Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. |3f“To Consumptives.—The Ad i’er- User, having beta restored to health la e few weeks bj a very simple remedy* after baring suffered serersl years with s terete lung affection, sad that dread dis ease, Consumption—U anxious to make known to bis feUov**offercrs the means of core. To all wbo dealrs it, be will send s copy of the pre scription used free ofeharge, with the diroctiona for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Bns Ccaa vox Covscwrnox. Asthma. Beoschitts. do, The only object ol the adrertiser In sending the Prescription is to beueQt the afflicted, andspread Infbr snation which be conoelres to be Invaluable, and he hopes every eufferer will try hi* remedy, as it trill cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will plesse address Ber. ED WARD A. WILSON. WUUamsbargh, Kings County. New York. deiSdflßMy Er£p* A Friend in Need, Try it.— DR. SWEETS’ INFALLIBLE LINIMENT is pre pared from the recelpe of Dr. Stephen Sweet of Con necticut, the great and has been used In his practice for the last twenty years with the most as to id thing success, as an cxtenal remedy it is with, out a rival, and will alleviate pain more apeedily than any other preparation. For all Rheumatic and Ner. vooa Disorders It Is truly Infallible, and as a curative for Sores. Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Ac* its soothing, healing and powerful strengthening properties, excite the Just wonder and ast nishmentofal! who have ever given it a trial. Over four hundred certificate* of re markable cures, performed by it wltiiin the last two years, attest this fact. For sale by J. H. JOHNSON, General Agent, 70 State street, Chicago, and by all Dealers. coiyeOoow-d-ly C&f The Female Organization is of tea aa frill aa that of a tender flower. Many of the eex enter into aarrlase relation* without being able to undergo the tabor and trial* cf maternity. In this country thousand* of young and beautiful woman are aacriflced every year from this can*e alone. BOSTET TEE'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS wIU aave many of this class from an untimely grave. This medicine has been used with great benefit by immense numbers of people throngbont the republic, and the proprietor* bare received grateful commendations fro n all sections of the country. The Bitters wtU be found to be very pleasant to the taste, even as a bever. age, and prompt and powerful in Its effect as a medj. cine. It Infuses new vitality Into the frame, and strengthens the whole system, ao that women who use It are ensbled to go through with labors which, with* out It. would be certain to prostrate them. Sold by an dragglala. de!2-2w Greeley’s Bourbon Bitters.— These popular BttTzas possess aU the nourishing end Invigorating properties of Pare Ou> Bocuox Wuorr, sod ere con Idcred the most cfflcadons Tome end StiHCLAXT. as wen as the moet agreeable Stomachic ever offered to the public, Aa a tonic for Old People, delicate Ladles, convalescent invalids, and all weakly peofle, they cannot oe surpassed; In all cases ofWeak ness or debility, they will give immediate rcllcfi and impart a strong healthy tone to the system. Atrial will establish their merits over an other Tonics now in uso. For Lcko Coxruusrs. Baoxcnms. Drsrxrsia* Nebvocs Dbkasks asd lavas CovrLsnm. they are an invaluable remedy, and are a certain preventive of Chills and Kareas. Pat up la Quart Bottles, in cases of one and two dozen, and lor sals by Druggists and Grocers every, where. W. F. A A. W. GREELEY, Proprietors, No. 25 Tre moot street. Boston, Maas. J, H. JOHNSON, General Agent, No. nutate street, Chicago, SL R. LANDON, Agent. apST6O-dawly BST" Lyon’s Katharion lor the Hair. Nothing baa ever been made which has given such uni. Tcrsal satisfaction. It restores, preserves and beauti fies tbe Hair, and imparts a delightful odor. II yon wish a fine, healthy bead of Hair, fey It. Sold every where, for 25 cents per bottle. deU'fifi-lm CSJ"Those 'who are curious to wit neaa tbe wonderful perfection to which A. Ohawaldt. (late manager at Batchelor’s, N. Y„) has brought tbe manufacture of Wigs and Tonpeea, are invited to visit his W*g aid Hair Dying Rooms, at No. 100 Lake street, ■nri these curious prodocUons of art. No sera flay can detect the artificial from tbe natural.when adjusted to tbe bead. B®” Kennedy’s Medical Discovery Kennedy's Medical Discovery cure* Erysipelas, Kenned*'* Medical Discovery core* Canker. Kennedy's Medical Discovery cure* Nursing Sore MTn. Kennedy's Medical Discovery cores Humor of the Eyes Kennedy's Medical Discovery cures Scald Head. Kennedy's Medical Discovery cure* Running ofthe Ear Kennedy's Medical Discovery cores Ulcerat'd Sore Lee Kennedy's Medical Discovery caret Lepra. Kenned* 'a Medical Discovery ceres Rheumatism. Kennedy « Medical Discovery cures Balt-Ehenm. Kennedy's Medical Discovery cores Dyspepsia. Kennedy's a-edlcal Discovery Regelate* the Dowels. Kennedy's Medical Discovery Rcgnlstc* the Kidneys. Kennedy's Medical Discovery Regulate* the Liver. Kennedy's Medical Discovery lima cured Dropsy. When yon are sick, and do not taiow what the matter tt, perhaps you have an inward humor. Try Kennedy's Medical Discovery. For sale by al. Druggists. jGtisic £»tores. JUDSON HIGGINS, A. a Clark Street, near Lake, Chicago. HL. PUBLISHER OF SHEET MUSIC, Dealer In PIANOS AND MELODEONS, aXTTBIOAX. DTBTBTJMBNTS. Tli* bt.t of ITALIAN STRINGS constantly on band. PIANOS TO BENT. Ttmlsa and Bcoalrinc done at abort notice. AH or dSrSSSwtf uTa:JUDSOK hioguTs. 40 Clark W. KIMBALL, *” * DEA-ERIN ITS ill PIANO FORiES AND MELODEONS, No. 99 CUrk Street. HALLETT, DAYIS & CO.’S fno'am piano Fortes, which have been awarded thirty-two First premium in Gold and Silver Medals. Gee. A Prince’s Helodeona. Pianos to Bent. Apply it Music Store. 09 South Clark street. T ARGEST WHOLESALE I J BOUSE IK Musical Instruments and Strings. ICUTB BUFBBf «9 Boath CUrk Street, Chicago, Manufacturer and Importer of Musical Imtrumeita and Strings. haring connection with manufacturing boose* in Beilla, Lcbtie, Dresden, Englandl Is prepared to fnrnSn Dealers, Bands and Individuals wuh every article in their line, AT THE LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. J. BAUER. Drums and brass INSTRUMENTS. JULIUS BAUER, manufacturer of DRUMS AND BRASS INSTRUMENTS. 89 Sooth Clark Street, Chicago. [oclMMO-ly] _ H WORCESTER’S DIPROVED • piano-fortes. Manufactory and Sales Room*. Fourteenth Street, comer Third Avenue, brw Torfc. Tor* Quarter of* century the Inatruroenta mum •etnrea at the above e*Ubll*hment have ranked the first in the country. Their dnrablUm ■cnmzth and delicacy ol tone and touch are highly looSdated by *U who have given them a thorough proprietor, by giving hla personal attention So the manufacture of each instrument, in aillU de tails U enabled to guarantee superior eicelien«i and geUabUUty to every respect. [oc6di9S3m Dodwortits music store. No. 6 A*tor Place, N. Y. PubitiherandDeaterlnFoirlgn scd American Mo* MtDwtnment*andMutic»J Merchandise. Song* and SsiSStint»fur the Plano Forte by the ben mantra; & Dance and Military Mode tortbt seat by mall, mw tnt.pwav* may besenilnstead of change). Catalogue* of Mune nr Bra*t Banda. Quadrille Bands, small or large Or* SettST Price tin of Br»M Instrument* *<nt «n «P --XBrSon. Tl»e “ Journal lor Bras* Bands.- a new pub* BcaSoilcl Band Music. Is laened on the IMh of each month; tingle No*, at 51.75 or 115 per annum; slsorto “OompMUon,"containing Marcbea, kl(Rlrrs«Ae. Price Slftacnnumter. The instrumental P*n* In these Sort. «>|M Director of Dodworth** Band. 3Egc aio Ear. pTB AND EAR. —jgk DR. OADWELL, f ®^ orriuATOa ox th* BYj5 AND E AB, r«.Btodn»*, and ah defect* of ilpM and bwria pr. C. U » regularly educated pbjvtcun. and ffj • voted iwenty year* c. his professional life ex- Travel* to the treatinentol Jmin ofthe Eyeand Far. nr vo charge made ;or an ciamlaatioo or opinion, aadDO fee required for onaoeceeafuiaen-loca naciDWELL'S Treatise on Uie Ere and Ear, (Chi. testimonials. etc. to onaopucation. postage ten cents. Ad. Chicago. aetT6My I GUIS MAUSS,Oft© OPTICIAN, „ Boon Cuk ,B * w Opposite 4>e Court lion**, tat French Crr** »c 1 BratlHan .Pebble We Ola* •**. Opera Olatoea __ _ VICBOSCOrtti, TELESCOPES. Mathematical Instrnxwit*. etc. etc. constancy on CSS All Mods oi .instrument*, and spectacles re- I-t-odand classes la-«u led loto old frames. anting. p D, MoFARLANE’S *Gas, Steam Pitting A»— PIUHBUTG ESTABUBHMKB 84 La Sail* Street, Chicago, ntitjnnt ui raniu aid udi nniTOK, PiWCIJCJt PiCWBBS) f twT Manufacturer of ti.T. ycTWny OF STEAM WOBS* TO- THfc TRADE i TM trade enrollM th" iheafl ererr artcle to the See, «***«*" nun: eh - ■:- tone Baitoeee. Ito-GlidlEj ’OtutmtletUxhM. «l»Uf gsiucational. jQEARBORN SEMINARY Tte next term ol thla Institution win begin On WEDNESDAY, Jannary 2d, 1861 [dclfrdfiCT^w] Hyde park seminary, THE WINTER TEEM _ ComneDCM on the 7th of Jannery £xpea*a per year texclMlr* of o»b«1c) |UQ» peyefih iSones ntrtr Eirijange. TO LOAN At Ton For Cent* From one to fire yean* In sums to soli, on First-Claw Securities In Ute city or country. Unstress Paper wanted at WCar? - street. H.y.I)QWSUiQ&CO. W ANTE D—Land 'Warrants. APPLY TO J • 3j • Xj SE , g Clark street, corner Late. dalTflMy £XCII AH G K ON NBW YORK AND BOSTON, Wanted by BEXJ. F. QUIMBT A CO, Commission Merchants Ko.l9Hß WANTE D,—R. K. SWIFT, JOHNSON A CD'S CERTIFICATES WANTED. Apply to DAVENPORT, ULLMANN A CO„ aniyfiP-ly St Clark street. iJONET TO LO A N CHICAGO CITY PROPERTY, Or on Good Improved Fuim in tbia State. CHAMBEPB, I EE ft CO„ 121 Lake street. tnacSUMm 'J'ELEGRAPHIC EXCHANGE On New York. Dnfti. Att»puncM, Md Kotea nKd In NnTorfc os the day of maturity, or last day of grace. and money deposited for account lathe dff of New York, and seat to cltlca la the vicinity or New Y orJc, oa tele, graphic order*. EMERY CODE, aplß-ij>-cS6S Telegraph Office. IV/TONEY TO LOAN.