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CHICAGO TJI I BPS®. Dally, Tri-WobklT ggd Weekly. EDITORS AST> raOPRIETORS: Joei L. Bnortl, n. IUT. WttUilSHOf!. "* «!ofEPS JlWOii- | ALTT.r» COWLES. OFFICE SO. 51 Cli-VIIIC RTREET. jreiota or TJis<a«ci»'o tiubcke: Utlly, dc«TCi-cdlft dt? by«arrhrr, l*<* >•«*•- IUUy. dttliyvrc'l [a city by earner, per wet:-. ■■ IHfly, to Mtil s&ftcrpieri, per - ‘-g Ballr.toMftU Subscribers, per six months. - ;-w- Trl-WeciJy, iwr year Wsokiy, slush: subscribers..— ..* JiS •; a Jff •• . .bcoj-ic-r u - TnCTt«r<*?. »* .. »!••■».-:.-t ;.u cr cliib.i!>J.tC •B&ufVii: re-Kt'—-I V-** «*”•’ I* *«: dl* at f|ir rp'~* Mm .•• cEicAng -i, el Ci)irajja Smimit THURSDAY, DECEMHKR 27, ISSu. ;x.“ To Mall Subscrlbcw.jiEJ Tho ditto on tho clip on jwhlrii your wras Is tCli, jrb’.Q ;onr subr-ciiiilimi run* otit. H©cp aj c.C .U' * ... 01)1 AVASIUNjCTON XETTEII. Xlic tircul Kobbery oi’tUo Indian Fund ~CluinuTcr of luc Present Admlnl*- . tration—Treason, Perjury silid Itobhery—.lctlou of ibcTuo Crists Commuters—Firm Stand of the Bo* tnitillciuis—Soutli Carolina Euroya vAdthe JapuiU'M. ' \ ' Dps. t£, ISGO. The • ity lun been tUrowa into a spatm to dav by the discovery ofn robbery of the Imii an Tr.i?! Fund of nearly one luiUlon ilo-'Uirs. It came to light la-l uigbl by thu voluntary coDfctblou of the cftiVrjjaw Inthccuse, Godard Bailey, nlio had i-harirw of tin 1 safe containing, the bonds. Thompson, Suerelary Of the luic rlor.lsad Just iviuraedfrom his, disunion mU- to t*?c Legislature of North Carolina, There he rrd f;:*lud 1- - :•* co ,,, i»iieh t ,,r » oh}*?"! oi hie v»*it, lb: nt oimc kummoned ibu I’rcsl denL, SoTi.tavy of Stale, Attorney General and District Attorn. y. Upon iu\ .:si-gat;«u it was found ih..l SG72AJGO had been abstracted from the iron falcoJ the Indian Trust ©like. Jt is supposed that usos*t of the bunds had K'lu hypoi!h c..:'->’. :*» n-.i-** m*»m-y 10.-any on the iiletibioii Dupiutmtut iabltillcu with dkuniouisli 1 , from Thnpms-on hinv-elf down t*> the porter*. But the panic by v.hkh c’.cry dc.'ci'pliou < f stock bus been kno'-ked (loan, rendered tboo f'n epinUoru uiublc to r> duetd them. m.J a-’.lie payment** to the Indian.# \wl - c about to be made, '.•o?'.:.t 'ubiu i»i w;i- ImpoPidide, ;■« inoec Trust tund> had coupouo attached, from which the anuukb.’* are paid. Further duklo-arca "ill ißcrst-ariiy implicate other punks. and •be rbst*a't-J bonds w’llbu 1 -.avd to tm-ir hiding j.i»icv. them, doubtless, have been ►old onui»lii In the New Voile market; hut it i> bibi-vr-t that iiioel of the bonds have been bypoiltn* rt«.d. lied Lincolnbeta debat ed this iaom;cr„..defulcaiion would have been eouccaleJ. Some other fund would havo bc*u v.'-d to pry thu nnnnUlc*. But this is believed to bo only the lirsl iuri ailment of a long catalogue of robberies vui rwrM.l-.;so*>“ on the public treasury lii-u .v,ill come lo light ere long. This pro-slavery Administration is rotten in every department; It- finances and its juiri oti-m on a par with * aeb other. 'Hie govern meat eeeci“ to be r.dmbikterci! by tueu who ‘unite the iii«ut-k- character of thief and traitor. Things ere * done on a petty, picayune heulc. None < . vour vulgar villain* who can bC6*ii-liod v/ifb petit larceny and shoplift high hut thev hols ;it or, <v into tin: circle of forgers aadgario; i‘>,aud do big things. Other Ad- Tuiuiblralb r.? have contented thunyeivcß with partisan ©p;«mciits, but this one Suites war on the Constitution wnd the Union, which they are -worn to support. To treason thev add the mild of perjury. Employ ccs’aud derks, ja Administrations. com mitted pt-cuiailuht and breaches of trust; but hero w*. hare the heals of bureaus racking tho treasury. Cobb cleaned out his department, not leoriugn <th cr behiud;- Fiuyd has iunii-hcd the. insurgents abmid auett of arms and utumnnUiou to war against the Union, and has sent the army away to the corners ami wildcniesseb of the nation. The navy ha* >»een *eut to the farthest and !.i*‘ly it is discovered that ev*u the poor Indians arc robbed of their much needed uumiiiies. VV:i» ever there *>ueh an ndxnh.i-iratijj since the world began f These ar« the trub- of pro-sUtery ruh-. Can the htrotrn in.* c-.j"fieti to mount hiuber Uum the fountalnn : Slavery It-th is founded on and then, ami ts :u;i:ut-iiu«lhyhru*cforcc and despotism. Mca are lirst robb«d <»f them bdves, and then of ih-ir free will and the trulls oftticir toil. Jiow could an administra tion who.-e riud:::.' Ti!al j-rlncipk is that ?la i-exy in nut only right hut adHiuc im:tiiu’iou t , Hum traitor* to tlic CouslUutioh, enemies of the Union, ami perpetrators of grand Inrrenv on the public money* and other convertible properly of the govcrjimeot ? Uld AW Is going t" have a delightful link job in putting thing- to rights wntuhe take* up his abode in the SViiitc Jiousc. We have now J wo "Union Saving Cojomlltfcs iu full or, rid her m iuiu milatii bhisu Tho House Cttaiuihiee of thirly-threc were iu ses sion Friday, ; ml adjourned ‘over till January I Vlh. Three h"ur« were iu discuk-iug vitrious projK ritiou-. The lire-enfers demanded to know whether the Kepistdiooiifl were willing, in or.bT to the Union,” to have lueori»orated Into the Cpostitml«m a pro vislan cspn—ly ucognizlng property in man. The* Iteputdicjins' r<-‘plied that •i , « li a provisiutt would at once rc-opeu the Afticru •„ Slave trade nud pla« L -it beyond the power of Congress ever to again dose it; and, inrtber more, it would oj'eu the wbolo North to lb« of staves Iu despite of State Cou stltuliuus, :t- the United Stales Constitution vrafi the Suprtmclnw of the land, and all Slate ConstUrdb’U!. when they come in eoutliet, must give wav to iu Ueuee such n projsjtdtion eunld not tir <*:iterttuited by any Northern I1|!ll! They ai re not :;i«ked wltethcT they, would agree to run him «eros* the eriitiuent to lie on the me.ldhiu of lUidW: e-tat-lihliing rlavcrv ii. ;dl Jb« terrltoilis tamtli ©fit, future .ac«ii:!slii-'S.ohj.dudel.' To this modes: pr.-po hition, the. Jicpubheaun ii;ttimed an uiup.ndl tied tier it'.w. *■ on have'’said llicy “Jar more Qou.a.u near home tlnm rigldiidly be long-to T. ... vll'iu Ron the !».>;- ol ulativc populollon, vllmnte or agricultural j roduc lions.'' A moj»ositiou inlrodueed b\ Winter Dark wji* disesiTtvl :d -otiie length, was favorably r«:edTcd b - several member*, viz: Au cuauling Aa t*> Pik-V Peak and New Mex ico t«» fomTSiatc couftilnliona. and bo admit ted sm'Vl wiaier. and Kansas t** be ndtnittcd immedi.deh under her present constitution. But rhe ultra South xcfwfid:to accept the propotiLio;:, a» uelhhig thort of u slave code and amendtuculb will salisly the firtveat^rs. Altcrlhe comialttcn had adjourned the Kc publican membera held a aaneusand conferred ft-cpif. Thev cam*-t*i the emtehuion that no proportion saticf.u-to.-y to the ultra Southern biatce, bv way of amendment to the Constitu tion, could *>« adopt©*! by thu people, and therefore it .was uol no te-.-ury I'> prepare one- Thev agreed that the Constitution I* good nitl now eland*; nothing •houU .ba, stricken out and nolhuig In'crlcd. Ail com promise* muel bcln the nature of Congression al ►cbjaet to thepre-ipnt provmlMia ufGie Courtltutlcu; and they rould not conscntlo force Slavery intoTcrritory now frce by Cou greAslonal (<ctlon orothwwl*c The Senate CritU C©mniltt#e «*f thirteen were in aerials lour hour* yesterday. All the members were present hut Seward, who l* >b- <•! scut from the cliy. .The amendment* to thoj Coubiilutlon proposed by CrltUadeu, lo grant • fjurcrv new rig'uta and goarauUC!*, and chain frecdo’m lo sis car, were nii subject* ofdUcuv elon. The lirst. amendment to the Constitu tion propoels a division of the Territories on tbo line of (he Mi«»ouri Com]TomUe, making «U eotnh of it territory forever, embrac ing Central America and doer down to Capo Horn- The North Jo retain Urn territory north.. of that line, which not wauled by the slave | holder*, because imtiti'-d for their purposes.-1 This monstrou* eclicme wm advocated by I Douchifc, iiigler dud CriUcndem with zeal wor- f thy of n better cause, iloasn. Wades, Doolittle, ColUmcr tmd Grime* opposed the projtosiiion wilh much caruc£tu«* and ability..They maiuuinod that tha people In the late election decided the question of slavery lu Ternlonc*, aud therefore, thev had uo concessions to make or offer. The. Republicans had douc nolblm r wrong. *aid Wade. Tliey had no atudogic* to make. Thcy-were satisfied mth the Con«tltutlon as the father* made It;-They were oniiOied to palhing or tinkering it. All change- would be for the "worse. The people of the Ninth would never- consent,to make It more pro-filayciT, nor did jb« , jMk l to niake it more nnti-hUvciy, hut dosired that to Id nlow. Toombs, Dans and Iluulfr flls cuesed the condition of public altars, and the ucectwltv for gkingthr slavcUoldniv addiliou nl right* and privilege else they wouldlow j - tho Uoiuiu. Wodu rcplitd, luafoia H tcoK two aides to make a bargain, if require the •Bietrt-of both parties to release either from the Loud. The Union must «md diall be me served,ou the basis of..the present i.on*Utu- proposUlon’was voted by Mtyf.n*. . . .:Collaiacr, T>ojmUf, Grimes TuuVWade. The remainder of the priopo*jai,<Jml SB not a majority ofthb EenubUcaus. it under the. rules ' adopted by At* propbriUtm should be considered adopted aud recommend ed to tbo Senate which’did not receive a ma tority of the votCA sad jority of those opposed to The BspuWlcsu*. Tho second proposition submitU- 1 by Air. ■ ’Crittenden; 'tiecvlnglheright of Congress tn • abolish slavery in the dockyard* and wa* rejected. ’ ’ . ■ “T’V.'