> • » ' .fijira® €dfawe. •- 1 — *"*'*' • T:'r:'- ,% ‘ v , •■>!'■ TIMBER 27,1=00. , Jcc. 28. • elu r?\-rev ■ • '.... p irelyqulet. 1 .‘I:.;:?’* - ’it-'”-: h . ; vary Iho dull* “ -r e , j< .rjvt&;:iq.iu*.cpp:j’o:«cfcaar ,, lßratber cx c;--• j- tbc il-r.ii i,Mou*eqoi- uon the remit* * • , dH ,; \r ...c dret t-l otmuhry, j j./..:.!-. . The bdUi;g price dt :v,;; r cent; to onuddera • lev ’.wulaal at P®9.<v; v -, ■.tUiugui'..«:. ’ v.c ,«.u' i-l’.cu.iroiiihf Demo . , ..... * de ■ hr 1 -M*h • roothinud lini)T«veiacnt g t, • - ■•• S P““> lo .iv. mu v brighter. iew .•V t*' ...l -v * ..-i* v.h.r dieted.aethey f*ld a: 9 el ,j. Vii* '‘. r land*, Vj. . the;. car. i-ukeatlO qJ " ", >ru general y o • • '■ : -(i-i'.lcrl. :o obtain, E t ■ n: .-.v.-rta.,-* *.•)>*.■ “ •*. M-yy. dealers gj i „.. J1.V..5. fl.molaccr* *l‘.; r.j, . . a. v-iKoaot below w *].. . U ;v.i.-*.iioftht»e (* Jv* : 'i thlti MO* „ t.CT - -.. i. u be good. In v,;; %: .... .:v. ti< T;.: -a; *mr rat- •• Y. Gran- g -t: ~ T . " T-.l: j'.ri.t,'••'Ucr Of the ■j-izivf i,vt.-x .V'-'t Z»;*, :«.•» • • xchaogc, JK JV« • / >. /’rem* / •» r-i r if.; ... w io , v * ky . ]-■■ a 3,a:«\ ...T . . •. . ... ~,u V. - -.■-. • •• ' 7. ;■ . .5 v : -“ ' U**‘ ...8 ■ —;; i» .. c v •- ir. h -’.i:.; i: y.u... .Par. .. * • .r.c ..m1 .t-n ;. J. .:h Par. *■ ' 1 ~'“ TAt. .-. ■ 15 < - t •*« rf' • orretflng ■ , ' . ;.. u. f. iJ-niiallsls • • • - -j - 'i : - # t*'. r; :: - .cr •’•'iiiiosd the ,v.v. ur- .vould tltU . . - ( vd v* !'.»•; !<».;n depart* 5 ..i- .. iv.-aw !!tr .i .-.Mi- Jh-\ r;in / matter* ~ \ ..* . . •••{- I- ill the U -,p > •■•'.. .<• firflkre- .* .t 1- r. Id out* I- •- • V . tlgure. I • v ' ....■.•l'-J-S-Vvi . ; ..l ir ■ >-<•* 3 •• -v ;-o;'..r . :v \ wrk ex* . di..-. ; houtica • i.’-i.tii* .• L j. i demand . . - • . t .v • ■.••.iriv.'.i-if, l.nwcvcr, “ -. . a.;! . i. ind i :t -.* . though - ••• ■ • •• •• i* v.ii’ -.I .-■V.h ■ »real dje* • • ; .. ;u ..- ‘j.checks } • - ' .. * . • "«ijnoletf t • . : - f • . . . t .-. ■ jt : ;»..a ja-ooude* \ ’ .■•••!■ •. :1 ■ ,-i. !1 !u. Uuld I -uc.-.-uih 1.r.i...•' or.SM.. t : .. ~5..m.5....... :. ;herbelter. c ’ • .-r. ■-. : --;o.r.r. Jl V-- . r vi;cv.* v : .’.lt* -iiw-.s th-«*arnlDga or - Gf.f "-■ *■ '■ ii- i l Company :‘: >. '• (.% increase. 1 r- •• , ♦1.83 X.M I . • t ..-s 5*«.6: 1.533.92 . . ?*T. $a,555.00 c • . nr.*T tv-.-i'R»n.-'.v.—Traffic •. -:r . T .-cii. ic- •; < ; / $15,525.90 { - .-'i:v?-;-cV ;.. ... 19.51 C.91 j . . . 1,458.17 1 . - i •S:i.«8.08 5 l9«tyear j:s.S»W.(W i. rrc-i ; 52b7.04 ; r. I o-if.. AI73S t Ca:.-.v - I The : is the tretkly ftaunuiT ©1 tuimings -u-1 a Z-iXji December lojj, beingUiethird , Total this month to -i—.' iv. —l 2lth inc. - • • ib.:.;-5 (ilu,o6iLt£ectefor I - u; » -. (-iu Of Bar*y „n. i'* ■>.. ua. hu. , - j.r : n f... /-c,i ,yj 33 599 ; j> Xl‘ 1 . ... 400 ,-. .. . :% 30 1430 .. *’ L ' L . . V‘ii-1 '« ine Tl’.* >J:i '3‘Jj 2ii hi 3478 : -.J . o- cnu:. -iuiet at7ois'C . r. v r.: : ‘.cr^o. ' hjirl..g. hatnnruceiptof .. .; _ ‘ :v-- 1. .-.u;2 jictive and price* • 51 ,i; . clotir’ uv.ll h: T7i3>TJJsC forlSo. ;.: v.a-, t. J;a:l:cd inquhy for . ..r r.; o. 1 Kye In fair mqasit at ;>:<■ 'f'TC in go -d dfimaml and themar- *■ ! h n t-llzlit advance on choice IH-’j 4 fjm. Provision! steady. . - r?"’ ' .L-jUi:Ltand i_ii2k,vc better. ’ i Ulicasu Market. «'» r:.vr«r*AV ilrsyjvc, Dec. 2G. 1{- .nr -;s •;sales r--:. -i v -l- • i '.:';-t Oltr" ronnd hoop, good "-UUIj •• Cook County" -i.C.* Zvlt -.nr.'-u-j nut njamd) at $4.05 v..; ..-.i ii'u i in;, MatV.rt declined . :/.> w»-rc 2,1*90 buNoi •v. : : s h~ iio .it 81c in store; ; ii. r;©.-c; is.OCrt ho do i*. •• .* '-«!•/-; 7v* f-tore; 22.000 *•» “'♦•c-'t ht; R^'-.-ett-dotTUcin -■i -’i- • V -iat* qiji-n ?.t 77c fur No 2, ‘ bn. Miik-t steady: * • • ‘ at .lie :uetorc; 8,500 i.-.; .;i .-i .;c, ** * .■> iin do«t 31c in store: ~<> .)»i rrff'kvw hags damp com. at • .f*: •.; l>n. M.irkrr more active, ~ u f" .at iTcin store; 600 ho - . ' ' • -.t ...4 i-»jv;:cU. . . .1 »•';<» K-... Market firm; sales ■ \ 1 --.fir- i,t»M »m. Jlarkot quiet. * - *•* fit jr Tr..-Jc; 12! bags at4Sc , ; -■ -Oj .i*r. call-* 32hags prime • - - .*u iiVwiJ:. limothy need nominal <4 tnti J frilr atss.ooper i. 1 / !J:. • ■':r;t;.-t ficady. Good firkin,lß®l4C; ’■ '• • - • -I*; • 2'..i.,v 15c. • I ... . . ;:—ir. 1: >5 'I Ifc dox. i- *. or.u.i;,u v prairie Chickens, y < il;-’ n- -J -.i:;.-pU j lylf. fialo« t; .. 6.76 fi -..1 our . j 6 - 5 - 6.75 •*' -. 6.C0 1 " 6.50 -iv sy‘2, • fi„M.ixuc under 225 s>«. ' •• -j. ioi» J:.--. T-. -••'■' -- V ' 7jo.nd 3WB>.. WMWSi. ,'J.; ■ “ - ■ 7!0 DrS -;'.vy Me.. Pork 1 . gaT!g«4 ifliU££lV*iwe. iif TIItGEiPH. -'.7T, yr-nn. Z:- phade firmer, Tin e :o■ lerutc u vV for ho.iit- coosoiuptlou •iV^ ,r : ir v •* , ' x :* •• I '-, •* of u-sooboieui S.Cj.n.icr fcup t : 3*ju-;'-a«.'-jir.,*;.as for extra : u . .ii-i .r o;tr‘»V-»ir.u:ctnt , ' ‘“■ l -- -;_:u - .c. ?; ...id $5.50^5.60f0r 2 n.i* extra joowl hoopt.'hiy. Canadl* n.i x a trifle better with ft ■■ und 0..1y a BtuaU supply offer* “ : ' ■ it Tor common to ‘i;’w .-ir-. ~/j. enuiai—Si-iunc nlotrly at $3,55 u»j.> io chuiet flujicf Cork Mean— '!t;;:v*. rr rv '7, w V-VH!J r *s"lsfor Jer tv; ■— *• • fin-j *v:;h u fair demand. II >.naUiv trlfic better with ~ ‘• -m-J:, - nippers, la view of I *■ ** '• ar>* bnvaig with u little : ••. ,w in f.i ii..vest cm club at . • - ■: '-»-'••• '*••• •lli'vmkfc c.ul> r.t Sl-V3®sl.tts{ , r: •> AiulJownai $1.55(&l«15W; il;a^jbajvhuo * ■ ;;; *l.l r;\.: a: 71 >c. Darleycon ■"-uv:Corn, alltile betxer, - '* srj* Uome trade demand: 'll..- -.-tj :• i w.-v-vn .iuWiltTOc—chlcllyai . vi •‘-ts'rxf rr'r In moderate request »rk I» moderate end the raarket „. ~i, ct»ss at sio.a7 tor old moua; $lB .. •• •■■•••• 'i -•>: tl-J-il tor old prime; sl2for new ,-J .jJ...- m-u ur.luspccted ne«i. Indo* ■ k .• m b’..p cj:v prime mesr for Juno* - :;;-r ffftTry. market dull and L*n - n, ‘■aio-.TijO&ii- at for 1 ro - * i- -—. val for extra xaeeb. .. hvcl.du;!,auu jaualnaL.3eef b*ma at iri; ’fer 7 vf^ferern.‘Cut meats i j;-) rc’.'*o‘ hut prices are la favor .: jncbrxvr*: %n!e?!6j pk?« at for thoul u<*r<. trtrtmnf. Hogv steady at 6.klC‘% for inferior to prime. , '.nx£xi».—Cctlee market continue* ateadv, 'rit.i s ...-aie demand. Sales 532 bare Bloat -'I-,-., .vive; ;;i>.oajre Jamaica aiiflc.' Klee quiet 'i-ii.c.'. .‘•ty'r.xsv# quh?t rus undiaaged. Sugar or7»c» au i uncS.i'-.ued—only rerr limited. buslneae ■ • try mill, but without material chance. . p. 1» 4. «>».; Bietr-tato Line. 100; B, u*.»: CST. -.'Jij 'A.i Mitt, 9; Gal £ Chi;6l><: i*c vcripl •- ••'-Ml’hem. 31: Jl C.4SJtf: ■ - * ..Ua.-a, ■■ XH: ’' : i y'-i/ l. y ■ •:MAlttidsT7 Dec. j(6.—' . ,*i-; Aifytt*—tG au; Ucsauunnuimproved nrjoe*; iuferlir ‘fiaostlpu, jffw,. ' full Ha.* v folp:B npvcurd r»j wyohead... . : , . . ; i. jjh gaol at pilaea, ' Foreign BUrketa. By th* Anglo-Saxon.] LrvxJU'oon, Dec. 14. . Litxrpooi. Bmsitcm Market—Quiet at opening. Wheat wa* firm, and holder* demandan advance on fine. Provision* market generally dull. Lovpox Slovrr Sarkxt—Console doM?d on Friday noon at fiSKQttX for account cx-dlvldcud. AanuciK brcCKmxt—The latent aales were Il linois Central tbini 28*(32TV discount; Erie share* BSX; X. Y. Gen. 7fi(&80. Liverpool, Saturday, Dec, 15—Wheat firm with an upward tendency. Prorltdouie dull. London, Saturday.—Contois 02K4W2K account ex-dividend. America* Stocks—The latest dat ©a. HI Cent SSJf discount; Erie ;X V Cent 754&80. Paws. Saturday evening.—-TJi« »•, d dnU. Rentes tt=T bOc. Livaarooii— Brc;idhniii? gcuiToJiy -lead:. tVula*- fiehL-Naab £ Go. report r.our lui* ;u> upward ten dency. with a:: t.iipn.Vi d «!i-:nyjnl, «»'*;<'»• i! ut I s><<£ HIHRL Wl:r*;:t quo: .:?:** . .Uii riislern lliaitiM; vvliU,- u*«a,i?hUO. Gur.i quiet. Mixed and yellow&M4kl; whiteyn^O.-ou. Rlchard>oii. Spence .V Go.. report: —Flour has a dec ling tendency .iml price* have receded 6d per brl since Tuesday’s market. Other Breadstuff* arc steady and price* easier but unchanged. Provis ion# generally dull. Blgeland, and others report: Beef doll. Pork doll. Bacon quiet. Fine qualities wonted. Lard quiet at retail. Quotation 68<&70c. Tallow quiet m 68055*. Beakxk’h Circular Reports.*—Ashes—Pots quiet. Pearls quiet. Groceries.— Sugar dulL Coffee steady, nice steady and slightly declined, uNavax. Stokes— Spirits ot turpentine heavy at aJc@S2* and fld. Envers demand a redaction. Loxpoh Hover Harriet— Generally unchanged, with a mors brisk demand. Consol* ciOf-ed at irix for account and extra dividend. Weekly returns of the Bank of England shows a decrease in bullion of £318,500. Baron Bros, quote bar sil ver at 6* IHd; Mexican dollars 5s 2&d and nomi nal; American eagles 7&« sd. Barring Bros, re mrt United State* 5s of '65 at StS&OSX; Penn. 6* xm&eof ’TI atß4; do&»86; Erie »4>s; 111. C»m. discount. pHICAGO MILL-FURNISHING DEPOT. T. W. BAXTER & CO., MAVCTAOrraB* or FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES, OF ALL QUARRIES. C. W. BROWN'S PATENT PORTABLE Flouring and Grist Mills, AND DBS LEAS Ui BI TCH “ASKER” BOLTING CLOTHS, Sssct Mills and Separators. Separators for »' nrehouaee, Uelßoc of All Klnda, Ilolettug Screw* BkUs, liru Uoitcn, Pick*, Proof Staffs, &c„ &c. FVIRBAXKS’ SCAI.ES, AKV MILL FURNISHING GENERALLY. Plans, Specifications and Estimates furr.hhud when dcilred, and the construction of Steam aud Water Mill* contracted for entire. Steam Enelnea, Boilers, &e., »Vc. The ►ubscribera having obtained the Agcncv for the •ale of Steam Engine* and Boilers from the maunthc. lory of GOULDING, BAGLET A SEWELL, of Water town. N. T.. would Invite the attention of purchasers to their superior raerita of style, workmanship and powers; also, their very low prices. The following la a list of price* of Engine and Boiler, together with Deal cr. Water and Steam Pipe*. Cocks. valve*. Arab Cast ings aud Orate*, complete and ready for use, delivered tn Chicago* S bone power. f 500 SO bone power f l.av) « “ “ 5T5 25 ** “ I,M) 10 “ “ 725 30 •* - LtiTi 15 “ “ 800 35 •• “ 2.000 16 “ * *• 1,100 40 " - i, 200 and In like property for larger sixes as required. Every Englneis furnished with JUDhOVS PATENT GOVERNOR VALVE. For Floor Mill* we confidently recommend them as superior to any other style of Engine, and they will Save from 26 to 50 per Cent lu Fuel over the usual class of boilers In use In the West. Wc shall keep an assortment of different sizes at oar t*. mbl'shment, where they may be examined and the accessary Information obtained regarding them. Com. patent men will, if desired, be furnished lo set tip aud start engine* In any part of the country. We also supply WATER WHEELS. SHAFTING. GEARING. AC, At very low prices. X. W. BAXTER At CO»S Mill Furnishing Depot, West Water street, betwcci Icandolpn and Madison, Chicago. Illinois. Pool Oiflce address. Box 271. ucj*sC‘-ly QHRISTMAS GIFTS niGH FANCY GOODS, Odor Cases, Jewel Boxes. Work Box**, Card Case*. Cigar Stands, Card Baskets. Jewel Casket*. Watch Boxes. Parian Goods, Match Boxes, Taper Holders, Toilet Bottles. Bronze Figure*, Writing Desks, Flower Va* a*, Shopping Bag*. Dressing Case*. Ladle# Fine Purse*. Gent’s Port Mua* nals, Mantel Ornaments, Etagere Ornaments. A choice selection of the most beautiful floods we have ever offered, and at moderate pncee. Please ex. aaalaa theta. J. H. REED «fe CO., 144 4c 146 Lake Street JTOR THE HOLIDAYS Tbe BQbtcriben will hire ready for tbo Holiday* Urge aaaortment of the different r&rleties of CAKE) IHACAKOONS, KISSEI, dec.. Computing In part a* follow*: 800 pound* ORNAMENTED FRUIT CAKE. 1000 “ PLAIN FRUIT CARR. sft) “ " POUND *• 800 ** QBNAXRNTRD FOUND CASK. 000 “ WHITE •* 400 - PLAIN WHITE CAKE. 300 *• JELLY CAKE. . ... 