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CHICVGO IRIBDKE, *ri-VTookly and Weekiy, EDITORS AXD PaorEIETORS; JOHK L. ScnirPS, ('HAKIiZt* 11. lUt. ynJ.UM Baosa, Joseph Mcnnt^ Altfzs Cowles. OFFICB KQ. £1 CLARK STREET. tciuu of ran cxexcauo tbiextxb ndljr, delivered In city by carrier, per year... 01 Dally, deliveredio clly by carrier, per week., is Dally, to Mall But»*cril>«rH, per year „ 7 «c Pally, to Mall Subscribers, per six months.... 4.i0 Trl-weeldr, per year 4 pn Weekly, nmgle subscribers i*n , ■*“ 8 copies ** B copies C.uo T •* 10 copies 10.00 • 4 * 20 copies, and one to getter np of clnb.So.oo riiloney In registered letters may oe sent ns at anr risk. Address “ CHICAGO TRIBUNE,” Chicago, HI. Cjjiuaijo SVAunt FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2S, ISSO. OTTo MtU Subscribers,^) Tbe date on tbo tlij» on which roar name !e printed, tells when your subscription runs out. Keep an eye on It. PROGRESS OF THE TREASON. It would seem that no defalcation at the scat of Government, however startling, can retain possession of the public mind twenty-four hours without being buried fathom deep by some unexpected develop ment of Treason. We learn, one day, of the disappearance of nearly a million dol lars, concerning which there exists only a doubt wheiher the Secretary of War or the Secretary of Ur. Interior is the greater criminal. The next, we are apprised that the commanding officer of a Federal fort ress has abandoned lhe,trust committed to his charge for the want 1 of a pitiful remf forcemeat of men to make a head against an overwhelming mob. But tins is not all The paradoxes of the hour arc not half exhausted. While the guns in the Pittsburg arsenal are being shipped a .vay to other mobs, threatening armed rebellion against the United Slates, the guns of Fort Hooltric are being spiked, to prevent their falling into the hands of avowed traitors to the American Union and Constitution I While thousands, if not millions of men, arc within call of the President, ready to defend the threatened integrity' ai d the threatened property which lie is sworn to protect, the handful of soldiers, whom he has allowed to remain there exposed to an nihilation, arc compelled to abandon their post and set lire to the implements of their craft The most reasonable solution to Col. An. derson’s movement is this: Fort Sumpter, to which helms removed his sixty-sis men, is a very strong fortress in the mouth of Charleston Ilarbor, surrounded on all sides by water. Its guns command not only the harbor, but Fort Moultrie itself. It can only be assailed by a strong naval force, such as neither South Carolina nor all the seceding Slates can send against it. Hith erto it has been garrisoned only by a squad of bricklayers, who are said to with the conspirators in the treason Con vention. By transferring his sixty-six men to Fort Sumpter, Colonel Anderson not only saves that fortress from becoming an easy prey to the mob, but he adds tenfold to the danger of attacking Fort Moultrie—he preserves the key to the port of Charleston— and he throws upon the President the responsibility of ordering him to surrender to the enemies of the Vrated States. ITe is now master of the situation. He is now no longer an expectant victim of treason iu Charleston and treason in "Washington. It is no longer a question of time merely, when the South Carolina con spirators, aided by the Fedci x\ conspira tors, shall sacrifice the hixtj -.six men and seize upon the entire property of U c Uni ted Slates in that quarter. It now becomes a question of hard knocks, of Ion", doubt ful and expensive siege to the South Caro lina rebels, or of undisguised treason on the part of the President and his Cabinet, subjecting each and even- one of them lo conviction and execution for that crime. As we view it, CoL Anderson has accom plished a skillful and patriotic &?vp d'etat; and the 41 indignation ” of the Cliar csinn dlsonlonists is altogether justifiable and well taken. But what shall we say of the homy head ed traitor in the White House, and h*s villain accomplices—the sworn defenders of the Constitution, to whom the people have committed their aggregate power for the maintenance of order and the execu tion of the laws? We arc of the opinion that no ;ood end is subserved by permit ting them longer to go nnimpcachcd. Per haps an impeachment might not he sus tained in the Senate, as that body is at present composed, hut that fact does rot relieve the representatives of the people from their duties and responsibilities in the premises. In the name of the fathers of the Republic, let a record he made against them! If they arc lost to all sense of fehamc, let us see whether they aro also void of all sense of fear. THE PITTSBURGH BOW-DE-DO It is lime for the pcoplg to indicate their desire to have peace, and, hy the exercise of their sovereignty, to prevent treacher ous conspirators at Washington from tiring the power of the Republic in aiding and comforting their confederates of the Cotton States. With such views of the necessities of the crisis, we arc ready to justify the ac tion of the people of Pittsburgh in pre venting the shipment to Texas of the arms and r. unilions of war now iu that city, and under order for removal to local ities where, through the complicity of the President and his associate villains, they would fall Into the hand - of the enemies of the Government within thirty diys. The Piltshurgura have a proper appreciation of the duties which devolve upon them as citi zens of the Republic, and we beg to assure them, that if war is to he begun hy those who plot against the pence of the country, it can begin in co heller place than Alle ghany county. Let them stand to their position; and let Springfield, Massachu setts, follow their patriotic example. SLAVERY IX NEW 3IEXICO. We have not yet been permitted to see the proposed compromise of Hr. Charles Fronde Adams, of Massachusetts, involv ing the question of slavery in New Mexi co, hut we asc prepared to indorse fully the objection raised by Judge Kellogg, of this State, to wit: that slavery as it exists by law in New Mexico is the very worst slavery in the United States, and lienee it is the wrong point at which to begin a compromise. Whether the number of slaves in that Territory be fifty, or five hundred, or five thousand, it is no fault of Hie law if there he not as many white slaves at black ones. Both kinds are tole rated by the Territorial statutes, and the difference between white slavery'and black relates only to the length of time in which the serf may be cuffed and thrashed by* Hs master. If we are to have a comprom&c let it take some other starting point. Democratic State Convention* The Democratic State Central Cummilte of Blinols have called a Convention to meet at Springfield on the 16th of January, to take ac tion on the present crisis in our national affairs. VOLUME XIV. AMOUNT OF PRODUCE SHIPPED TO KANSAS. Wants of a Suffering people. Oißct Shipping Agent. Kantm Belief, Mcndotn, illinois. The following amount of produce has been forwarded to Kansas for relief of sufferers up to Dee. 15th: Corn Meal, lbs 43,425 Com, lbs 485,219 Flour, lbs 144,750 Wheal, lbs 2C.1C0 Buckwheat, 1b5..... 7.400 Buckwheat Fionr, fits 2,100 Beaus, lbs i0,C50 Besides various small articles, including sis barrels of krout. Prom our statistical tables there are over 30,000 people In Rnnana who will require relict The above will give each in •liridual less than toenty pounds of provisions. In a letter from Sidney Myers, Esq., Chair man of Galesburg Committee, be says: “ This uftemoon at the suggestion of the clergy, and particularly of Rev. Mr. Perkins, the children of this place assembled for the purpose ol sending a Christmas present to the children of Kansas. One hundred and fifty-three huge bundles of clothing and $8.54 in cash, was the result, all of which will be forwarded by our Committee by Express on Monday.” The people of Kansas arc grateful to the cit izens of Galesburg and Knoxville for their prompt shipments In November, for which «hey furnished their own sacks. lam confi dent they saved the lives of several persons. Chicago, Joliet, Morris, Beloit, Freeport and other points, arc assured that their donations arrived in time, and will relieve much dis tress. TO GRAIN DEALERS AND SACK MERCHANT*. We would say that sacks thatyou can donate :md forward by the American Express Coin pauy, (who have liberally agreed to carry free ‘.'or Ibis purpose,) to the undersigned, at Jlendo ■a, Illinois, will be immediately filled and sent forward to feed the hungry. Merchants who have good second-hand sacks to give, will pltasc ship them as above, and inform me by mall. TO SALT DEALERS. It is hard to live ou corn bread aud water for months, and harder to be compelled to use com meal and water without anything to make .it savory. There arc hundreds in Kansas, to* day, who have not SALT to put In their coni gruel; will yon donate a few barrels, each, aud ship it to S. C. roamnoT, Chairman of the Kansas Territorial Relief Committee, at Atch ison. TO DRUGGISTS. We ask you to send donations of MEDI CINES, such ss arc used for bilious com plaints, directed as above. Large numbers of physicians in Kansas have exhausted their mcdiciucs and means and given advice gratis, now require the means to relieve the aick. GROCERIES for the sick and feeble are also required. All these can be forwarded, direct, by railroad, to Atchison. Any information tlcslrcd In regard to the subject of “Kansas Relief,” will be given on application to the undersigned. W. F. M. Arst, General Shipping Agent, Kansas Relief. Kansas Acknowledgements, Received from the following sources since report of Dec. 14; One poor bat willlag.Coldwatcr, Mich SI.OO KricuUs of Kansu*, i'cllowbiud, 111 n.wi I*. Newell <L ‘Jo., Chicago 25.00 X W. Lo.