Newspaper Page Text
<: jcpecia C®“ To Horse Owners. Dr. Sweet’* Inftdllbl* Unlmcat for Horses It unrivalled by any. In all cases of 3.amenes*, arising from Sprains itruUes op TVrenchlns. Us effect I* magical and certain. Haro we or Saddle Gulls. Scratches, Maw, Ac,« will also cure speedily. Spavin and llingbore may be ea-Uy pre* Touted aad.cured In their Indplcnt stages bat confirm* cd rases an- beyond the posribrity of a radical rare. No case of the kind, however. U to desperate cr hope. lt«- but It nay be alleviated by this Unlment, and Its faithful application will always remove the Lameness and enable »h« horse to travel with comparitlvc ease. Every horse owner should have this remedy at loud for itsUm.’j nseat the first appearance of Lameness will etlectuallypriwect those formidable diseases men* tloord. to which all horses arc liable, and which render so many otherwise valuable horses nearly worthies* See advertisement. Tor salo by J. 11. .lOHNtON, General Ajeol, TO State street. , noSTfiOeow-dly EST* limy to do it!—;Tf you wish n bead of Hair, nee LYON'S KATIIAIKON, the best and most popalar preparationcn ria'dc. ltstinmcnt>e aale prove* Ita excellence. It remove* all UondrutT, Ac, prevent* the Ilnlr from £allln|r oat. restores and preserver it, and ia delightfully perftimed. Sold every, where. Jaildm BTfi reclcj's Bourbon Bitters.— Tbesa popular BjrrEwpowfM all the aonrlsbinpaad invigorating properties of Peas Old Borasos Whilst, and are considered the meet efficacious Toxic and SnxvLAttr.aavrll a* tbe aw agreeable Stomachic ever offered to the public. As a tonic for Old People, delkate laiUpt, convalescent Invalids end all weakly pr&T If, they cannot oe surpassed; In all ca«*a of Weak, aiv or-debility, they will slve immediate relief; and prpsrt u atrons healthy tone to tbe system. A trial v \\\ establish their merits overall otherToaioe nowin yt For Ltruo CoKrtAcns, Baoxcnrrra, Dt-pepfia. y savor* PttßAfas >j.d Ln ra Co« plaixts, they art an Ip>alut.ble remedy, and are a certain preventive of CEiuatnd Freitas. pet up In Quart Bottle*, In cases of one and two doaen, and lor sale by Drrgglsta and Grocers every where. W. f * A. W. GREELET, Proprietor*. No. 25 Tre n»ct street. Bottom Msm. -• J. EL JOHNSON, General Afoot, No. %£Ute street. Chicago. E. F. TENDON, Agent «CT&WawJy Kennedy’s Medical Discovery cores fVr^rula? fscrr.!v*s Medial Dlteorerr caret eanr-t*’* M#n!lrv. Discovery cures Canker.'U'H Medical Discovery rcr*** XortnacSc-rchTth, E.err' , «i;- , a Medical Errurij’B Medical Discovery cure* Scald Head. Kfnnedv*# Medical Discover}* cure- RunnlugoitheFar Keaned>> Medical Krnnt-dyV Medical Dlccovcrvcure* Sfn:ieiU*B Medical D!*co\cry cores lUiCßmßthtm. aenDr iv o Medical DDcovcry cures Eenn*-«vV Medical Discovery cures Dyspepsia. Eer.iirdvßMedicalDiscoveryKernlatca(lie Dowel*. Icai.ctlvV Medical Jdiwovcry Regulates the Kidneys. Lsw»**ly’i* Medical llegulutct the Liver, Kennedy’s Medical Discovery* has cored Dropsy. Wten you are sick, and do not know what thexasrtcr n.rrruap4Toohaveaninwßrdhtimor. Tryßenneiy'a MsJisal Discovery, rorwlstytl Dragulsis. ccs*63.;y iEusic Stares. r\LDESX MUSIC HOUSE IX V CHICAGO. 11. M. HIG-G-IISrS, (Successors to XUggtua Brothers,) So. U7 Eaofloipii Strect.....l!b. UT Is ti r or.K In the dty where all kinds of Music itaoH-nn.a bbw; Mafic caa be feu d. l)o nctforset Hi#* r:n:<tj>'r. 117 Randolph street, near the corner o' ttari In Kingsbury Block. oru* n*tr«uiUc country promptly attended to. TARGEST WHOLESALE Xj bouse nr Musical Isstrcmesls and Strings, JV&Z TTS 3AUSS1 } i'c fioctli Clark Street. GhleagCj j£itnft.rTnrer and Importer ol Muslccl Instruments and fitrtujs, bavins connectloa with manufiternriug bou*e« In fieri! n, Lnlr.slc, Dresden, Kngland and Path*. •9 prepared to furnUn DcsScra. Bonds and Individual: wait ev-ry article In tbelr Use. AT THE LOWEST NEW YORK ?RiCEB. J.BAUEB. ’nRUMS AND BRASS AS IKSfSUMEKTS. JTV&I&S SAURB, JfAKUTACTUBER OF DRUMS AHS BRAiS ISSTRUs/IEfeTS. 96 Senlk Clark Streoi, CMeagOi [oclsd2Co*lyj 535. *,-using, np C. SMITH & COMPANY, Brass CotkJlanufMtarcrSj COPPERSMITHS, Vu And Dealen In WROUGHT IRON PIPE, STEAM AHD GAS FITTINGS, SHEET COPPER, BLOCH US, POMPS, &C. Als 0-Particular attention paid xo Jobbing of all Jslsia connected wllb the Trada. BSB W«hinglba Stroat, C3fiic«.*o, XXL EaclCMJyj D. MoFA IS. LAKE’S ©as, Steam Fittlag -413- PiUKBING SSXABLISHSCEHX, 14 lift fialie Streep OMcagc* asuß a BAB fIZTURES AND IROB fDBBITOgg, pimcw px V'Xinsn* And MaaaActerer cl Alii Km*** OF SXKABS WOHS. TC ' r- s TRADE i The trade eupnllei- with tools and every article in th« Baa. Steam Kitting and Plumoimrlicsisess. ]lt-0 tiding and Bronzing done to order. £7** Masaiactor/ li!T and IG3 EaefWszblxjtoo strcal. c gcalcs, TVU R Y E S & EOESYTE, A/ Comcacy SCALES. HS3 * BCEOLAB PROOr / \ ■ A S> B B,| T? araiiOuM Trocta, Befgftse Bar* % rows, ragarMUH,*o. A. K. SPZKCER, 0c57-dSS4-fm 183 Ecmh TVat«r Bi, Chicago. g!TCirCOCK-g Fremlutn iScttlte t Sj * M&ncftetQred by Cj s. S. HITCHCOCK, SB S. Chlcaco* Unpaired. TTOWE’ST STAK'D' iX ARD SCALER. VARDERVODRI. DICRERSDH Q * & EB., Hi Uft.l92* 201 l:aucol;n,Cblc®fo.Cl onto: « 0 CLect J§*sS%ss&& Bmi. All «tt Scteing JRaci)ineg. gEWING MACHINES. L, CORNELL & CD’S family and Manufaoturiac 840 SEWING MACHINES. TAGGART & FARR’S PATENT. „J tr f l aT ’“ happr to K?y to the thcawinds who nelng v\V.. a '* ,llaw ‘* and the thousand* thut xrnr.t them, that now i;i;ajis thk patent lj- t ,rAMi .* of> «KOV£R A; HA K hit, ELIAS «»*wh. .Tit. and ail persons wiling or using them are molestation, j *' ,,r Machine* arc now jut* where we want them; In and on an equally popular basis Jjk.l the best made and hlghe-t priced maclilnt>in anv V,* jr> -' , L and they are still eold at *J<J and #ls,including ft j'-i’n r- (os which we have several style*), Needle*, a-n everything inf<“**ary to their in family orehnp, i make them still the cheapest, I-egitimats jcso riL«r-CLASS i!A«TMVS I.v XaEKET. in justice to our Machine* as well as our enrtonirrs •voder to j:i:foxi> HIK MOSKV to rtrtvdavb for npv machine which does not wholly satlsfv the par. ciia-**;r. Thl* feature alone makes our machine worth inurij more than any other, as thereto necessarily some n*k In buy:ii;j nioct macldnes. A i«‘ of ji* superior qualities are these:—lt uses a J-rag.u needle; na» gr.atspaceunder the arm; sews i .‘. a . IWO common spools, neither being fastened and ixj.ii m right; turns «*n hinge*; Is sheared from dutt and espocs no oil; iu lever purchase Is greater than or aav other machine; It has bat two regulating screw* ami both arc aoove and to front: the driving wheel 1 entirely out side of table; It require* no alter* ation for all varieties «: work; Uuill CfTtaluJvdo neat i> a oßhixTen vacietv of work tbax ayr MACtitya, amons the hundreds with which we are acquainted; . 0M fi purlcct; U runscaatlr and still; :t ln.tiiers ?y wliereltUkn fwn iL * one othcrwliUatis -I\c ran safely •■ay that no piece of labor-favlnir ns. our sewing machines Three years has Disced them la the very front ranks of Lr>t-cla*i machine* and thouch Q-uiulnctunnj; laaililr, hsvo boS - ‘l &S? fn - created wc liavo not been able to * upplythcdemands dunng thenastscasou Wc ermnow liltall tfo bare added to our rtvlcs the HitUITSIUK i:» JOa.\M)X ADJUSTABLE JI EMMEto a£d defy the world to produce beiurr ?r*irmS all kind* of sewlug aud i ».t *vlrv pne win. is Interested In the great ton'roveinentf»» fewlng Machines, whether the/ wbh to puiSiaSir fcufch bCDd fwr * Dtocri P Uve <-kcular of a e must caution the publlcagalnst unprincipled and penvruy IrresponplUe parties who have claimed to be our succour*, representing that our maw,low were inariti,ood offers caat-awsy machine of ours Wc only sell our own msrhinea. Ta~ cant Barr’s Patent, and are the sole proprietor# m VBee: gi l ty o nhwest Cr n States. Addrer* li. COBNCLL & CO., . „ Poit Office Dot CL Chicago. HI. gall at IS Lake street. (Lp-stalraj dc2S-d772^a Steam Sge aaorfis. ■fvTEW YORK STEAM DTE" WOTHvS. M2L lEUUDBY, _ I*7 B 3 «th -Dyer and Cleaner of all ktod* of fillk and Woolen Goods. Also, btraw Bonnet Bleacher and Presscr Store ud country work punctually attended to/^ 80 ”’ fapy&Jlyj T>eal old fasiiioked j-ii MUEJC.—CoiTTIXEKTAL HkJtVOKT. PlicclS cla •*» 1 of genuine old-lauhloned tnnslc will find to This book oil too choicest gems of the past.- It contnlns *■«; heft piectfl of nearly every iToluma-cf Ararrican,' Jfalmody Issued *i»w *%, with Anthems. Quartets and t© the use of Choral EocleUt-a and i ‘“ tUiled 11 OUVEII Dll-SON k ICCJJ, TXSTRITCTIOX IX DRAWING. . K --Mecb anlMl. Architectural and Topographical Drawing taught liy * r , . iTof. c, W. TTIEO. KRATTPCn, ftradoaln of ttm I’oiytoclmlcal institute of Dresden, BCu of Mining Aoadnmy of Frcyberg, Faxouv. ..iJthceN >.114 Dearbornttrcct,Koouil4. Oriice hours 11 to 12 a.m. Jaifixlm Y°UXG LADIES’ SEHIXAKY AT LAZE FOREST, HX. The Spring Term in this Insulation, condncled by Tfv. t.. IJiaUnipn. D. 1), end Daughters, will com awe-on >* r.DXKSDAT, theflUicfl’cbruarv. Uluw iilua-aa; nod Rented accommcdaUons for lloarriing -lrr&. a carulhl rapeirlslon, and the beet advan :rpt» tn nil respects for an accomplished female eda. cation. . : Circulars, containing Terms, Conrso of Study. Be. f-rences. ic„ maybe cad on appllcaUon by ami or otherwise. U ibe Forest. Jan. sth. ISGI. j&outg arch Eicfjange. |[ONET TO LOAN From one to five years, In sums to salt, oa FIrsMJIMS reenntie* in the city or country. Bnslneas Paper wanted at S Clark- street. It. F. I)QWNiyo a co. IY ANTE D—Land Warrants. Appi/r TO j. r.. Xißiu, dsIT-SKy g Clark street, comer Lake. gXGiI AH G E OIT SEWTOBK ANO BOSTON, Wanted by BENJ. F. QUUfBT ft CO, oci?-d2s&}; Commission Merchant*, WAN T E D.