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CHICAGO TRIBUNE. Daily, Tri-Wcckly and \7ookly. EDITORS ASDTBOPnTETORS; JOHK L. SCIUPDi, t’jIARLE- 11. It XT WiLuxat Dno*s .lot-edi Mkciix, Alfred Cowleb. OFFICE no* 51 CIi.VHK. STREET. ttHMi or the (adcAco Timu'vz Dally, delivered in city by earner, ]>cr year.. .ss.oo Dally, delivered la cltV by carrier. per week.. I*> Dally, to Mall Subscriber*, per year T.W Dallv. to Mall Subscriber*, per *lx months.... 4.(0 Tri-Weekly.per veta....... «.iv " oekly, tingle subscribers i.fto 3 copies 4.00 “ 6 copies 0.00 - • io copies.,.: . m.oo • •'* aocoples.nod ouc to getter up of dub.oo.oo Money Id registered letters may be «mt us at our risk. Aildre.. "CHICAGO TRIBUNE." Cblou-o. HI. Chicago STriimie, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25/1800. .AN EXPLANATION. Our readers will observe that the issue of this morning appears under the name of the Chicago Tribune, instead of the Press and Tribune as heretofore. The use of a double name in a newspaper is inconven ient in many respects; and in dropping one of those by which this journal, has been known since -July, 1958, we are merely car rying out a purpose entertained from the date of the consolidation of the Democrat ic Press and the Tribune. We thought it best to employ both until the country was thoroughly advertised of the union of the two journals, and to prevent any literary poacher from appropriating either of them al our expense. All the good that waa to be obtained by the use of both names, appears 16 have been secured, and, as one or the other is to be omitted, wo have continued that one having the earliest origin—the Tribune. This uamo was first applied to a newspa per here in Chicago. Mr. Ryan, now of Milwaukee, established a journal of that name, in this city, about the year 1888; and it seems peculiarly appropriate that the use of the name should be perpetuated in the place oflla origin. The Chicago Tribune, of which tills journal is the outgrowth, was founded in June, 1847. One of the present proprietors became connected with it in ISIS; and, with the exception of a few weeks in 1852, when, with another of the present proprietors, he established the Democratic Press, he has been con tin a <»nr>ly connected with one branch or the odicr of the now consolidated journal up to the present lime. There is an additional fitness, therefore, on this account, for con tinuing the name under which this journal will henceforth he known. For the rest, it is only necessary to say that the change of name works no change in proprietors or editors. The Tribcse will be precisely what the Riiess and Tri bute has been, except in so fiir’as greater experience end our constantly augmenting facilities may enable us from lime to time to institute improvements. Changed in nothing but in the omission of a part of its name, it will continue to be a live newspa per, fully up with the requirements of the city and country' with which it is identified, u sleepless guardian of constitutional free dom, the zealous advocate of whatever is founded in truth, justice and humanity, and the upholder of whatever will contri bute to the renown and true glory of oar country. CO.TWnjXCPVC £ABL¥. The leaders of the Democracy have abandoned all idea of carrying the Suite; but they still cling to the hope of securing the Legislature through the colonizing of voters in the close districts, and the thous and one kinds of frauds in which they have become adepts through long and faithful practice. We have just heard of an at tempt of the latter diameter in McLean county, the exposure of which may serve to put Republicans upon their guard else where. They have had printed a ticket, which in every particular is a facsimile of the regular Republican ticket, except that the name of the Republican candidate for the Legislature is omitted. The object is to get these tickets out on the morning of the election, place them in Republican hands with the hope that they will he used without close inspection. Let our friends not only in McLean, but in even* oilier county in the State, be on the alert against frauds of this character. The proper com mittees should see to the distribution of tickets In good season, and on the day of election active men should everywhere ex ercise a close inspection of all the tickets that mav be offered. BATTLE OF THE VOLTUKVO. By the -arrival of the steamer, City of IVa*Jitngijn,'we have intelligence of a great h.itUe foughl un the Ist itisL on the hanks of the Voltumo, near Capua, between the Neapolitan troops and the forces of Gari baldi, in which the latter wore victorious viler eight honra hard fighting. The for mer, 30,000 strong, fought under the imme diate eye of the King; the latter were led on by Garibaldi in person, who with revol ver m hand, is said to have performed pro digies of valor. The loss of the royal troops Is set down at 3,000 killed and wounded, and 5,000 prisoners—that of the Garfbaldians at 2.000. In connection with the account of the fight we have rumors of the bombardment and surrender of Capua, aud that three of the Great Powers of Ku rope had protested against the entry of Sar dinian troops into Neapolitan territory. Tlxc Quadroon* The Chicago T. & IT. Is laboring under a bad attack of “Quadroon.’* It don’t like the play of tliat name lately jterformed at MeVickcr’s. It calls it a “ degrading Negro-mania,” a ‘Talsc fcUbsenricney to the madman of the hour.” It dwgdjj&bgreta tluit MeVieker, who is one of thclqm&S In the Democratic Sanhedrim, kUouußSow lii« interest to over-ride his De mocracy. It charges that thcQoadroon drama “is an effort to destroy the Constitution of the United States,” aud complains that “ the Qua droon mania is driven lute* , its brains like a wedge, maddening its mawkish sentiment aud crushing out its common sense.” If this be true, MeVSeker should disregard his interests for the ssko of the terribly afflict, cd editor of the Time* & Herald, whoso suffer ings arc greater thau lie can bear. IVc are vesy much surprised that the play of the Quadroon should distress him. In the State * he hails from the production of Quadroons and \ Mulattoes is os common a kind of business as raising mules. There are to-day in Virginia not far from one hundred thousand of those mixed breeds—the offspring of Democratic fathers and black mothers. Amalgamation is a most nourishing hardness in the Old Domin ion, and, in fact, in all the Slave States. The T.&IL reproves McVicker for present ing to the public the Quadroon play, but U has no word of reproach or rcprnoffbr thc'authoni of Quadroons. The actors iu real life escape its jrc, while mimlcpcrformers suffer its blows. Is not this straining at a gnat «nd swallowing a camel ? New Dress. The TamuxE is presented la ita patrons,. this morning Jo a new dress. The style of ty pography cannot fall to please the eye of tbc reader. This dress Is from the Chicago Type Foundry, No. HO Washington street. The c haracter of the work: of that; csUbllsUmeot shows for Itself. Thl-> is the second outfit we have purchased firumtlic* Chicago Foun dry—the one just laid aside being from the same concern. Our own confidence Jn tbc ex cellency of tiic type manufactured by that es tablishment is shown by ita continuous em ployment on ourcolumus, which is perhaps the beat recommendation to the craft that we am give. The reader will perceive, by comparing the bid with the new dress, that the latter l« a larger freed type than the former; the adver tisement* Abow plainer and stand out more dlstlnctto the eye; the general: reading mat ter is presented on a bolder style of type;, the commercial department is presented on a longer style of type than before—Nonpareil having replaced Agate, _ which is an improve* meat commercial men will ho£ fail to approve. The general appearance of the Tbjuuke we trust will be acceptable to Its readers, SeUuyler Colfax's Appointments. Hon. Schuyler Colfax of Indiana, will speak at the following places: ' Alton Friday, October Sfi. Lebanon, St. dale Co Saturday. ** XT. VOLUME XIV, THE JVAGOS BOY IN CHICAGO: Hon. Tom. Conrlu a( .Oie IVigtram East Night. THE ■ ESCORT BY WIDE AMfAIES. Last evening was made memorable in the annals of the present campaign in this city by the speech of lion Thomas Corwinat the Wig wam, last evening. The simple announcement was sufficient to secure for the great structure an audience test ing Us fullest capacity. The Wide Awakes and Lincoln Rangers, under acting Chief Marshal John A Bross, were out In full force* and with the finest display, a$ & whole*, tiicy iidvc yet made. They were eight companies strong, and the torchlight procession extended four blocks, interspersed by fine bands, and pre senting u most brilliant spectacle. The procession formed on Washington ftreet, and tlienco marched to the Treraont House whence/ll ‘escorted the distinguished speaker of the evening to the Wigwam, which was reached about eight o’clock. And here we regret we must give place to the comment deserved by those their ladles who forced themselves upon the platform, In the lace of a pledge and promise on every side, unanimously accorded to the Wide Awakes and Rangers. These, orgAulzitibus have, throughout the campaign thus far, performed a most brilliant mid efficient part in the labor. It has been done at their own cxirenSfi, at a bdcrilicc of time and labor. On every' previous occasion of a rush nt the Wigwam, they have volunta rily detailed themselves for escort duty, aud each time reached'the Wigwam—bite, *of course—-to liud every available place for seeing and Insuring taken, aud themselves actual!