Newspaper Page Text
Jspetial Isatiws. jgf” A Friend in Reed. Try it.— DK, SWEETS' ISTALI-TRLE LIMMEKT U pro. pued from the. tecelpe of Dr. Stephen Sweet of Coo. necdcot, the great bone-setter, and has beennsedln jil» practice for the last twenty yean with the most astonishing success. As aa extsaal remedy It is with. c~x & rival, and wHI -aHerlate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For all Bhemnattc. and Ncr. vons Disorders it Is troly Infklhhle. and as a curative for Bores. Wound*, Sprains, Bruises, &c„ Its soothing, pealing and powerful strengthening properties, excite the jost wonder and astonishment of aB who have ever given It a trial. Overfonr hundred certificates of re markable cores, performed by It within the last two years, attest this feet For sale by J. E. JOHNSON, General Agent, 70 State street, Chicago, and by all. Dealer*. nolS' What is it ?—The whole world replies in chores, 4 It la the most excellent article ever xuadt,” Then, again, come* the question. ‘Wbatlsit? Answer, “LYON’S KATHAIKON for the Hair.” Everybody rues it. Everybody likes it. Try It and prove Iti excellence. Bold by all dealers. fel2-lm 53F* Greeley’s Bourbon Bitters.— Those popular Bhtesj posrees all the nourishing and InvtgoraUuj properties of Pun* Old Bopkbos Wbukt, and are coi>idcred tbs most efficacious Toma and feTamjurr, as well as the most agreeable StoiuchiO ever offered to the public. As a tonic for Old People, delicate Ladle*. occ'raicscent Invalids, and all weakly pc-cplc, they cannot oe surpassed; In all cases ofWeat ncjt or debility, they will give Immediate relief and popart * strong healthy tone to the system. Atrial win establish thclrzneritz over aU other Tonics now In sae. Xor Lrsa Couplukts. Bboscbro, 2>TBrEPOi f Flavors I Casases asd km Cokplaikts. they are an invaluable remedy, and are a certain preventive of Ceils and : mats. Pet op in Quart Soules, in cum of one and two 60Z8&, aad ler sale fcy Drogglsts and Gwcen eray* where. w.r.* A. vr. GREELEY, Proprietors, No. 33 Its* iDontatreat, Boston, Mast. J. E. JOHNEOF, GoasrsJ Agent, Ko. 70-.&tate street, Chicago. a.3.uerDorr,Ag«it. Aparrmswu Kennedy’s Medical Discovery crnt ii ScroislnT Kennedy's Medical Discovery cores Zryripolaa. Kennedy's Medical Discovery cures Canker. Kennedy's Medical Discovery cores Nursing Bore MtJi. Kennelv's MedlralDUcovery cures Humor of the Eyes Kennedy's Medical Discovery cores Scald Head. Kennedv's Medical Dbcovcrv cores Kenning of tbe Ear Kennedy's Medical Discovery cores Ulcerat'd Sore Leg Kennedy** Medical Discovery core* Lepra. Kennedy's Medical Discovery cores Kbeomattaa. Kennedy* Medical Discovery cores SalcJSheom. Kennedy's Medical Discovery cores Dyspepsia. Kennedy's Medical Discovery Kegalates tte Bovels. Kennedy's Medical Discovery Ecgulatee the Kldneyi. Kennedy’s Medical Discovery llegomtM tbe Liver. Kennedy's Medical Discovery bas cured Dropsy. Wten yon are sick, and do not know wart toemattcr h pcrharifl yns have an Inward henor. Try Kennedy*! Medics! Discovery. For sale by all Drcgglrta. Music Stores. f\L BEST MUSIC HOUSE IN V/ CHICAGO. H. M. HIGGINS, (Successors to Higgins Brothers.) So. 117 Kandoiph Street Ho. 117 Is the only place In the city where all kinds of Mcalo aua Sheet Music can be found. Do not forget the number. 127 Randolph street, near the corner of Clark. In Kingsbury Block. 41 _ . . . Orders from the country promptly attended to. laWISSMia T ARGEST WHOLESALE Xj house nr Musical Instruments and Strings. JfLIGS BABER, 99 Sontli Claris Street, Clilcaco, Manufacturer and Importer of Musical Instranjenta and Strings, having 'connection with manufacturing houses m i-crlln. Le:p-dc. Dresden. England and Pans, Is prepared to iurnLh Dealers, Bands and Indl.idnaU, with every article in their line. AT THE LOWEST HEW YORK PRICES. ocls*d2G9-jy JULIUS BAUER. Drums asd brass nrSTEUMESTS. JULIUS BAUER, .MANI'FACTn:i;i: of DRUMS AND BRASS INSTRUMENTS, 99 South Clark Street, Chicago. [ocls-d2©-ly] IHunrfring. TC. SHTTH & COMPANY, * Brtss Cork Hannfactnrew, nrj^* COPPERSMITHS, AND DEALERS Isf WROUGHT IRON PIPE, STEAM AND GAS FITTINGS. SHEET COPPER, BLOCK TIN, PUMPS, &C. Axao—Particular attention paid to Jobbing of all connected with the Trade. 3*33 Washington SI., Chicago, 111. tpoireo-im] D. McFABLAKE’S R. Gas, Steam Pitting AVD PLUMBING ESTABLISHMENT. S4 Ln.allo Street, Chicago, ny.nT.-EB Hi GAS FIXTDBES AHD ISDN FDRXITUBE, PjMCWW£ PLUMBER, And Manufacturer of ah "Kinds of Steam. ‘Worlc. TO THE TRADE The trade supplied with tools anderery artlclelu the Gas, Steam Fndc? and Plumbing Business. Ite-GHd- Inc and Broi zing done- to order. {ST Mar-nlactory ACT andlCS East Washington street, myS6 _ _ Vetoing fEadnnes. THE SINGER SEWI m MACHINES IN ORDER TO PLACE THE BEST FAMILY MACHINES In tlx© ’World. Within the reach of all. we have reduced oup LETTER A, or Transverse Shuttle Machines, beautifully orna mdhted, to S»IPTT DOIjXjAH.B. THESE LETTER A MACHINES CONTAIN Recent Paluable Improvements. We would ask for them (before purchasing else where) the aptclal attention of Vest-Makers, Dress- Makers, and all those who want Macula cs for light manufacturing purpose?. Singer’s Xo« 1 and 2 Standard Shuttle Machines, Both of very general application and capacity, and nonolar in the family and manufactory. Prlrc reduced respectively from and f!SO to SSO and 1100, Singer’s So, 3 Standard Shuttle machine For Carriage Makers and heavy leather work. Price, complete, s*2 S. THE SINGER MACHINES Make the Interlocked stitch which 1* the best stlteh known. They arc of great meed. *adlv understood, simple in structure, of gr-at durability, adapted to tbe heaviest and lighten: good*, arc tinlsiied In the mo?t perfect mauotr. and may be used for several yean without requiring repair. THE STANDARD MACHINES, For Tailoring. Boot and Shoe Maklnc, Harness Mak ing. Carriage Trimming, etc„ etc* will do more work, e*ru more money, aud are cheaper than those of other makers a* a gift. Wc have always on hand Hemming G cages. Silk. Twist, Linen ana Cotton Thread on fepools, beat Machine Oil In Bottle*, etc, etc. far* All person* requiring Information about Sewing Machines, their sizes, prices, working capacities, and the best methods of purchasing, can obtain it by send ing tor a'copy of L JL SINGER ft CO’S GAZETTE, Whlchlsabenutlfol pictorial paper, entirely devoted tothe suldect. IT WILL BE SENT GRATIS. I, irf. SINGER ft CO., Ko.» Sooth Clark street, (under the Sherman Home.] feSrcO-lf JAMES BOLTON, Agent. CEWINO M\A CHINES, D L. CORNELL & CO’S y&mily and. Manufacturing S4O SEWINQ MACHINES. IAGCABTiFABB’B PATENT, V. are happy tp s.y to the thousands who are twin* oar Machines. and the thoufand* that want them, that VACU MACHINE KOW BEAKS THE PATENT LI CENSE STAMP OF GItOVEB & BAKER. ELIAS HOWE, Jiu and all persons selling or tiring them are ■•cure against any molestation. Oar Machines are now just where we want them; In direct competition and on an equally popular basis with the best made and highest priced machines In any W a.rfrPt, and they are still sold at *4O and *4s,lncluding Hemmere (ot which we have several styles), Needles, and everything necessary to their ose la family or Shop, thu xnake- them still the chkapkst, LncxTUtATK and jtacHnsn nt xsbkki. In Justice to oor Machinm as vel as our customers we offer to KEFtfhD THE iIONEF In sixty days for any machine which does not wholly satisfy the par. Svtiftor This feature alone makes oar machine worth much more than any other, as there la necessarily some few ofVt» superior qualities ore these:—lt uses a Kralrht needle; nos grrot space under tbe ann- sews from two common spools, neither belngfastened and both In sight; turns on binges; lai seccredfrom dust and exposes no oil; Its levtr purchase than that orany other machine; it ho* bnt two screws and both are above'and in fronti the driving wheel I' entirely ont ride of table t It requires no alter ation for all varieties of work; it will certainly honest ly a geraxee TA»i*rr of woex teas asy kacsisk, amou- the hundreds with which we «*, lu tension Is perfect; it runs easily and still; (tbothers nobody novices can manage it. one other will satis .’We can^afel?say that no piece of labor-saving ma chinery ever grew so rapidly Into universal htrpf as o?r sewing machines. Three years has placed them la thsverr front and thongh cur maanisctnriiiß facilities have been laiwely in creased we have not been able to supply the demands during the past season. We can now till all orders, we theBIGIIT6IDH BLAKE A 325 1I J? oi ‘ ADJUSTABLE IIKMMEK. and can now defy OiQ world to produce better tnsmanentt tor doingaii kinds of aewine and embroidery. Let every one Who U Interested & the great Improvements In SewlngMachinea whether they wish to purchase or aDiscrlptive Cfrcalar and oomph* of vr emnrtoictJon the public icrinst unprincipled and rertjgetiy Irretpoptible parties ■Stsiave claimed to be rspnaentW |B machines were pal of xoarket, ana offer of oars I« COBNEBtTt CO'4' « » U*. n.^cSSgSS 0 -' JEUmeg anti Srcjjatige. AAA TO LOAN’. —We want fpt/} \J\J\J a first-class piece of city MCnrlty for a loan of the above amount for three or five years at 10 per cent. B. N. DOWMiG & CO* fiO Clark street. . __ fo* Money from eastern CAPITALISTS BEGGING- INVESTMENT.