Newspaper Page Text
i»»- ES** .SsEtelOTrE Outers.-rr-TBK;e' ST T no more ratablearticle In thowho\r ..V metric to the enliven* jgie'mlrid. «Crcrigfiitn* :• the body, and- ln*borL If JwUdoniiy muni.- -wakernp ~ - the wb<^*«^tem'to , » -u Among jtii* tonic* .of TEES,mkhpfkctartQ'by.ltostfttpr|b Smith.:al fetti-.i."• bnrgh, itaL j»ay be«ct .down **«l«ervodJy -the orort' J . - 1. popular. * Tbcy nremtfctgtrnt.' DypTy.*jalit*ble tonic* > not ncplc»»utiKhJt{cr; hor-TCt ;'d*c«»lTßly -aplriud. v «J and their effect to yetfrcfly' acrptlrtifc " ifo- " family catj coTivcue-Tlytion^thocla'b'otflc. tUibolU. naaful-andtacree-'}- ■ able —iy>Y. S tho.‘Acg. l< .' 'wbo : ar«‘-cuTWtu : to‘-wit- j~i c«*s the wonderful' jjcrJfecUan to■ wlich A. otwraldt, | « 0»t« manf« SttChclbri*, K. T_) haa’brongbVtha.’i *- 4 fjs wuu luuju-tx arc luvllcdtov hU v.'!*|to 'Vlg and Hair Eying Doom*, at No. 100 Labe itrt r.nd r *#nd examine three curious productions of art. ecrijtl?.«-rutiuy can detect thcartlddaUromlha natural,vl adjnstcSdJootod to the head, Kennedy’* Medical Discove c"*~ cnre« PcmnloT Medical Discovery cores Fryripela*, Ki’noe tFvnuedr’s Medical Discovery cores Canker.'t Medical Discovery cores NaninefloreM Kcnnet|C3noiiv> Medical Discovery enrre Humor of the E Kenned I cnncdv’a Medical Discovery cores Scald Head. Kennr-ldcnnvdrV Medical HUcnvcrvcun* Huonlnrotthe Medical Discovery coresUlcerat'dSore 1 Kt’ ,, aelil' , nned\'’a Medical I discovery cores Lepra. Ixenn- uw’nnedvV Medical DUcuvcrr con* Khcunintlara. Kp U . l .*it&<iinedvV Mistical Discovery cure* Pall-Khcum. tienn - Df-nm-iv** Medical Discovery ccrre Dytpcprfa. U*- .- •• •’ ■uu'-.Wh Medical Dl,«ovcrv Ucculolc* the Dowel Ken”-' I* f nncJW Medical DUrovcry Regulate* the Kldm K~«uii- I. 4nncilv's Me.llr.ul Dlecoverv Urgnlfttre the Liver. te iuoJy'|hncdv*e MedlcM Discovery lias cured Dropsy. tViicn tfFhen yoa arc sick, and do not know what the mal ,vpir!iß.%-yualiavcoalawardbam-jr. TryKenpedy** Medical DtdeMriy. For salciy all Drogglsti. •' - - , •• - ocS'tt-lj* ■■ ' ■»■■ ■ ——. i : r:; .;;. , 'JUDSOK HI(S.GIiJfS t *OCUrk«trtct,nwtlAke, j PXTBLIfiISER OF SHEET “MUSIC, j dealer In. .* / ‘. \ .'• PIAtJOS -“ . aix VniDs'or / - XXSTIiXJaiOTNTrS. The best or ITALIAN’ STSiyGS coakucilyba habfl.; • PIANOS TO BENT. .. . f Tents"end Repairing done-at short^ioUc«.*'AH or- 1 ” e"lri>ej»fKltno A .IUDS»JN*’ IJJtKtISS, •» Clark'. , a:rA-n * h»cago. lW..’irt*l rocclve’irt«niPlathcnllon. _ W. DEAX.KH IN - . - ?! j FifeKO TCRTES; AHD HELq&tOHSj - t*o. 09 CJJ»rik iStroeX. TT AT.pTCTT, , T>A!Vlis Ss OQ.'S- • rremlnra llano-Fcrtps. winch bare been awaWed, ' thlrtv.two Fine prernlntn in Cold &M fißver Medals.: , C»co. A.rrtnor.'sMplodeota.*.Pian«ioßeßt' Apply’ \ at M a>lc Store. 90 soDth Clark street. • • t ■ . • < T A R GJJ ST’ ’K- HO L E S.AiiE 1 Xj norEEis :, ;. ' , j iirsOTß Eamiat,, oo soutu.curic street, ' ;;; 'lanntirtcrer and Importer ol Jlnslcnl •loefnttoetit*- t::c Siring*. ha\lnc connection with taandfiictirrinr 1 oners tu rliUn. LeJp.-le.Urreili!o,'Kßgtiinfl»na Paris, ( Ut'ie;<Aredt«>hl)ea:ere.Oaod» and'lodlrtdaau 1 vliij every axilelojatlieir line. ••• ' , AT THE tOWEST NEW YORKPRIOEiS. ‘ '• ■■'..■"■■ J. BAUER.;. TIKU3IS AKD BRASS : i ' IXSTKCMEKra. ; ...... »-i arix'scs b.a'b'eb,: . >IASfCTACTCIIER OP ;•> ’ 1 CRUtfS AH& ERIISS INSTfIUMEKTS. 09 Sontli CSarlr H WORCESTERS B^PROYEJ) • ' ' riASO-FOBTBS. . . ; - ' • • ‘ Mi*cafuc*erv and {tales Ruon»s. roon« Street,- ', , . eorher.Tliird A'eaiM».KowYoric. Vat a runner of a-cuatnrv the Instrorncntif mano. oc‘ u'vd‘ r.' the . above cwubltehntcnt • have yanked rn . in- trst la tli« <ountr>-. • ■niftlr dnrabWty, pLr-r-'ih and dellnacy of toix ned louch*are hlaifr* nwecutcd bvsU-wbo-htvn theuiw Htdronglf ; ITU' The nrajirtefcir, by glvlnc hU personal etlenripn lo tie iiiaiiulßirtTire of eseli InbtronieOL. bt all Its dr t Hi. i, o-itbA’d to guarantee superior excellenre and . n-Jah:r.!Ty U. every rrepcct. . . .LocCdht-Sntj • . D~ ODWORTJrS MUSIC STORE, ■ ■ No. 0 Astor Pteoo, N.- T. ’ „ PnV.’.«h*T r.nd Dealer in Vorelgo oad .American Mo* . sic Ir.MnniieiitsandMnriealMerPhanfllfr. Sontaaod ; . the by the fiacred and Organ Mn?|e; Danes andMWuuxUoite,, f.,r the Mano-Porr*. hr tndl. POSUgc Jree,Utamr«. -,... v hr aen» ln«tr j* of rtfragrl. Catalocncs of. Uu»lc ' .r H -s» ]innd«. 'Quadrille Dandy, small or Urge Or? c'lrr.ra-i Dries H«t *'l Bra» lp«tmOient«( bt-ot oo ap. »(jle itlori. The -.tonmal of Drn«* Bandn, an?wpnb iiiMilmnf Baud Music, is lajnn*d on thc lStli nwnu: riuglr N’o-’.- aimuin ; JMcc «l- ; rarh namHcp; also die ••Ct,mpaßlon.••. cotStaiiUut. Machos, Medley*. 4c: The In-tmmental paru .lu to«e work, .re “P ar % s yf ’ ’ ortiAWhn ■ Director of Dodwortli’jj Ilaod: i-Harijiurrj), JttarDluarr, sct. : 17 AV . & COM l’ AM.Y’S' , DEPOT,' ' CHICAGO, HHSOIS,'. ■ Hare thi Largest nod Beit A**orta«Jt-of STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES AXK -i, . ! ■' BOILERS, Portable SxTAiixi EHginc*, Sitsb' AC*’ S«uldJ n » machine*. WOODTTOETirB MACHINEfI, - V.'JTli A"SU VATCIIING. Doanc’s Patent Eesawiog. 1 Hacbiaos, JDwiii)'* Stive aalßorrel Machinery, JJonae^Hoaa-, lag LstlieS oad- Joiners,, Doafie's Bhlngle; TtfßcV.innsl. ; . ’ •« | . ■ Eel* 'Vc.-t»n* Arrri« for the sale of,poS>q & Co.’* • • Celebrated brood of . ■.. • » DUTCH ANCHOR BOLTIHQ CIOTHS, X large Block coastantlyoo hood. Also, baht 4 UDNSO.Vd Patent Ptourlna V .XZUIa. L'T.fh'T f.nd.Dnhbor tctii’cvtieii*. PaiadDß.**- • 4-c, At Uie very-luwMtcwh price*. • •• ■• . \V. H- DOANE[ Atcnti ; ntrlfeSHtf . •’! | ; .Hi Clarkatm-LCtdcacoi. - ?;uica§o LEAP;.-. auorks; . (Tcrncr of filde. 1 ’ " : I.F.iD PIPE, ' BiE JL\D SHEET LEAD, Shot. XThito Z«oad and Saythargc, Tie LEAD. )TOirS AND nTDDADLIC.-ItAMa. Mr order* frora 1 the txidf aolkiUd. Ca*h paid Lir CKd Lead and ViaxSced. P. 0. Dos - frC] "■ •E. KLATCnVOBD. . j 17 G. TlAttl KUIBABK & CO-, 1 ; » .-'jtn**rKrea*«Dwil!t*ln. „ Zro33if STttj 1— * AKpUEAVV.HARDTA? 6 - - ♦ • Ko*. »3 and l^.Tfa^lnpton.itretLChlcato,^^lUlb<4*.- i;:hA3agß.,; r AGS —-BAGS—BAGS-tBAGS-r: ’.'COiIXEXCaAHGfi; ' - - ‘ .■; BAG V HaRT. ASTrsli CO,, Vatcr Chlcato, i, IL CLAiai J^.co^iasßroad•»««. K«w York,* •= KismcrCßcae inn ntAtierftf , ;' , 1 _ 9f jllyoxtr. X>eßoriptiom •vniiet*.’ and OroecrW.lucf made andPrtnled toorfer ’ wlta beiu.Dol brand*. Newand*econaJmn<l6caml««, QrSn aud G uiiay mn. nr ftldp^w.-MUler* jod Var. ’, raer?SS iy^»lbrFlonr; Fyed. Hwav. *jf niiiftjjffl loaned to alilpmwa. ■ ” * • . *’ QHICAGO. , BAG. ’ AGENCY. SOETK . ASBtCTBEET. • ' r BF.AMLESB GDAIS of >arlot* die* and <U KLuUit--nalve*i. -Q- .lens and Eight* prtflt«d tQ. onlcr of any desired MAM SACKSjlNtryMreosed.. • , > ocWV BAOSt-T^ro'orTtircsTDldieli.^,, _ Cfliamlaalon Mcrchaosn, Mill era. OTpcCfS *OO fro-r ■Won Sealer* Will Uod)u£t the artlcß* vEhtM-lAiur. ordcraeolldied. •; tapl %3-ly.i RA »K&S &.Cifl AWiL • » • • ■•! ‘ ’• J * ; . !• 1 -• .» .■•»■• '• '* • *" ! ' z \ BA«si--"a*cs' : ‘■awnC “ j' i ’ c, ,r\rifir omciCO. 1 kwsb. aud SICKS . ■ • ■ abort. notice,'- and |*lnua. with*- ftedr’ksd . . / \- 6UIEOH FABWELL.. *p6dawir.t77i}'-s • o- 1 “*:... 'BAGS-TOb;bob' FOR' U eausattse ... , . Com Bxchojird 'Bag Iffsxmlactory, • , r •csftsaaumi -- 13a|cr; ’^aTtgiiigs.',; ; W A~l^’ , ‘x\'r. -A pte! ' : SEXtiNG': ' "1’ ; roitvi*. F.„ E t ,RlCßy r : ; •<« .^HDOLriLBrEEKP..:!.^...-...*! a it’-’.Tt.i ,E»R.I T av/ri^‘ : 'AMOßtak»X ■or ‘ ■ ■■ " NEW JITTER 2ST:.S v PAINTEIiS ... Sotilb Stnet V. '^,l“! toeisglrl ~, TDrLLTAR#.rT^BUFS.-^Fpr" wssss&SSSm Wi 1 :&otrcg ,; I O-Jf'E'Y- ‘ T-a L 9 : A-K * For Five ircao .. A- • TEN- PER CENT; INTEREST.’ ‘ ffe rpect to haveln touKo. of the present ihohlh a' ire mount cfnjoner to loan on city property la;. mi •>r |I,SPO to a'•fl would be glad to receive pile ktlonsln-advanoa of the receipt of the fnedi.- . ' * D. OLSIST£D . Dtfl- lULIw . il 1 OriA TO. LOAN OX si‘x.»VfvV/ 1 bond* and MOtfrQAGt. v ftir‘ ;■; S. F. DOWNING* A *CO;*, *•. ~ 1 » and tt Clark atract. tf ONE.Y.; TQ -I;0 ANH-*- -'Sums-- •Xl not to exceed- ILSOQ, on “Farm* tniEliaTJli, • :*. Ithlnjonc hundred ndlea of adeacp/-** *.-« ,v - Lv.'v --: :: GEQBOtW, JfEWCOMp, lit" itlSMnti £ 1 ft.N: ; E:irri®;D; Z&P-iM 4 • n In Sunis’and for Terms .to.Suit.. I __ tZSS PAPER BOUGHT - AND BOLD. . OBKENCBirtTM BROS- ; . . *y ps-lm CoraerLake ppd La dalle eta. . . |o”X EY - T O Jj O U ; lh * • ’ ros CHICAGO CITY PROPERTY,* .... Good Improved Farms in this State,: Tr CHAMBERS. LEE & CO ,fc Tptt-Cm 121 Lake street Chicago. ; . .• 0 XE.Y- I/O A-N E J) :■ ( .! on .flriLclasi securities at the • •- * yp. dne Office or Wm. H.' Blco & Co,*' i'No. 0 3 Clxrk Street! • . , *!to five year*' Loans at loner rent. Short Pa. ***■ •Ountert. Cash ndvafaceeon warehouse Receipt*. fy-City-Scrlp wanted. • : mya-ctO-ly. PoM TQ LOAN- I? ion Beal Estate Securities In Cook and adjoining ooctiri, * , :: . .. 1 Apply-to i R IN ST-PBUS SING. _ V : ! TtAwTnr in flreEttTigfl, - MOXKY FfD EEiL ISTttE-tolvEli^ Lgent jfor the Commercial* Life in* ; surance Co., and Notary Public. * ~ rb* C i -|-i Uirqioniinioik; ► - ttoUJy S. K. cor, of ClarU and Washington its. jp A M E S~D. - S H'ER M-A-Nv ■ shippkc asp; cmisgto !-• 7 Kj>. f 1 K’Slai* Siro.Z^t-'p'ii—ilAr *’* 1 Oaib all of jvoperty conalgoed • <■ ■dsdle arahtpment... ■ ..... . .4 ....