000 ** HAIBU? CAKE. 800 " COCOA-NUT MACAROONS. 800 ** ALMOND MACAROONS. Also, a large supply of small ftmcy Cakes, tnciodlag theolsfhshionedKew YeaTa Cake, printed with new «. ©signs. x call from oar friends and the public U aoU> (fltad. O, KENDALL, 80KB A CO, delMflP jgj MAKUrACFUBEBS OF BUNK BOOKS. wmoiasiu ax» natan. naauae m WRITING PAPERS, Envelopes, Memorandum and Bass Books. WHITING INKS AND PitriDS, Card* and Cardboard., BOOK BINDERS’ STOCK, AJfD OFFICE ITATIONERV. JOKES. PEBDCC ft MLUX 131 Ift»e Slmt. gHiRTS. 'sTfmrs! sights, UADI TO ORDER BY BURWELL 8c WV(ANT f Dearborn Street, Ho. 8 Treaont Block, CUoago. We Bare a large aavertmeat of Floe Boeoma ofevery variety. imported expmrty for Dree* and Party EUni which we will make an to order and warrant to elre eadafrctlon. oo9ud«7Jw« T^ISSOLUTION. —The partnership JL/ heretofore existing between the subscribers no. der the firm of U i. IIIHBLO h. CO., U tola ockwood Brown i toe wuti end batlneea ot toe late firm, will continue toe burin eu el the old Stand. No. 47 end iS buu atreeU end U autoorUed to receive ell debu da« the firm. Signed. L. A. HAMBLKX. B. L-IBROVrST dcßrir^S-lw Chicago. Nov. 80th. IMP. JgININ G E R ’ 8 OLD LONDON DOCK a THIS DELICIOUS TONIC STIMULANT, WpOOUlly designed Tor tho 9m of the Medical Frofeaioß and thoj ramiiy’ dmed tor aa oC toe meet pma WnttayScJans, Cbem. J*S» OoMOlMeonL as p'tseMlng ill ofthosc in. ntotic medicinal qualities, (tonic and diuretic) which belong to an ou> lxo ku oik. Pul tip in Quart bot tle* wi told by an Druggists, Grocers, Ac. A* St BININGER Sc CO,, creased 3.000.000 francs daring the month. The Empress of France had arrived home. Lo.NDONpnnp.Y, Dec. 14. —The London Tunes city article of hurt, evening says:/ The funds this morning opened without alteration, and were steady throughout the day. the m;.<*ket being supported by a further influx of gold Into the Bunk of England and the announce ment of a large specie arrival by the West Indian mail. The demand of discounts was small, and the general rate in the market was <43-4 per cent. About £400,000 io line gold was taken to the Bank to-day. A few par cels of sovereigns were withdrawn for Amer ica.” The exchange quotations from the Conti nent show firmness. The prospectus of fhe new Turkish Idau attracts great attention, but there Is no sign that the contemplated sub scriptions will be obtained lit this country. The railway security market closed quiet, but steady. "Canadian and American Railway stock* have Improved. Basis, Dec. 14. —The monthly return* of the Bonk of France show a decrease In cosh, of two and three-flftho millions franc*; bills dis counted not yet doe, twenty-four millions francs; advances six and one-quarter millions francs; current accounts, nineteen and three fourth* millions francs; increase In the treas ury. balaucfc three and one-quarter millions francs. The allied army in China commenced their advance, on the* same day that Pekin was taken. The summer palace of the Emperor, was taken and completely sacked, affording an immense amount of epoil*. The chief share of - th ' plunder - seem* to have fallen to the French. The quantity of the treasure taken is to be divided between the French and Eng lish. Some private* are said to have told their share* for 30,000 franc*. The entire British share, including both treasure and private property I* otimuted ut about SOO,OOO. The Tartan army is etill in the field, though the Emperor km STILL LATEU—AISKIVAL OF THE CANADA AT HALIFAX. Halifax, Dec. 20. —'The Cuuard steamship Canada, from Liverpool Saturday Dec. loth, via Queenstown ICih, has arrived at this port. She lia* £215.000 iu specie on board. Th»* bliip Georgian!, from New Orleans for Liverpool, burned at sea November 30tii. Crew saved. A dlfpatcU from Vckiu via 3t. Petersburg, states that peace has been concluded with the Chinese, and the Emperor has returned to bU palace. An attempt has been made to assassinate CoL Dunn of the Sicilian army, which gave rise to a rumor of Garibaldi’s assassination. Halifax, Dec. 20.— Passengers by the Can ada report that it was rumored at Queenstown that Gar.boldi hud been assassinated. The papers by the Canada report that Col. Dunn, of the Sicilian army had been wounded iu an attempt to aasasbiaate him. The rumor of the assassination of Garibaldi probably arose from this circumstance. Among the passengers by the Canada is the Kcv. Father CUiniquy. London, Dec. 10.—It la again reported that the passport system between England and France is to be'aboUsbed, The oflicial dispatches from China are re ceived. They fully corroborate the dUpathes already published. A postscript dated Oct. 14th, from Gen. Grant, states thatthe remaining prisoners have not been liberated. They numbered 2000. The Pontifical troops arc about to march against the town of Ponterovo to overthow the provincial government established there. Intelligence was received at the foreign office yesterday afternoon, through fit. Petersburg, dated Pekin, Nov., oth. It states thut peace was concluded withChinaou the2otb of Octo ber, and that the ratifications of it were ex changed on the 6th of November. The French and English forces had evacuated Pekin and the Emperor was expected to return to the capital immediately. TUc Rebel Couvcallou, Charleston. S. C., Dec. 24.—The Conven tion met at noon, Mr. Jamison in the chair. Prayer was offered. ■ 144 4c 140 The Committee on Relations with the Slave holding States of North America reported the following resolutions: Rcfdvtd, That this Convention appoint Com missioners to proceed to each slave-holding State that may assemble in convention, forthe purpose of laying before them the Ordinance of Secession, ana respectfully invite tbclr co operation in forming a Southern Confederacy. Hesdve if, ThatourCommissionersbeautbor iicd to present the Federal Constitution as the basis for a Provisional Government for such States as shall have withdrawn from connec tion with the Government of North America. ifooTwrf, That such Commissioners tie au thorized to luvitc said seceding States to meet In convention at such a time and place us may he agreed upon for the purpose of forming a permanent Government by tneso States. The President read u communication from Gov. Perry, of Florida, acknowledging an in vitation to take a scat In the Convention. He congratulates South Carolina on the step the has taken, and says Florida will certainly fol low her lead In secession. Mr. Perrlne offered a resolution for a recess from to-morrow to the ICth proximo. Lost. Mr. Mawgaull’g resolutions Instructing the Governor to make forthwith all preparations which may be needed to assert by force the right and Jurisdict ion ol South Carolina in Its territory, were lost. • A discussion sprang up as to sending copies of the Ordinance of Secession, a statement of the grievances, and address of the people of South Carolina to the other slavcboldlng States, to the Governors of the other States In the Confederacy, the question being whether to send to the non-slaveholujng as well as the slavcholdlug Stotts. Charleston, S. C. Dec. 2d.—The committee re-assembled at 11 o’clock this morning. A prayer was offered up asking the protection of G <1 over a Southern Confederacy. Mr. Spain offered a resolution that the Governor be re quested to communicate to the Contention in secret session, any Information he possesses in reference to the condition of forts Moultrie and Sumpter, and castle Pinckney. The num ber of guns to each, the mmiber'of workmen and kind of labor employed, the number of sdldiers in each, and what additions have been made, if nay, since the 20th Inst. Also, wheth er any assurance has been given that the Forts will not be re-lulorced, and if*o to what ex tent, Also, what police or regulations have been made if any, in reference to the defences of the harbor of Charleston, the coast ami the State. Laid on the table for consideration for secret session. Mr. Brown offered a resolution that all chi tons of the United States domiciled within this State on the adoption ol the Ordinance of Secession on December 20, ISGU. be and the same arc hereby declared citizens of Sout;. Carolina, entitled to all the privileges acdsub- Jcct to all the liabilities incident thereto. Mr. Brown thought that there was a number of meritorious citizens in the State who ore citi zens by adoption, and there was a well founded apprehension in their minds as to the extent of their allegiance, and without by which Individual* 'could become citizens of Sooth Carolina by birth and adoption. Birth give* unqualified citizenship in the State and relative citizenship in tbs Uni ted States. By naturalization persons were made citizens, and by virtue of being such. were made citizens of South Carolina. *IulS52. the Constitution of South Carolina was amend ed and foreigners were required to take an ad ditional oath to the State, one of true allegiance to South Carolina, or so long as they remain citizens thereof and, seme times by another method, that of a test oath. Mr, Brown said also a period must be adopt ed for the subject. I don't mean, nor contem plate making involuntary citizens, acciden tally domiciled at the period of the adoption of the ordinance of secession. Mr. Ktnueard moved that wheuthcConven tlon adjourn to-morrow it be until thelSth proximo, or at sneb time as the President should order It to ro-aosemhic. Laid on the table. Mr. Rhell offered an ordinance providing for the bolding of a Convention of the slavcboid- Ine States of the United States for the purpose of framing a constitution and forming a South ern confederacy» and moved to lay it on the table without reading it. Mr. Mezuiuger doubted if there was author!