Newspaper Page Text
STrHmufc MONDAY, DECEMBER 17,1860. MONETARY. Saturday Evkono. Dec. 15. Nothing has transpired to-day to vary the gener al dullness of the past week. With the vaults of our hanks fell of currency, and with our granules and storehouses full of the productions of the earth, tbs commsrcc of ths West remains at a dead lock, tmslness men are suffering, and prospects generally depreciating. Though few, If any, trans action* were made yesterday based ou the favor able news from Europe, a much better feeling was Inspired, and prospects were bettor. To-day the reports from Washington lookthrcatenlng. and the New York 6lock Board shows a decline offrom two to five cent. Tbo week doses, therefore, doll, with more of gloom than bnoyancy in busi ness and financial circles. Tho reckless, wicked agitators at Washington seem for the time to be able to create all this disturbance in the monetary and business affairs of the conntry, and if they do nothing more, It will be dac more to the orurrnUng band of a mcrcllnl Providence than to any desire to promote the public weal. It is time the Intelli gent, conservative men of all sections and all j>ar ties nude their Influence felt in calming this seme lees clamor, that peace and confidence may he re stored to the conntry. Bo far as the Northwest is concerned. It was nev er stronger in all the elements that minister to the •omfort and the prosperity of her people. For the last three years, the most stern economy has beer practiced, and millions of indebtedness hare beet, liquidated. Before any change had been wrought luour rigid debt-paying policy. Providence bless ed us with a most bountiful harvest, and much of it waa disposed of at good prices. Our people have ■till od hand a large surplus, audeome what will, the East and South must have it and must pay fur it. While thankful for the mercies beatowedupon us, the West can well afford to await in hopeful pa tience the solution of the difficulties which at tlim-s ••am to threaten the direct calamities. To-day outside exchange was offered rather more froely.hut full rates were generally asked. Baukcr.- were la most cases unwilling to pay more'than 9£ The demand continues light:' hut selling rates are still firm at 10 For the day the ratio between the supply and the wants of custo mers was pretty evenly balanced. There is very little gold moving, and in fact very llttls to move. Baying 9&9 V premium; selling lu. Pnuxrc* as© Tlnctuhext Fcsds.— The follov - img are tlie closing rates for currency, exchange, etc., of F. Granger Adame, editor of the Chicago Batik ScU List, No. 44 Clark street: BUTINC. tUUX'.. Exchange on New York 9 it* Gold ••9 H. Y. & N. Eng. solvent Bank Notes.. .8 NswJerssy, Penn. & lowa do ...5 Maryland do Ind. Stale, 0., Ky., & La. do Mich. & Canada do Indiana Free Banka do Missouri do VNCCRBENT MONKV Solvent Banie. !)>*• Discredited DUnol* * :i Virginia and Tennessee South Carolina and North Carolina 5 Tax Indiana Rejected Bask*.— We published a dispatch a few day* since from Indianapolis, ba ting that several Indiana banks, therein naim-d. had been ** thrown oat,” in that city. The follow ing letter In regard to the matter has found its way to oor table wltbont a ’proper voucher as to iu •oarce or accaracy.s.Wc give It, therefore, for jvhai it is worth. Indiana. Dee. 12,15G0. Editor* Chicago Tribune— Gentlemen ITir public arc entitled to the name of the author ol ■och a dispatch us you Insert in your paper of yes terday, from Indianapolis, stifling that certain banks are thrown out in that city. The fact* are those in regard to the banks named In the dispatch, and the author well knows them: They arc all in « state of liquidation, and have been so from one to five year* past, nud they have seeircely a dollar i circulation, while what little there maybe not ta ke a up bv the Auditor of Stale, is abundantly fl oured. Tliat dispatch evidently emanates from •ome Broker, who wishes to profit a little by tim distrust he hongs to engender. These are fairs, and I wish yon would state then: iu such language as you please. Truly Yours, A Subscriber. Drs'.rssioK.—The people .of Sycamore have or ganized f.»r a general discussion of our general banking law. All right; let the discussion go on. and it* abuses be understood, and the people will then be prepared to demand of the legislature at. effectual remedy against exchange again going to 10 percent, premium. It is simply legalized swindling, by which the uttercr* of oor “well fC erred currency” arc enabled, in ordinary time?, i« make from 7 to 8 per cent, on their nominal invest ment, and from 40 to 60 per cent, on the aciua’ c**h required in ** their banking business.” Bank or BloomTsoton.—A correspondent o: the Cincinnati GazeiU gives that paper ionic fact , In regard to the failure of that bank. It was base on Missouri clocks taken at £B, and it bad out :■ circulation of $70,000. Us officer* made an cffori to pot the bank in liquidation before Missouri stocks should farther depredate and it* stockhold ers be made to suffer severely under the persona! liability clause. IVc quote the following para graph: If the bonds are fold bat for SOO,OOO net, then this sum deducted from SBB,OOO paid for it, would leave S2?.(K)O a* the loss of the stockholders ii this SWMKKI Is paid out to the blllholdcrs, who-* claim a amount to $76.U00, there would be nnpah: on the notes $!G,000. If no bad debts have *-«■! made, the bank should have $7(1.000 worth of in dividual obligation* for the notes of the bank ; v« in circulation, and also an amount equal to depo-itr. d-pocln- !**»-• hecn L* uoic.; hence the only loss yet sustained h» ih s2S«uO—the difference between the amount pnu fi,r the Missouri bonds and for whhh thev mny >»• sold. Yet we are toid tljet the failure is at..:.-/ one. How It i* *O,l canupt comprehend from :»u facte stated to me. St. Lons.—The Ktpublican of yesterday sa; Transaction* In the banking-house* seem to dr to have been rednred to their minimum. We eon h»*r of bnt few discount* and only light sab exchange. The rates of exchange continue very 1 racuiar, varviug from 1 or 2 to 5 and 0 per «c:j premium. A* liigh as 10 was paid lu exception Currenev Is at a discount at froml to 2 per o-i 1.. compared 'with bankable funds, and it I* still (with the exception of the Illinois banks heretofore men tioned) received*! the institutions dealing in 1: for customers to be cheeked for in kind. Gold Fln •omc demand at C to R premium. Cincinnati.—Wo quote aa follows from the He *4tU of yesterday: yhnrc was a slight degree of weakness ia Ni-w York* exchange, and dealers were not, in all fre« buyers at 1 prom., bnt there was no quotable change ip rate*. Philadelphia and Baltimore wen unchanged, the latter continuing exceedingly fine gl-di. (Fold wac easier, ranging from IX to 2 preni. selling. Nothing doing In New Orleans exchange, aud quotations arc hpmlnal. Baying. Selling. Now York Sight 1 prem. IX prens. New Orleans i»ar. Xl'f‘ 1:1 - American Gold 1 prem. IXft* jirutu. Western qnrrcncy is somewhat better, ar.d \yc now quote me buying roles fur Illinois and if ronsin 12ft15 dis. There Isnotaheavydeinanc for it, bat it doc* not accumulate in Third vtnet. Merchant* who receive this cnrrcncy hold it pr. tty generally »ntll customers come along at from.". u eidii. A party trnm Illinois made several pur chases to-day. from Pearl street honse*. atsVfj’7 di*. There was an ontidde demand for Free Bank (solvent) at IftlX dfs. This paper i> .in a footing in Indiana with the notes of the Bnr.h of the Slate. New Orleans— The DtUa of Tuesday re: the following: Business In every department has been. If any thing. further restricted to-day. and the market closed unsettled at nominal quotations. Of <v.t; ph there was nothin" done In either stocks or bunds, and transactions m this description of i*eci’.rU*t‘- may still be considered as wholly suspended. The Exchange market has ruled throughout a> rsportad on Saturday, and transactions Included no round amounts In* either foreign or domicile. Offerings were ample throughout, and openitionr ■were limited only by tlie restricted character of (in' demand, clear Sterling Bills ruled at . and bills with shipping documents attached at y*‘ £.93; while Francs were in very limited reurtrH at 6.80(2.6.00 dollar, and the tendency all wane was In uvqr of borers. Time bills on the North ern cities typeorca to be wbollyneglectcd. and ;!*» demand for sight Checks on New York indluat id ;• considerable abatement. Hates of the latter, imw ever, were generally unchanged, and weco>nim.<- to qoote K&St 9 cent, discount at Bank, and I<TC- Vt discount on the street for the very l*>: names. Itace'lpts of specie to-day comprise S2TG.OOC. a follow*: $50,000. $50,000, #30.000. S3O,K* $50,000, SSS,UM, SIB,OOO, SIO,OOO, and SIOOO. If. T. external* IL R,—The annual clectio;: f.*: Dime tors of the New York Central Railroad w.p held on Thursday, at Albany. Henry H. Martin, of Albany; Richard M- Biatehford, of New York and Hamilton White, of Syracuse. were elected lu plica of John L. Schoolcraft, li-aac Townsend end norace White, all deceased. The annual report •bows the earning! and receipts of the road for th. paat year to be $6,057,311, and the net earnin'*'-to be $1,547,6*51, being nearly 1)4 V cent, on the earnt amount of the caplulstock of the company. Tin «»Id officers arc re-elected, as follows: Erastus Cor ning, President; Bean Richmond, Vice-President C»vn Tbuxk Bailwat, Canada.—The fol lowing is the traffic statement of the Grand Trunk lUUway Company of Canada for tnc week radio;' Decamber 7th, 1SC0: Passengers Freight and Live Stock. Parcals, Malls, Ac Tctal Same week last year. Increase, COMMERCIAL Satubdat Erzjaxa, Dec. 12, IStf. The following Are the receipt* and ihlpmeut* fo* l be put fortj’-elgbt boon! nxcnne. Floor Wheat Corn Oati Dye Bar*; bblo. bo. bn. bn. bn. bu. fI.&C.U.IUI 175 3996 .... 644 1929 .... C. Alt-I.ILR. 4IT. 850 1750 I.C.K.R 899 3150 4550 850 . 23.V; B. &■ SOI 1000 2500 15.- C.&N.W.U.U. 333 40C3 . I3i «Ju&St,L.JL J&, Total... 1410 11569 9350 1004 1929 ISO-I DrVd Lire High- Hogs Bogs Cattle Hid’sw'nsTaTv. No. No. No. Sh. nhle. lbs G.&C.tT.ILR. 121 .... 66 6780 C 8 ... 0.&8.1.8. E. 0 69 90 8200 40 .... LC.8.8 64 ' 400 34 11648 60 ... C.B, * Q.B.R. 104 216 139 16743 .... S&: •.4N.W.H.8. 8t 1175 854 615 239 8M66 164 Total. The receipts of Hogs daring thepasttwenty-four boars amount to only 675 live and 254 lire Dogs wersqnlet, but holders were firm, m.ti the transactions were light, at $4A0®4.70 gro-. pressed Hogs were in good demand by packet k *nd the market l wa* .firm bat unchanged—sal.- ranging from $5.6005.75. In provisions ws have nothing of interest ton port. There are aumerone boyers of Mess Perk at $14.75, bat holders are asking $15.00, and quota tions arc Lard is doll and \c lower— jli sales of prime < £eaf * t 9*c and gut at 9*c. The market for Floor aod Grain of all kinds was Inactive. Wheat was in fair request, hut holders were very Arm, and the transactions were trifling «l TIo-for Northwestern Club; 75®7Gc for No. 1 ; ?rlng; and 70# <£7lc for No. 2 Spring. Flourwas luiet and the aales light at $3.85@4.00, for good •ring extras. Corn was Ann hut inactive. Alol ■*r 10.000 bu Mixed was sold for delivery during the drat half of April next at 34c f.o.b. Oats,. Bye and Barley were neglected. Hlghwlnes dull, with sales RtlLsaiSc. (ally Review of Chicago Market* Saturday, Evnsoto, Doc. is. JSCO. FLOUR—Received. 1.410 brl*. Market quiet. S ties were;—SuOhrU “Beloit City*’ at s4.ludel: !<k) brls good Spring extra $3.90 del; 100 orlsdo ar MILL STUFFS—4 tong coarac Middlings at $9 on ack. WHEAT—Received, 12g£9bu. Market quiet but Cnu. Sales were a* follows:—TUObu Northwest- Hub at 77c in store: 2,000 ba No. 1 Spring at 75c in -tore; 4.000 bn do at Tfijtfc In store; I,ooolm do at 7*<cin store: I,ooobuNo.2Springat7o)»c!nstore; :».IKW bn do at 71c in store; 400 bags Club by sam ple at 78c on track. CORN—Received. 9.00 bn. Market quiet. Sales were:—lo,ooo bu Mixed at 34c f. o. b., lor delivery during the first half of next April, at seller's oj*- ;h>n ; 400bushels,Mixed atSS&contrack; 400 bu ■Jampal 27,1* cou track; *IOO ba Yellow at 29c on truck. OATS—Received, 1,094 bo.- Market quiet. 