pleaa yesterday only three jurors were e secured in addition to those of the previous day. Two yet remain to be procured to-day, wben the case will be opened by the St. Jambs' Cuoacn.—There will .he advice in r this Church to-day (Ash-Wednesday) at 11 A 11 M.and7KP< M., and a religions service will be held daily at 12 o'clock, beginning on Thurs day, the 10th inst. P , o E2T Tbe attention of lumbermen, packers, li manufacturers, and all others, who desire dock* 1 ing property where a special contract with a y railroad enables them to be promptly supplied h with cars from most ot the roads in the city, is e especially directed to tbe advertisement of Dr. n Evans, in another column. p 1 £ Tamrr—There will be divine ser- 8 vice m Trinity Church this morning at \Q}4 - u o'clock, and Friday ereniog at 7% o'clock, and c this order of service will be continued until fnr. tber notice. A meeting for prayer will be held iu the Chnrch every day during Lent, st 12 M. except on Sundays and Wednesdays, snd also f on Good Friday. c P Ths Ixbakb Poos.—A movement in tbe right c direction is indicated in tbe fact that in tbe * meeting of tbe Board of Supervisors yesterday, Superintendent Spear, of tbe Building Com- 8 mittee, reported tbe closiog of a contract with Robert J. Edbrookefor making-an addition to tbe iosana department of the Poor House, at a 0 cost of $1,20£). 8 • b Fissdish Act.—'The Journal says a rail was f pried off the track of the Illinois Central Rail* £ road onTaursday evening laat, and laid some t tew feet distancs at the side of it. Tbis fiendish y act was committed about fifty rods from the sta* t tton at £1 Paso, and near a pile of rocks, which, g had it not been providentially discovered in * season, must have resultsd in a serious disaster, aud perhaps loss of lite. Lest—Ash Wedxssdax.—Tbis day Wedocs* * day commenoes the season of Lent, the forty days fast, observed more or less rigidly by so c large a share of our religious community. On i to-day, Aah-Weduesday, there will be services, 1 appropriate to the day, in Trinity Church at [ 10>£ A. M. Regular services will be continued i through Lent on Wednesdays at 10)£ A V,i 1 and Fridays st 7K I*. M. There will also be a ' daily prayer meeting in the Church at 12 il, r except oqjpPednesdsys. | Ross Hnx Csxstsbt.—We bad the pleasure t of meeting yesterday J. J. Smith. Esq., these-. r complished editor of the Boriiculiurut, and £ President and Manager of the Laurel Hill Ceme* ( tery of Philadelphia. The managers of the, c Rose Hill Cemetery hare wisely availed them- £ selves of tbe ripe experience and cultivated j taste of Mr. Smith, in preparing their plans for; c ornamenting their grounds and preparing them for the noble purposes to which tbey are to be j decorated. Mr. Smith is accompanied by Mr. 1 r Saunders, who is also associated in tbe manege* f meat of Laurel Hill Cemetery. These gentle- mee have visited tbe grounds of tbe Rose Hill 'j Cemetery, and are highly pleased with their lo cation and capacity for ornament. We learn ' that the managers of tbe. Cemetery are doing all in their power to prepare tbe grounds for the inspection o! the public. They will soon be- ! come hallowed ia the affections of bur citizens, as being tbe last resting place of those who c were dearer than earth's richest treasures. t ' t Wonders of tuk Microscope —We under- stand that a course of lectnres is shortly to be de* livered iu this city on a subject that cannot fall to ( be entertaining as well as instructive to the edu- ( catcd classes, at least, of our citizens. The sub* ( ject of the lectutes is "Ibe Process of Creation,'* , a suljeci that has engaged the greatest minds of ' i evtry age, but one iu which science has, perhaps, , made more progress within the bst quarter of a j century than in all the ages that have preceded. f i Tbe contemplation of tbe realms of space, tbe ( I orbs that fill them, down to our solar system—tbe earth we inhabit and tbe beings it supports and 1 ! sustains, will surely afford more and better mate- ' rial for an intellectual feast than some of ibe ' vapid and uninteresting subjects with which some of tbe lecturers from other cities have endeavored j to amuse.Chlcago audiences. We arenot acquainted with Dr. Sim's abilities | as a lecturer, but we are informed that be was farmeriy successful in tbis dep tftment, and that be will have to aid his illustrations one of tbe most 1 powerful aud complete Oxyhydrogen Microscopes * iu tbe United States. j Old Times lv Chicago.—Old times In Chicago , neither seed to be nor can tbey be very old, a-quarter of a century leaves little earlier than ] that to be 6ald of us. But we have a history, and ( with this advantage that oar historians are living , men aud eye-witnesses. . With the doable purpose of hearing from his { own lips ia the style and of toe value Incident to such handling, and at the same time aiding In the noble and Christian enterprise in which be has embarked tn our city, as expressed iu a call very numerously signed by leading and well known residents, Rev., Jeremiah Porter, pastor of the Edwards Congregational Church in the Wert Di vision, is to deliver a lecture at Metropolian Hall on Friday evening, tbe 11th Jnst., on the "Early History of Chicago,•' the proceeds of the lrctuie to be devoted to tbe purpose Of tbe proposed en largement of the Edwards Chnrch, occupying an important position in our rapidly growing south western suburbs. N > Tne lecture will be one of marked interest and valae and should, as it doubtfess will be, heard by a large audience. RatLtOAO Mavtskb.—Within the past winter the/e hare been several changes in the mane* ging departments of the railroads centering in tbis eity. Some of these we have already chron* ided. George Williams, Jr.. a widely known and popalar railroad manager, for some years past identified-with the Michigan Central Rail. . road interests iu this city, has become Soperia : teadent and Manager ot the Peoria and Oqttaw kaHailroad. I Mr. Williams has been succeeded as Loeal So peristendent ot the Michigan Central by H. E. Sargent, Esq.* formerly ot tbe Boston and Wor cester Railroad, a capital railroad offiaer, and ! aa accession to the railroad interests of our city, j in his peraonal aad business qualifications, r From the Sevsath Annual Review of the Chi- | F ngo ud KUntikM Eiilroid. it ippetn th»' ' the sambtr of tfcragb puMßfWi bctwun llil ; wukee ted Chiaio etrried oyer tlw road dar> >* ing eleren monthi prMe&inf Dw,mber 1, ie£8 f vu SS.MO; w»y {>oi«d£6ll, .T1.1W._T0U1155,- .. tia.vrsti. unset «f .rwrftrt* for ptancm ' , «ilowed for edTyiac nullf, 4a, «IS,S<S-To«>1 (204,186.15. CHICAGO, WEDMSDAY MORNING, MARCH 9, < 1859. Saw Vau jroa tax Vzraa.