Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1860. MONETARY. Frii’av Evening. Nov. Igtb. ! fA few of the banks still refuse to sell Exchange, even to customers; but matters have become allttic more aem.*d, and the majority arc supplying their Outsid ers, If accommodated at all. are charged spcr cent, and till* is the current street rate. Some of onr Water-street dealers have been selling freely at that rate. The margin In the buying price is wide, ranging from 2©£sf. • - Many suppose Hut the present high rales of ex change are the result of a combination among our city bankers. The Imputation la unfair and nn- Jc«t. The supply on baud la limited, and the high rates In the present crisis are the only means by vhlch they can protect themselves from drawing down balances to merely nominal figures. What they have 1* sold sparingly to customers at 3 per cent, while 4 and 5 per cent premium arc freely of fered by outsiders. Gold is comical at 2©2Js baying; aelllng3©s percent premium. The usual sales arc made at near if not quite the upper figure. Currency le abundant, and is becoming more so. New York produce cr pork bills, from unexcep tionable drawers, would be gladly taken in almost any quantity. Tnc Nrw Your Stock Makett.—Dispatches from New York report the stock market this after noon heavy, and prices generally lower. How mcch lower they arc likely to go. each one must determine for himself. Wc cannot believe that there is to be a long continued and general panic. There is too much wealth in the country for that. CO .vi. vi E itj_ IAL. Friday Evening, Nov. 16,1860. The following arc the receipts and shipments for ttf past twenty-four hours: Flour Wheat Cora Oats Rye Bar’y bbls. bu. bn. bn. bu. bu. Uf Can? l 1363 5194 .... 330 113 G\ *C.U.IL R. 3993 21950 771 CGI ISI 833 C. AR. T. ILK. 259 «» 3150 .... ... ..... 1 cii it 7300 8100 100 .... 100 C.B. XQ. R, 1L 9?T 7803 10009 .... 650 763 C. N.W. 1L R. 1712 8553 1»J Csl 280 90 C.A.&SI.L.R 259 4000 200 329 .... 4942 S7GS3 31703 1612 1870 1829 Total DrVd Live High- Hogs. Hogs Cattle Hides wUs Tnl'w No. No. No. Djs. bhl«. lbs. O. AC.U.R. R. 55 GOO 2515190 150 .... C& ILLU.It. ... 61 120 2530 49 .... JCU„. 448 18 40555 .... 4510 C,B.£q.R.R.. ... 1544 ICO 43SS0 69 1100 C.&N.W.ILR. 35 40 1M 9371 C.A. ASt.L. IL 7 32 255 9o .... 97 9551 876110311 257 SCIO Total. ftm’JIEKTS. * Hour Wheat Com Oats Bye Bary bids. tm. bn. bn. bn. bn. 3UUO SSI SO 12370 To Hatful a To Oawfgo To Oidtfiisb*£b. 10-Jl IC94H 10220 SOOI 38420 27174 Total The receipts of Hogs to-day wtre 2.CSI; bet os there were about 3.009 left over unsold from yester day. the market fairly broke down, and a decline»f ISS-iic look place. In the morning, prime corn fed hog* were held firmly at $5.10{{£5.25; but nt those figures buyers withdrew, and holders had to make both shippers and pack ers bought more freely at a range of £4-73(3.3.25 the latter figure being paid only for a lot of very £2tra. .*,« will be seen from the list of sales in an other column, the balk of the transaction? were at a wage of Two or three bouses have not yet commenced to cut hogs—the warm weather as well cs the unsettled state of the provision mar kets all over the Bulled States Inducing them to hold oil for a few days longer. Beef Cattle were steady at $2.23(33.15 for fair to prime. la provisions we have lit tie of Importance to re port. There coniianos to be a light rutal. demand for Mess Fork at $17&18; bat for shipment there is no inquiry, and the market is entirely nominal. A lot cffiOObrls pickled Hams was sold at Bc—which It a decline of ife since the last transaction report ed. LariUs bridal lie. Tallow la firm, withsales of prime at 9*fc. Hides are extremely dull and heavy, and we note a further decline In Green Salt ed Tho Breadstuff? market was unusually dull and depressed. Owing to an advance la the rates of insurance on the lake?, shippers held off, and the wheat market declined SS2>*'e. and closed dull. About 70.003 bushels changed hands, at 81332 c for Northwestern Club: 77#&79cfor Ko. 1: 75XG-77 for No. 2 Spring: mid CB©TOc for Rejected. Flour wa? particularly depressed and dull, and prices de clined about 13c i? brl, the transactions amounting to 1.330 brl?, at $4@4.21K for good to choice Spring extra. Corn declined 2 cents, there being but a very limited inquiry and sales at JHSJSSC for No. 1; 23c for No. 2; and 2Sc for new corn. Oats declined 17c in atore being the ruling price. Eye sold lu a limited extent at 4Tc lu store. Earley continues very dull. Clover Seed is In active request and firm, with tales at £5.03®3.23. Timothy Seed was steady at $2.25. Ulgbwlnca were dull at lC#c. Freights were Inactive and firm. Two propellers and one soil vessel were engaged at 10c for wheat to Buffalo. Review of the British Cora Trade* [Krona the 7*lsrk Lane Express, Oct. 29.1 The rain having coaled fur nearly a week. the weather has been favorable to the remainder of thU lingering harvest; bat the damps prevailing will have prevented anvthlng being well got In. Plowing, and all field work, hap been resumed; though verv little of the land ba* been in a lit state for seeding. A full month** dry weather is yet re quired to iuateilall/ Improve the prospect! of agri culture. Market* have little varied. Home sup plies have still boon moderate, and new Wheat of the general quality has continued a dull sale, while the Tittle olu left has found Its value. The deliver ies of foreign continue on an extensive scale, those of London about doubling the late receipts. Hut. If wc look at the week]'' deliveries for a month past, we shall find them little more than half what they were la IriU. when four weeks reached to f»W,9C2qrs.. though nnwonlv to 270.390 qrs. As can-umption has. nevertheless, gone on at the same rate. It must have been directed to foreign ■ flock*. Now. a« the average monthly consumption of English growth may be about one and a half jnlUt.m quarters, this would make the published wecklv Hdes last rear amount to about one-third of the whole: but if the consumption of home growth has fallen to one-half, there are 750.000qr5. monthly to be filled op from foreign stocks beyond the usual monthly consumption of foreign, which mavbe taken at <JOO.«TJ quarters. Mo wonder, then, that everr shipping port where plenty of foreign wa* in • wanary, has lonnd a numerous atteudaucc of bu vers; ana though this demand will diminish as the new crop Improve*. It must W extensive throughout the winter, receiving a further impulse as thejictalo crop decays or Is used up. Foreign markets have fully presen t’d thiir previous tone: and there is a general complaint of a backwaid feed-time. While, however, the wet and weedy Ktate of the soil is complained of In Belgium. Hol land, and some other parts, Spain has had the wea ther too drv. The Italian markets dependent on supplies from the I'.lael; Sea, being cleared out, are rising; and*ois Now York. The arrivals off the coart since the 181h of Octo ber were h*J airaoc*. 55 of which were wheat. 21 of maize, and 0 miscellaneous. The sales of wheal noted last week were 70.476 qrs.. at 60s. (Id., against 122.800 qn*. in the corrcs ponding period of 3?59. The London averages were 595. Sd. on 3,148 qrs. The arrivals Into the principal ports of Great Britain for the week ending Oct. 17th, in wheal and float, were equal to 231.C29 qrs. wheat, includ ing 7,409 qrs- colonial. Heavy 3lorcmcnt* In Agricultural Pro duct*. TProji the N. Y. Courier and Enquirer, Nov. 14th.] The fgovemcats at thia market in the agrlcultn ral -f the country’ continue on a scale of unexampled maerdtude. The deliveries at this market In m the Interior and coast vs in? points dar ing the pv-t week have included 12.7<w bales cut toa. lihti.qoo bushels wheat, 152,«W barrels flour, IGj.OjO Imrht’is corn. 12S.0>>J bashels I«irley, 1C5.000 basbeDoaii.ikr/rjtiercca and barrel* iKt’f,3s,ooo boxes diresc, E JXHJ barrels tosio. 2.WW barrels spir it* turjfntine. 2.315 cjfks rice. C,OW packages bui ter. 3.9.x) barrels whisky, and 5.0u0 packages of to bacso. the total vaipf of which maybe tet downaa not far from four millions of dollars. Tlic total export of all Iduds, bnt meetly in our agricultural prodactr-. were to tbc value of nearly three mnd a Italf mitlione of dollars,—a enm ex ceeded baton a Tingle occasion Jn Uie history of oar commerce, and :hr.t exception wa*' noted in the present nason—a few week* since. Included In the exports of the ra-t week have been 8.070 bales eottoa.BHr:obarrels flour (of which f*3,v»X) barrels go to Londom I-iveriH-oI and Glasgow), RM.OOO bn wheat ( rindpaliv jjfro to lJvcri>ou!, London and Glasguv.). Jpjoooba corn. 1.427 bbls and tierces beef, 2.0 m bhU pork. (4.60 M The bacon, 83.400 lbs lard. 619.710 Tbs enc<‘t>e. 537.U00 lbs batter. 9.071 brls rosin. l,:A9hhd*, bale* and casco tobacco, 517.000 £ll tailor.’, and 3.402 hops. To move merchandize la vneb Urge quantillcs. ucceisarllv large amount of capital, ond must of Itself, Independent of other occa aloo features In the discount and exchange mar kct*. raaicxiaily different from tliosc ruling at a Sorlod whc.i the movement in the agricultural pro acts is luSS bCtive. The greet fudnstrial Intercuts of Use eoautry—of the Northern. Middle and Western States In par tlcalar—mart be sow. or on the eve of, enjoying a period of fereatprPilFeriiv^^^^^ MARKETS THE LATEST HAILS. PnnjiiiELrTiiA Flovr Matikrt—Noy.l3—The market for Hoar, under n limited demand, both fur export end home ute, the high rate* of freight now current for Europe now checkingburfnees, is on settled and lower, the sales being only to supply the tradf. who hay Ina small way, at ss.S7,‘ foreuiwrfins; for extra; ss.fc7lf© C.liitf for cstra family. »nd56.25(3,0-«5 H burcl/or fcnev brand-, an In quality, bundsrd shipping brand* arc offered at our lowest figures, and in some instances at a fraction less without finding havers.' Rye flour and Corn Meal are also quiet, and prices nominally $4.25 for the former, and $3.50 (i brl for tbc latter. ficrtis in PntLat»eu*BU—Nov. 13—There it •« good demand for dover at fnllv former rates, and *ll offered— niKinl j.««o bushels—found buyer*, in lots, at *{? bn, tlie latter for ebofee lots, which i< no advance. Including some on term* we did uot learn; a contract for 1.400 bo redesnea seed was al-u made on terms kepi private. Timo thy la steady at si-5Q®2 63.V V bn. and domestic flaxseed at $1.69&1.n2 V bn, with moderate re ceipts and sales. - Boston Fuoc3slaj<ket—Nov. 13.—The receipts since yesterday have been 3.550 brh*. The market J« quiet. bmall salt-* of western superfine at $5.25 <£s 60; fancy $r.,C5(£6.75; extra eopo* nor $G r y» bri. Southern is In limited do maud. Sales of fence alsC,36: extra tC.75a7.Si: uuperfof f7JOIJJB.M *$ bri. Hoos asd Provisions i?t Locisville—Nov. l< The Journal of yesterday says: The market was ratlicr quiet yesterday. Some of the packers were killlngiboj-s, although the weather was not very favorable, aud two houses slaughtered about 330 head each. There will al*o bo a few hundred killed u>-d#ky. Hogs are very dull, and offerings were made yesterday ot sC.«ofi#.» net, without meeting layers. Provlsfons-fcales of&TOltrls mess jKifk at flB, 20hrl« on oedsra at $18.25. i 3 bris dear mess fit SI3JO.IST caelm Jmcoq Mformer rate*. A ealeof bulk meat made a week a-o. was as follows*; SjSOlPieecsdur sides It loSwTS psew fib aides at Sc, üboiilders at ffc. Its hams at now and Pnovnioff* W New York—Nov. IG.— There ie nothing doing in Provisions. Afew email loti of Hog* wcrcsaldat net, bnt the mar ket was dm. ■; Curveland Market—Nov. IB.—Received, 2JTS ba wheat, 350 bu pom, 071 bo ItaHcy. Wheat—The only soles reported to-dsv arc of J car ted at 41,05, and onccir white at El.fS. both on track. Corn— <3.nlet at <le from trade and 42c free on board. Oats i)nll ai3sc from store. Bye—Sale at 05c. Dally Review of Chicago Market. Fiudxt ETESP»g, Not. 16. FREIGHTS—Firm. To Buffalo: props. Raclnc and Plymouth,wheat At 10c; sebr. Dio Vernon,corn At 10c per GO lbs. Fi OUR—Received,4.9l2brU; shippod.2,ool brfs. Market doll and 15c lower. Sales were: 200 brla Lockport Hydraulic” spring extra at $4.31 Vdel.; 500 brln choice spring extra at $1.30 del; 600 brls good do nt $4.00 del, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—I,OOO fts Buckwheat Hour at sl.soperloolbfl. t MILL STUFFS—2OO bags fair Middlings at sl2; 52 bags do at $lO. ~ . „ Wit EAT.—Received, 87.655 bu; shipped 33,420 bu. Market dull and declined 2©Sttc. bales were —1.630 bu North western Club at 82c in store; 8.600 bn do at 81c instore; 10.000 bu No 1 Spring at 7»e in store; 5,000 bu do ot 78* cln store; 12,000 bn do at 78cIn store; 1.000 tra do at 7*Xc In store; 30,000 bu No 2 Spring at 77c In store; C.tXXI bu doat TGVc instore; 5,000 bu do at store; 4.000 bu do nt 71k: In store; I.OOOba dual 75\'c in store; 700 bu rejected at 70c la store; 700 bu do at 60c In store; 700 lm do ot CSc In store. CORN—Received 31,703 bo: shipped 97,170 bu. Market dull and 2c lower. Sales were 2,000 bu No 1 at 35c in store; I.oooboat 3l><c Instore; 700bu do at 31clu store; 4.000 bu No 2at 83c In store; 7.090 bn new corn at 23c in store: 4.000 bu ear com at 30c V. 75 Tbs del; 700 bu dost 2Sc on trade. OATS—Received 1.612. bu. Market low er. Sales werel,7oo bu No. lat 17c In store. RYE—Received, 1,670 bo. Market firmer, bales were:-1,900 bn No. 1 at 47c In store. BARLEY—Received 1.830 bu; shipped 12,857bn. Market very dull. Sales were :-300bu N0.3 at I a store; 4i<o bn do at 32c in store; 300 bags at 40© 4* con track, according to sample. SEEUS-Kccdvcd, 18,000 lbs. Clover Seed scarce and In pood demand. .Salt* were:—lß brls at $5.35; 80 bash at $5. Timothy Seed steady. Sales were;—Siibasrs pood at $2.25. HIGH WlNES—Received, 2S7brls. Market very dall. Sales were:—loo brls country on p. t.; 100 brls clt v in lots at 17c. ALCOIIOL-37©8ScMpal. , 3TT CUT MEATS—a» brie ridded Hams at Bc. MESS PORK—Holland nominal at sl7. LAUD—Nominal at lie. . 