-r-R. K. SWIFT, JOHNSON ft CO’S CEBTIFICATES WANTED. ‘Apply tn DAVENPOE?, ULLMANN ft CO„ ania'SHy S4 Clark street. ]|,f ON S Y TO LOAN CZHCAGO CITY PKOPEBTV, • Or ca Good Improved Farms ia'tfcis State. CHAMBERS, LEE ft CO„ aa2l»£l2-Cir. 121 Lake street MONEY LOANED -LT.S. ca Crct-claw securities atibe Batddsg OfllceefWm, H, Bice 6c Co., l?o. 03 Clark Street, Three to five years’Loans at lOporcent. Short ?a. per discounted. Cußbodv«£ceson warcliouseliecctpts. gjP*Clty3ertp wanted. roygaxisa.iy I7OR MONET TO LOAN Al* on Esal EsScte Securities in Cook and adjoining Bounties, Apply to SitKST TRUSSING, Dealer is Porsign Erdmige, 3SKE? iSB SEAL ESTATE BBOKEE. Agent for the British Commercial Life lu scrcuoa Co., and Notary Public. Ks. fl ■ - Larmon Block - - ~So t 6 ro.My in. £. cor. of Clark and Washington sis. TAMES D. SHERMAN, u BANKING. SHIPPED AND COSDIISSION, 2Ve* 12 State Street, Up Stairs. C-Mlt advanced on a3 kinds cf property ccaslcted fcr sslc or shipment. Cc-h advanced os Bills of Lading and Warehouse Rftwtpt - . EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Bouses to rent. Let® on lease os long time cafitate etre-t, Uahvsh. Michigan and Indiana Avenue*. Also, on the West Side. Hotel on Clara ttrec! to rent cheap to a good tenant. A most dvidrabie residence to exchange for unpro ductive nropertv. Credits given en New Tcrk and Bestcs, {ocSdaiXm] justness T>HS. SMALL & BEEBE Lave JS--r removed to their New Office Booms, No. 102 IVaslilngtonStrect, Where they are prepared to attend to tlicSrprofceslonsl calls lu Medlclhc and Surgery at ull hours of t?»o day au.l night. ja!sdSs?-1m pHARLES H. WAITE, U ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, l&S Clark Street, GhlcagOr Partlccbir attention giver, to the law of real estate er-d to the colleccoa cf claims within the State of minolfl. ■ del-lv PAYSON & REYNOLDS, A ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BO - ■ Csarborn Street • - • SO. SKCA3S yXTSOM• -• • .... WJfc 0. *31501556. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. siFsatucrA—lteynolds, Ely A Co„ L H. Burch & Co., c.iksao; ' r *’m. D. Kcvoold® & Co„ Boston; JonuM. At«'..cHt, D?n_ Fhllads:phia; Mean*. Spßuccr & White man. «. S. L’llmumedtaa, Kfq„ Wnefnnau: John An drew?, r°ij., prea’t Board of Control, D. W. Dcahler, President, Colnmbco, O.; 7-S.EIy & Co., George Str- f>o.,-Ecward Pierrcponl, Esq., New York; Ira Harris, Bon. AmtmJ, l*ur&er, Albany, N. Y.; Joan «J. Baflolo. jeiS’SQ.Sy r'dIAWFOUD, SHARP & CO., Vy IMrORTFJS AND DEALERS !a CrjckeiT, Gia»® and Cliiua 'i r.bta Cutlery, Looking Glares. Css tom and British Wore, No. layLske street. Chlcauo. Xlilnolc. &c. jQASTER * STONE, Dealers in SLAGS AKI> PAPER, 3 Ssuxu Ccual.SiTsrt Chicago, IU, *. 7, LR-iTSI. It, S, WOVU Csih pidd lor &U kssai Of Cotton and Woolua B»?ui. OUTLER & HUNT, 48 State-St., Ap UxvesowcabaadCiofoUawlng&lscaorpriuUcg phoer: ifl»T ISxsi 25ztL 52x43 26x13 2352S SSsa 2£i« 24a£* 15x37 SIXII 22x32 2er42 £4x3l ;Sxa 25xSS 20x27 Anil r.rr reeclTlDxalHTgewwcrtnstat cfllOOK I'APBS, tyjW r«rtins or Wrapping Paper, ot different Bizet. LIW ream? Manilla no. reams Cap and Lerttr. and z general assortment or Prinuir’a Staticnerr. l.f'OO kw of Mainer's celebrated Boot: and New? Ink. AU of which trill bo cold for cash ut the lowett postl- Me rates. adil? ty* Cash nail for Kara.. gf A. IKGEKSOLL * Bliss. Look Kaktmctcbfs. 206E ISIN3ES A’riD BDLEE. Is-m new prepared to manufacture Blank Hooks of even* description. rated aad bound to any desired pat- Carr?, with or without printed headings. Particular at tention paid loordcralrcm County orncers, Itonk*. Ac. Bill Heads. Letter Heads, Shipping Hills, etc.. Jiulfld and Printed to order. Mayatlnes, Periodicals, etc., bound In any stvlo. . Old Books bound and re-hound. ,♦.»! ldad-cf Printing done neatness and dUnntcn. X**nus moderate. NO. 12s LAKE STRi.LT. NorthsaHt'coriTcrofCltrk. (entrance on Clarkstrect.) r»it Othce Jtri HSS«. mv2rnL<*i-l7 jfar dike’s sJeafe. QT. JOSEPH & PIKS ! S PEAK k..- . Traßspertaiio?! Hue* JL 'WAHEEH & GO., General Ff£t£lilera to tho mines, STGUAGS, FOS'VARDIXa AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. t7e have Tralnsleavlng Sc Joseph 'weehlythroach* cut Hie year, for all narts In the mines, auu can sire partica unssDftl facliulM for getting, oat freight •with cisiHitch and ut reasonable rates. Ailcoodishippedto car cere, dertined for the mines, trill be promptly at. tcndftdlo. Warchoase cn Sixth Street. A. WAilKliN & CO., ac2s‘3o-ly St. Joseph, Mo, rxiJKS !—GtJNS ! I —GUNS I! ‘ — HJT cans, Rifles, Pistols; CoU*«,Al- . tn ’a, Sharpe a. and every variety of volvcr. Howie Kulvi-e, Tents. Picks. Shovels, |htD*,GoldScjilea.lJhinkctiMK»a • all klr.ds of miner's tool*; Powder, Shot, Cips.endftniiuunlUoaacaerally. Acenttv 6 for St. Loui-Shot. Sole Aceat for Has- _ hrd’4 Powder. GEO. T. ABIUIY ap^Jy ■pUPTURES GUKED -sssaa^ ill 3V THE ggr HIED UCT.CEB KIGCS j This Traw Is nnllke fill other? erer used, both In construction and mate* rial Doe* not constantly on the rcptnrp, and there!** give n call tor a forlifo, like most trusses is net, "but tire iv-ee is four placet. brinzlns tits parts to* sethcr, giving nature Reliance to cun*, which it docs In nearly allowed. Docs not press Ui*OX THE COIID, or ohfiract circulation; sever tolls or corrodes, and is always clean and new. Yours persons and recent ca**e»> alwuvs cured, I’hvplelaus tay It U the ONLY PiIILOBOMIIOAIj TUDSS IN USH. Kono but Uiose who hare suffered witli the misery of rupture ran ap preciate the value of the **Klgpß Truss.*’ An illustrated *ismphlet.copta!idssall particulars, tent free to any . tejiv addressing • 1. U. SEELEY, •Exeliiflve and Sole Agent for tli* Western States. o£ic*» lid Lake street, ros* Odlee bos 4.553, Chicago, ..reji. __ . hofeule trade at Kew York price?. OYSTERS! OYSTERS I!,®*. \J 40 CENTS PER CAST We are now nellJnp a No. 1 Baltimore wj»y Oy«w* at Fertv Cent* per ran, in rny quantity. Five Centres'ra will he charged where bills are cliattgnd on tingle can*. Order-accompanied with tao ca*b will receive prompt attention. irtp^Sxlnj H. SANBORN. Fruit healer, 119 Randolph *l QTEVENS & WEBBER, o i -sTJsns, FRESH FROM BALTIMORE EVERT DAY. 108 ~ llandolpU Street - 108 tST Orders from the country solicited and prompt!) attended to. ocJ3d2iA6sa B. PLATT OYSTERS FROM 11 ALTJ MORE AND DELAWARE BAT. 65 ■ • • Randolph Street - - - 65 Orders from the countrypJompily attended to. (felt TEVHE & ALMINI, Fr*w(s> and Decomtlra PAINT 3S R, S.*’'Bggfe J7 101 Washington et, Chicago. FRESCO AND DECORATIVE FAINTING In the Parlors, Dining Halls and Libraries ol flrst clas« K evidences. Also, tbelntetforof Churchcs,Pnb 11c Halls, ic. to Chicago, Illinois and other States, A c also “Ivc strict am mlon to the Graining of Wood, and Marbles, and solicit vour orders, confident of exe aulnp them to yoar entire satisfaction. nodrwiy 3KVNE & ALMINLIOI Washingtons 33apec i^angingg. W A L L P A PER! lAEOEBI iBSOUTHEHT OF new patterns BRAKE Sc BTIO’S, PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS, . • • South Clark Street , M , 134 (octifcElyl HOOPS. HOOPS. MESSRS. FAIiIEAE-LTyK t CO-atTFQrtWnvBC, Indiana, nre mannfactnrlug Round Htckory •Flour, Pork and Wlriikr Barrel Hf>opß:py Machinery. The Hoops are w«U .SnaTed.nna lapped rendy/Tbutbc Cooper to not on tlie barreb Consumer* of Hoonn uill nhdllto llidr Interest to give them a call. AU orders promptly filled E. n *L^H cnac£ L to ; Manufactory opposite the Depot Fort Wayne, Indiana. deSx&a 35Ui (ucational Ja» d8424a At Tea Per Cent, Smsgcs. ©asters. painters. CJjicaflCStUmne- MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 186 L Dally Arrival and Departure of Mall Trains* Pipzrt, Kails Cloit. Trains Arrive, -vast; . ~ MICHIGAN.SOUTHERN. •- 6.00 a. a. • . - p; m. ' , 10.83 a. m. ’ ’•4.45p.m. ILOOp.m. : XIOHIGAN CENTRAL. 6.00 a.m. J - 10.00 pm. 10.80 a.m. 6.120 p. m. • 4.45 p.m. * 11.00 p.m. PITTSBURG. FT. W'AxNE AH© CHICAGO; S3O a. m. JO.UO p. m. ; 8.00 a. mi 6.90 p.m. . 4.45, p. m. 10.40 p.m. SOTTXU ANDWEBT. CHICAGO AN© BOOR ISLAND. 4.45&.5U 8.00 a.m. Ji.4sp. a. 0.00 p.m. 1 sdcon air hot. 11.40 a.m. 10.00 a.m. • 4.10 a.m. 9.00 p. m. ' No mall.' • 8:40 p.m ILLINOIS CENTRAL—Bsustch. fl.Soa.rn.' 8.00 a.m. 7.10 a, m. 9.50 p.m. aSOp.m. 8.50 p. m. BURLINGTON AND QUINCY. 12.15 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 6,46 a.m.' 11.45 p. a. 9.Uop.m. 11.80 p.m. ABBOEA ACCOMMODATION. 8.45 p.m. 10.46 a.m. ALTON AND ST. LOTOS. . •8.00 a.m. 6.30 p. m. 9.15 a. m. 8.00 p.m. I*OKXTt AKD WEST. GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION. 11.40 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 3.45 a. m. 8.90 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 9.40 p.m. NORTHWESTERN. ■ 12.45 p. a. 11.00 a. m. . 12.20 p. m. 5.00 p. m. 8.40 p.m. 4.45 p.m. fa > t.WAU KKI, 4.00 a.m. li;34a.m. 21.00 a.m. i.oop.m. 7.45 a. m. 12,80 p. a. A WOBD FOB THE HOUB. BT JOUK G. WHITT IS R. [From the Boston Transcript.