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CHICAGO TRIBUNE. Tri-'Wookly and Weekly. KDITOna AND PROPRIETORS: £okk L. Seosm, Cbabub H. Hat. w11.1.1tl HBOS*. Jflltwl VgrirtT Alfred Cowl**. OFFICE SO. £1 CL.UIE BTIIEEI*. TERR* op the coicauo TiUBCJn: Dully, delivered In dty by carrier, per year., Daily, delivered In city by carrier, per week.. :a Daily, to Mail Subscriber*, per year 7.(0 Dally, to Mali Subscriber*, per tlx month*.... 4.iy Tri-Weekly, per year *.»*'] Weekly, single enbtcrlben I.r-y ** Seoplca *.(« M 5 copies n.“u “ 10 copies HU-) ** SOcopie*, and one to potter up of dab.‘AMO Money in registered letter* may be *cut u* at our risk. *ddrcM “ CHICAGO TRIBUNE.” Chicago. HI. Cijkdtp Sriiune, MONDAY. DECEMBER 17, IS6O. irxo Wall Subscribers. The date on the slip on which your name ie printed, tell* when your subscription runs «ui. Keep an cyo on It. PERSONAL LIBERTY LAWS. An anltle from the New York Evening Pott y on Personal Liberty Laws, which v. >• print on another page, hits the nail on thf* head. We commend it to the attention of all our readers. OX TUESDAY. It is a forgone conclusion that South Carolina will he oat oftheUnion as fura:»a resolution on paper can take her, on Tues day next. Her Convention meets 10-day. The Ordinance which will pronounce her separation from the benefits of the Fed end Postal System and the Judiciary System, is already prepared, and will unquestionably be put through to-morrow. To gel rid of the United States Revenue System is a mat ter of more consequence and more danger. Wc shall sec what advance she makes iu that direction. In the meantime, there is no occasion for sack cloth and ashes, nor for walling and tears, unless, indeed, the prospect that she will be brought back into the Union in which she has always been a pest, is a cause for woo. MOKE VIOLENCE, On Fridsij' evening last, a party of six men, who had just been driven out of the South, after being subjected to almost in conceivable indignities, passed through this cilj on their wav to Rhode Island, where most of them reside. They report that, in the Colton States, the mob, organized in vigilance committees or bands of minute men, arc making a clean sweep of all who have the misfortune to have been born in the North. If a half of what they assert is true, hundreds of Northern men are re duced there to terrible extremities. Whip ped and driven away from the places in which Huy have been employed, they arc making their way Northward, on foot, without money and in daily danger of losing their live?. 'I lie excitement against them is increasing in consequence of the rapidly rising appre hension of a slave insurrection, and though innocent of crime or criminal intent, they arc in a more desperate condition limn it they were in an enemy’s country. In no part of Mexico, during the Mexican war, would an American, though alone in the midst of ignorant and hostile y/vwt’r.«, have fared half as hndly as a Northern man now fares in anyone of the rebel! lons States. Y> o respectfully recommend the whole matter to the consideration of the House Commit tee of Thirty-Thrcc. Perhaps they may find in it cause of grievance almost as tedi ous as the failure to catch a runaway slave. 3IOKE U.VIOX-SAVIXG. We knew it would be so. Philadelphia bad an Union Meeting for the benefit of the pol.lical fossils ami the dry-goods trade; and New York was bound by nil considerations which regulate politics ai d influence merchandise, to follow suit. She has made a beginning. Ex-President Van Buren, the “ Northern man with Southern principles;* 1 Charles O’Conor, who is tho defender of Slavery hy choice; Augustus Schell and John A. Uix, Federal ofik-q holders, vuid umW.r oLUftilioca le «avc the Union, whether in danger ornot; Fernando Wood, the representative of New York morals; ’Ras Brooks and Washington Him:, the fug-ends of the rump of old Know- Nolhingism, ami a few other worthies of like kidney and equal consideration, to say nothing of Walts Sherman who saved the Union in the Fifth Avenue Hotel Commit tee when .To!m Brown took \ irglma; Corn stock, u member of the Albany Regency, and a few other eminent patriots, arc at it. The telegraph gives us an account of their domes, and we arcconlcat. We commend their pious and patriotic example to Ciilc.v. go. Let Mr. Postmaster Cook, Collector Strother, District Attorney Filch, Marshal Hoyne and such others as they can muster, including the two hundred an i ten Colo nies of Cook county, come to the rescue! let Gen. Beauhien he sent to South Caroli na forthwith, or, if he can’t go, Buck Mor ris will do as well. There is no time to lose. South Carolina holds her Convention to-day (Monday) and to-morrow will go out by resolution. Can the Union be saved by telegraph ? If so, lei the Union-savois lose no time! TOO cooo'to HE TttlE. It is incredible that Mr. Buchanan will, during his administration, do anything to merit the approbation of his countrymen; hence we fear that the rcquirl which conns to us from -Washington, that he has sent, or is about to send, the Sloop-of-war, Jiiv-u,- lyn, to Charleston to assist in the defence of the United States fortifications at that point. Is one of the thousand omard* whirls any public l exilement is sure to hatch. If true, however, we arc approaching the end of this miserable secession business. An imposing demonstration—one which would prove to the little nest of traitors who are plotting the destruction of the gov ernment, that when they go out of the Union, they must fight their way out—would settle their hash in a fort night, and give the country peace. The supposed immunity against bloody conse quences to follow their treason, has made them confident and hold. If they could be made to dream of hemp in their unquiet plumbers,and to breast threatened pecuniary and political ruin in their waking hours, their assurance would give way, and their rosv visions of the felicity to be found hi a Southern Republic, would be dissipated. We reason from individuals to communi ties—from the Bobadils in Congress who give fighting men, though tiom the North, no occasion to complain of their plantation insolence, to South Carolina, the Stale in which Uohadils are both hom and made. Like an unruly and forward child, she needs the birch; and it will bo only an encouragement to all other disturbers of the peace. If she fails to got it. Under Sir. Buchanan's hands, the punishment would not be severe. Let him inflict all that his tender soul may dare, and he can he pure that he will not go out of office as wholly despicable as all men now think him. Mr. Dcfrcc*’* Plan. [From the Indianapolis Journal] Editohs Joituxal A few day*, ago. in the hope of contributing something toward quiet ing the passions of the people, and to assUt reason to again assume her sway over the minds of men, I. submitted several amend ments of thcConstltutiou to the consideration of gentlemen from all sections of the country. They met the approval of many who arc re- S trued us “extremists” on the Slavery ques* on. That they may be discussed by the pub lic, I give them to you for publication. They are as follows; AHTICLE I. {l. Territory may be acquired bylreatr. bm not otherwise. $ 2. The white Inhabitants of any Territory numbering twenty thousand shall bare the right to elect all officers necessary for its government, nn der rules prescribed by an act of Congress: and the Legislature thereof may determine whether to recognize Slavery or nut during Its territor al existence. {3. Whenever any Territory, preparatory to Us aasumlng State sovereignty, having white Inhabit ants equal to the number required fora itepreseuta tive in Congress, and having submitted its Consti tution to tlie vote of the people, applies for ad mission, it aboil be admitted into the Luion. what ever may be Sts provisions in ruganTto Slavery, npoo an equal footing with the original State*. | 4. That Congress shall not interfere with Slavery where it now exists under sanction uflaw; nor shall it prohibit the transportation of slaves from one Slave Stale to another. VOLUME XIV. The first section makes constitutional, iu the future, what in the past we have done in defiance of the Constitution. The acquisition of territory ia an act of too much ruagnitaii-j to be done by joint resolution, (as iu the cm e of Texas,) and should only be accomplished under the solemnity ot lrea*ty stipulations. What is yielded by the second section? Tire man who thinks that Congress has the rlirh:, under the Constitution ns it uow exists. ;o prohibit slavery in tbc Territories, and tl e man who denies the right, simply consent jo authorize the people of tbc Territories to determine the matter for themselves, is that unjust or unequal to any portion of tbo country? What will be Us effect? No one, not even Mr. Yancey, supposes it to be possible to mai c any of our present Territories into Slave State* eyuu in the absence of Congressional rcstrie- Uon. The most extreme restrictionist* do * nut propose to apply the restriction to org-i'»* Ized Territories. The bills