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CHIO /OfS’T StIBUKE. aad Weekly. OfcU) ir. • vnrrnu* a.vo I'lioniiiiTOits: * Amr | • Clii ItUaA U* 11^1 •* : OFFICE NO.-SI CLIUK. STBKET. mr.Uf- or run ciucauo tuskunk twji? delivered lucily by carrier, j>»r year.. IHJIy! rtv’tvurefl 1u city by carrier, per wot*.. 15 Pallr, to Mai! Snb*crih«w. i"’r y.*ar—-•••... fyiV, Mail Subacrlbcrs. jht »1s *•««* p«r year.. Meekly, subscriber* *- (|0 “ 6 *!’!!!... .lO.tW •* it*ico[iic», and one to «ciua ns Monayln registered letters mar w u M *A4j'r«E CHICAGO Tlllßf.SK." Cijitatjn t&ilmne. TUESDAY,* DECEMBER 2-Y iB6O. CST"To mail Subscriber*. wEJ Tbe dsn* («i tho slip on which your umaa I* printed, lefts wh«u yoor kub-eriplion runs sat. Eeep lit* unit. No Paper To-morrow. No jtaper will be issued from this office to* Trl-WccKJy Subscriber*. to the Tri-Wcckly edition of the Tribune, will receive ropics ol tin* day’s is sue In Urn of the regular trl-wcekly edition of to-tuonow Late Taper, lu coußcijUHiV'-»•! the breaking of *ome of machinery lu '-ur last uight, city ribera to Ihc Tkiiu*ne will be served with thoir paper Inter than usual t*>-duy. A NKtt' PAPER J. W. Sheahan, l*sq., late of the Chicago Tima, has oonnm-nccd the publh-atimi In this city <:*' a new dally jwti*»*r — The CVorc go Pmi. He* that ihc Pont will not indulge in political discussion; but con fine itself mainly to matters touching the interests of Chicago an 1 the West. We «lo not doubt that the 7W will he o success. U bus our good wishes. UABU XIIU TOOMBS ! The arrogance and impudence of Sena tor Toomlu lirmk mil in a new place. He has been in the haliil *»1 displaying his pkutatinu breeding in the Senate al Re publican expense; Vnl since thut Itnsgol I.K) disagreeable to in; borne, he now cracks his whip over the hcad J *4 bis Hi« letter is the command «»f.n musicr, nut the entreaty of u servant. NOT BESPONSIBI.iI., Wc wish it to he mulersloocl thttl we arc not responsible for the t ittnor thut tlie Chi cago Timr priming cstahlisluncut is to lie removed to South CHrohna. uml that the Timer is to lie hereafter i-sued as an avow ediv, as it is now a covertly, disunion pa per. Tlie injurious report arose undouht cdlv front the treasonable and insulting ar ticles with which tin- editor of that sheet is pleased, day after day, to 111! h. firm, is the word. The dispatches from Vfuahingtou this morning leave no donhl of tin: intention of the Republicans of the House mul Senate to submit to no compromise by which the verdict of the people tendered in Movent her will lx- nullified. They stand firm on solid ground, declaring their content with the Constitution ns it is, and the Union as our father? made it. There let them slay, sure that the masses are with them, and will consent to any sacrifices or indorse any policy necessary to preserve that Con stitution and hold tills Union together. He who now yield? so much as the breadth of a hair to the demands which rebellion and treason not the man for the crisis. He abets what he "was elected to uproot; he encourages whet he was commissioned to destroy; »nd the cur-es of the people will follow him to the end of his life' A SINGLE IVQIIKV. Tt; Jliiaaf llaptiit, dated Sashvillc. Dec. 10th, has an arliele scvcrsly censuri the practice of Daitciaß ami I'm' sinfulness of johduti -"dciics under the control of Podo-Baptist?; various obituary notices of pro-slavery saints who have “loosed the Silver coni," or “broke the tpildcn howl," (we don’t Know whiidt.l down in Missis sippi; and sundry mutters common to jour nals of its class, to say nothing of the fol lowing, which,is pood iu its way; indeed. we nisiy fei'y oxcelii'iii SLAVBK7 no liviu—lf slavery be an cv wliat rrtpivi «it f'• ? I** U h* morally, social' Jr or polltiMUlyl’ Compare the iw>l« p ° r luc Southern sates With those of any other com munity, and we chaUcne- all history to pro duce a higher toned population, more honest, honorable, hntnanc, and just In all the rela tions of life. Take tint single Mata of South Carolina, In which thorn hx> not hern a divorce since tin* foundation of the government,ami ehow tin In what rojmci alaveiy lias proved a mom! and social evil to th« whites on one hand or, on the other, to the blacks, who, under slavery, have become elevated from sav ace barbarians to civilized and Christian men, and are most of them Cvr superior in character lu the Abolition Senators, editors and orators of the country. Wc do not know juimrltuicgro who is :t member of a baptist church—and there must be nearly a quarter •* a million of them—that mu at least u belter ChilMhm than either (Jrochy, (larrlwm. or Beecher. The polUbml evil of .lavery >s anoth er precious piece of rant, There is no eom mnnllv in the world more prosperous, nor in whlchcvervhodv.hljrh and low, great ummall, have as much to <ui and wear, and art- a* ham i»T end couleutcd, as in the Southern Slates of America, To admit that slavery it* an evil is, of course, to justify efforts lor its removal The South makes no such admission. II ilia an evil, we, who arc exclusively concerned in iL have cot found it out, nor do we know by what process the discovery is made by thus# who have derived the chief pecuniary benefits from it. th»* commercial and manufacturing classes of the Northern Slates. Indeed the character of its most distinguished opponents, U in iUclf a strong presumption iu favor of the Institution luelt Ifwc are not misinformed, soma ortho most prominent abolitionists lu the North are notorious os the abettors of socialism, free love ami spiritualism. We trust that, moder ate und conservative mm there will note this Ihct. und make n prod practical oso of it. Then* are the kind of elements that have cursed society In every age, and when not counteracted hr the preponderating forces of virtue and intelligence, lia\« dissolved the so cial compact, and destroyed the entire fahris of social and el, U lustitnUona Such nilserrauts lived before the Bood. .. ■ *xwas Uiff destroyed world. We have only a word lo say; We never ai£tie with that kind of Christianity, what ever its denomination, which buys m.n, whips women, and condemns girls to com pulsory prostitution;. ,but we gather from the above two facts; Ist, The editor of the Jcniw.aast Boptt*} knows a iptartir */ a mil lion of slaves who arc members of the Bap tist Church. 2d, Each one of these is a better Christian than Greeley. Garrison or Bc-ceher. These two farts provoke one in quiry: What, in the name of Heaven, is the ciouse of the Tennessee for holding Iht sc quarter of a million of Chris tians, belter than Greeley or Beecher, in hopeless slavery ! That's all. Vote ontlie Pacific Railroad BUI. ■ r The following is the »ote on the final par I aage of the Pacific Railroad Bill in the Mona* of Representative*; ... Vtu—Uersrr- Adams ol Ms*... Adams of hy., id—ln Allen. Anderson of JIo.. Artie). A\frj. I nahiitt * Unrr/'tt llingliatn, lUalr, Hlake. Uotclcr, I bSnoolllriS;, t, immido,.. Korea. Bar-. Uurejm;. Uanhjam, lliitl-rtU'M. Campbell. CtlrUr. Owe. C. B. Cac!ira;ie,.loho Ctichrenc. gSTardSf V 6 " Umc“a..'rnne "3. Moat of MlchlVuc Kclloseof Maols. X'S<"S-. of K. ■ Scranton.- Hlcklc*. rttrajton, 1 »PR“» k T !ft”* TomiifcinsTrimbli*. Naiidevcr,\.an V\jck. A**"*- .Wadi.'Vnldruu. Wa-hburn lmrn?of HHooK. Wilson. ami \\ «*»d* on—W. afAT—Aldrich. AndcrbOU ef Barksdale, Ikadu, Bocock, Branch. t arej- riarK oi New York. Clark of Missouri, Clomens. Llonton, Cobb.Cralgeof North Carolina. !)»*«««, Dnvl* of Indiana, Dawes. Driarnctte. Ddauo. Ed mund»*OD, Eusllsii, Garnett, Uanrtdl, rtrmm, fcanS- of Maryland. Harris of Baskin. Hill, Hoard. Holman. Houston. JeuUns. ‘ Jones. Undram. Leach of Michigan. Lew?* l North Carolina. Leake. Logaa. Loreluj. Martin or Virginia, MaynanL McPherson. AUIImu Moow oI Alabama, Morrill, Morris of Illinois., Mblack. Per* 3, Pettit. Peyton. Phelps. mwr.Heagan. Hlpp*. oat. Simms, Singleton. Smith of A Irgiula, bwuh ' of North Carolina,- Spinner, Stallworth. Stokea. Taylor. Thomas, Vsilandljham, Nance, Walton, Webster, WclU. Wbltcly. Windom, Winslow, Wright—7B. . . So thu bill was passed. Xbc wearers of Palmetto cockade* In Washington, on finding that they were mb. - |fY»" for the footmen of the foreign minister*, / soon dropped them, end they arc decidedly at a discount no w/ ‘ pan Th. American Unitarian Association has received td.OOO from the estate of the late ofFitchhurg, Mesa, VOLUME XIV yiecllugof the Kansas Utllef. At n meeting of the Central Committee ap pointed at a meeting of rilizcus held at Metropolitan Hull on the 18th lust., the Com mittee romposed of A. G. Throop, o.l.uut, Paler rase. Dr. John Evan*, and Cyrus Bent* ley, all being present except Dr. Evans, on the fiitl December, 1800, organized by the cleo llou of the following officers: Pctcu Page, Chairman. Crni'ts Bentley, Secretary. Dr. John Evans, Treasurer. The following resolutions were adopted, Tiffotnd. That this committee be called the '• KaumfJldiej Viniral Commiitu" of the County Jlr+oit-td. 1 luaa committee of three be appointed from earh ward of the clty.whogball bo authorized tu collect and receive from the citizens of their respective wnnlr. contributions of money, produce and rb.ninj: lor the relief of tho euffereraia ium ; that said commit tec be directed to pay oyer to J»r. John Evans. Treasurer, all moneys which ibev mav collect—and that they order to be sent to i'j. Childs UTJtf. or U. Sanborn, 119 Randolph *ure*-l who will revive clolhlns. Ac.. mid all con tributions of produce and clothing fur immediate i-hlnmcnl to Knntas—and that said cnmmitlw>re n..rt to the Ktid Trraeurcr on the flr-l Monday of each week, the amounts of their collections. 