140 bjgsNo, 1 at 19c del. RYE—'Received, 1.929 bu. Market quiet. 100 Sn*hels No. ] at 45c on track. BARLEY—Received, 1,894 bu. 149 bags good by -ample at 4Sc on track. HIGH WlNES—Market dull. Sales were: —100 hrls at 14 Jtfc; 150 brls at 15c. A LOO 1101 3TS ®3T»c £ gal. ; MESS PORK—Held at sls—bayera at $14.75. LARD—Declined 3»c. bales were:—SOtrcs prime Leaf at 'J’ 4 c; 30 tree Gut at UJ^c. TALLOW—Stock light and market firm at 9#c WHc. JIIDES—Quiet. Green. Be; Green Salted, sc® j.'jC: Dry Flint, is&isxe. SEEDS—I 3 lags good Timothy at $2.12; Clover, mmltuii at $4.50<Jt4.75. GAME—4S dux Prairie Chickens, at $2.75 59 doz; 14 doz Quail at $1.00; Wild Geece. flOc each. l*OtTLruV-Urc#*wl Chickens, $1.00(7M.50 per Joz; Tarter*. 4@tic EGGS—I4&I4Xc« doe forftwh. I'OTATOliS—S'chliamiockH, aiCbSSc: common, is<g,aoc. JiKKbSED HOGS—lleccired, SM. Market firm. ■*alc* were: — (Mi Hogs averaging 220 5h at 240 - 205 - 5,75 “ 2*) •* 5.75 •• 210 “ 5.75 220 ** 5.C2K .♦» 44 at $5.50®5.75, dividing on 200 B>§. LIVE HOGS—lteeclvcd, C 75. Eeceipts lightand jarket qolct bat firm. Sales were: 140 Hogs, averaging 245 lbs at ||lo •• •• 270 *• S4O *• 297 •' 270 41 •it; •* 14 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORE. Dec. 15— Ashes quiet at $5 forpots and $0 for pearl*. Flour— Scarcely so much doing: prices cen trally have undergone no material chance. Mode rate export dernnna for extra state $4.75*. hut hold ers refuse to Kell round lots below $4.80. Sales ; .300 bbls at $4.55®4.C5 for super state, $4.75® l.!» 5 for extra state, $4.55®4.65 for super western. £4.5(*@5.10 for common to middling extra wcti •rn ; $5.00®5.20 for shipping brands extra round lioop Ohio. Market closing quiet with no very pressing desire on the part of holders to realise. Canadian Flour—Not a great deal doing and prices unchanged. Sales, 325 bbls at for com mon to choice extra. Rye Flour—Limited request it $8.80®4.10 for common to choice super. Coni Meal—^Quiet and unchanged. WniSKT—A shade firmer with less active de mand. Sales. 475 bbls at 18&®19c. GRAlN.—There is moderate export demand for wheat, but holders disposed to insist upon I letter nrice*. There is not a great deal doing. Sales. ».C39bo* fair Chicago spring 5,400 bus Can ida •'lnbon privatclerm6.and 18.500 bus primeand very dmlceambcr, Wis.,at $1.12(2,1.14. Rye lessplenty ind firmly hc]datUS®7oc.UaneytraDEactionaonly to (imiced extent, and prices wltbont material change. There Is moderale demand for beans. Sales. 200 v.bln medium white $1.25. Com dull,bnt prices with out striking change. Sales. 19,000 bus at Coc®C4c for mixed western Instore and delivered;62cforwhite northern. Oats pretty freely offered and market Vavv. Sales, SSt&SUjjr for western and Canadian; J6J4S7 for state, llors —Quiet with small sales at 35c(&3Pc. On.s—Linseed dull at 51c®52c. Other kinds •lull and unchanged. Tallow—Quiet at 91fc®9j<c. Natal Stobbs—Spirits Turpentine quiet. Small -ale at 31c(&33c common. Kurin doll at $1.20. Tar quiet at $2J>2)£C&2-25. Provision* —Pork dull, heavy and decidedly lower. Sales 200 brie at $15.62®15.75f0r01d mess; SIC for new mess: $10.25 for old prime; $11.87 for tew prime, market closing with no buyers at these igures. Demand for beef continue# limited and market heavy. Sales 175 hhds at SS.SO®IO for re packed mess: $10.50@11 for extra mess. Prime ness beef and beef hams doll and nominal. Cut meats dal! and nominal at 6®G#c for shoulders, and BX&9e for hams. Bacon continues quiet. Sales luu bxs long middles at 93tfc check up. and -4.U00 lb* green sides on p. t. Hogs a little firmer to day at C3tt®C*£c fur com-fed dressed, and 5?£®5N C fur live. Lard market firm and demand moderate. Sales SSO bris at 9®loVc for No. 2 to prime we“t rtnt. Batter selling slowly at 11 ®lsc for Ohio am! 14®21c for state. Cheese steady at 9®lOX for iu >enor to prime. Groceries— Coffee —Transactions only toallm lu-d extent, and prices without quotable change. Sugar continues steady, with onlylimitedbusinc-s doing. Sales 185 hhds Cuba at ; 100 hh'B New Orleans at s®sJ*; refined firm at for ground, granulated and crushed. Molasses— improvement in New Orleans still continues. We notice sales of 220bblsat81®35c. Other descrip tions dull and heavy. Stocks —Second board opened a shade better, but closed feverish and unsettled. MC46; 111 C »crip sSi£; Erie 27; Harl 13!tf; G & Chi Cl: C £ I{ 14GJf; NC 6s 79; Tenn do 71; Erie 4th mortg. 13: Pac Mail 78; American Exchange Bank 87 r N T C 71X. New York Cattle Market.—Bee* 13. BEEP CATTLE. Number reported for this market at 44th *t.. .3.C3S The price* to-day are quoted as follow*; "First quality...J*jtf©9 1 Ordinary 5 <g.R Medium 7 ®7 | Extra 9#®b** The general A of the tuaiKct at TJyC. The most of the sales range from Gc to b.V-c. Total number of Beeves received in the dty this week 3.5-15 BEEVES most DIFFERENT STATES. A. M. Allerton & Co., proprietors of the Wad Ingtou Drove Yards. Fony-fonrth street, report tli -uule in market from the following States: New York 741 Pennsylvania GS Ohio.. 927 ndiana. llinols. With a very large reduction of nnmtara of bul locks on sale, drovers anticipated a proportionate rirance In prices; bnt they are doomed to dlsaj>- :»ointmcnt again. There was not, nt the opening if the market, on Tuesday morning, over ‘icad on sale, and a very large portion of them were just fair medlom grade of lnef. and the price tif this class opened and continued just about the same as last Tucedar, and somewhat better than Wednesday. The Inferior sorts, if anything, w ere -i shade lower, and first class bullocks a shade let ter. This class was very scarce, and a good many bollocks sold at prices equivalent to 9 cents n«-t a pound, that conld have been bought last week nt cents: and tome of the same value of such ns -old a week ago at 9c. brought 9Xc now, and a few .choice extras sold at overtime. TUE CLOSE OF TUE MARKET. The weather having turned cool, and only a few 'rash arrivals of bullocks, the market has not fallen •:T any to-day, though it is not very lively, coi>id .-ring the small number on sale, bnt nil will be sold m-dav. including about 100 bead of stale cattle from'last week. Owing to the closing sale being so much better than the closing sales last Wedi.c.— dav, the whole will average half a cent a pound higher. The very slight advance must not. how ever. be counted upouas affording any good ground of hope for a continued advance, unless under the pressure of a very scant supply, which we do not nnticipetc. One year ago we bad 3.711 heed in market, aud 5.140 In the city for the week, and the following are the quotations of that week: First quality. 2ft 10c; second. 7ftSc; third, Cft7c: extra, JOXc. Average, BXc. Receipt* for the week The quotation** of Henry I). Grant, enperii't of the market, for to-day are, 6(&5.Vc tJ •.•roet*. This i» about ** c less than last year, for the corresponding week, when the weather was ~,x>d. while now it has been Jnst as bad as it could hr. The receipts this week arc only 300 more than hi*t. but, owing to tbe action of tbc railroads a ciMid deal less than at this time last year, and pri ce- not any lower than then, considering the dilVcr e:iee between live and dead weight. (I. \V. Dorman report* tbo following prices of Hogs this week Live weight. Deadweight. First quality corn-fed, large size.. s?;asJ,'c. Second quality corn-fed 5 ©Sjtfc. GXQlftc. First quality, small sizes. Cat r.nd prime for market butch era ........... c i*<S-%Vc. Large site, still-fed fat 4X&4KC. 6 Ct —c. quality, etill-fed 4,V(&4J*c. 6 (& —c. MARINE JOU liNAL, ARRIVED Dec. 11 Schr Alpha, Quyon, Centerville, 40 cds wood. Toe Zxnrrn Aixßionr.—'The schooner Zephyr, reported ashore at Dots Diane, has been got off. and arrived here yesterday In tow of the Ottawa. —Jtffroit Tribune. The mow Ellen While returned to tbfcport •-•■-lordiT raorniu". not being able to reach Wyan dotte. Midi., the upper cod of the Lake being Ira- I>a table owing to the formation of ice. The s-dtooncr Preble contemplated flanlng for Detroit, but for the reasons above will not undertake the voyage.— Cltxtlcnd iJerieir. ISM. t&~ The steamer Detroit is to be withdrawn from the Milwaukee and Grand Ilarcn line for the ; resent. The Milwaukee had been previously withdrawn. The Ferry” will probably be idle for the remainder of the winter. .1 t MALT! BARLEY MALT! A STOCK or PRI3IE BARLEY MALT For Brewers’ and Distillers’ Use CONSTANLY ON HAND, AS9 ORDERS PRO3IPLT FILLED. ALSO. SUPERIOR YEAST MALT tv' BARBELS. .IMtitRESS, mi. G. MOREY, 12 South. Water Street, Chicago, selOdSXm .$40,001.:-' . 83.451.1K’ .|c.m 1050 200 SEXTONS AND UNDER- O TAKERS. 88 La Salle street. Have on band, at all times, every style and finish oi Wood Lead and Zinc Coffins; also. Sbruads. And are prepared with Hearse* and Carriage*, and everythin;: requisite for Funerals: and may be found on band and ready to clve prompt attention to (heir business at all boors. Tbky also tare a Chapel andJVaolt In the Ctme tcry. lspl2) WIUGUT & koCLUKK. .*5.75 .$4.40 . 4.50 . 4.73 . 4.70 . 4.C0 Kentucky... Connecticut. Missouri.... Michigan. Canada .. THE HOG MARKET. .ii.-a-u PORT OP CHICAGO. imacollancoQS. BY TELEGRAPH. Important from Waihincton. Washington, Dec. 14. —There Is no doubt whatever that Gen. Cass has resigned as Secre tary of State. Regret is everywhere express ed in consequence. The Indications arc that Daniel S. Dickinson of New York will be the successor, though these are uotaltogether reliable. * There is but little if any confidence in the =6umuccß that South Carolina will not resist the Federal authority during the Administra tion of President Buchanan. They are regard ed as mere promises to quiet apprehensions in an official quarter. Gen. Scott has expressed the opinion that additional forces should be sent to South Car oliua for the protection of the public property. The President, however, Is still opposed to such increase, for prudential reasons, being ap prehensive that It would hut augment the pre sent excitement. There was an understanding among the se lect committee of S3 that their proceedings, excepting the result, shall be regarded as pri vate, and therefore not to be revealed for pub lication. It is known, however, that several propositions, looking to political conciliation, were presented and read, but not acted upon. Several gentlemen made speeches, and opin ions were interchanged The prospect of ac commodation is about the same as it was yes terday. in order to afford time for considera tion, an adjournment till Monday took place. The publication of the manifesto of the Southern members has prodneed a depressed oiled among the conservatives, who say that they arc now satisfied that the former are op posed to any political compromises or accom modation whatever. Mr. Douglas’ speech next week will he of a coercive character against secession. Senator Wilson’s letter, addressed to Caleb Cushing, will appear in to-morrow’s Satiotial JtrpnbUcan, perhaps. The People’s Pacific Railroad Bill, embracing four routes, has been referred to the House Special Committee on that subject Paymaster John S. Cunningham lias been ordered to the sloop of war Macedonia. Washington, Dec. 15.—Rumors are in cir culation that Secretary Thompson has resign ed, but there is authority for saying that such is not las present intention. Senator Benjamin, it is stated, will take an early opportunity to make a secession speech. Certain secessionists assert that France, Russia, Prussia and other European powers will promptly recognize the independence of any seceding States, and it is said that a line of Freneh steamers, which were Intended to ran from Havre to New York, will be changed from the latter port to New Orleans. The President’s proclamation recommend ing to the people of the United States to ob serve the 4th day of Jauuaiy as a day of hu miliation. fasting ami prayer, is officially pub lished. He says: “Hone teems to have dc- scried tlic minds of iulji, and God's arm alone can t=ave us from the awful effects of our crimes and follies.” New Y'ork Saving tlic Union. New Yoke, Dee. 15.