submitted at tbc last sosblou of Congress for the organization of new Territories do not contain a prohibition. All the territory now in our possession, W therefore, secure to freedom. , If other territory shall be acquired, the peo ple of the future may be presumed to be qul.e as wise, as patriotic, and as capable of seL-iro v cniment,:s those of the present lime. la:n willing to leave the question with them, to set tle as may be deemed right under the circum stances which may then exist. Some may object because “ slavciy ” is men* United. It is raid lint Mr. Madison did not desire the word‘‘slave** In Ibc original C*»u titution, because he was unwilling that futuri ty sh< uld know that slavery existed in the Uni ted Stairs. Did be suppose that History would till to record the fitet ? It is too iuev orable for that. It is a reality, and as out-a must be considered and controlled. The third uud fourth sections make consti tutional what many uow think doubtful. The Constitution, so amended, will secure to the people of all sections all the rights for which tin y ought to contend; and then modi fy the fugitive slave law so as to make it lt>* obnoxious, (and thereby more effective,) and public opinion will soon repeal all the person al liberty bills. This accomplished, and the same feeling which existed among our fathers Mid be revived among their children, and we skui soon wonder how it happened that wc ever permitted ourselves to be so estranged. Thn prayers of those who founded the Re public ascended to Heaven for its perpetuity, and 1 am of those who believe that the God of the Universe means that it shall be pnnrrrr al! J. D. D. Washington, Dec. 10. Later from Texas. [From the N. 0. Picayune, llth-J The gleanings from the Texas pajiers ar.s small and uninteresting, with the exception of what define? the character and eamcsineta of popular feeling against acquiescing in the a I* ministration of Lincoln. Scarcely a paper lu Texas but what is in fi ver of prompt resistance, c*n he found. Every mail brings proceedings of accounts of the raising of the Lone Starlit', and the notes of preparation for a change of the allegiance of the State. ’* * We need not make extracts to show tbs current of public feeling in tbat State, forth, y would bui be a constant repetition of the sana action. It is true, a strong feeling that somcthh.g may yet be done to save tbe Union, though with iiut little hope of success, is manilcsu 1 by a respectable number of Texans, fallu.g plainly, however, below a majority of the who.c people. Both elas/es of thinkers in Texas, plain’y arc hostile to union with the South in m y new Confederacy, if separation from the j iA rent Union is once effected. This idea is s«.< n in all public action, and in tbe utterances ..f tbe press. Tide nummary of public news will indicate to our readers at home aadnbrnad tlie progress of the J evolution in the Lone Sh.r Stale. Guarantees.— The Marshall KepuUica.i, which has not been a very moderate paper,« u the Southern question, give? the loiiowhg as sufficient guarantees of Southern rights m the Union, and believes if they were granit d by tbe North, accord might bcVeatoreit: 1. T** repeat their auconstltntioual enactment* DUillfyiiic the fugitive slave law, and to provide for its fuirre enforcement. i*. Thai in* more Abolition petitions shtll bepicv settled, or At •jIUIuh *pcvc2ics made in Congm-*, because, wiiaoul this. It it folly, umi woreethmi folly, to talk about the question teing settled. G. To renounce all idea of abolishing bltvcry anyvherc. 4. Kqunl rights la the Territories, and the pro tection of slave property, in common with eu.-y other species of property, whereverthejurlsdlcth ii of the Federal (jovemtuent extends. 0. The admission of slara States equally wi:!i free Siam*. Tjic Convention.—A movement is curnei t -1y made in most of tbe comities, for a con \cstt*n» called by ppwUwM^:*.' ly convened iu extra sebsiou. It find?, how ever, considerable resistance as a revolution ary action which it is dilficult to to justify, and which may lead to disastrous conse quences. Homespun.—Many of the citizens of Texas arc pulling otf everything of wearing apparel that is manufactured at tiicXotTh.nud coming out in lull suits of humciipuu. Tbe Northern manufacturers may make a note of this. A Canadian View. [From the Toronto Globe.] The Southern View.— One of the mo l difficult tilings we know of is to form an accu rate opinion on tfiepresent condition of Amt r lean attain*. It lias frcqicntly happened atmmg>t rust democracies, in times of gre: t public excite'incut, that the opinion? and feel ings of a majority of tho people have been misjudged, became it has been in the power**!' a few to conceal ull those things which they do not desire to appear, and to 'palm off tlmsr own wishes as those of the entire community. Tlie waters of the South have been violently stirred, and ns a consequence the filthy sedi ment—low enough in peaceable times—has been brought tot tie surface. We can see noth ing now :ui froth and dirt. The most grind ing tyranny which at this mrment troubhs any portion of Europe, is now here equalled by the mob-biw of the South. In Vettetia itself the Austrian gem d'urn.t would not dare to maltreat the people as the citizens of the Uni ted Stales are, day after day, week after week, mated in South Carolina, iu Georgia, Louisi ana and Alabama. If any potentate, be he who he may, should venture ‘without trial, without legal proof, without reason, to tar and feather tin Ameri can ; to whip him mercilessly, to ride him on a rail, to commit upon him any one of the nu merous indignities the “ wean whites-” of the slave States arc such adepts in; throughout the Bulled States, from the boundaries oT Can ada to the shores of the Mexican Gulf, there would be one unanimous cry for redress. And yet no man from the N«frth, unless sealed with ibc Democratic stamp, can now venture into the slave States in safety, lie might go to China, to Home, to the King of Dahomey's possessions, and be sure of civil treatment; but let him not venture within reach of the American chivalry, for if it he bnt suspected that he holds anti-slavery opinions, no merry will lie t-hmvnhim: he may esteem himself happy if he escape with his life, after sundry buckets of tar have been applied, and sundry' doncs of cow-hide administered to him. Into the benighted regions of slavery no truths can he got. E\cry Republican newspaper Is ex cluded with a rigor unknown even to the des potic governments of the old world. Alt the avenues of inionnation arc closed; mob law reigns supreme. \Ve submit, then, it is perfectly possiblothat the men who ore making all this stir do not re present the opinions of the majority in the se ceding Slates. True we hear little of these lat ter; but they dare not sperk, even though in the majority. Neither dared the people of Pa ris speak w hen n the great revolution a small band of ruffian* were hurrying their best and bravest to the block. Sure we arc that South ern men ofintclligcncc, men rajndde of reas oning, men acquainted with the aspect oi af fairs beyond their own immediate town or vil lage, cannot be along with those who believe half the people in Uic free States are already starving because the South Carolinian bank* are stoj>j>cd; who believe England is ready, ti*r the sake of cotton, to give an armed support to the secessionists; who believe that Northern trade will be dc-troycd and Northern fields go imtllled, should a few Stales leave the Union. Yet these are the stories told to half-witted being* by intriguing politician*, who, seeing that while the Union is preserved they iiavc no chance of office, wish to shine as bright partic ular star* in a minor and pro-slavery hemis phere. No greater tax has been placed upon popular credulity since Jock Cade promised such plenty in England that it should be made felony to drink small beer.