-Ilt, Chicago, 61 grain bags W. A. Jialdw in, Chicago 10.00 Relief Cumniiticf.Ncw London, Henry Co., Juwm, by William Allen, subject to order of W. r. M. Amy, slotf.oo, leas discount ou $5 bill, Georgia 107.60 •ter. Koliert Coliyt-T. Chicago, from various sources. sl7S.tsc less discount on $G un ctirreul 377.53 Thanks Coll from FianklinvlUe, N.Y., by Dexter Clafliu jo.oo . Relief Committee, Waukegan, by A. S. " Mionnau, Cd installment. stl3.-i£c less discount on $2 unenrreut 413.02 Relief Committee, battle Creek, Mich., by G. V,*. Myall 48.15 Relief Committee. Kenosha, Wls., Sd in stallment, by Lyman & lione 542.C0 Relief Committee, Da:«vil!c, 111., by John L. rihclicr, SJIU, lee* discount on $6 on current and £5 counterfeit returned.... 103.80 Relief Committee, Clinton Township, La Porte Co., ln«L. by Henry Harding 43.60 THavel Moseley, Hsu., Chicago 25.00 •*No name,*’ Neman. Wls a.CO VV. S. Hyde, Holden. 111 a.W) fillrer.s of Deep Kiu r. Lake Co., lad., by <J.\V. Clark *14.00 Thomas 15. Morris, Chicago, by Iter, W.F. Stewnrt 2.00 Total sl/239.53 Disbursements as follows: i'atd W. I’. M. Ar::y. fpecial contribution from New London, Henry Co.. lowa §103.50 i’md V/. T. M. Aruv, tobuyntiddllugs.... Si-J.CJ iuntper Am. Ex. Co., Dec. 19th to S. C. Foatcror, Atchison, Kansas f51.02 Total 1 have received since report of Dee, 19th: From Win. 11. King, Chicago, 111 §5.00 Osins LitUeLeld, Von Karen, Jackson county lowa 5.00 •inulrnt* and/yVachers ef Aurora Institute and Chirk Frtaiuary, Aurora, 111 31.90 Belief Com. Sandusky Ohio, by (Jco. Burner. 44,01) Cit.zetis of Nashua. Ogle county. 111., by R. ].. Kdmomis *.... 20.00 •bibn S, llawkin*. Leo ronnty. 111 5.0J •John’s l 'iivU c .M. K. Church, Patriot cir cuit. Gallia county. Ohio 23.C0 Belief Com. Darien and Sharon Towup. Wal worth co., Wis., by J. W. Stiver. §l5U.tO les». dif*. on §t nncurrent J50.C0 Belief Com. AiwinsonTown&hlp, Henry coun ty. ill., by Thou. Bowers CO.fO Fort Dearborn Ledge. No. 214, I. O- of O. F.. by N. C. Eames. N. G 25.00 Fj-tdciick K. Walker, Wilmington, Wilt coun ty. Hi 1.00 A, C. Wood. Chicago. II! 5.00 S. Batchi-ller. lowa city, lowa, by Eds. Chi cago TntncNE. $3 uucuncnt 2.40 ittp. Ann Kflm, WU tc Oak Springs, by Eds. Chicago Tiuocne 4.C0 Pro! Jar. Haven, Chicago Theo. Sem S.CU Citizens of Liudeuwood, Ogle couutv, by I'.. Draper .*. 22.U0 Frit-tide la Warsaw, 111., by W. Williams.... UU.DO Belief Com. Evanston, by Jno. L. Beveridge. 2,00 Charles »fc Eunice Brewer. iVtcreham. Mans. 15.00 Edwards Church Sabbath School, Chicago,by Kev. .1. Porter 5,25 Contribution of the Workmen in the Chicago Marble Work-, hr i». W. Pricket. Trcaa.... 13.00 IMief Coin. A-hlabula countr, Ohio, br J, W. Ilaslmcll .*.... fc9.Cl Total IV.Id Simeon rarwvll. bill of tacks §223X0 Seat per American Express Co. toS, c. Pom eroy, Atchison Kansas 2M.7S Total $559.7S Received since report of December 20th. From citizens of Hamlet, Mercer Co., IU., by J. W. Stratton §5.03 From Mis* Coale, Chicago s.yj Belief Committee. Lclaad, 111., by Ethan Carpenter 112.00 A. Farmbaai, Sen,. Fremont, SteabcuCo., 2nd 5.00 Citizens of Treraotit, 111., by Wm. relics. 17.35 C. Ayres. Columbu* City. lowa 3.0J Collect lon of I’irvi Baptist Church. Komu !n-. N. K. Bsinbrld£C 10.00 N. Anderson, Lelaud, 111 JLOJ Mr«=. John Cramer, Chicago 2.03 M. 11. Morriuun, tiuuucseo........ 25.0J Ladie’s of the Salem Oou~. Church. Sonlh Chicago, by Mrs. Jolm itcminer,§l9. lees ditcuunt on §1 18.90 Church and Sabbath School. Lake Forest, Cook Co.. hyC. 11. QuloUn SS.C3 Relief Committee, Ohio, by U. ilc- Milan 80.59 Collection of Christ Clmrcli, Chicago, by Calkins 14.43 Collection of Third I’rcshyterian Church, Chicago, by Wru. Osborn 53.00 Robert. Chicago 1.10 Collection of Uosplaioee street Methodist episcopal Church, Chicago, by S. S. Sla ter Collection «r Oak Kld-o Kcc. Society, by Mr. Ivt/lUoelring* £7.01 Collection of Now Jentwilura Church Sod* cty, Chicago, by J. It. Hibbard 41.03 jl. S'. Oabcru, Ciiicasu. Total $159.93 Br amount sent S. C. Pomeroy per Am. Lx. Co.. Dec. 27 '. $159.93 Rrc-ivcd of Edward Pickering, Elkhart, hid $2.00 C..11et!1.-n of Chnrcb at Lemont, Cook Co., IU.. by B. T. Vincent 37.00 Received of Skerxlx, Peru, 31! 1.00 Tunnel Mother, Leland, J-a Salle Co., 111.. l.uO Relief Committee, Whitewater,WWis t by S. C. Hall 77.0} R. 51. Smilh, Chicago 5.U0 Jo. Remolds, Chicago, 1 bundle clothing and $5 1 0-00 Collection Christian Church, Cherry Grove, Carroll Co.. IU., by E. Stover Sec'y 15.00 Relief Committee, bandutky,Ohio, by Geo. Ramey (52.00 Rrllcf Committee. Joliet. 111., by Otis Ilandv—subject tolhcordcrof W. E. 51. Aray..: 100.00 Schuvter Colfax, of Ind.,by Editors of Chi cago Tiubcne ; 20-00 Relief Committee Ryron, Ogle Co., 111., by A. T. Johnston.;.; 10.09 Relief Committee, Stillwater, Minn., by John L. .Childs 77.00 Xo name—lVr Am. Ex. Co 6.00 Relief Committee. Parkman, Geauga Co., _ _ utiln. bv A. C. Waters 40.00 Relief Committee, Orland, Cook Co., HI., by W. Jack>oa 82.00 Total Bv amount of Joliet contribution paid to 'the order of W. F. 51. Amy SIOO.OO Bv amount sent by express to S. C. Pome- rov, Jonx Evaxs, Treasurer. Saceu^oe.—The Catholic Church at St Charles, Kane County, was robbed on Satur day night, the 15th lust,, of its gold chalice, valued at about SIOO. The thieves entered tbc building through a window, forced the lock of the safe under the altar, took tbc property and made their escape. BUchlsan. The official vote of Michigan for President is as follows: Lincoln £9.083 Douglas C5.5D7 Lincoln's majority 23,492 The following arc the Republican majorities In the four Congressional Districts: Dist. J faj. D'nl. :rcj. I—Granger 1771 3-Kcllogg wni 3 C«aman 0174 4—Trowbridge 4791 Total Republican majority SW,ICS Destructive Fire at Milwaukee. The Empire Mills, a large five stoiy stone building in Milwaukee, were destroyed by fire on Christmas morning. About 1,000 bushels of wheat, a huge amount of mUlstnlls, some 25 or SO tons of shorts, and sevsral hun dred barrels of flour were destroyed with the building. The Mills were owned by Hayt 6c Seaman, and ran by Medbury & Hayt. They were valued at about *70,000, with an insu rance of about $31,000. Their brand of flour has always stood A 1 In market. Mr. Lincoln and 3ZaJ. Anderson, The cases of the President elect and the Commander of Fort Moultrie furnish a pood il’ustration of the working* of oar Republican institutions. During the Black Hawk Indian War of 1833, Maj. Anderson was Inspector- General of (he Illinois volunteers, of one of (be companies of which Mr. Lincoln was Cap tain. Now the former has been promoted to the position of a Major of the First Artillery, and the latter to that of Commander-In-Chief of the Army and Navy. The one is in charge of a post to which the eyes of the nation are directed, and with the defence ol which the greatest interests arc connected; aud the other has been chosen by his countrymen as th e Ex ecutive of their Government. The new rela tions which the two are to assume, will, we doubt not, prove as honorable to each as did their earlier associations, and their respective duties be as faithfully performed.— Toledo Blade. THE CITY. The WEATnER.—The sleighing holds on, and the owners of turnouts arc making the best use thereof. The St. George's Anniversary.—To-night, the evening of St. John’s Day, the St.George's Benevolent Association give their Anniversary Festival at Bryan Hall. Fixed.—lVHhelm Buchanan was fined $3 in yesterday’s Police Court, for being disorderly. We regret to stale tint James Buchanan is still at large. Reopening or the Cuunen op the As cession*.—We learn that this church,has which been closed since October lost, will be open for Divine Service on Sunday, January Ctlu Rich Furs at Auction*.— This morning, at 10 o'clock, Gilbert & Sampson sell at their store, 83 Lake street, a hue assortment of Hud son’s Bay Mink, and other furs, for ladies and gentlemens’ use. A Dishonest Domestic.— A servant girl named Catharine Naundon was held to ball yesterday in SSOO for larceny. She. stole a broehe shawl worth SSO from a residence on North Wells street. I. 0. G. T.—The Sixth Anniversary of Star of Hope Lodge No. 15, I. 0. G. T., occurs this evening. Exercises at the Lodge Room, Lar mon Block, comer of Clark and Washington streets. New Music. — A. de Angaerra, who is ad- ding some very pleasant pieces to the port folios of our music lovers, has just had Issued from themusie house of A J. Higgins, No. 40 Clark street, a new piece—“Mr Augel Moth er’s Name.” Christmas Tree. —On Wednesday evening the little folks of the City Mission Sabbath Schools had a charming little jubilee and Christmas tree in the chapel, comer of Indiana and Franklin streets. All passed off most happily. Not the Last.—lt should not have been In ferred, as it was in some quarters, that the lecture to-night is the last appearance of Mr. Gough in this city. It is not. He is to repost hi* lectures on Ixmdoa next mouth. This will be pleasant news to many of our readers. Nothing to —The suits to be do nated from among those worn at the Calico Dress Ball, may be sent to the Ministry at Large, No. 109 Randolph street, where they will be distributed to those who have Nothing to Wear. Last Night.