. A•• - The third clause, denylag tgCongms the right lo abolifh Alavciylnthe wistnet ofCo- > Uumblo, without r having t ; . . the consent of -Maryland and Virginia, though the District wight be. willing-and the vlave — . holders paid for their slave*, was d^featsdiiy. ; C' 'Tlitf Bamt' ; voU, the mpoblicaas nil voting . it very property, andlhtf remainder of i • • Vfit commfM<Jc;4tciading Douglas voOng £wJk ' r . ,- r -. Thefuucth *l*asa«uWi*Uiwp thcright ol , •!; ‘ 'tiieaUvchJddcr to bHag hi* vkiyesmtoairce 1 ' r "free ut''propcHy, aad take: Uitm away ; - agiaotasjmchiwasrinodJtiucM tho.fame i • voting In* the allirmalivc.- f . - J T2ivJ'Jlh^au^ > rugiUvc>fUaya Lavv-mo;-: -iringcnT aiid oppressive, by require i ing‘.‘r fre*-^>‘'atb«tnipay r 'for nicawnyirfEgers l | Mi^si^.6icsUia 1 Dnmlasswting<bpit; ; ..- # p.j r , Ml, Xhivis pubmitfoa Vresolutiou cxpresftiy j * " f - pmpcrSTv Id kUrc* by-HloutUta-. i ■i •- Tipual wiaiendis*ht,hutr was twtsn oh-.j .. subaUtsdAseriis ■ Usfiif «sbrssiub’ ths prli^lolu ' • ' ’ - ‘ *VTTI* n*T»rO • YOLU'tt i; XlvX of the j»*u-. wh’icb tb<- pro-. l*lo have rejected id thu poll?, but thud a'-noi was not taken on them.' Many ctiyr proi*b’ fJUoqs were oiTcrcd ami voted upon, but none of leading Itnpnrtnime—none that would meet the great of the limes. The Committee then adjourned to meet on Monday morning. Then* no probability, that «t»v s'hcme to ebc-it and rob lluffrcc labor isihsesi Will he oriented vs by etdngi** lie rvblleisr.- •• - - - . The i<cjmblif«nf show nc. f.igus of w.\vprind. but eland n solid plniunx, fur the Ulrica as i. is, the Constitution as it is, ami the enforce ment-of-idl the lavs, South us well as North. TheTTcll authenticated recent-declaration of the new President, that he would adhere to tho principle* of the Chicago Platform, main-; tain the Union and -enforce the - JnW*, Ima put uc\r ilrcjivlh into tb»- knees andhachs of such Republican* as exhibited svinpioius of Waver ing h'tftoc ihc fierce of thr fire-eaters, r.ldsd by the p:uriv.htn ibe lo .be dropping out of all commercial vain.?, llut the timmeial crisis is over; the terror and convulsion in the money market are p.-s.-lug away‘like an angry lHun.!er*fonu, :.nd enu khiue ib already gh aniinu in the Western ski''?. The disunion qui*. ’.ion will h;t*c lo he test' d nud settled on its political merits, unaided by 1 social alarm tnd pecuniary tlbtrets lajbc free Staten, the problem mufl beaOlted by the rule of might upeb' d tonuforce right. If rebellion 5s ftronu'-r ham uiii'':;,iht , :ißcci-«h*n will aim c* ed. Jf C:»lho:j:d£n, h-*s .more supporters t’.ciu the Coin.:in*lion. ’Pen the will Iri.mijdi. The South Carolina Knvoya aic *ip f .cted hern on Tuo'd.y *m IVc-lne-day t> n>ak** u treaty u ti:«* jl* of .xnlli L'amliiai fus-J this nation. j'rie refund of l1»l~ ii*»vc-ru incsil lu u'juj jy -.vitji ilio (iciiittiuL*? of slie Am ♦ >:i«b;iu(>rs is I>»1;» followed l>y :i M'izun: of the Forts, which Uuchanna ami Floyd lane re paired, sln i _;i!i< (1 aad ■provision*.*! for tlnir 'Jlic llaitimore Sn><, which is it < j a j.‘-r. and k:.«v.:i be *u the mutidenee of tl.o Fire-eaters Adi;imLir.i'.:u!i, couly maliM the following in ila Lauc of this morning- . " U h- .i ;!i- < •.mns—;<.m r» make their d* • ’uiui'v j: i» il>-T JVfldciiT rr<U ruler iht» null.;.- l,iu C. t itiurr. 1»> cuttrae, be "lU, In fari. ruc»M'H'7«t the o.niniUaiou and tbfantborl* ly under v. lilc’i u vr;uimlun <!. < could, nm ! probabiy v.'oiiW. di.-c.i'r 1 U«’ ruble* t of ll.c fS* j.edicuceor r‘C3j.*''; u; 'lie fori p* ill tbe end of the *‘r*ppli»n.'flnd tb**ll. perlup#, jetlJe :lm testier by llie t.f a Lx, to lb- elleet that lu :i»mi.el! ftp the fn; :ifir e!r.. of the United State* are nu eipt:.. e to the t:■•rtf cry. tui'l a* the United States h:" not troops iy:n 4 'r. ornn/.oci *h' , n:.the J'cc.-Ment be re'Slfsts I to tun. tiiuu over to tnc SMt<- fu - hi *i ticy aro rcpjM'ctlTeJrfitttcted. en tbe c.iiiditioti tlmt ta.'yiru Kent In repair a: the erputie.* «.l sitch Slate.’ 1 -.v.nilJ not be Fttrpribid to see romc sueU a I;rujK>s:ti<in niltniltcd i*y the dLuniunl-to anil acquic-sfi.d in by iJic tluitfilifaeca. It is rejiurl cd here, uu Ihe’uutlmnly ul u t'.Tetrrai hlr cis- patch, that the (.'hfirleston “Sovereign O.ii vent.<;n M lin.s u:!oj)t<nl’the United State? re vcuuc law h I The collector is to take the oath proeribed by South Carolina. The poilul •rogrunme lias not yet been made public. It ? a hii'illy question. Thu envoys from the Court ol'CLirlepton to that of Wflahincton arc Magraih. Orr and Illicit. They are to bo paid leu dollar" per day and mileage, and have a Secretary. They are crtiiceted to uiahc o--» inudi *».*nwit;o« in their through the United Slates ;:■» the Japanese Princes' of the Tycoon Mood. They w 11, perhaps, be forwarded from here hy a government steamer ;o New York, where an entertainment will th'-in, celipi-iug the Japanese hall. N’cw York i-» the place for them. They eau doublks* get that city to i-e --code froi.i the States sind annex herself to the ctnjdiw ofSoutli Carolina. Chicago. ■ The >’ext Stale Fair. We understand Hint the State Fair is to bo located for the coming year at an earlier day than usual. Thu new Executive Board meet at Jtin. 11th, :it which time they wlli receive and entertain proposals for hold ing the Mute fair for 1901. Woll l>onc. »Vr-7Ki:s Union Telegrami Co.. < br.ify'o «i;'n« lto< n'JsTta.Js. Y., Dec. *iL *OO. j To V- ' 'fanU'/ert of < t&lest qf the If ii'ern f w nlon ']'•! ;;n i>h Comp : j : to :.t: 1 fmm Jn<>. Etaiif. F. X. Jlluk.*, S. C. Pomcioy. W. F. M. Amy, fhadde us i1,.a;1, C. C. iluteliiusuu amt Dr. Webb, re iatint; siriuily i*» thu hiulncss of the Kansas Kclief ConnnUtce maybe tent free of rburgu over iiic hues of companv. . . .. , . ~lij:a}i.iiLLry, ihesidont. More of tho Young 7lall Hol>l>cr, Arnuher batch of and notes r.udon by liie hi.rlingtou and Quincy train boy, havo « om«-(.■ light. Tiwy were found u;;unthcGa lena Unilroatl track, al«mi two and u iuuf miles from Harlem, on the 3d of December, by Will Duluadgo, and arc :te follows: N’o. i. i>rnft by Tort Madieon Branch «*f State iKtnU iif lona, on W . 11, Ikirksdulc J> t' l • Nt. I.ou- K Vm.-. !*/(. order of J. M. Beck for $0.73. No I.T.nlt. Nov. KUli. W-«, bvS, Black, N. Y., ou 1- AniUcJt.,, $1*13.73. . Draft by V. S. Dcmldd. Qnlnry. luL orrtor Flapp'd; Savage, on AUve -d£C‘o., N. Y irNo.-I. Draft bj Stale Sw\ in.'H Aw> St. Lo;ii . Nor. v’Sth. ont'T of Sawyer it Grove*. uU ilaul. •*! (.Vuunriro, N, V.. SGOO. • Dnift. Slat«* Jlank "1 Main*:. Nov. lUIU, Or el-;-.1'.0il Albrecht, uu Kxcimugu Batik. Huston, •<2S.' '*» No. fi.l>r«ft. by Dank of Uommertv, riftehnid. Nor. BtsU order of .T. H, Sargint, uu J). K. Ih.’.t. Chicago. f*:». No. “ Draft IjySlHto Batik of Ohio.- at Alhcn*. Ort. mb. «irrt?rof Barrnek Wolfe on WiLJnm ll* j:o A >. V.. S-'O. N.., S. Draft Sr Frvuidlii Dank,NVwaik, Ohio, tut •">! n-<lfr of William Anacreon. or. Contlncn tat-D-uk. - % No.Sy Sf!:rvJ»T A Dunbon. .Iftinobr.:-,. Imvji. Oct. UoUu ordi r uf Snrhli Wood*, on Auuni mn L:.< .i.'ir.;:'. Kink. _N. Y.. $C >. *•' - >-o. m. N«»tr l>v i.'hane ami Slmv- - . Gard-a Gr«-\ c. In—,. Ort. Itnii.” lour - o-dcr of Tayji.r a Brio.;:. N. V., N.. V.. Nct«- by 11. 11. Hawh-y. Burlington, iov.i .ItiJv itlli. live xnuutli-. onh-r of Oliver Dit ton .V «>.*. *l«s. T!:' 1 above drafts ami notes were recovered by 0. V. 