Newspaper Page Text
Special Noticcis. Bpe«Ul Notice.—Dr. Cadwell.Ocalliii bs« removed his office from the Matteaon Bocse to 93 B'Ddolph rt eet. comer of Dsirtcrn. OVER THAWTE B'S DRV3 S7OBE, "Dt. C. has no# ample scoommo latio a. having literal &partm-nt£ famished a-d fitted at*reatexj>ense, with Ladies' rrivate Etc.-p ---ttan K«cms. J).*. 0. «tUi boards attje MattesTn Botise, wher« be mv 7 be found when not a*, htaoffice, Honrs ttroosa the day and •veolni as usuaL mh>«Sw Patent cktaaapion Plre and BcxQua-Ptoor BiPa*-Wth fla'.l's Patent Powder* P'oaf.Locta, tie same thit we~e awards t separate m*. dlis at the World's Fair London 18SU and the Wor'd's Fi'r. New 7ork. 181J \ai are the on'y American Safes that wera awarded medals at the Laidon World's Pa'j. These ssfos form the perfect security axalntt Plre and Burglar*, of any Safe ever offered to the pobllc. st<K>o Hnvard will be paid toa~ype«son that eu Qttai < 'c'a Pxrxwr Cm«nox nrt ever faQed to pretrrre its oontcn s In an a«da -ntal fire. Tae -übscrioers al» minuUCiOre ail kinds of Boiler and ChUied Iroo Bank Chests and Vault*. Vault Doors, and Money Boxes, or Hhe:ta for Brokers, Jewelers, and private teatta* for Plate DAmscds, and other vain ablet ElL&fi a HEE&IfiG k 00 M ! SSI Brjadvar. corner of Murray atrteU i Opposlta CUy Hall, New York. I O. L. BAUUOS 4 OO rt Asenta. Chicago, XIL fe3*-3m cBO Tbosewlio are carloojs to witness the vonderfnl perfection to which A. Obswaldt <Ute mana cer at K*tth»loi's N. T.) has broocht the mannfactnre gf 4ln and Toopeet. are invited to 7lsit nis Wig and Hair Dying Booms, at Nc. 6 Tretnont Block, and examine Toeae ccriotts prcdoctlons oi arL No scrutiny cae detect the artificial fr«o the natoral wnsn adinstM to the hsad. dec) It Sawyer's Plaid Extract or Bark, an afaUabic recaaJy ;orlhe t eve* od Aise and the rut. Ibs forms of BlUloua DWases, 'nternltteaw Eemlttent, Still Fever and Dumb Ague- oavu* their origin .n mats .-la of very fertile and marshy district*, orepared oy Dr. 8.8. feawyet, Drnsgist ane Chemist, and mid by Sawyer, Paige A Co., No. 14 Uke street, Ohieaao. nu« remedy U prepared entirely rom vegetable scb. and ooLtains no mereary, *nenla or anything hat can prove injurious to the antes. Its eflests are tiioss ol a decbstrtentanfl toslo, wril adapted to rtswre the healthy aeUon of the Liver and whose 'suctions are to generally impared In this class of dis eases. ' • Qunlni and other tonics serve only is many eases to jreafc the chills, cot remove the diseaae> of the Ivor and oilier organs UmpUcated. on which the uid FtTer{ei>end; hence the eseftzlness of the "Plaid titrxot of Bark. M ., {partlodarly Jp regions where Physi> «»»w cannot be'readily oonaolted). wbloh *^nt«in h all Qualities suited to the Indications of these maladies. Hundreds of testimonials In regard to the efficacy of •tie medlelne from per»oni of respectability, have been clrento Cie proprietor—but he does not make txsecf them as ht prefers to hsvetbt medicine ta s»enrcly by itt merits Notice.—The Stockhol ders in the Merchant's Bank of Maoon Georgia, are by the provisions o? Its Ohvter. made perianably liable for ts lanes. The notes ofthls Bank wQI be taken byoson de toilt on th 9 tame terms as Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio. EL A TUOAEB A 00. IDoofc & Coal. Cheap Coal! Cheap Coal!! FOR SALE: ! Til® WELLKNOWN l.\ -iILLE €(>\L, ; WINED BP- ] Messrs. Law & Strother, of this City, i At $3.00 Per Ton. j ALSO— ' 1 200 CORDS SOFT WOOD, i At 52.00 Per rord. 11l E. OICKIMsU.t, felg-2m-cg27 East Bad Mtdlson fltieet Bridge. SHEFFIELD COAL.- THE CHEAPEST AND BEST mTCai&OLS COAL Vi the si&kkpt, Free from Fulpheracd Blate. carefully screened before delivery. 'Kryardbei gcovered, our i oal is protected fom tne effects of inclement weather, and is always de rered dry ani in good condition at $4,00 IN YARD; gI.BO DE LIVE BED, To any pfrt of the city. AnaUsl* proves tbe Sheffield Coal superior to all other Illinois Coal. Pjr «a(e In small or large <;uant tie*, at the Goal Y<trd of the Sh< Old i Min nc and «ranspurtatlon 00. IL V. 8. BBuobH. leß ciy< to Ctart-n.. near Tailor. Coal! Coal!! Ifl- HI TONS ORIBBY COAL.—THIS Coil is ihebesl in the market for either family uses or st«am. Also— -300 tons Praparod Aathracite (Brood Top.) SOO to ax Lump ShAmokkL 1 ALFfftD SMITH A CO. North P'er. o;iposlLe *ll. Central B, B. %r Orders may be left at W. D BERRY'S, 8. E. corner Clark k Haodoiph sta. MORFOUD dttOfl., ja33»m-c7# Oorne-of Lake and Clark streets. [3iinui. i .ng. i I'IPK im ptXTD KI 8. • 4HOW iT"wI.DEB €f ...ttoaleatfsst... 41 7'er-tbelr entire stock a* ;ollcwi O xt o A ei fit . Fipe 4v ner cent dlseocnt from List i'rica MjuaMe Iron Fittinn cente per pana.l. Brass Fittings, yeaat, Hwlnr Joints and Fixture* at Oost. Oar stock Is the largest in the city, s-d tz or veofferlndooetueatsnoteQdlLledintue We?t. se!s-iy-aS<7 It. t», ScFIIRLHH ( iM-. si tAia i irr:-ve. k A.VD . PUJMUING «STA BLIjIIMKiN i. i 51...1 M KALtE STKKBI..4B nmcAOo. ' All .tX!iSNr- IVE AJSSOBTJIEHI £Vor <ias' fixtures, | ' ft from tot 'utltbraw lasalaHoij «t 5 Cornelius A' KnKer. § 1 4lwar< au cs&d, '•■tjiori'lig Ibe Plalnst? Ac > most - Stab*w*l Oiiicat. - rRACriOAJL PL.CMBBR 4ad M«ct:(aeteiv* >f VLL (4.INDS OF STE\M WOUB. ' D Hart»-n'ar kivkb to litter or b tIOTCJLs, - VITU I'.lTf.h mill j irok t«arTi:ta, uiialbh akd VASf j rOR UARDKN UAWKfI AWn VBRASDABt OOONTRV [>UOBR9, ' PSOSPTfiT m PAITffFOUiT 4ITBMDEB M ro re Tu.tnE. » Tae THAOK 3"i'rLi?:r. TITB TOOI-S ] (RON PII'K FITfJNGR, <IAV FIXTOREB, rf,UM*. .'KG KATRSfALt:. AND SV2RY ARTIULK t« rdC BTSAU-PITT!KO 4NH rr.uiCßnf® i tCSIXRriS. »4 t.% STRCKV. U2IICAOO. « Kri»-v rto.'Ti nf 'Ja* Fitlcr »«<1 !traM-Wof% t Sf*»rl or Kr.-jiiL >«s«n.ii i""vrv Jll «w«es. alt QhFoAGO i/caiTp fp E AND Sheet Lead Work?. { E. W. ELATOHFOED, KXMoncroMKt or Lead Pipe, Sheet aud liar Lrad, , AND DKALSR IN d f r <A- XjXI 4k£>, J t Aeent for 1 OOLLIKE WHITS LEAS * OIL OOXFAIt, —sjc>— Ht. L«oaia B>xot Tower, trk fall assortment of the above Mancfaotore* ooa. •tantly on hand. ORDER* TROM THE TRADR 80U0ITCD. E. W, Dlaleltlordi a0!30®7-ty Ovrner of Clinton and Folton streeta, BOOTS AND SHOES. ' REMOVAL. We hare removed to onr new premises, i 28 Lake Street 28 Where, with increased room and lurroved facilities we are prepared to ahov our «ld friends and all wishlof to purohase. theiargeitau* aoa oomjleta stock of VOOTB AND SHOES tvsr brought to this oark-t, fe® ci9J*m Doaogrr. babrett a rtlia xsxeoosoud DuderUiKers, HO. bTKErr, <4^3^ HAVEOKHANO, AT AI.L TIMES, etebt ttjlenufl t'ouib, Wood, Le*d, asdZinc Co#i»»;aUc • sbruoat. Ann arc prepared wilb Hew* nod and ererytbi&c for Kuaer*:*;t»DC may be loubu en oand, and rv:idy ;o gire vronpt »u*atioa to tbelr bosl* ct-tsaial an.. Tr,ty a »t# t f:h*vei c n«l Vaalt !n the Crnmery. ,»>• V*r>JH' * »!»•<'! nR| Flour ! Flour!! We have constantly in stohb fir m oar own Mills and coon OonsUnnenU Floor o r a'l grades partlcaUrly choice graies of White Winter Wheat Flaur from WuMyin and tioothwn IIU- .. do la. • Ct? dei^enand consams'* cinbe ai U quality •nd price an 1 orders Awnth" coantrv pro ni tly filled by as. Office aadiwJrt, 276 Booth Water street. ia9»c!S4 HAWEINS A CHAPMAN, Kemoval!! MIL t.EK & BItOW r Jf , WHOLESALE - and Shoe Dealers, Bin AaxoirjcD to No. M Lake Street Ho* 64 MM* Seujjng iftarljiiies. \ R A ™° ND'J LATEST IMPROVED ' Double Threaded ' 1 Family Sewing Machine. 1 PBICES2S 00—CASKS JXD STUDS EXTKA. I Warranted to be asttood a* .1 ny In the World. | Tbey -will Stitch rnd Ben, Tucfc and FdL Gather and , Embroider, andareespedally adapted to Family ut Tbey will l*wall kinds r.r caodi from the finest to the eoar»at, as well as any oilier Machlas mw extant- acd i naybecedwrbexretlent rossAtt In all ktnds ofllght leatherwork. Any of ordinary i*tel Irence cui in one hoar, learn to ate thtm. wbl e practice makes perfect Ttowa Maehlnea are warranted. *nd any parson pun rhwngtbem cao i»tnrn ih*m and pet tbe-r msney, if an*r a moatb's trial, tbey do not t>rov» wnat we repr©. 