— The Blancy Lodge Festival at the Briggs House was an elegant affair. Mine hosts Messrs. Tucker & Co. have put that es tablishment In tip-top order siacc their “trial by fire,*’ and its capacities and excellencies shone out afresh last night. .§i,mr.2 Thanksgiving Scumox. —We have had for warded to ns the manuscript of a most excel lent and appropriate sermon, delivered by Kev. S. Osinga of Thornton, iu this county, on Thanksgiving Day, with the request by his friends that we publish thesenuon. It would afford us pleasure to do so, but for the pres sure in our columns of other matters. Joun B. Goren.—Let it be remembered that this friend of the poor man —this most popular and world renowned temperance lecturer— will speak once more, and tint mice, before the Young Mens’Christian Association, at Metro poiltau Hall, on Saturday evening. Let those all go who went heibre—and all who’vo been will want to go the Fresh Scpplics.— No -v Ins of Emerson's * 4 Conduct of Life;’* Mrs. lla>kcll’s “ Ency clopedia of Domestic Economy;’’ Whittier’s “ Home Ballads,” and many others. Stereo scopes and Stereoscopic Views. Lc Bon Ton for January. Blackwood for December, and the latest English papers have been received by McNally Sc Co., SI Dearborn street, Rice’s Block. .§559.7S Stealing from Sleighs. —Some of our owners and proprietors as bailee, of sleighing turnouts, now vastly in demand, have been the victims of the light-fingered popula tion. Almost daily, reports are coming into the City Marshal’s o files from gentlemen who have left their cutters for a moment and found their robes gone upon their return. On Wed nesday, a valuable fox skin robe,a buffalo robe and a whip were stolen from hack No. 1, while standing it\ front of the German Theatre, on North Wells street. TTAvnaoMF.LT Done.—Our citizens have a just pride and confidence in the qualities of the excellent but illy paid Chief Engineer of our Fire Department, 44 Long may he wave” the trumpet of command. It is pleasant to rceord that on Christmas day he was the recip ient of s3sohi checks from C. N. Holden, Esq., of the Chicago Fireman’s Insurance Company, Miller «S Wilmartb, Insurance Agents, and Messrs. Bascomc «fc Palmer, agents of the Me tropolitan Insurance Company, of New York City. This is handsomely done all round, gentlemen, both in the excellent desert of Mr. Harais, and the generous appreciation of these gentlemen under-writers. • Cocktebixit Moxet.— William M. Rhodes arrested on Wednesday for pasting coun terfeit money. The examination of the ease was continued. Mr. Rhodes was arrested by officer Asa Williams for passing twenty-five dollars of counterfeit bills on the Merchants’ Rank of St. Louis, upon Charles Davidson, a clerk of Scott, Keen «fc Co., clothiers, ut No. 145 Lake street. After his arrest he was searched, and SOO more of the bogus stuff was found in Ida possession, all la lives.. Upon being questioned, Rhodes alleged that be was a conductor on the Mississippi Central R. R., and received the money from W. 11. Mason, Holley Springs, Miss., Treasurer of the com pany. City Marshal Ltpvton telegraphed at once to the Treasurer and found that the facts were as be averred. This certainly relieves the young man somewhat, but at the same time imposes upon the Treasurer of that company an un common degree of blundering carelessness. Mr. Rhodes gave gall for further examina tion, Messrs. Arthur and Forsyth of the 111 Central railroad becoming Ids sureties. Many of the bills fonnd upon him are most bnug lingly executed, while others arc calculated to deceive unless closely scrutinized. The fig in the npper comers are badly blurred as well as the word “fire,” in the centre of the bill. At the lower right hand comer is a represen tation of negroes rolling a ho£>hcad. At the lower left baud comer, bust of a girl. Busi ness men should bo upon their ruard, as it is impossibly to tell how much o: this stuff la afloat in the community. CHICAGO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1860. Tb« Cmlleo Ball. It was a success, and this mention was all we coold give to the Calico Ball in our last is sue. Tbe “ returns” arc not yet entirely in, bat tbe net receipts will exceed SIOOO, and probably SI2OO. And this is to be disbursed through the Ministry at Large to our city poo r, not to tbe support of good Mr. Collyer who is maintained by a stipulated salary secure to him from other sources, but to feed the channels whose gates it is his mission skillfully to tend. Tbe Ball was charming. Probably it was the largest public gathering of its general class ever given in Chicago. The precautions of the committee had secured the alienee of all unde sirables, end nothing marred the pleasure of the occasion. The ladies were out in all the charms of calico, aud did themselves credit in fully responding to and co-operating in the spirit of the affair. There were none, either gentleman or lady, in full dress, and the poor will doubtless be the gainers by many of the suits worn. It must bare struck every looker on, If such an idea never arose upon him before, that nev er ladies looked better, and never more charm ing:, than in the “ beautj unadorned” which was much more nearly realized in this Calico Ball than in any festive gathering known to city life. Many of the fair ones will pass half a day in preparation at a hatr-dresscr's and bear upon the floor the products of a month's dose communion with mautua-makers, en hanced by the highest cifeets of Jewelry, and yet come fir short of the pleasant triumph of this one night in plain print. Such an occa sion as this, abundantly demonstrates what every body knows, that Fashion should be a woman, and a Jealous and mischievous one at that, or she would not be thus eternally lead ing womankind, her sisters, into the folly of over-dressing, apparently taking her cue from the haberdasher's window and jewel ler’s show case, best contented when the one Is heaped upon the other, while the poor overdone mortal within, and the motor of the conglomerated finery plays about the same part in relation to the whole, as does the dum my that turns upon the peg in the cloak-room. Hut what has this got to do with the Calico Ball? Plainly, nothing. That was for the des titute, and a rich benefit U was. And yet we recall a ease of destitution developed on this very occasion in question that needs attending to. bald one gentleman to another. In our hear* iug: “ Is your wife liero in a calico dress ?” “ No, sir, {emphatically) the hot not yoi one. r ' “Then, sir, she belter call ou Mr. Collyer, to-morrow, uud fit herself out.” And so we think. We trust Mr, Collycrwill see to it that this plea Is not In vain. Clicck and Countercheck. Muggins was outraged. He was Indignant. Anger is short-lived madness. Muggins was both mad and angry, wheu on returning from a shopping excursion, In which he remem bered to have bought, separately and several ly, lour cigars, an oyster stew, three ales, an egg-uogaud a paper of Jlue-cut, he searched his pockets to fmd them well lined with bil ious looking paralellograms of pasteboard, iu the shape of cheeks. Thus, he had Spraddle & Co’s. “Good for tio cents,” and Muggwiuk’s ditto; and ditto the names of several light and heavy dealers In bibulants and fumigaats» about town. Muggins counted them up, Three dollars in checks! -■Co wonder be deemed that point reached, where, even if it be a pin’s poiul, crack goes the camel’s proverbial spine. Mug gins indulged in several severe expressions on the publicans, such undoubted sinners against specie, if not their species, who into the chan nels of their trade pour this chaff, these dry basks, representing the dimes, quarters and halves of old. An idea struck Muggins, and he struck back. Like all great minds, he act ed. The next day saw him on his rouuds again, iluggins. the ex-Prouuec Dealer, and his pleas ant features beamed vis-a-vis to those of his triced, D‘or Bagge, across one of the little ta bles at iluggwink'c. “Tivo slews.” The vocal waiter rushed to his dumb brother and bellowed into his ear, “ Two stews !” “Ttvo stews” came cavcmously up from beneath where Muggins sat, and directly came the bi valves themselves. They were dispatched to where all good oysters and, doubtless, many poor ones go. Theu came the little afterpiece, which exposes the mercenary motives of all catiug-housc men, and here loomed out Mug gins’ great idea, the Mugginsian theory ami antidote. He took out a handful of cat pasteboard, much iu the style of milk-tickets, and gravely .-electing two, Landed them over to Mugg winks. The astonished oystermau read: GOOD FOR 2 5 CENTS iIEONJDAS MUGGINS. Muggwiuks demurred to that style of Ihinrr, to whom thus Muggins: “Sir, on divers and sundry occasions I have nought the shadow of your counter for that bivalvuUr and maltcsc refreshment which is your specialty.* I have on each occasion given you some good and reliable form of money of the period. True some of these bank-note paper conclu. sions may have been remote and the allusions far fetched, I refer mauiiV.