Newspaper Page Text
COMMEBCIAL • | ooaunerdal am* Monev j KM _■ B*TCU>iX la. Into -Kom, Excukm, ta.-Th» money BMket ooatl&ael to .bow Hifier'mofo j i'%. ntM «re unchingeS In j w Quote, •• heretofore, eiobwge etetOT « i>i; —*««ctmirta 10 per bent - Correal Tery apuca- 1 ut Gold IV with no demand. Btreet rales j '""iomiiaUt lISS per ceat per month. Very lit- tie llrit quelitx of peper ottering. I rijr" - The K: Y. Ttan of the lOlh <ays w«k In xaooer affairs, ffe beard of demand loans to I the established brokers at 4 per cent, and 1 «.*• of 6Ciiß mouths' mercantile bills at i per cent, per j annnm. A-line of lulls ruouing into jQiy was 1 takes »t 6 per' cent. Shorter totes, tot cl«m r. « mimea, go at 6 per ctnt. Ko.hlog new in Ex- I (J L , change siaoe the Boston mill of jeetertnt. tuo t i,, D Oanftrder from that port to tar took *2OO °®°," specie. Toe sub trcasnry received SCIB,OOO lor I «ocooDtof the new loin, and «13S,(i°0 f"r ens tonu. Toe disLntßementsof the (lay ares2lß,ooo, uoi: ud the luhuce tbls aftornoon a riti-ctl to I > $8,166,131. . • , I P,1 J , The lilt blnk retnrns of the four principal I cltieiotthe Union were as folloira : - St ZSte::USM2IISS.« 18.S® 835 Oo*K*aciAL.—There waa a bnoyant feeling in I ihe Wheat market to-day, and sellers hare the I Advantage—an advance of 2@3e being gained. I Sale* amoanted to aboat 17,000 bnehele, at the I nri folloirinß range of qaoUtiona: No. 1 Bed, | Oth fl.80(gl 31K; No. 2 Bed, SLIBKOL2O; Btand- Ard Spring, No. 2 Spring, 92@945 | Bm All receipts, with 2e storage. The market at the I Coi cloee waa rendered very firm, on acoount of an I she improved feeling in the New York market, I At Milwaukee yest|irday the receipts were 497 I at * bb'a Fhnr; 3,938 bn Wheat, 925 ba Oils, 602 bo; | Corn; IJDC7 bn Birley. The Sentinel of to-day I thos reviews tbe market: I • Floor still tends downward in our market, 100 I brls ot a choice coantry brand of Spriog Extra I having sold t>day at f6; 1,000 bbls of city floor I changed hands on prirate terms. These comprise I £2 the day's transactions. _ I i. Scarcely anything was done in wheat, holders I L refusing to accede to the rlewa of buyers. Offers I _J mre $L 0G lor No. 1 Spring, which was I about 2 cents below the figure asked. In the ab- I aenoe of advices from the Eist. neither boyers or I «■ sellers wooldyield, and the mawxtclosed inactive. I Hi Oats were also very dull and not saleable for I more than 490. There were no sales of Corn, bnt I prices are not considereil lower. Nothing done I in other articles. I At St. Louis on the 10lh t Brcadstnfls of all kinds | f declined. Wh»kywa9dnllirt2sic;Corn,7s(g7Sc; J | Super.Floor, 35.C0; Weas.Pork, sl7; Drj- Flint j , Hides, I At Cincinnati on the lOln, the markets were I | thus reviewed by the Qazttle: I j The depre& the Fiour market inarea&pd I . to-day, aod good'soperlioe waa offered at $5.65, I i withoat attracting buyers. The advices Irom I New York this evening continue unfavorable. I Wheat does not, as yet, sympathise with lbur. I | The market was firm to day, with afair demand. I No ohange in Corn or Oata. Barler is dnll and I irregular. Whisky was firmer at 24j£c. Oro- I ceries are dull, and Molasses has declined to I 1 85@86c. BaearU nominally unchanged, ltde- I clined Vc at New Orleans yesterday. Potatoes I are dull at $2 25@f2 35 per bbl. About 1,400 I bbls Lard sold at HX@ l2 Ki chiefiy at the lat- I ter rate. About one lourtn of this amonnt was I taken for shipment. A few small sales of Mess I j Pork at $17.50 made up tbe business is that ar' 1 tiele. A lot of 100 hbds Bulk Shoulders sold at I packed. We heard ol no Bales of Bulk Sides I or Bacon. Holders are firm, but the trade is I 8 without life. I ' STOCK or BiEEILID POBC 1K : J.EADIXO MA BEETS. I The Cincinnati Gazette of yesterday publishes I E the following statement of tbe amount of bar. I relied Pork in the leading markets : I The following is an estimate of the stock of I barrel Pore iu ibe leading markets about tbie I £ The figurea for the principal points are I reliable, and in the aggregate the statement can I sot oe much out of the way: n Carrels. I T New York.*. I T Ne* o'ioani WJOuu I _ OtDcinufcti I S LooWville 4DOOO I H. L u:s and points above 30 Oiu I Boston WW I w jioui I o Boifa'o 7.1N4) I |r • Olevdand «<wu | B Madison aod other Ohloßiverpolnts SO.OiV I c Total I *] We have not tbe data for o comparison witb I j| \he stock at this date last season, bnt the excess I i this year is not less than 200,000 bbls. This I 1 proves one thing: The impression during the I 8 packing season that owing t i the falling off in I the weight of hogs there would be a scarcity in I mess pork, caused packers generally to put I f more tbau tbe usual proportion of meat into bar. I p rela. Operators seemed anxious to provide | agaiust tbe threatened scarcity, and tbey euc- I oeeded admirably. 1 t With regard to the figures (20,000 bbls.) I || placed opposite Chictgo, it might be well to I * atate that not more than twelve or fourteen I thousand bbls. of this amount is mess pork—tbe I brlance is made up of U. O. Prime, £c. We I think also that, owing to the scarcity of cooper- | I age duriog the early part of tbe season, as well | as a better demand for meats, that a less pro- I j portion of barrelled pork waa put up than usual. I < The total figures for the season, however, will | be published at an early date. I Tbe Flour market was very quiet-the stock I j offered for sale being quite smalL Corn was a I shade weaker—though the quotations are about I the same as yesterday. dull, with increas* I ed offerings; Barley in very limited rcqoest, I and market dall. Higbwines in fair request at 1 25&. Timothy Beed in good request. Ciover I dulL Poultry firm. Butter advanced with a I ahipping demand to the West £.<gs easier. I Nothing doing in Provisions or Lard. I The market for Dried Apples and L'npared I Peaches is glutted, and prices have declined I about l(sl>yc. I Tbe paper from which we copied tbe aoonnt I of wheat in store in Cleveland published in this | morning's Pcass and Teibone—made a bad I blunder. Toe amount of wboat in store at I Cleveland as we learn from a circular published I in that city, isSS t 249 bushels, and not "£4,249/' I as erroneously printed. I , Chicago Uaily Wholcoale Market- ! SiTtmniT Evening Jlarch 12.1839. ] FRElallTS—Notiligdjlnc ye'.lndowa freights. We have reported a ch»rt ir of A 1 vessel for twtlve loads of lumber from Port Haven to Milwaukee at CJKc ¥I,COI fett FLOUR—Market unuiuallyquiet. Bales were:— 100 bbl« - Allnols" Wn.te Winter, at S&.3D; lio bbls eotsmonWlster at tfl.00; Steam Mills" Scrtn* ExU*. repotted .at 1C.12M In yesterday's market, actoal'y sold at 56.;5. WffEAT—Wjxrta—Adran?ed S Sales wcre:-2 0M buNo. lßed(4cstor*fe) at $1.30; ITOObu do (tcstoraxe) at starate) at IL3U«; 1.030 bu do ou private terms; 1,000 bu No, 3 Red (2c storage) at $1.16; 1.000 bu do Me storage) at •U£X:?JO bu do tic gtorace) at lI.SO. Br-Ad vanced 2<235. Sties were:—3o) bu choice SpHns vwalgh lag(S&i)et 11.10 delivered: 1,609 bn Stan lard (tester ace) in store; ICO) ba do (2c storace) at SI.M j LOOObuNo.tncstorace) atS3e:SO) bud*) (4c storace) atSIKe; twebudo Gostorate) at »1:: TOO ba do (4c stor. ace)atMc: LMJ bu old iospeetlos Releo ed at ESc—<c stor«ce; 553 bu "Etumptall " at 90: on track. OORt—Market aahadi eaiier. Balei were a< foUows:—l.oWbu Shell:d atTio ¥6O oa track: I.OCO hu do tTSKc on track; *OO bu at Tic'deUvered; Lu doatT2c on track. OiTS—Offjringiluxer, a^ddemand limited. Giles to diy were:—4)o bu fair mixed at 49c on track; £0) bu at sle delivered la bais. ftTE—Nomlaal at 87X<2£* 60 »3. BABLEr—JlarkctdaU with a limited demand for Infe rior Qiality. St'eita-daywers:—2oo ba No, 2 atKc de livered In b«cv COAN MEAL-Unb>lted, «27 ? trn : Bolted IS t> tea. BHORTJ—Pirm. and In demand at • tt 9 ton. BIGSWI^BS—Market easier. Bsleswere:—2oobbls In lots at So. BBEDS-Tmornr—'la g>od demant and mirket firm. idsito-darware:-lbba prairie at 52.00; 40 bu rood at •L<*;7sbnd3atSl.6o; 3) buftirat«l.67K. Cuim- Dull. S*'es were:—l 3bu eoid at 15.73. Ucbcabjix o<uss—'VerylittleiamarkeS, withf Jrdemind LSO. Salestodayof33baKxdat|Uo. BEANj-Demini very limited. Sales wcri 330 bu prime WolteatllSO-to to to St. Joiepk ORIS3ED HOG3-Very few arriving, and slles, sostlr retail, at U .75*2(1.75. paOViaiOMS-Notblnx doing. Mess Beef nominal at tmiQ; stea* pjtk, LARD—Nominal at ll(2llKc. TaLLiOW—dcaxe aid tii'demand alio X6lic, BlDES—Boorast.--S ties to-dsy were at the foDowlnc OUitatloes:—Green Osuatry, Green Baited. SKOfc; Dry fllnU I7»i:Xc; Oslf ains.l2:; aty Pelu, sUs®',7s: Country Pelts, newly alaughterel. POULTRY—Dressed Chlckcos, t3J0®3.60 per dot; Tur keys Ildl3op«rIb. BGG4—In food supply at 10<2ilr. POTATOE3-Tery scarce. Oommjn, 60S4>c: good Bmd,7o3t&c: choice Meshannocfca. 9309JC, ONIO.vS-ai SS»t.CO per bu. BUCrES—Very scarce and market buoyant. Choice Roll ISASOe; Common, 14®l"c; (0 kets common sold at He to >o West. DRIE i FRUlT—Market glutted and lower. Apples, stow sale, at lexeilc: Copared Paches, dull, at 11(»U Mc Fared Peaches, 17X«idc. Ifew York Market- "Bf lfcJOaiFH.l New Yeax. March 12. lfltt. FLoev-FiraLbutunebanxed. •C.76 lor superstate. 140»6 7Se*H-* do. S6 an- Er weatarn, adfiuitffi 75 en a do. #6 ttoe &RUG, clos* rbaayaot. holders aak l«ic adraae«>. but wou<a teQ Ireely at yesterday's prices. Hales 19.000 ba Chi Spring untoand «t •!. Rye qatet at 88d90c. Barley hatv;; sateaSSOOJOuiadlanatttc: 10.000 bus for Call* ferola on private terms, worn shade ttrmer, but quleu •aleaS 000 ous western. In store, at 90c. aod small sales ewv.l-oweju.her.l and Jeiey at 87090 c. ua's dull «tM9&7e for tstite, ana 6iA«3o for western and Da na 'lan. Waiterqultt: sties tfObbls aIWKc. ,p*ov«iois-p rk Qdet BalesßMo bbls at#18.00«18.46 C * J*® 4 : i>?.7>tfl7-87 for old xne«s and 'lß.»i for &*et firm, tsal a 250 bb sat *66047 for rrimr: « /k : •®.6O#U f rntpaeked Cnicacodo: aitfo 'J 3 - ins* D*f fim at il7®3u. h«e« lOj bMtat a 4tfi«.io. Ba mu 50*. Cut l«t« firm. SalesSao paes aißkafixe fc?A o,l if2SiSi fc ®?\^ o ,or hama. t*ro aolL BaesM S&tVn&teK dull ats»£Kc Builer 174476 Tor aut «' Cneose firm • bo"ds 1875. $&. I»ae!fie ErlellK: Harietn ■OTUncnt or HreaiUtnlT.—»• (frt - *IOTW9 BT aULWAVS. ' °H °« tt & & " 1 p i® <$ » •«* uo u J " SjUP AF doit. ... 536 .... I*o ; 90 sad 1% jKKfc e _ •« •» ToUI.. iMI eg <£9 ™ sli 106 111 New York Cattle I """'mt. MuchS. - *-< Bssvki.—The supply of beef cittlefj market th's week ia »?iin itrie, but shows * ►"»&• d.creaw :rom that of the week previous. Most of tbe w celots were 0 f en lafe- I rioraaalitr, andos an averse inferior to tho«e of last pj- I week. '• be den -nd *u pri «rfor crime cattle, Gni I which. from ti ex Karatr, ao.r. readily, and with a cos- ceat I aiderabl# connection among bnven for such stock, prl- —— I ces one-bali'_ent V c>. lb* pourerquall.- 1 ties nelag Quite pl.#tr wrre rather difficult of aale. and I priffr p*»'»t»-ni*jbcQn-.tgdWMitlT lowor lortocb de» I \ 1 tctipUora of caule, Ihe ttliirg price* lor goodcatue KJ Ira jsetromSXto it He. and theb»t at ro«r*« t brought Con I Irom 12 to 13c. wblco were e itrme prices. Pri' ■ s for *alc I o bcrqUilUwraclfdfroni 7K«9*e. Tbe average•el; 14« 1 lag prices were 9H®vi'c. Tbe «Xin?mety Alloy sia'*-of Tori | the yards at Alierton a il'd not offer ma hen ouragement i*. c I fir LioyjiUj look around 'orittrciases, »nddouttltt*d» lean I trt?icd coarwhtt from the spirit of the market l tie I sales to-d«y bate been e, anldoubtlesi »11l foot I uplUOheai ihere was quit" *n artlre bu:iae«s trans- tj I acted yeeterlsy, aud about 1000 head weieaoid ati rices l -^ I wtlcndo c* T*-s much from io-d*j's Therecrlp sare ■*- I prijclptll* from New York. O&lo, Illinois and Rtntu.kJ. «j. I •'•elauerSiate fdrnl>bing nrro very auptri r ».crb«ms, I Vhl:h realu>-d very hum-orices. A srood hMlness wts a* I uuue »t »«rr*ea and somfe £SO be«d wef* s4d to butcutrs n.l 1 from tlTs market at prices r»ni;ii* fr. m 6 to lOXc. 1 tTTiss—Tue vacfciu* w:*»oQ ben* i here ia but lit- «nai I tie Oilae cnnaumptl n. «nd i n e market ,lavery wtu I dull and dr -op'ng. P 1-es range from 6to tH<x Ibe r«- I wip s *ic principally cairjv til of miserable llrntboas, | wbich are tolallj oc»*le»bl<* at aoy reaionable I'.ee. j Dieacdtiogi areajUUigVery alowlj at KeAXc.theUtLer « I price jorcLoiee lots. 4 I S«Kf -j I Fl:*t QUllitf, pjr W B«S»W Oo« I the I Common * /» ;ny 0(( I Inferior ® I roi swiss. I Hrft qaallty soSSb'uo * I Other g I Xtetoulrecdpts hire been « follows; I At. 183®. IkitWk. lMtW'k.J)*e.Jne, I rmtm . ..19 S 3 S.WS S-Stt Ui S «: sf -a£ .as « I The followinx table shows from whit States the supply I I at44J) strettcame: I New York - the I Indiana. on< I Oblo and I Illinois 4 li r*ni I I 1 I Mlchic&o p i I Canada «» U • I Feoosylranla •• •• _L , Datoaxatc & | ! I OHIOAGO ; MILL-FCRNISfI!NS DEPOT. I Sh II T. W. Baxter & Co., CJ I KiauFiOTcaxtt or •I ■' I OF ALL QUAEEIES, u 10 I M t. I —A*»— C is I Cm W. Brown's Patent Portable a I Flouriny and Grist .Hills i j [[ I And Setlera Is I DUTCH ANKEE BOLTENG CLOTHS,' t is I Smut Hills and Separators, - I Separators for Warehotues, I Beltuira of all kinds, I s. I Hoisting Screws and Sails, i» I Bran Duiters, Peeks, Proof Staffs, &c-, *c. r- I FAIRBANKS' SCALES, \ I —AID— of Mill Furnishing: Generally. J I Plant, Specification* etui EttimaU* fnrnuhtd - P0 I token dmrtd, and the construction of SUam J in J and Water Mill* contracted for entire. « J STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, &G. 0 I The subicriben havin* obtained the a*encj for the sale - JJJ I of Buam taurines and Boilers, from the J 1 0 I Hannfaetory of Goaldln?, Barley i, SeweU, ffi I OF WATERTOWN. N. Y.. ■w I wocld Invite the attention of purchasers to their spperior ( M» I tnerlta of stjle. workmanship and powers, also tndr very I lowDrices ThefollowioKlaallßtofpricesof Ensloeond t, wu I Boiler, farther with Heatr. Water and Bt*am Pipes. I Oocks.Va'Tes. Arch Castinr and Grates, complete aod - —■ 1 ready for use. delivered In Clilcaso: 100 I 6 horse power #3OO 20 horse power »1.250 1 ,u 8 " ** 576 55 J-"**? I I Ifl ** M ... 