1 i *B ! X « W-BWFL'jAHOLBROOg, P, O. Box IS2S. no 200 Laks r.reet, Vp Slain AGENTS WANTED. ty"An letters of Inquiry most enclose ta extra po*tag# »tapp to Insure ai answer. phi $30.00 Premiums and Diplomas. The first premium and diploma was awarded to the Boudoir Sewing Machine, .... _ duass* Txrm.) At th e Wisconsin Stat' fair. Oct. Bth. 1859: Machines frsm One Hundred toOoe Hundred and Fifty Dollan la. con- Pfution- Thus another link has been added to Its chain' of Premiums. The subscriber begs leave to call the at tention of the Lad lei or Ohloago aodjrtclslty to the oer ttsofthisbeauiirul aod cnrtvalteC MHSne. A few of lis prominent arirantvt* oyer aU others are as follows: Ist It sews with two threads and ties each tUI/ifa 3d. It makes two dlffwent stitches. Bd. It will sew nackwardas well as forward 4th. It makes two thousand stitches per minute. and ■lxtf-plnesthchw to the Inch. 6th. Th-inconvenience of a belt Is obviated by the ap plication of a Rubber Friction -i The nominal prioe of •» indudes stand and fix- WtratidsMachlnewM sold afdonble the price, Uwas cordially recommended to the jmbUc by I. M. SINGER A 00. WILS3N. GROVK& k BAKKR. AJ the bestsinglethreadMaehlnela*the'market'.* price has beta reduced one half anl Its value enhance* addition of the Double Th-ead. An examination of this Machine and tts work i> solicited U IL * 00 ■ Hoot aod Shoe DQ27 IrbHQd I. A. QUAKBE OITT. DOUBLE LCOX TIGHT SUTCH. •SO 3BWIWO AAOBZIfS NOTR BRFORK EXEIBITXD INTER WEST. oi ss, ! asss,' 0 TWO THREAD Kltcn u the most expensive ones in use, lu wart will Ifot Rip Tboa*h every Third Stiteh be Cot. The Machine ladmple, esjfly adiosted and not likely to get ont of order Works as rapidly. makes as firm and handsomea sUtch as the most expensive Machine*. Sews "iSyAT O S or ¥ no '} «poola. does coarse and fine work perfectly, by simply ehansmc the needle *"rtUir»VL THM TOLL EIITCH. HEM AND GATEIR. , Tacv make ilujs noise and run more easily than mart Ma eninec. oira Lipt *?lth aßeirtc* Machine !x oaullnej&daocrt; to Twelve geaastrwsesbyhanl .Irerr family and any onaaaMc/ Bewln*abnilneaahos*d ownona. This la th® | Oily lUthlM B«wUg with Two Thwiiss Ixcept one, sold In the world for le« than «00. Wrtr I Tlte all who wish a Machine to do any kind of work done by machinery, to examine onra. Bamplesofworksentby mall Qpon reeeirt of a stamp. Machines sent to person? who nsrer saw them, and are used mceetsfaJly aAst few bom* practice. t ?nn printed Instructions jdvea Enter, prislnn men. with a few hundred dollars 10 parchaae stock, may now secmy JocratlTe exoloslTe aKendea In any of the I of thisßUte 0: MUiacriT None others need j apply, oall at ; Chts. E. Wlsw«Il*B ShM SUn, Itt Lake St, 1 Addreet L. OOBKPT.T tat-ly.vail toxica Qli!emr. V\ SXOE H * s Family Sewing Machines, ! Combining the • 1 LATEST IMPROVEMENTS 1 -a- | E.EIDTJCEID PKICES. . OiW« l,,^ ,n 3.6l,S.tfS rA f TDKI ' ,a EOOTB AND ! 81IOE8. and GARSIENEre of every description, coa> i stantiy on bana. Wctcrn Office 140 Lako street. i A.W. HAESIS. Aient. 1 Stationers, &c. ! ' I Jones, Perdu© & Small, \ Saccessora to A. H. Boblit & Co., , i WHOLIIiLI IRD KXTIIL DKALBaB IS ( STATIONERY! AXD XiKmCICKXBS Of ( BLANK BOOKS, - 1 I 122 1 aid Street, Chicago 122 3. u. w. j05t3....J. ». riadm....j. h. tuux. n _ nhs fSTQ (j (Dnstcrs. ; T STERS—O Y 3TE R S—OYSTERS. ■ HATCII, MANN k OO'B enrirailed - f ran Baltimore Oysten received dally. byMIL Ixpress only, direct from their packingl V>m 1 bow In Ba.tlmore. U(L and for sale atV„y t their depot. No. 13» North Water sUect, ChicaSo. Cie obiiost care and attention beinx paid to the ere- 1 £pa« o« ttese Ojsters, thw hare attained & repotation < meqaaUed by aU others. All orders will receive prompt AddrßM J.N< ilAiCIi, A*«nt» 1 h. gg^gggfj' m - J 3ircl)itccto. j E. BURUNO- I A RCHITEOT—NO& 44 &46 LASALLB i ii. Btreet (over Hoffosa A titipeke's BankJ Is ere- t pa«|lo fornlih Plaasand Soedacaaons for aU HH, 0 f He confidently refers to many uf the tost £ pcollc and prlvate-as erl- t deneeaof hUaolUty. and that orders lnUnst©d to him will Deexecstedlnthemjst satisfactory manner, iaSbliilj J AND SDTERINTENDENT, i Office No. 77 Dearborn Block, < Oppoalle the Port Office. Ohlc«o. hoUWTI t V. BOTIU QTOR. t IBCHITECT iHTD fiCPKMNTENDBST. ( Oartfol and mlnote Bnedflcations. and J RCLXABLB DITAILED IBTIMATX9 J Hade trom Drswlnxs. ' omct—BßDearfcorn street. Ixtdoor north or 1 mylMj-v73 i 4 RTICLES OF DIET FOR INVALIDS s rY. AND CHILDEKN. t We wonld Invite attention to oar complete assortment » of tbe>eartlcles,oonsisUncof BI6OOTINE, 1 BSOMA, CHOCOLATE. 1 ARROW ROOT, OABLET, 1 GROATS, ALKATHBfTA, 1 FaEINA, kO, kO. i All or which w« can reoommand as perfeolv jpsre and I Ir»ST. HAt.Brt k UlNtf, . fefl • Homoopathle Pharmacy. I*B Olark-gt. 4 Dealers and ooksuukeb ! iax ixvrrxa fi. W. OERBMOUb * « arenowtfreoaredtoseUanddeliTertoaMrLartofthtctty f Jtr* OF OHA&GIi . Any of the Tarloas rrodactof their aQk. We shall aim at ( the stars In the Qoallty of oar cooda. and with acood mih, cood materials, and experience, hope to reach and main* I tain thehlxhetf point of excellence. Ov brands of flou , ts bvras and ban are 1 Phillips* Miui Choice totra. No. 1 White Wheat Phillips' Mills. Extra ttat>er«ae. No. 1 Bed Winter. . Phlllipi" Mills, Choice ramlly. Choice Extra Sprtct. ; Also at wholesale or retail: White Rye Plow. Corn Meal, sifted andomifted. ' Graham nocr. Oorn and Oats, cronnd, ' Qraokod WbeaL Middlings. Bran, tihorti. Bampa, Ae i t W. k ' aiLltUi' WftT«7 Kftßt). Wattstr—t * FARMER'S UNION FIBE INSURANCE ] 03. C3aplt&l tad Sorplu. »160,000 ( COHNECTICUT MUTUAL'tTFS DTS. 00. 1 ! Acquired Capluil 53,000,000 1 JSO. & ACS LET, Atent 1 No. 4 Masonic Temble. Chicago, Cl j fIRE. M AEINT *nd UPeInsUOAN OK affected for any I amonntdesirec at cewonable rates In nUabU Gutem 1 Oomoaalea. tagcJ6lv _ | LB3. SHEET ISINGLASS, &tJ\J S3 Bb!| Ptos SalpVnr. 16 Cases Beftned Borax. f> B>tb\ns 40 Bscs Bici'y Somae, 10 Casks Coina Clay. For aale i<y BO OKU THILLTPS k 00.. fel&-ly K'a g Brtoth Wat»» stwH Lumber yard water lot.s on B*nth Branch 'or iect. 1 yard oorncrO tnai and Monroe streeti. 1 " oaOana. sear Van Bnren, 1 " on Beach, near Polk. WUI be leased low by ft. XAJ. M. WIMJAMB. itl6 oilß lm OfflaellOK Booth Water-st. BBLS. white winter •\y \ / V-/ Wheat Floor, for aate by liitl J. EN JW. IB Booth Uwrtxinnt. t Onn BU. NAVY WHITE 60UP 1 *\_f and tfarrnv'at Beans. mnacX J. SNOW. 10 »oath Paarbarp-st 3 500 HF - CHK3T3 YOUNe HYBON » GCN.POWDX&, OCPKSUL AND BLACK TU& Of late importations for sale at low prions sad op Übsiial erms. UrNOLIM. ELP A CO. ' 80114y407 VTEW RAlflma 2OO BIS.,- 150 Eg lE(\ HHD3. JI£W N. O. SUGARS, L*JV " now landing, andforsaleat atpcotp ratoaa, DOlUr-b»ff EKPNOUW. CLV k 00. i>i i,'\ POCKETS 0 0. JAVA.COFFEE, UO b— -Blw n(U \ BXS. SOALKU AMJ HU. 1 tUt*..- Krt TOi MWAIOS FOR BALS 'BT 01/ Miltm -" " " WTBOLDB, ELT A 00. PRESS AND TRIBUNE. \ PRESS AND TRIBUNE. poausnD Daily, Tri-Waakly and Waskly 1 street—Ot«t Gm. faith's Sank. £DJTOH3 JJt'S FUBLIMBERS : , JOHN L. SCEIPPa, m. H. BAT, WM. BKOBB, JOSEPH MKOLLL, B ALFBKB CUWLMi. Tsnusftks Frsa aai Tiibost. 1 i-*auj. delivered in dty by carrier, per year ai.uO Daily, deilverad in city by carrisr. per week 16 pally, to, Mail SobscriDen. per year 7.U0 Dally, to Mall Subscribers, t> months 4.u0 lSvWeekly, oer year 4.UQ , Weekly, sinHesttMcrlbers 3 -«0 I ** Sooples 3.00 t m 3 copies 4.Q0 t " 10 copies to one addrtas. .10.DO i " r.- copies to one address Xt.fJS Andonefree copy to getter up of clnb of twenty. tyThere will be no deviation from these rates, r in registered letters may be tent us at oo tut. Address PRESS AND TRIBUNE, i Chicago, Dlln oil. TUB PBEBH AND TttlOO NBHf | Great Jub Priming establishment la the anf" WTi r»f|p tbe i West. It has more Steam IVties and Machinery; more Printing Materials and more Skillful Workmen !