—A meeting of promi nent merchants of the City and State of New York, was held at nodn to-day at the ofllce of Richard Lathers, on Pine street, to consult as to the best means to be adopted to avert the danger now threatening the Union, and to as sure to the South sufficient protection to their constitutional rights within the Union. The meeting was called by a circular addressed to leading citizens, without distinction of politics, and was well attended. Among those present were Ex-PresidciitVan Bnrt-n,Ex-Congressman Israel T. Hutch of Buffalo, Washington Hunt, Watts Sherman, Erot-tus Brooks, James T. Brad*’, Edwin Croswell, Wilson G. Hunt, C. Comstock of the Albany Atla* <fc Argw r, Girard Hallock, .las. W. Beckman, Feniando Wood, Augustus Schell, Richard Lathers, and many other gentlemen ot prominent position as merchants a d public men. The condition o> the Union was freely dis cussed, and several suggestions made, one of which was that Millard Fllmore be requested to proceed to South Carolina as Commissioner from the Stale of New York, to exhort temper ate action and delay on the part of the former State. It was understood that -Mr. Fillmore would accept the duty, but he expressed the belief that the mission would be unsuccessful unless he could bearwith him some pledge of conservative policy from the party about to as sume the control of the General Government. No definite action has yet been determined on by the meeting. Clias. O’Conor presided, and speeches were made by John A. Dix, John McKcon and oth ers. Mr. MeKeon expressed the opini n Hint the Union was already dissolved; that it would be a peaceful separation until after the 4th of March, and that civil war would then ensue. At the conclusion of Mr. McKeonV speech, Hon. DauiclS. Dickinson addressed the meet ing. lie prayed with Daniel Webster, that when his eyes should turn to behold for thd last time the suu in heaven he might not see it shining on the broken and dishonored frag ments of a once glorious Union. Tlic public sentiment of the North must be changed, lie bad little faith In meetings. The South say with just fear Hint in a little while the North will have two-third* of the Senate and House of Representatives. The repeal of laws will not satisfy the Sooth. They know that astrenm cannot by any natural process be made to rise higher than‘the fountain. The North must get rid of Us pernicious sectional sentiment, a sentiment promulgated by demagogues, po litical and ministerial. It was absurd to say that all this would blow over; lie who says so is a demagogue or is mad. South Carolina on the 17lh or 18th of ibis month will go ont of the Union. The rest of the Cotton States will follow, and in time every tlaveholding State, Tj'is he re garded us certain as that the sun will rise. The North should repeal all its unfriendly laws, and in their place set up a different pub lic sentiment, as the brazen serpent was set up m Israel, tunt nit who have been bitten by the poison serpent of abolition, may look upon it and be healed, Sir. Dickinson was frequently greeted with applause during the delivery of'bisspeech. Hiram Kctchum spoke more hopefully and believed that public sentiment at home might be reached and corrected; at least be was for making the cifort. Letters were then read from a large number of distinguished gentlemen, residing in differ ent parts of the State, after which Hon. Millard Fillmore, Hon. Greene C. Bronson, and Uich ard Lathers, Esq., were appointed to visit the South. Among the letters read were those of Mil bird Fillmore, Washington Hunt, llcv. Dr. Hawks, Judge Page, John A. Greene and others. From New ?Icxlco, Independence, Dee. 15.— The New Mexican mail, in charge of eouductor Goan, with dates to the 20th, arrived lasi night. Mr. Whiling, Postmaster at Santa Fc, came through as pas senger. He reports very dull times in New Mexico; also, that the Indian troubles on the Plains arc assuming: a very serious aspect At McNce’s Creek the mail party was charged upon by thirty Caraanche Indians, aud it was only by decided and prompt action that they were not overpowered by them. The Indians were well armed with rifles. Afler detaining the mail about an honr they left. The mad parly then retreated to a train seven miles be hind them. The out-going mail was also forced to return to Pawnee Fork. Mr. Whit ing says that from the Gimurouc to the Paw nee Fork, Indians were seen every day on the high ridges, and that there is no doubt hut that they will cut olf all small parties travel ing the road. Since the mid on Win. Walker and the subsequent killing of the two men that escaped, the citizens of this county have organized themselves into patriot companies and should any more such bands make their appearance they will be summarily dealt with. “A Voice from the Toombs/’ Acgceta, Ga.,—lt Is understood tliat Senator Toombs is about leaving for Washing ton. 11c has jutl published a letter in refer ence to the Slit Article oi the Constitution. He says, if the Constitution should be amend ed, the amendments should be such as neither could be evaded or resisted by the Abolition States, and such os would give full and ample security to Southern rights. He add? t that if ths Republican party will vote for theso amendments, or even n majority vote in good faith in favor of them, tCcy can easily be car ried through Congress, and then he ihluks it would be reasonable and fair to postpone final action by the Southern States until the legis latures of the Northern States could be con veniently called together for definite notion or amendment In regard to the Personal Liberty bill.- If the Northern Slates refuse to acquiesce in this, then he urges Georgia to secede ou the fourth of March. The Legislature will adjourn next ’Wednes day. Nothing of general interest Is transpir ing. From New Tork. Boston, Dcd I,l.—Tiiestcamship Eurojwv ar rived here from Halifax at 10 o'clock this morn ing. The newsi«iper bag for the Associated Press was dispatched via New London, and will arrive In New York about 7.50 tits i*. m. Wendell Phi!)i{>B will deliver an address In Music Hall to-morrow forenoon, on the subject of Mobs and Education. In anticipation of trouble, the military have orders to bold themselves in readiness to march from their armories. The Extradition Case Decided. Toronto, Dec. IS.—The Court of Queen’s Bench decision in the extradition case of the fugitive slave Jones alias Anderson, was ren dered this morning In favor of giving up the prisoner to the United States authorities, one of the Judges dissenting. An appeal lias been made. The prisoner is strongly guarded. No attempt at rescue was tuade,bul much excite ment prevails. From Virginia. Richmond, Va. Dec.—Many coincide with Hon. Wm. C. Riven In his letter to Represen tative Bolder, that a firm and dignified de mand by the South for her constitutional rights would be considered by the North. A more general sentiment, howeverjis that disunion cannot be avoided, and that Virginia must go with the South. The snow here is quite deep and no trains have arrived this evening. Shipwreck on the Hudson. Takuytown, Dee. 15.—The sloop Garrett Demarest, from New York, was upset in a squall lost night at Irvinuton. A sailor named Moore, of Oswego, will probably die. • HU legs arc frozen. They were not rescued t!U 7 o’clock this morning. Persons heard them, but would not help them. Governor Fleeted. Columbia, S. C., Dee. 15. —The South Car olina Legislature elected Mr. Flcklns, Govern or on the seventh ballot to-dav. The vote was as follows: Pickens, 82; Johnson, 04; scattering, 12. Steamers, New York, Dec. 15.—The S. S. Vigo, from Liverpool, bin arrived. News anticipated. The baxonlan and City of Washington sailed to-day for Europe. The former look $40,000 specie. Destructive Fire In Memphis. Memphis, Dec. 15.—The Calhoun Block was burned laet night. Loss, $100,000; insured $30,000. Naval. Wasbdiqtok, Dec. 15.—1t Is understood that the iloop-of-war Brooklyn, is to be pre pared for sea at once and held ready to pro ceed to old In the defence of the Government Forts, at a moment's warning. The order has created quite a stir among the naval men. Small Pox. Columbia, S. C., Dec. 15.— The small pox U still ragimr here. There have been two new cases since Wednesday. pHICAGO MILL-FURNISHING \J DEPOT. T. W. BAXTER & CO. y luxcracrraxas or FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES, OF ALL QUARRIES. C. W. BEOWITS PATENT SOETABLE Flouring and Grist Mills, AKD DEALERS IS DUTCH “IXKEE” BOLTING CLOTHS, Sznnt Mills and Separators. Separators for Warehouses, Belting of All Kinds, Routing Screws and Balls. Bran Dusters, Picks, Proof Staffs, Ac* Ac. FAIRBANKS’ SCALES, ASD MILL FURNISHING GENERALLY. Plana. Sp*f If cations and Es tlmatc* fnruUhed when desired, and Die contraction of bteaxn and Water Mills contracted for entire. Steam Engincc, Boiler*, Ac., Ac. The subscribers having obtained tlie Agency for tbe Kile of Steam Engines and Boilers from the manufac tory of C( iULDIMI. BAGLET A SEWELL, of " ater town. N. Y., would invite the attention of purchaser* to their superior merit* of style, workmanship and powers; also, ihrlr very low price?. The following b a list of prices of Engine and Boiler, together with neat rr. Water and Steam Pipe?, Cocks. Valves, Arch Cast ing* and Grates, complete and ready for use, delivered kt Chicago; 5 horse power ( srii 70 horse power IL^M R ** *“ r.TS 25 - ** LMO 10 ** ** Til :S) " “ L*iTs Vi “ K*> 33 “ “ 2.W 1C " 1,100 40 “ ** A**’ and In like proportion for larger sizes as required. Every Eogineb furnished with JUDSON’fi PATENT GOVERNOR VALVE. For Flour Mills we conftdentlyrecommcnd theta as superior to any other style of Engine, and they will Save from 25 to 50 per Cent in Pud over the usual class of boilers In use In the West. We •hall keep an of different sizes at ourca labPshment. a here they may be examined and the necessary information obtained regarding them. Com petent men will. If desired, be furnished to set np ami start engine* In anv part of the country, we also supply WATER WHEELS. SHAFTING, GEARING, AC, At very low prices. T. W. BAXTER A CO»S Mill Fnrnlahlce Depot, West Water street, between Randolph ana MsdUou, Chicago, Illinois. Poet Office address. Box 2,4. ocS*3S-ly JOHNS. IDESON&CO,, No. 115 Randolph Street, CHICAGO} ILL. } Agents I'oi* the iW YDIK BELTING AND Packing Company Have oa hand at all time* A LARGE SUPPLY OP RUBBEE BELTING PACKING AND TUBING, Leather Belting, FIFE BUCKETS, coxdcctixg axd excise rose, Unco Leather, Belt Hooks and Clasps, RUBBER CLOTHING, Rubber Boots and Over-Shoes, DRUGGISTS’ ARTICLES, TO ~sri3, COMBS, And ever} thing In th. RUBBER. LINE. RAILROAD SUPPLIES ALSO, AGENTS FOB STOVER i COFFIYS Improved Planing .llachinc. This M the only Perfect Planner for machine, Cor and Carriage Hlannfac* Hirers, for Cabinet makers or for Carpenters, in use. EAGLE IHOLDIXG MACUIXE, For Cutting, Moldings and Irregular Forms. IT WILL PERFORM WORK THAT GAMOT BE DOME BY ARY OTHER MACHiXI [delS-dCMmJ CHEISTMASI CHRISTMAS!! COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Who intend to sell TOYS, Should not delay but tend in THEIR ORDERS AT OXCE, OR CALLAT PEUGEOT’S GREAT VARIETY STORE, No. 11l Randolph Street, IN ORDER TO AVOID THE CROWD. InolS-dCT-tJaPCI] JPUR MANUFACTORY. Q. M. SPEARS, JR., With (T. «b BBKZO O-, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In HATS, CAPS AND PUBS, BEAR AND WOLF ROBES, *e* 65 • Ahe Street, Chicago, 111. - 66 Would respectlhlly annoonce to their old patrons and the Trade, that they are now In receipt of a large and fall aaeortroent of all goods In their line. ocIT^BSA C. SMITH & GO., Bru Dock Kura&ctoron, OOPPEHSMITHS, And Dealers in WROUGHT IRON PIPE, STEAM AND GAS FITTINGS, SHEET COPPER, BLOCK TIN, PUMPS, &C. Also—Particular attention paid to Jobbing of all kinds connected with the Trade. 2228 Washington Street, Chicago, HL _ rnolPfiMy] r T > DIOTHY HAY.