Newspaper Page Text
Spcriaiy otjrc^ Hostetler’s -Stomach Hitters.—., Tb« operation of thli palatable. remedy open the Stomach, liver and excretory organs la atoCßlarly tooth. In* and conservative.' dt-regnlate*. reerrtta andrnrl fin them. Dyspoptlsln aH luTonui'jicia* to Iti cor. dial and fariecvailßrprr*pi±tfes ( andllU rtebnOMndM ' tomotW»«mfetfM*dby the &&o* And care* cf iiii; temltv, a* the Barest and beet ionic they aan pomihly om. In all the erbes of female Ufa it will be found amlnnUy osaftil and aged pencil* .WUI. derive much - more benefit from Ua uae than ordinary.attomliatP. Bach hiabeca the popularity of this Inhaliiblo j>t*- * a host of Imitator! .and counterfeit it • ■ hare sprung tip In various parts of the cocntry. la i*v P i Impoalng-upon tte j we camion all to see thatevery bottle they bur ha* tbq,-frg tap gc p[ the gtoafprt oa the label, and the' words. “Dr. J. Hostetler* Stomach Blttcra,*’ blown lo tlie glass and f tamped in the cap covering ihe'.cbf^ 1 :'AlM.yotioo <mr‘ note of," band on tbahoUo'm of Uto engraved label -AU thoe marte n^^wlo'ttOQTp r poreic«Bersagtdmlla»ro<diloaJ ‘ nossfiy.;..-,;.;.-: ~. hostctteb 4 sjnm., • Bourbon" Theae i*^ularßrrr*aapde«?» aIT-the inrigonthis properties of D and aretcon-ldcred tba moat Tome and 1 everolDredloUiepubUc. AavnlctooldnSS”. irtlala JLaUea. javaUda, ana an arcakly people, Iticj-cann-j, oo .-.rpawad; irj'ajl of Wca'.. vm El” ImmMlat. reUatan.l 2Tb k j ®* <™io tHunta. Atrial wiu ena yibbthdr merits over all other Tonic* now In J*** UntarCoaUtvn; ’HBurcutjti Drsrcma, - ‘ .eopsThstisw * Enable remcdy«-»hd}oro jjt ccrtakwwAattTdr put up In -ease* ofone andlire* dozen, iirirggbta amtOroeaTererr. where,. ** • ■ • F * • A, W, OKEHjET? Preprteton, No. 25 Tn mcutetrttt,Boston, MtM.;, -->• J. B. JOHSr&OK, General A pent, - 2*o.^SUteetreet.Chlcago. sat. * . • ; ftpZTWMUvIy,.. JJOTOOK.Ai C3?“A Friend in Need. ■ Try- iis— DR. SWEETS IKTALLinii XJJTIItEKT 'i,: wo . from tl,« rcdjir of. Dr. feltrlth (hrett ofCmS nectlcnt, the treat bu .been ,‘nsifl .la Ids practice for the last twenty yean with the moM astonishing * As an extenialrcme'tylt U with out a rival, arid, will alleviate pain snore speedily Ujnri any other preparation. 'For-all Rbectnatfc -and Ket> toos Disorders It u truly InlalUblr.'anil at a curative for Spires, Wonndi, Sprains, Jlnrna, &c,' Ua soothing homing and powerful Ftrcngthbiliigprb peril t*,'cxdl ft' Ibejusl wonder and astonishment of all wliohsvccyer Civealta trlaL; Ortr eertifleatea of Tf>- : markable cure*; performed by If within' the last ; two , yean attest tlds fact. For sale by J.H, JQHNSOS. General A-tpfcTO Saw Pealon. • . . ... "noarroweQw-iy' *. SST* For Keunilgla, Kervous“HeaH ache and all. Nitrous diseases, nte Hannevdii'tJttuily Celebrated Tola Anodyne. Jfthe directions ore rtriefly.' followed and a core not effected, the money will befs. Oct a pamphlet • BaaaewcUVUaivfml Cough' 'Ecmedy.'Xct " Colds. Coughs and Consumptive tendencies. For,sale by Druggist* generally.- OSGOOD; A DOOKWAT General Agents for the Northwestern Etite\ office »Od depot, 1J State street, Chicago. nolddU&lm.-. . wlid.-ard curious rto'wlt-. bcm the .'wocderfal perftxUontoirhleb'ju ODnrrtldi, Oslo Bun&rerftt Baichclor’is, X. T«} Las LrocgLt.tbe! tn&naCactnre of "Wigs andToopees, areinvited to Tlatt Ms Wig and Hairpjlajj Sooths, si No, ICO Lake ttrccXT anil examine these coriost productions of art.' No scmllnj* can detect theartiadairrwatlienatural,▼&«! adJnsicdtotbcLcad. ' ’' - • '■ CS~ Kennedy’s Medical' Discovery cores ficromla. J Kennedy's Medical Discovery COTM RTyrriDeUi. . Mcmcol Discovery curt* Canker. KeaiwdrJMedJcji Discovery cures NnrslnpSoresrtt. Medical DlaQdverjrcureslluiuorortlie£Tcc Modlnat pDro very cun.-* Scald Head. Kcaueilrs Medics'. Discovery cures KannlncertheEftr Kcnnrdv * Modtcal Discovery cares Ulcerat'd Bora Lee Kennedy? Medical Discovery enrrs Lepra. • •- « Medical I»l*rovorv rarer llltenmatlm. Kenno>.y*aA|uillcß! Discovery curesSalt-ltheom. Medical Jrtscovery cure* itvKpepoia. i. . Kennedy's Medical Discovery Itegululeatiie-llowele * -Kennedy's Medical Disco very tlie-Klrinejt, Kennedy's Medical Irtacovorv ttarclates Lie Liver. -•• Lauoedy V Medical Discovery has cured Dropsy*. • . When yon arc demand do not know trbattbciDßttcr if. pcrli*p*rnahav«ftalivtrdtuacr. TryKcnaody'i Medical Dlscovyy. For all DnjgclaU. i&usic jjgtdcrs. A. JUD 50 N . JIIGGiNS ; ! ' topvx tt^sewUt^Otos^ini PUBLISHES OF SHEET : HUSIC, Dealer In PIANOS AND MELOQEONS,: jun> .u. rasa of ; , IVItrSIOAL Tbs best ofITALI&S STRINGS consUotly on hand. PIANOS TO KENT. Turing and Reoalrlog -done »t short notice. AH or-' rtrrs AildissKsT to A. 3CHSON* HIGGINS. AD Claris W. HDII3ALL, X>EA~nt ix ■■ 11 fTlt PIANO FORiES AND MELODEOKS, No. U9 Clark Street, * HALLBIT, DAVIS Jc CO.’S Premium Plano Fortes, which'have been awarded tUlrty-two First premlnmla Cold aafl Stiver Medals. . ; Geo. A. Prince’s Slelodoon*. PUaoe to Kent inpir ct Mttslo Store. VH South Clark f tract.. ■ , TARG ES T WHO LE SALK Ju nocsE is Musical Instruments and Strings. CTX<nrs BATOBH, 89 South Clark Street, Chicago, Mannfactnrer ace Importer cl Musical ißtlrmnrat*- and tttrtni*, bavins connection wUh-mamifaetnring bouses la Hcrlin, L&pric, Dre*d»*n, Knglnnd slid Parte. 1- prr-pjircd to fiirnUn Dealers, Bands and Individuals •witli every article lu their line. AT THE LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. ' J. 3AUEU. . Brums and h hass INSTRUMENTS.- JCLirs BAUER, MAKTFACTCT£EOF DRUMS AND BRASS INSTRUMENTS; 99 South. (Jlark Street, Clilc«gt>, -•<*>*• .. . . - . H’NVORCESTKR’S improved • piANQ-ronr£sl Manufactory and Satas Rooms. Fonrteenth Street, • • corner Third Avenue, New Tork. •• For a noart or of a country (lie Insirnmontaiaano. actnrcd at the abme establishment have -ranknl among the tint jit the country. Thtlr'dnrohUUy. •treogth-and delicacy of tone «»nd loach am highly appreciated bytUlwho lmv« gt**® them a Uwrougn irUl. The proprietor, by giving his personal attention to the tsanaiaclurc of ouch Instrument, In all Itaoiv talla, IsenaWed to guarantee eupnrlor excellence aod reUabliUty in even - rewi**rt. - .[ooridiHSAm "P^ODWORTH'S MUSIC STORE,' XJ Jfo. 6 Astor Place, N. V.. . PublWteraod D?alrr In Foreign and American Mo rtc. Instruments and MiMcnl Mvrchandlw*. Smga ami Conuvpefcloo* for tin* llano Tone by ihe.lKW tmwttn*: Bacred and Organ MujJc: Dnuuc aud Military Mode for the Piano-Forte, by mall, poatagi: free, iMautna may hesctitioMcatLof change), (.'ataloxtiesof MmJe. fur Braas Uandfi, Quadrille Baad\ eunm or large Or chestras Price 11-i of iiM'i* In'*tr«iiient'* s-ent on ap plication." The -Journal SjrßnuiS Wanda.? a newpub- IJcadoD of Band Murir. 1* tet-ned, olt the 150t of cncu month* single No*. at jfLWor.tlb per annum; also the - Companion." conuunine Marchd l ,slc<Ucys»Ac. Price fl each namber. The Inatramcuul porta In these , o rt. .r. Director of I)wlworUt!s Band.. jßadjtncrs, lijarsinarc,. >\7- OIUCAGO LEAD WORKS, Corner«f CUcton «sd Pslion streets,' West Side. .' I.Ein FIFE, SIR 1X"0 SHEET LEAD, ■ Shot, Whiio ZiOatd aod liythargo, no lead, ruiirs akd hvdbat*lic bams. rry Order* Trom the trade solicited.' (Msh paid Me Old Lead and Flax Boed. ?.O.BoxlS»b. - : - :t *y F- W. LLATCnrOBP. E. G. HALL, KDIISARK & CO., m Imiioaea and Dealerstn ' Iron. and heavy habuware. 35ge aufcjrat. . E tb axr ear — PR. CADWEU, : ’®T; orsaatoa oir Tbi' -A.2CI> For Deafness. BUndaeaa. and ah defects of flrltt and hearing. l>r.C.liiregularlyeducatedrhyrfc&n.and hu devoted twenty years of LU pron*sJoual life «*.- cln»lrelytotl»ctreatnicntoTdlscasp*oftli<Ey«andßar. rtr Ko charre made for an ewmdnaUon or opinion, andboioe required lor uwocrcawrul service*. i.p CADWrILt'S Tri-allS* on the Kje Mitl FAT.fCW catq ami. containing reference*..teeureonlala,’etc* to hehidcrattoonappUeadon. 1*016150 ten eeniß Ad an>ndolph rtrvct. Gacago. U& «4iy j p.uis : 3JUtUSS,@^©S • L '“ PEACTICAL ornciAN,-' • T9 6otth Cl*«k 6tiwct TO Opposite the Court How. , _ . ~ Best French Crystal and BrerllUn Pebble tpecucJes, O'FtilanM, , TBLEb'UdFatfe, Mathematical Inatramoms. etc., oonrfantly oa hand. All Uod* ol h*»lrpni«;U and spocUcJcs re palrw. and alaaaealoteWed l»*toold Irtmea. • - I*9 plumbing; QJVS PIPE AMD FIXTURES. Brown Ac Wilder, 47 4 49 State State yp-Stalrar COEKEUUB &i •i' GAS.RXTURESr. :•! The richest Msortment lu the city, eompdetapeu. LATE PAITEBKIf.:;:- •; rtjw 44 pa cent filMount ftoiu-Ust Tlttia wib per pound. .. ...... •,... .^el-sSfir D, 31 cEA'KLAKE’S ,Gas, Steam Kttisig.;.' ’ j —ak»— PXTTKBTHG r S4 : La'&sUe S(r»«l I ;CUlcas6 t : : :. CAS mTBBR ABD IBDRFpBIITtIBI, Anfi lltinu&efcßrer oT UL Kl2n}9 OP SXItATI VQUL -Tp : THE • TRAPE i* trltfctoelft aDd-etwy Ktldolnthe 6^ btwßnuiMwdSmiU^Biwoe*. XwtWwangUn stml, r . X>ARXmi’s7GKEAT VARIETY ’ °r • •••• No. 138 Unite Street. . BA3BtN;HT3a : ‘::‘B RO’S. } •>-. Direct Importer* oft and’iTholeaalc Dealers in•' TOYS AND FANCY GOODS; BEIILIK WORSTEDS, ■ :BaA^3Bja , i .TrAHK, TANKaa NOTIONB, StO, ’ .Tho attention of tTlioteaal. Dealert la reapactfolle ■ • tolleltod. - ulukstoee tiik scjuske, i«8.....;,...XAKE STXCESX.—.....I3S ■,U— [aoISDO-ljrJ--.-.. i; ..„ .. !p # c:...soixx,ii ; c. 0., \ u ' l [ • Brass CockHaamlactarer*,:; ■“ oofpehsmitecs; ’ •-. . Dealers la .' 1 .. . WROUGHT -mON-PIPE, „ STEAH AND CAS FITTINGS, : ..SHEET CQJPEB, BLOCK, TDf, JUMPS, 4c, Abo—Particular atteatioa-pald-tD* Jobbing of all Uadi connected wUhtbo Trade.- - ...* -220 Washington Street, Chicago, XU. • - [0011X947]- ' ■ BMI tIY ’MALTi ’ ’ A STOCK OF r - ' ■ PKHIE BAULEY MALT For. Brewers’and Distillers’ Dwj .; i: CONSTANUT ON HAND, - • * • ••xwr • - ORDERS PROSIPLY FILLED. ALSO. ’ ■ 1 f SUREBIOiI I£AST .MALT,.. ■’ ikbaeheCb.' -■*aoonEss, *l. a. .voice r, 18 South Water Streep Chicago, : • -temsia " .G . L. FAXON, Street. WINDOW SHiDESj iEW JimVJUST RECEIVED. The Beat Gooiia in the City AX VEST LOW PEICEB. PAPERjHA HC IN CB, 1 FALL STOCK, Closing' Oat at Greatly HedncodFricet. E..G.-E. FAXON, 70 - Street - - - 7® ,OST6O-lj; t J) A G U EIIKEOTYPES. The Best and Chcapott in the City, AT HE S L EE ’ S„ 113 • • • Lake Street - • • 113 «110T6GRAFIVS. Theßest and. Cheapest in tho city At Healer's, 113 Lake Street 7’ j .'ITOUmTES;' " Tbaßest and Cheapest in the oity, ;• ; At Healer's, 113 Lake Street MEEAIXOTYPES, ■ Xhelßest j At Hesler’s,. 