—Calvin Rowley, i of Taakee Settlement, Will county, bss'bougbt a fifteen horse power portable engine, from Gates, Warner k C0.,0f this city, which be is | going to transport to Pike's Peak. Be will ship • it sod a saw mill to Qalncy, over the C. B. i 1 Q. road, thence to the Missouri River over the Haaaibal k St. Joaeph road.. He will then load his engine snd saw mill on strong wagons, and hitch to eaeh five yoke of stout esttle and push ahead up the-PJatte to4he mines# The mejor part of bis estfit will be purchased in tbis city. Mr. Rowley (§ fco old California miner, and is converses! gold digging. After leaving California he established a ferry on the Platte River, where be accumulated a considerable | fortune. Jle is still foil of the spirit of sdven* tore, and is bound to see whet kind of elephsnls run at large in the mountains round about ! Pike's Peak. ! PoucaScxnaixs.—At Armory Hall, yester ! day, tbe following petty cases were disposed of: Michael Wilson snd Michael Raff, fighting in a lager beer saloon, tbe former $5 snd tbe latter $3 —Rosa Murphy, while drunk, stole a fish from No. 134 Wells street, fined sß—John McEoery, ' simple drunk, sß—John Moody, colored, disor* derly conduct,- f5-Barbary Beaml, keeping a disorderly house sll.' J InNovember,lßs7, a mas named Lonisßsngb, employed by Louis Rehgenateiu, grocer, at 217 Milwaukee aveane, lost a breastpin, bracelet and necklace, valued at $25. He sever ssw them sgais until Monday eve-' ning last, when he (band them upon tbe person of a German girl named Maria Klett, at a ball in a lsger saloon. He at once procured a po liceman aud bad ber arrested. She stated that ber father, Jacob Klett, gave them to ber, tell ing ber that tbey came from Germany. Tbe . father was consequently arrested aad examined ; before Justice Stickney. He stated that he found them wrapped up in a paper, on the . sidewalk in front of the grocery store. The ( Court committed bim in default of S2OO bail' to , answer. , A raxcions Rogub at Laxqx.*—We learn that tbe notorioos Bill Hill has broken jail iu Noble 1 County, ludisns, snd is now out upon his own ! recogniianee, and be doubtless will recognize no necessity of returning to duress very imxne* diately. 1 This Bill Hill was a leader in tbe gacf of des perate villians whose operations were the origin 1 of that remedial association, the Indian Regu* 1 lators, so terrible to evil doers. Hill went to Missouri into very-private life, but not so pri- 1 vate but that C.P.Bradley ofthiacity over- ' hauled bim and brought him back to answer the ! ends of justice. On Saturday night last be made hia eaeape and will doobUess take extra 1 pains to remain his own custodisn hereafter. 1 However, as the Frenchmen said, be is " a bad scared snake " and will not be very prominent in bis depredations upon the public in time to come. ( ■ 1 The CotJKrr Pooa.—ln former seasons tbe ' disbursements to the county poor outside tbe \ Poor House, by tbe county sgent, have been i chiefly in orders upon various city dealers. Tbe I psst winter, from tbe evident and inevitable is. i crease in tbe number of sppliestions for such i aid, foreseen at the outset, a change in plan has t been pursued, and while the number of persons < and families aided has been more than in any ( former year, andtbereis further no reason to believe that they have not all fared ot tbe banda ] ot tbe county equally well with their predeces- ; sors in former yesrs, still tbe advantage of dis- j bnrsing bread instead of money and orders is i fully shows in tbe quarterly report of tbe Com- i mittee on Poor Honse and Paupers, for the quar- < ter ending Feb. 28th, 1658, which, compared ] with the corresponding period last year, gives i the following figures: , DUbonedlaquvter ending Feb. 20. 1ay...... 513.500 l)a. same period, 1M? Decrease .* 5,630 ] Tbe following Is the report of the Warden of the Cook County Poor House for the quarter 1 ending Feb, 27tb, 1359: Honorable Gintlemen : Sine* my last reoort \ of tbe last quarter it will be seen that a large 1 number of paupers have been admitted Into * tbe Almehouse. The care of them has been most arduous! Every requisite for tbeir com- ■ fort and cleanliness has been furnished, and my wife and self bsve been unremitting in our ' attention to make them as comfortable as pos- j stole. Doe attentien bas been paid to tbe sos*j . imercourae of tbe sexes. Since the establish ment of a school, a large somber of children 1 bare been kept from running wild, and out of harm, and I most candidly.ackaowledge that a i more honorable aed beneficial institution could cot have been erected for the welfare of tbe poor children which, have become inmatea of our County Almshouse. Seme of the acholars < are making a moat striking progress in their i education, and it must be acknowledged, for tbe credit ot the teacher, who bas indeedan uncom- ' mosly disagreeable and.unpleasant situation, I that nothing bat energy end undivided labor i could hare succeeded. During this quarter, 616 inmates have been 1 admitted—l7l"ot them are dißcbsrged this quar* 1 t>r, aud. some have died, which leaves a total < number of 445 in the bouse at present; 225 , males snd 217 females. Tbe number of children in the house is 127; .62 of them are of tbe ege ,of four years and above; 65 are under four years; 18 were born In the county house. - Sioce February 28th, six paapers have been admitted and five left, leaving tbe entire nqm- 1 ber 446. J. G. Roxxms, Warden. » 1 The Ministry at Large. , Editors of Press aad Tilhone: Tbe Boup-Uouse opeoed early in the winter on Madison street, hae just elosed its good work J tor tbe present season. All deots are paid, and no further donations will be solicited by the | directora or their agenta. The good dene through the winter baa been great and timely. On some severe days, there were 600 applicants, each served with good warm soup aad a piece of bread. Aa tbe winter closed, the number .was reduced to 200. In returning thaaks to the benevolent. men and women who have helped them do this good thing, the Directors need only remind them that tbe bowl of so op has bees to thfc shivering Irish man what a cup of oold water might be to tbe sweltering Israelite—a "Godsend." When cold, hunger and hopeleasness get • a man or woman in their grip, it ia often but a abort way to crime. Aa a means of belpiag many to get along until work began to stir, the soup-house haa been invaluable. The reward ia with Him who aud, 44 Forasmuch as ye fed the least of these, ye fed me." The writer would say that the sign of an early spring baa brought many applications from tbe country for boys who are friendless, or in need of homes, and are willing to work on a fsrm. He bss taken tbe utmost pains to sscertain the character and standing of the parties applying, , and wiU see that all boys are dealt with liberal ly. He ia, however, almoat a stranger in this ' eity, and will thank all who are interested for the friendless and poor in tbeir aeveral neigh borhoods, to let him know of their condition 1 and wishes about the above important ftatter. ' Rosaxr Colltsb,. Ministers Large, 5 Of&oe rear of Unitarian Chnrch. i IxroaxAttox Waktbp.