Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. E3£ '■* A Friend in Need. Try it. DE. EtTEErs ISFiIXIBU: LTSTMEKT li oro r«M<l from the redpo of Dr. Stephen Erect of Con hecuent, the creat bone-setter, and hu been tued In hdcprncUeefortho Inn twenty yenn with the meet astonWdng fuecea*. Asm external remedy It U with oot a rival, and am alleviate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For all Ilhentnatlc and Ncr* Yon» Disorders It js tnily Infallible, and as a curative ft>r Sores, Wound*, Sprains, Borns, Its poo tiling healing end powerful strengthening properties, cxdte the jaw wonder andastonlslnncat of all who have ever given It a trial. Over four hundred certificates of re cures, performed by It within the last two years attest Ibis fact. For sale by J. H, JOHNSON*, OeneralAgtnl, to State street, Chicago, and by all Deal era. no23*Coweow-ly Cs?"* The Female Organisation is of ten aifrtß as that of ateadcr flower. Many of the ux enter Into marriage relation* without being , able to Undergo the tabor and trials'of maternity. In this conasty thousands of young and beautiful woman are sacrificed every year frjm this can«* alone. IiOQTET TEC’S CELEDUATKO STOMACH BITTEUS will save many of this clast from an untimely grave. Tills tnedldne has been used with great benefit by Immense number* of people throughout the republic and the proprietors bare received grateful commendations from all wcUons of the country. The Bitten will bo found to be very pleasant to the taste, even as a bevrr age. and prompt and powerful in !u effect as a modi, cine. It Infoees new vitality into the frame, and strengthens the whole system, so that women who use it are enabled to go through with labors which, with out It, would bo certain to prostrate them. Bold by all druggists. SS'?'" Greeley’s Bourbon Billers.— Those popular Bitters posse s» all the nonrUblnj and Invigoratin' properties of Pcrb Old Borneo* Whilst, and are comlJernd the most efficacious Toxic and Em.'TrtsjfT| as well as tbs most agreeable Stomachic ever offered to the pnblie. As a tonic for Old People, delicate Ladle®, convalescent Invalids, and all weakly people, they cannot oeanrpapsed; In all c&soe of Weak dcm or debility, they will give Immediate relief, and impart a strong healthy tone lo the system. A trial will •rtAhllsSi their merits over all other Tonics now In tin;. For Lrso Cosrbauirs. Br.oscums, I)rjtpEK»i*, Jvturocs DifuieKs ami Tjvtc Complaints, they are an Invaluable remedy, and are a certain preventive of Cißu9and Fcvaas. Put np la Qoart Dottle*, la ease* ofoao and two dozen, and for tide by Druggist* and Grocers every, vbw®. W. r.JU,W. CIiEnLET, Proprietors, Ne. 2S Tre mont street. Boston, Maw. J. H. JOHNSON, General Agent, No. TO.Etete street, Chicago. _E,r*. LANDON, Agent. tp27i?)-dawly_ C 3?“ Lyon's Knlharion for the Hair. Nothin; has ever beea.niadc which has given snch uni versal satisfaction. It restores, preserves and beauti fies the 11 sir, and Impart* *> delightful odor. If yon wish a fine, healthy head of Hair, try It. Sold every where. for 23 cents per bottle. dctrCMm who arc curious to wit tts* the wonderful perfection to which A. OhsxaMt, (late manager nt Batchelor'*, N. T„) lias bronght ttie manatictare of Wigs and Tonpecs, are Invited to vl lt Lie Wig and Hair Dying Hoorn?, at No. 100 Lake street, and examine the*o cordons prod action* of art. No terutlßv can detect t he erttndalfronj tho satcrahwben adjusted to the head. £2T* Kennedy’s Medical Discovery core# ScronslaT Kennedy's Medical Discovery rnres Eryrfpslai Kennedy'* Medical Discovery cures Canker Kennedy* Medical Discovery cures NundntcSora Mth. Kennedy's McdicailUscovery cures llumor of the Kid* Ktauvdy'* Mcdlra! Discovery cures Scald Head. E>nu**iy*i. Medical Discovery cun* KnimlnyorthnEar Kennedy's Medical l*l-covery cures Ulcem d Sore Lea Kennedy** Medk-al Jdscovcry cure# Lepra, Kennedy** Medical Discovery cures Uhunmatlftc. Kennedy** Medical Ukrnvcrr cures Salt-IDieum. • Kennedy's Medical Discovery cares Dyspepsia Kennedy** Medical Discovery Ululate* tlic Unwell Kennedy's Medical Dt-covcn* Regulate* Uic Kidneys. Modlcr.l Jdvco very Regulate* th« TJvcr. Kennedy's Hcdlcal Discovery Lin cured Dropsy. TTtjen you *re Firs, and do not know vlml Hie mailer », perhaps you Lave on Inward Lnnmr. Try Kenned V* Medical Discovery. Vormlelifall t»ra^gtiJ», itiiisic gtorcs. JUDSOK HIGGINS, A. iO Clark street, near Lake, Cbtcaga, HL. PUBLISHES OF SHEET HUSIC, Dealer la PIANOS AND MELODEONS, AHD ALL SIXDS OF MUSICAL ISTSTTfc’ The bett of ITALIAN STRINGS constantly on hand. PIANOS TO KENT. Tuning and Impairing done at ahert notice, AH or. ders addressed to A. JUDSOX HIGCINn. 49 Clark atrect. Chicago, Ilk, wll! receive prompt aUentlon. aoCGCdy TV. KDIBALL, DEA-.J X. IN t f£ Til PIANO FORiES AND HELODECSS, No. 09 Clarii Street. TT A T iLSTT, DAVIS Sc CO.'S Premlom piano Tone*, which have hero awarded thirty-two First premium in Gold asd {silver Geo. AFilnce’s Melodcoa*. Pianos to Beat. Apply at Music Store, I*9 South Clark etrnct. T ARGEST WHOLESALE Xj bovbs Cf Musical lastrunicms and Strings. JTJUXT3 7SS, 00 South Clark. Street, Chloaso, Idflnnfirtnrec ami Imyintter ol Mtißlral Icitlnmxeot* Mid tsCliDzs, having coan*“Cllon with maonlkcturlfg bootee In hcrlln. L**ip*itt. Dresden, mill I‘urts, It prepared 10 funiUti I)<s!«'n>. Hands und Individuals with every arUcle In their line. AT THE LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES, J. PAPER. Drums and dua s s INSTRUMENTS. JtLItS MAUGR, HANUTACTUREB OF DRUMS AND BRASS INSTRUMENTS. 90 South Clark Street) Chicago, [QCl3d.Ji9.ly3 H WORCESTER’S IMPROVED • riANo-roirriA Manufactory and Pairs Booms. Fourtrrrth Street, • - rorncrTldrrt Avenue, New York. Fora quarter of a evuturv tfm trc.:rumcnU resnn tetured at the above establishment have ranked anion" tlio flr*t in the country. Ihclr durability, otrtmgth and dellrarv of lone and touch an* bhrli.y approbated bv ull wli*» have pivro them a ihoronpi. triU. The proprietor, by Rlvinj: (:ta reraonal attenliou to the lum.uraclurc efe».t-h Instrument. in ull Itad*-. tall*. la conbled to puar«nt«« superior excellence r.'.d retlabllllty la every rerpeet. locCdUM4PH Dodavortits music sxoß'Tv No. G Astor Place, N. T. Publisher and Dctfrr In Foreign and American Mr.- irte Inetruiucuwaud Mnrica) MirrbandUe. Songs m-1 C«jiupo»lU'*n» f-»r lljc ri*uo l ono by tin* I>e*t nm'-urs; B»crtid Atsil Organ Muric; Danre and Million' Murlc l-ir the lltuo-Kon* 1 . seat by mall, portage five, irtnin-a laaebcseallU’lcadof rlmnfi.*). Caulo~uwu>f Mumc f.'r'Jiraw lUndA Quadrille llundM. nuall or large Or chestra*. l*rlco 11-i of i?ra»s ln*tnmicnt« t-ent ou op tima, tlon. Tiu* “douniul forPrae*Bands,*' anew jhiU lleoUon of Hand Mu-lr, li* on Uic lirii ofeaoii noit-Ji: little No-, M ••Comijamuu, couiaimag M*run.»«, aioclrya. ic, Price S-leMOi number. - The lu-trunirmal porta In thus-; woika are corvette and ready for performance. WBI “ * UAftVUTII. DODWOTR, Director of Dodvorth*a Bund. ocS&S-So 3=2E ant 3=ar. AND du. c.u)\n:i.L, Oer»XTOB O* TB> AXB BVi« ForDca: < ea, XiUndnesA, and all defect* of slcLt and fceoria Jir. C. la a regularly educated pbyelclsn. and hat Total twenty years of lib pruleto-lousl lllr r.x. - -steely lothc trcatinoniofdl#e**oaoril»*i Kyeand Far. ‘ Vw* v'o charge made tor &u examination or opinion, aud no tec required for unsuoccaetul aenlcea. DIC C * i>WKI-L'S 'treatise on tiie Fye and Car. (CM m-q. 5Ui). containing mt-rcncea. testimonials, !«: had in-ati» on uppucation, iKwUge leu cents, Ad* dreasS» Kaodolpb street, Chicago. T GUIS 31AUSS, , rBACTSCAI. OPTICIAN. **a Sorrn Cure Brrfrr 70 OriO'ile Ote Court llon«>. TAMt Trench Crrsinl and Brasilian Pebble Fpectaclee, Mn * lye Ulw-osOpraOlasse*. MICROSCOPES. TEL K3COPE 8, Mathematical lu»tn:mccu. etc* etc* constantly os Land. All kinds nt Instruments and spectacle* re paired. an«l slaves Ism rind Into old frame*. Its sUtnni)iug. QJvS WPE ASD FIXTURES Brown ic "Wilder, 47 A 40 State Slate ----- Up-Stalr*. COBSCEUCS ± SJAKCITS. PHILADELPHIA. CAS FIXTURES. The rlcbcrt fifsortment la the dry, eomprtriaff ah late paitekss. {ynt discount from list price*. Fitting 20 perpoond. - _ sel.aSiT.Jy T> D. MeFARLANE’S G-as, Steam Pitting AM PLUMBING ESTABLISHMENT. 5. la Sails Stmt, Clilcaso, OT.’ifn nf ■ tM fixtures aed isw fcexitiihe, jr* cTI r.»i PZ.VWJSEH, And Bannlbctarer of axl kinds op steam itobk* TO THE TRADE i Tb. tnfle »11» tool. u. rrnr lo the r,iC tSi lililei: »nd K.OUt!!ns *^ r MMu£ow“ry I«° ■ EMt VMblatloe dreef. 331)gsiriang. FF. DeDERKY, M. D., Home • ornithic PlirsleUn, Burgeon, Ac., Having co loved an LUropcaa medical education, with a practical In ihl* couairv. the Doctor, led* confident ue'can give entire satlxfoodon In the treatment ol all curable dUeasc*. Acute and Chronic. . Office Hour* till fi a. *. and I to «r.n. and ail hoars cfulght a his realdoocc, M West It-nJolph #lrset, ttMAoWte _ Strain Bar SSlorks. *VTE\Y YORK STEAM DYE WORKS. WST*. TEBBUBT, t rJi South dark street, between Madisos andMocroe, Chicago. Illinois., _ Tjrrx and deeper of *ll kinds of 6Uk and Woolea - Also, btraw Bounce lilcachcr and Prcxser. State uxfl coontrT Vork punctually attended to. T- . • . --.tapircalyj T?A2s T CY STEAM-DYE WORKS J?) OF SIDNEY KAUSH. a Ko.xC Sontb Gark «Oreou between Mocrpc ood Adams,. • Otiroao.Tl’lnol*. 