1 Jo thin;: properly consigne<l »hould be scut to Am. Espnv* utllce, and provision*. &.C.. rent to *., b. & tj,. freight depot. t ' .. . . AV«o.V*<f, That the aupervlsora outside the city be also requested to act m receiving contributions I in their respective towns throughout the comity mid make report thereof to the sum Treasurer once in two weeks- , , . /*></•<> */,Thal hanm: retired recent iutcmgerce from t he Territorial Committee of Kanras, that the arrMisementaunderwjachcoutrllMiiioiishave hith erto been made and forwarded, gives gonenil eatU faction t*» ‘•aid committee. —this committee do hereby apiioiut as their local ugeuts, F. N. Ulak**. member uK the Territorial Committee, olhcc 6.J Clark sdff t, and W. F. M. Arny. to take charge of and ship to Kailas all such contribution* o. pr*>- duceniid clothing as mav be received from citizens ol (libra*»o. or sent in from tho country, and make report of their doings to the nuld Treasurer on the first Monday of each wed: or as noon thereafter as Is practicable. . ... Ju-c'S’if. Thai this rommlilee do hereby car* no*llv appealto their fellow citizens of city tod country to unike such Immediate contributions of mom-v, produce and clothlu-n* may be In their power, and save from death by cold and starvation our brethren in Kaueai*. , lht.Ur«U. Tliat m» notice will l>c taken by this Committee of contributions made to any persons Hollritsn'»ald for Kansas, not duly accredited by tills Couimlttoe.aud alt such contributions will bo at the risk of parties making the same. The Committee then appointed the follow inj; turned persons as tbc Ward Committees: WARD COMMITTEES, leu Cornelius Price, Geo. A. Springer, \\\ 11. Hie 10. M. Van Uadfcl, O. Kendall, M. B. Clancy. _ , _ _ „ :;j. A. D. Titts worth, Fernando Jones, C. b. Halsrv. w , ~ . 4tU. Jho. n. Foster, J. L. Hayward, Samuel i:hai. A. Nortnn, E. S. W«ru«r, Fred*- ricki.ctz. , Cth. Uuulini Taylor, Caleb Morgan, Reuben Cleveland. , , 7ih. Ciurdi it S. Hubbard, Enos Johnson, Carl Erlcr. • • 81 b. (J. R. Armstrong, A. Bnrcliard, IL Prin dev' A. G. Burley, A. 11. Hoffc, Benj. Car* "tilth.' Boswell Scott, Cbai. J. Hull, Micball Voted that tbssc proceedings bo published in tlie city newspaper*. The Committee then adjourned. Petek Page, Chairmen. Cvara Bentlet, Secretary. The following letters sad testimonial ere also appended for publication : Dh. John' Evass —Dear Sir: — Your letter of Delimit* sr Kith. was received a few days ago, nnd i v ucrciwl to the Territorial Committee at; be regular m-ciing last evening. They ap proved of your action, and authorized you to uihe -urh action relative to expenses in future ns you deemed right and proper, as you will *ce‘by the following resolutions which were |IUS; „.-v!uxi, Thai the action of Dr. Et«u« at CblciiMi* meet* our approbation. y.Wm/, That Dr. Evans be authorized to puv <>ut of relief funds auy contingent expan se* lj<*n*tofore Incurred, and employ.such aid In fti* ur«t as bo may deem necessary, and to pay for the same as above. Vary truly yours, -.James McDowell, Sec. Tcrr’l Ex. Com. Kxtrect of Leilar frotn S. C. Pomeroy, Kidui, U Ur. John Evans.) ]), !,• Sir :—Tour letter of December 12lh Is received. The Express package* came one duv in advance of the mall, so 1 acknowledged the receipt of your last remittance ($500) last night. Our organisation is now working well, ami sill tho machinery is In motion. I never was t-o fuwful for the futurr ns now. Encour age all our men to hold out, not to be ** weary in well doing.” I have seen sights never before have I seen such ghaxtly looking men, gaunt with hunger: “find not tabled bread for four weeks,” one of them said. •‘Had onlv bnffal* meat for a month.” “Left mother and live children with nothing else.” Ko clothes, barefooted, save pieces of buffalo skills sewed about the feet, and when I told him he would he supplied with corn meal freclv he was otrmanc, and wept liko a child for half an hour! Said he finally, “there are some good men left on earth.' Oh, I wish you timid spend one day in ray office; I can not write the scene. It is two o'clock ntnlgbt, and 1 fllll have unanswered letters. I have net slept until after this hour for two weeks. God bless you, my dear sir. Truly, 8. C. Pomeroy. 2Jr.'‘»,Ur\s(h, 16(10. Totilhrhom it may roruvr*.—This Is locer tlfv, that we, the undersigned, citizens of Chi cago, arc acquainted with F. N. Blake, Eso., u.kv of the Territory of Kansas, and formerly n rnsMent of this city, doing business here, and that we have full confidence, in his integrity and ability, and recommend' him as a reliable person with whom to cmtfi-r aud advise in re ji;;rd lo the want# and relief of the truly desti tute of Kansas. .T. Y. Scammoo. C. G. Hammond, liaar X. Arnold, Henry Marlin, Horace White. C. H. Bar, om-ii Smith, G. B. Armstrong, W. 11. Brown. H. F. Mather, Leri B. Taft. C. U. King, i J 1.. Harward. John C. Haines, Jno. LvlV King, 11. B. Hurd. W. ll.'Uloc. McWUle W. Fuller, S. K. Dow. J.C. Dore, W;u. Bros#, J.L. Scripps, HetiryM. Smith, A. Cowles, G.W. Clarke, C. A. Norton. J no. Nutt, - • Henry Brook*. I John Forsyths. J. Halleck. I Jno B. Idsson, Miron C. Parsons, • 1 A. D. Rich. Franklin Webster, * I Charles Weston, James 51. Bill, C. J. Hull, R.C Clearer. 1 1.. Nowlin. C.ll. Oaubert. I K. S. Hows, J. L. Marsh. I U«o. P. Goodwin, H> rscs 11. Thomas, <i. l». WilUstou. Jno. T. Flynn. I F. D. Owen, John R. Siridlrou. I Hubert Uaiaber. J. W. Merrill. I W. I. Msrrlman, B. F. Downhij;, I S.Y. U. Ulckrox. E. F. Gsrrln. The Chicago Acadfmf of Science* at ~ Ann Arbor. [Written for the Chicago Tribune.] The Academy of Science*, with iheir guests, after a most hospitable reception by the citi zens of Aim Arbor, assembled on Wednesday evening at the Laboratory of tbc Medical Col lege, where a lecture on Galvanic Electricity was delivered by ProC Douglas, of tbe Michi gan State University. The Icelnrer made a few brief and pertinent remark* on tbc meth od* of generating electricity by chemical ac tion and induction, and proceeded to illustrate the methods by a new and beautiful appara tus, called the ** Rlmmkoff coll, * attached to I the ordinary cup* of the galvanic battery, 1 This coll was invented come yean sinceby a 1 German, whoso name It boars; but was brought to greater i«rfectioß by Mr. Ritchie, of Boston. It consists of two colls of insulated wire, an exterior and interior coil, one of which con tains more than thirty miles length of wire. By means of this contrivance, the passage of the electric current through one of the coils, inducing a corresponding wave of electricity to pass through the other, the intensity of the discharge Is not merely doubled, but increased many fold. Using this instrument Ini eonneo. tion with an ordinary battery, of rather small elxe, the electric spark was made to pass eight Inches through atmospheric air, and more than four times that distance .« vacuo. . ProC Douglas entertained us for nearly two hours by a most brilliant display of electrical phenomena, explaining to us a beautiful as sortment of Other's lulKt, so called from their Inventor aud unauulacturer in Bonn, which have recently been received by the University. By the use of these tubes the electric spark was made to pats through various media, such as ether, sulphuric add, alcohol, con densed air, &c., and most varied and beautiful affects were produced. For a more perfect display of the various phenomena, the room was darkened and the audience could only catch a glimpse of the lec turer and of one another's faces by the “ fitful I Hashes” of this lightning In miniature. With <i.p more simple of the experiments, murmurs ?fpSe“ero heard through toe totaes. in Si usrts of tbe room, and as the display In to beauty. the delight of the audience .bowed lUelfin hcartyappTause. . At a quarter before nine o’dock oaXhunday morning, too excursionists xrerc formally wcl- SSSdttitoo UnlTcrslty by toe Chancellor. Eev. Dr. Tappan, In toe chapel of toe totdver- St The diapei waa densely crowded by too rt&entarf thf University, Aim. 2!«Ur titog theopportunity to display her cholceat JosreS first it u no amall cause for Just pnda In any stag of lascalrg that It is able to assein* bio nearly seven hundred young men in its ImlL*. ~ TbeKcv. Chancellor mode a beautiful sum- t sionto ihe story of the knlghU and ladles ( whom Chancer has immortalized In the Can* tcrimrv Tales, and drew a comparison between their pilgrimage to Canterbury and onr own to i Ann Arbor, fie then welcomed ns most cor- , aJuilv to the Uulvcreity in the name of eel mcc, and concluded by a brief allusion to the prom** of education and learning in the Welt, and speko of our pilgrimage as oneof the evidences that the brightest hopes of the friends of thatknowledge which is power,will hasten to theirfulfillroent. t _ After leaving the library we entered the Museum of Natural History. Here we found tin* collection* of the lamented Houghton, who lost his life while prosecuting the geological survey: those of Prof. Sager, State Zoologist, and of Dr. Wright, State Botanist. These, with the collections made by those engaged in tho present survey, are an honor to the State and an evidence of the liberality, en terprise, and intelligence of its citizens. The collection* are in agoodstate of preser vation, and arc arrayed so as to be* displayed to the best advantage. When tbe survey Is completed, this will be undoubtedlyonc of the best collections in tbe country. There was enough here to be seen to have profitably oc cupied