—jfcMrs. Editor*—l am i opposed to humbug, and' am a most anoom . promising foe to all manner, of imposition. 1 With this premise will you allow me to ask tbe y following questions: » 1. What became ot all the money that was received at tbe vair successful concert of tbe Borne Festival In January t It waft promised Q that the proeeeds of that concert should be con* i- tributed to the poor of,the eity* and with this understanding, 1 and hundreds of others labored a to swell tbe said proceeds. The poor didn't re ceiveacent I want to know what became of. 7 all that money ? 2. The Strsxoeeh Italian Opera Troupe save a Matinee tor the benefit of the Mount Vernon >r Fund en Saturday a week. The receipts of that ». occasion exceeded S7OO, and nothing was charg in ed for tbe use of the henee, The'amount paid over to the MC Vernon Fond was sso6. Iwaat ** to know what became of tbe remaining $603, n and upwards? - A Lovsa or Faib Dbajjsq. ™ Hoxobablt Dibckaiokd.—We mentioned a dsy or two since tbe arrest of eaa Henry bora, at the of W. W. Davidson, on a charge of lareeny in removing farnitare aad Bv fixturee from the effioeof the latter. Westaied g at ths time that it was a caee of IsfciiniiashV' r * aad complicated difficulties betWMa two'late ld partners. The case was brought before Justice Mllliken fbr examination yesterday * and almost kicked ont of Court, t j. it fully appearing that Davidacn'a folly and mal at ice m the mstter were about equal ooniftttaeat quantities. Bo ends the affair for that "time. " Canada Gsxat Wasmar RAiiwiT.—Tbe fol lowing ia the traffic en this read lor the ending March 4th, 15591 ** hMDsen.'»i,» - 1^552? I Total 1 Oocremoodlas weak of lest * #0.M94l Bejssd the XUs«arl—Tbe msw Call Beldf- Tkelr CDnute, Tspegraphj, kt. Dr. Brans' teefare before Use Ctlcaro Aeatmrertftleaessi . Whateyer give* information upon a point .of ao general public interest as at present invents tbe new Gold Rsgioos; and tends to sustain the golden hopes end ptans the many are basing upon reports from that auriferous shrine of sdo* retion just now, is welcome, snd doubly so wben in Chicsgo the informatios assumes the form of reliableness and authenticity inaeparsble to the same, in tbe hands of a citizen so well known, and whose opinions and poaitiona are uniformly so well taken as those of our esteemed citisen, I the lecturer before tbe Chicsgo Aeademy of I Natural Sciences last evening, st Metropolitan HelL But for the inadvertence of neglecting fully to accompany the -acnonncements of the lec tore, with the ststement of Hp cirenmstsnce that the lecture was free, the hete existing gen eral interest in the Gold Regions end all mat ters thereunto pertainiog, would bare been re flated in au audience that would have filled the H&IL As it was, the cudienee in numbers and character was a good wne, made up largely of those who are intending to make a speedy spring spplicstios of all thj information they can glean, by an early answer to tbe muster roll at Pike's Peak, We are looking for a large emigration from this eity and vicinity for ths gold regions, with tbe opening of tbe seasee, and hence- attach in behalf of our readers s timely importance te s lecture like that of Dr. Evaos last evening. It was not, however, intended as, nor wss it made a guide-book or eiclusive series of hints and instruction to gold-hunters. It wss, rstbef, s scientific and interesting, though neceaaarily brief and hasty review of the chief character istic features of tbe tract of territdijr lying be tween the Missouri and the Rocky Mountaias, extending Northward from the Southern bound aries of Kansas, to the Northern frontier o! the national domain. The lecturer accompanied his remarks with msps snd disgrsms, showing this territory slone, and also in relation to tbe country at large. From Kansas City, on the Missouri, st the month ot the Kansas river northward along the Missouri river, over 1,000 miles to the, north* ward, thence westward to the Rocky Mountains and aouthward along tbeir eastern base to the line which dee east shall follow down the Ken sas valley to the mouth of the same, by these boundaries is enclosed a region of five hundred thousand square miles along whose western frontier rnne the tract where is now centering tbe interest snd sttention of hundreds of thoa sands in our older Ststes snd Territories. One remarkable feature of this region was the circumstance ebowaby 'means of army sur* veys thst its highest point was at the aouth-east corner, where the bed of Pike's Pe ik rises 6,000 feet above tbe level of tbe Gnlf of Mexico. This ths lecturer showed by gitiog tbe compar ative altitudes of other pointa on tbe north and and east of this region. Tbe prevailiag charac teristic of all the streams, of which all of course are the tributaries of tbe Missouri, are shallow, rapid, with shiftingchsnnelraadaltogether un suited for navigation, and scarcely available even for rafting down such timber as may be cut along their valleys. Of this region a striplin ths interior, from one hundred and fifty to two hundred ""I** Iu width along the Missouri is an high arid plain. Averf I interesting part of the view given of this terri tory was the tracing of the isothermal lines es tablished on a careful comparison and compilation of government and army surveys, which estab lished for tbe gold region at the base of the moun tains a climate milder than in Chicago, and a salubrity tbe result of tbeir great elevation. Tbe mining region is in the mountains aud the valleys at tbeir base, and there, is no doubt but that ths auriferous deposits extend northward to tbe beadwatkss of tbefi&souri. Compared with California, there had been as yet no sudden fortunes iu lucky discoveries, but the field seemed broader, surer, though less ex. citing and varied, than in California. As to the qusdity of tbe gold, it was slresdy being bongbt, by traders on tbe Missouri from those miners who bad come down to renew tbeir stores, at sl9 per ounce. Old Californians pronounce thst unquestionably .with ordinary mining tools, good snd sure wsges can be made. The eridence aa to tbe nature of the gold de posits, tbe lecturer ststed to be to bim beyond atl question aa to reliability. Pike's Peak was in name only the chief pres ent centre of attraction, hough little gold bad been found there. Long's Peak should be more correctly stated ai tbe present centre o! opera* tions. Aoout this peak is a beautiful valley one hundred miles long by thirty in bresdtb, and this, though on its surface a fertile losm, is underlain by a bed of gravel, from any part of which gold may be washed iu" paying quan tities," varying from.three to ten eents per pan ful, pronounced by Californisns good wsges. Dr. Evans also stated that he could from recent unmistakeable Information that had reached bim, announce thooch not permitted to give locality that "within 200 mlle3 of Pikes Peak riJcer mines have jost been discovered, richer thnn the famed silver mines of Mexico." Our notes of tha lecture are necessarily hasty and imperfect It was a candid, judiciouslyselec ted and well arranged exhibition of thß facts that have established bsyond all question the aurifer ous and otherwise valuable mineralogical charac ter of these mountain regions. Tbe lecturer closed with a brief reference to the duty and advantage pertaining to Chicago in ber position which she can render valuable and Important to herself as offering inducements to those seeking outfits, more especially since the completion of the Hannibal fcfit. Joseph Railroad line. Ths Isai.iax OrsaA.