— sd. on or before the flrat of March next -A.l Se curity for *2.000, at 1 n per cent, on - fixe years :tline. Nos* sot fstscipals need apply, CotutaUalons so lightest© make even a miser Fmilc. , , • also A, 1 Mortgage PecotitleH for several tbon jand dollars, on rix to twelve months time. On these last I cmnoispeak so strong about light commissi-me; Imt will endeavor to make them largely In favor of . borrowers, as compared with tsttal rates raid here, ’ especially when ench borrowers have not over bos* bowed already and are prompt paters. Apply be* tween 11 a. m, and 4 r.x. H. K. SWIFT, Agent and Trustee, felS-e6l*lot j Office at present at OJ Lasalle et. jyjTONET TO LOAN ON F2SBT-CLASB EECDKITIEB, In the City and. Country, ten B. F. DOWNING & C0 n S5 Clark street. NTED—Land ‘Warrants. Ap?iyTO J. Xj • XiEB!. dell'gMy 82 Clark street, ooaoer Lake. JJXCHAE6S OK NEW YORK AND BOSTON, Wanted by BKNJ. F. QUH£BX A CO*, ficrnTniarion V«rrhant« J»0.1325t. TO LOAN CHICAGO CITY PKOPERXY, Or <m Good Improved Farms inthis-Stat#. CHAMBEBS, LEE & C 0„ 321 Lake street. aasiesisiy Monet l o a n b d on Hrat-clsss E&currtioa at the Uawlrtwy OffleO OfWlD* H« BIM & CO,* No. 68 Clark Street. Tbree to five Teen'XiOans at IDper cent. Short Pa per dlecoanted. Cash advances onwarehoaßeßoeolata, CT City-Scrip wanted. mya-oCB-fr FOR MONET TO LOAN On Beal Estate Becuritiee la Cook and adjoining Counties, •A.p3>l7 to ERNST Dealer in Joreiga Exolutoga, KO3TEY 0D BEAL ESTATE BROKE*, Agent for the British. Commercial Life Xr> . nuance Co., and Notary Public. No. 0 - - liannon Block • • No. 6 nOit-ly N. K. cor. of Clark and ‘Washington eta. Business! ffiarhs. ocerawy kKS. SMALL & BEEBE have ' removed to their New Office Booms, No. 102 Washington Street, Where they are prepared to attend to their professional calls la Medicine and Surgery at all hours of the day and night. JaisdSS3-2m PHABLES B. WATTE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 1 138 Clark Street, Chicago. Fartlcnlar attention given to the law of real estate and to the collection of claims within the State of TTHnnti, del-1? PATSOST & REYNOLDS, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELLORS AT LAW, $0 > ■ Pe&rborn Street ■ « - 80 ’ CHICAGO,' ILLINOIS. BiiraaiCEE,—Reynolds, Ely A Co„ L H. Eurca & Cc- Chicago; Wc. B. iisynolds A Co„ Boston; John M. Atwood,EE n Philadelphia: Messrs. Springer A White man. 8. S. l/Hommecieo, Esq-Ctocmnau; John An. drev-R, Eeq., Brest Board of Control, D. W. Deahler, President, Colnmhns, O.:Z. 8. Ely & Co., George Ste phenson, Esq., Edward Plerrepont, Esq-New York; Hon. Ira Harris, Boa. Amass J. Parker. Alb any, N. T.; John Q. Deahler.Esq., Buffalo. JelS'EO-ly riRAWEORD, SHARP & CO., \J IMPORTERS AND DEALERS In Crockery, Glass and China Table Cattery, Looking Glasses Css tore and British Ware, No. 105 Lake sfreet^Chfcagp, Sfatiomtg, sa. /BARTER & STONE, Dealers In SACS AND PAPEE, » South canal Street ...Chicago, EJ. J, T, CAiim B. 2, Bran. , Of Cam paid for all Mods of Cotton and Woolen wfg« sal’C-O-ly X>UTLER & HUNT, 48 State-St., t* h*Te bow oa hand tbeibllovicgeltss of printing papep - - lSx*7 ' 18x2S »)I« 2fi143 28i« 22x23 29x46 23x44 UiXß* _35xS7 87x41 2S=tl« 28X« ZirM 23x83 25x55 20x27 are receivings Ifirce atsortmsnt of BOOK PAPE3. 8,030 reams of wrapping Paper, of different sizes. 1.000 reams Manilla ao. , , 300 reams Cep and Letter, and & general assortment of Printer's Stationery. . , . 1.000 kegs of Mather’s celebrated Book and News Ini. All of which wlh be sold for cash at the lowest posaL |*“ Cash paid for B&ga. t j£% Da. irgersoll, • Biajtc Book Mjjtotictdbsb, BOOK BINDER AND BDLERt Ism now prepared to manufacture Blank Books or every description, ruled and 'bound to any desired pat terns with or without printed headings. Particular at teatlon paid to orders from County Oncers, Banka. &c. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Shipping Elite, &c., Euled and Printed to order. Magazines, periodicals, etc., bound In any style. Old Books boond and re-bound. All kinds of Printing done with neatness and dispatch. Terms moderate. NO. 128 LAKE STRELT, Northeast comer of CUrk, (entrance on Clarksc rcetj Poet Office Bex *aw. my2s-d3Si-ly jfot pike's 13eafc. gT. JOSEPH & PIKE’S PEAK TraniporSatlcm Lima, A. WARREN ft 00.) Oenenl Freighter* to tbe Mlnesy STORAGE, FORWARDINGAND COMMISSION merchants. We have Train* 1 caving St. Joseph ■weekly through out the year, for all parts la tbe mines, and can give parties unusual frcilltlcsfor getting out freight with fianatchand et reasonable rates. AUeoodaahlppedtp our cans, destined for tbe mines will be promptly at tended to. Werehonß. on Btttt £ CQ ettiWMy St. Joseph, Mo. r* UN'S I—GUNS 11—GUN'S I!! \JT Gnus. Rifles, pistols; Colt’*, At. _ en’a. 6harp?s, and every variety of volver. Bowie Knives, Tents. Picks, Shovels, Pans, Gold Scales, Blankete,and all kinds of miner* tools; Powder, Bbot i^y w g'*sfc t fin# ted ammunition generally. Ajrent'O' B v forfit Louis Shot. Sole Agent for Has- • tLTd'B POWder. OKO. T. ABBEY IS6 Latent. »p?3y trusses. T>ITPTUBES CUBED ,*s=s^ H BT TEE gg HASP RUBBER RIGGS J This Truss Is flnllke all others ever used, both in construction and mate rial Does not constantly press on the rupture, and thereby give a call for a truss for life, Uko most trasses In use, but presses in four places, bringing the parte to tether, glvfif nature a chance to curt which ll ioi, la nearly all cases. Does not press UPON THE CORD, or obstruct circulation; never soils or corrodes, and is always clean and new. Young persons and recent cases always cured, physicians say It Is the ONLY PHILOSOPHICAL TRUSS IN USE None but those who have sabered with the misery of rapture can s> predate the value of the “ Riggs Truss. An Illustrated nampidet. containing all particnlara, MDt fiueto any ~nc. or addressing L B. SEELEY, iJicluslve anti Bole Agent for the Western States, Office m T «v* street, Post Office box ASSS, Chicago, t i bolesale trade supplied at Hew Torts prices. lyyw-ly ©gstws. nTSTERS! OYSTERS n^/TN « CENTS PEE.CAN. 'VVIJ!? We are now selling A No. 1 Baltimore Oysters at Forty Cents per Can, in any ' quantity. Five Cents extra wlUbe charged whera bill? are chanced on single cans. Orders accompaniedwith the cash will receive prompt attention. fcl-d!RS-im H. SANBORN, Fruit Dealer, ng Randolph et. CTEVEKS « ° 01*8 TIERS, War’ FBBBE FROM BALTIMORE EVERT DAT. 108 - Randolph Street - 108 tw orders from the country solicited and promptly attended to. 0c23d2154m painters. TEVTnR & ALMINI, O Fresco and Bocorsdve PAINTER W 101 Washington et, Chicago. FRESCO AND DECORATIVE PAINTING In the Parlors, Dining Balls and Libraries ol flr*t class Residences. Also, the interior of Churches. Pub lic Halls, Ac, In Chicago, Illinois and other States, We also give strict attention to tbe Graining of Wood, and Marbles, and solicit your orders, confident of exe cuting than to your entire satisfaction, ncorftly JEVNE & ALMINLIOI Washington s liapet Rangings. ALLPA P E R! LJ186231 i-HSOimTEBI OF new Patterns ' AT BRAKE A.BBC’S, PAIRTEBS AND PAPER HANGERS, . • • South • Clark Street •.. . 184 [ocisnjj sUal JEstate. gTJPERIOR STOCK FARM FOB SAI/B, In Kane County, State of Illinois, COHTAHHHG 394 ACRES, Sixty of Timber, and the balance Rolling prairie. A good two-etory Frame Hons*. two large Borns, six ibeda large Com Crib, GrineiV, Ice-house, and Out house lor Milk Boom. Store Boom, and Men's Room— convenient for dividing Into two Farms, all the Solid- Inn and Fences In superior condition, lying on the Fox River two miles from Batavia, four miles from Aurora. thirty-right from Chicago. The trains of the Chicago. Bomneton & Quincy Railroad paes in view ot the house. Mill Creek, a large neveritillng sfresm. runs through the fann. All the Stock, Hay and Grain, Implement, and Household Furottire may be pur chase* together, or the Farm separately., This Farm and beauty of location, richness of soil, and ail its surroundings, perhaps, la second to none In the State. —Txxisß--FiftT dollars per acre, all cash down, for the Farm. The moveable property on one year's credit. For farther particulars adarew Box 140 Post Office, Batavia. Dllnoia. delßd®Wm ■\TEARLT 200 SONGS FOR 12 1* CENTS! THE SHILLING SONG BOOK, containing all the bestaongs of the day, alarge number of which, bring copyrights, are not tobefound n any other collection. DE ANGTTERA, A. PlAlfi F«TE TRIER AID REPAIRER, 110....XAK85T., (Up-Stulra) no rMEOUiARSi—!We tave a great \j variety of Scrtprandbthe# type for this Sosaof work. New style# received as they are lamed from the New York and Philadelphia Foundries Tribune Clark street. WSL H. HAND. Criluwe. BUlr Anlnl and Depsnnn ef Ttlall Trains* Jfrc fafP&an. Mails Cloe*. STclas Afrlw. . EAST. MICHIGAN SOUTHSKN. 6.00 a.m. •* 10.00p.m, 7 10.H)a.m. 6.80 p.m. 11.09 p.m. MICHIGAN CENTRAL, 6,00 s,m. 10.00 pm. 10.30 a. m. 6.30 p.m. - 4.4Sp.xm 11.00 p.m. HTTSBDBa, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO. SSjLm, 10.00 p.m. B.ooit.m. 6.80 p.m. 4.45,p.m.-l 10.40 p.m. CHICAGO ASH) ROCK IfiLAHD. 9.45 a. m. 8.00 a. m. 8.45 a. nu 11.45 p.m. ■ 9.00 p.m. - B.IBp.SU DIXON AXE UNS. 10.00a.t0. NoicaU. 8.40 p.m 11.40 a. m. 9.00 p.m. *9.Boft.m. 8.03 a.m. - 7.10 a.m. 9.50 p.m. • 8.50 p.m. • asop. m. BURLINGTON AND QUINCT. 11.JB A n. 11.45 p. m. 8.45 p. m. 10.40 a bu ALTON AND BT, LOUIS. 9.15 a. m. LB.OG p. m. NOBTH AsD\mr. GALENA AND CHICAGO TJKIOH. 11.40 a. xzu 10.00 a. m. a. 45 a. m. 8.80 p. El. 7.00 p.m. 8.40 p.m. KOBTHTOSTHHN. 11.00 a. m. 1120 p, m. 3.40 p.m. 4.45 p.m. 15ILWAUKE3. 