—In Sums jrX not to exceed fVW. on Farms la HUnoli, within one hundred milra of Clilcaco, GEORGE W. NEWCOMB, oot-dlßWm] Ko.Bo Dearborn sUEoomS. Chicago. Money loaned on flrst-elaas securities at the < Banking Office of Wm.Ua Bice As Co^ No. 63 Clark Street. Three to live years* Loans at lOper cent. Short Pa per discounted. Cash advanccson Warehouse Receipts, City-Scrip wanted. myM-cASS-fy For money to loan On Real Estate Securities In Cook and adjoining Conntlea, A*pply to ERNST PRUSSINC, Dealer la Foreign Exchange, , HONEY AND REAL ESTATE BROKER, Agent for the British Commercial Ufa In surance Co., and Notary Public, No. 6 • • Larmon Block • No. 6 no.JJy N. E. cor. of Clark and Washington sts. JAMES D. SHERMAN. bas'kjsg, smrrac asd comnssior, No. 12 State Street, tip Stain. Cash advanced on aU kinds of property consigned for sale or shipment, Cash advanced on Bills of Lading and Warehouse Receipts. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Honses to rent. Lots on lease on lon'* time on State street, Wabash, .Michigan and Indiana Avenaea. Also, on the West Side. Hotel on Clark street to rent cheap to a good tenant. A moet desirable residence to exchange for unpro ductive propertv. t3T Credits given on New York and Boston. [oc2od3Bl-6m] Business (Carts. pHAKI.ES B. WAITE, KJ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 128 Clark Street, CUlcaso. Particular attention given to the law of real estate and to tbe collection of claims within tbe State of Illinois. del-ly PAYSON & REYNOLDS, ATTORNEYS A.COUNSELLORS AT LAW, 80 - - l>earborn Street ■ - • 80 ; CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. tit rraxxcaa.—Reynolds, Ely A Co* X. H. Burch A Co* Calcflgo; Wm, R, Reynolds A Co* Boston; John M, At**, od. Esq- Philadelphia; Messr*. Springer A White man. 6. ti. i?Hommedleu,Esq*Cincinnati: John An. drew*. Esq* Prcs't Board of Control. D. W. DeshTer, President, Columbus, C.; 7_ 8. Ely A Co., George ste. nhensou, Esq* Edward rlcrrepont, Esq* New York; lion, Ira Harris, Boa. Amasa J. Parker, Albany, N. Y.j John O. Desbler, Esq* Buffalo. JelS’ r'RAWFORD, SHARP & CO., \J IMPORTERS AND DEALERS In Crockery, Glass and China Table Cutlery. Looldnc aliases. Cas tors and British Ware, No. 1» Lake street. Chlearo, TIHnM. mh27Jß4y TTNOX, EUSTACE & REED, IV attorn teat law, 130 - - - ciar.£ Street • • • ISO Between Washington andMadlson, Chicago, 18. joszrs nos. jos* ▼. marsci. cam. s. uzo. l<ti:’£B4yj QPIES & BURT, O COUNSELLORS AT LAW, 75 • • Chestnut, North Side, • • 75 ocs'6o-iy Between Third and Fourth eta.. St. Louis, Ho. . Hr. B. Is Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for every State in the Union. References in Chicago—Scrlpps ft Brnm. ntxsxaiccsma. iJel-ly-vRC] ciimo.iuiT. Stationers, &c. pARTER & STONE, Dealers in SAGS AND PAPES, 29 Booth Canal Btreet Chicago, 18. J. T. Caktes. R. B. Bros a, , rwr paid for all kinds of Cotton and Woolen Eaga. aeTflO-ty OUTLER & HUNT, 48 State-St., D have now on hand the foUowlng sixes of printing paper: 18x47 20x44 26x40 26x42 SSxO 20x48 22x44 24x54 25X57 37x41 22x33 26x42 24x34 25x33 25x85 20x27 _ And are receivtnc a large assortment of BOOK. PAPES, 8,000 ream* of- wrapping Paper, of different sues. LOCO reams Msnilla do. . , . 200 reams Cap and Letter, and a general assortment of Printer*! Stationery. . ... . . LOOOkeea of Mather's celebrated Bookand News Ink. All of which will be sold for cash at the lowest possL hie ntn. TnM9 gy Cash paid for Rags.-** Da. ingersoll, • Bun Book MAsmcroaxa, BOOK BIKDEB AND RVLEB. lam now prepared to manufacture Blank Books of every description, ruled and bound to anv desired pat terns, with or without printed headings. Partlcularat. tentlon paid to orders from County Officers, Hanks, Ac, BUI Heads, Letter Heads, snipping Bills, Arc.. Ruled and Printed to order. Magazines. I*er odlcals, etc., bound in any style. Old Books bound and rebound. Northeast corner of Clark, (entrance on Clarks rectj post Office be* *»». mrßA’Bulfjj jfor ffike's ffcak. gT. JOSEPH & PUCE’S PEAK Traxmportation Line. A. WASHES & CO., General Freighters to the Mines, STORAGE. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. We hare Trains leading St. Joseph weekly through, out the year, for all parts In the mines, and can give parties unusual facilities for getting out frclplit with dispatch and at reasonable rates. All goods shipped to our care, defined for the mines, witl be promptly at (ended to. Warehouse on Sixth Street, A nAi*UK> # tllrt au29*QMy 6t. Joseph, Mo.__ aCTNS I—GUNS 1!—GXJXSIII— Rifle*. Pistol*; CoU*a,Al- _ en'a. Sharp?*, and every variety of ▼olver. Bowie halves, Teat*. lick*. Shovel*. Pan*. Gold Scales, iUankeUAnd *ll kind* ofmlncr** tools; powder. Sliot,,^F v §' Cap*, and ammunition generally. Agents ■ for St. Loot* Shot. Solo Agent for lias- _ art'* Powder. G F.O. T. AIIUKV IBS Lake*!. apTly Senlists’ (Carts. TX7TLLIAM ALBAUGH,*S» DENTIST, SB .WEST BANDOLPH-ST* CHICAGO SB post Office Box SS29. loertOdy] AW. FREEMAN.gga c DETVTIHT, yZZlfflS 103 ‘Witoikctos Cmcioo- 103 Just cast of Clark Street. No charge foi an examination or unsuccessful work. ocyco-iy TTILX DRIED CORN MEAL, IV Fairfield Mill*.—soo bbla ol this celebrated brand In wore and for sale by . BEDFORD, MEREDITH A CO* iaITBO-ly No. 219 South Wat «r St TMJRTEE & FORSYTH, XJ Mmcfkctnrlng Company S C A LES,/^ FIRE * BUBO LAE PROOF / iGT \ SAFES J J[\ J Warehouse Trucks, B*r-\ ton, Sugar MITU, Ac. A, K. BPEKCKS, ccgT-dSSLOm 183 Sooth 'Water SU Chicago. JJITCHCOCK’S Jtga* JPmnfwm Scales I ■ • Manufactured by B ADAMS A HITCHCOCK, 89 S. Caual-sU, Chicago* All kinds of Beales Repaired. WT jeamy HOWE’S STAND AED SCALES. TDOS* S. DICEESSOJ, B jro,isWaiiaah Avenue, Chicago, TH Welch out of Level. Wo Cheek Rods. All friction received ou Of mgf ©gstcra. gTEVENS & WEBBER, FBESH FROM BALTIMORE EVERT DAT. 108 * Randolph Street • 108 jy orders from tin country solicited snd^rt^ytly B. PLATT & c o.,fi&/|3 OYSTERS 7BOU BALTIMORE AKD DELAWARE BAT. L. Q5 • ■ <• Randolph Street - - - 65 Order* from tUa coo n«TprompUy attended to. [felt printers’ aaiatrijousc. /CHICAGO TYPE FOUNDRY \J iKD PRINTERS’ WAREHOUSE, 90 Wmbingtoa Street, Chicago. Tte rubacriber U prepared to fnrnlih TYPE ta large or «'"»» oeaotlea. made Oom a aoperlor auUtr ot jaet&L for either eaati or approved paper. lie 1» alao tnppued with a Urte and everr thing neceaaary for a complete PrlnUn* Office. A new Specimen Btck Unow ready for dedrery Chicago tErifcune, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 18G0. Daily Arrival and Ditpartnn of Stall Trainn. Train* Dfpari, J (ail* Cbm. TVcirw Arr+w. MICHIGAN bOUTHKEN. ft.oo a. m. 10.00 p. m, 10.80 ft. m. 6,30 p.m. 4.45 p.m. ILOOp. m. MICHIGAN CENTRAL. 6.00 a.m. 10.00 p.m. 10.30 a.m. 0.30 p.m. 4.45 p.m. 11.00 p. m. "PITTSBURG, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO. 5.50 a.m. 10.00 p.m. 8.00 a.m. 6.90 p.m. 4.43 p.m. 6.80 p.m. CHICAGO AND BOCK ISLAND. 9.45 a m. 8.00 a. m. 5.45 a. m. 11.45 P. m. 9.00 p. m. 6.15 p. m. DECON Ate LINE. 11.40 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 4.10 a.m. 9.00 P.m. No mall. 3.40 p. m. ILLINOIS CENTBAIr—BsajtCB. 9.15 a. m. 8.00 a. m. 6.30 a. m. 8.00 p. m. 8.80 p. m, 8.40 p. xn. BURLINGTON AND QUINCY. 7.15 a.m. 4.00 a.m. 6.45 a. m. 11.45 p. m. 9.00 p. m. 6.11 p. m. auboua accommodation. 8.45 p.m. 10.40 a.m. ALTON AND ST. LOUIS. 9.15 a.m. 8.00 a.m. * 5.20 a.m. 8.00 p.m. 7.80 p.m. 8.40 p.m. NOBTIIASD WEST. GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION. 11.40 a.m. 20.00 a.m. . 8.45 a.m. 6.90 p. m. 7.00 p. m. 8.40 p.m. SORTHWESTEBN. 25.45p.rn. 11.00 a.m. 12.20 p.m. 6.00 p. m. 4.30 p. m. 4.45 p. m. MILWAUKEE, 4.00 a.m. lLMp.m. 11.00 a.m. 5.00 p.m. 7.45 a.m. 12.dQp.rn. A. NEW POE9X BY LONGFELLOW. [From the January Atlantic Monthly.] Listen, my children, and yon shall hear Of the midnight ride of rani Revere. Of the eighteenth of April, In Seventy-five; Hardly a man Is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year. He said to his friend—“ If the British march By land or sea from the town to-night. Hang a 1 intern aloft in the Ixifry arch Of the North Church tower, as a signal-light— One if by land, and two if by sea; And 1 on the opposite shore will be. Ready to ride and spread the alarm. Through every Middlesex village and £srm. For the country-folk to be up and to arm.'