725 80 ** I.W» ' as I!S •• - eoo 25 - ** ™ .is 116 M •• 1100 40 " " ....... MOO a l. I andln like proportion for l&nreril*es as required. c • I Ererf Eaxine Is furnished with S I JUDSON'S PATENT GOVERNOR VALVE 2 I TorPlonrMlHi. We confidently recommend them as »u. i T * I periortoanyothcrstyleof Kaxlne. and they will ' I Save from 25 to 60 per cont. in Fuel I Over the usual class of Boilers In 2?e at the West. Ve I ihali keep an aasortmeni of different «rttea a' our est»»b , \ I llsiiment where ibey may b#exandneda"d the necessary ' I Information obtaiaed recanllnx them. Competent men j to I will, if dedred. be furn'.ihed set up and start Engines J I In ary part of the country. We will also supply en I WATER WHEELS, SHAFTING, GEARING It C, I be I At very Lov Havre*. % re I T. XV, BAXrEII & CO., t. I Mtit»nmUWngpgpot. West Water street, between Bsc- ■ I dolpb and Madwon. Chica*o. ill I VT P. O. Address. Box No. J7l iaS-4m-hW . miHOII MILL WORKS. m*> I [Chicago Branch of the old Buffalo Mill FornlahloK Es* 1 ill I tablishmeot.} I JOHN T. NOTE * CO. \ ,i, I Ipiao B. ITrvnt. R*-side&t Partner and MUlwrlzbt. 58 • I ed I " " ' I FRENCH BUBR MUXSTONES, ' I Mlliitones. manufactured at this establishment, are I finished on sew and improved principle*, and are as I near perfect as obtained by the best manufacturers In the world. The credit of thU ertabUshtnent for the ■ past twenty-five yean la furnttblnx WUI Ilnalnn for nearly every SUte and Territory in ihe union »a wejl 9 known and ahkll be maintained. Kvtra Selected Mill aiooesmade on Special Coniracvimm Choice Sew f* Ola " e Qoarrr Block. Noye's Imprnved Oockhead and Holler iof Spindle*, fitted in stones with Iron eye*, warranted beat rni In use for large and small stones. Also, Importers and ' dealers la Extra Hairy ItaUh inkei Baiting Cloths* übis KILLERS In want of lini/n.\l) CLOTHH forma&o- factorial fcxtra qaaUtyof Finer, can depend upon irct •am Uu cenulne OLD DUTOB AN&EEL Sltude and ay's Double Extra*. BoHldjc Cloths made up in a superior style, by xivinx lenxth and diameter of R*el in feet aadlnches. JohnT. Noye'slmprovedOentiifaxal Feed -050 inc and Piour and Grist UUls. Flaotatiun Oora lIHL UlUCaitlna and Machinery of every description fur . oiahed to order on short notli ft. from new patterns. •-c Noye's Improved Prfaaure Mill. AsenU 'or the Buffalo Obo Work. Double Extra Cast Bteel Mill Pecks. lm> » proved Turbine. Percussion Re-actlon and Central Dis e' charge Water Wheels warranted tqoal to the best, fitted •Ad- with Cast Hteel or Boiler Iron Bucket*, warranted to pro. ilcb duseahUh perMoUire of power. Hmut Machine and . Separator, for mills and wv house*. Ch'nte e Kus»r Oane 11 MUla Bax&r Mill Horse Power. Ba**rMHU for Grocer- UO4l let. tfoye's Improved iron Boltlnx Reel. John T. Nore't Flour Packer, stationery and Portable Enidnes. Belt. ** e; liu, Uose and Bteam Packing Landpbere Bpoke Planln* stor. Machine*, aid Mill FarnUbln< Keaerally. : _j c Harln* the largest M U rumuatn* t)>ock In the We«W we can sel\ at a lower rate than any other establishment. N B.—We wIU contract to furnish and bull-l Mills coo. •e a< slete. or furnish and for MUlwrithtL 1 K0 9T Addreaa JOHN T. NOYK t 00.. Ohlcajto. 111, de3ob77U It HiBDWABE FOB SPRING TEAUE. ISS*. JEWKTT & BDTI.EB, > u •' 18 l«k« etiMt. ....18. INVITE THE COUNTET TRADE TO THE foUowinx: . A e . M Tons Annealed Jenoo Wire—assorted aombm. cae 6 - Brliht 1,000 Sees Nails—assorted slses and brands. > tea. L&00 Bdls Sheet Iron—assorted. KU Jcnletta—assfittad. WO - " "8.6, L»ls In is Casks Sheet Zinc. N PLATE. PIG TIN. firm. OPPE2 BOTTOMS. BREAfiTB and OOVCIA. •d at JUVTTB and EARS. TINNER'S TOOLS. Ac n- a COMPXjKTK ASSORTMENT • mum fao4-aW4-lvl "DURE AIR & PERFECT VENTILATION. I ba The subscribers takes this cxeth&d of CottMag the pu>. Uo that they have secured Stwjtl's Pateit Uullig II TeatSitliic Funic*, And are aow prepared to furnish them to order to DwelUfin. Church es. Schools. Ac. Also, their Storea outrucUd on the same prindpla. for parlors, >wlnc ° "' 634 haJli. aod, eapedally kited. n ATI.ROAD OABS. Pelts, VeiUlaliu perfectly all rooms In w&lch they are o»ed : j j and wamla* to any required temperature. . JL_' We refer to Messrs. W. W. Boyinrton, O. L. Wheelock • Tur " and Carter A Baurr, Architects of this city. particulars Inquire of the subscriber* at theb oK. .>o. 51 and M B«uth Laialle street. pood V. LXBTER h &0 • C* aco. Oct Oh. ISSS. oc6b£7-ly aclc , J E~A Z FEEB IN 8 , " >u * l OILIBSATID ■pples, t*brc€Btershire Sauee ? aounced Extract -it— w of a Letter from a ißßoat* II Gect'soaa t Ui» Jv rtitoto. [Sa- To EU Broth* • cIM. «M>d Itoin, ®S» '• but Vi U., <KI 000ba . "O cablet, Y VARIETY .'Xc-y??-' dla iuidl?tatttr'oife (i.-, lou, the ao«t paUU idCte- Of- bie as well as the most KBP wholesome saacsthal OIBH. * Is made." EZTEIIITB T BAUDS. 2J?£ 11* onlj J xnmlod br the Jan of the Nc* York Kxbibltlonfor Ftmlca Bauos vas obtained by LXa A P&tRINB for tbair flaaoe. The world wide fame of which harlot led to asmerooa forrertea. Purchasers art r«uesi«l to aee that ths names of Lea i Ferini are upo&Ui« Wrapper, tAbcl, Btopperandßoui*. Boiler Lea A Perrfi will •■rooted ajcaln*. any. oa« tofrinjnnf le Orm. sbhar by or veadln* Sourloos Sauee, and „ have instructed their comspondentt in various parti of Pacific the world to advi«ethem of any each lnMngacnU. Sole I*ne» Wholesale Axenw for the Pnlfd atatst. . . . " Qthem JOHN OUNOAH ft 80H8. Bosih* eoe Broad w&y.acw York. ilcaca< Alaa, oisw iissUt [ter ffl. nxASvmaiU treat Sriaad. MKbCdly DT lrtriooion ilkrthanto. | _ .am wow rusoai..iiuu. I BROWN £AHBBBr 1 PRODUCE, COMMISSION AND SHIP PIrtG MESCHAfTS, and dealer* In Halt, Barley. and Eastern Hops, So. 7 Bouth Clara street, (op staJrs.) \} CMeaao. lit' mnaiy > "—"BAWTHB, PARKER&&O n " 1 Commission . .Merchants, og. 358 & 2GO Soatls Waxer Street. Be' CHIOAGO. ILLINOIS. JnJ Prompt penonal attention given to tbe tale of F-osr. ) Grain, mass. Provisoes, fieoua. and Oaantry Produce I AC generally ■ lan j EDWABD SAOKET ° COMKI3SIOK MKHCUAJiT, -Til LiKE and 0478outb Waiergtreet. Advances made on An uoi.sljß<mente. Wll I *ive hisesdasiveatteotlon to the ■ale aodfurcoaseo allkinda of lYodaoe. Hiock, Ao.- - ] Meter to Parker Handy. Cashier Ocean Bank. he« | 5 Tork; B. F. Catvw. CafcWer Wartr<e Bank, chicaao. 1 I}. B. Hasard, Buffalo: t. t. Tourer * Co., New Ur Tr< leans. -■ 'c3 clwl ly ly^ MURKI BELSOH .the PRODUCE, COMMISSION & dUIPPIMi , MKBOHANT.r- 3 Ko. 6 HUliard's Block, comer Clark and fcouUi YfMc-eu. J Acents (or the FULTON STAHCH WORKS, Fulton ( N. Y. (Late Oaweso River Starch Company.) Thei I « manulaMare allklndaof iture Corn Stazcbol a etperioi I j aoality. Orders addressed to M- P. O. iA-x) I , willrecielve prompt attention. ' c&' lv 1 1 QEOBGE H. ECKLEY 1 ' (fOaMCBLT CCKLEV. VOKBK A 00.,) I Produce Commission Merchants. , Having purchased the interest - of my partners in tne firm of Kckley. Morse A ■" Co, I wdi conUaae tbe Produse Uommiaslon bustnes on I the above stile. OffiooNo.7Poaen.y'aß iildln<. corner I Of Clarx and v?ater atreeta. GEO. R, KCKLEV. I / Chicago, Januarylßß9. italtM>m-c3ft I / CULVER & CO., «i Commission Merchants,• " 216 South Water Street* Ctltkh. AI Js4 b9141y T | Rain A. WiLUut* W. D. Uoooeiausu WILLIAMS & BOUaBTELIUa {.; COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I w No. aox Booth Water street, second door West of Wells street Bridge, give their ezciosivd attention to 1 ,' theaaleandpurchaseofadklndsof Produce.Stock, Ac., ] on Commission. Cash advances made on bills of Lading I , andpropeitymctore. Refer to Geo. bmlthACo., Ma- V.' r*neß»"*, and Geo. Btee.e A Co. ialO b9ril ly fj] HIBAM WHEELER I K PRODUCE COMMISSION HRKCHANI', >i Cornerof CUrkandSouth Water streeC tn I BUILDING—UP STAIRS. Chkaga. D*s b9SO to] lUlnoii I 1858 • - Winter Arrangement. - • 1859 I tb N. W. GRAHAM & 00., l ° Toricurtlitig Merchants, " Shipping Agents Illinois Csntnl KaUratd, ud I J Wluirf Bolt Proprietor®. c CA1R0.... ILLINOIS, j .* WE HAVE JUST PUT DOWN IRON jj Tracks and SUdee leading directly from the old Depot to our V»harl Boat, wiAch en&bleus tofotwari I * frewht to and from the Railroad with great despatch uid I witnout the exposure or liability to damage, onayoldable I in any other metnod of handling. , ~ I We also give prompt and c&refol attention to re-shlp j meals oy river to Nashville, fcvansvillts. Oincizuiat I Wheeling. Pittsburgh, New oneans and Memphis. I Cairo, iiliaois, December lath, deSi big" ftra j JR. *• K I * » N 00£i£ISiiX0a HiiOEiii, j CtNTKAL WHAR?. BOTPALO. K. T.St a I c LEES & wai*l*Efc but.w I a OHISTB. S BaWBKAYER BTRtST ME" VOM J j WALLEP. & «0., c 5 HO. 17BTATE STREET CUIOAuO. ilil. I a n»«h Advances made on Produce in Store, or chiyii&i I f to our Hoose in Mew York. aplS-ly*t347 J a S & li££SXl£K 4 PRODUCE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS 14 Dearborn street. Ohlcage, lUinols. I Hash advances oa Shipments to Silas H. Fish, BoCalo. I WReferto J. H. imaham. President. Reynolds, Eij i k Co M Chicago, and A. A. KasUPhieve. Buffalo. i>3o. I \ UNDEItU OOW &. CU, r Commission Merchant*. >t 162 8. WAier Street, Mha'&-Ulr CllliTA'-O. j J WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE CASH ADVA.NCESoauraiu ioralilpmect Uaa'., rfivini I tie i>waerorivile?c jfaelliLi: to UuGiJo or New Vote lo» I ( • be samecomiuiaalcn. UJ*i)EUtVOUI> A Co., I , , ie22-ly;:s77 Watrrnretl 1 r> KRIE&a u (XJ., OuMMlSSiOii Mgli. ] XJ* chants, oorncr of South Water and Friatiir ctreets, I OHIOAGO iLLfl.'Oi.'. I t D.KRIEQH. tavlO-tlO-Iy K.P.TAYLOR. OUM&iil atfu. * UO- UOJAMXMiUK Mtlfc. ( , £V aEXKTa. { i J) ttlve their exeltsve aitsntioatolat I PURCHASE AND | ] or Of Flovr* and other I'roc-tr*. ■ rr os ooMiassioa. its... ....Bccth Water cor. Clark ttrtei.. . ..IV nofis«3ly CHICAGO. J. J. UICUAItDH, j ] so nnuDUCE COMMISSION MERCJUNX « i? | No. Sou W»i«rstreet, CiilCHgo. ix c9>Liher&ladraae»'«madeon(-oni<itnmeair. I * JK KErzKLPCo—J. n. luuluim.Cbtcaco; J Voticg M.-am 1 w mon, Obnaßo; Geo W )oie, (.'bicago: Huutat-y, liro A Op, I Chicago: Royal Alcxxin, Naplei, 111; Wos<lri:ii' 1. «'c, I New York; 'llenta# « woodrull, St LouU; J Uiiun. I Banker, SprltisfifM, r': t! s l»ol«. Cfciraj;«>. a; ! I BAWV£It, WALLACE & €U., ' "• Commission Merchants, NEW YORK. Pe Undercrcod tic Co., Chlcai'i:, I ,b- aitJ.'S-i-ly Ay«-nts 'or the Koni , -'*eat j Jn UOBBItT, PfiODDOB »Kr " ' COKSHSSIOK HKEBHAHT. r Dealerlnallklndsof Hour and Feed, and Country Zn I 4 dace. Wholesale and Retail, Ml aad243 Elnsle. cornerof Wolcottstreet, Chlcseo. Ql. I Flour and Feeddellveredto any cart of the city free o: | Tif'-i® I kS- I L HAWKS' DIRECIOHV. CVTbefollowing Ustofßulnessliossei and Mar sfuo I r . tvtng Establishment* are amon* the best and mo-l i rcn u * enntiniheirrespectivelinesofbusiocss. - WinM ail , « Wholesale, | 58 w. a. wiho Wholesale Agent for Wines, Liquor* »«d Segara, 17 La I salle street, between Lake aod Water, (one door frr-n | tbe Merchants' Hotel). Chicago. ILL All kinds of Ktp erty taken In exchange for goods. for Alc» act Porters. aplo-l;- Whlt« Lead Worke. 1». LFOU A. 00. MaxcracTOßtas o» ATHITE LEAD AND ZIKC PAINT. OScea;:d Factory oorner of Halsted and Fallot suet it I West Side. Ph-.'S-b Staple and Fancy Dry Coods PZAZE MARSH &OE LONG* Joiißtua or I BTAPLK AHD FANCY DRY GOOD! AT LOW PRICKS. mhlfl-ly Wo. 30 Lake *reit. J Cithing Wbolfsale. J HUNTINGTON, WADS WORTH * PARKS, I Manufacturers and Dealers In f 1 BEEN AND BOVS' CLOTHING, S3 and eo Lake street, Chiw. f 113 Hanover street Boston. Mass. I in , I Ajrlcoltural (nplenenu, kc. | f. ai. OHAPMAH hoo. I (Hfl A.Kr*ioultural Warehouic, I Her No.