* ty for receiving u paper in a public deliberative assembly without haviug ut least one reading of it. Mr. Khctt then read the ordinance himself. It provides as follows: Ist. That the Conven tions of the seceding slavtholdlng States of tbo United States unite with South Carolina, and hold a Convention at Montgomery, Alaba ma, for the purpose of forming a Southern Confederacy, id. That the said seceding States appoint by their respective Conven tions or Legislatures, as many delegalcaas they have Representative* iu the*pr* 'sent Congress of the Lolled States, to the said Convention, to 'be held at Mongomcrv, Alabama; and that from, the adoption of tbo Constitution of the Southern Confeder acy the votes sliall be by States . 3d. That whenever the terms of the Constitution shall be agreed uppnjiy the said Convention, tho same shall be submitted nt as early a day ns practicable to the Convention and legis latures of each State respectively, so as to en able them to ratify or reject the said Consti tution. 4th. That iu the opinion of South Carolina the Constitution' of the U. S. will form a suitable basis for the Confederation of the Southern States withdrawing. sih. That the South Carolina Convention appoint by ballot eight delegates, to represent South Carolina in the Convention for the formation of a. Southern Confederacy. Lastlv, that one Commissioner In each State be elected to call the attention of the people to the ordinance. The Pittsburgh Amnal Excllrment, -WasBUfOTOK, Dec. "War Depart ment can take no, action in reference to the : recent movements at Pittsburgh' until official information shall be received, from the officer Jn. charge of the‘ : Alleghany-AracnaL The order for the removal of the guns was recent-' ly issued and directed them to be ut Ship : Island and Galveston by the lime the defensive , works .at those’ joints, though unfinished, ' may bo ready to receive them. Appropriations. 1 for the purchase of the cannon were long ! mucc made for the purpose above stated, and I the order for their removal was in accordance" with : thu. law aud regulation,' without any ■ rdcYcnce whatever to political occurrences. ■ .Cant. Ingraham, of South Carolina, In eom-~ zoana of the sloop-of-war Richmond, attached to tho Mediterranean- Sqesdros,bal aikedaad obtained Inti to return. X'romPUu’s Peak. Fort Kearney, Dec. 23.—Pony Express going West was twenty-four hours late, owing to a rider losing his way andfreezingto death. He was a German-camc unknown. The Central Overland California and Pike’s Peak Express coach passed at 2:30 yesterday, with $3,000 In dust and six passengers. Dsnter, Dec/22.—Patrick Waters was hung yesterday about three o’clock. When on the gallows he confessed to the murder of Free man. His written confession has been pub lished. He had meditated the crime three days. A new discovery for earing gold haa been made by a man In the gold dual digging. It la •till a secret. He took one pan full of tailings from oue quart* mill, supposed to contain lit tle or no gold, and by subjecting it to the pro cess three several times, obtained sy, $7 and $2.70, respectively. Cheering reports came from the San Juan qOubtry. L* vast extent of rich placerdlgginge is said to exist in that region, besides ag ricultural valleys. We had light £uow on the evening of tbs 20th, but aii disappeared in a few hours. Weather since very line. Later from Cftllfrrnljt. Fort Kearney,Pec. 25.—Weather bright and bitter cold. Poay Express, with 8m Francisco datca to the 17th InsL, pissed here at 4 o’clock this morning. Steamer Uncle Sam soiled fer .la pin wall on the lltb inat-, with f1.45?.W01u gold. Among her passengers wete a large number of Republican politicians, en rout* no doubt for Washington, where they propose spending the winter. it is understood that Gov. Weller accepts the position of Minister to Mexico. The Kepabligan papers charge that a secret organization is concocting meas *res to estab lish an Independent Republic on the Pacific coast, In ease of dissolution of the Union. The Siclen Bonds, New Yore, Dec. 2(3. —In the United Slates District Court to-day, on motion of Assistant United States Attorney, the Court granted an injunction restraining the Bank of the Repub lic and its President from disposing of an/ bonds in its po?soe*ion until Inrther order of the Court. The WUcUvgea that the above bonds were stolen from an Iron sale ;u the Department of tho Interior, and that semu of the stolen bonds were deposited or hypothe cated by Bussell. Major dc Waddell, with the Bank of the Republic. Judge Smalley also granted an order returnable next Monday for the Bank of the Republic to bhowcaus*Jwliy the injunction should not bo counted perma nent. From XewHlexleo. Independence, Mo., Dec. 25.—The New Mexican mail from Pawnee Fork arrived to day. Three mails waited to make connections at lhal point, ami it is supposed that it hit been delayed by the Indians. Two maria bad returned to Pawnee Pork, fearing uu attack from the Indians. Tbc commanding officer at that place furnished them an cbcori surd all the mail* have gone through. Snow Ml tu tli*; depth of 0 inch?* jvatordav. All is tjuiei hero, but the people’ :;n* lullv prepared for u»y difficulties* that may Arise inuu any marauding parties that may come amongst Us. Railroad Accident. Peobia, Dec. Stith.—The mixed freight and passenger train oa the Peoria and Oijuxwka Railroad, which left Peoria this morning, ran off the track when about four miles out. The passenger coach broke loose ami turned oror twice, lauding on a pond of ice. A man named E. S. iliilcr, of J.oda, N. Y„ was fatally in* jured. No other* dangerously hurt. But few passengers; cannot give names of injured. Prom Ark&nwae, Fatzttxville. Auk., Dec. 20.—InUIUgence received hero confirms the election on the 20th of Dr. Smithett, u strong secessionist, for Senator from Arkansas, for the ensuing term, over S. Hampstead, a conservative man. Warlike, Boston, Dee. I>3—Three hundred men were yesterday sent from the Charleston Navy Yard by a special train to join the ship of war Maco donian, at Portsmouth. The Danger* of Skating. Sackett’s Hakbob, Dec. 25.—Three boys fell through the ice while skating on the Kav to-day. A son of Mr. I’cttit was drowned. THE FALL TRASK ©F 1800. WHOLESALE ACEMCV ror tus eale of the foil swing PSPFLaR ARXTCTMiiS IT J. JI. JOHNSON’S, No* 70 State street. Second door from Kandolph street. R. R. LANDON, AGENT. SPAUJING’S CEPHALIC mz*X* S. I'o’jr.trj llerchau> will please take notice uud ex* amine hrforopnrcliablnx cbewnerc. INFECTDiE, OU FEVER AND AGUE CUAhM-A sure, enfe and reliable EXTtasALromndy, PI!ILADELPIILI EOAPS-OrleoUl-Detcrtlv*. Ere* slvo, Palm. &c. JAPANESE BOOT AND SHOE POLISH. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE—In any OLD DR. DEATH'S JAPANESE MEDICINES-. Book deecrlptlve of the name mailed upon the receipt of 26 cent*. GREELEY'S BOURBON EFTTHUS—Which are rapidlv taking the lend of nil others, and cannot be sarpossed as an In vigors th.g tonic and family medicine. CHARLES’ LONDON CORDIAL GlN—Oecniuo. SHAVER'S PATENT ERASER AND PENCIL SHARPENER. OLD DR, SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT. BOSTON INDEXICALSOAPS-Honey. Gold Dollar, Ponctne. Hotel Toilet, Sliver. Ac. IVORY GOODS FOR STATIONERY DEALERS— Pea Holders. Pecclla. Paper Folder*, fcc. SI.'PERIOR INK, BLACKING, Stovn pohah, Ac. SHAVER'S CARPET SW'EEPEB. PATENT FOOT SCRAPER WITH URFSII. PATENT GEM MASTIC—For CUwlog. DR. JACOB'S BITTERS—Which stimulate t;;t liver, regolatetho bowo!-s cleanse the Koraachaml purity the blood. TFI i: NEW AMERICAN WATCH. TtADE AT WAX.THA7I, 7IASS. n order to meet the requirements of gentlemen who prefer a ihlcner Watch than thot-« usually made by ns wc have lately bsood A new style of Watchon thetbreo quarter plate modeL etpoclally designed for this pur. pose. In establishing this now merles, St has also beun cur deaJen to produce a Watch In every way superior to iho best and hlghcwl priced prodact# of th« mo«i re putable of English and Swl»a Watch manufacturer*; and no labor or < xpcn»i: has been spared to this end. In all respect* of fine and durable material, of exter* sat and Internal flnUh. of accurate compensation and adjustment, of mathematlcallyjust proportions, and of PRACTICAL RESULTS, oar new three-quarter piato Watch challenge* comparison with any in the world. The following named gentlemen may be referred to in relation to these watches: Hon. HANNIBAL HAMLIN*. Maine. N. P. vt ILLIS. New York, HORACE GREELEY, CYRUS W FIELD, New York, PAUL MORI’UV, Now orleacA Dr. J. MARION plliS. Lieut n. A. WIPE, v. S. X„ S. I. PRIME. D. IL, White Plalna, - v ' 60JIhd« Pngar. iOO HbUSuyar., oO'Bx* Buga* 50 Hbl^MoUaeac. 