<>•< *' •? •• Ca»b advauted, on IlUUuof Karehosce OOelpt*; - t 1 _,... ... ••* •• •: -‘v • EXCHAHCE BOUCHT AKD-SbLD.- ;v • Honars torfcil,' LotaonlcaM oalonsilmo .oaßtato - >i :neet.'AV'iibath.^UcLi l KaaandlDdianaATiffiaeß..hiao,*: " ntlie Went sios, ~ ~.,1; . _>• i.. \ « HotH on ClaTk street io rent cheap to a good tenant.- ' ..moit,cxcbauß*.for.-unpro- • octfro property,.. , . •. • IF* Crediumtqn on Ncw lork and Boston,.• •.. * » • : ' locsCKl3ol4ml • •.. - v jQELEGU APHIC ■;‘ -EXCH.\Sr6E ' : On X.e w. I'b rk. «’ -Drafla.Accpptaneea,-and-Notea,'paid In-JfwTortr * nttie day oCUatorltr.or last day of grace,undmone r- * cporttcd fori Recount In the. dry or New Totlc, and M rnt to'dtirt Hn in*-rlelnlty or NrwTork,-on-tele. raphic'ordera’ EMERY COHIV' ;i »••-* aplS-ly-df® ; - ‘ Tdccrapn Offlee;' • pAysok: .&> pevXot.cb;■■ ; JL 1 '; ATTORNEYS ft COrNSELLOES ' 80 - -‘ Dearborn Street •** -• ‘ i*Q#o*rxrsos:.. ‘ ws. e. tkrjjpEbt* .. .. , ’ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. .... - 1 ’T?EfrtiKPrarf-“ltujmolda Fly ft Co-1. IT. Unrcli Jk Co-' ktWood.' FBtf-rUiadelpliU; MwarvFprinser A-WMicj • aah. H. S, LTloiiunedieu. Esq-Cinclonatlj'Jolm-’An** irews. Feq., Board of Control. D. W. fleshier. *■ ** ’reddent, Cflemba*. X).s 7- 6. Ely & Co., George 6I«/ ''g tlteaamr, Fwjj 'Fdv-ard pleirepont, pj] lontiffnarrl<Hon.AmaeaJ.Parker,Alban*.H. l T.f '■* tobnO. Dealtler. Eau-imgalo. • ' • igISSB-lL.'* b : :- EL BQW-- ■ \ O* ATTOES’ET AT LAW, : , ■ Office No. 1, nelbodut Blbdc^ >)rncrO&rk;audtViisUlncton»txoeta,Chicaco4JUnelfc • ■ myrgO-ly. . t.. r Prawfobd;.- sharp go!, : • \J . MpnjITFRS AND DEALERS !ri CrOCkety.. a Slass and CidnA Table Cnflerr; Looldmr Gl«wefl, Cat,. “ Uira and -Brlgah 'Ware, No. 1m Lake street CMe«£o r , . » uuDoia. ■- • c *■ •'• .' : ‘jj KNOX, EUSTACE REED,.; -I I t attorn ts at law, • - ".fa ISO- « - Clar; strcet - - -..130. * Between TAthington and Madison,-ChlcagA, 'f, rosani tsox.• ' cSigLjL ; ~aern, -c cihEs & hurt,.:' . • V■'■■■; , r O' C<IUKBra.LORS AT LAW, . : ■ ' • 75, - a ci.o«tnnt, yarUi sue,;- it’ I 'BetweenTtilr<ToDdFoortbrt^.St.Lonls;Mo.» ■ ■*> Mr. B.ii Sufrry pubde-and Coaunisstoaer-of Heeds. “• 6wnv«r>* Suite In tboOnloiu: ; - • “• 1 * -i i-1 IlefetenrodluJhlcago—Scrlnjwft'Brw*:'• - - . FSESCKiObPtf*. i iJel-ly.viSS] • -CiLVI*C. bc*t.- • gTE AXD ; ;;E AR'. 1 ;OR. cSITEUi, , ! ; ".-,1 ;QPEBATOa 05 TIMS- •• •• *» i EYE AND EAR, J For Deafness. nilndnceA end all defeor of alChlahd ( hearing.’.. Jtr. C. is a retrclarlr edocatM pk\tlcLm,at>d. u has devoted twenty yt-fer* trf Uli’. prtifcf Joukl ■U Th • e v . f3f No for an examination or'opinion, I and no fo«rcntilrt*d for nnscccceMol eenlcre. , Dlt CAifwVxi/S Treatise on the Car. (CIA- • • cajo,Uli)*coDUlnlnE testimonials, .] be nad cratta on oppuentlow. iioetagc ten cents.;- Ad'iu drosaboHsEulolpb strrel < "Clilcato'. t '... you I s::. ■!; . pßAcrricAi. ;ppiict£N; :‘-V 79.-...}..:... ’ SpiTtt CruRK fcr*rrr..i— 1 -• • - - ■■ Opposite the Court House. Beit French Crystal and iirarllUn pebble Spectacles, Fir GJas-ea, OpiTa Glasses.'. <•••.-. . • - - - WICROb COP Jib. Mathematical InslrumenU. cic.. jciu, .coostantly.xm band. All kltuis.oi’ lusiruimmls and -{Mired, nnd glitases Inserted into old Imaea. .)*9i ~. . fHchmncs... : &’c,' ’. ' - < .jpURIFY . THE., BROOD: ‘ : Moffat’s TcgctaWc' LITe PJlls/" 7 '• A 7vr-r> ipuceiv-is , firrTKiia. -'!■ ' Thb high’ and envied celebrity which these- pr«.qml- \ •BentMcdltSncabaToacQßired forthelrinTalnabied!K . cacyln antUc dineasea which they profMstoeflr«. |iß* \ rthocrcfl tjie Moal- practice ofpottloc not-only urf»- ; aeceasafFi »>ut unwortliyortliem.* - ;! ; ; _• is all;icisc^ ' Qf Aathma. \cdte and ChronicHlienm&tisra, AffeeUani*' -. of Uic Bladder and KidneyA• • •’? ..-t-t*- —'* pniiatiaFeveta,aadliverCoaipMnta. 1 -'r .V - In tbe-SOutti 'an^*WTc« l where ; they willbi found invaluable. - Plooten. EBraicm'iuul-.' • oniere,«lie unco use ihetemedklnea.vllLtiercr»neiv - Bffioua”fcolic,-.Serbia Ldtneiicss, ‘ • .. Cdldß,-'Gouglia,:Ooli& CcrropiHimtots,-J« ■ ; Dropacy,Dycpyisia.,’ * . «...! *• .-. vjoperton wllh these dJ-RrosslnaOueaeca ihonld de- . - laVi^ytlicscmedl^ei-IminßdUUSy.^;;-: • Peter iVD A«CEr*i-or tills acon?»e:of the western- 1 ■ ccrtmtrr, there medldßas wP.I bo found *■ safe, ipeedr snd ct-rtihi reuieAv.. iiiber m<dldaea tesve the ay*.. . tem subject to » raarujof the dlsosae; a core by ihe« - ; medldnea Is penuaneut. Try. term. Baaatliacdand. the Complexion! Ge»oml licbUtr, Gout. ' • GlddlaetK GraveU Headache* of. every-ttmL Inward -Fever. Inflammaton- ItheamaUsm. • impure- IHoad •Janadlee, Lo-a of Appetite, ErupUonaotthe*Bkte;i • Eryrtptlaa ai»i FiAoJeucy. : ?r TiraocaiiL Pukauk*;,—Nevcrfall to eradicate entirely all me edectv of Mercury, inHottcly aoonerthan the note |o*'<*iAil jweuorßUoo lof:haraapartlla.' ‘NaiM • fiwe&ta. Nervous Complaint* of all tdoda,'- Orcude - orlclnal proprietor of- three. Mediotnoa was corod-of piles of lUyean'ataadlsg bythe use of-these Ute Medicine* alone. Pains in llßf llead, •Sd«.Back,JolaisandOrran*. •^HrrerMinsu—Those amlrtcd with Thll'l&TlW'edUfc eate-vin be *ure of reQe( byJheldieVrdlchxia- ifKusa , of BKmd trrthc Head: Scrin - y,SalLJuheimi r kuLolllot*.- • Bcrof«la.or Kli’g’* w Kvli in It* worn forms.. Ulcersof- worms of all tlndsarc effecttrely •expelled b* tucac.Mfldtcinea, parenu will do-vellto •dralnster hiom w btunvar tli? |r.f xlelence i* auspectcd. llulief wlil-boctrtifn. •> -•/ ; THt LIFE PILLS AND PaaCSIX BITTERS ‘,l pmdfy Uie Blood! npd thns remorfl an di«cae« from the ’ 1 : iy*tem.-- ....• • r j - . Dr.lTm. ILMgCTrI,. . . ©J Brosderfiy, iCor. of AnUiooj *trect, Ntw-xork. ; ': 7. .7■ ■ 7 A; STOXA ; A)ea!et^ ; in: ; ; V:; ’ bags and jpafekv'' * *BBooth Canal Street,. /.a— i Chicago, HI, J. Tj Cartes, - j ■ R. B. Stojib..^--t|tJC tr Casn paldToriU kinds of Cotton and woolen ; R»g*. ] i ■ : : :: ■ T) UTLER.& UUJST,; M. • JLXbava row ion, band tha following ateeaxtf inlnUngi . -papars/l-t : .-.-.••in ■ • Ahd vnv reed vlifaiirre w t FAPJCfL - B,wo restnji of -wrapping' Paper, .. 1 ■ ttooteam*ManHla’-aO.— ' - .* -AA*. ! s,. UOO’reaffi* CapatnT Iveftdr; and arenm! aagrtment •l ‘ vrf'J’iiuUT's-Btatlbnery. ‘ **“ ,77; LOW km be Mather's celebrated Book and Ncxrs InX • Alt or wnicU will be sector cash at the lowest pool, Ip-'cMbpaid farßccv,£3' 1 ' T'P':T-.;A:V,. J "fX,G : ERSO.UI7 I 7 :j , Dlavc -Itooc JiAErrACiVaCT,;, ■' ■ • • BOOR ; nINpEBVANb.' it|C:h)Bß. ’ . . I am'newptepared tomatrotarture .Clmk.lsoolsiiot Ivor desar-t! on. caltd*nd.b9nnd ta any AcMk-C *at ' toroC with or wltuoutprliitcdhcsdlnei. -parllcuUr au tention *>*»« ic "rdcr» from Conatv Otllcors; Canlaw fte . BUI t '.-uef ijemds. Shipping ittJU. Alc.. Ruled • and• Brioma t » order.- ija-iarioe*. bonndinanv p.vie-. Gld boond-and re-bound. ‘ it) manor i-HoUM.Aone.IIA«;PU«I>. Ten»»ajodcrsl*.-j:- _ N0..U6 LAKA, *• • • NorHlpaelvtrucrol Clark. Centtanceo«C.lark*»t*(ri.l • - ptost Otfloo iu*s :Coalr^lo.ob, : : ; ’!. OOAIJ!—COAL!—I liave 'a-Hrpc . j - -«odk Of the following vanetlc* of w ; am prepnred tn deltver »etl ” I" htlbe LOVViIbT MAliitET iIATFS. ■ .. Lnir.p Lelirli, t -j =■ BHerHin! - -' •• Larva andfMoall Fsfl-ebisU, • >^l* _ Lsrvßfcad ■Small kuEi>cr&nion. j Bioa-bunTi j n -: , Lan-nasd small I»rv Wiamoklo. CUlPI>«Wfi :• • * semistg’: garbs. ■. vT ] •' A . IAM - ,FJt EEJX AX ,gga f : iO!L^.,!.'. , Pr*xm»CTO* Street, Coicaco ...10! s • ' i' Ho iiUzc tor tn auataKim or rnisoccwM wort -•' ' oeft’Oriy. 1 _•»»* • - i ' ' TE'UIitER - & ALRAUGIh ggS: ;V- ’DENTISTS, .‘I: 1 ’a8.::.:..-yrm-BANDOi:rn-^..CHICrACO. v •rj : 7 ! VoU Otßce Db* se». :i • • ■j. e. rptict.; » toerroy}- ’ --xfif. *f!ti:,.. 1 . ,T . * , TJLO.OIfftSGTOX • •XURSER’S t. 1J -IhUNOIBi ,- OnjafnentAl Trecs iQ,.. .large for cash.,, Apple, Ju»a ar. . tof'& year L ;Goqs. tor. at.. atfc-H-* 0 -* 5 * 1 w*Tr s iF» CU Cone. lowa, or VA«4Psfeo amid others Vwtv.Wl. I me 1.000. $5. & - faNHsi i »imss*n] ir. E. rncEsix. ; , • ■■* TJ«lb-AirH»ir And?DtpdttUro .of THAU. '■ '• ■ "Tint *£cpaHr v*f olUMlu*, «♦ Tr&u’Arrir*. •• ** east. ♦*• • * • j-* .-• iilv MICHIGAN &OUTJ2ESS?. : •;£ 7f!o;..'fiL * '!.■' .:Zooa.'oL , _.:‘ BDQA.hI -fe 7.a0; .eSJ-r-- - ■«»«..») ..3 e<wi , «i ~ “jjfr.TSpriOp’- “ :::■•? c.Ooia.m.* y n TSB CEO, FT. WAYNE AUB CHICAGO. T ..sw,.m. '■;,; - •*«».■«., . aaS|,m, ,•- . " • .8.80 p.m.- J ... -SOCTIt AKD WEST.,- ,; «Bl2i »-.~V fi-.wm.rfi.* •- • 5.50p.ip.* u :S|.Sl";'-.'r-''-sswit«- /•!«*»■- 6 c! ixroftAltrfcriiE. '« ..n„ Yf.noiiTnt; •” ;.1.0T4.>. J •«:S3;S: r.-I- -KifnuJl, ; t {-. • :» • - . I nxßon rranwjiMßttAi^ UT .'s ’ iS-inC-fli.”* 1 ,w* 9.00 a. jn. j ppfgwlr-- .n-Mdjßtti. r •} ■- i BtnnJKCT6i7 KNn-RCixcr. i.;. J BJsaljtc-7: *■”. *‘ 7.80 am..: :■■• “ '.-;B 4 3w». j • oirplm?:-* t .J I : -ALTOj?-A!fD'ST. LOCT. —* ~r ; *{ ra: “*• *X* 7^0.a;)n.'“ , .l V* -6As*m.-' t S.Ofrpi m. • --j 7.00 ntrn, -;■« &40 p,» t; . - -. i ; ojiThAxmti&i. * r. \ i.y ft *: ara-cmcAt^;¥yiQK.;: ■:■ •: . 0-45 ai ra.. ' ’ * 4£oos-=u. - . —fi.fiS-*. nu • ■Stl m.'*! S.-oort in.. -• -. .••■ u.4." a-m. : 4**:,. •• i. mr*v ' l-*£ p;m ‘ : .