><*» other Job Printing House West of New York* Theproprietorsare prepared to execute, on short &o» tlce. crery variety of BOOK JOB LETTER PRESS and FANCY PRINTING In the SSS2 MA NXEB ■ ti the LOWEST LIVING- PRICES. Particular attention given to tbe printing of Easiness Cards, Fosters, Visiting Cards, Programmsa, Ball Tickets, Pamphlets, Letter Heads, Cireolan, Bill Heads, Checks, . By-Laws, Black Botes, Beeeipti, Labels. PRJSTISO ZH COLORS In all Its varieties, done In beaotlful style and at mode> ateratea An examination of SPECIMENS and PRICES Is r* specially lnvtt«d. HTt)rders from the Country promptly filled, and sent boz&etyXxvresa. Tbe Poar Bank Clerks - A Tale ol Gam* blioffin Brooklyn. Ia the wioter of 1851 aod 1855 a party of four young laon, all bank c eiks, engaged te meet alternately at tbe residences ot each in t!w city of Brooklyn, and pass ibu long wiQ ter crenings in playing euchre. Tijeir re unions weie of lUe moat pleasant ebaracler, no InjttiDg iwing allowed, and evening aUer •veniog ifts?ed ra iily away. Tiiey invariably brtke up at tea o'clock and retired to ibeir respective bomes, eatiefied with tbempelves and tboir cvening'd amuse ■ent. Tbe parly consisted of Oaear S.Field, late teller ol the Atlantic Bank, Brooklyn, a bookkeeper in another Brooklyn bank, & clerk in a bank ia Wall street, aud tbe writer. They were young men on \rbom oo word of rcprool had ev«r fallen from a fault fisdiog world. Tbe meetiogs at Ibe house of Field were particularly pleasant, lor there borne joys and comforts were mi'iglod with the pkasures of the game, and cacb envied Field in the of a fond and loving wife, in whose happiness his whole being teemed enwrougbt. Ofttimes was tbe quotation ap lied to tbcm: ! Two fouls With but a single thcuiht— Two heats that beat as one, Tlie winter pas&od away and Fpring came. The parties were, oq account of tbe shortened evening?, broken op, to give way to summer amusements. The next fall an efTort was made to re-organ izj tbem, but trom some Cause it failed, and Novemlwr pa.«eed without aL-y meetings. On Christmas eve of 1855 tbere was a turkey raffls advertised to come o/r at a house in a marble block on Court street. This was the residence of a man who had once been a tailor, but bad late ly ri-en from that estate, and at the time of ■ which we write he kept an oyster saloon aod bar* In the portion of Brooklyn, where be was established tbcre were but few, if aoy of iheee saloons, and it was therefore tbe resort of most of the young men of the city, who 1 bad no better place in which to pass their time. T. ere were two rooms on thy second slory—in one the bar, and the other was tbe \ one in which the raflh was to tske place. Ia ' this room, on Christinas eve, the euchre party of tbe former winter, togejber with others from the neighborhood, iuer, and tbe rafflitg for u chances" commenced. Tbe turkeys were rafH?d ofT by ten o 7 clock, ncd a supper followed, at tbe expcui-e of the proprietor. Alter this, one or two of the uartv com* mt'uced playing die.- fur quarters, aud soon afier tbe whole party joiued In the game. i Tbere were tbe four bank clerks before allu ' luded to j tbere sat a dentist, a doctor of mediciue, a dealer in hardware, a lumber mercbaot, s lirery stable keeper, a merchant 'rom New York, and others, around a large table, throwing alternately for tbe pool, and betting that they would ttiron* over a certain number (nine) at one throw with three dice. Wine flowed in abundance, acd daylight on Christmas bad long dawned wben tbe party, { wilb bloodshot eyes and aching beads, broke up, and wouud their way homeward?, many of them having received their first lessons in gambling. Many lost—some won—most o! ( tbem were indebted to cacb other in sums ranging from $5 to $25, while the proprietor of tbe institution found that he bad made a • very handsome sura out of tbe turkey raffle < —he having received a quarter from every fourth pooL | He was not a man (the said proprietor) to allow such golden opportunities to pass with* out improving them 5 so. ere tbe fumes from t the Christmas-eve debauch had cleared from » the braius of the party, they received invi- 2 tations to attend another supper at the Bame pl'Ce, where a watcb, together with ducks, •bickens and turkey?, would again be ruffled 5 oIT. On New Year's eve oi 1856 they aguia a met 5 again they raffled ; agaiu they supped, J and iiyain tbe dice was thrown; again the night and morning was passed in drunken ' debauchery. The proprietor was pleased, t nod treated his guests with that respest, or I rather reverence, which gained hioa many e friends: after that evening turkey raffles g were almost of a nightly occurrence. Tbe * institution soon changed its character, and " {rom Ue former oyster and ice cream saloon 0 it became a sort of club room, and after a j certain hour in the evening none but tbe E members were enter the rooms on a tbe second story. The character of the games c changed also, and cards were introduced— « emhro, seven up, pitch-trump, and poker were the games ordinarily played. Some few nf the party were experts at these games - 11 Field being an excellent cuchre player and a t daring bluffer. But tbe dentist before alluded to was a 41 sharp" plnyer at all tbe games; acd, though he commenced with a very small ( capital, he was soon in possession of quite a euperlluily of funds. His trade paid him bet ter than his profession. Tbe hardware man f was very lucky at dice, and one evening be found himself in possession of a diamond pin and ring! together with considerable cash— that which be bad not wben tie entered the a room*. The bank clerks were generally the « losers, and it was astonishing what large * salaries they must have received. A hundred 9 dollars or so lost and won at one sitting was J not thought of by these exemplary young u men ; and it was very amusing to tbe rest of ° the party to hear the manner in which they * acQOuntcd for the possession of such large * amounts. One of tbem had received a legacy a irom a deceased aunt; anoth r hud drawn a 1 prize in the Delaware lottery; while a third a amused the company one night by informing ° tbem as to the luck he had had that day " bucking tbe tiger"—all of which stories the party believed,-as a matter of course, for they c were gentlemen, every one of them, and J - wenld lot play with a man who wonld steal, s »* They only played for amusement," was the £ oft repeated assertion, which aU collectively implicitly believed, but individually, in their "j own mitis they did not believe. J Such a state of afiairs could not last long, J and one evening one of the party—a bew York bank clerk—was not at his accustomed post. It was a matter of surprise to all, for 1 during the past month be had nevermissed an evening; and baring l >st enormous sums of * money, (tbt whole ot his aunt's legacy and J much mare.) every one thought lhat he would c certainly endeavor to redeem himself; but hour after hour passed away, and still he . came not lhe gaae flagged, and gloom seemed to eettle over tbe spirits of the com* pany, wbile tbe spirits at tbe bar were in ac* live demand. " Wonder what could have become of Charley," mumbled tbe dentist, ruking in a few quarters and pnffiog vigor ously at bis cigar," I won of bim last night, and he demanded satisfaction, which I prom ised to give him." Various were the conjec tures otiered, and though all in their minds knew the trath, tbey dared not speak it. At | length a loud rap was heard at the lower door, and alter tbe money disappeared into tbe pockets of the''respective own ers, the proprietor went down stairs to open it, while the party were immediately engaged * in reading the Sunday papers, and no vestige 1 of card playing could be seen in the room. The proprietor returned, and with him a po- « Uceman and two of tbe clerk* in the bank where Charles was employed. Tbe company looked in apparent wonder at the t intruders. e « Have any of you seen Charles - this j evening inquired the policeman. No one had seen him ainee tbe night pre- f vious, and ail inquired the reason of tbe c strange proceeding. Wben told that he was ' a defaulter for over three thousand dollars, ' and had not been lo the bank that day, they gazed at each other in blank amazement, ( with guilt ftamped upon their countenances. The