■vxjsKsri Atoncfc. .
The unaila'd'ffllrlcC'ufnie TSew• Torlt'
BiraM,;siriU Jonijials pt 'that' kidney, JIT
Mr. Lincoln and ■TiitiKfa, -»■-
only anttrt&il dodge
the poworjy which thiy have juat beep-;
outvoted.- When the men who supported
Mr. Lincolald ths polls,"
the justncli’ifhis pnnclplis ahdeohserva-.a
tkm of hisitianpor, foel lliai-hs needj-thcilit
direction, or that a . scries of pub
lic mcctingi.aro neceasaiy fof his instruc
them to.actl*>u« 3 Jor the present, ikeceaa- -
Iff 'M-tbe I'''-’ 1 ”
noteES'is, fssa
rr reposes on -me joyalijand true conser
vatism and nationttlQ'' of tb6*
party, at its, lieatJ’jt£the expo
nent of Its principles and the Interpreter o'
its policy. —There is iws- record—mado-nt a
time when no fbqp"ls-of'the.
had catered Ills VdadT *TJp6h”tliat*lei ui
stand azuLbideour-turoe 1
ax oKirraocxtAjmE. * -
The madmen; .Botjlh
make pfiio-‘tact
election kaye fysnrjqst “
as ohj ccUonalHc to them ;i*r the triumph*!;;
LcvCOLK. Time and Umo again have ■;
dsclarcdihat ids us
odious to them as the Wllmot Proviso, and |
that his gQUcyJrtasosdicstnictiroof Sooth“
ern rights as that of mostdelerminec
enemy. - This is the language of their J9ur-_
nals, the&oralhrsiiajuitheir
hlagcs. rjlancev'
elusion that the resistance to'tlxemromlng_
of Lixcols is only a pretext to cover a- dc**
sign long matured and waiting to be pul
into execution^and-that. the-samo.rowdj-
dow woaldliave matter who,
save Breckinridge, had succeeded In the
Presidential fight
The destruction of the Democratic party__
at Charltsion"before Lincoln was nominal*
ed, is evidence that in that powerful and
dominant organization they-saw an obsta
cle that must he overcome and set aside.
Their conduct shows that they did not de
sire peace nor -union upon any basis save .
that of unconditional-submission of the '
Rorth oad dl .who question tLielf.Buprem- •
acy. 7i»>esistanco to Xincolaisionly-ihci
fjpnftßq in the programme long ago de-1
their ‘arrange* -
naat, sad* appealed : incn of all ‘*parti& to
sustain tho action of the malonre and the
fundamental principle wblcli untferliesour
instHndonß, withaul'WhkhDcxnocracr. isai
Our wi^ : torfrpf'a
COTfederJ&ylhii *fottt r or £ve States- which’-
alter their separation from the United
iied. Thafcfapm of a Bepuhlic |i .Tfjbich jiqH
man coulci-Stip liSme*^li^ J^ a j
passport, he should’be
tempted to steal:and Tim off a negro; in
which the libferiy of Uie- Press- and Free
dom of Speed* are peremptorily , denied-, *
not by the ignorant and brutal non-davc
holding populace; but byademnleglslativc
der rigid censorship, for -fearjSpmS'Servant
of the Divine Master should say, parenthet*’
ically, that thc-huy ing -and idling of men
and the
in which- 4^ ~bKga>£hj/
and dic^; : lhe\|^—afiraco-'^
nlan the
ers of human flesh
the Slave fiSflVis.tlie in
which industry is disco
worker be tawny or black; in whichintelii
gencc is oonfinpff to ithe - w rich and well
of State,
tional systems- an; shaped to enforce tb£'
atheistic denial of .nifties equality before
Uis Maker, andhis right to “life/llberty
and the pursuit of happlne^ 1 ThejprqiJ(£
has had mliflyßcptiblics, ‘so’-called, btrf his
tory may he searched in vain-ibr a parallel
to that one which the South, if she goes out
of the Union, will -sct*up. - i ißhcr socadinj**
States have long been progressing in the di
rection IhaJ wc,
strained though feebly by public opinion
of the North and by the Federal “compact
to which they have yicldedareluctantobe
dience, they have not bad the development
which they will prcßeot2j^aUain*4£4heu t
present plans are carried oat. We wait
with curiosity to see what will he done.
Senator Toombs, the great fire-eating
traitors, dT..
people in Georgia. As might be czpedcd, r
it was a call to arras; no form of appeal
or emitted wQcii -
latcdto urge.oa»thc jnassea itoisecesaion,-?
and if ncceasaryvchil wan—Said her-* r-’v*
is a few more year* oar slave population idll
hare Increased from the half million of the Rev
olution, to twelve my|i/ons. r If, then,|he tetM
ritory remains the esrso, fitter ■AejbU<te:ipaJ't‘!
no away from tho Wilks, L or * 'tile‘ wmt c»‘ wftf ran'*
from the blacks, „The South, therefore,, mnat,
whether she will or. no. take in Mexico, Central
America and ibe Wee of the aea/V.-.-T?r --
This idea pervades all fire-eating har
angues. Was there ever greater folly ut
tered by foolxr madman ?. The. Southern
demagogues urge on the planters to dis
solve the Union ,that the-arca-of slavery
may he cxlcndciU. _ .
Suppose the potion States do secede,
they will not he Allowed to touch an acre
of the public dopjain now belonging to tho
nation. All the territories will be retained
by the North andj such slave jen
main with Free
States contributed tbc'teor ■
ncy expended ip! acquiring • Texas, ( ilhey'
have a lien on hef soil that
fied, before the can have posse
sion. They have a like claim. 6a
Arkansas, and Jtorida.’ The disonioiusta
will never be allofrcd*
sippi. The Grejt West wUI demand that
the free navigation and commerce of that
river shall he preserved, and the West is
abundantly able ia. well - as.wiUing«tO‘eD—
force that demiuy^'iCinemill Tons'’of sturdy"
free laborers live; oj,
the Slississippi, wqui&nan dow3Lthun-<:
dcrbolts upon the pirates who Shdnld .ilk.
tempt to molestjor impair the,, free uso’dr
the “father of waters.”'-
Uow are Mr. Tfwmbs tuj,d . hfc* : coqfeQc-~
rates going to *\ take -■ in- Mexico' # deß-;
tral America and the isles
when the North |says “Z farbidf'.' jrhe
free labor and TeniUmoar-extend
from Maine to Cfdhbriria.'
States are limited 't6*&s cbOon repoii-in
which the blacks ontiiuinl>er Hh& whilca.-
The whole free popidirion' bf'tiie Cotton'
States scarcely reaches itwA
bat little greater thah thhl 4 6f Iffihnliy. 'How.
wretchedly absurd for
whites, interspersed among thcblqck •masw.
Os, to talk about *1 taking in Mexico «hnA'
Central AmericaJ’t Should :under
taken. one stroke of the great,
Northern grizzly bcar.:would*make:rthte
cotton jackaU-btte Hie dosC' *
There is mT territory belonging' to the
nation unsuited for free labor, and it is all
needed for free labor.. Whether the fire-,
caters remain In the Union or go out, the
urea of slavefylia -fixed- - Mexico is.-free,
soil. The disunionlsta will never be per
mitted to attempt her subjugation for the
purposes mentioned by Toombar 'By-dia--
aolving their connection with tbe~UfUQU,‘.
the Cotton States hare nothing to gain and .
everything to lose.
Mrsmua.— 1 tor
President Is—Bell 2,519; Douglas 2,300; Creek-.
Inridges73. This shows'that Memphis fc a
Union city by to 573 Dlsmlonlsts.' ' The
free navigationxlfttfe
Tennessee. . .
SF* An exchange says that if ypo will stand
on tiptoe when canon--are -firing, the concus-..
aioawill not We -advise
evtry Democratforth
'.u .u J •;£
If the secession movement gees on as it
lias commenced, and two, three or a half
dozen of the Colton Slates declare their de-
termination to go out of the Union and or
■rjanizd a Southern Confederacy, the effect
.3ipon the monetary affqwbf the
cirly engage the alSatra|rpf capital
ists, bankers and other finanjSia.
Jjcais hx the tmslfc
rcedents, the not
without extensive and damaging
derangement of the monetary affairs of the
-country, and perhaps of England and the
Continent—“We propose 4o inquire
_\vhat will be the general effect of thc trea
son; but pi fcblt i&ut us
‘'it hoAc and see if we are well prepared
-ior-tt unsettling of-public confidence
and ai unexampledvPtringewjufo/iH.ihc
.money centers of the South and East In
•vlicSfiret plaoo yrt see that the Northwest is
comparatively out of debt The
* accb*dnfe** mi3 w (K'e settfement of
balances wfclch hare been-gorag on for-the
,la3t year with great, xapldlty,. leave
i»nrmerchants,bankers and businessmen
ofulllkinds in-a. favorable condition tov
■'bear vbatcver trouble' inay come upon'
tiiem. | yet yidely extend
ed—tlic result of recent-operations or the*
rlmscttjed business of a period anterior to
■ July, 1837—will suffer, un-
bare been converted
lilta longtime indebtedness npon'Lwbicb
jhcj.are paying only moderate rates. 1 Bdt
the merchant and manufacturer whose af-
dure arc snug, need not fear that he will* be
r.hbligcd to.lqdjtfralnjn Jheiacd.! Whatever,
'•happens, the indußtryandcommexceof ihe:
' £#unliy will go on. If a cTSSh of arms is
*t© coMequencc of the present - inSubordi
n/UonJ we engage with an enemy that is
. irapotcmt'aLßeajland for 01l purposes of-in
less wifi dear fhointhb laden
though South 1 CafSliha'slioutd be'ten tithes
as treasonable- and -rebellious- as ahe is.
wooV hides, tallow,
lard, seeds, &c., &c., will continue to be in
•brisk andfcfafdhnHiSlre'dcmandr ’ Eventhe
men who arc mouthing big disunion >
and how much soever their pride
may -be humbled by the fact, they must
the W eat .for. the-wherewithal to- ■
‘ eir bellies full while their treason is
g. And henceforth when they buy
’ they m ist pay, not in bills which :c kay~be'
»itshon( red, banknotes, whlch-will not-be
redeem ;d, nor in State bondsr.which will
1 booth -uinoua discount; hut in gold. The
probab' lities then are that eveiy bushel of
our su’plus grain, every poundjjf pork
and bi ef which - can- be- spared
be in and'/at pricea -at •which*
' the pro [ucer will /be willing to sell. The
derangt ment ’unavoidable in the* money'
centres may- make money scarce and trans-'
Qcult, and to garjain extent de
tprpSsjicea; but we may be sure that as
'k)Dg' hunger demands food; thdmdrkets
: th«M - orld will not be £lOsed,
Southei basis of bank issue*
.« not la
*of flips! has none of thbh!
Slate st( cks hoy bpwsj j none of - titcir
micipal obl^tfon*S;;of i:^yt ßort.