— Toronto Globe. Interview with Sir. and 3lrs. Lincoln, Kev. T. L. Cuvier writes toThe £t>angdui concerning an interview with the President elect and his wife at Chicago, Illinois. He says: After seeing how freely the people gathered at Mr. Lincoln's parlor door,and how familiar ly they knocked thereat, 1 took the liberty of sending in my card, and was Invited very promptly to his apartments. As soou as I en tered. the *• man with the patriarch's name” stood before me—not quite so tall as the Ken tucky giant, and not quite so thin ns Barnaul's live ’skeleton—but certainly quite tall and lank enough for gracefulness. He does not look like the melancholy prints in the shop windows. Homely as he Is, (that is the very word, homely—a plain, homespun, home-lov ing, unpretending character) his face is not unattractive. His eye is good—his bairglossy —bis voice lias a clean-cut distinctness, that must make him a pleasant public speaker. His manner Is exceedingly genial He grasped mv hand warmly—put me at case by a cordial recognition, and led me at once to the other side of the room, where sat a refined and not unhandsome lady, whom I soon found was “ the little woman down the street ” to whom he first made known the news of his nomina tion last spring. “Here, xny dear, is *” was his homely Introduction; and I was do mesticated at onee. She will do the honors of the White Home, I doabt not, gracefully. They seemed a whole-souled, unpretending couple; drilled cordially about the churches, pastors, c., <tc., and did not betray the slight est sense of having lost their -balanbc by sud den promotion. Of Mr. - Lincoln, the politi cian, I say nothing; bat Lincoln, the man, I was delighted with, ■ u Irrepressible Conflict/’ ( Continued.) The LurrJbcnnvn'tAdvertixer publishes the fol lowing letter received by a well-known firm iu this city: ** Lak PnovmESCE La Not 131STA. 11 (Chicago Meters Wood Henderson Si Cornwell Dear Sirs As wo Intend to pass a Late Repn di aling all debts to Northern fanatia, and Aboli tions It. wcl bo necessary for you to Show a Ciean Shirt ***** before I pay you for Ibe Span of Mules for which you holld my nolo for. with Hayes & Guest as Shurityn I£ your ar Right on the Goose let me hear from you as your.Viknce will be taken as Judge ment a gainst, you and the money with he—-Ml If all Right the money will be paid yours very Respectfully N., D., Ingraham V S will jou tak a Nigger Established Religion of the Cotton Confederacy. ■While cotton politicians are busy in severing the bonds of Union, and settling upon a plan of government for indepeudaht Gottondom, It t,ei*ms that the Episcopal clergyman arc not asleep, uor so far carried away by the.political excitement as to tight of advantages to be gained by the Episcopal Church. It is rumor ed, and we give the rumor for what U is worth that letters pr circulars have been : addressed in prominent Northern Episcopalians, stat lug t hat. In the event of secession, cflbrts will ,lm made to make the Episcopal church the estab lished church ofthe new goverameut. Such Is the rumor, but like thmuond* of other ru mors In these exciting times, it may have no foundation. —Sjmngjkld Journal. Vert Conciliatory. —A gentleman of De troit, a supporter of Lincoln, writes a very kind letter to Gov. Gist, inviting him to ace how kindly disposed the people there arc 1o the South. lie offers entertainment tree of expense, and says if Lincoln Infringes on iu»y of the right* of the South he will abandon him. Too late. —South Carolinian. THE CITY. New Year’* Addrco*. *35 will be paid by the Dailt Tribune for the best written New Tear’s Address, of from one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty hues, to be scut In by the’ Sfltb of December. Rejected addresses returned if desired. Ad dress 6. R. Brackett, Tribune office, Chicago. Shields’ Sociable. —The Shields Guard give their annual Sociable at their Armory lu Board of Trade Block, this evening. Tirr Weather. —We are in the midst of de lightful winter weather. There Is not snow enough for sleighing, though in the interior ot ttle State they are handsomely off in this re sped. Forty miles west of this city, in tile Fox River Valiev, the sleighs arc slipping about merrily. Gough o % London. —Jolmß. Gough will de liver on extra lecture before the V. M. Associa tion, at Metropolitan Hall on Monday evening. This will not be of the regular < ourec, and sea son tickets will not, therefore admit to it. III? subject is “London,” the second aud last of Id:, course on that theme. Still Another Innocent. —A country ex change gives the details of the recent fleecing of a man named Ross, from Clinton, DeWilt county, at the St. Louis, Alton & Chicago de pot in this city, 1 ait week. It was done by the confidence game, ami the victim paid his whole pile of over *2O for the moral not to trust strangers in adepot who seek to borrow money. £JP*Mr. Gough gives his second and last lecture on “London” before the Young Men’s Association, this evening, at Metropoli tan Hail. To prevent a rush, the ticket office will be opened from So'clock A.M., and the seals in the hall will be arranged so as to acci m module as many as possible. It will be an in dependent lecture, and season tickets will not admit to it. Run Over nr x, Street Car.—On Friday evening a young man named Thomas Briggs waa run over by a Slate street car, in attempt ing lo jump on - while the csx vfas tfndcrhuur* way. His left leg waa badly fractured and lac erated below the kuce. He resides on Michj gan avenue. Urt. Hitchcock and Tucker dressed tho wounds, and the limb will be saved. It is a fair warning lo all to exercise caution in leaping Irom cars In motion. A Bcauthttl Testimonial.— We were shown on Saturday, an elegant oauc manufac tured by the well known jewelry house of L. Nowlin & Co., at Oil South Clark street. The massive gold head of the ebony staff, bcarlug the following inscription, “Marlin T. Sweet, by his Republican friem a of Stephenson Co.” It is an instance ofcaning where tho recipient well deserves all he gets, and the present docs credit to the donors and to the taste and skill of the Chicago house who furnished the same. Noth Side Skating Cum. —We understand a number of skaters from the North Side me: on Friday evening last, and formed a skating club under Hie name of “North Side Skating Club.” The following named gentlemen were •hosen to bo its officers : J. O’Neil, President; J. IL Dixon, Vice-President; Sam'l D. Childs, Secretary; J. Barrett, Treasurer. It is their intention to meet in friendly con tact with any other club that is now, or may be funned, at any of the games usually played by skaters. Philharmonic Socicrr.—The friends and members of this Society need hardly to he re minded that the second of this delightful se ries of monthly concerts comes off to-night in Bryan Hall. Tbc programme presents great attractions and Is perhaps one of tho finest ever offered to a Chicago audience. It embra ces compositions of Mozart, Beethoven, Cha pin, Mendelssohn, ‘Wagner, Litouf and Doni zetti. Wo advise all to be In their scats early as the concert will commence at 8 o'clock, punctually. There will be a general rehearsal tills forenoon at 11 o'clock in Bryan Hall. Members can obtain extra tickets at 50 cents each at the office of Messrs. E. I. Tinkham Co., corner of Lake and Clark streets. No tickets will be sold at the Concert Hall. McVicxcn’s Theatre. —The great legend ary drama of “ Faust and Marguerite ” will be produced this evening, at McVlckcr’s Theatre, with entire new scenery by the excellent ar tist, Wbytal. It is said to be one of the most effective plays ever produced. Dramatized from the German of Goethe, it abounds in thrilling situations and wonderful mechanical effects, all new to a Chicago audience. The manager has procured the great “Drummond Light,” which will be used to add to the gor geonsness of the Tableaux. The last scene is said to be wonderful, occupying the entire stage, and changing from a sombre cburch to the realms of light and beauty, with Marguer ite supported by angels between earth and heaven, In a superb tableau brilliantly Illumi nated by the Drummond light. From what we have beard ol the success of this piece lu other cities, we predict for it here a long run, and trust tbc manager wilt be compcnsatcdfor his liberality In prodaAng Itl What Makes the DirrcnmccE?—Suppose some poor man of large family and small sti pend should petition the Common Connell fur leave to build his oahin In the street, fencing off an odd end of the latter for the purpose, and should proceed to raise melons and cab bages in the little patch thns accorded him in bis poverty, would it not raise a blast of dis satisfaction, even in the asking that would give the petitioner leave to withdraw with a celerity akin to that described by the unfor tunate lover who was coaxed down the front steps of his Dulcinca’s domicile by the double soled boot of her father? Decidedly the re ception of that petition would not encourage a very lively procession of similar ones in its wake. Why should it be otherwise when a wealthy warehouse man comes into the Council and asks the City Fathers to give him a street to his own use• nd behests. And yet this little favor of precisely this class came near passing, and was actually accorded to Mr. Stnrgcs? by the Alderman of the Tenth Ward in his re port on the matter. Fortunately the million aire was disappointed by the vigilance of other Aldermen, and North street still remains in tact to the West Division. “There Is many a slip, 1 ' is an old proverb, and we know of no more reason why streets should be given to millionaires for warehouse sliys,tbanto poor men for cabbage gardens. If to either, we fa vor, decidedly the claims of the latter. CHICAGO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1860. Tbo Bridge Conspiracy Case. The arguments of counsel were continued on Saturday In the case against Bissell in the Recorder’s Court, for alleged conspiracy to burn the Rock Island Railroad Bridge. Tuc case -was given to the jury at S o’clock P. M., and in two hours they came in with a verdict of “ Not Guilty.” A Beautiful Invention. At the Sugar Refinery, on the north sido