4 „„ TALLOW—Firm. 60 bbls prime dty at 9Uc. HlDES—Market very doll and lower. oreen Salted Uldee, 7©7tfc; Dry Salted, UKQB&c; * bjflea New York at 17X C * 2 bales Mich igan at 28c. _ . , , ‘ RUTTER—Choice Daily, 18©14e; good prime firkin, 12©13 c; common do, 9>tf©lo>»c. EGGS—In fair demand at 14®15c. POULTRY—Chickens, $1.73 per dox; Turkeys, ,C PO'?ATOES-300 bn good Ncshannocks at 25c delivered. _ _ , DRESSED BOGS —Received, 0". Sales were IS. nrmgiug HO lbs.-, at $0.60; JO, av. SOO Iba., at $0 C2V U?£ HOGS—Received, 2,631. The market to duv declined 15©23 c, and closed dull and heavy— the sales ranging from $1.75©5-25 gross. The itansactlonswereaßlollows: Hug?. Ave. Price. Dogs. Avo. Price. 15.1 9X) fi)P....55 25 34 280 fc5....55.00 JI HI 294 ” .... 5.10 91 255 •* .... 4.85 D 4 285 “ .... S.lO 130 250 “ .... 4.65 138 ....200 ** .... 5.00 90 228 “ .... 4.80 S «05 73 240 “.... 4.80 32J 200 “ .... 5.00 100 240 ‘ .... 4.75 33 .. .243 “ .... 6.00 150 230 “ .... 4.75 j:FEF CATTLE—Rcce ved, 37.0 The supply is ftni llcbt.and the market Is steady, with a fair demand bv shippers. Sales were; Beeves. Ave. Price. Beeves. Ave. Price. 10 ...1277 1b5..53.00 55. 1140 U>S....S2AO *1 .!1300 “ ..*3.15 24 1090 “ .... 2.50 p; 1242 “.. 3.00 10 1001 “ .... 9.25 2.) 1219 “ .. 2.05# S4 1000 “ .... 2.25 yew York Cattle Market—-Not. 11. [Abridged from Thursday’s N. Y. Tribune.] BEEF CATTLE. Number reported for this market at 44th at.. .4,118 The prices to-dav are quoted as follows: rirrtqmdlty....Btf®»tf I Ordinary .6 ®7 ' Medium 7 <&8 | Extra 10 @— .1-2370 The general average of the market at Bc. The most of the sales range from 7c to fitfe. The average price remaining the same as last week Is owing to the large number of fine bullocks that have been sold at 9@9,Vc and a goodly num bercHOc. . , , Total number of Beeves received In tbo city this week.... ,-•••• Tbi? is 2.75S head mere than last week, and 1,9u8 linsd more than the average of last year. The ave r.i*’c number at each Wednesday market last year was 2.273 head.whllc the number to-day being 4.118, ►bows 1,130 head more than the average, and 1,768 more than this day week. BEEVES roost BtrrEBEKT STATES. A M. Allerton * Co., proprietors of the Wash ie-nou Drove Tards. Forty-lourih street, report [ ho Cattle in market from the following Stales: *c—v York 2,075 1 Kcntncla’ 534 L'cuusvlvania 42 Connecticut 24 I-dlaua 218 j Missouri 143 Illinois 29‘J I Michigan 25 The footing up of the supply of bullocks this weeklies astonished a great many persona. Some ihc most sanguine had figured up to Monday that ;::er« would not be over 3.1W0 head in the city this week. Finallv, that number was conceded for the l ur;y-fourtli street market. How near they came ['• it maybe seen bv the table of numbers. Every i»>dv seems surprised at the number of bullocksre ported from this Slate. It ie the Invest, according ,-j our tables, that we have had of New York cattle i-i one week in a long jlmc, and the most remark able leatnre Is that so large a number could have (•ecu "aihercd In the rivcrcoumles,andithat so large ponton of them should be of so good a quality. *,\ e-tern drovers need not fear such another influx Pi urn this Slate in one week this Fall. There was a rood deal of dlsappolntmentatthe «ficnia» of the market on Tuesday morning. A j 'rge number of bullocks had been purchased by jhe r-peculators nt Buunlo and Albany, at prices ; ~H C(i npon the rates current here last week, which thev thought would be maintained one week long* c' inconsequence of the short supply then,and the fond anticipation that there would be another -lion supulv this week. Vp to the hour of com mencin'* sales, a good many persons were under t he impression that there would be over 3.000 head o*i sale, and fixed prices upon that calculation. It 1- needles* to say that they were disappointed when they found the number reported at U. 700 at o-icnfu"’, and Increased to over 3.MW before j.i 'lit* with a hundred or two more expected In • morning. Jt will be noticed. In the list of »a t c- that New York gives a total of 2,075, and that the Harlem road has made so great a part of ♦ his number. In fact, the number received by that r>ud ’lile week is greater than it has been in any week for many years, and we don't knowas it ever lu- been exceeded.’ The quality of the slock on the average Is very -uod There are some extra fine bullocks, and truj-c sell nt 10c; but Djfa as a genera! thing, tops r*iv drove, and It mast be an extra good one to nvi'rauco cents,upon very liberal estimates of weight. THE CLOSE OP THE atIBKZT. La-t week the second day was the best, and as was not good, some of the drovers urged broker* *lo hold over rather than sell at a loss. 1 fence there was an unusual number held.and some s dJliions were made this morning, when business, intend of growing better proved dull, stale, and unprofitable. Bullocks have sold all the morning :;i $2 or $3 a bead less than they were held at yes lemav. It Is uow ascertained that the supply of ibo week has been so large that butchers, liir-tead , f iicing hungry arc pretty well supplied, and can no without buvtlug half as many as are offered, nud will do without unless they get them on their own terms. ... ... Wc tbluk the market doses full J<c on the best, cud Ic on the lower grades below last Wednesday. TOE HOC MARKET. •ccclpts this week. Prices reported by Henry D. Grout to-day; For corn-fed Huge, o*G4s*c; distlllenr fed, 6M<2,Cc. There was an arrival of 900 this morning, and the weather turning warmer, buyers bold on, ond v ill compel owners to submit to a decline of )ic ‘ The receipts of tbc week have not been as large for a long time, and there is no cause for iucread demand. .... , - U. W. Dorman report* the following prices of Hogs tidswevk; _ , Llvewelght. Deadweight. First quality corn-fed, ;argc 5ize....... 6*@6»;c. BKsߣe. Second quality com-fcd tyaCDC.'fc- 8 First quality, small sizes, fat aud prime furmarket butch ers : WOOXe. BX®B«C. Large size, still-fed fat 5%(&6c. 7>s<a»7>4C. f'i’coud quality, still-fed 6J<@Cc. 7#(&7>4C- markets by telegraph. NEW YORK. Nov. 16.—Flocti—Unsettled, and SfolUc lower: demand for beme consumption limi ted, while shippers have In a great measure with drawn from the market in view of the difficulty In . tiling sterling exchange. Holders are disposed 11 realize and parcels in check to-day can be boncht something under our quotations; sales 8,000 hols :.t $5.15(&5.20 for super stale; for extra -tale; $5.15@5.20 for super western; $5.35&5.40 for common to medium extra western: $5.60© 5.C5 for shipping brands ex rh O. Canadian flour r.ither easier, with less doing; sales 750 bbls at $5.59©T.50 for common to choice extra. Rye flour very dull, with trifling sales at $3.20(34.2510r com mon to choice super. Corn meal ouly in limited rctiueai at prices in favor of hoycr*. \Vhipkt—ln moderate request; sales 250bbls V. bcat heavy and fully 2c per bu lower, with no disposition to boy to auy extent, even at the decline; shippers caunot sell their exchange uud have In a great measure withdrawn from the market, Sale* 4.600 bu Mr Chicago spring at fl.18: 19,500bu Milwaukee club at 2-.4W) ba amber Wisconsin at bu wliite Canada on p. L; 12JXW bu winter red western at $1.30 afloat. Rye without material change. Salts 13,000 buot 71 ©72 c. Barley is per haps a little more sicadv for good to prime parcels, i ale* 12,000 bn Canada west at 70©*5 c. Corn is w itboul notable change, with moderate export In < airv. Sales 42,000 bn mixed Wisconsin at 70©71 c afloat and in store. Oats—A moderate buslncas duln" at 3T>(&3£c for western. Canada and state. Oita—Uu*ccd oil dull otsC©s7c, Lard oil steady at 95c©$l; crude sperm quiet at $1.50; crude whale •iradv at 50©55 c. iliiic*— Hides dull at S4Xc for Buenos Ayres; 2ic for Rio Grande; 18c for dry western. Wool—Dull and nominally unchanged. Puoviamxs—Fork dull, heavy, mid decidedly lower, with onlv small sales to report at prices no «riterlon for the market. Holders',are disposed to realize, and offer their stocks at a material decline. Me*‘- offered at $18,25; old do $lB. and prime £•4.50. with no buyers. At these quotations west ern prime mess nominal at Beef cont:un(*sdall and unchanged, bales 250 brls at $86610 for repacked mess; slo.sotfr.ll for extra mes*; prime aud country mess nominal at our re vised quotations, mesa beef beef hams dull aud nominally unchanged. Cut meals doll and nominal at t(i£#c, hhoulffera lUWtS.UKc. Ham* and smoked meat* in moderate request, ball’s 10.000 lbs at for shoulders; 12@13c for hams; 11X®11?4C for sides. Bacon very dull. J.ard extremely dull, bales reported: 100 brls at JiOISMc. Bptter quiet and steady. 10O15c for (jldo; 15& SIC fo» tUlc. Cheese steady at 9®Hcfor infcrlorlo prime. CiuKxmzs—Coffee to-day verv heavy and we hear of only 2UO bags Rio at lOjtf&Uc. bogsr con dunes dull aud heavy, fair refining selling at 6>*c, hhdsat 5Ji(3G>,-cfor Cuba; for Porto Rico. MoliFees cxuemelrdull. and we hear r.f mtlv small sales at itfic for Barbadues; S9c for Forto'lttco. Candle*—ln consequence of favoraidc now* from California, the market for adamantine lis* l*ccome quite active, aud during the week ujs wards of 8 «U0 boxes changed bauds at 17<ai8c. - Stocks—-btooks are lower, unsettled and doll. Chic &Jl I S3; C&T2S; Gal i Chic 00; 111 Cent scrip 00: M S 14** c: do gl*d 31; M C 51; Riding slX«t UpdsSOß; Hariprd SI; Eric29K; N Y c 79* CBA;<{CS: i’acMail 76; Canton 15; lUCcnt Mads 89; NO 6s 65; J!o 7LV; Teno 7«if. VILVAUKEE. Nov. 3fi.-FLOCH-DnII and heavy. declined Ic, , ilECEtrrs—3,l97 brl« floor. 61.444 bn wheat. SnirnEvra —LUX) bria floor, 31,600 bn wheat. Fuciciits—Remain tmehanged. One cliarter for lOctoßnffalo. OSWEGO. Nor.lC.—Flocb—Doll. Grain—Wheat market*opened doll nod lower, end with a declining tendency. Sales 11,000 lid No. 1 Chicago spring at $1.03: <.OOO bn Canada club on private terms'. Com quiet. Barley doll aud lower. Sales 5.2u01m Bay Quinlc at 66c. Kyc lower. Sales 0,000 bn Canada at 60c. Oats nomi nal. * c*AXAX.Piaaoßrs—Steady. FlourßOc, wheat 18c, com 17c to New York. Lake Imports—6.Blo brj* Hour. G6.500 bn wheat. 7.000 bn com, 31,100 bn barky, 3.000 bn rye, 3,300 bn oau. L 1 anal Exports—C,77sbrls floor, SSJOObo wheat, 14.ibC bn com, 4.800 bn barley, 3,400 bn peas. BUFFALO, Kor, Jd,—Flocb—Quiet and un changed. Grain—Wheat doll and hcarr. The only sale reported was 2,000 bn white IHcmgan at $1.20. Coro steady. Bales SfLOOObu at 47c. ' Whwkt—Steady at 18c, Canal Fnnonrs—Lower, Soc on wheat, 16c on com to New York. . Lake Imports—l, Coo bris flour, 11T.000 bush wheat. 10.000 bash com, 10.000 bosh barley. Canal Expobts—(.ooo bris flour, 118,000 bush wheat, 83,000 bn com, 11,000 bn oats. MARINE JOURNAL,. POST OF CHICAGO. ARRIVED Nov, 16. Prop Ottawa, Warner, Muskegon, 80 m lumber. Prop R li Foss, Wilson, Muskegon, GO m lumber, 40 m shingles. Schr A J Rich, Ingraham, Presque Isle, 280 tons coal. Schr Forester, Peterson. Presque Isle. 2SO tons coal. Schr Bonesteel.Chrlsty, Grand Raven, SO cds wood. Schr Ithaca, Olson, Kewaunee, 100 cds wood, 23 bbls fish. Schr Ilarmcr, Ritter, Sandy Bay, 310 m shingles. , CLEARED ...Nov. 16. Prop Ontario. Miller. Ogdensbnrgh, 741 bbla flour, 100 bbls hlgfawlncs, 238 bags wheat, 290 hags res seed. J Rich, Ingraham, Oswego, 16,000 bu wheat. Schr Eliza Logan, Hendricks, Buffalo, 16,000 bn wheat. Schr II Rand. McCarty, Pensankee, 100 bn wheat, 3000 bn corn. 40 nbls pork. Schr Benefited, Christy, Wilkins’s Pier. Schr Stella, Olson. Kewaunee. Schr Farmer, Ritter. Sandy Par. Schr Die Verhon, Bnron. BulTiuo, 18,500 bn corn. Schr WII Craig, Bard, Buffalo, 17,000 bu wheat. Lake Forts. CLEVELAND, Nov. 15.—Cleared, schr Flight, Buehbee, Chicago. BUFFALO, Nov. 14.—Arrived, brig E W Cross, Moore. Chicago; White Squall, Leonard, do; York State, Dlmmock. do. Cleared, prop Fonntaiu City. Pease, do; barks Invincible. Bowman, do; Dana Crocker, Fitzgerald, do; R O Winslow, do; brigs William Treat. Bain, do; Fannv Gardner, Sullivan, do; Mary, Butler, do: schrs Perry Hannah. Can field. do: Autocrat, Graven. do; Gem, Redfirld, do; David Tod, Blue, do; Wings of the Morning, Stratton, do, pIIICAGO MILL-FUHNISIUKG V-/ DEPOT. T. W. BAXTER & CO., Manufacturer of French, Burr M s LLsrom ES, OF ALL QUARRIES, and C. W. Brown’s Patent Portable FLOURING & GRIST MILLS, AXD DBAI.BRS IX DUTCH “AMER” BOLTIHQ CLOTHS, Smut MRU and Separators. Separators for Warehouses. Beltings or all kinds. Hoisting Screws and Balls Bran Dusters, Peeks, Proof Stans, £c., »te. Faix’banks’ Scales, AXD— MILL FniMSiiLUi GENERALLY. Plans. Specifications and Estimates famished when de. sired, and the construction ofßleHitiftud Wa. ter Mills contracted for entire. STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, Ac., Ac. The subscribers having obtained the agency for tlio dale of Steam Engines and Boilers from tbe mannfac. ton - of GUULDING. BAGLEV it SEWELL, OF WA. TKIITOWJf, K. V H would Invite tlie attention of per. chasers to their superior merits of style, workmanship and powers; also, their very low prices. The follow in'; Is a list of prices of Engine and Boiler, together with II cater. Water and Steam Pipes, Cocks, Valves, Arch Casting* and Grates, complete and ready for use, delivered In Chicago: 5 horsepower. $ SOO SO horse power. $1,250 « - - 575 2.