* Then ho said good night, and with muffled oar Silently .owed to the Charlestown shore. Jest as the moon rose over the bay, Where swinging wide at her moorings lay The Somcrsett, British man-of-war; A phantom ship, with each mast and spar Across the moon, like a prison-bar. And a huge black hoik, that was magnified By its own reflection in the tide. Meanwhile, his friend, through alley and street Wanders and watches with eager ears, Till in the silence around himno hears The muster of men at the barrack-door. The sound arms,and the tramp of feet. And the measured tread of the grenadiers Marching down to their bouts on the shore. Then ho w-uibod to the tower of Ibo church, Vp the wooden stairs, with stealthy tread, To the belfry Jiamlwr overhead, ti l startled the pigeons from their perch O a the sombre rafters, that round him made Masses »od moving shapes of shade— Up tho light ladder, slender and tall. To the highest window la the wall, Where be paused to listen and loot down A momcntonthc nwfo of the town Andthe moonlight'flowing over nil. Beneath, in the churchyard, lay the dead In the nlght-cncampment on the hill. Wrapped In the silence so deep and still. That he could-hear, like a sentinel's tread. The watchful night-wind, as it went Creeping along from tent to tent. And seeming to whisper, “All is well!" A moment only b« feus the spell At the place and hour, and the secret dread Of the lonely belfry and the dead; For anddculy all bu thoughts arc bent On a shadowy something far away. Where the river widens to moet the bay— A line of black that bends and floats On the nslngtlde, like a bridge of boats. Meanwhile, impatient to monnt and ride, Booted and spurred with a heavy stride,; - On the opposite side walked Paul Revere. Now he patted his horse's side, Now be gazed on the landscape far and near. Then impetuous stamped the earth. And turned and tightened his saddle-girth; But mostly be watched with eager search The belfry-tower of the old North Church, As It rose above the graves on the hill, Lonely, and spectral, sombre and still. And lo! as he looks, on the belfry’s bight, A glimmer, and then a gleam of light I lie springs to the saddle, the bridle be turns. But Ungers and gazes, till full on bis sight A second lamp in the belfry bams I A burry of hoofs In a village street, A shape in the moonlight, a bulk In the dark, And beneath from the pebbles, in passing, a spark Struck out by a steed that flies fearless and fleet: That was aU I And yet, through thegloomandine light. The late of a nation was riding that night: And the spark struck ont by that steed, in bis flight. Kindled tnc land into flame with its heat. It was twelve by the village clock. When he crossed the bridge iuto Medford town. He beard the crowing of the cock. And the barking of tne fanner’s dog, And felt the damp of the river-fog, That rises when the sun goes down. It was one by the village-dock. When he rode into Lexington, * He saw the gilded weathercock Swim la the moonlight as be passed. And the meeting-house windows, blank and bare, Gaze at him with a spectral glare, Aa if they already stood aghast At the bloody work they wouldlook upon. It was two by the village dock, When he come to the bridge la Concord town. He beard the bleating of toe flock. And tbe twitter of birds among tbc tree*, And felt the breath of tbe morning breeze Blowing over tbc meadows brown. And one was safe and asleep in hla bed Who at the bridge would bo the first to fall. Who that day would be lying dead. Pierced by a British muskut-balL You know tbc rest. In the hooka you have read How the British regulars fired and fled— How tbe formers gave them ball for baU, From behind each fence and farmyard wall. Chasing the rod-coats down tbe lane. Then cromdug the Adds to emerge again Under the trees at tbe turn of tbc road, And only pausing to Are and load. So through the night rode Panl Revere; And so through the night wont his cry of alarm To every Middlesex village and form— A cry of defiance, and not of fear,— A voice In tbc darkness, a knock at the door, And a word that shall echo forevermore I Fur. borne on the nlgbt-wlnd of the Past, Through all our history, to tbe last. In the boar of darkness and peril and need, The people frill waken and listen to bear The hurrying hoof-beat of that steed, And the midnight message of Paul Revere. An Interesting Plctnro of Batavia and A correspondent of the New York Herald , writinefrom Batavia, the capital of the island of Java, about which we know comparatively little, draws the following graphic picture of the place, which will be found quite interest* Ing: Now about Batavia and the hotel at which I am stopping. How many in New York believe tbat upon the opposite side of the globe, ten thousand miles nearer the sun, hotels to com* Sare with the oriental magnificence of the few York hotels can befouud? But such is the fact. Every thing wc see here is so entirely differ cut from wuat ws have seen or ever imagined before, it is hard to tell how or where to be* gin. In all the imaginary wilds of speculative lancy Ibad never dreamed of anything to come up to or compare with Batavia. The place ap proaching nearest to it In the East Indies, or, in fact, in any part of the world is Calcutta, and that by many is not considered equal to Batavia. The hotel at which I am stopping is the Ho tel dcs Indcs, situated in the new, or upper town, some half dozen miles from the water. This Is a specimen of five or six others within half a mile of each other. My hotel and grounds cover ten acres. The whole ground, Tike the rest ot the city, is one immense forest of trees and canals. The trees remind one very much of the elms of New Haven. Houses are placed two or three hundred feet back from the street; in front the yard Is filled with trees, literally alive with birds, and every variety of plants and flowers. Every house has a stoop or piazza in front, on which, mornings and evenings, sit beautifully dressed ladles and children. The houses are white as the driven snow. In front arc bird cages, elegant lamps, beautiful pic tures and steel engravings, handsome marble top tables, rocking chairs, lounges, Ac. These articles arc mostly of French manufacture, of the nicest description. One can ride here for miles on roads as smooth as a floor, and see nothing different from what I have described. At night the city is one blaze of light from lamps—no gas is allowed. The streets swarm with Malays, Japanese and Chinamen, bat no negroes. They arc very civil and attentive os winters,* : and generally honest. Rooms are left open, and articles of all kinds left exposed without being stolen. There arc no beggars to be met with In the streets. Scales, SOUTH AND WEST. Paul Reveres Bide. THE ISLAND OF JAVA. Us Hotels. The hotel at which lam stopping—the main building two stories high, witn an immense piazza in front —is connected on each tide by buildings like railroad depots, three or fonr hundred feet long. Each suite of rooms con tains room enough to make two, three, and even half a dozen ordinary rooms such as we get at hotels in the United States. In front and back are bath booses, fountains, flower garden;, and outhouses for cooking and for servants. Marble floors, tiled roots, ceilings from twenty to thirty feet high, no carpets, and but few curtains. Meals arc served up In about the same style as at the first-class hotels in New York. The habits of living are quite different. At daylight the coffee and tea are taken to your room; at eight sune, with light refreshments; twelve breakfast, and at seven dinner. Coflhe and tea are always ready, day or night, sameas baths. No business is done in the street in the middle of the day on acoonnt of the heat. Nights and mornings are cool and delightful; birds arc singing olf night. The thermometer stands at about S3 degrees throughout the year; it docs not vary from this two degrees. The American consul and one other are the only Americans in town. The island of Java contains a population of 10,000,000; the city of Batavia 183,000. There arc three distinct-races here, the Malays, Ja vanese and Soudanese. All speak different languages, and neither can understand the other. This classification does not include the Chinese, of which there are several thousand. Java Is larger and more populous than Su matra, Borneo, or any or the neighboring islands. It U one of the richest and most pro ductive the Indian Ocean. . It abounds .with tigers, leopards, anacondas and po'sonous Insects of all kinds, bnt not so bad as Cevloo, where the average number of per sons killed and carried off by tigers from bln gapore Is one person a day throughout the year. These bouses are buQt on piles fifteen