1 have beenwarded the First jTemlua tt the lata AU.coagtri'prd«ilby;exprttistrtcuj*u ijapncg gnfr Sxcliangc. gXCH AH 6 E OX s. TfKWTORK and'BOSTON, granted by * “ TJEXJ. p. QUUIBT & CO-, ocl"-CSS-lr Commladoo Merchant* No.IWH B.W. at WA XT E D.—IL K. SWIFT. JOUKSON & CO'S CERTIFICATES WANTED. DAVENPORT, ULLMAVX ft CO, naiygMy MOart street OX E Y T O L O'A X CHICAGO CITY PROPERTY, ■ Or on Good Improved-Faj mi in this Stato. „ __ CHAMBERS, I KK St CO, nuSIcOIS-Cm 121 Lake street 'J'ELEGRAPIIIG EXCHANGE . On Now York. •Draft*. Acceptance nnd Note*, paid In NewTork on thp Cay of uiaiuritv, nr last day of rnvcp.amlmonpr foracrotmt In Hie dtr nf Srv Tort, and f'Mit to cities la tbe vicinity or Nov York, oatelo. Er.ipUc orders. EMERY COIIIU •'PIS.I)«<9jS Telegraph OOce. TiTOXEY TO LOAN.—In Sums i’ 1. not to exceed sl/4)0, on Tanas In RUnoU, w Jliln one Lcodrrd niD*-> of Chlcaro. . _ G ROUGE W. NEWCOMA, ooWiSMail No.S9Doaybontßt.l!ooioß.CUlcafO. IVf OX E Y LOANED -* “A. Ob first-da?*eecmitle* at tha Banking Office of TTm. 11, Ktce Si Co., No. 63 Clark Street. Three to live years* Loan* at lOver cent. Btiortlhu prrdjwonnted. CasliadvanccsonWarehooscßecelpt*. JF* Cltyj>url|» wanted. nrv29-c155-ly dcl2-2w T.j'OJl jrOSEY TO MAS On Beal Estate SecnrttJea Is Coot sad &4tolsiog Couatli*, ERNST PRUSSINC, Dealer in Portion Exchange* MOTET A.VD REAL ESTATE BROKER, Ag«it for the British Commercial Life In surance Co., and Notary Public. No. G - - Lamion Block - - Ko. 0 LO.J-iy N. K. cor. of.Clark and Washington he. JAMES D. SJIEIiMAN. SAXKKC, SHIPPHG JLVD COMBKCnv, No. 12 Slate Street, tp Stairs. Cash advanced on an kinds of pr-'r-f-i, / onslgncfl for sale or shipment. Ciifh advanced on Bills of Lodi ~ rnd Warehouse Bscetpts. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Hoc*** 1 o rent. Lot* on tea** on longtime oc Plate Kreet, V»'abath. Sflchlgaa and Indiana Avenues. Also, on the Wr*t Side. Hotel on Clark »trcctto rent cheap to a good tenant. A imwt desirable reiideace to exchange fur nupro. li'teUvc property, tfc" Credits gives on New York and Boston. [oc2o:tWiJsml Business (Cariis. pIIARLES ]?. WAITE, KJ ATTORNEY AST> COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 128 Clark Street, Chicago. TarHenlar attention given to tho law of real estate and t<> the collection of claims within ths Pta’e of Illinois. dr My "PAVSOX & REYNOLDS, j. ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, 80 * ■ Starborn Street • - - 80. ccocaEFiTOftr wa. c. zrrseLM. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. KErf^.r.'-Tc*.—-T>jtiol(K ny ft Co., J. n, Bnreh ft Co., CMcasot Vim. b. Heynolduft Co., boston; John M. Atwood, f>u., Philadelphia; Messrs, Springer ft While . n»n. H. s. J/llommcdlcn. Ffui..Clnrumuii: Jnlm An drews, Board of Control I>. W. Destrier, president, Colaiubtw, -O.; Z.S. lllvft Co„ Georce Etc rhon««n, Fdward Iderrepont, J>q.. New Yorfc; JMo. In* Hurls, lloa. Anna J. barker. Albsnv, V. T • John <S. fleshier, K»q, Bathilo. JclS’6o4y piIAWFORD, SHARP & CO., \J IMPORTERS AND DEALBRS In Crockery, otawt nml China Tublo Cotlcrv, Looking Css. t.-m end Lriilah Were, No. JW L&ko street, Chlraco, lUluola, naklWS-ly oeffSO-ly ITXOX,-EUSTACE & HEED, ax attorn t» at law, 130 • - • Clar i Street • - - ISO Between Washington andMadlsoa, Chicago, EL Jcxrrs ks'ox. souk v, mtrica. m« a. »—■» [«U •au.jyj QPIES & BURT, O COUNSELLORS AT LAW. 13 • • Chestnut, North Side, - m ?S Between Third and Fonrtb Kts,. St, Loch, Mo. Mr. B. 1« Notary PubUc aud Oottmhulocer of Deeds f -r every Slate In the Union. Refemic* * la Chicago—Serin* & Bras*. TLKUKfcICKtPJEA. ÜBl4y-VlSs] CALTT3 C. SCXT. Stationers, &c. /BARTER & STONE, Dealers in BAGS AND PAPER, Sostt Canal Street Chicago, El. J. T. Cactia. R. n.; Cash paid for all Ur.di cf Cotton and Woden ael*£o4y OUTLER & MUST, 48 Stato-St., A-J hbycLOWoahaadthefoUotvingeiresofprintii'g JSXI7 IRrtS SQx« StxJO Kzii ZZsZ 3 -'in 23s u VisSl 255T7 STiil 23 gg »:sn 24xSt 231£3 2SISS 20x37 Ant! nr*’. rec<-ivhi;nl=rrewsortmenlof HOOK PAPER, aoco reams of Wrapping l*apcr, of different blrca. rraun Matiillft rto. 200 reams Cap and Loiter, and a general of Printer’s Ststloarrr. 1,090 krg« nr Mather’s crlfliratedßookandNcwslnk. All of Widen will be sold fur cash at the lowest poach ble ratca. itliiw Sif Cash paid pjr Rag*. - *s DA. IXGKRSOLL, • Bulks Book Masttactchew. ROOK BINDER AND RULER, I»tn to raarmfacture Blank Books of ever) 1 doKcrlpiloQ. rtilod and honn<l to auv d(*irvd pat vrltli <«r without prlnifd heading*. 'Bardctilarat unilon ptsld toordcivlrotii CountvOnirrr*, Bank*. &r. BUI Hoad*, letter Head*. Nilophtg Bills, ftc.. Butt'd sr.d I’rtctcil to order, Mngazlntas per odicats, etc., b uind In any kt vl<*. old Book* bound ami re bound. All kinds of Prlatlug done with nr:itnc>'s aud dispatch. Tunas mod'rale. NO. 13d LAKK hTUc.LT. Norliiuast corner of Clare, tcuiraueeoa Clark* reel J PueU)ilic»- iKt ’KJ, mrS4Ll9:.l»j jfor pike’s CT. JOSEPH & HIKE'S TEAK o Tran*porfa!l«>n Line. A. T7AEHEH & CO., General Freighters to tho mines, •TOBAOE, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HEKCIIANTS, AV> have Trnlar.leavlns Joseph weeklv through cottheteur. f«.*r all parts la the mince, and can give r-irxlca nnarial facilities fur "vUluz out IVclzlit with dt-pateli aud at rrainnnble mics, AU goods snipped to < or rare, dr-lined forth** mine*, wilt no promptlv at* trniledlo. Warehouse on tflxlh £tre*t, A. WAKKK.N* & CO.. ao2XC3.IT bt. .toseph, ilo. H-UXS !—GUXS !GUXS!! 1— Gtinr. Ittttni, Pistols; Coifs, At- _ en't, Sharp*-*, amt rverv variety of toh«r. liowlt Knives. lent*. Picks, Shovels, pj*iM*olrt locales, l;laiikcta.utid all kinds of r.dacr* tools; powder. Shot, < np*.audnmmuuUi«)itvcu(*rally. Aircalty' a lor St. lx>uh< Shot. hole ACfi:t tor Rax. lrd'» Powder. UIIU.X. AJiUkv Js«iLak-+t. »j£l? Bcntisls’ (Carts. Ytmj.lAM ALUAUGII.ggS^ * ' DEXTI^T, ?« \rnsr randolph-st., Chicago 4*j t*9tt OCcc Dox SST. recmAyl AW. FRI£K3IAN,£^^ * OKXTIST, Zjjfyy&l 103 Waamsarox Stnnrr, Chicago. 103 Just east of Clark Street. Jfo charge foi an examination or ttnsaceenfcl work, ocycojj- B JLTt. TYILY DRIED CORY 3IEAL, i-V FalrCeM WlUa.— soo b’j’.B cl thli celebrated brand la ttcro and for sale br BEDFORD. MEREDITH * CO* laireo-ir Ku. siu south Wat <r tt DU U Y E E & FOESYTU, ilacnfacinrlus Company SCALES fuse * urnoLAB rm S j9l Z 1 B Wtrtboose Trades, Tcvrt. Siiffir Mini. &( A. K. fiTENCER, . ©c'Tdvt-f.m IS M'CHCUCK’S Jb. i’mi'iiai Scales I |j 1 Kanarictnrcd bj M IDAHS ft EUCHCOCE, iA 1 *" 89 S* Canal-M., Chicago* kinds of Scale* Repaired, HOWE’S STAXD- jw AED SCALES. Vp^? TUGS. S. DICKESSW, ■ | * So. ttWsbafhATcnce, Chicago, 111 VSIzS^SsfL Weigh out «f Level. JTo Check Reds, Ail rrtcUoa received on fiy BtOle scl*liOJr w • 'W T>UPXURES CURED Xl» ur THK Hf hard Brccr-u niccs rurfs.gk 1 TUI* Tm« !i unlike *ll ethers nwJ, both to construction and mate rial Doc* not con,tantlv prr*« on the rupture, and thereby give a call for a tru** far llfo, like moat trassca In u»*.Uut prices in four place*, bringing the part- to prthcr. giving nature a chance io enrv, which it d>*s In nearly all rates. Ikh> not press UPON THE CO!tl>. or obstruct circulation; never tolls nr corrode*, and la alwayi dean and new. Young .persons and rrrt-nt case* always cared. I'hyalrtana mt Jt is the OVLT PHILOSOPHICAL THCbS LN USL. None bat those who have soffcml wtlh the rr.lsorv of rupture can ap preciate the value of the -Higgs Truss.” Au Illustrated liaranhlehcioiualulus an particular*, *ent free to any one. uy ad(lrc*Jng L It. SEKLFT. Etelorive and Pole Agent for the Western Slate*.' Office W» Lake street, I'Oet Office box 4.533, Chicago, Jlllial*. Wholesale trade enppbad at New York price*. irumiy Vetoing fHacijincs. AfETROFOLITAN SEWING JLvX itACimfE-Mannfactoredby DIL H. S. PAYNE, Ko. 64 North D*jarborn at Salesroom at the Boot and Shoe Store, No. IAS Lake et, (3d Ooor.) • Sewing Machine Agenti Wanted To crcry county thronghout the States, to sell U. 8. Pitnk*B Mett:oi*oi3T»» DomurLocr. Khisnc. Taft Omovck & HacekV Snrca K ivilt 6cwt«o Macbika the same for which Leads Cornell has acted as Agent for the last few weeks. The machines are adapted to eh varieties of work, Clvlng-perfert satisfaction, and are warranted equal to -any respect to those selling at a Uglier price. A Urge per ccntago Ulowed. and great Indueemesta to enter prising and efficient Agnus. We also have Blake ft Johnston’s Improved Latent Adjustable Hvmraer. Address, or call In person upon DB. li. H. F. 0. Box 5303, Chicago, HL uSHIOCm Apply to Scales, trusses. Cjjitajjo Critmne. MOOTAY, DECEMBER 17, 1800. Dally Arrival and Departure of mall Train*. Trains Depart. Mails Close. Trains Arrive. EAST. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. C.OOa. m. 10.00 p.m. ' 10.80 a. a. C.30 p. m. 4.4 r, p. ro. 11.00 p. m. MICHIGAN CENTRAL. C.ft> a. in, 10.00 p. m. 10.20 a. m. 6.20 p.m. 4.45 p.m. 11.00 p.m. PITTSBURG, ST. WAYNE AND CHICAGO. «50a. m. 10.00 p.m. 6.00 a.m. 6.80 p.m. 4.45 p.m. 8.30 p.m. SOUTH AND WEST. CHICAGO AND ROCK ISLAND. 9.45 a. m. 8.00 a. m, 5.45 a. m. 11.45 p.m. 0.00 p.m. '6.15 p.m. DIXON AIR LINE. 11.40 a.m. 30.90 a. m. 4.10 a.m. 9.00 p.m. i;.»mall. 3jlop. m. ILLINOIS CENTRAL—Branch. 9.15 a. m. 8.00 a. to. 5.20 a. m. 8.00 p.m. 8.30 p.m.' 8.40 p.m. BURLINGTON AND QUINCT. 7.15 a. m. 4.00 a. m. 5.45 a. m. 11.45 p.m. 9.00 p.m. 5.12 p. m. ALTON AND ST. LOUIS. 