Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. C®“ A Friend in Need. Try it.— DB. BTVEETS* KFAI.UBLE USSIEST 1» PIT. pared from the reeelpe of Dr. Stephen Sweet of Con. nectlcut, the great bone-setter, and has been used In hit practice fortho hit twenty years with the most astonishing success. At an crtcnal remedy It It with out a rival. and will alleviate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For all Bhetnr-atlc and Ner vottt Disorders It It truly IntklUble, and at a coraUro for Soros. Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, *c- Ita soothing, healing and powerful strengthening properties, erdte the Jotl wonder and astonishment of all who hare ever given It a trial. Over four hundred ecrUflcates of rv markable cures, performed by It within the last two years, attest this tact. For sale by J. li. JOHNSON, General Agent. 70 State street, Chicago, and by all Dealers. coiFCDoow-d-ly For Neuralgia, Nervous Hcad acheand all Nervous disc**©*, u*e HonnewelTt Justly Celebrated Tola Anodyne. If the direction* arc strictly followed and a care not effected, the money wiU be re* funded. Get a pamphlet. Al*o, HuimcweU's Universal Congh Remedy, for Cold i, Coughs and Consumptive tendencies. For mlc by Druggists generally. OSGOOD & DOCKWAY General Agent* for the Northwestern States, office and depot. 70 State street Chicago. nolSd4S£lu 23?” Hostetler's Bitters.—There is no more valuable article lathe whole catalogue of do mestic remedy thanavcgctablctonlc. It gives activity o the digestive organ*. It Increases the appetite. It enlivens the spirits, invigorates the mind, strengthens the body, and In short, tf judiciously used, wakes up the whole system to a wholesome cognizance of Its own powers, and a renewed disposition to exert them. Among the tonics of the day, IIOSTETTEB'S BIT TERS. manufactured by Hostetler A Smith, at Pitt*, burgh. Pa- may be set down as deservedly the most popular. They are a pungent, lively, palatable tonic, not unpleasantly bitter, nor yet excessively spirited, and their medical effect Is perfectly surprising. No family can conveniently do without a bottle. It should be found In every closet. It Is both useful and agree* able.—i,N. Y. Atlas. Aug. 14th. 1839. n0124w “"Those ■vrlio arc curious to Wit ness the wonderful perfection to which A. Oliswaldt, (late manager at Batchelor's. N. 1%) has Brought the manufacture of Wigs and Toupees, arc invited to visit his Wig and Hair Bylug Booms, at No. 103 Lake street, and examine these carious production* of art. No scrutiny can detect the artificial from the natural, when adjusted to the head. t3T* Kennedy’s Medical Discovery rnrr* SrromlaT Rennedv'* Medical msoovery core* rryslpela*.'s Medical Discovery cure* Canker. KcanMrV Medical Discovery cures NandncSoreifth. KenneJ'v* Medical Discovery cure* Humor of the Eye* Kennedy's Medical Discovery cure* £cald Head. KconedVV Medical Dlscoverv cure* RunnineoCthcEar Kennedy's Medical Discovery cure*ClccraldSoreLeg Kennedy's Medical Discovery cure* Lepra. Kennedy's Medical Discovery cure* Rheumatism, Kennedy's Medical Discovery cures Salt-Rheum. Kenneav** Metliral Discovery cure* Dyspepsia, KeanedV*s Medical Discovery Regulate* the Rowel*. Kennedy's Medical Discovery Regulates the Kidney*. Kennedy's Medical Discover}* Regulates the Liver. Kennedy's Medical Discovery ho* cored Dropsy. When yon arc elck, and do not know what the natter I*. perhaps you have an Inward honor. TryKcunedy** Medical Discovery. For sale by all Druggist*. fHttsic Stores. JUDSON HIGGINS, A. 40 Clark street, near Lake, Chicago, lIL, PUBLISHER OF SHEET MUSIC, Dealer in PIANOS AND MELODEONS, AKD ALL KIKDS OF MUSICAL INSTKTT3VOSNTS. The heat of ITALIAN STRINGS constantly on hand. PIANOS TO RENT. Tuning and repairing done at abort notice. All or d"Ss»4 !fl A. .1 COSOX HIGGINS, 40 Clark b( met. Chicago, III* will receive prompt attention. \\T W. KIMBALL, * DEAX.EE IS fTfTTi PIANO FORTES AND MELODEONS, 2Vo« 09 Clark. Street. HLAJCLKTT, DAVIS £z CO.’S Premium Piano Forte*, which have been awarded thlny-lwo Find premium in Gold and Silver Medals. Geo. A. Prince's Mdodeont. Plano# to Rent. Apply at Marie Store. &3 Soutii Clark street. __ TARGEST WHOLESALE jj HOUSE IN Musical Instruments and Strings. jzrxius saoth, 09 Senth.ClU’k Street, Chicago, Wanutiptnrcr aud Importer cl Musical Instrument* and Strings, having connection with manufacturing house# to Berlin. Lritvlr, Dresden. England and Paris. 1* prepared to fuml'h Dealers, Bands and Individuals with every article in their Hue, AT THE LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. J. BAUER. TA RUMS AXD BRASS XJ INSTRUMENTS, JKJLHJS B.UEK, MANUFACTURER OP DRUMS Ah‘3 BRASS IKSTRUMEfiTS. 90 Sooth Clark Street, Chicago, [] H WORCESTER’S IMPROVED • piano-fortes. Manufactory and Sale* Rooms. Fourteenth Street, corner Third Avenue. New York. For o quarter of a century the Instruments mono, artured at the above establlahtnwu have ranked among the first in the country. Their durability, strength and delicacy of tone and touch are highly appreciated brail who have given them athorough iri-l. The proprietor, by giving bis personal attention to the manufacture of each instrument. in all U»d». tolls Is enabled to guarantee superior excellence and reliability la every rcspcc*. locwlU*«tai YkODWORTH’S JHJSIC STORE, XJ Vio. 6 Astor Place, N. Y, Poblliher and Dealer in Foreign and American Mn fkr instruments and Mnslcul Mercliandlre. Sung* and kimi>o»lilon« for the nano Fone by l»ie l*cst master*; FacnSd und Organ Mmle; Dance and Military Music for the riano-Forte, wot by mall, postage tree, launim mar be sent Instead of change). Catalogue* of Music f'.r’Hrass Hands, Quadrille Bands, email or large Or ches'ras Price U«i of Bras# Instruments sent on ap- V,lc«uon Tlie “ Journal of Brass Bands" * new pub Mn-lc. I? Issued on tlie ISUi of each month’ Magic Nos. at fUSortU per annum: also the •’Companion," containing Marches. Medleys, Ac. Price SJ each number. The instrumental pam In these vort» are qun VifflomOTl,. Director of Dodworlh’s Band. 0c2M12-Sm iilarljincrj), fQarhtoarr, &r. i’AY & COMPANY’S AttACKIXERY DEPOT, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. Hare the Largest and Best Assortment of STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES boilers, PortaMe steam Engine*, Suit and IMouldlnc Blacltlne*. WOODWOSrH*S PLANIKQ HACHXHES, "KITH AND WITHOUT MATCHING. Dosm'i Patent Beeawing Machines, Domes Stave and Barrel Machinery, Doane's Heed ing Lathes and Joiners, Doane's Shingle Machines. . Bole Western Aerat. for the sale of Dafoe ft Co. s Celebrated brand of DUTCH ANCHOR BOLTING CLOTHS, A. large stock constantly on band. Also, HART & MUNSON'S Patent Flouring if Grist Jf/Uls* Leather and Rubber Belting. Lacing, packing. Ac, &c„ At the very lowest esa price*. \r. EL DOANE, Agent, njy»cS»Jy] 132 Clark street. Chicago. /CHICAGO LEAD WORKS, Corner of Clinton and Fulton streets. West Side, IP in PIPE, DIE iSD SHEET LEAD, Shot, White Xiead aad Lythargo, PIC LEAD. PDIIPS AND DVDBAULIC HAMS. X9T Order* from the trade solicited. Cash paid for Oid laHLd sad Flax Seed. p. O. Box 1526. fed] E. W. DLATCHFORD. I? G. HALL, KIMBABK & CO., Impm—u »4 Dealers In Iron, DJalls f Stool, AN!) HEAVVT HARDWARE. Rot. 196 and 122 Washington street, Chicago, DUnola. HtplSl Rangings. xy ALL PAPERS * ’ SELLING jest jr.v towjv. F. H. RICBY, .RANDOLPH STREET {JySl.cß2o.9nil PAPER! A L LARGEST ABSOETMEHT OF NEW PATTERNS at DBASE ft EBO’S, PAINTEBS AND PAPEU DANOEBB ... South dark Street .... ISA ®o=33artnEtsijip ‘Notices. TVTOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. * «*- “ UJ * TIIOB, 8. PHILLIPS, WM. S. PHILLIPS.* . . b. VAST WAGENEK Chicago. N or, luth, ism. - coi&^iisi^v f tO-PAKTNEItSIUP NOTICE.— Vy The nsdenlfDCd bare this day aaaodated them. ' Ve oOfERAL COMMISSION* MERCHANTS, Under the same and firm of I’iiUltM it Brother. Chicago, Nov. 15th. 18U). WM N. PHILLIpa. noisoflctew njoa. s. ruiLupa. piCHARD D. VAN VTAGBNEN It cOTtlnnei the GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. And baa aMOdated with him Richard M. Jordan, coder the came and turn of VAN WAGENEK ft JORDAN, No, 283 Sooth Water street. Chicago, Nov. ISth, IMft, tioRLdtOLSv T3ILLIARD TABLES.—For Sale 1 9 snlendld Rosewood RUUtrd Tablra. with Star, ble or Butc Reda. with Beat CoaMona In the world, for *323, tap, and f3X). Everyildng complete. Please fcend yonr orders by it all or otherwise, end I wIU till •icetmcaaif riven la perron. All tables sold brine are warranted?. W. 11. GRIFFITH, practical Willard Table UaoutactarerJKo. 146 Poitou street, KevVork ptfj .loc&lSUttn fHonoj antt Eitfjaugc. non T0 LOAN ° N OArt.UUV/ novp and mortgage, tor rive rears, on property IntliU city. Busin cm papi-r wauled. B. F. DOWNING Sc CO., 3S and S8 Clark street. A TONEY TO LOAN.—In Sums jJJL nert to exceed ftan, on Farms In XUInoU, within one hundred miles of Chicago. . M GCQBQE W. NEWCOMB, ocwUßja] ho, 83 Dearborn st- Room 8. Chicago. JJONEY TO LO A N Ip Stuns and for Terms to Sait. BUSINESS PAPES BOUGHT AND SOLD. _ GREESEBAUM BROS., QC2943Ct-lm Comer like and li Salle sit. TO LO AN CHICAGO CUT PROPERTY, Or on Good Improved Farms in this State. „ CHAMBERS, LEE & CO Money loaned on first-claw securities at the Banking Office of Wm. 11. Bice Sc Co., No. 03 Clark Street. Three to five yearn* Loan* at 10 nor cent. Short Pa per discounted. Cash sdv'uucceoD Warehouse Berctim:. XV CHy-Scrlp wanted. u»y79-e453-iy Foil MONEY TO LOAN On Beal Estate Seen ride* in Cook and adjoinln* Coantic*, Apply ERNST Dealer in Foreign Exchange, MONEY AND HEAL ESTATE BROKER, Agent lor the British Commercial Life In surance and Notary Public. No. O • • Lanuon Block • - No. O nolt-ly K. K. cor, of Clark and Washington gtp. JAMES D. SHERMAN. BIXEU'G, StHPFDiG iXD COJIHISSIOS, No. 12 State Up Stairs. Cash advanced on all kind* of propertv consigned for tale or shipment. Cash advanced ou Bills of and ‘Warehouse Receipts. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Bouse* to rent. Lots on lease on lone lime on Plate street. Wabash. Michigan and Indiana Avenues. Also, on the West tilde. Hotel on Clark street to rent cheap to a good tenant. A most desirable residence to exchange for nnpro. diictlvc propertv. C2T" Credits given on New Tork and Boston. [ocJOdaH-fim] 'J'ELEGRAPIIIC EXCHANGE On Scw York, Drafts. Acceptances, and Note*. paid la New York on the day of maturity, or last day of grace, and money deposited for account In tlie dry of New York, ana sent to cities la Hie vicinity of New York, on tele graphic order*. EMERY COim, apUHy-dfiS Telegraph office. Justness ®arhs. PAYSON & REYNOLDS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLOUS AT LAW, 80 - - Dearborn Street - - - 80{ OEOOGB FATSOS WH. C. HKTSOLDS. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. HcrEßEXCK.—Reynolds. Ely A Co., I. H. Burch & Co„ Chicago; Win. It. Reynolds & Co.. Holton; John XI. Atwood, Esq, Philadelphia; Springer A White, man. S. S. LTlonunrdlca, F-SQ., Cincinnati: John An* drawn, Esq* Prt***t Hoard of Control. I>. W. Dcghler. President, Columbus, O.; Z. S. Klv A Co., George Pie. phenson, Esq* Edward plerrepont, Esq* New York; Hon. Ira Harris, Hon. Amnsa J. |*arkcr, Albany. N. Y.; John G. Dcshlcr, K»q, Ituaulo. jehrOO-ly PRAWFORD, SHARP & CO., \J IMPORTERS and DEALERS In Crockery, Glass and China Table Cutlery. Looking Glasses, Cas tors and British Ware, No. 103 Lake street. Chicago, Illinois. TTXOX, EUSTACE & REED, XV ATTORN TS AT LAW. 130 ■ • • Clar ; Street - - - 130 Between Washington and Madison, Cldcago, HU jossnr exox. johx v. crsTAce. chah. b. bxfp. [dlJiD.iy] QPIES & BURT, O COUNSELLOUS AT LAW, 75 - - Chmtnnt, North Side, - - 75 Between Third and Fourth rta.. fit. Louis, Mo. Mr. It. U Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for everr State in the Union. References in Chicago—Seripps & Broea. FKCOERICK PPICft.] CILTIS C. BUST. SBC anU 35av. J£YB AND EAR.-a PR. C.IBWELL, OPERATOR OX THE HYK AXD KA B, For Deafness. Blindness. and all defvrU of right and henring, Hr. C. is a regularly educated physician, and has devoted twenty years of Ids professional life ex. clurii '-Jvto the treatment oidlscaseaofrheEveandEar. Slir No charge made lor un examination or opinion, and no lee required for uncncrertful scrvlm-*, UK. CADWrLL'S Treatise on the l*re and Ear. (CM eago.ttlu. containing references, testimonial*. etc., to be nod gratis on application, postage tea cents. Ad dress 1U Randolph street, Chicago. *c2duo-ly JIAUSS, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, 79 fttoru Clack !?thckt. ...... 79 Opjmrito me Court House. Best French Crystal and Brazilian pebble Spectacles, Eye Glus-es. Opera Glasses. • MICROSCOPES. i'ELESCOPEP, Mathematical Inatruroenu. etc., etc., constantly on hand. All kinds of instrument* and spectacles re. paired, and glasses Inserted into old frames. Ja9 fHchirinrs. Set, pHRIFY TJTE BLOOD. Moffat’s Vegetable Life Pills, AND PHCENIX 35ITTEES. The high and envied celebrity which these prc-cml neat Medicines hare acquired for their invaluable e*!l. emey in all the disease* wtilch they profess to cure. has rendered the usual practice of pulling not only uu. necessarv, bat nnworthr of them. IN ALL CASES Of Asthma. Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys, Billion* Fevers, and Liver Complaints, In the South and Went, where these disease* prevail, they will be found invaluable. Planters. Farmers ami others, who once use these medicine*, M ill never after wards be without them. Bilious Colic, Serous Looseness, Biles, Costive* ness, Colds, Coughs, Colic, Corrupt Humors, Dropsies, Djcpysxa. No person with thow* dl*tre«lng diseases should de- Ur using these medicine* immediately, Fevek ikd Acce.—For UJ» scourge of the Western country, these medicines will be found a safe.speedy and certain rcraedv. Other medicines leave the syo tcni subject to a return of the disease; a cure by ttiece medicines Is permanent. Try them. Be batiaued end be cured. Foulness of tlie Complexion. General Dcblltr. Goat. Giddiness. Gravel, Headaches of every kind. Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism. impure Blood Jaundice, Loss nf Appetite, Eruptions of the SUu, KryHpcla** and Flatulency. MKKCfßui.jMsxiJoA—Never fall tocradicate entirely oil the effects of Mercury, Infinitely sooner than the most itoverful preparation of Sarsaparilla. Mghl Sweats. Nervous Complaints cf all kinds. Organic Affections. I’iLßS. —The original proprietor of these Medjdnea was cured of idles of 83 years* standing by the ose of these Life Medicines alone. Pains 1m the Head. Side. Back. Joints and organ*. UusrMiTiSM —Those afflict* d with lids terrible dis ease will be sarc of relief by the Life Medicines. Until of Blood to the 11 cad. Scurvy. Suit Rheum, Swellings. Scrofula, or King’s Evil In ita worst forme. Ulcers of every description. "Worms of all kinds are effectively expelled t»y these Medicines, |*areata will do well to admlnster them whenever their existence la suspected. Belief will be certain. THE LIFE PILLS AND PH<EN3N BITTERS Purify the Blood, and thus remove all disease from the •vfitem. Prepared and sold by 9 Hr, TTm. B. nioflat, 835 Broad tray, cor. of Anthony street. New York. tTTorsalebyallJwcgglsta. laa29*oo-ly Stationers, & c . QARTER & STONE, Dealers in BAGS AND PAPEZZ, 29 Booth Canal Street Chicago, HL J. T. Cibtxc. B. B. SrnVK paid fur all kind* of Colton oud Woo’en Bigs. w.miy ■OUTLER & HUNT, 48 S tat e-St., 13 have nowon hand the following sizes of printing p»per: 18x17 18x23 20x41 20x40* 23x33 25)i*6 23x44 2*x 5)1 *-Sx37 57x41 Six 33 26x43 23x33 55x35 20x27 And are receiving n Urge assortment of BOOK PAPER. 8.000 ream* of Wrapping Paper, of dlflerent sixes. - 1.009 ream* MaolUa do. 200 ream* Cap and Letter, and a general assortment ' of Printer's Stationery, 2.000 kegs of Mather's celebrated Book and News Ink. AU of which «iu be sold ler cseli at the lowest possi ble rates. xnhlV qr Cash paid for Bag*. T| A. IX6EBSOLL, JL* * Blakc Book Munricrruia. BOOK BINDER AND RULER* I ho now prepared to mannfactorc Blank Books of every description, ruled and bound to any dolntl pat* terns, with or without printed headings. ParticularoL lection paid toordcrstioniConntvOlflrrrs, iunks. Ac, Bid Rends. Letter Heads, Slapping Pill*. Ac.. Ruled and printed to order. Mazarines, Periodical?, etc., pound In any style. Old Books bound mid re.Lonr>d. All Itinds ul printing done with neatness and dispatch. Terms imtforate. NO. 1» LAKE STREET. Northeast corner of Clark, (entrance os Clark street.) post OtUcc Box 3UM. tnyriafaJl-iy Coal, a2Jooh, szc. f'tOAL !—COAL! —I have a large stock of the following varieties of CoaL which I am prepared to deliver well screened and dry (from under sheds.) at the LOWEST MARKET KATES; Lump Lehigh, Brier RIU, Large and fimall Egg Lehigh, Eric. Large and Small EggScrauton, Bio»*bnr^, Large and Small Keg Sbatnokln. CMppewa. Also, WO tons pIO IEUN", Scotch and American. 20.0U0 FIRE BRICK for axle low to cash or prompt time buyers. A. 11. kECKu. Office 65 North Wells street, Yard loot North Market street, sew-dTS-Sm JDcntists' (Satis. Aw. freeman, gss> • DEKTIb'f, ( <UII3T 102 WisaufCTo* Braun-. £mc*« tOZ 1 Just east of Clark Street. Ko charge for an examination or oninecestful work. ocyeo-iy ; __ ■ptJLLER Ss ALBAUGII, fgSs3> DENTISTS, 7 UTi\ir 8 g .WEST BANDOLPH-ST„ cmCAGO 58 Post Office Box 3329. J. C. Tmn. [ocrop-ly] Wy. AwrciL Ucal Estate. 'T'OMPKINS & co., X REAL ESTATE And Merchandise Broken*, Boys and Scßs Lands. Exchange* Property for Goods of any kind; Win attend to any business for parties at a distance whe*e an agent la required: Negotiate Loans; Make Collection*, &c„ Ac* Room Ho. 8 Kingsbury Block, ' Office of the Commercial Advertiser and Real Estate Gauue. 0c25-d129-Un T AND FOR SALE CHEAP.— acres of well selected lands In Houston Conn, ty, Minnesota, at Sine Shillings per acre. Also. Im proved Fartns in this Stale, ana ftrsuclaxs ChlcnAObn?*' , nc ff & ?d residence property. at very low prices. Sour Ja the time for great bargains. POlfcdtaS-lw ULES A SLOCCM. 48 Laealle St. T>ILL HEADS—On fine white or JL* blue paper, ruled and printed to order at Tri bone Office, 61 Clark street. WM. 1L RAND. noli-Sw Hi Cljicngo Erilmne, SATURDAY, NOVEiIBER 17. 1800. Dolly Arrival and Departure or Wall Trains. TVclns Depart'. Mailt dose. Trains Arriie. 7.30 a. m. 2.00 a.m. 8.00 a.m. £.OO p. m. 6.15 a.m. £.OO p. m. MICHIGAN CENTRAL. 7.3=1 a m. 2.00 a. m. 8.00 a. m. 8.00 p.m. fl.lsp.rn. 8.00 a.m. PITTSBURG, FT. WAYNE AND OIIICAOO. 6.40 a. m. 2.00 p. m. 8.00 a. tn. 7.25 p.m. 6.00 p.m. 8.80 p.m. CHICAGO AND ROCK ISLAND. 9.15 a.m. 8.00 a.m. 5,50 p.m. 9.15 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 6.1& p. m. DIXON AIR LINE. 9.45 a. m. 8.00 a. m. • 4.00 ft. m. 9.50 p.m. No moil. 4.50 p.m. ILLINOIS CENTRAL—Boakoi. 6.35 a. m. 12.30 a. m. 9.00 a. m. 6.35 p. m. 0.30 p. m. 0.00 p. m. BURLINGTON AND QUINCY. 9.15 a.m. 7.80 a.m. 5.30 a.m. 7.00 p.m. 6.00 p.m. ALTON AND ST. LOUIS. 7.00 a. in. 7.30 a. m. 6.15 a.m. y.otl p. m. 7.00 p. ro. 8.40 p. m. NORTH AND WEST. GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION. 9.45 a. m. 8.00 a. ra. 6.05 a, m. 9.80 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. NORTHWESTERN. PRUSSINC, 9.45 a. m. fi.nO a. m. 5.45 a. in. U.3U p. m. 7.00 n. m. 6.45 p. in. MILWAUKEE. 