Newspaper Page Text
t TUCKSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 18C0. MONETARY. Owing to a decline in breadstuff's, there was a belter demand for currency to-day, and the various banker* lathe cirywere pretty closely pualu'd lo meet (be rcquiremenl* of the com xuerda] public. Eastern exchange was conse queully easier, and the buying rate* ranged from Jtgi per cent, premium. The selling ante at the hanks however is Still 1 per cent EARXIMOfi or mb OxuatA & cmcAoo Exiox JUiuftOAD CoxrAarr.-—The folloiriog table show* che earning* of thU road from Oct. 10 to Oct. 22: , l»y. • 1860. Freight £23,9151.86 $|S.423.rK £20.150 50 Inc. b.yi2.W B.IHG.CI 720.00 Dec. Mail*. 1,125.08 1.250.00 133.00 lac. BaUKIKGS OF TOE CuiCAOO, AND •<{ctkct Railroad.—The earning of the CMcago, Rcrllngton and Quincy Rall;<»aj j n the third week in October were: „ . . A AtSd. tsfiO. U.Sti.42 U. 103,;» 2.223.94 luc. Total .$12,461.42 $59.524.WJ $17,057.01 luc. <J»V£iT Ws«T£BS EWLWOY OT CA*i.OO.—TllO following tabic shows Uvo comings of this Hoad for Abe week ending Oct. iy J > as«cn6m..l..r..r Freight nad Uvo Slock. Holla *ad Sundries Total... SM.OiU9 pandits week uf ia*t jear.; 46.9et.8l Increase. Giumd Tsuvs lUttVAT.—Tlic following table Viowre thecatnlngs of Uita Boad for Utc Tfcck endu ing OcUC: IVrcngcrß... Freight and Lire stock Parcels. Mails, &t. Total-.;.: week last year. Jucreaw COMMEROIIAIi. IVeoN-Eanar Oct. 21,18C0, ''The following arc the receipts and shipment* for the past tweniy-roor boors: receipts. Flour Wheat Cora Cats Rye Bar'* bbli*. bu. bu* |m. bu. he. .. 437 B. Lake. Caua!.. G3UI SU'j's&i G, £ O.U. K. U. ICfi .... 431 IH»l C’.AK. I. Itli. on SISO PAM SI 3. C.H.K. 3«3 x&i 5g50 .... XO .*.. C . s ‘-S«* 13537 4357 4VJ f Il * IS9B 8433 •••• *>* 35tf 65® C.A.aCtL.B.II. .... 3500 4300 83 1050 .... Total COM 90001 18076 4021 2301 2512 LJv« ni?h lat4 Cattle Hides vl'* Se'ds _ , ~ „ ©». Ko. fl*. bbK ll*. <r. & n i«i « «2f» oo .... f-rflK I .* 3sn 01)15 £23 iaa> s+i IGO&staa .... 22760 S’f-: r iH! 14 637 4530 C. .4. bl. L. ILII 120 9710973 hmt’HEXTfi. Flour Wheat Cora Oats Bye Bar’y bbls. ha. bo. bn. ha. bu. To Buffalo. TOUbWCgO, Total ....113116 10300 MCEIPTB AND tim’MEATB BT BAKE TO DAY, Umlpti. JlialpU. xlonr, br»«„ 3» Wood. cd» 1(0 •Apples, Ms nil HldtimenU. Lumber, ( t 100,000 Wheat, liuth 110.506 Vo 13.000 Salt, Mi 100 Vl'RI, ton*... |«S2 The steamer City of Washington, with Liv erpool dates to the 10th instant, was tele graphed this morning, reporting Flonr dull and lower; Wheat declined 1 to 2d; Corn Arm; Provisions dull. The receipts of Wheat to-day were only 90,- 054 bushels, anil the shipments 113,418 bush es- Notwithstanding this exhibit, however, asfioou as the steamer was telegraphed, the market immediately fell 2c per bnshcl,*l which there was more activity. About 100,000 bushels changed hands, at 831-2 to 84 l-2e for North western Club; 81 to 8134 c for No. 2 Spring; and OS to 70c for Rejected—the market dosing Ann but quiet at 73c for No. 2 Spring and 81c for No. 1 Spring. The Flour market was heavy, «md we note a further decline of 5 to 10c, with *oles of about 2,000 bbla at 8430 to 8450 for lair to good spring extras. There was a better demand for Com, and prices advanced 1-2 to Ic—about 50,003 bubhclß being sold, at 35c for No. 2 Canal afloat; 34 to Ssc for No. lin store; 33 to 34c for No. 2; and 30c for Rejected. New Rejected Corn was in limited request at 28 to 28 l-2c in store. Oats were dull, with sales of 3,030 bushels, at 17c for No. 1 in store; and 1814 to 181-2 afloat Rye was quiet and un changed—4oc being the current price for No, 1 in store. Barley dull, except for good and choice parcels—the sales of No. 2 being at 40c In store, and fair to good by sample at 48 to 05c on track. Timothy Seed was Ann, with sales at *2.15 to $2.25. Hlghwincs, 19 to 19 l-2c. Alcohol steady at 40 to 42c. Hides steady. Broom Corn is in large supply, and the mar ket. very dull The-market for Beef Oattic -was quiet—the weather being too warm for packers. There was no visible change, however, except for thin stock, which were dull and lower.' There was a lair shipping demand for Hogs at the previous decline, but the market at the close tended downward—the sales ranging from 84.85 to 8525. Freights were rather easier at the opening, and two vessels were engaged at 16c for wheat to Boflolo, and 24c from Milwaukee to Oswego —but at the close vessels were held more firmly. IssrecnCK orCottN,—The Board of Trade, by a recent resolution* have repealed the former rule* vrith regard to the Inspection of con, and estab lished new grades as follows: “Pore White,*’ "Pore yellow," *'-Mixed," and “Rejected.'; The names of the grades indicate the quality, «nd as the farmer can save at least Sc per bushel by keeping the pare white and yellow com separate, we hvro no doubt bat they will make an effort to do so. Ocean Poxtsara it New York—Oct. S3.—To Liverpool: 3,(JOu hrl- Flour at 3* 3d®3? 4 Vd; 90.- 000 bush Wheat at 123)12 Vd in hulk and 1 fiUO bales CotUm at \«d; 25.UU0 bath (•orn allied In bulk and ]],<* d in tags, and 500 boxes Cheese at 45e. ToLsudon: 3a.*«oobu»h Wheat at 13!%@13>6c in bah*: 1.700 brls Floor at Ss 9d. and 100 bales Hops at f*'(L To Glasgow: 12,000 ho*h Wheat at 18d In bags, and *>l brls Fluor on private terms. A ship to Cette-with slave?, home via Sicily,.(two ports) on private terms, aud « British brig of J47 ionis£o the North aide cf Cota aad back for SI,9W. CiscisKaTj Tkoduce Mxbket—Oct. 22.—The Gazette of yesterday contains the following: Theproduce markets livday were a* blue as the weather. The stagnation heretofore noticed con tinued. and if possible increased. Most offhs ample articles are In The downMwrd scale, and the CoucetJ-loub that holders are willing to yield are Jiot shflldcot to bring buyer? forward. There was a few Bales of extra hour at $5. while nothing was done In superfine, 'i'he latter might bo placedlo •ome erteut at $1.75, but even tin? figure Is now above the views of a majoritv of shippers. Wheat broke down, and dosed dull at for prime red, and $1.12 for do while. Millers bought •Daringly, cod’there was no demand*for export. Corn web steady with light receipt?.* Oat? dull at 33c. with large receipts. Prime qualities of barley And rye were in fair demand and firm, bat the low cr grade? were dull. Uotre aks Pnorieioxs ix Cacnfsxn.—The Go. zellc of yesterday «aye; la hog? there were sale? to-dav of 500 bead, de liverable first half uf November at ,$0.75 net. and 000 do. same delivery nr $0.50 gross, indicating a steady market. One provision house in Rt. Louis made, this season, we arc informed, $50,000. It packed but few hogs, bnt bought largely of pro ducts At low figures, la the spring, f hi? I? the way ta whirix mot,; of vhc profits were tvallzed the past year. There wa?a moderate demand formes* pork, with «aie? of city packed at Clear iwcod rides were wauled at 23>;c. hut holders ask ed J»o demand for rib sides or shoulder?, which are doll and nominal. Tboru'U a continued etcady outward movement of ]»ork and tmoon. The first bhlpment of new English middicß of the sea son wOs made toriay by Mitchell A Ladd. The lot consisted of cue hundred Ikixvs, and wa? con feigned to Wakefield. b>a?b A Co., Liverpool, via B. A O, BaUroad to Sew York, and thence by steamer. It wa? shipped on a thrumrh bill of lad ing. . A large portion of the early jacking vriU go Jo jfingland direct, this season. Gtunr in Btobj; nr Bcrralo.—Tbo Bufialo jrf- TertLeer of yesterday contains the following: Statement showing the amount of grain held In store by the Western Elevating Co., also Including that In the Richmond Elevator, Monday morning, Oct. S2> YSOO: Spring wheat, bu—, Club wheat; bu Sed winter wheat, 1m AVhitc winter bu.-.. Total wheat, bo Sound corn,bo Hot com. ba.. —..« Total com. bn. Oats, bu.-.. ’*. Barley, bn ’ Jlyc, on Tea?, bn Total grain, bo. SiurazKTfi rnov finEßOToajr.—The Evergreen City Timer gives the following Hat of shipments from that port, (or the week ending Oct. 19th: Schooner El Tempo, 6,009 buahcla, for J. O. Thayer, to Buffalo. Schooner Arlstca, 5.000bn. for J. O. Thayer, and 400 bris flour for A. P. Lyman, for Buffalo. Schooner Oeo. Barbour, C.GOO bn for John Bert pebrv. » o.- ... .■ ■ • Sctiooncr Sacramento. 5.000 bo, la now loading, for J. O. Thayer, for Buffalo. We understand that Mr. Thayer is hourly expect ing an 6.000h0 teasel from Chicago toioad whusi for Bnffklo; making in all 32,000 bu wheat and 4UO brls floor; exclusive of shipments by propeller* from Kirkland's pier. This will do for uuc week. Bbw Paatnee xr Lata yxrrx,—The Lafayette Courier of the S3d says: Messrs. Telford £ Co. arc busily engaged in idangbtcrtng and packing beef. . U, T. Sample £ Sons have been killing since last Wednesday week. Over twelve hundred have been killed. Tvl* tea. expect to pack head this neason. Baltdiosx Pbotmiow 22.—The MarketUsdlldaU. Bacon b for shoulder* sad 115tC for eldea. In balk meats there mu nothing done, bat we quote u before, trodden Bt'&34ciatdfcldeß at lQ.%c per lb. 1 Port— Ho sales. We quote meeftst prime $14.60 end rwnp at sl4 per bbV. Utd it steady at Ib&l&Kc (or Western to barrels and tlcrcea, and 38Kc In kefft; iSjtfc for city and S3Qls# per lb for refined. Milwackze Market—Oct 23.—'Thc£r»fi/s«Jof this njornlug say*:—The dull market aud dedlu lug prices* ot the last fewdava begin to show* very decided effect on tlie supply of wheat from the . country. The receipt* to-dar were only 72,2»tt bu. Tin* shipments were not to heavy as i still Urge, amounting to 130.305 (ju. Under a mud' crate demand to complete some cargoes to-day, the market opened 1c above the doting offers of yes- ’ terdayafternoon; but *s nxm a* the Immediate nvjiit* of boyern iron; wpplied. price* receded %c. and the market Imcaznc dull* al 1 - parties disposed to hold off, fur the steamer's news. The sales report ed upt,othrfloseof’<Aiaagtt t amounted tonoout i -Spring in store, and for No. 2. In the jifleruoou there were some buyers In the market at WJtfc fcw.No. 1 and hi for No. S, but receiver* were holding at the opening prices. There was a fair Inquiry tot flour at reduced prices, hut holder* were generally above the view* of shippers. About OUU brU entuged baud* at $3.23©3.£0 for country for good country extra.- . . , /, % The decrease In receipt* and dull market had a tendency to depress freights, and we that offers were freely made to take TTTnt IWc bv steam and iti&c by sail to bnt shippers refuted to pay more iw>£ aS c for sail vessels. No engagement* were lQ adc public. Huff .'market there la a trm feeling and furflour .neru I* a moderate Inquiry in* l * l , homo Sales of *« «*n ea «triUie at &!*&■{ 6bU jWtr *1*11; extra at fd, 15; OSS bhU OWo extra bills Ohio extra family, on I’ri’.tilu terniT. There is a steady home cousump rivc drtffttnd from our lowest quotation np to S7,UU fiV Common and £aucr, according to qualify. There was lees wheat offering At the Corn Exchange, bat the demand ha* fallen off and price* remain with out change. Sale* of 1.50bfc2.W0 bu gw>d and prime Southern and Pennsylvania retlot sl.4o(g> 1.41, and 3.000 ba good Kentucky white at £l'.w. and common Western at £1.45. C«>ra 1* steady with moderate receipt*. 4,000 ba fair and prime Vc-liow - sold t>ort at Wt&TBo, And part on private terms. A lot of prime white sold at 73c. Oat* are dull.* I.2ft! bn k4<l at 35c, and ft)o bu Inferior at 33c. 400 bu Chicago spring barley bold'rtl f»r, Bar lev malt command* yS&y-Tc. Cwyvt jibed comes forward slowly and is wanted; o*.c* of 150&900 bu prime new at tffito.C |£>;b 64 Tlnuitnyl* wort|i hud Seed $1.C2&1.C3. A ikiK\it lU>c iixnKCT—Oct. 2i—There i* a sort ■of panic among Uie bog men. During the past three diyfi price* liave been declining steadily and unexpectedly. The supply at East Albany 1* large and the demand ha* scuJcnly fallen off. The ex planation Ik, anticipated Urge supplies, in connec tion with the fact that fur some time sale* June beenmude at price* much higher than (he ruling rate* of barreled pork jufctlflos. The ’decline, a* will be noted by quotation* below, la fully >,'(&*£ $ Jb since our lust weekly report: Health & brown report the sales at their yards, East Albany, a* follow*; 50 State.