0.13 a. tn. 8.00 a.m. 5.20 a.m. S.Wp.m. 7.30 p.m. 8.40 p.m. NORTH AND WEST. GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION. 11.40 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 3.43 a. m. 8.30 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 3.40 p.m. NORTITWESTEEN. 12.S0p.rn. 11.00 a.m. 6.20 a.m. 6.00 p. m. 4.50 p. m. 5.00 p. m. jm.WAiinjE. 4.00 a.m. 11.34 p.m. 11.00 a.m. s.C<op.m. 7.45 a. m, 12.8<) p. m. OWES MEREDITH’S LAST. There is nearly always la young Bolwer'a best poem® a trace of Tennyson. This traoc-ls very ob vloca in tho last poem l>y Owen ileredilh. in the Cornfilll iloQaz\m for November. Indeed, In gene ral sentiment nnd thought, or passion and imagi nation—for it has both—the underneath poem sounds like a sort of epitome of Lockslcy Hall. Bat It is beautiful, whatever model may have shaped its inspiration: THE DYING AND' DISAPPOINTED POET." O woman-eyes that have smlcd and smiled, O wo mau-ltpa that have lei-* The life-blood not of my h- why thns forever do yon peM-t, Pressing oat of the d::rl; n.l r;»a::J, to bewilder my dylnghoura With yonrghoptly so.-> ■; -brew'd front tin; breath of your poison Jlo'vers ? Still, though the idol be broken, I tee at their an cient"revel*. The riven altar round, como dancing tho self-sane devil*. Lrnle cnrrltc, lente enrrite, noctia eiiui I - Linger a little, O Time, and let me bo saved ere I die. How many a night ‘neath her window have I walk’d In 1 lie wind and rain, . Only to look at her shadow Beet over the lighted -pane: .Mas! *twa* the shadow that rested,‘twas herself that fleeted vou -ee. And now I nm dying, I know it—dying,' and where Is rfie! Dancing divinely, perchance, or over her soft harp- strings. Using the part to give pathos to the little now song . that she sings. Bitter i I dare not be bitter In tbs few last hoars left to live. ■ Needing so much forgiveness, God grant me at lea-t to forgive. There can be no t-pacc for the ghost of her face down In the narrow room. And the mole U blind, and the worm is mute, and there znut-t be r«r§t lu the tomb. And just one failum mure or lee# to a life that seems to be CVTbile 1 licluokiDgKpnnlt, as a bird on the broken tree. She hover* about, ora making wing for a land of lovelier growth, Brighter blossoms, and purer, air, wunewbere Jar off in the South). Failure. crowning failure, fallnre from end to end. Ju.t one more or lees, what matter, to the many no grief can mend ? Not to know vice is virtue, not fate, however men mar rate; And next to title. I held that man to be but a cow- ard and n slave Who beare the plngae-spot about him, and, know ing it.rhrink or fears. To brand It out, though the burning knife ehould hiss iu Ms bear la hot tears. Bell have caught the contagion of a world that I never loved; Pleased mynrif with approval of those that I never approved; Paltered with pleasures that Meascd not, and fame and where no fame could be: And bow shall 1 look, do you think, Will, whan the angels are looking on me 7 YetO! the coniidcni spirit once mine, to dareonJ and to do 2 Take the world into my hand, and shape It, and make It anew: Gather all men In my purpose, men in their dark ness and dearth. Men lu their meanne-a and misery, made of the dust of the earth. Mold thorn afresh. amlmake out of them Man, with hia spirit tublimo— Man, thr great heir of Eternity, dragging the con quests ofTlniel Therefore I mingled among them, doemlng the poet should"hold All nature saved In hie own, as the world In the ark was of old; • All nature eared In hl-j own to bo types of a nobler, When the old world paercth away and the new world takvtb hU place. EATER FROM MEXICO. [From the N. O. Delta, Dec. lUh.l The fctcunjfliip Tenaesse, Captain Thomas Forbes, arrived this morning from Vera Cruz, which i>ort bhc left on the 7th Inst The news by this arrival Is not particularly important Allairs apjjcar to remain pretty much iu tfalu quo. The express which ought to have left Mexico onlhe 'BJ, had not been heard of up to the time of the Tennessee’s departure. Tiio Traitd’Uniou thinks it was not permittu«l to lenvc the Capital. It was Supposed that the Liberal army bad already surrounded and invested Mexico.- Kumont had come from Puebla to to this effect. Tbc TVuj'ft/’t’nio/i supposes that Mimmons’g Gov ernment may have been superseded at tho Capitd. An expedition of n thousand men had com© to Puebla from Mexico, and returned to that city, taking a%vay the sacred vases, and jewel# belonging to tho churohe#, aud valued at a million of dollar*. Tho'clcrgy had uiven their consent to this spoliation. Mira mou had laid violent hands, during a period of seven days, ou sums ntnouniinff to about -?2,000,00u, of which $660,000 were taken from the English legation ;md $300,000 from the people of the city of Mexico. The funds taken from the British Legation belonged to English creditors. Miramon lard declared the city to be in a state of slejre. • General Marquez, who had sallied out with 3,000 men from the capital to relieve Guadala jara, was attacked at Tcpatillau by a detach ment of tho Liberal forces, aud completely routed, loosing all his artillery cud He owed his own safely to the llcetuess*bf his horse. • General Robles r.ntl oilier?, of Mlnunon’s officer?, had reviewed; also Lares aud Saga ccta, two of the members of bis cabinet. A ?Xjratcrlou* Affair, [From the lllluol- Journal.] For some days there had been a mysterv in recard to the movements of one of our high officials, yet few of his friends suspected the real truth. They did not suppose that he would swerve from what had always seemed tohlmhU duty; but, alas, men change, nor are they always proof asralnst temptation. Rut our old and well tried friend, in whom we and the people luivc placed so much reliance, has committed an act of which he may repent sit leisure; or {<o*sibly he may fancy that for this act, being the first one of . the kind ol which he has been guilty, he may be forgiven; but It cannot be forgotten, ami Its remem brance will follow him wherever bp goes, lie left suddenly, with his booty, on the (5.10 P. M. train, going East over the’G. W. R. R. The policemen were misled by his appearance, sup •posing that he was simply parting with some of his friends. They little suspected that hla trunks were packed with drygoods and valua ble wearing apparel, which had but just come within Uls control, were already on board, and the checks for them in his pocket. We learn that most of this plunder consists of rich dresses and other paraphernaliathmiliar to our well dressed female friends. It Is true the party who was the original owner can bear the Jo>» without serious inconvenience; but the public will have their say about the matter, f vrh if h* is tot pursued. The name we with hold for the present. - ■ P. S.—We leant that this man was not con tent to be alone in this transaction, aud ano ther person is implicated with him., and went away In the same train. The ticket agent save he purchased tickets for two persons to Philadelphia, whither no douht they have pone. . . Latek.—Several persons now say they ex pected all ibis long ago, and do not wonder at the strange conduct of the infatuated man, who thus leaves his office on such short no lice. Later Still. —The goods were taken. from the house of our esteemed fellow-citizen, P. I*. Enos, Esq. For further particulars cco the following MARRIED. In Springfield, ITU. on Thursday, Doc. IStb, at the residence of I’. P. £no». E*q n bj the Ktr. Dr.' Jihnrc, lion. O. 11. HATCH, Secreurv of Slate, and Miss JULIA B. ENOS. Dr. Alfred J. French of Lawrence, Democrat, who was in the Massachusetts Leg islature'with Caleb Cnihliig in 1559, asserts, throughlhe Boston Journal, that self is responsible for the contincanec of the present personal liberty bill on the Statute book. Some of the more conservative Republicans proposed to modify the bill, and if the Democrats had aided them, they would have been strong enough * to do it. But Cushing recommended the De mocrats to absent themselves when the vote was taken, In order that the bill might stand and be: of service to the Democratic party. Some of them did so, and the-blll remained' unccangcd. The Joumtd says the writer of the letter is a man of unimpeachable veracity. Actios or the Comphomise Committee— A DiscnEPixcr.