policeman soon left, and the party, after t endeavoring to ease their consciences with \ expressions that bad tbey known it tbey s would never have played with him, | that tbey poppfeed it was all right, &«., i retirtd to their mpwtivq hornet. Field in < particular teemed to feel the disgraoe wbieh . bad been brought upon a promising, young | man and bis friends by tbe enrsed habit, which 4 he fotmdw&s gaining a strong bold upon him* self; and the writer ia conversation with it bim then, h«ard Mm rcsolra tbat bo woolft s never play for monej again. How much misery he might have eared himself and friends aod family, had ho kept thatrwolreand no doubt'bad be.torbtd from the precipice oYtr whtoh he waa thfcH impending, no disgrace wonid cverharo at* l tached to his name.' But bis companions, soma of them, were constant winners, ana not desiring to braak up tho party ao soon, Field lonnd the serpent folds entwined round ■» htm, and breaking 111 his wall-formed re wires, he again plunged into the deep abjEs. Teariog from bis mind the lesson be had just o learned, he blindly plunged lorward in the » darkest of all nigbtf. Tiieiiiends of Charles a paid up bis defalcation, and he left for a 0 tour in Burope. The game continued with the balance of the party, with .ibe exception of tliree or four, who arrested their steps in time; Alter a few months bad passed, an , other of the party, James ——, also a bank elerk, was arrested on * charge of forgery, aod ere bis trial took plase the dentist lelt 1 Brooklyn for Obio. He has never since been beard from. It has beta calculated that he must have made over six thousand dollars ont of the party. S.'s arrest broke np the party for the time. He was seat to the State 1 prison. Of the later history of this party, ' the writer has nothing bnt rumors to guide him, and fearlnl tbat some of thlm may not • be true, be omits writing them down. Oscar [ Field's brief career was a short aod b.tter one. In the year 1854 he was & young man, 1 esteemt dby all his Iriends and acquaintances, * sober in his babits, gentlemanly in bis man* ners, and possessing no attributes bnt those ( of a gentleman. In 1859 be is a fugitive J from justice, a wanderer, with the m*rk of Cain upon his brow, leaving behind him , a loving wife and children. The story of 1 bis keeping a fast w«man the writer donbt6, ] for bis tastes and inclinations were not of i that nature. Of the four young bank clerks who met 1 evenings during the winter of 1854 '55, in * 1859 one is the young man before alluded to < as traveling in Europe, the second is James ■■ , an inmate of Sing Sing State prison, the third is Oscar Field, the fourth is the wri ter ; and as the latter casts a glance over tbo past, a shudder creeps through his frame as be thinks over the fate of bis companions, * aod thanks a mere ifal God that saved him • from the sbyts into which he had almost plunged himself. There were other bank cleiks among the party, and ere long their defalcations must » come to light, fur they have been possessed of sums which tbey could not havo come by. honestly.—Xew York Herald ">j>< '-re Your Eyesight. c . OHIOAGO, ILL. ITHB CELEBRATED BtTSSIA BOOK . J. ORTSTAL AND BSAZILI AN PEBBLE BPEOTA | & i long or ihart-fUhted persons. from 10 to at years of ace. aod for weak. tore or Inflamed ertv cai&- rjeta. croas area. are tot tale at BT South Clark street Room No- i tip stairs. Abo all kind* of Optical Instru- I msnie andAmfldal Cyea kept on J Penjona redding at a distance reqolrinx Spectadee. D Eye Gla**e. eta. caa be exaetlv suited according va ol their condition ot flfcht, and supplied with them by mall « §f aafely and Quickly, by sending oorrect and d'stlnct answers to Lbe (oiiowmt question *— - IA. Stateyour age, state of bsaltb aad ooennaUon. 3d. SUte If alasses are wanted for reading' writing, , etc, or for loofint at dtstsnt objects. 1 3d. Btate the exact number of Inches you hold a book 1 Inreadlnc. with orwilhom ilases. plainly and dearly. V The price of my Impr Ted Spectacles and Bye Glasses are as joUows: BestPebbA or Omtal Glasses, in sold Best classes kri.rer bows. *5.#4. Hi??* 2 - es insteel bowtM. «.»3andSl. Enclose either of the above soma with fourpoataae "~ stampf. laaredsteredlet'.er.andyouwUlreoelveby re- 1 tornJMtl. orby expres. If yon prefer It the Quality and I kind of classes paid .or. ana th*. best adapted to your Bgtlfc fell-lm* 1. Pr£fr.£oigSgSP6£ll«. 2 , REMOYAL. j BUEL, HILL, GRANGER &, CO., « Whotenle Dealers la BOOTS AND SHOES. J Have taken their Block to JJ 83 Lakefltreet ..S3 "Z Comer of Wabuh Avenne. I We V? 5?,5 ■«* Bprlng Stock, and with fa. J aeased fadllt es for doing business we sb&D always bare ocr stock complete- shall keep flnt-clus work, and sell Uwtocajha id prompt rayirg trade. fel»ca6lßm BUKL.HILL.QRAKGIR4CO. - MASKS i TO BEJPBBSEKT p. Everybody and Everything. | WHOLESALE AND BETAIL, S Pengeol's Chicago Variety Store, '£ No. 40 ClarK Stroct. J± IKISH MOSS. ife Shred and Sheet Isinglass, tapioca, fresh hops, = Coxt's darkling- Gelatine, BAGO, OAT HSU, CONCENT BATED EXTRACT OF LEMON, 2 ; SAECEST k ILSLET, Apothecaries, . fctelß lW Mt« tewt. SOMETHING NEW !!! MITCHELL'S PAL'S NT £ Metallic-Tipped Boot and Shoe. An Improvement has been applied to Boots and Shoes, by which a G:e*t Sarin* lo Expense is made. Etery _ boot and shoe dealer kaowi that children will wear ont 0 at the toe tb« beat-oonstrncted thoe In from four t? six weeks, and that It *>«st!(thefto defied the skill of maaofao torers to obriate this difficulty. THE « METALLIC TIP :I H meets and orercomes It. A null piece of copper Is aeat'yfanenedtothetoeof the boot or shoe, affording a complete protection to 11, and renderlox the effort! of the most inveterate stamper Ineffectual to kick or wear it , ont. J We present this invention with the "uHest knowledge of and experience to its Piastlcal Utility Hiring new for nearly twoyears been subjected V> the sercrest tests. U t. has. oy its own intrinsic merits, actoslly sormoonted * erery objection tbat coold pouibly be brought egtlnst U. h as the accompanrinjr certiflcatea. which are bot a lair ark «C»of hundreda or others. wiUabondantlycorrobfcraie. We narr no hesitation ia sarinx that the uetalUo*! Ipped 7 Shoe is destined w entirely supercede, for Children and Tooth, the o)-' style: and we consider U a moderate statement, that one pur of the Metallic Tips will outwear li two to three pairs or the old style. "»wn| 4 sarin* of nearly two-thirds in the expense of shoes. Hessn. WADSWOKTH fc WELLS, ot Chlcag*. Hare been appointed Airents for the sale of the Boots and Shoes, and are authorised to dispose ef Town aad Oounty ttUbts. communications addressed to them or the undsnisned will recdre proper attention. - n OilAfi£ UcSINME? 4 00., 20 _ , , 46 ASO Water st.Bortoa.Uaa. , " If. B;—Tins inrention Is a complete protection from V the cuttinc of tae Prairie urassca. ao d U espadallr adapt ed to Miners* use. and all occupations whlen particularly expose the toe of the boot or shoe to being cut or worn. j«23ly-c6l TRIPP, HAI.E, St CO. General Patent Office Depot, NO. 100 T.iCT BT&KR, CHICAGO. ILL. rpHE SUBSCRIBERS BEG LEAVE TO L inform the public ceneraQy. that they hare epene* thelroOceattheaboreptaceforthetrAnsactlonofa .. GENERAL PATENT AQENOT BUSINESS It isthelr aim to keep on haad, at all tinea, for exhlbt* ~- tton and sale, as larre a rariety as possible of patented __ artides ol the latest aad most useful 1 nreotlons; and they will take areat pleasure in receirio* visitors wbo may 3 «lsh to f.xamine their artiolea. whether with a View ol purchasing or not. "p. The oSoe Is thrown open as the headquarters of laves* u tors who may wish to dispose oftheir Improvements: aad t the proprieiorsrespectfnlly invite inventors and artisans 1 to call upon them at their pleasare. Patents obuiaed oa S5 new inventions on reasonable term and with the least *3 possible delay. The underskned will keep thoroMhtr , ce posted up in ail the new patentaiasuedat Washlnston. and Ixßl wiß reoelre and sell oa corumfion ail rlsssf of nssfhl aadpat«ntedarMdes.tocetaerwithißdiTiduaLCkKmtyor State richts to usa and seii the same. Care wfil be taken c to receive no patented article or richt for sale th«t i« not oossewed of genuine merit; it bein* the purpoee of the 5S flrmto 'watnt.Jw > TinHtPPf f of all who may wish to purchase new tuJ oseftzl tmnrovo meats. TRIPP, HALE A COW £, No. 100 Lake Street. w nraMS ,1, Wd. w*..oatoas P. H. field ii ■ 00~ KilbySU, Boston; James M. Ham- Boston; t„ BowenAßroM?iLaceSt.. Ohica*o;M. D. tiUmanAOo. tvi 153 South Water St, Chlcaco; Hort A Pierce WO Slate man. Syracuse. N. T. - noB MH-ly VTOTICE.