Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. CSJTTo Consumptives.—The Ad.-er- UMr.hertajbren restored to health la a few weeks by • ▼cry simple remedy, after bavin; suffered scrcml yean with* severe Ion; affection, and thsl dread dis mm, ConcumpUou-U eurfoni to make known to fcti fellow-; offerers the means of cor.'. To «n who desire It, lie will sued t copy of the pre scription nsed irec of chars c. with the directions frr preparing and utln; the came, which they tvM find a Sens Ccu roc Coarscaariojf, Actiuca, Bbokchitis, ftc. The coir object of the advertiser to sending the Prescription U to benefit the afllcted,»adsrrcftd Infer* mation which he conceives tj be loTsloftble, sod he hopes over; eaffcrtr will Irj hi \ remedy, as itwlU coil them nothing, sod may prove s blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please addrets Ber. £DWAXU> A. WILSON*. wniumsbnrgh, Kings dcl3d(3Wjr County. New York. C3?“A Friend in Need. Try it.— DB. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT a pro pored from the recipe of Ur. Stephen Street of Con. section!, the great bone-setter, and ha* heea nsed la Wi practice for the last twenty yean with the meet astonishing socccsi. a* an external remedy It Is with ont a rival, and mil alleviate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For all I’heumatic and Ncr tom DUorden U u truly lnf«lllhl-, and as a curative fpr Son*. Wounds, Sprains Unrrn, Ac, it* soothing healing and powerful btrciigthenlag properties excite Hie Just wonder and a-tonl-dnucnt of all who have over given It a trial. Over four hundred certificate* of re markable cure*, performed by it wlUila the last two yean alien this fact. For tale by J.H. JOHNSON,. General Agent, 70 State atreet, Chicago, end' by all Dealers. noJrfiOweow-ly £2;** Ihc Female Organization is of ten ufr ill os that of atender 3 jwer. Many cf the u\ enter iuto marriage relations without being able to undergo the labor and «f watcrUir. lit tl>ii country thousand* of voting and beautiful woman arc sacrificed every year tut* csce alone. HOSTKT TEK*S CELE3RATXS»» STOMACH BITTERS will •are many of this cla*« from an untimely grave. Tl It medicine has been used with great brrcf.l by Immense tramb.Ts of people throughout the rtjiublc, and the proprietor* htvc received gratcul commendations fro n all sections of the country. *J he Titter* w;ll he found to be very i Ica-aat In the taste. even as a bevt r age. and prompt and powertnl toil* cffrcl ns a mcdl. Cine. It lnfb*ea new vitality Intv the trame. and strengthens site whole system, that women who use It arc enabled to go throB;;Ii vllh labor* which, with* ont It, would be certain to prostrate them. Bold by all druggists. I2T° Greeley’s Bonrhon Hitlers,— These popular Dirrans ?owm all the nourishing and Invigorating properties of Pear Old Bockuox While y, Md are con Ucrcd the dost efficacious Toxic nnd as veil ns tlie most agreeable Stomachic ever otfertd to the public. Aa a tonic for Old People, delicate ladles convalescent Invalids, and all weakly people, they cannot n«Aurr-tetcd;tn all ca*Cp of Weak, cess or debility, they will give Immediate relief, and Impart a strong healthy lone to the f>>tcin. Atrial will establish thtlr rurrio* over all other Tonics now In esc. For Lrso CcHruAijrrs. Bhokchitts. DrsrmnA, Knvocs Ducasks avd Lina Ccui-laint?. they are an Invaluable remedy- and arc a certain preventive of Chills and Parens, Pet np In Quart Potties, la cases of one and two dozen, and for sale by Druggists and Grocers every. Vbcre. W-F-* A, 17. GISEIXKT, Proprietors, J*o. 22 Trs* toent street, Boston, Man. J. n. JOQXSOX, General Agent, Fo. «i).Stalc street, Cidcago, R. TL LAND ON*, Agent, npircO-dau ly t-ST" Lyon's Ifatlmrion for the Hair. Kothlnghas ev;r been made which has given such uni versal satiiffictlo". It rcstor ■*, i reserves and beauti fies the Hair, nnd Imparts a delightful odor. If y.,u wish a fine, healthy head of Hair, try It. Sold every where, fur di cents per bottle. dcli'GO-lni tji»“Tlioso who are curious to wit- Bess the wonderful perfection to which A. Ohswaldt, Gate manager nt Batchelor's. X. T-) lias brought the mannfactnre of Wigs and Tonpcva, are Invited to visit bis Wig end Hair Dying Ilootns, at No. loh Lnl;e street, hnd examine these curious productions of art. No scrutiny can detect the artificial tenth# natural whoa adjusted to the head. S3f“ Kcimctlv’s Medical Discovery core* £crmulft. Kenned r*a Medical Discovery cure* Frvidpclu. Kennedr’s Medical Discovery cures Kennedy** Medical Dlscmerv enres Pore M*tb. Kennedy’* Medical nUrovorv cure* Humor of tin* Eyes Kennedy’* Medical |d*toverv cures Scald Head. Kennedy’s Medical Discovery enre* liunnlna o? the Ear Kennedy’* Medical curc*UlccraruSii«Leif Kennedy's Medical Dlhcovitt cures !.ci>ra. Kennedy’* Medical Discover* - cures llluminatl-Ti. Kennedv’s Medical Dhctivcrv cures SaU-Ki.eutn, Kennedy’s Medical DJ-covcrv cures in "pepsin. Kf.nnedr’a Medical ld-*ov*-n the Dowels. Kennedy's Me-HcV. K-e'nerv Ululate! Die Kidneys. Kenned-.’" Medic:.: nlseowry ID cnlateMUc Liver, Kennedy’s Medico! DUcm cry Lu.« cured Dropsy. When yon sre rick, end do not knew wh«i ii;c matter b, perliaps yoc haveacLani-.r. Try Kennedy’s Kudlc-l Discovery. For sale by all DTOj^bts. ittusic Stores. HIGGINS, JUDSON A. £8 Clart Btrfflt, ce&? Laks. Ddc«g». HU PUBLISHES OF SHEET MUSIC, Dealer la PIANOS AND MELODEONS, MUSICAL INSTRUMHNTS. Tbe best ol ITALIAN STBINOB ccnftiantlr ca baad. PIANOS TO BENT. Tuning and P.ep:.lring dur e at abort neilre. AU cr fieri andm«*rd to A. JUDSON 12IGG1N8, 40 Clark street. Chicago, IJl H will receive pi uupl aucnilosu ooyflojy W. w - DEA ,EH IN fit'll PIANO FORiES AND MELOGEOKS, No* fill CJnrli Street* TTAT.T-.WIT, DAVIS Az CO.’S Premium llano Forte*, which have bem n>urdei thirty .two XTrat Prejnlum In Gold avg tllvcr Med.*!*. Oeo. A. Prince’s M»*io.boii*. plarce to Rest. Apply U Music btnrc. VJ .south CUrk etruti. Largest wholesale . EOU£S IX Musical lastrumcnu* aad Sti'iugs. ICUTS Sica3t. 99 ftoutlx Clark Street, Clttcauo* ICannfaetnrer and Importer oi Mmocal Inatmments and HtriuhN having conr.ecilon with inatmlhcturirg booses In Uejtla. Lelptdc. Dreodvc, n"d Parle, fc prepared to farnUli Dr-'.R’ni, Binds a<:d ladisldual* mb every article In their tire, AT THE LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. .T. DACER. Drums and brass ISFTHUSIEXTB. JULIUS, BAUER, MAKtTACTCXiFB OF DRUMS AND BRASS INSTRUMENTS. 99 Satutli Clark Street* Chicago. H WORCESTER'S 1M PR GATED . ri \NO"Foirn:fi. Manufactory and Pales Roomo. Fourteenth Street. coriirrTldrd Avenue.New For a quarter ol a century the Instruments n;ann. setnred at thn above oilab’.Wimci.l have, ranked among the titnt in the cosutry. Ihctr dnrubliln. Ctreogth and deUracv <*f tone and tnueb ere hlglm' appreciated by ail vim have given them a thorough trlsL The proprietor, bv giving b.U pcnonal attention to the msnafar4uiT olVsrh instrntneut. In nil Us de tails. 1< enabled to guarantee caccllrnca and rellabUUty In everj rcsj<«. lochdiio-hia DODWOUTirS MUSIC STOKE, Kb. 6 Astor Place, K. Y. Publisher nnd D*U<-r In foreign and American Mo* tie. Inatmmenia and Miulcul Sdfrclutmlbe. Soup* and Composition* f.«r C*e Mano Forte oy tbe bc.M iiia-dert; ftecred and Organ Mudc; Dance and Military Itu-Ic for the l*Uno-F«*rt«*. sent by rasll, ;>o<iage tew, Stannic may be sent Instead or change). Catalogue* of M«mc for liras* Hand*. Qoadrilic Hands small «»r large Or chestras. Price i!-t <>( liras* Instrument* sent on hi*- SUcatioa. Tbc “Jocnul for Bras? Bands,** a new jtub catloo of Hand Is l->ucd on the IMb <>f cadi nonUi; single No*. »t f-LTSor fls per annum : also “Compaaton,** containing Marches, Medley»,&c. Prlcn Uescn number. Tbe instrumental pan* In Uir*« Vorks are separate and ready for iwifimtianee. iiakvkv h. uouwotii. Director of Dodwortb's Band. ocSMWOm Sgt ant 2Ear. T£YE AND EAR *"^ DO. CADWELL, O/.TAWE OW TRB EVjJ and ID JL Jt , S'or Da*. * n, lillndnew. and all drf« ct* of tight and earla l'r. C. Is a regularly educated physician, and baj roted twenty >«*tr« ot Rla prolnwJorml lire ex. » -«vcly to the treat mmloi rtlwaM* oi the Eye and Ear. So charge made lor an examination or opinion, and no tec required ter unsnrvcaMul acrvtres, DLL CAD"'ELL'S Treatise on t»ie K»c and Her. (CM eaco.siti). containing reiwncca. wstlmouinls. bouad erntu »*o application. postage tec cents. Ad. Randolph »wrl Cltleaito. T GUIS MAUSS, £***£§. PBACTICAI* OPTICIAN, v« Borrn Cl*bk SrcniT • 79 Opposite Hie Court H«u>e. Best French Cnatai and iirsulllan Pebble Spectacle* E>« Ola***. Of**T't Claws. MICUOt'COPHS. TELhbCOPES, K automatical lurtram»*i!te, etc.. constantly on ■a* All kind* oi Instruncnu and spectacles re pslrML and claa*«* !»utcrt**«l Into old intuit*. l«9 plumbing. QAS PIPE AND-FIXTURES. Brown Ac 'Wilder, 47 ic 49 State State ----- Vp-SUlrs. COKSELIUB £ UAKEE-S. fIIILADELPHU, CAS FIXTURES. • n The rlchttt *wortment in the city, compmlaj eu LATE PATTERNS. pipe <• per cent cl* coast l*um Hat prtet*. lialnp 3D CenU per poooii. »e».as.<-»y D, MoFAKLASE’S *Gras, Steam Pitting AM PLTTHBIHG ESIABUSHATEHT. 