— I There accms to be an Im portant discrepancy between the report far-' nished by the Associated Press, and the real facts in the case, in regard to the action of the Compromise Committee on Thursday. The Associated Press report says that the resolu tion offered by Mr. Rost* of Arkansas was adopted, whereas the ‘ special report of the Cincinnati Commercial, says that fie Commit tee refused peremptorily to. sustain the pro? position of Mr. Rust, and that the resolution offered by Mr. Dnnn of Indiana was adopted, although all the New Englanders voted against it .. . - ‘ .... —Gen. Jolone, who, It-will be remembered, waa the late Democratic cand!dato-for Vice ITeeidcnt, ia a bitter foe to Mr. Nesmith, who Ims been elected his successor to the U. & Senate from Oregon. When Mr. Nesmith was Superintendent of Indian Affaire, Gen. Jo lane left no stone untouched to expel him from ollice, and now he gets paid in bis own coin,' with interest, by being ousted from his Erofitable scat in the Senate by the very man c tried to crush. Commission fHmfjants. PEUGNET, CommlMldD Merchant*.. Personal attention siren to the purchase and **ie of Grain, Flour and Country Produce generally. J OFFICE NO. 2 HILLIARD'S BLOCK, N.E.cor.B. WatcrandClark-ata. Port Offlce Box CS7. RKrnjEXCESj—Hon. Wm.B,; ITon, B. V>. Bay mood, do.; Isaac Cook. Esq-do.; 8. W. Bio. Icy, Em- do.; P.narmnnv, NepU-V £ Co- New York- Oonrd Frerea, do.; Telvcncn Bros., do ■ Ja». Kind’s BoomIo.; Ja«. H. Luca*. Eaq- St. LoaU; Edward Tea. son. Esq- do.: Chas. Chouteau, Esq- do. - [noiaxSm fjf* Liberal advance* made on CoDjJsuincnLi- , SACKET, ~ Commission Merchant* No, ,J$6M Soptii Water street, between Ola and New . Board of Trade Buildings, Chicago, HI Rim to Merchants* Savings Loan and Trust Co- Chi. cago; Smith, pollard & Co- Chicago; Parker Handy, Esq- Caslder, New York: A. Whitney Afions.Ptilladel. phla-J.E.EowlerACo-ycwOrleans. :: auaycoiy JNELAND & MIXER, Packers and Commission Merchants," Opposite Michigan OntralFrHaht Depot foot afEocth Water Street Chicago, IU- Woold Invite attention to' their new Packing Rouse and Store, sod from the openlns of tbcTacking Season will bare constantly on baud a full supply cf- ” BEEF, FORK, LARD, Ac. And their PREMIUM SUGAR CURED HAMS. Or. der* for Parking are eollclte - W. Letayu. .. I*ei4]. C. B. 6, ]7'ORD & NORTON, Storage and Commission Merchant*, Fire Proof Warehouse, on Market rtreet. between Lake and Randolph street*. Chicago. 111. nr liberal advances made on Consignments. Samuel a. roan. [] NitHAXirL sobtos. piTKIN & CO., General Commiiwlon Merchants, 119 SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO, HI. JAMES L. OATES. Q.rtS'to.lyJ ALFBEP H. frm*. ROEB & CO., Wholesale Dealers In' GEOCEULES AND PISH, And General Commission Merchants, Ko. 10 Hiver Street, Chicago, HL SGVACH NOETOS. . CBAA BOBS. S. Z. 502799. ap27-caft-!y XjMNLEY, HOYT & RUMSEY, X COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 13 South La Salle Street, Old Vnltod State* Custom House Buildings, Chicago. JAs. w. nsur. j. a, norr. l p. bwet, CARD.—In withdrawing from the Commission Bust* ness, we take great pleasure In recommending the above firm to onr friend* and patrons nnd solids for them a continuance of their bnsl:ie*a. Having known them for **evor»l year*. wecfiwrfullv recommend them a« good hnslnosa wen. and In even- respect reliable, DolT-dtSt-Cm FLINT k WHEELED. QIIAMBERLAIX & SEYMOUR, V-/ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the purchase and sale ot " CRAI.Y, FLOI’R, PRODICE At 3IEUCILLYDISE, No. 1 Pardee’s Bnlldlnc. corner of Wells and South U atrr streets. on consignments. • r. ▼. coasiecKLig. [dcl&’TOl g. w. pktmocr. Bailie & setmour, PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION iiti.ClliSTs, office JM Sontb w*ter-9t„ Pomeroy's BoltiUnc*. Post Otficc Drawer G177, Chicago. I), mflit. T u crrvftt^ Rcrcncscc Stcreca. Buckingham ft Co.tWn Mar tin, General 1 refill Ajcnt C. li. & <v R. E. anl&cSl'ldy Q.RTFFIK BROTHERS, 1860 Conxmlsvlon Merchants, NO, 6 POMEROY’S BLOCK; Corner South Water and Clark streets, Chicago. Ad. TMDcea made on conalgnuicma. . tr.Oßirra.] ''' j. canra*. r PURPIX, LAKE & CO.. JL COMISSION MERCHANTS,. No, 18a X>3 South Water St., Chicago. T.i.TDarat. well? uca. a. j. nrc "jyjTLES, ytTRIGHT & SHERMAX, P2ODDGS COHKISSION HEECHANTS. PSaLEKS IS Every Description of Country Produce on Commission Exclusively. 29 and Li;m? Strict. CHICAGO . SCOTT STJEWiUIT, (Prcdnee Gommlaalon SXorehant, So. 1 BOARD OF TRADE BVILDINOSI sc’.dlSO-ly .TXTELLKR, MTJDD & 3IELLEN, T T EXCLUSIVE COiIMISSION MERCHANTS. 184 South Water Street, ClUcaso, HI, Cash advance? made on bills of Lading, |*ron«rtr In Store, and on Shipment* to our trtendsEael tod Sooth. J£aaS WELLER. J. O. «ra.SS. J, J. MfPD, apy&My -QXDERWOOD & CO., COMMISSION- MEKCHAiras, 153 So a lli Water Clilcaga. r-tW2B ALBERT MOUSE & CO., I'roduc© Corntnlimlon JlTcrchants, SOUTH WATER STREET ISI Alkla’a Daßdlng, Chicago. _ Business confined strictly to Comtalsrioa. f V. coiT& co.~~ COKHISBXOH HBSOHAHrs For the pnrehase and sale cl FORK, FLOCK,CRAIN AND STOCK, No. 2i«v South Water street, Chicago, wiraov v. cob. w«. h. rice. • a. l. csdcswood _ dcTXLIy * IXWAGEX & CO., General Comiulssslon merchant*, No. 8 Dole’s Rulidlrc. cor. South Water and Clark ata. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. • ■ utteal Anv'Asrts Hinr o.*» a»>.'CcxvE!rrH. KcrEr.Esrn.-*.—t Unt A Wheclrr, Smith. Pollard A Co. CMo*<r>; .Tiuon partt-r, K-hj.. Cutter & Nlms,DnCASo laruuMy DOXIIAM & CO., •A. EXCLUSIVE cosnnssioN merchants, NO. 253 SOUTH WATER STREET. CHICAGO, ILL. Kerento—Merchant*’ Sarirci. Loan and Trust Co. Aloruo Richmond & Co. lion. Jim. C. llalrw. Chicago! J. U. Drake £ Co. R. S. liliur, DaOalo. * QULVKIi A COMILVXY, coxjqssiox 210 South Water Street. _ a. r. culver. c. a. ccmra. - BKOTIEER & CO~ Cemmlnton Merchant*, i S,T s*H ldr attention to the purchase and aa> of Hour. Grain, and o: (kt Produce, on Ne.ltoh. Water, cor. Clark «L, Chlgagp. tno3Bagß HOWES, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 135 South Water Street, Chicago, 111. EjcirM-irt ■; QAS II A D VAN 0E S. WAKEFIELD, XASII & CO., Liverpool and London. Liberal Cash Advancement* will be made on consign meets to tba above bout*,-of BACON; LAiJD, PUO VISIONS, and PRODUCE generally, by 052*6017] • TIIQV NASP. g # HOLMES & SOX, Beef and Pork Packers, Asro FRovisiorr eeehchants. OiSc# No. 12 River Street PACKIN’Q HOUSE NORTH BRANCH. CHICAGO. Dealers In BEEF, POHK, HAMS, SHDBEIIEBS, LARD, ETC. i ts~ Highest market price for Cattle and Hoga. REFER TO Bankers and Business Men generally at Quincy, St. Louis sud Chicago Bank; J. You or Scammaa. President Marine Dank; J II Dun* ham, J>q* President Merchants’ Saving* Loan and Trust Company, and &!«*•». O. b. Hubbard A Co Chicago. aia'i, nomxa. [aas-te-ly] r.t.l. gonna. \TURRY KELSON, ULL PRODUCE Commission and shipping 3l«rehant. SO.anSOUTU WAi&Kbi'RKET ■ (AgentforUioKalian6UrchWorksOswecoCo ST) liberal rasa advance* oo Fiocr ami Grain for shin mcoi 10 Oswego or Sew York. or la i>torc. giving the ‘Upper the privilege of selling in either iuirket for one JgEDFORD, MEREDITH & CO., „ CONCUSSION MERCHANTS,* No. 219 South Water Street, Chicago- rive tbeir excJa alre attention to thcporchase and sale ot Flour. Grain and all kinds of Produce, Stock. Ac. Liberal advance* made on consignments. Agents for kiln Used Cora. MeaL liefer to K. L Tlnkhaai ft Co., Chicago: Fiji*. McAJpln ft Co„ Cincinnati. j»\~£r gPAFFORD,. STEWART & CO;, Produce Commission STerchanta. Personal attention given to ealts of Grain, Flour. Provisions and Country Produce generally. Buslnes* exclusively Comnilnwloa.- Advance* made on consign, menu. ii< Kiade street, Chicago. fciSTO-ly o. it. aramum. p. sttwart. a. r. v. «m A LLEX VANE & CO., XJL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the eale of Flour, Grain. Beet Pork. tum*. Lard. Baiter, Cliecae. Seeds, Dried Fmips Ac. 129 South Water street. Chicago. Agents for Hamburg end West. «n» Reserve Cheese. AU.XX TAKE. [anlh&iytly] . a. WILLIAMS & HOUGIITELK&- T f . COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No.aOH'SouUi Water street, second door West ot Wells street Bridge, give their exclusive attention to the eale and purchase of all kinds of produce Stock,' Ac, on Commission. Caeh advances! made on wm. of Lading and property in store. Rtftr to Geonra Smith A Co. Marine Bank, and Coorge Steel A Co. j. w. williawa uaWliyr w. n. HOPcirrKuya. TVTEELT, LAWRENCE & CO., ll COMMISSION MERCHANTS for the purchase and sale uf Grain, Floor. l>roTUlon«, end Country X*rodoce generally. Bastnew cxclosively Comrobricm Also dealers In &ut. Lima, Watcr-Liuio, Stncna, pi««t crtneilalr. Land plaster. Ac. Ac., at 206, 233 and hto South ISster street. hMiutnca v %mnun, a. r. iawxxxck. .K.HXXLT. mhavady WEBSTER & BrVXTER, 1 T PEQDCCB A COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Office 229 Sootli TYater Street, We give onrpezaonal attention to tho purchass and sale of all kinds of Produce in this market. . cso.wxxarcu. Qaaj'gUyl. . Worthington & Co.', GENERAL COHJUSSIQN HEECHAKTS, .176 North Jefferson Street. P,O. BoxtoLChloaec. Orders from the country rortheparchaseofMerSan. dlseof every description promptly attended to aeStzSm • • 'J'homae, Kurxthall i Thomae, Shipping aci Oonunlaaioß Brorchasta, HO. 144 WATER STREET, JT. T« Liberal advances mads on consignments. Special at. tendon given- to the sales of Hides.-wool -and Skins. Refer to W. W. Deforest ft Co„ N. T.; Orta, nell, Mintumft Co H do.; 8, Hawk, Richmond House, Chicago. insurance. JJ OM E INS URAN OE The Union. Insurance TRUST COMPANY. Cbutered if tl« Ltsh!stiir« x,f Illinois. CASH CAPITAL, f200,000* ‘ ' Office—fix chance Bank Bnlldlnc, S. W. corner of Clark .and Lake street, Chicago, HI., Preridant—BZJTJ, XOMBJLRD. Tlce-Praddent—VAK 11. HIGGIN3, Secretary—B. P. JOHNSON. Treasurer—FßAßClS A. HOFFMANN. DIRECTORS : BENJAMIN LOMBARD, Cambridge, Mass. MATTHEW BOLLES. of M. Bolles 2 Co„ Bankart. B<M«ti. Mass. DANIEL SHARP. Commissioner, etc- Boston. Mass JAMES W. FTONE, M.D-Boernn. Ma#S M *- awa - LEVI F; STEVENS. Boston.