« Elntie streetH Nnrtl< EISS | Wholesale Dealers In . AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL IMFLI MENTS. MACHINES. Ac. • for Manny's Reaper and Mower, mhi-ly I uo- *■■■■■ ■ i. - ■-- ■ I Paper Waretioase Wliolesale. | BRABHER SMITH h. 00. Manufacturers and Wholesale I illlL P A P K It D E A L E li e; ar " All slses of print and book eonetaatly oa hand. Cut I*-.!,, raid for all lands of Paper Stock. Warchouae No. U 1 Iq. Lasalle-sU, between and S. Water-it a. mhrt-ly j SS Boot) aid Shoes Wholesale pro- and fiffZLLEH 4. BROWH ~. e stanOßaeturera and Wholesale Dealers In >ye*s BOOTS, SHOES AND BUBBEEI, No. 909 South Water-it* oor. Wells-st.. Ohlrae*. a m. mhjj-.r. re hi Sly ' rw*a. brows ' WAOfIWORTH k. WELLS coo. Wbolev 1 * Dealer* In «hta BOOTS J±3XT> shoes, t.w.WAMWORTB. mhls-ly cto. ■. wcll*. IAWSOV BARTLETT A 00. Manafacturers and Jobbers in 'Hj SOOTS -AJST3D SHOES, 2b T.AKT. STREET, it, Sfanpfttclory at Weal, bonestoa. HsMirWsetts. fmhßi Crackery, Class ft Chlia Ware Wholesale. CRAWFORD SHARP h. 00. Importer! and Peal "*s In OBOOKEBT, GLASS AND OHIN A. Table Cutlery. Loo tint Glass ea. Castors, Britannia Wars. :c nbUy No?W Lake Street. r • ========== Qath Hovse WholesalN ON. . IKSB SPRING TRADE 1851 po» FIELD, BENEDICT A CO.. 81 & 82 South Water Street* ACtj Are now receiving their usual largo stock of T tax Broadcloths, Cassimers ovea DOESKZVB TWEEDS VEfITZNGS '"■* IATISXXB, EKKTUCET JKAHB, COTIOSABH Coitiiss, Linens ted Unci Drills, <»°6 lAILOB'S TJIIMMIKOS, ETO, BTO - . which thw InTlte the attteatloQ of the Tnde. ohSt4SC Hits, Caps and Straw Goo<ls mdestle. BCVEPIOT BSAU.OBT *. FABNAM VHOLIBAIB JOBBEBS 8 i I* Hats, Caps and Straw Goods ; KO. U UIDfl Tilirß STHEETI gMT m m Plaalag Kills, Saek, Dean, Ac. aeiaa &.WSS. OOZJ>XE*S SASH FACTORY. AB kinds of sash, doom aad blinds, window anddow fttwM T'Ti^*' **' *T on hand _ or made to order on thesfaortest notice. Also, tilrifilnx. •> circular and scroll sawlnc. and turning, execut ed in all their braacbea. Hoese teunmlnes of every var. ety and length to salt customers. Oountry orders solld'.ei;. and |M , prompUy attended ta Sale Rooms and Factory at S4 iw. Monroe street, near Gas Worms. laSl ttrins -■ 'tali! Carriage RerMltstr. ' oata. eaoet 4 that rersof Carriages. Bugglea and Spring Wafons. Kepain lac neatly executed. Hose Carriages. Hook and I*4 dsrTrvekx made to order. ,xFk Gent AUwwk wairaot •* m. a tniL Aawwt .nvititr To Lumbermen and Others. "lou T AK® STREET MILLS WILL FURNISH J_j OonWealand FeedoTsUUadsatloihmtes. -- ~llrtlfla«ißsavaaeasf byeallk«at Mlandl« West ork. Uki street. < 7i?- ' a * ma - no^SSAS}i (transportation. __ i ■ i as 18.69. ._........... .lsee.. The Norttcrn Transportation Co» q WILL, DURING THE PRESENT BEA- dep ■on. rualhelr well known and popolar Line cf Q ... Flnt-Clau Screw Steamer* lor Refalarly bstweea Osdensborith a r swero. and the | upper Lakes, connecting at Ogdensbargh with the I Ogdenßburgh and Vermont Central S. R. Eaute, I Between OcJen'burgh. Bo'lloaton. Concord, Mwicbes- J Ur. Naihdx, Lawrenc*, Lowell, Worcester and Boston. I and at Oswego with the I Sew Oswego Line of Thirty First-Class Boats, I On the Folarged Gaaal. between Otweco. Trpy. Albany and New Vork. coaaectiag alio at DuakL-k w.tb the Oa. XEW YORK and ERIE XAILIiOAD, And form'ar a trl-weeklv line Dunkirk and I t'blcagc* and 1 Lei ey Merchandise mirked "S. T. Co *• Express" w|tt I I* Vc toiwa-ded from *«ew York by i»n Kxp:es« frel«».t I Tr«ln over th"» and trie Railroad, atd prompt- I j, ly ■ rwarded from Dunkirk at tb-lowest rate*. I OT »Veatera merchants areiesp«ctTilly or/ed to see I the Aaects ot Ihla OorapanyJa Naw-Yoikacd B-ston, 'before making contracts. c * J. MYEcB, *geitN.T.Ce..Nd.lT7.BWway.N.Y. j Lb .WARNER Agent, r-o SCot-LtlesSlp.N. >. CBAfl 8 TAPPAN cAmer6tbandrti«ftauts 4 ji.,Ph\l». j IIOVEY k ORAWFORD, OiwefiJ. N. Y .. . : le GhO. PARKRR. Aseot Ug'leisturclu N Y. ; OM*MUERt.'N. A CO., v leveVid, O. , v Ho 'KINS. Ar«iU V 5 State rtreet. A f CsIIMAN. Arect Y. C L'nc. 105 S.ate »t..Boston. I ( VIFE s MICUtEL. St l>.ua. • lin 11. P. ♦»IB*»mG A'OO.'Po io*i Citr. Towa. [ i JaOOB WASHuUttN. D»veapon, lora. [ y, MATHER & CO., Chicago. '■ lahlO 3q j y. Buffalo, Cleveland and Chicago Line of gj | SCREW STEAMERS. ; /\X the .opening of lake XATI- - I ' ntln the Proprietory of (hi. Tine -.IP*.. 18 alll nut on tM« route trom Boffilo to Chi- | w» cago. Seven First Clatt A 1 ecr«*w tteam- ■ ,ir " l rr ' — I * era. of great s rength and speed. 1 Forming a Iri-Weekly Line, I And running in connectxn at Bafftlo with the NEW j NORS. CESTRU. R. tL, a<ifl theMERCHANTi CKN* I TBAL LINE OP CANaL HO on tbe Erie C*7*l Md 1 >t Cleveland wlto the CLLVKIjAND k I RAILROAD. toucLloe at Detroit, M»ckinac. Shehojgan. I Port Washington. Mllwaaxer, Racine, Kenosha aua i I This Lice "s now prepared to Is«ne contracts and. give I n thrOßKi receipts for property destined to Detroit. CUve- M I laai. llaflalo and all way stations oo theN. Y. Central. I J I Westernaad Boston and Wireest-rJUilroads. ana pnn l I cip-iplae son the Line oi the Brie Albany, iroy. I fi I Boston. New York awd Pittebu'gh. and from those places I "w tn eb-boy-aa. Port Milwaukee, Racine, I Kflioshv WaukexanindCLicjgft. . . I fr I Tne liberkJ patronage extended to the line tn. pasi Ifo I season by the traveling-public, has Induced the Pr-'pr e* I u I tors lnrrea*e their accotomodaUjn for pas en- I I #era. and tbo*e detlrin* achrap. safe and comlortaLie I I root-, will find it by t*>inc this line. .... . . 111 I Insurance on proptrty ahloced by 'his line can op- I \x tamed at a les* rate than by any otner. it having «uhm 1 I tbet»op>steeasonstran>ported property to an amouot I 5_ I txc«edliigsixteen millloa dolars Li value vLhou* any 1 I vt ith these nneQuslled farilitles, the proprietors bope I to receive a liberal patronage. I a . CONTRACTiNG AGENTS: Jo v n ILMore, Agt. N. Y.C. R.R., No. 2ft Broadway, N.Y. | M.B SpaulJlce. «gt>.gp»a'cing'^Express.3l9 * , . I R 1 chasberlin. Thomas * Co.. Prouletors of Merchants I I . Central Canal Line. No 191 Broadway. New >ork. I» |s —Buw*rt, Agt. Cleveland A PiiUDursh it. tt. Pitta I W.W. Chandler.Genl FU *gt. do do Cleveland. I Mix A Vorriß,FureardlngMtrchant, J I J.J.Xalmadgc, do do Mligajkee. J •, 4: CO.. J I Correr of Claik aodcootn Water-vs. Chlcsgo. 1 PEAdfc, Managine ABent, OTcefootof Mlchliianstreet. Bulfalo, N. Y. I E I mhl-lm-cSa llt a TLANTIO ROTAL MAIL "STEAiI SAV- fc I/V igatlon Compaoy's New York Gaiway Line.-- Ilc Tte neat departure from New York will be the gteamrhlp I j oxao lb Captain HALPIN. to sa'l from New York, on Tlinra- ! day. the3tstof March,UmchiDgat St. Johns, P., to re- < ccive the Royal MaiU Prices of Passage:—First Class, I t W, becond. SSO: ihlrd WO; including fre« tickets to I alltneptiiclpalcttiesonrailroad routes lo Great Britain, j I Third Class must provide mate.»rl * fork, and bed* j ding. Passage t> 8L Johns, F. H Class, ato; SmobA- J - Class, »25. For freight or paoa. eiJQUl'e or the Amen- 1 j I can Exp ess Campany. CI Hudsou street, 64 Broadway, | 1 and at their other advertised offices In tbe interior. I I passage In tbe th'rd class can be secured at any or the j j j above offices to brins persons out fro ni any of tLe pnoa- l 1 pal cities on the lines oi railway ia Great Britain fur*ao, I j orlrtmGalwvforWO. , I JAS. 0. FARGO, office of American Express Co- 1 ' I ' No'. -JO Dearborn Street, Chlcaira. I g New York, Hot. 13.1&51 b5S3 6a I E /CHERRY CREEK AND PIKE'S PEAK e VV EXPRESS. I Tlirongli to the Gold Mines In Ten Days, j; JOHN M. HOCKIDAY &CO., I Proprietors and Contractors of tha Great Ball Lake and 1 Cherry Creek United Sates Mail, will ran a daiy j I Express Line of I ( Concord Coaches drawn by Six Mules, t Tbroaghf'-omAtrMfloa.Kan«is Territory,,on l I Wertfrn Bend of the Missouri River to UE2*VLB CITY« I I at thtf Mcutn of Cherry Creek, | Tills L'ne Connects wlrt «he ] I TT ATJTJTB AX, AND ST. JOE RAILROAD, l . j By a Daily Line of Steamers. I < I This Is the oa'.v dilly line of ttazes to the Gold Mines, I ] wiibstr.pjhg places and relays of i j I Passengerslf Atobl; < son to the Gold M nes la Ten Diys. beine TWfcMY J DAYS leastime tban by aryotlie'convesance. Fare i hroa*h to Denver City, Cherry creek. slCt) from j I A N il B will be board* dthrondb tolhe m'ce*. I « 1 the Company bav:cg estabished Eailn« Hootes every I j tw-nty miles. Fcrty lbs. Baajage will alsj be allo«ei l | Ca p a »sewer»"willbeirinmlnd that atCO pits'heir fare I ardßoarotrom AteLLoa to the mines bat freight on I I '°TDrou2h > Ticktls for sal? from Cblcag-* a' of I • the Cblraao, Bor in».ton AQainc- Depot. I ; Oi y Six TlckeU io be sold per cumtneccirg j ttswUbe ready for sale la advance on the I 10th ot March. 1 | • John M» Hockiday & Co., I Prorrietonof tie United States Hall Llae to Palt Lake I ie!s »TTt and Cherry Creek. 1859. 1559. T H K American Transportation ; COMPANY. i 1 Incorporated under the Laws of the State of I CASH CAPITAL, $900,000. JOHN L. KIMBERLY. Pres'dent. ~ • I FRANKLIN LEB. Vice Preii'enU JAMtS 0. EVANs. Sec'yand Treas r. fX$ THE OPENING OF NAVHTATIJN 1/ thli company win be prepared to transport Pro- 1 perty. Me'ch*ndlae. Ar.. from New York. Boston. Albany I and Iroy to any of the Western cities. A'so. Floa-, Pro- I visloni. Produce. Ac., from any of trie lAke Ports to tide I w.ier with as sreat care ana dispatch, anJ at as low | I rates as by a-f other responsible lioe, at the same time I J giving through bills ofladlng lor alt property whtn ue- j : Bi i e hls Compacy have a Hoe of eUbt staunch Propt-l en. toptybe'ween BdtJaio and Ohlcag. touching enroot* at Sheboygan. Milwaukee. Racine. Kenosha aud I gan. Havivg at «'hlcag» ample facilities ««nd warehouie I accommodauons for the reception asaortlng and ahlu pln« of all anlclesentruste>J tj their ewe. which will be und'-rthe direction of tbelr AseDt, who will give his ter ■oaal attendon to the fulfillment of contracts, adjustment I of claims and dam tKes. I I As our Company have a large line of Canal Boats o- I tVe trie CanaL and are about tr» establish aline orsieam Canal B->atsa:so. we 'eel warranted in representing to • I ournumerru* customers, that they can relv cpoii treatcr | I disoa en and at less rat-s than has b retotore been gl veu. J I We. therefore. a«k tie public to coa'ume the tatrum-ge l so libera l bestowed upon us durln< the oast four ycais. Offices and l>ocksoa Market bt;«een Washington sad • Madison streets, Chicago, ill. _„. ov . ia3U»md3i OUAB. K CHAB". Asent. = I Steaa Ferry from Council Blufla to Omaba City i AEBIU9KA, NO. 1. nnms boat has the capacity to I 1 carry 12 Wagons and Teams, at each trip, and | I has taken over at one load 300 head of Cattle, and she I I can make-10 cro-sinw or more each way in a day, and I will be abls to ferry over from four to five hundred I wagons and teams from sunrise to sunset each day. I I We asare travellers, who are gala* to the | I Nebraska Gold Mines, I 1 Utah. California, Oregon aao Washington Territories. I that the roads ito*o Fair&eiii. low* Cltv, Oabuqce. &nd I • I points Intermedial-, by council Bluffs and Omaha, o;ty. Sad Bk» the north side o' the Platte Ktver. are belter. a I nearer, and more abandanily stocked with wagons. [ 8 horses, mules anl cattle, provisions aad goods, than any I I other. Andwlih tbe setileoents and towns, aad the I I regular aad well-estabiisned line of Mall Coacses ai* I I re*oy extending to Fort Kearney and soon to be ex » t tended all Uie way to the mines, it is uo longer a wilder- I l! I Dess route through an Indian coon try, bat can be tra- j I versed as aatdy aod comfortably and much more easily I thaaanyortber->adsthroujchMissouripr.lowa. I Tnere is not the same leogta of road la tbe Ualted I ! I States, so level aal entirely without marshes, s'.ougbs or 1 L> bad places and so nearly stra'Rht. Tbe streams oa the ft I north side of the Platte areatt bridcei. except tbe Loup , u Fork, and here the Western otagj Company have a good I ptrrv. anOs Lows, i = I for the Cooacll Bluffs aad Nebraska Ferry Company* I •• jalflSm-cS IBB9...COLLII»aWOOI> L1NE...1859 , ON THE OPENING OF \j Navlga lon. the following A No. 1 new and largest I class Screw steamers, navln* targrly increased tneir 1 caaadty for Pa'sengers. will fill this line ss follows: ! FOUNTAIN C.TY, Capt. | iIUSTER. Captain Dicxi«os. J. Ptcg. OftTONAGON, CapL \\Us s EVERGREEN CITY,Oapt.I xxxa. Balu i iL Leave Chicago from tbe foot of Latille street. South I Side, A. T. Spencer a Co.'s wnarf, oa Tuesday, Tnur sday I and S -turday evenings, atSo'clovk. landinx at au points I on the west shore of Lake Michigan, as north as Two I Rivers, aad wt Mack'aac. , _, a . >■ ihroogh pt"« of Lading riven from Chicago and ports I oa the west shore of Lak* MlchlsaiL to Boston. r*ew _ ( Vork. Montreal and all the principal points la tne Eastern Cj I tad New England EutesacdCanada. Connect at Collltgwood with the Northern Railway of Canada, and at Vironto with the Grand Trunk, R\u way for MoatreaU Qusbea Portland and Boston aal A 1 Lase Ontario steamers or Niagara FalU Oswego, Cape 1 Mocenuand at Uftdensborg witn the eronut Central I Central between Ogdensburita and Boston. j Tbe above line is unequalled for regularity and di*- , I patch, for pASS«nirer* and freight between the Westers Jfc I aadEasteraandNewEaalaadStatesaad Canada. 