} The Armament break* up. In black eclipse Light after light coca out. One evil star,' Luridly glaring through the smoke of war, As in the dream of the Apocalypse, Drags others down. Let usnbtweaklr weep Xor rasldy threaten. Give as grace to' keep Oar faith and patience: wherefore shouldwo leap On one hand into fratricidal light. Or, on the other, jield eiernalright, Frame Res of law, and good and 111 confound? What fear we ? Safe on freedom’s vantage-ground (Jar feet arc planted; let us therefore remain in uurcveugeful calm, uo means untried i Which truth can sanction, no just claim denied. The sad spect itors of a suicide I They break the links of Union; shall wo light The fires of hell to weld anew the chain i Draw we not even now a free* breath. As from onr shoulders falls a load of death Loathsome as that the doomed Mezentlus bore? Why take we up the accursed thing again ? Mty, forgive, but urge them hack no more. Who, drunk with passion, hoist disunion’s rag With its wild reptile blazon. Let us press The golden cluster on our brave old flag In closer union, and. if numbering less. Brighter shall shine the stars which still remain! Anusbury , 16th day of first month. Version of 66 John Ander son.” , Bob Anderson, my bean, Bob, ' When we were first sequent. You were in Mex-i-co, Bob, Because by order sent: But now you are in Sumter, Bob, Because 3’ou to go; An j blessings on you, any how, Bob Anderson, my beau! Bob Anderson, my beau. Bob, I really don't know whether I ought to like you so. Bob,' Cuusideriu" that feather, - ■ i. I tfon7likc stnrdiug armies, Bob, As very well you Know; - But I love a JIAN TUT BABES TO ACT, Bob Anderson, my beau! [Harpers T Vcekly publishes the above with a cut representing Bob Anderson enjoylnga con* venation with the Goddess of Liberty.] * FEBSONAL. The Lafayette (Tnd.) Courier says thatit has private advices that the committee appointed by the Indiana Legislature to invite President Lincoln to visit Indianapolis on his'way to 'Washington, have received assurances from him that he would comply with their request, and would bo in Indianapolis some time dur lug the coming month. He will go by way of Layfayette, and William F. Reynolds, Esq., President of the Lafayette and Indianapolis Railroad, will place an extra train at the dis posal of the President. —The papers slate that an affecting parting took place between President Buchanan and Senator Fitzpatrick. The former said: “Gover nor, the current of events warns me that we shall never meet again on this side'of the grave. I have tried to do my duty to both sec tions, and have displeased both. I feel isolated in the world.” [Both weep.] —The proprietors of the London Timet have behaved with the greatest generosity. toward the bereaved widow of their martyred corres pondent In China, ilr. Bowlby. A handsome pension has been settled on Mrs. Bowlby by themagnates of Printing House Square!, and in addition to this, it Is expected that sho will re ceive not lees than ten thousand pounds out of the indemnity exacted from the Chinese. —Caleb Cushing publishes a long letter In the Xewburyport i/croW, denying the state ment of Dr. French, of Lawrence, that he (Cushing) prevented the repeal of the personal liberty bill in 1809. Mr. Cushing says he acted honestly against the bill, and so did his Demo cratic friends, and he calls Dr. French, who is a-Douglas Democrat, a caitiff, and several? other unpleasant names. —Andrew J. Clark, former! v of this city, but of late years connected with tile wholesale dry goods house of Warner & Loop, of New York city, died suddenly on Wednesday last. lu the morning he was In his usual health and spirits, and having business at Cassapolia, in vited Miss Mirrie Barron, of this city to ride up and back with him. She did so. iDariu" the day he was in his usual health. Soon after leaving Cnssapolia he remarked that the wea ther was getting uncomfortably warmj After riding a few miles further on, he said! he was in a perspiration, and took oil’ his cap and fan ned himself, rubbed his head and said-f>* How strange I teel!” He then remarked that his hands were numb, and the lines dropped from them.’ Miss Barron caught the lines—the hordes were spirited and going rapidly, ! but she succeeded in controlling them, and brought them up to a fence. Sir. Clark "called Tor snow. Miss Barron obtained it and placed it to his lips, but he had no power to swallow it. Ills face and eyes were now a Mood red. He remarked—**l can’t see—l’m gone. Mime— I’m gone!” were the last words• ineligible, when he sank back Into the sleep of death. Miss Barron seized the lines and drove! imme diately to the dwelling of Maj. Morrison, who soon placed him in a comfortable bed. and summoned medical aid. All was done for him that was possible. He lay In an unconscious state until about 12 o’clock at night, when he expired. —SUcs Jitpublican, —A contractor who was building a tunnel on a certain Ohio railroad observed, one mom* log, that the face of a member of his gang bad its surface ail spotted with bruises and plas ters. “ Ah! Jimmy," said he, “what have yon been doin’ f" “Not varry much', snr,” answer ed Jimmy; ‘-‘l,was just down at Billy .Mulli gan’s last night, snr, an’ him mi’ me had a bit avadiscoosbenwid shlicksl" ; —e arc informed upon good authority, that Ker. Mr. Corning 1* likely to -accept the call recently extended to him from Chicago, lie has taken a prominent position here as a clergyman, and hie many friends and admirers will greatly regret that he should leave here.— Juihcaukce Iftsconrfn. TJnnsunl Proceedings in a Ball Boom. [From the Champaign (111.) Union.) It is a well known fact that the amusement of dancing, ;is generally conducted at our pub lic balls, is regarded by most Ministers as of a • doubtful mor-1 tendency, and not cnjolucd by any law found in the religious code. We do not know tluilan the simple act of dancing, that any crime is alleged to : be committed di rectly agaiunGod, or ihe religion taught bv* the Biblc.lmt from the levity, lirfil and thoughtless feelings that are sure to follow in trail of this indulgence, seem to arise all the evils, and form the foundation stone upon which all ob jections to it arc based. I Appreciating the benefits of good society, some one, more through a motive of mischief than any other reason, we suppose, sent to the Rev. Mr. Riley, of the Baptist church, a ticket, inviting him to attend a certain dancing party to be held at a certain hall. Duly acknowledg ing thc.k!ndncss that prompted the invitation, Mr. Riley determiued-to respond to the call of the ticket and attend the dance. • But before he could do this, in obedience to the require ments of ball-room etiquette, he must furnish himself with a lady, as under any other cir cumstances, he would not probably bo admit ted within the precincts of the “mazy dance.” He was not long in finding a partner; and ta king with him three ladies, all members of the church, he repaired to the scene of merriment and gaiety always visible in the ball-room. Not having been in the habit of frequenting danc ing parties, and a stranger to the usages and manners observed by such assemblies, .will ac count far the somewhat unusual and [strange conduct of the Rev. gentleman in shaking hands with all those present, immediately upon his entrance into the hall.' This was regarded as rather mysterious conduct, and all did hot readily understand its meaning and ;slgniti cance; but supposed that Mr. Riley, likcacer-. tain city belle's “ country cousin,” was a little verdant, embarrassed, and ill at- case in his manners. As to the truth of this suspicion, let the sequel show. ; But the reverend gentleman did not ko there to participate In the caitles of the dance. lie went there as the* servant of-God, and In an earnest end feeling manner implored that little social company to give up the world, and de vote the remaining portion of their lives to the true Intercut* of tlicir immortal souls. His remarks had agood ellect upon the hearts of the company present, and many eyes were wet with tears. After oilering up a prayer, Mr. Riley and his good’lady “partners,* retired from the hall room. It is our earnest convic tion that Mr.'Riley vylll receive no- more invi tations to balls, and it Is well that heimprovad his time so well on this occasion. ' A King, commanding a 'merchant vesseltradlngbetwcen the Sandwich Islands and Japan, has sent onto his family, who reside m -WUHamsburgh, a creature caught on the Japanese, r coast, which closely resembles the fabalousi Menhaid. It is abont 23 inches long; from the hip down it is a fish, resembling the shad. The upper part of the body resembles ahionkey, covered, except the face, with brown hair.f- There. ore five lingers on each hand all of dnelength and webbed be tween like the ieet' of, a water fowL ..The features of-the face are -all perfect and[mpro_ regular <thah those df.the’monhdy tribe gener ally are/urid IfhfcrtV gdodict bf tttth. The body has been embalmed, and ia in a good state of preservation. WEBTEBN MAITEBS, —A meeting was held at Alado, fiercer county, in this State, on : Friday of Ust week, for the purpose of taking Into eonalderatlon the propriety of- forming a military company; After dißcneslon, resolniione Infavor of the measure were unanimously passed, and a com* mittee appointed to propose a plan of,'organi zation for one or more military companies' in Mercer county. The Committee will report in a few days. ! Lumbering.— The continued good sleighing has enabled the lumbermen in this .vicinity to prosecute their logging very successfully, so far, and there is a fair prospect of a large .quan tity of logs belngpnt In. Our exchanges from different portions of the State report, the same success.—Jbrt Huron Commercial. Jan. 23. New Military Company.— A new. militaiy company was organized on the 15th Inst., in Schoolcraft, numbering forty-six able-bodied' men. They are called the “ Schoolcraft Light Guards.” —Kalamazoo 22J. —Mr. Abbot, of Romeo, Michigan, recently, marketed at Fort Huron nine hogs, the aggre gate weight of which was 8,578 pounds. The hugest weighed 619 pounds. The Largest Mass op Native Copper ever Shipped.— Among several large masses of cop per brought forward the past week, we noticed the arrival of one on Thursday, brought down by Messrs, brooks <fc for the National mine, weighing thirteen' thousand pounds. This mass of six and a half tong is,' we believe, some 1,200 pounds heavier than any previously reported shipped. It was brought from the mines here in half a day, by a four horse team and three men. Perhaps ten times the force would not have brought the same mass for ward in a week any previous year .—Ontonagon JUiner. 6,45 a.m. 6.15 p.m. 8.20' a. m. 8.40 p.m. Suicide.