- stock at 6.12;# fclOOlhs.av. 139 JWWesterncom fed.... fl.Bl •• •• 173 jsw Weetcmcom fed.... C.CS •• au3 «aCanada»tW ftd G.OO •• •• lUS 855 State still fed. 4i.W •• •• 217 SlttStale*Uliftd e.!2>f •• •• 238 4<4 State stock C.OO •* - 81 iriiCanada stockaud Cat. 6.50 *• “ id 200 Stale com fed onp.t. •• “ 112 83State corn fed onp.t. ** *• 155 Boston Market. Oct- 20.—Corn Exchange— I The receipt* yesterday hare been OKRbrh Hour, 7804 •ba Oats. 2ft> do Bye, and teoo do Shorts. No Corn. Th<* demand for Hour continue* fair, and price* are steady. Sole* of common brand* West ern at $5.50&6.73: fancy brand* at $5.t5>&5.00; extras si j8.W35ff,20; and superior at Aff.T55J8.75 hrl, lududing ail kinds, ijoulhern 1* firm and »>ellias at £c.23 forfgijcy: $c.75(JJ.7.25 for extras; and £7.50f08.75 tor superior. Cora ba* been in moderate demand, but price* are (inn, with light receipt*. We quote Western and Southern yellow otw&Slc; anu Western mixed 76C 4# bn. Vats are dull at 42&44 C btl Fob Southern, Western and Canada, a* to quality, live 83(Jp8Cc. Provision*— The demand for Pork is firm and price* ore steady, with sale* of prime at £15(2>15; rat** at £19.50 Gp 20.50 V bri; and clear at t24<&‘i3 V bri. ca-h and I mo*; Beefranges from for Eastern and Western. Lam 13&14 c in bris a*d kegs; and smoked ham* J2£)l3c $1 & Cash and 4 mo*. Wt«TK 2lfktrc«orA Wubat.—The New York Shiflputg lA»i of the S2d contains the following: Avery handsome sample of white Minnesota wheat. In the head and in the grain, boa beeu ex hibited ou ’Change this week, by Messrs. Dollner, Potter & Co., which, from it* superiority aud ex traordinary history, deccrves especial nonce. The original seed, consisting of only Itco grain/, were, found in some etniw wulch had been used in pack ing goods, and came from Germany, The heads preaeut the appearance of three heads grown to gether, hot such la not the case, a* this Is a pecu liar characteristic of this spedtjs. The crop from which the sample wa* taken was a very heavy one, yielding 70 hnsncla per acre. ‘ .t24.D3139,V . 55.533.16 . I.CSS.WJ* £5.039.78 .$27,627Al . -J;j.K>D.B4 . 2.518.09 .$30,533.47 . SS.UU7.IKj .$21,823.51 Baer Packing at MnscaTiitK.—Boland & Co., of Boston, owners of the extensive fcla lightering establishment in the lower partof the city, lure Jut* purcluibed 400 (at cattle, and commenced pla lightering uud packing them yetlcrdny. it will be remembered that 400 head of cattle were slaugh tered at this establishment last spring, and we ex pressed a babe at the time that the bueiucf* would tw renewed inis fall. V?e are gratified to stale that Leland S Co. have a large navy contract to fill, which will probably require all the marketable cat tle Id this region. They pay gross for good cattle.— iluecctint Journal. Toxxpo 'MAnKET——Onr market to-day Is “ gloriously Inactive.’* nut a sale haring taken place. Floor—Nut mentioned. Wheal—Held at £i.U7(&1.08 for red, for white. Buyers wiU payfl.OSfor red. and sl.l* for white. >o tales, fora—Holder* ask 44c, but no buyers. Freight*— Two vessels were chattered at be for wheat and 7c for com to Buffalo. To Oswego, wheat 15c. Pauley ik Albakt— Oct. 22.—Barley ia very dullto-dav; the samples are mainly State of ordi nary quality; prime barley is wanted and would command a good figure; the only sales reported to day are 800 bueb spring in car lots at Tbe; on Sat urdav afternoou 5,500 bash choice Canada West, to arrive, at 84c. Pittsburgh Grain Market —Oct. 23.—The mar ket since our Uwt has presented but few changes. The mills purchase wheat readily at red $1.10; choice white at $1.25 per bn. The sales were as follows:—iJarb’y—wUej* of 4(Wha at 75C; 160 do at 7Jc; 150 do at 75c: JXX) do fall at 75c: 150 do spring at 70c; 200 do at 70@75c. Oats—sales of 800 bu ai 28c; KWO do at 27c; 400 do at 27®2Sc: C2O doat 57c; ISOdoai 23c; lOOdoat *»c. Corn—sales of 180bn new on wharf at We; 900 do same; 400 do at 50c; sates of old at higher figures. Wheat—sales of 420 ba red at $1.18; 550 do white at $1.25; 400 do red ot$1.1«&1.18; TOO do white at Jlye— we could learn of no sales worthy of notice. Pri ces ere nominal. Whisky ik CtNcixsATi.—The Cincinnati Gorette of yesterday, says; Whisky had another fall to-day, it having sold down to 17c, closing unsettled. The supply Is largely in excels of the demand, and unless the firoducUou Is diminished, the promises to toach as ow a point soon as it has reached In the market for a great many vears. A losing business for dis tillers. notwithstanding the great abundance of com. will, of course, be tbe consequence. There are too manr distilleries. by ooe-half In this W ext ern country, aud the over-enpply of stills makes the whole trade unprofitable. Exports or JJRRAWTcrrf.— I The exports of floor and wheat from New York for the week cod lug, Oct. 18th,. were, we believe, without prece dent. The quantity of flour wa590,889 bbU.aodof wheat 896,844 bushels—equal to 1,551,289 barbels of wheat. The exports were mainly to England; to London. 21,539 bbls flour, and 117.252 bu wheat; to Livcjpool, 31,420 bbls floor, and 472,492 bushels wheat; to Glasgow. 5.368 bbls floor, and 179,000 bu wheat. Cork look 55,000 bu wheat, Bristol 90,000 bn. Gloucester 15,000 bo, Galway 20,000 bush, aud Havre 16,000 bn. The Colonies took 15,000 bbls flour, Bristol 1,500 bbls, Australia 4,400 bbls, Africa 1,000 do, Vencxucla 2. COO do, &c. Impecttou of Grain. > Boasp or Toads Boons, 1 Chicago, Oct. 25,15G0. f By a resolution adonted-hy. the.Board of Direc tors* all rules now existing in reference to the In rpectlon of com have been repealed. and new grades established,. to be as-follows, viz;— Pure white, Pure Yellow. Mixed, and Rejected. The resolution to take effect on'ftnd alter the first day of November next. SbtiiCatux, Secretary. The Crops of Great Britain. [From the Mark Lane Express, Oct. 3.] There can be little doubt now a? to the result <u the effects of the harvest. There has been another week of almost continuous wet weather, while there is an Immense amount-of corn yet nut.— Rome people still consider it a duty to take the must sanguine view of agricultural matters, and argue, up U> within UicYaal twenty-four hours, that our prospects arc as good as ever. Keen oh server? note ••there .J* scarcely any wheal nncar rlcdas acute judges pronounce-the sample as •‘seldom Injured.* 1 The fortnight of uo weather “did wonders,** and the months of foul “noinjury to speak of." Those who happen to think other wise are mere croakers or speculators, and the farmer himself Is proverbially a grumbler. It come*, then, from ?o satisfactory state of things, we bare nothing to .fear or-provide for. Krcn. should other supplies fail u? for a time. Great Britain eau at ouoc go 10-her own produce of the rear to furnish food for her owupeoplc. Audio the faco of such consolatory assurance the markets take another rise, and the new wheat Is found not fit (or the miller. It must be very evident that adviser? who co- - courage so self-deceptive a feeling of.confidence, are calculated to do far more harm than those who put the public only properly on their guard a* to cudtlng couseoacucca. The other nations of the earth may incline to believe all that is advanced In tlii? wsy, and bo leave na for & very critical period to our own resource?. It i? not “ the croaker.** or. in other words, the man wbolook? at and •peaks to fact? a? they really stand before him. that Is writing up prlcca. He sees and would avert what is coming. “The Bull"' of the.Coro Market— though, perhaps, he may know U not—le die san guine gentleman, the superficial, flippant authori ty. who tell? you "there ia nothing to be alarmed about;" that “a wet season Is-qmtotsgood a* a fine one;*’ that ‘-‘neverwa? tie corn ent more fit to carry,* 1 or “housed In fine orrder tor use. ” Hit a blind faith alone in such policy a* this that will lead ns on to the edge of - the-precipice, when prices w ill go up with a lump, aud we find only 100 late that we have wilfully shut oar cyeatutbe evils before us, and disregarded a .warning that, was every day and everywhere offered.--' - - - • Our own special duty, however. Je with one class of society—the producer. In his name. then, vre ray. that the harvest is both late and badly carried. ■ There ore palpable facts that it is now Impossible to deny, whatever the estimated yield may here after turn out.. In tiic Midlands and the be?t part? ■ of .Lincolnshire there is nearly a? much corn out as In. The greater j«rt of tb« wheat already thrashed hap hern sent Imo the market in a state utterly Unfit for ere, and sold of course at a proportionate price.' lu Suffolk they arc kiln-drying the com ere i thev dare to offer It; while tbebarley is “heating** ia the flack. The fanner no longer an habitual or idle grumbler. Many men In trade, under simi lar adverse circumstance? to those of this reason, would have made far more complaint than has yet I’C'cn heard from the agricall uric t. He has, in fact. . ImpedflgajqiA hopetcTthe lukJiQd inclined with: a very remarkable •• spirit ** to make the best of his caw. ThU should only cDllllc him to more con sideration from other*, and for such It la that we now .Something a like month since we sold. !-“A crop gathered lu such’a condition wßl.~of’ *«onr?e. require a deal of time to make and harden. tlthcrlutUe rick or the tarn; aud however late harvest may be. anything like a ‘tenoral return of new wheal In the market will Wlatcr *llll. The yield, however. 1* now In almost every direction anticipated to be indifferent, while the sample, even with the moet careful bousing, can scarcely turn Oftt VCdL » I r; .155,053 •IftJ.tSl . .4tf7,131 r ,44,000 , ~440,004 .;.'4,C2S - 48.75 C .. 14,927 .. I,2UU .1,002.331 Sr’iori* aCate«x. , St: Louis ifc. jji&ican tbha reviews The week opens wllh'ctcar. pleasant wiAlbcri very fair receipts of flour ai>d groin. considering the low stage of the river, and a dull aud drooping market is the city superfine dour could not be sold. Bur $3 fur prevent delivery* on board. Sales reported were cuuflned to country brand*. Wheat also ruled lower. The SouLUuro demand for com ►wjaa 10 bn liglj, after alj. mid tide demand is boioe- supplied At alow rate from Kentucky. The range here 10-day was 4l®A.»c for tihellcd mixed to white, and JMc for corn in the car. Keertpu uf liarluy were >ojuc seven thousand bu, ?ct little prime was offered, and the market wan uartWe. Parmer* are too busy seeding to ecuj In 'their crop. Potatoes arts very plenty and cheap. • Wfchky di-cllm.-d to I7’*'c. owing to heavy receipt*. In provisions, hogs, or groceries, nothing was done worth noticing. Ottveso Market, bnraoo, Oct at—Ptouft—'Cachaocodl' • GnuK—Wheal a pUade easier. Sales 8.500X0. X Chicago ajtrlue at tI.SJ; 0.000 Xu. 1 Milwaukee cb»b at i 1.15; 8,(03 unite Canadian at fl.fSS afloat: Comcuet. Barley dull. Sale* 1,000 bu ordinary Canadian at 70c. Ujc In limited demand. Sales C,Buu bo Canadian at 07c afloat. ■ , * Cauxl Kcctorira—better .engrain.. Wheat He. com c to New York. Luce Imports—27s brl« dour, 21,800 bu uhsat, 6,200 bu barley, 0.000 bo rye. Exj*obt»—l/Bo brU flour, 23,000 bn *Ucat, 12,000 bn corn, J7,100 bn barley. Daily Deview of Chicago Market. Wednesuat Evekimo, Oct 24. FREIGHTS—Easier but close firm. The en gagement* were *• follow*:—To Buffalo: tkhre. St. Andrew* and, Storm King, wheat atlfic. To Oswego; brig Deshlcr, wheat (to load at Milwau kee) at 24c. - FLOUR—Kccclved, E,C« W)l«. Itirkctdnll nnd B©loq lower. Solo, were;—BOO bbl, "Uartleii CUy ” *Frlosextra at |4.GO del; 100 bids “Tar- Ue ** do at $1.45 del; 300 bids ** Orange "at f l.or.S' del; sSbbl« -IlaOilo MU,"do atst.6odcl; ICO bbl«-Geneva "ot sl-33; 100 bble ■•North Star" on private term,; CO bbjg Soatbcrn Dlinol* White Winter at SO.OO del; MObbls gnnd rprlng extra at $ 1.158(0; SCO bbUdn attLSlßdel; SMbblsdn atsl.Ssdd. WUB.VT—Received, 00,001 ba; (shipped, no. 110 .bu. Market declined Sc. Sales were:—TOO butl, SdrtbweetemClabatesxeln »toro; 3,o(Uba do at Slcla etore; 1,000 bn do at Sl>;c In etorc- 003 bo Ka 1 at Sic in .tore; gl .;. c “ a ‘ store; s.ooobnuo el */c luetore; 3.000 1m No. nl77>4' C in store; I,oooha do at773*o in sioro; 45.000 bu do at 760 in store; 8,000 bn do at TOX'c iu riore; 1>«X) bu do at 78?fc la store; 71*0 bu Rejected fltCSo fu store; 3,500 bu do at 70c In store. ' CORN—Received, 18,‘JTSbu; shipped, 16.300hu. Market better. Sales were;— bn No. 2 Canal at 3T>c afloat; 700 bu No. lat 81c in store; 2,500 ba do at 35Q in ptore; 3.000 hu No. 2at 33c In store; 12.000 bu do at 83>*c lu store; 10.000 bo do at Sit in etore; 1,200 ba Rejected at 30c in store. New Corn quiet. Sales were; 1,000 bu new Re jected at iu store; 2,000 baeUcl* do at 23c in store. OATS—Becclred, 4,021 bn. Market dull. Sales W orc’:—l,ooo bu No. lat JBJ*c afloat; 3,000 do at 19c f. o. b.; 1,000 bn do at 17c In atom. HVE—deceived, 2,861 bn. Market quiet. Sales wcrc:—l,6so49cln store; 150 bags do at 60c ou track. BARLEY—Received, 9.572 bo. Market dull.