8.00 p.m. IS.4Sp.SL 6.00 p. m. liSOp. ts. Hie Pensacollans and their Post The Pensacolians do not take the ■withdraw al of their Post Office kindly. “An ignomini ous and contemptible net,” says the irate edi tor of the Pensacola Tribune. “An act only fit for a barbarous and despotic age,” he con tinues; and then.asks: “Does the Govern ment of the United States tolerate such actions ? Is it a republic ?” How “ yes” or “ no,” as a response to the latter question, can. add to or take from the responsibility of the Government in faithfully serving the mails, is not clear. However, if driven to respond, we should say “yes, certainly; of coarse it is a republic, and republics are proverbially un grateful.” So, when Florida, like a dutiful child, suffered the United States to adopt her as a daughter, pay her natural parents some trifling millions for the privilege, and expend ed tens of millions more in protecting her ten der youth from ravening Indiana, and having been “brought up” at a great expense, saw fit to possess herself of certain “lands, tenements, goods and chattels” of her adopted parent, and bid the old fellow “go hang”—we submit that, after all this condescension on the part of Donna Flora, Uncle Samuel could not have sustained his republican reputation otherwise than by basely and ungratefully refusing to carry her letters, and furnish her pin-money as usual PRUSSSftQ, Under these afflicting circumstances, the in dignant journal aforesaid says; “ Wiiat can Florida do?” Rising with the subject, he asks: “ Where is her convention ?” Adjourn ed. “Whatdilit accomplish?” It seceded and u elected all the officers to be elected,/rom .its own hody P ’ Is it any wonder that he should ask, in the extremity of Ms grief, for the whereabouts of the counselors of, the Governor ? and, while the teers of discomfit ure roll in a cascade from his sympathetic coat sleeve, ejaculate: “If we are in Florida, then, “let Florida protect us. If we are a republic “ of our own, let us make our own postal ar “ rangements the best we can.” Precisely bo. The troubles of the inebriated gentleman who was called Ammi, and who queried—“ Am I Ammi, or am I not Ammi J” were naught in comparison. We can only congratulate him on the entire truthfulness of Ms conclusion when he descends from bis stilts, and delcarea in good Saxon English, “There is no fun in this!” We presume not, Mr. Judah.—iV. Y. World. * The United States steam frigate Mississippi is now almost ready for sea at Boston. Her condition has been reported to the authorities, and orders for her immediate outfit are said to be in contemplation. The ordnance authorities of the Brooklyn Navy-yard have not been often busier than they arc now. Batteries for the Perry, Savannah, Harriet Lane and other vessels are being pre pared, and will soon be finished.* The arma ments of the steam-frigates Roanoke and Wa bash arc to be increased by fonr guns each,and the batteries of the Mohawk and Crusader will be put in a most efficient state. The stock of shot and shell on hand is large enough to sup ply all contingencies. Captain Gonsevoort has got the entire department in the most per fect order. . Orders for the departure of a considerable portion of United States troops from Govern or's Island are daily expected. At present over three hundred men are on the ready list, and ambulance materials for a force ot thF.c number is susceptible of almost immediate use. It is said that three officers were detailed to go with the soldiers,'whose destination has not transpired. Another detachment of recruits >jas arrived on the Island, and one of United States dra goons left for Carlisle, where they are to be drilled and fitted ont for regimental duty. A steamer tools ordnance stores to Fort Monroe from Governor’s Island yesterday,— A’. Y. Times, 2ls(. Sad Accident.- —A son of John Blsecker, of Delphi,.lndiana, -was killed a few days since by the accidental discharge of a gun in his own hands, whi) e getting over a fence. Drowned.— On the afternoon of the 18th inst., Mr. S. N. Harris, while passing along the road some three miles west of this Tillage, discovered a dead man in a ditch a short dis tance from, him. Obtaining assistance at the nearest house, the body was removed, and proved to be that of Sir. William Howe, a farm r of this township, wbo for a series of years, has been subject to epileptic fits. The deceased was 42 years of age, and has a wife and two children in the State of New Hamp shire. Ho owned a farm in the vicinity where be was found, and had other property.— Paw Pa w Free Press , 19(A. Banned to Death.—On Tuesday of last week Mrs. Carr living at Atlanta, went ont to do a day’s washing, and left her two children in tbe care of her husband. Shortly after she left, the husband locked the children in the house, telling them that he was going down town, and would bring them something that would please them, when down town ‘•busi ness detained him.” The oldest child, about five years of age, attempted to kindle the fire which had gone ont. In doing so her clothes caught tire and burned entirely off her. When assistance reached her she was standing in the floor burned almost to a crisp. She lived about three hours and told all the circumstan ces which occasioned her death.— Lincoln (111.) Herald. Died op Starvation.— The Valparaiso (Ini) Gazette of last week says: “We learn that a yeung lady residing near the toll-gate, just outside, died on the Silh ult. of starvation. Hertfather, a strong, able-bodied man, has sacrificed all there is of good in the human heart at tbe shrine of king alcohol. Our informant, who Is a benevolent lady of this town, states that upon the first discovery of their circumstances she went to visit them. The girl, destitute of clothing, was lying on a hard,-dirty bed, with only one thin blanket over her, in a wretched hut, through which the wind whistled, cheerless and cold, and was then dying. She was a stranger in the place, was too proud to beg, and had no friends to interest themselves in obtaining a situation for her.” MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 188t SOUXH AND WEST. ILLINOIS CENTRAL—Busses. 9.80 a m. ‘..00 p.m. aubo&a AOooKAonxTnnr. 8.00 a.m. Office. Naval and military Intelligence* WESTEUT, HUtTERS, Atrocious.— The following startling and highly inflammatory dispatches appear in a newspaper w ont West,” to which they were specially telegraphed: LATE, LATER, LATEST AND HIGHLY IMPOTAST FROM CHARLESTON—OUR SPECIAL DISPATCH- ES BY THE UNDERGROUND LINE. “ Charleston, SupperJime, January 14.—A1l the babies in the entire South are in arms, and many in this city are now employed at the breastworks.” “Two and One-Half Minutes Later.—Hun dreds of the noblest women of South Carolina are behind the breastworks, and they boldly express their determination to remain there. ’ “Later SHU—TAree-Quarters of a Minute. — A number of young ladies were in arms during the greater part of last evening, and many more are extremely anxious to follow the self sacrificing example of their sisters. Shame on the young men.” “ One-Quarter of a .Minute Later. —We have learned from reliable sources that the study of military tactics will be introduced into the female schools of this State imediately, as the spirited girls declare their willingness to tako charge of the South Carolina ‘ infantry’ which is to be raised.” “A report from the interiorsays the negroes ‘wear’ drilling, bat it needs confirmation. Everybody .is In a blaze of enthusiasm, and tbe Gas Company has suspended in conse quence,”—Fewburyport Herald. Helancholt Termination to an Evening Pabtt.—A few nights back, a lady residing in Hyde Park gave a dancing party. The draw ing rooms had been divested ot all furniture to give room for the dancers. Towards the end of the evening a lady wasplaying at the piano, when her sleeve caught fir© from the piano Her sister, seeing the catastrophe, hastened to cwiinfrpiftii the flames; but unfortunately, of succeeding, her ov»u dress ignited. The scene was one of terrible confusion, and several ladles and gentlemen rushed to the rescue; but what was to be done? AU ruga, table covers, &c,, had been put away for the evening, and there was nothing to throw over them. We believe that we are correct in stating that as many as five ladies were on fire at once, and the screams were heard outside. The lady who endeavored to save her sister has since died from the injuries received; and the life of another is despaired ot—Eondcn Paper. The Anderson Case.— The Toronto Globe states timf- the discharge of Anderson was or dered on the following grounds: First, the warrant of commitment recites that Anderson stands charged, for that he did “ wilfully, ma liciously, and feloniously stab and kill one Seneca T. P. Dlggea, of Howard county, which might only amount to mandaughter\ whereas, the Judges decide, that to come with in the provisions of the treaty, the charge must be one of “murder.” Second, the warrant commits Anderson to the goal of Brantford “until he shall.he discharged according:to. lawwhereas, the Judges decide he 1 should have been committed u vnIC surrender be mode, or until he shall be discharged according ;to law.” : : : • • - ! “What a J*alltvab Thebe.”— The Mem phi& Avalanche says that Pjofl -Wisp, ,o£ aero nautic fame, is at present engaged In selling agples and candy at the street comers in that F. E, MORSE & CO., 1 * WHOLESALE A2TO SXZAXZ. DEALERS ZE REFINED ROCK Oil, Kerosene, Coal and Lubricating Oils, LAMPS,. CANS, CHIMNEYS, Globes, Wioki, 170. i ße XOHTB OLAEK ST, gaSOrdSOMta] ■ 'J'O ILLINOIS MERCHANTS. 