— We I earn that Mrs. Eldridge. a widow lady of about 55 years of age, recently from Philadelphia, committed suicide last week, by jumping into a well The well was about six feet deep, and contained about two feet ofwater, which sbe held her head under until life.was extinct. She was undoubtedly deranged at the time. —Carlinville Dem. Suicide ct port Huron.— lntelligence was received in the city yesterdav of the suicide at Port Huron of H. McAlpin, Esq., a lawyer in good practice of that place, and well known to many of pur citizens. We have no further particuiarsof his death than that he shot him self in his office on Wednesday noon, and lived but a few minutes thereafter. The de ceased was on ardent spiritualist, and of late had devoted much of his time to its “manifes tations,*’ and to vindicating its claims before the public. His wife was equally zealous in the belief, and is well known as a medium.— Dtt. Advertiser. Another Mtonstcr Gan Cast. Another monster gun was cast at the Fort Pitt works on Tuesday. The “Floyd,” the heaviest pit cc of ordinance, we believe, that the world has ever seen, was fifteen inch boro and forty-nine inches in diameter at the breach. Its weight in the rough was seventy-eight thou sand pounds, and when finished, about forty nine thousand. The gun cast on Tuesday has a twelve inch bore, and the same exterior diameter of the “Floyd,” while it is six indies longer, and will weigh when finished, twenty five tons. The casting of the gun was marked by the most complete success. The furnaces were tapped at fifteen minutes past twelve, and twenty-four minutes later, the mould was filled, and tne castings complete. The total amount of metal used in the “run,” was seven ty-eight thousand one huudred pounds. The new gun will be named •* Union,” and will, it is believed, throws hull oversix miles.. It was cast on the hollow principle, and nnderthe su perintendence of Mr. Kaye, foreman of the works. —Pittsburgh of Thursday. Cannon Foundry in Vicksburg.— The Vicksburg Sun says that Messrs. A. B. Reading & Brother, proprietors of the foundry in that city that bears their name, are perfecting ar rangements which will enable them to cast cannon and ball equal in every respect to those east in the best foandcries in the United States. They have tendered this branch of their foun dry to Gov. Pcltus, giving him a carta blanche to use it in any manner that may be deemod essential to the good of the State and the in terests of the South. REKOTAL. we era sew remotlng our stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &C., &C., From the store occnpted by u at T8 liake Street, Up-Stalrs. To tbs Large and Cemmodlen* Sties 800 ms, JTOS. 74 * 76 £4fi£ STREET, TYhere we shall be happy to see our ol;l friends, and The trade gem; rally. "Witn Increased facilities, we shall, as usual, offer special Inducements to Cash and Short lime Prompt Paying Bayers* BOWEN BROTHERS. J?UR MANUFACTORY. Q. H. SPEARS, JR., ■with *■. db A. H 3EJ nSQo », Wholesale and Retail Dealers In HATS, GAPS AND FGBB, BEAR AND WOLF ROBES, 4c, 66 - Bake Street, Chicago. EL - 65 Would respectfully announce to their oldpatrons and the Trade, that they arc now in receipt oi a large and tnil assortment of all goods In their line. oclT-thSl BRADSTRE ET’S com- MERCIAL REPORTS. We Have Just Received the StU Vo], of oar Commercial Reports, Containing the business credits of the merchants and manufacturers, Jtc., throaghcat the country. A weekly sheet of corrections will be sent to oar subscribers, and thelrlnquiries, either by letter or ver bally. promptly arswered. «hU is the most extensive work of the kind ever published. J. M. BKADSTREKT A SON, Room No. 8 Methodist Church Bloc*, Chicago, and 23J Broaawav, New York. Ja2sx3t TTOTEL AND LAKE FOREST A_i ASSOCIATION. There will be a special meet* lug of tbc Stockholders In tbe Hotel at Lake Forest, and tko I<ake Forest Association, On Monday evening next at half-past seven o'clock at the Lecture Room of the Second Presbyterian Church, to consider the propriety of an arrangement proposed to be entered Into by the frustces whereby the pres ent house shall be greatly enlarged and the grounds Improved. Also tbc question of compensation for agent, and that action shall be taken In relation to de linquents to the Assoc-ntlon. This Is a very Important meeting, and do not fUU to be present in person. peter page. J025-d931-St In behalf of Trustees L. F. A. JHE CHICAGO ART-UNION distribution. ONE HUNDRED WORKS OF ART TO BS DISTRIBUTED AMONG HSislit Hundred Subscribers!! 1 A proportion of Gifts unprecedented In tbe annals ol Art-Union Distributions. • There have been added lotho list of the FORTY SEVEN GIFTS the following Works, vli;. One Cameo, by Volk. valued at $ 40.00. Two Oil Paintings, by Tracv, with gilt fremei one valued at «\ the other at 920 55.00. Twenty-Five oil Paintings representing scenes In Europe and America, by Ilenrv Le Grand, with beautiful oval gilt frames, valued at $lO each 233.00. Twenty-Flvc ofVolk's Cabinet BusUof Hon. A. T-lncoln, valued at $2.50 each 82.50. Making FIFTT-THREE EXTRA GIFTS without in. creasing the origins, number.or price of the tickets, and without withdrawing any work from the original glft-llet. • Every purchaser ot a distribution ticket receives, onpayment of $3. one large Photograph of the princl pal gift—The Statue of ‘•Young Washington 4 —or a Chromo Lithographic View of Chicago. Also a sea son ticket of admission with family to the FINE ART EXHIBITION of Paintings and Statuary (where may be see i all of the Gifts) now open at Heeler's Gallery, No. U3 Lake Ftrect * The Exhibition and drawing for the works will bo continued to February. jallxSw JAMES McDONNKLL, Sole Agent for the sale of -A. X* O O EC O Xj , Manufactured by BRAND ARMOUR & HIGBTE, Peoria, HL PEORIA ALCOHOL WORKS. do. G. C. PAOLI 4 CO., Chicago., HU _Wholesale dealer In Hlchwlncs, Camphone. Burning Fluid and Whiskies of all kinds. G, C. PAOLI A CO’S PREMIUM PURE SPIRITS, From proof to OS per cent, superior to any other arti cle ottered In tills market, always on hand in quantities to suit the trade, at the lowest market price. Office and Waheuocbk, 23i Lake street, and 217 Sonth Water street, Chicago, 111. J«22 d907-lm JgTTT THE GEXUIO. Lnbln’s Extracts, Lubln’s Pomades, Lnbln’s Hair OH, La bin’s Cosmetic, Labia’s Rose Powder, Lnbln’s Bice Powder, Lubln’s Pearl White, Lnbln’s Lavander, Lnblu’s Bonze, Lubln’s i'astlles, Lubln’s Soaps. The best variety of Fine Toilet Oo:ds west of New York. J. H. REED & C 0„ Druggists and Apothecaries, 1(1 & US Lake street pOUNTRT PHYSICIANS WHO DESIRE . RELIABLE MEDICINES At Low Cash Prices, . Can have thelrcrderspromptiyfllledbyßcadlng them to GALE BROTHERS. Drngglsta, 202 Randolph street $l5O REWARD. L. CORNELL & CO., At 133 Lake Street,' (Up«Stalra,) . Are paying the above reward every week. 95 to each perron who most Judiciously purchases one ot their Taggart and Farr Family or Manufacturing Sewing WacniuesloraHolidayuift. Only $W for a machine. Hammer. Ganger, and all—folly licensed. Mannlac turlng Shuttle Machines, 15 br 10 Inches under the arm fastening Us own ends, at S4O, for carriage trimming, tailoring, and all kinds of mannfaatnrtog. deß2d7lMm fYSAGE ORANGE SEED.— V/ Haring been engaged for the lasttwelve yean. In gathering this Seed, 1 would say to my customers tbrongb the West that i have had a quantity gathered this season of HEW SEED. WARRANTED FRESH. As the crop Is light, those who want a lame quantity should apply soon. Address, H. W. PITKIN. .Louis ville. Ky. Ja23d9 4- m pHIOAGO AND MILWAUKEE Railroad Company.—Thosnnnal meeting of the Stockholders of the Chicago and Milwaukee Railroad Company will be held at the Office of the Company in Chicago on Tuesday. February 12,1861, at 10 o’clock A. 3L, for the propose of electing Directors and the trans-* action of such other basinets as may be presented. •• Ja7-dsa td . A. 8. DOWNS; Secretary. ■VriGHT-SGAVENGER.,- Charles. X i Knnz will attend to the cleaning of-privy vaults removing of stable manure, and any offensive matter Orders directed Chat. Kuna, Chicago P. O. Box 4149 wm repairs prompt attention. notetm Insurance* H OME- INSURANCE. The Union Insurance HI TE¥ST COMPANY OurttMd ky tit legislators of minoli. CASH CAPITAL, <300,000, President—BEßJ. LOMBARD. H. HIGGINS, Secretary—B. P. JOHNSON. Treasurer—FßANClS A HOFFMANN. DIRECTORS t BENJAMIN. LOifBARD, Ctnbrldea v*m BOLLES. otM. Bollff % c2f*Banke«. D etc- Boston. Mass. JAMES W, STONE. M. D- Boston m»u LEVI F. STEVENS. Boston. Maia 1 VANH. BIGGINS, Jcdge Snperfof Court, Chicago. )S?Sims? OITMA!w - Eo<rmK “ * sSS|-CM- C St GE,OrGS£ '’ Blo ' 4 Trem “‘ Gn^^?^CUD4^“*Co ’ JOHN V. FARWEIL, of Cooler Feranll A (Vi Vhoteaale Dry Goods Merchanta an’d iSSortpi? C ° H FRANCISB.PEABODY. Attornev atLawmflcajm. THOMAS HAELKES. olHklms tcSJSffi loa Merchant*. Chicago. ’ J. Q. HOYT, of Hoyt & Peirce, Wholesale Grocers md Importer*. Cbleaeo, ind T A Oo G OM?^S ARD ' General Agent Union Ins, D.IZ PHILLIPS Anna. UK Bfn^nn^lll™ Pmldent of Wheat-Grower*’. LOMBARD, Cashier Pamet Bank, Griggs- B. C nl" !L lf,Sbf??| LE!i '" CS “ 1 " 1 Ch4ad!4r * CO- A°o^aS I jASn i m nOn,ICB,On '* WM,ato - MARSHALL AYRES, Toolon Sanlt Grin*. rifle* Iff noiO-d 127.3 m ETNA INSURANCE COMP’T, uar T?ons, oorrir. Incorporated ISI9-tharter Ferp-tuaL Cub Capital and Bnrplaa, <3,184,100.03. ITRIS AITD INLAira KATIOAnOH Taken at Liberal Terms and Rates. & . tte P a o n given to Inssrance of Dwellings and for terms of one to live years. .ASSETS, JA3ST. 0, 1860. PAID UP CAPITAL ..BLSOOLOOO 00 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS.... W . Par Val. MktVal. Bank stocks, ftc oo |wn.«Q oo U.g.BtockandTrea*nry Nows... 23,(40 00 fctMBOOO stMestocks,fte 344310 00 trueaao City Stocks *C 115,000 00 110.000 00 Railroad Stocks. Ac 83,000 00 9116100 Mortgage Bonds 82,000 00 :83.0m 00 Real Estate, unincumbered. iTs.ftW 00 Miscellaneous Items •. 87,7,21 56 Cash on-hand and deposited on caH, and In agents’ hands 891.74835 Claims unadjusted and not d0e...8173.957 OS i T0ta1....