44 U Salle Street, Chicago, XtCALEB IS m nmisEß ah iroi raßiimt, PAICT/C>f£ I’t And Manufacturer of Alb KODB OF STEAM WOBK. TO THE TRADEi The trade supplied with toots and every article la the Gas, Steam Kiting and PlumbingDcslncaa. Kc-Gilding “APSSaSu,” E,rt w*. T ARGIi OR SMALL ORDERS iHonrt) anO Sidjansc. J[o!fE Y TO L OAK At Ten Per Cent. From one to five year*. In snm« to suit, on Flrst-CUee Seimrifie* in the city tf conntrv.'cn J’aper it. K. I)O\VM.S*a i GO. J^XCIIAHGE NEIFTOBE AND BOSTON, Wanted by BKSJ. F. QDIMBT £ CO, ocl"d3SJj Commission llercbanta No.ie3,S, WANTE D.—R. K. SWIFT, Johnson & CO'S CERTIFICATES WANTED. Apply to DAYENPOUT, ULLMANN A CO,' imawr m Clark straat. OKKT TO LO A X Chicago crrV property, Or on Gcol Improved Fa»ms in this State. CHAMBKUS, J-EK A CO.. au2lc9l2*Ca 121 Lake street. 'piLEGUATIIIC EXCHANGE On New Tork. Draft*. Acceptances and Notes bald la New Tori «>n tlie dav of matarity, or last day or eracc. and mono j deposited for acconnt in the city of New York, and tent to cities in tba vicinity or New York, on telo -1 raphlc orders KilEltY COBH. tplS-ly-caa Telegraph OSes. VfONKY TO LOAN.—In Sums I* I not to exceed fl/rfXL on Farms In Illinois •rilhin one hundred tulle* of Chicago. GKOUGK W. NEWCOMB, oct-dlKl-SnJ Dvarbomeulioomd. Chicago. \f ONF. Y L.O A N E D A i. on first-elsM securities at tba ttanklng Office of Wra. IL Rice Be Co., No. 63 Clark Street. T>-rcc to f.vr years* Loan* at 10 ncr cent. Flmrt T*- ;-cr <ilfcouiitvd. Cai*li(idvjuiccßoa'WftrUjoc»onecHj.f*, *l*"City-Scrip wanted. njy3a.cJsS.iy poll MONEY TO LOAK i f»n Ilea! Estate SecnrtUe* la Cook had adjelricc {'oastlea, Apply to SRWST FBUSSXNC, Scaler in Foreign Exchange, K9XET AV» EEiL ESTATE L’KOKKC, , igcat for the British. Commercial Life Ic snranco Co., taxi Notary Public. ;i'o. G • - l.nrmon IZlock - - No* C no*l-ly S, E, cor. or Clark and Washington su. JAMES D. SHERMAN. bixkisg, smmxc AM) cosonssioy, Ho. 12 Slate Street, Up Stain* Cosh advance d on all kinds of property consigned fa-sale or shipment. Cub advanced on SBli cl ladles and Warehocoa Receipts. EXCHANCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. delS-Sw 11-tuse* to rent. Lets on lease on leas Utr.e ea State i treet, Wabash. Michigan and Indiana Avenueo. Alto. .«the Wot Sldr, * * Hold on Chirk street to rent cheap to a good tenant. A mo-t dolnddc residence to exchange for unpro ucllve property. £2T Credits given on New Tort and Boston, LocSkHCi-Cx] ©atfis. pHARI.ES J5. WAITE. \J ATTOKxnr AXD COUNSELT.OR AT LAW. 128 Clark Street* Chicago* Particular attention given to the law or real estate i sid to the collodion of claims within the State of ililuols. dpMy OAYSON & REYNOLD?, a. ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, 80 • - Dearborn Street • • • 80 cxoncx raraotr wit, c. nxrxoioa CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. PoFraßTrsa.—Reynolds, Ely & ro„ I. 11. Bnreh £ Co„ CtdcAco: Win. I:. Reynolds Iz Co.. Boston; John M. Atwood, Ren- Philadelphia; Mersrs. Springer Si WUte •Ann, S. 8. L‘(]t>imnc-bl(.-o. Cincinnati; John An o.rstt-a, IXj-.Prvft't Board of Control. I*. W.DcsMer, Pierldcnt, Co’ tibua, O.: 7- P. By & Co., George Sir ■•hensnn, l>q.. rtdwanl licrrepont, f>q„ New York; 1 [on. Ira Harris lion. Amina J. Parker, Albanv. N. V.; . OLD G. Dcshler, Esq, Buha'.o. JelTtiO-iy pRAWFORD, SHARP & CO., \J I.MI'OKTITiS AXD DEALERS In Cnickrar. »;in«-R and China Table Cutlcrv, Looking Glasses, Can tors and British Ware, No. IVj Lake street. Chicago, Illinois. i£h27-SS-ly L r NOX, EUSTACE & REED, I-i- ATfOKN VS AT LAW, 130 ... Clur: Street - - - 130 Between Woshlcytch and 11 adlton, Chicago, IU. • ttzrs an z. y««* ▼. cm. c. an>. ’ ids 'ta.iyj CRIES & BURT, O COUNSELLORS AT LAW. 14 • • Chestnut* Itorth side* • • T8 Between Tlilrd and Fourth fcta„ bt. Lonla, Mo. Mr. It. la Notary' Public and Commissioner of Deeds fir every fctatc in the Union. Reference* la Chicago—Scrtpps 6 Broil, i mcdciuck arms. nel-ly-vhwj gaxtu c. fnt, ©o=i3avtnYrsijip~Nofircßr ecsTW-ly niSSOI.UTION. Tlie Co-Pai t a_/ nrr-hlpof Baldwin & Hill Is this day dUso.ved By mutual c->u»cnt. A. >l. Baldwinl-aloneauthorized i<> lire the name of the linn Its liquidation ofpicac i-onula. tlchiait ■\TGITCE —TTic Go Parlneifliiji oi It Thompson * March, Attorneys at Law, is this <iay by m-tual conscuL UI.UILhS K. THOMPSON, GcOBGL A, SIKKCiI. Chicago, Dec. IStb, IST<O. , delSsJt Stationers, QARTER & STONE, Dealers ir, BAGS AND PAPER. If Sonth Canal Street Chicago, RL J. T. CAiaan. U. B. Stoas. [2T Casa paid for all Undi of Cotlun and TToolcn aePCJ.Iy CUTLER * HUNT, -IS St:ilo-Si„ iJ have now on baud the fullo a log sites of prlntlu* paper: mriT ifirs* X\U :*x;a «x« »xX ;«»i» hjau sta2l ks*si rixtl 3ii£ «x« s<xsi r.rn 2jxt. 29t3? And are rceelrine a large oosortmcnt.if HOOK PAPER 8,0.10 realm* oi Wrapping Paper, oi dliicteut oUoi. l.t'tyj renm« M.iullln «!■*, 200 ream' Cap i.-tter. and a general asaortmest oi ITimer'* Stationery, 1,000 kegunf i!ji*biT - * celebrated BookandScwilni All of wLlnh w ill bo eold lor cafb at the lowest pOoal. Mo ratci. tablS gyCaah pal d forßap. j£j Da. ingersoll, * Blass Book Atascracreßn. BOOK BINDLIt AND KI'LBR. 1 am now prepared to manufacture Blank Books o’ every U<i*enptlon. ruled ait J hound to anv deidrod pat •m-iis, whk or without printed heudlnza. I’nirljnlarat lenUon pula to oruti t iioni Con cl r O.'hrm, lumlcs. &c Bill H-.*aUs. Letter llcadn, HUpping BULs ilolcU and printed to order, Jlsra-’lnca. per mllcals, etr. bound lu anv stvle. Old Bonks bound und rr-boend All kinds of'Prtiillng done with nctitnos* and <d.-*pa:d* term* nioderulo. NO. 1.0 i..\KK STIii.LT, Northeastcorhvr of Clare, (entranceon (. »nrk< reek, tvatowsw 5..-T vtu. i.nnr.d<«»*-iv^ jfor pike’s ycalu gT. JOSEPH & PIKE’S PEAK TrnnsporCAflon Llat. A. \7AHEEN & Co^ General to the JTllnea* STORAGE, FOBWAItmvO AND COMMISSION MEUCBANTS, We have Trains leaving 8L Joseph weekly tbroaeb out tlie year, tor all pails In thu nilae,-, nun run give paitirs unusual furHjlienfor gelUnr out freight with <(li>patcli and at reasonable rates, All cooils 'Upped tc our care, destined for the mtne>% will be juoujpUy at tended to. Wsutdiunac on blxth Struct. A. WAUBKN & CO.. ac29'U%ly St. Joseph, Mo. rjAJXS !—GUNS !!—GUNS! 1 ! VX Onua lUSea, llstoli: Colt’aAl- —_ ca'a, BhanuiV. and every variety of volvtT- Bowie Knirt-a, Tenia. I‘ickJ, Shovcla I’arw.GoldecAles. !HarV*t-.uud . .-vll kinds of nilner'e tools; pow SlioL foret. Louis Shot, Sole Agent lor flas ard*« powdnr. GEO. T. AUIIKY l**Lakw«t. apTir Bcutisis’ (Carts. William alv.avgii,s^» UESTIST. 7 5£^S 9H VEST lUKDOLI’II-ST,. CHICAGO SJ» Test 021 ce Box SS3. [oe«tP4y] A W. FIiEE MA X ,£Sg^ -£** c UliKTteT. '3js£&Q» 10S Vskbixctos Stmarr. Cmcioo 103 Just east of Clark Street. So charge foi an examination or unsuccessful irork. ocP3O-lr l/MLN DRIED CORN MEAL, XV. I'airSeld Will*.--£O9 bbl* ol this celebrated brand in store and for fair be BEDFORD, MEREDITH ft CO* IsITNUt Wo rr it £ralcs, TVC KTEE&FORSYTH, JL/ MftDafoctcrliis Compmy S GALES. nnE * buhglak me 13 :e* ia 'TTacehoose Trucks, B«cg*f ~ row*, Sugir Mill*, Si JL K. SPENCEC, C«£7-d3s4£m IS3 JJITGUCOCK’S i'mitimn Scales ? g 1 Mwinlactured by u ADAKS ft HITCHCOCK, 89 S* Canals*., Clilraso, All tied# of Scales ICcpalred. jcajy TTOWE’S STAND JUL AUD SCALES. TIIO3* S. DICKESSOS, | 2T0,4S Wateasb Aveaae, Chicago, TU tVelzh omof LcreL Ko Check All friction recrtvM oa *3/ ftßf • B-1U SJy ©gsters. IUESH TEOM BALTIMORE EVEET DAT, JOB * Randolph Street - 108 L. B - rLATT * cO -^$ OYSTERS TBOU BALTIMORE AKD DELAWARE BAT. OS • . • Randolph Street - • ■ 05 Orders from the cauatryprowpUr attended to. Ifeig nriHOTirr HAY.—ICO enr londs I of the best Timothy Day In bale*, well bound, of ecoibs c*cd, and Ten Ton* ou a car. .or M 3 C3IEAI’ FOB WiAttl* I*AT» Make application It7ni.t*it!fd j,| y to tie uidcrsleUCd at a .¥sSS ** Kt> jam awisssa. ferryway the water was fifteen feet hlgherthan the ordioary level, being on the ninth stair of the ferry railway, and over the lower end of the root whlchcover* the track. At the Sus pension bridge, where the river Is much nar- I rower, the same effect was produced, the wa —; ! terdirectly under the bridge being eight feet Dally Arrival and Departure or JttaU , higher «wn muaL Here tEe calc swept along _ , _ . ~ v™** „ . . | with its utmost fury, and made harps Trslnt draper*. Hai.s Clou, TYoLm jLrriv4. iof tbc immense cables and suspension'rods EAST* j which support the bridge. Standing on the MICHIGAN SOUTHERN, i centre of the structure, the scene was one cf ft.OOa.Bu 10.00 p.m. 10.80 a.m. indescribable grandeur. But the bridge moved iß w _ f 4^»P;“-,_.. li.oop.rn. I not, nor swayed to the storm—all day trains a fwi • Tfi CRN THAI I . passed to and fro as usual,showing conclusive %£•« if wi ra no nonnli to mania fair proportions. PITTSBURG, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO * , Trec ond and fc hrub are encased in the 63W a, m, 10.00 p. m. 8.00 a. m. frozen spray, and the crest bore me f afely, so C.3op. su 4.45 p. m. 6.90 p. xu. thick bad it frozen. Not in the topaz while- SOUTH AND WEST. ! nes * of ordinary winter Is this present dress CHICAGO AND ROCK ISLAND. of Niagara, but In a dirty brown, as though 9.45 a.m. 8.01 a. m. c 45 a.m. tbrowu from the washing of the street-. 