Newspaper Page Text
'i - >' fy gT What i* ■ • V ' r 'i i replies la chans, * It Is to® uoef ercellcuCurtiele c\ «r Mde.** Then. ®;ala, comet.the qoeetioa; What is it? Anver, *■■ Sroybody ««It-' Ererrbo-ay.iikt® it,'. Try It totd J pro re Ui excel!eocc. fl aid ;* r« |sgr A Fribpd : inj;Ni^A- : .?lfiy j it,—. 1 DB. SWEETS U ‘jjj. 3 ltk nsM ln. ttopa^leeibrtlM^ss^twu^^Mrft'ftlibctlM’iMat l estonUtiacFoeoew.;^aa - 'ejttaMlT«mefr‘ltlewltiic •ay other ;«H "Bhromatirdad Ncr-: . Bidortitre' ibr Bpraha^Bami; lt»sbotblng' ■huiias and jxnrerftd«trraxfeaii^'.'Ttfbikrtliexdle ' th« Joit wonder b&u ftstookhment et erer StToa - ah. Ortr foot.tamdr pertlftb2tei of re* - _»*rk»Wes i res, perlbmedby it within the Ust,tv*- 7«an ftt ft*t ‘brJ.ftffpaKßOJ?,* 1 «al, ID ‘ State iaid by *H • - v « ' -tri z-aoSt^ChroDW-ly ts?* Gredej , B ; 'Jßoturboa ; ' Bittbrs.—: Tom popalmStnias WimiT, ttd an cmtUned *>«« Tnym u^, twcnist, ■>' well u tha mdet acraeftbls Brbiuosio' 4rcr offered to the pobHe. ftj « toolo theOU People. drUmte Ladles, ooavuoeoect Invslldi, ssd all Weakly - people, they caiuSot he turpeoed’tfii in CMWofWeak. peat or dehSUty, they trill slve ImTßedltto. rel ti, end, : etrong’ healthy tone to the system. [ Atrial.. trilLeatabliah their inertta oreraQ other TozdccnoSr la' . «e,. ’ror Lcxa Goxrijans. B*osaamft JhrsrxrsiA,' E**T6cs'DisftiSD iJrt> Lirzt Caxruujrrft they are an - laTataable:racedy* aad af« * cert*l* jwaatiTeor; • _Oama*adrmao.- •/’ •" ‘ | ■-■- - ; ;• | .- fut ap la Qua£ BottlM l .ta eeaea of oha ft&dtvo i deaes. sad lor DrocsUta and Oman «my.. ■ 7‘.|p*««.* ' ~ ■"“ ir.F.ft A. W.GEEELKT, Froprtelon, Ho. ■*’: street. DbstcnC Man. • :■£& : ■-, -. >. J. H. ’ • Ke.ytfStfttaatreet;Chicago. a.«.LA3n)OB, Agent.': ftpSTW-dawiy' .-•jayr Kennedy’s Medioal=Di£OOTerj «w-eona Bcrothln. . Kennedy** Medical Discovery com Xryslpelaa. • - • : Kf-Wftdy** Mfufleal PUeorM-y him r*.nto»j • Kennedy's Medical Discovery cores Nursing Son Uth. - Eenaedj’s Medical Discovery cures Humor of the Kyes •»iXeaaeUj*iMedical Discovery cores Besld Head. Kennedy's Medical Disco very cures Uanclngoflheßar Kennedy** Medical Discovery cnrcs'tnceravd&orsLeg Kennedy** Medical Discovery cores Lepra. Xsoned>*s Medical Discovery cares Khcomtlna. • KeanodyvMtdlcal Discovery cores Salt-Hhctun, Koonedy's Mcdlccl Discover cores Dyspepsia. KeonedrsMcdlcal Dlsoovery Regulates the Bosnia. Kennedy's Medical Discovery Regelates toe Kidneys. Kenned vis Medical Discovery Regulates the Liver. XeanMj’a Medical Discovery haa cored Dropsy. When yoocre dem and do not laov whatthematter, h. perhaps you have aalnward teaoe/' Try Xennodjr*s Modi cal Dlsoovery. “* For sale by alt Drvcgleta. fEusit S*o«ss. ELDEST MUSIC HOUSE IN \J Chicago. H. “MT. HI GrGrlN S, . (Snccesior»toH!csln» Brother*,) Ko, 117- - 3*mdolpfc. Street.. - -Hoi 117 .lathejohlyplacelnOiedtj’ , where eB kind* of Mode Book*and Sheet Uo&lecan he fon d. Do notforget the number. U7 Bandolph stmt, sear the earner of fromtljo^mit^irompUy attended to. - , v T ABGEST W.HOIiESAIE 1 j r :; ; eouskih t ; . -*■ . finical lastrEmalts and Strings.' v jsjtSIW'SAOTBiy; S£ SoutH Clerk Street, Chle»«o, tniheTeiyorUclelatheir :i t'' ' 4 AT THE LOWEST HEW.YPRK PRICES. -J, BATHES. thrums and brass JL/ - issTsmaarra,- J laE TB Is, , • OrT . , SRUMS AKD BSaSS INSTRUMENTS. eoatlt ol»tWn«) tMe«o.' ' - foctsaaMTi & r Crass Code HaanfMtnrtrV COPPERSMITHS, .. C. -OMKB WEOUGfIT^IROrPIPE, - STEAM AHQ CAS FITTIKOS, i; BHEET COPPE2, BLOCK TIN, PUMPS, &0. AJso--PxrtlcularxttcritioD paid to JoßUfiff of aS ,-v jda dincCTected wlth the Trade. - fisa T£a»blngtoß. Btract, OUcb(o, ZU. tadflPJy] 1). JIifAKIANE’S *®aa. Steam Fitting AJO— - . ■ X* &a S*Ue VCrMt, €Ums«i ■ - ' ea hitch* aib iibi ninnis, PMCWMit FXF.»B*A /..•J;'* •' : : iid'3fanftl*otar«r ; .o!. .,.■•• if.t. ywTga» Qg fiTEAH WOBK TO TRAOEi- atreot TijUKTEE &.FOESITH, JJZ. Maoutactartnt Company SCALES,:/^ TIKIASCIBGLAS PEOOT'/. * \ - fptsfeooiaTtarVi.Bagpagaßar-V \ ... xowi,Batar.MJßi,*a.^ otfMSBMm •■ ' i« Soaih'ffatarßt.Ctiicaio. a ' A* , jpre*»»i«j«n BcaUt l IT *J Hsstifcctered'by ■ ..... 8, S.HI7CHCOCK, :MsgscfSotfw Bep*lrad. t . TTCH( HOWE’S STAND 'ABOBCAIJB3L' IRj VAIDEBVO3RT. DICKEMI I ya.Q9A Jg&SßtjL ITaUMtofUnl. So Cheek <Mato» "gSor* fvW ■ C-SAV lif Q M JT.E 8* ,' . • S’fcialiy >nd ■ ;.i ;;S etc seWinq WACHINEB. ’ NOWBKAUS TUB PATEKT U- C^8 M * BAKES.. ELIAS •Kuwa jifSS All M.'Wl* leiunx or Mint arm «r« ■ • «rr.V« rmutlwm; 10 • direct cempetittoa and on nn equally ponolar baala U» cß*AmrantmUT*AMD ■ MASKKTv , ; - •■'■■J ~ ~. *r? iSitteatoocr MaeMmw wtj^aaocr cißtoinfrf ' vc cficr to UEFOKI* tor " eo* mscUlue wtidi does not wholly e4ttrtr.Uie Ttii»feainrc.alotteisaKttonr xnacmne worth aOer.a»th*r«laiiecctiarflyaoma itakS necdievSiCf• a;»p*ca nnfler lke *rm: mwj S^nroocmaonapvoi*. neither beinrou(cne4 and t^ihto oAiDOsns U secured fronJstt » crattrou ■ : : : ■■■aßisaMaMMfc .g^gg£p%M -i •• hAnSSaSolbJ ' ~ onr Ruoceston, reprwcntinir that oor maenlna ooi of «nd a cutaway B 2 An tea dace.'- -Weonly aeu ; otir own zoa£bhica» TtC ; ‘SirtVFQrT'a Patent, osdara. (ha aoU propfleton u ' A.V - Office Box SUCtaSeagptlQ. , ipati it IS? ateed, {Dp-bUlrv) .. dtfl»dTWi Yottfe v^TEaIC";DYir ■aN; ' Ortt,*ai ClMAir-oiM IS£S P. 0.80*2553' " •' ♦-> • t-■ ‘' sc*toffl«xo«*sa, •tdemzs} . W-. y »3£JaEa.2R<SHk‘ ;^^sß^Sasa3Bß^^s’ ' i ’ t *^^6Suut* tejafwtiluttaa or I"jion, iNDKtVwrNG. l.t^^uJ v i V' rWtCCt ' ln,r “ a .Toposft?M«l 11 to 13 a»h. ■-> jfKxlm- SxctgTtge. A?f ~ON •«i /.ffl 1 ■Jn . t2i.o. .O it y -ori'd; Couiitry. gMI’ ■ “J.r.PQWiaKGB.-CO, BS'Clirtitrert. '; 'W ANTE D—Land'-WMatanisr •tjWrjitv.:! ■-. K'-xi:-;:-! t i ->s r. awatto ; ; ■ . T.'j-srjnjc vav&'iianan. ~ : I gacurt ttrwt.Cnmgr L<Aa., C n A. in; /3OTI^:TOHK_-JOT.vBOjn»wV“ ..acowklrj Ocmni*tonlimch»nt» Ba.iak ]\f O N EZ vT Q v L PA N ■ itjnoACOtCixKrpßopKßxr, ~ ; Or oa-6ood Improved-Fann* 1& this stfttft< CHAVBHHfI, LEE A COm *- •■ 't ftynUfllMjn. i ~ ..iTv.^Lahßatreet;^ M OOT -r L 0: A N Si J> :-T ■•- oft awfcdtoa aacpHlee at the •, lt Hftnklng OflM Of Viii.H.Blea & Co*/ Ci ‘Halloa 'Clirk, Street. : Three to fira yean* Loans at lOperceata ShortFa ;jydlaepfttttedaCaahedTaftcaaoaWarehotiiSße<MSota.i V--^r-qtyXcrSWaated; TO LOAN A._^-fteft—l Kt rjsnV Commet,- - - '« U&. p!p 1 y *!t O } '*-*£* I .‘.•jcvj B RNST PR U SSINCI ’ •'■PeftXer In Bcdiaiga, • ' c EOSEI AHD BEAL ESTATE BROKER : ‘ •Agent lor;tits Brltiah. Comiaercial •' •*' • «nr*noe Golf Fablia ■i. - !7o« 6 • - litmen Bloek • - N6. 6' -.PDii-ly M. S. cor. of Clark Aijd WaSMagtoasta. JA M ES "I>: ’ Sfiißrßia-iA'ir: BASKSTG, SHIPPED AS9 W3ffllS3l«3fj * "•■ :Ra;iß Bt«ltltiDet, r Upßtsim';.: '.Cosh iafranc& r cn ad’ Wijl» ofptot>ertT Ocmrien*d'' fOrooleorehlpment, r. r r,*-* . _Caah*adTancad*oirian»'orLsdla* tod Wanaotsa- Beoalpta.- - .. - - ...; EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLtS. Lotion Immlosgtimt dnßtto TCfH««h Mlrhlpw TnH<«r>» It«iwim Alpa’ a Cood tenant.’ .Amort desirable residence *to exchange Car nnpro dnetlTß property. - • IB^Credlt*jlrenonTJewTcEksnaßoetoa; • 1 • • * - • ‘ • • totflDCDLeml v i -OcS’SHy DRS. SMALL, & BEEBE have remored to their Kcw Office’Booms,'*' i Np» 103 ; Waeliliicton ViJ •- 'Where they are prepared to attend to tbelrpmfenlonal calls la Medicine and Surgery at all boon of the dor and night. ■•. ;'o^tjaiMSSS-lm 1 pHAHLES B. WATTED % i • ; \J ATTOBNET AND COUNSELLOB AT LATT.j; I*B Gluk'Strcet) Ghlcago, j Particnlar attention given to the law of reel ertate'- : and to the collection of claims wllbln-tbe State of ITOnoIC ' • ' " ; del-ly PATSOJT * REYNOLDS, . X * ATTOBSETB * CODHSELLOBB AT LAW; 80 • • Dearborn Street '-V ■, 80 ‘CHICAGO, ILLINOIS; Atmaoia.—Beraolds, Ely A Co* I. H. Surds & Oo 4 Chicago; Wb. B. Ateyno'.ds & Co„ Boston; jobnM. Atwood, BM- PhlladclrMa*. Messrs. Springer A While. rm.r, g. g. l/HomPoalCQ, aa., , Clßftlnnst|3John An. drcws.£eq 4 Pret*t Board or Control. D. W. Deehler, president, Columbus, O.tZ. B. Ely ± Co., George Sto* phenson; Zdwoid Plerrepont, Etc. New.Vori; hgx Ira Barm, Bon. Amooa J. Parker, Albany, N. T.; : riRAWFOBI), 1 SHARP* & CO^ \J IHPOBTEBB and DBALXBS la .Crockery, (ilue and TableCutlerr, Looklne Glaaars, Caa. tort and Brltith Ware, No, la Lake street. C!ilCr.go, mtnnu ■-■•-••• mn27-380y. gitationrrg, '-sce, ;*■ i ’ : 0 /BARTER & STONE, Healers .in SAGE AKB Pirna, i r •Bsoßfi CBMistTMt.;;: ~v.-... l .;;..cuc»io l m ‘J. T. Coraa,- •.r Jt. & Sto**. ■- , • orcoihnsld ibrah ***<*■ ef Cotton and Woolen ' eIJb.-. r - Pfcl’dO-ly : RUTLEB & HUNT, ‘4B Stalest., T> hive sow cs the fbCowlnc line* of printing 29ltT ’ «X« V Mia { 28x8^ sztf ' Sm* !=*«. • 36x41 31zS4 23x81 - gxS »t37 • ••■ soo ream* Cep and Letter, end a ecnc'd eesortaisst - •••.’ pfprtntertStationery. • •’ •*• : •.. • liDOkeo erf Uatheracelehmsd BpoK and bewelnk. Wof wtidiwm be sold for cash the toveet pcKl. -. ohU* 1 ’ jyCsah paid for DA. ’ IN.GEBSOLL, • wt.iitg Book-Uururlcmxxßt BOOK BISBBr AKD BDLEB., bonnd In any style. .6ld lk>ola bound and rr *bonod. jfot iJeaS. GIT. JOSEPH Ufc; PIKE’S PEAK Tituuportatioitmo, : iu WABEEH fc CO, . - General Fnlghtera to tha IUsM) fITOBAQE. FOSWABDWG AND • OOMMTRSIQg nvoMA, ««*• mkrchaKTS- * * - - s^srag^isH?niS^s^^ SScm. 4««U»dairUtjrnloM, Jiufc prompftr«. ‘/edmuy '■ st. JoaepVMo.;. f* UNSI—GUNS 11—GUNS! H—' VJ Omu, RIOM. PatoU; ColVi A!- -i jjagr’isaSto**. »pnr trusses. RETTUEES'CUBED XV BT THE 7 ff , j -V ■ HiKD RDBBiS KI6G9 | I la TznUheVlwtKnt any I »hS^W«»W^ttS*wX<rtF^ ©BStmt. j | " A YSTERSI ’OYSTERS! V.™ : - Frntt Dealer,- itf Randolph at. OTEVENS&-WEBBER. OYSTERS, X^y • V WREBH TBOiS BALTIMORE KVEHT DAT. 103 lUndolpb Street - < 108 T. : JB.> PLATT ■t=- ‘ oysters . r ■ TEOH EALTIMbEE AND DELAWARE BAT. : $S •.• > Btndolpli-Stmt .«; •> 05 Orders Qromlhs eoonVTproaipUy Mended to. (2A2;^ ? ' : \':^ainiers.l : -r ;TEYNE a- ALMINL ■■ : f} Fnmui Beeoniln MRf! dS’ P;A,I;Nff:K,B;B,-?W| | JFf ■'■ IMTTuUnttOT«t,CtIMEO. f . TRE3CO-ANI> DECORATIVE PAINTING lathe f^wy-Pining Batts aodLlhrahc* pi tret* daMßetidcaceS .Also. the Interior of pinrche»,rab--, Ua - n«n« . in; JUlnols JuuL other i Slates, • Ve attotf^sstrtct*u3fcon tomeOrwidiig of ."Wood, ■ >n»t yprtynnp. order*. conCoeat icT ex ft- ! x " : A »!i •' 1 - twioßn'; ABMBnOST fa \ :n-E‘'w: isr s. v A. —it—'! •--A | -‘ ' ; J BBAKE i BBOfl, " ; . r ; ■t IJJBTEK3 "AND RAPES’ HAHQEBS, •'. V ... r ,,..,,,*«U» ~ ¥’* j ~‘ rl ! -V. •,CDP^ipBri.V , STOGKji n i'4^ ' V"l oir ' ■ ’ : ' : COOTAIHIHS"S94■:ACBES^'r,‘: ■fSSS!SS2ft?S&£ r*Ss^wffi^ Tox Jttyer two mllwimim Bturta, Sinrmjlc# fn» .-fiesme»sßss&^£s^. -gaaasassi , nS2»gti±«Li ; «b^sggn^gg^: - • *fleTßd«Mm fktday; isqi: 1 , Dolly Arrival antt Bepftnoirf' of Iff ail •• ,•■ i-- ; ;-*'.v r v- O. ;y.—EAST,V-A ’■ £/ •:v’r:i- KICHTftAN-J3OUTHESN? ! -6Xoft. 10.' ;:‘i4,loXop.lß. -'-/r •‘ ••ICJWft.ia,. •'•&6OPJD. : ‘ iv-iiWL 4.45 5^ <V. lUOOp.BL’ v . UOHIGAN CENTEAIii*? , ' x :6.00ft.a... ♦ _(lD.oop'nL / ' rilo.Soft.m. -ammo:" . . ‘4A*s.vl.:: J-Stmt*, a. :; r PIfeiraBS;OT.IWAIOT!j^I®IC!AQO. ' -jp 5 8J00 a. a., ■X 6.80 p.m. • t>ia rlQ^Op.m. i j ir:ivr <•' WSa.m;^» ’ fijifl ft. m. •■ V p : m -, - MQJ.S;-ftfJo*•SMbJiu •*’J.SVMOjim' ILLTCfOIB CENTHAIr—B»A3fua. ■ “‘~’- ■/-/ 7jo iiiTKut ■ •SJop.m.'-1 .‘ 5 J BJOp. m.‘ ’iliJß <i a;«». * rii'cis>«;m»-' >-■ • 5.15 s. m. a .?ii-iiiop.». 5.15 p.m. - -•• • ' . ~; .51ZEOH. AKBOT, IXHJD!. i \ ■•».iSa.m."". • ,t:„B.00>iB>.;•* /i< BJO«.a. . ls.Mp.ffl.v--f! B.lo p. auf 10.-.’-r'’ :;-i’ iNOBTSI ANDIVJBHV n > 1 Qja^A^iOT.^6X(HJ’timON. 11.40 ft. a.'". 10.00 aTm.- — * 8.45ft;m.: “ so *SSS&sA*ff*f?rr. Product'of Uie■ OilfSprlogecf Fenii* ' i . " •; V [Prtmi Uic NVT.' ' • ‘f.- ‘Brobably-not have beeii* . commenced "within mile® --about Titus-' ‘ville durihgthe last' elgntben Tnonibsi andjiro-' Ijably not over 200 are as ytt at hU eocceaefal. ijany hayo'. beca abandbaed, auniberwo sUli.ln-proKrc6a,,Witli more orlcsaj ie&coungiag:<'SlgnAv; Not with* tandipc ,ft~cdn-~ slant and steady o ln'(freaßQ iu Ihe snpply of the 1 'olVsuclibas 1 been the '.deniapd tbat iho price; %vas never hlgbcr ihan at the present moment} and every gallon finds as ready, sole at its Value ’■ as California gold dnfet- : • v r/ . - ■ Several refineries Myd been erecled ln'the /oil regions' at theTVbst. r?itnfch;of the oil goes 'down tiie AlleffUany to Eittstmrghj-jet tbefol . lowing etateirieht ortho quantity poising over: ifc 'Erio -ltallroadTrlli rive some - -'.partial' idea.orthe.rapiaUy'zwith-'Whichthiß • soiircc ! or!lght'ana i wealthis; developing: November, 3839......J..51 barrels. » December, : “ Januaiy;lßoo. £3: • “ :FebroafyvtlßCo.;.’.;;^;;.;Vv.t..V. , /.:-cll6; “ 414 : •* •April? iB6O , Jnue, .Toly, J5G0...1,42n : “ ; September.'-ISSO.V. ♦ .J. /J.'.-: ...,j .V. ..Q,253 • 41 October, 1860- 1 ‘* i,sV - Xovembcr,'- 15C0..‘1..8,069 t 44 ■Dtscemb€r, 15C0.,....*...,i.^>.':..'i.^..6,451 ‘ *. 4 -. .i ■ Jannary 15,3861, (2 week*).'. .5,741 ■ 4 ‘., ' r ..‘ Wp cdpiidj?r tbo£ ail the; oU'is carried ’in trogoua over a rough Pennsylvania road for t bvc Qty*two miles la reidi the rail at Union • Mills;-the statement Vrill : appear reasonable -Ihathof -’leaff than teams - are. constantly .’employed';in' raUroad to Titusville wlUprobjrnly he- built Abe - ensuing. €eas«*iL . Titnfivhle^tsel^-hiia‘ qmldrnplcd Its “population within-a year, - - .. Theajipeftitace Qffoißotlinits crude state. Isas tblu und of a-reddish-brown color. it first comes: from, thewdls’it. Is a$ inflammable as spirit gas. 1 Indeed the gas' often takes lire'at' the'-.-^ells.. JVuts,. derricks, barrels, and all havc often been burned up by thc careleS6‘uso of'a,'candie about the Trails. In the process" of'dlstillatloh or redoing; the crude oil ports vrltUfirdm 20 to 40 ‘ ,pcr cent, oCi ts ,o rhinal elements, and becomes . as pure and limpictas tratcr } :an<i os free from* the explosive element as" wmde oil. - ' '• As an Hlamibator, the refined oil affords a steady, clear light, ftlmoEteqnal‘togas inbril-' ; Uaafcc, ‘ One ordinary lamp, ..burinfig ; a half 1 pintmlen or twelve hours, will.give a light equal to slx common candles, xmd far more brilliant than sperm 01l wUI-alibrd.« It is clean-* •and not greasy4n, its - odor. Of naptha, bufnpt m ore 4 , unpleasant than*' that ari&ing from spirit gas/ 'lhe prico.of the refined oil’ is now eighty cents per gallon.. ... . -J-rjti :./•!> ; J; - A recent number of the LOndon Tima spooks, of this oU as .articleVof. American com -merce^thabhaafoundita/way toEsglsnd, and • met with much-favor We'; know, of no new .article in the history, of recent discoveries that has so readily fonhd -ah' unlimited market isome of the land otraerf aronhd Titnsviilo have already achieved incomes; of SIOO,OOO per annum. ,;>i! .■ ■ • ; . As to the origin of this oil, there.ore many tbaories and conjectures.- Its. geological posl ' tionis beneSth the bltumlnons and-- 1 -above' the anthracitc.' : . 4 The peLoliom is prob ably derived from the natural separation of the bituminous from the .carbonaceous portion of , . the coal, which oozing upward from faults and ; fissures in the coal ;seam t -dm!n'T-off between. tbeetrata,andfollows'the inclination-of the : latter, nut|l it reaches the surface ip some de nuded portion of the' coairbed. This gradual oozing, over extruded surfaces; yields a large supply of liquid,and*-ifiß supposed ‘tlmt any one sinking a welTdeep enough to reach a thick .stratum of petrolium, will .obtain an abundant mid constant yield _ . ' - Slmilar'oils obtained in Canada, in-Kentucky, and in Ohio. In the Burmese Empire §lmUar wells exist, from yhlchthcoil is drawn in buckets.-;! There'are about four hupdred'wells ovCrft'space bffsome twenty square 'mjjes, which ore .the ‘ property of the Governmxmt v steadily worked ‘for a. Very long "time.* 1 . The ;oJT and .much heavierthaa lhe .'genheylvahia since it;has found its way to Europe ,lt has • quadrupled tnprice. : A Genial Notice, of Emerson!, [From the:.Literary'Notices of the Atlantic t ■- u , *r ! Monthly,!::^ • It U a elngihar fijet that Jdr. Emerson is the ■moststeadily.attractive lecturep in- America.- Into that L somewhat cold-wateriah rtglon ad .'venlnrers.of down, now and then with a. splash, to become dLsrp- . Sirdcd Klng'-Xogs before the next season.,; atilrrEmerson always draws.- ■ A lecturer ; now for some time like a quarter of a century,, .one of the pioneers of the:leetnring system, * the chamr of hlB f mknner and'hi*. , ' matter has never lost its poweT’overhla earlier.' ! •hearers, and winds new ones inits'; "enchanting meshes.' tyhaithey fio 1 not fully under? t*udthQr,takaojxXru6t, andllstdi; say-, log to themselves, as did the old poet of Sir ' Philip Sidney ; { 7* rJ ' ;u ‘ : • .. ; 44 A«weei,'attraetlTe kind of grace, * Afall astarance it gives by looks, ! - Costional comfort ina face. 4 . -JThe lineaments of gospel ’. "Wb call itatingnlar Ton* keesare thought to be fond of thespread-eagle • style, and notblnffoan'bo.more ; remote from that tiifln hla. Wc are -reckoned w practical , folk, who woidd-rather hear about A new air .tightptove thanlabout. Plato: yet our favorite teacher's practicability Is not in theleast of the - variety..- If. ho-have any Bun combe constituency, it is that unrealized com-- of - phliosophere.whlchs Plotinos proposed to Establish; add if he were tq make • an .almanac/hts directions fo. farmers would be something like .thiSA Indian Bummer: now iffthe time to get in your early Vedas ” "VThat, hissecrctS ..le it not 4 ithat ho hls'range In ' "duues'U9”all f at homo with ths potato Hhfeka and original sin, with psg . ging shoes and-the pversoul? that, as we try - oil fee-tried. f4l cultures? and ~above all, that- his mysticism gives us a coon jterpoise to. oar. supcr-practicabUity. t . There is nqpian liyjhrto whom, hi ft so many'of ns feel and-thankfully "acknowl edge bo great an indebted pees for enoblinglm . "pluses—none whoni Vd-inahy.