Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. Special Notl«e.«-Ilr, Cadwell. OeolUt, P has his office from the Matteson Esose to 93 VJ RitidilpH -t e«. (Qrn«r of DfJtcn. OVEH ( TSATBR'S D 873 STOEB. Pr. a baa &ovaar>« accommo!atlo.«a. bavins; ktveral apartn'nta a?d flUedat♦rsa'expeme. withLadlei'P.lvate Uon E»cma. Dr. 0. stl!. may be r>aad when not a' LI 'office. Hoars ;&rOQ*Q the fee: day Tt&fat as m*h\\. .mhMsr* Herrlqg's Ps(eiit riiamploa , Btf*oi.*a.?EJor Barsj-With Hal's Patent Porter-"; 3gj P.-03f Cocf l -tie»»m- la a wi-c award® 1 separlle tt"-J MgW dais a', lite VTorH'« P«lr Lndrrn JB5l, a"> J toe WOT'.d'a' », Ft l r.X«w Vj -V ICI v\< ara ih» oo'y American B|?« ' • mednls atthe l^idon*WortTfWr. These atf.js form t'-« perfect seeortty F\reaiS Baraiara. of aay SafaeT*oe>>reito _ SIOOD a*w*rd will be eaa- BW sbowtba'.a P*r*srCai*fio* ptfid II -to prea*rre Its eoaten aln an r .V-v"'' ?y Tae-übicrloera also ktaflraffcoller S3 and ChU:ed iron Bnt Ch-sta fin and Uoney Boxes. orOhealrfor y-V' priTU* hmllles. TW Plait' DMU^ - * QMiMAlaiii. El. k "t few* to wltocM the Ohswaldt Oate tuna* am ter at brcmcht the manolactore of tTits areinrited io'Ti*it ois W« and t ;be artificial from tL« natural wnen adicsted to the b h«ad. . Slurry f i<ilA luscvaei of B«rK( u) iiallattr A«oe and the yeri- Jn ;cs forrr -.»f Billions Dawa 'ntentiittes;. Kemlttenu i.j : : jmd Dacib Acue nann" T helr orkl? -U ttijv •'a of Tcry and marrhy dmrfcte, nr;nared oy Dr. t ,s.«.2asrTßr.pwinos:aadaietti«.jahi!-S!J \ ?4-i AfOb., sy. 1G remedy is prei.*icd entirely rcn vegetable r-c» •:iricis. Nad 3f- izereary, vsenic. or anything hat c&z »:rcve to the eyrtem. lis eCects are p|l •{• jm of a d«?o- i--n»3t and '.cclc. «Tsll a*.apt«d to reatore »*.e b«ui..Li. Actlu; qj-tiia Llw And-fiVraath.' wflose 'XC ?»ec!:gi; ve ?: 'Dthl*. clan ci dls tun. , yui-XLt • •rr-.-. o.vr In caay cases to *«« »reak the co c.ot remore the disease, of the 11 Wildb 4 fiii 'diiu fcT t >r ': hf-c; theusefolneaccf the "Fluid iiarS."* 'rtr.'nJlfirly In rejrions whfcrc Phyjl- T 3?.ar crr.n tc ctta-mlted), which eoatalnsall Sr ' » tn:t<C r-?rje Sr.ic'atiossof «!;s:emaladies. Leii •: c -d;. i'i i•:•!!".'•"•sis!" In ref»rdtet:ie effls»cj of j rr.'di'J.ic r.-i ci ..c-.-rs cf r-ep«rtiljidtj v Leye,heea Vt id «t .j U'- ; tc diWcot oale tlseof A» them fcshe ::.brsjilciaoin , en «:..crel« b? VI r: P Noilre.-oTlie uudei-*i|rnod» Stocl£fio% ,c.-" the MtrcKsjiVi Luck of Macon are by g theproTldomof Iti Qh-»r*.er, made pcraanably liable for sUj Islsraci. The nctea olthlsßankwillbe taken by tuon d&-». iosl* on the nrai te.-a» a% Sestccky. 'Udlana and 'jblo. 2. A TCCUH A 00. \Uoob : & £oaL . 1 Cheap Coal! Cheap Coal.'i' u , FO E. SALE: : - ■ gS! tnc WELfc-KSOW" •/• {g A Ji'A b liE - -:<QO 41.,•• SJi VWBO" BY—'• •-• ; -J y Messrs. Law & Strothcer, of this Oity, . s , At $3.00 Per Ton. ; 4 • , ■•: -mi-'i; 200 COBDS SOFT - WOOD, At 62.00 I»t:r -'ord. ■; By . ' SUEFFIEIiD ' C 6"A L. THE CHEM'iir AND BEiT g? . BITCMIKOIS COiL LV THE BIBKET, of; jrte fram f alphcr acd. fiUte. carsfoWy befote" *. a oed.*«rT. 'Juryardbel - from Ujc efoctsjof incJemrnt w«aihtiri and Is ftlwayS 'dc* ■ «a dn An-! in good condition at -■ • $4.00 IN YARD ; s<.6o DBtIVJBEED,.. sV>eny rart of tbfc'clt*. • Anabsl' : 'prom the."fihefEeld swall . . oclance quantities, at the QoaJ Vsrd /if Shißel i Mm- tttaod natapjTtAU«jn\Jo. ! ■B. BROOEA-AK* 1 . '• ■ ieyolMHim • - - - '• ~ Clark-tUnear Taylor."" Coal! Coal!! tons <M'.H3Br:coAii.-vnn s ' |_V./' *vy C*±\ <i lb&best In U.e marked for cither Ualir ttact or attain. Alsa— r • 3«>o tom Prepared. AfltbradCe (Broad .top.) . SO J Wm Lnrup Shamok ra: 1 • : • ••• AWttCO SMITH.IQO.. „ Cenlralii. B. Of Orders oayWiertal • ' . ' • W. D LERRrs. K. E. ooraer Clark t kaodo>pb els. ACOKFUUD tiltOa.. .}:cMSok7# Oorne* of Lak« and O.arx streets. Q.AP riPK (USD SITID BS B.'; •' ••".OW WiUIiS 4? JUa-.fc »trrrta. r . " " AV•• : >• ct their entire slack v o »,.0 A v H. - - BB fme< '»'gr cent, dlcccuflt tzeoa • *aable Iron Ktflnßs *» e9nta.DSUQnad. —— Braa»-»ttttnfS.Henna.-oTaS v < -Saa at Cost. , Oarttocklstbelcswtlntb*, 'ac-J J? ioir » oStrmdacscieataeot frau4U«3Ar salA-ty-aSC • ; -Ufi^'ffK'4^;'.. !•'£S'TfA '! ■■ as'.v ■ • . • •;a-' •" A <•■ t> .:'•- je '. • ~'s ' tz:- iweivlfe'- / 3*a.« - IFixteren-\ • • j f.'oa ;hi MclreW Kaiafetterj oi; J Cornelius Jt :Q<iUcr+ . ,x'\ • •»•••■•■•• ':'. ... : •• ' » ; al»»rso« aaa<J. fitaprMyctbe . *»««'! ' " t , XUb<»rat Owijrtuu ' r • eLLTM ' ' i •.. - l . ALL &INDS 0F STEAM WOIIK : • „ " T" I'arilsnlaratW'itJoeiriTentotmaeuT ' ; ■;. ;■ _. -acKFBiiS, ; ' with •«»»«*.'• WAsm ... ;i»)iramtKß,<6aAXaß ARD-VABIJI • • 1 • •■• ! •" , roa OASDKKIU.VKB AKI.» TttAWStJkß* . : COirXTIR .•'" .■■ . rtospra UD P4I7SFpLW iTTEKBEB TC —•' ' J 76 TMIJE TRJtJPE. . XE6 TRADff GITPPLtKn WITP won rirr rnrraoi, FrxTVsa,rLDK>- ■ •wo 'nmnuii.. is»' trout .aksewms-h : Ti{*-<3Ae. PTKAM-riTTIKG • >ND' •BuaiJiiws. • STltiCltiT. vltlCAOill •s»" Rrerr rt«trjf*!!ca'ftr UtsPUiurr a*-i &*a«vwtrt - • J9» tf*Mir.4f+Tr ?I I ttr*ei.' . atf • • j " QEIOAfI O lead'PlPE AHD 1 Sbcet Lead Worts. ! B. W. BL&TCHFDRD, " " • .kAXCTiflrcuk e*' w | •• Lead Pip*, Sheet and Bar Lead, : ' AVO DKAUB CH ■- « - \ a»x<a-" xiiai ▲».; , jAvenAfor i - ''"•*/"! ' j COLLIEE WHITE LEAD A OIL- COJtPAH^,! —ajn>— -• *'' '• /$U Shot Tow«i. • fuUaaiorantnt-of'ibe«b«TcMa&titAbtxffNiM^» l ■ ■Untlyoabasd. ' ordj:m rtou tux rptpi BpucmD. . : .« E< W. Bliichtertlt ' . 1 *aito6sl«lj: <Jort«r of OUmca and ftttfop. etreeifC' j 1 TpjTHOXiiiSAIS BOOTS • AKD SHOES, i . , RBMOVAL.' : . | ' i( ; 'Wet.Tejwaliyisitooor oewjccjaiMi. j Where. wH 1 ! lueitatedrbom i era M*p«r««w show oar 0»d ffleods ana *ik.wiehtog'«# saoitbomUa«.4tock oL .., ' BOOTS AND SHOES feXold7Am . DO&GETT. BABIETT ft HILLB^ ' 'Jse'iXoos /J.o«|!9riaK«jgJ; 'riCJSfe V **2#? rwjw.t- SVQBi jQt cGeiw. Ww»r»*off •ourwtS, Aiut rotatate ibrJ'«uitn*U;a«e : Bra^be-ff:Ti&d M tUDd, i hji&r#%ly :tt ajv«i!r9!m , l*t**^it<o*i-v» , {kMr-bntt» «tfM*tal .. .ar*. . yhr?k-. .»»e-»<Cb»ss: «o4 C*UU4J l^OmHc/y.. 1 U " • ' ;' •; ,•" -■ . - !-■■•.. 1 ■ ' ' ' Flour !.- xn&w*B* -.'PPSSTASTtiTiUr.BtOfti Jf T , iims .aa* MOQ.Oo^L*fft»•tlt^ , poor of «i P WMWW OP be'wri\«da>'tq r j tlliM* ja»cis<. • ;-"^wgnfß^,crttAyapOTt^ *w'..* V* . WHOLBAIX. \ and ; mlss' •«-»*• o£tt>iuQ iltacljincfi. . [ Q.RE A TTTY IMP RO TED.— Quaker City Double Lock; : : . TICBTFABT SimiH- .■%£/'£ «; 990 |fff INO MA pwjfjrsu. £ Ihltnptitf inis'Wbii »)fi v» OblMeo ibaa ALL ntber put iocether. lMemi feeme dJBpDcHy,-eff*cyv. : V»<s..SSeuty and elastic! yep f f seem h*sn*de Ittaev&vorltjOf.ibituandi forlawtt* r. •od talloria* wrposasK* Aiiep&aa itwu •. v . Tlic 3aM»stiached orai* its vura-aadv > flfjM the dtfy Ogee** v«!a&t the old €fZS> *» ■-' Tread fU»(£ti> § KXAOfiTUS si *D : -I ff« Kip T)iJra-BUtf> ie "f Till narfiirßfljrt'rl n rtunt litiif T-ifrfrilrnr■* -jr* f\ of crljrZ Bwrnrom t m common spools. Daeiyas* a btifM?* vsvfcperTectiy by simply cfasaJaf the area(l-; .f3*Es*Sl*. 'Zber will A - - DEK. OlfS LAV 7 With a f e«in? Machine Is ecual In efficiency to from Eight to Twelve B*smst?e<iK by Bind. v . ~ Aiy one matinf Sewlor a business eta. make Ite,iT * POxiTsrLr l« OXK W'ti. . . * N T, Mrßam.lesoj wort andCTrcu'araent on re«lpt oia . stamp. Machines sent. wtlhfuli rrlnted direction* <0 •■pertozy *bo never Of them. ctuj are u*ed socceaafmly aft«ra few'isacs* practice. Tht mecHanljca warranted p and nosey reloaded alter four weeks trial Iftiiey are net all we represent. ~ , . vi.... tater iriiiox men. with money to purchase maeWnei »aay now seccre f.xeiusiveaarenrJ«s ta acyoitre better towns in the Northwest. None others Deed apply. U Chas. T. Winrall's Shoe Wore, 1.3 Lake a rreet ncarClaik. Adorns L ' X4 00- miai ly __ Gblcajro. HI, Poit Office Box SEES L *- Double Threaded it ! i !i; 'J If. IJ. l i Family Sewing Machine. PIIICE $25 00—CASES A.liD STANDS EXTEA. ' Warranted to be aiOood as Any Id the I World. a They will RUtch red Hem, Tuck and Fell. Gather aod ( .t .x ± tohroUtxand are espeoiaGt adapted tJ * to family use. b They will a»w all kln-ls "f roM< from the finest to the coarsest, as well as any other M*cblna now exUnU jiM TOaybeu'edwi'beaeeileit, suas«*» la all kjndi of lleht Leather w»rk. Any pemn of ordinary Htel ifeoce c*n la on- hoar, learn to u*e tbtm, whie practice makes Machtes are *srraited. »pd in? ierion ior ciniloctbemc&n r*farn 'h-m and *et the.r m-jcey, lr aft-j a mtmtb's trial, ui ey da noi oro?* what we repre sent. W.B V> L . A UoLßßl>'»K t P, 0. B«x 1625. Pp Stairs " AGENTS WANTED. CyAD letters of ln«o!rr mast enc'tte *n extra po«tase rt*mp to loro-e ai answer. mhl Premitims and Diploinaß. • TEE FIBST PBEMiim =AN& : piPL"OirA". . . was awarded le the * Boudoir ' CH3L«#nß* iraTt»T t )'' ■ . At Uifc V7Ueen*su BUt- Oca. llh. •, MRCiJnet frora 'One Hundred toOsR BaodndAnd Fifty Dollars in com petlUoo, Hbasanother llok hashes added to its chain orpirohuns. Tke subsertter t>e<S lesrr« to call the at* tectipp olibe Indies to the mer lUfi(tMsbeaatifal aod uorivallad-Af^cßlbe.'