* Mam. • * - _ Van H. HIGGINS, Judge Superior Court, Chicago HUnoU. • FRANCIS A. HOFFMANN, Hoffmann A Gelpeke. Rankew.rhlraro. GEO. \r. GAGE, of Gage, Bro’ A Drake, Trentont Honw*.Chicago. M. D. GILMAN, of if. D. CRmaa & Co- Wholesale Grocers and Importer*. Chicago. JOHN V. FARWELu of Cooler. FanreTl & Oo- Wholeaale Dry Good* Merchants and Importer*. FRANCIS B, PEABODY. Attorney at Law, Chicago. THOMAS HARLESS, of Harless A Parker, Comm*, non Merchants, Chicago. J; O. HOYT, of Hoyt A Peirce, Wholesale Grocer* and Importer*. Chlcasn. ISAAC G. LOMBARD, General Agent Union Ink andT. Co. Chicago. • D.L. PHILLIPS. Anna. HI. ELVI3 HARWOOD, President of Wheat*Q rowers* Bank. Anna. HI. LOMBARD. Cashier Pamet Bank, Grigja. CIIAI'I.KS CHASHLER, of Chirln Clumcller £ Co. Banker*. Macomb. Hi. OLIVER WHITAKER, or Headers*! & Wbltakir, Attorneraat Law/ronton, HI. MARSHALL ATBES/PrcVL Tbfilon Bank. Rrisga. vllle, HI. 8010-dC7-Sm IKSUKANCECOMP’Y, HAHTPCSD, OOKTT.. . Incorporatod 1819-Charter PsspetnaL ! Cadi Capital and Surplus, $2,194,100.03. i PTEE AND mAUUHAVIGATIOIiRIBZS r _ Taken at Liberal Tenc* and Rat*A . fapedal attention clven to Insurance of Dweiffngt and Content*, for term* of one to Uve yeara. ASSETS, JVAJN*. 1, ISOO. ! PAH) UP CAPITAL Mjoaono 00 I CAPITAL and SURTLCS.... , - , . • - • IyVal.JJkt.VaL ! Bank Stocka, An »sa.FS) 00 Sarahs oo . IT. S. Stock and Treasury Notes... 225.W0 oo SO.fTiOCO ! Ptate Flocks. Ac stvnnoo MLSJito Cltr Stocks. Ac. iiioon no UO.OM 00 Railroad Stock*, Ac BS.nin CO Oi,ift» 00 j Morteace Pond* 52,000 00 82.0 M ® : Real Estate, uninpumbered 7«.nw 00 Miscellaneous Itcmt 87.7 CD 56 1 Cash on hand and deposited on caU. and In aeenta* hands .... OL7JC 86 : Claltna unadjusted and not dne...tl7U,K7 C 3 . Total .. 2.1M.1MC3 Application* received, and Police* Issued orrenewed bv any of Its dulv anthorlzed Asenta. Losses equita bly adjnetM and paid In funds current at any of the . Banka In Illinois. Apcnw appointed, supplies fumlshep, and all busl. ; ness pertalnuur to a general snpcrvklou In the State of : XlUfiola promptly attended to bv WM. TL PATCH. State Agent, Springfield, EUcola. HURRAHI> & BENT, • Acenrs for Chicago. JylO-ly No. 1 Loomis Block, cor.So, Water* Clark its. pnCEXIX IXSURAXCE CO., [OF H4BTFOBB, COHNECTICTJT. January lot, ISOO. . CASH CAPITAL. SURPLUS . ..... Cash on hand, and In Bank fT7.fltt.jis CeahinthohaiMlsef and d'»efrom Ae*nts.. - .. SLtniyß’ Real Tfitair, nnlncnmbi-rM Loaned on Mortgaces of JVal Estate Amount loaned on pledged Bank Stock. ttyajo ro Araonut loaned otherwise secured Fifty Shares U. g. Trntt Co.’s Stock," New York kVOTO IAIM :New York Rank Stock J&V100 1417* a .Hartford Bank Stock.... : I.'JV'JM 7LMH Waferbnry Bank Stock U.2TO lASTO Stafford Bank Stock. Stafford 4TO 4f5 Holyoke Water P’r. Co.’a Stocks..-... lA.fWJ -msas •New Britain Water Bood* KXtwj - 10700 Hartford Clfvltnnd* 10.0 TO IQ.OTO Col.Pc'fLandlod.R.R.Bonds.... laow 7-VW Aoatunulated interest on Investment! 5,711 Total Asset* f.iK.S3fft Total Liabilities - - - 940,704.83 H. KELLOGG, Secretary. JaUbBABD ft HUNT, Agents. .SO asdSS No 1 Loomis' Bolldlng. Comer Clark and Water streets. Chicago. Appueatloaa for Insurance, or the renewal of l*oll. «e* and all borinesa connected with the bo made to ns, dnlv appointed Agent* for the Cltv of Ctilcago, with foil power to receive proposals and Isme Pollclea, on a* favorable terms as other rcapcnsible Companies; and Its aim will be to aecnrs the ennfl. dence of the public by aalionorable coar«e of doling • M. MAGILU General Agent, hi and hh West Third Street, Cincinnati. Oldo. to whom all application* for Agencies. In the Western or Sonlhweatern States ma? be addressed. [aptCUy' Quaker errr ins. com^.Y, ■ • PHTLiDELPHIA. Capital and Snrplus, - - . 5332,746.70. ««« C»sic«rsj OE®. HART. 1L K. COGOSHALL, _ _ _ . I’/cslilect, Soo’y and Treasurer. E. P. ISoaA ,Mcc-Pre*X S.B. Ectlks, AMTSao*y.. CURTIS L. NORTH, Genera! Apcat, lUiotiic Temple, Hart. F,P. Row. A.C. CattelL Foster 8. Pcrktas, E. W. lUßcr, Andrew Chambem. H. Coggahalt, gamed Jont*, M, D M Hon. !!. JR Fuller. mb!6-'60.1y ■VrOUTII AJIEUICAX FIRE IX XI durance company, . OF Hartfbnl, Conn. Paldap Capital M.“. M 7.. (260.000 Icscmnce Aealr.n Low bv Fire. * * UUiiUAUD s IITNT. Ai;ent«, Chirac©. Cor. Clark and South Wattrfta. NOttwicn fiiii; insurance co., OF KOUWICII. CONS. Paldap Capital lI2LC3SJB HChHABI) A HUNT, cor. of £ Water and Clark *t», £r«i Coor, LoomU* Block. ocsWtto TTARTFORT) FIRE IXSUR’XCE XX COMPANY, Chartered In 1810. ASSETS MAT X. 1800. _ . ... Mark»il Tahie. C«Mn bead and on . Loan* amply .s;-ctir. *5 .’s l * Reel v»; :m ' m ' tA"®>Sltnr-,- t' *: Hartford..■*»•ro’m *••«> “ •' " In Nen- York a'X&UV) 1,010 “ “In Jtostou KS.‘*vVo3 iJO “ rt. Loots and 3ilili*ai:lrte . J-0 ** I?«r Company iOUO>\) Hi lutilroad block. 00 II City And Railroad Bond* lilflo’io Bt««stocks Total Assets iys^Tw}a Total Liabilities, ; poUees la the abova Company issued by HOKT ft HIGOIKSOBr, Agents, No. 1 Loomli Block, as3o-c9Cl4m Corner Clark and South Water eta. JPIRE, MARINE, LIFE INSURANCE. HILLER & WILLMABTH, Agents fbr the MANHATTAN LIFE, of New York, HOME, « * « • FHENIX, « « WASHINGTON, « «« LOKILLAHD, « « CITIZENS, K « PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON, Pro .vldenco, R. I. CONWAY, of Conway, Maas. HAMPDEN, of Springfield, Maas* Aggregate Capital and Sarplns, $5,000,000. Office,. No. 150 South. Water Street* - QeS-lyl - \TEAV ENGLAND FIRE AND X i. Marine Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. iuea, Jan. L IS6O .♦ f23a^ii.cj Insurance Against Z*oss by Piro, •. , ‘ HUBBARD A HUNT, Amenta. OdcatO. jyH-ly-dTSS Cor. dark sad South Water Mi. ©listers. gTEVEXS A OI'STJEIiS, FRESH FROM BALTIMORE EVERT DAT. 108 Randolph Street • 108 CT" Orders from the country solicited and promptly attended to. 1 L. B. PLATT & c °.,«^ /n ’.OYSTERS TROil BALTIMORE AND DELAWARE - BAT: ~ 65 - - • Uandolph Street - 65 Orders from vho cnuntrypromptly attended to. IfelS Coal, aUKooh, Sic. COAL !—COAL!—I have a Large stock of the following varieties of CnaL which I am prepared to deliver well screened and drr (from under ahedsj at the LOWEST MARKET BATES: LumpLeClgh, Brier HHI, - Large and Snail Egg Lehigh, Erie, Large and Small Kgg Scranton. Bloa^borg, Large and Bmall Rcc Shamoku. Chlppc wa. Alao.Ssvtona FIG IKON, Scotch and Amerinan. ALOCO FIRE EHJCK for sale low to casta or prompt time buyers. _ ’A. B, MEEKER, omcc 65 North Wells street. Yard foot North Market Street.- • - aell^lTa^m printers’ ; aSarcfjousc. QHICAGO TYPE EOUXDRY PRINTERS’ WAREHOUSE, 90 Washington Street, Chicago. The subscriber Is prepared to furnish TYPE In large or small qnantlee, made from a superior qualitv o( meul. for either cash or approved paper. lie Is also supplied wltha largestockof presses. Ink.WoodTrpo. and every thing necessary for a complete printing Office. A new Specimen Book Is now ready ibr delivery and will be sent to parties wlsldnc to order, on applica tion. D. LTdoDOe. Treasurer. fmhlS-aBl T ARGE“ OR' SMALL ORDERS Li fbr Fee<C Meal or Flour filled In sherc order and at the lowest ratea. QyW] STEVENS ft NORRIS, CM ALL WARES, BUTTONS AND NOTIONS. Wonted Hoods, Sleeves, Gaiters, Ac. Dress Trim, mines. Corsets and Skirts. Gloves and Hosiery. The trade is retpectfbllv invited to exiffiltia the above gooda, which Will be sold for A'JD Berlin -wools. , ! -.* i < te l and for aaleby A. ORATPa. — *•- * WtalWKrtel, Chicago. 'TUTTLE, HIBBARD & CO., •'T’.t t , * i' ..a .... ix?c-aicu or HARDWARE AND TIN PLATE, OC..t Idle; Stre—t -.'.' 63' Wo offer to tbs trade, at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES:— WW boxes TIN PLATE. 5,100 bdls SHEET IRON. «0 - ‘ RUSSIA IRON, " IMITATION' RUSSIA, 5^300 ’• * BRIGHT and ANNEALB WISH 523 Cask* SHEET ZINC, lOiOM..Pia.TjN, 2i5» lbs. COPPER BOTTOMS, u Wieta ■ TINKERS’ TOOLS and MACHINM, 50 caaka BRIGHT OX and COIL CHAINS. 1,000 dox. AXES, W» “ SHOVELS. SPADES and SCOOPS, ,so tons sad irons. TUTTLE, HIBBARD & CO., cct2-*tC-ly • Corner of Stale and Lake tta. Purs. Buffalo Robes, &o "AT WHOLESALE. 1860. FALX* TRADE. IS6O WEBER, WILLIAMS & YALE, 55...........XAK8 ST, CHICAGO 3S Have la store a very LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK of the above goods, and are fully prepared to compete socceflafally with the best Eastern firms la variety, quality and prices, and solicit a call from an prompt paying merchants. [an2BXo4y Bawson & Bartlett, NO. 50...... MU Ibe «tte«tlon .of CIt7JOi4 Country Merchants to oor extensive rtockof Roots and Shoes, which we have now In store, and are dallr re celvlng from onr Factory In We*t RovUton. Ma«, which consist* of a fall assortment of those Celebrated Custom-Made Patna KinamlCalfiandOralu Waterlioof Boots;togelhcjttiOua,j.;atockof aJUtvlcaof - FALL AND* WINTER GOODS, of the best quality and manufacture, which we are pre pared to sell fur CASH and prompt paving trade at Boston and New York Jobbing Prices. •»»«•« „ Me are Agent* fnrthe«alee?.*mcßSr»PateatMetal- I!e Tip Boots and Shoes In all the states. 1860 FALL TRADE 1860 H. W. HUNT & CO., 33 QQd S5 Lnbo direct, Chicago. Uaaalaetnms and Jobber* of , Beady-Made - CSlothing, GBNTLHMEX’S FURNISHING GOODS CloCsa. Coating*. Casslmeree. EatlaeU, TsCor** irinmlags, Ac. Ac. Oar Btock la large and wen assorted, and win be «old --At the-LoTfcit Price*.-*' • • ISCO FALL trade! 1860 . 183£%91 Importer* and. Jobbers or Good* tbr Men’s Ware. They are now dally receiving their nsoal large and varied stock for the Fall Trade, to which thee Invite roar attention. Their tdock consist* la part of Broad* clothe, of all colon and grades. Black and Fancy Caa. slmerea.