~ng erte isivo- with thetn jin
commci :ial way^ihd' : -K! nhe • catastrophe}
which S isjrreclpi* '•
1 her, a dozen other States;
. -are Jdf( Ivod • therdn* the * West * win have'
•.hh-poiki >n of the load which thg. seceding
•Vffod!w|)- idlaling sovereignties will roll back
“fijioii th s Xorth. .These Stales like our own
ate. pur dy agricultural;' there has’been to
a limitei extent only anyi interchange of
■oTprq|h cts; hence there arcnoacopUQtsr
•to settle and liquidate J’Tbat 1
taskwil fall upon factors who
i-hdvb Iwa ctofore made fortunes by the trade,-
/■iOad.inua tow shoulder the.lossej If any
taScnto # /- : ‘
Tfiis > s.aihir; rn&lcrale and reasonable
.review orthemonptp^a^ectof thiSquCs-*
js boniei^icd:; ..Thfe*:
oaljr point of difficulty and
our unfojtunate connection with thc;Sputh : .
through the bankingsystcms of .Thdiana,
< Illinois and Wisconsin;-each Of which per-'
rails the Issuing of bank notes Tjtyfd p. basis i
ofjSouticrn ■But' ybrtnnhteiy
again, thp bondsheiti dnder thesc 1 patents
are not lirgelyflibse
threatening secession. They--ars pyiinly
: those of Kentucky,
Hna, Louisiana, todMlasorri—States whipb •
will not
dent reason for 1 withdrawing from the
Union and setting up oh their own account ■
! It is in'tho contingency
J to wldqh we aVenobHng.iiferb should ' hoi
.bcngenoral decline in the .securities of-all
the Slavcj States’;-but in," the case of those
.that.wqlpte uained, it would horbe* so
Jarge-that the owners of the bonds could
motrkcep their margins good • or failing to
’Atf £o,'that thfe loser,
in any hejivy'pcr&mt. on the value of his
meeting the attention of the Audi-.
Wole .Cqnpnisloners ; of ’lUinois,
Department, of. the other
|helr duty in the premises, "hi in- ‘
aid-eouls-to -dismiss' their fear,.to:
i easy sail iii'their
V debts a's fast. posable, and
loughthe -wqrst should hhppehi!:
j. /•-'■i
note. Dij
iraud I
“and the
■States to i
rite all till
to keep 01
tew, to pa
the West
jrorld of:
ridlv sou
with her abundant crop. ' jmd'a'
ungry men outsidejicr, is_c*scn
[id, • » .. »u •
• • ■ . • -I
.Ur. Ncai
Ith, the Ifetr [Senator- Elect!
rrbjat.Oregon,, . .. ni .., (
.Neamitbj-the ‘colJeagpe • Bppalor
Ijaiqft, l
elect of Co ,
bo.v, whoir tfew
HampeJiln and now a recent.of San Fiancis
'dp) indorses ajof gopd <fld.scotc&'-Irl6h'Qcl£m l .
. Tfithout a irop of tory blood in him or any qf
;U* anccrtir,"' Mn.TVifori‘*Bpoke!ai. theSon
.lPrancisco jnbllaUonrac±llng,and6ald he knew
;KcsmiUi.'wtlJ 4 &nd .that be wxmld eupport-Ec-f
-- 'Mr.
/Orcgoi} roe&j&irai '
W the Tcmtoiy by President Picrcii.!, He sub*. ;
sequcatly, kinder Baehsnao,- : behHbe office or j
Superintendent of Indian Affairs for Oregon I
and Washington,until rcmoyidiilheinsLaiicc
r of .To^Tjuje —-His : waa_ one of the:
.otrly evenfe iathc rapt are-of the OregbnDfc r
‘jiiocrary, : apd dTdaalnnch as anything to liasv
: ten it on. j * * " i • V *7~ V
just elected In Mlcfaigm, bears thn- fWlovrffig
politicfl complexion: .__ ___ ’ ' "
V;-Semite—licpubllcanßf.pO.jDcQiocrotß X ••
7ibMfrrl|epiT}Ucana. Democrats - 8 ,V-.
| . T0ta1....;V....?.102 * 9
UxAxiMolcsjop BsecnsßU>RErf— I liie.coun-.
tyof M&Do|Diß t AUimesoU|'ca»t 96 votes at the
„lßtc cl cctlpiv-fercix 'dhe.. of.wilcii ?. wia for*
•Breckinridge and Lane. -
- ?Tnoii Ljl
.riette, in tl
lsi given L
position for
Ps, §urtijjofc«r-tThe county of Mar-
Pcntasnbi;;of Michigan,
ncoln 6i-nujorlty. This is-a new
Marquette, -■
• KTCoI. Snclc*tnhl r -local edHor of the
. LbulsriUe A wS in sa- *
( lbon in that city a few of
Jils’ wounds
• Tli»N«xi *'
.. -(From W6t]iL]
_ The future lady of the White House is, per
force, a personage .to .whom just- now-the-*
liveliest interest attaches, Ihauhe.willadom.
and grace evfcat|ip.<salLdl. position to .which'
. she bids fairjto. succeed, none who have bad'
the fortune fb sec her can donbf'She l#Vet'
apporentlynpo&the.adratitagedhfißldedffottv *
• writhwfacc upon which dlgnlty-ond sweetncwl
are blended,Und’nn air of culUVaJlpn and. ro*'
tenement to yhichfamHlarlty with the conrtij'
drawing-rooms of London, 1 or the aristocratic'
:.mtlons‘of-Paris,-■wouM 1 hardly lend an’ added - ’
‘grade.'- 'Stic Is admirably calculated to.preside
over our republican court. If one were'per
. mlttcd so farj to describeher perwonai-gppear- -
ance as to meet-half war the fespcctfnlmriDgl
ty which is gepsrally £qlt upon .the. subject,
tbodescription would tie: that sho is sligbUy
above the xnddinm stature, yith brown eyes,’
clearly cdt fc^tnrj*;.’ddicalc; _moblle l *.cxprcs-. •!
Btvo; rather dlstingnlahodlni appearance than '
beautiful, the mhur generally an •
Impression of telfpoEscealaiv - j
’ roy own opinion nponsuh?.
:Jma of.thc kind, bat’, J; concur, in the belief J
'prevricntahereabonts-thal ab& wih make aa-i
admirable a leader of the; sCUply. dames; and'. 4 j
lovly dcmolicDfesrbrthe hationel capital, as ]
the most hifititfloufl: BOCltd'martlh’ct' could do-'j
llhe present Gen. Lamoriciere is
taLafayelU;. the general 4s him*
ion of Luajette by marriage. ;
.—A son of |l
tmridd U
.ttif Agpuidir
Tho Kansas Famine—better from
But. Dir. Reynolds.
[Corrcspondtace of the Chicago Tribune.]
ATcmsojf, Nor. Bth, 1800.
I reached home on Monday doping,
Inst, met the ‘‘Central
and was requested to return iii£ dlately to
thUpoint tolookftUcr our£eig|Bj| nd, If pos
iuld rcfip&c re
when shipping produce, will mark every pack
age “Kansas Relief,” and get written contracts
for the freight, they will save ns a great deal of
uncertainty and do us a very great favor. If
the better.
As tbe wheeling has become very heavy, by
our recent rains, it will bo well to ship all onr
-etnff.for tire - present,* tertherart ofGco. TV.
Ncllcs) LcaveqfnttKiWif’iOT JP,
distinctly marked, “ Central Relief Committee, -
Lawrcjice, K. T.” .crio-SKI. I KM’iciit!
UOnr (distress is far greater than oar worst
. fears. | The agent of the Sunday School Union,
Mr. Mtttlcc j: who has traveled a* great deal in.
Central and. Southern Kansas,
mo with facts most* painful lit their character.
One ftjmily of hit In"
Under to livc’for three weeks
upon less thanrope-balf bushel of-corn-meal.
Had-nptMbg'hr thd world else
This, lie assured me, was cot an. isolated ca&a *
Other families had, for days, to seek their liv
ing under the forest trees. And our member
of -Congress, the Hon. M. J. Parrott, assured
me, yesterday, that he had met with the most
'painful distress
Breckinridge county. He had gath*
■crod tlds'tact in -regard,>to-one-of-thd'iowz>>'
jjfihlps : j u Then-were'not im families tnitvhb
■had bread enough io last them a single »nonZA.”
Let me beg of the .towns, in the
that have not yet raised their Committees,' to
do so | without delay. Do not wait for an
Agent tao visit you. We have £O,OOO souls who
. -muEt'bc assisted for the next eight months, or
stop*, j While j-ou aro waiting for an ag?nt to
visit yon,*und moke the-caseknbwnf some of *
.these ppo'r croiturbs may die. 7[ ~ 7, ', . .
.Lgt mi makc .aipther.. suggestion;. If the
"agents who solicit, -soiled also, bo careful that
thpy are properly accredited.- There la no ne
cessity,jnow,for‘ fcntrustfng a single dollarto'
the hands of a stranger.,. The.Central /Coin-i.
Mit tcc, : at Lawrence,’! .“The Bell efCom m i ttcc,.
•at Lcavpnworth,” with Mayor McDowell as-its
Chairman; and Gen. Pomeroy, at’Atchison,''artf
all responsible j»arflca7J . „ ....
. Remittances, and letters for theXommiticc.
at Lawrence,'should be directed-tolhcSecre--
tiry, E. D; Ladd, Esq.
.wishing to' cpmmuniwtq wiU]
please dddrbis tdLa3yyence. v _ - ~ 1
A Temtorial-ReHef-Convention* has-been l
called for thcT4thi Tonr “Regular Correspdn-"
dent” wUl,7rp/cs‘’umi‘‘with sn\
outlinebtfti.action... Sincerely yours,... .. .
j.. ... -Guajules Reynolds. •
... _ | ANoxnpq appeal*.
Aid' fok* Arkatlsili fincTTexaii Ecfßjee*
Editors Chicago Tribune: -- . -•
Chicago has listened of late to many appeals
from Kansas in her distress, asking seed for
the and bread for the cater, and has re
turned q prompt and liberal response. But her
power 16 succor the. destitute. audrftllevp the*
‘ suffering Is'not yet exhausted, ond aintil-ltls.
she will inot tum-a-deaf ear to- the * imploring”
herein life' follotring Tetter.’*
The/jSfriter, Gen. Pomeroy, is" widely JuiQVf a ..
as!;* of. Jiigh ..integrity,- -Hto
‘ character 4s'tt voucher both* for the -truth of
, ~hto statements, and for the Judiciousness with
’ which he will distribute any charities which
'may be entrusted to him, in behalf of any class
iof isurferers in Kansas, with whose destiny
; Jrom the first he has b.cen identified. _ .
, SiituijL Buss, Esq., No. 45 South Water
street, (firm of Williams,, Smith & Co.) has -
kindly consented to take-charge of any articles -
which may be ‘ contribute and 'forward them’*
through the approved channels. t Np collectors,,
will caU,jand .the benevolent arcrequestcd-to
examine jtbcaimple “Inventory” below,and send’
in.wlthout which'
may help to ’BUehce thls
for the purchase ofiunicles, or the payment of .
boxes and freight will* bo received.*
i *l’ I*. .