11.45 p.m. 9.00 p.m. 6.15 p.m. u hen, aftcra day or two of milk weather, this DUON Alii LINS. shall all drop off, and later in the winter the 10.0) a. m, 4.10 a.m. Frost King shall bedeck the surrounding rock* I. »• pp\'t?(*t * UOp ' nu lin snowy white, then will it well repay your 915a.m IXENOIS C jma l^ L ~ cm I readers to journey hither and behold a scene roop.m! 8.00 p‘.m. 8.4? p! ml i which for purity of beauty has on earth no BURLINGTON AND QUINCY. ! PMalleL T. 13 a. m. 4.00 a. m. 8.45 a. m. i 11.45 p. xs. 9.OUp. m. 6.15 p.m. BallTVay Brakei. 915 a.m. A * ,T * 2< aS!i S «‘ LOCI 3* E ~. _ ( The prevention of accidents from collision: lioOp. m, T.Sp’.m: liQp.Si w a subject which has foralong pcriodattract- NORTH AND WEST* * ■ attention of inventors, yet few really GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION efficient brakes have been proposed, and of 11. a.m. 10.00 a.m. 1.45 a, m. I these some are of so complicated a character 8.30 p. m. T.iWp.m. *4O p. m. < that they could never be generally adopted.—. NORTHWESTERN. i It is universally acknowledged that adequate 12.80 p.m. 11.00 a. m. 6.90 a.m. ■ brake power would be one of thegreatest pro ft.oJp.rn. iTTflrt Ft-'vw 6.09 p.m. . veutives of accidents that could beintrodneed; t 45 a. to and, In order to be efficient, it Is necessary that lA§S*xa ll oo* m* • tan’S* n S - V6tem ° r railway brakes should provide for ' ** * the simultaneous application of tbc brake . .... i Dower to several cars of tbc train, and should Thrilling Story—-Tlia Child-* L is no obstacle to tbc interchange ofcara among , , . , . ; railroad companies. To these desiderata mtuft The New York Prabrjienan, of a late date, ‘ likewise be added moderate cost, efficiency of tells the following story: action, and simplicity of construction— \7e were returning from our spring meeting ■ °*Jhe Italics enumerated being iudis of Presbytery—one gem lemnn and two young ' pcnsable. ladies—in a “rock away,” and the read none of ■*•o English engineer claims jo have solved the best. Night, cold and damp, overtook ns J? 1 ® problem In question —having, byapccc cicht or ten milt's from home, but only a short • ar angemeut ol a screw and lever, pruduc distance from Judge Blank’s, who, after we • a Brake which, it is asserted, will fulfil all had arrived at his hou«e, narrated the follow- requirements of the cose. The brake iugunique tale. Said the Judge:— * handle is affixed to the lop of a vertical axis, “ Years ago we had in our house a sweet 1 UP OII which is a lived screw taking into a little child, about four rears of a*-e, and the ! toothed wheel rinnly fastened to a horizontal object, t f course, of every lender uffcction. ♦ axis, provided with a screw for carrying u fc- But sickness laid its hand upon it. Remedies, mule-wormed collar connected by a rod to a promptly resorted to, all prove in vain. Day ! rocking lever, which throws the brake blocks alter day the rose laded from the cheek, and ; a -amtt the wheel. The action is thus of n the fire in tbc eyes burned low, and at length • the power irresistible, and Uonlh closed those eyes and scaled those lips | by a self-adjusting toeiiet joint the brakes up forever; and we learned by trying experience : on every car arc connected with each and every how Intense darkness follows the quenching , Brake handle when the train Is made up. It is of one of those little lights of life. ‘ stated that so immense is the power which can “ The time rolling sadly on, brought us at • he applied upon the brakes by the turning of length to the hour appointed for committing ! Jho bra<te handle, that a heavy train may our treasure to the ordinary custody of tbs I he stopped by the force which a child can grave, j The friends assembled, the customary i cxer^ services were held, the larewcll taken, and 1 the little form securely shut beneath the well screwed coffin lid, and in due form the grave received its trust. We looked on uuu saw the earth thrown in, the mound raised above, and the plats of sod neatly adjusted into a great sheltering roof, and then wended our way bach to our desolate home. Evening came on and wore away. My wife had gone into an adjoining room to give some directions to q servant, ami 1. unfitted by the scene of the day for aught also, had Just laid my bead on my pillow m our room upon the first floor of the house, when 1 heard a shriek, aud in a moment more my wife earn® flying into tbo room, and springing upon the bed behind me, exclaimed: “‘See there! our child! our child I’ “ Raising my head, my blood froze within me, the hair upon my head stood up, as 1 saw the little thing in grave clothes, with open, but manifestly sightless eyes, aud pale as when we gave it the last khs, walking towards us. Ha« I bccu alouc—had not the extreme terror of xay wife compelled me to play tba man—l should have leaped from the window and bed without casting a look behind. But, not dai* ing to leave her In such terror, I arose, sat down in a chair, and took the little creature between n»y knees—a cold sweat covered my body—aud gazed with fueling* unutterable upon the object before me. The eyes were open In a vacant stare. The flesh colorless, cold and clammy; nor did the child appear to have the power of speech, or hearing, as it made no attempt to answer any of our ques- I lions. The horror ofour minds was the more < intense as we had wutched our child through*. cv . nT . v tuusTi iu sickness and death, and had been bat a few*l EXAuIII WnAlj tiorrs before eye witnesses of its Interment. . SHE WANTS. 1 While gazing upon it, and asking in my * | thoughts, ‘ What can this extraordinary provi- ■ deuce mean? lor what can it be sent?’ the : cvacTLY UfMATI servant girl, having crept to the d-vor, after u time suggested,‘lt looks like ?dra. ’s ; SHE WANTS. child.* ~ ; “Now our neighbor had a child about the • | same age as ours, and its constant companion. . EXACTLY WHAT Bat what could it to oar homo and a ■ such a plight y fctili the :ugge«li<m b.n* o; •• , SHE WANTS. rated as a sedative upon our excited and rendered tw more capable of calm mice- : lion. And, after a time, we discovered in EXACTLY WHAT truth that the grave clothes were uL-ht clothes, aud the corpse a e Ami it be- ( SHE WANTS. wme manliest that the excitement attending the loss and burial of its playmate, workitfg 1 OOOXC- 1 upon the child’s mind in sleep, was the caiuu ' i‘>4 Lak to which we were indebted for this untimely * , and startling visit. “ Wiping aw:.* the perspiration and UUlag ! ~’ „ rn'TST, a few tong breaths, I prepared to counter- 1 OirlAvioxio 11 uiarch the little intruder back to its forsaken nininn nnfiioru?o bed. Back wc went, it keeping at my fide, i rAKtUK UnrxA»xtrlloa though filill Oflccp. I had walked quite a dib- 1’ \ VPV PnfYHQ tance across the wet grass. I found the door lii-NOx taUU-UO. of iu home ajar, juft as the fugitive hail left ; it, aud Us sleeping parents unconscious of Us : SSCXI FOE Ij.^-OIES, absence. The door creaked as 1 pushed it ! n . . «... - „ open, and awakened the child, who looked 1 lIICII iriltS fOT OCBII IDCII* wildly around a moment, and then popped luto A T> “ Now, if it bad not been for my wife, as 1 1 AKortrosat. Plcaso Exam la e. have wild, I should, on the appearance of tbit . apparition, bws made a leap of uncommon , J-J, EX) «sc« C 0., agility from that window ; uuS after a flight of : uncommon velocity f«»ra person of my :*gd lA-4 and 146 Lake Street) and dignity, I should have been re*dy to take . " myoaihia auy court, tilhcr la Christendom . or heathendom, tb. t 1 had seen a ghott.” | rgv -gg f^i Tlie Japanese En Route* Our ever-smiling Japanese friends have had HAS JUST RECEIVED A their good nature tested, though, we are hap py to learn, not overcome, bv a tedious vuj- OON6IGNMBNT OIT ugc. Ninety-four days from New York, and a stormy passage from the C»;>cof Good Hope, found tlie Niagara at the idma o» Java on the XJ! w W UQm bOth of September, iiiopjdug only twice on a • " nivajsc or.isiecii tbouKiml mil.>-at &pc du wticb b. .in .En « moxdat. n.c, i», .t Verdes, and Loamlo, boulh Africa—the smp • had fatU&rbortofp.ovirionsund water,aud ’ E3AMir t ©DIOPQ by a uiicealculalion of the commander, who 1 rMiwiV wa* new to Asiaiifc voyage., had tossed abot.t c* MA * in UlO Indisu Ocean until the sight of laud was . 130 ZjUKe strocl 130 doubly welcome. The Japanese came to this country in sixty-five days, running time; at : ——————————— the rate the Niagara made, their home- ; ward voyage will require at leoil twice that t? period. * Toe Niagara arrived at the Dutch cily of Ba- : lavLi, Java, on Sunday. On the following day , salutes were exchanged, and on Wednesday the Japanese, accompanied by Caj>lain Mo- , > ‘N. jA ixcan. of the Niagara, CuLUipUy, U. S. A., the ’ > r . , b %Ar American Consul, aud a few others, made a : i.uOl’v OiVTST 2 y** tbrmal call upon the Dutch G'.»