-lly to the Induce ments for you to seek special redemption at the BankofFalthin Conildeace county, Egypt, however I gave thee alt But you,Muggwinks, you basely returned my business transaction* with you by tilling my pocket full of your p:istc-board cheeks. Is not the name of Mug gins as good as Muggwlnks, and If either of us must bear about lu an inexpensive but clumsy form, the name of the other, let it be you for awhile instead of me. You gave me checks, I respond with counter-checks?” By this time Muggwinks caught his breath again, and leaning over he wildly asked Hug gins and IVor Bugge to “ secess.’* Tlic amia ble pair were shortly after seen holding a Se cession Convention in a restaurant over the way, and thus they were heard of all over town. This run on the concerns forcing paste-board upon their customers, Muggins, cx-Prodnce Dealer writes us that he shall keep up. lie has retired about cue half of his own circula tion. having only three half-dime acceptances on the market. Relief for ihc Worthy Poor. At a special meeting of tbe City Tract and Missionary Society, held at tbe rooms of tbe Young Men’s Christian Association, Monday, Dec. iMth, called for tbe propose cf devising means of relief for tbe worthy poor, in con nection with Missionary and Sabbath School labors, Ilev. Robert Patterson was appointed Clialrmaa, and E. E. Dickinson, Secretary. Statements were made by the Secretary of tbe Society respecting t his feature of its opera tions during tbe last two winters. It appeared that about twenty-live hundred dollars bad been given in charity during each of the two winter?, and dispensed without any expense to the Society by Missionaries, Superintendents of Mission Sabbath Schools, and visitors con nected with them; that these charities have been bestowed almost exclusively upon families of thu sick; upon widows and children: and of this class, upon those only whose children were in week-day and Sablmlh Schools. That all relief was withheld from the intemperate and those whom we could not hope to elevate and improve in *OOOO6OIIOO with the charity. It was also shown that by •his systematic and intelligent method of re lief much imposition was avoided, many beg gar children turned from their trade, and hun dreds gathered into school Whereupon, it was unanimously resolved to solicit from the humane and benevolent, generally, a charity hind for the present winter to be dispensed on similar principles and by the same class of un paid Chriptian agents, as during past winters. The following named gentlemen were ap pointed a Committee to cany out the above resolution: B. W, Raymond, IX ,T. Ely, Dr. L. D. Boone, J. V. Kibwell, E. Wood, T. M. avert, E. F. Dickinson, Secretary. Pmc at Casville.— About one o’clock yes terday morning the residence of Capt. E. G. Sutherland iu CArville, at tbo comer of 3lon tcrey street and Calumet avenue, was partial ly destroyed by lire. The building was owned by Mr. Sullivan and was damaged to tbo amount of SSOO. -The fire was probably caused by a defective chimney. The fire was reached by several of the steamers, which did good service iu staying the progress of the flames, which might otherwise have caused great damage, the house being situated contiguous to a Urge number of wooden buildings. Law Intelligence.— Under this head, to day, among other decisions, we report a ease In relation to what constitutes such a cloud upon title as equity will .remove. The cir cumstances of that ease are not likely to be of frequent occurrence, but we conceive the prin ciple laid down as applicable to the cases of judgment recovered against persons of the same name as those in whom the title to real estate vests. These eases, we arc assured by those whose business it is to compile abstracts of title, arise daily; and the ease reported fur nishes the method ot guarding against the effects of such judgments. The decision, teaching the construction of the Homestead Exemption act, will be regard ed with interest by the Iprofetsloa and by those householders who may be intending to avail themselves of the provisions of the act. A Holiday Invoice.—At their establish ment, Nos. 74 and TU Lake street, Messrs. Brown Brothers have by direct importation a superb assortment of Parian and China wares, In rich and elegant variety for the Holiday trade. Nothing of Hie kind of equal extent aud richness has ever been offered lu Chicago. To some and imauy of these arti cles the attention of connoisseurs and art lovers may well be invited, some of the statuettes and vases being of exquisite beauty. The whole Invoice cova rredit to the house aud the taste and liberality of our citizens, attested io by this addiilcqfto the stock of one of the oldest firms iu-tholrnranch of trade. New Music.—The wen known music house of H. M. Higgins, 119 Randolph street, has just issued one of tbe moet charming pieces of music and song to wiiicit we have listened this many a long day, Its homely theme “My Trundle Bed,” is made suggestive of trains of thought and memory which will stir mauy hearts and bring toars to ninny eyes by its sim ple and touching pathos, it is a simple song, but it will live In ii» simplicity while many more pretentious fade away. It will never be any more out of fashiou than daisies, heather bells, love of home, and home itself The Lecture to-night' at Metropolitan Hall.—lt Is gratifying toknow that in these times of excitement and' political discord, some of onr prominent citlruns have united in a request to Rev. O.IL Tiffany, of this city, to to deliver his celebrated declare on Daniel Webster. The name of Webster calls to every one the most uncompromising defence of the Union, and the most authoritative expositions of the Constitution. It will be well for us if the lecturer refreshes our recollection of these great clforts of one of our greatest statesmen. Mil Gough’s Lecture Last NiGnr.—Nev cr was John B. Gough more himself than at Metropolitan Hall last evening, lie may have been more comic in some cf his previous Lec tures, but in dramatic power, point, pathos, and highest eloquence, lie excelled all his previous efforts among us. For two hours he swayed his large audience at will. The desire and rash to hear him will now be greater than ever. Tunneling tite River.-— lt will be seen la another column that the Chicago Water Works Co. invite among other proposals for contract*, one to tuuuel the Uiver at Rush street. While they are about it, why may n:t both tho schiunandthc tunnel be enlarged to accom nioduic foot passengers? It would he a great convenience at that point, and become annual ly of more and more importance. Gone to Joliet.— Sheriff Ilesing yesterday took to Joliet Penitentiary, Hageman of Hol stein, and the pretended maniac, McKnroc. The latter went off whooping and howling like a car load of Camauehesj Dr. Congdon will prescribe for him from this out His latest phantasy in this city was pulling the hair and scratching the facial scenery of Turnkey Brown, which McEnroe did as neatly as if he was—a woman. Abusing His Family. — A man named James Roberts was lined $3 by* Justice Davis yes terday, for abusing bis family. His step daughter, Catharine Carson, a little girl about twelve years of age, testified that on Christmas day he cruelly beat and kicked hermotherand thrust her out of doors. A merry Christinas will be followed with a suitably happy New Year for James, on the Bridewell stone-hca] s. Meeting op tde Bar.— There will be a meeting of the bar ai the library rooms of the Chicago Law Institute, on Friday, the 2S:h day of December, A. D., 1800, at U o'clock a. m., to make suitable arrangement* for attend ing the funeral of the late Richard J. Hamil ton, £34. A full attendance !• desired. Last Obsequies. —The services of the late Col. It. J. Hamilton will take place us previously announced from ,hls late residence on the corner of Hoync and West Madison streets, near ihc city limit*, at 1 r. m. to-day. Mysterious Disappearance.— Mrs. McDon ald. corner of Franklin and Elizabeth *treeU, started to see her frtends 011 West Madison street, last Saturday. She called at the comer of Reuben and West Kluric streets, about four I*. >i. t Saturday, and has not since been seen. She was an elderly woman. Her friends arc in great consternation ami distress at her unac countable disappearance. XSF“ Wc recommend Dr. Allport’s Dentifrice as the best and only useful article for the teeth that is to be found. One trial trill prove its excellence. Sold by Sargent. Apothecary, corner of Randolph and State streets. Rt. Her. Bishop Whltchouee will preach cn Sunday, at the Church of the Holy Cutuinuuion, Wabash Avenue. Services at 30# a. x. ami TV SSf"Go to John Jone**?,llo Dearborn street, rrd get your clothes cleaned and repaired. p. and B. Hams.—Just received from Smoke la Store, number 32 State street, a nice lot of Perk and Beef Ham■»; also sugar-eared smoked Beef Tongay and Bacon, which is offered fur tale to Family Grocery and other retail dealers. dccC-l-R 537“ Ga* Fixture- 1 . New Goods and New Styles— prices to suit the times, atH.M. Wiimarth’s, T3 South Clark street. decls-12t {2/"Call on DuBoU at 103 Dearborn street, base ment ot Portland Block, and get your Sign Paint ing docc cheaply. dec!9-21t CST-All should not fall to read the advertisement of Prof. Wood in to-day’s paper. ees-ly NVueeler and Wilson’s Faxilt Sewino Ma* chines ron a CnatsvxAs and New Year’s Pre. vsst.—A very appropriate testimonial of a father to h!» daughter, a son tohl-i mother. ahn»*vand to his wife, a brother to hi* slider, or a church to Its pastor. This Is a life-time gift. Geo. It. Chittenden. General Agent for Illi nois, Wisconsin and Northern Indiana, K7 and 1C? Lake street. dcclD-lSt MARRIED. In St, T.onK on Thursday, the tTih lai-t. at the resi dence of the bride’s mothrr, by I’ev. F.C.