* i “ “ UMO 10 “ “ TO no - “ 1,63 U “ “ 800 35 “ “ 2,000 10 44 “ 1.100 40 ** “ ... . 2JSOO and In like proportion for larger sizes as required. Every Engine Is famUbcd with Judson’s Patent Governor Valve. For Floor Mill* we confidently recommend them as superior to buy other style of Engine, and they will Save from 25 to 50 per cent In Fuel over the usual class of boiler? in use In the West. T7e Mini! keep ho assortment Of different sizes at oar es. LiblLituneut, where tli»y may be examined and the necessary Information obtained regarding them. Com. potent men will. If desired, be furnished to set up and •lartEnglnesln any partof the country. We also supply water wheels, SHAFTING. GEARING, Ac„ At very low prices. T. W. BAXTER & CO., Mill Fnrnbhlng Depot. West Water street, between Randolph and MaiHsou, Chicago, 111. Po*t Office address Box 271. 0c5*59.1y najT’Oak Orchard Acid Spring Wa ter. This Water Is gaining great celebrity, and the dc maud for it 1? increasing rapidly. lu beneficial char actor Is attested by thousands, and it is pronounced by distinguished physicians to be superior to any other medicinal Spring Water now in use. The almost ml. raculous cures which It has performed lead as to be Hero that It Is destined to become extensively used In tie treatment of very many diseases which ordinary remedies fail to cure. Its curative properties arc ca* tabllihed beyond question, and we feel assured that it must, to a great extent, supersede many of the artificial compounds of the day. We recommend those of our readers who may be suffering from general debility, or from any of the diseases for which this Water is prc. scribed, to give It a trial. SeeadvcrUiciaentln another column. jcILcSM-easily gTO Y E POLISH To DrngglsliuGrocen and Hardware iTlercb&uts s Cektumw:—Tour attention Is respectfully called to the merits of the Justly celebrated J*. H. GAUTIER dc CO’S Carburet of Iron STOVE FOIjXSH. J. IT, G. & Co, being the most extensive Crucible Manufacturers in the united States, u*e only PUHE FAST INDIA LEAD In the manufacture of lue above named Stove Polish, tiic advantages of which, over ail other compounds now lu use. are: It not onlv removes but prevents Rcet, while the snr fnceU not Injured by the action of the most intense heat. Unlike most other articles In use, it Is enlirclv ITee from any unpleasant odor. One package will lost longer and produce a more beautiful polish, with one. bait the labor, than three of any other now n use. Beware of imitations. Bold everywhere, by all first class Druggists, Grocers and Hardware merchants. J. 11. JOHNSON, Sole Agent for the manufacture?, Ko. 70 State Street. Chicago, Illinois. H. p. LANDON. Agent. QA K Oil CI!A E D ACID SPRINGS, These Springs arc situated In the valley of the Oak Orchard Creek. In the town of Alabama, Gcnrssee count'*, N. T„ eight miles sooth of the village of lie dlna. ou the Eric Caual, and fourteen uifles from Batavia. The principal Add Spring* arc three la number; be side* these there are six others. They are all located within a circuit of about fifty rods. The medicinal quali ties of the waters ore fully shown in the snbjolned teetl. iiionlals, They contain a very large amount of Sulphur Sulphuric Acid, Sulphate of Lime, and Proto-Sulphate of Iron. The great medicinal virtues possessed by the waters depend very largely upon the presence. In ■nclt uuutual quantities, of these curative substances. Hundreds of cases of disease, especially those resalt, big from the scrofulous diathesis, have been cured be their use. In skin diseases—even In confirmed Leprosy—the water- have been signally succesful. Opinions of medical and scientific gentlemen ore given in the circulars. The following eminent gentle, men speak in strong terms of the medicinal value ol these waters; i*r»f. EhmoSS. T. Houetk Bkcx. il. !>., of Albany: Jxs, McN*rctmis, M. D„ of Albany; J£a w*na France. M.l)* of New lork; Hr. R. CsHPeeix,ot Pittsfield. Mas*.: Hr. J. S. Scuclkh. of Lockpvrt. N. T. They recommend the waters confidently. Hr. Spring refers to a rase of chronic diarrhea of several years' standing, which was cured by the use of the water. Hr. Bccxeays: "I am satisfied that these waters arc highly valuable as medicinal agents.” Hr. Campbell says: *• They mast be highly beneficial for all chronic diseases of the stomach and bowels. .10,802 Hr. S. P. Wurrz read a paper on the subject of these Water* before the Academy of Physldans. In the city of New York, to which lie states that the Waters pos- Hiw decidedly tonic, refrigerant, and astringent pro perties ; and that the claw of liL-eoscs to which they are mure particularly adapted, are chronic affections ot the digestive and urinary organs, and some of the cu taneous diseases; chrome dyspepsia; chronic dhurheo* chronic dvecaterv; chronic diuresis; chronic cystitis; diabetes; cases of passive hemorrhage, such as Purpura Hemorrhagica, and the colliquative sweats of Hectic Fever. The Water may also be often used with advan tage, he says. In cose of low Typhoid Fevers: In con valescence from protracted fever*. to excite the appe- Ute and promote digestion; In diarrheas, particularly • ich as are dependent on a relaxed or ulcerated state of the mucous membrane of the intestines. In calcul. oas affections. or llthlasls, attended with phosplmtfc sediments. It U the soluble remedv, bring preferable to muriatic add, as being more solvent, and less apt by continual use to disorder the stomach. In febrile dis eases it can be used, properly diluted, as a refrigerant t-> diminish thursl and preternatural bent. In skin dls cases—!a those forms of dyspepsia connected with the alkaline condition of the stomach, as In Pyrosis, or water-brash. It will provebetterthan hydrochforlcadd. In rase of CoUea pictoonm. and other injurious conse quences arising from the action of lead, this water will prove to be an admirable antidote. In chronic nharvn. gltU. lanrngltia. chronic mucous catarrh, ana humid anhmn. chronic ophthalmia (externally) as a gargle in ulcerated sore throat. In coses of salivation, and in lea corrhcH and gleet; and also la plies. When taken Internally, a wist-GLaFsiXL of the Wa. ter. diluted, taken three times a day. Is sufficient for an adult. Oilier testimonials from physicians, and other respee table Individual*, may be seta on application to the Agent. Healer* supplied on liberal terms. Ao Watke czkcike rxi.rss rnocrani) rsnu 11. W. DOST WICK. Bole Agent. • No. 574 Broadway, Acw York. r PIIE ONLY PREPAIiATION X THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, And grows more and more popular every day. READ THE FOLLOWING: Battle Cacnc. Mich,. Dec. Slut, 163 L Paor. Wono;—Thee win pica*e accept a line to in form thee that the hair on my bead all fell off over twenty years ago. caused by a complicated caronlc dls. cue. attended with an eruption on the head. Aeon, iloaal coarse of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence. 1 have not been able to obtain stntt for caps, neither have 1 been able to do them up, in consequence of which my head has suffered extreme!'’ from cold. ThU Indurrd ue to pay Briggs ii HoflgCM almost the lest cent 1 had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative »l>out the fiivt ol August lost. I have faithfully followed the directions and the bald spot!* now* covered with hair thick and black, though short, it 1* also coming In all over my bead. Feeling contidcnt fiat another large bottle would rcnorcli entirely and permanently. I feel am lous to persevere la its ueel and being destitute of means to purchase any ioorc.l would %fti tliee if thee would uot bu willing to ►end me an order on Uilue agent* for a bottle, and receive to thyself Ute scripture declaration—‘” me reward is to those that ore kind to the widow and the fatherlo*.” Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. ’,Noble Co.. Ind„ Feb. sth. W!D, Paor. O. J. Wooir- Dear Sir: in me lattcrpart of the vear 1852, while attending the State and National Law School of the State of New York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me. commenced tailing off verv rapidly, so that in the short apace of six months, the w hole upper Cart of my scalp wa&a must entirely bereft of lu cover ig, and much of Uie remaining portion upon Uic side tuii back part of my head shortly alter became gray, so U'Ot you will not be surpil-ed when Iteti yon that upon my return to Uie State of Indiana, my more cos. nal ncqunlntaiotance* were uot so much at a loss to discover thr cause of Uir change In my appearance, as my more intimate acquaintances were to recognize me application to Uie most akillfot pby. slciaus in Uie country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored. 1 was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunate. Jr. la the latter part of the year 1857, your iiCAWzativa was recommended to me by a druggist, as being the most reliable Hair luwiuraure la ate. 1 tried one bot tle, and found to my great aatlriactiun Uiat It was pro. uuclng the do-lred einct. Fiore t»at time. I have naed seven dollar*’ worth of j our Restorative, and as a re. salt, hare a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can bay. Very re*pectfully yoors. A. M. LAITA. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. O. J. TTOOp & 4tt Broadway, New York, and 114 Market street. Su LouU, sold by all good Druggists aud Fancy Goods Healer*. Wholesale At.kxts. Ctncaco D. Park. O. P. Fnl. Irr ACo m J. U. Heed A (Jo„ budth, Hw>tr & Co„ Lord & FmlUn and Gale Brothers. seffia.fisiy.wcow r pO GAS COXSUMEKS S. D. BAtbwiX'S EXCELSIOR GOVEXOB ABB GAS PURIFIES Hex met with the approval of Gss Engineers, and pro. nouoccd by them superior to any thing of the kina In. vented. They ar« warranted to save consumer* of gss from 30 to 60 per cent* and keep la order ten years. The public are respectfully requested to give them a trial. Relying vpeit ike merits of the Uaehlne I propose to them to meters, sad remove them lr they do not give entire satisfaction AT MY OWN EXPENSE. Agents wanted in all dtles where gss U used. Office ferSjc Northwest. No. IfiC South Clark wjet- Post Office Box 874 L S. D. BALDWIN. bcffi-dSTSfim Proprietor. Tf ILK DRIED CORK SIEAL, XV Fairfield Mills.*— 500 bbls of this celebrated brand la store and for sale by ’ . BEDFORD, UEBEDITIZ St CO„ JalS'CO-ly j»°i Boojh Water sf, BY TELEGRAPH. THE SECESSION MOVEMENT. Colombia, 8. Nov. 15.—Six hundred “Minute Men,” with military and firemen, lamed out here last night in a grand torch light procession In honor of secession. A meeting was afterwords held, at which ex* Speaker Orr made a speech espousing seces sion. He was followed by Mr. Keltt and others. The State Fair is progressing satisfactorily. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 15.—The Governor of the State will issue a call fora State Con vention to assemble on tbc Ctb of December. 11c urges the people to prepare for secession. Milledoeyille, Go., Nov. 15.—The leading men of all parties had a conference to-day and unanimously agreed to a State Convention. They recommend resistance. The time and mode to be settled by the Convention. Good feeling prevails. ‘Washington, Nov. 15.—An order has been issued by the Navy Department to fit out the eloop-of-war Macedonian ot Portsmouth, N. 11., for the Home Squadron. The SL Louis and Sabine having nearly completed the usual term of sendee, arc to be withdrawn from It. It seems that Senator Ilammond's resigna tion is immediate, a letter having been re ceived here directing bis personal effects to bo forthwith sent to South Carolina. The Collector at Beaufort has officially indi cated his resignation, being unwilling, be says, to serve under a Republican Administration. It has heretofore been stated that tbc sub ject of an address was under Executive conside ration, but it now appears that the idea is abandoned in view of the early meeting of Congress, to whom, by the Constitution, the President is required to give information of the state of the Union. Richmond, Va., Nov. 15. —Gov. Letcher called an extra session of the Legislature for the 7th of January, to take into consideration the condition of public affairs, and determine calmly and wisely what action Is ncecssaiy in this emergency. Milledgeviixe, Go., Nov. 15. —There was considerable discussion in the Senate to-day on tbc motion referring tbc million dollars appro priation bill for arms and amraunltloh'to the Finance Committee. The bill provides that the money be subject to tbc tootrofof the Govern ment, Many Senators objected to placing the sword and purse in the shine hands, when the supposed reference failed. The bill will pro ceed in regular order and will pass. A bill was introduced suspending the collec tion of debts until 1861. Laid over. A resolution was introduced, giving power to the Governor In case of Federal coercion being employed against a seceding State, to employ the effectual military resources of Georgia to resist such coercion. This resolu tion will pass. Senator Toombs made a powerful Secession speech lost night. Mr. Barlow followed, urg ing the establishment of a Southern Confede racy, with sovereignty in the Federal power, and that all State lines be obliterated. Nnw York, Nov. 16.