: ~ ...ATcmadx,, JLt„Nov.. J..ISM., _
rev. & Wolcott—Jfj/. Dcun.Sir:-~l -make
no apology for addressing yoq>. I .am-sure it
wbat-I say has any force mJt, or Ahere-to- any.-
vray; through the. .public, in. which joa can,
make it useful .to..the ,objects at my. appeal,.
• yon will not peed, to be told bojr to ..use .it,... J..
■ r sefadyou-ap ! ... , ....
It is already known to the country that the
free colored people of Arkansas have been re
squired by law to leave the State, o r-to choose
• masters and go into Slavery. The effect of this
' disgraceful law has been to compel hundreds
of poor, colored persons to reippye. into pur
•Temtoryi They settlfcTd'mostly fn the South"
era couiticsr-Boni-boh, Allen,. Dorn, .and
Otoe; and COmd hfi UUfac-Norftijai •'
the Kansas Vallerr /They - have set--
' fledhpon; Land Book cfa&pa’. , ftail coniTDcnic4l‘
<■ their Unprovemebb? of iWefc.
: tern settlers. But this seasonihas >been4sost'
to UHdrlrftnnc remind csjWctoßjrio ;
to new comers, who bad only “sod ground”
•to cultivate. And the result is, that hundreds
;,of these poor people arc, to-day , in a state of
* Foot enjongh, God knows, when driven out
of the land of oppression—npw, having raised
'no crops, they begid.':to[ drspaft'jeven.ofltfaLl
: .Yesterday they -senf-up V.-mesa tinge rto m«v
■ having,'as they soldi *>beard : yon are *a .friend- 1
of the opprcss cd.’!'! HoW.jpy heart bled atihe
simple talc: of povectyjf ~Ta.’.fwbatriex».
■tTcntes'tbey bare even now.berti'drivrtil The'
.-.old man said, H, ’/ ; rarf dte, L l'‘Wn‘ 4 *hoC‘aftul<kfp,.
die,-bnMben—there is missis and the children
And the bid man bowed himself down and
wept; .’Dqath was better than slavery, he said,
n butitDlbblonged to have “a home,” as he
.called it,on free soil” I gave him such
things as I could, and.;ncouraged him to send.
; a team upis|alfl weeks,.
. ,I.woader if my friends InAbo* STata,* or >tbe
friends; of these ,'pbor : ortegp ! wj!l' ;arie : ppy;.
.‘thing to g vo them 1, thcy.irUni U'fiDmo>i
thing to uii-r-eoma conr-mcai—somethtagto*
: .keep them from
.-rfeOHic bbankeUrr-wmq ccar&e’bobtatndshoca;
thtolsort inventory of thoip wants—feW- and*
•simple, but which must be sujrplicd, or they will
mingle their bodies with the free earth they
love, the first year of their trial upon it.
- Another, class of white refugees have settled
:thift *'V£ry • autumn in these same-counties.
written .crcacntiaU"Of~thdr-‘>&tthfdtD(S* TO -
'princjplh, made out by a committee of “ most
respectable slaveholders,” ordering them “ to
■icartflie State within thirty days. * My dear
sir. these men arc in want, lor standing up for
principles which we have stood together for
‘m by-gano day*. -/They - suspected =of..
-crimes .The«harweagainfitibom-isittast
ffiadc t
slavery twbrutiC? ; 'Axe* pdf these, gooierodch-,,
tiala t These rofhgees nro-flirmors, teacher*,”
Tiolnlstars of the gospel. They arc groat luflcr-"
ers, too.: We welcome them here to our la*
bbrrancTtrials, to our conflicts and triumphs.
this year, diiidc our bread with
“them,* for We haven r t It. We would toy down
. our blankctts for these.have.become I
thin and pnfifiient.f^ r fhc,fhbl‘co- *
Uon and cpnifort-of odre'olves;., ’■ ,*•■. ' V-.
~For them, too; i psk io be hordl’:'3^’ey.‘!
■ want a little eb-coamgemept.' fof
.They dtf fall of faith andnu soaquxablft energy.'*
■But they are here at a most,unfortunate season
of a most; unfortunate year. 117»nt shall be
donefor.them? Con they have a friendly hand
' extended tb them,forrir months even?* linn
• puch characters, the best in Texas,
! have been transplanted here, bat have not
-beeomerodted In must be held
up-and-protected—just- us the stalely .elms
remember as' standing-in towering
grandeur, the ornament and pride of the New
'England village of our boyhood, were support
edin the first year of their planting—or the
-storms of tills winter wUL be 'too sevens for
.lbcm.<. Will the goad people of the preaperduf-
Atotes unite with usdn their support? ;. -
7 Oar obligations to them arc duly akin to
.yours',' . They are settling with us, though not
yet citizens amqng ua,* Ousy-.are thei children
of oiir,commonTather-;''hav'c“pfsvcd true to
'thogreaf principles, of an enlightened human!-
tvr in u word, hard made the-oppressor feel
their inflhepcc, ■ *• *’
lecho.lhcir voice to the people of-thtFreo
'StAtbs fffl- help! If sustained,* - ! 1 can - Truly
blessings of many that were
•TcafflTfbperish will rest upon their benefactors,
-ttridlioSn viiro geoeraUbfik arUL
rise and blets them. They and their children
will yet Uvq to sing songs of deliverance with
us. Ascvcr,iaithfunyyouTFr
I | 8. C. PoxEsor.
: God. In H|storj%_ * ‘
Editors Chlcisp Tri^nn'e' ' r "‘
.... I was much
day’s Tbibu>*b, on “ Providence •In History.”:
it Is a subject on which ray mlttd bHB'-dw^t 1
. frcqucntlypf late, and alway« ?, ’Tt f lth^)fi&ffar€' l:
I think 1 the hand of Providence may be seen la
much ofohr'recont,9kß:welifls<oarileFolDlicax<
ary, history, j Let ns note KfcwlnstanccH. r ;:! ,c ‘
*l* Thke first
'bo»& ‘brrerljring an’ill.con^pyersy^jn t i b i
“ point a morak!V lA.iery large partof .thctevi
telligcnt and* rlrtnoW’ ttdtfdß- Of USB eonritJjrJ
and of thedri^h;w%rl T d^* }
°°,’? nr s pQ tbq. unjust wars-:
• ever waged. ; It. waa-madavmder tho
oh’ a dclgbbor.'-bya pfesErfJiy^
; President;’ an *°PWiu
elayciy the pnrpose* but thinly; >
.disguised j)f) extending theareaof ala very. •
What was thd result.?,
‘mehso triui jof sparsely Inhabited country
Aom the dominion of a feeble Roman Catholic
^ 1 |
tie Inmrafialc discovery of the wondeAthl de-'
posits oftbe precious metals fherd,tmd*'
till then aim aet or qalie nnknoiril~Ch£ ‘‘fiow- j J
log together? there,.* of^eople-from almost- *
bcr seml-clvlllzed or Christian,
itntlng the grandest missionary
Christianity. In
all lands, wheth
and thus constil
field on eartfcj
apolitical has been,
California, a new ./]6|stale, atr|ady founded;
besides a nnmbJr vßpcrnfee States, yet, be
jrond a doubt, tp bflgK red Ssfc,of the remain
||j3 be s)M|i|code. enacted
by rjg3 ul officials
contnzi dlfappatht
cth tfiKdevl“ ne.'fekb&j'
tbcweeln tbeirow^^mUness.”—
Seven years ago, the slave power held - nn- a
questioned control of the federal councils of
this cation--It seemed ns-jf thfa men- anil.
vigorous confederacy, while dreaming of free
dom, had become, or was abOvftfbfbeconfetiQ
immense slave empire. The friends of human-
Jlylooked nn with .dismay, Hope olmoetfled.-
Tbe sea was before—tho mountains nn either,
hand- * feWboldcned^y
unvar lug victories tin th£ past, iconscious -of
presort mighty power essayed
anotb<rcotaqueci,for a purpose as mean, as'
tbe hr ;achof-faith* was disCTacefni-"' Not(cog
tSnt tq peace, wliat territory they had
virtually secured to them south of the Mlssop
ri linej they determined to open all north of
that line to slavery, and they succeeded. Nextj
they undertook, by crimes, Vfhlcb, it is no ex
aggeration to say, would add-disgrace, tp the.
•diurnal ta hell,-to introducer aflffTTSabtlsh'
‘shivery in the territory Just opcacd-ta.lts.en".
trance .What was the
effort! partial :
sncccs i .‘’.jKanSifi,
else had ■ probity
p&ncy jQf *.ilio;.lnillans till* thifi'day, 'is- now 1
knocking , for admission into the Union os ;
jinpther .frep; State.'; Xdr; will ‘ihel ;
’.country about Pi^«’P<ak l
and now, it is quite certain tliat ’aiithe remain*;
lag !w^«-J&rthL ; -
‘.of,3C* dieg.'so;inbL t
to freedom; and never doomed to grban’Undp/;
the curse of btunaxi>'B£very.; w Ye thought
evil against hilt (50/ L meant it.imto good.”
-r-Gen»ls^'§si , ki ‘ - " 'ii\
“ ‘ Xwo years agp, atrppicbdous but uiisudccsar!
ftxl effort was made to defeat Douglas, who was
seeking a re-election to the U. S; Senate.- Wc
shortsighted Republicans lamented our fail;
nrc. Now wc‘*afe prepaVcd"t6~rejoice at that
failurej Had onr wishes been gratified at his
• ovcrthijow afcjtbat time,he had not beenin pt>.
sltlbn tliis ycar to destroy his”corrupt party,
and onr victory now'had
•labcbhJ merely, been only half .complete.; Tt
«eemstSobo*occording to the usual order’©?
Frbf lUenee, when “ the fulness of time has
,C3me,”inot HKBUslftEc
also to confusc-and confound the-wreng-doers,
so that picy may nqk •jmdja’fcUod.thmselifft.
As was jtbc confusion of tongues visited upon'
'thc.buildcrs of the tower of Bab’el ; ]sp was tliq
> -confusion among the, Democrats the. pasty car.
• afCharlcston and..BaUimore,and*so Is-their'
' ’ cbbTus i 0 n They -n b longer “ understand
one. another's speech.” They arc “ scattered
abroad** never to come-togethcragnin. >• We,
- on the Contrary, , 'from , 'tfeibp6rary defeat, have
leaped a lasting-vlcory-for the right.* What
good-oat of-ovil’i*
argue* but a kind, overruling .Providence?
Verily, | God ruleth In the afihirs of men.”
“ Yci, heaven and earth and hell' v " ‘
Proclaim God altleth on the throne.
And veil.'.’ * t M • •»
And ai to the immmedinte fntare, whether
--pro-slavery fanaticism shall submit gracefully
•■tothc'ncw order of things,^or, op.mis-,
rebel against the [administration of
.Abraham -Lincoln, In cithcrcase,**aU eilbris
-either to extend or to rivet slavery, will doubt
"less'“fall out rather unto the furtherance of
;t££goepbl” of freedom. •;
Biff ITlnJorUles—Democratic Strong
holds Stormed —Republican Kc
jolclngs—-Xbe School Fund and
the Ibemvcraefi — •
[Correspondence or the Cblcajo Tribune.]