*. V. 3,191.100 03 Applications received, and Polices Issued orreaewed by any of It* duly authorized Agents. Losses equita bly adjusted and paid la lands current at any of the Banks In Illinois. Agents appointed, supplies .ftamlshep, and all bail ness pertaining to a general supervision In the State of UUnolß promptly attended to by _ W>I.B. PATCH, State Ageur, Springfield, UllnoJa. HUBBARD & HUNT) Agents for Chicago. JylO-ly No.lLoomla Blocs, eor.Bo. Water A Clark sta. JpHCENIX INSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. January lot) IB6o* CASH CAPITAL., SURPLUS „ Assists. C«h on hand, and In Bank ~*57,359 93 Cash In tho bands of and dne tram Agente 84,vn3s Real Estate, unincumbered fLVOOC Loaned on Mortyaees of Real Estate ; BG.SOO 00 Amount loaned on plcdced Bank Stock. Amount loaned otherwise secured l.ono.CW Fifty Share* U. B. Trust Cc.*a S;od£* '^' U “ *** ** Val * , New York... *5,600 *fl.ioo «w York Bank Stock .133,100 140,703 Hartford Bank Stockj... ITOISOO ■ 215.175 Waterbnry Bank Stock. IL2OO ' ia.*Jo9 Stafford Hank Stock. Stafford 4W 412 Bolyoko Water P’r. Co.’s Stocks lO.frtri 30.58S New Britain Water Bonds .. 10, COO 10.700 Hartford City Bonds 10,000 ' 10.600 CoL Peq. and Tnd. K, R. Bonds :. mooo WOO Accumulated Interested investments 5,711 Total Assets SSS2£SJI Total Liabilities - - - $40,704*68 H, KELLOGG. Secretary. JiUhtiAKl) ft HUNT, Agents. No-1 Loomin’ Building, Corner Clark and Water streets, Chicago, Applications for Insurance, or the renewal of poll. Cles and all business connected with the oQlce, may be made to ns. duly appointed Agents for the City of Chicago, with fall power to receive proposals and Issne Policies, on as favorable terms os other responsible Companies; and Its aim will be to secure the confi. denee of the public by an honorable course of dealing. M. MAGILIi, General Agent, 31 and 83 West Third street, Cincinnati. Olilo. to whom all applications for Agencies, in the Western or Southwestern States may be addressed. [apSasO-ly piRE, MARINE, —ißb- LIFE INSURANCE. MILLEE A WILLMABTB. Aeenta ibr tho MANHATTAN X.2FO, or New York. HOME, « « It H « 41 PHENIX, WASHINGTON^ CITIZENS, « « PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON, Pr*- rldence, R. I, CONWAY, of Boston, Mess* HAMPDEN, of Springfield, KEim, Aggregate Capital and Surplus, #5,000.000. OfllM| No. 150 Sontk W&ter Street 15rg sro Ssr. gTE AND EAR.— DB, CAWWELLj OrmiTOß OH 7H* 3B YiC -A.IN'ID’ BAR, For Deafness, Bllndnesa and all defects of sight and hearing. Dr. C. is » regularly educated physician, and haj devoted twenty y*a?a ci his professional life ex. datively to the treatwest ot diseases of the Eyeand Ear f3f~ No charge made laran examination or opinion, and no fee required for unsuccessful services. DR. CADWELL’S Tn-utlse ou the Eve and Ear, (Chi cago, sth), containing references, testimonials, etc, to be hadgratls on opplkHtlon, postage ten cents. &Ad dress 93 Randolph street, Chicago. seW*6n-iy MAirss,^^ OPTICIAN, 79... .....Sour? Clihc Btbkct... 70 Oppo-lw die Court House. Bait French Crystal an .I Brazilian pebble Spectacles, Eye tiloa •«*, Opera Glasses, HICROSCOPLS, TEL K SCOPE 8, Mathematical Instruments, etc., etc., constantly on hand. All kinds ot .t.v.rnmcnta and spectacles re paired, and classes Incited Into old fremee. . Ja9 Sent!st»’ fflarbs. WILLIAM ALBAUGH.s^^ » ▼ DENTIST, as .WIST RANDOLPH-ST., CH1CAG0......53 post OGce Box 8329. t.ocmiy] A . W. FEEEMAN,4Saa» DENTIST, .. 109 .WAsmscTos Street. Chicag0........50S Just east of Clark Street. No charge fat an examination or unraccewfnl work. P.0.80x SOU. : - 0c5*60-ly 'T'HE ONLY PREPARATION JL THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, And grows more and more popular every day. READ THE FOLLOWING: •»_ £»exs. Mich.. Dec. 21st, 1853, wilt please accept a line to in. form thee that the hair on mv head all fell off over twenty years ugu. caused by a complicated euronic dis ease, attended with an eruption on the Lead. A con tlnaal course of eufferinginrough life having reduced mo to a state of dependence, 1 have not been able to obtain stuff Cor caps, neither have 1 been able to do Utem up. In consequence of which my bead boa suffered extremely from cold. Tills Induced me to pay Briggs A Hodge* almos* the last cent 1 had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about tbe first of August last. I have faithfully followed the directions andthe bald spot is now covered with hair thick aud black, though short. It U aUo coming In all over my head. Feeling confident that another large bottle woald restore It entirely nod permanently. 1 feel anx ious to persevere lu Its useil and being destitute of means to purchase any more. Iwouldask thee If thee would not be willing to send me an order on thine agents fbr a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture declaration—** the reward U to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherless." Thy friend. SUSANNAH KIRBY. Lioomer. Noble Co M lad. Feb. sth. 1859. . Pbot. O. J. Wood—Dc-*r Sir: In the latter part of the year ISS2. while attending the State and National Law School of the State ofNew York, my hair, from a caose unknown to me. commenced falling off very rapidly, so that In the short space of six months, the whole upper pan of mv scalp was a most entirely bereft of Us cover. Ing, and ranch of the remaining portion upon the side ana back part of my head shortly alter became gray, so that yon will not be surprised when I tell you that upon my return .to the State of Indiana, my more cos aal acqualntaliuunces were not so much at a loss to discover the enus'e of the change In my appearance, as . my more Intimate acquaintances were to recognize me I at once made application to the most skillful pby slclans in the country. bnf receiving no- assurance from them that my hair conld again be restored, 1 was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunate ly. in the latter nnn of the year 1857, your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggist, as being the most reliable Bair Restorative In ns& I tried one bob tie; and found to my great satisfaction that It was pro ducing tbe desired eaeCL Since that time, 1 have used seven dollars' worth of your Restorative, and as a re sult, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can boy. • \ cry respectful te Attorney and Counsellor at Law. O. J. WOOD 4 CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway. New York, and 414 Market street. St. Lonls, Mo., and sold by all good Druggies and tancy Goods Dealers.. Wholesale Arents. Chicago:—J.D. Park. Q. F, Ful ler 4 Co„ J. H. Reed A Co., bmlth. Dwyer A Co.; Lord and Gale Brothers. . gugtflJasly.weow T —KENT’S COMMENTARIES, A* anew and chtlrclyrevwdedltlbn,'tn four vols. Price, 916.00. ll—Chlur on Pleading. -’Anew edition by Perkins; 3 vols. IMce, |IXW). Ill—Pareon’s Con. tracts: 2.v015. Price,/U.w. IV—HiUiard on Torts: 2 vols. Trice, flO Co. \—Hilliard on Mortgages; 2 vols. Price, 910.00. Vl—Hilliard on Heal Proprotv; 2 vols. Trice, 9UaO. Vll—llawle on. Covenants, a new edi tion. Price, *350. VTU—Bonvler’s Law Dictionary; 2 vols. Price, 910.00. IY—Bonner's Institutes; 4 vols. Price, $15.00. The above valuable Treatises, together with the vari ous standard works of Story, Wharton, GreenlcaV Par sons. Curtis. Ac., for sale at the lowest prices. - X3T Cali or sural fcr-oarXaw-Catologue. B. B. COOKE &CO- ill Lake street HOWARD’S SUPREME COURT REPORTS.—23 vols_for sale very low to close It ont. p. B. COOKE & CQ„ 111 Labestrcel. T7NGLISH; EAW AND . EQUITY tli REPORTS.—lovolumes foraaleatthe low price ■oftLSO per volume. • 1 ~ COOKE&6O. ■ 'TQ PORK PACKERS.^--We are J_* prepared to' render, on owner’s account, Eozi BeaAvßihs oc gpt£ Trtrfutfltfgs, in the most approved manner. Charges moderate. iOTCHELL & ZAHM. Ho. 77 Klaile street. laU-dSTMw HZSSolesale f&msea, fiM ALL WARES, BUTTON’S . AND NOTIONS.' WonM Hoods. Sleeves, Gaiters, Ac. Drew Trtm. hUee-s, Corsets nnd BHrti. Gloves and Sealery. The CLOSE CASH PBIOZ3. . * ■SL^SSfSuoMo. tjerlin wools. Imported and lor sale by TTOYT & PEIRCE, 7* x wholesale Grocers and Importers, I Sontli Water St., Chicago, lUlnola. Blnlngcrt Celebrated OLD LONDON DOCK GET B alnsert Celebrated OM ZonayeGin * Blnla K er’B Celebrated Old Zouave Cognac. Celebrated Old Zouave BoorbonoflSt^re §!2}2SH> Old Kentucky Bonrbon. 51" Celebrated Gennlne Medicinal Comae. Rlnngcr s Celebrated Gennlne Pore Port WlneT uftISSSS 8 £ e e £ r *ted Genuine Pnrc Sherry Wine. Celebrated Gennlne Pare Maderla wine. Bjnlnger « Celebrated Gennlne Wheat Twit* 5 2 Celebrated GennlneMonongahala Whisky. BSiSSS„^S£ d GennllM BJnjncer** Celebrated Gennlne Hare Ripe CordlaL RISiSS« r * 8 £ f *I e l' ra J C( l GennlnenidtlmesFamDy Eye. Bjnlnecr s Celebrated Gennlne Brantonwlne. 3 7i?iPs?t r ? Cel ?bratcd Gennlne Banana Punch. *.A» • Blolngera Bouqnet Bonrbon. Cognac and Gin* AfthX 0 ? «lo retail by aU Drantafa. jm-difejiin _ HOYT A PEIRCE. 'J'UTTLE, HIBBARD & CO., ncromai ct HARDWARE AND TIN PLATE, 03 - - - Xialce Street - - - 03 We offer to the trade, at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES:— * 6£M boxes TIN FLATS, 8,400 bdla SHEET IRON, 650 “ RUSSIA IRON, 150 ,« IMITATION RUSSIA. *WO “ BRIGHT and ANHZALD WDB. 525 oasis SHEET ZINC. IS tons PIG TIN, 16,500 lbs. COPPER BOTTOMS, Maete TINNERS’ TOOLS and MACHINES, 80 casks BRIGHT OX ud COIL CHAINS. 1,000 doz, - AXES, L3M “ SHOVELS, SPADES and SCOOPS, 39 tons SAD IRONS. TUTTLE, HIBBARD & CO., Oct3.*gQ4y . Corner of State and Lake sta. Q m M. HENDERSON & CO., Maanftctnrers and Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS & SHOES, Ko, 33 Lake Street, corner of Wabash Avenue, -irSh e »h l l t 25?. ft and desirable stock of goods. nari£- t trlrt? U1 ! el i \ cr ? to cash and promnt -dsents for MltchrlTs Patent Metallic jy lo * B States without exception. HATS, CAPS, Furs, Buffalo Rohes, &o AT WHOLESALE. 