«i0 p. y t y - m- y •»a , Pi. l0 *.. Tlio 1 Tlnce* o/ **. Xh*e j;lw81 bf-tlie* Triuce of Wafop’lo llu*mansion of one of lb® c* Trealth : retired murclu.ut*-of*Clncinnatl—Mr. It. U. 13i»wlprj- ... _* • ’ ' > Tl>e t^chcte u Gn* ttiPiiWt time flue-; ■ invitation *rc* ?■! .tiierqsansloij.Ofc a.; J jiutve cttizrn,.T-I}d" P-i>C7;-IWiUS - -f >6ri* Rtinre Tpiy Reentry, be at" length j . Mr. K. oir? ot tlicpljlegtaiifluiost* j cnJerpr =imr-ciPlien?pf (.Hncinnsli.*.. estate coinprireß’ nbgut.yOO acxe3 (within .*] Tvcshonid inJSnjll3P4) 3>JIL .J tSc.tn7)U.qdi?Bnjhj. ! ?.J ucJijrljtod the* pyc= of'J* Cajia- 3 ‘ilW>r lUro-wnTwr unypf 1 i cutii(.4)4rs of llDs o'f.the last rtniuijv*:; T* 1 mil bowlei^s•crock’s •AN.ii'nplisr/.. ,'j if : a' r 7O/i c.'tj;C?’liill and dule !n ; 7 grinds; Rpd.t]m art,or,the land:. Weiijcinplpvcjl with c ’iali cxii'cef »n raprovjucpnd ci 11 bcli^slii ng ,the ; , t • fjrviai mitnra£ nnUrplare.p.:Tticjnan- t ! ituiir*nmqtuiiii'!{s ijrylc of architecture; t should Mippof-c bo. The owner i)Os- • •■«e«iCfcU»th l the ctajsglc,;. ,J cbuleuti 'Tbeh'onVa^derr^ne^'KflPf the.^tf.L o i I •Viffelnii^oftlic resfrienCT's^of-the-ancient JPom,-.* ••MiW. i Mr.*ftow3er By'. *, -caathie.'; Tlic sltc;3 oue, and fnmi scv-. _ ’CrrclS races around ihetuanslon splciidra amr ; M ,!<uA}:jsivc views over lovely landscapes are on-. • * •taiiajA uiic heanty t>f thc -.fqrfigrppnd bcinjjjl t ■ “ultima uoprove’di^yarf, VTjpti; ent/r nnder*a t Toliy. |)i>i{lc6.'“vrltir'nitf(VfTmc- Jhc. ; 3 .pav(-n*nl n<3nz wbUc ; ; '■ hit,; *The• vfeal)bu\\C Tb cryji.vadsontp; ;the h r Vvalb and ccHintr are roriy-eU wjth frcs»eo painty J .lng‘|*aii(lon the floorls tesael:il;cdpavcnroit_of j j 'l'dStliFJcM-Ai,oftnionled”]roiri• the. neighbor- .« ’hood ih■ (tn lh«}/|'| rlirht and P*fc aw>'uporTTajHKincni:6j 1 ijSi&tiLv liirnislipp, the*..walls; ah^d/ in; S’jido, j patTX d>y l : imrdd” ■•rfimte. 'A'•rrCiif variety^or-afticFc? of ;• 7W th«t robnis.-aWqU.a? arj. Jradnc Jiiie jjbnd entrance, ipto r thc hand-,; ~ VhidU cpcn-ihfb'th'e ; pflncipal ■ hall or-apart* ..mcDtoithc mansion. This is agrand central ' hall,i rcsicmhliag tlic atriuip. of dhc ltopuin . ~ rhas'Mli aSaUerv; tbe Twhl is admitted ;• ■frqihnbovel - The walls r-n(T celling of tuw.lino. •aiaraineiltare ftdtnintLdy pMntHtnircsro;the, • desit'i«arc ?rj>rojiriair-:mt{ daE3lc;_dherc 4s, .’ tJOtidag ihw4rV"aupUi’thcnr; the lioor,is roar Sl - utaiififiil r - The .• •jwvelueui aud Thq hnlGiinr;c<)lois constantly* A . | flciciid ddmimtVm'. • tnicrc arc fotJr-masslre j\ t -.aocH of a rich daxi: Wtitul, ••dcniirn, aid ahorccayh of tbcspyondcroUsiw-, ‘talyarc nicdaaion* fraatw efj'r.mmTmjMaitbfdl, - cowbtUif the port nits M' -d ichtrel Aii3clo f _n|c. L j MlKhib K tphael Urbino, Dante, : T|hfc'l\inillure of this tide apartment Is | s :“*j | Bovnxn’s lunch. M*.-Aieplenhid -hmch v\'nsTaid out hero. The • i-long^Mttartableahoncrcfiplendciitavithcpld, - platCJandlrich pyramids and boquetsxjf llotr- . ers im superb and'cllssic vases of-brass and cbtmv cac( of exquisite StSTCS china, gav ’.iaftifixviP beauty to the -tcmpthig teenc. - All •thoAqUcaties of Ihe-seaSonCwcfc providedJor the Hrineq and (lic-illuetrionß visitor*. The- - abides, pears and peaches, were per fect pictures. It would, perhaps, hare been inkhcpujJ with the slvle-oT had <h>> Sutertamrnept Dcen: given after, tbo. manner on the ancients; *hul Air. Tiowlcx, no doubt, reQiCtnbojcd’Jue fcsuU of lhe*classic. . ‘feSft'.d himlraWy depcribed by.-Smollett,4u* . “ iWooneli Kandom.” and thought the Prince of Wall* would nrefer the modem dejeuner d , W:‘/t#ftf/-cittf:to'rihc gonreoua though.großs - '•Chshioir-ofl liie epicures of-Uome. Great justice 1 . do the splendid 'fciVctiou, and I may ]bc‘j*Upssil to' mention-that’his royal Idghupss . /took a. particular Cmey to the delicious peach-. es. the wines the sparkling Ch : in the neighborhoodt-which is a i. most-iAquUilolv Uavorcu winf, and when well ieed.'lrr'lnjr ojJuiou, tar superior to most of . the ftl^Jui.kune'thet ofle meeU’ witlrohlhia. 'sidoiftbcAthiDtic: • •.. .* ' . towixh’iifiarcotrsiEKTs.•' ;• lunch Mr. ISowlcrßhowefl bis royftl . distin fiiiiiied. gm-sls over tho-mansion,- - • throdffCt I <- bcautlfiU t grcca.hoQsCß,.<7nc qf signed.asagroVto,-with perfomted and rowgci wails and arches <JX rock, ata-- ■; Jactifeo. ! 7 |j-: nging from the roof; a fountain 1 . the water trickling over the rock, ■■ makingtde icious music; and the rarest ferns, . ‘plautsAihlpliruJJs so dispoec'daud combined as iiojlmihite haluri; as closclras possible. Aveiy’ - bdaßltfiil e I’edt was •produced .wTieh the globe from ihc roof were lighted. A •. *a»«>«h«n ii»-p.,l!JumiltaUon h iievcr behold, t tho llghl-njum the rocks tmdfbe H vcjt4tUaiTp)f diage of the iVms, profusely adorn- Tod willviJ uildinir, brilliant gemSj the deep '' 1 lie mtuiy A-ariMii-6 of idanfs and V ilcliciotrs sound Of wutor-rall these * ,:i .loomblniui to form.a «peeiadoCtliat wiU-long -1 ’ 4 lovely,vjsipn in-tlw^hemorydfihc’ I ••.Friuecwljiis niuhdoas companions.- . ’o j-jin-Bowler etijovcd Uie*pleasure and dlstiu : us he himself s:dd,-ot entertain ,l * uvt?sr-tipwurdi of Iwy honrs, liie future Kkig • of finghind benrath.bis hosjifcqblc roof; and it *. ssllllo tliit’ the.recollection of the i- c.visUr -wUlj« verlade ;from-1 hc‘tnbmoiy of th 6 r. . 1 :om that of tlic merchant prince of* ;.; • - _ ’ 1 ‘ rjjngin id and Ireland in •ItaJy. t r ’ •’ fcllow-cltizcus owe the Pope .and L .'iifi Li iiiJhopi a “debt for the ;■ : ottaCnde iut > which they have seduced the Irish * •■* -pwplßoht ic great colemporary question-of r Italy. •. )’ r * . ‘ t- ->TftanUs ;< • thcstolid obstinacy ofthcßdman e iftui t«thc*rceklesSoifVmlmi6Vfcl>rtf-* s scutatiobs < f his klcritfcUy, the Irish name will c gu down to ;>o-toriiy,clh'gpu;ed'W;th the double, U tt erccnary nttempt to win fame and ' t casU-ctthe .‘XpcnscOf listhanllrotdom,add 6T k» iaiipiomtD oils failure in that attempt. The h* aaruly know which most to des j. pUe, theyod ous spectacle of Irisduimiombark -- mgincalts of green ;utd silver to do the dirty *• J 3*3Tk:WrH' ranuv repndioted even by the hire ' yuVaTof- S'wit ierland. dr the pitiful spectaclti of •: •:thu , b«3ie.lri6iiuivu surrcadcfrfig*wiih , 'jlcftreciy* IC - thuie first shock 1 cagainttme; iudignaul. de&n’ders of the Italian '-eoil. J - K a l* Judw calubliehed ‘ beyond a perad *, ’ yenttntij'tiiit the ** Legion of ser l , alrick r ’ In ’the-^mainias,.richly merited the compliment: ■ ;; 'ttddfcssetrth another famous body of volun- thciu^elvcsindeed “soldiers vlapcaoevinjwar citizens.”. They.xohhed.the n- . wajijWdtJJon'yi;cir drew their'wea *,.* comntdes in* their l&rracks, pro *’ voked their <^ouull!lndcritlto , tn&tla£~tbem 0, like so moiiy refractory Arabs, and then when in- - they came Within reach ofthe : 1 '.djpl,* threw down their arms' and rf hcggel wr duitrter, whleb was granted to them m '.fetitfqhwDfeT - • —»—>• JJ, ‘■'■■‘An Uddi>wi9 had enough, and. not..cwUy to Si -b« the countrymen of Sarsficld, who SkT. VltinomwiLa France, hut how much- more •- •’pfltojftnh'»dbC6 the lesson booome When the •nfj of faamortcicrC is'coutrastcd C: ;J»UhtinAotidueloi’ XlifiFugli»hol'Liaribaldll $• -Itelmnqt be pleasant fpr the tuori.QTlU od P r. or the figure cot by bis brolbcj uj* • ■ Cidtaafiiiadid-'Fidardd; bnt UdWftr ha’ tO Crf ** Uh>- rWal -speelaeic of- tht i^bcyviuumo?... ... : ..jsKnghcnd sent her voluntcgrs to Italy as wel • * •dS irQabtft '■ 'lhord 'were 'no ’ prically'benedle •’.Uqm t Mopounted, no invocariois' ‘of his tor] ntterodover Urn.. were aver-thi ?£i >; btlrcL' 'Ttiu Eugijßhuy.'ii.went to Itnly.undc tT* iltTe,bia/)f IlislioTufciis.uijd'ih thctecib of tin od'! 'thunders® ft be Vatican." Tticlrishmen ilyiw ***■' ‘tliiiaisdv& UruKuiurs,and-par*dcd-thekey*-o rt> .fiLFcierion;tbclU'fWVCttJtauttcn,.Jiusllii 1- went to help an and out 25 'Vjgld pcqfdb ln*Qie‘ gfeat’A'nhagcajdn DC j.ertjM and whtu tltv'iimc Of''battle dimd7thc; j- ’ J -Ptood’ to-their work., like', mcniand-wou th *■ ofthe first living.spjdicm ofifeic pc. popular hero, not of one race Only ■W I * hnt-of kU free longut-i uipl free r® 0 ! w'irid’^Jdr-i Perhaps it'i* .npXTJtoljy . liabletotliq Irieb “martyrs of Casicl-Fidai ■ do.’MhW'lhpy {jrefufrcdßUtrtnderObTlicllel ’/! eampof-thcrit • i.torioasiltaEaa.anuy,lobbying their.foiian mh'i’ • I a the name of the Churcji, Tc / "nuakindiJayc ad blftirndttT prejudice in lavo oact. .of'pfqckj bhd as °°! - ' ffib temper xdi.Diogenes,-. but,oa- lb '.beniD%ry,si»a.vcJ)cyji jalhi'T lor w -forihe yccenl value they nut on the goo ;| ■ o£sl])p:pj; : *helr fellow-mortalß'll-ft ioT 'diupeti that the-elory S,'. Ihc altogether thrown away upon tbotD.-. Ti Hf “ ToolfpiiheU :of a Mitchell,-and the* blundei 103 of a Smith o’Brieo?arc*trifil».doab!*foreivc ■ ahoUri ork.- -Vnmir-TnriifoVTnooaond dish op or afc the Jqpe • ;* their Koman campaign.—A. f oki iglmei.A«l : ' ' ■ ~ ’ 5 ‘'..ViosifCTED or MunoEß.-ilr. .M- ’ the murder of 2d of July tt k- i;brtdJ«fcaacltson County, iX I 'ofl'k-cJiMidelof rcauo, and Jufij 'M' on*, tengthyj.-stc t&Z idtolvfcjfqc Jbji- ««* rte«S«VBiJ with tut-erolet of guilty of mi rr, der.Wones&oro Gazette. i VAH KOBMAjM; INSTITUTE.. .