—Last ereniog Donizetti's beautiful opera, Favorite was admirably given to a good bouse. To-night is Don Giocanxi and a full house in advance, such as Mozart's great masterpiece is sure to attraoL The east is one no lesser company of artists could give, as wit ness: The Commandatore, Sig. Nicola; Don Juan,Sig. Barili; Donna Anna, M'lle Teresa Parodi; Don Ootavio, Sig. Brignoli; Donna £l - vira, Mad. Strakosch; Laperello, Sig. Maroel I Jasca; Masetto, Sig. Amodio; Zerlina, MM, Colson. Secure your seats in seats in season this morning. • Haxssoxblt Dokb.— of ths sacred' precincts of one's home, is not always to be de fended or oommsnded, but the instance consti tutes aa exception, where on Monday evesing last, is the West Division, a party, or rather a sortie of the friends of the exoellent pastor aad esteemed clergyman, Rev. J. M. Ferris, left ss tbe results of tbeir Invssioa one hundred dol lars or more, a memento ot their viait. The plan was hastily conceived aad carried out, aed left many unadviasd who wonld have doubtless been with the party of the first part. I/Ocajl Matters. 13T Now is ths season when your elothea : need the most elseaiug. Messrs. Cook k Me- Lain, 93 Dsarbora sti*st, are prepared to suit the most fsetidioas aad make their old soiled garments sppesr, at a triiing expense, as good as new. Through them yoo aot only at all times present a respectable appearance, but save » gi sal aanual oausy in tailors' bills. k Baksr's new aad unequalled Family Sewing Machivee at SSO, $75 aad SIOO with freight added. Hsamsre $5 additional. -A fresh anpfly will be opened this dsy. H. AuxAxasa, Agent, mh6 Iwk c*Sl 166 Lak-st., np stairs. Pike's Peak Boots, water-proof aad made expressly for the Gold Regions. Ate ' Robber Boota at costf at tbe Boot sad Bhee fix chaage, 161 Lake street, seeoad doer west ef La Salle street mal-lw. Pin's Psax.—Trunks, valifes aad. traveling v baga, manufactured"expressly for ■% trip to the Gold Mines at W, AG. 8. Wright's 61 and 219 Soeth Clark Street. * fell-So. " tsr |s| advertisement of Boudoir, Sewing Ma , chines. V lake street. ja4-ly*b9o6 EV* See advertiesmsat ot Quaker City tso Sfcwtng Manhms L. Cdanu. k 0c96-lv street. - SZBTS. sventMLjlarch Mb,ttewtfls of Sgbert L ~ XABBIIO. i T Zatblssßyaa ttadktssu^Vr. JOegpg u QOBosa eaa wm maul A . . 2>XSP« ■ na-tlßwei Ai *?rii ?-:< il ; . 1 i friends of tte flM&rsrelsvfiiA to eftmAUiteasnK i from tte rcrtdace of bis bre4b«;J.o> Teraer, Mldlßa I plaoe,tMsCWedaeedsy?slwisnr attXo'clock. yeto . BTQ B. SC&jrtsr, Adwmigbv it Z*adiairi*rmuffU XwOrW*. islbflMlx TT7ASTKD BY "A LADY MUCH BX »f per'enced la teasbl'f. a >ttsat2-n as Dally eta a pHvate family. TCrsis asouerete, • i-ect WAITED.—WANTXD OS THE Ist of May. witkln balfamlteoftbeCoßtHoqae. uaiet, heater aelshtorbood. a boose tf * to 10 rot ne wUb ias wo wite.- firtorrs cn-rp ee. snd *hb oo' fomtare. A'tevrss etetl-aloc-tlos. rent and alse of hoeee. Box ' Itfd.'* Pott ifflee. cuJ JST NUBS K.- WANTFD BV A h-althy, Teeae Woman a situation aa Wet Raise. H.snolncambrarce cor *ny objection to tb« o-n rnr* Reiarenee snd r Quired. - Can be beard or at Mr. lutrdierce once, fl Wells street, wbe belp for every s:aUon can be hai. BUflv-Es?S.-ANY FIRM IX WAKT OF tbe services of aa enerrctls butlness man to »ct as Book h>eee> fleleamaa.oroiheretae. wUI nleasa art^tem H. bUKTOK. Box 169 L Cblcasa P. O. fe32 4a" OR SALE.—N HLF. LOT 6, BLK 28, B 8. on Jefferson street, near Ja r kson. Nrw mae two store*, ten toetndlnc bab room ce'la*. cistern, ware- and ess ftxtar-a. Price 1 SI 90: cash Sl.fWla at tf per cant, acml-anna 14.5. T. ttl& OB«MAR A CO. mb9-le<tf7 Ko. 4S Laaalle street. OB SALE OK TO BENT--A LARGE Urst-daas B<kk Dwclflns. with Stable and Ice Hott'e. contalotnell rooes baan ro-ia. Cellar and itlsetivblrsttua'Mta tbeßovbrDtTSen. aod poaea skm nan be hao at ear tine Ap lr on the i rtnlati. W Kid tear Place, or to w. a. tIOOOLK a Box 19 P. Q qM ia* TO B E M T. The Ist, 3d and 4th Loft-« r In the !f«w Bnflclnr, ITS Lake street. Inquire of J. Vum Boevd A Co . rnhMwcfrS no. 178 Late street. Lost.— on friday last a gold Pen end Prucfl Oase. TbeftnderwlQbeMbcrallr rewarded by lea rlns tbe aame at this vfflca, or at 0. U Mat tne Bant- mta-St c*» JUL. YOM HOEVEL & CO, (Lata 80HUPIB BROS A CO O IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, Citlfrj, Tmls, Suds, Kails, GUss, Ac, STSXET. OBIOAOO mhSSmotOO Frencla Vhlte Ztoc Paint. KfVn TON 3 gNOW WHITE AND NO.l. V* fv JTm anl 6roan lln Cll In Prancr, war* tanted i-UES, tn ana to anlve, for sile br joß«pa u Bra*6. . . G Bead stre-t. ew fork, ■« mhß3ca!ic*M AynLYmns MearaesaACo, Parla Sheriff's Sale—Books 1 Books!! fFHE SHERIFFS SALE OF BOOKS AT I. Camea* Btore Ko. <B4 Lake street will ootnmcoee cn Tbsr>d-y tbe '0 b day uf at 10 o'clock A M., and will be conUnued trom <a* t» day nr>tll tbe whtle Is JOUM Ga*Y,Bherifl; mh9-S c*o9 By George Atderaon. Deputy. OTICE—THE PUBLIC. ARE CAU tloo*d scalnst seoerlos cr oejptlatinc In any way aoertain<heeklo«tby the undersigned: said check was numbered BM, and drawn by Watson, town A 00. on Messrs Ge->. Bmhh A 00. for SM.7O. and da'ed S7ih of Jauay, fS®. Pat mtnt of toe same ha* b*en ooppeU. mh» if hAWBXB A O 1859 BPBING TRADE 1839 HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW OOODS AT WHOLESALE. E. B. Kellogg & Co., 62 Lake street, cor. ot State. We have on band the lartest and beet a«svtment of New SoiLs Goods to be fouad tn tbis m r*et. aU of which a e received direct from tbe ma- otac urere, aod will be sold atverylowprlees to the cash and prompt paytos trade. mh93mceA The Monarcliies -or- CONTINENTAL EUROPE. The Empire of Austria, ITS HIsE AND rEESENT POWER. -BY JOHN S. C. ABBOTT. Price 1140. —ALSO THE ZiOSXNa AND TAKING Of man9oul 9 Oa; Lectures on the Holy War. BY ALFRED 8. PATTOJV, Author of **Xlnea!d. M "Tbe H*ro SCationaiy," ** ily Joy and Crowj." ete. Price. etCO For sale by Wm. B. KEEIT. mlfl lr Wo. W L\ke et-eet. Burnett's Oocoaine for the Hair. Porsaleby J H.BS&OACO., „ Dmolsts and Apothecaries. 