of the river, there is in operation an attachment to a steam boiler, which unites wonderful sim plicity and success of operation, replacing the pump in feeding boilers, and doing away with all the various and complicated movements and appliances to such end. Wc had heard before of Gilford’s Injector, and have read where It ha* been described by high authori ties in steam matters. An opportunity is giv en as above for our citizens and practical men to witness it in its beautiful and perfectly complete utility. Messrs. Walworth, Hubbard Sc Co., No. ISI Lake street arc the exclusive agents for the Northwest, and by them the Injector Is being introduced Into an use it will rapidly extend and widen. , Tbc Gifiard Injector was invented by the Frenchman whose name it hears but a few years since, and lias been adopted extensively in Franco and England. Messrs. Sutlers, the well known machinist* of Philadelphia, con trol the patent In the United States, and have erected extensive machinery for the manufitc turn of this instrument, for which they have already extensive orders for locomotives and boilers of every class. By means of a small brass, cylindrical In strument, with three iblct or ontlet pipes, and two valve handles, one working within the other, water can be drawn from a moderate height or distance, without working piston or other force than the mere velocity of a jet of steam, taken from the boiler and forced in grain below the water line. A steam pipe is taken from any convenient part of the boiler to this instrument; the steam pipe, soon after it enters, is surrounded by the supply water and the two are soon brought in contact and together then pas* through a reduced or conical shaped opening (in a No. 8 instrument only live-sixteenths of an inch in diameter,) the steam and water uni ted now pass through an open space, (literally in the open air, for you cm see .them in mo tion through openings in the machine,) into another tubo of about the same size and shape as the one they leave, iu which tubeisthua ated a chock valve to prevent the water coir, lug back from the boiler; this check valve p. moved and the steam and water together rush past it into the boiler. The water is drawn along with the steam upon the same principle by which a body of ‘water at rest will, when iu contact with a pipe through which water is flowing rapidly, through a small opening iu that pipe, join the water in motion, flovvng along with it. This instrument forces water into boilers al all times when the steam is up, requiring very little attention—is easily adjusted to the re quirements of the boiler by turning a lever ;o regulate either the water or steam supply, and the engineer can, at any time, aftcra little ex perience, judge of the amount of water passing by ibe position of the levers or handle*. This injection must inevitably replace pumps and on steamboats and other butl ers for forcing water into them, and we com mend an inspection of it, not only to tho-c who arc immediately interested in steam boil ers, but to the curious In seeing interesting and beautiful machinery. 44 Nothing to Wear.” A great Ball is to come off for tbc benefit of those who have “ Nothing to wear.” Ami this is a pleasing variation on the usual state ot facts, since, it Is no novelty for an uftilr of the kind to be gotten up and briskly participated in by those Just in that destitute condition, If the ladies themselves are to bo believed be forehand, when bn»y uillllueik and- mactau* makers drive their flying needles to relieve the positively shocking wants of this nature known to all male relatives of Flora MeFlimsey and her sisterhood. For this Grand Ball, according to its design, the entire order of things is to be changed. Costumes arc to be selected with a view to and on the scale of those whose perplexity is not between Paris robes, shining silks, and fairy tissues, but wherewithal they shall be clothed at all. Think of that, and they will think of it who, reading the announcement in another column, cuter into the spirit of the affidr ami once for sweet charity’s sake make up a Bail attire. The manager* arc not imposing a rigid rule in this matter. There is no strict regulation as to costume, but the cud and purpose of the Ballwill be best answered, and all its results the most valuable, the more nearly the fair ones and their attendants realise the idea of a *• Calico Ballthe ladies dressed in a fabric to which circumstances limit the larger share of their sex for life, a labric peculiarly a home aTair, the opposite remove from formalism and rules of etiquette. And to keep them company the gentlemen arc to remember that while clothing may be at once warm and stylish,a very large class in our midstare only too willing to accept,and yet 100 largely denied, the former quality. The Calico Ball invites everybody to re member the poor, and give not only their at tendance, but their ball costume to the same. In other chics these occasions liavc been most notable successes, and this, the first in our city, will doubtless show that, as is theirwont, a happy vein has been struck for the benefit of the Ministry at Large, by the Committee and numerous citizens who have selected it and sustain it as the almoner of their generous bounties. Tot the “ Calico Ball ”be a success. Let its returns be a large amount of liberal aid,astorc of warm clothing, which the poor need. Let everybody read the announcement in another column,and “select your partners” fortho “Calico Ball.” The Tremont Horse Impkovement.— The old and always popular Tremont, it is finally settled is to undergo a thorough system of in ternal and vital improvements before another season. The entire building is to be raised to grade, six feet, and the stores be entirely re modeled, with new and handsome fronts. The Lake street front is to be extended by an .in addition of twenty-five feet. The struc tures in the area and the east wing arc to be torn down and rebuilt in a substantial and first class manner, the wing to contain a very large dining hall, ordinaries and the cuisine department of the house. On the main hotel floor, the present range of rooms, comprising the office, barber’s shop and wash-room arc to be torn away, and the whole space given to a wide and elegant halL In the rear of the Dearborn street front a rotunda is to be built as a saloon. Thcsc.improvcracnts arc to be most thorough, and are to cost $30,000, mak ing the Tremont still in the front rank of bo tcldom in the Northwest Work is to com mence in February, and will be completed in three months. The bouse is toberc-fumlshcd throughout Eclectic fob January—The best number ever issued. A large assortment of English and American Almanacs for 1S61; Emerson’s Xcw Book, ** The Conduct of Life; and pic tures for the Holidays, may be had at Norris &. Hyde’s, 103 Madison street, and 100 Dear born street They also expeet to receive tbc “ Burch Divorce Case” complete this (Mon day) morning, and Harper's Magazine for Jan uary, 1801. The range of the thermometer during the last week as noted by E. L.O’Hara, Apoth ecary and Pharmaceutist, corner of West Ran dolph and Canal streets, was as follows; Date. Ta. x. 12 x. Cr. * Sunday, Dec’bcr 0 81 8S 3C Monday. 44 10 81 87 83 Toesday. 44 n 17 87 Wednesday, 4 ’ 12 12 as 21 Thursday, ’* 13 !> II 8 Frldav. •* u 10 22 21 Saturday, 44 15.... IS » £6 - Shall tdb Union be Dissolved?—lt is cer tainly not for a lack of precedent and on ac count of positive novelty that a late divorce suit in this community attracted so much at tention. Looking over the docket In the Su perior Court we counted fortijAuo divorce cases cither finished or In various stages of progress, entered since May last Did anybody know wc had so many DUunionitU hereaway ? New Church Edifices. Chicago may well fcc proud of her present array of splendid church edifices. The present season will witness several highly creditable, and some of them strikingly beautiftH addi tions to the number. A few notes on tbi sc latter may interest our readers. NORTH PRESBYTERIAN. This new edifice, located on the corner of Rush and Indiana streets, is in the Romanesque order of architecture, of red brick, faced with pressed brick and trimmed with cut stone from the Athens quarry. It Is ninety eight by one hundred feet on the ground, eighty feet highto the ridge, and forty-three to the eaves. On one corner stands a tower twen ty-fonr feet square at its base, onchundred and two feet high, and surmounted by a wooden octagonal spire ninety feet high and-shingU-d ornamentally. On the other comer Is a like turret, thirteen feet square and one hundred and ninety-six feet high. The windows arc spacious and of very heavy stained gloss, the main front one being twenty feet wide by thir ty high. The main front door is fourteen feet wide and eighteen feet high. It has a double truss open-limbered roof, supported on either side by columns and grained oak. ’/The main audience room Is seventy by eighty' feet, with four aisles, containing one hundredind seven ty paunelcd-cnd and carved-ann