}’ crowded out. It was nndeirtood that the plat form was to be exclusively reserved for them last eveimig/ This promise did much to call them out lu full ranks last night. EjThey reached the Wigwam to find nearly all the eeata on the platform taken by thoic who would not vacatothe same. - Wo are glad to bay that there were but few ladles In this num ber, and trust these W ere not acquainted with the facts. We are almost tempted to add that there were very few gentlemen In those seats last night, .while we are fully convinced that many were there "whose conduct can only be characterized by the plain, simple old term of hoggish. Simply and plainly there was no one, asidCv from tin* regular officers of the eveuiug, who should have intruded themselves upon that platform last evening, and any who claimed it from assumption based on their connection with the history of the structure acted unworthily and meanly in robbing the Wide Awakes of a well earned and slight tri bute to their usefulness and spirit. The iutcrun before thcarrival of the speaker of the evening was filled with brief aud able addresses, tiy H. Sleclp mid Sanford B. Perry, Esq., of the Chicago bar. Win. H. Brown, Esq., being elected Prcsl .deut of the meeting, introduced Hon. Thomas •Corwin to the assembly as “an old and tried soldier lu a good cause*’* We can make but a condensed abstract of Mr. Corwin’s address. lie said: “I would be very happy to borrow a stalwart voice, for my own has been rendered so nntlrzn by constant'labor, that I feel It will be imiMwsibielo make tilyeelf heard by all of this large audience. Though not hi the habit of apologizing for appearance, all can appre ciate (be condition of one who has been speak ing thirty-six hour* out of the twenty-four for three months. Laboring undcS* lassitude and fatigue, lain hardly able to keep my voice alive. : Man has been described as “of large dis course, looking before and after.” lu my ex perience anioiigyomtgmcc,! have remarked as a noticeable :md juilnlul fact their almost en tire ignorance of (he iw*-t history of their country. Events of Importance succeed each other so rapidly that it Las become with them a habit to look forward rather than (o cost any retrospective glance to the causes which have preceded; and history, teacher for those exploring its debtbs, “ philosophy teach ing by example,” is scarcely now regarded as adorning any guide for the future. The world dates track but six thousand years. In every century men have lived to the ripe age of one hundred years. Could we but re-animate those skeletons and lay their bony hands to- ? ether, sixty would sufircc to link us to Adam, f we hud the power of re-habilitating the llesh and blood and power of speech, how many whose lives have been before us, would these contradict ? In the brief space afibrded by the active period ofiny Hie, I have often had occa sion lu recall my experiences, and to astonish younger men with such revelations as It was afibrded to me to make. Thu limes require that no trivial labor should be devoted to the investigation and un derstanding of the fundamental axioms of our political principles. Three tickets are sub mitted to the people which admit of discus sion, and one ticket which admits of no dis cussion whatever. If jim arc tu vote one of these three should he done alter a couMderalion of the principles underlying them. The Bell and Everett ticket requires no dis cussion, for its supporters advance nothing to dheoss. They arc in favor of the Constitution of the United Slate*, and so arc all of us. They arc fur the wholo Union, aud so is everybody else; for even the flrcoatcre have postponed its dissolution till alter Hie nest Presiden tial election. There arc three other tickets asking your attention aud solieting your votes. There is the Breckinridge party, whose principles, re lieved from involution or paraphrase, may bo stated thus:. ... The negro slave in any of the States of the Union Is property, just, os your hat, or your horse, or your ship is property, and being so has a right to go where 11 is not excluded by State constitution. ’Hus proposition involves two absurdities. If it is pr«i»erty, no State constitution can ex clude. The second fiiUacy is that we are not to consider what might have been made i>roj>- erty, however much that question may inter est philosophers, hut whathasthe Conkitution male property? Now, if the framers of our Constitution hod supposed that they gave to the white man the same power over the slave as over inanimate matter, then no set of men have ever been so bungling lit expressing their meaning, when they made that clause about 41 persons owing service in one State escaping to another.” They would have said that any mail might take his property, wherever ho could hud it, iu any of the States. But they have placed it on the basis of one man owing labor or service to another, os by an indenture of ap prenticeship, existing under the laws of the State. They never Intended to extend it be yond the limit of the Slate where it existed. No indentured apprentice, escaping, could be token from another State, unless recognized by tho law requiring this provision. And if ft were not for the Fugitive Slave hill, no slave could be recovered, and the Fugitive Slave Bill could uotjhavc existed but fur this pro vision oftheConstitution. Tliat Constitution Isitsclfa Fugitive Slave bill, for a slave is in Its meaning a “person owing service.” For those who don’t like it, there is an easy reme dy. to change it in the manner required. They have no confidence in their own doc trine, for when their inanimate properly Is la kento Canada, for instance, the}* reclaim it; but if their slave escapes there, the Southerner meets him, shakes hands, aud answers his in quiry, “How U Massa?” and never dreams of chmxing piracy upon G real Britain. The Lion of England erects his mane, aud the Southern er runs back to bis country and his mamma. But all the powers arc invoked,and all charges brought tqpuust,us, if the escaping slave runs through our States so fast we cannot catch him. Another ticket Is presented asserting a prin ciple of great reaching hack to the ewiv history of onreoimt/y. it is that no one Ims any power to make laws for the Territories but the iu.*oplc,«f the Territory themselves. This is the “great principle” of Mr.Douglas. Poets may ting, .politicians write essays, phi losophers dream, aud agitators agitate for the purpose of reaching the much coveted Pred deuev. but the jicople must Settle these ques-- tionsfor tbemsdvesby tiicir votes. •: r The, term, Demagogue, originally meant a teacher oT the i*uoj'le, and was one of'respect; lltiow Is applied to a despised character; one Who, Tor JK-Tponal ends goes about “ humbug ging‘the people,” Tlmv never rest. They must agitate. They mn-t. differ: with some body, or the people might just as well vote for that somebody asfonthem. . - • Taking up tho question. Has Congress the right to make laws for tbc Territories, Hr. Corwin reviewed the history of our country. Allowing that the power existed under the old law .of the Confederation, having been exer cised in reference to tbc Northwestern Terri torv. Congress had rosifilrmcd this doctrine bv successive legislation in 1784, in 1787, in litlS. In 1801, and in XBUO, the question being investigated by James Madison, Thomas; Jef ferson, John Ilandolph, John Man-ball, James Mmirooi *Andrew. *Jack*oo, John Quinur %darts. Wm: Henry Crawford, John C.Cai jioun and William. Wirt, all of whom gave their adherence to Jhio. doctrine. It was re served for this ago lo produce the doctrine of inalleuablo rigbui m the Territories, of negro slavery being “a divine poem,” and of John Breckinridge and Stephen A. Douglas. We regret that we arc precluded by want of space from giving any abstract of the bulk of tills address, showing the history of previous legislation; tbc meaning which the framers of the Constitution, snd tbo cotemporariea and successors gave, toy their words and acts, to the plain. Saxon phrases of the .Constitution, The speaker closed with an eloquent, glowing ajHistropUato thc cariy Fotiigrs of the liepub- J lie, aaking them the meaning of that Conetilu* uon which they had framed. The beneficial effects of the Homestead bill were referred to, and tbe Southern thunderbolts, “ aimed at the sun,” shown up in their proper character. Our brief report docs injustice to the ele gant. address of the speaker, ns but glancing at points dwelt Upon at length, and listened to throughout the evening by the immense au dience with unabated interest. A Short Speech by Governor Seward. Port Byron, Cayuga county, was the scene of a brilliant Republican demonstration on Thursday last. Governor Seward, who was casually present, made a very short speech. After some local allusions he said: We arc all engaged in building up a great country, that is to pervade a continent, and as we hope, to last forever. Every vote given by ns is so much work done in tHfo great under taking. The difference between lorries has at last come to this—that tbS Republican thinks and studies the effect of his work. The Dem ocrat casts his vote for his party because he has always douc so, and he lias always done so before because his father did so before him. Now, my good Democratic friends, your vote, if wrong, will affect not only your own welfare, but mine, and the welfare of endless gchoraliona hetc and elsewhere, just os my xoto will affect your welfare, and that of the same generations. I submit that If I am obliged to think and give you good reasons for my vote, you are equally bound to think and give me good reasons for yours. 7?