113.Lake Street,... \ '' ' ASJBROXVFES,. •' | The Best and Cheapest In the City, AT HESLER’S, NO. t ll3 LAKE STREET. - Itearco-ly] 2,500 J’IECES ; Merronac Prints, NINE CENTS PER YARD. ' ‘ ■' AT WDOLF-SAUS. ;; : P. PALMER, 112,114 AND lIG LAKE BTUEET. myarCMy ~ Q.IFTS OR XO GIFTS.— J. A. COLBY, - XIS Raudolpli Street, lias one of the LARGEST and "BEST assortments ol BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, That can be found Id the City. He offers any book from bU Catalogue, which contains upwards of 1,200 Different Kinds, Of Ancient and Modern Anthers, at the WHOLESALE PRICES WUnorT CITTS, Or at Qa regular retail prices with gifts inclol Call personally or send for a catalogue. n02Gd535-lm gHIRTS. SIHRTS. SHIRTS. ... MADE TO OBDEB BT , BURWELL & W.YTANT, Dearborn Street, No. 8 Tremont Block, Chicago, TVe have a larpe aMortmert of Fine Bo*omt> of erery varletv. Imported expressly for Drrae and Partr Shirts, which we - will-make up to order nod warrant to give eattefactlon. • no3Ckll®7Aw ypL AX BRED WAX TED. naring commenced the xcann&ctnre of LINSEED OIL AT CHICAGO, 1 am prepared to pay .the highest market price for FLAX SEED. OU Cako For Sale at* all tlm eu. . C. JL HOGERBj K0..2 UUUard'a Block. - - rgtidioaSw . Coe. Clark and R. Water 8u Chi cage Hudson Bay Co.’s FUR S . LADIES’ ARD CHILDRER’B FARCY FURS. Sleigh and. Carriage Bobes, BnflUo Skins, • Gentlemen’s Collar*, Capa, (.loves. Arc., Ac. n. Giannis at co.» 107 Randolph Street, Chicago, ID., n.Tf on hand a Innre awortmeotof good* of the abora •<I.?M-rlpUoii, .welch ilipj* will kII at moderate pr.cea, warranting er«ry article sold as rr presented. CASH PAID FOB SHIPPING FURS IdcMMMmJ Q t HOCKERY MD GLASS. BURLEY & TYRRELL, <1.9 • Lake Street, Chicago. - 48 Importers and Beaten la CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASS, MITARRIA ARD SILVER-PLATED WARE, JXUID A 313) KKEQSENB tIMPS, < TAELE-CUXLEET 4FD LOO KD?G-G LASSES, Ajfcthe attention of Dealer* to thdr Large; and Complete Stock. of Goods, Which theyoffer low for C*»h or Rood Sotet. I♦•~ • - • ‘rrf II E .C H I C A G O , i4|^JMMTJSOHPAMY, jj iTli theDUerefloraiad enUrcementt to I AT Ctr.AnJHVIL.XE, - t|- Ale dow pmitred to torotah the tijde wits » raperlor --jrtwjew / ■ I' btocb: Atid cnnAß AiiHi ..| •Which mtvn&ttd to be • Extract of !Blalt_and Stops; t OBOEBB SOLICITED.' ’• oaeesttosTtrererrsaa ittfi* Men of 0, L. H*r. : CCljltaYflO Ctiiuuu. ; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1880. Dally Arrival and Departure of mall . . _ Trains. , .... . Trains Depart. Mailt Clott. Traint Arrirt. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. C.Ooa.m. * 2.00 a. m. ' 10.33 a.m. 4.80 p.m. 6.15 a.m. 11.00 p.m. MICHIGAN CENTRAL. 0.00 a. m. 2.00 a. m. 10.30 a. m. 6.23 p.m. 6.15 p.m. 11.00 p. in. i’ITTSBURO, BT.AVAXNE .AND jfBICAGO. OfcO am. 2.00 p. m. ' g.OO a. m. 6.80 p.m. C.OOp. m. 8.30 p.m. • ! SOUTH AND WEST. . . CHICAGO AND ROCS ISLAND. " - .9.45 am. 8.00 a.m. 6.45 a.m. lL45p. m. 74)0 p.m. .6.13 P-m., I DIXON AUt LINE.... 11.40 a.m. 8.00 a.m. . . , 4.10 a.m., • 9.00 p.m. -No mall.,'- '.2,40 p.m. ILLINOIS CENTRAL— Bba»ch, ... 9.30 a.m. 12.80 a.m. 7.10 a r m. 9.& 6.30 p.m, 8.60’p. in. T BURLINGTON AND QUINCT/ 7.15 a.m. 7.30 a.m. 6.45 a.m .m. •• 74)0 p.m. ■ 1 &l£p. m. T ALTON AND ST. LOUIS. . 9.16 a. m. 7.30 a. m. 6.65 ai nu -9.00 p.m. - - 7.00 p.m. 8.45 p.m. f NORTH AND WEST. ' a GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION. " a. m. 8.00 a.m. 3.45 a.-m.- '8.30 p.m. 7.00 p.m. A4op.m^ i NORTHWESTERN. -s- ItSOp, m, • 400 a.m. . A2o*a.m., 6.00 p.m. 7.06 p.m. 6.00 p.m... » MILWAUKEE. •, 7.46 a.m. :8.00a.m. ]LBip.m.. 12.30 p.m. 7.00 p.m. . 6.00 p.m. L«SS OF THE PROP. JERSEY CITT. CAPTAIN JIOMIOE A TBCE HERO, - ijhe sad details of the loss of the propeller Jersey City on the afternoon of Saturday, tho 34th of November,' bare at* length bom-ro-’ celvcdL Rarely have there been scenes of suf fering and acts of true heroism that could the tragedy enacted on Long Point The story, aa xmrraled by-tho sund** vorsto one of our citizens, U substantially as follows: . Thepropcllcr Jersey City, Captain Monroe, from Toledo, bound,fcrßumffo, was put in the; grcfatgalc ofFridayand Saturday, the 23dihd, 34th of November. Finding it impossible to reach Buffalo In the storm, Capt. Monroe head ed the steamer for Long Point, Canada, intend ing to take shelter behind it :, £vory-onc iu’ this latitude will remember the terrible morn ing! of Saturday, the 21th of November.. . :The, wind blew with resistless force, aod'the.snow : swept through the air. with such violence that - it cut like sharp ball, and was so thick that ob'- - •jects at a short distance were invisible. About eleven o’clock In the morulpg, during a mo mentary rift in the snow cloud, Long. Point' was seen ahead, and Capt, Monroe discovered that he been driven too Cirin. to weatherthe l»oInt without great difficulty. The steamer’s course was changed and on attempt made to get around the Point The ordinary fires, were found unequal to getting up. the great* pressure of steam necessary, and kegs oi lard and butter were rapidly thrown In to feed the flames. But every effort was vain.. .A sadden Shack, —a dull' grating sound that was fdt above the howling bt the tempest,'and the Jersey City was a hopeless wreck. She had Sounded on the shoal about two miles distant >m the Point CapL Monroe immediately ordered every one to the hurricane deck as the only chance or safety. A number, heedless of Ilia warh logs, jumped into the life-boat and made for -the shore. They were all lost among the breakers that hissed across the intervening ' waste of water. Soon after grounding the propeller heeled over, broadside to the seas, and with her deck exposed to the act ion of the waves, ller deck. load wat at once washed off, and tho repeated blows of the huge waves stove in her decks and dashed her sides Into pieces. Thu hurri cane deck with its load ofhalf frozen snflerers floated towards the shore. About three o'clock, in the afternoon, the hurricane deck grounded. within.a.short distance from the short in shallow water. At this moment a boy w ho. waf .on. the. wreck was washed off by the waves, but waa rescued by. CapL Monroe.. Af ter this the boy.becamc frightened for tbo first time, and dung eagerly to his preserver. Cant.’ Monroe fastened a plank life-preserver to his. body, and taking the boy .into his arms leaped Intb the water and waded ashore. As tho boy landed, his suspenders broke and his panta loons fell about his ancles, where they froze In a solid mass, chaining him-to the spot where he stood. In a few moments the half-naked "bor was dead. - CapL Monroe walked back to the piece of wreck and directed bis comrades where to leap so as to strike in the. shallowest water!— One by one the leap was made in safety, until im| one was left on board, and that one was Mr, A. 11. Derby, the clerk of the propeller.— Ho was seen sitting on the wreck with bis head bent down as if in despair. Oapt. Mouroe colled him by name, but he did not answer, al though his mouth opened. To a second hall, he again opened bis month without giving an articulate sound.’ CapL Mouroe and engi neers Manchester and Cummings went to the wrbek, and after considerable difficulty got off .the helpless man. CapL Monroe took Derby on his back, whilst the two engineers steadied his legs so os to prevent the waves washing him off/ In this way the party waded through the water, ice making on them at every step; the surf dashing around them, the bitter wind freezing their minds and faces, and the blind ing snow obscuring their view. pn reaching the chore, Captain. Monroe at tempted to lower Derby to his feet, but found. it Impossible to let himgol The living bearer had frozen fast to bis dead bnrdeu. . The Caplifio’s arms 'were frozen' stiff, ~ajfd' ' clasped -around the arms of-the dead man.— Tlio two engineers were also so frozen about the hands that they could render no assistance. Finding it impossible to rid himself of his terrible harden' in any other way, Capt. Jion rof flung himself on theground,-bead -fore* mpst, and thus “spilled” the dead- man from his shoulders. But he had escaped from one horrible dilemma only to find himself in another. His trowsers were frozen so stiff up toliis hips that he was ns much unable to rise his legs hodbeeu encased lu lengths of stove-pipe, and his companions could render him no assistance. ~ AV & short ‘distance was the bodv of a man, frozen in a sitting position. Capt.' Monroe managed to roll himself to the body, and by it climbed feet, - The little party of survivors now set out on their painful march towards the lighthouse, which was at no great distance. They had got safely along until within about three hundred yards ofttachouse,wbennemall creek Impeded their progress. PiretEnginccr Manchcstcrat tempted to cross the creek, bnt abandoned it and returned to the shore, where he sat down,- exhausted and despairing. ' Second Engineer Cummings came up and endeavored to encour age him to farther efforts, but In Tain.- Capt. Mbnroe begged Manchester to rise and make aq attempt to get around the creek, telling him' thp light bouse was close by. “ItSs of no. use. Captain,” said the unfortunate man, “1 can’t go any further.” Cummings placed his arms around the body of his comrade in order tolitl : hihi to his feet, but at that moment the . icy hand of death was laid on both, aud clasped in each othci’s arms, face sdimw-t touching face, with words of friendly cheer frozen in the ut terance, these two brave men—Mancbcstcrand' Cummings—perished within a few minutes walk of safety. In this position they were af-. terwards found by. the party sent lu search. Capt. Monroe succeeded in reaching the light house in safety, although badly frozen;' Out ofthe twenty-two .who had formed the crew aud passengers ofthe ill-firied Jersey City, but litc survived, being Capt Mon rod two tire mien, the wheelsman, and one posscuger.