-Black and Fancy I)o«klnv Bine and Black P lota. Black and Colored Moscow Bearers. Brown, Black. Bine and all colors of CaMor Bearer*. SUk and \olcntla Vestings of all grade* andstyles. SATINETS of all grade? and styles. - Also, a full and complete stoqj: of TttUorß*TrimnilnEV ~ - v ■ BCOgg*3 SvBPOHT OP FASHIONS. 'P I X PLATE AX D We offer the following at the lowest market ntea S.OTO Boies Tin Plate, assorted sire*. SATO Bandies Sheet Iron. Nos. 16 to 2* 3TO *• Ra?eia Sheet Iron. " _ Imitation Sheet Iron, iro Casks Sheet Zinc, assorted widths. -.OTO Lb*. Brazcr'ii Copper. ft.OTO Lbs. l*rc«ed Copper Bottom*. LOCO Bundle* Wire. a**.rted Nos. 0 to 3). *,o(w Kegs Nail*. Wheeling and other prime bnnda. A fall Assortment of Hardware. Tinner*’ Tools. Ja. paaed and pressed Tinware, Rivets; Kara, Ae. . JEWETT & BUTLER- WnOLPSALE DEiLEPB IN HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. Kails, Glass, Sheet Iron, Copper, TINNERS’ STOCK, TINNERS' TOOLS 18 - - - LIKE STREET - - - 18, Between WAb*.*h and :iichlfan Atmqcs, Chicago. U Paxomci Jstvtt. to.ndPSAn] TIN PLATE, TINKERS* STOCK, For Sale al Low Prices. i £)OOO.boxea Tin Plata, anwrted alzet, ; 4,000 bdlp. SUcct Iron. Noe, 10 to 28. 500 “ Rtinklr sheet Iron, Ist „ - quality. 200 •• Imitation Rnnla. 500 J‘ FolKhed German. 250 “ oaska sheet Zinc, ouorted Mize*. 10.000 lbs. Ttrazler’e Conner. 15.000 lb*. Copper PlttK. 1,300 bdla. AVI re a*Brd Noe. oto2o. 10.000 “ Annealed Fence Wire. A fun awortnient of Tinner.’ Tools and Machines Japanned and Pree«cd Tin Ware, Rivets, Ears, Ac* Ac : THOB. 3. DICXZ3RQOX, Metal Warehouse, 49 ,WA»asH ATt.sre. Caicae* 49 AGENT FOR Howe’s Improved Standard Scales. ; [»cLVdGTam] .fGG.'CO.SS ISSO FALL TRADE. 1860 C. S, COOK & CO., U&IS - STATE STREET - 16 A 18 Wholesale Grocers DRIED FRUITS FISH, r WOODEN WAKE, &c.. Invite the attention of Country Merchant* to their ttockj which they offer at Lowest : • Cash Prices. - G. O. COOK & CO., t« a ih. QROCKEUV, FINE* CIIIKA, G-LASS WARE, Silver-Plated and BrUtanla-Ware, j * HOrS&FCBMSHING GOODS. C. M. HENDERSON & CO, . ajLxmcrrxzxam waotna x duixud BOOTS AND SHOES Jfo, 83Ilak« St., Chicago, Have in store a largafrnd desirable stock o( goods which they .will sea very cheap to cash and prompt, paying trada. IV■ an the Agents ibr MIfcHEUS' PATEIT METALLIC TIPPHD SHOE! a iln TJi'BTAtalwTTßocr rtcarraa. ■ gyWe are now to be found st the magnificent storf So. S3 Lake street, corner ITabash Avenue. ; c. m. Henderson a ca «05 BLOCK , lunMOVAii. peaklmabsh&de long I Compelled, by.thelriucreisingbaftaees to seek large quarter*, have removed from their old stand, ceany opposite to the above spacious stores In BURCH'S IEOH BLOCK. Where they will be able to offer at wholesale, a ltd larger and more varied stock of ;Dry Goods, Hosiery, and Notions. 'Customers win always find ns with faH Ha** bowu brandsof HEAVY DOMESTICS, bought at trst hands, and offered a; a small advance, together with i large attckp(. . . . , I WOOUIS CHAWLB DRESS GOODS U. We shan continue our motto I “LOW PRICES \VJ_NV And invite the agaatiea of all eloaa, prompt parts» bufery r Tjeao PURE SWEET CIDER—in whole JL and half barrels, received dally, and for sals at _ STEVENS ft WEBBER, oc3Bd3lS4m ion Randolph street €®l)oTcsalc Rouses. CLOSE CASH PRICES. A. GRAVES, .23 Lake streetTCbleafa. JtATS, CAPS, MixYricrrajaa 199 wbolzsiu sKiisas a BOOTS MD SHOES, .LAKE STREET. emcaoo, nr. And Dealers la FIELD, BENEDICT A CO., Nos. 81 and S3 South Water street, AGENT TOR HARDWARE, WILLIA3I BLAIR ft CO., No. 178_Lake street. Tin-Plate*, Ponce-Wirt, fac. SIGN 0? THE SCISSORS Oum R. Bctlsb (successors to Satcrlee, Cook A Co J and dealers in .STATE STREET. THOHAfI p; UTSS, 170 Lab Statf. Emhsa *6o] ffi&ljolfjralc f^mtses. AND GLASS. BURLEY & TYRRELL, 4S - Lake Street, Chicago - 4.S Importers a&d Dealars 1b CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASS, IKITAUIA AID SIIVES-PIATEB WAIE, FLUID AND KEROSENE LAMPS, Ask the attentloa of Dealers to their Large and Complete Stock of Good*, Which they offer low ArCaab or good Notes. anSLcStSS-tm FfiESH FILL TYINTE:R GOODS. A Foil Stock Bought at PSfCJES. Baysn are Invtted to examine the IcducemeuU. BOWBM- BUG’S IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions dec,, lie.. &C. NO. 72 LAXE STREET, 1860 B-OOTS & SHOES. 1860 PEARS& DANA, 49—haha Sfcroet,up- t&ir«,>*4o Maanlbctnrers and Jobbers la BOOTS ASIS SHOES, Hava nowU store a fan and complete itock which they offer to the Trade on the scat favorable terma. .NO. SO Dealers In the above line of coods will consult their own Interest by examtug our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as our motto la. Low rent and small rrolls. at£n*dlC&Sm 1860 FALL TRADE. 1860 COOLEY, FARWHLL & SO^ 42, 44 and 4C' WABASH AVENUE, » R Y GOODS iTOBBEBS. JgABCOCK & PEEK, 171 RANDOLPH STREET, Eosswood and Walnut; CHAMBER DUMB ROOM &CQMMOIFORMITBRE is variety. Wood-Saa; and Canc-Seat Chairs, Bedsteads and Bureaux. School Furniture ea hand and to Order. t3T~ Particular attention paid to Conntrv Order*. UtHVaS) 13] Banting anb Bxrljange. OLD0 LD BLACK _ STAR LINE Urtrpoal and Sew Tart Factct Ships, SaUlneon the SIP ind Wth nf rnchmonlh. XEW TORK. LIVERPOOL nod CORK STEAMSHIPS, aalUm*from New York every!Ssturdav, and troiajjverpool (calling at Cork) every Wednesday. DRAFTS OK LIVERPOOL AND IRELAND. Panics rlritlnz the oh! cnantrr, or wishing to rend for their friend*, can purchase’ ticket* at rcdoccd through rate*. Drafia on Ih>ral Rtsfc of Ireland, and Liverpool, to any amount?. Arplv to WILLIAMS * CriON. Jy26c6oLly w Dearborn street _ gAXEIXG HOUSE OF B. P. CARVER & CO., Tlarlne Bank Duildliig, Comer Lake and Laaalla Streeta. A general Banking Business transacted. oc3T-CMy «fc DEPOSIT BAXIv CAKPEHTEK, - °STIBB S * CO., (Successor to Wcarc, Carpenter ft Co.) Cedar Rapids, lowa. Rtmncp.—Read. Drexel ft Co., Now York; Hoff man ft tielpekc. Chicago. lagocl2-iy A lICEX & XOIITOX. -LX. Bii-KEKS .‘CTD DEALERS IS EXCHAXOE. Comer or Lake and Clark Simla Collection* made !a at! u>e principal dtle? I" tK* I*. 4. 1. Htu. ;. D. 508T0.V. VOJtjITDAS nn» CJallyl TT'DW. I. TIXICIIAM & CO., X-i relumed tn their old stand, CORNER «r LAKE AND CLAUK SjTP.kETA Will continue their hni}m*-i Jte BANKEES AND EXCHANGE DEAIEKS. Kxchaoitu on oil part* o Europe. SSWiROt.TISX3.IU. [tCl'M] JfW’t 17, imhw, MARIXE r»AXK, CHICAGO MARINE A.'D INSURANCE CO* Capital, $500,000. B. T. CARTER. Cashier am! Sccretarr, „ .. J. Vulnw sCammoN. President, Collection* nude and draa* reunited to all ports of the Union. fyt\ JJOFFJNLVXX at GELPCKE, BANKERS, CHICAGO, - - HUHOI3. 44 and 40 La Salle Street. BANKING DEPARTMENT. Deposits received >. Current Account-* from parties In rtry or country trrt the u-ual accommodations framed to regular .: editors and cone*pendent*. Interest on balv ««s cm onlr be allowed incases Where sperlalaiT* .. entsliatfebecn made to Uut effect. We receive <ll rtr, parable at* specified date.On which Interest-ru a Hallowed. SAVING DEPARTMENT. Deposit*ln* C« tnbtlra* than five dollars received and CertlOcato* t 1 Deposit* issued. Interest ar sic per cent, will be tar wed on drnodiaof |M« description af. ter the fund* n re remained in nor hand, a .Decided time. Allcj.” T.CAtM made payable on demand, and In like rands** > rpoalted. COLLECTION DEPARTMENT. Collection in Chicago made and proceed* remitted on darot •rymeni.l<s-8 current premium on Exchange only. Collection, eollrltcdon nit part* of the Wett, and proceed* t emitted on favorable terms. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE DEPART* MENT. We draw Sight or Time Bill* on the principal cities of the Union, available In any part of the United State* or Canada, and bare made arrangements by which we are enabled to order hr Telegraph the parmeot of Note*, Acceptances, Account*, Ac., In New York. STOCK DEP VUT.TIK.VT. We boy and sell on Commie-lon, either at Chicago or throcch onr Ascot*, at New York, State. Cltv. Counts’, Railway. Ac.. Bonds and Stoak. Our in New York are such as to Insure prompt and Judicious attention to any order entrusted to onr care. FOREIGN DEPARTMENT. Onr bn«fa<«s connection with Europe, being DIRECT, VERY EXTENSIVE, and M<»«T INTIM.vfr, wefrel safe In aaaozlßg the public that all foreign Banking transaction* can be etfected through our llonse wlm ProTnptDC*9 and efficacy, equal to any House In the Union. We issne l>rart* and Letters at Credit In sums to suit, at New York term*, on onr correspondents In London, IMrK Frankforvoa-the.Miiin. Hamburg, Her. Ha. lire men. L*lpri». Cologne, Heidelberg, Basle.Tsen»e, Dresden. Ac.. *«*,. Ac.. ,t c. Being particularly desirous oi prouumne direct com mercial Intercourse between the W«*t and Europe, we cheerfully, and on term# mo: favorable, extend par- Ucoisr facCJdce by opening credit. *c„ Ac.. t« respon sible We*tern Importers. CoUcetlons of Unm, Or den. Notes, Acceptance*, Inheritances, £c„ ac„ pay*, ble In any part of Europe, made with promptness and dl-patch. Jir Country Banks and Banker* supplied with For elgn Pills at low rates. Private Bonds and Herbages negotiated abroad.' % hoppbl&n & gelposs, mid i, tomu | ono ccrcxi. 1 no. n. mm. .t*» * I* FSiXCIS i. BOFFSIIX, Consul el the Omnrt Duchv of saxe*Wdoar. the Duchies of Brunswick end &ute-Oo«i*l end the free city of Fnnkfbrt. end hr special set of several Piste*, authorised to set Ibr totrnrr dtlttri of AUSTRIA. BADEN, BAVARIA, HANOVER. UEfiSIA NASSAU! PRUSSIA, SAXONY. WIRTEMBESC, OLDKNUERG, Ac. JaNdavly Ehuratitmal. Hyde park seminary, TTTE TV INTER TERM Commences on the 7tli of January. Expenses per rear (exclu«lve of music) slio, payable half-yearly in advance. Addre** - „ , _ _ _ MRS. CLV. WAITS. Principal. Hyde Paris. Cook County. ITL Lu37-dS3s«w W: OFFER FOR . SAIE AT . low prices, 500 Boxes Soap. 200 Boxes Starch. 