-A few of UeprondncntadTintagetoreraU'oUiersare as follcws: Ist. It>jews iDthtwotbreads ai>d : lies-«dcb-siltch. 2d. U makes two '•* *•"• s .; - id. U wiU- «ew oackward as weD as/orward. t 4Ut. (t makes two thxnsand nttehH per miauti. asd ' al*j>^jJncsuuijeßto thelooh. • • •' . \ iia. Th* Inconvenience of Js fey the ap* ' allcaiionof afiabberfriction iVhetl. •- •• - fcvh. tbejioniiaal price of »Sa toolad«s toas aad fir* - ■ ' When thts Machine was told at deoble the prtct, ll wu ] oordially recommended to the puWlc *T ' .... L MVBIKGEH 4 00. .. . . , . . EUAB HOV. Jft. WHKtXCB A WILS )«J. • ' GEUVBi k-BAKriB. • , --JdaaaftetixnagOo. * <4s Lho tiirslsliyd* thread Hachlnfln-tb© market. The ( S' been reduced one half adfln enhanced \ t the adulUon of the Daui'le Tcrad. An examination i or this Machine and its norK is sjliciied at.ll. Uewln* A . Ca'*Jtoot <*nd tibofr - SM wr CS B ; ' s .] ; family: ' Sewing KEacMnes,: ' j J " • Ootablniax the -'; LATEST HHPHOVBMENTS :' j ■ ;■; : j —ATv-- • ;- ~ l . S - i A?H) ! BSoea, CtABME.'i&IS .«! «yt3T<i*saricition. coa • tUifliyonbaad. -1 VckternOffice 140 Lake Ktrcct. ] * &39c43.5a. .. • ... .A- W*IiAEBIB.I Asent. j Staiioricrn, •... | ■; Awsirdcd for tlie j ' Two Silver Medals';.! ■ ♦ :;. .. ■' t -AWAKWI) *f r- •' ' ;MXT.SrSO"N'' & ■:BRAi>£ ; HJ,T, —for the— . ' . BEST "BLANK BOOKS, * .r • -•** • : : Chicago Mechanic's' - KO. »f LAKE BTBJU.T.- '. A Silver ■Medal I !.' was awarded by the ' niinois State Agricultural •, Society • ) .i • . > • —for B'BflT BLANr-BOOSB TO— ' " ! • MUNSON A- BRADLEY, : > . SUlicoer/flail, W Lake ttreet ] A Silver Medal was Awarded !at\th« CR YSTM \ : ' .—■*T-TS« • - - ' " ' A K.E R J C;A N: 1.2 J. ST IT U. J E i - • ' *o —. .1* ! I Murißon & ; Of ChlcafU for the'' ' ' BEST BLANK BOOKS. ' "tnh94yc4(3 • ! i Jones, Perdue & Small^ t • .; ' \ i • 'j .. / . fiuccMaora A. H.-BosLxr 4rC<y..,; % ; | , JK ■ j . ' «LAMB QO K S," :! j ' 1 !Wvlake'Street, Chicago w.v....,132 ; j. ~J. 1L 3F.JQXW*.M- TU&tJM.~.J. * | •»v " ibHS ffrO *-••; •'.•'•*•"■ \ " j Y^T'S.TEES^-OtSTE&.S-OySTKßfi.i . V/ EATOa 4IAJRK A CO'S onrtTalled 1 fre*aalitiaore Oysters'i*aehred dally, by^VV^. ; j Knffarbnly. direct, from their matoift iVa .4 1 (KMsse to BaiOmore,-114., ana rw aali atVL/ ! depot LP>'onh W««*»eVOhlSMix ' ; 7ti« OITMt care and aUenUon bdn* paid to thefr*- J* ! partox of Uiea« Oyttert, tbey "bare uula«d % ttucUttoß L •:••/:':" E - P. BANDAut/ATtcairfici,:.'::| ■■■ nu WMri » M«<rflkrtilhe . v C<tfO*Qd h« JJ -lor WaAHam t it «B ktod*. eithr I 1 •*>! aaA b^cWol«rta#t-Vf» K irt«ttrt.! , , {»n#aUyJssUe4 »»«sU«M)ook«l-tbm I btfcrt JJ liw.v -. • . ».i«> I y ~ 4-t " I ■'■ JA. Street (orw Hoffnaa S'etSpcke's fian&<: Is qrck fc *T >torrifai»tirnrWr aNutdiMrf pt bdltdmc& Qe co&ftiVnUy r%faf4* s»t#.atVie beft 11f baUiln<B iq •Jhlea*t>- i -b3Ui pebUe-aod erifetf-W I ®* g s^^te^asasasSjEai ';* X ! T7.'• • ' i . Opposite tht Poet O&0A Ohlii^lkbiifciß'f ft I SCi riSrj-iiaii-r '- i H .Vi j ,'Z . '.wuikju PRESS-MD TRIjBUiNE. S ANO xiiniuKe" , i« W*«kiy ' J tam>'(S«ak. AXS f CMLmeats: 'p t-tiaipra. | «. u. EAT, , J • ' VWC-JHiM.** JujtiPß X&DILL, a i s , isi an* TrtUms. ° ' till/, ikrU?t&4ioSß&&c«rrter,»er yeac. «S.uO p DaUy, dttll*a*itf dWhy c*a»c. per wee* U tl >-Wf lucopieato cne AddrtiS L SC copies to one address- >.........2t.1t tl ▲aaoae&iw cow to getter up of club of twenty. •< - ? HrTbs.-c wlfibe no deviation trcmtLe»e rti«. • bt rtdtweed tetters may be»ent csal cs " lAiJOt atjd isibdKK. „„ , °! Cnicyq, Qll&OU. ■TCIIE PRESS AND THIBOJTK'S . • J I»teafJob establishment ' c Is tht v -*r*est and finest establishment oftlss kind in the » ITHL IthsjooreSteaaPressesandMacidaery;core Printing and more Skillful Workniea than any . t other Job Printing House West of New Torl(. .. ii The proprietors are prepared to execute. <ja jhorl_no». Uoe, tray variety or BOOK JOB PBBSS ° and FANCY PEXirTINO in the BSS7 'mAJiJiZB t a tl| LOWEST LIVIKa j; | Particular attention sd?en to the printinx o< Burinen Cards, Fosters, J ' y Tisiting Cords, Programmes, , * >B*U.licket»,; | ; (rtjaphleto, i .J 'Letter Heads. Circalars, ' 4 ? Bill Heads, Cheeks, ; I By-Laws, Blank Rotes, | g Eeceipts, Labels. ; t -fHIHTIBOXHOOtOBS'-"' .( In aUltsvarietiex. done In beactif&l style and at modern s ate ratea 1 As examination of BPECIUEMB and PEICEB Is re. ( «pectfullyliyite4- ;:> -, t vu " J j • tyOrders from the Country promptly filled and vent * home by Expreg. , 'J A .World of Lore at flomd. t 6 { BY J. J. BETNOLDS. » ... t 1 Tbefar^h v athtrestcrw f J Dt-ep buried in he ca-es: • • ' 1 Ye< not within her Bosnia <tar*. , Or'reUbtLednh'nifoam. LlMtbere atir-«*nri musljsb ( Avoildof loreathome. ( r T;ue.*ster'ln»'h*pplnfssapd jiy.. ... 1 Are no* withsolda-Il'd: ' * t . Norxualtjield a pkasoreDke , A merry fireside. ' • •lesvynotihem«nwhodwflli I - ia«t«tdyhallrTd*me . f If *m'dl»lspp'e-d , rb'»hMhnot ' i A world of lotsiathoj,e. . . . .... 1 The frl*»ntJs whom time halh prnred sincere. , 'ilstheyelooecaobrio* < Aiur#re.le lo h j»ns that t'r op • • I *i>«atb •&rro»'«be#*» win* j ThouahcreaLdtrcnblemaybemhie, . •»«f ownlS'e'sp'thly.vTn * Til bred toem not «hMe still I have ' A world of love at borne. ' ' j - - ■■ ■* e — 1 i :he Fiillne*?. of.Christ. r i * , i . . J.-*strmon tu- Thomas- Gdtbrib. Q. 8., author j of M'ihe.Goipd in Eaekieb," **-The Oity, ti» | jSi/lS.aud &}rroic:,' ! eU-, <Aj. - ' ( II pleased tie Father, that la Uhn bhoald all '.fullness , o wel 1 , . . . „ , Colossuss I ? 19. ."j • ' Obr happiness depends ia a Terffimall degree' { n'p'on' what is external to. us. t . Ita springs iifi- y diepwVtbin'; like those .w/iters. thai, warm in . winter tab"cold in snmmerj hove their loautains bordered with'eTer_grcen .Yet, how com- i moo it is'to think' otherwise! Hence the keen purjnit of pleasure, To'vera 4 war's fierce amtynibo. the Btad'ent r, l patient iftbor as be feeds hre-midoifftit lamp tvith the oil.of life, tbe pant' ( •in? race for rle&el, the' desperate slrcggles , • -some mafce to keep tnettiseJveti from'sinking in- , toi>overtj, and the toil "and trouble others en- | • dure,--to flay nothing of the sins" which these i m»v alike commit, t j riee iB tho'world.'os it te ; called -to keep a betttr table, to wear a better ] <3ie«9, to live in a better house than Bitched j their ba^le»hat b&p^erp&n-nls. Thesepaths, i croVded ond beaten down though thej bs oj the i feet.ot th.on&finds who on.eacb oih- < 6r > a&eel6.iDeTer jttcondccißd any maaxo bap- , ' piiie'«. Never, ltr-" lits in-ajjotner..direction, j WwiieTecbfl his poor or rich, i ; pri«ing on'fajyck bed or mth heaUh glowing cn • • t©- be, morrled'or; to 'be -banned to- : : morybw,'" blessed," or,;its we : vhoold aay, hap- j pyi : M js be whf'B© transgression' n forgiven, < Kflose sin" is covered.,-' Blessed is the;m'an unto I ' 'whim tbe 'Lurd Impotcth nbWtoiqoiij, and in i . ,~wboseepirit there is no gaile." ; - I - The^'way to happiaegg - I .leg tpbring our cirenrostances npto bucmiode, : . butonr minds dowoto ooroircnmßtSDoes. Ma- : oy birdfl Wear'a tfner coat than tbe lnrk, nor ia I cny that dwells'in a lowlier.home; yet i which of tbe feathered songsters soars 80 high, t or sings so merril}', or teaches tnan'sd well how ( tolcflVe ihe and labor* for the bo- I eom of Lis family, as when, neither envying the.. . 1 . _ptiLeock. hia splendid plumage T -oor thft proud 1 e*gle ber'lofly realmj it drops singing into its < grtsey nest, to our ess its young,- and 'with its 1 wings to bhield them troux the cold dews of ntgbt? To indulge nn uneanctitied and insstia* ( bis ambition, to attempt to bring oar circum Svo&oesi op to -oar minds, is to N till a sieve with 1 water, or tbe grave with dead,. or the sea with 1 rivers.' .The'.passiOas ; tbat in puch. »cas«>. seek < praUiication, are like that wretched drunkard's - . - thirst; tbey burn tbe fiercer for indulgence, and. crave lor more tbe more tbey get. Ii is often 1 diibcnlt, 1 grant, to bring our minds down to; our eircumatatices, but be atteinpis not adifli- ■ ■ cuit, J>yt an impoeeible tbTng, who aUeinpts to 1 bring his«ircuffißtanees npto the height of his ' ambttienJ Natare, says the old. adage,'is coo tented with little, grace iast .witb nothing. And- ours fes'tke of him ; wha, content with -less than little, pleased with " whatever piloses' ihe Father, caretal tor noth- Inj, thunktul for anything, praycrfnlin every thing, ~can euy "sritlr 1*4111,'1 have learned, in j whatsoever state 1 am, therewith to be content. . B-lore directing your attention to'tbe tnhnese that is in Christ, let me embraps the daporttait- j ty which the expression offers of exbonisg you. , 1.-To be pleased with wbntever'pletsesGofi. H i bate .read of an Italian who bad learned ' thai/d>BicuU"lesson eo. well, .that all who wit. ( .-ncssad bts magnenimi jy, onder the most pdverae ( fortunes, stood tUfecalled Vomen's ' minds Ihe grabd aayiog of an old beethaQ r .thal J a good man struggling With edrersiiy .was a the gods to lopkat. not that • bis njaiurar.teuper was too sweet to be -sohried > ;or too phlegmatie moved* rior.was it that, , ;iike gTtid-nlooded. anibiali'tie.did not.feel tbe ; iirjoa *hen it entered biaapuL -i>o.