—Richmond dispatch* es state that Gov. Wise of Virginia U pro nounced insane. Millers at Richmond refused to buy wheat yesterday on any terms. Corn also declined 8 cents. Letters received state that the “ Knights of the Golden Circle” are starving In Texas. The Presidential vote of Virginia is so near ly balanced that only the olllcial returns can decide whether Bell or Breckinridge has car ried the State. ■Washington, Nov. 10.—A letter from a strong Cotton House in Charleston, says that there u really no unanimity, even in South Car for secession. The business men, arti sans and merchants, and all the professional men, are]dccidcdly opposed to secession. [Special Dispatch to the N. V. World.] Charleston, Nov. 15, —South Carolina will, under no circumstances, back down from the position she has taken. She is now virtually out of the Unlou. The United States flag is not recognized in any part of the State. Sen ator Cbesmxt, it Is said, will preside in the Convention. Baltimore offers Gov. Gist ICO men and New Jersey 500. Individual applications arc number less. The Mayor, owing to the present condi tion of allairs, has discharged a Large number of laborers employed on tho public works. Patrick Hays, au Englishman, arrested for was hurried olf on the steam ship Marion for New York, yesterday. A handsome sword will be presented to night to A. Si Magralh, who resigned his scat in the United Slates Court. Caleb Cushing’s brig Joseph Gray, sails for Liverpool to-morrow. Capt, Plummer says he will bear aloft the Palmetto Loue Star flag. [Special Dispatch to the N. Y. Herald.] Charleston, Nov. 15.—Another tremen dous demonstration took place to-night to welcome the Charleston delegation. Institute Hall was magniliceutly adorned by ladies, with mottoes, banners andl'almctto branches, aud crowds thronged in and around it. Addresses of welcome were presented amid deafening cheers, and State Senators Porter aud Seccsne, and Representatives Biust, O’Conner. Whit ley, Tcuholm, Ytadon, Pope, Ramsay, Simon ton, Collin and others delivered stirring ad dresses, nil breathing the sentiment that there was no alternative left South Carolina savetoatant secession or eternal disgrace and ruin. In the course of the proceedings. Mayor Me- Beth, who presided, rend a dispatch from Gen. Bonham, announcing that he was out of the Union, raving resigned his scat in Con gress. The news was received with a burst of enthusiasm. Macon, Go., Nov. 15.— The Senate has pass ed unanimously the bill appropriating one million dollars ut the discretion of the Gover nor for the defense of the State. The jolut Committee on the state of tbc Republic agreed uuauimouely to report a Mil for calling a Convention of the people, with a preamble recommending resistance. It is understood that Gov. Brown, IL V. Johnson, Liulou Stevens, T. K. Cobb, and all other leading men, have endorsed the bill, and that it will pass unanimously. no&dtOl-lm The legislators ditler somewhat on the mode of resistance, but the immediate seces sion men have a large majority. A. H. Stephens spoke at Millcdgevillc last night, lie Javorcd the State Convention and demanded of the States which have nullified the Fugitive Slave Law to repeal their acts, aud upon their refusal, which was certain, then the South would go out with clean hands. The crowd colled for Mr. Jackson, of Savan nah, and a sharp discussion followed, Mr. Jackson speaking strongly for immediate se cession. Such is the feeling in Savannah that it is hard work to prevent the populace from seizing upon Fort Pulaski. Charleston, Nov. 15 —A large Palmetto tree was erected this evening in front of Insti tute Hall An immense meeting was held,and facing the speaker’s stand was a huge trans parency, “ 'Well done, good and faithful ser vants.” Mayor McUeth presided and made a line speech. K. W. Gordon addressed the del egates. Senator Porter’s speech caused pro longed applause. There were several other speakers, and the greatest enthusiasm prevail ed. During the day cannon were lircd, aud Hags were raised with Colonial and State mot toes. From Wa* lilnston—Return of tlic Jap- anese Steamer. “Washington, Nov. IG.—The State Depart ment has received advices from Minister Har ris, of the sth of July. He slates that the Japanese steamer Candinamumh bad arrived atJeddofrom San Francisco, and on the re turn voyage was navigated by Japanese alone. This, be says, is the lirst instance in which a vessel constructed solely by Asiatics has suc cessfully crossed the great North I’acilic Ocean, and strikingly proves the Jap anese to be so capable of improvement that they might soon place themselves at the head of Oriental enterprise of all kinds, if al lowed freely to cultivate the great powers they possess, Tho commander of the steamer, with two Governors for Foreign Affairs, had called on Mr. Harris, saying they came by command of the Tycoon, and were directed to express to him His’Majcsty’s sincere thanks for the friend- Iv and cordial manner in which the comman der and otliccrs of his steamer were received by the authorities aud people of San Francisco. l f hey were directed to thank him particularly for the complete repairs of the stcamerat Marc Island Navy Yard, and express the deep sense Ills Majesty entertained of the kindness and courtesy of'Capt. Cunningham, commander of the yards. The rejiorts of the officers of the Candina mtirrah and letters from the Embassy with full accounts of the reception at San Francis co nnd the kindness shown them by all classes of our people, have produced a lively sensation especially among the nobles heretofore op posed to the treaty ofYcddo. One of the officials naively remarked to Mr. Harris, “ W’c did not believe you when yon told ns of the friendly feelings of your country for ns, but wc now sec that all you said was true.” Mr. Harris Is of the opinion that when the Ambassadors return to Japan and relate their reception by the President, repeat their large experience hi the States, and when fhey state what they havcsceu of the greatness and pros perity of our country, it will have an import ant effect on the minds of the recalcitrant dunios and lead to a better slate of feeling on their part towards ns and towards the inter course of foreign nations. •There Is no truth in the report that Mr. Brown is about to retire from the editorship of the Comliluiioii, or that its publication Is soon to be suspended. \V. Hansom Calhoun of S. C M who returned In Hie Adriatic to-day, resigned his office of "First Secretary of the United States Legation to France. Paying a Wager, Peoria, Nov. 16.—Mr. W. C. Stricklcr, a news-dealer of this place, wheeled a barrel of apples from Kickapoo distant twelve miles to day, in fulfillment of n wager made upon the result of the late election.. He arrived at 3 o'clock, was met near the city by a large crowd with a band of music, and escorted to the wig wam, where speeches. were made and a good time hod. The apples will be scut to Abe Lincoln. Depot Burnt. Cleveland, Nov. IC.— The station bouse at Crestline, Ohio, was destroyed by fire tills fore noon. ThclMlUhurg, Fori Wayne & Chicago Railroad Co’s, loss is $15,(00, B. ami lud. HR, Co. $5,G00. American Express Co. SSOO, Telegraph Co. $l5O. A New Pacific Bollrond IHoTcmcut. New York, Nov. 16. —A meeting last even ing on behalf of the People’s Pacific Railroad, via Pike's Peak and Utah, was well attended. A committee was appointed to obtain nccee sory information. Dactiuut, Ct, Nov. 15.—About 1,500 people asjcmbled at Kcnosla Trotting Park to witness the trot between Flora Temple and Widow McCree. The trot was mile beats, best 3in 5. Flora won—time 2:39,2:37, 2;i»3. New York, Nov. Ip.—The IT. S. sloop-of war Saratoga arrived to-day. The stcamsjilp Hammonia from Hamburgh, lat Inst, rid Southampton, 4th, has arrived. News anticipated. No. 70 Slate Street, Second door from Randolph Street. B. H- laAUDON, AQENT, Cotfhtry Merchants will please take notice and ex. amine our assortment before purchasing elsewhere. DTPECTINE, OR FEVER AND AGUE CHABM-A sure, safe and reliable cxrxaaxL remedy. PHILADELPHIA SOAPS—Oriental-Detersive, Era. slvc. Palm, Ac. JAPANESE BOOT AND SHOE POLISH. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE—In any quantity. OLD DR HEATH’S JAPANESE MEDICINES— Rook descriptive of the same mailed upon the receipt of SS cents. GREELEY'S BOURBON BITTERS-Whlch are rapidly taking the lead of all others, and cannot be surpassed as an Invigorating tonic and umlly medicine. CHARLES* LONDON CORDIAL GEN—Genuine. SHAVER’S PATENT ERASER AND PENCIL SHARPENER. OLD DR, SWEET’S INFALLIBLE UNDIENT. BOSTON INDEXICALSOAPS—Honey, Gold Dollar, Poncinc. Hotel Toilet. Silver, Ac. IVORY GOODS FOR STATIONERY DEALERS— Pen Holden. Pencils, Paper Folder*. Ac. SUPERIOR INK. BLACKING, Store Polish, Ac. SHAVER’S CARPET SWEEPER. PATENT FOOT SCRAPER WITH BRUSH, PATENT GUM MASTIC—For Chewing. DR. JACOB’S BITTERS—'Which stimulate the Uver, regulate tbo bowels, cleanse the stomach and purify the blood. seSSwly TIGHT LOCK-STITCH Sewing Hiachines, BUY A MACHINE, One that makes the doable lock stitch with two thread* that will not poll out or unravel. Sochi* BUY A MACHINE,’ WEBSTER * CBV. One that makes the stitch alike on both sldee of the cloth—the most desirable stitch now in use. such Is B UYAMACH,NE, UDD - WE,STER4CO ' S - One that Is tdrons. wcll.finUhed aud reliable, one that heavy good* will not strain out of repair. Such Is BUY A MACHINE, lAOD ’ WEBBTEBiCO,t - One that require* no tools to set the needle.-ls easily operated, simple,—and not more trouble than It £* worth. Such 1* BUYAMACmNET'™ 8 ™* 80 ’*' One that doe* not use ccavxo vbkdles. which are constantly breaking. Straight needles are known to be the beet. Such 1* I ladd - webstei,4C0 ’ 8 ' One that does not break the threap skip stitch e->, nor form a looped ridge on the underside of the 1 cloth. Such 1* BUrA M ACH I N EI IADD ’ WEBS,ERtC °’ S - One that uses the celebrated wheel feed, capable ot handling all materials (hat can be sewed. Such Is buyamachine, l * oo ’™ 4 ' o '*' One that will sew over seams, and gathers wltboo breaking thread or change of tension. fiachls LADD, WEBSTER A CD’S. BUY A MACHINE, ’ One that will stitch, hem, fell, gather and bind without basting. Such is LADD, WEBSTER & GO’S. BUY A MACHINE, ’ One that is hilly licensed under Howe's Extended Patent and free from Infringements, finch U LADD, WEBSTER & CD’S BUY A MACHINE, One that makes the stitch as you want It, alike and even ou both sides the cloth, finch Is IAD 3, WEBSTER & CD'S. BUY A MACHINE, ’ One that is capable of doing a greater range of work more perfectly than any other machine. Such U LADD, WEBSTER & CD'S. To Famllie*, Tailors, Seamstresses, Clothing, Cirri age-Trlmmlng, Humes* Maker*. Ac., we would state that we have received the Agency of the above Ma chines for the Northwesters States, and have opened. a:i elagant salesroom for their exhibition at 12£ I*ake Street, Chicago, (UP-STAIRS.) Call and examine the Machines and the Workfcr yourselves, COOK, STO.VE S CO. /CHICAGO WATER WORKS.— WaTEu Comiissioxea*’ Omcz. Chicago, 111. ) November Itlh, 18(30. y Sealed Proposals will be received st this office until 12 M., Saturday, NovcmberSJUi next, for tho delivery in Chicago ou u*c opening of navigation next Spring, of the following cast iron pipes for mains, viz: 7J>O Pipes ofiM inches internal diameter. 100 * l 10 - Together with such branches, carves and reducers as sliull be necessary to lav the same complete and con cert with main* uow laid. Proposal* are Inv Itcd for pipe* both 9 feet and 12 feet long. The average weights of the gland IS inch pipes v illbe2.loo ami 1.15U lbs each, respectively, for the 9 pipe, and the 12 ft. pipes will have a proportionate weight. Tnepipes will be proved In Chicago under the direc tion of the Superintendent of the Water Works, anil be subjected to a pressure of 250 lbs. to the square Inch The prices Mated will be per too of 2,000 lbs. deliv ered at such dock In Chicago as the Board of Wa J .er Commissioners shall provide. Proposal* should be addressed to the Board of Water Commissioner* of the City of Chicago and endorsed. Proposal* for cast Iron mains for the Chicago Water Works. on tne day declared above the proposals will be opened by the Water Commissioners, who reserve the n;Lt to accept or reject any. proposal, or to reject all proposal*. They also reserve the right to make the amount of pipe to be famished, greater or loss thfn the amount stated above. By order of the Board poU-d-53-m A. W. TINKUAM, Secretary. QUARLES TABER & CO.’S AHBEOXYPES FROM FINE ENGRAVINGS. The*c copies are taken from the brat impression* from early proof*, and are put op In the neatest and mort substantial manner. D. n. COUK.E A CO., ill Lake street, as agents for the manufacturer*, have Jou received a splendid as sortment of the above. D. B. COOKE a CO.. ill Lake street. r rO PHYSICIANS.