aiips, to be upholstered with crimson damask. The pul pit is raised four feet from the male floor, an J is five by fourteen feet square. On this stands a htavy desk in columns, approached on eitlu t side by an easy flight of stairs. The organ re cess. a: the right hand of the desk, is in the northeast comer of the building. There arc galleries on three sides, containing seventy slips. The whole service-room will comfortably scat eleven hundred persons. The basement has two side vestibules, pastor's etu ple, ladies’ parlor, two lecture rooms, and fur naccroom. W. W. Boyington is the architect; Degliu, mason; Boggs & Son, carpenters; Van Doren & Kinne, painters; Merrlman & Co., cut stone; \V. & E. Cook, stained glass; Jevuc ife Almini fresco painters; -Jos. Parker, tin roofer. The edifice is now under the bauds of the painters and upholsterers, and will probably he in a condition for dedication by Christmas. SECOND UNITE KSALIST. On Washington street,near Union Park, the Second UniversaUst Society, Rev. J.II.TuuK pastor, have erected a very hand«ome wooden structure, now nearly ready for the fresco work on the interior. It will probably be ded icated some time next mouth. THE NEW TRINITY CllVCCir. The elegant and substantial edifice being erected by the Society of Trinity, (Episcopa lian,) Rev. James Pratt, Rector, situated un the South side of Jackson street, between Wabash and Michigan avenues, Is already en closed and the work on tho interior progress ing. Thu towers to rise from either corner of the Northern front, are yet uncompleted. The whole is, however, being pushed forward with all possible dispatch, aud is intended to be completed fordcdication onEaster. This church is intended fur the place of worship of one of our oldest established congregations, and tin y will deserve congratulation when its two hun dred communicants, twelve hundred members and t wo hundred Sabbath Sehrol children, arc Anally removed from the wooden ediflec now occupied by them, on Madison between Clark and LaSalle streets, to their new home as indie- ‘cd. NEW JERUSALEM CIiCHCII. The Xew Jerusalem (Swedenborgian) S>- cicty, Rev. J. K. Hibbard, pastor, are erecting on the north side of Adams street, between 'Wabash aud Michigan avenues, a substantial and elegant stone edifice. TLe wals are nil up and the superstructure ready for roofing. The front of this Church is strihlngly beautiful. Over the south front gable window Is a circu lar stone, some eight feet la diameter, on which is inscribed the motto,** JXwm/u verbutn viarut fn 1 atemvm" and a representation of nn open MM*. Over llu* is a square block inscribed, “The Chicago Society of the New Jerusalem.” This Is doubtless the most elaborate piece of work ever executed incur beautiful Illinois stone, and finely attests ils qualities of texture aud lint. This building, as it is to be finished, is ne\- erlliclcaa bat the rear portion of the pro-pea* ive edifice to front on Wabash avenue, and which will prove, when completed, one of (h : noblest church edifices in the country. By the wise forethought of a prominent member of their congregation this society of New Jeru salem arc possessors of this noble site, one of the most valuable for such a use in this city. Kauan* Acknowledgment*. Received since Dec. 12. ISfiO, from the follow ing sources: Thankigivlne Call. Church, Bedford, Wia., per 11. P. Ifirtnan S 5 t-J Ladies of M. fi. Church, Chicago, per Mrs. Wheeler. s3l. less discount on J J unenr ri-nt 23j.) Avails «,f Concert at Bockford. 111., per L. B. Cushman 50(0 Citizen? of Cottage Hill, DuPage Co., ill!! per 11. W. l.itchdcM S) 00 Cbiz«n- of Jshopiem*. Ww„ per Thomas Holmes 28 GO Citizen* of Bellevue. Ohio, per 11. M. Ha *- lor. SUL le-s $! nncnrreut 7. (o.fu Holmes llammomi Climon, Hock Co.. W!» at (* » Juhn Thayer* Miaooka. Graady Co.. JU. .. a.o» T. K. W„ Muskegon. Mich *» (-lilzous of Shabßona, HL, by Dr. Elite!! . 7in Mrs. Han?’*. Chicago j m E s - C.. Chicip. iolk, .John Kirk. Chicago 5 Belief Committee, town of Orland and vi cinity. by W. Jackson S.OO Belief Committee, Kalamazoo, Mich, bv S. W. Walker is (0 Belief Com., Pniricvillc and viciaitv. by S W. Walker co CO Belief Com.. Springfield. 111., (for the bene fit of “Toejuusch Towus-hlp. Uanras.” by J. S. Bradford « a Belief Com., Rockford, 111., by Chas. WiV- Hams 103 qa Relief Com.. Evanston, 111., brMr. Brod idge " 3 fr. A. B. Chapman. Stoulnuton, Christian Co.^ 11l 5 QQ G. C. Harvey, and others. Lock Haven! Clinton Co., Pa 523 First Presbyterian Church, Fond du Lae,* Wis.,byb. E. LetTem ii ro Ladies of the M. E. Church, Chicago, br Bcv. W. F. Stewart 50 00 By Am. Express Co., from Tonica, 111., (no ““W) 13.00 Total S“sl *l3 Sent per Am. Express Co., Doc. * 14, to S. C. Pomeror, At cauon, Kansas ! $751.75 _ „ $731.73 John, Evans, Chicago, HL Masonic, At the Annual Convocation of Washington Chapter No. 43 Royal Arch Masons, held on Friday, Dec. 14tb, the following officers were elected: , Wiley M. Eean rri~h tv:.,,* Theodore T. Gurnee .V “ kjJ!* Martin Iker.-0n....' Nathan tV.Huutloy <• 11’ John ll.' Dart .. pj • Ge«*. W. Wilson P**\*C* ii°-r r { Y‘/‘ lrr3t,r:lct aiVdi! .11. r. Porter \i Henry Turner ** "m 1-ivtSi iSr^Jff rt i* ' .'-Trasnref! Im Goddard. Socreurr Bonbon Taylor Chaolain. Reuben Cleveland, J. K. Bussell and D 1. r. F iiSda n ; s ". T^r. A Correction. Editor* Chicago Tribune; Oue of our city papers gave origin to a re vert, a few weeks ago, that Patrick Gibbons, late of this city, had met with his death by lynch law at Pike’s Peak, or in Denver At the same time, his character was wrongfully attempted to he aspersed. Ills friends in this city were pnt to mortifi cation and expense by reason of the unfounded report so published; hut arc now enabled to State that the report was without anv founda tion in fact. A recent letter from MiC Gibbons to one of his friends In this citv, justly de nounces the report as false and malicious. It is hoped that you will, as in somcr.xea» are a remedy for the injustice arising fro-jj the re port, give the same currency to this correction of the report that was given to the report it self. Chicago, IW. 15, 1800. t3?"Go to John Jones’s, nit Dearborn street, and get your clothes cleaned and repaired. Betant. Bctx £ Stexttos’s CoaxEcriAx Col lege.—This Institution which Is a link in the great chain of National Mercantile Colleges has met with a continued and Increasing success since Us first establishment in this city. Every facility U afforded for obtaining a thorough business edu cation, and wo understand onryonng men are pret ty generally availing themselves Of these privileges. The College never was In a more prosperous con dition than at the pre«e:rt time. tAT* Parlor Matches, without Brimstone, also Wax Matches. Tapers and Candles, sold by Sargent, Apothecary, Randolph and State street. ° New*and Haxnsorr Coori.—Messrs. W. H. C. Miller & Co. have jest opened at 35 Clark street* opposite tbc Exchange Bank, an extremely large and beautiful assortment of Jewelry, Silver Ware. and Fancy Goods, which we believewill be Ingreat demand during ilia present season. Messrs. Miller Co. are so well known in the community that anything said in their favor ta unnecessary. PAnmxcs.—Now on free exhibition at Store No. 82 Lake street, a choice collection of fine Oil Paint ing* and we trust onr citizen* will not neglect to visit this gallery of flee picture* as they are in di versity of design, beauty of finish, harmony. and richness of color superior to any collection ever be fore offered In this dty, and wc recommend to all who wish to possess really fine wort* of art. and obtain them at very low prices, to bo present at the Sale, to take place on Monday, Dec. 17th. at 7 o’clock, r. x., and Tuesday l?th at 7 o’clock v. x. The opportunity to sec a fine collection of pictures Is rare in this city. Seaman’s Benefit Ball.—'The fir?t annual Call ofthe Seaman’* Benevolent Society will come eff at the Public Hall, in Lind Block, on Friday even ing the SI-1 Inst. The express object of this gath- ering. which the manager* will strive to render a pleasant and agreeable afiair. I* to raise fund* to purchase a Library for the nse of said Society. It I* hoped the benevolent will lend a helping hand. The member? of the Society will be punctual at the meetings on Monday and Thursday evening. Tickets SI.OO to be bad at the Hall. Refreshment* provided at the building. R. Pkindiville, Wm. P. fannwELL. P. McGuire, Jons 3lcNbalet, John Kmciit, Henut Deal, j Chicago, Dec. 14.1860. VS- Silver Plated Goods £stoS3 per cent, cheap er than any other house. See Hamblen Jc rn.’b advertisement. _ . n027-lm kjb All shoold not fall to read the advertlsemea i oi Prof. Wood in to-day’* paper. ecS-ly MARRIED I , n .VrV\9 i . tr {^ n , the Inst, by Her. J. H. Tottle. Mr. GHALLK& COKULL uud ills* KLIzAULi U GoD- FOR A HOLIDAY PRESENT, For a Holiday Present, EXACTLY WHAT Soloot SHE WARTS. LADD, WEBSTER & GO'S Tight Stitdl STRONG AND DURABLE EXACTLY WHAT SHE WAXTS. EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS. Family SEWING MACHINE. EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS. Exactly what your EXACTLY WHAT LADY FRIEND, SHE WANTS. SPJf’E, DAUGHTER OR SISTER, EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS. Wauls for a HOLIDAY PRESENT. EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS. EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS. It will b-J a Ufe loa; source o! pleasure and aatl-£x:tlon—will not EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS. wear oat In a year cr two—a* would many other costly aad lew useful articles you night parch***. Call and see them at tho EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS. Salesroom of COOK, STOISTE & CO. te Street, (Up* Stair».) ’6W3m-deoJ-vCml 124 LaU< [EOS’t QjOUNTRY MERCHANTS BCTPLIED WITH ENVELOPES AjtD WRITING PAPERS, AT MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. r. zousisoar, Blank Book Mamifaciurcr, norCo.