- cannot abide. What docs he mean t ask his system ? What* Is* the use of it all ? t What; thoducohave; wEitoudowith the Brahma?; . do not prppoge,to, write an essay on ; Kmnrsun at, the Lqjchd ofaFcbraixy 'Atlantic, 'with secession longing for somebody to' bold : It; and chios cdmoagamXx fim Sooth Carolina Ua-pot, We will only, say that we hate'found grMdej»;opdv«sUsplaUon,ln a starlit night ■, without -caring - to meant, save . grandeur and consolation; wo hare liked Hon talgng, iis.somc. ten geugratlous before da have ;done, without thinking .him so systematio os > some tnore-cmlnently tedious-(or shall we say : : cmlnent ?) authors; we have thought roses asgqodia-tircirwayas'cabbages, though, the Utter wunldsilmye.iuadi arbeiier show In fUo u cross examined, as to nscfhlness; and as for Byahma, why ho can* tatecaroof Idmsclf.-hhd-ivonJtbliepsat any. : rat*. •. - , :-r -«t- v ~.n .«nr.- ;t r M"i 'The bother with'; Mr. jEmenon-is,; that,' though he writcaih prose, the, is essentially a : poet.* If - you undortahe to paraphrase what fie ( says, and to reduce it: sylU-E ble for infant’minds,’jouTrinr-mako,as!sad ar • * worker ft as'ihe good xdonfrivith-luß analyßis of nomcr Virott rumJV :Wu look' upotfliTm .oqe; of the men of genius whom our age has there needs ho belter proof of it jhan hla mascullnp pilqda;> Search- Pif.hifi.elpQuencd 3hTnla books and^ yon wiß> ■ pcrchahce'- rolss ihTbut* meahwbUe.-rou will find that it has kindled oßyoarthodgnte. For , cholctTohd .pl£h of laQgtrtgo.hbj belongs to a ” • better agaibao'.'Qnre, aud might rub shoulders with Fuller though'he docs nee •. that abounnahle word J ;miaWfi.rrEiSreyo f°r, a ' finfetclllDgphrtiethatwlirqarty > true IsTlke* Ihauff ibr a riflqarid he will' ’ aredgo you up a cholceyrord fromithacoziroT ■ Cotton.MaUi,orblmaelf:vA AictioaaVonce so as his, werkhownot jwher^ ’ ’to match in these days of ynlingby^; i Tbelmanyi cannot raise his meaning, and oniytqrrew can Of ah true genlusr 'What mean -:qnotho?a _He> mean in* r :- * ‘ - ' - ' -1 ■ ' Apropos of ; parte cue. • Oar oWnm ■ Eto right of InherlUbco,jlnj-the-. Uur j JVae • mairlago pf hla with Mis TattenM; finally - . kenn'Onr-BiltinVJW aeismß.has.eqgKed on his side it; Bcnywitho famous IcgiUmiaUawy ‘TCri'ouerpf opapicnts ©f theri 'French duno-whU twenty iy»MB ago. defcndedth«r-preeen^Emp»rot?whfea 4 no was on trial fb^^iffe‘ln^;^b^hattbcr.of. Peers after the BOuldgnchfEdr... Ifcls Said that .the cascwrill come on for trial nextweek; and it Is alsouald that (Balttmorcaos have rejected oil propositions-for sqnuhlng UftjcufdiW-. * the Tcgulcr.Vtddrirfi ‘of the law the j * ' Whence sbrnh innocents conclude that the Bal ■ 5^ J *3 to roof|d oyer, bo os to prevent It being covered with SnHjfcy* .It Is lighted at. night, and. the band of 'tho’Ca-* cadianßifles generally attend.: ■ Thplodles Jjjpv *qucat IV'wwrtnir short dresses; looped npio: "as Id be but of tbeway,' rmd ; .7"~&6katlng off atjtQyertonf^! aiew day*ißinfcc,i N.BUm, of Tumton^iuid 0 atf Ihdian^&om^Moosehcad the#Lpxe.nro min utes and 34J£secoiid* .per; milteiAfan j Indian: led for the first thrce’milca. ( —The Democrat states thatjon’; Tuesday of last 'week, Mr. James Jones of Rochester, a gcnUemanyrho has passe&'Tilfi; sixtletliV«ir, skated ifrom that city to HoUpv.j The next day bo returned to Rochester on; . skates, % -went, fdlcw^nlytwdvuyparj.of 7 anff b^ybnng^ Bdehettep le thrtor raveleta slusXe(l jt-ijo,- twerhbufs^and nineteen' : mlnnten. ' .s;:£sviV | ‘ ’ U ‘ , ' Y — TbeN. T. Clipper states that the (fastest mile In skating was mode by Wm. Clarke,’at r Madison, *Wis. r ln I.minute 58 seconds ;^dsoj r ' =that Vaaya'a skating* „■ mat ghrhaa beenmado .between Fuller pfjßQsk' ton7and —Governor Morgan and 2ady>were present:' at-'a-’ghmd ca^v^&~Albany : laat i It % c . years’:, experience,-wba • has taught bis children iu^a-^brtnight,jwritesi Ihdfono^^g'dbectloui’:'"' 1 ’ **' I T^i r V* J, rt . the'feet, ,af each stej) l imaTh!ey‘'abauld practice It also ■•wbo'aai'bnly 1 if "they‘wish’tb bscomejjrofliient. paces the' one footoyer the - other at eveiy pace;aha same, line backwards, crossing the dn6 r tf>ot behipd? : the btberat every pace.- ’ Ydn Trtll 'get a fall or two &t'first,’b’ut in'a ftwleesOns •that you can do Without them; As soonjas tbis *is • accomplished'wlth-mod erate ? facllity.BUll' .adhering to the crossing thefeet,Which Is,the, -■whole secret, let thefoofrfoUowthe skajte* and ■yon .will 'find -that yon -are,'lnsensibly as j‘i| ‘ were, Tolling both backwards and forwards the outside is a simple mechanlcaljcertalnty,'*s,-theJeg once ctassed, the skate on each foot can only rest on,,the . outside edge and the balance of the body .In] that position’hasbeen learnt 1 • Bomanee. , \ H ’"'^fPwraHte’ Kew'Yotk Trilftmo.] ;. " - K Some'flvdy<ar*.slEce the people of a, thrifty, '•village InsonthemObfo wercVejy much scan-. 1 dillredhythe conduct'ot the wife of their.' : always haverahjorfi,); who eloped with iih actor attached to an iLiner- - , ant'lheatricfll troupe that vlßitethe mayor pursued and overtook hiawife, premia-' ‘-Ingto pardon,’ahdtake her backtohisihearlli and heart if she would discard the act or—' - She was quite deaf to his entreaties, utterly refused to hare anything jnnrft to do with him.' * She had imbibed an uncontrollable pass Ion" fori spangles,blue fire and recklcs%adventures from * tbe mood-Uilrsty two-shilling literature of the - - d.iy and fancied that'she would be very happy : .with tbe fascinating impersonator of the'hrt 1 .gauds,, corsairs and ; cheerful ,people of'-that " ~aort,-uppn ,theinimic<Btage.^-The/■unhappy’ mayor returned to bis home. aid-people, and, in order to drown lusdomcstlc sorrows, dnah ,cd into the political sea With headlong Impetu-1 osity," He served severol succeesive, terms in. the Stale legislature, 'and.even rah.for Con gress, battrozd the unexpected..circumstance ‘of .hlshpponcnt receiving a larger number of' 'Votes than himself, ho lost - the. opportunityof j distinguishing hlmsclf ’ ~ V 'A fo beingln the city, the geutieniauwankered mid a Bowery concert saloon, where' comic 1 Bongs ’of a 'singularly dreary charactcf are sung; where women,who i ' "might be much better than they are, but ..who 4 certainly could 'not be'-mneb worse,; dimee - with a serene to propriety, and where men and boys congregate to drinJcomd t smoke, and (as they with ghastly sarcasm tana • it) M enjoy themselves. 1 ’- • Tbe princlpal dah--. seta* of the establishment was tbe gentleman’s long-lost wife.':* They recognized each other; a compromise'woe effected, his regard for her was us.atrong-as cyer, and heagpin received: her. . .... - •{ ' L’ The WiTA-or-flm Late Jlaut P. Tows*, send. —The will of the late Mary P. Townsend of Boston has been presented for probate. Her ' principal heqnestls to the Home for the Belief, of Indigent re'maJeß.'' She give* s2o,ooofor tha,; erection of additional buildings upon the estate ' iuCharles,street,and.soo,ooo, “theinebme of ■ -which is to bcappliedto the support of those females-.who,.in legal, phraseology/arb called', ‘spinsters,*^or single women.”. - She says, in [ her testament, that.ehe belongs to the 1 sister-.. I hood, aud.ia ,in dnty, ,bound, aa she has the ,means, to.prpeuro.them;a shelterirom “the. - quiet jhbme'.' > The recipients are to be such as are reduced-i ;hy. poverty, not crime; to be Americans; and j born of American parents; they are to be of ; the virtuous poor of tills description,’ * who are single from choice or necessity,,. To the Bethesda-Society she gives $1,000;.[ the Massachnsetts Bible Society s2,ooo;'the** Massachusetts Congregational Society $3,000; | tbo Beamen’s~Ald society- s2,'ooo.*fJbe gives, i in trust, to the Home in {/banning street, con- ? dneted by Harriot Byan, $20,000, .which la- to- - .lie paid to the Homo whenever it shall become ; •incorporated. ;To the President and Fellows i of Harvard College, for the-benefit of Indi scholars.* $20,000. To. the /Colonization J; Society, $3,000.' Tothe Gloss Fund of the class of .ISO 3, $2,000. She has annually given a handsome donation, to the fond for the benefit of tbo indigent members -ofthla-iclass, *of' which her brother, the late Alexander Towns end, was a member. The Sewing Circle of. : West Boston Church S3OO. The Rev.-'Dri ; Dewey, of tKb*New South Church, where'she ‘ ; attended church, $3,000. To Rev. Dr.Fnmcis; a Professor in the Divinity School, at Cam-' r. : WdgO,.ss,p(»^/.-/^r ■gTATEMENT' Vdt' v tlio; ndition -C . — ■ OP THE * } ,j c _- CO., -- .- v-Oa the first day cf January, 18SL. | ' Th‘a niin e'of the Company fr fiECtTIUTT FIRE Jra.« CTJRAJ.CE pCmPAKT, and is locat'd In the Clty'of I 4: ?■ ‘ The amount of capital stock 15... *•••5590,900 Capital paid op Cash on hand-tod In-handa of Agents lOosbares of Stock Bank of Xew York.... 19.T0.00 ■ 60 ~ Bank of Commerce 14,txU» > .34.,8ank0C-XorthAmetlca. <3,ioun. ■.