— Saled were r—l,ooo ba No. S at 40c In ttorc; 750 bA"B in lots by sample at 4S<&ssc on track. SEEDS—Received; 3C,2tf7 Iba. Timothy In fair dcmsud and firm. Sales 21 base good at $2,35; 25 bag* ordinary at $2.15. UIGITWIKES—Received, 103 bhla, Market steady.* Sale* were:—SObbls country atl'Jc; 120 bhla city in lots at 19#c, ALCOHOL—4O(tM2c $? gal. CUT MEATS—BOO Green Hams on p. I, MESS PORK—Kew, $18.00; old held at $18.50. MESS BEEF—Mess, $S.00&!M»; Extra Mesa SI.OO. LARD—Nominal at H&n%c. TALLOW—Quiet. 45 bbh prime city at 9#c. BROOM CORN*—Very dull and heavy. Sales were 2 tons prime at SSO. SALT—2O tuns St. Übes coarse, at $6.00 ton del. BUTTER—Good firkin Is lu lair request at 10# @ll#c; but common Is dull at 0#(2,10c. Choice Dairy in demand at ]2&l3c. EGGS—In fair demand, with sales at ll®ll#c •ttdo*. POULTRY—Chickens St6OQH.73 dux. POTATOES—Good Ncchannocka ia request at 20c; common mixed heavy and dull at lo&l&c. ' ONIOKS—23O bu prime at 20c. HlDES—'BeerfVed. 00.562 Jbs. Market steady. Green Salted, TKt&TJiC for (air to extra trimmed; Dry Salted, V2&I8; Dry PHnt LIVE STOCK,—Received, 1210 Hogs. 528 Beeves. The weather to-day was warm, and but few of the packers operated; the market for Beef Cattle was consequently quiet at previous prices— closing dull for ordinary and Inferior stock. There is a good demand, however, for extra shipping cattle at full rates. Dogs were more active to-day, but the markht still lends downward. The sales today were; 45 Beeves averaging 1375 lbs at $3.35 14 “ ** 1360 “ 3.00 Sti “ " 1310 “ 3.00 25 “ “ 1200 44 JO ill JO •• ‘ k * lEH “ 2.75 * 21 »• “ 5108 “ iWJ Z' 17 . - *‘ JIS) “ 2.:» :« is “ “ inn * J 2.50 t is •• “ i«w •* 2.50 yT is •* •* an •* 2-iu 18 - “ IWX) ** 1.15 ij* 17 ~ *' SO “ 1.75 W 52 llogtt “ 286 '* 5.25 IH " k * 253 M 5.25 00 “ “ 222 •• 5.07 V 67 •' •* 275 “ 5.25 40 “ •• 212 " 4.85 10? u 205 “ 5.00 210 *' *» 235 “ 5.00 74 ' 4 ** 255 “ ,7.15 140 Sheep “ 1W 3.25 Foreign markets. Lokook, Oct. 11. [Latest via Queenstown.] CREADSTurra—Messrs. Richardson, Spence & Co~ Wakefield. declined Ud^bbl—quoted 2fla tid<&3ls6d. Wheat dull ami declined !<&Sd cental and western llh Cd(§rt2s Bd; southern 12s 6d®l2s 8d; while 12s r«d te. Coro firm; mixed and yellow Bfa Cdo3»s ; white 395&40*. Provisions—Beef doll. Pork quiet and firm.— Bacon ouiot, Lard quiet. Quotations are barely maintained. There has been an average business doing in tallow without quotable change. Ashes—Pots quiet at 21s lOd: pearls quiet. Groceries—Coffee quiet. Rice quiet. Lokdok, Oct. 10’ Wheat—Wheat has a downward tendency and quotations are barely maintained. Groceries—Sugar steady. Coffee quiet. Rice quiet. Tea slow of sale at unchanged quotations. Tallow—Tallow tlightly advanced; quoted at Ms 6d. Oil—Linseed oil 30s. Inox—Scotch pig firm at £5 255. Indigo—Tbe annual sales have commented. In ferior qualities dull but unchanged, with an in creased demand. [Latest via Queenstown.] LtvEnrooL, Thursday Noon, Produce—Kostu firm and active at 5s 4d(&ss sd. Groceries—Klee firm. Other articles generally unchanged. Lokdok, Thursday. Bbeaostctts—Firm. Groceries—Uloe firm with a t-llght advance on all quotations. Other articles arc generally un changed.’ Tallow—Advanced; quoted ats»7d. PebCitt or Washington.] Liverpool, Latest via Queenstown. —Liverpool Bread stuffs firm but dull. Provision* dull. London, Oct. 10th. noon.—Console for money, 93. Circulars per.City of Washington report flour dull and lower; wheat dull and declined K&sd; corn firm; provision market dull; sugar firm; coffee firm. London money market generally unchanged, hut the demand-bad rather increased. American se curities—lllinois Central shares I7,*tf®lßcdieooant; New York Central, 87c. New York Market. y?FW Tons. Oct. St.—Fhocn—Heavy and about Sc tower, with only moderate demand for export and home consumption. Sales HJ.009 brls at $5.50 «33.55 for super stale: $5.45®5.8d for extra do; 45.25Q3.25 for super Western; U.5y©5.75 for com mon to medium extra do; ss.7s@s.bufor shipping brands extra round hoop Ohio. Canadian flour In limited supply and market qolct. Sales 800 brls at $0.8507.5U for common to choice. Bye flour steady, with sales 150 brls at $3.50@4.33 fur com mon to choice superfine. Wmisbt--Market heavy and lower. Rales TOO brls at 22,&€62Sc— closing at the inside price. Grain—'Wheat—Market unsettled, irregular and l@2c pbu lower. Rales 80,y00 bu winter red wes tern at $1.333,1.3*. closing with the Utter prlcc.rc fused for prime; 3-J.OOO bu Milwaukee club at $1.25 (&1.2R; fi.yODbnatnberFouddaLacat $1.23; 12,000 bu uorthwor-tern club at f1.25©1.2G; Lsou bu liand some C’tosda dub at $1.37,' 28.000 bu amber Wis consin at $1.47(&1.25; 31,500 bu Chicago spring at sl.l9@l.Cf.'aad 2.C00 bo white Indiana at $1.43. l{yo continues steady; *nlet*4.ooobust She. Barley In fair request with sales of 34.000 tm at "s. fur rUU-. QOc for Canada East, and 62(&9q0 for Canada West. Corn In pretty fair demand, prices get tend* ly without material change; sales 11,400 bn at 70c for western mixed afloat and In store, chiefly jit the latter price, and 75c for round yellow. Oats •rule steady; sales to a fair extent at 33tf<5.40c for western, slate and Canadian. PnoVision s—Port market dull and in favor of buyers. Rales. 150 bbls at t19.25019.37wr for mess. for prime. Beef market ijuict and lower. Rales. 450 bhls at $3.75@4.55 for country prime, $5.u0fr5.25 do mcsa,so.UO(&9.soforrepacked me?*, and $lO®U for extra mess. Prime mess “beeT and beef ham? dull and nominally unchanged. Cut meats arc nominal at S\'c for shoulders, and llfillll* for hams. Lard market steady. Sales tisi) bbls at l2‘jCj,V-lc: included In sale? are 300 bbls fur December at II fic. Butler selling at for Ohio, oudl6£f.2lc for State. Chceao bteady. at (Jnllc for superior to prinve. QRoeKntEs—Coflee—market continues firm, with fall previous prices. Sugar—market steady with a moderate do uaml; sal«Mfi2ohhds Cabaatr£f(s.7.Kc. Molaisscs quiet end unchanged; sales lOOhhdfe Porto Bleu at 39c aud 100 bbds JJarbadoe? at 35c. Hinr?—Steady at 25c for Buenos Ayres; 24g£ 21)fc for Bio Grande. and J6c for dry western, leather—market firm, at about previous quota -tloos. ■ Stocks—Again lower and dull. C&RI W,C& T 3J,V, M S guar 34, M C ci Beading 44Harlem pfd 41V. Gnl A Chi 71. Harlem 15**'. M b IT. Hods «. N T i C 1 C strip 75. Erie’Boitf. Mo th 7t»V, Trim Cs The Expre** (3d edition) remarks that between the boards there was quite a panic in wlodcs. with «vlee at 1 per cent.- reduction with re newed pressure to sellers. The amount Of stocks held by broker*, and for account of speculation for , a rl-c, wWfcevsr larger. This fact will go far to proven! a speedy rally, and a greater reaction may W expected. The profit* of the Bulls fur the last ninety day? have born Urge, and thus far no fail ure:* are reported. Sound etocks are well main tained. while unproductive tharcs arc got rid of at rates favoring the buyer?. New York Cattle Morbrt. New.? York. Oct, 21.—Bees Declined # cent, malnlv on grade? below strictly prime, prices varyins from filufijic— Becehit?, s.flUk Hkect Advanced fttlly2sc per head, with good demand. licceipts, 12,000. Swtjo!—Prices lower; dock plenty: full quota tions, for *»till fed and for com led. JteccJpta,' 10.000. • • • Mllwankce Maiket. - Ha.wAtrsx£, Oct. 24.—Floub—moderately act ivo.. Gnaw—Wheat declined lQ»2c, with some activi ty. AfeWaale»madeattsJ®«sc for *iq. 1 aodXo.2. Rbcexitb—4,7Bl bu flour. 11,078 bu wheat. SuiPztrxTs—2.lUo bris Hour. 114,375 bn wheat. vv.MrtttTß—'Unchanged. Buffalo HUrlceb Currau). Oct. 24.—Fnoun—Market doll and un chanced. GnjLiN—lVheat doll and heavy; sale* 9,000 ba No. 9 Cldcaeo spring ot $1.10: 7,800 bn No. 1 JJII --ankee club at $1.03. * Corn doll; sales 12,000 ba at r>ac. Other groins quiet and no sales. . WiiiMsr—Nominal at 21c. Canal, FwautiTs—firm at 20c for wheat. 18c for com to New York. • „ ■ • . Lake bbla flour. 253.000 bn vbivt.lU.oW bu com, O,WO bu oat?, 97.000 ba bar ley. 7,OUU tin tje t’atran Exroitrs—J2C,OX) bu wheat, 40.000b0 rye. Mabinejotjenal. POST OF CHICAGO. v AEIttVED...Oct. 91th. Stmr Comet, Evans. Buffalo, eundrie*. prop Montezuma. Bobbins, St. Joseph, 83) bbls Hour, lUO bbls apple*. • Prop Evergreen City, Chamberlain, Bnffalo, ana dries. ‘ Pn»n J Barber, Brown, St Joseph. 100 m lumber. Bark BCL, Stubbs, Pcrhtlgo, 175 m lumber,7sa t tilth. , &d:r Correspondent, Donohue, Cleveland, 575 tons B<ir??ew London. Rewcll,CleTeUnd,4oo tone coal. Sdir S A Clark. Johnson, Sheboygan, 93 eda wood, sdir Goldllontcr, Carrie, Presque Isle,-807 tons ’ toil, '* CtBAKJSD Oet. S lth, Prop Moutctoma,Robbliu,St Joseph, ICO bbla salt. Prop J Berber, Brown, lit Joacpb, Prop Evergreen City, Cbaaberlalu, Buffalo, 15,500 bosii wheat. Brig C 3 Hutchinson, Williams, Gwen Bay. Brig Robert Huron. SfeCuno, Oconto. • Schr Conrtwrlght, Christian, Buffalo, 10,800 bush wheat. Bchr St Andrew, Noyes.Boffalo, 18,70) hu»U wheat. Schr Quebec. Hatpin. Kingston, 1f,.(>5 bash wheal. Schr Storm King, Whitney, Buffalo, 10,500 bush wheat.- - Schr CorlmhUn Hall. Duffhlo, 10.091 bush wheat. Schr Hamlet. Folaoro, Buffalo. 0.000 tush wheat. Schr Banker, Motley, Milwaukee. Passed Detroit, Oct. 23.—Ur—Stnjrs Forest Queen, Colamhln \ prop* Akron. Dscotah. Omar Pantos: trip Hamp ton, New York, EW Cross; schr* Star of Hope, Ocean Wave, Hamlet, C C Griswold, Bread naught, Somerset. ‘ Down—Props Alleghany, Galena, Illinois ; ecbn Wouream, Augusta, Cuba. Contest. Lake Porta* BUFFALO. Oct. «*»- * Conker, Cldc"— .„ -Arrived, props Wenona, Croc'"— * Mchawfc.Pbcatt. dn; barkHans —i. Fitzgerald, do: *chra3lß Hale, Tucker, do; York Slate, Dlmmoclc, do: (joldea Harvest, Comstock,do: Ostrich.; Mary Collins, Dickson, do. Cleared, prop Plymouth, Dickson, do; vchrs Mat Moot, Smul, do; Mary Coffins, |)iek«m, da. pIIICAGO MIIX-FtIKNISIIING \J LEI'OT. T. W. BAXTER & CO., Manufacturer of French. Burr MILLSTONES, OF ALL QUARRIES, and C. TV* Brown’s Patent Portable FLOUEUXG & GRIST Iff ILLS, AfcD bZALEZS ix DSTGH “ASKER" BSITIXB CLOTHS, Stout Mills sad Separators. Separator* fur Warehouses, Beltings of all kinds. Holding Screws and Balk, Bran Dusters, Fecks, Proof Staffs, &c„ Ac. Fairbanks’ Scales, —axa— MILL FURNISHING GENERALLY. Plan*. Specification* and Estimate* famished when de. tired, and the construction orstcain auii W»- ter Mill* contracted for entire. STE.I7I ENGINES, BOILERS, Ac., d:«. Tbe Rubscrlbers having obtained the agency for the Rale of steam Kristine* and Boilers from the oannfAc. toryof MOULDING, DAGLEV & SEWELL. OK WA TEkTOWN, N. Y„ would Invite tiic attention of par. churera to their superior merits of style, workmanship and power*; also, their very low price*. The follow, inc 1* a lUt of prices of Engine and Boiler, together with Heater, Water and Steam Pipes, Cockt, Valves, Arch Casting ami Grates, complete and read; for nse, delivered In Chicago: S horse power an 120 horse p0wer.......f L 250 8 ** “ ....... So 21 “ “ LMO 10 ~ - ra/ao * " LfiTS sx> as “ “ 2,000 18 “ “ 2.100140 ** “ - . . 2^oo and in like proportion for larger rixes as required. Every Engine Is famished with Judson’a Patent Governor Valve. For Flour MlUtv confidently recommend tlirm as (superior to uuy otheretyle of f-ngluc, ana they will Save from 25 to 30 per cent in Fuel over the Qtuthl class of boilers !n qfc In the West. Wo shall keep an assortment of different sires at our tuw tahlhhment, where they may be examined and the neceawiry Information obtained regarding them. Com. peteutmen will, IT desired, be furnished to aetap nnd start Engines In any part ofthe country. Wc also supply water wheels, shafting, gearing. &?., At very low prices. T. TV. BAXTER & CO., Mill runUsWac Depot. West Water street, between Randolph and Madison, Chicago, lU. Post Office address Box i.’Tl. Q.REAT SALE -OF WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER BORDERS, WINDOW SHADES & FIXTURES AT GREAT BAHQAEfS. and examine E. G. E. FAXON, - Lake Street - - - TO selMaO-Sm 70 - - 11DE R’S SAFES DAVIDSON’S SAFES. BACON’S SAFES. SHARI’S SAFES. Wc Rare the Largest Stock West of New York. fiPT.T. HOSE TfTATJ AIX othek dealers. Sell P'ull *Xt?ri to 3Tiftoon 3?ev Cent. Lower than Other**, JVxml Soli for CASH ONLY. PRATT & WORCESTER, A cent*. 