'loo cw-* N'. T. pvrnp. •tv't/: iTTLn'* WatwSt- I lAT AURH! ■ C A‘r ARRH! - SKELVZ*B U|old CaWfrti Remedy. W»r. ntUlw tM> a sure *■ v/uay kui me hi* resignation, and I «Uo lav before you the report of the Comptroller, •bowing' the state of the Treasurers account at the time oihls resignation, ft appear* tlutl tbrru tie three disputed Item'-* In hia account 1. Is the draft of S?,6C«C*. b*!br* ailodcd toes hav ing been nwW revise. . V Is an item of $225 of Illinois money-taken tbU year, nearly all of which will, in the .end. prove good. The Trea-ur r eoatv.ul* that this money was taken on a certain day, too late to deposit jp. bank, and that the bank* refused to receive !: on account of the city nett dav. 3. Is an item of £s23 which the Treasurer re ceived from Collector lleudricka as nncurreat mon ey. Some alibis consist* of counterfeit, somo of sP.crvd bills. »om» of brokeu banks, and mostly worthies*. The Treasurer roctlvsd It of Collector Hendrick* aa uncurrent, and it Is doubtful whether the city has lost the right to collect the same of 3lr. Hendrick*. These two last items, making the sum of have been deposited specially to the credit ?f the cltr. The Trea«’.tror h»6 to Llb cradit about SSOO of hit salary, for which I hare refturd to algu an order BOtll the iloul adjudication of' is account. Ifccorcmeud mat the who matter be rlferred toa committee foradjuO.ic.ttluu.asd thaltheTreat orerV resignation beaccptcd. ME.<*SASS or VIATOR WENTWORTH. 25T0 APRIL. TotheAUUmunofthe City of Chicago: Gentleren— Circumstances beyond tb® cov'roi of thuprcßcot ndmlulitrr.tlon havedeiayed the sals of the lots and Laid* attested for celiaqucut gea«r al tax,**, uatil vt.tcrday. It is expected that this ea!* of arc land-* ?sre«aed fur delinquent spec ial tare*. ;♦ ill bo clo*etl This vvetk. This will ena ble th-j (’omptrpller to moke up hU accounts to the I*t of April, the commencement of my municipal year. The Collector at the dose of £de tale will turn over liU looks to hi* (*ucce*sor. It appear* to'me that thS would be a proper time fur the cm f'loymeut of firae ►killfal aceoontant to examine tito the hnuticial affair* of our city, from the adop tion of the new Charter to tho commenceuieid of the present Municipal year. Tho Trta*\ir*T*tae informed me that he has paid & draft of over sixteen hundred dollar* twice, asd the Collector informs rae that bl*otHre has Wen robbed of several thou sand dollars iuca«h. checkadnd order*. These fact*, added lo the fact that there La- nev er been a thorough examination Into the account* of the Cu:uplr;.Jler. Induce uc to u-k the appoint rnesil of a special Curnmiltee uf thre- Aldenusn lo supervise a thorough exatnimtiiou lutoallthefl naurial tra’ifHctlons of the city for tlx* !a-( three year-, with po-.vtr to employ ’such tj ar may be needed. Such an examination at the pres ent'time. I deem Indispensable to a full of the real condition of all departments of our government, Jou.v WesTwoimi. Mayor. Alderman Taft moved to appoint a Committee of three to carry out the rerommendations of the Mayor. Carried. The Chair appointed Aid. Myer-, Taft and Hub bard a* tucb Committee. b cpoiit or^osrrrnoLLiK. city Costnitou-enV Opyic*. > * Lieiijo. lice. 21. 16G). i Hon. itouti Wcstworti;. Mayor When the City Trc.-.-urcriaade hid last report, December 2'jth. there na?, according to thw hook* of this office, la the Treasury $2,M0.u7 Since then he his reo’d for street taxes... 4 60 ilakiui,' 2,»iT2.67 Jlo ha« paid oat oo citv orders f $«.0C2.77 His baud bcob rbow> a epeoial depoah of nncurrer: money of t6?.oj llclist lu his hands. ca»h, il,*»«ri,S7 There is nothing except th® package ®f tiucur rent money to hi- credit in hank. $i,»P02.27 is the amount of the city order paid twica bv him. Your* reepecifuily, tiaai*n D. Ward, City Comptroller. uspioNATioH or errr Tr.CAemra. To th e Mayor and Common Council cf tht City of Chicago: flKSTiciXENDsing about to engag® in aucb bnelncs- s>i will require during the remainder of the municipal year so mneb of bv time a* to inter fere with the proper dbcharge cf’thc ditties of Ctty Treasurer. I hcrcW resign that office. Respectfully vun». A*. llaiivxt, Citv Treasurer. Chicago, Dtc 21,1K0. PETITION oP ttTT TRSaSUSSC. To the Mayor and Common Council c if the City cf Chicago; ■ Gbntlemkn In th*- month of December, IMO. 1 received from the City Coilector an order drawn upon the Troarar«r fur $1.0,-’.27 a» vo muchcath. and accounted for wood delivered tbi* ecastm to the City Complnjlitr. In the month of March. ISU I , the same order w»« presented to and paid by m». The ml-take was* not discovered until H>m« vv->ek< nftorward. i-o that I had tm means of atcerifining by whoiu It was presented for payment the second time. The Comptroller has charged the amount to mo upon hi* book-1. I have K-ttlt dmy accounts with the Comptroller. this amount, for that My arconr.t" for thr current year have been adjusted with the exception of a package of uncur rent motley, received hy me a* tuch. from J. Hen* drickr. late City Collector, and a *um of an* current money received from John Itaber, the City rullrctur. nut! other* in the city revenue. Thcatn.'imi ;h«*- rcrvivi-il from 2lr. Hendrick* wai from Mr. Ra\j**r and other** At it reijuirce eom*- action on the pari of the Common Council to give me credit for these two last item*; and to* adjust what portion. If any, of the ordrr for £1.602.2* »hoi:}d be charged to my rc. count. I respectfully as): Unit nn order be palaaed directing the Coiajitroller to r«c«lvefrom me the nucnrrciit money as cash; and that upon Th* pay men- of o:u*-half of the amount of tlie order for f 1,102.27. the account for that amount it settled. RefcpertfuUyyynr-. A. Harvey. City Treasurer. Office of City Treasury, Chicago. Dec. 21.1« W. The reKignatlon of the Treasurer wm accepted ami the office declared vacant. The .Mayor nomluatod Charles W. Hunt. Esq., to till the vacaticr. who w*a unanimously con firmed. im motion of Alderman Bouford. the petition of the late Treasurer was referred to the committee *iu finance. On m-’Hon of Aldcnn.au Fo*e. the Mayor and ee lect (nmmiiiee to cxutnlrui into the tnouetary ac counts of the city, w.i* added tu the duaico com* •tnlttre. Tiie bond of Ira Coiemau. as Keeper of the Bride well. signed hr,!. K. Kotsford. C. D'Wolf ami tjam'l £.~Uoder..ill. wo# approved. Mr. Cluries Vf. Hunt pruzeated hi* bond at Tnasuref, wliich was approved. It Is signed by Nathan Mcars, J. 11. Wkker, John H. Kinzle. anil CbarlcF («. WJckrr, The following was unanimously naeied: Ordered. That the City Comptroller be requested to ask Hi-ilayu» Usirc-to furnish the city with hit portrait, upon the same term* u* th&t furnished by Mayor Wentworth, for the ut« of the Couucll Chamber. The Council then Adjourned. Real iistatr. 'JV.MI'KI.VS .t CO., REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Boom No. 8 Kingsbury Bloch, llavo the Ml:win. property for tali or Exchange s.v,C«ir w<»rUi of 1-lQu -r.- Ar land nr.-! other property. !V'o" Afiva of La;; 1 h. Ir-va—low fir cash. 10 Lot*. **n I; d..r *i nue. r.n Josg Umv—low. Vevcral One Let* on v,» Dash and Michigan avenue*. Two Farms la Indiana for casn or citv property. Three liouec. and Lola to ixchangc for Intprorad fcrm*. One excellent Farm in lowa for sale or exchange, i'uur Farutain Illinois to exchange for city property. A Drug Store for rale wrv low fur cash. Al*o. Lot* on th'» West Stic, TTrJcn Park; and a large amount of unimproved land to JlUntli. AI»o, 15** acre luiprovml Fane,fix of Chi cago. for »a!e at a treat barga.p. delt-dOMm STOCK FARM VOO. SALK, In Kiinc Cuunly, .Stale of lilinoii. COSTAIKIKG 394 ACRES, Flxtenf Timber, nnd the balance Rolling ITslrle. A , good twoeiury Frame House, fvo larjt* Baroa. alx sheds, large Cum Ctlb. GrLuct?, Ico-Lcu*e, and Oat* b.cn«e fir >!l!k t-t'rc Room, and Men'* Boon; coiiTctib-nt for dividing Irto two Kami*, all the BolM- Feucm In auperlur condition, lying on the r,.s Mvrr i-o mil***tr>tc KauvU, focrtulle* ffom Anrcp. thlrtr-efpht from ChlraLt*. The train* rf the t'Llcago, B':rilr.et» u i tji;lr.*v Railroad ra»e lx view of tLr Mill tr-ek. a large ucvcrfdllng *tri*ata. ran- ihr-aunh t >•* farm. All iU-' ru.rl-:. l!av and Grsiu. Impleuuut-. llon-thuld Fnrn;t .rc mar be pnr cha*«‘e u the Farm n*»>aratelr. IhU Farm and ir.jpr.n vtuerr-. b-a.Uj r>f Px‘»uun, rlcbne** of*oll, arid all tt» Mtrroundlng*. p-rS»p*. I* *1*000(1 to nose In the Mate. rißr d?l!ar* p* r acre, all cs.-U down, for the Farm. The Taoveab-e property ono year> credlL r« r{urth* r partlcnlara ad.'.r*** Ik>x l-JG Po*t Ohlce, Batnvia, llliuol*. de^df*Skm QAK ORCHARD A OID SPRINGS. TLesaSnrlr-gtm*. situated la the Yall«y «fth«Oak Orchard L'rfrz, 10 the town or Alabama, GonetiM Ccnr.ty. N. V„ eight :.Jlc» loath of the village of HeiUr.B, on the Kric canal, and fourteen mile* from lisuvta. Pbe principal Add cprinrsare thrse la tints her; braid*** t!:e-e arc orm-rs. They arc all located with la a circuit cfah.-ct ofty red*. The medicinal quaUUcaoff e waters are fully shown In lUe subjoined teftlnonlaK Tl;**y contain n very large amount of bulphur. Ac! 1. Sulphate «’f Lime. and l*rot-.- talpliaie of Iron. The jTti.i medicinal virtues mm ata?cd by tUe»e waters aeptud very largely epoafte presence. lo *nch unusual quantities. vf tn«*e curative •utsUafe*. Hundred* ofc*»«fc of disease. r*ncclalljr those resulting trv!Q tin: Serofnljiii* ulaliicsli, Lave been cr.rrrt by tftrlr use. InfcLta DPearve—even to ootulnucd Lvproxj—the wat-rihuvuboeartgaallyau*- CdMful. Opinions of Medical and Scientific gcrtiimen are EBe&inttuclrculars. T’.'.eloUiwlag eminent penile' men speak In‘troag lermi of the medicinal valnc of those water-: , Prof, Kmmota. T. K*>::.ivn Heck. M. !>.. of Albany; Jas. McNauibton, M. !>. *-f AlV.anv; KdwardSprtuc. U. 1»« «*f New Vorfct It. R. Camjd>r!L of Httstleld, Ma>#.s Pr.,). S. >ciiui.T, of Lock port, N. Y.; Uier re co i.nurul tiie ratio c >uf;t!ently. Pr. Spring refer*to a case of chrouic dlartluea of ►evend year* standing un!chv>a> cured by the u>cofihe water. Dr.Becc tnyv: ~I ant toft-ced that these wattrs are highly ramabte astiKdldnal acenta.'* Pr. Campbell »ay» : ♦They must bo Idyltly t>enecelal for all chronic «lU of the atomacli and b#wrls.~ Dr. S. I*. White read a paper noth* scblcctof thcaa Waters before tae Ararttnr of Physicians In the elty of Act Vorc. la wbii-u nestates teat tea Waters d2S>dedlv tonic,refrigerantand a-tringcut properties; ana Uiat the da?