days instead of the few honrs which could be appropriated from our limited Uni*. Prof. 11. A. Johnson, of Chicago, responded lu behalf of the Academy and iu guests. He was proud to come back to Alma Mater, which he had left eleven years since, and find that the small beginnings of that time had grown to such prosperity and Importance. It vasdelightful torus all to come here,some to meet with old friends, and all to form new and valuable acquaintances which would be remembered for years. He thanked the Chan cellor, and through him the officers ol the University and the citizens of the placa, for t heir cordial welcome. The speeches, both of the Chancellor and Prof. Johnson, were warmly applauded, and after the latter had closed, Dr. Tappan an nounced that the library, museums and labor atories would be open to visitors during the day, and committees would be iu watting to art us escort. ... , . - The Library was first visited. It Is in the same building as the Chapel. It consists of about 8,000 well selected volumes, thus form ing a nucleus for a large and valuable library. From the Museum of Natural History we next entered the Gallery of Fine Arts, which contains quite a number of plaster cast* of fa mous works of art, as well as a fine exhibition of photograpiis aad engravings of historical ami classic interest Rogers’s t.ydiai« soon to he added to tho gallery hy subscription or citi zens of Ann Arbor, which place chums this gifted American artist as one of her sons. The medical gentlemen of the Academy vis ited the Medical Department of the Unlversl ly. where a fine class of two hundred young men arc pursuing their studies. After listen ing to Interesting lectures by Profs. Palmer and Ford, the laboratory of Prof. Douglas, the I museums for Illustration of tbe different de partments intha Medical School, were visited, * and were pronounced well adapted forthe pur poses intended. „ , , * A glance at the various recltatlou rooms aud society halls of the Under graduate Depart . ment,'completed the pleasures of the mom- flic vlill to tin Observatory and explana tion of the instruments by Prof. Bnmnow.and the lecture by Prof. Whichell, will bi pout poued to another article. Senator Trumbull on Coercion. The Washington correspondent of theN. Y. Evening iW, under date of the 20th Inst., write* an follow*; To-dav the morning hour of the Senate was encroached upon hr a spirited discussion of Senator Clark's resolution of inquiry Into the condition of Fort Moultrie. In .reply to some wire-dniwn objections by Jefferson Davis, Senator Trumbull took occasion to expose the sophistical outcry against coercion and “making war against a State/’ He said this talk w.fC calculated to mislead tbe public mifld; iidody protxual to coerce or make i car again* a State. But it vst* proposed to enforce the laia against individual rebels to the lasted State* h, - rj The States were not sovereign, except in their reserved righti; but in the rights they had surrendered, such as the right of making war,if was nonsense to talk of their sovereignty or of warring against them. It was of a piece with the sophistry of the rights of States to the territories, when, as States, thev had no right whatever to the territories, wlm-h arc the cxclusiva possession of the gen enii government. , , . . This exposition of ccnstitutionfil doctrine from Judge Trumbull derivss a special signill cance from his Intimate relations an the friend and ndv!sw-of the next President. It 1* an unmiaUtkftblc sign that Mr. Lincoln has no in tention of letting the Union slide by a prema ture acquiescence in tbe theory of “ peaceable secession.” Donation for Kansas. Wo arc in receipt of tbe following: llobfeop Refoesektatives. I Wasbikotok City. Dec. SO. 1600. S Editors Chicago Tribune: 1 have Just read your editorial of the 18th, In which you say “ there are 40,000 bushels of grain rcadv in different parts of our State awaiting shipment to the suffering people of Kansas, and there itno money to pay thtfrexght. Please Invest the enclosed twenty dollars lor that purpose, and oblige, Yours truly, Schutleh Colfax. Xhe Rumored_Rallroad Trouble* tn BUMonrl. We learn that the rumor# of outrages on the Hannltml and St. Joseph Railroad lu Misßonrl are-without foundation In fact, though circu lated bv mischievous prints In St. Louis, with whom the wish Is father to the thought, to in jure the northern route. There has been a dis satisfaction at St. Joseph, eagerly fostered by runners of a rival route, caused by the new time table of Hie IL and St J. Railroad, which favoi> and is Intended to favor ticketing St Louis passengers ria Quincy and Springfield, but the feeling had assumed no political orsec tional character, and there had been no demon strations against the property of the Company, Sipt Hayward, who resides at Hannibal, left for a business tour to the East last Friday, and there was at that time no trouble or distur bance. It is not impossible in the present sec tional excitement for a malicious newspaper at St Louis to excite active disturbances to fa. tor another route, but the movement will not very generally share the sympathy of that city. Certainly, at present, travel by railroad through Northern Missouri is safe and without Inter, ruptlon. . THE CITY. Hew Year** Addrew. tSb will b« paid by Urn Datur Tjubcxu for tbc bc-'l written New Year’, Addreaa, of from one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty linea, to ba eent in by tha 26th of December. Rejected addreaaaa returned if deelrcd, Ad drew 0. U. Bbicktt, Tribune office, Chleajo. Post Office Notice.— The Post Ofllco on CTirUt mas UsT will open at the nsuel hour (8 A. M„) end close at 10.15 A. M. for the day. The Weather. —It is auowing fnrioualv, with a. prospect of giving us result* In that line not before reached thia season. . Dakoekocslt III.—We regret to learn that Oot R. J. Hamilton, an old and •wall-known resident of thia city is lying dangerously U1 at Ida residence. t_r Focmm.tx®.—A healthy male infant, appar ently four months old,'was. left on Saturday night at the residence of Mr. Davis No. 84 Wert Lake street. Christmas Party. — Q. Mlrasole given a grand Christmas party this eveningathls Hall, comer of Madison and Clark streets. All pu pils and friends are Invited to attend. Trmost Horse.—At the Tremont House, the Christmas features were te be the Annual gun for the servants of tbo establishment last evening, and a magnificent Christmas Dinner to the guests at 2 o'clock' to-day. The Blaxet Lodge at toe Briggs House. • —The Festival of the Blaney Lodge, at the Briggs House last year was one of the most elegant of ila class ever known.; Their Aunt- Tersary this year at. the same place "on 8t- John's Day, Dec. 27th; will be no last aso fr ees*. • :" The Pulpit. —On Sunday lasi the perilous aspact of the times was more ; or lees fully dwelt upon by bur elty clergymen in their pul pit*. Since South Carolina and her sisters have set the fashion, we shall hear* lesa complaint about political preaching. The subject was handled' in several instances here, in a mas terly manner, and several of these discourse* ore to bo put in type at tW Instance of the congregation*;.: r * • MicraoiSßxns Loose.— l Mr. Baker, the sheriff of Ingham "county, Michigan, w«a In thia city Saturday in qneat of two men, having two names apiece, who arc believed to have been concerned In-.recent.extensive robberies perpetrated there.’- One .of them la called Joseph Chamberlain allot Jamea Collin*, and the other’ John Haines aliai John Maraham. ■They were traced-to-Milwaukee, where their tracks were loit. They have not been scan or heard of by the police of thia city. One store in Ingham county wu robbed of goods to the amount of $1,600, CHICAGO, TUESDAY* DECEMBER 25, 1860. The Art Union Exhibition, The number of attractions arc on the incrense at Heeller* gelcry, the Bret exhibition of the Chicago Art Union. Several large and superb works of art Lave been added, contributed by their owners, and the exhibition is now one that wonld attract attention in any communi ty and is we are glad to know receiving many visitors and subscriber.. Among the statuary lathe “ Fairy’s Whisper,” the name of anew and pleasing work of art by John Rogers, whose previous models In plaster, "The Slave Sale,” "The Checker Players," “ThcSehool masler’s Argument,” and others, have woo for. him many generous commendations by con noisseur* and critics. In this new work a Id tie child ie represented silling on a bans of flowers, looking forward wlthaa expression of mingled surprise and delight, as if listening to a strange sound, yet not knowing whence it comes. A tignre of a lairy, exquisitely mod elled, is seen- rising from a cluster of fern leaves In the background, whispering in the child’s car. This makes clear to the observer what to the child is a perplexity. The idea of the piece is a very happy one—a true concep tion of genius. To say that in its embommait in the clay there are no faults of handiwork, no blemia'hee in the gcnoral beauty, no lines which uro-modellng of part - would improve, would surprise no one so much as the artist who alone knows how imperfectly the work, of his hand expresses the idea of his mind. But the steady growth of power and skill which Mr. Rogers has exhibited in bis sueccs; give casts, bas already demonstrated that bis destiny is not for plaster but for marble. Christmas. Tlicie will bo tiny stocking* explored, long before tbc carrier, and tardy daylight, will bring this page to the eye of our city readers. It I* less easy now to keep up the pleading