9.45 a. tn. 8.00 a.m. 1.55 p.m. y.OO p. tn. 7.00 p. m. C. 15 p. m. a—^■ The Voting la Southern Italy. fanes at the JMling /Voce* »;i Saplea—WTio lotfd “67” and trAotvtof 4 *-Vo”—-1 patri otic woman upermitted to deposit /ter vote — ' Erritenunt in the -** Moody Sixth ” of Xa ptfK [Correspondence of Uie Loudon Times.] \ Naples, October SI. A day in Naplas!—and such a day has >’a- i pics never seen. Wearied in body, and yet more so by the strong emotions of my mind, i 1 sit down, at the dose of the 21st of October, 3 SOU, to give you a narrative of events which have at limes unmanned me. From slavery to i liberty, from death to life—such Ss the change whicdi I have seen come over the people of i Lkiuliicru Italy this day; and you will not cou dder it as exaggerated language In one who 1 has lived, and suffered, and sympathized with 1 tliis oppressed race so long, and whose pen i has been steeped in gall for so many years, if 2 Kiy that I can scarcely command myself to re- 1 ]>ort what I have heard and seen, and so deep ly felt It was u beautiful morning when the early bells were rung—a stonuo , as it Is called —and summoned the people to perfom their : first duties os free men; and. Joining the multitude, I made the round of several quar ters, that I might see with my 44 very own eyes ” what was passing. ‘Demonstrations, and deputations, and flags are, of course, as plentiful as blackberries; wc i are accustomed to them, so that nothing de tained us until wc arrived in the large Palace yard, which was nearly tilled with National Guards arranged in a hollow square. Bands were playing, and companies tiling off after having given their votes, and fresh voters were coming up by “streets” to throw in their all decisive “67.” Let us get a little nearer. There Is a quantity of woodwork raised about the statues of the Bourbons—spared bjr a won derful degree of forbearance—for a triumphal arch Is to he raised in front. In order to con ceal two members of the bated dynasty, on the approaching visit of Victor Emanuel. Senti m is arc placed at the bottom of the steps which lead up to the Church of San Francisco Paolo, to prevent the entrance of all who have not a stamped permission to walk in and give their vote; bat your correspondent, thanks to Ibeconrtesy of the Neapolitans, is a kind of privileged person, and is admitted Immediate ly. There are three urns, or something like wooden sarcophagi in appearance, just In front. This one on the right contains “67,” that on the left the u Xo” while In the centre Is the urn which receives the vote. As the voters enter t hey are offered their choice, but of course all cry out “ 67/” as loudly as they can shonhand some add rim* for Victor Emanuel and Gari baldi. The officers on duly were urgent in saving 44 be particular in ottering both tickets, 4 67 ’or 4 AV; let every man exercise his free choice.” But any man In Ids senses must have felt, of course, that 44 Ab” was a moral impossibility for tile ; that the great question was al ready decided, and that simply appearances were to be observed. Yet a few “ AbV* were given during the day—two by Garibaldi’s men, who considered tba*t “67” was a declaration against an united Italy, and one by a person who was determined “to make ilia protest known to Europe and the 'World.” Most of those on duty I recognized as men over whom I have uttered my Jeremiads in your columus on their being Imprisoncdorcxiled. Andnow wh'atls their position! While seated on the platform I observed a few priests record their votes, several blind and infirm persons, aged people with a depth of resolution which spoke of their sensp of the liberation which was at hand, and 44 Popolari,” —not the Lazzaroni of the early Bourbons— who came up with as much intelligence os any of the Eseeutive, and shouted for Vic tor Emanuel. In short, all who did come appeared to do so voluntarily and cheerfully, but that numbers were kept away by fear and by diversity of opinion X cannot doubt. Enough time, however, has been spent at Ban Fcrdihado, qnd pq now wc will visit Monte Calvarlo. Our road lies through the Toledo, where the flags have been doubted since yesterday, and variegated lamps arc already suspended for the evening’s illu mination. Bunds of people arc coming down, and women, Garibaldiui and civilians, all uii.ved up iu delightful confusion, with music and flags. Clipping their hand* and shouting, 44 Viiv' Garibaldi I" “ T7t« 1 Ittorio Enmuinu def* What a scene of life and animation it is! Who docs not for the moment feel himself Im mortal! But here, at a doorway on the left, resting on treaties, Is one of those large, guy sarcophagi of the country, all covered over with gilt and crimson velvet. The Fratclli, with their white dresses and cyduu-holcs, crowd about it, and “ Death's Lancers,” as the Brothers of St. Jaunarins arc called, bring up the rear. 44 jlctncuio morif says this spectacle. What a variety of shift mg scenes we have in the course of one day in one single street J I wonder who that person was who was being borne to his last home through this riot and confusion, jlad he suffered In Lis lifetime tram the persecutions of the Bourbons! As likely as not, for J never met a family without its victims; anil if such was the case, death must h:ivc come wfth less terrors to him, from the prospect of this day, though he jjcycrlivcd to see it. A few steps further and we got to the poding place of Monte Calvarlo, where there is ten-fold the animation which distin guished Sun Ferdinando. Half a dozen open ings led into n piazza, amt each opening has its triumphal arch, and every hole its flag, and a brats band Is playing that beautiful hymn to Garibaldi, good, great, add glorious—Garibal di, great In Ids very weaknesses, for they all lean to virtue’s side.' The. President and the Eictll received me with marked courtesy, and gave me a post of honor, from which 1 watch the interesting proceedings. Even the women want to vote, but they are kept back. There is an excep tion made In favor of 44 Marianna la Santa tiio- Vfinnara,” an old patriot of the quarter, known throughout the city for devotion to Liberal principles. She has a iikcolofed §asli or scarf over her shoulder and all nronhd her waist, and very proud she looks, and determined and rejoiced, as if she would say, 44 1 will throw oue stone more on the pile which shall bury the Bourbons for ever.” She throws in her !•§!,*” aud hailed with the clapping of hands, and leaves, aS she i* the midst of tri-col ored banners. Twelve mdnkSofftieTerra&inl 0 had already voted when I command SO of the Pasquilieri voted later. Priests, rari naulcs, in the crowd, made their appearance. And now comes a martyr, whose sufferings in the Bagno of San Stciauo tuAdc his appearance a subject of public joy. Snavchia is his name, apd he is greeted, as- he''deserves to lie, with dapping of hands and 44 and comes np liberated from his chains and red jacket, and exercises the privileges of a free man. Kopje : so old that they could scarcely totter, passed 1 before me, ami men on crotches, and blind men, who groped their way to the nrn, and ! cried out lustily, “A, tit* But there was one ; case Z2 affecting that it moved mo almost to j unmanllness. it was A person in advanced ■ life, with gray h&lr. Tfho came op, threw In his ; “A,” and then knelt down ana Kissed tjie nm , with devotion, being choked at the time With > excces of feeling. what a history did that act tell of!—and later I will Introduce him again in my narrative, but I cannot pauselongwhcre three Is so much to recount. While on the platform I was begged to translate an Italian Inscription Into English, to the following cflcct: — 44 The National Guard of Naples ip the brave English who are combat ing for inc liberties of Italy.” It is intended, they told me, for the flag which is now mak- and is to be presentedto our countrymen who have already covered themselves with glory. 44 1 cannot describe,” says the corres pondent of one of the Neapolitan journals, 44 the fervor with which the English fight; they fight like madmen.” It is high time, however, to leave Monte Calvarlo, or I shall be killed ] with kindness and with repletion from Ices and brioche* x yet onotyonL This quarter has ; been always known os the most advanced and ! liberal quarter of Naples;'it had'sent out Its ; legion* In aB times or disturbance to fight the • Santa Lucian! asd other retrogradlsts; it has its book of martji*, therefore. The most bru tal police commissaries have always bepr . there, os Morbllo, and the most ferocious d ' priests, os the Cure pfgL Matteo, and repin'd ; and plunder, and ferocity and hypocrisy, have , gone hand In hand In an extraordinary manne ' in Monte Calvarlo. No wonder, therefore, tba the inhabitants arc to-day hall mad with joy. ; Three “Noes” were put in, and one of the uh ; happy voters was insulted, some say killed, •rniicii T believe to be an exaggeration, but ! which I shall nst hold back if 1 find it to be . true, 1 And now let us visit Poerio, cn tovie loan* : other polling place, lie Is staying Mad amc Panola, whose Imsbnnd died while in hid : ing from the police,, and the large drawing ; room was full of people waiting to see a man whose inheritance was persecution, and who i had spent tlip greaterpart of his life in exllcor i imprisonment, and soino portion of It, as you : know, with a chain round his leg ana waist. Every mm J looked upon in lh’e‘r6om hsd a history, a public and a' painful one. Close tij j the door stood a stalwart “popolano,” who | had been a fellow prisoner with Poerio. Than there was the Duke—who had had his i chain,and wrote the history offals voyage j when he accompanied Poerio to England; and ■ Gen. Stocco, whose arm was still weak from a i tbot be received in Sicily. 1 sat by the same i individual whose interesting vote I recorded i jßjovc. Felice Kiri, a captain in the Marine. :u lt is a day top deUgh tfi U to me,”aud is an i ample compensation, said he, ”. 