—ICO car loads A- of the best Timothy Hay in bale*, veil bound, of 400 lbs each, and Ten Ton* on a car, for tale CHEAP FOR HEADY PAY. Make application Immediately to the undersigned it <5 Market street. deUxlm FHISBIE BBOTHEBS.' Mitchell * zahm, tuxcracrcacßS of TALLOW, CAUDLES AND SOAPS, And dealers la Hides. Wool.'Pelt*. Seed* and Pork, Factory on comer of State street and Archer Road. Office and Warehouse, 77 Klnzlo etrecL c. NITCmtIJ. LDOl9] LUTS at BN. fflKantrt. T XT ANTED—A young man of good T Y characterandhaWts.wlshe*asltnatlo3la*ome nctire business. Will war* for the Interests of his em ployer fsltUfalljr Cor a moderate » alary. Is a rood pen man. Address “J. C„" at this office. del2-Steod \\F ANTED—Board by a gontle- T T mao and his wife, and two single gentlemen, furnished or unfurnishtd rooms. In a family where there are no other boarders prerered. Apply Imme diately, addressing “J " Post Offlce Box 4233. dol>dCGß-2t WANTED —Sight Exchange on Memphis, New York or Bo* to a. We will ad vanro on abipmenta of Produce, made to our com apondenU, in MemphlaorNewTorb. del3-dgH-lw BOWEN iJtOTtiE] *VX7* AN T E D.—A gentlemen and T T wlto wish Bosrd In a private family-or where there are bat few boarders. Would prefer West Side. Address “ C„“ at this office for one week. deioxlw TXT*ANTED.—A Gentleman wishes T T to obtain Board In a private family, where there are no other boarders, booth Side preferred, please address P. O. Box 1007. giving location. delOilw WANTED. —To purchase from Ten to Twenty Thousand Dollars worth of Dry Goods. Clothing. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Gro ceries, Ac* for a part cash and part in real estate, some la Illinois and somelnXowa. Address G. Box 830. Rockford. HI. deUd66S.iw WANTED—A pleasant suite of T f rooms an - ! board from Ist of January, for a gentleman and bb brolly. consisting of five person*. In a private family where there b but tew or no other boarder*. Adire*sßoxCo9l. References exchanged. deCzlOt jTor £alc. FOR SALE. —*3,000 worth of Boots and Shoes. Terms—one-half ca*h. Balance real estate or other approved property. 1 lie stock U .•ttllrely new and of best manufacture. Address P. U. Drawer 9775. delOxlw IT'OR SALK—Sleiirhs ami Cutters L 1 at all price?, from (20 to |l9O. Double or Single root, for one to two horses, trimmed or without trim inmga, may be seen at SHELTON A TUTTLE'S East ern Carriage Repository on Market street, near Wash iagtoa. Or address H.B. HILL. Chicago, lIL no2ldi.Mml ISoaching. JSOARDING. —Pleasant rooms and JS y board may be bad at 1 09 Wabash Avenue, dellzlw Boarding. —At 137 state street two gentlemen, or a gentleman and hb wife can be accommodated with a front room and good hoard at reasonable term*. delsx.w T3 CARDING. —A gentleman and JLJ his wife, and two single ‘gentlemen, can be ac commodoted with board aud pleasant rooms, at Hi Adams street. deilxlw BOARDING.— A Suite of From Rooms to rent, with Board, at 19 and 21 Mlchl- Tan Avenue. References required. nol7-d177-im DOARDING. Pleasant Rooms .13 with Board can be obtained at No. 49 Van Bnreo street, between State mid Wabash avenue. nolTxlm REMOVAL, REMOVAL. WE HAVE REMOVED OUR STOCK OP PAPERS To oar new end commodious warehouses Xoi, 42 and 44 State Street, opposite errr both. Where wa shall be pleased to see onr old customers and Mends. Goods delivered in anv part of the dt» free of charge. We hope to continue*to merit the con. ddenee of the public as heretofore. G. 11. fc L. LAFLTN, 42 aud 41 State street, opposite City UotcL Railroads, Ranks, and Insnrance Co's., Vou will And everything In the shape of Paper* and Envelope* for Blanks. Check Hooks. Deposit Ticket-. I’olldcs of Insurance, Show Cords and Railroad Tick ets, at lower price* than can be found in IhU market. DRUGGISTS. We have Sedlltx, Filtering, Tissue. Hardware, MaullU, and Colored Paper* adapted to your uso. LAWYERS, We have the best varieties of Legal Caps. Koto, Lettei Paper*, and Envelopes In the market at the lowest prices. Call and seo before buying. .1VI! PAPERS. (lave yon tried the Note. Letter and Cap Papers of this Celebrated Brand? If not try them. They are pro. r.otmced the • Cheapest and Best Papers In the market, and taking preference over allothei Brands. STATIOKEBS ADD CGGBTY CLERKS, Too will find It to your advantage to call and cxamlr.f our goods. They are dedrable and what you need. Our flock of Fine .Note* and Hath* for Ladle* cannot be excelled. Letter and Can Popeni of every kind and quality. We have everything you need aud at low prices. Call and satisfy yourselves. G. U. * L. LAFLIN. 12 and -U State street, opposite City liotel. CUOCERS AXD DRY GOODS DEALERS, Will And la onr stock all kinds and qualities of Straw and Manilla Wrapping papers. AUo Letter, Can aud Note Paper* soluble for the trade and consumption. G. U. & L, LAFLIN. 42 aad*4l SUle street, oppoUta City HoteL P HINTS SB AND BOOKBIND2HB. Too will consult vonrown Interest* by railing and ex amining our stock, comprised In part a* follow*: 2.000 Bandies Printing and Book Paper, all sire* weight*, and quality. Any size made to order or abort notice. 2.003 Beams Flat Caps, white and bine S JEW ** Double Flat Cap, white and bine. I r ")00 ** Folio Post, white and Idue. iOO “ Demvand Medium, white and blue, 800 ** Flat Letter. 3.000 •* Plain Letter. Can and Note*. 20 M Fine Straw and Binders’Boards. 100 ** Assorted Glazed Papers. 23 M Marble Papers. CUT CAMS Ain) CARD BOAMS, Of thebeat manufacture. O. H. & L. LAFLI.V, and -U State street, opposite City UoUL BOl7d473tjanl(m 'JMIE FIRST CHICAGO Art-Union Distribution Has for It* object tba Encouragement and Advance ment of FIXE ART IX THE WEST, And win comprise for It- fret Annual Catalogue tlio following works In Painting and Sculpture contributed by tha Artists; most of which are original works. They are to he drawn for in Urn manner of an Art- Union, on or about the First of January Hezt, AT SIR. UE<LER’S GAEEERV NO. 113 LAKE STREET, Where Ihev (with others not to be drawn tor) win be exhibited from the sth of December till the day of the Drawing, from 9 o’clock a. w. till 10 p. u. Admission. 25 rents, except to purchasers of tbe Art PlsttlbsUon Tickets, who will be admitted FREE OF CHARGE. Prize*. 1. Ideal Statneof “Washington*' represented In bis youth as having backed hU father's cherrv tret—to be executed In Statuary Marble. By L W. Volk. . .fTOO I —UfesUe Portrait of Col. T. L. Harris. Painted from life by G. P.A. Hx*ly. . ..SO) 2. “The Prayer.”—an Ideal bead of a girl with valL llv Hra lt ... 23 I. —“filil Mill*—Benrc In Canada. By S.P. Tract, lev 5 —Cattle—pastoral scene. “ “ I'U 6.—Qoall Shooting on the Prairie. “ “ ivi 7Wooden Bridge." By Howard Strong 55 8. Landscape—Muckrosa Abbey. By Tract .... M 9. Winter >cene—Gary Castle. ” " 50 KL—Return from the liarvest. By Stlosg ......... io H,—Beatrice Ccnd. “ “ 50 11—Marine View. “ “ W 13. Setting QualL By Tract 40 14. Landscape in New Jersey. ByT**cr. ... . 40 l.\ is. 17 Rod IS.—Portrait cameos—l« represent the likenesses of the several holders of the fortunate numbers, or of any friend they may designate. By Volk. Valued at gio each... I'-O 19 —Sheep and Lamb. By Tract S« 20.—Sheep and two lAmba. By Tract sj 2L—Landscßpe—French Scene. By Tract SO TL—Surprised Deer. “ “ W 23. Landscape on Uie Dodder. “ “ SO 24, Bears at Play. .. “ “ 15 23.—Landscape—“OldChurch,” “ " 10 2fi>—Deer and Fawn—“ Maternal Affection.” By Tract IP 27.— Marine View. By Stroso 10 23 to 41 Inclokve—2o ca-ta of Volk’s Statuette of Stephen A. Douglaa, or of his life-size Bust of Abraham Lincoln, at the option of the several drawers. Valued at *6 each. 120 Total Tickets accompanied by a fine photograph of the Statue of “ Torso Ws-uiscrox." may be had at tSrach, and tbe number will l*e limited to eight hundred. Tbcr tnav be obtained at the principal Book and Music Stores, and at the KxldliKlng Gallery. The undersigned gentlemen will act as a Committee of reference, who will have supervklon of the draw ing, and who will hold in trust all monies accruing from the tale of tickets, till the above named works are delivered to the owners of tbe fortunate numbers. commixTiiEi If*.VAC X, ARNOLD. THOMASB. BRTAX, ALEXANDER WHITE, C. V. DYER, . JAMHS MILLER, J. M WILSON’, K. I!. ROGMtS, S KDMPNU ANDREWS, JAS.GIIANT WILSON*. S, U. KEKKOOT. SAMUEL STONE, Treasurer. P. S.—Gilt Frames to mil tbe painting* are Included Id tile above prices. REMITTANCES For Tickets should he addressed to the Treasurer, COL s>irr. STONE, Chicago, HL X. B.—To render the proposed EXHIBITION a» at tractive and meritorious as possible, and promouve of atrne taste. It* conductor* respectfully Invite from oor citizens contributions of any works of art not pre sented at the first exhibition In 1839. or since then re ceived, for tbe care and safe return of which to the owners every pledge wUI be given. Communications respecting men may be addressed to Ij. "W. VOLK, Box 4108 Chicago Post Office, ortohlsroomsln the Portland Block. noSLdSSdm BARIUM’S great variety STOBF. No. 138 lake Street. BAENUtt BKO’S.. Direct Importer* o( tsd Wholesale Dealer* la TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, BERLIN WORSTEDS, BHAKEn TAH.ET, Bukela, Bird Case*, YAKKM NOTIONS, &0* The attention of Wholesale Dealer* U respectfaßy *o 11 cl ted. REMEMBER TUB NUMBER. 138 LAKE STREET. 13S y'[aol3*6o.ljr _ BAGS!— BAGS!—BAGS!- Wo are now receiving direct from to ‘Hope M-i.i Pittsburgh, Pa. an article of Soamlea* Bags equal n velsbt and anallty to any sold 1 - tills marart. Those Id * r ant of Dag* will AndU to l!.-lr to cad and examine before purchaslncelsewhcre. WERSTKIi A BAXTER. Agent*. dcl-d577 lm 559 Sonth Water street. 'HE NEW AMERICAN , WATCH, .HADE AT WALTHAM, MASS. a order to meet (he requirements of gentlemen who prefer a thinner W*tch than those usually made by ns we hare lately Issncd a newstyle of (Vatch on the three quarter plate model, especially designed for this pur. pose. In establishing thb new series, It has al*o been onr design to produce a Witcb In every way superior to tbe best and highest priced products of tbe moat re putable of English and Swiss Watch manufacturer*; and no labor or expense has been spared to this end. In all respects of fine and durable material, of exter nal and Internal finish, of accurate compensation and adjustment, of matbematlcallyjnst proportions, and of PRACTICAL RESULTS, onr new three-quarter plate Watch challenges comparison with any In the world. Th® named gentlemen may bo referred to in relation to these watchci: Lake at ’I 0 "; HAKS-IBAL UASILIK, M»lne. N. P. •• ILLJS, New York. HSBftCE GREELEY, tl RLa W, FIELD, New York. PAUL MOfepllT, New Orleans, Dr. J. MARIOS felilS. Ucnt 11. A. WISE. USX S. L PRIME. D. lx. While Plains' P. MORRIS. New Yof!? JOIIN tf, SAXE. Vermont Hon. N. P. BANKS. ««u. FRANK lesuk - WM U. CART. New York. NORM AN WI ARD-WUconsln, - Prut BARTLETT, Vest Point CoU W. J. HARDfeE. U. S. A 7 G. HUNT. New York, PLTLI. COOPER, New York. _ onr watch Is now extensively counter* felted by foreign manufacturers, we have lo Inform the public that no w-tch b of onr production w hlch b on* accompanied by a c rtlficate of genuineness, bearing the number of the watch, and signed by oar Treasurer It Ft Robbias, or by oar predecessors, Appleton. Tracy A Co. As these watches are for sale by Jewelers generally throughout the Unlhn, the American Watch Company do nut solicit orders for single watches. ROBBINS A APPLETON. Wholesale Agents, No. ISi Broadway, N. T. de3zeodhn-eow 23?“ Oak Orchard Acid Spring Wa ter. Thb Water b gaining great celebrity, and the dc mandfor It b Increasing rapidly. Its beneficial char ueter b attested by thousands, and It U pronounced by distinguished physicians to be superior to any other medicinal Spring Water now in nse. The almost n»U rseulon? cures which It has performed lead us to he lleve that It U destined to become extensively uacd in the treatment of very many dl*ea»es which ordinary remedies fall to cure. It* curative properties are cs üblbhed beyond question, and we frel assured that It most, to a great extent, supersede many of the artificial compounds of the day. We recommend those of our readers who may be suffering from general dcMllly, or from any of the diseases for which thb Water b pre. scribed, to give It a trial. See advertisement In another column. JeU-cS>LcSaiiy QUIXIXE TO.riV SITTERS, The Beet Aromatic Tonic Brer Offered to tlto Public. RECOMMENDED BT THE FACCLTT FOB ITS SFPERIOR 3IEDICHAL QUALITIES. This elegant compound which ha* secured the confl uence acd endorsement of mostof the leading Phvel cUns of New KngUml, Is a palatable and efficient form of Qnlnloe. containing all the peculiar virtues of I'kur vuxßabk. carefully combined with various Tonics and Stomachics, and cannot fall to meet the wants of the debilitated. It Is a mild Tonlr to the stomach, !ncrca«lnu the np- IK’tlte, assisting digestion, pre-eminently good In d* «• pepsta. strengthening and to the digestive and nervou.syMem after pruftratlagdleafos; and In fever and ague, or kindred complaint.. Its old U Invalu able. For dlarrbfra. dyscnlary and cholera morbus. t!o* public may re*t assured there Is nor can bo any better general rented**. One of the very best Pbvflcians to Boston has said; That it is the best preparation of Bitters that has ever “been offered to the public.” Pot up in hall pint an well as quart bottles. In order that all may convince themsclvesof Its superior merit". For further particulars reference is made to the printed circulars. Fur sale by CI-IAS. 11. ATWOOD 19 Central Street, Boston, Wholesale and Retail by S. 11. ItHliD * CO., Chicago, nolleod QAS II AI)VAX CK S. WAKEFIELD, NASH .V CO., Liverpool and London. Liberal Cash Advances will te mado on eenrign meats to the above house of BAUGH, LABO PBOYISIOHS AEG PBOGOUE senerally, by THOMAS NASH. focTWlyl A GEXTS, COUXTKY MKU JTJL CHANTS AND PEDLARS. ATTENTION !