** of uu ssea to which thev arc more particularly adapted, arc chronic affections of the dl ecrire ana urinary organs. aad seme of me cutaneous (Uccaae#: chronic dvspcpfla, chronic diarrhau.chronic dyseatary, chronic diur*sts, chronic cystitis. diabetes. f»r>i rfimlrr hemoranant—each as parrara hemor. rhiglca. and the colliquative sweat# of n' ctlc fever. The water may also be wttea used with advantage, be s«ya.tnca*e* of low typhoid fevers; in convalescence Ovm protracted reverb, to excite the appetite and pro. mote dictation: in dlarrboras. particularly auch as are deperdchton a. relaxed or ulcerated »tote of the cm ooca membrane of the Intestines. In calculous a3f«. Oocr*. orlltntmaK attended wltbpboaphatlcsedlaenu. It la the suitable remedy, being preferable w muriatic acid, as being more roivrct and U>* apt by continual uao so disorder the stomach. In febrile diseases It can be used. properly dilated, a» » urea; refrigerant to dl. rolalahtiilniaadprcternatnralocat. Inbtm Diseases —ln those forms of Dv-pcpala connected with meal, kallae condition of the stomach, as in Pyrosis or water bnudi.ll will prove better than hydrochloric add caaca otccllca pictonura. and.ether Injurious conse. trainee* arising from tt ? action cf lead, this water will prove to be an admirable antidote. In chronic nharya. gltls. larTcglUs, chronic, uiucn* - catarrh, ana humid asthma.'chronic optnilraia. {externally} as a gargle la ulcerated sore throat. In ca-cs of Mutation, and la • leiKOfrtea and sleet, and oho In piles, - \fhea taken Glenmllr, a vnu onaaa rvu. of the 'Water. dlluted.'taken three lints a day. lasntfcloot SoriiUKlfllt' • - ». : • Ottierdesttaantals from Phyridaasj-aod other re. sMdtable Individual*, mar bo seen on- appUcatii -n to tSeAgent. Dealers *oppard on liberal term*, Water Genuine anltaa procured from .. H.W. bOfiTWTOS. bole Agent. S’o,374Uro*dway, Sew Ter*. ' • Icl4MgoßM.tn.ttui.!) T AiroS O'f ORDERS 5 J ; TV-riOl' - T fid la UTSordwMri > «lUtttt-vortiat«' - ~— ~ -t* A ■S’OKMB. i* ’■lkub jhyjje .pahk’ixouse'is Jt. sow for th« rscoattaa of Qouv. HoinUar *a<) PirttM. tqtism fi £nl K« f>wck rf or salcabla parbooal proaer. tract*. wUhlij lo miles of Cblcajo. Arfdrw-ahox 3102, CUl> c&so Poat Ofilco. delS-CiitS-lw W r AN T E D.—A lady from on * ' Eastern city, 1- obliged, freni change ot clr cutcsuacrt. to desire a situation or copyt-t. reader t tih‘ca#r>. - d«2SjL« NURSE.—Tiie uudersi;nidd » y ta wantlsz * altnatlnn tn some retreotabla family. Can give soo.! re - ereac*». May ha mend at the »«cond houMi ua the aorthw .jt corner cflloyne ■traet aud Park nvci.ee, or aav be addre?i»ed.earsßoa A.M».CUaaju»M5. Mr*.CATHERINE HOLLANI>. deCxSt JFor *alr, JL Fork barrel Stave-*, thoroughly *«a>Oß«d. will b« sold cheap for eu*h. Apply to or addrs** W. 11. DOANE, 133 Clark stree*. d*u3-dT2-ilw P3R —IOO T**ns superior quality l’r»lric,TUu rt tliV aad Hover Uav, niUsd. CSII-AP FOR CASH. ■Vvetpbtigaoratiteod. ami deliver id free. Order* for the aims fbr any fjtrsntlry wUI meet pr*npt atteaUoa. UtNRV 11. ►UL'FELDT, iS li«art>cnt-st. roet.OiSte Drawer ClffT. dcAxln w*»ww j* n *■■*■■■ 11* i■! ii tsßaata—p—M»wi Uoavtiing. EOAUDING. - Hoard c*an b« lt:ul with a furr.ii*dcd room »u!tvb!e f-r rltlser a mar ried couple or slrg’e geatlr.iiea, if arphvd tur Immodl ateJy. u few day b-»ard«r4 can uv acO 'Ciir.odvtod at |«7 Wabash Avcr.uc. didsx.tt 1-SOAUDINt*. EleaNimt Uu"m< -U with Boat d cau be obtaluod *t No.-19 Van llr.reu street, between fcts’,9 and 3Vtba«h xvaunc. a good tenant. ('trpqt- »»ni. _ _ _ _ r |X> KKXT—In tl*c Iron lUock, JL aorcerof Lake ami La-alle street. O ,\E LAIUiK HALL. Also, a number of room* soluble fur office- .-r other purpo*ite. Inquire of I.AFLIV, hMITH * Unis, 7U souta Water street, corner Mvi-lou, vast <>f Clark ►tr*vt, with water, ga*. etc. Beat moderate. Gas Fix tures. Carpet! and part of Furniture for sale cheap if required. Po—evelon given ImaiNiiately. Addrc— P. P. By*. 3S?»f>. _ _ deiSslw KKW AM) .SECOND nj,SDru)ioa f.Tv&’v# low. Pianos an-1 /Iff I I* MulDdcoaa.tf real. Orders lor Tuning Plana, Jlclsdvoas, inatrumetu protaptlv aR«BI§A. All kind* cf Mujj tice. i:s base Si/zH/n tt.so Stow. LOST. —Oji« Dftllar I!eiv;inl.— Lf'iV. on frtdiVT I»«e:u;wr tVit, a lio.d Vroi» and Chain. Thu£o>Urwld rtcelvc t-’ie ab>-von*ward hyloavlrg them at tills office. «i»ir.x3t lIEWAKI).—Str.Ion from iho O t) subscriber on Frl-lav *‘(rhi U.t, from the vacant l.;t. o-irner cf I’ar~«n fli.oago avenue, a new .iceic Lumber Hagun, with a long barrel r;tCK on It. Whoever wilt ntam the •nine or xtre !nforcjati«>n where it mav t-e found, to •!»* CUcago avenue, will be rewarded a. above, deasit ANimr.tr hasicl^ok. Banking anb tirijange. QLi.‘ STAR I.TKF. Liverpool end a>k York Patkel Ships, BAlllnronU:oFthand?4thoreaebicant!i. NIIW TURK, LIVERPOOL and CORK STKA.MSim-S. fr.ua New v»>rk ovorv Baturdar. indlrn-n Liverpool (cnUlng \Vod;:od.»y. DRAFTS OS LIVERPOOL ASD IRELAND. I’iinloe aldtins the pH eouLtry, or wlaMng taseiil for their frivnei. can jitirch:»»« tlrWet*. at rvdacet Ihrooab rate*. Draft* *ui Koyal hank of IrvlanL aud Llrurnool, to any aisonuL*. Apply to Williams & orio.v. JjMceoi-ly W Uearbmo»i»L RANKING 1 lOTTSE OF B. P. CARVER & CO., 71mine Rank Building, Corner fjike and Lasalle Street*. A general lUnkTag liuelaepe transacted. o-3700-^y •JABPEHTEKrSTIHBS fit CO.. (SucctM-orto Wcare, r.-.rpenter & Co.) Cedar Rapid*, lowa. EwsurscKJ.—Read. Drese! A Co., New York: Hotß man A Gelpcke. CLlango. [nJocu,^y Tml xentTON. BANKERS AND DEALERS in E-TCnANOR, Conner of Lake and Clark Streets, Collection* nude la all the prlaclpal cities lo the Z. S. a xttxx. i. v. ;o>'aiius sch,*, [jeT-ly] T?ir\\ r . J. TIXKUA.M & ro” c i Havln? retnr.uil t.* Uwlr ot 1 stand. CORNER or LAKE AND CLARK STREETS. Will c.-mimic U.*-Jr liu-lucso a* BANKERS AND EXCEANaE DEALERS. Exchange on all part* o Europe, xonx&s L t atvuu. Juan c. «Miark. \fARIXK I"!AXK, If Ji. CHICAGO MARINE Aa D INSITUAN*’!! CO, Caplicl, ?500,000. 5 r. CARVER. C6?hicr*nd>' *'rftarv, J. VOI’SG SCAM MON. PrV.dtrA. CT"Cullecllot.» tnailq am* d.*a:;s remitted to all part* crii)* Union. 0 KE, BANKERS. OHIOAGO, • - - ILLINOIS. 44 and 4d i.o Salle Street. BANKIXC nEPAIIXTIENT.: Dapo4t* received > Current ACC* übis from panic* In dry or eonntr* :?S the acrernmodatlon* granted to regnl.tr orl;**r* »r.apoFlt»la*t i fcotle** than nvc dollara raealved and Certincate* < 1 Deposits leaned. Intereet at «lx per •ant will be »R twc‘a* to Insure prompt and Jadldeca attention to any order antrntted to onr care. FOREIGN DEPARTMENT. Onr baMneFaeonnecUon wtthEarop-,being DIRECT. VERT EXT ENSIVE.aad MOST INTIMATE, we feel safe in a» ls«ne Draft* and Letter* of Credit In aims to Kult. at New T«rk term*, on our la London. Pant Krankf.rt-os-the-Maln. Hamburg, Her. tin. Brero to. Leipzig. Oologae, Heidelberg. Ba.le,Bern*, Dreadan, Ac., Ac.. rofta, Or der*. Note-C-Accept-mce*. Ichcrltaaroe. Ac., pays, bio In any part of Europe, made with protapoea* and dispatch garCoaatry Banka and Danker* noppßed with For eign Bin* at low rue*. Private Bonus and Mortgagaa aegotLucl abroad. BOmCAN 6l OaXaTCSS# ay x, curnuy. I otto nurst 1 xusl. a. eaxva. novels a. nornux, Cotifnl ot the Grand Pnebv of lha Duchlev of Branswlck and Save-Goth*, and the free dtv of fraakftn. and by vpeclal *ct of several State#* authorlxed to act for tormer Hsiren# of AUSTRIA, BADEN. BAVARIA, lIANOVKIt HLSbI.V NASSAU, PBUBHIA, SAEONV. WIffTKMPERG. ULDLNBLUG, AC. JaiTdawly /CHICAGO WATER WORKS. \J Wxrsn CouctaaioNU’s Orncx, • Chicago. 11L. Dec. nfth. IdXL « PKOPObALS INVITED. UU proposed br the Water ComriiWoacM to tayor. addition*! coder the bod ol Chicago Klvtr at or oe*r Both street BrMg*-th«ru»ln to ba laid under Ciu b«d of the river and a* usual br dredging. or etae or a tunnel, ForUdauarpose scaled proposal* arc InvlUtl until Wedaesdav, Jannarr 3ad next at 13 u. Ist —for a wro-icht ir«a j-tpe. 34 leches interior d!a :metcr.arhl 6-lcotaJ-Inch talck,* dooWe.rirated ami mads of best American Iron. The costramor wind*. Uvcr the rloc on l’ic river at the place selected by tho Commliilonew for crowing. Tee length and form of pipe, and *ll other partltaUr* nay be a.*ctrula»d on appUcatloaal thUofllcc. . 2d.—For the placing ofaaid pipe la tta bed. The pipe iriil be laid at faaat loor feet below the bed of the over In the deepest place, and "will be core red the eadre length with at lea*( four fee: of gravel. The proposal* will Include all n*cM.srr dredging and excavation, the remoral am! replacing of any dock wall* or tfcaber work, the removal and r«-pUelo#of any portion of the abetment? of Bash street Bridge If r.ecswaxy. die piac tce of the pipe la 1U bed, and the filling Ja. of gravel. Th* contractor* will bo liable for acy Injury to tne pipe la .laciazlt.aadwXberrdQlredto restore all wa’U and other structure* Interfered wi h to as good coi»d.- "The particular lo cality atdthe ftieemuatlQiis Cir the wort may bo asevr talaed at thw oidec. , , , , , • SnL— For a tunnel order the bed of the river.—Pro posal* arc lavttedfbc the construction oft tunnel un der Chicago Hirer. uear Boah atreet bridge.. to be cir cnlar to form, six feet diameter inside; llnedwith brick. work twclvelneheft thick, la three nngMhalcslde one lidd In pare cement the other* In mortar made of half aaad and half cement to hare It*bottom 40 feet below ordinary river surface, and to be made from well* or ‘the aaaadtaraeteraxnk on eaci tide of the river and lined with eight Inch brick work, the same la chamc- Ur aa the laser ring* of the tuucoi. Plana and. specifi cation* maybe »eeu at this office. . : ißycritar of the Board, . 'd«2J4U»-td 4 .. .. x. 'V. TISKHAM. Secretary. • /SinCAGO, UTJItLINCiT.OK- 1 & V, .. - . QUISCT RAILROAD. " I‘vs-.t -z*7 Trvl~« lesve and arrive •«*hJev;o a* tol. -lawk: Alalluavei at.ILL' .ujl. ibumla. • arrlva* -ab-ILOO r. jt-ibucd*ys exci-pf.d’. Kxpreea dc4TM*'at n:*S r.iC(B*tarday**xc«pwd>; arrive* at 9.14 1 fliooday* n*o*piad;-''.Aaror» % ,Acfi«njmod*tlon' ; laavM at *A* r. ic. (toadayi •xcepwdßpul|M a t 10.49 a. Mm (fttSoay* •xccrtt'-. * * :»%- li. t, HAiiilOKP. Sap’;, *f • ,*M». sKaiiwabs. 