or twenty feet from the ground. Into which the people retire at night to sleep, to avoid being kll'ed by tigers. These little hnts are entered by ladders, which ars pulled up after entering. The jar. coflee giowu on thU Ulond U enrol, If not snpetior, tome of It. 16 tbe best Uoctu. E-rnrj kind of fruit—tbe flaot in the prodnMd. btn it all aaaaooa of th, jw. *■ HSigreHnneiras r • misoejjli a-neous. MALT! BARLEY MALT! A STOCK OF PRIME BARLEY MALT For Brewers’ and Distillers' Use CONSTANLY ON HAND, ORDERS PROMPLT FILLED. Bl *ad *n l orrible 'eadacbe tM» bafleraeoa, band 1 tapped Into the bapothecarie* baud #aja hi to the man. “Can 70a hease as of an •eadacheT'* “Boea Itbache plan, . *ard," aaja 'e. “ Hexceedlngly," aayv hi, band epos that *e sere me a Cephalic Pill, hand 'pon me *onor it eared me so quick that 1 'ardly realized I 'ad 'ad an SUPERIOR YEAST MALT IN BARRELS. ADDRESS, A. O. MORE*', 12 South Water Street, Chicago, eelOdSAm JOHNS. IDESON&CO., No. 115 Randolph Street, CHICAGO, ILL., Agents for the iff yqbk bub AND Packing Company, Hare on band at all times A Urge mpply of their new patented smooth and solid Vulcanized RUBBER BELTING, Warranted Superior to any other ever made. PACKING AND TUBING, heather Belling, FIRE BUCKETS, COXDCCnSG iSD ESCL\E UOSE, Of all sixes and best quality. Lace Leather, Belt Books and Clasps, RUBBER CLOTHING, Rubber Boots and Over-Shoes, DRUGGISTS’ ARTICLES, TOTS, OOMBB, And everything In the RUBBER LINE. RAILROAD SUPPLIES. VULCANIZED RUBBER GOODS: Ladles and Men’a Gloves, Nursery Sheeting, Carriage Cloth?, Plano. Horse and V agon Covers, Air Beds, Pillows and Cuthlots, Spittoons (a new article Just received,) Door Mata.Bath Mat*andTnba,anewstyle of Knife Sharpener*. Parlor State*, new style* of Fan cy Ball*, Stationer** Bands, Erasing Robber, fic, fie. Hard Rubber Goods: Crochet and Knitting Needles, Finger Rings of vari ous styles and prices, Plates, Pen-Holders,'Pencils, Oilers, Cork Screws, all styles of Syringes, Canes, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Napkin Rings, Holer's Thread and Needle Cases." Match Boxes. Binds and Sleeve Bn tons. Watch Chains, Tnmblcn, Bonnet Pins. Soap and Shaving Boxes, ftc* Ac. PATERT VOUAKITE EMEBT WHEELS, Or Dealers win please make a note of tbli tdver* tlsemeat In making their purchases. delS-dSS-lm GREAT CARPET HALL Hollister & Wilkins, IU k lIT • - - Lake Street - - - ISS k m [UF-BTAIBaj Tbe Best Goals at Low Prices, CARPETINGS. Have on hand and offer for sale, of their own Importa tion and of the best domestic manufacture, the largest and best assortment in the Northwest of Medallion. Wilton, Velvet, Brussels, Tspestry, Three-Ply. Superfine Ingrain, Extra Fine Ingrain, Cotton and Wool Ingrains Wool Dutch. Scotch Hemps, Felt, Venetian. Tapestry Ingrain, Body Brussels and Stair Carpeting*, all of the greatest variety, prices and patterns; comprising the largest best and moMdesirableaasortmentever before opened In Chicago, and which they offer at the lowest possible prices. OIL CLOTHS. : Of these ws offer a large and unrivalled a*ro?Taent, either as regards quality, style or price, of I rgll h ana American manufacture. In widths of one yare.o .e-and a-balf yards snd two yards wide, st prices n wiu time shillings to six shillings per yard. Also, Heavy Sheet OH Cloths. twelve feet, eighteen feet and tventy-Toor feet wide, at prices from four to ten shillings per yard Also—Table Oil Cloths in patterns and by the yard, and Bulr Oil Cloths la great variety. MATTINGS AND RUGS, Cocoa Mattings for Offlcc*. Churches, Vestibules. A cl, !n all widths, from one.half to two yards vide; Canton Straw Matting, both white and checked, one, one-and- yard* wide; Mosaic, Vel vet, Brussels and Tufted Rugs Cocoa. Jute, Manilla, Brush, Skeleton, Adelaide and Cheep-Skin Mats of the greatest variety in sire and pattern. CURTAIN GOODS. French Brocatelle, Batin DeLaines, French' Printed Lasting*, Reps. Cloth, Damask snd Moreens, Embroi dered Lace Curtains. In pair* and by the yard; Em broidered Muslin Curtain*, and by the yard; Cornices, In wood, brass or gilt; Gilt Curtain Bands and pins. Centre Tassels, Loop*. Drapery Cords, Gimp Bands. Curtain Gimp*. 6Uk Bordering. Curtain • all btnds of Trimmings necessary for Cnrtalns. Win dow Shades In gold borders. Dry and DU. Painted Shade*. White. Bull. Green and Blue Shade IloLandsla all widths; together with Bray's Patent Spring Fix. tores. Balance Fixture*. Putnam'*. Chamberlin * and Bailey's Pstent Fixture*. Pendulum Fixtures. Draw and Bronze UoUer-cnds, Rack-Pulleys and Brackets, Shade Cords sad Taascla. FURNISHING GOODS. Table Linens In patterns and by the yard. linen Nap kin* and Oovlles, Marseille* Quilt*, linen and Cotton Sheetings or all widths, linen and Cotton l*lUow.Cau tats, Towel*, Crash. Plano and Table Covers, embroi dered. printed and erobo>*ed; Fnmltare Chintz; logo, rether with a large assortment of Fringe*, picture Cord* and Ta**el*. UPHOLSTRY GOODS. Ferine Bed*. Ilslr, Cotton. Sea-Orass. Excelsior and Moss Mattresses, Feather Ueda, Bolsters and PUJowa. flaakcta, Qollta, Sheet*. Pillow Cases. Lounges. Foot tools, Billiard Cloths, plashes, Enamelled' Cloths, Curled Batr of radons grades, Woa* and Excelsior by the bale, Sea-Graaa. Spring*. Webbing. Bed Lace, Mai. tree* Tolls and Twines for L pholatercr'* use. PRIME LIVE GEESE FEATHERS* SolUflter «b WUIIIu GREAT CARPET HALL, 11l ft 137.. JAke Street, (up-*tair*J...l»* ft IS I*e2Wlsl4teO OLD SACHEM BITTEHS 150 Wigvam Tonic. THESE DELICIOUS AND TAB-FAMED BRTEBS ‘ are recommended by the Flrstphytdcians! of tbe Ccrantry, ooacocunt of their pUBCrr AND GREAT MEDICINAL VIRTUE. ' - -1 • They are pleasant flinrclar to the taste, and axe pro noun cod the bn* Teaks cad Sttanntonl over offered totbePnbUm : " - - -• ! Their curative powers In oases of GPKRAI DE biltit, loss or constipation, ztc, are unparalleled, and aa a guarantee that we feel warranted In fuming what we do, we beg leave to state that ouraaeertlona are endorsed by ProL 81LU3UN, of Tale College, Prof. HATES, of Irtn—rhnnetf, ftidhundrtdiof othtt*.‘ fKftbtvStotiibTiU.lMMft caADncsMi msht. ■- wanut~ | Tn AwALOAiUTJOTcrliiwouAOß,—There U ■ grow . • It* tendency la this age to appropriate the most ex pnsslrewordsorotherlaßgtiagea, and after a while to Incorporate them Into oar own; thus the vord Cep hills, which Is from the Creek, tlgnlfylng “tor the i head," la now becoming popularized Iq connection , with Mr. Spalding's great Headache remedy, bot It will aooa be naedta a mors general way, and the word . Cephalic will become as common as Electrotype and a any others whose distinction as to reign words has boea worn away by common usage vntS they seam “satire and to the manor born." ’ardly Realized. I tW“ Headache to the fkrortte «!gn by which nature makes known any deviation whatever from the na tural state of the brain, and viewed In this light It may ' be looked on ma e safeguard Intended to give notice ol ; disease which night otherwise escape attention, till ' too late to be remedied; and Its Indications mould I never be neglected. Headaches maybe cUesia-'d na : der two names, viz: Symptomatic and Idloiathlc. Symptomatic Headache U exceedingly common and la the precursor of e.great variety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Goat, Rheumatism and all fctuils diseases. In its nervoas Ibnn It Is sympathetic ol dls ! ease of the stomach constituting aicr uiiDicnz, ot • hepatic dhjaaa-constituting atuoua Biaoacaa, ot ; wormaeoostipationandotiierdiioßlenofthcoowclA as well as renal and uterine affections. Diseases of the heart are very frequently attended'with Headaches; . and plethora are also affections which fre- - ; quently occasion headache.' Idiopathic Headache is : also very common, bcing«a*aally distinguished by the , name of xuvocs bsadicbe, sometimes coming on ‘ suddenly In a stato of apparently sound health and ; prostrating at ocee the mental and physical energies, . and In other instances It comet on slowly, heralded by ; depression of spirits or acerbity of temper. In most the pam is In the front of the bead, over one . or both eyes, sod sometimes provoking Totalling] tu>. der this claw may also be named NecaiLOLt. For the treatment of «itb«r class of Headache the 1 Cephalic Pflls bare been found asorcaadsaft remedy, : relieving the most acute pains in e tew minutes, and ; by its snbtletowrr eradicating the diseases of which ; Headache is the unerring Index. Bridgtt.—Mlssu* want* you to send bar a box of Cep halic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared pills,—bat I'm thinking that's not Jost It neither; but perhaps ye’ll b aflher knowing what It is. Ye see she's nigh dead and gone with the Sick Headache, and wants some more ol (hat same as rctalred her before. OacootST.—Ton most mean Spalding's Cephalic Pda, BaiDCET.