Newspaper Page Text
Eriinme. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1800. CHICAGO UItEABSXtJFFS. The New Ycrk ifrem’ny Pott supposes that Chicago alone will be able to supply the twenty-four millions bushels of icheut required by England out of our crop of the current year. Possibly the Pott over esti mates the surplus winch can be spared by the farmers who sell their wheat in this market, by two to five millions of bushels; hut if it will take into account the fact Eng land wants twenty-four millions of bread atuffe, not whcatalonc, andthatthe exports of Chicago will not Bill below forty millions of bushels, including wheat, com, rye and oats, it will sec that we -are prepared to honor any drafts which ; the commercial world will make upon our granaries. Give ns remunerative prices, and Chicago can fill any holo'that famine will open. FOR VICE-PIUESrDENT, VANCKT. "We mention as a matter of political his tory that a nomination for the Vice-Presi dency on the Douglas ticket was offered to. Sir. Yancey of Alabama, by an intimate and trusted friend of Sir. Douglas, a short time before the meeting of the Baltimore Convention. Sir. Geo. A. Sanders was the marr who endeavored to drive that bargain; and his relations to Douglas arc such that the latter must have been fully aware of his Intention, if indeed he did not create it This fret explains the policy which select ed Hr. Fitzpatrick as Douglas’ coadjutor, and, after his declination, hunted around for U. JT. Johnson, who is more offensively radical than almost any- other man in the South. The history of the Baltimore Con vention, yet to bo written, will show, Mr, Douglas up in a waythat will open the eyes of his followers if nothing else can. This offer to Yancey is the least of his dishon or- ' ~ POXTIiB OP - WISCONSIN* "Wo have the most. cheering accounts from the District represented by this gal lant Republican. Without any assistance from abroad, he lias made a splendid can vass, meeting and overcoming the argu ments and machinations cf his opponents at every point. The Chivalry had set their hearts upon his defeat. We have been as sured that large sums of money have been sent into his district for that express pur pose, which doubtless came directly out of Virginia pockets. This money has been faithfully expended, hut, as the end will prove, without the hoped for results* His majority will be larger than ever before. Wisconsin owes it to herself, as well as to her gallant representative, to meet this shameless ontside interference, with a ma jority so overwhelming that the attempt will never be repeated; and we arcglad to loam that such is the intention of her people. ‘ the alternative. Recent events have diminalcd the Pres idential canvass of all the aspirants save Lincoln and Breckinridge. It is now as well known as anything can be, that if there should be an election by the people, Lincoln will be our next President; and that should the election go into Congress, cither Breckinridge or Lone will be chosen. 2?o contingency can arise to prevent the realization of one'or the other of these al ternatives. The people of the North who may be deluded into voting for some other person on the sixth of November, will sim ply perform an act of self-disfranchisement. They will practically withdraw ffom the contest, and leave to others the duty of se lecting a Chief Magistrate and of determin ing tho policy of the government for at least four years to come, and perhaps indef initely. We ask the honest portion of the Douglas and Bell men if, for the mere sake of voting for their first choice for the Pres idency, with the certainty that such votes can hart no direct bearing upon the result, thojr «iro triQlag to sacrifice the -chance of bwiring a part in settling the issues of this campaign? Wc have the testimony of Doughs himself that the Breckinridge par ty is a disunion party. Thai it is in favor of the indefinite extension of slavery, the opening of the. African slave trade, and the perpetuity of the institution, wc all know’. Mr. Lincoln is for maintaining the Union and the Constitution intact, is opposed to the revival of the African slave trade, op posed to the extension of slavery, and in favor of leaving the subject of its ultimate extinction to the peaceful and voluntary action of the States In which it exists. Here are the two policies. They differ radically. Northern men especially, accustomed as they are to the blessings of free speech, free mails, a free press and a free pulpit, cannot possibly regard with indifference the pros pect of inaugurating a policy which would deprive him and his children of these safe-, guards of liberty. A vole cast for Lincoln it a vole for maintaining them—a vote cast directly for Breckinridge, or so cast as to throw the election into Congress, is a vote in favor of giving them all np. This is the alternative. Men of the North! which do yoa prefer? “XAItORCBS WANTED.” Last spring, when the municipal election in tills city was pending, letters were sent off Bouth where many of the: Irish, labor ers from Northern Illinois were profitably employed, saying that Gurnee was sure to be elected, that Chicago was to be 'greatlv Improved, and that the “byes” must come borne. They came, voted, and arc here yet; bat most of them have not been em ployed half the time during the whole sum mer. The false Democracy arc again play ing the same disreputable game. D. N. Bar- Co., Democrats, or at least opposed to fvnfnm.v, contractors on tbe Louisville improvement, have their bills up for laborers, on a work that will give them constant employment for three or four years; J. B. Asbly & Co, fcrocious'/Doug lasltcs,havo a job on tbe Mobile/fe Ohio road, and, In perfect good frith, advertise for a. thousand men, at wages which no contractor in the North will think of pay tng; Mr~ Marshall, of this city. Democrat also, a contractor on the levee Improvement on the . Mississippi, wonts a thousand men at S3O per month and board, with the promise of work all winter, and an unlim ited number of jiggers every day; he has already taken down over two hundred and is endeavoring to get more; J. AV. Wilson, of whom*we spoke yesterday, contractor on the Kenosha & Eockfbrd road, has his bills up for men, promising steady employ mental good wages. These are how-fid* coatmctore—lhey want what they adver tise for and arc willing to pay for all they get * ; ' r It is known to everybody that there is a superabundance of laborers in Chicago; that . there is but little improvement going on; that what is in progress will be suspended when cold weather sets in; that there is a prospect for a tight winter among the poor cr and that steady and remunera tive employment during .the inclemcht 'months will not, if the laborers arc not de ceived, be thrown away. Now what does -the Tima. <£ Herald ? Says, and swears, that these advertisements arc BlackKepuc lican tricks to disfranchise the Irish voters; .that they not go; that there is labor here in abundance; that the new gas com. • paoy are to laydown their pipes this winter and thafihere will bo employment for all - Ab that is simply heathenish— a political dodge by which u few hundred men, at the cost to them of work for themselves and bread; for their families during the whole winter, arc induced to remain here to vote ' thcDouglas ticket! .It is a repetition of the trick by which many of the same .men were brought back from the South last i Spring, two months earlier thin they would “ have come, to vole for Gurnee and share - the spoils of his administration! " ,VTe make no appeals to the Irish; but we ! appeal to the public'without distinction of party, and ask if the tactic* of the Tima and fferald ire not.grossly unfair to .the labor ers, who need work and money, end the contractors who are honestly endeavoring, gel the means of completing their jobs-Thcre is, there' will he, no work here sufficient to employ'half the men who will he out of place. fThe new gas company will not "put down iti pipes this wintif, To do it would cost them seventy cents per running yard for excavation, when the same work, the frost being out of the ground, can be done for ten I cents. So of all other improve ments how under way. It is unfair, 11 is cruel to attempt to detain laborers here up on such pretences—ns the Timet and Herald setsupj We have only to say that if it suc ceeds, the benevolent societies'of lids city will foot the bilk They have burdens enough with the care of those whose age or infirmities make them subjects ofeharity. Let them not be borne down by the'familics of thosl who might have lidd employment, if not kepi herb by the leaders of the De mocracy, to vole a ticket that will not come within’ ten day's journey ot successs. 1 CLOSE EP THE HANKS!