• /VTBEKV AIIO EHOLISH ; BCTARbIHUCCHOOI ’ lv.: j . FOR YOUNG- - LADIES.., _ - Man*7 . - tUIL two doors from FifthAmw; N>w:Torlc.'Cost'.n- . r umn#c#rihMfiliheliaep bait of Jano,andrcce4vc« : i poßHß'nany tine. The ! arc School: ana’warmed bv hot w*wr.-*wltha i parc, - -Mimctor-llke «dr-U in the Llghe»t and mbit beautiful . pattrof the daily coanto of education. receive* u.e ailcntlaawhleb It; « - importance‘demands.* The entireab«mccpflow*nfl depraving' incentive* to >? ‘ 1 callnV*tbe. pen-’adlne • ipirlt of ♦ pleasant'hem* t;e, «nfl thoroughness In . 'lZfetheechooL '• • ”. -/ • , ' 1. J -French Umolxi employed «r.Freneh,-Italian, Gem*;*, JPlano Forte' Harp, and. other hccoirolltomanv. iU. 'TVltotnliftvc. or hare-had, daugntera hi bis school, the_ •principal refers to: ’-■He* Robert Baird, D. J -.K. T.; Her. Gardiner Sprine IVD K Y-llcv Au HeV.Jonl liSe?D. D. K. Y.; H VlEdwta F. HtlQeld, D. D- K. i> -v vf Rct.<hB.f v.j. t’ i d. Prcst, ttard College; OiringyinLujit, \fz Cbcaco • Rev, :l, O. KUChcll R .JSjTTorffiwillo tenil.D.TilcColl, t t. - XorfliHlnformation ice Circular, whichmaybeob-.. aSSMi*. i£iiw'.¥»to<e*i.- ; • • Elegantly lUastratcd .Editloii‘ of ■ ; ■ ‘ ttlAFlranandreflOrtllhal Drawing - PALLET, *' , Thia bearitifnl' edition of Works » Ffbmarr l-t, 18W. and will be completed In TUlny-two Months from that d l ?, t , n *. VJ olalc .hs^i togjtnovel complete. being- published pit t£ch,m6nlh. The volnmea are.ltlebxaud Wh«tog/and each contains Two Steel,- aod-Tweive- Sketches on' Wood,. derienod byDarter.. expcesslv .for thl*- edition, and cngravedby thq Firat _ATtlata <n thC. Country ’ . . * ' 1 ~ THE:ffiBIE3 EMBRACES:' mtePloaeePA .-• ’ • .'-- . - -Rod-Rotor:' • 'Che Pathflodej-, Lastof theMohlcaU; - * TheSpyi • . , .. peCKalobcartfr,. . . • .W4?' S - »TheHenHsman, ’ 7, hr ?££ l !* I VY'..tTw' . . TlutPrafrie. . Mtrcedfs of OstlTei l. - ™e£«icr. - v -- ■ The fteaXloin. - * TheHeWenmaaer, . . • TheWntcrWitch.'.. ‘ Afloat«bd.Aahore, • ' Jlomcwaxd Bound,'- • The MonlLins, ... . The V*ara.oi the Honr. . Satinstoe, • • -Pfccanaon^ Tic flrlt iwentr-’two Voliune* arcl««aed In the-abore _ order; the remiJKaar will follow the #»wj ,iutni*J> anariy:B»-po“»lbie. As a National Enterprise, • the pabUrattna of ihli'edltion exceed.sboth In jaacnl 'tuQe andilmportance. anything of the kind before «n* dennken-ln theconmry. Cooper ha* been jn«U' «tTlea •:Tlic Giteat Amcrl«m UoTell*u":Bnd the Poblthera. . believe thev have not jnUtaken the tasu» oT hi? conn iiryaen iS offering them this complete and clcgant edl- Hioa-of-bte werka. - Pobllshto by enb»crlmlon.-at *WI per vtilulne. “Di*. volumes obtained of »y, ». ■ KKtS. anl S. Or CRIRGS * CO- Chicago and -from . ;Book«5ll«n» to all the principal clUea. of tlie nnbll?he« wLUfthd;tliea»-by mall,-poetaie prepaid, for thM each. i• ’ I ijATRLZYTS COOPERTIGKETTM. ‘ • At the minrß'UDn.of nnmeroaiAriists and Amnlears thePnblUhLTßhave taken a llmUed nnmber of-Ar* tin Prooft before letter,” of eHchofihebeaatllnrSteel -Vignettes engraved from Bvlcye Ucrfgnsfor the New •IMurtratcU Edition of Cooper’# Work*. ‘l-heaftthey are ' about in folios, eich-rontalnlng elzht prooft, and each proolnecompanlcd a-ltii A of Irtter-pn^. 'descrlptUie 6f tto picture.' The prooe are being -print. ( ; ed-wH*»tiieutmoneare,on TqdfA the. 4 .finest French Tlnte Paper. Each frllo will be:la a co%* t er of hlchlv ornamental dotlgn,minted to Rut -3 lOne, Twoj Three and-t'onrarcAow-refjdytor Snb-crl. berrs-nndi the remainhi? Four wlft’fbuqw In a few mblitlisJ Price to Subscriber*—three dollars per folio. As the proof* are limited to a-amal! number, <only ,W0 'lmprewloisfrom each plate) after which the Plato* ffe louired, ap thavne pioro cm be taken, no snbscnption k.V: ■ • DUPRAT’S POLISH; AND *: . , Frenth Blaok Yaruisli. .. ' i PATENTED APBIUDth, ISSO.. . *. ThLi»nperlorVarfil?h he#beeffapprovedbythechew* Ist* of-WaiiliJctoQ as being the beet article of the end ! over Invented for varnishing Boota, Xtarneaa. UlUtaix. -Aeeontremcms'Ac-giving them a beautiful luaye .witbdot Injurlne the-leather In-thelean; but. on die j contrarr, die oily anb'tance of whloli tlie Ytirnwh is 4: mmpired |emliT» It pliable and soft. Boots. a - Aciuifter being varnUhcd canbe waahcdto water with, * put Injury fr> the lustre- -It can ahw be liamUrd without 1 • Killing the bands. TliU Vanil>h Is also £ood for MeUU. 1 !•• t-Brxas InnuTla, Ac.' One application maklnclhem a , j-buantifnl b|»ok uttfl giving thrm L f-cnir.g tbem also from run. It 1* In valnable for locks.. T'door-bMttons. Ac. The VamUh drie» In lefstiian three ; minute-, therefore preventing the dnn from aceawnla. , * ting wish 1U It cm» also be used by m*onfactnrcr*of umbrellas jcaucs thrues of wood, At, a* !t the clfl of gmrtc the wood a permanent black and Jnsire , atthesameilnic. - ThUvarnUbls never tUcky, even in the waniiest clbnate. It -can -also be employed to ad ■ vantage for the imOft ofhorsca. giving llicm. a beantl-. • ful pplUh. and preventing the mnd from fastening to. "totnehooti _ . ... • flf~ Hold br Rnigciva and Dealer* everywhere. • tsirscna for dreutort to Pcalera,. CT“ Principal Denot6l2 Broadway, (opposite 8L Elcholas Hotel) B. T. . . : «COSTAK’S” ' ; VERMIN EITERUnNATORS Th» Only Infalliblaß«njedie>Known., . ;; desthotb xnbtawti.t. Every Form sad Spedes of I *_* .* ~ ■ _ ■; l Those rem«r|cabl« preparations (nnllkn all others): are “ Free from Polaoas.” • ■ - • , “Not dangerous to the bn nan fttanr."- “lUucoi^eout of toelrljolejtodle,7 ; :: ... i • •* ■ i’ 19 years and more established in Eew Tsrk City USED BY—tieCity PoitOOce, *'‘‘(TBED Dr—toe diyPpUoaiandStaiohnQaseA * USED ur-<jlty Steamer*,fiWpi, 4c, 1 USED BT—the CkylioopUalA J •USED.BT-rthc Cilylletcls—‘Astor*—*St.Klcholaa,*&c. 3 USED BT—lhcßoardln*lloa*M,£t* Ac. JSED BT—aorc.lhaa^bSrkTateFamilies. - • ashamed of tbe hooaa. lor the Boichctwbtb every where. I purchased a box of your Exterminator‘and tried 1L and ila one sdeek there wa* not a Roach or monte In the boose. JOHN D. GIVENS, fr- ! -*» ' "•jfo.JMEIW Street . HOUSEKEEPER S—troubled with vermin, need bew nolniigVrJr tl»ey u#e **CiwUrExtermhialor*, i We have, used Uto ounaatlfDctlon. and. if,a box ce* • as, wo wonhlliavelL We have tried polaons, bnt Uiey effected uotWnet--finf Onstar’a-'amclo knocks'thn breafft om ofltits Mice. ami. Bed-Duga.-quicker than we can write It. It 1* In great > Grette. ' ' - , ■ MORF. and* pfOvlffons are destroyed as * nmuirlnu wat C'onrftv by vferraln. than would fay fm . ton* «f thiaßM aad-las«ct KUlec.—lLancaaier (WlsJ r • • Herald. ; ■ -. '■ -,.••• - ‘ --'YHA.VE BEEN-SELlJNG'yonrExtermtoatoT* •, i for the I**l yewr, and have, found It a sure ehotevery . time. I have put known Uto tilllnaelnclelnsiancd.'' GEORGE ROBE. Druggist, Cardington, O. ' TO ' _ *-* > •• Aioiei . .. ‘TODESTROY—Bed-Bug*.* */.! "*"\ **** ! *t> , 1 TO DEBtBOt-Jdoeqnltoe*.' ' i •- : ' 1 TO DESTEOT—lnsects or Plants or Fowls, i TO DESTROY—lnsects on AnlmaK. Ac-Ac. z *. I ' * , .USBOXLT 4: !»<,Ro*cV&c4 ’ ' •*CO : BTAEB' , :Bad-Bog Exterminator. a ' ‘COSTARS” Electric Powder for IcsEclt, Ac. r ; i/ - r. .. m^laad-lt Boxes. Bptlleaandilaaka. ti and . o BUeslWPlanU^ons, SWps,Boats,Hotels, Ac. - f • , Cff“SoldEverywksre-*y'• ... - e- AR Wholesale Drnggtws In largo cities. j. - la. ;Kj Y. -rity. , iIT 'FdfalefftilnßretherS’&Co. *: kltehin.’' Pahdatook, HnUA-COi - -Bnah. Otfe A RobtnsOß. - > fi A. B.& n. Sand* A Co,, : M. Ward, Co. • i% -Wheeler Allan. , , McKWon A Cobbles. , c* Uaceman * Co. • * * 'D. R. Rarneb A Co. y • 'llHC'Knckel* O. *•' • • F.‘C.Well»* Co.« • Thom** A Fe11er,...,,. ~ Lazelle; Harsh A Gardner.' iL P.nTOriia," * 11811,01x004 Cr Peafald. Parker 4 M6wer. Tripp A Co. • JC Dudley A Stafford. Conrad Fox. “ And.othera, tc ... Philadelphia,' Pa; • ; I L. -TrW.DroUA Sdas; 1 *" .‘l ItobCComaker Aci 5- BA. r abnestoCk A Co.' | Freadi, Richards' A Co. k. : . ****»<&■". ■■■•' .V---i ■>. .. iv . , - TBostoh HAsi. 1 V, oee.C. Ooodwih ACa,. .I - “iWecks'A Pottos. ue, S. Burr A Cd. ' .. '|; ' Jno. Wilson, Jr, t ; ** i\ Andothsn, -• »• “ t4.’ ■’ •. S CWICACO, ILL'! m . • ••• *■•••• Uo. . .«'• V ....... [£.' cr Bold at Wbolts&le— . < b*d ' • 1 top - J* If* ICEED £{• COm hoi • i ... i 1 44, Bl 1-&6 T.ftTCB, BTmiZIT, ' twit, xt: ; T i i ' **•'** smTa, Vwj ,T' j. l - - 1 ' ■ ' : Z: .F- rraiEn a ch. k jS' o* JStuakl^/STBjSBT,'. TVt.ll.n!3-,Li i.®®. aty and Country. •_ py? teadlur CircnltriO'DcalertJtO"- - - 4si";;rv 1Ur ’ ■jtrrtii jSxcftanag., r. 5. R-:,CAEm, oo>. Martne Bjmlf Bpiltfog, *v 7: cca^Gte&DEPpslT'PkjTE: J.EPE HTE S TJAB 8. & C_b.. “ (Successor to "Wcartv CoO' Ccdjo* iiapidej •* •; ■'";: CIKEN:-*''NORTON,:. ;•:" I ■■: ■>-1 BANKERS AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE,- Ccjmcr of Lafcejtnd.ClftrKJStrEC**, >Qcc|lont made In air th eTfflactpdrbWW tn tffS H. S. K.'xiE*** • /. d. wmrnw: * . jfTiTtttsf^raa:'.; ;; r-. • . IJiY.iti -■' If AESHALX GQTJXYY- IBAXEV U ;, -. lacok, ■ D. ( tt«sb, (SuMer. W. P. EAIMEE, Pretfc Colli rUom mad. In Uamball nnil ndjolnlm: cornitl.-*, id pr ireeda remitted promptly on day of payment. mylS t6m .. ~, - ~ • j 71 W. JV TJNEHAM .