—1 have a new and beautiful s yleof Hard Mctai. Needle Threader and CncociieT romMce.t. A snlendid artl cle—gold plated—a perfect Jewel, and Indispensable to tin* wurk-La-ket of every ladv la the land. No one can fad to make money i*v felling them Apply to or address, with *‘ump, 11. GL’ttLON, •!«? Soutu Clark street. BoxU?31. deluxe r Jp<JMPKIXS & CO., REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Boom No. 8 Kingsbury Bloci, Have the followin' property for Sale or Exchange f M.QOO worth Af Idqnors for land and other property. 9.00) Acres of Ijtnd lu lowa—low for cash. luO Lot* on li.dlana avenue, on lon* time—low. Eqgeral fine Lota on Wabash aud Michigan avenues. Two Farms in Indiana tor cash or cltv pnij ertr. Three Houses uud Lot* to exchange fur Improved farms. • me excellent Farm In lowa for sale or exchange. Four Farm* in Illinois to exchange f.*r city propertv A Drag store for rale verv low f.»r ra-h. Abo. Lot- on the West side, near Unl-m Part; as> a large amount of unimproved Isml I,: lllln< I*. Also. HD acre Improved Fann.sli uilba south of Chi cago. for sale at a great barga.ii. delt-<H>iMiu ■\\rEST SIDE DISPENSARY. » t fi:bk to the took. Ur*. F. T. DeDcrkey and J. Dlrtch, German dans, mar be consulted on all acute ami chronic U's cases, every Wednesday and natorday from 2to* i*. M at £4 West Randolph street. UT So charge for medicine. no44>St QIIKISTMAS AND NEW TEAK. Fine Jewelry, Watches and Silver Ware. The beautiful stock of goods now opened and on salt; at St Lake street. (Tremont Blink) L* now oilpn d at cost for Forty Da* s. The subscriber being de*lr<m>t of closing oat his stock before the cormueiKement oi raising t * grade of the Iremont llou-e. oiftrs extra In ducemi-nt- to Lb customers, such as Miev never en joyed before. We have on hand a beautiful a«u>rttise t oI'CAKBOXELK. CORAL, LAVA and KTHI’SCAV SKIT. <>f the latest titles. Also, be-t Chattalm ar.l Gnaw Chains, binds. Mceve Buttons, Kings,scurf Pirn-. Bracelets, pencils, Pens, and < veivthluglu the Hue »: Jewelry. Also, silver Spi*m*. Fork-. Ladles. I*l •• Knives, Salt Stands. Castors, Cake Uaslcrts, Fruit Dl-hca, Tea Sett, Communion Service Fruit 01-he* Wine Casters. Sj*ectades, Opera Glx**e.*. .Vc„ alt of which L* offered cheaper thau ev*r before. Don’t for get the oomber. 87 Lake bl. under the Tremont llou*r. Clocks. Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired and warranted. [deU-d&S-lmJ lI.JLCADKICLV. r ADIES TAKE NOTICE.—You JL J can find Gilt and Plated Lucca Frlnrrs. Pnt'Jn. Cord. las-Hls, Sura, Spangles. Ilullion Thread. «kc.. at 8; Lake street, uadirlac Itemont llou*e. lluUlon Embroidery done to order. dcUd&Llm IL IL CABERKV npo THE FRATERNITY JL Masonic and all other kinds of Xt.33 G Alii A, Made to order, an qualities and prices. oSHaI Pelt, eight Collars and Apror.-. noui f',o to $l *.*>. Sliver Lodge Jewel* from i -0 to SU«J, tne sett o! 1C pcs. I* aled ** *’ *ls. - Chapter Jewel-made to order at any trice, from s;v ana upward-. Charts. Carpet*. Working Tools, Book* Diploma*. Ac. con-lantiy "ii hand, himmndcry ol nil ~lnd* done to order, with neatness and dUpstch, at t> Lake street. Tremout Block. dcll-d6GO-im 11. R. CABEHET. Valued PATCIHN’S MAGNETIC OIL This OH f s no harobug. but can be Touched for b) scores and hundreds in oar citr amt the surrennoin; conntry who have proved it lovaiua .le fir a •*:<!- Coughs. Ear-Ache. lUad-.\ch**.Tooth.Ache, Necrsleir* Uliwumattsui. Stitt Joint*. Fn>*tc>l Feet. Corn*. A-t:>m and Fever Ague. For i*.re Throataud DiptherUwi con especially reconmieud It; not one case ha- full*, where It hn- been n*ed. F< r *ale at wholesale ana re tail at K7 Luke street, .remont Bk-ctc. dell-dWMm 11. P.. CALERLV. A TASTER'S SALE.— of MU -kYJL noli. County of Cook. S. s.—Superior Conn of Chicago.—ln Chancery Itobert Aninonr vs. Am«># Oliver. Henry Varaood and Archelans G. Warner. Public notice Is herehv glreu that la pnrsuar.c- of a decretal order eoteredtu the above cntitl d ran-* on tbe 12th day of Dccouibrr. A. D. IskL I. a* Master in Chancery of »ald anpvriur Court uf Chiracu. wUL on tlie lath day uf Januarv. A. D. Wl. at ten o‘cli<k in the forenoon of that day. at tne north dior of the Court Hou-e. la the City of Chicago, In said County of Coo a. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for • a-h, ail Uic light title and Interest «-f th«* said Amos Oliver and Robert Anthony in and to all that ctrtsin lot piece cr i arcel of land situate In the Town of Lvoq» In the Countv of Cook, aud Ma c of llllooU. and bounded as follows, viz:—Uegtnntng at the o-ittheast corner of Section thirty-hue <3t>. and running thence south eighty ISO) runs, thence we»t twenty-four (2l) rode, tuence nortii eighty rod-, tiieoce ea»t twenty-four (Mi nida. to the ;>!ave<<f begin ning. being a rectangular lot of ground eighty by tweuty-fonr C-4J rod- Square, coutainlug twdvr (12) acres of laud In Range twelve (tr>. Township thirty eight (S3) ea-t ot the Third Principal Meridian, toge eetber with all and singular the appurtenances and hereditament* thereto beUnglngortu anywt-e apper taining, and the boDdings and erections of whatever kind or nature upon said lot of land. IBA SCOTT. Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Chicago. Dated December 15.h, LWJ. del7-d&?M4 .n«o ■\TE\V LAW LOOKS AT I): B. 1> COOKE & CO'S. 11l take street VOL. So ILLINOIS REPORTS. VOL. I>TH UNITED STATES DIGEST *3.00 TOWLE ON’ THE CONSTITUTION* WALKER’S AMERICAN* LAW. WILLARD'S EQUITY JURISPRUDENCE. |SJ D. B. C Law Bookseller*. -Vo. ill Lake street DB. COOKE & CO.’S Standard • Edition of the Laws. THE STATUTES OF ILLINOIS, Compiled by Scitw. Tiut and Bi tctwxu. svols. Royal »vo„ law sheep. JlitoO. Embracing all General Laws. Price SIO.OO Can be sent bv Mall or Express, cr had of thePnbUsber*. D. B. COoKE & CO„ ill Lake street. ■VTEW CIDER.—TOO Bills, more It of Phelps* Non-Fermenting Cider jn.-'t received. Also 2000 llbla. Prime Michigan Apples. On consign ment. HOBBS, OLII’H AN'T St CO, ucJl-dfSSlw No.2iiboalh Water street. CTATE AND COUNT!' TAXES. O SOUTH CHICA.iO.—The tun tor ISfiO are now doe. hiring Uxe* to pajr can do »o at >o. is Court House. AIL! OIL!! OIL!!!- TANDERSAU * CHASE, Sole Agent* lor the Pennsrlranla R*<k OH Hcflnlnr Co.** unequalled lUamloatlnc and LubricalmgOlU. *5 Sooth Water street, corner Wabaah avenue. Chicago, d raaoEiaALU tnolT-d*Ti-3ui] s. t. chafe. pHARLES FREDERICK, 115 North Clark Street* Manufacturer of Blow Ware Fancyork. Ladles* Work Mandy, .able*. Chair*. Piper Pa«keU, taacy Cradles. Children’s R-cUng and Arm rbairs. *c. Willow NN are repaired at the *torteat notice, disnw pATAEU II! CATAUUH! \_J o*. SKELYITS Liquid Catarrh Kcmcdy. War. ranted to be ■ sure and permanent cure for Catarrh \ ClTular. with fall particular of the disease. te. will be sent to anypereon by addressing pi*t nsjee Hot -ISA*. utSee IS6 Lake. street, corner of M ella, Chicago, Tillnois. U*scM<Uj yd THE FALL TRADE OF 1860. WHOLESALE AGENCY For the tale of the following POPULAR ARTICLES sfo. 70 State Street, Second door from Uaudolpb Street. R. R. LANDON, AGENT. CEPHALIC PILLS. Country Merchant* win p’eaao take notice end ex amine oar assortment before purchasing elsewhere. INFECTING »i: FEVER AND AGUE CHAEM-A •are, safe and reliable utnut u. remedy. PHILADELPHIA SOAPS—Oriental-Detersive, Era alve, Palm. Ac. JAPANESE BOOT AND SHOE POLISH. SPALDING’S PREPAUED GLUE—Ia any quantity. OLD DR. HEATH'S JAPANESE MEDICINES— IV.oS descriptive of tbo same mailed upon the receipt of £5 cents. GREELEY'S BOURBON are rapidly laklns the lead of all other*, and cannot be surpassed u an laviguratln; tonic and family medicine. CHARLES* LONDON CORDIAL GlN—Genuine. SHAVER’S PATENT ERASER AND PENCIL SHARPENER. OLD DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT. BOSTON IN HEX ICAI. SO APS—Honey, Gold Dollar. Poncinc. Hotel Toilet, Silver, &c. IVORY GOODS FOR STATIONERY DEALERS— Pen Holders. Pencils. !■-»[*• r Folders, Ac. SUPERIOR INK. BLACKING. Stove Polish. *C. SHAVER’S CARPET SWEEPER. PATENT FOOT SCRAPER WITH BRUSH. PATENT GUM MASTIC—For Chewing. DR. JACOB'S BITTERS—Which simulate the liver, regmate the bowel*, cleanse the itomacb and purify the blood. fciYnOdy A KXPRESS COM JX. PANT. Corner Lake and Dearborn Scredt. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. From and afW thl- dat-, until further notice, cur Expresses will arrive and depart as follow*: EAST: MICHIGAN CENTRAL. Arrive. Depart. Ifh n A. m.„ C.ii\ a. w. UAJ f. M fi.'fl P. L. PITTSBURGH, FT. V.’AVN'EA CHICAGO. IM>) a. u . srfd a. sr. lifc-W r. a t-jj j*. ac. SOUTH: LOUISVILLE. NEW ALBANY & CHiriGO. C:ts r. H ftS) a. X. ILLINOIS CENTRAL. 7:11 a. H 9:50 A. it. feAJ p. a tnSd r. x. WEST: CHICAGO. BURLINGTON A QUINCY. 5;t5 A. X . .. 7:13 a. X. 10; 13 A. X N;I3 p. X. 5:t5 P. X 11:15 p. x. CHICAGO. FULTON A IOWA CENTRA!.. it) P. X II;tO a. x, GALENA A CHICAGO UNION. iw t. 21 .*. * r... ELGIN £ STATE LINE. S:l3 r. a. IW» A. s* i: M l\ H CEICAGO&* NORTUWESTF.RN'. ' * l*:W p. 3f rsw p. y. fci) P. U p. 3C Our t'niclianeQadle I to and from all point*, or.d rates alwar* a* low a* br any other Kxpres*. and our pre«rnl arc *iu*U that we forwanl nil matter for Uie Eastern rules—tV.\slllNGTt)V. ItAL TIMOKK. PIIILADKLPIIIA. NEW YoUK. i:OAH»N. POitTLAND. OUEHKr and MONTR*- hv connecllus tr In-, thereby avoldins the de ar ».f re b'.llim: at Intermediate point* U'e liars lat-dv eMo;.-'. Ed our line* over the lIANNIHAL .t sT. JOSEPH RAILROAD, givlnc us Increased fa>*l!tilc* for the truiMtctleu* ot buslma* tn MUsourt, Ncbru*ka a'»i Kaa* is. and making direct c-nnectioa* with th? CEN TRAL OVERLAND CALIFORNIA and PIKE’S PEAK EXPRESS COMPANY, FOR DENVER CITY, And all part* of the <?«*W Reslnn.*. Wp would a!«o a.»tc the attention of customer* t,» oar ofed lectins invoice* on deliveiy of goods, thereby alnnc them larlUtk-j. for trie ailing »-f orners fr -m customer, they d'j not care to g;ve credit. *r.* uaknowi,— m vteb caics we hoi. our.-elvc* for the re turn of nionev or property. When ti»** goods so or dered w.U ni*l uTlom our regular rate* be pas-vnser train-* Hie yftuie can be 'hlppet by lrciiht*tniiis« c i* signed toour agent ami Invoices scut by njular d. pres* to be collected on delivery <>( g-vod*. Orders lelt at our oillec tor wagons to call will be atterded to promptly. Uo»*d»receii«'d t mi late for IdUluz at the oOci* ran. if required, be delivered to messenger*. wlm will re ceipt torrsme. JAS, r. F.VE hn;/i, nuperlntendcct'sOrUce, Chicago, tcc. ICth. Isui. deiNdtttNlm 11 - - La Salic Street - - 11 NEW WORSTED GOODS, .skallnc Bioqui-s, Ca[tt, PALERMO SLEEVES, ESQUIMAUX PANT; SBSTAGS, LEBEIBS, MITTEKS, SGASFS HOODS. 110 O D s. Ullibed tlc-iory cf tlic I’r-1 ([Dnlity. cojT*ii3:.vci:n sr. siTum STJTTOJf Jc BURKITT, GALE BROTHERS No. 203 Raut o!i>!i Street, HEW STOCK OF ELEGANT GOODS, r CIIE CiriCACO POST.—On till- JL 2M dar of Pee-mbcr. ISXJ, th«r» will b- D-uu-d the fls»t numb tof the CHJOaGO KObT. a Dalle. (TommcrcU l , Literarr an*l Local Newspaper— nut political or bound to any parry, but devoted to tm- lnler**rt« nfChlcaf.