\crnor-Gcucre!, ; rj. **■*, JL Rahudi This court csr wo* at lha of the Japanese ihcmeelvcs. The pphteness . w of the Governor seemi to have been of tfis , "v it , n , , (5 ** most economical sort. Winthcr jealousy pf the success of tlieJAmerirans in opening trace * with a people whose foreign favors the Dutch had before monopolized, or a vengeful remem- • brancc of the indignities, at the expense of which they laid kept that trade, lafiacuerd the Governor, is Uft to conjecture. It is certain that beyond the civility of sending a small • steamer to convey his visitors from tlie Nwga- * ra, through the canal to the landing, and au extremely “neat’* speech of one minute’s length, the Japanese and “ onr people” ore not left iu dabt to the Dutch Governor-General of liatavir. | After this reception the party adjourned to . the Hotel dcs Indus, and indcpi ndcntly order- 1 ed, and it is to be hoped duly paid lor, their own dinner. This was a splendid affair; said, by those who were there, to have been in a style unsurpassed even In our native land of hotels. The capacity* of his guests, for blba lion especially, astonished and delighted the French landlord; several hundred'bottles of wine, amounting to Sfi,ooo, being the moderate draft upon his rt-llars made upon this interest ing occasion. Uncle Sam’s Japanese fund is probably charged with this trilling bill, which, under the circumstances, nobody will object to. The expansive smile of the long pent Japanese, under the influence of a generous dinner, such sis they had learned to like in the course of their American education, i<nd the eccentric and playful deviations of their shore ward course, where the little Dutch steamer awaited ;li mu, a'exported to have bccu such os to delight tue philanthropic heart. This curious prandial performance seems to have been gotten up by the Japanese attbeexpense of the United States, nod a good deal of gtum bliug was audible at the select invitations of the embassadors—only tbc captain and three of the officers of the 'Niagara being present, besides tbc American consul. Alter the em bassadors bed fully discussed their dinner, officers of the ship came lu, however, and “ look wino” with tbc captain—a sly proceed ing, which has a peculiarly jolly aspect, and which accounts, wc venture to surmise, for a large part of that fabulous wine story. Think of the long abstinence—salt junkanu * aht.o«t no whisky for forty-live days—with the noto rious naval caracity for Imbibing, and but of all, curie btanrac. It was remarkably funny to sea the loflv manner in which the Japanese repelled the ad vances of ihc Chinamen who abound in Bata r«ft. aud some of whom arc among the weal thiest merchants in f.ic ci«y. Tlie Chinese are celestials, but the Japanese arc enpcr-ctles lials, aud look down upon the loriuer, a* wo may suppose tl c seventh-benven Mahometan looks upon the new-comer below him. Tlie accounts given of the city of Batavia arc glowing in the extreme. It is represented as one of the most beautiful in the world— abounding with luxurious Interest, and rolling in wraith. Its population Is stated at from 150,0)0 to 180.000. The Hotel dcs Indcs end Irs grounds cover ten acres, and thchnnsce— white as snow—stand tar back fronrthestrectf, beautifully embowered with tra 8, alive aud vocal with birds and flowers. The roads arc smocth as floors, and the ride* in every dlrcc ! Hun are delightful. The very place for a syba rite; hut this Is cue side of the picture, and that which painted itself on the retinas of the ocean-wearied voyagers. Tbo talc of Dutch oppression, aud the sufferings of the enslaved natives undor their rule, tell another storv; not to speak of the deadly malaria which al most every year ewccps'ovcr tbc lower, or business city, and decimates its population.— K. Y. World. / Niagara Saapcatioa Bridge In a Storm* Chicago t&uhmt, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20. 16(H). O K Those who have been at Niagara during a storm can testify to the truth ot the following description: The change in the color oi the water from the dear anil beautiful tints of summer to the black and muddy turbulence of the stom. care the Falls an appearance of terrible fun The water on the Fail* was full two feet high er than ordinary, and driven onward by the blast, came rushing to the precipice with per fect n:adni>d. Four raider* who hare tailed Ihe Full-* will hare au idea of the immense body of water pouring whso X »tm ttit at the iLIDAY PRESENT, FOR A 110 Eloliday Present, For a Boloct EXACTLY WHAT SHE WAKTB. LADD, WEBSTER EXACTLY WHAT: j & GO’S I Tight Stitcli STRONG AND DURABLE SHE WAKTB. EXACTLY WKAT ! SHE WARTS. Family SEWING MACHINE. rr is EXACTLY WHAT SHE WARTS, Exactly whafyonr lady TTTtnr.yrT), EXACTLY WHAT XV'ZS'E, SHE WAITS. DAUGHTER OR SISTER, EXACTLY WHAT j SHE WAITS. ITacts for a HOLIDAY PRESENT. Is will be a life long source cf pleasure and aatbfartloa—will not wear oat la a year or two—at wonld many ether costly and !.*ss useful trllclcs yon might purthcis. Call and tec them atthi Salesroom of STONE &, CO. tc Street* (Up-Stalrs*) MC-Bm-djoi-wim] Aa iccmcscT* win. rurm* m* n vox iwcumi FiMiuc*', It Is vary desirable to have some cheap and convenient way lor repairing i'andtarc. Crockery Toy*, Ac. SPALBINO’S PBEPAKED GIBS sects all cincrjepeles,and no household can afford to be without lL It is ala-ay* rc**dy ami up to the stick ing point. There Is no longer a ncctwlty Jb* limning chairs, splintered veneers headless dolls, and hrokch 1 cradles. It is Jn»t the article for cone, shell and other > ornamental work* so popular with Udlot of rshnement and taste. < This admirable preparation Is used cold, b*log che mically held In eolation, and possessing all the valuable Qualities of the best cabinet-maker's Clae It maybe used In the place of ordinary mucilage, being taatly more adhesive. “USEFUL IK EVERT HOUSE.** JT. B. A brush accompanies each bottle. Price 23 Ceuta. Wholes&lo Repot, Ho. 4a Ce4Br St, Hew York. Address * CO, Bos*’. New York. Fat up fer dealer* In rases g foar. eight, or twelve doren—a beautiful Show-Card ac companying each package, > A single bottle cf SPAULDING'S PREPARED GLUT. nUI save ;ca time* lu coa juinnally to every hoa>ebo!tl. „ . . Sold liy all prominent stationer! 1 . Druggists, Hard ware and Furniture Dealers, Grocer* and l-UHcySiofe*. t'onntrr nurciwuu should tuuke a note of SPALD IKG'S PfIKPAUKD GLUE, when making r.;» tiiclr ll*C U trill Maud any climate. dcrlyui luwif QAK ORCHARD acij> Springs. These Springs are situated la the Valley of the Oat Orchard creed, m the town of AUoama. i'.cucseee Countv, N. V„ eight miles senth of the vtilace ct' Medina, on t:>- Kne Canal, and fourteen mile, from l&UkVia. lit- principal Aol.l Spring-are three in mua ber; bestd”* these are six others. 1 hey sire all loca.rd within a circuit ofabont fifty r.xli. ll;e medicinal qualities oft e waters are fully siioum is tiic subjoined testlnionlsls. They cnnLiln a tkJy-Jafit amount rf Pulplior. Mdnburic Acll, sulphate of Umc. anil iT.ito* Sclnhate oflron Thu jurat nied.cinal vlrtaoa ros se»rd by these waters depend viry largelv upon the presence, In such titu»aal quantities < f t:u«ecurative bnojtar.ces, Hundreds ofva»c* of disease. especially those resulting from the Scrofulous «;latiie*ia. hare been cored hr tuelr nse. luSkln riscesra-fven in confirmed Leprosy—the water# Lave been »lgna'dy sue crstful. - - Opinion* of Medical and Scientific gentlemen are given In the circular*. The following eminent gentle, men apeak In strong tsnne of the medicinal value of these waters: Prof Emmons, T. Homeyn BerltM. !>., of Albany; Ja*.McKaiigLton, M. I)., of Albany; Edward spriaic of New Tort: Dr. JC Campbell of MSts.; Z>r. J. b. * cl.ulcr, ol Lnexport, X. Y.; tnev rc- C 3 named the water* confidently. Dr. Sr*rlujt refers to ucaae of chronic rtlarrna*n of fcreral Tear# standing Whlchwaa cured by the uwjr.f tLc water. Hr. Rcct - ' aaya: "I in tailstled that theaa waur* are highly Taxable as medicinal agents.” Dr. Campbell sayjt •They mart be hl;Mr frnertHdt far &U cnroclc alt* caiK-a of the »MtaKh and b iweK" Dr. s. K White read a paper "ti the sabjcct ef these Waters before t;ic Aeadcmy'of Pay-lclansin tbeclty of ihoir iota. In which bu states that the Water*po-sesa dec.dedir tonic, reirizi mat end a-trlngcct propcrtlee; and tint the cl*-* of disease* to which Im-v are mure parttculaxly adapted, arc chronic arSecilom of thedU cratlTe and urinary organs, and some of the cutaneous diseases: chronic dyH;H.p?ia, chronic dlarrtaa, chronic Uysentary. chronic dlurest*. ebr »alc cyatUi*, diabetes, catoa of passive betcorahare—such as perpura hemor rhagica, and the colliquative sweats of beetle fever. The water may also be often used w tth .advantage, he aay«. In cases uf low typhoid fevers; In convalescence from protracted fevers to excite the appetite and pro. taoto digestion; 1 ’ dlarr tm-aa. particularly such a* are dope; dent on a relaxed or ulcerated state of the ma ecu* membrane of the Intestines. In caleulon* afire. Uons or llthlavls attended wltli pbosphatlc snllmentß, Ills the suitable rcini*dv, being preferable to muriatic acid, as bilng more solver t, and lessaptby continnal nse to dborder the stomach. In febrile dt«ea«es It can be used properly diluted, a* a ereat refrigerant to dL mlfilsh tlilist and preternetanlbeat. Ic bkln DKca.