197 South Water street. gIXISG E K ’ S OLD LONDON DOCK aiisr. THIS DELICIOUS TOKIC STIMULANT, Especially designed roc the Use of the SCodical Profession and the, Family, Bavins superseded the so-ralled ”Glos.” “Aromatic,” “O irdist,” “Medicated,” “Schnapps” Ac„ is seven' dor led toy all of the must prominent Physicians, Cbem. Isis, and Connoisseurs as possessing all of those In. trin i-lc medicinal qualities, (ionic sad diuretic) wiilch bel'tngto an old jkp pvhk civ. put op la quart bot tles and sold by ail Druggist*, Grocers, Ac. A* 2fl. DIM.\GEIZ Sc CO., (FStabUshcd la iTTi) Sole Pcopaimms. Ko. 19 Broad Street. N. V. W CP" For jsate, wholesale, in Chicago by Hoyt A Pleitrt, j. n. Deed A Co, and J. TV S/FuEtr A Co. (oc4 CIS? Cm] JpW FALL GOODS. Cl JIVES, HOSIERY AND FADER GAB HEATS, JOB QEXTtXUSB, UIWEB KVO CUIUJRCT, Children'* Fancy Hosiery In great variety, Ilaod-Knlt Worsted Goods that cannot toe surpassed. Press ajtd Cloak Tbikuixco— the latest choice styles. Buttons Tassels, Girdles—a fall assortment. GUt Belts. buckles. Slides, Ac. Emdboideeirl— Collars. Sets, Edging*, Lares and »**Us. Infanta* Robes and Waists. French and German Corsets from the best maim fac to rlos. llair Nets of the latest styles. A full assortment of Zephyr Worsteds at Wholesale and Retail. ADDISON GRAVES OCI3J 78 Lake street. Chics go. T>AENTOrs GREAT VARIETY -i-> store; No. 138 Lake Street. Wo*-sr*ft#~J.Poo pounds of every shade sod color of Split. single and Doable Zephyr, Spaced, Tlnselondttie uev Solfcrtno color, st Wholesale and JtouiL Pratts Yisx.—WO pounds of Ibis superior Yarn. Blue Mixed, White, Scarlet. Clouded, BlutC Drsb, Ac. Urge stock of German and French Traveling. Reticule, Work. Lunch and Toy Boskets. Cradles and Catos. Guts, Chairs, Workslorula, Ac. Rian—SO dozen of a superior sxanuCictare Also, Parrot and Squirrel Cageo. Tots «cn Fixer Gootw of oor direct Importation from French, English and German Manufacturers Also, Cases of Toys ol 90 dozen assorted, for *ls and f3oacasc. Tin Toys In endless variety. Ac. Y ikkex Xotjoxs.— A general assortment of every thing In Uda tint. %3f~ Merchants and 'Wholesale Dealers throoefaoot the West wilt ilnd oorstoelc complete, and prices as low or lower than the lowest. Toys and Fanev Goods are Imported by as direct, consequently we mm com pete with any house tn the country. Domestic Goods direct from ttoCLmatm&etarer enable ua to oderen perior Inducements. Call said try as at No. 138 LAKE BXKEET. temswiTj r £o THE AFFLICTED BBS. H. 6c C. KNAPP, Formerly of New York. bar# opened #a Indrmary la Chicago, on a new evetcm. which embrace* the moet approved method*—ln thb and other cnnntrtfs*—of treating ALL Chrome Disease*. Consumption, Larm- JteUs. Ilroni-hltt*. Cancer*. Rheumatic*. PoralyaK and ALL I rtnalc DUm«;s are *perbl fll»ea*e* treated In thf* Institution. They ore the onlr pliyridau* In Amcr. icawhQcureCUUVACiiHKaodWwkues.-oriUcer.lnc, which they tlo bf aNa»r Method, and the KltZ ' atnr Invented and patented bythem. Ther care fctcr ca.ii* out of ten, and bennlt ALL. They »l«o prepare hTooili.Wa*h. which will relieve the severest toothache la a few minute* It cares all soreoe*** and disease* of the gums, and iuutu and dwavlne teclU. and bring* them Into a SOUND ana nl-iLTHi Hate, and restores swertoo* to the breath. la no ca«c d*ve* It fall. Str Card la Weeklv CONh IT LTATION FKEK. ~S a M Sonth Clark Mrect. opj>odte New Post .Office, Hoars itoa B*.sctou r. a. nics-c32i-ly DR. E. F. DeDESKT, Homcro laßilcPhJilcUn. Sarteoo, tc- K»ltsg loclcd uivoicsu;o. begs leave to mmoaace to the public that «. e -E? y rV 9 0 .* 11 AtMc «d Chronic DUcaeca at No, Wert Randolph street. tbc Doctorh*« enjoyed the advantage* afforded by V*c harm-ctm L-rdvenliiee and Clinical UoanltaU of Leriln. Vicuna and Frwje. where he studied old school A ?I U’ £ w? r d.? ** b°P u °f Mr. A. Lotte, the snewaor of Dr. S. Hahnemann. at the lloenljal at Cpclkeo. Ccruany, for'acquiring a thorough medical education, with a practical experience |n qS» Western country atbo. and reeUcooAdirnt that be can elvecnjiru Mtlslaetiun to those who would entrust themutm m t SSS4 OUB “ c!oa: ' L3t- * i > nt i< iu »p-£f. po2v T coyvEy. \J TlON.—Jointßesoltillon oftheScnolcand IJousn of ReprescutoUvea of the Stale ofllllawlg adopted A u*v: -liesolved. Itv the Senate and lluuae of mc*. that the elertore of the Mate of DU note be. and they are hereby, recommended, at the next election of «f the General Afteenjbly, to vote for or *■*“ * s " Co“Uto v^ss u i!riSuWtriL^. fcu “ wto ”' pro , Air. t«ec. I.—- Whenever twoAhlrd* of all the members alerted to each branch of the General A~ ecrohly shall tliluk it neecssarj' to alter or amend tI»U Constitution, they shall recommend to the elector* at the next election of member* of the General Aaaaobly. tovutefororagalhrtoConvemloti. and U!t ahalt on pear that onEyoriiy of all the electors cf «ie£Ut« rot- Ing for Representative* have voted for a Convcntton, the Geueral A*eemblr shaiL at their next *cmlou. call a Couveadon," Ac. It will he acen that it !* necessary that all who are In favor of UiU important measure should vote br It. as voting tor memoera of die Leglslatnrc, and n«t voting at aU oo this, count* as a vote against it. Jt li there (or«. desirable that the tickets of all political ponies be printed with the word* ** For oCotnrenUou M at tea toot of them, and then the voter. If opposed to a Couveu. don. can tear It offi and k> vow aramst it.* • • •• W. T. p. BAPtLEY iLALTI—A xTA atoek of PEIMB BAULKYMALT ftrßwwer*# and DbUUcr** use, constantly on hand, and earn order promptly filled. Al*o eapenorYea»tUalt Inbarreta manufactured at Cold Spring Mall Bouae, Pajalo, N. Y.. Addrcs# A. 0. HOBBY, tt South Warn nreet, CUcago, - hUUMsi BY TELEGRAPH. LATER FROM EUROPE. A (treat Battle on the Voltarno. G.VnniALDI VICTORIOUS. St. J*onxß, iJet. 24.—Tbc news of the City of' Washington give the details of the battle of Voltarno. The Neapolitans, estimated 20,000, attacked the Garibuldians »•- * ofa thick mist and car"'- ’ ~«uor cover for a tlnjesacr"'' ‘ —wa some positions, and baldin'" . -vcoed In driving back tho Oarl ♦’ —whose numbers did hot reach half aielrg. Garibaldi went forward, revolver In hand, cheering on his men, and after a deeper* ate light of eight hours duration, tho Kcapoll tans were broken and routed, and were pur* sued close under the walls of Capua. Ilumore arc current that Capua had surren dered ami that the bombardment of the town wua progressing, but neither had been con tinued. The line of the Volnroo was still strongly protected, and it was said the Neapol itans were prepared to defend their positions. Borne Sardinian troops assisted the Garibaldi* hus in the battle. Garibaldi had called on the King of Sardinia to go to Naples and to send him 14,000 men immediately. The Pied montese troops had entered the Neapolitan territory. A Brigade of Germans was cut off from the , main body of the Ncpolltan army and driven to the mountains. The GaribaVUns took 5,000 prisoners, and it was estimated that the Neapolitans had iJ.OOO killed and wounded. The loss of the Ganbaldlans was stated at 2-, OuOmcir. Tim Royalists subsequently made a fcorlle from Capua for the relief of the German Brigade, but were repulsed. The King of Na ples and his brothers were present at the bat tle. It was reported that three of the Great Pow ers had protested against the entry of Sar dinia into Naples. ilazzini had entered Na ples at the request of the pro-Dietator. Ad riens from the Papal States Indicate no change in the state of affairs there. The Pope re mains at Rome. Gen. Lamoridere hod returned to Prance. The Preach htul occu pied numerous places near Rome. It was reported Uiat a third division will be sent from France to Rome. The Paris Bourse was dull and depressed. Rentes 08f tfOc. Military movements on a vast scale were reported in Austria. News from Pekin to the commencement of July bad been received via SU Petersburg, but there was nothing of Importance. The English funds were depressed by heavy exports of gold to Prance. Later from Mexico. New Orleans* Oct. 23.—Private advices from Mexico say that the Liberals under Gen. Ai&Zvn bad captured Guadalajara. Kbw OiaEAS3,OcL 24-—The steamship Ten nessee bos arrived with Vera Cruz dates to tbc 21st inst. Minister McLean arrived out on the 17th. The Savannah sailed for New York on the 19th, and the Susquehanna for Key West on fame day. The capture of Guadalajara is confirmed. The an tiering* of the people during the edge was Immense. Gen. Degolhulo had been detected In com munication •with the enemy, and wus ordered to Vera Cruz for trial. The British and Prussian Ministers had none to Jalapo. The distress at the capital was very great. It was reported that Puebla had been alran doned and her garrison called into the city of Mexico. ocS'SB-ly The health of Vera Cruz and the U. S. squad ron was excellent. Fire at Leavenworth. Lsavenwobtif, K. T., Oct 24,—A fire at S o’clock this morning destroyed eight or ten frame buildings on northeast corner of Third and Shawnee streets. With two exceptions the buildings were of no great value. The stocks were mostly removed with but little damage. The total loss will probablv amount to SIO,OOO, on which there is less than $2,000 insurance, SI,OOO of which is in the Western Massachusetts Company, and the remainder divided between several other companies. The fire originated accidentally In a furniture store. Prom Pike’s Peak. St. Joseph,Oljt. 24.—'The PhibuMiihia Board ofTradc delegation arrived here tbls evening in uood health. The amount of dust broucht from Denver by the Pike’s Peak express for the lust week Is $14,422,« J. * No news from the mines. The route between here and the Peak is thronged with emigrants and trains, going both directions. More Faction. New York, Oct. 24.— The Tribune Wash ington despatch says an order has gone out hence to the States of the Northwest, directing the Administration Democrats (o vote fur the Douglas Electoral ticket. The same correspondent says: “ I hear of the default ofthe Postmaster at Keokuk, lo wa, and also of another In a leading town in Illinois, cither Alton or Qtilnry. Roller Explosion. Lee, Mass. Oet. 24.—One of the boilers at Platuer 6c Smith’s new paper mill, in this town, exploded this morning at 4 o’clock, se riously and’ probably fatally Injuring Jno. Dnchcr, of Kent, Conn. The damage to prop erty bv fire and the explosion amounts to So,- 000. The same building was damaged lost June, and had but Just been repaired. Republican Bally at Ottawa. Ottawa, 111., Of# 24. —The Republicans held a mass meeting here yesterday. Speeches were made by Messrs. Grow of Pennsylvania, Galloway of Ohio, and Palmer of Illinois. In the evening there was a torch-Vi"ht procession of 1300 Wide Awakes. Mr. Growleft at noon to-day for Chicago. From Boston* Boston, Oct. 24.—A letter from ‘Washing ton, states that the Postmaster General has adopted and ordered a one cent self sealing envelope, which will soon be throuhout the country. The Breckinridge Democrats ofthe 6th District, to-day nominated Dr. Geo. B. Lorlng, for Congress. Welcome to Carl ScUarz. 3riLWArKES, Oct, 24.—There wng a great Republican Mass meeting held in this city to day, to welcome home Carl Schurz. lie ad dressed the crowd this afternoon. To-night the Wide Awakes have a torch-light proces sion. Beller£zplodcd at lowel. Lowed, Oct- 24.—The holler for beating the Suffolk Jlllls exploded to-day, killing Walter W. Briggs, assistant engineer, and severely in juring Charles C-Steame, an overseer in the milt New York, Oct. 24.—The Candle Factory ofO. P. Jlcncci, on Staten Island, formerly occupied by Garibaldi, was burned yesterday, with several other building*. Steamer Sank, ilEMpni!?, Get 24.—Steamer Fred, from Memphis to Cincinnati, with I,UOO bale* cotton sunk at Island No. 10. The boat laatotalloes. The Rivers. Dubuque, Oct. 24.