1 For freight or passage apply to ... I A. T. SPE.VOER A Co.. Agents, M I FootofLasalestreeLCalcago. PL _ BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP I yjrfi LINK • I ■■£ The Steamships mmab PBUEAB FPRAGDE. Capt. Matthews. • KLNaLNGTON Capt. Baker. CITY OFNaW voRK. Capt. Dowes, I Form a IWuJ.r Unt% XI I saQlag with great regularity from each port. Tbe«e Steamers are staanch aad strong, and In all respects I well fitted aod proviaed ihey have good 1 forcaaseaters. and freight of all kinds Is taken at fair m I rates. These ete*mers raa la close connection wfihthe ™ Peaasylvaala Railroad, aad goods are forwarsed with I promptness aad cUjpatcb. U&NRY WIN'SUd I ]f|i&bi'93<'m No.3JJd ath Wharves. Philadelphia. fer Cairo aad Sew Orleans. _ I STEiMBH MB-V HI.IS CITI. 1 (T\HE SPLENDID FAST irfESfi X a»OnißlM=er I N«w F«lls City . I Will ran. during the oooln* Fall and Winter, bervees LB I St. Louis aad New Orieaasss follows: , , , LEAVING BT. uOUIS Oct. 10. 'W. at 10 o'clock A. M. A 0 do Oct. 80, M. do do 1 do do Nor. It, 'BB, do do j do do Pee. 9. '*£. do do I do do Dee. 29, 'M, do do I do do Jaa. 19. 60, do do I do do Feb. 7, '£9, do do I do do Feb. 97. 'fiS, do do I do do ITeb ta '69. do do p «AVIH q omso o S . ; cioc»p.K. s; to s; n I do do Dec. la, '53. do do do do Jan. 19. -63. do do n^ 4 ( do do Feb. 8, fiS, do do a I do do Feh. B,'» do do = I do do JTch a *69. do do ! FnrJfreight or Passsreai® orto the Arest m I Bt, W. D. LORE, ffimt 1 53 For Pike's Peak. ttard bread and crackers.—THE I it world catt the atte- ton ot em'.KTarta to »* I ffieir scperior faclliUes for supplying them wita liard lng Bread «&d Crackers. Havlag been many sears I? ibe Tot California trade, we caa a sure all wj.o eatrast their \io, io m perfect t posg , * j tpM-lm-c251. Comer Washhuton and Dearborn sts 1 For pike's Peak. I A PASSAGE TO THE GOLD EEGION3 ft* I xjl oTEaosai. Inclodlng fifty lbs. Baggage, Board | and sixty itiw pro visions tnere, caa be secured I. I sT&on*DrTß&Woira om» IK fcmhOßk rt, b I Cbto^CL, Ifeepßedtortiaewask. mhloS7Sv . ftailroaits. GREAT WESTERN HAIL ROUTE. f ABBAHGEMEHT. . V ON AND AFTER- SUNDAY, NOV. 28TB, IS&2, rajsehserTraifiß'wiirieave the Weill street depot daily, (Sundays excepted) as follows: GALENA 4 OHIOAQO UNION R. R—MAIN LINK lorFreeport, Galena. Danlelth, Betoit, Janewllle tail prairie daOhlea. PaiseogeracdHan £ Passenger (dallv) . 7.10 P. M. t Elgia, McHenry. Crystal Lake atd Richmond. 2:30 P. M OHIOA6O. sJLfON AUD IOWA USE r» fOR nrTf.a. FULTO3 A* l CSXTAAL JOT A. c *. Through Pasaeager VS «S' P°' DpKiII) Putciut' of Two Througa *rb»as vili U&ve Oentral iiesot at font c I Qei Lake street, aafo'it. ws: for I mi, r>irw >-.T'j <yo sr. papl en Oslly (Aosdsy? eyc?t ted* A. 81. and7.OCP. M- I TRAIN* EASTWARD 0J UOtA XSD CHICAGO 0*!O* SATLU'I i. »* Leav* Doaldth 7.00 A• CMea»s.#» P. M L* tve !■- 7.'*J F. iL—'.TiTe .n Chlca*.. <* 6A. W 44,1 SICjACO.rtJt.tOSABCOSAUSI- ] Leave Fu;.. 10CC£.K-arri7eio Chicago at »5.iC P. !♦, I leaT-'^albtUSA.M.—arri»« »a<F.tJea*o at 3.t» A is. I BSlC! - HfMlAtip-i* BSAXOK. It LetxiJaaesviUeat 1020 A. M.,-anive in Chlcaga at SJOP M I Leave JaneMl'e s' P. M Arrive la Chlc-vo at an 4:06 A. M. of I #Oi S-.'J-i ■• ■ 1 M ' l 3-J-ILSO*-. Wi I leave Act at WO A.M.—arrive ia Cclcc*. i* Paf-enaera for ali points ea theGalers an l.caic.-jie «i ?t£:zz li f -e« trslre Ti (rem Wells Street Dez-oL _ One of Woodruff's Patent glsc =la«itfjrswUi le»»eC» Tl I tnJ Depot nlfbUr «ith 7.00 P. M. Train for Ducleltb, S I Ail tfic above trains connect the Great Easter? ci I UneedlTeriin* frota Chicago. th I I'hrooxbticketseanbe boiuhtat Uxsluldwixo&wct: r« 0. J. SpaaldlCK's.corner Lake and Dehorn streets. P. gl It.W.AC. R. R. Heket Office, comer o Randolph kso n Dearborn streets; I KerereEoase. and attheCeatral aai Wellsstreef: Det<ots bi JOIIN B. TOR!.*sa. P?es!denL w I P. A. Tin» 83P*L I g. H. Po»n. General TlsSet - sola di 1858 WINTER ABEANOEHEBT 1829 v> For Central and Western lows* r I lea and Kansaa* w I CUWA6O iSD EOCSISLASD 2. K.LISE J Oocpoted ol the CWagoli Eoct IsUnd, Peorli It Biren Villej and Mississippi k BLssoui Rallroids. rTIHRODGH FROM "CHIOAGO TO IOWA I J_ CIT7 and Waahinxtoo without chance of Can. u I Onlfdirect rootetrooChicagotoJolle*. L«BaSe.Perc« b Sock Island. Davenport, McscaUse-. lowa City. Wasblniton and fort dei Moines Three Paeseii*er Trains lea7i) Cht-sorj daily u I from Deoct. comer Van Bareaacu ?hsra-o streets as , I Dar Czpreaa. Bundarsexceptes -7or JcVel. t I hafcalle. Peorli. Bock Island. Daves cort.UcßC&- i Use.lowaCltraad waahlnrton. t I U.CGF-M.. Kltti Express.6atordanexcei«d-ForPeo- I rU, SU»ck Island. Da?eaport. Mu*.c*Uie,lnwa o{ty. I aac g I 5.00 P. M„ JoUetAccojsaodaCon.ttopplaf stallstaUcas. I arriTinK at Joliet ai &&6 P. U. t I TheCWca«o and Rock Islindaad Mlsfisslpps andMU- ( I soarl Railroads form tae only throuch route from Chi- I caw to tne Interior of low*. I Passenrer trains tnathroaehtolowa Oltyand wa*b- I n*ton without detention, cr change of e vii at toe Mis- t I issippl River, crossmx tbe Railroad Bridte between t I Rock Island and DavenporW ... j I rnroßghTralnsarrlVd atChlca*oat44oA. ll.and 6.8 I P. M. < I JoUetAoootmsod&tloQ at9.S5 CONNECTIONS. t I At La B&Ue, with Illinois Central Ral'ro»£ far (ixlco* I joaleith. Cairo and intermediate points. } At Peoria with the Peoria and o«csTrka Railroad !«■ I eo f gtape, 43 Oscaloow, " I Knoxrtile, and all notat' in Central and Bombers J I CJtywithWesternStaiteCo'sUneJlaUCoaches I for fort des Moines, OooncU BloCs. WaahlijrtoD. Oss» I loosa. Newtcn, Winter?ett. *ort Dodne. Sloox Ci r. Marshalitown. Marietta, lowa Fills, Oedtr Hapldi. C«I»i j I Vails, and all points la Central isd Westcrrnlowv Nr. I Vr*ff PtTllTll | I Local and through tickets oa sale at the Depot, aire ai oflce of Fort Wayne and Chieaito Railroad. corner Dea r toniandßnndolpbstreeta.andoffic* Hlcul#;anr.CGthtTt Uwl = e;r VCT ' t= } '° U YoEB 7. TEAOT. . j w. L. BT. JOffV. Rer'S TrVrl 1658-9 * * WINTER ABRANGE2ENT- -13*8-9 I TU I rr.T.Twnie OUKTBAX* SAZZ.ROA3 j Cliaixze of* Time, rvN AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 28, iVy trains will leave-the Great Ceatral Depot, foot o! I Sooth Water and Lake streets; I BU Lonis. Cairo and New Orleans Express....U:W)A.U. • I (Dally. Sandajß excepted.) { fit. Louis and Calm Express ICMJOP.M. I (Daily. Bnndars excepted.) _ i For Peoria, Decator, Mprlorfleld. Haa'.e. Alton. \ ST. LOUIS. „ , 1 I Jefferson City, Kansas, and ail points oa imsoari river } OAIRO. i Memphis. Napoleon. Natches, Galveston. I v NEW ORLEANS, i I And all Intermediate p-lnts. I A stock train, with a paasen*er car as mr as Sankakee will leave at 5.50 P.M. (dally. Sondavs ei eeited). Or Saturdays a panenxer Ckr will be nta on thistialaasfarasUr'ottnca., 1 Trains anive from BL Lools aid Cairo at 9:10 A.M. aid • 11:00 P.JL , oojwEonoNa I The U;fO P.M. trails raaku direct connections a\ Uattoon wi'h Terra Haa'e and Alton Railroad for Alton and St. Louis, and at Cairo with the railroad line of I steamers for dew Orleans. lea Tins Cairo on alternate The 11:30 P.M. train makes direct eooneetloos, a' To ' I lono with Great Western Railroad fo'Surinirfleld. Jack- I eocvllle and Naples: at filaUoon with I Alton R.iiiroai for A'ton and St Lonl.s a-id ai Oclia wit): • I Ohio and r FOR THROUGH TICKETS AND INFORMATION, i Apolv at the Company's o£ce ia the Great Central Depot: at the Micblraa Central Railroad ulßce, corner of Lake and Dearb ra street; at the Pittsburgh. Port r Wayne and Cblcaso Railroad Of ce, corner of Dearborn l I and lUadolpb strtets. aud a', all Bteatiboit, and Rauroad Office la the E*at and Nortn. ■ I JA& O. OLAaKL Oi3 lEuct ; I W. P. Jon:-:SON, nraeral Hcket AsenU I noa W. E. AUTHHR. ftupL Ohlcago Division. f THE PE?»SSYLVASU CEVXR4L RAILROAD. ! I Tht Capadiv ct tht* Road U note Jfrtal to any in 9 Vie Country, Three Through Passenger Trains RET WEES PITTB9T7Gh AND PftILADEf PIITA. 9 /SONNECTINtt DIRECT IN THE UNION Depot at Pittsbunrw'tkthroa«& trains torn ah I ne-tera Clues lor e'nnsae'piiia. »»ew Vork r.oston* Bal • I llmore and «aahi-jtton City; thus fornlshlEß Jacilitles I for the tracsporta-ita of pvseogers unsurpassed lor sreed and comfort by any other route- 4 wlm Express aid tail Lines ran through to Philadelphia 1 cars or conductors. , I Fmokloit are attached to eoca train; Woodrnu s Sleey'op Cars to excess and fast trsiai. The kxrress I ransUaiir, Mall t-naFosi lir.oeaniiiuaexrrpiM. three y daily trains connect cirect (or N»-w Vork. feaprtss and I tast Line coawt for Balutaore ana WuhtQxUia. Trains connect at with the 2 A. M. express. to or itellimore ais P. M. And in New York at 10 SO P. M. t Trains connect at Pittsburgh with the 5 P. Fas • 1 Lioe. in or Ualticcore at 8 A M. I ardlnNew Vork at 130 P.M. Mill Traini leave Pitts I Buntb d A. M-. arriving at Philadelphia II P. &L. Now £ I Pbllxdelphla and New Tork: • 1 Two eailJ trains between New Y>>r<atid Boston, 'fbrouzn Z HckttAtalliiai))are*oodcnnthprofU»». a Boat Tickets to Bobtoa are good via Norwich. PaIJ Z. I RWeror bUn\nitouLlre«. I Tickets Etstw&rd may be oHalned at any of the Im . I cortaat railroad offices Id t e We*t; alM),oub3ard any v, oi the rexuiar l.nedT tteimers on the MiisUsijpl or Ouio Z rivera: aod tickets Wtrtward at the offices ot the Ogm le pan* in liostoa. New York. Baltimore or rhiladelpaia. « Ftre always as Low as by any other Bonle. it for Tickets by Plttsbunb.-JO The completion oi th* Western connecuom of the is I Pcnnsyivajia Ralirojd w CniciKO raa<.es ttaa the ® Direct Liue brtinen the East and tht Great it Sorthiout. ?e Tbe cocnectics of tracts by the Railroad Bridse at s PltUbaikh, avcldi-R all dravuM «r f«rii*se of Krekht. id together w:.h the savins of time are adfsttjwesreidliy I aupieacUtud by shiiters of !rtlgbt ana the tiaveung I P p' ! irtie« shirplns Eastward will find it to their advaa p I taze to thlp by this route. ~ ' For frtUbtccntractsorthipping directions, appTtoor addreaieltnerof tbe 'ollovrnKeseMsO' tt e company: D P.tis&ur*h: Dijle A 00. Stubeuvllie, O; a H s llerce AO*. SUnesvi'le, O: J J Johnsoo, t-lpley. O: u . R McNeeli. Mais<lUe. Ky; Orm-nbyA Cropper. [d I month. O; PAdd«»cit A »>. Jeff n-mvlHe. inJ : U W Browa ACo. Cincinnati O: Attiern A Hlbbtrt. Linclcca id tL O: RO Me!dnim. Madi on. li.d; Bingham, id Lousviile. Ky; i' t» ••'Kilty A Co, EvansvlJe, lna; I N Wftrabam AOo,Cal'O, Hi: H Feas*. Louis, Mo; I John U llama fcastivUie.Teon; iiarris__A UanU em -1 phis. Tenn: Clarke A Cs' liicago. 111; W H ti 'Koonti. Alton. Hi; Murpcy a Walle, Dubnqae, Iowa; or to jL K elxht Agents of Railroads at polnu la the y. I KreatfSt facilities offered for the protection and ■r. speedy transportation of Live Stock, and Good Accom iel modatinna with uaoal prlvUenes for penoas traveling is iy 1 charge thereof. Ie I IREIGIIT3 WEBTWARD. l i* Br ttlsßont- Fre itlts of all discrlpUons caa be for wardedfrum Philadelphia. Ntw York, Bos;on or i I mo re, to any pol-t on tae rallroiils of Ohio, Eentncky. I ladiana, Illinois, Wisconsin. lowa or Missouri, by rail .a d The*Pencs7lva3saßa!lroadal'o concerts at Pittsburgh or with sieamtrs. bt wtlch Roods can be forwarded to any ?! I port on the Ohio. Musaingom. Kentucky. ?5 Cumberland. Illinois, MlsaisJppl. Wisconin. Missouri, o? Kansas, Arkansas and Red Rivtrs; and at Cleveland. . I Sandwao »<nd Chicago wLafiteameri to all ports, oa the 1T I North-Western Lakes. . .. . Al I Mercian* and BiUpper* entmatiaf the traasportalloa -r 1 of their ire'ithi «o thl« company, caa rely with coaflc eace >9 od its spe«dy transit , The Rates of Freight lo asy polat la the West by the I Pennsylvania Railroad are at *U times as Uvcraole as I are rharsed by other Kaliroad Comuanles. %W Be particular to mark packages "via Pean. R.i \V Merchartsln tbe West ordering goods from tbe East '* will do well to direct them to be shipped by this route, est pir j M4l tendiCK to their own shipments from the kast eir I will findltto tbeirtßUrest to call on the Asents of this I Company at the •oUowing places bciore slipping; or let 's- i«rs hddre-aed to either of them upon tbe scwect ol Us* trelgh s will meet with prompt attention. E.J. Philadelphia. MagrawA Kcoos. to North street. Balt'more. _ „ ith LeechAOo-N0.2 Astorilouse.orNo.ia. nm.-«t.N.Y, lay I LeecxACo .No.