144 k 146 Lake street. ttWy SPONGE! EPONGE! Alarse assorta*nt of Tolltt, Batblog, mad Carriage Sponge, of superior quality. Por sale by J. IL BBED k 00., mhMy Apothecaries. I*4 aad I*B Lake street. POMADE, Of our own make aad finely pcrfas ed. For sale by 3. H. &££*> k O mbaly - Apothecaries. 144 aad 146 Like strett. Awarded for tbe js u g^- Two Silver Medals AWAaniD re MT7NSON & BRADLEY, —for the— BEST BLANK BOOKS, , irm . Chicago Meohanio'a Institute. ! IfO. 81 LAKE BIEHT. A Silver Medal was awarded by the Illinois State Agricultural Society —for the— BUT BLAVK BOOKS —ve- IN UNSON A BRADLEY, Hall. 91 Lake street. A Sllrer Uedal was Awarded at th. CHTSTM PMUiCE AMERICA ITTN 8 T I T U T K TO Munson & Bradley, * Of Chicago, for the BESTBLAm BOOKS. mh9ty c 403 "VrOTtCE.-THE FIRM OF THOMAS 4 Iw MeCbevey la this day dlseotved In areordance wttt the tcras of tbe eeetnet. Tne coders'en ed ts aame of tbe firm laleeda tioo. win eoettaf tne hos'aeeuader tbe nameef jt T. Xkonua A Odm it Ho, SB aorta L*e- rborn street BICHAED r. THQMJ.a. Cbteeso»Marebid. MBB. nbS<BW>w HO! IOR PIKE'S PEAK. VOB BALE: A Well IsttMlsheA Drsc More, 19 BAVDWIOH. ILL, OntteC.B.BQ*. t«weH rftnatedand stocked; with • targe run of eoetame. Stock fresh and and In rood or der, Btleelarseaa* saonctory. This la ajrare teshp lar asgea to flwsee ta tte Dras Bsslsses.. Z vtblo so tonka's Peak Ussy only motive tor o Serins *°l2esropsrt? 'sefbreAfor tbtttydaya. Ifn-t ridwtt tntbat ttMta will beethhurawn front tbemarkek •aaiCwtsk. Kerch 4tb.lSM. iLHSmtw CTEJITID OR STOLIN—FROM THE Q cbloaeo Pieteataat O phan Antea. abeat the ttk or Ntruary. adait BB >UOW. wl fe tuo*d bonaa. about galesl^kssa. QHUK CH ORGANBI HKVBT KBB BIT, eir New York, OAQANBDILDBAv OLXX- MIUA AsaetJ is nowta tUi dty aad wm r»- mataeiswdasa Tenbas, Beeer aayttitrslnttia Bas of tiastnesi WJI be to brsmas a toe at aayef B. IThStraWaJL eoCLDV BOOTA CAor. rtja* XTOTICE.—PARTIES ENTITLED TO 1W Bcrip bom the MUTUAL lltei73«hCV Oa ct BsMo> cea obSela ta* seme br ealllnr at my • fflce. ■" f. arwAtßa.acsnaT nhllw X .IDcJe'aßQ Mlas»uoetalra. T^OUSD.—A GOLD PENCIL, CASE AND JP pen. wbleb tbeowaercanbarecre the ■aSearfber, srovlas wvjetryiMitii f r ihu adrer- Uieui<nt. • . . fiiOUtiA sAtEAWAf,- • mtT tw-eW» At * f Otflsai Woftwoedh 00. salj^- i' IMIIHI.I ' O«MO »iw LUIVAIt ° I:L r :#e * OBIAFSST ass MestErillUat U^ht Yet DUcorerei A. wl # H SaSatke trSaell. BAU. <L ROUNDS, Insurance Agents, 160.Sontls Water Street. BtJLL, CARGO, FIBS AHD LIFE UTgffa Taken on the moat favorable terms. t^HtTLLaedCAKQOBI3KStaken toLITZKPOOI« Rested an-! paid here. BuocMSta . . \Banted. vpO JOUKS£7KKN TAILOBS.—SO GOOD JL J*vaeymeaTKlor, eia obul. itudy mm< n»gi atlrood wace, ta uatewort, 1.,t bo.rd tt Oo mi mba.gUl ITtTANTED TO SELL OR KXCHiS'GM— **_ fmniik.d wuneverylop.ov-msnt and convenience, oewa*.d tn order, witbCarrtact etislblr In the best put o: t.eSooin ulvWon? its above will he S3 dcocjao. aid liberal ttme c'ven. or exebanaed torlap oved srodeeJve teal estate. Ttls ta an opportunity rarciy offered, aod any person deaJdn* K*s2 lre, ® dl *iJ I ild;a s? OQ f*var*bti terms. Is tnvued Au CBmmunleatlors w.itbe prypp lj sttended to. maMw*. \\rANTED-B.»ARD IN A Pv.EaSaST W, loeaioa,—South £lde preferred-for aeatfeaaa end bla wife, no A lance si axle roomwoaid i! e T ,UJ, e i oat be fumlsbeA Bnt of refer eue-ecventx reqalr.d. Terms and mast be men<iJoed ornoattention wlitee stven. Box Q« mb7<tH^»}. fTTANTED—A COKTKACTOR TO CON o'bree btlck stores-ana wbe will take bau the contract price Inc-aa. tbe tesalo. der ln rea. estate, ISAAC CLAP If*. ahitw* ISQarkstreeC \XT ANTED— A NEATLY FIMSHED TWO Y T Ptory Houss with fro a eUht to ten rooms, situa ted on Wabasa avsrue or oa one of tbe aoss sve-ts east p *** Addresa, with teims. P. Q. box B*ri. mat-t^-cye AN TED FOR CASH—A >lßST cliss House aad LoC Hons) to be fcrnUhed wunueai and *ater and r* twelve or more spodgttbleonpremaeawoold be detlraole. Noitb or * est tide preren-ed, Addraa Bo* "is6i. n statin* loea tioo aod pricei feU-lmcgl WANTED— A YODNS MAN 23 YEARS of ace <*ealres a sltaa'lon as salesman or clerk insomewbol^alehonse, where *n opportunity woold be cueredtoratvaoceaentanA petmaaency. "«» bad la years cxpe>lence in vailocs tranenra of boatneu. and etn rive anaxceptionab e reference* AddreM " a." Box CS*. P.O. f-flotTTla WANTtD 56,0:0 TO SIO,OOO ON Mortcace of freehold Estate la tbe dty of Pso na, tmnoia. The pro&cjt, u now let on a term of five Sear* at a. rental of 53.000 per annum- Apply to P. 1 i M-. boxMB reorla.lllinois. >etota* qlO MEBCH4MT TAILOBS.—WASTED JL .itaallonaiCnttei, HoodrrfmtoMilTeß. So rtiecUoa wjaj SKt or the W». AddrtH-in." P. O. box T(fl. mMSw* BusisEdS— ani nasi in want of the sr vices of aa enerxeeto badness man to act as &,ok-ke-p*r,&t!ctmia.oT wlUplease add><« IL bPitTON. box 168 L Qtricaeo P. O 2w^ rNFORMATiAN wanted-oy david A. SING, who left Stokes County. N. O. some SO years aco. He or his heirs are entitled to a lecaey of about •iw?. Addms D. H. bTA&BCCK. JsiS-anrcS Salem. W. C. Co Rent OR RENT—LAKE STREET STORE, Ko. 197 now occupied by John West, possession ttven May Ist, lbs reside ace ot Dr. Duck, on We*t Ma4lson ftreet. A No (4 with Ham. aad Garden. PursUure for sale. LOrß—corner of West Madison and Clinton streets. AlsO< ti on Union asd West Madison streets. Jost east ot Lnlon. FOR SALE. A GOTHIC &BIDESCE aad Bars, (with lot) near union Park. Alarte latcjruerof Panilraand B\ndolph streets, oear Uot»n Pane 68x14& feet, ror panlcniam Ingalreof U-JS-to ear] Die DwCB. 44 Ctara SU FOR RENT—FROM THE IST OF MAY. twothree st r ry brick dweltlno, Mos 131A154 Oak sueet, between .tin and LaaaUe streeta, each cantata tnceievenrobmawnatatbroeaaanncl'seca,«lsteroa d bjdranlx water. Lot t9sl7wfeet. witn barn In thereat. Ais->, dwelUubooseNa Si7utue street, between Btuh ten rooms, bath room and close a saa c stem, and byoraolle water. The anove named nooaes are localei la the be# neiebboj hoods 1 > the North Dtvisloa. and will be rented ><ble teaaate. None otber need •*M. GAMSLX. oflce No. t Ilad*s Biock* oor ttan dolbh ana staraot streeta mb4c3S4lm TUKE3 AND DWELLINGS TO LET.— (Be'onrlna to the e uie of Samuel P. Skinner.) Iron Rtore. M Lak»str«et, First floor. Basement and Uuoer Flo jr. BriJt b-ure, 7-t gt*t« st-eet First Floor aad Baseatn** Brtck 8u n. £3 Writ L*se street, brick Dwelling 159 West Lake street Inquire of B G. HALU 1 cb7awc&JS No. 190 Waehlcg on streeL Lumber yards fjk bent.—the Lo*s now occupied by O. Hears A 00., on Lexaber aiJunUr toe Fort Wayne Depot frooads. >«o tl >rks Boatn ot T«ema street brt'se. A rail oad track is Lai j parallel wuh the 00-k. eun'ectins wlta sewakpt the hnx>rtsDt leadlcg from tats cty a, futdinaueequilled faculties for s.lpolns and handHng Lnmber. AtplyVa J.W. a\NtiOM. c3^lNo IS doutb Peoria street. • House to rent at no. 092 wa bashaverae. AU or any part of (be Furniture wi. oe told, fesseskn clvea oa ue Ut of April, mhf c£SJ lw RENT-—A SMALL TWO STORI A dwelUsa pteaiaLtly alveaUd In tbe West D 1 virion. Kent cbeaj. Farnuure aod Carpets for sale. Inquire at 0 Lake ureet. mhSoSsplw TIHOOf. HIMBOD A 0q io B£NT.