- ile telt it keenly, and bore it bravHy-; end the secret of bis tranqail,' heroic, patience lay in these four First, be eaid, 1 look within me; tben without me, afterwards beoeath me, and last ol ■ aIU Mook above me. • ' • • First, be looked within him; snd what saw be there? CorraptiQn, guilt, so' taaebflbworthi " ness. 'as lea him to conclude that be deserved no good thing at the band o/ Gsd; and •' torei'-wbatevei* blesaiogi .bis caUmiiies had lelt to bun, were more than be bad any- right to-ex - peck •• We write tnar blessings on tho water, bat pur fifflicllons on.tbe- rock. .'Those ate forgot, '. iheae.are remembered? and- if we. turn away onr eyes from onr trials, add look back on. 1 our lives and in npon our hearts, bow.would | that cheok -eaob 'rising rebellioos' mnrmurf • <jt4titude;wpuld temper our'j?rlef;.and though. . ' *we mlgbi.continue .to mourn, we abould say • with David, 1-wtU sing of mercy-and-judgment ? ] -- Nextj'be locked without bim,' aud there he . 'saw, what yon ail may see, many more severely j tried than himselt;-thousanaß in point of merit more unworthy,,.JfeVia.Doiat£»£.circuiaataa ceVmuch more unhappy. Would it sot help to qlcar offsy and rebuke the disgon tent, and improre the temper of somegrumb -2 'lers amodg us, were they now and then to visit tbe sad abodes Of wt£tcbednefes 'end,poverty ? It jroald-cerulnJy ! teach them bow thtaktol . . 1 tbey ought to be.that tbey areuot as mny are, ' afid how thaakfol msny wdnld be.tobe as tbey ; Tire. 'Have 1 not seen many a poor vreteh in !* • -tbii world who would glcdiy change "plsces wltb - t&o&e of yott that "are most weary, of your, burv .. ! dans', and.almost weary of yoer life. How ha« it reconciled as to of a cpjd, i 1 blasteri»£ Stormon'Jtnd,.,to ihisk otthi'poor | "seamen, who were-tossfng on the deep in dread i of sbipwreeki or bsngingon by tbe sbr6uds, ,'or i 'whelmed io lb© ocean, toeir last prayer washed from their, lip#", their cries for help droWßednn r tbe'roar of breakers. When welay stretched jjn. a sickness, with kind faces arou&d us< *! . angels, as it were, ministering to our wants, it i ■ h*i,belped to reconcile j>» to tbe -wsary pillow j id thine of them who, far- from home ( : )ay i ••bleedieg'on the battle-field;' sons near i " their;dropplDg..'bead, or to aiswer'Ujelr'idjiag ? "xry.of " water, iwawrl'' l And wbeo death, on ; - welcqmeTisttor, entered'Onrhome,"6hJ , I tbfe i (jiie { ecfiia.felt less heayy, when,' -looking «ii awaet 5 ones-left, w» thought of- dwellings that-the i "Spoilerbad, or .bad all"but tiesolsted.\ Sdeh".'* i "IhOught Jiaa.-calfMdthe^tronblad. bre*stj~aad «aid to murtaorißg passtens,- Feaee,-bb-etHL - It j, 'is with its potentspell.tbst intbb rtaga'a pious peasant Approaabea s mother wbo,. •wriogieg'her hands, bengs iawiHi fratjtle.-farr-' ft Hble OTer of her paaunn, aa*Tabanebtwiao: e- beats "down the ; tfalmn» s tbr of; ® .titbeni;. 'sbouUicr, a!o« :saTS; with, eyes |aii -.of-4«ars, ; '•nd-a'Totce trembling'with edrotion,' * 4 ;ftusb, \ ' dhs !p*«lr Tof «mfi{y. .liule l r Cithatato look on.. vßeyoo thankful..--1 MveAixi • -ofihem." ' And-wiren most severely Triedj afld' pod's'Jbilldws teem' to .1m going.oyer. iu, be-; ~ that w* «re-Tisitea with -f»r -le«i | than i c«fr Imquhies* deserve,- we' bsve' on^'.to: 'acr'.alßjciiafltJtfisfewar jji 'ibao .those »hioh ®a'Tjy others toffer.?- • ? h>oked-nttt&«ffetth Jj | h\i tic&f.* gmivgtassy ' ?i mi tOTetnne;d*ejtbSjloM^qf .* j .was aU he soos 11 «eai4nted," and all; thotigh-etretcbed-oufat his tnll fengtbj'ha codld becapyT Th'sVlmas IE blunts the keen edge of mtsfortune, who-BMiets w- its stroke with the £ itirnfDf*t,"it' canndt stnp'him 'so bare as death rtT shall tfie'jnost prosperous and envied ot mWf m at tb'rf worst,""but 'takes 1 time the forelock, aod, by a lew'orief years, Citicipstes tbe greatssl.«poi)er,--loexor»ble death. JYe '''• eroje tate'UWjfprtd r, jttt » wto this-verld, -mid it is oertein *esrrr bT. RttAiie; sbtfl jooi tfs gains,, aor Abo sne» m ttaob of- ihefr. jsagri . fj, ?bwcs:;; «T[U.Wsaiis^tf v *Bd4h«ilghu»ra^at*at,-ao<tthest«^^ etui* of the ptrlitiiej play, bnt dt the way in xm Which IbeJ nlijUhlm. Well donfc from. God, gi well done from Christ, well dope -free)-the t) . tong net of tea thousand angels,ttball erown the .ft iliGaZof afceod sefvsnt,- bos aot tceilife of a bad* "SI sovereign. respect fos persons, bat ti will reward-every secordbtg foTttik' I'm plsee, Jbnt according to the way he pUedii. a' Ha. •ii shall reward every mas accordinglto Ms wark. a He looked last ef all above him, pnd taw his b t bome in fc»evv» a4nd ißdboaldkb^glo^ipM. prospect sustsin ns tinder oar severest trots! C To that refuge oar thoagbta may|a!irsTii l By; *and*as there ia so pit to deep but! ft'bu that ti opening over bead, though it may be dark be* p bright abore r n«. Lei tbe world reel and shake, let .banks. si break* let sadden ehanges whelm aniaenca into a the loweai depth of poverty, let convulsion sab*' b ceed convulsion, till the stateliest (Tabrica, and e firm eat fortunes are burled into tbe dost, tl how bleated at q fiifte to.knaw th#tJje*ven 1 Issare." 'l7b "tempeats eweep its <glass. o Dp there it iacalm when ;t ja storajr Jiere-j op t there It to clear when UJ&cloody i^ens; apthere o it ia day when it ia darkoeaa here; nor are those fi realmsof bliss any more affected oy i the events a ot earth, than'are the stars of the Hrtnamcat by. • tbe eartbqaskjpa that, shake .onr world Or "tbe t tbnnders thai shake aar akiaa. By t consider*- * tionslike these we sbcmld strengthen; our minds, and give of ;texxar» which fa shelf preserve as iron devonriegcarfcs, as solid, £ cloee-greioad oak ia preserved frori those in- s sects that ear out t&fc'hfvu of softer woods. * Let God giro bia blessing to at«h thoughts, and f they will enable a meet evil f as the mountain crag looks oat on theapprotfch ; ~ *£ ine storm. ; Yet tbe Italian's explanation of bis i under affliction* to w&ich all-, of us ace tz'posed r -i and agamst.whicb, therefore, we do weH to be ftn-; ; j titled, does not Bring oat the grandest flecpet of a .4 ciim,«9igtjcd, happy Bpirit? the' secret joi apa-i < triacb'i uup&r&lleledjuUenteMd, of.'a) prophet's 1 >j 'damiiieslqodrsgel ifoas lies not ao Kig arUhin, or rkiaingit to tnecroirn, as ia kick'' i ing to God. .Tbe btightesl'llght'that fallsonodf • i trials isadte'jrdm hi* tbrona. Xhat clainge'd the. '1 whole aspect of'Job" j tifß ietlotH, : and' {ie«ce . hl9 1 well and the- .< Lord ; hatb taken'affay; Uetwed'bei-tbq name of *] tbe Lord. And what also ,bct n sight of God in* j spired with; which' tte Jirobbet eyed . .j the approach bf defying it ;&s i man j .pn a rock' deSes tiie swelliDg billows oV pn acgry 1 sea. 'idtbdogh tbe tig {ite thallnotbLteom, "] neither shall ft ml be in Ute .rines: tbe labor of the, olive shall fail, aud tbe fieldseiiall yield no meat;. .] the fljck<hall-Ue-cut off*- from tbe I'old, and tbere , \ shall be no berd iu Lhe. akilia j yetl .w|n rejoice j •in ibeLord.lwiil'ioy-ln oy Balva-" • tion." j , Extravagant' as that'maj soand ia thq of. . | some, It is tbe langajge of a calm, sober! solid , faito. For wliat in jeasouahoolj hioderliim who , «ea in God a Father, and UeHevai CTiat'all eventa • j procied ir m his band, and are managed by his ( rn?dora,'aijdare prpmj):ed. by his Jove, from kisa-. my-will, bat tliioe'bc done; froax taking the cap aud draining , it to the bitterf-st dregs.'" have perfect conli- •, decce in his wisdom and in his love; una'wa only j do him the Jostics_9bicb we would expect from , oaro*n cbiiasenwben we believe that be doth net afflict wiWiogly, -nor grieve the children of meu,nur ever cUastens but in love. Uiswastv ' noble sayiog who, when bii crops were rojtiog in 1 . flooded fleliw, and rain etaredhnn from the scowl ..' t[tg*beaveus, ati<i ot!jsr'jaea. ciihcd the ieatber, '■ on being asked hte'rea^oa/or jsiying lEit It pleas- 1 ed him, replied, It pleases God to send ityand 1 wli&ievtfT-pieasftS Him' pjcaica'tni. * That souuds 1 like 2^n r ecno O', the pld volce;-aod.we rwdytoeavyamau overaocn great mlsfortades. ; -Yet .why should we nfttlieaa'cdlmlyin thearma of God r u providence 1 ad we lay in on a mother's breast ? Kav-. . 