.. . . 1! , j Kor.’ie, 16CQ. t:i
. . Sufficient returns have been received here
-to enable us to figure up the results of the con
' test Tuesday. Oer majority for the noble j
! sen of(he Northwest will not fall much short |
_.of 30.000J Potter in the Ist District has over
2,500 -for jCongrcss;• Hatfehett in‘ the * ILT ‘ wfll *
■faaveTO, over, and Sloan scoops out Lar
j li the legislature, which elects aU. S. Scn-_
Republicans have afarJargermaJority''
"than before. The which i Dem
.23t0,7.i jin the Assembly, there will be about
soventy-tfvo Republicans' but of ninety-seven
■incmbcrsj giving a majority of at least 43.
*Tbc>cvolution is wonderfol in-some-Demo-
riots, wWch_ele& Republicans where
sneh-athlng waa neverdreamed of before.
These resaUilvavebcenattained bythc most'
careful canvassing and vigorous cfrpi£. before ‘
and on election day. • -Let rao-lHwtrate-by ref
erence to this city and county. Last fall Mad
ison gave 3TO Democratic majority. ...Thlsycw
a labopods ,<afopaignvaa.closed bya splendid -
;torcfi-!lght ;|p^cj^lon l 000..
, cre/onj the ere-of next $Ay •
• eommjlJets : of 25 Wide Awakes in each; Wart’* _
. bcsiAe Votuuteer&i capacities •
: tb'g'cciirp a trintogfl# J yHe reshlt Uiatldiel
Democratlc'xhajonly in the city was reduccd
to 45, audja veteran Republican, Gen. Atwood,
of the State Journal, was elected tothe-Assem- ■
bly from thrpp was
most savagely opposed and his 1 election iwns U
personal triumph; ; Ur.wlU-niiie, ipAe'br
•ihoinoat useTuTand able membenr of theuexi>
'Legislature. A Republican would' have been
Selected jfrom. the including .another :
■Ward of.the city, had not/ina most, atrocious-
Blanders’bpcn circulated •In -handbills -against
, tutn jiistbefonrclertitttr, dn d' p cte onat the ml es 1
-. madeatJi point to defeat him at any cost. The
Catholic priest urged his dock, though Mr.
Reynolds ;was a Catholic Irishman-, to-Tbttf"
against him; accusing hlm of bdiM-anadttlAir
of Garibaldi and like hdln otfs’‘ctjmc : sT k ‘TwV
years ago, Dane county gave 60ft Democratic -
and last fall 15&. Now it gives Un
oolu i over .whole- Repablican
' fonutyticket for.the tlrst tone,-four out vjfslr-
Senator. Wc • f tflnTc’Ve*‘
have-done as well as some of the “banner
here were joy, frorn'i
tho iime-tbe good news bcgait ..coming, Toes*-
'■■ day crcfiing. till the next night, when-they
bad a line torchlight procession, with success
ful candidate^,.carrying brooms, and- scoop
shovels. Immenseboniires blazed,the cannon -
roared, and a very large number of dwellings,
stores, hothls,.offices and shops VcreTbrillianb
iytßumipajjcd. The demonstration woundup
; wltb , fcbtagr«tulatory , 6pcechcs and a good time
In aiding the Democrats to bury thVWfeSinS''
ofthcirpajly. •„ •
The Douglas men do hot mourn much over
the result, and volunteer thelraas|stancp if any_
help is needed to keep* Southern:, ■ iq...
-their places. Republicans rhmgh, at, recession ,
'thjatts: ;! : .-i
V iXoh School.Fpnd of : thls State is invested, in- j
•Mortgages on-real estate;- During the list year 1
:a;Mslcfgablc aniodht of loapf for-,
' feucd'fo'r non-payment of.luterest. -'-The daw* :
required that tbeloon should nbt'nxftttd' hMf I
the value of real estate clear of all'perishable-I
improvements, A large amopnt pf r^pney.^a*,
loaned in 1857. so;as to secure the.,re-election;
~of a r D^ocralicS<icr£tanv.ot.Statc l and =pro-
of'-his parly.' •Jt-fynowUs-^;
1 ■ctntained'by tbc'Coihmissioners that on these '
-Fnndf overandabove the vaiue'-of. mortgaged "
■property,’of &b,(Xj6.i 'JfcvaraUmndrcd acres of. .
school lands wblch-’thc-CoDjmlsalohc£ff.'made‘
haste to sell, pocketing several-thousand dol
lars of fees In the sjgncycar, have, reverted to
the State aj ,The .School'
Fnnd of which 'wonld*-haTe»be«D.-
magnificent if property takerfcarc’bF, , l«isbrtrf
a favorite subject of' Democratic stealing, and'*
could theyihikve borne- rule-a-little lopgjr
-. would hare-bccpgqducod nothings.— ..o -
r* Wc rejoice todcarn »b>
thie Republicans'hare’-the -apeendanty hi the*
IH&oIs Legislature, and wiil reap all the good
results of that-hard won victory.- - - •
o*' ; | ‘
The General' Banking l*w«
EditouChicagoTribas«V V” ...iir'.l : —I
sEoa have thanks *,t X
may safely wj-jOf -thousands/for -yqhrartiylr
of SatnrdayUst, oh lie Generalßanlciiig Law, •
Tour cxposiUdiTofThclijstemTjy which'the'
‘ industry of Sat e ffifrn .
Under a- tajatj^o^whichswdjowsup_/a large.
-Shifie Its jhpjtcsJ apd
-siifpifls the eamc’lnto the- already •gorged
. pockets of our so-called bankers, isgoodsofar
as it goes, poiyohr enumeration of fire evils
of the precept*
Northwest is partial ojdjy t v; .
~! two or three -year*, a remark in
;, hrticlc’lpf
f-U^ ‘t no-mqney to ,be.‘Uad-.f(^i>pd«<^ii^'
• ;M'\brwordsJo.: that*,
.know; soil all
-881-Jpc* 1 Cent. a-year, aad“. nothing.-
ij»t»aU paper nj:_qirr;Cdnfcfffor;4tejmirit. ; a£
f time,' payable
1 [Why. should anypuolniykitt-h psr*
uso-ail their money in th»
rthirtjTdays InNeir-YoA? . *-•••
t fl jOF«Wfce fgatj they areiot contend’wlih.a fsiir.
.lias invented for-tEcma'machlbe, which wonH-.
the name l olj General -Bonking Lawf~Undtr-
tiey cinjsaeily make twice as much: *
in the art! d cCbt'Saiurday
stale the means’hy'-whtpb’ n n g[‘r Vpptikir
/ thc figures It -
■ bow tbeownen blihf :^^a^mnn^V'^
wirv.’hc - ; • J
machine—hut you neglect to tell ■who these
owners arc, and whera th jyilirc. , Out with It!
They live In irf
behind the coif&frs
know Tcry well?that 'the; currency fe-uae,
would not he tolerated aid hpur IT pnr banka.
woulirefuM to receive-1U:
; tiem .
yiTTimrrt]i|rTy rm IjsftTmTi wgjirr ’ltf rTTir ii~~
, cq Bonkers, whtjiu^eluli&Efi^dlnfe^pthgJhii
“ ? Chicago Jwithiiii tpirii **
. the
' - DQI
Wheat for the purposes of exchange Is as
usxolu—just as ’gooa collateral security
or the payment of a bill maturing at New
iYork,* W gold- / TJad
lends the snipper say his currency
on a shipment of wheat—he receives ten per
“cent, per annum'lnTelcsTwhile "fhe wheat Islil
transit, anqftlbjtfttbfetakesEireet mmetoot:
the exchange thus created atl 141 U>3- percent,
premium. lftheh!ghrateiscomplalned.of,tbe
* reply
to convert we can’t do tt-at-a -less figure.”
Who hjijJ Jo, qopjMt,
Verily, thou art the man f
. But the loss to the CunerV’ alihough very
large annually,-4s not- the only, tmd eofaraa*.
the city Is fbalnre of
this system. Accommodation, such as arti
sans, mechanics, and manufacturers, ip
At seven per cent, interest tnrdfl br 90 day pa
per, wc would soon see manufacturers of every
-description-flourishing jp, our (jjLK,,jGXiffi
want which elares" many a man,.willing to
•work, in the face, would give place to comfort
• —our population would •Increase' rapidly, and
• general trmle.woaldprosper aronnd ns.* Onr
’.Beal holdera held meethigß::Bpme;
•. months since at which various projects to
[;proye;the. vahic of;their property were*‘dls-’
“cpssed,'shch as endeavoring td Induce-the
■ostabllahment of in
; No manufacturer can engage safely In
. hfeie, irAo cannot be enUrif’/'indcpcndcni of. boi>
jrwing, and-as very few men who do manufac*
•ture'are Ifi that -delightful. condUlon, Chicago.
Coffers jsmall encouragement to that class of
• population,' and ’the thousands* whom they
'employ. Give us such Banks, and sttep cur
.rcncy.usare to bq fbuhd Lowell,.
■Pittsburgh or Cincinnati, Ahd^ucl)fostering*
care os reliable manufacturers in those chie*
receive from th'slr Bankets,* and Itr* fire yeara’;
-dime the waste places ” of Chicago' will- bt -
'occupied', by manufacturing establishments ol
•various kinds; the -clinking hammer of. In
dtistiy; will rqronnd* oh all sides, And peace;'
comfort and substantial happiness * will illu
minate the dismal abodes of .poverty, soirow
- oad -disgrace. _ Let the people .arise In their,
might,-and demand of-thc Legislature such a
modification of our present* as
will take this burden off our-necks; • What
• tbatmpdlfi&Ltlon Should be, 1 may hereafter :
dlscusa, provided you -can spare space in your
eolumijs. ■; * ’ Juxius.
. Legal bDUkbUUlea of married- TVomen.
Edkors ichlcagd Tribune. I*.
For some time past'.the attention of the
Legislatures of- various Lave been celled
to" the .disabilities .of married yromep,
most, or all of them, bcirlopms of .the Mother:
Country, and dating.back tija period so remote
•“ that the memoryof pwa njnneth not there
to.” Tbeso; disatrUllies dor not exist to the
,sarny extent in those States deriving tbelr com
mon‘kfr from- the old’ Civil Codes of France.
and Spain. •; ;
Fromjvarious causes, chiefly the recognition,
that sudh rights would cputributc to essential* thf public weal, women.tasve, insomcpl
*th'e_S|attß, been, allowed to acquire ;and hold
property during coverture the-same os though
sole. Tlje Legislature of ;Kcw York, at; its last
session, ;not eimply from motives of policy, but
. Jrom'anicalarged sense of justice,-granted the
right to* acquirdand hold, las well as to alien
aad devise property- subject -to judicious
. guards, intended to secure the mutual good ol
those united in the family relation. To this
was added the right to protect person and re
putation!, and a joint right of guardianship over
childcrcn. • ...