*y ID LAKE STREET, CHICAGO. JEWELRY, 'WATCHES AND Silver Ware, FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Qeo. W. Stevens & Co., 77 LAKE STREET, Offer lor sole the Urs«at and bet selrctod assortment of goods ever brought to the Northwest, cctulstlsgln partot DIAMONDS, PEARLS, CARBUNCLES, LAVA SETS. CAMEO SETS. STONE CAMEO SETS. CORAL SETS. MALACHITE SETS, JET SETS, MOSAIC SETS, CARNET SETS, CHAIN BRACELETS. PLAIN BRACELETS, ETRUSCAN BRACELETS. CORAL BRACELETS. CHATELAINE CHAINS, (all styles.) GENTS’ CURD CHAINS. SCARF PINS. NECKLACES, (alargejujortment,) SLEEVE BUTTONS AND STUDS, GOLD SPECTACLES. SILVER WARE. PIE KNIVES. TEA, TABLE. SUGAR. SALT. DESSERT, BERRY. AND ICE SPOONS. t various pattern*.) INDIVIDUAL salts, CAKE AND CARD BASKETS. NAPKIN RINGS. WINE STANDS. GOBLETS. FANCY GOODS, In tbo Greatest Variety, suck as FANS. OPERA CLASSES. { COMBS. CARD CASES, PORTE MONN.VIES, AC. STEVENS & CO., 77 Lake Street. declSdatutlsnl DWYER’S ANTI BILIOUS POWDERS, 'An EtfjeaeloDi Remedy fur CONSTIPATION OF THE BOWELS, HA.BITX7AL COSTZVBKZSB, BILIOUS BILIOUS BILIOUS AND AND AND NERVOUS SICK HEAD ACHE NERVOUS SICK HEAD ActiE NERVOUS SICK HEAD AoUR various roasts or dyspepsia, VARIOUS FORMS OF DYSPEPSIA VARIOUS FORMS OF DYSPEP.-J>. INDIGESTION, INDIGESTION, INDIGESTION, UFA"! 11--I 1 -- HEAaTBLttN UEARIDuUN DISTRESS OF FOOD AFTER EATING, DISTRESS OF FOOD AFTER EATING, DISTRESS OF FOOD AFTER EATING INACTtVITT OF THE LITER INACTIVITY OF THE LlV£|? INACTIVITY OF TUK LIVER BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. It Is a mistake that Bine Pill, or any other Plil e-ontaiuloc Mercury. U the only remedy tor i»>uoui Disorders and the various Diseases ot the three Dwyer’s AnUhlllous Powders are a combination cl ■Veritable principles that produce the Fame positive acuon upon the liver as Mercury, and will correct tbo ceraneemeot of that organ as sorely wUboal tUertsi of any unpleasant or injurious consequences. E rlco 25 Cents Per Sox* Sent .by maQ oa receipt of Ten 3 Cent bumps. FOR SALE BY SvVmr ar i>jriTjrr, (Successors to Fenton A CoO Lake Street,...—.* 94 OPPOSITE THE THEMONT laol9cU3l-lmlrtpi ■jV/TONEY TO LOAX.—For one, LTX two. or three reare on dtv property. Business Paper wanted. Apply to J.L HtE,S Clark street, •cor QCT of Lake. AeU BDyly - Neln Efcbcciisemcnts. why have a cough; T T wnrx oxe bottie or DC. FOORD’S PLCTOItAL biP.LT will curt It Instanter! Wnat use in waiting when It alwavneures? Try It. and too will rejoice In having escaped 't:,e danger of CONSUMPTION. noTSWmui; BOARDING. —A suite of pleasant frost rooms and a sing*.*; roomwltnbnardc.u now be bad at No. 7D Michigan Avenue delCxlt V\r ANTED —A hoy V 2 or h 4 ft years old; ore that can board with hi* par in:* preferred. Most curse wtU recoauucuaed. Apply at 16S Clark street. _ decl7da;6-lt T>OAUDING.—Board wanted -in * J a respectable private f .mUy in a convenient tv cation. Good accomodation* required. French fara:ly preferred, addreta, 1L T. B„ box GOi)!* P,*t oElcc. deltxit TOST. —From a «lray, somewhore J between the llllorls Central Ba'lroad Freight Office and kuslmrret Bridge, a fnall roll of LraiSv-r. mar e<i “J.IL Grant. l» Cr,>-»'\ Wti.” The dndvrbv returning the same to C.N. SMITH. Freight Acer.! at L c. IL K. trelghl Olike, will be liberally rewarded. del Tilt 17OR REXT.-Furnished lIouU JL (Eight Room*/ on Hal-Head *tnvt. Certcrl house ami completely furnished. Will rent It until ut May. to a snltable tenant, very reasonable. Bos no i. dertsft Managers. r PO RENT.—The Rrcwery on t|;o i ca*t «lde of Wolcott «trc?t. Pabert(jti*» and Ilack‘s RrewericA a:id l.tclr i>ccarl*“d by A. I‘. Dickinson, will now hs rented t>a cc-d f'Dani, verr t >w. Apply to UUS. IL ATKINS. ”03 iiaixk-lrii street. iletlxSt YOUNG MUXS' ASSOCIATION! 41-dh JOHN B. COUCH, Will deliver I.U aecocdaod l*«c xoscture: on “London,” At Metropolitan Hall, this Monday Evening, at Tt.2 o’clock. Tt.l* will t*o on lnd;peadeat lecture and season tickets will not admit to it tr* box office f r the sale of tickets will be opened at.* I*. M. Admisslbu. 25 cents H. W. BISHOP. VOUXG -MKX’S UIIIISTLVX X ASSOCIATION. A Bn&lnftw Meeting of IM* Association will be held at their rooms In ileiboclil Block. This iHonday) Evening, at 7 o’clock. The punctual attendance of members U requeated. _ Q. I FI'S FOU THE HOLIDAY I have on hand a large assortment of PARILY 3IAKCLF, TERRA COTTA, CIIIVA AM) BDHKBIA.Y ORVUIEMts SILVEE-rLATKP TEA PKTTS. CAKE BASSETS, CASTORS. Jsl'vONS. VORKJr. ic.‘ Ivory llaudle and other Cutlery. Looting tiassM am! Clotks. Ciilna Tfa ffllv ■With a Tcryhuxc and complete assortment of IRON-STONE CHINA, GIASS WARE, iC.. Which I Win sell at very low prices to clear out U.e consignment. JOIIV HANK IN. juyi'j-lm ITT Eandolph *trcer. 'V’OTICK.—The iunlor*i"iicfl hu* it till* dav purchased the entire «iork cf Dra;-. CUemlraK Fixtures, &C- firmcrlv owned hv Tiiomii* J. Itiptr. comer of State and Xavier street*. Tfce frevjtkl pronrl.tor will carry on UiV tmsim-** a* hrre olors. I’KTEIS MTDKi:, TUOs. J. lUML • Chicago, December 13.15-TJ. deTxlt T T. Jc H. M. EDWARDS, Aliens ♦ I * for the American Watch Company, Waltharr. kv* p cn;.«t uillv .m hand a -apjily offd ei-lebratvd Watch at wholesale and retail. No. 10; Clark street. Lar:uon Cluck. Q.IF FAULTS PATENT Self-Acting Water Injector, iron FEEDIXG BOIX.EIT3. Darin; been appointed the Manufacturer’* Sol* Agm** la till* m*ctl->n. for sale of above, we Invite attention of interested panic* to lt» exaiuluadou. a:ol are oow prepared to ell order* pretspUy. WALWORTH, HUBBARD * CO.. CHRISTMAS G-IFTS I! PARLOR ORNAMENTS. FANCY GOODS. RICH GIFTS FOR LADIES. Rich Gifts for Gentlrmcn. BHXDAXi GIFTS. Large Assortment. Please Ei&mlce. J. H. REED & CO 144 and 14G Lake Street, gECESSION! SECESSION: r»oa romiEßrairp**. Cloaks for the Holidays AT POSITIVE EEDUOTIOKS. IT PAYS I IT PAYS I! IT PAYS I! I Zepujr Hood*, Gaiters, Jlitten*, Etc., Elr. } OF A. G. DOWNS Ac CO., No. 150 Lake Street Ho. 160 faol'.kdro-tmlxtp] T. B. CARTER HAS JUST RECEIVED A CONSIGNMENT OF DRESS GOODS, Which he will offer oa MONDAY. Dec. ITth. at PANIC PRICES. 130 Lake Street 13C BAGS. 50.000 STARK HILLS $25.00. 20.000 LEWISTON’S HILLS... 21.50. P. PALMER, 1X2,114 and 11C Lake Street. THE MOST ISEFIX HOLIDAY PRESENTS Optical Establishment of Louis rriArss, Ho. 79 Vl2:—Cold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, OPERA GLASSES. TELESCOPE'. MICROSCOPES. MAGIC LANTERN. POLYORAMA9, COSMORAMAS, Ac. Ac. TEA SETS, AC, ?lea*e rail at T9 South Clark street, the »Isn of the Mammoth Spectacle*, and make your adcclions. del7^i«4rw RINNAN DADDIES, Received Weekly at BOGGZT & BASSOS, delT-dt7>3t GROCERS. 3 North Clark itreet. THE MOST- ISEFIX, Beautiful and Acceptable Present CHRISTMAS OR NEW YEARS, IS -A. GROVER 6c BAKER Sowing Macblno. THIRTY DIPTEHENT STYLE?, Prom S4O to $XOO« Sold a* U5 Lake Street, Chicago, HL noIYCO-iylatp T>RYAN HALL—Clark street, J J Opposite the Court House. Chicago, ID. . Eminent musicians pronounce this Hall unsurpassed by any flail In the Union In In Its. Acoustics and General Appointments. a< a It will seat 500 more persons Uuii any other Hall la the citv—br accurate count and report of CART ER A BACtTR. Architects. The main Audience Room Ls on the fir»t Coor. the entrance being on Clark street, the greatest thorough fare In the city, opposite Court Qonse Square, yet the Hall has a reared, quirt location in the rear. Ample Ingres* and egre e a» feet of doorway to Clark street and Court Place. . . The Kail contains the Healv National Gallery, valued at JIVjOO and purchased of Geo. I*. A. Uealr. now oommissloned by Congress to paint a serle* of Pres** dential portrait* for the tv hlte House. This Gallerr contains the Identical crest picture for which the gold medal was awarded at the world’s Fair In Farts: also *♦ Webster la reply to Hayne,** and portraits of all the presidents to Lincoln inclusive. as well aa of many other Illustrious Americans, by Really. _ There U a spacious Lower Hall for Fairs. Festivals. Balls, and the like. It Is provided with dressing rooms, a kitchen, cooking stove, numerous tables. Acl. Ac. Both Halls, ot either, can be rented for Concert*. I eetares. Exhibitions. Balls and the like, on applica tion TII OS. BARBOUR Birr AN. aoll’SO-ly Office In the Building* QHOICE WINTER APPLES. XOOO Barrel® WESTERN' NEW YORK APPLES, Of which the following comprises some of foe differvnt varieties, to-wit: ■ BALDWIN'S. GREENING*. SPIT2ENBUBGS. EU£- SETTS ROMAMTLS. SEEK SO FURTHERS. PIP PINK TALLMAN SWEETINGS, At, Ac. - Ali>—3.oCo Pounds Terr choice DRIED APPLES. For sale in lot* to salt purchaser*. , . dellxlw Cil \RI» KAItLU ’LI dark street. . T OST —A hkeleton bale Key.