183©. mi TRADE. 1860 mmn, williams & yals. ** - LAKE ST. CHICAGO So Have la store a very LARGS AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK of the above goods, and are ftilly prepared to compete successfully with the best Eastern firms In VARIETY; QUALITY AND PRICES, and solicit a call from all prompt paying merchants. [au29’6o-ly ,*'.00,000.00 . ias,sg.9i Dawson & Bartlett, S£I3CtiOTTEJR6 XHB WHCLXSILI DLiLUS a BOOTS AND SHOES, WO. 80. .LAKE STREET. CHICAGO, ax. Wewoald respectfahy call the attention of City and Country Merchants to our extensive stock of Boote and unocs. wluch we have now In store, and are dallr re crfvlof: from onr Factory in West Bovleton. Mass., which consists of a fall assortment of those Celebrated Custom-Made Patna Kip nndCalCand Grain Water Proof jioota; together with a. t ■ • stock of all styles of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, of the best quality and manufacture, which we are pre. **** * i 1860 FALL TRADE 1860 H. W. HUNT & CO., S3 and 35 Lahn street, Chicago. Macuacturers and Jobbers of Beady Made CHotMng, And Sealers ja GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS Cloths, Coatings. Casslmerea, Satinets. TaQon* Trimmings, Ac* Ac. Our Stock Ss large and wen asserted, and win be sold At the Lowest Prices 1860 FALL TRADE. 1860 FIELD, BENEDICT A CO*, Nos. 81 and BS South Water street. Xmpoxrters and Jobbers of* Gtoode for Men’s Ware. They are now dally receiving their nsuallarre and varied stock for the Fall Trade, to which they Invito yonr attention. Their stock consists In part or Broad, cloths, of all colors and grades. Black and Fancy Cm. olmercs, Black and Fancy Doeskins, nine and Black Pilots, Black and Colored Moscow Beavers, Brown. Black. Bine and all colore of Castor Bearers, Silk and Valentis Vestings of ail grades and styles. SATINETS of td grades and styles. Also, a full and complete stock of Tailors* Trimmings. AGENT FOR SOOTT’a M?SST OP PABZIOWa. 'JIN PLATE AND HARDWARE. We offer the following at the lowest market rates 8.000 Boxes Tin Plate, assorted sizes. £SOO Bundles Sheet Iron, Nos. 16 to 38. 200 * Russia Sheet Iron. 100 M Imitation Sheet Iron. 100 Casks Sheet Zinc, assorted widths. WOO Lbs. Brarer'* Copper. 5.000 Lbs. Pressed Copper Bottoms. 1.000 Bundles Wire, assorted Nos. 0 to 59. 8.000 Kegs Nalls, Wheeling and other prime brands, A foil assortment of Hardware, Tinners’ Tools, Ja pan ed and Pressed Tinware, Rivets, Ears, 4c. WILLIAM BLAIR A CA« set No. ITS Lake street 1860 FALL TRADE. 1860 G. C. COOK & CO., (Successor* fiaterlee,Cook4Coj 16 ft IS - STATE STREET - 16 AlB Wholesale Grocers AND DEALERS IN DRIED FRUITS. FISH, WOODEK WAKE; fto,, livito the attention tf Country Kerohanti to their stock, which they otter at Lovett * Cash Prices. ». O. OOOX Ac O©., 16 4 ts.r. STATE STREET 16 * IS uff-S*.} block maMOVAIj. PEAKE, MABSH & D£ LOSS Compelled by thelrmcreaslng business to seek large quarters, have removed from their old stand, neahy opposite to the above spacious stores in • BUBGS’S IBOH BLOCS. Where they win be able to offer a* wholesale, a itm larger and more varied stock of Dry Goo4s, Hosiery, and Notions. ■ Customers will always find us with fun line* known brandsof HEAVY DOMESTICS, bought at first hands, and offered at a small advance, together with* large stock of WQOLEHS SHAWLS BBESS 8009S Jtl. We shall continue our motto “LOW PRICES win;" And Invite tha attention of aQ close, prompt partn* buyers. ffie3o 1860 FALL TRADE. 1860 COOLEY, FARWELL & 80„ 42, 44: and 46 WABASH ATENVE, BBT GO O B S JOBBER!. ' JgABCOCK & PEEK, 171 RANDOLPH STREET, Mahogany, Rosewood and Walnut; ALSOb • CHAMBER DIHIHBROaMACOMMORFORIITBIE IS GREAT VARIETY. Wood-Sest and Cane-Seat Chaim, Bedsteads and Bureaux. ‘ School Pninitnro en hand tadto Order. CT Particular attention paid to Country Orders. LJaIS-aSO 13] t*7~e offer for sale at •T T low prices, 600 Boxes Soap. 200 Boxes Starch, IQOSe« Sal Soda, 100 Kegs S. C. Soda. 200 Boxes Salerats*. 25 Boxes Potash 100 Boxes Concentrated Lye. WILLIAM LTTTLB A CO, ‘.ms 60 Hhds Sugar. 100 Bbls Sugar. 60 Bxs Sugar. 100 BblsN.Y. Syrup. 60 Bbls Molasses.' ' - WM, LITTLE & C0„129 Sooth Water Bf MITCHELL & ZAHM, XtJL tuxurserraats or TALLOW, CAUDLES AND SOAPS, And dealers In Bides, Wool,- Pelts. Seeds’and Pork. Factory on comer of State street and Archer TtnaT Office and Warehouse, 77 Klntlo street. .a. a idTCHSU., i room , uwa niy C TATE AND COUNTY TAXES. O SOUTH CHICAGO.—Tbe-taxes tbr I3ra are now dtto. Parties bajlttg taxes to pay c»u do so at HoTu Coart Hoostt, neßMs6Mza "WM. H. UDBBAT, CaUtotor. jßetucines. Set, B i N I "H « *b h » s C^nporTl&ock ; :G.IF. ? THIS DELICJOJiS TONIC STIMULANT, SijKeitlij designed ro» tk» Via of the medical Profusion «nd*tha SSSI£S. e ?f 1041 fl ll ® llll ® 3 * {tonic and diuretic) *Mc& tw ®? old isd pcr* cnr. Pat np la quart bot. ties and sold by all Druggists, Grocers, ic. . A, Iff. BININGES & CO., f (Established la ITfc} Solb Pmp«itoba No. 19 Broad Street. K. T. DF“For sale. Wholesale. In Chicago by Hort'ft Pierce, J. H, Seed ft Co, and J. t a. Fuller ft Ca . CoctdlSStim} OLD SACHEK BITTERS Wigwam Tonic. THESIS DELICIOUS AND FAR-FAMED BITTERS are recommended by the First Physicians of the Country, on account of their PDRIIT AND GREAT MEDICINAL VIRTUE. Ttey are pleaaaat ai nectar to tba taata. and arc arc. noencedtae tea Tonic and Sttonlant,! to ibe Public. Their curative powers In cam* of GENERAL DR, BILITT, LOSS OP APPETITE. CONSTIPATION. Etc., are unparalleled, and as a guarantee that we f*ei warranted In claiming what we do. we beg leave tc •tate that onr assertions are endorsed by Profc SILLINAN, of Tale College. Prof* HAYES, of Massachnselle, And hundreds of other-. Tor sale "Wholesale In Chicago by w KgWARD FOSTER. nmn-ALiv ,— V . Snp and Liquor Merchant. No.lTObouth \\ ater street. Chicago. ißacljtnerg, ffiarhtoarg, &c. D DANE’S NEW BARREL MACHiXEnr. WABBAHTED THji BEST IN AMERICA. SIOO Cold. DAKEFXS, si o o Cold. rr I S.SK I rsS?i« X slS.“?. r,, f inoMail Darrel Hiclilne- Mvt h fcS?®. fUie Northwest and Soutluwedo the Rpit U lnrt ft a «arance that It win be found ClU o'f!?M°.S ,! ?ofd OUO - “ C!aclnnatl c - S. fair. Pan., C “i’?p'lomi: C ‘"° lal ' tost!me - » Jlsdal and U ‘ Diploma “ Clc<± “*“. Grand Sliver Medal and St iSd DlKi” 1 " 1 AEK!clatlo: >. Grand Gold M«W DOANE & HUISLBUT’S Stave Sawing & Dressing M A O H I N B, FOR TIGHT IVORS. T.PH. M '?£i?!; nr F; Ki3 othciMn svervMrttco-' »Ji£rioiif Sl^-V 10 £ tave . fr° m holt. rrirv« ami K?« e^£?s^Avw M *.Ski? tfie hiirrel all at one opera tlon, from 5.000 to 10 000 per day, M’UI make t«s S3O per day clear of ali expend. To so S tlfeVe •5 Sm!? .U3O,° f machlnH f-TTlittUo.-rcl v.'orßot D °ISS. STAVE CCTTIXO MACHKE. for near DOAXES HEADING CUTTER, for Flour Darrell. HEABKG TOBSEB, for oU kinds ol H2 - U)rN ' o JOISTES, for on kinds o! FOOT JOISTER, for Flonr Barren. DOAXE*S HEAD ISO PLANER, for oil kinds of heads D °^rto I SS IJZKOMACmSEI *>'•“«*>!*« D^oniMd? E Ti I 'a S AW Ia' G y ACIIINE. for oil kinds 311U™ifeaL h hiaoWno Is also the Itot Shlaslo »nH C r ßt i l k°^^ D d ß *lf < R>norrtnpl!rttct—lcniadeoflron 10 n^s t re e ‘T p^^u^,all compellou out of tlie <jm*Uou- . Deane has the Best Stationary Steam Purines and SShin*?w^ W ? S lS?n , £ :, ‘ s,,, ®** Sa! ' h and MofTlduU Machine*. U oodworth a Patent Planing Machines life ®2 aH l L?nrt?Jlf »f • i i ls r* Vi® I ?, ost extensive assortment or all Kinds of the best Machinery for all mirnoMM in nae. Bole IVcetera Agent of Dnfoes i Co*s celebrated brand of Dutch Anker Bolting Clo:h£ Alar^SVtSc <«• HART £ HENSON’S .WO. SO Patent Flouring If Grist JUllis, All perfect and complete within themsclyca. Also, Leather and Robber Belting. Ladnsr. Packta* «£•* at the very lowest ca*h prices. “* f3T Don t ?nead $1 for Barrel or Stave Machinery until you eee Uoaue a. Send for our catalogue and c&- cnlars. Addreea tv u flo*\P myticaa-tyj 132 Ciarte tired. ChfcSa. QHICAGO LEAD "WORKS, Comer of Clinton and Felton streets, West J£H> PIPE, BAB AA9 SHSFT lEI 3, Sbotj IVhl*6 Zifisui aqu Lythevfc, PIG LEAD. PuIIPS AND HYDRAULIC b^vb. Orders fromthetrada solldted. Caahpaldfo* Ofd Lead and Flax Seed, p, 0. Box 1 B2«f. v fa *3 e. vr. blatchford. E G. HALL, KDtUARK & CO., • Xopcrten and Dealers la Iron, Nalls, Stool. AND HEAVY HARDWARE. Noa. 130 and 123 Washington street, Chicago, Hanoi*. 33ags. JAMES H. CHILDS & CO. HOPE GOITOH HILLS, I'ittß'to'arßJx, Porui, XAxmcrcszss or Seamless Grain Bags, AND OP OSNABURGrS, S2 inches to 40 inches wide. IBP“We are prepared to receive orders from the ■DAGS—BAGS—BAGS- -E AGS— " CORN EXCHANGE BAG MiKBFACTORI. HART, ASTES * CO.. 157 South Water rt„ ChletrA B. £, CLAIiK. t CO., Eroad street, New Tork, MASrmCTTHEJIS ASD OEILEE3 Of Bass of Every Description, mid Grocers’ Bags made and printed to order with beautiful orands. New aodsecoad-liandSeamlsta Grain and Gunny Bag* for Shippers. Millers and Far. mere uk*. Bags for Flour, Buckwheat, Feed, Items, Halt, been. etc. . * ar »Graere ailed with fidelity and dispatch. Bags loaned to shippers. nyWy QHICAGO BAG AGENCY. 1275 SOUTH WATER STREET. _ SELtMLESS GRAIN BAGS of various slros and qualities. “ -I 1 '. 