**' AmericiaJtxchanM B*k. ti.'TS'.M: . Bond*ofthe union Free School. 30^036.00 Debts one the Company, secured by mort- * . Cage on Ucal Estate ... ©3,0X00 Loans secured by 45 Stares Great Western) { • > In»arancai>tock-». ;5,001100. Scrip Onion aintuanneurance Company .) , BShare*Continental Insurance Company... j £6OCO S3 ** IJcsolnlc Insurance Company. < 2,00000 • 81. “ Sixth Avenue | 3,50000-' Doe for D^Bfrcrt^’a:....v.;./...r.y......; >swnj i :; . : TotoL ?Loweem*fllnßtea-.^.%.2A;^iS.*; I ••"’■> :Allolalni»at*lo»<the Comp*gy....t.; j iruu-r •> T6ta3^.v.;:r:. , .v:|2B.«r j Lm t lasdztd in aHybaatak...'. |M,OOO ■ " b. •«■. Phillips a. co„ j Ag*nt»-forCMe*co, Offlce Ko. i Clark street OBIOIKAL j .tnjs- of January, IS©J ,•, . U ' AumrOß’s Omci BriTWoaTiArroifl; - . - f : , TThereavTheSecurity fnsnmnce Company ofNew '.Tortc Cl tv, has filed Id inis office astalementef the ctm diUoa «Uu affairs, u required byr?.An eetto regaUto the Arcades of insurance Cotrpamernoilncor orated by tbe state of HHncls," approved Fcbreary itth,l*s% aa act amendatory-thereto, approved January and whereas, said Company l<a« fornlthed satisfactory cvidesce-tliat It l» possct-swl of the required amount of capital. Invested !n stocks and mortgages, and baa filed la tub offlee a written Instrument, »lgned by tbe croc dent and Secretary thereof appointing tlfc .W.* PHILLIPS, of CMcSgo, Illinois. UsAgeat lor the t**ns' action of the bnstnese of said Company, and lolly-and unreservedly authorizing him to acknowledge ‘tervlce of process for and on behaltofaald COmpaar. renting that service of proce»» upon lilm, the said agent, shall be taken and held to be as valid as If served upon (he Company, and waiving all claim of error by. rcaconot suDlraernce.-V r Nov.therefore, la-pnmaneo of tbe rrorWonacf the acts aforesaid. L.JtSSbiiK, DUBOIs, ' l*oblic Accounts of tbe StatcnrUUspla. do{hereby. that the said B. W. PHIUJF3.IS aathorixai:av agent for to transact the harness of Uuarreer.dn this. Stele; until the ttdrty-flrit dayof •Jaooarr, lathe year eighteen rhundredivnd bo Ikraa he may be le^piUycxnpDVcrtdaoYodqp^uld <Btix 1 rertbodmy came, and afflxctTthc ■cal of my _ I offlC«..a| this reyct^dayDfFeb> Insamace Booms of I STOOD THE TEST OF YEARSri'fr. Awd grow more ssd maro popular mxjiiayi ■Rvairrifg FOLLOWING: I «ouk. i, Barn* Cons. USch* Dee. Ss^lSSK^. twrtty yearattgoTcaasad byaconipllcatadenrc>tly.rlla> *flaa^wtteoded.wlihaaexnpUotwn- lATecm. |inpTi oociae qfj offering tnrcvagA ufe having redeibea been; : obtain; li&fiUforCßWsndllJße harti -beta able to do them up. otwhlchjoT.hgfd has antfereg .extremelyfrotncold, ThlstDdueedmentuayfßtlgg* * ft HMsesalmo* UMCsrcCntUxad dn'carfo lor axwo doUarbottle of thy Hair Bestorative aboebthefiratot ~'blaek;fooagh also moadasia rail *>tc*jny, head. Feeling confident that another>daarrc I bottle wonldjeawreit fuUraiy and permanently, Ijeel anz. : looa'tft*pcn«BChula lia- o*V*ad JwtopflesUlaie.of means to porchaseany more*! would ask; thee if‘tbea ■ would »to oend-moauordcros thine' mremsforatttnl&waaraMfitAtfiihndCJtziscnDtaro declaration—- the reward la to thoae thaMtra kl^dPS .■J lrfooa«»^ob^C<uliul-Fete. . tPao?. (XjU-woote-DeatSlrfintoelaßtorpartortile. year iffi.whllestteDdlßglbcrßateaiul National ; Bchoolot the State of New York, i cause v unknown tome, commenced nluagoff very rtpldljiao that lathe tfjon space of six months thejrbole! upper ■ 'panafmyaeupwisif nM6tenllrelyDeratuftUjcos«r> tameod-meeb of-tbe rcßßlntec poolott «poxt thesldo and back pan of my beadsbonly. after became gray. , po.that yon will nbtbe surprtsed when I ten yea .that •upon hifr return to the State oMnaianarmy mote 'eon ,'ualacqaalntalnuneea were: Bptao moon: at-a)oaaw> discover. thCjcapse of the change la my. appearance, aa. my more Intimate acquaintances were to roeotnlsamv atalL.. _ •. .. „ • w } nut i :a JatnaianD<aa«pplloafire>mA»wHw<imtFwi alciana in tbe countiy, bat, receiving no a Marines rtrotn tbem thatmy hair eocid again berestoredTriras •> tiioyearun’/yoor BestoraUve tie, and found to my great mtisfoctlMi UaHtwii 3ab« ,l}nCb«Vha.dMlrtd rtem*« filnga that tlmq, UiaVe used . aeveatiSllatt . wptlh of jour Emhrstf te. %nd Ssa re. -■nltrhsreeroh coat ofivery toft bhicx half* which mo tH&SBSSMjShow* .nnoe i^Snotttana. -TV E , -ir*- /,-- r; . % V'JJ-,»c:.tJOTA | ■};!'••• •■ 't'.l.l ./.• .• T Il'ilm-l- :•,*■-0 fl i■ •: ■_• J ■gin >•;! J*a - r>.z« uy.L' j ,r •llil ■rlKi'ffitiNCE. ■ »;i l-ii’uij •* oil. * ' ■ ' ;Vv’ ~:.t.---; -r. . y;> v r £*•' • c :c.*n-A; t-isai i ' f ‘.**~ rr - aiMfiTgig vUW) -Of Ifrsr ToHe« &Tctott-«r/::r.r«. , < ':-> ; v4* :7, ;, „■« ■■ l ■■«, ■:.'; ;j ■< r,V.v M ...:« >:•• «UBlS£inN,l Fn >l; j il-■ i . ! - OOHWAYI of- 'HAfiWDSir. ofSpringfield, TSmm, sdt %£CT>I-.::is;ai:: j ; J.'. " : and^Brpli^ .'Cjjn :;i $5,000,000.; { t -,( 7 r 7,t '; r , v ' -r. * J ‘ .otABUtl If*. J*o Stmt. - trr .-oeMiivi::-, i- 1 ’ ■ : . wmssi-ms X*Lp a vi-a*. i vl\ : dull Otpikl mtftnpW - - - •8,194,100.03. :' nxE ’Aim'iinsKKDi^Lyiaj^atßjsiiiKa -■.■** .^TakonetLlbenlTemiuidKatcK | J •■’ Iteedil sttentlmiclvem ■ to tiuanuieo of 3>nIBBCB :taaOpoXntHft>r.<*nn»;of,one to flyo|e»g, } r jAjsr. x, " PUD CAPIT^t/ fiKTi •pffgpi.TTfl : „... v 54400 00 tilVJwV* V“ p*rT*L'»lhctTtl. ;Bmk BtDCkl.-*© *33a.«0 00 f93S|£K 00 S«asagsg£fss.“Sß»s- ss* LC3Prß*ocHrAc,:-.i................ nwoooo- naxoooo •^ra^BtoekMk^uio^..^...'AM&WM€o. Hortesee Boods •; S2£M OF K.CWO 00 'TS.fiOeoo MWbdlaMOQ»'Tlwiia.iU«;.«.......* Ji 87,78380 Cash-on hwuLaad deposited oa.- f • -• ' call andtnajrentß’lianda • . Stftl9l ; ClaimaunadJoiwdandßot d0e...1175,507® ! . ' Total. . V.3.1H100 Or _ Applications received, and Police* Issued orrenewed or any of Ita dnly anthorixed AgesKr' Loves eqntta. iltnraAottad ami rtald -la fasds cortent at any of the Banka la JBlnola.: > -i' Ayentsappointed, and til Iresl. OMB.pertalrang to a general snpervfalon In the State ox l DBnmfl prentrur attended to bV 1 -• i •- ■• | . •2 -t v-ira. & patch; I*-; State HUHBATRIP &-MTETST, | *‘ l ' . !• * , •AjrcnisfbfChlcago. ‘■ ; IjlMy; Kp.lX'OOmlsßloci.' s Ulnnctts. pHffiNiX .INSUEASrCE CO., -.-M-r. •‘Wmsss^’floari^Vsi jkonurix, iB6O. ' 1 j : ■ . ‘ " ’ * • jlsstm. " ” ;. J : - "Cart on hand, isA la Bank * • i - •■-v’,.; •- Cask jn-tbe Bands of-and due from Agssts., i. SOSUB Amount loaned on pledged Bank Stock.-.; 1 .-;;. 1M£5.00 ..kmotuttlcnaodqtlig^wlasgccnred^ t Vjt° ; Fifty Shared Tli i ; l*nstCa*BS<>ck. j '■ • ;gaV'Tori < B 1 m:a HtnronVEant Btooc. Insojco • njira ; Watertory Bank 5t0ck.....; ....l&no • 1 38209 ‘ Rtaffonlßank Bioct. Stafford. „400 . : <l2 , SolyoteWater Pt/Co-b Etock* 10,000 . l&sas 'New Britain Water Bonds •••••-20,009 - 10.700 iHartfordCUyßonda i. mOOO ; -10,600 OoUPeq.analnd.R.R.Bonds..;...-.' uI,W3 • .v£? ▲eonnalaicd Interest on inyeetmenti aflll; Total Liabilities - - -• - 940,T04.68 . • r i- B.BELLOQG.Secretary. 7 V. j‘OTEBA2D'iHDOT, Agoits. | ... i■' ''.r7o7lLoorid3*BTJlldlOf, . - ■ -•■ ? CoracxClarkandWttcrßtreel«,Cblc*£o. ■ AptiHgatiopa forlnsurance. or the renewal of poll*' des and all bnrineea connected with tbeolßce,maybe made to cs; dniyisppotnted Aeeuts*for the City of ' Chicago, -wtuafriu power to receive proposals and issue • Policies, :on aa favorable terms as other responsible * Companies: and Its aim 'Will bo to.securo tbe eoaft. dence of thejmbllc by an honorable coarse of dealing. / - jdU-KAOILL, General. Agent, SI and 68 West Third ‘street. Cincinnati. Ohio, to whom all applications for Amende*. In the Western or Sontbwertcm Slates may .Kjddressei.i -, rr . ; .. y ., v - : • STATEMENT, of the • condition .O: ■' OF THE. • : : EfSTUWCE COHPDJT,: ■- .‘Oa’thelstof January; 186 L made to the State ofHUcoJa . KTliaiDima of thel'Cerporatlon;!* JET&A. INSCTE ANCU COMPANY, located at Hartford,' Conn. . The Canltal Is Fittezs Bcsdbz© ■TlrorsASO Dol ; Lins,-andlapaldnp. l, -~ " - ■ -• • . Jw-'-c ' ••*.// • :■ ! > Market asszra: ‘ • ParTalne,., Valae.- Real Batata unincumbered ‘ fb*so*S7- •*Moneydne theCompany seenredby I. 'Mortgaito.... l ' • • : 267.15. • CJuh In the bands ofAgents mad la . ' transit. . . ............ 1C.5W.96 ; hooo. ; ‘ ■ Mortgage Bonds, 6 per cent, semtan* • '■ now Intercut. . - . ■ 83,000 88,000. -. - Bochcster CUr.Bonds; 7. per cent, _ i_ * seml-annaalinterest . .... 23,000 25,000. . , ErooklynCltyßoDda.6perecnt.senj!. *- , nrannnallnterwf .. S.OOO 2S.CS3.SO . ’ HartfordCltyßondi > 6perocnt,aeinl. ’ • r „ annual Interest v . ......... ... 50/00 00,000. ~ r JweyCHyllondvfipercentrseml. I anneal Interest . B*ooo. 25,000. I [.Milwaukee C!ty'Bonda,.lO i perceat,/' . : " , • semi-annual later st. . ... 8,000 6,000. . Kew York City, Bonds, 6 per cent, M : 7<jnaxtcrly-.»..- CO.OCO 6Lsl* . : United States Stock, 5 per cent, semi- . -- •i-■annnsllfltmst..: 20*000 212,303.50 < Kentucky State Block, 6 percent,' •• I seml-annnal Interest... 