—marina. S.J., HintSAKD <L CACLKIKLD. of this city, and Ml** LAtTItA. daughter cf Mn r ranrii Dsaver of the fjnncr place. OuThnrsdsr. Dec. 2»tb. at Trlvltr CJiurch. br Tier. James i rath Cl!AT{l>a W. WifEELEi: and LINA, only daughter of Knui rarnalt-e. Esc. all cf this city “pee, iMth. by the Her. TL ;•*. Collrrr. Mr. THOMAS RAVMONDand Miss MARY il'LDEN.bothofChleajo. 1 saw two 1-lnr.iN la th** m srnlny. Tinged with the lUmg «an; And id - Lie dawn, donledon. And mingled Into one. X> I ED. In Galesburg. Dec. iTlh. very suddenly, ef Disease of the Heart, KOVAL EAULH, Esq., ot Oneida, late of ih>ckinshain. Vermont. PHOXOGKAPJIS. Great Reduction in Price, POR TWO MONTHS. At Non* 1*22 and 12-1 Clark Stmt. FASSETT & COOK’S 33est Plain. Pliotogi-apiis FOR ONE DOLLAR. Good Colored Photographs (larre site) in nice gilt ’ tnunesfor five dollars. a« good escan be had la any other dty for ten. Pictures in eases at reduced rates to soir enstomers, and In no instance will a poor picture be allowed to go out. One good | ictorc U worth a UUiUEL of pour one*. IVOKYTVPEs. By Bassett &. Cook, Are the best made In the United t'tates, and the only ones in Chicago. Can and examine specimens. . de&dGQMstplm _ -j-T- _ _ LOOK HERE.—Pi.-. ':; Bjjmflßtfl V? Af 91 « Ter »«>*2- US Laks ttreet. IISf ' I I* dcBM34-lw N. GW. l» Ncto atibertisemeuts. V. 11. SCPIVEX, Advertizing Agent, &i Dear* torn it.. Is authorised to receive Advertisements for this and all the Leading Papers of the Xorthicat Wf ANTED—Br a woman who can v * bring coed’ref.-renee-.asituation as Co>k«r to do centra home wort, in a pri r -le family. Annlr a:IG7 1-2 South Claret street. t dcSbilt T^T’ANTED. —A German, English, V i or Scotch Oirlto do general housework'Anrlr at ..IT Wabash Arcane. deS&xlt WANTED —Two or Three smart. active me» wanted to s;-II a Patened Article of voice and of general nse. Address I*. O.Box 471, Chicago. dcfflilt WANTED —A small family wish to rent a Dwellt”? on Wabash ar.-ne'e or near Union Parte, ta good nelibborhood. or a good hou*e In any other part of the city convenient to can. H«*ct not to clgat hundred dollar*. Pcsse-tlo i wanted early In Jaautij. Best ot reference* given. Address tt0x3702. and give disrrlpilon of property aad camber. deOAUTS-lw ANTED—lnformation wanted '1 cf Mr*. Margaret McDonald, who left her borne on Monday ]&*!. Dec. 2<th. VTg» lost reen be tween three and tour p. at on the corn* r of West Kin- r!c a-.d i;*nben itreeu She U to have lost her way la going over th? ;n!ri- from there so the corner «-r near the corner cf t.oby and Madl*onnrert-». she Jud on a biask and white check w<H>lca double •bawl, a Entail figured brown delaine dre-t. and a brown merino bonnot. trlmcd with b!a-K velvet and blaakfenthon. Any leforjtsVon M*»pectlng her will be thankfully received by her hu-hand.ati'Up]ambSng Shoo, Nw.Sj Randolph orherdocglitcr.ttcomer of Front and E-Uabeih st*.. Wets Idvl-lcc. dc3i2t T)CARDING. Plmuant Eooins L' with Beard, can be obtained as the Waverly House. 223 Klt/I • rtrect, tor J3.W per wee - . Day board per week. de2?x2w Q7 K AAA —Sevuntr-tivo tLou sand dollars of TrsKlas* resi dence and business property In exchange for a St<M;k of Groceries. Address Box 5702. ■ deaHKO-lw riVR PAMPHLET WORK is V_/ refuted on Adams Presscs-tbc only Mnd capa ble amine onr epectmens bef re cr.lertog Good type, good prc*-e?, good ink. and good wvr><m*rt, enable o*. tocasare! oar cnatomen ihc b. »t rfrr;n::ng oftfd* c s«?. E>tlra#tri» mad? cut and forwarded to nnv part of the Northwest. Aadrcti VJI 11. RAND. Tribune OCce. deSMw 1 Qfil —Bill-ller.ds for the New iUU L • Year got op v» rrder. oa nice ruled pa per. at Tribune Office. SI Clark street, deajdw V. M. U, RAND._ DISS OL U TIO N. Circulncs nnconnclng db>*olotioa or formation cf co-part ner.-fclps, tastefully rrinted to order at Tilbuoe oqcc. deiSd- wst. li. iuxp. 'jX) PIMNTEKS.—For Sale Cheap, A ROTARY BUGGIES PRESS, Half *heet tool-cap nearly icy. Term * wr to reliable parties. Address t>AI. JL RAND, Inbane Office. Chicago, M. deSMw A —EMHOSSIXG VUESS for Oyl/» sale at $33. Addfeu VTM. H. IL\Nt). Trl bcacOince, Chicago. dets-lv T OS T.—On Tuesday night on *.J Michigan or Wabiib Avenue*, a Ladle* For MaJ. U..rd'.;nlrawnsltk. The r shall be lib* r allv rewarded co briogiag the eaxo to JOHNSON. SFksiKKfcUO.. SO Lake street. ■ deCar.t IVTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS il and LUMKrilMlLN.—lTuporals wRI be rs celvrd by the andei>lcn-ed at Sptingadd, llliaob, nr.t.l the tr*t dar * f February, ISUi, f»r farnbhlng (OO.flW lineal feet vt Tamarac L-g*. our fort In dlrvnict-r. t-> ba Utllvrred lit Chicago on or before the tint day of June, lafil. [CvttxlwJ KASTMAN A t.VMs. Masonic!— a regular Convocctlon of W&»Mngt.n. No. 23, It. A. M„ will be held UuS (FrlAu .1 11.2 o’clock. UtA GODDARD. de23xit ’ slcfuury. r rO RENT.—I rouse No. 141 West JL JaeUou elract Also, a 2ao hoove on North La ?a!JC street Dear North ATetne Al>o, Dooms at No. SJlSontti Wells etrret. Al-o, a tioc Law t.r Doi tar's oiliceat No. 12 L'lurk street. Al-o, a nr.t-ciina Urlck Kefldciice in the North IJIvW m fiTsak. Al*o. a few mure of thoe Union I’ark L-ls for sale. Apply at 7. 11. CCMMING'*, ileal JNtate Ctfice, No. 4*i Clark street. deS-ASt JJOYAL HAVANA LO'ITKRV. la Drawing of Dee. Uth, ISV. at Havana, No, C9.IDS drew Jl'in.lo»; No.2,Lx) drew f C.WO; So. VS2T7 drew StfUCO; No.O.StOUrew i.v.GX): dr.*w ®ly.uO; h.- Ing the five prl->clpal rritw, Frlacs e.u-Led and draw ti g3 tnrnlihec Drtc «»r expense by _ ueSSxlw N ATS. K. TAYLOR, New York. LOOK OUT.—Tea good l>usinos3 Hois., it C. L. Stcckcs’ Stable, For rata cheap for cash. TO THE PUBLIC.— Messrs Miller & wnimarth arc no lAnrrr accnfs for fie l.nrlllard Fire In*urarcc romponc uf New TorJc, fTar.l this date, an-l aa\ ia>uc of Fclku-* or Kcovw&l* ii iw la Lielr hands and wlLihdi by ibea will uot be by the Co.upricy. Herealtcr. Me sw. Hlpjinson tz will represent the Lorilbrd Itisurance uouinanv la «:iilc3;:u. , WILLIAM 11. bMITU, ticccn.l A;out. CTdesso. December U?. Iff?. ECOXO3IY bECUTaTY. THE LORII-LARD FIRE INSURANCE CO3IPANY OF THE CITY OF NF.I7 YORK. Wo. 31 Wall Street, CASH CAPITAL, 8500,000, PROFITS ANNUALLY DIVIDED. 75 Per feat, ta the Dfaiers. T3iU CoiapatiT (IhMe« ti;rer-<joart<T - * of the art j»roau to the Poll y Holder*. In b rip, Lcjtriaj Interest wlthr.ntanv UahllUv 10 t i« l’i*nmj. Tt.'.s Company r ends In Min-lus. Instead of dividing It to t!ie *t JCfctioUci>.ttiervliyi;l> ir*g lu I’oUcy imUtri i;r::ter aoCiirtlv. and at tic iamc tiaio, Cheaper Insur ance than aay otfu r-»y«tem. OAItI.ISLK NORWOOD. President. WASHINGTON SMITH. ViCJ Prc»*t. GEOEGE I*. CRARV. Secretary. HIGGISSON & JAH£S, Agents, Cliicago. s. c. moo ix sox. . alfeed jaues. JPOK ELEGANT GIFTS call on D. B. COOKE & CO., LaUo street No* 111 Their as»ortuica: Is GOOD AND PUICES LOW. No. 11l All of the New Olft Boohs. Including Loves cfthe Potts, Women of the Suuta. Folia fronts tc., Ac. JUVENILE HOOK-. Fapor i)oll*aU'l IMocks. AiiatioirrK copied of beautifll £NG RAV- INGS. ALBUMS AND AUTOGRAPH BOOKS, in rich bind. bus. Portfolio*. &c. CHESSMEN .VXD BOARDS. of every stile. UI3LKS AND PIt.WF.R HOOKS, In every varlctv. bound m Velvet audTurk:y .Morocco, wltn and viriiontrlasp*. Z37~ BEHSafeSR THE OLD STAND. I>, B. cOOK-t. Si CO, ill La*c »t. CKATES! SKATES!! O A iplcndld assortment of Gcati’ and Ladles Shates Ju»l received and tor sale for Illinois Jlouey at Far, At W Lake street. C. A. EATON. dfSldTlO-ICt-act PORTLAND KEROSENE. The Best Article Blade. WILL HOT EXPLODE. FOR SALE BT J. H. REED & CO., 144 1 146 lake Street 144 & 146 L CORNELL & CO'S Family * and Manufacturing Sewing Machine*. TAGGART & FAIIII’S f*ATI£NT* Wean* harpvto sarto the thou-and. who .?c n*ing enr Maelilbo/aerl tuV lhua-a-.d*t;.a: want ihe;r. that KSCII MACHINE NOW lUAUa IHK PATENT LI CENSE STAMP OF GKOVEB ft BAKLK. ELIAS HOIVE. Jp. acd ailpersons !*eiU»g or lulu? them ore secure against acr tnoleiUtlon. oorMac’dnesare now Just wiser** wewaat them; in direct eompctitlun obi! on an equally |>opular with the btr»l made and highe-t pnevd m&chlit.£ls any m-rkth aad Uu-y arc »itll »uld at aad i 13. Includes llemmcr* (oi which we have several stylv**. Nettie*, a: A overruling neewsarv lothelrc-e In r.»ral'y orabop. Tul, make* them >till t:>e curaPtsT, LKuiriata.Tr and riRST-cLa&a siarniNX in MauurT. In ♦nstlce t"> our Machines t* well a< ersr cudomnr? weoScrti KEFL’ND iHE MONEY lu Maty day* for an* machine which does iivl whjliy nottsfy Hie per. chanr. ’ii-1* feamre alone make* u;.r Luchin** worth Much mere than any uiber.a«tiiere!a neccisarilysjme rlskin buvic; lhxu mactuae>. A lew «.i is superior are the**:—lt toes a •trnghtncedle; Laigr.atsra-* euder t'i«* arm; »«ws troui two ct mtcos fp-.wls, neither I** Is? listened and both In »'sbt: tarns on b:n.;t»; !