<ea , —ln these fornuof Dyepepvia connected with t' e al- Ical'ns condition of u>e stomach, as lit ITrosls or water brash ( lt will prove b'tter than hydrochloric acid. In cases of cnllca pktoncui, and cuicr Injurious cons*, quraers arising from the action oflcad, this water win Vrove to be &a admirable antidote. In chronic phamj.- glQs, laryngUl*.'Chronie mncaa catarrh, and humid asthma, chronic rpthalmla. (externally) a* a gargle In nlcerstrd sore threat. In ca*e* ufsaiivadou, aadtn lenoorrhea and gleet, and also In pile*. When taken lutrruaUy, x wist glass rru. of tha Water; diluted, taXca ttirce time* a day, 1* laOiclent for an a>dalt ■. i Ctiier t-ntimocbls from rbyriclan*. and otVr re- luul lauali, uinrbe *c»'n on a''7UraU>ai a ,*••• t, • < uH'icr-Mim*. Vj'st -*r m>'; nri'r.crM Vim H. fc:« ABCU. • Mmsi****,*'- wawa*w.*»sf«fc- (EcrnittliSssuin fHcrcfjants. PEUGNET, Commission 31 excitant. Personal attention circa to the pcrrha*e and tala cf Grain, Flonr and Country Product fctni mlly.. OFFICE NO. 2 HILLIARD'S BLOCK. 2T.E.cor.S. WaterandClark-itk Port Office Box C 287. V.ktz a Ogden, Chicago, DljTloq. B. W. Raymond. do,; l«aac Coot. E»q.. do ; s. W. Rip. lev. Km., do.; P. Harmony. Nepli't A. Co„ New York; Gourd Frerea. do ■ Ychrrton Bros., dOA .las. King’* &; ,lu, 11. Lucaa. E«i, Ft. Lonls; Edward Te*- toiLKtq.. do.j Chav Chouteau, H«o„ do.- [nolJxStn pr Lateral advance* made on Co^*V*y>FF.uta, JgD'WARD. SACKET, • Commission Slerebintf NO. 18BW Sooth Water street, between Ola and New Board of Trade Buildings. Chicago. 111. Herts to Merchants* Savings Loan and Trust Co- Chi cago: Smith. Pollard A Co„ Chicago; Parker Handy, Eta,. Cashier. New York; A. Whitney A SonaPhlladu* pMatF.F. Orleans. soarSQly Packers and Commission Merchants, Opposite Michigan Central Freight Depot, foot of Sooth - Water Street. Chicago, ill.. Would Invite attention tn their new Packing House and htore, and from the opening of the Pocking Season ' will have constantly on hand a foil supply of BEEF, PORK,’ LARD, Ac. And their PREMIUM SUGAR CUBED HAMS. Or dsn for parking *re sollrlte W. Lklixo. [*clt] C. H.S. Mzxxa. •j?ORD & NORTON, Storage and Commission merchants, Fire Proof Warehouse, on Market street. between Lake and Randolph street*. Chicago. 111. fF liberal sdranres made on Consignments. aurrtLA. roan. [aalTuO-ly] prrKiN & co.. General Commission Merchants, 119 SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO, HI. jauc L. ciTxa. UytS'fO-ly] mragp a. win. jyrORTON, ROBB & CO., Wholesale Detlcr* In SEOGEELES AND FISE, And General Commission Merebnnts, No. 10 Hirer Street, Chicago, HI, xesica itoarox. exit. acta. a. a. soaios. ip37-c2OJ-ly. _____ ___ T7INLET, HOYT ct HUHSEY, X COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 13 South Street, Old United State* Cotton iluut.o Buildings, Chicago. ‘ ;is. w. nsLtx. ' ' J. v. t p. tm®rr. CARD.—In withdrawing iron) tbe C.immlMlon Bnsl cesa we take great pleasure In recommeadhig the above jlrm to onr fttcnrt* nrd patrons and solicit for them a eontlnnanre of tbeirbn«lne->a. Having krowu them f<r “everal lean, we cheerfully recommend them bsguod bn?lnes* men, and Is cverv respect reliable. \J COMMISSION merchants, Forthepnrchase end sale of grain, non:, proditce x heeciiavdise, No. 1-pardee'a Building, comer of Wells and Sonth Water streets, Chicago, Illinois. Llberaladvaaccs made on consignment*. r. v. cuanßEatAnr. [dels*jDj g. w. arruoci. EATLTK & SEYMOUR, PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Office XM South Pomeroy* Buildings. post Olflce Drawer 0137, Chicago. jl3. v. j-aiue. t. n. anvor*. llprr,Rp\rx«:—Stargcs. Buckingham * Co.; Wa. Mar lin. GcinTal Freight Agent C. U. <k Q. K. It. auW-can-iy Q.RIFITX BROTHERS, 1860 + Commission Merchant** HO. 5 POMEROY’S BLOCK, Corner Water and Clark streets, Chicago, Ad vances made on consignment*. r. oairror. tmhSfeW y] A-oaomr. npußPix, lake & co. ( i COMISSION MERCHANTS, No. IS2 1-2 South Water St., Chicago, r.A.Tcana. w»u.*nt*. n.r. lax*. ■jyjILES, WRIGHT & SHERiIAX, PEODUCE COMMISSION MERCHAHT3. Rrery Description of Country Produce on Commission Exclusively, •LiBALL* SIBEtT. onicAGO nOandJS. I\T SCOTT STEWART, TV* [Produce Commission IHerchaat, No. 1 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDINGS' cvtcaso. xtinroa. scidia»y \S7_LXLER, ’MUDD & I ELLEN, I f ’ISCLDsavE COMMISSION MKRCIIANTS, 181 tsoulh AVatcr Street, Chlcaso, 111. Cush bdraaccs made on MM* of Lading, property In Store, mi.l on Shipments 11 onr iriends£ast and South. Jkrei W J. O. J. J. UCDO. apSTQ-ly ‘JJNDERWOOD & CO., COMMISSION mbbckan: 152 South Wat*r St., Chicago. mtei'ss MORSE & CO., i»rodno« Commlaslon Merchant*, SOUTH WATER STREET 1M Atkin’s Building, Chicago. Bi-.iir.wss(dDf.nedgtrlcUytoComrcKdoa. [jy3oly-da V. COE & CO., COMHISSIOH MEBCHAKTB For the purchase and sale ol PORK, FLOUR, GRAIN ASD STOCK, No. «* * South Water Street, Chicago, winos ▼. wt ws. it. mice. &l. cuDsaWcxm. ~XTAS IXWAGEX & CO., V General Commlniuilon Merchant** Ko.9l)ole'a Bbl'dlnr, cor.Sjatli TVat*p and Clark ita. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, LIBERAL ADVANCE? MABK OS OWSICSBinrm. Rktoiksce?.—Flint * Wheeler. Smith. Pollard * Co, Oilcaco; Jason Parker, Eaq„ Cutter & NUn«, Buffalo. mbßw-ly r I''IIO3IPSOX. KOX i lA.M & CO., rmmiaJiwnr. Ou-ru E. Bctld JL , Kxri.rflTE CO3I3HSSIOS JIEIECHANTS, j gM FALL TRADE. 1860 KO. 253 SOUTH TV AT UR STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. Reran to—Merchant*’ SaTlnc*. Loan nodTnwtCo, m «i a ait j\ n Abrnro Richmond & Co, lion. Juo.C.ll!»l»e#, Chicago; W ■ We VVV K. CL WWae J.XL Druke & Co, N. Yx It. S. King. Buffalo. f ;nuiCe3flyl : Oaooeeior* to Batcrloa, Cock A Coj QUXVEB & COMPANY, xe&it • mxE street - to&it 5 r iiiu south Water Street. i* uOit9«lK«< < «lOCCI9 _». ±s2 ceat.ekj im JglDlSfir, BKOriIER & CO., FISH, Commission Merchants, «TrtrtT\-rv TTr t- >l . B _ Qlre thflr excla?h«* attention to tliepurchasesntl «VUOD£XS V/A2K, CSC,, »aleofFlonr.Wr.-Un.aadutbrr Produce, on Cotntnl*dnn. - \v»;cr. cor, curk su. cucaso, [accsass Invito tho sttontion of Country Uerohonta to tboir stock, which they offer tt Lcvcot Cosh Prices. ALLEN HOWES, COMMISSION 9IGBCUAST, 185 Santis Water Street, Chicago, Hl* pelTCOTyj mSH ADVANCES. QROCKEUY, FIXE CHINA, wakefiel»,.v.vsa &.co., G- L A fc> SWARE, Liverpool tadloades. SilTcr-Plated sad Britiaaii-IFire, liberal Cash Ad'ancciactts will be made caeor.ngn. XIOCSII*FURN ISIIXMC GOODS, mcßt * “ 0f “•'; C 0 LAUB - PE °- . nuu EETAO. VISIONS, aad PIiODL CS generally, by oca»6oiy] THOMAS sasii. THOMAS P. BYES, 170 LLk* Street C IIOLH.ES & SOX, imtajcoi 8 - M .ad Port p.; t . n , C.M. IKKRSOH & CO. Ain> PSldVaSZOir KmHCHAI'ITff, ; icascriciracaASDnnmia Ofice No. 12 Rivet’.Street *m e-%/-Mrir* a xtttx r«—rz-v-nf. •AGEING ROUSE NORTH BRANCH, CHICAGO. . BOOTS AKI/ SSOiiiS Dealer* la , No. SS.Leke St, CUoago, UL. BE£F, P33JC, HAMS, SHOULOI3S, ÜBD, tTO. ' market price for Cattle and Hogs, Hare hi store and desirable stoek el goedi REFER TO Bankers and Business Men generally at which they will sell ve*> prompt OnlncT. ill* fit. tools and Chicago lUok: J, Toong paying trade. We are the Age*d*Kr bcinaoo. £»q* President Marine Bank: J. It Dun tSw. c3="piis;‘S mSTo!'l.'ilSbiH Si MITCHELLI' PATEIT METALLIC TIPPEtt ?!!«! Chicago. aaa'L aomts. [seAdS-lyj tt, t. y.Houtis. di illtbs *tatx» wrteotr axarria*. VTURRY NKLSOX, * fU“We are now to be found at tie (tore | i-LJL PRODUCE No. S3 Late street, comer WibaihAvenac, Couudlhlod and Shipping 9lfnb&nt« _ _„ m ____ VO ill 501111 WAiiu siRLET. n. Hrwn.nts.iie ♦ CO. (Agent for IM Pulton SUreh WorkAOswigoCo,, N.T.) ——“ 7 . - ~ ÜberDcaeUwlvautvsuablcur uud Grain for ship. Sa.ST . { IRO\ BLOCK i meutlaO*irr,**\ork,or in nore, giving the Lake otreef.) * V * l ouvvu { iiavaanAv snipper the cf aellLig In either market far one spld AT « T OEDEORD, jIEREDITU & CO., comjnssioN jiF.nciiA.NXS, PEAKE, MARSH &BE LOI-S 5o 219 Scam Water Street. Chicago, give their eicio sirenueoilon t<»lhe purchase and sale ol Flour. Grain Compelled by thclriacrcaAtrgbuMnr** ‘0 •eeklanrv ■ end *U kinds of Produce, Stock, Ac. Liberal advances aturtera. have removed irom their old at-md. aeai.f 55; i* on iSgr‘fSr l l■ ’ct'cuSg-, eS , ««■“'“ “ 1 "“ ao “ ,!or “ 13 s BUSCH'S IEOH BLOGS. SPAI'KORD, STEWART & CO., ■ mere they wlßbe able to offer at wholesale, a itffl . Produce Commisalon TCerchsint*. larger and more varied stock of j Personal attention glrvn to aaie> cf Grain, Hour. , _ Provisions and Country Produce generally. Bnslneaa |)pw Cnod«« llOSlerFt illd iVOIiOIIS. exclusively Commission. Advances made on consign- V£J «v« tt -J tsvaavajj »«“ * menu. U7 Kinds street. Chicago. fcATtXMy . w .. ak. srsrru&n. d. stewaiit. ar. w. mil , customers win always fits* pc wh (ml un««^ v* known braartsof UKAV\ DOM r.aTlC's. boaiM at Hr it ALLEN VA3*K & CO., hands, and odcredu a small adT-ace. together wlifti J\_ COMMISSION MERCUA2CTB, j large stock cf K°S U *S , -ISS ■ wnaias shawls dress goods m. ■SuliSlfcuelSf 0 ' A i-' ntsforU ' m,ljors “ d ' V “‘- . Tubdlcoctbi»»«M 1 51 -. 