<c siiujte and only issue fa the extension, or non-extension of tlarery Ulhniyhoilt (Mi great nation vf my Are, vhteh tee arc all building. On this • point there would be, if we could get at it fairly, notone dissenting vote. If there had never been any Know-Nothing party, nor any Whig party, nor any Democratic party, we should all sec alike, that slavery is wrong lu itself aud dangerous and ruinous to our country, and that, there fore, it ought not to be further extended. [Ap plause:] We should see this for the reason so simply and broadly stated in the Declaration of Inde pendence, namely, that It is sdf-evidenL Meu cannot fall to see whnt is self-evident. If they arc not blinded. Past parties have blinded us; that is all. 1 congratulate you that we are continually more aud more recovering our sight Pennsylvania and Indiana have at last regained their sights [Cheers.] If we needed more evidence it is to be found here. Twenty or more years ago, those good old friends around me, whose hair was black then as yours Is now, but is now turning white as ralue is, used to call mo here to maintain them lu this same controversy. They were overborne, aud I, although not a boisterous mini, was threatened to be committed to jail for my tm) great boldness at the polls in opposition to the popular sentiment. The Swamp Angels, as they were called, would come up in troops from the lowlands, along the canal, and Mentz would roll up a tremendous majority against what was called abolitionism and treason. To-day I came here through the region from which those ancient Democratic voters used to come, and io’ they were crowding the boats with Republican Wide Awakes for this meeting. It is a sure sign when the Swamp Angels of Mentz are changed into Wide Awakes. So the world does move. [Great applause.] “ But I uiusl lie short, for It is time for me to go home. Republicans of Cayuga, you have claimed to be lu advance of this great movc . incut, and 1 have enjoyed a share with yon in this claim. The irrepressible conflict approach es Us triumph. [Loud cheers.] It is to tri umph all alomr the line of our counties and of all the free States. Shall we be outdone bv our converted brethren, I) 3* newly-enlisted allies ? [Cries of‘No, no, no!’J Well, I take your word for it Cayuga will, in proportion to her population, give the largest vote for Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President of the United States.” Front Waalilngtort, [Special Dbpatcb to the N. V. Tribune.] Wafuikgtok, Monday Oct. £2, ISOO. THE OOVEBXVEKT U>Alf. It has been whispered about In Disunion circles tliat the Government loan would nut be taken by capitalists, unless, indeed, the Re publicans should come to the rescue for party purposes. 1 have not taken the plains to learn the names of all the successful bidders, but as they are New York parlies, you can readily determine from the Hat sent by the corres pondent of tbe Associated Press how many of them arc so thoroughly imbued with Republi canism as to be willing to make large pecunia ry sacrifices in Its interests. I observed, how ever, that Mr. Riggs was so anxious to secure some of the loan’for a certainty, that he bid one per cent premium for a round sum. In all, he is in for 93,000.000. Now, as Mr. Riggs is a member of tbe Breckinridge Committee, its Treasurer, by the way, aud us be is on close terms with Gov. Cobb* Is it to be supposed that he would plunge so deeply Into tbe trans action if said Committee and said Gov. Cobb thought or spoke of certain Southern seces sion other than in a Pickwickian sense? Another Interesting question arises In this wise, and that is: How much the premiums have been depredated by the out and out dis union sentiments uttered by tbe official organ of the Government, down to the moment of opening the bids! Since'writing the above, I hear that dispatch es reached thc'Sccretary of the Treasury from New York to-day, stating the willingness of parties to take at par whatever of the loan had not been subscribed fur. The Disunion Hamlins* (Correspondence N. Y. Eve. Post. - ) Washington, oct. 19,1800. The disunion cry has increased here and throughout the South within a few days. It fa intendedfor rfcct in the Xao York Xotrmbrr election. There arc many prominent democrats here who believe that New York will give her vole for the fusion electoral ticket —hence this bluster again, and the renewed siltempts to de feat It is said that more than one Cabinet member is implicated In the proposed treason, and the guilty parties are urged ou by northern members of the Cabinet But it must be remembered that these random threats are intended to prevent Lincoln’s election, and really have no reference to the Slate of things after his election is accomplished. Neither Governor Wise nor Secretary Cobb will stir a step towards disunion after the Novembar election lias taken place. It is more than like ly that Yancey, Kent, «fe Co. will attempt the secession of South Carolina, and Alabama —to be put down at home by the citizens of those States, who are less fanatical and more reason able than those gentlemen. Kcal estate iu Washington Is higher than It ever was before, and I know Instances where professed disunion Democrats hold on to property with the expectation of an increased value! Their disunion is sheer humbug, at any rate. Xu a Stage. Malakoff, the Paris correspondent of the N. Y. Times s.tijh ; There Is no limit to the wrath of the legiti mist and Catholic journals of Paris since "the fall of Ancona. That the pious, the coura geous, the devoted Lomoricierc should be a prisoner iu the bands of the infidel and the ha ted Piedmontese, is the desolation ofaboml inatiou, and they wonder how the world stands, or how nature continues her functions after such an event. M. Janlcot, of the (?<i zctic de France, more furious than the rest,goes to inventing words of opprobrium and’epi thets for his enemies, a method of argument so unusual in the French press Uiat indicates a complete loss of self control in the writer. Among other things which have bubbled up from M. Janleofs wrath, are the words 2i<A Botubardcur, as ap plied tc King Victor Emanuel, a terra which was lusplrcdln the brain of the happy inven tor by tiie operations of the Piedmontese army and navy at Ancona. All Italy, M. Janioot thinks, is going to he given up to daldtnittn and JUiazUiism. As to CialdinUm, the victori ous amis of that General stand in evidence; but as to Mazzhiism, the great propagandist has again gone under. It is honed for the last time, so that M. Janlcot and Italy will be de livered of their mutual bugbear at the same moment Domestic Tragedy in Stephenson Coun ty, 111. [Prom the Freeport Journal. Oct. at.T On Tuesday night of last week, Dr. Bach nun of Uock Grove, was stabbed by one Con rad Baker, it U thought fatally, under the fol lowing circumstances. Baker had been work ing ilu‘. farm belonging to ‘Widow Spangler, and was living, it seems, upon terms or im proper intimacy with the widow. Ho had for some time had suspicions and Jealousies of a certain neighbor, who paid, he thought, too ranch attention to the widow. On Tuesday night last, Baker, who slept up stairs, heard some one down stairs with the widow, and supposing it to be tbc person alluded to, rushed down, and finding a man with her in a I*ositlon which admitted of no explanation, at once commenced an attack. The person at tacked, who proved to be Dr. Bachman, de fended himself with a chair, but Baker stabbed him in several places, one of the stabs sever ing one of his kidneys. TbU, It is thought, must prove fatal. Baker was arrested and lodged in Jail, and on Thursday night, tore up one of the sheets tf> )il n bed, and hung himself from tbc grat ings aver his cell door. lie was found dead by Sheriff Taggart'ln th C morning, and an in quest which vras, held, resulted in a verdict In accordance with tbc facts. Am-ts,—’There is scarcely anarticle of veg etable food moro videly.uscful and more uni versally loved than tho apple. Why every farmer In the nation has not-an apple orchard where the trees will grow at all, is one of the mysteries. Let every family lay In from two to ten or more barrels, and they will find It to be to them tbo most economical investment in the whole range of oullnarics. A raw mellow apple is digested ip an hour and a half; while boiled cabbage requires five boors. Tbc most bcaltby dessert that ran be placed on a table Is a baked apple. - If taken freely at breakfast, with coarse bread and butler, without meat or flesh of any kind, it has an admirable effect on the general system, often, removes constipa tion,. correcting acidities, and cooling off fe brile conditions more effectually than the most approved medicines.' , If families could be induced to substitute the apple—sound, ripe and luscious—for the pics, cakes,-eandies aad other sweetmeats with which their children ore too often indiscreetly stuffed; there would be a diminution in the sum. total of doctors' bills In a single JTcar, snf-; : fidcut to.lay ia’n stock .of .this delicious fruit' ftir a whole 'Season's xtsc.'—JlaWt Journal of ILecUh, CHICAGO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2d,- 1860. .6iu6« The following Is the official vote for Attor- Geueral, Canal Commissioner, and Supreme Judge at the election held In Ohio on the oth Inst: . ATTORNEY GENERAL. Mnrray, (Rep. - )..... Stamlwnrgh. iDem.l Hutcheson, (Bell-Everett). Murray over Stambnrgh, CANAL COXaUSSIONER. Sargent, (Rcp.l 815;254 Backus, (Dein.) 190,414 Doherty. (Bcll-Everctt)...,, s.IOO Sargent over Backus 34,840 SUPREME JUDGE. Brlnkerhoff. (Rep.) Smith. (Fusion) Driukerlioff’a majority. Pennsylvania. The Republican majority in Pennsylvania on Members of Coiigrtsrf 1$ 47,792. This fa within about 2,303 of wbat will be Abcabam Lincoln’s majority on the 6th of the coming month. A Body Found. [Spcdal DUpatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Maxell's, Indiana, Oct. 2L 1860. The body of a man Wjaa found on the lake shore near here, this afternoon. Has on gray mixed pants, heavy boots, and strap buckled round him. Sam Davis. The Presents or President Bccbxnan toAbd-el Kadeb.