—HOUSE ifO. 345 WABABH Avenoe. boa May l<t- Apply to mh7-ia eSBS BA* YBB, PalGB A 0% 14 Lake st. rpO RENT.—REAPER FACTORY AND. A Machine Shop attached. Ap tv to mh7amct 8 BiWYQt. •ro REVI .-THE NEW MARBLE FRONT ft Un ldlnt Ko. 17u rootb Clark street. Four storks and basement, toiether or separately. Apply GSU. w. Nawc MB. i tatASw* SO Dearborn street, House for bent and a part of tbe Foml nr.*fbr sals- An esce lent chance fbr any party who a'saes to comm- nee b oaekeeplec. Only 1 Ave mlnate. walk from u.e Post Oißoe-BoaUt. Ida- Bent low. Aidrtas box 3aed mt4 lw* . TTALUABLE WHARJIN9 PROPERTY V to Bent. Wharf 10'527 and 23, In Block St. School 8 ctlcn. oath.*«aaisWeor Beatb Braoeb, e«tw«en Harri son and Van Bar en streets. Ibey ceo be rented far a single y-ar or a term of years. 1 ouireof auJ-leixffiS B. O. LABNEU.« Waablagteo st. mO &E>T.—THE FIVE-bTORY BRItK JL *tore Nos. SH and SSO South Water street Tne above to a seed tenant, wtl b»rca*ed e.e% . Pcan alven on tbe Ist day of April next. Apply to CttaA O CUaBB, Wells street, er or teUec, V. O. dr.wsr aacr. mh>-t.34Hm rpO RENT—THE STONE FRONT THREE A a'oryand hsuse No. 104 North tssaitw ttreet. wl a a two story pern and wooa abed la tbe rear. A'tit? to G. 8. dUBBAaD. No. 1 BiocK. mhl cSJO Sm Qorng Cla-k and 8. Watef-et. PARDEE'S BUILDING. FOR RENT, the ocuumodlous offlcee oa the flit aad aeeond aoortnrardee'sßuiidlaa.ooßierßoutti Water and Wells etnraa. Also, twe tofts end a fine earner basement, aottablahr adlnuu haU Pot team apetyae tbe ebecrl ber In tbe bnlldios.~Ho. aii Booth Water str-ea. )al3bsassp arm willtamw. XO MILLERS, MECHANICS, AC.—TO BEST, for a term of year* that larssbeßdlns nest of the BUvator of Gibe* urifln A wttb the See Lot CD wtdefa It stands -being *0 fbet. more or lass, on tbe rlwezidrannlßSbaoktatheG. AO. O. A A Attached to tbe boltdtae te a steam engine room, with sn eostaa. Thla la a fine loe»tloQ for a Flooring Mill, or tor oalperpaeoa. FortertDa.aa» acpiy to A A WILLIAMS, dsAtbeUSsa as Souta Water street. ficorimig. Boarding.— first class boabd aad sMmbs! rooms, ettber sa&se er single, at M Booth CUrtstreet. Traniantßoard etraaeonabte rates. larSm* "VTOTICI 13 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT bo:ki Tor SnbecUtlna to the Capital Stock of the CBICAGO 80UTH BEAItfl DOCK C9MPAST, wDleeopened at the o&ce cf ABRAHAM J, KNISEIY, 78 DEARBO9N ST., Intheel'yof CUc , go.Oountyof Cook, aad State of UU not* oa BUurd tr. im lata day ssa'ch. lis ant, at • o'OMktn the of that day: aad lbs be oka or tbe Sacserlption to seea Capital bt>x-k wLt be kept open •tioch .laee. from day te day.oafclaaamcea exceed* Ins *lre nnnd ed fbooaaad tMUars of said stocs sbaß have been aopscitbed. AMa» ft. TBBOOP. "I wiLUASLGBcaaK I c<mnrmfo _ WliAIaM B. BAMMOK.f A J KNISKI.T J nh^Stlt REALLT AND TRULY GRAND— Wbea a new tiaoevery. dsstgaed so ametl-raSa baman snffs lag. te »'«desaty firoagbs Mfore tbe paMla rae t*e cuhse t> pe£rona*eare stated,la /n able and dksidre tfyla, we are atwm wt fiss te slve It an eztrs Sba.-eefoorataei.tteQ. wjlawrem. vfetSeatea tb» aaertte of *JkDIQAtBD Pari A (Or tbe aaa sni.tUed thai tbey jfann sntvermi ThePa ertepnre, hmm- Ise-tottebeeßby, a-da « leering te tboee affiVwad » taePilaa. ltts as cheap as tt tscTsellanl -e ihocaaad abee*ecoetng but a ooaar. and na«f that aamber fifty casta It la gnarr«nteeJ as a eare aad preriicilve of pUa eadie wlaaau sn ifimsMaaeDtt Tbe dlseevaser's4epet Is sviLAaa M>e«lL wtosretese aadacesn ■ slss are ni*la aadfrcux wheaea paeassea are aset bs exerts aeeay Hit of ttejomsOt r Been Aieet has J. u, &yctss watur-oarked ta it.—*, f. feeder.. BEWAES Of IMXTATIONB, Paper is aald tn tij T TT SEED 4 00, . . mbS Sw* WUdmH Fatrat Batamndw Safes. or THS ax CSLEBBAIKD Fire and Burglar Proof Safes Are la sse ea Lake street toctaJfag ready alB Wbolseale Uomea 'ave toe best rtPnation aay ta sat'ket. To tus safe waa awarded the OOX.DMBDAX, Ailh. VOSLQ'd TAIA la Mn to ■ p*ATt*»o*cisr,*,aarta... rIXILT. ixont-RtrPiaiQß aggs^isseasssM XraSHANHOOK POTATOES —2,000 80. M o VIOIEB'S THBATRK. ONI of 9TgAKO3CH*S CXISBSA7ZD ITALIAN OPEBA. belooeued ULnoorrcc'. ACnmwa—Or«a Otrci* «cS Far««att& flna Dollar 5!SA»tr!SaLS£iSf9 I au ufQ a. owahxi; tb. ITALIA.i OPERA, 1 /arewdl nlshto of Btrakosch'i Italian Operv Welae*lw, Jtarehtth. aa-l lomar- SiJSttlttSiSi u °" n '' ta " aort * l " d IL DOS QUVAS3L (Don JoaaJ of craudev aad erto. exerted la enyCp-ra ltoua or m * d "- Jh. OiTOttdUOT. JlraorKlcoU Don Jaan Siaaor r*\ - MUe Terw. Parodi - JlsLOr BiUroQ Mm. *nU»ch !j*° u &s or JaiMtt Antt4tt X5iJ0a........................M5dai>e Ou» UJOMO-W. Mcr(ee»rtkMeh....Leejer. U«srKxebto«r. rtnaletptkc Aa aclwtil be estzr« itallaa Opera Oosuany. by ih* aemb atl accosst of tbe learb er tne Opera, the aoorawu bfoDen.d oaitt D»j uLrannl nJettte atSM. ChaoTtitire ceoaeoe*at7)(. rbe rre® List on to- Don fiLiVa-al olehts vtthoet asv «ui b< saavoldaUi smiii uiUii with tae cj-lUoq of tee p ihiio pr>•«. win posttlve'y Trfday nnralos ter v lactnaa; t. wUI. p«a Wto's Net Opera ojqm on SotiMi. Ifta. Y OOXQ MEK'3 ASiOCIATIOIT.— HENRY GILES Win deliver bis prpuar Lecture on CHAJtoOrrt B2QNTB and the BRQSTI VAMILT. LN METROPOLITAN hat.T , On Thursday, Harch 10, at 7 1-3 O'deefc* tV AdmUilon 25 cents. ' ' Jie OXAVT Wit,*os, UCXaT w. Bi-UOP. J t, JXO. Lflß UN©. ah3c4ol-3t L.c.aro oonallt^ Gr RAND FANCY DRESS BALL I Mad. Akerstrom'a Assembly Booms, corns or tells axp aixnoLra r% On Wednesday Avealoz, Blarch 9th. Ko effort »U1 bs rpared to keep the party select la Is ssptttedi iha* trwr t-arww will appear la fancy Dress Oi sui« descriptlo i. aeyerai a be repmenUd br te lunao vei caicalat d (onistain Ui.m. N. B—Nooearo chmctera «dmlUfd. . %W Ilekets Oae DoUar. admlttlos a ce&tlemar and laJ'es- Biw V| ECHANICS' INSTITFIE HALL.— IfJL OcwerOart a&4 Washhuun skreeta. fpporfte tbe Court HoQse. Thi Hall is ooe of ths >aneat in tbe vtty. centrally located, veil ticbtM aoU every vav eon -7 .5 •J'S'FS to axty feet loas aat» el*hte«> feet»lda. Tbe loiiiiute canters wver One Tb'ntaaod Mrmb-ra aan, as man are dal<y valUa* Ue l&stUste. newytbeeb.l* noaae* taarbeatnvUorsoirense noUfleiof aaj enter atnr-e.t ta be bald at ike Bat. AdemaPW. GaTta, Prtsl miScSVTI* Announcements. April Coasity tleetlea.«-*Tlae nnder alsned annoaoeei as a Candidate for one of tbe Deputy Clerkahlps of the Superior Court of Cblcsco. at the easu'csaprll election, lutjeet to ihe lepab(!ean Moalnatlon. tmb*lec3t*l JOHN H.BATtKW. W. F. De Voir,Esf., 81r:-Vhel7n« yonrfrienda aedfeUo»-e tUe m will, be plea» edto taooortjoaaaoao of the candidates 'or tbeo&ee ef Cletk of the Sapertor Court of Chfcao, to be eiecied iaAjrlln*xt, subject to the decision of tbe SepobUcst Ocnventlan. Cblcato. March 3.1599. Q B Hubbard. KCLvned. JonHKbite, A uuoUn<ton, And «« Geo W Aleeeh. OWahU J D Owen. fc B M<* aca, B Carpenter, «feo w Dole. T&na Hale, u L Rartoon, Otto U Ifnta, Mark dttnaer. Ju 11 Bees-. 