10,000 l*«*Co Tennessee ; Btote Blockr 0-per cent, ■ - - - - • sent -annual Interest.*...-;;; - . 80,003 27,800. '■ Mew - York State-Stock, «per cent^_. ~ 11.I I. Interest 23.CC0 2*1)00.; ! Missouri State Stock, Gpercent, semi. . i j annual Interest . - .... .... 26,000 ' 21j00..‘ ! OJiloj Slate >tock, .o:per, cent,:Btea- J-- - ■ j annual interest .■ >7*ooo 77,750.; J: MichlaaneiateStock, rtpercent,s«ml. - 1- annual Interest 21,000: 84,037.50 IntUanaßUteStockpSKpercentscml. • -jj ' .■=annuaUnterest •..•..••o 6*ooo 87,20*00 W Shorts Hartford and NcwUtTCn . ' ’.-rßallcoad Company Stockso,ooo F*so* • KaUroadCompany Block 10,700- ., !. 60&haretConn.ElrerCo;iet;ck 6,000 I,s6* 60Shares Cldtens*Banks .ck;VTa- - ; ’ " • terbory,Coim.; .. 5,003 ;*2S* - 7 •60SbareS8iafford'BankStock,Staf.- - ; • fum Bp> tort. Conn ... *OOO *250. . . 86 Share* Ragle Bank Stock, Piotl*- . / ’ decee.B.l, ~: tSOO iL872., • 200 Shan* iterere Bank Block; - ton.Ma*a --v;-- a .- • 20,000, EO.WO. - 21,00). » I " s £sS“M , o rc^, “ , ?.!f Z** w SooßharesMechanlc3Baokßtock,Et ' . 400 shares Farmers and Mechanics ■ - '.- Bank Stock, un7Share*uKina Bank Stock, Hart* . •• : ' 1 ’im ‘of Hartford’ Coantr 1 ■ ■ Bt^Bs»tf«^-Coito w . i.;, 6.000- }*ooo.' i Hartfcrfd,' ! - r -' : .' • .v 20,00 01 8*060.^ *.. v-: [ 1 •.Hartford Oonp 15,000 I*oo. ' ,400 Shares Fanners and Mechanics Bank Stock, Hartford. Ccnn. i. . '40.000 46,00* ■. 7SooShiresHartfordllaatStockiHart*; • ‘ . r-ford, cona.w.l-i...'w.;5*000- W.00J.50 100 Shares Merchanla.and Manulkc. •* » turersßahk’Wtoefc.Hanfi.rd.Ct W.OOO'- 10,0(0, ~ )1800SharcaPbosnlx Bank block, Hart- <'• ' r- lord. Conn „-•••••••! ...«•••• B*ooo 80,00* * SSOShares State Bank Stock; Bait. • • • • ** •.V^CoaD,^^/va.wr....---r;- : . 2*ooo 80.440^ I^.o. a-800 Shares Bmcbers and Hrorers B k , » •'• ,7V., Stock,Nev Yotk-Otr..-....;.. 2*ooo 2too* -1 . ICO Snare* City Bank Stock.NV: Cy: M.roO U.tCO. 1100 Share*' Bank of the Common. .>i,‘^ve*lthStock. BewYorkOnr..v I*ooo 30.00*, I '.aOQShtrcs Bank ot Commerce Stodt . ‘ewTorkC 2*oo* ; I -108SnareaHanoTErBaiikStotk.hcw . / j - 30,000, .9,00* ;i ' aoosiimrcs importer* and - Traders. * ■•‘j :f 80000 B*oo* 1 v>iOOShare*'Mercantile.Bank- Btock,-- • . i • ./• r^ewTora. CUy ;.10.000, Uso* j 200 BntfvsMerchaaUEzcbtnge Bank • -4M fihaxe*MctropolUan> Bank Stock,. * • ‘ _.. , •' ,y»ewyork<^..,. vr . 1 - 7i .. ...r4*OCO. 45,600. - ‘ BTOSbares Mercbaats' Baer' Stock/ * 1 i i j i jJerarTo* CUy..". : AKO. . I*3 Shares Company Bank --rj't,- V Btock.3»ew,Y«rkCity.b ....... t*OCO, 2**oo."* -890 Shares Fastan Bank Stock, Kew • r-/’: .4- »• - York City. 1 ...... ...• ' -85,000. BQJSOO«^ V2ooßbare*JKorto t ßlTer Bahk.Btpck,* — r i NarTprk CUy. -- l*oo* u SOOSUaresßar-kotVew 3Torksiock,“ P-.--76 : 200 Shares »mk of-KorUi:America: ■~-±k.r‘- B?cki>ew.YdtfcCUy,,- 2*oM* ; 2t«*ii -■'SoOßhaieaPeople*^*. : i:f*« ■<**■' i T*oo0■ KUO*> ■'jsis?s».6V res.*-. - ‘ “sToclCl*etr York city.:;. 2*ooo • tS.OO* r. ISO Shares JCew-Yoik.Ulna.aDdT; LV. Co, Slock. ScW.Torr City . .:.. 33.CC0 2>\2s* SharesUnlted^tate*-Com-,-"^-■ » •' . j ;-‘<’p*ayStock, t Mtoedlapjcous Itoma,6^oA> t..yoxa-»Ai oorln-cntirctUa are beid net forage, wa csttmataatyais taivii, tod: not at 1 the present temporary panic Taloe*. •) ■ j j ‘•-jj-IJ -,iit j>r:. r ;IH*!.‘‘l'i aMAsnJTDDW ’■» ,•>,!».-»r, j 'TbvJ&aoml? of ; LTabni*!e* dne ornotdneto* to:-?*- :iLb«aka or. other creditorsnone. .. - 'Losses ad|nsUdaod.dae... M ...^.... w . M .,..-. none. 2 ' .Losses adjusted aod npt dne_.:..-..7. ...... .$ £,<B*47 ''Lbocs‘tmftdlQ9ted, l 'ln*SQ«pcnse l r valttsk. t lo r<’ 7Uproofscantoetod^Orinat«»o.... •v..ri73^ss.i7 . 1-A4l cliita* arc axaali, r '‘.iziStw inamictedto take nortekexecedfnj twenty' i; tKm»mtdontr».*w«hoot>peelal peraisaion. • --c t .\i7Snogteanßst«inoentlasnreilliLaiu ose.cttT: town, ;vUlainvorohtock, depends nponltko ednt > j; 'nalbvE. U, mrley. v EreildraVaod-Tbon« -tjßracc.- fEWraaiy.oiid made- aoleom :*asir t&ac th»-foregome_ tisUwamtof theaawtaandpandltlcpof the-«Eka» , f*^o»addedton®fpW*AadJ*M3ttyetadie6sJ^-ai ■ !■«« -I V'V ul:* C--nt -i ciir.l- j j:;)* u tho kt»t»gay oFJammyy.nplU^ ! 70 ;r<* * j. _ ■ * ■ - ASto*' Insurance -Company? located thW nUf* » of the COndiPnw oflt««ff<hi»^|r requlred'by * , An'&«toregnlate-toe AsendeajofiU-;.' r • Oon wile* ppt-tncorpe»*tod or. . tllllanlAn itoMSJretl Fehrnary,l4ln*:lßss.,*tid- anvaec . t 'iOßSSa&^^Sms^S^A;.. ■ ide Dee that U Upowwseed - oftho . ; filed.' f * 1 i , .-psny, andiullyjmd to • 1 ~ nekaqwlCTc^fcrriceo.rrrpcegs<braafl: o rM?cbalfof- ’ >! COtopkiryt eomePtingt lmt«sleeeieprae«a* npon i iid ■ H.-A^Mttfqgthttsai^^^ ” ‘t«n» QifcArlrirr 'W-AHES, BUTTONS . v . f V ‘-•WoftfSlStola, Sleeved Oiltefi£ fttv*f7re*a. Trlni man, Coneta-and-fiiflrti. Glove* and Hqd«r, The invited to the ebnre Imported m 3 for” ■ _ ■ ■'< • ’O .. ,;.j - - ,3 . J■.'•wflO.; j;c: m'j glaxe |sreetjQJOfOw . .Tj^E' CQtnXBET^XAi'dirSCADE jjpfy ;f.r Ir,iJtJOC+tU.. .j. ;• • ‘-V tikfit : -‘r > TTVTPORTATIOys CLOTHS,. CASSiatIERES, p?0VB TO WHICH TEET: ISTITE'TiIE'ATTEjrriOE OF. 1 ■”■■•• - , 1 - •' BTJYEB3. 1 , "‘ u ‘ ! /- '1 - J fe3clo3m vy.. !Btf3 :.FAIJ.‘ f TRA7)EU;• I860; . . -7i,-).Vy i.' .' ■'■ '■■ %r* *” iSra®Ba: , 4a-2 ; ri? ceco; gABCOOK &'PEEK, ITI BASDOI.PH STREET, Xslioganyv 'Hofewood iai, 'Walnut; .. ... iiSO, fBAMESI DimSBOOISACOMIIOiniBIITOiE j u ingbeatyabiett. . .ItTood-Sast and, Caae-gcat Chain, BftdiitfaiTs and. gneioz. , . ■ * |y*pattleiflar attention paid to Copstrr Ordart, r , . - i- • - f HOY T■ & PEI R C E-, *’ ‘••'/WholesaleGrocers aadrlmportera, .147 Tfater Chicago, Illinois; ”, “Wholesale .Depot* fbfSTevfiC'A. M. Whinger & Co.V celebrated Standard Medicinal Specialities, es . pedallyfbc the Medical Profession and the Family. ..Blalngert Celebrated OLD LOHDOHDOCK GOT. ~Blnlngar** Celebrated Old Zouave Qln. • 'Whinger's Celebrated Old Zonare Cbnae. - '■ BtnlneortCelebrated OldZona ve Bourbon oflfilAre» i serve:.. . >». L - j Blnla*eT*a Celebrated Old Kentucky Bonrbon. ■ Wnlnirert Celebrate Oenntee Blnlnger*s Celebrated Genuine Pore Port Wine. :. BlnlDger’s Celebrated Genuine Pure Sherry Wins. , Blnlncer’A Celebrated. Genuine Pure SfaderU Wine. Blirttjjrart Celebrated Genuine Wheat Toole. - BtQlnßprV Celebrated GenalceHonenßahaia Wblaky.. • Inolntrer** Celebrated Genuine Apple Cordial, from -Jttolßeer'a Homestead. “■ * Btnfnff-rt Celebrated Genuine Rare Blue Cordial. Blnlnger's Celebrated Genuine Old times Family Bye. , Btatnger*s Celebrated Genuine Brantoowtae, BlnlnprrVCelebrUed Gennlneßanana Punch. - - ■ - ABo,.Blolntrer*» Boanuet Bontbon, Cognac aid Gin* beside* wanr other Tartcdea* ell-put a-mhandvnnly labeled quart bottles of-one and two dozen In a case especially for drnckJata and flr»tela» crocera. Always enquire lorand talcs none but Blnlrrjrera." •' •• AUo.for sale retell by an Drngirlsta.--- . jal-dTOSAm- « - - - TTIOYTjbPEmCg. HIBBARD & . GO., HIBDWSBEi if® TIN PMTE, ' - Xialke Stroot - 09 ' - TTo offer to Ue trada. Nt ttui LOWEST iIAnKJTT PRICES?- ... vt . : . ..'1 • WOO boxes TW FCATB, - ‘ - e,«ob«i sßHiErißbw. n ■ SCO .*• RUBSIiIHOW, --I ' (IPO -IMTTATION RUffllA. ' 83,300 BBIGHTaad AJDfIULD WIS3 r - BSB casks SHEET ZDTO, ** *■ *•• J lotoaa PIG TIN,- *“ " ' : leaooibs. coppra.BorroMßL ■ * to sate \ sod KACEDRS ' 50 caste BSIGHT OX and COIL CHACfB. .1,000 AXES, ’ : I.JOO ** • SHOVELS, H?AD23 and SCOOPS, v , V%TI^JHiMABOACS s , OcSS-’OO-lj . . _ :, Comet of, State sndXate six. Q t 3L HEafDERSON & GO:, Maaa&ctm-er* and Wholesale Dealers la ; BOOTS&SHOES, H0.33 LakoStrsctjCcmjrcfWftbjwli Anas*, ■ ifftH stock of note c,hlca th yjwin sell very cheep to cash end prompt EWtn, trade.- Scents for hUtobrlTa Patent litUllic a 2Sawsoia; L «&'’ ; Bartletts : Kin?aotctuos ass wnoucsiu 'sums zx Ett. 5e............-LAKH 81Ekrr..'.........,80. to *■ 0310100, n.T,; - ' T7ewoald wspectfofly can theattendon of City and - to oar exteedro stock of Boots and Bbpea, which wo have now In. store, and are dally re celling tram car Factory In West BoyUtoa, wtdeh consists ora IWI assortment ofthWM* Celebrated Custom-Made pateaKip KodCaltand Grata tVatcr Proof .Boots; together with a.«stock of all styles of ' , FALL JIND TTTNXEH GOODS, of the but Quality which we are pre-. fared to sen for CASH and prompt pajtag trade at ■ Boston and New York Jobbing Price*,-- - We are Agents for the&aleo?MitohaTspatent lletal i Uc Tip Boots and Shoea la *7,. 1860 , . FALIi ‘ TRADE - 1860 H. W. HUNT At COi, 33 «Bd SS Xalie itreet,' Chicago. ManTiTartar ers and Jobbers of Esady liade Clotiung, v! *• Heelers In : M ’ J - 6BTEUUIUNIB FUBNOEO6 GOOM ? ‘ Cloths, Coating*, Oeesiinerea &ttastr. Tan©** ' ■-y... ■■■ ■*'. Trimmings,An,**;--■.•••• Our Stock Is large, an d wen'assorted, and. win be sold ~ At theXowert : ■ iB6O i /FISXDjJiHNEDICX ik CO*f ■ . v „'. k6* StandSSSbuthTYatcr ctreet,. •' .Importers anid. Jotiberm of.Goods ;i ‘ fbr, Mexx’a^W’are,., ii, - ypor attention.