fic tion of good Santa Claus,'than when informer times the good balnt, toy-loaded, could with one spring from his “ miniature sleigh” drawn by w eight tiny rein-deer,*’ leap flying downtbe wide chimney mouth, to where by the broad and ample “ fire place” dangled the stocldngs his mission it was to CIL iu our day quick witted childhood has come to wonder how his saintsblp manages to pick ,lxls devious waj down narrow flues, crooked stove-pipes, and seek exit from air-tight heater-, or through the barred apertures of the furnace register. But still he comes once a year for the little folks in a manner kind mamma and thought ful papa have a lender foresight to provide, and with a singular delicacy of perception he always manages to bit upon just the right thing. Thus, to-day the blue-eyed Mary get? the very doll of her dreams, and Bobby bis rocking horse or sled, and the very chest of tools he ha* been wanting, and Harry his skates, and baby, the new arrival since the year came in, his coral and silver bells. A merry din it will be In happy homes this morn ins; a rattle of drums, a blare of trumpets, a barking and squeaking of animals not In Noah’s ark, and a setting forth oftbe ark itself with its “ two of each kind” according to scrip. tnre story. It will be a merry scene the Tkibdnb of this morning will look in upon, -where smokes Iho breakfast urn, and tbc children will have it all their ora way, for is it not Merry Christmas ? Happy they whose home circle will be such as wc describe, for from the glow and warmth of these family re-unions and gift-makings will go forward a radiance far into the year, and for the little folks far onward into life. Tell ns, man of many cares and east possessions, do marble honse, and pictures, and stseds of matchless price and beauty, please then as did thy new rocking-horse, half a century ago; or dear madam rejoicing in furs and diamonds worth a Pence's ransom, do these charm thee with a Joy akin to that of little Mary, jubilant with a waxen doll, that has real hair curls, and actually winks* Thcac, then, are pleaaurea cheaply bought for the little folks. It was a busy day abonl town yesterday. Streets were full, stores were foil, merchants had a harvest, expressmen were busy, packa ges and parcels flew about like snow-flakesi and to-day will bring the after results indica ted above, for to-day is Merry Christmas. The New Booe Store and SabiiathSchool Depository.—No better piece ran be found In tbc city for tbe purchase of books and other holiday presents, then at tbe store of Church, Goodman & Kenney, 51 La Salle street. These gentlemen make a point of always having a good article to offer, and spare no pains to suit and please their customers. It Is oply a few months since their store was opened, and yet it has already a fine aasortment, especially o' religions books, while of holiday presents for children and youth, the show is particularly Inviting. Besldet their own publications this firm are always in receipt of the latest issues of leading houses in London, New York, Boston and Philadelphia, and are rapidly advancing to a position with the mostsnccessful bookselling establishments In the West. Those wishing to make purchases suitable for the present holi day season, will do well to call st‘sl La Salle street, apposite the Metropolitan Block. What to do To-dat.—Ton may hrar good music, and very Impressive and interesting re ligions exercises at quite a number of our city Churches. You may enjoy the dsy’s leisure with your family, which w. think will he about as good a treat as you .an give your wife aud little ones, If you deserve to have such bless ings. Yon may, likely enough, over-rat yonr aslfat dinner and take the other piece of pie, and abide more of ths dark meat, and a little more wine than is good for yon, and In your after-dinner nap, dream you are an anaconda and goat indttrice, as yon certainly will be. You may skate a little, taking care not to break tbe surface of ths ice with the back of your head, or by aitting down too hard upon it, which would be unkind to other skaters. Ton may spend five dollars or even ten, with a friend In a slelgh-ride, or you. may walk, which will he cheaper and, likely enough, healthier, after the meal you propose to make. Yon may thank God that yon have a Merry Christmas, and that J. B’s. lack of backbone does not interfere with your side bones and drumsticks. Yon may show yourself truly grateful for all yonr blessings, by seeking out somebody less happy and less blessed than yourself, and cheer up somebody’s broken and starved frame,hy timely charity ; this yon will do If you desire a condiment better than Wor cestershire, for your own happy lot. Yon may do as you like, for to-day is “Merry Christmas.” ■ Special meeting of tbe Board of Edo eaUon. Cnxcaou, Dec. 22,1600. Present—Msasr*. Bore, Caroeuter. Hitco, New berry, Hayes, Ward, Bate. Taft and Poster. Absent—Messrs. Muaely, Hlggluson, Sheehan, Sturtevant, Steele and Hoard. . The minute* of the last meeting were read and aP (sn°motion of Hr. Bata, Misses 31. O.Looml* and M. F. Prouly were re-admlttod to aeata in the motion of Mr. Hayes, it was voted that Miaa H Irene Nve bare the privilege of returning to the w»gb School and completing a coarse ef four of Mr. Bass. Hie* Louisa E. Twichell admitted to a seat In the High School, un a •pedal examination. ' , Mr Baas presented a report on the condition of the High School: and report* were presented by several of the Committees oh the, Grammar and of Mias Julia: A. Bissell. of the Washington School, and of Miss Harriet M. Me**er, of ine ScatnaiOn School, woe received and * C Sie following resolutions were presented by .Mr. Newberry, andadopted: - Wnrana*. An examination made by a commit tee of th« Board: has developed the fact that the present svstem of Investing the School Fnnd is verv Insecure, and that a considerable portion of said fund Is already In Imminent danger of being this Board respectfully memorial lae the Legislature of this Stale, that a law may be passed authorizing the Common Council of the dtr to receive from time to time sneh money* as : . may belong to the Fund, and issue therefor bonds bearing Interest at the rate of ten pet cent, per annum, payable semi-annnallr; said bond* to be redeemable at the pleasure of ths city, after fifty That the Common Conadibe requested, upon the passage of snch a law. to direct the School aeestto collect the principal of tbeSchoolFnnd an rapidly a* it can safely and prudently be done, and • present the sane to the proper officer of the u»m mon Connell for investment, as contemplated by motion of Mr. Haven, be matter embraced In the foregoing resolution, was referred to Mr. New bcZTT t s» a tpecizl committee of the Board, with an* tfionty to confer with members of Um Legislature respecting tho paazage of the !aw therein recom meodedfor the protection of the school rand. . On motion of Dr.-Foster, Teicher's Certificates 1 were granted to Misses Penelope Corker. fcabclU • PlacgT Elizabeth Alien. Elizabeth C. Rost. MSggia Ohret, Lacy J. Daly, SL Sophia Bawjer, FznnleA. I Flth, Marla J. Frost, Sjlclz SL P. SlcCUntock. Han , nahA.Lewli, Martha fc Hate/Charlotte A. Lamb. Mare J. Cota tad Elizabeth WuUamz. , M|oire*«. .■ <i.. ; W.H.Wzua,S«y., The Calico Ball. Everything promises well for .the Cillco Ball at Bryan Hall, on Wednesday evening Such pains have beca taken by the Committee In charge to know wlio are lo be present and to guard against aught Jo mar the' pleasure of tbt evening, and such preparations arc on foot among those,who are to attend, that such'an occasion as it will be, w|u be worth going miles to ?ce. is well, for a noblsfcbaritj is to lie served iu this Benefit night Ministry at large, and many of our poor ylll he substantially the gainers. Sdsuat Bcuool Eotbitios.—The Sunday School connected wltUMhe DiaPlainea Sireet Methodist Church, holi.Ua annual Ealubition on Thursday evening next, Dec. 27, ItJiW. Theexcrclse. will cona'iit of recitation-, dia -1 nyucs, &c., and an address, hy Key. Dr. Tirth ny of Clark Street M. 3J. Church. Tlie room will be decorated with winter greens, luottoca, and anarch forty left long. Proceeds of Exhibition for the election of a new sthool room. Betels 2o cents. Chit drew 15 rents. f • Si. Giiotwc’s Brnktolent Association:. — The SL Benevolent Association give their Amual Suclablf* anil Bull, on Friday evening, at Bry.ui HalL, . jsf“See advertbciiiaril of ilcaira. Farrar, Link <fc Co., hoop iLaiiu£tctnrers of Fort Wayne, lud. Sons or Temperance.— The attendance of t!i members of the Garden City Division No. 422, S. of T. Ib particularly requested thU Christinas evening-it * o’clock, as busjness of Importance will come before the meeting. Compact A National t i card.—A business meeting of this Coumaad is called for ox Wednesday evening. Dee. Siltla, at Head l‘uar ters. It: Dearborn street. Tlie following is the order of distribution for the squads: lsts<inad Jfonday acd Thursday ; 2d nipiiu], Tuesday and Friday’; od squad, Viodae'day and Saturday. The roll of each squad to be i*alled prouintly at 8 o'clock—the tlrill to terminate precisely at 10. One hour to be devoted to the school of t te soldier, and one hour in Company andbat talliou tactics from Hardee. The whole com mand to form a cDm on camp, srarrisou and OUtpOil duty. CUEDEJUCK MRAK3, Chicago, X)ec. 24. Acting Com. tSTCo to John JonesV.nbDearboru street, and get your clothoe dcaned and repaired. tgT*.\!l sort? of useful toilet articles, fine per fumery and rich fancy jroods suitable for presents, can be had at low prices and of the best quality at Sargent'*, corner Randolph and State streets, Chi cago. 111. 