'Bradley.' and have*- been placed in tin; ham** of Mr. Armstrong, AtsMaal Tkvt* JU-ieUT. State Normal I'ulTorsliy The Jollowmjr resolutions, conceived In an exuwh ut spirit, and unaaiiaoufcly adopted by the Stale Board of Thlucation nl its late meet lh«r, «ra conipllmflatarr to the profession, and another proof of the thoughtfulness and good armr of the Board. Tin- formal Lnlm*itr Ins grown to beau ‘ Institution in the land. The great Common i School iulcr»*>»! look* to it with hop* snd the 1 common people, with pride. It la proposed to throw open it* ample Il.dU.ll? Museum, its , Libirry, Us Class Rooms,'to the acluai teach (4sof:hoState,wlitnevcrthey nay havaaday, awvekor .my lougfx time to .the Uni* verity. Here are tV resolution*: ftfvVred, That the actual teacher* of the Smtc Iw cordially invited to visit the Norms! Urn- crilty at iu regular examinations, and at -mjcli other times ns may suit their conven ience, and to make it their home. . That the President of this Board ho instructed to invite live teachers from the State at larire to attend tho next annual exam ination of the Normal and Model Schools, ns an Examining Commit tec. ‘ The Capital In Danger. ♦* Occasional,*' the nstniilr 'well informed Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia, Pr&v, writes ns follows: “Some weeks ago, 1 intimated that it was the purpose of the Di&uulouisls to seize the Federal Capitol. This suggestion was derided bv some, huhwcaroiiotr.onthe eve of the ful fillment of thepropheev. lathe SonthAmer ican Slates, and particularly in Mexico, alter a popular election has .decided one way, the de feated iarty has resortod lo anus, and. occu pied the leading title?. 1 hare no doubt that a similar oulrugeis contemplated hythcDi*- unlor.lsts. IndcedjJJie Richmond JT/iywfrrr, the organ of Gov.-Witc, not moro than four .days- ago, recommended, that ‘Washington should be occupied bye tho Disunion force?. r To this end. -Handy, .the.jCojamisaioner from hrtlsplss!ppl;rl?.ilca Maryland: and, after s being rebuked and rejected by Cov. Hicks, proceeded loJialtlinorc, v.hcpejic delivered* violent and »treasonable speacU. - v 1 * Oncof thc taosl aobswvatiTO men in that- Stntr, h statesman of enlarged 4Xi»cricnee and ahililv, dcroU-d to the Union, informed me Tc-tcrdavlbat he had Itytlc doubt that.Mary 1-Jr.n'k unless JSi coanJftTiSCntiment conld be routed at once, would enroll here elf on the hid# of* South "Carolina. The purpose > to •pjWenttho inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, in the city ol on the -lib of March. ' -This is opordy-avowad.wPollen dayt-ugo one of the most distinguished Southern Sruaton ' ■ cptflly itrtora\«l tlfct Mtilnciilu would not’dare Ic come bsrc alien thtexpira-, ’ lion of“Jictcrhi' cf Mr. Buchanan this citv tubed and occupied as the cap!- tal'of the Southern Confederacy, and that My.' I incolu would he compelled to take his oath' •'oV office in Philadelphia?ir. New YorkUJt. is Jn tain to look to Mr. Buchanan tor reifer in thisdarkhonr. , . . V ‘ Should (Congress pass a force bill, oe, by tue declaration contained in his 'last rnnnal ryes saire? is. committed against executing it, and. \* • vouli"drcourse,>sniscto afflxliU signature u>iu His' backors du lha Senato amt in the J Horn* UaTMi»eraW«uUyrwi*tfl*U attempts r | to inquire into his proceedings In rcjjprdlo+he f I initfUu vroputy luShe South, and one Senator; 1 La-cd hi* 4 opposition to such a resolution -on 1 \ . theirnmndthat the Comman * 1 dfci oii Chief,' ami that proceedmgb ■could I- not bo investigated.Meanwhile, all the men s i in office hen- regard IhrjStvwat .condition of /• ; Allies as the bes*cumberAif protracting thrlr a v official terms Every blow«trnck at tho Union v.iVumuu Mr.. BuaiuaanV Administration re m >i selves'theirardenl applause. The assertion is : v'\i\ hviir m» t^ratUcrn-officer In i f the irmy uf&'i v.-xiUukc'arafc agaimi bomb J ' Carolina or-eny seeding Shdctand gruatstrssß A "H hid epon the l»ct that theiprisehl comman f I'-def of »Hf«* Moofoc h hev: and suit! with g ■ aot.*WUftjid li» «fcat#»wa ofVifgiuU.. u I C6b. iiiniAßD Si Hamilton. ■«ne s Up>-e who have from the jety find ».«::»ulml’.l c~! with’ parity of our city, arc i*qcg fitilcl from* earth. Col. UiCJlAlin .1. UaioILToS uspirad 4t ’ (he residencs of Ida son -in-la w—it*ur*y Twley, Esq.—on "West Madison street, yester day morning. For some time pail his failing health and the nature of his disease, paralyet, has him, ami tbe devowd frlondi Lire, liia*: icc eitt of 1:G roc d’tyiry near,’hnt it Tfiioiiot luitinimridayof las;. kih'atany . immediate {enulnallcn \rjs linked fur. I At that lime a Fevcre *hoek prostrated him. I TTc rallied somewhat, but repeated shocks «uc i cccdcd. and on Tuesday nijhl ahoul seven 1 o’clock he w**k9sen to bs fust'sipklng. and ] Isi<t befurc three o'clockyailerday morning he lre i‘l*C'i i* : .s jjcrf'-i'tiY iv-iiont 1 ' end of his condi tion, appearing perfectly calm aui eois»>i)«rii. Col. Hamilton leaves u widow and six chil dren. r.l! liut one of the latter settled iu life, j About k\ weeks fcince, decerned counect' d hlmeclf with the Soutli Cliurt j, Rev. Mr. Canulughaui, pastor, • Tho last Irlb ufi of joi-pccl will be paid to lilr earthly re mains from bis re«"W.*i‘c*« on W«iit Madi son corner of Hoyue street, on Friday at one r. m. Dcct.'ued will be inlcrrsd with Mji.-.ouic honorc having been longnuicecied aiii,hold iag higli position in thr.tOiat/1 : . i [ C«d. Ui'-l.arJ J. Hamilton was l»orn mr*S>l)ap -1 vilho inMen-cr county, Ky., on | AuguM, 171*1*. Janie-' L. Ihimlllou, hi* fllhcr, | wm hii Ktislishraan by birth, hut came with i bit p-.r'-nu when oaly a year old to this coan -1 uy. Tiiry tallied on the Savannah.river, in South Carolina. At the ago of twenty, Mr. Hamilton cAtae North to Kwriurky, and hat ii«g nnirried ParsU dour's, settled near Danville ustifaiiucr. f ?ur years thu birth of Ulchird, ho removed to Sbvlby county, where 1 Col. Hamilton’* early years were passed. ! lir received hi< academical education at the . Shelby Couuiy Academy, taught at the time 1 by Rev. Mr.Vlray, aud llcv. Dr. Cameron, a s Scotch Presbyterian. At the age of sovcotevn i jje was pUred in a uicreantile cilsblUhinsut ’ in fcln-ibvvillc, and aftorwardH -in Jeilcrscn county, where he remained noiuo fifteen mnntlu*. He then went to LouisvlU* and studied Ir.w till the eprlug of D 520. when he omlgiaied to Jonesboro’, HI, with C*l. Abner Fields, ilcforc locating permanently, it was determined that one of them should go to St. l.s.uus on n t«mr of observation. A* they had only twidvc dollars between them,_ they cnit t.» who should v go. Cod. Held divw ihu lot, but as he was. a rclaliro of the laic Judge Pope, u»d through him could obtain tin* unpolntmtat of Clcrl: of the Cir cuit Court, he came back to Joncibcru’. Col. Hamilton continued his legal feUidle* in Joii»p.'.ioro* under the instruction of Oh Field and Judge Dunn, now of Wiscon-dn. A: the first meeting of tin Illinois Legisla ture at Vamlalia, in the winter of JB2O-1, the charier of the old tSUte Saak was granted, and at the first 'meetingof the directors a branch wus established at DrowuriHc, Jackson conn* ty, and (.’oh Hamilton was appointed cashier. This i«.?ition he reuiued till the Spring of 1851. In April, Col. Hamilton married Mi-s Dlannah W. Buckner, a native of Jetfer-oh county, Ky., then residing near Jackson, Capo Girardeau county, Hu. Mrs. Ilam iilou was a,vary inUdligcrt ami most estimable Christian lady." She was* one of tho Aral members tT thu Methodist Church, the oldest in tills city, and In all the early religious ellbrte—those which Redi rection and tuno to society—she bore a leading purl. We have always heard her spoken of with the highest respect by u!I who knew her.. She died March 22d, 163-1. . n.l vw«i cif. i.jration io had/ about ceased. The country, of course, had ccated to grow, ami timet were hard. The qonheni part of the Slat*; had begnu to attract attention, and by the advice of Judge J)unn and Gov. Px'yuold?, who promised him an appointment. Col. Hamilton determined, In the winter of ISIO-31, to come to Chicago. 110 arrived licit on the l»th of April, IS3I, and has resided litre narimmcntly siucc that lime. Ho returned to Brownvilleand brought hU- to the “ pOL-i” in August of the year. . Our citizens na non* reraedy conceive of IlioVrivnUoiiSßnU thudillUaillioi encountered ]*v tlm early luunhilaats of lUo city. To cn dure them cheerfully reipiircd the highest ex ercise of faith hrits oonimarctal poeltion and future prosperity. For iiihUiure, when Col. Damift »•» moved up from BrownyiQe, there \vi re t < r.rccly any settlement* north of Syria;*- held till the inu ckr approached Chicago. The prairies spread out !•* unbroken solitude, while only acre ami there in the distance a sol- Ituj-v ikcr or au Indian were seen, or an owljpr a crow* fweop'iDg acrosathcH' “iiii>honi fields. *’ For nu's-l r-f the distance, Col. Hamilton end Uh family and attendants were obliged totlvcp lathdnvugouf. To one. who hid carefully rtiutivd the geography of the country aud unSrrrtooil what were ilo agricultural resour- wm there hope lu tin future, but it must he crtufeetCd that the town proscutod a Terr unpromising appearance. 'Jl2ic prairie on which U stor'd -w*« nearly levcl/nnd hence was drained very riowly. Bc/wl--h two companies of United Suite* troopi lu Fort Dearborn, there were only obont a dozen faiuil! the town." On thi* West Side near the forks of the river. Mr. Elijah Wentworth “kept Utctu.” Though the houso :wn* partly composed of lon*. it Tvaa the best hotel in “the city.” Near Mr. Wentworth lived James Kinxiu, William Lee Alexander Robinson, and Hubert A. Kiu- ■ ale. iiicdattcr Mr. Ei«iq™&eil,ri?