—President Ifachanan lias recently sent to Abd-el Kadcr, the old chief who so gallantly defended the Christians of Beyront, as a token of regard, a beautiful ease of heavily silver mounted Colt’s revolvers,with a box containing over a thousand cartridges It was cm exhibition for several days at the United States Consulate, and the pistols were greatly admired. The present fa worth abont SI,OOO, and was accompanied by a complimen tary letter to the Algerine Chief The old he ro was much affected upon the reception of this appreciation of Ufa humane efforts by the Government of the United States, THE CITY. CSTSEE FOURTH PAGE’ Auction Sales this UXornlug. At 9}f o'cli>ck, of Household Furniture, Crock ery, Stowe, Ac., at No. 82 Lake street. Gilbert & Sampson, Auctioneers. fgy*Sc*e the advertisement of the North Side \Mde-Awakcs. The rich aud elegant cornice on the new Sherman House is just receiving the first touches. Deserted from ms vessel.— John Scott, mariner, whs committed to jail on Tuesday, for desertion from his vessel, the schooner Gem. Building Matters.— The front of the new Trinity Church on Jackson street fa nearly np, aud already uiiows io fine effect West Side Wide-Awakes.—The West Side Wide-Awakes will give a Promenade Concert and Ball, on Tuesday evening, Oct. SOth. The New Bank.—On Friday, the new bank ing bouse of B. F. Carver &Co. will bcopened for the transaction of a general hanking busi ness. . Foe.—The city woke up In a fog yesterday, with mist as thick as a blanket. It broke away about nine o'clock aud ushered la the loveliest day of Autumn thus far. On: Fruit Market. —Our citizens arc re galing themselves with apples, peare, quinces and grapes in abundance, pcrfccetlon and at eatable rates. The best varieties of the former are selling at -$2.25 per barrel. Mirror op Italy. —This fine painting still continues to draw crowded houses at Kings bury Hull, and deservedly so, as It surpawe anything of the kind that was ever here before. It will exhibit again this evening. £3?" Let all remember that this evening la the dosing evening of the Pair now bolding at West Market Hall, for the benefit of St Pat rick’s Church. Let all who can go and hear the Concert to be given by the boys of the congregation, under the direction of Professor Girac. Buuolahy.—A burglar entered the dwelling of P. A. Iloync, Esq., West Jackson street, night before last, but was frightened away by discovering tliat the Inmates were awake. It is a pity you couldn’t make out on Indictment against him, Phil. Police.—Yesterday’s Police Court gave a variety of petty eases, of nogreat extent or im portance. Clement North and Harriet Wil liams were arrested upon the charge of living together In a state of open adultery. The de fence took out a change of venue to Justice Davis, for this afternoon. Tue River.—lt is about time the water in the South Branch was pumped out again. It might be deemed extravagant to state that a small boy crossed the river on the farm at Madison street yesterday, but some of them may be trying it. Will the Sewerage Com missioners give orders to man the pumps. Inquest.—The Coroner, yesterday after noon, held an inquest upon the body of a man named John Ryan, at bis house, on Union, be tween Lake and Fulton streets. Hu was found dead in his house yesterday morning, sitting in a chair. Ko person lived with him, his wife lutviug left him about two months since. He was a hard drinker. The last of Earth.—The remains of the little son of Jonathan E. Arnold of Milwau kee, lost on the Lady Elgin, and recovered at Michigan City, -were interred at Milwaukee yesterday. The body No. 07 was identified as that of a band on board (be ill-fated steamer, an disinterred at Rose Hill yesterday to be sent to Erie, Pa., last night. Hitch tour Horses. —At tho Police Court the price of leaving your horse unhitched is $2. That is cheap when we remember that we have known of much higher figures, say a smashed up buggy, several broken legs, serv ed np with side incidents of all sorts. Jibe law sentences steeds left standing, to the/loi ter,-let it be executed. Sad.—We learned last evening that 8. B. Berry, a well known undertaker of this city, was in a very critical condition, if still living, owing to his exertions In connection with the recovery and Identification of bodies of the victims of the Lady Elgin disaster. 3fr. Berry was indefatigable and overworked himself,and the effect upon his system, it is feared, will have a fatal termination. Atlantic.— Norris & Hyde, 100 Dearborn street, have this morning received the Atlantic Monthly for November—full of excellent lite rary matter. Among the contents are a dis criminating article on ‘‘Thomas Hood;” “ Fayal and the Portugese,” by Rev. Mr, Hig gins on ; “Midsummer and May,” and the commencement of a story, by Miss Harriet Prescott. ' Corn Planters.— Farmers and (hose Inter cstcdluCom Planters, will find T a matter of Interest by referring to the advertisement of Georgy \V, Brown, in our issue of to-day, In another column. Ills machines have been long in use,, and arc well and very , favorably known, os' those that nsc them can and ho offers to bo well backed up in regard to all tile statements be makes. The Libel Sen*.—The libel shit brought by Dr. Fisher, against IL 0. Stone for $20,000 damages was m progress in the Circuit Court yesterday, Messrs. Barker, U L.'Atwood and L. M. Andricks were examined as to the point of slanderous tenns used, on which one other witness will be called. 'Hie depositions In this case on both sides arc something marvellous. One of them consist* of (Arre hundred and twenty jmges of Law cap. The trial will occupy about three weeks. - The Famine pr Kansas.—’ We .take pleasure in stating to our readers the efforts of Mr. J. C. Steele, of. Kansas, ; have met with good -success In 'procuring aid from ootfcitizens to relieve the suffering in that Tcrritoiy, rendered so in consequccce of the unprecedented drouth, cutting off .almost all vegetable life In' the sea son Just passed. Any contributions, either of money, or goods, ■Unis, can be left at the store of J. E. Mills & .Co.,- 74 and 70 Lake street, and they will be : Southern - • w . „ _ **** EzcnmlTc— And S« C. A. Ti.jjjwiuv-, * * r nct9. Stlenllift—WlUl »J6et. _ At the last meeting of S. C. A- T.- at their Hall, Grandfather Noah In the Chair, an invi tation, Just received, wsJ perforated and passed up. It was opened with an oyster knife, and its contents laid before the Society. It proved to bavc emanated from the Illinois and Michi gan Canal Company, generously tendering to S. C. A. T. the free n*e of their tow-path to the highly" interesting scientific ’reality of Bridgeport It was added (hat arrangements might bo made for the return of such mem bers as should desire the same, by the Archer Road Omnlbnsses, at fare Cniy one way. Megatherium observed that here was an occa sion, which might not happen once in accutn ry, for securing additions'to the Cabinet and Museum of S. C. A. T.,- which] was, he rc grettedit, running very low. As custodian of the Museum, he confessed' that he was human, aud eats on the roof of buildings, uuder his window at night were—inhuman, to use a mild phrase. He had tried to break up their noc turnal promenade concerts with such gentle results of private enterprise, as blacking bot tles, billets of wood, and the legs of his stove; had even tried to abate the annoyance by breathing on the night air, the time-honored name of u S — c —o— I —!I? but without ef fect. He would say' were short of specimens IhcyVncw the reason. He moved to accept the invitation, and enter the HUnois and Michigan Canal Company, and the drivers of Archer Road' ocmlbuases, on the list of regular members, on their payment of five dollars each. .35,278 ...:.199.«30 .13,004 Iguanodon thought the confession of the custodian peculiar, to say. the least. What other purpose had 8. C. A. T. that the “dis semination of useful knowledge,” and what he would ask, (withcringly) had that to do with disseminating cats on a woodshed. Was It for this that S. C. A. T. had been built up, (hat her treasures should be wasted on “Gray Grimalkin:— Megatherium said, that on the contrary it was a black cat that troubled him. He had made a minute of the fact, whether a mgritudinons tint in mammals was not a source of disturb ing influences, perhaps,for..electric reasons. He would merely throw out the jiint, and begged to be permitted to Instance the Inevi table colored person in our political aflaira, and the black cat In question. For himself the fact was suggestive and "he conld wish— Iguauodon abruptly said he could wish that his scientific brother wouldn't bean nss; to which the other rejoined that one of each kind (pointing severely at Iguauodon) was enough In a well-regulated collection. Duplicates were nuisances. Grandfather Noah here en joined silence, which was entered on the rec ord. A vote was taken, and it was voted to accept the invitation, with the amendment that nil omnibus drivers who contribute to the collections of S. C. A. T., be entitled to pass members free over their lines. The.scheme for the excursion included the departments of Geology, ’Mineralogy, Numis matology, (Restricted to American coins,) Bot