- The others cither perished in the cruel waves, or were frozen to death in that awful death march. Six of the bodies have been recovered, some being returned to their former homes, and oth ers buried on the point. We arc clad to learn that the brave Captain Monroe will not suffer so severely by his expo sure as was at first feared. - fcnchlicrocs.,amnot -bt spared. Ilia deeds of daring and tender care during the fatal wreck and march of death ' oo Long Polnl, adds a brighter halo to the fame ; wbu by his gallant rescue of the frozen crew { of the vniar Pasha, at the risk of his own life, at the mouth of Cleveland Harbor some years since. . (Copt. Monroe lives a few miles below Dun kirk, N. Y. Manchester was from Utica, N. Y., and Cummings from Dunkirk, N. Y. - IS.D } What muoarl Slait be. ;The following prediction was made lately by the St Louis BulUtiriy the leading Breckinridge organ of Missouri. It may, therefore, be ac cepted os a prophecy.widch is not inspired by wish of the prophet: |Lct ns then maintain a position of strict and perfect neutrality. That Is the obvious .policy of Missouri. -Her position is an- extremely fortunate one. An abolition administration can do her no.harm, nor inflict nny disgrace upon her. If. the Union lasts, she can and will speedily emancipate her slaves, take her place among the dominant' non-slaveholding Stales, and march rapidly onward in the road to num bers; wealth and power. -The transition from hfr present position as aalavcbolding Statu to ’ that of a free State would be-as easy as it Is certain*. The-Abolitionists had,-at the-late election, over. 17,000 voters In the.States looting in every county. Thai number has ip ‘crcascd twofold by the result of the election', and Charles Sumner could get 1 55.000 votes in the Stale of Missouri to-morrow. If the South, submit, the nnmhcr of anti-slavery men will be Immensely increased by the accession of timid rqcn, and of those who are unwilling for Mis souri to bo one of the vassal'* states.’ IP the. Union lastb through Lincoln’s MissoartwlU t nnd be a * leading antlslaveiy State nr the Union. I Xom Mostez. —A New York correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, says that ‘‘ Lola ilon; : tdz has gone and made on anchorites* of her-' 1 self Lost * sumin ef' 6he*eu ftered very much ; from a paralytic stroke, caused by smoking cl-* 1 gireUesday and night She lived for S while ■with Buchanan, the florist, at Astoria, and dis appeared from thence about a, month > fusing to give her next address to her most in j timate friends. She*fs T now' living 1 in Seven ] tocnth strect, spends her :time in meditation: V end prayer, and goes by the name of Fanny Gibbons.*-? :; jKrr. Ds. Fabkws.—ltThasbeen published throughout (be country that the Rev.-Dn Par sons,-the severed; Us-connexion •with the/Methodist V Church, and Joined the Episcopal' ; Chnreb* : Tbe'Xotdstnie Journal: says that the Doctor his reconsidered hia late action; and that* he has made formal application to the Conference to be, reinstated,' aud eome time will clapsq csc ttje. result of the* application Trill fcs an afunood./*/•* _ EAST. A TERRI DUE WAT TO MEET DEATH. [From the Cleveland Herald of the 4th.] ’ r Commission jHmSants. PEUGNET* • r Commltiloa merchant. Period!*! Attention glrenjo the purchase and gale of Grain, Floor and Country Produce generally. I OFFICE "NO; 0 TIITXIABD’SULOCK; N. H, oorpß.-tV'aterandOlarfcats.' ■ Post Office Uoi 6287,. R pvmmettt—Boa; TTra. B. Ogden. Chicago. nit Hon.; B, W. Raymond, do,; Ifa&cCopk, dOJ 6. W. Rln.i ly. Eml. do.; P. Harmony, Kerb's ft Co„ >’cv Tort; Gourd Yelvrrton Bros.; dew Bouado.; Ja*;B. LQcaa, Emu fit.Lortl*; Edward Tev : son. Esa* do.; Cba*. Chouteau, • r»~ liberal advance*.made on Cop»lgnmenta. JjVDWAKD SACKET, “ Ooiimiimlon merchant, No. IflOVf Sooth Water etropt, between OM and Ni» i ■Boartof-Tradcltellrtlß . Rarta To Merchants* Savings Loan and Trait Co., Oil. cago; Smith; Pollard ft Co_ Chicago; patter Handy Emu Cashier. New Tort; A. Whitney ft SonaPldladcl. phla-.F. F. Fowler ft Co.. New Orlean*. agymiy • ■ Packers and Commissioii Heronants. Opposite MlchleadOntralFrrfdd Depot, foot of Sooth ,1. ‘WaterStreet, Chicago..liu ... Wooldlavlte attention to. thelr new Packing Room and Store, and from the opening of the Packing Season will hare eonrtantlj* On hand arollrapplr of • I BEEP, PORK, LARD, &C. And their PREMIUM FUGAB CDBBD ‘IUMB/ Cr.‘ dcraf'M-Packing are soUr he • ••• • VT. Lanugo. . -t*eUl •' RaßuMga. ■ TpoRD! & xortox,:: : ;;;: •;;; .. Storage 'and; Commission CTercbanU^; ■ Fire Proof WareUo"a«e, on Market street, between Laics •• and Randolph streets; CMtaeo. Hl."' PT Libers! advances made oo Conelrnnenta: • aaxgKfc.i/roKD. Lagl76o-lrl .. 3mwAW»Li»o«TPic«. pirKix.&.co., ,:. . ,r Cenertl CoromLulon JTerchahlo, 119 SOUTH VATEB., BTEEEX, CHICAGO, ILL : jaita t, aaw.. .:mtg6Myl . Atraan.B. man. • I ‘ ! BEOCEEIE3 AITD FI3H, ; And General Commission Merchant^ j Wo. 10 Eltot Street,' Chicago, HI. >okic» *0«T0«,, * OU&; BOBS. ~; H. X. BOafOK* ■ ’ajCT-caS-lr ’ < , •- .- ’ ' TTIINLEY, HOYT & RUMSET;: X l | COMJIIBSIOK MEKCII'ASTS. ; - . " j I&Soiith-laSaUe.Street, • Oldfcnlted States Custom House' BoUdlnga. Chicago.- iaiw.niiiT.*. "Vr.acirvrrl’ v CARO.—In withdrawing from the Commission Batd> cess. jre;tAk« .preat pleasure lo recommending the above firm to oar'friends and patrons and solicit for ' them a cantinnaoeeof their business. Baring- known ■ them for several roars, we cheerfully recommend them as RD*d business men, and In every respect reliable. nol24«Um ' • FLINT A WHEELER.' , CHAMBERLAIN & SEYMOUR, SIERCJIAyTS, Vor the purchase and sale ol GCiLTj TLpnij PUOm CE at 3imaLLM)ISE, Xa.lj Pardee's Bulidioe; bonier of Wells and South' Waterstreel*. Chicago, Illinois. Utoera] advances made on * -••••- r.jv.caatrßDAana [delWß] . a.w.sgracora. . BAILTE <fc SEYMOUR," : PRODUCE AND OENEItAL COSnrfSSION HKncIIANTS. Offlce ioo Sooth Tfater-eL. PomerOyV BolMlns*. Poet Office Drawer 6187, Chicago. - • JAP.) D. tuui. ... T. n. fiimor*. itrrKHeacKs:—Stnrjee. Alar* Co, UomralFrchtht Agent C.8.&Q.8.E. . • ■> • . Q.PJFFIX BROTHERS, : iB6O : OommlMlon jncrcluintii,:. - | 3TO. 5 POMEROY’S BLOCK. i CornerSoQtti Water and Clark aUect% Chicago, Ad- Vance* iuado on conrijmracaw. _*.r. aum's. " "*'• tmharfiMyl 1. grjtttj. nnUKPRTv'LAEE & CO. y X.' • COMISSION MERCHANTS, Ko traterSC.,‘Cbiesgp>. ▼.(i.tCBJIV.*' "■*" WKIXB LAU, • P- i. tJtt. ' r - - - - ••-tjr6VsQj ■ • WRIGHT- & SIIKR3IAX, ! PEOPIJCE OOKHI^OTIIEECHAJfTfi, | Mama nr;...,, E vie it Description orconn try Produce | ou'Commissioa'ExclaalTelf. SO aid 3.... Lajaixb Brettr.-i... ;....S0 and S3 0 ni 'CAG 0 W. SCOTT: STEWART,: □Prodnc* Commission merchant, * No I BOARD OF TBADE BUILDIBGST /_* rrrvrfirtL ... . . . tKfldlOQ-lji TfTELLER, MTOD &MELLKX, T jr Sonlit \Vat«E*Slreet,'Chicago, Hi, C*»h adrancri made oa of Ladlnp, Property to Stofe. and on Shipments to onr frlcndsKaet and South. j&e i waLux. ■o. mkliju. j. j. a coo. I '• :■■ apygl-ly COMMISSIONS' l£2’Sonth Water St., Chlcaco* adflyg - • . ■ • ’ ‘ j\ LBERT MORSE & CO., . Produce Commission 'merchants, 1fifi1..........50UTH WATER STREET IS6 I . : Alkln*# BuHdlng, Chicago. . BpilaeMCOPfloedeiricUytoCommleilon. v. coe & co., 5 COMMISSION.MEECHANTS - •• .Forthepnrcha*eandMlet>| P< nKj FIOUp, GRAIN AXD STOCK, . No. StlftW South Water Street, Chicago. ■ lunoa t. ccb. < .wju «, tree. - & t_ caocawoon, •. • IL-. •■ •; -vdoysMy . r AN INWAGEN & CO., . General ComnilsMloh merchants, JToj 8 Dole's Betiding, ear. Sonth Water and Clark sta. J CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. I LIKKCAL IDViscES MifK OK O'SaIOSMESTS. lantattifT?.—Flint & Wheeler. Smith. -Pollard * Co, Jason Parker, Esq., Cutter & Kims, Buffalo. tMiompsox,- bonilui & co., Ji ■. ■ EXCLUSIVE I commission nKRCifANTS, ; "NO. 2M SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. Ranai to—Merchants' Faring*, Loan and Tnm-Co, Alonzo Richmond & Co. Hon. Jno. C. Haines. Chlcaeot J. B. Drake & CO, N, Y,; U. S. Kln^Bollalo. 1 ' • • [anlOcflOty] ■ . QULVER &: COMPANY, coMMissidir mrchants, 210 South Water Street* 210 South \Tater Street* . a. r. cpetp. • tJattjQll] • 'c. x. mm. ■ I . Commission merchants, Qlre their exclusive attention to the purchase and fair of Floor, Grain, and other Produce, oa Commission. So. 146 3: water, oor. dark tu. Cldca<o. (noausg r i LLKN iibWES, j commission mEucnART, -• 135 South ,\Tater Street, Chicago, 111. ! - ' -• • Ue«\o.lyj HOLMES & SON, | Beef aid Pork Packers, . AKO PROVISION as 13 HC HANTS. ; oaica No. 12 River Street PACKING HOUSE- NOBT2I- BRANCH, .CHICAGO. ♦ Dealers In BEEF, POSE, HAMS, SHO3ICEHS, LARD, ETC. VT Highest market price for Cattle' and Host. REFER TO Btftilcenr and Basing** Men ’generally at Quincy, iIL SLLoola and Chicago Bank; J. Young Scajnnion,President Marine Bank; J. fl.' Bon ham. Esq* I’reajdeoi Merchant*’ Sarlnc* Loan and Trust Company, and Meaara. O. 8. Hubbard £ Co„ Cldcaso. . aanxcomta. *t» Sfta] -' • ic li niRUT. XELSOX, ItJl monrcß Commission and Shinning Tlmbint : no. an south wai ck&» rj:kt, -<Agent far the FaltoaSUrch Works Oiwcgo Co., N.T.) Liberal oanli advances op Fluor and Undo far »blp. me ut to OivrKa or New \or Sc, or In etorr, giving the •hipper the prttHege of Mlliog In cither market for co.; crmraLnlon, aplS gEDFOUD, AIEUEDITH & CO., ' OOiIDfISSIOX MEKCHAMS, No. 519 South Water Street, CLlcacO, j,lve their ercln. -cite attention to the puirl>a»e ana sale ol Floor,' Grain and »0 Uad> of Produce; Stock, At. Liberal advances madcon consignment*. l.Axeuts for Kiln Dried Com . Meal. I>fer to K. L Tlnkuam * Co., Chicago; Ellis, j McAlpln £ Co„ Ctndoiiati. JalTdy • gPAFFORI), STEWART & CO., - > Produce CommlHlonTOcrchant*. Personal attention c)ren to "sale* of Grain. Flour. Provisions-and Coohtrr Prodnco generally. Business «rclotlvelr<;oai2Xisrion.- Advances made on consign mentii.' llYKlczle street, Chicago, ~ . fe2o'W3Jy o. a. ararrOKD. a. stvsiet. *. r. w. tun. ■ A-liESf &' co.V :: ■XX.--■ • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the aale of Floor; • Grain, fleet Fork. Hama, Lard, Batter. Cheese 1 , Seeds; Dried Fruits, Ac. IS Sooth Chlcajo. .Agents far Hamburg and West erntteecrve Cheese.