1- non. , „ TOW -PTUCTES Wiy i l i ■ No.2l9’*f South Water street, second door West of • Dayara. _ —— , Se fcolVond rnrenaji* of ajf l idnda Start, ! 1860 FALL TRADE. 1860 &C, OB Co-umlidoa. .Cash advances made on BILs j ofltdlaa and prop*rtv In store. Refer to George Smlrh * Co, Marine Baefc. and George Steel St Co. j. M.wimAW (lal*fiO-lyl w. n. Horttwreinw. | A| |>v V* A SlilPl 2 O Sit l ateely, Lawrence & co„ ; COOLEY, FARWELL & S0 H I XV COMMISSION MERCHANTS for the porchMa . ■ ul uliof Grain. Floor, ITuTlsioni. «od Country ; AO A . A.Q wssssrtaisarss sssiSfgK • 4i2,4^ ±c - “ i WABASH ATEXBE, a.tsriaT. Tf T.witouts. , r->.a*cC.iT ». r. law&escc. ; YX/EUSTER. & BAXTER, ■; j>'- B- IT €J C* ® 3> S V T PRODUCE * COMMISSION MERCHANTS. . Office 229 South \Ta(er'Street* . u» i-» «. We give our personal attention to the perefaaso and ~ —r — Mleo?*l!tlnd.nflTodnrelnthisinartet .ggA ROOTS & SHOES. 1860 cro.VEßßrac. lJa33W>.ly] p. r.aazwa loW UVVAW Jglathcrwick, Worlhington & Co., COMIQBBIOH AITTS^ ITO North Jefferabn Street, P.O.Bo*S*sUChicago, ~X*alc© Street,up* "air*,--40 i Order* from theeoantryforlhapairfcise of Merchan dise of every description promptly attended to. ' 1 - ee£tx3m fj'hamae, HnrxtbaU & Ybomae, Shipping <uid Commission ICorchants, ■ SO. 144 WATER STREET, V. T~ , i ic oa c 0.;.-! -?C'.IAJr T » I * •:*. oi £ilu*. Uclcr ta ”•»*, \T. D«Fi»r**t- & fo.. N. V.s Gnt- B, E* t 4|c, si«saoad^^M a ; SiSfiorcsalc Rouses. CMALL ‘WAKES, BUTTONS O AND NOTIONS. Worsted Roois, Sleeves. Gaiters, Ac. Dress Trim, .mines. Corsets amt Skirts. Gloves and Hosiery. The trade U tetpeclfi’lly Invited to examine Its abort goods, which will be sold lor CLOSE CASH PHICE3. - '»0 - _ A. GRAVES. asao .73 Lake street. Chicago. T>EXILIN’ WOOLS. Impsrtedandfarsalebr 78 La£e nmtj^ileaga 'JPUTTLE, HIBBARD & CO., HARDWARE AND TIN PLATE, 63 - - - Lake Street - - - 63 We offer to the trade, at Cha LOWEST HABSKT PRICES boxes TIN PLATE, 6,100 bdls SHEET IRON. 800 “ RUSSIA IRON, 130 - DfITATION RUSSIA. %500 * BRIGHT and ANNBALD WOOL ST» casks SHEET TING, ' * 13 tons PIG TIN. IfifiOO Ota. COPPER BOTTOM& 10 seta TINNERS* TOOLS and MACHINEI GO casks BRIGHT OX aad COIL CHAINi LOW do*. AXIS, L»0 - SHOVELS. SPADES led SCOOPS, 30 tons SAD IRONS. TUTTLE, HIBBARD & CO., •ctl-NMy Corner of State and Lake sts. DATS, CAPS, Furs, Bufialo Rohes, &c AT WHOLESALE. 1880. FALL TRADE, 1869 WEBER, WILLIAMS & YALF, LAKE FT, CHICAGO 53 Hare la store a very LARGE AND ATTRaCTTTT STOCK of the above good*, and are folly prepared tc compete soccesaftiHy with the beet Eastern firms It variety, quality and prices, and soiicu - c»i: from an prompt paying merchants. ; [auSTCO-Xy Dawson *- Bartlett KAscrAcrrasas aas waoixaiu iuuu n BOOTS AND SHOES, HO. 5C....W ..LAKE STREET 50. SO cmpico, m. We would respectfWly cal! Uie attention of Cltv and Lv ■i;.iry Merciwr.ts toonrc*tcn-Ivv»tockof Root*and Fho»«. which we have row 5» «tore. and are dill? re. eelvlng from onr Fartorv In Wot P.oil»ton, Ma*e., whicJj conaM* of a mil assortment ofthne* reVbratrd Cnitom-Miule l*atna Unuj.iralCandGrdnWjitcr Proof Soots; toecther with a ; stocSorailttjhnof FALL AND n'TNTEII GOODS, of Uiebest (]uaßtv and nwnnfaet'jre. which we are pre pared to well for CASH nrd prompt paling trad i at £o«ton nnd New York Jobbing I'rlcv* We are Agent* lor the aaleof Ue Tip Boots and Shoes la all the states. 1800 FALL TRADE 1860 H. W. HUNT & CO., 33 and 35 Lake street, Chicago. Manufacturers and Jobbers cf Esady Made Olothlsg, And Dealers Is CESTIE3IE.VB FURNISHING GOODS ass Cloths. Costing*. Casalmerea. Satinet*. Tail on 1 Trimmings, ic_ Ac. Ocr Stock Is large and well assorted, and win bs sold At the Lowest Prices. 1860 FALL TRADE. 1860 FIELD, BENEDICT JL CO,, Not. Si and SI South Water street. Importers and Jobhors of* Goods fVn* Moil’s NVuro. Thevars now dal’v receiving their c«n»1 large and varied stock lor the Fall Trade, to much Ihev Invite your attention. Their stock conoid* in port of Broad cloths. of all colors and grades, islark and Fnacv Cn»- simerea, Black aud Fancy Doeskin*. Blue and Black Idiots. Black and Colored Moscow Beavers. Brown. Black. Blue and all colors or Castor Besven. Sllkaua V&lentla VesUngsofallgrade* nndscvles. SATINETS of all grades and stvles. AUo. a 101 l and complete stock of Tailors’Trimming*. AGENT FOR SO and S ficoTya Raroßg gt fashions. 'JIN PLATE AND HARDWARE, We offer tbe following at the lowest isarkst rates 8.000 Boxes Tin Plate. a«sorteil rire*. * C,hoo Handle* Sheet iron. No*. 1* to A 200 - Hu**ia Sheet Jrox 100 - In.Union Sheet Iron, too Cask* Sheet Zinc, assorted wldtis, 1.P01.1M. Brarer’* C’oppc-r. 5.000 Lbs. Breesed CopjHT imitosis. LWO Bundle* Wire, aborted Nos. 0 to 20. 5.000 Kegs Null*. Wheeling and other prime brands. A Bill as*oitrpent of Hardware, Tinners’ Tools. Ja paned and Pressed Tinware, Rivet*. Far*, Ac. WILLIAM BLAIR A CO., _ eel No. 176 Lake street. JEWETT & BUTLER, TTHOLESAI.E DEALERS IS HAR9WARS AHQ CUTLERY, KaUj, Glni?, Sheet l?oa, Copper, TINNERS' STOCK, TINNERS’ TOOLS t£ia-3rtsto f iToiico-Wlrc. fcc. 16 - • - LAKH STKEET • • • l§, SIGN 07 7ns ECISSOSS BsterMaTVabaßhand-llchlgaa ATtncee, Chicane,U O. O. COOK Sc CO., .STATE STREET. t« a i«: PEARS Jtsi * DANA, ‘itiaufitctomt ud JoT)btrt is BOOTS' ATS'®’ SHOES, H*T« BOW la «tor« »<SR «rdoomplete rtock which a«y „#Vr to «* •• Trad** or v.s** n c*t in«jr»l>.d t^rr^s. - 'J' . './rn-'.'bT eiinlofioarSoclj before porchiaaf-' . a«KtoV Low r»« wul «m*ii pro*** SKljolcsnle Rouse's. QROCKERY ANDGLASf, BURLEY & TYRRELL, 43 . Xialca Stroat, Chicago - 48 baporters aid Deakn U CfiOCKERY, CHINA, GLASS, BRITAIIIA AID IIIYEI-PLATED WABE, FLUID AND KEROSENE LAMPS, IT AND LOOKING-GLASSES, Aik tits attention cf Dealers to their Large and Complete Stock of Goode, Which they offer low far Cash or good Notes. 171 BANDOLPH SIBEEI, Mahogany, Rosewood and 'Walnnt; IHAMBEH OlliniG BOOM AGOMMQI fBBUTQRE IN GREAT VAKIETT. Woodiest and Cane-Seat Chain, Bedsteads and Boreas*. School Furniture on b«*d and to Order. K3E* particular attention paid to Country Order*. Uanfeing anU JBirijange. QI.D BLACK^ Liverpool and sew York Packet Ship?, PaPingnntbeSrh and ?ttb of each month. NEW YORK, LIVERPOOL and CORK STEAMSHIPS, sailing from New York cvcrvjSaturday. and iromLlTcrpool naUlog at Cork) every Wednesday. DRAFTS ON LIVERPOOL AND IRELAND. Ponies vi-hlng the old countrv. or vl*hln*to*en<t for their friend*. ean purchase tickets nt reduced throngh raten. DnPj* on RovM FUnk of Ireland, and Liverpool, to any amount*. Anrlvto WIiXLAMS & GUION. JySScWMy _ _ S3 Dearborn HOUSE OF B. P. CARVER & CO., STarlne Bank Building, Corser Lake and Lasalle Streets. A general Rankins Buslueta transacted. 0c37-60-ij J£XCHA,NGE & DEPOSIT BANK CARPENTER,”°sYIB23 k CO., (Successor to Weare, Carpenter t CoJ Cedar Rapids, lowa* Rgmntarts—Read, Drcxelft New Terk: Hoff, man A Gcipcke. CUcago. laAiclLly AIKEN * NORTON, -i. JL BANKERS AND DEALERS IN' F.NCHANOF, Corucr of Lake and Clark Slreetn t Collections made to all Uie principal cities in tho tT. 8. *. ittn. /. i*. snsms, ioxiraax itru. tirtiji 77DW. I. TIXKHAM & CO., -I—‘ TT-ivlng retarded to their old aland. CORNER OK LAKE AND CLARK STREETS, WUleontlnne thelrbUHlnessa* BAHKEES AHD EXCHAHiE DEALEE3. Exchange on ullpirt. a Europe, xsvißoniiXKUax [aw*ssj johs a iiriLia. "Vf ARINE BANK, Ifi CUICAGO MARINE A..D INSURANCE CO* Capital, $500,000. B. F. CARVER, Ca«hler and errtarr, J. YOUNG SCAMMON, President, tir Collections made and dnuts remitted to all parts or the L’uiou. tisu JJOFFMANN & GELPCKE, BANKEHS, CHICAGO, 44 and 40 1 a Salle Street, BANKING DEPARTMENT. Deposits received * Current Account* from partly* In rltv or country :id the n«ual acc-mmotlaUooa (ranted to regular • • oMtur* and convapendert*. Interest on b.»U • it c-n only be allowed Incases Where sfxrttK.TJ .. cr u- Lax n been mad" totbalellect. We receive-1> ? u. piv.ib’.e at a speckled date, on which Interest r-- i tallowed. SAVING DEPARTMENT. DepoM’»ln 11 . met!'-** than live dollar* received and Crnldcat.** «1 Deposits Lv*ued. Interest at six per cent, will he i wed on deposit* ox till-* description af ter liio fund i >: \e remained In our hands a spectSed time. AUci.'. x.Cßtesmadepayab!eondcmaca.andln like lands as . rporited. COLLECTION DEPARTMENT. CoHcalu i la Chicago made and proceed* remitted cc iL-tyot ; rmrm. !•••§ current premium on Exchange only. Coii.rtlon* siv’iritrdon all parts of the West, and proceeds t emitted on favorable terms. DO7IESTIC ENCIIANGE DEPART MENT. 'iratr Sight or Time Bills on tbe prtnrlpal cities of tt.e L'nlon, nv.tllable In anv pan of the Fulled States or Caaadu. and Ln' e nutde «rr tagemect* bv wLicit ws are etwbl I to < rd. r bv Telegraph the payment et Notes, Account*. jte„ la New York. STOCK DEPARTMENT. Webny ami Sell on either ar CMeago or tnrongh our A-rent*. at New Turk, State. Cltv. Conarr, Bonds and Stook. Our connections la New York are such as to Inenre prompt and Judicious attention to any order entrusted to our care. FOREIGN DEP.VRTMENT. Onrbn«lne«*e.