'T'UE PENNSYiVANIA GEN- X TItAX RAILROAD, - , m miles double TPicir. The capacity of th*i Peai Is bow equal to any In w« COUtlrv. Ihrce Thronzh Psuenger Train* Between and FLmulelpliht, Connecting direct la Use Luloa Depot, at Mttabunjh, wita TQrough Trains from all West* ru Cldf» rtrrriiv delplils, st# York. Dustoo. If*iyin'rewr'J .Vashlugtoa City; urns farulsMuH for the transporutloa of a;po?sed fur speed and comfort by aej o’l.oc rout'-. Eaprta and Fast Uaaanm through to Phlladc.p Lla, without change of can or conductors. Mnuxlag C*r*are attached to each train; WpodrutTa Sleeping car* taCiprtr** and FoatTraUh*. The Ex rr*** run*dullr.Mailand PastlAi.-sn^ry.ev:rp:.dT Three dally train* cqrs*et direct f»r :«s.w York, Ex prew or it ra>l Lies c;ux:c; for Baltimore and Wash. AH I'hroogb Paacngflr Trains provided with Lough bldge"* Patent brake—«p«cd under perfect conuot o| the Engineer, thus adilug much it) tne safety ultra, eler*. hia Daily Train* between Pldlauelphla and Now York; two Pally Train* between New York andlt-.s ton. Tl.rouzh Ttcktia, all rail, are food oce*?her of the above trade*. • lioal Ticket* to Df-jlnn are f rod ruNorwlcli. Fall lilT«r. or Swaicstou Llav-. Roetoe JVrrrd free of charge through New York, llckftu may be olulcvd at any of the Important Railroad Ortlce* In the West; also on board any of the regular line of steamer* on the Ml*vl>elppi or Ohio Wver»:and at th* osice of the Compahy la Boat jc. New York, Baltimore, or Philadelphia. UTFasb Ahwarg a* how a>o Tus a* Qcicr aa ASK FOR^ICKE^^PirrtBCRGn. The completion of ms Westers connection* oftbo Pennsylvania Railroad makes thteth* . ..... I. - U," _ DIRECT LINS T***? EAST AND THE CREAf W£»l, The cnnnectlar of ir*ck* by the Railroad Bridge at PUuburgh, »v&idtng ur«j age or ferriage of Freight, together wuh ilie saviaj of u:ue. are advantage* rc<*dl ly api rvclated by Shippers of andm* Travel, lagpubllc. For Freight Contrecv asd Rsupplntl'lrcctljrs, apply to or addrM either ot the tQuuwuis Agent* ot the . uoapasy: P. A. STEWART. I’ltrsbnrgh: ’ It. S. Plercv i Co,. Zsuc-vlT.r. o.; .7. J. JchCstnn, lapiey, O.: it. McNeeley, Wiy«\li;-. Ky.; orm*byA Cropier. rort*aoath.O,: P.sduoek A *.0., Jefferson. tJUIe, I:;J.; ti. \\. fljcWU i *:o.. ClSicnnaU ; AU.es * Ulbbert. tlnd-asU; Jl. C. Meldrua. MadL->c. led.; Jo*. E. Moor*. LuolavlUe; l*„ *i. OTd.cy £ Co., Evant vllle, lad,; N. W. Graham A Co.. Co, «*r Baillraorc. to»ad froui miv on the Rulicmdi cf < »010. lirotnekv. ludt»r.a. iHLirL, WL Consln. low*, or Missouri by railroad direct. The IV-cu-y.vjuia ILv.ro.ii aL- <*'.r.n-.tta «t !Itt4- hurgh *lih bn.-ia.cr?, l>v w1.1.C , it-, 1.0 ed to any p_ -* on the t>;du. Ma-- i Ki .-.r eky, T«nn»—ee. lllvl- Ukoti •la. Ksn-.*-. Arkv.lil3 MAG RAW it iwOONs, N) .SVuh atra-t, Baltimore. LKACiI « CO , Nv.a A4iorUyu»i*.i.r .So :S V.'U data ‘irwiL Sew iu:k, LEECH A CO., Nu, 77 State •tree;. P -ton i!.U. HUCSIuX.Oen. r rO*:.t L. L. lloriT.Oea. Ticket As't. ihliad.-Jt-aU. TBot*. A. SCO IT Cea. niipt., Altoona, fa. j.fjjXMy JtOA^O. •Y/ister Arraogeiaeat. Jfow completed au.l cars run froui is Pltta bar; without charge, correcting «ttb t‘i« Great PtaavtUauiA (cnir.i! Hailroad To New York. XMlaJelpliK B«!t!mori* at;'! tor. niy, and all ihelaieriar town* uf Birr. mula. Xew Jersey, New York. M.ir) luu-1, Jiorchmta by uklng ißi* route. hIB Larc the Jdrxo- Uge of all the ruruirktii at to additional checWri through. Trafne leave the rrk-*i Hrpot, comer of Cana, and Madtsor streru, HVt hide. a 4 fillow*: S-V! a. «.— Momatf ivxprs»a. uallv, i»nsd»“> cx cepteiL) C.S3 r. M.—Nlgut Bibr***,dally,i?aturd;iv- murior towru.d New Kr.glnrr’, tJa New Yoru Centra, .r.d N«w York ahd Ertv liillmarta. Alva south toC'olitmbits. SVwr.rk. M.-nat Verier. Nt“ubca' tile. W iieeUag. and i;.teller i«wj of Ohio uud Viiglu:.,. Tlir ab*>ve trj:u» connect Forest wJUi train.* on Ifad Kiver Road to SprlrgCeM. Crbati-, i*a» t.r «u.l Clactas.itl direct. FARt AS IQW AS ARY OTHER ROUTE. rn-*t ; - bom.il En-l Will I:;id t»la r-'i;!r I 'th Pli-.. . . I ]■•»—bjg i;.r.LV U.U larce.. uuit Chßuau, ..u l:.> trTvudi. will 2nd a::* i;li.p due* v-t' M tlo loiw eclTc* checks and convey baggauein-L i f .-Lurot* tu ilia l*ltubnr;and «•*' ( ui>ft« cjiu; ;uiy tuch train, r molting earn "a all trslr.*. llckci? for f;»lr ;il llic frlM-lide o:!te;»« Jn tßi# West, and st the Compati) ’* Orncc, ryrtu-r ot IBunß-lpti and Dearborn vtreeia. or at Bio l 'cJ..u Di-put. vv M t btde, Chicago. pJiUcular and avk f.,r ticket-* bv F' n Wavti*. r'figbl of all Jilmii will be rnrrlij from t u:i*r.;p> to all points Hast at all llic*-, at :i» l.iw ratoi utr oiler limVjnU iluuU*. TO MERCHANTS AND SHIPPERS. The PlitsbcrgL, iort Uajae auu LLlcagi* S:*t>:-uad Company, haiinj rtfootecl an arrangen:«-nt wUji it..* Ivniii-ylvaaU Central Luilruai Loajiuniv. for lletra i l-iTLitlon ofTlirongh FrUgi.t, rri-pcrfy can now { A < atdpped by lids Hoe lirl»>T» •. Fhll**l«!pl.la, UahiinyP*. New York and Bo*toa. With Promptness and Dispatch- J. N. DvUAKHY. Supt. W. D. J. H. Com. ami Gco’t Ascut. D. W. ilU.’sS GetT Wa.'L !•»-«. AgesL ( ' UICAGO & XOUTWKSTE3 i N V-/’ RAILWAY. DIRECT ROITE To Rockford. Beloit. Freeport. JanwvHla, Gal«aa« Mtullvon. I’ralrle da C'Men, Fund do laic. O-nLu*!., Gn«cu Hay. Berlin, iUnott, La C'r'iJe. SL Paul. ,w. On and after Mooaav. November 'Mib, Ijjfiy, train* IraT®, vU: Duy Eapm*-ILI6 Noon. Kreclng KxprtH—b.COr. for Rockford and Janw title. .MalUan. rralrlodti ,tr. ffJtfThtouch tlckelH can be purrl.a*ed at all HivllroaJ office* on DearbomaUevt, or at Pa**encer Mationa. GEo. L. StiperlßKndeU. E. DaWrrr Ropm»oy. Gaa'L Ticket Ag'L oab*4r BUFFALO & LAKk'nlriiOF J ' RAILWAY. Shortest and beat route toßntfaio and other Eaatem rtllea. Tmto learloz Chicago at S.-frJp. in.. Detroit at 9-V>. ar. Hr«* at Bctfalo at teid p. m., Now \ ork at JOrlo.» r> Bolton At'OO; connecting *ltb N. Y. Central 4 l»o:Ia. lo and N. Y. A Erie tntlna going Eaot. Ticket* via thJa ]{» a.l can be obtained at the [,‘nlon Depot. R S. CAitTEK. tVoTI Manage \TIcIffGJCf‘ SiTCtjIKU^TaS'D Ji LAKJ! SDOIIE RAILROAD. 1 SCO-61 Winter Arrangement 1860-31 _ Take* etlert Monday. Nor. ‘JS. 4M a. ii.—Kew York and Itoston Kiprf •«*—dally except . .Sundays, rji Did Uae. •.91 r. u.—M^ljt^haprw— dally e.xaept caturday, tla (•onnecllnj; at Toledo and Detroit wttfi train* to all paint* Interior In Oslo, l*ann«tlvarla, New York and tbe New England >uu* and Canada*. •~.(Xi a. m.~HUsbsrgX Baltlaio.-e and Philadelphia Kx. l-re*}, via Clarelso d. C.X r. u ilaklas «lu»« cvcseciioca asJ quick disc s» anyolSerrooie. CT” Wo?s*/:-i» \| KIjUtAN ‘ CKNTRAL *AXD AX great westct:* icanadm railwaii*. Winder Arrangement, Tral"J leave tha Great Centra; Depot. I-jA of L»-t street, Chicago: o.ft) x- *.—Lightning Expre**. (Sundn-s exc-*:>twj.> arrlva aiDocoltdlS r. m. SopetalO'. Bridge 5.C0 j. VA AlbatV J.Cw p >tW Y<>:k pi.V p. u.-. h'«oa LLno night. 6.p) t. a.—New V>7rt and Boston Erpr.-%«. (except Saturdays ifrti; at Detroit *iJO ». m_ to*, pension Brhige of BagalotUd r. Alh-u/ TOO v. x*7rr York i2.no *. a., Cc«:*'a neon. MO *.a_nnHnmJ» BApcw*.i«xcept Sunday,;ehrjtigh toctnaa&jutio is hour*. C.30 r. v.—CicclocJfS ac threagh to Cincinnati la It hours. la.uSvtCfiia liboare. UXI r. n.—Train. Goiorday, ouiy to NTi r. m. tram eoaoeeb at Fade with the Buffalo and Lake Huron iiadiway for HiitTaio ami all p*>tuU eat*.; at T-ironta WUU tie Grand Trunk lUUwayto KlncsLT. ngucraburih. Mcutre*:. Quebec, and »IJ o.ilct* to Canada iortkam Vennouk J»«v. Hacsp. *lrc and Maine, w Beggsgocheck* through. Through Tlck ’te for tale at tne prlrclpa RaLroa-l oScealntha North and We*’, and at the (.'ompaav'a orhi-e, vorsur Lake and Desrbora FtruetF. :ic4 a’ tha dvt ut ootef Lose ktrcct. t*. N. RICK. S»ipr rluO-’t.deut. U. b Haocfstf. G«a«r*l Agent, fu34 f"HiCAGO & ROCK ’IStAXI* V,’ RAILHO.VD LISK.-Pr-jerger d»j«n from and arrive nt Chlrngo M frjowa? Dar Expree, and ilaii leave a: ».*3 a. v., atd wrrlTo at Vis r. m. (aundty* cxcemeU;. Night Ezpre*a 11-att* at 11.45 r. u. 'Saturday* except •d •; arrive at 5.15 a.». i Mondava excepted Jollat Arc-nmoodaB. Alton andei. I.onl*. wITBOCT CHANGE of CAK>. two ExprevH Train* daily leave depot. Canal *trv< i. •very morning (#xc*pt■uad»y) and every •vtoiug > vx c*pt Saturday,,; _ Day Express. Night Lx?. L*av« Chicago at... »Hda. n. AOO r. a. .Vrtta at Jvscl ICdO ** ‘.-r* ‘ •* “ P**» rin......... . 6.-th p. u. A&>a.a. - ** HI *- - - ** Dtmtnr “ ** •* ” >;.r;:.kacld s'*S ** 4A* " - - JarksoaTlSa Ml 14 3S«f.W. - “ AtP n - SvO •• *♦ - si. Louis ....Iftii ~ Ic.ts ** iLToegh train-, arrive at Chicago at 3*o a. f. acdSBO p.m Jodct and Wilmington Accommodation leave Chicago at fcdO r. u. dally (except bandar;, arrive at luio a. it. fr* Kiecaai tiroping Cars on al! clgfct trains. CONNECTIONS—At Checca with Livan-aort. Peo ria and Uarilarloa Railroad tor LcgatuporL Veorla, Uahsshargaod Burlington. At Bloomington w llh llJi noli Central Hallr Decitnr, At Sprlrga* Id with Great Western Railroad of Illinois for JavsnonvlUe. Napl&iaadQuincy. Atht LeauwtlhPacK.c lutirtad for Jetforsoa City, Syracuse. Georgetown. Ui>ottvllie, Lcxlcgton, Independence. Kan#a* Cltr and. Leaven worth, with Sortii Mbsourl Railroad fcwSt. Chari* #. Hudson and Be Joseph, and with iron Mountain Kail road fir mot Knob and booth ere Mlwocri, »lti» Rail road Line of Hteamer. on the .Mississippi luv«r for Metnphb. Ylctohtinc and New Orleans. k'orthrooga ticketsapply a» the t>uu*asy*s Oder, id Dearborn strict, cppjallo Tremuut uc>c.*t, and at the Depot, Canal iirret * JAMES ROBB. >»«e#i.«- *- CUAn. CuNCiOON. \ R, B. MASON, Superintendent. C. c; WHEKLKB, CenT n. Agent. JOiEVH PRICE. Treasurer. _ del TLLINOIS 'CENTRAL "raij;. X ' .. KOAD. 1860 -‘Wistor Arrangement-.- 1861 Ota d after Sunaty. NoT«jnsurh3th.»-0. imhis . til leave she Great Central Depot, fd-tof Lain aadaoutk water Streets. • . . lkAla.x. (SutiJayaeieepted) arriving atPeorlettAdO r. st.‘ Louts 1130 r. Cairu lA3 x. n. Meuiphiea.-M r, v.. New urlvaoe in ahour#, CiJOr. x. (S*tar a, n. p. x, (auudays exeep'ed. > ThrougtL tickets f.-r ail Impurtaat polau/eiuiJt and SoethweeCfLrsale at the oUlce of the Cotapaav, lo tr.u Great CuntraJ Depot. . W.U. aKTUCK, o*3. Sunt. W. r. JOHNSON. Gen, rmenger AgenL . /•A.VLENA & CHICAGO tfSIOX VJ railroad.