535T Remember at Kingsbury Hall, tonight. a splendid bill is offered- The burlesque opera en titled. “Ob! Hush," will be produced. Grand Matinee this afternoon commencing at 2 o’clock for the accommodation of schools and families. Nome.—The Chicago Merchant*’ Association will bold a meeting this evening at 7 o’clock at the usual place. Mebius. Laun. Sec’y. Attention, Chicago Limit Gcaiul—You are hereby ordered to appear at the Armory* to-day, at IS o’clock A. M. Iu full whiter uniform, for the pur pose of attending the funeral of our late comrade. Sergeant C. F. Deane. All old members oftbe corps are earnestly in vited to attend. By order. Oko. W. Gage. Lieut. Commaudiug. F. Harding. 0. 3. honeckeeners will acc the neeff rlty of ISrad«tr«*et*s weather-strip aud rubber moulding this morning, and should co tonlay and leave or der? for thl« übpfnl article at No. 4 Kingsbury Block. P. and B. Ham*.—Just received from Smoke lu Store, number 52 Slate street, .a nice lot of Pork and Beef Ham*; also sugar-cured smoked Beef Toogay and Bacon, which la offered for sale to Family Grocery and other retail dealers. tlec24-Ct JST-G. M. Harvey ban just received a splendid lot ofOval Gilt Frames for Photograph* cud Oil Paintings, which for richness ami beauty arc not equalcd*in tho city. Call at 117 Lake rlreet. over Messrs. Hoard * Hoes Jewelry Store, aud examine beioreporchhalngrjsewbere. a« these frame* will be void at the lowest possible rates at retail or at wholesale. __ deS2-4t S!W Reward.— L. Cornell & Co., at 113 Lake atreet, up Stairs, are paying tlio abore reward eve ry week. $5 to each person who most Judiciously purchases one of their Taggart & Farr Family or Manufacturing Sewing Machined for a holiday gift. Only $lO for a Machine, llemmer. Ganger, aud all —fully licensed. Manufacturing Shuttle Machines, ISbylO inches under tbe arm, fasteulnz Ita own end-, at S4O, for carriage trimming, tailoring, and all kindsof manufacturing. deW-St An Improvement.— The Wheeler & Wilr»on Sew ing Machine has had recently attached to It a Gla*» Foot. The fabric can be »ocn as ll pae«c» directly under the needle. This is Invaluable to the Sew ing Machine. It U attached to the present make of Wheeler &WU-on‘s machine* and without charge. Call upon Mr. Chltteaden and examine It. CITV COLLECTOR* f’ OjTICB. \ Cuicauo, Dec. 15. lc*Co.l Important Xotke to Tas-patcrs.— The atten tion of tax-payere is called to the following extract from the amended Charter: ‘•f»F.c. 40. If. from anyeau*e. the taxes aud aa aessments charged In said collection warrants are not collected or paid on the land- or lota described in aucli warrants, on or before the fir« Tuesday lo January cubing the date of said warrants, it shall be the doty of the Collector to prepare nnd make report thereof to some court of general jurisdiction to be held in Chicago, at any vucatlon, ajwcUl or gencrel. term thereof, for judgment azalubt the , bads, lots aud parcel* of land, for the amount of taxes, assessments. Interest aud cost* respectively due thereon." Therefore notice I* hereby given, that the Cit 7 Collector*# Office will be open for the receiving of taxee, trirnorr co«r?. noth the night of Tneeday, January lit ncx:; bat after that date it -will be closed until the report can be prepared and filed with the Court fur judgment, whereupon interest and cvpt* cnaoe. John Haber, dc2s*3t City Collector, No. 11 Court liotue. Pr Gas Fixtures. New Goods and New Styles— prices to rail the times, at H.M. Wilraarth's. 75 South Clark street. declb-Wt : jycall on Dußola at 103 Dearborn street, base ment ot Portland Block, and eel your Sign Paint In z done cheaply. UTAH should not fall to read the advertisement of Prof. Wood tu to-day's paper. »«5-ly Whliler and Wilson's Faxilt Sewtxo Ma chines FOB A CUBISTXAS AND NliW YEAR** PIUL hut. —A very appropriate testimonial of a father to bis daughter, a son to his mother, a husband to Ids wife, a brother to his elster. or a church to Its pastor. This Is a llfo-tlme gift. Geo. R. Chittenden. General Agent for 11*1- noie, Wiseonsiii and Northern Indiana. IffT and IC9 Lake street. ■ decHMSt IST Sliver Plated Goods 95 toSl per cent, cheap er thsn »ny olhtr house. See Hambies £ Co.’s advertisement. noTJ-lm BEUGIOCS NOTICES. Thwwlllbea children's Prayer ilecUcp at North Xorkct Hall this morulaest 10 o'clock for all the children of this city and tncir parents. —There will beservice to-day (Christmas' In ib< Church of the Iloly ComrauuhmailOX A.M.. Her 11. M. Thompson will officiate. Christmas day. lit SL Ansgalrin.. Church, service and sermon at 10X o’clock A. M. Christ mas Tree and Festival of tho ** City Mission on Thursday afternoon at 5 o’clock. Contrlbutloni for the Tree are ashed of the kind-hearted for poor children. E. D. Turns. City Missionary. —Union Christmas service. Bet. Mr. Cox of the Wabash Avenne Church will preach- In the Clark street Methodist Episcopal Chnrtfa this (Christmas) morning at 10J, o'clock. AT A. I?> rc I IS 3D • OntheSM Inst, by the Her, H. Cox, Mr. JAMES HEED and Mbs HARIET B. JOHNSON, oil of this city. This morning, at the reddetes of Mis Blahon. by Bev, C. Wheeler. Mr. HEXKT M. SIBSONjOI Oales bnrgh. DU and Miss ELIZA JANE JilLLtli, ofthU city- . - _ 3D I E X). On Sunday morning. tlteTSd Inst- WALTER B- son of John and Elizabeth n. - Wosdtrld;e. aged ft years and S mouths. The Wends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral on Wednesday moralngnt 11 o'clock from the residence. So. tS» iin»hstreet. „.i inmn In tula cltr, yesterday afternoon. Dev. 21th, M-wife of W, A. Hawley, formerly oi Northampton, l£th JncL. In this cltr, of Cancer. CHARLES JAMES DALTON, aged hi yean. Late of Bures Essex, .England. /CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & V QUTNCT RAILROAD. ‘ IHsaencer Trains leave and arrive Chicago aa fol lows: Mail leaves at lI.U a. (Sundays excepted); arrives at lUD r. a. (Sandays excepted). Express leaves at y.x- (Saturday* excepted); arrive* at 8.15 (Mondays sxcepted. Aurora Accommodation leave* at (Sunday* sxqeptefi); arrlvs* at W.M a. it- (Sunday* axcepted. _ 6. C. HAMMOND. Bup’L CsTcico, December a. Itca. Sl5O ™ R ?' L. CORNELL A CO., At 133 Lake Street, (Up-Stair«,> Are paying th* above reward every week. t5 to each person who most Judiciously porchye* eae of their Osts&mgUsowneads, st *4 t*oorl n gi aid all Unit oftsanutaoturlnr. dettdn*. ua Neb) Stbbcrtisements r. If. SCXmTX, 'AdrtrtMny'Afftnt, 63 Duxr lo.-.t et.', Ii» autArrised to realve AdterlUem<nU/or thU all the LentJhvj Virprr/of thg yorOitrtti T OST.—Oro Dollar Reward.r-r XJ Lost, on Erhlay Itvceinber 2l*t,a OoJil Crw» andChaln. Thefinderwill receive the abovereward by K utlag them at this otftcc. . dt&x£t' "Y\7ANTED. —Agents wanted who _i-f arc not u>o proud to mate afttlnjjbr «nin:;» new and useful article through the city ana country. Actnl* sro now tualdag from $3 to 8i per day. Call and ace the way to mate money last, or bend jour order* for parlUmlara, with a three cent stamp to EAMKS * CO.. jfrHLake rtrret. corner Clark. Room bo.3,<PpSUlr.*.) Chicago. . - deilta. T.TOOPS. HOOPS. MESSRS. XX.ON'/,11. LINK i CO. »Fort WafiitJLodlaia, are tuanufacturieg Hound Hickory Floor, Port ana vn.l-Wv Barrel Hoops by Machinery.-The Hoopsare m il Shaved and Lapped ready fjrtheCotwtornt on thr barrel- OoqsmuersofnoopswlUfluaUtoihelr laurcst to dee them a caU. All order* promptly filled and attended to. Mauumctory opposite the Depot, ForfWaync. Indiana. _ de'SiSm OOARDIXG. —Rnanl can lie hail w iu, a f.rmui.fii room soluble tor either a mar ried oonple or slnn’e gentlemen, If applied for inmifldl atclT. Al-*o, afew ilar can oe accommodated at I Hi Wabash Arcane. deasxa V AND AND CASlL—©ne Thou |-i »*nJ A tree of Choke Land, heavily Umbered ultu Plar and oak In the Immediate vicinity cf one of t!:ebv*t Inmbrrmarkrts In Michigan, and afevtopa satid doltursla cawlt, are offered In exchange for Her chaadlzs. A at:** of SiO.UiOto *15.0W desired; ,Ad drew, .lAMK& MONTKITII. Otsego. Mlcb. dcgxfiw QKATES!S K A T E S.l ! £7 A fplcndld assortment of Genta* and Ladle* tibatcajaatrvctdvcdundforiialefdr J llllDOia Money at Par, ‘Atiniahcstreet - C. A. EATON..- .r ; deSldtlMOfroet - • - " \\r AX T E D-—A lad}-. from ! an ft Intern city. U obliged, Crota change of cir cumstance*, to dc»lro a ritaatlon as amanuensis, or conrUt. reader to an Invalid, or proof reader. Or would take the charge of a Refer tuce* given. AddrcsF, E. M, Bos 191. iltiiU'. ta.t’ii»at _ . _ WAXT'ED. — A vomit; man to act •as Book'Keeperand’ General Clerk. Address, win. reference*. J, li.IL, Box 2139, i- 0- _d«2sxst__ Boarding. —a pleasant trout room and two single room*, with hoard, eaa now be obtained at No. 73 Michigan Avenue. dtSSxU_ r 'pd RENT.