any, Hydrography, Topography, Icthyology, Brewer}’, PoUehomunic, and Aerostatics, The two latter were added on motion of Squihob, who suggested that ns ladies and children were to Iks of the party, it would be proper to slight ly beguile the tedium of the long journey. He was empowered to procure the pipes for blow ing soup bubbles, and the other materials re quired, at his own expense. The last but two on the list was instituted out of compliment to Huggins, an enthusiasts* member, whose liberality had established this Chair at the rooms of S. C. A. T., or, rather, two chairs, sustaining a barrel of w Sand’* XXX," which, it was adjudged proper, should accompany the excursion. The Society left Randolph -tract bridge at 3 o’clock a. M., wheeling the baggage, and the more feeble of the children In baud harrows. A series of topographical and sid ereal observations were taken, which develop ed the tact that it would probably rain, and was already rather muddy, but when did true sci entific zeal ever flag from any such slight cause? The instrumental outfit of the Society was exceedingly extensive and valuable, and con sisted of a solar microscope of four horse power, two sidereal clocks, a three minute glass, (for boiling eggs,) a transit instrument, a dredging machine, (for frying oysters,) one of Scovillc’s stone crushers, a mclodcon, and fourteen barrels of Pike's whisky. The whole of these were committed to tumbrils and sent seven boors in advance, to proceed by easy stages. It needs to be explained, that no political meaning can be construed from the importa tion into Bridgeport of this whisky, said fluid being designed solely for the preservation of specimens, and not In any way to Interfere either in spirit or letter with the doctrine of election. S. C. A. T. has nothing to do with politics, or the voters of Bridgeport, The en tire transit Was happily made In seventeen hours and a half, mean time, by Canal street, but as Buggins remarked, they would liavc made much meaner time by the Bine Island Avenue route. As the Society of necessity passed the night there, quartered upon the hospitable citizens, before rooming the collections in Entomology, were exceedingly rich. Megatherium identi fied and captured seven new species of the or der Cimex. The children, in particular, with the ready Impressibility of cherub childhood, got in their heads very many new Individuals of a highly Interesting character, for classifica tion of which, their maternal relatives will find it convenient to refer to the excellent work of Combe, The party were astir at daybreak, and break fasted with all possible dispatch. In fact, os Spruggius remarked, about all the breakfast the Society bad, was a dispatch from Messrs. Hatch, Mmm & Co. to the Treasurer of 8. C. A. T., announcing that they did not trust for oysters, aud the Society’s order not being ac companied by cash had therefore failed. Grand father Noah feelingly quoted the line of Mr. X’opc— ifann'e Inhuman! ty to man.” etc. ! Igiuaodon, however, suggested that it might be Mr. Hatch who took this unheard of course against scientific research. It might be his way. Spmggins suggested that if this was so,'the Society bad lost their breakfast through that hatch-wy. The Society was called together at 9 A. M., and the work Immediately commenced. An observation was taken first by the transit in strument, and next with a Porto Rico molasses horizon, borrowcd_a* a neighboring grocery, and the results noted down by Ignanodon,and afterward compared with a transcript of (he le gend of an ancient signboard copied by Cog gins, u To Chicago 4 JfUcs.'* The results vary ing somewhat. Grandfather Noah made a final observation to the effect w that It didn't make a dlffof bittcrcncc,” whereupon the question oflatltnde was abandoned. | Great interest was awakened by a discovery I ofanclentremalns,bcaringastroagrcscmblance | to beeves’ heads and shim*, whlchstill retained | thvlr otseoni* structure. The enthusiastic Me agatherium offcredaneighborlng Teuton twen ty shillings to pet .up one of these skeletons, but the party accosted being reiy much set up himself, pocketed the gold piece and refused all further intercourse, taking refuge, in his own dialect Baggios begged he would at least give him the name of thcprobablr defunct animal, to which ho responded, “Aixspmtm -Ehyfuc.” which Megatherium has noted down for comparison with Cuvier, Buffon, and his ✓own work entitled, “ TaJjxjtcs, Their Ends and Uses." The Society will probably issue a volume on these osseous deposits, and we do not trench ‘ upon their field. They claim to establish the fact that In some age the . neighborhood of Bridgeport, perhaps by some connection with the earth’s axes, has been fatal to vast herds' of animals whoso bones whiten that entire region. The Slaughter House theory will only be par tially allowed to account for the same, it being a fundamental rnft with the 8. C. A. T. to make no use of the obvious and con crete when the purely abstract and scientific will answer eswelL One of the society, in pushing his investi gations, came upon traces of futmiHendy the said horn, worn by an ox of unhappy disposi tion, at pasture; blending with this aarah’s coat-tails In an exceedingly approximate man ner. lie was so elevated by the discovery that 1 ; ho-found : himself carried 1 beyond 5 hoonils, ana landed on the other side of the fence. A indeed principal purpose Gf the vUH wm the expiation of an exceedingly Interesting hydrographical feature of that re* gion, in a sadden riseotltba waters of the Sonth Branch, width there ascend a height of from five to six feet wlti flic greatest case* Even the non-eclentlßc ohsetrer of (be waters of the South Branch, especially during the warm season, will readily accord .to them a strength cqi&fi to the task of runuing up hill, bat to S. C. A. T; was reset#(Jd tire first scien tific research of the taels and their causes. Iguonodou accosted a person of mild exteri or at Hus remarkable “reversedfall” withthe question whether tho South Branch above the canal junction would ever tie made available for manufacturing purposes? to which" the mQd party answered that “the fall wasn’t worth a dam.” Iguanodon reproved him, and asked him If ho-hod ever tried the plan of conuting eighteen with Ufa eyes shut, as a cure for profanity. Mild man was extinguished, but not convinced.- As the excursion 6f S; C; A. T.- is to be pub lished In Its annual volume of Transactions, with the delicacy we hope as public Journal ists we bare never invaded, we make no forth- • 'er use of the cdptofs notes' collected by our special reporter, but add iii Tit tho Society got safely back to the city by way of the Archer road, availing themselves of the free sidewalks of that avenue of (ravel, the committee on Nu mismatology having failed to act, and the omni bus driven, without exception, assuming a fiinty stubbornness towards the aavans, of which even the Rocky Mountains would be ashamed, since It Is a well known fact that the latter no longer ago than last month, gave a fresh pass to a scientific party. One of these obdurate drivers on being labored with by Ne gatberium Interrupted the parley with the Ir relevant inquiry ns to whether hfa maternal an cestor had found a market for her mangle, also did he expect hfa eye-teeth soon, at which the Society seeing the brains of the poor fel low wandering, probably from overwork, took up the tenor of their way city-ward on foot. Bngglus, who had twd # postage stamps, com muted with the driver and thereby secured a deck passage. The collections made by the Society will largely enrich their Cabinet. Personal.— Hon. Thos. Corwin, Ohio; Hon. L. B. Crocker, Oswego; Mayor Shelby. Judge Kiskead and G. B. Kinkcad, Esq., of Ky.; Dr. Geo. Howe, New Orleans; Hon. P. P. Lowe, Ohio; C. McDongal, Mobile; W. C. Young, IL Sturges, N. Y.; Geo. E. Kennedy, Syracuse; B. Welsh, Jr., New York, are stopping at the Tremont House. Coming Events.—A week from Tuesday next will tell the story that Stephen has gone South to promulgate, that he isn’t the North ern candidate at all, at alt He can sustain hfa speeches in the meantime with the Slate election returns thus far received. Home pou the Friendless.—The managers of this excellent Institution are adopting, by advice of its friends, a new system of nunual subscriptions which will work wcllamong our charitable citizens. Address to Seamen.— lL L. Hammond, Editor of the Congntjailoual Utrald, will lec ture before the Seamen's Benevolent Society, at thcirrooms.Uml Block, corner of Randolph and Market streets. Ibis (Thursday) evening, at 71-3 o'clock. All persons feeling Interested are invited to attend. D. D. Waite, See V. [Advertisement.) HON. THOMPSON CAMPBELL, Demomtle Elector at Large, Will speak to the people of BUREAU COUNTY. AT PRINCETON, On Friday, October 20, And the people of PEORIA COUNTY, AT PEORIA, On SATURDAY, Oct- 27th, In lavor of the election of the National Democratic candidates, BRECKINRIDGE AND LAKE. The Douglas bolters from the regular Dem ocratic organization—the glorious old Demo cratic party—arc specially invited to attcud. By order of the Committee. Iw-oc2o Sixth Ward Republican* Rally.—The Re publicans and Wide-Awakes of the Sixth Ward arc invited to meet with the Sixth Ward Wide- Awake Club, this (Thursday) evening, at Wit beck’s Hall, comer Jefferson and Randolph streets, at 71-2 o’clock, for consultation about the coming election. Let all the friends of Freedom rally. Let our German and Scandi navian friends be on and let the Sixth Ward still retain the honor she won last spring as the ‘‘Banner Ward” of the city. Per order of the Committee. Bbsckxnridge Head Quarters.