—Och I sore now and you're sed it, here's the quartber and gir me the Pills and dent bo all day about it alther. Constipation or CoatiTeness 5o one of the “many Ola Seth la heir to” Is to prew lent, to little understood, and so much neglected as Costtreneas. Often originating in carelosaaees, or sed* eotary hablta; it is regarded as a slight disorder of too little consequence to excite anxiety, while In reality It is the precursor and companion of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradica ted it will bring the sufferer to an untimely-grave. Among the lighter evils of which costlreness la the uscal attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism Foul Breath, Piles, and others of like nature, while long train of frightful diseases scch as Malignant Fo ▼ers,'Abeesaee. Dysentery. Dlarrbcea, Dyspepsia, Apo plexy. Epilepsy.Paralysis, Hysteria, Hypochondriasis, Melancholy and Insanity, Crri Indicate their presence in the system by this alarming symptom. Not nafre quently the diseases named originate la Constipation, but take on an Independent existence unless the cause U eradicated in an early stage. From all these consld a lions It follows that the disorder abonld receive Im mediate attention whenever tt occurs, and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on the first appearance of the complaint, as their timely use will expel the Inslduous approaches of disease and d* atroy this dangerous foe to human lift. A Beal Blessing. < PsTbolajl—Well, Mrs. Jones, how la that headache? MaA Joxka—Gone 1 Doctor, all gone! the pill you sent enred me la just twenty minute*.sad I wish you would send more so that I can have them handy. PnTsrcrxx.—You can get them at any Druggists. Can for Cephalic PDls, I find they never Bill, and 1 re commend them In all cases of Headache. Vm shall send for a box directly, and shall tell aH my suffering friends, for they axe aaish sixa#» m. Twxjttt Matron or Dottits Birra—Mr v ßp*ld!nt has sold two millions of bottles of bis celebrated Pre pared Glue and it Is estimated each bottle save* at least ten dollars worth of broken furniture, thus mak ing an aggregate of twenty millions of dollars re claimed from total lou by this valuable Invention. Having madehli Glue a household word, be now pro poses to do the world still greater service by coring all tbe aching beads with his Cephalic Pills, and If they an as good as bis Glue, Headaches will soon vanish away like snow In July. trOmgiffiTwwT. and the mental caroandan lety incident to doss • Mention to basin cm or stndy, are among the nomer-* r causes ofNervoo* Headache. Tbe disordered •‘tit,- of mind and body Incident to this dis tressing c is a fatal blow to all energy and bltioa. Sufferers by this disorder can always obtain speedy relief from these distressing attacks by using one ofthe Cephalic Pills whenever tbe symptoms ap pear, it Quiets the overtasked brain, and soothes the •trained and Jarring nervea, and relaxes the tenslonof the stomach which always accompanies and aggravates the diaordefed condition of the brain. Fact woxTßExownnN Cephalic Pda are a certain core for Sick Headache, Billions Headache, Nervous Headache, OosUveaese and General Debility. flmt DacovoT—Among ths most Important of all the great medical discoveries of this age may be eon aldered the system of vaccination for protection from Small Pox, the Cephalic PUlfor relief of Headache, and thenMOfQnlnloe for tbe prevention of Fevers, either ofwhtchlsasnrespeciac, whose benefits will be ex* perieaced by suffering humanity longlafter their dis ooveren are forgotten. tr Did you ever hare the Sick Headache 7 Do you remember the throbbing temple, the fevered brow, the* inatMnf god disgust at the sight of food. How totally unfit yon were for pleasure, conversation or a tody. One of the Cephalic Pills would have relieved yon from aU the suffering which you then experienced. For thla and other pnrpose* yon should always have a box of them on band to nee as occasion require*. & CURE-Oa CURE Nervous Headache CURE Jj, Headache. BythonseoflhesePin* the periodic attacks of Nxn tots on Stcrßrissoix maybe prtrentedt and if takes at the commence man! of an attack immediate rebel from pain and sickness win be obtained. They seldom fell in removing the Nicsm and Bn> *eg» to which females are so subject. They set gently upon the bowels—removing Cos niuiis. , ForLrrzxutTMo, Biluub, DcHcato Female*, and aUpenoos of sxsnra&T sxarrs, tbey ar* valuable u a LIXITtTI, IMPROVING THE APPETITE, Girins run ud viooa to the digestive organa, and r« itortngthe natural elasticity and strength of the wbol# system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the mult of long In re* Ogation and carefully conducted experiments, baring been In uae many jean, daring which time they bare Prevented and Relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache whither originating la the xextocs system or from* deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable In th dr com position, anc may be taken at all times with perfect safety wlthou making any change of diet, and the Absence of any Disagreeable Taste, tt™*** RKieTTOADxmmamaiToaoLßaxa. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine have five signatures of Beery C. Spaldln* on* each Box. . Sold by Druggists and aH other Dealers In Medicines ft Box will be sent by mall prepaid on receipt of tbs PRICE, 25 CENTS, All orders should be addressed to HEHEY C. SPAIMHft «• (Mar Wf t, Knr Ter*. 'lhtsur ante. •pfQ3IE ‘f^PRANCE; The Union Insurance ASD TRUST COMPANY; Clurterei V tie legislator* «f BUaeli. CASH OAPITAX, $200,000. aanrt Bank Bonding, fi. W. corner of Ctsrfc and Lake street, Chisago, DL President—BENJ.'LOHBAED. < Vice-President—YAHH.HlGGHfl. Secretary—B. 7. JOHNSON. Treasurer—FEANCl3 A. HOITHANH. DIRECTORS t BENJAMIN LOMBARD, Cambridge, Mas*. MATTHEW BOLLEA of M. Collet A CoZßankers. Beaton.Mwo*.-' ■ DANIEL SHARP. roramUrfoner, etc.. Boston, Mast. JAMES W. STONE. M. D, Boston. Miss. LEVI E. STEVENS. Boston. MIM. VAN H.UIGGINS, Judge Sopcrlor Court, Chicago, XJlinoK TRANCIS a: HOFFMANN, Hoffmann A Gclpeke. Banker*. Chlrero. GEO. w, GAGE, of Gaga, Bro’ ft Drake, Trcmont Doom*. Chicago, M. D. OILMAN, of M. T>. Gilman ft Co„ Wholesale Omf>r* aM Itnporfera, CMrajro. JOHN V. FARWF.LL, of Cooler, EarweT! ft Co, Wholesale Dry Goods Merchant* and Imnort-r*, FRANCIS B-PPABODT, Attorney at Law. Chicago. THOMAS HARLESB, of Harieee ft Parker, CommU. tlon Merrham*. Chicago. J. Q. HOYT, of Host A Peirce, Wholesale Grocer* and-Importer*. Chlcajo. ■ ISAAC O. LOMBARD, General Agent Union tea. •PdT. Cn. Chicago. __ . p. Lj.PIuLI.IPS. Anna. 18. , •• EtvYs HARWOOD, President of Wheat-Growers* Bank. Anna, 18. JOSMH LOMBARD; Cashier Pamet Bsnk. Grim- Tllle. HI. - CHARLES CHANDLER, of Charles Chandler ft Co* Banknt. Macomb. 18. OLIVER WHITAKER, of Hendcnoft ft Whitaker, Altornera at Law. Tonlon. RL MARSUALL AYRES, PresX Toolon Rank. Grieg*. vlUe.lll, nolihdtTLSm A ETNA INSURANCE COMP% XX —OF— HABTTORD, OOOTC. Incorporated 1815—Charter Perpetual. Oath Capital and Surplus, 23,194,100.02. rraz and iklandnavigation risks Taken at Liberal Terms and Rates. Esuecltl attention rfren to In.«nrance of Dwellings and Content*, for terms of one to five yean. ASSETS, OTAST. 1, 1660. PAID UP CAPITAL CAPITAL AND SUKPLUS. Par V*L MW.V»I Rank Stocks, fio 00 U. A Slock and Treasury Notes... XriiTO 00 st*.nso on StstftStocks.Ac 2U.51000 8»AR» Cifa Stocks. Ae 111000 00 lIfiJMOO Railroad Stocks. Ac,... 8VTO« 00 Mortgage Ronds* 83.000 00 HAITO w Real Estate, unincumbered • >.W 00 Miscellaneous Items 37,73 90 Cash on hand and deposited on call,'and In agents’hands .... 99V11S 2s Claims unadjusted and not dae...f179,967 O ToUhtTT;. .. 2.1 M.lOO 03 Application* received, and police* Issued orrenewed K any of Indslraathonsed Agents. Losses eqnlta. t adjusted and paid in lands current at any of the Banks In Illinois. Agents appointed, supplies fornlshep, and all boat, neee pertaining to a general supervision in the State of promptly attended to br • WM. R. PATCH, State Agent. Springfield. Kinds. HUBBARD & HUNT, Agents for Chicago. JylOJy Ko.lLootnl* Block, corTSo. Water* Clark sts. pHCENIX INSURANCE CO., - CO? HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. January lit, 1360* CASH CAPITAL. surplus tsyeayi AMBTS. Cash on hand, and in Bank Cash in thelrraflaof and dne flora Agents.,.. M.I3IJR Real Fatatp. unincumbered .... A-Vm.oo Loaned on Mortgaces or Real Estate fifi.9M.oo Amount loaned on pledred Bank Stock. W.w.00 Amount loaned otherwise secured 1.009.00 Pis Vsl. Mi I *. Vat. Flftv Shares U. S. Trust Co.*s Stock, __ .New York H.WO ffi.loo I few York Bank Stock 13M00 140.7R3 lartford Bank Stock VOpQ BLM7S Waterbury Bank Stock. lUM U2D9 Stafford Bank Stock. Stafford 400 *l3 Holyoke Water P*r. Co/* Stocks 10.000 1&SO New Britain Water Bonds . 10.000 18.700 Hartford Cltv Bonds 10,008 10, TOO Coh Peq. and Ind-ILR. Bonds ... 