- . Hardly two weeks will elapse before the people of the whole country, except the kingdom of South Carolina, will bq called upon to choose national rulers for the next four years. Our Republican friends in the Northwest have been earnestly at work for months to secure a triumph for the principles which we believe arc necessary to the perpetuity of the government on the basis upon which the Fathers organ- ized it They have done an immensity of gratuitous and patriotic labor in the distri bution of documents, in procuring for the people an opportunity to hear distinguished speakers set forth the necessity for the ap plication of remedies to existing disorders in the body politic, and in perfecting an organization withontwhlch labor is vain. In Illinois, especially,' the Republicans have done their whole duty. There is no State in the Union, not excepting Indiana or Pennsylvania, that has been fought like this, i In every part of it the Republicans are thoroughly aroused and confident of victory. But much; yet remains to be done. The fruit of the days of toll are yet to be reaped; and onr laborers must still keep in the field. The time for monster meetings, and for the distribution of documents has passed. They have done their work. Bat the men whose faith has been strengthened by the appeals of our speakers and by the printed evidence laid before them, and the new men, who, impelled by a sense of duty, are now acting with ns for the first time, must he got to the polls. The labor, then, hereafter, is in the townships and precincts, and upon the local committees a weighty duty is devolved. They will see to iL. L That arrangements arc made for a fair Republican representation in every Board of Inspectors of election, to the end that no Knngfl« and Wisconsin frauds upon the ballot-boxes may snatch a well earned and righteous victory from our bands, IL That teams and men'are engaged, in advancc, to get cyerjf- Republican voter to the polls. This work must not be left to chance in any precinct in the State where our friends can enumerate half a dozen ballots. To do this job effectually, voting lists should be prepared, and as early as 2 o’clock in the afternoon, every man who has not deposited his vote should he sent for and entreated to come. Provision should be made for the infirm and aged, as if a rainy day were expected. This is all important; IIL That fearless challengers who will pledge themselves to stand all dr at the polls to which they are detailed, should be selected, and £ ihc exercise of their rights they iSasl be defended at all hazards. This is the more necessary because in all the doubtful legislative districts the pro-Slav ery men are preparing for frauds that arc without example in the State. TV. That tickets, and an abundance of them, with the names of all the candidates correctly spelled, are provided at every poll; : V. That enough Republicans are pledged to go to every poll to protect their chal lengers and each other from violence and insult These are obvious dalles of election day, and we entreat our local committees every where to be sure that they are discharged. Do not take it for granted that somebody wDI do aIT this; but select the men—such men only as are trustworthy and reliable pledge them each man to his share, and on the day of the great contest go to the polls with the self-assurance that tho ground work of a glorious victory is laid. In the meantime, much work of another sort may profitably be undertaken: See and- labor 'with the doubtful men, more or less of whom may be found in every township. They arc deafened by the cries of “ Abolition, 11 “ Nigger Equali ty,” “Dispnion, 11 “John Brown,” and the like balderdash. Their inclinations, in nine eases out of ten, are for the non-exten sion of slavery into Territories now free; for a fair, just and economical administra tion; for all measures which prom ise to put this government permanently on the side offree-soil and free men; for the beneficent Homestead measure; for a mod ification of the tariff in such a way that a fair share of the advantages of incidental protection may be reaped by our own far mers, laborers, and mechanics. Sec them; explain to them that this noise about Popu lar Sovereignty is only clamor without re ality behind it; that the Dred Scott dog mas of the pro-slavery men, arc, if allowed to control the legislation of the country, a death warrant for all freedom whether of the Territories or States; that Mr. Douglas lias not the remotest chance of an election; that the real contest is between' Lincoln and Breckinridge—slavery restriction and slavery extension by the power of the Federal Government; that the Republican party is truly national^ and conservative, .with none but patriotic and Christianpur poses, and that it is .to-day the only organi zation which can give anygoarantys that .it will govern the country justly in the spirit of the Fathers of the Republic, whose principles and policy it inherits. All men !not sodden with prejudice and hate may lie made to see these things; and, seeing f them, unless false to themselves, their coun try and their Maker, they can be induced to vote for Honest Old Abe. See to It, that Republican foreigners who are legally entitled to their papers of natu ralization arc furnished with them; and see to it further that all these exercise their newly acquired rights of citizenship, and vote. In every county there are more or less of these; and they are wanted to swell the majority by which Illinois will declare for the Rcpublicanfiulh. See the young men who will vole this year for the first lime. There arc inahy of them. Entreat them not to signalize their assump tion of the rights, duties, and responsibili ties of citizenship in a Democratic Repub lic, founded on the immutable principles of Right, by casting their first ballot for the extension of a system of human servitude, which is the concentration of all human Wrong. 'Ppmtontlo them their obliga tions to the true Democratic faith, their vi tal interest in the freedom; of the Territo ries and' in the. speedy enactment of a .Homestead Law by which they may be come owners of the soil. Bid them range themselves under the banner of liberty, and there take service of Which they will never be ashamed! and! yon will sweep the State like a whirl wind ! • • FUbrulou The Nebraska City Freu, of ; the 18th inst, asserts that returns of the recent election for Congress have been' received at Omaha from all the settled and organized counties In the Territory, and that Daily,(Republican,) re-elec ted by 163 majority.. The Fret* intimates that fraudulent means orebeing uacdj aa-lnl85&>~ to obtain thc'-ccrtiflcate for Mr. Morton. The Legislature is Republican in both branches— Council, 7 Republicans," 6 Democrats; House, 5 or 0 Republican majority. —>lr. &cott,thc candidate for Congress in the Vfifth District of Indiana, received 8W vote* in the District, A Short IHetliodvvltU Northern Donijh- faces. I have mixed considerably with Democrats of both factions, and have heard their objec tions to the Republican porly, ahd. think I have a satisfactory answer to each one. In the subjoined article will be found some of the points raised against our cause, and the replies I have been In the habit of rendering: nmooßixic exTxemsx awn oirrurLlciN ire v V Swims. , tjiicsiioii.—ls not the Republican party a sectional orguulzatlou ? and would not the election of Mr. Lincoln be a sectional triumph? Answer. —Certainly not Civlilialion, Chris tianity, Protestantism, arc equally liable to the same charge, and for just the same reason. Their principles arc universal enough to in clude all mankind; but portions of mankind have dogmalicaily set up against them a bar rier called pr^uiidr. . Republicanism is a sec tional berray In South Carolina; in the same sense ih which Protestantism is a sectional heresy in Spain. ; As well set down the Bible os a book hostile to the people of Japan, be cause tie' people of Japan will not themselves raid it'nor allow others to road it for them. The dcilrc to tyrannize, of which slaveholders accuse lis, is merely the reflection of their own intolerance; and it is over this narrowest and meanest of sectionalisms that the election of Mr. Lincoln will be a substantial triumph. (1 It is verv evident that while slavery ex igtjf Kemiblicsuilsm can never predominate In the Southern States. There will be constant irritation in those States until alldiscusslou of the subject shaft cease In the North. Ln less the purpose be to forcibly root ( ant slavery, would It not be better to cease giving ollcnct. A.—This is as if a madman should place him self on the public highway, and command all travellers to turn back under penalty of incur ring his displeasure. Republicanism will flourish wherever there are freedom of speech, and liberty of the press. Must wo surrender these safeguards because they are distasteful to a haughty oligarchy? Must the men of one community cease to do right, because the men of another community insist on doing wrong ? The good will propl tiatediby snch a sacrifice would ben disgrace while It lasted. It is related that a tbol once sold his nose fora nosegay How much wiser would it bo to purchase peace at the cost of liberty ? - : O.—Ail onr public domain was purchased by the common blood and treasure. Do_»®t aU our people possess an equal right to go there with their property ? Has Congress authority to take away that right f A.—lf this right be absolute and nncondl- tional, how ran it be annulled by the convcr fiion of a Territory into a State ? Docs not the right to enter upon the public lands remain the same wherever they may be —in Texas or lowa, In Minnesota or in Kansas ? This doctrine, if true, would plant slavery Jn every State in the Republic. No snch thing as prohibition could ever have been possible. But If the right be Umitcd and conditional. It follows inevitably that the sovereign people have power to re. strict its exercise within the domain which they govern in common. Nor can this point bo successfully controverted, unless it be shown that the people of the Stales, through their Congress, can exerdse no jurisdiction whatever over their own Territories. If the power to make an organic law for a Territory, docs not include the power to prohibit slavery therein, during the existence of that organic law, how, in the name of reason, can the pow- cr to make a Constitution for a new State, in dude the power to prohibit slavery therein during tho existence of that Constitution ? Q. —The slave U property in Kentucky; the horse is property In Illinois. • If Congress has the right to prevent the man of Kentucky from going into a Territory with his slaves, has It not just tho some right to prevent tho man of Illinois from going there with his horses? A.