—3 feet 4 inches on the bar. Thermometer 72. Particulars or (be Rassacrc ortho Em* fgraut Train. Oar dispatches from St. Joseph, Mo., on the 22d, stated that an emigrant train had been captured, and the emigrants murdered by the Snake Indians. The dispatches to Iho New York papers arc fuller, from which we obtain the following particulars; Mr. H. Scheiber bad just arrived at Treka with news of the massacre by the Snake Indi ans, of an entire emigrant train, consisting of 46 persons, in of whom were men, the balance women and children. The party were first attacked about fifty miles on the west side of Salmon Falls, on (he 2th of September. This attack lasted about one hour. The Indians then withdrew, and al lowed the train to proceed five miles. Then they again attacked them. The fight lotted two days and one night. : On the afternoon of the 101b, the Indians bad po of the train, with the exception of *>lr men, who, be ing mounted, escaped. AftertraveUngthrough the woods for nine days, these six were again attacked, ami five of the party killed. Scheib er alone esenped by biding In the bushes. Af ter traveling for .-even days without food, he was found In an exhausted*condition by some persons who took him to the Dalles, Of the nineteen males in the party, six werediseharg ed soldiers from Fort Hall. Mr. Scheiber is the only one who escaped. He says that the six men who left on horseback, did not leave until the Indians had complete posses sion of the traiu, utd from the screams of the women and children, he was Jed to believe that the whole party were butchered. V OTICE.— CHICAGO WATER **■ WORKS. AH owners or occupant!*of hntMlr.cs HippUed with water W the Chicago City Ilulraulh: Company, are hereby noiLUi-d t]>*t the eecohd »e»>L annual payment of ibex ear commenting Mar i«t is A and cndl’ig May let. JSU, will be due and pavtiblc on the let of .sovoiuUvr u«t,ai the Water Coiund-i-loner’s Office, comer of Lake and La Salic Streets room No, 4 over >larioc R.Dk. Thenarmcnt herein declared to be due on the in of November next is for nsc of water u»Mhe half£tar commencing with dial day and ending Owner* or occupant* of haUdla-s which arc alt nat ed °b] o jte any street, avenue or alley, thrnnsh watch the dfctrioaUnz water pipes are laid, bat which are not supplied wiiu water, are also notlUcd that the jeeoad eenAantmal payment for the aaaesament for the year comtnrncing iCay Ist. ism, and cudlor May l*u be ttoc and payable at the same time and By order of the Board. a.W. TINKRAM. Sec'y. W aierComiaUioßWa Office, oct. 20. WOO., (oc22dJo£lot XTEKDERSOX’S HOT AIR .. FDBN'ACER Thc«« Tuntaeea are the result of years of expert- S?)?, c an( * “T 5 aoperlor la Kcooomv, Capacity, Dunu . f l l . ai rr *nd Ea*« of Manavfn»»nt to any other Furnace., fhe beat way to Warty House*. Banks, Seminaries, inufvftc*. StQfga «od Auldtog* 1* by HERDEESOITS KOI ME ZUBHACES, John L.'Wll«iiv Wabash Avenue; StUca Bur- Park Flare: Felix G. Beneaa, G.B. u a v‘. wn ' K. O. Rali, Thou. -Bl Carpenter, Uelolt; n.Thompson, f:'*'!- • J, W. iiane#, £*q<t. baallu, D. Bond, Waynei DonLE*a_Kvan^ U ,n * S■ R- Adams, Esq Waba-Ii Avenue; J. il. Adult. Backer- Rcr. Li£ Dell; Bigelow. MuUke & C<4 >. W.Thayer, new Sherman Doeee:D. fajrr*. Lonz.Uke*tre«; Seth I*. Warner. Wabash Avenue; Michigan Avenue: Wabash Avenuu ilctbixUal Clmnai; Jerome Beecher. Michigan Avenue; MUte. •'abash Avenue; E. a Smith fc Co* Adam* Tho*. Church. Wabash Avenue; L. Neur lOß, K*q, Batavia ; "tv. tr. Boynton. Architect, Jtichl fsS ; , Z. Farn*worth. wano with them, r.F^ , fv^ V^?,e * t i e 40(1 e by JOSEPH C. H£N- UfcltoUN. ilauufactnptr. IS4 Clark Street, Chicago. near the Now coiwia House. oc2&J3«4i ■jV"EW YORK STEA3I DYE ' works. WI!I„XEttBUBY, • IST South Clark street.betweenMadlsonandiloaroc, Chicago, Illinois. n££f/ *" of 811k and Woolen Good#. AUo, Straw Bonnet Bleacher and Prccaer Store and country attended to. Van Sciuack’s Housekeepers’ Emporium. —Mow that the weather has become su'Sgcelivfc of In door comforts; au establishment like that ofVan Schaack, at Mo. 47 State street, the sign of the “Golden Tea Kettle,” commends itself to the lovers of domesticity, and the*" hold appliances condo'* 1 — * * wUfte " VaaSc 1 *- * * —to to the same. Mr. extensive premises, in one of the hugest stores In the dty, arc Ailed to their ut most capacity with an assortment of wares that have come to be Included In a metropolis tan establishment under the comprehensive head of Housekeepers' Goods. From furnaces to fine table cntlery, from stoves to. plated ware, whether In Iron-, or tin, or wood, or wire, all that can tend to convenience or luxury of the kitchen or table department of a well, regulated fdmily,’* the same is to be found at No. 47. The great feature In stoves, and one which is creating a decided enthusiasm In this market, is the Littlefield Railway Coal Burner, whosemerits are “beat seen by’looking at the stove itself, or consulting those who have the same In use. It Is unquestionably the best and most satis&ctory stove la use for bandog coal, and deserves to be seen by all who desire ceonomv inftiul and fcerftct heating of apart ments. U constitutes one of the leading rca soas just now why our readers should drop iu at Van SchaackV. A Simple asd Powerful Pump.—A Pump of exceedingly simple construction, yet the most powerful, in Its various classes,of any we have ever seen, we had the pleasure of exam ining at one of onr hardware establishments, the Housekeepers Emporium of Thomas George, on the comer of Lake and Franklin streets. It Is the West Patent, which Is wide ly recommended for its extreme simplicity of construction, great strength and consequent durability and cheapness of repair. There U no stuffing box—the pressure being held by a cup packing, like that upon the working pis ton, working In’ a cylinder, fitted for the pur pose, within the upperair-chambcr—which we think la a great improvement, os stuffing is so liable to be deranged, and leak under strong pressure, to say nothing of the loss by friction incident thereto. It bias also two air-cham bers ; thus the action of the valve is cushioned upon both sides. The valves are very accessible, and simply and cheaply repaired- They work much cosier than any other pamp we have ever seen, the four inch C3*llndcr being worked by children, In wells 100 feet deep, and they arc extremely cheap as well as simple and and strong. They are not liable to get out of order and are not in danger of freezing in the coldest weather. They well deserve examina tion of all Interested. The Fashions.—Fall styles may be now said to be extensively introduced. For gardens, lawns and trees, both forest and shade, a quiet drab or u dead leaf” lone is noticeable, If not a a novelty, and will be worn for some months months to come. Trimmings have gone by and indeed arc very nearly out of style, only admissible in the evergreen family who will adhere to their old and standard tints; ail other styles of leaves, grasses, buds, and even fruit have passed out, and there will be no fresh trade orders until another season. It Is not as yet noticeable that tbo visit of the Prince of Wales has affected these styles in the least The season for bright tints seems to have gone by, and such are only admissible in skyey effects, say at dawn or sunset, with an occasional gala night of the Aurora Borealis. As the end of the year approaches, the January settlements will bring in a general shade of “dun,” which will be worn by all who do not attend to their UUUi bills in time. Wc cant find the color of excuse for saying anything more. Musical Matters.—Ou Tuesday evening the Chicago Musical Institute closed its six weeks session. Wc believe it lias experienced the disadvantages of a political campaign which elbows even music aside. We learn that Mrs. E. G. Bostwick contem plates a fresh scries of her popular and success ful soirees, to commence next month. The Philharmonics arc “going right along.” Over two hundred members have signed the constitution, and the directors feel very confi dent that this number will soon be doubled. Hans B.iktka, the musical director, Is nowjtT manently settled in this city, and will com mence hU rehearsals next week. Thu first grand concert will probably take place about the middle of next month. gzST Oar merchants speak of a thriving trade for the season; our wholesale houses seem particularly busy, and shipments arc be hind orders. Stocks are heavy and the trade inducements of this market wero never better. Wo yesterday found this especially true of the IcadingSou thWater Street Grocery House of Messrs Day & Allen, long si jobbing firm of Al£li standing in the interior ofthe State, on , the Illinois river, and now pressed closely by the business transferred, and added since their establishing themselves in this city. 25y Dc Land & Co.’s Salcratns is still an interesting subject for the housekeeper's at tention. It Is just what they have long dc dcsired, and which, now that it Is In their possession, they arc not inclined to part with. It continues to give the most complc satisfac tion in the kitchen and in the dining-mom. Manufactured by D. B. De' Land & Co., Fair port, Monroe county, X, Y, Sold by all good grocers everywhere, and at wholesale by the wholesale dealers In Chicago and Milwaukee. Tun Norwegian Cluck Fair.—The Fair for the benefit of the Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church takes place this evening at North Market Halt The excellence of the object should crown th« efforts of the friends in this direction with a large and abundant financial success. This society arc desirous to pay off an outstanding debt upon their bouse of worship, on the comer of Erie and Franklin streets. The opportunity to help them is very • happily blended with an occasion of real cn joymenL Fire. A Suggestion fob North Clark Stket.— Why will not persons interested in the im provement of North Clark and North Wells streets, particularly the former, borrow a les son from the West Side tunnels now nearly completed and bridge in the same way that serious nuisance of a railroad crossing. The Galena company wonld doubtless be a party to the enterprise. Republican Sociable.—A General Good Tune may be expected at the Wigwam, Thurs day evening, Oct 25th, when a number of short and stirring spceche* will be delivered by our own citizens. The exercises will be Interspersed wilh campaign songs. Political sentiments will be furnished by la dies and gentlemen, and read from the Speak er’s stand. Speaking will commence at 7 o’clock. The platform and galleries will be re served for ladies, and gentlemen accompanying them. Let cverybodyattcnd this political so ciable. By order of Campaign Committee. J. Wiiitb, Chairman. piIILLIPS, BROTHER & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 183 South Water Street, Chicago, tjjos. a. nmxirs.l vo. x witura. I «. o. van waccskb. RareaeKCTS.—Marloeßa .tr. CMcmko. III.: J. F, Dnnn A Co.. Bankers.r.alestour- XIV.; A, D, Beed A Co.. Bank •ra.Oa!eshnrir. 11l ,;C. Ban«l» , ikCy., B-inkem, Knox-tile, til, : J. P, Hoe'hklo A Co„ Uanlirr*. Peoria, 111. - y s> Henry A Co., Banners. Stcrtlnj. 111.-. Uums*cy, Drottirf A Co„ Chicago. 111.; ileimlne * WoodrnlV, ?t. Lonl*, Mo.: GreeJy A Gale. m. Loot*. Mo. : Cdrrtnguia »t Proton. Oswego. N. X*.; It S. King. Buffalo. N. Y.; l> A A. T>ow» * Co M New York. tVS’OJ.jy L. a m-att * co.,**. OYSTERS FROM BALTIMORE AND DELAWARE BAY. 05 - - - Randolph street - - - 05 OrdcrafroiU the country promptly attended to. (fo!8 HOWE’S STAND AM) SCALES. V=£S TJIOS. S. PKKESSO.V, fl * No, uWabatiLAveoue. Chicago, 111 ji . Weigh out of LereL No check Bod*. All friction received oa jr |Wf Balls. sclXO-ly w HP? gEXTOXSA^ITXDKR-^ 38 - - - La Salle Street - - « 38 Have on liand. at all times, every *trle and flnLh of V* ood Lead and Zinc Coffins; also, SUroutL*. And aru prepared with Hearse# ami Carriages and evcrylhlur requisite for Fnocrnl*; and nuy be found oa baud and ready toglre promptatteniloa to their bosloesxat oil hours. They alrO have a Chapel and Vault In the Cemetery. WEIGHT * McCLCUE, X(\l k Ebls. CRUSHED, POW deredandOrannlntedSDOAß. REYNOLDS, KLY A CO. Kf\ Tcs. PIUMK RICE, for sale tl y cheap REYNOLDS, ELY & CO. 1 K(\ PEPPER, now landing by REYNOLDS.’ ELY & CO. .K0() Hlf Chests Y. 31. TEA, V/ \J ELY & CO. IXA Hlf Chests CHOICE r TEA. REYNOLDS, ELY A CO. 8 ?,5 3 RIO COFFEE, just tJU\J received and for *ale by REYNOLDS. ELY & CO. 1 A'Bis. NO; X NUTMEGS: “• J -'- / REYNOLDS. KLY A CO. pIRCUXARS, tastefully cor up at VJ TBBTmvx^Qreice.uei.Sutn^a, THE CITY. SlElantrtr. WANTED. —A gentleman accus tomed t9 boslccw. a good accountant and book keeper. wisbc* a eltuailon,—ciu attend to outdoor badness If desired. Good city references can be irtvea. Address I*. O, floi J 13. - * - ~—77 . v ' v — —l*7 an English girl, r » who can the best references, a rttnation &« Chambermaid. to QO*ewlng, or taking can: of chil dren. _Addrcaa “E. T." at thli_ofSce> ocJixSt \VTAXTKD.—To Wholesale and .T » Retail Growers and Store Keeper*—Wanted, * tltaatfoa by a young luan willing to da any kind of work to commence with, who ha* had 1- year* expert cncelnLoQ(ioa,£nclifltL Addrese ** W, H. CJ* -4rtß P. U. box- ocUi3t WANTED. — A Medium Sized, •ecood-hand SAFE and LETTERPRESS, and Iso a BTE-Ut BOILER with 2s todldcfi 3ae* 12teet QOSbyS feet la diameter. Addrcfra box '£ I MF, [oCMX2I \\7'ANTED. —Information W anted * y . of ROBERT FLBTT. who left Genera, Via >l»rvh last for Milwaukee. Intending to sail oa the Lakcd. Aar Information regarding him or where he may be found, will be thankfully wclwl by bit brother. JAMES C. FLETT. >l9 South Clark itrect, Chicago, lU. P.0.b0xa?73. Chicago, Oct. 23,193), oc2U3t WANTED—A SITUATION BY * 7 _ V e JJN cta W« 111 a private family. I* a good Cook. V> aahcr and Irvner. and willing to do general lotu*e-work. Inquire at £3 State street, corner of llarrtroo, No. 3 up «t-vifs> ogjaxit WANTED —AGENTS TO SUP- r * ’ PLV tho Sonlh and West with Ocaooa** r.cp.Eft* >«DL* Tkkiuocr*. Aar active man can niako flOaU.ty, borne are nuking twice lUat. Liberal terms to imiuptrlou* men. IL GUUDON. 19 couth tiara street. Boom 8. oc37i3t \\f ANTED—To Borrow, Twenty* .' ' FlveHnndred Dollars, on good security. Ad. drraMhroog ll Boat Oilke Box iiTT I. Chicago. odS-(til3..t AAT ANTED—By a yonmr man of * KOodmoraUand»lt»UUy.a«UaatioaasT*«*rher *? ? **(»« School or Academy. or principal of a Public School. Unexceptionable references given. Address Box 13*, SandwkMlL ocl9<3w WANTED IMMEDIATELY.— J. \ IW Tons of K*>o4 X IMOTUV DAT. for which the Idghpot market price will be paid In Carh on delivery at our rrciw. Maxwell street, corner <W Bine i .‘ : . ind “ v . c . !lur - W«*tChicago. FUISIRE BROTHERS, oaic« tj Markettttrcfct._ ociQxlui WANTED—A Stock of Dry ¥ T Good*, Jewelry. Clothing or Boot* and Shoe*, in exchance for Improved or unimproved Real E-tate to CWcsgo, Milwaukee or Portage Cftv. WL*. Any cue S L '“*P?I U »*k« an exchange will please addre-* P. o. Box DJ3. Chicago. oclOilw \\T ANTED—Tile undersigned lias ** 2 fc ,n Beftliylnc well'locaked in » noorbnlhg dry fn the Interior ofWhe<Mi*ln. and want.* a partner with two or three hundred dollar* cash, to ntc la the purrha,e of hlghwluqa for tmmodUte u*e In Addition to the liquor trade, the c.-t.iblUnaect Is ina*lu£ from two to three barrels vinegar per dav. the protit of which wtu pay expenses. with real name (or no reply wla bo given; -Alaonlactarar-'* Tri bune OlUce, Chicago. oc-JxSt \\f ANTED—Agents to in i i a Pleasant and printable BudnevC lu'whlch Lauin and Gentlemen of good address can nuko From $2 to $lO per Day. Can between the boor* of 9 and 11 a. and 2 and 4 p. »„ at .So H Masonic Temple, me l*o»t of tier; orndureo#, enclosing «aap, P. O. Do* .1.113. Chi- Ogo. 111. _ oelO-dL-Ltm dfor Sale. SALK—A few more of those jAddrps. from 12 to 20 fert long, inannfartttred nmm f.ew York fatatc Spruce Timber. Clorlng out at T. 31, UIBDAJU), Ha Kliulc street. SALE— 18,000 Acres of Lnntl X near Fort Dodge, lowa, at alow figure hr cash. Apply to A, J. GALLO BAY & Co.. tfeDLake street, Chicago. <tihdmiw SALE— : A I.i-ht Pcd.llers’ 'I a 5 oeirlyiiew. will bcsoldchcap. Apply to GEO. ETcONGDON’, 3S Lake street, (np-statnj ocUxffw F)H SALE—3OO Acres of Choice line Lands for aalo or exchange for good City Property. The land Is In ’VTlncon.-LL on t'*c Oconto River, thirty miles above the mouth, near Ehlrtdge A Dalcom’s Mills. two valuable Horses. Bncgv, Harness. Ac, For further Information apply u> RUill*. K. HILL. Proprietor of Garden City House. ocWIMlm T7OU SALE—The Stock of :i well L csttbUshednsdprofitableuiannCurturlng concern in this city amounting to 1.1,000. One-half cash and se. curetl short paper, balance l:i well located real estate In iMstity or fanning Isodtt In the eoantry. Address "S.. P.0.80x MR»|. »vJ»xlm £o lirnt. r PO KENT.—That Large Dwelling -1. house on the comer of Harrison and Buffalo £tv all newly papered aud pointed, wltligus, hath cellar, ad In first rate order. Ij*rrc lot and stable. Apple to JOHN jt. Ht'CZIJLNAN, Ao. sin Randolph Pu from W to Vi o clock, ocITdAVJw L'URXISHEI) HOL’SE to RENT X In a pleasant loontloa—^low toa gocdtecant. Ad dress “\_oung," box eg 10. ucgtglt 'T'O LAAVERS. —A sent in a Fur- X nDhed office to L’t. Inquire at Room B. No. -li South Clark street. ocMxlw KEXT—Tliat lanjo Dwelling JX House on the corner of Harrison and Buffalo street.*. All newly papered and painted, with sabbath, cellar, alt lit first rate order, igirge lot and stable. Apply to JOHN 8. BUCHANAN, No. UH Randolph street, from 10 to 12 o’clock. ocl».d3SL3w TO RENT —The Commodious Store. No, -16 North Clark street, under the Fos ter House. A tr*t rate location for buslaeas, particu larly C’hdMng. Jlardwan*. Ac. Apply to UhO. F. I OSTER. «»r M. H. HAATEiC. of the Foster Uou-e. ocld-d/JOffw r rO RENT—One Now Three-Storv Brick Hon***, with large yard and large bam. on Old street. ca*t of Michigan avenue—otc of the finest location* ami neighborhoods In the. city. Reut oulv f23 per month. Apply on the premises, or addrew Po«t Office Box ISOO. . r J' < o RKXT—Four Sturv Brick JL Store. wttUcelUrSflbyitttfcct. on North Water BtrcrLderignetlforStoraffe. Can bo rented for pork* carting and packing. Apply toG. W, ADAMS. No, > Ml North water street. -eTtsim 1 MSTIIXERY TO UEXT OU 1-* FOR SALE.—The* Hoe Iddlilery itcarlird to the I’nilricStiUs MUbatCilatuavllle, iicar Elgin. on Uic CMi-utio and Galena HMlroad. Applv to DAVIS £ MS-SN, -IG La Salic street. ' octJ-dfiTT-lm XEW A\ D SECOND- I» A A - *! Hivn Pimoa forValelow. n.v*os and r» v » « • Mclodeons to Kent. Orders for Tuning Pianos.Melodcoru. Organa, and all UmU of M'ulcnl Instruments promptly attended to. All kinds of Mo*L cal lostnituents repaired at short notice m LAKE STIIKET—XEAIi CLARK. aoatbiug. BOARDTXG —A lyonflciiian and hla wife, or one or two ‘logic gentlemen, will find b<wl aod pleaAict xooma. fiimlahcd or unfund wtUila tea minute* walk from the Court House. West Side. Addrus« I*. O. Bo* 41313. oe?.* iVV7-3w BOARDING There arc uuvv vacant at and A South CtackatrceLocmc plvAsant fount rooms suitable for families or tingle gen tlcnirn. It Is also a convenient location for <htv hoarders, as It Is only one block foom the New po-'t Otllce. Terms moderate. ocSflslw Boarding — a smt of Front Rooms to rent, with Board, at 19 and 2 • MlrM. gao avenue, llelerencca required. oclO-d2d>-lm OO ADDING Pleasant Rooms J—J with Board can be obLnlnedhtNrt. ID Van Unren strccu between State and uvruq... o-M-.'.m \rEUY I.MI’OKTANT IXKOK * SfATTOS.—TI«e Illlaol* Starch at Ottawa, an* now nunofaeturlag the Purest Starch In the world. In body, quality and whltene»t it caonot os excelled, and □•dug manufactured enUrrlv with spring water, which i* natnralle ooß.n-t eycVvla* m> nefarious ehtnvlcal. hence U Uluffnltcly more desirable (or food and Uuudry i>arpo*c» than any olhertu use. Aa an asauranre to the public of th<* mrrlfa of the surrh. any amount of Urn moat salLdactory refer, eticca could be given, bat In L'4‘ casts reference scorn to lx- unarcfAtary, hs nil by procuring » mtl«* for trie), can MtU'y rhentM’irca. In Inn ing the starch b«*Mr. Ucclar In eeclng tha! it h taken (rum boxes marked ILLINOIS STARCH COMPANY, Mc'GINXIS, SIAKER. To Wholeoate Dealer*, the Cnmpanr would aay wllh Our mi equalled focidtr I<>rniaUufactarlQg.ftnd tin* very Rrratadvantage w« bate over all other fhctoriasof P'lretiastng com &t low prices, wo can sol) you ut figures that will make It to roar Interest to aendna J-xir order*. Every box of starch that leave* the factory Is warranted equal If not superior to anr pro. finrrq Jn the world. All* addressed ■‘lllinois Starch Company, Ottawa, Illinois’* ■will receive prompt attention. []eti.cßi Am gTATIOXEUY FOR LAWYERS. D. B. COOKE & CO. Have on hand, at all an cxienrtTc stock of choice STAPLE STATIONERY, suitable for the pro. fcj‘loo. GcutJcmea can have their orders filled promptly and at low prt'c*. Legal Tap. Blue and white, heavy and fine quality, as #I.OO and f j 00 per ream. Lcgvil at fl.Oa #5.00 and n«T l!«v.w»nd. Letter Knrejnpe*. White and Butt, at SI SP, FiM. EI4S. 12.50 and #B.OO per i:<*.usan<L Letter ami FcMvcap Paper*, at ?4AO.r.IJX) f £t,sd and *di>l per ream, CoimucreLil Note, as #l,ja «.(» and #t5D per ream. Lawyer's Hand Doekrto. at st.ttJ and St ts each. Ju«tiee'*Xhx'kcf*.at *LOO. Sl,'A |C.ouaDd»:tonearlt; togtUier w«*i every article of Htotionerr for the OCii-c and (.'•juaslag noom,canbe obtained of o« at the limn reo-or.ablr ptlrrv. Ucd Ta«c. Scaling Wax. Ink and lakeland*, O’UIU and Qufll Pea*. Gold aad Steel pen* of »►—t qu;ul:y. Letter Pro**ea and Copy, lag Bools, Pciieli*. Ac. |), U. COOKE * CO.. oc?l 111 Like rir**ef. \LL PERSONS HAVING -TV claim* strain*! the late Arm ofSTEVBXS * HCS TO:? are hereb't notified to riwat thn Mine to the nn. tler-Kiitnl.athUo.iirr.No. tit S>ath Water street, before IbnaiUaeof November next. at which time Hie tn my pv?*c—ion wlUbe nppil'.'d to payment nf Vk Mdeimlne-H of according to the roodf. tloaa of a certain deed of tuslmmeolbearlfl:; date the nineteenth J*j- of -March, I», J-W. U. \V. HIXeDALK. oeltolisi-lia Assignee of s*tevess ,t linston. OILLIABB TABLES,—For Sale «plomlW Rotea-iwi muiirrt Table*, with 3far. ble or ?!ato Bed*. with Beat CnuliloM In the -world, for f£X $250, and f-Tno. Everythin* complete. pJea** f«wi your onlco b£ tuall or otherwise, unri I will nil the same as If given In person. All tables sold brne are warranted. VT. U. OBIKKITIL Practical Billiard Table Maaat*cCarcr, .Vo, l-lC Fallon street. New York- City. .. tocWUi-Sm AK E IX OXTS E , CHICAGO, IZAu, FIRST CLASS HOTEL, Rates Only, $1.50 Per Pay. Located near the Central Itnllroad lVpol%alUtecTDj£. log of £<uU Sliwt Bridge. S. W. fiZA. ft CO., Proprietory. raa23^sr^ml EXCHANGE & DEPOSIT BARK ft CO., (Soccrasor to Wear*. Carpenter ft Ci>.> Cedar Rapids, lotva. . Rmaocrs.—Real. Drexel 4 Co., !xew Tort; Iloff toan ft Oelpvkc, Chicago. (iPXmTUAt MANIFEST^ I J TUISS.-MU. ADA L. HOYT, Wrtllns amt Hap. ping Test Medium. will give sittings for Uie laveadmt lion of thew nneo-jmcaa. from 9 A. iL to til*. M , mC No.ztSoaUiDcarisiscaidreeu Terms, |1 anhourfor one or two persons. oclSxsw WANTED TO EXCHANGE ron ctTr property. .a.- as*-a. n. 3vc, Ccn&Unj or iffl scm of prairie and 40 acres of Umber laad. Aodrew, I*. O. Sor 1 L ocAHTMm r PHE KEW POSTOFFICE WILL X be occupied on the ut of Korember. A large and handsome uoce and baMnurac. separate or together; *Uoo&ccssu)d toomj.wUl be rrnfrri cheap, Apdir at the Bundles, Eoom 14. B. P. BiIERaiAA. Ui Dearborn street. ociSdaodw ttoops, droops," noops;— XX Foot Hundred Thousand Extra Flat (flour Barrel) Hoops, ttom illchlsan. Ibr sale by C. J. Ma imr., »(. £, comer BootbWster mod Well* ttRCP loc«xlvj{ (^Transportation. $ Co., FOR THE Sew York Central B. 8., Clefflnnd* mtabursh u. K m Troy * Erl© ana Xroy and Wratern Line* on the Eric Cutil, And frnnoWaln connection with the above) the Buffalo. Cleveland and Chicago Line on the Lakes, consisllntoi FDIimR FIS3T CLASS fSOPULLM, Win contract freight at the lowest rate* to and from all the principal points East, via steam on the Lakes and lUil or Canal between Buffalo and Albany. Also, Freight contracted to and from PITTSBURGH, WHEELING, BALTIMORE AKD . ruiLAwajtyiu. At Lower Kates than by any,other Route. OSm Ko. 1 Clark-St, gor. South. Witar Stroot, jyd-cCtAim _ gT. JOSEPH & PIKE'S PEAK Transportation Line. A. WASBZ3T & CO., General Freighter* to the nines, STORAGE, TOBWABDISO AX I) COMMISSION MERCHANTS. We bare Train* leaving St. Joseph weekly Ibronab. ont tbe year, t »r all parti la the mine*. soil can Sire pnrtle* nntiMLtl facljltlt'a lor getting out ftelabt with dlapatcb and at reasonable r*vc». AH goo<li* shipped to our care, destined fur tbe mine*, wilt Be promptly aU tended to. Warehouse on Sfxtb Street. . A. WAIUtKN ft CO., St. Joaepb, Mo. anSTflO-ly THE ’WESTERN TIIANSPOR- X TATIOS COUPASY. And Western Express Co. JBL 1860. M To SXUppen* of Freight to and from 111© AVmI I Enlarged and beat fteflitle* ever presented for tbo consideration of Mreehaut*, Shippers, Tra velers and Emigrant*. THE WESTEttJi TtUASPOKTiTIOY CO., Having larcclt increased their Lake CielUUea, will be prepared, on the arrival of Canal Goods, to run during Um ensuing season between Buffalo, Chicago, Milwaukee & Racine, Touching at intermediate porta on the Upper Lakes the following first-L»a»*a Screw Steamers: MOHAWK, PACOTAO, FREE STATE, Gi LK.TI, TONAW A N DA, ,11ENDOTA , PLVJIOtTII, CI’YAUOGd) MAY FLOWER, CHICAGO, NEPTUNE, WENONA, mssovßi, iirr. vernon, LcavtogrtUe dock.