Plie of her able jurists declared that no Stale
bad ever - ,taken so'bold a step at .once; yet It
was demanded by'the necessities of the times,'
and the public sentiment of the.age. _ While
gambling and drunkenness go almost unre-
TJukedTty law, every hither who has daughters,
feels thai they need fuller protection in tbeen*.
t Joymentl of the-obvious right of life, liberty:
and happiness.- Tho good husband and wife
will never inquire in regard to • their legal re
lations; their-mutual love will raise them
above their.lcvcL But the unfaithfulland de-*
bauchcd man will And a> salutary check in the
* * restoration of personal rights to hla wife, and
the wife| who is now often beaten and half-’
starved brj* a husband who may legally rob her
ofher earnings, will bo able to secure for her
• ’Self and ter babes comforts longdcnied.
The Legislature of this State will bo called
upon to consider this .question'in our own'
State coming-winter. Petitions are being
ctrcubte4 extensively, and-lhe voice Of the •
people speaks loudly for the measure. "Our
ablest jurists,* oar most profound thinkers, cmr
. most eminent theologians, arc bidding 'the
. work a most hearty God' speed, believing it'
; necessary step In bringing our laws’
. .up to tbc-'Btandard of Christian morality
■ laught in all our public lecture rooms, and in
all the puipits of the' land. «• - ' '• *•■
following;-Is* the petition; Let' every
; AMai-and woman -who feels an interest In this
bulijoct' circulate it, and forward the names
:<aW(Ut|oj some member of the Legislature,
urgjngjjrompt action in behalf of the woman*
; hopd of 'onr glorious State' -
• PETITION. ; " *
’.Tolb'e ’Senate and Honseof Representatives of the'
Stauioflllinois:, , ..
V.,?* 1110 hoderelgned. Inhabitant* of the State of
lilmoiH, 'mbat earnestly petition yonr honorable
'body?that such Jaws may be-enacted that the-pa
;rents oTcblldrcn may have rights of gnardlaiwhS).
. pq difference bo made on account of sex.
Wo also;further petition, that married women
have granted them the right to acquire acd hold
• property la their own name, and to transfer and
•devise thfe <arue. Aa well to protect* their own
law and recover in their own name Jor
*'!A r "C|rthollc View of the Case.
[Fromihe Nsw York Freeman's Journal.] 1
i.-mTlio conttlthliod—by which tHc generalgov
crnment’atid the-government of South Carol!-
• .tied:—makes iu> provision- for sc
ccrsfon, op anyjenns... South Carolina, and <.
each other State, has’no way of secession, ev
..General Government Is under oath,■'before God •
and mau, tjo put dg,wn,, Jajncs.Rochanan.may..
make light of tampering with his oath to sup
port thu donstltnUon ami enforce the laws’
under i U- he may prove still farther the pliant
tool of Soatberu disunlonlsts—but the country,
will not hefld him guiltless, and there has been
nq pnblic •iunctidnhry in'thls‘countiy whose
death by the rope.for felony, if-proven-, would
have met so little, as hia.wonld d«x .
A perilous crisis has Ciilen upon us. We must
meet U like men; and hot shrink from it.' * A
. sectional Frcsident-r-the candidate- solcly' of
‘?hc geographical .Xpnh—omrht. never to-bo
plcplcd. • Southern treason, with Breckinridge
tool, has entVafcpfcdthe' NdrthTnto ibis'
.position. Ihe South-must, tberr,"bear tho uu-'
•'graoidnsrefenUs of tbcwrong*dolo3ofherown»
As to resisting Lincoln while he
.abides.,by thtrConstltuliouafad' chfdrccs ihe
•tawspftthe Union—that is nflnscnic." —“
. Every citizca.whQ keens-a-good-consolcßee
t to the United SUtes Govcra-x
- pueflt;. ."*At< the North there will be no two
opmibM» (The division, the contest, the war
-—if-war,-alas' must bo—will be at the South.
■it had better begpg, -Xhe_Soulh r cer«-
toinly;-can I deeply wound the’North, bntit
Will mbre deeply wotmdltselC'Tihcblnrwltli
. inthaGonslitution and the laws, willamlmust
•be soAtalnctL Lincoln, transgressing the laws
ror Abusing the constitution, wW be rebuked
trheckod jor bnnishcik »»the case muy demandj-
ap by thoSonUt— ---
‘V-‘- r * ie Papal Church;- —-~
Alettcc Wom Rbiiis.'in'tHe' Jfont^'gl to lie'
''' prelacies, with episcopal juris-
different titles—apostolic vicari-
Mes, ftWaihll jurisdictions, pr,terriU>ciesAvffvj
*Ot tfii l,ow, 631 are ia.Eti rope, 128
*la Asia, 29 m Africa, 146 In America, and 23 in ;
Ocean ip.. |n Europe there ar6 2 patriarchs.
116 archbishops, 454 bishop?, £5 gbncaihcdrals,.
; oi| prints‘with ’laris
.efflwQOkJ military chaplains, IS vieara,d6l&
. gales and apostolical prefects. In'Aslhlhere
are*« patriarchs, 8 archbishops:-51 bishops.
- andW*
■apostolical I vicars and prefects. In
:America r tjicrc ere 23 archbishops, 115
; bishops, jnd 0-apostollcvicar».-In’Oco!\ni«-2"
..archbishops li bishops, 8 apostolical vlcartf l.’
apostolical prefect.. .As regards Europe, the .
followlD«-lsahc detail: In Italy, 1 patriarch,47
archbtshqpsJ 215 bishops, 44 concathcdrals-; 14
afGhbjihops, 45, bishops, Leoncatbe< -
dnu, o military ehimlalns or prelates. Portu-
patriixrch, 2 • archbishops, If bishops.
France—lo archbishops, (57 bishops. 1 military
chaphin.-- lailglnm and llplknitiarcbblih
.op4, o himiops, - ! apostolical vicar. * Austrian
artShbhsTOps, is bishops,! abbot!
cl-ipUlni ■ Germ»nlc‘Con(edcntlo{e-’
C arebbti,hfijK,.aßrtOTl,oji« 1 -ii apostolical vlfart'
.United Kiogdom.of GreatHiTtl -
Siapoatoltcal ■
.■vicars. . North of e/ppe—a archbishop*.,!*..
■Mshopsi-B-apostolical vicars. llaUa. Gr«cc.
cal-vicars.cH prelates under diderent names. I
*r 7 m o-i.—i .■ . iTr.'i«-
OcvaAosoboLT Meajc.—The meanest act we
•torched of lately, Is recorded-by the Utica
iT&granJu , Amaa In that clty,*who-wa»Te
• qnestc<Hokdt as pall bearer at tho funetdl of rf' •
presented the bereaved husband
wllii'p bill oi 50 cents for,his services as pall
bearer,- and [received'his pay.' - : If-the- 'devil
c<tbU' t}intTDrrtemptJblo-chap;ther«Tffo r ‘
.nse of having; anr; devil;- . - j*
:ipzxTxßar>i Fon^.—TheTftinleWi ±brrtiser
. oT thesm,j4portdtin« tiief’thb"
dead todv.ona man-Umnd itr*tr itottth Tfctia''
inUes boirtli of that place op i *T‘w« •
i bo^y’ofthc' db c eas ed tQ hsvßibecain
• the water ebouta. week, wa* jwiehhr. dreused,
'■hnd 5; feet 8 itches i»faeigtiUL : ■ Therelssmrs-'
with hU SeatE—
LLiTiV-aiiT \ z ' r 1 - ;;:
Boiler Explosions.
[From the New York Times.)
The following, written for New York, ap
.- plies- with great force to Chicago. It derives
great additional interest from the occurrence
thc-tOrjiblc catastrophe which shocked our
! teens:onlysutey or two since s*. .
‘ ::'l;Thc
■ thoroughly investigated |
• Ehatthfr.-ojiiy.gafe t-tgl gifflDd to I
• Jake ahpurnSnsiijCßt ihev ifi^wlSciden
• d&ayt ba p«yenf3i-lhat I
■ more nufciEs thanl
, :-£? j .^ST lufl^rnstn i c ti o n. or^recklcajE
• either electricity or hj§
: that can be set fn*=
Tin a bc>{Rrr7«ur be u cause of explosions, is
quite impossible. On this subject the leading
chemists of Europe hart* ptrpn nn nmn?mnm;
j>erimcnts. Not.only is there too little eloc-
Jrfcity gcncrr*gd| tynti tM of the boiler
and its attachments conduct what there is to
the earth. And there can be too little hydro
gen gatlflide hi & bdUtrwgdilseU&'&ftlagTgnr
SijWhilc'what is inode-wiH-»ot*®ip4bd«*wi4tiout
there is oxygen from tvithdut.lSUMllcd to it,
after which the steam would* prefcnfignllion,
*cvcn if there were heat enough .present to*lg-*
nltc the explosive compound. withhnt.dciau
; i i D S facts and principles Involved; since no
thing short oTa complete cssay’on the subject
would enable the unprofcssionalTcaderto con*.
vlnoe himself, it is sufficient for-present pur-'t
.poses mention that the very best profes-*
sional-opinron, or rathcr f belief, is, that ail ex-*
Pjpsiops UffiH with the 'Simple, and la itsfelf
uarmU-sfi rupture due- to overpressure, op of
the InfrbUltv of the boiler td carrythC ordinary.
prcssMrc. While a part of a boiler may be five
times jßtrdbgefthan the Ordinary force tending*
co rupture it, (this is the-common proportion
of actual to working strength,) another part,
pfate or one strip of plate, or a single Joint
or a single rivet, may be so defective as to bo
on thd point of nip.uripg, from the first, and.
may at last yield at a minimum -pressure, car
-rwitig jtotsl destruction with. lt. There la"a
difference in the quality of the beat, boiler
elates|which is fearful encash to eqnteyqiflqff
ut when wc consider that cheap plates are
made,]whlch, instead of.canyingGsOQD pdnnds
to the [square, inch, will break iuto-picccs under*
a heavy blow from a hand-hammer, and that •
there are thousands of steam-epgiqe ■ owners
who wlllingto risk everything to save first
coat, who invariably get the cheapest Work!
and, njoreoyer, tha£-100--many, boiler-makers
are .capable of using anything,, which the out-’
side public wiltrecomize aslroff, wc.shall ob
serve where we standos totlnorigmal quality
.Of thejbollcrs which strain and tiiiimer above,
ground, and beneath os in: our daily -#alk.
w dttcrtoraOdh o(“6qilers Is
J 2”? a !i l s.• e VW iD £* cAuseldf their failure.