— I J The flnJer will be aullably rewarded upon* Icar- Jnc It at Utla office. deUzlw Chairman Lc-. « o-i. ili'i'dsis-Sv TO BCV Caa be found at the -South Clark Street •Ha 79 FOE NUMBER 144. Amusements. Q.KAXD CALICO BALL, FOU THE BENEFIT OF The Cliica"iiJinistry-at-Large, iUN» :ai;lvn.> -A.T BRYAX ECA,X.r., Dec. SUlii, 1S(J0. ALL HAULS HOUND!! TICKETS—TWO DOLLARS, Each Ticket alairting & geatleman and Ladies! LI/* It Is requested that the ladies appear each In m American Calico Dr«*. for that occasion, though no;.o will be excluded for non-compllauce. r3f It l* hoped that the dresses weraat the rnrty. *■ an equivalent amount of Calico In the piece, will bo donated to the Ministry. L r dottles the poor. tZ*“ Suit* of tb Rea worn by the gentlemen at t1.9 Ball will not ben fu e lon the next day. A fall si It snClcieut forai.dup; r •.< iutJ !.* tl.c occadDn mayLj bought for ?.*. to il *. s-3 A Collation wUlbe furnished by tie la-ip. menu bsr« of the two Ua tarlin Societies, with snc.l o**l t auce as will be rendered them by other religious * r g.inlraijotai. ty~ Tirfeet* wIIT T>t* sold only Vy a Committee of Gc- • Hemes. with dec regard to tno Importance of tac attendance cf an naexccjUouablo company. 7W“ Masi: to consist of sixteen pieces, selected from the best Hands Li the city. jy No RMa. no While Waistcoats, no os* adoweJ. TO THE PUBLIC ; The MlnDtry-at-Largc I* rarely boreTolcit. ootlho v logical. t:» ii* object*. It known m> nect-*, creed* n-T denomlmitloßi. It* mii-ton In to fc-d the clothe the naked to »u>uiu night-chooU for Um i- • •truettnri« f such a* are rut o!T jrotn ttm advantage* "f the Common Rotund s>si«m. and. above all. to provl'e fi’-rav* fee lie i*tul h>i:uele»9 clnhiren, wL", by the ders.h. crime or nil.f-rtnnc of parent*, have t»een t ir.tvu upon the c.-nty of thU t bnsllau cltv. During the l.i«t year It ha* accomplished much f -r every one of object- enumerated; but It ItraMt**!.* at the m-emuing of an inclement season. without au«- »l into fu:.d- u>r thec.jctlr.ustioaot ti* work. Thecal 1 * nvonituruSucrcoalui:: but it* mean* tre greatly r •trirted. It ha- been *«gce-lcd that t!ie benevolent of riijc i- C't - “ul ’. rc'i.oi.d l- an appeal for support: a*. I .•vr.onir the meUu-le recommended for rnWii:£ money, n. r.e haiuo-t wltb a-jen fav. r a* a cllAKlTi BALL, under the p.itrvnage cf the ladle- to whom tl. • Buffering never erv m vam. The umlsr-itmod. a Committee choacn for the pnr pose. b* st j a-siire the piddle: I*:—Tnatthe Party ahal. be dcrorou* aad nncxce;*- tionabiem character. Od—That the entire »nm raided thereby will be d ‘ Toted, not to the payment oftr.e *alanr» '■•f employe.- buL-arrvd’y to the wsi.h of the poor: a-d. Hint hi the.llibunnincn: of that *;im.while n*lth» i the filt'i n. r rail-maltsv of id- applicant ahall l a«ked. uitnordi ary |>aln*»lall be taken that noo> bat tie really pour are a*.-istcd. ne*[ikctfully. .loxaTUaX Cccb, M. D. Gilxa.X. William B. ouftßX, S. F. Oils. .1. Yolnu SCammox. F. B. McCaoo, ticop.ur SrusBXDSB. Tuo». H. Brtax. N. b. Jcui*. I*. V. Bell. K. C. LvßNEr*. Vl'. t, »r.E. Jt’LIAX S*. KIXSET, t*. It. ContL A. Uesim;. K. B. Tal«ott. B. F. CABVXB. A. 11. UrBLKT. t». S. llfnn.vKr*, t iiillip WaoawoßTtL .fonx H vtSE.*. r. 11. Bat. F. 1. Ti.NKIIvX, I N. J*. W I LX) KB. tv. k. AirrurK. j s. c. nioinxdox. .Ithome Ure'iiCß, 1 Kli Bates. H. K. BncsT. 1 ,J. I>. WansTfa, I. N. AKMIL’.I, J t. K. iiOHEBA. E. W. WtLL.\BD, 1 tlelTvicyd COMMITTEE.^ MeVI OK K li’S TIIEAT.itit 3Ja*ll*oa street, between State and Dearborn. tifDoor* at T o’clock. Performance to cots* tncnce a: 7t-.'o’clock. Box office open fr jvi in till 1 and from 3 till i o’clock. ApMts«:oT.—lin*«* circle s'! cent*; Second Circle. )3 Ctnu; Private Boxes, f l.iO and ftkOu. Ecyacernent of the distinguished American Trace* dun. .Mr. .i. b. i:obki:t>. MONDAY F.Tcnlnc. Dec. !7lh. will be presented for the hr-t time in Chicago, the pri-alrom •ntu% Icgen.laT drama trom the (ierman of (iinin',cut.tied FAI'VT A>D TIACGUKKITE. ilepM«topLile» Mr. J. B. Robert*. Other character* hr tlj<» erlln* company. (•.very car** ha- been taken la the production of IhU be*nt;tnl •pectacular drama. Emir** new -oenerytiy J. W. WUyul. >«•.» anti Hovel mrcha'tcn) effect* hy I*. I‘ratle. la order u>kltc superb effect to the mas tUUccni üblcux. the Manager ha* procured, at a j;n at expense. the apparatus for manufact irtiu'the wonder ml Orummumt which will be o*cd for Uio Qr»t time la thl* city, lo conclude with the Farce of FITZSMVTII OF FITZSMITII HALL. nr tn preparation forth* Ilolldar*. a Grand Fair* EtuaTaK»u«<« wUktiev atm Kurscooa toncey. ■ g ll Y A X II A L L . - MRS. liOSTWKK Take* pleaiare In announcing to her friend* and the citizen* or Chicago gem-rally, that she will give one Soiroo ATualoalo, On TI'I.SUAY F.VENINO. Dec. Wh. at Urran Hall. a«-tsted br Ml« Ue Felirrmi. Mr. Dr Poo»l<\ Mr. Pres t*- ortat. and mviy amateurs and pupil- to the number of f-'rty. Ticket-M cent* each. To be had at tne music >t>*re»*. hotels and at the dour on the evemngof thr soi ree, TocommcnceatSo'clock. Doors open at 7. dcIT-d£U-2t PIIII.HAKMl inTc SOCILTV OK CIIICAGO. SECOSD CDICEBT. FIRST SEASOI. At Crjan Uall. Honda? Ftening, December 17 PROGRAMME: HA UT I. 1. Orertor*— I “Mat R*-b**-pierrc.'' l.rrou.r. 2 liom*oce for Tenor—With Accompanimentof Vlu. UneeUoanJl’laoo Tiansox. S. Grand Concerto In E. Opus XI Cnopi*. For Plano, with accompanjn»nt of Orrhialriw Lakotto, Vivac*. 4. Terzetto and Chorus—From “Elijah," MtsDutsaou*. HART 11. I Introduction ami Chora*—From the Third Art of “LuheiisTht." •- Waojveb, 2. Allegretto Scberzanda—From the Eighth SvrnphoHjr - iIXSTUOTK.’V. 3. Aria for Soprano—from “Gemma dl Verov .uo’nzrm. 4. Overt are—“ Seize dl Figaro," MozaßT. CONDUCTOR : HASS BALATKA, To commence at 3 o'clock, precisely. Doors open at" o'clock. ZT Application for membership mar be made at the once of E. I. Tlakhasn A C v.cnrair of Lake and Clark street*. or at the ofllce of Otto If. Matz. 121 Lake afreet corner of Clark. . delSxSt ENGLAND FESTIVAL. The Anneal Celebration of tbe Anniversary of the Landing of tbe PUgr-ms by the XEW ENGLAND SOCIETY, OF 1 CHICAGO, Will take place at the TRHMONT ECOTTSE On Friday, December 21 at. BY A BINQCET, FOLLOWED BY A BILL. Every preparation will bemad* to secure the entire *ncre-« of both the*e iU*tin-t fyaturee of the occasion. r. jc. precl-elr. Daadnc to commence at s 1-1 P. a. _ Ticket > for Get tie man d: Lady to Banqaet and BalLIKm ~ ~ “ Ba* qaet ton - Ball. 2.M SlreletlckeM to t K e banquet LOO Select mn*l<* wd] ho In attendance. Tickets mar •■htdncd of the Treaaorar. of the Manascra, oral thoTrcmont House. IManajj<*rj* : F. w. BriISHAM. S. B. PEHRY. JU T IS TYRRELL. E. O. L. FAXON' r. IL DYER. MERRILL LADD. ILK. SARGENT. U. H. * dets-diWMw T. W. WADS IYORTll.Treasurer. r JTIE BALL OF THE SEASON. The Flr»t Fnlnn Bsll «f the Tailors' Chartered fra ternal Soeietv will be h«ld a: Metropolitan Hall on M rdav Evening. IW.SM. tyvt. Ticket* can be had at McNally's Bn<.k Store, also a: T P Knowle*'ilare w'elt»> B.*ot am! shoe Store, un der the Hall Mmdc by the Grrtt We*tern Band, and Supper furnished bv M . Mav. deUv3w PER ORDER OF COMMITTEE. yOUNG MEN’S ASSOCLVTION IKCTIKES, Commencing Thursday Evening. November, 15th, 1860, AT METROPOLITAN HALL. Series to consist of Twelve Lectures by the following gentlemen BATARn TATLOn. F«., Rav. T. L. rt TLkrL GEORGE W. CURTI?, Eifl, JOHN B. GOUGH. Km* ProC A, J. UPSON. __ Hon. HORACE GREELEY. Boa. JOHB TV. FOSTER. Dr. J. 6. HOLLAND, ProL £. L. YOCMANSL . Prot C. OSCANYAN. _ Hon. il j. Raymond,. Rev. A. L. &TONE. Ticket* mar b» bad at theßook Stores of 3. C. Griggs ± <; 0 iad d.’B. Cooke A Co. am! at the store of J. P. Krowtes. under the Hall, at the Richmond House. Tre mor* House. Briggs House, and of the Librarian at the Room* of the Association in Portland Bloc St, and of the members of the Committee. , _ Henry IV. HUhop. Jr. Chas. L. Thomas, and Chas. P. Kelk-cg. Lectnre Committee. HENRY W. BISHOP. Jr. Chairman. MADAME AICERSTROM’S AS SEMBLY.—The next of tlic*e plea«ant KTtiea comes off on Mondar evening, December Kth. Lovers of good dancing and select company cannot raw aa evening In a more acreeable place. A Grand Fancy Dress Call will l*s given at this establishment on Mon day evenlor, December 2«Ui. Ticket* now ready and can be obtained of Madame A. delixst r 1 MIRASOLE'S DANCING \Jr • ACADEMY. Corner Madison and Clark it*.—Entrance on Stadlsoa. Class open at all time* for beginners. CaiLbass’s Culm every Tuesday and Saturday. Pa rents only allowed as visitor*. Assembly aaery Tues day night for scholar* and Friend.