«*pal merchant orthrptece. ThK H-sctfL'icent wus called “Wolf l*olnt.” Uu the South Side ou the river 1 near Randolph street, Mark Bean bleu •• kept* tavern,V' *td Junker .up tho branch lived Mr. trader. Colonel John- B. Beau Men lived on the lake -shore south of thol garrl eon ntid neariy oppot-H* whero' the Rich mond House bow stands/ ■ The did Sintio Hourc stood ou ths North Side, nearly oppo site The garrison—unoccupied and In a dilapi dated condition—ns did also the Government Atrenev House, about hall way up to the forks, of theViver. Mr. Samuel Miller kept* pnblia house on-the North 'Side,-'near the North Branch, opposite •IVentwonUV - -Mr. * MoGee, a blacksmith, G. KerchesaL E. Harmon and a few others wero here, but the above were the principal families. The houses were mostly built of l«’ge, or iu thorniest mariner, the peo ple were poor, aud prospects decidedly chesr h*?4 ami disconMgtffr Communication, tween the dUlcrenl pert* of tha town was for most of the yearihrouih lbs deep mud of the low prairie. what Is now the heart of the citv could b»- bought in eighty aers lots for the valuea>f a bouac, and not a very good one at4bat. • - '' -* :>• Who could believe, vrera not the proof posi tive, T that from such u beginning,- Chicago could liavs srrown io her present positionin' half the lifetime of a aingle oilitan ? When CoL Hamilton came here, the county of Cook bad bnUJnit beco organized, and extended to Peoria, aud a few families In miserable tene ments scattered over tho prairies constituted the entire town. There was not a single road loeatcJla this i»rt of the eonbty.j Now we have eleven trunk Hue* of railway connecting us in some two'day* time ’or low* with every elty on the seaboard t*nwesn Tortlanrt and Now. Orleans,, and .aojaa’.pf them stretch far wwav towards the PaoHlov Then, oac,*nd al most two, vessels around from Buffido i>y supplies (brt lhepirrison:n6w*ourVeisel»anß our steam ers arc counted byhundrods, sailing to all the town* between the b-sad of Lake Superi or :md the TO6iUh’ofc;tht*Jst. Lawrence, and some of our ycaadMtill more adventurous have vTslteiratvcnd of'the principal ports of Eu roi>c.'clho whiter aftirCpL Hamilton came here, an Indian brought thcmairon foot once - a week from Niles, -kllcb<, and the few news-, pap«rs received from. the outside 'world were' * carefully passed round tha* neighborhood that each'might keep posted up in th« news from •-the.fir-dll East The. Chiw£o,ofiicc La* long binco bccoina tho third dUtrumting phot office in thc.iJuioD. At thnJ-tlme there not a church organization, .anpoh . less *n * rlxurch or •of’~a l by* i lund; now ‘our 1 churches are numbered by eedres, and our jtfosftltar ItfotrfpoljlLg.Hchool#, with the High I school at fhoTr Itfcifl, arid with tlicir hundreds of children caeU. are pride and the glory of might bo. extended almost indelinitely; but from The' fiefs above 'jpedfifed, the reader can'readily supply ihsm to any desirable extent. How. Grwoiiderfal* siacejCoL Hamilton | came hero ? . - ~, g<>L iUmUwu was qualified, both by .nature: ! inid edacatloib to 4>eai leader among his fc)- within a year after bis arrival in Chi- uoYl Recorder, • jmd Ttmtig'&idv him Clerk of the Cir cuit Court. He was also Judge of the Probate . Court aud familfdJthc duties of ;rrea*uw;a*pil .Seiiool Commldsloucr. Surely honors ooghfcfo: I»V9 : «*oti*fi*4 : «sy reasonable ambi tion. ' Ills name is of c'ourie associated lndcU- >( bly *wi£U4be early histpry of both the city tind fottuty. w«- might atHVtuhl.ot the State, for he. wa." arvoinctiine Cterk of* tin* Housd *HT As - i-uiblv.'hnd.'AfcsUuat aderepuy- of the Senate. Jic w.ui.fanjassociate.:of, and :istimately oou ■ uected with; ntxuiy *U itho landing men in tbw : t;«rty Jjbtorvof theSo-te/and a man who was. ■•tittle toll- CHICAGO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 27. iB6O. When Col. Hamilton (amclo ChioKO. Hie } surrounding country vras in Urnl>'‘M«;>n“ | the Potawatomie Indian?, and he rendered na- . nortant ecrrh-e to Ills ftllow eiliaena In con- | ,vl,t, relation to the e«a- j A .Vc .oniDlee- of IKiB they became *.tl- ! Serous/ The ]>ecpl6 who tool settled op « Dcsnlaines and the Do Pane harm? recedved timely traming, bron K lit their families and jeft them in-Fort Dearborn, and drove their eattl. to llic settlements npon the W abash. Col. Horn monwas , these families I»n Inr- fort. In may a amw comnanr iroß to Ibc country *er» tie tor River. Opt. Brown was com* u.:uul-r ana Col. H*:mltou w;« on* O. W» Tb'ev visited the rgrtors mall ecUlemets t and arrived at Indian Creek til© moran? the massacre of 4Uc families of Davis, Hah anc Retire*. Some thirteen dead bodies wore, fuuuil, horribly mangled. We fiball never for ,pm Col llam!!*cn’s vivid description of that ifr.-iMe •cam-- In to the number ol seven thousand, in Chicago, und mi the 2dlb of Unit month tb-y oeded to the United States all tjie ternto : rv i‘u.Nu'lb*-m Illinois, and on the first of Oc tobcrfclljiHog Col, J, D.E. Rutimkus Govern ment Agent, sWru.lwno.tnem for their new home west of the Missouri. •Ap an example of the condition of the City : In those*early tlm«, wementlon that the first i newspaper ever printed in the town wa* not issued till more than two year* and ahal* ußcr Col. Hamilton came here. That was the tTi.- cuco Dn.iozral. bUried -hjihe late JohnCa-- houn, Eat;. The first number was pubiUbod on the HOth cf November, lily. Colonel Hamilton lived in the garrison for some lime hq caine here, lio then n veu in the old Indian Agency House till 18.*/, wl;e~ he took ri'‘•-session of-his new home ami con tinuod to live on-the North Sid’i-—in all, eomo twentv years. He removed to bis LuaiCcU-aa on West Madison street, near tha city limits, la December, ItfO, and belled tV.e latter rears of hi* life in ornamenting the bcr.utllul cronrdi* ?r«*nnd his last earthly home. As above ‘•tated, Col. Hamilton’.* liwt wife died In isrjt l u h* was married to Mu-fi Harriet 1.. Hubbard, who nMo died in Fcbni nrr!Blo He married Ida third wife, Mrs. 1. C. Tullv, in Louisville, Ky., in ISVi. CoL ’Hamilton had several children, one of whom Ellen did sboaow reside in the cllr. would have the honor oftolng the *oldc.-t naflr*.‘•inhabitant.” She neednet, however, he at all' cftharacd of her age, for she was bora m Tort Dearborn in the early part of Jb&h Wc make no apology for occupymgso much ppacc'with this sketch. The life of Cot Haul lit on Us been a most eventlul one. Few men haw ever been permitted to see cbmi'es so wonderful as be. When the city idaUl have grown to a million of inhabitant*, how inter esting nnd curious will the above facte ap| «r. Wc need not trace mere minutely his ounce tioa with the growth of the city. He was lor rears one of out leading and moat naelul citi sens. Wi«c la counsel, fertile In suggestion and in devising means to advance the iuterests of the citv, and with Indomitable energy m the execution of bis plans, he was just the man for the early times in which he lived. With all the opportunities he had to au overgrown fortune, he was by no means o:m of our wealthiest citizens. His generous nature forbade that; but he has left a v«ry hand some competence to bis raraily-renough tor all useful puniocea. That he has lived so long, and left So honorable a name among his fellow-citizens, must be a source si great com fort to his'family and: friends. Hit history shows to young men what industry, integrity and peraeverante can accomplish. May they imitate Ids example, and they will surely ob tain hl» reward. THE CITY. A Purrrr Pickle.—The pickle the horse railway tracks are lu when salted. *55~S«c advertisement of Messrs. Ko-tmau & Knni* for taurarac logs, lu another column. Tan Weather.— Ywterday was much in doubt which eida lo take on the sleighing question. Signs of a thaw. Sr.nt to THEir. QraiiTEßß.— Sberitf llc&ing In. sen tlin We.l Well of pri.onon tenteue eiHn our Courts eftfc ol Joliot. flutrur Lobue Festivm.—TUc Fostlvcl of Ilbney l.odjc; always a brilliimt oud tuecets lul allVir, toltw place at tbe Brlzjc Hou.e tliii evening. St. <»eokoe’« BcNEVOLrvr AasociLTios.— , ; J j'j i o\3ift*<d3oeli.blt) »a.dlkUlcTihaSt. s Eonevolent Association »t Bryau Hall, on Fri day evening, will be a notable alTulr. Pekson’xl.—On Wednesday lion. William B. Ogduu, returned to this city from a visit of several weeks at New York. Kon. Leonard Swott woe lu town jesterdny. Selling Liquou without x Licknih. —Thera faro Tory numcrout anils now being prosecuted Against*parties for selling liquor without H John B. Gocoil—'this distinguished orator jn lo lecture till* evening at Metropolitan Hall. The bare announcement of the fact l»* enough to crowd old Metropolitan to it* utmost ea pacity. Cleab the Sidewalk?.