- ■ iiLßi txSh. '' - [aaia*l».ly] *. stot^ <fc HpUGJITELIXG: T » COMMISSION URuCHANTR. ; No.2lo’< South Wat« street, .second door West of •Wells streefttirUce. <k£u4vo.«uuiUod to the Mile and purchase of-all kinds of produce Stock. Ac, «a-CoouaJrtloiu . Cash hdvanccijwude on Bills. of Ladloh and property. Inatore. lieferto George Smith A Co, Marine Bans. andGchirgeSteel A CO.. .. . j. m. wquauft. - ■ tiaOJ-U*!' vr. n. Hnrngmjwe. XHEELYT ufc;CO.,. X> .-COMMISSION MERCHANTS Tor the purchase and sale of. Graln,*noar. Provlstont, and. Country Produce geueraßr.. Baslnhw orclurlrcly ComtnlMlos. Also dealer*la Salt, Lime. Water-Llmc. Sincco, Platt, erlne Hair, lind Plaster, Ac. Ac, at 338, 238 and 340 SouthWaterstreet. * ■ •*:: m: tamr.:.. . *. r. utwataci. . w.T.tnzsuTL , mbarowy.- - -i.r.EAWaisct .. .. Tr •: PSODCCE A COMMISSIONS MEDCHAKTS. Offlca'S39 South Water Street. ' WetdreAnrscraonalattcodoato the purchase and tale orillkioaSof produce lil this raSrket. CEavssrrsa. •; feitßsrm. Worthlnjtoa & Co,, CKKEKUc COK32ISSIC® MIMHASTS, * ' ITS NbrthJWTeraoti Street* * T. O. BozKSt Chicago. Orders frop ihefocntry/ortheporrliaae of JdcrchatV disc oretery description promptly attended to.: . . . seMtfgt rn ,„ • "fehiKpif l MOTchaats,' : Libera)adnsemmide on conslntricnti! Fretialat. Itentlon 'given to the aalea of Illdea. wool and' :bkdoe, W.)W. Co., N. r • Grla .neluSllnctm ACo, do,;S.Hatrk. rarhtnofld a eras*. -Chlcacft; c: :.v: •; • oeSxam ''yiictcri: Banablpi Carter* .COMMISSION MERCHANTS, : . . . ::: UJfo, 3 LoontUßaildiDg, ; ‘ ; i Cor.C3*rfc*»d BOnQi Water itreeta, Chicago, gira their > perwnid ahd exu&rt tea cpmdmoa ' oualaese, 'JBltMy ' Athxna I atiiiwxa {uft k «u» vzni' .-j:: MITCHELLS' PATE IT METALLICTIPPED SIDES' 'y.' now to boftond At the magniaeect stem i»o. S2 jAke street. corner Wabash Aretjoe, 7- ’* r --- • ■ V.TTjryprTTSO'v* CO. I JS"S*riT J«OS BLOCK.} vvSTi, WBIVtQVAIi. -, - ■■■■_•■ PEAKE, MARSH & DE LOKS^ Cotaoened by tbelrlnereidasbaflQen to .... tinarters.b&ve rumored from their old stand, nes»aj • opposite to the above spoons stores in "■■ -I'' . btoohis J j: ■KTiere they wTO be able'to -offbfAf’wboleWU,» ftm': : larger and more T«led.itoct of —'"wr* Dry C oods, Hosiery, .and Soflbns. -.y. : Customers win ilwitf Jjnd nrwftlr fait toe*-'- i.' taownbraods of H EK.VT -&MESTIG& borchsu did - f • hands. andoffaa«*tniall adTSSce.tocflher stWm_| 1 Jajxestocfc.of,v.» v, VOOLEIB SHAWLS DBESS BOOBS - -\] •JW**bs2cQniliui*eWßOtto j.:;. .j*. T r*l-o'W‘ PRICES “ i daw, P _ (Eommisstcn a ASH ADVANCES;? QMALL WARES;' BUTTONS ... . • ' KJ AND'NOTIONS.' “"* * «riirrrTri wa* tcacH" JL* WorstedHoodafileevei, Ctlten, fte. Drew Trim. «w aAaU.ft. vUty i nrtnga. Corsets and Skirt*.-Glnw»-aad Hosiery. The ' : v; gS&%SSR»«»-» liberal Caah Advancementswfllbcmadaoncocslgn- • CLOSE CASH FENCES* ments to tho above Loose, of BACON, LAUD, PRO- &n Z3 T3 Ukeatr^Chlcaio. VISIONS, and PRODUCE generally by . .. -i—— : p --“ - ■ - TPOMASKAsa T>ERLTN WOOLS. . ' -*-V * • iUSUXCUUC. . «aM *!sLakeatreeZc^leege. qpg~ QM E INSURANCE. HIBBARD & €O., . ; 1 4ixrotzza» or j The Union Insurance HARDWARE AND TIN plate, aki> TItXJST COMPANY, *). wb to tia trade, at the i&wrsT market ■ PRICES:— Chartered hy:;the- vf- HUmd*. «*».*«•* tin plat*.-. B,4oobdi* sheexibon. CASH CAPITAXj $300)000. sso . •*Russia iron. .*,! 1» “ . IMITATION RUSSIA. . . . 001**—ExchaoMBankBandl«,IL W.cgraerofClartt ; SfiOO . •** i tmmnr tmuvunutn wrwn ■ ; ■ cs casks sheet ziso; ■ ll—- - lOtooi iPIO TIN,’- *" Ofinibu. copper bottoms, , rmidmc—JßEHJ. LOWBAKI). JOset* TINNERS! TOOLS aad MACHINE,- Z. HI6GIH|I rocuks bright ox ni coil chains ‘Secretory—B. F. JOHNSOIT, , iwtdo*. axe 1 • - ’ . Treasurer—FßAjrciSiujsorrHAinf. ... . - • shovels, spares and scoops,- ■' : . , 30 tons-SAD IRONS.': • DIRECTORS! TUTTLE. HIBBARD & CO.. BENJAMIN LOMBARD, Cambridge; Mass, •■ ' ‘ .* * ’ " *?“ . . • MATTHEW BOLLES, of M. DoUeaA Co M 'Banker*, I oetWO-ly Corner of State aad Lite ata.. Boston. Mifr. i ■ • DANIEL SHARP. Commissioner, etc„ Boston, Mas*. ! . TT 4'TK-dI4T>K ••• • ‘ ••• JAMES W. STONE.At.D„ Boston,Usu... vars, LEVI F, STEVENS. Borton. Mw, .. .. .... iS&* moQts^j<iuts^orc^^ ’YviXB, Buffalo Rotes, &o : AT WHOLESALE. !- - • B^okSt 6 * 0f G * C '•. Bro ■ TnaMt • I*6o. Pint XBADB, '.: 1860 ; M. D. ' , WEBEB. WILLIAMS & YALE. Wholesale Dry Good* Merchant* and Importin'. . ** W • * “V*' I *. FRANCIS B.PEABODV,Attrnner at LaW. CbleftfA;- 1 ' _■ „ THOMAS HARLESS,ofHariees h Parker, Gonimls. ! 35-v..........LAKE ST, CHICAGO .......... 23 * don Merchant*. Cliltuco,' i • , .. . ■•• ■ - J. Q, lIOTT. of Hoyt &' Pdrce, Wholesale Grocer* i !!»▼« la «tore a Tery LARGE AND.ATTRACTIVE ‘Vs.fSP’G'ToMBAnD. General igent Union asdT Co Cbtraco. ’ compete-successfully with the best-Eastern arms la ILL*. PHILLIPSAriaa.‘rn:; ; * _r VARIETY. QUALITY AND PRICES, andsoUdl a caA Ben V^Anna^Dl W ° ol> ' re * l<lenk °* | from all prompt paylos merchant*. . {aa23^o4y JOSIAII LOMBARD. CaaUer Paioet Bank,’Grlrs*- ■ J Tine. in. ‘ : CHARLES CHANDLER, of Charles Chandler 4 Co* < Banker*. Macomb,-lIL ..• .. . .. j. OLIVER WHITAKER, of Henderson A Whitaker, Attorneys at Law.Toolon; HI.- _ ‘ ‘ I MARSHALL AYRES,- Preax Tonlon Bank.Grt«».-' rUIe,IU. nolOdtJWm . INSURANCE COMP’Y, HARTFORD, OONW. Incorporated IBl9—Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital and’Surplus, --- $2,194,100.02. FIRE AND INLAND HATKJATIOIT KISKJ GOODS, ofthebestqnaUtraadmanaftctQre,which wearepre- Taken at Liberal Terms and Hates. pared to-sell for CASH and-prompt paytny trade at Kwdal attention plren to iMnranee.of DvilUassi , and Content*, for terms of one to Are years. T |p sootsuid ShoVs I?& the State*. ' - ASSETS, JATT. 3.' isao. PALL TRADE 1860. ...Itsaxmo co . - W.IOB oo P, rT ., ,a,.v. t . H. W. HUNT & CO., FtateStorka,*o ............ SM3W 00 51U23 20 ■ , r ■ - Oltv Stocks, Ac-..,........, moooro 1111000 00 Mannfkctnrerß and Jobbers of Railroad Stock*, 50....- ..... RV«» OO ‘ 9ilM on .: pSS ; Beady Made' fflothingj MUcellaneon* Item# 57,709 M w Gwh on hand and deposited °a •««**/' And Dealer* to ••• call, and In scents' hands * 554.744 24 • nnadluated and not dns... O n : GE!VTLK!IEJPSriJIINISniSC GOODS • Apphc*non*recelTed,aadPoUce*l**oedorrenewod , Cotta,CoallacsCawlmere*Satinets,Tailors* branrof Us duly authorised AjreaU.' LossoaeqoUa-'. innuolars, Ac« Ac. blyacljnatedanapald la funds current atony of-the ■ Banka In Illinois. ■ . . ' Onr Stock Is lar£« and well assorted, and wlllbe sold ' At the liOivct I*rlcc, UUnoU prompUy .nCTdeU PATCH. 177 RANDOLPH STREET. 171 . fitaie Ajeat, Springfield, IHlaois. ffijniffAHP A HIJCT, • I (Third Store East cl Brfjsa IlocseO • * PAID CP CAP1TAL........ CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. JTKUT. ■ I new GOODS AX REDUCED BATES, ' '' ~., ,-r ."' "" IhaTenow oahaadandtoatrlreaUrgeaadTartod piTEENIX: ;,INSIJRAXCE CO., : ttoctor m? Tr«n i mmn l ramumn'iiiur.: Crockery, China and Glassware, - __ __ ! ParUn,MarbU and TerraCotta Vaaea, SUrer-Plateo .’ JannarY lst, ISoO. : "Ware,TableCutlery, wHhageneralassortmentof CASH CAPITAL n00.f100.00 I HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. • BCBPLD9 . ISSASUI ! nwwytiNLtriny wwwts.?. - Also. OH Palatine*. Yankee Notions, Cloc*.i. Watcher Loaned on Morteasea of Real E5tata.......... M.'W.OO . vto.eaale,s“}**^. Amount loaned on pledced Hank Slock. 4fi.soo.TO. m n 6 -Iy . . TiTnaot.Qlpl>^Ueet».. Amonatloanedotherwiseaecured^ * ....... -1.0T0.T0 ; - —J, - ." '; ' ' pakTaz. mi’t.Vai. TEWETT & BUTLER. Fifty Shares C. S. Trust Ca*« Stock,■ • A x u fcew.Tork.. i..95,000 . .Mitt , V • SIS ! tuoMßunwiß.,. Watertrorr Rank Stock. ILW> • 15.2T0 ■ • ■ £ K HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Hartford Cltr Bonds 10.0 TO 10,fi«> • * Col. I*eq, and lad. R. R. ponds ... 10,000 7.T00 : .... - • Accumulatedlalerestoulaycitments . . 8.7U Gallfly GIIISS, SllCCtlron, CoppCP, Total Asaeta ffIBS.S3S3I Total Liabilities - - - $40,704.53 TINNERS' STOCK, TINNERS' TOOLS ... .H. KELLOGG, Secretary. • ! TnmßAtm ahunt, Agents. - Tin-Plate, ?«ace-Wlre, dec. j Ko 1 Loomis' Bonding. J • • , • CornerCfcirtrandWaterstrops.Chicago. | « v«w grnmyii ' 1 Appllcatlonsforltunrance. or the renewal oCPoU- I LAKE STBEET • • • 18. I dM and all business connected with the ofllee, may be ■ J made to on. dnlr appointed Aeenta for tlie Cltv of 1 sign n* THr BClssnsA Chlraco, with fall power to recelrepropo*al# and l#*ne * • J Policies, on as farornb’.e term# u other responsible _ _ . •_ Companies; and it# " |m will be to secure the conn... Between Wabash tod .dchlgia Axecaci, Chicago, U* dence of the public br an honorable coo r«e of -dealinr. 1 _ . -• M. UAOILL, General Agent; 81 and » West Third . Fa*D«Mcr J*wm. . Ouns R. Bctlr* street. Cincinnati. Ohio, to wltom all application* for , FortldlSUral • • - ■ Agencies, In the Western .or Southwestern States maj * —■ —■ - ■ —; = • *.. ■ ■ TIjST PLATE, Quaker city ms. comfy, . : V ■ MmADELPiui. . .. . TINMERS’ STOCK, (fepltal and Surplus,-- -9399,749.76. j officers* - - For Sale tt Low Prices QEO. HART. H. It. COGGSHALL, WtMSSSSi'tertfaa CURTISXi--NORTH, > 6O O “ Kusnia .Sheet Iron, Ist General Agent, Maaonlc Temple, Chicago. ... qunllt}'. • —George a Hart, E. P. Rosa. A- C. Cattail, *, 200 * c Imitation Xlaula. K««« r *?• Ml<r; x Andrew Chambern. 500 “ PolLalied GeTmau. Filkr. “ “• ’ mhk-m-'lj U i 250 caak.SlieetZluc,auart<Kl ■\rOß™ AMERICAN EIRE IX- ! isjooolbt ?o r ?pr^ r^>l{<.“! >P '^• it BCIUKCE COMPiST, • ; 1,300 bdls. Wire an’ied No*. Ota2o, Of BCartford, Conn.' .10,000 Annealed. Fcncs Wire.. _.. .. , ; A full assortment of Tinner*' Tool* and Machine* Paid op Capital■ • • ••• •;w 8368,000. , Japanned and Pressed TlnWarc, rjvtts, Ears, &c„£c uuarstico Against Lon or Fire, • uubbXkd X HUNT. ; THOB. S. BIOEBBSOK, * -* Q>r. Clark *nd South Water ala. * .... T NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE CO,, : Hetal Warehouse, ■ of Norwich, conn. ■ . 49..»...*Wa»a« aV*mt«; CBtcAcc..i...49 paid op Capital |l3l,€Sta - AGENT FOB niJBBARd* 1 water. Howe’s Improved Standard Scales* and Clar* eta, flm floor, LooinU* Block. ocCS-ba» : ■ l»clid6*.Binj " • .TTARTFORD FIRE ILSUR'S CE 1860 FALL TKABE. 