*, and no persons ad mitted except those Introduced by scholars. scfcdMAm E 0 la, nit. AND SECOND. Havo Piasos tor sale low. Plano* and {( { I ft Melodious to recL Orders for Tnnlcg Ptsri. Melodcons, Organs, and all kinds ef Mnalcal instrument* promptly attended to. AU Uadi of Musi cal Instruments repaired at short notice. , U5 LARK STREET—NEAR CLARK. TO 10AS ;M OXEY ( At Ten‘Per Cent, : From od- tn five ywn. hi «nm« to salt. onFtnaCtaM gecurtße* la the city or country. Bnelreee Paper wanted attt Clarx atreet. U. P. DOWSISQ * CO. CHICAGO THJBCXB ADTBRTIBIXQ> atfwirmn .tp. The following are the rttee of Adrcrtiilag fax lha DAILY CHICAGO TttlßVlfßt On« Square, (S lines agate.) one L*:i*r:lom.., e .90 One Square. each subsequent da;. <3l tl.oil « Ono Square, two week#, «iw | > zju One Square. one mouth, (xm |9.w) One Square, three tuonthe, (4m $!J....... i*.®; One Square, »lx months, (9m qg.ur; One Square, one jear BU.W Ce Schedule of Price* for more »paee than eee square can bo seen at the Counties Room. . All Transient Advertlsementa t* be paid fur in advance &T All change* charged 80 eaota per Squares Barca or iirißTUua vt wzmkly naon. SI.OO per Square, each week, for Cr»t month, nAAper Square for each enbeeqaent month. £JH.Ou per square fur one year. turnon *alts. T>Y GILBERT & SAMPSON. OcnraiL Acciiiiasnw. Siptrfor Foraltorr, Beil-luiL and Daaukald Goods, at Anetlon. On TUESDAY, Dee. Win, at » 11 o’clock, we will tall at our store. No. X 3 Lake street, without reserve, a larce and extensive assortment of all kinds anddescrlpUom* PARLOR, BEDROOM AND DINING LOOM EUE _ ... NtTL’RK. In Mahojanv. oak. Rosewood and Walnut Elegant Marple>Top Cbsruber suits. Bedsteads, Bureaus, do. sale posture. delTdtSl-St GILBERT A SAMPSON Anctloneera. 13Y GILBERT & SAMI^ON, A/ Auctioneer*,© Lake street. FOURTH ANNUAL Catalogue Christmas Sale at Auction OF FRENCH FANCY GOODS. BOHEMIAN WARE, FRENCH CHINA, BUONZM, PARIAN STATUETTS, SILVER PLATED WARE, AND ORMOLU GOODS. We will selLc ’nvnniclas; on FRIDAY EVENING, December Rat. a:; at <>ur salc*r>.»m-, Si Lake street, an Invoice »f ; r :;ch r’anev (i.>cd> coroprulag aaextcolve varltty of article* suitable f w p HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Al*o. a large Invoice of Bohemian Ware, cooprlitas many article* of grt at beauty sad value. Abo. one of the largest and ar.e-t a*n.rtmeata ot Silver Plated Goods ever o <ened in this c It v torpubllo sale, and U from » n-of tie f.r-t irnuufa turer- lr the United statestogpilicr »itl« a I»rx- r.dlecU -c nf lari an Figure*. liruor*-*, French i*i« tir»is ov„ Ac., the whole competing o.u* of Ui*» Uoe-d a.-wmieow evsx arranged L>r sal.-In t '.elty. The above sood* will b* fendv f.>rexh b'tlon to the tmb.lcoa Friday m r.rg. Ibcemb* r .GL at :y A. M, The above gHnUar- »et t toua with Instructionsto sell without re*«r\e for cu-.i. dd2dGM-9t GILDER f A SAMPSON, Auci^aiete. Q ATALOHL’E SALE 01 Choic: European OIL PAIXTOta At Auction, BT GILBERT ± SAMPSON. WewlU»en,con'm»Tc.ns on MONPAt t. EJ»I2K» Dec. 17th, at 7 o'clock r. at oar salesroom. 2Co. 82 Lolto A large and splendid i-''lKvUon of Oil Paltillr j:A wUdi have been •elecls-a alt:. great«are. and yn t‘.r irvst fcvortble occasb n-. in V nine** and ticmanv, cv.ruie the r>a>t year, aed hnj orted dlmtJr be >ir. f. X. toC MAN. comprising sole original Picture-. b* tail* Cent ArtUU, and Sim-•-<■!..«« of *omc of u.e r:« M cele brated Plcturea. br-i’m* uiaatcr*. no» la iba duleruit gallarlesof Kurope, Among tbe suWct-* mar be found tirnp* tad Figure*. life size; tksil subject*; to:-. - r Abosat piece*; Arrbttectnr.l a l idrect Vmi». i.. ..;:l*rcnt Kuropean cities; i - ideccs; Marine %*»••••*; (■imt; Fruit and Mowrr ?. »>•<: Landscape-. A nllt; ft great variety of al/e .»!.•! -tvlc. subject at 1 and which ulaneiicvt ii. -ill W fotma worm. tlon of persons of Lisle. The uallery will b« - Friday, mb, Satunla to labile* and ge ;t!utnc» an and Monday. ..:‘.irumS - v r. e»iirj • until o’clock v h. until? A the lime cf Mile. * CilL.-r i.r A A. K CITRUS dclb.UC3.lw TV*" GENERAL AI‘CTIOM:i.iCS, 49, 43 Je fiy DEARBORN' .'s: Directly opp.oltw the Treuior.t Itotua. FURNITURE SAIE Every Wednesday v - DRY GOODS sal;: Every Monday at 0 1-2 o’c.o ; AT OL’li S.VLKSUOO.M a*lvaocedoa Furniture. P; and Shoes. R. Hatfurd’s Ol* Only and no other preparai.o- •*«» *'ilT6 compeonded with the flow u! a ral fils ua* ever bees ab l * !< o’.iiat OUtc teatlmonlau trom persona ol tuet prominence aa IGbo. l»w. r.iMj.. FlftyaTe...Ne« York ISiwrriT K«d.. Bunker, N. Y Tuntutw Wnfci,. t*.i. A.b.niv, s. CJaa. Brrr <lk«bs. Wa*hl»sion. I>. C. foj.T, ll.inlord. Conn. Con. Ciue. M«*. t*. S, Array. Ukv. J..-nr* 1-KiVirr. hdlior lade pendruu N. Y. R*r. K, Ba*riir, Ed, Examiner. X. T Ukt. I». U. Ckoaiu A t cui oi Aauti can Bible ’’nlon. N. Y. Bit. O. e. A. hrtaMxu, Buiterunue Olive! l)il?e Olive New iorif Rkv. Dn. LKOSittp, E.vetcr, N. 0, And raoir. tlim one r.ui.'lrcd other we’-i ku«>wu penou. Olive Olive OXiIVa TATI. Olive ITrcv Ouv» Tar m I>iru.en lie besllnx DaUamlc odom are bruuehtlts contact «tU> U>e lining oirniNraue o: the Olive Throat, Bnmckial Tube*, tad all the Air-Cells or tbe Longs, Believing at nr.ce any pain <>r opprea, •ton, and beating any Irriuvlor. or to Oamatloo. Who Ojjtu rr..* Sr oaaltlorm* an mir>|t>nie,l •Mr., ami HealUn; bynip furCon.tuaud all Throat Ula^aar-*. Olive Olive Wiiav Uu«k T»a ta Apettut! tis Magnetic or ••'«men:r;no>l euratl'c power rentier u a most »lv i-.l> i* A 1 N AVN'lllll.A run. Olive Olive Olive 4an« tut sti- ly. does Lot tils, color, Fifty cent- a bottle. J. U. -TAKFURD'S 18311 AND SULPHUR POWDERS Are a •oluhle preparation oi Iron and Sulphur. Identical with tut exl-tinz In the blood ut a perfect y health) person. L'uttluc with ti • "M/r-tni rood—They l;cv:t.dre nmi Pnrm the Blood—They Impart I'ncrgv to the Servon* nv-tem—Thet invigorate the Uver—Thrv Strruaht-n tr .• Id. S cation—Thev Kegune the S.-.r*> on* ot tlie 11-'dr—Ami are a Npc.J >v for all Female '•'« •. I’mca Usa Imllam a I'iCliOT. STAFFORD'S i-UVK TAIL brAFKOiui's IRON A-St) BUL- Olive Olive Olive Olive Olive pium i’o-v STAFFORD'S LSUALKIi. r*'»“ a»> hy Olive SniTll & DAVVEU, (Snceeaaor* |o I’entoo * C 0,,; Wholesale and Retail Arent.l.i Chi. easo. i cIS-d~.X-t/-:iil .ip Olive AND OIL L.UI'uU;UM. CIIAS. 1.. VOBIE, Wholesale nod ReUL Dealer la KEROSENE AND COAL OIL GOODS 1 Ot every description. LAMPS and CHANDELIERS, with new and 1-n. proved Burners—bnml.ii without araoke or cdor—tor Church ea. UaUa, Store*. £.O. X am the Sole far Chicago ot the Downer OI Camiiany. So. US CLARK STIUSi.T pREAT VIITOUIA nii!i>GE VJT OPES.—This Um!i'?o*e Iron unmi's. -rarlv two mile* in length, (thu n.-.ftln the V'-.-M; >.<eev4 aeroaa the BIVBU ST, LiWBE.U’: , AtMontreaLataeost fd i .v-and-.vHsit M Dol. Lan, to connect the Ea^’ r, » tad w«wra '•• • let* oi the Grand Trunk Hallway of Canada, la no open lor public tr»'h<-. TlUrotwlot r-.,*.? f.lo# mllevlnleitztV Uoperated un le. OX2 MANAGEMENT FROM DKTROU al!L*‘i.,TO k-OUI LA.NI>. iIK- And there la only ONE CHANCE OF CARS From Chlcaco or the Mi-*lp*!ppl River to Pr.Lend or BoAton. Qulrkeet ami tm-t ■’ouvcnlft.t rove urtravd between tbe South and iW*t and Cannn.. ana New England an l freight b *okril JiMaith aA pans of Canada and the New Ensla-ul rwte-tslaon ““ AND LIVZRPOOT. And the Continent ol Knrot*e. .itennn|-'?.-..lvredneed rate*, by the only rvcuLtr I N,TKI> STATES AND EtJROPKAN it UL SI lhh6,*aU- Imr from Quebec every Saturday, and irura Uve: pool everTM'edueedayihrouzboni tne y.‘tr. Mr miher particulars apply to WALTER bt>A.>* 1. Oeawal Manager. Montreal. JAMES WARRACK, Genera. • tsem A£t«l N,». VI L i-.e .{ice:. Under the Adam* l.n j-e. < n:fag PHOTOGRAPHS. Great Reduction in Price, FOE TWO MONTHS. At Not. 122 and 124 CUrk Strut. FASSETT & COOK’S Best Plain Photographs FOR ONE DOLLAR. Good Colored Photographs (lar-e lire) In nice gilt frames for live dollars u r s can be bad in any other city fo r ten. Pictures In eases at reduced rates to "nit customers, and Is no Instance trill a poor picture he allowed to gt» out. One good j Icture U worth a BUSUKL of poor ooea. ITORYTVPES. By Fassett &. Cook. Are the best made in the Urltcd Stator, "and the onto ones In Clil -a^o. Can and examine specimens. i!*>dffiMstpta £ADI ES’ FUR S. UUBSIAN SABIB, Mink, Stone Martin, and Fitch CLOAKS, CAPES, VICTOP.INES, MUFFS. CUFFS, GLOVES, MITTENS. AC. Low-prtccd Fun of every description. CUldnn’s Goods In Great Tiiinsy, Qeatlemea's Fur Caps, XoiSsrs aad Qlowss. A Assortment of Fancy and Buffalo Robe*. Oc Kora are manofoetored In —in-uni t innnnrTTi inner and of the very best material. BASSETT HAMMOND rolJdCTdmlrtP " 136 Laltaatrevt «H>rner ot W*i^ ILLINOIS CURRENCY TAKEN AT PAH, For Oak, Ash. Black Walnut. Cherry aa-« White WoM Lnmbe.. at t ash Prices. from our yard, corner Old ■" « Grove atreeta Chkago. WALLACE * HOLMKSi* Am John a, Wallace^ tnrfra co.. t 2'AAL Boots aVoj^WT Tar. Tar. Far. Tar. Tar. Tar. Tar. Tan Tar. Tit. Tar. Tar. Tar. Tar. Tar. Tar. Ter. Tar. Tar.