-* at Erie Basin and foot of Michigan •tract. tJufTnlo. EVEUV EVENING. tSondats ex erpteri>, at «. And between BUFFALO and OK TRuIT. vis North Shore direct, tho CONCORD, DUNKIRK, FASUA, SAGINAW, Leaving the Dock at Erie Ha-sin at« o'clock r. m. And betweenBCVYALO, SANDUSKY and TOLEDO. the ARAXKN, EQUATOR, EL'FUUATES, ECLIPSE, ORO.NOTES, EQPIXOXj Leaving the Dimk at Erte Basin at • o'clock r. And between BL b> ALO, ERIE and CLEVELA.\6. the JUttY BTEWAKT, ILLINOIS, Learlng tlie Dock at Eric Darin at 7 o’clock r. x. And bctwceaUCt'F-U.Oaudttl4iuivN DAY. the COMET, ROCKET, Leavlnrtbe Dock foot of Ctoclnnatl street, at To'clock p. m.. which, running In connection with the unequalcd Canal ticllliies of iLU Company, comprlklag 150 Boats of tho Class, (Eight of which will ’rave Buffalo and New Vork dallr.) and with the N KIV YORK CENTRAL KAILKUA U, snd WESTERNS .sp.U'LDIA'G'S and FEoFLK’S LI.NiC OF EAI'UEaSES over said roud. enables them u> offer Mcr chjinwafljJ rhjppcraiatvwf evidently superior LiclUtiea for the transportation of their freight to and from the East and Wcat with reliability and despatch. T/ic Express, (Owned and operated by Uil* Company,! will be ron over the New lork Central Railroad (u Buffalo, and connect with the various Railroads and above Lines of Propellers, p>r such Freight as may require a more speedy trsnrlt than by Caual. The Cabin and steerage accornmodatlaas of these Steamer* have been ailed sp expressly with a view to the comfort and safety of passengers. Fur riles of Frelghtand Pansage, apply to the Agents or Cotb-lgnces, at tao Offices of the Western Traospor. tathm Company. At Eric Ihuln Buffalo. I ICirntlcs Slip. .New York. 11 street Boston. 19 Astor lloorc. Broadway. 113 Pier Albany. | New Y’ork. A. K. Colrer. I’tlrj.»l9l River street Troy. llow.ird£Thnn:otLAlblou I IT. F. Holmes Rochester, J. llcaner & C0...,...Eric. J Dunlap AUould.Lockpon. T.S.Bond....»n^»_j_ H ,, isteven** Chase,! MU & Morris. >• «cfelaad. r , j, Smtttl • f Toledo. J. 11. ..saudasky. (A. Ilunklus j J. L. Hurd A Co . .Detroit, i Johnson <b Hmlgea, Unnbort,Kirkland 4 Co., \ 3£iui(nvoc. Mackinac. (John Hely .Racine. J.T. Kirkland.Ssliebovgait. i Kctioatia V/. F Hard ... i \\\ If. Wright 4 Co.. .1. J. f allmMl=r ) 3U: *l W.alfSHi. Hathaway 4 Pena, i Richmond 4C0., l clara-st. Green Day. 1 Chlfagy. J. W. TUTTLE, Agent. FOOT OF STATE ST., CHICAGO, ILL* [myfi.cgW.Cin] Q.RJ2AT CEA'TRgVL ROUTE —TO— Detroit, Buffalo, Suspension Bridge, NIAGARA PALLS, ALBA.W, NEW YORK, BOSTON, PORTLAND AND ALL Sow Vork. Sew England and Canadian Town*. Tor Tickets «rPl r at the 7t*l?ro*d Compeav'e Office, oppodteTrcmuiiliUmse. comer Lake and Dearborn struct*, Chicago. Freight Taken at Lowest Rates To and from the Fast. A. IYALLLNGFOBD. Agent. QLD BLACK STAR LINE Liverpool and Xcir York Packet Ships, SiiUliurontheßth and '-’'thof eachmonth. NEW YORK, LIVERPOOL and CORK STEAMSHIPS, naLlngfrom New VorK every Saturday, and from Liverpool (calling at Curb) every WedutMiay. 23AFT3 ON XIV2HPOOI AND IHZLAND. Parties \Wting tho old country, or wbblus to *eud for their fricoos. ran purcha-e tieketa at reduced through raico. Drafts ou Ifoyal Bauk of Ireland, and Liverpool, to any aiuuaot* Annlvto _ IVUXIAMS & OUION*. THE KALI. TRADE OF 1860. WHOLESALE AGENCY For the sale of the following POPULAR ARTICLES J. U. JOUXSOX’S, >o* 70 State Street, Second door from Bandolph Street. TL s. ZtANVOST, AGZUTT. Cova'ry Merchants will please fake notice and ex. amine ourooaortuvne before purchasing eUcvrbcrc. rspEcriye, on fever axv aoce ciluim-a sure, safe and reliable kxtiksxl remedy. PI IX LA DELPHI A SOAPS—Orient*!* Defcnlve, Era. stve, priim. Ac. J APANESE BOOT AXP BJIOE POLISH. SPALDCICra PREPARED GLUE—In any quantity. OLD DU. HEATH’S JAPANESE MEDICINES n-mk descriptive of the *ame mailed upon the receipt of 45 cent*. 4 GKKCLBT*S BOTOBON* BITTERS—IVLich are tapldlr taking the lead of all other*, and cannot be surpassed m ah Invigorating tonic and family medicine, CHARLES’ LONDON CORDIAL GI.V-Gcnolne. SII.VVEITS PATENT ERASER AND PENCIL SHARPENER. OLD DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT. BOSTON IND&TICALSOAPS—Hooey. Cold Dollar, ptxicluc. Hotel Toilet, sliver, Ac. IVORY GOODS FOR STATIONERY DEALERS— Pea Holder*. Pencil*. Paper Folderv, Ac. BCTERIOR INK, BLACKING, store Polbh. &e, SHAVER'S CARPET SWEEPER. PATENT FOOT SCRAPER WITH BRUSH. PATENT OHM MASTIC—For Chewing. DK. JACOB’S BITTKBS—WMeb atlnmlate the Uver. regniatcthe bowels, cleanse the stomach and potto Vive blood. •crjycOdy pUR MANUFACTORY. C. M. SPEARS, JR., Wlli! S’. Ob -3.. 3SC BRZO G, ■Wholesale and Retail Dealers In HATS, CAPS AK3> PUBS, BEAR AND WOLF ROBES. 05 - Lake Street, Chicago, 111. - 05 Would tropcctfolly announce to their old patron* amt the Trade, that they are now In receipt of a large and fall assortment of all good* lb their line. ocVT(t3Vt pLAX SEED IYAXTED Having commenced the manofactare of LINSEED OIL AT CHICAGO, Z Btn prepared to pay the highest market price for FLAX SEED. OH Cafes For Sole at all times. « , c * A. BOOERS. No. * Hilliard'* Block. »c-4-dIP6Jin Cor. Clark and g. Water BL. Chicago. T'HE EAGLE SLATE COM- prepared to receive orders tbr ‘’rir srpEinou olieln and ptjuple booking tLATbSr would rail atteottoa to the low cost of thU mi.-r*uo« material, and to the greet purity of raln- WHtcr collected from slate tools, not bcLiirliiinniimat. Ed . of a&ingles or the poisonous qualities of painted metals, t T ! ie established by tbe Company brine iniUe CUy or New Vork. Parties wl-*blns to procure the Ot.NU.SE EAGLE COMPANY'S cCaTE-S wUI please nWrw the Company, corner 13th meet ami loth avenue. Nav York, or the undersigned, wuerp or drrawUi retire prompt attention. G. KCBiIAK, Agent. 27 Cortiaodt meet. New York. •uScSftWm JJJEWITS MORMON BEATER HAY PRESS; GCARASTEED THE BEST IX THE WORLD. Dimensions of bale, S3 In. bv IS la. at the emK and Wla. long; aventstr wefctht 4W lbs. la "hipping by Railroad wn mto nearly one-half la freight over any other ton# In u-se. Wc can ship ten tons of Timothy H*>* I? a common bo* car. JOHN K. HARIttN. Alien, 'life. Indiana. a* U: turn of patentee ami excitative nm. prteiorof IhPfWCetit fortfte Halted States. J. P. t'ROUT « CO.. lielwbiirg. 111,, Agent* and Manufacturers tor the State of Illinois. Descriptive Circular wot free upon application. • ocuixlm YJ* REEN r APPLET.—I am receiv- VJ, Uvtlargehtiontldeaof choice Green Apple* from Michigan. carefully packed In good barrels and which will be sold extreme!v low to families and the retail proccry trade by the slngl* barrel. or la larger tpi*nU tle-*. tVW soon be la receipt of some choice brands or Orders Ihw the conntrv for Apples and Cider will •receive pranpcmod eorelhl stteviuß.' H | u, rlXLcr, . situ Baseznent of No. M suto ■creet. T>EAL ESTATE AGENCY.— Xl The undersigned has recently Jnada arrange, meats by which bab readrto> the Mlvof property tzi this city through his Eastern. aiteode*. >lortre*e» ues«tlated w heretofore, and a 4 the bad. reSdasJm No. »o Washington street, IhjrtUnd Bloch. AJSTD aixrsic ONE IICSDHED COMIC SOSGV-V) cent* USB miXDKEU SONGS OP SCOTLASnJjn rt, a.VK HCSDHED SOSCS OP Ue£asd-5o?u K Segal Hibertisemous UARDfAX'S SALK. —ln Dm nutter of the petition of .MiryA.dfrrHl dlin of Clara Stuwell, Kdwiril 1., rt-iwll Htowell «nU Frederic* If. St:»wc!i. n,h<«. ciictdt Court, Luke county, On petltl-a tns.d Ward'* « saute. Slate of lIIlnoK Lac'* t onntv-r s }*. labile notice U ticceby ulven, tut In >i >*».-/)(••♦ *>f an order made and entered on th.* i*;n her. A. 1). It'da.'by ««• tlreulf <‘»ntrt tn ««•.< Jbe ttu* -jilrt County of Lai**, in tin* Slat** of tltini>Uui>'! „ti and •Insnlar the ahnrn* nnd lnliT««t-i <r ih • aL«,.:. named minor*, rtom stow r.l>, Kdwnrd 1., Stowed,if*-, line Sttwell ami Frederick U. Hnwcil, of U ;m-l 10 Uni following described premises to wit: 'fltenorfivekt fractional quarter of frarllonat.-u'rMurt rrmb* rtw* nty. mtco (27). town forty-four (H•- north. (fr»npei*em» (ft). east, fa Like County aforesaid, eoiUlnink In thn whole nine acres, more or !e»a. i»nM «hnn s nnd Inter, eel* brine one equal undivided sixth n 4) t<%( ti,p whole, belonslog tocneli of Mill minors wij be Kilg at Dublin auction to thahyhfil bidder fine &v.ii. by *Ue unjlrt tUtned ztwrdian, under and bv virtue of mid order rf •aid Circuit Court, at the door of the depot at Lako Forest Station, on thcOMoaco and 3i/lwn»k«rr or Lika Short Itallroad. In lake Comity af*rc«nht on Friday, the second dav of November «e«t. A. It IWO, at Uio hour of two o'clock In the afeernooa of tbit day. Dated Oct.3th, A. D. IW. HART X STDTTKLL. GnirfiUn. By Mantes * Tarr. her Attorneys mrakiaw! MASTER’S SALK.— Sr. -lie of DIL noU. Cook Cooatr. S^j.—Superior Cocrt of Cld» earn, In chancery. Win, H. Townsend ti. Thomna B, McKlvPr. Loving McKPwpr. b|a wife. Jonathan Clark. (4«ur;« K. Crocker. Samuel 5, slater, and Uobert dirk. IIIU to Forerlom* Mortgage Public notice |h iif n bv* rivets that In pwtumice cf-rt decretal order entered in Ihn above emitted can*e or, lhetareoty.fonrt).d:»» orSept-mhrr. X D. Rt». I, Hiram r. Mather, aa Master In Chnnc*ryof tbeSuierlorCnnre of Chlrazo. will, on Die iventritxlli day of October, A. D. ItSiK at ten oVloelc In fie forenoon »f tliftt day, MU at public unction to the Idirhcrt hlddcCfor cash. at the north door of ttie Court House. In the v ttr of Chi- I cjso. tn Mid County of Cook, Die follow!#* described piece or parrel of LimU mr ruin h tltcrcf aa a»av bo 1 nccp*»«ry toMtl«fr in* snionrit „f *.-M iVcree, with lotere«t and cost*. t<*z»tli*T ulth the >k*tcr*a fees, commla-iona and dl«bur*einenl<too wildMic.) The north half of north half or ti>«* n»rt) > a*t quarter of north east quarter of Section ttilrre-ii 151. Town \ *blp tldrtr-clqnt (,•»>, north lUucc ttilrun mvt), eiatof i ine Tldrd >feiitilan, rr>* r» Jnz ibri from >lx. tc (rfl) fe**t from off the raatrlde, ».nld «trlh *f land nJ» rfjrlit of way for th«* Blue island A v* nm- plane Itoad— add land ten < lOy acrcv. Die came mere i.yle**: s-ld Sremtwa brlnz situated tn the Connte nfCorkancl Wto of Illlnnla. IJICAM F. MATJF.Jt. Mmcrtn Chaacerr of the snprnop Cocrt oiChlcuqo. Sr«»» * 'Comnl'U Solicitor*. Dated Octubi-rSd, lS*a>, ATASTER’S SALE.—.State .f IK -ITJ, do!*. Cook County. ClrrtiU Coirt,Cx>k Couuiy. in Chancer*. John R. Fafrona. -ororlaln* ant. tm. Jinoft 11. Ilnbhard ft 3i_ defrnduiiOi • Public notice U hereb* given that I, 1. C. Falne Freer. Matter In Chancery of Cook Count-; Sal* of Illinois, will. In nuesuuuice of a decretal onFrormdfl Court •cl! at public auction for cash iothehlL*-»t old. dee. at the north “door of Ui» Court Horn* of tho County of Cook. In the dtv of Chicago, oy thdOtli Any of November,.%, D. 15* A :*t tm o'clock In ttworaiwou of sold dar, all of the rhoura In action ompmprrty betonsing to tho trust estAto mentioned In fee bill of complaint In said cause, consisting of a Ur* number of promlMory note* Indumenta uud iiccouiwasaluat varloaa persons In Illinois nntl the n«t)arrs varying In amomt's from seven dollars to «t hundred dollar* each. A* full explanation* will b* imtc on Uio dar of sale a* to C;~ r.-sidene? -Hid »■venv of rvh debtor as possible. Them* chosea In action oiooni In the aggregate to about twonfr.uirec thomwio. dollar*, ami the sale will be absolute. proper axgouienht will bo mode to the pnrvbasvt*. l. r. jmivr Fitzr.r: _. Master la Chancery. Cook louuty, Chicago. Oct in. oclt-dSOu X FORTG AGEE’S SALE,—VThw all w Jacobßusselland Man’!l. nn«*en.bU wfr*. both of the clfv of Chicago and £»ate of UUaol*, ltd eveenteand driver totUo I tlufir cert In Indenture of mortgage. bearing d tie ;h** second dajnf July, A. D. W>9. i<* secure the n •yrretu of a crrtdu promissory note of even date tjie'cwll'i. given hr no ■wld Jacob Rn*si*ll for flic <*nm of K«" rt»*. o DnllarMf liOWt pavablr live veto* sf rf C;> date there of. at the Cltv I tank In llmtoir. M; soarjinaclta and J ro. riding thnttne Internet llicreim.vvM- h should b>* at t•'« rate often percent, per annum. »Bmdd aim b**pay. able ntratdvtir Bants.ln IV-ton.scmJ.inrnall' - , to »Uj Oa thearrond day of January unu .it iy earn In every year, which raid mortage Jan ctrd. d !