—lt is hnidauo and propurjsmd alas that it should be to it will prove The strongest reason of nil It is legal to dotin the sidewalks. The police will sec that this is enforced, such_ are the orders at the City Mar*hul‘s office. ... , * Jons B. Gough ok Saturday Evening.— This popular and world renowned friend of temperance will lecture before the Young Men's Christian Association, for the lost time this 11 rr ♦ J-.: * etropoUtan Hall, ou Saturday evening. No mere tichei* will be sold than the ball will accommodate. They may be procured at all the book and music stores, and ut Knowles' shoe store, under the ball. “Heart ok the Andes”—Wc ore gUd to learn that this celebrated painting U nowon it. way lo Chicago, and will be opened for ex hibition about January first- The extended reputation, achieved both In the United States and England by this the greatest work of Mr. Church, should secure iU success here, and we tmst this will bo so decided as to Induce other Artists to send us thslr best works for exhibition. • Piehcco Away,—A little over two yeat> ago #ne ofour ongravera, Mr. Child*, contribaled to the Chicago Magazine, severai cuts of well known TCfili-ents. Five of these admirable likenesses Mr. Childs placed in a show «a«e in bis window. They were, Dr. Maxwell, John .Calhoun, George W, Dole, , Ex-Mayor Cur •na, and Col. Riciurd J. Hamilton. All were at the .time hale, Uaartymcu, in the prime of Ufa, «nd not old save that in a young city like our own they were our oldest citizens. One by one they have passed away, and the brief memorial In another column close* the list. Lecture.—At the request of a number of our citizens, Ruv. O. F. Tiffany, D. D., will de liver a Iceture at Metropolitan Hall on to-mor row evening, on Daniel Webster, tho Eipoun tjerof the Constitution and the Defender of the Union. The reputation of the speaker, tho subject, aud its adaptation to these days of disunion, with the fact that the avalla will be devoted to benevolent purposes in our aity, will secure a full house. Tickets *JS cents; on salo at the Methodist Depository, 04 Washing ton stroet, the shoo store under th«hall_ i Tan United States Court?. —The United Stales Courts and officers trill be removsd this -weekto the new government building. The ,carpets for tho new room* will be put down in a day or two. Judge Drummond has been en gaged for some days past in hearing motions and settling pleadings, preparatory to trial rhaaines*.. No jury Mill be empanelled until hftcrNew Year*, when the Courts will be in their new quarters. The most Interesting case to be tried'ls that for rescuing the fugitive i slate, Eliza Grayson. __ . - •‘■The- Ciricsoo Anf-Uwios Exummo*.—A aumber-of magnificent largo paintings have b««n added since the Issue of tho Catalogue, viz; 3u Mary at the Feet.of the Saviour, by Corbonld, is pronounced the vsry finest water, colored painting In America. James Robb Eeg it tho proprietor. Hr. J. H. Kinds has contributed a charming’ full length portrait of a Lady, by Hoaly, and also another full length portrait of a’Lady, Just'flnlshed, by Umnazne artist, at thoofder ofC.TL’McCormlck, hangs opposite. TV. 8. Gurnee .has two exquisite paintings which -he recently brought from I Europe, one a large and lovely, landscape— “llocco di Papa ” —aa. autumn scene In the mountains near Rome; the other a remarkably pastoral piece, painted In Spain by a Spanish artist. The large histories! pic ture of the “Slsge of ’hy,- Lo - Grand, formerly the'centre of attraction in.the Gallery. Hon.'l. *Arnol«i contribute* a lit- ofa landscape on the j Hudson, by . Kousctt*; and Dr. Cadwell a bodaeape of great merit, by BoulcUe. . Xo f citizen ( of Chicago should Cdl to ice these' antf the many other for the llr>b Umu exhibit ed in tlii** city, m the opportunity toj^Jhym. I'agahi'nnsy’-nbt -£ccar. Tbs udjjblUon. W»UOffour ITMkI. Christman Day in Chicago. The sever® mow storm cf night give rather too much of » goed thief for Christmas day. It was too iutuh mow to he put into passable sleighing at so’abort notice, and the street* and paths were heavy and the rtuoV like that “On Lin Jen**— ' * untrodden." The City.TJtilwavs were out carl/ with their new mow plough i rA rii their jirs dragged heavily all day at the mils of f-sn*wo,foir and even six horses. i The day poised quietly, r.nd with Utile todc. serve noU, In many of our hon&s, the little folks douhtitsa £ot a Xildt: by the ar* of German the kind oIBMs of ?Koiht-r5 and Itnis. ThcTS wero Christmas tree* In • and their brandies hung heavy wife g'fl*. - s nd Children's parlies where very inch more en jcym«*»twja vouchsafed to thc ones than even Mr». mi one of Lif most mug* nificent rants can secure ft>r*hy pnetts. so much more successful it happy’mlhUdhos.-i 1' finding its way straight to the “Bright. «idt vf IdV* when that aide i» prcseutt&o it. There were htg» dinner*; ccdlclne hosts of the Hichnond, Tremont ami CSC - "• siatll arui/.with the fat of the '£hd, iu sump tuous repays. There w.iu ami Uppy parties d.udied to on cur thoroughfares later :i: the bout ou being happy and in a fairway for it. rr h6”<5*rr_' ?. hng* w ie:g‘:ido:vt of bark ** ir.cra! u»i cf lampblack. putrk'l!, WilO U*ICI u bailed from “{jout! - nj;:ro\r RvOut loin:, ii* tlic prvsvist ex-.-.u-d cuvr oi ♦Ucsc i’aJu.t.-it'j })♦ ’:■]•% 1‘ *- luciiV did not bCT ? rcjsrtseiiiiiiivcJ *i\ tL;.-Ci* r, or not <*v»*n J. B. cr.r'.d h«\c iW.x rf tb.c r- .vilt consvti-cr.ces. At the theater in lb.* wTeuLjg'Mtere au limyrnse liouee. »»<Uhe uitmctli e bill of !-»w liroiigbl down t !u* audiouee, Und UicJiaj py w«.u ns ho tWervod a /•■;t.*:nj r-f.trn on hip “iitcrj-ripo m.d skill. And nil over the city un 'Jiirisuo.w. ib-'bt there were mure ur Lss t nMir t.o rcy-::ia.»ijigH ami huj.j'j gatheriugi.-, in lYhirli./bildrin w t rc madejeyons. At the Chicago Reform S-huol th» hoya v;?re particowrta oshl 3iun:t;:crs in a i very delightful alWr. serem! »f ctir Sunday j School? ia dilicreiit parts of_the city held , pleasmt gatueiiu_*s. A f-dug for the - : oung folk ” was the Cliripiujr.s Tree of the Wabash avenue Method!*: Sunday School. • The rt'OF* wp* mod deco rated with thick baugiu," eye r g«f‘Tis. and two large tree* hung full from iloc-r !•• ceiling with lh« gill* which Sana Claus in full eustume. not omitting the jingling sleigh belL, dispensed to the waiting oxpccta«l“. Th« ehihlren were glad and joyous* as youth idway* i 3 nj>ou uece* ston, aa<l old heart* felt young again fur the time. We arc glad that this Christina; tree has bcfeume a permanent institution with the manage.» of this school, and tlihi'v that <-th«*:s would not orr in followin'.; their txauiple. ard clustering mid uniting thu ttisw.Tics of I the season with the religious teachings <’l too year. McYhkcrs Theatre was crowded from floor to ceiling with a happy. laughing audience. The estraTagunra of -Beauty and. the Beast ” the old ntiM-ry talc of our childhood, is full of good-eon:;-, good humor, good local hit-, and all that kind of thiols which causct un audi ence to -enjoy lb-mselves. * The Mh-es Webb? don't amount too great deal, but the plate iUclf is worth seeing, aid if any one fools blue, ami needs tome hourly gvod laugh ing, they can hara it by going to MeVickcr'a while ills piece Is Loving it? run. Dillon's •‘get up” wm very good, sml Whytal'sj Scenery, which W always good, in this is bettor, i And hi Christina' haf come and gone. Ci»ai;i.EsTon af«’i> CincdO'i —Uui evening, bitting in tho main Hall u.' tho Tiemonl HbU'ili. 'Y pr ‘* rt bliJ n wooden box, the latter cottoL tip v« ry much In the c-tylu of thoad in which government anus niv. j.'seked for .bipuittn. Tii-:*y were mark«.d “J. 0. Turnbull, CharUfton. S. tV* They attracted thr txutire of but few of the pjw.tra by, yet we, neither a prophet nor the eon of one. will just venture the prediction that if tome John Smith of our city will visit Charleston, and leave erroaed to th- public gaze in a hotel in that city cv«.;i ku empty lial hox, marked “J. S.. Chi'-ag'.'. III.,” ll:*-rebel chlvalrv of ihat p-»-;:icn!-;i! c.ty \t \{ experi ence ;«-« huge a scare a? if a br-mb Irvin Fort Moultrie had landed upuu the lop c f t*.r Inno cent h.rt-box. The frecuifeu ui Chicago can r.i Turd. *— well aa tolerate, the presence of u South Carolluieu in their ml'M, even though he pays extra bag gage upon a box of revolver*. Tile Calico Ball.—Thu Calico Ball at Bryan Hall, hist night, passed off la a manner highly aatirfielory to all concerned, uiul must results highly gratifying to me noble eaui» It wfti inimded to aid. lUu.KOAD WouK.—Tbv cr.ulitig oa the Chi cago A: Northwestern ffuilruad «x;cu. a ;on U now Jiiiishod lo Nccnah, and nearly all com pleted from ihf re lo Appleton. The trac» Is laid down for about halt-way to Ne-nah. }V u undvr.-’tand that the iron win not be laid fur ther li-'Mi the latter place this winter.