—THE UNDERSIGKK 0, ON THE S , JLI 1M of Jasutrv IBS, withdrew from Oook. Brother A Oe, where Iwu Chemical Pyer and Partner, aad kars rv opened a p n FASCT STEiH DTE ESriBLISHfKT, ■; 195 South Clark Street 195 f [Between Moaroe aad Adsmt? JL Wftere I am prepared to Dye aad Glean fiilk, Batla tad Woolen Dresses aad Soawis: ceatleaen's Ooali Vests Hh, and Pauls. In atyle desire 1. Oarpet« cleaned. Lao* nZ Curtains cleaned «ad bleached at reauced prloes. p? AU roods w»n*nl«d to look well or no ps». f±l tc9ciS9Ly BIOK«fkAUBOH. " . BSI me th« - the BAGS! BASS!! BAGS! !■ TAKWJUIS BTEIS US UHCrAraOSV, £ IX 44148 Wabuh .tens., OMftiio. £jJ KAOS AND SACKS or every denrfpttaa pec furnished oa short aoUae. aad printed with 1 HEW AID BUDTOCL BRANDS' Hi spMAwty-«m. t ■ % mo BUILDERS, OWNERS, & ROOFERS ui ■ ftlj famish, lalarttor OMll ni Corrugated Booflng. . This new article, so tttecdvsb b m ex eels ail other metsin suhslinnf fbr ftoo&as>. betas man dur*We, cheaper, Are and water proot a»d the buliE*. It »ise redaoes Um ratas of Inßrmnoe 10 per . as wefl m plans variew metAods ef puUia(itoa.oaabe*Beaby calto* s*theo®oe of the Pbosoix lOKraaeejOoombt, VOmK ntiinsan not MMly A. IDWAMB, Axepl To . SMI T H i CO.- I • [LITS Ncosn M Own] w Chicafo Brui Fouidry sndCopptmitb Wests. Working in Brass aad Oo»er la an their various btaaebta. euperiatendestK, Btdnecra and tb« pvbiio ceneraliy. are resoectfally islormed tHai % ful asacnv xnentrf finished Bras* Work. •ul.aoJe for locomotive or stuloear* Ccxinea always on hand, rr aada to ordtr at brass Cas*ia»sdoo# to order. Msmific tum of Lift aad P <roe Pub'v. of ftd slasi sdtaMe tor Rallrosda. ilasmTinat>i Tannmsa. Asl KAA PIE OKB SATINBTTS JUST SB- u OUU "^■'iaS'aL™.. «' I" i J?wd- JJublicatioitt, j THE METHODIST; i 0,1 . luMuti ui Cltmtm frn Lift la Uu - BtlOaut Coa&reue. * BV BIHIAM FLBTOHEE. [ WTIH ii nrrscDconoß BT Rer. Wi P. btriaklandi D, D. • IS TWO HANDSOHC 12*0. VOLUMES. P&icx, «3.C0. Thesctneof M Tbe Methodist" is laid mostly ta T!r> finis, with an ooeadoaa) chants to Baltimore, and the 1 characters are sacb as mty be expected In those locaU -1 Ilea, The hero. Harry Bradford—a young, ardent Uetho dlstpreather—lsbroofbtrp In the bouse of his grand* f father, one of the real old YlrglaU gentlemen, arisiocrs tlsandho#pltabU; and we are frequently diarmed with the author's accurate picture of plantation life, fke negroes are faithfoL affectionate, genuine darkles of (he true Vlrglnl* stasp. ' t For sale by WM. B. ECCN, i Phl»'y No. 141 Lake street. ; JJEAD THE LAWS.— ' B. B. COOKE A CCS ' Kdltfonof THE STATUTES or ILIINOIS should be la 'veryluu)eism«ntn OhlcMo. It Will eostyou b t *i<h* DoUbts. D. B. OOOKi A PoWlshers, 111 Lake street. " Gold. Gold. Gold. Gold I Bright ana yellow, hard and oold." D. A Oooke A Co. 11l lAke street, havs recently pab. mu ® aew discovered iuferado of the west, entitled A EI27D BOOK TO THJ COLD FIELDS OK KIHBIS iS'D SEBHSH. Being a Complete Gaiie to Gold Beslons of asd Nebraska. "His aoooplite aid Impartial guide to the mine*, •bowing the correct dMancee bytbe eeveral rrates tra versed. It is the only book ef the kind published, which is en lxeljfirofl irom sectional bias, and should be In the bsp/sef erery person wbo contemplates a visii lo tbe gold n Ids. by all BookseUers and Kewsboys^nthe OPPOSITE THE JAIL, Aad a New EAtloa of the j Higher Cliristlan Life, ILEGANTLY BOUND. Just received aad for sals by WM. TOMLKTSON, deg] bSSW iy 91 Rm-dnlob rtreet |)TQfESSionQI. rJHE NEW DENTAL EhTABLISEMENT. Drs. liken k Wallace, D B N IA h SUBGEORB, Office, No. t Uelhodlst Church Block, corner of Clark and Washington street^ CHICAGO. ILL. J. C. AIIM. Uel.«n-cl'g>l APBTDI W*tt 1178. TTJ a KENXICOTT,'^^^ TT • DENTIST. SBA lelS-Uy. 131 LUC StrCCt - QHHP E. A. BOGUS- J DENTIST.—OPFICE NO. 141 Lake street. H. &eed DBS, FULLEB 6c AIcBAUGBU f \ENTISTS. OFFICE, NO. XJ B 4t West Bandolph Bt.. CUcaxo. 111. Soperiorwork promptly done at our office. Responsible guarantee for sao* 1 ■ ■■ ■■ ■ cess la all cases andseespectaena. se>4-ly.aW> DR, X BEAUDINE, Dentist. T ATE ASSOCIATE OF DR. A. WOOD. RUFF BROWN, of No. 8 Great Jones streei New Office 100 Lake Street* Ora Tripp * Hale's Silent Offic* Depot noli b4T9 ly DRS. WARNER & KETCHDM, DENTAL BUBQEON3. Offlce northeast comer of Lake and Dearbora Up stairs in roomNa.l ooiaiW-ly w. W, ALIaPORX. EN TI S T.—OFFICE AND Residence. No. U street. oc2 b6A4y DOCTOR IV. F. COOKE, aOMOSOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OF KICK aod Resiileoce remored us JOi Xlcblgaa two doors from Rush street. myVM-ly DENTISTS. —DRS. QUINLAN & (JOSH -I*o. suHaxoir sxnraisTs. ■ OFFICE-NO. es CLARE STRUT. ahM-ly-P»» Qprnslt the Ooprt Hoaia, / "lONSUMITION &CHBONIO DISEASES V Drs.READING A MEAD may be consulted dally from 9 JoSa All to 1 p. &L and from S to 6 P.M. for all diseases of LONGS. HEART and LIVER. DKRANGEJTRNTB. and allFJflßßlHfflpS CHKONIO OIBBASKB. diseases progress rapidly, ana>' V ofte-i imperceptibly, to a fatal I termination onieai prevrptly ar« i rested, an tarty application ■9HIB mof Vie aims# importance CfIUM | to all wbo wisa a PfcRMANENT and ePCKu? oORt- Tntlr rystem of treatment by Medicated Inhalations, to gether witb oonstiuttlonal remedies, is entirely different irom anythlog before the public, and tbev are confident hat any candid person wIU. be convinced ot tti great at flcary byaoarcfui ezarnlsation of its merits. at No. 100 dtate street, corner of Wash mstoßa Entrance oa stale street. Conanltatloa tree, dell Ccalljcr qtis jFtnstngg. Hayden, Kay & Co , 238 SASSOLFH STREET 238 CHICAGO. Kaaa'actnrerL Importers aad Dealers la Saddlery Hardware, BSNT STOCK, OOA O H LTSIBKINOI, SPRINGS, AXELS, VARNISHES, WEBBINGS, HORSE COLLARS, Ac. T. HATDEN, New Ycrt P. WILSON. Olndnnall. " WIUJAai T. KAY Ohlcsgo. PL v. a. b.iiswat TUBKEB * nDWAT, Manufacturer* A Wholesale ers in ■addles, Bxidlos, Oollars, SaddlM* BRIDLE FRONTSi Fad Housings, Driviac Retea. Horn Oovers aad Btaak sta. Whips. Fly Nets, Ac. OFFICE AND 8ALK8.&00U8I 208. ...BAITDOLPH-ST. a 0» Over Hay es. Kay A Oo.'i Baddla7 Hardware aaaoaßUy ptanog, £c. . N£W invoices ROOT & iT CAJDY'S, 95 Clark Street, AT THE SIGN OF THE STAR SPANGLID BANNER. O lonp may it ware Metirs. Root k Oa*y bava {ostr*oeived afresh assort* meat of Btelnway A Son's Medal Piano Vorteg. 1 Prircs A Oo's tfelodsoes and Onrsns. Wn ball A Son's celebrate! *?ul:ara. Banjos aai Flutes,also a new Ist of I imported Guitars. SHEET MUSIO From all the eastern musio houses received every week. ' Operas onmpfete. and the mist attractive selection of gems, both vied and lasmaeatal from the oeoular modem oofras NEW TUNI BOOK of the Protestant Episcopal Obarcb an-t other Vpiseopaibcoks of Obureh muds. Jhi im both Fstber and Anthem odMon. Richardson's MOUiRN PIANO FORTE SOSO3L. 1 American IS. FCSirVAL GLKI BOOS, JOVTNUE BOOKS, etc. I Ju-tr*c<lved. Also a aew lot of Strlaga, Tamborines, Trlaaglsa. etc. etc. Thegratifringsaeeeu wUdibastbaafarerowoedthe efforts «if the to meet ths musical wants of Oalcagoasd theNorthwe*-!« dosrbtlessduoia a treat ra*Bwre to the fact that their txperi*Qce and easterm fac iltles enable them to get the fte vat and Best of ev> rythingatthe LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIOR nosnled with their bcsteeai zooUo: "One Mcsl Small Profits and Quick Retarts. a t. aouc.l * OADT, as CAPT.f ah 3 HOUrtstreet, LT H. KIGGINS, KUglO PUB JLIo LIRHEV. <sLake street stm has oa tha largrst stock of Musleal meruhaadlse keet by any othv boose ta the Ncuthwest. lam sile agent for the cel ebrated "Model Mdodeen."made bv Mason ABaalla. "otfon: also ageat for Uyite. Newton A BradbU-y's PIANOS, wlthlhe **P toot Arch * rest rlank.