■» secured from dost aud expose* uooli; lu lever purchase U greater tuaa that of aav oilier mnchlcc; it ta>b.:: two regulating s-rewaand both are aoove and lu front: the driving wheel U entirely ml tide of tuple; It requires no alter ation for all vanvUe* tf work: it w 111 c.rtal-dydo ut--.t lv a <:BCaT£B tabietv or wuits mis a.vv naennr*. a'uioas the hundreds wifi which we arc acqoalnL-d; lu tension is perfect; I: runs easily and »t-U;:c bot>*er» novoov; nouooscaa manage it. Nulc other will satis fy where il'i xn .w n. We can 'afvly stv that no piece of labor-wiring rca chineryevergrew*© rapidly Ilio universal Uvor as our e-cwlnz machines. ‘three jt-ar* hu» placed them la Hie very front ranks of Ufa t-c!a»s machines, and though , ur xamniacturing Ihclllllev Lave been largely la created «e have nut been able to supply the demands during the past season. We can now nil all orders, v, e bate added to oar styles the I«u>SITSIDE BLAKE ft JOIiNnON ADJUSTABLE UEMMEIL at andean now defy tie world to produce belter io«Lnnneuu for dome all kii.daof te wlLg ai.d embroidery'. Let every one who ti interested la the great improvements la t-eivlagilacLluea. wh-.-lhcr thv/ wish to purchase or not, send for a Description circular and samples of 4t Wemort cantlon the pnbllcagnlnst unprincipled and perfectly irresponsible parties who have claimed to be oar successors, representing that oar machines were oat of market, ood e-dvr a castaway machine of ours in Us place. Hat we only sell oar own machine*. Tag girt ft Karr’s Patent, and are the sole proprietors in tac eight Northwestern states. Address L, CUKNELL ft CO, post ofice Box JL CUicsg.», *U- Call at La Lage street. <Up-2-talrs.) de2g-d*7^3m \/l ASONIC NOTICE. —Tne mem- IYJL bers ofLafaydie Lodee No.lS. F. and X it, to gelherwlth the brothers at large, are most respectfully invited to meet at tbe Maaonlc leniple on F.lday at 1 o’clock r. su to ahead the funeral of Brother 1L J. Hamilton, IViL of this Lodge. dd7-il7si-2t A. A, EITCHCOCK, XV. iL PORN WANTED.—I will pay the hlrhest market price for 4WOO Bushels tarn on the ear; delivered on ta« Uallroad Track. S. MAKSii, northeast corner Bash street Bridge. Caloric Dried Meal from New Corn, by the Barrel or maksit. ALL ILLINOIS CURRENCY TAKEN AT PAH, For Oak; Ash, Ulaek Walnut. Cherry ant White Wood Cash Prices, from <mr yard, corner old and Grove atreeta. Chicago. WALLACE ft HOLMES. del&ddJS-lm (Late JobaS.XVaUaceJ &aanteb. \\T ANTED.—A Torni" man to act TV as Book Keeper »nd General Clerk. Addresa, vita reference!, J. B.m. Box 3139. r.o. drXxSt T\TANTED. —240 Acres of Land T T vlthln tea or twelve ahw of Cedar Fall*. Bntler Co, lowa. TOMPKINS & CO, Room No. £ Kingsbury Block. drildtio-iw TIT'ANTED—A good Girl wanted V T to work 00 a farm and help at a small Dairy A German preferred. Apply at IS 1 State street. de27x2t TXTANTED —A responsible sitna t T tlon la some office. Salary not so much of an object at present as Immediate employ ment, Refer ences given. Address “A. 7LT Po*t Office. dertviw WANTED—A convenient House I * for a small family. Heat paid three months In aivancelf desired. Alio, any one havmc Furniture for •ilemar address Post Oden Pox 2015. de,7iSt T \T ANTED—To purchase two T i Schooner* and five Canal Boats, for which real estate aed notes secured bv mortgage will be given. Apply to TOMPKINS ft CO, Room No. h Kingsbury Ekes. dc37-d:st-lw VtT ANTE D—Two Furnished v t R-’ora* without board tor a gcnilemvi and wife. Private family preferred. Addrm Box 3213. dt;l7x;t AAT'ANTED— Staple in any T T amount* from 43,00*) to j£o.' ft), la exchange for gDod conntrv land- or Chicago Cttr n. opertv. Excel lent trade* will be given. Addres* ifox 333. dcMxlw AN T E D.—A lady from an * » Ea-ternclty, U obliged, from change ofclr ccmstaace*. to desire a situation a# amarmensl*. or copyl-t, reader to an Invalid, or proof reader. Or wonld take the charge of a gentleman'* tomb v. Bsfer cnec* given. Addre«* K. K. M. Box 191.£iat dfoc Sale. Jc pork Barrel Staves, thoroogbly sea*on»*d,»til be *<• 1.l cheap fer ca-Ji. Apply to or widres* W, U. DO.VNT. 132 Clark street. dci2dTT*-:w 170R SALE—IOO Tons superior A qualitv Prairie, *nni' - 'thr aart Hover ll*v, mixed. CHEAP FOR CASH. * Weight* coaraatecd. and delivered free. Orders for the Bdineior anvanantlty will meet prompt attention. HKNKV 11. /aCFELUT, 13 Ucarbom-*t. Post Office DmwerClrt. dcitixim iJoatbing. BOARDING. —Furnished Rooms with Board wa*tcd for a gentleman, wife and Child. i’l-a*anl iOcatiuo and good accommodation re quired. Inference* exchanged. Addrvas P. O Box Ol2**. dcTlxSt BO ADDING. - Hoard can be liad wltb a farnUhed room saltiblo for either a mw rie*l couj-le or*lngc senUemen. if applied for immedl- Udy. Al-<>, a few day boarder* can be accommodated at In? V>'aba»a Atcucc. deOjxOt BOAUDIXG. — l*loas;mt Uooms with Hoard ran be obtained at No. 49 Van Karen street, between tutu aad W»ba»u avenue. ileiSslm Co item. TO RENT.—A new two-story Frame Uon«c. In the South Division. ea>t ot Wa bash avener. Would rent to a small family, anl take ue rout la board. Addrc>* F. O. Uox 211. Chicago. Ue27x2; r PO RENT—On moderate terras— X txo New Uric* Dwelling Uoum*. situate on fir ca street, between Fulton and CarroUetrecU.Wr»c SI.L». Inquire at OOOKN. FLEKTWoou ft tO*S Of- Leu. fcuoi;.weitcorner Clark and Lake street (1c27-U;>Mw RENT—In the Iron Klock, X. corrcrcf Lake and Lasalls street. OWE LARGE HALL. Al*o, a number of rooms t iltnbie for ojHcm rr other rnrpoM-,, lii Quire of LAFI.IN, SMITH ft HOIS. ?*) couth Water street, corner of state. (!cls-dC9O-2nk HEX i’.—A Jlrick House, two -A. stories and a bAvnient. wlibßrlck Kara. Plea taatl..’ la tlie North DivUlon. ca«t <>f Clark ►trui t, with water gas. &«-. Kent moderate. Ca* Ms tare.% Carpets and part of Furnltnrc fur sale cheap If n-i;i;1r» 0. I'otat-Sdioo given Immediately. AddresaF. r. IL-c, deijvlw 1 N'KW AND SECOND i'J Piaxoh P'rsalc low. Flar.oa and » i V * 2 * Mclodtfon* to reut. Ont**p« for Tnnlre 1 iaij*, I.:-l«*deoQ- 3 . t'rgaUa. and all ktud* «'f3lu«!cu in-Lruia.—.•«pronjpllv alteacted to. All kinds of Mu*U cai Xastr;c.R‘«:i!'rerclreaa£ -Iti nuuUcr, IL. I..VS.E = I'uaL . —>KAil CLARK. Slash dt2Sxlw LO Vl'.—One Dollnr Rewnnl.— Lost, on Friday Dreember 21st, a Gold Cross ai;d Chal i. Thci’ndirp wi.l receive the above reward by Icavi. g tlivm at tala uillcv. dr2Sxht SPECIAL NOTICE. O Ciaea.|> Goods FOR THE HOLIDAYS!! T. 23. OA.n.TX!X{. Has recelrod vlthla a few day* •I Large Consisnmeul i f VALENCIAS, OTTOMANS, MERINOES, SAXONY’S, BE LAINES, CASHMERES. Embroideries in Collars and Sets, BLEACHED SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS, Table Liiiecs and ITapkins, CLOTHS AND FLANNELS, SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Ac., Ac. Which arc offered at NEW YORK PRICES. tde2s-dTIS-tjanl’CM?tp] AXD OIL EMPORICBI. CHAS. L. XOBLE, . Wbclcsala and Retail Dealer la KEROSENE AND COAL OIL QCr-'S Ot every description. LAMPS and CHANDELIERS, with new ea* it. proved Darners—burning * about smoke or ■ Cbarcuca, Halls, itorts, «c. I am the Sole Agent for Chicago of the Downer Kerosene Ol Comrany, arSLrO-.-. No. 121 CLARK BTKtC*' *’ Q.IFFAKD’S PATENT Self-Jcting Water Injector, FOR FEEDING BOILERS, Hating been appointed the MaanfectupeFs Sole Agen's In this sectljn. for sale of above, we Invite the attention uf interested parties to lu examination, and are new prepared to nil orders promptly. WALWORTH, HUBBARD A CO„ d»tTd*tAWtmtrti-lAt fU LU Lake street. HOOPS. HOOPS. .MESSRS. FAVAIL LINK & CO. at Fort Wayne. Indiana, are mana£act«irUiU nousd Hickory Flour, Fork and WMskr Barrel Uoeps fcy Machinery. The Hoop# are well shared and Lapp.-i rcadv fur the Cooper to put on the barrel- Consumer* of U.*>i* will And It to their Interest to ulrc them a call All order* promptly ailed and attended to. iUau.artory opporite tin* Depot, Fort Wayne. Indiana. de2sj3ta T AND AND CASH.—One Thou id sand Acres of Choice Land, hesri’y limbered with Piuc and Oak in Lie ImmctlUts vicinity of one of tl.obcat luThbcr markets In 31ictilgao. and a tew thou •moddoQarhla cash, arc oCervcl In exchance furMer c.iaijdlze. A stock of SIO,IOO to JIAUW desired. Ad dre».*. JAMEa MON'TKI Til. Otsego. Mich. dcSxfrv Hardware! hardware i MCOL-VS FAHER. 3'9 North Clark at vet. has on iiaud a larze stock of Hardware, especially Coopers’ Tool*. Lock?. Nalls, Fine J t\ are. wry cheap. Coralcej. Gents’ and Ladles’J-fcatM, «tr„ etc, to which he would drawihj aUentlon of purchasers*. desdiSw 8150 RE ™' L. CORNELL & CO., At 133 Lake Sired, (Cp*Stalrs^ Are paries tho above reward every werk. $5 to each pecsoti’wLo most Judiciously rurcuoses o e <>l their Tajgartaad Farr Family or M»m*f*ctmins» Sewing Macnines lor a Hulida* Del}* $w for a Machine. Hammer. Gauger, an-i all—fully llcen-ed. dlasntac tnr>az>hu:tle Machines. U by la Inches under the arm fa-lening its own cans, at fo.- carriage trirnm nc. Ldloflnj. and al) kinds of manuflictanng. - dfcihi.l-.iir 'VODNG MAN, WHY ARE YOU JL idle vttP. with a capital of SIS Dollars yon can make $3 per day la selling an article lndl»p«n*»ble to every iUacksanlh and worker lu Iron iu lllinob? AgenC wanted In every counn". city and village. Ad tlrws. Inclining stamp, A. L. CUMMLNG « L*L, I*o Veils streen deJlaSt QUKIbTHASAXD NEW YEAR. Fihe Jewelry, Watches and Silver Ware. The beautiful stock of goods now opened and on saia at 87 Lake street, (Tmount Block), U now offered at cost for Forty Dais. Tne suhsertber being desirous of doting out his stocs betire tne commencement of raising tu grade of the Xremunt House, oifers extra in ducements to bis customer?, such as they never en joyed before. *Ve liavc on hand abeautlfulassortme t or CAKBONCLE, COE-VL. LAVA tETT, of the latest itvles. Also, best Chattabn and Gcaro Chain?, studs, sleeve Bnttons. Mraeelet?. KenctSPeos,anderemhlogln the line of Jewelry. Also, silver Spoons, r orks. Ladlts. Pie- Knives: Salt SUnds. Cuaton. Cake Baskets Fruit Dishes, Tea Sett, Communion Service >rult Di-ties, Mine Calan, Spectacles, Opera Glasses, all of which is olfered cheaper tain ever before. for get the number. 