10.000 7/01 Accumulated Intereston investments 8,711 Total Assets ♦383,83551 Total Liabilities - - - $40,704.53 H. KELLOGG. Secretary. HUBBARD & HUNT, Agents. No 1 Loomis* Building, Corner Clark and Water streets. Chicago. Applications for Insurance, or the renewal of Pott dea and all business connected with the office, may be made to os, duty appointed Azenta for the Cltv of Chicago, with full power to receive proposals and tone policies, on as favorable terms as other responsible Companies; and Its aim will be to secure the confl. deoce of the public by an honorable course of dealing. M. MAOILL, General Agent, SI and XI West Third street. Cincinnati. Ohio, to whom all applications for Agencies, in the Western or Southwestern States may be addressed. lap3TO-ly QUAKER CITY INS. COMP’Y, PHILADELPHIA. Oapltal mnd Surplus, - - - 9359,746.70. Officers; GEa BART, IL R. COGOSHALL, President. See’y and Treasurer. LP.Bosa, Vice-Prest. 8. H. DcvLta, A*i*t Sec*y. CURTIS L. NORTH, General Agent. Masonic Temple. Chicago. Dntxcroas;—George B. Hart. K. p. Rosa A. C. CatteH, Foster & Perkins, K. W. Italiey, Andrew Chambers, IL IL CoggshaUTsamael Jones, SL D- Hon. IL M. Faller. mlilS.’POJy "VTORTII AMERICAN FIRE IN. Xi schance company. Or Hartford, Conn. Paid tip Capital $308,000. Insurance Against Loss by Fire. HUBBARD ft HUNT, Agents, Chicago. Cor. Clark and South Water sts. NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE CO,, OF NORWICH, CONN. Paid up Capital ... ....112U38J8 Insurance Against Loss by Fire. HUBBARD ft HUNT. Agents. cor. of Booth Water and Clark tU_ first floor. Loomis’ Block. ocS-bttS Hartford fire ixsur’xCe COMPANY. Chartered In 1810. ASSETS MAY 3, 1860. ’ Market Value. Cash on hand and on caO. |lfi£Q3.M amply secured. Real Eaate.c*ah value 15.0CW.00 3..W) Shares Bank Stock in Hartford 5RV02.00 1,300 “ *• *• In New Tor*. 200.5i.V09 LOIO • “ “In Boston. 10&9U.OO CM " St Louis snd Milwaukee 42,400.00 120 “ River Company Stock, Hartford.. 1.000.00 ISO * Railroad Stock. is.zso.oo 41 City and Railroad Bonds 43.tf10.00 State Stocks Total Assets - Total Liabilities. Folios* in the above Company Issued by HURT ft H3GGINSON, Agents No. 1 Loomis Block, anNUfISI-la Corner Clark and Sooth Water sts. P»IRE, MARINE, LIFE INSURANCE MILLER A WILLHARTH, .Agents fbr thw MANHATTAN LIFE, of New York, nouns, « ** PIIEMX, “ “ ■WASHINGTON, “ « LOBILLABD, CITIZENS, “ “ PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON, Pw wldence, B. !• CONWAY, of Conway, Maas* HAMPDEN, of Springfield, Niim. Aggrejite Capital ast Surplus, $5,000,000. Offle*! No. 150 South Water Street* Qcfl-iyl VEW EXGLAND FIRE AXD A. * Marina Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD* CONNECTICUT. Assets, Jan. L 1309 $23481103 . Znsaraßeo Against Loss by: Fire. . HUBBARD A HUNT. Arents. Chicago. |yl4-ly-d7g Cor. Clark and booth Water stt QOLDEN HILL SHIRTS, * BTJUWELL & WYANT’S, No. S Tremoot Block. Dearborn Street, Chicago. GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS. ho2MC7-8w Mitchell 4 zahm, aiicnemns of TALLOW, CANDLES AND SOAPS, And dealers In Hides, Wool. Pelt*. Seeds and Pork. Factory on comer of Star** street and Archer Boad. Office ami Warehouse, 77 Klnrlc street, tfciuicr"*- loom uwa ma. QI LI OIL!! OIL!!! TANDEBSALIi & CHASE, Sole Agents lor the Pennsylvania Bock Oil Be lining Co.'s unequalled lUnminatinr and Lubricating Oil*, u Sooth Water street, corner Wabash avenue. Chicago. -d. rmone»««j- [noU-d*7Sdml ■ mr. cmaa STATE AND COUNTY TAXES, SOUTH CUICA-O.—Tbe Use* for :m are near doe. Parties battas taxes to par can do so at .No. IS Court House. VTA, g MURRAY. Collector. 2KA , BARRELS CHOICE YTISTEK ArPLE3.Jo.tree.lieiJ.iid for ule by STEVENS A TTELBEn, lyqmpT&eiß ' IC3 Randolph street. OKA Bbls. N.Y. SYRUPS, 00\J REYNOLDS. ELY ft CO. Bbls CRUSHED, POW eJUU DKBED and GRANULATED BUOAR. . RKYWOIOS. ICLT * «;Q. K(\f\ Bags 810 COFFEE. t)\JU ■ ■ ; REYNOLDS, ELY ft CO. OAA Boxes BABBITTS SALE- QA A Boxes BABBITT’S SALE- O V V RATUS. REYNOLDS, ELY ft CO. t A Casks No. 1 NUTMEGS, XU • REYNOLDS, ELY ft CO. lAA Hilda. N. O. SUGAR, land -lUU "“■‘“’“"fcoLDS, ELY ft CO. Kf\ Bbls. PRIME PLANTATION t)\J MOLASSES, New Canp. RK' nuCD&KLT ft CO. -I KA Bags PEPPER, IQu gennuift n.T» 00. V rtrt Hl£ Bbla. MACKEREL. XUu inromßTSooi j = i; O M A:L J>J AftES/ BUTTONS KJ - -AWiKOTIONi , Wonted Hoods, Slfccrev. Qalten. 4c. DreA Trtn n^SVoerte»aMSidrtl 4 -«Wr« and Hosiery. ■ J the trade Is respectfully taTtted to examine the shore goods, which will be sqjd tor Close cash prick k T>ERUN WOOLS. -U • Imported and torsalebr : A. GRAVES, ... as 29 _ *3 street, CUcsjcl*” 'J'UTTLE, HIBBARD & CO., HARDWARE AW) TIN PLATE, OB -- - Xialco Street ... 6a We' offer to the trade, at the LOWKT v PSICESj- W» bo zee TIN PLATE. 5.400 Mia SHEET IRON, “ 530 * RUSSIA IRON; 130 - IMITATION RUSSIA, , 0.500 * BRIGHT and ANNSALO iTOtB. SSS cub SHEET 33NC, 10 tone PIOTIN. SASDOIbt. COPPER BOTTOMS. lOoefis TINNERS’ TOOLS end MACHINES SO cub BRIGHT 01 and COIL CHAINS, VXOiot. AXIS, LMO - SHOVELS, SPADES end SCOOPS, a (one SAD IRONS. TUTTLE, HIBBARD & CO., Corner of State and Lake sta. HATS, CAPS, Pars, Buffalo Rohes, &o ‘AT THIOtESALE. 1860. FILLTBAOa 1860 WEBER, WILLIAMS & YALE. IB ;...XAEB ST, CH1CAG0.;..........25 Dave la store a very LARGE AND ATTBACTTVf STOCK of the above goods, and are fully prepared tc compete sacecsefally with the best Eastern firms Ir variety, quality and PRiCEftand solicit a c*j from all prompt paying merchants. faa29*6o-ly Bawson & Bartlett, Kixmracmzas an> wsolksalx mium m BOOTS AND SHOES, 50. 50....- LAKE STREET. .ILSWTOM . 91,100 00 We would respectfully call ike attention of City and Country Merchant* to eorextenM ve stock of Boots nod Shoe*, which we hare now In store, and are dallv re ceiving from oar Factor* In West Borlston, Ma«B - consists of a fall assortment of Chose Celebrated Custom-Made Paten Kip andCnlCand Grain Water Proot Boots; together with a. . -stock of allstjlesof FALL AND WINTER GOODS, of the best quality and manaf icture. which we are pre pared to sell for CASH and prompt paying trade at Boston and New York Jobbing Prtei* We are Agents for the sale of MltcV'Al’s PatentMetaL Ho Tip Boots and Shoes In all the States. 1860 FALL TRADE 1860 H. W. hIINT & CO., 39 and 33 take «trcct, Chlcaao. Uasufketurers and Jobber! o t Ready Made Clothing, And Dealer* ts GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS Cotta. Coatings, Casslmere*. Satinets, Taßor*' trimmings, Ac- Ac. Our Stock la large and well assorted, and *3l be told At the Lowest Prices. .txrjeosa 1860 FALL TRADE. 1860 FIELD, BENEDICT A CO., Nos. 81 and 93 South Water street. Importer* and'Jobhem of Goode for Men’s Wore, They are now daPy receiving thetrnsnal Urge and varied stock for the Fall Trade, .to whlcA they Invite your attention. Their stock eooaists in part or Broad cloths, of all colors and grades. Black and Fancy Cas slmerea. Black nihl Fancy Doeskins.' Bine and Black Pilot* Black and Colored Moscow Reavers. Brown. Black, Bine and all colors of Castor Beavers. Silk and Valentla VestlngsoraUgrades and style*. SATINETS of all grade* aad styles.' Also, a full and complete stock of Tailors’Trimmings. AGENT FOR SCOTT’S IMPORT OF TABHIOKfI. 'J'IN PLATE AND HARDWARE. We offer the followtng at the lowest market rates LOGO Boxes Tin Plate, assorted sizes. 9500 Bundles sheet Iron. No*. 18 to 29. 200 * -Russia Sheet Iron. 100 “ Imitation Sheet Iron. 100 Casks Sheet Zinc, assorted widths. 8.000 Lb*. Brszer** Copper. 5.000 Lbs. pressed Copper Bottoms. LOGO Bundles Wire, aborted Nos. 0 to «L 3.000 Kegs Nalls, Wheeling and other prime brands. A fan assortment of Hardware. Tinners' Tools, Ja. paned and pressed Tinware, Rivets, Eat*, fie. WILLIAM BLAIB & CO., _ae4 . - No. ITS Lake street. JEWETT & BTJTLER, WHOLESALE DEALZB3 Cf HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Nalls, Glass, Sheet Iron, Copper. TINNER'S' STOCK, TINNERS' TOOLS Tin-Plate, Paace-Wlio, Sec, IB • ■ • LIKE STREET - • • lg« SIGN OF THE SCISSORS Between Wabash and Jlchigso Avenues, Chicago, U toctldlSKal 1860 FALL TRADE. 1860 C. C. COOK & CO., (Bne««ori Sauries, Cook .Co J 841:3.89 16* 18 - STATE STREET • 18 A 18 Wholesale Grocers DUIED FR-TJITS FISH. WOODEN WARE, &a. Invito tits Attention of Orantry Merchanti tc their ftook, which they offer at Lowest CaahPriMs. ■ISfi.SSCJg <3-. o. COOK & CO., ■STATE STREj 1«* IH.. QROCKERT, FINE CIIIXA, GLASSWARE, Silver-Plated l andßrUtasfa-Ware, HOrSE*FURNISUING GOODS, WBOUS4U AJO acso. THOMAS F. BYRN, ITO Laka Street tmhfo ‘Bo] C. M. HENDERSON & CO, Basnxacrruas ara wsouea i&caLxaaor BOOTS AND SHOES No. 32.L*k. SG, CUujß, 111., ’ Have In store a large sad desirable stock of goods which they will sell very cheap to cash and prompt paying trade, Wt are the Agents for » MITCHUir PATEIIT METUIIC TirPEO tsou xs all txs nans wneocr: We are now to be fonnd at the magnificent store Jlo. a Lake sfreet ecracr Wabash Avenue, MtS-USUt faff-Sm-i IKOS BLOCK hemov^li, PEAKE, MARSH & D£ LOKG . Compelled by thetracreaalngbaßt&ess to seek larve quarters, have removed tram their old stand. neari) opposite to tbe above spacious stores lu BUSCH’S IBOH BLOCK. Where they win be able to offer at wholesale, a atm larger and more rarie d stock of Dry Goods. Hosiery, sod ffotioos. • Customers win always find us with fan Bom known brands of HEAVY DOMCSTlCß.b*ojrhtat drft bands, and offered at a small advance together with > large stock of VOOUIt SHAWU D3EIS CDODS Jtl. W, cwdiiao oar aiooo "XrO'W PRICES wur.