* and fie ,**'rti.we«t It-;; ul. enierprtre will be the early juildlcntlon of NKW?, nn-l to a--C'impll*b that en*l no ctiK-n*.* or la mp will b. spared. The I‘i)ST w!U l»« i.nuer the general edit rt-l cliurce and eonirol i f JaMKS W, SHEAIIAN. wle> for tiearlr «lx rear-*-tided and directed 1 e !»;•• (.mcaoo l IMES. lie will he aided hv Hevernl ceru men well known 1-r their ablLty and expert *ar-. For full detail* of t!»e object* «»f the p *p< r. m»u eir-ulsrs. TERiisr—The Dalfy \t ue of the I*t)>T will hv ,|.-. llvenal lu thN cltv for lo cent* p* r week.pavabl«to tn carrier.*; or for #i> per yea - . pavaMo Li mlvaure. The paper will be sent bv trail tor S'. > rear lu a*lva* r»- A n'eeklv I’a >er. to be c iI!M the “ Dollar l*o-.c~ will be scut bv mall (or one d-dUr a vear Liucral arriaje un-ids will l.en adc with N--> Aceat*. Advertlwmenta will be Inserted np-n rexscrsMi terms. ITil.l a business office Uflltcilap, all utt-r*. orders. &c. ran he addre**ed thn-nzh the Dost OlUc-.- to JAME> W. s-UCAII AN. Eilitor Chicago l o.t. de.'J-*l'~T-lw CALK OF UOXUS I’LKUCEIi V 7 ,\S COLLATEnAL.—At the rctl’iest of the bolder there->t and bv virtue of a power of nttor-vy vtstli.i In me lue ris’.i t-* sell *al.l eolUteral H*corl!les. I *b*i m-U at public sale, at Che ILmrl of fralc Ihioms. in th< i itv o» ( lileajo. on W-dne»dav. the nluetrentu day .. December now current, at r »:f pa-t twt ive ..VI-* » li theday. Thirteen due Thou*.tbd Dollar IV.mD. t**ue. bv Ca*- County. »tatc of lllinol*. and brarlny -lent peg ceDL Interest, to *atWy the deb: for which tliev u«r< pledged. IdPUJ-iiLtiVti J. 3L I'AlilwElC TAISSO LIT IOX. Tiie L'o-Part. L/ nershlp of Tuekrr Tiamlnlrb A- Carter, was .!!« **>lved o • the 2Sl!i tilt. Joseph li. Tucker and Fame -I*. farter retlrtnc Irom the Arm. Charles Itandol): will continue tiie Commlasi in llaslucs* as b> r.-K.f-r at the«am* plae.% and will also Kill- all aeeoti'.t* an. bits-nrre ot the late firm. J .SKJ’ll JL ITCKKIt, Chtca-ro. Dec luth, lad. CILVN HANDoLi’ll. duliulia iw SAML'EL F.CAKTEIS. TTXITEI) STATES 3L\U„ vJ Only Weekly Hue to CORK, LIVERPOOL, And s’l (he principal rttlc*. of Great r. am. u ♦ Coutiueutu. p.urupe, eal.lns at Qucci.-iO * c (Loth) Ir-laml. THE r-lOXTIIBAL'^IATL Ocean Steamship Company’t riiM-elasat-all power Civile bnt’.t »teainer« :n c.-s if »l..rt with the UcAND VUI'SK UAILW.VI uiCAuit. •ail everr Saturdar :rom runulna me L n’.to State* arid Cana<la Mails aud pas-enucp*; |t.)tierAfi.Cait..M**>ia?ier.: S»»vastoU.»u.C'u ..i’orsn NTh lirtimc ’ N'th Acttrlcau. ‘ A'un. AmtloSaxon, ■*RuUmlno. ] CanaMUn. (new.* Two new ships (halldl-.O Quickest Clier»pe>iund C'oinlortal.lo sr.« pi*ss». Fare from C’nlrasn or Milwaukee to Qnee<.*iu« <Cork». LiverjKH.i: First Class aecorrtlns t«» state room JA; and Ftccnite. iouud with cookt-d provision*.. . Ketam Ticket*, First C'las*. go»*d ior *ll month*. |tfd aid J> Steerage. ♦ » and F Ccni:ieatc*-»uied .or brtiiilns out paa-on.-ci* Irt-r. the principal towns ot Gre:»t Britain and Dctun.l, b? above steamer* or sailing vessels «t very rv.lmod rat— For trclghc or t^i—apply l“ l-’*c Conipanv s t»rp v * ral Agents Sabo! A ses.rle. U Water stn-*-u .a-.e»;-o»'. Cork and Dubliis andU-uadwar, New VVni Graham, Detro.t and Milwaukee Hall road. Muwaukte. or t*> JAMES WAltlLVCiv. Grand TrnnV Ball way oi;irr, 1 dly-i*tp Coder Auauts lloueo. Cu.Cßgo. gill RTS. COLLARS. TIES. ni’BWELL & ‘WYANT, DEALERS IX MEN’S FURNISHING GOODS Deerbora Street, 8 Tremont B!o:k. ITave Jn«t received a few choice varieties of !4iilrt* Collars, ties. Eureka, De Jolorille and r-curf*. Gloves. Half (lo*e. Vndcrshln* and Uw»ef», TnuC Int Shirts and Blanket*. ehlrta made to order, from measure, and warranted to site satisfaction. GLOVES. HALF HOSE HOSIEKT. BoS£dto74>«r A CHICAGO UXIOX V I RULROAD.—IVivraa AaaasosuaTe. On and after Mondav. November 3Clh. ISfifl. trains will leave Wellsstrcet depot, as follows SamUvoevcemed U:W a. x. and s:*) P.f<«r Belvlderc. Itockford, Free, port. Warren. Galena. Dunlelth, Dnbnqii. and Inter mediate points: 11: M a. m. and Fr.O P. it. for Dixon. Polo, Fulton. Cedar Rapid*, and Intermediate point': 4.-00 p. *. for Elgin, Belvldere. Ilockf.>nl. and ln:enu«llste points: -ViO P. 11. for Geneva and IntepnedLac points. Passengers for Beloit and Janesville will take U.e tl:tu a.x.train. Pasnensep* forCtytal Lake. Mellcnrr.iacfc. mond. Geneva Lake.aml Intermediate point*, will take the IL4O a. x train. UT*Sleenlne ewn* on night trotoa. E. B. TALCOTT. Gen. Supx G. M. WHEELER. Gen. Pa'scnger Aft. Iy7 Q.LOVES, GLOVES, GLOVES Don't forget to bnr your Gloves at BOWEN'S. No.UC Clark street (upstairs). The best and cheapest Duck. Akin and For. all sold lower than ever before. N. B.—Bowen 1* also Agent fur the Westuf Wilson’s Sewing Machine, the molt simple ami perfect machine ever made. Call and see It. ncCJTvUm QTOLDKX HILL shirts; T'M. H. MU UP. AT, Colkclor. Billiard tables FOB SALK. KEW AND SECOND-HAND, Boxwood, Marble Peda vrlth Improved Combination Cushions. *JO per wntl»« than they can be bought el*e» where. AUo. Old Table* r>•-cushioned and repaired at short notice at tbs only Billiard Table Factory la Chi cago, 185 Madison Street. (Between WclU and La Salle atreeU) detldfiD-tw A . P. CBIFFITir. A cent. ■VTIGIIT SCAVENGER. Charles il Knox will attend lo the cle mins or rrfyy fanlla maoTlrz of stable manure, and anr otfecdvr matter Onlcn directed Cbaa. Rant, Chicago P. U. l**t 41 19 will receive prompt atteattoc. uoOxTm iHiscrilancmis. J. 11. JOHNSON’S, NORTH: CniCACu & MILWAUKEE. v ' j," CENTS* SCOTCH CAPS, A Ur;c assortment of Zephyr TUcrstcis and Wollea Tarns. (LATE U. DUNK.) 11 La Sallo Street. doodS&Sui <! XL 5a A T Soluble for HOLIDAY GIFTS. BUBWELL Jc WYANTS, No. 8 Tremont Block, Dearborn Street, Chicago. GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS. 8030d497-Cw ISailmbs. sap*!! JR.OA.jrj. ISBO-6I Winter Arrangement 1860-61 Now completed ami cars ran from CTilcsjo to Pitt*- bars without cluuisc. connecting with the Great I’cnnsyUanla Central Railroad To New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing* ton City, and all the Interior town* of Pennsylvania, Now Jersey. New York. Maryland. Ac Merchant* by taking this route, will have the advan tage of all thv Eastern markets at no additional cost, luggage checked through. Trim* leave the Union Depot, corner of Cana! and Mad bon streets, Wet Side, a* follow*: iso a. it—Morning Exprras, dally, (bundays ax. ccptciL) BA3 r m.—Night Expresa.d9Uy.(Saturday*aiccp«ed.) Connecting at Creaiiute with the Cleveland and Laae Shore Railroad to Dunkirk. Buffalo. Niagara Falla New York and Uo*tou, and ail the Interior tcwaaul New England.\U New York Central and New York and Erie Railroad*. _ ... . ~ Also, south to Columbus. Zanesville. Newark, Meant Vernon, Steubenville, Wheeling, and Interior towns of Ohio and Virginia. ~ . ’ , The above train* connect at lores: with trains on Mad River Road to Springfield, Urban*. Dayton snd Cincinnati. Also, wllli Indus at Lima for Dayton and Clnctnuall direct. FABE AS LOW AS AST OTHER ROUTE. Passenger* bound East will ond this route both pb-a-uut and agreeable, passing through many of the largest and dueat cllle» la the Culled State*. Boa-enger* arriving at Cldcagu, ou any of the roads, will nud attentive cueck agent* at the depot*, to re ceive cuecka and convey baggage tree of charge to the PUubarg and Chicago car*, sleeping Can accompany esu-b trim, sutukiug can on alt trains. Ticket* for sale at me principle Ticket Office* In the Wi-r. and .it the Company's Office, comer of Randolph and Dearborn >trect«. or at me Union Depot, West side. Chicago. pu*ucol.iraada*k for ticket*by tort Wayns. t-ndgrii ..r all kind* will be carried from Chicago K' alt ih.u.’u, East at all time*, at aa low rate* as auy other 4>adroad Route. TO MERCHANTS AND SHIPPERS. The Pltl»bnrgh. Fort Wayuc ami Chicago Railroad Ccmp-oy. having effected an arrangement with the peuu-vlvanla i eatral Railroad Company, tor the Iran*- puruuou oi Through trtlgul. property can now be -Lipped by tills line Ik-lum.-u Chicago, Philadelphia, liaiu.norc. New York and Boston, With Promptness and Dispatch. J. X, Dt UARUY, faapt. W. D. J. 11. MOORE, Cera, and GcnT -\gtuL D. v*. boss ocuT Wo't. Poa Agent PEXXSYLVAXXA CEX- X tral ilviu:uai>. ,N3 aiiLßa double track. The capacity of u.U Road 1* now equal u> any la tLs country. Three Tlirooslt Paxaenger Train* l-ctw ceii l*i;t-i*uri.n and I‘niMdtdplda. direct hi tuu Lnwu Depot, a: PUJ.baruh, wißi I Irat.ia frui.i ull Weneni nide- lor I‘lin.i detpui . At - Y. r«. It-fo*:, iViUun. rcar.a Wnri.h.nloi. tit* : tnu.-* furnbniiig ia*.i.iuc. tor tac transport.;.*-!, of l‘.*M*«-uger* uiuurpx-scd lor speed and council by any other route. £*( rt<*« and Fa-'t Lines run through to Philadelphia, without change ot car* or conductor*. king Cars are sltac&ed to each train; WoodrufTr sleeping c ar- ioKapr*.» and ta-iTr-lna. The E.\ pi cm runs Call v. Malt and Fast Line aomtays excepted. rhrcedaiiVtralLicoancetdlrect fur New Yura. Ex pres* aud Fast Rluc couacet for lialiluiore and Wash- All Trains pnivldcd with bldjeV Pal*.ut brake—«pewi under utrfeucoatruio! the tbua much to tne solely ot ira clew. sl\ Daily Trains between I’iilia.Ulphla and New York; i'*** Dullr Trains between New Y'ork and ito*. ioa. IhroujtU HcLvis, all roll, are good uu either o: the above train*. Uoat TlcKcta to Rootoa tr* good via Nora left. Fall River. or sloatngtoa Line*. Iwoton passenger* iron*- ferre.l free of through Now York. Tickets mar be ooi.Uaed :.t uov of the Important Railroad Otkce* in the West; a.*o oa board any of tht regular Liao of mcjoit? on Uto Mississippi or OhR Rivers; auit at the of the Company la Boston Now Yura. Baltimore. or I’hi.udclpldo. UTt'x la, ALWats a.* Low aaa lius aft QfJCS aft • It;t0 a. X. .ILtO a. 3*. ASK Ki>U iICkEIS t»V Plf I’SBURGH. The cu<np.cilo:t ot the Wt *tcrn couuexUuU* of the Pennsylvania Railroad iua*c* (id* Uie DIRECT Ei.NE UE'i’VVkKN .till. EAST AND THE OUEAIT Vfhs-K. The eonnectlnt <■: trick.* by the Railroad I’rldge at ritu*b>.r-'ii. hvyiuUiS ull drayage or fi fringe of r rush., together w«:i l!.c ?.»v ms of lime. are'.n .v appreciated by Shipper* of t reight, aud the Crave, lii' For Freight Contract* ft ml Shipping Direction*, app!) t.» or ad.ire » either o( Uju fiuiuwlitg AgeuU ot lb« Company: D. A, STEVTAP.T. liit'.bur^h; 11. S. l*lcrcv X Cu„ ZacetvUtv. o.; J. J. Johanon, i;lpl« y.0.; K. MoNtelcy, Mjysvllif. Ky.; ()rm*b; a. trv»in'»er, hVruiuoaib. t*.; IVlUucw A Co.. Jeaefsoii. vUl«*. imi.; 11. v>. & Co.. Clai - tunau : Allien Itibhut. Cii.clcultil: it, C. Mcuhuni. Madison, lad. h. Moore. Louisville; i'. o. O'Ul.ey A Co,, Kvait* •me. lad.; N. W. orahatu * Lo„ Cairo. III.; K. *, >a-«, or a tJlus', >:. Lout-: .luiiu 11. liarrliS N»eo . s.;e. T«-nn.; tiuru A Hunt. Mempai-. leim.; ke .•i Co,. Lhl.ajro; VV. |I. U, Kovnu, AUvU, til.; urlu Freight Agents u{ Uahroud* atdlacrvut pomu la the Wet. Ilia Greatest Facilities offered for the ?rote • non and Syocay Transportation of LlVo StOCK. And good a.'i-i.iniuo.lutl.'i:' with U.ual privilege* (cr l«cr>uus ir-veit... ux chit go th> rcuf, 1 l.Ulillli*. Itr thN Route Freight- ><( ail descriptions ran be five a'.tfdedtn and f.'oiiil'i.tijdctpkLr. New York, ICn-t.o , or ti.«.:laiorr, m.d fr in any on the UiNio*-;- .( imiLta*. Illhiwts, Wisconsin, loan. or ;•• ,‘ai.r«>.i<i d.n et. i'lti* lV:>:.pvivuiu.» iLi:l.-o ..: n:-o connect* at Pltr* i siciiac.-'. bv a Mels Hoods can b« forward * a*t% ,i-;rt ini the"(Milo. Mn,hl.rg*mi, Kcutackv. I*. ee, c uiubt rUart, 11.1.u L% >.t*ei»«Jppl. V.b«i •da. ML-oiirl. Arkansas and Led>; »ad att'li-veL.ii.l. Fatu’.ushy mid l htcago with Steamer to ill I'u.t-. » ;tu* Noithwourn ak<». Mcrcaiutsaad shippers.: t ■ ilLgihctran*pcrtau>s of itn-1.-freight* rotate C>;an y/a»u rely wuneon:*, donee on It-, 'perdv tr-ir-U. i'lte r»t* *id Freight to :vru rem any point In 1! e tV*>u )>'. tn<* I'ciii pj nui:t-i UuUru:i<l.S7eat all times n* U.u.rul.'lt a-» arc bv outer 1C i*. CutupuiUes. tu-irt pack-itc* “m li " K. .1. I'miaJrlptiU. MAt;i:.\w a Kt»oN>.polvortii«tr , ?rt, Raltlmon*. LKACU A CO., No.C AsturiaUUMi, or No. I Sj. V» t; IHm-trcel. New Voik, LI.I.CH Aio., No.;;M^tcstreet,Doeton. 