—The horse and the man arc not property In the same sense. Let the slave kill bis mas ter, and, If the law be observed, be Is tried, convicted, and.hanged, the same as any other 10411 *ould be. Let the horse kill Ida master —what punishment docs the law Inflict? Wc have no law making horses property, and yet they are recognized as snch throughout the world. Slaves arc property only where they are mode so by law. A statute declaring horses not property could have no binding force. During the Revolutionary war, tbe second war, and all the southern Indian wars, slaves were employed ns soldiers, scouts, teamsters, and servants. They fell in battle, they were taken prisoners, they died; but no claim was ever allowed bythcFcdcral Govern- ment for llic value of aslavc thus lost. Claims were always allowed for tho value of horses. The man of Illinois may not be prohibited from entering a Territory with his horses, be cause horses are property by the universal voice of mankind, and by the universal sanc tion of law. The man of Kentucky may be prohibited from taking with him his slaves, because the laws of Kentucky, by virtue of which alone, he holds them os slaves, have no existence beyond tho geographical limits of his State. Several other Democratic questions and Re publican answers will be presented In my next communication. _ Visdex. Southern Illinois Conference .and Sla- •very. Buxkeb Hill, 111., Oct. 22,15G0. Editor Chicago Tribune; The Southern Illinois Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, now in session In this place, has by an almost unani mous vote, just. adopted the report of their Commute on slavery, a copy of which I send you.' * I will say further, that the Conference has just heard of the assassination of Rev. Mr. Bewley, by ft pro-slavery mqj) In Texas; and a .set of very pointed and forcible'resolutions in regard to the matter, were introduced by two of the most Influential men of the body, and unanimously adopted. These resolutions will make their appearance in due time. Yours respectfully, J. P. Davis. To the Southern Illinois Annual Conference. Tour Committee on Slavery respectfully offer for consideration, the following resolutions, viz: L That we rejoice in the fact, that from the commencement of Us existence, our church occupied decidedly- anti-slavery ground; and bos always had upon record,. a pointed earnest and solemn appeal against the evil of 6l ? Cl ?hat while we announce this tact with out any hesitancy or concealment, vx unhes itatingly and distinctly avow our determina tion to refrain from participation in all oppo sition to slavery that is not of a peaceful and legal character; consequently we affectionate ly blit earnestly solicit our friends everywhere, to frown upon all attempts for the forcible dis solution oi the relation of master and slave, which, by the sanction of municipal law, exists in the slave-holding States of this confederacy. 3. That while we concede to slave masters their vested right in this particular, we must aflirm our right and that of our brethren eve ry where, freely and peacefully to discuss the evils of slavery; and we Insist, that such dis cussion cannot undcrany circumstances, what ever, constitute the least infringement upon the natural dr vested rights of any portion of the citizens of our country. 4. Thatlu order to demonstrate the com j edibility of an am Slavery church, distinctly avering its determination to labor for the ex tirpation of slavery, with social order and tran quility in slave holding communities, we point with satisfaction to the history of our ecclesi astical organization from the date of its earli est existence, and to the statistics exhibiting the great numbers both of masters and slaves who have been gathered into its pale, and fur nished withthebreadof life through the la bors of its ministry. 5- That in view of the facts, exhibited in the foregoing resolutions, we .reflect with re gret ana amazement upon the attempt recent ly made in a neighboring State, to forcibly dis perse one of the annual conferences, when in peaceful session under the supervision of one ©fourchief pastors;that we deeply sympa thize with our afflicted .brethren, both of the clcrgyand laity, whose most prcclons rights have been assailed by repealed acts of lawless force; and that we commend the eases of those brethren to the fervent prayers ofthe member ship of the entire church. G. That, notwitbstadlng the opposition in dicated by our votes at our last annual session, to all cliangcs then contemplated in the pro visions of the discipline concerning slavery, we nevertheless acquiesce In theactionofthe late General Conference touchlcgthat matter; and that In the view ofthe advisory character ofthe new chanter upon slavery, we regard it as really more lenient to our brethren who are unhappily connected with slavery, than were the provisionstrfthe former chapter; conse quently, we have not the least sympathy with any movement'wherever, inaugurated, that contemplate the secession - of any annual con ference or conference? from the church, in con saqncnce of the introduction into the Disci pline ofthe chapters upon slavery. 7, That we hear with surprise and regret of the occasional utterance upon the part of some ofourchurch members, oi opinions favorable to slavery in the abstract; and that we respect folly yet earnestly commend to the prayerful consideration of such brethren the following facts, viz: '• ' That no Influence in all the land is ar rived with more inveterate hostility furainst the church of their choice,-than is the ease with the slave power of the country. Second, That the utterance of pro-sUvery sentiments by onr church members is an exhibition of dls rwmrd for the deliberate and solemnly exprees : coWnions of the entire church. Third, That such utterance has a tendency to expose onr •brethren upon the border to persecution. Fourth, That Christian people cannot consis tently treat with indifference the dearly ex pressed opinions of the church of their choice uponlqucstions either of morals or doctrine. JriftJh That to sanction slavery, is virtually to approve of the African slave trade, which has been decided to be piracy by the leading power* of Christendom, but which, In conse quence we fear, ofthe teachings of professed ••Christians of odr country, is being prosecuted Tbe Dying Groans of Democracy— Gui. Uarrlngton’s Cas. Correspondence ot the Uhitago Tribune. StEiuaso. Whiteside C0.i0ct.23.16G0, Gus. Hurriugton, the Democratic nominee to stay away from Congress held forth here last evening. ' A Democratic speech- being a great rarity in this scetlon,all the Republicans agreed to attend, but Ml bftnc away belter satisfied tb-if they were right Ilian ever before. He dealt only in personal-assaults, such as calling Seward a llatfor-saying that Douglas ever uttered the sentiment that he “cared not whether slavery was voted up or downl” IHb. said that Douglas occupied a position like Christ in the days of the Apostles,, and his deeds were as glorious. Here a stampede of the clergymen took place, they not caring to bear such uuholy desecration of the Saviour in connection with poatlcs; lie a great handle of the people of Chicago puttinadown free speech, when they refused to hear Douglas, but forgot to say anything about free speech In other portions of the C °UeS[d the Republicans hired Black Doug las to follow the great American statesman S. A. some years ago, through this State, and said he,- “ 1 was speaking at Aurora that year, when the people commenced hollering for Ford Douglas,” and said he, “ I had a pistol in my pofckct, and as sure os there is a God in heaven,* liad he came upon the stand I would have shot him. I meant to do it I wanted to do it, and I intended to do it” Here the Democracy cheered .vociferously. .He said that Douglas stood above any statesman that ever lived in this country; that Clay, Webster and Calhoun were nowhere when- Douglas spoke iu the Senate. - . . He sdid the old Constitution of Illinois re cognized slavery—a lie that bos been too often refuted to have even a semblance of truth about ft. , He closed his speech by saying that the Democratic party believe that- the negro is ■ the happiest and best off when in Slavery. He tried to prove by John Wentworth s pa per that the Republican party were Abolition ists, and asked, “Is not he a Republican >” A prompt and emphatic “no” “no, 'fromthe audience silenced him on that point. ' He said so often that he began to be ridi culed* “My God, my God, has It come to this; that an old rail-splitter must be made President over the purest, the holiest, the noblest and most patriotic statesman that the world ever knew r* ... .. Bend along your Democratic speeches. All such speeches ns this are better for making Republican votes than all the Republican speeches put together. The Democrats are ashamed, and the Republicans are full of hope, energy and life. . . Hurry up for wc arc all anxious to stop the mournful howlof the Democrat*: x ours truly, X. A Southern Newspaper on Douglas. The following may serve to amuse readers of all parties, while it will possibly amaze the Douglas men: [From the Peterebargh (Va.) Bulletin.] LET THE SOUTH LOOK OUT. The great disorganizer |s still on the tramp. When last hkard from lie was among his con genial friends that dispute with the crawfishes lor the slashes of Michigan, and was