&: CO., iHj Having relumed to thrtfbhi spftd. ‘ CO INER OF LAKE AVD-CLATtk •; Wmeftntttae-tfrftrbnflneg «' 'll' ** * ktrimA AND EXCHIJfeB DKALEK6. ■ Exchange bn all pirti oCEurope. ~ >#l*: I. TIKKHAM. L&aysej t • - JOBJC. - AIIBL»X. -i IfiiRINE BANEr, ; : “ tX nncAco-MABcnE.JVSDE!?nBJe{CECo.. Capital; $/foo,ooo. b.f. tin ollectlons made and draTUremitted toalltfcris t the \ plon. □TCFFMANK & : : GELPCKE, : BANKERS, : HZCA3O) . •r* • V>-> TLTiTKOis^ 44 and 40 La Salle Street; - - . ] IANKSNG DCPA WnENTi iVpcs ts recdred a n Current Account* -from “Jariirs. rclty >rconntrr~and'.t«te‘ns>oal accommodations• rooted torsrular depositors and-correspondcntt;' *. Itotere t f*a balances can only, bo allowed in case*. lierer eelalagreeinenlahavebeeirmadetothateffeet; Van :clve denorita. payable at a specified date, on blob li terest will bo allowed, • * f f . siWi?G tf^lßraESTi Deposits in sums norlfiM 1M ( htVßWlftSr received ad Certificates of Jntf/c|t atdx per irVf me. A I certificates made payable on demand, and in Itefan: s.asdeposited. r| ( CO LIECttON bfeAiltjinNT. OMleci on* J-i Chicago made and proceeds remitted n davc pavmcßt,lc*« current premium on Exchange • nly. Co lectl-jnsaollcHed <jn all parts of the .west, and* roceodi remlllcd on CtybraWe terms., • 4 V. DOM JSIIC EXCHANGE DEPAUT*» MENT. tvp dn wSight/>rTlmbßlU* oa lfie rprihclpal-eUles f the Tit lon. available in any-part of the United FJmtc* r Canad 1, add hare mtdc arrantembaWby which wo re, enab cd ia order, by-Teierraph the payment of: ot<w,Ai cepunccs, Accootftt.4c M ln>ewiork. »- • ; STOCK DEPARTMENT. We bn) and sell on Con\n>lsdon, cither at Cblc/uto or iroijgh t «cArchie. abNew Tort, State, City. Countr, atlwav. t<».. ponds imd Stook; Our connections In • ewVbr : arcsuch SB loiasnre prompt andjudldous Itention o-any order fntrosted to our care.. : / F >REICN DEPAHTIIIENy.. .1 1 Ocrbn- eonaeetlbn witli Kampr.Wng DIKECX., KRT E iXRJiSIVEiand MOST- INTIMATE,, we feel ife in 9 .urine- tho forcfcm Badklntc wnsartl- iscnnbe clTectol tbrongh .our House whb roniptuc s’and elflraev. eqnsfttvanv Imapa id the. 'ninn. ' rolsane Drafts andlettirs of Credlt-ln enms mult at \*ew York terms, on onr correspondents in ondon, I iris. Frankfort-on-the-Maln, Uambnrm* Per. n. Urcme i. Leipzig, Cologne. Heidelberg, BailCvßsfnf. tesden. i :c.k«t,'4cu&ctr. ' ‘-1 1/ Being 0 rucnUrlr devirons ol pnmotlnsr direct eom«T icrclal In crconrse between the West and Europe, w* lieerfullv snd on terms most par colar fac lltiee by opening Ac* td r>«i*on. ble Wes erh Importers, - CoUectkms ; or-PraftS;Or,, ert>. Note . Acceptnncc.«,Tnherl{Abrf>, 2cc..Ac« panu. lelnany hurope, made-wlib promptness add Upnteh. -»• i—“ t '- - ’ •• * j2T“Coa nryTJanja and Bankers soppllod* wlth-Forrr IgpBills: egotlatedabroad. •• H( rrgrArr gd am^pcsn, also* A. sorniid. 1 otto cKLPac«.<-aux g. «ni.rt. ’onsnl ot tho: Grand Dhchw'of-Saxe-Weimar, tho (Qchlcs o BnmsKick and S:t»c»GoOta,“and'the free. Ity of Fra iVforu and bv special act of several ?tales, mbcftlred to aet for jormer dtltena of AUSTRIA,' lADEN. B WATTIA, HANOVER.-UESSIA.-NASSAU; RUSSIA, SAXOKT, WIRTEMBEKG, OLDENBERQ. :C. .. • JaWdawly^ •• "glgicg; ’' fit! 1 YE E tfc -FORSI TU, VJ ' iUOafactaiics*Company vC AXE S v - FIRS & : BURGLAR fROOF 1 se a. : JV^V rarehoose Track*,Basc®S«E?r;\ 1 " rows, Bosir.yUl»,ic, t •. " . A. tt. SPENCER, Agent, 0c27-d3SM n. . -183 South Water St, Cblcaso, go e-; impro red Standard so . k-Xi isi is, 1 Thcyar 1 made only at Brandon. Vermont by ' : rOHH HQ WJE;- Jr.; '.ana'. SXEOHQ ,& ;EO3S,, . ’ THE INVENTOR^, And all o hers represented as Howe's* are mere I dilations, of which purchaser* - ; .. should bewaro. • • • • They are c :lremely simple In contraction, are rondo oCGie veryl cat materials, by experienced gent workro n,' ttndef th'd supervision of the Inviratort, They are n adfl of alffelrcrand rapacities, adapted to all the reqnl ed osca, embracing more than a bondrod different mo IflcatlonsJ *. * . ti . 4i '.r - They are n sde to j'et'wltipnt a pit which* ina prai rie country. i very - They are n sde wluiout lateral stay rods—tlis^bock when load* a *e placed upon the plstform.-trc Drcycnt edfromwea inguponUieknlfdcfceabythcintrodac. tibn'of clitlU llron balls, wbjch yary la nnmber.And ilietroia foe • to fifty, according to tha capacity of tbs scale. ... i •There are 1 o steel places .rcalins opon toTlfa.edgos y wearing against each- .other; aa la oil ather scales, bat the knlfe.jejlfie .and <tbe'bearing! thepeoh rem in. perfectly. Quiet, thereby preranUaj anyfricUon, ■*, . r. >. - • •' These Seal strtU weigh with exactness when out o levcVas cap e seen laScalosaet-op in ear warehouse' this Is tiie du ; other Seales ever-yct made.—* '. Thcvhafc aken first premlozat wUcrererfcxhlbUed and what’ls c r great proctical velue,' tlreysrerrowbe ing Intrpdactd in place of the manufacture* of dli I They arc Mly'wamnWd 'not only serbnj and aKb rate, bat darsbla, and themanafactarers who art jler . manenUy estib’.lshed and fully responsible will alway be prompt topake this warranty good. . . They pot up Or -taken-down- by -pbtuhiafer withoutthq assistance of* mechanic,' byprttlod 1c 'stmcUpns.aocompanylcg each scale, and can const ’qnenlly be.fqrnlshod at a lower price than Scale* th* . require a competent mechanic to pot thbiu np. ' v '" 1 They have taken' • 3Tt its T ; ;P;BEM rxj-jd:;s !. , WUbli| the psit Bnnraerand Fall *t ; tlhsf : " " .TECiWNTSTATRFAIB. - • . 5 , ; . - * ' J <£bur rates in onooesaton.) - - CHICAGO M ICHANTCf**INSTITUTE. * ■ rr} " They are Co ieap t Coavcnieat,: Stroag. 'Acffarotß,'" ; ! and Durable. BEqm E \O'PIT,|;NO. CBttCS; E(fl)S.. J-7 . ,;;; weigh when 4>ut of level, - ■ •■And - comma r: l themselves to the common sense* of* . ayiry ( iaceming man in the community. ......r ~1 • .*•••. ,—i* . ..*,h . 1 '* * . Foe sal£ ■by... THOJ £ Si biCKERSON,; ' XT T!I» ' Tin. Tlat 9 and. INletal - Wareh,otaso, 49 [Bt rch’a Iron Building, CldcagoJ ’ ‘oclfidSSl.ln: jjitci qo.ce’.s; •, 'Jfea»r;:;v ■ S&xles I-j |j i ! . • jiantpactured by M ';; ADAH 4 * HITCHCOCK, vl 38 s.c*ujtii-sr., , cuicag:o, ’ Allilada ot Scales-ITepalrtfi. 17 ‘ltr v jt&fc * F - ; ’ip : KS' ■" 1 , ‘is cj £1 Hsr 1 ■ ' FalrblinJtb ft Greenlcaf, , ; . ■■.aXaltektreetj Chicago. ~ ' * ! .TTOmi’S - ■^2r r - ■ n ARD BCALKS. > ’ ■’ - •• 'lppj ;;’:';3SQg. : ‘s. dicseksox, | ' N0.43 Wabash Avenne.Chic4sa,m - \ - Weigh out of Level- ‘No Check ‘ I .Rods. All.ieicUaorrccriTod on•‘WT7. ug/f-. ... : yprauy, .. w .w .« - ; ;; pQUNS ! !-*GUNS!! !- . \JC GnaA hwr*t.- L. ■’ '■■■• en *a Shkrue'si ajiftevery variety of lie* V w • volver- Bowie Knlvea, Teuts-.Hcks. • ©hovels. <rHlcs. ruanket^.and , all kind* of mlief w tool*} powder. Shot. Capß.tndamniauUloanencr*ny.-.Aeentrw-i ; ‘fcrSt. Will* Shot.. Sole A cent forllM. .., . . *e>Ta Bowdcr.r g&Q/T. Allttsrk apTjr . . ;CTJI{ED ■ bird Till. Tro" L%onlll:,AU mfafx. .. used, both In cfroiirucUon and mate- .r 7 ■ rlaL Docs net conftannv prevs on the rupture, and ' thereby give atcall for a TrmU fhrllft'. like mon trusses • ■ -la utri'bot in four places brloglng the parts uv: • aether, dries nature »• «(bnce to cum whichU docs in nearly all ff s e**. Docs nut UPON THE CUKD, 'or<n>«tructrirpuUUoa:toever-Mtla'ur corodes-and lit alwavr clea* pew.-.. Tooug persona and recent caaes*lwA»iifhrid,_ pay. It-Is tlie ONLY ‘PniLOSOPHI IX USE.. None bift those •* 'who bare siffbffd.wtthi.the mUcry of rupture • ran* anpredat' the value oftlie'‘lUggsTraw. - * An lUustmad n*’iphlet. containing all particular*, sent free to any oai by addre?4nc I. B. SEELEY, ■ Exclusive and SeloAcentfor-tM Western States; Office 1M rystOfflco-bo^ 4^ss, Chioago, : uleeuppHed" at New Tort prices; ’ ■ h-: >.<•■!■ » ; •;>■." ■•lyyffl4y - ‘ !t .. b. eeatt:-tfc .’co.;absC. "■ ■ " oysters x . FROM BALTOIOnE AND BAT. ' CS” -" 7, - I Baridblpli Sfr.eet - - - US; ;’OrdcnXroropetodn^' ( prpropOfattende^io, ’/ 1 tNntetrtAßS, tasteftinj ; fg«t : \ij) ! 4i VJ THE TRIBUNE OFFICE. 61 So. Clark street. ■c g :omirtlsbion ! - ifflcrcftarlte.' n Ad vascesrsta-nrus i WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. •• ..:J AND BILLS OF LADING. , ::: •..benj, f. opiypr & co* ' '*ol S&-Iy Commission Merchants.No.lß2Mßy;t> 1 ! i ’ ;r F Merchant*,. J_S GontJ>V»terStreet BUUarxV Block. (ftlcaga. * « U P RILLTItD. J’w, W. VITCUELL. 18. M. MITCHItL. .* “* jjm . . wardbacket,’; r v ■ Cpmmiisioo JleKliaDtt. • 11. I/NO, 1£ M South- Water street between -Olujaad Ifew f- ~ r-.l' Boarder Trade jfulidtacg.Chicago.lD.:. r ••.. N i Rcrta ro Merchant*’ Saving* Loan-end Trust Co., -Cm* •- 1 capo; -irJtlu Pollard * Co„ Chicago: Parker HsadJ>-T. A EM., f leldcr. New York; A, Whitney * Son4,Phpadel. V J. pbU;j. y.ypwlerfc Orlcuai.. r j - LAND & ■ iIiXERj.; :f • :••. ;.'jj Fqc cers andCpmmisdon Merchants.: 'O’aposl e'in»hl=*d.Cantral rfciibtf>enol,footof Soothe ■ • ~ strict;Chicago,lll,, * \- ‘ Would arlte atttorion to.'thclr new packing Hons* J* and St( re. and from the opening of Vie PecklngEeaaon - will ha e constantly on hand a foil snpply of • ‘‘ ~ JEEF, POBK, LAUD, Ac. '• -i T And it ?lr pRESfTCM SUGAR CORED HaMS. - Or/ I ’ . po q5/& Norton;; i ; •;.! ; ■ S to an 3 CbmmlaiTon I. ~i FircPr of on ISfarkclFtreetl between Lake ‘I J aadna'ndolpbatreeU.CMrairo.lll.' - • • bend advance*madeon-ConqigoTnepta. - •;.[•■ aatfPCL i.torp.’ [aoirro-lrl su-Hmixi-ajurrcA j BA DIE & SEYMOUR;" :; •_• - {• \ pnonoc-K .