1860 JJL . . company. . - - ■. Chartered In 1810; assets mat i, iaeo. _ . . ' '' ’ • Market Valne. ; Oaah on hand tad on can..;, • 16&1S • STATE STREET • J4&18 Loinaamply tecnred .. „ M.1T899 Heal value.'. ; ; ajfK Shares Bank Stock In Hartford....* 2SVstf. , 'oo ZXO ****** in Near Tork OOHSifl'oO 1 1.010 ****** in notion-. HKSBVOT 430 ** Ft.LootstndMflwaoicea .. 42,40000 130 ** KlrerCompanyStock,Hartford. w iflOOitt)-. 140 • BanroadStock,...,.-....14,25000 . 41 City andlUllroad Bondi. 4ZMLCU suttsiocto,. : DRIED FEUITS, FISH. Total AMets tOSS.'KUa : Total Liabilities...-...i. Police* In the above Company tatted by' a., . mrinnwnw . * Invite the attention of Country Merchant* to their stock, whici thoy offlr it Lower. No. TLoomla Block. , ♦ - ‘ Caah Priodf. anSO-eflClAm ' Corner Clark and Sontii Water ata. P.I RE,;MA RIN E , G-. C. COOK & CO., T>OSTOX CITY COOT . AND JL> : SHOE STORE. No. 152 LAKE STOKET. Next Door East' Marina Bank' Bulidlnf.’ Dai opened vlth the larsestyid bc« slock of • hoots \i\vn shojls F.vr r brought to this market. which win be offered at Wholesale and retail. compriMos- all Uie bc*i idrles ot . .... . . Ladles*. Mla*ea‘, ClJldreo'i Gaiters, Uuftklne. Slipper*. v vvw ~ _ __ and Men's, Bora* and Yontli'a Boot*. Shoes and HL&NHAXTAN LlxB) of Sew Torbf . supper*. wUch.wtn be sold ac full 55 per cent let* XIOSI2S. . 44 44. ihaaererbeiore offered In Chicago; The acltecrlbcr la dsUbUsldns the Boston Ctty 800 l JPXIKrIIJL, •• and Shoe sHore. alma at.msklße it the best Emporium 'TV tsniVBTA'T " 44 . 44 of the kind la the West, and feel* assured that iron - bisfadllUesla procuring coods direct from the roaao- XOUILLABBt *• w faetarcr* he willbc able u>»eil then to salt alt Classes. CITIZG\B) it 44 _ arll>itimnl A. M. MILLER. trfftt. LIFE INSURANCE. MILLER & TFILLMARTH, .Agents for ths ; providence Pr*- CROCKERY. FIXE CUIXA, ▼idenee. R. I*’ .. \J * COSTTAV, orconwmr, Mta»m GLASSWARE, . ' JSA3EPPEN. or Springfield, atiw. . r | Silver-Plated and Brittania-Ware,; . Aggregate Capital an* Swplos,'* goods. $5,000,000. Office, No. 150 Sooth Water Street. UcMyJ i YEW ENGLAND EIRE AND ' J-» Ilftitoe Tnmrißivi Company, / OP HABTFOBD, CONNECTICUT, . , »ttv «rrA*n« f Aneta,J«a:i,lßGo.. ......... tsarina ? BOOTS AITD SHOES Zasorazice Against Z*on by Piro. HUBBARD * HUNT, Asemv Chicago. ■ : Jfo, 331Lalt*St*4 ChleaffO, HU, JjlWy-dTSS Cor. CUrt: and Sooth Witersw. r . « ,-ifor pike’s skafe. gx. Joseph & pike’s peak I m { Transportation Line, i . - A. WASHES & CO.j ' - General Freighters to the minec,' - • STORAGE, FOBWABDISO AND COMMISSION- ** ; MERCHANTS. • > * • TO h»Te Tndps Its vim; 61. Joseph weekly ih roach- • • omthe year, tor «U parte In the iblosa. andean efre ’ , ' jnrtlrt omumal f»dutJr« for cettlns ont frelsht with ; I- 1 • -tiUjpuchandttToiKiaahlerefea. Allroodatalppedto * tourenre; debited torthe mine*, will be'prompttr at* > - . * Seeded to.*, WarehucsocaSlzih Street. !' , • • -A. WARREN & CO.. . | ' aoSHWy . • -■ fit. Jofph, Mo.' \ J OUNS !—GUNS !!—GUXS! I! I * 'Gana. 10SM.-Tiitola: Colra/At- ‘ .-il -.ri , i rn'n fTTinrpi V mil rinTrerlrtT if Hr 1 «ji • volvff. Jiowle iKnlvta. leata. ricks, .v^e^y' , 01 . B!*ovei% r»n*. Gold Scales. Bl*Dkrt«,and- ■ 'f' „• ‘?«llktodaarinlii»^toole;Powder.6hot>dp i lj>niv i . generally. A;utv - l- w ~ - Xor St. LquU Shot. Sole Arcnt rot H*t- . . ! • . hrd'a powder. -GEO; T. ABBEY 18R • apTjy • "t- ---Coal,' jSStoolJj. ;s«y ; ; i t'pOAL :!—a large:• . : itockortTie followlcgxarlrtlt'i of Co»L which 1 £ , f uaprepared wen Greened hrtd;dry (Croa - : f 1 :: uadershedaj-at the LOWEST MaEEET-KATES:; -• : Lamp teUeh, ' ’ Brier Em, " » i Larse and Small rccX-thick,-'' Die, - ••-• I, Large trod SiaaHKggScraatas. -Blotoborg,. .i ‘ I.arzc end Small TgC Shamotln. Chippewa. - ! f - AlfojOOion* PIG IKuNrBcoU-heafl-Accrlcan. r : ytOCoFriRE BRICK for-sala low to c«h or prompt - 1 £ — r j 62 -- - XjaJlce* Btro«t --- 62 aieson & tunuTACßazss.iiniwßOLßSAiJi SKAUcaa or BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. SO. :LAKE STREET. CHicico, m_. Ws would rwpfctftjlly cal! the attention of CUr and Coon try Merchants to oar extensive stock of Coots and Shoe?. which ire have now in ?tore, and are dalle re ceiving from eor. Factors In West .ItovUlon. •which consists of a foil assortment of those Celebrated Custom-Made Patna Kip indCalCatxl Grain Water proof Boot?; together with a i ; stock of allstvlesof C. C. COOK & CO., (gseeeesors to Batcrlea, Cook A Co J Wholesale Grocers AND DEALESSDf WOODEH. WARE* &3., .(•AS%C3 .state srnnrr. Its 4 18. rgniTAg T, BYBJT, ITO lake Street tnhSaXQ] ' •. ■' C. M. HENDERSON & CO,' uxcricmimmnsusi irninin ' Hare Is itore • Ur?elsad 'destraMa stock ot good* > ‘ which taeywlfl sell wy’eheap to cubsad prompt- [ ' paying trade. TTs are tbe Agents ICf . I tSlijplcsale Houses. FRESH FALL [WINTER' GOODS . A Fall Stock Bought at SRVAVIT/p.T P/iiC£S. Buyersare invited to examine the Inducements. BOWEIJI 33 33.0 ’*3 IMPORTERS AXD JOBBERS OP Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions ; &c.ydcc., 2cc. " KO. 72 LAKE STREET. 1860 BOOTS & SHOES. 1860 PEARSON & DANA, 49 Lak« Maaqftctarew tad Jobber* fa ; BOOTS AiVD SHOES Hare now tn «tor« a ftp offer to the Trait on tha nut farorahle terms. . Peal fra tn the above line of roods will consult thetr owniatereelbr«xamtߣoarsTock before perch aainjf elsewhere. at oar mono Is, Low rut sod small p rot la. • 1860 FALL TRADE. 1860 COOLEY, FARWELI & C 0„ 42. 44 and 46 , WABASH ATEXBE, D li'l G o ii I> s Jobbers. 1860 FALL TRADE. ; 1860 Bartlett, , .. , j • J , FIELD, BENEDICT 4; CO^ ' ’ Noa.Bl and 38 South Water street, Iznportcirs and Jobbers of Goods ... .. ,Ibr Alea’s.'Ware* .Tkerittaow dalle ireelrtofrthelrosoallareoaad railed ttocttor UieFWl Tr*de, to which.they larUo yotjr attention. .Their stock consists la part of Broad, cloths, or all colon and prudes. UUck and Fancy Cm tlmeres, Black and Fancr Pocsktei men and phiric Pilots. Black and Colored Moscow Heaven, Brown, Black. Bht«*nd an colon of Castor Beavers. SUk and Nalentia VesUoeaofallKradrt aodstelea. BATISKTB of all grades and styles* jilso, a tail aad cocipleto stock of Tailors' Trimmings. . .NO. 30 SPOTTY MfOBT or FAaHIOKa. I X PLA T K AX D ! HARDWARE. . We offer the following at the. loweat oiartrt .nttA.. 8,0» Boxe* Tla Plate. assorted three. --- M* - ** ■ ftoaeia Sheet Iron.*»• 100 “ Imitation Street Iron. 100 raet' ‘•heet Zinc, assorted width*. , B,ouO Lbe. Brazer’* Copper, R. Lbermsaetf Coppercottofnc • ’ 1.000 imndlee Wire, assorted Noe.OtoW. S, Kcjs Nil Is, Wheeling and other prime brands. - A fall assortment of Hardware. Tinners* Tool*. Ja. ' \nuun BLAin a. Co., m 4 _ No. 173 Late itreet. J^ABeOCS'fcKSEK," ; — - ; 1 , Mahogany, Rosewood and Walnut; AIM) CHAMBER ORRH ROOM Jl COMMOI FfIRIITORE IX GREAT VARIETY. Wood-Seat and Caue-Scat Chairs, Bedsteads aad Bureaux. • School Furniture on hand and to Order. tJT particular attention paid to Conner; Order*. Uaifl-ato iJaiUumj-aiUi.aSxtljaiiijt’. QID ’-BLACK _ STAU LLS'K Liurpool and Xew York Packet Ships, Eainncontlxißlb and 3Uh of escb month. SEW VOSK, LIVEKPOOLwad CORK STEAMSHIPS. aal:lns from New VorteTcrvSaiurday.amliromUTCTpooUcaiUus at Cork) cttiT Wednesday. DRAFTS 05 , LIVERPOOL '-ABB IRELAND. JVtJerrTWUnff'the oWcoaotry, onrbMoytoscnd fbr thrtr ftiesas. e*o purchase ticket* »l reduced throa£trr»te9. Drafts on Royal Rank of Ireland, and Liverpool, to say amount*. Apply to wilHams at r.cioy, •jysecon.iy _. ___ » Dearboraytreot, HOUSE OF B. P. CARVER & CO., marine Bank, Building, Comer lake and Lssallc Streets. -A ccccxal Hanking Business transacted. 0c27-6J-Ijf JgXCHAiNGE & DEPOSIT-BAXK CAEPEITTERr < BTIBBS S CO.. (Successor (o Wearo, Carpenter A Co.) Cedar Baptds, lowa. ‘. Bcrtsmcei—Read, D rex el a Co„ Neir Yi'rk: Hoff coo & Gelpcke, Chicago. ' la3Jcli-Iy A IKEX & NOKTON7 • " XX baneers-and dealers in exchange. * Corner or hake and Clark Streets, Collection* made lo all the principal cltlss la the U. S, x, ixta. ' ’■ iiona*. xmnuis bcbju' ; CJ«"-iy] ■TPDAV. I.- TIXKJIAM- <t CO., JLi J TUrine returned to their old stand. CORNER OF LAKE AND CLARK STREETS. _ i . Will eontlane their.hnelnens a* BANKERS AND EXCHANGE DEALEBS. , Exchange on on pans u Europe. SDrxaot.Ti)>Eius. i#2jsß] jobs a suslzb. MARINE 'BANKj CHICAGO MARINE A-.D IXSCEAKCE CO. Capita!, 5500,000. " ' B. F. CARVER, C.uhler and Sccretarr J. YOUNG sCAMMuS. President. . nude anddmna remitted to allparts of the Utica.- ■. .. • • . . . • . felt l-JOFFMAXy & GELPCKE, ' i . .. . .. • * * l iITinTPTSi ~ iVand 40 la Salle Street* BANKING DEPAHT3TEXT. - Deposits received * Ccrrent Accounts from parties In die or coaotry ;rd the- o«nal accsnrniodatloo* granted to recnlar •cjltorsanleonrspoodentr. Interest on bala «it can only 1»e allowed In cares where special entstinrebeenTnadMothateffeet. We receive d»• t ftr. payable at a apeclfled date, oa which Interest*: i t tallowed. SAVING DEPARTTIEST. Denodtsiu'sl i tnot lcs< than flte dollar* reeelrM and Cenifl<*at2J t ! Deposits L**ued. Intere»t at *lx per cent, will be wed 00 depotlu of I’d* deocrirtioo af tertbe ftinds t: re remained In oar bands a sneeWed time. All cs *i teat'** made payable on demand, and In like food* at cposlted. i CQLLECTIO.V HEFABTHEXT. CoTlectlJ • In Chlcazo made and proceed* remitted On day ot : yment. current premium on P.xelwnen only. Coll: etlon* spirited on the We*L-**d ' proceeds entitled on favorable tcroot" * * - ; I , DO2HEBTIC EXCHANGE'DEPART* WedmwßtghtnrTlmeßllls.on the principal rides, of the Unfoa. nratlable la any part of the United Ptstea or Canada, and hare made amneemenu by which we are enabled to ordtr by* TeltfgnpVtae’txrt'taeai of Notes, Acceptances, Accounts, Ac„ la NewTork. STOCK' DEPABT3IENT. " We bar and sell on Comml-Jon. eltb-r at Chicago or through oar ArenU,' at Ktfw Tint, Rate. Clrr. County, RJlwnr, Ac„ Bonds and ft oak. Onr connection* In Nor York are such aa to Injure prompt, ataemlon to any Order entrusted to btor care. FOREIGN, DEPAKTHENT, 6nrbn*iM'*»aponaecittin ? VERY EXTENSIVE. and MOST ®nTM ATE, we feel aafe In as«crlnz t&e'ndiUe .that atllnnlrfr Banking transactions ran be ejected through our liou*e with promptness and efficacy, .equal m aar Hoot? In the union. TV'eVume Draft* ami Letter? 