—A Brick House, two A stories and a ha«omeut, with Rrlck Bam.j«lea taatlv situated In the North DWL-loa. cast of Clark street, wiUi water. gas. Ac. Rent moderate. Oaa h lx inrcn, CariK ti and part of Furniture for sate cheap if required. Poaiceslon given Immediately. Address r. p. I tor, RhsOa dc^xlw f <ORX WANTED. —I will pay Ibe liklie*t market price for IO.OCO Bosfaela Coro on the ear. aeUvm*d on the Railroad Track. S. MARSH. Dortheaat Hush street Bridge. Caloric Dried Mml from New Corn, by the Barrel or P*~ mTESTEB MAItSH . HARDWARE! HARDWARE! NICOLAS FABER. (Ute J. T. Petersen. Agent,} 109 North Clark street, has on hand a Urge »tOj;k of Hardware, c*n*-clally Coopers’ Tool*. Locks. Nalls. Ziuc Plated W are, very cheap. Cornices. Oeats and Ladle*’ Skates, etc., etc, to which he would draw the attention of purchasers. dr^'.w g PEC lAL _X 0 T ICE. Cheap Goods for the Holidays 11 T, 33-j OAR.TUR. Hat received within a frw day a large eonM<nmeat of VaLnc’aa. Ottomans. Merino*. Saxony’s, l>e Lame?, CaeliucnH, Embroideries la collars and Sets, Bleached Sheeting* and Shirtings, Table Linen and and Napkins, Cloths and Flannels, Satrta. Haadkerchlei, Ac., which ara offered at NEW YORK PRICES. (deadliest i REWARD. —Stolen from the S) O subscriber on Friday night la»t from the vacant lot, corner of Fat son itn ji nan Chicago avenue, a new riaele Lumber wagon, with a long barrel .rack os U. Whoever will return the miuo **r give Information wlicreltmaybo found, to IS Chicago avenue, wblbc "Saa “ ‘ l ’ OVC ' an hue w dasieuos. Q A I. 1 t- O Carriage* for the evening will be furnished by L, & 8. DITTOS, Couch Place, between Dearborn and Clark Sta, FOH $1.50, To call for parties going and returning. Leave uam at office of L.&t. I). deSWUMt QII R IST3I A S GIP T S RICH F.vvcr c«ooos. Odor Caaea, Jewel Boxes, Work Bo xev. Card Caacs. Cigar Stands Card Baskets, Jewel Casket*. Watch Boxes, Farlftn Goodfl f Match Boxe». Taper Holderj. Toilet Bottles. Bronte Flmnw. Wiitini? Desks, Flower Dreedcg Casr», Lsdli-H Fine PuMep. Genl'e Port Mon tuli. Mantel Ornamcnta. Etajrere Ornaments. A choice selection of the meet beautiful Goods we have ever offered, aud at moderate prices. Fleets ex. undue item. J. 11. REED A CO., 144 414 C lake Street. (dc 23 dTTs-St j m 7\nn cases of pulmo- JL N'ABY DISEASE. Have been cured within three year* In tha Easte btatca by the u»e of Dr. Foord’s Pectoral Syrup. Itb beyond ail doubt the grvatem remedy of this ag< for Cou*!>. wuAoiNNo c:or<iu, astum, ÜBoscmrt* Ccon*, and all dt-cases of the tleS-SU LUNGS AND THROAT. Its soothing and healing effect* are trolviururlila*: there is no other remedy that can compare wlih this, la It* promptness and cert a i.vtt of cn re; and pervjm who have been cured by thL> Balsamic Syrup arc not a* liable to attack* afterwards, lj>r It Invito rates and strengthen* th* longs. The following note which has Just becu received from a number uf wcll-kito wnbiialnea* men lu Chicago, shows what they think ot It: DR. TOORD. .. . Dear Sir.—We have used your Pectoral Pyrup In ocr families far seven! years for Cocoas. Roiue xess. an.l other affections of the Limas and Throat. and ttu am sure. If its valuable properties were gener ally kaovm In Chkaga.AS we Ksow the*. U would be sought for and used by every family. According to our experience, it scran fails, and we habitually Seep It to the house C. tv. . DAVEXPOUT, Broker, Corner Clark and Lake 8. L.*ISAURETT. of Barrett. Kiss & to, 37 Late SAMUEL I>. CLAUSE. Lumber Merchant. West I2l!i 3* sold by Drajrrfsta In all the principal town* and cidee in Illinois. ibconbin, lowa and Michigan. de&UUdSWIt r'HICASO WATER WORKS. \_J WaTXB COICMIMIOHKB’S OFFICE. ( Chicago, Ilk, Dec. iAth. IScO. J PROPOSALS INVITED. It I* nropoccd hr the Water Commissioner* to lay an additional mala coder the Led ot Chicago itlver at or near Kath street Bridge—the mala to be uldunder the bed of the river and as usual by dredging, or else by a launch For this purpo*<* s-aled proposal* are Invited nnllt Wednesday, January trad next at It w. ■ Ist.— Foravruozbitroopipe, ti Inchesinteriordia meter. and W6 of an Inch Ulck. doable riveted and aadeofbeslAmertraalron. The contractor wilide- Itverthe nlpoon the nver at th<*. place selected by the Commissioners for crossing. TuoleagCi and form of pipe, and all other particulars may be appertained on application at this office. , YL—For the placing of said pipe In Its bed. The Pipe wlli be laid at feaal four feel below the bed of the river tu the deepest place, and win be covered the entire Icncth vtih at It.-v-t foor feet of ctwtcL The proposals vrUT Include all necessary and excavation, the removal and replacing of any dock vail* or Umber u ork. tac removal and replacing of any portion of the abetment* of Hush street Bridst* If necessary, the plac ing of the pipe ta its bed. and the filling la of gravel, the contractors will be liable for any Injury to U.« pipe In placing it. and am be mjulred to restore all walla ana other structures Interfered wl h to as good condi tion as before corrmeaclng work. Tha particular lo cality aad toe specification* Cor the work may be aacor- under the bed of the titer.—Pro posals are Invited for the cor-structieo of a tunnel on der Chicago Kver. near Bush street bridge, tojbo etr. cular la mcm, six feet dlxmcterlnride, lined with brick wort iwelvelaches thick. In throe rings, the lurid; one I.M m pare cement, the others In mortar mu* of pair sand and ball cement, W have Its bottom 40 feet below ordinary river surface, and to be rasda from weila o tha same diameter sick on eac.i fide of the river and lined with eight inch, brick work, the same In ebarao ter as the Inner rings of the taaeeh Plans and specifi cations may be seen at this office. By order of the Board. deS-dMT-td A- W. TINKHAM, Secretary. daaUM-lt ■TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas, I Hiram Joy. on the first day of Jane. A. D. 1860, executed and delivered to me. the undersigned, a* Unites, a Deed of Trust of the premises tnerein and iwrrinSlor described. p secure the Papaept of ten promissory note*, all of even dat" with said deed of by the said Hiram Joy. and osjable to the order ofA. FrLble, one for **oo and one Sr tLOOO. each narablv in fix month* from the date thereof; dns for KJo and one lor fi.orO. each payable la twelve months from the date thereof; one for XM, pawdde la eigh teen months from the da is thereof; one lor SL«ti and one for |uf»\ payable In twenty-four mouths from £te rnmJffon? fur (SO «aj on-lorjuno. ezeh parable in thirty months mom the date thereof; and one for *t£tt. payable In thlrty-six. months from ths dale 1 thereof; & df which note? are made payable at the Marine Hank of Chicago, with Interest at ten per rent idler dee; which **l3 I*«l of Trust bear* fiats thedavandyearfirstafcrreild. a^dis recorded In the Recorder's umco of Cook County, la the - talc of lib nols in Root of Deeds. Pats »L. . - And. where**. It that tn ca« ot default la the payment of said note* or ut part thereof. or the interest accrttinr thereon, ac cordin'-to the tenor and effect thereat then, on appli cation T.f «‘>e es-4 holder* of told ccies, the under aimed. alter having *dvertl»e*i * notice of sale ten day* la a newspaper published !n the City of Ctlcago. eSI the said premise* or any part thereoC and all the riaitt equity of redt-mptlon of the said Ulram V‘V r.i. heir*, executor*, administrator* or assigns atpnbUc vendue, ts the hizheat blddSrfor the north door of the Court House In Chicago, it the time appointed in such advertisement. And. where*.-, default ha* been made la th* payment nfthe cm two promissory note* abet* specified. and Spp&tSD has been made to me by tfaa legalhoUer of ail of said promissory cotes above mentioned, to sell •aid nretn&s In said Trust Deed described, under and ef the power and authority la ms vested by •aid Deed of Truit, and fur the purposes therein ex pr NQW d therefore, poblle notice U hereby riven, that in*pursuance of said powerand authority, I shaUssll et nubile auction, at tue north door of ths Court House. In the Utr of Cticaco, In the Couctycf Cook, and «Ute of nflnnls. onMonday. the tereatb (7th) day of January ATD I*l. at nine rt) o’clock la the forenoon of that dav. to the highest bidder for cash, ths premises la aaid Deed of Tnut described, the same belsgritu ated la said County sf Conk, and known and described irLots number three (S). four Cl), five <5) and six («). In Block number stt <C», la .* tights. Addition u> the City oi Chhmio. together with ad and -spoortenaacea thereto belongiog. and aU tfcs rlxtt andequlty of redemption of tha said Hlraa Jori hH heir* therein, for theparposssla said Deed . :0 f Trost rnsnSoned. . KU|fL> . B Tnutes, . - saktoto B. Pxmct. Attoasy. ’ . . Chicago,Bcc.lMP- •• Neb) atJbertiSEments, C PLENDID BEEF FOR THE O HOLIDAYS. H<whofl..uDt*th«««UMCT of « m bis error If taiakeaa and mawtri* Beef, which bang* roeotte crowned latuc shop of HUBERT Si GALL, 91 mitraukee Avenue 32 ; The Htlfer wdshs i» ponnds and still wpwghes In Its dellcarc. the quality of beef when UIM csUablp. Come see aad uwte. at Ko. 94 Milwaukee drtO-lt Christmas Lamps. LAMPS. LAMPS. OBT-RISTM^S. SPLENDID PRESENTS FOR A WIFE, SISTEK, or fIOTHER, AT — -•NOBLE’S Lamp and Oil Emporit&n, SO. 122 CLARK STREET. [JtH-dUI-.’UUll i HOLWiI OIFTS. We offer tho .oo»t attrxctlve stock of oMful »nd fancy article*, tally adapted to Holiday trade, n he fouud la thl* cf r, eobractog RICH PLATED GOODS, Tea Sets, Urns, Walters, Sugar Baskets, Beasert Salves, 4c., 4c. FRENCH BRONZES, PIRUS ARTICLES, STATUETTES, FIGURES. VASES. AC., The finest varlsty ever axhibitedta the West. Al*o,a splendid Assortment of Toys for the > ,s Little Folks.” In fact, we have something for a!Laad Invite aa ex amlnatlon of our goods. b« ii mioTtiEns, 73 Lake Strwot. RICH JEWELRY. DURING THE HOLIDAYS, A Splendid Assortment of GOLU JEIVELHYt at wholesale prices. 