->nnertt'>n with Europe.bHng DIRECT, VKUY EXTENSIVE,aud MOST INTIMATE, wefee! safe la ns-urt t;r tlie nubile that all foMjn Banklnr e.m be eifeeted t!in»ugh our ll«*use with rmmptnc-s and ertlearv, eonai to anv in the Union. Wc Ithuc Dmiti and Letters <•! Credit la sums to suit, at N>*• York firm*, on one corres'KmdenUla I-ond-m, pari*. Fr*nkf irt-on-the.Malr, Hamburg. Dcr. lln. Bremen, Lclpzl', Cologne, Uctlelbcrg. Uua.e.Bcme, Dresvleo. &«•,. Ac. Being particular! v desirous of promoting direct eom ncrrlal intercourse between Hie West aru Enropo, we cheiTfnßr. r.iul on tenus laos: favorable,extend par. tlenk’.r fiv' ldil.-s bv opening credit*. &e.. to respon sible We/icrti Imp-jrter*. Collection* of lira It*. Or dor*. Notes. Acceptance*. lulirriunee*. ic„ pava. We In any port of Europe, tnada with prumptae** and dl«fntr!L tlfCnantiT Banks aMlhmkera anppllcd with Toe. clzb Pill* at low- r .tea Triraie Bond* and Mortgagee cctotlitcd abroad. Hor-riaAii & aHiiPCCT, riaSCS A. BCmtlß. | OTTO OEUCIB. | till B. 60X0. FUA\C!S A. UOFF3IAX, <Vr.ral ot the Gram! Darhr of S.-iic-TVclrnar, the Jliictile* of Bnmewlck and S*t*,Gotii:t, and the free cljTof Frankfurt, and t»v apecUl an of several States, authorized to net fur inr;:;rr ciUi»n* of AUSTRIA. lIADKN, BAVARIA. HANOVER. IIKSSIA, NASSAU, PRUSSIA, SAXON V, WIUTEUBEItU.OLDENT.ERU. ftC. JatffJAwle EUucational. JQEARISORX SEMINARY. The nest tern c*f this lactation »IH begin On WUDSESDAY, January 2d, 1801. [ i*CIS d'ST'ltr] Hyde punc ’ semixaht, TITE tTINTER TERM Commences on the 7th of January. K*pcn*r»i*;r rear mu?lc> *ll4, p.jablc half yearly mauv,acr. Addrca* , SIR?, t. V. TV Airs. Principal. Ufde Part <V»ot C.-muy. IT. i>.'t dwu.v Steam 53b£ wHorks. 'V r EW YORK STEAM DYE ll WORKS. WITZ. YGRRIRT, 15? South Clark «*rret, between MadhtonandMesrce, CMcn-.., IIIIj.oK Pyer aad Cleaner of all kinds of Silk and Wcclea G-xals. stray iloiimrt lUraclier and pretter. butt acd country work punctually attended to. iaprTVlyJ f* A IK T?AXCY STEAM DTK WOKIvS I. OK SIDNEY 1 KaLIS.'I, No. 153 SocthCiark street, be tween Monroe and Adama, Chlcaao. I.ilnoK i hare been awarded Lht* First premium at the late r.S. F air. All .country orders Ij eitro* strictly a;, leaded to. EilOVAt. KK 31 OVAL. TTE ELiVn CEMOVED ora STOCK OF PAPERS To ear new and comm odious warehouse* Ko«. 43 and 44 Slate Street, orresns errr both* Where we shall be plra*ed to see our old customer* and friends. Goods delivered in aur part of the city free of eharre. We hope t-» continue to merit the con. ftdeucc of the public aa heretofore. O. it & U LAFLTK. 42 and « State street opposite Uty HoteC Eailroads, Banks, and Innmnce Co’s., Ton win f.rd everything In the ehape of Papers and Envelopes f>r Blanks, Check Books, He:>osJt Tickets, Policies cf I>i*uraiiCi% Show Card* and Railroad Tlct. cts, at lower prices Cun can be found in uiU market. DRUGGISTS, We here ScdllU, Filtering. Tisane. Hardware. MasQli. and Colored Papers adapted to year use. LAWYERS, We hare the best vansticiof Legal Cape, Note. Letter Paper*, and LavelO"ca tt the market at the loweet price*. Call and aeebeforebßjlcg. J U23 VR*VD*ILE PAPERS. Hare too tried the Note, Letter and Cap Paper* of this Celebrated Brand? If not try them. They are pro. counted the 1 Cheapest and Best Papers la the market. a=d taking preference over all other Brandt. STATIOSEBS ADD COD.ITY CLEEKS, Ton win find It to your advantage to call and examine oar goods. They are desirable ami a hat you need, Oorttock of Fine Note* anti Kalita fer Ladies cannot be excelled. Letter and Cap Paper* of every kind and quality. We have everything you need and at Wf prtc«. C^.^.^lo=«d^ ilArus . 13 tad U Statu a tret t, "op padre Cty Hotel. GROCERS 15D DRY GOOD 3 DEILERS, Tm And In onr *tock an ktada *nd qnaiafraoT Straw and MarlllatVrapping paj»«r-*, Ak« Letter. Cap atd 2io*e I’a&ew aultable for Uie trade nod conapmpuoa. , G. U. * I. LAH.IN, CaadU State afreet, opposite City Hot:!. pbzntsbs Ain> Boosßzxroaas, Ton win eonault roarown lotereata by ralttn? and ex amlniag oar atocr. comprised In port a* follow*: • ahort notice. ,- *•“ *«■::■• ~ u>i » Flit Letter. •■ ■ 103 *• Awortcd Glared rapera. 3» ** SarWo Paper*. CUT CASB3.AITB CASE BOASES, Of the beat mannActom. O. H. * L. LATXJ*.' . C and U State itmt. epp«U« City Hotel, naidrstianua ■ ■vnaiiT .soavsxgfr. Cfcnrfcs {> -:-.r itaVe manure, w| ' Liters Cirt-cted Chat. Ban. CttLc&eO P«Q. Bo* <**> proam ilMßtigrw vttim JOHHB. IOSSOE&CO., No. 115 Randolph Street, Agents for the 1W HE BETE Packing Company, A largo supply of their new patented smooth RUBBER BELTIHG. NTarraatel Superior to aayoth»revera:a^?. PACKING AND TUBING, LINE Leather IBilling, FIRE BUCKETS, cosdcctixg jl\d excise boss, I*aoo Leather, Belt Hooka and Clasps, RUBBER CIOTHIN3, Rubber Boots and Orcr-Shocs, DRUGGISTS’ ARTICLES, TOTS, OOHS3, RUBBER LINE. RAILROAD SUPPLIES. VULCANIZED RU3BE3 GOCDSs Ladles and Men’s Gloves, Nursery Sheeting, Carriage Cloth*. Plano. Time and ’V'agna Corm, .Ur IU-iE*. Pillows and Ctul.U:*, Spittoon?, (a new article just received.) Door Mat*. Bath Mats and Tats, a new•t> le of Knife Sharpeners. Parlor State*, new styles of Fan cy Balls. Stationer** Bands.Erasingßobber. Ac. Ac Hard Rubber Goods: Crochet and Knitting Needles, Flnftr ninja of % art ons and prices. Mateo. Pcn-UoMcr*. PtnclU. Oleri, Cort t'erewa, all style* of Syringe*. Cane*. Knlrr* an I Fork?, Pocket KnP e l . Napkin Ling*. Bale?’* Thread and Needle Cate*. Match Itoic?. stnds and Sleeve Bu ton?. Watch Chaina, Tomblen. Bonnet Pics. Soap and Shaving Boxes, Ic., Lc. PATERT VDLGARITE EMERY WHEELS. fW~ Dealer* will pleste tnake a note of thU adrer tlscmont In making their purchases. deLWCiI-lm OLD SACHii SI BITi'EHs Wigwam Tonic. THESE DELICIOCS AND FAILFaMED BITTERS are recommended by the First PhysicLiaa ofths Country, on account of ihtlr PUKITT AND UIIEAT MEDICINAL VIRTCE. They are pleasant as nretar to the lane, and are pro cocnecdthe brwt Tonic and tftlmntant ever offered t9 III* Public. Tbelp cnraUve powers In cues of OF.NEBAI. DE- BlLin', LOiS OF APPETITE. CONSTIPATION, Etc., are unparalleled, and a* a guarantee that we feel warranted In claiming what «e d>>. we beg leave to state that our assertion* are cndur«ed by Prof. SILLOIAN, of Yale College, Pror. IIAYXuS, of MnsmcliUMUs, And hundreds of ether*. For ials by Grocer*. Wlno McrcLaau, and gtoerally. noWTCO-1/ GEEAT GAEPET HAH Hollister & Willdus. Hi HIT--- LlijSitfSt HI t II? Tn« Best Goods *t Loir Prices. Have on band and offer for aala. of their own In* port* lion and of the best rtoarsU*. raari«rictrr>*. tne un.lbeat assortment In the Norther;*! of I'-t. Wilton. Velvet, ItruiAels, Tapestry.Three riv,Supcr'.ie JocnUn, Kiln flat InzralQ. Cotton ami \V *il Incr-aln* Wool Dntch, Scotch Ileiupa. FcJt, Venetian, T«pe»ira Ingrain. lied* BrnMcis and Stair Carpclln ;s. nil of the great"*! variety, price* and patterns: romprldnc the largest, beet and mo;t desirable assortment ever before opened la CMra jo, and which they offer at Uia low cat po*»lble prices. OIL CLOTHS. Of these wa offer a large and unrivalled assortment, either as regards quality, style or prlto. of English ana American nianuiactnre. lit wMthsuf one y anyone- si.iD e-half yards and two yards wiic.iK r-rtctu front three shllllnge to six shilling* per vard. AD-ua IT' ary Sheet «Hl Cloth*, twelve eighteen fret and twenty-tour feel» Die. at price* frost sour to Icq shilling* per vatd Table Oil Cloth*la putt'-ru and by the jwf'Laad Stair Oil Cloths Is jrreat variety. MATTINGS AND RUGS. Cocoa Matting* for OfSees. Churches. TestthnlrN Ac., la all widths, trom one-half to two yanls wide; Contra Straw .Mattlm* botn wLlte and eheckr*L ope. onr-and* aajuarter yard**; 51.k0U% VcU vtu Brussels and Tailed Hug*. Cocoa. .Tut *, Muni"* Brush. Skeleton. Adelaide and ol.e p etin MjU cf the greatest variety is air - sad pattern. CURTAIN GOODS. French Brocstelle. Satis neLalnes. French printed Lasting*. Heps. Cloth, Damask and Moreens. Kmbrul dereilLareCcrtalnn, in pair* and by- tue yard; Km hroldcrcd Muslin Curtains, and bv the yanl; Cornice*, In wood, bnsi or gilt; Gist Curtalu Bunds and Hue, Centre Tv*scla, Loop*. Drapery Cords. Giron Banda Curtain Girona. Silk bordering. Curtain Uiilnga. ami all kinds of Trimmings necessary lor Curtain*. Win. dow Shades in cold borders. Dry and tilt Painted Shades. White. Itutt. Gre a and Blue Stiade Unhand, la •11 widths; together with Dray’s Patent Sprtne Fix ture*. Itolanre Futures. Putnam's, canmberllu s and Dailey’s patent Fixture*, pendulum Futures. Bra*. and Bronte Holler-ends, Uack-puliej»*ad Brackets, Shade Cords and T>.aiJ. FURNISHING GOODS. Table Line as In patterns and bv the yard. Idnea Nap kins ami Doylies. Marseilles Quilts. Linen and Cotton Sheednss of all width*. Linen sn>l Cotton Idllow-Caa. lugs. Towels, Crosn. llano and Table C'overs..embroL dered. printed and embowiad: FurnltureChUU: toga, reiber villi » large sssoraneut of Fringes, idctare Coixla and Tsasela. UPHOLSTRY GOODS. Spring Beds, flair. Cotton. se»-Grs*c E.xe«lslor and iiosialamcsie*. Feather U~la Bolster* nnd Wllowi*. BUnketa. Quilts, sheets, pQlow C.i-vs. Lounses, Foot Stools, Hilliard Cloth*. Plashes, Knamelled Cloths, Curled Hair of various grade*. Mos- and Kxcelslor by the bale. Scs-Grasu Spriud*, Webbing. Ited Lacs, Mat. trees Xufu sad Twines for U pholsterer’a cae. PRIME LIVE GEESE FEATHERS. Solllßter «fe W; GREAT CARPET HALL, ISi A IST...lake Street, (ap4talrtJ...3S* * IS JONES, PERDUE & SHALL, 223 • ■ Lake Street * * ISI MAKTrACTTKEES 07 BLANK BOOKS. yimwiu'inuiiiLtmaia WRITING- PARERS. Envelopes, Memorandum and Posj Hooks* WBITINQ Uffatß Alf2) PLtfißß, Cardi and Cardboards. BOOK BINDERS* STOCK, 25P OFFICE STATIOSEBY, • r JOKES, PEIIDtrE «S SMALL M« 133 Uktt Street. TtTE OFFER FOR SALE AT » low rrk**» 500 Boxes SospT r 100 KessSoXSoda, * 200 Boxes Ssleratui. ICO Boxes Concentrated LJB. 