—Wittc* AmajoKuiarr- On and after Monday. November 3011. 1 Aid, trains will leave Well*street depot, ti follows, Sundays etet-pted: 11:10 x. it. and s JO p. it, for BelrMere. Rockford, r rts port. Warns, Dcnlelth. DuoaqQnatd Inter mediate polaiij.ll:4o a.3Otndfcoop. inter Dixon. Polg. F'-Jicrspedaruapids, ted Intermediate octets ; LOO p. ar. for Elgin. Bclvldore, Rockford. tod Intermediate points; saw p.x. for Geneva tod iatermedlau: points. Passengers for Beloit and Jaccavllie will take toe iLh> A. jc. train. passengers for Crystal Lake. McHeary.Rirh reotd, Geneva La&e.aod intermediate points, wmtaka the IL4O A. X train. cars o« night train*. „ ~ „ £, R. TALCOtT.Qen, don't O. at. WHEELER, Pen. Passenger Ag'L tjt pHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE V/ RAILROAD. FOB MILWAUKEE LA CBOME BT. PAITL, OSH . KDBILBKUi US^DINTERMEDIATEPOIXTS. ‘Ob and after Monday Dec. Sd.l9Cdpassenger Trdua 'leave the Depot, comer of Wert Slut* an-1 Canal :streets. (Sundays excepted! as foUnwv; ■ j ■ Sca.x.iuanilArrlvustMilwaukAcatlLdOa.M. *. 12-JU r. u- an d arrive at .Milwaukee at 1-Cu r. u : PateengerTrains arrive st Chicago at: liT-l x. v. in: 1 r. m. Waukegan AccbUimodutw <> .'lr.-in K„\* ; 1 4*30 p.il, arrtreeat c'Mearii.it? vi s. *. >ttoM ■_ - b. BALDWIN.SUpL ,Xr ight Scavenger. -ciian«« JL v "Koox wilt kitted to the elsaalng of privy vatltt removing of stable manat*. and aay oJTuCr* matter Ctttgggg.- ■ I _ _ ££UPTL r m.:S CUKE 5 i imp ecbces ciGcs 1 TM.-* 7m*«l9 onltlif «n hytlx ißroui-vuiiii-n i lii i)x>4 tCI pr- ■* <-i; iftr r.:pt3-'*'. »•'•* ‘*7, UnreV'* ?ive acniH»r a irv.— f- r V.; , \iv,v ’.t— - t >'‘‘- a u#e.Vit cresin* la fits? pliCa.-. brl • f; <* ' r ‘- £ a retJuT, clvfi'C t.attin* a d;;::r -t > i";-•. '* !i.-‘ -i - -- n Dctrlv ail cAfee*. D-. - - 1 1 ;< .t * 4 5, - 1 irob.:n;ctc:rcuM{t ■ jv* . »• * 1 . * r •a.4*-,alxviV-* TJ-r-V-ia-' *r»r I* • i.’* »• • " *i • ho.a.iv«9nirff«d Willi Ci<* m.wy Jl rupfir .••an ap* . «{}< .*;t ;.!u;*..-..v-d ® ,! tarapliiet. coctainliii flll ►ct.f ; fr •' f /» ttiy • » me. bv a»lii.t>sl •/ 1. j:.-i VI-i... . . kr. J.Mvc and >'o!c Asr-rJ ra J-inf 1 ».*1 OlEce IT. La’fci; tireet, K-tcSce b-.r l.iw, •. t » llitu'li*. . Wr.olr«*ld trail# tappUmi :>» Vcar pfrf| * »«' !~rtomn Mlarijunrs. S — _ 01. MKTKnrOMTAV >KU »•; JIACTIIS’K— Mirpifactir- 1 by UR. K. S. PA VSR, f- S*o.«l Vorth r-xnrVtrn »t. Vaiokrccai at «.»■ r- J tfao< Stori*, No. I.A» l-*t j *i Sewing Machine Agent* 'Want?-.! •• fa every eran’T, Uiwctlibut tun_ t-J •« . T *».> pAitK? Mrr»io.’ , :.irx. , i •■ >• • Ia: 7! • ,#r L.novca A l.AKaa'r ?r:tv*U i > ‘ i w:l* rn - er»i; .>* A: taettmefxf wbleh l-o-vlti acted a* ..ifi.l f«*r the la-t few wri i.*. ...» TU machines are adapted to all vanetl-* cT te.r-v, 71l are warrautt-l .a , aay rt*pect ro 9clU:iii al a lil-jbcr pare. A -•.•■.■r perre-ntart ailrweiLandrrc-it Litirifei.senle t-jenter* ■ and eCP.-ier.t AS-r.r*. *'c I;ku- <» joha-tor.'s linpr-Aed Pali-nt itvrv.tt.vr ir. pvTu-:: u|.ju I'll- I*. f *TN" -j! r.o.u«n,uwi.«.iJ''ss'v.in. 'it?. jfranspanatitn. - A L'STRAI.IAX l O.'.IMKECLU. j xl uxr. c' FQH MUSQUHrtE AUD SIDNEY. Tl.e favorite faet s;.i.. IIIdVA' v.* 11 rahw. Co:..aka.!c- \*:.l c h-r v,;Sir.r •• *V eariv :r. Jar/aart. ■•v’iV;.* a •"■■r* I’-r ;• rir»t ui-1 >.-* on 1 Cal »* ev-;. rv A;,. J.- ij Mi V-. is. rr.T-riisi'tiN, u; wv.i • Coft-!«cr-1a..1:5--r*. v'!f..r.-f!; I n-ti.i-r* *■; Jt Co. ;.li-v: r». tb >• -. -AS v K\V\ii:-< » O’.i- i Corner Lake mid Pearlmrn S|re*»i“. •' .—li.-: . .... “*- J * - - - ... , ... .i_ WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1 Fn-:3 and after t!*i dnt--. !''j*:hrr r.. ,-ir J. Srpw*?* will arrive an i Oti-art .x-1 .iu»' - K AST; •?; ’iiciii.; vs i i '.Ti, i:„ Arrive. I* uI. i. l.v-uo « .... m. r iir.*.» t*. v .... .’I r. v. \ FITT'.-ULKUU. Ff. .V ‘ iutiu »*.' m ■ i **’ biilTH: 7 l.i;f!'VTl.L. 1 -:. '•!.'» i :VvN\ c. 1 iir- any r ' 'ii.lim ’- ci:\n;A'. ’ J ‘ Jl * i*. i: .1 .• m. « W KST: UK* .v..“. . .vo a. y. r a. m. VVvv v v . ... w. f v.. s:tii i*. u M v. ‘ i iilUAiiO, t ULi'- N ,•. \ i;• i:. 1 *■. u *Vi’\"LFs"-' TVU\'' : .-:^ , '■ •’ 3.XJ r. * x. m. \- i-L«;is a . ;4- ■? --ur • arrar.erue- t. a.-«* m,< k • x, • t. r’x.nr; '• :r.ar:.rf.r i:.-K*»:.r;i i ;Ur* V v-IU .\fi r< »s\ I? VI riMi.it;: \!'k: prrr m;*v ' (v:k. va ;ti*s 1 I*iiRTLAM’, i .1 .: ’ION r u-rt »»v tr In . t.'.erciiv a - . i* ; !.-• t- ‘x< billing a: .;.vr:n db.ti- •• f*.; ■ ■-.»•' x. ■’.c-!v'-*n ’ • - e-l * -»var th.*" If Wfllf.M. .t i- T. Jil.-ii II lIUUI'CM*. iClvlr. s;. n-v.-'i- i la Till. , i-.r F.v Kan* i«, a-: I dlr.-'t r-nr.’i with *i i\. - Tl; u nv;;i:i.AM' r\i il n’.MA i ulU..'' ctA--. : K.Vl*i;i->’? COMiMM, FOR DKNVKB CITY, n.-)s the att. M.’;i • f d.?t«':iJ’T- I.« * .tr - .*■*! : ' i;;v. 1c • -u dv!!' .rv. f*. mi-. r' • a : £ tr.ee: faeJlltt’*. tori!.'* r.l!!:.;r fv-riiT-ir m theyi*.* not wwc to u*vi’cr Mn* arc u .!. . « / In -ae.: e-.«e,« n - v brl i ■•i:.-**ep. - • re.p.--,. ! l,u : -:• , | dored w;:i i.i-r al.—l <.;:r r r f x’t-- ! • r tral’.!* U.e «»n.e c.»n be «;.If.l lx tna'.-c' a . , • . :.-’xi fi> our ad-..: and liy r- ; * . j T’-“T tobe e’.’iiw'. d «'n xii-l’Ti ry • .• -'•l%. . i’rUi r« leu at c--r odluc ;-r -o* In o . : <* ' , attended «•> ; r..:::; *.x. u.':-d-rec: Iv.’d t >o iatc f->r •.• * . . p; • If ri< i :;.*..i!.|ed ; i ; -., r id : . : -r-. *1 . -;U:j c-.i.-ll -r-ri’i.'-. -l -_ I’. ». j . irirain i3vr cCM uric;. Stew voi;k steam m;-, j1.5 'VuUKr. XV yi. VEItIIIt KV, IftT Soiitn Ci-iiatn-t.beVJfeev Ms 11- •. .v-i'f . -w. C LlO i-'O, I’llt. ;t O.Vfcr and l*ir*r.T ..C ..d LJ:id« ..i Sli« .... 1 Alw>. Srlia’-v n.—’ici In veil.’* a - ’-: - ■ fctire as3« >-.rh€i«rk ■. t, 1.-Mve. - M.-Lrc'.’Awxl .v’a;n . t t:&vc .wiiJi d !?.»• Hr-i li. ii.luuj 4tt.id>ai>* • P. >. Fair, all .c.junt'y ..fxlcn< by exi-rti** .-irie*i-■ Wi.dtii to.. pilljfitriil!;". [T 1-'. D.iiKUKV, .M. I).. frT.ino- ; ju • iepn;.“,l-‘ I’iivnl.!Xc. Tlv.tn^ Jx-rod an Kuro; t unwc.Ec.k. x.xJu,u.il<.’:i. xvlt’. •» j•:.»• U--»i j **pevlcii«’Cii. U»L»ci>ui-st>. the e-afiil»-v* i Le on. ;lvc c:.tL-<’-aU’-fa’llii.; I;, cl;.' ol ii! fnrih> -l!-ca«>'*. .\e’;t<’ I 7T?i.: Ic. ’ ulcc U'jars tixl ‘.i a.. \t. .viui 11-Ij*. ii.. a«.i ad. aaan t •f nlzbt. h ids ri.xldunv... til Wc.» Itm I .!: J* «4.-«et. ! ii.4U.it*>. .ii ilcgal Slbbmisamems. ' r ITU'STEK’.’> SACK \Vli.-r«a». . i lUnv.xi dov. x ix.'.r-t -Sav jf.l mo. \. I*. rtecaicd a., i .Ud’.-r vl i rin-. 5;. i; u.t.l. ;«Lnv.l. Trustee, ifc U*;wd of J n>t ■.- i'»-:i u.itr ixiwi mi.<: tn,*i.sl„noJ by ii.*; *a.iv il;:a..i .TiiV.aud ;.e- w thu . orUi-r <;f A. ri id «.:.u for ; .CM au-lonv fur fc»rlx I )f:zo aslenclor each payab!c!n tiveivt - lro;:t t’»*‘«!at v * u’icre-if; oi.- f--r t--”. '-:r. 1: teeuJtcnU.-fr *:i. xlav titr.’or: x. *: • ;uu i i-riv- f;r F*.'-’. ea. Ii pH * a*-A’ i-i l.i’Vi- I .;; . E ’ .ir.' i t'.v- dtU tUer*-’ f; ■ f- i nil.-,,; -. ir > :.c»*. emdi i pavahle l;j JMrtv ai->uf • :r :u In- .id” Uur-’ H; I • •:-•* a’l- ; irtx - v u.-iml* irmn (!.i- . xlale Ui-re**; all o’. a* • -a :«jlf et i Ihe AjaVue 1-nnlv <>f ♦' , di’Tr'». a. |tb :m »t ;■ :i ; • - e .1 ;Uler U:ct Mm b ic.-ii"- i;.ii<* j I;:-.-dav jii-J rparrr-:-.r ivii.r..- r b-l In ’ RecordeF««. 111 i>>< k ly» - a fa - 1 'aj- .*i >. V.-1.--lierx-A-s It 1-!>r--.v: l vs-: Mr> ! -.f i'r, i tbnlrn-«’ id d- f It; f-, • ;a .- f : <. ,t* r any r.irt th<*r-s»f. . r l>i** inter- •; •: eordla-r to’be ti-*,**-a;;.l epert tli«-r--**r. Ibe;-. , - , . »it|onof thel.-yal b.d-lor* <»f «... I -.o*r*. u- ~r . eljjned. alter tavpij •«'!v*•-1 a T1..1W . f -...• >• •layein a :.i*»*«paj er pnblUP-'-t In thi* cit .*« f • ;.i- a nliill **-H t:i* * xM prem‘«e-* -T mv pnrr Uhti - if. f.e rich 1 *n.; **«j 1;:ry ci r-- ;*■ r;.: t:- :i ••* • •• ii t Hirui t .lov, i!« heir* < -r*. a-.-.ln!*tpn’or. -r iu*linx I there;; . atpnM'c tt-r. !::**. t;.« hi.’.'.c,-: l 1 - at u.e i:<-rtiiUo >r of Li .• Court !•; 1.. v I ai tlie time af ;-el::l.;xl .-ucii ad’. • rt’« T;-*M. And, whert-a.-', defaril: ba* bt-en nvul*- !n i »x n:.-- of the nrst fxo pr.-;r!‘sury note* ah*»v« «pi’. l:;e l. **u • «- pl!cat!on b\s D«:-.-n i..».ic t> r;r bv t; •• nil of -aid j'rr.'.wnrT r do- ab.'-t-e m- - i] •aldprcn:!**** lu said fru.-t L’cnl d-'scrlVd, v-il, .■ dr vfr.ne cf t;;c p'-xt-r and auth-'rltv L> i--;--.: ’ • aeedof Trass, and for tr.«; 1.. jr-r«*< , d; S'*w, thep"r*f». prrMlr po.fr-f« hr-r’xr J-.cr. U.3t .. t..; urn's-tai-e -T •■»;. p"~-r aau a rd •' I -;.:»T'vd ' atpnVlc iuc:l»:i.atti<}QprtlixU. r ;;-■•■ .i<:rtHo>:.>. In the Fire 1.: ChliM-'. In f” < •• ;-.*v * -.Oh. x.-l «U:*oflLln .!». on l.wid.y. th ,-.ir> j..j* of Jascary. A. L» -ad. a: oli.e •>; i. vat. 1x 1 :..r.*L Jo:i of taa: M.; ;»-r f r a-u. r. • ;.r>.u»-v> in ri!.i Pf'c lof fru*t >i'>«-r.. - ;*’.:. ',>-• aleU In n.dd c tup tv x*t ‘ -'jv - , aim t.:- axt an ri!-. I a* 1,-) L» rjv.r.ibi r t .rc«- - C. f. :r •’ -. .x:,-l d\j In I’.loek n'.M'u-r -it *•«•. 1; ' y.la .‘.didS :; t-i • ;ty i-: i\la;-j,ti-Ai-.i: att. Cl f.te vr.vU-i>-. a;,' a.*d tijclty • f r»dru;; :’o;; of Uii- -hi-J III;. 1 do-, ru* t h«.-lr« md a—■* t. r> for U.c ;-'.rp. if- !•: »-x;«t l».’o l : 01 fru*t :;.cuUi-rrtiP»sed un-. tbt-Li»J*r»;f:. J. J. S. l*>.r trr. of Nenar*, Sew Jcr*«y. by c >•. •<* Apr! .-Ui, A. O. l-j*.acd rcc-nle-i in t, • !l.u r-. r’> 1 c'woai County. Slay if in. -i.-. ,ti ii-n»kii>c‘ ■ i’l'iig'.-, , euro tto ranuent of a vcrtAln for {-■ - :.t«n»a*»(t ■ Cve Isundrt.i dollar*. . 4 .; 1 or a. aula tvt n!r.-.’‘rcn i.-i:..;r* t d.-dar- m- d Fcbruarv* lot. A. I>. ’.XA. in Liroo jtfv..;. t-.c .[ Crst day «»f » el ru .rv. . v.*, tn-l ;u* > u> r.-t'.** t;.c • .1' • tner.t lh:en-. i« 1 tl:. »Alil dr .* ,1 _■* { . attlserate i-l ten i**tetui p-. 1 ir.:.» ■ w ..«tdav ; Of Arm. A. V. t-As; :s,-:d, ’.x.i-.T.-,,.. .1 -ra.-;- 1. • been nadc Jn the patrutet - nw . «e.. . j: j ..;i p - !>«it4 of 1 xrtilcli l:avt y.-Luti .lux- w :i Kah: -It. r, • and I Lave t:.-.Tvt',revV’ 1 tj :-.-;ar; N'-v. nxffufore. UoU. «• 1-. J cr