- Tbelrstock consists la psrt or Broad-. cloths, of all colon and endec, Black and riser Cat ttmerea Black and Fancy, Doeskins. Blue and Black :Mo^aer^C<floaa>rosoft«SnSß»w fOMk/Bloeradalleoion of Castor Bearer* BUkasd ■Valentla Yectinaor all cradec tad Kyles. - SATINETS of»U endec aadctyle*. ,Also,.*, Jail and complete stock of Tailors* ' ■ ■■■ ■' - ■ AGENTrb?- ’... - BOOTT’B BBrOHT OP gAamolga. A D £: ' : ' : "W« offer tbe'lbQowbx ettfce lowest ntea a:: VOOBandiesg^et lron,Koe. 18t038.^. £OO . RonUßbeetlroa.-v - . . ' . -1 . iS2 A. _ _imiß«on “ e « ipi : ■ ’- ■ - ■'icoCe^kaetieetzbie.usorteawldttar ... •‘Af&llMeortaeot orßordwereJlioaen'-ToobL Ja> B»c«deadpre«edTlnware % ia7ct!i,Biji,6o. - • ’.■•:• WHLIAJJ BliAra vt c®„ /'tei - ! ITo,~IW Lafaetroefc ■IB6O '■ FALL TKA3)E._; • 1860 r GppK.-'&':G'p mVEBCBEET - 164:18 -Whoies'al0 v :€3rpcea’a _ ‘U; ‘ASfypZALEEa^ *- -jV : A .JDItEED T'RtriTS, FiSßt ;rbi tt- w 'itsai t .;<iu’ *cm t. •'•* . v i. ,-;..S7OODEH -fec., .Isrfti’eiS ttfc-nfiifi' at firantrr Hsriiiaii t« • ;■. Unix «toek, jrtotSjtluy pflkr it Lbwert - /■ .■.r;. 1 :, -..'CWIMeeV ,j U " j l- &i o. ro ook . A;. a 0., ■ i•• 18....’..v. : . jttatS Bnatsr.,;....i.'.i« * ia .. ~,HBJttOYAIh( ! '££ PfcAK^MABSH&DEL^He * Z large :gg»rtta;ba»a imiUTCd traaddr old «taart.aexay 1 06P9tiw»tiie»69Teeps6U>BS»tqttSla>,fr‘!n i ihil' * T^^cs&:^s:s£b!csL 7 I .V. -inmv.vtOl!* 0$ .rjr-' ’.‘jn • 4bay-nin be able to-offar a* tTwWmls, a ctffl faD bnee'2' ' toowtfnsds «r HBAVTDOMISTZCa. bmAt ttUH ~haada» end oCCrtd at a small admA <t*teuier wttkav; -tersgcaeircr .• " *_ f-~T 'T- *. f. rya tf gg ivgty m odd • And tsrito Oie attwrtfrm of fit elciaev prompt wfittf: bajtn. -, uea> TKfE: ■ OFFERS -FORk SM& ' AT; n *T T 4t "600 Mes.Bw- 1 • f ! vr BOO'Borea^tirtk. ; ??®gfcaas&? ameso* {« > lOOßaxaaObnceatntedXrar siitl:* - ii.nfli t.i u tJi a Pi—-i - '.‘{j I'u - ——'-:-- l _nCTSomlli'Watexbi - ;-• h-w.-ok •>■;'«*** r£o HMj e«w. -. u - .CO !»»««. ♦ - 100 BW*K.T.By»tip. - —6O BbliMolamaa^H g«>T) fV>attLyiterS».H L r 4„?A HM,- tL*A flfiim t»>iw seeds and Turk.” * Areber Bead.* • .tJrffaoqtr^Jv^TTayfesaAac. r -. “ :■ i -', £ ; I N .1- Jf : C- ,K' B : •.* S. TtfiBpELICIOQStpMiC«I^ULA?aT, •E' 'vT '■- ■'• n ' > j '".«/* ' Por Ue Vh of tho.lOUical Frotesatom * ': «i *s»-aaj teo pxinlly. ; . .. # . ; j HavtoVreperaeded the' ao-eaHed!*Gfna. - *Axejo*aL m Medicated, - “SclnappeAefu' li’nowan* floraed bj-aH ofthe moetpromlneiit PhjiklaiaL Cham* • juufCeatoOeettid. ha-eoMaabi* an ottbaa In* •trtnale medldnelxinalluea, (tonic ana dhretli) which' MlocrtO: *a.old asowaMnt Pntnptnoaartbct-" Coaaadeoldby*njmjgfrarQrocgra, fco.. f -• **' A* JBE»'BUV^DCGISI£-‘ArCO»f'- 1 (BOWMifli fa 1 Smj Faemyroaa, Ho.'JSßtoedStreeilLT. : * ••'••". - roetdissem] - •■ 1 ! .. . OLD SACHEM BITTEHS Wig-wam Tonic. -"Vaiaa PBUCIOPBAUD FABJTAMZD STRESS mwwmoidedliyttoS'lnt Hiyilclsas oftho CotmtryiooKccnmtofCxttr PUBTTTA2ID fawieAT MTOiqjTAL'YIBIXTB.--, ' r ‘. ’ ' ‘.abancadtto 1m Tools aa4 Stbnlaiu mr eßuol tolhePabUe. ~ , T { ' - • . Their, ccmfraporen tn euei of QKSKRAL DK STOTT.' LOgS OS APPKTTTE, COKSTnUTION, are na paralleled, aad as a' piaraaleethai w * feel vunoxed la tishnlng*.whas vedfCwebaglaaTeto ataie that ouraaserttoM are endorsed 1)7 «n>6 SILUJIAS,orY«I« Oolbia, TfOfiS&TBS) ! " Aztdlntadr^da'ofotbexi. ’ ;1 ! Tor tala TTholoale In Chicago br.. - ■ EXfWAKD TOSTKK cchTSMy . 1*0.179 Sooth Water gtret. Chicago^ g&ri&tners, fgariitoaw, | Sr. BOANE’SKEWBABREI . J-f ■; •. SIACHCCERY. WABEATITKB THE BEST Iff *wntT?y t- i :■ To ■ Coopers s' » * I? offering tills Hew and Unequalled Barrel Machine ry to the Cooper* of the northwest and Sooth, we do so wttb the fullest asmnsce that tt wOI be ftnmd the Beat acd-mostrrcrfect, tha> most Economical and Labor Sarins and cheapest of any in ue. < - DOAKE & HXTSLBDrS- v : , Stave fawln* and Dreaming: Machine,' *. • " , . .FOB-TIGHT TOBS. • TMs,Machine aarpanea allothen. In «Teryparticu lar. It nva'the stare from the bolt, enras and nlaaesltrcadytoMtnp Inthebarrel an at one opera tton, from 8,000 to MLOOO per day.- "Will make tas to fSO per dar clear of all expenses. .Toco irtta thETwe bare a fun set of machines- to TTcht Barrel Work «l .all kin da. Also. _____ • ' DOAKE’S STAYS CUTTING MAGHDTS, to Floor. DOANITS-HEADING CUTTER, for Floor Barrels: DOANK*a HEADING-TURNER to all ktadTw Barrels. ‘ ’ DOANK’S HEADING JOINTER, ffcr all *«**■ of BOANL-3 FOOT JOINT KB. for Flour Parrels. DOANTCS HEADING PLANER, for aU kind* oftemda DOANFTSEQJJALIZINQ AIAC&NK. toaß kind** a, BarrelPtere*. S)OANE*S CUOZK AND CHAMFERING MAfmvr for all Wad* of Barrels. • • JANE'S NEW WHEEL TIGHT STAYS JOINTER. tar all kinds of Tbht Barrels. JANE'S HEAD SAWING AUCUINZ, for aU kinds of beads. This machine la also the Lest Shingle Min extant. • Doaoebas the only Barrel Mach leery for Completing Floor BtrreU from the Grade Timber. This machinery baa cost thousands of dollars to perfect—tomadeoftron and steel—putting an comneUoa ont of the cacsdon. ■ • spend |1 for Barrel or Stave Macaloerr. until you see Deane's. Send for oar catalosme and rip, colors. Address P. O. Box 2713. w. B. DOAVE. myucsaMTl IS2 Claris atroet. Chicago. . QHICAGO, LEJX» t WORKS, * Cornered Clinton aadFcttonetroeta, WoatElda. LEAD FIFS, JUS : ISI> 6H££% T*lT?, - Shot, Whit* Xtead and Z»yth*r£«, PIG ISUB. PUMPS AZOX HTDBAUUO ' ft«j . -. • : tw. ButrcHroßn... Eg. hall, embark & co., • Inpeaer* aad Dotlsrt In r Xroar':. ZiJalls,'. Steel. . , - AND HEAVY HaBDWAHE. ' NoAl«9and323 W*xblspDa«tr«et. Cblcftjpi dfccla. James h. ■ cantos c;& .co: HOPE, COTTON MUXS, Flttaburcb, Floim. Seamless Grain Bags, OSNABURGS 33 Inches to 40 inches wita. ,tF“We are prepared to receive orders trem the trade. - ■RAGS—BAGS—BAGS—BAGS -M , , ..COBB IICHiaGE BAG MANtFACTOBT. ' of Erory •Description. ‘ Millers* and Grocers' Bags made and printed to order with beautiful brands. n*wand Grain and Otinny Ban, for Shippers, Millers and Far. mere* use. BagstorFloor. Buckwheat, Feed. Hama. Salt. SeedL do.-* • Of" Orders illedwlth fidelity- and dispatch. Bate loaned to shippers. mjSdy QIHOAGO BAG V AGENCY. •3T£ SOCTIZ WXTKK SXHKKT. BEAMLS3S CHAIN BAGS of various sixes and qualities. - FLOCTB—HaITM, Q aarteri, and Sights, printed to order of anydeslred pattern.. ' . .77-, HAM SACKS—Ktery else used.' - ; QIiNNYBAGA—Two or Three Bushels. -.Commission Merchants, Miners. Grocers and Pita ridon Dealers w!U find Jost the articles wanted tnou stock. JfrdexaaoUdUed. —• laplWdyJ ... • HAWKINRe CHAPMAN. lUGfI ! BAGS!! ' SAG* Jj I STKAH JUfi BUSTFICTQET. *O. S3 jtisxn inzxfr cndaac.*- •" BAGS XNB SACEB ■ Of every description tomlahed, on. :«bori>noUe*T and Updated, with Saw aal Bnaliftd Bnuda! * " 61MB0H YASWSLL, «p6d£wly47nj orStobeg>: - gMAIIi COAL, SMALL COAL. -■ ' Email Coal, ’ •Ball Coal, . small Coal. 1 itost mira ...^ ~, ITOBT.ES CEiB WITH rIXIEFUEID>B rriijnftßhmr coil biikwhhs, Ji.*t > t ~ -50LD BT - - • ■ -- t.vBOIDB7; S . V«aßcTi«»cfc,-47, State C treat, Ohlcajo. . Vaaßcheaek, 47 State Street, Chicane. _ O’tJcncral Dealer In Hoaa<tiepin;; Article*. [ajS qtettlkfs cdQkrsa stove hJ7.~ BTTLL AHKAD- Tbo acknowledged enpertorto iof the Stewart Stove has given rise To several tmltw Coat. The rename article la tor sale t>r C. MBT& Agent at 138 State etreet, between- Monroe and Adams. •Aao, » jood assortment of HotUfikeenlng Hardware aodTtewara. ~ - • • ♦ • ! y * ■--V ,CABWEUjv ■■ ' cfnma 05 sn"' ■ | ..*».Tric • .- : ForlVaforg, TCtndaeM. and an defects of slzht aad “hetrtng. Dr. C. Is a refnilartyedMated physician, and -feai deratedtwenty years ci his professional Ufa ex clcsirely to the treatm cnt of olseaMf of (be Eye and Ear ■Or Sfd charjns made mran ezsn’.natlbt& or opinion.* and no lt« regalred far tmsucccseftf services. ■ > dr. CAD WELL’S Treatise ob tbr. Eye and Ksr. (Chi cago; SUU, centalnine references* .-benad gratis on application, poatacotsa seals. • Ai-> drees street, CMcrgo.* ' toare6dy> - .M-ATrss.'ig^B^.- L . •. • pbactzcu;. (Ofngu’gfr • ' ? fiowt; Cuu &Rcir. MM » n .,..„T9 - OppOßttO COSn Bone, s; • . j /.iJ teat Preach OyaUl ani Bnuthaa PcbS» ■ »eQlM«as Opera ~- ■ • , . -MICBQSCOPJibV . lastrameuta, etc.' tti; conitantlyca tand. ■ AH klndi of end -spectacles paired, and slaweatatftied lato old tranea,- ‘ lag 'A .CARD —The suhscnber haVinj. 6oalnc<B fcc’nncCtlcrn with JAMES- thaafca Ibr the liberal patronage botoweti on the-Utc Hmu hc-Tiil : casdnoe the bnctaas at the : ';QXJi soiajsm, :• ;; 1 Cpial Strut, iMt Kadiion aad Wuhbgtoaßft,- A2H) HOPES BT IQS Aod bj strict parvmaT tttrctloo to ttie’-wwits ct Ills osstomento merit a-«t*ro of the public patronage commensurate with the liberal Indpcemcsts which, no.’ It now prepared to oßtef. bavins adopted themotto:— -• Theawntton of bntldrra and olh: ia erect bocrals nspectfttiir tnvUeif befbre porchadsg clafr-: -where.- CocntryonteraprompCy attended to. > . - Gr Foet Office BoxtSA, jaSartw •’ rpIPOKTAKT. tO > BCTLCERS.