1861,........A Card........1861, WEBER, WILLIAMS & YALE, JOBBERS OF HATS, CATS, STBAW GOODS, PABA SOLS AND U3IBBEIIM, .LANE STBKET, CHICAGO. Invite the special attention of Illinois mearchants to tbelr very large, well assorted and anuanally attractive Spring Stock for IBCI, which will he offered at low pri ces and on favorable terms for Cash or Approved Credit. I w Prompt and careful attention given to orders. WZSEB. WILLIAMS A TALB. yAKB, GILLMORE & CO., JAYNE’S ma'RBT.'B BUILDING, Nos. 617 Chestnut and 614 Jayne Streets, FBH.ADELFHU, Bare opened their Spring Importation of SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Dress Goods in Great Variety, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, &C., "Which they win sell at the Lowest EastcrnPricca. felS e3.Sm CALL AKD SEE. 6.45 a.m. 11.80 p.m. 6.20 a. m. 6.40 p. bl. OF PREMISES. DRY GOODS AT COST. H. & E. GOODRIDGE Having leased the Building, No. 129 North Desplalnea street, and being about to connect It with tbelp present store, intend offering the whole of their stock at COST prevloas to rasping the A 1 tern Lions. Those desiring great bargains in DRY GOODS <Sc GROCERIES 'Will do well to call on H. & E. GOOORIDCE, 127 North Desplalnea Street IST The public will dad this a chance seldom met with, as this is nosltlvely a BONA. FIDE SALE. The sale to commence on MOSDA.Y, Feb. 18th, 1861. felGxlOt 127 KoJth Desplalnea street, cor. Kinile. 44 Q_ E T THE BEST” phehtoh: C&F'YIJVG IJk'K. An article which Is unsurpassed hr anything of the Med nowin use; It Hows free, does not become thick, and will make Three Perfect Transfer*. FOB SALE BY X* . 3VE ONBON, 14=0 Lake Street, 'Where may also he found a great variety of other INKS AND WRITING FLUIDS. nol’SO-ly JQ IARXES. DIARIES. FOB 1861. POCKET AND OFFICE DIARIES OF EVERY VARIETY, FOB SALE BY JONGS, PERDUE & S3UXX, No. 133 Eahe Street. EODt&ERS’ KNIVES SOISSOHS, Of Our Own Importation , FOE SALE BY jo;hb s, phhdtjjj & shtau. WALL PAPERS. Wo, Bl~~.Ha«folpfa Street Wo. 03 P. E. RK3-BT. BU-080-to W. R. WOOD, 155 and 155 Lake Street, Hjrre opened within a few dare, a large and cbolo assortment of French. English and American PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, In the latest Printings, to which they ask the attention of lookers for these goods. feU-e4B-8m JJOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. We hare a large and complete stock of Bleached Slifrtlngs, Sheetings and Wl* low Case Cottons, LINEN SHSBTTISrGS, DAMASKS AND TOWELINGB. MARSEILLES . QUILTS, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS GENERALLY. Which ire are selling at the lowest prices, 153 and 155 Lake Street. feU-048-3ax W. R. WOOD St 90, X\TE HAVE RECEIVED A FINE T T assortment of BALMORAL SKIRTS, (7bQ length and width) In medium and fine Qualities, at low prices. Also—Alexander’s Kid Gloves. W. E. 'WOOD & CO.. 153 * 155 Lahe Bt, A R L Y TRADE.- VIBTJEED FRENCH POPLINS, A new article lust received, and very handsome. Also—Plain Poplins and Valencies, adapted to early * Prt °*‘ W. K. WOOD * CO., ftmtWm Hoi. 153 mi IB lAte itreet, yy INTER & SPRING TRADE. Haring completed the Bemoral of our Dry Goods Jobbing Department TO SOS. 74 ARD 76 LAKE STREET, We are now making additions of FRESH AND SEASONABLE GOODS, And invite buysrs to examine the same. It Is eur aim to meet the views of CLOSE CASR ARD SHORT TIME BITERS. BOWEN BROTHERS. Importers and Jobber*. FREEDMAM & GOQDKIND, 171 STREET 171 GREAT OF Wet and Slightly Damaged DRY GOODS. •OMMENCXNft MONDAY, February lltb, 1861. FREEDMAN & GGODKIND, 171 LAKE STREET tf*ll-c22-2w] MALT! BARLEY MALT PRIME BARLEY MALT Fer Brewers’ asd Distillers’ Uml CONSTANLY ON HAND, ORDERS PROIPLY FILLED. SUPERIOR YEAST MALT ut. «. jvojresv IS Booth Water Street, Chicago, STATEMENT of the ndition r oy tss' SECCBITT FIRE ISSCIt ASCE CO., January, 188 L ; Thensme of the Cqmpsny 1* FIRETN-- BUBANCECOSffANYfandIa located In the aty of Kow-Torfc. . ■ - rv«>i onhsnd and In bands of Agents $ 6%ft5&9S iffaiurM of Stock Bank of Uew Y0rk..... 2.700.00 “ Bank of Commerce 4,750.00 u M “ Bank of Forth America. L3SC.OO go «• ** American Exchange B*k. <73f.« Now York City Bonds. 05,398.73 Bonds of (ha union Free 5ch001...; 1(^025.00 Debts due the Company, secured by-mort ease on Beal Estate...... 483,650.00 Loana secured by 45 Shares Great Western 1 . v Insurance Stock---::.. > S>ooojoo ficrio Union Mutual Insurance Company...) 8 Shores Continental Insurance Company... 80000 95 ** Besolnte Insurance Company. 2,000.00 •3 » sixth Avenne Railroad I^oo.oo Doe for Premiums...... 4JSASS BOU Receivable 23.968.77 Total. 8639,818.05 Losses unadjusted...... >28,200 AQ claims against the Company. 200 T0ta1.... 828,400 The greatest amount Insured in any one risk.... SIO,OOO [Certificated expire on the ffist day of January, 18(3.] Arprrox’s Omra. Statz of Tt.ltxois, ? Springfield, January 29,186 L f Whereas, The Security insurance Company of New York City, haa filed In this office astatement of the con dition of its affairs, as required by M An act to regulate the Agencies of Insurance Companiesnotincorrorated ‘ by the State of Illinois,” approved February 14th. an act amendatory thereto,approved Jan 1857, «md whereas, eald Company has forctohed satisfactory evidence that it ia possessed of the required amount of capital. Inverted in stocks and mortgages, and has filed in this office a written instrument, tlgned by the Presi dent and Secretary thereof, appelating B. W. PHILLIPS, of Chicago, Ullnoto. its Agent for thetrans action of the business’©! said Company, and folly and unreservedly authorizing him to acknowledge service of process tor and on behalt of said Company, con senting that service of process npon him, the said agent, shall be taken and held to be as valid as If served upon the Company, and waiving all claim of error by reason ot such service. Now. therefore. In pursuance of the provisions of the act* aforesaid, L JESSE K. DUBOIS, Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Ullnoto, do hereby certify that the said B. W. PHILLIPS to authorized as agent for the Company, to transact thebaslnesa of Insurance In this State, until the thirty-flrst day of January, la the year eighteen hundred and sixty-two. bo far as he may be legally empowered so to do by said Company. , In Testimony whereof I havehercunto sub* \ bsix £ scribed my name, and affixed the seal of my ( >—v-w 1 office, at Springfield, this seventh day of Feb ruary. A.D.IS6L * JESSE K. DUBOIS, Auditor P. A. Insurance Rooms of B. W. PHILLIPS & CO c , Hob. 4 and 7 ClErk Street, Chicago, 111 feU-cSUw pHCENIX INSURANCE CO., OF H4BCTO3E, MinTECIIODS. liui&tfjr lit) 1880« CABHC^TTAIi.. BUEPLDB Cash on hand, and In Bonk .f57.559.92 Caah in the bands ofanddcefrom Agents.... 84.13L53 Beal Estate, unlneambered 6,500.00 Loaned on Mortgages of Beal Estate 36,200.00 Amount loaned on pledged Bank Stock. 46,800.00 Amount loaned othErraee secured 1,00000 Pan Yal. Mart-, y il. Fifty Shares IT. & Trust Co.'s Stock, New York, $5,000 $6,100 iSiH Waterbary Bank Stock. IL2OO 13^09 Stafford Bank Stock, Stafford 490 412 Holyoke Water p*r. Co.’s Stocks 10.000 10.385 New Britain Water Bonds 10,000 10,700 Hartford City 80nd5.... 10,000 10,600 CoLPeq. ana 1nd.8.8. Bonds 10,000 WOO Accumulated Interest on Investments 5,711 Total Assets $CB3£&9l Total - • - - 940,704.58 S. KELLOGG, Secretary. HUSUBD & ETTKT, Agent*. No. 1 Loomis’ Building, Corner Clark and Water streera, Chicago. Applications for Insurance, or the renewal of poll, des and ail business connected with the office, may be madw to ns. duly appointed Agents for the City of Chicago, with full power to receivcpronosals and Issue Policies, on as favorable terms as other responsible Companies; and Its aim will he to secure the coafl. deuce of the public by an honorable coarse of dealing. M, MAGILL, General Agent, 81 and 83 West Third street, Cincinnati, Ohio, to whom all applications for Agencies, in tbs western or Southwestern States may be addressed. (apS-SO-ly MARINE, LIFE INSURANCE. MANHATTAN LITE, of Slew York, HOME, “ “ PHEMX, “ “ WASHINGTON, “ « CITIZENS, “ « PHOVTDENCK WASHINGTON, ft*i wldenee, R. X* CONWAY, of Boston, KDw* C* Aggregate Capita! and Sorplas, £5.000.000. <MM| No. ISO Band Water Street. Uet-ly) DTJBTEE & FORSYTH, Masmfcctorlng Company SCALES, FIBS & BURGLAR PROOF S^FBIS, Warehouse Trocto,Baggage Bar rows, Sugar Mills, 4c. A. K. SPJEKCEB, Agent. 0c27.d35Wm 183 South Water St. Chicago. •ppTCHCOCK’S Premium Scales! | • Manufactured by ■ v S. S. HITCHCOCK, \M£sggtaL 39 S. Canal-St., Chleagn, All kinds of Scales Bepolred. Je2o-ly W W HOWE’S .STAND ARD SCALES. ICS VAIDERVOORT, DIHERSfIH ' | N0.IS8& SOlEandolph, Chicago, HI Weigh out of Level. No Check Bods. All friction received on bt Balls. sei’oo-iy w ABTOOCOr nrsAHme, Insurance: B. *W, PHILLIPS Ac CO., Agents for Chicago, Office No. 4 Clark street. ORIGINAL DULLER k WILLMASTB; Agents fbr th.a g?cales. JSteam Use ®2aot6«. ■VIEW YORK STEAM DYE il -WOEKB. WM. IEBBTBI, IST South Clark street, between Madison scdMoarcs, Chicago, JUlnoto. 2>rer and Cleaner of all hinds of Silk and Woolen Goods. Also, Straw Bonnet Bleacher and Presser. Store and country work punctually attended to- P.0.80x 2682 apZTVO Iv IDratiets’ eraths. »8-..-...W83T KANDOLPH-BTh CHICAGO IS Post Office Box 389. [QoW-ly] W. FREEMAN.