holding forth to the Abolitionists of Kalamazoo about the ineffable beauties of Squatter Sovereignty, and the grateful duty of hanging Southern pa triots. Not content with the mischief he has already produced by blighting Democracy wherever be has visited, he meditated addi tional treachery, and woult\ extend, bis nox ious influence to hlibcrltt iincoulamliiaicu re gions. He Is about to make the tour of the Southern States, scattering his poison as he goes. The following is an authentic list of his appointments, reacluog, it will be seen to the very day of the Presidential election: Slempnls, Tenn., Wednesday, Oct. 21. Uuuurllle. Ala., Thursday, Oct. 25. Nashville, Tenn., Friday, Oct. 20. Chattanooga, Tenu., Saturday. Oct. 27. Kingston, ua.. Monday, Oct: 22; Atlanta. Oft.. Tuesday, Ort.JXJ. Macon, Qa.. Wednesday, Oct. 31. Columbus. Ga.. Thursday, Nov. 1. Montgomery. Ala,. Friday, Nov. 2. Selma, Ala., Saturday, Nov, 8. Mobile, Ala., Monday, Nov. G. This, wc think, is tbo most impudent and most disgraceful demonstration ever made by a Presidential candidate. For three mohths this Itinerant pcdlcr of Yankee notions bos been hawking his pinch beck principles about the country, to the in finite dh<oist Cf all sensible men. Ho has made speeches wherever a handful of people could be assembled to hear him—speeches at railway stations, speeches from hotel windows, speeches at college dinners, speeches at clam hakes, speeches In the morning when duly sober, in his dressing gowti, speeches at noon when only a little high, in bis coat and collar, speeches at night when more than half seas over, in his night cap, speeches vindictively ferocious, and speeches with nothing in them. And all this speaking, and all this traveling, if his own words arc to be believed, Is underta ken for no purpose whatever. He disclaims all aspirations lor the Presidency, arid talks as if hb would not accept it If offered to him. Then, wherefore Is he making such strenuous exertions to obtain it ? It is not probable that Douglas will be kind ly received at the South. Since bis recent visit to Virginia it has become plain to the simplest understanding, that all bis efforts during this canvass have been directed to the furtherance of Lincoln’s interests, and to the destruction of tho Democratic party. It was for the accomplishment of these objects that he interfered to prevent a fusion in Pennsyl vania of tho elements opposed to Black Re publicanism, and thereby procured the defeat of the Democracy in -that. State. North and South lie is pursuing the same policy, exerting all bis influence to Insure the defeat of the Democratic nominees. He hates the. South, and he bates the Democratic party, and will do all in his power to bring about their humil iation. • We regard it as somewhat ofaboldmoveon the part of Judge Douglas, to venture on Southern soil in the present excited condition of the public mind. We do not bdieVe that he will be permitted to finish out his appointments, but before the programme Is completed, that he will be in mdignautly expelled from the limits of the South. And we tincnxty hope he may be. Lincoln would not bo permitted to make the tour of the South, scattering broadcast his damnable doctrines, and we see no reason why greater indulgence should be shown to Doug las while engaged in the' same office. Both are working to the same end, the subjugation of the South, and we,see no reason why a white flag should not protect one traitor as well as another. We do not counsel harsh' measures against Judge Douglas. We •would not have him come to bodily harm. Such treatment al though be may merit it, would compromise the honor of the South. But we would have him treated with neglect wherever he appears, we wonld have such condemnation of ms prin ciples and his purposes evinced that in the language of the Memphis may strike into his very heart, and retribution ring through his every veins,” until humiliated and abashed be may slink lock to bis North ern fastness, never again to show his bloated visage in any Southern community. That’s all the harm we wish Judge Douglas for the present, Dongbraco Lorrnbec. [From the Madison (Wls.) Journal.]' Keep it before the people, that Charles H. Latrabce, the only Democratic member of the House of Representatives from Wisconsin, vo ted for a Know-Nothing for Speaker, and to put the organization of the House in the hands of the Know-Nothings. Keep it before the people, that Charles IL Larrabcc. In a speech mode by him in tbellonse of Representatives, December 17th, 1859, and subsequently published and circulated under his frank, uttered the following sentiments: “ Sir, 1 have been astonished to hear gentle men on this floor, who were Democrats, and who say they were Democrats, charging upon the Administration of Mr. Buchanan that it is wicked, that it Is corrupt, that it is infaznoas; why, sir, {J'ttts is to, I have learned it for the fnt tune. I think I have watched the course of the President as careful as those men! and although there has been many things that I inyscll might not subscribe to; yet at the same time, 1 know the high responsibility of that position, 1 know that few men can fill it with out being surrounded with difficulties; 1 know that it is the most delicate, and highest, and the most honorable position that man can fill upon earth, and 1 always yield to the President of the United States, the highest possible respect. I ENTERTAIN THOSE SENTIMENTS TO DAY FOR THE PRESENT OCCUPANT OF THE EXECUTIVE CHAIR. “ As an individual and an American citizen, I WOULD BE WILLING TO CONCEDE TO EVERY SOUTHERN MAN THE RIGHT TO GO INTO EVERY TERRITORY- WITH THEIR SLAVES AND HOLD THEM THERE UNTIL A STATE CONSTITUTION 13 FORM ED.” 4 * If I lived in a Southern Territory, amomr Southern men, I "WOULD OWN SLAVES MYSELF. 1 WOULD NOT THINK THAT I WAS THEREBY GUILTY OF A MORAL WRONG.” Keen it before the people, that when a mem ber of the recent Democratic Congressional Convention, which met at Fon da Lac, and re nominated this pro-slavery man Lambce, of fered a resolution expressing disapprobation of the above sentiments, the gag rule t«w ap plied, debate cut of, and the resolution promptly rejected by a tvir t>f 5C to 2d / Attempted Fusion iu Ohio. [Correspondence Cincinnati Commercial.! ColLUXdub, Oct. S3, 1800. The attempt at fusion by the Douglas Dem ocratic managers to-day was a failure. Only six of the twenty-one composing the Douglas State Central Committee were present, and none of the Breckinridge or Bell Committee. Those present were Mnnypenny, of Franklin; O’Neill, of Muskingum; Stoat, of Monroe; Cass, of Coshocton; Mount, of Cincinnati, and Armstrong, of Seneca. Only four Douglas Electors present—Dur bin, of Erie; Flagg, of Cincinnati; Foss, of Preble, and Stayman, of Delaware. The meeting was . held with dosed doors, and proceedings kept secret; but it Is known that nothing was done for want of a quorum; and alter much discussion, those present deter mined it was too latc-totiy to do anything. So there will probably be no further attempt to get the Committee together with a view to fusion, and the project is abandoned., J*. 0. lion* Alexander n. Stephens on their* impressible Conflict. TVc lake the following paragraph from a tpeccb by Hon. A. U. Stephens, delivered at a Douglas and Johnson rally, at Atlanta, Ga., on theaith of September, and published In'the Southern Confederacy, a Douglas organ, of the 2£tb: •- *• Bat, boiler log &g I do, that slareryis: the nor mal condition of the negro, and tbatit U one of the Axed laws of the Creator that it shall exist, lU lum the time ici U etane tcAen it vlff cxUi in every Stale in the .Union." : Mr. Stephens haa been announced to fill Douglas’ aPpolntmcutsin this State. Suicide, —Miss Francis E, Bowen, aged 19 years, daughter of A, Q.' Bowen, of pskaloosa, lowo, a young lady -of estimable character, committed suicide on Tuesday oflast week by taking strychnine. Dcr friends are unable to account for the act of self destruction. Former Citizens of Illinois Murder ed 4n Texas! How Northern Democrats arc Treated at the South. A MAN AND WOMAN HUNG. [From tile Canton (ill.) Register. Oct. 2.] Dr.-J. M, SUreeves, formerly of Avon. In this county, and Harvey Foster, f or ®cri) ol Knox county, well known by all our ,f o3 ' moved to Texas, two years ago, and settled at Rock Creek, Johns county. They were both conspicuous Douglas men in the campaign or 18S8,*the former having been borhi Democrat and the latter being an old line Whig during the existence of the party. 4 f _ It seems that they have become obnoxious to the Southerners from tbe tact that they came from the North. They have been sub jected to outrageous Insults and among other tilings, their honscs have been searched for incendiary documents, a process that Is through once a month with the houses or all Northerners. • All letters and papers are taken andclpfiely examined,and any s((ra“‘hil a private letter, of any Republican newspaper ii sufficient to gain the fiat, of in dignation Jrom the Inquisitors. The families of these persons have repeated ly written home to their friends not to send Inem any newspapers or fay anything about slavery In their fetters. Both bhreeves and Foster were in favorof slavery lll d were about to Invat in that kind of property. But it scorns that they wero regarded as objects of suspicion and a short time since received no tice to quit the State of Texas in nine weeks, and th(s* are now preparing to comply with thia outrageous demand. Both have much property in lands and cattle, and Bhreeves was largely lengagcd iu the practice of medicine. They will leave at a great personal Inconve nience jand pecuniary loss. If they remain they wfil-probably forfeit their lives. Ucre ls an instance of popular sovereignty, of the Operation of “my great principle* that will come right home,to the citizens of Fulton county. 