* C»ji;i3 Street,’ teUbSni 1 " jiMwiiictarcr tad dealer W"ah ktods'ii'WcKad \TonM .lag«,Ppqr J*mb«*nd itrrJittTareaof any deatrod pat ■tern. Circular MoQldmgs, *ay-E»<aQ*. WoodTurr ins . to anitaixnmchet;ScrDliEawla^hodCdrilc^BracketC. .AT«zlecrorpaxterui*.OetasQo«ad fcar.ddod Balo*-. .Ur» ftod'J»eweU on,iiaad satTioAdo to-ordcr: Matr -' Eafllas add Brackets. Kanin* and SUUMng and Saw*' .Inadoteto cider lb.the.teit maaaic at4se abort eat.' iroacevFcScePlck-t*. Particular attentioaslteo to-< dUl|ns9rdewfraathee(mMnlar«*x.a&(l*an of the' /tiMve.aUa'ip(toi>< o£ vork. .. CHI* for Eoarb and I)rwße4ianoeriUiod.ina d!»tetc».«rd;allnped at' "theloveat market price, ? SToor to fanned be*. - motto irork andlowprlceawin."-'., • \ WV.D.HlLL’aJostlycelebrated • Vi--i ';• i OOTEttSm o \,-V Ail+VTßt «,ViC 'For Steam i&sUuaLwacntoted'to rrco&te'lbe motion' ~ot ab*.eiM»lno pertecUr-jiadet jany #O4 AU.-drcojn- > ..RANKING HOUSE; OF; .- a :8.. P. "carver & cba Wartne B«nk • SgrEiftsCiS.—Bead. Drtxel'A Coi'Ksir Torkrßoff, t i^AC^tpcfeqaiqya~~ < .;> >cr ta3>cady. iKD Depoaitalnsn cpnoilesx than fire dollars recatred •aad Cenlfleaset rfDeposiM toned.: .Interest tt six per cSst, vfllbotdcired on deposits ot this description af. tartaeftmdST rxe remained In onr bands a nodded, ttma. Allcert Ccates made payable en desazuLandta like ftmda art epostied. ; COLIECn6I7.9EFARTaiE!(T. k Ooßectio?s In Cblcaco made and proceeds remitted °o csto! 73Tmcnt, - le«scwreo*preratnmcaExchacgo only. Cnllretloes tolirftcdon all parts cf tbeWcsLial proceeds remitted on toTorailetenm.' DeaiESTIO ETCIIANGB DEPART HIKiNT. . •- ; A**? Sight or Time BTTji on tbe-principal elilea °* Union, araHable In any part of the Felled States or Canada, and bare made amncemrrusbrwblcb we are enAbM to order by Tclexraph the payment oif . Hotea, Acceptances, Accottuts, Ac* la KewTork. Webny andaell oaCommlMten. either at Chicago or thronch onr at Ne w York, Btare, City. Cooney. RaDiray, Ac* .Bonds aad Stonk. Onrconaecdetiafa KewYcrtareanchas to tnanre prompt and Jndldans attention order eatrpsted to onr care. ■'■ FOikfpS-’iii^AßiaiENT. . Ogrbostarescoaoectlon wUbEnrooe.befcrDlßECT. Vekv EXTENSIVE. sod MOST INTDIATETwe fee! «ft la abating- tie imOTe that all foreign Banking traasaMfonsranbe effected throngh oor TTobm* with Promptness and efficacy,; wmal to anrHorwe ta tbs union,. W« IvttsDrafts sad Letters ot Credltln sacs tosnlt.atNewTorJrreras, on »mp correspondent* In' London, Part*. Frenkforton-the-Wutn. Hsrabnrjr. B-p. Brtnp jwrocnUrty dMrctss ot promoting direct com inerrlal Intercourse hctvren the Wrwt andFntope, wo cpeeaßur: anrt-oa forms mmtftrrontb'le. ettend nan ttrtJsrfariihlea by opening credits. rerpc zu' •this W«j«n Importer*. ColltrUoai otl) rafts.Or ders, Note*. Acceptances, Inheritance!, Ac., pay*. D|e In mny part ot Europe, made with promptness and dcrwitcn. . ~ • and Banker* rrraplled <wiui For. elga Bills at low rates. Prlrate Bonds and Slsrcnret ne^Jatodabrosd.;,, . „, : * . ‘gomrAiy,'.ft oaX^CSS. ratrsa a sunuz., I otto ntm i a ; ; mxos Am norms, Consul of the Grand . Duchy ot Sare-Welinap. the •XmohJes of Bmorxlclc, and Saxe-Gotha, and the tree city of Frankfort, and by special act of serera! *eues, nmhorlrrd to act for former cldren* of AUSTRIA. &A-- ~; .. • JaCTdawty FASinrKEIOUT IX\E, Yl» TOT3IIGTIGII, FT. T7\\ NE * CHICAGO HAIL ROAD to Cratline; Cleveland. Colombo*.* cip<±C t ?it le J' , . la,ul * aad *-»’<«■ Shore BaltßMd to Donlnrk and Buffalo, connecting with all Eastern Bauioads,' ■ u '. ‘ TH3 OXLYLTNESENDING FRKTGHT THROUGH TO DUNKIRK AND BUT .j .FALO WITHOpT CHANGE OF CAE3L ■ - The above ttnei has bean established br the Pitta. xHT^ihv 01 ? Wa JP£ *£Chlcwp. and Clereland. Colons bos A Cincinnati Railroad Companies, for transport, «p do-patch between Chftaro m,ITTC “ ““ •“ JF* R»»f» »t air dmc* as loir as by any other route. \JST' b “* *”««“ **• The audertlgned will be happy to tee their Cicada and customers at any rime. J. NOTTINOTTAM. GesT. Agent, DAN ATWOOD, Local Acent Ft Wayne FreightD* “r* I vs^is 0 - ISags; AND or QJIEAT ' CENTRAL SHORT PltUborghjPL Vayns *c Chteaso. and Penn«TlTania Bailroada. to • «U Eastern ClUoi, ’ to'contract freights through. by authority of too Companies named above, sithdr W ; •- - Dearborn street,' « -73 Ko. 1 South William street. New TorkTSo. 77 Whst£ iQ V' ) ?.u t?e Jl t> Sostoot No. 80 North streak Baltimore, sad at the General Depot. Jal«rs££a gpEc ial -k o TICE ” sniryEii*. ■■■ ■ Michigan Soottfein ind Northern -• ‘ Indiana. Railroad EXPRESS FREIGHT LINE Both in the United States '^^sSlK5 I «3&2^^;S'S'.32S A. IL. top the shore places. •; • - , .•Sblpperaby this line caa rely on having their prop. «*Tf»Mponed to its destination with as QUICK - I>upAXvH_aod sa rxw tsasspzss as by say other -This Company bars within the part fewmostfc* bunt Cars opecmljradapted’lor tblatrsde, If desired. Tr&fb* can,besent tona Chicago.totßeraUad, Dnu. wlUroutchaDge im tfagea'asiowsahTaTTTntw tj™ /.Pf7 3tark Fretrht designed tot this line, "Via IWlna Southern DiQroad Express Fretcht,** . Coairscti l given withe General OfflceTSo.SS Sooth ■ « 'J'EAS, COFEEE, SUGAR, Tobacco, At low figure* fbres>h bnyen. . * HOIUOX/EOBS A CO„ Eltct tti'eek X Pickled Uerrlng, Codfish and Whltefish, in atom ForsaJoby •., w iiOitTOX ROBB A CO, ■gALT. SALT.—IOO TONS - Rock Salt,'at 97 Per. Ton, fa ocantltto to- jnitjmrdissera.' Alai WW> Barrels at fust per barryL • Wahtcd Itoo Second-Hand v«it Barkis. -- ■i- - LKDCC * «IBBA . aS6da»«da- Band 84 Sooth TTsier street, Chicago 200 ‘ BB < L S. , P;P. 1M E PTCRTCR Tn^ttHTßgg, For sale by WaTSON.TOWHK A CO, “’•feC-etNfiw '' ’ No.‘ICO Sooth Water street : A CARD.—Tie subscriber .bogs VlJl totonoaaoetolili Wends and the p«bilc,thatße ku been appointed Area. 6r old and reflableZaatern ’ Hoom Ibr tbe aale of - ■TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, ZeadJ and ■ Old''Wxaea and Liquors, - - la addldoa to the above ItIisOMKTtLLMI BXWfsr osa person to have In tnls city apnrde of .. > ' •-- *300,000 WOBTH OF GOODS, ■ : • . -• Bobrsdag . Plano FortM, Sewing HfacMnea, lav and oilier Books, &utl«n«i7j jrlifthn.Goodn, LBTntSer BnMrtl *ow, ClztnanA Groceries. asveß u wt>aln« wlc&i and Liquors. wblcb ha ]m jo r ««i n tor a abort time (on commlwton). nnU rrrrv - b«4r to know u*iß&juy^ic£}t hIS 7 * ■, : •■-■{ FBBIOD. To C**b either irbolenle or pgera Indncomecta new ted naDrccedested - WUJOXIS tost ttdl li BO boirot STinfinTwinOTt, an toefooda are wimnted flntcun.' ' J. F.' BffiKULT Vfflee, 50. 5 Dol*l BoUdlnt .. y.’o. SUGAR, in U.V sb4 ibr iale COFFEE lor sale ■qnn Ebte KrT. SYRUP, ■ : VM^V/i-y-••.- v CO. JTfth H&'Chests T. H.TEA; 1 I W - - A CO. QAA Hl£ Chests Choice OOLONG’ •J A Bbls.-Prime ; NO.-l NUTMEGS. •JIV/•-•-•• ■ BTOQIJ3, m j, CO. i Ah BblaJ Ghoipe" N. O^MOLAS-' KLT A CO. V 1 K. and; XV W JLATEB RALSEra. -:kV-*v/r—j=.: SLr A CO.: BARRELS . CHOICE.’ 'iejUlAl : TOTT2EiFPtE3,]mti>celr*atia' T; ARGB OR SMALL’-OEDERS V tXUJKfi BWkl^t-ilVll^^^lnyhok^ 1 ; JL' eadtalf fcentia. Jut*:«ad Resale at. - , r :oi I «w«»at fua*fap>*ttt4c ganjting arft Eit§g«ge.- TBB'^ST ni b« ag0..1 ; LtSaceasorto Treat* Carpenter* OoJ - " ; !Cwln , 'B^ldi l loinu AIKEN-&^ORTON % : ■XX BANK KHrt.-ATm T>gA |.gT» nr SZCOAffOT, r Comer oT likei »i><l'Clark Streets, CSanurtftTiy A* anas. *^-BBsar T?DW,. L XDTKHAM & C 0. , -. '*nr.vul l XVSf' ntarn * A to tftAtr old stand,' • > CQBHEROK LAKE AXD CLARK STRSSTa, in . WlHcoctlan* their onrinaM as BAHZEM.AHD ECCHAIT3B DEiIEH. pwsm. Torra**. * . xaasat. -.. jsrea ,**«»*»♦ ATAIUKE.BAFK,: •f-TX CHICAGO UABDTB A3Q> TSSU3ASUK CO. 'V ; 5* V : 'Cap’UtV SSO0 5 0«0. HAH tLTQS'Jfc DOT. Cerider and R-fretiry '•■’• - * '.y • J.TOtJJfO SCDfMOT rresl-tMt 'QOEFMANH &, GELPCKS, ’■ ■■''^.RANKERS:.. ■ •*' • ' m MiAd46.UMl6ltr^ BAHKIHO DEPiBTKEIITi. . DftooaHarecetredJi.CazreatAceoimta toons pertlee la .country, tzd tb» canal accommodtUona cnptadtoresolarttroiiltcrsandearrnpondeets.' interest on baU < tt cm only be allowed ta tiiw Wvwe ents hare been tcadntotiistdl act. »Jtr, payable at a epeiiaed data, or irddslatereaewlli bcauowed; '■-r. ■ ■ .I . SAVING pEFIBIAiiAT. STOCK’ DEPARTOEST. transportation. (CHICAGO, NEW YORK AND V/ v; BOSTON LINZ BOUTS, VIA. CLARKE & O O THUOUH FREIGHT AGENTS, Sq^tippets. (Srocetirs, No. IS River street. „ lEtailroabg. X uj; R:.Umj Ili U.Liy. w " . Pi«Ma«r Trains Icare the Ocpo\ corner ofUsdlsa, * sad Canal streets Chicago, ds&y as . BtSft a. m* except Sob day*, ud at y except Saturdays, rat. BOSTM. BHr TOM, PHH.IUQPHU ;T1 BALTIMORE, WASHtNOTOR, Hatrrisborg- <fc Pittabirrir. BUTTALO/DTTSXIKJr, • CLKYKiaSII COUJMBFa, COCCI- • 5 ATI, DATTOH, And an InterortUta station between Chicago and ttiw nn— >)ini« inwirt *r itTKM.ud uu>• Union ivrpoc, W«S BIT. PATRICK, Tfefa't • A * g,t ~ fTHE PENNSYLVANIA. CEN- X .TEAL RAILROAD.- .. 3Q MILES DOUBLE TRACK. • <-The capacity oi miaßoadtanosr equal toaay la the ' Hum ThroaA Fusennr Trains ; tr..