&tilibystriet Boston. .... ! Qts I H. 1L HOUSTON. Gen'lFrelshiAa't. Philadelphia. WO I L. L HOUPT, &ea'l ticket Ag"t. PhlUdelpbla. I THOS. A. sOo'iT. tiea'l Pnp:t> Altoona. Pa. lal3 BIOSIQ&IC SOUTH BB > era a«d L&KE SHORE RULBOAIN S IMB Winter Arrangement ISM ray /TIHROUGH ROUTE TO NEW TORK ■*U* JL Boston. Philadelphia, Washington. inJ Cleveland, Dunkirk. Baffilo, Niagara Falla. ipe | Rochester/Eyracsse, Troy. Albai y, t3m2ra. Bln£hamp> iral ] ton. Bprincfletd, Wore saver, and all points Is the New ont Enjclaad 6taUs. iijh &00 A. 14. Mall and Accomodation, via old Michigan I Michigan ii">- t 8:00 P. M. New kork and Boston Express, via old Hlel> i I icaallae. 6;i5 a. M. Irala (dally, exeept Bnndays.) connects at TP idriaiwltn trala for Monroe and Detroit, "ti. I wnn? dos* connections at Detroit with ft. trains on Great Western Railroad. ■E &00 A. M. (daily, tfunuay* excepted.) connecting Klkhalt wiih train for tiosbea Air Llae. 8.00 F. M. (daily, except Saturday.) connect at Adrian I with trains for Monroe and Detroit. ONIOf ic<i WOODRUFF'S PATENT SLKEPDtG CARS ten will »=eom»aitheNl«lil Mil ons I leavlax Chicago oa the tctf A.M. train fair I get a Night Car at Cleveland. the S fickeiscaabehaoelaU locket o®c<i In the Wert, and rlth I at tbe Ooapany*s Office uader the Severe Home, corset RandolphaadDearborastreets, and at tnedepot. t. £. M. GRAY. Goerai Western Agent. !S> CHICAGO, lOff A IAD SEE It ASM MIT.ROAI» OSANQB OP TIME. Lft OPEN TO MEOHANICSVUiIiE. fVS AND AFTER WEDSESDAT, PEC. 1, I VJ ISM. unUI farther notice, Trains will run as fol u I Leave Clinton at. A *sS ,#a se'rtl^M** tt Arrive at Mechasdexvllle. .8* "SI'S? »• 10 I At DeWlttwtth stages for Davenport and Maoaoketa. o At Yankee Ran wttamages ior Toroaw. w I Grove witb dtagee fcr 'Rptoc. At. MedxanJesvlUl with i« { stages for AnsimsTi liabon. ML Yemen. Marion and lo ! 3edar Bajdds. lo FRHGHT TRAINS LIAYI DAILY, lo The Hhorte*. Cheapest and ooct Xxpedluous lo I between Ghleago Ceatral lowa, it being only 13# lo I rallesfromOhlcagoto the M-lnUstpplgiver, and theses lo 1 directly Into thelhtiriorof lon. lo I tr An Agent will be at the Depotln JWtoo, to recdTt pat I allßaKngeTorCUntenor tbe road, which will be cor. T«MK«BU..mer ± I OUptan. lowa. Wov. , CHICAGO. ST. FAIX AND FOND DC LACS* t. ctt. CHANGE OV TIME. »S r\N AND AJTER MONDAY, DEO. 13, [»rd V J Eta, Tralni oa this road will leave Chicago ai ibe follows. ' | daOhlea. . . I 3:00 p; M. For jaoesTflleandMali or. Trains arrive at P.M. and P.M. Carrying the throogbU. a Mail for all points lathe NS I Wihroiyth from Chicago to PraWe daChlen wtlhool [red I I eia UPCWAF.oI. Uailroaiis. QHICAGO TO PIKE'S PEAK PAWWO K AILHOAD, or uissocsi. THBOU3H ROUTE VIA ST. Z.OTTia. FODB TEAHIS tEAVE CHICAOO DA'LY »1» St. LoulL AUun « Ccilij.Ka. ml hlut ■:» Cebtr.l raking dire t can-ruons atgt Lonis wit i of the PsclfioßaU-oxcLand a JsSerson City with a dally line cfuaksengv Packets f-r Haasas City, Leavmworh. and ' polcu on the r'vrr: at Tipton, ibe present tcna'no* of j of the road with gnat tveruaft valt stages cf baiter field A Co..toCallioraia. also. with dally tloe i f slum stLkouri and acuib vvett era^sasis. TIIHOUGH TICKETS B» ttiis route, savin* TWO DC LLAR O . cao be lad at tbe of tbe rail o-rt* «ail at all thepiicdpal Uck(to-ceslath«Nortbw»*t. T. ascRIocOCK. BoPt. E.W. Watus. UtXi'lTlcket AaX Importabt to to tlic told The Teavenworth and Pike's Pe-k E*pre»«. Pa smrer anu Freight Company, omo*selo.' ihewd : known Dim of Anise L Mag<-rs & "V. ddeli. co«etn>Q«nt contr dor*. Ml with a caih capita] or two I esta'-lithed a lice icr tbe conveyance of tars;i«ers* eiprcfs saoas ar.d fre'sht f» tbe nines via the Centra', Fort Ril-y and Smoky Kill Fo>k Rrote. I Thia company have ibecoctran lor carry'cgtbe mails. I Ti.e Letrlala'ure oi Kansas have e>t*bl -hei a Tirr i<>rfcil | Rja l By this route ibe above Company are e*t»bl-sM tf I eamplnT aa:.fee-tiiKPo«ts ev c ry twen'y tve miles ali-n* I tbe r<sd wlb asp'e accommodations for passengers aad 1 relays ofteams. TUs route bop the valley rf tne Ran- I suiit r. aod :t well se.tled to withla three hundred I allies of the nUn ■ t. I An sppr'pristbtn cf430,(K0 has been made by th* towns I between Fort Rlie* aal Leaveawirth for complete re- I pairsofr^adsandbsScges. 1 Tbe advantages o. this route ove- all ethers are evi | dent, as 1 la over on? hundred and fifty miles nearer the | mines than by any othes; being neaily oa a direct line I West of LeavenwortQ to it* mooth of Cb* R7 Creek. ] The esabUshmentofthe<bcveroadbytbelemtotlal I government and the exoreaj company, b a sire guarau -1 tee tf t&r superiority t.(this rca*e. I .For full particulars for frelgnt or passage by this line. I inquire of n-PkaTT. I Agent oi Pae lie Bailrtad. 1 I HANSIBAL AND ST. JOSEPH RAILROAD TS NOW OPEN FOR THE TiiANfcPOR -1 JL titton of Freight and Panengers Its ect're lenzth I lrom the Mississippi to tbe 3Lssour| River. The only | ro-'tetbattcketi parsergerstow.Joseph.aid bjwoich I Bazgagelseneckea tbroucti. Passensert to Kaasas. I bruka. Pike's Peak or (.aLfomla, save from s to & days I by takin* tLls iloe. I This roa>e affcrds no t direct, reliable ard exnedl- I tlous communication wiih Kansas. Nebraska. ' I and Plke'sPeak:canylngpaasenger*aoo miles nearer lo 1 Pike's Peak than any o.her Railroad. From St. Josetb I the Fort Kearney roate is thetxst oalysiomlies to Pike's I Peak.aa<fv.atheMansvlileCat-Off wlJredacethisois- I tanceto 475m1.e5. I Steamers Lave fit. Joseph duly to lowa Polat. Nebras- , I kaClty Omihaand Councilß.uffa acd tfonta fjr Atcbl- ] | son Doniphan. Leaveowonl-. Weston asd Kansas City. I Dally h siges leave St. Joseph fir all lmpor. aat Interior I towns of Kaasa< aud Nebraska, to Lecompton. Grary I Cliy.Ul'ko'j Point aad Oscaloosa. eoncecUag with liaes Ito Osawkee, Grasshopper Falls. Lawrence aad i I Fort R ley i 1 Passengers from Cllcago aad Nortbeni IDlno'SiPe tr lu Michigan, and the fcast, will find this la all respects I the most de*ixable.«oickest and shortest route to Pike's I Peak. I Pastengers from Ch'cara viathettß A Q.R. R.make I el se connections st Qulccy with boat for Hannibal. 1 Trains eave Haattoai a*. ?X 4-M.ior bt, Joseph, or . | upon arrival of packet irom Qoincy. I as low as cy any ether < I JOdIAH HUNT, fiupt. | P. B. GSOAT. Gen 1 Ticket Art. f«23 1 I 1858. Winter Arrangement. IBSS < Xlk JUCHIGAN CEATRAL ASD GffiAT ' I WESTERN (CANADA) RAILWAY. I mRAINS LEAVE THE GREAT CENTRAL 1 X Depot, foot of Lake street. Chicago: 1 two A. iL—New York ' ess—(exceyi BuadayO arrive I at Detroit- . M.: Baspeas'oa Bridge, or I BoffaJofci) V.; Albany 430 P. M.. New | Yorx 10:40 P. ai.; Philadelphia via Eimira, I u P.M. I &00 A. M —dadaaatl Express— fflundsyi excsrtej}« I Arrive at Cincinnati aiS.eciP. M. , I 7:4C£A. IL—Detroit Accomodation (except Ban day) ar- I rive at Detroit 10:36 P.M. I F. M.—New York and Sostoa Express—tSataru'ays I excepted). ArriveDet'oltWls P. M;basren- I ilon Bridge or BaffaloftOOP. M.: Albany 10.00 ] A. M.;NewiYork4:3U P.M.; Boston 11.45 P.M. I 2:00 P. aad Louisville Express—(except , I BatardayJ Arrive at Claduiatlll so A. K 1 Louisville 4.-00 P. M- I Oalyonetraln onHandayatfeOOP. M. I All trains connect at Paris wltbtheßaCalo and Laas ' I Horoa Railway for Baffalo aad all points East; at lo I roato wiih the 'Graad Trunk Railway to Kingston. C| ' I deasburgh. Montreal. Quebec, sad al 1 points in Caaso 1 East. Northern Vermoat. New Hampshire and Maiae ' I or Bsjorage checked throes^. . | Through tickets for sale at the princiral atllroadoffl' •* I la the Wat, and at the geseral oflce, corner Lake and | Dearborn streets, opposite the Tremoat licuse, ChlcaM* I aad at the JeaoL foot of Lake street. I R* N. RICZ. 6aooriatea<eht j I H. J. SflLprra. Gea. Pass. Asent. M. O. R.R. an.^ i PITTSBURGH, FT. WAIAE CHICAGO R. R 1 1853-9 SFKING RATES....IBBS-S I Frelsht Line, i DATE AND UNTIL FURTHER. ' I Ju notice. Freight will be carried over this Line as 1 I below: :S a S ;S ?S S SS : js ;I |g B5 IS ?a 1 2 | |5 =b "ti Boston $1.63 $1.2111.02 ifO $1.15 $T.23 , I New York 1 I Phllsdelphla 1.«5 1.10 « 65 I.U) LIO ( I Baltimore 1.45 1.10 i*s &5 UU LlO 1 I PittSbarxh Kl 70 4d 7<i 7<i 2 I CnciLaatL O fio TO M to W 70 i | Oolumbus. O LOO 60 fiS AS .... HI I Dayton. 0-..».......... 7i f) 5U I) ri 61 | Cleveland. O cO 30 iO 40 tO I Dunkirk, H. Y 87 6* M 3 i to *6 : I 6QSI*O. " b7 64 W 21 W 66 I balk Meat tt Pittsburgh. 50c. Gi.b and illghwinea to * | Cinciantl. O . 3Jc. to, da. to Daiton, 0.. Sis. 1 clo-.efj al Grass&eed. adclissraws. . , t I Contracts ma<ie to above points at Fre'glit OiEce. cot* I ner West Vaa Barenaad Canatstreets. | Contracts to Boston. New York. Philadelphia and BJ- I tlmore- via Peansyivaala Ceutral H.R., mvtn oy I CLARKE A CO.. o£oe Steele's Boefc. corner . I Water and streets, and at al Canal street. « JA-. W. 51CBiM)N.Freisf«t Ann*. Chicago a I J. J. lIODf'fON. Gea'i l reight Ag'W Pittsburg, fa. [. I t':ilcano. March 4. l^o9. * 1 Winter Arx'iingenieut. a CHICAGO iSD UIIWAI'KEE UIILBOASj. J LASI SHORE USZ. S I Orcr.t an 4 Express Boat, to Et. i |\N AND iVFTER - MONDAY, NOVEM 0 I x / ber 29th. 1&&?. Passengsr Trains will raa daily I (gaaiirs excepted.) as follows: 1 ! THROUGH TRAINS. s I LSAVsoniOAGo, raou statios ooa. wset wATra Aooci ita * I 0;00 A. at all Statloaa reaching Milwaak« at liSTp M. £ 1:90 P. at Evaastoa. HLthlanJPark. Lake h I Forrest- Vr'aukegan. aad ctattoas north, aad s. | arriving la Milwaukee at 5:15 p. M., aod coa- B I nectias with LaCrosse A Milwaukee Railroad I for bu Paul aaa ail polau la the N -rth-wesi. | WAOSUAa raaiH lxavss ceioi<k> at 13 I fcOi?. M.'-etopping at all Stations, and arriving at Wa» 0 I kegaa at P. M. i- I CONNECTIONS. I AiMllwaukeewlthLaCrosseAMilwantedMlrosdfbr 1 Hartford, liorricon. Beaver i)am. Portaae €ny, Lisbon. '• I Buarta, and La Crewe, connecting at Spaita aad La- I Cro«se with three daily line of Mases ?or Bu Paul. I Winona. Fountain City, Reed's Landing. Bed Wing. Pre* >e I eott. Hudson. Stillwater, Hastings. Bi. Anthony Minneap. I oils and Minnesota. , , .. I Also at Junction with the Fond da Lac and " I with tbe Horicoa Railroads, forFoadda Lac, Oshkosh, I Waaparußipoa dad Berlla. Also, with the Milwaufcei I aad MSaisslppi and Milwaukee aad Watertowa Railroad tt l for Whitewater. JaaesvlUe. Medlson. Prairie da Chlea > I Bt. Paul Hartland and Witertowa. ■* I At Racine Juactloa. with toe Racine and Mississippi is I Railroad, for Buriicgtoa, Eihcrn. DeLavan, Dariea. Ls I lolt aad K^ktoa. Q ' I freight TraGu leave Milwaukee at 8:00 A M., an J Chi I eaco at t4B A. M. dally. st I ao M. L. SYKK. JR.. gap I »: PirrSECBS. FUST WA¥SE CHKASO K.l 1 "VTOW COMPLETED .VND CARS KGN i, I Xl from Chicago lo tlUibarßli wi.bcat cLin„-e. ooa _ I nccdag with the tri-it ?: I PtNNaYLVANIA CENTRAL BODTE. I To New York. Phliadeipai*. iisltiacre ana v.'ssV'uyta a! I City,andaHthelntcrit>riownsori'ear.sylv~aia.Ne#J^r 1 S^jSti^Uu3 byw3a* 1 wi!' have the bene* t fltofaUtbeeasternmarkeuatao&ddili&aalcca. I Baggage checkedthroagh. , .a | TralnaleavethedepotcoraerofCaailaad vaa Burea a . I street* west side, as follows: i- I &110 A.M.— Meraiag Express, dally.Banday excepted. I B.OJ P.M.— NJghtt^preas.daily.baturdais excepted. I Ooaaeetum*iVresune withlflevsLiaC aad Laae Shore I Salkoad to Dunkirk. Boflalo, Nlavara Fail!. New York )r . I sad Bostoa. aad all interior towns of englaad. via ti. I New York Oeatral and New York and fe.e Rellroada. v I "m, sowth to Columbus, Zanesv'ule. Newark. Moaot > V»-ooa. eteabeßTille. Wheeling, nnrf towns ef I Ohio and Vindnia. AUo trains at Lima for Dayton aad gh I Ciacln^lM r »S"LOW AS ANT OTHER BOUTIL .(. I passengers botxad east will fiad this roote both piessaat rL I and agreeable, passias through many of the lrxgeit aid id. finest cities la toe Called States, he I Passengers rrrivlag at Chicago, oa any of theroaJs, I wlilandattentlvechecktakersattlie depots, to recdte oa I checks and convey baggage free of oharrf to the Pitts ce I burgh and Chicago cars. Sleeplag Cars accompany he I sale at a!l the priaclpal ticket oSees la tl • as I West, aad at the Company s ofice. comer of Raadolta I and Dearborn streets, or at the depot oa Van Bart a L** I etreet. Chicago. , . , . w _ ut BepartlcalartoaskfertlcketsbyFortWayae. I DAK"L W. BOSH, ftea'l Agent. Chicago ut JOHN B- ANDrRSON.Gtn'I EapC his J.N, DDBAttnY.tfupt. W. D. eV- | TO MEHUHANTS AND SHIPPERS, of I Ihe Pittsburgh, Fort Wayae A Chicago R. R. I having effected aa arraagement with the Peaasylvaalt I Central Railroad Company; far the transportation of I Through Freights, property can now be shipped on thlt ,Y. I line uetweea Chicago. Philadelphia, Baltimore, New I York and Bostoa. with promptness aad despatch. Ceo I* 1 tracts caa be made at the following places: I No. 3 Aster Place. i 3 I No. 18. William streeO N*w York. I No. 3 Battery Place. V ly I No. 64 Kllby street. Boston. | No. 8 Dock street, Philadelphia I liepot. North street. Philadelphia. _ I Depot. Twelfth street, corner CaaaL Chicago I Mark packages via P.. Fv Wayne AO. R. K. ot 1 forfsitaer Informatloa. Ac. apply to _ I JAS. W. MUSSON. Freight A rent. Chicago. K I J. J- HODBTON. Gea'l Frtlght Ag'L PitUtmrth. Pa. on. 1 po * S CHICAGO, BntLLVGTOJi fc QCISCi K. B. " I ia>9 CHANGE OT TIME IBS 9 ran /~VN AND AFTER MARCH 1,1559, TffO I v/ Through Trains will leave the Cen oW j tral Depot, fbot ol Booth Water streets, dally, as foW ci>- j 7jo a. v. Day Express (Ban days excepted) arriving al I MendotaliOOM^ualesbtr*4.