11. H. tits* >n»N,licn. r Act.Pnlladelpltlw. L. 1.. nuriT’. lien. Ticket As’t, rnliadeJidia, niOS.A.’tCO IT lien. S:;pt., AUuuua. I*4. J* /CHICAGO AX I) KJ KAI LUO AD. FOR MILWAUKEE. I.A I’ROSSE FT. PAH., o=ll KOcll. IN AND iNTt-.UMKDI.iTK l*olN'T>. On a id after Monday Dec, ltd. IsW. l*a-senger Train, leave U.c lleje-?. coniir of West Ktnzle und CsL-u street.*. taunda}nea> cpU'd) a., lollows; " to a. a. ami nrnvi ai .\;cv at IljVl a. u. liLS, I p. n-at arrive at Milwaukee ut a. at chi>ai;oat: ll : :il i. m. end w. Accommodation lr.*ta leaves Ch'ca:<> al i£o r. arrive*at LUcauo at sAw i. u. nui* t>. c. it.VLDWiy.Snp *. pIIICAGO, DUULINGTON , A \J QCINCY RAILROAD. I'a-senccr Truk.* leave and arrive Chicago as f.M • oa*4: >:a:l leaves at •.!'» a. u.. tFUiuiayseaceptt-d --•r.lvt* al 5.i3 p. u.. excepted;. Kxj’rv— leave* at n. L'. p. y.. (Saturday* excepted;: arrive* at •.to, (Monday* tv cj tL.I. Aurora Accommudart >t. leave*n( 3.k»»*. u„ (Saiiday* excepted.; arn'o at io.*« a. n„ (buudajk txcepted. O. C. HAMMOND, Sup’t, Cuicioo, April 7, ISCiJ. RUFFALO & LAKE IILTKON KAIIAVAV. Shor.citaad bcatroute loUuJ-lt »Ud other Kn-tflil elites. Train K-av.uj t alv uo at -vOd p. m., Petrcrll at iISP, ar rives atUu:la»o ol ;'::o p. in.. New \ork ut Il>;L. a. ci. ivoston at coiiiiecUitj wnn N. V. Central A 1 >ll » o ami N. I. a l.rle trams solid last. Tlckata vit» 1..l- Can L-e obtained at in- 1 1. 1i.u Depot. fo-:i‘4> U I; S CAKI KICI.-OT ttanacer AJICHIGAX SOITTIIKIiN AND aJX LAIIK SHUIIE UAILIIOAD. 1320-C1 TVinUr Arracgement 136CW11 Takes —Lee C.TOi.h.—New V'-rk ami Ho-t-a Exprcs?—dallyeserp: Fur.dav*. v.a oid Line. «l.Wp. w.—Mc'.t i.aprcrs— cully except Saturday, xi* Old till.*. fonnertiud at l .b doan.t Petroit with train* to id! p« lutal.ilerlor in tJhl->. rermrvlv.-viitx. New \vrk ami il.e New Kr.-lr.mi ruiln and i auada*. -MW a. n.—J*tt:•!)'.» rijli. Ha;tlmo;c ami ridladclphla Ex tn***. *i.» cie.i lii il. ♦IJIO r. m.—xlakius « Km- coiiLcvtlona and (\ulck time a. *□> otnerr-ul-. JIT 17 00. truti s* i.t Sl-rplnr Cara ae**oropany at the Nlshs Trtlun *-u iM-roi.l- to New orkaud U«i»l. n Tu-keta ran bv hail at nil tit ket iUlcen In tne Ho x..da: t;.v company’*Ui&ce. UD*arl>oru atrcct*. -ex ». li.e depot. arrive in f hle-yo at 1 b.3) *. w, and ILM p. w. Jlj, (ii.AV. (teuT. tV«at<-ru Ac* 1 1. J-UJt P. CARruau, tu-u L Nuj-t. Jt atiO-.y \j icmoAN cknYkal and Ai UKEAT WKSTKP.N iCA.NADAI ItAIDWA’.e Winter Arranscmcnt, Train* leave the flrrat l viitrtl Depot, foot Of L .V str»*et.< hleuc<*: i.33 a. w.—Lljhtni.'.j Kxpn>-. i.Sun.h)i exeepii-d,; a* > Ive at Oetrud p. it. tfu-penMon llnoj -5.1*. *. w.; A!b.:n? 5.10 p. w.; New York li>A* p. lv~t-m 1.’.00 nshc U. 30 r. if.—New York amt Ho-C-a Express, (excep: Satuntity.i arrive nt Detroit <*,‘lU .1. run of luiJ.-ilotCX) r. w. Ai> i-n* • FI *. New York I'ikV *. v* Do»toii 11.•.•11 ijvx. ic— Ljnciiin-U Kvprf, s.(>■ to« i.ida-iatl la Vt hours. -LiO p. M.—Clii-.inuaf. and LoiiDville Evprc**; (cxrepl Fat ir-layt t!irouuh I- Cli.cluuall la II hour* L.>ui>vid- la 1> ho ire. (.00 p. 11.— Train. Satunlay. only to Kiln. Sunday Train* at *i.o) p. m. i > «tfu;.'>!L-» , i'lu.; Cars on all night train*. The 'V-K* r. **. ir.-ln ronnecte at ParT* with the BufUlc and Las- Huron itaiiwav i»r r.otlaio amt all p-mis eo-t: at Tor.-./.o with tla* (.rand Trank lUdwnv t. fvtnaston, (*-.i--n«bnn:h. Montreal, Quebec, and »1 poliiLs to iLxi.oda Faiet. Norilieru V«nuuut.NcW Uaiup •litre aud Malm-. Da-gage eh.vied lhron;h. Through "V lex.-t* for * »!e M the p-lneipal E.-dlroiic iflices ;h (ut* North and W*-».. aud at the Company's iTlre. rorn-r Lave and Dearborn strec:*. sr.d at tLc dep-J. votui Luke street. Ik N*. CICE. Supertntenilert. 11. SacGrs?, Ucuoral Ageut. K-» piiicAGO & youTWKSTmx \J railway. DIREIT IIOC7C To Rockford. Del ut. Frcej oPt. JanesvilTo, Gali'n\ Mad Don. I’ratrte dn ClUeu, Fund du La»c Oshkoali. Gn—a r.»e. Ih-rlix ld:mn. La rr?*s. FL I'atiL dw. On and aficr Monday. November xib, Dud, troia* leave.»la: Day Kxpre«a—li-0 Noon. Evening re^i —6 I*. Rockford and Jane*, vllle. ;iT*Throu:h t!eket* ran be at all T'allmad orbeevon Dearborn street, or at t*as*cr.itcr stations. • it*.'. ITSLaC. F.iperlUK ixl-i.t. E. RnDTXsnx. tienT. Ticket As’L or!F->v OinCAGO it DOCK ISLAND \U RAILROAD T ivr.-Pars- CK e r Train, depart (tom and arrive at Ci.;.'•. as follow*; :/ Dav r.xi tew*and Ala ..ave ath.toa. u„ and arrive at .V-t- p. o. tFunduv. .•. ;-te-l>. Night Lsjtrt.s leave-! 1.4.' p. ji. (Saturdays except edi: arrive at 5.16 a. w. *.•?. unlay* excepted). Joliet Axcommodn'U :i. sji» p, m. (Sundaysexcepted). JcllV I‘. TiIACV, Gen.SupV _W I L, St. Joux. Ge»’l_Ageat- dfJT A I.TOX, ST. LOUIS & CIIICA XV m> EAILItOAD. ■WHITES ASSANGEgEST. The on’r direct rente to Bloomlnzton. Sprlasfldd Alton and rt. Looi< WITUOLT CHANGE Of* CAIIS. Two Kxpre«» Trains dally leave depot. Canal street, every m»min£ (escerlauuday) and every eveulnc \ex cept Saturcay>: Da» Express. Night Exp. Leave Chicago at. vhls a. m. kOO p. u. Arrive at Jouet ii»rn •* t*-;a - ** “ Feorla fi;OT r. v. AO) a. ir. “ “ lil-Mimlngton ~ LSI “ ** “ Decatur fir:!) * “ - - prlDgUrM S-At '• 4=n - “ “ Jacksonville fio>t •* 12: , “ ** Alim JMd “ - “ “ Ft. Loot* ** ltw3 ** Titrongh train* arrive at Chicago at 3.M a. it. and 8:10 p. >t, Jo lit and vvil::;lt’gt-<n Aectuiinuxtatlon l-.ave Chiengo at 4:Wp. a. dally (except Sunday), arrive at 9-Jk) a. w. CT~ tiernr.t Sleeping Car.i on all night train*. CONNECTiON.v—At Cbsnoa wl»j Locan-port.Tco rla and i.urllncton Railroad for Locan*purt. Peoria, Galesburgnmlllurlinctun. At Bloomington with III!• d« I* Centra! Kailroadforlieeatnr. At Si'rtnglleldwUh Great H«u>n Railroad of HUno'* f. r Jocmumvllle, Naples and ifalney. At SL Loot* with PaclUe llallrmut for Jelfer*ou Lite, Svracn*e. Boonvllie, Lexington, ludependeuce. Kansas CUy and Leaven* worth, with North Mlwonrl llallfO-l first. Charles, 11-diu.n and St Joseph, aad wltli Iron Mountain Kail* road for l*Ui>t Knob and Southern wltli Rail road Line of steamer on the .vla*l*slppl lUver for Mcmpbl*. Vicksburg and New Orleans. For through Uckeisapplv at the Company's Offlee. 43 Uearboru street, opposite Tremont House, and at the Depot, Canat street. • JAMES ROBBv I T*A«*»lvero. CHAS. (.ONUDON.J BeeelTer ** R. B, MASON. Superintendent. C. 4 WUEELEE, Gcal FL Agent JOSETU rnict *».urer. *« PI IN OH CKNTIIAI- RAIL EOAD. 1830 WiatK Arrangßineat 1881 Oa a-rt after Sundae. November ■Stb. W>, trains will leave the limi Central Depor, fuotoT Lale and South Water Street?. ftjj a. a, (Sunday* evoeptrd) striving at Peoria at tJO p. if., it. Louis UJd p. su Cairo 4J5 a. n, Memphis 3i4j P. JL. New Orleana In 54 boon, fcilp. St. i“anirda>aexcepted), airtsirglnSt.Lout, at Itr’fl a. re. Cairo 2£i p. a, New Orleans In 55 boars. Trains arrive ia Chicago at; 7:W a. *. and p. it. (Sundays excepted.) Through tic.eta f -r al! Important point* South anil Southwest r>r sale at the ooicc of the Company. In t&a Great Central Depot. . W. IL tirrifUTLCea. Sup’U P. JOin; SON, Gen. I*a**engcr Agent. Eegal abbertismnrta. MORTGAGE SALE.—Whereas, iu Simon S. WllUee and Mary C, bl» wlft. did oo the 'Mh day of April, A, D. W7. *iecnte and deliver to Jacob W. Ladlam. now deceased. their certain mort gage. bearing date the day and year aibreaatd, ud recorded In in* Re center'* Oder of Cook County, lIU noU. In book S3 of mortgages. page fG. ami did thero by convey u> the »sid Jacob W. Lndtam the pra'* laea hereinafter named, to *ecnr« the payment of roar cer tain pmmUiorv note* therein particularly mentioned. And. • hrreae.ltwaa provided In ana by said mortgage, that l» • a*e of default in the payment of said note*, either of principal or Interest, »v made, the whole of aald principal and tal-rer t should become due and pay* able And the Mid Jacob W. LudUm, hi* heirs, execa p.r* admlaWnitor* or aiwli'n*. after twenty day* no tice In a newspaper printed In the city of Chicago, might aell a* hereinafter noticed, thevald preml*e*. and aiirteht and equity of redemption of the said Suson « Wilts** and Alary <*., hi* wife, therein. And. where as, default ha* been made In the payment of two of ..i,i outea. and of Interest on three thereof Now, therefore, pnbllc notice 1- hereby -Urn. that th« on ft*nTgne*l, Jamce l>. La.tlani and Mary LurtUm. ad ministrator* of c»«alo of JfljDb W- Ludlam. de ceased. will on Fnflby. tlm-trt^fHi.uv^, *«vw«.bet A. D. p*so. at the hour of ieo clocc a. w.. «f that day, acn at publl • auction, at the north door of the t ourl llonao In sold ellv of Chicago, to the highest bidder for i -a*h, the foil .wing premise*. to-wU:-c.>inmenclng In Urn center lire of the Chicago and firren Hay I.oad, and on the line of Henry llepworth** land, om-anlng too Uae ol Henry Hepwortb’* land at the date of «ald mortgage.* anil running wot 13.TJ 1-2 chnlna; thence »outb 7.3U chains; thence east W.T2 1-2 cha na to tho center of the raid r.>ad to the place of beginning, con taining 10 acres, and being rnrt of m rtbweat quarter of section :W town-hip tj, range i*. In Cook County, llllnoU. and all right and canity of redemption of tho said Simon s. Wlluce ax.d Mary r. WULseo therein, to make the amount due ou «nld and the coat* and expense*Of *uch -ale. .lAMKB D. LUDI.AM, Chicago. Oct. 241h, I*V5. MART I.HPLAM. . Admlnl-tratoraof tli>* e-tut* of Jacob W. Ladlam. de ceased. tlte aforesaid mortgagee, oeitatzgi-td The above with po-lp«*ii»d till Frblay. December 7«h. l*W. at «amc imurand place. Chicago, Nor. Wlh. IbCO. JAMKS l». LUDL.VM, MARY I.I'OI.AM, Adnilnbtraton cf :be e*tito of Jacob W. l.udUin, do c.-*-.L not;di7;..p| The »t .»\e ■>!»’*• la p'sfr' Friil.iv, tli-4dli day rf f> -e. r i, »• tho »ame i*- , »r »od t»bn *. Chicj-o I)..- * ISd*. .? \'!K- H l.rni.AM, - • U.VKV mu. .\i the * rate of Jacob W. Luolnm.-'o. eea-ed. dii-1.1 \l UKTUAGK SALE.—-Wliuren:*, hr I. Morri*F. ruppcnrll and F. M. Cnpremell. bU wife, did ou the tweiitr-uith ilav oi April. A. D., Wu execute to the undrr-igned a i-naiii tnurtcage witfi power of*ale to •eenre the payment«f a certain incut note bearing even date with -aid mortgage, tor the payment of lue •:sm «*f one hundrvil and slxty-r.vo six month* from date. wMeh said mortgage was ilnlv recorded In the Kegl-i. r'* ott'ee of the county ot Adimsand state of Wisconsin on Uiefi-dti day of April lAiu, In voL 3of mortgage'-. page-.*■• and and dclault bavins been made in the pannent oNa>d »*int at the time ami place In said mortgage «p«-ltlcd, public notice Is hereby given, that I -hall on ti.e 1 :th nay of December A. IK lsi*>, at the no.tli do*.r of -he «Hurt ITon«e In tbo count* of foot and Mate of llliti*>Kat in• o’clock A. M„ otter for *ale and sell t» tbeaigne-t and hot bidder for cash, a!! the rlriit mid inter* *t ami equity of ro dempuon of the -aid Morri- f.cnprerivll In and to th* following described pr.q*crtv In -isirtmortgjgccontam .•d to j»av said note, together w illi all ci -ts ami c>'arge\ ♦.* wit: The northue-t q'tnrt-r of ; ; e n-‘rtbwe»tqntr* ler 'U section iMrlv-sAc ;.t-i In live! i’> -istceii {ltf) north, "fringe number r>\e U-i ca-t, eontiunlng forty la; sere* more «r I**—, according I * the jo\eminent -ur\cv Al-o. that cc.Ti.dn pice* or rar» «d of Umt hounded a* follow,'*, to wit; Itc-'lnnli g .*t tim north .».*! ctirm-r of ltd number *•!!•• 111 In block number five 5] In Ac vdllsgc of Ca-ead- In t- «• eounty of Adams In ttie Slate ot Wl-'oi.-ln. anti mnnlng lli»-n..e west to White Creek. to<*ncc tight i-’ : r*.d* to ibe north Uneof *a!dbli>ck five ■:>]; tlunce nortii eight roils to the north line of Mild block live iM; tiienco north to UiC south line of the htgowAV leading trom the ►aid village of Ca.-c idr tv* thence rarti rly oil »ald '.lneofKild klghwav to the n rtiviul corner of *a!<l block number ilve;.V on Je‘.fer?;«i stP-ft; tbenreaouth on said Jctl. r* m street t.* Mm place of beginning, con taining tonr-dfiliA of an acre more or Icm*. with all hulliUug* and :mpr'vemerd* on the ?anie, all of void r> «i estate being situated in Adam- county. Mate ot Wisconsin. C. P. lIRAi'LKY duUßrtstd slortgsKes. The Above rala U Poitr‘"t'C.i t> UicCTth day ot Dp* ce i.hrr. i>m>. ul »ame uour and place. __ C. P. UUAULET, Mortpsce.^ qmiTtstee’s sat. k.—rui.iio L notice ia hereby given that I. Ephraim IngalU, tru»tee in a deed of trust. dated May XUi. A. I*. l.’va*, executed bv I rederlet Uocitgcr ami Cnrharlne Ih»o« . tiger hU wife, and recorded lu the otllee of the Record* er ut Cook count* - . auto of Illinois. In book It.'