** which Is ased by no other Maaafactorers laths world, aad is the i mogtlmio taat mechanical improvement, Insteal o asing Iroa as coest mak re do—wkleft cm* thi meat a a taSe aad dlssitreeaMe sound—or asiag wood m theorLiasry wm«—wbica readers It oeee«M to veaktt the part of the litfrumeot wherein the greatest poodble strenctb is requir d—by csttlig aeroas tae araln of the wood. Uehto. Neotou A Bradbury's have a meth - \ wbereby.tbey spring this patent Wrert lato propv fora br the aid of steam aad powerfbl machinery, a sLain of tea tons will mak nolmpren'on the arch. wt»m the fibres of the wood Instead of bene weakened by the ooattaalty bdag loteimptod at Aort dlstaneaa. aave tbek aatural p war of rerstaace g eatty augmented by the pec Uar form they are mde to aasme la the Patent Arch Wre*. iaatfuaeut ia warranted. All kinds of Chur i Marie Boekatar sale Tbe cheaoest aad Ute» tiloe Book out Is the MINNB HA-HA. Prleestbde copy n centa, seat by mall post paid; per do tea «J0 All ordat mast bo addreseed toH. 1L HIQQiNR.<I Lakxt.. Oblcaro iaßbSStv fMPBOYED JULL IRON FRAJIS PIANO { A FORTES Manufltetured aad ter sale » recall at Etstera whokHle prices by • T. RRID Practical Piano Porto Maksr. AOFteaa ofhliAAovffl bo if § ||l . faliv warranted. OldFtaaoawtll betakmta exdiaags^ HOI FOB FIKB'B FBAI! 1 ■pouts, shot otms, revolvers, ! SX BOWII una nl irailisMto'loi'Ui. 1 tallß LltlM. _ , UIO.T. IRErT , for Hmtfl Poyflg. last cIW lj For the Gold Mines. Sharp's axs colto xirun. ooli*s ■nntetiMliSllla t« M "SSST- « um * ov. O.B^OAOO MILL-FCRPJISUINS DEPOT. * T. W. Baxter & Co M XAiufiaruus or millstones or ALL QUABRIES, —AO— - C. W, Brown*. Ptuni Portable > Ilouriny and Chritt jmtlt, . Aad Dealers ia _ DUTCH AITXIE SOLTOre CLOTEB. fast Kill, ud Separators, fcpKr&ton lor TT.tiTi mi—_ Btltisnof mil >ii4a, Hoiftiiiy Screvi tad Bails. BnmDmtin, Pwb, Proof stiffi, 4c., *c! FAIPBANKS' SCALES, —lift— | Mill Pnrnlsbin; Generally. Bam #, Specification* and Sitimaiu ftwnuAtd isien drnirtd, and tht construction of ijteam , an d Wilier Jfills eordracUd for tJiiirt. | STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, • SuibctorT of G«iUli«, Bade, fc S«w«D, OP WATK&TOWN. N, Y„ iaTlte the attentf oa of purchasers to their emtriaf * "*«f Prices of Endne and H ®*t*'. Water and Steam PlDes. nlS*Grates. oomStTaSa ready for uae. delivered in Ohleaco: 5 horse pewer $SflO SO tone power ILSO ,2 .. „ 2? 2 « " LftO J2 .. „ 785 S) " " vg7* JJ „ „ «••••.. aoo k •* •* «xo ♦•••••. 1100 40 '* •• .... .. 9mo i and La Bke proportion tor larrer ilses at recuired. *ver» bxiaeU furnished JUDSON'S PATENT 80VERN0R VALVE Fw Flour kOUs. We confldeotiy reoommeod them as sa« perior to any other style of Cadae. aad they will Sato from 25 to 50 ptr ctnt. ia Fual Over the usual class of Boilers in use at the w«t. We uali keep an assortment or different «ises at our estab uatuaentwhere ihcy may b#examioed«nd the neeeasary Uiem - Competent men wal. if desired, be furnished tn set up and ttart Enxines inaffy part of the osoatry. We will also supply WATEB WHEELS, SHATTUfO, GBABIHS *O, At very Low /Zpvrss. T. W. BAXCBB ic CO., brtTOn a*- P. O. Address. Box No. 371 iaMm-b9£P Mammoth mill wokkh. to Branch of the old BuffUo MID Furolshlof b> Übiishment.J JOHN T. NOYIA 00. Imp B. Enm. B«ddent Partasr mi HUlwrixht. M Market street •• FRENCH BUBB MUXSTONBB, maasfketurtd at this estahDshaeot. are Daubed on aew and Improved principles, and are as asar P«fec* as obtained bv the best manufactured ia the world. The credit of this ectabUsaaeot tor fee oa* twenty-five years In fumlshlnx MIS UndLnes for nearly even Stste aad Territory in the Colon u well blown and shaU be maintained. Krtra Selected Btoass msdeon Special Oon»act from Choice New nr Old S¥*J? l H2£ t - lapTored Ooekhead sad Holler Spindles, fitted la stones with iron eyes, warraated best ia um for lam aad aaall stones. Also, Importers aad dealers m Extra Hmtj Diteh Aikrr Boltli; a.ths. mnUßSlnwm.ef BOLTMU CLOTHH tar num. acwnnf JCxtrs qualitv of Floor, eaa depend usoa cev ttuy the scflulne OLD DUTCH AN&KE. Socle sad Double Extras. Boltlnc Cloths made up la a capster by crinx lenctb *nd diameter of Reel is Feet and inches. Joh&T. Npye'slmprovedOenblftytal Feed Jgf.jad Flour and Grot Mills. Plantation Corn WSL MlufTastlnn aad Slachiaen of every deaorfption fur cubed to order on abort nottre. from new patterns „ Noye*s Improved Pressure MUI. AjkoU tor the Paftio Scale Work, xwuble Ixira Oast Sted UDI Pecks. Im proved xurtlne. Percasrioa S»«ctiou aad Central Di» wtta Cart Steel or Boiler Iron Bucket*, warranted 10 pro* aasea bJcb percenUce of power. Pmut Uaehme and Separator, for mills aod wsr» houses. Chne.eßo*erC*na lulls. SojrwMid Horsepower. BwarMills for Otocer ias. Noye's Improved iron BolUns &eel John T. Noye's How »aker. Stationery and Portable bdnes- Beit took * Having the lartest M U /unuablna d ock in tko Weal sen at a tower rate thaa any other estab wimset. N B.—We willooatraettoftunisa aad bull • lulfaioom plete,er furnish olans aad speciflcations for MlllwrUbu. JOHN * WB * 00. Chlcaco, Lt deabTTQly K. T. Crane X iiro., 10S Wat Lot* street 103 KAJTC7icmu JUCD PSALtag n STEAM, GAS ISD WATER PIPE, BoiLiaiLtaa.valtk ooons. nui wbutlb. 1)11 Giys, GU(I CMks, Stca> 1 (Tater Giages, STSAM APPABATUB For Wmnalac Hstcla, cborebo, Fa»- dao u ' r Ac ' P. W. Gain, Warner, Cfialmeri k Fraur. \fAKUFACTHEEES OF RAILROAD iXL OAKS Portable aad Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Portable Circular Saw Mills, Gates'Pateai Screw Cutter, aad Afsatsfor tke sale ef Portable Fleor aad Cora Mill* aad Botte; Inglns And Hand Lathes, Corifkt Drins.WeodMachlaeryieaeraUy, 6U*sleitiU« BUde rests, Bteam and water Oauttf, finished Brass Werk POWXA AJTD HAND PLANUS, ETC. WCastlaxi aad Xin Oeariaf aade te order. * lA6LE WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL. Mark Qood*-"«AnB A 00." r. v. tins i. a. wusn r. ouuiiti, .X. a. ViUUL S. B. VBASIS* AprllStlSS*. fllftDWlKE FOK SPEISB T&iDE. 185»T JBWBTT * BUTIiER, IS LsiMm Am. pmTE THX COUKTBT TKADE TO THI X foQowlag: !B0 Tons Ananalsd Feaoe Wire assorted aciiksw. toe " " •• Jjgetia aborted, n H " •• K. 6. li Osaka Sheet Una. H FLATK. FIG TIN. OPPUBOTTOMB. BIIABTB andOOTXXI. Una aad iaks. tninn tooia asm A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT* fasi«SM>ly] pURK AIR ± PERFECT VENTILATION. Thewl—tkwUkathjgasthod of oettfirtas thep«b> Uc tbat tbev hav« seeured SiwyflFl Pateat H«aflag & Tntllatlic FiriMtj Asd tn aow preparod to farti* themt to arte Bar Dwdßasb Obarehai Sohoola. Ao. Also, their otovn vnstraeUd oa the same prtacipla. for parlors. Mads —nrsanlhsna tnif amnliltT lAZLBOA9 OAU. an rooms la which tto are aaad andwandsc toanyis^tiiJtsß^nsiuiu. jy Fut PTticalare inquire of the subscribers at thsk n aod HSscthLaaaUe street. . F. LBTKX A *0 a a«o. Oct «h. i*W. . oo6bST4y fl 4 P£Ba IN S , J OlClllillD Vbrctstershire Sauce, , MWI 9E IxltMl -*T— N of a Letter from a tiioass II Medeal BecUemai a! ***** IbHlsSkoth* ta •K. 7 Bam, "SH Mar. ISL I | T TAKZXtT aadhtaavaaC ■iiMMioa. the bom saMtt* i ttevagt dish. ® ■ lITIIIITI rBACTD*. ' _IX otOr M«^lmrtfS brtta Jpt jUtt.Bi,Tort ■ Bass sg-wgasu . widstea of wkioh kavfac M lo bsmtbii fbrtML aaiah—lanraaaastodtoaasthatthe nansa of LeiA Feritaageapootkg Wisasw, U6st fltoever arijßß* La»AParnaa will reweoed Mastaay oaeMG^e JOHN DmtOAlf * 808& 411 Broadway, New Tork. ArtMkjdvmte Mere. Also, ordsrs received ter dL weMhl—ia>o« Maaiaad ocJi btm ly LIILLIS'a isrseim LOOKS. J. WOOUT., ■«. ■ Ut. Ml CU m Milt I AIIIAIKI' BOAIBS. j out ÜBBUff.KB. -Jap**- r* OLD MrrKD AND PiUNTID SATI- |. Banking aiis (Stcljangt. 