1 ing un ever Imog; an erer-laa'ing, an ever-loving ' - fdtner In Gad, welcome all providen- 1 ces; afl^,'(riawrng'Boßiegood from ever**vil,as tie bee extracts honey even from uoisoued fiotre/s, ! bpjT.jna'y.weijsay," Oar ligbt-»(B-ctitrfi, which u 1 but furumomout, wurkcih for us a tar wore ex .ceediog and etorual wrightof gk»ry!" k Swettiy submissive to the will o( God, shall it not £ira 1 with us as with the pliant reed* thatlove tbe hoi- - lawn and fringo tbe margin of bind- J :ing to the blast, not resisting it, raise tbnir heads anew, uubarmed by the stonn that haa snapped tee moahtaiu "pfae, and rent the hearts ot cafe ' asander? Tbe joy oi tbe Lord ia our strength. : Let n notrcohsiflef that wbicb, while it pleased God, wijl-dertalaly please all His people. : IL that i-d iu Christ. i . ji j: Wisliio the palace; but without- tbe throne room - of Sbushan, Queen Either stands.' These who enter the king's presence unsummosed do it at ' the peril of their liic ; and resolved in a good 1 to dare the penalty, she stands there with I ber jeweled foot upon .the grave.. A noble 6pec- i tacle! not po much /or ber unrivaled beauty, stiff i lor tba splendor ur her apijarel, astbrtbc re-olutioa to ventre life, aod either sa\*e her < nation or perish in the attempt. In her blooming i youth, in the admiration of the conrt, in tbeaiffec lions of berhuabdnd, in her lofty rank, in her* , queen ; yhonors, she has evcrythiogjto nuke life attractive. Hers la a golden cup; aud it is foam, "i of pleasutes to th» brim. Bat her mlud is mad® np to die; aud so, with a sllsht priytr, and j "it I perish, 1 perisli," on ber iip% shß passis in, , and now stands mate and'pallid, yet calm and resolute, cmtside the ringot nobles, to bear ber dooin.-Hcr fate; wblcti' s€ems to tremble in the • ba.auce, is soon determined. Xo soouer does thir % uxouvch satcli aigbt of tbe beautiful woman; and* brava bc-auUfal, whom he had raised lr«m slavery to share his bed and throne, than her '• aparehensions rjoii-b. The clouds.break; and . sue fiuds, as we -with Ohrfst, that ber (ears have wronged her Lord. Instantly his band. . ! stretcljes out the goldensccptro; lbs business ol\. ! the coart is stopped; the qoeen, the queen 1 dividas the'crowd'of nobles; aad op that brilliant L •; Isne she walka in majtafty and in charms that out'-* via tiCr.irMas* to'heiir - the bested words, \7lrx - wilt tliou, Queen Esther? and what U tUv re- 1 quest? it shall be givan thee even to the half of 1 the kingdom.' • What wilt thod, Qae'sn-Esther? Isbntanecho * J of the voice which taitli catches from tha lipii oi. Je?us ; aud tbe whole a-ene presents bnt a dtmy ' imperfect Image of (Bat which heaveu presenw 1 when tbe gate rolls opeo, 'and angels and arch-, f augcls making way for him, a belierer antejs ifitb J - b;s petitions.. Was once a •' .'s!»ve ? Sj wish«... Ia herri'/al marriage was 1 lotvlioMi allied to msjeity? So it is in' "his .nnion ' : by faith with Jesus chci£t, "Audas Id her royal 1 apparel, the..diadem, the. cloth. gold bedecked 1 with sparkling-gems, in which her maids'have 1 auirvdttwir mistrts^.why.'iuth^"ngbteomne** 1 tbut 9lo.ilias r and'the of the Spirit tbat udorumm, the.believer wean a which wins ■ the admiration, not of men's, bat eyes, and ' shmes even amid tbe gloria of a ei>y who»o gate 9 1 arc made of paaiß and who-e striate are pavod with go d.''To the half of "his "Kingdom, the Per- ' sdan promised whatever bi*qa»entn'gbt ask; and qcnarous, right royal a» was his offer, it helps us 1 by its very meanness,• as'a molehill at the font of ' a mountain, us a feeble, yellow flimo held a]) agaiiist tbe blazing «un, to form some estimate ot the hoanaless grace"of our Lord Jesus Christ. Half his kingdom? He offers nobbing by halves. His promise is illimitable. All mine is thi tie. Contljiug bis generosity neither to kingdoms, nor eoutineuta, nor worlds, nor heaven itself, he lays tbe whole universe at a poor sinner's feet. Avray then with feani and 'cares!. There is nothing we need tbat we shall not get—nothing we can ask that wepball not receive. It pleased tbe Father tbat in him thonld all fullne&s dwell. Trsnsier ring divine wealtn, it I may so speak, to our " account in the 1-ankoThfaven, and giving us an aoiiinited credit there, Jesus says, All.things. Whatsoever ye ask in prayer, befleving, ye shall •receive. - •—JiiTegard to Christ's follness, I remark— * 1, Tbat theW la all faHheaa of marcy to par* ' ' * * , m ' t Dead flies'cause'th'e ointment of the apothe •c&ry to send' forth-a-sthiking aavor/'fiol sayr-' Solomon, doth alittle folly him that is in repu tation lor wisdom and honor. Sncb great, mia* rhietcan little things do.'..One'amaU'l'eak wlll, • ' sink tha biggest'sbip tbat ever aailed the oeeac; one bad link in the chain she rides by, and parting from her anchor, -she is hurled on tbe borrm roef or-driven-before'tbe" farr 'of the tempest; and ereuon® iittla wedge"le/t - lewlj on. the' afißi arreaU her',', pro'graas wkem. thO aigoalfa given, and eagercrewds -are wait -iag to cbeer the launch, wd the boXdth'oftbe - ees is swelUhgtq 1 receive her intbitaarma. And* ! bad there been the smallest doabt expressed, in ■ tbe Bible about fullness of pardoning cy, bad as noon-day that tbe blood.of'Ohriat cleanseth from all sin, from wn-aa-weU of tbe deepest aa ofthe lightest dye. 1 . what matai&bling block wbuld that bave been ! I believe that iuwould.bwro arrested tbe itepe of thousands now happy in Christ, or now-eafe in heaven,'as they went to throw themselves act ' his feet, and cry, Lord, save at,"or we iferuh. ; 1. . Ballhereieno-cook«dottbh*"A heraldt Qf tbe . - cross,' I stand here r ! claim a.'nuversal .amenessy. < - When the - last > gon is fired, and.pwrdotr irprodaimed.lfi' i qaered protinCeß, i| It "not ,al ware 'mariedby some notable exceptional iKben the.#word«f > -.ww is sheathed, tbe-aworxi of justice is drawn, . only to be returned to toe seaboard after it is r filled with blood. Menaay that they need-not ! look for mercv inihe honr _'of retribution, Nrho [ wreaked rnthless rehgerapcQ women; 1 nor bad pity on'sweetiender.babee. fiat from ) the pardon of redeesoing are none ' exepptedj unlessihnse. Who, by ac i ctp't it, exoept' themselvea. Are yon aojnat t t Christ Jesus died, tbe just for tbe nnTnst. Are ' you sinners? He camenol tb'caU'thf r but sinners to repenUncer/_ AJ-ft' jst("tbe vilest B of tbe vile? He nexar lilted, bis /eot,-when ho 5 was on this earth, away.: * He pitied whom others' l'pQfaeiC;~Ei received. 6 whom others lored whem others t loathed. Let tbe vilestj-meknest, most iftfich ed outcasts, know that. they.bare a friend in J him. A mother's door may.ip.dllrat.againat i them, bnt cot his. Uais hia -Hlory then, and; t it ia bis glory still,-to be regroacbeft aa the' " of ainnera. lfe Taced Mhtnmely'to save »: be endured death to save them. And; ba you groaning under a load of cares or,-guilt,; f. of sins or kind and' gracious Lord,! ipej ■J all 'ye- that ;l'abbr'and a '*• * ---- : r ; ' JbnnTthe aisciple whom Jesus ieved r Mwbioh i »; alio leaned on hut breast sapper," anilin. J • | geredby bia cros . aod was entrusted with the I e 1 care of bis. mother, and mere their szrrof-the i * i others enjoyed bis and kfeew | d bla miad* says, not as one who balanceahlalan- j guage. andcarefully weltotahis wordSrlest'he ' ■ • should Si'-.IT*" too ; o: far, "If aey mansia, ire have an advocate with ' the Father, Jeaos Christ, rthe righteona£_"_add ing;l 'an d lie is thTH?? for our sut\; 0 ; and notfor Otfrs Ohlfr,'but "alw lgr sins ef 7 the trAotsworld.'* The sorfe d tVllt '* It is 9 jQpd-'a laogusge. -Ji binde- a sone of mercy • around U?e,. L perishj the oband tbat woafdj narrew it by breadth. 9 bie-griee-iirObriatfis - beneath that aXy, '* there is room enough' for all Che antl wck s men in the wide world. Kone h bat they who damn themjetrea. tfnblt J bai l hj, malr that'our am'a caa'be pardoned, aye, aid shall 's bo pardoned, if we seek their forgivf e in its#ide«t shores th? .vast basits li- andaahaetha^w-trateUing'saa"wlChinhia or* g bitf-beiihis co&liosd within~no lun- T its ef or-age,'or tfnilV or 6laaa,"or fch'sryo* ft witb n6 condH?oik bn( yoffioeaptlt.-- el i)a»ri«lgKt ta®oy that now all- are certain- to c> 1 Oflerv% 1 etarriaj£_BL»n_bte»d.lbe_will_Uke ltj-oflira IT j poof jnux .nwoer.iiawiU Jake it^.offer a.aifik far marbealth, be will >»; 1 maahaaar» ha will take it: offer a lifeboat In, t poV St will stoon to pick mp a piece of gold the mirsv bat he will nii rise ont of tha-Rtrifto-reeefvs a.erown trdtia ftearssu Wkafc foilyl What .infataabon 1 May \ God by hva ' -spirit empty our hearts of pride, and take away the heart of unbcUet 1 Jitt* Is the belp of • .'man. - .Aria*, G uxa, and ple&/ tha eanas that J ■ is. tbiae ownL Break tbef spall -of |&,~and help 1 ' oa to say'wlth thfc of oId,!l»ord, I believe," £i belp thou mine nnbelief 1 .. | lj ,2.'- Tljere js all laUnesa of grace io sanctify ia f Christ. ' . j 4i Uy leanness \ my leanness !