01 Credit la an tua joeoit. at New York term*, on >nr correspondents In .London, parts. Frankfort-on-lhe-Maln. Hamburg.. Ber lin, Bremen, Leipzig, Cologne, UeMelberg, Bade.tfente, Dresden, &c„ Ac.. ±c„ Ka. .16 418 Bcln~ partlccUrlT dwlromi ol promoting rtlrroi com mercial (ntetroarwj between the Went nod Eororr, ws Cheertullr. and on trrru* mnei favorable,extend par ticular feHlldee br opening credit*, *o, Ac.,to reapon. •tble Western Importers. OJlectloaa nf Dralla. Or . ders Note**. Acceptance*. Inheritances Ac„ Acu pavm. ble In any part of Cut«h*«« made with prcmptaeea and (UiPMch, t3T*Conntry Banks and Banker* supplied with For f tin mua at lo*r ruea. Private Bonds and M<mgac*a negotiated abroad. .... HorrmArr & assess, ruicn a. Bomtar. I orto cnroct. I aizx. x. club. Conml ot the Grind Pnchr of Saxe-Vetaar. the pscides ot Brnninrlek and caxc-Gotha, end the tree clu of Frankfort, and by ipedal act of several Prates, authorised to act for former eitizewt of AUSTRIA, DAD EX, BAVARIA. HANOVER; BESSIA, NASSAU, PRUSSIA. SAXON V, WiKTEIUJECO, OLDENBEBG. Ac. „ia£Ll*vty Bags— bags^34&s-;PA6s- CORX EXCHANGE [ BAG v KART. \STEN & CO.. 137 South XTater st„ Chicago, 1, E. K. CLAKK. A COITUS BTOUirtWm, JtewYork. | _ Mjscricrraud asd sialus b j 'Bacs- ot'Every description,- - >inier»*-and Grocers’ Bags'made and printed to order > tcltli bciutli'ol crandi. New andseeond-handSeanileaa Grain andGunnyltagufocS tapperMUlars.nadFar tnerVuse, Bags for Floor, dmekwheai, Feed, Rams, Bait. Seed. &e. Pr orders ill led-with tdeiily ud dispatch. • Bags loaned to shippers. mySdy ' QHICAGO- "BAG -AGENCY. 275 SOUTH ATER STREET* BS£MtESS GRAIN n AOS of Yarlina* alMs Ad qaalltlea. • FLOUR—Halrea. Q tiers, and Bights, printed to >orderofanT<l«airedpottc» „ */ UaM SaCSS—gieij slaQsed. -■* • ‘ £ - • * GUNNY BAGS—Two or Three Bushels. - commission Merchants, Millers. Grocers and Pro >tslon Healers will hod Joat the articles wanted In oar stoet Orders solicited. : lapl > , _ HAKKiyS,* , 'DAt&r : DAC* * £ F A R W S L L’3 J STEAX BIG fIAXTFICTOBT. * C 3 jr. n wo ? e a _ ' *o. 25 ymn nun. Chicago. BAGS,4TO£ACKS. ;jj Of every description ftarnWied on *fj ; B&on notice, end printed vltii £* 7 I Q f 61ME0S FASWELU 1 ui ' • —■ no .. , *1 'i i v • j Vtns'Ky::BAGS-aoo,QOO:L FOR v | jVX-.-: 1 ‘TOB *.r • -r -:*• I »U : B** *Saan£ietqryf r-T* • -.--V '•/ * ; BA3ft AtTEJf* CCC• - - [- ' : WWW- j AND AGENT FOB • BANKERS, * “ JttKNT. - iulvcis i. nomuy. *r 'i n i Hfgal ahbertiements. 1 ATOETGAGE SALE.—Whereas, ;}■"*• SltnooS.Tnioceaad KajrrC.hls wife. did OQ V‘®°,( A r ,ril * A - D - a», execute and deliverto T <ueoD W, Lsidjac*. cow deceased. tielr Certain mort ! E s £f*r c ?] 1 "X’ ,I 2. te t* l ' rt *? iimlW t/hreraJd, and r In Ihe Recorder 1 * office of ookC-Tcnpr. 1111- laoK tn boot a of mortgage*. paw CfT. *cd d'd there £y convey to tbe uil Jacob W. the pn-.jin n *®*d- to recur®tbe payment of faur err. ; Inlo promissory note* therein sarUcuLarir mentioned. •- Am ,L w terfttUwMprjTUedln aadby*ijdr*’ortg»ke. * that tn rase of drfruft It the payment of raid votes. . e-tl.rr of principal or interest. >a< made. the wh-d.' of *■ **. d Principaland tat-restshould Income dm- andrar i able. And Cm said JacobW.Lo«»l*m,bbbrink<*xkn. tor*. adnUnMratinor aft-'r twentv ,ur* n la ■ newsf a?er printed ta the rttv ofnilt-n-o, might sen as hereinafter noticed. thesaldpreniUes an-! allrtrhtaadecnlrrofredcnmdon.of the aai l 8i»on 8. Wlltnee and Mary C-h 1 * wife therein. An.L where a*. dcfanlthas been made In th« payment oftwoof .aald notes. and'of Interest on three thereof Now therefore. public rodee N hereby given. that the ur! aer*l?n<*,i. James t). I.ginmn and Vary I.u.iUm. ad mlaMraiors of th«* estate of Jacob tv. I.mUasi. do. cea*cd. win on Fridw. fbe*ivtee*ith dar of November A. D.isno.atthe honreflOo'etock a, w.ofthali!ar.«e!l at pnhtie auction.’at tiieuonh doorof the Court Rm J In said citr of Chicago. U> lbs hl«hest blitiler Ibr cash., i the rr<’nil*c». >o tho | cem<-r line of the Chicago and Creeu Car Rood, and 1 on thi* line . fjierrr Hepwoxth** Undrfraeaalng the line of Hmnr HepirnrtVs land at the date of raid } mortsae-.l and muffing west llTtl-3'cbalnr; theneo aontli 7J9 chain-*; thence east 1X791* ehana toths enter of the «aid mad ta the place of btslnnlns. cno. talffinrio sere*, and being part of m.rthwett quarter •sf sertloa S) township4l, ran-ell. In Cootc Conntr □.lnofeandaUrightaad equity of redenpttoa of ttie •aid Simon 9. WHtsee and Mary C. WUt«e« therein, to tnaie the amormt dne oa said note*, and the eosta end expense* of *nch sale. JAMES p T.trnrsy .• rblcaco. Oct.2lth. ISO. MART I.HDLAM, Admlnlstratorsof theestateof Jacob W. coated. the aforesaid mortgagee. 0c34-dS3-td Tbe above asla 1* postponed tOl Friday. December «t i. iWI at same hoarand place. cbicaco,yoz.i6ib.isea j.vmts d. Lrm.\v . . ‘ Sf.vr.T LCDL-Mf, Adminlrtratopa of tbe haute of Jacob TT. Lrdlam. d<v coated. . _ . , pol7-dt^-td AT OKTGAGEE!S SALE.'—Where « Juenh nnsaeh anil Mary TL HaaaeTL bts wife, of the Clfy of Chlcaro. and Ftate of Illlnola. d*d execute and deliver to the nnderelsned their certain indentnre of mortgage, bearing date the second dar of Jnlr. A. D. I KX V* sc core tbe patmenl of • rrrtnln prerr ry rnta of e.vcn date therewith, siren by the •am Jacob lm««et1 fhr The <nm of r«irt»<*n thousand Dollars. (gliJODlpsyahle live rracsafleetbedatJ* there of- at th* city Bank rf Boston, MassacboscttA, and pro- Tldlnr r?at thelntrre«e ther-on.whlch sbnnld be attha rete of r>-n ner cent, perannnm. should also be We at said ntv Hank. In Bo<ton. M-mt-annuallv. to-wit; On toe *econd day of Jaunarr a d JnW each la every year, which «ald mortgage U recorded la the Recorder** office of Cook Cmrrtr. Ptnte cf nilaots. In -Rook 45 of Mortgages, at pace MB. and. whereas default La* been mad* in U»e ravis-cjtpf the ln«tallm*ntnf*ntcr«tdue the«ocondoavnf.7.uhary. UVm. and al*o In tLo pav of th* ct r nf interest dne the second day of Jure.tsrrx wdb-n' remain unpaid- Now. therefore.mMfaiwdseii bere»wii<ysiL that 1. Jatie* V. Merrill. Trnatee and Mortgagee aforesaid, of thocltr of Boston andStalqnTALticachasrtte accord Irjcto t’-e terns of said mortzare. go hereby declare now due. fop reason rf faid deCisllln cayment of interest, ai d (list FshaU. In onreoa-eeandbr virtue of the power and artlioritv in me vested bv said mortgage, and fug the n*re and purpe«e* t’-ercln eipre*ee*l. on Thcredsr. the thirteenth dar of December A, P. I*o at eleven rerVvk In the forenoon of *a'd dav. at the north door «t K e Court House. In the rltr of Chicago, sell st pub lic auction- to the highest bidder fbr cash, the prrnd-es lO M’-l mortgage de»«riheil. to-wlt: a “That piece or psrrrl of land known and deserlbM M tt»t ftmr ft), tn bICCk seventeen (17*. In th-frer*l»o 9 l sgctlon fifteen (t'Vartdltloirt-* thertr of rhlrag-\ho- Ing.eighty (W) fret fronton Michigan 'arenne ar-l one taqdredard elshtr fe-t fisn> loderth to aKcr ta tbe-rear. aeconllng ti the plan recorded tn CoekConrv tv I’egl-lrr, with the dwelling and otheejm- euti Cierebn, JAMSS C. MEHRTU , ‘ „ Trustee Mortcaiee. <r. M-Paarxs. Attoraer. eeiiAlitu-U SATX—Wlicrrn.s *JL Hannah*, of .trbfon. iu tbs Flat* of Michigan. did -’n the J»l dav of liar. I*SO. rveent.' sod rtf aver to FIMcr. of tht* town of 'fanhall tn the State of >Hc!;lntn. » certain of mortgage to l?(orf the pifw»»t of thr** *>’T»r»l of>r*n •’;!*(* with «a:d mirtgaxe. far tbe vum of fifteenhundred dollar*each,raid notcabctnepavaMe t.>jo«opt| Mbl-v .--r • -cTt, onr alstv darn after date. <*?*> wv months after Cat**, and one In twelve month* -e*Ur date. with ! >t n-*t at the rate of u*n per cvntper %irtpn*: which *Md n.;rtgac.* i< r*cordr*u in the f’o -rorcit’i etllce of Jo Dnvlfvt manly book R of mort> k 1 ? B . on nsgc* '195 acJ SVC uUlch said mortgage wait • •n *!»• fifteenth rtar «>f werohrr. Ifjn. bv tlicsald J*>wph tinier, aligned to the subscriber; and wher* aa It w.%* nro\MM In S”Jby the term# of mid mortgage that. If dulanlt Iv* made la the payment of aairt promt#, •opr nules. r.r either of them, cither of prir. final or In. terfsf. or *V day nr da* a wh»i» the same shall become das and permM.vt'ie wholu of *ald principal and Inter, j«t! *cc;ircd M said notes should therm-poa lucotre 4i4 and parable, and said mortgage should be Immedi ately foreclosed to par trio same. >*»«■, therefore, rtffanlt having hcen madntn the par* mi nt of- t*m fra> of said n«*t—t, no part cl sale Indebtedness havfeig In—n paM, ancxrdlng t-» ILc t- rr-s of said mertgae*. public notice I- hereby given, tb t I. Horace J. Pvrri::. awtgvoe of mid mortgage, do -fbftsrhy declare all of said not * lasaid mortgage de. icnnrd to bo dueb- ream of said defenlt h payment, and that 1 shall, for the purpose of making tho monev due npoa sold note*, at the date of this *f. vert Dement to the aunt of ftv*r tV»nsenJ«avpn hundred ard twenty ilnflara and ssroatr-f >nr cecM, and In oc. c-nlatre with tliopowerln mo tested hv said mort* sr.ij ' *n-l tbt aiulyimi-ni thereof. I shall.’on Friday tlm tldrilcth dav of November, li*A at It) o’cl<k In the f''ren'cn.m , ii-atr-brtca- erlon. at tbe north d''or ol tho t'oart 11 jn*e. in the dtr. of Chlcvk°. to the highest bhiler f-»rca*lu the fallowing described tract# of land, *4t utfdin thoCot:i»trof Jo T'avlcss. In the Starem Ldt'. tla. and known and described a# follows, to wit: -Tbr northwest qnertT « f secilon Ihltty-tlve (fS); the south half of (h* southwest quarter of section twenty. elt]i bj>: thesouthweat quarter of section twenty.five i® h and the 9r>nthwr»rqt;artf r'of the s>*otbcset qnar ter: of section twcctrulro in town twentv.s|na SBd. M' sc three <;*>, east of the fonrth principal mcrl. Iht. bflnc lh« Mm# promises eonirrcdlo fhepartr Cf Ihe Sr-t partbv Carlo* Mecco and wife and all riehc and •••iidtv . f redumption uft)u* mid fleoren Hannah*. biO.-lr* and a-??r.>. HOICACE J. PKRHIN. Nor. JJth. Aaslgoea ‘ . Tli-. above mIo Is adlouravd to Fatorday, Dec. ?lh : I*4. at the same hour and piacc. ___ drl-tUTMU . HORACE J. PETOWN. Atilgnee. MASTER’S SALE.—State of UK col*. Cook County, 8. S.—Circuit Court of Cook ; Coa::ly.