'All this trouble and confusion arises from the repeal of the iiissourl Compromise, —the most dastardly act of the iniquitous life of Stephen A. Douglas. When his name Is forgotten by all the rest of the country. It will provoke the curses of the men whose mends and property have becnsacrificcdby the insane agitation he bo- 1 * produced in the heartless ef forts to aggrandise himselt [From the Canton (111.) Register, Oct. 23,] The reader will remember, that .a few weeks since we stated, on the authority dr a letter received at Fairview, that Dr. Bhreeves and Mr. Foster, with their families, had been warned by the ruffians sway in Texas to leave that State, and widE making prepara tions to return to Illinois. On Thursday last, Mr. Wm. Bybee, a resident of T.exas, well klitJfrli to inahy of oiir ciUlcua fis adehlcf in cattle and horses, arrived from that State, and brought to the friends of Fairview the melan eholy intelligence that Dr. Shreevea and Mr*. Foster hadfallen victims to the spirit of out rage which runs riot in Texas. The two families, it seams, had complied with the ruthless command expelling them from their homes, atld were on theft way to wards this State, when they were overtaken by theft persecutors, aud Dr. Sbrceycs and airs. . Foster summarily secured and hung to a tree. Mr. Foster and the remainder of the two faml lies escaped. * _ . Wc get the news from Dr. Shreevea, of Fair view, a nephew of the Dr. Shreeves above re ferred to, and who has no doubt as to Its am thentleity. He says Mr. Bybcc was a friend aud neighbor of bis tinclcVi and au acquaint ance of fifteen years’ standing. No letters , have been received from Dr. Shreeves or Mr. Foster fbr eight weeks, bv their friends at Fairview, a cneiimsuicce of fearful portent, as heretofore they have been prompt corresp jndeuts. At no previous time have they permitted letters to them to remain so long unanswered. ..... * lu our sympathy for the afflicted friends of these martyrs to the cause of free labor, we have no disposition to bestow upon the au thors of this enormous crime, those denunci ations which their guilt deserves. “Vengeance is mine}” sflilh the Lord, cud these ruffian murderers cannot escape the malediction which made Cain a wanderer and and outcast upon the earth. • . ... Wc will remark, by way of explanation, that Dr. Shreeves was not only not an Aboil tioulst, but wc are informed by his connec tions at Fairview, was in favor of slavery, and was preparing to make Investments In negroes. When he left this State he was a Douglas man. The only grounds for disturbing him was bis being a Northern man, and coming from a sec tion where free white labor Is respected. DOUGLAS'S SUNDERS AGAINST CLAY More Proof* [From the Canton (Fulton Co.) Register.! 8. Corning Judd, in the debates with W. P. Kellogg, some time since, charged that he •(Kellogg) could not produce credible evidence that Douglas, in this city, hail denounced Henry Clay in the moat outrageous manner. Mr. Kellogg has had in his pocket, for three weeks, an affidavit which, at a proper time, he intended to read for the benefit of Mr. Judd; that time was set to bo during the debate to occur at Canton, on Monday, the 15th. As Mr. Judd, on account of UlnasSy was not on band to fill his appointment, aud the opportu nity did not thus transpire, we arc allowed to publish the affidavit. Mr. Herring resides In Putnam township, and is one of the most intelligent and upright men in the county. He is as well known, as a man of honor ami of wealth as any muu iu this section of the Stale. He was a devoted admirer of Henry Clay, and his recollection of Douglas’s atrocious speech in Canton is cStremeJy vivid. The calumnies then uttered by Douglas sank deeply into Mr. Herring’s heart and memory, lie can never forget nor forgive the author of them. This testimony is conclusive: MB. HEUHINO’S AFFIDAVIT. Stats of Illinois, Fulton Co., \ City Corporation of Canton, f Joseph K. Herring, being duly sworn, deposes and says that, at the time Stephen'A. Douglas was canvassing foe Congress against O. .11, Drowning, of Quincy, Illinois, ne, the said Joseph R. Herring, heard biephen A. Douglas, while delivering a speech in tne town of Canton. Felton county, HH- BJJWVU ill IUG iu" u wi vviitwu, . t nols, say. In substance, In reference to Henry Clay, that Henry Clay was a TRAITOR TO lIIS COUN TRY AND SOLD HIMSELF FOR BRITISH GOLD: and he, the said Joseph R. Herring, further says that be further beard Stephen A. Bought# de clare. in the some speech, that HENKi CLAY WAS A GAMBLER, PERJURER AND MUR DEREIL JOSEPH IL HERRING, of Putnam. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 13th day of September. A. D. I£CO. Wx Vandevendeb, Police Magistrate. Witness, J. C. Wilson. State of Illinois, ) Fulton Comity, f 5 ' I, Chas. T. Heald, a Notary Public for the dty of Canton. In said county, do certify that 1 am ac quainted with Joseph It Herring, and also with Wm. Vandevender, and that their signatures to the above certificate are genuine. Given under my hand and notarial seal this 1 «th day of September, A. D. 18C0. [L. S.j Chas, T. Heald, Notary Public. A Rejoicing Republican in Illlasourl* The following exultation over the victories of the Republicans, achieved recently, is from the St. Joseph (Mo.) Free Democrat: Black Republicanism triumphant—Pennsyl vania leads the column—only £I,OOO majority and rising—Old Abekas “been!” from Indiana —IO,OOO majority—Abraham calls for an axe and a maul—Ohio blacker than ever, 25,000 majority—Abrabamperfectly cool—lt suits him —Freedom wins—Keystone Boys, Buckeye Lads, Uoosier Rail-splitters—Victory every where—My great principle, in a bom —Breck- inridge nowhere—Bclleverctt fused, unfused and confused —We have met the enemy and they arc ours. It is our delightful task as public journalists to announce the fact that Pennsylvania, Indi ana and Ohio have been heerd” from. They have been and gone and done it—all three of them. •• Never, oh never appear the Immortals, Never alone.” As we go to press it Is a matter of doubt whether the Union la busted or not. We sup pose it is. It must be. Old Abe —all there is. of him. fjiven or eight feet—is titling in the White House. We arc no longer “Black Republicans, we belong to the Administration party, and, like all men who arc victorious and in power, we arc “white.” Yes, white Curtin has been elected by white men; Henry S. Lane has been elected by white men, and Abraham Lincoln wiU be elected in thceame way.. The pro-slavery men about town arc pictures of melancbolv, anguish and despair. A skull and bones is* absolutely cheerful when com pared with their pro-slavery countenances. On the 6th of November, Missouri will re cord her 40,000 votes for Lincoln and Liberty. This is the time when the ordinary means of expressing joy fall us; words are inadequate. We close with a hearty three cheers and a ti ger for Lincoln and Hamlin. A Stranger’ll Xrthule to tlie Pcoplo of Chicago. One of the editors of the New Orleans I\ca~ f/uiK who was here at the time of the recovery of the body of the lamented Lumsden, In writing to that paper particulars of the event, after mentioning a number of our citizens who had made special exertions to contribute to the success of the search for the bodies of the lost, says: But If I were to give you a list of all who sympathized with, proffered aid, ond gave it, 1 bnouldgivcyouaustof nearly every man in Chicago, with whom I had the fortune to make acquaintance. lam more pmticalar In mentioning these, because on the first occur rence of the disaster, there were harsh things said, and justly, of the conduct of a portion ox the longshore population, In regard to v ine property which came on shore. These crimi nalities were indignantly reprobated by the great masses of the population, and have not been repeated. They were the acts ot a law less lew, who took the opportunity of asuifc den occasion of great distress to plunder what they could reach; hot the people arc no more responsible Intheir character than the citizens of New Orleans would be for the pilferings on the sudden breaking out of a great fire.' Ou tlie contrary, uo community behaved throughout this ead affiur with more unvarying and distlntcrested kindness and manliness than have been displayed towards our poor friend. He came to them almost a stranger; they made him thelrgue»t,andhave eared for him with a rare sense of the highest duties of hospitality. Disaster fell upon him while in their household, os they thourfit, and they sought for his remains with fiutnim in tercel as for a brother. We, who have Known him long,’ know how worthy he was of such interest. They extended to him, exactly the generous and loyal cares which he was always so prompt to'estend to others. If any oucor these had fallen into trouble and grief, here, H was in the nature of Lumsden to do what has been done for him; to lake them into ms large heart, aud extend his open hand, to help them, living;’or restore them,, dead, to the cares of mourning, friends. 'lt is abeautiful thought'—that these noble hearts should so in stinctively have turned to each other. ; Jt nay &Qt be wilhofiV°th«.bwicflccntuscs, to which I cannot now refer, that wc have learned that there arc such kind ami generous bouU in this far-bff region, of which wc arc opt to think, sometimes, with feelings not so cordial os ought to exist between citizens of the same Republic. For this time, let us not fail to bear our own testimony to their capaci ty for very generous and Iriendlr acts, and learn to forbear and forgive much, if much be needed, in remembrance of the magnanimity we have seen and felt. MOVEMENTS OP THE PEOPLE* The Rail-Sputter.