- Aad IsrtSa the attention of an close, prompt payfar buyera, jp«3C 1860 FALL TRADE. 1860 COOLEY, FARWELL & CO, 4=2, 4:4= and 4=6 WABASH ATE37VE, D BY « OO 9 S JOBBim.B. [ JgABCOCK & PEEK, 171 RANDOLPH STHKET, Kabogany, Rosewood and Walnut; mam otma boom a commqb fmiitoei •' in great variety.: ’ 'Wood-Seat and Cane-Seat -Chain, Bedsteads and Bureaux. School Furniture ca band! aad to Order. - fy Particular attentioa paid to Chantry Orders, . QalfraaO 13} % QLOVES, GLOVES, GLOVES I Don't forget to bur your Gloras at BOWEN'S, Ko.M dark straet The best aadcbespeasßaafc. akin and For. all sold lower than tvarbeibre. H, B.—Bowen b also Agent Rjt tha West of WHaort JSaJra2i , sS ,^“1 pra sa^* ©ommissien -^Slnrfbants. A. .... CommlaaloM nerehittt* w - Personal alientlonelTcn to the purchase aad Ml* of Grain, Floor and Couafn Produce generally. OFFICE Xa’sTntLlAim*3 BLOCK, y.Kcor.a. . ww«r »aa once uox «st. B. Ogtlan, Chicago. m - ITon. TL-W. Kayraood. do.-, ta« root do.: f\. TTran. ley, Esq,.dQ-P.Uanarrtfy. NepTraACo., Saw York; Gourd rreres. do.; Tclrerton bm; do* Jm. KJng*a - Boo?, do.; Ja». H. Lucid Elq, St. Lou IS;. Edward Tes* son. Esq.. do.; Chas. ChOOteaß. EsQ„ .. (DoUxSn fJfZ Liberal advances-mode oo Coo*ir"T»«nia. A GRAVES, S Lake street. Chteaga* fj\DWARD SACHET, Comsnlmlon Slerehant* No. 198 South Water meet, between Old tod S«T Boar.! of Trade Buildings, Chicago, ID, Hrr*»Tn Merchant* - Seringa Loan afld Trust Co* Chi cago; Smith. Pollard * Co„ Chicago; Parker Randy. E*i. C.tshUr. Sew York: A. Whltaey a Son*. phltadeL phCt;F.F.FowlerACo..XewOrlaaiia, - soarany Packers and CommiasxmcHerciant*, Opposite Michigan Central Freight Depot, (bot of Booth Water Street, Chicago, HL, Wouldinvite atteetkn to thetn.uw .Parking House and store, and ftom the opening of the PacklagßeaMa will have coostaallj on band a rail supply of BEEP, PORK, LLBD, fte. ” And thetr PREMIUM SUGAR CUBED HAMS. Or. den for racking are toilette* .... W.LcjJD. • ...(tom... CH.B.Mt»«fc - pORl) & NORTON, Storage and Commtolott VVerehants, Fire Proof Warehouse, on Market street, between Lake and RAUdolph street*. CMcsro. in. IV Liberal advances mode oa Conslgnmeftta. bascil a. roatL. taairOß-lyt lUTHxxm. sorrow. pnm & c<v ..General CommtMdoo DTerchnnts, 119 SOUTH WATER ht a TVT t ~ tfITT(? A po, ttt,. same u qitsb. LiyTTSLly} suaro a. mtg, ORTON, ROBB & CO., Wholesale Dealers tal GROCERIES UTD FISH, And Ganerml Gammlaaloa Bereliants, Ko. 16 Hirer Street, Chicago, CL nascs verros. csas. aesa. m. a mama. apST-eSOLIy - - HOYT & RUMSET. JL COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, Old United States Custom Honae Buildings, Chicago. jiA w, rtsLrr. j. u. bott. l r.itntsxr. CARD.—In withdrawing from the Cotmnlasfoa'BusL ness, we take areal pleasure In recommending the above firm to our friends and patrons and aoUdt tar them a continuance of their business. Having known them tar several *eara. we cheerfullv recommend them as good business men. and In everr respect reliable. poK-dCM-tira FLINT A WUEELEg. .50. SO pILVMBERLAIN & SEY^IOUR, \J COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the purchase and sale ot cßii.T. non:, pcaurcE & seschi^ihse, No. | psrdee*s RulhUrtK coruar of Wells and Sooth Wstcrstrect*. Chicago, IDlijoli. Liberal advances made od couslgmucnts. r. (deira] ■.w.amwCTL Bailie & Seymour, PRODrCB AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT?, Oiflc« IM Sooth Vi'»wr-»C. Pomeroy** BolMloc*. po»t Office Drawer GOT, Chicago, jii*. d. nittra, r, a. wiTMocm. B«r«ga*ctsr—StQTßa* Parkin; ham & Co • Km. Mir. Ua, Gcnirul Freight Agent C. U.IC.R.R, ■ • Q.RIFFIN BROTHERS, Commission merchants, KO. 5 POMEROY'S BLOCK. Comer Strom Water and Clark street*. Chicago. Ad. rancea made on conslyimenja. r. onFig imhatddyl • a. mum npiTßPry, LAKE ■& CO., X COMISSION MERCHANT^ Wo. 183 I*B South Water St*, Chicago* ▼.A.ic*rar. . aj,uu Uyffai WRIGHT & SHER3IAN, rammer cottJnssiojr mzbchahis. Erery Description of Country Pr*4iee on Commission Exclusively* 30 and Ltfim Sraaar. jn *"* a CHICAGO- | SCOTT STEWART, | /'Prodsee CsnHntmea"Mewhus, So. I BOARD OP TRADE BUILDINGS oddtany WEILER, MUDD it NIEtLEN, T T EXCLUBIfE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 184 South -Water Street, .Chicago, UL Caah advance* made on bill* of Lading, Property In Store, and on Shipment* to our Mend* £ut and South. mas wiLtin. /. n. mrixsx. j. a uesa. apycp-ly - ■ JJNDEKWOOD & CO., COMMISSION a£KKCSACT: 153 Soath Vater St.) CUea|«. mhzra i MORSE & CO ? Frodaea Commlmloa nmhntt) t9B SOUTBTTPATER STREET IS Alkln*« Bol'dlnsr, Chicago, [jyKHy-A* yfATSOX V. COE & CO., COMMISSION MEKCHANTS For tbv parctiasennd sale of PORK, FLOUR, GRAIN ANB STOCK, So. 216S South Water Street, Chicago. wiT-Joa y. Cos. wm. n. Bira. &l. oaoMWoost • __ _ dei’AMy • • . ■yAX IXTVAGEN & CO., General CommlMalon Iffercbaata, . So. S Oole’a BidjdUir. coc.SodOi Water and Clark att, CHTCAOO. ILLINOIS. . übbul idt «scc« m*dr ai covtuaracvnu Bsrtarsrt*.—Flint A Wheeler. SmWt Pollard A Ox* Chicago; J,i»oa Parker, Esq, Cutter * Sima, Buffalo. mUbO-ly ... Ouvza R. Bcnn TUO3IPSOX. BOXIIAM & CO.. JL 'EXCLUSIVE CO7I7IISSION MgKCUATnS, fiO. Js* SOUTH WATER STREET. CHICAGO, ELL, Rim to—Merchants* ?3Tln ri, Loan und Tnut Co, Aloaao Richmond A Co, Hon. jho. C. Halses, Chlcsxo; J. H. Drake « Co, >*. Ya R. 9. Kins, Buffalo. laaKMMlyl QULVKR & COMPANY, ; . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JXCTMSEY, BROTHER & CO n Commission KlerchaniS) Give their ezcla&lve attention to the purchase and tale of Floor.Groin. and other produce, on Commlnloa. No. 146 S. Water, cor. Clark at, Chicago. tnofflaWl HOWES, cohhissxox MERCHANT, 135 South Water Street, Chicago, m. Ucireo-iyi ■Hit IN QASH AD VAN GK a WAKEFIELD, NASH & €<L, - Liverpool and London, liberal Cash Advancement* win be made on eoorija meats to the above bouse, of BACON. Lißn, V1310X3. and PRODUCEgenerally, by oc3*6oly) THQMAfI WASH. HOLMES & SON, Beef and Pork Packers, AN3 provision zozmoicAHTS. Office No. 12 River Street ; '' 1 PACKING HOUSE NORTH - BRANCH. CHICAGO; - -Dealer* to , IEEF, PO3X, HAMS, SHQQIOEBS, UR0 P ITS. . OT Highest market price tor Cattle and Hogs. REFER TO Bankers and DuilnesaMea generaHyAt Qulncv, 11U St, Louis and Chicago Bank: J. Young s.-jmmnn, K«q , president Marine Bank v-J. H. Dan ham, fc*q., rmtdect. Merchants’ Savings Loan and Trust Company, and Messrs. G. A Hubbard A Co„ Chicago. - . —. . aau l nomra. [se3-d5-lyl jt v. a. sold*. ■\fURRY NELSON, JjJL . • produce ComxnXMloa and SblpphigJSanliakli NO. 211 SOUTH WATEHhTRMT • ■ CAxentfur the Fulton Starch Works. Oswego Oo„H.x,> - Liberal cash advances on FUjar and Oram for ship.* Hveui WO-jwirgo or Near YoHc.or la store, giving the shipper the privilege of selling la eltkaa market for. one conmlwoo. " aplS" c. w. BrvpKiesow a cq jgEDFOKD, Meredith: & co., COTraiSSION jreBCHANTS, No. 219 South Water Street, Chicago, give their eacau give attention to Ute purchase and sale ot Floor. Crain, and all klndsof Produce, Stock, Ac, LlbualedrancM made on coiwlcntncnta. Agent* for KlloTDrled Cola Meal. Refer to E. I. Tlnkham <fc Co„ Chicago; KIH* MeAipln & Co„ Cincinnati. JaTUy . gPAFFORX), STEWART & CO, Produce ComroUrfon Ilert^anta. Personal attention given to sales of Grain, Floor. Provision* and Country Produce generally. Doataea* exclusively Commlielon. Advance* made on consign, menu. U. Klaile street. Chicago. , q a. srarroan. o. srawiar. m. r. w. mm. ALLEN TANE & CO., xl COMMISSION MERCHANTS^ For the sale of Floor, Grain, Pork, Hama* lord. Batter, CUecoe, 6eed\ Ortea FruUa, At 129 Seats Water street. Cl dcago. Affeeta for Hambni* and West* era Reserve Cltceae. , • , «nw vaag, - 1 a noia AA7ILLIAMS &.HOUGHTELING YY • COMMISSION MERCHANTS. _ NaYIOW South Water street, second door West ot Wellestreet Bridge, give their exclusive attention to theaaleaod purchase ,of all kind* of produce Stoelc, tko* oa COtuuiLekuiL -■ Cah-advance* wiade on BUU of Lading and property in store. Refer to George Hmith * Co, st-triaa Bank, sod George Steel * Co. jtw.wm.uwt.- |jai>qiyt w. a. hocbwthjwl XTEELY, LAWRENCE . & - CO, X i • COHMISSIQS Xrr.CK.VST3 for the purchaaa ' and sale a< Gnda, Ftoer. PtmMois. tod County .Produce ecoeraliy. Ikidntiseextiadvdj-Commlelee. Alto dealers la Suit. lime. Waier-lime. Btacco, P list eria; Hair. Land PUetcr, 4c, 4c, at 334 33 tad 349. South Water street, x. z. mtr. mhareo-iy WEBSTER & BAXTER, V T PEODUCZ A COMMISSION MERCHANTS OlOee 229 Soath Water Street. „ Weri?eoarp««nul»ttentlonto the porchseo and tale or all Unas of Produce In this market. cxo.WDdTKB. UWQiXITJ ar.iizm. . /CHARLES RANDOLPH, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 3 Loomis BoOdloi, Comer pf Clark and South Water streets. Adrsaoes Twm4<r cn Coaslgnmem a feVOMy 'J'homae, Handball & Tbooae, Shipping and Oommimtan Tgarchaata, 50. 