1 N An.o-d, O S G«s. JohnSSeed. H?M.ther, G«> WUr.jr, . Kii&ooi. II Sioooki. Cbaa Klune, Nle'a<anen. kd«Knao«. ANelsoj. iu- a Keeuen, AJWnatv Jmiua&o«*n(ba\ AO Coven it- mbS-CT-a» ClerlL of superior Coart-**W. W. MltchelLEsu.-D'ar Blr;—Tbe aoderaUnned bellevlrs that party pollt csahoald not enter Into our ladletal dee tloca bat that caoel .ates be selected lor tbeir ability and ft ne« For tbe offljee tobe 0 led. vtmld (wttlv out distinction of party) rtaMetfullr reqaeet roo<A b* come ac ndldate fortbeofflce of Clerk of the Superior Court of Cook County, at tb; e'action to be held on tie fih of April, and promise to give you our cordial sopport should you consent «o run fbr that cfflce. Vcnrtreiyyoun, CacAoo. March 3. IBS. Ja la# While, fioiHGlbson, Cbae IT Walker. U a Curtis. 3 sia* D job, jr. WV Coe. Jamee Peck, O*ootret. BSWatkina RfLulTcr. CTWrtwler. Ja«KD\iuba. John MalUand. PHB«l\ I'amlßowe. MOrUirsa Jo-d Taker. Hiram Bon, Barber. KJwsrd t Xverest. D Krelrti. D C Scranton. JH Wells. OeoMUann. A<)B«ia , IBawaon. J J Ekhards. i*AHoee-a ABWilliaoiS, BVay. SUBuil r, BbPoneioy, H *ayera w o'O>re. Cb«i Waiver, J Stewart A Co, jtibnKWb'te. MFPcniy. y**Qrar. CbuOUkker, J H WTc*en, LBarbr. ItaacN H.rnon. OLB nnoa, birasa Seraoltls H a Wtilmartb. V PuuerOeid. Kd erekel Htratu Waeeter. EH«ao*e*d. o W JLOaae. ThoaßP-cton TboSedcwicS. ASfKob-nsnn, John «? Win aaa. JAWbltaker. Ht&adale ABaoooekS Cl-otest. Cb*» M Dnpoy. H 8 Monro*, C H spencer, (i W Carpei.ter. HChapeun. J BuwU, H H Fla Jaa Slnley, » baaflanfird, aDjw, H-mdca, /Mutofa, Jae McSalr, Tan In«acen. Uq Ba«;er. S M gtereas. Jubn fihe*berd. A 3 rttlwn. Csicao% March S 10. Jtosr* Gto. Jf a SUanu. J. WfUU. C. 3 Whe&r. Ja». S D iliibci, Gum B. Walker, Ulram Wh4tierand otfuri —GmtJcrrun:-»Tcnr valued fkror of taeSdlaat, aiklas mete Aeee*»aeand;date tor the office of Cla-kof tbe Joper.or Co art of OooaCoootr'•t tbe ejection to be held on the ith of AsrU ntxt. la day received. Aa the ab rre call was made prtcr to tbe ciHln* ef a Bepabdeatt Convention, ueder tbe tmsraaton that tben waato be no party aanloaOons tor Jodna aad C>e b«. axkdaaltappea>atroman.tela\bei>as»umi lribwae that that qatstlon Is to come bcXore tbe Ccnventkn. tbere'ore, t whb pleasore accept yoar call, subject to tbe acilonof edd Ot&venUon. Very respectful!?, your obedient servant, jnbS-cJTS-l# WM. W. MITOHXLL. j Mr Wm. H.Bolton: Pear »lr—'Onr. Lssltlatore bavtns estaMifbtd Court tu this eoonty called tbe gopeclor Coart, wblcb will be sntlOtd to elect two clerks, and beint aware of your raeeat mlsfiartuae la budness. andyrur cipaclty aea mercantile man, we tate tfieearliest opportanl y of teaderbf to yo? otu sop pottae an Indejeodent Candidate to fill one of tbeva> eaadea. Wlablnsyeasoec*, we are Tours truly. HPeaka. Voehee, Pbllhje 4 Co. BP Mush. Pes too, &r-fci&son k Bmlth,A II Del. one, Crawford Bh>rpji Ca HBeeawltbAOo, Ckartea B bzaltn. JewettS SHei. ASmitb. faeier. Pake a Co^ i John UMiIU AOo. Beet Htti. Braeeer *Ce. ! BB.KeilocsaCo, Haaticstoa. W A Parks, WBSfea lißayera. Bailey A Barrlay B cs. IIH Tapra*, O arteS Deter. Dotreu. Basalt A HUL fleo Dodle* aTreeaan, OtiiLLafl o, Jcyl frt>bee. Matthew L»fl n, BL/«bltn4Co, It E«mpet*»d, Bait A Uouore. Vjiottu. Htnread ft C*, Taber. flaws A Co, Baroou. aikeo a txsla, B'charda. Crntnbaash A 8. Blnsdale a Babooce. LtnaonhtiVTla Moera, aeaserne a <3O, ParaoDi A Mo "'abb. Barker A Walwoith, W M Bo«e a Co. and etheia Mean. Wurraxas Beoa. aad atbeo— Sear fir;—Znodeeyoer kind eall tte "Pr«e and THbone" tenderlns me your ea: partes e candidate 2br one of tbe Oerksblta, and bee to offa myself ae soeb. subject to the dedsioeef tbe fepubEcaa CoumxUon. Yotna, vary tiulj, mb 4 eyatm . WM. -H. UQT.TQW. PIKE'S PEAK! AH who eentemnlrte sofes to Pike's Peak are invited to call aad examine urn snitiisnl nf RUBBER QOODS, Amms vUeb are Caap!taak«ti,B** aad mjewi, Oats, Geeks Lesslna, Pantalocn* Goaka Boeta, Shoe* Cape, £e* Part or all of wbleb are Indepensab y oeceaaa*? for tbe eomfbrt and eooveslence or these eroeeus tbe plams* (brainstfreana aa& rivere, and wotfelns tn the Hindu JBO. B. IUKK>* S Ou M Manafactarw's A tents, S p»ttbcrn-sa.. near Lata. For Pike's Peak- - TTAKD BREAD AND CBACKKBS.—THB JLL cubeeribera w*»td caU the att® Uon of emVpaote to tbetr scpertor faoilitles fir sawlytna wtta Hard Beeal u>4 Cr tiura. Hasina beea msnx )«an H tbe Calllarnia tradev we eao a sa e aU wlo entrust tbeir er» ders to as perfect aatietactioo. . o. XVNDACL A SOWS. Corner W«abln« 100 and Dearboea eta For Pika'a Peak. A PASSAGE TO THB GOLD BEGIOK3 of Kas*u% lucfutftturSfty tte. TTiimn Board tftdcasa.lL. If »P'ladfortUia week eV7 a* Bspe Fire' lasaraiaee Ciapaifi ,OP 9CW TOSZ OXTT. Caah AmCb SITM* Kwnra <sr asraoamj I> Caraee. KeyooVla. ByAOou. Qadeo.VteetwoodaCsu ; Benedict. Maltexr A Psrasa. CfiiADater. X. 6. VAN BCBSIft A|«Mi THE PHOENIX IfISUBAKCfi CO:. OP TH* cm or CSICAQO. BMII, Seetfc WiMr mm. Antloriaed Capttal, 500.068 I Paid ta aad seeurec, I7S»M ■ awaojww ptpacToaj? • • J. P. Aldrtcb, iota A. Jlfcekele. B. C. WUder, _ A_Xdwarde» IQraa B. Smfta. ~ . ■ Aavfeear aiarefoest IMNBQBT. Q.A. .. i* a VTLPP "kar"r* t &ljTniM. n Assm : LBWTB B. Bmrrvjar. - ~ Martoeead laiaed Bavyattm hiwswe. ■ ' vr ; MoITAXK'B .'■/ ac'-ac at'""'* xi" o laelMM THS MO.VSLTT.IIZLXiS. abl MadKMstfmt NUMBEK 213. [ 3kttdum-gfl|gg, w GILBERT 4 SAMPSON. AT AVCTIOS, Snpaior Tttiatnrt, C«zp«t% Oflot OIL PAINtINOS. Ac. Oa TaUBSOAT nod WBTVA7 tr*rrb*m MfcrablQfc •MUta, ktlOo'ckc* tacb day. will besold Moor m«» rwi. u LASS BTRRT. ~e withoa i«Ki ib. araoertsr atwrtffl'fel of Car pel*, Aa..Aa centals* of al! lrn« , «<f Parian « a«mb«r and Dlnla* K"o<a fornl'are &ich V:lr»t Taoewtn* Bra* •cn and u«ra a caipeOn'* r*eb pa-ar iai*v >» D'fC**. rich mart I» t'p aad p tin eh-taWr flHt Bo— waod, Mahotaciy »od WatooLTsrota too «atd ana centre do.. e**y ud •oekl^»<ti«'^ •-ft*. ot'pm*a*. raw don ohaln. b<t tm» wt-afcoct* balr doth ud vt'aui eh<lis re*}* <at watnat badß<»aaa, marble i>o and pu'a b«re«a« *ud n»h«4i f|"i eba'ra ard refers, waliuu aad oak axiaaelaa table* d!nl>*e**'n. gpuce raunrras, wl'Ddmrer*. cfc va. An. Abo a r ul«7 it £ll ralLtl^n. QILBEBT * B*M?SOlf. mbfclKiio Aaajoaoew. QALE AT AUCTrOJf—A FAR* NKaR 1 Monee (Utlnoia CertnJ W- B. euUtaJ a boat 9 ■Pea {toai Ghieaao. cootJnlae Mseretor lard. b*<f taw der ca evasion. fea*ed la. wttb a sxaeii wild to—i a fin# petard. antrer tilbi iwine. aed -wo sc <a *f wood *b4 will h« vidSMhitAy. Maebl.ihaeitat 13o'aloc# lathe hcase of D\slVt*rta,.lMi,.»t Tan-««i *Mh; the balaos# la tb»«- *«*al »•«* meot»-«j uiatM or ofib» t*.» IU aaJlMi. vttfe lot. rati &r ten [>er v«rJ v i^dni*. eottii* *" "•&. CbloMro, or A. HUMtT,Muaw. ftm? HILL & SWA->rjy. oasufiAL Axroxxovain _ AMO Commission Merohanta i* Dearborn B»ree« ...... M *KI bmoe«oi wtmr <—jitmoa o' rwi« oeoainad tor Aac«>oaßalee. Bqo»c ■aaAfia nu lati * G] ma* nrurt w*» a. luiiiaa. a. a. agtu—. WH A. BUTTBM A 00, ICCTIOSSXB3 A 5& IPP&USIKS. Ti DfiAHBOBH STRBBT, CfMr tbe roil offlctj Cbloao. COaola^ WGarfi adraoocs oa aQ kindj of MarokaoSw, ftl.ty-aUI Jot Sate. Pew for Sale. OiSS OF TttK FuDS LARGEST PIW3 ' latQ9D«v 8L JtmcaCborch. elgbtr loe*.Ud ca »•-C*fltr« Alae. l»offrred byia tabwrribar tor »al* a* aUnsdMcwuat CroaU* vaio*. rrt&aSL'N Ha-HATAT, - mh7-Ia» c 383 AtOfflc»o Q»dea. te. twood <Co. UTfiAM &AW HILL fOK SAL£ CHSAP, O oa eiuj tersui to<etber vlUi 1,640 i(TC3 of Plmu Tlßkcr Lui. Tb»nbSTrl k «rha«fbrnU tba abort voptrtv wlti b« aoid at a barsala. Tb«BiUt*a«ar9.