• And tq this and Its detection,and remedy we
?S?li -■'f cct Among the
bpucriunder luspcecion-by-thc Maot-hca
■ r™, L . U ? Cr . In l«9. u boilers were
rcrano to be in a dangerous comUtimr and 100
;n,an ttncatlE&cioty eouditioa - from the frac
ture, ol plates, while .there trefe 4i,cases of
dangerous and 153 cafes of unsatisfactory cor
rosion,! besides othcr.dcfecU, One explosion
■only occurred;.lnstead o£ perhaps' SO-which
must have taken place, mtliont this rigid sys
tem of examination. Dnring'thc*month of
October examining engineers of
-tms AsßQCiation..jnadif TficJ visits, and. discov
ered Among ,tha. serious .defects. which were
af once remedied, Ifi cases ot-eorroeiun, 15 of
-fracture, S8 safety valves out of order, 13 pres
■^re-gauges. inaccurate, IS wafej-.ranima de
{ective,‘lO blow-off cocks damrerous, and 22
turuacM out of shape; boilers
w J ifr°. u ( Sfe 8 walcr-gauges, 3L:without blow
off wjlhouttback-preasum valves 12
vrtthmit and'4 with fusible
. ar? toUew which arc'tndcr constant
mspcctiori. Ji/st think of - it;, we should like
to know the state of several hundtcdboacrsln
this. city_ that arc not inspected; and of the
; -icorea ot them that bare never been-looked at
by an engineer *-rtncc they came Intd service—
poiltfß wcwo not onlv bought at the*
lowest figure, hnl whfchhte ijf;tlie exclusive:
mercy ol raw laborers whq never attempt to
discover defects,and vrtio.conldeot rcco-mlze
Uiem wpen pointed onland exptdnedf The
breakage of iron flxtnrea : «nd • Slructtffcs is a
most common orcnmshmM, apd because this
'.erst simide fracture is nrfally the cad of the
matter, we tlJinKyery ligfiUy of & mnititndc
or cagsex.,yhichnrc constantly at work di-
I Straying thatcsUirc of the metals. Bet after
! the rupture of boilerplate, there usually fol
lows an explosion', and wc are alfagHhst nt the
terrific results, i& If thcre t *was’anythin"* un
. precedented or uncxpcciudabontihcin; While
-it U always more economical. In the’ lomr run
lo prerent disaster by rigid examination ami
tmmcdlqrcrcftuis; noxcry fcarfulrcsults-rcn
cmjly beenrfrons letting defect ehowduelf in
ns jn case of vehicles, tmplemedfs, and
in v machinor}’, except lhat'of rail ways*atm ves-
Se^-t But cannot afford to risk the’rupture
of boiler. pUte—of Iron which In'-almost am*
rsfL ITCi’?lSht' 1 T C i’? l S ht '- aU .tonuTwlycaSngli
, ? “osi rlgjd scrutiny will sometiraes.-over
ook falil . defects—instead of .-which- nine
tenths of all our bolleiw are never examined at
all. . . iff. ;'ii i'.; ;
I oople; may undertake to sneer at tliTlheo
riesand deductions of scientific men. and to
•insist on; the impenetrable mystery Of .boiler
V vcr » -they.- must
admit tbit the metal of .boilers is exposed to
unusual Jeanses 4 of deterivndion,*.and*lhat a
turn and weak> vessql wiil. not resist a certain
pressure soeafetyasithaa 01 known uniformity
r??i .streqstlii» feltnnlc as this Is, itis cnohgh.
f£S?»! >1 w ie1 '* 'WUdnly practioowfiat
they be.feye, these, terrible.,slamrlitcra will
T • ’-^ c t 3o Practiwi—tUHhev
•Uleast malm someinbaw of caution
Jectlng their frequent and competent
itunccuom; the public should, and we htfbe It
will, brand them ‘as wilfully accessory to the
inuruer.ofany vfctliqs whpnf their boilers cx
plodinc 1 , may kSli,: there are dipu
dreds ot bollyre certain to \ilotaap, no intelligent
nmon wtois at alifamiliar with the subject
.will dare to deny.; tv . r i-* ’
Oq the whole, wc-Wvisti the trwcler/is !he
sets out <mthre jtwtrnpys of the coming Winter
m and bridgos, t h c
cinder plaids and.Hhder oTriUra
without bulkheads, and -iho destruction of
trainn bv the alternate rigidityof trosniml vi
olence of freshet to assure-hts* ilfo and make
his peace yvith.liea.vcm . . .. .......
■ j Oity.CouncJljjf Dubuque .have .adopt-
Ci in ordinance mating it K;fincab!e’t*ence to
cross the river with; Jraii'.ffiom thalside in
bargcs,.withmit n ligue froto the ritjj,-
A Ccßiqsrrr. Jjecn shown a great
a : eonple. of apples,
about the size of a .plum, which have grown
fromriM olosaom since tho tinit of October
Ihey-are from the form of J; D: Thompson.*
Lsq in the town of iladlson.—Af/rum Ezvo*i.
tor, Ivor, r * • 4 *
AsotheS Sensation Cf Cleveland.—The
'husband' of. JLjigarctMactsch was unkind, in.
her and beat.iien Out of pure revenge, she
took her child and jnmped into tho canal. Tho
child was drowned, but**3fprt)Dwale;'by forc
ing air Into the chest of itic
hertolife.: * l l - - - 9
vr Ml tS ALiowAT,s CoAL Snart.-On Monday
Mr. Galloway broke grountUaritU- coal shaft
aJiUlcoast of his pfii.Qc,pa the other side of tho .
of from eight toten thousand
iloltos.. iIr,G.,-howevorfpossessestrnftEm:.'
.lish gritus.weli ns means, and-having come to'
. the Epucinsion that the thins d "
•rk r S. f D l ‘il P ' it ti t^ ro “‘ ;h wilh impossible
dispatch, lie expects to be able to commeuco
u orkiug the hrst. Vein about the Istor Janua.
ry audanqra fevr.mouths’ operation in that
lutends to siult hia jhaft to the aecondVeln •»
detahee of, about .150 feQtjxom tha surface ■■
which will yield hbettefartW?of
htkworkcd togrcatemtunlagiL 'MrJiVs‘ore
p' 10 e DS ' 7 i ll , to -conlincd to thaland of the Rl P R:
Co .some eight or,ten acresoo the north- side
50 th . at the apprehensions enter-
E i ) r’i C ’ V. 1:l ' whole town wastDbe
like Koineor.Paris,willbe'seento
rr -T' 11 *? 111, .JflhiAcnterprise sne
-eeedsraa-Kf doubt not it wni it Kit! pave the
wayTof shtdDnilning on ulargo scale at no dis-
ty . = ;¥
•. ,Tlic Dayenport <?o=«/e ssyS'thnt a liltle g&I
In .that ciij-nvas poisoned so timtii&i diVd.Tiy
. “tipg thorn apples, a Mondaf. --
—Ttc tho-Bnbnqneutd Siam-
City nearly .completed, - and It is'
.copJdenUy;etpeclcd tbat-tbe cars will tc
..running .to CedarFoili bj tbe-l»t-or-Jannkrv;'
IS6I ;
—A heartless scamp by the name of Ed
Stewart lately decamped from Idwi CiryT alTcr"
enticing a girl to accompany Bud under p*m-'
isc o£ marriage, and after spending'all the
tacmcy the ■jiri possessed, left hecjpcnnUess in
Chicago. Ihe HtpubHcan th:il she is a
.E>sd. girl, and that .Mr*
with whbni' She bad worked ior a ion rT
time Has takoo bet* 'baik.—
An'old’inan named Sam MoOte was.'found
dead on the railroad track near Ccdfi; FaUs» a.
'Week ago last'Mun&ay moaning? The
•safs that he: was a'manof veiy intemperate
habits. - - v *•
.A. Politician’s Hicsscm: Procsd.—At IUI-
Tuesday afternoon,.otow.occuf-
Tea at thopplls. Onc j ohp Dcloir was stabbed
in the back with a sWoi'cf cancl' The blade en
tered Atornear-tbe'boekbODb ttr a •dipth of
nearly fonr inches, and was brokeo-off,-leaving
■sbnlfethfree and a half inches of the eteeHs his
body. On Wcdpcsday.momingtwaphysicians'
entered upon the task of citraclinff.thc blade...
‘‘TW outer end lhe' r flcsh, and the
-piece Sms so ■drmJy imbedacd‘'in J 'gr!fiile or*
'’bode that the .utmost strea^th-of otMT-of-thb*
4octors was: reunited to The imple-.
nent used, a nloderaTcly sized pair of pincers,
vraff-torad of iaWfficilmfcstrcnWh.'kttdaTieav-’
•*k> poir-hnd to be provided. ••^rtfae r exertioQ'
and by laboriously, twist
ing and turning the broken blade, it-was at
bat drawn out, # £atiiersipaihrly, the-proccss
>• of extraction seemed to inflict little twit* udoq
ihc .victim,- who-was abietb VSlk* briskly* about
. dqjingthciutervolf •£Tc‘Wa4“
, finaljvsehttb J&a. .aty
■yStSeac, , i % .
dredand.fiftydrirlef.p r ere <- repycscaitei r -.This
filt rate l(fea and onght to be acted upon
onj- There Is hardly any article
‘offimn produce that-needs the* fostering care
of opr Connty wfaff-BQddThTra **” J //”
... —Tht; CcntrcrJllc,TVavne
‘Conntr, says. UmUagtweeka-SOn oTSIr. Solo-'
motf'Bnnndeld.KM Joaudidead to iris timber's
field, with a rifle ball wound in his head. He
4 had beep sent for the cows, bat not returnin''*
In Uipeja .search discovered him !n this condf.
tied. U VtMhooghUmpoeriblo that anybody r
would murder an&yetltiseqnsUr-'
to conceive auaccidentsd «uuo. ,
Morions aJEilr.— ln&ianajiei& Jcahiat. % --^Dys**
tU. iahet Bight as a horse thL'j;, - H . Tf?
■tatlng naroaa Ma.try^^ath •,
the watchmia ofeef, hat cough? himself’)
Emigration to HaytL
To the Black*, Mm qf Color, and Indian* in the
United State* and the JhitUh Xerih Amorieon
Feixxds : I am authorized and Instructed t>&
the Government of the Republic to offer you,
Individually and by communities, a wsloome,
and a/wbomeeteAtia HaytL
of you unable for youS?
Mjfffll thamians of
hfeitolgraS* are
fanmcSL Nonez'qf
of WJth'-
cpasspo'rts who'ldnnot produo® bSfore
/the proofs of a good character forlndustry and
. family of emigrants flvo carreanx* i
of l?ish and fertile land, capable of growing :
all the fruits;and staples of the tropica, will bo j
they*shall settle on it, and coltlvate It, and de- j
clare their intention of becoming citizens of ‘
Uayti. To unmarried men, on similar condl- J
tions, two carreaax will be granted. I
•~*~TheGovernment, also, mil ItodTcmmreil :
live for those of you. whose, means.will
not permit them to begin Immediately aq in-,
dependent cultivation. " ’
. Emigrants-arc Invited to 'settle la commu
nities. ...
Sites for the erection and chapels
willbc donated by the State, without’ regard to
the religions belief 6f the emigrants.
; BOard and lodging, free of cost, wIH be fur
nished tp the emigrants for eight days After
theifr qrrlval in' the island. *
Tbe-iaxne protection’and civil rights ihatiho
..'laws give to Haytiansareiolemnly guaranteed
to the emigrants.,.