—A meet ing of the supporters of Breckinridge and Lane will be held at the above place, on the comer of Dearborn and Washington streets, on tills (.Thursday) evening at 8 o’clock, when a full attendance Is particularly requested. By order of The Hickory Club. £3-f There will be a meeting of the North Chicago Republican Club at headquarters. No. 147 North Clark street, this (Thursday) even ing. A. Garrison, Calvin DeWolf, J. Lyle King, and other distinguished speakers will be present. Let there be a general rally of North Slders. J. J. Richards, Pres. J. Atwater, See. Tenth Ward Campaign* Club.—Meetings of this Club will be held os follows: AtGeo. Hoch’s House, Blue Island Avenue, comer of Eleventh street, Friday evening, 26th October. Also, at the bouse of Jacob Frey, on the comer of Wright and Union streets, Saturday evening, Oct. 27th. Speakers from other parts of the city arc ex pected to be present and address the people. All arc invited. 11. N. Fiusbie, Pres’t. Max Schuler, Secretary. Bell And Evkrett Rally.—The National Union Club meets this (Thursday) evening at the Bell and Everett Headquarters, comer of Randolph and Dearborn streets. Members of the part)*, and the public generally, are invited to attend. B. S. Harris, President. 11. W. Ford, Sec’y. RjT Go to John Jones, 119 Dearborn street, and get your clothes cleaned and repaired. They will be well done and at prices to suit 'the times. : {s7* 1,500 Bufiklo Robes for sale at New York and St- Louis prices, by J. A. Smith & Co., 118 lake street octii-Ot Lnbtns. Plvcrs <fc Bazin’s toilet pow der, soaps, pomades and extracts, genuine. Sold by Sargent, Apothecary, Randolph and State street. £sy%Ladles and gentlemen who are looking ! for a Dychouso where they will get their work well done, either In dyeing or cleaning, in ail IU branches, will find such by calling at the Boston Fancy Steam Dyeing Establishment of August Schwarz, No. 73 South Clark street, and 15S Illinois street. ocl3x-lw £3?” All should not fall to read the adver tisement of Profi Wood in to-day’s paper. scs-ly .... . Eds. Rural New Yorker.—Seeing an in quiry In the ttnrut for a cure for Uiat log disease the Asthma, I wrote to let the en quirer know what baa almost entirely cured me. I have had the' spasmodic asthma fifteen years and never found any medicine that would prevent an attack when it was coming on until I commenced taking 44 Jonas Whit comb’s Remedy for Asthma, Ross Cold and Hay Fever. 1 commenced taking this remedy eighteen months ago, and have not had a se vere paroxysm since. 1 also nso saltpeter pa per. Salt jieter is present relief bnt no cure. Whitcomb’s Remedy has done for me all that It is recommended to-* do. I take It according to directions —a tea-spoonful instead of aW ble-epoonfuL It is prepored by Joseph Bur nett & Co., Boston, Mass, price one dollar per bottle. Sarah Seelt. Eodttow.v, Tates Co., N. Y. oc2-TTh&Slm * 'Wheeler A WiLscw’a'aswnia Machine?.— We Prefer them for family use.—Atw York Tribune. Thqy arc the favorites of families.—.Veto York Times.. It has no rival. —Scientific American. awards or iB6O as fab as heard from. First Premium of U. 8. Fair. ua . do. Vermont State Fair. . do. ‘ do. New Jersey State Fair. ua do. Kentucky State Fair. Da do. Omo State Fair, do. Da Illinois Stats Fair, do. do. Wisconsin State Fair. do. Da ‘ Chicago Mech. Institute. And at hundreds ot County Fairs throughout the Union. : Office 167 and 169 Lake street. * _*. _ ' Geo. IL Chittenden, General Agent for Illinois. Wisconsin, and Norfoemlcd& J ~--‘ --: - ocS9dtd«tW- : A GENERAL GOOD TIME May be expected at the W I G- W A M, Thursday Evening, October 23th. When a number of short and stirring speeches will be delivered by our own citizens. The exercises will be interspersed with CAYISMIG.V SONGS. Political sentiments wifi be furufahed by la dies and gentlemen, and read from the Speak er’s Stand. Speaking will commence at 7 o’clock. The platfonil smi galleries will be reserved for ladies and gentlemen accompanying them. Let everybody attend this POLITICAL SOCIABLE. By order of the Campaign Committee. /' * J. WHITE, Chairman, Ncla afcbrrtiscmettfjj. TO RENT— House Ko. 300 West Madiaon street. Booms at No. SCI Sooth Write street. Ab*o—At No. 13 Chariot-trect. Booth DlvL-toa. FOR SALE—A few more of tho«e beautiful *oxl3o feet B-.-sl-lcot Lots At Union Part. Abo. Improved Proctrt/, paytnz a yearly real of SS3IL Frtce.Si.ooO. part euo. balance time. Apply at H. H. UCMiflXCnj Beal Estate oaice, No. 49CUxk street. . octtiat T EMOXS! LEMOXSV LEMONS! I~J French and Malaga Lemons Jo«C arrived and tor sale by STEVENS * WEBBER. <jc«Jl3o?w ISO Randolph Direct. PHOTOGRAPHIC OIL PAINT- I INGSL—Agents wanted lo Introduce this heanti falarL Nonas den are matins over fs® a moatbla thb Terms and Specimens seat free, be ad. dres-inc. wiff! *t»mp for return postage. L. L. TODD & Co.. Lowell. M-O- o«-a<tg33tw "VTEW SWEET CIDER.—SO libls. J-i Pnrft Apple Juice will Tartetle-* ox Green Apples, at the basement. ’r.SrSL 81 - OGitXtW S. D. Ft;-7L ET^ qX) MERCHANTS AND OTII -1_ EISv—A jreatlrman 1* about tbltfny New York. Boston and riilndclpiiU. who wilt attend to nltlctral, commercial and financial negotiations that maj be In truded lo his cliaree He maybe consulted dalle, for one week, nt the ofilce of Messrs. AndrlcE A Ballard, Methodist Block, Room No. 4. ocUiSt Lost.— Fite dollars re- WARD. From Samian street on September 2fi, a lurje fine brown Cow: face striped white and brown, one enrapltt and one eye so re- The above reward wilt be paid tho tinder on application to the Bridge Tender at Madison or Randolph street. oeaxat T OST.—A Canary Birtl, with yel- XJ low breast, brown wins*, and a brown *r!mr around It* neck. The finder will b« liberally rewarded by leaving it at No. aj La Salle Direct. oc3U2t QTRAYED OR STOLEN.—Stray ed or stolen from the premises of the subscriber, at corner of Archer road aud South street. Chicago, on Sotiatey evening Slat InaL. two lUHISEi*. One ot them wa« a lar-c black imrre, abont ten year* old. In rood condition, wldlc star fa forchcaiL and cut overthe hoof of the icities. The other was a small bar hnr-e. both fore feet white to fetlock, short ml;, and white #pcs on forehead, about 10 years ohL and rather low in rendi tion. Any pen-on returning or civlm; Information that will lead to their recovery will be HhonUlv rewarded, DANIEL MAIIEH. Chicago, oct. m. isao. wauat 144 & 146 ZiASS STBSST, O F. FULLER & CO., 52 and 64 FRANKLIN STREET. LORD & StyilTH, 43 LAKE STREET. And by Draughts, Grocer* ami Retailers sencrallr.ln City and Country. fif Country Dealer* can order as above, or addrts* orders direct—lX Prices, Term-. Ac„ U desired. zjjT Send far Circular to Dealer*) to HENRY A- COSTAR. Principal Depot—No. 5-3 Broadway—Opposite the St- Nicholas Hotel. New Yorlt. ocjadtTMm :sr it o v.i Mj : S. I*. UOUjVDS’ Steam, Book amj Job Printing ESTABLISHMENT. ELECTROTYPE FOUNDRY, ANLI Printers* Furnishing Warehouse, 13 NOW BEING REMOVED TO THE Kew, Spacious, and Elegant Building, Ko. 46 State Street* Opposite the City Hotel. ati.l adjoining the Paper Ware boa*c of G. If. Ac L. LA FLIn. where Im will be happy to dee Ids old friends and customer*. The Entire Building Is occupied hr the different hranehc* of Ll* bn*lnw*. and !ia» been erected with e-pedal reference l« lu con venient and economical pro-Hrcution: and It-* Improved arrangements, together with large additions of NEW AND EtESANT TYPE AND MACHIIEHT, Arc such as to give him the unequalled frcilUltfes for the execution of EVERY VARIETY OF BOOK AND JOB HUNTING, AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES, and In hi-? u*a»l wen-known, workmanlike style. He figures all new businc** bouse*, sw well a* hi* old en-iomcr* of ten years’otiudlnjc, that his Entire Per ron*! Attention will in future b ? given to the Priming Department of hi* boslnes*. which will enable him to warrant hcautv of »tvli*_ promptness, and the lowest living rates on all orders with which he day be favored. r*r- order* for Electrotyrlng, Book Binding, Paper ItuLngand Wood Engraving, executed promptly and at low rate*. fif- Counting Boom and Du«lnc?s Ofllcc flm floor. AXE OF THE BEST STORIES V EVER WRITTEN! WBI commence thl* week Will commence this week THE HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, NUMBER SEC! THE HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, NUMBER SIX! THE HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, NUMBER SEC! THE HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, NUMBER SIS or wjLsn cotxin! <BT WILTIX COLUSS! ■T WU.KIB COUJX?! BV WIIXIB COLLtXS! Author of “Tho Woman la White,** “The Dead Se cret," 4c, called THE CROSSED PATH S THE CROSSED PATH ! THE CROSSED PATH ! THE CROSSED PATH I The HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL IstmhlWied weekly. Price Three Cent*. To he hail or all nfww-aeonta. Conic* mailed on reccjot of tho price lo »urrp* by the nfrilibera. . A. ILAISTUILL. 4 CO. 30 North William StreetTNew York. Sub-crlpllon. |L'O a year, or {! for thlrtyfbnrweefea. Tryonenamberof thl*. the mo-t entertaining and In stnjeOte periodical rf tho day. with two pac** of |hn newot and be? t matte every wees. ocS-dja>ci-cod BROWN & CO., UO WASHINGTON ST„ BOSTON, 110 PcblUb this day VOLUME XIX of.thc LWITEO ST.32ES DIGEST, Containing a Digest of the Decision* of the Courts of Common Law, Equity Sc Admiralty, la the United States and In Ke stand. BY GEORGE S. HALE and IL fawvav SMITH. Being the Annaal Digest far ISS9. Royal Bro C2JT. REAL ESTATE And HereiiuudlKC Broker*, Bays and Bells Land*. Exchanges Property for Goods Of any Mad; Will attend to any bannex £br parties at a dbtooce where an agent is required: Nezoti&te Loan*; Mike CouecUjoi, Ac., Hoorn Ho. 8 Kingsbury Bloc3c« Office of the Commercial Advertiser and Real £*Ute . ■, Uaaeua. FOB &UE: A Home and Lot near Union Park; noose and Lot on Michigan avenue, very desirable property: SO feet Ground near Union Par it: aJ*o. 13 Lot* on Johnrton street between Indiana and Fourth, low for caah; 400 LoU on 10 yean time, south of tao city limit*. - We have land* vim mossy to exchange for poods. . Any one bavins dry good* or boot* and shoes, who will exchange for part rash and bolance la UncK wiu had • »I>urchMerbrcaUlnsooTompkln*JtCo., Room No.