«« Bay. WwcJiatmla • ooariab u Tilia.a t e C«aal» &ttl of Boarcoaau; ani »o »ta4i3o tka raxia dravtac U feetof »at«r oaaaaQ up to tb« Mlu Owe aalrc«iT« lb* - lam««r. haUajUwttt Umtxtrcda d to ifle tn!D. aa 7l la *eli*dapt«(l to latmUx oarpo*«a*Aar locttinotrtaQir. * tba Wnx vllb iba'.uabofbnfr !&4>a aad tM as aaoced to oumt (rnsiaev atatatia of uu.lavn«. lbnvara abooi 4>QO io«ioou«baaKot ibo Bar, which wUi b» aod w.t& Uu oUtrpiotttt}. jr 0r lartber particalir* pletae tddirt* or e«U oo UndJM. JUJUUI* i- A mM-ta » .nil, j. SECOND HaMO S«F£d FOR JL Sale low by P&AIT k tabi-lw c 337 It! doaua Water tinai. SALE CHKAP IF APPLIED JOS lmmedlitdj, * beaoUf«l Oxuct *a Oafawet ara oaela u« ttaatb ooa'a olor $ roocaa wiin a ▼vrylow laaee t>f iroaid tor • jnra The )«i to MailTS. aa ■ tkt«fa.ij Uld ouiwta «vcr(r««a*< T"«rr UUio eath-preffUefaaabaadaaceo* trait of all dterrbttaa* Ibo Hwr»o ftatlruao will paa*>b« dvofbcfor«ir*r«v la oat, *ep>f U> W.J. HuOui tSn, abliw*- a>3tjoavb-Wat-r<»-fo(. PALE.-THK SBVbN THtiBS C ttory adlalabed Brick Boom» oorae- Waba*k aaaeaad Har-soaCooit. Tblapiopertf will be offeied ooaa-ojllf drorabie term* for pureb*Mri, Apo'y >o WH d. oOYr. Iti CauU Mr««W or to C. U vA MON, macth Watertreei.* SaLE.-A GOOD Trt'O-aruRT f Traae Hoave. wlibU rears letae af lof»9 'oob* watet fa bo«tn»onw,fry>do*ra < »aJpliaXed rard, lo tfca Wa.t Plrlfoa, near ii*b Sobtol oa Vuore« tmt. Aa*r<ela. Ad<ireie A. B.* BoxJitU. caiea<o g«M .fllea, fp-i*w« J7OR BALE - 188 bCHa. BaY fcTATB, I? and tbe Bark WaVZKL7. time. Per Mr* Ucalvataqolre of B. f. I AVluflOti, . . felTcitetapl Uifloutb *»airr«j For salb very casAP for tuati.— HoaMaadLotoaJeffer*>a «taß% oetr J tckaoat Qoase new. eoatalaa tea roams, wtib daUi raota, brtok cellar ac_ Ao. Tbla property wtD ba fold at a DEOIDBt> BABQ iIM for cati. or paH ca»b- balance ea fear or Aro jvm* tine al ten per wa% lamrpft _ Addreai Bj* asiU Obicaca Pea( OSoa. KSw-dOL For sale, by van inwagkn & ca. OOee Ma t. DolVi Balldlaa. Cbloago. IS., g-v- Ui« rbOowtna Teeaale: Sebr. BOOKSr. Clw A U wltb a *ar O ,+jl .. KUZatOGA*. .. Al. Ac» .. .. B»KT .. \a m .% .. BrTGtifXtfGUlL .. A t 40) .. .. WINGfIOJ r US WUD.fcla» A*. 579 .. .. iNTUSatIOMAU .. fl l 3» .. .. eiKAUOiiiK, .. B 1 » .. .. PITHICU .. B 2 .. OSTRICH, .. A t. W .. .. OOBIUNTHUa. .. »! H » .. StAABil. .. A 3. Wl .. .. STDOMEI.SO. ... A I »i .. .. LITE OAS. .. B 1 11® .. .. tEUtl* VAJf'hJWAOE Cb2e>rvrtbnutfT4KSfll iailMffo<n THE TWO TIBST-CLASa DWELLDWB ' How belna Krvct*'. On Boaht near Superior Su, AndtabaflaUbed May l«u taeee buoaei are J6*46 fNW tbrea noriea with bMuneat Mllwankee brick Yont oaUt and to be flaiab*d la kb« be«l manser. T&e!ouare W7 reei deep to ao alley, and wUI bare a xood br'ek bars oaeaeb. - Pereone purenaaint eooa-cao na*a mob al« teraUoae ae nay be deal mi. Term ravoraoia Apply to DB. BaAXNASD. If Clark aiifc frwra • to 4. M. |)articnlar Noticeg. yyr ANTED .—TO EXCHANGE 200 ACBES OF PINE LAM), ta for ' Chlcigo City *r CmX (salty Praptrly. mMh' gaqa!reat<4 ourteua*c T'O SOAPMAKERS.-A CHANCE ta cfP»rrd to a «<Kr! V*ker )t aa edab'Ub. sent raoeatly started la fair&fid. Jtff r?oa lowa toMooatapwiaerwltb * .mail cartel. Al»nta bo.l .eeacau bedoaela ibe 0o«» aaj Can us baroa— ar ot t*e*aars me-<tof tbe bel c la the pUee. roe tvrber.panlea art aco'y U tbp saCMOi*>er o\ tha pr*ml«ee orby'etter W5®.C. fajfl Id. l-jwa. lia«tb 1'%% b»lw* Notice.— the anmul hekti^g of the SCockbolJen of the Gt.louo f reatea'a uJiTimsa Oompaay *ll be bel • atte ifflM of said on tUBsDA?. tb* *Vb day of Marrfe >4MI *for\beeieevr>aot aiSoDirector larvaeern-jtog >ev. ab7.lU4aatf \J. n. aOLDKN. Bac'y» rpHS OOMMODIOU3 RESIDENCE •404 Brio Street* On tifca haith flkta. near the Lata. F*r S(k tr BxtkU{« M FituiHi Teru. A lave proportion of ibe oa chase nosey will be taloa la La&ber. or aneaeasitKred Chicago a eai F<t ta, J. J. WCsT. - fbllcCSln lrt LaJt- street. CLOSING OUT BUSINESS—E. W. HCr- GmSTO.II> laad A >pb sure*. *W ee» the wbofeot b'sianrettooa tfrlcb • abLOrtJoral are at l««a between ibla aadtbelUr* fcaj. »• dose ibe ua»'n«ee. Ir ry pleeola felly eariauted.. and all toacit l j t laowa BMutaetorr. t'ifiro* w*r. IC Y. Cailandii ola b»» fore pcreba-la< elsewhere. £oa SALE OR EXOH.VJJUK—EIGHTY Aeree Good Prai'le fa-Tain* Land, sunned la aotiMtr. JIL, K shlee from «b>eaco. aad A _mlUa boo Raltmad Dejoi. dald Land h«a beea tuoa -bad. and •aeoropofvb«aebMb«€araiefedopmlt. itwtn eaotd rzcbaci d lax diy property* oi Ltr any deeerjetica at MrebaadWtaaa eaa be maoe a*»lLbl«. «ddr«« box Ul9 cbteaaa PQ STERLING EXCUANdti—DBAKT3 UK tbeUaloaßtak of Loadoaof "ae Poo-.4 and vardi, aTaitabla la asy »srt of the Uoited Kiatr'Ltß- tor tale by ifnegUm] do»<AN , « A UKLpOMB. OF THE ILLINOIS HUIUaL \J mi TSSCIAS 0* COM?\St aaaVftd b» Ha.emta HO»F>IANJ m -»atPOKl. Money to loan At Tea per Cant, per Anwra. . roR rxva tsaii. JM-clMi Chrßeal UksH aad COMMERCIAL HOTEB WANT£ZX rennlpf from One to Tvetea Mootba. UJBq*» B.F. IX>WSIMQAOa.STqark.* aioo.OQO .isjssf^ss lor Aaatrta i< v parrd u> a>a* a loaae on laM Muftattea pcreet»L. on thleano pr*pcrty. Pirn Start ace havl&s from one to n*e e re toina. w«ataaaA ■rate*. J. U LtX. at Wa4s*ortb k Co'*Haac. Jell Me M Uara treel. ChJcwe. rp* L* GRAPH EXCHANGM ojt iraw tobx. TWW. Aeeeetaaeee aad Kc*es_ paid la 9ev Yott oa tba day of mauntty. or ia« (Uy of paea. and aeacy d» a for aeeoaat ta tbo aty of tew rortt and »eai ta dtteala tbe Tktekv ef *l* CASE fl m O 088. ui tiw TgLmgaFa ojnoa ON&Y LOANED ON 01TY R&AL E£' attbabMiet■artalttoe. Oaaian 1- UOaela -*«dotofcMd UjjU. tt avutb OPBNID an ornce at no. vareiweialer imt ' ooouweiil Mrr br a iewf cotssUaloa. Pennaa h—»•■«■ wL •. ta natJttaa tae a> tita leeawUl b>» a k Sa MeM^Sv^e gSd-taba thabalaaee «f •fafceai lrt oa >p tbe laaiitaUAo. ae It u ipgnstTe w a>y, "gtas »-!-» aaaaaa* ■ Malt! Malt! «alt! , 1t ft r\4 »l k 80. Ntt I CiSADK B«- lo.uuu .• - Wl>ett»itiiii Peoili Mar Lie* Fjhrelasa'ate Ce*- 01 IIOIU. Cimu 1300, OM aum ixAnaauws cn^awamsa oaxaatfATotiHa auo. KIMrf t»4 fIM It übuwr< MWUX mjiiSSiiStSntt^tm^M