The fu^ort.religious.Jlbertj will be secured
to them. They will never be called on to sup
port, the Rontm ChthoQc Church. ’
No military service will be dem&nded from
them, excepting that they form
companies, and drill‘themselves once a month.
All the necessary penonal effe’cts, machinery,
and agricultural* instruments* Introduced by
* the emigrants shall be entered free ofdnty.
.. The emigrants shall be at liberty ,to leave
the country at 1 any ’moment they please; bnt
those whose passage shall be paid by Govern
ment, If they-wish to return before the expi
ration of be required: to re
fund the- moneyrcxpendod on : their, account.
■ A contract,..fixing. the amount, will 'be made
With each-eadgrantbefore leaving the Conti-’
nenh » * •
I hate been commissioned-to 'superintend ;
the- interests gf the emigrants, ana .charged 1
with" the entire control of the movement in >
America,* and dll ’persons,' therefore, desiring ■
to avail themselves of the Invitation and boon- I
•ty ofthe Haytiah Government, are coquetted |
; to correspond with me. ;
shall at once, aa directed' by the Govern
ment, establish a BareatLOf Emigration - In Bos*- 1
tqn, ;and publish a Guide Book for the use of I
those persons of African or Indian descent who j
nuywiah to make themselves acquainted with ’
.the reaonrccs of the-conatrr, and the disposi- i
thm-pf: its.'.authorities, I shall also appoint I
agfcnta to visit such communities as may serf
ouslv entertain the project of emigration.
..Immediate - arrangements, both here and In
Hayti, can be-made for the emborkment end
settlement of one hundred thousand persons.
-By lauthority of the Government of the Re
pqbftc prilayii, ; _
James Bedpatii, -
. ' General' Agent of Emigration.
■Boston, November 8,1600.
. aAcarreau lasacres and roda.
Lonii Napojflon’a Bzelulon from tbe
.. . i : ■ Imperial Coiifma,
v - -The Paris correspondent of the Independence
JBfc&iays: * •'
. Itis alleged.' that- the French Emperor has
addressed anautograph letter to the Emperor
• Alexander,-expressing his surpriseat the dls
* frost of him which the meeting of the sover
eigns at Warsaw would seem to Imply, and
protesting his devotion to the danse of order
and conservatism. * I shall, not affirm, that a'
let Wof this kind has been actually written,
but I have positive Information that language
"ortlQd import was used both by the Emperar
and 31. Thouvencl to M. de Xlaseleff. before
utbe.latter left "Paris, in* Majesty is said to
have added that, in lany case, ho did not fear
the eeolltloD, bnt that be would not believe in *
it. "It is reported, at the same time, that the
Fmpetor asked Lord-Palmerston to come to
Paps, In order to arrive at in explicit and do~
Unite puderstanding as to the means of con
solidating the Anglo-French alliance. Finally,
it is said that M. Cavonr bus asked for infor
mation from the French Cabinet, os to tbe
meaning of. the formidable..znUitOiy prepara
tions and tbe recent strategic movements of
Austria, and that he.received for answers that
these military demonstrations had no aggres
sive meaning; * : ■
; .C. p. Brown—better; known, aa “ Artcmos
the Showman,”—local editor of the
.Cleveland PlaindeaUr, has* left that paper and
been dfigagcd;as a contributor, to Vanity Fair.
Mr. Brown Is held In high estimation in Cleve
land, where he has resided for three years past,.
—Jas. Mean, of Madison, Wls., aged 87years
went to the polls on Tuesday last, and voted
for Abipbam Lincoln. Ho cast his first vote
for John iAdams,
■' —sJVB. Dorr, for the past few yean editor of
the Dubuque Serald, has retired from the con
cern.' pjR Mahoney Is now sole editor and
■—Dr. ! Lyman Beecher, who cast his first rote
ftf.Waahlngton, was taken to the polls on
Tuesday by his son, that be might cast his last
vote lur Lincoln. As the venerable man, with
flowing and silvery locks, entered the room,
the.qrofrd parted right and left and. silently
made Way for him. ..
—Pr.fe N. EUlnwood and George Spring of
this city, were In Paris of October,
—Deacon Samuel Jones ot Amsterdam, New-
York,aged ninety-three yean, went five miles
on Tuesday last to vote ibr Lincoln and Ham
lin, Bis first vote for President wss cast for
. “The Osage Tovan has been purchased by
MivOweniot fit Ansgear, to which place it Is
ttf.ticmovei It is to be edited by L. a Ev
erett the founder of the Chicago Herald,
“A Bell man yesterday, in giving aaamus
ingdescription of the boat which himself and
friends had chartered for Salt River, announced
as one of Us peculiarities, that It, like Its pas
sengers, drew more rum than water!
roa osmaxas. Linns xxn childics
CWldrfn't Fancy Hosiery in mat
lUadielt Worsted Good. tf. t <no« s'.an,u«d.
Bans a.o Cuua ,. Mt ctole. Ujl*.
ButtonsTtMelaCto**— -■«- •
out Sffis, u«CK“a bunt*™ uwrtmsat.
■ Seta Edzlnzs. T»ftf and
.-Aafanta-Robe* and
torlwf • ud German Corteu from.the bast
, Hair Nets of tbelatwt styles.
A foil sMortment of Zephyr Worsteds at WbolcsoU
andltotsll. .. ADDI&O.N ORaVES, ,
OC13) s 78L^o;>irM{.CTUfcSo. !
tub; gold qhick ! ;
rat mn brick i : ‘
----- THE (GOLD BRICkI : : ■
the gold srick i...
- >_■. the Gold brick i ; ,
acthor or rax rorviaa wosxs-^
“Fa»Mon andF4nntao,"“b!d&emeitead,'* “iiKpx
Derwent. “**lxl*l JeweU,**'-“ialea«la,*
‘ —'• - EdlwcMbfPeUrißoa < iS!*gaiirie;eic.,
Wnow tagajed on anew story ezpreasly sad •xelartvf
!J-* ;>l ” •ly tyeilj* ....
•• * . ..’*■•••
-<the best story and* sketch pap*; pobUibadJ
•* ' THE-GOLD BRICK! • ■
•'* Which wCi be fesdy la’tbe
Fdrsale bjeriry Neva AxentaadßookseHerUmosb'.
~ --r oat the Worfd.
. Terms, S2J)O .pcr with’ * Premium! Bp*ctmea'
httmtSets ktai frsft.eopUlnlnjc a Bit of -
---• wSTHEET A SMITH, Proprietory ....
"* “Sißoetanaa Street; New Tort’
.(Evopy. Saturday 3torntnr
, • avs on ro« uu vx
K,QERia; &
' 'Ha. 100 Dwbor • -
■■ ~... ... .a Street,
' > - } .
-Hnd IPeriodionl Dealers, See.
< [noOdtSM-wl •■ -
Stented Sept. JSth, I*o. u •
jjapWttj fto* 1)000 to 5,000 Bash, per dxj.
•-•Bbtmtflernalkewiand'ofConi’tnd cot* no rriia.
_ . L*£iyette, lodls'aa.
*i*rnTO prttJSTe*» BucUnghxa £ Co. aoU-du^-ia
W iMT' a .
these deßSous and
Mtfc reafitoaipHb" the riratgtwalcg&j ,of the
nrmirQ&, ongyAant of tlialf tffipjl ¥ rapuCREAT
Therpye pliifljct n accar to theare pro-
WcTonic offered
t tiu H ii' 'X\ \■ i iWaiSr nTr^r~rr i r de.
Zic„ KftfeiparaUeled, ami a« a guarantee that we feel
warrant&Hi. claiming what we do, we bee leave to
•Ute that oQ#aa»ertlona are sndorwed by
ProC. SILLUI.IN, ofYale College,
And Imndndv pf otben. _ « , f ,
For u'« by Grocer*Avfcaitcrclmii,kod DrntJlilr
WR RfN G^^P^TTiTtfT"
amuo * ui #ni»
Firft.JmoX :Saiies... a
hie «uhpiox_B4jee qe. .the .noun
Oyer 30,000 in Lie,
400; Tested in Accidental Fires.
. tWOOiwIU ba paid to'aay person who can show that*
• HZBIUNG-9 Patent CHAHPIoJT SaPE ba* ever
fidled to nnserxeAts content* in an accidental fire.
The Mbserlbcn'wonld respectmily' infr*na thetr
mend* and the public that they bare jn«t,openedtlTelr
~Te removed, the Safi? from the Agency forxneny'at
C. L. Hinson a, 133 sooth Water street, to
No.- 40 State Street,
. { • • • • . • •
•ybetn fter have now on hand -(and always intend to
-ae«p>- tbe Urgm auoruaest of Safe* in the West
UoitcT 'Com
«f Herrin e» Safes. ... HERRING.* cK"** *
street, (tailin’* Bloete) Chicago.
icrican Slicrrj.
: A Great : Want Supplied.
. A pare Wine of delicate flaVor’that competent jnd-et
proponnie superior to isoaLofdheblcb priced wines
•old In tills country, 1* now being produced by tha on*
danlgned from the • • 4 •
_B«jood tbe ordinary tonic effect o( a para crape
wlao, Uoaact»aa aa-altertuire. and -ravAUpa aerrut*
txo rtoH sotoanos aso cojsttpatioh or tub bowjul.
•odwbo. i coßsKqce(TLT. casSot ca* ouum wum. ar*
bring It 11tb tbe happiest effect. .
Sold at nanafaetnreria prices by
_ * * J.’ H.' HEED * CO- Cdcazo. DL
t* gelvedlere. lIU tsepc U iaeo. aeiidW-Ua
LB. Ift
For tala by
H. KEEX, Bookseller,
JTp. Itt.,
0,. M.- SPEARS,. JR.,
' With .
XX 33 n z o Gr,
boleule .0:1 Retail Dealer, la
sat s, gaps: and riraa,
S5 - Lake! Street, Chicago, HL - .65
b£r£!i“ !f c VP. lly anaoaoc e to ficlr old patrons Anil
heTrade. that they nr® now In receipt or a larse and
dllaasoni lent of all good* In their Hoc. ocl^dOW
Would res
the Trade;
full assort!
t asa prap
J C commenced the. mano&ctore of
rai te pip - {a. blgbut market price log
Cake Tor Sale at all times.
• ■*• , -j' < ’- * niinani-. moek.
. c°r.Clark anils. v,„rrEt,Clilcae.
jA F E nous E ,
H ties Only 81.40 Per Day.
•aUd aair tbe Central Railroad Depots, at the etna,
lay of Haah street Bridie.
8. V. SEA A CO., Froprietom
Located n<
4LB -
’-9 Streep 9hie«ct * 4^
Importer* and-Dealers la
; tba attention of Dealer* to their
id Complete Stock of Goods,
tey offer low tor Caah er soed SoU*.
B AK -
No. 138- Lake Street.
I _ WotntM- -1,000 pound* of everr'shadr and color et
Split, single tad Doable Zephyr.Spaceti. Tinsel and the
new Sotferlx 0 color, at Wholesale and IlctolL
Qoaxn 1 *«*.—6oo pound* ol ttib superior Tarn.
| Blue Mixed, white. Scarlet, Clouded, Bine, Drab, Ac.