’.Wv-.-COU/»la«il l:t It’ Oil 1. • r»?.f i .*dl at public «iif:.’”?.:slti:erot..- t , r. la the ( City ui ci.ie-icc, tn tne County >.f c-oi,ou >k • thirty- * ArtiUny of January. A. :.t u-r; la tut* 1 lurent'on of that U#y. to tne hip xc.*t ’; ca-n 1 the eall u: TTjr;Krs’d ;re:-u.-t», : •erer.re fIT!, InXlkitW nnnlii-r df.. • . -., ;*.i o .r. ' «»n. Bobett* as su.rr-“ Ad.U.o x to t Lie x-. In. th*: I C-.ucty of c'xuiic. sa>U M .txi >.r a. -I Mi li -ni a ..I - cqu’.tj ef r.-dfi.ipUor uf liin-tM.; .km:: -j-. - ..irsn.m. Ult 1 btdr* and n«.-l P :ii« :ReMh. Dated c De<*. tr:U. A. I* ;. 1 _ . . .JoXfl 3. i’uiiiJilh * ‘ Pakwlli « >rmi, Atfyr. .. :i f t r PKU."TEK’S SALK. lV|,^ X . Jauie* . Benney am. caiintruvc .vunr.cy. LL.'eiiv.i:> ir .--r. ' »a:n deed of TrrltlnA. July mrtr.-’.’vJ.’iAicii- Ir - n'eil In tae IlccojdurX naica tf the • . ;;s:/ f ( uml • Male nf IUlnoU.1;, lb--fe ;1 *oi «iii I’sac io7, i ttldco:iveyt*tnc under 4.i'ran»Rer dt«>rllied iu uu.t 1, , raru-lwii certain ’ rtooUaiory r.oto.t’Mv! r. r tb.’ .am rfJfOOCO, ! ' p y»b.« to Nathan iivj.-i or --rd*. r. and fr- -xh xC ■ byagrcenifrAdeductedtlie >un nffcX;;; ;io. a.,.j ■ otter for L.c .turn i-f f-0.-si • a-.., ••■5 • •.; . FUaer. amlboUi of wiuii nrc r—.a'.ji. fu ~b.. i f«*ra',’ii4tiias-iaie.u. t«afcx»m ( H b.ui\ •-'ml rtax-.-I ' AiJCCBt '•lib lutere-t; hq-I. wberva#, deVi!’ - :. '* BC’UTPa-lelaliie pavim-ut «-f e.nld iiuU« ai.d in;, r. -f. 1 : - 1 ■ WMbrftwf Bodd nolcalo the r-rcatliw.*.* ci>:;vr-\. .* •mil -.ra dLldbaJunt-’i.* nror’-vd-i --i -’.ci .-ulv. ;x •! 1 uonJa* iotac terna i-f.i.'u* innit ia .«.ii.i d >ot: ’il*. I ! ,*\ ow » -berefon*. pobi; v * notice L* ht-ribv given tbarbr 1 * wlrtiujovaut orit-’ jrsvfu la,aaJ,laacr-,‘r,ian<’p .vitn t;.u , ; u-rmaow aaiddeeJ ofirua tt-bailun Si.r.irilay. the dil ' * day of Jeccuiber. A. P. at t-noVlxjc!: In the :i-rx»- ' r.Lroa or «aid day. acute north door of te Court ff.»>„.* of eatlfounty.hitaeaiyof tbleaco and State af n»* 1 '■ eala.erli at publle:kUctiou to Uiuitisiie*tbh!>!erf<>ri-«*’i 1 \ tSicpreraL'M lu>aid deed of tn;*l di--9Tnbtd. r.u«u>- ♦ ; 'AlltftatcePUlnpieoeor |«rccl uyxand I' , plattet.mdrvcordxjil In the Uccor A-r'* OfTa>* of so;.l • CoQßty of Ci'ok, together wltn th-j. ; . reditamen:*. , 1 tecemcaU rinJ-App;vruaiaccc» tni-rcu-' Lu-ertu;. Nad , ell right. ben»ati*ad e;aity of rcdi:;.; e .ivfL.as.ud Jatsea Kenny (Herein. it ’ WfcVNKLnr ■VTfcBSTn.. ■ •U’d.-S. 1 tLlcage.'S’Qy. AtT.lfnf ‘ d >-LTUtd { f Tie above sa>« ikanda adlonm«d t» wtyiiiifwt.' >• > Dec am, It tba same ronr and ;*Mco. • . Pi;*cSKLt>* w>±6. ..;. ;v- •. 1 Chlcaej.Dee.«3. .>>’ ■ - }r -: . . : nr ß U' s t EE * s ' t. -Ijic Ko-'M 1 X tlceUUorcbjyijtfu J;»*I,L.C-!_:iaKr.’- r. UlO I v lr«stoti la aDeetfol Tpuedp-mted U. -Mxf.' i » millan,dated Deevmberd'li, IV*>. a-.r ’-vt.ivxt ia-vio* I ; ; oocnaf U»ltoo>rtie9riirtrocab.t-(1... v. iniuob. i n ‘! '* DeedN FaXI’l*. 1 ’I*. "f;l.r • - oMrf.inlr in ' . -hepapnetitexi ttu*ri*»»r.- ►[••cited li. • ibeapplication ••! t:«* 5c.V. ».<*V;.*p I xauotl-o for ca li t.« »'f : 1—•>«•*. j. ‘ ■ il->orof thecoun Hmw i>*; 1 : Sill day of December, A. !UF*». at In- . forenoon of said day, the premies - -. - ' No.eljlJt (8). in Block No. nix(d), In *'...u- 1 ■SSSSf^fe* 0 '- 1 ? 4 *’ Cm ' •■■ ■“' i , „ ... I*. 0, fXXN'n FnKZS, f i C*a,iTrli, IWJ I -1880-61 —MW—W—Wlf——) | llrgal abbertismenls. MOUTC-AiVt.'.' SAl.K.—Wh'.-rer. Ptmon tVjiuro ami M.irv C.. Ma w!V. iIM . ih« >t!i i!»v of April. A. I*. i •’«, .-url • ru« 1 .Imv.b w. f.ntlUm. r.ow Uit-ip Peru; i a.--r ce: •. b'-nrirjr xUic -Civ n. i >«sr si- «: : 1 recorded ’n t-:«* iiArop,<>shch of i''MiW Conner. 1 md*. lab • gu -i.M’tic - '7. and d:-iWr . hr c v. . ; • i S '*v. Lini’arj fhc prc-’ W.-* lieiolu’xlti r •” (;dn ;’r«.rv • • ’• • ?’.* -• Vt ; .r*: vdaflr ' A ad. *lr ;■ -I; i a i <* l.v -an*-r:,« * in*-/i>f i ■ i’*’ T”*’» -v* .t - to** ‘ f l '*.- 1 - *--i .'•'i’-’ l ' U' ’ i"!'..»i- e.Oif. i i ircwpfn r p'TM—l n: t*.-* ei*. “f • . -••it a-* lur L ri.• rtlii . •- ~i ‘ an rt -:«t ;i -d ■ *•••: r- ’ ; • . '“ •• i .-• . ■ S, - ;»J l Vary • .V-* .... tic i* V.. Aad -x • illrfTV.'i v N -: i ■» r--fi*ru, vjd-* • |; y**‘ l .• «;■•«... *i.a* ***'• >«».:!*m< p* *m ► •• *-i Ja*oi* m»*. }.: u "• 0'», 1 :.,x »•'.<; mV ' »•. •■ { in ►..:: iit ’.'' •• t .r".'- lii.M.—.ti.Mdi-f ; r ■ Ibc M’- .1:i r- i -5-*'*'. I* *.l ■ «c:*r» r :tat* ui fir-t, fjj. it;;.'a.. I fMv I. s oi. *!;•• ‘ • ; il.-rrv H* !’••' 1 • ' - :.i■■ <■. om i: •* Uni- .tl iic; PT ft• V.irt:i’» 1.-l:- IhC tilt- U.ltC I - .. in.<» r i.. i.. * i . .* c; ... • ; •< 11tv :v‘- r . . i • • p<*r.r>-r f ■ •-:\M r • »-t r-. • 1 r • # i--.” i tal: ~r>. .v: •• •* - • • •• - iJi • :;i:i ru •I i :.. .* *. • ,'U-u. . . ; ... . . : s . ■ , - i \;..i • .*•■.. .V ; . .* :• 1! i !■-. \ Un i. •,.: t f .r. • • i ■ r : r • •' r•:. f • i- •: ' li’*; - r. ;! . v. ; f. { ■ ~r - •* •' ‘ '••«••• _ •• •• • ‘i \ ; ■ . : S> \l K. .1 1 ... . ... ■ „ V • r. 1 t*. ;•*;■!.! ■ •• «• >»ri• Vi- V‘ vt > • r . »*«>'. r; ..IT*' ;> :v! -A. S« r • mi. bi f.rt t: ;; u. .■!.'■-!•• •. -• < u.- a. . < .■:!•••: f m .. -i.,- :l t :>• i.; • rntf ..r t.-u n*vT. i \.. ■ hi- .if sul iit I ;i, :i. .<<-(• ■ , • i. ’». ' t r:. in -I ■<(-i .-v . . :‘i *-.k • :• •'*:» s > .-I-. 'ii. |,.«: .{ it., rr ;itl r• • t... 11.» I. •r!• : - • . .i, . ■ ; •; - nvt Mt .t • -is! ••;. i > • ' t., f.f..fv : At .«|.f '•».*»., .|<* ruT'b, r- *-v.r * r'.ai.iijV-v.'itt !r 1 ni... •; ' r • s i , . ,•> ~n , \ti .. •••!:.■ i r :: • : . ■■ * if l ■ .. | «-i t..«- n ii; u.* ; -i; . " TlMt pf r piif- ■ f »:.■ ali n:.'l ‘V j jiiui(tr**.| «*:. t ri: .v ;« , ' i** • .»••«. “-t..! ■ , .> i:.. .-v, ~■■ is;:: •• ■ \r... . ‘ fo-n’*. <*9V .'f ■* livw.-v. t. f :••! » . .... :• •• i J'lji' ■ *•!; i!t.;; I , .».<[ - •• . - i OF i f.UN( ‘i'S, \ i i-'ru MiA' *iV: .Ki: ■ ’ ' . I ••-V.. . .u. iAF *“ ‘‘r; ~. ‘ AT! ;.!• ;• ■;•tv • i-mii-jv*'.:. ...■ ; < ” 1 NrlN hll> • "HU K ..'1 K • •h i r.;;-r . ■ t. iiL--’-* A-'.'iiv i'r.i.i,--'.. : i \|;u. hi* » . itci’ . . . 1 • i'-. ( ( :lt « uur v*T i.' i • U’i' ; ; . h- t: ti- ■ : Nt:" MiHfr,* t 1 .';! ***• t I’ln *‘M j.t f. ,I .. ... ..* i;i' . « • , i itii.i ?.mt ; >..n.'*. *•* i:.r...*i • ;; :r ; '.•■ a • ••• . I'H ,-i-;•;>>. i | l«» tUf i «r<>n;p!aW.i :t >* bill ■»! . ‘ Mi. lx-v.*'.< ii j.''’.;.imv. . ,i. •!,». i.> r c.r.' ■ ;. Vi»;i a purrin’- f<- tt w *; »•*■ «>• f ’ a , \\%: t. il. V. ;•. . . 1 .\. Ivo * :.f >. >At,F.-F ;i i.n : L f ; f l Jill- Ta '-’V-;.. 11.r .:. :• t a.traiu'.Mvn'.lh * M'.r. il .Vn .. *.r i: ■ la i’sr cv .• <»;■ * • ■ ; • r . c : C •• f-. ■»" : .. • ,i ..r r ' ; i •■tlx r-->ly \ • r-.v-it { wirt'l laralli ! w •t; *;« 1. .c nAjitr", • •• .!•■*. a, j 17. J«■ ti.p uc iiv-rrl. ;•» n - . r n ; 4 ! \•>t l ■;! ,c --!,.• . 11; 't: C«* .*t *l.'| rf )**? V” .V Vi '• ,;. .. ■; I I lj t.' u 1i,..- f. 1-. V* *i ’ * r.'-f ijui,' i.iv «,*n .. * *'**”' n;I that p?.rt n.-r 1 • ir’-..- • .*■ - ii.i't;n*s • - >.l',■ *• i■ -i r.;rr--r . r , . tri... rt’i pIl-lUx-.. r*n.t •• . li; 1 vi'ur. f.i»t t. •. •..•F-'; ■.< • • ( >• ,]f ; ri;». ...j t. ■»! f j', a.'.lnt tn t£*j■ i»t J.r,.' i: -nj.; *r.. u. :,t • ' 'i’Aj M ;ii' ..i.iim i:. a ( <•:. vii.cau.; .-.cvi..ovn, •. r..«: lu :li- i. i.t* r ’* j i hr* I.ur. ' 1..,- f.*ur‘. *.j- ,V . : , -do ;.:-x;c ul ! ■ ‘ 11‘.‘ '.'.'A ' I r x ; re. i:.., ■; c. •„ . ~ . 4 :. y :. - : -a i-.-,:. . •• i . t.v-..... ~j 1...- a s:,v *. • .pt«i!ic-ii;.j>i.»i. i.. c. r.v::.h i...; tf. ' A ssk;nm>- > u.K.-Wiii w- M,;.i Mt ' *•% , . x ti , „ , „j ■ ‘ "■** 4U .i*-i iP. .i*i.v .»• Li.- i! ■ ’. ■ • ■ • ;ri »i*jn-'*. in L;: »,.j. Un -;t iri«-tar' r n; > ~, c.. v ; ■ ••. \V 11. S. {'itp' •> * ,i",i ii ■ ;• Vr.-.vJ'. lor ; .-a r» lar- ir„ ; -:»«.»■? ».; •. J'- r At X | t rr-:-*, ••n-t. i , A.M’-. af ' -'I, -- li.N % • ■-:'V,u.Oct.Kffi.:MO. “■ I T i: i’ s ' r -! : ' s >Ai.iw-\x- s, 1 ,1 n.....-,ur,. v....;..: --. :ly ‘A l-ulvniim* (fa; v i s.p«. rr‘".-p ;•! w I ,o. V^.x-.v.-v,.)!•*.' r . I r f ‘ 1 in ut Jl •'•■;!■f..:': 1 tu C-mtp. Sl'i.Vn;*: t-. x • . m.-i-r of % c MixJt rr* « atol A>:vir«i "It.i. iv :; Si ■ , A h iiM-» t!if* nr*.> r 'S’. H. !». #'-«Tl<*.j >* <-r. (• * uf 1 !mn»ir* , 't I".! '*.. l :>» m» * of va'Ti''* t <•’ <«• it -’.i : I •;.: «:n!, tv•■«•!•. :i-, - i i .il!r ’im •> ;r* - ; '<-’1 Si.'.', r 'T- f‘ rp V. I’,-.- ?|.T"-1 1 ia ■'l n: '.-• !»■.»: : it.fr tJ<4» «..i i rid*'. trv iiti,t. ; . >f 4 ;. it *j. r: .-i -’r «.f t.. • ■ .... Hi" t U# t!:** *i. :'t -I •iilut r li>" ** i Mcaiinr-dl.i *anl Tri'C. «*r rm. - ’ '■> l r. n.* MUilt Ire atilUcl- !'. p<4>* t'l't f .;F If.MXF’S, ( >? ’ I rc’-tS. A.—*'i:p ’.r; '■ . ...miiifr 5, } T"rcr. A. P’. :*•»>. Stj«ap frc r*. rv„*,>. la ' lt ; Ar;i• • It vf ili« ii •ivrif*i •.< • 1 r-i:.'. i!;i"t4 v .-vi , Tr.:i.'-!,''ii. ■ ■<<*t | *r->v •.•H-j t > ti:«» >3i<: ..’-.a- • r«~ ■ fya .t ' ’•‘Ptv-rrt t. r ’**'.? *« ;.x; - ! ■. •' I • *.’J v ~xir* .>n ' IM-i-c.-'f.'t:-*T.-'» • I t;.*. .***••• p V , l«-r, if'»U:iilin«l.i *RW r..UT'.;-’. . t j J • !.<( i',.cpt >i r-1 r i i:. : - i< !’ c \, iifj! *»« t "t, t. 1 . • - -‘l i Jmu • o»; ait ;» p i •faalfT*Vpa*'C oeforr «aiij r > -t *‘Pi»k T'lv.'jtY.ixn ttt*T»rst i-v. •• r.-; :•*» .* I «tr.r!ii.it i •*ft»>- -if .Innr.arv , r .i- ;cf . nfilciiiiir: -*i.l I.;:; -.jf. r.iil : J x..ur , . mil tl.** tn.i't-r* >t t ■•t’; r.«sl ’ , sa»-tiU »*•• v is w«. ;»cx - ..*. il‘.".Tua t, 1 entpnii ■vfwi* 5 Ti>u accifitUr ; »thn i : ;x t r, ; » rf i.| _ , Vt.-tiuilu-1.. f’. rt. r , j.-gt*. J.Tt« iUXu, Cumpl'ts* Sol - .*. i • » '.'iiVJsTKivS SALE —Wi K . r ..-.. s I|. w u- lUui Ui. iu 1. i.l» u ■>; t.. . ;tv f ‘ , f ‘ t v..tc and t Ilttm-i-. .iU v .*»t c. x u, isy. toit.oaa. 1 « 111 *r- to I ■ ** f •'•‘l-' wttlcu -If*..: :• rt*. . < in T!,p :.wrtrvJtrt» oSx.tr of I lu I ** T'.-e •AliU'UUeSilo.-r.vi 1.. *...• *alx» friixt UcvJ ilcrcrt*. { . <“•Ua* b :eiiu.axi«* ui t* ;m ■- t:t- ni I • -x. -fi.tt Mil,. lrs<. ar-l :7-ir*' r a ii«W uii.- ij.i i;;i. V *' **** wi. oi vcttiuiMi tvr.xl :'.,-0U J’ ■ ' r p the itr* ai]*v n r Hanst la tin- City .._•"*■' ?••.*’■**;*'*.*'• rVtJ.v; ia.lcl'ivxl t a i *'*F' A‘.xT. W a.o ty'dlUi** prop--ty a ! ’•*!: ** ‘ * <* •< -wjr .iff.! •.- .v u *•*'-* r«r •;• :■ 14 ;■ ■ ~v,r ■ i t - -■ u. . v . * ,tV. -■.»-> Uj-.--. . -.tiru *' " t f'in Viy*. ir.tt t'! rjra lufoin, , - - ... -jr p*-if?:nv »mt •alpb’thd , 1 ii’-:.T A in wl »-H-'it'aa*.. -r'.• a I -iaiMit, s*m»v« a, iwii i ‘ 4 *‘ N *{te«4:irtl»