—Wc find the following good t ong In the Janesville Gazette, written by Andrew Downing, Eiq. Am—“ Old Dan Tvcler Ob. splitting raQs Is a very good trade For o man that isn’t at all atraid, And maul and wedge, wllh drill and strength ' Will rivp tbe tongbest oak at length. Chorus—So work away, you strong rail-splitter, Tbe bread of toll la seldom bitter, - V.ork away, Ac_ Will a cheerful heart and a tireless arm • StlllVork away, and fence your farm: For well made fences, eight rails high, WHlthe mo'st unruly herds defy. Cnoscsr-So work awayjroa tall rafl-iplUtcr; • • Fence out every ugly ** critter;” Work away, Ac. Old f Uncle Sam” has land “oat West.” As fxlr and fertile as the best. That needs a fence both high and stout To keep tbe foes of freedom out. Cnoncft—Where’s the man with maul and wedges? < We’ve no faith la eoutbcni pledges, ' Where's the man, Ac. For they’ve been broken, each and all. But Old Abe’s coming With hU maul. And be Is just the man to make A fence they cannot leap or break. Gnoses*—Then work away, yon tall raft-splitter, f Keep ont Slavery’s cursed utter, : Then work away, Ac. And if OH Douglas’ head do fall Tbo blows of that old ponOroua manJ, lie’ll wish he had never been bofa To ice one dark November morn. Choscb—•‘'O maul away, you tall rail-splitter. The 7 * Utile GfatnlV’pfillihltler. Haulaway, Ac. When mauling Democrats—not rails— Is o’er—’cause the timber falls And can’t be “Undo Sam . Says '"corns up higher, Abhatlax!’ Chobus—We’ll shout hurrah! for the tall rafl- • pplitter. For a President he’s fitter! We’il about hurrah! Ac. Dn. Fiues, a German Democrat, ok Fu sion.—No, sir, if lamto be pat to bed,-It shall not be with the carcass of a dead dog—-the Douglas party and the Know Nothin" party— and In the language once used by an Ohio Sen ator of the old Whig party, “They arc not only dead bat they sunk.” Hon. 3: D; Bright.— I The Washington cor respondent “ Occasional,” of tbe Philadelphia Press, says Mr. Bright openly expresses his gratification at the defeat of the Democracy in Indiana, notwithstanding Mr. Hendricks, the candidate for Governor, was his personal friend. Mr. Flteh is supposed to occupy a po sition in consonance with that of Mr. Bright. The South Carolinians have organized a corps Of “Minute Men,” to offset the “Widc- Awakes” of the North. At Columbia, tbo other day, tbe Minute Men turned out in a torch-light procession, in respectable numbers. The Caroiinum says “They, each wore a red scarf, with the let ters M. M. imprinted on it. Thu organization is rapidly extending through thuStatc and the South. It is designed as an organization for the preservation of the interests and institu tions of the South} find the formation of a Southern Confederacy. The fetent elections will doubtless stimulate its growth, and we would not be surprised If, in a mouth, with proper drill and discipline, it furnishes an army stron" enough to maintain any Independent movement that may be made by the Southern States.” The Charleston Mercury adds that in Ker shaw, Abbeville and Richland districts the or ganization is already complete and powerful, “ embracing the flowcf of the youth, and led on by the most Influential citizens. The badge adopted is a blue rosette —two and a half inch es in diameter, with a military button In the centre —to be worn upon the side of the hat. Let the Important work go bravely on, and let every son of Carolina prepare to mount the blue cockade.” A new Southern outrage is noticed by the Wilkcsbarre, (Pa.) Jiccord, as follows: “Mr. David Levi has just returned from Ari zona. Coming up the Mississippi, as the boat stopped at Natchez, a vote was taken for Pres idential preferences among the passengers. One very respectable-looking merchant from Ohio voted for Lincoln, with thc_ remark that it was useless for him to disguise his scnli meuts. The other passengers Immediately stripped him, covered him with tar and feath ers, and set him afloat in a canoe,” The Raleigh (N. C.) Messenger, says that they have “undeniable authority,” that the State Bank of North Carolina, in view of the “ giarpiing condition of the country,” has de termined to suspend discounting until further results shall be developed. This has a bad look for the Democratic fire-eaters of North Carolina. Where arc the sinews of war to come from ?—the banks refuse to let them have any. The Governor of South Carolina has is sued his Proclamation calling together tho Legislature on the 6th proximo, for tho pur pose of appointing Presidential Electors, and “ also, that they may, If advisable, take action for the safely of the State." Gov. Pettns of Mississippi writes, in re ply to an invitation to speak at a meeting in Chickasaw county,that “a proper tax on north ern manufactures, and individual action look ing to non-lntcrcoursc commercially with the abolition States, is the lever which, properly bandied, can turn New England upside down in six months. Half her population would be paupers In less than twelve months from the day Southern States ceased to trade with her.” Missouri.—' The Breckinridge State Com mittee of Missouri have issued a long address severely denouncing Douglas, and inquiring why any Democrat can still persist in support ing him. In regard to the election of Lincoln, that event is conceded, and the sentiment of the Committee is expressed as follows: “We do not despair, but we concede the probabilities of Lincoln’s election. In that event the people of the extreme Southern States will feel that their property and their lives arc endangered. Many of them, doubt less, will urge a dissolution of the Union. Missouri has everything to 10-e, nothing to gain, by the happening of that event, fche should do her utmost to prevent it. Now w the time for her to act.” Coming to His Senses.—Old Mr. Bennett seems to be recovering his senses, which all admit have been astray for this many a year. The Herald has persistently predicted com mercial panic, dissolution and civil war, as the inevitable result of Mr. Lincoln’s election. It has now made the important discovery tint Mr. Lincoln Is a conservative, Union-loving man. It concedes his election as beyond a doubt, and says: “It appears that ‘Old Abe’ I- a conservative Republican—that he contemplates no war upon the constitutional rights of slavery In the slave Stalest —bat his platform is the Chicago plat form in good faith, and that his general policy upon shivery will he to conciliate the South into submission. Instead of exasperating her people into open rebellion. His cabinet, 100, will be made up of Northern and Southern men.” We should not be surprised to hear that the ITendd had been voted “ incendiary” by the Southern fever-heads, and all copies sent in that direction ordered to be burnt. What will the dry goods house of IL S. & S., including the porter, do for an organ ? The New York Commercial Advertiser We have good reason for affirming that a very large number of Southern gentlemen have alrcadv personally paid their respects to Mr. Lincoln and entered freely into conversation with him respecting the views Hint will con trol Uia administration in case of his election to the Presidency, and that the noble frank ness and patriotism of the man, and the innate conservatism of his mind, have won for him their respect and admiration, and their assur ance of confidence and co-operation. A FcsiOJf Fizzle.— The Douglas State Com mittee of Ohio were called to meetatColum bu» on Monday last, for the purpose of making up a guccotash ticket for electors in Ohio. At the time named there was not a quorum of the Committee present, and they adjourned with heavy heart*. Tenxessee.— The Memphis Scalanche says remarkable changes, from Douglas to Breckin ridge arc going on in that State, and that If they continue for two weeks, the State is sure for Breckinridge. Donghw never stood any chance in the State, hnt it was feared that he ml"ht draw off a few thousand votes, enough to give the electoral vote to Bell-Evcrett. A New Idea.— The Hon. Andrew Ewhif. Hon. Fcllr Zolllcoffer, and the Hon. Ned a. Brown, all of Tennessee, have gone to New York SUto to appeal to the patriotism of that Slate against the success of Lincoln. —Jianpmt Appeal. ' ' 'j ' " ' '■ This is anew idea, and ah innovation. The appeals in that SUte against Lincoln have all been to the pockets of the Slate. Pemjstltaeiju— The Fusion, or Reading ticket, as it Is called, recently adopted by both branches of the Democracy of Pennsylvania, or rather a portion of them, does not include any Bell-Everctt representation. That party is turned out Into the cold. Handsome Majorities.—The majority for Hon. Thad. Stevens in the IXlh (Lancaster) District, Pennsylvania, is 14.4 M; and the ma jority for HorL G. A. Grow In the XTVih (Bradford) District Is 8,938.; ViEOlsiA.—The excitement at Wheeling, To., upon the receipt of the news of the elec- Uons pCthe9tff list., to as'great as at any 'place'bflUsite fn;the country. -The InUßi genetf gives ait account of it, and states that at a quarter to twelve' a dispatch was received from Philadelphia'announcing the election of 'Curtin.'The stairways, hall and b£Bcc of the. InteUigcnecr were choked up with people,- and. from them went up one nniTcrsal shout, Jfat; •'• ••• ; - : - J ** t content with that, they gave three times three cheers for Lincoln, Hamlin and Curtin. This enthusiasm continued until after midnight, and was only abated by the sheer exhaustion of the Republicans. Disbanded. —The Douglas Club at College Point, Long Island, New York, disgusted with the Dry.Qocds fusion ticket, has disbanded. A Suggestion.