‘- Biaaers— . large. stock at German and French
is JeMSHPC. Eetlcalc. TVork. touch and Toy Basket*.
. Cr»djs|and -aba, Glga. Chaim, Workstaoda,Ac.
1 Bran Cage i—3oo dozen of a aapertor manufacture.
I A»o, paSrotand Squirrel Case*.
1 Tora_iin> frascr Coops ol onr direct‘.lmportation
I frdm Fteocl. Kpgllab and German Mauauctorers.
I Also. Gases if Toy* of 30 doieu assorted, for SIS and
» IJOicsse. 'la XoyataeqdJcse rorlety. Ac. •
I'• Ttyrtt N moss.—A general assortment of ererr-
I thins la this iae.
1 tnts and Vholeaele Dealers throughout
! theW>s*wll flnd-oarstock complete, and prices aa
1-low or lowei than the lowest. Toy* and Fancy Goods
i, - are uaportec by a* direct, consequently we can com
< pete with an ' boose In the country. Domestic Goods
direct Don the manufacturer enable as to ofiersa.
■parlor inducement*. Call and try oa at
, ... .[nalS'SIMjJ , .
numcmiM or
FKX.X . J|l
•d Sooting materials.
Dearborn Street Dearborn Block. CbL
cajo, lU. P.O. BoxJSiS.. •
oa*«. vo.
. Tiom nine j
.can,, we are
Tula nnaarpd
bw* proof or
'tetb&dtr «
rooffe have re)
Qons for ue i
year* experience In this baalneaa In CM
enabled to lav Roofs, and fnrnUh mate,
teed in durablUtv and quality, and i* tbe
Itbo nine,-we refer to flnt-claa# ball dices
were. for the above term or yean, oar
pained uninjured by theweatber. lilree.
lent wltli all country order*.
f-Q. L. Wheelocfc.Bd. Barling;. W. W
fcMtecta: John BolUtt, Baker ifelfcßwen.
lard. Builder*; J. K. Dotaford. Kao.. N
Sdlet pnrton. &g„ J. T. Edward*. Em,.
Thorn** Church, Em., Mathew
Bovtnglon, a]
Wflcox a BaL
f» Wilder.
! x£ffi'Ss. c l
u \ fc I Su«aror3UUc,/ t ‘
, Piileat Croats ud fiaHef t
J?*rln*,Arro\T Hoot,<>at Zffcal,
* ’ 'll! OF THE BEST QtTALITT/. V '
*>und»t" ‘'■ CAIJS.’BBOTOTEfI,
i i :•»• • AmUxPnMrtpitaa Store. *
... .I- HaiitkWjUiik»«t.
, *T ' loir *.’*•'*
,BOO'TBoiw Soap*.' rj 2dQ.Boi«aS*etX.- ’
. 100 KesaSalSoda,. • * loosedS.C.a*>
, 200 Bo?e> Sataratai.. •; i •■26-Boxeg*' ~
lOOßqxea Concentrated Lye. - ‘ •
“ ' . i ,u wn.i.T'iv T.rrfjr *’
. ~ . t ; i ■ • ?r. i, igA co,- .
r ft^^Jttth'.WaterSt
60Hh(U8nxar. '.;:iOQjAliV ; . V* J 'J'
*■■• i ■ ■ j • -» C 0.,129 Sqn(aWfcUr.St ...
«»- IcnUon»Qf 1 cnUon»Qf We, a In. be a {9. at the and* end
F A. long; average weight tMlbe. la shipping by
wb aave newly one-half In freight over any
other preee ia use. We can shin ten tons of Timothy
"SK 1 ? ■£* I * n * a »oox car. JOHN K. HARRIS. Allen-
TRle. Indiana, Malones of Patentee and exclusive pro.
•prlcepr of the patent forthrCnltedStaUrs. J. p. mosT
• & t 'c. , . 0al ?R?. r *». u, '» and. >Unu&ctnmja for
the State of IllinoU. Descriptive Circular sent freo
upon application.. -ooigxl'r
lio ■ ■ Removal. ■ -140
Haa yeaoyed bla stock of
Blank Books and Stationery
' TO 140 T-aVn laraEllT. .
Where he hulirandleereaaedadMee fcri;ppl,tl t
tTery stationery required In tat.
an klnd» oftiLANK BOOKS of any desired 'We of
' HD 8110118, -'
' * ' At abort notice!
aol'aP-tT ' ■ • P. MUNSON. 113. Lak/ytraat.
JAJLfi CHEAP—worth about |T,OOa Is a floarUh*
tnrVUiare. 1W mU« from C’blcazo, with a Am-claas
imk 9*ooo whr be taken la Chicago Beal,Xatate,'
(3.000 eajh. and balance la ooerear. Payment to bats.
•tract, Chicago. *
1 *ib itnti,.
window slim
i • " .. •
The Beet Goode in the eity
Olo » nff Ofeatiy Seduced Price
;r »
E. O. L iF jLIO.V.
,m,W » - - *«*». StvMt r-- TO
>! SS i iifc43o*>
B |T
"g jl N I N G E R ' S
*«• I , ...
r; Gt.xn.- ■
• this Religious tonic stimulant,
j lapeciajly downed
rpc-tho Vm of the Medical Profession
• . .. and Family, .
•?JS TI "P fopctneded-lho “Gin*." “Aromaltc.**
• iSiisr* **£chn»ppm~ 4c_ l» now to.
■toned By an of the moat prominent Phyridaiw.Ciicm.
ConnoLweary. »* poaariiutg aU of those In.
mnslc nedfelfial qnatltlec, {totildanj diuretic) which
V v° ,V D w* l U! *- I>ul U P 1,1 WK*.bo*»
u “ and told by all Drujcgthtu, Grocers. dr.
A. a. bim.nger &.co~
SoLiTiorwmisi, “ ‘
" • No. 19 Broad Street, N. T.
aale. wholesale. In Clileieo by Hort M
Pierce, J. H. Heed A Co; and J. t s. luller\4 Co
-••’•! ‘ foq4dlKA*nnl
• = j . soo mxEs ■
meerimac prints,
8 Cants P«r yard at TVholc*o]«.
.mSMO-lr •
250 Pieces Real English
«o: Cwti perTardfat Belal].’
P..PAIMEE, ■ ,
11 VIM ism-in MKEumrar.
.ate-tdenw . .
| 400 PIECES
If 1-2 Cent, per Vatu at TTlioleeale.
112, 111 AM) HQ LAKE SHIEZT.
•atMd.l'OO . .
Hollister ii WURIos,
i '
Xo. m
1U -& 117 • - - late Street • . . tu a 137
Tio best Cfrods at La* Prices.
fßr ,f»lc.of tlielr own Imports,
maanfacture. Hie lartut
wm!^cJ^e rt .? L ' n M n .l ,ia N«*rthwe»t of .Vedi.liloii,
Tni-Sft etln.Three.Mt.SHpcrnno
Vi? W . Cotton and Wool Ingrain;
powSh^priM? 69 * wWcU the l‘ oUw> Cj» luw«w
wtth*r?t * » nd unrivalled laortmcnL
'.“j rfiry?? lwl 11 X- otyleor price, of tncUnU and
,n wWU»»ofowjyan!.oiie.aiid.
*wo yarila wide, at pricca trom ti res
Abo. Heavy Shoe*
fell* »tA^«V^. ve ’• u e, S ,| tevn feet and twenty.four
wnr *° tcn aMlUnna per vard
h e , at U, ra , e t fr“ d, ’ f '
£ e^*Jl M, t . t l n,5 * Q, . rofflc «*- Choreh«L TcitHwlca. *c.,
S^^ffifci r K^? oe K t l alf **►»»<» >*nu wide; tunica
LnorrSJS^rfc. 601 ** white and checkeO.
* o«'**nd.a.lmlf yurdauhle; Mosaic. Vel.
HrasiS^f..!^n d i 7 *. Ul , tc . 1 ! Cocoa. Jute. JUnIHa,
*nd Sho.pdsfcia M*U oi tha
sreweat raocty Dgidro and pattcra.
Trench BrQCStelle. Satin DeLalnea. FTcnch Printed
dered Laee pßrtalDN In pain ami bv thcvartl- tnu
• wid by the yard; Corulce%
°. r sm; V lst Curtula Baud* and rtaj
tw^TS? 14 * iAfl** Drapery lom Glmojl»i«-l2
S , . l w« 11, J c1 ?4?4 suk Catbiln UaiflPk hrU
all kinds ofTriraiulnx* nectary lor turta^r*l\ In.
,lr - 7 aUi * i'll (’aided
Wbltt. imtr. Ore a amt Blue Shade HolanOslu
all wldtba;.togetlier with |;n»v a I’aivnt Sprint: iU.
tf JturP »- u*nmber«i?a and
£*if e J *»Pendulum Fixtures, Uraa*aad
Tl^li“ ,KjW - t ' inm, ' y “ 0a lir “ b * ta * *»*••*•
furnishing goods.
Table Uaena In pattern* and by the yard. Linen N,vi.
w »"clJle«» Linen and Cot'dn
BJiccUnf* 0* all width*. Linen and Cotton liliow.t'a*-
J-rttah, Wano and Tabic Covers. tmbiol.
dared, printed and embOMaed: Furniture Chintz* lose*
TUSokeU. Quilu, Sheets, 1-lHow Caaes. Lounce*. poet
r "Fo. K i
Craae Tafts
Honiitpr Ob WUUltt^i
135 * IST...Lake Street, (npatalrsj...iy a & l 3
X° lovers- op
Th«: Bait- ’at
S T A .VT 0 S ’ S ,
Twtntj per u -Smai
•It Wholesale Retail.
i .. t
Tt 7 , M T S, -C a « —lO Fop 25 CM.
Trj JSj | _ 9 For 25 Cu
Sennit* 7 For 25 Cti.
Scfan - 6.For 25 CU.
rj*T Scffar» 5 For 25 CM.
. fry Mjr Sesari —.,,4 For 25 CM.
Sesarr— • 3 For 25 CM.
Jtß Imported direct, ud betterftrr the ifonej than csa
i-...-. j • te'fooad Ajrrwasu.
. .oef’eb.l^ddpg*-
•lia ’i • I*” £ake Street . • • 133
Trßouait*>«> arua, z*ujb» 01
Ent elopes, -Memorandum and
Bass Books.
wairavo- mu -im rainss.
, Cirii aad Ctu-dboartls. '
JJEMOVAL. —Furst <fc Bradler,~
._ Plow, %agaii uid Carriage Manufiacturoti,'*
Sales ffobma. No. 90 Weat Lake afreet. Factory. Noa.
90 and a North Jefferson. between Lake and Fultow
afreet*. AH kind* of wa*o*fTfcxtber:FMw'H4ddl«*‘ H
and Plow fleams far aale... ....-h ~ tffl-rn •
Da.'dSILTFB LltuM Catarrh* Remedy. 'War;:
nilaoU. U«sc3isjj
1M Lehe Street