—We have for sale a small Drug Store, and good will of a physi cian in good practice In this city. The prescription ba.durts alone 1» irom live to ten dollars per day. A f Hxlch»nce,R3Uieownerl9 obliged to go East. Also lyo Lots in the city ot La Crosse. Wis„ well eltnatcd. V» 111 be sold very low, A good horse and baggv taken in payment. Also—lo Acres adjoining the city limits, fotitli. lor sale at a great bargain. Also— Acres ol Land in Crawford Co„ lowa, lor cash, very low. oc£Uil2lMm TOMPKINS Si CO„ Beal Estate Brokers. Room No. 8 Kingsbury Block. Tho Turf. Naval, miscellaneous. , £'® THE FALL TRADE OF 1860. WHOLESALE AGENCY For the sals of the following POPULAR ARTICLES AT J. 11. JOHNSON’S, LADD, WEBSTER & CO’fi food •CO-ly-deod-wfim] A HAKE CHANCE!—The Stock xA and good will of a FIRST RATE PAYING BUSINESS, LOCATED IN CHICAGO, In offered for xalo upon the moat libe ral terms. For full particulars address the undersigned, or CEO. a. WHEELER, at Cincinnati. 8 JOHN D. PARK, PolO-diS-lm No. Ui Lsbo street, Chicago, 111. QO M O MILL PROPERTY FOR SAID. In consequence of the decease of one of the owners of tip* above property, the whole of it Is now olTsred ftTsalc. During the past summer the mill has been complete- Jy repaired and fitted op In the venr beet manner, with ail the latest Improvement;*, and fs uow in order to manufacture Flour of a quality second to none in tho market. The Custom Apparatus la also arranged in tLo best maimer. There are SIX PAIRSiOF BURRS, Smut Hills, Seperators, Bran Ousters, &C-, ico. The power U derived from the EltHom Creek, a very steady stream— Ml 16 feet. The mill is in the village of Como, Whiteside County, 111- on the bank of nock River, and In one of the must fertile districts In the li.*ck River Valley. There U also connected with tills property a large Warehouse. Cooper-shop, Store, Dwelling Houses and Stable. Railroad communication bv the Fulton Branch of the Galena aud Chicago Railroad. For further particulars address i). L. QUIRK & CO- Chicago, or S. LEHMAN SMITH, ou the premises. Como, Oct. 27th, JSCO. oc3-lm r jPO EXCHANGE FOR LAND.— $20,000 Worth or Liquors, To exchange for landln nilnoti, Wisconsin,lowa. Min nesota or MRsoari. Would not object to good real estate In Chicago. TOMPKINS Sc CO N0.6 Kingsbury Block. SOAPS!! SOAPS!!!— TOIUIT BOAT DEPOT. Soaps in G-i’eat Variety. RIMMEI'S BLTCERINE SOAP, Excellent for chapped flesh. LOW & SON’S HONEY SOAPS. LOW & SON’S GLYCERINE SOAPS, LOW & SON’S B. WINDSOR SOAPS. Highly Pcrftamed Toilet Soaps of Lohln’a. Bagiev’s. Mangcnet * Coudray**, Fiver's. Prevost’a and Oar tin’s manufacture. Very Old Castile Soap, A fine assortment of the very best Toilet Soaps. J. H. REED A CO* Apothecaries. Ul and 146 Lake streets g.O LID IF IE D MILK. Sugar or milk) Patent Groats and Barley, Blseotine, Farina, Arrow Boot, Oat meal, Tapioca, Sago, Broma, Chocolate, Ac., ALL OP TOE BEST QUALITY, May be found at GALE, 880 TREES, » Family Prescription Store, UK Kandolpli Street. QTOCK OF GOODS FOR EX- O CHANGE^-Theadvenlserwlsbestoexchaoge A Stock of Good* For Beal Estate. Address bos US Chicago Post Ottle. auU'6s-ly I)UPTURES CURED X\ BY THE HAHD HISSKR EICGS 1 Thb Trans b unlike an others Ui-ed, both In construction and mate- tlr.L Does not constantly pret* on the rupture, ana thereby give a cull for a Truss for life, like mo*t trusses In nse/bai rrca»c* hi four places, bringing the parts to gether, giving nature a chance to cure, whlwi wooes fa nearly all cases. Does not prow UPON THE CORD, or obstruct circulation: never soils or carodf*, ana b always clean sod new. Young persona and recent cast** alwava cured. Phrridans say It b tlic ONLY PHILOSOPHICAL TRUSS IN USE. None but those who have suCered with the misery of rupture can appreciate the value of the “ Klgcs Trass. An Illustrated pamphlet, containing all uirticolars. sent free vo *nv one, by addnMloc I. ». SEELEY, Exclusive and Sole Agent for the Western Stattf. Oilice 191 Lake street. Post Office box Chicago, IlUnols. . Wholesale trade supplied at New York prices. QXOVES, GLOVES, GLOVES! • Don’t forget to buy your Glove* at BOWEN’S. No. 20 Clark street (opatafrs). The best and cheapest Bock skin and Fur. all sold lower than ever hclbre. N. U.—Bowen li also Agent for the West of Wilson s Souring Machine, the roodsimple and perfect machine ever made. Call tad see U. oct.id2.VLSm VfALT! BARLEY MALT!—A LYX stock of PRIME BARLEY MALT for Brewer’s and Distiller** use, constantly on band, and each order promptly filled. Also superior Yeast Malt In barrels, tianofactured at Cold Spring Malt House, Buffalo. N. r. Address A. O. MOREY. 12 South Water street JUlcato. • seiOdasoun Sextons and under- TAKERS, SLa Salle street. , .... , Have on Land, at all time*, every style and finish or Wood Lead and Zlijc Cotansj aiw>, Strouds. And are prepared with Hearse* and Carriages, and everythin* rcaaWte for Funerals; and may be found on hand and ready to sire prompt attention to their bnstnees at all {ST *' * e^“aiYM/uS& c ' irtohes. Ganges. &c. gTOVES! —STOVES!! Allen & Dalton, 71 LAKE STREET 71 Solicit an examination of the patent Combination BRICK OVEN COOK STOVES. It U tbs only Erick Oven Etovs in the World. THE BRICK OVEN Gives uniform and steady beat, which la continued long srtertheflrelsont. Thsra U a marked peculiarity In the Bake of THE BRICK OVEN possessed by no other Stove In the World. THE BRICK OVEN Does the work the same as the old-fashioned Brick Oven, while It has the convenience of the modern Cook Stove. We also solicit an examination of the Improvement Cook Stove, With PATENT BOILING HEARTH, A flnLcUas Air-Tight Cook Stove, which la El vine the most complete satisfaction. THE RADIATOR HARD COAL STOVE, the omy Stove that suits every body. Parlor Self-Eegnlator Stoves, New Styles, and the most complete assqrtmratofWood and Coal Stoves for all use*. Stove Pipe, Zinc, lire Boards, Ac., Ac. New and Large stock of House Furnishing Goods, Joat received. Toilette Beta and Japanned Ware. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by ALLEN A DALTON, 71 Lake Street. Tremont Block, TW“ Stoves cleaned and set up on short notice. [oelO-dSI-mn] . CMALL COAL, SMALL COAL, Small Coal, Small Coal, Small Coal, Small Coal, MUST BE USED WITH MUST BE USED WITH LITTLEFIELD’S COAL BURNERS. LITTLEFIELD’S COAL BURNERS. SOLD BY SOLD BY Van Schaack* 47 State Street, Chicago. Van Schaack, 47 State Street, Chicago. SlTOeceral Dealer la Honsekeeplng Articles. [myO QTEWART’S COOKING STOVE O STILL AHEAD. The acknowledged superiority t-r the Stewart Stove ha* given rise to raveral nuta tions. The genuine article U for sale by C. MKTZ, Agent at!») State street, between Monroe and Adams. Also, a good assortment of Housekeeping Hardware and Tinware. [spUQcgt3y transportation. gT. JOSEPH & PIKE’S PEAK Transportation Line. A. WARREN & CO., General Freltslitent to the mines, STORAGE. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. We have Trains leaving St. Joseph weekly through out the year, for sit parts In the mine*, and can give parties unusual facilities for getting out freight with cUpatch and at reasonable rate*. All goods shipped to our care, destined for the mines, will be promptly at tended to. Warehouse on Sixth Street. A. WARREN A CO., au29'fio-ly St. Joseph. Mo. QJIEAT CENTRAL ROUTE Detroit, Buffalo, Suspension Bridge, NIAGARA FALLS, ALBANY, NEW YORK, BOSTON, PORTLAND AND ALL Sew York, Sew England and Canadian Towns. For Tickets apple at the Railroad Company's Office, opposite Tremoat House, corner Lake and Dearborn streets. Chicago. Freight Taken at Lowest Rates To and from the East. A. WALLINGFORD. Agent. plumbing. C. SMITH & CO., Brass Cock CTannracturors, OOPFEH.SMITHIS, WROUGHT IRON PIPE Steam and Gass Fittings, SHEET COPPER, BLOCK TIN, PUMPS, «tC. All will be sold at low price* for Ca-h. Also, f ur tl.djar attention paid to Jobbing of all kinds connect ed with the Trade. 228 Washington Street, Chicago. QAS PIPE AND FIXTURES. Brown 6c "Wilder, 47 Sc 49 State State ----- Up-Staln. CORNELIUS A BAKER'S, PHILADELPHIA, GAS FIXTURES. TL$ richest assortment in the city, comprising all LATE PATTERNS, ripe 40 per cent discount from list prices. Fitting SO tents JT£ D . McFAIi LANE’S Gas, Steam Fitting AXO PLUMBING ESTABLISHMENT. (4 La Sallo Street, Chicago, DSALKK IX GAS FIXTDBES AND IBON FDRKITDBE, m*ACTICaJL JPL UJIJSEIt, And Manufacturer of ALL KINDS OF STEAK WORK. TO THE TRADE The trade supplied with tools and every article In the Gas, Steam Fitting and Plumbing Business. Be-GUdlog and Bronzing done to order. ZJT Manufactory 167 and 163 East Washington street. gteam Bije g&iorfrs. TSJEW YOKK STEAM DYE Xt works. WK. TEBBCRT, IST South Clark street, between Madison and Monroe, Chicago. Illinois. Dyer and Cleaner of alt kinds uf SUk and Woolen Goods. Alsu, .straw Bonnet Bleacher and Preseer. Store and country work punctually attended to. t&pffCQlyl T7ANCY STEAM DYE WORKS X OF SIDXET KALISH, No. 195 South Clark street. between Mooroe and Adams, Chicago, Illinois. I hare been awarded toe First ITrmlum at the late V. S. Fair. Alt country orders by express strictly at tended to. IJaliLly TJARNUM’S GREAT VARIETY JD STORE. No. 138 Lake Street. Woßmtrs— pounds of every shade and color ot Spilt. Single and Double Zephyr. Spaced. Tlnselandtho new Solfcrlno color, at Wholesale and Retail. Qcakkr Yarn.—soo pounds ot this superior Tarn, Blue Mixed. White, Scarlet, Clouded, Clue. Drab. Ac. lUflxrra—A Urge stock of German and French Traveling, Reticule. Work. Lunch and Toy Baskets, Cradles and Cabs, Gigs. Chairs, Workstands, Ac. Bird Caoss—3oo dozen of a superior manufacture. Also, Parrot and Squirrel Cages. Tots asd Fakct Goods ol onr direct Importation from French. English and German Mannocturera. Also, Cases of Toys dozen assorted, for |lsand a cose. Tin Toys In endless variety. £c. Taxrb Nnrtoxa.—A general aasortment of every thing in this line. CF" Merchants and Wholesale Dealers throughout tha West will nnd our stock complete, and prices as low or lower than the lowest. Toys and Fancy Goods are Imported by ns direct, consequently we can com- Sete with any bonae in the countrv. Domestic Goods Irect from the manufacturer enable u> to offer su porior inducements. Call and try os at No. 138 LAKE STREET. [soutO-lyl POWELL & MANSFIELD, UAxrrAcmKßS or FELT AND COKPOSITXON HOOFS And Roofing 1 materials. Office. No. 77 Dearborn Street Dearborn Block, Chi. csgo. 111. P. o. BOX IS4B. From nine rear* experience in this business la Ch!> esgo. we are enabled to lar Hoofs, and famish mate, ruts unsurpassed In durability and quality, and as the beet proof of the same, we refer to flm-clsM buildings Inthuclty where, for the above tenn of yean, oar rooft have remained uninjured by the weather, infec tions for use sent with all country orders. _ IhmottH). L. WhceloctEd. Hurling. TV- W Rovlngton. Architects; John SolUtc. Cater* Meßwrn, Wilcox * Bollard. Builders; J. K. Uotsford, Esq.. N. p Wilder. f>q- Stiles Burton, E*q„J.T.Ed wards, Esq„ Henry WUbetk, Esq„ Thomas Church, Esg^Mathew VERY IMPORTANT INFOR- T SIATION.—The Hlinola - Burch Company, at Ottawa, are now manufacturing the Purest March in the world, in body, quality and whiteness U cannot be excelled, and being manufactured entirely with spring water, which la naturally soft aa rain water. It contains no nefarious chemical, hence it b Infinitely more desirable for food and laundry purposes than any otherln use. As an assurance to the public of the merits ot the Starch, any amount of the most satisfactory refer, eneea could be given-butln this eaae reference seem to be unnecessary, as aIL by procuring a little for trial, mu satisfy themselve*. la buying the Starch be par ticular in seeing that it b taken from boxes marked ILLINOIS STABCEI COMPANY, Mc’GINNIS, MAKER. To Wholesale Dealer*, the Companv would say with our unequalled facility formauaiactarfng, and the very great advantage we have over all other fhctorlas ot Surchaslng com at low prices, we can sell you at gores that will make It to your interest to send us your order*. Every box of Starch ttiat leaves the factory Is warranted equal If not superior to any pro. daced lit the world. AH orders and communication* addressed “Illinois Starch Company, Ottawa, Illinois,** will receive prompt attention. [JeJI-cCM-firo JJEWIT’S MORMON BEATER HAY PRESS; OUAE.AKTEED THE BEST IN THE T7OELD. Dimensions of bale, 22 In. by 22 In. at the ends, and 48In. long; average weight 4w lbs. In shipping by Railroad we save nearly one.haifln freight over any other press in use. We can ship ten tons of Timothy Bay In a common box car. JOHN K. HARRIS. Allen, ville. Indiana, assignee of Patentee and exclusive pro. prtetor of the patent for the United State*. J. P. FROST * CO., Galesburg. lIL, Agents and Manufacturers for the State of Illinois, Descriptive Circular sent free upon application. orisxln* 1A AA(' BBLS WESTERN lU'UV ! * KEWTOBK APPLES Jest arrlrlas and tor sal# low tn Urjje lot*. Cider Cranberries, ana Dried Fruits at No. 1 /south Water street. H. NEW BALL A CO. no6d.'“' •VTIGHT SCAVENGER.