13 ALL And anureoar friend*thay will be weltpaU by**- a mining oar stock. BOWEN BROTHERS, 72 Labe Street, t'p ILLINOIK CDHEXCT TAECH AT PAR. PHOTOGRAPHS. G-reat Reduction in Price, JOE TWO MONTHS. At No., isa »«d 124 Clark «reet. FASSETT & COOK’S Best Plain. Photographs FOR ONE DOLLAR. Good G«lored PboioßWph* (Ur»e *l*e) la aleo gilt frame* for fire dollar*, a* flood c* «aa be Had la say other eliy for ten. Picture* la ea*e* at reduced rales losulicua timers. fcß d In no Instance will a poor plrtanj tallowed to go out. Ooegoad jlctore b worth a BLnHEI. of poof •nee. _____ IVOUVTVrEH. ~Ry FilSSGtt & Cook, Ar« the beat made in the United ftate*. a»l the omlr one* In Cltlcajo. #*Ua-d examine »{*eclmens. dfVd#C2-litplns 144 *l4B T ADI E S’ FUR S. HUS3IAN 3Ai11.11, Mink, Stone Martin, and Fitch CLOAKS, CAPES, VICTORINEB, MUFFS, CUFFS, GLOVES, MITTENS, AC. Low-priced Furs of every description. Children's Good* In Great Variety Gentlemen’s Fur Caps, Muffler* and Glare*. A Large Assortment of Fancy and Buffalo Bob*-. O® ‘ rurs are manufactured to our usual supenyr citaati and of the very best material. BASSETT A HAJIMOSD. molSdtaxgmlatp 132 Lake ttreeL comer of Weils. Q.IFF ARC'S PATENT Self-Acting Water Injector, tor * PTEEI33rN*G- BOILER?. Barbie been appointed U>« Mauafacturer;* Sole Azeou Id tbit eecuon, for sale of above, we invite tbo attention of interested parties to it* elimination, and are now prepared to cn order* promptly. ■WALTVOBTU. HCBBAHD & CO, del7di»dmlin-Ut p* Lata street. POE, THE HOLIDAYS! We bare Jaat received another larfe lei of the»e BALMORAL SKIRTS, fail Ladlse before Uiey are mil cone* Also, receded tbudaybyeapren* AUCTION EMBROIDERIES, The cheap**, ever offered t * this market, of these weet and latMl deelgns. MERRIMAC AND COCHECO PRINTS, Best Printed Do I .aino.-r, heavy buowx cottoxs. LOSSDILE SOFT FISISH BLEACHED DO., Hoop Skirts at Prime Cost ! I A vary rieh assortment of PARIS CLOAKS, Of tfel very UteK de«lga«, AT A GREAT REDO# Olotm, Horiery, Lsett, Bibbom and Hoods, CHEAPER THAN' EVER. STRTHIBR tto 00., deUd»t-lw 14! LAKE STREET. QHRIST.MASAKD NEW YEAR. Tine Jewelry, Wttcliee and Silver ‘Ware. The heaatlful stock of rood* cow coened end on tile st H7 Lake street, (TTemon t Blorki.l* now littered st coct for Forty Days. The subscriber being dfcdrou* of dollar oat Ul* stock before the ronnnencvment >r rsliinr U> grade of the Trenont House. offer* extra In ducement* to his customers. such u they never en* 'oyed before. We Imre on hands besatUuis«gortme..t o/cABUOSELE. COBAL. * n d ETBLSCAJj SETT, of the latest trrlrt. Abo, be*t Chattslia and Guard Chains, Studs, bleeve Buttons. RlncsScirfPmi, Bracelet*. Tendl*. Pens, and eveiTthlßSlc the Baa of Jewelry. Aim, surer spoona. Tork.c Ladle#. Kniret. s«il Stands, Castors, Cake Baskets Fruit Dtihea Tea Sett, Communion Service Fruit DUhe*. Wine Castors, bpectacles. Opera Glaws, Ac-all of whlchboffercdchearerttancTerbefort. Don't for eet the number. SJ Laze rt. under the Tremont House. Clocks. Watches and Jewelry neatly reared and warranted. (delt-d£3S-lnJ] H, U CABEItET. Ladies take notice.—You can Sad Gilt and Plated Lares, Printer Bralde, rerd, TiweeK Star*. Fbaaete*. Bullion Tb«ad. Ac, at H Lake street, under the Tiemont House. HnlHnn LUibruldcTJ docs to Oft!ft. H. R. CABSRKT. p LOVES, GLOVES, GLOVESI Don*! forest to buy your Gloves atBOWZX’S. X 0.50 CUrk sweet (nputtffrs). The best and cheapest Buck ekla and Fur. all sold fewer than ever - ■■ X. b.—Bowen Is also Area* tor the Wcetof TTOmoCI Sewing the soft ilapl* and perfectmachtoe MeV! CK F. K : ri THEATIIK. MartW-h »twt, between Stale and UwUorn. jyOounn-wr. alToVKjcfe. Tcrfcncaoco to ecra* mecc«at 7 l-iu'clocli. BoxOtftce t*pen ft'r.; •• tin I am* fro a 3 U'.l 'o’clock. ~ . Ajrf»«KMC.—»»re» Circle S- iecoaa w.Mie. i'r;-, 3;c it.ixri. <I.CT ami f' • . Wethall offer at retail. EXTRA. SIZE. 10 CsnU only per yard. Only 16 Cent*. Only 7 Csnts. Only 13 1-3 Cent.. TION IN PRICE. NUMBER 151. amnsemnits. HAPPY CUEIST MAS. Ln~a&eaeat of the yountc anti beautlr’.il actr,*,'.* MISSES ADA AM EMMA WEBB. Second nleht of lb# C.rard Fairr MoaieilK*iraw**ruA la two act* <*aUlled BKAiTi AND TJ.. F-.-V's.. wtlcL be preaeatoi will* Ui« Most Lovely Seeder. - t-ver T f-- *eat*4u>a« Meaco anjiwc. bytlse ul'piod an.<to of tt(*Tboatr>\J. IV. WnTT*L. MechaUo-1 c*cli by I). Trail. Au;»oinisn« nts by Mr. SueTl. t.iietunje- ly - Mr*. Crtrer Mn«ie arranged l>jr T. F. LaUran. u«aat/ Ml_, .m>a Wcc». SEt'.::.: OthereUar«cier*ar'lC , h*.ru«bv tho C^ojjiaaj. .. For a full li t of «vn*ry aa.i n usb* Pro Thetaoet nopolar melody of the iUy. DLXu , .X~-vNl>, tu»been tucwipontol Into the plo<*>* with apprup-iaie word.*, acd win be «nne by a foil tuora*. The perfeneance wi I coruueun- Mb. tbf Pr- te«n Comedy of A DAT TOO I.ATK la which Min Ado ami MU. fcuuua will three charii'ler* each, with gong*lad Hancei. U. JOHN I!. GOV GII will DXLirea a lxctcux *r Motropolltasi Hall, om imriiSDAT cvssixt;. r*Kr embf.j: For tlii?Be;:** - .l of the- MD-doa vabbatU gchooU under the charge . f Ihe Youag People** AcaocUuoa. Ticket* 4W ft .1- ftt lU’ cn:»ci*.al Bock. More* i-.l at the i >cr. a«r‘MT4i--n li A.K K U’S QRAVEX .t Burlesque Opera Troupe. T „ romirPKcU>*rfin Mooday Ercnia*. D*c«ab*f?l«J »d coowvro lUi " v <iac*iUi r.!s?it. nr t»-t;raa'l AUuneo ckriaima* *n>rc«>on. fur Uio *cTT.u--ii-iit! ■•'n •*? allies. Cotacrtce atio clock. dcfc»v« CT. OEORBE'S HEN EVOLENT \i*kThe members oftheabove.Viol ation hit* borings MKIABLF AND HILL, ObFri-lar Evening fee. **th. BUYAS H.M.L. The eriulai’* nitiL.cto.-nt* will ore:. with aa esh'M tlor. efat«r»'idl*aaonuna of the Overland 1.0a.e to India; t© be follow ed by EnjilUi ne>. and.van mu other amusement.*, nad locum-lad - Mt U Barring. , l>oOM*»'H'n at**’.-2o*e!<*elc* Sorlnbi commence, a-.. Mr.-lcbv tnrLl-'htf.nardUand. . Family ticket* m»e dollar; and ran be had at Blac*- air* Tear-tore. wSo Clark •trevf; of M. Tne. J.rocer, M North dark "trvef.oppf tli- oClce.> of the >oc;t,'ty. dc-J-dTIS-lw GtBAXD FANCY DRESS BALT. I At Madame AkuratromN Rooms, corner-T Well* and Randt-lid; »tr**ctw <»a Mond \y Ewnlnc. Prccm.ier ZUh. Can- will be taken t" keep the part? ‘.;lwt Kurina t*i«» evening. -everal Fancy n«aee* by j t W" in tu.leoitume. Every person U ext* cu d to attend In Fancy CoAtume nf s>.rn/ de-cnptfn.t. ricUera ivft ready, and can be obtained of Madame -V_. »r jnc room*. de-P.x-t r J''lIE BALI. OB THE SEASON. The Kir* roto» B»H of Hie Tsllct..' rt.n. i.;l » ri ternal Society will be held at Metroj-obun H m on M rdaTKwdnjr.ner.Sliel.lSM. , Ticket* can hr had at McNally** I*n»* .-lor’-, a.*<* at T I*. KuuwltV-laU: Well*) Boot and Sh~* More, nr depth© Hall hr the Great'W-Mi-rn Btn ;. and Sorper fnrtdahedhr M•. Mae. f1,1213» PEU OIIKEROF I'OVMITTXF. CALICO B.vLL. fc OU THE BENEFIT OF The Chicasp Minlslry-al-l.arg;e, rXIT.MUAX.i AT BRYAX HAI.I. I»cc. instil, I**so. ALL EASDS BOUND! TICKETS—TWO DOLLAR*, EMi Ticket admitting a gentleman and Ladies! iy Ularc«ißtsUdß.:U the hnii-'-* appear >-.»ch in at AmctiOUi Calico D.-e.-vforthM <rpn»lfn. 'hooch non* will be excluded Eit tj*>n «; jyiue h«»j>ed tli«k tin* dr—»e* wvm *l th- parly. 01 an equivalent amount nf Call-ns In the piece, b donated to the Ministry. f' r clothing lh** poor. IT" Suita of clothes warn by the gentlemen at the Baß will uot be rcfa-cd on the next slay. A full suit eaCiclent frp and appro; rule t * thf ocemdou may b** bought for 16 to *H*. ~y a foliation will be furnished by tbe lady mem ben of the two I'a.WMu with men ■>■“l*l aaeeaawUlbe rendered th«*n» by other rvllslon* <>t gaolzallona. ;BT Ticket* will be *old only by » Commlttc-* of On tlrmeo, with doe regard l«> Use Importance of aecnrlng the attendance of »u unexceptionable compasy. |jl Muatc to coaxial of *litt*ea piece*, selected fret the beat Banda hi U*«* city. No White Rids, no While WaatCuaK no Mn-k allowed. TO THE PEBLIC Th« Mlal?uy-at-Large I* purely bcaoTol. :u. not tht loelcah in St» object*. It kn.iw* no -wet-*, creeds no. denonriaatlatw. I*» I? U» f-j-d Hu* clothe the naked t*» sustain n!ght-**-hooU tor the in •traction «*f inch a* are cm off irom the a;leantas*** >of the Common School i i. amt. ihotc all. to provt.. home-* for the hoo-clew- and Imnir.iw ch.ldrcu, ».io. hr Uic dentin crime or mUforfine of p been thrown upon the charity ofthl* far.-Wan city. Daring the la*t year it ha* nccoi«pli-h«-d mu* ••■r (•very one of the object* enumerated; but 1, nnus.iseli, at the beginning of an Inch-men; season. wuinmi m..- oiate ftmd- for the coutluuailonuf .1* work. Thecalls ui on It arc Increasing; hut In mean* an- sr-at.y r-*- cn snsse*ted that the benevolent of f h!ci eo «ould respond Xc an appeal for IN support: nad arnotic the mane method s recommended for rjljit.- monev mm*’ ha.* met with saeh faror a* a * IIAUIIA PALu under tlie patronage 01 the ladl*- tonh.-.i; t!.o Buffering never cry lu va*:i. ... The and* r-'gned. a Committee ch..»**n for the pur. DOM*, b*ff to a-a.trc the public; * jjijL-'pmt jiic thirty '.hall be docuroui and uue-tocp tionablelu character. .... ». ... ». ~ •d—That the entire •an «!«ed thereby will be d.* rotrd.nof to the payment of the wlanw cf employe-. bnt.i acredly to the want* < f t.‘u* r-“or; s=n. Ul-Thu h 1 t!.edlsbuncn:ent oft.iateiim.wbl>ncttiier the filth p-r natlorulltv of the applicant eh all be asicetl. eiuv'irdl ary pain* shall be t-ke:i that tore bat the really pocrare a»'*NU*d i:e*ptcifajlr, Joumstal | M. P r,iu..t, William B. ooden. I S. F. G\le, jTorwtiftMw. ! K. 11. Met *OO, GKOBGC SCILMICXB, | TOOa. 11. i'BVAX. j*. it. deny. ! l‘. \. Bllu K C. LaJuixa, 1 G*o. W. «.*r.E, JrLuiy b. irmarr. 