€SB> DENTIST, 109 .WiSHararos Sruxr. Chicago. Jut east ol Clark street. No cbaire for u oxanlnatioa or P. O. Box 8041. A. So Shippers. CPE CI A L NOTI CE TO SHIPPERS. Hiehlgaß Soatkera and Northers Isdiasa Bailread EXPRESS FREIGHT LINE FOB TOLEDO. DETROIT, CLEVELAND, BOTFAI?irS|i^S^A,BOtoOH BALTIMORE AND OTHER EASTERN CITIES, Beth In the United State, mi Cauda. An Express Freight Train will leave Chicago Station corner of Clark andLTwelflh streets, dally, atll o'clock rdf on having their prop erty transported to Its destination with as QUICK DESPATCH andas txw minims as by any other rente. This Company have within the. past few months built Cara especially adapted for this trade. If desired. Freight can be sent from Chicago to Cleveland. Dun kirk. Buffalo, Pittsburgh or JfewTork without change of Cara. Batesatanttineeaslowasbyanyotber line. •nr Mark Freight designed fbr this Line, u Tla MfffMgan Southern Ballroad Express Freight." Contracts given at the General Office, No. 56 South dark street, and at Chicago Station. JNO. D. CAMPBELL, E. H. POSTER. Gen. Bun. Toledo. Act Sen. Fr*t Agx jagy * CgAS. IS. GBAY. ContAgent "PUB MANUFACTORY. f Q. M. SPEARS, JR., wun 7. A A. BBRHOO, Wholesale and BataC Dealers la HATS, Oi?l AND VVBI, me ait AHD WOLF BOBBfI, Ac, 66 • Street, Chicago. DL' « 65 Would iwneetfhDy to their old natrons and the Tradeithat they are now la receipt of a laws and tnHaseortroeatof an goods la thdr line. ocl'Hßßt g KEITH & CO.’S Active principles or Plants. - AO orders for tbs stare valuable preparations should be addressed to gale brothers, . WlolwaleendßetaO Drcggiiti, 202 Randolph rtreet, Chicago, Who are the excluriTe azente for this section. . - . w.Mni« descriptive of properUea, doses mnd mode of sdministertng, sent free of charge npon application. HOOPS. HOOPS. MESSRS. FABBIB, LINK * CO- at PortWayne, Indians, are manufacturing Bonnd Hickory Floor, Pork and Whisky Barrel Hoops by Machinery. The Hoops are ▼en Shaved and Lapped ready for the Cooper to put Constuner* (rfßbopawfflflndlttotheir - Interest to alve them a can. AD orders promptlyfilled, and sttww* to, JlsauteetocT update the-bepot Fort Warna. Indiana. dtfaxSn.; QLOVES, GLOVES,: GLOVKSt sold lever thin ever beibre." * S.--Boves Is also Ageat lor the W«M of WDsoa'a frf-tpg UwAhfc*hamatrtmplaand patfoctroachlaa eretSidCcfflaedeeeiu ocaWMx • Insurance. gTATEMENT of the Condition or’ the GOODBUE FIRE INSUBiNCE CO., OB 2QSWTOEIL CITY On the lit day of January, last, made to the Auditor of ' ‘the,State of lainoto.' ’ : -Thentee of the Cbmiiaay Is 'the GOODHUE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE CITY OF NEW YOElCiocatedat New York Cttr. . Capital Stock is $200,000.00, which Is aUpaldup. Cash oh hand and in hands of agent*.;.. . -. $17,112.77 Debts due the Company secnred by Mort : gageonßeri Estate-...,-.... 187,700.00 .Loaned onstocka. 24.45000 Interest accrued.-.. All other securities. 82S8£7%SS Losses incurred and in process of ■adjust ment $9.9n0L00 Other claims 21500.00 . 8U.400.00 The greatest amount Insured in any one risk 5,000X0 B. W, FHHLIPS ft CO,, Agents for Chicago. Office Nos. 4 and 5 Clark street. ORIGINAL [Certificate to expire on the Ist day of January, 18(0.] Atjditcfb’9 Office. Statzof Illinois, I Springfield, February 15th,lS6L i Whereas, The Go ©dime Insnrrnce Company of New York City, haa filed In tMa office a statement of the con dition oflts affairs, as required by “An act to regulate the A gencieaof Insurance Companies not incorn orated by the State ot Illinois,” approved February 14th, 1835, an act amendatory thereto, approved January 22d, 1837. and whereas, said Company has furnished - satis factory evidence that it-fe- possessed of the required amount ot capital. Invested In stocks and mortgages, andhas filed In this office a written Instrument, signed by the Piws> ident- and Secretary tbereot appointing B. W. PHljilPS, of Chicago, Ullnoto, Us Agent for the trans* action of the business of said Company, and fully and unreservedly authorizing him to acknowledge service of process for and on behalf of said Company, con senting 7 hat service of process upon him, the said agent, shall be taken and held to be as vaUd as If served npon the Company, and waiving all claim ol error by leason of such service. hot. therefore, in pursuance of the provisions of the nets aforesaid, L JESSE K, DUBOIS, Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of DUnoto, do hereby certify that the said B. W, PHILLIPS to authorized as agentforthesald Company, to transact the business of Insurance In this State until the thlrtyflrst day of January; In the year eighteen hundred and sixty-two, so far ns be may oe legally empowered to do sobysald Company. , . In testimony whereof I have hereunto enb* )BsoL.r scribed my name, and affixed the seal of my < > office, at Springfield, this fifteenth day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1861. if JESSE K. DUBOIS, Auditor P. A. Insurance Booms of B W. PHILLIPS & CO., Nos. 4 »ad 6 Clark street, Chicago, HI. fel9-e«o4u STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION or ths NIAGARA FIRE INS. CO. OF N. Y. February 1, 1861. CASH CAPITAL .fWO.OOQJJD . isygji ASSETS. Cash In hand and In Bant. 123,063J0 Bonds and Mortgages In New York and Brooklyn—all first liens. Brooklyn City and Hudson Hirer EaUroad— Ist Mortgage Bonds Call loans on stocli—well secured Interest Accrued Premiums outstanding $307,549.20 LIABILITIES. Unsettled claims ot all kinds, Capital. Surplus The undersigned represent also the Lorlllard In#. Co,, N-Y,,] “SSe “ “ P«Udpatlne. ißtna “ “ J Niagara (t ** ) Mercantile “ “ 1 Stock. Lenox « “ S No, 1 Clark at., (upstairs.) felS-eGMin CTATEMENT of the condition O of THE IXSURiSCE COMPANY, On tholat of January, 1881, made to the State ofminolfl The same of the Corporation la ASTKA J2JSUE AKCE COMPANY, located at Hartford, Conn. The Capital la PxrtKxs Htodbkd Thousand Dair laes, and Is paid up. Market assets: Vsiae. Real Estate unincumbered f59,5 Moner due the Company secured by „ fif'fn-Qrrp * 2D1.15 Cash in band and lu Bank *• 191,73251 Cash in the bands of Agents and in transit. 15t,&4650 Mortgage Bonds, 6 per cent, seml-an nual interest. .... 38,000 88,000. Rochester City Roads, 7 per cent. semi-annual interest 25,000 25,000. Brooklyn City Bonds, 6 per cent, semi annual Interest .. 25,000 25,® 30 Hartford City Bonds, 6 per cent, serai annual Interest 60,000 50,000. Jersey City Bonds, 6 per cent. Bend annual interest 25,000 2^ooo. Milwaukee City Bonds, io per cent, teml-aanaal Interest 6,000 Hew York City Bonds, 6 per cent, quarterly. 60,000 61,510. United States Stock, 5 per cent, semi* annual Interest ..2(8,000 212;H830 Kentucky State Stock, 6 percent, semi-annual interest. 10,000 1(^400.00 Tennessee State Stock, 6 per cent, scm'-annnal Icterest . 30,000 27,800. -Hew York State Stock, 6 per cent, semidiurnal interest 25,000 28500. Missouri State StocMpercent, semi annual interest 28,W)0 21,T00. Ohio State Stock, 6 per cent, sSmi annual Interest .• 75,000 77,750. MichlganßtateStock,6pereent,Beml- , IK . M erirmai interest 21,000 24,05730 IndianaStateStock,2Xperceat,seml anneal Interest 60,000 87,200.00 600 Shares Hartford and New Haven £SO ft R. Co. Stock §OOO §s§ 107 Shares Boston and Worcester Eullroad Company Stock 10, TOO 11330, 50 Shares Coen. Elver Co. tt:ck... 5,000 1,250. 60 Shares Citizens’Bank S: ick.'Wa terbuiy, C0nn..... ....•• j- ■ ■■- 5,000 WSJ. so Shares Stafford Bari Stock, Staf ford Smlnes,CoMi... 5,000 , 5,250. 86Shares Ragleßank Stock, Provl 200Sbareauevere Bank Stock, Bos ton, Mass —_ 20,000 20,800. 100 Shares Safety Fond Bank Stock, _ Boston, Maes 10,000 10,500. : 200 Shares Bank of the State of Mia- „ sruri Stock, St. Louis. Mo, .... 20,000 21,000. I 100 Shares Merchants Bank Stock, St. Louis, Mo 10.000 10300. ; 200 Shares Mechanics Bank Stock, St. __ Louis, Mo 20.000 20.000. HO Shares Farmer# and Mechanics B&n,tStoct,i'bfladelptila 1 Pa.... 20,000 33,400. 117 Share# -*Etna Bank Stock, Hart- ' ford. Conn ■■■■• 11,700 13,500. 100 Share# Bank of Hartford County StockHartford.Conn... f. 5.000 5.000. 100 Share# Charter Oak Bank Stock, Hanford, conn--...10.000 WfiOQ. 200 Share# City Bank Stock, Hartford, Conn a* ooo *®»000. SCO Share# Exchange Bank Stock, Hartford. Conn. ... 15,000 15,600. 40) Share# Farmer# and Mechanics Bank Stock, Hartford, Conn 40,000 46,000. 500 Share# Hartford Bank Stock, Hart- _^ r _ ford, C0nn,............... .. 50,000 70,002.50 Merchants and Mannlac -100 “torer# Bank Stock. Hartford, Cfc 10,000 10.000. 800 Share#FhcenlxßankfitOCk,Hart. lord. Conn aj > ow 80 - 00 Q. 250 Share# State Bank Stock, Hart ford, Conm. ------- 25,000 80,440. 150 Snares Connecticut Elver Bank- Inc Co. Stock, Hartford, Conn... 7.K?- 9,750. 400 Share# American Exchange Bank Stock, New York City -7. .. 40,000 40,000. 800 Share# Bank of America Stock, New Fork City ®.COO. 800Share#BrcadwayBapkStock,N*w TorkClty 20,000 23,000. 800 Shares Batcher# and Drovers B k Stock, New York City... 20.000 34.000. 100 Share# City Bank Stock, NY. Cy. 10,000 13,(00. 100 Shares of tba Common health Stock, New York City... 10,000 10,000. 200 Sbsre# Bank ol Commerce Stock, _ .... ........... 20.000 20,000. 100 Snare# Hanover Bank Stock, New York City 800 Shares Importers and Trader# *** Bank Stock, Mew York City 80.000 83,000, 100 Shares Mercantile Bank Stock, New York City. 10,000 12^00. 200 Shire# Market Bank Stock, New York City. 20,000 20,400. 200 Shares Mechanic# Bank Stock, New York City..... - ...... 30,000 36^000, 200 Shares Merchant# Exchange Bank Stock, New York City. 10,000 10,000. 400 ShareeuetropoUtan Bank Stock, W New York City................... 40,000 45,600. 820 Shares Merchants Bank Stock, New York City 41,000 43^70. 400 Share# Manhattan Company Bank Stock, New York City 20,000 23,400. 800 Share# Nassau Bank Stock, New York City v...... 83,000 30,600, 200 Shares North Blver Bank Stock, 900 Shares Bank of New York Stock, New York City.......... ..... .. 80,000 30^00. 200 Shares Bank of North America Stock, New York City 20.000 21,600. 400 Share# Ocean Bank Stock, N.Y. C. 30.000 1?,800. 400 Share# Peoples •* ** ** 10,000 10400. 500 Shares Phenir “ “ ** 10,000 10£0 Q. 200 Shares ot the Republic Tor* City.... .... 20.000 25,000. 400SharesunlonBankblock,N.Y.C. 20,000 20,600. ISO Shares New York L. Ins. and T. Co. Stock New York City 15,000 23^50. 