'xcoso-Urvts txcsus *sao«.....c*k atAcx**, T adman, HEDGE £ 00 -Li banegrs ' in DEILKSS IX IZCHASBS.) . *uxzxsQrox t JOWJU, Banking hofse —op— I* E. ALEXANDER * CO. eUo»od Domeatlo Kxebuve sad Boston. Ptillaeelphla andat Lfuls. Drafieen Eosiaad. Irdaad. Scatiaad and e«ujuiy. Rwitaeriaad. Hosrarr. Beisi- HftUaod. Dttmark. Sweden. Morway. KusaLi Poland. ebbst pausano. OEALER IN EXCHANOE, MONEY, —lin HKAIj ESTATE BBOEE& § r» Bwn. 14 Aimntn Mritah Omnurdat Lift Jmrmet final LOSDOHiad IXXKICA. Ouiul t*r*lt P.WI. ' p]XOHASM AND DEPOSIT BANK WEIBB, CABFEITU * CO., oxdas sanss, towa. **a nui >B. o. gum. B. l, -um ro— American Kzehaace Baak.... w«w r»* Mcßride Brothers..., - J. a. Bomana. Jr M CdUor Bankers* Ma - t. L Tintham A Oa. Ban • ers. .TTtTtMcam.nL Stiboa A o<v, BAOiere WoS£ a d J.O. ° • BAN6KB, WKtDOM * CO., ■OAXICEaS AND DSUJsaa IN EX „ (torS " d Mlrt " •"«« i. „ m" 001 " " J BALDWIN A DODOS*. B ANK * RS * LAND aqkntb, COUNCIL BLUFFS. .....JOWA CZTT ®»od warracts ia aame proportion. ; TM*rtmßaak.<Sdcato: Henry Farna*. Ohleaco and ft. L Bsak. Hew Tork; Durkee A BunockTlsL k JuH-fi T' DODOBa Q. M. BALDWIIf, OOOIJAOOj i BBOOK9. , jgANKERS AND DKALEBS IN EX BDILCTGTOH. IOWA. • Dr«Ei«S? , ""'" !lttm «B«c»loa ofHMn, aerer lo Gwno Snith a Oo_ lbrtn. M~ b»Mi StTlnss Loan aad Trait Oa, aad F. a. AdimtT t.r.Muimi. tataa-ltJ rWrSSia. KDWB. I. TIRKHAJS A <)o„ - BROKERS, AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Corner Clark and Lake rrmm. CHICAGO. BBWAXP I. jqoi ». ABBtaa. OHABT.ES Ha 00. DANKE B 8 AND DEALSBS IN ET- I JL/ ehaace. M Clark street, Chlcaco. OjtfDKraa P»ABTBXBT-HAAI OHlMßnta 4 QO Dealers >a Mecotiable Securities Buy aad Sell Secured bv Seal btate. and dve special attention veetoenu for iUstem Parti* iaiMT jI*KSA.SCrSB JABES SSCE. BBVIT SATXB3 DVPEE, BECK A BAXXBS, "D ANKERS AND BKOKEB3, NOR 3i 5 Jtl" .articular attra. Uop ta the Mine, of Lake flgpenor ud m pr.Dared to nffntah relUblß lnTormitloa rapMlu thea. a nonlUj mlew orb, Btoca «ad Woaej Muka whb ourre: " Secnritlea will be mi « any aaareee deelre<L acSS-'6a«ly a. b. un.. aa. Binou i. jstsauux, LANE, BANFOBD 4c CO., CJUOOESSOBS TO DICKERMAN, WHE EL s? 00, Bankers,Eoefcord. mianh, r^l'SnSStStf naiaM wonettr at current B*nk. JTew Tork: Shoe aad Leather Dealwa 1 Baak. Bortoa: JtxctKute Bank. Chlcaco. uffl HOFPSAMN * GUTGKB, ®ANKSi B S, Chloago. T\KPOSIT3 RECEIVED AND INTEREST ifti. ?. n l£. ! jW <**>!*!*■ Liberal Kconuaoda te.^SS t SiSS! I>otKr *- ox tbe atata ol "ro** iSSSSraTMSSyork m Private bonds aad ttortcacee nsco ttaacaa. icmm aut.sllm. orto acLron. UXaHIOHa a. OEUDTITEH OItABISTUEET—OUJT3IBUMB OF7IOS. Specie, Bank Note, Exchange ' ABD OOLLXOTINO OFFICX. OOOK lb SA&QEBT DAVZNPORT IOWA. 1 OOOK IAIOEXT A DOWSET ICWA C1TT..... IOWA. OOOK SAHOEKT A OOOK. i FO2T DBS KOINES. .* IOWA. OOOK SAaOEHT k. PABK£B FIAEDfOK NIBIAHXA. ANKKKS 4 DfiALfiES IN EXCHANGE. JJ Make. collections and remit to any part of the Onion. Land Warrants bouchk sold and located. bM Particular attention riven to the ptmMi of Attorasys at iaw oonoected with our hoSe* OOOK A DILLOfi. Daveoport. lowb, A D. DOWNAF. lowa City. A W. Clark A Ooc. Phlladetohia. f W. OUrk. Dodre A Oeu New Tcrfc J. J. Dixweu. Prest. Maes, RVnV, pnrwwi RHolmeaASoa, tSSSozZtZT J. W. OUrk A Oo* Boston. A W, Uark A Brother. St. Losla. st.Loul&^ Smith A Go-Ohicacu. JohaO. Sanent. Wsshlncaoo. D. p. «s»M-ly TBS BASK OF AUHOMA. HALL A BftUTHiaS, AUSO&A ILUHOZS. gANKEBS <£ DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. ' . All ooUeetloss entrusted "tothes will meet promt at. tntton. Baak of the Btat«, £<ew Srtaws and Qeorse Smith A *- n , Cbloaco. * k. v.salu b. r.gaau r. * »«>> A. C. OKUTEIn AND DOMESTIC BXOEANfIJB i X and Oollection Offlce. Also. Notary PubUe. ft Dearborn erect. Oblcaco. Dl. a 4-ly-Pt OFFIOCR & BBOTBES ~D AN K £ B S —DEALERS IN UNCUR susssi&sssssjteft&ffiF* 1 UFimxaan. Sorth Bank. Boston. MetropoUtao Bank. Hew Tork. Shennaa AOotHnaT " ™ ktartneßank. Ohlean. J. h. Dunham A *. ». omou ud SA9TL F. OmOll. General altt-lT i AIKK* It BOBTOX ANKERS A DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. am m. BOOTH gLAIK Sr.. omaißQ. ILL { Illinois Savings Institution, in THE CUT or CHICAOO, 1 [ZxcrronUi rtbrumy, 185T.] 'PHIS INdTITDTION RECEIVES DE- , tram ta da— al 1 MINORS AND MARRIED WOMEN. ] aadaHow latere* at the rate of six per oent. per m- W rid ends payable ob the first Monday of Jacrarr and t July. TBOSTDSI Toha H Keasla. Wo B (Men J H Dvahaa Hw W im*. & s Uabbivd, b W jUymoad. raatoss WUttaaa. Joba* Seed. HenrrWSSrek. , eMlSMatca, AlesOCoventry. OSVLsIL 1 Hainan B siddar. Ofloe No. TU, Waahlztfton street. Portland Book. Office optt dally duriac the uaoal hour* of t&doaTMadayaadßatvdiLreveainA^ H. B. PPDIK. oybki! KXMai 'i^at% aiEEIAITOai: BSSSHSSm&2SR%sSSSSa yyt g«°r.^»yiuifS"."mi!— i. ' Marine Bank. Ohleaco> Ifc A Beaotst A 00-da.Loatiu MesK«.eumor«A Jntbertoa.GtadaaaM. ■tM and I«aiherDeaUn Baak. Boston. |Un>. Hwm Tor* OEO. s "WITH A 00. BANKERS AND JEALER3 IN TOREIGB jj and Domestic CzaA~ ~rss. j OTTTflAfly> OUHOIB. OoOeettessmadsoaaUth? prtadpal «**fa ta us Oak •d ftatsa. on ths most tavorble terms. teg J..H. OOWSB BROTHCJU k 00. ~0 ATCEBS, DSALSBS IN ECOHANGB I JLI - —i*>— LAID Afilll C IOWA OUT lirr IOWA 0. O. VBZTIET A 00.- « RANKING AND EZOHANGS (OTIOX.— tOnOLAUmiR Deal«als KASTEBM AKD FOBSIOW BXCHAJIOB. £e received and louwest allowed oa Special and fleotlaDdTiadau "" parts of Germany. ilsnmn terward m teyefpp. aQ ethv P^Mnt ImMiiwa ■mmi g.awHnwiTAßOH.aourAt z. a. BARB OH RANKING AND KXCHANQI OmCE^- «>uu iniß. i JUataaantttfenWalllK M m. ot. ramjet uno. •" Wo. ( QUJB Bnnr— Bvlkm. M CHICAGO. tLLXVOQ. T>tTTS SIGHT AND TDftK DRATTQ ON qflaaJMegycts Barfneas Paper. Deala la>grgi»eaaaad gstnnce, Hoada. Uad War- w rnita. oaeuiTent Bank otefc aad Makes OoUeeUonssa aQ asfSMrtnis potato. oeIS-ly-bIM WHTW BAJTKa piHIOAGO XASINX AND WOK INBU rsaoe Oompany. m nim>f mmm A • &F. Otff.OMiisrnlllii»j, J. TOOTB BQAMMO*. PnMdm. OaMtaaaMdaaadMM naModleaZlpcrWoftte 01—. Ufttl* B. A. TUOKEB A 00. BANS BANKKSS AND 19 XU Dealas in bcfaanca, mam efCUrk aad LakMte imFssr. n ""~" MPRFoaa nomifl - mJODSAHDOOIAmBIOStt. Dwilwlilfl <WMnakMßiimCMt«Ma3 " <AJ.O» Jey,fc| QaaMwMeiWiiK»»t. J VIM li '• E)rg ©oobg. SZ ..ll * 'VhfOotxtt—Spring TraA* worn, WAMVTKU. A c%, Amommi le Oaoler. WadvwarthA OoJ t DKY GOODS JOBBEBB, IMl*4«WUt*Anra, £ ! Art now rmiTtax a fan —eiiaum ef | MI eoooa, iirai ronon, *rc., no, [d SYssh. from the 2tllnt 1a tMAT.L nOFXT# AMD PBOMPT PAT dealers, partlealariy e«h tad \ jkgrtjfrae trade. uto their tntomta d OP , 2H2S: MScSBf wty , 1859 Spring Trade. 1859 FfiEEDMIS, GOODKIND A CO., ' 135 Mimka Stret, . Al# no* Dresmd to axblblt a Uisfl TirfalT of Maw aat ► Beiatlfel SPBING GOODS, OOMSZSTIX& OF Dm* Silto, Magalficant Btyla^ ValsncUi, Poll da Ohavra, ■ Printed BaragM, ChaUln de ZjOom, Enbroidaiin, Lacw, French, Kactlahaad American Fiintj. ; and BrUliuu. ' BONNETS AND BONNET RIBBONS, FBEKDSAS, COODU3D ft Ml* **• LAKK HHUgf, ... maitaaa ' 1859 Spring Trade. 1859 Dry Goodt, Skoet * Halt, at wnoissui. DAVIS, SAWYER <fc CO., Oat. DarS, Moojj* Co,) Have Kamovad to Store 42 - - Lake Street, - - 42 Wiete tfcaj ara weoared to ihow a laru Dock of . DIW-800DS. BOOTS, SHOES ANO HATS, ArMtfrom tha Maooftcturen, oomoridst all U>at la saw £ I hfSfa.Ji°~c > u:« of Goida. Coo J? SSrSldti tl>p|4ii loUidf tnds tad tin iman. «I 1 af BMek will «OW price, for caa* Homo. * nn ' um bollda* to the Am«rfe*a Btiltfll'ia 0 W PBHI s WIS.^ PEAKB, MARSH A D«tONQ, 30 Lake Street* Of Bkall'txpeaaaa, tßdHttdvd &00dt at £* P'jce« to nea who payTbaTlaa nSmrilTTiiSrrmea faily throat* lipe*or panic, we ahiS' *lll adhere to It "ea«determines to offer trmitUbU tadnetmenia to raodmeo. *ud thall offer at •VUQLB4ALE tbroacfiOat ■Leao?®" * raT &:lo< STAPLE DRY VOODB, HOSUBT ASD SOUOSSL To our ctutomen »ho tanw ear w»j of doln* tiniln ooUeeU anaeeaa«j*bat til * ooa F* 0 •'ft" loo4 ««aad" tor the ad ™U*r* ?» racket, aAd hart MatfCdas noro than tctnaiiai to wfor «oodj. 78 - - Lake Street, - - 78 TEIHHIXG3, EMBHOIDESIES. LAOBS, NEW STYLE SKIRTS CORSETS. UNDER GARMENTS, GLO7E& AND HOBIEBT, KID GLOVES, WOOLEN GOODS, BERLIN WOOLS, ln4 a Scnaral Stock of BMAX. Z. WAX B • Kcst u l| " J aod for aafo Wholesale and Retail, 78 Lake Street. 