144 VAXES BTBKgf r XX. Liberal sdsaaoss mads oo eooalxnrnsom,*fpsolaltA ftntloa Urea to the sales of Illdea wool sad Sons. BaftrtoW.'W.Oerweet A CpJjL T.t Orta. Bart; BlsamaDd Boos* PELGNET, 13 South La Salle Street, 210 South Water Street. _yatb«4^ b. r. LAWxercx, vivinun t r. uwmct Stobes. Ganges, &c. gMALL COAL, SMAT.T. COAL, Small CMI, ' Small Coalf Umill Coal, 8"»n Coalo MUST BS USED WITH MUST BK USED WITH COAI* BCBNERS. PS COIL BLBNEBS. SOLD BT SOLO ST ▼aa Bchascke4Tßtato Btrost, Chicago. Tan Bahaact, 47 State Street, Chicago. ty*Qeaerml Dealer la Housekeeping Articles. (myg S STEWART’S COOKING STOVE *. STILL AHEAD. The acknowledged superiority lfi« Steven Stove ho* civea rise to several Sm4t*w Jtoaa, .The iteniuno article Lv for sale bv C. MKTZ, Agent at 190 State street, between Monroe and Adam*. Abo, a good assortment of Housekeeping Hardware and Tinware. (apJOc^Jy fHarijiners, ?jarbtoare, &c. DOANE’S new barrel MACHINERY. ■WABBABTED THi. BEST ET Aurgnrru. SIOO C*M. BARRELS. SIOO Gold. In offering this New and Unequalled Uaml Mar h!ne» TT to the Coopen of the Northwest and South, we do ao with the tallest assurance that It will be found the Best a d most Perfect, the mo«t irouen'tral andLaborSavtocof anyfn use. Read the Premium* Awarded at the Afferent Fain In t-Wi: Citizen Coopers of Ohio, at Cincinnati U. 3. Fair. Purse of fIOO in cold. Chicago Mechanics* Institute, a Silver Medal and Diploma. u. 8. Fair at Cincinnati, Grand Silver Medal and Diploma. 8L Louis Mechanical Association. Grand Gold Medal and Diploma. DOAJTE * ntBLDCTS Stave Sawing & Dressing MACHINE. TOR TIGHT WORK. . This Machine surpasses all others. In ererv partira* Ur. It saws the stave (tom the both cones ar.a E lanes It ready to set op In the barrel all at one ortra* on. from AoOO to ULOft) per day. Will make %.$ to kSO per day clear of all expenses. To wlu» tla- a e nave a tall set of machines for Tight carrel Work ot all kinds. Also. DOANTT3 STAYS CUTTING MACHINE, for Flour Barrels. DOANETS HEADING CUTTER, for Flour Barrels. DOANK*S HEADING TURNER, for aU Undo ot Barrels. DOANE*S HEADING JOINTER, tar all Eads cf Barrels. DO AXE’S FOOT JOINTS IL for Flour Carrels. POANKS HEADING PLANER, for *U kinds of heads equausuio MA.CUINE, tar all kinds ot Barrel staves. OOANE*S READ BAWINO M ACCINE. for all k:ur!s of heads. ThU machine la also the itost shlccla Mill extant. Doanebas the only Barrel Machinery for Comrlcilos Flon.- arrels from the trade Tlnilur. This machinery ha* cost thousands vf dollars to pcrtact~l' mn>u* of .rou and steel— potuar all compvtlou out of tho <nu stlon. Deane bastheHest SUitlonary ftcar l-.n-t. ea m <l Boilers, Portable Steam Kojlnc*. S&di Al.; Woodworth’s Paiom Pianlug M»Liilnt-«. lU*. Sswlav of all slnds of the best MscLlurry tar nil pnr.'O'i.--* In Use. Sole Western .\xent of Dafoes A Co's celebrated brand of Dutch Anker Bolting Cloths. A larjt stuck ol HAST * MC.NSON'4 Patent Flouring S arisi SI ills, ▲BpcefMteadeomplete wltlila themselves. Also. Leather ud Rubber Beilin*. Lacing. Packing Ae, »e. %t the verr lowest eaati prices. fr Don't speed tl tor Barrel or Scare Machinery ouUl you m# Doaat'i, Bead fur our catalogue and clr» Ig Clark itnaet. tuic-i^o. giyUcSau-1 QHICAGO LEAH WORKS, Conor of Clinton and Patton atreeta. Wsst Slda. L£lD PIPE, BAR 139 80CL1 L£l9, Bhat, White Lead and Lytharjo, Pto LEAD. PUMPS ACT) HYDRAULIC CAMS. tf Order* from Urn trado solicited. Cun paid for Old Lead and PlaxSead. P. O. liax 13'Jti. ft«] £. w. BLAicnpono. EG. HALL, KDIRAKK * CO., • Impoaer* and Deafer* la Iron, Nalls, Stool, axd bkatv hardware. Vo*. 130 and VO .WaaUnpton street Chicago, Illinois. s)apec Rangings. yy ALL PAPERS SELLING CHEAPEST AT TO ITVV. F. E. RIGBY, ■i , RiinnLPtl street .. P A P E El W AL LABCQSSX ASaaautEHT as NEW PATTERNS AT DBASE -* BBC’S, PA23TSRS AND PAPER lIANU£S% •• • Soath Clark Street ..*• IS4 loriatlfl iStasibc *oap. H. STEWART & CO’S. Chemical and Erasure Soap, THE OUEATEST LABOB AND MONEY SAVING FAMILY STAPLE' Please Observe: This Soap took the flnt premium at the World’* Fair la I ondon, where 700 dlfleivni Soaps were on exlttbw tion. after a trial of three hour* out point*, tor, graaae aod primer’* ok. lat.—Thta Soap la, every ounce of It, washing mat* rial. 2d.—When Bird a* directed ft dlwrwa wl(h all ponodlng and machine IricUon. and »lil k»\c full fltty per cent of Use time and labor usually i enured to do ibo waahlng of a funlly. Sd.—WaU-r—ln Uie o»e ofthU Soap, bard wati r needs bo “breaking" orcleaoalns. Simply uk a mm 1 cl oeaaof the Soap. Uh.—Clotha will look mnch whiter and cleaner, .*.nd lut looser. The boap ILMIf • .Iletu the fabric ami looacna too dirt. Ill* warranted not to I ,J re the fluent tab rlc. 3th.—A strong solution ors;4v will clean painter r nltai'e, kltchetrwensUs, etc* with the greatest c*i‘, rapUßtyand thoroughness. 6th.—used as • Toilet Soap, It cleanse* the shin of dirt, grease. Ur, paint, printers Ink. ete„ leaving u soft and clear. It t» Invaluable tor handwashing. ■ 7th.—lt will remove oU. wheel grrur, paint, etc., from silk and woolen good*, a d the ilauncl* mat be washed In It without being tilled, or with other soap*. Dealers and the tmbli- generally are reu-cstvd to give the Soap a trial. Mr. B. lL btewart, being a practical soap-maker, has experimented upon and tabled these soap- lit various way a, and oßcrslt to the public as a Soup which will SATC TIME, LABOR ARB HONEY. We are willing Ushould rust upon Its mi-rita. All wa ask la to give It a trial and 1C tt doc* not guu Cull u'ut* taction, tae money • ill bo refunded. Off For rale at all the leading grocery it.res. E« ■ore and get tie genuine. 1 oeMH&P Manufactory, tl* Klntle-st.. Chicago. £iarri). VERY IMPORTANT IN FOR- T NATION.—'The Illinois Starch ComtMny. at Ottawa, are now manufacturing the Purest Starch in tba world. La body, quality ami it cannot be excelled, and being manufactured entirely with spring water, which Is naturally soft as rola water. 1c contains no eefhrtooa chemical, lienee it U Intfulicly mere desirable tor food and laundry than anyolberln usa. . . as an awuraoce to the public of the merits ot the Starch, any amount of the most satlsiactcry refer, soce* could be given, bulln Uib case reference seem to ■be unnecessary. as mil, by procuring a little lor trial, can satisfy themselves, in buying the Starch be par. tfeolar la seeing that It la taken from boxe*> marked ILLINOIS STARCH COMX’ANT, Mc’QINNIS, MAKER. To Wholesale Dealers, the Company would say with OUT unequalled facility for manufacturing, and the very great advantage we have over all other :actorb*ot purchasing corn at low prices, we cm sell you at flgurea that will make It to your Interest to .end as your order*. Every box of Starch '.liar leaves the oictory Is warranted equal If not superior to any pro. dneed In the world. All orders aud communications addressed "IllinoisSUrch Company, CUaw-t Illinois," will receive prompt attention. 1 je^A : c;wt-«an__ 33ags. ■RAGS—BAGS—BAGS- -BAGS— AJ COHN EXCHANGE BAG MANUFACTORY. HART, ABTBN * CCf„ Iff Booth Water st„ Chicago, A fri-sßtc A Co., 128 Broad street. New York. vaxertcrrxKSS airs Drams nt Sacs of‘lCvery • Miller** and Crocen* Bad made aud printed toorder Trllhbeautiful orandn. NCwaadseeond-handSeamlesa '-Grain and Camay Bscs, for Shlpuen. Miller* and Far. • men* bml Bag* for Flour, Buckwheat. Feed, llama, a with fidelity and dispatch. Bags loaned to shipper*. aySdy /CHICAGO BAG AGENCY. ITS SOUTH ATEB STREET. SEAMLESS GRAIN "AOS or various ilsea and enaStlee. FLOUR-Balves, Q; rten. and lights, printed to order of anydealred pattern. □AM SACKS-Every die ored. * QUHXY baO?—Two or Three Buahela. - Commladon Merchants, Miller*. Orocert and pro* radon Healers will find Just the articles wanted la our Mode, order* solicited. [apt Hawkins a chapman. BAAS! BAGS!! BAAS!!! TARWILV3 sms big xjumcroKT. wo. Sxixxxr rruir. cmcaeq BAGS AND SACKS Of every description forolahed os abort notice, and printed wltn Bow aai BwHfbi Brands. BIMBON FASWBLL, «pUAvtj-t77U rjjmtfY BAGS-100,000 FOR VjT •> BALEAT THE Ooni SaT HXaaafitctory, EAR P. ASTKN A CO„ - W7 &Mtsw«u»»acr*«t ChtMCOk TEVNE & AIAIINI, U -Fresco mad Dreorsrfro ■ i* .4*. i it.x e k 9 **"®Ss 9 lOVlfsehtogtoa «C.Chlc»lOi TRESCO AND DECORATIVE PAInTINQ la,tßo'P4rlcr%‘ lining .HaKa and Libraries ol first, class Healdencen. Also, the tnteitor or Churches. Pub. Uo Balls. Ac, In Chicago, llllnola and ocher State* Waste* el ssetrtot stt»nUoato the Gndnlncof Wood and Mirau, and soilcts your orders, cooildeut of tz eating ttumto yoar entire satisfaction. noSCrtOly ■ •» JEVNE A ALMLNX. Tdk WasM&ftos a "DILLIARD TABLES. —For Sala JjMeodM Rosewood Willard Tables, with Ma» bis oraUSs Beds. wHa beat Cashlooa la the world, for fiaktSO and ©Do. irerTthlaacoopleies Pleaseeead yoar orders by mall er other* U* sad 1 will all tas same ss if Atria In person. All tables sold bs ms era warranted w. H. o&Urartu. rrscdcalßUttartTa* Na 1M Vhdtoa