-30P.M; Bar ■J* lingtor.KisP.M.; QulnevmPSL L33 P. M. Express (Suadays excepted) Sfrires at M«- rttb | dota 5.4 aP. tt.. Gsleabar* 9 <4a A. M_ Bur lington 1135 P. M., Qaiacy S.W A. M. I C-.IOP. M. sieadota »ec3xna.odarloa—arriving at Men- I dota P. M. 140 I Traiasleave Eastward m follows: .. JC _ „ I Leave BarVngtoa. 7:45 A.M. A 6 45 P.M. 1 M Qulacy A.M. A 3:<o P.M. I "• Oaleibcs .*;..lftoo A.M. A 800 P.M. " Meadcta. tco AM.aod 115 A 11(5 AM. -i_ Express tralas Arrive at vhleajro 6:45 P.M. * 4.15 A.M 1 Mendou Passenger arrives at Calcag»lL-00 A.M. uid I IMPOBTAirr LOCAL CONHECTIOHS. At Mendota with Illinois Central Railroad north tot » Amboy. Dixon. Freeport,Galesa aad Dualeltii: aadsoath : for Laaalle. Tonica. Wlnoaa. Panola. Rlooclagtoa. Deca- I te A| B ßa^&Sa eoanectlots made by two I dailv trains with Barilagtoa aad allsaoort Klver Rail. I road, for ML Pleasant. Fairfield. OUcmwa, Oskaioosa, ! Chariton.Fort DesMotsea, Fort Dodge. Council BhtSs, 1 I siouxCity.andallportlcnsofKaasasand Nebraska, also tot D%Uy Packets for Montrose; thence by rail tc I direct connections areoaaeby dally pack V. I et with Hannibal, aad thence wu Hsaalbal A St. 4 I Jcsepa Railroad for BL Josepfc. Leavenworth. Kvisai I City aad all aortiozM of Kansas. Nebraska. Pike ■ Peak. * I Cherry Creek, ic. Pally paeaets oa the Missouri Rlvtr tbe fromSt.Jo»eih to »U points on th«ri»er. '«n | Also at Qincy *lta «al y packets for Keoiak. I Tickets be bad at the Depot at tae ailchlgaa Ka. I Ce3tra»Ra''*«adoflce.cornerofl*keaßd lMarborasi» ion aad at the Plitbarwa. Vt.WavaeA Chicago Railroad of -25 Cor -"° r^°do,Pi C?™HAMM<S!£a«n-lEupt. j • Babl. Powsu-Geal Ticket Ag v mb 3 lUU> inPOHTANT NOTICE. 12» Alton and Chicago Hail.rcad. . CHANCE OF tiisf "I Two Express Train j Daily LL foh sr. ijouis. S. y-wK AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE 30TH I la»t. trains will lea*e Depot, corner cf Caaal aad 13, I Van Bareastretts as follows: ai I 10:10 A. M. aad Express. (Suadays exc* ptedO ( p. M. N:ght bxprvsa. (S4tatdaya excepted.) W * I ARRIVES. j NlsM Express WJ A. M. Slailaad the JOUET ACCOMMODATION. « &;s»v.r.v^ L I iaS4y A* R* MOO&K, Geocral Bol* TO LUMBERMEN! MONEY "SAVED IN MANUFACTURE IS MONEY MADE! All Persons Engaged in the Manufacture of Lumber in any way Will Find it to their Interest to Examine ope of WM. EL FEBRY, JR,'S, PATENT AUTOMATIC CIRCULAB SAWING TVTTT.T.s » -A. T ONCE. Patented July 21,1557. Patent Re-Issced April 6,130 i. Additional Impovement Patented May 4, ISoS, ginca wliicb time »ale & have been very lars-- TH E LOG MILLS Legs toberoC adl ** Lnab * r tnm of 1,01 «p to 58 or »feetlong: or. with Double Carrirge, 50 to SO feel; using a Saw 8* to 3 'eet ladlaaetre according to slsoof THE SI DITTO* MILLS Will I4W beaatlftjjy all kinds of ffldlag. Fencing, Flooring. Scant line. Ac.. Ao. fromCantslStoMieetUn*. vt ia saw peaaunuiy au 1 Bcthlhese Mills are AUTOMATIC, or PELF OPERA. TIVE. or caa easily be worked by hand without any change or la their coastracUoa: are the most tfmple aad seldom get oat of repair. They are o<ade to Wear—warranted dorable and substantial—for Year in andYesroat. The Saw Framesareof Iron entire: tfce Carriage and all are a ace to endure heavy work, to !a sure accuracy aad durability. The Patentee has beea a PRACTIOAL UANVFAOTU&EC OF LUMBER for the past Thirteen Yean, asd aow offrrs the resalt of his labors and experieace to thjse who wish to avail themselves of thebeaetits. claiming that Lumbermen are here oCered the ONLY RELIABLE SAWINO HILLS aow before the pnbllc. Also claiming and ready to prove that tbe LOG MILL wQlpe.form more thaa Thret Tinxn tbe wcrk of a MoJey Mill with the expease of Oae. The SIDING MILL will perform from X to K more work thaa aoy Eliding Mill everknowr. Thi per cent, clean profit these Mil's w'Jl makeover the above esti mates of work will be. as will be seen at once by a prao tlc*l maa, much greater from the fact that the expease of ruaalag, lees hands employed, and next to not hi no for repairs, are items In the man of act are of Lumber that eit cp the profits to an alarming extent U aot watched, fliese Mills sttend to these Items la penoa; this sugment the profit of the manulctare. The above Engraving represent! the Siding Mill cor rectiy. it Is well to state that these ml Is are aot depend ent upon the merertatementof Mr. Ferry, tlie Inventor, ihey have beea used by maay, aa-. thoroug lytestcd la all respects, aad are recommended by all far above any Mills la the United States, We have bat for a few of the maay flattering testimonials coming from high and ns:onsible parties. From Manufacturers. The nnderslrael Mana'-eturers of lumber, having had la use Wialsm M Ferry Jr*s fated Sldiar Sllha. 110 hereby testify to r e*cd'eace above all oihir kinds we have seen laoperstioa. The dlflicultles heretofore experienced In the ase of ether kiadt of SeH.Rettlng Mills have beea their liability to get ont of repair, making the manufacture of lumber more expensive andueiaaccaracyofthlckaessla lum ber maoufarture subjecting us to the loss of sood mate rial—as Calls- By tne use of Ferry*9 Mills. tbe> simplici ty aad the ttrensth and workmanlike of their conttmrtion does away with "ilokerins." and they are reliable for vork. Mi ls, with h s d l:tte improve ments. are the or*ly accurate s ttiug M 1j to anlforta ihckaessthatwe hiveever astd or «eea in oirratioo. anlwe recommend them Irom rurown kn<>wle<itre aod exptritnee to be the b»:t and mo>t profitable Mills we know ot Th; patentee's ex; erience as a Lumberman h«s doaatless called bis attention to what we have here tofore so much needed, and we arecoafident. ail using Us MlUs will &?ree with as *.a the expre>sloa above sw«a* Ferry A Son. AmonNorVm Hunter S*vidg - , Stephen Monroe, Galm k'sstmaa. ><.<4. sfa>on. l>aa'i F. Fargo, J Wilde A Co.. Kellog White AC°. 8. Lawrence. Richard Uuberis, Ueurstf L. Norton.- llopklns A Bros.. johaCuxa>7. QTATE OF ILt.INuIS. COOK COUNTY. \ O Cook County Circuit Court, March Term, A. D. i5-\ Wlliia* P. I'jsSj_vs ThadJlas Sherman. PubMc Notice Is hereW slvea ti the said Thaddlos Sbeioiaa ilia*- a wilt ot al'.acliit eat Issued otit of tbe of fice cf the Clerk of the Cook C»unt7 CI;- ul* Court, da'ed the twe r .ty-elshth day A D. 1-69. al fe suitol thfsald WihamP and arain-t the estate cf ties*ldTt f-rthesom o' elshteen tun ded aad tignleeaJl luo dollars, olreced to tbe "beriff of Ccok County, wuch taid writ has been returned exe cu'ed. Now, therefore, aniens you. the said Thaddlos Sher man shall persoaa-ty be and appe.r bcfire ibe Stld Cork Coantr Circuit cart, oa c.r be'ore the fi'st dsy of th-* dex. Tim tuereoC, to be hol ten at the Oou't House, la the cltr of oa the first Moajay ct Marcn A D. 13W. give rpeclat bill, and pl-vl to the said ilalntlff's actlrn. jaJgme .t will be entered against »oa. aad fa avor of tue said VVLliam P. Ross, snd so much of the property attached as ma7be safciett tn sa- is f y tne said iudgmeat and costr, will be sold to sat'sfv the same WM. L. OUL'RUII. CUrk. GoonsicH. FxawgLL A fixrm, jiff's Alt'y. feii-iw^DJ STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTT OF Cork °S Cook County Coart of Common Pleas, AiMl Term, Oioond-tes Manran and Fraas's 3. Gltbs vs. Atuastcs Mi-t n.— Mechanics* Lien. cf the n c-ysl-tenee cf Assus'us Mart'n, de fendant «b:ve earned. b>v,ag beea filed I*. ine offlee of the Ciert ol Mid Coo* County Court of CoTimon Plea* No Ice Is hereby xWeo to taesa'd AoauJus 3Uriin that the petiiioaers file 1 tbelr pet-tl>>a la a-urt. oa tbe thirtieth dar of December. 1*53 and thit a summons thereupon lssu»d oa; of pall ttoart sgamt said drf-n --dant«. returnable o.n tbe tint Monday of February. IS&*. a» Is by law rqalr^i. Now. unless joa. the said Angastus Jltrtln. rhall per sonally be and appear b< said Cook Couaty Coart of Common ''lets of Coui'y. oa tbe firs, of the next term 1 hereof, tobeholrfea a* Chicago, la stld Coua'y. oa the first Moaday -f AoriU lSi9 aad ptead. answer or de T or lo the said petitioner*' tetLloa. the same and tue matters and ihlivs therein ehvsed an* sta'ed will be taken as coafetatd, and a decree entered agalnat you ac cording to the prayer ol s id petition. W«I.iER KIMBALL. Clerk. Mathu. Tait A Ktaa. Pin's Att'ys. mh" <w cij. OTATE OF ILLISi.'IS, COUNTY OF COOK, lj d j — Cook County f<oart of Common Pleas, April Term. A.D..W». _ WLliam n. oiUazd rs. Joha 8. Wright. O. B. Wright, his wi e. Beaiamla F. George ScoviUe. James Clapp and W. W. Ransom—ln Chancery Affidavit of tne ncn realdence ot W. W. Barason. ore of the defendants above named, having beeufiied in the office of tbe Ciera of said Oook County Oourt of Common Pleas. Notice Is hereby ulvea to the aud W. W. Raa so m. thai the coopialaaat aled bis bill ofcomplalot in »ad court oa tne cbaaeery s?de thereof, oa the 13ib day of De cember, 1b69, and taat a sun moos thereupon Issued out of ssld court against saii defendants, returnable oa U«e first Monday of April nexL Us 66). as Is by law required. Now. unless you. the said W. W. Ransom, shall per sonally be aad appear before sail Conk Co Coart of Com mon Pleas of Cook couatv, oath* first day of the next tern thereot to beholden at Chicago la s*ld couaty oa tne first Moaday of April. l£3. and plead aa«wo or demur to the said complainants' bill of complainant, the same and the matters and things "herein charged and stated will be tak» as eoafrseed. aad a decree catered agalast yoaaccoruiagtotheprayer of saltbil. _ WALT£R 2IMBALL. Herk. Joha G. Roger* Oompl'tsßol'rs. fc2Jc^W4w OTATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK, SS.—Cock County Coait of Cotamoa P.eas. April iera. W>. „ Aivan L. Kcse vs. Ilirsm Pesnons and William W. Eal tenstalL bis assinee In batkrarUy Affidavit of the non-residence or Hiram Pearsons on* ct the defendants above named, having beea filed ia offlee of the Clerk of said Cock Coaaty Court of Common Pleas. Notice *s hereby givea to the s*id lliram Pearsons that the complainant filed bli bill of complaint in said Court oa the Chancery side thereof, oa the first day of Match. 1S&. aad that a summons thereupon issoed out of said Court against said defendants, re turnable oa the first Monday of April next. lb£9. as is by law required. Now. naless joa. tbe said Hiram Pearsoas shall personalty be and appear before said Cook Couaty Coon ofC-nrroa Pleas of 0»ok cunty, on the first day of the next term, tote hel t Chicago In said *oentroo tbe first Mooday of Msy. UU. aad plead, answer or de> mortothesald*abmofcomplaiat, the same aad the matters and things thereto charged aad stated willbetakmas confessed and adecree entered agalast yoa according to the prayer of said bin. _ W. KIMBALL, Clerk. Bargea A Hawley. Compl'ts' fiol'ra. mh3cMd4w ORTGAGE SALE.—WHEBEAS Na'hanlel 8. Boutoa and Emly L. Boutoa his f Chicago, IlUat-is. aad delivered unto me the under igned Learning H. brad.ey a certain la deniare of mortgage or ihe premies berelnafer des* er|o«d, bearing date the twenty nla'b day of Octor>er. A. D. 18i& to secure tie parmeit of fee ee'ta-a prom's ory aotes tberela mentioned, with a condition 1a sa d mort gage that ir default be made la the paymest ol sail prcmlstcry totca or either ot theoi. el her or or Interest, oa the days whereoa tbe same sba-l become due aadpAyable.the»hole«f said principal aad tawr<*tse cured oy tbe raid trcmlstcry notes in said m rtgase met.!ioned. shall thereupon become doe and payable; wb cb said mortgage was filed tor recaO on tbe first day of Novemner lb& lathe deco*der's Office ta aad tor Oook Count* tad State cf IllincK and reecrded ta Book Twenty Mx of sJOrtaagts. psge 559. Now. therefore, no tice Is htreay given th«-t de'sutt having beeo made in the payment cf tee third rose, or th* one due November first A D. and by the terms ot said tooitgage the wr ole becase due aad payab e. :Now. tinre'ore, aoree is hrreby given tha»na Ratardsy, thealaethd yofApril,A.D.lsaa.at3o'dockP.M. of said day, at the north door of tbe Court House la tbe city et Chicago byvlrtoe of a power of sale It said mortgage eontiiaed. and la pirsa«ace thereof, the undersigned will set! at public aoctLa to the highest bidder, for cash tbe foliowlcgaeseribed piece or rareeltf land, si'uaie. Ijin« an' heiag in toe city of Chicago, couaty of Cook aad State of IU nors. being part and parcel ofoatiotfuriy (4-j of the Canal Trustees bubdlvislea of tbew-st hair of section tweaty-scv«a(27i towc ship fourteen 114) easf. and as follows, to wit: cemmea'i: g at a poL.t oa the east One of said ''utiot fnny titloa fencecnout Is kJown aa ihe partition ferce betweea lands owned by trie heirs of Joseph Maueeo-. u.d tae gra-.t» ei of Aaher Ritse'ter: thence east fi ty (50) said e*st lla«. tnrocvejttotoeceatreofoa'lotfrny 40) thencesoath along the middle ef said out lot forty (40) filty(so) feet, thence East parallel with sod partloa fence t > Ibe place of beginnlr g. ihe same be ag tne premises described In said mortgsge. toget'er wlu all tbs right, title, interen aal equity of redemptl a ot ibe said Ns>.haaM <*. B:atoa and Emily ii Bowioa. h s wife, la aad to the aforesaid pl Chic«go. March 2d 1839. mLS-td c 361 LEAML>G H. BRADLEY. Mortpgee. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY, sa.-Oook Coaaty Circuit Ooart, April Term, A. LJ„ ISE9. Jacob Harris vs Matthias Sayd^r. Public Notice U hereby given to tnei '. MatthlssPnyder thatawritof ati-chmeat Issued out of the office of the Clerk of the Circuit voun of Cook County dated the twea ty-eeveath day of Jiauary, A. D. 1369. at the salt of tbe said aad against the estate of Qie said Mat ttla« Snyder toe the sam of eievca aad four dodars aad fif j cents, directed to the Sheriff of Cook County, which said writ has beea re tamed executed. Now; therefore, unless yon. the said Matthias Border shall penoaaiiy be aad appear before the saldcooA County Circuit Court on or before first the daj of the Bex* tern thereot, to be hcldeaat tae .curt House tn ;e dtv of Chicago on the second Mocdw of April. A. D. 1869, (dre special baD. aad plead to i plalauff's action, mdgment will be entered nralcst and In favor of tbe aid Jacob Han la. szkl so Bach 01 to*, pro perty sttacfaftd as may be wflldnt to misty the said £ G, A«at, Ptff*aAtt*r. mb74v<W Fronj Practical Sawyers. »« ( Tbe undersigned are practical Sawyers, and hsving used sal seea tn a e other ktmts of Clrra'sr Saw M lis, Jas we prefer those of 3L Fcr y. Jr's Patent shove aQ Wi others. e. Wecancutmorelumherwith th>*ai la same time Bri than with any of the ether kinds heretofore In use. for W these re u-rns: The care of i-u* one belt It Ferry's Fv Machines takes the tlace ia nralre tnpii- Ch eated machinery aad a greater rumber or te ts aa In all C other machines *e have seen taklcgup more nr le stlme every day la "tinkering." The Aroor 1> 0 Cast rtteel, T ardallthework connected therewith Is finished la soch are a manner that we are rot Uoabed with Journals that flu beat to the daauwre of the Saw and dctent'oa of ito MiU. . All tbe work is st/oar, tlople, aad convenent eaa { altertberaageoftheS-w Inatart'y * dwlih >atstopi<lcg { the ti Ut, for different qualities of tlxber, or as differeot : Saws may aeed without - eating or havlag aoy ten leocy f to h # at the Arb* ror tbe Saw. The convenience cf the I "dogs" ior to t'ing "cant*" oa these MlUs *s very great. I The "docs" bold a cant firmly. • vta la tr.-sty tinber. aid , the peculiar "bead dog'does away w;th tbe u»e of a ( -gill bar." Th* experieace of all mill owners aad i Sawyers Is thatt e 'mill bar" istbe -ause o< wore ae- | ddeatetbaa anything e;»e. Th« ad'lty 0' fitting the ■ carriage for receivlag and cuitlzg d.Cerent length L&ats 1 Is unequalled. I nt near no complaints of Ir-egalar thickness lo tbs lumber from Ferry's Mi is We take pleasure thrrefore, i la recommeadlLg t e*e Mills as the UANDIEdT aid 1 BESv we have ever seen. -i Thomas Merrill, Jo-. I>. Stehbins, Ellas TiiTsnt, Nicolas Lawless, li*nryß-ast<d. Jihn Tsrrert AJ O. b. BramhJr. GlibertThoapsoa Samuel Kimball, Merett C. Meneager. ] From Lumber Inspectors, s We. the undersigned. lumber Inipectors of the city of j* ll Cbtcgo. brtng frequently erap'oyed ta the latpectioa of 9 r lumber maaa-ictured *rom VVlllljm M. Fe-ry. Jr.'s Pa* teatSi'linz Mi la would hereby testify to the accuracy u> ' and perfect mstufscture of tue lumner sawed by said mills. n» Want 0' nolfo*mlty of thickness ts a prevailing com- A. p.slot sating purcnasers of lumber, and ihe aatijiactioa which, in this particular, Inevitably folio's the sa.e ol lumber cot from said mills is the surest Indication that a degree ot perfectloo bas beea attained In the'r consirac- Won and operation that place unequalled by auv f.® other mill >nawa to as. Tb» work from tnea ts the best I* recomraeadatisn toey need for perfect, nractlcal and sao- ai cestui machines. & - We take p easart In commending Ferry's Improved M Mil s to general use. ** Chicago, December 30,1358. Grand Haven; Mlchlgia. ( ,r Chrutoober Juhasua, Geocg- O. Harvey, k« I) w. Hlgbie. Jorn W. Hopktns. DC Prankl a Kmer-, FrtanL ai R. U. boodwllUe. llenry Brower. O. H. Horton. From Dealers. ,s We. tbe undersigneH. Lamber Dealers la the city of Chicago. ha*lni handled aad sold more or less lumber mi-afictured fr m Wi! latn M Ferry. Jr.'s Pa-entSiding Mills, ta'<e pleasure li hrreby certifying that turnber «nufactnrt>d from said Ferry's Improved Mills is of *! fjnnthickners. smooth and accurately sawed, and m this ie»p-ct pre'er«bl* to lumb-r manufactured by any 1 other self'Settlcg mill with which we are acquainted. Th- importance of having evenly sawed lumber for a sue- . cessfa t ade ts so <s entlal anl so generailv known that O ' comment In this rega:d is uaaecessary The best and most redablerecommendation we eao offer for said mills 1 • the uniformity of satisfaction which Ijmber maauf*c tared therefrom 10 our numerous customers. We • therefore Bihest'atlngly cotsmen I Ferry's SliLs to grne rai aseaathe m<)»t perfe'tself-aetllng macniae known to ! (JTATfi Of ILU.NOIS, COOK CuC.NTY. O 68.—Cook County Court of Cotamoa Pleas. April Tsrm. A. D. IS6-3. William J. Beck aad John Beck, vs. John Brougham. Public couce Is hereby given to the said John ?roa#h am that a writ of attachmeot Usued out of the 01; ce of the Clerk of the Cook County Court o- Common Pleas, dated tne nlnetenthday of Frbraary. A. D. lac*, st the suit o( the aid J as. Beck Wm J. B ck and J >hn Beck ana .against the estate of the said John Bmu*bam lor the sum of three hundred aad tweaty-five dinars, and sixty-eight cents d'jrected to ths Sheriff ol OookOoanty. which said wnt bas been returned executed. Now. therefore, unless you. tbe said John Brooxhsm shall personally be aud appear before the said Cook County Corn tof Gcmmoa rleaa. on or before theOrst day of thenext term thereof, to be holdets at the Oourt House la the cltv of Chicago, oa the fi->t Monday of April A. D. L&>. give special bail, aad plead to the said plaintiff's actiou. ruogmeat will be entere<l ■rr ,Inrt you aad la favor of tbe said Jaaies wllllam J. Beck aad Joha Beck aad so much of tbe property attached as may b* salßcleat to satisfy the said jadgmeat and costs, will be sold to satisfy th* same. WALTER KIMBALL. Clerk. Cornell. Waltek Jameson. PU'fft Att'yp. c3S5 4w STATE OF ILLINOIS, COOIC COUNTY, S. 8 —Cook Couaty Circuit Court, February Tei m, A. D. 1«». Augustus Beck aad Charles Wlrth vs. Celaxlch Nau- Pabtie Notice Is hereby gives to the said Uelnrich Naaoaan that awrit or Attachment Issued out of the office of the Clerk of the Cook Oooaty Circuit Court, d«ted tbe foorteecth day of February A. D. Ind!#. at tbe salt of the said Augustus Beck an i Cltarles Wirth and tbe estate of tbe said Helaricb Naumano, for the sam of Two Hundred and Eighty One Dollars and Seveaty-Moe Cents, directed to the Sheriff of Cook County, which said writ has been returaed executed. Now. therefore, unless you. the said neiarich nsa maaa shall personally be aad appear before the said Oook Couaty Circuit Oourt. oa or before the first day of the aeA term thereof to be boidea at tbe Court House, la the dty of Chicago, oa the first Monday of March. A. D. lAK. give special ball, and plead to tbe cald plaintiff's action, Judgment will be entered against you. and la favor of tae ssiid Augustus Beck aad Charles wlrth. aad so much of the property attached as may be sufficient to to satisfy tbe said judgment aad costs, will be told to satisfy the same. _ WM.L CUURO". Clerk. Norman Q. Perkins. Pit'its Att'y. felMwcata OPRTJSTEE'S SALE.—WHEREAS. JOHN I. George Saaermana and Catharln*. his wife, of th* city of Cnlcagu. county 0' Co- 1 a. and Slate cf Illinois, did oa the first day of jept mier. A. D. ISSB. execitr a certain Deed of T.usU coa'e.lng to me la ira»l the fol lowtnr premises to semre toe payment of a certain Promlseoiy Not» male by Joha George ttaaar* 1 re ana aad pajabie t» Albert Ol Oertel or order, klx monuisaibertnedaie thcecf. lor tbe principal sam of Two Tooasand aod Two Hundred Dollars (fl'JA 1 ! with [ inleresl tnereoa at tea per eer.t prr annum alter due for ! money wa!ch said detd Is recorded 10 the Of ! flee of tie Reorrder o< Cook Ooanty llllno s la Book lli of Deeds, oa made la .he paymvt oftiidnrte. ai-d app'lcailon bas b<ea m»de to me by the Ugal bolder u»-ell the said prembestadtr toe said deed of tiui», for the pur po«estbereia espreaed. I N<w, therefore, pubi'c notice s hereby « sen. that I shtll seil at pusllo auction, at tae North Djor of the [ vonrt House, la the ctiy of Chicago. Oeanty of Cook. ' aal Stala-1 Liltoii, L> tae h-'gheat bidder for cash, at t-aCIU) o'clock la tuefo rtonaon Saturday, tbe teeaib day r>f March. A. D. I£9. tbe premises described 1a aa.d dceJ of tr&st as fo-'lowa, to wit Lot el«Ueen (id) inßlock slxty-«lv (i--), in the Illinois sod Michl<sa 0«nal Tra.-tee's Saodivlsioa of toe we t part of the so-thweat . -auartero'decile nm* (®) in Tewnsblo tlirty aiae (39). [ aortn of Rui4efourteen (14 . eastof the tTlndpai Moldiaa.w.g-therw.tha lihe improvements and ittlid logs s tuatea thereon, and witi ail and sligniar tne privl leges and apport:nances thereunto telooglnr. aad all r the right, tiuc,cnneOtaaa<qa'ty of redemption of sail t Jobaueonr)daaermanna M d tas wl-e, their heirs cr ssdgai. . ...... This sa'e to oe maJe for th) purposes ia said deed of trasw alortsaid. HORACE G. CHASE. Trastee. Chlcag\ March sth. IfjU. tahT-S»-r331 STATE OF ILLINOIS-COUNTY OF Cock ss.—Circuit Court of Cook County. March MaryA.StoweD vs. James 3. Haven. Samuel R. Haven. George W.J hn«on. kilea M. Johasoa. uara Stowell. Edward SwwelL Adaiiae Btoweb. aad Frederick B. StowelL—la Chancery. _ . , Affidavit of tbe aoa-resideaee of George W. Joha'oa, EHea M. Johnson. Cara StowelU adwart S oweli. Ada liae Stowell. aad Frederick R. Stowell. defeedaats above named, having beea tiled tn the office of tne Clerk of said Circuit Court ot Cook Coonty. notice 1« herebygiven to the siid George W. Johnson, Ellen M. Johasoa. Clara Stow l ell. Edward Stowell. Adallne Stowell and Frederick B. Stowell that said complainant filed her bblof complaiat la said woart, 00 tAe Chancery side thereof on the tweu ty-fourth dsy of February, u&t. and th-t a summons thereupon issued out ac saud Court agaiast said defead an's. retaraaMe oa first Moaday of March' aeit, 11859.) as Is by law required. _ f%ow. uaiess yea. tbe said George W. Johasoa. EHea W. Johrsoa. Clara ctowcll. Elward stowell. Adallae etowell aad Frederick h Mowed sbali personally be and appear be-ore said clrcait Coat of Cook county on the first day of the next term to beholden at Chicago, in said couaty. oa the first Xoaday of March. 13591 aad plead, an swer or demur to the said comptalaaata' bi'l of comolalat the saoe and the matters aad tht-- gs theiela charged and •tated will be taken as confessed, aad s decree entered azaiastyoa according to k.e pr«yt* of ssld bill WM. L. CHURCH. Clerk. p. g. grxßsraca. Comp'ts SoPr. frOS-c3O»-4w. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY, 83- Cook Couaty Circuit Co art, April Term. A. D* 1559 Frkßcls P. Corby and Benjam'a F. Gosala vs. the Do buiue Vt eswa SaUtoad Compaoy- Pabhonotlce Is hereby slveato vhe said Tbe Dubuque Western Kallr«ad Co»p»ay t <at a writ of sttschmeat Is saedootof the ofSce of ibe Clerk of Cook Ooanty Circuit O 'art, dated the Slstaay of Oeecmbcr. A. D. UM, at the salt ft the said Francis P. Corby and Beojamla F. Go- aa against the estate ef tbe ssld Tbe Dasaqae *ail oad Com. acy. for the sum of five thousand five hundred d jl - a directed to tbe of Oook Couaty, which said wnt has beea returned executed. Now therefore. uuleM you. the said The Dabuqae Itestem ksllroad Comsa y »bail persooahv be aad aa- Sear tefore tne said Cook County Circuit court on or be arethefirstdsy of tbe next tea thereot to beholden at the Conn House la tne dtv cf Chicago, oa the second Monday of April, A. D. 1859, st*e speelMbafl aod plea 4 to the s«ld plaintiff's scion, jadgmeat will be entered agalast yon aad lo fisvor of tne raid Francis P. Corby aad aeo.smia 9. bossla madssmncbof tnepreprftjatiacb edssmaybesaffict*ntte saasTy the said judgment and eogts will be s.ld to satisfy tbe same. W<• L. CHURCH. Clerk.v I Cornell. Walt A Jameson, gig's Att'y. mhs c37a 4wj STATE OF ILLINOIS—COOK COUTNY, of Common plea*-- 1 ef the South ern dank of Indiana, ts. Eber & Attsclim»nt, ptt&lin Notice is bcrwy gives to tbe said R-er B. Ward that a writ of Attafhrarct l«aed oat of the office of the Clerk of the Oook Covnty Oosrt of OoßSoa Pleas, dated • the twenty-third day of February, a. o. UR at tbe salt ot the ssld Joseph u. WU aias, aad aealnst th>> estate of the said Eber B. Ward tor to* sam o( Twenty-Two Haa dred aad Twenty-Two and 15-IU) DolUta. dfrected to tae Sheriff «f Oook County, which said writ has beea re tamed sxecated. Now. therefore, ualers ysa. the said Eber B. W«rd. Shall penoaaiiy fee aad aopear before t>te tald Oook Oooaty coortof Coatann Pteaa. on or before the tr>t day or tbe next Term thereot to be hoJdea at tha Court House. In the cUv of Lhlc-grx oa the first Moaday if April, A. D. 1830. tivesxdal ball. a»d p>ead to t4o said plaintiff's action, lodgment win b- entered agalast yoo, aad la tavcrof tae said Joerph H. WllJam*, aad so mach lof the property a>taebed mm be to MtL*y the said judgment aad eoa<- wQ; besoUt to satisfy the nsa*. - WA&DI KXJftBALL, Ckrk. A Kowna PUtV Aii^ m Cant* IS to 23 leet Ua*. ss and the best adapted to the va:iU of the lumber trade. c 0, Hear* M Co, millaM 4 ilorton, Galen Eastman. 