4 for t lift; of ■ sugcring. I cannot bear It;” and herche be came so moved that he could not speak. “3ly father,”he continued, “died in exile, one of my uncles was shot at the Ponte Madalcno, two were burnt In their country houses by the • bloodhounds of despotism. I was datltuiiola i 1820, and passed inaßy years an pxile. On my i return 1 received a small public office, and In 184 SI was dedituito again. Since then I have , been under the bon, living as best I could.” BAST. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. SOUTH AND WEST. The Voting: In Southern Italy. | Mark, this U the Ustory of thousands ic'l tens of thousands in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and os surely as the writing In the pa i lace of Belshazzar wosthat of thehond of God, ! this successful revolution Is his .work.also. I’ After some little lime Poerio came in, and a more Directing sccuel never witnessed. Twelve years or more had passed since they inet; age and suffering had changed many beyond the power of recognition; but as their earlier fea tures grew in his returning memory they threw themselves on bis neck and embraced him. Felice Pirrl wept like a child and left without saying a word; It was enough to have seen Lis old friend. - After a warm greeting from the Baron, I left tills moving scene, the more so that fresh visitors were coming In ever}’ moment, and deputations from all classes of the people. ; Just outside the gateway there Is another and a widely different scene—a large crowd and a temporary pulpit resting against that grand monument in honor of the Madonna in the Piazza del Gesnlti. There is a man with dark flowing locks and beard and moustaches, who takes off a black Calabrian hot and feather as he mounts the stairs. He has a red Garibal di coat, and military bools and spurs, and a whip and sword and pistol, like the old Puri tan warriors, and a houmous hauga loosely over his shoulders. Ho Is the Padre. Panta leone, of Sicily, a man who never leaves Gari baldi, lowborn be is devoted. He urges on the great duties of voting, says something about the “MadonnaSantisßlma” to please ami tranqullizc the old .women, male and female, and winds up with a “ Viva Garibaldi! Viva Vittorie Emmsuuele! Viva Maria Santlssi ma!” which Is responded to by some with a “ Bravo!” and by others with a feeble, whining cry of “Viva Maria Santissima;” and all this took place jnst opposite the doors of the Church of the Jesuits. - The Padre conies down from his platform, and surrounded by a multitude and band and banners, goes to some other place, while X go to the uvighboringhoepital en passant and visit our sick countrymen. It is Sunday morning, and mercy is better than sacrifice, so I look in on these poor fellows, who toll me that they are very comfortable and well attended to,and are very grateful for attention. Altogether there are nine in this hospital, principally from sickness, and only one case gives anxiety, who was wounded last Friday, the ball jMissing through the fleshy port of his leg, hut he is ing well. They asked for nothing, as'they wanted nothlug; a little paper for writing and some books they would like they said, and those thev have bad. And now to one or two other polling places. That of San Lorenzo is. the nearest; here they have polled 1,600 an hour since the morning. Many priests had been there, but no monks, although a large monastery of the Dominicans was close by; many sick and infirm and blind bad been brought up as in the other quarters, and the voting kid gone on quietly on 1 orderly enough. In the courtyard were assembled the Na tional Guard, with dahlias lu the barrels of their muskets. Close by is the pollimr place of the Quarters Pcndino'and the Porto,'ll is in the great ball of the University, where some 15 years ago Ferninaud 11. received the scien tific men oflfaly who were then sowing the seeds of that revolution which hassineospread through the Icmrth and breadth of the land. There was a band'in the gallery, which played at intervals, and an elevated platform was erected at the end, on which the urns were placed, and to which the voters ascended. The same attentions were paid us here as at all the other stations, and alter having heard that a few prints and some Benedictines had voted, and at)outs,oDo persons in all, I went onto the Quarter of St. Giuseppe, in the Municipal Pal ace. Puerto voted in that quarter, and on be in" asked whether he would take a “Si” or “5*0,” created a laugh by his waggish hesita tion. 1 need not say with how much enthusi asm he was rcceived. The last quarter I via*; ited was Unit of Chlaja, where I was told by one of the returning officers lliat 7,000 out of 9,000 had already voted. . The forms were the same here as in all other stations, and require no observation, but a curious fact was (hat many of the women pre sented themselves with* the votes of their husbands, who were fishing at sea—very prop erly they were refused. This brings me down to four o'clock, and I am looking for repose and rcireshment, but there is a great crowd as sembled in the Kiviera di Chlaja, and Hungar ian Cavalry act ns a guard of honor, and Na tional Guards and Garibaldiui keep off the crowds from the gates of the Hotel d’Angle terre. Garibaldi is there, and crowds of admirers are waiting outside or pressing on to catch at least a glimpse of him, or better, to touch his hand. I saw him, and begged a favor, which instantly granted to me with that kind voice every one must have remarked in private. The wonderappeare lobe that with all the gen tleness of a woman he can yet exercise so great an influence over the minds of the mil lion, win them by bis softness, and urge them on at the same lime to deeds of the greatest daring. For three mortal hours the crowd re mained outside, uud then followed him on foot and In carriage to the railway, checriug him lustily all the time. Mr. Mason Jones, whom I met this evening, will tell my countrymen all about it when he returns to England, for he is in the midst of everything, and is collect ing a hosl of material for his lectures on Gari baldi, with whom he lias had two long inter views. I cannot close the day without looking In again at the polling booths of Monte Calvurio and San Ferdhiaudo. In the formcrplacethey had gone to the “Teatro Nuovo” actors, or chestra and all to the Piazza to sing the Hymn of Garibaldi. At the Quarter of San Ferdi namlo little was doing, lor it was 10 o’clock, but the ladies were thronging in to sign an ad dress to Vidor Emanuel, a copy ofwhich I will semi, If time permits me. And thus ends the 21st of October, 15G0, the day from which, let us hope, will dale a new nnd bright era in the history of the Two Sicilies. iselumg fllacljtncs. I" CORNELL tfc CO., Propric- JL-i» tors In the Northern and Western States, of the celebrated . • CORJ?2L2. & 00*3 SEWIiSTG- MACHINES, TAGGART «t FAIUTC PaTKXT. Agents wanted in every town—great Inducements of fered. Ulhce and Salesroom at 133 Lake Street, No. I, 2d Floor, rhlroro, 111. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. L. OOCSkLU 16C15.dC5-3m] T . C . ESTER. 128, S2B, $35, $35, S4O, S4O. sets V, \'(i .W.S V Tf SA'E a ! FAMILY" AXD MANUFACTtT.I.NG. 5,500 already In nso« Double Thread. Grover & laker Stitch, and was _ banted oqnnl to the very beat at aav price. They hare wroughtthrlrown GREAT SL T CCKSS,aiid arc the only gcfctaurn. couiurriToas. and gbkit beduke to h<*h price* and mouo-iolles. Tlioucaud* Pw»m it. bwlft. easy and still; Stitching. Hemming. Felling.Tocking.Gatherin''. UulUlng. Cording and Embroidering beautifully. Their held of success Is the world or sewing to be done —from Book Musllua to Heaviest Devon and Cowhide No machine claim* to give better satisfaction, and no • EQUALITY to our UNIVERSAL IlLilMl.R. adjustable, as It la, to All Widths and TmCKNfjv*rs. AV e want reliable Men and Women as Agents In every town In the North and West, to wlrom a great per tent age will be allowed. Men of all profession* aud ladles In all circumstance* are new at work fivuMoinethetr brl'blAußTnUbh good ■and their pockets no hurt, ny In troducing our Machines which are BREAD AND GOLD for the poor and all that Is wanted for the Iticb. bamples of Sewing, Descriptive Circular and Cut* sent on receipt of red stamp. Address _ „ 4 CORNELL it COMPANY. Call at 13 Lake street. Dor gasi Chicago, HI. AriLLAII’S NEW PATENT 4*X Lork<£tUch Fumllj- MACHINES! $35, $35, $35,'535, $35, $35. : The ONLYonelakingthlsatilch sold for less than In form, general appearance, sUlch. (alike on both sides.) size, canacltr. speed, stillness, ease of mo tlon. and manner of forming the sUtcn. U Is vert «rcM uxk and Wxriukted to do as much and as well ns the celebrated WHEELER & WILSON sll3 MACHINE. We also have the SBTROPOLIIAS nooblp.Locl Tlsl,t Fast GIIOVKII & ItAKEP. stitch Sewing Machine—warranted superior to any S3O marldne. or money refunded. We will send either or both of three machine*, at agents'prices, to any party engaged Iu the sale of sewing marhinc?. and refund the money at the end of sixty dars If they urn nol**Uiflcil, No connection with ComoTl A Co. Age^Ms wanted. Call at l-il Lake swert, or address . a,L>,WIS CORNELL, Box SKA, Chicago. 111. Jail CO-cSBMyr Bags. T>AGS—BAGS—BAGS—BAGS— XJ CORN EXCHANGE BAG MANUFACTOBT. HART, ASTEN £ CO_ 157 South Water st_ CMcago. B. E. CLARK £ CO., 128 Broad street. New York. ia*c»-iCTraEM as? pealsss is 33a£8 of Every Miners’ and Grocers' lisps made and printed to order withbeautiful brands. NewandßCCono-ltand Seamless Grain and Gunny Dago, for Shippers. Millers and Far. incis’nrc. ip’jsft'r Hour, Buckwheat; Feed, H»m« Salt. Seed. AC • IST Orders nllod with fidelity and dispatch, Hags loaned to shippers. myMy • QinCAGO BAG AGENCY. 