— Journo-.., Not 50. The track will bo liuishea through to Appleton as speedily as poi«lhle and with uo slops by the way. INQUESTS. A Lvs.vric iXArs prom a Propßi.T-Er,'* Oi. morning a man was dl»co*r« r»*d jyrvh*! ou thscress-ircsi of the proprlcr C. U'-irt. lying scar Kush etreet bridge. The watchman on the boat called to him to come dowu, Lnt it dlie mar.ifea: that th* poor fellow wa.« fCJTrrir; un der an attack of dcMHacitrcmm?. Several person* gathered about ri.e best and j qaesfiuued him. hut he pertinaciously rcfn-cd to come duwu. «a>lug that the Dtmocrate w tre ificr | him to kill him for voting fur Lincoln. In reply to 1 aqneetlou to his name, be Mid that it was Vm, J McGregor, auJ thnt he live*' on W-«t .’ackfoc street. Tao police wrre«ent feranden’' iredio get Um down, bat all to ::n p::rpr--. •*! ro sort, two nicii wont up the m.-t with to ►e- C3r» him. w heu drew a kulfc —ad U.r *atcu.’d to kill them. They kept on their way, hr" ver, and j had nearly reached sdm, when he anddenly leaped | from :h > ma-t. In hi* fall strikir-ir the »*dv« •** ! dock and Instantly kllUng himself. The Coroner h -ldau inque.l ou Tuesday. Any tanker Informa tion can bo obtained of the Coroner cr of C. 11. Jo:« dan, undertaker. A Woman Hasoe llebselt.—An inquest was j held on,Tne*day on the body of a Mr*. Danbury, | who came to her death by hatting herf elf on Mon* day. She lived In an alloy mnnlßT from Hubbard to Indiana afreet. Tbcfirst knowledge ofher death was obtained by her children, who found her lying dead la the barn with a rope around her neck. She had suspended Lertelf from a nail In a Joist, hot from iho gradual bending of the i.all the rope had clipped off and she had fallen to the bam floor. The deed was committed In an aberration of mind caused by religion* excitement. The deceased was a Swede by Mrtb. and leaves two children. FIRES. Finn ojc Wtsr Tweu'tu Sttilet. —On Mon day night the bouse of Simeon May, on Twelfth ftrcct, wc?t of Canal, wa*> destroyed by Cro. The furniture was sated. The loss is covered by insurance. Cause, n defective flue. On Sunday n»ou the large two-atory pK**r ure-houae in Clement’s Beer Garden, ffw en tirelv destroyed by tire. The building. ) was owned by Clements and Kuchner, and was valued nl €5,000; insured fer $2,000, equally' divided between thy Pbomixand rEtha ofllcc*. About SCOO worth ofllquor* nnd tables 'stored in the cellar were also consumed. The‘tiro was caused by & defective chimney. l : ' False A lark. —A false alarm on Christmas morning was caused by ringing-' bells for relig ious service. Almost a Fire.— At No. 60 Dearborn street, yesterday merning at an early hour, there w< & narrow cacape from. a conflagration, arising from a carelessly located stove. bcroiwi-vnoir Waktbd.—Of Patrick Cumin*- ford, whocame to Chicago abeot one year ago last July. - He is a oonfectioner by,trade- Any. ! person knowing of.his whereabouts wUlpleaac call bn or write to tho ■•journal office, - and ob* j Ugc a friend who is from him.; —tTbMmaf.’ - •' • '• ■*•'l' i .; - Sat© . the looio. change for the holidays Wh*JO one give* a prefect to ul* «ifc. sliter ojlot i'r, hc’dtiires to ofteL,: \hv •eiisMfandpiTe that ll «u. ‘frcqaeuilr. and whkh will ijs? for il-clf lu*- inr «*or Oihur el*A Kcr«.**ac or CVwi OH Laiup-i: W C rlch.itUi-inl'jd BohetaiaaJjuups. /.'all nuJ t ren. i bcia nt S’Ssis r -Jdiaipandpii Eojpvriuja,,.»,. «0154»4-T( • 1 jaTßruelies, Combe, Am Soaps, Sachets, supe rior Cologne, Odor Boults, and a large variety of ether useful article* for present*, will be found n SargetT,*?. corner of State and Randolph Rtrccis. to John Jones’s, Hi# iJenrooru street, and get yuor clothe* cleaned and repaired. I’. anu B. 11a**. — rewired from Smoke in Store, number CS State street. a nico lot of Pork and Beef llain«; also stirar-’cnml smoked Beef Tocgay and Bacou. which Is offered for sale to Family Grocery and other retail dealer?. dertl-Ot lot ofOval Gilt Frames fc: F r, ot Gil Palatbzh, which for richness and W.n'.y not equaled In the city. Call SUIT Lake -tuci. yjossrs. Ilostd A- Hoe* Jewelry Store, and examine before purchasing elsewhere, ae the** frames will u add ?l Vbe low Cit ptsalMe rate* at retail or at woulosate. deiStt *»" Cr\*, I-Tfvr Goods jndNuw Style;— price-to t't'° »t H.M. WlJruiith’r. 75 Symii Clark fctrc.i. j3r-CV.ll .>n Dußoli a: I**3 D-arhornr;:-.**, tH?*-. cjt?nl *7 Block, anti pet your Sign Paint lui; docs ckta; . dwi:*-vP ;ie aiverlli'-Uetit ,\n t-~oa!d act fail to renu; o. r P*vf. U’o >d in 10-di/e r-il’ - r * * Sruu.'«7 ilA* .•arv-o r t C*u.itT:s#.= Nj- t VLir/e iY.r. a v«v appropriit* of -i father to bis tfiuziUcrv n hJiiaoifiev.t Uu»b«ri to L’.i wife, i Mother to Ms •Ul<*r. <r acMirca tolu pa»tur. carer.! r-'T. t ikj. K. Goztril no!-, NVU.-jn Ii ,Nur:!.<;rr* L-J:r .'rt •». _ ; r*»r —-*■ vcr ouf. cheap* ; 4 y vv:r S.-i TTasbi-n A Co.’* r-t.’-Im adTtrtl#er.Mil. A ii 11 i B JD . On the 'J I It:-l.. bv Hrr. l-abth lUd-.e. Mr. v * ALTER L. IJ.VMILPJ.N end »i 1..» I.oLIaU U. C A ills *.i Cf 1 nW'- Tt‘i !r.<f. hr the Her, J. porter. Mr. WF.IGTI7 SMlTil’i.iid '-I SAS' U. OYLFS, ali of UiUelty. f,n lid*. H.'tli. M pi. Jnfi.ef* l”l."r<’b, hr Tlcy. »L II ‘uCrAou. i! I»- V-Tl.hl \M i\ I a 3 VNN’tF J! t T'.'JCf.'-t daiTtjhlerof I). K. Moetaer. ullOf Ibis elf; . DIED, la tM- rlf. teSrnlaf msralns, Dec, ti.11% Lol. KR-fTAItl’ HAMILTON, m the >dcd y-ar of; D lie tni :-t; r.db>nc?. tn th * cerner of *.Vr?i Ma '.l-cn rad Uuyrt j *tr*.icu t on rrldiy, nt I <J3 ULuDi'.-dry. the i>:U mpt-utLlaUlcrMiencela mb city, -f coai-mriwt, GCrjuac N, *;cd-. r '’u!e f*l.T.ib of the firuUy are lutlud tn attycil the fcaeralon i-clilay. the *tfc lr.pL. at tr.nutiitf Ule reddeiice. No. I", ha fX Mvlbon »*rcci. In cnatha o. (tolumbift rrenty. S. Y« y u.ue Ins:.. EDIITI ANTHONY CA&K. m tlw nb.j.y foutU year of kcr ase; motb'T of John K. ta.-c.c. ..c.ty. D'lSSOf UTiON.— I The Co-partner sUs» hervt.'fjf** fxMlnff between the under. .:er.e under me and of A. il. Covert a Co, J* n.t; diy »ii—o»tfl by :cuiuai coaetn . A. n. fovvrt wil r.-Üb* tliu ba.-tae?.* of tfie Arm. and ts ftlou* euthof'.rr.i V) n-e On* of ihe firm ta Uq'hd.a?lou. iteffJxlw •* w - DXUT. TUSSO r. UTI OX.—The Co-pert her- I / r'.'n * - r7"tcf *rt* exl-ilncbctuvc:i tlif t'i? cr.iric a;itl styit* ofweUtr, Mcdd * MtUca. j, tt>:idar cl«9<iivi.-a by i.iatua! cyav.-nt. The ua?tne«* ofih - r.r:u will In' E-ttl* d by Jf «<» '■) t\\st. - boalocc U Hulliori.’.t d to u-« Ibe n»s.Bt>f tft.s dmln liQuidHdlwC. ci.ta;;.T i«. a*x »»i »liV-’ih?- .lons’ o. MKLIf K. _ Ir, ...A CASES Of I’CIAIO -lU} ; •’ 1 V SAKT DISEASE. JeTT-dtiUlw Have been cared within three year* In thf Laitera btatci by :l;c u« cf Dr. Foord’s Pectoral Syrup. Ii i- buy jad a 1 doubt the greatest remedy of tht- age /fo r cotrv. uuoowm* fovou. AsTtiaa. Hconcuitis. Crovp. ami all dlacases of liio &.UNOS AND THROAT. It- boahlu; and U-alia,: eKvet* are truly surprising ; tb -r- hr. - t-virr remrav that .’an compare with ims. It. Us p.;o'iit.vcsb aurt *. curar vrvof cufe; and por*ona who have cured by this Slalsamlo Syrxip are act nsbnblo t-> aUacki after* snls.fyr It tnvtgo ratvs and strrcglhtm tin* TLu full.j.vl:ig ante whf h lu- Ji«t besr. rceetwd fr ri a j:u;r.b< r«-f wrli kn-'wiibu-lnMs men In Chicago. sh'> ; .»*s '.hn: Ujcvthink ol It:’ DK. FOOKT). I>n\B Fir.—We have a- .-I yrnr fVet*.ral H' rnp :n orr'fandll'* for »prfwl v* ir» for Cocgue. UoaKse v«a »ui<* of’er rJbvtioirtO, the LCiOs au.i Idroat. and *.v« a.-ft -ure. if It- valuable pro v «rtif» -*>nc **u~r tMv kiioMJl la CtleagO.A* WE KNOW TUn?t, U UOUld b» eo-.JCht for and used by every lamlly. Acconlisp to t ur experltH-C. it nevhr raUa, and we tabllu»Jl> kejpii -L tan boti‘c. G. W. DAVESI’oRT. broker. Corner Clark and Lake c 1..’ KT'ilU'lT, of Uarrett. Ktug * Lc. 3T lahe JsA.MUKI.Ib Cl-IJIkU. Lumber Mcrclnat. WeMlSth t wr PraggtHti la all !!.e principal toevaa aad cine via Illinois. *'• itcosaiy. lowa and M:ciik*an. tiCJuO.*t3dMwU_ _____ ... UKWAIU). WluiToa-, JOHN SHERIDAN HOGAN. IN-v .'*• b7r of tilt? LoaNlativc A*>«cibl/ ol the I’rv •• Can&da. left M? t*aal ntl leccc !u tha arai i ; w c«ial»*r »•*: kad La* not h*vr. hear! cf*lr«*»r a. » .. N\ il f-errhy .en t;.ai a reward ssoo Of u ,j; Tu’ lSv t:.c of Cana-Te w-~.v *ai ~ nav jtve MKh evldoco^ c-n*i- i lert<i ?;\Usfactor>' toitic *u»a *iour... H- >U-- : rc<* niul L'Tiver.l of T-'l *onC‘s ‘A l.i- * taut hear. 1. a’lr*. or. If t**» Oe-»3. '«l ti »• c Aitrndant on Ll* drain and l ur ai. ** cn<&Aui fvV * q”£Oil.r.iy rdofix-.;: Prv?\::a.--:- J amp axi» oil emporium. ClliS. L. SOBIEj Wholes*’® tad Detail DeaUr In KuKUSHNS AHO COU Oil CO" A UJ overy ilercrtrtlau. laj-its .ic.i cnAfii<tXiui~s wim •*<»• -.c* r rove 1 Hitfi'Srs—loiruLii wtiaout or oai. Ctor.Utx tlaUi, tl-'rv#, o.r. 1 .un taefoie Atcuifot Ci *.i> &o\i Her Kerosene Oi <Touipats.»