<\n ckwrat* : C 03.: IMISSIOZST MERCHANTS, j , Tot the sale and purchase of.j Flour, Grain. Gras Seeit, £roVuioQB r Eldei, :: - :r -&c - -.t‘ : OGc' 15« South Water-«t.Fcmieroy’»'Bu)ldlnza.' I': dJ-U/n. aiijk, r. . v> ■ ;-T t n.;gaTMOCTt i •poet OCfe Draper 28&.Uh(na£0. ,* . • bcral advance* made on Coealsnrpents. • ■", Riven rrc«?r—StoresADricWocham&Ov:Wut,*iar» 1 '• tla,Oen rai Vrelrht AgontC. R.A 0.-R, • • ,i ; T,H.S iYMOUß;lateA4siGen:F?tAe , tC:n.4Q.lUl.i / i I>. I AILIE, late oftlrn of Jno. Gilbert £ Co. *f anls-cgu An. ; ‘ ; f G«i oral Commission Slcrcliaiits, “ --- 'Hd'SOT TH- WATEa STBEETr CHICAGO/ILL. } : jiMca L oi-na. •-. mtibn. rtrmc. ■ J: * j : .jcmssrox ntncnAHTS. ■ ;.j " fc Parson I attention eh'CQ to aAlejpf Groin, Floor and f* Country *rodaco genenurT, 'nnslness exelnalirely con- [ j mliwlon. Artvanrcamndeon Conalgnmcnts. • • - v f 1 %Q.T0 sootb Watcret. Chicago. P.D..80x2959. it s. fra aa» ; .[ana<9sl-.tnrl • .♦■ c. ar-irra.. * , .ioX; RjOBD- A eq., •. : ; v -i • • Wbolcaala Dealer* la - I" .'’ t* I j'-icsr* > C SOCEEIES AiTD PISH. j ( And C anckxl Mcreliaatij' p ■ In .10 Rivef.Sirooij Cliicago, Hi. r, . nojuce r. ms. cats. aoss. " fc k. iro'iitwl: ’ -ap77-c2£4.iy.. . y 1 :•. '* CSKA ■\U: C< MMISSIqK-MBBCnASTfl'.M'ir, . .. ' Fdrthe pnrciiastandaalt of. ..>. ••* GBiiS, : LOIE, PBODtCE i MEBCUAXDISE,. 7 • •No.‘l iiai lee’s Dolldlar. . corner of Wells and Spntb' i AVater«trdvU, Chicago, IlUnoU. -Liberal advaacet made- - oacowlKi menu., ... l>' . •” -j - .r,.T.cuA tanLiry.. •fdclsffii. . n.w.Kmtocß. •__ ; Q!uL TO •BROTHERS,;; 1800 ; 1 ~ commission MercfcanSs, ‘i’..'. :tNO S BXGCK. ‘ l ‘ v Corners mtb’w’aterßrTd Clark Streets; Chicago,' Ad*' I . ranceaiua laiodsoiulgnnienj*.. o ■«. •••'• * •• - ~-1 •• I s.V.OKr q./i. ■ •» * a<<nu»ns.. •• rIpCRpIN - . LAKE ;A-:;C0. - , ; ; .1 . coNji^sioNmerchants* :r/:--... ■ jr<u IS2 l-3,Soutli.AValer St.j ■ . T.a.TCRJ cr. WELL* LIKE, D.J.UU'* - :: tiygeoj ; ISsIYRIGUT & STiERMAK, ' >. .‘.TEOD ice • 1.-' -pEaLsas ta . . Erory x ascription of Conniry £rodoc« <-*] . ' on Cbmnilssloa Exclqsivoljr. • -.* ■{ \ -20 arid,2s.. .Xik.iixi Sttiect.!...v CHICAGO. . -I- ; ■ : 3COTT .STEWART,:'. I;' ’Prod ice Commission SXercliant, N0,.l no ABD OF-TBADEIJUILDL3rGff \] • ■ .. r. i cmcaoo,Tuixoiß. .f. - • -QCIdMO-lj - • .- • - I .; : [XxrKUjEJicmrov . . T.T . EXCLUSIVE COMMISSION SfEBCHA3T»B. - j* . 184 Sou U \Vntcr Street, ‘Chicago, ill*' | --■ Cub sdYn ices made.on WU« of. Ladlne, Property In i 1 Sto,rc, ftnd o j Stdpments to oar MendaEast and SoaUt'.-r 1 J, O. MRLLK3L J. J. SCDO.• j • r_-. • -. • -apyeoiy - - j . ■yxd; :rwood &. '.: : CCSMNI ISSIOKi . 152 iontli Water St*, Chicago,'- . MORSECO.,!y * Frodo ce Commission Itleccluiijti, *’ •• tss .south water street . * AJldn'* Bnlldlne.CMcagq. - . 'BqgneMCi nfloedatrictlytoCommlaaioa.-. CJyy-ITHIo . ■ •'YY’ATsbx v. coe & co;; - —■ cokmissioh hbsosA'hS:* i,. ; “■■■'* " For the purchase an4*al<j ©|" . ' [ i t*OnK,IXOUU, I'--' ‘ Ko. 1 IRs - Sonth Watefßtree*, Chicago. . • r. coc. wm. n. rice, a u Cst>«awooa* * - ; . • deaa-iy * r .-ryASr KWAGEN & iOO;,- •: - ' General Commlssslon merdunts,' t. 'Ne.xbolft** Building, cor. Senth Water and Clark sta.* u -• 1 CHICAGO. ILLINOIS., .- _ . . >• 5 * * ÜBHUjL ADY vMCW M*D« 05 CnVStOJOttTTa . . . Rsriß*sct .—Hint £ Whet-ler, Smith. PmlinfA Coi - ■ CJdcago; J*i 3oparker,£M-.CuUer4aNiua r ßaffalo. ’■ •• \\-p\JJLYZR & COMPANY, ‘ ‘ - t -vj- -' •• coacvr MEHCHA^TS,, f. .. 2: o SoutU Watqr Street. 2-iu f. tctTk [JatbSH] ' d%. cctYsa.. C brother &-.cqir;: r >. . c< mmlsslon Jttercliaiils, J - '-Glre their exclusive attention to theparchwp and, ,' jale of Flour, Gr.ifn, ami other prod nee. on Comrnl**hin. f *.. ~y ° .-S.J ater, oor. Clark »U Chicago; [tto3SaS6B. . * : * HOWES, • coy KXXSSION JIEBCIIA]<T, •...! >•’ ‘ ItS Soxxt: l Water Street, Clilcago r *lli*.| • • 1 ' Uetrco-ly] ■- ■••• • »jj * ;g,-; HO LMES & SON,, VI ~. "“ d .. Bcc f and Pork Packers, : ' j ;AOT PJ tOVISION gtanCHAKTS. ■ .. . Ofl ce No. 12 River Stroet_'_ •PACKING I OUSE NORTH BRANCH. CHICAGO. .*.l, ~ -5 ;Dca*ef*Ja:.'i - '•BEEF, HAMS.-SHDaiDERS. LARD, ETfi.] ; tyUlSh’es _ ‘ REFER Tt Bankcwjand-BBsiaesaMeaeeßfiraUyat-, * i] gaEdy. 18., st. Loala aucago-iianlfi J..Toang . lM -tmtnnn, £5 j., PresldeusKlrtne CalDe; J. U. THih.* 1 realdent Mcrchant» ,,- BaTtnt« li>aa*atrd- x - TrajX-Coixtpi ay, and Mossrs. G..£rHubbaqi.dh Co M . ,TV SiUL BOLMi s.' 1 laeidS^tPl'" ,l it y.'n.notateA |A -\fORI Y' Xll •• I PRODUCE. • .( -• i- * Jommlssion and-SlUppiDg -ncrthsntf 'l" ■.; • NO.lill SOl/TH, WAtEtt ■ fAsent lor Uik KoltonStorch IVbrkt Oswego Co w N.Y,I f C? Liberal cast! ndtancdsoa Floor and GralhToi' aalpi ja menilo-Oiwtfcoor New Yorki.or-lntitore.'fefving tbs- -iifh ■shTpber the orlrlJese of selling in either Jacket/oy'. r gi 1 -bDecomniliJbo. . " .. ap-fs 2.? MEREDITH '&• CO.,- 1 j ... 'COJDIiIISSION 3JCEBCHANTS, • ' *• -No 219 Soutnlvv ater tJircet Chicago, give thaU exsln* -Si ' tire attention to the purchase and aale ot, Flour. Grain . aati all kind* m Prodnce. Stock, £e. liberal advafttfea muJeuacoQ4gameo.lßL xAseoaa-lbr Klkf-Uflett Oorn- 1 •• Meal Rffento K. I. Tlnkhain £ Co., Chicago; EUt*,_ McAtpliifefd.. ClucliHUti. JalT-ly . • gPAFPvRDi • *STE WART';& . Prodnic Commission merchants; *' Prryoufd.Admtl'JQ given to aalea of ’ ProvljtOn* and Country Rpcincsa-- Advances made on consign. “ locals • 11< Kjuulo street CMcago. feaTWMy - ■ T c. a. aPArroaO. p. stewabt. k. r. w. mq J Y? 6: |\VOLGOTT'<& C 0:."“ : L I'/. tmrMKBioMMEftCrtASrS ■ • 'Boom i eaJrr-Newßokrdiof'Tradssßootti; Bcmut • . . ;W*^rStreet. Ohlcago.iU.* xt -r. ? m rF*Ordersr*lledwftbcareandUlwatch.,.\, , ia f,: . ; J Liberal AdmncMinsde on Conal2luaeai| lbf iaiexi - r ■ChlCaeo.’ltntr*lo - «Of**S o *' ‘ *i ». 0.-WotoorT. * • ■ 1 * - invAJ-aJUUiiy ■ ■ ; -» ; lv * r A llen T^/-^:co; r i: | I ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ; -.^V Forthewle qf Floor. Otaln. Beet Poffc Ham*. Ltfffl, . 'llotftri Clleorft Seeds. Dried F«Wd£ IS . , WaterstieetChlcajo. Agenufbrllamburgand»aai... - ■ ‘-J ' • A\7ILLiAMS & ’> VV co!W«sao>'me^obanij,.. :■■■,>■ t l yo 2:0 . &o.ih >\'ater .irpet, eecondjdoormat pf ( -o Welli street their* exclusive ttttertUon to l' 1 s.* •; • lidth &feo.Bamt-aMOeorse Ste^li £ Or.‘ 1 1 a .i/ tlaf»C-lyli f-j - I •STEELY, L:\WIvEXCE & CO., I t 1> Ujft.porchaae ij » tirnd-aaleof. Uralnl Tlonr. ITotWooi and Coogtry [.,. | VliodealerelaSaltLlnle. Watcr-LLne. Stncco, Plaat - £c, &<t, at 236. £fli and M j , ► - L.te.BSt V*%nßd« * ! , oiU’h > i ■•xtTVLawasaat •.•■... . •- t. ■ r \Y7'EBSTER & BAXTER, * Vt ‘ TROjDECE A COMMISSION JIEBCSANTB.’| I ’ 1 : i>£Dcc 229 South .Water ' - .t --‘ th*;purfhaM;aad ■ - can.wbbstsS- " '(jajyGhtyr p. hmiii*. i toiathendek, IVortblngtoa k Co., n r ' COmnsSIOH KEECHAHTS,' i ;: : ?• ITSNorthJc-'Tf r*on ;P.O.lWx373L;CJdcago; U: u r OrocrtDoniViiewunKiortbi^uchaacof Uerchapn; . 23* dlae of eVcr) - deacrtplloti rnmirrfy attended to. ' i m- j 3 rj'toinaei) Hnrxthall & Themae, tri -. Shipping’ 4nd Commission merchants* : ; ■ -ii WATEK ETBSEI, t I ' V "*Lth«Al»4vaco-“*nt-ideonconsizumenta,-fipeclaJat- J; tentioo cited to the eulca of and rr Vidß*' Bite to W. W. DeForest &. C 6..% T l {VOfts.‘.i ... nrtl Miotnrn A C0.,’d0.j , 8. - lla«Tc, l 'El£Uni(3br nbade, < ’(' 1 k. Ch|qts°r. !_•.-• r, -‘ *’ 0 , * c9taa ■;!. .T Randolph & Carter, i .... ■ jX '. gbsisul coin?T33j<JS-'^ntßfcnisTa; , N;oig,?Uflomrt^ndtns, , ':r- , ,-:,i ’ ‘tior.CTifk and'SodlirWaWr itreeft’CSlcago/glfe Uielf | t» ptfrkodaruaA fexclosivs attention to tbeCommlMlos lb boalheea. fel'KLly i , jm. x. rcesza. | can. aucscus. 1 luTi. r. ciam, [ j TTTNXEY, !£• JL -! :*;W fo'fi&&Straay SS~ V*:J ■ •Old United SUte»-Gu»toiß.Hou.a BundtegwlChlago. 1 ' . :x&. w:ti9Cxt. * *j. >LroirL-J LJ'-acitsrr.* -r nta. we take great pleasure In'TeccmmendlnjjT.C- - - abovefirm to.flntfWettda.and patrCti and* solicit fed •—- , ttreifa 4 conttaoeow of'their pail cr**.,'-Haring kwvij ■• | Ihim for »eTerarjeaw,hrechefrfullv recommend f-*ai ■ u good buelnets men. and la even- respect rellCMf. . jMU4I»Ua XUSnJi.yiIKiXEU. BOX&AS •£ to~, 4 X: ■ exclusive ■ !■- .1 • ■ . comnssipN seehuaws,:,- ■; ; , SQ.-2B »FRtVAtrt.Bre«x ,cniei£>o.TLC . lUhb (TO-Mcltluna: S«TtaE!,l£ii»;ii4ljii«ta, ■ ■■ ■ ■ H • ’"•■ • • -:x>ar&ysxi-». • •• . ::q ; a- sja:AD yjy fiE s.; ; v WAKEFIELD, NASH dc Ct>v - ’ .'i . ; • * —.. . pfi I Liverpool aadLondon. ..... , .IliberulCaah AdvacccmenUwillbemadecbrCOMfgßi-f *: taenia io the above bouse, of DACON. LAUD. PIIO- ; .VISIONS. ac4 PEQOCpJ generally, by. ; r r't i < i | r •ocS’COljrl - THOMAS NASH. j 2 Insurance.;- jj ;~~pp p me, .:i.x:st:.RAycE7|; t I The UnionJnsniaiicfe.l 1 .v ' ’ < I --: v . .. Asm •“*— [•;. THTJSX: ; [ Oijrtcreil af ■ I ;li ; ■ CASH CAPITAL,-8200,000. I S1 I Offlce—Exchange Bank 801 l din?. S. W. corner of Clark* ! , ' • . and Lake street Chisago, ilL* - ‘ r - T LQMBAHtt :.V s -t :- Vice-Preddeiit-rVAK-H.'HlGQnrs.r > 1. ■; B<*retary-B; t! JpHHsqir.V,„iVV..'i r.*.|: , t I: ireajnror— FEAHCIS a:SOTEMABIf, \ g 1.;;'.--': DUIECT<Mts!« '^.