1 s. H. roan. A cThmwo. e. a Talcott. B. V, CaEfKR, I A. H. UL’PLET. ti. S. nmiLom, 1 nnLttp Wamwort. .to ix r - Ihrtu. I u. Il Kat, K, I. TlSHltiM. * >. I*. WitPßa. W.B.ABTHVR. ; c. IT:n..ixsos. Jssosn Btirm*, • Hi ium IL E. Sarurnt, » d- £• eb*t*b, LK. Awoin ! E. K. t*o*»ESa. E W. WfLLAED. I doK-OMOd TDKTAX llAT.l. —Chirk strest. Ml opr*dte the Coart IIou«e. Cblcaeo. ill. Eminent musician* tnl<» Bail anaurpaieed by any Hall in the Union In in its. Acoustics aad General Appointments. It will *eal ,HJO more pcivon* tn»u any other Hall la the city—by accnrale count acd report of uAUT LU s c* tna^ C Andlence Room \* on lb** flnt floor, the entrance being on Clark street, the greatr»t tbomaali hrelnthecUy.opposlUtfourtllause yet the Hall bto a retired, quirt location In Cie r» ar. Ample JrETLa* and sere • it feet of doorway te Cl {£«Hllfcl?aS'S! lltSvyaloril,r*lncd at and purcha.*ed of Cro. P. A- dcalv, now “nmH-lon.d br Comr.» w * dential portrait* for the White Hoa**. rV.U t-allerr containXthc identical -real nletore for wetch the sold m«lalwa**a .T*fdedat the Worlds *n lu I .’: al-o •• Webster tn r*-ply to Bayne, andportrati* cf ail the president* t-> Lincoln inclnslre. as we.i -- of ms..y other Uluitxlou* .Viuertcaus. bT llea..}. Therei*a•pacloasLowerllall for Fair?, Balli and the like. It U prOTlded with dreeing n*c m # . BXWIU.-^ B ‘ii! B t St- ! ': U B e h'?AS pUc ‘- nonw-IT ooce la Inc BnlMlnf yOI’NO MEVS ASSOCIATION lectures, Cotaandns T-ar*l*j Erenlag. November. Utfc, UK. AT METROPOLITAN HALL. SexiaatocoaiUtofTwelrc Lecture* by the followtss gentlemen BAT l2P? A u^r^ okohok w. c Cirri?. k*j, JOHN Ik GOUGIL K*!- PWC ifrnJHOlitCK GHEELET. fc s I-YOI'SfANS. 1 PTOk C. 03CANTAN. Hob. It J- BABWm Jlev. A. LtIOSE. TickrU mar be had at the Book Store* of S. • . Gr!:c* A™ Md D UU**e * Coßnd.nhoitorocul}. Kflbwli-k. under the Hulk at the Well.a- l, : t *• At ; Bl H“JfTwf Wiopfjtl!nli-. I T>o.r«, <T».. !■. '^Sr , .‘ l SSSin'.Bl->Dor.>. renm^. / MIRASOLE’S IT« ACADEMY. „ Corner MadUoo and CUrK aU.—Entrance < a MaiU-'t.*:. Um open at all time. for tcdinntf rmfDct«r> CiaW e*erv Tuesday anti ?at;xriHy. I •!- rOT£*%lr allowed a* TWlort AMemblrcury Tore, day nlsht tor SeboliPi and Irtead*. and uo ptrsoui ad mittwl etcfpt Cio&< fatrodcccd by scholar*. sr>.<t^ora TO THE FRATERNITY. uunnw gnd all other kinds of h;e g- a ij i a, Made to order, all qualities sod price*. Official Sett, elnbt Collar* and Apron*, from |w to Ira. SHrer Lodge Jewel* from IPO to IbX\ the sett oCIO pcs. Chapter Jewels made to order at any price. from IP® andapward*. Chare. Carpets,Wortoß Tools.Books. Diplomas, Ac- constantly on band. Itojrcldcry of rinda done U» order, wtiu neatness ind dispatch. U b* Lake street. Treaonl Block. ddlWjs»l-im IT. K. CABLKgY. TJATCHIN’S MAGNETIC OIL. r tv* on Is aohumbng.batcaa boTonched tor By scores and hundreds in our city end the surroanrtlng rauaDT who have proved It Invaluable tor Cola*, Couatis. Ear-Ache, Hcad*Ache,Tooth-Ach«. beuralgta. ’ Ehsuraatlsm. Stiff Joint*. Frosted Fest, CrrM. A*lhma Jsd Ferer Ague. For Sore Threat and Dlptherla we xansiias^aswi^iffi CABKBBT. „ \. *J SC are Ui. • . • u. i '.ibstijui-'m ujv. • ;«. 5; 1 *s, «V ?.,tnrr. S-jisn-, i-r,. Month. (2ai ....... month*. hn ix' Xlu \.j. •v •; 'ini’r**, year i..>.•• jv'* S»\:;*u* • < t Prices for moro fj'A ;>» Ti.iii *u #«limreca.» 6c at the Counting liooa*. . Js*“ All Transient Advfrti.*'f» -J f>iu for !*• PSr* A3 ounces charter! 3) font* ?er Square. Uatej or AEvsun-iisu is wxrxLY rrjszN2. s’.im {.rr each weeir. ic? ilrst mciuh. ?tKl*or .-viuan; for each eutoeqnccttmmta. u.* i'«r 'qaaro for one year. bunion *alts. DV GII.UEIIT A > VUI-O: A’icrlo!.' •,* ffr r ct. i-J A’lcrlo!.' - tT' ct. I nr; ■ r..l S.M.-i-.vo Aw-Tt—en; of Vunitarc, Bedstead*. Bureau* 4c.. aiAuetJc o- TRT'ns.t W. p.T. .T-’r. -r ;«; A . VI,-,'k. *r.> v . •VvV ••"iVirV.' v'r •' - v-_ -lend*. Rook ' u•<** v.'.jj':;■ - cr. Wm - J t’AiC C hair-*, I. - ~-nC* <:•• 1' n-**- ‘V V.’sir ..•0!v. I • •;. £..•, 1 a. v ,iv • 1‘ c-. IV I l.a'r*. S frovjrv..' • Wi-y * ru r>. C . t tsr.l»> I - • I- ’, 'V •. •• >.k • •!.rt.VT-;,s.< nt,». -«•»*• -r- I*l and II ilr » l-.i- *'..r»vr .-uli*. ’! ..'.it--.• .• atr. - .’it tar I.t-;OI r- - t md i.1.-.s ■*: wiirj a jeirTr.l' metyof ktv; ■ • . ■%*. . InCMcuge. i-a;.M’-if;k:i rvl/-•■■■. £.• article*. >•’*? pt r't'\h a - . I »■ *. •• _ GlLi-KKi a: '.v Ancffi. Cir.vKU-rt ati’ii u'auk. t. O ble ccTLcnv, ci:i»«, kr.iiV w.sra;. HOUSEHOLD G(iOE)>, A.C., ccc.y AT A-OTI , N. on *7fdi.r-.Ji»v. Dec. J »h. a: I ‘ *■ nr t’v room*. < \ «•* aad jo I)* - irnorn *tr •« jvnn. rrn.. - -> Auc: 4 ;. CTOCK OF IFiaVT FOOT O snoE> ANt* ni'.r-r.AVv. Sheep anil Bdffali CKciV Shoes. Graiu Boota i. AT .\ITVU*\. Room*. V - . N»! t '\\l a. I- 1 , r. ' ■ 4 . w 1 « . vj;ta v !.k im:v oobi*. k BUSK SIOVC3 SK3 SA'JSTi.E73, TTool J:icLris, Sock; - *, Cloven. VTnctOi alilrt* and Rruivcr*. Fancy Good*, Ac., At Auction. On Fttdav, »r ■ • <'Vt at oar .vc.: Eouow. *:•. ;s ud Ui hew. * WM.A. \ •JTT.-.tacCJ., Aar . yyy&.y. ;butceks- : ,i. co cmjUL Arcnoi^as, Afi t 4S & 50 rr-Lk.iBOR-N Dtrcctly opposite the Treiront llou**, , rUHNIToSi: SAI.E Every WcJnowday ilc v. .. a TiRY GOODS *tfi. at ci:. 4 •. ? arfv.s.:.;r..{J.ds (..• • . and ahot-. Jv, *■ --..^. 4 * >, . v • *J. K. Tar, I 7 i ’'' ; ■ •■. 1 ; v. ■ • r, >V*‘V !. («*;*. hcvr . y. •. ■ !; •. •*. i . a. ni r-.?':-.A.-, ohr*'- 1— m i: * -j.. ‘ui 1 - _ p- - .-*.;'.- ! •ilive; jif S , oiiivi; ‘j?w^xx. 1 0.."> hrnitaj Hal ■ ;mi ' >■ 'o-* .:•■ '-r--•'■•*:; r... contact Him u;>:;: „.c o. - ** ? .Throat, uroticaial Tuber, izd ad. the Air-C.'iU the Lu,.; l( c, . x K«llcvlL2 n: ■■’•■* pain >-i I ? • ' T - l? v |y|nc. and bradn* !e\ not; J. . ’ 4 h!i;;Ul-,Hi. ' '.Vaesduvt r..iM-vr-. f I.TTIX-, »;• nil-■!..*. '• • »• * i .H.t JlcHll-L-Mnd- "tv :• . -ii-.: u‘ : T'TOrtt t’i»- « 0 - W!«»a Oi.iv-. T*i - \rn:»;“ I* Lilt o.- -U'-t ; ; *H'Wvr . It . in ■. t - I* 1 1 l*Ai;. AN M ..A ; • !*. O.i, 'o’lv« Mi. s., .'4 rv cu. . ll'C.v’.of. t;i'! U..;. .. . i .1. lrak h oniv'j I. o!tVt-;l8M A*a 3ULPHUS PDW3iS3; ' I Ar* n ;••■ t■*dr :> Tr».r T 1 , luiaUf... ,tlp ie.t.cs cl ■« • --j..!--- - ; v-l»person, lull u: •• it:. ;’t«* !l_c iv ;' . '»d— lr.rv I ; I : , • n..K>d—Th. v Irtii'.'.rt :•:.«?■•; i>. t!i --j-iiK ,v• r. o'-*3T J r n drrTT-.V-A Tb.,i. U.n,: i' ••t.k.i a • - id. ; .v: T.v::. ’t-vri-d*.- - ' "v*' vi.K : ., | 01iVe ;SMI x«l it UlVi EE.r* -..r-! .V 1 Tin; ,i3o>v isEiix, Beautiful and Acceptable l*re; r -■> r; CHRISTMAS OR HEW YEARS IS A. liKOVi:!’. .t BAKIUt fit e w ing TUI inn.TY r’irFKKr.v; s:»• - k From S4O to SIC Sold at 115 Lake Street, Chicago, Cl to!Ci»iiU:p • TTNITED STAT.Es hi},.. K.J Ordy weekly Line to CORK, LIVERPOOL. and an tne r-rUi:I?AI ciUca nt Gr-at rr.v-;. . Continent oi Kurrpc, ct.Hr.u .o (Cvfi»j Irc»na«t, THE IIONTREAL-MAII. Ocean Steamship Co^pa Ftrst-cla'*fnllr - "vvrCr.:.->ni 4 f* j: Uon wIW thr 4.iiA.'.l> I lit K lt.\!l.'v At - » sail every yatnnlay ir -i.i iitUfV.'■, «-n-r States and Os-td .'* - .r-! •'■* > Boncmi in.C.n’t.McMa.tcr. . a Briton. -M -.r.-. ■ Vth Amertfaii. 4 . AngloSaXun, '*HaJ»:»O - :e..l Can.tulao. QntcVett. Ciev • -t ilrd m-M ’ccmlnnukle *« t from lh.c->r M.-waulM-c to i^uo. * (Cork), Liverpool: PieoraT *. f.jnud v»iti; i , ook»;d p.ors%tots.. . Retnra Ticktu. i ~.‘, C-v. *d lor fc.x nnntt- *l'*- 6teerH;<- t I .or brt*a*lnr ont pn—vn:' •he prlr.c.pal ot t::' u j B-‘* an a-.-t l:f Bhr. - .< - st*runorsor tor lullMor r ;: r*d Aset;;-.S.tP**: -vn- I ''. 1> '•tat' ;' 'in. :. -• Cork an 1 DnM;... -Til ~ .o. Nt •' i;-- 0-d’HHi rjetroita--. Ml!w ro.- 1, M.; - v t GrttatlTrnn.v -i -a •' «’ • L’ad'r Artaa J nun-. ' t". 23 Cents. COMMITTEE.>? Si RE AT VICTOUiA i-iM. \JT c.i'ES—■In;. Uuai'-i.-c .u: tTO m3e* ta’••a.jM:, (;te :aa..u-.t .-'.a- ‘ across f.t RXVKC SX. I*A VTJVCTi Cii, AtMo9trv;kl,atacotol ?iv.a^d-.-. ; 1!-i.i '*'..i3ar. lan. to c.n-.cct the Lasers and de*«wr- -•> • traD'i IruEk Railway of Tap lino ipen !or publictmlt-.r. ThUroid or no;.. nlie»m leu did. is operated ca-i-'- OVZ'LU A«KjIK>T KUOM DETROU U I'OUTULND. iiE, Andthl.T ‘<7 ONE CHANGE OF CARS Fron CMeajo or the MlwlMlppl Hirer • n r;.t. Boston Quickest ami mn-t cwi waicnt romo ir,. between the s>ontn and W’w.», C*iD<lt ai England. Ea**er.i;er* ar.dUiLht rj.iokv.hhfO pan»>*f r.iaad«*»ail *b2 Nu'« fcji.tamt ia>l irom CHICAGO AND LIVERPOOL Ar.d lb- Continent ot Europe. i» c'lriSl'r.-aaSy re r«i.-« hr tfte wnlr regular ilne oi C-' STVTE-4 AND MAlfi Rl'K-VMf tec front Quebec every c;»;urday, ami 'rota Li . everv'VtMnr-MUvthrouslioat tne rear, eor • partfcul-u> applr U oli-lN— X. C uanszr.% Montreal. _ JAMEb WaHKaCK, General Westers So. 12 Lako itre ■ Under tae Adnsa* House c jjAMP AND OIL EMPORi. CHAs. L. SOBIiE Wholesale and Retail Dealor ki AND COAL OIL QC and CIIAirD ELITES. with new • noved without srawta or 9 Church,*, Halls, Store*, ic. I act use Sole Agent for si tho Dotrb er Kerosene OJ Comr "DANCING " l'. LOOK HERE.— J . i-Tdl tor Holiday Presents »old chea s s^V = Tl eve?a: Sx r.5 ti*6«ireet. II v i 1 1 ARix—*wh. v 0»)\ /\J JOHN’SESBIDAS BOG AX. E? her of Cm LejfcUtlvc AMcsiS!* »*f the vrr- CAuatti.lL.'thl-.Uir.slrrtlt!*':!-*.? i* t.,- nmcf ©ember last. au J has not hir;* nt-am ot »u:c< t Notice hereby git <a i:u; •> *m Of S3OO Win be raid br the O of Canada to - •ouorperson* who-;-. it £tv«? »uch •v.-.uencaa* considered satisfactory to ih« *ud t.invrmm ;- . existence and percent .pi o’- ; f rcr.cenc-; »-i t John Sheridan llc-'tn if alive, or. 1. -hr <1 -;i eircumstaucu-, attendant on U» dci..i .in . Lur .. Art coerMiulceffcn on the •abject i<» be -c. ; M FTovincfal i.Vr BENEYOU X 1 AssofUTtox. AH members of the A**.".' not connected with ootnranle* doing duty, s'l’ at the Association U*ll ou Wednesday ttte 2SU •r« 714 r. sc, tor the election of Directors tor the e rear. By order, RJP.WOOO ic. d»rnui7!s-3t - TIE HYDE PARK HOUSE now open tor the reception of Guests, and BJeluhicr Parties. PleasuwSeeklag partm find Its spacious apartawtoia lae order tor’.h . days, . , ur— £ S $ Or every So. 121 CLAI.v -r