'VII LIAM LITTLE * CO, Sottt WsterSt, f *_ iC. ISO nv.< 5 .?>- ion sat s-tgu. S'f--*- -\‘- e ioosaiis.r.swo. so ran -'i’ii-j. to, urna * #9.ia souawiat* 1 iHiscrtlanemis. CHICAGO, ELL, AjSTD Bar* on hand at all Umaa aad anifd Vulcanised OT all ilzos and bet: quality. 4sd «t«. toloj In IL. AND P7P-3TA1P3.3 CARPETINGS. [reS-dUL&a] 800 Boxes Storefc. ...I . 100 Kegs 8. C. icds." ‘ J 25 Boxes Pstssb 1 Stobrs. tvanflfs. Sec. gMALL COAL, SMALL COAI* Smalt C«al, Small Coal* Small Coal, Small OoaL bust bb r?r.» wtth must us used -.rita LmXEFIEL9*9 COAX. Mil. ICKMSBI SOU) BT sou) nr Van Sciiasck.47 State Street, Ciicayo. Tan Schaacfc, 47 State Strooi, Chicago, Dealer In noowteoptagATflil—. [ntya CTKWATTTS COOKIXO STOVE STIT.L AIIVA I>. The ncknuwl«*Utd •nperiorlty of the rt-var* «t.>ve l»a* given rt-e tr» .rvrrai tmiri T on- '. The genuine artk-l* I* for sale hv C. XII T7. Azent ut IV) Stat* strevt. betwecu Monror and AWA a coed a**ortaeut of Xlotuelieerlu:: Hardware and Tinware. * i-pjfcOy ttladjmcrg, loathtoarr, Set. 30 AX E’S XK \V BAEUEL MICHIKHUT. WABHASTEDIX- BEST IH itrerrei SIOO COM. UIiaELS. In ofTcrl-s tht* New and Unrepaired TarM Va<-b!aa> ey t-i tie Cou; cr» o! l!,c N*-r£.;w<?>t an: «ni» ?»«*■•« *••-* « «::: u ; imd a d njj»t IVrfe u the rjr>-r t-'-orirl.-M Oh.l lahvrSavl:)*; of a;;y a u,*o. T>a«J £.« Pun.iLC.a AwarJcdat the uiJt rest Taft' In Cltiren Poorer* ef Olio, at CI.-c:an»t:r.S V*lr Pur s oi eioviu » y ' -s»t!tutr. a £i:»-.r ii.lai and Df-dewa. L. lair at Cfcieiaratt. Cru.l STodai and lMp!nni%. SL Loth-* McThaaical AiaocUUna. Crar.d CcU Btdal a-ij Di; Ijira. ho.vxE a ixrni.siT»s Stave Satving & Dressing M A C II I X t-; ro7. tight rr^.K. Thl* nil ot*ier». In trer* yartlm lar. ll tu- -save tin* Soi*. . ,rve« st 4 I-laac* it r« .niv t>» >„; «;> t: oh a!' at .n, ra tion. frmn :•,««•'. f 1 •.*f p r d*v. V ill vi lo s»)ptrd»v L-:-ivr of all T> r - V; . hv a have a . ,11 t..;,' :.r I of T'OtSh-s STATS CUTTING BACSIUTZ. far Flaw DC ' NK'S HEADING CVTT:;!J, f;r riat-j Parrel*. DOVNT.S HEATING TCriKEI!, fcr all ILid* of Darrel*. doan;:*.; heading joist us, rur »;i zui* ©t Uarxxli. doan:;*s foot jotstf:;:, n *.ir DarraU. DOASE'S HEAPING PLANS!!, frill fcL-Al ofbfad* 00-VNK’S KQT'ALLIISG HAGUISE, for ail lli.d* «» toarri-l -laic*. DOANEM II.oAH SAWING V \c ••rhN..!-, T: it v..i. 31:11 a'-m: ••i tit? Uc.l Poaiieha* tin* onlv DarM Mj 1.'.-'err f>r Flo-: trrr'j irun i.»«* :to>tn h. r.‘ v.!« bm (*'** ttu'ti—in. *. {’•'.dinr-topi rfx-% t— i-.<■. ; to i »4'U. ♦ !»•;»,.t„ t. c .v. -u. n. P-ans ;■! tl-n.r* Mcar- > t ’ i d BolnT*. Portal'll.' ?a..ii *J . v ltl * Mi.-..W i>„ *•....rt I'a‘t ;■ p.t;.;:. r>' I- 1 • ••. I•- saw!-:g Vai-M-.r*. I• \ f.. ;; iti-Ni u’t t* > .;. *Jt of i.l Tiiuu* oi t..f l»c-t l ery f«r ill iiur »*- la a*tt. Si/.J tVv.-tiifu .V. CM -i C »t*l brand of Dnuh Jni:iTisoitSi , 't k, UAUr A MuNooN i Faittif FJvurijiy if -.^urt. All pcrfc:-; and complete wit: la Ibrtuelvej. A-_ • a’ *> .■ i-*-n- ’ w :r. In- It: L*.-l V. . j»-h va. rr »rc:ul II n r I'Mird'cr mV r *;a«" . err. onttl >uq tec l-oaua*. tend 1. r our c* &: ,■•••* ..», jw Allure** U1 rUrV itrrV; v LEAD Works, QUICAGO ComarofCllAtonazd FUtoa*tr*el% Wntild*. LiIAD PIPE, CAS I\D allEd L£lD, Sect. Wtito aai TLylu-ii'^ts =IO LSAD. PDMP3 A>’i HT3IUCUC UA-Vl. ■ tr Onlcr* from t&« trula tuUdled. paid tor Old Lead and F:*xhiwd. i’. a u>ji tA.'u. _rt*i i. ;v:uoi:_d.^ G. HALL, KIMUATtK ,t CO., JLlj* Itn-ctcr- •.? -t Dealers lu Iron* ICallo, Stool, AND UK.W t ii.\U«WAl.t. •foa. HO and Ui >. tuesu Udnola iJapcc Jiiuusjiugs. A L L A 1’ UJJi.lrj,.vi /.V TO II*.V. F. E. FMC3Y, StUK^T i jy.t.c.-L'A' so j 1> A 1' t ill W A L LARGEST A3S3XIXBXI OF dSTEAV P ATT KX* NS DII.VKK A CIUVS, PAINTL.K \ND i’.U’i::: HdN^taa. • * . SuutU Cl4/ti. Mreel •• ■ ■ 114 32rasiur g 11. STEWAUT A CO’S. z3£?i:ovx:i> Chemical and Crasirc Soap, inc r.:r.“AT£jr lauoi: asd MQHHY SAVINS FAf.IRY STAPLE' Ptcaitu Cb.Hurve; Tlj'» f*r’; it.' j to -u...-r> ; «• ■!• i*r ut ticn. ii.u r j trim :ir ;•? livj.*, w. KT-*a>e a: il ; rtritcr'* i.*; l.t.—Thl* :o- p I-'. «vm* .itTj* «.? it. t% Vvr ’natt rUl. _ a* iV« Vs Fktr ....Ir.-u-l' tat Sit-wiim .i* i! cUM •"" .--■■ i • :i*. all <• li.i-iri.;;. nu.* 1 1 f I* rcr«•••;.:, ot I;'-:i*l .jb*r « :.tia ti.e - f afj • i.\. Ski.— •• i'.. r i..vr u- • • f *M» **■> » \ •.«.* 1 "i' r ; no - r w.*" ufvl; ?U.j; - * * -* . c«t* u: I - if;.— i i . «11S \,t- \ n v.V»- r v. • c'v.ncr, la-l J li-.i'r. I" II ".f a ;; t , ;.. w • i i:.c kiltu i; n u j-v;:.: , m stii.— \ ►ln:j<il'U'Vii,n a i rai:>'*.f r* nii'if. it'.Wi c:* a , v. ,t,. :,.j ,r «;«•; w*a •, rsii’liiitv i;i..r«Kj i. - V. !l C*-.»T . 4 U.e .*!•? cf .... a:. :• i..a* u~:t wr-v:;.i ~v» i i.< ’•.v. !i c’•.»; • « U.e .*li cf d!ru r> a »•. t..r. j-5 i ;i. BJili’.cir. it n i i r .• • i r.r.. .. .. ...j . .‘il, *te.. fnn;; t.Vi an-t -v ’ n . -v. . . ; . • . »• ..-u i. -v b« wa*. i. I;.. ;.i .. r • . «. -.•'•I I..** , _ >'. l *-m r-1 . -l.ul» J m-i-". from ■» be ws- jitc i;.o > ».> M tr.a.. -Vr. K.-:i' . \ t •’VmI •• n;-:;: •': r. ;*1 -t u, -n i- i 1 t-*- i nay.*,» ia on. r< i: to t.O • •* 1 »LI SAVE ILxiE, L.tdoA A:J3 HOSEY. TTesr* it ‘ i r oa *t. .VII it*’-* ;■* 1 1 *.»«• latr •• i»->. t. Ati r ji. • ; foctl -n. to- uu>r.- } ..<• r : .v t. l&~ F--T-»»l • ufc all i.ct 1- ifo.cry ro-*. £• im* ajiil "■;! ' se gi-u-.i...- i.ul-\io •-! a .1 rv. I'■ lUnr »et. Chicago. ~iavdj. VKISY IMI'tiiM'AXT IN!‘i'U v M.\l JflV.-l V: *Mrc'.l C3"r "''f. St Ottawa, ur.-;iu<v ■ mu-v*. l ;.*!•• j tl--- i'it-?*: ' :a tho wur-t. la L 0.... ; i.J'r a'i>J n ,;*i . »•: <>t be »ml Uv.; ui' iM.inrsl * .Mi spring water, • :* u.-.; ;r»:.v »-n‘. r. i . * It coaLil.n no e u I’ I- " ' S • y more d’vir.ibse ;«;• s a;; 4 .a-iudry pur;*.-** :-»n say ulhvrln use. As an lo t*.e publlu of n.i.rl e ft tinsMarcit..»»«>;ni« i i;.ti 1 s .:■■*.•w , .»r> : • :• face-* be given >t• 1111 be ui.nt-ci-M.iry. ns alt by |> can saT«.\ t> Iv.--. 'i.. h 1 - ar-.- Ik tlcular 1; .erln-g tr r,r 1* 1* ta .c-. .'urn b«’\ea t. * r ~ci ILLINOIS STARCH COJIiMM', m.munms. MAiiDif. To Wholesale I)nlcr» tv* Comp »;.y wouM* rwith OUr utieivuiled S-«<‘s I ' tThi.inu! -;rlng. ml t'.u i re grest it Iv tuLr.*« we have over or.-r 1 .. •;;<.-.!•» • vt purehunhu «*ort» *t l-w ;rh ea. v.- c*:i - >Ol at figures that will lutl.e 1. lo yiri- Tutor - t ■» j our order*. D*-* r - . ba* o‘ ■*' tr*-u t e.« e« t: ♦ f»ctor> l« wurrt.T** '1 e<,: «l li i>ot <u:-c ' > ?’»>*!'.,• rr •• duced In me t»»*r»d. \ l wrier*and«.-■ •nun'r-Mp-iA addreiwe-l ••Ulltiol-Si r •*» Coinp-nuy. ot'a.. w 1- I will receive prompt•it.-niSoil ~,, , Gags. Bags—is.-\f;s— £Ar.s— EXCinSMC RAG JIA.U’FACTdUT, HART, ABTFN A IliC W7 w*hr «t., 1 t 'rsjo, B. h. * .New \-.xk. WaSCFAI'Tt Ttßns Ssl> PKaI il * ,* BagH of Kvory Doscriptiotu Mlllepv'and tln-eers' made wli't btfiutlful er iT»rt«, New *nd*e<;on »s Grain and G.i-n* Hag*. ior '-.-r» Mill. r. vulr'-vr cuts’ use. Bai* iur Flour, Buckwhest. Kad. Id* 1 -.A hale Seed, sc. Order* aiie-i with Idoll:/ sad dlspttec. h«c» loaned to sli Ip peri. m? QIirCAGO BAG 275 socxn ATEXX STBEET. SEAMLESS OKaI.V '*A(i» oi **nou» «l*e* ul inriUUc*. FLoi'R—Hairc*. *1 {ten, ««1 BiftU. »ctLU4 ta anv ,ic-lnj'. jmtt rn. UvM :»aCK*-Kv.t, GI’.N.NV l!.M».— l*-»ur ;i.rfßHu*Ml». Conimli*iu:i <•*(«:■«* •-* Pr** iKo:t Dcii’.cM Wtil; liJ »;•%: U.O *rUcU-i aft*'*'! 1-. o*f *UpVfr-T:rT* >>011 ~‘ irvffSTN'* r:f.t'VAy. BA'M! BAWf! r akwili/s STVAH BAG lUMTACTORT. jck tl utnccr srn*rr. oh;sx»9. BAGS AND SACKS Of every rtwcrlyrtoa Oirel»fied oa more soiico, iitd printed alia % ev» iUJ L’raer'fnl Hrafu-s. j >LMEOS FA&W&LL. I ipediTrtj-iTT-] nUXXY TUG*- 100,000 FOR \JT SALS AT THE gnm SxcJiujO Sia ■ ZSsuafactor?* bar r. astk;j * ro„ TETNE 4TAUHXI, U PiMeoinJOrntmthr g&tOt .h PAI JI T E Ti V Htt‘Watolastoa *t, Cb!cas--». FRESCO AXD DECORATIVE PM-TVO In to® Parlor Dtnla* XW-?U?™ i* ot rlw* Keddcacea. Alw. V "Jl' VV Ho n*iu. 4c, Jn cMcaK-:. UUnot. ai... _ £?.ur# W®reocvestrtct *to tnioaiotooOr*i S 'W»J And Mu&ktk and or ff*. c->u, 1-st -I tr mtlnlrThOTloV-'ii'- »•«« Mtt.ttcll.rn. Ssir” }V*z * *miNi »' TXaET ..Vv'llKAT.—lvii-m t:Aa T » cVlcr.— I ir.i ppL*T>annl ?|> r- '' l ’';••• u? <lnanp r anvi!cnb!e t?u: it >*"•••■ • 4 S.'! litf'V— is a ‘ ‘ • I, , - \ I <rU->'4* '• inis , - iy. rlc UiUJ M-.u ttom ; * • * Ustfifl >ll»V£ar«sl« kws'*^ tzao Cdd. ’oa.\L, L 11 S !i» f iceda . » •*t*» *tc. ..■ I, i. „v cr>ca. «. -t.u lo AGiXCV.