*2}e4* . BENJAMIN LOdniAßfi. CamhHdga. -i 7( I MATTHEW BOLLEsTofM. Holies d: Co„ Bankers. I II i* Va>A 1 * • • JAME* W, STONE, .M. 1>„ Boston. Maas. . -LKVI F. STEVKNS. Boston, Mass. - i VAN Q. HIGGINS. Judge Superior Court, Chicago. ! *r •UllDOix r.r- .1 * •* ~ a-jiVW • * j’RANCIS A. HOFFMANN, Iloffmana & Celpcie, j Bankers. Chlcaso. .... QEO. W. GAGE, of Ga~c, Bro’ & Drake. Trcmont j ! U. C G ILfl°v:c. of M.- Tl. UlSan £ toV *Wholciala j J I %ST l^S®:igS I Sa te v.=r ll rw,n & CoS |g l*miole«>ite DrnAOOOftMenfuanu and Importer*, t-- - KHANCIS B. PEABODY, Attorney aikaw.-CMcazo. n . 'THOMAS lIARLKSS. of UprlcMS Parker, CoutOils. . alon MercliantvChleaCT.- - . ■ .j: Q.- HOYT, of Uojt & Peirce, Wholesale Grocers -w»d JiuportOTv.Chlc»gp. . '• . JSaac G. LOSIUABD, General Acent Union Ins. ot andT.-Co-CMca?o. . ,. u -Bank, Anna, 111. 1 • JOSIAII LOMBABD. Cashier Paoe»Ban3r, : oHgi?u •mierin. . f - «- ♦ *• • —CUABLES Cn.VNDLER.-of Charles Chandler A Co., BAnksra. Afacotnb, 111. *•■*■• * •• •«*-* *• ■ • OLIVER WHITAKEIL of Henderson * Whitaker, ‘ • , -Arroroftys at Law. Toulon, in. . • • • • - ‘ • .. .MARSHALL AYRES. Prea't. Toolon Bank. Grhr;s- 4 TlUc. Dlj. ■ .. nolO-dUT-Sm | iysußAxcg comp’y,; ' 1; : HAHTroBS. comr; j-. .•• InoorpOTtited ISlWcharter PerpetuaL 4 • .Caah'Capitai and 5a^in8,194,100.C2.1 THEahp'rifLaromyigAiiDS 2l333-, ' • « «Xib«iTci^ ; j.!j: TiTjeclnl nttVnMon rfven to Inanrance of DwettSSt n "I and Contents, for terms of one to five yean. : • ■> -j J ■ti- 'AsgErrs, jly.-i;i isoo. ■:: ‘ !pah>vUp capital co '• j CAPITAL AND:SURPLUS.... 94.100 00 1 « r r uTymlcfitockn. *c > projtam «). ♦ • 17,?. stock and - ■\ FUle Ptocla, 2M.SVV»..k*k*2 *O.. t t ai*6tockxic w ... l.RailMaaSh>ckl-*c.‘,.r:...--.'..-...' ffi.«ronj 9y«M 1 - [ Mortzae* Itonds . . 83,993 CT* fttOOfO -- * I BealfttAtc.anlucmnhsredi..|.'„b nl > 11 ’ll ■WAIOAnc r T MlneeUaneonSltero* . ,n j i-rS?;Ja6AJx « :i Cash on .liana, ptyl depicted' on-: • ~t •. » ?*•••:- !*• - •' i Cl.aimnacadJtUifiilandfiOt 6Sr--'.i , •/„ u I Towi .. ..TT7T: -,.J7 .-At|uw«T • 1 received, and Po!(ceel99«ed or renewed , ! bTanrof loidalranthortsed Aseius..Losses eqalto. , j blraqlnsted and paid In roods current at any of the * ~ i Banksin Illinois. * - • » • * r I ■[, 1 Aceotsannotated, snqpliea farnl*hfix-tnd ail J> <x 1 new pertaining to a general »nnervi»lou la Aha state of .1 •• M nfinolaproaipUr attended tr> bv ; .. T: -■ * . ; - WJf. IL PATCH, * . IftSJe .i. # j ■ IIUBBABD & HUNT, j | •j t .. .. ArWaJbrOMearn.- _No.l Loomis c'ock. cor. So. WatcrAClarksU. : ! :pna:iN'ix- ’ 'cb', i' . ! ZOF ; HASXFOBD, CONNECTICUT. ; January6o’.* 7- 7 **■ •. .CASH SURPLUS;. . w .. v> . maq.91.1 , * * ASSETS, ♦ Cash on hand, and In Bank - .....fSIJWB'tj ' Caahln-thr hands of and dnofromAgotrtar..-.-S*.iM.nß Real E9tat#\ nnlncombcred • • -,r.* twojwj i 1 leaned on Mortcares of Real Estate ; SR.*HVI.M 1 * Artiooftt loaned on pledted Hank Stock. tSJW.OO \ • Anjooet loaned otherwise sacured « . LOTAOO** .1 PuViuMtYT*u ! Plftr Shares U. B. Trust Co. a Stock, ! *• JtewTork 1.r..-#.VW> - - >W J trr York Bank stock-.U...:.; WWOfr-* *140.752 1 i Bahk Sttvrk .. n4.v« - jivjts . J aterlmr? Bank Stock lUtfO 13, - 3» ; t3brd Bank Stock. Stafford...... *» -sov 4VI •• .• ,H*tvokrWater p*r.Co.*«Stocks .... ih.fort in.** ; . Bonds 10.000 W.TOO v Harlford-Clcv Bonds ~n . r i 4W j ' KCOLped.and Ind.ILR. Bonds .... 10,000 7>M « r.Accatnulated Interest on Investments a.711 !.] r 'Total Isaets •. r...._ .J ‘ Total lilabDTllei' - j . .. ; H. KELLOGG. Secretary, j HUHRATrn'fe HHwf r * . i-. j No 1 Loom!*'BnlMlnc. ~ . - Comer Hark and Water sfrfe.'s. ChlcaTO., .i ‘"Application* fbrln*nranfO.'Ot*the renewarorim’.f." 1 I de«ftndanbn*lae*sconnertedwith theofllre,mavbe : mads tp mO dulv appointed Asenta for the CUr of 1 CMeaeo; wlu» foil power to receive proposals and I**ne : policies: on as favorable terms as other responsible | roapante«:laod it* alor •wHlTteho sccnre n»tr‘conft. '• deocr of the.nnbUc br an honorable conrv* of den 11ns. i M. AlioiliU General A?ent. 31 and S3 West Third ; str«*t;*ClncttnaU.Ohlot r So*whom-aHiipplleacP»s for ' OITAKER,,eiTY IXS. COiIKY, i "r 1 Capital and Surplus.---5359,T4(5.7C- ! ‘'Z;z i.QSxOamS. not-.r..,. 1%.. ,OEO. rHAtrr. H. R. COGGSHALL. I ‘. President Sec*yandTre*spreT, , B. P. Bon. Vicc.rres't. S.lLißtratk: Atansetfy/' ■- ; CURTIS > •■.../ Central Agent Masonic Temple, y -.-.'h B. Hart E. P. Hoea.Mf O.rsiteß,-'i' Foster-a. Perkins. E. W. BAltey/AMrehr Cttarnb-K M" ,H.Jt Coggsliali, Samuel Jooee, 41-»,»• Hom**H. »L ,, r FdDcr. ' j , »•* ‘VfORTH.iViCKRICAN. FIRE EN T * 1 •J-Jl y.y. ■ ; SCILVNCB COMPANY; : I i .... .•. ,0r Hartford, Conn; * “ Paid op Capital . T.T.T.‘.* 1 ‘”*7.7 '.** -.-.55C4,00Q.. t Iwnrance Apalnst Lorn Ire Fire. HUBBARD A HUNT. Acenla. Chleago. I , . ' • Cor. Clark and Warersts. r XOBWICH FIRE INSURANCE CO., ' * , • OF NORWICH, .. '* & lIITNT, Aflecta. cor. of Sooth Water .xtadClarkstaLdrttgoor, Loomis'Block. - ocis-b905 ■ FIRE DfSUR ; NCE 'AX'* j . .COMPANY*, * p ■ 7 *.' lOikrleredln’iflld.. l A l- -'.'"ASSETS a XS6O. j ... j- J MarketYatne. j CbshObJiandandcn call llsl.xn.tM j ‘Loamramply.secured » ... • Iteal k r MdftShares IfirnkStockia Hajtfbrd.. k 2A\ft<-*.eo•» SSS . •• tn 7>CTJn saw ,.i aamemo > LOW.jnßoaton.-.* XX>eJ» . ; 420’-. 4 *. iaa. *•., Rivq.Compuayrttock, Hartford..:- taoaya ' na - Raiaoadßtock.;,...» .U^AOO'* ’•<t C td- and; Railroad Roods. * J*i 1355.194 •Total UabWtlce %C6fi3o£6 1 .... .i v/.;' Euirr'&HioGiHßflirrAgiß&ti;* 1 * '"*) »r» 1 v. t Loomis Block. - 1,4n30x961-4ia * -Ooreer and its. • p I f'-K-’E-i-! -.'. ..ii . ..1 '.Lli’E ISsf^A-NCB.- j Zw 7: ■ i . ;u‘ A ■ forth. ” t t _, ji isnirrix tißii, of '‘NeW : T«*,-' ■ mam, ■ •• •- “ ( PHENIJC, . rWAsmscxoaij : : .h “ V. I ( LORU.XAItDj. - 1. ..- i : omnas r ~„,l v,’S- 1 t- I'pBOJIDESCE 'W 4 ’ I CONWAY, of Conxray, M[U»A. •'* " |; 11A MPDBN, of Springflold, Aggregate ' >€Bpital • and ' SctplnW, $;ooa- ■'-y' " ,i Office, lfO| 150 Sowth l^&tcr.Sircet.* \ : .v-t*.* ’ ;--atbw englanj) fire and. nnWarinfl Insurance Comi>a2fy{* • - r ‘ • * • tiiBTFOBD,, CONSECTICCT. , uiaiet^'Jin.LlßCo J23Wi7fn "J", - . inaaranco Against by^-Firo.- • I HCBRARD &-HUNT. AasoUAChicapo. ~J ’.iflUX’d*?? • „• Cpr.ClaftaodiSouth.Watcrxta. - 1.-.i 53|je J£lorfes, i! IVrEW YORK ’ ’ t)YF Il> -* WDEKSL'..: - * I W7l. TERBt^BT,- ' * - fß7 SpnUiCUrkstrrrtbOveeQ^itdlamiXßdMonree, ; *’ i - - Chicago,HUnoUr _ ,Mt«J Reread Cleaner of alLUadajirSUk ahdYVeolra ' Alio, straw Boonei Blepcherrand PresKr. ■ V‘ Btdre and cooatry vorkTntmclaatly attended to. j r l% i«igr*»iji j TJ'ANCY STEAM. DYEIWORKS ■ 4 - 1 _OF SrUNEYTTALISn, - - ■j i HKmsontbClarkstreet.betwreTrMonroeandAdana. r I • Chlraro. D’lnoi*. . . .»' t | I hire wb awarded tho Tint the late j U, S. Fair, All country orders ,by ezpreaa strictly aw tended to, * ir ax x fJWAEES', ii; 3 ) • . • Asp-HotioKs •;■ : - • :.;r.:.- Gst;er?. fre.-Dress-Trim*.'. ■ ' mci Comets »rwft«ar»vt CHpees and Replenv THf - - *d-H»««*euUae-tbe ibor*-,.-, w odisrlilcli-TrilibsnohLfQd.* .u !,, . ~l T ’ '"CtOSECASd PRfcrA. : ;.y I ■ A.ORAVW, ntfj . 1 ,?Slafatt£i«t'Cb|otto. derlix wools. ; " •• -* -•» i-lmportediadfotseleby •_..... 1, ■-a : HiBBAi® qo:;::. : ~ Qposrxuor --- - 2E lARDtf^ : OS^.vs.i^Cal^:.State v;®** I; We Offer to tbs tisda,’ at the tOtyX&t • • • Bicjp:- _ * - la woibosettiSp£ ATtr*v /•: •*, — ’•"• 5,«w wu - sß(Rfcr itujsc: : ! ■ i ssa r .•jitr^eci.ißost... « ; IS* ff.-. - •'•■-' -P TS*i • . • Wm* ! - t ; { iitom pig ns, : v. • . * :.q a xwar.ijf, • COTCEUwrrDMfIr •- ‘ >' op : ■ Jo,s«a. TINNERS TOOLS sod JCACHUCI& - .: 1 •« c asks BRIGHT Ol aad COCLCHAINi : ’HBO'doz. ASK?, ’ ' f») “ _ spates aad scoow» '2 !,toss’ r. ’ r. ::d iuttle,'wbbard tco., .. ;; : oetVtt-lr *••'• * Corae/of State tad Latest* ' '. , llawson & Bartlett) K -• lunrricTtSESS 159 vboluau suLtatlS • ’ ' '- : • BOOTS AND SHOES, :o. street; a*: _ - • eS:Cs<tn. TU, • • ; 1 • Al TTc would rr«pect'blly cal! the attentlf>n of Cltr and 'onctnt Merchants tq oarextrnslveatock of Bools and hoe* wtdch-wo have noy In store, and are dail*-**, frrmr.ocrFartorrin.We't- RosiMon, sf&oo;/ • jsfalhassmtmentofthoseCeldbraied loots; to~BtLcr«ltUfrfriU.'Ktockotallatylefbor- - • . L pALIi AND WINTER '■ r.V iftbebstqnalUv andnunufnctare. which we ore pir’-- **n tor C.vdil "M prompt paytsr tradu at kV'toe and New York Jctblnx Irrtco*,- l: Boots and Shoes la £0 the States. [SCO F.VLL-TRuVDE ; -1560.. [3 ond 'BS Xaftcl .ChleasoL ’ . ’ V^tt^Hiie^'a3dJ[o' , ■!-“"! Ready JESTLEMEVS KUBSUIQyciBOObS i _ ' Cloths, SaUaeii. Tallora':,. .v .. . • ".Trtruqsin^A^dc,_ r ,, ; )nrStoc*lslar;e and well assorted, and J , 4 At the Lowest Pricea. . 'l*. ‘; iB6O : JJOPTST.Ai SHOES'.'" ...1860 K j PEARSON & DANA, , \ L 9 -•Lali® 1,1 ir ; : Jdbhdr* to .;*. „ . .■ . s i> '.s’noEs,- \ }. ? late Cow la store a fall aatUompletastookwUebihey-'; - : -• i | healer: In!he abovelJneof tePds will eonenltthelr 1 >wa laicrest hy examine our stoclc before pnrrhsalne : ilttfirhere. aa oar ciottelsv Low real and smallj>rp«ta. • *- • ■■ r • ••- - ■• - r • -r —'LEATHER. ] •' ; i FAXiE. y stotTE:S» BLACKBURN BROTHERS, ' •„ - - take StHtt >; i '4« ',5 il £ A TXT B R ; 1 Of inperipr quality for'••• ••*.-• -■ SooisuidSEo^^aUcrs.'llarneM < I. - >: i :er* aud'lacather Dealers, . . . --AT-BL ACKBHE2I S_SOTHESS # : i . aalS^STt-Sm"'’ l '" '. ; ' - -|o'LaLelfrect. j ‘j 1860 FALL TRADE. 