% No. CLt\/iK hf. . qT Tf7 X¥ D-mT ext Self-Acting Water Injector. B'Oli FEBDISG HOLLERS. Hatl.n? been avpototed the Soto Accnts in this section. lor sale of afco.c, Aelavlielho •Uontlcn of IntcrestrJ rsstie# to Ita einaU-atUu. a-d aro r.3T rrepared to -ll orders promptly. WVLWOKTU. HUBBAhD & d<IM»T6S-Tmlai-l»t pg l?l l.sxc street. HOOPS. HOOPS. MESSRS. •FASaK, USK iCO-atFcrt WayneJmUamL arc Tionad Tltekary Flour. Pore end wv»hv Darrel Uoop* b~ Machinery. Ync Uoopsare well FbureJ aaa Lapped ready for the Cooper to pot on tie barrel consumer* o» lloop? wdl —d ibelr Istcrv*; to slve them a ea3L All on-«r« rromrtlv ailed inS ar.cndcd to. Maausactety oppocLa the Depot, Fort Wavoe. Inal ana. uJ-jr^o T AXD AXT) CASH—One Thou- I j «acd Acres of Choice Land, heavily Umbered with Pica and Oalrtn the Immediate vicinity of one of v?iV->t \£&tr narteti In Mlctlran. anJ a ifVtwa. #and dollars la cash, are -r aur cbaodUe A sloe* Of 410.u» to f ‘ aVwFjJuo.VTLTIIL «H.*ego. Mfrh. dt^agw OKATES! SKATES!! lO A fplcadld ea*ortmw»t of Otat*’ and Ladles Skctca jus; received aid for **le for ‘ nilnols Sluney at Pay, * At ?2 «r«et. C. A. EATON. U«3iuHo-tC:-aet * r'OKN "WANTED.—I will pay V ihehUheatmarkil price for Cora ontlt* on tho bailrydTrack. , S M.\>nhe**tconj«rßnahstre«tßi!dze. - - cab*ric Drie*l ileal from New Cora, by the Barrel or r -" accd pncg T'ari.vD»T}-n-. uaksil Hari)W.u;e ; iiap.dwake i NICOLA-. FAHEII. <l«tf J.r TeMlVili. Amnll i.4\nt l < triirk»t*rct, tuifioa Laud a large *«Ockof ’C«cpm- ToojJ. Lfow. Pi&itil Ware very cLeaa. Coralct?, Oeule aud ftLto «t.lCoh= ITOnla jlrjir tu of puretmer*. .' aeo>»- QHRI6TMAS AND jS'EW YEAR. Piae Jo-welry, Watciiea aad SGvcr V/ara, tjv- ir-jaantul elocb of souls nav opened oa ,aIo at if? LaSe {Trernont Bh**'*).» no*r i^TerM at do-; for i'orty l*a j !*. • 'fhe f u&ecaber dwtroas S l&dnc ousßa*tscSbefore-the commcsitcueatof rakinzti erode ol tfcsl'rtuaoi ilwuc, 0..<» Mtrals- cnlwawr-. such a* they never ea fcd b &«• “vc bate on hsa.fa Dutwas. UlaK6.6c*rtftik>. i’racli. P.n., IKiJ cvervtlilajj in tlo* Ln. of ■ SsS?-fSiSfco OnSl wfn, c wf>flf*i Optri C!<aicS At, alio C taaa everbefore. Pony Tot fc Clocks Watched acd JeweJ.j amut warranted. ' ~ [leM-gBS-lm] H. iC OAPKRET^ T 'ADDS TAKE yoriCK—You * Sj/ f * a Cod CiU and Hated L*c»*. Frtrnrv*. CorATassels. SUrafipanale*. Bullion TOrcad.era*sw i ,v. ft-recu under tii*- Ti enioul Douse. 57 * ilo I llooHrab rol derr .lelKMie.lia. LABEra - T - rp O THE :FBATEKX i'i'Y. :JL . MseoolcialslloUierltladedr , i ,a;E G- A. Xi I: AiF. In order: «n end Tricon OOdjl Bell, , j-icht Collars and Aproas, from to lie.. ?Urcf LSdsoJwls ftonp to fl&o. tto wtt ot iff rev SSB&SrthSSS® S^£HS£a?S: :‘ acABEd.IT. t>atciiik-s jiauSetic oil-. JT -.Xlit»OU U &*> b<aabag,bat bofoociied for by • aad hnndreda !q oar city and Ibe- tarroiuidlß< ronniTT 1 wbo_il*ve proved It iataloaMe nr Coui.*. ?£SriS? TaTAchtT' l!rad AcaCeTooth-Acbtskoord*!*. lUiatmitism. Stiff Joints, J-'rujW VVeU C^rri^A» tiiru* f -.i v..vrp wferelCßmob«iikhL*« fXrmsatwtsofewloaßdre “S « Ci?" -yp> ‘ 1: ; c .armr- ; __ .urn,- v Vo’f iSsct wi!n«, CtJtrry JVf©4 Keto .aibertisementfi. C\ If. rVßl7b\*r, Jyr.i, Pnr ft., h nuih-TTi:?'* <5 r.«yirj rtiw*' **'/ »<• <mi art r*yr*•■-/tbe ,Vorr*!x-,.' UK XT. —A new nvo-siory X Fran;B Uo i»e. In tl:e s-«mh PM-lon. ea-t r • \vj. b««h aTrta*. Would rent :.•* a *mali an 1 uic tae restinNj*ri. Addrc» i*. O. Box 511. Cideap •. dcTTrti AVAXTr’D —A g „-ja Girl want.a • T to work caafarm-vadhe!:* at * fr-itl I’vr-. A «»cna«n preferred. Apply at 12-1 State itrvcr. dofitxlt TV’ANTKI)—A respoiiMWr, siir.a --f 1 tlon in lust o&ee. Salary not mad: of «n object at prsssr.t r.< Imr--dlate K- xr eiicca giver.. Address "A. £V‘ Po?i Oatce. de‘J« O• ’ TXrANTKI'y—A convenient House I T frtp * steal* ti’xilr, Kent ~tld tcrec :u advance If dc>!re»t. Alsy. *ny one !i»v;r.ii fnrnitcre for asle mar nadref s Pest Ogre Hut 201 S. <!eJ7i3t X\ r ANTED.“Goo:I Vest Olukvrs Y f Wf*t j _ de^d it VOTMiMAX, WHY ARK YOU. X UP; v! an. * cspltnl«f ?1X Dollar? y ■•« c.--a make ?* *€* fiylaeeUltS »n arttc*e to every Uli-unn sorter It .ron {:’ •. u mt-d ta u•; r tfcutity. f»*>* •tvl Tillage. Ac• tectwtJsVaiOf; A.J~COIiUNO 4 W v.e.ii ptreet. . _ _ft*-'gT OAU i)lXG.—FuniUlieu rloOnU 1 > nU% TiuiM w»--ted fur w scr.t>su.ia. •*!?*• itJ ciilli. »’l Mfar.t irtcaS,»a *s l *ooj r*- qnlred. i;ci:rcuc«» cic-iistO. •v.l'tru.j I*. O Hex 612S ■\\T"AXTED—To purchase t'vn J 7 £Jy--ccfr»aa(S£Teta2allVsaw. f'r which r»l e*ia\* an 1 r»W-*crarea by mcrtinjc will bo Aajlvto TOfcxltL.'* .» »,«>., r.’Wi! >o S tfvet. for >r:2ad:'*? xWayvK TITAN TED-tora'r fomaku T T jn'-r^v—w^fc3Trrvf>2#x»RjT^rrT:V ? faJ *r tlch*itfcatK-lfr«j>liay,»n<J afford* :*J per cant; r.e;.*. AeapUsiot jWMUSrrqslml. ' * !, .* ur ' :l 7.? rf Boom So. 4. ftoutlieaitcoracr Clark mfl loc:Wra street, (ur .’-Jir-*) adjoltls; Hr-wu*» Lajmlschoc--- •■ IV ,\ A' T 1C o —Two l’iinn>h?*l » T Tte<-a;a whbciti for * reut’saiaa ami wlf*. J»u\di«;X*;ail<r preferred. A-HUf* Lei 4-13. __ _ IOST —Last night 0:1 Mu-higim or J or V.', Ji>ih avemr-. a LndU - Fur *hwd •with ho»t»p *Uk. The r.i.d»-r »h*l! t-e liberal'* r-««M cJoulr.nsil.xa.tu.e t.» iOUNeCN, m KNcLLa CO . ga_l-r.?f*€r-:f:. . VfASOCsIC XOTICE.— I Ti-c imnn -1 !>*•> of No. l a . F. and A. Sl ••tUicrwlth tlie br< Ui*r*»l!arr*. »r< ap*t C. w ?f ctIO “T jar.tfd to::.i cl«t ihe rt..ip!i on I .day at . it’clock- i». u- to attend the foacnU os B'o«ncr J. Uaatlltoa, I*. M.of t!.L* Lojcc. drtT.dTW-Vt A. UITCHCOCK, r yO UEXT—On moderate terms — JL lx.. JT.-v Brick Dwrlllns Honws, altiutc oa Green *tmd between FnUontnd CnrrolUtreew. w«j Inquirer.l OGDEN*. FLEETWOOD -- CO -> Of Cce. fcuniw««»t corocf Claris ootl Lake street. TESSE AVKLLEU TAKES THIS y opportunity to Inform bs friend* and the pnbUt generally t:i »t be continues the Produce CommlailoQ Uualfitsc AtthcOldNo. 154 South Water-treef. Cltiraqo, lux. Mlb. IS*>. _ _ d.-»Mw ATOTICE TO COXTRAGTOIK Ai AVI) LUMBERMEN—TropotaIa will be r>> celvedby tiienndcr»l<3cdM HL. niitlitm first dav ef Tebmcrr. xi*L for inrairtitn? llr.u feet Tamar-vO Luff, one foot In diameter, to be at lirercd tn CMca,o onor Ufere'the■ tlrsj dar•<* J«wc ISjI. [neVMlw’ KASTMAN A i.NMSf. Valuable Property and Cash. The subscriber ba* seventy-five moused dolton worth <if ti«iiw»nr which he proptw*» to exchange for MERCHANDISE, (Dry Goods or country stocks preferred}. aVt If tie cK-lrgdlodnceaenUare pre-cate 1 l.v t> prepared to add Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars In Cash. The prprrrtycor.si4t«pf ZOO;acres of Talaabla tim bered iolu. witn anew amlyi-ry sr.pcrtor Ntyaa; . »uL In mruling order, (accessible by wttr from Chicago). Illinois and lowa Loads, well located; Impruveu Form.*, and City Lot*. , . To a jobber or CrsLclto* retailer wLo Us a large Mock t • cl- «c oct at *.oce. tMs chance may prove ad rsnueoou-. If nectary the property and cash w 111 be «Uvtded to meet offers. Addrww “s, L . r ojku .TH77, Chicago. d,VTrtw QOKNS: CORNS!! CORNS!I! Greatest Discovery ever known of the Kind. IMMEDIATE ARD'UIPAIHFUI CURE OF CORNS. TLU powerful remedy !»tb»* great invention ofeso of the i.tost cjnlacat tavulcai l*r fvvs* r»*T t i** Colver my of LctUq. Gcramav. ardls known by ait w ho ever made txr of It as the only true. Immediate and an put lul remedy for tuL- great plague. It ha* thr great a., mutate of o-.l .U»tartifas" anTtHittr <*■—- > Itmuediiue cor* I* warrouwd. .cctn psale* earli box. Prl:« W Cert*. ril.Ull.ES yr.TVBFRbEU, ITo. 123 take Street, fer the rpicbratfrt ProfaMor KetlnAi German PlMt-r. de 27 dTjJ-d* - c I' K c I a r. o Cheap Goodi FOR THE HOLIDAYS!! Ip, B. OAB.y?2SB. U;* received witlila i ftw rt*y* g J3 t *rge 4Jo»3si£utH l **f of VAXE NOXA6, orroniNs, S2£BllfOE9, Eaifaroidcrio* in Collars and Sots, BLEACHED SHEETINGS aSHIRTIHOS, Table linens and Napkins, CLOTHS AND FLANNELS, SKIU'IS, lUNDKEBCIUEFS, Ac., Ae. jSTEW YORK! PRICES. ALLS WO WED, UP! ALL SNOAYLD UP! jm rjr: ALL ROUND THE STOVE! The Pedlars’ and Pilgrims’ Rest, THE PEDLARS’ AMD PILGRIMS’ REST, THE PEDLiRS- iXD PILGEIJS’ REST, A NEW YEAR’S STORY, 3d JAHTJARY, 1861 Intte Ctrr of s*eir Tort, on toe mede public, too abore all-excise;. dent, of which almost ertry one 1* anstoo# to fie*, or that Joha written axo*t renarxable>rt Tcart H-orr—rcmart tbld*Ute for to Intently amuoiws retire: renin* and power, whlel cannot M to earrr wlto.UaeUitotandamajsnect Into u:o hourcliokl v* were all anoß-el u> t-'zctocr on too cl ,®*^ d r3£lS*.2i»Jl.-« Soawftwrt to. are fil happily tbe author la a style at oac« ffeciJL attractive an* r-tertiinloz. la tola new itorv. . „ . .. TbaaboTe 6tary baa been written C° r A ( - -Household Journal, commencing n >o. .*•». it wm appear excluslt ely Household Journal THE EAVOHIXE FAMILY PAPEH. 