0L ; n - H ; lT r ,i 'F n » rl ' bim* prihtaj to order of any desired pattern. HAM SACKS—F>try size used, GUNNY BAGS—Two or Three Bushels. Commission Merchants. Millers, Grocers and Pro rtslon Dealers will find just the articles wanted Incur stock. Orders solicited. tapl'6o-ly.j HAWKINS &'CHAPMAN, BAG* I RAWS: 2 SAW?!! F ARWSLL’B STK4H BAG SUmCfOST. HO. 22 'MI ROT STREET, CTfCiOO. BAGS AI7D SACKS Of every description furnished os short notice, and printed with Kaw and Beautiful Brands. SIMEON FARWHLL. fipM4wly47*lJ Stobea. iaansss. Set. gMALL COAL, SMALL COAL. Small Coaly twull Coaly MUST £B USED WITH MUST BE USED WITH UITLEFmB'S COAIi BUHNERS. LITTLEFIELDS GOAL BURNERS. BOLD BT SOLD BT Van Scha«ch,£7 State Street, Ohlcags, Van Schaacb, £7 State Street, Chicago* tF"Genera2 Dealer In Housekeeping Article*. [myth CTEWART’S COOKING STOVE W STILL ARKAD. The scboovlcdsed reperiorltj of toe Stewart Stove has riven rise to several Imlti uona. The genuine article la tor sale by C. METZ Agent at 180 State street, between Monroe and Adams. assortment of Housekeeping Hardware 2£eal Estate. jgUPERIOR STOCK FARM FOB SiXK, In Eane County, State of Dlinols, COHTAIHIHG 304 ACRES, Hof Timber, and the balance Rolling Prairie. A two-story Frame Honjw*. two large Uarn*, fix i. large Com Crib. Grinet v. and Out* bouse lor Milk Room. Store Room. and Men’s Room— convenient for dividing Into two Farms, ail the Hmld- Ingaaad Fences in superior condition, lying on the Fox Hirer two miles from Itatavla, fonr miles from -Aurora, thirty-eight from Chicago. The trains or the Chicago, Darlington & Quincy Railroad pa-? la view of the house. Mill Creek, a large never Cilllng stream, runs through the form. All the Stock. Kay and Grain, Implements, and Household Fnmit ;rc znav be pur cha-ee together, or the Farm separately. This Tana and Improvement!!, beauty of location, richness oCboIL and all its emm) on dings perhaps, is second to none la the State. Txaxs—Fifty dollars per acre, all cash down, for tha Farm, pe moyeab e property on ono year’s credit. For further particulars address Box 140 Po«t Office. Batavia. Dllaots.. ~ dcWdOKMm ffiontractms. CT. LOUIS, ALTON & CHI kJ CAGO RAILROAD. GrSXKJLL SUPZBCTKNTXST'S OFFICE,) . . „ Chicago, January 15th. iSil. f TO COXTBiCTOas—Propoa*l3 will bo re ceived be the Receivers of.the St. Look. Alton <t Chi cago Railroad at the office of tbo undersigned la Chi* caso until the ULdaT offebroary nest, ftr T3,«» Tie* to be.dauveredatJouetoroa some Dock designated 'by the Company at itdcago; One-fourth of»aid ties to be delivered In April, cne-foorth In ilay,one-fonrth In Jane, and one-fourta fat Jnly, "18J1 • Onisclgbt of *ald tied If *awed most have a feee often Indies on each aide, and the-balaoee a face of eight Inches on< ach aide: hQ to be of good socea .White or Durr Oat etebt feet -10Dg'and 7 azx'iPChe*-tn thleSbew. Hewed Ties win be received one Inch leas face than stated *!jal&8S0-Sw > Engineer and Soperlntend'eit; JJiMsETN'G HOUSE OF 33. P. CARVER & GO., UTarlne Bant Bnllainj, ’ c s^s^L^ ie£^£ti - TPXCHAXGE & DEPOSIT BANK -AJ CABPEHTEBj STIBBB ft CO.. Oocceasor to Weare, Carpenter A Co.J Cedar Rapids, lowa. &s&a£&sSr***- A IKEtf & NORTON, BANKERS A2fD DEALERS ET EXCHANGE, Corner of Lake and Clark Street*. Collections Buds to all the principal cities Is the 17, g, ** ADOS. /. D. gIRTTI». JOSiTHAB BBSS, SVtW. I. TINKHA3I * CO.. rnjr*zv£VS? to their old stand. CORNtROF-LAKE ANT) CLARK STKEET3. . ■ 3 a \tfi-3 c Qn CJJ’£i£. n Hi-' n a* : .ASSESS AND EXCHANGE TreA.r.vwg . ■ Exchange on all pans o Europe. MARINE bank. -Ti CHICAGO JIATJST AOT ECSTHASCS CO. Cap tal. 95A0.000. HAMILTON B. nox. rashly and <l cretary ' ( r gn aggaa^ AND jCJOEEMANN & GELPCKK. CHICAGO, - - - - - - - . . ILLINOIS. 44 and 46 La Salle Street* BANKING DEPAHTJIENX. Current Account? from parilfa • ir,l .. the n, , nt? Accommodation* re .. osltora and rorresnondent* •»>S;£^L? n i ba!a * ep can on, T be allowed In cases .. entehavebeea madeto*hascsect. i fm d«e.oS SAVING DEPARTMENT, Deno«l|iilnsu i inotltn than live rion--* c 2m C S?{ if l*»ned. Interest at -Ixr->r ?«!>.?* b t ft ' -ir wefl on of this description *f I«J? 1 ® aii I *a..V* ? ®remained in onr hand* a f.j*e«tted S' ; C p?; : uyr ade m- COLLECTION DEPARTMENT, f . ir ‘ Cht wco made and proceed* remitted , 3 jC°. f . •«r 7,en ‘* J ' ss * current premium nil parts of the Wes* and proceeds remitted on favorable terms. a BOHESnc EXCHANGE DEPART HIENT< #^?‘V?y sl ? rh t orT or. the principal eld’s rAnL n , OR ;Ss' dl:lWe *2 p»« Of the United sites ?£ri2 ft 2?*» a,lbftT i !mflde Arrangement* br which we to order by Telegraph the rumest cf •cta,a, Acceptance-. Accounts. Ac., us New yora. ,J* B *«r «sd sell on Coraml«*lou, either at Chlcszo cr •breach onr Agent*. at New York; State. Cltv TuStv r*°nd» andStookT Our conVedoS S r ‘L? re ,uch ** to insure prompt and JudiclonS ay.eciiOD to any order entrusted to car care. * FOREIGN* DEPARTMENT, tlon ' Kn{hK ' Trp jHaKT EXTENbIVE.and MOST DvTIMATE, vrfr« r££. !l L? 9 * arlntr ». thc i"‘ b ’ J r that «n foreign Banking transactions can be effected through onr Honsewbh and etflcnrv. ennal to anr TTnnw» la the ,r 2® pmftsand Lettersot Credit!a snirs t o Mitt. Tortc tenns, on onr correspondent* la •V CD rJ on * Pari*, TYankfort-on-theAfAin, Ilambarg. Ber d»v Bremen, Leipzig, Cologu e, Heidelberg; Daslc, Bern-, t»rp*den, »v«*„ <fcc„ ,tc„ &e. Being nanlonlartr ilejirnn* ot rromotlnprttroct com mercial Intercourse between theVcPt nod Enrotm. wo caeprfmJv. «n»! on tenna most favorable,extend aar .lcnlarfnclliflcsbr opr ntnc credlc, 4c w 4c..r0 nw'B. V blp - Importers. Collection- of Drafts. Or ■Jers. Note*. Acceptances. Inheritance*, 4 c.. Ac., nara. dl-natchT * lsl karope, made with promi>tnei» and ■ Country Banka and Bankers supplied with Fo*-. ♦itoi Bills at low rates. Private Bond® and Mortice* negotiated abroad. HornK&K & 02I.PCKS. 'T2lgaa X, B omus. t OTTO QSLFCU. I UW, g_ r»ti» mscis i. nomuy, Cononl ol the Grand DnchT of Eaie-IVetasr. the Rnchles of Rnuutrlrk end Eaie-Gotlis. and the tree 'i*yrA Tr*-aKtK!T*. and braperfnl set offerer#! State*. an*nori.rcd to net for former citizens of AUSTRIA BADEN, BAVARIA. ITAN’OVFR, lIKSStA, NASSAU PRUSSIA, SAXOST, WIitTEJIBERG. OLDKNBKRo! ■ iC ' Ja37«l*wlr nHICAGO, NEW YORK AND V/ BOSTON FAST FRKSGUT USE, I rJT T^C^911 - FT. TTA'.NE & CmCACO RAIL LSr'n Colnmhn* A rtncla nail Railroad to Cleveland, and Lake Shore Railroad tvDunkirka&dßuHilo, connecting with all Eastern ONXT LpOC PEN-D I VG FREIGITT UtROUGH TOCI .y V^L.VNIL I)UNKIRK AND BUF FALO WifHOCT CRikNGEOF CARS. The above line ba® bean established by the Pits- • v aTOo« Chicago.and ClcvelaniL Colnm on« &! liadroad Companies, for transport, ng propcnrwltii s-ca «r de-patch between Clucago and all ea-tern Clih.M and Towns than has heretofore been done by anv line UT Kate* at all times as low as by anv other route. «vi ,r *t. h,p . r ’l a!r .P ri,p TO b y tbl4 «n*» pleas- mark:— **ba-*t Freight Line vUCRESTLIVE.” - to "'“■•'>'«»««>*« Eo»t. «d , s^»sssan'??lSs!“ wl • ,o ,m u - ir a;ccis J. NOTTINGHAM. Gent. Agent, r c mnvivf« _Offlre « Dearborn -treet. _. —v.S. CORNING, Contraction Acens. DAN ATWOOD, Local A?ent Ft Wavnc Freight De> pot, comer Van Bnnm and Canal street.*, West >We. Chicago, Jaa, Ist, I3TC, Jal-d7d7-Sm QJSEAT CENTRAL SHORT Plttshnrgb, Ft, Wayne Sc Gliteagn, and I*czui»Tlvnnla Railroad*. to all £a*t*rzz dale*. CLARKE & CO-, THROUH FREIGHT AGENTS, Are prepared to contract frelsht»thrungb.branthorltT of the Companies named above, at their office, W • ■ ■ Dearborn alrcel, • • • 73 4?.** aS depntof Pittsburgh, Ft Wavne* IL It. Uilcago. or at Depot. Liberty street, Pitt-barati. the oiuce- of the lVnn*v»vanLv ihilniAit ('oronnnvln Lost are located at No. 1 A*tor House. New York; *o. 1 booth W illfara street New Yor* ; No 77 Wash ington t-c ;: t. Boston; No. SO North street, Baltimore, and at the General Depot. Philadelphia. jaldTj«m ptEVELAXI), PITTSBURGH \J AND WHEELING RAILROAD EXPRESS FREIGHT LINE, Connecting at Pittsburgh with Pennsylvania Central Railroad* and at M'licclin» and with lialU* FLOUR, PROViSiOHS, GRAIN, &C., PITTSBURGH. WHEELING. NEW YORK, BOSTON. PHILADELPHIA and BALTIMOI*B, U lIOWOSt XX.AtOS, And with as good dispatch as by any other Route, Deliver Freight to M. S. & N. I. R. IL. and direct cans of C. & P. U R. M. C. HALE. -Vgeut, Olßce No. ifS South Water strcci. • Coar«l of irade lllnck. Chicago. Iron, Nalls, 4 a, contracted irom Plti-bun?h and Whccljr.g._ JaS&dUkMw gPECIAL NOTICE Michigan Soatbcrn and Northern EXPRESS FREIGHT LINE JFOR TOLEDO. DETROIT CLEVELAND. ■ BUFFALO. ALBANY, NEW YORK. BOSTON, PITTSBURGH. PHILADELPIILA, BALTIMORE AND OTHER KASTKUN* CITIES, Both ia the United States and Canada, An Expre«? Freight Tnli will leave Chicago Station corn* r of Clark and Twelfth dall v, at U o’clock A. 5I„ for tbeahov* Place*. Shipper* by this lin* can rclv on havlngthclr prop erty transported to it* dvatinatlnn with a* QUICK DKtiPATCU and aa rrw TU-\NBPEns aa by any other route. . This Corapanv have within the past few months built Car* cspecfiillv adapted for tt:U trade. If derlred, geight can be sent from Chicago to Cleveland. Una* t. Buffalo, Pittsburgh or New York without change 01 Car*. Hate* at all times a* lowas by acy other Line. t7~Mark Frelsbt designed for this Line, **Vln Michigan Southern Railroad Express Freight** Contracts given at the General OtQci.%No.s3 Dear born street, and at Chicago Station. JNO. D. CAMPBELL, IL H. PORTER. Oen.scp.Tolvhlo. Act Gen. Fr*t Ac*t. la3-ly CHAS.M. GRAY. Con*t Agent Small Coal 9 Small Coal. A CARD.—The subscriber brgs to announce to hi* friends and the nubllcrihatne has been appointed Ages; by old and reliable Eastern Houses for the sale of TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, Lead, and Old Wines and Liquors, Which he will sen to the Tnde on fivvoxable terms, tha 1-ttcr in bond or otherwise. la additl ju to the abova It Is SOMETHING NEW Cot one person to have In thU city upwards of Plano Fortes, SetvJn" machine** Law and oilier Bovks, stationery. Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Gentlemens Fur nishing Goods. Ironmongcnr. Cutlery. Lumber, Build er's Hard are. Furs. Clears and Groceries, a* well as Genuine Wines a*«i Liquors, which he has also fur sale for a short time (on commission), ami want* every; body to know tlut BARGAINS CAN NOW BE HAT* FOR A LWITEB PERIOD* To Cash Purchasers either Wholesale or EctaiLhe offers Inducements new and unprecedented g2T On be ns ta ored w Ith a rail he will satisfy the most Incredulous that this is no bogus announcement, ah cae goods are warranted DrsbcUsa. J. i\ DIUEhLY. Office, No. 9 Dole’s BuHdlng, • _ _ „ South end of Clark street Bridge. P. O. Bos 80. Ja3ds^Gm QfC t i libels. X. O. SUGAR, in tJfJ'J store, landing and for sale by REYNOLDS, ELY & CO, . A A A Bags RIO COFFEE for sale aTUV cheap. REYNOLDS, ELYi CO. QAA Bbls. ST. T. SYRUP, KETSOU3S. ELYJS CO. A A-Hlf. Chests T. Ef TEA? * \J\J REYNOLDS. ELY * CO. OAA Hlf. Chests Choice OOLONG t»U v TEA, for sale bv • • * • ■ REYNOLDS, ELY A CO. 1 A’Bbls. Prime XO. IKTJTMEGS. IV -Bgn.-QU>3.SIT»CO. 1 Afl BUs. Choice X O. 3IOLAS SES. n.wtodlß ferx . OLI , a ELY & CO. 1 AAA Boxes NEW il. R. and lUUU nATXT. oLpa SLr co 9 KA.A BARRELS CHOICE. M t/ U v WINTER APPiiES, just rrcelved and jhrsaleb/- STEVENS A WEBBER,. - ■ 1W Randolph atreeL - LARGE; OB; KiIALL ORDERS ‘jbr Feca. Hear '-tTlcur nU-d Ip short order and attn»U>wwtr«t*a »br* HraVfcwa ANQKRia. 1 'X>TIRE' SWEET CIDER—-in -vrhdk- J. and half barrels, received dally, and fbrsale si STEVEN3A WKBBES, ec3KtoS4m 103 Randolph street. ISanSing ayliJEicftange. BANKERS. STOCK depaethest. transportation. LINE ROUTE, VIA. Co Shippers. mure and Ohio Railroad. Contracted through to TO SHIPPERS. Indiana Railroad (groceries, &c. $500,000 WORTH OF GOODS, Embracing . t&atlmaag. Sisaia MaKg , S» U tCOTOM * II «« 530 a except Sundays, and at * «• TrS. a“ Tlel “ -oaeatotha md Dearborn »f Eiuidolpli adc.ClilSia. Wa ° 4 * ,tll “ Colon Depot. West E. F. KiTEICE. lioE-t AsS.^' 1 - P,M - A « en£ - Jil J&tflMaJfs. OSYNE& JtflA 71 -E P£NJi r STLVAIfIA CEN. TIUL KAILEOAD “ £^^£gSBSEIS& ur „ a . gfej^S^gs^sssiia I aoj otaec routcT - for 81>ce<1 comfort by as?£i|S^ c „V^ n ‘>nw t i clK gsatasg^s itessassssßg Uic above trains. eUe 611 ™** ar ® K oOtl on either of n«WSwt”SK“f« l Fall K uh53«S ui Sl£w£t- tapomo, Lb “«“- «STFia*aiWAt» a* Low aau ‘fmc aa'Qtncr aa ASK TO h™S;S“'s&£ S c A 6 .L l S?S ,ro “ 1 ?;“?« ‘ together Vita tbe*av&offtk 2£?s^L of * *«*«»*. is= sh.ppcn. l Sftastfjassxsg; V r 5 fc,bj ’ * vllie, Ind.: U \y Rroßiarn <?» . ”•! J'Htwoa. Itlbhen. diacinaaU; Mehlrrin* Atil ?° , a 118 for the P«t» - *“ and o i - 1 ./,K n S tV,,ri * a Ksilnwit also connects a» Pitt*. t^SSSSSSSSSSTSOSSSt J-tea ° t C Fidphtto ami from any point ih _ K '4li'?\v^ o iV h au^et - B»Wmorft rFm4?s^c^^ !orl,D^"r - No -^^ iiV« 1%-llv Jf *“£* p ‘ kr - r t- Boston, QIHCAGO & j XORTVVEST£KSr .l !e -. , '* r » l - ’rc«;)»>rt. danosyine, Galana. MaUaon. Irnirie do Chlen, Fund du Lac. OhJitnih* **fh? • V* VaoL Axx leave. "u* a ‘ Wr iior,dliy » November 2fth, lasc^tralna r—F Espresn—ms Jfoon, •ssssssa^sssEgsisjg?- &P«w.rrllo^cirnK^ > gg^wa; DDFtALO & LAKE HURON sdou,retSSciuS t “ l “ d toßalUc fSn^v'v £gP»wtliiffwJut-y.T. centtaf* Bwt fe-U60.1T US. CARTER. oV-n’l Maaaser ■jVfICinGAJT CENTRAL AND J--X UUEAT RAILWAYBL . Wldtor Ananseiuciitii* Trainsleave tlicGreatCentral l>epot,foot of Lain ... «... s lrwt,CliHco: A. it—Lightning kxnrcss (Sandaya excepted.} arrive at l*<‘troU fcis p. u. SaspeuslooßridsA 5.C0 a. h.; Albany p. New Tork lOJO r. Boston £O3 night. York and Boston Exprw. (except bainrdav.) arrive«t Detroit faiS vwaioo Drlilscof BnCaIoASO p. «„ Albany am. A OO ?’ * ork ikU) A. >u Doton nooi 8.80 A. it—Cincinninl txprtf'-K.fesccptSlinday.) throozii to Cincinnati in Ift hour*; •“ &W r. st—Cincinnati aud Louisville Express; (excess tSK w *^&2fe^V aartD ***** f^ cat keeping cars on all nfcrbt trains. Jbe RJO p. m. train connects at Part* wim tbe BnflWo and Lake nurou Railway for Butlalo and all points JfeSaSfi!* E “ t - SwttwmVwSw.aew 11^ Sa;tg:u;e checked through. Through. Ticket* principal Railroad oSceslnthe Northaai Westand at the Coi^anr* 2J5 'ooTof iSsSSSS” 5 "" ,mea - “ d “*• ATICHIGAN SOUTHERN AND J-»A LAKE SHORE RaILROaD. IBCO-Cl—• • Winter Arrangement IBs(wn Takes effect auncay, Nuv. 23. a.2l.—New York and Ro«tauExnre*s—daHraxeent SnudHVft. via (»Id Mu* except «J0 f. ».-Xt J -.jrtjjrc3s_ < iiuy except s»UmH 7 . yi. Connecting at I'cledo aarl Detroit with train* ta »n points Interior In Ohio. Pennsylvania. New York aS thoNew England timtesitnd Canada*. B.M A. tujlsjf. a.-Kttali.irah, Kdtlmari) and Puliude piilA rapre**, vln Cleveland. making a» ua.ctt ttiiiH a» *nv other mqto PJ3O a. zi*—Detroit Express via \ drift n arriving 1» Detroit at &Sor. v n aad%ls a. * . £>unectlug directly with tnil..* on Uau urea* _J£e,icrn and brood trunk Roods. ♦v^Tvi a^,4‘Dtss,ee P tn S taro accompany aU the Night 1 rains on tbtornute to New V urkandi!o*ton. »*«&«* office* la the West; and at the Company's Office. SSDearborn streets, «»■] at the depot. Trains'leave Toledo at 10.21 a. »r„ and 70J33 p a arrive la Chh-spo at f.OO a. m. n«id tf.CO r. %. - _ GhO.M.GIiAV, Gcn’LWestern Ag**nt Jony D. CAXrueix. QenT. Supt leNtaMy CHICAGO & ROCK ISLAND \y ILULROAD LlNE.—Passenger Trains depart front and arrive at Chicago as follows; Day Kspro*? and Mali leave «u9.15a.*- and arrlro at... 13 j*.«. (Sundays excepted). Sight Express leaves at 1L» p. m. (Saturdays except. Cell: (Monday* excepted) v Johct Accommodation. 5.W p. a. (Sundays exceptcdL •or TC T - J f>HN F. TRACT, CfcmSitft W. L. Sr. Joss. Sea l Agent. daZl ST. LOUIS, ALTON <fc CHICA- GO RAILROAD. The only ilirect route to PUKiminston, s*priarfeJ4 Alton and 6L LouLj. WITHOUTCUANob OF SARA. Two £spre<« Trains daily leave depot. Canal street every morning (cxcept huntinv> and every eTenlnz (az cept Saturday*: - * ‘ ' • EayExppesa. Sight Exp. I.,ste Chicign at-. &mr.£ Arrive at •* fca# - m Z 4:Wa-1L 2iO ** . •• •• ** irccatur ** •• “ '* &33 - <J3 - ** '* Alton ftl? “ gyO “ “ “ fct, Loqla .......loss ** laxs - Through train* arrive at Lblcaco atS-JMA. v.dndft-ta p.m. Jodet and Wilmington Accommodation leave Chicago at4.-09p.2f. dally (except Sunday), arrive at 9£oa.». SV" Elccant Sleeping Cats ou all nlrat trains. CONNECTIONS—At Chenoa with Xogauancrt, Peo ria and Burlington Railroad Ibr Peoria. Galesburg and Burlington. At Eloomlnzton withllll not* Central itallroad lor Ucramr. At SprtncGeldwUh Great Western Railroad of Hluols for Jacksonville Saple*aad Quincy. A* tt. Loa •-wla* I’acine Railroad for Jeuerson City. Syracuse, ». eorretovrii, BoonvUle. Lexington. Independence, Ean-*a City and Leaveo worth. with Ncnh Kd.Load for St. Cbarlea. . Hudson: and tit Joseph, and with Iron Mountain Kolb road fur Pilot Knob and Sonlnere yilwonrL with »»<t road Line of Steamer on the Mississippi River for Memphis, Vicksburg uad New Oneaus. For through tickeis apply at the Company’s Olßce, 43 Dearborn otreet. opposite Tnauoat House, and at the Depot; Canal street JAMES ROBB. CUAti. CONGbON. j nmiweri, E. B. MASON. SoperlntnodeDt josmi ph& ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAIL. X ROAD. 1860 ■Winter Airasganeat.— 1861 Ou ard after Sunday, November <stli, ISW, trains *m leave the GrcatCeutralDapo;,lcotof LaksondSouih Water Street*. 7£j a. at, (Sundays escepted) arriving at Peoria at ftSO p. x. St. Loma ifrSO p, m„ Cairo 4:53 a. at, * Mempbb SfcU)KX. New Orleans In 59 bourn. 9-JOr.At, (Saturdaisexcenfei)*. »>rlvi»<HnSt.Luulsat :i£o x.X.Cairo v —• Orleans la .19 hours. Train** arrive In Chicago at: TdOA.y.andSdOp.x, (Sundays excepted.) Through tickets for all important point* South and Southwest forsale at the oiheo ef the Company, In the Groat Central Depot. , _ w. r. AiriHUft. Gen. Sop’t, W. p. JOHNSON. Gen. Passenger Agent. VX RaILGOAD.—WnriEU AasM.vcicivrT. On and a fler Monday, November ilf.ili. WO, trains wGI leave Well? street depot a* follows Sundavaexcepted; 11:40xxandSiS)r.x,for Betvidere. Uockfoni, Free port, Warren, Galena,. Danli-Uh. Duouqur and Inter* mediatepplnts; IhtOa.xarulWWp. xfnrDlxnn, Polo, FUtox Ct-dor Rapid.*, and intermediate points; 1:00 p x. for £%ln, Belviticre. Rockford, ana Intermediate points; 504>r.31. for Geneva nnd Intennedlato points. Passengers for Beloit and Janesville will take the 11:40 a,xtrain. Passengers forCryrial Lake,McUenrr.Blch mond, Geneva Lake.and Intermediate points, will take the 11.40 x X train. car* oa night trains, __ E. B. TALCOTT, Gen. Supt G.M.WgFET.ER.Qes.PawngerAgL. iy7 pmCAGO, BURLINGTON & \J QUINCY ILIILBOAD. Passenger Trains leave and arrive Chicago asfol. lows: Mail leaves at lU3 a. x, (Sundays exempted); arrives at RSO r. x- (Sunday* excepted), Express leaves at 11.45 p.w., (Saturdays excepted); arrives a; 305 (Mondays excepted. Aurora Accommodation leaves at 3.45 v. x. (Sundays excepted); arrives at 10.« g uaulaMftwt /CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE \J RAILROAD. FOR MILW AUKEE. LA CROSSE ST. PAUL, OSH * kosuJbeb Tin and intermediate points. - On ami after Monday Dee. Sd. lAHX passenger Train* lex* e the Depot, corner of West Klnslo. and Canal streets. (Sundays excepted) as follows; . 7:15 a. x, and arrive at Milwaukee at lL3fi a. x 223) r. x. aud arrive at Milwaukee at 430 r. x - Paio»«oger Trains arrive ntCMrago at: Waukegan Accommodation Train leaves Chicago at 4&i v.x, arrives at Chicago at asos.x n024 a. C. BALDWIN. Snp’t. FP. DeDERKY, X D,, Home * epathlc Physician. Surgeon, £O. Baring en joyed an European medical education, with a practical experience In this country, the Doctor feel* confident he can give entire satisfaction la the treatment ci all curable diseases, Acute and Chronic. Office hours tm 9 a. x andjt to3p. x, and aQ bears .of nisbt a hlaresidence,S*Westßandolphstreet, noMSEte- • •. riATARRHI CATARRHI Dx BFELYFS Liquid Catarrh Remedy. War. ranted to be a sure and permanent curefbr Catarrh A Circular, with full parUenlan ot the disease, Ac. will be sent to any n«*oa by addressing ro»t Office Box 4285. Office 196, Lake street, corner of Wells, . Chicago, Pllnola. • • ;•, TZTLjr .DRIED COKHr, -3IEAL, JX riwni-jra\-™i Miu ot‘in. brand la store and for sale br • - * -• BEDFORD. MEREDITH £ CO^ falTSOly No. 219 Soath Water t|