8* Lane *t„ under the Tmnont uouee. Clocks Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired and warranted. [dtlUtZri-lnil 11.1C CABRKEY. Ladies take notice.—You cm dOil GQt and PUted L*ce*. Frlnscs. Bratde. CohLTaiMli. Siat*. Sparulw, Bullion Tnread, «c* at ST atrect. nndertne 1 temont House. Bullion EiobroldVT done to order. • if T> P I 111?PP? Large or sjLaix orders tor Feed. Ms*, or Fleur Uled »iart order and itifcelcwe*tr*U» biMtVlsSs * KOEBIB. NUMBER 153. amusements. XXI V K RSAU V O F FRANKLIN’S BIRTH. Ninth Annual Bail and Banquet V TDI CHICAGO TYPOGRAPHICAL UHIOH, AT TBl BRIGGS HORSTS Thursday Evening', January 17, 1831. COMMITTEE OE AIiOAXGEMESTS: Amo U. Taiut rsurrtsT. G. W. McDonald, Win, A. Homlsh, O. Medatr*. F. J. CVB. len. R. V. j-harlr. J. T»*. \v bite. J 1L Woodlock, O. C. Fordbaa. M. C. MUcner, Wm. H. MedlU. 11. L. Chapin. The*. Fenton. W. J. Jefierson. Jadsoa Graves, Fred. Vogt. Oq MONDAY nii'l Fv>r;l;~, Dec. 3t!t,at 21-J aril I I-.* wj .a.1.-iUntoarMlffryoira, No. Jvl L-Jr.’ -irvf. a l .r.:-* -up-rti roll*ct!<»n of Fancj-fr'aii.u'ij.-tj I.; wit I ran;e<. mhn ■•. I’ccar.ti-r-. Liquor m:f:r. tWi.rCa*t» or*. Pnch »vrU. i.J er.-s, carat.* nail Tarublfrr, i” '.‘Ucr r»a m*:jn lioblcts, 1 .■ liv. r.< -•'•r.:;* rlt-*:.vr-. Cara anil caka J’-awket* Castor* *•!!'• * - ut au.i E .zr:.\ cdDottle* • I’oru* a, i..«u<V J--js Knives Ft rk-C Spoobi, Scjar*. Salver*. j'irtvj statueami Medall* oiw. Together Ml 1 ., a var.ct* ui oUer article* too oVICKEU’S THEATRE. iladisoafctreet,betweenSUtaandDenrl*ora. deSdTTI-St i.i- i.Lin .e SA.'trsON - . .\u?:loneera. Tickets can be procured of aar member cf the Com mittee of Amos* cieuLSat the u&lee* of the 1 rtbnm*. Unie*. I>em-K-r4t and Poet. at the different J->b Office.-, and at the onice of the Brlgg-* House. Z3T A Carriage LUt will be found at each of the above office*. Price of Tickets >3, for the Banquet, Balt, Cr.rri v?, Ac; half tickets (to either Banquet or Bali >. S->- dsffS-dTSMw CyDoors at7 o'clock. Performance M com mence at 7 1-2 o'clock. Box Office open fr.»x u till t aad from 5$ till 5 o'clock. Aoatswto*.—Dre** C.rele SO cent*; Second Circle, 23 cent*; Pit rate Boxes. turn aad f&OQ. BENEFlTofUi»yetiag Comedienne IDm ADA TVCBB. Friday. Dcc.HSth, fourth eight cf the brilliant Fairy Musical Extravaganza. BEAUTY ABB THE BEAST. With Gorgeous Scenery Magical Effect* Received rightly by largo nr.rlicucci with UNIVERSAL PELIGUT. Mwa Ana VTsaa Beauty. Myers, McVUkcr. Dillon. Mr*. Myrreond MlssWrcc, la prominent character?. The mo«t popular mclodv of the da*", PIXIE LAND, received with shouts and nightly encored. The performance to commence with the effective Domestic Drama v f GOOD FOR EVIL. Ml&s Emma Webb as Mrs. Claremont. rjt RAND CALICO DRFSS DALI, VJ at Madame Akers trom's Assemble Room-son Monday Evening, December 31st. Ever* ladr u ex pected to attend In a Calico Drv»s. A popular nr**- cramme has been arranged, and good music pm\lied. Ibisparty U expected to be ooe of Uie most of the season. TlcWits now ready. dcJjjiSt CL GEOROE’S'DEXEVOLENT O association. The member* of the above Associ ation Intend boldine a SOCIABLE AND BALL, On Friday Evening Dee. ytb, IS«*, at BUT AN HALL. The evening’s amusements will open with an exhibi tion of a Grand Panorama «.f the overland Route to India; to be followed hr English Games, and various other amusement*, and to coneind* with Dancing. Poors open at 61-2 o'clock -.Sociable commences at T. Music bv the Light Guard Band. Family tickets o ie dollar: ami e»n be had at Blarl airsTeaStore.tDSo. Clark street: of O. Tree, tinker. 120 North Clark street, or of the otfleeri of the Socictv. I deJ'-dll j-lw 'J'HE BALL OF THE SEASON. The First Union Ball of the Taller** Chartered Fra ternal Society will be beld at Metropolitan Uall on M ndar Evening. Dee. 31st, D«>. Tickets eaa be bad at McNally's Book Store, also at T. I*. Knowles' Gate 'Veils) Hoot and snoe store, un der Uie Hall Music by the Great Western Band, atd Supper furnished b» M -. Mar. deLUdw FEB ORDER OF COMMITTEE. TJKYAX HALT Clark street, JD Opposite the Court House. Chicago, EL Eminent musicians this Uall notarpaes'd by any Hall In the Union to la Its. Acoustics and General Appointments. It will scat VJ) more person* Uiait anv other Hall la the cltv—bv accnrate count and rcpoit of CARTER ** BAUEIL Architects. The main Audience Room Is on the first floor, the entrance being on Clark •tree!, tin* grrstr-t tboroash fare la the dlv, opposite Court House Square, yet the Hall has a retired, qnlrt location In the rear. Ample I l green and ccn>»—£) feet of doorway lo Clark »tn*et aitdt'onrl Place. The Hall contain* the Ur ale National, nailery, valued at IIS,'I'*) 1 '*) and purchased of lleo. I*. .V. Ilcalr. now cocimisnloned by C'onkrcs** to point a Serb* of i*rr>i denda! portraits for the White House. Thl* llallerv contain* Ujo Identical crest picture for which the gold medal awarded at the World’ 1 * Fair in Paris: also ** Webster in replv to Hayne," and portraits of all l!iu President* to Lincoln tncludve, a-* well »a of many other Ula»trioa* Americana, be lleally. Tuere U a spacious Lower Ifall f.T Fairs. Festival*, Balls. and the like. It b provided with dressing room*, a kitchen. cooking store, numerous table*. Ac, Ac. Both Halls, *u cithfr. can be renud for Concerts, Lectures. Kihibid*»ns. Hall* and th** like, on at-pLca don to THOS.BAUIUH'U HUT AS. nolVOOdy Ui.icc lu the Building* yoUNG -MEN’S ASSOCIATION LECTURES, Coauaeacln; Thursday Erealos. 'rorembcr, Utb, IMO, AT METROPOLITAN HALL. Series to consist of Twelrr Lecture* by tbs following eesllemea BATARD TATLOIIFm* EOT. T. L. CUTLER. GEORGE W. CURTIS. Em- JOUX B. GOL'GU. K«iu Prut A. J. ursoV. Hon. UOIIACIi GBESLET. Hon. JOHH W. FOSTER. Ur. J. G. HOLLAND. Prot E. L. YOCMANS. FroLC.OSCANTAN. Hon, IL J. KaTMONO. Her. A. L.bTI»NE. Tctets maybe but at the Booh Stow of P. C. Grigs* A Co. and D. H. Cooke A Co. and at the «tor« of J. P. Knowles. nadcrlhe H*tL at the Richmond Hou.»e. Tre* nor.t Hou.«e. Itrigjrs House, and of the Librarian at the Rooms of the Awoclatlon In Portland Block, and of the members of the Committee. Henry w. llbhop. Jr. Cha». L. Thomas, and Chai. P. Kellogs. Lecture Committee. nol-dJSWm __ HUNKY W. BISHOP. Jr. Chairman. aMIRASOLE’S DANCING • ACAPESIT. Comer MadlMtn and Clark *k—Entrance on MadlMQ. Claw open ut all times for beginner*. CiuujkmV Claw everr Tnesday and Saturday. Pa* rent* only allowed a* rWtops. Assembly carry Tot* day nlrlil for scholars and Frlenda, and no pmon* ad* mittenexcept those Introdaced by scholars. aevdlLflm (Co=sJartnrrsi)ip Notices. DISSOLUTION. —Tlie partnership heretofore existing between the sobecrlbera on dcr the nrm of L. i. ILUIBLES 1 (0., I* this day mutually dissolved. I_ A. Hamblen haring Rnrrhased the entire Inter* »t of 9. Lockwood Brown i the assets and basinet of the late flm. will continue Iba huilnrts at the old Stand. No. *7and 43 State street, aad la authorized to receive all debts dee the linn. L. A. HAMBLEN. b. L. BUOWX. Chicago, Nor. COtb. ISM. deaMT&Llw rjIsSOLUTIOX.—TIie Co-partner- I J ship heretofore existing between the under *i£oe« under the name and at Tie of A. 11. Covert A Co. la this dar dUaolred by mutual con*cn . Mr. A. h. Covert will aettle the bualnea* of the firm, and 1* alone authorized to u»e the name of the firm in liquidation. A. H. CoVfcUT. J. It. BMIT**, drtTxlW U. W. I>AKT. TMSSOL'UTION. —The Co-partner -1 J -hip heretofore exlatlnebctween theander-IrriPd noder the nameud »ty»e or seller, Mod-I * ilellen, b thlsday dissolved by mutual ean«*nt. The bu>tne«» of theflrm wlllbeMttbdby Weller, h ho alone li authorized to a*e the name of fie & r mloUqnldatioa. Chicago. I>ec. 56tb, ISCO, JKs«E WKt.LCK. • JOHN J. MCUU, JoD.S O.MKLLE3T. deZ7-iI7GO.Iv A D I E S’ FURS. aXTSSZAN SASU3, Mint, Slone Martin, and Fitch CLOAKS, CAPES, VICTOR! NES, MUPF3, CUFFS, GLOVES, MITTENS, AC. Lov-prlccd Furs of every dewlptlcs. Children's Goods In Great Variety Geatlcmaa's Fur Caps, UoSers aad Glores. ALnrre Buffalo Hobe*. Ok Fan ere manofectnred In oar tuoel euperior aiaaet end of ttao very bt»t material. BASSETT 4 HAMMOSD. EOl9dtß7smtßtp 195 Late atreet. corner of tfla. THE MOST USEFUL, Beantifal and Acceptable Present FOB CHRISTMAS OR NEW YEARS 13 A. GUOTEB & BAKER Sowing Machine thirty different styles. From S4O to SIDO, Sold at 115 Lake Street, Chicago, HI. nolF&Mylstp SIOO,OOO. Valuable Property and Cash. The subscriber ha* reventr-Sve thousand dollar* worm of property which he proposes to exchange for MERCHANDISE. (Dry Good* or a--*orted country stock* preferred), and if the desired Inducements are presented he I* prepared to add Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars m Cash. The property consists of aecoacre-i of valuable Um bered ■ ana. with a new and very superior htram Mill, In run nine order, (accessible by water from Chicago); Illinois and lowa Lands, well located; Improved Farm*, and City Lot*. . . To a Jobber or flrst-elasa retailer who has a large stock to close out at once, this chance may prove ad vantageous. If necessary the property and cash will be divided to meet offers. Address **s. W I*. O. Box 3877. Chicago. deJJxSw QOKSSi corns:: corns: Greatest Discorery ever known of tlie Kind. tHHU&IATE AID BSPAIIFBL COSE OF COBBS. This powsrlbl remedy I* the great Invention of one of the most eminent medical Professors of tne Culver tlty of Berlin. Germany, and Is known by an who ever made use cf it aa the only true. Immediate and nopal-- lUI remedy for thU great plague. U ba» the great ad vantage of not disturbing anybody la their husbew. Immediate care U warranted. DlrecUosa accom panies each bos. i’rtoe CO Cents. CIXIBLES KECBEBGHB, No. 123 Lake Jtreet, Genera) \gent for the Western and Southern States for the Celebrated Professor Rellnolz German Plaster. dedTffn«w ADVEETisty..; ucugvt tus. The following are the ra’.cscf Advcztiilng ia tho DAILY ClllCAUo iIZIBC.fEx One Square,(9lice." ajate.) ere Insertion....s JO One Square, each .absequ.M d.iy, SUCO), .