—l’ctltlon for Mechanics Lien. Frederick BranhTi. use of ts. n«>ary Mlibiv imbbe Notice U hereby g*v«n, that I, L. C. Paine yrfirr. Ma*trr la Chancery w f Coot County. State of IJUui't*. will, in obedlenn* to tlie mandate la a special executionLautdln Uie above entitled eaoae.oftbla rtaQ 1 . st-u at pnblte auctlnu.for cash, to tbe highest hid* den on the fourteenth day of lx*cember. A. I*. IMn. at 10 ji’clock in tli** foren(*on of that dav. at the north d-xir off'c* Court Ilt«u,*e. in the city of UJcagu. all the Jlutt, tbl«v claim and d-mand which- tbs saJ4 ilcfoadaut on the clgUCi day of March. A. L), l >37, had tn the prfTntv>s drsi-ribeit as follows to wit:—Lot nutibfTM'vecty-stx |T«H. in tt.e Canal Trustee’s Sub. dt\j?lon of the west half i- accpt tbe nortneast quarter ol tie southwest qoarter. and the soudteaet -miarterof ih'tnorUtwnaqnurlerf of Section flva (3). In Township tlilny.iuaecwxnorc* of lUage fourtauo tit), ease of thuThlrdPrlnclpal Meridian, in tbe CUy of Chicago, Oobbty of Cook, and State of HUuoK I L. C. PAINE FREER. ! Master in Chancery of Cook Conntv. Chicago. October-T-th. ISC3. ocJldJatd ■\f ASTER’S SALE.—State of IIU- Cotik Coantv. p.s - —Circuit Conrt Cook- C*»tnty. In Chancery. ►Ulim Granger vs. Paltbaxer Horn arid John Gray. Public votive U hereby given - : t>u«. Li pursuance of a decree enter* d In the above en. , titbit caase on tbe 3ub October. A. D. Kid, I, L. C. Pol no Freer, Master in Chancery of Cook County, will at tho hour of twelve o’clock meridian, moon) on tbe filth day of December. A. I*, fetid, at the north door of the Conrr House la tins City of t.bkago. County of «;ookafor*tialJ.»e!l atpuldlc anction. for euh.tJ»the bidder, allthe buildings of every kind standing on »nb.lou tlx «) aatfeMven t •>. aad ten HO) foetotf tbe. north *lilo .of sub-lot efe:ht. cat of.lot No. ttva (3) in theonglual town of Chicago, in the County «<l cook aforesaid. Tho purchaser the tenuj of sold decree, have the rlg&t to remove Ob said buildings frnm Uie premfees above described. • L. C. PAINE KUUKR. Master In Chancery. Cook Comity. Chicago, Nov. lyJO. nob^LMlld *\ FASTEIi’S SALE.—Stale. of llii -L.U. nuls. County.uf Cock. S. S,, Superior Court of CTdcago. lu Chancery. Mlillam C.Y«ung rs.Samuel L. Laartv Henry S.Miinrne, Jsascs w. Cocuraa. Uaorge Jjc Luynes Ulueoa Parker. Edward McConnell. Hiram A. Tucker, Henry A.amyibe, Joseph a. Sprague. Mar* ▼cl W. COoper. Web*Cer S.amehj.Carvl Young and the Cidcagro ilirUie amt fire in.iur.rucu Company. Pubue notice U hereby given mat in pursuance of a decretal order, catered la me above entitled causa tm me loin day of Nwetitb**. l-'Mk k Ira booiUaa U r In Cl-aucerv of the Superior Cocrt of Chicago, will cn the fifteenth day of i*«rcetab<r, a. O- l-««. at tea o'clock in Cie i.’r» noon of mat day sell at pttbUc Auc tion to.tie bidder ioccatu. at the north door of mu i.ourt House In tbo city of Chicago In laid County of Cook, Cio following described real (Mata. situate la my c;iy of Chicago, in the County of took fideucu of liUiioH.toWlt; . ruat portion of tbe Klogsbcrr Tract comraeadnff at a la tbe north Une •>( Ontario street, four bun dr«ua;:dnf y-rli led from tne e«*t line of said Kliig-bury 1 fact, meuce northerly parallel wim me eaitfine ofaald Ktngsbnry tract, one Mindrid and c:u«‘ fVOv i«t store or lets; to the snnta Une of g-'dgewhnt’s AdJUloa. thence westerly aloutc the south line ofsedgWica'sAddition twoimtuiml and mcuiy* cigi.t iiatj thence auutitesly and parallel alia thh cast due of »aiil Kime-buty Tract, one Hundred acd cue (i»>fcvtmorcor£so« io the norm fine of Ontario street: tsencu uuatcriy aioi-x theuorn Lite oi tmtaMo! street two t.uadrod and twenty-eight feci p> me pl:we of bcgtr.nlug. ASo Uiat portion of.tncKl-ssbnryTract commeoa lugatapolutbt tne norm linn ut Ontario street, wo buncrco and twenty-clgat u-u icetlroui me east Hue' uftuccaldhtug'bury tract: tbcaco Loniicrly paral lel win lhc'ta-l Une of said Kingsbury fraet.-ciie hundred and nine fort, mure or least Urine *o«Ut fine of tv-dgwickS Addition; Oteucti ae?icily along -tnet-iui'i line of Sedgwick* Addition. two baudrtd and l*cct} ;lgi.i fiSy Cei t; thence southerly and par ahel wimtiwt-eart itefr.uf’sbhl KiwJ-bu/y -trMloa* bondred and nine live) fit I. more or ice*, to She north line of Ontario street; thence «a»wrly along tbe north ILteofiinunuoreet. two hunorui tncuty-elght lih*) leetwihepUceofbccltaiUif, . Also taut portion uf the Eii.g»oory Tract oomnaoo* log »: a point m the bortn Une of JUoUrlo street, at Ua lnu:r-«eUou wttu tbv ease Lne of »ald HUigsbarr Tract thchce oortlicrly aluQjg the cast Ilne-of said Ktsgsburr'fraer ojch-wirui'-hdalne tnau fore more, or ic94, to tne somhime of Setfgaidt’e -Addition; thence wes4rrtv a<or.g the south uoe of AJdrdoa t«o Uondrvd and twenty-elgbt feel: fierce vostnrrly'and paraUeL with, me east Une of said King-nibry *ract one Unnortl and ctue <iwj fret uiore t/r U-a. (o m«i north IL.u of ObUrio strtrt: thcaee easterly the nort.l2 .cof OuUrlo»trs*l two Kwnimlaßd tweaij-elcht te«t Co Cic place of. bigiaidng. ,••■••• aim tlireepfonrtlia psrt of aid the fol ■ losing Ce*crtOrtUyWP*ccjorwrcftidfl*'dJUaaleln the city of i-uicogo. Charity c fXoo* arm State of litl ’toL*. to ttbl; Cbuunc.iclug li the centre cf Ontario s;r:.-t.atapolrrrrwohuciridand fifty <*M3'fcci ca-s 01 i.'ieeefitrvof t*artan-■street and running thence due last a!ar.g t i«v.>»,:rw cf nid Ontario Jinet- two ftao*. dnd and urty (_W/ feet; thence aortii m the north lina of Lu tUng-hi.r.- tract bundr.d anti dfiy-alue C.Zv feet, lucre (•.- l>w%rbicnce wen tloog tbe north U w of auld Tract two bnndira and fifty (•rw» fort; Uuaice-sw/;h one hundred x*rd 4Cty.claA feel, laora or it.—, io UiepUceof beg}a:rlng, •. . HLt htuTT* 11 liter In Chancery of lha Superior court ol Chicago. L>aC.d.SOTCSbeihclsoo. .. . noShICSAd . <T> RUS TEE ’ S SA L E.—Public JL notice U hereby slscn that I. Ephraim lagalK Irttjtea to a deed t.f trust, dated May jTiC'.-A. l>. COA ■ etocmed biylTredtrlok Koettger'and Cartiarine Doe- U’-r ci» wue. and recorded la tm* othceof the UtcoM.. «r o: coo* fount;, *utcof lltint>l<s‘lo lf>ok 115 of O-jrdi. tb\ wia. oa the application of Nathan Mar ble. ti:e h.->ldtr of the promb-ory not** specified in aUa itceU»l>v rasoo of defaalt lathe payments of cer-: Liin uur*-.imuafevaccrued onsaM not. - *. vH at pob- Uj auction. fbr.caao. fc> ue highest blJdfrat the aorta door cl tiC Conn House of tse county, of Cook. Id t. cclty cf Chicago on (be Cun day of December, A. I>. ten uVIiKUMi.e forenoon.aU-llnifollowing described 01 wttr Lot No.ilrnt In L!oc< No. Baetli la Ida tier’s Addition to.Col cvj, Al*<v a parcel of land cotmnenct«?at the sonth e*-t comer of se.tton f.m-one (lljncrtn of nu:~e twelve (12) rial of Urn. tniril principal- meridian j tncscc north cadefection■ Uau »tt and «n?venty-flve tiandmlths chains: thenea u est ami parallel to. tint acctlou line-twenty chalaa; laence sonta doretrsad hunrredsia chains; c«3lnm tbenoe north four arnjslxtf t«o hundredth* chain* to tac place of beginning, coo- Ulnlng> and t/irec-fourt;:* a rea. Also, com meuesoeat ta« said *ouil»-ea--t corner of sect ion tweo-’ ty-elglitCi?); Uiencc i si \ and fcirce-fourfcischain*; tneace-Cast thirty live andhityave InadrcdSis chains; ' lhcncr«onta nineteen and throe fourth cualss; tiu nce ve-t »h(rty-U*e. i)ftr-U»o hundredth chain*; thence nurti L.lneedidtaLu. tome place oi'Tiegina&ig. aim*. the fronttt, palf of lot No. eieTtn Up hi-block >‘b. seventeen (l.)ln Jofttwton j Snhdlvbins-of U>e east half cf the »onth-ea*t qualtcraf section No. *U (R/ lowr.iiilp u.lnr-alne (CurnondcTraacD fourteen «aac. of Hit third _crl:-clyal merldtaa. all of sati pafbtls-cf latd altnafe Eli* Coantvof Vookand sum oilllto*!*. •■' EiiUCAldl, LNUALLS. Trustee. Ac. . 'T'RIJSTEB’S. SALE. TVhcreh!, JL on the second dar of Angn*C A.-D. ’Jl'i-.T-ttnea Kenner and Catharine Kenney. W-*wift by «»-lr cer tain deed.of wriiln'.dnlT acknowledged and.rev.*-rd»'l la the Recorder's Office of the County cf ConK’ahi!. grate of EUnota. la Dock So. 179 of Deeds on Page;*V old eoovcy lo Cn aader -fened the lands and pretowd* Iffclnaner described In tru-t to tk-circ two certain;' •romlasoti note*»t°-wl re-One for_the *am of t-ao.OO, T> tab eto Nathan Mean or order, and fr> m which waa brasreaitJentdedncUd the.som f kid.3l-1 CO. aod-the oVitrforlhesamof PtLtlOO parable tuAUca A 3otto n or-Tder.andwldcii has been by them aadgurd to Jacob Aegrtt. amL-whewa*. default*baa been made In the payment of said cotes ard interest, and srplicatlon pa* been pitde .to mu by.the. legal. boldnabT Aldnotes{Stalltne-.-remise*so comeyed, ami toeadbtrlbbdcS) dtthh proceeds of »nch sale, ae- i conlla*fl» the term* of the trust in *ahi deed set -forth.. Now’:lr reform public, no-ico U here by riven thatby Tlrta-oiaaf oxlw siren in.aadlaaecurdince with the ’ termso. saUde-uloftmat UhaJloaSatTirSaT.theSd.. AST ofDecember, A. I>, -WM. at ten o’clock to tt-far©-- soonolinld<Ur.stthenorthfloor oft aCoartnouaa of »aM Cooaty.'la the City cf ‘ Mens© and suteatre*. a-n a -public anetioa to tljehlghcsebldderforeaeh ; yie prumi-ea In said deed of .rust Jstfr.lxd, -tzvuClt >r- - AD that certain plretta. parcel oCUmI and being m tn» * f Kyatmon, S ate of ißlcoto, a d d-irrlbed- a* follows, to-alt: Lot number-eerea »7). in BljJc n mber sdtj-aoven tST)‘of*aM-Town (viiisec) ot krantiton. as the same surveyed, amt Platts’, and recordrtl l;s the ttreor ter** otCw of said onntr of C.-ok. topslber •wiLb tie hereditaments - i tencHsißCbt-Aadappuneninoea thereto.bcloaeing, aadf alt James Kenny therein, -v - - yamep - treBSTER, Tresfe/: ‘ ,«.» k A l *". 3Legal aijbertisararats. TVTORTGAGE SALE.—TVTiercas. MorrisF.Cappcrariland F v. rnnn*m«n a«a •wlft, did on the fwaniy-flfu> dar of execute to the a certain niM «n power of tale to teen re the payment of a eertalartdiS meat note beariaj ovao dau* wiu »ald morwaie ft? the payment of the iota of one and dztr-flre dollars, tlx month* from date, which said tnort*a*e wm duly recorded la the R<fl«tfr*a offro of tn e coontro* Adam* aadSUteof WUconala oo theirth dar of Asrfl isno. la rot 5 ofmnrfea'eA pages •.'in an.ivg.aad default aarinz been made la the payment of said mm at the time am! place In aaUl mortgage aperirted. pnblie notice ta hcrebr rlren. that I shall on the »th dar of December A. P. li€o. at the north doer of the Coart Hoa«e in tha enuntv of Conk and SUte of Illinois at Iflo'clr*** - L. offer foe rale and sell to the highest and be-t bidder fo.