275 SOUTH ATES STBEET. GRAIN *‘AQS of various sizes and FLOUR—Halves, Q new, end F»rfeN, minted to order of any desired pattern. HaM SACKS—Every size used, OUXNr BAGS*—Two or Three Bushels. Commission Merchants, Millers. Grocers and Pro. rtalon Dealers will find Just the articles wanted in oar stock, orders solicited [apl’ HAWKINS A CHAPMAN. BAGS! BAGS!! BAGS Ml FABWELL’S STEAM BIG MAXmCTpBT. <3,4L 4£ wziuaii Avzcrjc, cbicaco. BAGS AND SACKS Of every description famished on short notice, and printed with JVcw and Beautiful Brandi. • . SIMEON FABWELL. apGAAwly-t771) iTj.ITNNY BAG —IOO,OOO FOR VJ BALE At THE ' . Com Sxcbange 8 K manufactory, HA T, ASTEN & CO., ee£oiHC4sm] 157 South Water street, Chicago. TATE OFFER FOR SALE AT f. T low IgtA.*, 600 Boxes Soap. 200 Boxes Starch. 100 Kegs Sol Soda, 100 Keg* S. C. Soda, * 200 BoxesSslcratns. 25 Boxes Potash 100 Boxes Concentrated Lye. WILLIAM LITTLE A CO, - South Water St SUGAR AC. 60 Hhdß Sugar. 100 Bbls Sugar. 60BxaSngar. 100 Bbls N. T. Syrup, 60 Bbla Molasses. WM. LITTLE A CO-13 South Water St CTORE AKD GOODS. FOR kJ RALE CHEAP—worth about |T,«M. la ft flourish. IngVUlase. 1W miles from Chicago, with a first-cUss trade, wilt be taken In Chicago Beal Estate, S3XOO cash, and balance lo one year. Payment to be se cured. Inquire of GEO. A. street Chicago. • noiOiaw pHOICE CATAWBA AND ISA VX Leila Grapes, (or sale low by STEVENS A WEBBER, 0c23d31A6m 109 Randolph street .«t;OSTAS>S» VERMIN' EXTERMINATORS The Only Infallible Remedies Known. 9B3TSOTB INBTANTI/ST, Every Form and Species of VERMIN. Those remarkable preparations (unlike all others); are “Free from Poisons." t „ “ Not dangeroos to the bmnvn ftunlly. “ come out of their holes to die." 10 yean and more established la New York City USED BY—the City Post Office. USED BY—the City Prisons and Station Booses. USED BY—City Steamer*. Stipe, 4c. USED BY—the City U capitals, Alms-Houses, 4c. USED BY—the CltyHstcls-’Aslor'—’St, Nicholas,* *c. USED BY—the Boarding Booses 4c. 4c. USED BY—more than Private Families. tST See what the People. Press and Dealers say: . HENRY" B. COSTAR.—AII the summer I have been tronbredwlth koujics and Slice. 1 was actually ashamed of the bouse, for the Boacbes were every where. 1 purchased a pox of your Exterminator and tried It sod In one week there was not ajßoach or Mouse In the boose. JOHN B. GIVENS, No. 94 Elm Street HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vermin, need be to noTonger. ITihey use “Costar’s” Exterminators. We have nerd it to our satisfaction, and if a box cost fi wc would have it We have tried poisons, batthey effected.nothing; but Cottar’s article knocks the breath out of liati, Mice, and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write It It is In great demand all over the country.—{Medina (0.) Ozctte. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed an nually in Grant County by vermin, than would pay for tuns of this Bat and Insect Biller.—{Lancaster (Wis.) Herald.. I HAVE BEEN SELLING-your Exterminator for the last year, and haveluund it a sure shot every time. 1 hare not known It to fall in a single Instance. ’ GEORGE BOSE, Druggist, Cardlngton, O. TO DESTROY—Bats, Roaches, *c. TO DESTROY—Mice, Moles, 4c. TO DESTROY—Bed-Bugs. TO DESTROY—Moths, Fleas, Ants, Ac. TO DESTROY—Mosquitoes. TO DESTROY—lnsects or Plants or Fowls. TO DESTROY—lnsects on Animals, 4c, do, 4c. USE ONLY “COSTAE’S* Bat, Roach, 4c, Exterminator. “COSTAH’S” Bed-Bug Exterminator. •COSTAR’S” Electric Powder for Insects, 4c. In 25c, Wc. end f 1 Boxes, Bottles and Flasks, |3 and $5 Sizes for Plantations, Ships, Boats, Hotels, 4c. Hr Sold Everywhere—by All Wbolesalo Druggists In largo cities. All Retail Druggist*—Grocers—Store-Keepers, 4c, 4 c, In all Country Villages and Towns. Wholesale Agents in IV. Y, City. Schleffclln Brothers & Co. HarraL RUley 4 Kitchen. Fahdcetook, Hull 4 Co. Bush. Gale 4 Robinson. A. B. 4 D. Sands 4 Co. if. Ward, Close 4 Co. Wheeler 4 Hart. McKlsson 4 Bobbin it. JUtrcman 4 Co, D. S. Barnes 4 Co. Hall Ruekel 4 Co. F. C. Wells 4 Co. Thomas 4 Fallen Lazelle. Marsh 4 Gardner. I*. D. Orris Hall, Dixon 4 Co. I’eufold. Parker 4 Mower. Tripp 4 Co. Dudley 4 Stafford. Conrad Fox. And others. Philadelphia, Fa. T.W. Drott&Sons, I RobL Shoemaker 4 Co. U A. Fahnestock 4 Co. | French, Richards 4 Co. And others. ißoSton, Maaa. Geo. C. Goodwin 4 Co. I Weeks 4 Potter. H. S. Burr 4 Co. | Jno. Wilson, Jr. And others. € 11C A 0 9, ILL f3T Sold at Wholeiale—by— J. 13. REED & CO., 144 & 146 LABS BT&SBT, Sc .STIITH, 43 LAKE STREET. O. F. FCUFR & CO. 53 and 54. STREET. And by Druggists. Grocer* and Retailers generally, la City and Country. rif* Country Dealers can order as above. or address order* direct—[or If Prices. Term*. £c„ Is desired. Z3T Send for Circular to Dealers] to EENEY A. COSTAH. Principal Depot—No. 5<3 Broadway—Opposite the SL Nicholas Hotel, New Tort. DUPRAT’S POLISH AND French Black Yamiah. PATENTED APRIL 10th, IKO. This superior Varnish has been approved by the chem k*t* of Washington as being the best article of the kind ever Invented for varnishing Boots. Harnewx Military Accoutrements. Ac. giving them a beautiful lustre without injuring the leather to the lean: but on the contrary, the oily tmb«lance of which Use VaruUh Is composed renders It pllahle and sofr. Boots. Hansen*. &e_ after being varnished can be washed In water with out Injury to the lustre. It can also be handled without soiling the hands. ThU VacnUh U also good for Metals —Bra**. Iron. Tin. *c. One application making them a beautiful black and giving them a splendid lustre, pre serving them also from rust. Ills Invaluable for looks, door buttons. Ac. The Varnish dries In less Uian three minute. l *, therefore preventing the dust from accumula ting with iu It can also be used by manufacturers of umbrellas, canes, turner* of wood, Ac. as it baa the gift of giving the wood a permanent black and lustre at the same time. ThU varnish U never stlekv, even In the warmest climate. It can also be employed to ad vantage for the hoo& of horses, giving them a beauti ful polish, and preventing the mod from fastening ;o to ilie hoof t*r Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. for circular* to Dealers. p2f“ Principal Depot 512 Broadway, (opposite St Nicholas Hotel) N. X. VAN KOREAN INSTITUTE, A FBERCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL FOB YOUNG LADIES. Nos. 3 and S. We*t Thirty-Eighth Street* Murray Hill, two door* from Fifth Avenue. New York, contin ue* in session till the latter part of Jane, sud receives pupils at any time. The edifice—planned expressly for the School, and warmed bv hot water, with a pare, Rumraer-llkc air—ls In the highest and most beautifru part of the city. Physical training constituting r part of the daily course of education, receives MeattenUonwhlchit* importanlc dtsinuLd*. The uttlrc absence of low and depraving incentive* to. n »cation, the pervading spirit of a pleasant horoel .e, and thoronghnese In whatever stndles are under:- ken, especially character ize the school. French 1* spoken. The *ide*tma«ten> are employed for French. Italian, Genn-n, Piano Forte, Harp, and other accomplishments. Among his friend*. mo«t ol whom have, or have had, daughters In his school, the principal refers to; Rev. Robert Baird, D.'' N. Tg Rev. Gardiner Spring D. Pj N. Y.: Rev. Asa ••. Smith. D. D, N. Tu Rev. Joel Parker. D. D„ N. Yu K> \.Edwin F. Hatfieid, I>. D_ N. Hon. James Har ir. N. Tu J. Marlon Sims, M. D w KY4 Rev.G.R.C.ooka.D.D,N.Yg Wm.H. Al len, L. L. D_ Pre*L (? tard College: Onington Lunt, Ewj- Chicago; Rev. u. o. EltchelU D. D, Detroit: Prat Worthington Ho key, M. D_ Tale College. For full Information see Circular, which mar be ob talncd br addressing .... K£V. D.a VAN NQBMAN. Li.!>„ Principal. Elegantly Illustrated Edition *of COOPER’S HOVELS, Embellished with Fire Handred Original Drawings By F.O.C.D ABLET, . This beandfol edition of Cooper's Works was com. nencert February Ist. 153, and win be completed tn TMny-Two Months from that date, a volume contain- Inc a novel complete, being published on the first of bach month. The volumes are uniform in size and binding, and each contains Two Engraving* on Steel, and Twelve Sketches on Wood, designed by Dsrley, expressly for this edition, and engraved by the First Artists of the Country THE BEBXES EMBRACES; The Pioneers, Home as Found, Bed Rover. The Pathfinder. Last of the Mohicans. Wing and Wtng. The Snr. The Chalnbearer, Wyandotte, J^kTlep The Bravo, The Red Skins, The Pilot. OakOpenlnga,. , Wept of wlsh-ton-WUh, The Two Admirals, The Headsman, The Deewlarer, The Prairie, Mercedes of Castile, Lionel Lincoln, The Crater. The Sea lion*. The Heldeamauer. The Water Witch. Afloat and Ashore, Homeward Bound, MileeWalUnstortL The Manikins, The Way* o? the Hour, Batmnstoe, ■ Ipecantlon. The Cm twentv-two Volume* are l»ued In the above order; the remainder will follow the same arrange* ment as nearly as possible. As a National Enterprise, the publication of this edition exceeds, both in magni tude and importance, anything of the kind before an* denakeo In the country. Cooperhaa been justly styled “The Great American Novelist.’' and the Publishers believe they have not mistaken the taste* of his cmn* tnrmen m offering them this complete and decant edf* Uoocf his work*. TJobUshingbysnbscrtmlon. attuo per volnmo. The volume* can be obtained of W. B. KEEN, and S. C. GRIGGS A CO„ Chicago and from Bookseller* In all the principal el tie*, or the publishers wltl send them by mall, postage prepaid, for SIXO each. D ABLET’S COOPER VIGNETTES At the suggestion of numerous Artlrt* and Amateurs thePubllsher* have taken a limited number of “Ar tist Proof* before letter.” of each of the beautiful Steel Vignettes, engraved from Barievs Design* for the New Illustrated Edition of Cooper's Works. These they are about lining In folios, each containing elzht proofs and each proof accompanied with a page of letter-press descriptive of the picture. The proofr sre being print ed with the utmost care, on India, and backed ou the finest French Plain Paper. Each foljo will bo in a cov er of hlßhlyornamental derign. printed In tint Folios One, Two. Three and Four are now ready for Subscri bers, and the remaining Focr will follow In a few months. Price to Subscriber*—three dollars per folio. As the proof* are limited to a small number, (only 500 Impressions from each plate) after which the plate* an lettered, so that no mom ran be token, no subscription will be received except for the fan set, W. A TOWNSEND A C 0„ A% Walker fit* K.T. oc&dST-lra Ohjmmission fHercljantst. PEUGNET, A. Commission merchant. Personal attention given to the pnrrhase and aale of Onto. Floor and Country Prodace generally. OFFICE NO. 2 mrXIABD’S BLOCK, N. E. cor. 8. Water and Clark-sts. Post Office Box BX7. Bnrracsccs.