100 Kegs Sal Soda, . 100 Kegs S. C. Soda. • 200 Boxes Saleratu*. . • 25 Boxes Pataah 100 Boxes Concentrated Lye. .. •WILLIAM LITTLE A CO, ' J»«o*th Water St. S C CIS AC. 50 Ehds Sugar. 100 Bbla Sngar. 50 Bxa Scgar. 100 Bhla.N.Y.Syrap. 50 Bt>UMolasses. WM. LITTLE A CO, tS South Water Stf TJROOII CORK.—Persons having -I_> Broom Corn foraale will plcase addnuaca, suw ins quantity, quality and Price. devdSfl<dw - BOWEN PROS, Laka rraet 9 fCnf« BARRELS CHOICE U WINTER APPLES. Jnst received and for sale by ocffaKliftn O Kf\ Bbla. K. Y. SYRUPS, - WV • ' RETNOLDS. ELY & CO. Krtn-Bbls- CRUSHED, POW O\J\J DERED and GRANULATED SUGAR. HKYNOLDA ELY ALQ. kAA Bags RIO COFFEE. tIUU nm;oLDs. elt * co. QAA Boxes BABBITT’S SALE tIVy I/ KATCa. ; CETXOLD9, ELT t CO. i A Casks No. 1 NUTMEGS, JL \J • REYNOLDS. ELY * CO. -JAA Hilda. N. (X SUGAR, land- JLVV/ Ingacdfbr sale by REYNOLDS. ELT A CO. . KA Bbls. PRIME PLANTATIOK O\J MOLASSES. New Crop. RET HOLDS. KLT ft CO. i CA Bags PEPPER. J-U\J BETSQLoa. sira 00. I A A Hit Bbls. 3IACKEREL. X\J\J REYNOLDS, ILT A CO, WATCHES, MADE BY THE AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY AT WAZ.THASL StASB. Attention is Invited to the fallowing statement mi the accompanying letter* of recommendation and testl monlab La fkvor of these celebrated Watches. A Gold Medal was awarded the Company by the American Institute at New York In ISB7. The Company also receired the Flrat Premium—a gold medal—from the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia InlSSi . These Watches have now been In the market fbr nearly ten years, dorln( which time they bare been tested as to aecnracy, durability, and' reliability in every conceivable manner, and bare proved them, selves to be the most satisfactory time-pieces ever offered to the public. AND LOOKING-GLASSES, This result has been brought about byastrictappli. cation of mechanical science to the construction of the Watch from Its very Inception, renderic( It when fin (shed, mathematically correct In all Ua proportions, and necessarily as perfect a time-keeper as It la possi ble to make. The Company bare tested their Watches In many In stances by actual dally .noting. »wd the result of «hlv test has been that they have exhibited a rate equal In regularity to the best chronometer. AND [From the Prairie Farmer, Oct. 18C0.] Annie** Warms.—Neeriyayear ago, we received from Messrs. Robbins & Appleton. General Agents of the American Watch Company, and “paid for* a good good looking watch, «Warranted.** with the request that after thorough trial we should say what we thought of it. editorially. It has been oar constant companion nearly a year. We have no fault to find with the way It has ticked time. We do not want a better time-piece than this has proved to be Ums Car. Once regulated land we regulated It ourself) It baa scarcely varied a half a tnlnnte a month from 'Transit time.** Added to Its quality as a good time-keeper. It b bone»tly and substantially made. Were we going to purchase, we should prefer an American Watch. „ Omn or roa Tame**,) N*w Yoac. Oct. g7, hwD, ) Amexicas Watch Cohtast, Waltham. Gistuvxx—Having carried one of yonr watches for tl>e last eighteen months, I can say confidently they will do. and may be bought with assurance that they win keep time. I bellsvs the watch unsurpassed Uoaaca GazxLzr. New Tons. Aug. 2, 1960. Gcctlshkx.—ln reply to yonra ofhMhnlL, we take pleasure In stating that the American Watch new in use upon onr railroad, baa varied only six seconds. In a little over six weeks. Respectfully, . S. W. ft W. A. Toaaxr, Contractor* on the Rar. ft Del. Bay R. IS. To Messrs. Rohbum ft Arruroa. • Bosros. Sept 26, im Mr. R. E. Roasts*. Treasurer American Watch Co. Dua Sit.—lt gives me great pleasure to comply with yoor requeue for a report of the performance of the American watch 1 purchased of you Decem ber S. 1358, It tw »cs on that day. and 1U variation from true time to the Btb of February W», when I let U run down. 7as ten seconds fast. From that time to the present, it haarun with nearly perfect steadiness. baTtn; dnrlng the eight month* remained at from seven to nine second* fa*, and thla with on. commonly roogh usage. I can commend yonrmaan facture In the highest terms. Tonrt truly. CAUTION.—Aa oar watch Is now extensively conn forfeited by foreign manufacturer*. «• have, to Inform tho pnbllc that no watch 1* of oar production which u unaccompanied by a certificate of genuine**, bearing the number of the watch, and signed by onr Treasurer R. E. Robbias, or by onr predecessors, Appleton, Tracy A Co. A* these watches are for sale by Jewelers generally throughout the Union, tha American Watch Company do not solicit order* for tingle watches. ROBBINS A APPLETON, Wholesale Agent*, 133 Broadwav, 5. T. Bo36STWr4eow.i2m OLD SACHEM BITTERS THESE DELICIOUS AND FAR-FAMED BITTERS •re recommended by the First Physicians of the Country, on account oflhelr PURITY AND GREAT MEDICINAL VIRTUE. They are pleaaaat u nectar to tbs taste, and are pro. eonneed the beat Tonic and Stimulant over offered to the PobSlc. Tlteir curative power* la caaee of GENERAL DE BILITY. LOSS OF APPETITE, CONSTIPATION. Etc., are unparalleled, and u a fnarantee that we feel warranted In claiming what we do, we beg leave to lute that on r assertions are endowed by Prof. NILLIMIN) of Yale College, Prof. HAVES, ofMaiMaebQNlla, For u!( by Grocer*, Win* Merchant*, and DrugglaU generally. noWOJy GREAT CARPET HALL Sollister & Wilkins, 135 km -- - LA, Street --• 135 k m Thfl Best (loads at Low Prices. Hare on hand and offer for aala, of their own Import* Uon and of the brat domestic manufacture, the largest and beet assortment In the Northwest of Medallion. WUtoru-Velvet. Brucaei*, Tapestry. Thrve.ply.Saperfiae Ingrain. Krtm fine Ingrain. Cotton ami WouUagrain* Wool Dctcli. Scotch ll>uoi>*J Felt Venetian, Tapestry Ingrain. Body brusecla and stair Carpeting*. all of the CTrateet variety, prices and patterns; comprising the largest. beat and most desirable jasortroenierer before opened In Chicago, and which they offer at the lowest possible prices. OIL CLOTHS. Of these we offer a large and unrivalled awortmest, either as regards qaallty, style or price, of KagUah and American manufacture. In widths of one yard, a-half yards and two yards vide, at prices from three ah tilings to fix shilling* per yard. Also, Heavy Sheet Oil Gotha, twelve feet. eighteen feet and twenty.ftmr feet wide, at price* from roar to tea shillings per yard Also—Title oil Cloths In patterns and by las yarn, and blnlr OU Cloths In great variety. MATTINGS AND RUGS. Cocoa Matting* for Office*. Chcrche*. Vestibule*. Ac* In all widths, irora one-hslf to two yards wide: Canton btraw MaUi-ig. both white and chucked, one, une-and. a-quarter a*.d oue-and-o-bair yards wldu; Mosaic, Vel* vet, Bru*ee!* and Tufted Uug*. Cocoa, Jote, Manilla, Crush. Bkeicton. Adelaide and Shaepd&bi Mata of the greatest variety la tiro and pattern. CURTAIN GOODS. French Brocateße. Satin DeLaiac*. French Printed lutings. CrM, Cloth, Damaak and iloreena, Kmbroi. doivd Lace Curtains, in pain and by the yard: Em broidered Muslin Curtains, and by the vard; Cornices, In wood, bras* or gilt; Gill Cumin Rands and Pin*. Centre TasM-ls, Loops. Drapery Cords. Gimp Hands, Curtain Gimps. Silk Bordering. Curtain Lining#, ana all klnrtsor ’i rimming* oecetwary lor Curtains, Win. dow Shade* tu gold burden. Dry and OU Painted Shade*. White. Buff. Green and Blue Shade Holland*ln all widths; together with Dray** Patent Spring Fix tore*. Balance Fixture*. Pntntun’a. Chamberlin* and fuller’* patent Fixture* Pendulum Fixture*. Bras* and Itrun2ello{:«r-ead*,BacK-Pulieysacd Brackets, Shade Cords and TaaseU. FURNISHING GOODS. Table Linens in patterns and by the yard, linen Nap* kins and Dovllo*. Marseille* Qullta, linen and Cotton f meetings of all width*, lines and Cotton ptllow-Ca*. Dg*. Towel*. Crash, piano and Table Cover*. embroL d»red. printed and embossed; Fnraltnre Chintz: to**- gether with a largo assortment of Fringes, picture Cords and Tassels. UPHOLSTRY GOODS. Spring D*<!v Hair, Cotton. Sea-Craw. Rxeelalor and Mo**Mottrasea, Leather Bede, Bolster* and plilowa, ItLuiketa. Guilt*. Sheets, pillow Case*. Lounge*. Foot Stools. Billiard Cloths, Flushes, Enamelled Cloth*. Curled Uslr of various grade*. Uos* and Kicebdor by the bale. 9«a.(;nHM. Springs. Webbing. Bed Lace, Mat tress Tuft» KOd Twines tor Upholsterer’s o*«. PRIME LIVE GEESE FEATHERS. Hollister cb W: IS* A IST..-LakeStreet, (upstair*.)...l3l A It JONES, PERDUE & SMALL, 122 - • Uk« Street - - 132 MASTJFAC7TCEBB #F B ANK BOOKS. totmiti’iw utah. tiuiu a WRITING PAPERS. Envelopes,. -memorandum and Pass Books, whiting liras aits items. Cards and Cardboards. BOOK BINDERS’ STOCK, AND OFFICE STATIONERY. JOSXB, FEBDCB A SMALL sol 133 Lais SW«L JQ A GUERRE O TYPE S. Th« Best sad Chfput la the City, AT HESLER’S. 113- • ••• Lake Street • - • 112 -STEVENS ft WEBBER, KS Randolph street.