*! is a lamenta tion''.which God's people, as wejl as the old \ prophet-bare often used in monrniag'oter their : \ spiritual cooditioo,. It ver/ Jew, vent sad; presenting the oostraatof h aoul famished, - and a'body Inxorioukly fed; increase of earthly, bat a diminhtionbf beavauly joy»; attheyear'a j end more money in tba bask, but J»»ss grace in i tbe heart; tb6 tide Of worldly fame Rowing, aod 1 tbe tide ot God's .favor ebbing* gardens, and { orchards, and woodlands, end the fields of ns- < tore, green, gay; and bearitifal, bat| barrenness . ! of sonl within; graces withering, pfayers doll,' 1 faith weak*-love cold, desires feeble, spiritual appetite Tailing; much to alarm the saint, and send him to his kne<& crying, 41 j sdal clesveth to the dust, quicken tboa roe according to thy word. i j Bat why is it, -why should it bejsoT Why ; barns, the virgin's i n mp with such a flickering | flsme? Why runs tbe stream otgraee soamali, shrank to tbe size of a sammer Why are tbe be*t of us no better, no holisr, no hap pier than we are? Hath God forgotten to be gracions?' bath be in,anger shut up sua tender 'not ia tbe fountain empty; nor is qur' Father fallen,- into poverty, that trie-children are so acantily supplied/and have t > go,abciut meanly ;begging a snare of tba world's-eajofysients. It ik know why many- poor children in this , cUy-ooaoe to have misery otampedj on' 'their > yonng 'faces;, and if .theyttyad never Stniied in this world, nor Iband thia world sqjil : teg'en them;' a tyraOt hooie, harsh, : stf'rn/* cruel, forbidding; • Hapleaa preatnr'es, they wander ahoeleaa and sbiveriog on our froa ty streets, and witb hanger in t&eir bollow. , .cheeks,.nnd beggary'b'ung.ob their they 'hold out their skinny hsads'for charity ; their father U poor, or'dead, or worsa than dead, ths .base slave of a most damning rice, a drnnkard, Cronr whoee imperious voice they fly, whose reeling step they tremble to'bear. 3atwbat ~ hire .God's do with onbappy looks ? God 'is love. - Fury is qot. in me, saith tbe Lord; With him is fullness of joy and 'pleas . ures.for evermore. What do you wishorwant?- Go tall it to yonr Father. They tbat seek tbe Lord ahall not want any good tbiug. ; Can he who justifie'd nol sanctity ? Can be vrbo en* • listed-ns under his-holy banner not provide munitions 'of war enough to • secure, though.itfaere may be a--hard fight for it, the final victory? Can he who led the march out of not beat down our foes, and -condact'ourtnumpbant way through a thoua and dangers'and over a thousand difficulties on ' .to tbe vromiaed land ? Ob. yes; there all el- . ficiency and suSicie&cy in Jesus Christ to crown tbe work of grace, and to complete .what he baa began. There is his Holy Spirit to sanctiff yon; tbere are stores of grace which, like tbe widow's' barrel that grew ho emptier for all tbe meals it furnished, will appear tbe fuller the more yon draw oa them. As with an arch,- t&e grase of ■■ • Odd stands the firmer, the more weight jou iay. on it; its sufficiency, at least, will be toe more • evident; tbe more clearly you will see the truth of tbe promise, My grace is soflisiect for - thee. : Witb tbe well ever lull and ever flowing, odr vessels need never be empty. Whether, there fore, you want more faith, more purity of heart or peace of mind, more light or love, a humbler or a holier spirit,'a calmer or a :tenderer con science, aeose of Christ's excellencies, onofyonr-own flnworfhines*7 more tears for. feet or more honore for bis head, fear not to draw, to hope, to ask, too much. No earthly fortune will stand daily visits'to tbe bank, but this wilt You may ask too little, you cannot ask too much; you may go too sel dom, yon.cannot go to often, to the-throne ; for in J«*us dwelleth all the fullness;of tbe Godhead bodily.. 1: -'.l'.-'.'. . • ! .'" 111/ T&fere"is a constant supply of pardoning and sanctifying grace in Christ. - it-pleased the father that' ip..him should all faUnejiifcfrfJ/ dwell, not come and go, like a . wavlariog man who tarrieth but a night, is with us to-day, and away to-morrow; not like : the shallow,-noisy, treaoberous brook tbat fails, - when-most needed, in heat of epmmer, bat like this deeprsdated spring, that' rising silently though afllaently at tbe motmtain's foot, and having nnseen commnnlcfatlhh .with its exhaust le.sMnpplievis .ever flowing over-its graesy margin, equally unaffected by tbe long droughts that dry tbe wells, and tbe frost tbat pares th e neighboring'lak'e'with ice. do fail tbe joys of earth; so flow, supplied by the fallness that is in Christ, tbe pleasures oudth6 pe'ace"of piety. It cannot be otherwise. If a man love me. says Jesus, he willkeep my wards; and my >Vtber .will lore him, and we will come unto.him,smd make our abode with him. I hare read how, iu the burning desert, the' skeletons of unhappy travellers, all withered and white are found, not only on the way to the .loaataiDj lyiog grim and ghastly on its banks, 1 with their,skulU stretched, over its,very [margin.'" Ringing, faint, their tongue cleaving, "to ths root of their mouth, ready to' fill a. cup witb, gold for ita fill oi water, they .prcai on to .ths ,wcll, stepring lhe£r. coarse by the'tall palms that stand full of hope above the glaring sands. 4toady, in fbnd.anticipation, they dxiak where others'had oeen saved. They reach it. Alas I sad Bvgbvfor tbe dim eyes of fainting' mep, the well ia dry. 'With atonyJiocror in ttetriooks, ;how ihey gaas into the empty bruin, or fight •with man and beart tcr some muddy drops that their, thirst. The deaert reels . 'around them. Hope expires. Home cursing, some praying, they sink, and themselves expire. Ahd : by'' the sky daxkens,- lightnings .. jUeh,Jood thunders roll/ tbe raih pours down, •and, fed by the showers, tba treacberous'waters risa to. play In mookery with 1 long lair tresses, and kiss th* pale lips of death; But yonder where the crow stands op high to nark, the.founiaio of tbe Saviors blood, oad . heaven's sanotilytng grace, no dead souls lie. Once a-Golgotha; Calvary has csased to be a place of skulls. Where men went once to die, they go now to live; and to none tbat ever went thereto seek^paVdon,"and peace, and holiness, did.God ever say, seek ye me in rain. There are times when the peace of God's people,; al ways like a ri?er, is like one in flood, orerflow ing its margin, and rolling its mighty current between baok and brtie. There are times when tbe righteousness of God's people, altroys like tbe wares of tbe-sea, 6eems l:ke tbe tide at tbe, stream, as, swelling,beyond its ordinary bounds it floats tbe and ships tbat lie highest, driest on the beaoh. Bat at all times and sea sons, faith and -prayer fiod fullaesaof mercy to pardon, and of -grace to sanctify, iu Jetas Cbrist. The supply is inexb&ustable. Mountains bare been exhausted of tbeir gold, mines of tbeir diamonds, and tbe depths : of ocean of their pearly gema. The demand has emptied the supply. Oreronce busy scenes, si' lence and solitude now reigo; tbe carerns ring no longer to tbe miner's hammer, nor is the' song of the pearl-fisher heard npon the deep. But the riches of grace are inexbaustiole. Alt thatb&v£! goge before na..hare.not,made them .leas, an<Cire_ahall make them ao less to those who follow u. -When • they have- eapplied the wants of nnborn. millions, the lastot Adam'q. race, that lonely man, over whose head tbe sun is dying, beneath whose feet the earth is reeling, sbalfstand by as foil n fountain as this day in. ritea yon to drink and Itve, to wash and be clean. i have found it an interesting thing toataad on the edge of a noble rolling river,' ana to tf>i»k v that'although, it.'fcaa be*n', flowing Vn. for . six thbaiand'years, watering tbe fields,.and slaking the thirat ot a hundred generatioo«,-it- shows no ' '*igU'»f waste 6r want; and wheal hare .watched the rise of tbe sun, as be shot above the crest of the mountain, or in a sky draped curtains, spraog uo from bis ocean bed, I hate wondered to tbinfc'that he has melted tbe snows of so many winters, and renewed tbe~verdore of so many springs,- and painted tbe Sowers of so many summers, and ripened -tbe-goldeir bar* vests of -so-many aatamns,' and yet. shines as ' 'brilliant as eref. hls dim, nor his naU ral.strength abated, nor bis floods of light leas -fall for oenturies of boundless profusion. Vet - "What are these but images of tbe fullness that is fflCbrist? Let that feed your hopes,.and obeer your "heart*."and frighten yonr faith, and send you'awa'y "this day happy And rejoicing. - For, ' wheo judgment flames bave lickea np that flaw ing stream, and tbe light of that glorious sun shall be quenched in darkness or veiled in tbe smoke of a burning world, the.fullness that is in Chrfflt shall 'flow on' throughout eternity in the bliss Of the, redeemed. Blessed Savior, Image .of Giod, divine Redeemer! ia thy presence is fullness of ■joy; at .thy right hand there are pleasure* Car evermore. What - thoa bast gone to heavara -to prepare, may we be ■death to enjoy: * : .MASKS ' . ■■■: TO JttEPKKSBN* Ey-erybody and Everything, ! \ntOiSSAIJB ASi) BETAIL, ' PeageoL's CMcago Variety SJore^ '. ' So. 40'CI.rlc Strtttu' t " ■ ." nU [' " .'IEISJEi MOSS. - L '■ and - Sheet' Ismglassj : TAPIQ'p'jL, FBESH HOPS,- : [: Coxe's i>parlcll!i£r Gelatine,; ;i SAGO, OAT MEAL, ; '! COKOEKTKATED. ESXEACT OF L2MON", >| 61ESK.\TJt ILSLET) ipothecirles, I; frfcisa 140 gtreH. : j, .. •• ] r; : J'; bags: bagsii bags:i: 1 ! - feTHAa eifi jmaierosT, L 4XUM4S Wahaih arepi}®. Chleata. 1 SAGS ANDfiliOKd ot 'avenrdeicrinttea 5 fbrabheden "shot* notice. ! J andpdnted-wtfb [ IkW AID UgtCTin^ ' " HHEOtf ?IBWKLL. 1 apMAwlr-STTL. i : : : — 1 1 E • ... -- j I iUOOFEEB 1 Bcalih. ta or n&aD \ Corrugated Hoofing. - tUe new excels all etber Twaaito pti*aaw.<o*' *»8a«» WJI mm AaiaVe, )• dxaotr.