-Charles X' Koaz vin attend to the Cleaning of privy Taolu, removing of stable manure, and any offensive matter Order* directed Cbaa. Kanz. Chicago P. O. box 1149, will reer!ve prompt attention. no&rlm TTOR MILLINERY, DRESS AND X 1 Cloak Mating. Pattern* and Machine Stitching, Kto Mias -V, O. b'OBUIfJ. U9 South Clark street. Cad an Building. EDWARD a. L. BICHAKDSOX, oellxlm .proprietor Uailmbs. A/fICHIGAN CENTRAL AND IVJ.GREAT WESTERN (CANADA) RAILWAYS. Summer Arrangement* Trains leave tbo Great Central Depot, foot of Lake street Chicago , . . v fIJO IL—Llshtalne Express. ounday* excepted.) trnre at Detroit 6.43 p. *. Suspension Bridge OO a. it- Albany UO r. m. A ew York 9p.Bo»ton ii.a) r. u. 8.00 P M.—New York and Boston E* press, (except Saturday.) arrive at Detroit ISO a. a, Bua pension bridge of BolTalo AlO p. Albany Us A. Km New York 8.45 a. m- Boston I p.m. 7JO A. IL—Cincinnati Express, (except Sunday,) tb rough to Cincinnati In 15 hour*. TUP IL—Cincinnati and Louisville Express;(except Saturday) through to Cincinnati in 14 hours, Louisville la 18 boon. a _ ti „ . gjo P. IL—Train, Saturday, only to Allea. Sunday Trains atS p. k. .. , . AA , nr patent Sleeping Cara on all night trains. The 8 pm. train connects at Paris with the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway for Buffalo and all points east* at Toronto with ue Grand Trank Railway to Kingston. Ogdensborgh, Montreal. Quebec, and all points to Canada East, Northern Vermont, New Ramp, shire and Maine. Bazzage checked through. Through Tickets for tale at the principal Railroad offices la the North and Wear, and at the Company’s office, 54 l>e rborn street, and at the depot, foot of Lake street. E. N. RICE, Superintendent. H. J. Spiincfo. General Passenger Agent. teas "PITTSBURG, FORT WAYNE & JL CHICAGO RAILROAD. Notr completed and cars ran from Chicago to Pitts, borz without change, connecting with the great PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD To New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing ton City, and all the Interior towns of X’euusylvauU, New Jersey, New York. Alary land. Ac. Merchants by taking this route, will havethebeneflt of all the Eastern markets at no additional cost. Baggage checked through. Trams leave the depot, corner of O naT and Van Boren streets. West Slue, as follows: 6,40 A. M.—Morning Express, dally, (Sundays ex cepted.) IS P. il—Night Express, dally, (Saturdays ex cepted.) Connecting at Crestline with the Cleveland and Lake Shore Railroad to Dunkirk, Buffalo. Niagara Fall*. New York and Boston, and all the Interior towns of New England. Via New York Central and New York and Eric lUllroads- Also, south to Columbus. Zanesville. Newark. Mount Vernon, Steubenville, Wheeling, aiut Interior towns of Ohio and Virginia. The above trains connect at Forest with trains on Mad River BoadtO Springfield, Urbana, Dayton and Cincinnati. Also, with trains at Lima for Dayton and Cincinnati direct. FARE AS LOW AS BY ANT OTHER ROUTE. Passenger* bound East will find thU route both Eleasautund agreeable, passing through many of the irseat and Uneat cltle* In the United States. Passengersarriving at Chicago, on any of the roads, will find attentive check agent- at the depots, to re ceive cheeks and convey baggage Dee of charge to the Pittsburg and Chicago car*. Sleeping Cara accompany each tram. Ticket* for sale at the principle Ticket Offices In the West, and at the Company’s Office, corner of Randolph and Dearborn streets, opposite the Revere House, or at the Dep\t, West Side, corner of Canal and \ an Daren street*. Chicago, gar Be particular and ask for tickets by Fort Wayne. D. F. PATRICK, Ticket Agent, JAS. W. MUSP-ON, Freight Agent, Chic.ijjo. J. J. HOUSTON. Gen. Freight Ag'U Chicago. QT. LOUIS, ALTON* <fc CHI- O CAGO RAILROAD. IMPORTANT NOTICE. CHANGE OF TIME. On and after Sunday. November nth. 1860, trains will leave Chicago, from the depot on Canal street, as fol lows: 7:00 a. Mm dally (except Sunday.) 8:00 p. u.. dally (except Saturday.) Accommodation Train for Joliet ana Wilmington 4.-00 p.(except Sunday.) Train* arrive from st. LouU at: <kls a. Mm dally (except Sunday.) 8:10 p. m.. dally (except Sunday.) AccommudaUoa train trom Wilmington at IftiO a. v , dally (except Sunday.) T'JIE PENNSYLVANIA CEN JL TKAL RAILROAD. »» MILES DOUBLE TRACK. The capacity of this Road Is haw equal to any In tho country. Three Through Panenger Trains Between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Connecting direct lit the Union Depot, at Pittsburgh, with Through Trains from all Western Cities lor PLEa. delphio. New York. Boston. Baltimore ana Washington Cltv: thus furnishing facilities fur the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed fur speed and comfort by an? other route. Express and Fast Lines ran through to Philadelphia, without change of can or conductors. finicking Cara arc attached to each train; Woodruffs Bleeping Cara to Express and i a*t Trains. The Ex. Drew runs dallr. Mail and Fo»t Line Sunday* escorted. Three dally train* connect direct fur New York, Ex pres-* and Fa«t Line connect for Baltimore and Wood. Ington. Ail Through Passenger Trains provided with Loach, ridge's Patent Brake—speed under perfect control cf the Engineer, thus adding much u> die saiety ot tra velers. Six Dally Trains between Philadelphia and New York; two Daily Train* between New York and Boa. too. Through Tickets, all rail, are good uu either of the above trains. Boat Ticket-* , to Boston are good via Norwich, Fall River, or fitoulogton Line*. Boatou passenger* trans ferred free of charge through Near York. Tickets may be obtained at «nv of the Important Railroad Oliicrs lu the West; also on board any of tho regular Line of Steamer* on me ilt*-.Usipr.l or Ohio River*; and at the oince of the Company la Boston, New York, Baltimore,or PhLadelnhLt. £if~Faac Always a* Low axo Time as Quick as OX AX V OTUXa ROUTE. ASK FOR TICKETS BY PITTSBURGH. The completion of the Western conucctiwtu'of the Pennsylvania Railroad make* this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THK GREAT WEST. The connecting of track* by- the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburgh, avoiding all druyage or f<l*itageof I night, together with the sating of om*-,**re advantage-) re.uil. ly appreciated by Shipper* of i rciglit, and the Trawl- Inc Public. For Freight Contracts and Shipping Direction*, apply to or addrcci either of the fouowiag Agent* ui the Company: D. A. STEWART. Pittsburgh; H. S. Pierce « Co., Zautravllie. o.; J. J. Johnston. Klj’ley.O,; It, McNeeley, Maystlliv. Ky.; Ornuby A Cropper. Portsmouth. O.: Paddock A Co.. Jcller-on. ville, Ina.; 11. W, Brown A Co„ Cincinnati; Adica & lUbbcrt, Cincinnati; 1L C, Meldrum. MauUoo, Ind.; Jos. E. Moore, Louii-vtile; p. IJ. OT-tiov it Co., Evans vllie, lud,; N. W, Graham St Co., Cain-. 111.; It, F. Sas% Shaler A Gli9«. fit. Lout*: John H. Itunh*. Nosh, ville, Teon.; Harris A Hunt. Memphis Tcnu.: Clarke A Co.. Chicago; W. li. 11. Kounu. Alton, ill.; ort-> Freight Agcnu of Railroad* at diaerent point* lu tho Wf?L Tho Greatest Facilities offered for .tho Protec- tlon and Speedy Transportation of Live Stock. And good accommodation* wlut usual privilege* for poraon* traveling in chare** thereof, FREIGHTS. By this Route Freight* of all description* can be for warded to and from Philadelphia, New York. Boston, or Baltimore, to and from any point on the Railroad* of Uhlo, Kentucky, Indiana. lUlooD, Wisconsin, lowa, or Missouri, by railroad direct. The Pennsylvania Railroad also connects at Pitts burgh with Steamer*, by which Good* can be forward ed to any port on the Ohio. Musklngeiu. Kentucky, Tennessee, Cumberland. IlUooK 31L-al*.-int>L Wl*cou •ln. MBsouri, Kansas, Arkansas and Red 1 liver*; and at Cleveland. Sandusky and Chicago with steamer to oil Ports on the Northwestern Lake*. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their freights to mis Company, urn rely with couil* dunce ou its speedy V The rules of Freight to and fr«m\any point la the West, by the Pennsylvania Railroad. ateat all times as favorable as are charged by other 11. iOCompuoles. ?W~1L» particular to mark packages “mP»t«i,l! R." E. J. BNKKDEH. Philadelphia. \ MAGKAW A KOONS. 80 North street, Baltimore. LEACH i: CO., No. 2 Aator House. or Uam struct. New York. LEKXTI Sc CO.. No. 77 State street, Boston. ILII. HOUSTON, Guo. Freight Aat, I’hUsclelphla. L. L, UOUPT, Gen. Ticket Ag'u i’Miadvlphl;*, THOS. A. SCOTT, Gen. Supl- Allwoaa, Po, jat-SU-ly fJALENA & CHICAGO UNION U RAILROAD. —SruMEK Arsuxoemect. On and after FRIDAY. Jane Ist. ISf/O, trains will leave WelU street de|>ot. Chicago, as follows, Sundav, ex cuptud: 9:15 a. m„ and WO p. m.. for Dixon. Polo. Ful ton. Cedar Rapids, «nd intermediate prints. At 9:15 m. in. and 9-.30 p, m. for BulvMere. Rockford, Freeport. Warren, Galena. Dunleith, Dubuque and Intermediate places. 4:00 p. m. for Elgin. Uelvldere. Rockford, anti unonuepiatc points. At sikl p. m. for Genova. Elgin, aud Intermediate places. Passengers fur Beloit and Janesville will take the 9:13 a. m, train. Passengers for McHenry. Richmond, Ge neva Lake, and intermediate points, will take thetp. ui. train. Orsieeplng cars on night trains. E. B. TALCOTT. Ccn. Snp’t. O. M. WHEELER. Geo. Passenger Ag'U MICHIGAN SOUTHERN AND XIX LAKE SHOUE RAILROAD. Summer Arrangement, 1860. 120 A, M.—New York and Dolton E^press, (dally ex cept Sundaes), via the old line. 5.00 P. M.—Night Express, (daily except Saturdays) via old line. Connecting at Toledo aud Detroit with train* to all points Interior In Ohio. Pennsylvania, New York, and the New England and Canadas. The 7.50 a. u. Train connects at Cleveland at 9 r. u„ with steamer# METROPOLIS and CITY OF BUr- FALO. connecting with next morning train out of Buffalo, dolly. Salisbury's Patent Ventilation and Dusters on all day trains. jjr Woodruff’s Patent Sleeping Cars accompany all the Night Trains on this route, to New York aud Bos ton. Tickets can be bad at all Ticket Offices In the West, and at the Company's office. 52 Dearborn street, and at the Depot. _ Trains leave Toledo at ILIS >. k- and IOJSp. u.; arrive In Chicago at 8.00 a. and 3 p. v. GEO. M. ORA Y.GenT Western Agent. JOHN D._CAMPB£LL, Onl Sup't. Jej'uO-ly /CHICAGO & ROCK ISLAND VV RAILROAD LlNE.—Passenger Trains depart from and arrive at Chicago as follows: Dav Express and Mall leave at 9.13 a. m- and arrive at 6.15 p. m. (Sundays excepted). Night Express leaves at 9.15 p. sc (Saturdays except ed) ; arrive at S.OO a. h. (Mondays excepted). Peru Accommodation. 4.30 p. m. (Sundays excepted). JOHN F. TRACY, Gembupt. W. L, Sr. Josv. GenT Agent. de 27 CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE \J RAILROAD. For Milwaukee. La Crosse and St. Paul. Morning Line—At 9.45 a. jl. arrives at Milwaukee at Llsl. m., and LaCrusse the same evening. Evening Line— Al9.3o a. m.. arriving at Milwaukee at 12.50 a. and at La Croeee at a. u. Both of these trains connect at La Crosse with packet boats for St. Paul. Waukegmu train leave Waukegan at 7 a. m- arrives at Chicago at B.U) a, v. Leaves Chicago at 5.25 p. u., arrives at Waukegan at 6.35 r. m. Trains leave Milwaukee at 10.15 a. v- and 3.13 p. z., arriving at Chicago at L 55 p. u- and 6.43 p. w. Apeilßo.lßoo. 8. C. BALDWIN. Bop’L pmCAGO, BURLINGTON* & QUINCY RAILROAD. Passenger Trains leave and arrive Chicago as fol lows: Day Express leaves at 9.13 a. h- (Sanders ex. cepted); arrives at 6r. iu (Sundays excepted). Night Express leaves at 9.15 r. h- (Saturdays excepted); arrives at 3.50. (Mondays excepted. Mendoct Accom. mods lion leave* at 4.00 r. u- (aundays excepted): ar rive at 10.43 a. «„ (Sundays excepted. G. C. HAMMOND, Sop’L CaiCAGO, April 7, 1860. TLUXOIS CENTRAL RAIL- X HOAD. Summer Arrangement) 1860. On and alter Sunday, April 13th. WXL t«vo daily trains will leave the Great Central Depot at foot of Labe and South Water Streets. S3SP.U,—Day Express. (Sundays excepted.) arriving at Peoria at 3.43 r. m.: Decatur at 1U r. 11.; Springfield at 5.10 rji*; Jacksonville at 8.20 T, x.; Naples at 10.'.’0 p. w.; ht, Louis at TJiu p. x.; Cairo at 10.33 p. x.; MempriU In 3d boars and New Orleans in 43 hours irom Cideagu. tS*P, JL—NlghtExprets. (Satnrdav* excepted) arrives at Decatur at IJ3 «. X 4 BpringfielitklS a. a.; JacksonvUle at W6 a. x.: Naples at 6.30 a. X 4 Qoilier at lOJO a. X 4 Su Louts at 3a. x.: Cairo at 1035 a. K4 Memphis In iK hours, and New Orleans In 43 hours from Chicago, IF* Sleeping Cars on all Nieht Trains. HYDE PARK AND WOODLAND TRAINS. Trains leave Chicago at 120 a. X 4 Ba. X 4 12 X 4 A2O p. x.: and 6.13 p. x. Returning will leave— Woodlaxa 6JS i w 9.00 aAL LOO pjt. 433 pjt. 633 pjl Hyde Park 7JM 9.05 UK U1 TDO Oakland.. .7.04 9.00 437 7.04 Falrvlew... 7J» 9J3 1.14 4.41 7.« Car Works..7ol , 9U« 1.30 4.15 7.11 W. R. ARTHUR, Con. Sup L W. B. JOHNSON,Gen. Passenger Agent, Tj'Oß ROCKFORD, BELOIT, X Freeport, Galena. Dubuque. Janesville, Prairie DuTClden. Oshkosh. LaCrosse, St Paul, and all points West and Northwest, via— CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. Three dally trains leave, vis; 9:15 a. m.—Day Lx. press; a p. Rockford; %30 p. m.—Night Kz. press. Both express train* go direct! v through to all points la the Northwest, and connect at LaCroase and Prairie duChlen with steamer* for SL Paul. Ac, orPasseneer* for Rockford uku the Day Express or 5 p. m. train * Sleeping Can on night train*. _oclAly GEO. L. DUNLAP, Superintendent ■DUFFALO & LAKE HURON XJ RAILWAY. Shortest and best route to Buffalo and other Eastern cities. Train leaving Chicago at 8:00 p. m., Detroit atSJC, ar rives at Buffalo at&tlOo. m.. New York at lih!3 a. m., Boston at 4«0; connecting with N. Y. Central * Buffs. Jp and N, T. * Erie train* going Ei*t. Tickets via this Road can be obtained at the Union Depot. feWCO-Iy «S. 8. CARTER. ueul Manager VV ET WHEAT. take » * notice.