1"" A- 98ATB, (taU 0. T. AtfclnaooJ Jumituie, FOB FUANITUBE ouj. m H. N. PARSONS, TO....RANDOLPH ST .E8T....T0, He la BdSns Oooda **- -A-T COST - WTTHODT REGARD TO TALUS. dtflfta tea Fnrnitorel fnrnitore!! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT NETT TORS 9- BOMTOti PRICSS. vaoii wosth nownret SO par Out Savad la *h» fnrehaaa. Shearw, Paine & Strong, 'Hivtif BiwiW ta JONES' NEW IRON FRONT STORE, ■O. 203 IUIOLPS ST.. Art bow prtparad to exblbtt to ikeJr old niwiiai and tothapobUeteoaraUrT Tha Larsaat and Beat Assorted STOCK OF FUBNITDRE WEST OV REV TOBK, Whloh Shay hava raoentir recalTvd. and ara now oct> 1 ias> ***t< in part of ■thagUT, B«MWM< u4 Walxit PARLOR FURNITIIRI, In BroeateHa. DeLalae, Pbab sad H*tp Cloth. Fn'TniTTr* ffiV ftintTrnr Wiliinnnjft limw'il OHIISBEB SETTS, Of Brv aqd Cwaant Ondnaa. from (b« baa* 1 rim tm Boston. Hev Isrt ud ihHadatoSEL -ALSO- ] Boektn* Chain. OooSm%Si 1 Loamaaa, Bmm MarMe-top Outtb aod fl« Tables tareaaa aad Bdeboarda Pato&t B*rtna Sada Omimk Haifa Oottoa aad Hok, Pafaa aod SzoaSor fme Kaab Seat Ohalra Carred Oak Kztaadoo TaMa& Oak IXaiac ttatn. Case Beat Ohaba q( «t«cv daaorteOaa. —ALflO— mm ROOM AND COMMON FURNITURE, ' nr eiMVAxnTT. Vo96m Xmftetanl Hsr« To OrtUr Out of BEST MATEBIAM. , nZ'iss^sr^s^^'ssi'sss. Mnu in* LATEST PATTEMIS an Most Approved styles of Ooods, ) Whld v&l taaka II a mat mfa to thoaa .fUBSISH£I6 HOTSLS AID HOCBK < 7 'To txaaluoßr BtodkbateaaaDdlac ImU OTJK MAMMOTH STOOK 1 Mn Mak wtur faroluaac To tka Public at Xaif# C Wl n onmd to novo tbafc P*mlt(;rr 01 ITUJ SrsU MaUaaKUdualoth. fa-)or. 1 TO aa Tonidiad bam Oar Mabliihmuit at PrlflH Lowar tiiaa aaj Hooaa in tke WaA wmmiß, pim * monc, i «a.._ .BilMira STHHBT- .*Ol 1 [aalari7Q 01 MOBOAN, I 199 Z«ka ttmt, .... 199 (Taw a*4 —aaailfal Parfin [ UaffßTMtf fcnwul, MwiWailßat, | -ttfr- BIBIOOS fVIIITVIIi IN SUITS. ' tnnmfflUt ] imuaiabiiMH Wiai—> tttaktf CMut Tiralttia > Oalii = A<lhaauaklianOomM.aallUl.aa«lto _ bo«M a ba fend Wait of In Tafe a Ha wl4 eertM* Ini*. «■ aaaaHoa afUillme- n Maa<« aa«imiuu« aadUnitnof 1 9 mirlooaßaadaiaaßtea w TTIa xaaoaa* ITaraittrra S »■*■! ai—a iMwa. B M»n at BrnUj IlifaH Ptlaaafta— tnnoiao. aubctt nm im. * BAMOOCK * rUK, Oaoaann to WTH*4 rMk * OaJ _ 171 .BA»DOI.P*-*T...«___jn. Umpbj, Iwtrt k Watnt, * CHAIMEV »miNa~ROOM ANII CQMMSN J 'V-.- ■' 1 WOOD IBT liri .MWMaa. iiTSssiarar ~M,,0,- "aawr i 1 flommiflgum <m M SSOWN i. ' lAW7EB, PARKER A CO, oanamaz. i, Commiufm MtrehmnU. US * 960 Sootb Water Slmit OHIQAaa IZXISOIS. - aas * _ Si>WABJ> 9AOXST " fJ OM JSS OJI - lI£R CdANT, 232 LAO fei alea i> > MDxIT V2I.SOV "paoDucs, co*jnsaioN ampma JL mebuhant. w 5a.« HHUapTa Book, oocnar dark aad Bo«*h Watar^ wtilracelTa proaptanantloß. **t#blP^> .OEOBOS H. SOKIfiT OoaauatT acxurr, kobm * oo.J Prodoca Oommliaina Marchanta. MATISa PUHCUidgu THB INTEKE3T or Kr oaxtseri la taa Ona of Caklar uora. a _>U.anmtui« Uia Prod on OoMiHaoVmnJ?— '■ S-"»'a«ilo omc 7 Poa.n.r'. or Oara aoj «aler atmu. a J)" g. Sgf,'W" _ CtloMo. Jaaaarr w IM». Idfla-aji CULVHR A CO, CommUiion Merchant*. f 116 Soutii Water Sm«i, 7 B. F. Ccx-na. t cnrm. la* ban lr '""■'ujim w.u. t Wii.UAMi A HOUQHT£I»IZfe f nOHMiSSION MilU- tiiSTi tomib-Witor ftrMV •. - j doar W«2 ft®" 4 e-u .»it* tbaaalaßSdratohan of aukla>l»o t*\» iima diocs. oa UoeMMea. vlnaaea awJe on of LaUmS and prop«tj a »tora. iteier to i*eo. emlih a naaßaak.aadGeo.9toe.oaoo. tfe 5^ . BTHAm gmcrr.ra ' DRODCCK Cuimiti=lus MRRCHANT. ■X. OortMrof CUrkaadSoßth Watarativel + gttLlffd BUILDiNS»CP BTAZBS Ohlaaca. paa MU faj PUbq^ IW® - - Wlatar - 1809. N. W. ORAHAM A OCt, Forwarding JtttrrhmntM^ SblrrUficuti UIUsU Ctiual RaUmii, u4 Wkarf B*a! Prtprieten. CAUO WB HAVfi JU3T PUT DOWN IRON Tracks aod SUdealaallßß dtj~cUr ChJmtho oU ' °*sßoat, WLicb coabtaaa loiorvard to aad firaai tbe E*l'road »ith craat vttoont Um axpoore or UabUltf to !<«""«■. aaiToldaWa laaoi otßarmeiaudol bJOdU^, wealao.fiTe prompt aod earefal ittantlnp to sh2i 10 ."aaiiTUla, traoaTll'a Na» bhtiuud MempblaL Cairo. IliuioU. Docgmaer IJaB. bod, figOJ b*B7 *m ! K. * K x*■ a ; coxxifiioi xiioiiii, . „ISf arXAL *HAai>. BUT7ALO, 3. I. SBA * WaLTiRR aOMMiaaios m«r. sum iiansiATisstmi nwiou wauib A CO., a®s^»-«3iagi 1 aasnu«.{'"»Toafc »UH A UillKH, "PRODUCE i, COMMISdION MERCHANTS k .j" OllloaM. tmnala. Uaan advaaeea on Aaiomanu to tlUaa UL ttab. as: i sas, zrsiSs^ttFSj* imoniwoou a to. CommissittH Merchants, lit S. Vaur UraoL mao'to-iT ruiCAQQ. WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE CASS ADVA.fCK.-* ob linua ,'or Ku<, OTii# 9o ovaar onnlege of iteUiac ta Butfiuo or Ntw York to keauKNiamtalon. uXOKftWOOO A CO.. liiti. W»t#ratr«et 'iSSS; Tyfe— suwsr—i: g-fljasg* RUMMX Bltu. * VO n OOMMISadUJi MHk. QXiIH 81 Ta thair cxabslta aaaotton to Uia PUBCHAAI AND BA2JI Ot Floar, Grata, aad oilier Pradaaa. 141... Aelb Wateroor. rtartilraal ill aogaWBU OHICAQq J. 4. UIVHAHD% PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ho. 1M Soa W» *er ttraet, chleaxo. Liberal advaae** aaJv oo roqairsmfßta. Rar«at»e**—J. H- >aaban,Otuca«Q; J Vouac Scan* «op. Cbicaco; Geo >olr, " bicaio; Kumacv. Bro ACo. Borm) Votxra, Xaplea. Ill; Woodru;) % Co» Kew York; H«Btaf « Woodruff. Loot*; J Buaa. ianfcor. Hprintfl»td. T';nn i> ot e. Chicago, auti'.'^-ly SAWVKU, WALUCb * CO., Commission Merchanta* «■« YOBS. ' Cadarwoed * Co., CMcafo, ihiysS-Iy Areata fftr tbe yort>»waat. MOBBBT, PHODUO3 AMD GOXXZnOV XEBCHABT, Dealer La all ktadaoffloar and reed, aad Coantrr fro (lace. Wboleaale and BeUil. Wad*CSlsala. ooroerof WoJcatlttnei. Chlean.ol Foar aad faad dattrered to aaysait of tbe ettffree ol HAWKS' DIRECtORY. (oLlovinj LUtol Baainaaallouaoaaod birlna MabOabmenteareaiaou tbe beat and aoet sronv aantlo tAelrraapeetlre Unee ofhwrfnnaa maw a 1.1 Wb.lwaifc W. 9. Wild Wboleaala Aaeot for Wlaea. Llaanra aad iman, 17 L» Mile aveei, between and Water, tooe door from tbe MenhanW CUeaco. Ui AllSnda or#ro». «rtv lalun la axobasaa for moda Aiaoi tor Alee and fortmt. w&m Imi Warks. ""trxToairoor kiiiviatoiiai ot WJUTS LBAD AXD 22X0 PAIST. OBea and factory oonar of Halatad lad folton areata Weat Bide. mtitLYf 9Uple ud Fat; Dry C—<s ffbalwaJa* FSAJKS MABSB ADE LOV»« ' Joaasaa or •TAPLI AID ?AHCT DST GOOD! AT LOW JPRIOKH. sfaKUy Ho.» Lakeatreet, QeUlijt Whalwit* HUimSaTON, WADSWOBTH k PASXS, Maßafaetarara aad DaeJan Is BBV ANO BO¥S> CLOTaiEVO, IB Haaorer street, Boftoa. Maee. i<rl«iltafal IsplcsaaU, ke» F. SB. OBA?MAB * 00. AEriooltnral Warehotiae. • flaale isaea. VortßMi WholeeleDealeila ABIUJULTUBAL AND BORTTCULTOBAL IMFLB MJCfTB. MAOUINI& Ao. tor Maaay'a Beaoeraad Mower, ■bd-ty fsyir ffiwUHW gfrafrttlfc BBAOHEB SAC2TB 4. 00. Miafcataraii aad Wboleaala P A P B Ift »-B A L BB H All daea of prtßt and book ecMUntlr on band. OaA paid for all kmda of Paper Block. Warebooae KoB taeaHear., betweeatak* and 8. Water-ate aba-^y iMtt ud Sktw WUtiwS BJIIaLEH A BBOWI aod Wbolemie Dealer* ta BOOTS, SIOBS AND HJJBBBBS« So. SDB Bealh Water aC oor. Chleace. a.«.aruAa. »hlHy caaa. nari WAOSWOBTB 4 WSZaZ^ Wtalear'- !>ealsr*ln SOOTS JL2TT> SHOES, «B*«) XAXB-sr. oxiOAao, n.r.nroia. t.a.tiM>o«a. ahW> ew.«.wm, lAWSOB SABTIXTT A OO.* Manatbetcrera and Jebb*n la BOOTS A2TS SHOES, til ft 213 SOUTH WATXJiST* OHIOAOO. Manafbotoryat Weat Boilaetoß. MiwerhaaetU tshdb CNdwy, ttaH k CUBA WAT* Whetonto. omAwroap .SHAS* A 00. Imoortora and Dealers in OBOOKIIT, 9X.ASS A*D OHIVA QKli Him Whataaala, udi. SFHZV9 TULLDf BENEDICT * CO., tl A tS Soatfe Water Slue*, Ara now i aaaNlni tbatr a—l larta atoekof Broadcloths. Oaeslaava, SOESBZBS TWSZSS VBSTni6S« IATJTTI, mTUCAT JXABS, COTTOWABBI Dmftft Uuu n4 Umi 9fib| TAILOB'I THIMMIirOI, BTO, BTa to wUcA they brHte Um atttanUoo ef tbe Trade.. VAMBlafbr Scott's Xaport of FMableu, mtitlf ■tfi, Cm* ftnw (Ms ttfcilswtfc ■XVXDIOT SCALLOBT h. PABWASS WHOLES ALB JOBBIU XB Hata, Cape and Strav Oooda TO.4AAJTO47 LAD STBBBT) ■Mr Flaallg Kffla, BM>. Daaw, Aa. a; int •ounct bis ncToi*. * Afl doocm a^^bjln^irtpde»^aaddaa^ Oooatn uidei aaolkf. Jt. oaoaetty atteodadto. Sale Kdoaa aad JTaAvy at jjoptoe atre*V • ilsTlswifalt taartaa. To Lumbermen and Other*. T arnar idlu-will rnamas.'' JdMsausttuisr ssimm Laka mat. •™ ao l3i»