-mgaadtwtgrprDot.aad laffinesslonuM \ of.Xuaar£^JOp«r ASoedtaea. er J SSiil A. mwmgiiSw i T TWRga. TAEa j^t^xwe-rok ' ■'''7|jJijbiicalioito. ;z ,. TOB THB MllLlOJlv-= . i I+gtX. Adrift. - .Cistecal Adris*r. or how tod'mloli toses, avcU bJa»aaltaaad sere ttae -a-oaole snd mosey, br eontMc*- i inabulomaosordVaKtolvWaacxooaKdedbv tb« wet' 1 and latest aatfeTrliißi bv COiStN T. ' thor of a rradical Treatise of Bovneis. i Price, ILS. ----- "-ALB3 - . j Xtaßutees&Mu'siisUUtt ud M «■ 1 Oectalalae.-'the- Laws ef'■ Wth'raa•• Indiana UllnoK lowaAndwlaoocuiikDoeiliestonO'T-dkbU, oeebanlti. - Jein. contrarta, murtcacsa riacti of aarrled women, dower, app enUcethtp. proa Wary aot'SJ torether wtUj tbe most «p,ro-td formi or deeds, apices of aarMmant leace*. power of attonii*. anlelet o' eo-partsersbla. boaria awgim«eta. bOle of aale..daoblla acre«ta'nt«i landlord ana t-maut. otder lorma wlta rna same, anl toa lavs of (he Totted 9-U«< ro'ai Int to oatcr -l)a >tloii pre emption elalms or and edltary manty Undabelnca'completeavs'aotto farmera meehsntcs - and CKcrthants. By jnember o' the Chleago Bar. . .Price,7»efats.......v.»....?orsdaby TU. B. KEEN, Bookseller, mhllMyc+.S Mo. 1.5 rue itrwt. The Btonaxchies \ —Of CONTINENTAL EUROPE. . -The Empire of Austria, ITS BlaE AND PRESENT ! POWER. - -hr- '• JOHN 8. C. ABBOTT.. '■ ■ Price ..♦I.EOL , . '■ -AWO- " THB IiOSING AND TAKING OfMansoul, 0 a; Lectures on. tlie Holy. War. • ' .BY ALFBEO S. PATTON, Author of "Klnrald.** M !l!he.npro Missionary," "My Joy and CrcVj." eto.. Pries, I L 00.... For tale by wa. a KEBff, mt»ly " OUK MUSICAL FKIEND." TwtlT« af Popslir Basic for tc» cram *! Oca Ucsical Fanso** Is filed wt&-&e best Ptano Bcloi Da«ta. Socga. Operatle.Aiita, Polkaa, Usaarkas, QaidjlUea'Walts :i aad every species ofmnsleal ccra positlon for voice and ptsno, br the best American aad ' European composers; printed on util naedmoaic paper, adapted to even grade of performer, - '' Ibe s iae QoacUly ot mcs'.c. procured tcKoi the regalsr pnb'Uhera would ccst more than ten tiaea what we • charge. Ayear'ssobscrlptlonto M Our Mmlcal Frleid" wtl ae anre' new and fashionable mcslc worth at least TWO. HUNDRED DOLLARS, -and entirely snfßdent for the hemedrcle. f - I*rico Ten, Uenta "Weeltly. Yearly, IS; Hail Yearly,; Quarterly, SL2S. The Toinme commenced oa the Ist of Deeemben lfiS. - C. B. SZTMOtJB A C 0„ .mWcSs3dAwlm - IS'FrSnkfoKrSt, Ifew York. OPPOSITE THE J-AIL, ' And a New Edition of the . Higher Cliriatlan Xlfe, ELEGANTLY BOUND,• Jost received and for"salo by WM. TOMLIWBON, professional. rjpEE.NEW DESTAL EiTABLIiIXMEST. : Prs.^llktt : -d>lZniL. A-ffidlict, D I' S T A 1 SFKGKO.NS, Office, No. 8 MclhedW" Chnjch fllock. coisur of Cl*rk. and Washington skeets* OHXOAOO. ILL. J. c. Aim. . - - -acera willacs. W IL KEJT.VIOOTT^ i lMir l Slrw *. - E. A. SO SUE.' ■ .. Eventist.— omcß no. 1 in DBS. FI'LIEB Sc. AißilOil, Dentists.-— office, soiVM^jag^ 44 West Randolph st., Chleato. iil Baper!orworlhroaptlydoaeat<mrCUTTnf^9 offlee, Keiponiiblfi gaarastes for aae- 1 ,^'l ' cessja all cases ... ■ gy*OaU and tee specimens. ieai-ly-a377 DB« SZ BEAIiDINK, DeaOst, T ATE ASSOC L\TE OF DR. A. WOOD JLj_XnPf BBOWN,ofNo.6Great'Joneastreek New Office 100 Lake i'treet, . . Over Tripp A Hale's Patent Office Depot nol*t>4T3 ly KS. WAP.NEK & KETCHUM, DENTAL SOSGIONS. Oflce northeast corner of .'. Lake and .Dearborn streets. Dp stairs In roon No.-1 ' " ootebl>o-'> w, w, mmT. ; - De N T I s T.-omcfi . Bttldcnce.- Not. ta street. oca b&a-ly DOCTOB N. F. COOKE, - Homoeopathic phtsiciaS. of- FIOE nod removed U> Mlrhljai street.- two iloora Rush streeu .. , wyt' Dentists.— Dbs, quinlan & cush 'tad. ... ounctßoir X>B ai 'X'xm'X'm* OF7IOI-NO. S3 GLARE BTRECT, mhS4-lr-nasa • ~ the Coort W«ise. /AONStrsimbN & chronic diseases Dn,SHADING* MEAD - : f^ n i" ' max be consulted dally- from 9 ■ Jml . A M to l if. ii. and from ato 6 P. M. for all dlseavet of LUNQ3. HCABT asd LIVES, fEMAuE derangements, end. alifc 'JM&sIaXx:-M --OHRONIO DBKAiES. Asthes«f?-7^^|BA«B^^ diaeaaSs. progress rapfdlr, enuV r oftei lmpocepUbty. to a fatal - termination QQlasa pcemptly ar-. - rested, an earbf mppUcaiiom- - ■ <e bf Vutiimtti tnvportuncie. -Waaa££SoiV to all who wish & FI&AMaNKNT ana AHcai>V uJEfr , Tntir'rysiem of treatment LnbalaMaa, to tether with constitqiional remedlea • U entirely dlferea* TTtim SnjtUna belore the enbita. aad thrr are -eoofident Hat any caadidperaon.wlll itscreatef- a carclUi ezamiaatioa of tu tanlts, ■■ " iVHoomaat No. iQd dute.ateeet. vomer of-Wash* mi»n,~XWrajico on&aM.street, OocsaltaUoa free. £€(ttt)£ransiin&titgs. . Hayden, Kay & Co., 838.. ...itmoira 8TtE81.......238 . ■ ; oHioAoa ICann'aetarera Importers aM Osalers tn Sa«|dleryllardware, BENT STOCK, aoAou ithinnznai, SPBINGS, AXELS, VABNISHEB, : WEBBINGS. HORSE COLLAHS, &e. P. HAYDEN, New Tort P. WTLSON. Oddnnatl. WILLIAM V. KAY Chicago. PL . f.tmm j.atavii mm A BIDWAT, J! Wholesale srs'ln' SsddlM, OoUara, aif Baddies, B B IP1«B T.EOHT3' Pad gwutagtJ^v^ aad Blaak OfTIOX AND SALES-BOOH?! j 208 Over Hay en, Eay fladdlery Hardware Stora, i i aa3oa£^4y I |J!ahos, : , W£W KYVOICES: ROOT (t^CADY'S, 95 Clark Street, 1 , AI TSX SGN Of THE STAR SPANGLS9 BAIDCKB. . ; 1 V l i O lon» may It wave Vesvs. last reeelved a fresh assort *. meat of Sieinway k Bon*s G)ld Medal Piano Prlcce k Oo'a Ke&deons and Qrcans..Wm. ba'J k Son's celebrated Banjos ana ylateaal*o a new lot or ImportadGaUaru,. sanr-iciwo -—— : From all the eastern tsnsta' beoses receTvea-frtty week. : Operas eomp'ete. and thS"moat attractive ejection of, cesa, bcth vocd and tsstramental (nn the popnlar; modern * *• * •*"' _ M NK W TDNR BOOS of the Protestant V»(seopiffG&t£ch, <a»4 saber Vplseopai books of Chnr^tcmaa: JCBU3C,' , both lather aad APlhtgt -edWon. "• *v fc - *•*.. , . <EJeh«rdJon's MOOISM PTASO *OSTt BQfiOOL, Sb*i^r*d,'withamerieaaMwtrtnri. fl*" ' " ~ y- - mr<v*L -«L» book. jnvF*«ics-BOOXK etc i ; Ja4fvcelved. aleo a new lot Tam bonnes.; Trtsmetea. e*e. etc* ? : »a#erstifrtoeeieefia which huthas fsr crowned the j egatts ul to meet tit* wants of) , \ 'Obicaco and - the NeriwaSU'ti 'dnar bdate ttaete"h creat; ! OMHre to tbe tact that their .experience and Eastern' ; ; nrthatattha t _. i LBwisrJloStatjtmo* , ; Ooo«led with their b«le«sa waton ( H pnePrtee.*B«all, ! Prafltaasjd Quickletet*.- rVIi 4 ."" •' ' . a t acwr.l -- •. . •MOT I ** : .aiuoanr.} '' - , TT H;^HioeiNßv-MTOio-paB.I i IVIHI*. tf Uki Wreet. Atm has oa hand tbe : ' lamatstoefc of Moslcal merehandlae ken by any other • '■ Jjooae la the Hofthwetf. lams 4* Vent for the oel . ebratfd"Model VdddM!L bt Masna ABamlla. Na«oa: alaoae*nt for Liahte. Newton k Bradba>y's PXABO& with the ** "Xlch ><-rest rtank." which la - esed tiy no other Manafaeta*rs to U>e world, and la tbe aost Imao.tant mecbankaj lmnr»y«a«na. -Inateai o oaba troaaa mm aak. ta. .diea ttu *e3 a ertaßesad dtsasweawe ioantf-or aslnc the art htary war—whJaa rffideri tt to weaken » tbe part of the lasfcreeeaa wherein the culcst poa<4tte z atransahU rvqslr otfttak acre* toe eraia o&tfca 3 by the aUof ateazn and iwwfffnl m*chinery.'" ~X It aln ! of teotoa willmak' aolimrcaa'qg.on the s^K : w»»tt . reaisuaoa * eatia br the * t^hrehaanaanad jt Ha-BA. -PrteeiLisJa ank ssajaauTpaflb - Mk MM . , t i O.H.J.P.ABia : SlLi-FDRHI&DJS(i DEPtifT. T."W:'Baxter & Co n r' : ' lUjrtriorcais Or OF ALt< QITAHHIES, ' t ' T-imU' C* V* Brawn's Pstekt Portable Jtouring ttnH Grift .Wills, ■ And Dealers la 1 • - Dtrrca AHXXK. BOLTIHG CLOTHB. Smut Mills and Separators, Separators for Varanousss, - ••- • BeltiaMoftll klads,"" . . iTmstisg Screws and SailiL Peeks, Proof Buffs, to, 4c. ■ —l*^-" Mill Farnlshing Generally. /Toa»> Specification* and StHmalu fnrnuhtd vhmttenrtd, andtkiconftruciien of tftoam ) (ad tyattr Jfilb &ntrad*d for *ntir€+ - STEAM EXGDJES, BQILEBS,' «0. The sabeetibers havtac oWatsed the' aaener for the sale of BUam Kmfnw and BaOenu from tbe Bsaifxfory of CsaldlAg,' Bagley k SeweD, o» ; weald tnxtte the n. to tbetr caoerier mertti of tyle. woftmanshlp and poytra.abo their very owMleea. TbefoU9VloclaaU«t«fedeesor Enitae asd Soller. t,-rrtier with- Beat*'. Water asd Bte*m rloea Oockx. Yatrea, Area Ca*lajc and Qrateev ccnagtcte aad ready for usa delivered In CUeacn: S horse p0w«r....*.. a6oa SO hone power 8. " - 6TS as - - LSUO 10 ao ** - • L«7» U •• - 800 35 - - 2,300 ** ...j...uoa 40 - ixo aod In Skepto#ortloQ'«rWn«rriiesasreqtiired> Everr Kaclae la famished wtth • t JUDSON'S PATENT aOVERNQR VALVE Tor floor MDls. - We eoofldeotlr recomaend Hem as sa* - peri or to any other style of Kaflae. asd they will . Sato boa 25 to 50 p«r mat. ia Fs>l Overthewal eteaof tfte at Cie West. We ' shall keep an assortment of dJ&reni itaea atacr ectab. lebmeniwbereihtymsrlxeiaaloedaDdtbececeasary . latormailoQ otnaiaed reeardlns thea. Competeot kmo will, if dealred. ee ferntched vet op aad itait Knslnei Inary partoftheeoaatir. Ws vIQ a2so npply - . WATEEWHSBU, SHATXINO, OBAfiINS kO, eery Lo*o T. W. BAXTER Sc M3D TcraljMnf Depot. Water street, between Ban* dolph aod Itadlaon. Queago. BT* P. 0> Addrem Box »o. ffl .. baS9 jyjAMMOTff MILL WOKKS. [Ohlca*o Branch of the eld Buffalo UZH JnrnJahla*& ÜbHihttant.! JOHN T. KOTS A 00. tekia B. Brwi Boldest Psztner snd UShrrhdA, S Market street Omcasoi Hdnoa. ; '' . - - lOUatonee. mauufsctared at this catihttibncat. 