100 Share# United States Trust Com pany Stock, New York City 10,000 12^00, BID# Receivable * tyiiS'S •m«ivAll«nCTnnft Items 6,559jD 16^65,17533 yorx—A# our investments are held fob zkookz. and not for sale, we estimate at yazs t±x.vxs, and not at the present temporary panic values. SfBIVOIX ocffSUy The Amount of Liabilities due ornot due to frantn nr other CIWJWOTS DOUe. *-sSs» «uw» SjOoSer claims are small, for printing, &c. Agents instructed to take no risk exceeding twenty honsand dollars, without special permission. The greatest amount insured In any one city. town, ~ or block, varies, and depends upon the con* jn, material, and the means of arresting fires. E. G. kipley, President. “*=■ ° r coH sassstf' \ Personally appeared before me, Henry Fowler, a jn«uee of the Peace, duly Qualified to administer affifke.and Tho®« £• Brace, gecrctary, and made solemn oath that the foregoing of the assets and condition of the uStnaln soiance Ck^^^ Justice of the Peace. >«• Twelve per cent, dividend for the year, and tSLQQO added to surplus fund. Quality of aaaeta. HUBBABD «fc HUNT, Agents for Chicago* TlUsef, ttracooi OEIGINAL, Certificate to expire on toeSlrt day of January, 1862. AuDiroa’B Omas. Stat* or Ihimoib, > gpilnfield, January 12(9,180. > . ■WSXBKXB, TheJEtaa Insurance Company. located at Hartford, In the State of CfennMtfeaL baa filed in gtoSS* a statement of the ecntfttoatfto affite aa SSSedby -An Act to regulate Sfes «A»- St »rja| of process for and. onTjehalf of S^s£fflS^aßSUß3»SS aerrod upon the Company, and waiving aU ruffh of error by reason of such senice - • Bn* tbhxtou. In pursuance of the provisions <*tffactaafo«® L J&SSEBLDUBpI& Audltor a<»i»Annta«« thefitfteof Dilnoa. do hereby. SefaSSStfiad ««.thermfnS legally empowered *o to do Coapany.' - t • • ■ tm ■ Testimony whereof I have hereunto sub* ’ioiil Bczfoed my name and affixed the seal of my office atlßpringllcaa, this twelfth day ot J SSSBoin > ' U «BB« A DCBOB, AgaMKA. f^ouses. CM ALL WARES, BUTTONS ‘ . ■ . AND NOTIONS. Wonted Gaiters, 4c. Press thm; Brings, Corset* Md Skirts. Gloves and Hosiery. Th® trade to ngpertfaDy Invited to svmiw tha above goods. which vfll be sold for " . GLOSS CASH FSZCES. TJERLUT WOOES. JLj Imported and for sffieb^ aa2B ■ 78 Lake street, Chicago. CONCESSION I PEAKE, MARSH & DELONS, 6,138.13 1.17L63 37 lake St. - - 43 Wabash Ave., Com'qnning to the pressure of the times, we hare etermlned upon CONCILIATION AND CONCESSION, Bo far as thqr can be effected by Low Prloeißi We than offer AT WHOLESALE throughout the season and during the present a stock of Dry Goods, Hoisery and Notions, Unsurpassed In EBEIHIESS, CHEAPNESS AID BEAL V These are times for •idiom rather than Words, And we bare determined on a course of bard work, rigid economy and SMALL PROFITS, and it will be SUICIDAL on the part of CLOSE BUYERS nnt to ex amine our fall Uni s of KNOWN BRANDS OP HEAVY DOMESTICS, HOSIERY, COTTONADES AND DRESS GOODS. fel4-ly TYE COURSEY, LATOUECADE S CO, 631 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Are now receiving their SFRnsra- IMPOBTATIONB CLOTHS, CASSIMCRES, VESTINGS, &C., TO 'WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION 05* BUY KBS. feSclO-2m 1860 FALL TRADE. 1860 COOLEY, FARWELL & 00., 4,2, 4?4= and. 4:6 WABASH AVENUE, © ® 'ST GOODS TOBBHaat. .200,000. jgABCOCK & PEEK, 171 BAKDOIrH STitEEf, Mahogany, Boiewood and Walnut; AiRO, 227,050.00 12,070.00 8U200.00 7,12957 88353 SHAMBCI Dllllfl ROOM & COMMOIFBRIITOBE nr geeat vaeiett. "Wood-Seat and Cane-Seat Chairs, Bedsteads and Bureaux. School Furniture os. hand and to Order. VT Particular attention paid to Country Orders. . 10,616.68 $296,73151 . 200,000.00 $95.73234 Hoyt & peirce, Wholesale Grocers and Importers, 147 Sooth Water St., €hleaso, Illinois, Wholesale Depoflor Messrs. A. M. Binlager & Co.’s celebrated Standard Medicinal Specialities, designed es pecially for the Medical Profession and the Family. Blnlnger’s Celebrated OLD LONDON DOCK GUT. Blaingeris Celebrated Old Zouave Gin. ETnlngert Celebrated Old Zonave Cognac. Blnlnger’s Celebrated Old Zouave Bourbon ofl&lB, re serve. Btnlnger's Celebrated Old Kentucky Bourbon. BlnlneePs Celebrated Genuine Medicinal Cognac. Blnlnger’a Celebrated Genuine Pure Port Wlne. Blnlnget'a Celebrated Genuine Pure Sherry Wine. Blnlnger’a Celebrated Genuine Pore Maderia Wine. Blnlngcr’a Celebrated Genuine Wheat Tonic. B1 Dinger's Celebrated GennlneMonsngahaia Whisky. Blninger’a Celebrated Genuine Apple Cordial, from Btalngert Homentead. Binmger’a Celebrated Genuine Bare Ripe CordlaL Blnlnger’a Celebrated Genuine Old times Family Sye. Blnlnper’a Celebrated Genuine Branlonwine. Blnlneer’s Celebrated Genuine Banana Punch. AlM>,Binlnger*a Bouquet Bourbon, Cognac and Gin* besides many other varieties, all put unlnhandaomly labeled quart bottles of one and two dozen In a case especially for druggists and flrnt-claas grocers. Always enquire for and take none bat Blnlngers. • Also, for sale retail by all Druggists. Jal-d7%-6m HOYT & PKTBCS. 'J'UTTLE, HIBBARD & CO., HARDWARE AND TIN PLATE, OS - - - Zj&ke Street - - - OS We offer to tka trade, at the LOWEST JCAHETT PRICES:— bozos TIN FLATS. 6,400 Mil SHEET IKON. 880 • RUSSIA IRON. ISO « DOTATION RUSSIA, M BRIGHT and ANNEALD WISE, 895 casks SHEET ZINC, 10 tona PIG TIN. WOO lbs, COPPER BOTTOMS, 3) sets TINNERS' TOOLS and MACHDTHS, 50 casks BRIGHT OX aid COIL CHAINS. LOGO do*. AXES, L2OO M SHOVELS, SPADES and SCOOPS, totems SAD IRONS. TUTTLE, HIBBARD A CO., octt-'COdy Comer of. state and Lake sts. M. HENDERSON & CO., Minu&ctnren and' Wholesale Dealenla BOOTS & SHOES, Ho. 33 Laka Street, corner of Wabaai Ayeoue, Have In store a largo and desirable stock of goods, trhlch tiny will sen Terr cheap to cash and prompt paying trade. Agents for MitchcU’s Patent Metallic Tipped Shoes In all the States without exception. Bawson Sc Bartlett, UIMOWXOtVMXM IXD WBOLHiII Mima ri BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. SO-.. LAKE BTBSET 970. SO We would respectfully call the atteutlcu of City and Country Merchants to ourextecslre stock of Boots and Shoes, which we hare now In store, and are daily re ceiving {Tom our Factory In West Boylston, Mass., which consists of a full assortment of those Celebrated Custom-Made Patna Kip andCal£and Grain Water Proof Boots; together with a taUrtock of all styles of FALL UlD'nitllltß GOODS, ofthebest quality and manufacture, which we are pro pared to sell for CASH and prompt paving trade at Boston and New York Jobbing prices. We are Agents for the sale oTMltcU&rs PatantMetaL lie Tip Boots and Shoes in all the States. 1860 FALL TRADE 1860 H. W. HUNT & CO., 33 And 35 Lake §{reet, Chicago, hfanufteturera and Jobbers of Ready Mads Nothing. GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS Coatings, Casatmeree, Satin etr, Tailor** Trimmings, fcc* &c. Our Stock la large and well assorted, and win Be stfd At the Lowest Price*. 1860 FALL TRADE. 1860 VISIiD) BENEDICT 4t CO n jfoa. 81 aad 83 south Water street, Importers and Jobbers of Croods for Men’s Ware. They are now dally recelvlnz their usual large aad Tailed stock for the rail Trade, to which they invite your attention. Their stock consists in part of Broad, cloths, of all colon and grades, Black* and Fancy Caa slmeren BUfk and Fancy Does kina Bine and Black Pilots, slack and Colored Moscow Bearers, Brown, Black, Bine and all colon of Castor Bearers, Silk and Valentla Vestings of all grades and styles. SATINETS of all grades and styles. Also, a tin and complete stock of Tailors* Trimmings. EOOTT’a aSPOET 07 7ASSZOSTO. r£ IN PLATE AK 3> HARDWARE. We offer the following at the lowest market rate* 8.000 Bozee Tin Plate, assorted sizes. 8,500 Bundles Sheet Iron, Noe. 16 to S3. SCO ** Bnssia sheet Iron. 100 M Imitation Sheet Iron. 100 Casks Sheet Zinc, assortedwidth* 8.000 LM. BrarePs Copper. 5.000 Lbs. Pressed Copper Bottoms. LOOP Bun dies Wire, assorted yoe.o to 30. 8.000 Eess Nalls. wheeling and other prime brands, AftUlaMertment of Hardware, Tinners’ Tools, Ja pesed and Pressed Tinware, Rivets, Ears, Ac. mmn blaib & ce H act No. 178 Lake street 1860 FALL TRASS. 1860 C. C. COOK A CO., CSoocwon Baierle*. Coot a CoJ 10*18 - STATE STREET - 16*18 Wholesale Grocers AND DKALBE3 IS DRIED FRUITS, FISH, WOODEH WARS, ftft, liTita the attention of Country Enroll in ti to their itook, vhieh they oflte et£nreet Cun Prion. O'. O. OOOK AE 0 0.1 -...STATS STBXBT. 16 6 18 16018.. TVTE OFFER FOR SALE AT T T low prices, 500 Boxes Soap. 100 Kegs Sal Soda, 100 Ke« 8, C. Bod*. 200 Boxes Saleratoa, So Boxes Fetub 100 Boxes Concentrated Lye. WILLIAM L3TTLB * CO, 129 Soath WaterSL BUGAB AC. 60 Hfidaßogar. lOOßbla Sugar. goßzsßnxac. lOOßbls N. T. Byrap. 60 Bbla Molasses. WM. UTTLE a CO-139 Sooth Water Bt* MITOHELL .4 ZAHM, nixurionansof ' • - TALLOW,CASDtaAKDMAPS, And balers in into, Wool. Feltß. -Seeds and P«t Factory cm eoavofßtata street and Archer zoad. Oflne aifl Warehouse, 17 Bane street.- r •jt.o.iptooiu' . tnotti- . . a—axaag.- TTILKT DRIED CORST MEAL, IX- purfieid yrn« bbla dt this celebrated h^tn^ M dg s -|^ HEBKDITH ■«. JU S9M» Wu«t M g I N I N- Gt E R > g LOH&&U DOCK '.GIN. THIS DELICIOUS TONIC STIMULANT, i ates^jtM»?%ki C aKa. For tk» ITso of thoJßedlcsl Fi’uJowrfoa and tSKFamily, Havtog superseded the so-called “Gins," “Aromatic" . Cwmal," “Medicated." “SctoappjJfic. la now «o- SS**«d by an oPthe moss prominent Physician*, Chem .