1 V. Dickry, Joseph WHde k eon, Throe® * learned. 1 WU»x*Lyon. Uowar i* h rton. N luMn*tcoAOa. K. 4J. Rimer. LonmU± Lail'ngton. J M. ©alien* Bro., Brwlfy A Kro, Henry Holland £ Co., 0. tlreviier. J. W. Dunn. 8. A. Ills - *. 11. Woodworth * Co.. Parsons £ Pviln, Stouffer * M»ad. llaanah. Lay k Co., John CUncr£Co.. Ottawa. 111. Culcaso, Dtc. Aitb. ISM, We bea. also, to refer to th i foUowfn* reQtlemen, who • are writ acquaint*! with all the wucklntca. pro flu and benefits of my Mills: Hon. Wm. T. Powen. Grind Rapids. M'ch. Hon. Wilder D. Poster, do. do. lion. Georse Mania, tlo. da. lion. U M. UcCn;. d*. do. Lucius Paiteraoa. Esq., <*o. do. Henry Man'n. bq, do. do. fUreU Wood. bq„ do. do. Hon. Jas. V. Campbell. Detroit, Mich. C. 4. Walker, Kkj., do. do. Hon. P. J. L tiltjonn. Alleaan. Mich, ktoa. U. D. P it, Holland. M eh. lion. Henry Penoycr. Urand Haven, Mich. Hon. T. W. yerry, «jo. do. L. G. Mason, ksq.. Maskeion, Mich. Rob». Honlj. Esq., do. do N. IL Perry, Esq.. White ttlrer, Mleh. . John Van Annan, Kiq„ Cbicaso. 111. Waiter I'Bll. K q., do, do. ft AJfD HUNDREDS MORS IT NECESSARY In ordertnc a machine, U!« i»eee«sar» to know whether, you want a L<Jt ?uiml or a RiQhl \*ind machine, as the carriages ares»cous>ructcd as to uU«t from the saw In rnonloe Back. to prevent heat!n* t-»s«worscratchir« ,f the Lomber. and r»rtbe reison that in some m-iisit Is ,f desirable to hav» the circular mill In a given poiUlon rw- loUvely to the los way or to the uprUhv saw am others y the reverse- »s convenience require* We must know j what A<«ntl nv»l Is wanUd as U/t offset hoxe* cannot M used ra a right fuiiut, or r\Qht on a Ujl A<m<i fill, i. A sketch of We stwlnu tlojr, the position of lo* n al'de, lumber »l!des aud s-w or nws already in the m.IC ,1 will rire me da ato *emt the kind wanted. or the oae or « derioirthe mill can Jo to himself by iis and attentloo to the f llowng: Stamiing behind the circular V 'aw, faetSKlt, if the curing* guset your rtiht band, .> It Is « r*Kht hand machine; if at j- a- left hind, his a left a. hand machine. Toe mMlwrtimk will readily se« tb*t If ai upwriaht saw Is placed he wren two marh'.nes, of the 41 ,j same Aw mi. torn t< one of I hem the wilt n\ee t> swiDic over the rarriace fro rathe hack part of it, and the other wiU receive raou, as ll ahnuli. from lh» fare tide or side that the »aw»nd s.w fritne are 00. Thetrill«can bo used cith.r way. convenience an<i fariltiy of pattlnt on logs or cants aud rid • f the lumber, 1< Qulie an item la mills dolnx a lance business. The we'gbtof Sldlnz Mill, complete. Is ab0at....2,(00 Lou Ml'ls - Mmm «.AOto4SUJ», I keep °n hand, at all time* ship from my dock to »ny port on the L>k>rs. or to any point Invae United £utra or Cana a, an» if requited, send a man to cu; then up and nlve laiiructlons about e * th«lr ope atioa er Aay forther partlcalan caubo had by address! ox ms of aa loUows: ;; WM. M. FERRY, JR., J PEIiYtSIJURG. OranJ U»»ta Post Offlca. MlcUl«»p. , Or to my General AKeais for the Cnitcd States. $ Tripp, Hale & Co., e? PATENT OFFIOC DEPOT. to ial93m No. 1(H) t.ake street. Chlca*", jVf ORT(i AG K JSALK.—WIIERKAd, L*J jvnes CaartlosQ&m «IM la the month of April A. D. Is». execute ui Willi im o»min a moruwr which *ald Dcruwe wa< Qi-il f.r record tn the Re c-rder's « fficeofOok Countv. In thettate of liiinola, on the ?s*h day of Aiirlt A. D. I*»s. and -Ju'y record*! In laid otfive n Book 4) of en»e LH, which laid oortMie was made to secure it* rumen', of four certain promissory n-*tos In sun raortra«e y«rtietjl»riy d>-*cribtd. «ot one of ssM d te* la«t bavin* fallen duetn tie 9XL day of April A. 1) li> auduc- • fault having bees made in tb«r p*yrr>eft 01 said 20te last malartnc, la which tuld mort.are It ?o:t*lne*'- * HOTlaioa (bit ii defu'l; o«* made in tne payment of said notes oreiibT of th'tn, rU.icr of :rinnp«t op Interest oa (00 day «r dija whereon 'he umo aha 1 become due and payab.e, that tuen and in that c*se s.tld u»m«u or bis anlmt's empowered la ai'dby **lj roortiaae; after publlsilnK a notice la a printed la the city of Chicago twent* rtay* before the day o'aale. to s-ll the la said mortease describe > and all or the eqmtv of rrdemptlonof tbe said J unci Cumins h«tn therein at the Court llouss d.,i>r in tbe of Chkam. to the blah est bidder for c«sh. at tbo ttm* mentioned In said notice, and to mase, eaecu.e an t deliver to the purchaser or purchasers » de-rd or deedj of tne :>remises so so d an t oat of the pr ceed* of »uc»t sale to pay tne costs o' such •ale and ib?pilaclpil*ni mteresi due oa nd notes. Now, tbererore. notice 1* herebv given that I, the un dersigned. («ald morUaxe an-l s*M u-<pal'i note having been atsUned t > me by t ie ital t William Osmaaj la pur samce or ibe aattiorl'y to said osnun la ana by the mortage afore»aiJ, I«hail on Monday, the fourta % da* of Aoril. A. D li&». at 10 o'clock In the lore noon of swd day at the oonh door of the Court U< use. in tne city of UMcwo. in tbe Oountr of Cook, and Maleof Illinois. prtmiat* In sad mortaatfe described, to w.t:—That part and parcel of L.t«ne <l\ In Bloc* flfty-'our <M), In the <./rf«'nal Town of Chicago. Coocty of Cook and Stai* of ll.lnnis. branded as follows: bed- nlox on tbe eastllLeor said lot thirty (30) feet aorta of the southeast enrnr. and 'unom* th-nee nor herly al:a* the west line of wellsstrcettwrnty feet, thence westerly on a'lne pars- Mi with wadrnrton street io the west ilneo said lob be. ins about eUbty (-0) feet there? southerly aloes Urn west Una of said lot on<* <1) twentv vJU) leet, tiience ea»ve*l« oa a Una eUhsyfee*. tothepUc« of be«innioir. J*Vh« m/.UVtMON^. mt9-td-c220 Asilsoee of said MoiWa«e. rpUUSTEE'S SALK.—PUBLIC NOTICE IS X It hereby *l*es. th-a L UC. Pa'i* Freer. Trusteela a crta n U--td of rtu»t fsecot-«i by ?riflcls W. white, oa tbe yth day of July. A D. lii.\ wtli. by reason of de> fsulton the put of aild Wultei> the oayrocit of h!s<*er. tain promissory note aceoruleK to tne iwr and elTirt trereofsoedfltd lnstl 1 Deed > f Tras . on theapnilcstlon of the le*al bolder of sal't nolo »nd In porsuaoce of the powers Id said Deed 0' Trust conttlue I. sell at Puhllo Aoctloo. t<* the hUhest bddcr f r eaih. on the sis* leenth day of March. A. l>. ai vn o'cloek \t> thi» forenoon of said day. at tne north door of tbe Comt House In the c-ty of whlo k*J. In th** c maty nf Cook, all the real i estate coo*«**e<t to me oy said deed of trust, to wit; the east thirty (30> f*etof'ot Nj. six u>). in block twenty.-one (21', la the fchool Bectl .n tdJtlka to Chicago, situate la the city of Chicago, county of Cook. State ol XlLoLi, with i appurtenances UitMobelon.lo*. ! L a PALNK 7RXBR. Trasiee. Chlcaco. Febnurr St, laj9. maJ-td.ciiL Mortgage sale. —cri?ault« been made In the performance of tbe eon. dtU'jui of » certain mdeatnre ot mortcace executed to the onders ined by Geone A. GSbbs ana Anna M. bis wife, and bdward W. Grlfa and Ifrauces hlawlfe, beailoc d"P*tbe 10U» day of Jane. A- l»- IttW. and rv cordrrl In the Recorder s otSce of Cook coaoty. la Hook No. 39 oi *cn«&3es- at pag-s S&4. and tn Hock 12 uf Chattel Mortgages, st pave 443; and payment of th* sev eral irnna of toeney secure - ! oy »a:d mur*ia<ce haTlLx been demsnded. and defaat harin* beeo aude la tho payment aid the same ulil remalniaK due and anpalil; Nottce la t\e<efure bereo/ xiven. that under and in pursuance of tb« power I' talced, I shall ot Haia'day, ins 14th day of nay next, at U o'clock A. M. Nt that «lay. at Uia north door of tne Coon Rouse In the city or Ch*caco, s*U at i üblic veadue, forcaih-the foilowtotf described premises aad-rop rty Qklbx the pnmlnea and ptooecty in and or sud taotv irajn described and conTryed). to *lt: .Hi tne right, tlt'e and Interttt < f the aald Ga irge A. Gibbs »nd Edwa'd W. UrtlQn inandtoioti threeand fi<ur(4) In blockflve (s>. in the orlaina! town <no« chy> of Chlctir, and iilao all tbe Improvement* thereon, the w*rehuu*e, e'evator* end Lea machinery and all other apparatus brlonjjsg to or ln»nywUe*pi>ertalr.l"K to s«ld wareboase an I troo> erty—the lutsrest of said Gibbs and U ltlla la salaloia ooatliUßii of ttw aforesaid and an oneztlied term irraotcd by Jotn !j. Writhl to (Jeonte A. Ulbbs and »lch«el ilernan, by lease of laid lota November Ud. a. 0. 13>U and recordrd la. the Ue cord«r'4 office of Cook couotr, la book 47 of Leeds, nt pace 257. aad the utreemeats and covenanu aUda •□aolementary ther- to * HIRA.M A. TUCKER. Mo»l«a«ee. Ch'cajto, Feb. 2i 185!). . . UoTxa, A Litwia. Attorneys. t-J c 315 ul UTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY, IO 88l—Cook Cooity OreniV Oosrt, April Tens. A. D. 1669. Wli»lam A. Orovf* vs. P'ter PeeJ. • Notice la hereby given to tne «aid Ppter Heed that a writ of attachment is-ued out of the office of the Clerk of tbo Coo* Coonty Cinplt Ootirt. dated the eleveLt t day tf Feoruary. A. D. a- the mlt of the Mid vv n. u»-n a. Braves and acalcst toe estate of the said Peter Heed for the jim cf three hundred «nd flfty-oue dollars mi dx centa, directed to Ui* Sheriff nf Cook County, wntchs«ld writvaab-eareturned exeeated. Now. thirtf-re. OLle«» yoa. the said Pet.-rHeed. shall personally be and «rP«ar before Uie raid Cook Coonty Ctrealt Coort, on or be oretbetirst dayef theneit *erm tbereof, to be holdfast the Couit lioate, la the city of Chlcaao, oathesecondMoad'yof April A. D. 1-B#, rive •nectal h»ji, aad p'ea-t to the sad pl*lnUff s action. Ittdameet will be'eoteredaealnstyoa. and 1 favor of the said wijiiam A. Gro*ea and so tnach of Ibc property »t* tachedaaoaybenl9cieottosai!s(> the >al.i Juaament ■n<> eosu* wtd be sold to sallsfr the same. mSI i.. OUORCH, Clerk. GoonaicH.FuuwmlSmith. PUT»Att*y tnhl4w-c3-»0 ORTGAIIK SALE.—WfIKREAS, " ilat*hew Lynch, did. In tbs mooth oi November, 1(56, execute to BotiL W. Officer, a mcrtcsce, which •aid mortjcace was filed for record tn the Recorder's Of. flee of Oook Coonty, Blale of llllnola on the lstb day of November. lesd,and "uly n carded tn said offie* In 80-.kaßof i!on*a<««. Pate 12* which sOdmcrua** *u Blade to secoie tbe payneot of two Promissory Note* tn said mortcave paiUcuUrly described, theoce of said notes last m«tuilns havlnxfal ea doe oa ti a flftn day of Novemoer. 1651 and default bavtu been made In the psyment of s*id note last matartnc, m which said morUase la contalsei a provision tbstu defaolt be msde i the p*ymeot of said nctes, or ellher or them. eit> er of prUdtaior Interest, on the div or days whereon the •aDesialtoeeomedae and payabe, that then and In that ease saU ttobW W. Offlctr or hla asaUa<s Is em powered In aad by tald nu rt*a««» after pubtl«hina a no* tice In anewspaper pilnttd la tbe dty ut chlcaito. Ook Couoty. State of ten days before the da» or sale, to sell tbe oremlaos In stldmortaace drsortbej, and all ■ of the eflaltr of redempUoaef tbe sa-'d Matthew cynch therein at tbe Coort Boose door. Id tbe dty of (.hlouo, Oook Co- and of Illinois, to tbe richest bidder for e»sb. st tbe time treat onec tn said uoUo>«. and to m >ke. execute *rd deliver to tbe parcba*er or porchaaers a Peed or Deeds of the prem se- so sold and oat or ibe prxeeds of sach stle to pay the costs ol suca and the principal and interest aa# on "Un^es. Nov. there or».a. tools heresy thai I. the on. dersLned. (aald tn r«a*e sn;l bavin* been as signed to me by the said B. W Ofllojri lojptnuancs ot tb » authority tiveo to stid R. v « , JS , mortCfce a oreiali shall m TnuBBDAT, jbe Jtw dayof March. A.D. Wa, at 10 co.cck in the forenoon efnlddav «t the north door of toe CaitUou»e in thedtr o^Chicwo, 1' Cook Coaptv, State of lUlnolt sell to tbe hiatest bidder tor cash the pr*mWs la uU wr we dwcrlbed. Ij.lna la the chy of Chtca«% Ccok CoontyTwat of UiinoUeelnaatlor thesastaiu'feetof lots numbers fburteeo sod flftseo. h» Kock f twenfy ataht, School Section AddiUoa ujChicaeo, beloc fifty ■ feet troot oa Yan Korea stint by one hundred feet d< eo nwreor less on Jefferson street, beta* tbs northweat comer of Via Bun v^J«<fer^i |> .t g y.^ 1 , 1T aUI-tfota lai0MO( ■OAMoxtm*.