* SiUasibiuySlodc. HimJolph rlrcet. To PursiCTixs—We have fbr Mle a smalt Drug store, and good will of a phyildan la good prarUco In thU city. The prescription ba.lnes* alone 1» irom Are to ten dollar*perday. A pood chance, a* thq owner la obtlgocd to co East, Al-o—yivr Lots In the city of La Cros-e, Wla.. well sltaatftd. WUI be sold very low. A Rood bone and baggy tafeea la payment. A&o—lO Acre* adjoining the city Emits, soatxfor-tale at a great barrai.T. Also—3.oCO Acres of Lmsn fa Crawford Co., lowa, fbr cash, rtry low. TOMPKINS A CO., Beal £*ut« Broken, Room No. S Kingsbury Block, nnn cash, mid *50,000 of Rea! E»tate to tavf»t ta flm el iv» Mortgage*. or vIU bo exchanged for Chicago or Alllwanct** prooertT, Anplr u K. i IATLOU, Hoorn IU. o«Sz3t 4 NUMBER 99. Neto SUibertisements. VAN NORMAN IMSTITUTF. A FBEBCH AID EHQLFSH BOASDIHB StRSBI FOR. YOUNO LADIES. Xo*. 3 and 3. West Thlrty-Elghdr Street. Murmy HIU. two door* from Fifth New York, cortln* Q*«)n»ce»lna.(iU the latter nan of Jane, and receive, papa* at any time. The etllucc—planned exuready for the ScbotN. and wanned by hot water, with a pure, •unuuerllke air—tJ in the highest and most beautiful part of the cifv, FhyMcal training a pan of the dally eoom of education, roeetve* the attention which U* Importance demands/ The entire ab-ence of low and depraving Incentive to apntlcaUon, the pervading •ptrit of a pleasant homo life, and thoroughne** la whatever xmdlca are undertaken, esc cdaDj character lie the school. French I* aj>t,hen. The ablest master* art employed for French, Italian. German. ITono Forte, Harp, and other accompliahmrae?. Amonr bis CiemK mut of whom have, or have bod, daaghtcra in his school, the principal men to: Rev. Robert Italrd, P.D. X. Vg Iter. Gardiner Spring* D. U- N. Y.s Her, Art D. Smith, D. D„ K. Ta Bev. Jo?l Parker. I). D„ N. Ya Iter. Edwin K. lUtflcld, n. D« N. Y„ Hun. Jamo* Harper, N. Ya J. Clarion Sima. M. y. Ya Her. G. R. Crooks. D. D„ S. Ya Wm. H. Al len, L.L. b„ Prot. Glntrd College: Orrlnstoa Lunt, Chicago: Eev. H. O. KltcSelL D. D, Detroit; me Worthing ton Hooker, It. D„ Yale College. Vor foil Information eee Circular, which may be ob tained by address In e _ 14£ V. D. C. VAX 50SMAX. LL.D, PriadptO. Elegantly Illustrated, Edition of COOPER'S NOVELS, EmbcUUhed with Five Hun tired Original Drawing', By F. O. C. PARLEY, This beautiful edition of CoopcrV Work* wa* com* tnenced February 1-t, 1830, end wCI be completed In Thlrtv-Two Month* from Uul date. a volume cunwln la; a novel complete, be In; pnbUrited on the Or-t ct each month. The volume* arc uniform In elze and binding, and each contains Two Entauvlaci on Steel, am! Twelve Sketches on Wood, designed' br Parley, exprcwlv for this edition, and engraved by the First Artist* of the Country. THE SERIES EMBRACES; SsKT' WZk’&SSS?' gig,-****. s-isaigsg, Wyandotte, JaeS Tie r, - The Bravo, The Rcu .‘•Wtu, ThePl3«'L Oak Opening*. , Wept of WUh-ton-WLih. The Two AdtnbTlS The Headsman. The DeenJaver. The ITalrlc. Mercedes or Castile, Lionel Lincoln, The crater. The Sea Lions. The lleldenmaner. The Water Witch, Alloat and Aahore, Homeward Bound, Miles Wallingford. The Monlklns, Tlic Ways of the Hour, Sauna toe, Precaution. The first twenty-two Volume* are lotted in the above order; the remainder will follow the same arrange* meat as nearly as p<*«lble. As a National Enterprise, the publication of this edition exceeds, both tu uiagnt tude and Importance, anything of tho kind before un dertaken In the country. Cooper has been Ju»Uy styled "Tho Great American Novelist," and the l*nniWtera believe they have not mistaken the tastes of hU coun trymen in offering them thb complete and elegant edi tion of his works. Publishing by subtciiylloa, nt *L3O g:r volume. The volumes can be obtained of W. P. pen, and B. C, Orltnrs a Co- Chicago and Crum Book sellers In all the principal cities, ofcthe pubil: hers will send them by mall, postage prepaid, for too each. D ABLET'S COOPEB VIGNETTES At the suggestion of naracroas Artists ami Annicor* the Publishers have taken a limited number of“Ar li«t Proof*before letter.** of each of thebcautllul Steel Vignettes, engraved from parley* Pe-lgnafor the Sew Illustrated Edition of Cooper’d Work*. These they arc about bulng In folios, each containing eight proof*, and each proof accompanied with a paze of letterpress descriptive of the picture. The proof* are being print ed willi the utmost care, on India, and bunted uu the fim-t French Plato Paper. Each fnllo will be In a cov tr of hlghlr ornamental design, printed in tint, Follm One. Two, Three and Four are now readv for Sub-crl ber*. and the remaining Four will follow In a few months. Price to Subscriber*—three dollar* per folio. As the proof* arc limited t<» a »mall number, (only :<OO Impressions from each plate) after which the plate* arc lettered, so Uiat no more can be taken, no subscription will be received except fur the full set. W. A. TOWNSEND 4 CO„ 4(1 Walker St, N.Y. DUPRAT’S PCtISH AND French Black VamUli. PATENTED APRIL 10th. I*o. Tld*»nperior Varnish has been approved by the chem bt* of Washington as being the bed article of the kind ever Invented fur varnishing Boots, Harness. Military Accoutrement 4 . &e- giving them a beautiful lustre without tainting the leather In theWst; but, on the contrarv. the <-l?y -üb«tanee of which the V-*rnl-hl« composed renders It pliable and soft. Hoots. Harness, 4c, after beta? varnhhed can be washed in water with out injury to the lu-tre. ucan also be handled without soiling the hands. This Varnbb Is also scant for Metals —Bra’*-, Iron. Tin. 4c. One application m-ikimr them a beautiful black and giving them a splendid lustre, pre serving them also from ru»t. Ills lnvnlunbl«- for locks. d**or buttons. Ac. The Varnish dries In less than three minutes. therefore preventing the dust from aceuumht tin? xrtth It. U can also be used by manuficturet* of unumdla*. tone*. turners of wood, Ac, aalthastho clh of oivtDS the wood a permanent black and lustre attbO'Smeflnie. This varnidi Is never sticky, even in the wanue»i climate. It can also be employed tn ad vantage for the hoof* of homes, crlnz them a bounti ful poluh. and preventing the mud from twtculng to tothehooC Pf Sold br Druggists and Dealers everywhere. f <f*Send ft>r drcuUrs to Dealers, £27” Principal Depot 313 Broadway, (opposite Sl Nicholas Hotel) N. T. “COSTAB’S” VERMIN EXTERMINATORS The Only Infallible Remedies Known. DESTROYS INSTANTLY, Every Form and Species of v e b m 1 N. Those remarkable preparation* (unlike all others); are “ Free from Poisons.** *• Not dangerous to the human fondly. •• Rata come ont of their holes to die." Id years and more established In New York City USED BY—the City Poat Office. USED BY—the City Prisons and Station ITonre*. USED BY—City Steamer*, Ship*. Ac. USED BY—the City Ho#ploi«, Alms-Houses, Ac. USED BY—(he City Hotels—‘AxtoP—‘St Nicholas* Ac- USED BY—the Boarding Home*. Ae„ Ac. USED BY—more than 5(1000 Private Families. ZF See what the People. Press and Dealers my HENRY* B. CCSTAR.-AII the summer I bare b>*cn troiiDleowlthUoacnea and Mice. I waa actually ashamed of the boose, for the Roaches were every where. I purchased a box of your Exterminator and tried It and In one week there waa not a Roach cr Moare in the boose. JOHN B. GIVENS. No. 91 Elm Street HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vermin, need b- -o no looser, if they use * CostarV Exterminator*. We have used Uto onr satlsfoctlon. and if a box cost |\ we would have It We have tried poisons bin they eff-cred mnlilnc: bat Cottar's snide knock* the bre-ithontof Ram Mice, and Bed-Bun*, quicker tlu»a we con write it It U In great demand all over the country.—(Medina (O.) Oxette. MORE. GRAIN and provision.* are destroyed an nually m Grant County by vermin, than would pav for ton* of this Bat and Insect Killer.—l Lancaster (wls.) Herald. I HAVE BEEN SELLING your Exterminator for me Ut*t veor. and have found U a euro shot every timr i havo not known it t*» foil In aringle Instanco." GEORGE BOSE. Druggist, CanUngton, O. TO DESTROY—Rats, Roaches. 4c. TO DESTROY—Mice. Moles, Ac. TO DESTROY—Bed-Bogs. TO DESTROY—Moth.