“d Coanotoseura, as possessing an of those la «ntic medicinal quaßfle* (tonic and diuretic) which «S^,i t 2«S l *. ou> r, l £s. p ®*» «*. Put up In quart bot tica and sold by an Druggists, Grocer*, 4c. A. n. BISISGKa tc CO., 80. U Brad street, H. T. tW yor uJe, wboleeele, la CMcem by Hart « Puree, J.H. BeedA^Coj^dJ^e.Aß^tilerACof OLD SACHEM BIT’TSHS TES3B DELICIOUS AMD FAB-FAMED BTTTEBS are recommended by the First Physicians of tie Country, on account of thetr PUBTTT AMD GBEAT MEDICINAL YIBTUE. They are pleasant as nectar to the laete, and are pro nounced the bat Tosta and Stismlast ever to the PaMfe Their curative powers tn oases of GENERAL D - BIUTT, LOSS OF APPETITE; CONSTIPATION. Etc. are unparalleled, and as a guarantee that vs feel warranted In daimlrg what we do, we beg leave to state that our assertions are endorsed by For sale Wholesale In Chicago by EDWASI) POSTER, 'Wine and Liquor Merchant, coKTSO-ly No. 179 Sooth Water street, Chicago. E EADING’S PATENT Corn Shellerand Separator, atAng ASD BOLD BT GEO. W. CHAPMAN & CO., Ho. 155 South Canal Street, Chicago, pHnifo Haying obtained the right of the ©truer of this Pa tent to manufacture and sell Oils machine, we are now prepared to fill all orders with promptness. We hare hitherto manufactured and delivered to L. A, Beebe a few of these machine*, which he h s labeled and sold aa BEEBE’S CORN SEPARATORS. We now state that L. A. Beebe Is not proprietor nor manufacturer at No. 155 Sooth Canal street. Chicago, as set forth In his Circulars and advertisements through the cress, hot that he assumed the responsbKlty of advertising our establishment as his own without our knowledge or consent. We are prepared to furnish the Original Reading Patent, orthatpatentwlOunanynew anduae foi Improvements, which render it the best in use Price from SIOO to $175, according to style. All orders to receive attention must be addressed t j us. Send tor Circulars. Post Office box SSS7. fe29-c7l.ini GEO. W. CHAPMAN A CO. jgEEBE’S CORN SHELLER SEPAEATOS, PEOPRITOR, Post Office Box 1932, Chicago, Illinois* This Machine Is consider*! by those n«ing it to be the cheapest and most economical ever constructed. The amount of power required to run It Is very small, and It wastes no grain. WUh from two to six hone power It will SHELL, CLEAN AND BAG Prom 1000 to 4000 Bushels of Corn per day. Price from SICO to $175, according to style. All persons interested In machinery of this class will And It to their advantage to SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. QAUTION. Whereas, GEO. W, CHAPMAN & CO., Haye,asthe resale of tbe.tranpfer oftnr Trort from the'r shop to that of N. 8. Bootoo, moat Tlllaloonsly and wrongfniiy misrepresented me, and adverthed to sell ray Corn Speller and Separator under the style of Reading a Patent Corn Sheller and Separator. I here by caution and warn all persons from purchasing the said Machines of them, as they have no right to manu. factare or fiell them, and all persons Infringing npon the right of my invention will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. fe2o-eS4-2m DOAKE’S new barbel MACHKERY. WABEAKTED THE BEST IK Aurgurn, To Coopers: In offering this New and Unequalled Barrel Machine, ry to the Coopers of the Northwest antT Soctb. we do so with the fullest assurance that it will he found tbe Beat and moat Perfect, the meet Economical and Labor Baying and cheapest of any in use. DOANE * HUBLBUTB Stare Satriiig and Dressing Machine. FOB TIGHT WORK* This Machine surpasses all others, In every particu lar. It saws the stave from the bolt, curve* and S lanes it ready to set up In tbe barrel all at one opera ion, from 5.W0 to 10,000 per day. Will make 135 to 650 per day clear of all expenses. To go with this we have a fun set of machines for Tight Barrel Work of all kinds. Also. ROANE’S STAVE CUTTING MACHINE, far Flour Barrels. DOANSB HEADING CUTTER, tor Flour Barrels. DOANE’S HEADING TURNER, (or all Hml. ot Barrels. DOANE’S HEADING JOINTER, for all kinds of fctarrcls. DOANE’S FOOT JOINTER, for Flour Barrels. DOANE’S HEAPING PLANER, for all kinds of beads ROANE'S EQUALIZING MACHINE, for all kinds of Bairel staves. DOANE’S CROZE AND CHAMFERING MACHINE. for all kinds of Barrels. DOANE’S NEW WHEEL TIGHT STAVE JOINTER. for all kinds of Tight Barrels. DOANE’S HEAD SAWING M ACHINB, for all kinds of beads. This machine Is also the Beet Shingle Mm extant Doanehas t]ie only Barrel Machinery for Completing Floor Barrels flrom the Crude Timber. This machinery has cost thousands of dollars to perfect'-ta made of Iron and steel—putting all compettoo out of the question. IF - Don't spend *1 for Barrel or Stave Machinery, until yon see Doane’a. Send for our catalogue and cm colors. Address P. O. Box 2703. W. H. DOANS, myucsauy] 132 Clark street. Chicago. And Deal erstn AGENT FOB 800 Boxes Stuck. fHebiciiws. &c, OZiB ABC Wigwam Tonic. ProG SIILC9AN, Of Tale Collef*, FroG HATES) of ITassaelinsettS) And hundreds of others. —AND L A. BEEBE, [feiS-eO-tm] OHICAGO LEAD "WORKS, Corner ol Clinton and FalSon streets, West Bide, LEAD PIPjBj 818 AXE SEESI LEAD, Shot, Whit* Ztead sid Krtbarge, PIG LSAD, PUMPS AND HYDRAULIC R*tra, ty Orders from the trade solicited. Cash paid ibr Old Lead and Flax Seed. P. 0. Bos 1530. fe»] X. W. BIATCHFOBD. EG. HALL, KLVtBABK & CO., • Importers and Dealers In Zroa f K'aUfii, AND HEAVY HARDWARE. Ros. 122 and 122 Chicago, punn**. 23agss. JAMES H. CHILDS & CO. HOPE COTTOK MILLS, PlttMtourgH, Penn. JCAMDTACTUZXSS 07 Seamless Grain Bags, iRS OP O SN ABIJRG-S 32 inch* to 40 todu, ■widfc t3T“We are prepared to receive orders from the trade. Jal-d»S3«ly "RAGS—BAGS—BAGS—BAGS JLf CORN EXCHANGE BAG MANCFACTOBT. HART. ASTER A CO* lff7 South Water st* Chicago. B. A CLARK A CO* 138 Broad street, New York. MAgtrrAcnrexßs axd dzalzbh bk Bags of Every Description. Millers’ and Grocers* Bags made and printed to order with beautiful brands. Newandsecond-handSeamleae Grain and Sonny Bag, for Shippers, Millers and Far. mere’use. Bags for Flour, Buckwheat, Feed, Hams, Salt, Seed. Ac. t#* Orders filled with fidelity and dispatch. Bags loaned to shippers. mjMj QHICAGO BAG AGENCY. .STS SOUTH WAXES STREET. SEAMLESS GRAIN BAGS of various sixes and qualities. FLOOR—Halves, Quarters, and lights, printed, to order of anydesired pattern. HAM SACKS—Svery size used. GUNNY BAGS—Two or Three Bushels. f Commission Merchants, Miners. Grocers and pro vision Dealers will And Just the articles wanted In out stock. Orders solicited, [apl *6O-17.] HAWKINS A CHAPMAN, BAGS! BAGS!! BAGS!!! FAB WILL'S STEAH 816 SUTCFACTOKT. ■a 32 miitw enxst, onoAao, BAGS AKD SACKS Of every description furnished cm abort notice, and printed with New and Beautiful Brands. IBHSONPAEWXUU apMAwly-tTHI s>tbbes. flanges. &c. gMALL COAL, SMALL COAL, Email Coni, «wan Coal, 11 Coni, Coni, MUST BE USED WITH MUST BE USED WITS y.Ty g.«Wi cOAXt BUBNEBA y.i'i»*ii.OTpn.iiw OOJJL BIJBI9EBS, fiOLDBT BOLD ST 7«i getegek,47otgta Street, CBricagOk Van Bdaack,'*? Stmts Street, OUcmga. BT"G«neral Dealer in Housekeeping Article*. tmjffl gi THWARTS COOKING- STOVE } STILL AHEAD. The acknowledged nrpeHorifcr, the Stewart Stove has given rise to several tmtfi.- tlona. The genuine article is lor sale by C. tntrv Agent at ISO state street, between Monroe and Adaxaa. aaottMeas of Honaekeepte| Hsidwatt Hailmfca. ■piTTSBIJBGH, FT. WAYNE & X ' CHICAGO BAJLBOAD. Funnitr Trafes leave the Depot, comer ofMadlw and Canal streets, Chicago, dally at 536 k Ttu except Sundays, and at 6JO.KX. except Saturday*, FOB BOSTKf, SEW TOKK, PHttIDEIPHU BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, Harxisboxg &, Pittsburc’. MATI, dattojC And an Intermediate Stations between Chicago and the cities above named. Sleeping Can on night trains, and bagrace by this rente checked through to all Eastern cttioa 3 Tickets tor sale at the principle Ticket Offices In the nest, at the*Conpany’s Offlce, corner of Randolph and Doroorn streets, and at the Union Depot, West __ _. £• BOSS. Wea’t Pass. Agent. B.F.PATBICE, Ticket Agent. 'T'HE PENNSYLVANIA CEN- X TTtAT. •RATT.HDATt 2® MILES DOUBLE TBACS. . The capacity of this Eoad la now equal to any in the conaay. Three Through Fiiienser Train* Between Pittsburgh and PhlladdpbSss Connecting direct In the union Depot, *u Pittsburgh, witn Through Train* from all Wen tern Cities for PhE*. delrhla. Mew Tort Boston. Baltimore and Washington CUjr: Una famishing ftniliUea for the transportation o{ Passenger* unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Philadelphia, without change of cars or conductor*. Smoking Cara are attached to each train; Woodruff’s Bleeping Cars to Express and FartTralna. The Ex press runs dally. Mall and Fast Line Sundays excepted. Three dany trains connect direct tor NewTork. Ex. press and Fast lice connect tor Baltimore and Wash-- ington, provided with Locoh. °ader nerfect control o neEngineer, thus adding much to the safety oftra. s S“^ TO!1 PMadelpbU and Be. MlTJflMu between Hew York end Boe tteablJfSS, “*■ " u ““.raioodmeWierof _Bo«» Tickets to Boston ar? good Tim Norwich. Fall BlyeTjor Stoniagtonlines. Boston paeseagerattaae ferred free of charge through Xew Tort^* Tickets may be obtained at any or the lnn>ortaat BaQrosd Olflces In the West; also on board anv of the regular Line of Steamers on the MWsaloplbr Ohio Bfrenj and at the office of the Company m Boston. Lew York, Baltimore, or Philadelphia, 2 w % 9~Fau Always as Low ajd Tdu as Qcux as OH i*T OTHXB UOCTB, ASK FOB TICKETS BY PITTSBURGH. Tee completion of the Westers connections of tha Pennsylvsnls Eaflroad mates *m« tee BISECT LZNB BBT WEEK THE BAST A2TD T32 GREAT WEST. The connecting of tracks by the Railroad Bridge a Pittsburgh. avoiding all drayage or ferriage of FrrJrfjt. together with the saving of time, are advantages g*|P«gtotedbySlilppers of Freight, and the Travel. ■ sorFSli6t Contracts and Stopping Directions, apply to or address either of the ibfiowing Agents oftha Company: * D. A, STKWAST, Pittsburgh: H. 8. Pierce A Co., Zanesville. O.: 37 j Johnston. Blpley, O.j B. McNeeley, MayrriHe, Ky.; Onosby * Cropper. Portsmouth, O.; Paddock A Co.. Jetferecp. ▼Ule, ind.; H. W. Brown A Co.. Cincinnati; Athen A Hlbbert Cincinnati: R, C. Meldrnm, Msdlson, Ind. : Jos.B. Moore.l^nisvllio; p.G.O’BUeyA CQ„Eva&k . vllle, Ind.; N. W. Graham A Co- Cairo, HI. ; r r. Baas, Shaler A Olasa, St. Louis; John H.Harris, Ka*fc vine, Tean.; Harris A Hunt, Memphis. Tenn. s Clarita ACO-Chicago; W. H, H. Koontt, Alton, ill.: or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points la tha Weet. ILo Greatest TsdlitiM offered Car the Prote • tins And StMedv TnniMrt&timi m , \Lctb Stock. And good accommodations with usual piirflecMisr persons traveling In charge thereot FREIGHTS. By this Route Freights of all descriptions can be lftr« warded to and from Philadelphia, Sew York. Boston, or Baltimore, to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, iiifania Wisconsin, lowa, or Missouri, by railroad direct. The Penmmvania Ballroad also connects at Pitta* burgh with Steamers, by which Goods can be forward* ed to any port on the Ohio, Muskingum, Kentucky* b Tennessee. Cumberland. Illinois, Mississippi, Wlscon’ sin. Missouri. Kansas. Arkansas and Bed i&vers * and at Cleveland, Sandusky and Chicago with Steamer to all Ports on the Northwestern Lakes. Merchants and Suppers entrusting the transportation •f their freights to tMa Company, can rely with conff deace on Us speedy transit. The rates of Freight to and from any point the West, by the Pennsylvania Ballroad, are at all times as favorable as are charged by other R. R. Companies. |WB« particular to mark packages “ru p«w,R k,* Philadelphia. 