1860 |' COOLEY, FARWEII & 00, f 4.2, -44 ana“ 46.' XT ABASH 4XEX-BE,-: I B •»; yC":^0:0^B::S;!' Joßßisrtsst -1860 FALL "TRADE: . ’. 1860 FIELDy OENENCTACO., Nos. 81 and S3 South Water street, Jbbbopi) pr Goods j' • lo** Meh’l'WartJ ' - • 1 •Tlieran* ndw'daU* rcrqlVlAr theit’isuaJUnreaad earied stock for Hie Pall Twite: to wplch'iher invite , ' Their stbclCobaUU lapart df lirond* cloths, of alt colors and dfadea; KUck>~STvl Fancy Cos. " aimerm. BUcA.-apd Fanee. Aoesiclasw.itl(nand Rlaok . Piloid. RUrk and Co:orwl.hlp«cow Qeavsm thrown, - Black. Blue hnaall colora qf Castor and . Talputlp Vesttn^sofall Ktuors sudsiylea SATINEtd of all cradro and styles. Alto, a lott aba Complete * stock of Tailor** Trimmings. ■ - • •- - AGENT FOR ' , .’ accijr-B gflPQHT'or rAsmbMa. •piN "p l a ' ■ ■ ITs offer ±o ftrtlowlnt atche loweic market ratesk - B.ofWßoTeaTlhPlat» i .aasortW’sirts. j L'W Handle# Sheet Iron, No*. 16 to 33, *« “ Ru»<*H siieet Iron. irrrCas'ts Sheet Zln<*. aborted vhHhs. .< * lbasir’s .- s.oi»Lbi. Ptfep-d Copper Bottomv, . . - 1.00 R’ltirtlH Wire, assorted Nos. oloSt’ ’ S.»j Ndia. Whceliric had otlier pirmobraDds. ' A fall of Hird&tre. Ja> ' japed Md Pressed Tinware, Rivets, Kara, 4e. * “ tniiiUja BjLim a co., *ci - • ’xo.'Vffi lake street QSTOR’ OIT^FBOOT , : A2*P. SD - shoe stoss: ‘ v ■ ■■••>! . No. 153 i.AkC srnnET. .Kelt Odor East Uarisa foiih BniMing, Has opened with the largest and best stock of HOOTS vf.VZ> SSIOJLS Tver broasbt to this market, whtch will be offered at wholesale aud -retail, comprtrtnz alltlie bcststvle«of | -LadiiM* MlClilldreu'a GaUcTs.ltesUnA.SUppeni, ; 1 Ae M and Men’s. l»ra* and Youth’s Doom. Sboesand | SHpprr.s width uTr be eold at full £• per cent less I 1 ihaae»rrbeforeorrerotHn Chicago. I r Ti> e>fcab'l>*Mnjf the Bf»toa City Fool-1 I snrtShoeStfwe,alms at/n#k!nclt the bcstTmporl’ua ; of the kind In tfifl West; and feels assured (hat from L Ids UclDUee In procortai direct from the mann. i fhcntrVr# he will be a bis tosell them losolt «*ll elasses; sell>dio-am] * ••'• A. 1L MILLER, Agent, ?T 11-VTS, CAPS, Furl, aid Robes, jn:: .*• 3 • -‘vX AT WHOLESALE. I .K. t8 . IUSt& OGG At- -CO., I ; i.; ” *' t»,VI •' ! cmcAGor...l:i. J ..aa" --.Qffpr tor sale irirsu ar.d.rarfwl-u»*Jrtinect of the j >. £o9<l* St.-low prices for cable sad lo,* prompt : . oairLut trade. •*. • “ ,it.. - I i.' 1 . *" aATs,y/APB ami)! vpbs- 1 1 •• • Street”*”* }* ■• 56i* ' I •' I*. , ’ ’!'" t»sris.c3?k3m] .. .. *'• .. | i OROCKEKY,' FIXE "ORIXA; 1 } V', v e-Lii s sw ar.b, i, i Silver-Plated and Brjtlania.-Warc, | fl, HODSE-FCHNISIIING GOODS. i 1 l-. V*. ■ Tnatsjua*vam*tL. .■ | : ,p ,i : -;. 4nM« -an-': -1: - ■■■--•■ ■■■" - .1.. .1 ■•! 'j .Ui"; •: ■' V:, •. "i Dry Joftbepsj« ‘ VI! r • ;. j And Wbolesalo Dealers la .^BOOTSIAOT'ySHOB^" } "‘V'’! ><*■; ~, «a x«ik* - •• ••• ; : V ’'i -.w •.-,r *• .j, ~j i-: .t ; n Jv ••; * »'- oCour frlendstnfttlis Trade general** tb ! . | our largo an : d aft fac4,lvo.stoikV adapted n jitiiiAlowcat New -T6^ypM>^gPTteWi : £ to cub and.prpmpfc poo'* ■ * J ' dAvis, ; saw;yer &;co.. , - • ••• >«>M4Wstti- »• - .--l .t .» .r. C.!M. H&DEBSOH ; & CO., ; • W 13 ..# 1 ® BHOE^ So. 333^ijsJ^^t^c«si.o;^ll, ■ “ i»‘; , . Bars- fit stare a largo !&nd desirable stock «f good* •• . which they will sWI aruS 1 prompt ‘ ‘ . :‘psrtuc,nedfc iVt* -■ I - i ■ITCMIIS' P«ikrMETAILB T»HB MOE» j i ' , * I In; t«j . j.- •• '.-••.j * ' g ALLnonrana mnhoce’Pdirftoat^ * • Isriu-.i * idlui aiii.'.: -•• '’n nowtobe {bond at the majulficeati^S^j 8 Ko.SLakastrssltcorssrT7&baab Areaue. . m7SHtISS-U C. M. HENDERSON * CO. ‘ ■ 2?3i)olesale f^ouscs. j FRESH FAIL AND T f WINTER GOODS. A Foil Stock Bongbt at j SEJVSJITMOJV PRICES. 1 Cajon ara Invited to examine thalndoeeaeaW. I 33 O WERT BRO’S IMPOKIEB3 AXD JOBBERS OF #1 Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions •Sec., itc., dec. NO. 72 LAKE STREET. S . IBM BLOCK UltfiL. HEMOVAIi. U PEAKE, MARSH & DE LONG •Om Compelled by thelrtßereaalngbnalnrwito seek lane artr quarter*. have removed front their old ataod. neariv pool opposite to the above spacious stores la BUSCH'S IRON BLOCK. Her© Where they will be able to offer 'at wholesale, a stU far larger tad more varied stock of On Dry Goods, Hosiery, and Notions. Jualt Customer* will alwava And na with Bill Here* own known brand* of HKaW DOMESTICS, bought at Art* oda. bands. and offered at a small advance, together with s ■ge a large stock of Wt WOOIEK, SHAWLS, DIESS GOODS, AO. We shall continue oar motto "XaCTW PRICES ‘WTN’.- id b And Invite the attention of all dose, prompt payta~ jer buyer*. _ QePO ‘ p JEWETT & BUTLER, WnOLISALB DEALERS IN . 4 . * . i . .t ... ’alls, Glass,. Sheet Iron, Copper, INNERS’ STOCK, TINNERS' TOOLS Tia-FJata, Fanea-XMia, &c r » • • •-T.ikirsraißEr... • SIGN OF.IBESCISsdsS ' dweeaWabuhXad Jleblgan Averince, Cbleagcvll Faxnxmcx Jxwxrr. Ouvza E. Benia : ::r.: : :: . ~ H-V» S, CAPS,:. . . ‘‘drs, ißtcfialo. •at wiiqlbsalk:/ :i ;;• * 160. ■ FALt raiDF. 180 f- ; & v M.‘ LAKE ST, CHICAGO *» Have la atorejt vetr LARGE A!fl> ATTRACTIVB POCK of tbeabovelgoodi and are (Ully prepared to impete aaecesamily with the beat Eailern-'flrme to • •• •• AIHETY. QUALITY AND PBICE&aad solicit a cali , am all prompt paying mercliinti .. __ [au23'CCdy ■' I. .« 77/ R AXDOLPII ’ STREET." 177 1 ‘ (Third Store East oi Driggs Ho'nsO ■ - KW GOODS AT REDUCED RATES, I havffnow eir band tad to arrive a large and'varled ocfcof ; Crockery, China and Glassware, ■ arlaa. Marble and Terra Cofta Vase*, Silver-Plated ' 'are, Table-Cutlery,-with a geoeraLMwnrtmeat of • HOUSEKEEPING' GOODS,: Iso. Oil PalptVC*. Yankee Notions, tloe -p. Watebek tdJeweirv.vhicn I will **ll ativaxt'vre-lured id. to which I Invttwtba auenrVm n, MprrhaatjL ouaekeeper* and otb"V\ JOHN* 1? 1 SKIN. . WhnleaaleaiullViTH tVaier,. myld-ly . 177 Ranuolnh street. . VOODEN m WILLOW WARE . AtWnOLSSAUE. J • . . South Water St.,’ CWeago >.. U Corn Baskets • BBOOITfS, TWINES,' BRUSHES; CORDAGE, ' !TIEAStJBEA, MATS, TUBS, - - AXE HANDLES, - CHURNS, : • ' -’WATER PAILS, BOWLS, . HATCHES, BATH BRICK, CUN CAPS, ; obdah wAub. Broom Wire, Twine Handles & Tools. Alt of which, are offered at the LOWEST CASH PRICE! ar— WHITE, STEWART ; 95 BOOTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO. L*uli-c33sJm] r !rxisr ■J TINNERS' ; STOCK, For Sala : au Low Prices. 5,000 boxes Tin Plate, wwworted afxea. • AiDOObdliaiSbeetlrou. Noe. tttloiS.' 500 JtuMla Mieet Iron, let quality. • - 200 “• XmliAlftou Itunala. •• 500 w .; PoliNbed Germatk 250 u . cuka(flieetZluc,anoHed - .... *Lces» .• • , . . 10.000 lb*. .Brazier**. Copper. 15.000 Iba. Copper Pitta. - ' 1,300 btlla.; Wlrp aa?t««l Now. OtoSO* * 10.000 u .. .Annealed. Fence Wire. "'A fall aesortmeu*. of •Tinner**’Toole amF Maehtneff ' • Japanned end PfMeedTla Ware, BlieU, Enrw *O4 Ao» ,TpOB; . i DZCKBBBON. ■ Mota! WartHotisei. ATaAd« ».axcaco 49 < AGENT FOR ‘ Rowe’s Improved Standard Seales. [MU-JCTJm] 1860 BALL - TRADE. 1860 • C. C. COOK & CO., L CO A Co.) ' uais - STATE STBKET • ISA; IS - Wholesale Orocera *” X>RXEI) pRpITS;, FISH; ’ ’ WOQDE9.%ASB,'. &8-, ; -IhtlU the ettantlmi of Conntry Herohute to ♦h.,r gtookj trbith they offer tt EoTPMt ■ Gv a. CO., :f‘ 1( . Ig. ..'..SXATK IB 41. - ■ ■ ■ -' JDABCOCK ifc PEEKy . 11l BASDOUB STB EET, Mahogany. Rosewood and Walnirt;' * 11 ' ' ” v CH AMIEB,OIIIN9 WO FI ACt3N»O«FUBirTQHI -' I,N.GRLM.yARIKTT.. : .. IT ©oddest and Cliain, nedateads end Bar *Sohool ruraitaio oa haad »ad to Order. :r r Particular attention putil to Country Orders. . A - '•• ,7[T . ■ .■ M;itf>-fCi ini : : ; : ■’■T? •' f. dpoerkt,- jr..D;„-rrnme- . '• I? • ttr«McJ > hyilcJ«v Sarg«<ui. A£j nivlng ej* . loved an-EuropesnmetVcal edur itlpn, with a praJUcaT > experience la • ■ ho can gtv*«nttre«tiaCictlonlr» tae treatment or ait r'ofnlihve tils ttallcnca,j>t . i 1 • *' • . ■ i . i ... ■ - •• i rpo . TH'E ’ A’EF.B UCT.ED.. . ■ dbs,' it. jc'c. kmajpp, i.Formerly of New Torfc tuive otwoMab Ibflrtnair to * l Chicago, on a naw evawm.’whlcb embracea the owl - I ADDiuved thla and oui«e- eonatrlea-o* > ■ f Conaao»i<llon, Larww.:-. l; gUla. Bronchitl> Caacar*.. and:,, .. 2At/ Female UUcaacs aw nieebd OMetuft* treated .t0.,. . thlalnedtudon. - .,, ... r . , ’..i.,, * .They the only pbyaicUss Jft America who raw * fGOHVATOBE AID WEAIIiSS OF THE SPUE, j '. V, ' which they do by a r , .. I V METHOD, .. r And the Spinal 'Blevaeor loeented *»wt’ paftenlod by •• * them. They cuiraevea cases «ttb of ten, t>: • ! . Anci SUinofl*. u'VTT’.'. They treat «aoeee«ftilly»‘on a'new' ’ v e*eseCthe EYlDeadßAito - *i* '* r ..-..-i . ? r f* - CONSHLTATIOIf : F*RB®. J '•* ' t ' ’ Kt OfßtnNo. nßSouWciark»treet. , bnportte , N«W’ , roet : V * J 0»)he: Hour* fren>S"i; n'lofh *. ’ * agtSTW-iy . . >■ \ K. KEYES, JI. D., Rornceo -1 * Halhlc Physlclln and aargf on.woulil rwrrcfc . w run«announ*;e ot CT.fca-o. that hele • peruuneatlv located Pa till*’cltf. wlioro hcniarM . jound la teadlneM to attend to aU call* la tb( * l Uue y*,“f AS-.'.Q.P’y B>u. iXR 1 / ’v: s. D. BALDWIVS - heEMIOR BGVUOG AID 6A3 PUtIFIEi. ■’ ' ‘V'iV' • “»••• •• . fIM jliii: npVm ti® merits sf MscMme; .. wj»nda gut gill .(ollßt'JoSElidloa At 'Mi OWN • I Pool Office Box UU. AD. BALDWIN. I geSl-dyiMm Proprietor