—l am prepared to receive and dry your damp unsaleable wheat, so that It will pass inspection, and store it at the usual rates, gnarastMtlue its sound ness when called. Charges for Drying ordinary damp wheat for &rmers and country dealer* will not exceed five cents per bushel. Advances made oa wheat left la store. Caloric Dried ileal from new corn for sale by the bog or barrel. [Jel>-tyJ BVLYESTEIi MARSH. HOMm H-UNS !—GtTKS ! !—GUNS!!!— VJT Gana, Rifle*. Pistols; Coifs. Al- * . enl. Sharp?*, and every variety of He rolrcr. Bowie Knives. Tenta. lick?, VxftKv Shovels. Pan*. Gold Scales. BlanketAana T* all HmU of miner’* tool*: Powder, Shot Capa, and ammunition gene rail}’ 1 for Bt. Loot* Shot. Solo Agent for flax ard’s Pointer, GW, T. ABBijY IM Lake-st. spTJy iHiscellaneous. Th* AniLaixiTtO!i of Laxqcaoes.—There Is a grow Ing tendency In this age to appropriate tbe moat «• preaaive word* of other languages, and after a while to Incorporate them Into oar own; that the word Cep halic, which U from the Greek, signifying “for the head.” is now becoming popularized la connection with Mr. Spalding's great Headache remedy, bat U win aoon bo used In a more general way. and the word Cephalic will become as common as Electrotype and many others whose distinction as foreign words baa been worn away by common usage until they scam ** native and to the manor born.** ’ardly Realized. in ’ad *n 'orrible 'cadacho this bafternoon, band I stepped Into the hapotheearies hand says hi to the man. •Can yen tease mo of an ’cadaehe?** "Doe* Ithacbo •ard.** say., ’c. “Qoxccedlngly,** says hi, band upon that *e gave me a Cephalic Pill, hand ’pon me *onor It cured me so quick tliat I 'ardly realised t *ad *ad an 'eadacbe. Ileadache U the fhrortte sign by which nature makes known any deviation whatever from the na> tcral state of tbe brain, acd viewed In this light It may be looked on as a safeguard Intended to give notice of disease which might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be remedied; and Uj Indications should never be neglected. Ueadaehes may be clatticed un der two names, viz: Symptomatic and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache U exceedingly common and la the precursor of a great variety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy. Gout, Rheumatism and all febrile diseases. In its nervous form It la sympathetic of dls. ease of tbe stomach constituting rick nziD-tcna, ot hepatic dl«case constituting siuocs bsxoacuc, of worms, constipation and oilier disorders of the bowels, as well as renal and uterine affection*. Diseases of the heart are very frequently attended with Headaches; Anaemia and plethora are also affections which fre. quently occasion headache. Idiopathic Headache la also very common, being naually distinguished by the name of sanvors biaDsCuk. sometimes coming on suddenly in a state of apparently sound health and pro.-traling at once tbe mental and physical energies, and In other Instance* It comes on slowly, heralded by depression of spirits or aeetblty of temper. In must lm.tanet-3 the pain Is In the front of the head, over oca orbotUeyes.aadfrOW'itlciei pro voting vomiting; no. der this class may also bo named Xccbalcu. For the treatment of cither cla*s of Ileadache the Cephalic Pills have been found a sure and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains In a few minutes, nnd by Ha subtle power eradicating the diseases of which Headache 1* tbe unerring Index. BxtDcrr.—ML»*us wanU von to send her a box of Cop ballc Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared nils.—but Fm thinking that’s notjtwt It naltber; but perhaps ye’ll bo aflher knowing what It U. Te see sba's nigh dead and gone with the Sick Headache, and want* somo mors ot that same a* re laired her before. DtccctsT.—Yon must mean Spalding’s Cephalic Pill*. Biuncrr.—Och! sure now and you've sed It, here's the quarther and glv me tho Pills and dont b* all day about it mltlier. Constipation or Costivoness. No one of the M many lilt flesh U heir to" Is so preva lent, so little understood, and so modi neglected as Often originating la cartlossac**. or sed entary habits; It Is regarded as a slight disorder of mo little consequence to excite anxiety, ■while In reality U U the preeursoraad companion of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradica ted It will bring the suflTerer to an untimely grave. Among the lighter evlU of which coiiiveacs* Is the usual attendant arc Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath. Flics, and others of Ilka nature, while a longtrala of frightful disease* such as Malignant Fe vers. Abcesies. Dysentery, Dlarrtura, Dyspepsia. Apo plexy. Epilepsy, ParalyiL-. Hysteria, Hypochondriasis, Melancholy and Insanity, first Indicate thtlr presence In the ey«tem by tills alarming symptom. Not unfre queutiy the diseases named originate la Constipation, but take on aa independent existence unless the causa Is eradicated In an early slags. From all these cumul ations It follows that tho disorder should receive im mediate attention whenever It occurs, and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on Uo first appearance of the complaint, as their timely u*o will expel the irndduous approaches of disease and de stroy this dangerous foe to human life. A Beal Blessing. PiiTatrtaWv—'VTcH, Mrs. June*, hot? Is that b«a>!aoh« ? Mrs. Joscc—Gone! Doctor, all gone: the pUI you lent cured mo In Ja»t twenty mlnntce, and I wish yoa would send more so that I can hare them bandy. PuTsu-us.—Ton con set them at any Druggists. Call for Cephalic Pills I And they never fail, and 1 re commend them In all ca.*e* of Headache. Mx-. Joses.—l aboil send for a box directly, and shall tell all my suffering friends, for they are a naan blear- Twettt Miixjcts of Dollar# Sited.—Mr. Spalding has sold two million* of bottles of hh celubiated Pro pared Glue and It U estimated each bottlo save# at lca*t ten dollars wurtli of broken furniture, thus mak ing an aggregate of twenty millions of dollar* re claimed from total lof« by this valuable Invention. Having mado hU Clue a hoonehold word, ha now pro* poses to do the world *Oll greater service* by coring all the aching heads with bht Cephalic Pills, and If they ore a* good os bU Cine, Headaches will soon vanish away like snow In July. SSHOrKRExcTTKystsT. and lie mental care and anx iety Incident to close attention to business or study, are among the numerous causes of Nervous Headache. The disordered state of mind and body Incident to lids dis tressing complaint U a fatal blow to all energy and am* bltlon. Sufferers by this disorder can always obtain speedy relief from these distressing attacks by using one of the Cephalic Pills whenever the symptoms ap pear. It (inlets the overtasked brain, and soothes the strained and Jarring nerves, and relaxes the tension of the stomach which always accompanies and aggravates the disordered condition of the brain. Ficr worth Knowots.—Spalding’s Cephalic Pills are a certain cure for Sick Headache, Dinious Headache, Nervous Headache, Costlveness and General Debility. Gbeat Di*cottrt.—Among tho most Important of all the great medical dlacoverle* of this age may bo con sidered the system of vaccination for protection from Small Pox. the Cephalic Pill for relief of Headache, and the two of Quinine fur tho prevention of Fevers, either ofwhlchlsaanroipeelflc. whose benefits wni bo ex. perlenced by suffering humanity longjafler their dis coverers are forgotten. X3T Did yon ever have the Sick Headache? Do you remember the throbbing temple, the fevered brow, the loathing and disgust at the sight of food. How totally unfit yon were for pleasure, conversation or study. One of the Cepballe PUU would have relieved yon from all the suffering which yon then experienced. For this and other purpose* yon sbonld always have a box of them on band to use as occasion requires. w9- CURE Nervous Headache CURE & JuuAS Headaclie. By the use of these Pills the periodic attar ia of Xks> too ob Sick Hcadache may be prevented; andlftaken st the commencement of sn stuck. ImmsdUte rtllui from pats sad sickness vIU be obtained. They seldom fall In removing the N’lrtu and Usao achk to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels—removing Cos- Tntves. Tor Lira abt Met. Situ errs. Delicate 7ema!e«, and all persons of snonrsßr Rains, they am raltuble as a Laxative. IMPEOYIXG THE APPETITE, Giving tosi and tioob to the digestive organs, and in storing the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long tore*- tlgatlun and carefully conducted experiment*, having been lu use many years, daring which time they have Prrtentcd and Xeticied a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the sxavocs system or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable In their composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without mating any change of diet, and the of any Disagrcoablo Tostoj coons rr east to Atnransrs* ram to csiuko. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine hare At* algnatorea of Henry C. Spalding Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers In Medicines. A Box will be sent by mall prepaid on receipt of the PRICE, 25 CENTS. an orders should be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, 43 Cedar Street, Hew York. ociM-tw&w-iy Eegal Shberlisements, *\T ORTGAGE SALE.—Whereas, -k*JL James Barry nud Margaret Barry, his wife oa Hie Utl* Ist of October. A. D.ISS7. executed ami de. 11 ••red to Joliu Ulley accr'.flln lurt-dof Mortgage anca tno following premUi’it, -Jtimted in Uie cltv •>« Chicago ' lwok County. In the state of IllUmls, and derertbeu a* fdluxv-*. to-witFifty feet uu Johnson atvvut, corn, menclng one hundred mid ilftv feet south from TwHfth •treet, running thence sooth lifty foul. thence west ono hundred feet. Uieucts bortii on a itmi parullrl with tin* cant Una thereof illty feet, thence ia»lona)lßen;uall*l with ttn< south line, one hundred feet to the n'.scoof beginning; also lot twelve (10, la Block fourteen (ll' in the bcfiool Section Addition to I hlrjso. to secure tin* payment of certain promissory mitr* described m MUmortsise, widen U duly recorded In the Recor der** Oillco of said County lu Book of MorLruitv*. Page 87; ami. whereas, snld note* sue alt row pa 7t ifue and default baa been made In Urn payment of the asm- Now, ttoeretbre. I aiiaiu on ti<« nineteenth day of November, A. D. tSCO. it the Court House door la said Chicago, at IVof tho clock a. «„ hy virtue ofthe power of aato contained In said mortgage. wllsald premises, and all right; and equity of redemption of paid Jsme* Barry and Margaret Barry, their heir* and lb grain, at public aucUoi to the highest bidder for cash « . JOHN KILKT, Mortgagee. James A. Ucixiday, Attorouy «f Mortgagee Chicago, Not.*.Ui. wcy. h*>m:o7 td QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK O County, w.. Superior Court of Chicago. Koveta. berTenn, A. D„ ISWi, Francis W. Dlatcliford v« Joseph Wblttatl. Attachment. v Public’notice U hereby given to the Paid Joseph wbltull. that a writ of ettaclunent li»Mi«t uut’oftlie olhce of tiie Clerk of tbe Superior Court t,\ Chicago, dated the Oil day of November. A. I). I«*». at ilu*«ul;«.f the said French* W. Itlatrhforland acaiii-t the estate rf tbe said Joseph WhlttuM fur the sum of thre“ hundred and twelve dollar* and itftv.tlireo cerus. di. rectrd to theShcrlirof Cook County, which raid writ ha*been returned executed. Now. thereof. unlvma you, the said Joseph Whltuil shall pcrtomiilj be and appear betore the said Superior Court of fttbago, oa or Delore the Urst day of the Term Uiereo' >o le bold, enat ilia Court Hoilhc. In the city of* u.tago, on tins flrst Monday of November. A. D. )M». clvt -'..-dal ball, and plead to the said plulntlir* aett-m, imigmcut will he entered against you. and la tavorof th»* snld plain, tiff and «.» much ofthe properl\ ait..c **-d u* u.avba sufficient to satisfy the said judgment sn-i <-(.»: i h.U bo sold to satisfy the wrap. WALTKIt KiiIBALL. U.T. Stsux. Pll’lTa All'y. Clirk. [m&irtUw] MASTER'S SALE.—St::Io of 1115- noU. Cook Connty. 8.5.-Superior Om» of Chicago. In 'Chancery. George Graham vs. John Frodc rick Tletsch. Pub.le nori-e 1* herehr given, flnt li pursna- ec of a decretal onier. enterrrt In the shove emltlvd im'hv on the-Tib day of ivnu-mln-r Sn3.l. ln» Scott, a* M.-o-U r I'i V l '! Court, will sell at public vctlnn to the hlsiieot bidder for m-h. »>n the sTifrtletli CMh> ilty of November. A. D. lH»o. nl ten o'clork t:i th.- for»n.- u ibe uortb door of Uu* Court tiie city of Chicago. In Kaldvoumv of «'i „ r K*.!". 11 V r * 3l ' l J-" '■'•■•. l J'lOii Frederick Ilct.'Ch, In and to the tolb.w tMttu -ci Ujcd real estate, situate In the county of rook n;.d Sf-ii.-If Illinois, to wit: Low number tidrty.onc .:;i. and tlilrt “ bl< “' k 0 " c "• >t ill “a 5: ditton to Chicago, or to> much of -aid rrend-c- a- mi» be necessary;tu*nil«iy the due c mn'ain ant under said decree and ro-i«. to-rtlicr w’il U-r-fCfs.comml-siujwan.l dl-.bur**;un-nt-on -' -ai«* Haled. November V, jj- \Si O’lT * In cnjr.drj .1 tl * to'-V. i LU. Jjro. li;OijoA4<td | J”OUTGAGKE\S SAF.i’.