* of tlet-da. page Kg. aid. on the application of Nathan Mar ble. t:.o t.olufr of the rroiui-.-ory note* vpoi lned in *old dri d. bv iv«*oti of default lu the payment* ofrer* taiu interest m antes, accrued on said i*<d«*. sell at pub* lie auction, for cash, t»* the Id'hen biddir at tlie north door of Hie Court house of t ;o County of Cook, la t e cltv of Chicago on R.«*3U:i d-«r of December. A. D. :ww. ut ten o'clock m ti.e fon a.Miii. nil the following deM-rlbed parrels ot real c»tßt«. t>> w It; Lot No. eight »>lubl»e* No, oiivd’ In aldgley** Addition to Oil* ruga. Also, a rarer! of kind commencing at tho south ri t errniT of section twcnty-tlgut (>i In township foßv oiii* iil'norCi of rinse tv.vUe tW) cast of tb«* third principal m< rtdLvn ; tnence mirth on the«<ctlon tine ►lx ami hunoredlhs chain*: theneex wc*t and parallel to tho line twenty chain*; Lienee souta eleven m I thin v-even huncredtli chain*; »ncnee c.t-1 twenty eualns: thence norlh Mimndhlxty iwu hundredth* cnat.:* t*» Im; place of von* and infer a. ro>, Al-o. coin ’•ienctii< ut tlie find oonth o--' <« rncr of •edion t«cn- tnence n >rt • *iv and ti-rf -foiirth* ehatne; iiience eu*t thlrtv-nve ami nay-ii' p hundivdlh* chain*; 1 hence «o.ifi id.ieleerj .jij,* r.ree •‘onria C.odii*; thctiCtt we.-: tlntiy-dve, ony-i'.ve hnndreill’i chain*; theurtv .n-m t trice;, eluilu*. ; lace ot Al**«, die aoutti half of lot N>*. eleviu <1!; tn block No. -eventeen tilt In dohn-ton"* SuMlil-hm ofthe«a*c air of the '••idh-.-.vd c.iiarter of s -eMou \o. *lx *».) lu nw: xiip iV*> niTi.iof r.u,';e fourteen CB*C .f lie talr.t prlnelpal iiu ri.tlan. all *dd pared* of iaud aituute l:i the i o mtv oi i ... \ ami rt «te ot Illinois KWUJAIM LSCALLS. InifU e. Ac. Chicago, December L LSA UvlkLdltil S.aT.K. W'luTfiis, 1. on the *ecord dar f C Auzii*t, A. D. IKTfI, datrea Ile.tney ami t atliunite Kcnaev. lib'ufi'. bv l?u-tr < rr. aia ileedof wntl.t-u dah uek:i; '.u Ucd aad n*** TiJpil :i t..e c.*rdrr‘s of no- ront.rr oi anti -i.iio vf Ulitiois. in ii- oU No, :?.iot Me. dc on raso-uf7« Id convey to L'.e audrr Ltird me liauS arvl pr>-niUe* ■TilaaftiT de-i-Ml .-d in U;j t to > eurx two certain iomi"ory r «.»*?-. to wi Hln.* (• r tlie <am of SUb.ft*. • v»i. <• to Nat: an >i< i.r.i or er-i. r, aed fr m UMi-h was u eat «’edTiete I lh«* s .:e ! y-.M’ d utnl tliu • 4r!• r rite mivi of ral 1.- U> alpvh A Norton e* nler.anilwtdeli Isa* b-vt; by >'ieni m*-L*r,edtn.larol> -1-u r. mid b dli idwli'rb n"t:’p are pavalb' la <>m* «'nr in*m thelr-'am. t > w t. tr •”! f.e s;d»i -2nd ilay ot ’An : rt. it. wUi ttnert ';; and. wiierea*. d. faalt ha* ad a made la ibe ;>uy;aiat "i ',ild uote-. ui.d a. i re't. iiul et law* been n-a«le to la.* bv tlte Ircai •,.dd 'l'of *>;iid notes to *• :i tti • reatbei n.» conveyed. smt i..r» ill trtbnllon i f tlte procei-d* of paclt Pivle. »<r. • online to ii'e tcrni'oi ilietru«t at 'aid tie. d »et forth. Now .lien-fore. pub'.U* ito'l.'* Is t.erebv clveti that by vlrtm? o. ant orl:» ;-vrii in. and In nee- rduneewitli tl-o (i-rmno. •*.J de-d tntst I pI. iUoh Sntanlay. theVTil • lav of lii-cen.ber, A. I». is*-'. :.t i< tt oVlock In the lore* • .it said lav. at the n..r:rt il.-.n-f t e <*oart Hnn«w •>f •aid I'onaty. la the • l;y of !de.v.:<> and st».ti» af. r.** p.dd.s 11 a ptibbe anctn-u t • t'i"!n;:'i>-'t blddcrforeivpli :;n- prrait- cam wwd deed of trn»t ite<w-ril'«d. to.»-lf;~- •11 that c rialtt pi ee.r panel • f l-.-d dt, ale. hi ~ m.l the vjli.'sr- • f •• vi»r*lari. > ate of llditoK v d de- rtla-d as lollow-. t ■•wit: Lot number oeven in lib* L timber Avtv s ven *d) of said Town vUt.mei ot Kvan'lori. n- tin- !Mnie Mtrvrycd ari l •ilaite . and recorded in fu Ibvirier** tni>« of paid C'onntv of » ot. 1-ci tloT With llo* In-reiillaiiuntn. le'ipments and »i>|o:rteir»ia-e- liter,-to belon i ;ioj', ami ill rlcbu h<-n< : t mid e .ally of n-demptl, n of the wUii Jame* Kenny ilu-re.n. t UASIiI.IN WRr.HTKU, Tm-lee, O .c No. II Methodl't CUnrcti t lovlr Cblctcin. Nov. tlh. del^iV.lYiit OTATE OV IIJ.IXOIS, Cmmiy or vA r.vii. S. S.—linj>i:rlop Court of chloapv, I’Vcom* her T» rm, A. I>. '*s'a. MieMuan (Valral CutlMadCnm nanv and .folm W. Hroolo. v-. Ml/:ib*tb K. llarson tcniima Ann r.tir-wv*. John K. |tnrm*n, Henrietta S :inrs«m,TtiuiuMm K. Uarsim and Edward Unison —la 'Jhancerv. Aitldav It nr tip* ron-rrsM-ne-*.f all the d-fendanr* »h .re named. luvl.r* been Hint In tv «aUv of Uu* . li-rk of rJtlil Fup-rtnr Court of ('Meatm. Notice U i-r.-bv given t • ail the Add di-f-udai ts above mum-d licit lit- complainants nl.d tli.-!p b!:l of .onip'atui >7l *a:d Court, 0.. tin* cu.r.r.rv *l,lO ot» the j;in lav of Sm emb r. IS'-i, ami ill «| a summon* f iiT-um.r. S-1. .1 . ut ..f -aid fourt ntaiot -aid defendant*, re mnab!- on tin; ilr*f M'juda. of December next OHai,* 1* Is hv law riajuir. d. Now', uni. ** * th* auM ftbev" named shall per-uaHy b- and h-i-r-*al.| Superior court of vof c«...k i ■ unit». on the f.r*t ilav ot Mi- u-xt term thereof, cab- balden a: ( hh-uiro In inla t n.nMv. 0:11. 0 Hr*t of mlur. aoa •-b-ad. answer or dvtnurto the -aid ptaluaut's bllv d 'oruplalnts. the —mu-. and Ch- ut.Kt-r* mi.l tliinr* tti Tclu eimrsed ami -tat-d. will be taken as eonfe'iw .L, and a diMT-e enured agah'-l v.-i a eordlmr to tha prayer uf wild hill. V> ALTER KIMBALL. Clerk. W 4i.v«». V Annas * Dbxtkk. So I'm, pur.-li:i iw M< nrroAG Ei?sV.u:£ii\v h7r£ a* Jam** Rihs-H and >farv If. RuwlL hta wlf*. both of tin* I T.v of Chicago, ami State of Illinois. Uhl execute ami <L liver to -the *’udpr*i.:i«‘d their Certain udimturo of mortgage, bearing Male the second duv of Inly. A. I». lAV>, to *<—ur- the pamvnt of a certain proml-s-rv not.* >■' • ve-Hlulo therewith, slvcii bv Hi*<i .Im 01. i:u« .-I f-r l ;o •»um of . o-;rl*’rr» I homtonil dollar* i *li,f>»*.|.i\ ah|-iiv..-ye«Maf:. rtl- Mate there of, Ht the ntv li.oi*c i f lio-ton. M.t'».»chiiki it \ ami pna v'llh.v that the I it- r--t there- >n, whj.-b -1101111. be at tha r*te«>f t-o t er .--M. p.-r al-o o« ble a: ■‘itlft rl»v lians. In Ko-li.t-.A-ml annunlh*. to-w’itt •Mi thr-1-c >tul ilav of .laronrv a tl.l ilv eseulu evirr rear. wVrh *alit ;nortc »."* I- n-nr-le l In tu« Jh coplrp'a •itllcr <»f ‘ ‘■•mit'. Male of in |uh»H ta ©t Mort,"t~e<. Nt Pare •*!*>, a». t, wlierea. Uefanlt ha- been •na.l- tn the i-aymr-'t *if t 10 U«U!l>m*|it of •i»lere*lUu* ti.-.ocomt <!av-f .Ij-mar.-.’>i-, ntm aim In tli« tt*r met t of |li- l.j.r«ll;u-rt ->f Inter—: «H»» tha »reuuU Uar of -Tut-:. I*l*, ami b«-:h remain tmpail: Now. tt-cre*. r.* - hotl-r 1-. li-Iven, that L . Merrll, lni»«— and afure<»al*l, «»c thrrttv of amt Ma.—a«-hii-i-tta acconl In* to Jhr tern-nf *ahl Ui. hereby itrclar** the pr.iicljm.-i'm ■‘ceunsl th.-rebi t«» hr now* due. for reavo of -oi l UefauUln i.avnenloi' l*if-re*t, ami ti.aS I -hall. In nor-nanrr ami hv* vlritit* of the power and anthortty l;t me vr«teU bv»aM mcrUa-e. ami forth* -Mr- am! ouriH.-?- therein -\pre*-e«l. on Tlmr»Une. Ui« Ih-rteei.t'i May of l>reemh-r. A. l». PW at elev-a < lit the fTvho*m «f »aM ilav. at the north i|<mp nf f e loort lloupe.ln the el v ft.l.-ajo. -ell at pub l‘fl tt'irtl .u. to lr.e hi-lie«t hi !.I -7 f.-r vaali. thapreuil»e* In *Oll roorten-e il—«*nhe«!. I -w u: “That piece »-r purr* I of lamt t.n-.wn an.l ile*rr!bed a-* lot four ft>. In M.-rli -evei.leen .li». in Uiftraetioiial -ectlon flftee.i .r.\ a.I-litl-n t-*the . itv «f rhh-.i-o be h’.i ei-r tr (M>* f.-et tr-'i.tim avenue ftn.l on* hundred ami rl/htv fe* t »!-♦> I:. U' j flit-» the allev in U.e rear, accorfinir t»the j l-n. r--or»i.-'l Id fm.lttionn. te I'rsldrv, with U.u clw. iiin- houw; nml otherinw provß-eutatl»ere«a. JAilhS c. MKlilflLl^ . _ TrmUeo Mortcaiter. J. M.P*ax»». *ttornrr, The ahov- sale 1- (•r.-tpunri! till W.Unr-Uav. the tlw. tr-nt!i day of January, t», 1 »i|. at Hi- -i»m« boor . and pIanMKHKILL, •I. M PanKSn. Attomrr. Iru-Uc VorCra-ce. Chicago, l»er. U lh, iNkj. uci-dlshtd Cl TAT K OK ITT.IXOIS, Countv of O Toole. P.«t.—circuit Court of »v>o’< routiir.'Peb ruary Tern. .--J4. Amiri w ■ laon v«. El!e v --Sforlu •.m, Nells Ell -v»-.iv Kuuu Elie.-or, John Ellcraon- Krlck U.ivia-on. las- .ur !•-.*> ..n, m- Ur>'»-- clvon, Curi-tl Hrynsel-oa »ml .Marl r.ll -*> on —ln t i.anwry, A'b.lavlt of tfo* noi>.r-'i.le..'.e of 011-vo S<urhM)u, Xella Kl!"v«on, Kmsd Hl.’r.i.-n. f ohu Mlev-on, Krlefe Davidson. lus-M or tr.ivM->n. filo ltrym;el-..n, riirt-U op.-..;* l-.n. Nlar RlleT».in. .let.i.r tin.u above mmed, havln?hejn UPdlu the uillcoof tin- * 1 ir. colt Court of rook County. N.-Uc -U l.eiehy uivea t ■ the -aid defendant- that aid »•<>;.•; laL'.aut lllcdhl* bill of c-unplalrtt In -alt Courc on the Chancer? *ldo therei.f, o« tin* thirteenlb dftv of Dec* mb*-r. i-o*. and chat a-um-iioi * Uierwiti'on 1-wiml out uf-ilit Court a<aln*t «aiil .l-ie-..lnnt*. refrenble on Uie third M.-o dav of t-hruare n»xt. (W.i.. a-* t» bv law n'nuln-d. Now, unl<*sa yuti, the .t*-;'-nilaot», «liall per-oi*» ally b» ami appear before -al l * In-ult Court ofCoolc countv. on tu- nr.-' **.•>• of th-n-xt term iher«>f, to be liofileu -.t to -..iU i.'.uiuie, ou Hi.- third .Momhty of Kehpiary, I*ll. n .1 ;>l. ad. a*-wer«*r.let-:aP l«* Ci- -aid L-otuplaluanlV bl'l of couiploinc the "am* uud the tuutt.-r* and tun -- :\ep. In eh trs-d .ltd i>luied will be taken adeer* *rutercJac:ilaaC roti according to Uie t-rav. r i fsa d hill wm. !. cui'Rnr. rii-fk. MUJony. Nov. 3.7. GCO. A. IXOALhR, CO.UpVt* m4'7.. dcU-dMb-taT MASTKU’S SALK.—State of imr noK Cook fount*. S.S-ripcrjlt Court Cock Connie. In C hancery. Llllm Granger v*. Itnltbaavr Bom and John Gray. Public uMun* 1* hrrebv gtvva that In pursuance of a drer.-r cuVt* *1 In the above en titled cause on the 3flh ‘.''ioUer. A. i‘. h-fic. I, L. C. Paine Freer, Master Li t huuccrv of »'o«»k rounty. wUI at the hour of twelve o’ch-ck meridian, (noon) on Uio 34 th (Ist of December. A. D. Uvfl. at tfu* north d.>*r ut the Coart Hon*.' lu »!«.* »'itv of«'blfi»s<>, l.oitntv of Cook afor*-atd, *e;i <u public auction. for cash, to th® blither bidder, all the building, of every kind standing on -nb loUMx (K» and seven :7>, and t»-u. K>> Jeetoif the north cldo of sub-lot right \S> of lot No. live wUI the original town of Chicago. in the Conntv r»ok aforesaid. Tin* per-hat-er *l.l. by th« term* of said decree, have tl»e right u* remove oil saUl buildlogafrom the premises tlc-pribed.^^ Master In Chancery. Cook County. _dlcajr»,_SoT.2i inAl. aoadSMla SALK.—’A' here «s, JL Ha*ean M. Ilopklr « and srab M„ hla wlf-.. did by Indenture dated Sept«niK , r- , l«t. I*?. sn»l of recent na the K‘- order* of * —>k Corner. IHinol*, In Ihok IS). ra,:e 401. convey to ILw-rom-g .>avU L-L* i:i U. IS andlM-i I.iek»Hf’» H'd'*"** Addition to Hydu Park, lu Cook Countv. Illinois. hi lr<t*tt.* ■eenro the pay* ment of a certain m te i.v«c»l Atrvt:-; 7’lh. WO, and pay* able to the «>nJ*r m». tl. 1* Cu..cni;.*r. for f hc »um og four immtreti and fcxty.four and .nom dollars, and lia deCiult of such pat mvnl to sell sold premier* at pobUa auction ;and. wuerca*. naid Callender lias represented to the undersigned that raid uot is Ion? over due amt remains unpaid. Now. therefore, notlco UhereNr tfven that the on designed 1 ntstee a* aforesaid, will ••ell at public auo* tionou trtdar. January Uli, l**d. at 13 o’clock noon ot thatdtr. at tne nortn d-orof the Court l bu cago, tolh* h'*»h *t bidder for cash, on tbopremt«c« mentioned tn «aid Deed of rm»t or so much thweoC as »hall b« *nd!cleat to par ami 'Silafy said note UeUlArjtd IIAaUIW>IC\ DAVIS. Trustee. UILLIAUD TABLES.—For Sale U Splendid Koeovood Billiard Tables wUh Man. Dirtor?l*ceiUHKwUUbc»tCuii»l.»n-» In ibu w.irld, for *23, «nd fix). Everythin; complt-te. I’Uax* -wnd yoororders by mall or and I »Ul HU Ui® aam«ai»U*treDlnprr*ofi. All table* m>ll Ur me ar® warraateo. W. H.lilttmTii. ITacllcal Billiard Tsu ble Manufacturer. >o. UU Fulton «trc«t, Fev Tor* wT* oetdUVXiu AU: FOB MUBOIUK A*D SIDIEY- The Cirortte F.r«t Sailing SM:* THOM.VS W SEA*!!* Duw. Commander. *ill Co dispatched f-r Melbunra e*.*iy u. January. I! •.» excellent atvooiraoda fora f«p ESKSUKS.U? W to CUA3 - CoutiiO«i*ln Ail.!- .'ll-Mr.-r.. Wllklu-uin Tl ..lli.-i* *Cj. LiIoIWMWMJ N«w Yuri, Uoo. 5, STRALIAST COMMERCIAL USE,