8 T “ HAGraW a BOONS. 80 North street, Baltimore. LKACH & CO., No. 3 Astorßouse, or No. 16. WO* cam street. New York, LEECH A CO., No, 77 State street, Boston. ELR HaratoXGen. Freight Philadelphia. L. L. HOCPT. G^Tlcket^^PUladelpUa. THOaA.6COTT GemaupL. Altoona, Pa. jatAldy pHICAGO & NORTHWEST \J ESS RAILWAY. DIRECT ROCTB To Rockford, Beloit, Freeport. Janesville, Galana* Madison. Prairie da CUen, Fond da TA/» Oshkoah. Green Bay. Berlin. Klpon, La Crosse. SLPani .frc. On ana after Monday, November 26th, 1660. trains leave, via: Day Express—l3.4s Noon. Evening Express— p. x, for above points. CF“Th rough tickets can be purchased at all BaQrosA offices on Dearborn street, or at Passenger Stations. GKO. L. DUNLAP, Superintendent S. D« Wtrr Boantsoy, GenT. Ticket oclS-iy "DUFFALO & LAKE HURON XJ RAILWAY. Shortest and best route to Buffalo and other Eastern cities. Train leaving Chicago atß,-00p. sl, Detroit at BAQ, ar rives at Buffalo at 3:40 p. ml New York atlfelSa.HL* Boston atLSO; connecting with N. T. Central A Bulfa* lo and N. Y. A Erie trains going East. Tickets via this Boad can be obtained at the Union Depot, fedra-lr B. B, CARTER. GenT Manager MICHIGAN CENTRAL AND JLTJL GREAT WESTERN' (CANADA) RAILWAYS. Winter Arrangements* Trains leave the Great Central Depot, foot of Lake street, Chicago: 100 1. it—Lightning Express (Sondays excepted) urlTt at Detroit ftlS p. a. Suspension Brldrs 6.00 a. v.; Albany srfW p. New York 1520 p. it; Boston Aw night. 1U P. New York and Boston Express, (except Saturday.) arrive at Detroit ISO a. Sus pension Bridge of Buffalo 6JO p. it, Albany 7.00 a. s. New York 12J0 a- it, Boston noon. ISO a. a—ClndnnatlExpress, (except Sunday,) through to Clndnnatl In is hours, 120 p. k.—Cincinnati and Loula villa Express; (except Saturday) through to Ctncinnaa In U bourn, Louisville In is boors. 100 r. a.—Train, Saturday only to NUea. Sunday Trains at 6 JO p. a. cy“ Patent Sleeping Cars on sll night tr&lm The 6JZO p. a. train connects at Pam with tbe BufflUO and Lake Enron Railway for Buffalo and all points east; at Toronto with the Grand Trank Railway to Kingston. Ogdensburgh. Montreal, Quebec, and all points to Canada East, Northern Vermont, New Hamp shire and Maine. Baggage checked through. Through Tickets for sale at tha principal Railroad offices In tbe North and We«C and at the Company’s office, comer Lake and Dearborn streets, and at the depot, .ootof Lake street. £. N. BICE, Superintendent. Hb Bminr. General Agent. ftflg L A. BEEBE. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN AND ■ITJ. LAKE SHORE RAILROAD. 1860-61 Winter Arrangement 186041 Takes effect Sunday. Nov. S, 6.06 a. ic.—New York and Boston Express-daily axes Sundays, via Old Line. BJO p. m.—J*ght Exp re aa-dally except Saturday, via Old Line. Connecting at Toledo and Detroit with trains to sS points Interior in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and the New England States and Canadas. 6D3 a. ic., and 6 JO P. it—Pittsburgh. Baltimore and Philadelphia Express, via Cleveland, making as quick time a» any other route. (LOO a. ic, and 6JO p. ic— Detroit Express via Adrian arriving In Detroit at &S0 p. m., and 8.55 a. m . connecting directly with trains on the Great Western and Grand Trank Roads. H* Woodruff's Patent Sleeping ums accompany all the Night Trains on this route to New Torkana Boston. Tickets can be had at all ticket offices In the West, and at the Company's Office, 56 Sooth Clark street, and at the depot. __ _ Train* leave Toledo at 10.25 a. M* and 10.23 p. k; arrive In Chicago at 8.00 a. h. and 8.00 p.m. GEO. M. GRAY, GenT. Western Agent. JomrD.CjOiPßZu.Genl.Sapt. JeSw-Iy pHICAGO & BOCK ISLAND \*J RAILROAD LlNA—passenger Trains depart from and arrive at Chicago as follows: Day Express and Mall leave at9.4sa.iu and arrive at 5,45 p. z. (Sundays excepted}. _ Night Express leaves at U. 45 p. m. (Saturdays except ed); arrive at 5.15 a. z. (Mondays excepted). Joliet (Sundays excepted). W.L. 6c. Josz.OenT Agent de 37 CT. LOUIS, ALTOX & CHTCA- O GO RAILROAD. yTMTWt AR'RA'WUmiKM’f The only direct rente to Bloomington, Springfield Alton andStLoulS, WITHOUT CHANGE OF CABS. Two Express Trains daily leave depot. Canal street, every morning (except Sunday) and every evening (ex cept Saturday): __ _ . Day Express Night Exp. Leave Chicago at, %15a.ii. kTOp.iu Arrive at Joßet 1030 “ 939 * M “ Peoria..* „.%Sop.«. •* " 8100mingt0n....... 230 “ is* “ - •* Decatur?. 630 • * " ** SpringfleKi 535 *• 438 *• “ - JackaoavJle &M “ rt3sy.lL - ** Alton WO “ 830 “ - “8t Lords .1035 “ IfcCO ** Through trains arrive at Chicago at 530 a. jc and 8 rx. Joliet and Wilmington Accommodation leave Chicago at 430 p. u. dally (except Sunday), arrive St 930 a. s. re- Elegant Bleeping Cara on an sight trains. CONNECTIONS—At Chenoa withLoeansport,Peo* rla and Burlington Ballroad for Logansport Peoria, Galesburg andßurltsgtou. At Bloomington with DU note Central BaUroadior Decatur. At Springfield with Great Western Railroad of Clinot? for Jacksonville, Naples and Quincy. Ai St. Loitivith Pacific Railroad for Jefferson City. Syracuse, Georgetown, Boonrflle, Lexington, Independence. Kansas City and Leaven worth, with North Missouri Railroad for SC. Charles, Hudson and St. Joseph, and with Iron Mountain Rail* road for Pilot Knob and Southern Hl«eourL with Rail* road of Steamers on the Mississippi River for Memphis, Vicksburg and New Orleans. For through tickets apply at the Company's Office. 13 Dearborn street, opposite Tremont House, and at S!a Depat. CHjS 3 COKobOF. (SocelTOT. B. B. MASON. Superintendent. C. OWHEELBR, GeaT Ft. Agent, JOSEPH PRICE. Treasurer. das TLLINOIS CENTRAL RAIL- X BO AD. 1860 /Winter Arrangement-.- ISBI On and after Bondar, November *^tb/ISGOt trams wlu leave the Greet Central Depot foot of Lake end Sooth %80A*ac, (Bundaya excepted) arriving at Peoria at &98 r.x, St. Louis U-50 p. x, Cairo HR a. x-, Memphis &00 P. at, New Orleans Is 59 hour*.* (Satonisysezeeotedv.A'TtTinirlaSt.Lonlaae UJO a. il, Cairo p. a* new Orietc* la 59 tun. Train* arrive In Chicago at: TJO a. x. and &50 p. x_ (Sundays excepted.) Through tickets tor all important points Booth ana Southwest tor sale at the oiflco of the Company, la the Great Central Depot. w. jl ABTHUB. Gen. Bnp*t W. P. JOHNSON, Gen. Passenger Agent, (GALENA & CHICAGO UNION VH Bin.raHP-.WgmAanaamoczaT. On and after Monday, November 26th. IWO. trains will leave Wells street depot, as toilows, Sundays excepted: a. x, and &90 r. re* for Beividere, Bockfbrd, Free port. Warren. Galena, Dunleith. Dubuque and inter* mediate points ;IX-M a. x. and MO p. x. forDtroa, Polo. Folton l tledarßaplds,andlntennedlatepointß:4.-00 p x. for Right, Beividere, Bocklbni, ana IntennedUto points: Saw p. x. for Geneva and intermediate points. Passengers tor Beloit and Janesville will take theixiO jux. train. Passengers forCrystalLake.McHenrvJacb mond, Geneva Lake,and Intermediate points, will taka the HAO a. x. train. on^lght^tnUnA. G. U. WHSSLEB, Gen. Passenger Ag\ Q^y7 CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE TTATT-RnAn FOB MILWAUKEE, LA CBOS3B ST. PAUL. OSH* kosh, Berlin and intermediate points. On and after Wednesday Jan. SOth. IS6I. passenger Tralia leave the Depot, comer of West Klnxle ana Canal streets, (Sundays excepted) as follows: ja-S) p.x- and arrive at Milwaukee at 4dop.x> PaasengerTralna arrive at Chicago at &00 r. x. Waukegan Accommodation Train leave* Chicago at titaa, arrives at Chicago at Asoa.x. _ .. 8. C. BALDWIN, Supt. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON. & \J QtJISCT BULBOAD. Passenger trainß*leave and arrive . Chicago asfbj* lows' Man leaves at IXIS a_ (Sundays excepted); arrives at ILSO p. x*_ (Sundays excepted). Express Saves *t 1X49 p. excepted); arrives ah &19 (Mondays excepted. Aurora Accommodation leaven at 9.45 r. x* (Sundays txcepted); arrtrea at 22.40 James McDonnell, Bole Agent fbr the sale of AXiO OBOXa, Manufactured by BRANDABMOTTR A HI6BTK, Ptcria, HL, PEOBIA ALCOHOL WORKS, • do. 0. C. PAOLZ * CO„ Chicago* IQ. Wholesale dealer in Hlghwlnes, Campbena Baaing Fluid and Whiskies of an kiada. . * 0.0. PAOUJtWS PREMIUM PURE SPIRITB, 'FromprooftoSßpercent; superior to any other arti* els offered to this market, always on band toquanttUsn : to the lowest market price. - OirraaAiroWAMEocs* 3 3