—"Whore* £• A » J«eob Rns*c!J and Marv 11. Rn«ysr:i 1 •* both of the city of Chicago ard State cf I 'h. !• ,• t.} execute and deliver to the und.-rslguo 1 tl.i'ir .•rruJa Indenture of mortijss-. bearing dat *ihc s;-.-r>nd dav of July. A. D. ISMI to secure tbfc pavn/eni rf V% fc hf promissory note of even d.*te therewith -IvA bv ibo Jacob Ki‘* ell for the sum r.f Fourte’n Thou «nrt Dpllar*.(tl I.CUO) pat able five year* ~f Vf,.?2KreSJ 1 of. at the City Kant In j riding that the Interest thereon.* Lt- li i!, u W l 2 itSlm often percent, per annum, should ul-o bcuav able at said city lUnk.ln BiMton.sctnl.:«nrna;i* to wit* On tlie second dar of Jannarr and ,lulr each la cxsrV year, which said mortage 1- recorded In ;: *- Ct ro'ilcr'a olllceofCoote county. Stale of HdnoK In Sof mortgage*, at page CIO, and. where M*. «!e hn« been made In the payment ofthe lii-L.IIm. m.. *n- prc 4» ,iun the second d.*y of Jannarv. l!**n. at d ;»No ‘n theutv. mtnt of the Installment of Interest due tl<« t d»v of July. WO, and both remsln imp. Id: 1 Now.therefore. pnb'lc notice U herebv r!»ce t) „t t June* C. Merrill. TruMcoand Mi.rtagee .»f. pi»:.hi the city of Boston and Stare of Mufet icmwtr - m . i-ird big to thw tent;* of said mortgage, do n-nb» dec'ara U*«* principal sum secured thercbx Mbea..vm-’u.p reastm of eald defiuli in pax qi«-> t of nn.i ir, t I shall. In pursuance and bvxblijc ••> tint i.<me<-aiid authority in nn* vcstnl bv s .Ia j.mrtgage, ;»ir t*.*» u»es and purpose* thrrrln exunsswil. on fi.ured iv ti x thirteenrh day «>f Hex-ember a, |*. i-y**. at «-Icv*- t o’clock In the forenoon of wild dav. m the north door of the Court House.ln the ett vof Cld. a-o. * |j at mb. Uc auction, to the highest bI.M.-r for ca-ih, the premise* In said mortgag** *U**cr;b-*l, to wit r “That j-li c * or i*:trrvi or Un.l kr:v*ti ami *tc*crtbM M lot fourth, la block H4 Vt>ntr«*n «iTi. In thcftaoni nel *ec:!on rtrte a tls>, to tin* c!'\ ♦».'* fe» I(tWi f.ont oo Michigan »v mt" uii.l ,i ( ,e him* tlrd .imi cls'itv feel i lat to t*i« :*::«’>* in ti.e rear, according lo the plaa recorded tu t'oo'% cuncty KccHry. nlth the dwelling J-o.isc amt other l:iu<rov«* menuihereon.** JAilK* t*. MrKU'LL, j. M.Paq&xx. Attomcr. Trustee,Murtrarifc Loeu.dlM.tdl « TASTER'S SALE.—State of Illi -1»X not*. Connty of Cook, >cpcrlm- Court of Chicago. In Chancery. Gcurgu Urahuu vj. August Cteniz and John iM-hcncr. Public notice l» hereby plrrn, that In pnr-rar.rp cf a decretal order, entered l.i il.e j.bov** enrliVd cause on the2Tl!idHjr ofseM.’iubiT L*'4l. L Iraa...Mr.-ter lit Chancery of -aid Court, will -eil at rv.blle uui-iii t> to the highest bidder for caMi. nu the tnvnic (h { O’M «*ar of November, A. D. IW. Nt ten o’rloo*: in **;e '•-< iimn of Unit da v, at the tiefih do».r of the Court Mm;.,, h, the city nf CldiT.ei*. In said comity of t . o’;. ~p . t uio right, title and l;u*r?*t of Hie *.1.1 defend m*. V-i’i-st (••erliznnd John Schelner. In ami to t|„. crlt>ed real e-h»;e. »liuafe In Iha'i-urv of I oofe sml •twteof lilimd st;» wli: Lot<*t!dr:v-une ml- an. ll .irv. iw.M.L). In block eight In 5-r.snp-ni .v <:« . n «Ad. oHon to CMeago, or *.> iiicrli of -..,1.1 ri.-i-n.J-e* a* nmf be necessary to -ait.-fv the r..!.-li'»ainy-»d-;e -.nm'aL'i. ■anr. undersold decree, and e -t*. i -'i ilir-r whli .Mr*. U-r'sfe«s. comud-sfon-and dl.bursen- - .;:;. on r.dd'saie. Dated. Niivemlk-rt!, IS»0. lit., jH'uJT Master In Chancer}' of the Superior Court of CLlcnco luoAd-hlid; MORTOAOE SALE.—'\Vln>rr:ia, Seabrook I’. OM-rvlmw and !♦•*-» 1> o; t l>r<Ue hie wife, of the City of t M.*if'«*. 10. lt Cmmiv uMbiat* of Illinois. did, on th- foi.rto mli <iav o» trbi r In the ye .r of our Lord one t'iom.;nd «i;»,t hundred Arty-nine, cxeenn* ami deliver to Janua o i'«jv,.>rih. of Chicago. In *ald County and Stale, a c» h.-.ln Indetu lore of mortgage to srenro the pnvim-ut o« n e. rc-in promls-ory note. In sr.ld morture drserlN’d. 'U«m by one i i.oinas E. Itlm kney. of Cl le.ipo ujorv-nl-t for t!><* tnm of uvu hundred and trdrtv-sevei: doib.r- and elitbtv.ftve cents, bearing date (tie seventr ntn d it ot August. A. D. We, and'pnvabh- tn Ur* said Jum«« o. lleyworth or order on the second dav of Mar. li. A 1* which said waa lilrd Ver ruml ln*lh4 otttep of tiir Keeenl-r of loot Connie, and Mate of Illinois, on th«*twi‘ dav of Seiarudter. \ n WW, and duly r-ror-lcd In Dot k s’r.rtv-iilrie (-»•.*: ol Mo;U C'lgc*. ami Page forty-ilvc (IT.); .»ml default ha» been made in tin* p.tvment of Die ».M mourn *»ien» Uoneti In -al l promissory note, or anv part thereoi and the same w llh Interest since the maturity of •»!.; not*. U »Uil due an J Ulipuld; * Now.therciorc, public notiro la b-r-bv riven. that Jit pursuance Of the power of -ale In said j»or f -'v*e eon. tallied. I shall, on Monday, the i.fth dar m N-.veir bi r. A. D. IH 0. at ten o'clock In me lorcr.uoii ot --Id <1 ,v i.t the uort.i dour of the Court lloum-. in kiLI < lt» oi ( cago.aellbv public auction to the l.luiirsj bldm-r inr the hdluatliu dnicribnl nreiulv. is Lui-!-;«nd I .fie. menu, to.wlt:—Lot twelve (ii; In Illmh nliuKvn «»*) of Johr.eton » hu&-I,v L ton .»i the east hr.lf ol tin* smith. e.ut quarter of benlon »lx (A.. Towlsl.W nlrtv-'lao liyj. nurtii iUmfc fonrtc.-n. ea*t of the fi ini I rtn. lial Meridian, aituatcln the Count' of Co. k. ..nd or liiLiuls. together wlL‘i nil the thi-rom ,-.u t all the tem-meni*. heredlmmer.ts uud tommo nii.cra Uierclobelon-lnvr. nndallthe light and Vnuit-.* e* re. dcmptlon of c-e said Seabmok I*, oiderahaw and l;os* p. olderdiAir. hLs wife, Uulr heirs and ua-Liua lu and (utbesttld pmelsr*. w Ja.mks o. UKTwonriT. Mon-uic?. Ilrr.viT. Athioiy A G*lt. Alfi* Chicago. Uelobcr Uilh, IbGQ. oU'A.l?,mi('t Tlic shore sale U postponed nnill Monday. Nor Htb ISA, at the Mine hour ai.d j«Mre * * JAULSO. lIEYWORTir. Mortgagee. Ol* I ILLINOIS, Countv of KJ rook. S.'.—Circuit Court ofC..-ok C'onnlv. Sana. «rr Tern. I*V. Charles Macalbter v*. Willnia'. It Her nek. Martin J, Herrick. his w:fe. and Ja.iirrritk guardian of tie -ml l William li. —lu Cham vty* AUMti' l: of the nonrvst.lcncv «f William U. fc, Martlia J. Il- rrtek, m.d Jacob II« rr-ck, guardian ic defendants above named, havin'; ln-cn i.1.-Hn the ulhce oftlifl Clerk of Biiid Circuit Court of Cc-.-c Countv Notice Ls hereby given t-* the said U'dlhui II IN rru t Martha J. Herrick. tiN wir.*.a;id Jmoli itorr 1 . *- -'.ur dlan. AC- that *-ald complainant* J:leu J.j-* M:j ~f J-oui* plaliittn said Court, on tue Chancery : lj.* f • :> the ninth dav of November. l>*>. and tnat a •• Cirreuix.ti l-su.-.l out of told t «.urt agahiit ►■tld .iciim dants. returnable on th<* iir-t Monday „fJanuarv nest, as N by law required, 1 Si>*. unions you. Hie said nonresident defe-dunt*. ahull personally beam! appear b< foreanld dr- uLtourt of Cook County, on the nm tlae uf the m-v» urm thereof, to he hidden at Chlengo.’iti -aid U-nniv on the lir-t Monday of Jarman, is.*, mid jjs,*ml. an--.>rur d**mur to the-aid complainant.* bill of cemrla.ri the same and the matters amt tilings therein ami stated will be taken a* confe-ecd. and a deer*-* - cnlerod •gaaut yon according to the prai er of #al.i till _ „ . WM L. CUU lit H. clerk. Stirs a laaiv. Compl’tsSul’r. nold-dtCMw Mas i Kirs sALE.~stu*e of nii. " ol ft £“* trevh Court of root county.—petition for ik-chat: ;*•* Lien, Frederick Brauhu. use of ac„ vs. Henry Nibbe rcutru.-. Public notice fc* hereby given that I. L. C. Pain# Freer. Materia Chancery 01 Cook County, state ot HllnoK will. In obeuence t«» the nmnuatc in a -merl tl hxccmlon i»-ueU ill the above cuntl.-d can*** <‘l ihU date, sell at public auction for ca».t. io the hl-'.V-t hut. der. on the twentieth U*y of November. A. iT. in** nit the rlitht. UtU*. lntcre»t. claim and demand which* tha said defendent on the claim* day of V • l> in*.? had in the premises described a» follow . 1.-wit Lot numbersowemyaUxlPM. In tho * an:.! ’lruMcf* rub. dlvbuun of the wtfcihalf (eiccpt the m.-nbca*t quarter of the southwest quarter, and the .untheu.t (m.w'cr ot tlie northwest quarter) ofrcctlon lUt* t.v, m Townehli* t Jf tr y r u'? l ?^ 3; ’. nurl ll of ,{un So fourtn-n tit), ea*t of the Third Principal Meridian. In the City of Cldcuco County of Cook, and suite of Hilnol*. L. C. PAINE FHHKn, __ In thancery of Cook County, Chicago, October aith.lSAi. ocoioigi^ui MASTER’S SALE.—State of Ilii nols Cook Coonty, Court of cook Couty. In Chancery. James liyou va. Mary n eisn. et ai. Notice u’hereby given that I, t. C. Paine Freer Master la Chancery of Cook County. State ot Illinois! will. In purauanceofa decretal order or Mdd Court sell »“ C H O ° \° i h « hisbc»l bl-M.-r at tl.fnU.fO of william b. Davis In th« tarn* «.f N..rtln:«-ld la said county, on tho XTlh day of Xovr mhfr. a. D. ift’O. at Ho clock In the forenoon, il<e follow lug rcnl citato to wit: The south half of the cast half, and tho norm! west Quarter of the *outn.f asl quanor of ,rctlun ibtr. tecu (U). n.wnnlnp f..rty-tw.» (-U’ north, range twelve (U). east of the tnlni tJ> principal meritUmi. In -aid town of Northlleld. lerrn-—onc-balf cash, and the balance la one yenrwlUi»tx per rent eared by mortgage on the property sold, said land U timber ed and wlli be Mild In parcefc if dolred by purchasers. Chicago, Nor.a, IWO* L. C. PaINK Fltthlk novdumd My ter la Chancery. C»>ok C«.u«:y' MASTER’S SALE.—State ot’ llli nob*. Cook Conn tv, S—Ranericr Court af Chicago—la Chancery. J«ob Kimer vv. AndrtwT Sherman, Fmncls H. Ben-oa, Robert Merrill, Jr, Haao P. Polnlt-r, Potter Palmer, and Patrick r. Shtskln. BUI to Foreclose Mortgage. Public make U hereby elven. that In pursuance of a decretal onler, entered In the above entitled causa on Ute klh day of October. A. D. l».o, L Ira Stott, (t Master In Chancery of the SutH*r!crConrt ofChlneo. wUI. on the -eventventh day or November. A D InA at W o’clock in me lorenoon of that day, »eit at oobllo auction to tho highest bidder for cu»o. «the north dour of me Court House, In tho city uf U icoeo. in laid County of Ctx.k, tin* follow!*. - d<-«rrlbrtl rcai estate, (or so muen thereof as may bo to saU.IV the amount of said decree, with liderevland costs, together with Master’s* mid commUelons on sold solei. to wit: all the udh.wlnjt do. scribed lot. piece or parcel of land, situate in the lowa of Leyden, Coonty of Cook, and State of Illinois, known as the northwest quarter of iwrilon seventeen (17), and the west half of tho west half the north, ust quarter uf section seventeen In township nun be-r lurty (4h), north, of range twelve <W>, ira.-t. ot the third prln. dpal meridian. Also lot number-w-venutn d'.* oi log number one (1) of the south -ectlon of Koblntion’a reaervatlon. lying and beluc In the township aioreMdd with the builulnjis situate met CO i IK.V SCOTT Master to Chancery of the Bui ertor Court of Chlc-ico. Dated October aM, IgfiO. ocU.l3i M MASTER’S SALE.—State of llli sob. Cook County, S.S. Superior Court of Chicago. lu Chancery. Gvursa Graham vs. William \ ottmer. Public notice U hrrebr given. that In pnp*nance of a decretal order, entered la the abo\ e entitled cause on theTTtnday or September xSTA I. Ir* s-coit, m MoaU-r in Chancery of •uni Court, will *cli at public auction to the idglu-at bidder for cash, on the thirtieth iteth) day of November I?<U, at ten o'clock la i'm- r>>rvnooti of that day. at the north do*>r of tJi** Cotin lion** In tho city of Chicago, In -aid county of Cook, ail of the light, title and Interest of the said uefcndnnt. Wli.Um Volu met. In and loth© fallowing lirsctlbcil n*:tl e'-iate, situate in the c ounty of Cook and State of llllmoa. to wit: Lot-* number n-vcuir-ono (•!) and M-vcitv.two (tic In block eight ( to Chicago, or *0 much of «oid iimnbe* a-. may bo necessary to utL-iy the indebtedness duo complainant under ualddecree. and cost*, together with the .Master's fee*. cominlMlone and abonracuienta on Haiti «ale Dated. November’.*. isto. IltA SCOTT Master lu Pnji -crlor Court of Chicago. Mortgage sale—Whereas, James Barry andMnrgarct Parry. Lb wife oil j tmt-aud day of October. A. D. uxecntvd and dr ’ tothuundersigned Wllilam ravage. a certain • of Mortgage noun the following pretubea. situ. - «Wi l il al . heel y r i* f Chlwvgo. Cook Coanty. in tiio stata 1 *2 , described as follows tow it.-—All of iba 1 ***** of Low twenty* Ch» and * 2f°*W ort y tWj. tn School Section Addition to the Otl , dual Town of Chicago, to secure the i-avmen of Qtq | certain promissory note* described in said mortgage i which Is duly recorded In the Kcconiep*a ufai-eora&iil 1 Coonty la book 5t of Mortgagee, Page [ whereas, thm* of wldpromUsoiy notes are nowpaaa i doe, and said, mortgage contains a covenant that it de. lantt should be madata the payment of anv oue of JV. s?i*wf*. tte “ft 1 "! 1 * thereof, the whole of a*M sboold Immediately become dne ami payable, ami whereas default ha* been made to tho payment of said 1 three notes so past due: W4 BMLk I . Kow, therefore. I shall, on the 15th dav ofV..«m. ber. A. D. ISftXat the Court lluu»u dour hi haM Chtcaeo at 1U of the Bluet a, by virtue of thn .f *fto contained In said uiortsuce, sell sold t-rviubc* amiail right aud equltv of redemption of suld James Hurry and Margaret Barry, their helm and assigns thereto at public auction, to the highest bidder tor "rwh. T . „ . WILLIAM SAVAGE. JiMD A. Muuioiy. Attorney far Mongsgee. 1 Chicago, NQT.eth, IdQQ. n«ldU)H^