—A friend suggests that the SB,OOO which was the overplus of the proceeds of the Prince of Wales Ball In New York, and rwhich It has been decided to use for charilv ble purposes, should be given to the IL S. <fc T. Dry Gopda Fusion Committee. He thinks that there cannot be a body of men found who are really more In need of some droppings from the band of charity. A Bad Look ron the Democracy. —Mr. Douglas and his friends say he Is the regularly nominated candidate for President The prob abilities are that Mr. Douglas will not get a. single electoral vote. A dark future for the Democracy I •. White County.— A friend writes ns that more than half the Germans in White county arc for Lincoln, and this too in the face of the fact that a German Republican speaker has never been heard In that county until within a week past, (Mr. Julius Kune of this city, who has addrefibed two German meetings with good effect) Lincoln will get nearly DOO votes in White County, where Fremont only had 27. —The Milwaukee Peoples Pros denounces Carl Schurz as a “disturber of tbe public peace.’* A slight mistake. Mr. Schurz Is a disturber of the Democracy, not the public peace. . PERSONAL. The barouche made on purpose fer the use of the Prince of Wales during hla sojourn in New York, at a cost of SI,OOO, was sold at auc tion ori Monday. The auctioneer commenced by stating that the carriage was built to order by Lawrence, for the exclusive use of His Royal Highness, and that It had never been de voted to any other purpose that could detract from the interest that attached to it. He stated that it coat one thousand dollars, could not be duplicated for leas than that amount, was iu first-rate ofdcr, and would be sold to the high est bidder without reserve. It was started at SSOO, and finally the bidding rtife op to $620, would go no higher, and was struck off to Mr. Watts Sherman, of the house of Duncan, Shennan & Co., bankers and fnsionists. Tbe ffofik.v market is evidently declining. Price, the notorious head of the Agape* mono or frce-lovc abode In England, baa made np hlsmind to emigrate to this country. Three distracted husbands hare instituted actions against Price for the recovery of their wives’ fortunes, and as the choice left to Price lies between Imprisonment and flight. It is proba ble tliat he will prefer the latter. It is said that he is fully prepared to found an Agapemone in the United States. —The correspondent of the Boston Courier says of the Sew York ball to the Prince: “I am told that the poor youth la literally covered with black and blue spots—painful re membrances of the ball; that women who had given up all hope of being introduced to him, pushed him, punched him, pinched him, jos tled him, squeezed his arm when they thought thcr could do so unobserved, touched his coat, and stared at him with a wonderment Incredi ble, The poor shy Prince was at one time alarmed, and his attendants seriously contem plated withdrawing him from the scene of rev elry early in the donee.” —The police of New Haven found a party of students engaged in loading the gates of the citizens into a horse cart they liad pro cured for the purpose of carrying them off Saturday night 'When the officers came up, the students took another gait as a matter of defence. —A young member of the Society of Friends, whose 21st birth-day happened to be the same of our Presidential election, feeling some conscientious scruples about voting, provided his advent into the world wad in the evening, made known his ‘ exercise* to his mo ther, who answered him with great apparent gravity, but much suppressed manner, thus: ‘ Benjamin, thee ran toft : thee was In time to prevent my attending ferek day tnedhig. —A jour printer in the Erie Gazette put on a “sub,” and went into the Mcadville oil dis trict, bought on oil claim on time, struck oil, and had been offered §20,000 for his chance. He bad better take It. It’s a “ fat” take.” The lucky" printer’s name is George Simonton, and he formerly worked in the office of the Cleve land Plaindader. —The venerable Dr. Lyman Beecher has just passed into his 80th year. Tho harden of age begins at last to rest upon him heavily, though not until fourscore years did he begin perceptibly to lose his normal activity of body or mind. He still walks the streets, suffers no disease but the Infirmities of age, and exhibits cheerful spirits, though cj times a wandering mind. , SirEdwanlßulwerLyttonlswritingancw five-act drama. —Commodore Charles M. Skinner, who for nearly fifty years had been attached to the United States Navy, died at Richmond, Virgin ia, on the 19th instant. He entered the ser vice In 1809, as a midshipman, and served In various capacities until 1835, when be .was placed upon the retired Hat. About thirty-six years of his life were passed unemployed. Ills sea duty extended over but fourteen years. —Maj. Gen. Sanford, of Georgia, has made a report to the Commander-in-Cbief, in-which he states that his command is In a state of complete disorganization —and he tbluks that the same Is true of the entire militia force of the State. This is a bad state of things for a disunion movement. He urges the Legislature to provide at once for organizing and drilling a force of at least ten thousand men. If they are in earnest in their menaces of secession, they ought by all means to act at once upon this advice. SPECIAL AUCTION NOTICE. *Wc will exhibit on Thursday, llth hut., from tho Cloning Out Auction Sale* Ofllie entire stocks of Mersrs. Eenkard 4 Hnttou. L. & B. Cenu i Co, and CUas. Paycn & Co„ OYEH 1,000 PIECES DRESS SUES, ' coupauiso Brest viiuEtror plain Black Silks Black Figur ed SHlis, Plain Colored Silk., And all Hie Ctiolecit Novelties la ILLI3IISATED SILKS, POaPIBOCB SILKS, jjonblo Paced Silks, Sop. Bilks, Fire, Seven and Nine Flounced SILE VELVET ROBES, SUPERB LYONS SILKS, Brocad-d with Velvet. In Colors for Street and Even ® lag preset*. Also, over 1,000 Plocca of Rich Paris and Lyons Dress Goods, FRENCH MESINOS. OTTOMANS. VELOURS. VELOURS ESPINGLE. REP. OTTOMANS, ILLUMINATED DBONOELS. 4c, 4c. TbcM goods were all m.-vncrictnn rt and selected far arst-class New Y ort City Hotail Tro^o^ Dot owlncto the lateness of the season, and the uni verbal and unexpected depression In Cm Southern trade, were forced upon Cm market ace SOLD AT Ail IMHEHSE BAGBIFICE. We will Mil PWi Silk* for three shlMins*; Heavy Plaid SUk» for fifty cent*; guperb*JaaUtylltHVTj.yon* Mika for ilx khlUus* Isold thU Mrt'.-R at ten alulliugan Kldt Plack llmml ?lllu for «ls •hltltngft; Extra Quality Tvo-I'arol Silk* for nlr.c *LlWiy*-rrsnl»r price fourteen jOjUUu;*; El«antslkKob«»torelslileeD dollars; Superb Seven and Sine flounced Lyons Flonnct d Kobe?, for $35 T» orth S3O. Elegant Seren and Sire Flocaced Velvet .Eohes Ibr S3O, Cost to Import S6O. This lathe Unrest and cheapest wile of rich goods ever made in U*6 country. and as we bought very largely, we can otter oar custoatrs tee gbeaiest bahgaihs eves kkown. We will exhibit at the same time Paris Novelties la ■ HZCZZ VSX.VST CZiOAKB, And all the best styles of Cloaks, in every variety of shape and material, of oor own importation and mana. fcetare. and at ; Sxtremtly J-otv Prices. vp. Br - now receiving daily from Anclloa. Maaothc. tnmra and Importers, The Newest mid Choicest Goods of every description, and exhibit an almost unlimited GENERAL DRY GOODS, Which we oJTcr at Wholesale or UaUU. for net CASH ONLY, at prices that cannot be competed with la this cl '- - W. M. KOSS & CO., IC7 and 169 Lake Street Ceetldiff-lml AND POPULAR BOOKS. EVEEETTS LIFE OF TTiSHHCTOJ. Price 91* vp-xrpcTq By Marion Hariand. Price, $1.25. BEULAH. Price 51 EUTLEDGE. Price %IJS. '-THE sxnssr SOUTH. Bp theaulhorof -Prince of the Home of Darid," Price fLS, TOSS GILBERT’S CAREER* By Timothy Etcomh. .Price €L2fi. . Poraaleby ; W. B. KEES, ‘ pooteeUar, sc, V 8 lake street 7^ ALL AND WINTER GOODS "*■ RECEIVING DAILY BY T. 23. OAKTBR- A very attractive stock of WINTER DRESS GOODS KOW IN STORE. laces AND EMBROIDERIES At Half-Pztco to Close oat tho Stock. SECOND-HAND DESKS FOR SALE. T. B. CARTER 13# Lake Street. QROCKERY AND GLASS. BURLEY & TYRRELL, - Lake Street, Chicago - -18 CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASS, BBITAHIA ABB SIIYIR-PIATtD WABI, FLUID AND KEEOSKNEiLAMPS, TABLE-CUTLERT AND LOOKING-GLASSES, Aek the attention of Dealers to tbclr Large and Complete Stock of Goods, Which they offer low tor Cadh or good Notes. anSQ-c96fl.ftn G.H. &L.LAFLIN, 42 & 41 State Street - - - 42 4 44 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN. NEWS, LEDGER, WRITING ..VJJ23 PLAT PAPERS OX'Everv Description. STRAW AND TAR BOARDS, FEINTING INK, AND ENVELOPES. AT I.OW PaICEB, scC-dlMia j? L E G A X T FALL AND WINTER OPENING OF MILLINERY GOODS. miss A. E. wiLOAms, ILialng retamed from X«w York, after an absence of several week*—*pent tn selecting Die most choice stvlr* of the season—would be happy to see her friend* every day at the Millinery Boom* of U. TV. XTETHEBELI, - - X*alce Street - - 54 Where she Is prepared to show the richest Bonnets to he found 1c the city. Our stock la now fall and complete In every Bar, em bracing elegant styles of Flowers. drums, and hilt and Velvet Materials for Bonnets tn ev'trrvarlrty of color and sttle. at Wholesale and KelalL The alien tlon of the trade Is Invited before purchasing. >o. a* Lake street, a few doors cast of**" I;. II. TV. WLTUEHELL. WOK ST EDS, WOOLEN YARNS, WOOLEX HOSIERY. BOYS’ HAND-KNIT