'are finiahed'on new and laprevsd"prtndplea aod arear near perfect ai obtained by tbe best runofactarert te 1 the world, tbe. credit oi lhl« eatabU#omeot tr the east tweoty-flve jun la r fbnxlahlac -MU radtnes for nearly everr'Stite aad Terriiory ta tiie Daioa u *etr toown and shall be maintained, frtra Selected Hill ' Stosas asad* oaSpedal Oosmctfroat Ohoiee ts«« rr Old < Jnam Block. Hoye'a ißproved-Oackhead aad Hcllrr Salfidlea fitted la rtooea with Ivoa syest -wairtated best In u»e for large and snail stonea. Also, taaperteiß and dealert tu EOT Haary Wth CUtks. - IOLLEBS in waat of BOLTtXtf CLOTIM for nana. ' aotortos £xtra qoaQtyof yioer.ean' depeod upon set- - One the- «e&alne (Ha) DOTOs aNKEK flajde asd JouDle Extras, BolUn* Cloths made "aj tu a~msertor Kyle; by civinc leojctb »od dlaaw of Beel ta feet an4lscbH. dlac aad Ftoar aa4 €rist Uilis. -Plact*fl«m.Com will. Mill Castings asd Machinery of every dnatotioa tar nlahed to order on short notf e. from Dew.-patnroa ■ Noje's Improved Prrasore MUI. Axtntr 'ortheßaflslo ftaJeWork. i>ouble Exira Cast Steel Mill Pteks. la proved Turbine. Perc&nloa Be-actlon and O'ntral Dls ehanre water Wheels warranted *aoal to oetf. Qtted with Cast6t«el or Boiler Iron to vro dnwahlch Dererot«se of power, tast Maebiae aod deMrator. for mllia a?d w*r< hoosea. Cto ne« t Sugar Cane diilf Bu*ir aeU HoiaePower. Ha*arJii>U far Ower es. maje i ImprDv«d troaßo\Unx EeeL 7o&d T. Hoje'a floor Packer, fltadquea and Portable Endnes belt nx. Hose and flieas Pscuna. Laadphereßpoke Renin* Machines, and MJi Xamiehtiu seaerally. ' UavinaiheiarssßMii rar&isbtaa a«ockln4he Weal, we can »dlala,lower-rat« Uiaaau other cftablUbment. N B.~We wall contract ta faroUu) and bail i MUI» coo. plete. or famlah plans and «o«ciQeaUoa3 lor UUlwrlehta mr address JOHN T. NOTI k CO., Chlcaxo. U. - K. T. Grade & ilio,, "West ...... 103 juarr AcTFassa aan es « > ST£!AM, GAS t\D WATER PIPE, fcOILBB THUS. TiLTIS. OOOS3, STUM WSUTIBI. OH Cips, Gug»CMti, Steuk <ral«r6u(M, . ,S TEAM, if PAKiI 0 8 For Vtnaljii Hotel*, dAuttßi Fu toriasic, ; j acai . •• . P. ff.fiaiti, Wirotr, 'iiMiomS'Fibtt'' MAiHDFACTUREfiSdP'BAI iiBO AD -OABS Ajrt*b!e-*ndSlatlqoary' Steaiii Engmes ami jioilersj Portable Cirrnl*r Saw SJfl'j.dalex'rcetUSireW Cnaer, aod Agrau for tbe 1 safe of-?ortablh flour aa< Cani aaißrntr; • -- •-» ; Cnjlna sisci TlanU Lathsa,. . npngil-DtiUs,W*odJ£actlaar7<«ae*»Uy l ßM»sle-Miu* Bllde rests. Steam and waier Oaajes, tsatsfted Braas Work akd hXno iro. ! order. • EAGLE' WORKS; CHICAGO, ILU ; • r. w. SArma.,waxxaa »('. ckuaass. - -k. 9. WAsvt*;..t...:d s x; valla*. Aprttaaatst. •• - - - — r - EAROffiM.fOtSFWSCTiUDfcXm." JUffgliAßCltßß,: . ' pmTK THE' OOnOTRY'tEUPi TOTHS • JLfoHtflrtnr: »•/. )••//_ i • . .Tys Airuiaiedlwoelyirs aseartrt aasabera t > hOOKap^^a«qrteAiaasaad'Waad>'. ■ UOO Bdls Bhaetltga.assorted..... > , . • c - .. tew* >"***-■ '' ".V.-'V: ' . upiao. - n&TDi. • ormstmoia. bjuibtb and oovttl' 'imrrs and im TINNU'S TOOCA 4a. A OOMFIaKTK ASSOB.TMJENT . raa4»] ppUl AIB & PERTECT VSKTUATIOsI Bteeabaatoerslakasthlrßieyied of UK4Wa< Cisfrob • Be that they have-secsed . Saviei^PaUKtH^i^fcTeiUktUtraniM, And are now prepared to famish them to.note- for Dwellings, Gtmrchea, Schools. Aa. Also. thsk>Movsa emtnmirl awtba eHM yrtedplA Mr earlem tfaA t yg«;anJ j hifla.;aaa.'sijaaiaPy.m ; aAILBOAI> OAas. ; . . . ▼aofflattna all rooms ta w6toSAfcsy are ased asd waminc th any re«alred tenperatva^.. We refer to Mean. W. W. Boytaurtoa. OrlbWbeetoek sad Carter k Baatr. Archltftcts of this ctty. . |f"7cr partkslarv hxnire of the sobaiTibcrt aS~ thek eclL^lo^tlaadCg— tb laaaltostreet. • - XJJBZZS AOO c . agty Oct.. „ ocSbO-ly : Y S A i, rXB:a IK S , . aiLißSiTl'o..'. I - IVfMfeMWreAaßce, aoonced •. *JW» • "Cctridk' * •• •- * ' un i 11... / r*m lUl# • atViifisii* - s To £!s Brother Sttteg at Worccstar. •ad \i', *; ? .. * iur. W. i • - * TIIDR .. . - - - Kjßvi arwtirsriQfaivnt "D 188*.... l j I ?1T B V*S 178 rH'AtrIJS. ' ; >i if* only Ifsdal swarled bythe Jvy ef the tfew Tork i M faklbhkjn for Benia Baaee «af MM lh LIA k! ; P«Ji«isß for thefr flaace. Ttip world 1 i' iHeSee-of which bavbac led te *ah*ees tenrarw, .* |ydiMeraarar^^^dtosa^^g«^M|awß^oflt^a^jii I. have instructed thftt toiiaapeadeataln var&aa,paEts of t .! : 'i iir.r i j : rtettfalpPW.fropfaCTaft -t ... *>cgß&ily ; V. -I; iLt iE ' s'. -j, 7, | ; dv»nai I teabt».■/■. wooure.; at A&ftta&xr&afc Depot SdL X Uu HKCL Ch!- I eaao. .taSMSHIy 5 .»f> inst^eußiiair.yß^HP • - 9Ummm^rnktm. 19 J3 aiiking mifr t)angt. fACQ>a.l*in(tv..*...TSo3as siMA.;..kaot a, T UKISj .'EMsi 00., Xj BAN-KliBS ' J2TO DBiIXM IM IXCEAKra.' ..." j- t -tmtmtox IOWAI * „P»art attention strerto Oonactloqii BTV«f«toL H. Batch! Co,?. G. Adacn Uodawaal 4 Co. _ah*c»kfta ♦ gA H K.I n :d_ HJO.JJ S E ■ X & ALEXIMES * COl Domnfl}, Hd CoUaetioolferabsnre an New York. Bastacu Pblladeliiu* tndet LratA **?? s T r *? (teravxr. PwUrerlsnd. baacvy Betel* tun. UotAod, Denmark, e« we din. Norway,fcajeU. Poland, l^Air.gptiaud boathAQtttcl,AauraUavtd Pallida. 60 Ctark street. . \ EHJfST PHUS*nf(l DEALER IN EXCHANOE, I MONE*,- —**>- } RKAL J£STA.TE' BRAKES *©-••• CptM*»«i .« ' X 3*it tori rn ( .Commrci&l- Life Isuur4J%e f Cbaipuf> LONDON Ud AMRICA. .~CUrttA tf ffHWtt. SSl»ly . t-ts-ff ero^pf^ AM) DKTOSg BANK . wkirk, ciupraTia 1 co„ :ctma satim. iqwa. i nniiat. a, aimm. lz.a.Bom* -um *>-•• • • | American Xxebanta hat... I.New York. Mcßrideßrother*.... -. U. J. & rtoo«*ir . Editor Bankers' tfacixlae, " K; L Ttoahaza A 00-.£cn< en. ; Chicago. HL ' §jar*ea.Btibo*ACo.. lUaien ;.....»Woo*«r. 0. O»*.a«*eoi 4 Pawner. BAaken.....Jaw* City, low*. J.Q.GnTa,11.D....> NAifcaa,N.H. - GRIN6CB, WBLDON * to., Bankers AND DEALERS SIS EX- J .°?? :, ? E^S ra,r °L"»"iWnh ud M*ktl mim, uuad» Block j,Chicago. ID. ■ urea ro 1 ffa B. Oedea, Sua. Chicago ft. lind. ttql to t K. lc —°- !»&. Hjooer Tiriift' Mak. *»■>«- laliia SgkL OMo< BALDWia * DODOE-1 "g AN SEES & LAND AC^ENTP. COUNCIL BLCPP9..*.., .JOT*A CTT. OoUsetioasmadeattbeßicalrAtes,. ExchaAseon the principal elties of the DnJoa boacht aod told.'. Seal b tote booiht and sold oo cotaaiMoy. Lsad vnrraatf kv »*** »ff I*l acres. and Mo »ez acre Uad Offlce fx. All Used warraats la turn proyonioa. i ChJaure; HeaiV Parnaa. IM-, Prefideol CalcmtD and ft: 1. Sauraad .tAxaertcao Tark; Darkee A Btkloek. SL JOHJf T» DOPGS, Jalg-ty-aCO 3. M. OOGLBAUa . &. BROOUi BANKSB3 AND DEALERS IN £X. cxAxoa. I bamsoiox IOWA. I ftUotioa Tea M QM' ooßoßtbtu of hoUc. • Kefcr to 6eort» Bei!ih A Occ, itirlae B**, Her. i UsateaevlanLoao and Trot oe-e*dF. Q. Aflame. v. y.ooomcQa. • [mhJWyJ r. w. moopl EI>UF>». I. riSKHAn * BROXERS l AND OEALERS IN EXCjIANSE. Corner Clark and Ltka ! . OHIUaQO. i | ciiiaus. : B. HAW lb 00. ' T>ANKE E 3 AND DEALERS IK EX f J cbsage.' H OUr* Chtoaco. > Oowcßßtoi POAmnrr-EAH, a CO.. Bqj aad 8«U , Bfic&red Dr Sd&l cTOfDCcialaUeoUaa to la. ' tealsecta for Casum Parties.. tt&rotiy auto g. mt ». a. cgjUimiaa. —o. p. witH*. ;iKUi.DCrtI BSCK..«. > 9ATLM. . ITCPEK, KECK '4 SllLßt, TJJJfKEKS AND SHOKERS, SO3. 'a S: 5 4J D«Ton9hfa*a«treet. Rocwo. «lve particular' Uoo tome ailum of Lake Jjaperlor aod a*e,prepM»i to furaua relUbte-lnforsutioa rencetiiui tbaa, A lTjoatixly review of tb» dtoe< aad Money tfsrkw wit a ' Quouuoajof alltiieOirrcn Secmitiea. will be vest (a - any addrew dcilfetl. apjVid.ljr %. *. Ui> a. sAX«no.« .w. k. stcosauu LANE* aiNFOllfi <fc. COn i ' viGKZzx&s;ir&z EL kJ7 ES A 00. Banktrrs. Soektord. llUaoi*. ooU«etio&s made aod remitted DrqcutUy at nmd rswe/4*ckaime. TcW}Ceaa"Baai. 4«wYork: Uhoe asd Leatker • JeAlen* Baak. B«Mtoo: kaUuow Bank. Chicago.. aajS " HOEFaiN> A G£iP€K£, . Civkago, -TABPOSItS KECEI7ED;ISD L\TBIKST ,J/ aOowedooiSoccUlDepoiUa. -tlbenlAeoooßodA bo as granted to depositors* independent of tb«itata of the taonay eiarket. , aad LeUcr»_i Ornrttfc. huma U >tik om xaepHDcTpafclUe* of Uie Halted BtaMe aod Corote. EXOUAjJqs ON IUSOPI. to imoorter?. At New fork • woUUona. • • , . ' - - ~TQH LOANS.oq trims hoQiUtnd mortcatet aa«y oated. Weftem Btau. Oounvj. ctty oc Loao*. aecotlated abroad.T:' ■ - }ani _nLk3Kr3A. hcjpcucx- otto <iixn . t7Z«82083 * QEUIITJISa •gj uiAsr sntBST-OLD tßDßmra ornoß. Bank Note, Exchange ■ AND QOXXfiCriNO 07H0Z. . 3«y cooiuntly >ote'.ja aad Doeaestlo Gold tad IllTer . Ooi&L fcJutera Baak Motet aad Ogcnrrcal fctctiaare ea M«w lforit, and Umocboot the Doited aUte* aod OOOS A SAHQEST .. w..IOWA cook eAa«£VT k sowvn IOWA OITT ; JOWA. QOOX SABOSSTfc OOOK* fOKTD£4UOI2iBS. '.IOWA OOOS SARSEST 4. PAHKEa /LO&kINCC. ,-ll> AHKJvKS &. DIULfiSa IN JiXOEAN'GK. J_> Hake coUecdaoa and remit to any o»rt o( tba Umoo. tAod Warraau boctbt, iold and located, i . VnrUcoiar auesdoa gtreo to the pkymeal of tAx« ! Attorneys a: Law coaaected with oar booaea. ' ' COOK 4 DILLON. DATeaoort. tows. I.l>. DOWNKIf. jowAClly. ur.i ro C. W. Clark A Co., Ptdladelshl^ E. W. OlAnc, A Co.v New rCTk. I J. J.Dawu Preac Irf»M. Baak. . i" U. jnttMusa." ~ J. W. CUrk A Ocu Bocboa. • •t- w.uurr X BralheeTist. Loaoa. • • •akica A SWLoaU. - - ... Q eo» Kmltli 4 Chleaeo.