—llon, Wm. B. Ogden, Chicago, IBj Bon. B. W. Raymond, dc.: Isaac Cook, Esq., do.; ». w. Rip ley, Esq., do.; p. Hannoov. Neph*t ft Co* New Tort; Gourd ireres. do.; Yelvcrtoa Bros* do.: Jas. King's Sonvdo.; Ju. n. Local, K-q„ Bt, LonU; Edward Tea eon. Raq.. do.: Cbas. Chouteau, Esq., do. [noUxSm PT Liberal advances made on Consignments. A"” DVANCES MADE ON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS AND BILLS OF LADING, BENJ. P. QUIMBT ft CO* ocn-dSS-ly Commlshton Merchants, N0.1825< 8., •pfILLIARD, MITCHELL & CO., Produce Commission Merchants, No. 142 South Water Street HQlUrd’f Block. Chicago. u p.iiilluxo. I w. w. hitch ill. | a. *. mrcum. eea-ciKJ-Siii ___________ JgDWARD SACKET, Commission merchant* No, IS6N South Water street between Ola and New Board of Trade Buildings, Chicago. 111. Bern to Merchants’ Savings Loan and Trust Co.. Chi. rogo; Smith. Pollard 4 Co. Chicago: Parker Handr. Eaq. Cashier, New York; A. Whitney 4 Sons. Philadel phia «r. P. Fowler 4 Co..New Orleans. an29~Goiy Packers and Commission Merchants, Opposite Michigan Central Freight Depot footof South Water Street Chicago, 111. Would Invite attention to their new packing Boose and Store, and from the opening of the Packing Season will have constantly on hand a lull snpply of BEEF, FORK, LABD, 4c. And their PREMIUM SUGAR CUBED HAMS. Or. ders for packing are soil cite _W. Lelajd. [selll C. B. S. Mixxs. JPORD & XORTOX, : i Storage and Commission Merchants, Fire proof Warehouse, on Market street between Lake and Randolph streets, Chicago, ID, tW“ Liberal advances made on Consignments. tauVTfiO-lyl MATHAXIKt XOBTON. piTKIX & CO., General Commission Merchants, 119 SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. JAMfcf L. pares. OyiTCO-ly] itntn n. rtvxnr. B. STEVENS & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Personal attention given to sales of Grain, Flour and Country Produce generally. Business exclusively com. mission. Advances made on Consignments. No. 229 South Water stu Chicago, p. O. Box 2959. e. b. srxvsss. [na2iaasi-tm| c. p. rirta. ROBB & CO., Wholesale Dealers In GROCERIES AND FISH, And General Commission Merchants, No. 10 Hirer Street, Chicago, lIL HORiCB KOOTOJf. apST-cSCC-ly PHA3EBERLAIX & SEYMOUR, \J COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the purchase and sale of CSii.V, Ftoia, PKODICE k MERCHANDISE, No. t Pardee’s Building, corner of Wells and South Waterstreets, Chicago, Illinois. Liberal advances mode on consignments. r. v. cuAMBKBLinr. tdclffaQ] h. w. petmoch. Q.RIFFIX BROTHERS, 1860 Commission Merchants, NO. 5 POMEROY’S BLOCK. Corner South Water and Clark street*. Chicago, Ad ranees made on consignments x. realms. [mttß’fioftyl a. cairn*. T'OEPIX, LAKE & CO.. JL COMISSION MERCHANTS, N0.182 1-2 South Water St., Chicago. v.a.Tcans. wells lul d. j.lakz. Uj«d] jTT.ES, WRIGHT & SHERMAN, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Every Description of Country Produce on Commission Exclusively. 29 and 22., .Lassus Svassr. CHICAGO yY. SCOTT STEWART, (Produce Commission Merchant, No. 1 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDINGS „ CHICAGO, TLLCtOia. ocl diQMy WELLER, MUDD & MELLEX, T T EXCLUSIVE COMMISSION iIEECHAKTS. 184 Soutli Water Street. Chicago, 111. Cash advances made on bills of Lading. Property la Store, and on Stilpments to oar Mends East ana Sonllu Jt»SK WKLLEU. j. o. msllkk. j. j. vcdd. • apypQ-ly UNDERWOOD & CO., coacsnssiosr mjcrcblastts, 152 South Water St., Chicago. mL2T3B MORSE & CO., Produce Commission merchant*, 183 SOUTH WATER STREET 193 Atkin's Building, Chicago. BusinessconflnodstrietlytoCommission. [JyyQ-ly-do V. COE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the purchase and sole of PORK, FLOUR, GRAIN AND STOCK, No. 216 V» South Water Street. Chicago. WITSOJf v. COB. WM. It. RICE. 8. I, CXDEBWOOD. dedTß-ty yAN DTWAGEN * CO., General Commlssslon Merchants, No. 3 Dole’s Building. ccr. South Water and Clark sta. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. LIBERAL ADVICES MADE ON CONSICNNRNT*. UmacacES.—Flint £ Wheeler. Smith, pollard £ Co. Chicago; Jason porker, Esq. Cutter £ Nlms,Buffalo. _mli2’Co-ly QULVEB & COMPANY, COMMISSION’ MKRCBLAJNTS, 210 South Water Street. _B- r. cn.vcn- [ja4b9Ul c. e. cct-Veb. J>UiISEY, BROTHER «& CO., Commission merchants, Give their exclusive attention to the purchase nnd sale of Flour, Grain, and other I’rodace, on Commission. No. 146 S. Water, cur. Clark *L, Chicago. [no2B.iUß HOWES, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 135 SoutU Water street, Chicago, 111. IIOLMES & SON, Beef and Pork Packers, and raovrsioN mnsoEAiras. Office N°- 12 River Street PACKING HOUSE NORTH BILVNCU, CHICAGO. Dealers In BEEF, POBX, HAMS, BHQOLQERS, LARD, ETC. PT* Highest market price for Cattle and Hogs. REFER TO Bankers and Business Men generally at Qulncv. 111.. St Louis and Chicago Bank: J. Young bcammon,L.*q„ President Marine Bank; J. 11. Dun ham. Esq.. President Merchants’ Saving* Loan and Company, aud Messrs. O. 8. Hubbard £ Chicago. SIM L HOLME*. [sefMlS-Cm] M. v. B. BOLVU. MURRY^ELSOX, lii PRODUCE Commlnlon and Shinning merchant* yb.VU 'SOUTH WAlfcK SI’REET. (Agent for the Fnlton Sfcirch Works. Oitwcgo Co.. N.T.) Liberal cash advance* on Flour and Grain for ship. Kent to o*wogo or Now York, or In store, giving the shipper the privilege of Belling in cither market for one commission, a ap!B JgEDFORD, MEREDITH & CO., CO3I3EISSION MERCHANTS, No. 219 South Water Street, Chicago, give their exclu sive attention to the purchase and sale ol Flour, Grain and all kmiU of Produce, block. Ac. Liberal advances made on consignment*. Agent* for Ella Dried Com Meal. Refer to K. I. Tlnkuam £ Co., Chicago: Ellis, McAlpln £ Co„ Cincinnati. Jal7-ly gPAFFOKD, STEWART & CO., Prodace Commission Merchants. Personal attention siren to sales of Grain. Floor. Provision' and Conctry Prodace generally. Undines* exclusively Commission. Advances nude on consign* meats. n.Klnzlestreet, Chicago. fearOMy C. h. grirroßD. n. btswakt. a r. w. nut Eg. wolcott & co., I f COMMISSION MERCHANTS, tn 2. Tinder New Board of Trade Booms. Sooth Water Street. Chicago, 111. C3T Orders filled with care and dUpatch. Liberal Advances made on Consignments for sale in Chicago, Da Halo or Oswego. x. a. Wolcott. d. v. Ticooa. ALLEN VANE & CO., XX COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the sale of Floor, Grain. Beet Pork, Hama, Lard, Batterf Cheese. Seeds, Dried Fruits, Ac. Water street. Chicago, Agents for Hamburg and West* TiriLLIAMS & HOU6HTELING V V COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No stow Sooth Water street, second door West of Well* street Bridge. give their exclusiveattention to tba aale and purchase of all kinds of Produce stock. So, on commistlod. aavanccsltuadeon Bills tX lading and'propertr In store; Refer to George Smith 50, Manne oant and George' Steel & Co. 'J?*. WILLIAMS. W.D.KOCGHTEU*O. ATEELV, LAWRENCE & CO., J_T COMMISSION MEBCUANTS for the purchase and sale of Grain, Flour. Provisions, and Country Pvodnee centrally. Business exclusively Commission. Also dealer* In Salt. Lime. Water-Ume. Btncco. Plast erfog Hair! Land Plaster. Ac, Ac, at S* 238 and 2W South Water street. a. a. xittr. z. r. LAwactcs. w t. wisdiatz. mhsreo-ty *. r. lawmsc*. Webster & banter, VBODUCE a COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Office 229 South Water Street, We rire oar personal attention to the purchase and aale of all kinds of Produce In this market. nw? wiklgza. 1 Jaarco-UJ d. r. bixttx. ■pialhcrfficl;, TTonfainglon & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ITS North Jefferson Street. P. 0. Box SJSVChicago. Orders front the country forthe purchase ofMerchan* d|se of every description promptly attended to. tcMxfim . 'J'homac, Unrxtbail & Thomae, Shipping 1 Commission merchants, SO. 144 WATER STREET, S. T.. liberal advances made on co alignments. Special at tention clvoo to the sales of Bides. Wool and Skins Refers W.W. DeForest A Co.. N. T.s GrU neit, Mlntorn A Co„ do.; B. Hawk, Richmond House, Chicago. ' oc9x3m r pnckcr 5 Randolph & Carter, GENERAL COiaiLsSlON MERCHANTS, No,’3 LoomU Building, Cor. Clark and South Water streets. Chicago, give their tersonal and cxdnsKe attention to the Commwlon uMnesa. fel’GLly ;os. b. Tcczxt. [ cnxs. roxsoltb. | ain’t r. cixixx. Commission i&ercfjants ■RATLIE & SEYMOUR, gexekal cosimbsiox MERCHANTB. Offlra tM South Pomeroy'S Building*, pofct oace Drawer 2838, Chicago. JAK D. BAIL!*. T. B. WTTWACT. BfTEKZSCßer—Storgea. Buckingham ft Co.; Wm, Mr r tin, General Freight Agent C. B. ft Q. R, li, T. H. Bey moar.jateAaav Gen FytAz’td.B.ftQ.K. J. D. Bailie, late of Arm of Jno. OBbmftCo. aulß-cS9I-ly TT'INLEY, HOYT & RUMSEY, JL COMMISSION 11EECHAXT3. 