> '• i .Between fltubsrch and Philadelphia. , Cons ecttng direct In tie union Depot, at nttaburrh. wfcoThroogh Trains from all vamn Onto* tor Pirn*, dale nl»,lfew Tort Boston. Baltimore and Washington .Clqr;.U>g< fflrnlttilpg todudea toe tbAtrassportacoa ef Pnwttgwttostnpasaed tor speed and com tort by lines rtmthTOceh to Philadelphia, ' khoot change of cars or conductor*. • 2-Saokla* Cats are attached to each tratn:WeodrnC*a Keeping Cars to Express and Fart Trains. The Ex. press nuts dally, Mall and Fart Una dooday* excepted. Throe daur trains connect direct for Hew York. Ex press and Fart Una connect torßalttmore and Wish, larton. Patent Brace speed under perfect coatrofoT adding much tame safety ottrs- b«*Kn PUUd«pWn-«na 3T«» Sf t»twaea X«e York and Boa* «S2VwJTtiIS? lictt> *S mi.K«i«xlonnUliaoJ >re t»o4 Tin Sorwlci. TUI obtained at aay.of tbo’lmDortaat Wwt; also on board any of the Igw*r Line o{ Steamers on the MlmUdnel or Ohio .Krers; xsd_at die ocice oftbe Com^^^mßoatoo. ' *S ZJ#**- Baltimore. orPhflxrir^” yaaj . 3 ° KOB * i*-rix* As.nn ‘rnc XJ Quote u _ w iiCTomi tnCTt _JZJSK TOR TICKEns UV PITTSBUSOH. Tto completiDa of Uie Wertern eonnecUoos of tte IciiijtjliiiUA RaDtohl makeathlA ibo DIiSST LDia BBTWEfd THE EAST AND TQ nmiT vkt *^**.'iwiae ■ ... . umuu nui, Tneeoaaectlac of tracks by tbe CaSrosd IMdea a sssssii.t^ los s? fhs«, company j _ . ___D.XSTIWAI£rPKnbnrrB: . Graham A Co„Cairo,llL; R. F. Sbaieb A bias*. - Joka U. lUrTbC nmSi iJH?, Tcon.; Harrta A Hqqi. ?iciiij>tilX Tenn.; Clarte ACo_, Cblcajo rW. H. H/KeoettrAitoa, id.: or to Ayentt of Rallromcfs at dmerenl pooua in me GjwitMt PKiliSMdarad’fer the Pnte ■ uca and SMedy Transportatiaa of And good afWTnrmodanons sren cscal pitiHogeaftt persona trsteilngIncbarccthereoL _BylUsßentePrelrbo*of andttcrtptlonaesabe tor. :Ne * Boston, or Bammorr. to and from anr point on the Railroads ; Aeotuck}', Indiana, UUcoD, WUconain. lowa. OrMtoonrl, by railroad direct. PenaxyVanla eonaects at ntts ban&wim fcleamers, by »hkb Goods can be forward ed to sar pm on the Onto, Mcaitarmn. Keotnckr. 'lennoecc, Comberland. lUlcoK i:L?is>lppL ivbcon! sbviltooorlKanst3i».Arkxiv»aA and Red lUvera;and l i» V *’ SandUAky andCUctro wliitbteamerto aB Forts onihe Northwesicrn I aku.' ostneirnrtgbutotms Compaoy,can relrwim coafl» • desee on Ua speedy transit. *w wuawuu- XP l ® and from any point the We«,by tbe FepcsylTatda Kxllioad.afe at all Uwea at uue charged by other K. k. Companies. nartlcnUr to mark psckagea **TtaPuiA B. J. SSKKDKG. I S“ ?rH V I r A K S? N . S -," 1 Milnor. or - No - ia -* n - pIUCAGO & NORTHWEST \J EBNBAILWAT. _ . DIRECT BOUTS -TO .Madison, Prairie do CMen. Fund tin Oatikoam Green Bay, Berlin. Idpon. LACro-se. bt Vaai.^T^ 11 * after Monday, Nopesiher Xth, trains Day Expreee-12.45 Noon.' ‘ " E*enteg Kxiire**—sJs p. lUforoboxe points. OFToroaga tickets can be purchase® stall KaQrcad ofllcaa on Dearborn street, or at Famengcr station*. _ _ OKU.L hnMjlP,siy|)..rUKeulc3t E. Da Wrrrßoßixaoy, GeoX Ticket lift oea.ii TSUFFALO & LAKE HURON JS£ ck “ d v - t ™“ can be obtained at the Union Depots UMAtAIy &a.CAirrKR. 6«?1 Maaaaec ]\fICHIGAK CENTRAL AND -LTX qkkat-western <canada> bailwata ’ . , Vinter Arraugrutnta. Trains learn the Great Cencrli Depot, foot of Lake street, Chicago* VOrt U8 r» it—York and Bortnn Express, (except ,♦ .• Saturday J arrlreat Detroit ÜBa_M_ Sna. pension firidgn of BatfoloSJU r. _ _ a-®® York a. n, Boston noon. “ fc,fc^Ssißf!rS!2S?* au^ SJO p. and JUmlsTino Express- fncent AS) p.'il—Train, eatnrtiay only to Niles,' Bandar .Trains attaop.n, * fW* Patent Sleeping Cara on an night trains, Ttws A2O p.a train connects at Pam otth the Baflkre and Lake Huron Kailway for Buffalo and aU notnta out;-at Toroete-witn too Grand Trank Ball way to Kingston. OpUesßbaprh, Montreal, Quebec, and all hist, Northern Vermont, Newllamp. Baggage checked through.. . Through Tickets (bp «Tlsst the principal TUCttmul offices lathe Aorth sad West, sod at the Compsav** office, corner Lakasnd I>e*rbom iitmo, and *1 tio depot 00l ot Lake street. _'._ _ £. IT. SICK. Superintendent. H h Bxjtfflqrr, General Ageax. w* VfICHIGAN SOOTHER]* AND XTA. IiAKEBHORBKiILEOAD. :lKOa..i.'..'Wiatsr Amng«mast-....186M1 Takes effect Sunday, Not. S3, kflf a.a.—NewFork sad Boston riprnw - • Fnodayx Tin Old Uno, itslly except Saturday, tin Connecting si Toledo and Detroit with, tains to s3 *** ■** ** r *—nttthargh, Baltimore and Philadelphia express. vtaciereland. making ssqmekttao a» any other root*. • <UOA.3L.aad 4» r.x-Detrolt KxpreM tta Adrian srrivtpc la Detroit ax ISO r.xsndfl. 5 a *, cuanecOng dir«ctly wua train* on me ureas Western and Grand Trunk itoads. „OT* woodruff's Patent Sleeping Can accompanv sQ the Night Trains on this route to New Tork and Ur-aton. ’ TtckaOcaabehadatsll ticket offices tn the. West, .and at the Company's Uffice. 3d Sooth Clark street. and at the depot. TTa*a* Icaro Toledo at 16.2k a. x. and 1033 p. Xi amxe in Chicago ax SfOxx and &oup,» -_ _ GbO. M. ORAT. GenT. Western A geek JonjrD.CAXtraazx.GcnXSapC jeTOUy piUCAGO & ROCK ISLAND Vy. RAILROAD Tiiin, rswrrisiu depart from and arrive at Chicago as (tdiovs r •' < Day Kzpre*«and Halt leava mars >, m, sed arrive sts.iar.x(Sa&dsT* excepted). . . -NlelitEipreM .tala wills r. u. (SUanla*. newt. ®d) 1 stilts sxd.U a, x (Holidays exeeptoU. J^Acco^jS&N^.r^tT.^r^ . W. L. St. Jon. fleal Agent.- d«3S OX. LOUIS, ALTON * CHICA KJ GO RAILROAD. • *. Two Bxpreso Trims daily leave depok <•«"»’ street, •eery außdog (except dosdayj and every BTcnlsr (ext cept Satnrdaji; •. . - : •^^fesac-.-.rgS'’-*- Deestor g£X •• - “ • Hpiingflela i....... fra • - 438 “ : ** JsokaoarJls-u..* M frot * ' RJS y.w • •** Alton fclO « :: 830 ** . “ St. Loul* l£t» • .Ifrca *• Through trains arrire atAAlcrfatfr* xx and 9M p.x Joaet and WUnuogton ap(>hwiw)<<»»i>hi leave gd»go' at 430 p. x dally (except Sondayv srxlTe si tyßlecaat Seeping Camon an nig tt tralna. CONNECTIONS—At ri* and UorllnAon Railroad for Losanvpork Peorls. OslesbnrgandßoiCzgioa. AX Bloomington with m:- nols Central BaCroadjor Decater. ALSurUjrfeJdwna Great- Western RsCrnad ofllluols (br Jadc-wntUle. NaplasandQolßey. Al t>C.U>n.'.with PsdSc lUUroad for Jeffcnoa Uty. Srraonse. Georgetown. BoontlL'e. Laxlngtox ladepeadenoe. City sad Luna worUk, vllhSenn BUeoorl Ralhoed for Sc Charlea. Bodson asdSt Joseph, sndwiihirQnMmutslaßsn. road for Pilot Knob and Southern sUwoori. with Balk road Use of gtearacr* on the Mississippi Hirer tor NiempltK Tlcksborg sad New Otjeans. . For t&rongh tickets apply at the Company's Office; 43 Dearborn street, opposite Treason*-Bouse, and as tUl i,.p,t.C^ l ur !auE3K , • CBAS. CONUjXJN.j “OCriws* ~8. & MASON; Superintendent. ~ JOSEra TLLmOIS- CENTRAL RAIL- X... • ROAD., I*6o--.. WißterAmmgsmeat.'..lßßl • OBaedalterSaadar.NovesiberiCtfwlfffc trains viU leave the Great Central Depot loot of Laics and So atii Water Streets. fcSLa.iL, (Sander* mreeptadlazrtvtac at Peoria at fcSO r. 3t, SL Loo!*4L3o p. au Coin a at, ' Memphis MOp. at, Orleans law hour*. t£B p. x, (Satordajt excentorfv *rx\y\n* » Q st. Louis aS U3O a.3(- Cairo S3 bCWX ■frtlct mire la Chicago at. ■f UoA.3c.ca4ftaor.x- (Sandcrc excepted.) • Throngti ticket* Ibr iH Important point* South cad Bontlnreft brtale cttha office of the Compear. la taa QmtUatnrScpot • • w » ■ W. R. ABTHUTL 6«tt.Sept. *». P. JOHSSO2T, Gea.PniaPccr Agent. - >. Mm i«aw Orleaaa la /'LALENA & CHICAGO UNION BiTlßn4T>—Trayw Ahimwhw_ ’ OaaßdafterMonda7;2iOTenberacUi,l9Hltr«iaavl!l leare.Wella street depot: aatoUowa, Sordaisexcepted; - ibiOA.lL and &S0 r.iL, ror Belrtdere. Boeklbrd, Free. port.'.'Warrai, Donletilu Oosaqu* and Inteiv Tnertl*tapoiaut_UjM» A.x.aodftflOr. x. torDtioo. poiow Folton-Cemr EapldJ, end intermediate note*; UO r X. tor Elgin. Belrldere, Eockfbrd, aso. intermediate points; WX) T. x. fbr Genera and intermediate point*. Paiaenrera toe Beloit and Janeartlle villtake la© 11:40 A.X. train. Fasiraeef«ibrCrT»talLake,HeHeixrr,R!c&> pond. Genera Lafeand intermediate polnOi,wtl take (be IUO a. JL train v KF’Seepinn cant oa m*bt tram*. . i _ „ 'E. B. TaLcoTT. Gea.hapi. G. iC TTT?K r.iittti, Gea. Paaaeager A^t» 1. piHCAGO AND MILWAUKEE p\J * 0 - __ . - BATT.mun Qb mad after Wedtuidaj Jaic. soth, ucL n—mrrr Trala* leave the-Depot oonxr otWestJOaSnSml Caaa> etreeta, asft)Q{rva: • - US *«&•?.% , PueeagerTralsaaretreit CtUcut> it 540 p.m. - Aixommedaaoo Train learea Caikaeo it ****"*■• r . ,| ( ,IV V PAidl nuy np\ BXJMJNGTOK & Vf • QUPTCr It AILKOAD. r—eliter Train* leave and arrive ehteaxo astoU lower lualeaves at lUS jUIL. (Sasdavsezeepted* Wires at QJ) r. «-j(todays excepted). Gxpreea leaves-at 1L« r.x»(Satardaya axceptedfearrtvea at , 8J& {Mondays excepted*- Auor* • Aecoajsodaooß leaves Us.tsr.iu {Sondaja excepted): arrive- at ULtf TAMES McDO NNELL, „ tX Sola Agent fictile sale of o o aecox*., ■■ I * HIQBIT; P«rls, ia. . tEDBIAAWX)HOI,.WOttKa* - . do, .. .a C PJtOLI A JO, ; premium pure spirits, ’ SSaSi? 1