- cash, ad the rt;ht and Intereat and equity of re> de-option of the «alj Morrt* F.Cnppernell la and to the following described property in *ald mortgage contain ed fo pay mid note, together with all coeta and charges, to -rltr The northwest quarter of the norttiweet quar ter >'f-section thlrty.flve I3SI In townahln Uitefen |lS| °* r*nc« number five f-t) east, containing fbrty I*o] aercbtnore or less, accordlni t>>the government snrrcr. j-J?o. that certain piece or pared of bind bounded as follows, fc* wit: Bezlanlne at the norlb cTJ7lf r . ot let number one [tJ la block number Hr® 151 In Jbe vtlllaac of Cascade ta me coontyof Adams ta of wiKonaln, and rnnaln? thence west to white ireck. theme north eight [H! reds to ihe nortli ♦h *• thence north eight rods to the north line of said block Are (ST; thence north to . tte »o«u> Mae of the highway leading from tbe sald ▼tlla.e of Cascade to Qnlney: thence castsrlr on raid Une of said highway to tbe n rtLeast corner of said block nnmbrr Are I Hon Jefferson street; thence south '^ c to the place of beglnnWg. cod- Ulnlng fonr-arthe of an acre more or lesa. witb all DQildlnss. and Improvements on tbe same, all of Mid real estate being situated la Adams conntr. State ot C. P. BB itfltT detda»td Mortgagee 'T'RUSTEE’S SALE.—Whereas, ;-L HawanM. Hopkins and * arah V„ hta wtft. did br Indenture dated September 21*t l«*.and of record la the Recorders Office of ro*>k Conatr, ininoN. in Book WX Page 40*. conrer tn Ha*bronek Paris v\ !* is an»l Ifi. In lock «. tn Hopkins* Addition to Hyde Park. In Orndt Conntr. Illinois, tn Trn«t to secure the par. meat of a certain note dated August 74th. ISM, and par. able to the order of w. n. r>. Callrnrter. fhr he tmet ronrhuiwredamtsixtT.foarand Si-’OO doUara. and la default of such payment to sell «aM premUea at pobllo aortlan; sad. ■where a-*, said Callender baa represented to the noderelcncd that said not Is long over due and remain* unpaid. Now. therefore, notice is hereby given that tbe ua> denlgoed1 Trustee at aforesaid, will seU at pnbllc ao»> tlonon Irldar. Janoarr Ith. w. at 12 oVloeknoon ot that day. at the north d*cr of the Court House.ln Ctd. cajo. to tb- high (tbLLlrr fur cash, on the premia** mendoiud tn «ald Deed of Trust nr so much tbereot as *4iall be *ufficleot ta par and satisfy said note. dotdXS td UAS&KOUCS DAVIA. Trustee. CTATE OF ILLINOIS, County ot kj Cook 9.9.—ClrcultConrt of Ccok County, Jaao. treTerr WD. Charles Macall -stcrvs, WlUlain B. He rick. Martha J. Herd k. LL* wlf-* and Jacob Herrtox lanilao of the »si.l WIHI im P. Herrtok.—ln Chancery .Affidavit ofthe non residence of w.utam Ikßerrloa Marttia J*. Jacob Herrick, guardian, dte defendants above named. La*log Uea filed t* IheciJct of the Cl-rk of said Ctrcoit Court of cook County S'*tli-* l-» T>»'*hr given p> the aa'd MTlitam B. Herrldf >MrttiaJ. H'fricr.Lfc* wife, and Ufrrick. guaa' dlan. Ac. thet aid corarUlnaiiU nlrd his bill of com tlal* tm aald Court, on theChanrers- Ode thereof a»“ lie ninth day of November. le£\ and that a summons thereupon issued out ofseld Court agaiustsald defend ants. returnable on tt>e first Monday of January aexz (1*1). a* U bv law required. Now, unless you. tbe said non-resident drftndust* •hall persoeaUr be and appear belhre aald Circuit Coor* of Cook County, oa ttie first day of tbe next tcra iherot V* be hrlden at Chicago, in said County, oc the first Moods* of January. 131. and plead. aa«werur demur to the said complainant* bill of complaint, the same sad the matter* and tilings therein charged sue, stated will be Laser* as confuased. and a decree eatetto. agclusl juo according to the prarcr of said MB. If Si. L. CUIRCB. Clerk, Svaar A laouc. CompTts Sol’r. uol^dlCAw OTATE OF ILLINOIS, County of kj rook, 9. B.—Superior Court of Chicago, D«eem tier Term. A. D. IWSO. Michigan Central Railroad Con- Jany and John W. Brooka r*. Elizabeth B. Borneo, emlrae Aon Borson, John E. Dnnon, Henrietta fT Bnreoo.Thomson £. Burton and Edward Bunco.—ta Chancery AlHdavltor the non-resldenoe of all tbe defradaww above named, havlnar been filed in the office of Ite t.lrrk of aald Superior Court uf Chlcaco. Nodes t» bervby given to alt the said defendants above ninsd that the complainants filed their bill of complaint In said Court. O" the Chanecrv side thereof on the Utb day of November. IW. and that a summons Uit-rcopou issued out of said Conrt azalnst aald r> torr.abls on the tint Monday of December next (laCCLi as La by law required. Now. unlosTon. the said defendants above earn ad shall penoraur bo and appear betnre said Snnerlw Court ofCblracuvfCook umr.ty, on the find day ot tho L«*Tt term un roof; tibeholrtt-natChlcafO In sala Cou-ty.on is® first Mouday of December, IM»X and ph a.l. answer or d“mart> Cie *ald complaloaut's hilt of I'oinplalnts. the NBr, and the mattm and tLlnn thrreln cbarseO aud staled, will be taken a* confessed, a dccn e cntcrrU aualnct von a-eoriltsg tn ths prayi rof said MIL vf vLTEH KIMUAI.C. Clerk. >S *teia, V*a Aauas ± Dasraa. Compl'u S^fn. 8011-dfiLIV globes. '-Kanges. &c. 'J'IIE GREAT ECONOMICAL HARD COAL BURNER. JEWETT &, BOOT'S RADIATOR. Laving aside all exaggeration. It maybe uftly said that the Kadlator has not Ita equal. The sale* are eo* tlnualty Increasing aa their wcrtl* become known, THE RADIATOR la warranted to yield more heat from a given qtiaatffiT of coalman any other stove of a comparative Ota, THE RADIATOR Has been In successful operation In tbL* and other cltlfin for the tut roc a Taauu; no other stove gives sneb go* era! satlifectloc. TUB RADIATOR lathe stove. Nothin? more Is ctala<*d fbr It than can be sabsunUatsd by the operation or the Stove itself. THE RADIATOR I* tbe Stove to bur. The testimony of hundredaof sup most prominent emznis has already established tbs reputation of this Stove beyond doubt TUB RADIATOR Is the Stove to nao. A continuous firs can be knt night and day Ibr the entire winter. TUB RADIATOR la a perfect Caa Consumer; emitting not a particle t» tbs room. THE RADIATOR la a* ornamental a Store m ever graced any parlor. TUB RADIATOR Is a labor saving aa well aa a fh«L saving Stove, reqnl> ing but little atteuMoo. and creates no ilnxi or dirt 1b the room; a great fevortte on that account. THE RADIATOR Is the Stove for all place* where heat it required. Hr all means do not fall to see and Day one of Jewett A Knot's Kadlator*. ThU great Stove, with acomplete assortment of Cooking ana Parlor Stovea for wood and coal. Uonae FumWung Goods,-Plated Warn, Table Cutlery. Parlor Coe! Vase* an i Coal Hods, Steel Fire Set and Standards. Dlowvr mends, Registers, Toilet ware. Bathing Apparatus, I Uni Cages. Door Maos TceTrayo, Chafing Dhhea. Bnt'hea, Frith er and coruleeDostera, JUX, with afUU assortment ot Tin and Japanned Whre, wnoleanlo and retail at tbe lowest cesn pilcus. Agency fbr the celebrated Combination Cook Stove with P.iTKNT BRICK OVKN. whkb Ufiee tbe preat. em over ell other*. - Call and see la Almj tna lipprovsiDeat Air Tight Cook Steve. : ; ALLEN A DALTON, ociff-d3Caa ' 71 Lako Street, Tremoot Block. giLALL COAL, SMALL COAXj Small Coaly . Small Coni, . Small Coal, Small Coal, MTST BE CSRD WITH MCST BE USED WITH LirTtEFIELD’S COAX* BCBSEBS. LITTLEFIELDS COAX. BUBNEBI. SOLD BT SOLD BT Van flchaacJc, 47’Stato Street, Chicago. * Van Sahaack, 47 State Street, Chicago. HoosekeeplarArtldea, tmyO G'rKWART’S COOKTN'G STOVE KJ sttt-1. aifpin. The 'acknowledged superiority of tie Stewart fito»a baa given rise U» nevera! Itnlla- Ilona. Tbe genuine article to for sale by C. Agent atVbHuti- ■trerl, between Tlonroe and Adams. AUi.a good asaorcaent of Übdsokeeplng Hardware and Tinware. . (spScd jj Scales, ■pjCRYEE & TORS YTH, XJ Huia&ctarlag Company - S C A LES FIRE * BURGLAR FBI e» A. as* ±3 Warehouse Tracts, Btzs*i ; rowf, Sugar >llOl, At ‘AC/SnSCßt;* _ oc3T-ASM4ia- ; 1& South Water SuCMeagow jJITCHCOCK’S I J*rrmiirm Seales I ■ • i MumAcMretTby ■ ■ ■ ■ jtDAH3 ft HXTCECOCZ, 8a s, CaiudnUf Clilcaeo, m SOWE'S STAND •ABD SCALES. ' |xnOS.S, DICSEESO.T, 1 VAiSW*bubAT«OQe,Chm;o l lll * il •• I.cttC Xp. Check Kale. .AU WcUoa neeiml oa Of mi B*p ' xivo-ir W ©nsttrs. TEVEN'S A WEBBER. | OYSTERS* TRESS TEC M DALTIMOEEEVERT DAT. 108 •" Budolph Blmt • 10S ry Order* from the eonstry *oUdted »nd promptly isfcodid to. oc3ir«l‘»w jj B. PIATT & I ’ OYSTERS. jrEoixiLTmorx asd delawabk bay. 6S - " - Budolpb Street • • ■ M 9nier*froiaUn»o»> jairypramgUj Mtaaiei t->. LftlA Crussrs. I> UPTIMES CCREUt. JCi ■ ::-.BT.TSE :. . . .fg UIBD RCBBCS’RIGCS 1 ’ |i in Him in in'" ' 'itwi iir^ ohKL twtiTli «m*tructl<‘o ud mate* hJ Doca bOt constantly proa on lna rupture, and thTreby give % c»U for atru** fop Ilf-. lUo moit truwca In Lse.eui preaacs In four pUom. bringing the part* to* fvfcier.iHuis nature *cl»*ulc to rare. widen U dor* iifceariyaU cm*c*. Does not pres* UPON* THE COt'.D, • orv.bstrocl circulation; oorer solla *ir corrode*, aud t» alvars oleaa and new.- Youn* person* aid ri-cjat C*T* aDra« Cured.- Rttplrtan* MJ It 1» ONLY VaaoSOPIHCAL TRC6B-IN URL. N«ue b.itlbow w*ohare*uff6t»lwUhUie totsery of rupturecau ap preciate Use ralua of;sTr us*. ■* An UlonnUM pacupuleveoiitaiolus ad particulars, sent Geeito any vye. Dv addrewiac Ln.SKkI.KT, TExclusive andßole'Arcatlbrthe Western State*. Uke»tr«t, .Post Oflec b0x*.353, Chicago. ■ IBn-iU. - . Vi hokaalo tradeanpplled as New York price*. - : ' " - ' • • JpfgMy painters. TEYNR& AOayi, Pn«o) and IkruraUvo - i> i.z; cc's: s ;10l lYashln-looruChJrajo. ‘ • FRESCO ASD DECORATIVE PAI-VTCJO. tn ihd tarlorv Plains Kalla and tibrarte* of fnt* .rlasi lieaidenccs. Also, the interior of cuurcee-. Pub* Ua Hal L*. acu In-Chkajo, lUlnoi* and other - "We a:so strict att naoa to the Graining of Woo# ,’aad Marukr* and soiMl your cr'ier*. eorfidcut of as cidlnir them to roar entire «at!*f*ct!on. nitin3le_ ;JBTKB;CsALMIM. 131 Sbucaripnal. • Hyde park skmsiiar V!NTS«TFn>f . , Coßimmcea cn of JonrtitTT, fiar fexcluslroof tnuOc) payaolft • _ -MBd. U, WAITS, mw*WL Syda Park, Coek County, CL w3T«wsS'r