13 Sooth Za Salla BJxoot, Old Bolted State* Custom House Buildings, Chicago, jas. w. raunr. j. u. aorr. i. r. ansar. CARD.—In withdrawing from the Commission Bn«l --uesa. we take great pleasure la recommending the above firm to oar friends and patrons and tollut for them a continuance of their badness, Havtag known them for several yean, we cheerfully recommend them as good business men. aad in every ratpert reliable, FLINT ft WHEELER. THOMPSON, BONHAM & CO., X EXCLUSIVE coznrmssioN merchants, XO. S3 SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. Rsm to— Merchants* Sarlnn, Loan and Trout Co, . Alotuo Richmond A Co, Hon. Jno. C. Haines, Chicago; fiJSQO boxes TIN PL ITS. ; snoowh g„KCTmoV. - sa “ nrssu iKoy. CASH AD VAN CE S. ,s> " imitation--Russia. SV*J “ nillf.llT sod AXNEALD WTEK. WAKEnELD, SASH &CO., j m fo£* Tt«rrwvrt«.,AT.,mAm. ' lfl * S °o COPPER BOTTOSfS, Liverpool and London, 13 wta XINXERS . XOOLS machines* Liberal Ca«h Advancements will be made on consign. ' sOcasks BRIGHT OX and COIL CHAINS, menu to the above boose, of BACON. LARD. PRO j 1.000 do/, AXE?, VISIONS, and PRODUCE generally, by I.2ft) “ SHOVELS, SPADES and SCOOPS, _o<2*Colyl THOMAS NASH. 20 tons SADIRONS. - insurance. pjome insurance’ I Hawsoa 4 Bartlett, mi vt • T BOOTS AND SHOES, The union Insurance i 50 .».... ÜBnßn AND TRUST COMPANY. Chartered by the Legislature of Illinois. CASH CAPITAL, 9200,000. Office—Excliongc Bank Building. S, W. corner of Clark and Lake street, Chicago, 111. President—B32NJ. LOMBARD. Vice-President—YAH H. HIGGINS. Secretary—B. P. JOHNSON. Treainrer—FßANClS A. HOFFMANN. DIRECTORS : BENJAMIN LOMBARD. Cambridge, Mass. MATTHEW BOLLES, of M. Dollea 4 Co„ Bonkers. Boston. Mow*. DANIEL SHARP, Commissioner, etc. Boston. Ma&> JAMES W. STONE. M. D, Boston, Mom. LEVI F. STEVENS. Boston. Mass. VAN H. HIGGINS, Judge Superior Court. Chicago, Illinois. FRANCIS A. HOFFMANN, Boftnann 4 Cidpcke, Bankers, Chicago. GKO.'w. GAGE, of Gage, Bro’ 4 Drake. Tremont Bouse. Chicago. M. D. GILMAN, of M. D. Gilman 4 Co„ Wholesale Grocers and Importers. Chicago. JOHN V. FARWELL. of Cooley, Farwell 4 Co., Wholesale. Dry Goods Merchants and Importers. FRANCIS B. PEABODY. Attorney at Law. Chicago. THOMAS HARLESS, of Harless 4 Parker, Commis sion Merchants, Chicago. J- Q. HOYT, of Hoyt 4 Peirce, Wholesale Grocers and Importer*. Chicago. ISAAu O. LOMBARD, General Agent Union Ins and T. Co. Chicago. D. L. PHILLIPS. Anna, DU ELMS HARWOOD. President of Wheat-Growers’ Bank. Anna. 111. JOSIAH LOMBARD. Cashier Pametßank. Gri' ri -?. vllle. Hi. **' CHARLES CHANDLER, of Charles Chandler 4 Co„ Bankers. Macomb, HI. OLIVER WHITAKER, of Henderson 4 WMlakcr. Attorneys at Law. Tonlon. HI. MARSHALL AYRES, Pres’t. Tonlon Bank. Griggs. vlile.UL nolO-dlffWm IXSURAXCE COMFY, HASTTOBO, oomr. Incorporated 1819-Charter PorpetnaL Cash Capital and Surplus, 92,194,100.02. FIRE AND INLAND NAVIGATION RISKS Taken at Liberal Terms and Rates. Especial mention given to Insurance of Dwellings and Contents, for terms of one to five yean. ASSETS, JAJST. 1, ISQO. 20 and 22 PAID UP CAPITAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. „ . ParVsl. Mkt.VsL Bank Stocks, 4e |ffß.4Co oo no D. S. Stock and Treasury Notes... ££*,ooo 00 oo State Stocks,4c 00 22IJf*» •’0 Cltv Stocks, 4e IW.OOO 00 110.000 00 Railroad Slocks. 4c Hs.n» oo no Mortgage Bonds 82,000 00 PiOfl CO Real Rstate, nnlnenmbered. jywm MUeellaneous Items .... SltUiM Cash on hand and deposited on call, and In agents’ hands P9171-5 >5 Claims unadjusted and not dae,..|179L957 G5 ’ Total. 2.194.100 OJ bv any of iudnly authorized Agents. Losses equito bly adjusted and paid in fan da current at any of the Banks In Illinois. Agent* appointed, supplies ftirnlshep. and all bnal ne« pertaining to a general supervision In the State of Illinois promptly attended to bv „ A WM. a PATCH, State Agenr, Springfield, Illinois. HUBBARD d; HUNT, . . Aeeots for Chicago. JylO-ly fto.lLoomls Block, COr.So. Water* Clark ris. piICENTX INSURANCE CO., OF HAKTEDBD, CONNECTICUT. January l»t, 18GO. CASH CAPITAL. SURPLUS _ . . ASSETS*. Cash on hand, and In Bank i3TJV2>fi3 Cash In the hands of and dne from Agents.... jy.mlisH Real Relate, unincumbered Loaned on Mortgage* of Heal Estate W.-joo.oo Amount loaned on pledged Hank stock. 4f(floooo Amount loaned otherwise secured .. FUty Shares U. 8. Trust Co.*s Stock,* A 1“ U .. York ..... nan mw> Sew York Rank Stock IXUOI itft Td2 Hartford Bank Stock 150.V0 JiAtT* Waterbary Bank Stock. ilcoq w-joo Stafford Bank Stock. Stafford 401 4V» Holyoke Water Fr. Co.’s Stocks 10.0 TO io-rs New Britain Water Bonds man io.toh Hartford City Bonds rnffW Cot. pen.and Ind.R.B. Bonds ... ULOOO 7.500 Accnmnlated Interest on Investments gju Total Assets ,$582£2A9l Total Liabilities - - - $40,704.53 H. KELLOGG, Secretary. ■RumBAED ft HUNT, Ageatd. _ No I Loomis’ Bnildlng; . .. Comer Clark and Water street*. Chicago. Applications for Insurance, or the renewal of pull, ties and all business connected with the office, mav be made to us. duly appointed Agenta for the Clrv of Chicago, with full power to receive proposals and |s«ne Policies, on as favorable terms as other responsible Companies; md it* aim will be to secure the conil. dencc of the public by an honorable eonrse of dealing M. MAGILt, General Agent. SI and SI West Third street. Cincinnati. Ohio, to whom ail applications for Agencies, In the Western or Southwestern State* may be addressed. [apif< QUAKER CITY INS. COMP’Y, V niII.ADULPHIA. Capital and Sorplns, $399,7*6.70. _ Officers: GEO. HART. H. R. COOOSHALL, _ President Sec’y and Treasurer. E.P. Boas, Vice-Priest S. H. Bptler. A>a*t Sec’y. CURTIS L. NORTH,’ General Agent. Masonic Temple, Chicago. Director.*; —George B. Hart, E. P.Bom, A.C.Catiell. Foster 8. perkbu, K. W. Bailey, Andrew Chambers. Q. R. Coggihall, Samuel Jones, M. D_ Hon. H. M. Fuller. mhlS-’CO-ly 'V'ORTII AMERICAN FIRE IN -Lv surance company. Or Hartford, Conn. Paid up Capital *306.000, insurance Against Losa by Fire. HUBBARD * HUNT, Agent*, Chicago. Cor. Clark and South Water sta. NOBWJCH FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NORWICH, CONN. Paid up Capital SI3LCS6LS luaurance Against Low by Fire. HUBBARD & HUNT. Agent*, cor. of Sontb Water and Clark sht, first floor, Loomis' Block. octis-b903 HkiRTFORD FIRE INSUR’NCE COMPANY, Chartered |n 1810. ASSETS ZLASST 0, IB6o* Market Value. Cash on hand and on call. (Is2^n£: Loans amply secnred siaojw Beal B»te,cashralne ........ 15.C00.00 ZSM Shares Bank Stock in Hartford. SfiSjOLOO 1300 “ ** - In New Vork. 20083.00 1,010 “ ** “In Boston UKIK.OO (20 ** SkLoniaandMllvaakee 41400.00 120 “ Hirer Company Stock, Hartford.. 3,000.00 140 * Railroad Stock. 11,30.10 41 City and Bailroad Bonds •ci.tfU.Ou SUte stocks M,T2sjo Total Assets. Total LlabQitles. Polices In the above Company Issued by HUHT i HKHHHSOH, Agents, No. 1 Loomis Block. auaO-cMMm Corner Clark and Sooth Water its. piBE, MARINE. LIFE INSURANCE. MILLER & WILLMARTH, MANHATTAN UFE, of New York, HOBE, « U PHENEX, “ « "WASHINGTON, « « LOBIUUABD, CITIZENS, » « PKOVIDEXCB WASHINGTON, Pro vidence, n. i. CONWAY, of Conway, Hams* HAJIPPKN, of Springfield, Man. Aggregate Capital and Snrplns, $5,000,000. Office, No. 150 Soatb Water Street* CJeMy] XTEW ENGLAND FIRE AND J_ V *ST<arinA Tngimnca Company, OF BABTFOBB, CONNECTICUT. Assets, Jan. L 1860 $236X17X5 jngnmnftfl Against Zaoss by Fire. HUBBARD A HUNT. Agents. Chicago. Jylt.lj'dTS Cor. Clark and South Water sts. ■OLOOitINGTON NURSERY, i J UHN6I4. Fruit and Ornamental Trees—a larre stock cheap for cash. Apple. Ito 4 Teats. IXOO $25 to SOS. Stock*. 1 year, selected. 10,000. |2n. Goose bernr.Hoaghton. strong. KX), f L ILupberry.maay son*, 100, $1 to $3. Strawberry, Wilsons Eye, Rcirlet, C. Cone. lowa, or Washington and other., pure. 100. $1; LOGO, $5, Tnlipa. 100, of 30 named sorts, Double and Single, it Boot Graft*. 10,000, SSO; &L, os per Ust*. Cash orders, In full, packed free. sclO-dSWm] jr. K. PHtZNLX. ffiJUfjolesalc Rouses. CM ALL WARES, BUTTONS iO AND NOTIONS. VorftnnToodJ.SleeTn.GfttTent.A4. Dmi Trim, mines, Corsets and Skirts. Glove* and Hosiery. Tl>« trade la respectfully Invited to examine the above goods, which will be told tor TDERLTX WOOLS. -A_l laportedandlbrsalebr A. GRAVES. ao2o 23 Lake street, Chicago. 'J'UTTLE, HIBBARD & CO., HARDWARE AND TIN PLATE, CS X*alro Street 62 Wo offer to tbe trade, at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES:- TUTTLE, HIBBARD & CO., oct2-VJ-ly hAX77.4crntzc3 iso wholesal* cxalxxs a We wonl-l re-pertmilv cnR the attention of Cl tv and Conntry Merchant* to nurenenslvestockof Root-* and S.ioes. we have now In store. and are dallr re ceiving from onr Factor>* In Went KovUton. M**», which coDhL'U cf a full assortment of those Celebrated Custom-Made Patna Kip nndCal land Grain Water Proof Boon.; together with a full ttockof all style* of FALL AND WIXYKU GOODS, of the best quality and manufacture, which we are pre. pared to e-ell tor CASH and prompt paying trade at Boston and New Tori: Jobbing Prices. We arc A cent* for the sale of Mitchell's Patent Metal lic Tip Boots and Shoes In ail the State*. 1860 FALL TRADE Is3o H, V/. HUNT & CO., S3 and 35 Lake street, Chicago. Manufacturers and Jobbers of Beady made Clothing, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS Cloths, Coatings. Camtmerea. Satinets, Tailors’ Trimmings. 