- joaa O. BarreoW Waabiawaa. P. 0. my*4y . THX'BAVZ drAUfiOBA , i BALL A UROTtt**a.-JCCaOIA, XUIKOIB. j ' JgANKESS i. DKALfiSd IN £XOOAN«S. All oollectloas eatraA«J'lot2tea will mmt orenori . teatlon. Sefer to Bank of the Sum. New lock; IV 0. ' Adams and Geotn» timlUi A Co., Cblcaco. i "-M.T.SALU »»t. SXDIm f. A.MAU- A. Cr OKHT£L« FOREIGN AND DOMBSTIO EXCHANGE aad OoUeetloa Office. AUa, Notary Public. ■ reDearbora itregt. Uhletgo. 111. . nj.j-lir-30 OFFZOSB A BBOTREUT- BXN K E K B"—DEALERS IN CNCOS rent Money, atcfif aad lime BUla of EzehAim. oold toil Silver Coin, etc. - Beceir* depoelta, and sty omives* larauecUea to oollertn*. Offlee IM Uke*re«t, M»- toll* P. M. • UnUSGB. North Bank, Bo*oa. ~ Metropodtan Baak, new Tort. «..Bhi,wn>nAOolßau ' —•••" . • ;--l AUtE* vaOKTOM ••- " ; <t BKALKaa cr kxchjlnok. no. a. todtb mm g,.. cHioieq nx. ! Illinois Savinga Inatitatioii, IH IHX CITT 01 CKICAaO, I IbuorfonUinbnary, 13£7.] | rriHIS '-UISTXTDTIOS RECEIVES Dt •A toQtfWof«enrdaOar, aada9wards.troaAlleLuHdaf PttSQQfc _ j ,MINORS AND MARHJED WOMEN, " r j *sd Allow-brtemt st t&« rssa of «U per cent, »« as • Bam. • ..... j Divldeads pA/aile oa the Arst Monday of January Aid J&ly. TKTJSTSSL John H TTij^fc—-Wtn B Ofedea _J U DanhAO 6eo W Dqif. 6 8 iTaxmard, ' I>.W ftarpoad, Joha»Aeed. * Heaßrwhltbecß Office No. 7U, Wa£ia«toa street, PuiUad Bbok. Office open daily dartax the oaaal boon of If. RPDPIB. Caahler. ' . VlwatfSy «aEE«.ASTaare I •pAJTTIgI ATP3CATIKS. IOWA,-J'fiOMP* 33 aUcstioa sivea to OoUectloaa, sad proceeds rsmlSNe endAyafPAmeat. Atcarrttfltr«te>o!axghAa«A. i MSTA. &<»m tiitufyjo! Martae Chleaci - ' • UJLBm3«A Qoutstato A rfrathertoa. Qataaaa 0< ■m aadCeber fltitos BAok. ti»«oa. RtXT. N*W Tm+ j LiJ ... ~ Qto.swafcoo. uO ' OAKKES3AND J£ILEBB IN XOSSieS J3 fladOosiMlcEsdi -*«*.' w .'l <BIOA6x. ILLCSOU. »• O^Biifettoasmafsoaaills- prlati&Al dUsA.» v>b UsL * •saattWs.oatheaoetrator Sletcraa. «ej| • j.b. sowsa BEOTHEaa u. ao* ■ | Bjarssss, dealess ih £zohakqb IOWi CiH >OWJ! urn n (Con. A X. Swtfl A CoJ Chiasm. ioha TteKaaac«Ji«* IWtU KmalNt -Ta? s ■' wSy-fe * 3ll * lll >r * '' ''' •'; vq. o-wiUTMAiXfcba..:-'.:: Ti OAKSDiG OBIOS.- X> » clakk arraxti. afcSTBBM ATOMBBIO* sxceAsea. Soia. ellTtr aad Boainf sdiJ Pmalsmpaldoa «Uj received aad taftal'uowcOtni 9pedAT OOpoouJ Drafts for sale BrtoQtnd. utdAU -wrtrot tomcr " * .... farttcriar ATCi l) Iks uagoUaUoa of Saa ,r.l fff g T* h *rff i p. ( 1 OoUeeCooi f«3tisd jarred oa day ■ MoalestoTtAU'n BmT I—ft. aid «U wtter tomatAol Hons la a General *nd Ooaialasioa 1 I TJANKISa AKI>.£XCaAN6B ORIOI^I I I KUm.Jw^blj iaak:.Att. * •»• i- -♦ • ■ • ■- | ; : B. W. VHXLUPS SASZEB* »t;43HZQAOO. 04J80WL > OUTS MGE2 AND►.TIKfi rDRATTS 05 jjifci CCes. to gdropeia «uknxe > 4MC4AkLMd.WAi s V/.xian»"Oomwiait • OfcMeA&SWUB" •* ' "v " 3. J. *-j \ ~ /. TOUBQSCA*J(O*,rr«Waa. (HilMlßiiiaili silling mlMto•&pans«/k# - •»« •fttUiTljy h. A. rftj&tf{k A 00.. BAITS BAJTSIHa A 99 XJi lUirMilTsHra tSomnrißgion WIS MASH' .noWKABtUSB, TJSODtJOH, COMJOSKION ASD SW - ■ SAWTBB, PABXBB - avaxiu ; €ommiuioH r' lit * : M» SaalH. ;CBJOAS<(-' tsascaliy. • SBWAB& SAOZST pOJQGSaiON aaditfdoeth BAUrtttreet. Adraaoea BAda oa <l. 8. auid. »Alo; ». f. towr *ci. aISHI. taaas. frf eiaa ly BCUBBT mEHOB PaoDtros, commishion 4 aaxprne MKKjUHANT. No. 8 Hmi«d , A9oak. oenisr Clark aad SoalA fMNk, Ajreßts/or tb* TDXiTOB STABOX WORKS, VAhoa. l*rv. (LaM Osweco Brer StareH Cmv msnnVtirre All kinds of purw Oora SUreh of • sa parte AQAdty.. Ordara addftwd to S KaON, t. a MOQ, willraoahn prwpaatteßtloa. ■ oefbiilty .OSOBOS a. EOBUCT Ctoaasaut icuat. imsm b oo^) PcodttcW Oonsnlsaloa Merclumta. aAVlxa PUKOHA3ED THE LSTEEEST Of ay wta«r« la tao'lna oT'Sokiey. Mors* A WMnwaHnat ttwytodaca bastnsa aa taa Aborastil& OfficeNo.?Fosierti'sJi4lldlaft oorasr or Oarc and #ater streeia. QjCO. S. luTlA*. Chioatt, Jsaacy >vois. coi.vßk a pa, Commission JttetxhuHta, 216 9oau Water Rnvt. B, P. 0Dina,..,..v.«. —JII. CW.T*. • ' . ' telb>l4ly a*4Q .W. q. HonagTW-ri^ WgiLUMI A HOOOBTEUJf Q COMMkttSiON BisttO l - "Sl He, ttvx aewtix Welw areea, aaoai-.. .. or W«at 01 Wetie streetsrtdee, UiesaldandLAioltaeeoraukladsor ere %i, oaOomriMoa. Cssti adf aacws aad* c.i -uU 0/LadlM aadproputyiaatorv. Mete to too. luattbAOoTttZ naaßaafcaad >a!> ly HTHAM Wa£SLE>: > PKODCCB (JOMMIScION MHKCHAST, Corner of CUrk aaddootii iTslw laul ABJEKLXA'd BCILDLNG—CP 4TAIS& Chisago. CaabWOaml..... lSsft » - WinUz - 1869. K. W. aHAHAM A CO, ArtMrdlsj-•HVdIMa, SUpflifiguta Ulßtli Caaml g jllr»l. m 4 Wlurf But Pr»prl«tsrt. OAao '.ttLmoia. WE HAVE JUST PUT DOWN IBON TraekJ aad BUdea laadtaf dlr-cVy from the old v*pct to oar wharf Boakwclca enable as to forward fretabt to aad froai the ttaliroad with great dsspAioo mtut w.ioouithe sxposara or tubtnty to limsfr, aaarUdaMa la aoy other of We also «)Te pronpv aad eayefol to CMnil w rtrer to tiaaavllle, AraaarUlA ■ WheeußCt Itmslihi th. New uneags aad Steatpnu. - CalrailllßOla, lefct dim bW7 5a K.." . * 1 8 .Cokxi(»loH XISOIAKI, • ■ ipwnui warn bd/hu. KT. : ttl7-4g»My •. .. •: . f.Aaa 4 WAUJA <H>AiM[gfllus M^ 1 , AJq^xtq, MMiumnuore, TO&A ' WAUXX A co;, -• NO. tt RATS BXSISC. ...CHICAGO. ILL, • Mah JuJTancesaia4o -«oprodao«lad*cr*cr eblppoa to oar Boat* t& Nqr lock, aAl^ly^T UimiUi iHtaT/vk 3iMW * WAUAA ' 8188 A PSODUCS i COXmSSIOSJtEBCHASTS • --ar*Betew> -a. 'ttaDfiao.-enstdaac-ftcmolda.' ta ChlcAio. sod A. a. laSi» - CIUUUIW<HM> .4 W». - Comm is s ion Jliereltanu* 1» %* Wafer Itmt- 7 - ahtr»-»ly •- - cTuCAqo. ' \XTE ARK FgjEfARED TO MA£E>GASH I f gtvlaf UaAalo or )|«« VorX lm - uKDKBIfOOO A CO., • - ~ - - • •HI a; >xgtr«treft *. otx, ooMMxsaxoir, £lak^ • ohatusr -oaraer of Soattt Water 'aa* fraakll« ... . ... TBrlO-tViVVT 1. P. TA7LOR. i-i.'if'ifi l .. * «s uuMJU»uua mju. •'xwQAjjtra. - —dutraartentteiriDtaa - ' - \ \ Float, • •-r-- • Aswlii OUrk 1« ~t**sWly OHICAOO. .... • ••• . J>.Jv HKMiHIMS jSODDCE COMMISSION itfiSCHANT, Xo.lSo sk>a W»ierttr*el,i:bteaffO( »"• * JT. I,ib«raladTaaer«jßade oacotKucassoat* ' H- »na!iam, Chicago; J )Totfoi Bc*m« 1* 'Chicago; fltt> V' )ofe| iliietfeoffumser, Bro ACik . r*ao: Mo**r»,-N»»l»; ■ .Xorkli llcptor,* Woodraf; tu Lontai-Ji Boaa, v ,' *T C s Doie. Chicago. lt »~'Sfrly 1 *&erchaHtM+ 1,.. . ... ...... N BW. ;Y<OBK(v ... ' 1. . . DiAwrwood dc Ckka|», L ■ U'Svlf •' ■••• ■— AxeatsfnrthvllWl&^wiMt. VII' ?9.0 py4i. .o**D ".... . 'comMimi xxscsurr • ' w:a:<rt9«UklQds«fTioal»aiul fted,aadCoeottryPro ~ . fc# , w dye. WWt>eali md BstiAV,■ ' » - d W Easie. oornaro/ Woloott itraqA, QMsmo, DL ■ '"Viraai feod deirterod to any paridr ua cftylmoi ■ lAWisS- DiaEGIORY. • *TbefoilowierUK<iT*aelaseatieaeesAnd , MAaaflM> 1. < lfsuMlrtmimti araaa»BA tta heat aad aoat '» 'atkelrretpectlyellaevofPMlDffA r.m-.M- ; ■_■• WkMralt. J!. , ' •! »•- • t > (or Wlaet, Lloaon. a»4 Sag arm..l 7 La. - U'ssMß,betwMtl LAke and from a*-ilarabAaltf (Mel). Chloaca HL ABkiadf ofsrotK , a/UkealaaAohAAcofQzcood&..A«eat !s*A*ee aad " *♦_- ten. Wkit* UU Wvrta. r ' ■ ■ li t.Ton 4. qo. ; 1 liseiiotQiiia' of ffHITI LSAS . ABp ZJXO PACfT. O" t *.i Pictcry eomar of Saljted aad Pal ton ikreew • • ttt Bide. * • • mh»Hy 8 rp eurt faacr Dry 6—da . 3tf AB3H q 4 DE LQlfflt ». .?LI AID TASCT DBT GDODf >T,LOW FBIOEa.. _ — vty No- y.Lake^troel. lyiiinx., 4-ffftttiawUfc ~ ((TOTOiaTON, WAOSWOBTB 4 PABXS, . ~.. Msosf*ctarera.aadPealers la- .♦ " HBH AlfD fIOYS> CLOtHiaG, <3 aad 60 Lake street. Cblow* Ij.lj. . io-ferstroeS. Boetoo. Mass. icrlciitarat iaplamits,' '*#•" r> M . OBAPMAJT 400. Agriooltonl Warehotatf. B ' findo BorthMa WholeealeDoalen la A '-. 'TULTCSAu AND HOETtCULTUAAL CMPLB • Bum, MAOHINa Ad. ixeatolbr. BAnaysaeaoeranAMoww. abl>ly ■-—** ■■ ■ ■ - 1 1 Kffr-WmrtilMM "' ' jaADJ»EJ» SMITH * 00. M— -*■ ' 1 1 * aad WMsaalA p .v P E B 0B A 1. I B H aJ .!■« of print Aad book ooaAAQliyon hAn<LOi<& Phi' for ail cads of Paper Slock. Warahoose No. B Li t»i j-«U. AetweeaLakaAad ML Watar'sta.'- - lWy BinHAßi 51M5........... witRSSS 4. gaowß ' BAMBctarera aad Wbolesalo Dealers la IOOH SHOBS ABD BUBBBUI, % .B> floath Water a., oor. W«Ufr«U Chleaao. a. ■ -nuLaa. ahiny ca*s. aaowa WADIWDATH <4. WBJJ Wholeae'-Peatarflo, ~ . „ Bv>o®a jkjs-p..SWPSW, <ia«LAZi-aT. okioioo^iiiiiiof^ t. w. wioawom. gto. wmJ. Rj»Wlo* IUTMTT k. CO.- k ' MniaisMwi >b3 loMw* bt BOOTS ANP'-SKPie, ;.:'25 LASS Bar tfietoryat miiajuusslta *fraß» buitarTrßM ?«»... --gViUHiH. DBAWTOio-anxar'ar oo; " ' oSo"6'li»t."(j'l.A»S AMD OHIJIA MM, Outer.Mtoi . . jah44y 80. 101 I^keStreet. Oath tflnleMH. use. T2ADa..:.:..'.".:"...i»i« trfctl), BXJtEDICT * CO., »J-* 8a B»a«*"W*t»r Stnwfcu, . , lit mr. ten •»*.»; itf«OAdjolotli.a f ! CoAai»a»«» " i DOEfljßJrs Tt*hnccß xnsiTti#iii|v» Umrxß; urtscxr num mrrvXAOMi ~ : OMttim una **4 LllM Dlllk, BTO, WTO. -la diunuukui oi lb. Tnl*. HAU, Capa «a4Btyti* C»»la wmarriifc BBBEDIOTr-mALLOBT 4 PHaiilM * WHOHBAM JOBBUHf ii'Hats, Caps and Straw Qvatik «0.44'U50 lAia aTHKBTf'-'" r .. .•••■ ■ Cm, ssitg&sßg£&S&