■« t* e ■* office of Cook count*. j*ta*e of H ! lnoI*. in b»-t wot mortgage*, atpage 6IP-amt <• life * do at' - * Use b-’cri mmdelnt*tepnvntcn»ofihel t*i*rro*rdno the second d J of J.troarv. l*»;a a d also id tb>jwT nirm of the Installment of Ibtarrtt da- Cu ae;ond d:»y of July. ISA and both n-m.n ■ «:m Idr N“w, therefore, pnb'lo notl- h* V r *bv rivet*. t’*at |. •lames c. Merrill, Trustee an* M*»r a' r »• repaid, of Xbodtyof B-stoa and sruie of Mate chatctt accord, lug to • tie terms of »aM »«* rtg»g- d. > h b dccUro the principal sum *H>ured thereby mb'irvrtoe. fur reason of uid default In :aym*nt of .'nferc»t - mi fine 1 shall.inpnnoanceand b. vM«e o t v u- power snd aathorlty In me rested bv s»M n.crtgag-. Mid tort’io uses and purposes iht-rcln exprewtd. on Tl nrxrtry.tbo thirteenth day of December. A. D. U*A at eleven o’clock In the forenoon of said d«r. at the a rUi rto*»r of the Court the eltr of i hi ace. -ill at p« b. 11c auction, to the highest blddc* for cash, I he premise* In said rnorfgtge described. to wit: “That piece nr parr-*l of land known and described as lot four (I), In oloch «o< , nle , u i •“!, In fractional section tWe tv. ta«. adit ton (o the ctf’ of Chi b Ifig eighty feet «M> fronton Miehf ;annV' mt'ittidom h-m --drcdandelgbtyfcetfl’*)' lad'pth '•> i-ie xJJC/ln l.‘o rear, according to too plan recorded In Cook county Registry, with the dwelling low and other Improve, mentathereon." JAM£3 C. MKRRILI-. J. iL ?auu£J, Attorney. Tnalcc.McrT gjfioc. . iccu-dtfU-tdt ATORTGAGE SALE. XVlii-n-ns Afl George Ilatinaba. <'f Albion. In the Vtde of Michigan, did. mi the tMrddsy of Mav. i xwiti* and deliver to thu undersigned rtcvrioln Indrn'.uTv of Mortgage to secure the payment of Hire • set end pro. mlMory Sotva of even d-ite with said Mortgage. fc»p tl>e sum of fifteen bundr d •101 l ir* earh. s.n!d N"t« s p.*. Ingpavable to Joseph Blbley or onU-r. oneHixiydavs after date, one rlt months.irter iht'.e. mulonc In tweivo months after d de, wlthlntercM at the rule of ten per ceaLper annntu; wldcbMUl Muit;age I* reeont»*»l In the Rrcordrr’s office rtf Jo Itavtcr.s coitnfv, jioo’-C R of 3l«>rtgagee. on page* 2l» sod :w»; and wtl. r.*aa It waa nrnvfiled In and by the terms of»a!d .Mortcare that, if urfiinltbema*!" In the 1-avmer.t of *ald prmd«»«rsr Notes, or vltlier of them, either of rrluetp'd «>r IntercM, on the day or day* when the same »l»aSl b* c«m«e diuv and payable, tho whole of asld principal and Interests secured bv said Not*-* should tnereni-on b> c*m>e duo and payable, and snid Mortgage should bcliait(*dkiti‘ly fart closed to nay Die some: Now. Iheremre.Uefaalr having made In the pat*. mctit of itm first of sold prrniissorv Notes, no part of said indebtedness Iciving h-cn j»:iUI. according to iim tenns of said Mortgage, public no'lce Is I'eri bv given, that L Joseph Stblec. Mortgage** aioreaald. do t'ctvbv declare all of said Notes In until Mortgaff** derv’ribed t*» be due by reason of saltl defaniun pavT’ient. mid iI.AC I shall. U>r the purpose of making tlie rnonev due upon said Note*, ana in accordance with the power In no* vested by said 3lortgnge. <*n October eighteenth. 1960. at ID o’clock in the forenoon. «<■!) uC RubHc auction, at the north d"or of the < House, i the city of Chicago, to the highest bidder .<»r< x>h. the following desenbed tracts ot land, sirnati d In tho county of Jy Daviess, In tin* state of Hdiuh*. amt known and described as tow)t ; lii» north* wesCqftwtler of section thlr.v-tive i3T.»j the south half of the southwest quarter ui "Cvtom (Jfij; theaouthweaf quarter of Rcctlaa fwcioy.fivc and the southwest qiwtrlrr of itieMiuthca-t'oii irtcrol' lion twenty-llve r.r.); in town rwente.plm* riPL rangn three (3>. cast of the fourth principal im-rldltin. btlue the aum* premUrw convevvd to the p.irtv of the first part bv Carlos pierce and wife, r.ntl at! right aud equity of redemption of the «Cd (ii«r:c M.«nn,d i*. Us m-lr* and assigns, JOSEPH tflllLKV. Mortgagee. ft. M. WrLsov. .ttfiortier. Tne above sale la adjourned to Thutadav, November Bill, 1300. at the same hour snd place, .lt>sy:vil SIBLEY, Mortgagee. Chicago, 111. Oct. I£UJ. Djtt, uelSUl A fORTGAGK SALE.—Wlynw, -*-?JL Sea brook p, Oldcrsftair rind lints IK Gld.’pJmw, bt« wife, of the CUT of Chicago. Co«»k Cnn«i»vaiMJsr«ro of IRluoK did. on the fourtu.-nth day ox acpteuib.r. In theyenr of onr Lord one Uummnd tight hundred ami fifor-nlne. execute and deliver to James o. Uv>wurUi, of Chicago, in «utd County and St.<C(*. a c.-rfsiu Inden ture of mortgage to i«oiiro tho payment of« ort*ln note, in said looilgige dvM-rilwd. rl\»-n by one Thomaa Klerkoey. <rf * »»/<?*«<» ufl-rr*>id. for tun sum of uve hundred iiii.l il.lrtv*f>ni didi«r* aivl rlghty.five cent*. hearing date the wvoncpvnih dav of Augu»L A. 1». 1859. and payable w the raid Jnmr* (». Heywofth or outer «n the •Mi'oml djv of MarvK, A. I*. l-TA which wild mortgage w;t* iiJed ;or record hi tho olrtrrof the Ib'voMtT of Cook C'ouniv. and Slate of d.iv ofSt'/diinVr. A. I>, 1859. and duly recordedlu Ijook'focu.'iluo (illiof Mott eageimind Pag* (l.'o; amf wM-rra*. default baa been made In t'>** p;>\meot of lues.d-1 money iu< p tlonrdln aald proml*oirv note, or unr part thereof,end the name wtl’.i ?lne* Co.* maturity of Mid note, la null duo and unpnlil: Now.tlierrfon*, public ttolW U hereby given, that (3 pursuance of din p»*v»«roC ante U« mud mortgage «*on tllnfd, I »halL on Monday, the tilth d:tv of N«n« ruber. A. D. imi. at ton •fclork la the forenoon Of e.ld dav.sC the north door of the Court Ho'iae, in a. VI rltv «>( Chi. cago. aril bv public auction t*v tin* hlgUrH bidder for Cult, tbr following described rf.unfc*!-*. huida ai-d trnr. ItlcnU. to-wtl;—L.« twelve <J>. hi llhtrtg Of Johm*ti>» v inbdlvldon of »ho ea«l half of the *outi|. east quarter jf Section *dx \h\ VoTrmddp thiitv.r.hio yW). north Range fourteen, of tin* Third lulmipjJ Meridian. *ltiute in the Couni, of Cook, and "f Illinois. together with all the bulMl*‘**,a th<no:i. and all the tenement, hm-dltanu iit* mid apport* nance* thereto befooling, and -all tin* right and equity «d re demption of the said Seabpvrk I*. oJil*t»!i.iw ami l!o** D. oljerritaw. hU wife, tiulrbeln* and a*lgt» In and to the aald premia*. J.\MfcS o. HF.YWORTU, Mortgagee, nt*T*r, AJtTttnvr & Gii.r. AU’ia for M.’rfg-ifn-, CldcsgOv Ociobcr 19th, ura. oclU-iUltMftt 'T’RtTSTEE’S NV JL tlce t* hereby given that I. P.imoel C. Smith, tho Trustee namwi In » dc* «l *»f tnmt, orin-ut' d bi IS. AV. Phillips, dated October Uh. KV*. amt recorded !n tho Office of the Urrofd.T of S» LnlV' CountT. lUV.ol*. la l(oi>lc numtb’e is* of J'agi» Ai>,.V'r. '- w ttnd wo, dr fault having been made by thn Oidd U. tv. ndldp* !rt the psymeut of the b»mrt secured hv oM dead, irfjf. fti pnraaauC; of the powers contalni d l i «..Vt n[<m the appJliT.rion oi the Ugal holdtT of add b-md. an) nt EtibUe auction at the not Hi door of fie Court lloo.e.tu leCUvot Chicago. Counlv of t'oVc. Sfcit- all of the o«u>t!i quarter of Mi tiun A'., Tos n»lUi* 3T. north of Ringe i. ra*; of the Ti.irrl principal Merf dlm.contafolcc IfOacrn*. Ala*». the m>rTho:ia» ijiiarrrr of Oic south went quarter and Went bail of (tie Mituh wert quarter of Section •il,Towa>l>lp;‘*'«.i»«ttb of Itacige 2l east of the Third l*rlnclp«| .Mi-rtdlm. eonfilrlng i:0 acres. Alao. Lota 3 and Pi tu sanatoria sub^dtldem of tl»e northwest quarter nf Section ÜB, lit I«iwr.ahip :lh, north of Range Lcaat of Tldnl Principal Mv.rtdljin.cim. talnlo- togitiicr 30 arrw. Also, bus inrd Bin n. IV. I'blLJpa'Subdh bJun Of }i>Uß:»ml 4. !;i plm-lcftt In Uio town of Meudota. 111. Also, tlie cndhldrd half of tho BOuUivcat quarter of (he miulhta.-t nnarier of cvrlloit 4 Townsldp -D, north of Range 1, cart of 1 bird Princi pal Meridian, eoutaiulng '4O 3tro. Sn)d sale to bo mado on the tlxtcentls day or November. l>. pra. atoao o'clock k u. SAMVEL C. SillTll. Trcwtog. oclß A rORTGAGE SA LE.—WJuti-js, X Simon 9, WUU co and Mary hla n Ifb. did on the ;>th d.»y of A**rii. A. IK |W. eveuti* uml deliver to Jacob tv*. Ludbm. now UectMS-d. their certain mortage, bennies date the dav and vvwsf umoM, and recorded vn Vne Recorder’s ciftce of CookConncy. 1111- nola, la book X! of 3lurtgugca.j>‘»«e 484. and did there by convey totne *ald Jjetib w.Lutllatn tac hereinafter nvine I. b» j-ecurc the j ayim-nt of four cer* tola prombworv uotwMbcrvln uartleuLirl** tuetdlcned. And. wUerrsuOt w;»* t-r*>vldedli and by said pi«*i tenge, that Incase of default Its the pitmcut efpuidumca. either of principal or Interest. w*i made, the wnnie ..f add principal and luitm-t '*i>i>uldbvtoiuc du*: no'* buy able. And Che su'd Jr cob W. Ludl tm. hi* heir*, csecs* tots, artml.UslruUir* or ae*lgua, after l>»cntv d*'i* no tice la a newspaper printed In the cltv of cid.r , .w. might sell asherei»a(Certiollr< d.tUe saidprcmlv-*. and all right and cqaltc of redemption of the said hintou ». Wlltaco and )l; f.' C» hU » I.V. therein. Ami. where as, default ho* been made In tho paymentut two v( said notes, of Intv.rc't un throe thereof. Now, therefore, public notice l< Jtcrrbc glvejj, rhat the up dcnlgncd. James D. Lndlsm and Mu nr I.rulhm, nl miaiatraC.'>r* of the earate of Jacob L*rdl:««», «Jc etnsed, will on FrtiLiv.lhc »lvto ■mh day of November, .O). 1800, at the hour olio o'clock, AAL.of that d*v. *cu at pnbllr aaci!* v n at the north door c>t the Loan Hn»'-o Innald city of Chicago, to the liiglu-tt bidder for «‘«sli tho following pmul-****. to wit: Ctuumencfr.g in ‘ho cen ter line or the CUl'ngo and linen lh»>- r»:i i. md nu the line of Henry ll , .*nwort , i'* Sand, nn-unlitg tin* lino of Henry Jfepworfh's iar.d ut the of raid inert* gage,> and running west L3T.3 14 coals'.* •. iheucu wraUit49chabt*: emd I.JTP !■'.* chili-* t<» the center of tho mW road t a the place of beginning. Lining 10 sxcreis »ndb-lng part of northw«-t quartef of section 30. totroshlp 4L range li. In C*o;; t ••jid»y. Hd* nola, and all rlaht and equity of redemption >n U>e *ild Simon B.Wilt*ee and il»ry Wi;t-e?. tluTtln. to make the amount due on »>»lu notes and expenses of such sale. JAMES. D. |.I DLAM, CniOAun. October fit. trib. MARY Admlnbtrators of Hie ertale «f Jacob W. Ludbm. de« ecued, the aforesaid *■«•. <?c2i<rrrd MUSTEK’S .SALE.—->f Illi noU. Cook Conntv, *. t* CM<r«;o~ln Clincn i-r. J : ,evb fWi*r lre , * J« Sbrrnian, Fnnrta H. J*S!, fc 2!fi P. Pointer, Pnttcr I’a mcr. aiaratrltk*. bltetkli. BUI to Forevi<w Xomaze. .. x , _ . ■ > Pobilo ao(lr« U'liorebvsh'Bn, Cmt in puttuaoce of i a UPCfrUiJ order. enlrr**il In ro tniJtljd r:iu*o on the isth day of Ocober. A.D. ISCB, I, Ira Bcnti. a* iliftirtn Chauctryof the hnperUrf Conge of CM.*a:;*i, will. OO the dtfvrn.. ewju nay of November, A. I>. 1* rt, at 10 o’clock la th« Copcuoon of but day. ?**n atpab'lu auction to the hUhe*l btW**r for rash, ntttmnortli «f Conn Hooae, in the city of t: lea ■»», lu •aid County of C [tie following I estate. (or »o mnrU t»Mvof a* may be uervwtry ti. satisfy «J»o amount of aim decree. with fntcre-laml cc*t* together wltnili-cer'a fees. uHiurnnncnt- .m-t eommlvl«*oso« **ld •*!«*. to wit • 3 n the - de 2 ( OfCook. and state of Ijiiuolt. known aatft«noni»wc« quarter of ac‘ , *lot»»ev««n «rt».andUiew«t half of the wot tmif Urn f sefcntccn (ntownd.lp number fi.ttv ‘TV" ' u i- »«•« »»» I ftW cipsi meruuao. Also lot number seventeen at» or u.t twnlt !os?iv? 5 of«»» *o»«b nclloii of KohlneoVa _^S r <S£te c a:S; 0 -^^aasaas B fODWOUTII’S musk; STORE, w tfo. 6 Aator Plac», JT. Y. .I^n^f r is dDe^ e f lfl and Aturrftvi jf d . r^VssH2 tnent * * od Miulcst McrchamJU**. Sa d e< aad ft>r HiePUnoPortaby Urn N»- : »£.*«#. gSKf-Sai ©TO ilU»lo; asdMmwi/SiV,Jo J2ri“wL Pt * m S ,y ° rtP i tf<ut &y ninli, fr«, a cbaoso). C*t.ilspie» of Mu»lo iJran Dtiad*. (XfnnJiiUo fUfldii, of Ixr'uOr* WbSJu of itriM. SatlS"£ PbCfitloa, The •* Joarcat of Bran* 'fcallnn of lUoJ li Warn ”"hj lsa'7fii. NO!*, n * 1.71 or sli p«.* », mum : Prtr**t 4r - »h«s liMiruioctHhl p 4 ri» l£ liKMt worlu ate Mparam and n*H<|y for i)«rf''rtu»:co H-invijrE. ffoywym, KncnrrtOMmnuisu*. oc^oirau