4e, 4c. Oor Stock I* larje and w«U asserted. and will to told At the Loweit Prices* 18G0 COOTS & SHOES, PEARSON & DANA, 40 —Lalcc Street,up-stair**,--*l© Manufacturers and Jobbers in BOOTS V;V!) SHOES Dare now la itore a (bit and complete stock which they offer to the Trade on the most favorable term?. Dealers la the above line of good* will consult their own interest by examine oor stock before purchasing elsewhere, as our mottoK Low rent and small prodts. m^l-dIUS-liu —LEATHER FALL STOCK. BLACKBURN BROTHERS, 46 • • Lake Street - - 46 Is E T EC 33 H. .fi.sna(tt) oo . 91,100 00 Boot and Shoo Maker*, Harness Mak er* and Leather Dealers, AT BLACKBUK2T BROTHERS, 46 Lake street. anls-cSTI-.^ni 177 RANDOLPH STREET. 177 (Third Store East ot Brigs* House.) NEW GOODS AT REDUCED RATES* I have now on hand and to arrive a laree and varied •lock of Crockery, China and Glassware, Parlan.Marble and TerraCotta Vaae*. SHver-Platec Ware, Table Cutlery, with a general assortment of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Also, Oil Palntlnc*. Tantpp Notion?. Clock?, Watchea and Jewelrr.whlrh I will t*cll at er**Hllr minced prices, and to which 1 Invito the attention 01 Merchants, Housekeepers and others. JOHN RANKIN, 'Wholesale and Retail Dealer. 177 Randolph street. mylS-ly 1860 FALL TRADE. 1860 .fW.ono.W . ist.aa.9i COOLEY, FAP.WELL & C 0. 7 4=2, -Li and 46 WABASH AVEXI'E, DRY GOODS JOBBEH.S. 1860 FIELD, BENEDICT A CO, Nos. SI and 83 Sontli Water street. Imporlers and .Tobbors of Goods for Men’s ‘Wure. Tinware now dalle receiving their usual Line and varied stock for the tall Trade, to which thev itn u« jour attention. Their *tock consists In part of Broad cloth.-*, of all colon* and grades. Black and Panov Cas •lmiTvs. Black and Fancy Doeskin!*. ISlueand'Black pilots, Black and Colored Moscow Heaven. Brown. Black. Iji'ii* ami all color-* of Ca»tor Reavers, Silk and Vnlen’lu Vesting* of all crude* andstjlca. SATINETS of nit gradr* and stvies. Also, a foil and complete stock of Tailors* Trimmings. SCOTT'S ZZZPOHT OS 1 PASSIONS. r p I X PLATE AND HARDWARE. Wc offer the following at the lowest market rates: 3.000 Roxca Tin Plato, assorted sizes. iSAOO Bundles Sheet iron. Nos. 10 to a, " Russia Sheet Iron. 109 “ Imitation Sheet iron, inn Casks Sheet Zinc, assorted widths. 3.P00 Lbs, Brazer’a Copper. 5.000 Lb'*. Pressed Copper Bottoms. 1.000 Bundles Wire, aborted Noe.Oto2o. jj,fao Regs Nalls, Wheeling and other prime brands. A full assortment of Hardware. Tinners’ Tools, Ja paned and pressed Tinware. Rivets, Ears, Ac. WILLIA3I BLAIR A CO., eel No. ITS Lake street. ■ROSTOX CITY COOT AND JD SHOE STORE. No. 152 LAKE STREET. Ksxt Door East Karine Sank Building. Has opened wlth the largest and best stock of naoTS *i.vjo sizo&s Ever brought ta this market, which win be offered at Who'riaU and retail, comprising all the best styles of lonic*’, MiMeV, Children'!* Gaiters, Buskins, Suppers, sr. and Men’s. Boys' and Youth’s Boom. Shoes and Slipper*, which win be sold at full 35 per cent 1m than ever before offered In Chicago. The subscriber In establishing the Cmw City Root and Shoe Store, alms at making U ihe best Emporium of the kind In the *nd'feeh* Mitred that from hU facilities in procuring goods direct from the manu fae’cici* he wulbcable to sell then. tosuß all classes. gclLttaWm] A. M. MILLER. Agent. QROCKERV, FIXE CIIIXA, GLASSWARE, Silver-Plated and Brittanla-Ware, HOCSE-FCIIXISIUXC GOODS. SUSS.TMX3 ..ICC, 530^3 WBOLBSiLS ISO UXiIU THOMAS B. BYBIT, 170 laka Street. [mhSO '6Ol 1860 FALL TRADE. 1850 DAVIS, SAWYER & C 0„ Dry Goods Jobbers, BOOTS AND SHOES, n.ITS CJLJPS, 42 & 44 Lake Streets «( u The attention of oar friend* and tbo Trade generally Is earnestly Invited to oar large and attractive stock, adopted to the FALL TRADE, which we offer at the lowest New York Jobbing prices to cash and prompt paylqg men* DAVIS, SAWYER & CO. [*«»4 d 3 Stal G. M. HENDERSON & CO., Hiscricmxu ass miousa idkiluscv , BOOTS AND SHOES No* St*, Chicago, Hl*, Hava to store's Urge find desirable stock st goods which they will sell very cheap to cash and protopV paying trade. We are the Agent* for MITCHELLS* PATEST METALLIC TIPPED SHOES a alt. rai S74TS3 wrrnocT nanus. IT We are now to be found at tbe magnificent store No. 82 Lake street, corner Wabash Avenue. myS-dISS-ly C. M. HENDERSON A CO. CLOSE CASH PRICES. ni&e°.t4S‘suc.p ) . Corner of State and Lake its. CRtCACn. nx. And Dealers in I SCO Of superior quality for FALL TRADE’ 1860 AGENT FOR And wholesale Dealer* In AND 22lf)olfsale houses. FRESH FAS,!; AND WINTER GOODS. A Fnll Stock Boaght at SEJVSJtTMOJy PRICES* Oujer* are invited to examine the Inducement*. BOWEN BZIO’B IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Kotions &c., <Scc. t iScc. NO. 72 LAKE STREET. IRON BLOCK KvM, HEMOVAZi. PEAKE. MARSH & DE LONG Compelled by UiPlrlncmaJng boslneat to seek lanm quarter*, have removed from their old stand, neanf opposite to the above ipaclooa store* In BUSCH’S IRON BLOCH. Where they will be able to offer at wholesale a stiv larger and more varied stock of Dry Goods, Hosiery, and Notions. easterner* will always find n.« with mil line* known braodaof HEAVY DOMESTICS, bonchtai tlr»i hands, and offered at a small advance, together with w large stock of WODLHS, SHAWLS, HESS MODS IS. We shall continue our motto “LOV PRICES WIN - .- And Invite the attention of all close, prompt pajla<« b °? ?r ‘. nix ■ JEWETT & BUTI.ER, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HARDWARE and cutlery, Uiiisi, Sheet Iron, Copper, TINNERS’ STOCK, TINNERS’ TOOLS Tin-Plate, Fenco-Wlrs, &c. is - - - LAKE STREET - - - IJ. SIGN' 07 THE SCISSORS B#tw«n Witiaih ud Ulchlgaa Atiqqh, ll FUESSUCZ JlflTT. I locndUSAnl Ouni E. Benin HATS, CAPS, Furs, Buffalo Robes, &c AT WHOLESALE. 1860. PAUL TRADE. IS6O WEBEB, WILLIAMS & YALE. .LAKE 3T* CHICAGO. Have In itore a Tory LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK of tht above goods, and are rally prepared to compete •ncecwfhlly with the best Eastern flmiala VARIETY. QCALITT AND PRICES, and solicit a cad from »n prompt paying merchants. [aoWOdy WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE AT WHOLESALE* 95 • » • South Water St., Chicago • • • 95 Corn Baskets. BROOMS, TWINES. BRUSHES, CORDAGE, MEASURES, MATS, TUBS, AXE HANDLES, CHURNS, WATER PAILS, BOWLS, MATCHES. BATH BRICK, GUN CAPS, CEDAR WARE, Broom Wire, Twine Handles & Tools. All of which ant offered at the LOWEST CASH PRICES BT WHITE, STEWART & WHITE, 95 SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO. raal3.cSßft.3iDl Tils' PLATE, TINNERS’ STOCK, For Sale ai. Low Prices. 5.000 boxes Tin Plate, assorted sizes* 4.000 bdts. Sheet Iron, Not*. 16 to2S* 500 “ Uussia Sheet Iron, Ist ~ quality. 200 ‘‘ Imitation Knsala* 500 JJ Polished German. 250 “ casks Sheet’Zinc, assorted sizes. 10.000 lbs. Ilntzlcr’s Copper. 15.000 lbs. Copper Pitts. 1,300 bdls. Wire Nos. 0 to 20. 10.000 “ Annealed Pence Wire. A full assortment of Tinners' Tools and Machines Japanned and Pressed Tin Ware. Rivets, Ear*. 4c.,Ac. THOB. S. DICK3H3ON, Uetal Warehouse, 45......WjL8.5n A,»cs. Cuicago, AGENT FOIt Howe's Improved Standard Scales* lieU-dGT-dm] 'fall trade. 1860 C. C. COOK & CO., (Successors to Satcrlec, Cook £ Co.) IGA IS - STATE STREET - 16 A IS Wholesale Grocers AND DEALEKS IN DRIED FRUITS. FISH. WOODEX WARE, &c.. Invite the attention of Country Merchants to their stock, which they offer at Lowest Cash Prices. G-. C. COOK & CO., .STATE STREET. [se9-d3L3m] 16 * 18. jgADCOCK & PEEK, 171 RANDOLPH. STREET, Mahogany, Rosewood and Walnut; CHAMBER DIHINB BOOM Jt COMMON FOBiITOBE IN GRE.IT VARIETY. Wood-Seat and Cane-Seat Chairs, Bedsteads and Bureaux. School Furniture on hand and to Order. ry particular attention paid to Country Orders. Maiftnah l.n jpljSSicianH. 17 F. DcDERKT. 31. D., Uorae . • a*pattdc Physician, Surgeon, Ac. Having en joyed an European medical education. with a practical experience lo this country, the Doctor feel* conildent he can give entire satisfaction In the treatment ot all curable disease*. Acute and Chronic. Office hoar* till 9 a. u. and I to * p. it- and all boors of night, a his residence. M West Randolph street. noLdiftVArn _____ DBS* B* & C. OAFP) Formerly of New York, hare opened an Infirmary to Chicago. on a new svatem. which embrace* the most approved this and other countries—ol treating ALL Chronic Diseases. Consumption. Laryn* jfitK UronehltK Cancer*. Rheumatics PiUilyaUt. and ALL Female Disease* are special disease* treated la this Institution. They are the only physicians la America who extra CURVATURE AND WEAMESS Of THE SPIKE, wtilth they do by a 2T3CW METHOD. And the Spinal Elevator Invented and patented by them. They core seven cases out of ten. And Benefit All. They treat saccessfolly. on a new method, all dla. eases of the BY£ and EAR. CONSULTATION FREE. Office No. 118 South Clark street, opposite New Post Office. Hoars from 3a.m.t09 p. m. aa2yflXly A E. KEYES, M. D., IXomcco. XX • pathle Physician and Surrton. wonld respect, ftilly announce to the citizens ot Chicago. that he la permanently located In this city, where he may be found In readiness to attend to all calls In the line of his profession. Residence (3 Kush street. Office boon from Btolo A. ht. and from 2to 4 P.M. oc33d33oAta_ pLAX SEED WASTED. Having commenced the manoCictnre ot LINSEED OIL AT CHICAGO, 1 am prepared to pay the highest market price for FLAX SEEL. Oil Cake For Sale at all times* * C. A. ROGERS. No. 3 lUKlartTs Block. seSS-dlCtt-Sm Cor. Clark and S. W*rrr fit, Chicago HOUSE, CHICAGO, Ulh FIRST CLASS HOTEL, Rates Only #1.30 Per Da#. Ixcated octrUii Cratnlß>nnMd Depots, it tha troN> InC of Bosh Street llrUtfe. & W. * CO.# Proprietor*. l: B. PLATT & OYSTERS FBOM BAITEMOBB AND DELAWARE BAT. OS i * ■ Budolpb StrMl - - ■ 65 Order* from the country promptly mended to. tfclS_ ■REMOVAL.— The Herring's Safes l\i bftvo beeo remoted from 133 Sooth Wateretreet to the sew Store of HKRIUNQ * CO. W Stale street, Lsflln** Block, oppoalte City Uotel. 007d110.1w ...45 1860 .16 * 18