-,4£ One Square, two week ■*, ,1;. &Q; One Square, onemun a. .1 v . .«>>• JkO« Oue Square, three months. • 15.W3) 12.UJ One Square, six moot*:a, OAOj 20.L*} One Square, one year 90.9 i xsr SchcUnle of Prices for more space than ono square con be seen at the Counting Room. \Sf~ AU Yntcslcot Advertisement* to bo paid for in odcanc* fiT AD changes cwrged 90 cents par Squat*. narrs of arrnmswo of wrzxnr tbuot. SI.OO per Square, each ifeek, for first month, f iOt: per Square for each scb*eqaeut month, per square for onuyear. Auttiou Sales. T>V GILBERT & SA-iUVOX, •AJ Auctioneers, 2 Lake iireet. Large anil extensive Assortment of Furniture, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Glassware, 4c., AT AtCIIoX. On SATURDAY, t:«. at 'J ll oVlcck. we will sell atoar No. nj i.a*e*tre»t.3 treat vsne ty of itie-a-s«,iiFre -cti a.,d Collage tied. U.Hik t a-.* .Vi.i'noC'. Ulolnc TabUs OaS I’inlr -a Chu'i>, i tn.iKH .ra Wa.h.ucds. Wardrobe*. Ka*v srvt i Chair*, Parlor Chair*. b (U-boams • Fajuy t batrss Cue ‘‘hair* a.m lUie.erv. <’ha -GK with toll Marble Tod*. Cutu,vi ban.her ><••:<, 9 pieee*. Flush, anfl Hair i.J«»chlV.rl..r , “ul:-, Marble 1> f> 1 eatre Tables C’arJUo, hi: jraving*. Mi:ri<r 5 , i*.i table ."poonr. Al'O— l weuiy ea»c.« :u«*>>rt.d 'a«nvjrr; with a gene ral Tandy or lioo,e!.eei>. ; Cior.*. 1:i above good* we warrant*.mil t.v u.'.v f ,r:.U :re nr. 0 In Chicago. Panic* bojtrg ran nlv on getting goid articles. Sale PCHitlvo ana wv.'o't.t x >a:.ip«o;.\ Aacitc BY GILBERT * SAMIVOsC ■U «; ns ,tr. \ n a ccn os ecus. Fancy Goods F»*caclt Picture*, UoiirmLm Gloas ware, Superior >:s\rr-i s :att*! Ware, and Pallia Xirbio AV AUCTIHX T?V GII.BEUT A SAMPSON, JL> r.sxtaat .Vi'.Tio.NZExa. Lnrcc Sal? of Vtilitablf fr’nr; and Kobe?, At auction,at Salesroom*. No. 3.’ Lake street, Oa PKllMkY«Decemh>-r ??U». at 1" o’clock. A.M_ and 2 l-J I*, if., v;.*’* Si! mH »: section ll;c largest ao.i coat >; <i ii,.j i rvt offered at public ss!i>m tM- 0,;.-. : o o.ln part of (»ent:lae I1:i(1»ah Bnv able. Mink and >ttcli. MberSaa squlrrvl. Mar:;>. l;i.a:a;:o uj.i . :urk:<di too mi n»'.*r\.u* to mention tu fn* es •»;*»>*, Talma*. and a crcat variety if iMi.iivn'.* pur* Ce. !•' «a; -. Mutren. Coat*, do..wc- r'n an r.--. r::i;crt «>r Sli'lsh, i'.iririaßo and Lap Lobe, ir Pay a:.d indrU. V.'olf. Lear. Fov, Toon and Isu;Val •. N. R.—'VLo above an* all '!"«{-cIa-« Rood-, nmnofac tareiteapr.—lyfon tr . n in‘l :n-l;\ and will be war ranted a- represented in c'-tv j articular. iLx d., can bi* examined on «lav pro'foc* t >. *.!.•. rale n.>>i:jvc and without reserve. ' oll.nL.M a sAMI'miV. _dcffT-d7_srt __ Auctioneers. r r UAl> K SAL ih ~"of X rsffnhb-d ami 11-1-hcd Uctlatradn, Uurcau* and (Fashfttandf. .\ k AiiiU'S. On TJIL'KSPA V. January iM. at 1 2 o'clock, we will sell at our N.*, s j Ia»«* xtreet, •is I'liprrvdoubic roi.* li. f. "oi-tp ii«, tot varnished. SOiCbrrrr it ». i: d*i.'.uK •id .Mahogany Iter -au\ 55) u: d < WasiiSlaadS. »B. « ILran \\n •.•t.ind-u Buyer* will tmd tit•; e.r .nlerrst to atlrndlhlseale. Sale and wit < m .cMr'c, jdetf-dijPi-.r _ i.iLPMtr a SAMPSj^AncPrs. gTAPLK ili:V GOODS' SUCK GISVES Altt GAUNTLETS, Wool Jacket*, Sock*, Gloves, radei* shirt* uml Drawer** Fancy Goods. »i # e., at Auction. On FrMar. TVr.-,’-:t*. ut ) oM„«k, at oar Auction Rooms. iC>. ■>!* and M It:> -tru t. tv it, a. Ui i ii.lli* C.*„ Auct'r. - . 31. A. Hi.’TTEiLfc GENERAL At tTSONEERS* *ls, <lB & £0 DEAS3SOK3T TriiCoit Hoo*e. Direct:- FURNITURE SALE Every Wednesday i: sfaturd ».y at. D?.V GOODS aAL3 Every Lloaday a-. D I-; o’clo:**: AT on: SALESROOM. .re. L'rj tkWi-, Boot* an.-c twdy OT“Ca«Ii or; c urr. andShte*. &■:. purs! J. & A. HESZCC’S ENTIIiC STOl’li OF ITR GOODS, At Auction. This. FRIDAY MoIJVIXt;. D.c-mber !*th. at 10 ’clock. V.’m. A. lit r;.;’:s • .•. will pvd withoutre erye. for cadi, tl.<* u.t.rc Mock it .'Ks-rs. UKKZt't. AT THF.TR STCEr, yx 65 ZAKS STREET, Coinpridng fte -i I Ik-I »:nck of I'nr Cooda, ever ottered In t •*•» ; *’t •: e M.irf; .», P.r.Mlaa i . i :.l r: >ll t Itch. 3»tiik. The*lock ei'j ■» : ahle, Frciicn r;.> Mountain Mart.” . :..i—l r; '■j> ;rr i I:i •ma- I adlca’ and i.'niulrcu'.* bale a”.;-, ilatid l.Marttr Capes. Vtrforlm-. • n:;.*. MnM* nt-o i.l..v< *. Al*o.Gci.U>*.i. u’>* > u .r«anilGjuVf*:nDtf»Ter, OM-r.G.M.-tr*. M- -it i: I---. Lear. Fo*, Wild CaLGcaUtc .s:;d sv ild Cat. AIL C 3003 WX?XA?.m M BEPRSSSiITEO. v*. j'.rxTEnii * fo„ Aual.>u»«r»._ cU-^iITTMt H, yi:mi»rU'*i Olhe T;v :oc*7 a: ! r ■? uhfr r.'Cf <rv!oa er-.T' i 'ifie ■t- -t n'oia t. Oiive ». trutu ;:r'v‘:e '.I n;?:i ,;ircia::i. Kftyavrv.S'eT Tf»rh. ;Geo. 1.4' 01 he iii ,u »->nJv«- r . N, ». iTiu-rt-.w n. t <j. A;‘m--. N. V. A -M .I>. C. Col. t ,m. Ivt C. >. Aim- oii7< t.dr t ‘-Vs 1. rmmJ.vr N. V. ■IL;v. I*. W. t : ..Ci . A,cot ol Atnotl. ■ c.4:i fli tc ‘ N.\. Oihr ' •* AV, t *. A. b;«..v.;,v .'.lU'a, Ollre. if , l..'.'**;f, *l. | c^icr; V; a t ~ •t- it CiiTf OiiJVi 'i’zvxs.J Olive V.*; 7< 0r,r.,1 ih T.ltULi.n If* Ut -iui(- - j«; r*ur»f bmugrH in eor.r::;*. tl. • vii !•* iar::ibruu« vl tue laical, -racial Tube*?, aad all lae Air-'JtiL’ a: tlxa iaags, Olive Olive Carnation^ '• iit.v UL..e T»:t :> rters cenji Sc os*!lotiv* r:i : >o^>iMn arm 11.m.- co.ij.aaaa all i linut U \ Olive OiWe ’Viitji C‘t: 7 i:t ;■* ArPUhC St. Mj'-Itmis* ;on •.•ptr.v.- 1 ' - ur »u v «‘ ssiii.AVoi:. 1.-kv. 111 ea so; vd • *: -ttlc. i* a' s \: Oihc .J.-Jra - eojyr. ii.:: r Olive •T.uror.ii-s Olive maa as; iiurKus powders Are a awlim-epse’' irailor.ot iron unci nutrhcr.l>.i:Lt;c4. a iih Hut la the ulitou ot .t rcilt ctljr l.**.»lt!»y. ••erma. l.u iluz v lit v.c'ri;.-'.»r;.! Uiirli.- the iC;io<«— li.ov u-iuu lincrzy u* .scrvo'i- .--I. — r*-pv It.t Srror itol •ho— the L*l- Olive Clive uou.+ oi t*.' 1 rK'CK'-'X- •• SeiTC-i Oilve Am a I‘ica'iS. sta.-fo.-j/.s m ivr-: t.\m sta* ;•■'••■ “N a: rat -i i’l/' 1 <m:>. sTAKt :::;:alst h Olirc Gllfe 5711.7 D W V E It,l {>ucce *o 4'cotoii £ (Jo.,' WTio'.rxVo :c* ;! Awcnt* In Cr.}. M.o. . .m Olive TTNITKD STATIC^ vJ Oil/ Weekly Lise to CORK, Lrv iad »P t’i* '•si!e« of Crr'ji Prtv-. u« ConUJ Ciil o. i-'ivpf. raMi;i? IM.Ui.J. TE2 ai^NTUZAL-MAK, W=c?OQT., Ocean Llceamsblp Company’' Ftr»t-c!a?s(ull; , »7.frC’v l j<»hm!t »K»amrr* :n a:**. . lion vitiit'to HU NK. KAIMVAi 01 Ca.:c v 3 nail etcry Satrrc'-y ;ro<u Cuetiec. carryln » Uio State* and raa.i<l:vl.llU huu j> u—eomT*; Jtonenii^ri.CJpr.'lcM.nitr. : Nov.i.Sruilaa.’Ja a S'tft lirltou, "Cr.Vui .Uui-rlcm. * A-'Jc. Asjllocfixon. *an (iicO Qnlc\esr. Oic:. I'ars Iruu Oi> "•i.iml - *.•» .:■» < r Mii.vankfe fj yixccn l' ’« «r!v‘, L’.vcrwvJ: FtmCla*».ac.'onlir,' jo at 0 / Sieeract* ;on.«*i «*in • I; Siaurn i'jciUi. r:r.-t c;.»*s gtn-d :er *ix month* SI3J st.r ,W Steerage .« m r. • 1% L\*rtu:r-it•-<. i..-! .Thnn-Ir? out iM^nacr: 1 ja the principal :*»» n- *>i Gii*..: Btlcuu und hetar.. o» above i-r vrrv reduced.. ir« Forfrctoator ?■ a:>;iiv »*. the Compiinr'i ocuel ral Agent*,v ;j Va;cr .•ua-t. .Jvcr .... Coriiand Dublin. ;iinl-l Hr. M.lwiv, .S«w York wm Graham. Detroit at. i ‘Llwn.e.- luf.toad, Milwaukee or to lAMKs WAKiSACfau Grand Tr .iV It.tiwav Oilier, U Uai*j* dly-twp t iicff* Mouse. Cuyf- ftKEAT VICTORIA lUtILC ii \_A OPEN.—*Tht» Imniert-® Iron strnctute r ■»- two mile* Uiudi;;:u,(tholoii F ,«uii the world) o.cj rd seron tii® RIVER NT. LAWRENCE, At Montreal, uso-tol SU-and.s.llaii Milt&asc. -» • Urs to conacv»U.e IIis:?-" aid Wencn 1*17,4...; . £ the Brai;4 Tmrik Uasiway oi Oaa.t<3, ThL*road ot •trrors i . .. uuie> in u 04th. u operated aodir T UIOM DETROIT J-IC-: at* ©:?2 KLNAGr. ■■‘£l -GitELAND, MK, And in ere b oztj ONE CHANG2 OF CARS yrsmCbleuroorthcMls-Dsippl lUver to Put. r . t Boston. Quickest and m»*t convenient route »0i *.-. <i between to® xmili and We*t. aud Canada ac t. <• KoglaifeL and h eight booked ihro t part* ef Canad) and the New England swum* j,i» 1,. and irons CHICAGO AOT UVERFCOi* AhdihoCocoacatot Europe, at cotulds.-. i. u-iifu rues, bt too 01117 rt-julnr weekly line o* 1; - . STATED AND KCiWPKAS MAIL blhA log from Uxebec tsv^o’ and iri.inu.v ’*■(*> ovcjtW', .or -.r partLaUm apply to WALfER OUA.M.L auiagrr. MoutreV.. JAMLLd WARRACE, Ge.'.eru) rt esters * (| fit No. to Ij-o -ctf.f PATcrnx’rf maCtaetu; oh. TbU OU u m» humba~ but can I* v necked Jbrbr •core* and bandmUiu m:r city a:.a tl.c »airuunotnz country who nave proved ts lavaiuoDlo tnr VokC - Kar-Arla*. Head-Ache. Avar. Xmzxlsla. Kli»'itnaU.*m. l . h cct, V- rnxAiUiuttk ana bcTrr Auuc. ror So.* i Turott =nd I).3U'Uri»ww* cob specially rceotti'ieaa!;: no*, cao ca»a bas Mud wli«r. H bu» because I >' r *aJ<- HhyicaaUaadrw. tall atST Laioitrcct, Xraiaont DKvs. dei:-Ouai*itu u. n. tziajsSKT, CO, .iIDT AJA. Tar. \T,it 3 Tar. far. Icr. Tar. Tar. Tar- t'ao T?r» TaT. T«f. Tar, Tar. |Tar. s'ar. IT tT% jTa?. Tf.?.