% Fleas, Aats. Ac. TO DESTROY—Mosquitoes. TO DESTROY—lnsect* or Plants or Yowls. TO DESTROY—lnsect* on Animals, Ac, Ac* Ac. USE ONLY -COSTAir-r Bat. Roach. Ac, Exterminator. “COSTAKY* Bed-Dog Exterminator. “CO6TAETS** Electric Powder for Insects, Ac. . • In Bc, 30c. and SI Boxaa. Bottles and Flasta. p and S3 Sizes fcr Plantation#, Ships, Boats. Eoula. Ac. - or Sold ETcrywhere-by All Wholesale Druggist* to large title*. All Retail Drusgljts—Grocer*—Store-Keepers Ac* Ac* to all Country Village* and Town* Wholesale Agents in S. IV €ity. Ilarral ufad-y A Kitchen. , Bosh. Gale' A Kobtnson, M. Ward. CIo*« A Co. MeKfewon A Robbins. D. S. Barnet A Co. F. C. Well* A Co. Lazellc. Marah A Gardner. Haih Dixon A Co. Tripp A Co. Conrad Fox. -SchlelfeUn Brother* A Co. Kahde-took, Hall A Co. A. B. A Dl Sands A Co. Wheeler A Han. -Ilauenuus A. Co. Hall. RackrTA Co. Tbotnaa A Fuller. PeaftdAPirker A Mower. Dudley A Stafford. And other#. Philadelphia, Fa. T.W.DyouAßona, JRobL Shoemaker A Co. B. A. Fahnestock A Co. f French, Richards A Co. , ~ And otht ra. tßostoa.'Masa. Geo. C. Goodwin A Co. I Weeta A Potter. j M. S. Bure A Co. I Jao. WLaon, Jr. * Andothera. CHICAGO, III! XT Sold at .Wbolesale^br-. J. H. FEED & C 5. CHICAGO TRIBUNE ADVERTISING- SCHEDTJI^EJ. The following arc the Rates of Advertising In tixa DAILY CHICAGO TBIBVtfE : One Hijuare, (S lines agate.) one Insertion ft (n Quo Square each subsequent dav. i3t si.oo) 'at One Square two weeks, i«w s7.wn a.on One Square one month. (2x» fU.OOI , 5.00 Out! Square three montlu, (4m $15.00) 13.00 One Sqnsr« (six month?, (9m |25.00 20.00 One Square (me year ai.OO C27 - A Schedule «'f Prices for more apace thorn one Square can be ,’scn at the Counting Boon. S34T” All Transient AuVcnlocments to be paid hx Advance. IST -U1 chan gee charged 80 ceats per Square. aarss or isnimacio cc wztm.r tbxbcxx. SUW per Square, each week, for flr*t mouth. JtiiO per Square for each subsequent tnontti. 28.0) per Square for ouo year. auction Sales. T)Y GILBERT Jb SAMPSON, AJ AUCTIONEERS, No. *2 T. vkf. ST. SUPERIOR FURNITURE ANB HOUSEHOLD GOODS AT AUCTION. On Thursday. October 25th. at o’clock, we will sell at our Salesroom*. So. rwj Lake Street, a splendid oaaorunent of ftc„ consisting of TVu».*- Te*c«<. ha Lis, Hook-C**r*, What-Nun*. Easy aert Hock ing thalr*. Marble-Tup Table*. Parlor Chair*. Hat- Tree*. Damaak Cb-tlp*. Burrnm*and Wastmaod*. Plants StooKFrtmch Boriauado. Secretaries, Extension Din ing Tahir*. Cane Chair* and Docker*,*, 'Ward- WBft-. iLili'iiml other Ma(trv«.se*. Cood and Center To bUr*. Oak Maeboardo, Carpet*, Mirror*. Toilet. Urcak fanan.l Trv bet*. Klitmi Chamber Seta, with many other gootU wlrtah wUI be ottered at the same time. Buyer* of Furniture will aare 25 to-10 per rent, by at tending oar regular rtl»-a an Tue-<laya. Timrsduraand Saturday*. Good* nicked and "hipped tor the Country ocM-ds;i.H GILIIKUT Js SAXPSoy. Auctioneer* BUTTERS & CO. GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, 40, 48 & 60 DEAKBOBN STREET. Directly Opposite tho Trcmoul Queue. FURNITURE SAZ.ZI Every Wednesday £c Saturday at 01-2 A.H* DRY GOODS SALE Every Monday at 0 1-2 o'clock A.M., • AT Ont SALESROOM. Ca*h advanced on Furniture, Dry Good*. BootU and Shoes, Ac. mso-dWAIy amusements. Q.KAXD ‘WIDE-AWAKE PROMENADE CONCERT AND BALI, To be given by Company “ CV* of the "Went Side* WIDE-AWAKES, ON TUESDAY EVENING, OCT. SO, ISO, AT WEST MARKET OFFICERS OF THE DAY. President, H. a ROGER. Captain. J. WEBB* COMMITTEE OP ARRANG-EMENTS HENKY DBOWNVILLE. J. WEBB, JACOB Ill'Tlf, FRANK SfORITZ. H. N. KIUSniE, O. W. EDWARD*. ROSWELL SCOTT. CiIAS. LODGING, W. P. FUREY. DECORATION COMMITTEE. L. C. FAVOR. E. WALLACE. H.MSRNEYKR w*. h. mi-lick. JOHN SClLkl CK. CUAS. UUCGEU, * fc, L. SIMMONS. HONORARY MANAGERS. JNO. WENTWORTH, LEWIS DODGE. 1». F. witeox. M. THOUP. W. H. <MiUR!T. G. W. G VGF. H. WILMAISTII, GKO. AirNoLD. A. lIAUVKV, •ISO. BABKU, JNO, Jt LGES. 1*11.\5», lU.ITZ,, E. MulililiUN. X. It. JUDD, J. C.IIAIN&. An* tsTrsi scidiidt. X C. UKMSO, W. L. CUUKCII. s. it. mtsojr. RECEPTION CO3 P. A. PIERCE, IL S. FRIbBIK, WM. MP.TZCSEB* GEO. UOCII. FLOOR MANAGERS. IIF.NBV BROWNMILLEK. .1. C. BLAISDF.LL, .I.U’Oit Ill’TM. B. RDSENFKLD. DAVID RUTHERFORD, CII.V.S. LODIHNti. G. F. liUUKUARDT. WM. CUESIUE. ISO. BF.RODOLLD. different Widu-Awako Companies of thU city are specially Invited. CiT Ticket/* 20 Cent* each, to be had of the Commit' lee of Arrangement* and any of the Member*. JJT* The Programme will shortly be announced, ocA-td UAXD AVID E-A W AKE rKO3IE\AI)K CONCERT, NORTH SIDE WIDE-AWAKE CLUB. ON* FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER J6, lg«». At North Market HalL Ornrnr'orniJsEvKsmo—President-.Alonzo Harvey* Captain—J. 11. Liyboumc, nr Aamxi;*vT-rp*—A. Jlarrev .1. If. (*|y« bonne i*.'* W. Buell, C. J. Wilder. GeorgeKaerr, C. J» Suiuica, C "I Z holcUtfe, I. Atwater. Dimawnix Co*«a' r "«T.P- McLean. F. Becker IL E. Pronty, Jolm I re, H. 1.. A a de, Fran* smith, Ulchartt Barnard. K. Rlokke. F. RKcmtnt CosoiTTEa-H. E. £■ Knauer. Chas, Ingersoll. Fred. Targe*. Hnvoavnr Sftmuiot. 4 —lfon. W. Hon. I.X. Arnold. lion. N. U. Judd. E.C. Urncd. .Lsq-Caspar Uuu. Esq, Ell Hates. Ksq.. B. Rawson. tsdy, «• Schneider, E»»u John Alston. E«q_ W. Muaffsr. tso, J. S. RumserVEsq, (K». Hubbard, Fjq, W. K. SixiUn* S. M. Wliaom Exj- J- J- Klc£iard/«. Kxj. Fiona Max vocr.**—C. TunuleUflV. Duncan MtT.oan, E. Knan-er. CHaa. Ysuw.k.ll Marin. Auc.BrunnlßZ» L Frost, Due. Frank Green. zr Th** different Wide- Awaka Clubs of UlO city AW specially invited to attend lu fall uniform. ncke’j 50 cents each to be hail of the Cnramltlooot Arranscxnonts and of members of the Club. The prugramme will be shortly announced. ocSSUI McVickeb’s theatre. Madloon unct, between State and Dearborn. Door* open at 7 o'clock. Performance to com. mnnee at TS o clock, Dox Otneo open from 10 till lu4 from 3 till 3 o'clock. „ . _ Admi*»iox:—Pre*» Circle, M cent*: Second Circle, S» cenU; Private Boxes, *4.00 and fO.U). miss McCarthy and mr. vincest. Thursday Evening Ort. 2»th, second nlaht of tho New Local Political Comic Drama, written trr a Demo, rratand llrpublican, POLITICS: Ux.TiiBC«)XTKKTtri fiiicvto. Argument—every dar matters aa per newt, papers. Tlnit*—dost before Election ami Election Day. Been**—The Wigwam and other places. Characters— Republican*. Demoemo*. Americana, "the Inevitable and Mother "Columbia.'* Lincoln and DouginaSong*, from the Campaign Books. NVlde-Axako and Invinci ble Proce—fon». The performance will commence with THE BONNINE FISII WIFE. Macule Macfitrlaae....(wllb «0ng)....,.M1i« Macarthy., To conclude with the Farce of A DAY IN PARIS. Sam.'Mr. Vincent; Ml** McCarthy In four character* and three sons*. Friday, Benefit and La*t Appearance bat one of Mis* McCarthy and Mr. Vincent. yi MRASOLE’S DANCING VT • ACADEMY. Corner Madison and Clark Sfc*.—Entrance on Madison. tTa»* open at a’.l time* for beginner*. C«it»ar.»*!i Cu.Mt even* Tuesday and Saturday, Pa rents only allowed as visitor*. Assembly every T ueaday Night, for Scholars and Friend*. and uopereona admit ted except those Introduced by scholars. aetkg,tem i E, GOODRICH & CO., A* 15+ - SOUTH WATER STREET, • 15+ Minufaciurtn and General Dealers la OILS, ALCOHOL, CAMPHEIE AID FIOIO Have constantly on hand the very best finality of Gonulno Korosono S Calories* and! Inodorous. Also Carbon OIL thobesfe brand of Coal Oil. for sale at maniiticturcr'a prices, transportation additional. Ur pool Torch-Light OB at a low price, ociMaXWHnct A. E. GOODRICH A CO. ESTATE OFFICE. S. H. KERFOOT & CO. We havelncrea*od facilities for attending tolhocare and supervision of Real K-i»U> in CQicugo oudvldlftj, as well as lu the adjoining states. Wo are prepared to par taxes, examine and report on the Utica and value uf property In Cldcago and tbo Nortcwcstgeocrally. From onr past experience In making; Sales of Real Estate, we feel confident that with the pmert revival orburinmu 0 f all kind* In the Northwest, ours will receive renewed vizor. There Is no qneUUni but that now U the bent time we have bail to Ihvnt la ICeal Krtate, Purehascn Judiciously made now will pay bomlMistcly. We tender our service*, our mope, and experience to persona dcaliloua to buy or self. Our util cuts Mo. 1 Masonic Temple, Chicago, OC3dSI7-5t BOTANIC PHYSICIAN—Tho undersigned who ha* Jn nnu*tko for oxer twenty years treat* successfully all forma of dls e.v»e without tno use cf Mercury, Antimony, Arsenic* or other pol*oooua drugs CHRONIC DISEASES Incurable under other mode* of practice, readily yield to h!»—tU : Rheumatism, Dyspepsia. Asthma, Hrorv cbitlaw Consumption, Liter Complaints Female Weak nesses <pf however long standing*. ac. W. It, STAN TON, 31. D. Oden Southwest corner of Randolph and Slate Streets oeSt43odw_ TO EXCHANGE— 2SO Acres of Land in Northern "Wisconsin, well located and. unencumbered, will bo exchanged at two dollar* per acre for anr kind of merchantie at a fi*lr price. Almv 10 acre* of land within the city limits of Oshkosh. Wis consin. U* exchange tor dry g»**K groceries gentle men's tnrnhUng goods. cigars. or books sntflclent for * library of 2.000 volume*. n* be selected from w cata logue. Address “EUANKLIN, Chicago Tribune Ofllce. «SSWt_ '\fIN , CE 3IKAT. —The following JLTJ. partita are appointed to sell this superior arti cle made of the beat materials, and pat up la smaU. Jars, expressly for Family ose: OEO. E. STANTON, O South Claak Street. . NEWALL A SNOW, 113 South Clark Street. J. S. CLMtLRY. 187 state Street. 1». 11; WINTON, V& Stale Street. • * j. H. POWERS. VJ» State Street. IL U. WOOLFORIy * CO* ‘Mi Slate Street. <iOSS * HOAO. .tj North Clark Street- Haskins a JOYCE. North Market Street. locSxit] AND OIL E3IPOKIU3E, Cha«. X. Noble. 12‘Z - CLARK STREET - - • • jfjjj Between Washington and Madison Street#, DEALER in all Ktroatne and Coal Oil Good*. The only party to Chicago to whom Downer seeds hU BSTOA ttßnOßmnL This Oil U pure and not adulterated whh cheaper Quids. Ail rood brand* of Coal oils. Lamp* Car Chnrcbea. Public Bulldlrgs, Storw. ±c Acenev of CmU Oil Urease, and Depot of GnX&n Mine ral Paint Company. • uAdSMnuni) gEWTNG MACHINE AGENTS" Wasted to .every County throughout the Western Sutea to sell Toaagra Laproved 530 Sowing MKhiaa. are adapted to all varieties of work. Family Sewing, Tailoring end Boot and Shoo ilaktog. They have met with a very Ursa salts during the i*ast year, giving onfveraal satisfaction Addre*s " 31. D. YOUNG A CO* XTILN DRIED CORN 3IEAL, 1L Falrfleld Mill*.—SO bbj* of this celebrated brand In etoru and tor sale by . * rn BEDFORD. MEREDITH A CO* Jaimiy * ' aq.itftfuato WawaL Mnl-KlNsOJi,