- The Best and. Cheapest In the city At Hesler’s, 113 Lake Streat, irORTTYPES, Theßest and Cheapest in the city. At Healer’s, 113 Lake Street MELAEXOTYPES, Theßest aaU Cheapest in the city. At Healer’s, 113 lake Street ASBROTTPES, Tbs Best and Cheapest in the City, AT HESLER’S, no: 113 LAKE STREET. ■DEEBE’S CORN-SEPARATOR. _I_J The most perfect machine fnp tbelUny, cleaning and eacfclD j com, ever introduced. Address the man* ufkctarer, L. A. BEEBE, MVi-d.tA2mw Chicago, HL, P. 0, Box LB* iHisctllaneous. Java* □. Cnarr. Firm of Clapp, Fuller A Brown. Banker*. Boston. AND Wigwam Tonic. And hundred! of other*. CJP-STAIRSJ CARPETINGS. GREAT CARPET HALL, PHOTOGRAPHS. [MSCSUy] Stobes. Ranges. See. gMALL COAL, SMALL COAL, Small Coaly ' Small Coaly Small Coaly Small roof MUST BE USED WITH * MUST BE USED WITH !LD»S COAL BUUNKUS. LITTLEFIELD’S COAL BUB2TEBS. SOLD BY SOLD BY Van Bchaarfa-,47Stato Street, Ohlcajo. Tan Bchaack, 47 Btat* B treat, Chicago. _ ift ueocral DealerjnJloasekeeptogArtlelfla. [mylS CTE WARTS COOKING STOVE S%. B TJ LL AHEAD. The acknowledged superiority of the tdevsrt Stove ha* ulven rise to several tmltw “®*t The scniilu* article b for sale by C. METi Asent at 190 State street, between Monroe and Adaaak Also, a good assortment of Housekeeping Uardwara and Tinware. t»piJoc«3y fttarijinerp, ?S}arttoare, Ax D GAME'S MEW BARREL machinery. WARBAHTED THc. BEST IK AHrertTCA. SIOO Geld. BARRELS. SIOO Geld. _tols and Unequalled Carrel Machine -7 of the Northwest and South. we do a-wnraoce mat » will be round i^%T 8 5K?. , e d . mo! ‘ c . Pcr ( ccU toe most Economical %aj l? “*• Rwtftoe ifrewlama Awarded at the different k airs In WW; Citizen Coopers of Ohio, at Cincinnati U. 8. Pair. Pune of 9100 In cold. U. S Fair at Cincinnati. Grand Silver Medal and Diploma. St- Loots' Mechanical Grand Gold Medal and Diploma. DOANE <t HCRLBCTS Stave Sawing & Dressing M A C H I N E. FOR TIGHT WORK, This Machine snrpasses all others In every partied* lar. It raws the stave from the bolt, eorves and planes It ready to act up In me barrel all at one opera tion. from AuMI to lOLltti per day. WUI make iTd to ISO per day clear of all expenses. Toco with this «• neve a mil set of machines for Tight Parrel Work of all kinds. Also, CUTTING MACHINE, for Flour DO.VNE-S HEADING CUTTER, for Floor Barrels. TURNER, for all kind* of D °B«Slj. HE - VDI -'' a WINTER, for at Had. 1 DO AXE'S FOOT JOINTER, for Floor Borrrl-. DOANEH HEADING PLANER, for«U Hod. ofß.sd, DOANE-8 EQUALIZING MACHINE, for HI Hud, ot Barrel stave*. OOANE*S HEAD SAWING MACHINE, for ,11 Hod, of heads. Thb machine b abo the Licet Shingle Mill extant. * Doaoe ba* the only Barrel Machinery for Completing Flour . arrela from the Crude Timber. This machinery has cost thousand* of dollars to perfect-U made of truu and steel—petting all ennipetioa out of the miesttun. Doan* has the Best Stationary Steam and RiUera. Portable Steam Koglnc*. Sa-h and Moulding Machine*. Woodworth'* Patent Planing M(.c!iju««. !>©. SanTnc Machine*. Also. Ill* m«*st exton-tvo assortment of all kind* of the best Machinery for all purpose- In use. SH>jo Western Agent of A Co'* celebrated brand of Dutch Anker Bolting doth*. A large stock of HART A MUNSON** Patent Flouring S Grist .ITIUi, All perfect and complete within themselves. . Also. Leather and Rubber Belting. Lacing. Packing. Ac. •«. at the vary lowest cash prices. ZW Don't spend ft tor Barrel or Stare Machinery, nnoi you see lioane a. tend for our catalogue and clr colart. Address W. 11. no AN E, myiscaws-iyj 133 Clark street. Chicago. QUICAGO LEAD WOUKS, Corner of Clinton and Fulton atreeto. West Bide. UiD PIPE, BIS IXD SHEET LEAD, Shot, White Z*ead mad Lythaire. PIO LEAD, PUMPS AND KTDRAULZC RAMS. ff Order* from tha trade solicited. Cash paid for Jld Lead and Flax Seed. P.0.80x 1936. _foß] E W. BLATCIIFORD. Eg. hall, KIM bark & CO., • . ImpoMom *od Dealer* la Italia, Stool f Iron, AND HEAVY HARDWARE. Sea. 130 and 133 Washington street; Chl.-aga. DUaota. lapi-.l sapcr Ranging**. ’yy a l l PAPERS SELLUG CHEAPEST /.V TO mV. F. E. RIGBY, .RANDOLPH STREET Urai-cco-ami PAPER! a l IAEOKST ASSOKTJOjrr OF NEW PATTERNS AT DRAKE A BRO% PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS, • ••South Clark Street . ... IS4 toelSxlrl £rasibc Soap. H. STEWART & CO’S, UFBOTBD Chemical and Erasirc Soap, TUB GRZATXST LABOR AKD MONEY SAVING FAMILY STAPLE. Please Observe t This Soap tool: the first premlnm at the World's Fair In Loudon, where ?00 different Soaps were on exhibi tion, after a trtnl of three hoars washing oat paints, tar, grease and printer*# ;nt Ist.—This Soap Is. every ounce of It, washing mate rial. dd.—'When need aa directed It dispenses with all pounding and machine friction, and will save fall flay per cent, of the time and labor usually required to do the washing of a family. Sd.—w«t«r—ln its tue of this Poan. nanl water need* no " breaking" or cleansing. Simply use a small ex cess of the Sap. sth.—Clothe will look ranch whiter and cleaner, sad last longer. The soap Itself souen* the fabric and loosens the dirt. It Is warranted not to re toe flneat fabric. sth.—A strong solution or * ;d* will clean paints, fur niture. kitchen men-01*. etc* with the greatest vaee, rapidity ami thoroochnesa. Used as a Toilet Boap, it cleanse* the skin ot dirt, grease, tar. paint, printer # ink. ete„ leaving It soft and clear, it Is Invaluable for Laud washing. ?th.—lt will remove oil. wheel greas**, paint, ete„ from silk and woolen goods, a-d the best llnnn.-U niay be washed in It without being filled. or with oilier soap*. Dealer* and the publL. generally are requested to give the Soap a trial. Mr. R. H. Mewart, being a practical soap-maker, has experimented upon and le-trd these soaps in various ways, and offers It to the public as a ;josp which will SAVE TIME, LABOH AND HONEY. Ws are willing It should rest upon it* merit*. AU wa ask Is to give It »trial and If tt does sot gtvo full satis* faction, the money will be refunded. LF“ For sale at all the leading grocery sure*. Co •ore and get the genuine. uel-dsT>lm Manufactory. Klnz!»*t, Chicago. iriarrl). ‘XT’ERY IMPORTANT TNKOR » MATIOK.—The llllnoU Starch Company, at Ottawa, are now manufacturing the Purest Starch In the world. In body, quality and whiteness It cannot be excelled, and being nianitracturcd entirely with spring water, whleh Is naturally soft as rain water. U contain* no nefarious chemleaC hence It Ulnfftiltely more desirable for food and laundry purposes than any othrrln u»*. A* an assurance to the public of the merits ot the Starch, any amount of the most satisfactory refer ence* could be given, but In thin cose reference >eem to be unnecessary, aa all. by procuring a little for trial, con satisfy thoiuaelve*. In buvtug the Starch be uar. tlcular In seeing that Ills taken front boxes marked ILLINOIS STAItCU COMPANY, Mc’UINNIS, MAKER. To Whole**]* Dealer*, the Compaor would say with our unequalled faculty for manufacturing, and the very great advantage we nave over all other factor!.** at purchasing corn at low price*, we o*a sell vou at figure* that will make U to your Interest to scad u* your order*. Every box of Starch that leave* tho raotory I* warranted equal If not superior to any pro. dnred In the world. All orders auu communication* addressed “Illinois Starch Company, Ottawa. Illinois,” will receive prompt attention. t.ja^»aLAm Bags. RAGS—BAGS—BAGS--BAGS— JL> CORK EXCHANGE BAG nAICPACTOBT. HART. ASTITK A CO„ IS? 3ouia Water ac. Chicago, B. E. feLafeg * CO- 128 Broad street, New York. MaatmcTratas axo ocauuta ta Sacs of Every D ecK;trip t ion. . Miller** and Grocers’ Bag* made and printed tu order withbeautifhl oranda. Newandseconn handdeamles* Grain and Unsay Bag*, for Shipper*. MUler* and Kar men’use. Bag* for Flour. Buckwheat, Feed, Hama, Balt. SeetL Ac, IF* Order* ailed with fidelity and dispatch. Bags loaned to shipper*. myMy QHICAGO BAG AGENCY. 275 SOUTH ATER STREET. SEAMLESS CHAIN **AGS of tulobi sizes ud ■nalttloa, FLOUR—Halves. Q Aert, sad Bsbta, printed to order of tor desired pattern. HAM SACKS—Every ilze used. GUNNY BAGS—TWO or Three Bushels. Commission Merchants. Millers. Grocers and Pro* rUloa Dealer* will dad just the articles wanted In oar stock. Order* solicited. Hawkins * chapman. BAGS! RIGS IS BAGS St! ■“FABinex,x**s STEUI BAG HISITACTORT. so. t? vimr mor. omezoo. BAGS A3H> SACKS Of every description famished oa abort notice, end stinted with New ud BeentlmL Brands. aUHOtfFARTTIXL. tpMNwiytrar- rjurorr bags— loo,ooo for VX ... SALS AT THE Corn Hzchange Bar BlannJactory* HAH r. ASTTCf A co„ otiMSUszl rn Sooth wsterweroet. Cbteeco. jJainters. TEVNE & ALMINI, U Fresco asd Decorative -3? JL. I R 101 Washington N* Chicago,. FRESCO AND .DECORATIVE PAINTING In tbs Parlor*, Dining Ball* and -libraries of tint, claw Bealdoncsa.. Also, ibe Imaiior of ‘.litreties*. Pub. Uc Hall*. Ac, in ’Chicago, Illinois and other State* Wo ai*o give strict au» ntlun to tbs Graining of Wood and Marble*. and solicit your nnlerv, comiuvut cf ax entinir t&em I* voer entire «atl«flwTlon, Boarffliy Jbvne s uu Washington • \\TET 'WHEAT.—Farmers Like TT node#.—lstnprvpandtoreoelrsaoddry you* damp unsaleable wheat. k> Uul U will pass Inspection, and •tore It M tbs usual mn, xnarnntcetnw h> eonndv sees wbsa called. Charges ft>r Drvtn g ordinary damp wheat fbr farmers and country dealers will not ete*e<l five cents per bushel. Advances made on wheat left Instore. Caloric Dried Meal from new con for Mis by tbs bo* or barrel. UeiMy] SYLVESTER MABnU»