SOCKS, Infants’ Wool Hose, NEW WORSTED GOODS, I’hp* Corteses* Sleovc, Russian, ilooil, Eacitiimaux Pants, Choice IMariposas, Hoods, Mittens, Gaiters, Socks, etc. HAIR NETS, la snk, rhmnifl, and Worsted. COM3IENCED SLIPPERS, And Embroidered Material* of all kinds. SUTTON & GORKI TT, U - . LASALLE STREET - - 41 aeT-dl&Cm (Opposite Hoffman’* Bank.) MT7X)GB’S American Sherry THE HORTHWE3T PRODUCING ITS OWN WINE, A Great Want Supplied. A pore Wine of delicate flavor that competent Judgea pronounce superior to most of the high priced wines sold In thU country. la now bclas produced by the ua. derdgned from the STHAWBIRRT VARIETY OF RHUBARB. Wyond the ordinary tonic effect of a pure grape wi-ic, Oil* arU sb an alterative, and ixrsLir* st’vnta- I.SO FHOM C»HOD*TJOS AXD COSSTIPATIOS Or THI BOWEL*. and ulm, cos-'EyriaiLT. cassor ras tmiut wou, are uMns It with the happiest ellect. gold at wamilhcturcr's prices by J. H. REED ± CO„ Chicago, lIL L B. Mcdob. Bclvedlcre, UL, Sept. I,IWO. scli-dftHm JJAGUERREOTYPES. The Best and Cheapest in the City, AT HESLEE’S, 113 • • - Lake Street • - • 113 PHOTOGRAPHS. Tließcst and Cheupent in tho city. At Hesler’s, 113 lake Street IVOKVTYPES, Tlioßest undCheapest in the city. At Heeler's, 113 lake Street MELAIXOTYPES, Tho 33eat and Cheapest in iho city, At Hesler’s, 113 lake Street AMBROTTPES, The Best and Cheapest in the City, AT HESLER’S, NO. 113 LAKE STREET. Heirauyl QAS II AD VAX CE S. WAKEFIELD, XASH dc CO., lirerpool and London. liberal Cavh Advanceraenta wDI be made on consign ments to the above boose, of BACON, LARD, PRO VISIONS, and PUODCCE generally. by ceJ Vdly] THOMAS NASD, H WORCESTER’S DIPROVJ . rUNO-FOETES. , > Manufactory and Sales Rooms. TourteenttiStreet, corner Third Avenue, New York. Tor a quarter of a century the Instruments tnann. factored at the above establishment bare ranked among the brat In Uie country. Their durability, strength and delicacy of tone and touch are highly appreciated by all who have given them a thorough trial. The proprietor, by giving his personal attention to the manufacture of each Instrument, in all its de tails Is enabled to guarantee superior excellence and reiUblLlty in ever; respect. LocCdU&Sm T ARGEST WHOLESALE I 1 HOUSE IS Musical Instruments and Strings. JTTiirrS BAUZ3R, 00 South Clark Street, Chicago, Manofeetnrcr and Importer of Mnrical Instruments and guinea. havlmr connection with manatacturln? huUMt In Berlin. Lelpele. Dresden, Ragland and P>rtf. U prepared to fornUa Dealers. Daada and Individuals with every article In Ihelr line, AT THE LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. J. BACIB. Drums ax d brass ECSTETUENT9. JILIVS BAIEB, MAX CFACTUEEB OF DRUMS AND BRASS INSTRUMENTS. 09 South Clark Street, Chicago. [oclMSflMyl w W. . KDIBAXL, * DEALER IX fxfix ft PIASO FORTES and MELODEOXS, No. 00 Clark Street, LETT, DAVIS Sc CO.’S premium piano Fortes, which hare been awarded Udrty-two First premium In Gold and Silver Medals. CEO. A. PRINCE’S MELODEONS, PIANOS TO BENT. Apply at Mttilc Store, 99 South Clark street. r>UICAGO TYPE FOUNDRY V, AND PRINTERS’ WAREHOUSE, 90 Wadiiagton Street, Chicago. . The subscriber Is prepared to fundah TYPE In large or small quaatlea. made from a superior ijnaUty of metal, for either cash or approved paper. He la also rcooßcd vUh a large stodc of Presaea. Ink. Wood Tyne, and every thing for a complete Primus Ofiice A new Boole bnow ready Cor delivery and will be seoi to panics wlahios to order, oa applies- T ' T:u ° rer - MORSE & CO., prodnce Commission Merchants, SOUTH WATES STREET 185 Alan’s Bonding, Chicago. Basinas wnflnedsulctly to Cormabalon, UjsWj-da 500 PIECES MERRIHAC PRINTS, 0 Cents per yard at Wholesale* P. PALMER, 112, 111 AND 110 UKE STREET. myVltGly 250 Pieces Real English BRUSSELS CARPETS, 90 Cent* per Yardlat Retail. P. PALMES, 113, 11 1 AND 110 LAKE .STREET. 1023.M' 400 PIECES TT A MTT.'rON i* ACUj'IC DELAINES. 17 H Cents per Yard at "WlioZcsale* p. PAtBXSB, 112, 111 AND lie LAKE STREET. auSS-tderoO GEEAT CAEPETHALL ollLster & WUkiiis, [35 A 137 • - - Lake Street - • • 133 k 137 LLT-3TAIUS.I The Best Goods at Low Prices. CARPETINGS. Have on band and offer for tule, of their own ititforta* Uoo and of the bent domestic m-inuiatlur**. the and beat assortment In il.c Nnttliwc*: «>f Medallion, Wilton. Velvet. Drawls. rce ; riv.:‘tip»n;no Ingrain. Extra Fine Ingrain, rniton and " 00l IncraUi?, Wool Dutch. Scotch Ik-mr-s Kell. Venetian. Tapestry loeratn. Jlody UruaneU and -lair C.nirtluia. all of tnw greatest variety. twice* and patteno: coiuprDlng iao Km»L be»t aod mo»t desirable ever c«ioro opened la Chicago, and which they offer at the lowest possible prices. OIL CLOTHS. Of these we offer a large ami unrivalled BMOrtinent. elther as regard* quality, style or price, of htigibi and. American niannfacture. lit wlrtthatif oneyard, oiie-and a-half vard* and two yards a lilv. at trier* irom three bliUiliiiia to six shilling* per vard. Aw*. Heavy slice® Oil Cloth* twelve :e-L eighteen fort and twciity-four font wide. at prlrv* trt>m tour t'J tell per yard. Ai*.»—Table oilcloth* In patterns and t>y Lie yara, aaa Stair Oil flollia In great variety. MATTINGS AND ROCS. Cocoa Matting* for OOlcc*. Churches. Vestibules, **.. In all »Idth*. Tn*tn oaehdf to two yard* u We; Lanioit Straar Matting, belli white and checked. one. a.quarter and oiie-aod-a-half yard* w We: Moseic, > el- Veu liruMctaaud Tufted Hus*, tiicoii. JuU, M«aiU», llrueli. Skeleton. Adelaide and Sjtcvp-a*ia Mat* ot un* greatest variety U sUc and pattcru. CURTAIN COCOS. French hrocatellc, Salih Hclalnre. French rtliitf.l Lasting*. Hep*. Cloth, Damask ami More.-iK fcmnrol dered Lace Lort*ln*, In pairs and by tin* >•»/->• K»‘- broldered Muslin Curtain-, and bv tlw yard; Corulre*. In wood, braa* or gilt: Gilt Curtain l-*n , l* and iliis. Centre Tassels. Lo-r**. i-r.'iwry Cord*. Ghup Curtain Gimp*. Silk iiordvrl.ig. t'lru-iu LB-laga. ami all kinds of Trlmmlrgsiu**-v?sirv for t nrlh h‘*. « «i --dow Shades lu gold border*. Dry and, <>lt iMiiGd Shades. White, Iluir. Grt-n and Blue Shade llol'uurtsli all widths; together with ITwy's l'.vunt '•prljif rU turcH. Balance Hxtiire-, Putnam <i liambcrllr. *.and Ualley'ii Patent Fixtures. Benuulum Mxture*. Pri.a*»ml Bronaeßoller-end*, Itack-rulleyseiid Dratkeu, aliAdo Cords and Tiusels. FURNISHING GOODS. Table Linen. In pattern. nn'lbv the rani. Linen Nap kin. and l»«UihCMar..t;i.“> li-illt-. and I alien Sheeting* of all width-. Linen and • otron I'Uiowtn*. lags.Towel-. Crash, i*ivl T»bl«* Cover-, einbrol. dered. printed and embo-rod; Furniture Udau: tpge gerher with a large iweurtmetit of 1 tinge*, llctum Cords and Tassels. UPHOLSTRY GOODS. Spring Beds. Hair. Cotton. Sea.Crm Evrvl-lnr and iloniiMßttrranoi, Feather lied*. Bolsters* anil iTllons. Blankets. Quilt*. Sheets, Pillow Cases. Lounge*. Foot Stools. Milliard Cloths, plusho*. Enamelled t 10t*..-. Curled Dair of vailou* i-rultv Mr*-, aud KxrrMor hr the bale. Sea-Un**. Spring*. Wtbbiug. lied Lace, Mat tre** Tufts and Tallies for Upholsterer's u-r. PRIME LIVE : GEESE FEATHERS. SoXUstor <Ss w llbins* GREAT CARPET HALL. 135 & 137...LakeStreet. tup-slain.)... 125 £ 137 [aci»-iiun-3m] 'J’O THE LOVERS OF GOOD TEAS & COFFEES. Tho Cost and .Cheapest at STANTON’S, NO. 48 CLARK STREET. Twenty per cent Chespsr than con be found Elsewhere, At Wholesale and Retail. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST HAVANA SEG-ARS. Try My Sc;ur, lO for 25 Cli. Try My Scgar* S Tor 25 CM. Try My Segars V Tor 25 CM. Try My Scgar* 8 For 25 CM. Try My Scgar* 5 For 25 CM. Try My Si-gar* 1 For 25 CM. Try My Segars S For 25 Cts. AU Imported direct, and better for tho Money than can be foaud A^twutK*. ocrw-ly-^dps JONES, PERDUE & SHALL, 125 • - Lake Street - - 123 SIASUFACrt’CEIiS OF BLANK BOOKS. WROLCSALBrA.tb BETA!!. DEaLCSit W WRITING- PAPERS. Envelopes, .Tfattornnditm and Baas Boohs, WIUTIIiG INKS A2T3 FLUZDS, Card* and Cardboard*. BOOK BINDERS’ STOCK, AND OFFICE ST.VTIONEItTf^J JONES. PEEDUE * SMALL. DMITH & PRIXDLE Would call tho attention of tho public to Ibclr LABGE STOCK Olf FALL MD WINTER GOODS. v Consisting of KsqolraHUX. Moscow and Ca*tor Bee en. of various colors for Dt ermat* or husiners Coat*. French, EnglWh Scotch and American td**l. mere, for Pants and Suits. Velvet-, bhx* and Catltmcre Vesting of the latest and nio-t de«lr*u>o sty its., llroaii. cloths and Doeakht* of all crude*. ml of which wld be sold by the yard or made Into naracuu ox the uteat styles, andwarranted to ulve miUOiulod, AUclr Stock of rumishing: Goods I« algo complete. consisting of Lamb*» Wwdsnd Shaker Flannel UndcmhlrU and Dniwcn*. Wool .scslgcer. White and Colored Linen SMrunnd’. Mock*. Tics, Scarfs MnlCen, tfnspcnrttra. Hosiery and Move* of all kinds, to which all uro Invited to look at before VORliHl*.cUewlitnr. seS9dl3o>liu] 121 Like Street, Chicago, Hanoi*. TAILORING Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. B. 1«. HClili. 64 - - Dearborn Street • • 04 raosn tu* iiattiso!* uoesr. IntUea attention to bis largo and superior stuck of the best and latest styles Ibr Fall and VTlnte? wear of o S S X M B 51 E B, CLOTHS, VESTINGS, From lons experience as a Cutter, be gurranwes aa Well and as Good fitting a Gnmsnt As can be obtained. B. L. HULL. Merchant Tailor. 61 Dearbors street. oeS-dISS-tml L. YIXOEXT *fc CO,, F. HOMIEDPATHIC PHARMACY, 102 Wuhlnston Street, CMcaeo } HI., n*fi or cues. Wholesale andCeull Dealers In HO3KEOPAXHIC MEDICINES, • aiul every variety of Physician's OFFICE CHBSriS AND POCKEC CASES. Surer of Mllfc Clobulcv Corkaard VWa of erery aize.LabeU, Alcohol, Homctopathlc Itookj. Act. tW"A2eutatortfce American Wine Company. ** Loclditaimj 132 Lake Street.