3d ol jaimarJ, 1861. gjXIEBS PAGES* TUBBS CEItTSi SIXTEEN PAGES. TIQUJE CENT - 3IXTEEN PAGES- TBSEE CENTS-.... SIXTEEN PAGES. TftKg£ CENISi . aU Boolo«ll*r* w»dSew»'AKeftttv S*« »e*4laroarordan»Mfljr^p^wilNc, griodical or; 'ih»' *s«. ‘ *PoWUb«»I v ijetty. rnce ’*iSߣSSv i : aiiEfiDL : *'eo,»*»«!> ?;>- Hanr tw**,’ 3»<w -Voric. -MaHod to »a/ *d4r*« iJf-- [ t 4«w»s, v . j ,.;' r ,;, . ;,., n ::.:,y. .'(‘irrißGxcy §IOO.OOO N* O TICE SAXONY’S, OS L.tINE», CASHAIERFS. WTilch are effrrea st [dsSSHSZS-^siH'Sl-lsn*] aPPWiaS ON THE U* TUB f .r NUMBER 152 amugcmrnt'i. R. JOHN I’-. GOl.'Oa v-ix.:. :>»UTEK A LC*TI RC \T IVEotropolltaxi 3BC<vll. PKcLMI-r t: r. on TCUit'sßAi r.v:;si: its T-v-rV'*- 1 31 » For taeßeavCt i.f tn. 'f T*:l» \ •* 71c1toih .. f Fora J>- ?:ic: ?! y * ; m.*-> < .*r.J denMTS A-! O v I C K ■ : -AJL MaJJrOC.-niwoi.'-V.N f2T*J3oof .... n-nr'- at 7 • • and tr-.'in * HU Apv:-»;.,x. l‘T i't<' ccau;Pr.vatc*. v Hr? «. the r rej an! beat: Ensm^.-xrn' MISSES ADA AND EMMA WES3. i< EtnutlMivAi -w 1:: t: r ti'.r-i'cw rf t?.’T:.? ’trr f '•'■ "‘nmi.. .M- < rifwr.lf*. - . U. Tmu. AliJ'.itliutVs l/j <. • •-'••■■* i v Mr .«’•:.i>-r '.rrs" j** l ?*7 • • ut!..*r c*:*.a :t.i-> Ca 'r~. L \ v:.r .- • :j t.tu , . :-•• » * 11‘.' - ' The niu*' yonr-Ur ;'. ■ h»*b-«a tncon.fMKd l:u Wk?jj, a 1;*! «L.i Lu ' mi pjtc j -».tu 71." r- rr rtil' <*f Ml»» Ao* v. rs: if* n'A'VT sf* P'A-K ft s liiirfcsque s-jN'ra Truapo. '.-.r tlu* i r- T>3t*f*r rirfof---j\r> LU.I-I > ;. MU estcrt «ir..u<. ti j-j.-j- , t xi L. <v-; < nXvilr Ercr.«- ?. V *■ T'JitJW -Vr;T ST. C;F!UK<i-> HK.>r *«c .»' 1 ‘*■ •1 stion ■■'■'• -'-'C * «M, nr.i.r. ans> iati„ Co Ff.’t'y rite:.- <; l^A- Thf f oilrv - ' *'••• -i - ■' 'j • t ‘- '* ;V, non »t«*aM i'hhcmri of u.e «-'*< -m;: • »• c* - ’- J :ni:a : !•■:: ' >L» *lrtrrtuctivoiifJtid? w.ttt !.'»■.« '4- * 1 £ ’ ' ur'cT"* . v - Ci*/< «.r a. i *t 13j£orvi i ».»cf i.u v-c.’ra • T , fr< 1’.u.l or t;u: kSi VartcU' l »'rTi» t.Vu it :isu ia “IRVt. E cVn^ T-rV AA-I.GriVi L1.1 :.*»-”a ca %n!-.9uskß OF • .-.vatiTCE. nv.v>r IIAI.T, —Cl:ir’: >;ro-:-r. -u ’T**nv. Ci* jv_i.ll'. , yror.v '■ H»h •• •*-ry l i ty »-.r Hal! tt «w Vwe lu It. St*. I *rcuttics anrt Ocnwal r.ppoint:;;'*'.jß__, - ( 1 JtCi.'fV t..-. - I-T.' I • >r J‘ „ i tte uiv- I>' - n-’f-waV: « oualaui ri*jwt» f— »• Arcioffti. ~ , , n", ( ■ vj-tl.’rrc Kt 1* f*;. t'■ .•f't ..J-.. » « ( 1 hreUiUViHtv.oc?o*;:.-; «.»»* .-. ■-• J-* u ' i Ua:: * f. r.rlrt • o t • • ;-■• t Ample — * lCt *■* .c i m*’t contain* i!ic iii-alv NatlMi'U i v ri*h!*! v w«<iv»‘ar'.e-t at the • i |l * 1 «-.o; Balin. aad mo lue. I*.l» p;uv:aU • r wr v '*. ; •.*»' “ A'' sl H'IATIOy A h K (J TIKES. CoEimtlKla;?usn*flr E..en3-.i. I*.'. - v • AT METROPOLITAN HALL. S«rto. to ‘‘t * I'.; ..Ua^tzs DATABD T, tjf7 T. 1.. tl> i U;U ononon w. L-rr.Ti=. Esj.. ‘ “Hos. HOKACII'i-^MT. ll«u.J9iiUV^F^ t F.:^ n i'r'f. K. 1- Uou. 11 J. * Tl. >r-. -,. v. :■ ■ ■■. , \Co aail I*.*N. Cyjfc'* «J> . a ' l ' t *v, ”.i -'<:r » v -o • - V • iik.i t Houv-. l?r.aa v li.'•!>*•, ••ml ■;» •••■.- 4 J ,t." i; : l ; liaciui-offc-A— ‘;u . ; >S-.1-vri.v. ?:*< ” U-;urr V. Krtl-‘ ' i.-„ i. • .iv. L. r.> i»V tuaoi*. Ji. C \T« U'ADEMV. CVrrsr im«! OatX »U.—ti.traaco cri . •i - -U a o_ Otu.'f> ••"•Try I •u-p.k.y *.• ..i-jiy ss ’r* " f*Vr t’*r . ilrxirt^inilLO «ij.O£./* -v a. '^s^' TXf off«r f: . r--1 It l-:;- ■r. •■» ’ fiSCH »LAT£D COOPS, Tea Sets. I rDst TV alters C.A.SO’Onir 1 , C.ViLI-3 Bu*arß«aiifU. twin KMve*, in., st. FHESCH BRON’I'S. ••.'RIAN 'RTId.ES. ?TATrTTTF“. FTGt*n*T c . VA6K W . “• th« t<*M( f\ri-?Sj aihitl'C J 'T *j<*. " *■' tVI-r.dW A--oriUi‘ s’, rt* Toys lor the " Linlc Folks.' Infect.** t»»e ioiaeiblc* far »'l !af;s«iaei aalcstlcn °f to^d*. iJOJri.’J* UHOTJIIzsss. 72 Z*ako Btruot. rich jewelry. v,>*ht,n oiTi r DDBDiO THE MOLIB.IVS, r HETiIL. >i Splendid i G01..1> JE 'V at WUOIXAALE I‘RICFS, And uesrtcmr Ac? will be w.Upali by ex amining oar #toci. BOWEN BROTHERS, ?8 ia!ie Street) *op Mairs, ILLIXOIS CUR9SICY TAtiH AT PAR, drtkrafitps PIIOTOCBAPKS. Great Reduction in Frioo, TOR TWO KOKTH3. At So*. I*2 «ni 12‘ Cl*** l StK«‘. FABSETT & COOX’S Best Plain Prioro^jrapha FOR ONE COLLAR. Ooci Colcrcl (l«rr3 slie» la Blc« (ruses fcr tv* doU-ir-, *3 so v\ 4* «ta l*a had la »ay oinsr cUy fjr ton. Picture* U «aa« *t raincsl rate* ro v V&S2? MuXla no tstaaef-Tlll »»<*;■ £ * o«, OQ9*ootl:lciara 1» wcrta a BU-tt-i. owe- ■ ■ - - r,ORITiTES. By Fassett <k Cools, “f** ” 1 ' . ;«•<?« la Cba*XO« run j 4mto<oa«ptoto f T A DIE S’ Mtek, Stoß's Martin, .iui! fitcb ■clocks,cates. viciv>s.;>i--v , MUSfS, CUFFS, GLOVES, --- LC»-srtW*i S’J.f' CIUI Jr'f nS In lire*'- V»vlV.r Ga?il6«^.Pnicii-s. HulcaapißUifs.,, A Large A>rrvtc:i;i*t' .'Fluey aL*. l*r :2u; l .* * ’ Ki&miaaacwwAfc. imt-nml *aaoliacv«-rycestnj!it i :rßf • • : l .* irv-r-*. r:r. : T. ■ UCL»'-*afr*yu« pr- , ->~. y .... f‘M RKM HN r - V**? 'A ti VTOwS t . L* A*«oct*Tn*f. All»jwbtriCT; - • v-' \ Tl2 r. M, tot me -*• ▼ear. P?cpler. ' . » ■••. •> ■ - V Tiif.Tv- uEiit:.— i* dSSSSBSSBk fat Doltrii* >*re*euti »*♦!£ cfceit*-’! !•■• ffr™ nnii So. iu Uxe »trccl; j r<KM4»vj» '•K.auei/U Ulw GHICAW (U>TERTI3I^G* SCHCTJTTM:, Tta following arotUe ntcj of Advertising ia ti DAILY CHICAGO TI»JJ»rNTS )m Square, tSllncs a.rue.) oaa luk .-.Joe ...J .“5 )cc Square, each o.iv. „ C‘;. Jua Square, two v* ina Square, onant'.r.;.:. -v’ 1 -' n - f-3 .>»« Square, three Contis. >u. sta.U’,' 1J;) ", jv-ner-. 1 , uue ;*•*** < Tiler? rc-njr.'^pucatAiUvs.; be eeett.t ut Oiu.., U1 7ran-ic;.t Altqr.l.ct.j.atj to be r?:d 1-t ii aJca.\n4 I Ail c.V.n~-} clur ta "4 iiCir.ts per £quarn»- UATri op Amr.Tii;.*c- r: tr urra. v 00 rev Fqusrf. c*xh ffNk. rVr iri* aeutb. }*j.w per -qu.. j; ’ ;'•>? each iubsequeuvmonti. - —mu £-aics. pv r jaeet $ vrrsox, JL> Ccsuual a t crioa'ssra, ■; w T*'-'■■• /:,. 7a:. a. ?t, r: V - >7; 'V •■.■■:- A-'-CVJ • ■“* v. . ■ ■ .i-ii* •■ri*.;-. ~ •_ 1. ‘M. i I ur; 1.-;-.'. | ... ' , -w‘. 'a 37'j a.:; .' a cc x iore. .* . ei—> ~*« U e I I,«J ?rc-t t..-* 1 - 1?M—; »;i« ;■ n.i \ . tv". C ; .vrr. *. ,' • .G XVaahsUSdi. I j \ *aT i-i- ' ; - '| ; .’- ", . .-. :.■' .■; -i . '..vj: s j :■ ■ i •••' h -•'' '■' lioori, * ‘ M. ,V.V>''" .V. - d GC. A-uCr: uT.':':.;; l>t; Y GOODS. c* ■ -jl'i Cl£ViS AH3 -ALITUT3, ) Wool Jae-iei**, h'ociia* Under J siilt iH aii.i iii' iav vr»», 3'aacy j i;u jii 'j At., a' Auit'or.. ArrTsi*>"i'xv;s, • ; v 'lrs.: ' .• if-uvv t i' Li Eli IX UiiE SAJLK , r : ‘ ' ~ f. i: Uitiior.;-' Oi'.vc lar, . , yi ■";7^A!7' i :.7 ;rrair ' 1 '3!a to OilT« : . .atAi ireui - IBTt ' -..••• 1 •. v. ft?;;.,'far ‘ - ■ ,•• iJ - ‘-q ■ • | far. , Ollrv ’ . ‘.•tr,;.i..u-VuiJ •Vfga--. r**;■ p ■ _■■"■’* - * * ■ .■,>? -;i;, . ' ' ~: ; T n . .\L ■y,~7Z&.~, ■TV ■ ( r :v*. ■; tx- ?u» hhu« pawo*fly Ts i • t-- i',•,*■-.• 'tir-sfi...l .-i>< r’l-ri.r I ' V . -. ••••“ •r.vjKjrr.?*;. !_'gj , j - -V, ,'.. "A. 'm...'.' j f'* - ’ r-i V’~-r.. v- i i A i?• • ,• *■ irL -\'Xs'~* I *!m »rU -> ’J I ‘A;- • if’ •, i 1 T It -A t t2, " ! : -i* "fir -I* acc*..: i • :-’tr-;. A;eut--'t3 , THE HOST ttr&EFITjL, r.fatiiuu! ami Acccpiable Preseat F 0 ik G!i?.IST?M2 05 YEARS 13 fil-OVi-i» A DAK33U Sov/ing PlnoJiin*. TilltAV Oirr'ui.-i*T sITLIiS, 3Prom 940 to 32.00. Fil l at 115 Labi Cuitn*-.-, HI states ii--i.iL. O’ line W CUBIC. LITRMFCOI-, • . . n-ic'.* at eiLlc-i ef Great Sr.vua act ma ■“ - Ci t ,- c FHS liO'iTHHAX/SiaJw t - Stssuastiip Cosupaa?' 5 ¥>-»•. ' '.TorC’- I .*’«‘°x'x;.r. tu cct.r-. >j." , u;, .1 ih J' • - LX. 1 I t'.lUs A l 3VS.--M!.V->,Cart.- k ie- , i-'»ter., N*ovi »c.'U , »u.t, , • 1 Vtl: ft--.’(l. -Or.;N ih Amenni A: -. t<^-v j ,• jiti.uijvi.i OzieziK. ,! .it Cvtuluru.-B Ki. :?v- • j ~t**x"t jrvra Cut to auvju , r*-tf accorrt; tc- •*ta»c s'f-'as vc.' *uj “ ; r- cuti „ e a j rt- a ic;-;vT .-1 i “! TICXOKU ■ likiD-. « 1 \ . • -rar—Th*s '.tnncrrAO !ro.» tirieiu:. c? i 7 ; T r, •. « /.ulasr-n. ;t-stja*«itii Uij var.i: «:• r UIVEE 51* liAAVItEAC^, 1 j, • -—t of Giruutd-aAlaii A:u: .♦ :. . ru j fit.-', :':Vuu--:VM i-ii XVji’.cru u & j s>.. . ’ Trank Railway of i -ia?. u . t--. . trr--cl.U':.iS2. 7bSro»i rt u .*.»./ i lIF I ' mi:c.!Qlcru;*di.uc'£rurtuz,'i»r i , j 3lt., : . DNr. CHANCE O? CAh^ ; V're: •- ix.-Vid orii.e ;*iy<*r v> i' •fSiCSg j- ■ . ouleULstiUUuit.'sit. • .. a*. V' i >v' ■ "'i Uit '"’uri aaU Wt/. *.uuuia. Uw *. : t*t ■n •• ‘ ; r ;.i.enuer3 and - **•. •I p:- . OiUnintaatfaNc'-' tw ‘ * “ clil'-'Ab D j.Mi AiU-OO -* f r.'. ; •b.-CortMieu'.i-erer-% * . , ■♦: .. A;,l ' r.’-lUUP vT C ’ ' * v -*' • ’• av. > •., l.ui'i-Adl .'*AiL«7li—-V•:«-■•* J»»- s- ,q. j( v r n.>,’Bß.i :.c:r.on* '■ 2S VriV r *1 ? Aiita.-* IluuAe. C 5: • ’’ ' L. CORMEtL S.-C5-, U 133 I.alee Street, (ICp-Stalr^ ■-■'ttieib ru (p««rf <r*ek. 13 Vs uni '•, ,i*rf .-ao -mi ;.T i.>.JauA»: pwtqn»se» o ♦ ‘■‘« v . _ - .Aan-l F‘.r Knlif Sr*unf«ittrfaK J5. • tuq - ■ »«casv-ilie*iiitiiav oirt. llwnr.*. •■••vu.or. aai i: Muaruo v virtnudOutilj.tLiehisl* un/A^la^heioudertaa -rt* : riH«etv"it It* «au». »t ]mX tor UArrastf pU -J tad All IcinAt AMddL^wa t*.'» (eo j r::L ' I .* r • >;»■ i DA VC TNG rimeut of Qcifi. f C.R a no !■